The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 10, 1849, Image 1
. p ■ I , ■;;. .;!“ V: .-'I %5-i-,.-::-/. •:-.-V-c^rL? :,* ,i- •;.; •: ’’b • ~'.§i.--j-;:..£: • ■' i&;Zsks istabushed j BtJSIHESS CARDS. .. •H.IIHIHII* rrtONQ ACBOZEBtCoaaiMiptf UttehttSi Dttlra.lftPuwUe*, K6* aiUitost tom Dl7BlinEbDtflUtS|tnfil«al* tinmen iaDrr X> Boot*. BtoefcrPiflibttryii nmn» : SettrH ctfcitty *&, No.-82aiibeny ctnev- Piu»* tatrrti " ' r * ‘ ‘ • ' .»"-Its.. : . T>RAUN *. KEiTaB, -lTi*laito BuJ Betti! Dreg* 4> tutk'toracr of UteTty,Aad 8t <Balr gajU, POCK S«* t eorow Woofl»adfch»x».- nrl B. Jl W «-9aa C% apHejaroLTrvci^ ji Wtolmwln fft»j I?ttnrmwtnn irnVFpT M«tri»hMtt.*nddgtterttttPtodg«miPtg»- K£37 .TOotS td and r f•: v..-''.-: 1 -:'.'• • • rTi T 1 : *up»'woo». ’pwaqx BHCT 4. C(h» Vwoalt ‘Graeerrmd £xot4es%!sm< •7Wuei,iwrt.y? i Tro««s^toh; IXFm&o ; «a! GitTFUtftHTJJ* Fnmv between £r finSWfllt Coppe?” nrißm*. wntiag. Jttaefeaattrtaoife teamed ti (.Aftetty Jm. . •‘ if "'; jL j.*ircisaV*WAiß ttttfr. . J p>|<.fly r ; ;■ • •*, k.H N<mhWhgroi, tuns • •;••.,• v-'r-ir.asmt vsxxssn,- r (v«ttr.indig7 Fwm eQ»ct»» PUabttrglu ’.'-■ ’tiarfl' • TOHN'H.Bl2CDNi'4Lttsß»nrKidOnm»eQoi « Lew *f jarUfrSatt ef.Pacniyittni> iHan\y ftlaitrfl; no % MUitf.,ii^ndJ<wVH l Q»te.Jato/E' Pezte, M iii«^Baaiga,M , Ccrtf JitKay. : ' ■’-■■?■-■> jeMfly- £)BN Grown, Forward iu »aafrPwebaigh MtßKftcianfc NeiTfioamerrinl Bow, Liberty stzeAi.near tfeo CwavPirUtniiEb, Pa. - ■'BBt,: sn> •„----- fizmof Algeo ud <*■Tgflgjgfc Ctarie»~Bmldiaf% Waktf'w«CTiad<a fecijfl sates, fjttfenrgV.;... ~, H«»rdPovder Co. of H. ¥*Tfo.W Wood at, TOHR^SQSGAKWWaoJa Dnggixt ud Soak lifer Is PyaftBft l Pdat»i.Oßfc Y»ndtts>*frtKd.P wood sutuyoagtoorßogfeof THimoird JUley»Eitt>- HTi r.A'ft- : i.:-‘ i:j i ■»;. «••_••.;.'v'«y.v>'.•.*/ ;.•• -. ;jftnt;.’-.. \t+ fc Cftj igttetwKtrtftJft<cpk& •oeg - fpipSW--Hyt.T/>P 1 -'W^Uy«l^«W^-yjaal!il<»y>ff l m la Mule tad Mosieal : ' InatnAHOß, Sefawlßoosß, n^;Sateo.Btaoi^Pex&QßiUa t ftisten* CsnUy ua gutlcnuyronealiy,NoTolwood n~ PittsbrrfiL :: IP*Bratwatfelortolantetrode.?* -»•;. • scplO? . WWjm>¥l IMW HWWHN ~i ■ —»; * >.-i Di ctfrrartth and Wood eta. Pißsbontfc ». i • oct8• ' TOHNBTO?? [& gTOCgtOK.Psolscllarv Printer* gPung 44 Muket sx^Pttt*- taomotSr- i • r ticaißrfWO^ 2 ' Je*B. £U>YIX d«te A Pl9yd&Oou).Wlt6UteU ■ Grocer*, NoliMlibertymccL -.j ~- ■JX-Ztetß/.. «) aFFredSeeid Biutenh . BaOTfrmam.!:Ketyt Water JonlF; ) Pcnrnrtiat.*ißlOc«gßtsriotiBlOT* |V cktia*, Dealer* in Ucattd arorild%€«nsi'B»ttn, aesxTUm. C daV ypt lr *- ----- .' T JEWS. DALZEZiDfeDo* Kmtfietßtcmof.nll si* Jj «•« 4kdlet lim art'HOß* rf fee best : qoalitT.-Wniobosscj <4 wcynafl tPS faKA'iu-z^': . jrsif^rtiWv . T '» WAKEMAN^WOelesaleOroeer t FOnrard>r Ai* MettitanJ, Seale* ?in- PSjto* . bßMAtoßfsgttntennd No*. 31 WKer *t» oafOFrenisi .*-:> <’ j r t y «<>.•.» - ‘ '• : gT ' Tv -m»mj- J~T WALXXO C.MCT -»jealLLßiltOE I WtoltMlsGiw:erf««l Connb jvJHamßHSS&ttantt CO- (l»» Jones, Miroir* :. -- jxi. Metcbmtfc. for fec'snle -of Aißfirienn Wooiten o ** «iti*i,liFppiiie Fifth. -> ‘ : -f asnrtHf> ; Wi'!aijjn»?. 1 -r' ■• WV v mmcT WC..;AL££&fc jCbu .CdSßßissto -ladr fjßrtrOßfio? Ju« Metohshty Wkar iukFnest ibtteteq •'• woaYmrwafiwtstt. 4 - rjono- Wkotei&fi^iud SSHHOUdES ,-fe 80&i >x Ns. « Jlarket Rcosd SWm titiftta eszaer or Ftoutik dealers in Foreign ' saaaoß>eaiigßiUi<rfE«frtnrt«Cdrtiflcau«efDepose Notes and BpceJe« . * - 1 . Hl7CMltetiou .Ba& ttSL 'tS. (kai szbutott chief - *^ec!7 »axns«*a., i coco, A A Grocer* and JJu-de*l*teiaOU*,BaslSi*Te,aadSln*tmjjh Hia* nftrngod article*, fcsi* on tinea, • fatten* TIGBEKTHOD&E)..WhoIesaIe ~ Cboecr;:B&csfjfof . ywim>ttoiiw^i3iw<ft9i tan% sad iu kind**/ Jfendgftsad'DraastieWiaet aadiigiors; Kb. U ! liberty-street. rOs >kS9d-S-.TOT taitesuxk ef’SDsxiß».«» Jdtßeat*Wft. viStk wfllbss^ spifcly- Beau Dealer in Xv n iwiiriHiiytf«sadßad* tB*%*Xaß«MUl»d Cettasltfhela* tUiTlamaxa* Oil, jglW Wood «WRBC»l>kiT>>r',-7iS--r.r,-^»Sit^ wSSSn^SS^^V^^ruSSS^w^SSi: T> Groom, Predate Xbt M******" t ‘ir w«*. S&gk Mfaß&psm,t&u*'U&w liOTk£rj?AL2EW4«:co*-waaeaaie-cioeea} XvCemieetopstf ydrwangar^tortninajdeakri ►WFr. ATTcWflOKOHAM,Wtateaalo&roe« ftadseo«al Fiaabsifh dfanhfactgn OSfdailti&fli 'vwlSißyitttt iacaibypaldai aiitfxaaifareora ttT'ttga, ConurwPenkaaalrirtß«u;;..,...; JattO SlUTflfciollN3aN t 3VT«tca»leifttf^^ InMiilioOT upo** HurdM, •Rnrtst*k.'•- ■'</•->•. ••• •- r tfSi r '•■ OHACKUSrri'WHITE, Wholesale Dealers la S'SMetfassd Damns Day Goods. Ifeitt Wood cl *J| ■ Jk W. HAEBAi’OHj 'Wool Mtaehs&ti£Dealet* D* ia Roar and Ptodooo*«acraUT t andFerwartin* w Waterat*Roa. . *>- .': . -i>‘ ... lev ACo-Wbol»l*i sffcNe.JßSHmrjfettJßpet' UfEmmddpte*,,.-, ■, y,, uHR^vA^AI OOXwl-iI kKPiArodaefnd OoenlCoD*. -BiK2»l*«tteiK^j^pC£«nr«, m#, TCS(®rS®ii«SSSSR«S§wS®SSSe. % e*W.~ye>wartifljr and Western Fro t, stand), ft utettpt 7t» tt me* faaaeery t*ne*Vr ■;'::: ' •■’■ r.r.tmr. J ' I r|T«ofSil«X«T ? WlioWl txißjiltnifumte ■) ■■■ :l> - - _ Fg» ' ** e&e6 ofw«, fAtti* MMSS&IOr * Kttrtw*fc/ «o» Wn&iflgtOtfcwiUtWftJlfl , my vm>wa»t» fly ‘ PwiSSi^ ?** l ‘" l *ffiy >l!&£' I ’. '• , - - '. utMtorcun* j -.ifctTgW > ? :i.v.vy'.t---- '• yr . X\ W£2N£&B2S!SB^3to mad Gktcfca cmnsMoaiiFaMi j. :-•' Atßfrdtf ~; /-Si-y';yV.»it jo •?.-■> ; -u-"- j taamHj ontonot*wii ulteuti u : -■Minium* te««adftwtwi H<din)«« I THo> ■' ..- 1 - •. ':. ■'-' ;;■ 1 Illi: ITITMUItUI imil [•'' CARDS, MABBLE WORKS OSIIBEIITy BT, OProSfff; .?: kiarramcats. fttrpli- W■♦d, « tnjr dwenpUon. Ho solicits*than‘'ofanblle' Manacw:xavxia$ t r<■ jos. tbk. msottiir Jjyjo* nxaa, 1 r ‘V- 1 ycuxbob, *•■ - < lixniL •; WORKS. jSUrooN' *,o* numdketattn* ta£ VUlsjnßoalnr 0 «ad Wttdowr'CltaLkMjrcoasttialy va htnd t nnenl Monsent of ute tbOTS titfdet.- Alnytatko 9 sfj»* : * wticfa ?of Mi nettle* SodV~\V»izr, •Bwfli*i of colored ;hn. . Woodlt, jftui&tisb.. K " -'-t*** 9 *** jV'icdWted Linen,l4in*w JSuk isd colored Cottm Fridge* for silk tad timkam TjuiaMk. w* Bll*®aWoa FSagtat •.v;:-’*3T7£ ;ETOT*,<so«flrofU*ii«tLtM tad William, eatttafea ’»?• ['■■■■• Mt B^-BtOWll*”''-; f.'iWkeleaaJo Qiocen. ,Vam«xdinj«ai/Cda|. s*l BuU« Fmxbttrgh P*. it x.*3f=-.M i X'% : C • mchS - Jgjt Mihgjaes T\P^s&J..tC^wiliLBQfii' L oAeri hit profcttlonWl ycocrtUyof ■ ;^tTnir‘lnrffi*»l dobri.froaMayor'saffi<»p J t «*<nEßsf f! Q^’^fe^BH«J 4 Sj?' COi.piiolMtami" it W™S?SSI.i^ i “PT t ' ,l * sl “ £red Axlea, '?WWR» M«Ut»blo ?g^*** a ***, 1 -•!:* : '"jfctlt.- .tctaMr, W[fe^iSCM.TßEE,_ j -Wl«tettfl fr Groeert jf r'Kwtuyiaj';Pixtßlen,vtad Wine- ssd Udad. .jn^msssjsssssßW { rfam* jWi*****«UMrA' co» ;. Inr.Miiicr nni,|< auknt3 OrjnatMru hJ.AujmA.CQ, , ■ :*OOl '-T No.4&Wtiat street. :: 'INSURANCE. -T OHff~ FPIHISV 1 jr a Agcatofltobhrgfr to thi pel-- V • jgntf».Jtaaal oFAtfe irtetphlK. BpiM mnrt;,,, • -«£eTcnr deacription,'ncdMsainnßUks upon hull* or taken open the • asm favorable Wtfftffltin of \v. ftw*i*w« tßnXi Wato f T»«f Hark* rstreevKmbartti- -- • of this Company siace tbewab-. g*h*«»*£ to'Arcncria thiaeiiy, whh the prompt ;oeaa and libtoitl&y with'whieh every claimtipoathem >to lose has been odinstibd; felly wahmrft B>a ■■**»«« in Ifaritfeg the confidence andpatronsre efhis (Hemis and fee eomnanlty ad'large to'fed'-Dela-ifero u. 8. Inso range, Company, while it has the arittitfnntl advantages •stninsfesitaajaetigttefeositoarUhittglaPhiladefh. . phld ‘ is "an omplenaljJ-in capital, which by fee «p«wldti\ef ita eharwri* obnstaatlytneeeaiinfc as yuUZhrtoeaeh'MTsfca natoed his too share offer protottf-ito cwnipihy /wlfeoct bmiving him is may . syggruihili fjKwtcateyer, • and therefore as ponsasitur the. Mm&al pnneiple divested oi tttrr obooxions fe£ fere, and la its'most anraetiTC fona. r--.Bovdi AHD KAIUHB ISICBAXCK. . rPU£ Nortulmenci. inrooit X make pentanes* tndlnniijd Insurance oh property, ia .t">o3»xM2>:;i tnammaft;.........,,-j ~., ArthurQCoffin, <.