The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 10, 1849, Image 3

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OESERAt tayudeb movemenib! ■
.& ■■ >•**■•*'_•>••. T^rrm«ymX T 'Fftf>.~ &. lßtfo* 1
within T l^I Yl)f|i>: < wniw?HM.-:Hfl faieiyected
be» oo Sunday .uxC< EuaTttfinl preptrstiopl
: .©rfif femid!w .recettfpa.fHMl, anil
- g&ioas. ‘ /s ~ y-'r-J.r.U.
■ ~ P»TT-.nTrjTni. F«I).0 1 15491,.
Qbaoa—Themis no ms*ked ehshse floor yes*
artsy, hm lie nisikst is If soy ihlog duller.
'Ftoos-Ssfesaf tfrts hundred buntsettSpgr
hUldjUd^flOs* l ’ ‘ .
Gem Mesl-3SaJes si 93 68perbbU
Gnio—VPbeai—Sale* of prime red Samham tt
lOSccat*. '■
. Cbrn--Sr]eAof prime yeQovr at 57 cti. I
Oit»~iSakacfOitft'«l3ocuperbiuhal j
S»Ie» of 300 tarreli Men Beef «t i
$l3 $l4 perbk "; 1
Lt(d—Saki labarrel* «i 7S ocirt*—{a l»f*s|ol
per lb.
WlaiayrrStlM at St cU per gallon.
> ’ ' H*w You, Feb. 9, IU». .
Blm&—Tlfb maiia itaeid, bol not tttire.iad
s^e*-to esEoot’Of-1000. bambb'et Iqrmer' qnotte
Qimin of 3,000 boshelt of prime yellow
Ocm « 59 anil, tad prime while as Wants per
baiheL > * <
* l«rd—Sefciof 100hU»jn 7o'pCTlb. ' \
Wftltkqr-pSalea oli cttpergtlbnfor lUinci*,
iatnmU. • • • 1
O«0BTr!ilj0 tairtet liqolet tat tteidy.
Itaumr Nbteu 107,; -
rriHE p«mraUs> or UOBFUr fc Lfiß i«tMt <br
eioibcrjh,Jta:3EJ,lsU, . u r.rp •/
. Mtmcfc-Hai' ndealined wm eominoe rtiWool
ftQMdeaiitta. al. tf watocyfel
_• la; ‘.imk Jtoa. of Itaipbj* Lea, I tain
fttcrpteMatelfr —*w-r a *T <tl "ir MriaLet to
Pltttfaßfgk .:■ £ J.B.MPBPHY. -
u : . V ■ ■4Slilsmflr.'PAFEß,'Blti£; 1 '
.been.talmcdaad improved,'
•no «tnrtnwt capcnaa added new end tea most
a now prepared to man*
- naciara nil Mods of Writmii/PriaibMr, Wrapplnf and
TbeeotoiSedSrS u» Zutr ecihothoi.
ndaroosdafAdaAßoiMr aaBtLL
r - . gWOOdStieat
: _ •- ••- • Mi»eig>ion «fPi«amMßi - S^T.
consent Ifcay have
gicedi&tfrbooti .tednceoapt* ia tho *•"*{ of n.
gwhrintfi, fer the purpose fcTeoUeetfea^andstale-
Sf£ii2i p 25? , l' o,wrtl » JO?^liM;-Web«rt»
win#dan. will please call and settle with btm* and
■■ k *‘V CTattf^ggP:rtgraawiqqaprew :
neosaafiseUi'-fit bwi fiea man ef
•S inu<iUy—imeoapiQCßiihif uv •}*! rrinHplrit wtl ;
Uulu adds** a capital of tauboo to ficticQ. , Tnees-
•wTM I wnwninmint m)w niwla blim it
T‘ Weß^ftHiniwriilindonoafhon'wwicaiJ*]^.!^./
■■■ A" fanUy.—
Toppo.wfcdnddttfaanditof berinewidoodwv
-: »«y^n>ga«n?TntWraiilfm.wiUbcgiirra.
«« wpecawo Old lad*»
Wronaociai -toOtomaauiketare of
of BoS
•aa eawtoad nt Canal, In roo m WanL Auxsnsr
AT.wwro they arej (kmd to order,
♦wjiwtiMail - retail,- all articles, 1 in .their linvith
toge Hoag, wen -Lgtoedi and
• fy WtTlW«m'eQMTfeuftflM (nr :tw»
bo»g»Sel | >etBdbeLfiqa)'e« , lii>oa»
• •' ASrofcawnra”' 1 ~ ~
SffSfiSS r*
. -a^MS.'S^g^SS^SEKiggS
; . I!CTdJON£g; Cana».Setfn, ‘
RinlyJlii«n StimTSam
fj Reserve; tBo6ex Coen. Breams, fa stare and for
fatebT' feM -:ih JQHMJmt:.
gatCre*»,TnLS*p«renl Boip»:Bat*> {ju^gnxdae;
B<W**M«fTOw !^w«ui™ j , ra— yprtjmityL Jfly
WkUftr'l&dlaSl tlya' fwT «»>d<»Tfr>ff «1m». !■«<».
‘WXiVVOOD—3O fax# Sufinfi be«L-&r
;feb> JSi:HQQ?iMAIgKB JtCQ.
‘ACZD-Scftsetfornleby:' •
>•• - •VJ J.BCHOONHAggg P'-
OONDBIEB-S!*' Coffae,. 100 ticks; Pea Nats. JOG
l 9 tej>eitiVlFeftekes.4ettksr-driBd *vfl»bwbr
75 km tanned size*,' iceV «nd* ibmb
WiUniTiK>T)-1W ken NaiyieeVl nd. (at nle
Ssqrms ;n!e' low^to; elo®
)ua. , "’~ V ~ ' BBOWN *CPLBEItTBO!t ■
l«rf Bdjptr r marnsd
SiwjpHMiWOdej gbhUdb'dft .fwt»
MdfarCil>by : fet<BßQWW&.CgLßKaTBoW
;ttdagtriU^e '
; IHrthttjly MW bUvUnitA 014 jMjaoV attt
liw #aJ#br v? \ > fefag^.:. : /PDPfcCa?
BO&M9 ba jut'tMU uiia;
• ■**& l< < +>• iKIDD k.Go
y ?k&gig&
; - . ‘" *
•aw ~.■■.•.■■■■■...: .. ..■■;■■ v.' ; iStadgwoodw-
101IEM bfala ftok
[ tints ftrtSby ißiTiM.KirfeSrSl^
ledftßttn fanlabr
» feb> fPWtIJJAWB
Affff f? fcfcls ,T*Bott» T .ttl?iO4e-wfcelddcK 10 da
M*T to i‘ -fcba>-; lf»*> JOBS WAIT,-
tAA BOXES No XGocinJUtti Bmk ttteKftld
rjUß.OTaai-Hlbbl* Eooiußr CtiiCUm, jt»
btuntbrstlsby: -■ ,« »
—*«>* ■ - AmtBTttONO * CEOJEH
>Wt» fash 801 l Better. India weld hid
f &MiUlMgTgojto^igOlEH
B‘^3S?SSsJSfe^^' <kw ’ ;=
■”?« - ;y-i IAH1& . aPTOBBOW tta i
L/.ftW. -.. HOOTP>l,SEU,<tCo.<i£inr»l*
■ :,;.;vv
( <»«• • »•• 7T BOgIPALZEU,* On
;«ju> wuirtartittiwaurd ou, tn
ffottefc l iif«tor»uA feral#
SgSMSfiS* I '.
I /UtaUUMLCi. X Bag-fem
:*¥*>*«***■ I •■•-,: 1 JiK«u ; |.SS
u ESS,'
UTuidi]'. ' '
IfWedae&T, .....
UTfcandsy. .
a? roipa
- cosantTEE
y ‘ ******* 'txrg.fciromKiT
a Gazxttx, t
t .S*tankf Morning, February 10,J54&.}
Ttowexlh cold—
r® f«»rtnyviary dolVand Very' liulo do
fagfatia way cftsfas.
" FWJtJE—fl«cc jpt* were Embed, u d sales from
flat hands confined 'to snaO lota at 3£2 *-bbL
Ff«*i* store, prices remain without change, wftht
tejn*" *»ies in drajr load lota at s7s£3£> r “>4
GBAHv—Further sales of'com in limited lots
froei,frnt hands at 37846 c f-bu; and oats tt'3oB
Sley bn, from store. SmaU lote d'ibsriejr were
:s*P<te6d of al 00c gr to.. Of.wheat ahd rjre no
Mies—held {at 70efor the formor, and 45030 far
(he falter, and scarce.
- . cmfcet continues steady,
hut not active, with renter limited transactions at
oar qooted rates.; V
PROVISIONS—We dud nothing ■: new in the
market : Of bacon,-, sates fasve.beeh confined en
tirely to limited lots' tt 41,5; jlnd 6} lor shoulder*,
aides and hamn t Sales of -liud In this at s|B6i in
*at 686} per fa, aa in. quality. Keg. totter, is I
in moderate demand at B}o,and roUin bbteat.B|e
? Ih. ' Sates df drted beef frhm stort al 7} th. -
CHEESE—SmaII parcels coatitma to? arrive', by
river, hhV anpphes are ; limited.': Regular limited
tries of good eoamoa W. B. tre efieetedat
and of cream at $376 £SI . .
OHS-Sato of fifrbbb .castor oil *18145,6510*$
farther tales .of linseed at 56057,and of lard at
..5^060.^-'grit y \' V;
- * POTATOES—Receipts have been light, sop»
havefaltendKtb some extent, and best qtate
Ity te fa gsiod demand
TAB—We ban sates repotted to os in limited
locs at
Sates of good while In limiied lots at
vOSMMEaHiIa» of Pittsburgh manufactured
moold candles' it lO}c, of dipped ai 9c, and of star
■ fiOiJP—Sates of rosin ai4iBU, and ofvtriegta
tee at io|o +% la boxes.
TALLOW—Very Hale is doing in the article— 7
we qay quote nomlaany at 787} *• ft, fax render*
FEATHERS—Moderate sates tre tegateriy eft
footed at 333340* ft.
; ; Splfitsftes Domitle Bukat. .
New Orleans, Jap; 30,1648.
QfSogsr. 790 hhd»' prices generally easier and a
consderabte portion of tbe toriness at adeelfae
offiorfolr 3|Btqdf Molasses, 1000 bblaat prl»
<canhrißgfrom.SoBS]}o-ralisg rates 201021;
pf Tohacoo, 27 hhds, on private toms; otFfour.
confined to retail tranascrions at 4,5004,60 far
Ohio brand*—movement of the market arrested
by the extreme ratesef freights—Ohio offered at
the steamboat tending at 4£5, and fa fiatboatsat
of Gam, 1100 sacks white, fa three lota, at
4lc,tnd 200 in two lots at 45—market at a stand
fa eonaeqttence of (be advance fa fiembts; of Oata
1000 bo at S7o fa hulk: of Fork, eonflned to retail
transactions at 1125311,7 S ter Hess, and 9&89,
37} fat mime—Mesa offered si 811: of BnfcPark!
