The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 08, 1849, Image 2
w a. “•1 v- I'M PilTSiilJEGfl GAZE#. . ' **unxaass&&M obkßlGel3?s*4= ' iTOßasap^*^s;iSiSS£^£l • * IW. -,«4r ,<1 .' J ■ tba aSksttlM>s>« l >>W‘ < retetorf I •; J«j«(aa»%i^Bi«HEwssSs■?i■«^> , '. I ' | - 1 ' oiHJtpettte, td* % "jjSuSiWW l *'*** dtxttiqiifam for.MUipß&et. •* •' t i' j; i it FiTeOoiUrrpcf -': rSwl ttoliftekl J It.Twff Dollar* pet mnntfto, <tr(alr kf r^ M £. ;c T«l«fnphlo Him* '' ■ »?jjtar> Sfocml- KtUtnjM; next pt|««,,». s : 3 [ > HO BOH A*IOS*ACKHOWL EDGED, i v I Jl rai"iug juuto p» ui. nur! 1 iiHeiiaortopooT, tsoo '& /K*t9it* t, S 52 i•»»>•**2.oo, r »^GMk*'*’■«»*••«.»•****4 •••**.«•>■ 2 001 I 00 1 0° ■.*• v2>Bv^AJJ •-• ; 1% Friend to the deifettHe;*. r •- ™* -• ••’ \ “ £» : . ’tSteunbostneaiaL ihe wrer/.*-** •••••*• z? iL 20,,!. O. of O, P, _5OO *• f * l ‘’•llS-T* We ißtder«w,b«rtfeUthinl» to the btaevotafc ißßtHblmllo promptly «»Pi«l *■"*"> *J6 lie nlkr<if(M*>iapnp( widow ttd ker «»<*• • «d«oo. ebwdr iraw opwli«n, fer» pamoa of Urn ihpm 'Add mid paid <W» yeawdty, ud tj» twaefoi ui«Tio,«odi. ’ißßfdWmSViii®® mtfdjjihHWiiotioiu’ofoffdiP* knew.nnfcfeft,and harp tealM, ■ boma wW'Utf • : napkrmm'jHifin. that oar chemhpd ieonJUamial n*le klbtra' Then .\n»itf Sa'danDinj upon Ufa water*, '•±. ;'• aiAnv-ttid^ivevotea • - - '■■ -- -- U rrucnos utk^eit. ' tha.tmtowill faJtbs < olm* gov Annual Iron Report/ whtfi& wpobiiahfot lia important iatorminon it commomcates} trot * nanaotlttUjpa^SfWitbpuiflalJiWsntt®#^ o ® totoms adbctag tto w Iron barest of thin Stole/ Irappea*a>thit under theTOihoos tin Tariff «fl644th* importation of ffeatcfcPig Iten haajotwJtpfiooJ l«/»0 to «WX» «-ton*,la round and that iheinuiainn_iin» portalfcn far-1848, crrer 18f7, in 45,843 tonal It • 'Appesia, alsoj (ro m :thi», report, thM th B Scotch, nna*. « , the ■ ’American market daring the cunentyear; if he . 3oe*Mt Breakup or dnnelhe Aitericin'profinoer '•• atpof the market, {Twill not bo far tb»<wnatpf tfodc? *'■wiseindjomciooa tariff thl* fareign and the ; :s- iroaof'^owa;hfll>.rendered:, homo Tabor, dniching thereby, iho farmer, ibOimoctamc, nad/tfcemetchani; a» tite faraaee men, . • Wgplfftuppfy th«f> *Ti«img AI it 11. our finqhpM'gm JtruggiiDf ivu exafence, while oar prepaw iron which could, ; v & 4 ■ -'}• these results^ tie indebted lo.lhe, party gjofncsmtaf p#sw»:nn4'*we bops far Better, things Congress and new AdnunSdratton :' : . W4-^,; ''-'i ■ • V • '■ Jhaialuttw iot tha .Caaal Coord—Ap» . .% ■ ■■ 1%. nfJT»io»l'.Commt«fana«. assembled ' rJ.’tMs'Eofinitur,: Present—J;M/P©wer, Premdeat -- 1 ’ of tftdiireel R.P«ifl- .-/TfafflM tiWilKß»»»»cli«i>i{ Seo«uy. fctthe dSeearia ills sift oftiw B(md,<l»ofcllo«iiie * .♦*pfWrtTTT>rMStVxjPT^Wv'TTig^*?:■' ; - - ->•-'•'-•* , .*,7SS#vtew»r-'W'jnra* ’ Ea slam Drtfrka; Jciir Mo* ; *; Bmboo, i Tffcstetß DiTi»BCT;^faormßgp^Wt, ; 71; >Joo* Boitpwnij>Jftff . Ti&s J. A/McCtilocti, Keipw.fc <^9!®™’ .:: J’iaibnrglii C. D. Ekta«d,Wiffiiii«poiK XT. s»mp - faelL- .Berwick: 'Chester Ttam»», 'Ij»CTWoIj j J. '•■• Wi^D»jKncr I S<*iiylMaVi»duct,Eliiabrt!iZf<^lCT, 7J, -WtigktuuttT-ZQha, KlmestlulwWfrfii*. ■V n Cars 9 isiycctof*-'J. Kctchnn^.^. -.- >: - t'aayj iiDFtoßASueMoXDSK.j—TbeF&Hutelptua ; on accouatofe dcjpentoriotifl tint FHdiy motniag, oßotxt ioto o’dacS, 1 el iho , fl^wylWl;Haniaf -comer ofßeach andr Cbeatnnl flfttjfamtby Janes Todd. The cnee aid ydU of _, « ~ m* « i J '&a the datarbaaftea, Alfred '7 aeTrteJjrl autted* if not *.; fctcaifc. • The ' tin* outrage ami «aid to' -Jbclaug to ** <&a tgforjpw of : Wcfayuda Baafteiaf ood . 7 / «Rstedtsvfl to iba * raffle aod ' v' ". fliwjpfr aikgsd to taro been Ibr |he benefUof tome *,i toflggatWfafoea* -The poKee aaeeecrird inarreil * UrJohn ttidio Uti^dngind '■■■"■■ Eotue^andtoa v «Lfltfaonb The Hap* oomattbs Mealy/ in fdefimU tbe«han»<rftiot daduoaolfranii fat* Jtmea’Todd, -vas com. ' r '"<Ußddtadefi^orbafl%W(jp£3fjriol«nd|spoCjf. ' die»de7!T4fapw.l7n» roth2r> were . ofASQdba&each, oaiihe .•flbiigeof cot- The voazidedl cianV aeration at criiicar' j : : {*■ ' v:i *y. . ■- r y-u ‘ _ - '' ;! ' : ' 1,1 of »'-wom»n' w«re ■ dfngfram aoeUar. *cd on exiirninaliaa »»’«m»4 to atob . 'm&a edmilledUiil TtoLedgw* J» ''' ‘ ’ ‘m ( fold aotiia hid rocb ' -«4«Oet hmttd i&«*inMiOß..'flait b» ‘ dniawddßievertl nighu in racoe«io» .diu <n ' " oftbo ‘ jKnitt tMSMth the dflfr’tfeif* Determined to gem i -* H*eoWeajsi»,ho got* ep*de «* .‘Sfintsodtool6*ia- «a*«on, i t fcStaiigeM bl tUt/ He Uhored this '■wtr tre iVTo orlhree wee**, until bo.tnche d the fcrty fecyfrqt ret there. * • WMJII ”*Bfe^nfayiLhafgHad WSbot% pU&b&g t potatothe weltaewhich iS&bome, la (which, m hie toper- some c harped qtitHt**. •* T " 1 Usn.'-Ia U» ' 'iitffcfii'i'UlMf'iT*' wH»Tej tMa:ttM)raMd nj J.T' amnirillM Hpwfad Quote, tuWUVj i- j. -,^»«&UUr,E.TaidtU) l a(Kl.i;H*iiu hid- »Stl> - " MO ifli* «PP°*»d « w; '«Bflka»a‘ **&}s.**4 u r ■•: —4OW& ' • ' l ; , -, ; *^. , H'’ i .- , i ..•■”*■.?*•'; f • - 1 ? - .V Dell* ri*e» • . ri , Wanning a tragedy vn* en that U>«2Ab qU:t; .. i*, <Wer«Wt to «Itt* > tbsttfafrbtT*room ofibe SL * r,> ' Sjgftwnilni iri craild galhar oa lie mta'ect,' v/Lt , boayranßg men,' wellkoowa la ihit cdy.haij lad - . -wSfctdty iometinfa B£ca ■rfaicti reiuked a Joha - W«*- Wwart'-tae** *l>« «wajH&fcj*#* Jl*p jdMBUeJ «dtS&?si*k. •- " ,J£utoiir*ftS»*3* Pdraacej.tO fliirgdf Md ’ ,-Hi«Miwio«« Mvprelf»«fimi(uiifi*r,- ’v SWtJ la draper Hp bebOf* to the ,' vi-, ‘; ■ • BSffi&is*rSi2W: <* eh. !«*"•< ?!«*>* W l **?* j» *»' ' - ' 1 ~\ ty~ -4 tW&ti: * .A<,goal"detl joC&ver{«k:«xc3&iipst wa*'l '(Uogeraaio ihe/wfdg«, Eu leakfui. -to to thenominufon ibrlmited Slate* Senator** • Tho. choice has matted- in* accordance with, my pie* TiH^SecUmwn,.and Wm. H*.Sew*rd win to : ihe whigs tbetaekteix, ite Sen*U£tnd n»*Me a ' ftpreseatsiive as tbetute could wish* He has aa ; ambition 'higher - IhßQ*;thd'flgn»iarial.:chalryaß U I willtake eartyoccasiohto show, manwho i,devotes eatiyto the-accomplishment, of his ! 'object.' ' Should hesoeceed iaobuioingthewhlg i nomination fat (be Presidency,-be Wfll.auain-the [ object of his ambitian.'Dot otherwise. • - *••'■•>•1 •< I Quite i large clan of banker* and private, capital" trtt > liew~iire # alarmed at theaction of the snbrizetsuryf and predict the meet trying time* for : maith*nl*' ! Tho ;bbin/uow in possession' of the tffinntWis $2j500,b6Q, that inlbe banks 81,500,000. i Ao Import ofeighteen milUons of dollars, they an* i gae, will transfer all the coin to ihe ‘monster, 1 tear* i hanks harreu. Ia addition to ibis' call 6a i dutiesj the banks must finniidt'thfelr of i the s££oo,ooo of the loan of jaat .vea/. There ia ii>tt a very bnak ddmnnd'ib? ( *mnS coin, for OaU*- forms, and the baakii arel aboutVsTrept,. and the premium do ihrf of coin raised to twoper &&l" Andeo timiA'ire some-of iho>banks^that small ncftea of Now Jersey banks have actually been paid-outat theircouniers, in exchange >for large ooteWtheirbtfa; thus lessoning the danger of a demand far coin. . Whatever the cause, mbney aiul : gobdpaper ; ikfuil Ona per dent s mooth,’and the hanka veryehmioua' inflanrdltbqiiiu'r;- '.f^ The visitors ofthe 'American Institute? wfll<be jpntifiedtblearn Ihaf.thltirirtdable; fasjimttqn lias eS leikgtb aoffimalaied>/dad» erect an elegantediftce, tatgeenoagh fot.*Hits.wants, ex* l ,rair.:\'l^jilt Br^it o !tHlMio' g :j ■will bejiear the Psrlf, and givoiew auriqticnj# to' [tinstpoftkmoftbociiy. j •„:,•• -•••?. •• • : J I ‘‘i Afiotber on foot ivthe bridging ofthe ;East Riser,' at a pol&l'near Fnlioa.Feirr.' [ The schemers propose to make the, high that a line hf battle ahip,witK iU her span on eod, can p» easily. tjpon thebridgoisto be a rail* way .worked* by'' smtiohary' engine*; to convey good*',:'footpath ; for rpasmigers,'; and a, roadway granite, are D to sappart-the huge stractoie«that'isito,connect Brooklyn and NcwYort; iso'that neither-tho. elements can chnae-the least dc* •ebemebMfoqnd.siunflnential lew. to wfll pasa before the pridtftf|Jew.T«w-he*.noble harbor—“ j. > tjsby. Judge Edmond*, .hes not been/inpaed yet. and hex apon • second; thought, J*ea postponed. AI ctomputaiionihas jnit'beea'tnftdej of-tho cost of l 'maintaining:'car>anpet*i'hod‘it-‘ia fotand to'be': higher per.