-».• .. .. Ghjudes Taylor, , acn’lW.ionea,- Ambtoae White,, i | Edward Smith Jacob U.Thomas. John A. Brown, ... Joha^Ne?^ John Whoa, Richard UIW«*L noscasJP.CoM, r Wat. Welsh, Fv Hams. . Franie* Sosa ena. B«ai»lßmssr? _ a AudffiubMm „ i v ARTHURO.COFTTXPreVt. } wwfi jx • ■TOstatha oldest-Inaarsaca Company is the Ctutrd luteaf haafay beea chattered fe ll?*. .Its charter la wipataalf aag from its jtothtandinfc loaf arpedeaes, apla meaaijadd aroidlßg.aU nsksef as extra Juts uonch EtarvctfT, it,may so considered as offiwiag am-' da eeeatity to the public. ' W. P/JO.NES. At tfceCoimfcjg Been *f AfWQDd,'Jaofc» A Co, W * erahtf Frortstrects -‘ •' , -nayai f-.-SqRASXIsXS.JnBX-JIISVSASCSCO* ; riTHE Franklin Fir* Insurance Company, of Pliiiadcl* liAtp^fa^^rtgaOislwattaiiit^pMaaßnt.fiwl^nV^ s&BSiTSSB!ina&-S3SsBB^ ■cayhasoperpcthiJcharter.. ' -h Csptflslf ‘ ...v •-•. 9400^30paidln ? I apUPtf ir-WABBiCK JdAßllN.AaenL BUBSCBIBWRuia ftwtti sppfilrtted Aycat pro •i America, and will isBß#M2elee and astesd tor the other business of (he [Agency, atthadwrehbiieeer Atwood, Jone« A Co. FT . tptt WIJ. P. tt FORffARDISG &XOJdSMIQN c.m.mOTJWx»t -,n- .-, - - •, .Msuuoun. rninr.gfft. niUßTOiwirttß M. - \;W»CM'XOIUUUIM igBCHAJm, ]Jte*So*ikWtarr«'suit Kou. 117 Beat*' Watmr c. . •• '"DEC® to is£Raß»tnoc-M>4[deile7i'ce&crmJJy’, «f < JQ? ffttatarf)* tkatthcr Hit tamd* neb mrrmagc tsu ala 1 wfaifam/ Yiignio nnuatatc'4»?gT* *ad tfam.Giowvnrfef > tfa* *W«t,Watt bdia.wd-otto plmeem u will fatten -a.:lajf*ad«sa>uat am*T : ®f wo feltowio* de»cri> ,dog*of-fltab*c<*y<wfc tic&-will fa* aoU; «opa' a* *cea» ;and*Us9.ienBfl«s *aymb4rfaou#f utus.eUjrofelM> ; wfccre. and all goods. orton* tea ifaeta will fa* wmr* ' —wt«v* —ml wm—MnUtwi', •--' V- , ' '• . • y*a? -•' - - forte Bicc; Pean’t; MSmetfLeaf to .Cafa*f""—Uttoip: fcFtoridmj^-—b*eeo}~ !. jtLSO-Bnaefa'm. etiefarmied - Aromtiic Sag Cmren i«ikiri& rfem UNKtafear el asherpopAiks bauds, j afedcttmlftfolif peafatfa. 9«* mod Lcnte ■ «m» tfa mod tfe'ftfatf'Uidims' TtvtiCiVinlßix ThHsL ' A& > ' Awe*t' t ahd piaint iayrkolo mod ulf SoxS^-trooa • wfafa'ffWT TmrieyroT motefai.beloc^* i. ■ 4. im«w. i.4tiiwi« . BABKBT/VEIBIV ftOASBETBOVt / . ■mcbasmv:. . i ' ‘ lfo lB WtanSr* __ PHILADELPHIA. Rumo H/Biflw ACO.-1 • - ‘ . ' > 4 tauiNSpierAcSTr 'Aliea*rp«zv>a, - . .New Yolk. ■s Waiter* A Henrey,.. . Hsl timers. •• Bspisy Afloiib* ■” • Cef « T /ode% !,t ' ; .-- : ! r }' "•* JEP*Utent euh «dvjuu»«enf •races. " u ■ •' ! csuuisxcxT. " non.yri.nuu i AJtd CHlunl Ootatii>tu)oß' jlmbtabr ”■;W* 13 Sown Wat** Stotv *’' * •• • : • i,-n , ->J -T .-** r ~m;;-v ptniiAPgLglCTA . BEFEBEZSCES-HatTfCrctf & C 6, AOabbrlK" """■ .: : A.U>J«miu7r&UrjmUo.V j *■ ' , Mercer, Dna-fcC©,; V >FBU*d’« ~,. ;. Bead* , .Jf- Italy-'- •, . • Dadlk feCouticery. Kew York, ; HIBtMWIOW. %• *AMI?B.CICSX>. ; ~ AZUtSTBOHO * OBNBBt, MKBCHAjfTyßttgltortri street, will atwndproißpflyio tkatalo oi - eyer* defetopuan of .*'Western-nMsdi, and othorkr tku*eairunea».ihdf cire... ...-.• 'j Haaaa, Honey AcS^ftwtSfffa: .flinnaf<Jrilu«J *,9®- New Udbon, Oj torch tat* feoerany, W*lU- Tille, O 4 BbodetVCMeby. A O.BifeV -«**■»*- j, KHoward, lAptoUiel ifciCpnron, gt LoOisj ILMtoyfri, Bieafrf n« <bc«. lot!il«Gi*;i , .». i I»B. * Co. UJt rerot to- • ■ • • j . . t ‘ . I \jJtcGUl'* flb./ ; fftolKOjk- ~ ! : Eetd,Piilut Co.,B<n, B r, . ; .... OillEstoU, it, ■■ '-*’■* BhodtolcOtfeby,Bitdclpert,o. ■ ■ faCt-diwntwlW . . »'■ '■■•" i-j »•■ - { ! ~, sTclVssiBSH; • HcmltlbS) ferfanljßjanii;tieoerai Commit ... r,, . ;-; *ioa itKlia#c ; v‘‘v CoxinzOXL ftrtixr, Sr. Lota, Mo. '* i Mi B—<uiolj*Of«looß>li(to«Jer* nr puKkun, iglkl>ffluk« l kli4 oUktownill Droapljjr u-iit»>cic4. J«knirP*2onk Co.- * - i ! t»Eoaofc'cocinaarr~' 1 ■ j ’ AnaliHUMi nmrUirXnkuti ... ,i.: ■' r r -j j-tONnm®B V ttantl» Oommltotal bn)- sssssas jSTiMii<eiAiUT , «iiilclSt - - —-■■■■■ *' a7 *— ~'no.‘- to-tenon* topt, itn»iTt»fln t *e»' . l co ” M '®?!fljy!tis. oHAN TB *; “ ■*' j^ei^sv, 5u 4 r>,- .* ittfl •W'j. j jssi yf 5 i PITTSEURGH, I ; LA¥ OFFICES. ■ WM: TIMBtJK. : . AgMwmwn r.AT 1 1 S'--:' -.vs • .'.- Btttier. P& ' WEMialiacoUMnlan l uj o iie, w.' ejau ßoU " ?“ *?WnMS ,j -: t T L*w,office 31 tr, H*gPPffg»Bt» CbailerHoifiTKiubu^b,-will«1«® F * r " ,e • £-MU?: BEPTff T" ••-' • - t. P-T.;ll»nwa<KAt< tuar Attorney; ind Councello? at Law, i Gjiejonka v OUov Collection* la Boothern ObJo* ui 4 lndiaaa t ,andla Kentucky; promptly andcare to. Commisiuiner tor thegtatebfPeftn* taking. Deposition*, .aekiwleSgißejiu, ‘WnL Bell A; Bod, Cortu. Chnreb ft gnotbert, Wffl.Haw; ft Parte. U.VT. WmiAM. Lowrio aid ..-■Wpiwßi.J AUQnuY»*Bd Counsellors 4tLaw. *febl7d£v *^ dao^^p * v^l **•**»•boroSnutbfisH.' t > • -kva p TTTCTIW, • , /ATTORNEY ATtAff;' Office removed to Fourth ? between thalthfie wand Great street. i tiaaavemofF >■> . < ;-.n ••„•■ r,nswnsntreswiil.- 1 T\UNLOP s fcEWKLL, aooreeyat Lew. Offices on jSmfthfleld.'-betireea ai and Athstia , S ; O, .ROBINSON, 'Attorney « Law, ha* re* • •JtoiredluKofflehtb-tM Exchange Bailuinrdßt. sti next door, to Aldranan;JohnsT - apftijr BAXS,‘CAPS AStt BONNETS. { : PABHIQN ABUB BATflu; , j ffb-' THE subscriber,- in addition to his own n. J» mode inmciH • V*9tsentssrith iieskraflobee & Co- (the most ®*% fluhtonpblc butter* ofthecitr ofNewYork.) forartr after sspptyofhisertim fianSUk Ham, and bavin* Jut. receive* a? few earns,jrenUeinen can bo sailed inth-a* wnrrichspdbeantifitVhnibyeelliijfiihi* now Her tflaCap~State,ftgithhrld second door sooth of. FaurthfWhsnTtty-baAmadafteat variety ofHaist ajtaCmrif-hisonsrn rainursttaro, -wholesale and cn*’ felt- HsZs mad&toozderaa short-notice. . * 1 -ana v ? r<-JAMES WILSON. ;A S ~ ,RPCOHD At OOm * ASm* ' *R . «.-• .-1-. Xktner tfWbod *xd,;Fifih Strutt*' ' T>AJOTCULAJt attention paid to.oar Retail Trade! Gentlemen can roly apon getting their Bau and Caps top oar establishment of.tha nsr amg/Ui and wosiaujßHxr, of the uxmsnußiaadatUutowst rate**, :Lv-'--- < Connor Merchants, purchasing.' by wholesale, are refpcctfnUy. invited to sail and examine oar Stock; as we can say.. ,with. confidence that as regards qoum andnacnitwiUmtfsadcr'laa.coinpaiisoa with any house in Philadelphia. , ‘ . feb!7 I n AiiirjSijiF^nie^BS - Lmialbtiibn Is now receiving from thod»» ofNewYork, auhoise 1 assortment *T**Sb p{Uais,Cap» nnd MulEi, latest Cmblons, in great varie frand-verrcheap,-wfcoMsal* and retail. fi. ~.. ■. JAMES WILSON. ; :QOTi3->v-r-\..'>: toilhfleld-at, 8d door tenth of 4th , n; i Pwlt Fashloaslonsu. n« J|:;r Bectmo fa ’ OitatiVoinfcnso.) •• ;l Af iMi Igfrtwoe* ’on Sofctrdav,- Anjou- 38th, Uto ttyteef BstsjiastrOeenred from New York. !Th«Hf injwaht df a total and beaattihi hat.' are invited of Fifth and- Wood streets. ; BOOK TRADE- •VTB&BLY BBADY FOEPDBLICATIOH •AJrhrJi A. AIL F. JAMES. Cinrinnati. Uto following aewand ysjaahls .... . • Honlritani a sketch of the lEh of CoL. A- w'.JDoaiphani the Conquest of New Msrtro-.Oca.Kpanicy’aOvcrtaad BxpcdUioq to Call minla;J>dnl9baa,aCafflpsignn*ainrtih«Nst&os, and hi* unparalleled'hlareh hpoft Cmhnahoa aadlktranffo, Sonia Fk with a •Map : and Bthrarfags. by. John TUurbes,A R tha lsutejime3ofMirsoßrifitf^ry.. : APstorfraf)geotaeky— Ja Antlqnitlet and Nataral CnrWtattrl} <topaphfealt flaristignl And* Geslodcal descriptions; with aneedows of,Pioneers Lifoannßose thnoae hsadreOlhdgraphiesljSketebes of distinguish ed RoiMWt%‘Scd«Ber*, Statesmen, Jerists. LawyeralN. stoM, «544lht*£nKed with forty CoUiss,lTcdJoet*»o:-'-^'Trr ' *Xbn TweiraMsaiis*'yolaniper, or Jocmal of a Pet* sat* m the Ihnnessee Eesizdent .ot rsralnr. in the .Carfipain-of lB4lM7 ,eofl »>n»mr ; eonni of the March & the Eepment to VeraTCns, a 1 dessegtiengf the Coantry pamd ow, masaeri,:eii*. . people; Sketches of Cttm-Life; ae ‘cenma of aHltheaetions of wheSrvblunteef-kesutems. • Ste iheMexieaa War; Uxießfe? r wonpaeS, ißnttratdd by a lawe-nciftbef 0/ r.octksn,. •• •• decJ •• 1 Crc«n sn,ilTa Speeches, <x,Whiter XVOro»*«lnf Letters s«M«peeeije%-includßs*k» gpplgnqttloOa ta ilj Tbatsss CtttVU..