. .. -cp M MAGNETIC fBEEGRAPfI. -MMBIBIf ‘fc.TEUEoitfyHlD';''. Kxcloilto Ijr r.r tlu Pttfitmrgli OuitW: " v ; GQJJGBESS. Wunfrarai, F«b."7,iSl?. 6nuT*~The- Nml Appropriaiioa Bill tnsiiu ken jnp tMs Ipbnilflikand. kfter some remuksfrotp; ■erml Senators* it-ww refomiJ Bribe committed i .\.,Th»taodeetiab- of j were presented. ■•■' f. < Hr. TXzitpaiie& 'itoi XUver eftd Hiibor sppro* priaUoe BiD, with Ike new works struck oat • -Mr. Befiton repotted scpsrfift bills for the establishment of tKsiiosud Roodfrom StLoouvie San Fra* ci«co tolheColumbi*BiVCT, ittOregob., ' - v r-r "Which,bHia vero n&rKd to the-Military Com* ff yr Th tPeaisfonud W«* Point «ppwpriju£» tails were ... ■■' ’i Afieewhielithd'BeßBte’B4j<ni»ei!;r*-' ] < -• -y Hbttae.tgreeiijo tke-Senate re«K ImioamreteTTOcetoootnßißSttoeleFtonilTotes _ Tfaclndiciary Commltt^ 1 reported tfe Bin reipeaiaf the Western 'Jbdfc&J ‘Districtif UatsWiitaqeadfti'iio m to give; President %>yld|r Ofrllai[amendment, ‘jutjaji&Mtfed, • *j^mg ap^-in'which several member* participated—the ; ■ ’X Thii-HoaM t£en weot inanmnitteeof thowhole oo the Tfertlficatioa tiSL Many speeches—were msde, WKcb occupied theattention of the Hcmie aaullhflJxoarcfadjoarameot. , , L S ~ .'■GENERAL !\ ' TtK’T,lsi9. \ General Taylor arrival here this morning, on eannon, Iraxzn afthe ;tnultitodt,‘ >'indwaving W budfcerehfefiiby iheladies. * OarcUy Q*reribe&re eaperiewed so mnch emhoiiaxm. The cfd Hero •isjadpe health Md\Sxceße'Dt«pin'u..‘7,. ,iu 17 '* THJEGttSAT fight. ’ *7'. : :, 777. f J .; ,::; ' L Feb;7iiB49i - ; Qurcitrwas iiie to day with rompr* abant the * greatflgti batarecaAYaatoa^nnivaa I .and t €T.* r bland vaa settled upoiras t tbo place where the anWiattettta were,’ to iMtaiv ciT,' and; hence ihods? tttd* wended Ibeirway."Of theresale wehave haarinothingy tC ~... ■ j L* i Sr.—The prinJ fight did not take placenta pqtico,luiviog stuped theperibixnanre. .. . -.I ' NrwYoßx,Eeb.7,l649l .■ 'The Ocean Steamer Canada: tailed from this r portloday. •■ ~J i I'.-BALTIMORE‘MARKET. • »*.V> : ■ u«.• ■ ■;■ 7, 18ti > - The‘inarhel it heavier thho yesterday, and the borf&oadoQc at a small concession. . , of Howard Streel pi $4 87, and City HiUaaf,lbe tames figures.-. 1 .1 , i Gr*in—Sales of. prime white Com at46eta, and primeyeliowaiSOoperbaah.; Whiskey—Sales atYs.eenta pergallpn ia^bbts.'' ', MARKET. ■ 4 ;. : ■ Pnx&fssusui F<£>. 7; 1849 l « Floo^—The. market' is steady, toot cot etdire.— Sales of 400 bblsWesfere ai ssperbbb Floor—Sales st $3 S7f perhbL • ■ ' Cora MeaJ—Sales at <2 75. vGnxa—The Grata Market is at a /stand. - Sain of nHme' ved Wheat at 1060107 ms; and- prime cents: Ryeet;6Scts,aod sales to the extol of 500 bush.. •' Wfcakey—Sale* at 25 cm «r gallon.. ‘•Ocoon—Themarket remains -aa last-qnoied. NEW YORK; MARKET. •v -;,.> • '• • NiwTobk, Feb.. 7, 1849. .. ; 'Cotto»7-The market qoiet and wttbonl chaQge ’ iopricear'.--., -;T V 'FlocryThe market it steady but not aetive.' - ;Grnin-—Sales of prime yelbwCotn at Cl ceota perhnaheL *, . . . . .• ; i -Provision*—The sake of Provisions are only for iheeopplvofibc’regnlarWdedeaaad. , Tarn dnlfn nt Oj rftrr Itiln lilifw' . 'v rvWhkfay—Sales at 25 eta pergalL DissoLimoHv fpflE partnership. or MURPHY A: LEE is this day 'X-’diwrtTed by mutual consent/.The bosinhssrf.the me Srmwill basetUcd 11. Lee; '* J.R.MURPHY, ' r :-p|a»tra£fVsaa. 3o,’lM®.H-LER^.;., ' . y I^OTICG—The CBderslgaed win eoatlaae *ths Wool MMiftess an'daueadtoihs'saie of Woolen Goods, at * .the oU'‘stan|.'_'^‘.-,,','V •‘.V.&XRfc^ . yresizpittsure ln'. recommending Mr;H.Lee to 'the v - goadaeneg. of my friends sad the ptiblJe;:.’ r'.** '• ' r ' ' ; , MURPHY.^ •' ' CLIBTOff PAPEa 4. w^ahdSeawt unproved kmaof reaefiaenr, is now prepared to tnan nfeetare all kinds of Writing; PiiotinjK Wrapping and Cotton YawPaper*; Bonnet Board*, dc., cqusltoaoy tit the Eastern or Western The andmlgned hating the Ageaey of,the above UtiLwill keep coniiamiy oa.ltana a Urge. sappJy of . theuifikrent'xindscf Paper; and win have' any; sire made to order ax then notice.; S. C. - BILL, 1 ja3o. ffTWood Kiect :.*• SGXSSGBa TBE,advenl«r bavins devoted urenlyesrsito the faUovingeo&ne,: feel*cutfidesr that those pei sms who stay be hicdeaooghto patronigi hln. wiU todfalabotheottpctestaad esatftctoryvvg: -.:- v TBOtAMwnr;.- Tigr^wi t Xoflie »e«iofl»,:TO*ooo«*etiy T -both pUin ud ttkhe>iesL*sptiled-to Aitreaojny- and Lend £u* - wpyfttff-The yppffytfart tha Deggrenlial and lote tfnuoletdoiy'totbe solauon of-Mexinmm end Mini ' nhoproblfiißa, length* and'pphtpnu of sol> f Beetidni'of field WcTkJ may bo'teen ,w Q , a>hT i V > »tiog>'loqalre»tttu»offlee;-."~. ~-feba-dIW nivOliMlallaft Vwtßinbtpi • ffTHßfturiotfifKee JtGelneohainfir,.ks» this d*y bT-snUßml-enOMoL-' They hard \ riTinnrtTTirlrhnnln sod *seoanx*.in .tf»ifcsnd*ef '! >ftn f jfrtucwy T <qr«*a prrpaaia eaUankm and setUor - <--^i*Trtr ,v tgffffiwr th*^” l *** indebtedto 'ibWsa tafc-wiU. please eatt and settle wiih-hia/aad n«U se»6&* MTi&elsima : against* tliett will present • tHrixaccomrtsfotusTnenfe- =• •■iTv.w .v DAVID~ - - chabLesp.geibsensaixeb. - '.v/. ViuABE CHANCE. .. : i TTr*KTE&-i p*rtacr Inths PoblUhloslnui&eu, v ’.W“«Bbiaefaj#Bwipot7pUf t Printiijr'am Binding, la a UiKOi«mbU*ha«nt with a profitable tun of •work «i to commence whh. r -He obs£ be * laia'cfatmnpetey. ed in ido prumlpJce—wifr r -Ui» •nd'a&le eosirol-ibenimiaf .depaAtteat at hare aeapiul ofBuXB ioj IWWO.-TJie e»- ./ aujabrnmis at pretent- in ‘Weelinj> Va.«-bat can be. •- re&eved uTUabarsk or any atteettiiajrtff .fttaee el - abort noticed F«r forther paitlcalari, call en.BaT..-n. ir/B**BttteotypiggdoaeataboTtnoti^7^eMia TarAHTED* >' A FEMALE todo Heasewoxfc in 'a small family.— - A To oaa.wto odderaiahda lie t bualneaa, food .wa* v fesaedapenaanept■hsatioavitlbeatTea.,. Al3o-*Ayoonf f&t, ora TCTpecUole old ledjr.io , oAp.d»ehni|reora nursery, in a Ed- • PAHTSHHIHIP. * : aCBBSON WOODHODSEfcJOBN WOODBOUBE, *ITAVING till day nwoeltiea ibemsetTea together * Xl: ia p*xtßera&& wdtY the flxm and atvletifX fc J. Wocnauun, fortne ttaaoEactare of Tin, COPPER AND SHEXfrIBO&WABSL on Ibe comet of. Bobln ■oa atnei «idL tbn in ibe Ut Ward( AUtßotnatr crrr. whete Ujay aie prepared to Yornub to., order; a»A retailf all gniclee.-Ja toil line wi^U ftre ee vwcb will neat oJjßmedisteafteatian, citraf r ~ r * ItggrAggpli—At large Boom.••■waU tabled, and : : 'W- «iabte la otherfeipecta • for; the accoouaoda* " t ”«f«RaleetßchooL:EnQggpat,Uii<offiM!.. ’’ ialHf " ' r i ■’-. jSnkf gr .> SAV3HG3s*icoraplflicdU» jebwHlinf ofont«no»e . fcootes* we s» new prepewdio xeccire ioesV -MtoUintto most nwrci sa lemaaatf._j_; ■ i -. . ;aeasBwenth«it ■ -.Vi -• I** XKTEXjcOtnSS CEfIENTt tor teitorfnj brofeerxChl -f“w’w’wii^r UtOKED tnaMWWfIS-jattto'Wb l,rccM«it4tor BROWN ArCULBEBTSON. CUOK& BOfTSE I*0& BENT—Bul»bIo to I ° , ° l ”BM>wi»tcwi.BEgr3oW , CCQAB HOOSE MOLASSES-1? bill Undinj from \ WjroffldjUi>ad-fdr Ef •*. . . f■, :ms „ Tames PALZSLL,ir»«r»i l '■ ,'DVB MUJDa—7 bbl». Br« nour, a .twro ind tor * tests?* clM ° e^K^-DAiW; : :/TOMMO3 BEOAia-tcbiieonimoa B«itr<,Uni-. ">i NewEn jlinj; tot ule br : S< i "■•■■■--■• BAnAIiKY to SMITHS *'■ >■ T)£ACIiEB— KW buh dried pMehM. Jost~rec’d ndd Hi Jr. .ipinlebr ria dciuDWELCUtti «, MbbU email whlu BcaoMaatonaaftfot .w IjjMtobr }aai icBiDWKU^ v£ ii3t -.. t • • •■ ■» n Jc BIDWI4M, Vlnegw'' for“'*a!e hr. • ” • •'• t> JOffIPWHLL. I TIT, a SDUAB-U^Ui oldeton,foitilebr . 7' ; ’ __L J cbwwell- \ ■»•-*■ a bD-A t>*»!• *“1 ftf ilia ii* Jj *_. ;U- .. U TYEiCinS-W liif»ar» PTOIKK WJn-do Appleaj CCOHCtfTO SALTS*-* 7 bWj lindiny fan m P fc SMrnt £ «'j 4 : t ; T>®rEH,*e.-190 Imp Block pwi «*> S • 4 ffagaj COMMEROfAU ‘IIEtORD. 3 SaianUyi 4 Monday,' 6 Mandav. 0 Tuesday. ■. 7'Wednesday, ... 8 Thsnday. •* •«i; 0 FridXJt .... . PITTSBURGH gOAROOP COMaHTTEE'POB FEBBUABY. k. b. caxia, t*. nsstix ' wa.*.stuEroT Oryxes PrircßDiwa Gazette, > Thursday, Mornics, February 8,1849.) v The market throughout maintains its tunal qui etnets, tales being eonfiued to limited transactions, O9 (mportaotchaogein quotations. FLOURp—The: receipts amounted to some 600 Ifcla, with, sales! oa the wharf 0i175 bbls mixed bbL Bole>fran store were con* fined to limited lots by dray loada f at 4,7501,87, as inquallty; • > RYE FLOUR—We notice farther limited lots at 3,18/wwn store. ? CORN MEAL—Moderate sales are c lice led at p bo. ■ • GRAIN—Sales of 67 sacks com tn two lots at 43010 c p bn, the former figures being decidedly below the market. Barley is is fair request, with sales ni 50c. Other grains, no ehaoge. • PROVISIONS—The market is quiet, present* ingno change is figures. We conld find no sales to any Urge amount, but may quote regular limit ed lotiual the'following rates: of bacon 41, 4105 c, '• and 6|{B6f ■ fi it shoulders, sides and hams, as in quality.'. Sales of sugar cured hams at 909;c fiL Bulk pork,,,4®Jlc,. dried beef 71. Butter in keg*Bi, in bUs. 110120—as in quality. Sales 18 boxes good! W R cheese at stosfep El Of lard at : 6io6l in bbls and kegs. GROCERIES—The market continues firm at firmer qnotationa' Sale! of N O sugar In limited lota by hhd ala rage of 41 to 505ic4p&. Of-N O moUsses at 2so2Sic, and of Rio coffee nt 7JO j DOMESTIC COTTON~3OO DS TEA DE. ‘ v S-W> , Boston, Feb. 3,1849. ‘ TfcA export of Domestic Cotton Goods for the month ending January 31, has been as follows: !- .1. . Bales and Cases. Value. To Hong-Rong, ITS $7,4-72 00 : • ; Rio Janeiro, 50 1,030 00 , Brazil and a market, 43 2,167 69 ...MaUa and Smyrna, , 130 OO -SuTbomaa, - 136 0,082 1 7 ' Cape 76 3,469 44 .Tku3tfnonndOmoa, SB 4^87173 » ; Goaaivea, 22 1,905 00 AuxCayes, - 25 1,773 75 Port ou Prince, 23 875 00 : Jacmel, 14 937 12 Halifax, , L 10 31 Total for January, S&me time last year, 798 $33,077 52 1,927 80,866 52 . The amouot of ice cleared at the Custom House the past month ending January Si, hae been as follows:.. To Hong Kosg, Bombay,’ .. Havana, ' Kingston, . St-Jago, New Orleans, Baltimore, Apalachicola, Total for January, Santa time last year, Wool/—Both foreign and have been in good demand the past week, and prices are very firm. Domestic fleece rmd polled is taken os fast as it arrives,' the. low grades selling at some advance on quoted rates. There bos beeu an in creased demand for the. belter qualities of foreign oa accounts of the advance and scarcity of low. cades of domestic,, and,sales of 50600 bales of Cordova, Mestizo, Baetnos Ayres, and Smyrna, ; have been made oa private torms, p*rt for a neigh boringmarketr-tShippinglist. Ul M’Lszx van ms Pm* in his practice several years before he coold he indoeed tomhr it to the pub lic is each s dinner *«to ft known ill over the country, the qaaek remedies so frequently advertised and forced epos the public by means of forged certifi cates and a system.of puffing, preventisffreqoeaily regular asd learned; physicians, sueh as jDi. M’Uns nndoabtedly-is.