6&»0G0lba hams and shoulders at 6 l-l&vtnd
60*000 Ibtaidl, beg round: of Bacon, confined to
.retail transactions; of Lard, 1136 bhls and tierees,
embracing 061 (350 bbls, tierces and casks, No 1
sad No 2, tod 310, 160 and 44 bhls No 1) at 6c;
47 bbls at 331 prime <l9O bhls and tterces, and
SO and 91 tote) at 6}: and Si tierees. at 6|:af
Whiskey, 673 tbterembractog 350, ex **
abostl7.lrl6c;72 on the fanditfif at
17}; and 350 (50,100 and 200) at 17}—retailing at
' h Ncw York, Feb. A—At Market—Boo beef eat.
tfak (ttt Southern, ibo . remainder fate Stated, 89
cowa and ealves, and sheep and hmfaa.
-Prices,, Bco ' Beef Cattle There has been a,
very material change fa the. market sfaee our last'
report, both as regards prices and supply. The
ottering* are fewer than we have known them to
totor a jong white, sad the prices current to day
ahowadedded advance. Ffrst me “extra n cat«
tte are.erilingl wewt, bet the general ranro
4CjßTmarkettbr'enttasry qualsten nxy te'Pta
dosrs arfiom $6t089. u was probable that a*
bout 60 headwoold be left over unsold.' '
- Cbwi and Calve*—The martet has been more
ImetaDy gppplted ;thu ter weeks past, tot buyers
operate tergriy anough to dear the ' The
ruge partem is somewhat wider- a Soles irfrom
82k to 3&9O0I7 I 5O. '*,7 .
■ fTifnpfrTornte TiTiitn f TVThtmirrfr. pri*
cesafrsci£fla*towir. 'Sktes ctfromBl,7s,3^oto
Wp, as fa quality* tTnsold, 300.—{Courier fit Eo*
r. -7~ r;> ;i. ’.
Bsltimcrs, ‘Feb. s.—Cattle—There seas e can*
tddoeble Increase in die apply of beeves to dsy,
iad the mute sees more ectlve., Theoflerinvs
JeschedMO heed, at whlbh 400 were sold to city
.botchers, end 200 were driven to BhHsdelphise—
iPriee* nnged from 2£0054 oaths-bool; eqtul to
*307,75 oetandoveregim ,S3fit> gnu.
Hoge—The apply we* huge end sales qoito
brisk ol£xmerpDces.Woqiioto Com *303,50.
!; Bt'fi sttsi rer.Camhri*—3o sks ngiiAitm*
00nj;25 hUs eeator cO, Friend, fiher ft co; 39
hlsbenra,J'AHaichisonftco; 64 bhds li tres
tbacom BeBenrde Nleots; 20 sks peaches, ! do ap*
plea Bollrnsn ft Oarritoß; 55 sks peaches, Atwood
ft Jones; 100 dry hides, J B Bayatdl 800 do do,W
iJoue* fcco; 400do ia.-’W Bryant; GI hbts tnoias.
ses,AKlaelbhi molasses,/WstEjeOdodocß
BXlm;louditob,J A Botohlsomia bhds peek,
34 tree molasses, 20 bbls pork, 180 nrir SO bblsM
eahshud, 40 his middles, dark ft Thaw.
I- ; JasKelson—6BB pcs balk pork.
24 bbls clover seed, 20 bhls.dmir.slandayi I?
hbls ltnd.4bbls 10kgs lard,Odo flrncrid, James
Auer; 10 bxe soap, 4 htis taller, Wlek ft Mo.
Candles*: 13 aka *mdei,.^l,do : pesehea 1 hbl
boner, 1 keg lard, Araitieng,& Cmtcr, 8 bbls
Idoor, wnsoa ft co; 20 hhds engir, Coil :9 pcs
.restfng, ArMsgnet;l3 bcie *eed,2bbls lard,l
■teg do, owner sbosrd; 27bbls whiskey, owner a.
,tatrd; 1 hale bqps, owner; 1 flittgn, Armstimig'ft
' ■ Per 2400 lbs talk pork, II fags Mover
seed, lot areen apples, 03 bbls clover seed,’o bbls
butter, 3 bis poultry, owners aboard; 31 bbls, door,
1 rrinstiiaiii7rs /i i flllitiltlf 1 Iwti fnSi'PililiiTiTlo
, Wilson * eo; 3 do mdee, Taade fitOConiwr: 47
dodo,'ll4do do;Forqnb ftots 7* do H Cheat
ft 00; 4 bdls' bags, Smilh ft Siacinlr; 1 34 bia eys.
ten, 10 his mdse, 21 tats oysters, J C Bldwell; 18
hxsmdsoTJO Camber,7 dodo.CUrlt& Thsw;
3)' < Ui> l ßoB&f3;lMii'Anknlß 200 to
lSo^^&0 , :l kgt 1 «ik
3tdt*, AMddd, buSfate mdaw,
AxwoQ%Jofm&ct>i 23 bxs, ETftniier;loo fax«
giaa»,AGo«hae ' •/.■, • * • ■'•••'
(ortt!a by
n Btt B*ftio-ftft33 bbb zrole*, 658 ba oais> E UiQer
tS fk|> mdg, Qtffe &mw; 22> 4o do r & Tu«
teifirto; 8 dodo,Atwood 6c Joatti 9 <to ; do, F at*
«jtfc & Mfieisf 53 do do» : A G«dCßi; 2 bti 51au
ft Donna. » :
Bletfz Landing, MogoOnhelt—»Per AHodae-*
W hW>;tfineod| ovtu aboiPd; W*fci 'dry trait,
i,i?*»tari—rer Eesveri—3lB pc* pork.'Jhs Balxeh;
BWolowr-seed, WickdcMcCartdlem 8 kgs
elo *« *eed,owoo a
houd; 19 do* toons, 8 BVm Bonshont./.;
_ Per Caleb Ottpe 860 pcs pork,! Armstrong ft
Oroier, 39 bbls dater lead, MoQtll ftßce; 0 hbls
kttoor.w'oerv; 3 kgs.l ba butter, Friend; Ehey ft
Sboil ctorer WedjSkp a m |th 6s SlQft
BK4t Boor, owner#*
»dodo,' IDleknyft
oo; 6 bbls better,/ A Ceogber- :',
Oiudiauti —Per Clipper No 2 —l box mdse. J
Msy; 3 reliliai'SlMaTo Bidwellj- i oaks tokerri
nsmtfteo;o9 do whiskey,
:S0 dodo. GBMaatey; 103 do do, McGill ftßoe:
25bMso(l,8elleraft lficols. . .. Zl/
; Per Messenger No resins postotßeepa*
per, 600 bbls ; tnolaia«a, JtJ Parte. ir ft cm 100 do
do, Millar .' ft Biokntaaii; 1 box mdse,M Ltxoh ft
eo; WaUingdnd ft oo; 7 Ms cotton, ! btg
fetlbem 18 Mils ,lsrd, I Dickey ft an 6 tres rlcn,
i ßrown ® Calbertsotn 85 tie* bsms,lodo rice, 8
ft W Hetteifh; Sbblshuu, W,B.Clerk; 8 edn
mdre, Hsysftgetly. '‘* , , f
MaihMiOTOlreifcnttMfreai «ad it i# Mia.t&erfted
• in it#
ftnEbammik# protecimx otumfy ud «eeooUy;is
•spel its worm# nsdantf buplcss ted twuiex by
LajrjhMdßttd*£. Itb#reaedrla.wtdebmrr«e»'
uoM#«tabe.nlaoeit r u&ib«t it bu iniweretf Ud>
pnipoMfi# sßAJuScTikys tb# bsiutred# or
tiwniafafatw.. '
Cww# Cau±*-Th» *aeqtem «taaf«»»jae
*i#Qf wiA theta coqftfci tud eobb»,-’-irblcn if t>r ttoly
to»o> «W4r.«onrta- (not- i*q«irißf nettff aatleti
*t*? bfrtrpi3wv>fa*MU. ntf*
%Pf*tftyorii# whb ckUdnau. 4%e dpttnre
*wSawid *vi? irrik 1
7 0
• 6-86
ol 20 bbls st 55c p
cattle Bsrksts.
7 : -.v. 1 .. '
Browwviite. - . r
', Atlantic, PsAinson, Brownsville. 0 -
Cteleb Cope,-Mtrrdoch,Beaver. J ; 1
It* Nelson,Moore,-.Wheeling.
R Wightmac, WDliinnsoa,Chrisier’* Landing
{' Wellsvple,' Pbe, Bonfish.;
Consol,‘Wfebberj Wheeling:
4T "‘ DEPARTED.: .
Baltic, Jacobs, BrownsyiHe.. •
' Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Byavtai Clark,'Beaver. .
Caleb Cope,- A.- Maidock, -Beaver.
Lake Erie, Beaver.
Camden.Hcadnckaon, McKeesport.
Clipper No. 3. .Ctook* Cin.
ZhcharyTaylor, Lucas, Wheeling.
Ariadne, Grahill, Freeport.
wem 5 feet 6 inches water in. channel
by pier mark, lari evening at desk, and
j • boats leaving this day.
Cincinnati Paeketa, 10 A. M.
BrownaviUe Packets, 8 A. tl, and 4 P. M.
Beaver Peckete, 8 AM, and 4 P. M.
Sl Loui*—Q Adams.
WnAaih— Colnn>buin-
Cincinnati—Measenger No 2.
Lou [sviHe— Shenandoah!
Souj>.—One half of the steamer Magnet has been
purchased by Mr. lames Farley of Allegheny cliyj
ter 83,DQ0.
The steamer.Chieitnin has been purchased by a
company at Freedom, to be run hereafter between
this City and: that point.
' • For CtllfSr&U,
The fins A 1 ship ANDM<CBIA, wss built
AjflEEaMßsifaaorefalSiS. U copper Duteaedsnd
tassssaecoppeied, burtheu 771 tons, U s fiut sailer,
and to »tery rewevt a vessel of ibe first class.
Tu petwMo deeks-.sre very'spacious and thorcosh*
ly vsntDatsd. -They are B.test,high, atom 33 wide,
and IS6 feet to iengiA
Captkto WUaon is an eimezieoeedmsster. and fsmil*
iar wfai the Pacific trade.-
for California fire invited to visit' and ex
trains the shipyOt-Ramaej’s wharfi
For freight or passage apply ;to ,"
ftb!o-c2w 16 whirfi u«iti»Ti<we. !
For Ssn Francisco, CallfOrnta.
