The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 08, 1849, Image 4

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;. .* Hm&ittflimmtopttr* ' •'•'•■“• •
-: >iv: - ‘..i’ - aiseoa* '• -- : * :1 '■; ■'-]
.*::*■' 1 ■--'' eY i» '"Y ■ !--.j., -'■ -m.. , i
, j)it,'-SW.-VVNE'S' -'
ofcipertmtnv «ad no»«radi
i.rcoimmr tnoreexter-iive-
tt»' ;
;' r»vor, jWT: :
"■'• opinion-; The,tDftajitane«l»««£•
:: <?r*t jSi^wUuosi»lteoiioftiDJwefli*jgg^*J.
* 3 *- c -ÜBAO CowoitFnwt^
• Srnx Aserms* tStJuuihe** u we«M»fUf
Thgrc Switbc 1 *
In iwntfheiu-ttn
, Coctpotind iml to -U>« l«W
p««r P<««4s-?.
•Cw*® 6^ ne. „ , fifth, 164&
» -- tuhf fite?W^T® elia,, ? y ® ar Com l
st. *»M‘been ibe.m**n* cl
".: : jffrfog Sny ffic-' - cccg^^ha*
•SSajS* h»ror“f2!J l ]oS^i?dT0 U a«lra« fbr
■- |lfiiaSs2s§§
; <hn«t eomfaig «tt o<« B . and practice of .
mgeaifc * £?«£?£■» £f*»er2smbaih*’ t tonfin* «or
1 (band, bowerw,
. *eqo«niijf ,H the finwto Otftre
J .. . eocddfttttrie relief I frequently *l
.■>'■■ ajlbawaUllMnng'“S’ l ’ P“»*"P
jf jJubVm county’ N. C.'. v __ ' '
. «ndthin»ftr. the
;' :Wg^^g&%s«&K
girtarastancM, ino™^ r 1 » ; D e«l, miiiake, iho
-hi»pTepaauoQfroTO^^ r^ dkuciwn .Ttrrae»ofDt.
Ch e fTT v pen.oru
_ iTC ntrenej *» r
-mftdieinc.- —^* 7 ‘-->-'
. parfouvo icUoUr t f nd ji *!^l^ T y in ihi*. eoon
iSafiou*: Ft»=r»Uw«-
,; 'SSmasSSSI
\ ■ ■•'fSSSS^'S^^wp"-
- VnputdyAMto TAaSEgTOC K fc'Co
&OTlffißB.- •'l’fiifejdJ, Vi, Oct 11,1343.
’’Lr itole n “i c, ) Ii gvVILSOH. i
■..; u> trifoVUllhcir cMUra*
, ••*•'■ - l! ‘-" • -
fisKSfttßth^KKfr^*» be • te *• A^9rt^ # T J ' O F^ , *
S“J, K. aan Mri lOTtCr..lija. *ki£
-‘feswSsSS 5 ;
' I-*ta EBJMMt «n 1*
&?£&*&;&*£; ~£i a can for weflcra Pgnna.
fewwSB5SS *3*
-^^^ffia& tt sssaaß , aa&s
* 'fe^s^-^^sissss^:
.« ’^^L¥ ?^' P^SNB&WKt^
n ttfl *lier ptepw*ii«n I hare used—as»n«l ihe« rtt>
■—-■ -Wy CTtiwunhe celebrated, medicine colled PcadihoU
■ and *-jim»a«doo colled.
e.?r Want ita.’"'-!*tmenum acinffie do»: wpoffiii
littlcbcy«na.hßndTed *ndcix Uuxe^onw,
to nTd bv a. K. BeUen,.Nd. SI .Wood *:
f.coemtly in botieiUe*. : ~«eptf
- » gat flfTeith fat H 5 flwifc . ‘
teeth* aflct be*
with Jqnep* Amber Tooth
•j ?ir SaKre tie apocawct of the mow beautiful troty,
. perfeeiitj ionoeent ttri ex ’
« SsSsr
-: 1:, ilfo aiißH.wwh.awue be.
•■ ~S nr lApfw. ■tidbype’rieTf.raHce »t twll render the
. T-y 1 I
cV'~'-' v * “f^f'****T,
*-v:'v •* • - 5 r -
1 1-1.
ni-..i'-. > r i mi— rr ■ rtWITTrTTTrwm
n ooKwtro j'
xjtu££r*tt i*f*l Botllui'iS itti; .
!{S£SS5SS >^aSS%tti
ibxa iaOoOebfldm4«dn| t»w« P*rtM»»«. -
praam* d*c*> *Bdd*dlashutaa»
' iattoradatittHmldlinai, PotwapttoutMb* »fr
tirelr mtond by fMa plrtwt **a*df.-Thl* Sam>
• paHßatoftrwpgtoi I|ml ;
iit Itrenew*asdurismtasth» «y*tesvciT*maatiTily
t&tha Unb«,«ad Knagth to tha maacnlar ayatan. fa a
m«t extraordinary itgn*- ■
Voßißßptfea Cured*
GUmxu ahd StritgtitoL ICiwwiiwai k smi
BrmdtitU, CiafieifTtow, Hvtr OnyUlt, CM*.
I j 04Utrk,:a*riu, Attia+ *f Am ,
' v swiwkui Cfcwj 1 Sty*
- v amt* ZKJtatiter Xmet*
- rstfe%AteteA*JU*,4*JU*a
Ut» edinliMrd.
t : • ■ ’ wnroSiiidj.
><TU 7 W» f>fn ItwiffifM.WMlft rfonar
Ci»*< l »M»w*t*fcMt ■■iiuiUh b*. I mwiifii
to&ft in« Ufim. TnniftD turfs* tk*» I oa
iksikftl tbr flemaia.;
. v^^rE233u*tioci&frtafrci
• ' T • i: gcataleBWteh».’• ..*■• •.-
[rare to IdaMtti Cmute, lmnm Wow
luurf, «?«&**» .|?2^s^S2SlisSSi£J:-
Wm *> m ttTdataxr dHaksrp
ca ik* knots jteTrrtaiiluSanAto^
i tssssssssssss^sy^
; • Bw^&ssmr^^
l t&tr visa a bv btfOai tf ttfa tstyakl*m*dkii%
! U»b«aW ßawiat f3** ia * - ® p,lß *
.".t t* Hatha* aadjflUnhtlad I*adfr«C
! ■&
«a!ii*Hm*Bva»ayitta. -.Wm4
■ tests ahlek aromas ara.anbjeet
■ It brace* tfca whole. eyt***, rta*n tie
! natural eiiptjrlea. by reaoriaj ike ImpantjM v Uw
l«dr. aot m Car «daalatn< as to proiaca **b*N«“'
rtani&wfcfeh ts the ease rfw»io«didw ukeaiw
teak areaton aad teeata. By wrigi >fc *.
tblanadidaarMuy aanre asd painftu rapes! opera
tfaaaßay'bepTfVßteJ. ,-; .
Ottasßleidiß <>• UtMhenMi CkOJin*
I# u tk« Mfktt mod «e*t tfferttul B*edlefo* ft? perils*
Isr (be nr*taa, mod «B*ri** Ike rttfferlßirmttCTdmni
tmoa ekmU&th enr dlaofwrd. It
tbenolberaed chOd, prmneoU pain ***
rmM mod earteba the food. wlto .
iktmkUtoladlfponnbte. Itlibi?hlr »*i a ‘ both before
«ad after eoflfrannl, me h prermau d»M*e* attendee!
C«tiwp«*. PUe*.CrtapmS*^V
ig of tom' r«% iv*«ffldtng?
. 5a la tbe BackettllSk
ood it, imUtiof the ■**•«£» «** *l*™?* «• **
abdks il hiitt mo a? Tko p«t bea*ty
iJ&SL u, u btirS »**>
*«* Mryft? aw.?#! 1 ?* 1 ! 1 ”
Hvdtaßa, la a«s* • Uttle Carter 03. «■*!»«**.■
tkitittdleiße, *n> ;“*• *■*»■■» “■re*'
•■•aHeasty • J>l ; V V
Ctaa, aaed • «< Pfnw^^W;
tapOT dnlatooSfe*
“t " smt’ZZi h..b»
TSSia..IU. h.T. triri to. D.
:£mi£!sSuM Wi*> «f
'<mi«t,ew»d«reficm daily. •■••»•.
. !f*df*»»tkeXadkfc
.., Tbtae Dr. TowbwmU bay
. ody, eadbert rasedy ft?j>«inw»« koto a**
to «orctt*« er by that* aipyttif ••bmeaaetaotbwm,
SLS f !SfSSSi r 2S
'.2bES&&£JSSt£JZSSS '
saefel* Cnwi.; - _
TU» ctrtiflesu euadMlwlf
p*riflabk»gfafeei wuclowr tteaort «tt»
-[«2faflebtSoed.- I%n*p«nBM eandto «uto«M
™,of,b.»».T*al ! l.p.g ?^tatt*«*«.,
. .
, • K.&BRIOd%H9> _
Albany.lprtl.lMJ. P. E. ELMERDOBFtM. D
v oautiow. • \ *
o»tng ia tha ffttt m«eH and immense «*!•« Pr-
IWwoßpfßAWAiteiaA.* ntunber of gen who w
XbrmcriyomJfftnli, bsfecemmeaeed ®*“f ■*£*£?■
rill* Extracts, Elixirs, Bittera, Extracts of TbUo* Does,
fce. They generally pot Uap la the «o* shap»* bet*,
ilea, aadsaßworthetahsee no to «ad copied ear adver
~-tliwiaeßti ' ttoy m only werthlea Imitations, > and
sfcoald be avoided. - # >
PriadMJ Ofle*, 128 PBLTON Berest, Boa
ti. I.;' tUddiaf *<&, BStats street. BosloatDyettm
got*.* 133 North Bomod tlmv pfcjledelpbie; & b.
. iiMee: Dnnlit BeUhncre;, P. IL Cobeg. Charleston:
Wright 4Tca« Chartres Stmt H. 0.; 105 Sooth .
Pesrl Btksew Albany v and by aft tea principal Drng
pirtl «nd»H>?rcb«aU <en*nay throughout the United
Mlaiok West Indies tad the Cualu.
N, IWPtertdni Inquiring for this medicine, should
not be ‘ Induced to take ruty other. Druggists rut op
,Bat*af*rUJesi andof coarsc prefer tellbij,their own.
Da not. be deceived by . Bjry-.inqniret.for He. Town
setuTs. and. tube no other*; ffy Rtmember tfcp rep a*,
.hie “Townsend's sold by the sols sgetu*.
R. £. SELLERS, (Jenerml Wholesale k. Retail
No. S 3 Wood. slresV nod D. ii-CUBUV, Allegheny
city,. v- • ' i •■ • .c • . ie'jb __
EVBuriGAtt Aujsavii
For the Keebvery ofDormant ami Improperly With'
held [he get*
. UrtMnland ArhilraUoi\o£C«Bq»ercial t!id
.other Debts; tieedrioff Pateuu for Inventions irturcaf
‘. I}rilttin,-ircUt)(l,.aad the Colonics
~th*rrento. bcleneinj; sand ..Negotiating for- the,llur.
ehasfrOtJJaleoMhesame. ~> ■
RKFERENOE Hiay. be tad ©d application fn* of
, chartCf(provided the'moiir&{» nol ,that ; of more
cnno*iry,h-to,*.Ust.comprUihff ai>-varde,pf J 5,«»
names in which .one lai mod property is Etamlinp.