-from ■ entering tho lists against such eampetUara: Convinced, however,, of the real value of his medicine,and influenced by ! be plain dictates of doty, which would not permit turn to keep man his fellow-creatores to powerful ar&eAini of preserving than than suffering, he finally offered it for sale. Since that time it has become known ail «Ter the;!?. States; and wherever h has been tried,hia proved its super!* ty over ail ether remedies ever offered for diseases-o/’ the Oven Inlfc6t.‘tha prescriptlonsof pbyihriaasare no loageereqaired. in, eases of liver complaint.' All ihstis necessary, is for the patient to purchase* ana «*d Uf. JULmse’s Jdver FUls, to secure a restoration to health: -. Bead this:, £ ..- y \ . -.t **J. KiddACo.—Please leune hare two boxeamore of Hr, U 1 Lane’s Lire* Pill*. . My wife! has .wed two boxes of the Doctor's'Fills, and 1 snare you they have dcae hez more good thatrmy : fasuly physician has for two yean, dozing which time he .was in rreularolfep donee. - ,These .two boxca-L think will effect a. cure. James jo.ves. Wtikins tp-,AUfrghetrv IS47. <. For sale at the Drug Store of , , fob* ........ j KIDD*.’Co I^CaxTamPxcrxaMxant—lf7o# wish to besoe petsfa! in any,unde naking,-you mail always Hue the croper swans.* Therefore, 11yon hare, a cough, qsa Jatkx's ErrxcroaanT and be cared, for ,lt lathe proper means.. Hareycra Asthma or’difficulty of brcntiung, then the only efficient means to euro yon is to use -Jayoe%Espeetormnt, which will immedttfettroeerooiße the spasm which contracts the diameter of the ( tobus» oed loosen* and brings up the mucus which clogs the m up, ahd thus retooyes every cbsirucuoiito a free reij’i rauoa, while at the same op» all mfimmnation is saJtJ dued,’and ai bure' is certain to be effected. Have yea BraiteUUs,Spiningrofßlood T Pleurisy, or in feet any 'Pulmonary Affection, then uv» Jaynets Expectorant 'tad relief is certain, asd yonwill find thatyco bar* used the proper mean*. 1 , • - . Por safe in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 4£h StreetneaxWood. . ; j*nT7 ; Txxntraurr Tanaon to the valneofDr.M’Lane*a Vermifuge.-'Bead, all that doubt. “A.ferret,when-placed at the eoiraade. of a rat 'sole, enters the ape Rare, travels along the passage,» sizes . upon the rat, exterminates his existence: and drags the animal’s defend carcass to' the tight! And 1a like manner have Hound' Dr. IPfcane’s American V enuin fogeto epermfo.upon wqnnsjihosedoidfsl aw Jdan gerous tennentorsof children, This remedy, liko the" eßtl,«ctere the aperture oflhamomb, travels.down the gullet, hums round the stomach, lays hold of the worms, shakes .the fife out of the reptiles, sweeps' clean their dearand-eamevlheir esreaxses clear out of the system. This at least has been the edeet ef the vermifego open my children.' ' • WMJ ROUL/ITT. e ■ Naples, Jan-1517.*. - • - •• -•'•H--.. . 5 '“Tnis ii to certify than have used-Dr: M’Lane’s Veralfege, and have found it to operate in like miin-v net upon «y children, JOHN BRKIGS. 1 Raplfes; ; June,JM7.® .. | . ‘ •Ibrasde ti the Drug Store of - f • • •• , •yjaa;■•••.- -• _ • jjkidd&c*. .Cotrosa-arm. Coma.—-The frequent chances in the weaker at this season of the year, mrarubty bring 1 •long with them coughs and colds, Which by tixmdr attention are easily core dby suable l remedies. BE 1* LEES* IMP KKIA I, COUGH SYRUP has beeniowsc for th*last 13 years, and has gained turn reputation for tho.cnre of eoughtinot requiring; aetive medical Xreannentl.than any other preparation -ever ofiered to the citizens of Allegheny county. The- Imperii! Cough Syrup is very pleasant to the taste, and. on this ae. Canal, is a great favorite with children. Tbodoscsvre . carefoilv cmdoated, ia the directions, to talc-all ages. .That this long tried :and highly porabsr cough, remedy maybe within the reaeb of ail, fits sold at ike low price of. 25 cents per buttle. , .. , Prepared and sold by ,R.K.£l£Ll l £HS, 57 WoM it, . Piushurgb,,D. JL-Carry, Allegheny- and druggists gen erally inboth cities. . . ... oeta ' Dxi hPlutnft LtvxuPuxa m'N.Ycxr.—The rapidi ty with which (hi* invaluable 'tnedielne has become known ksd appreciated, can only be accounted for epos the ground brits real value. It has only required one trial to establish ilk claiois to the title of the only medicine for.the-eure'.bf thcliverCempiaini 'Hi following lcUerfnHn'adrugptrtinNew York. shown the manner m which these Villa are regarded in thst scctionofthe e«aotry. :i Dcargirrl have sold odrall your Li jver Pills, and am anxious to have' another lot imrnedi •wlf-. These Pills leenl to take most wendetfnliy. I edoidhavr sold a much larger quantity, ill bad been provided with them. The • inhabitants arc sending-to Rochester for tbera,but whether there hte ‘any there °L n ? t » Hftnot know., Please send me' another sup k N?T 1M7.” For ttle ftl lb. Drag .tore of ; J ■■■ ■& ••• i .KIDDk Co .M’LArttfs^YoxjaVxxssLmax—.Tbcpopuiaijty which thu mcdtcine has acquired,in. WestopiTeiinsylvani a, feasoreguarameeaf us exceUence. Tho/otiowing .-gentletaen, hlgifly respectable eitizeus of Allegheny and Bsaver counties, have. used, this Venniiune la ihe<r fatuiUe*, an d ofler the assurance of it* great. medical properties. , . r . . , Mary Stratton, ! « . .1, Mary Bark, Beavercouniy,, I ' Sarah Hasbergor, Manchester, dear PiiL .. Margaret lindscy,- b James Bulk, Squirrel Hill. Agnes Burk,. L . . For sale tithe drug store ofJiaOD A Co, cowood Bt. . • . - -decll of many.a man's exisi enee.- No tongao can dcßcribe the sufleriags' qaancd by.this dlstressibg dlsdaser It unfit* min fpr his sia iiOffiflliih* whatever .it may be, and mak<|i him feel as though M Wdaldtmher'aot exUt lhan « odure such misery. .«Yel these- saffering* ate produced; in ibe first place by deraagvmem of the stcmselHUnd if this were :met by uiioff B/A: Ebhaestoek**' Anti-BHious Pills, , |]is. bourn tlwcrpsid < bft cleansed, • ihO’’ aeoamuMtlon or - bile eartWDwand a speedy and sbrdretfef obtained. nut: sold by B.A.FAItNKS'fOCKACo corner Ist and wood; also cOruerdtb and vreod sts, oeuy-.i;' l •>- - :;V - 7 ...rry* »n,s exedsuve or tnorhld seonniouv or bile is well known tocause violent disttirbailce of the diges tive orgftttsi,-tnd-brinf-’'atti.Trtarijfithui end-unmanagea ble fevers, whithoflea put Oh end lobfe.- Yhesiomach mustbaeieamwd of tlicse fool secreUotis, and this con otoatfesdiiy Unaccomplished bythe liie bfUAPsba estoek’S'Anti-BtiieusTuis, which are aieiost vshmble feoily-cat haruc.rTbcy eaabegrveu'vrhb.’safety atoll dmos;andaffi)ird wUefiDaTßirshon : time. : '“" '» ; Prepared and aold by B A FAHNBJffOCK It Co, comer Ist and .wood, and corner CUi and, wood sy, . •. \r-y -j.\ : . • -i •- V. p 1 tp” Worms, by thirtr'ljTitatiOnj Mginent the ijcto* JIoa« Bxueus or sluoe’in the stoaiai3),itt‘ whieß, oQ jS' /'ft ,br‘lt njl,- PABTOSTOCK, k ever/cen fldehce canbe. *jrd tia; aAsiirered. the luU ***aa bf ; POUT OF PITTSBURGH. BaltiCy • •» , - Atlantic, ' . -- Csldr Cope;Murdoch, Beaver. 1 rj.».. 1 Beave7, Clufei "Beaver. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. '' Couxul, Webber, Wheeling. WeUsvilla, Poe.'Sunfish. Clipper No. 2, Crooks, CSn. Jas. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. DEPARTED. Baltic, Jacobs; Brownsville.' Atiantiu, Parkinson, Brownsville. Beaver, Clark, Beaver. ■ Caleb Cope, A. Murdock, 1 Beaver. Lake Erie, (vordon,'Beaver. Camden, Hendrickaoh, McKeesport Zachary Lucas, Wheeling. Wellsville, Poe, ‘Sunfish. .- Consul, Webber, Wheeling. Pilot. No 2, ■ l GanipQliiL 6-19. 520 6 21 6 22 3 24 3 23 S 28 7 10 7 9 ?7‘"6 •7 7 7 ’5- 7 5 7 4 There were 7 feet 6 inches water in channel by pier mark, lasi, evening at du&k, and falling’. boats leaving this day. .; CytQumati Packets, 10 A, M. Brownsville packets, 8 and 4P.M. Beaver Packets, 8 A. M, and 4 P. M. SL Louis—J,Q Adams. w —MI Vernon. Cincinnati—Brilliant. Wabash—Vermont uipofiTm'onfsß. Wheeling—Vet Consul—l trunk, Forsyth Sc Duncan; 38 aks oats, J C Elliott; li'split brooms, 2 ska dry apples, 1 bok. D Hughey; 4 sin rags. S C Hill; 34 pcs meat, 4 bbls 2 kegs, C D Basset; 700 pcs b pork, 7 bbls lard, i bbi 5 jars do, 2 bogs, 3 bbls nuts, 33 hxs mdse, R Dalzell da cm Per Zachary Taylor—l 3 bbls lard, Bagaley Sc, Smith; 24bdls paper, S C Hill; 50 dodo,Lloomis; 25 bbls onions, owner oa board. CinSnrifztt— Per Brilliant—s63l pcs meat, 100 bxs herring, R Galway; 10 bbls molasses, Miller Sc lUcketson: 1 refrigerator, J 0 Bid well, 149 bbls molasses, J Walt: 150 do do, R King; 25 hbds su» gar, 27 tres rice, J G Doane; 8 bxs 108 pcs meat, 7 bbls 2 kegfc lard, owner. Bridgeport—Per Wellsvillfr—94 bbls flour, J 8 Dilworth; 32 ska oats, l keg lard, R Robinson; 27 ska fruit, 175 bbls Hour, Geo A Berry; 4' aks pea* ches, 6 do feathers. 2 bxs butler, B .bbls 4 kgs do, l ; sk sundries, 50 bbls Armstrong ds Crozer; 34 rks dry apples, 14 dope&ohes,29 kgs lard, 33 bbls flour,'los aks corn, W C, Walton; 12 bbls flour, 3 bids flaxseed, R Dalzell Sc co; 335 bbls floor, E Heaxelton; 67 aks ship stuff,.33 do shorts, J Donaldson; 5 bbls clover seed, i keg lard, l sk rags, J Black; 4 bbls 76 kegs lard, 1 box butter, 10 bgs 3 bxs Sundries, owner aboard. Foa'ink Watusa—The splendid steamer Ver mont, Capt. Hasleu, will leave for LafayeUe, Wa bash river, to morrow morning, at 10 o’clock. To all who may be going in that direction, we would say that the V. in point of accomniodaiion it equal to any boat on the river. Sold— The steamer Arnrwllne has been pur chased by Capt J H Reed, to run as a packet be tween Wheeling and Parkersbnrgh. BITES OF DISCOUNT. ttATfca OP DISCOUNT—CUBBEOTKI)»> : N. UOLttSS * BOMB, Ejehange Brokers, No. 55 Market arret, near 4ta si Pcnasylvuls* intSlana. Bank ofPlUtbargh •-«-•Par.Bt«eß , k -fc Branches-• I Exchangd Bank Par.S'alfcScrip “ Merth. * Man. Bank -i»ari - Vlrwtßlst* Uk».ofi’liJs<folpliia--**PsrExehaßge'llk. of V*;- 1 Uintrd tiynk {•ariFun&ersUtuofVn*-»»» u Bancoftiermsatown -pariUk. enke Vnifoy,—“ “ CL«terCounty---psr Bk.of Viryinia-— " “ -Drlitware Ca* ••par Sl.