•:!»Stole |j»it. dob. - . 5 Oaflina* Kdlhcky-i ■ lliiimicst Sketches «r Een tackyi -«fflbrteia J gjii.W*torjr^*aiiqaiiT l sad auaral wriptions; wnV ci«aow* of Pioneer lifr, «ud Don tk*» «»*>tm4re3 tiopapbift&t ehelebee of distiaruish* ed pioneer*, •bldwre, and roteskeo* Jurists, lawyers, Ulaetmeg by ftrtfr-eagpstiag*. ffy mintK«lon»-Seiec». Has An&iteringiilfr-'T&lboaiazid tod One JJlrhu; or, too ArsbieaNiglia’fiiJcrtsinnjEm*. tnuMiet?d«r3 arnsreoLorfjmnJrrtsdiat—wuh eipauuaarr &ote«, by Ei WiiiUtki En. Pros the ittontl (jj, tHHc illaetnied witli COD wood eeti by Herrey, end itlßDinittd tales by Owen Jones. l3 pora.ttspenbrSTolSflSmo. Oofe-Giitr 6sndtoienloby JOpNBTOSi attrrOCKTOW.BookMller*.. aoraa | I 1 ■ market COT 3d »t 'VS'V BpOKdFOB BCHOOLS, of i»r risneand Spnerical wiih Ueirvp- Xenophoa'S Hemwnbiiisr cfSoomes, w>tb EoflUl* Ufis of Boenwj, Ac ay c.Amhon.uud» : ' VDbtoek & Crooks* First Book in Greek: ink » fitU eww of the ton* of words, with roesboie* ms end eopbrns exercises, 40. Bslkeld*e FiistlMok in Spanish; or, • psmodesl in- to the stadr of the Spanish tessnure. “ ana donblo •ntryr’pncU* “ Ai ° w ” a ”' rM ° f A Histonr ofPraae*. than Urn conqeestef Gaol by JoUttS of LoaUFhiUppo, By Un. Mwktatm. r Betted, iDpmred •sdeuamd,ky Jscoo Ahbottisap-dndenfrevbfi. Forsaloby . iM .B. HOPKINS, de015,.,..- . .Apdnoßßihlinf.'4th w NEWBOOKS-leoatV Eiemestsp ( Tneortotnetry. of -plain sad nperflcisl Tricxuotu • their Sppliesuons 10 Mean ration, Somyini A Flmßookja prefkf eoaDmtn# stall riew offbe fim of words, Wilhrocabclaries and eopiooaaxar* clsOsoa ti»i»nhod ef eoestaot ioitaihm andirpeti* JOhh M'CUntoek, U Dh Bmfesaor «f Lanya a> gei, aad Gdene R. Croons, A. SLi Adfnnct Professor of Lafifkaces in Oiekinsim Coller*.' ofMaiagtO Cafharfno Adorns, 3d«di ,“ r 'A n*w noreV-ThoKsaipliAs pf lifa. Parts9,~lo tad Ji itf.Harper A Brothers’ splendid jU lastrateoeditkm of the Arabian Nifbts^entenairuaams. tire abota works melted this day by express and Corsaiobyi it- '. JOHK»TON A BTOCCTO.V, horla ~ . . ;eor3dand'ffis(ket sis uißosemi 10 oar ", mafJO-aUy Qcti&trt* ARCHITECTURE: or eontribobon* totbe a Unproremem of school, booses in the V. 8»: by HentjrvfiArbstd. Abnpd sully iUc’straietl with *UV» and plan}. . .vTteoirad Fninva of Teaehiaf, or (be motives by D&rfoPPape, Teaebin* afieftieetlbeTeseier an Artist;, by O.IL a: «5 4 V- v ‘-'* • Tba School and, the Jfchool Mestef— A oaoaal for tba aap.tfkiaebon* {tapJoyars, trustees, inspectors, fee.Ae^ofCantaoaSchools. lnt«opsru. liyAion* so Potter, D. D- auto.-K,bboartoo«A<M. Ulastfatsd wiib efltt*7in«. For sate by dcca !. , . R HOHuUBf Apollp Drildints PARITY’S CABINET LIBRARY, for Befaoolt and Faialli«*~TW* work eonaim of twenty volume*, •ns eoouisi five hundred diflerein lobject*. illustrated with GOD engtfvlhp. it it aa entirely ©rirtnal mien, recently • written and completed hr 6 O Gpodrich, aa* tborofPeWr Parley’* Take, and ii derigued to e*bi j btt, in a popultriorm, Baled Biographi*!. ancient and modern; the wiendera uni outiosule* of I litlory. N»- : tur«t Art, Science. and Phfloaopbr, with the practical dutie* or life.. . Thd pried dor VoL U 79 cema, each comuJnjng about '330 pigta, tfmo; or SlVper it' For rale by ; *ctiL , n IIQPKiNg, Apollo- Building*, 4ib at XtiiW NOVEI«B—A WbJm. and iu consequences: l\ byG.J*. R. James, Eig. Vanity' Pair, a novel wuboat a Hero; by William JkJakepeaeeTbackery, with iUoiirmiions. .EdwirdVemoo; fliyGojmn'* Bioryi by K V Childs. Story of tie Fenlniuiar Wan by (imeraJ Charles •William Vane/ Marquis of'LondDiiderry, 0.0. fli 0. lKynure tioard.. ' TiflabOTflr'worta ieeefred this day and for «ale by ~ • : JOHNSTON A STOCKTON CiffifiUXlC'OM DIVINE Cy uiuieftd - Very* acaree and exceedingly valuable work* baa j oil bean DabUahed byJ.k. (Uad, Jo a bego tifol tfenb. VpL of SlOpages. It 'contained* reagm* mandationa of eevera! clergymen of this city, of difer* kntdemn»&ttlonf.'‘ In one week 400 copies have beep djetrlbeiadlntbecityof Pitubsrghandpabnrba.. till a book for every body. For aaleby norg ; T R HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, 4ih n A-'-BOOK PORPABENTS, YOUNG PERSONS A. AND INVALIDS.— Dr.! Banning** “Common Senabjybo'Hkaltb/Phyaieal Edaealien, and Ifuman Yoleojaa Wed oppa.the mefcbapieal pWloropby or mM'tpbttiealConalitmioa.belbi Um aaUiance of-hit leetare«:on :tbe. above aobjeoU.reeenilr delivered in thia city. For aale bv 1 K HOPKINS, ■ ■ .octtO. • j -. , Apollo Building, 4th at U ROOKS’ OVID—Hie Hetskorpboaea of Pobllua JD Ovldiba Naso; elaeidned byes analysis and ax* P&nartotfdT the Fablevtoffetbef witb Enxiiab Notes, Hi*torical,;Mytbolovi«U and critical/ and tiJoairated bT.plfllorUJ 'embertfilnneata; with aclovfa. By-N.C. Brooke, AvM. <*ecfft • R HOPKINS MAP OP~CAXJFDRNI A TEXAS— From Ut« laisst euthoriiicu By S. Augusta* bcu, with aaaecoatpaalmeitt—HU umeal. Descrip- Geographical and Statistical. For sale by - dceld '| • RinOPKINS, Apollo Buildlnga, 4tH qt -ItfATHEMATICAt, INSTRUMENTS—For Draw- JXI. inf-TipfcbOny and Rosewood coses* Wj'iß or .wmumrAnUu* , coloTa For sale by J ' ■ - •:':dacft.-t j - 1 ‘- g HOPKINS, Apollo Balldlnga frooibe JWLOpdntySaryeya authorised by ihegtato,-nn4oth*. improved finder 'data proddrod in eacb‘c auntT^VLndera cifo rfti^e Wr^&Sm&iESSSS&i 3'inr < ,g«:i OM -i KAiSSS'IVLY*'a a. .; Yt CO-PARTNERSHIPS, co-paßtfehship. Logan a Kennedy - have this day isssocincd. with them in the Hardware badness, Philip Wii-y »n and Edward Gre 55.7 The stylo of firm wilJ hem after be Logan, Wilson A Co. This arraiigenient renl dor* it desirable to close the old bnsihess as soon asi possible. All pdrsohiibihDseßabflille* hare matured,; are especially requested to make immediate payment! l Pittsburgh, Jan ‘ ..) ■ LOGAN, VBTLBOS \'A CO.—tmportej* iqd! Wholesale Dealer* in Ferreira an) Domerdc Hard ware, Call cry, Saddlery, Jte'.flSS 1 , Wgndctreeb Pina-: barsbjare aow folly’prepared with a' S&ently Izopor ted stock of Hardware, Catlaiy, Ac-to offer veiy great iudneemeau to weatern-bayea, being determined to compete in price* with any of the Atlantic ;citje*.. -Al » an bandaa exienaiTe a*»Oflffieni ofPi ttabargh Hard ware, viz: Shovel*; Spadea, Forks, Ho**, Vlcc*, Ac*, all of which will be ■ tbs lowett mxnufiusirer'-* pneea. Janl^ ■ • Dluolatloa* v ; mHEpart&erahjp to lons, ejittl&f under the.nrinpt iL STCord i Kmy, wa# by mutual consent dissolved on the Istinsh, Thobnilneu'wQl bedo«edßttbsotd Stand bf eitbfcf of »« t i»lnf Hig.niiwA nPlha firm fi3r that pnirwM. Being desires* to have cor basinesi oloaed with u Utils delay aa poatible. wo would re* speeifnlly request those Indebted to call and settle their accosnu. JOHN IXbi’CORO. ja29 RD.KIMr. • • JOHN D. M’COBD.haTing, associated with him his brother James M’Cord, under the style of M’Cord ft G*, will continue the Hat, Cap and Fur business In ell ita various branches, wholesale and retail, «1 the Old mad, eonShreCWood and sth street*. wbera they •elicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be ■towed, on the old firm. JOB?