■wect.ihanthe coat of boardibr gentle. men aifint class hotels. . AdetenninCdeflbrt'will •poo - be I msdyto~ est»biish-. a. workhonae* whieh wttlPSfer to the Uiy vagrants who now tire at the pnblfo'Mißs'fow channs and as-hard, labor u they, have Jett. .The pensionera pf Eogland who have 'sustained tho bondrotlier <acteor*ag,t tom* fere. k well as these pauper*,' c pon trar bounty,' and 1 1 1 is quite time that the property holders of oar large ernes were lettered whollyoftheir maintenance. ; In market# tcMfey; theiw'has been, aruma orprimeetlia. ’ted ie'S«te.»Bd boiaew do col meet tho martet. Bote ii Jim, end jelling Isio beret:biuidf: Cheeee'to m ectite leqnrat, bstlodden ue IboeeVehippen Tiew»,.eßd the stiff are cpwdngdte'thft homatrada. - - Ci Tfc*HomesteiulE**»pU<ra (feestlbn. V . xo:±,:'r' ;: ■ ME. W»rre—ln a brief article, with the above i day, 1 endeavors! ,tq show .that m Romestepd.lJx-- emotion-'La w»- shchtSwftmaysnppos© wilibb en. : actedjWbuld in oil respect* be essentially different trom.lhe'Lew of Primogeniture, which i may bejustly reyarded astnmatural,and unequal, i. aada 'di*sraeo to’the statotebookof Ecgiaml. i As no- inconsiderable portion cf-our -bitnoen mnA- wtii«i» of. wealth and .leisure, seem to think the Homestead Exemption law would great* iyctt wlpusiyiojpre the poor Porting peopie, who are, it is said, exeh»yeV If * to ascertain whale# these statements can beborae • onliq^.t^h^eAii‘.ih’the'caae.V. .J] v _ V - -,• WHhiho*owlio»lSrmUi»icTOlitii«drirot«,Mii' cnly profits arisingfrom the : aggregate saies cffected ip. I^i< iuiSjr l 'dßiS*''itkiaim:i»r, bo i&beuiSr • t it‘w©uld probabiybs seen, that seven the ppateanon ofmeo of .weaiih.--Jj nay benefit and ■deommoda- UodeCttopocrfcT-Uittrpah l of thiens have nore» tft inledatay Whca crcdli men jueixnoMntiyelty cCoiesasfff i, ov that | the rich' are tetioSy rafivenud bg . priu- < tbdrdealmga tad bust* 1 ' ness tnihaac thus with thd pool?; Gould I belie ye j ■ t>»»y L would be ;Teadytoconclude thnteredii, ere >] iosgr 'Vbold .bcwme/uniasbionahle, buiwfaue 1 1 continue'to beheyedifie rectify! shall not ■ suffer jayTntedtfl hw greatly hyilaled on that score. ' * system would, if extended be*, yoodieascmabl«)imits, worknd«bieftoths poor, ] ram"'wellpeii^|d^L' : it wonld throwin their path strong whlcb'tfcey i»%ht rnH be able to raU^'Or.QTexcQme.-Instheir hearta it. might genmte s bro ibr cosiiy furniture, elothing.and laxnrioaa liyiiig.which would ia vbhrettehr.ln ffistresiing. pecuniary embarro*. mentr ; bleninf, wouldpxovo ft cal&nuty and a curse to more distinctly end emphatically affirm ed,bytho opponents of the Homestead Exemp tion law, that persons possessing property, which' mtnnot'be. reached byordiaary legalprocess, will be unable to obtain credit from meuwbo have buai aess reparation.'- 3he discovery that persons who own a Homestead are less worthy of credit, than 'they werewheii totally destitoteef any earthly .possesion, ■ee&s.lo me to deserve a patent. From this view ofthe rahjeet the • inference is irresisti b(e;thsltbeaere pbateasoh of property, so cor* , npta and blunt* the fadings of men,. as to tender them -wholly’unwarthyof credit or confidence IKd l not-fiar the ridicule that the expression of such e’ jremimeot would be likely to •tobjeci me tOjTshonld Say that the. possession ofpro petts Has a jehdcncy toilacrease and* strengthen. the feelings of Self respeciand seif reliance; and to cause men, ettst'ln tW ordißtiy monld. to take prtdi* and pleasure in paying their just debts, and -meriting the spprobaticn of their fneudsand'fellow ''dtlsens.-?'"-' ■ ‘ .'■'.'v-, . vHwre is now in existence, altw, eeconsg,! ! Jnsdrent or four, and bedding, 4 cow, a hog, a* number of aheep, a quantity of flax, a botel<n fiottr orwhai is etpuva*' mottd.u,in whest,scyerslbdshela of potatoes, dpeir I HoW a persbo, thus circumstanced, u better enti i tied to .credit, than an indlviddal in the possession of a Homestead, lam altogether-unable to deter-, i mitt©;and. foraoy light that some tdod firiend may. j<> thwng.npon the anbjccti shall be [. truly th&nhfoi Yhe plain and honest truth i»i ; over the felse-oUempts made to; dirgois©it, from ourseTre* or.bthefs,that men of gpod character and [gfound .principle*, eyen' / ..though.;'ih straitened dr i cumsUeces, csn usually obtain aa inneh credit as 1 tbey'daaiivwboojiexeons of an opposite descrip* ties, even if abounding in wealth, can hardly find a disereet-busincss man to opeo an aecotmt for. thefraCeosmbdatinn,' r * Equalßwurs.. Feb. 1849. : v * * FofiXtPittsburgh Qazttu. • u laUHlUa|Jn(|eal Operation. . Ma. EnxioA^—l wu present a few days ego at anvoperation • tor. Stone, performed by Dr. John Dickson", of Allegheny City’a gentleman who is by ku taleau and indostry/acquiring (or himself a highrepatation,** a alolUhl and successful surgeon and practitioner.' The patient was a fioe boy of eight years, wboae emaciated body gave evidence of long- continued suffering and pamfui disease. Tbe operation,which occupied bat nftw.mfmiies, was completely soccessfol; the stoue was of a luge-sue.. fcbloioJbnD was used,and-under its benign and soothing influence, us removal was dflfecled without the least suffering or pain being expenecwd by the patient. 3. • SHIPWRECK AND LOSS OF LIFE. Hie ecfcoo&er Mjoesok, jnstanivedarthis port oft the fell us.with the bra Nalahm*,, Fitch, master, fium‘N<rw Orleans boanolo espsu ted and" in a sinking condition. CapL Filch re*, porta that oa the 26th they were - hin down, by a large ship, which, regard Ins of his representations that his seuel Vas going, downj andantreauesto stay by themi. passed leaving them to thgir fate: HwNaubma eoon aftereat over. Her crew,' lashed themselves to the rigging/ and-snob as aur* vired remained)here until rescued by the Miaesok, .George A»-Odd* ibe .second officer, and Thomas Pcndegresf, died the day after the occurrence.— The paptain, firs* oißcre. Mr. Collins, sad two pas* •engers, weretakea.oothftwreck.j- : -Vj .)■*.. .• • .V,. i.v fir,. . c. *.' ■. , HnrnmntM MoUIM *T THl.tJo»Tß.—Woloartl OtStti tbe Hirl (Ct.) Time., Ibit. ikogbier dMr 'June. JWT.ofSoqth.Co.tWiT, 18ynu» of «p, wm mnrfmod «I |M nuail hor M6iA(*T f *taiiowii<Jf-* mutt (itulf ia tholOm. fly, eilot ;ppp» *Heb beatmeb borjriikui.ujkilliof ioiasUy, . Tbo Promdcisee -TiaOKTip. montkm.a ibcdcifl. tttndor inJJxbfUp, Mu, oa the ughs at (be 31# oIL-Aa«mg i»»f tadisruad ofiriobOß* o/Mt,toruto.ta*oUilJ<il»,fewweta«fO, Mi would pt, her 6f ib nt mme&ttm Ume.''A«»rd»gtjr, lawenJ lo hdr Ham tint ns(H nulled ha op film ud at ha IbjiKMMdibmiciilbaowo. TbejomifUdfdicd iaatiiilplTi tat. at lb. mi. Ho I» now. uu» jra ”, f Wfc uastl&l&Spebrour tft* whS eh w£tfsk (So minute* Eo;ne ©fßopreaeataUTettoaehihy the Treaty -«f;penc» ‘with bera*prohlaLis^ ed by oar GqTenunent to a* amended byihd Sea steal tbeUnited Stales, though, of them by a Protocol by ourMiauierato’liiat GovernmcntjUiider- ini ilnictlou&taa the.Fresideot, which Protocol de** dares, in the raeadmanta required by (he Vl The understood and required-by- the .Senate, of (he. 'United .State*,to...beamended hj»i not been reified byMeilebat tempt by the U ailed State* to enforce tboseamehd* hnnta'mustjbti made in theledhoftbe Treaty, as -ilia construed by Mexico wilhtheconsentofthe and without the' eoaseht orlenowledge of the treaty»making power in thia Government.i -What is Jo-tie the consequence of thiaUsiaod unparalleled daamption;bythB"Preiddeat; of the United Staipa of power, palpably not constitolipiud, nor in any hid which he cannot claih --as bas been done in the case ofothertmasgiea* tbhisPresulen* tialofficeftom analogous power.