* M. Wheeling 4 14 Moaffiumcry Co. • -par do MDrrixUown--• • t “ Northamt>etlatt<i**par N: W. Bank Va— • 4 Colnmbialtridge Co.* • par do Weilsbarg*—•• 1 Doylestown ttack pal do Parkersburg—• u Farmeri'Dk. Bcadiog-par Teiuseasea* Famers’Bk. UaeksCo.par Bk.of Teaneiseo*-• • & Farmers B'k Lancas'r-psr Far. k kterch’ts Bk— “ Laacastei Cb.Bk.-*- -par PiaDters* Bk.*— - ••• • *• — par Uuion Bk.— U.fetairs Bank •—ID nUtoori• Tons. 400 500 188 200 230 ■436 .30 150 2,134 ! 2,979| Brow.tsvdls Bk. ••(uu WjuhJ.ifffon lit-*----•• -4 Gettyabtt.*fftEk.— • 1 Chambfrst.arg* M tjaureshseut Ca Bk.- 3 Lehigh C&Btr-k, - bewi«u»w«i- ■— ...... —*• 1 Carlisle u m Kneel.* I larmru’ and 1 Bank, Wuyneaberg-- I ! — “ 1 ,40-tesds:c —•• t * Lebaruin- •••• pvr Poiurillrt* ' YorV nc." Wtift3r*oca BH. MUk. PitU.do- u CkyftOdnnjyskrip- * , oiuo* Biate Bk i and - Bracckcf-1 MournPinuuit*- ■* -*• “ ** i -at cairtyna.-sw-^*^’ i‘<ew Lltbau* • “ [ Cincinnati B*ak» "I Coisabni *f | Cnciffnlte——* • " '2aa«*il!e “ j pBUJfIOI -—.— v--' • • “j 'Wvont * ——*— • 70u MataiUon »■—l | Jjaaiaaty 'Geaas*- *!' f¥«walk •*'• vß^rclaniJ-—• » i' t Wcti«ra : Rmite*- M I Frank ffo iPk Coiambßi ** | CbilUflotle “ [ Lake £.rio-- g-ioi... : —» " 463 f r • 10 (OlfcaM «■» *OO Hamilton —l5 Vte4*riek*4’or*.—*T» GromUe » Tea Thalers- •• •. 760 Fwm*rsjJ T i Canton-~ 00 TeaGmUter* 3M Ifprhcm Dk. -‘Baltimore ;*_* »**» BtirYork—CrtT Banka, par. latenot tPki— 1 Bbisbiua’i Sxpreii Wt|oa! Line, . toAßiwm ft&zgSk *™ JafesBCROH AND PHILADELPHIA, tfUMEi FIVE DAYS—lianniny Day and Night!—A X Car wili leave Philadelphia dally with the Blaii Train, to Chn»ber*bargb; a Wnjpit will leave on It* arrival, and having relay* of hone* rnrminy tUy *nd night, «eeure# the certain arrival of good* .fa Five Dare' No note Good* trill be received than can be loaded an each day,, »o that tie delay will oeear. We wul be prepared to forward 6000 lb* daily. Apply to WM.BINGttAII, ** Canal Baaln, Fmaborgb. BINGHAMS k DOCIf. dee©*d3m No 2*9 Market ilrcei Phtl***. SCLIPBB TBASSPOKTATIOS UVE* !848."*q>aa. SH/PPERS and other* are informed that thli Une eontinae* to ran daily. Prodaee and merehanduo receipted for by FIVE DAY LINE and regalar wag on*, si low rate* and *peeified*un>e. : J C BIDWELL, PitUborgh; novl-f! ROBINSON k BOEHM, Baltimore. BlPtt E I B W A oVI LIBB, PUtibargh and Philadelphia, Vvia csajuacksivao,) .9—RUNNING DAY ANDNIOBT TUB pnblio ore r» *J>«if*Ur lufonaed that thi* Line will coat&ence -ntnaiag on the 87tb »n*«- A ear wiQ leave Philadelphia daily with the Mari TnuatAs Chamberabarg, and fiwa theoeo br Wagoo, with a relay of horaea, raiuti.tg day and night. We snll be prepared to forward 6000 ‘iba. freight duly. Apply to D LHKCH & Co, Piittborgh, orHAIiaWA LEECH, novSO Main Booth Third Street, Philadelphia. PEBSA AND OHIO 1 ITAfIOS MHBi Jill. PITTSBUBGH AND PUi'MDSLPJUA; .TO**, od.t*~bdh»)lo DAT .SDipanT. THIS UNE, who.. p«jicm»liir ln«l wtoler gave aaeh general aatiafactlon, will .commence ranalitg on let of Janaary next, niing the tnall train Eaat of Cbttmberiborrb, and relay* of lior*e-'on the tnrnpike. , CLARKE A THAW. piuWargb. r • LEWIS k DUTLEII, '319 ’Market at, ,-ffcSi ___ ' Philadelphia. PIOKBBIk T2UV6PORTATU)S LINK, fe^lB4B.^S@, iiertVEEN-BALTIMORfS AND CTITBBUBfIH. ' fC7* Time, fi d*y«. J3J ‘ ' ' Merchandise trniuporloil at Cnaunue*. ■ !- FORSYTH be. DUNCAN, Agcnie, 'Wcter caeet. PinsbarglL FXAILEY k MARfiHALtLAxenU, 47 UirH itrwt, uni lhaor*. ~ siipßKE 4 CO*jl Wjy EXFESBS FOIt Ct r Af«) THE • • ,11% STERN CETJEB. rnHßPioptlelo«fifUii*liao btrre pal on New Stock, ; X Mil are prcpansd'to fonranl paelroye* of all 4d» ■cripttoni daily,«the towe>tWg»r it r T *' M ■/. 0. BJDWELL. Jlecnt, 5 -• : * r --' Wtter rtreei, Hmtnirgh. ' ? ROBINSON A BOEHM; :■ - 03 SmuixCKWlee «t,'Baltimore, -Kimi-'K' FOB SALE.—The «dfT ahd *ah» i t Ik •> inffl M»rai*l«eain b6at' ANEUICA U of - fared ‘ {or nle' 'oa 'hee.ofehpdaiinf IVSBpMSßnbersu.' Apply.** • • . ■ i*ll ' ; ' ’ f CBiD WELLvAg* waterat ' O V^VtOUlt—i ttls By« Flon*,'for.ftalety JLi. feUt y AJUtaTBDNG*CfcQZEB 'A^DOlirrlO 1 l»hl» winter stnlned Lkfi Oil, prt j£J ■te*merCon«|rn«: (ot MtfebV - ' “ j, ii ; >. .finEyp, ekey &Co 1 /Fltmr.lit *towand ibr *a e l»r -Wjmrrr’C--' r i'' Ja fIftAVOKTM Jfc C> • "I UliU’'SoO "Butter! Iri/iime amf for *tlo i> j* -,i ' . jflpiLwoirrHico --'H*. Jt AUl>—Ejjirdj SfJrenfafir'iuira&adferH ■j bf ■ • ftw-.» JSCILWOaTHfcCo :OH3D3—ft bbls Clover fiecdr- 3do Timothy dK in O:«we«nd<ori*leby. --■.■■■■ J S PMAVORTH* Co 4 '.- *• : -l < ;1; V-,T v'isl,. .-!■ fchl..w ' caikji I’orith, !mi]j!:K frri&n r.nir C<Tpe 1 ini tot till br ' - ' ‘ JXSDAtiZELL, - /At, * ‘JljnSSu-* ErftSlMSCKMM—ilfluul M «*> W jJJ r fo*ld»»eoasloUta*nt;? Abl ’ JASSAL2£j|b tffiS^FOß-TBK- ugoo, scoompamed • visit to this didre *ay, that the Half bad iot been told. Pieeo by piece the Toinitore of the mother bad gone: tables, chairs, bed flog, and i sen clothing', £ad been apld, with a vain hope that by (his means, they wwitd 1 be able to snpply tiu mere necessities of life, at least nnlil the mothe; could leave the bed aide of her suffering soa, u earn a pittance that would reader them iodeper dent of puldic charity. "We will not attempt to g(ve even the mother’s descrip tion of the young man’s sufferings. Thanks to the liberality of our ieilkena we went prepared, in, some degrceto relieve him. We had the happi ness of presenting the mother with 830, (the amount at that time and ii the be* nevolent donors cbald have stood by our aide and aeea ‘ the tea* of gratitude atari from the'' mother 1 * eyes, and listened to the heartfelt und often repeated expressions of thanks for their kindoeas, and beard the blessings of the widow’s God' called down upon their heads, they would no doubt have feU as we did, that it (a Oldeed more bleated to give than to receive, Oub River Mkjc— We have reaaoo to be proud of them; a nobler or mere liberal set of men do act live. Last evening, a couple of steamboat captains called into our sanctum, and. deposited 869 87 with us, for the relief of poor Brady, which was raised during the day, among the steamlioal then. We would be glad to give thetr names, but with modesty equal to their booevolence, they positively forbade (t Verity ‘they shall not lose , their reward. 1 Reader, ’go thou end do True, cjuch baa been done, but much more re mains to be accomplished. With a house stripped of pli the contorts dfUfe, and a prospect of thestay mad hope of the family being bed-ridden for severe] months, there is atitl great room for the exercise of true benevoleno^ The young man Eeiltgore, mentioned in yester day’s paper, as having been arrested, hna been commuted to the cojinty jail, for the crane of insan ity. This was undoubtedly the best thing that could be done, under the circumstances, and it was but enact of humailty to coniine him there, when no better place it provided. Bat this thing of treat* mg the unfortunate, and the vicious in the same manner—of confining madmen with criminals, can not be too much deprecated. Our city poor house should be provided suitable rooms, or a sep arate boilting should be erected for this unfortunate class of oar fellow creatures, where they may receive suitable medical (mention, so that If possible they may be restored to themselves their femiliria and the world. Our sister city Allegheny ■has already moved in this matter, and has provid ed convenient rooms for confining this <■*<«— of pen • pert. How tong shall Pittsbnrgh remain behhxdin this reaped. Matos's Qrncx.—Four cases were brought be fore the Mayor yesterday tnoroing. Two were committed, and two fined. An amusing acute oc curred, at the close of the examination. A fickle fair one, who bad received her credentials for the Hill—the second time wfthin a few day*—enter* lained hia honor and the by ataodere with a choice selection of biQicgrgafo, designed for the express benefit of one of the watchmen by whom she was arrested. Row is Hatti.—There was a general melee a mang the negroes, at a somewhat notorious.hoose on the HQI, in which atones, brick bats, and pistols were freely used. Two ot the combatant*—one of whom had his face most dreadfully cut and bruised—were arrested by the night* police, and lodged In the watch house. . They were both fined. SUtaßkofUmoorlo 1 . liertli Carolina* BE. of Cape Fear--* t Merch'a 2 Suw B4ak *-.-‘- —— S Brath Carolina* Can: den ilk • • 3 fUr. of Ctuule«ara 8 CngrffVTLal HI • 3 Yacxo Mxs> LibsaSt. —It will be eecn by so advertisement id another column, that tbo fourth Lecture for the benefit of (his institution, will be delivered this evening, at Apollo HsQ, by Professor Stephen*. Thu subject i* one calculated both to interest tod Instruct, sod the association for whose benefit tho lecture js given, certainly deserves a liberal patronage the public. Bk. ofCeortewwo.-'* 3 fßJt.of Ituaberf * IHercbam* Bk**«-*— 2 IPJaw«T* ftMceiia'tßk- a 18k. of 8o«lh Carolina- • 2 lUrfliad. I Baltimore .p*j IBaJuaV to KB Scrip 10 rOaacberUtut XU. o/AUc i fbaoy 1 •r'lr.Bk.o! Maryland-' u jParmct*’ A Mechanic* “ Bk. Frederick.* “ FrederickCo.Dk.—'- “ lUjcentorrnßk “ Mineral Bfci—.«*««.»• 1 Paupaco Bk—* l W^fcatgtawKt.—.«—»“ Bi.ofWe»tmitt*ter ....*» Htchl|M« jak.ofßt Clair —» • jßk. of Birat BUten.—— Michigan JjjfvCo*.- • • ft iF.r.iHMli’lßlt I iftfar.fcfiretß.CftMaw'a i ( ■ COUtdcßr-.V ft iSask of JSralandHpui P ' .•t*|?o4P r £«tr. 'GoU*St>MllVftlt«i lNapoleoa* 3 BO DiicMr r >-4UO*S* lEaglejfid - It M (Eagle,caw lfM • [Doubloon*, Spaniah. If OO jHo. Patriot*-—ISM Ssothxud. —An mfent child of Lewis Wonder, who lives in Melloo's court, Tunnel street, was found dead yesterday mortung. having been imo thered in its mother’s arm*. Baxwxs’s Paxozasus called ooi another crowd teat nigbL Tto proprietor wishes us to at ale, that lie wilTopen fi>r exhibition. IBs sfttfroce*r, tr two o'clock* tor the benefit of the juvemka. Admit* tanee, 10 real*. Thxatu.