* D M’COED. v • j&S9 ' JAMES a ATCOBD- ‘ , TN retiring from the old- and well known dim of X M’Cord ft King, 1 anbst rtfepectflly recommend to the patronage of .the pabUo my .successor*, Messrs. M’cord ft Co. ' Jala . 11. D.83N0. nartneralilß hitherto exist* Xfipg under the style.and arm of Wightmait ft,Dal* zetl, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, John Dal* »U having disposed Orbits entire interest to H. Wight* nan. Hie baskets of the late firm will bo sealed b j H Wlgfatman, who if ththcrixea to me the of ue late firm tor that purpose. . H.-WlQimttAN. i spt2od3w ,!’lisi^r.l 1 47] i. naLgßij. n ' THE Subscriber is now prepared to mahnAeinfe all kinds of Cotton'add-Woolen fifachlnenr, at the shortest notice. Orders left at R.Wlghnaan’s&igine 8hop ) cor* ner Liberty and Water streets, will meet with pronftit attention. . H. WIOHTU4N, Leacok-sv, between Federal and Sandusky sta spcMdlF J_ Allegheny city. .. ' CO-PdRTSBftSBIF, TOB. SCAIFB v and .Capt. JAMES ATKINSON ;Ty hare entered iniopartnerthip, nndot the firm jrf SCAIFB ft ATKINSON, and wilFeany on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet IhJuWare-manu&etory. AnO,'BlackssddßßglnwU.itabnnchesy at the old stand of Wm B. Bcaue, First street, near Wood. Particular attention givdn to steamboat work, octa I HAVE this day asseciatftfwftb'iae iu the wtole* sale Grocery, Produce tndCeratn£ulon business, my bi other Joseph, under tho firm of J. S DILWOBSH ftCfc , , J. a. DILWOBTIi January t. t&tft. . -- Yotuurhaviaf this V associated with him, John B. Al’Coue, the lea* tbrr business wu| hereafter be conducted under the fira ofWcL Young ft Co. WILLIAM YOUNO, I«pJ J JNO. it-MT7UNR MEDICAL. pOUOH* fAIN WTUEffIW: 4NO CUKSICU- V/ BEDj—U*rin»a for. long inasteco dlsVeited with a severe pain»the tide ksd ehett, teeampanied vitb • dry cou£l era*lnduced, 'open theurgeot *du elution ofn mend; to Br; Tarter** Balsas! of liver wort, end I mat eayihieaedlciun hu asneerediti porposs sdnuraMy. My.dUttes* waa produced by • •evere hurt, and wet torreat thatlt was with difficulty I coQid swallow tny food. lodoed, I ant this ditease matt have terminated taCotuamptiaa, or tome Utal disease, bad ii net bees cured by this iudieiout medicine: To Mi wha aeftk to proioaf theu lit**, I would advise uts use of Ur. Taylor's Balsam of Uver wort. . JAMES COWAN, «2G Bowery. This medleiad fabliiwte* expectoration, redocesto ver, restores strer-gth, and mar be considered, a* a su perior preparation for the core and prtTenXJOa of oil diseases in tire Chest and Langs, untf shotfld'be retell* ed to, even after these diseases ndve resisted tha use al remedies. Is tho practfee of t! la old and very re spectable ph jriteian; this Bakun c I fJVerwtm ta« ac quired an enviable reputation for- is >. virtues* a*eajtet nor teibxlef lbs abundant nottrt m* of .tire «fgy, as was the (hirtcir? and ptdilij of u inventor, to that of quacks and empiric*. CONSUMPTION CUBEU—My son harinr»& ieat cold, used to cough violently, tailing quaafides of thick rairidmsucr, aud finally be bould not taro cmi la bed, fh>» weakness. Its manifetted every sjnap torn of Confirmed conumpitasi pw six tears fir uJ been subject to.jh* uijiou.. Uis VcrmouJe A Anderson,. said Jte jrut ,iafiv*Mo,ani muuwon.die. Yet I wacdetenaftted to try Pr.Tay* Balsam of- Liverwort, mad strange as ft Buy am pear,.thm medicine has GrilyxcseteAm* Aeab^.-) „ .Norfolk street. SoMLJn, JUUoqfcn* W WooU.stt J Wliaftttstj Bfimysdrjcor Marketafid .^£*X, H6a ? e _ r ?f fiUbcrtyyt. Price-red need lottJDperboUte. ■•••- ;; r 1 . ” IttPOBtAHf awi.yn.Pßni. ° " ~ r Pfr l?0Hf > > fiftirihutgri tomwtTpi. - - ■fj4.Mcon s;£S3e;uj ffiS, ;£„25MriK? JL/ ptteor of foeae not! popular a id hencfrfoi lciaea.and.aiMfoe.iaveatdc of foicalebnUedbulnt.' moi Mf |afi«tiag foe Langs, *la cbctini a care pt Chniuc disc*MS, * stafoet of t m eminent phriE mn,XJoeto f w agradadteoffoe Cnfrem. lyoireaasy Eysals, and for thirty jt an since hu been waged la foeinreangmdoo of doeiae,add foeepnlil cmnoa of remedies forrein. f Tbroegb the #w of his inflating u be, in connection «iui bit Prophylactic Syrup andofo rtofburemedlea, bo baa gmleea an unpanJeUed en neace a cnrinx fooeedreidful and foul maladies Tnbercatnr CoS aampUrwu Cancers, Scro&ia, RbeonuUMn, FeicioaSitTic, Few, of US Efj>W las. aad.ali those dhatinata r»mTn. f Indeed every fora of disease vanii as nnA»y tbe cm offals remedies, to. which bamanliy 1 .heir—not by the ! o*e of one compound only, for foa la iaeomnuibla wdh PhyuoJogicai Law, h® by fot tue of M/remo. die*> adapted w and prescribed for e xk peeaEar fora of ducat*. ifc.Bose'sTaaie Aiimtiro Fills, rfaen axed are in* variably acknowledged 10 be open it to all oiber, m a purgaUvo_cr liver pUL inaamoch it they leave foe uawelt Mneetly free from eastfveueas: as also bU Golden PiUtia ufaniiiml by ih» ... wv..... liar properties adapted 10 female diae»«Vbai Ung satu&ea that * bars trial fosofieiemlo establish whai ■baa bech said In tie minds of foe moat skeptical. The afllieied arcinvlttd to call coon, foe agent, and ! f.rjcpre Jgralia) one of foe DoefoT* pampbleuTgmng *d«ailed aecaanlpfeacb reafofly tad iu applleaUaa. r^MK"B?pSp* , ' KnMb ' & cih £?V U “"i 11 * p "0- Allegheny cU r T Adams. Dearer. *•*«». ••: * ■ • ■» .... I B *'*ynu' Eiptewriint, 2% ±J and foa.afflicted pnbliejtoftralinyftelfoflhlseb portnmtycf#Tmgpsbticiiyu>foe e: trsordinanr effect* of tUpeetoraiU cm ajrfteil Hi vine been afflicted for fever*] rears with • severe e Htn, hectic fever and iu cpiumaiuat duckses,dud ic :med only doomed w in«r oot ft short bit miserable r*i*mnee'iatil the S!L°* lB39l w i wa ’ b«fof morasevi rely attacked, aad . having re*>rted to all my former ret talma, aad thepre wtipiioM of two of foe isost rupee able physicians Is ! toe neighborhood wohoal deriving i ay benefit, or the I consolation of surviving bat*. few lays or week* it -when the Itit fleam oflhopo was abpai to iivaiush. I had recommended to me your; Expectorant— and blessed by that Befog who dots ilfthfort in tfio a«e of the mean*—aid eohirarjr to'foe sVpeetatloni Of ' wy-physielans «nd fKenda, I was in a few dags raised 1 fronaaty bed, and was enabled by Ujb oaeof & bottle, to attend to mybuaujea*, pnjpyfog lined better health than l had for tea rears previous. ' . . Rcspectfolfy yews, he., Ja*. \y. Emu. I-or sale fo Pittsburgh, at lbs Pekin Tea Store, 53 fourth.street. marts PkdtfPOi XJ ed th mockwav PiUiburgF friends" r will fti / general - Varauht tide eel; i«Dtd-U 1 itlf or , |e*tnni|i | ulteijoo n°/; Hjd repot. dUenue A. , tended to ercmptiy. . , Si. IWDi. Morris msy b» consulted at bis Drag more, No. 3 Commercial How, liberty sired, dariug baiineis heart, or at bis residence, morning and ctsd loffi Pafln street, 3 doors below Irwin’s oiler. -x ' nor7-upH i ... » /APTIULSnC SURGEON,wiII attend to the treat' V/niot°f Dtieuei of the Eye, i*r. IL ha* been engaged In thl* branch of tbe medi cal profeulpn for lixtpen year*, and ho* conducted an eliauliihtrietii for the treatment of dl*ea*e* of the eye alpne lor *ev«ral jr«arp. umcm and rejldehpv, corner of Baudotky *t and Strawberry alley,'Allegheny city. ecttf pi* HoL'iuod in Teazuiii«r 1118 i* to eerUiy that 1 porebaaed oue viol of Dr. Worn Specific, tome iWo.mdoth* ago oodftTß to aeon of nunc, tome aeveii year* old, rwo teqtfconi fait, and oiihangn tho amount.may appear lorget fat l have no donot buttfiere wa#upwanla Of r«M.:.vsoous» weinta paaaed from him, meeaorlng boo cbo quarter of on inch to tvo inobea tong. ii W HOLLIDAY. Boce*e Creak. Carrol co. Tenit, Ibo 27,1547. ]#» if* UKURUiA— ' 0 i ' • • ColCMeca, Jan. Bth, 18rt. Wr. B. E. Seller*:—Yonr Vetwilbgo baa sold well, end boa been highly spoken of by ail who have aaetl it r Frbm the *neee*» attending the admininraUon of yonrYennlfoge -in every eoae 1 hove heard of; J am confident I eon «ell mors daring the eoming eeaaon than ! did but. I wiU t« glad to receive another sup* ply oT4 or 8 groti. YounkieapecUb’fy, lExtract. front•letletfJhTß-CARTRR. Prepared and ibid SELLERS, 07,W00d «), aiul.iold by dritggiat* generally, id'Pli&bprgh and Al Ijyhoy. .. Jaaa Xl/ONDERPOti D*. TownuxD’g Saa- Vf 'agPiartT*f,9oo bdttlea-of this , great- foil and waiter medicine-, Ju»t received and for «alebyi&.- & SELLERS.- Sole Agentfdr Pittsburgh, of whom the genulfla artelo onrrafc.had. . ocviO JrXEkiislStt'S Cdhimhian flair Dye; : ~ ; L do . Bp ; indeUbie* Ink, with or' tfoqt pmphraMon. DoXrobl& ifafltrforKed Ink. Por ante to'the trade at pricer a, by, RESELLERS, .• ~ :^CJ7Woqd atreeb • ream* Patent ’JtlcdleineDirec- J M F<r'- for aaleby , ' r - J KIDD a Co ; — _ Jrtra»e,»lL:COlor«,_jii»t tec\ >*ndtorwlBby declß - JJOODfcCo fI)ffiSiVE:PLASTER-ISO"TdJ-Eaii» Adhwittt'' add fo; . '■i A -ItCOHOL** bbls JUooboi; Jarr wc’dkndtbriala loL~by ’ - - - J.4OHN JMOBOAN i: ' .T> ciuin' list rtft’d «n* tomb fry. e£r aU sTiisKTi -■ . c'-‘ '“ J ?' r ’ v p'itfcj} PSfvLej £«• ’m*’ Ct 1 “ sr«y.! a® ** (V-u-V* _ HOTELS «V FOUSTAIJI aom. . [LfORTSTBEETBALTIMOBB ■' twmnpia... . luhmeirt long end widely known u ftto loosienonftodlosj intte eirjrcf an ,recently, ondemme, yerTeytea-,. nd' impfdretninU.' 9A*A ■(ry | t»*.«ad egtentfro bathing.tootft*. .. ! parunen t' fcu„ilio' been completely t»4 avis neasu* he wbol»**T»»fcem<aj oft bo Baxus with «.tingle ‘ 'oa ifio'part ftf eottdbn indidMrafoof ■rßieb^^eyxonfide^j^S^rwm aartlhifciwthlnfe i w»d«a* ♦awirpart, 494 eotaaput of lb ett. tO'Tender Utf» Hotel.worth* tbo -eontbmed' QfjWr‘frtendhjsidthO|^uefc&fi^jV; , ~! a^bwrtbwilowMoiJwdjttWwtoO' tOntiroy,,; .!,./*.«•.,©)7s'«r ;^Ji^c-.. ■pa**" }-3.t >,.-Lsa^v.i^'* bn -Btrgafie'wegoa of tfih Hbtua will si*. jaicb wffl convey feiggaft t*infl ftOfittbt BefclKtan of charge. ... is; f fa ,?»?>*; j^w'rj'y-mySfi-* I ■ gICHAaOM -aoTBIu: Kg - «*nt of this lonj estebluhedandpepolar Hotel,’ re *P ecl f aJl y tnnonncer to Travellers trid lho ftiblio feneraUy, that he %U 1 bcatafltuueiwepswd' W accommodate them to ’ fell ihiasi; deiifubla tn STfrfiU JJB®} a, 5 d House U thoronahly;- tspsired uiroafhanu and new Funmnre added, and no, •pap vo make the'KxcaiDfa one ofihe y«rr best Hotels in the cotrttnr. " > r undersigned respectfully eoUdt*7*,«Oßilajtsiicft Ubemlpunanytetlib Ko&a*hi*het*m4n* '•“‘nJ ■ T«OJU»OWBTONr",. V Proprietor, ~ t -“rt^Aß^iisiraoete; ——77“ ft l ?* Sf.J. o **™ **» o**nt sTbiaris, rmseewß. M. THE subscriber mpeelfolly amßmneeathmf JjJ^behas now opened his new and exceUontHtrtai • e forihe accommodation of: travelers, boardetu apddhtpnhlio, generally. The boose and fnrninmr life entirely new, and no pains or expenid hare been ■knd to render it ane or the most comfortable »ntt peUtsnfit Hotels in the city. 1 i v'Tbeenbtcriber U dele, and there* lor* solicits, • share of public patronage. :*oeaWly JAOOB UOUaH. Proprietor. STATES HOTEL* Saug.nir routtra aho romt rn. PPOSITB lire Bank of th*' United States. Phil** delphi*. AL POPE MITCHELL, ;£Wnratf . Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS- JAMSS W. WOODWELL, . . lodcro and Antique PnraJUfet * v:- :■••■■■ 63,Tax»oErasxr,Pirrsinaaa. ' /TOM A luge and splendid emsotunentof agSggSßgggSF isoluble tax Steamboats, SbBSsSSeESU BbBO Hotel* and prims dare I '.ttnjfc'eotUTantfy eo baud sod node to order. .-The present alack oo hand cannot be exceeded by tajr nranufaeumr ia the western eoantry. Persons ~WUMng to purchase would do well to five ma a »«H, ail am determined my prices shall please. Partof the stock consists ia— BuffiKEuqoioi : .Louis XIY Choir*,* Queen Eiiabeth chain: <T«* PcryKj Emit Table* • TeOel Table*; Lesia XVConnnoden •iFrench Mahogany Bedstead* Piano Stools: • j-. 60 sofas with Plash and llair~cloih cover* } fiOMahojaay Backing Chain; i. <0 do* Parlor do £ 30 u Panet do r 90 pair Divans: 4 pair pier Tables; 16 marble top Dressing Bureau* 0 Wardrobe*: 0 Secretaries and Book sue* • 20 marble top wash Stand* ~ • ' 4 pair Ottomans; ' rt ; 8 pur flue? Work Stand* A very Imjb assortment of common chain and other .{Omitore too aomaroaa to m»mk.n ; i£pr steam Boon furnished on the shortest noties, and on the most reasonable term*. deeid £ ~ “ vr. Bakeris American and French Chocolate, Prepar* ■ fed Coco*. Coeo* Paste, Brotaa, Cocoa Siwlli, AcT fTUi mrrebam* and coat omen, who would purchase i thefie«iprodß«ta.ofCpeoa. firee from adahereiion, tacrenumtious than tea or codec, and Inqhality onsor* t**sed, Otd knbscriber recoamendt the shore articles, ipaimfacttred't«r'him**l£ and camped with Us name. fiS® fjtaors, *r« praaconeetfbj the mpst eminent physicians hnpcnorlo anyother preparations. fit* mnnfsctnre* ytre always ensale.w any quantity* by the most re ypeciable poem intha.essieruetnevand by the'u dames M Bunco Eg s ■■^SSai’ - Foraatefry angSl BAG ALEVA SMITH, Ayts Csnirop H*uinc. mHb snbfctTber* "Vr leave <b tafcnn ti» pubuc that ; Stained from Cm East all the Uionnd .bahiOaoble design* for Iron Railing,-both ffirhosacw •04: cawnten** -.Veyaoaa wishiag to procure hand* Araaepnuenu wiU pleasecaM an* examine, andjodya’ Aribemsetrea. RmlmrwtU be furbished attiteshan-' 'UV'OOttaevVMO cB-u#4msS oen»iiey.»a*-tlrtfc^iW«» - * . : H Filth street, between Wood and Smith, held. Fresh leeches received monthly—anendsneo *ij hptUa. Reference, the physician* of- Rtu&nwh,- Alia. gheajtjhßd Birmingham.- • IJafisiebearfuiiy recommend to the physicians, C*m- Uiea and ail my former friends and patrons, Mr. K. a hayna s aabeinsjthorocgh]y ecqnaiute‘dwiu the bosl* oes* and worthy of patronise. '*-■•••■ ° ur - a -lT ' ' ■ H. B.DELANY. *r* lahfjtfo Price A I|arwoo<Pa u a 6 « 81,do do . do 0 «is u 15 do tbPearlA Harwood « B sftlb u 14 do JRobiason “ «* iBa 0 SThfdo do “ « a « Odo do Wm Dawson . •* “ 9 “ » do T Wright's “ “ s u 87 ,do 0 Anderson “ “ 8 u 9 v doLTUade** “ - 8 “ I dolt Muon's >• m 9 « • do Rale Jiff * i U), « Jost landtag {tea steamer and packet* and lot-sale by • lIKALD, MJCKNURACo, 41 north water stead Id north wharves, J«W . _ Philadelphia seJSSea HJL ASpn's superior sweet lb tamps. 75h*ul)X» websisr Old asperlor sweet fia hnnp* W. “ Lawrencp Lomer “ „ & -l p “ ticatry A&ovrer “ 3s&sa M j® “ Dtrpom (dels Hare) 0 5s u W “ McLeod u gf •» £5 0 Lawieneo Loftier u 6s A toning Jon landing' from steamer, a&d for sale by ÜBALDrBUCKNOB A Co, . 41N water stand 10 N wharves, nya • Philadelphia. W.toJ.utttjm. bookbinder. 11/6 aresall engarwl In the above bstinesa, comer TV Of Wood andTlntd streets, Pltubnigb, where we are prepared tado-aay work ioonr Use with des patch. »Ye attend to our work personally, and satis faction will be given la regard to its neatness and du rability. . Blank Books ruled ta any pattern and bound sub stantially. Booksin number* or oMbooksbonndeare fally or repaired. Names pat on books in gilt letters. Tooid that have work'in oar line are invited tbealL Pneeptow.- - 1 • . mygkif _ _ ATEAM BOAT BLABKBTB. ■Vf ANyfACf Ull£l> to order and furnished ot short ifX notice, With tlto name of the beat in etch bi&n khu Also. Cotton am! Husk Maurasses made in the basimannor, for* very low price by L lIERSKY, novlfi-dly gp Waier st AtALK jremowb b'rrneh Calf SkmCa V rery fine artiele. A fowj dozens, Philadelphia Skins, from the. manufactory of H M Crawfcrif u> which tbs attention of .boot makers is Invited. Jest received and ibr sale by W YOUNOA Co, leg? - IQ liberty M AT W. M. *rCLINTOCK*3. No. 75 Ptiartb street, can beseen a splendid Yariety of sup Royal Vel vet and Tapenr? Carpet*,' latest, styles. AUtyßru*- sols, Sptys and asp and fue •Ingram Carpets, of sap «lT»*M4flMl|tleii andlnputnection eao always lie -Table Unsns, Cr*»hf«,CUpera. Dacuuis, Mo teens. Oil Cloths, Ac. ail or which we call the aunmion of the public. ••. • ougSl HAVING told onr eaJrc stock 100. ILGmtr v wlli * *lewtoeladogottroldkiuiaeM. «rebsr«by ten ucu for film the pairoowe of oil oar fritad* and \oatrt. HOW.POINDEXTER, ; L TUF- POLNOKXTER. pjnsborgh, Aog. Ml, IMS. CH.GRANT, WholetsdeGrocer, Commission and rjfo r » r * rdm * Merchant, No. 41 Water it autd AT OS. M and fll Front sjfcei, Bell Founder* and’ min* 1\ ufaeturerdof all ktpds of Flttinds tor Gal gleam IffiSf***/* h%rv Mvwyrwv hond Wrought Iron : WaU dedPipefor steam,gavandwaten, from*lu. ia diameter. Bnut Costings. mado to order. Also, a largo aaaoiUnenv ot Uelii aud finished Brass Work? to which th« attention of Plumber* and Engine Builder* i* DartleaUrly directed; p w Ga* Fitting* pnt up promptly and on reasonable wnn *- . _ sepatMlCa BELL AHD BRASS FOUKDBY. A A FULTON} Bell and Brass Founder, has re* ooilt and eoramenoed business -at his old stand, where ho will be pleased to sec hi* old custom, er* and.friends. - Ctarch, Steamboat, and Bells'oferery size, from 10 to HWQ' ixJunds/cast from patterns of the monanp rov ed modeli and warranted m be-ofthe best matonpis. f-Mineiui Water Pumps, Counters, Bailing. Am, uro. thor with every variety of Bran Costings., If required, - I«ro«d and finished in the ncaiejt manner. A. F. Is the sole proprietor oMUMrrt Aim-Amu- Tips alitxt, so Justly celebrated for the reduction of friction in-machinery. Tbs Boxes ami Composition curbs had of him at all times. • Ja&hly v PRINTING PAPER* . rpHB subscribers hiving fljb exclusive Agency .for A- »clung the Printing Paper of anew anjfexttJisivß paper mill ut UUs victnuy,.will be a! all tfmet well tan* plica wuh Ihedioerenttues of paper ofßapeiior'ttuafl ty, which no offer at the lowest regular pneos. ’ ■ .. A n 7 »lfg or quality win bioanofacinjed to order at •UoilnoUcß. BBVNOUJStSHEE, . . i.® I Lr? i ■ corner Pena and Irwin sti MAMMOTH PENb*lw received, one ease of mammoth. Bold Pens. Persons having much "J&dOiiwUl find great ease la using those pens, as iney do 1 no: etampthe fingers, and have fine smooth - P oin ’ B '„ WW WILSON, cornet 4th and market sts a assortment OtttbElaj tie clothing, at prieet ranging from W® to .giLaOAtrjuit.of.eoai, paus and.hnu. For sale at the Intlm-Babbc*pep6y ffoTwoodat ’ --^r!. i J JdrHPinmps . I tuLfcAUK uailmaS 1 at Co.’, tave removed to the -.A^:'Vk r *“®*d»'3 , ’jd6ora wbti af the Moacngabela JgitenwaFttmistrccu. , , 8 - ' ’ ?95^ E^T ~ ,/ri ®‘' v cwhou»«NO' 43 Wood «... 1 I '* ’ oai *-■ ?: t: ,--i -v Pott Copt*.' ’.. . 1 »iw.~k>.- food and {LtftSwi B S lbO J* 1 ‘M aft Ovu*ed,son*jaßUy i br w£wELL»A*t*waiajn gfe *b*jWK-od peat peffomeiKtoicilitr -■■■■■■ v 7~, ■ ■■? rowfrood'wufctaahottny,' OUNDRIAS.—ISOO bnihel*dried peachea,loftfcn»K. r P>njy owa.nanpfiwiaw, O aWebetbot*, ifl'iaetoftadtfWtJS do wdoLs do? - *?£??*?£ £ bc;p<TfBflt la iierf reipeatmad MU be JbieugvJo*t received per i tow lowjarCwC ‘■'f.wi; i.-.-, ■- p.bijtwil.'- noorttaafferMleby- ~-rr—... .« ■»! I* ’ VM*’;' fa - .... cn --T r > S*WHUf«T.r 'i.' ■?— * *** s*" u « ctf *£££ | *" m ill MISCELLANEOUS. MPraiCOTTABAim. - pnor'n aouth-ride, second street, between Wood! amithfield Pimborgh. • J S Smokier having deeea ■anathe surviving partner Mr. Jos Ltopeneotti hat BwoelafrdtWmwilf with CBarr, the bnsii will hereafter be eeaduetod under the stylo ofXJpf ,COtt4fcßalr.~ ■ ' ‘ »v, t/ , .Trial of< safe ia Qneicneti,o^—Woi tho undent n* -rf ww presmttJrt tho.testing of aneoflSStriekler A lre-prwf aafeaThAsaft aka plaeMrod;fopaca on.the public Undlngvandsuhjec! si the.fgtmtrehwofa ttoao coaTflre wr’more tit tit &ttittahmtr«sdaUlfthßiutih>aoßa to DriKiViwh -yha; door of th*.fiunaee. waa tb sn tclowiiwiuch an Inerea*ed~and ttaidf heal] it lahtrieiirf fte until the es*t iren wbeeU ww® ■^■^■awstfSßCTSPsass® SnAj*fcrtM»MraMiM S?««.;3iK q+tita, pequnouuur.w) t*TO enr n liuHvmaaawnTUaVmaeitmaiMSaiii tit ' jmitfiuTuilltt.mia.■■ 3“: pi g€wre> ffotf atotto the.stora fie -HaMoy^yna*-wl rft t S- Ji. c dldiumnultnubawvrcopi n lHthofomiawiaslitl»7presvTili,-UmUioirgint p. ugWorkahfenowhliaeeesi&ob6Tatton;'an&''ib ft irehow. ready tomako ootaniSkfe.ttodeUTeiy it and .alioipn [h. bliyea of. Lake Sopenbr, la fie ntnoh superior to Urt ordinary copper in t£eftt**ldti,whicYfs wbtalmd topperis perfectly no t injured by the prt eesiroftmemngjaniiathcrefcbefrealiyto be pnfiov red tor beii rolling, apd many other, ptupotea,. As it is sot the Intention or wish" of Compani to erect worka fi»r the•paflttkptgre of copper in thS; various forms in which it i* wanted, they vnifbe happi to make contracts A>t the defiverv of it in'the fium o'" teiXS'u^bS'iSf.’. 40 * I fere slier, all the copper obtained 1 (torn their&inei win bo brought to Piniroifh, and large ssppUea nay .tO C. gTHcSSKT 01 Tmniss M. Ifowx, trill meerWith'prompt-attention dcciMto CHARLES AVEBYrPresident A CARD. HpO THE ENTCBFBISINQ.-'A nn ehaaeo it bow A presented for ihe tafe tßTestmcAl la a bubeu ea tirely new; oae adapted to the man of limited,** well oa totbo mu of extejulTe y{ekUnr Aprofit from eapiai end emerprue beyond aayoperatlon of ins i* thatampleienioaopolyoraetapld arti- ! cle,ab#oJirtelf neoeaaary and waaiUta«vuyfiunl> *F» *» well u ladUpcmablo to the mechanic, artiuuil endprofettionil man. To canfatiita, offer* Jtacif for elacralhre cxmuormenl of either Urn < or email anm*, bringiey Immediateend highly I tory relama.' Hun detiriwi ofenbirkiiiria a pletf> I ui.nnte«l bneinea*, are in Tiled, with others, to call at the office of the ondemgned, wr*mtn« the article, aadjatm thoir own frdfment, from faoupreaente£ decll__ . . .... ~T*AXiIE& : ABS& OAUTIONKD'aoa IWINQ OOMHOJPgBPARBD cnaijr. | rpffW «m nrt aware howttjtefltUytaUrioftiitUtt ' aUhaatar, clear, liriiw white) at the earns time •»*»& aai* cMoottc on the akin,nuking U aofl and anreotk 9 ur. Jam** Andaman, Practical Cbemiet of M«ttv vSSS.“?«*T^.“ A * ,!r J<we*’ BpinUh Lily Wuta,fftna Upoaacaaea the moat beandSlend oaxo nt,'Uui«tuteaaai*iiaelanoeeatwhit*le*Bresw, ] eertainly can recommend it* use to all whoae akin require* beautifying.” Ptiee, S 3 wun a box. Sold b T tvM i JACKfsd\7o Liberty «L iSS Pita naehlaa Iffarki and Pfs^fy; J f _____ RRnnsiL fi, ■orof WBloar*Oo, wemepensno'bond Cotton - “aWooleo Machinery ofeverv deaeriptlaa, saeb aod toed* oUjlUiri* Ca*gm of crerr description fiimfjhed ooihort hotieeTPaitern* made toorderfor Ge*nng, Irao Bailiat. fteu Steam Pise far heat, inf Factories, Caat Iren Window flgg»« taafaner Caa generally. Order* lefiaf the WareboaseofJ . Pitoer & Co-, UU«/ Mreet, will bare prompt atten ? _ tofcr to Bfaelwoik, Bell fa Co- J. £ * S°l9‘« S afoer » fa Sana, fttabarrh: 0. C. fa J.B. Warner, SteghcnriUe. | ianis H*w BtrdwtTf Uoan. (B&teSßLa fggb JG9EPU WOOOWELL, center of wood and W «*, Pituborgh. liar- tog wiifrdf*w»~ firom'the firm of Z&Sl?