- in Monarchical CHyreramenUh-wo are'wholiy unable to foretell-- 'As-of‘present not tee hcw-this proceedingiof the President, in the teeth" of the legalised, bat by the Treaty beintf'again laid tieibre the Senate, and thalbody netwity of th* cos*, to ratify the •Treaty over again, with, the “Protocol” incorpo** 'atedbrannekedi- ! • * '• .’, l 'i ;t: Wiibooi some inch proceeding, asthe reader 'will Rt'oncopereeiTe,Deitber Californio nor New Mexicoj norliie bOTndaiy to.lbeßio Grande be longio the United State*, the eeHionof those tei* ritarieshavingbeen accepted by ih© treaty making power* ofthe Unite d Sftte»upon<»ndilions which Mexieohas not' agreed 1 to yield* Until this diffi cutty canjeeroing ; the treaty -with .Mexico be ad justed/tIT effective legislation concerning those territories would-seem to be oat of the qaeatioxr r -'i_' / * Botms or xxwtnp-TA'nTn. .-•/ ... Satubdat, Feb. 3,1819. Mr. Stephens rose and asked- the.ananimeas ■consent of the Hoo*eto,£ntrodace a resolution cal ling (he said J for important information/ He asked. that it be md ; and it was read, as follows. , ! E*s6bcJi Thai the Resident of the United States; be requested tofymUb' thftlHouse with a correct* copy of the original treaty of Guadalagpe Hidalgo entered into on* ibe 2d day of February, 184 S, by 'NTcho3ts'P.' Trisle,'On the part bf the Unttsd State*, andXuisG:. Cuevas, Bainado Cooto,'and Miguel Atmtoihf oU.the part; of the [Republio of Mexico*, and narticnlarlylnose-aruclesin said original treaty which were stricken oat or amended by the Sen* ale oftheUnUed Btales ; - Re&hxd, further. That the President be reqoes* . ted talkform this House,whether there is any evi dence in the Depsrtmenl of Slate of an agreement and assarancer made'by out Gommhmioners with the Mexican 1 Government,before:the ratification by-said'Government of said; amendments, sob* sipniially in the foUowiag words, to ant v i • / , «padrqpoL Of the conference previous to the ratification and exchange ofthe treaty, of pekoe between Ambrose H. ScvwraodNathfin. Clifford, - oommitriontd es Ministers Plenipotentiary, on the part of tbeUmted States of America, and Don Lnis de-lrßoaa, Min* liter of Foreign and Internal. Afihlra the Mexican the city of ftaerelaro, on tfee Sflth of the month of May, 1848, at a conference between their Excellencies Nathan Clifford sad Ambrose H Sevier," Cbmmissiottera of jlhe‘United Statea of Amenc*, with Coil powers from their'Government to to the Mexican repablio suitable explana tions invegard to the aipendmenls which the Senate and Government of the; arid United States have made inthe' (reatyof neaceifnendibip, limits, and 'defimtivh aeUlemeait between' the two* republics, sigoei in the city of Guadalupe Hidalgo on theSd day ofFe'hruary oftbe present year, and bia Ex cellency Don lid*do U &o«vMinaler of Foreign ASkirsoftbe republic or Mexico,*'it-was agreed, after adebnalecoovemiiobreapecliogihechanges alluded to, to record in the present protocol thfefot* lowing explanations, which their aforesaid Hr. the Commissioners gave in the name of their Govcromcht, and infolfilment com* misto'pooforpd upon them oegrtb® Mexicans u lsi The American Government, by snpprestag the ninlhnrtitiffof the treaty otGaadalnpe and sub siitaUngiheihird rrticlo orihe treaty of Lowiana, did not agreed uobo by the aforesaid article ninth a avor lemiaries ceded by Mexica . Its 1 understanding isj that, all of tfcati agreement b contained ialte third snide of the treaty oflooiaiv aha. lahba*equeacp,*ll the privileges ahdgurari* ties, civil political, and rdigiona, which Would have been poSeased by the inhabitant* of the cededter* ritono; the ninth amcbl of the trbty had been retained* win he enjoyed by theik without any difference, under (he article whichi haabeett*nb* sttrated.;., - .• •• . , • Government; bf suppressing theteottt artiele dfth e treaty of GtadaiwpSi did nbf, in any its y,. inUmAto annul the grents, of usds br , r -M*y* <HV .* w the ceded teniioHes. These. the suppression oOhisaiti •cleof the treaty, preserve the legal valine which they may poses*, and the grantee* may cante their le gitimate jtitles to beacftwrfcdgai before tbeiAmer* lean tribunals. ■ J ' * : , . .wCbnfonatUvto the law of the United States le« gi&mttetitiea to every description of property, per sonal aad real, existing in the ceded territories, are those which ire legitimate titles under the Men* can law on California end New Mexico, op to the 43th of Mag, 1816» and in Tcx*a|opto the 2d of • •‘3d. The Government Of the Umted States, by sappressing the coaelddihg paragraph of article twelfth bf the treaty, did hotintesq to deprive the rq<nhGo cf the ftee and unrestrained fee* olty of ceding,.conveying, or transfcrting .at any time (*s : it may judge best) the tom of twelve mil lions of dollars, which the same Go[vernment ofthe U; ait to deliver in the place* derignaled by tho .amended article. J “And these explanations having been eocented by the Minister of Foreign Aflhirsjof the Mexican republic, he declared in the namej of hi* Govern meat that,' with the ooderatnndiig conveyed by them, this same Government would proceed to nu lift (he treaty of Goedalnpe, ar 1 modified by the Government of the .failed States. In testimony of which, their Excellencies, the •fnryfuM fVimmfaginn#**, tod the Minister haVO rigned knd sealed, in qulntupßcate, present Proto “ l ' ‘‘NATHAN CUiTOaD. Ivi] “AMBEOSE H.BBVIER. h- *} “LUIS DE LA BOSA." (u .j : AoJU met & in the Department of Bute, the President. be re quekted to inform this House whether said Com miaiionersjbr Plenipotenliflries, were empowered to make said expUnalions. and give said guarsn tiesiand by what aothority they were so empow ered; and whether the said *promcal has been snb* milted 40 ibo Tonriderabon c£ the -Senaleoi the Uoited Stales, been sanctioned by a con* ■tiimional triiuority.of that body. , And U it further rwoipei.Thal the President iafoym-thl* umse whether he was jawire *bf the existence of suehprotoed at the timeaz hisprocla* matlon of the fiaa! exchangeeof rstiflcatmn* of said treaty im the 4th day of July, 1848./ Mr Houstom of Alabama, rose and said it waa either a lengthy resolution. He thought Uie House 'bad 1 : better ’ have the opportunity of looking at tty therefore, he objected to its passage this, morning Mr Stephens said it Vm simply a resolaUon of inquiry. It was a veiy important matter. He trustea the geatlemah woUld sol object He did hot propose to disouisit* U sihndf called -for in formation. He hoped the geatbmw would; not to tta passage. Mr Houston;! prefer it should not pass today.— li ft too long entirely. 1 want to have the oppor* (unity to examine ik ... . . --i - llrStepheox ttndecstand.the .gentte. man from Alabama to rtaecfto iia reception? Mr Houston: Ve# sir, | do. ’ PfiKSBfIiVAHU LBGBLATUaa. ■ 1 - • HititacirfH' Feb. 3. 1649. i IX2UTX. ■ - Mr Koo&macher offered a resolution reauesUitg the Canal Commiuioneni to iofoTO the Senate of the cauaes end ctrcnmatancM.of the Ulo ftW ac cident on the Columbia Railroad* ■* . The Senate then went Into the consideration of lbs bill reiMtoUnj llw capUll eoeadlog Ibe obuiM ofthe Funner’* end Mechanic* 1 Bank ol Philidelphie, which idler K>m» diwifninn wo passed. jjOUSC Of BEytBOtnTATIVD. Mr Cooper, from the committee of wofreoce of the two house*, to whom i directing the Stale, Treasurer lonay t7WOO djo j to the laborer* on the Canal* and BaUroada ol the j Commonwealth, reported the same *a ameodmeatauihoniing the Slate Treasurer to negotiate s temporary loan, to meet the require* meat of the act The bill m reported wu, pare* ed. Ur Liule, in place, reed a bill supplementary to the act relating fo wriU of gtto wtrmnto end manm Bundle SiOiin, from the CorqoiiW on fbo l Judiciary, reported adversely to toe act rclatifo to. i executions, «c. ■ . , Mr Stubbs, from the Committee of Way* end Mean*, reported an act relative |o taxing the veo* i det* ofntatrom* and medicinea &r cert»iO'9i*ea** i 1 **Tbc ; tust to ineorporate the WelUbortf and Cou«, ' dertport Plank Road Company, was ifaeij taben op, kaad Dtased* i k biH asking esrlaia restriction on pawker* i tafgtOa*-** *«*HtaM* •»* <?