—The benefit of Mr. Hoys Ukes (dace this evening Mr. IL is an actor of no ordinary merit, ami the announcement of his benefit wilt doubtless be responded to on the part of his fries da> by giving him a crowded bouse. 1 Proceedings la Select ConasJl. February 6.18(9. Council met pursuant to adjournment of the 29th olt. Present—-Messrs. Black, Caskey, Coyle, Dram. Hays, Jones, Kincaid, Layog, Lore;,*, Mor row, Murray, Shfptto, and Mr. Denny, President , President in the Chair.. la pursuance ol the provisions of an act. incor porating the,Board of Guardians, JbAbe relief and employment of the poor of the city of Pittsburgh; Council proceeded to elect by baDot, two per sons to serve as guardians of too poor, (a three years r it* Mr.Geotxe Albree and Dr. Robe Wray, whose terms of office expired this day. .Messrs. S. W. Caskey ami Philip Dram, were appointed tellers, and Mr. George Aibree and Dr. Robert Wrhy were re-elected to serve for three years Mr. Black presented a communication from Robert M. Ilwain, asking Councils to provide some means fit? paying him for work done fbv the city, which was read, wbea Mr. Black moved its refer ence to the committee on finance, which after some discussion, was agreed to. Sent to C. C. and reference concurred in. Mr. SUpton—A petition from dtlxens of the JFifth ‘Wwd, asking that Quarry street mav be opened and graded; which was read nod referred in Committee' on Streets, with instructions to re port probable cash Sent to C. C. and reference concurred in. Mr. Larng—Tho Petition of rtlixeoa of the Seventh Ward, relative to Brick Kilns in the new Wards. Mr. Caskey moved to refer to the Committee on Ordinances: Mr. Laycg moved to amend, by re* ferriag to a Special Committee. Amendment adopted, and Measra. Layog, Caskey, and Jones, appointed on part of iliia Council Sect to C. CX, who concurred lo the reference, and appointed Messrs. King,, Grier, Lam bourn, and Wuaon, on partofC-C. Mr. Sbipton*—A resolution, authorizing the First District Street Commissioner to mite the bridge crotsiog the canal on Peon slree!; Which waa read three times and adopted. Sent lo C. C. Mr. Kincaid —A communication from the Super intendent of Water Works, relative to the cons = sUeeU.Whlch wasicad nnd.refcrred to Committee on Streets, with' power to act. Also, a resolution aulhorixlng.tbe Superintend* Cjjt orWafer Works to partition'off o ponioo of the Council Cbambhr, fer n drafting room, &C. ' -■ - On motion of Mr. Black, the roles of the lost Council, were adopted- ;■ Mr. Have presented a pettuQ#' fAoin the Fifth and Sixth words, for a Firo Flog on the eoruer of Faber and Elm streets; whicK jns r£ad and re. frrred XolhO'WafeTCommtttee.Y /t‘ T» Aoudenl fendameinorialfrotiithe auditors of Pill township, relalvo. to Ihe lpmbarrassed cooditipoi of tba township, CoasgnUc'al upon the annexation oftho Sixth, Bevcn^b f and Ninth ■' WardSif fiAkifig Coancil* toappoint a Com* hKitee to edofer with, them onthe gufiject, and -to gomeurrangemcuU lo.reliaYe' the township frota her fdebta Referred loathe Cbm mittee on Finance, in conjunction with ihe'ctiv solicitor. - Rest of proceeding*: same xa<X On Adjouroed. < Rsoxmca orpixTATLOX.—Allegheny, Feb. 5, toa published chll, n large meet, lag of tha pitixena of Allegheny convened in the ;Tow«)Houso t&s evening, and was orgsnized by ifift Hom H. taking the Chsir; tnd D. M. 'Curry,Secretory. i'*/- Thj* following preamble and retolflltons alter an ftdimaled discussion, wero npahimously a* dopted:-^ Wktfia. *, Maj. Gen. Zachhry Taylor, who by the .people has-been .chosen . President., of j^ v Uniied Slates, is repairing to the seat of Government to en» terupon hi* dalles,nnd it being -ascertained that hti wifl pais ihroughltfo county some- time'daring next week' and remsiu with us a thete fine,• • -. * s. > •»;..< ■.. • * R/toived, That as ft successful defender of the honor and glory of the * Star Spangled Banner/ •» wjoll as a chosen ciyil!nn,ho is entitled to the land attentions of the Amenc*n.Peopte, T- ... , ~, . Rudoedy That an opportunity at test should be given to the eitiwma or tbi* county, to meet and Sntprthanger opinion* n* to the most fittingaivaflge* meats to be niade fer the. General 1 * yisivand for ihi* purpose, wo the cliiacns of Ajleghony do faure* S contend a meeting of the people of AHc* cohety to be held- in the city of Pittsburgh itnrday, Ibe 10th ln«tant, in the oewOogrt House-at 10 o’clock,'to make, an ueewiy ar range am nlsfor the intended reception of u» »*<* •Idem elect of* the United Bute* - > On motion of Capl ChoiUon: • j Rudce£, Thil We recomidend - the pogneila or Allegheny City to make such''arrangement* *s.'“* reception of General Taylor, President elect df the United Bliies,«» they in their wisdom may teem properand.suitablo'iotheoemafatb’ ' t ., j.’. ' :> thji.pnwrfexßngs u all the papers in the oonnty. , ' . : i On motiow-Hidjetimed to aeetih.mas* meeting : v • ■ ,a r ih-IUC..doBU , I 9ec f y* VMu wa t ; i ** MATTERS.. . tf.' XbgoeliuiiAttom*' ; ' Common Fleas,in jai forlfca Fifth JudieialTaitne* ofPfihniyhraslA, and' Justice of. the Cottft of Oyer-anA and .rencral'Jail fieniVßry. In andwt.anld- Associate Judges Of the sameCoaru, isandlor foe county of Allegheny, dated the 3d day ofPehraary, in the year of oar Lord one thousand eight 'hundred and forty-nine, and to me directed, forboMing a Court or Oyer end Terminer and General Jail Delivery. a* the Conn House, in the eltf ofFimburgh, oft l&e'tth Mon day of March next at 10 o’clock, A. M. * • Public notice la hereby given to ail Jatßee* -of tho- Peaee, Coroner and Constable* of the county pf Alle gheny, that they be then aid there in their proper peb; jsons trith their rolls, records, inquisition*, exaaina- 1 tiona, and other remembrance*, to.do thoie things I which to their respective offices in therrbchaii, appeal to be done—and also those-that-will prosecate foe peri ton* foal how are, or may be, in the fall of said coun ty of Allegheny, to be, then and there, to prosecute, againl them as shall be Just -i.. , Given under my hand at Pittsburgh, this 3d day of Feb ruary, in the year of onr Lord ono thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and of foe Commonwealth the seventieth. JOHPTFORSYTH, Sheriff febO-daAwOwT . - . • B*At»r>-Yeketday ; .kft«'. [Vcouple ed sufferer. We may trdy Orphan*! Ceort Sala, . PURSUANT to an inlet of foe Orphan’# Coast of ' Allegheny Connty.dited thoSd'day of February, A. Of 184JL-foe subscribers, cam testamento annexo, of foe rood* and chatties of Dorothy Bowman, deceas ed, wiu expose to sale, by publinveodue or outcry, at foe new Court House, eixy of Pittsburgh, on Saturday, the tenth day of March, A. D. 1849, at 10 o’clock, Ai M., foe following described-premises: All that certain lot or place of ground situate is the 7th Ward, eity of Pittsburgh, beginning on Cliff street, at the comer of. lota numbered St and 37, In book and Cassatt’s Plan of Lota. (Which said plan is reeorded (a foe Recorder's office, in Deed Book T, Bft, VoL49, pg. 19,) and running thence along Clift street 3ft foot to tha eeatre of lot nushered 33 in said plani foesee by a line parallel with MeSbane street, and preserving foe same width foe whole distance to Catharine street, foe said lot being and including Mid. lot numbered, thirtyi ■lx, and the adjacent one equal half part of foe said lot numbered thirty-fire, in the plait aforesaid, and be ing foe same which Charles 8. Chafoer conveyed la fee to foe said Dorothy .Bowman ia her lifetime, by deed dated foe eighth day of December, A-D-1342, and recorded in Deed BOok Vol. 65. pg. 274. Terms of foe sale-will be made known on foe day of sale. ARNOLD LAMGE* Kan,- , foh7-dAw3tT g. T. FRIEND, r JUBT RBCEIVBDi AND now opening, a splended lot o[ | Plano Portes, from the celebrated firm of Nonna A Clark. N- Y. ItconaUuin Vs*l I • pan of the/oliouring: One elegant Rosewood 0( octave Plano, with carved moulding, top and plinth, projecting front and carved gothic tablets. One rosewood Plane, Cl octave, elegant and plain, with Coleman’s celebrated Afotian Attachment, a su perior instrument On# Rosewood 0 octave, round comers and octagon legs. On# do do do . One rosewood Piano, square corners sod legs. These Pianoebave improvements infoe mechanism, in stringing sod covering of the hammers, possessed by no outer* In Uti* country, and are at once foe best as well as foe cheapest Pianos font can be bought ALSO—An elegant lot of CMcfcarieg** Pianos, from ? to ft oetaves. possessing all foe latest improvements, at reduced price*. ALSO—One elegant rosewood CabiaetCraad Piano, 7 octaves, a new Invention. HENRY KLEBEIL febitf At J W Wood Weil’s, 83 Third at H PARRY has invented a machine for washing « Gold, for whieh he has made application for a patent They are uOw offered for safe al foe ware house of Tarry, Seat A Co., No. 103 Wood street, Pitubargh. Adventurers to California are invited to call and at amino these labor-saving machines. TTtey are simple in foeir construction, easily transported on foe back of males or horses, weighing eighty pounds each, and can be put in operatioain half an hour. They tin be Abed with provisions. It is the opinion of those who hare seen foe trial of one of these aachisssofscullcst size, that two men will wash foe mineral from 150 bethels of sand or earth la a day, without the lon of a particle of foe mineral. They can be increased in sizs and worked'by water or mule power, (f expedient The operators work without going into foe water or being exposed to wot. and consequently without en dangering foeir heako. They will require but a small stream of water, and can he gred foe whole season, and can be put into operation where foeyp Is not suffi cient water to wash in the usual way. Price of smallest site I 3&. Orders from abroad, ac-. eompanied by cash, will be promptly filled. K PARRY, at Parry, Scott A Co's jebc-iltf _ No 103 Wood st, Pittsburgh. JOHN H.UELLOR, (role Agent for MfiSsSß Chiekaring , a Plano Fortes fire western II V I f*piusbu(gb,basrecetva(iaodnowopes for sala, foe taHowiageietunt assortment, direct Cram foe manufactory, at Ur. Cnickering’s (Boston) prieas, TiS>- Ooe Rosewood seven octave Piano Forte, carved in foe most elegant and rich style of Loan XIV Hue Rosewood etrvud seven octave, new and un proved seals. One rosewood Piano,o4oCfSTJ vti£» scale; One •* " earvedf ft * .'