• * Also, ah index to ontJlww which
hhve appeared for the pul SO rears injurious British
newip»err,etldre*sea Lew smd-noxt of
tin: . Conunaniestions by. letter arc ‘reqaestedto bo
DoaUsid. . „ iientuahj'abiAn,
£**■*?* ;• . . S3.Brohdwayftfetif York.’
.RefereDCcs ait'iwTOtUc'd; id/Hoo/CmHc* R Daly,
’igHfJ; court of CommOfli Flees, Wear Yortr.;..
Bt»rtfc_Co. '• .
Chu.CaitUdjefc.Coi . . .
.. W.:fc/«T.XuteolL i .. v .> ..
0.8.A-Ricketts, E»q* . :
Schroder, Esq., Cincinnati, Dhlo. • J*
; ; A. ; Felcian,'Esq:,-rre!siae»i Faielurllank, ItoEaio.
covBl«dflrg ••• • < ■ ■ •»■ ■•- ■ • !
■ "’"A TfceAllcTtasnyCpm«leryi* i' ; ‘
i*’ < PtUe'BCCoai rfietmhff of/GibCdrpOratot*, held on
A ihghih teA.<be foUowins petWH*; Wert-ttnanK
’iSaakcAßtrnfrnj,’* ' - K'\
- < }■
ft *x*v Jr-TpecanA^rteQwrtrA . . '
> Tto the
AAHir In a^^p»«hflniß»dnatto»r»Tlfeirdffiee
t Q ucciTT ■.■raMdM.'WOCT^-fc Co..
\JFSSffiP 425? *J3Sflfci JBCKB* fc be
•; ~,* JHn*}*w«i« - r .»w V*,‘
.;- w vi-Prop#.
; ,, • C**wtokd.A CjuxmiCfr Clereumd J ,:,
fT\B£ abore I4ae<i* nowprtpKed lo transport freight
JL aodpaieeageti Cron* PrtUQttigq. and Cleveland, or i
i tappaiaioa the Canal» aodJUke* .... \ .'T",;;;;]
t Ova boat leaTcaPittibnrgk aodClrrelaod dafljvrin-':
! nlii*ift««meeiioa with thQ steamboat* Lake Ene and"
1 Micoigaii, bcjwe*n.Fitf?Jiorgfc aofl iuul a'line.
of.fimefau •teamboau,propeller*, brigi andflehoon*,
cm oa !akc»Enorifaroft'*»o Michigan.; /. •■ 7.. ' /
7s . ' JOHN A-CAUGBEY.AaeaIf,!,
, corWrtMand SmUbfieJd tia,PittibpjgiT„
- , "'•'
*■ R.G Parks &.Co, rominunriLO:.
. , 7.‘ 7'
D Bofiwick A Co, Bread port .
, A&,N Clark, If owtoaßUls} v
, •. P Lewis, Newport; ... ''
. ''
. .. j 6 hCßnde, Ravenna; '\
MAC . . 7;
Mfllrr & Tattle, CnyaWa Falla:
;, Wheeler* Co, Akron;
.. •. . ,GjWaiwAVDeirolCMli6V' ' "
WClore AUVUliams, Milwaokle, Wlsj
ItJ Winslow,Chicago, I1L:»«•* tapU
_ [OB
; 'Tti* nuttmxATtOjr orvmmusmnf '• •• >
THE. Proprietors of ihis-oldeilablishcd andflnV
. Portable, Boat line, having removed - their de
pot ia Philadelphia,id ' ji much larger Wsrehoaie
creased theiy room for Horace at Pittsburgh, aw nbw
prppareAvo offer much greater facilities to their.frfend*
and patron*.
t “Gpod*'.carried "liy this line arc not tranihippedbp*
tween Pittsburgh Philadelphia, being carried ejK
tirely bn Portable Section Boau. To shipper* of flour
and .other, goods requiring- carefob handling* this is o
importance. No ehargo made (or recti Ting or ihippiw
good*, lor advancing charge*. All good* forwarded
promptly, and span a* reasonable term* a* by asp oth
er Uam t
r.»n«i Basin, Penn *U Pittsburgh.
frb94 227Markeift34Ccminexco*L,PhUn. h
; JOHN McFADEN ft Forwarding and. Comnnr
tlaa C«"»i Batini'Pwui it, Pitutmrgh.}
1 JAMES M, DAVIS * Co, Floor Facton and Cdnmli
krnn Merchant*, 227 Market,.,and M Commerce it,
Philadelphia. feb34 ‘
ftyAovance* made by either of the above on Floor,
twol and tfiher deectipuon* of Merchandise consigned
tb item. .... feK4
TW"OTICE—He subscriber* have di»pc»ed of their tn-
X* terert ia the Penn*a and Ohio line to CLARKE ft
THAW - , of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPHS LEWIS, of sl*
They will continue to transact badness for the line,
•i their Warehouse on Broad street, a* amal, and be
iptak Jariia conUnnnnco of the patronage of their
mend*. JAMES STEEL ft CO.
PhUadelpnia,M ,frh 3th,ISIS. ; _
P«aa*a, and Ohio Traaiportatioa C<*
mrius to txibshxt ooota aerwaut mraiin
m.AfaKR ft THAW, Canal "Basin, Pittsburgh. .
LEWIS ftBUTLEfi, 31* Market si, Philadelphia.
JAB. STEEL ft Aft*, Oread soeet
COWDEN, CLARKE ft Co, 78 North it, Balt
W. PORRICK, Agt, 19 Wcit itrret, New York,
mans ' .**
\ . Oofsrtainhlp,
TVR nhacribenhave this day araHaicd thrrewlvea !
together under the style of Kiel ft, Jones, Car the]
purpose ofeonthudng the busbies* formerly carried on
oyfeemaelM. Eer, and solicit a cdsinuonce ofUtd lib
eral natron*** heretofore extended to the house. 1
FUttburgh, Marehl, ISIS.
WE are prepared to receive turn forward freight toj
the above and tnmrmrdlate places with a* mtteh
oetnatch, and at as iorr rates, a* any other ictponaiWe
The attention of thippra wishing to send Part Or Ba
eon'to Baltimore in btuk. is partit-otarly requested, in-!
anotorb a*oar arTangnovate enable es toearry cueh
articles through in better order than any other line.
KIKK ft JONEri, Proplr*.
Coast itasui, near 7th at.
Pittsburgh, March 1, 1d47.
U. a. V. aim*,
KIER It' JONRi^—Coauaiasinn and forwarding Mer
ehant*,and Wholesale Dealers tu Iron, Diucm**
liberal rush advances on consignment*.
merer sun, *. e. nertut, *jn» rnas- nvicraa
Pittsburgh. Philadelphia.
-JmnmA •• ICTwiw
TO Philadelphia and Uaitiiaorc,
ru cAXtis in vuojuuds.
HENRY GRAFF ft Co. Canal B&sia, Pittsburgh.
mmLU,HI!MPHRP.YS A Co. No. 147 Market it, Ptob
C. 11. Koosk, comer North ft Saratoga so Balt I Aru ,
Joes F. Clarke, No 13* Old Slip, New h oct, *
XTOnCE-Tbfl style of oar Anns will be known ftpat
JX; and alter^this dam, otpiusbunrh, as Henry.Graf
ft. wnQat Philadelphia, asDuiimJDMphryTlftCa
NDMUND a DUTILIL I pvnad-miris.
j HENRY GRAFF, Pittsbargh. awOf;
Forth* Transporlat&'t of Fragit towuirfnn*
Uotsuw* A Cash. Philadelphia.
Turn A o"C<kooe, Pnuburrt,
ItJQ3 old established tine being now in IkliOpeTa
-' lion,The proprietor* have made extend** arrange
ments to forward goods and produce wiiltdeipslch, aiul
on the most &*orable terms. The* confidently hofw
thHr well known promptness In 4eQ*erinf p**l*—pe
culiar safety in mode of carryingr-capacitm* warehou
ses at each port, affording accoannodabous u> shipper*
and owner* of prodßee—togetherwlththclr long expe
rience and unremitting attention to business. wQI seen re
to «j¥»«p a ton tin nance of that liberal patronage they
herebygrew folly acknowledge. ...
AU eonsiknisesu by and for ini* Une received, ehar
ees paid, and forwarded iu any repaired directions free
of charge for commission. advancing or storage.
j«d interest, directly ortodlrecUy, a steamboats.
eosunnnieationspromptly attended to on tpplies-
Market at, Phifodal[4ia.
TAAFFK A O’CONNOR, Canal Basin, Piusbargh.
O’CONNORS A Co, Nona at, Baltimore.
WSL 8. WILSON, SB Codas svNcwYerk. apd
mfedgg=g| 1848' dESafr
31 HIS wsU known Line, composed of steamboats
- Lake Erie and Michigan, between. Pittsburgh and
aver, and freight-and pawner Canal Beau be
tween Dearer ana Erie, end Cl 4 Deed's line of. first
elasssteamboats. propellers and vessel! en the Lakes,
is prepared to earry freight and passecgttstbaUEjiat*
on the Erie Canal, and Lakes Erie, Boron and ftfichi-
every facility for conveying freight and oat*-
M -tiers with promptness
ana agents rcspectfoliy solicit from then friends aeon
tinnacce of their patronage.
•C MR BEBI), Proprietor.
KEEKJPARKfi Jt Co, Beaver, Agents.
JOHfTA.CAUOHE’/Avenv v-‘ -i
rtpll cor Water and Sinlthfirid rt*,PittJbaTyh. .
MkMsk 1848.
To and from the Eastern ciues. vpa Combo tana.
fnilE proprietor* of .this.pqjsnlat line, bsve«nea their
X re-organization largely uifc teased their facilities tat
meet,the wishes of shippers; wd are now
forward a greater amount by the FIVE DAY.IAffE,
ns also by oddltwnal regular wagons at low rats*
This Uae wUI run ihrongbout the; Tear, delivering
griods throauh the agents in Baltimore ana Kttsbotgb
fa owners and consignees at specified rates ana time.
■ Blupmehte from Philadelphia for the line shenld he
marked “Care, J B Bnbinson, Baltimore.* ' "
The only agents are, __ ♦ '
EDGEHTON & CoTCmtarfeiil.
G VV CABS. litownivUlo..
(dfi J 0 BimTEEI. PilUboraK
Jfii 'fh* Proprietors of this popolar Lias hare ehaupdJbr
■figcbey atCßtsiertand fr**n tns how of MeKaig Ms*
puff tdfiit of Edgriioa ft Co. ■ 1
■ rittr^T* l wwtCTn nxrthsnts are notified thatJ fUtf
lf;iftthmsoa. NoW Booth Chariest, th* cc>)
■etherised agent of this Lise in tbs Eastern cities, ,
o W CASS. Urowamik,,
EDQAHTO.N Jf CoCmswrlaad,
deejOtf . J IT RODINSOV, D*ltiaoc» ?
iSSs t bS^ViSUIB4B.