To Ran. PosiiiTXLT, Wnaassav, SOUt FastoaaT.
xgar The superior and spacious ship LEVANT,
Mo*m Hojt, is uowTeeeivinr freight at
MlisaCthe foot of Dock street, ondwltl poutlveir sail
asaboTS, and take stesra to sea. This ship offers su
perior :induceraents to passengers, for comfort
safety. She wi4 be 1a good booyani trim, and fitted
out to an extra manner.
. For freight or passage, (at 823) in ihe cabin, or fiso
' betweea decks, comfortably arranged and with liberal
fared apply to GEO. W. ASPINWALL,
_ Sooth side Dock Street Wharf, Philada.
insures at the lowest of premium.
For Isa FreaeiMS, Californio,
iiSfS To. saeeeied the Xvion, row ready to re-
cargo and wiu have Immediate des
■WffifWpstch. The coppered and copper fastened
feat safiiog superior ship CHARLES, Wm. S- Wedge,
master; has moil of her cargo already engaged, and
will posttlrely sail ahost'lfith February—and now
loading at Waters’ wbarfi F. P.
Thisohip presenua flue opportunity to passengers
ur Sad Frauclseo, taring very pleasant accommoda
tkms between decks; being both airy, commodious
•ad > well ventilated. Cabto passengers also can be
handsomely provided with.state rooms.
Ttoohip will potiUvely salt asidveroted. Mr. Jo
seph W aet assupereargo, and take charge
to his address. Sir. Fulley will cross the
Uthmas of Panama and Intercept the ships Xyloa and
Charles, at Valparaiso
An experienced surgeon will accompany the ship.—
Fox freight or passage apply to
> febMwfßalt, Am.] 77 Pratt rt, Ballimoro
Farias Frusiaco, Cslifernis.
re» THE A I test sailing copper fastened and
barque KIRKLAND, will bedes-
ASaßmCpatched to the above port on or before the luth
February. For freight or passage, having superior
state and steerage room aeecmmowia&s, apply to
. comer of Gay and Praa streets, Baltimore.
The Kirkland is a new BaUtaore buto vessel, one
Ear old, 0f360 tons register, and brnlt by order of
ears. B. Bock A Sons, far their own use as a psek
«L - jag-dSw—Brit. Am.
The fine now copper iasteaed and eopper-
S|&edbarpie JOHN MAYO, Capu Punbrntra,
scßSEeis now loading at Craig’s wharf, and will
tshtr* °°
ja3l*d2w II Bowly’s wharf. Balrimofe
Wnghara'i Expreu Wagoa Lta«|
1 V 1& *
■ ’ - . fMVUIUMUIWIb
f|HME,"FIYE DAYS—Running Day and Night*—A
1. Car will leave Philadelphia daily with toe Mail
l£ln to Ctaabenburgh; a Wagon will leave <m Us
arrival, 1 and taring relays of horses naming day and
Wit. oeearea <ta.<*rtato-arriv*) «f xoodSaajS
fteya. Nomore Good*.will bo rsealvtu than can be
lotaad to each day,*o that so delay will oeeor.
/ : We wtU be prepared to forward 60001bt daily.
dcegHCtt No 878 Marfcri street PhlMa.
O 'eouhiae» tdtan d*Gy. v Prodoea tad nercfcu&fe'
•receipted fl» by FJVB DAT’LIKE sad tenia* w*x
«ij,H km me* mT notified line.
; JO BID WELL. Pimbnrth:
aoaiwspsA BOEHM, TJtliiaere.
wlVoVlibb, '*•
‘ Wutarib and '
' (fti )
TpUßpabUc*r* f*ip«tfnnf infonned that thi» Lint
X win commence raaaley on tha m in«L - j, rn
jnOjun Philadelphia daily wish the Mail Train te
CM&bmtaif, tad-frtxn thence br Wins. with e
Way <rf honea, rautinf dayaadtijahj. We will be
pttpeted to forward 6009 Ib*. freight daily. Apply to
• ' D LEKCH AC* RmbnrSL
i .”i or HARRIS* iScil,
ggrt» KolJfloaih Third Street, Philadelphia.
fD* daya.-CQ •
Merehradiie traiusortedaiCtnilriues.
' ■ FRAItEYA^SSite^
oorlJ .... <7U(htt& > eettOut{Bot«,
-mniKS a covvatTbxfbem
' ..
<■-..4. ■»■ mil — 1 me-w<r—
- . ...... -EASTERN-CITIES.
rpHE Proprietonorthl* Uni have pot ea New Stock*
-X endure prepared to forward package* of til do*
■erjptleaa dtUTf«the lowest rates.
* ji-I. , - J.C.BIDWELL,Agent,
Weter street, Pittsburgh.
W Booth Charles si, Bshlmore.
jfWJttp"- jv :: *FOE BALR—The rood and snb
' i' ijuMw bon AflKpfnA U of
cfawawH- fared tor sale .on ace*mmodaiing
JBMBSBSIben&a. Appjy'to.
J**? JCIifPWELLUgt, water n
J JWmM* D««l Estato for Solo.
- mHEfTrostoea oftbe Western Theological Seminary
X bavin* decided tosell, on perpetual tease, a per
ttoa of thdr property in Allegheny city, offer on very
totOTshl* (eras, Area 90 tow Lou of different
A wunstM tiud wtn be given. A plan of the lota ean
be eoea et No. 120 Wood street.
■nt panfenlars, 1 enquire of either of the nndersigned
Committee. - 1 • ' JOHN T. LOGAN,
: i ' ' tt CHILDS,
ftbfrtf BAM L. BAILEY.
. YsluUs Besl Eitsts tor Isis.
rpHEitotlowifig property in the city of Piissborrh,
_JL and nyr the borough of Manchester, on the Ohio
ntrer, is offered tor tale on eccomnodaJins terms;
<9Xots (beingsub-division of Lot No ioS in the plan
of the city of Pittsburgh,} having 90 feet front on Be*
Tenth street, by HO toot to Straw berry alley, near
Grant jtttct, •*
: 10 ope acre Lou fronting oh an Avenue, GO feet
!W*d*i rmtnfaf from, Bearer road (othe Ohio river, ad*
joining Phillips’s Oti Cloth Faotorr.
Pot terms, enquire of CHARLES R SCULLY,
. ]' . or JAMES O’HARA,
tobl«ctf .. , Bnrkc’s Building, 4th sit!
'• •• [/£'" * , TOLBT.
Jsk ■ A Dwelling House -os ■Federal street, Allegho*.
JUjLby, bear the Market Squares and a small boose
oo PennsylrsuiaAveane, near Mrs. Murray's tavern,
Pitt township; :
-AlaOtia ioef TOoa,--3d story, Market street, Pitts*
bugh. j Two j small stores on 3d street, and several
ccnvenltat office* Sear the Post office. Apply to
• office 3d st, over Philo Hall
4 oa fclbsvtYf tnst torLsais,
/*\NC LOT,49Crelfrw»oa Liberty street, by 110 feet
V/’bJttrewtar.alJer, nearly opposits West street,
and convenient to theslonoagaheU river, will be leas*
.d< a „ : „ n4 .f BCULLV,
; : or JAMES O’HARA,
. toW-tf l . .Bathe’s Bnildlng, 4thst
.A. ningotdsr, 7| inch cylinder,stroke} bot
ler M Ait lonm 38 toebee in dismeier; fly-wheel fl
owl Also,onenneof shafts,SSfeet long,uinchetln
diameter, with drums; one upright saw. Enquire of
JhbWw* JAB.SMITH, No4fl Uigbst
: TTENNEDYvCHILbs to CO, Maan&ctamscf very
c "»“ Ch^.ss? w °
. *. ooemtAa,
AT LAW, Fonnd UML bcttrwn
Jt;-fl«iihBrtd ndOrtot jii&dam
A AT.t*AW, Fotrnli Bireett-Deti Grict.
OV-f&fiKE (Giasaoukeui to Bens*
1 Jaw . . No 160 Liberty at..
casksFotash, landing from'etinrCobi
,«4torsaletry .. . JA&DALZELL, ,
BMACIBttBL-W blsin mare tod feraafe low
JtWj&WHMidnrH Wk .
tw t34is-si-' .£*4/ } X
aspoKTxn tat tux ri rrmtoß nanT
- Goaxxcnos.—lt teems that we are uastnihrmed
fa regard to some of the partfetiisre-of fad trdat*
meuti fa the ease of young Btady Wd yesterday
had an interview with Dr. Date, (he first physician
that attended him, and at his request we make the
following statementOn the second day of Nov.
ember test, young Brady fell into a chaldron of
boiling soap and potash; that he was brought to
his. office at about three o'clock on the morning of
that day, and immediately after the accident; that
the pantaloons, especially on the left leg, were
homed off to his body; portions of his left leg were
boned to a crisp, presenting the appearance of
dry smoked bacon; there was also spots present
tog the same appearance on, the right legj. The
flesh was cooked from a quarter to half an inch in
depth. The wounds were carefully dressed in
tye most approved manner, and left for a tew days
tsoppureiion to take place, and throw off the
ssed portions. In e few days gangrene ap*
pearvd, but the mortified parts were carefalfy
dissected away, and its progress arrested bymedU
cinea. Suppuration taking place, dead pieces of
flash weighing nearly a pound, sloughed off Dr.
Dake continued to attend him until the 15th of
December, when he ceased his attendance for
reasons not necessary here to be mentioned. Dr.
tfako also stales that the leg was drawn into its
present position by the contraction of muscles,
caused by the bum, and that ell efforts to straight
en it, threw the patient into spasms. We
further state, that to all important particulars, the
above statements oi Dr. Dake are corroborated by
Dr. Beichbelm.
Cboicz Bacos Ha is.—We direct attention to
advertisement of our triends Herbangh, on Water
.street, to another column of to-day's paper, trf a
splendid lot of sugar cured Hams, from the famous
sugar curing establishment of : Messrs. Stagg A
Shays, Cincinnati. Theye bams are put op io the
neatest style we have ever seeo before. They
are first wrapped fa a covering of thick, atroog
brown paper, then with yellow stained canvass,
handsomely labeled with the curera’ names; el]
of which is snugly enveloped fa paper coven, pre
serving the hem fa the highest degree %f perfrex
lion. We had the pleasure yesterday, ol luxnritu
fag upon a portion of one of these fine boms, and
we feel fully warranted in pronouncing it the best
article ever ofiered in this market. Remember,
S. & W. Harbangh's, Water street, between Wood
and Smitbfield.
‘TYPO’-cxATHiOAt.—A follow in an exceedingly
faultmty claiming to be a primter, and withal an
editor, hot now sadly mu of toru, entared a book
store on Fourth Street, lost evening, with a hope
of begging some quoin (coin) to replenish his
but not being very choice in the ulation of his
master, he was invited to take his aand outside
the door; this he refused, when the proprietor
under the impression (hat be was impend upon,
vtadtuplo him and |£7*edhim oat The typo not
liking this, raised bis stick and knocked the win
dow into pi. Ha was chased by the police, and
hit form securely locked vp to *ta watch house, to
be proved and corrected by (he Mayor. Oar dsvd
hopes he will have a good ted aod clean sheets
to-night, and be able to justify his conduct in the
BaxwsX’s pAXoiAttAa—These paintings seem
to become more sod more popular with all <*>■«—
This afternoon at half past 3 o'clock, Mr. Brewer
gives another exhibition, for the benefit of children
and families, who caooot conveniently attend the
cveniog exhibitions. Admittance for children,
ten cents.