•• * *• Two . *♦ round cotters, * oetatra, b*F scale, Two *»'i paneel.. “.0 ft. ■ * ** “ The a bard urn all firoa.the msnafactaty o/J. Chick-; •ring, BotzatLoffoe lateststyle* of fiunimre.and with the new and imposed scale. a too ox sax» am «o» aau tow 3 Rosewood ft octavo Fionas, from foe manufactory of H- Worcester, New-Yoyk* formerly of foe firm of Stodan, Worcester A Durham. ft rosewood ftottav*, Gate a Co* 2jf< Y;- l rosewim&flf octavo PU&oy made by Uaaoqffi lU v«a. New York > I Mahogany ft octave piano, made tn Baltimore, and left with me fos tala by foeawacr,. forethtroria ex change for Pittsburgh m&fiafoct*rr*,«rgroedriss sou able for a ctiiunry store. Price ftHOO. -•- is3U Beeiagemalvkalitd Tin Plata*. TUKaabscnoers bcgK> call lbs 'attdaCoaof BuUdcra, Architrvts and owners of Buildings, to foe many edvrttigr* which these plauspoaseda evtrr all other meulU* sobautuces hitherto seed forraefisg. Ac, as they possess at osoc foe bytaacss of iracu wfooft us itabiury rott having new been tested for several years in this pamcalar, both la this country aad In Eu rope. Thoy are teas tlifofo to ospensfowand poßirao don from sadden of foe atmosphere, than com mon on plates, iron, sine, or any other metal now ased for raofing< and cousaquendy form a fituch better and tighter roofi requiring for lesafrrqaent repairs, whilst ' foe first oo«t is bat a trifia snore. A fuQ aoppty. of alt oizea. from Ift to3o W. G-, con ctantiv on band and for set# by GEO. a MGSEWOOD A CO, 14 and Ift Beaver atreat. New York. Tha patent right for this article having been secured 1 for the United Butva, all parties iamagtag thereon, I either by taportatlan or otherwise, -^UrbcTproseca- niso nnicr nhHKSilvechlaan; Bty Jtoae,*my happy Etomr, X *Tbßoau! where eVrttts Uesrt is; , -Jcnav find Petiti* " tfaavs left the sumJ elad Hills,* - Bon Ln and Old Uncle Ned,* Satanni Polks; tio where ihe.ettsuere sieeplng. . Wiu yoa come tony nteantsia boaic; Grave of Bo apairte; No, ne'er can tby home bo mine; Oh! Bawuina; Good-Bye; Uaptsss waits; Ben Bolt; joys lhai we'ro tasted; Alien Uavoaiuesa; Lmlilaiu Bello; Ethiopian Dances. A new edition of Unrrnv Puzo Fozrz iKrrzvcraft, with French and BAzllsh Test, reduced to the foL'oW lag low prices, vis: Haaur’s tern work,couaiolig 03 pegee, SI 00 “ nail * “ *CS - t » Borrow's Kano forte Primer, tS Benin!*? Method for Plano, 9 to Carea*<f• Goitar tuitraeur, Z to Paaseron'i Vocal Sehooi, S to Rohbocfc's Piaao Instrvctor, I *S For sale by JOHN U. MELLOB, I*C fi| wood »t lIOIASQI BUILDIBQB, IT. CLAI& BTBKBTi PITTSBCBOD) KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND Attn Assoznrzitice CLOTHS, CJSSISEm AND TESTINGS, OF TJIE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES. Oeatliau Wanting FASHIONABLE GARMENTS, Will find it to their edvsntsg* lo give him ft : ftlh j«29 ' Olttca of Amortenn ft Fortin PstazU JAMES OBEENOUOII, of the late firm of Keller ft Grcenough, eonttnoee the buiuess of Consulting Engineer and Patent Attorney, at bis office in the city of WASHINGTON. Uo may be consulted and em ployed in making examination* in machinery in the Patent Office awf elsewhere, in furnishing drawings and specification* of machine*, sad all papers necessa ry, transfer, amend, ro-bsue or extendleucrapatent In tha Onnso* Btates or Europe. He can also be consult ed prafcsifrmsUv on all questions of litigation aris ing under, the Patent Law,. and will argue ques tions-.before the Patent Office or an appeal therefrom, for which his long experience In the Patent Office and la his profession, neve peculiarly fitted him. The pro fessional business of the late Dr. T, P. Jmiev hiving been placed In his hands, all letter* In relation thereto 1 , should be addressed to hun poet paid. aug3o-d£wGmB BUST PROOF IBON, rpHE undersigned bare erected works in the city *i X New York, Ibnhe porpbseiof Galvanizing all arti cles oflron, which it Is desirable to PROTECT FROM RUBT, such as Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nalls, Wire for Fences, nndanyothersnlcle wUch.may he required. For Hoops for Casks, as n sabstimte for bale Rope; for Clothes Lines, Lightning Rods,'nod a host ot other applications, it will be found cheap sad durable. They would particularly call attention to >be Galvani sed wire for fences; it requires no paint, and will not rust. Also to tfpikes and Bolts, the preservation of whleh 1* of so much Importance, that It will eoameou Itself to the notice of atf those-intereited. GEO B. MOBEWOOD ft CO, Patentees, ottto-dftwiyT 14 and 10 Beaver ri, N- Votk. , ! ~BBSFffXSraSHSSTBIBSSMSi' \f »CORD ft OIL wtihing to dose out their stock of ill Mails and Vtctoriens for the season, will sell the balance (embracing a good variety of Ltsx and Fitch, bs well as the more common articles,) si EAS TERN COST—to which thsy would respectfully invite the attention of parchasers. NOW to THE TIME FOB BARGAINS. Call at comer Wood and Fifth streeta. JalOj PHILADELPHIA UtPOBTATIOSS, AT LOWEST RATES.—Just received, Paris F>ns oHoiest styles, Percussloa Ceps, TVeth Brashes, German Blates and Pencils, French Perftunery and Draggists ■Ttielas, with the most extensive variety of Fincy Goddsla the ciry.’’ Dcakra.’are,inviied to on early examination before pore hosing tbeir«uppUes,fts' the goods will -be offered at the lowest uspbruuon rates. \VM. TlLLEB,latponer, jsil-ddweod No I Commerce *!, Philo. m a alb. -'•/ -**> A FARM silßsteon tho N. W. bank oflhe Ohio riv er, oins miles below Pltttborch, containing to* acres, late (be property of John 4L Hood, deceased, and knownas Lsnding. 0 . Reference to David Hood, on thepretniaes; Wnj. U. Davis, Allegheny, and.ibeanderslgned.jntho ciw of Philadelphia, febt-aneod OUABLER GILPIN.^ TLfOUNT EAGLE TJUPOM-Fof efekatag’winf' iSX dows and lamp glasses, lUvrf plate, brt*s, Bn-; tsonia, and other ware,. Itrapidjytakeaoutallspdtsv and stains, and reproduceC'ihobesuafol -and' datable lustre of new ware. Jdri received had forsale, whom*; sale and retail, by JOHN D BiOBGAN, laD - Dkagxut T OVKSIWU-K übuuui uyaiNFa) Bt'OAES-a JLi bbls Lovering’s Double Refined Lo«tf,CrUkhed and PuTetlxed Sqsars, Just yeo’d utd for ufe at thePekl ; , Sadsnigned having reaoved-to;Wfishtoatoti ‘will: attend'. totimpmftcatkm'M’-'daima on mmenV .and #*ny4ftw bustha* beftxh the .COW* Of tha District, with whleh homaVhO entnfetet. ; decS-d3jtir 7k»v ' ANDREW WYURJa. ~ f UST &ECKIVEQ~A.Ur{»,-jte{ or«i]r» antf rUt PoWtio*. - ct aba rj* ly.Tl-i&btX? iiji/.W j ,£ MISCLMNBOUFv ■ * COLD WAIRRRI. CHICKBIUBG’B PUHON BAM’L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, ; r • DRY ■& V4BIETY iSOQDS, 5 BJio- 60 ftUvcxr «*x*vftmwioH, Pa. Office for proeaiittfaad PatentfcimnartlM EGleave mow respectfully tojumoancato their infortwnnncaSfeehkniea tadtSeap&uS&aof ßar Janjettma/patronr and foepubtto,ihai foey»,jn ease tofocArts; and Cxi American i"» cfltjteqoetiWrpfciiateipjnaunj a ehahge intheirbutl- ". of-Patent*. *-'. I '..' ''-’' » :•., MU, propoi« mahtgSia of' tielfeitenii,. T»EOF. WALTEE a JOBSSfIN, rwTj On NawjYesjsday, ISO. Oar of foe'yntedstame'PMettroScelnmvft associated ! themselvc* together for foe irosocutfon of the above i amd varied astoroaeatTw FaneyandStspleDry branehe* of professional tnfoelroffiee. Good* everethiiiited la the westdm country, will be at the Patent Office, 6r before ibeCocrtE and «U 1 de- ! ETe ‘ »ote tbeircßdividedatteatiob te .fogwiSingifoe ht?V ry article, ho*twr tkoStsi u 4 dttiriK& will bate* eit of-Inventors anilmlmf« aihn «nay tH-mvr cordingly reduced. Upward* of fifty Thousand dollars place badness in ibdir hand* Mr. Knowles faaa'for ofonrstoekhu been recetetlypincaated,'foe greater foe pawmehreyearelieldfoe post ofAlaelunestiiiUto "* forel S? food*; received at New United State* piientOffice, and . resign* foal KtnitWi tort by lateßarepean arrivals. wbiefr from foe tale- to take part la the: pwM'ni -> m» »!.«, neesofthf seaoott, ttwell as.foe known pressure in and pecoilaj fitne« for foe.inmonam oflSe so long fin. foe tooney market, werosold «t immense sacrifices at ed by him, Uve ■Snprecochi[re7bj*to£um public sales, ht rates varying ftom twenty-five to fifty wherever foe office itselfliknawn,'' 4 ' per eeut less than similar goods btouehUno first of foe The office eg Menr*. J«A Brls.aa Fasten, .AnsiSite .reason. W* ere therefore confident that Oar prices for foe Patent Offiq£AVasiipffion, IX <X,wbfire commuci ttha ume above mentioned will be fomid to be even cations, pot: paid.'wiUbeprcnipiiyiucndea'in; exam :*®w T **“! vatea. jnadptj* made, drowinss l *pecmeaiiphs,knd auwmiis j «* anxiously tnvue all persons to visit our esub- its papers ptcpawdT-ana models erriettred whendesj. they pnreliasoor not, and test foe red—on reasonable ienttvlotten Offcaqi&yiaftect- Jtrufo or toe above also ring them font they will incur edtobeanswerOdafleroxamlaatifiiuhai'mttalboao ;no obligation thereby, but 'confer a favor trpoa foe pro- comp anted by afeeoffivedollafa'' - jprletore. Oor assortment bf SUksi Shawl*, and fine In foe duties of foelr offleb which'pertain* to foe Pa* ; press Good* wul limply repay one for a Visit; added J. 4 E wfll be tfritv>d by "a legal f xo which, an unasaally great dirplay of Pooestic geaUeman/offoor.hlgltest prorestibhii ellafactdri-imil .Goods will, we hope,indoeeoU toealL hdljr tfod othek'^Stdifle ; Our system of one price sr& be strictly adhered to. aabjeeu. iel® 4 A A MASON 4 Co . I IICH DRESS GOODS, Mr loreum ntnur Eorop*. ® M*rk« street, will opCnthii morning. Rieb Dress Goods, taalptiaifcrf tha following styles, vut Satin plaid Uetinea, a new ani« i&e rie&est-goods importedthir season: -all :WBOiPialdij:hiA.t«flri and ckeics cyle*;~iil wool •’CashmeresandiloosdaLulnei; fine Codot and Lyo* i nan Cloth*, of any deveribahio abode and color. Satin j striped. Cashmeres, In great variety. . ■ j*tf* A A. MASON k Co, 60 Market street, ha ire jut » received another large icroJee of plaid umg and Square Shawls, bought *5 per cent Ipu tbu any ' previously received tbla ccuson. ; Our stock of Shawls is now the largest In the city, and purchasers may be certain tha; our prices Rom thisaate'.yelUbe 23 pgr ecnt less thaxrst any firmer itimei ." juiB GENTS’ CLOAK TASSELS—S den mohair Ta*. tels, assorted; 3 do silk do do: 9do do fins doj 10 dodo Ladies Tassels, assorted; • do ool’d do do. WOOLEN GOG Bs—lo doz children’s woolen fl dodo do Caps; 4 do do common; 10 doz Wooleu com forts, assorted; IS do do with rings; 60 do ladies Cash , mere Gloves, ail'd. LEATHER BELTS—3O doi blk Molkskln Belts; SO dodo-Uoxoceodo, Sdocoi’ddo; at' dotSO ZEBDLON KlNSEYS,o7market st PLAJO LONQ SB A WLS—AIp Jgqder *DuJ> hate A Just received by expresv, one cation Plata Long Shawls, soma of which an of the finest quality? and the newest styles imported, and are now offered at prices greatly reduced from the rates obtained early In the season. Also, a few extra fine •‘Cbstte Lane* Brocks Lang Shawls, which will be closed at great bamiss. Tbs ladles are Inriied to an early examination/ ALEXANDER A DAY, 79 market st, N W eor of the Diamond ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS-Smllh A Johnson. 