*- HooM Iheß Wnl'UHo U« c6mulMWlo» Of i hfTl fcr the oomljlcticm cf iho North Branch Canal., tall, Feb,3, 18,9. , Hfrre, Citoifll toiKwpOTi* mt tapaunt Rubai ,&mpMi btkv£i l»m bronchia of (bo C P» ci'plui i> $3,000,000, ofdhnhinijitidnali.hfo mr, flQOflfTO. -'"flffl jpain sfe® i*io n»o ihMegb *f**w and Siimuor to Pbirtoqo, yfl»r mteneaitot «hn WOmuitba’ud WoWa» K*i S«ff poldtoow^b. wt ba to 1 anitexift&aaf tabularview i. /As -aoitipantf 'syitlk 1847,’bwriable* exJubtt, id *r» incrbdae&ihe production' of£ojoOota&t; in the docket 10,000 tons; audio T&t fctpoifiPb lhb-shipm»titx hyrpdecrgtjed tfrßrttish America W a,Earppea5 I W5ftS2|T. Consequent oa tbe foundr/ contraption/and ► %hipcrentr : ai thfaseasbubeihgon light scale, togirther with,the. producUoa, tbe ; 1 dock of Pig Ired Will/ in*all 1 probability, eceumu* IUo fofiometime to coroe- lt Biaybo wonhy of : remsrk,thw £ thetbhas;late!fy.Dedft*« ©onaiderable i quantity ■hipped, and is now lying for sale at Ruiv ■ jcom aqd other take do notice in tiie annexed ealiinaio. . ip la 1817,- the quantity used for local maHeable Iron jrarpeaes was 124,S00tons, whereas this year itfear,been'exceeded fc tnnsi The pro* giesrivA extaniba of-Uut. branch of the Bcotcb . . Iroatndo ha* exanased anim partial ioflaeaee in Beeping tl» stock of Fig Irioo law, whUathe dmie price of Bo* bos redneed Urge foreign ond ihomer'brdbra wWeb 'formerJy were executed ia England and Wales. ,• In 1847ih0 ’export of Scotch manufiutbxed lrdalo foreign peats was 3£20 tons; to lStt it amounted to 103 W tons. ' CohsideHbg ihe probibw continuance, of the A« merican demand £v Pig Iron, the seutenieat of p> titical.aflai»;4m the Continent/abd.ihe evident eympcoontaf improvement in the commetcocfthis country,'itdoes bat appear unseasonable to amid* paiefor thia'inpoitant brasch of tiational industry some participation in the beoehl of/a revival la trade ;andfitistobohoped,this!naybe the effect of legitim ale demand, and not the mult ofsmcu* taifan- During the present year •pecolatiou tp Pig Iron has' been on as exeeedinglj limited ncale— transactions of kind haying more the character cfjsbtog tfian oi speculation. Theextreme va* ralion in price throughout the year ha* been about 13* 6d per ton.. • - -' Since Slat instant there h&b been a rather extea' alve -business dope here ia'Scotch Fig Iron; the mice baa advanced during the interval about 2s to 2a 6d per ton} aad the market closes firm, with buyers of mixed numbers at 4456 d per ton, net .casb,£o.b. Iron •eodtittoea Steady, Barat j£ssalo£slsi},NaU Bods at £6 10»hi> lings;. Plates v and .Sheets, £7 IQsto four per cent disconnt for cash. CoxranxTtvx 2 Vtxw 1 err <Exrbii% Brocas, Pxo bucnccr, *KD Fxicss, 1846, *47,.’48. EXPOSTS. TO 1848. 1847. 184& France................. 5£59 24,838 35,567 Jersey and Guernsey,... 329 r 95 268 Germany, 41*417 48,766 .Denmle,Sweden, 7,054 3,416 2,580 Ru55ia,......,....- 963 .... Tarkeyand Egypt....... 911 531 260 Italy ’and Austria,...V...' 6,643 4/126 5,481 .Spain,, 1,444 1,703 3,70^ Portugal...... 535 283 .< *« South America. 1,930 1,343 538 : "! 161--* 1 315 v "170 New South: Wales,.••••• Ml 1.453 607 British America......... 4J90 6j327 7,307 United States, . 44,993 13,918 china,.THTT.'.. 575 173. .... Ebstlbdles,..9so ... 162,151 143,460119400 T0ta1.......... STOCKS AND PRODUCTION. Stock. Piodoctinn. December 31st, 1646... .tons 145,000... .560,000. do 1817 90,000....540,000 .. 55,000.... <O/)00 ..100,000. ;..60Q£00 .. 90,000.1. .540/100 « December, 1817,. December 31«, 1813. do 1847. Increase (n 1848^ nos raoxmcxD in . In 1845. 1846. 1843. / ISIS. 35,000 45,000 60,000 1 60/)ootaai. Month*. 1646. 1817. 1848. £ s. d. £ s. A > £ a;d January,......4 00 3 13 4 284 February, 317 6 3 13 4 210 0 March, ..3 10 0 311 1 34 4 April 3 60 3 10 8 310 May,. ....a 10 0 3 5 3 2 2 3 June, ....3 80 350 2 3 0 Joty;.V. 310 0 3 8 1 25 6 August, 315 O 3 .7 9 2 5 3 September, ....313 6 3 0 0 2 5 3 October ..3 9. 6 .218 10 3-3 0 November,... .3 9 0 2 11 0 3 3 0 December,.....3 12 C 2 7 6 2 2 4 Averagea......3ll 8 3 5 0 2 4 5 SlockoobnndaitlDecember,lB47....toss 90,000 Slock this dote in Stores andmnken? haflda,loo,ooo Increase in 1848,.; ~, .. rmuucas 4a *usr.-> -- ‘ A*., v . t« June.' lii Aofeqif.; . .3lsi Ds^mber.f- . . 101 . 103; Prodnctkniin 1843, 600,000 Add Stock 31st Dec, 181?,. 80,000 Export* ts ibore,..>. »...389,954 ' Stocklbiidsls,...* 100,000 . Gcauxtme&fot M<Jtcahin tro»pai» lBlB,. ...i.lOM© y V -1, r.: -645,981 bearing for local EbundryendlnlaadCpo* ... * UnipUo °'R 'fißUUte;: rFtoß.tbtßrw YofkCoonnmlkL • ’ The Hyaiortwrlof SM«n< : ; i We hare long since Metnedcur position* lo re* gardtotba marvekmsthiagaaUegeaoftbeinyste* riotu agency called Metmeriam; to wU» that, o 4 a medical agent, it does produce eifecia altogether surpassing explanation upon any kbotva and rec ognised theory—effixtt which wdctanot com pro* bead, but which it ia eqaally impoxaible lo deny— As to the tnjsceed miracles of clairvoyance, pa* thetiaai and the tike, although we do not positively scoot them, we yet fed at liberty to Bay that are hare never nans any * vttich p labt not be effected by isgehtooa of eOQ&fmn or confederacy. Of Mesmerism aa a medical agent we have,ion extraordinary account, in a letter with which yro have been favored, written by e gentleman of North Carolina, who hat been pammg eome time in the East Indies Car the take of hie heplth, and addressed to a medical friend. We have a bon* dant assurance that the letter may he accepted as • faithfol n ami re of what the writer actually uv. It runs thna: ' ■ ■ * Catftrm; Bengal, Nov. 6, 1849. Ur Dxax PocToa:—-Thera it one hospital here, the.natsro.oC>which doabc astonish yon, and an acconni of which wiD leave yog to judge whether Calcutta ts behind or abend of the rest of the wOrld. ' In Calcutta‘there b a Meamerio hos pital; it b under the cart* of Dr. &daile, a regular* Iy educated U. B. and a surgeon of the booortble East India Company. I have personal acquaint ' anoe with him, and beseems a cultivated geos tlenian, with nope of the absurd humbog theories concerning clairvoyance and animal magnetism at it b known among tie Jn America. The Hon. Company furnishes lb*' hospital with medicines and uuxramenla, and lust is a measure-patronises the eatablbhment Asia myaelfl have aa yet fat' med no thorough opinion os the subject, knowing too tittle about ir, butljwfii tell yeti what 1 have seen with my own eves, in company with other gentlemen, and mere imagination will not account for. I wfll givo it to yoa nearly a* l byob ti'in baste In t»y nofo boolq while it wip feesh (a my mind. fMnnifoy, October 23,—TW* lUOming Dr. E*> dalle called upon me and told mo that, an opera* ; tiaawjmto be perthrmedat tbe Meamerio hospital In Dfaurrumtollah street, as twelveoUoefc Not* writhstaodrna the intense gain in my bead, I vent at the boor in a palakpe (pafeoquioa) Tbe subject was • Mtuyelraag ana perhaps the tbe dnest |pe» clmen of a man’ among the natives that 1 have seen, in the country. Hie bad a large lomor on the body, originating in elepbastaaU, nearly the also of my bead* Ob my arrival l found the ranttltt; the Mesmeric sleep. - Tho poise vu «s even ba a child's, the pyet were slightly open, and tbe jaws as lightly locked together as In tetanps, giyipg the moothen air of determination that I never saw equalled; ,tbe cheyt. rose and fell os U In a quiet slumber. Before commencing, hsharp knife was stack in the< mostnensiUve parts of the body, bat he might as well have boons-atone. The opera* tion tasted nearly five minutes, daring which lime f watched with (be piost eager attention, bat he slept 4S calmly and eg aliU a« if he vu indulging in a refreshing siesta. No motion