The Halt, test evenihg, was completely filled
with admiring spectators, and eo striking were the
various representations pourtrayed opoa the can*
vass, that the speaker was frequently interrupted
by the expressions of admiration bestowed by the
audience upon the splendid views as they p»«—<
before the eye.
Mayos’b Oma—Yesterday morning four cases
were brought before his Honor the Mayor. An
old man with a bottle io his pocket, and a ‘-brick in
his hat,” was sent to the hill 24 hours.
A ooiored woman who tad drowned both her
cares and her wits in spirits, deposited a dollar and
fifty cents wiih his-Honor, and was suffered to
A German, who was found at a late hour at
night wandering about the streets^ and a |poor in*
ebriate who imagined he wa* chased by strange
BringaTwerircdmollie d Yt'totril for the par
poae of restoring them to »heir senses.
Fuxmui Damn©.—We have aoticefr several
instances of‘Jehu Uko' driving i|LOor atreeia,wilh«
io s few days past Hones attached to earn ud
can, bare been drives at the top of their speed, io
streets when crowd* of men, women. and chil
dren, are constantly passing and re-passing,
is at all times dangerous in the extrema, and
especially when the streets are as slippery as at
present. It ahoold not be toleraied a moment*
We warn' those who are gully of this, that our
police oSeen-are frequently in the streets, and
that they are men who do not shrink from the dis
charge of their doty*
Tntmt.—The benefit of the Hasten Wood
ocmed off this evening at the theatre.. These ex»
tmordfoary youths have attained high merit with
the friends of the drama Imre, and «heir benefit,
together with the fact that after to night the theatre
will be closed for some time, mum secure them a
101 l house.
Cslud llßtai
Not. SSJ atm C 39 Fain, nun,
(BerareeaFalton «tract and Bari log Slip^
NEW voaic,
Sin os bass nre lassot i
W* keep an endlpts variety.
&tso rsa host amcuiva mnucmni or
oib oLOToxae
In tie World,
Of ill kinds.
feb9'd2m3iaw No*«g&lan9SStPcartst,N. V.
AT LOWEST BATES*—Jut received,' Paris Fans
of latest styles, Pereouion Caps: Teeth Brashes,
German Slsie* and Pencils, Freneh«
Druggists article*, with the most cxiessive variety of
Pasey Oopdsin . too city. Dealers'are Invited to an
early examination before pnrchubg their supplies, as
Ute goods vrill be oflerca at the lowest -importation
rates. WM. TILLER Importer.
Jall-dOweod No 1 Commerce stfPbQa.
por sAfiSL'“~r.v.rr '
APABU situate oo the Ohio rit
er, oins miles below Pittsburgh.' containing 220
acres, late the property of John ftLUohd, ddeeaaed,
and known as Landing. B
Beference to David flood, on the premises: Win. M.
DavU. Allegheny, and the undersigned- Id the city of
Philadelphia. faU-fcneod CHABLE3 GILPJM.
INDIA BLUBBER SHOES—Jast received, S c&scs
net fined Over Shoes, a iplsindld r artiele, . superior
to any ever offered in this city, of which any quantity
can be had at short notice, wholesale and retail, at the
India Robber DepoLNofi Wood street.
\f OLASSEd—2OO bbUN O Molasses, insineeived.
ill I*H •' • ; mjiLLßfc 808
T7LOUE—CO bfcls superfine' Flour. i - -■ ■' : . ’■>
J fr3l '] : &TOILLBABOE
MNfiENb— a
Tifta • . ; MxntLafcßDE
cgg n
RYE FLOUB— 7bbl« BrffFloiir,;tcMa*nett by
]■« Ufj : ••--- ?''Bart3«
ill—S bbii freth Koll Bauer, tortile
jig BHEY&^o
T>OTABU*-4eoak> first sorts, for sale I r?
r i»a - FRIErnyBUEY ACo
sfteks prime Ifettfcers,- fl» tale bp
blips fonilo b;
pOLL BUTTER-*tb!«laitrecMmdfor «a!tbf
l EB**» {oT by
,L LbUfuperfljifl Ftogr,ftrtitot>T
BUTfKtt-15 bblttotb Roll Bauer; 18 kendo; la
«toro andforwlaby laS? L 8 WATERMAN
pVEFLOUB—eo bbla saperiar Rye tier*
JVmd&realebr J«i7 L BffAT£BIUN -
i*2Z’ U ' W * »t
; it» . TSglpiffc BCTBB 3
•«fi* W 5 <&««&»
to ¥ » TfV ‘-'t «4**rf Cv
. J_. • t - -
lb tkt Honorable tJu JxtJgu tfrtkoJCoutttfGmt*
* ralQitarUr of dU PeactiiA aad'/or tka.
County of AStgiurty. . ' , ,
fpilß Pctinon of Mlczuxl'Kzixt, of the Second-ward;
- •-A'ally of Pliuburgh, fn the county aforesaid, humbly
sbeweth, that you petitioner has provided hiasei
with materials tor'the accommodation of travelers and
others, at his dwelling house, in the eity aforesaid,
and pray* that your Honors will be pleased to grant
him a license to keep a Publie Hoots of Entertain-'
merit - And you petitioner, as in duty bound, wilf
We,the subscribers, eltlaetsofiho afortrsaid
do certify, that the above petitioner la of good' repots'
for honesty and temperance, and Is well provided with'
home room and Conveniences for the accommodation
and lodging oP strangeni And travelers, and that said
tavern is accessary.
R Walker, ‘
J 8 Wood,
B S Hfncbek, '
Jas Ready,
W Greer. fcbS-dSt
Tbos B Dickson,
John Anderson,
W B Shaffer,
A Fuller,
J Miskimeu,
H F Patterson,
OOLD VilHßßfl.
H PARRY baa a maehiiur for -washing
• Gold, for which ha has mode application-for s
patent. They are now offered for sale atthe ware
house of Parry, Scott ft Co., No. 103 Wood street,
Adventaren to California are invited to call p’M ex
amine these labor-saving machines. They are simple
in their construction, easily transported on the back of
moles- Or bone*, weighing eighty pound* each, and
can be pat in operauoa fa halfan hoar. They can be
filled with previsions. uis the opinion of those who
have teen toe trial of one of these machines of smallest
sire, that two men wiU'wash the . mineral fromiai
bushel* of sand or earth in A day, without the toss of a
panleleof the mineral. They eu be Increased in d»
and worked by water or mule power, if expedient.
The operators work without going. Into the water or
being exposed to wet and consequently without en
dangering their health. They wilt require but a small
stream of water, and can bsused tha whole season,
and ean be put Into operation where thus is not suffi
cient water to wash in Ute usual way.
Price of smallest size *35. Orders from abroad, ac
companied by cash, will be promptly filled.
~ • H* PARRY, at Parry, Scou ft Co'*,
fet&dtf . No 103 Wood sf, Pittsburgh.
_ <-*■»- AND now opening, a splended lot o
|«Hrep|fagsl “tano Fortes, from the celebrated firm
ftsinn o{ Nunns ft Clark, N. Y. It eontista In
• I • I I ® part of the following:
One elegant Rosewood OJ octave Piano, with carved
moulding, top and plinth, projecting front and carved
gothic tablets.
Onewsewopd Piano,fl*octave, elegant and plain,
with Coleman's celebrated Lallan Attachment a su
perior Inatru me at.
One Rosewood 6 octave, round corners and octagon
legs. One do do do
Ooa rosewood Piano, square corners and legs.
There Pianos have improvement* In rnv***h‘>fi<i f Tn,
in stringing and covering of the hammers, possessed
by no others in this country, and are at once the best
aa wall as the cheapest Pianos that ean be bought
ALSO—An elegant lot of Chlckering’s Pianos, from
7 to 0 octaves, possessing all the latest
at reduced pneea.
ALSO—One elegant rosewood CabiaeiGrand Piano,
7 octaves, a new Invention. HENRY KLEUEEL
febl-tf At J W Wood well’s, 83 Third tt
BA. FAHNESTOCK ft CO.’S Pneumonic or Cough
• Balsam has a great advantage over many other
Coagh preparations, •• it* pleasant taste permits it to :
be used without inconvenience. But its vahiftas a
Balsam consists In the speediness ofiu cure. We hsve
known some of the most desperate coughs, some of
which had been running i,d for a considerable length
of time, yield almo* immediately to iu> power.
Iq such weather es we have bad during ibe pajt
winter, every oite is liable to take cold, naieas great
precaution* are Used
Wet feet and undoc exposure to the inclemency of
the weather often lay* the foundation of a hacking
cough, which needs a quick remedy to prevent serious
We have numerous certificates of cures which it
has performed, many of which are from persons in this
e&jr and the neighborhood, and they are a sufficient
reference without saying another word in its favor.
Prepared and for sale, wholesale and retail, by B A
FAHNESTOCK ft Co, comer of Wood and Island
Wood and 6th sts. febP-dAwB
JOHN. H. MELLOR, (sole Agent for
Chickering's Piano Fortes for Western
JiTrTpSH Pennsylvania,) No. 81 Wood street,
} ■ ■ i I ■Pittsburgh, ha* received and now open
for sale, the following elegant assortment, direet from
at ilr. Chickering’s {Boston) prices.
One Rosewood seven octave Piano Forte, carved in
the most elegant and rich style of Louis XIY.
One Rosewood carved seven octave, new and Im
proved scale.
One rosewood Piano, octaves, new scale;
Quo “ carved, 0 •* u u
Two u round corners, A octave, new scale,
Two B panne! “ 6 “ «* u
The above are all from the manufactory of J. Chick
eriag, Boston, of the latest styles of fit ml tore, and with
the now and improved scale.
stso oa Bans atm ram sal* low
3 Rosewood 6 octave Pianos, from the manufactory
of H. Woreesmr, New York, formerly of the firm of
Stodart, Worcester ft Durham.
* rosewood 6 octave. Gale ft Co-, N. Y.
1 roaewood 6f octave Piano, made by Bacon ft Ra
ven. New York.