48 Marketct, would invite the attention or dealers others to tliclr cxtemivo stock of French and AiperiCfO pnftcial Flowers, which.will. be offered at eastern price*. SHAWLU-eaper French I; Terkem Shawls, of the latest styles 'and xiebeat designs, inst opened and selling at a very neat redac tion from fanner prices. - Jecia . ALEXANDER A DAY /AEJiTS; FURNISHING GOODS-Flae Bhina,inis \J standing collars; merino, ailk and wool Yesur do do do Drawers; silk, kid and wool Gloves; merino, cotton and wool 4 Hose; blk Italian cravats; fine Ze phyr Scarfs. . deed F H EATON ACo A XMJMfrta CAprKrd—We woold Uivite the A. Mention of thoeewtihiny to Atrßicb fobaeh, to Oify end ejamins oar Axmintur Cwptt*, which are ▼err nph io ante end colon. Warwoom, No 74, 4th »u Kortofth. f J --" *~* j^il’CliStckSk SATIN DAMASK—WM’CfintOck ofiere u> purchas er* a very handsome assortment of rich satin D»> mask* Cor window catthhifc. ' Also, French ehintzea, bnffs, line n,lr snip are nt abodes, Ae., at hii carpet ware room, 73 Foartb at. 1 deep 188 KS AND INFANTS' WEABr-F H End* i Co, have added to their (armor business a de pgnmeatander charge of Mrs. Bigelow of Boston, for making rnonle; inlatest (tries. Infants’ Wear, Misses Sacks, cloaks and Dresses, }*qaies god Betus Dressing downs. , Garments embroidered qt.JUmped for cmbioulery; kpunng, netting, and mar king neatly executed. -■£•■•■••■ ■ , - noefl9 7\ABPCTB! i C r ABPBiPSC--ifoittumly. receiving at V W. U’Cuntock’SytS k'oarth street, erery variety of Carpets, consisting in pan of Alxaingtoa, of nrei begalifai patterns; Velvets, latest patients imported, rwyrkhi Tgpeatfy, Braasbj-.a ply, mp. aud Venetian, all of which wo will aeli as tow as they can be nr* : chased in thiaoarket. Importing aud purchasing Iroa the manufacturers, enables ns to compete with the eastern mattcL norls pOH-tBAITSUF DUTINGUUHEmIES'-EniOT. X aed Crura Daguerreotype*, pobllihed by E. Antho ny—Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, (in bis Jlai year,) Oen.Scott, Gen. Taylor,' Mtllara Fillmore, Gen. Wn. O. jailer, John C. Calhoun, James Buchanan, *nieo dore PraUngbuysfo, John Ouiney *■!■">«, Andrew Jackson, (from Dodge’s eeiebrafed miniature,) Wuk* logins, (from Smart's painting,) Pius IX Lewis Cass. A supply of the shore excellent portraits Just uqM and tar safe by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON,, )a*o __ ooraer market and 3d sis (7 10 casks Pearl Ash, prime; 5 do Potash, do; 30 bbis scorched Saluy - Stt: 1# - 4 * SESIS7 ** BPi soger botun do: 100 hxs On. Soap; 33 bxs Cin mould candles; SO bbls No 6 loaf Bogar S 3 kegs 0 twist Tobaceo, prime; too bash clover seed; SO do timothy do; - iOkeaaLaid; Ibbldo; on hand and wr sale low for cash,by jalO TASBEVABEST TTNBIIBINKABLE FLANNELS—W. B. Mtienv invites the attention of buyers to his stock of the ‘above foods, of ill ibe'dlff'erettt qualities, said to be as nnhhriokabta as the Welsh, add at mueh lower prices. .Gcßttdh W>!jtb.PlmtMl» §ln coamntiy °Q hand. Oaax* and Silk do, 4 4 khd 54 qo>‘ IbrßhjeudingwiT* poses. Alio, Home made White flannels and Hueys. constantly on'hand, at the nonh vast cornet of Fourth and Mar ltei streets. ■ - • * - • few ' raw GOODS. Q'dAtfgf-EIT AAVHITE, 09 Wood nreet, are now 17 tecebinffaftnb nock of DBYQOODi'ofrcreiu parektae, end fraeb ttybe, pane me, Ac, which they will eell tow to the true. Mertbakts are reqaeeted to eaU epJ examine nock aod prleei. • - 4 febfl SILK WARP ALPACAS—Smith A Jotmoo, W Uarkitstrtet, woaldtarUo tba attention of dealer* and others to their choice stock of Silk Warp Alpacas, Mohair Lauras tod Asa poiahaxincs, which they an now offering u reduced price*. *_ übd good* in .January—w. r. ha* i.l wuhin t few asm opened t supply of black AF oeCea*,lowpriecd: do. medium aodsurperi do Mohair Lustres; new style untub Prims; do American do; block cloth Shawls; piaid lone co; eett style Moose de Lain**; plain lead and drab do, at 19|; acd a vari ety of other Kgrce and desirable goods, worthy the attention of those wishing to bay. ' sleyeham* tyiM find In the wholesale rooms sp stairs .» good rock of desirable goods, bj low pnees. Jatfi ON HAND AND FOB SALE-10 pa drab Blanket Coating-, dpa Lavtader do do; 1 case La-cinder Blankets; l do grey mixed Cloth; 1 dtf Army Cloth; S do Tweeds, brown, black ami gold mix; l do fancy Cassimeres; 1 bale bloe Blanket Coating) eoniirxieU ditpfit fyga manufacturer* and fosaale by the package or piece. dang) MVBPfIY&LEE. liberty st TWRA AND BUpBR TRUER ELY CARPETS— -42# Received this day, direct from tip msoaaetnren, wtahdsoow assortment of extra s operand iopet three ply imperial Carpeu, of new styles, to which we ask thp attention of those wishing to faraiih boasts or steamboats. Carpet ware room. No 75 Fbarth at, Pitts burgh. daekl - WM*CI4NTOCK DOMESTIC WOOLLENS - Blanket*, Flannel* Tweeds, Canine os,. 3-4 Clpih and .Castltpeie, by ute piece or package, very lew; for by ncvlS , GEO COCHRAN 7ANCY CA&JIMERES—Ieases new style Fancy . ; Cassimeres, bright figures and very handsome goods, jost opened by declfi ’ BffACgLETT A WHITE MERINOS AT COST—Smith A Johnson Jl 4ft Market street, will sell for the balance of the season At cost, their stock of French Merinos, compri sing the tsoii choice colors. Npty is yotjr time to ae* core bargains. , . dee 13 viTELYWnHBiiONs—Just JJcoolfla EuF f, sey'*,C7. Market street, SOps'eoloredVelyerHibbon, assorted rotor*; ».-* black “ « 6 “ embroidery Gimp; lbps wide Plain, Ac. deefl GLCVEB AND HOSIERY—Smith A Jolmion. 40 Market st, wosld invite the attention of dealen and others 10-thplg choice iu>ck of Salop's superior Eld Cilotes, and a great variety pf merino, ailg and cotton Clores. Also, to their extensive stock of wonted, Cashmere, Alpaca, Yigpuia ami SUk Hose; Moravian and other styles of cotton How—together with every style of children's Uqse and gentlemens' half Hose. jaJ OLD SPECTACLES—SiIver da; Btoel do; Genqan \JT 6 fiver do. A large assortment constantly on bifid, and carefalfy Sued to any age. Concave, con rex,and cataract spectacle gloss accurately*adjusted • to any vision required. Alao,runlliplyu:gglasses for examining lines, wool, mlaeniL last rac'd and for hale by <• , W W WILSON, S*3 cornerof market aod 4th sti LEVIATJION GOLD PENS, a magnificent and most excellent pen, being the first sent to this market} for aale by W W WILSON, Jad corner market and4th eta KID GLOVES—2S dos Ladles super Kid Gloves; 10 u mans whi tested blk ** 6 u misses colored do deed F H EATON A Co VfAMMOTH GOLD PENS—A large and beautiful iu, pen for engrossing, and for all outer purpose*. -. Also, Premium Gold Pens, large, medium and small sixes, of tbe bast makers: for *«le by .. .Jafl • W W WILSON BLANKKTCOATING— brab, Lavender, gmy mix i ed and blue,fors»>* by Use niece or package, at manufacturers prices, by MURPHY « LEE, Jaft liberty at, opposite ftth CLOTHS— 1 case black mixed hsavycusunerei; 8 do Tweeds, fhney colon; I do fhney eusimere ’ lor sale at manufacturers prices, by Jad MURPHY k LEE Tweeds and casmm eres—a cases gold mix’d brown and black Tweeds, 1 do Fancy Cawimere Just reo’d and Cor sale at manufacturers rncca. MURPHY A LEE, Liberty at. .. «jcc|d. . .. opposite sth OEASONABLE GOODS SELUNU OPF-.ai«,t« w ~ Ij tfcr A Day are KUing off as remarkably low prices •alaxg&skabr&adat of superfine Blankets; large domes tie Blankets, low priced; a large assortment or colored Flannels; heavy woolen plant Long Shawls; heavy Tcrkeri and blanket Shawl*. FBKSRABBiVAL— W. M*CUntock offers to those .wishing to furnish houses, the handsomest assort* meat of Carpeting ever brought to this market, com* prialn* In parttbe following varieties: HichatyleVel velPi&i AxminsterTapestry, Brussels, extra super 3 nlyjspper 3 ply, superfine and fine Ingrain Carpem » ttwrtwipocUhily invitaa H» JHendt and -the pnhUo, :t» call and examine,-befitfQ purchasing e *« No. 75 FourthViSbu^C ' ~ PBKrmLt. PITfSBIRU 11. PL l/.UN,NQtY|CUn<bs Maaufaet&rers of very- .Joasi, cociiraj, ;A I SB^rLAW,: t :IQS STft£E!V-4attainiiif Mari*. AsmsASßtnfc.. Chief tfFoUatTßoucr HUn*. jel&daa A TroRNEY AT 1A^ v i Foirts •lnlti;i»ira rtaL ton* i?."& ; , . -;^Cf»3UOl4iV^»i : ... k ori MISCEIMNEOU& Wholesale and ret*il, at tho PEHN TEABTOER» Ft*nh'«reet, oearWood, Pittsburgh—lhesubscriber having jusA relumed from NewYorkv is aowrecetvinau' l&rn (kll supply of fresh GREEN AND BLACK-TEAS.- uoa the New York 'Pekin TeuCoapanyt sciectodwiih great care for retail sates." Our mock being new heavy.we • areprs pared to supply Grocers, Hotel*, Steamboats and Fain- UteewubicsyiquatfUty’Uhd.ataAf' prion they maywlih; paekea in L-i>aiidtpaandpaoklges.!6lb*rtin canis ters, € and 13 lb easy boxes, and in h alf chests.; ; Retail Oroeera 'are invited to eall r a* wn can and wiilMil better Teasaflower prices tha» toy other house in Pittsburgh.' -• ••■ Oar ttoekof fine Young Dyson, Geopewder, and Im* peri at Green, and Oolong-Black Teas are the beat in the American market. Loveringt doable refined Loaf, Crushed,: and. Pol* . COFFEEB—Mocha, Old Got; Jits, Lovuira. 