was seen save that given to him by the keen knife in tbehand of Dr. Esdaile. Owing to the delicate ovgaaauonneeted. withHbis opera* lion it Is perhaps tins most painfnl one in sorgery. Yet through the *fho\o of it he was a* thp dead— Without aensatiqn or motion, tospe the state in which bo would be wbpq hp awakened, 1 stood by him witbno hole interest, while Dr. Ea* daOe pulled oat a btuidfal of his beard (a mortal in* suit to a Mussulman) and gave it io me, saying '“Take that borne aM memento of Mesmerism.” Kiieyga suddenly Jooked aa freaji u if be had been engaged to an animated oonver* salion. SeeingDr.'Eedaile standing by him, he raised hia right hand .40 hia'forehead saying the 'Salaam, 7 8aib? ‘(Peace to yoo, my Cord). Raising bcthTiaads in tbe manner always employed bythe native when Jib speaks to the white man, he asked, in tbe,Htndoatanee J language, “How many days U’would be before the •‘bniraSaib ha. keen" (tug lord doctor) would operate upon him; he had come' fQlby way from ffoogtie, bav(pg heard of the Baib, to be cured; he was a poor man, he bed lei Uris ftdtify; Mchjldrto wbp«aiifvo if hc*ramalned loor, be wanted (6 be at wortt again, w fiob he con|d not if be remained there on his back; the Baib must cut U oiNn one or two daya,heeoa|d not wait nnt longer, be w» feqdy to it and wapb edit over. Htovynolp manner and ctraystnett of tone andenireaff atowej| thafto WMPJufecUy aooonscioag of the pqih&l spd ghastly sight.! bad ia<t beheld. “Tall him |h«l llh»*beent®'¥»wod,’ tabid to Dr. Erdiile. He told roe that it w„nuhhr atwl to do it, tot Utor. Imtodtljr: beeprop «'f«rp of pun in too plaoo Vb«* tboopetatkm hwbfto •jwitonaed, «!>;. that whin in* told, ,'ItFT timeo many boat, before they wrro m«3e cOnibi, -od> 01 it; nt to ibo«r n» the prbols •tons, ho udd to an lnte(l|gntit‘lflndoar i j,bopto6dby, fandPHurof ooatKiundattopdlhoHiadptttuiMteeeTUiinhr did) ■iXadibun.ia toMb W°d lh|t all Uqrprjihtt the! operation baa been performed." A* t»a totpo I prion) oj tttptofgga (Ifth > .K)Mn'atod9)nfil)« Jook orintonpttplaarnm pnd trild deu,Et Ualha cafg upou'.pr.'Eedalle.’-XuUnghiy tjrq 1 tojpfjh, It to i»aT»ti W T<* an spsepiS b#SgDfloß,’.ij*d» i>un. t*Hc«hoh£tsnce 1 wra tins# aether bulb fltee.f* tM* extravagant aodtraJjorfentil style d3bepeiiiT forthhisgraliffidetnllr.Esdatfetfowhombe Will while life last* offer ap hi* daily pnrai. Whit thlnkfjfaa or ihat,myaeir Doctor? mere imafujaliDo wooU do afl ; lhei? Strang in» deed moll t» thp. imagmattohihit coold-rtattf « men endow such a coffin; to pieces u 1 tawjhat rßeav wfclHne end! will tell you anotberaadonotheifigtoithaj Iraw in thct some haspUalWL'ihni dsj/U A. poor wretch of a Hiadoo,who had I'Jim tnmor dangling- in kin ftoe, growing Cul t* the baKof the eye, had tt com pletely taken off white under the Mesmeric steep; Of coarse the, whole orboTthceyewaataksn dot with iU and within the abeket of the eye there wad a cavity left large enoughto place on egg in. A horrid night it was. • Mdrkfinto this hollow, in which was nothing hot the rfw granulated flesh, witothoextraffiityof the . opticf nerve.laid tero,jtrengjurrw os&ana wiJer was injected. Had the man been a dorpa bowould have felt it no more.' When he awoke be did not eveb knotftbatthe bandage had beentakenoff ! hiseye. Flesh, meihmks ccnldnotendore thsifn » conscious suio and live.- Onemon, and I have ■ done. A Hindoo, with a similar ttunor to the fint case, preparing for the operation, fravir lying on Ida bed. It was only the second tundthat he rad toed asleep, and there lore he was but partially ander the Metmerio influence* A live coal was pat Into my hands to try the “fiery ordeal” apbahim. Holding it in the ‘ffcrecps” 1 placed its bright red rorfaceco Barts of his legs, and no evidence effecting At last, placing it upon bis ihia.lheld tt il the Arab began to bftul, when I perceiv it tremor ran oyer his leg, not more how* t i fly causes when walking over oar rhea. .asleep, dcfr Doctor, I have what I have seen ofthe.wondert of Me*- They are strong cases, and yon may re- , hem;as being perfectly correct; there ano I painting in them, on my word: Dr. Esdafle does I not Mesmerise the ptiifchts; himself.' There are ,-too» many of them.. He has tn*n fiom. the bills.! whom he has tanght Not long since he eat ata» morfrom a man that weighed 110 pounds, the man 1 himself weighing bat 00 pounds ■■thus catting him in two parts; and the fellow lived. Every day yoa can see men and women with the leprosy and el , ephanthsis walking in the streets. I have seen some of these last mentioned with onelegfaDy as large aa an elephant's and the other Eke a straw, ; the foot cannot bo seen. For thislhero is no care 1 on earth. Yoor, fee. N. 0. ThbGoousx Mas Ex-taste.—-' We heard of* pan, the other day, who,' while the California fever was ■t its height, very gravely and deliberately promo)* rated his sentiments somewhat in this was: *IT I was a poor man, withom : a family, end didn’t own S booze, or ia spot oflaod and had no haziness, was withom a cent ia the world, and never expected to have any, and no father, nor mother nor aister^iorbrotber—l wouldn't go to California r He may safety be considered ah in no danger of catching the Register. JQB P&HTIS6. BILL HEAPS, CARDS, CIRCULARS. Manifals, Biß* Lading, Contracts, Loot Blank*) nans bills, uixia, esanneatss, cancsa, rouaxs, Ac. Ac- Printed at the shortest notice, at low prices, aHha de39 Girrrrc Omcx, TmaD curt. ny The Members of the California Enterprise Company, will hereafteramet in the Bell of the Allegheny Fire Co., oa Fifths street. None bar member* admitted to meeting*. M. KANE, Jr., President 'fius.Thos. Ovrtect, Stcy: mtm - * Oceania Ltnat *n Ue> fmLtnvf Ijtrrmrre.—The Fourth Lecture will bo gives by Prof. L. Srxvsas, on Thursday evening, Feb..Bth, : i&4B,mi?o'eloek»aiApolloUan. 10,000 / 60,008 7 i Subject— Coxsrorios. . The Lecture will be illustrated by the briHiani ecm- 1 bastion of various substances ia Oxygen Get. The combustion of the Metal* hythc Oxy-tiydrogen blow pipe, will be .shown. Spontaneous combustion will bo ffiuittaied by striku>g.*nd beenufal experiments. Single TickfU £5 cents, admitting • gentleman end occompanying ladies. To be bed es the Book Stores and at the door. The Leetore will commence shortly after 7 o'clock. JACOB WEAVES, Jr,7 DAVID HOLMES, VCammlnae. (•be B. A. SAMPSON. ) litnrt Etrtcruejurr.—We would can attentioa to this excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Conaamptmh, vulbU affections or the Throes and Longs. Haring several times within a few year* past had oeca* sioo to ese a medicine of this kind, we expen* ence tested its excellent qualities, end are prepared to recommend it to others. Ministers or <other pabiie •Makers afflicted with bronchial affections win and great benefit from lu use. It is prepared by-q eeienti* se physician, end all classes will find it a tafia and effl* *«ni<mi medicine tn the diseases for which ilia re* commended.—{Colombo* (Ohio) Cross and JoomaL For sale u the Pekin Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth erred, oyti No Msnaxt b Sxuxas’Vanurua*. • South Pittsburgh, Jen. 30th, IM9. • ' Mr.B«E.Bellen-Hparck«»aoDayveiof ygr Vet*; outage, and gave my h*if teeraoocsfal. in the space or font hoars, and the malt was, an monaous discharge of worm* of * I *- r t®**“* Freviaas to living you Venmfege,l had tried Dr. M 1 * Una’s had Dr. Jayne*, without Yours, Ao* GEORGE BHUNK. Prepuadand«ld by K. B.BELLEBS, S 7 Wood tf. Also, by Dr. Camel,Fifth Ward; D. M. Curry, Aile ■ ghsny, and Wn J Bntith, TetnperanceviUe. ah? Xnpnr«a«Bts U DinUitvy* DR. O. O. STEARNS, labcf Boston, U prepared to munatactaje and set Bioex Txrra ia whale tad part* of sets, upon Suction or Atmospheric Sactfos ratee~- Tootbickb train ut?jv*iiunrm,whewrtbtßerT»is exposed. Offieeand midgcMcexUfaffljq Ja» W. M* Wrlfbtt n. IK, OutUti Omci ud residence on Foanb iiiHti opposite ite PiustmnTh Back. Office boon data 9 o'eioei to It A msx,*o*elocktos P.M. seplMjr Departed this life on Wednesday, the Tih bat, ai a Quartet past nine o'clock, P IL, Jumi R. third asa of Uenaral J. K. Moorhead, b tho Wt ;cu of hi* age- The funeral will leave his father's residence, near theVppex Bridge,b Allegheny City, an Friday next, at three o'clock, P JO. Friend* and acquaintance* arp jcqoeaied ro anend without farther ootiee. • On Wednesday, Fcbraaiy 7, Wm. hie Mahon, Bsq, or Allegheny City. Ill# We ml* anil, relation* axe In* Tiled to' attend hi* funeral, froa hi* lata residence, Pmn.t Hotri, Federal street, Allegheny Cuy, on Fri day, at 8 o'clock, PAL WBOLEBALK M4THIBB WABBHQCSB. LEWIS ABAHTOBD, Nos. SSI aso BSS Plant srxxsr, {Between Falton street and failing flbpj NEW YORE, aava os naan raa usas>? aisoaras* os OLOVBUO a tax UNITED STATES, SHIRTS AND DBAWBRI, We keep an eodieaa variety, auo raa most airmail vi Baaovacroaxas or OIL CLOTHING amn COVERED HATS Ip the WorltJ. AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, Of all kind*. • LEWIS A HANFPBO, febd-dfibkiaw and 858 N- Y. lb tie Honorable the Judge* of the Court ofQtue ral Quarter Stuion* of tkt fVcor, in qnd fa tfa County of Allegheny mUß Petition of Alienist. Kiut, of the Second ward, I city of Pi'Ubnrgh, in the county aforesaid, boably < saeweln, that Tear pctiiio.or tin* provided himself with mstcrinl* for tho aceomtnodauofi of travelers tad ethers, at his dwelling homo, m the city and pray* that your ilvnors will, bo pleased to grant Una license-to beejia Public lionse.of Entertab* iceat Ana your peptlojwr, %* ih d#ty' p, &. |he ritb*cribet*> pi ike ns of the afbreiiidTVatd, do (Tetufj, »H«t the above petitioner l* of good repute for honesty am! temperance, and (s well provided with house room and eonyonierjcen. for the accommodation , and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that said . tavern Is w ceuary. Tho* It Dicbto", R Walker, John Anderson, i S Wood, W U Bhager, SsntlyJurnsido; A Palfi'Y, il S Hancock, J Hisliiuen, Ja* beady, H ¥ Patterson, W Orori. fetA-d3t i _ Chronicle copy atid charge Gazette. • A BEAUTIPUL Family Residence, with two acre* of tprottnd, in Sowipkley, ueutheO<f river. It is tUnatcd -within j» few rods of the oribPcminaryt aml/bui a«hdh dlhtaibe frSn forhoi*. The house contains eight large rooms, ittnl uliqUbedtu a handtoths style' Poascatlo i can hegiveu tbo,l*t pf Abril neiL For particulars, inqotre of John Irwin A Sons, or T. IL Nos, vln ACp., Puttbargb,ot 0-&-NBYIN, * TNDIA fIV'UBEU received, a sew to* JL of India,Rubber .qoods, tp* vrryartieies seeded for perwns «tn a Callforrii; expedition, obhu c 1 dot Air Beds; > - t « Pillows; 3 Isibarai Bags, a* samples; 3 do* Large Coats. The above goods for tale at utelndia Robber Besot No 6 Wood st feba IftHPUILLIPS INDIA RUBBER SHOES—Justreceived, 8 net lined Over Shoes, * splendid article, superioi to any ever cured in this city, of wbteb nor oKouity nrtiee, wholesifelind retail,«thi India Rnfchet Depot, No 5 Wood ttreec * «■ fefc* - • Logs Cagght* ALOTdlM»L«giwa*«acgbiia*ia tatheOhlo titar, opposite ghoutetoWn, aboul threnWeeW ■saws? 1 " Wel® BRUCE TRACY, : • ftMfrwayr j as. miller, and otnaw. ■?«3BfflfiM2ns!!i&!S2Si « 'X-.'St Clalrttrtet, neat door to Eaq. John’*. frt>Brilli± ‘ : • H.-TiclaYTOlACo. /?lAI4FOKNIA RlFliß'BASKEtA~Jttitßttifi4 V>Hyoeac** Rifltt Barrel*, suit*bis for naklmr ii 3 fof litOvtrland ronrtoCWifVniii| for t ale • r /'IAUFO&NIA WACipNS- l. ' ~ joog tawed Wagon Felloe*, GovefugenV'tixet} •ns#*- • ‘ W^S^SSifStSSSS^*^ ton r ' 'JAMES A HPTCIgSON 4Co war Bsi»4a Allad#phi*aodNew York,'at A* l ®- mcndoci anduparelleledsacrifiee!-- .": j: ■■■ • L •. Wb have toads sock*large teilfitttofci flflttf togr Brices Untvs will now tell m Urge port* Bo ®H>** gap&BBLOnfCOST rf Importation. The early •£ tgptfoa of buyers to* invited to choice, high colored goods adapted to the California. Trade.. ■— rg f CADIES DRESS figured c*»»l**ajCashmeie* and do lames, cloths, aUeo«‘ and watered blk silks, lrltts, 1 Superior repaxmnra tilkiJE'reachmerinos, all colon, link and'colored, {Black bombazines, • Super blsckflosxy Diode Cress barred and suiped'. T luunsilka•■''•• fl- alpacas,- :: 'ii > Ytoetts and mantilla silks,{Brocks flg*d and strip'd do, best finality. (Jenny Lind plaids, - Pare satins, blk **ll4 bine I Victoria Lyoneao cloths, T blksnios, » | veiynetov satin merinos, ICobere cloths and camels, taper silk warp' alpaca! as lustres ; lustres; I > ; . RHIWLS! BHAWLS” ? f Splendldplaid long;shawls, A few brocna long shawls, 'Splendid terketl shawls, tha finest we bare ever from N.York auctions, brought to this market, i treat bargains; ' sow to be sold at.great 'Plain and eabrolHL thibet bargains, •.ahawls, all colon, Bupentoeandeomaonbro- BOk fringe, remarkably cha square shawlsi i cheap; - Sapereaaelian silk shawls . . <3ENTLEBtEN&GOOI». .7. > . Freneh doth* from the eelebrmied “Johany" taano* .ftctery. For beauty of finish and permanence of wear, - » ha*r n** aupertor; amw pieces extra fine Jet black and olive easton beavers and other heavy, cloths tor aver coats, twilled Freneh cloths, manufac tured expressly for cloaks, French and American css* simsreMmper west of England (to, sopor French sa tins for yeiungs, the bestimported, rain and fancy velvet and cashmere vestings, merino shim and drew, era, Italian cravats, linen, cambric and silk hdkfs, bo. otapleoooD3 bilk linentjlwtl loojclolli illrtli< ; raiulla»,bl« lik ed ud brown nnSliM of iroodqMlUTiraßrtnblr linens andtable doth*.'Rossis and Scotch diapers and towellings, and tweeds An usuto large stock of blanket*, direct from Ike Butmtoetnrers, some of which are tha best ever exhij bltcdo -aU of wkeh will be etosedoat;ei unparalleled , -towTprices- In addition to *bov« enumerated goods,oaraleck comprises avere anmueenlof almost every article osoally toona in a drygoods store, and aa&ey have been Btsinlypßf* i chased at the easernancuons, hence tbejate greatre* daetfoa of trices. We are enabled and determined ip sail them os at great bargains. . Wholesale buyers, conotry merchants, tailors, ana thfi public generaUv are respectfully invited to an ear* tar examination, unreins shsll be given. W ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market at, N W coreerofthc Diamoad OLOTHINQ, CBleed States For Sole* American co] IitTHIV B)VAI9i JOUC. roCXE, IB0l.lfAS0O»ff tim« f'ocSXt VtUX MB) IAXII M. LUtC, lUl<| MIUWO- _ BBCBAHIOS* GLASS WOBKI. SIMPSON a Co- manoractnieT* of Vial*, Botttoi, and Window Glare; keep eeuetantly oo wad a general iraomnentof the above wtJcle*. Ajw»BaJt» to order a icpcriOT trade vt Mmcral of Boole*, of colored flats. No. tfi Wood *t, Ruibttrgh, Pa. feba-cm TMN-1M u«. Ifo», “ le ■*" 31 water and 0d front at N j af^ a> ** ssftssßkS’ -Cl TEEL—A pnei.l ummimm of c»n. Steyr.-E"!; g lUh Blister, German, American, BUiter, and Spring *"% llo,<l ,Qdf ‘ >r “ ltbr I,g WAf EHHAN ro "" Jf ° ,,,l< ’ br L 8 WATERMAN SUGAR— IX hhdr NO Sugar, old crop, miCthr pri-o, °° "■‘■LTwiTKRMA^’ AJPUS-iaSlUopeen Apple* frbd L S WATERMAN * O. SUGAR—Mbhd* grime new erop NO Sagmr 4 l7O liberty*! ' IRAQ CIDER—IQbbU Economy Crab Cider, jost I receivedand for rale bv MILLER A RICKETSON SPERU, WHALE AND LARD OILS—MX p on* bleached winter Sperm, manufactured Uui winter! MO g» bleached do do 000 ** do-winter whale do do 14 bblsNo 1 Lard Oil, winter, jiut reo? and for aalo by febB MILLER A BICKBTBQN SEGARa-40MNo lt Crux* 1 Principe Segarrj 3i M u 9 do do do 25M “3 do do do to to “ i s, b^ 1 , EBtgIcKKTCON . OATS— 1» boih Oats, to-day redd and tor «aJe by febS ARMSrBONO A CBOZER kRIED APPLES—SO bosh for Bale by I ftS A CBOZER BUITER— 4'bhla freah Roil Batter, to-day rec*d and for sale by febS ARMSTRONG A CBOZER RICE— *7 tierce* Carolina Blco, landing from «tmr p*<ti«*Tn «n<t for tale by febtT • JAMES A HUTCHISON ACo /"ILOYER &EED—€OO bach in atore and tor tale by \J ftb& ROBTDALPBLL A Co, liberty at caaka tor sale by feba • ROBT DAL2ELL A Co lßAßLASH~l9eaaharee T dandtor tale by tobd ROBT DAL2ELL A Co IULXPO&K—7OO piece* Undine and for tale by > few PAL2ELL ACo 1 |«WP WKV3V~ftfbhl»landing from star New Eng -Tt land and for sale by ‘ B A FAHNESTOCK A Co, (kVt cor Ist and wood «u STRAW BOARDS—Assorted numbers, Bern 30 to S&inelasive, just neM and tar tale by sb? . BROWN k CULBERTSON QA TIERCES new erep Rice; o\7 ITthhds u n prime Sogar; tbbblsAlosi; fittlba Peaih«rs,primequaliiy: reeM end Or sale by fcWw C~IHMBKN,I»t andSd »t MODE ALPACAS aDS LAINES—We bsvejatt received by Expro-s, several eases fine sadae i mods adored-Alpacas, de Lalnrt, and Cash* amt. which will be told low. tob% BHACELSTT & WHITE, 99 wood,st TFLACK CLOTHS—A complete assortment of Beth JD foods, inst opening by . SHACKLEPf A WHTfE ■ T. ACES, EDGINGS, Ac—A liMpinTcleetowpticed. JLi median and MaCdtpaaodThread Lace* am SjinrtrfjutreceiTedby :to bd SBACKLETT* WHITE fuNTON FLANNELS—Five bales heavy twill* 1/unbleached, Jam arrived at • ftbß BHACKLETT A WHITE’S tQOS—3 bhl* Eggs, just rac'd and for tale by . ifobd CH GRANT, 41 water at T EAFLABB-dbblt prime Leaf LanLree Iper 1 per tin I a Pilot No % and for tale by feM CH GRANT T>RODUCE—SIS tasks Out: 37 bbls dried Applet; IT M doornail wilts Bean*; Udo Flaxseed; landing from Pilot Nod; ton tale by BAGALEYASiUm fob* - 18 sad }P wood at PEACHES— 63 <esk* Ohiq Peaches; 4do do pealed PBODUCE-dObhl* white Beast; 9do Flagsecd; 9 ftbfl . 110 wood tt feruu* A DESIRABLE Baflding Let la Allegheny city, fa A vnrabty loeated, Id use about half an acrel and will be add on accommodating terms. Inquire or fabtf JD WILLIAMS,IIOwooda INTQMSO bbl* Clorev Seed. febO tSAIAH DICKEY A WANTED— Sight drafts and cheeks on Nashville, Teavu fcbg taSUH DICKEY A Co QTTQAH HOUSE MOLASSES-4 bblaon consign- Q mew wQI be add low to close. *"sgjf» ISAIAH DICKEY A Co ‘QOtrSSEL’S PREMIUM Perfumery; Ac - 11 among whiph are Batreiianeoigi Compound Shv vlng Cream, ltoap, Be*rs’pil, Beefr HUnevf Pomatum, Out Quia faugeau, Lily White,'lndian Dye lot tolortaglhe hair ebeaatifol and permanent black or Brown; cologne, Ac.; tor tale by fcbfl J SCHOONMAKEtt A Co SHAVING SOAP—4O b« small; ddoToOet; 9cate* old Windsor Soap, genuine; 6 do best Palm do l do; tor tale by tobo J 6CHOONMAKER A Co Extract loowooimsd bn Sanford's tale by fob* J SuHQQNMAgEg QUNWUES-Rio Coffee, ,100 ticks; Pet Nutt* 100 odorpetMPetekee,4effete* dried do. SOQbtsk; dried applet. fiO bub; Tobacco, 100 bjq brands; received tad ftr ule by ftM Wnw’*' * i LEAD-133 keys No 1. reoHlsod forioto febfl BBOWNfc CPLBEBTBON FlGS~9«tsks Bmyni»Fif», Car tab law *o dote eamifnmenL ftbiT *• BROWN 4 CUL9CTT6QN T> EFINED SUQAft-K bbU • loaf Safir. want* XL nsmberi; tfdocpuaeadbiS'dbpitfTerutddb; so auipnmaNQdo; Q bblido do Udtmfcln rtorn iSafirlStoOT febd BROWN A CULBERTSON QU» LEMON-48 Iba Oil Lemon, Jail recVS tsdfor old bf fabB ■AgggATB?. by PnwpKPrn OINQEB— Od band udjbiulaby ftbB JPUP^Co’ ENGLISH MUSTARD—Oa tumd mod tor alt by < febS toba ' " 3 POP ACo CH.. <"*>>• .U febJ ft doasowdwtt »»^^>i,^ /-VU3-U t* : % T*m»r«'OiUlO dawludo An jodo IJff»n«iU»p<i»- fcis i joim wAiq- ~ ipPiWi|?S« yjfoottob?, ~ “j.dhnwatt TUiIBF.i!P jui&K&cttircd taDtrao* JC.‘r<Muo. - fob*'- %> . . -.. JOHN WATT bT * '• • 4B&3TRONOACBOZBR , •' -?v - : <-'! ruction boa^ l> T^ ebM p» PwTft Wfliiwin w , <, J :TAraßaildingLot* at Axoiem,- . r. ' Oa Satardao afternoon, Feb, 1&fc,.»13 o’clock W»»i be ttld withoat resenra, ml the Commercial Sales Room, 'eoßHraf-'Wead«mdFl&h,u(c«i>»;.lbA.-(bUowuifyT«al, . estate, tri*j Lot of ground'No ?B, in the alma of lots ton oat by Jo* Panenon, Esq. in the Sib Wirt dfthiscuy. • ’ : Alto, Lot*Stand9o^lathealaa ef ifceesttfiptoaof ■ a plan'eflcts laid out by B.S. Ctmyla Reserve ia sssasssf.StSSSSSbafittb' Auction Store. Term One lulffeai^Tasidaapaya. bleinone rear,with Interests- V ’ . • i£b>" . jobs ddavistAoci >, ZZ padkagtsrassorted Jfrj (hod*. : ] Oa mr*d«y flfeouflf**eb: «hj ta ID Wtoek, at the QjmauyelaJ gate*Eoom*, career of Wood aod-Flfth crt^Twillbe*eid, withoat ns**m,oo acreditoM for appnrred endowed notes* on all earns over aoJ ofseuocukble eti* KriffiLu! nSSu, 6*. *tiUn* mi <nMPteP«av KSiSS SsSS, .ww*, p.lMlbtlMtm.KM ta ore*. Ac. A general assortment band booeehcJd' flirmttrel embracing mwt Mu«* ninilty wanted by heaee keeper*. ; - - | *; A nuii «Kk gno eutlery,mantcl clxft : , ««} e lPrtranaa^ german AMUSEMENTS, ' IMIEATBB. V l Ji POBI sk: Thubitlat, fwb:«tB> will be pie«aa»4 » towfioy, in6ecu. colled . » t.iLv • BPESDTHB PLOUGH- ■■ • _ Bob lUnJy.-" v : *v *•• ■ “■-.’-‘•■'JJr.Bep. Sir Phi Up.—- .v....., } /• Aibfieid*. i... Mr. Prior* v*; : Susan Aabfieldf .; r J.ViMlwPo«ar. ;j( . Mias filnmlmU ...Mrs, Prior. = ■Highland FliEf-•••••Master To conclude with .... S„. . A : SKETCUKSIN INDIA.' * '• ; - i .Mr. Dunn, ? f l......ujfliiajCnitoe. ? O: this week.the Theatre win? be clo ne, in orderjs make tbae important BB&VEB*! :pi»OR4IIAk /‘ ’’i F THE MAMMUTH CAVE* Niagara Fal&i'&TP lian, Ohio and Mississippi ins at PHILO HALL, commencing Janw* 31st— Amonjr the view* it comprises the fouowingtafce P»U* ■of Niagara, comprising a l ' fall view—wiew tjf.-thociiy of Mexico, from the Convent of San Cormo WPattor*- tnib view of the Falls of ihoOhfo from thaj! Indian* tide—The city ofLcuirrilie, ko-Hte Mannftqth Cavei hotel and cottagcs ; £br strangers, vishots amdjiransient boarder*—View of Ashland, BohtJL Clay’sjhjsldenee —View of the Hermitage—togethetwlth * dsgrVjonr* wry on the Prairie*. r -5 Boots open at 6 o’clock—Panorama will ebdußence moving at 7 o'clock, precisely. , IV SHIPS FOR CALIFORNIA*^ - TomTbpe**** Salty Seraggs notice-A/b ted for a short tii alterations. For San 'FraneltcO* Oallftrnja. I*o Sail PosmriLT,: WsmranAr, SOUj Fttsvun. ; jrg T> . Hie superior and sp*c»a*ship;LEYAftT, u above, and taka steam .to aem-/ Thuahip.oakrtJsa* perior inducements to p*ssengets,:ieir:camflm_**d safety.. Bbo will be-ia good baoyaatttinvaudjiued out in an extra manner., ■ v - > For freight or passage, <tiS2SOialhecshiii,©tdlso comfortably etraiigedattdwUbHb«al . .-This ship insareaat ibojowestreiesof premtaßL; •febfrdiw,. - - >•• - j ForBM FnuiclM*»G*lJUl)irmUt :.‘ ,±jsfcs Toeaeceed the Xylon, now ready-to fSyjFy*™** cargo and wilt have Jnnnediatedes gflfflftpatch. Tno coppered and topper Astened (ad sailing superior skip CHARLBS > wo,B«W«Jje master, has mod of bar cam elreadjrongaged, aoi! will positively sail .aboai-uih February—and now loading at;'Waters* wharf, F.P« - •'•.->.. This strip presents* fine cpportuniryto paasengen (or Ban Franeiaeo, baring vary tdeswaot aecoffinoda tions between decks; bong. owh.airy; -coqtmodioui and well yentilated. Cabin-passenger! also can be handsomely provided'with' staterooms:' ' Thu ship will positively sail as advertised; rJar.yo cenh W Finley will act as npercargo, and take char or goods to bis address. Mr. Finley' will cross:toe Isthmus of Panama and intercept the saips-Xylohrend Clulrles, at Valparaiso. . V' V" ; An experienced surgeon will aeeompany.the ship;*— dfamexeU' 1 fehl-lwlßalL Atn-1 77-Pratt st; Bahimow ! gu 9rAnclM*i OilitMala*:.'.: '. ret TUBAlfort saiUog copper fcrtenad and JK9wgooacted : baiana IQHgLAfm.-wtU-bcde»« AB&Kptiebed to the port oaov before the IQtb February. For freight orpauagn, baring reperloi stale and steerage room aacammod»'ioa*,applyto * ' & FEN BY* 00 V '• comer of Gay and Frau «trccu l ßah«n6reV Tbe Kirkland is a new Baltimore bail! ve**ei,oa< I ear old, of 300 ton* register, "aa&:btiUt’by ; s>rdet.o{ team. D. BackASona, forma*ownaaa b*alpaca* at- jai7-d£ir—fcalt. Am. j . msAsmicxKO. , ; . i 4Js§s The fine new copper fastened end copper* ■ JgggYcd barque JOHNiIAYO, ;Capt.>PttiTi*k»n, SafiSCeis sow loading at. Craig** wharf, aaf i Ja2l-d2w laßowiy*.wharf; Baltiawra mHS SECOND SESSION o’ Fur. 7taoim&* v I I W .1 mole Seouasxy, will berm on Mtmdey,tie js&a Tb* . Bomber of rntpils la the deportment rum* open, io United to 30.' jQuly,application. Is therefore d lta*^-H^sr ß Btglbß, ■Msthemodg. CtoidmiT.NotDrolTlillialopby'.omi Deling •■> !»» - ' f ': ,}»« WrSnj^o^*ipen%tnk I mrsets&tofSlwMks. JAMES THOMPSON, , ! ■t -.i. Mnria’s EoW.LibeTty. stmt ■ • ' P- fL RlddWp. D- _ -: i 1 "•• Ber. H. Dyer, D. D, - •••* | ■-/ » .•: . .••• Her.WnLM’Ukjett. '■ " if . Horn WUsq^MvsidJess. ■:•!,'\. .... , -i •:«•/} feWrdaw oco.B.mae.. ■••*••* TMFACAVLAY’S HISTORY OF '■ Slh- tke occasion of domes IL—YoL V-J- r.j v i -Tto History of Alexander tto Greet: by Jacob AV encraTinjo. '- -i . -* Horpet** LUb-of FrankUnt splendidly cißbentsbed bynnmeraas eoqnisUo desiyns.jjNot, S3ceatfc-?3» be completed in 8 nsmben. Pictorial History of England, op to tbrteignvttf George incomplete .in 4 rote, ocioto: 1300 Uuutnr Justreceised by R HOPKINS, f febS ■-. Apollo BaiMwgM&O ? rnHE Trertoe* ofuw W««?ru TheoMc *1 Seminary X haviat factteA t* «giL mpetpewaUeue* A. por doo«f tidr property w Alkfhoay cSct. wnrerj from 3Qto So Lou o? dUftrent ttstsg&wass;- awsmsk?: For penicol***, enquire of cither of tit* ondmixned Co&fl&ee- 2 ‘ '•«* • •■ t ■! ALHELAUGHLRi, MALCOLM. LEBCB, ttCIULTS, ■•-••<.■ , BAML. BAILEY. ■ T«l«iUe Bckl Eititrfor Bal«« rrtßß following property in the city of JL tad near the borough, of Manchester, 140 Ohio nnr, is offend for saloon terms: 9 Lott {being tub*diTislraof Lqih{o defflntheplaa of ih« city of Praabusgfc} having SO feat front oa Be* Tenth strffig by ? Mf}^ we alley, near „ Lots fronting on ishwati 8> feet wide, rutming £roaaße»TC?N»» to the Oslo nver, erf* joininflFhillips’e Cflt Otothnetonr. >• ftbl-dtf -.V. i :• ML A QvfttnfHouto on Federal streei, Alleghe* Juildj, ueartbe Market Bqn*r« and a amaU houss aHreansylTaniaArcane,nearflirtsMonty’* utere, PUttetnahip. Also, a tone rooo, -ad eiotyr Market street, Piu»- bnrgh. Two small amresOnSd street, and several convenient offices nearlb* Poet office. Apply to - E DGAZZAM, ’ ftbl«da# office 3d at, over Philo Hell Ut oh thirty. Btnst far lisus* /“\NKLOT,4t feetfrsmi on liberty street,' by 110 feet VJ to Brewery plier, ceuriy. opposite .west atm t, , cenreomm to bo Itch ed foka icon of yean. EnQelnw'' " t wfessaffi^^i fefrfl-tf Barba’s BoOttinyVlthsL A ENGINRingoaJ ruk- J& sing otoer, :* inch eyitnder, 30 inch stroke; boi ler it feet.long. 33 inches In diameter; flywheel tl cwt Also, one onset shifts, S 3 feet iottr, si inches in diameter, with drams; one upright; saw. KnotOca of fcbfrdgwf.,4AB^gMlrHrWolflatthul^» 1 '***£■* - I<d Water erect A ! uAltßami A. Bridgeo#r the Mver fpiwnio PtflrtSp, itt the conSrwf AU«heny,"'’mQoeb«d tl Monday the fth day ofMtxth mzlbi au’eloek, P.SL feb>dAwtfT- IQBNHAHPBB. Treasurer, Wrappngipapeb— : r \ KQO roams medium Straw Wrapping; 1000 f l crown ; • “ i ; **■-" aoo « douiie~cr v o u 1 „« Shelved and for Bale a* th,q warehouse of : TBIE of Wsi.Aß. Hm taro* Jt“ the death bfenfreftkapuraun, 1 W interest of Wra. Hey*,Jr-,'deceased, in said firm, ocuaittiflg of Hides, Leather, BkfoiL fl3,Ac., will be *°Woa the premiMsotUha Isih inst ' /• , ,feb7-tfl jAMEaV*PGHLlX,Admlni*tt»tfa T7AUIUBL EOOSOBIBTIi and the Publie, ,JC » effeel a saving of one-third, • *»<* 'obtain Jhe 1 jffealesibargajni everpufc2uued»ut most mpecUki -IIV invited lovUii .ROBINSON’S Gtotk CsabUshaent, Post BaildingvocMcrFtnh and Wood aa.- febS-lW ’v:; jioTicsi*- ■ " .*{- ;J other on Ae istSuay of Mav« Py order, . . t a Wb»s. : We»Urn. T> AlSlNfl—boie«N BBilffrxli . ! ■ ****«« l * Cl °**’ ■ WB»AHUTCIIIBOXt'cL i\H CONBWWMKNT—® btfltawktttlfcia*; S 6 do : XJ Own Metis to k«p prin« UoUerj VJQIkmIiFUz ge&J: tfrW retcta; Cl©t«* Seed. Lard m 4 itfi WOIU3ftIOE aSt? ■■ : 'i' ■i ■untCTmCT 4 FintSIMB iSSk £Sk t£S» juine. .mms f SunhOfOo-Wat KtoT «§SstaandUeS^spi«a3«»« l . »r. la fifeaeee the. ; advance, / _ ; : . •' 1 *3? Wtelins e,«nr BMia«T eieain, •<1» r. U. >' M.f&mP. • • - - . bargberarrMondarßorsiaf AllOVotdelQ.XnMUbt “ er<Hy Monday evening at 10 r,rc. \ -- ■■ no HIBERNIA Kix-3, cipL‘A*iinm£ata,ntlß leare PitubnrghoTCTyTUeeday monungailPe’akttj Wheeling eyery-ncsdayenrtMHtattfftJt- v ■. «iu>siißblf?iCttf;' *<i Ha NEWEKGLANP NttVCap*. '&i DauA'WiH leave Fitabxntt >raorelßg.« dft at :.. Ttt BRILLIANT, Ct£U Ourx, will UMj Pte*. ■ bvgb 'every ffcmhlaYfoojnung at iDO’eUcbjWhflettag . erer^Twm^yoveaßg‘«tlDy, i ii; I *:.. ■ Tbe CUPPER N««|Cajfe Fur Borate-WaUtaYs • ttuibargh ererrJFridar Bnrniugatloo’cloefciAVfeM*. Unf'every Fridayevening ■”• . :vi>& -• . ■ no MESSBMGEBt jCapcft Hq»gm.,wgl leave Pltotaigh every'ffotorday moTslur at IDo'cioek; •■•■..• - - 111 V. Lores f, f . toamWq^rJUibcpitjtfeteekv^agjßSrtriagy^ Midair joskin* owrtimttWJlfiatoresttjlatpu*-'.;.' Hs3gfct • ; bufS,: m-:«|^^.;:tiaie' ! !UidM'inft-ru«»daßtaf fif , i fimsiaraSiptbUo ihsit»yJ»ta ;•■,-•■. frtlgfct, to «ndMi«i*»ippiiiwnk^Tb*prtfri«an>Wf*a«^ . seltss to tpvtt coisiiMoat •:.. fcrt w/cly cod SlspaOcu, miulrW.Uiß |Mll«t ;4kß«. * ■ -tSteas^F AIIARNAjACo. 7, li N * MfUat J.HAlfflffloßfcC* I;,"” «- NoTlS&>?ltt<te^rlU&Vl&ti2£C3a)^7 > ier, vdl ltrre alto' tlila iwticfc. fax .weliirtlld p*' oUriggtfdockSttottahainiir.'.- ~ - - .uttiombrainflrV'.- -„ _■ ' ■■■! mi. 1 *• ---n '• a •»;« Vfm . wwißcaon* BBowunMaS . ~ --i ' t •.•■■■ DftXlyFMkttLlttS.." ;• FKBBUABY ltt» I&B - FBBBUABYUym rff” ~ w Has lino fof tte ; prtaanj Mseat ygaWCB LAffIKV Ctpk'JUM* FwkfeM ORSDRSKSBALTIC, C«pt. A. Jicobjjiafl UKJpI V Cow B.; J Bennett- -Tfca *>atxs eston '. eiy contiart Wnww r c«iWoeßwlu«baeii'jitithM| • TheßoauviU leaTe ue Mmioag&bel* Wharf Boai ft Ua EooT.ofßaif. *t- Pmcnfffi psaetnl «a bo«di«»'ih» eeruuaij' teat# j»tle:«nm .' ’ ii>edho»r»»BA.''tfcind4P:>l J, . , :-.vV.« 'jin!'-,'- ■ , X FOB BTVEB,' ‘ I * ; toil.. • MBBBBBBBboVe and iateraedua» port* lMBor» ‘tow Jnermfigm 10 ».* t . Ft>r£rcigbtor|>«Mi««i’*pplreo bda*il:i ’/ m 9 ",V fS^FORMVLeQUB, ~• J\ ' v * " r ;• :. .• mtner, will lecvt 4u iH* "tHHflHEttMabdve asdlotQtmediafe proof 2£to* _ */ -For freight «f pustge, appljr onboard* at to 1 .,-.. v -ftbB */ ■'-.h t -JV/vr.-.*. PEmOBgWfc Of : / . , for-waSashbiveb. > y ’«*- *.f:r;Tta*pJ«ididV&«ruaiar ttsuMi • .fP a •COUJMBIAfjr* . VgmDean.fgartM. 'will lagw fry JlßWC9Rßßabctr«; anatU ifltennediUfi-j>on»/o* y 1 orJ " Uuff, - , ?feS^S r fi g 3 !h ** FORST.LOWSk.M.i i i '•* ''ififm- tv - T>t * *«■»■ 1 t - a > 1 r , IUaMIA 1 t . ,:. vMT.,VBaNOuV > „,** I watte y wfllietTofia'.alWTi " 'jFocfrcight ‘ f: •*.*• il '- ■'■ ■; FW^WjkaASB-MVEK^S^Sr^ '£’■ »;■?'■.• freight or pwye, «PPV on bwtL ' ■ 4toS - ’• ' <aSgOS« Wahtor. nmief. n-MtMtou. ;«3s^raae^gsSffi^«?psfA# 2,Xho.CnMl ax k «U ihs • WtwteoeiaSute^SaS. fort md oUbtrof raneaccn hte teeit hfovufadT- n> ,bo«Vtt*i*> nM & piairant mrnhihiML ATaa» ftetoht m»> wwf(*«KLisyMM &>*rd, crto-.J.i&•■! W^TVHtßL^Sjri*!, &t 4 - _ ’;'- r: TO*NEW J oBtE4NS.'' ; '": Vi .:. “ SSP jnuu«« aipplf. oa B ■ Mitteatxrger, or PeOigrtrw &-Co, ngtMt: *■■;•■* SS V "^FasNß^oßJj£u#9,- 7u ; . ' ®* . '■- «. jfrr .»>•*< _ mskunr, wiS tear* ■pMsnHftai kuanaedl*ifrport*tm 4i».*X " Vo«i boaidwiJ'yfT . F nirei&xtt For fttljfewgmw tjftfoi boui'. j ill ■, - ror>ißwro«LBAwa.~~ •■•■ 1 - { - " , /fcty.n. k --.-Tfaifagnunda* *v*s*#r '.•/■--y'i - »B Jiwisl fcr aUuutmediato 1 sens'o& UtodWjiSir but, «K M;.’ ; - vT—. r« ttrtia w WM^£gy^iS£* r ''--fa . •-,- :A - I »™n MAC«i-BMW, KUltafaditAW ■■BBHEanßabet* tniUnMßSHitfe pom. on Wei-- fgs3 - ' > TOjT^TxKJIsT;- - :T>^' r tpjcndMLfart naming ncya • 1 PlTOßU^ai^^PlgV^E^Cjmt^K- BVKBKbGE£mfsatf&.o*«t! " ;r ta<r aired.,,. rtHfi/'l'-tefrittfi '■ ' - '• -i REOUIiAjtCISCISftU^i^AGKSfV:^- ■'■' '-'ri|ii , ilv l ir' l ' ; I ' , l*l»*fc»f mrnitwumaMr.’ ■ •* jv jpgSagßSar BC Qrty, isu»t»*dl] team' Cfc tS« &udlAnraßeduuepon«.Uiu<l«y s ..... ,i • iigfwtauuSwpify -»■ '. Jp pß.-n*sp»w !S «-rTr7/" ,;rj22£& -iSßK^Uui: 4 aw^£itt» »l,2: -•*y gngfctor bosA«W\iK^ “« /"S’Sii&l'iSrlfisSa ■■."< in# |^U^llA**2oU^rm r eTfi3t iFUotTwm-v‘ ! * v 7 [J jaai r i*3i - msagjgfife rnjdH-iaD bbU ltijft No 3 Kaeienl:; 80 half. bhfc- J? do do do. JtZL KSiiUA * Bo|i