.; vu. r*sumn.VA«A *»» orap .sin, .
,k HE prepared tt>iraruDonfdpd*andprodßM?> mo
iUtomtfc'abeWveip'e* m laTprable tann*. .Ad*
J. TAYLOHABON7ArU.No R mbHowMdn, Balt
A. ABBOTT. AgLNoTWeetotreet, New York-
March tPtfl. 1849. °*qgL
Tmupoftotira Lln<r~^
G OODS eonrignert u> oar are -srlD bo forwaide*
i.wiihoat delay aiiboJo«e*teurmit;ralea, ,
. ; ' CAMeANULTYACfc.,
Canal B«ln, Ptfija »U
. sffli and 005 MaticniL Pbii'a.
}uS9, BnuUra wharf, Baltlaote,
'ij'ctciiTXLt tot natruWaairAi i nSo* wai ru>« nr •
JO liiajrri)argb r Wateraweat, Cojiai Po*
taribumu.. i ‘ i “" * t *'
rof.liM w bujirieM./Tl» Proprietor,
lhanmfot.tba Ttry, Bbaaipaimnaft ihcV bar# rp.
curui darfurttotefttwomn, would rwpeAftilhr in*
fofttltefr maflrfi ani dm piMtoibo they ira nareratiU
ih^yfwMtaJioAibm ttooda »Uini print ,ort tbe-
CastiaftTKcii Booda.’iritfi grrmptania and flip aiyly.
-- _ nannaau. .
::"t -Plekwonli Jt WootU, Jolmcmra,Jv .tv
•F- a A M’AmUTiXWemUMttyniiamM. »'
• Bti ‘iPmttl. .frßjfcrijfaw k.’.l
Cfl( Dr P Bbouberfac» • m •
BrokliTrf.!.; fr ,- jnHW » mc-xtop w„ « Tg<*d
; !>•;- wyaowrt- . ..irr'V Si «QMatreet,huso«reeSvea* onanort.
NQlfiS JBAyrSt;ACCEPTANCES..GpIA SIEVO* : i’iiiro Fonda, aeleeled fro** :
Uk'.v.^wi.-i.'••ANBJUkNK.NOTfcs* . '• .3 Tl ">f^l.* thefollowingmannractnrie*inllo«km> ,
• Accept»aces: New York, to which the attention of purchaser* U
re*peelf&il/raritei ThotefromMr.Chlckerin*, (Or
invoraUloterei*.,. , • •, "C / • ~ ' IkeaaJe of which ha is sole Ageni In .Western Penn*
• JBXCIIANGK on Jfaw.Ycik, H]Uiiltlj)M* andßu* rjjyanla,) bare wliat is tenuei: the New Circular Scale;'
ti»of«,*lß9,Cineinpiitt LoaitriUe,,' Saiai'Xoois and. bclnyaa improvement rrcetuly-nt3d*,and giving them
Ke^rvTleawLcoo^taaUjr *'' '' T •■ ' '. '. a-dhMdei n/ivuntara in equality of tone
■ BAA'SJiOffE^-—‘Koicaon Bll.ioJt6ntl>aak»in tie., over nqy oilier*. The TolVxrin’r era the patterns and
SuOeduqouniedattheipweit ralda.. All klhd*, ntylrVofChicterinjj 1 *:1
fcfFotctgn.aiulAmencaaGordandSiiverCbln bought - ' jsq.j. Rosewood, 7 oci’re*, finiibed back & front, S4OR
oodtohL , . ... . ‘ ‘ ' *‘&• ’ "** CJ' M richly 1 carved u M tUO
.Office No* s».Market.atroel,.between 3d and 4th, 3. . « g* u **. “ “ M MOO
'PiUkbargi, net 33 ' l u , 4. “ cj J carved mouldings, ' 9400
i ——•,—-t—• -■-. — -T7 '*s. “ oj “ Emitted bask and ».«nt, 93S>
HUBaST* HAOTA ft CO* “6. “ oi u •* “ “ 9350
: X)ANKERS, .KXCUANGE BttOKERS, and dealer* a 7. « 6 « u a “ §325
:j> In ForeignandDoauatlcEicbahfft,OertiCcaxeapf <>B. u o ** “ « : *»' 9335
ißeporite. | «j. u G projecting front, , 9300:
Ijr oppoute uio Hank ofPUubnreh. Carntnt TEoneV .ju ia 11 7 ncbly carved, ityle of Loni* 14th.
.reeotved.oa depo«itp--Sl*ht.ChbCM for *aid,iwtleol» 1 •« h. ' “ 0 hollow eornere add hollow cor»
leetiunsmadeon ncgrlj all the principal' point* in tho; nered legs, aecond Unml, coitorigiaally 9425. and will
;PmtedState*. . .■■ , ' r .. . >be *oM at a very’ redddnd briee. 1
, Tie tlghwtpremlinn paid Or Foreffi and Aineriean t No. ta. Boaewood, nrand comer, very elegantly fin*.
iGoId. .«! »•. 1 Ubed,9375. NodA Rosewood, round comer, very el
-Advmneee-taade-on.jconflgntncnth of Produce, chip- ccanuy ‘ |
* mch!s _ j by 11. Wore eater, M. I
' well.known a* being connected Onnerly with
Me«»r* Sfetard, Worceiter & Danhain, N. Y.
No. IX Roaewood,6l. carved moalding, made by the
Manhattan Company, N. Y. 927 X . ' _,
No Uj'Eoaewood carved, fi dctave*,'Gal* k Co I *, N.
Yj9250. No. 15 “ plain- 0 u . u i 923}
No Id, Boaewood Grand'Piano, made by .Henri
Hert, Pari*.
No 17, Mahogany. 0 octaves, aoeond hand,pri{e 973»
Old Pianot taken in pan payment Or new onea. 4
Sold Agent Or Chieke ring’s Grand and Bqnare Piano
Forte*, farWeatem Pcnrtrrlvanla.l - • oet!7
BILIiJ oft JSn«Undfrliß]«ad, I »ndBccrti*n4btmgl»l
sny «nwnt'»t thA Cnrraat Rale* of gyehanye.
; Abus,-£nfte pavablo taanyport of the Old Granins*,.
> &ocn £l tO'wCIODUi u of S& to ibe £ Sterling,.
jwUboutdftdnetien .ordisconnt; by JOSHUA BQBINi
•SON, Eoropcnn end Agent, o£ee fitfa *lOOO
•dobrwcstof wood* ■ - ■- .- octlßU
,rp*mt xl mix. - -- wn a etui
' T» AN KERB n ntf ExeKatTgo Broken. 'Dealers iaFor*
; n elffn and Domestld tints and Siaht Bills of Ex*
etjadge,Certificates efDcpoiiteV Bank Kales and Coin,
;No « woOd street, third door below
i nde.‘ ,:i •' mariltf.
iattkftixaisnj (sswasoiaaai
1 a hahih,
Bankers and exchange brokers, dealers
‘ln Foretell and Domeztio BQls of Exchange, Cer
tificates of Deposits, Bsnlt Notes and Coin, comer of
i Sdaitd'Wood streets, directly opposite St. Chsiles Hd
tel. * - mayttddty.
■ l —Wtystaekr,"
Bank Note*}
mrchucd at tie towttt nut. by ? - ■ . ;
33 Market meet
B 110*1 OF BXOHAKGB—Sight Checks on
New York,
PhDadetpUt, and L ~
Constantly for ule by N. HOLMES A 80NB.
scpl3 35 Market «t
Manufactured and leaf tobacco^
tTRATiP, BUCKNORA Co, 41 north water «,*nd
. whuvet, Phil’s, offer for sale on accommodating
terms, 6000 pkfsMsaufeotared Tobacco, coßalstingof
pounds, 'haM'pounds, Fa 8 1 *, M's, 18»s,-Uriand 3«,
lamps; (Ps, (Prand B*s plug. and UP* Ladles' Twist, In
wholeanahalfVnxcsiOftheßillowingapproved brands,
via .
James Et Grant, Osborn A Braggf
Grant A Willi amt, A Cabaniss,
S Jones A San, il’Donald,
Websur Old, J Thomson,
James Thomas, Jr. - AII Armistead,
J Thomas A Son, Landhorn A Armistead,
J p Coates, J M Cobbs,
Gentry A Royster, J A Clay,
RIA Butler, ‘ CAHaU,
Green Bail, Wn Dawson,
Pearl A Norwood, J S Blaekwood,
Nath Page, , Keystone,
W H Vaughan, Edmond Henry,
.. Portiaux Robinson, Rastel) A Robinson,)
. Helm, Robinson A Co. S*th Halsey,
R Metcalf; JoluiEnder,
.J-asrrence La Uier, J Robinson,
Gray A Gray, D B Turner,
R Jamieson, York White,
D M Branch. —ALSO—
nsvana LeafTobasco, wrunpen and fillers;
Yana do do do
Clcnfuegos do do . do
St Cuba do do do
Si Domingo do do do
Iqoris A Guidea do, part fine, do
Maysvilte - •do do :do
Kentucky various grades do do
Virginia LeaC, suitable Cor manaitetaring and export;
Spanish Seed Leaf, Penn’e, CouneetianVend Ohio; :
Virginia Scrape, sweet; German Pipes; Pipe heads;
iSeeteh Banff (loose and bladders;) Mtccosba Meal;
Toooas Ho ana, Havana bass; Guo Hose; Be reams t;
Calabria liquorice; Patent Cavendish Knives, Spank,
is. Jr*. PHILADELPHIA, tnvlfi
A T hi*' OM RtaniL cornet of ttaiihfleld «rwt and
A Diamond alley, Vuuborjrh, P*-, wouM respectful
ly c«U the aneotlon of Coaatry Uerebaatt, Hcosl and
1 ftieamboal Barkeeper*. to • largo and superior awort
tocmaf IM PORTED CIUABS, anon* wbteh wtilj>r
found the following brwala. el« Bagle, Regalia, Oa*-
Frinetoo, li Nonna*, (tar Brand. Uwerra anil
' Dollar Regalia*, all of trhirh will he told a* low a* can
be had as nay etitrf boase tu ibe cil/.
Also, constantly on hand and for tale, a largo and
well enteeted *ioet of Virginia; hliuonrt, and Fun Cut
om— 8 -'
Tilt. , -
before—made on the most approved Eartemplan*-
and mon fashionable Eastern paueros aadeoten. Also
or madetoonSer of aUtlses. aadatallpriee*. „ .
Country KlcrtUou and oihcrt sre invited is esll sad
examine tiio shore for iheaselret.ts all will be Mid
wholesale or retail, sad a liberal deduction asde to
wholesalepurchasers. ...... .. „ r -,-n
: r ' dbick po!TBal£>
THE undersigned ofibn tot sale a superior article
of brick for building, aide by hi* Hteam l*ceis.
Unproved machine, for which he has obtained a patent,
and agrees u> give purchaser* a written guarantee that
they ere stronger, and will resist frost and wet.weanr
er and imbibe less moisture or dampness than any oth
er brick, possessing greater body and soperior texture
and mneb more dinable in every respect, each bntk
being subjected to s pressure of several tons, and pos
sessing a bsnddomo -smooth sUrfhce and even edges, j
they make a front equal to the best front brick. i
ThdyASvi given the greatest,s*tl»f«fttlon;td all who
have pdreUwd. >'A kiln eaa b««efd at at Works, and |
specimen at the Oaxette office. , - I
Those having supplied themselves tor their building*,
sod Fishing; irpat brick,, ox superior bard
and solid pavldg'brick, Can obtain theta.
~. *7 , . ISAAC GREGG-
Birmingham, Jane 13, 1849. if ■_
,■i• , , f
flSBSSfi| TAKES ibis method to Inform hi* friends
. QESSwI and ihe public at large, that his Factory is
' now In (nil operation, oh the west side of
Ejs£2S \he DUmocUj Allegheny. where a eon*
ILmiuilUl »mnv supply of Blind*, of vanoes colors
: Oflf Mtr**, flT*ef t rt , * kept aw handl
. IB'.BHBBa also, at No 5 Wood*!. Pittsburgh, at J k
HPailUpi f oil cloth ware room.
vVnin«r> shatters mode to order in the best style.
• •.Bhfult tsptirtdauheehoncsi notice, . ,
- St will be pat sp without any addi
tional expense, so (hat they can be removed In a. mo
ptentin ease oldie or for washing, aadwilhtfclthe aid
ofascrew driver. Jyi-dlyAwtamiyS
DlrmtoßbAm, [mm PUtatmncb*) JP«
Warehouse, No. 137, Wood ftrcd, Pittsburgh.
wertWlLLconitontiy keep on band a food tuorv
SS/mcDl oi W«nj of oar own mantuieiiure, and
w9p •sserionjoiiiiy. Wholesale and country Mer-
TOSr Akinin are retprf.tflallv mtllCd tO Call »Oa OX_
.aa&o for tbwn»el*e», u we are determined to «»>
ebwpcr ihanhaa ever before bccS offered to the pnb
*'nv Ordei* lent by mail, accompanied by tfaeeaih or
r'iy reference, wit! >» promptly aoended to. fcb®
FBOftl the very liberal enedomga
W , friffmiht subscriber has receivedsinc*
Q&SMgBBy* be has located himself, ia Allegheny!
'Kwfg4m* ban iadacedhltato ttkoa lean, for a
of years, on the property he bow
cccumcA, ia Beaver street, umftediaiely beside the
.FreeoyterianChiireh. From the long experience in the
above basmess and a desire isplaase, he hopes to.mer*
it ami receives share of pobhe patronage. n
;<iirw on band and finishing to onto, Bockaway Bus*
yics. qpon end top Baggies, ondevery description of
CarriuteA mode to order, from seventy-fire dollars to
ailhibanaret iscp3-dtf] , JOHN SOUTH, _
Boaoßcabsti ilouae >taUeifß| Kitab*
Itabment* ■ ■ j
Js AAC WILLIAMS. Draper u&d Tailor, begs to to}
foraibefliUsetisoi Piusborgband others, last he
now fT*fl ,n g at his rooms on Bmithfield street, uic
'der the aw>vellotel,a large and.beaatifnl .assortment
ofOlOthslCasshaere* Satins, 811*1, and other Vestings;
TDMiber with sneb other articles *! are required for
rttttloraen’s wear. Hi* goods have been carefully »c
-fat-4, and atoofthe newest and most fashionable
sirle.'asweil ‘asor»upc'rUr. - qttalltyi HUeastomer*
mav depend open having their elottUa made Bp In a
manner which cannot fall to graufr the taste of tfan
mast fastldioas. . r 1
■ pn« nido ofibeDtamoml, where Vmtuan
BUoda of all the different aizea and color*
' kept ou hand or made to order afte
tfaelaiea* and oa*l approved Eastern fub-
B iona,at iboikorteat notice and oajfce mb*’
S Boatoo roll or! aplit BUnd Tranapa
renevand Taper Cfcßaina of all the different «u«e and
pattern*, on band andfisr «la low for cask.. Old Vent* *
nO-All »oik donowlih Hobail nnteibil and
and warranted to pintle the jaon (to
. * • _ • i '■ ■ ■. 'mMo..
, Allojbmir atTiA»* Wi 1 8 ©\ 1 ,
X loriben ferqr.
boou. Gen. Beolt and Gen. Woith, now nmnltis fram
Iba <Mt ofP«im.«nao»Saw bull. Run, «u II to moke
u- proSlaltlo Imrsitmenl/ot ciptiabkivqf top »ko
' = •’ <1
j\ .too miotdacttre*-?, * i.-
' New liyla , i'bpe«lxrAplj Cus*i%dxU«fßttr;;
..Xxtv«do.x. ; >-dOf j. ; -„,dp aepoßj, !
••» -••, m 'dfc’s- Brands Carpets;
do vonnwid*; wry cheap, „ do-f. i.
•' rtefcooloß-foperlniTitlo,- : j dh
-' ! 5 bna«>»*Ty Veili!tSuj ;■>< i ■ -dp.
kJ' . BOOK& ! MlffiiG/mi
. A SPLENDID attortment ofMaho*
gany and Rosewood Piano*, lost ta~
tVTPH uhed. These instrument* are made of
I I ■ 1 | • the latest pattern and beat state rials
and will be sold low for cub by >
F. Wood street,
2d dioor above Filth.
N. B.—Those who are in want of * good instrument,
are respectfully invited to examine these before par*
chasing elsewhere, as they cannot bq excelled by any
In the country, and will be told towetthaa any brought
from the East Alsojuet received, two piaaosof Ham*
burgh manufacture, warranted to superior to any
ever sold in this country. ocoP P, B.
THE subscriber has been appointed Sole Agent far
UNS,gs manufactured andand perfected by Messrs.
March & White, of Cincinnati. The usual compare
and extent being but four octaves, Meaara. M.A W n
tn accordance with the general desire nnd demand,
have extended the scale of these instruments to H
ereo S octaves, thus making it practicable to perform
upon them any music written for the Hano or Organ.
-The exterior, also, has been much improved by placing;
the body or the instrument upon a east iron Dame
beautifully bronzed and ornamented, rendering it at
once a most elegant and extrentaljr desirable article.
The price is put so low as to bring it within the reach
of every one to obtain a perfect mnileal Instrument,
.and, at the sjuue time, a msst elegant piece of funi*
uua for a comparative trifle. H. KLEBER,
AtJ WWoodwelPs
Great musical saoscnSS
has just received from Europe, and for sale, an
entirely new invention of Piano Forte, called the CAB*
INET PIANO FORTE, which possessing more power
and sweetness than the square Piano, occupies krai one
fourth as much room, ana Is a much more slurry and
handsome piece'of furniture. It is particularly desire*
ble where tho saving of space is an object, being ex*
eeedingly near and compact, oud occupying no more
room tb»n 4 small side table. The subscriber has ia
hand a testimonial of its superiority from the eelebru*
ird pianist, Moseholles, in his own hand writing,which
may be inspected. 11. KLEBKB.
occl7 At Iff Wood well’s
RECEIVED and for sale, a loiof choicefUnos,wUh
and without Coleman's jfollan Attachment, by
Nunns A Clark, N Y. One of Nunns A Clark’s Pianos,
with the Attachment, jras taken to England by Mr
Cotcttan, and among rfleny ether testimonials of 'ad*
miration for this elegant specimen of American skill
and ingenuity, elicited the following remarks tram
3Tbofberr, the greatest Pianist living.
Lokdob, Jaa. 18, Ifltt
My Doar Sir—ln enclosing a letter to my friend, Mr
Brand, Paris, I cannot refrain from again expressing
to-yoa how much 1 was pleased with your a Jfolian
Attachment," which 1 consider as a great musical Im
provement. I can assure you that on my pan 1 shall
with creat pleasure do my utmost to make your lnveo»
lion known. For sale by 1 H KLEBER,
jeSS At Woodweß** flwutatc rooms, ad at
Jtsisllc PramtiPUno.
_ a SPLENDID assortment of Bore*
flriSEtaga wood and Mahogany grand action Fs*
ano#. just finished anutbr sale.
'|| V | fl Alto,twospletididSoMwoodPlants,
with Coleman's celebrated .Eoli&n attachment,finished
In the most modern style, and for sale at
jets F BLU WFTS.II> wood St
ls ls - JiSML
Canal Packet—SWAl.l.OW. Cant. Ford.
*• - OCEAN, Capt. Wattera.
f \NKof the above I'urkrts leave Beaver every day,
\ / (Sunday* circpied) and arrive nest morning at
nrren. wb'-re they poitnccUwilh the Mai) Stages for
Asruu uiul i icvcUiut. arnviiy ui curb of these places
b- forr eight l Mir Ul l*>r l*'rkrt. ' mv WarTClt daily,
tl 4 1* M.. Siid «rr»-- «: ln uine U* take the
oonutii* •icnml.oai >tit Piu-uufuti
IX7l*l* A J.hEFINIJWKLU Warrea, 1
Ril TdVbUU, “ \ P
tuoocoh re ms u*ts is rosir mroas.
Canal Psrket—Panxsvi.vaßU, Cant Jeffries;
•• *• Tcjidaani. Polloeki
- - Lata Kata, “ Trabyi
“ “ Pmusu, ** Brown}
, « * Falchiusl “ Safer.
Tbe above new and splendid Passefcgrr Packets hayt
(uamoerd ninsuit leivcea UKA VER AND|ERIEi
•ud will run regularly dunng ibe season—one boat
leaving Erie every morning ai w o’clock,and one leav
ing Beaver every owning, immediately after the arri
val of the *1 ears bos i Michigan from Pittsburgh.
The boat* are new am) comfortably lunushed* ami
will run through tn forty hours. Passenger* to any
point on the Lakes, or to Niagara Fslbs will find this
row the most eot&fonable an* expeditious. Tickets
ibreujtr to ail ports on the Lake can be procured &y
applying to the proprietors.
BEKD, PARKS* Co, Beaver.
JOHN A. CAI UHF.V, Agt. Piltsbarch, '
cor. Water and Kmithfirla its.
AGENTS*—Ja»C Harrison, Buffalo, N V.
CM Rrsni. Kne. Fa.
0 C Wick, Orrenville, Pa;
hrFarlana and King, Big Bend. Pa;
Hays A Plumb, Sharpsbcrfb, P»i
W C Mnlan.flhnroa. Fat
D C Mathews. Pulaski,Pa;
R W Castle, Pa. Jyl
psnaiylvanl* CmxsaX' A Rillßbad'Ri*
jtrett.Fut Packet Lines
(Exclusively for Passengers.)
fIMIE DnMle are respectfully informed that this Line
I win commence running onrthe CM lust, end eon*
ntwm thranghom the Season.
The boats ere new, and of e superior class, with en
larged eablna, which will giro greater comfort. Hie
can ere the laical construction.
Aboatwill aiwmyi be In port, end trawler* ere re
quested to eall end examine them be ton engeging pas
ugeelaewbere. .
(Pen #nlj nine dollar* through.) Oneoftbe boataof
due Line will leave the lending (opposite V. B.'Hotel,
corner of Penn atreei end Canal. every night at nine o’*
clock Time 3} day*. For Information, apply at the
Office, Mooougabela I louse, or to - D.LEXCU A Co
Canal Basin.
r RarNDkn 4 CO»e . r,
FiMtagir and BenHltßee Offloe*
-ffm HANRDEN 4 CO, eontinna to bring perrons
JCTBk.from any pen of England, Ireland. Scotland ot
m&BreffWales, upon die most liberal term*, with their
asoal punctuality and attention to the wanta and ecan
fortof emmigrams We do not allow our paaaangers to
be robbed by tbe twicdling acampa that infest the sea
ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, and see to thel? well being, ana do*
Saleh them without nny detention by the foil ships.—
'e tay this fearlessly, as we defy one of our pease
gcre to show that they were detained id hours by as in
Liverpool, whilst .thousands of others were detained
months, until they could lie seat In some old craft, at a
eh Sprats, which too frequently proved their eoffins.
We tntend to perform our contracts, honorably, coat
whet it may, end not act as was tbe case list season,
with ether officers,—who cither performed sol all, or
when U suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from £1 to
£lOOO, payable et any of the provincial Bankatn Ire
land. England. Scotland ond-Wolea.
, , European and General Agent
■«—t. ***!• •*'•«-*
XfTReaU iho attention, of the public to the article
If,.,heading this,advertisement, end invite the en
terprising ana eorious to ball and witness iuOpera*
lion' All advertisements In relation to this isramion,
to hundreds who have seen it tested, is saperero
Ist Thia Chun will produce Rutter, gathering it in
am ass, from sWpcL milk) in five to ten mtnrites. and
from eream prepared, as families usually prepan it,
luibreotpdve Jflinutesi •
• ■ 2d. The utility of ibis Inveaiion is apparent us bet.
ter-Butter cattbeprodeced from sweeijntlk,or cream,.
ijian cream sen red in the .usual war., and by means of
this chum, a little girl or boy con perform, in fire or
ten minutes, whhl has heretofore required the labor of
V woman or mahfor 6nc or two-hours, and some timer
balfa dsy. ■ ' 1 - . t ■ i.
3d; By simply tutnlag a thumb screw, tha whole to
•ida dasher is taken out, leaving nothing bulihe better
. andmilkiu the plain wooden bo*. ;
lib Ifis tha ebeapest ehttm etcr lrivemed, as the
tittiHiciir 'or-W wnilruetidn (though embodying a
great philosophical it hut- fiule to
manufacture iVt'jmuh'‘ i .*,•> i j : ... .
. ftjf.i avail frill admit
pure hutted the monopoly of this Vilas*
Chfirer 4fflycrs,'ihe
ninaiiw • W~ «ren«v<*llorUte the .complete mono-
Wili insuw cenaiit andlatte profit* to
tha manaftwrarer, aiufu *pd«jyf«?*u ;
*rforutbU«arafavttAdto call |ad witncraitv operation,
’’l'i' s'! jfjl-t ss i-i:J
19 TUB ONLY UEMEDY. tial earibe reUedpu
the permanent cure, of Spasmodic C^UMtipijejr'
ntatioaef the or\BtfV Hetidawte
Nervous Tremors,' Neuralgic Affecliolis, Central De*
bUity, Deficiency of Nervous and physicallp*r*Y?
tod all NerronsDiiordersjitidßdiflg the mostdreouitfi
of all diseases that ever-affeet thchotaanyacer* ,•
or Falling Sickness, Uylteriesl rlts, Convulsions,
Spasms, 4c. Hart woshf impress it Qpoa the minds ol
the afflicted that the Vegetable KxtractUtha ouly rest*
edy eyer discovered that can be relied on for the per
‘tnanem core of this most djead Ail oftU discs »», As
lu tendency is to Insanity, madness and death, the most
of Europe, as well as these of oar ova
prononneed Epilepsy incurable. _4nd ir has been to
considered by many, nstil tMsmost Important' of all
discoveries was made hr Dr. S- Hart. nearly sixteen
: yean since, daring which time it has been performing
j “ no< ’ fll “ “SuAßKinte cbitES
upon reeord, and ha* hequired a" reputation which
lisa algno can -afiace. Physician* of undoubted akill
and experience, miaiatere of varioua denominations,
a* wall aa hundred* of our eminent dtixen*, all ntrne.
in reeommeadlu. tba nse of this truly valuable medi
cine to iheif patient*! charge, and (Hea d*, who are af
“t^ffl, r OTE I iitELA N ODAGE
uaedbytheba waohavn Wen eured by thl* valuable
iwtijimm] One taya, "Lhsve suffered beyond my pow
erof description, bat I now rejofee in being folly re
stored to health and happiness. 1 * Another says, W 1
thuh God 1 feel that lam a well man. 1 also, foci it
my daty to proclaim It to the end* of the earth, tbst
those simllariy afflicted 'may, find relief.** Another
(who is an EMINENT LAWYER and well known in
this city) says, “hly so* has been afflicted for years
with Epilepsy, but,i*'.oo*r enjoyinggood health from
the Vegetable Krtrafct Its ho, “should
and ought to be sounded to the ends of the earth.” An
other says, “Language is enUrelyinadeqaateio express
my gratitude to ih. Uanforhaytng.becn the means,
under the blessing of God, W restoring We lothoenjoy
meat of good hSith, after having been afflicted with
Epilepsy tn its worst forms for more than twenty three
yean, ofid my morning and evening oblation of praise
and thanksgiving shall continue to oseend to that God
who hahilulcted but to make me whole." -
Bin. i. Bradley, llti Orebanl street. N.^ n states that
she has been subject to fits for many year*, and has
been restored to perfect health (after every mhencteans
had fklledl by the use of the Vegetable Extract.
Dr. Charles A- Brawn, of Dover. Rowell eouuty, Ala.
who Is one of the beat physicians in the Bute, says that
ha has been mueb benefited by the use of the Vegeta
ble Extract, and that be unhesitatingly prescribes it In
every case of Epilepsy whieh conus under us kuowU
O. Mayberry, Esq. formerly Postmaster at
Mills, Crawford county, Pi, now living iu Erie
county, states that for many years post he has
been sorely afflicted with fits, and he is now happy to
state that a persevering use of Dr. Hart's Vegetable
Extract, has restored him to soond health, being satire;
ty freed from that worst of til diseases.
From the Cincinnati Commercial.
£?The (blowing certificate was given to Messrs. Tbo*
soas A Miles, Doctor Han's Agents for tbe sale of his
Vegetable Extract, for the euro of Epileptic Fits ot
palling Sickness. We ore induced to give it a place
m our editorial columns from the fact that is the only
'known medicine that will cure Epilepsy, at the rune
time believing It to be one of tlie greatest discoveries
ut mediea) teienee. Physicians and men of science of
ail ages have been trying to discover a remedy for this
disease, bat all has been in vain until the present dir
, horary of Dr. Hart, and we would now say to thoss
afflicted with fits, despair no longer, for there is hope!
ftimait, Ohio, Agents tor Doctor Hart's Vegetable
Extract for the cure of Epileptic Fits:
Gentlemen—lt is almost impossible for language tc
express with what heartfelt satisfaction I address these
fow lines to you, for the purpose of informing you of
he beneficial results that have beou effected by the
use of Dr. Han’s Vegetable Eg tract.
My son, aged, twelve years, lias been severely af
flicted with EplWplic Fits, and with face severity that
the opinion was, be could not, be cured.
In one of his paroxysm* he fell and broke hu arm.
R called in Dr. MuUord, a very excellent physician,
who re-«ei U. Uo Informed me that my son’s Nervous
System was very much deranged, and thnt it would be
Impossible to care him of Epilepsy, us F-pilcptic Fib
were almost tocureble, and employing pfiy&eians lr
his ease would bo only throwing money away.
1 called upon Di. rulteej he informed me that tbs
disease had assumed a chronic form, and it would take
a long time to cure him if he eduld be cured u aIL
He oecame worse and worse, and 1 began to think
then was no cure for him, until 1 saw the advertise
meat of Dr. Hart’s Vegetable Extract in one of oar city
papers, with certificates from persons who hod been
afflicted for ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, and even forty
yean, and restored to health by the use of the Extract
I celled at your store, and after fonveraing wiut Au.
Thomas, 1 eaiae to the conclusion to purchase a tiiroc
dollar package- It dose little or no good I thought 1
would try another, from the use of whieh I perceived
tome littie^beneflL
1 then came to tbo conclusion to purchase a ten dol
lar box. I found that it was of so much service u> hi*
I was induced to purchase a second. Audi am truly
thsokfiii that I done so, as by the use of the ten packa
ges he has been restored to perfect health.
Should any person be desirous of seeing him, and as
certaining farther particulars I should be pleased to
■ gratify them by their calling on ore at my residence,
south westeoruer of Fourth artdi'nrk nrerts, Cincin
‘ nau, Ohio ' v ti*AAC .V. PERKINS.
Cincinnati, Aoxost tfGth.
When thousands who are cow trembling under the
baud of this dreadful disease, had (eating that every
attack may prove fatal, will find permanent relief and
be restored to new life, by asing this celebrated medi
cine. Over one thousand certificates have been re
ceived in testimony of the benefictnl result* produced
by the asa of Dr. Hart’s Vegetable Exuaeu
Prepared by 8. HART, M. D-, New York.
P *tc«, one package *£3,00
do four packages 10,00
do eight do *•••■>■ SQJDO
THOMAS A MILES. 1© Mats street. Cincinnati,
Ohio, General Agents (or United States, Canada, aim
West Indie-'
I. WILCOX, Jr* corner of laamond and Market ct,
Agent for Pinsbuagh, Pa. .
Fay A Kill bourne, Columbus, Ohio: H A E Gaylord,
Cleveland: and for sale by most of the principal drug
gists and merchant* throughout tbe United Stales.
ftNo. 08, DIAMOND ALLEY, a
tew doors below Wood street to?
a£BSi. m market/
DR* BROWS, having beeg
regularly edoeated to the me dir*
MBHHflßjflßmjß profession. and been for « nrr> *» timd
general praetice, now confine*
his attention to the treatment of
HHK- those private and coal
plaints for which his opportunities
and experience peculiarly qualify
him. II yean omidadusly devoted
to sudy 4 treatment ofthoee which
time he has had mere practice and has cured more p»
tknts than ean ever ftuLto the lot of any private prac
titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances cd
speedy, permanent and satisfaetory cure to all afflicted
with delicate diseases, and oft diseases arising there}
Dr. Brown would Inform those afflicted with private
diseases which have' become chronic by time or eg}
graveled by dm Me of any of the common nostrums «
the day, that thtdreompUiuuean be radically and thor
oaghly eared; he having given his carefbl attention to ■
the treatment of eaeh eases, and succeeded in hundred*
ef instances in earing parsons of inflammation of the
neck of the bladder, anAkindred diseases which often
remit from (hose eases where other* have consigned
them to hopeless despair. He particularly Invtteasseb
as have been long and nnsuceemfolly treated bynteen
to consult him, when every satiifaeiiogwiJl be given
them.end their.easestreated in a carefol,thorough aqd
Intelligent manner, painted one by a long experience
eisdy, and Investigation, which It is impossible torthov
engaged in general practice of medicine to give an
one mass of disease.
or Rupture—Dr. Brawn also tnvttes peit
toss afflicted with Hernia to eall, as he has paid partus
alar attention to this disease.
GANGERS also Cured.
Skin diseases; also Pi' s, Palsy, cie n speedily cured
Charges very low.
N. IL—Patients of euh sex Using et a distance, by
staring their disease in writing, giving aU the symp}
toms, can obtain medicine* with directions tor use, by
addressing T. BROWN, M. IX, postpaid, and e&ekmt
tags fee.
Office No. 15, Diamond alley, opposite the overly
ROXtaunn—Dr. Brown's newly dlseovend rente
' dy tor Rheumatism is a speedy andeenain restedy tor
that painfal trouble. It never fails.
Office and Private Consulting Rooms, No. © Dia
mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doetorts always at
fiy No care no pay. dcelS.
THE following from George E. Pomeroy, the
weU known proprietor of the Expren, apeaxa tor
ttsclfofthe Importance of the Pain Ernietor to every
Exraxa Otrcx, Albany, Bept 1.
Mb: Dsxxxr. My Dear Bir—With feelings of no or
dinary pleasure I address yoo in relation to the benefit
1 have received from your invaluable Pain Extractor.
Lately, my Uttie daughter, t year* old, hod a pitcher
of boiling water turned int* her bosom; her screams
were dreadfel, so that a crowd Instantly muttered be
fore tbe bouse to learn tho eaase ortho teniote screams.
I tore her elotbea asunder, and soon spread on your
salve, and she was carried and laid upon a bed. She
was soon relieved from her pains, and says “Ms, I feel
os if 1 could-laughj” and was soon in sweeuleep. She
was scolded to a’ blister Troarthe um’bf.hei; .shoulder
over ‘ more than half her chest, and round under the
amt' Os jhe shoulder end breast it 'deep,
jrctfremtheftrst hoar, she eomplalned-ebft wfceO It
was dressed. The sore healed rapidly, and there is no
contraction of the muscle*.
With many wishes, my dear air, for yam snecess in
the sale oftlusmlghty article.
I am yours, with respect,
Tho genuine Dailey, will ever produce thoaame in
•tanteneouarcUefi aßdaoothiug,eoolingeffrei in the
severest cash*of Burns, Bealde, Piles,4c.
The n atler under what names they
bmy appear-jalwaysimtate. and increase toe pain.
f, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge,
Columbia county, N. have been evicted with rhea
mnii«m in my ktMUt, feet, and all over my body, tor
aixyears, so that I could not stand, and was cured by
threo applications of Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor
Me Duller* Bir—! cot my finger with a copper nail,
the poisonous nature of which caused my arm to swell
considerably, with- constant shooting painaup to the
shnelder. A,lajge.aweUing taking place at the arm
pit, with inert)BXiitf'paia, ! beeame ; i<mrfui of the Lock
jaw. Inthlsiextremityjcrar Piittifmxtractorwus re
commended to me, apa which I was prevailed apoa to
try. The consequence was that it afforded me
instant relief, ana in three deyt 1 was completely cu
comer Broome audSalUvaa sis, Sept 8.184& .
NOTICK—H. PsLLST Is the inventor of this invalu
able remedy, and never faes and never will eosuauni
cate to any Uvingttuuthe secret of ns combtnatioa!
All Extractors, therefore, not made and put np b
him, are base counterfeits.
PBomxnm’s Dxrora—US Broadway, New York:
Chestnut street, Phila. . . ’
JOHN U MORGAN. Genera]Depot; , Dr. tVM.
THORN, AgenU for PiUsborglL ■ ,
Galvanth Cur+All,' .
Cures humore. spavin, oulttor, grease, polheviL
xores, gulls, and bruises. Pamphlets, containing ccn
tiftcaies of respectable parties, may be hadon tpuliea
tionto t JOHN D. MORGAJ#r^
pevlS-dlyis Agtat, Pittsburgh.
r r u —w&sff&gi!r* m ' : '.
Offloo et Ui* Siehinii, Beltlaere.
p EDUCED RATEa.-Tho charge* hove beep redo-'
it ced mail Mesuges to or from Baliimore, Pius
burxh or Wbccllng t| and a cprnmpondingi reductios
tor the fitat tea words, and 3 eenu tor each additional
■ JET No eh«r* : ii made for tlWaddreu and sign*-
' - Sottth Weatsm Jiao of
TbkMpkflttqßaemph{a,Tenib l toJ(cwOrieuu%dcw
he forwarded to Messpkis by this mute, and
BNitodtor New OrlesjU.' .., .toll • •
T?£&XBEED-rl9 Ska mnr.landiitr ftom Str Genom.
« . MEDI€AL. f\ ;■
- gjJLTmar~~~'T , T~jr . ■
<3 I'M SE N <3 ‘PAN A QMI-.
LUNGS.—Tie unprecedented success Whiff ■**
trended the aw of tie c ; -
GINSENG P4ty/lCp4 . U
a all the various forms which Irritation of ihehntgsaf
soracv, ha* Induced the proprietor again to
tion to this- • '•.T l ' - --r
whiter montai is always mfrnljAl ttMUrtb 6f, .
Thcacj If neglected, axe bar the precursors of lb*l.teu
tossy".. i.. cosmipnoN. -' -;r J -‘ — -
-nJ onoaimSi'ilwa, bow iblll woniotha team* “
ietaSlicm ah .2 wo (M.etemr.of<*r«j*ii« «nd
Ministers of-ito G«pei, **n together with V*a
any n “ ySSSavtum ri
n which. when talto Meotdingio direetim^mad be*
&>ro the 4l>bk*
tli1 " 1 EFFECT a pehtect CUIUii 1 V
Why, then, need the afflicted hewtatet«>Vhy .iwort to.
the mU-rablo nostrums, gotten fipbjr Oii ■. pjtttlndhrid
liclan, and puffed into notnrieiyby eenfflcatev. tv pet*,
sous equally urtknownT' WhiliiutOeutclnerdr
/? ~ UN PARALLELED- EFFICACY} : .-. 'v: n '
bto be hod, whose vouchers are athooe*—OUT Mlga*
In order that this invaluable medicine may I be placed
within the reach of the poor aSWeU the rieH,-W« have
, “ b ’ ,i " I &LIOT«CMM ! | v J
last one half the usual
torsnlo-by our ascot* in nearly.every i ttwt«t4ylUage.
over the west who art prepared to cite tali inform*-
don relative to iL . ■T. BALTER)’Prtftfielc#,
i Broadway, Cinrinruifj’Ohlo.;
nuLLtnatssoil, uiva co- rn' .
DR. EDWARD ACKER, take* this means Of re
turning his lo.hU (fiends irt the jrabUq
for the extensive patronage he has receivied/andof In
forming them thsiba.&as lately ereeled ajlargeind
well constructed building, for tho exclusive purposes
location, at Fhillipsbutgb, Tu- on the Ohio river, oppo
site the sietniT>oat tohflmg at Reaver, when he b ready
to reeelve patients as,itoarders, and treat thtaxon Hy
dropathic principles.: • In uadi lion 10 Us leatgexpieri
ence, and the great soeceitwhieh baaherdtofotm tXr
tended his treatment pf patients committed b his care,
he has now the additional facilities aflordediby an ex
tensive building ereciedexpressly for tho purpose, eon-1
tabling eommodious-and airy roans, and fitted up.with
every necessary apparatus for bathing, add domlnis
tering the treatment to the utmost benefit sad comfort
or the patient. Philiipsburjjb b a most delightfol and
healthy village, easy of aeeesi by steamboats, and af
fbrds fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures
those afflicted persons who may place thrabeltes un
der his care, that every attention shall be paid to their
comfort; and as an assurance ofthe subsundal benefits
to be derived, he points with confidence.tO'the-’ltun
dreds who have been permanently cured’at hi* estab
lishment. The Water Cure leavas ho eSects
behind, as is too often the ease with those, who '.have
been treated on the old system. It rcmoVeb the;dis
case, Invigorates the system, protects from bo dangers
iseioenx to changes of the weather, creates' a natural
and active appetite, and imparts vigor to the digestive
powers. Terasoftreamtpm andboartinrßeasonable.
For further particulars inquire si the establishment, or
address the proprietor ar rhillipsburgh. I;
angtßd ~ ••• • ■
DH. JAVflE'h ALTERATIVE.; , ~r .
We have been informed by ftlrs Rose of scare per
toimrdoah a r by Dn Jayne’s AltcraUTejwhich
proves its superiority over evcTy other remedy of the
kind- She has been afflicted for tho last sixteen {yesrs
wilfi NECHOSEd or WHITE SWKLUNGS, attended
wiih, ulceration* and eofblistion of variousodaps,da*
rmg.tvhlcb time many pieces hove been discharged uom
tie frontal Sane of the cranium, from both ber srms,
wrists sod hands, and from both legs, and from the left
fr,r oral tone, sod from the right Jmcej besides painfn!
oiccjs on other pans of her person, whtejh have .baffled
the skill of s number of the most eminent physicians of
our cit>—during most of the time'lief suite rings have
been excrumLcg and deplorable. About three months
since the was induced to try Dr.
wbirh bos had an astoaishingty hippy «fiect upon her,
by removing ail pain and jweUicgs, and 'causing the
ulcers to heal, while at thdtame timebefgeneral bcmlth
has become completely restored, so that toe how weighs
tj ibe mors than shelmd’ before she eommeficedfbeaift
of ibis truly valuable prepauon.—lsot-Ere. PosL , . .
For further.imonnioifla, inquire of Urt-Rose,No. 13$
FUbetisLl’hlladdlPhia.:, ” 1 '
For rale in Piusnorgb, st the PEKIN TEA STORE*
7a Fourth M. near Wood. ; ’ ’ • j JyA. i
A Ohallsuge U> tbs Werldt
TWF.NTY-FIVE DOLLARS will be paid to soyas*
who will produce a «w)t of painw gree£or dry, tbat
e.incov be axtractcd. with Chemical
Soup- 1 have the satisfaction of sayingio IBe people oi
this place, that this article,by my own taprovemem od
it, now stands unrivalled meins country for extracting
grease, tar, paint, or any other, greasy sub
stance, tram all loads ofgcntlram's or ladies l elotbtng,
carpets, table cloths, menno ah.*rwl>, tmUrt , bonnets,
&c.'*n(hoai Itporing ocjlhing that-pure.watt* will not
rejure. Marc than one Uioasand pereunp- to diißtem
puns of rite country have mid me they weald not bo
without U eost one dollar per cake- Jo trying UUs
sioapon mere than 300«Ttielero( light silks, satins,' si*
and calicoes, I have only mand.three pieces oi
silk, two of olpaecs,'and. four of calico,on whieh it
changed the rotor; therefore befaretatUnffitcoaUghl
drttt try a sample of the dre» first, t tute this because
I sm determined nm tp recommend it any strepnr than
j know to be strictly trpo. : -. Pf llHoil.:'.
Pnce, Idi eta pernaka. Bdd,whnktaloaud retail
<tee9A . i . ;r. t? wood St .
Jeff received ofDr. Townsend 1 *
most extraordinary medieine intheworldl : IfiisEx
boctispatupiaqaartboalea. It is viX times cheaper,
pleasanter,‘ahd’warrtuxted superior to any sold.’ It
cures disesso without vomiting, purging,, tokening or
dcbllitstlngthd patient
• Loos oct rent uoxanosL—Unprinehued persons have
eop&d’ otU' Übels, and put up medlelite in the saxnb
“shaped bottle. See that each bottle histhe wrinen exg
nstnrcof S. P. Townsend.
R. K- BELUSRS, Droggist, 6T Wood street, between
Third and Fcurth, is Dr. Townsend’s only whokdsie
and -real) agent tor Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine
article can be hod.
' D- hL Corry has been appointed tho solo agent ibr
Allegheny city, of 'whom tao-gcituine , ''aniclo css te
hsdT - ' tp«
ln ali ita multipUed Torms -
whether in that of Alng’a Evil.onUrMineßt* a the
Sands of banes, Goitre. White Swellings; Chronic
hennaUa»,Oanaor, disease* ©f tho Skin or Splno,
or of Polmbawy Gmancipiibn, emanate iftttta on*:
andlhotaiaoeSase,which i*a poisbffbna principle
more or less inherent in.the ha man ijstenL .There*
Core, nnlesa this principle can bo destroyed, no ndir
cal cue can bo effected,'but if upon
which the disease depends, ia removed, * core'
most of necesxityfonoWi nomatteruhderwhatform;
tho disease should manliest itself; This, therefore
ia the reason why Jaisn’e Altkiutitk is eonni
versaliy ececeexful In temoting no-many malignant
diseases. It destrbys lho virus orprinciple iVoifr
whicn those have their«ripff,by-enterin|
into the ciresutioh, and with the blobd is etraveyfit
to the im&uteat fibre,.removing every particleol
dimare from the eyitem. Prepared ana aold
9 South Third Street, Philadelphia
Sold at the Pekin Ten Store, N 0 .7% Fourth stree.
Pittsbufgb ■ •' ‘ mcbfil .
nos nr nxxicOk •
fTHE undersigned, has tong been convinced ..Of the
JL necenltT tor scme-pedictna adapted to the use of
Smidren ana Inforts to superemie tbe use of aU thore
iredicines. which contain opium, and ha**t length suc
ceeded in preparing And offering to the punhefmedi
eina tolly answering every porpow for all diseases ot tm»
bowels, without the ore ol thaidelcterioasdrufoOTan:
other calculated to injure i* tbe watt. The Infant Poi
aefts has been fully tested ana tried, the tontwcln
months, bynumeraos perw'na. and touod-to-peiseaaall
the extraordinary vmues, knd to prodnee alfthe asten-
as set forth on the btfl ot dneeuoas.> DL
anhma, Vomiting, Cholio,Griping, Pains; Sickness and
Diseases arising from Teething, aeting imruadlatel
without disturbing any of the functions of the" body,
producing the happiest • and aoet pleatant transition,
ftum violent pain to a tranquil and joyous stme-of fool
ing in the lisle saftisrer. <■
To be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor. Dr.
JOHN BARGANT. Druggist and Apotlmesrn John
Uitehcll, EUlon 4 and most-otheri Druggists
n Allegheny and Pimhargh. • • ■ ■-deeld':.' l
• This Cathartic compound combined small ness Of
t with efficiency and eomparatiyo tnUdneas of pur-
S action, and:baring, a peculiar tendency to the
organs, U,«xtremcly valuable,ijathia country,
eh bUions.tovets and other attended
wiihcoogcstion of the liver* so much abound^.. They
have now stood the test of 2Q years, and experience
has proved: them to be a safe -and, valuable remedy in
Intermittent, Eemittenvand Bilious Fayctr. JmuuLcc,
Bilious coUe,
Vpmttings, cold*, and Uilcomp)atnta of an infiamaato-
S character. Tbe complete and. universal aatiifee
n.which baa been given by. thcie pUls ld
have used them, rendetsihe,publishing pf the numer
ous eenificotes iiitheirXaTor .unnecessary. To pre
vent'coouterieiting they are now put up in a rcd-xylo
graphic wrapper, i, • „ .
PrieeltScenutorabox'contai&isx3opilU % .,\',l'j ’
Preparedaodaold,by >.
comer Ist and And also eoraer fith-and w
streets. ' i .-...scbSP
DDj» JW- P- iulanS’s Premltam plutex- .
R-W.P. INLAND; ofthe Medical College bfPhfl
sdeiphia, notr offers to ths'pnbllo bli tiraiahiVeg
etable Premium plaster, the qualities of which, After
long and tried experichco, has bemi satisfactorily es
tablished: Tb ou women who may be afflicted with.
Prolapsus Uteria br Fallen Womb, he recommends bis
plaster, guaranteeing- 'a itire'tmd speedy cure In the
short space of from iwufo thee weeks-u applied with
care And rest—discarding all the countless lasthuncnts
end expensive bandages so long in use. This he feels
eoaaclentlous in stating, inasmuch as he has upt toiled
in one case out >of three htuidrbd and fifty-three (to
dents. ' •• •{ • • -
Also torßheumatisa and Weak? Breast of BseY, at
tended with pain. ’there ia nothing to' excel this Plaster
in eftniing reliefer effecting a cure; For aale by
L Wilcox, center of Diamond end Market it -
Braun 4 Reiver, u Liberty and 81. Clair *u
Dr J Sargent Tcdwal stand Diamoad,Afte-'
ghenycity ’
Jacques 4 Co, Denmut' aoilDiamond Birming
ham. . •■! ' " .. .. • ~;iea . .
ftOi Wood direct, one door aomh of Diamond
alter. Pinaburrh, Pa- offisrs lbi tale a largo Jot or
aod Pufemerr, jF*rei«» and iksaesttefio winch be
call*.the atteatum of«ngg»t*» pbyaiiiaiM end nwr
ebaota riiltingtbs tiiy. um4i determined to cell at
Terr low PtiCM, and gw* general
warranted and cheap. Varnuh No. 1 and; 2,N. York
manoiacwrej alab Japan and Black Leatoer Varnjib*
et,ef«ag«rto»flttaUnr. Alio, Whitennd Bedl*adat
pncca lower Unta.heretoibre oiEercd- <Jv D^U*aJio
maanCoctnrea Morgan 5 # celebrated Cough fcm»p,whlsli
baa Kiran general laUafaonoQ io aU in-^he.caring tf
coofa*> coldi, JteartencM, tafliwaza, wbooptoc toogh,
cronpTolc; pnee» cenia eerbotlle. .Aljd, Sttmafa
lodiaaLifM PiU% a certain para tolircr camplaim,-
•ieh hoadocbs, aod ail tHdon»eomplainta.>£ikeJtttite
pe* Ims. »*•' j--r •■£.•■»>3P. :
A bbto bti> Wtntar „
:U*ndlimftom*nnrßle«*«g<irtuitffnf'i«l«*ys ...
decll j L V . JJtf n !
jMRBam eKi^e^w,»
\J aiore cad Tor ule Jo»,wcio»o cpßK«jßeaii hT
■ •d«flii^""'T',•■••“«"-;
JH_Jwrf,rromtifl aef*«to*‘«t Jtmertlv VafiSL
m** B*ilffrw»,Mtt«oJeT. :lm matt i&d fesHdei by
,-•■ J>m
•* 1 • • ' ! )
.Mint' iwwi
g.i?J»wAk g-«> OiJ3-r*ys..-s.Tavts.«t^sa|-
Hema k ßxcyQXT,;W«aMraad Co* pm. >
h.ISO.- Ii : -••
Aaasaofdalyteyniodthaafflletsd :
bdoeans tooM iay htaolto tasriaosyia
9&L' ri tew Atore*feiayq>-itt,y««Ji •
TOurLirerVilli hare ben ofixvd to (hit poblie, utd, iidead,
ibebm theasH, n as tbsysrelatwhai' l^
TOa npi i wnt&«l to hSA-. I hary hare, sfflirftdwdh. Mttf . 1
Ucapunri Con my, youth; hare auwrtd brash; oapliyei ,>, ; j*
Bmif—iiiwl|l>TWltTl»[ta*l>ia»lStMhlAlaaßrjK'’MS: ** -
UrtUßh btoJi toil
■airratrfSay grimes.sitaßaalrrama upss iacirablo. ts
vkstedoeod to tryyoar Liver fdb,asd BOONGOT -1
of aaiaia the other iytopimss,'fbr*tlam,
19 sHßthi.-roar Tilts ax* abb thahest (mthsrtssiaver awd}
3yo>rs;<oH:harfrod»-of boait,sad hare norst .
hrtrta ridglv eccaphiit uttmd hysayooswho has *ss4.
■them. TheyharssusextsdedslßMMeveryothsr pm isthh
start tbewysSl femd*b!flMoa'tlL.''r
earenUy reeanaiead them to all psaoos oevdiaf physic.
:whether te Livd l o6o4plehiioC > BialoO»'dttjdiin», l lea**''
As Uaa> ore •flw r Pills,V&«.lhrpo&t
ailkteanl take taptite then thorn,pfcporedni loHibyß:^:
H SEtCm& Ho S 3 JTood-sL femes .Third eta Poufk
T«r jE*>otb«rtoaAn < i l Foi»fls, lit 1 it
H Asylums, «nd other public
reeamtenaed Vpvbme <of-Cha Tw»r
aicisna and'Chemists, aswtt suftiilhflf dfaa Ibr ekiiueu^it 1
and invalids,'much kpporforw arrow sagm otA, ,■ t
. far more strengthenlogyplehsantto tbetnste, onataay u ''
observes; ?• ' r ...
■ “Children fed upon arioW-fodt, • affldpyh?tu&w ■*
kttufofamylslseadas (tad, -whieh does atateininffto*
dientolfißed’, fbrUteibQuadott of boneaicotA Cbssoiei,
1 leeome (at,«nd aequire Btßch.mokroLVt; ihftlruata
i tpptar (U 4 but they *d« faoi.acduire : nor uro
ttabonusPtopenydeveloped^v ji-;.
■ In the asamisofihe ,r
Veur York, among other coasttOtaha/h agivell# pair..
ilaiiha of the Faria* oppn tho Alediesl, Prefhwina *nd .
the' public Will rest fipoh jta contalnfrtg'- in iho gltitteri’
mi *lbamen, vnetahlo fibrinq andbibefiiltcogOßiwk ■.>
mdies not' found 1 in arrowroor.orsuaHar substsaeos, ,
jtnd whieh modern ehemisCry hsrpoftited but ms beiag' 1
teeessary to ibe,iorm*ton .of,hmßtt}'<fibte, *ndby
neons ox which tuudrt mokes' rip-fbt‘tho constant
hßman body. For ail*
; B E aEUJ£B^ f
discovered by tko -.celebrated,
Lbodom&glnndi mad introduced into thh United State* 7
under the <wn*«dt*A».—pgrimwidemca ofthrriuvmStenJßL
• The extraordinary saceess of this, medicine, ia tK
euro of Pulmonary —j warrants the American
relief in ihy irf the coffllrthn Vemedlca OTthtfi
day, and.have-beetrgiventwbythetaomdistingulihml
physitlahaasiatttfinDod and iMuntble.. The Hangmri
trn Balsaahis cured,and.will «a^the most .dqnerfta
of cases, it Umo quack nostrUtm buf h stundaru Sig-
Ush medicine, of known ond established efficp»y#'.l
, Every fiimDyiuiheJJuited States should- bo supplied
with Boehan’a Huagsrian
counicractihs consumptive tendedcws of ths eluanto.
bat tote used oaa ptevCaiitei medicine in ali eases of
eoldsj. opining,of,bltadj pain
chest, irritation and soreness, of the"lungs,',. brochifis,
difflealty of breatisfri suntots. <taaci»‘
tinp snd nsaeral deui^itjj,
in at9l perbotlle, with' tell 31it03
uoss fqr tfio restoration of health.. ;,
. Pamphlets, Containing admass of Etgllsh hdd'AmCn
cau certificsoes, and other: evidence, showing she. an>[
otthlsptat-^gtUhßc m 6,^?*?^ 0
. For sale .by Concenter of
si and Wood mud Wood odd 6th its.—* mart
F&O&rthe RevASA'SHINNf hvirel] Knovmndpop
alar ClerTTmau pfjbe Prptestam
Hie Bfidentgiiedluivtpg
winter with aditattso
•dueiag great pain in the stamoth fo r \ efior 1 wnive fep*t*
. witboitmtennission, arid after nsviug frldd‘ ymnoos
- retoddies mrUhiiold effeentoas famiihcd< wflh-e .‘tattle
of Dr D
cordiugte the directiotts, nad (band utv<uiabiytluilh|a
: medicineconsed the pain 16 abstain three or. four min*
I ales, and in fifteen or twebtytalutaesfeveryf'tufetav
sensation wtaentiteiydaleled. *Tn6medlnlnetetaa>
; tcrwsrdsuyed wheneveriudicaiiotisoriha oppromckof
; paiswere perceived, and tho pain wasthereby prevent*
ed. He continuedtq use thjs evcnlig
sjid sometimes in tho morning, and in a tew week*
health was so for restoredjihat the sufferer was reliev
’ perience, therefore; be eanbonCdently recommend 1>
DJarsem Carminative Ualsam, asasulotaryttedieta
terdteeaseiofihegteffimehandeovrels.. j AHIUNNO
. • “sAncahtay-eityiirti
v: Xtor isld InPimbargh atMbbPEKIfS :T£A.on)B
7a Fourth street, near Wood, mad also althoDryf,
Storeof in» SCHWARTZ. Fcdarel ureeU-AU^taop
Tk/TB. a E.i»l
IU. nng the previbss%rinter; I w&ssevurcly-afßieted
with a scrofulous eomphtinL m hbea ■> ■:
for soote monthsunder ttaeaxoot phyncisns.... .They: :
said my case was almost . jncarsbtof And they could do
bmlitueformeM'l'was helpless,hnVwilkthe
aid of eratchei oonid with diffleoity ge labouL~ ! ,ln Idp..
lasr.rlparehaied of foaiand'cbnunchced titisfHxa- 0.---.
tot.wBsfcuritli.ts. After the tueoftwo 'botttek|ta r
sores etamneaced: healing, and! laid aside mydruteh-'
es, using only a cane. u T eaw* and
at thflcnd.of tbeibatih,was s» wellhs td assist all Ray
inohesrihg ibCep. ' ItL aUvl hiW fiT* botUe*. ' 'Th* ,
scrofula 1 and.sores fa&va all healed upland linsd Iskt
summer Ihavo-seeu naapptatanop o^tltedisease, bit' :
har^condnutajmud.aianow,ia the most tarfedt hsmiUl '
Istete wlfflcOafidcuMCvhcgihifokiotheniinajibeßea
e Cried, in ,the same ‘wmyitaixthe.SarfapiWifojtoldht
you, ■mr*w^‘^iriy , re*vwk'rtr*cr»«itt^
uirihe eort-Tfr-: 5i r f-XXIRNBUUa JLBGSE.
• Voraalawholesaleandretaihby'Truovjj-'f rjiyn
dhw ■ J: , I
xea front P wood «ts, fc alsa corner wood Aftlua *
JC Creamdc*AinaadaAm'etC’,foTihavlrc ~' ■ <
' Creams la B4seitor»havings> l :' r’ *
.. AlnmadaiJteam, 'jta
.' UaperSohßoogefon PofccUin sunds: ' l .. ..
.Uelutifoltawder ’ cr ‘ v* 1 ■*
Embosteo toUet boxes, containing fragrint Cxtrscts
for the handksTthleCtimmWiibaig,and touet soaps,tari
sbto-forprrseatsi>< v-, £ j v-:->
■ - Persian, orChmese powdery v • 1
h»if t| ri -p..J /.,• ~
Bear's foneyot common wrappers, (rota tao^
•d); .•,« *
1 Jones’ SoaprNytapb Soappßoee Up salve;; y
>' EbeQ adapt Soda mp; together- witn a grvmLTgcbty
offinepcrttmemlmmreeeTvetftibrsalsbr' ><.-
avl* <- '*■ io v-.;-:.y-v tjcatCthte-wpodcitn
CUTLEa-Tl feeXJv A Y «*ff‘l
HI mam Ui HIT. fellow et£afHKS..b>' ■taifc**<MfaftWi«»«
oum' tupeetior rohr • Vefcetabls
Since Iftmue&uwißilAsyabOßKAfem&lreaa in,
the acaMettfra 1
k*T»hia several ssre»ecniplaint»»tt4enaekafgi*T
iahgs>Bue.aftwdsys riae% sndiaiem;-4attUß4 1
1 kfQMVMri tHu
s&ee«M^: U>fcu ctetednllflf.asd eon is
Uuu U «iU eon s Axed leasißttPtiaß,'Mie'eA. it
will be in naoy eases a pwrßfcrrey-and. pncrewtatiis
beoer than cure; I da th*ra&M;ibtuieU)Te af my fcl»
lewineni tiinettiy neaasuaaito«se of this Balsam,
in ell. pnimccary.: rompiahita.' .1 -a»tQ&fidfi&l..Uni ts
has been rayiife to this day.
ftioe£oclu l &'Co } eoreerint£i
wood ~an&. also feorner wood and 6thi - ’ ■ r .W> •
poorer to oue!v i^Pira*c*Rß,f’eb.M#lBtf.
• <lLJ£aiujax>-«3ty'wiib.b**.(br ye»»i>aott;*oJij*si
ttodUateeriaacoMh,' occottpealcd otilh ankaorfr*
. tbo eawof »fileh ■» tt*«i:aUOjtattte«|hr.i*ttsrtir»>
>«ad badthsidricaiof ttte mott
KngUnd) but tUvu -onsrattiof. -Bj chsao* 1 .beard
«tyosr2apeiisi CocghiSTraptcndimieiacailpln?
• bottle fa trial, aJitoqgLltudno.belict ttduaaytbu?t
ecold her complaint -T* Bfifttfttsumiae,
two doae* nre h« immediate-/eU«& ttteisanimee
troubled. .with a of Sjmp
always stops it; .7 •mtttitie&ifteV a itiaTof.uroe or
ioar roars, Oiii'ScncPsConrt gfrtpUlh* ttitioork
medicine I hare crtf tried either'itf tbevOld New
Worttt/ : i /- 7 > ’• ' Ww.F42ucnru^
' “ SeTtiitiTVarjL ciry-of Pitxabtayfc
. Tte abeto certificate ahoold induce- all’<rte*sre
trembled whli«cngkora«Ju»%, to give the Bmp* tri
als It' syfcenii s bouto? at t&draj
OOMoC-ri. ;,'| ,'*17,.. yadftt
Caieei, &J» yard, and pM/.cffi7jd|»e
-: No ft ilackeren- *** iUa
0 30bbleNofifctfcckerel: mt dodojrie-i’W
~'B6 m -«iodtrt’Biiaeirattljfe
fl do Alamr 3 do'BSaltap* tie chip’d-Lojifoed
1 W<to‘Nannefi;fipbx*Nol*caedittrrin#ii
• fiO b**l?brdoo« B«o««ted'WsiK^ K s‘ ; ' t •.
. IbaieChrreK 10b^r»'4e«*4 , oin*if-^',^ J .
Ar - declfc.,: ■■ BROWNA tiULttKftTdtJN
SKJ.t.V.RS* VttßMlWfinfr^gapendt«Sn^-Ftt**
evexued. o •’"
'fiKf.N. C» hereby ecrtirr tballpftv toed
yourVertaiiage inmy family, and beiieve-oeqa*}, it
not anerior to any l h«Te cTcrOT«i. : - i-gaTywone of
ay dwdreneoe dosßwtUekespeUod about 80 nabra*.
•'.) •'•■ . '?> I•■ ;■'’ i '' f tVFf*****^
•Prepared and toM br-H ESEf>l*Kilß» 87 Wood at.
Sold by D* C&isei, WOyard; D M Cony, AUcrteuft
rencetiUc...,-. ?. - ; .... ... ' .•> •
IUBT-BSEIVEI>- J Tw»*plcßilid»MriPlan<oa«r*,
i-tl from Ujo wlebnt^.&ctof/flfjAaoM'fc Ci«*. N.
, |o* ©cure UiiUtt erfpib*«.
tiug» onB , 6fr©ct>Ttf r Coleman a.
meat,. r.-.,‘S’-iv J >
Tbei* very nperfor PuneawiH
turtttprlMi: • / ,- v- .iIKI.KW>B;
i decay . . 8010 AirgTitfoT;Nmm»*Cl>rk
CLNOi<t^^o.bx«'iqMU|ranaM<ta i
jbridW .'dec*: ASMSTaoNQaeSU2Ig^i
Oi»iwßrtion oT lllbm, or to
,Ttiw «■ '• »
Ono Wool - '< »
Th«*V,!-V .K*>» « ---toijj *; »* ,®c*
ILi" longer tdvßTtiacßjeiU*
One month*, inthont g jg
i? 1? n
Two «ira»ie.;6 S»tli». ro’woUlo « pl«*»» » 00
fiQGlilnditi»Bal«^nv« t 6 »PhM*?l' w
«HUI 0» TBI-WOial* >* HaJJ-T:
_ One •qire,3 Inrirtlow,...■••••<••• •y*'*•# *JO
la A «f jti f^lHo«allMW*l»A»t^tM«iy , « .
i .'tt -it ; cir-i gn giontht»»rf*K*n*»>4»h»y 00
> -,j <■, oaa jeM»Uj*;w<»«W® 00
rwto n»«*,«r »
f'■ « ’ «, L-U z Tim. iV&wSjl K
Ivr.LH; i, '»<> ».«/■.;; K
Ufc'ftj6ifc«c si lSB <