81 Do mingo and Rio Coffees, Selected by the asst exnerten cell coffin- Broker In New York. TT .. Sweet Spiced Chocolate, pickled Cucumbers and Oatowt, Ff«M Peaches, pat up to their own juice. Malaga Raisin*} m 3 lb boas*. ... N. tL—rAli lit* D. Jayac’s Family for sale deco-dftwB , 4. JAYNES. MB. KUMHEATUN-d cEKTIFICATfiTODR. JAYNjWTMi eertifiam, that after nanng attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, 18M.1 was taken aiek with ike Con or Liver ComnlaiaV-and was reduced so low wiih the disease. that for four years I was usable to to my business, dHtor-ar fcbme or e broatebeing for the most tithe confined to mv, bed. During the above peri* od of time, f had expended for-medieatattendnseoo regular Physicians and medicines, r tothe amount of •3CO, without receiving any benefit . therefrom. In July, 16ti, l commenced taking .Dr., Jayne’s hfedi» eineiu and’ have taken them more or less ever since, and belleve.thu.il washy peneverinjrtaihelpuM, that I can now truly say, that I have eoomletoly reco vered my health. I believe that Jayne’s Sanative Pills and Expectorant are thebest family now ja use. • - , I reside in Springfield, Otsego, eppjity, N. 7, and carry on a furnace and- tpscbme ebon in that place, and ha not interested in any manner in the tale of the above medicines, and make this certificate tor the ben. efit of those afflicted. \ , ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. ld, 1818. t .ja4 - | H. WKLLCOMfatt PREMIUM FIRE PROOF ij • - CEMENT.—Tbe Propitetor would respeeifolty Inform the public thu bo-has now the satisfaction to offer them a Cement,- which will weld, and durably, all articles of China, Earthen aiSGlutware, Shades, Ornaments, Marble, Ivory, ftwithout dis figuring them in the least; rendering them as nsefal lor any purpose whatever as they were before broken, and not affected by beat; water or.ife. TtsU Cement» not weakened tn the least when sub jected to uatrong dry heat, or when Immersed in hot water. Tho public nave long since felt the necessity of such ao - snide, asdia this (bell expectations will be fully realized, as it isspptiedwiihouheatandcan be used by e child. The asbseziber hss fully tested this article. For sale by W W WILBON, Ja» comer, market and 4th su FUH GENTLEMEN—W/H-Mtarar hnsreoentiy received s’ further supply of Gantienten’t:Fancy CRAVATS, including some very handsome. Also, blepk Italian Cravats, several qualities, and including gome sapexior. Alsu, gents Unco Cnmbrie Handker chiefs, plain and with colored borders: toper Mile do*, Undershirts and Drawers,; merino, auk ami couoo, some of the former extra' -die. Especial auefittoa is asked to hi* stock of French Broadcloths and Cassi meret,ofthelaßerplaln and fenny; Velvet and Satin Veinhgijftc. At north east comer 4th and Market streets. - ■ ,-g’- .• . - jtfQ "TUB'S KND CHURNS. Pine and'Ctdar Won Sanlfaelory, No. ST» cotsn Uaucvr ato Firm 6m, Pmsßcmoß fnHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, wbole jL sale and retail, very low for cash— *Vash Tabs, | Barrel Churns, Bath Tuba, | Staff Chares, Horse Backets, -1 Htlf Bushelsrftc. . All other kinds Ware in his-line made to order. jkfiS-dly SAMUEL EBOESKM. CLOSING OlTtl 'JUiE UQdptsigned would, call the attention of the A public to hu stock of DRY GOODsrw&ieh he will close out at cost, as .he intends to qoirtke business. All person* knowing tbetoselre* indebted, urr re quested to call and settle immedialely, as all accounts not closed previous to the first of Mpreh,'wtilbeplaced in the hands of a proper officer for collection; JOHN WHITTEN, JsfS-dla No#4 Market-street. jDaxiPDraxmi NOTARY PUBLIC, . OFFICE at Messrs. Spang ft Cols.warehonse, Wa ter street, between Wood and Market. Residence at Mrs.-Jones’, Fourth street, between Smithfieid : and Oreot, next door to the office of Robert Woods, Esq- Piixsbmrgh. ", laS-dfiw* OmfißiroVlTfi&gll ~ FRESH FROM THE SHEU«~By Burke'ft Co’s Fast Express, at reduced prices.—To acconuno datnail lover* of this delicious foxnry, BURKE ft 00, have resolved® capply the peopleregularlTtSroagh-' out the season, with the choicest Fresh Oystore in cans,’ half cans and shell, st each reducedprices ar will enable every fkauly to enjoy this dellcacynUhelr: tables. • * r '. . An Express bed will be received dal'yoi.thq.wnre* - hoase or JNO C. UIDWELL, -Water atreej, between Slmithflci 4 a&4 Oram, and for. sain the>e, and at theftl- PowingdßgotK- Bais A Berger, comer Sinithfield and Sd At: E tie azleton,i>ii mood; AHo«vleT,PenhsU 6th' Ware; D ttnaghey, Jbottflf Liberty «i J Jr., Pertfl'a Avenue?■ MereuA Rfth hf t n ) cityi tßflt; • - 'Ti /• •-. ■ .r PIXSos, ; ' I gig, ' ’ 'JOHN H; MKLLOB,- No- €1 Wood • JESE3RB street,ha* veeeived invoices ofaland rf irr iß n * n I?PT of ?U&v Fcnsifrom- the cele^ r| V f f maimfteiory; of. x bickering; ,Bonpn, lo arrive Id -a feWdays, nf whiehi dite notiea will bp riven. ▼aTyirifr in price from. t93fr to §7OO. • Altoirna lie manufectonee of H Wownn, and Bacon A R*ren,‘Ne\r York, ah indjan.o assortment or 0, Si and Cf'octaVe PfaJKT'Fbnea. Tote wood and mabogtuiv cues, of the mosiefegani.ceseripuoryund with all tnelate Improvements. - Tho above, tn addition fo>he stock an band, will make the largest and most desirable «*»!«/■ iVn ever ofleredfor rale In thl* city, and will be sold in mi cases a. prices, on accommodating terms, and a wrutea gosractee given with every Piano Pone sold. JOHN H-MELLOR, Sole Agent for the sale of Chiekering*r Piano Fortes. for Western’ Pennsylvania. • ••• deeSO T JPE'OP FRANYLlNj~Hfc*tr9W3^nr r eoarre ~of JLi publication In tbe'toeigl form, by Harper A-Bro thers, New Yptk, The Lift ofßenftniin Franklin, con* listing of nit Aqibbtography, and a' narredteof hi* psbiie lift and services, by the Rev. H. Hasongs Wel«b splendidly embellished by ndmerotn exquUitedciigns, by John u. Cirsptnan, engraved itrthe htgbesiatyio of art The work is printed id the ocuvo ftna, on id perfioa paper, frdiu bold'and' Icgiblo-typa. |» will bo completetjin eight pert*, Bents eaeh, and issued qt brief intervals:, Each part wQI bereceived by ex press Immediately after its pnbUcotjon-' Pyrt Ist just raedved wd faf sale by ■"*'• ‘ » JOIINQTON A STOCKTON, JaSS ' • comer market and 3d «u PITTIBOBOO PSBALB UtBTITQTS fItHK Second Session of this Institution, under the -X eare of Mb -and 'Un. GoaEoas, for the present academic year, wiil commence on tho first of Februa ry next, In the samr buildings, No, ft* Liberty street. Arrangements have been made by which they wiil be able to famish young ladies facilities equal to any in the Wen, for obtaining atboxosgb English, Classi cal, and Ornamental education. A fall course of Pld- Mlsophical and Chemical. Lectnrea vfiU be delivered daring the winter, Ufastrated by apparatus. The de- Rrtments of Vocal and Instrumental Mask, Modem mgtugna, Drawing and Panting, will each be under the care ofa competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual Improvement of «fc»<r pu pils, the Principal* bops to merit a ©oaUaaaiion of the liberal patronage they Lave hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see citeotarer apply to the Principals. JaSMif - WAITED,' •••■•• •, •* • ASrOTTION either as Book Reaper or Salesman,* by aOctftleman who bga been,’ for some - years pafi, and ntUl is, engaged la s Well known Wholesale bouse Qfl Worn} stryetjss book' keeper and’ asaistaai salesman,. Batuftctory references given. For rarthex particulars enquire of editor Gazette. fobfl-4s«* * P'tfRSE LOST—Was dropped by SLadytm her way from Elliott A Eugluh’sWk store, Wood' su to tSuon*s trimming store, a purpla Silk Pane, woikei with steel beads, containing a *Tv note on the 0 t Pittsburgh. The finder will be snhtblr rewarded bv leaving the same at cither of the hbqvo named stofes. dec27 ” OEO. W 7 BiaTBVcOH TNPORM tbeir (heads and the pdblio thatthsy h va X no longer any connection with «Hi Uua eitab! sit* meat_ln Penn dm. known as the Pittsburgh Brew rr. their etrtire bnstnera to tho POJ PBT BRRwKRV» In PUt street. . myl&d- t!t • A PPRTHSITfi£BUtJtid»7~ TAS. 4- U 1 to 5 tons 34 cachcarreDCy, or 4 ntoa. app’vd b ii*. . .sorupwarts,3idopar,6motfe&mmt ad ded. Pot the superior qualuy of this brand we reft rto the gloss and soap manufacturers of this city gem rui iy ' W JtM MITCHELIVRK itc * - Xwlibeny st BleaohlßK Pewdsir, (naiftrid* ef fima'i TMTOOTEt DIBECT FEOMTOEhIASjUFACrjJ X BERB.—Tho subscriber* have on hand and Will SSSUKl’iif & Bou’ &i. ebrated bleaching Powder,' which they will warrant eqnaHfnol sapenor to any imported in the C.ftukcs, and they are prepared to sell at tho lowest m ? ket pn«e for cash or approved bills/ ■.» ' I novl WAMfIi r rcHyj.TFr;^ lg)m>anf l Bjar:| -.‘gßPi - -L “! mm > * Bon*» BodaJLiKr ~~ fl'HKeobienbereare now-ree&Wifir titeir Pell Mbek l "Wlf. ttirw Tcueii, Tlr: thejanAu, ■ UMelUon tad LjrdJe, having antred tt Philadelphia mod Halumore, end two oofs, the Stephen Baldwin end 1 «P««e* -toy are, therefore; ftieoaM £/!s** ?***• wjlr receive darihr • therein* 1 U „~,V rria * fc J ulir * a P&y?*'TieNewOrletuifc : ] "P* l3 • W* M MTCHKLTREE I fr/; on. brutjs*r Dentist Goner cftwinh f. end Derate*, benfren; Market end Perry meets. •• ■■■■•...:■.: itpMiTin • 1 v, *e this day associated Utem* "'*4«e of.traneattihff k. 'ndes-the VYB." & THE •bttribyr* ha»e ibis d ay ataotfaied selves together fonbe purpose of..trusepi wl Sl?Si*,^®* eua o*7 Good* end Gioctrylrai ei No ISO Liberty, ppposiie Seventh’sueeti wide ■tyjeendftnaor BUdHFIKLB&IIA. nurturi* Juuiy ? t . N.it—OuroM costouwr* andllfe‘pttb)ie‘ en; invited * ioS pEa c*V.¥ r s-A-vßT»iii - OPPOSITION HOUfllijc vu. 1 ■ T 'rifivIRQINIA. itOT£L, ou JEUHiowire meet, near i -Alb* Depot. CdaxbexUod, U now m complete order Jot the toCcbuqu end .KcoauaodaUoo ofih«public. 1 Praop» well' W,patTOixe UO* establishment—they wUFßjuljihe', .chimberacleu end nlc«iaatf ibe-Tule ** well aisbed m uy inCumberiandjauwuty-flTo cent*,, fueiuwed u good u uy jut, cau'jh»had lathe I pUfte;et uy price*-of..i»-«hajfti';|to ehafga &r-j B SK^ sf!i,w ”.