1 Mahogany 6 octave Piano, made tn Baltimore, and
left with me fos sale by the owner, for cash or to ex
change for Pittsburgh manafaetarea,or groceries cail
abie for a country store. Prie«93oQ. " . jaSft
T Booftag,—Galvanised Tin Flutes- ,
JUS obscxiben be gto eall the attention of Builders,
Architect* sod owners of Buildings, tothe tunny
advantages which the** pl*t«* [wMfi ffrtT all «)W
metallic substances hlthcrtoiued foripeflnf. *e; aa
they possess u once the lightness of iron; without its
UaCUiif to rust, having new bees toted for OTtrsl
year* ta this uarnentor,both to this country asdinEo
ra)k They Are leu liable to expansion sad wntm»
ttta from sodden things of the annospbqre, than con
aura tin plate*, iron, sine, or any. other nstat saw uttrt
for roofing. ana consequently fonua maeh better and
tighter roof, requiring far leu frequent repairs, whilst
toil first coat u bat a trifie more.
A foil apply, of ail sizes, from 10 to 30 W.G- con
stantly on hand and for sale by
14 and 16 Bcavar street, New York.
Uui«nlsle-h»»ta tirra ..carat
for the bn tied States, all parttea lafrragingtEereoar
either by Importation or otherwise, will be pranoal
tod-_ oeOWwlyT
PIANO mrsic. I
rIB Silver Moon; hly Uome, my happy Howyq
TU llotae where eet the Heart Is; 1
fenny Kind Polka;
t have tefi the snow elad Hills;
Boss Lee and Old Uocie Ned; Saaanoa Pelkai
Go where tha arista are sleeping:
Will yos come to my ntauaialn oomej
*• Grave of Bo apxrte;
No. ne'er cut thy home be mine;
Old Botsima; Good-Bye;
Empress Henrietta's waltz; Ben Belt
Joys that weVe tasted; Aiuo Mavouinecs: '
Louisiana Belle; Ethiopian Donees.
-A new adlztOß of Ucntis ftaso Foxra tatzsccxa*.
with French and . English Text, reduced to the follow*
tor low prices, to:
Hunter** large work, contatobg 03 page*, S 3 00
Barrow's Piano forte Primer, 3S
Bernals* Method for Plano, 3 go
Caremasi’a Gubar Instructor, I 00
Panseron*a Vocal School, 3 00
Bohboek*a Piano Instructor, 1 S 3
For sale by JOHN R MELLOR,
i*g Si wood rt
a rca uumnToy
ami CAssiflßßEs m hstimb,
Gentleman Wanting
WUI find it to their advantage to rive him a calj.
Jag) *
Odee of Amirlcu ts> Foriln Patents
JAMES UREKNOUGH, or the latelmnof Keller k
vreeuoueh, continues the business of Consnltinr
idixineer sod Patent Attorney, at hia office in tbo city
ofWASHINQTON. H» n»y bo uudtLli£d en
ployed in making examinations in machinery-in the
Patent Office ana elsewhere, In famishing drawings
and specifications of machines, and all nepers neeessa
-3* transfer, amend, re issue or extend letters patent in
b United Stale* or Europe. He can hltobe conn*,
ed professionally on all queidon* of litigation «is*
ihf under the Patent Law, and will inue cues',
tioas before the Patenl Office or an appeal therefrom,'
far. which hia long experiettbeuh the Patent Office and
in hlaprofculea, have pecaiiam fitted him. The pro*
fevional business of the late Or. T. P. Jones basins
been placed in his hands, all letters in 'relation thereto
should be addressed to him post paid. engSWAwGmS
•pHE undersigned have erected works in the city of
JL New York, far the purpose of Galvanizing all arti
eEtwf Jioiu-wWeh itis desirable to PROTECT FROM
RUST, soon as Telegraph Wire, Dolts, Spikes, Nails,
wire for Fence*, and say other article which maybe
required. For Hoops forCasksiasasobstiunefbrbale
Bopci for Clothes lines, Lightning Rods, and a host of
other application*, it will be found cheap and durable.
They would particularly call attention to the Galvani
sed wire for fence*; h require* no point, and will not
nut. AJm to Spikes and Dolts, the preservation of
whi wt la of so maeb Importance, that it will commend
itself to the notice of all those interested.
flfi?' £ MORRWOOD A CO., Patentee*,
oct3E4AWIyT It and IB Reaver su N. York.
Mr SwHP * wishlag.ta close oul their a took of
L Mbuji and Victonena fotithe season. will 'cell
StS? I S-J. emb, ? eia^*^oodT " ie; J r ofLitrfand
«*weu *» U» mow common oniclca,) m EAS
TBRN COST—-to which they would respectfully Invite
SSn“n* U Dn*°nJ2, Ul^ t lf r ‘- NOVV & THE TIME
FOB BABOAIN3. Coll at comer Wood and Fifth
j Jala
J&'iSlZ ° KU: 1,!,J “ 0b
The Hlstoty of Chatlea the First of England: by Jo
"BKpet’MJßfs?VSSita ijlradldi, em bcUi,hed
by nomß»ww exquisite de«lgns.aNo 1, i» cenu. To
be eoaSleied toßttumbere. .
Pictorial History of England, up Sn the re urn of
George lll—eotnpletn In 4 voU, octavo: 1300 iilutra-
fust received by
feM r
Apollo Buildings, 4th i
\f OUNT EAGLE TttIPOLI-Fof cleaning win-
JlLoowsena lamp glasses, sliver plate, brass, On
i«oiut}Uil other ware. It rapidly take* oat all root*
aatl stains, and reproduce* the beamifr! and durable
iaitro of new ware. Jait received and for tale, whole
ula and retail, by JOHN D WORGAN,
_ i«S3 DrWu.
L-.i? Loj er iflS'* Doable Refined Loaf, Cnuhed and
iTerlua Sagan, Jan recM and for tale at the PeU
*Btan>,7«Wtb nreei, by
±j ■" NoTicisr - •
undersigned having removed to Washington
X Pity, will attend to the prosecution of on
lhaGovernmeni, tfcd to any Jaw business before the
;.Coam of the District, with which be may be.entrusted,
Ydegfrdagla ANDREW IVYU& Jo.
. FUST. REOKTVED—A large lot of diver and nil
W Stars, Tassels,Fringe, Lacs and Roaeae*..
■; Also, tn-coler Webbing, for United Son* of Anted*
/ . ftb3 corner market and 4 ill *tf
|?ARIC.ISI,SCOSOU!BTI, andthfiPublie,
• to effect* saviog of- Ou»-third, and obtain, the
greatest bargains ever pure hosed, are moil re spec tfal*
fjr invited to visit ROBINSON’S Cloth EsUblShsunL
PostDalldlniH;corttBrFifli>aftd,Wood«t>. '
mires :; '&oide' '»owcsirn7rp7 r
• Lccyvn MitrfngOcmpaay *» ffiUy.notikdffir
the-Trusaas have ordered aaametsnUnt of oho dollar
•talmemd oseon atom day ;of Afaitjt next, ind the
Sisuxile' Odd Fever,
S. No. 75 Many: Sraxzr.; Pmsatiaog,' .
AVE resolved on SEUJNG.OFP th3r tom
of DRY GOOOS-the pxisdpml part V
waich haveiairiybeen purchased at the LAxaa Aco-
ffaladetphto and New York, at a tre
mendoua and unparalleled aaerifiee! • • .
Te ntade such a large redaction foes* oar teg
dow sell * large portion of oar
gt)odj-fiEU)W GOST of importation.. 31m. early ot
tcntiooiQf buyers istoviST©choice high colored
goods adapted-to the Caftfomia Trade.
Pudn and figured Camelton Cashmerea And delaines,
Very superior brochia fig*d Bapef2S doth*, all eo
and watered blk qUkaT
««» FModi nierino*, aU color*,
q blk mid eolored, Black bembaztnea, .
Ba^^ bl Til k ffic *^ 3 Gro de Cross* striped
Rhtn silks, v alpacas.
11 * ?roSafig l d and strip’d do,
*c, i® no y Und plaids,
and bine VictorU Lyonese cloths,
WkreUna, very nehl
IjmMTln.ulm mtrinm, Cober* dolu uid Murat
Bnper silk warp alpaca an lustres,
Splendid plaid longshuwls,
Splendid terkeri shawls,
(rear N. York auctions,
neml bargains;
Plato and embroPd thibet
i fawJbrocha long shawl*,
U» floesi we hare erer
brought to this market,
bow to be sold at gnat
Superfine and common bnv
cha square shawls;
Super cmaelian tUkshawls
•2uwb.aU colon,
SUk Triage, remarkably
Freseli cloths from the celebrated “Johanr” manu
factory. For beantj of finish andpennanence of wear,
these cloths have so superior; a few pieces extra fine
jet blaek and olive, caston bearers and other heavy
cloths ror overcoats, twilled French cloths,
tored expreuly fbr eloak*, Freaehand Americancas
shneres, sop« west of England do, aoper French it*
tin* for vestings, The best imported. Plain sad fancy
velvet and cashmere vestings, merino shirts and draw*
era, Italian cambric and silk hdhft, ho*
tiery andgiovc*. -
Irish linens, belt long cloth shirUng.muaUns, bleach
ed and brown muslins of .good quality, remarkably
low; tickings, checks, domestic end imported gin*,
hams, scarlet, yellow and white flannels, a lam lot
very cheap; alarge lotofwbiu ondcrossburedcotm*
try flannels, cheap, brown and bleached Barnsby table
linens and able cloths, Russia and Scotch diapen and
towellings, aarinotts, Kentaeky Jeans and tweeds.
An usual luge stock of blankets, direct from the
manufacturer*, soma of which are the best' ever exhi
bited, all of which will be closed oat at unparalleled
low prices. .In addition . to the above eaamerated
goods, oar stock comprises a very large , and complete
assortment of almost every article usually toned in a
dry goods store, and as they have been mainly par*
chased at the casern auctions, hence the late gnat r>
auction of prices. We are cnst>t*»d and determined to
sell them on at great bargains.
Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and
the public generaUy are respectfully invited to an ear*
lr examination. Bargain# shall be given.
'5 ; ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market u.
&& N W corner of the Diamond
a. a. mason a co.,
BNo. 60 ftlrnzT eraxsr, PmssoaoH, Pa.
EG leave raott respectfully to announce to their
iramerotu patrons and the public, that they, in
consequence of contemplating a ebange in their basi
nets, Dispose opening the whole of their extensive
warehouse, (including all thelrwbolesale rooms,) for
retailing, and will eon tin so open until the first of Feb
ruary,- Commencing on New Years day, 1819. Onr
wholesale stock, comprising one of the most extensive
and varied assortments of Fancy and Staple Dry
Goods ever exhibited In the western country,
offered tt lower prices than ever before known. Eve
ry article, however choice and desirable, will be ac
cordingly reduced. Upwards of fifty thousand dollars
of oar stock has been recently purchased, the greater
portion of which are foreign goods, received at. New
York by late European arrivals which from the late*
oess of the season, as well as the known pressure in
the money market, were sold at immense sacrifices at
publio sales, at rates varying from tweaty.fivo to fifty
per cent leu than similar goods brooghltne finicf the
season. We are there fore confident tnSl oar prices for
the time above ‘mentioned will be found to he even
lower than any Eastern wholesale rates.
We anxiously invite all persons u> visit our estab
lishment, whether they purchase or not,.and -test ihe
truth of the above—assuring thorn ibat they will incur
no obligation thereby, but eonfer a fovor upon the pro
prietors. Our assortment of Silks,- Shawls, and fine
Dreu Goods will amply repay one for a visit; added
to which, an unusually great display of Domestic
Goods will, we hope, induce ell to ealL
Our system of one priee wU be strictly adhered to.
jal8; A A MASON ACo •
RICH DBESS GOODS, per foreign steamer Europa.
—A A Msecs A-Co, No 60' Market street, will
open ihumorning, Bleh'Dreu Goods,fcomprislng the
folfowiag style*, vuc Satin pleid Merinos, a new arti
cle, and the rieheit goods imported this season: all
wool Plaid*, high colon sad choice styles; all wool
Cashmeres and Moos do Laines; fine Coourg and Lyo
nese Cloths, of any de«cribable shade and color. <»■&»
striped Cashmeres, in great variety. jaig
A A. MASON A Co, 60 Market street, have just
• received another large invoice of plaid umg
and Square Shawls, bought 89 per cent less thim any
previously received this season.
Our stock of Shawls is now the largest la the city,
and purchasers may bn certain that onr prices from
this date will be S 5 per cent less than at any former
sels, assorted; 3 do silk dodo; 9do do fine do: 10
do do Ladies Tassels, assorted; * do coPd do do.
WOOLEN GOODS—IO doi children’s woolen costs;
4 dodo do Caps; 4 do da common; lOdos Woolen com
forts, assorted; IS do do with ring*; ado ladies Cash
mere Gloves, sal’ll
LEATHER BELTS—90 L dcs blh MnltiUn Belts; SO
do do Morocco do, 3 do eci*d do: at
PQT29 * ZEBULON KINSEYS, 67 market at
A BtinCUL FLOW fcßS* .Smith A Johnson, 46
ax Market at, would invite the attention, of dealers
and others to their extensive stock of French and
American artificial Flowers, which will be offered at
eastern prices. deeS7
IT.BNTOTfDSNIsUiHo attoas-Fin. eut*W
VJT sanding eoliare; merino, silk and wool Vests: do
do do Drawers;-silk, kid and wool Gloves; meri-o,
comm andwwi k Hoset Wh {tsliaa crovaist&nelZe
phyrScarfa. *°°
A. .attention of those wishing to furnish
eall and a gamine our Axmissfrr Carpets, which are
varr nch in style and colon. Warereoxn, No 73, 4th
st. Piltsbcreh. deefl W jTOLINTDCg
Q ATIN BAMABIi—\V ipCUAiock olcnto p», C 6»j-
O «r* ft tenr handsome assortment of rich satfnDa
milk* for window curtains. Also, French ei.|win,
bulb, linen,trcn^nremsTnirtas,ftc , at his ctrpetwere
room, ?SFoanbst 4*09
ITI Co, have added to their former business a de
partment undercharge of Mrs. Bigelow of Boston, for
making tn order is latest styles, infants’ Wear. an««»«
«aeks, cloaks and Dresses, Ladies and Gents Dressing
Gowns. 8
Garments embroidered or stamped for embroidery,
knitting, netting, etotr hnt wark,bcnutiiching and mar
king neatly eft rented. ’ novg
invite* the attention ofboreri to his stock of the
ebove goods, of ell the different qualities, said to be es
unihrinsab'c as the Welsh, end et much lower prices.
Genuine Welsh Flannels also constantly on hand.
Genre and Silk do, 4-4 end 5-4 do, lor Shrouding pur
poses. Also,
-Home made White Flannels end Unseya, constantly
on hand, el the north east comer of Fourth end Mar
kct streets. fefcg
O idACKLETT A WHITE, 8? Wood street, ere now
O receiving a fresh stock of DBS' GOODS, of recent
purchase, sod fresh styles, patterns, Ac, which they
will sell low to the trade.
•Merqha .ii are requested to call and examine their
stock hod price*. f e ba
SILK ‘"WARP ..ALPACAS—-Smith A Johnson, 40
Marketstseet, Would invite the attention of dealers
and other* to their choice stock of Silk Warp Alpacas,
Mohair Lnsires and flue Bombasines, which they are
now offering at redared prices. ftb#
within a few dart opened « supply of blaek Ai
ooceas, low priced: do. medium and super! da Mohair
if* I ™*! P ,t 7‘* ® ri, “ h Priori do American do;
blaek cloth Shawls; pinid long do; neat style Moose
da Lslnes; plain lead and drab do, at 19); acd a vari
ety of other scares and desirable goods, worthy the
attention of those wishing to buy.
Merchants will find in the wholesale rooms up stairs
a good stock of detjrabio goods, >l law prices, julfi
ON -.HAND AND FOR SALE—IO pa drab Blanket
-Coating: 8 pa Lavinder do do; 1 case Lavisder
Blankets; t do grey mired Cloth; 1 do Array Cloth; 8
do Tweed*, brown, black and gold mlg i do-foncy
Casalsures; I bate blue Blanket Costing; consigned
direct from'manufacturers and for sole by the package
of piece. ' decHO MURPHY A LEE, libcnyst
Extra and super three ply carpets^-
Secetved this day, direct from the maitufactnrera,
a handsome assartment of extra super and super three
ply imperial Carpets, of new styles, to which we ask
ute attention of those wishldg to forrtsh houses or
steamboats. Carpet wareroom, No 75 Fburthst, Plttt-
dec3l ' W M’CUNTOCK
DOMESTIC WOOLLENS - Blankets, Flannels
Tweeds, < Cass!netta, M Cloth and Cassimete,by
the piece or low; for tale by *
- noT ** . GEO COCHRAN
X?AN c Y CABSIMERES—9 cases new style Fancy
X Casstmerea* bright figure* and very .handsome
roods, just opened by
X v . 40 Market street, will sell for the balance of ibo
season At cost, their stock of.Frencb Merinos, edmpri*
<ing the most choice colors. Now is your time tore*
cure bargains. dec 13
"trELVEfriUBBONa-Jasl received al Reunion Kin.
T rey 1 *, C 7 Market street,
P. , * t^or ®4 Velvet Ribbon, assorted colors;
30 •* black . « -« u
lerf U emt>ro^r^r lOpawjide'plain,Ac.
Gloves and HoaiERY-smfih a Johri»on.~To
Market at, would inme the attention of dealers
and others to their choice stock of Baton's superior
Kid Glorts, nstl a great variety of merino, aOk and
cotton Gloves. Also,-to (heir extensive stock .of
worsted, Cashmere, Alpaca, Vigonla and Silk Hose:
Moravian, and other stylcaof cotton Hore—together
with every style of chudrea’i Hose and gentlemens'-
half Hose. ' . ' ...
fl OLD SPECTACLES—SiIver do; Steal do;.Gennan
\JT Silver do. A lain assortment constantly oa
hand, sod carefully fitted to.any age. Cottony*, con
vex, and cataract spectacle glass accurately
to any vision required,
AJ*o, multiplying glasses for examining linen, wool,
miucrals, bank notes, fta. Jut res'd aoifor tale bv
I*3 corner of markdt eod 4th ata ~
motf excellent pen, being'thsfifsi mu to this
market; for isle by WW.WILSON,
J»° cornet PMhet and 4th In
Jlca nper'Kid' Glortu:
to u meni whit® and blfc :^
*' u nUaea colored do
• P H EATON 1 A! Ca
ill pen for enjrouinf, tnd for all oU
AJ«e, Pitmiom Gold that; Urn. m 3
■lies, dfthe best oaken; fitfiaia h*n
mtnaflttutrw*ferie«l, by mn&i
'- ••*...': ’ liberty
colon; 1 ilo fancy ccnincra
tor ulc u nanufcmoren priceLor
. in- ... ;-. ;.-. ..„ s MtlitPggtLES:
T J 'hS£^Bi? C^§2?,EREM e«e*spld mix»d
: W»: i •
ABRIVAL—W. M'CUmadtoffw* to tb**r
ofCwpetiflf'CTßr broajia tp -this mmiJut, com-
P«xt tbs JbUewiof v&rielieK Bich cmevej-
Pl csw .. u » a
8 pfjvttpotfoe ud£s». bfnifo Ceipett:
if which he. moitrefpecilbilriavUuruelHeaSjuii'
the pablic, taKcill - end pqcbMiae'
Jr : r ‘ ; '
i T'TI
. tii
Offieejforptoctirimj yd defending Parent., ~
information oalucchamcs sad the sppli carton uT&ci
- rm— »<*■*>« Aa>rr,i»«.. t f t ftßw r .}g n |.,. WT
*T> BDF. WALTER ILJO HNSOIVJtts of Phfiadel*
X/ phitf ud Z.C.ROBBJN3
(to tie aided by Uaxaid Eywies. Esq.,lttoMtchinest
of the (Jailed Bcatea Priest OffieeOhava associated
themselves together for thb proeecutioa of the above
branches of professional business, eilher in their office,'
a* the Patens Office, or before the Conns; and'drill de»
vote their undivided atfonticn to forwarding-the inter
est of Inventoniaadoibm who mayccasnUthan at
place business ta their Sands. "Mr. Kaowlethes for
the past twelve years held the post of Machinest in the
United Btaies Patent Offiee, ana resign*' that situation
to take part in 'the nroseax undertaking.',; Hit! talents
and peculiar fitness forltfae important office soling fill
ed by him, have-been /felly recognised by InveniDts
whererertheofEceUtelnsanowo. '
The office of Messrs. J.&B. Ison F street, opposite
the Patent Office. Washington, D. G? where cotnmnni
eations, post paid, will he prommiy attended to: exam
inations made, drawing*, specifications, fthd all reqnis
ite papers prepnrcd—*4d models procured when oeki>
red—on reasonable terms. Letters of
ed to be answered after;examiaationibaa.-man to ac
companied by a fire of fire dollars. /
In the duties of their office which pertains to the Pat
tent Laws, Messrs. J.-fc! B. wifi be assisted by vlegof
gentlemen of the highest professional ehßraeter,uiui
tally conversant with Mecaanies and other-Scientific
■objects. : „ mygfcdfewlyß
Wholesale and retail,-atthe , • ‘
PEKIN TEA 7O Fourth street, near. Wood,
Pittsburgh.-—-The frabstfriber haying j«st. returned
from New York, is now' veceivinea. large
of fresh GREEN AND HEACK TEAS, from the Nov
York Pekin Tea Company. seieeted wilh great care for
retail sales Oursioek wing now heavy .ws_aropre>
oared to supply Grecers,-Hotels, Steamboats and Fam
ilies with any quantity and at any price they may wish;
~ M“ d 1 pound packages,- 6 lb.-,tin canis
ters, fi and 13 lb catty boxes, and in hadf chests.
■ Retail Grocers are invited to eaU,as;we,caa. ami
will sell better Teas at lower prices, than any. othi
house In Pittsburgh. i •
Our rtock of fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and Im
perial Green, and Oolong Bi*wk Teas are the best in
the American market : 7
Lovering’s'double refined Utf Crushed, end Ptu
al «“il, or by the barrel. . T
COFFEES—Mocha, Old Got. Jam, Leguixa, St Do-'
•mingu and Rio Coflees, delected by the most expetieb
ced coffee Broker in New York. :
Sweet Spiced Chocdliue, Pickled Cucumbers and
Ctatons, Fresh Peaches,', pa; up in ih eir own juice.
Malaga Raisins; in 31b boxes.
N. tL—All Dr. a Jayne’s Fnmily Medicines for sale.
_deefrdtwB ; *** A. JAYNES.
JAYNE.—Thi* certifies, that immediately after
naving attended my brother, who died, of eon«tTwr.ti ww
in March, 1942,1 was taken «ick~with the Consumption
or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the
disease, that for four years I was unable to attend to
my business, either at home or tbroed. being' for the
most time confined to my! bed . During, ute'above peri
od of date, I bad expended for medical attendance o
regular Physicians and medicines, to the Amount of
•3UO, without receiving, any benefit therefrom. 'ln
July, 1645, I eoaane.nced- taking. Dr, Jayne’s Medi
einea and ham taken 0m more or less ever since,
and believe that it was: by, persevering in their use
that I can now truly say that I ham completely reco
vered my health. I beuefe that Jayne’s Sanative Pills
and Expectorant are the best family y
I reside in Springfield,, Otsego county,' N. Y., and
carry on a foresee end.machine shop in that place;
and am not interested Jn eny manner in the a&le of the
above medicines, and make this certificate fortbe ben
efit of those adlicted. Ef.TlgH EATON.
Springfield, N. Y n Sept, 10,16(3. . jai
• CEMENT.—The Proprietor would, respectfully
inform the public that ha /lias now the satisfaction to
ofler them a Cement, which will we Id, beautifully' and
durably, all artielea of China, Earthen and Glassware,
Shades,Ornaments, Marble, Ivory, Ac.,, without dis
figuring them in the least; > rendering them os useful for
anr purpose whatever ah they were before. broken,
and not affected by heat, water or air.
This Cement Is not weakened in the least when sub
jected to a strong dry heat; or when , immersed ih hot
water. The public have long since felt the necessity
of such an arueha, and in this their expectations wiu
be fully realized, as it is applied without heat and can
be used by a child. The i subscriber has folly tested
this article. For sale by . , W W.-WILSON,
I*2° . , corner marketand flthsts
T?OR RL'Mcutht has recently
JC received a farther supply of Gentlemen’s Fancy
CRAVATS, incladlng some very handsome. Also,
black Italian Cravats, several qualities, and including
some superior. Abo. gents Linen Cambria Handker
chiefs, Plain and with colored borders: super Silk do;
Undershirts and Drawers, merino, «lk -and- cotton,
some of the former extra :<iza. Especial attention is
asked to his stock of French Broadcloths and Cani
meres,of the latter plain and fancy; Velvet and Batin
Vestings, Ac. At north cast corner 4th and'Market
streets. , j ß y>
Pint and Cedar Ware Hanofoetory,
( r O,; - r * MiEitr xw Firm 8n- (-munira.
rfiUß subscriber keeps Constantly on hand, whole-
X Mta and retail, very low for easb—
Tabs, ! i Barrel Chums,
Bath Tubs, 1 Staff. Chores,-
Horse Buckets, i Half Buahels, Ae.
Alt other kinds Ware in his line made to order >
Jt23-dly ». SAMUEL KHQPottv
T’HE undersigned would call the erifnUon of the
J- publie to hla stock of pRY GOODS,-which he wifi
clots out at cost, as he intends lo quit the basinets.
All persons knowing Upemseivei indebted, are re
quested to call and settle immediately, as all accounts
not closed previous to the first of Mareb; will be placed
in the bands of a proper officer for collection.
Jag-dla No 9* Market street
FFICE at MejurL, Spang A Co’a Warehouse, Wa
ter street, between Wqod and Market. Residence
at Mrs. Jones’, Fourth street,betwwnSmiihfield and
Gia«ii, next door to the office of Robert Woods, Eso-
Pmsbnxgh. j ' jagSdJw**
Fen Express, ax reduced prices.—To aecommo
data oil lervet* of this delicious foxnry, BCRlffi ACo.
have resolved to supply
ont the season, with the choicest Fresh Oysters in
mm, half cans end shell, at such reduced pricer as
will enable every thi* delicacy at their
tablet. ‘ ••
An Express load-will be recclVed dally ftt tie wore*
a Se o, i/ C. BIDWELL, Wsietstroet,' between
Smhhfleid and Grant* and for sale ibme, and fttibe &I
-1 owing depots: RcitA Berger,, comer ygfohpeld and
s*«■* ElHeaxietoa,Diamond; AHooTtar.Permit,6th
Ward; DHanghey, foot of liberty it; J Coltart, Jr..
Penn’a Avenne; blerecr-A Robinson, Allegheny city!
~MteW Y6&R a m MHTbx frtAfr o&
ffiSQSI street, has received inToicei of a largo
II 4 I" 11 11 jopply of piano Fortes £raa the cefe
* ■ ■ I I* b rated mjurafactory of - Udekeritur.
Boston, to amre In a few dsya,-of which dne noUco
jP»«Oi ▼trying in prica.framF2?ato 6700.
Also from the manufactories of H Worcester, and
s?®°“.* New York,*- a hindroibo assortment
of a, 6} and 6| octave Piano Fortes, rosewood and
mahogany eases, of the men elegant description, and
with all the late rmprovenjeaja.
Tb* above, m addition :toifce stock an. hand, will
make the largest and raoet desirable sglm»tJ«n ever
ottered for eaie in this city,-nnd will be sold In all cases
nt mucufacturervprices, oo aeaamnnnt««u ff itp,,;
a wriuen guarantee given with every Piano Forte sold.
sole Agem for the vale ofChiekeiinf's piano Fortes,
for Western Pennsylvania- de«2D
LIFK OF FRANKUN.i lUastrated~in pnane
publication to the social form, by Harper tt Bro
thers, New York, The Ufrfof Beojamin Franklin, eon
if htoAniobiogfaphr, and * narrative of his
PttbUe life and services, by the Rev. H. Hamers Weld:
splendidly embellished
by Jo l}2 0 ch «pntan, engraved ia,tholughe« style srt
art The work u printed in the oetivo form, on su*
perfine paper, from bold and legible typo.:* It will be
completed in eight parts, atS5 cents each, and . issued
aibnefimervafa. Each part will bo received by ex
presa Immediately after its publication. Pan Ist lost
received and (br sale by , .
J*2S corner market and 4d su
I>HK Second Session of thU|. Institution, under the
. care of Mr. and Mrs. Gomoas,' for the present
academic year, will commence on the first of Februa
ry next, in the same buildings, No. S 3 Liberty street
Arrangements have been matte, by which they will
benblo to famiah-young ladies fafcimics equal to any
in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, ClawP'
cal, and Ornamental education. A fall coarse of Phi-
UsophicsJ and Chemical Lectures win be delivered
daring the winter, Ulostrated by apparatus. The de
cartmenu of Vocal and Jnstramentai Mosic, Modern
Languages, Drawing and painting, will each be
the care ofa competent Professor. By close'attention
la the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu
pds, the .Priucipalahope to mem e=cominuation of the
liberal patronage tboy have hitherto’enjoyed. For
lentil, see circularor apply to the Principals.
jaSBMUf • -
AsrrcnoN eitiei u Book Keeper or flalesxnna,
' qy * Gentlemen who hu been,, for
pa<t, and stilt im, engaged tanweliknown Wholeiale
botuo on Wood tuvei, a* book-keeper and saiiaunt
salesman. Satisfactory references iiyen.
Fdr farther paniealars enquire oleditor Gtaeae.
Pituborth. Tbo finder will be suitably rewarded bv
UftV £c^ e *^ m ° 11 eilher ° f i6oTO ateuei
geo. w. aanxtfScdn • •'
INFORM their friend* twlthepuMiethattheY have
ao longer any connection Wuhtheir'lsu e*ubli*h.-
meni in Penn «tree«, known, a* the PUubtnrh Brewery,
&teTifpS d^ n ’ eo Js
’ A FPHTBrfcfiL~gg‘^yy4*i|>E^" t ■L .
n.£r B rTW' «pb*cnbcr» b*ve on '.hand' and Will-
Jas. MttipnUtfrSoo»*cel*
earned Hjetnafaig;Powder, which they;wJ! warrant
ewnUf wt «apenorto,&ny imported in the V. State*;
and which they axe prepared to *eli at the low hit mar
«l price ur.eash or approved bin*.
_noTl . WAMMITCHKT.TaRP.IftI liberty ac •
HuiJ>r»«t <t Bans* Bod»A.h. '
/1 WE subscriber* are now receivinwiheir Pall ttoeh
JL ortho above article, three vet»U,Ti*j the Jomsuu.
Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia
and Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
Leila, shortly expected; theyire, therefore, prepared
to receive order*. They will teem* during thewid-
Ur and spring regolar supplied via New Orleans. '
, en?’: - iwrr,
DeariJtCqrae. ofFtfartk
mm *2P tod Pccttar, between 1
Mtrtet and Perry meet*. '
« tad bcißiifal
ler purposes,
plum and small
11 «nbscrib«iihave'Uti» : 4ay. asaodaiedUhes**.
JL selves together for = the purpose cftrmasacting a
wholesale m 2 retail Dry Good* and Grocery business,
at No 820 Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the
style and find of - BPSHFiELD* HATS.
PUntawh, January 1,1349.
N. Bh—Oar old easterners and the public are invited
ypjjTf Bsacail. . JaS
hTpbb CENT 81VSDI ,
rpBB VmomiA HOTEL, on Baltimore Street,' nrhr
1 the Bepot. Cumberland, is cow ln eomplota order
for the reception and accommodation erf the paUie.
Persons In aemrehof ease and comfort, "will: dovrell
to patronise this establishmens-Mhey swill find fta
ehambers clean and nice, andtho Tab in** welt for
nitbed u any in CambcrluuL ax twcnry.flve cents,
ftuuaateed as'food as any. ihat.can beliidijntha
pace, at-any no ehaijr. No chttWibr
transponationof bt*jaff« toandfrnotheear*.'; :/
- AOood Biuinuijuaatltu fiaio.'
A OONFKCTiONARY.aBd Variety Stew" ,
A_f»* ..with* fiood'mTo}
w wilson
ider, gwy mix.-
, opposite 6th'
oflerefototethocxieasttra ■-; •
«*. Cnaerir belMriag. t» -urMente fey t£>ls£ v -
Goreroo> Kent. of MarrianA'and .■■>». ■/■■
ud kUtfk<m«OaSl'
'*W*«***« U«» witeeoaBtia«fypfcfUn»:«Bd.sS?U. f
tondea, and Jm ritatted |a Walatn BeoErailtiMirt*. - •
B*. itu said to m the hubestfim t*» *<■*
sSisk^“H Jr *'. , SL , ?“»'-Pte«3kEssi3»dsE
growth of to iajpwrenttßSiJri* »aoTOwarti
will be dirided
Tof tenat, *c., apply (po,t '
'WILLtAtf B.PEBIN& ••■' ■►'
IhjUftftta, Maniiod. : '*’
Ibero are two steam ferry bottUndLa*swX7«iw2z- v '
•tepaofthe wperty f ihrabhiaflOTwsSS2*Uw ! '
peraneevilto oaths south sine of iha rirarJ - . ' 1
. The bonis is a lafee doable two story brick. iniAia’-
in tite latest style, With all the modem'COowSaKS - r‘;'
:siite improvement*,*soaabteoutbouses, erashhtM2r c '
stabie/caniare house, to to ? ,
.* .Tie gardenls well, suppUed.with shrubbery, and av: • -l:
choice fruit trees, inoludinr peart, apples; stuf ft«fcvw.-. ~ •
cs. Fbr tenas and other particular*, apply to
WILLIAMS * 8 HINN, A ttonSZiiat taw, >.
jag-dlm Office ori to st, aboro
905 Acres Coni Land fartele^
OCTUATEP oo tbsMonoagabelariver,aboutUnite-
O ton Pittsburgh and3nuletfabove third Lock, fn‘> - ' * 1
the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. LytaASborW '-
and Mr. JobnHerroa’i. purchase. ’This fine‘body £?■ v-
Coal will be'aold at the tew price rfftTtpsrcnrn naa ‘V V u '
third in haiid,balance.JafiTo.equalanaiulpayiaeaii»' ~ i7l
- interest '.Title' indisputable.- Location irons
ffood—cannot hesuroMseirFor further panteulaii •,
enquire of S-BALSLEYi who has &< draft <of said oro«
petty.. Residence 8d ft, below Ferry, Mr. Raw, ' ‘ !
Nvß. Hi are Is anothersekm, of’coal'OS tbia tzaev•
abeut 60 feet above the lower, of excellent tnuluy.
jygfedtf' . - ••
®**** to OU«» r " i' 1
A ’ ■ .
Aon Uib Coymhoya rirer*->aboat3o tern vu&r fß* - -•i*
prajemeat _Aljo>two tmtapreireit lots in tba tiUnffi'--'-'-
•(Wmiitobßl l Alta. A total r»■.,
jljrottpd Wtho<s#*'* •
----- _ <t»plact. r — .'rt.
any udroittm*., If UMsoldpreriotuly, Utfiknrr .*v:
[be told ttjmblie rendne oaThandAy, tbslxtoT> *■■■■''■■'
i March. For particular*. Inaniteof jbejenbecTi--'!'- 1 -''.
£of Wm. Y.^ t Co : , *,
jttgMfcwlmT ; : < *£’ \ . - «
r itrfE large andwell bailiEtetonr, erected »*.#•
loton which tin Faeiory i* erected, CcdntalQO&otoa i
Reieoc* street and ruiu wpVrfcSsS. 7
Twinata bnMngu ofbriek,'three itdtie* highland - : 7
60 feet long ljy u 7. ,
large and commodious. wiihan enrtr> l l ‘b hl^r., w T * <tV '■ - . - : -
all In complete order. Jit* property will bp*sJ —V
low, land on advantageous terau7 Tr' '
, HOBjSßTirttNioar, - »...
1 qeca»d3m Anra.
_ I • Tract or L&ndx&r salp* ■ ; •
robscriber will seQ oh aceotamedaLmir %'■
< ttact ot “proved land. «itn°w. rnTtLo^v-’;.■■*•«<)
md ledding from Brighton 10 Franklin.thmw
tailer from Pittsburgh, cadabtaaeight mUe*; rftSrtjtS
wwtu of freedom on the 'Ohio,nver..: Thw t ;
4lB seres and SO pete he*, strict. meamxa-'TW •-1 v •«;»»i
Undk of an«xceUentqnalltjr-,ahoß»9oaor«et«UM, :,A ' , '<M
indwell watered, and wiU beaold either-ia srWa nr CJ - -'■
of convenient rite* to mdtporckuerc •■'■•■* '<>•••“
Farfanher portico! ofiemitrireorwM.BOYlVkw**-^’
tt Idw^offiee^on 4th aw above ■■■ .•!
in Allegheny City '
fITHE subaenbers o4er for»iUo a luunbercf^hoiaa ' ■'
JL 'Loa, •imiuaJa the Bttoad'WifAfwwiMivß tw ■
Common pound, on easy terns. - '- InSurnofTT, T 7 —• *■■, ■ ■
i W. O’H. EOBINSON, Auyav|A , sr,Bt C!alr il
I or of JAS ROBINSON, on tji* pTmifira.
owtrt BEsmßsoE Foa msiSl .
m 10 ACRUS UP OfiOBND, duitteHSfiS - v-r
aa4orefio*burgli TBnrplM.SlmflM y -
rff from the eity, and adjoining tto'Alle»Qeay Oe»* ' <
art, on whichUtrectcd • large *ftnd wftU'&uahed-'. '?
ro itory bnck JjwelUncHoose. tonitor Wiih
itn ige boose, Ao, .There Is'also on tha ...
we raneiy offriut trees, apd ft'sprtng of uxasaaiak*
ille. tee eomignoos to the dwelling. ■- . -
Aii story brick dwelling,-
on-Oberty ttreey bettrgen.o«t|yCT ■w4 «?.Tr y - «
11 nT£ cU> 6li rWnad. :£tjanl»ftT-r I-o
)«13 WM:TOOTIO;M3IShaCTii )
:.. 1 _ VOSQESV V. ' •• ' *
Store, cornu of'Maritt> liberty: 1”
Two Store*. wiih : •' ,:
-pear tha canal Al*o.»flr*ttatoK«^*wUfrarwltjs ; ;r ''
oat dwW near, thocipaLVftjreeWoariVw {bu ' t
jpgalreof v, — • -•
jiUHtaa 1 . ‘Pcsngtrtctt pcar-tfro canal.' * ■'•N.
Tft. . . -
nl««<)f ]»M‘ < .'l
M CODNTEY 'FQ-T.CT—it '.n-.— i' j.
* >
B», OFFICE KOOM9. aeirthi FwrQO&: i 0». r *\ r 't
Egjitwo >malt itorea caThird-«tr*«i- • hh i Tmw <! * •
rfMfcroom on Marketttrec^ililrdiimy.witv^yup
worn m second *iorr below,' forcieriy. occupiedasi.
DagnerrcotTpe estaSßihmenv &«in* ; wdUoctied
■“P'ed wribai biulnc«». r OAZZAM, >c '
jai7-gw Office; 3d tt;orerpfa{in»-H '■ i'
FOB =r ; '-*
THE three ttory Biwt-pjrtpiaif Honi®, for. * r
merly occonicd by the *ub«eiii»E*6n.-.Kebeedfc ■'''
«tre«J,in AUeykeay city, • iJASr&jRfc-Jr ->■ V<
—l u ? lf :
: ' •TO LET* ■ .-A , )> I^-1
J knxp tTtrrrku"' --*
'Ag^FOEßENT—Koroiiittf fminiu- -
of April;nexV m-lwgeW«»*3jSick. \
cl the Ohio rivcr,‘aajoumis ihc bomulrfcf MtnekMta**
I**". , . JAMB 3 A HPTCmsON t Co' .;
C& ■■- !
gMßory.oaiUwmerofiWoadaadTWrt ttrwST ‘
ABkftboTo the fcJtchange office of u
fooeuwobStcdimmediately^limit# of- •
vitsiTAß affSfcwT^^r-»V#
AH TEiEmb'
Affilaenee in Allegheny city.-' Pot *exsian ejux bo ri« "
Ten UtofFcbratiy, or«oonerif'ceee*4arr.nail-w&. h
ever may oceopy ft, might find ttmdmtageooeto’ri. * >
win ■enw ofUie .farniuiTe, tb 1
the place, ‘Jt3 r - ,UJ
"~f*w»thl« five or terrain meaiseaeh'
, Addrest, with pMticular», ; «Box|*(o.iapiFftrt- Office.*-:/-*
• BaiCKTAttDk' *
)q<-ln MrB.LOWBffi./u t eM.WTUaa^'»J
TWO nocsKa akd eoth gnn
Jft .T'TO WRi oa Hcrer-tttOT, in tho etnrof «
£a.':A%gfaeoy, oboveihe tfo(&C6fam9&s,«&«Uek 1
i* erected a faame boiMing,"Tvro attniea fcixk
for two,email, tenement*..* Theiduare
fept In front by one handred feet'deep.and.TmtbaßK-'r
tam itrdet forty feet'wide.’,‘Th**nildxnr» on the
mue«wul pay. a-very babdsomo inurenoa tholoves
mem, and wiinjo'jold the&p for oath.
Apply to tLSpnalf ClerhTeofficerU.S.erto—--
- .l
MTHIS .delightful. Sutttoer Betreii.'YorawL-H.
»ome rm put occmteabjr BoftgS
field, fa Offered tot sab «;«nfcaifcd'ftm‘* 4 »»-w
WA|giln«L. ThUjfropeny.iaibeen'lnprdVtdjjyi .>?
terreceplmed wiittErtrgxJeMiad
tenu will be reooaable.‘GfcO COCKiujk a?,.*
Pl»taborgh,Dee.p.. . Ageat(otTreprtetor^^-i
* • • .’Z -V '■
J(h THE aabacriberoffcr*. ferrentfor the'
■Lone or .more: year*, aUrgecodmtoUwell fio;*
ed two itonr PwelUne:Hod»e^-goatalnlßr rj ftV^SL : - , i
end Kitchen-' There UelotofgJOMft'eomilniaiff*
ecrei of fine ycner frgli trcetorercra'hn.L tAtJ—
**•» connected] wii tbates**,, TV anj.nezsorf wfekTl'
ing adtlirhtfnl midfnce.withia >e mnajok’tli&Xt£
theein, thU will he a mo wws -;s
. -• THEO.P.WBIOrtT<'
BeotpfaßQlMnJL«sara-ei. I ■ i > A-
Wßti ACBESOP tAHO,«jta»tedla >
ii»i» i*pi7to nsnT}Vrootu;ai ,'
-w-' -wsmßssanL*
•nmlru ioaxi BfcwS oSmSca jy^ggff*"
' ' l; oltßlai-AroGn;i n il^.._^, , |JC J~
*v* v *r*r»vß»i'‘ ::
* fc
■‘f&iZtf -;- /‘V 1