* ?o m o(,Jvraary, 1847,1 F* ia the efty - 1 bt ,T° opewintynew store alike named place. Having purchased my csoda for fKulif.lS**, •"Wwenu «nih qtanafietarer. In uu*co«ntTT KKila Ec«p<Mfl be constantly • supplied, I era folly prepared to fornix!) Hardware of aJJkinds, on Mradjeinu and aslow u any hnaie Cut or wext. Merchant* and othen are respectfeliy invited 2»SS «ock, before parch Mini cl*e-- i 25 owl sS Co ®P ri f e * « pan of hi* stock: Bteaznboat «nd saddlery haflhyake, gon tthnainr*, **% CIJ u Qr7 L ed £° rices] locks, latches, snythes. butt hinges, screws, Union Fae: tofy planes, saws, mahogany board* and veneers, and ell other trade* ec> netted with the hardware busi ... __ mehlltf H„ jP«M> flnpMiie flljop. r ~“ WjQlCThlAN—Manofactnrer oJall kinds of eoi> a tan and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa nte above work* being now in fall aadsaceeulu op. r?% D tf ““PpP««4 to exuote order* with dispatch for all kinds of machinery thj&lwe, inch aswilWsn, elekers, spreaders, cards, pOfSg marhinrs, rail ways] ~ P ^e dJ r * i-throasiis, Uwj>», woolen cards, dooWe or asnsle, for merchant or eoantry work, k £ fj® 4 i~t* fc“?«<hee and tools in gen * , *tttda of shafting made to order, or plans giv en for rearingTaetofies or hulls at reasonable charjre. Rxvaa to—Kuxoedy, Child# A Co- Blackstock, 801 l A Co, King, Peanock A Co, Jas. A. Gray. C«x>P«r gpplea Levey oudTWatchca. .a, 1 «vST received and for sale ax reduced prices, five renu aKS&fiESSi o '' T. p. Cooper, 6 Calthorpe str’t, . . Gray’* Inn, Bud London." fiu plea and Patent Lever Watches, eased in id karat • gold, and full jewelled, with Chro&omeierti&laneet rhese are now the finest watches made, being ‘ vr in fiauh and accuracy ie the M.J. Tobias, Joseph t JoLnion, or any other make. Tbowln wamofa ! fine watch an. invited to: call and examine this lot &&&&%%!%£ * Dd . Ba, " w *" h *V Fins Watches repaired in the best manner- 1 - \VI \Y. WILSON, comer <th and Marker sa. h*W ooacki vAcfoay, ’ MA. WHITE A CO- would iwpeetftillT Inform • •ihe imbUe that they have-erectcd atiooon ******* between Federal ud Saiidoaky street*. Thcr' arenow making and are prepared to receive ottienfor everr dwenpuon or vehicle*, Coaches, Chariot’s. Be. rouche*, Buggie*, Phatea*, ttc n which from their louf experience in'the manufactore of ihe above work aiJt Vi^®^ ei , lUiM »{*r have,they Mcoafidanuhey are ■%?'*»** KS k l 0B , th l RMjWaaaaablo terms with thofe wanuug’anlctfc* lu their line. ], • . apeodoo to the selection of mate* p*ih owhavtag none but competent workmen, they, hate- no heiitnuon in warranting their work? We Ul «, re s m3 J uJt the attention of the public to this matter ’ N.. 8. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the mast reasonable teras._ _ ’ jaS3-tf Head liaarten Ite OwUaad'ghMir Corner of Southfield and Foarth Vi t SI «.3 r S»^SffiSsgS™S;£j' r wou<d respectfully invite the attention -of their mends and the public generally to their apUndid: P“ w •*«ek Jo«t toened, consisting of men’s, women's; bop, and children 1 * wear, of entry Tarietrl -suitable for Uiobcum, and at price* to tall the ti"y»» Also, a splendid article ofMetanfcGum Shoe*, forieiK tie men and ladies. • Pletuaeail and eianuno fbrvTOr tmves. ..... TROTH n r—^ er H 0f S^lL lh £ ,, i aDtl ' 4lli ' ,u ' Pittsburgh. C "**' *»- Lcijaißßiiivir •--UkS* LDMDBRn above JL - tho KIU»! }V«d Bridge, formerly mo by Mr, John aROod aU ** of Timwr oo head, , 6helt V l9 P*tron*go of the pobtie. Ordert thankfully received and promptly attended ta ■ SAVARYtgPAULDINO. tasßa them to hi* former ententera and the communi ty-«* being well aoaUßed to jive Batiifaotioa to all wbomay deal with them. Jaag^lm JOWN CH AMBKBfI ~ WOHOgSTERm PlAwny, T> ECEIVEH ibis day, and for tale at manufacturer* XV price*, three elegant Rosewood Pianos, 'toadaby ll.'Woreeitar,N. y..' These instrument*ara consider* ed folly equal, if not superior, to uly now modem N York, tuning niTull.TOiutd, and tneiodlouatone; war* ranted to wear well and give . The price of these Pianos is believed'td be mti'tih lower than' aby other mtutuihetaror*a in N. Y. Thosq who are in want of a good and elegant Piand at d moderate price, will please can andexamine the above at the store of the subscriber, where a larreas. sontneqtoLChlckerina's celebrated Pianos can ahrava be found. • T "JOHN RSUELbSS^ . siwiSr., , IifATCUES, of b »o»y «n» qßality, Bod bOBBUIoI TV pbuMjib; BBlecKdoipreißlyforr<a»ilßßl««.inidi by Cooper,Tobloi, Johnion, DbtKacS "<««ac£ Pviljbweibd 1? carat Goia PateniLever.Wetches. as low as 83d. Others at Turf oca nrlee», nceordim* *a • quality, wtlgta, varying front WOtnßlfiO.”^ 8 W marches in groat variety, from WtoKQ. An gftj. ogasisa^:?!? STEAM UOAT conciaded te tell off oar entire flock of Kixke’a flfari&onmepiecea. jrebonroi&rtQttll theta jUlowerprice*»h*ntb« can beboofht.-.ftt anthoßM lii. KtUbowfli ox'elwnriier*, eaitor veit. Ikisc tho «olv esUkUdied afenu ben forthewclocks,are nave thelarged and fiaeateasort> {&entintUoclty« : ‘CaUaadu6. : ; fiemember,wo«ro not tt honndenold. > ■r»-SLAKE fcC0 9 Market atteet, entrance eu north iiaeofUislnainond IBIRMn DBr&yAgIETYeOQDS. ' PAU^OOODS.! . I WM'CUNTOCKJj ndwcoastanUy reccivinr hi* • (hi)., slock cfCARFETriNG, itc- comprising one or the largest assortment* evetbroogbtto the mar ket, which hare bees ptatthascd .direct : from the Im* poiter* and Msnafactareii, of the latest and newest styles.aadiowefin'pncotaan ere* oflbredla this ctty, to which heinTitestheattsmionef those to fhrniih steamboat* or houos* before purchasing else* where, 'Tbe shKh eonsittt lnpul of therioUowiiig i SekALosinixlCupetird CMent*Stkputn r 6d Ctoih'. I dorVeirw —.. do -. • !■ Plain coined do do.Tapefiij.; ‘ do'. ■ ttfbbt wider ido Btniels' do < *1 oil doth EktraiaperSply do tSliirßods-t 'J l. .Super.,? Ido do ;I»4B4B*d&4PnigEßtl , . .do -irfitafeWheia j ~ Wide, 1 ! r .; JEtosewoodQQ’Ootlr/’ 90001000,110. . , do , !cwmbeloth*.*i.: *iiDanusk- f Embossed PUhoeereT* nltitk do ' ! • J do r.<~ JtftwMdodo -Figarod-Table uil clolhs. r ..: ' ,ffc* .'Adelaamtii' *«* ' wprtntedd)mntCah>eti;SheepsUndo' - ETOaeapChenfllo »t*K Jnia-.!i'-{- ; -'dcc : ' i '- x - * Ido doTafted'i.'-dot . >i i < Pinoi-.. do do iHaailla^Hemn r ■■■ ■■■ -i* ' Wflioa ~ do ido > <j vSSS^gSr*---. Dn»HCbdf rMn<MTiU*Uiiau.;...; gmarcgo,ftr<oteh tofcpTriMgnl Windowghadpi-j Carpetßladtega -t ,■ 'T7Esrr*raaeh do < , : do- • , ~.i/ B ieh..B4oJtt:de.idiaei fijr i [ do- Tsttels „;• U •V ; Vwiddew enrtabU» ; ‘ TJ«! ! Scarlet, bine, eri«>rtn T ,i I afped rainbow DatnasM?-w*cttediao< Baam Tibia {own; bitm t .«>nm«ww | n» trirr. ifTTvdrabtM 1 fori pifeSmftoai'deei, Jpdall^e^triamljiMnOeessarffirtSam’flw^wtf* WP B. MUttP-HY-inTifisi dM ttUlinlirltttfliisßif. vV «IhMfl wontingtheaboraGaatS. tah?«dVd took, cofl*i*dof oCtito tieft jnake. frotatbe'ttO*l.'*P-;' >TOvedtnaDa(aeiimn,aad the'UUef wartsaed pen bu jottTeeam Offering Slunwif UuUo>sof ai » rsr7 s lowpride.. Ali& •••• ■<>• i ■ ■ Bhaatlgfr in* , t --r r .. ! . •-• DupenaodCraib;., Table Ctotl»,'TbweUai& y tfapHn*: :4 ggtetJHgaWoMiaiTmS; ■anii. , Parinjeoovplaiß.tjnt fiturik'iaUei.'iMeanp inrlea jut receired;) Alpaeas, &&T - ' iTie aeasos being (or advanced. all tiisd Good* Will be atprigcaihanamnotfkiltn nieue. ;, c . . Wboleaaicßooau gp ttaira.-;, - j ~|ud f,. ! " A. A.filASOSr *, CO., * TWpV® MaBKETT STHECT, wUI continue- lH '±T greet sesu>aanaa] ksli ofDBYCOODS,forI dey»longer,jiarlpg wblcb-timeUsir -Mteojire whi p«l© Rooms will be foro wu open WtHeir .Retail Tn **** ,A.A;ikt •riling Dry Goodeof eTery deiitiimra from ten lo leen per eeqi. lew than ever before, doinviteen person Injnnt'of dry goods, tor who raay_be in oft w«»minaKndpcxei»3e fro» oat. itocfc « the,lQw ’ ®2 r reat ob Jeci in reducing*" itnck Li to make n for Spring Goods, it being ear intention toextibi Merck the Itrgett end the-richest sto«K of Dry Go eeer offered bfienynnebonanda ■> < • -We »juu continue th* fri© ©four Bleeeh'ed Brown Mastitis, lickings end.otlier DemoSoi 7 nt oar former low rates, notwlthittsdl>be f ’ I Vince of U per cent ttjxmUra sdmeineSsten C ’ JBfB BLACK T ,wihf V aacntlanofbaygrsTo Us ektßnUto«s<bnß«ntm •dots foods. Indadinr mohair asd -alpaeea!) Trp«m% MirJas and ffcmy;JethJ*ck*ad blaafeUcte fern p teeas wjUajuWastm f« moaning dresses; aisd, JtP stKJrtmeia of tsnoai ColotsSna snlesoi uhi Unped cod brocade Alpajecas, black 1 aha- Csncrco*' plUa black, umsiMa green, drah and ether cd**] i Uasaxlaa Etna Pamettoa andAlptccts—AfewpcS j°* ““****>«» and, desirable goods lately receireil L y?? 1 *?* 1 * Booms op nairs, north east comer of 4tld had Markets*. ' _ ix THIHMDiGS--Qdc*hlk Lacs Demi Veils] Je l *»i lld 30 g?Pahlk-Daisey BaW ft” 1 * ** do casajjuutdo; 18 dock’d Flow do; «dd do Ftniaaie do; 9 doi cord fleecy aiDc GloYec Odo blk i e « ni 7 H 0 *™s®» *8 do French sillr Roches: • hie'dl ihlsdayby • - < r FIIBATON&CcS-r ' •» -- 3 ,/r> rFoan^st iT "™.®f DUPHR3-<U, M «nd M Lln Tibia J of common ngmd. -ttryl i<srop paaern*. Alio, Btam tad Scotch £lrd Kto Pau P"W -SiUcccEry^^ TITEtSH qq band .vf„ a of there dolrableGoodjj also,' •»full twonarat of dooenfe wahrinJcailo^oTVnd^ : fuuatiomaentorrearm ondyellow-.and «t>o(ted] for 1 Carinmia wear> •/' ~ ..; W*an*l*—white, brown ami barred: » ?f°PP»y eoa»tanUy oa hand, >. , ,;. , ... iVV ATC P aHo CLOCK ssSa uebinary, adapted To conpbehted work* infl nahjhd s^ssss^'ti^sgsaaSia *•■ B.—llaricg rcdaeed roY'beii&eutbnnuh lar price«, Con or -wen. ttsdetnoara nayta csSrod ihax they. can., make -tbdripwcbwM lothia-liSa* '.eneowaJiS tm tS^ K * hiw *- r : ,f!l i ; bS?£ ,C °I°'*’ 1 °'*’ >“^S?a- pSS ofWTJ Mcaa daLcms, printed ‘ * bt t * dlea *««•, toia ainpedjUpaS F ANC ? CAS3MEZE3.-WB Mar* phy has lately, recclTgtaiargß assortment of these ESf&SS Fn °'* •=?EiJl'ifßroUctiS,vW»ck, oli»«, luvuiblo green, brown, blaaTAootnr these tm S^tepS?SiatfSSS3K?sSsl& ~——i :••-.■■ -a . r .decL9 tb» ttcoao W^GOODgf I** 1 ** 90rn ‘ 1 °* '* £3S£^3P*ss A.^, ht^’ 1116 ***l gmatetcred and ’tmai ms* frnfaionnhlo nnddarnhln m.nn.r. ■ . "°.w - ■MEWBKiTIsu PRINTS,; 4c._w. mMuiptola, Hriiiih'print? v ~ * I°' ° r ” ew «yl» brown SlwhX S?lnndwSmo, utimd Iflttittin. AUo, oa hand, tlwßaunmnwu orU. *£?* “dlow price*. '*’ of T,rim * V*lfti«-»' ana? Uleiik AJmcom, low pnced oodfino—a rer? ft»fi , opply, >i.d at tow przce» for quality. joiQ WceaUj-Ttfeei u\, ********** **"*tSlt* of EogUshaadAmerican yriatt* warranted fiu color*.. . .Mo«*o* Lusoh—Alto received* a lot orrery seat “d wuJjJ*?, Won nod wloOhjreco; m’c'u'rSj d “ Lilnt * J - A goodutialo,only ■'iKßridih-nUo, _Whoto«*lo Room»oi>»uir*<-. r•. ; :: , .1,39', ' SSw^g?.? fer?33j amiap them btfara ex ' sgSSSSS«s t C J ZEBugpXK&BEfgcTS “hi.., Lonj &haprlf._of * rood comlllyi ° a kgjJ w aorli<sa | l P^eiAib.MtMwEbUU.^ 117 | HILKVISITKS, forChrlitma* Pro* E.McaAlf-h&* w hand a few rery oamUeme cbxagwblor fliik Vfadta*,' Teijrsßitabfo for Cbmtau present*, whicb-he U felling at reduced pri. cea. Alao, handsome pie— 6ilkj and Batina. laperfiad now myleUnca cambric WOta/ftc.; ceegl ,T ACBCOPBS' White flndVr*ek"Lagft(?npf«;>mhid r Jj mulin' dd; wMmmidblhfekJacdtJildenleeßfTdo Laee Berthaa; blaek do- Work Collars; trimmed and antrim’dkUßdulgdo; ewb-’dcafli 10 match;ladieslioeneambrio kdkfc renudododoj also,'opera tiea'b*addre*sM.arti&etU Bowen, bonnet tabs and qmltlogs; juit rtcclvedacd for sale winds' •ale and retail, bjr_ f U RATON & Co, l , deed. ... . ''' eSfoartbst . CL6AK"tfiIMMINQSPSrd6a rqu V lags Ado doimobairdOjDdododrabcoaido; 5 do drab overcoat betama:4Ddtf fine ctArbotoni} 131 Iba Mat ■ Italian lowing*; » do-do poießlThmd;.ptddinf,cao.. rasa and other Trimaian. for tailor*’ aie, 'cotmanllr. on tulnd. ; decA # • ; ‘='^•a-EAJONACfIr-; FRESH GOODS—Fftfrrbߣ Co; art'cbfcttaiuly' capglied -wuk a lam ondcbcuca adoninentiof 1 tttfcfiingeiaad|ttBpfc relrei nbbona and braids mi, edgings and-anißidMerie*, * lorefand 'Kodety.' Ents < «niru, nupeodcn; fwtftesj#*- j>hyr. woolen yam*, aeeataf'pi&a, button*. ut>±*. bobbin*, ilf irf~hfrh f L ~y fffmntlTd imifciii j mu ' fried ta mejebaua and eihenj aubeii new and eomi 1 . raodloa* warebouia, ttl Foanb it, near w lrlte£- rioSSM> goaiKHY juro^Q : * •• GOODS*"-^ FH._ EATON A CO, P.UO* fa jyariiJ • H*b«nl>ihery, t»T» vxm&vtd nfiSHiTa {■“£.» W; <3 FOOETO SWEET, « door? ißdt»ai»«A.rt?roaAU&aaßt. q.**: SSS ; 1 H ‘ J ! <*£*«*’W ,s _■ t . * s ’ *&■*'* •Voii ,-XTO?l?Oi&!s^.> - ' "• ' ■ -•• —-1' -;v-- fr- •. ■_• .•'.•'-•T'*- ;•■ :• ' ' • cttAuqi\ ••• Patfni ffniiitfgj > ‘' Hutdated Fob*firltoSSSt £S^fifflLf2^' T •' r T'bSnpfaiSjaMa ' .rtrtva,wiUiaol.> msssssb : - S&SBffißggSß - 3Sga«d!dSS9^& c pw jSsH^^ssssa j FottinttmetloM.wUl b*jriTflafcftloT*rffla»rt*i*L ■■* - bemMsuiSo. Hr?.WfJrtfeS?nS^sS? J InSutßtunn. or to tto 1 ibllawln*-•' hai (hi* >«»££*. - ”““ *KMiaDK A ., AIr SSK-«»a^ unr Md porchtiajy, wetbiok.Wß cuofitoo^mfe mKE nHMOIfRBEDI ip4BK»4«Uqbtt«S3: rX] Awlved bymatttilehHMfflt, - Thft frrifiSKff* SMaaßiggajajj^^SS^fe •' „ '' ?w • • Pi ... £ n C .-v. "•• ‘ j * ■ roawAßpwq | |f, :• pfe*. •' ! *'C J[<Ut<iriß«,ii«ijfc..' —^-, 5' jegfiST ■ _ the case ,n»ta erJessorith all hydrant watat. : The Reycralhlfl toad - iho.lngog«anlnH»glniri.t<wrt wittaiubeingdetaeMasalB J ' tha wulex pipe/ ' frost en« sde.tat eaay tmtoeair'tSi cpoiseofwateil*changed:and «2 toptac • wbatattcea Tbt dnrta gar* \. • tdramaito of being a cdditad mimiyv-fi?lsftoSife ' ... eases will i r*r iiTt liiifnrt nririimmli i» i •TicsahetM^et^OTitejainHacpwwartTUA 1 ~- or low ta a ernsk, «e. With eattfr Vni Bo iSd i •of tho solo Agent, J W.'W. WII^OW.-rcl OCtl7 ; '"* "WlMrtfrPWßkriid-M»Hi<Blltl' ■ dy-i J^”gss^g»|gfe^r» 0i *i , jpp^'^.r; vOcLiauMb#: ™ to fSiff#? w W«Wri£KTorto»^ib& . _ . ,A4 , r«rtls«m«nt> - • ~''V r :‘. ** aflkriM«>rija»t taoisms* tot .. of fttmns. fc' 6lark l * l -,(f?esr.YcTkJ aad: Chirfrw* r/Jlßpswa,) Pianos, woalddifecTsWntliwrSiSff faetthni hiaisihe only plinafin:thaWa«n»h»^»-tw Ss3ag«BsaßMW ito test their reftiUye years performed 'upon the Piafie# onftadifccSk* fo* tnritsdnrawluraffiSSi wan to tfe ? - p&joS tow ■ be iwit!Mwo«tiriiM[«t CLmn , .•>. ■— Jl coofidenvpf his abiUtyi ble cpmitto oaUa-tibJeetr,** it wtSSSSbTO ' «”»' ljaxfJ Z*“ a/AtlW-TO^gS^-., to be mule of i&abenmnerin uioin AUesberf^tbttatt? s^wssaasasffisskslse* «ue.SeTejuh. Alio, taSdaiatStosS?tSs?BsSS• f y > -. OCfflMf *' t^— -~r-~-Q.irKppy r " '" beca forthft wlo;Hlis^abraicA “EinnJxßTiSSfTZ aow prep*r^u>ED aSklSj! fcrtci *ln pe tepi jadpuiate^'inperS^to TiSar c r ™™w®V*c^ci!ffi^r'<n« fe: 35 do » and Ik 20do *o,o niijft*.. TamiirrftnSiEß** *° PA ti&a4 tbo cxclaimS* ponen of JasMs.Maspnai&Soi&Bo&juStJbvtfcfa .w^4EWS2^2ggfis& T K >p.ON uurWu 3AiK-A null wfei- X dry m * floßnuuigt Iqwi£ :ftdih>-B»mmt.B.«»wa« ready for faatinco, wiflbo-roltf oa,*&«nanjZ <Uun£ • • •' ''’scAUßtfAreiNSew.'-' deed. v - n •*»•«•< ;»:>s- t .Wooa-^^^ • fietleifCootlng^wwVcn-mu...'^ TUT ABSHALL, WALLACE * <&^!fiaan(£tomft Ri<Tw»i^f? c M 7**i • MoA.eoaii.Sst jeneral aalilfaction to tbosa htrixur lt{nnE T . a^a^sss&l^ pATES-rBOCAH' I^gßT^fer-ffSs£tf- Ga» Chandelier*, from 'Wwa^j^ y nSyrilfljLii us fc 'J9*.' «»p .*a-W! **»? rw^oSiS^ gft gaaaaMMßß-. • - .