^al > »S^ANa. . B1I»W itwid *«]« * CO3FKrnONA&'E«ad Variety etmnfdr Ai oa-PtM*yir*ai* Ajen», irtik tSL buonen asd » small deck.. TbaPnmtiswtljwll linaanplraua tart mo Un uu ipUis*/ Apply At • '»' W wfi'f|i^ , ;«9»U;WyIM Cftd Wuft^taM 'a Cjvi [nugEsmoTsTOHST^ ' IIGCOnPOF AiP-fiVQAB WfUTßtti* : rtr. fomcriTWflafldl m" Miff occupied by-tt^-,lw J .. SwmofKS orßSylttid, ad ADtaaing tSaaly- rwenre-fivomUesabo** Ihn 3. Itisaaidtoboibehighettiirer Übd ia th«r gjon of cooniry* Ito nil t» - growth efeonmtr. luitßproromenu are a ovepMr* rerase, a horee-aflh seypral com honsep,. Off npd 53hundred acres of *l* Undhnva j Ifeen cleared and are now Tlo , ipay bceasily clearedrltitoatbst being hlfCadydbOJ and has less it, and that chteay m A*h» • which is readily eoldaia well located, wood yaidr «- duamitie*9f,vcv*r»iithpu*aad cpfdscTere yuar. f This {dams lion is onepf great vhlua. and yuMflw * ; FopponunUytotbepubßo. In tie bands of a t*» . tcrit aadabfimmcuM unnanl - lUfacUitiesoflntereonrvewitiiNewOrleaa»>f'?>' findacoastamaTennoforihodlsposalbfitsptodaetA v ■- ilt is distant about 800. miler from CiheinoMt.BSt i foilc* foam the mouth of the Ohio, ahd 7(0 Oaks'aotft-f JrhhyopCTty wiQ be several •>««»;■■ & J. I r , ; . • ' BHtitareiMmytofcy:^ JoL THAT SPLENDID KEaiDENCS't jgßnowinthe ocopaneyof Mr; BantßelM..Wlsk'.< situated in the First Ward of AUngkcAT. ' i‘7n. TO« wopenyis beaatifoUy located os the-’bagA , i f ihe OhitKhaving a nrer fount of SOD toevmotociad 1 y a stone w*il. and; extending back com- , •i landing abovuifolviewofthoeiiy %erh are two stoam fonry boailandagt wititin a ft teps of the preperty, .fttmishing eotrranieui access by?, team, to the ciw crahcevinaonithe fcjuth'siifeof iheriver.-- . JTie bottrfi i* a large donbla two story brick, finished V a(hdlato*(»(yle,whn all tho modent coovenfauteea, tod jnproychients, -suitable out houses, - wuh hossa. - :table, cftmhgehoasciftc fto. . , The gardenia well' 'supplied with shrubbery, and fid ' ' botes Bruit .trees, ioeloding pears,apples;anffpeach a. FOrtormsxndetherpanieulars.Bpphr.to,. 1 , WILLIAMS ft SHINN, AttwSes al , „ Jafi-dltri/,. .Office on fot» s^abovaft^hVH";.- • ■ 968 AsresCeellißiutfor Sale* ': :v; 3R3JATEDon foe Monringihate J from Pittsburghanddnulesabove ihiid : 'Lbekk-tft> fhe ImnfcdiatoneigtajioThood efMbssn. and Mr. John- Herwa^a.purchase. fine body « CoalwilJ be aoldat the. tow-jzicp off 33 fror acre win thndlft hand, bal*nco l in five equal anneal paymentAi.. whhout’ interest.-’vTitie hrffiptitahl*'/ ,B, it good-caanor bw rnnuMiv For farther particular** enquire of & BAI JtLKY, who, has a draft WttMpr««i ftl it, below : FerTy,Mr.Adam»» Maw* <■ N. H There is another soun on Qtis abovekho lower, of excellent quail|f.-.- ’ A _TRACrof land, 90, agree, fa Hkninan, Poriagq - -£*■ ° a tho Cuyahoga river. ahogtaoacreaimetiwa : frevement Ajsoitwounlmprovodlote iaWvMhmw terma ISAIAH WCHBYJmSET!^- ' Water and Front wa. I PIRK POB BALK. 7 TTHE euhsoriber affirm for tale 114 amCs of-AendL" from Rttobnrgh. There are a JogUntse am [be premises. - Upwards of forty. acres are (a : oBltivm« ; tion—tho remauder ;ie, denielf covered with ; timber - Thereir a rein of coat and.- aaj to for a .watsr gristmilioa tho premises. This fitnabCtog-saualadiai ; a moral community, and being coqvcnknt (bjeoarieof f river) toFimbtugb»it.isbeltovcdife4ypiaecseemhtM> ! somanyadvaatagaa. t Ifnoi sold previously;this fenw. ' will beaoidajßubliO:veitoue oil Thnihday, the> luofi .-nextMarehi rForpanieitiarsi inijuJrebf the jubwriW ; her; or of; Wnt yonnj4 i rnwiitrfoii uu oaiBon.;" i fnHEiargeaad'weU built FaetntT,erei3iedonß«bCC» 1 A:.cnstJcCL''Alldgttouy-citif;bylLB.oaasistL£sQ;la offered for MUC qr reet trotn the Ist of Jaa.l349.Tkft' tot on-wtuchlho Factoryis erected, foppn 100 fo«t na Rebecca street,amfruas back 110foct.Ab && street The mein, h&ilwngia' of brtok, thma .storiea high, and GO. r feei lang by JTfeet wid*, TbeEngtooHousoin leJiteind;comnHtdioai.-wiUrwnmg»nw < -><jU?^ w i|rJ ftm, All id eompletvordcr.'Tho propextv will be'sotl low, nndQn'adVftnngepttsurae. lajuire or . • ROBERT M’KNIGHT. _ ,dec3»dam., - - t--> -- of I«ana :>■ "7t JL viluthto traci land, 'jiitusiatoft%* • roadletdfe*foa ' : - aitfabmvetjgtft nUn fi3a*)b» ‘ town oT tieedoa oo iho Ofcid riter. Tbe tract tern* - Uiiw <O3. acre* and SOptrcic*, »Wttttea*£re. Tk* land la. of an excellent q,oaliqr, ebon 90 teres ciftr*A 1 tod well jratapcd, tnd\yill be an IdjetUwf UtwkclgCT • ~ ' -FoifarttoßM^culatienoßteoofTgM? wren *«>■ at lUaboTeStmihieW, Ftabugfc. Frop«rtr.iii Jui*g&«»rtiity ioft HE" “ T’HE tubsenben o3rr tor sue *, member of £kcii&4 X Ijma, titaala to the Second Ward, ftantfnr tfn tfa» ' Conmdir Knumd, cto but term* , lßquro'of7i>' * mVMtomt?:. r .i- -\v;. COVVTaT HESIOBSOB VOa BXBT* Mia ACRES OKCBOUND, «£oere4,ne*xth* Pmifcargfi~on<l Greenitißrjh Taram*e,3imile* uon the ciij, and adjoining tbo Allegheny Oes* etery, oa which In erected a lam aod .veil saubed two uory brick Dwelling Boose* logclbarwiih Katie •« carriage boaae, Ac. Thera is aleaonihoptdl&isseA large Yanety of frailtree*, ud a ipring of annual ox ceuenceuontiauotu to the dwelling. . . I . Al*»—One three and ana nro story brick dwelling, ut&aied oh liberty etreet,- between WdC nm'ur«uMtlr' Ward.- -Ham nodenim Enquire'of Jrfo ■-■ • WIL YODNQ, 143 Liberty at ’ »'*. POBraST, ••-* i n M, ANO pomeaaion. gftea tlie lit - in itorketetreet, near - V'- v,,Afiwra i hUbe rtytiree t, next doorfothe cot- r aer or Market andlibenyeieT’ The adioinißfffitofe, comer Af. Marketend liberty street** \->j. ;i ■. - i f * Two Siw«*.wlifMl welling* ■Hacked,"in Penn street, -netr the easel. Alto, a fim rale or With* *«ai dwelling near-lke-canal. PoiaeniOß-givtoia*' toedlatelyr inquire of . ; PAVmnwRTO . ■ jaUMtira* < ■-inn ksi--: J fr...-v«., , r0 OTOBAGEforfiOQ barrel*. Infoe’dry VkailK corner O ofibeDtaaondapdMarqeiatrecL - j- •■“»•;; • ■•* TWpdpftiM IttOiU. suable foe thno rnomsbrbflUe*- E&qaireDiiGUfttri* aitoof .v . ALEXANreRfcPAy. ’. ABTORKRDOSI onMarket *neetjn.:foir JUSBcoot* from the nftt, Yerr mltabla for a dotUac Entire orQ.BjnASSEY! or-JTUOMAB OUVEB-; ,: * •-•« -•••;>--•••- jaiS-dtf «, '*• • v. roifßSlrr ~• • ■•■■■■ ••;' tSSJ OFFICE ROOMS near the Post Office. l '&!«b» BnR two small tune* on Third street/ And n' ttnf w»room.onHuket street, third story, trhh smaller room us second stonr below, .formerly occupied M'a Dagoerreotrpe establishment, being wdil located tad adawed-fonttaibwinesa.. ..... 'ISDGAMiM r S ' IdT-aw Office, 33 st/orcr pteloHag. ' •"•' gnft BBgy, '•'* ft TIIE three‘story Briefc'DwtUingEottse,for- I raeriy occnmcd by ibe sabseribex, on % street, la AUegheDy city. JAB.KERR,Jr.. TO liBT. • M|-ITfI&EE atory Dwelling oaFoßitbj between iiw Ferry U)d:ijjl>enr *xreea, ntnr r oeeoßl*d bT . Jkiißi&beaUna Morn*. Kagirc cf'- : . RWAP-fcTOTTBf / ' Aik!. FoaEENT-foToaeu>ihroo7«ir*,ftomtii* , IsIHGrM aM4 * ' floate, ple***ntly aitaated on theftafak •-• ■:*■"•' o< wo OKio riven adjoining the boipagV'fif 'MaßeMa* ter,/with abentloar acre*of Usd. out bhlldlnde.'frait track tey&e; .Apply to ■ » ‘j# • • 1« -JAMES A. HUTCHISON ACo ... • j..' - ~ F To Xet. '-v*--. via- /* f - : ' Ey|' A t)wl s -’ EH «tory>ba : the corner ofWood andThird' »CBei», JH fcaboTO the Exchange office of Übl HtWiUUae. ’ ".1 pMictalopgmmimmfldßtPtj. -tngiiirqof - '••■•■— • • l»fc- i - JTGLLL3* RUE.l9VLibertT.iL V ; J «[Brab*cribercSer*,fcr»alebrraati©r,rnJ*- '■ \ ein Allegheny city. poateMion can foil* ’ February, or tooner if aeceraaiy .ana ttfe-'.t -.1 occnpfAt,nighifindilpulTtniageoa*t?‘x*.-v-i of the .-fonmurt, rated; to ■•;.* -• ’ =i,| kNTBIA TORENT—A*ai*h'priTno*4jriu* -.:..j mtn Oof lew than fottt toona and a.fcucbety • j hiifiveorioaaii?tUß*BacbofU»lfetooe(L oriApnniCQlm, “BoxT^o.SltPos^jOacc.- 1 . BaicKTTX&os '"FU <1 twoßnctfVariUjtti let Apflrto: ?•'J ‘ i f jai-itf „ ? .yy &Tk LowiugAKtau^VyfloM VWOjßOVßßg'lHD LQf ft 801 l MW* • LOTB-<w B«r«r:»feev Jli£AUrgfaeny,Bbev«4he-ttpJ>etCoaiQona.oswß{eh -J taoraeted a frame bwlding» twdttoiia* high, ttittM* ''- : { for ttMttadc.vrTiMiouaraeadhitvcslf-- *'• ' ■ '■■in teet|,in.&ootJ}y'PDB handmd feetd«ep,afidlAiihS»', " ■•■'^a wide. 3%0 bending* tajhe9**v . . . j .mUte-witl pay * wryhandaome UtsnsiiaaUMUraett • merit, and the property will bs Mid cheap is* (w ■ , * Wi-S-y - dbLa' TiUB ’.delightf*!: Sortuaer-Rrrisii,;; WJU* 1H aotteyehfa ■HBa&eldtirodined ior’iafo or rttfrtm thf ttw^r- ■ oi AprilrifextyThir propetTT'ha» ; been;iiapiwriJdjby ■<_. . addiuonal tailunga; ends • AgtfcdwaaniiWabto’oftfoaaaeUfljfAjEetoMg/iM' / - le^,wjUbej^gOßable r - 1 ■ -.■■pr.i-^ jßk> of ' \, ; -i:rJ jEaIoMsr.DOR) year*, a!afj«cttaTefli«a{.*efl'4a* ftwaa*... ■ .;.v.l tadKiicben- -M «Mb*offioß rottflf £rttit ' .--v : -:-l ScUeiwected wilttohMtta. , tJ " :\:a ios»dflUfbUalraaidßQci,wltUa«£n*:ainta£«ntei]f . . v. -vi tboclf7,lM».wmb«>r»rtet*iico.F<irß«iu t wldoji v ••• i wtU ba tew 40 *. r»d.ttinint-lamb*«J > \Vri*ni 1 Dft»».ib9pT?aU«iOf 1 Joto.W«f«iioTiSdjjc* < : -1 Hand end LibeityctresU, or oetSS-tf . “■•'• : 'THEO.P»ITMffIr, f .. ■ /TESACRK3 OP. LAN «ita*»A IdPwWei&wa- three mite*,frootJ>toe* ' ‘eteniijplyte^BrrWuodejWttM'tßf^^{<# - ■* l; ' l -;/' ■ -‘ ; vV l *v'-Ai WAfIHINGTCCA ...VnorgMtf *«»*■* ; y : f - Bbuu fa Buc«r^m<y») 'A‘«ad J)wreUiiig,.ftitu».flp iko rjOk Brie Tattttrian Canal, of WftftMM* V dloox; -or fcitrobto ; loeittoa : for a Merchants Mm* * ■•■-. -.' -.'-r Irt «tnl gdoA XhrtlUnir Boom well nited On a nnan Suulf to OaotiUg* of Oraagerfltei ,6a Btai»;Maa of OUai'-Tttffla.aSr.-: v BAUM WCKE? 4tO*. a . -febl®-— “■ - WMAriadfnuiutfc* jiOA!* titTO etal teal ? ftwrV'eia’oTcsel ; . tn apply to J-^ATiRKHOCSETCBfiALK—TIb«I*ffribeT fgVoffen for alt the threestory briefc Wotftosse •*“*«i >?«*! street, txnpted' by: B. TuasNk Co aoYJ ! ' ■' AYJ& WWBQttjJt.. ntoctibm will. nat tart of'fc&Mfw*] A -►» » Mv**t«BMb -iribUAHiifi AtUL MHNMNBft; • V- fob SALE.—A Lot. Of; GrMßd fllttktri til Vuw . • v k»7iii*SilropWr«Sftel,:»na i ittilep*i»ftsSinil‘»i - -:■>■.-■ loWfla iklror*Wß ttnafc'' , . ' - C. Ck UIOMIS, <ib <ti nct^Xent. is.~.i«a-air;i -;. ■-■ v, : - ■ . y: . JOII JUSST— A roora iu U» «coail'6@r l t<o* -■»• r -.;; :?;v ; v.-: J.:?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers