The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 07, 1849, Image 4

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    :.• M^PICAL ‘
aS-BBiW® who rami. .
■■~?crt.W}&s .--aU'AVixuovf'iha.'nimii ■■■•■ .
v . ,'■. ; brent nod bang*; tbemortefc '■ .- -
•;;:i---ftctaal' l *nd i «peai7.-«onivr-'.--v‘''“.- ! - '.'
>'?*••••*■;'’-.t '•'•*": '<-^e»etlnwwnforanyof \ ■■ --.-■
V.*:«'•>" di«ea*-‘c'|r. ••'■•-'- ;• •..•-•
•* DR. SLINK'S' •
r-rMnooumilSFOtipor WllilCllorTjrl
•-" TUrinrSiebe Ui’.o longer Cleons thoec of doubtful
” )ih I UP«K d “' YI 'V front 1110 titourandrdrny
„ : .'’■SSBLj «Sntte lidd oferpcriroeat, mod now .anil.
, EEEtTin ttpondoni'wi* u t*««ns aon exieoibe
■■:' 'MjjduredfoVtberebrfoftugcHugEliu. ■ : ...
" *ufi»bStlntrolnteJeeri eluemlly. tlmrogh Ito
■„ tMaSstW* *O4 Europe, and tW Me for lorrn. of
'tmrnenMbuf’nl'ef'MntWn eotnamnatkeble «»i
-good edeea.. For proof of itrofcKgoiM
, : ■ nISSS-ro. .mtnfdio VW w ondefEeMy of .tWetnedir;
; -!S!KBraotri«tor:wU!iMon * fewofUnsineiT ilou-,
?•',?. 7. been preeehtedto WinlW
L> • • mrn oflho Urn jeepeetebUity-rtodn *‘ lo b*r® Wpher.,
V • And Jp«iep,.tbMlo eo>
“ »6lontaf4ty.l*t»* ttiat contrary 10 lirir
, corivieUon of
* aroililj i’jVh'ina fpMttil.raannßr to
-; , . -Its iruW, and riWao*« Moral Maxims. .
:•'•. a*pr.SwaynijV
• I# de»««i®' It atrengthens the
• • l aifcef iDCiJiotiic.'-.. v •oinsTJiaCDf.'Afrilsjit, IS4S^
v. rw<*V vtH’or believayour Coni*
0 - Dr. bo* bttn tto, incaru o!
. wQfl>t Syrtp.«f^Si*Mverecofd.whieli
• > 1 <>' 'Sr I tad recourse to, »uU
.; •i.Ar«u»ffid all the ayroptoms of
- tttng |tsci«emed
• rSmonary wetttsed «o rapid--
.' »y reiata-' freely end lly tie
; '■. ; ga.i^&^ig^s^swya'
* - • Br.BTOJ»t:"?J=SR Vfflictti gOTteJlp, |po|or
;-: s/^*®^s^fssasa*a
. is-1 wo oitenwg*•?"®“T wtalher, borroiror.litSl- At
eiiDr-won Wiwsaoi^ BJ^ationi l!oi.TOproay
• Inti ' IJly pfnjtaro oonininp
-s•' e f tbe first foot or fire.
' *••'• ■«owider»^^^ B H fnniuenUy aa*
.. hal tinaJy began
: U*r«^y aftm »»
• i»hw in m thnaunpnScntly,
-• 1 - :'<tW>^o;«io'y«sJ™l. a l jijtSii”g eoosivPnin ,U, P
: - N. C. ‘ '.
■• >JiSs^=M
> ~,f.:.iftimino from ItelnlM- _ » -0.-iit, ihe
1 'aggF^ss^swss^^*«
!i, • .*iloßS,ai S J p£smTjomJ hitch-
—. -mcdieii
tended with conse»uono/ d experi
- .ssffipssss^^feS'-
;•■ * » p:SSSirfi»r «*«**■? »p<* *
' '■ -
■’' ‘ *"**“.?* a. I’AHNKSTOCK *Co
-•- -«on« WoUmoS"" 1 *" eoravcikurf woods
* :•; ;: i;-V «ptt.
OTHERS:-, . Vi, Oct
-P^SeUcTK—duoof.oat pbyncians? w “^"
, . K5a!S dwWcMUum tclf y™* 1 rtffli
. , StfS/ ;£«£ *
* '/. t, Ijai wWitteaciiUicA,
r W~Jte.
* . ~, agrl
» utkono evid&ice oj>
iAj l**croaANTU «aj«Tiorto »'l
< :,SS£ss^raa3Wffl!Sfl6S:
■ _l.^_„ij^?2^^^«Ltartc44olfic-M* ,df JiMM*BUCIOIiII|i®|
- wrAiiatD rtllmfrcn. «s>kieh
i^fesSsS 5 -
. ,**SS3iw l r" ■'■' r-.nnMi*-
~ Vv«XEraJ?AiN'fiWBACTOft wJQrin five mJp
v thtt. tcTcrcti fianw, *c*ld» r«,
li I t jSaafffS?p*togSwwr eaa bo
- , »■. F . ; -«aU Agent for AVorieroyeona.
I «* «•■: c vAHgUSTOCS , S VGBmyi}OK<
■»> ft- 'FEWwtiekooinee, one of my obildijn, ageS <fo<wt
- - A.«VSy g SfSu 1 .o»cll for «e«n£^d. y? , yj to
-r-..- SiIBSsSisSSS
" i ‘P I3 .
' • *
■ Will. ~ *
jjgri cum ■wmirmiit-' 1 N° ~«ioi]d Be,
-- i ’
„ • "i-saes
- ;Venaifnga.:->nd a
~ V' do»o^bMo|h*
j- '
• fl . lo f Teeth for 99 C*aU<
V' . sgffa?i2mi£SSilsSS«>4!SfstaS&
* V SZ: ’SSft-SSSSffiSiSSpßrfs®# ‘“OTwSSsi"
- .>±’.'« v' ~--?SSZZI m t-l* r , n lnihoacteethitoUlttm ■ foodeei*
"'i~ w»rt »«•«£ «».
:-.- e aod'mafcMlia toefcM*-
~ ■ • , A j*f H 1!
SrS ; wijpajß^ssS^^Sß&StfS
... • TgfcT^arsmJLPTOV
rfm Extract <■ Q»«rt *•***“*.<*
i l! “ f^i u :r'V£S‘s£2 -
1 > U i»iSEa^r v : .
■,■! —■ ■ ..•••' 'Pc£E|*t. ' '' t\_
■.‘f^fonnri ,
Juidered iaesnbb. n ; hM.»**dA* G»wef port .
ihWrt imxtt thiUm dorfat jh« two p*»t two**, •■ r .
. ■*{ I
Dr TowMtod’t Ban«uuilU. l&ftmmtt to »boU I
cjrttem pviawfbtlrv to«j;wSo Mn tat'totr I
modlelaoor ioatar* I
tion committed iiytuUh. or toeieessiro tadslftoe bl-;)
ika prr*W ,, i end browkt caefeamlj&jiteiJ proetro- I
•tina*ofto mttous vaatofiUßUtidß, I
falotiot MBntiona, pnsuma dstsy Ui4d«cUrift,iuiiUzh-. .1
imfWWWTUUjrt Auldim«,C«iriEßpllon,eia Wa* 1
tirtlr restored bj t&b pla*ui t*medy.,Tbi»Bm»- j
..p*rin«.lil»r-fap«ripr.W/My. ; .. v? . ; ' I
ln»igoratia« C#JrdUl,: I
As it renews ecwttp I
-lo iho Imbiv end .strength .td-to raoteulv in » I
njosiejtraanfiwjjydefree, .Vw,- ' . •!
ittuanpiiDßCaßdi; . I
OUaaiM us At I
BrovAitif, Onmtptiem, Littr OtmfUiai. G*M*i I
Smut*, DifiaLUtrrnfaM Jtesd**’ ;
WSSj iKTt. m IUiJrZIUn , . !
juaiorfAaalaivM. , \ ;
, I
. D*. 9i*n»4 rmb befltretot fmr 9tn&*.
isyflft. Ilm.lbumbyw I*4*
Knt Tr*m ed t 4* tot I nktd to*»
Uw of Itod, bad Bfeki«9m *aA**ft 1
> VsStltM nAUßttnmtto
"■ chwl fttj ulttiri 1
Lniw.*»>v?»4 Kd-r? .
. enables UftsM. Y*a «aa vaD butte* to* X pa--
Tt ” iiclratu« ccuntua-at
: gfcmali»Bhstfrf•.., .i !
: or.T«vss*tfkMapom*bsnTa«isaasii7tur
\m ftrlstteta*
. Cterl, Us
nnfaoa,or Wblto to:ntol«r
Urn taemtamtf WaA « UnUatair iUtWii*
• i to ftaffwnl jwrtnaUi of u» ■T«taa-'
«brto» m nndi oTfabmat muo or eaaw,
C i o» tetetft (run. firms d tuba
t w 4% ms* i«hb* JSMS
asds* Us liSbum. U toTßßdlmty oostctam
c*to etfmecxsak , If wfll w* buMctid i/ m, i*
Lto-of ta delta!* .**m% W.«*Bbl*ewjMtat«aot
«i»m aortoasd-fett to«
• • ®»ttMSuwk ib/I HtawWl I*s4lm« *
•-; Tfctetonc* '
sii. t. « tt li a etrttl* pmcstte* to w or to
ltawSodtoam towto«* •■
d tbte too- cf U&., Thi* jwrtod
fotd Ar otacrol ftart PfSf&V tCetoiWor
inSC-vtofttoiteo t» Offtofo 1 1
■ oSaUtaA ta b 7 ‘P^J
-oaloato blood c4 luiltmtogto owwa .
b Israbnbl* to tQ to 4eUs&u <lse»
' suto wfeieh.wb«i»a«ro nbjoet
*1: br*cc* to>brt* lytatt. to***f* myfddf to
oaiinl caexifie*, br’wawißy to top*rkie» of to
tea rax i. J J
ha tosynta,'tod aßoilagto sdffwiags
Sraiteral etiw pn—«“ l«i»
■ food, dw fb# It
. <Br* it ÜbtUspc&aw.
u U dMeswiiui^aw
eqMl *sli *S£*‘*???**
SSSLk bbritayo •rt^towttWta^g
' - m* ttfilllit' .
* ESSdJSEiZ^ ESt&EBr* «•*» W ?J?
-fe???Tu.i if tbs mitCtadu* oomotte*.
>JS£S!S^ SEImi udtoj. a*
. JlsaffS&SSßSSlf
SSd^wJSS._J«»r««^■j*gK 2?dS*VSS
'"StSraS:. s«i «-*»■•«
. tfidoo.awd.oor.oOcf duly ,
notice to > tto kadle*.
TbM tail iaiuu Dr. TowmkuT* Smmrikkni
. sa^sESJS&^SWSifiSti^
■ ZgteSS2&£B£S£E2!:&
•r. Tr rr of ®*TOs®» *■
Uttresttdr tb'iww* *“>**""■
! oiStuimt**admuiw,*• tipwi^^gffaa
-TUi ««fsße«*e eoad««twfr P*®***-
-Tkr»*P«*«P ear«ou ommim
SSsS?SuS4wWt^ltw)>lil»JB« 2 .| it,.
S% «1, Sst bKUet: U , i*“ •»*»• i" * Uc!>
Or. To«2S^?S!«dS|^*S»* , » pm
'oftfc* City of Albany, be™ u -! lit ”*ft ß
«SDr. TmrateaiTo %“W^ t *£ l £S!!L?k£ *
: -’. , ! - Twit«o».-*tD. ”
..' . • V- Vi 1 i- : ... .TULBRJOGS, It D.
ACanr.iprilljlsn. J>.E.ELKE!IbpEF,».D
' fcc. They generally palHupto tha samwshsped brt.
ie< and subs of than bar* stats and e *P^“.? Br “”s
‘ tUuMsts-—thay 'asa'only •wurthles* fwitaitoasr and
should be aroklad, -
rrbcipal Office, ISB FDU'OR BtrMt, oaa Baildiu
iS.lV,t iCoddiagfc.Co-BSuitfl#tm«,ffortooi Djrott*
rßoas,: IS North' BrcZad Street, ; PhtfideiphisB. B.
Honec.Drorxist. RalUaore; P. M. Cohaa, t
Wrteht Chartres Street Iff; 0»: 105 South
. Pearl Street, Albany jiaad by all the^principal Drug'
;Uts :aml Vexebsau reuendly Ibrvurhoul tba rnited
' -ItatMi Wett Md tha pajadas. -
. N. ißqoiriiiff for UiU-meJlcine, should
fiotbe induced to-ttkeauyoiher. Druggists put op
K*mpßdlles,UDd ofcourse prefer selling their own.
' deceived, by. nay—inquire. Tot Dr. Town-*
scud’a.'andtake no .other. O* Remember tbe genu
ine “Townsend's Barsiipariin£j n Mid by the sole agents.
Dehefol MolcMleA Retail Agent,
No, ST: Wood meet, and V. hLCURRY, Allegheny,
city, .1 "' AtHfiHoJf 1
Edr.tho Recovery or Dormant aftdlmprbperly With*
'tlMnmt'nrul Arbitration of Commercial, Trading, and
' other DtibUr
•• Brilttin,lre!and,'Anfl.}hC-Co!onie*.»jnH>pendcccif i
•- thereunto belonging,. end -KegoUotijig/or the Pur*-«»a or Sale ortho mac. . . . .....
REFERENCE on ripplmstion free of
charge, (provided thh motive U 'not 'that, of more
curiosity,ftoa'Xln comprising up vards of ldfioo
same* m which, unclaimed property I* rum din*.
Also; an'lndex to our IO.OW which
have appeared.for tho past aryears lu' Various 'Brttfili'
newspapers, addressed to'Heirsat taw and nelt'o.'
kitn' Communication* by letter'Me'feqaesied to bo
post-paid, v> y ' BENTHAM FABIAN,
.■ r* : *J'BfOadir}jy2Neur‘.Yotlfc>'
- Reference* are permitted to Hdn/Cfiurlcs P.'DoJy,
iudghCoart of Cwnmoii Pleas, New York;'
Yreelind, SthartAi Co; ,1 .-• . ........
: Cha».Cut!idffe * Co.
-W.&J'T. Tapacott.'
' G. IL-A-’BieVttts, K»q. • ••*
' tdwirJ'Schnxter, Cinrinnaii.'Ohio.
VAs Dank, Buffalo,
t. .povgt^dCm-/;; ■-.
■ . Thr AJlcgheflpCenuitarjr.
‘ A Corpoimton, held on
bd< foltowinx. prison* Were tutsnl*'
stocttfy yean
mnaiy HOWtf .
- < JOHN mSSELL, >
V * NATIIANIRLIIMttiS,' 11 M Uf> m
• •- JOJflf H: fIIJOEMB&RtiEB* I .'' V
* t- i\ ■
xiJL Famer,. Ji* BsswSMr wd.l^suurer.' ; •-
.vn* pieMntedjthq affair* of the
-^atptfy.iuaWry,Beo«peHmacondition, TWrotaca •
-• .t‘ v .' ■ •
r-txbP^ - • ■v&i Tr ' : tt /JjUfAHPUnfIBYACo
ltoffiSgdßTAHOK> LIKES. ;
r .IY. T. Matinta, HtUbnighj . • V ','.
Reo, Piltf &Co,Beaver; ;.,. . . VPreprt. u j
• CRA.vrasz>&CaA»EStcc,CleTelaAdl ,
rpHEabby* lindi* ttowprepand iattniuport freight
i andjwaMngera &waPinßbnrgb ondCleTelaad, cr
►toyppiaton;theCantUandLakes. ' ‘ i
:. i Ona touneaTes'Pittiburjjh andCleTdind dafly.TUn^
[ nine mjeoimeetfon with.tbe.fteaabo&uXakd Enaand
; Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beater, and a use
e]a** ftettmbo«U,propelter«, brie* and schoan*
Michigan. " "1
. Property forwarded io any port of the Union with
dispatch, [by. WM. T. MATHER, or f *s
' ‘ JOHN A-CAUGBEY.Agacti,
Water andSmithfiddbis; nti&argh. *
AGENTS:—Reed. Parke fc Coj, Beaver:
; : i *■
... JSS^SsSS!® 1
J O firCnde.Eavenaa:
Mjk C 21 Kent, Frankum .''
Miller fe Tattle, Cuyahoga Falla, •
/ feeler*Co,Akron:
Barney, Gibb* A Co: sandtlaky; -
WntkTna'& Eagle, Toledo;
© William* & Co, Detroit, Mich;
. M'Clure .
]< - ■ ’ ;^.»pl4^
'VoirTaiasroßTATtoM or joacnainjjzk
fI'HE-Proprietors of this old established and first
X Portable Root Lhiej having removed ihelr de
pot In 'Philadelphia. to a much larger Warehouse
on Market St, than the; formerly occupied, and ol«oiu
; created'their room forstoraje at Pittsburgh, arc now
; prepared tD'ofler much greater facilities totaetr friehJ*"
oriapatron*.' ‘
l Good* carried by this'lino are not iranshlppedbe*
l rereetf Pitudmiteh and Philadelphia, beingcarrled Bn-'
jtirely In Portable Section'Boats. To shipper* of flow
rand other goods-requiring' carefal handling, tlu« ift ol
| Importance.. N»ckaigeiaad= for receiving or shipping
(goods* or advancing charges! All goons forwarded
I promptly, and apon ai reasonable terms as by any otb-
I or line.
john McFaden a Co., ;
Canal Basin, Term sL, riiubarga.
&bM . 2J7MarketAM'Cammerteit-,Philo.
JpHNHeFADEN A Co., Forwardingontf Contour
cion Merchants, 1 Canal Basin; Penn- at, Pinaborgh.
JANES U. DAVIS & Co, Flour Factore and Cnmmi*
tica'Mefchants, 227 Market, and 54 Commerce
! Philadelphia. febfi-I
I ' [p“Advancea made by either oftha above op Float.
[ Wool and other descripuoaa ofMerehandi2c cenritfned
to them. r<b24
■VrOTICB—The subscribers have disposed of their in
±l terest faiths Penn’a and Ohio Line to CLA RKIS A
1 171AW,’of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 9 LEWIS,of this
I ’f’hey wCt eontinoe to transact business for the line,
I at their Warehouse on Bread street, as naval, and be
apeak &rit a eonttnuanco of the paireiuuw of their
fiends. - JAMTO STEKLACo.
1 Fhfladelpnla, March cth,lS43.
Fsaa's* Mid Ohio Tnuuportatlon Co*
li3£3 888&
JiSWBf j UfW-
, DvuHiDaih hut* of
rssraßsn to exajoroar ,0001 a osnrsxt patsstmoß
CLARUE ATILVW, Canal Basin, Pituburgh.
LEWIS A BUTL£n,2ll> Mark'Met,Philadeiphii
JAS. STEEL A CO-. Agts, Broad street.
COWDEN, CLARKE A Co., 76 North tL, Balt.
W. PORJUCE, Aft, l* Wen street New York.
marts .
| . Oiuputamhlp,
rrR subscribers have this day Meoeiated themselves
together andar tho style of Kler A Jones, far the
naipcH of eoDtiuuing Lho boxincss formerly eponod on
[ by Samuel U. Kier, and solicit a coxUnaanco-of the Lit
eral patronage heretofore extended to ihehotuo.
Pittsburgh, March l, 1313.
composkd entiheuy of first class tfoua
WE are prepared to receive ondfenranlfreightto
the above atuMßWrmrdiaie places vrilh as ante*
despatch, and at u tear rales, u aapother reiponsihle
The attention of ahlppem vriihing to tend Pork or Ra»
PMTV m Kitrtwnm i;» l>iilk T is particular!?.,requested, U>*
a*smeh a* ear arrangements enable us to can; each
anteiesihroash in better order than any other li»r.
JOER A JONES Proper*. *
Canal Basin, near 7uuv
Fiittbaigh' March U i?W-
« .....
KJEB k JONES CcmaUmian and fijorarin# Mr*
chaou, tod Wholesale Deafen tn rruu, Uioansn
baU, Prodafe. kc.
UWral cajin advance* on constgnatata. narttf
Btsn curr, s. a. wmu. ass out. ucxnui *s
PtHyKnyph. PhilaiMphia.
I". To FMUdCl|itaA and U&ltimor**
lIENRY-GRAFF & Co~. Cut! Balia, Pinjimigh.'
DtmLH, HUMPHREYS ACb,No.l«XMarket«t,PbiL
C. 1L Kuos*, earner North A Saratoga sultai). ) Ar ._,
i JohhP. Clarke, No. 13, Old Slip, Now iori, , < AfW
NOmCB— Tha cry leaf oar firms wtH be fcnewttflroa
and after this date, al Pittsburgh, a* Henry Graff
i & co., andjat Philadelphia, aiDatjTh^Hnaphr^atCo.
CIIAB. HUMPHREYS. * Philadelphia.
! HENRY GHAFP, Pittsburgh. martM
1. fatJhe Transportation of FreiglU to and from
| Baaimo* A Cura, Philadelphia.
1 Tum A (TCuinroa, Pittsburgh.
THIS old established Line being now la foil opera
tion, the proprietor* hare made extensive arrange
i menu loforwant good* and produce wilt despatch. and
lea the mart favorable terms. Ther fuuiuJeour hope
I thdr well known promptness to delivering good*—pe-
I euuax safety in srode or carrying—capacious warebou-
I sea at each port, affording accommodations M shipper*
ud owner* of produce—together wUhibeir tone expo
-1 rienee and unremitting attention to btttlnew,wili*ecure
I to them a continuance of that libera) patronage they
I hereby gratefully acknowledge. '
I All eonsignmenu by and for this lino received, char*
I ret paid, end forwarded in any required directions free
! of eosire for commlsaioc, advancing or storage.
I No interest, directly or indirectly, tn steamboats.
| Xj] eormnunicatjouapromptly attended to on applies
| don to the following sgents;
I BORUIDGE A CASH, *7d Market it, Phdidelphia.
I TAAFFR A O’CONNOR, Cana) Basin, Pittsburgh.
I O’CONNORS A Co, North st, Baltimore.
I tVSL B. WILSON, 68 Ccdarst, New York. __«pS
I BABB rbib asd" oicnißAX LIBR*
1848. JM,
ItHIS well kwnrn Ltuc, composed of steamboats
. Lake Erie and Michipn, between Pittsburgh and
beaver, and freight and passenger Canal Boots b*
tween Beaver and Erie, and ClTfleed'a line of firat
class steamboats, propeller* and vessels «b tbe Iwkea,
fs prepared to cany freight and passengers to all points
on the Erie and Lakes Erie, Huron and Mi chi*
every facility for eoaveyiay freight and pas
sengers with pramptuess and dispatet. the proprietor
respeCthilly solicit from their friends aeon*
tinuanee of their patronage.
CMS KEKD, Proprietor.
SEED, PARKS k Co, Beaver, Agents.
, JOUV A- CAUOHKhj Agent,j
ap!4 cor Wctet and Salthneld sts, PiltsbCnro-
MkMk 1848.
To and from the Eastern cities, via Cttrt berlaniL
rpUE proprietOT* of this popular line, harWnce thelr
X re-orpuiiatddn largely Increased their faclBt»s to
meet the wishes <jf ahipperai aiJ a«
forward a greater amount by the FIVE DAY UNI*
- This liar will run throughout lie year,' fieliverinr
rood* throush the agenU in DahinJore arid Pittsborgb
to owners and consignees at ap«ified tmtea anytime.
. BhipnuajtsfromiPhUedelpiuaJbr.lhe hßft should be
marked “Care, i B Robinson, Baltimore."
Tboonly ace nit are,
'"O5 3'Charles stßaltimore.
BDGEBTON a Co, Cumberland.
GW CASS—Brownsville.
febi J C mPWEBT*. Pittsbarglu
JDI Tb* Frarltton of.lhu popakr I*t» h«* d»«nj«d Uu CumbirUad fnHa.toofafia** of MdUig a si*-
r 5 r® to that of.Edgeiso A Co.
- KtUhtfrt md imttrßn»wl»mti or* ootiSod Ual i B«t>
Jy R o l«BiM. : N«Wflb«tb i Chptart, > Btiaß«»,U lb* mly
utboriad i«nt of thU Unola tb«Eaft*rodUe*.
v>» 0
O V CAHS, BrovsniOfi
EDOAKTON * CoCaafelud,
} B ROBINSON, Ballimoro-
vu pm*yLV4!OA arc onto baxl roam.. •..
1 HE priparcd’to t/aiurpmgoodi andprodnceut Rad
A • Ad
1. TAYIjORtBON, Ajto.No H,Nlh How*nJM,B»lL;
A. ABBOTT, ABI.No f Wat mo, New Yott .
PUMlmerii. M«wKUI>.Hm- ■■ ' ‘ ■ maigl|
TrMUflflrtltiOa .
- V 1» cimL <
G1 OOD9 eotulined io‘ eor-cdr* will boforworted
r wlthooiiel*y«»Uielowc*tcatten» fttiM. ; .. ..
“• ”• r ; C A MfANULTY ACo-,
; • - • smith 1 * wh»»fi.O«ltlaow».
iicttr»nnaV#oaTn*»«*jftra*riTiojiorwiYri«wni ‘
BET WHEN Htiaborfb, BJiinviJlff, Joim*U>wa, llol*
Uday»biiTjb,W*WT ■weet,'(HttnUßgdon.o9)»oAl , ie?.
.-Tbi*Ln« wM'tofulcierclaiiTeijr for
eoamcxlatic&'ef titfl 'watboxibeu;. -TwPwn««J»
tlunkftl lor llje - rerf'lifieiAl
<ui»wldarSß^tol^lwoJfefci#r , «nwiie«p«eifaUylaf
ttiotfem fikaiii *ntf U»dpabl»tt*nhojtA«»
PictWortlik Wood*, Jotartmm. ‘ .
jttSgMU HiM»' -,
-,tUeywxsqi*—PUirimnh A-filatltftJjhfc A
UcWTitQ O k-lH 8
EiimeEßßOKEaa. fc,.
r : ' v ßr HOBil
Notea and Acceptances
payable iffaoy part ofthe Utuott, collected oauie most
'unrarahle-tenas.- »s£v<»*A ■
v EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia’and Bal
timore: nia«i CUbAmaii, ErtUlivlUe,' Saint Louis and
t ,
BANK NOTES —Notes oh all solvent banks in the
■‘Coifed Stifts'distsounfed at thrftowea rate*'- All kinds
plforplgMUid Ainericait Gpldatul-BU«tCoiu bought
undiold, - / , .
e-Office'No.’tt Marketunset, between-3d and 4ih,
PtUslmrghjPa.. .. . 4:; ■ ■ , oct23 '
,T>ANKER9 ) EXCHANGE .BROKERS, and dealers
IT in Foreign and Domestic ExehatjuiOertiflentea of
Bank Notes, and SpeciepFotmq«ocet. near*
ly opposite tse, Bank oTPiusburalL Current money
reretved talefandchw
■ lection* matin Ca nearly ell, the principal points in lhal
United States- ,
TR« highest pretaima'bald fcrForatgw awij.Stwt^ri.
A GoIA:.. - . .. ' -
Advances made on eontirnmenuof Produce,ihiiw
pad E<ub on liberal terms; ?.« . ndog •.
TJILLS on J£nstamLlje.laud,,wid Scotlandboogbl
D thy amount at the Current Ralesof Exchange.
Alto,. Drifts pavnble in any piri'of tho©J4 CtmnttfcV
/foal XI *>. £lOOO, J*l tbfr,W® «r *5 to IUo.X SteitiOffL
wiUiont cediietiou or“<h*coum,bjrJOAHUA ROUIN*
SON, European iimptßcritf- Agent, ofllce Oih *vone'
■oopryefrof wood., . '■ octl^u
jo»kph n. kol.
- llllili *. CUOK¥,
TJANKKBS and liichanre Broker*, Dealers In Fop
lj.eigii *»ud Ihjmeslie Time and Siehlßllhiof Tx-
Ceni&couu ofDtipofiu. Built ',N’olt» .and Coin?
Bireci. tiiird dop/ below' Fourth,
*fdc. ‘ mortltf •
,r kiiabieu a haito, ' ;
In Foreign and Domestic Bills of Eichanee, Ccr*.
lificalcs of Deposits, Rank -Notes and Coin, cornet of
iid and Wood streets, directlyopposite at Charles Uo-
Iri-, mny&dly
’ • lQilisoa, -
Keatucky t
: Bank-Notes; - [
purchased at Iho lowest tpies, by , 1
*ep!3 33 Market street.
>UiLSOP KTCraAlfOE—Sight Checks oa
. > • New York,
Philadelphia, and
Cmwtandy for sale by N. HpLMKS A BONB.
SeplJ 33 Market It
JiEALU, BUCKNOR A Co, 41 conk water *%«nd
. Wharves, Pltil’a, offer for sale on accommodating
terms, 4000 nkca Manufactured Tobacco, conaUditg w
pqn»Js, half pounds, IP* SPs, Id's, liPs, Ig's and
lamps; 6's, o's and frs ping. and ITs La dies 1 Twist, la
whole and half boxes, of the following approved brands,
James H Grant, Osborn A Brag*!
Oram A Williams, A Cabaniss,
BJoues A.Bou, M’Dooeld,
AVebster Old, ' 3 Thomson,
JamexThoznaa, Jr. AHAnnistuad,
J Thomas. A Bon, LaniUjom A Araiatead,
J P Coales, J M Cobbs,
■ Gentry A Royster, J A Clay,
M A Batfer, C A Hall,
'Green tlall, Wm Dawson,
. Pearl A Norwood, J 3 Blackwood,
Nath Page, Keystone,
W U Vaughan, Esmond Henry, <
,Pcniaux Ilobituoa, Kassel! A Robinson,;
Kelm, Robinson A Co. S>th Halsey,
K Metcalf, John hinder,
Lawrence Lottier, J Robinson,
GrvyAGray, D B Tamer,
R Jamieson, ' York While,
1> M Branch. t-ALSO-
HavanuLeaf Tobafeo, wrappers ami Silers; r
Yara do do do
Cicnfiieyoa do do ,do
Q> Jage deCoba Jo do do
St Demines do do do
fanria A osides do. pen fine, do
iaysville do do do
entacky various grades do do
Irginih Leaf, soitablo tor manafketatlng and export;
Spanish Seed Leal, Ps&n'a,-Connecticut and Ohio;
Vrgir.ia Scrsps,*weet; German Pipes; Pipehea<tr,
Seoteh Straff ( loose and bladders;!' MsectraVa-Slral;.
Toooua Doans, Havana bus; Otto Rose; Bergamot;
Calabria Liquorice: Patent Cavendish Knives, Hpuak,
. wSifoMSBM*. *»n
i Thin Old Sued, eoxn?r of Southfield «ifer« *ad
A Dtmord ftllaT, FilUborsh.Fft.jWOttMferfikeifol
ly c«ll Ae ftUendnn ofOcaiUrjr hierehftinSwlM*Ui usd
H*rkc*j»crt. to »lfttf« ftnd tsjtnior ftnorv
Biaatftf lMPOßTfcDCUMßB,«Sian*j*klchJ*Mb*
found the fotldwiaf breed*, Tic Hs*te:’*ftjftii*. Cu
tetio*, ptlncitw. La Naratt. Bur Bfftfld. Utberte tad
Dollar Keff*U*s.ftll of which will be sold ftl low ft* (in
be bed ftt »nf outer beo*e la the city. '
AUo, concuuly cm bend ad tor tftle, 4 IftTfft tnd,
well Kketcd nock o< Virjiaie; ilrwwt* ftnd Fete Cut
, dn»winr Totikeeo. ■•■-.■i-
T bekfc-made on ihr owi approved KaJtern'piaaa
md moai/iwl»iopableEt>tempailoraaegdcolow- Ate
or ratdeioerUtr of aU*bzc»,'aad atellprteM-
Coamrjr Merchant* and other* are invited to eall’and
tXßcJjse the above for iheawejve*.!* ail will b« Hid
Wholesale or reuri.aoda libera* dodaetioa wade
wboleMle psrchaacn.
mUE undersigned often for sale * superior crude
' X of brick for bonding, aide by hb Steam Preas,
improved machine, for which h* us obtained a
■ad ■frees 10 five purchasers a written guaraktce (hat
they are stronger, and will resist frost and-wet westb
er aadiAhibelesaiUduuuft or d«npness than bay oth
er bri6k,po*«e*iinf greater body and sap*riot texture
aid math more durable in every respect, eapb brick
being subjected to a psiisure of several teas,- ami po»-
deasmg a faandadnfo smooth surfoesand'evrt cafes,
ihey make a front equallathe best frontbrici,
Iwyhavegiven the greatest ssiiifsdUoa loan who
have purchased. A kiln can be seen at mjr wort*, and
.specimen tithe Gazette oflled.
Those having scrip lied tbemselvn lor thhir buildings,
and wishing handsome from brick, or enpetior bid
and solid paving brick, can obtain them. • .
Birnamtham, Jane U, 1843. if
Aonir A.BBO'WIK, |
this method to Inform bis friends
and the public at bugs that his'Fhetotry is
Mirta Tull operation, on thawed side of
tbo CiastotuL AUctnenT. wham a con.
stant supply of Blind*, o/ variobs colon
«ofi qualities. are constantly kepton hand}
also, at No 5 Wood at, Hnaburth, at J ft
II 'WtlttipVdl elothwarefoora.:
butters made to order In tbs best style.
Blinds repaired st tba sbomst notiecu j
. N, Bv-His lUind* will be pot op without any addi
tional expense. so that they can, be .removed ins mo
ment In case of Dre or for washing, dnd without ths am
pf • strew driver. jyl-dlykwi»mlx|^_
- BirminghamtiMar Pltisbv&hj] Pa«
.Warehouse No* 137,. Wcvd ttr&t, JfiiUbwghr
wgmfiWlLLconsiantiy-keaponbudsAfQpd assort
ing h/ment pt-Wara of onr own maflafactare, and.
wiP superior quality, wholesale arid'eotimry Mei-
W' chums are respectfully invited to call and ex
amirre' for themselves, as we are determined to sell
cheaper than baa ever before ’beea:oiEeredto| tho pnb*
in- Order*sent by mall, aepompanieOy tie cash or
city rofeience. will be promptly attended febtt '
■ .. FBOM the very,liberal.eheourtg*
■ i jamV .menuhssnhseribcrhaa received since
CWSP BSv&r he baa located himself la, Allegheny,
,raduiedhifn» take*l«ise,foru
““■‘“•term of yean, rathe prepeny.benow
ticcaptea, in‘Beaver street, immediately beside ths
PminrtfirianCbßTCh. Pram.ttield&g€Xperi£pcoiftibe
above business and a desire to plesre, ho hepf* to met
ti and receive a shard of pubUo paobnatd., ; : •
Now on band and finishing to order, Sffcskawayßttj-'
gles, open end top Baggiis, and evert 'description of
Carnage* mads to order; from aeventy-fivo dollan to
■iclrthnnaret ■ fsepiWlf} - ' ( JOHN SOIJTII.
noaongansia lloais Tailoring Iflitab*
• •■- T • : Uihmsau •- --i-v •
•IflAAOWlLUAijajDrtpefwuiiTtUoKbcp tote.
1. /onatfie«iiiieiis'Q<.Pitubargb*nd i Qlwi" 1 “
Jo qow opening at w* rooms On Smiyiueld Itrcet, nn
der the aoorO ilote!, * Ufke ana benuuflil' , B*sortnieat
’of Cloths, Caisbaem, Satin t* &Uu, Utd'oflter Veitinn;
(Ogetbef viUmehouwcwttdes o-ara'rejaired tor
geoUemcs’swear ■> HisgoodaiiaaeboMietiefally
footed) sod amor too neves) and- moot fashionable
style, M well os, of inferior quality. |K* customers
Doy. depend tyofl bovine their clothes *ud# op In a
mannervbJeb cannot fail to (ratify tbs U|W of the
; ••'• -■ . apatilT_
*H* : STAS OF THE We{t
WAR EaiUld* oftbe Diamond, wMre Vemtian
Blind* of oUtb* different; eiam tad colon
topi oo hood oraado to order afte
. ihoUtoatandmoiiapjirqTedEaiternfaib*
Y lon*,ai the ahoncituotice add bo the mo*
1 reaedaoMe'ieho*. ' '" _• _
Alio, the eheap Bo*»n roller «plirßUnd.Tr*nipe
totury tod Paper Cdnalo* of*ll the differenCaizrm and
p'auetni|Oa.'MUidand < £i»rjal4lo«ft»eMb> Old Veni
uaa Blind! palutcu oxer and repaired, or taken In pan
.wyipeatio/new: lE WWtOTERVELTiPwfpr. „
*N. D-All work' fioner*lih titetatt material and
Ond warranted to pleaaolbe son fae
. I rtofUMUy
,. . ~ „• <
O Korlbera. offer.c> sell onlhtoanb of the two ferry
‘toaU, Gemecoirttid Gett Worthi now ronniny from
‘ihYftef of PoSit street u>B«»Uiti Ran, teas to make
It m ftrbAublo'invefistonUbretpltcUmi. orauf who
obt rrito to,«a*«Ai»ito&Mlwsa^
. .^fu»tbef ; Ba^olan J Jnwlte*r • • •
'. l o m»ACKfli;mYAc<j; waier_«r%
thitoiydlrect rro».
vt:-> tfjwida '-f Brnaela Carpets;
r -to 1 );,) Prai»li,ttryohftp, .. : =
«. /.<»^.fickAQlMtapeilnaraia , -,,.r .6o -
l Jg^fpnetsu» \\ M
mitts cefiß'i
«UlnuutMUkn>>n«K>lann ,nd i? tk *. ,>u '.
' B00K&ME81&&C. K*UJ
I itrr I- • JOHN IL AIELLO&, No. 61 Wood
. baa now received* fall atmt*.
Pino,Fortes, wUeeted fitom
■»•-§' I * ifcft'follOwinjr manafietoriesln Boston
and New York; towhieh the attention of purchasers!*
«\P«tfanjrirtTiieA ’TVwW» fowg My. Chickcrinf. (for
tb«r»al»r of whiehhe iswie Agent in Western Peun*
sylvan!*,) hare what U termedhe New CircularSeale?'
being an improvement recently made, and riving them
a derided advantage in power and equality of tone
o<?ct tar others. The following are the patterns and
styles orChiekelJiur's? ' ...
'No. I. Rosewood,»ocVvfrs, finished back A front, WOO
'‘ “i “ j} “ »sss
, “4. “ o» “ carved molding*. r „WOQ:
u 6. “ oi “ finished bock and t*oV*3so!
; “ fi. « og « - « .* - S3SO
: “j, « «« « a “ *325
!/«•§. “ fl .« - « « “ *325
*•». - 0 projecting front, W®
“10. u 7 richly carved, style of Louis Hlb,
lt. “ . a hollow'corners and holloweor
•neredlrfis,aeeond hind, cost originally W3S, and will
be sold at a very reduced price.
-■ No. 12. Rosewood, round comer, very elegantly fi
is bed, 8275 No 13. Rosewood, roacd comer, very<
eganuy finished, 827& ,
The above are manufactured by. H. Worcester, ,
well known as being connected formerly wi
Messrs Stotard, 1 Worcester &,Dunham, N. Y. I
No. 13. Rosewood, Of. carved mooldlug, made by i
Manhattan Company. N- Y. $273. , 1
No 14, ItosrWood carved, 0 octave*, Gale A Co’S,
Y?fi23n. No. 15 - plain 0 “ r u “11
No to. Rosewood Grand Piano, made by Hti
Refs, Iforis.
No 17. Mahogany. 0 octaves, second hand, price 8
Old Planbs taken in niirt payment for new oues. •
Sole Avmt for ChiekcritigVUlraod and Square Pis
Fortes, for Western Pennsylvania. • ' o*tr
A SPLENDID assortment of Ma o
jfICSSSSEHi gany *nd Rosewood Pianos, just n
nrttVVilshed.. There jusminieat«n«s mpd' a 4
!-! ■ I |< the laic.'t |iauorii and best' materials
anil wiQ be sold low fat cash by
P. lU.UMB, rn Wood street,
*i door above Filth.
N. B-—Those who in in want of a goodinalnußenh
are respectfully invh«d to examine these hefiuA'tntr.
chasing elsewhere, as they cannot be nxbe/led by an;
tu ilie country, and will be sold lowerilian any broadly,
from the East Aliojcst received, twopiaoos'OfMwO*’
burgh manufacture, vnurhntcd'to be superior loony
ever-sold in this eoantry. ocr.P P. 0.
fltflK subscriber bos uren appointed. Sole Agent Cot
uN9> as manufactured anil end perfected byTklflaar*.
Murch 4 White, of Cincinnati. The usual compaoX
ami extent being but four oclares, Mesar*. M. 4 W.»
ui accordance with the general doiire utid demand,
have extended the scalo of them tnstraments to 4| and
even ft oc lures, thus making it practicable to perform
u|>on them any music written for the • lano or Organ.
The exterior, also, has been much improved by placing
tho body of the iiißtrumeul upon a, bast iron frame
beautifully bronted ami orutuse&ted, rendering jt at
"Once a most me-jani and extremely desirable article.
The price is put *o lour as to- brinp it within the reach
of every one to obtain a purfect muileal Instrument,
ami, at the same time, a matt elegant piece of fund*
laic for a comparative trifle. IL KI.KBKR,
At J W WoodweTpa
baa Ju*t received from Korope, and for (ale, an
ciiraly new invention of i'lano Porto, called the CAB
isirr PIaN'O FORTH. which possessing men power
onjawcetnea* than tlie square Piano, occupies batons
fourth as much room, ana is » mooli more showy and
handaome piece'of fumiiurc. hia paxiieulariydfftin**
bio. where the saving of apace is an object, being ex
ceedingly neat aud compact, and occupying no more
room lhas a small side table. The (übsCnber has la
h«n4 a teatimooiai of «u superiority from the edebra*
trd pianut, MorcUclles, in his own nafll writing,Which
may be inspected. II KMiillliS,
oosf7 AiJW Woodwetys
RECEIVED and for kale,atot of choice Piano*,'
end without Coluuatr’a JKolien Attachment
Nonna * Clark, N Y. Quo of Nonna* Ctark'a Via
with the, Auaclimem, wii taken to Eugtaud bj
Coleman, end eraoug many other letiiazoxuali of
mi ration for llii* elegant ipecitnen of American
and elicited the following reutarka
8, Thalberg, thegtcitteat I'iiaiM living.
Loxi-os, Jao. 14, 18
My Dear Sir—ln enclosing a letter to my mead
Brand, Peril, I cannot refroiu from again ezpret
to you bow utuch 1 vu plvajrd with your
AtUrelnnenV’ which 1 contider aa a great mnaicn
provcmenL I can estate you that on my part 1
: with greatplen&urodo my utmost to mike your in
lion known. For itlx by H KI.KiIER
jegg At WoodwelPs fornitara fount. 3t
(tatallo Fretna Ptaae,
| r - [ A SPLENDID auoraaestof
wood and Mahogany grand actio
W jTy*yi anoa, ioat flushed audJor hale.
I . w | . |S AUo,twoKiieodid BotawoodP
ith Coleman’* celebrated Aaoltan
i the moot modern tty in, and for ode at
, jrtS. F BLUmrS, lit woe
itskb, PAUKskco’.. PACKET life
Canal Packet—SVYALLOW,Cant. Ford.
44 - OCEAN, Capt Waller*.
/"\NK of the above I'utrti lct7t Beaver every day,
.-J-igssdaya-oxewpted) and -arrivenextraonung at
VV arrru, wbvre they connect with (Le Moil for
Akron end, arriving at each of theae place*
before nigbt- Oar. of ike Packet* lcr»v« Warren doily,
at SP. M-, a.'d arti**’ at IV.aver iu uaio to take the
morning Steamboat for PiluburgU.
QUCKA A LKSFiNU WELL, Warren, J p-^u.
ntaneoa to tse lasi is vuktt rot**.
Caaaf Packet—rccssrivaata, CanL Jeffries
** * Tn kaatra, “ Pollock;
" *• Un Bara, a Traby;
“ ** Pkvtoiu, “ Brown;
“ “ F*&cmo% “ Bayer, i
Tha above new and splendid Passenger Packet! have
eoormesced running Between BEAVER AND .ERIE,
and wiii-raa ragofaily daring the aeasoa—6»f boat
leaving Km every morning at d o’e!oclr,aod<maleav
me Beaver every evening, immediately after the arri*
r«j of the meant boat Michigan from PUuborgH. I
The boat* are new and comfortably fnroSbed, and
will ran through in forty hoar*. Passenger* to any
poiutoc the Lake*, or to Niagara find tin*
rome th*most comfortable and expedition*. .Tickets
through uiailporta on the Lake can be proeafed by
applying to the proprietor*.
“ • • BKKD, PARKS* Co, Beaver.
JOItN A. CAUGIIKY, Act Pittsburgh,
cor. Water ana Smith held m.
AGEiNTS£*-*J** C-Harrisen, Buffalo, N Y.
C II Reed, Ene, Pa.
C C Wirk, Greenville, Pas
ITFartand sod King, Big Bead, Pa;
Uays 4 Plandw Sbarpsuorgb, Pa;
D C Mathew*, Pulaski, Pa;
R W CBnnlngham, New Ctmle, Pa. jyl
Piiiniylfanla Canal 4 Hall
press Fast Pichet Llns,
(Exclusively for Passengers.)
ffTHßpabUeare respectfully Informed that this Line
- X "rid commence running oo the 22d inat, and con*
luine throughout the Season.
The boats are new, and of a superior class, with ei>
taryed csbinsyWhicb will pita greater eomftm. The
ears sre the latest eonstrueuoo.
A boat will be In port, and travelers are te*
qoestedtoeall sod examine them before engaging pay*
tare elsewhere.
[Fare only nine dollar* through.) One ©fthc hosts of
this line wtll leave the landing [opposite U. 8. Hotel,
comer of Peon street aid Canal! every night at ninao**
clock Time 3} days. For Information, apply atlhJ
Offlc*, Menoogahela House, or la DLKECII ACo
k 2? Canal Basin.
~ lffißHlißnrEos T
PuMßter wad Bralttaacs OSes.
HANADSN 4 CO. eonontfe to briny persona
wKWAfrom any pan of England, Ireland. Scotland o»
MmflSWales, apon the most liberal terns, with then
osaal nnnctaauty and aueotioa to the waste and com*
fart of emmlgranu We do not allow our nastesgen to
be robbed by the swindling scaaipa that infest t£e sea*
ports, as ire take charge of them the moment xhey n
port themselves, and tee to their well being, and do
rth them without-asy detention by the Avat ships.—
uy foia fearleisiy, as we defy one of oar passen
ger* to show,that they were detained 48 bean by as in
Liverpool, whilst thousands oT others were detained
months, anti! they coaid be sent In eotne old craft, at a
chj2p rate, which too freqaeoily proved their coffins
We perform oar contracu honorably, w
what- U may, and not set as was the ease last acasou,
with ether officer*,—who either perforated not all, or
when U soiled their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from £l to
£I(XU, payable at any of the provincial Banks in Ire*
land, Englsnd, Bcotland tad Woles.
Baropesn and General Agent. ■
f*M mAh nn.
fltuo. . .
tit ThU.Cfcwn .will prodnee Doner, gathering hin
•niv. fan rsreel to ten miuoutil and
ftomefeaiii prepared, u famlllci uioally prepare it,
Inlhreetofiee mihdtet! * r < i-. r
. M. TbooliUi7 ofihi» lttTwUon.U apr*rent, ai bet
ter BoUer can oe prodoced from •weewnilk.oreresa,
'thutKU) ttond &) ihsmu] iqd'by neioi or
thla charQj a little girl erboy can perform. In Ire or
Wd btlttaiea,what naaherelofitrt tequired the labor of
a wonts or bib for one or two hoare. and lometiniea
fcalfa day. ...
. 3d. By amplytatmag a thumb' screw, the whole in*
aide daaher iftaken out, leavinr nothin* but lha baiter
and milk In the pltia wobden bot>- l .•.
Ith. It la ibt cheapest thorn ever Invented, ea the
alfflpUeim?»yu..«oWiactlon.(thoagb embodying a
great phUoaophleal-pQneiple) stakes ft bat ilolato
manafaetare II "
- lth. ltiaaeonunoQ-aeaae eham. aaall will admit
• ■ We taro purchased the elohopoty of this raloa*
tdnmproreaientfrom tMeaata.Celyer M, Myers, the
patentees,-W& are now offering.thit complete mono*
poly of Ohio, Penn*
MewAwrkf Meitieney, Maryland and Bel*
nraiw. whle& wtU lanuecenain andlarreproGii to
Ibamatutfa^arewondaipeedr return orWwunatn.
,TlßjubUaarwinTiied loctU airf wimeMiuopereliofl,
TDltafiMßitanQßtirtAM \
taySSXr ■• • 1 tilHMlTt** •-•A
»»tti|mrtt*stesfpgteetia>iifldtlte«ip<rt«<« \
a flr of Ibcsasa yam has tonteid ftaai tta m» aagagr
r /' . ..y
i te nosnaßdad. sad to atfsuk itdicdFto Qtdf nils* *•? ,-
tte&tevfcswlihaciiUY«oQ» Medietas azstarttadtosits<•
dtaaaaslrasef &s SQpsdottty, cad thstnraloaiji* sropetyitr; "**£ ”
4dfKta(dteno. Tbs bottle hasbseasalwndtobob!CTO QUART,jiadte to
mesa* toprorial tammy safely daiatobatits nsi sad
• Osam> Dayrocrwitetts tosttbts agiiTtsdißSTWtr>ndby
•ad ena» dak atod aa taadmiks tad bsaeeas te the pdanrilte
ththaraaafleaTTh • -■ '•» - • • •»'■-
mtoOowla*tetoCotS.O.T«Tter,afOlteoo«<W*i«teteannod«» ,lT ®
JCemjfc&fc&.Sures:- Jfta r^^te—y^
- Gemma. iftrliiianal
<rf tamparißa cadtfhriia persons tn rariocs guts of las S«rtbt , a
cad Ksxioo, itedmoch jdsunrsia Wg
iMßtos' asMrtataad of its (ms mariirfrral rains.-'• la tor own cast it/aoad ateaw*
tSsrefcaßa; moita* speedily tbs caarratsdsate of the system, and «xolnax»»
•• Tdpasmpaiflta is Biihiyißproitd sad extosireiy nseo ay tas u. aty
imM«xteo7Sra7eoatfa.UlHrßACHA&T TAYLOH,bas forthspMtflToyesn
< feeenia tea fetus ofn*tßjb,sad itcnmTasarta tbs earn ; ha aaad nyplf tbs
articletStbssuasthat,cad&teaowcsnaUaiadca almost tadtspmnMsmpw|g
‘ta lbs amy. ■-■ Is coaetastaa 1 wool* say, that ths batter it is knows the soon highly.,
B win bs Ktesdtsad l trite tbit ttebssah-mteriaa vtitoss win task* tefanaialiy
kaewattgoiStaßtetas tenth aadtrssdte of ess wßsfruteaffladsoanttT.
rzmamcablk etm or eotwruiA. t>t)t
ITmbt lum nmiumi lnKrtiHmjniilililSniiii.i^il^niiT—
* m mMrt.fl. «k» tmai frTfSVgg** « «■-««« °f »°I «%_.«*
: smcaitnnhaaf pteadiysadcttefisaasn.
i rwrwta*
ittfOa lan tiffv vail t tbs asm saatthsalad.miatttibntaGtansalltßtisdy
tttVyMeOQy aaqiathtad «0h tIM smoa abort asasd, 1 bdm fesr stetsasat
1 to teoenMl jJUm M.&. CABS, Josttflß fifths Psss*.
pIM nmn m ««■ wimuma nro mm. rt
“*“1! I A. B. &D. SARDS, Dbooootb urn Cnnnra,
[TjfelJ I MB BfltmCT Wttma, Haw Tot
P Bai4 stoa by DreggUts fsasrally thioajhstl ths United States tad Cicadas.
ll] Petes SI par Bottls t titßoolssbr $*
uiiiinil •
nl, InPitubnjri, » e nmCmnll. by B. A. FAHNESTOCK; S-CO, eoratrof WoodudFrn
aifo, corner ofSixthand Wood ats; by L. WILCOX, Jr., corner of Sinithfirld and Fontlh •
comer of Market atemd the Dili non d; EDWARD FENPBIUCII.cot Mor.ofrgana House. no.-aa
LftOUl' W tf; \ seCbmmoa Prepared Qtalk, are - - -
often notawroe tow fhehtfally tajorious t » to' fllWfiPWfl PANACEA!
chalk! Beside s,Ut' injnmas, containing aiaigeqcaa 1 unprece&alcd taeeess w
Utyoflead. *dfo bareprtpared a b-jauiifol vegetable netidedthe h*^of*?«*_ ~. .. . . .
article, wtte* ve self JONES’S HPANISH LILY - GIWoENO PANACEA .
WHITE! ft le perfectly innocent, beingjnrrified of ell, n oiltbe various form* whicUrTUationof the «”«•■£.
delctenoen gtautics; *"»* it intperu to toe akin a quo* , tames, ho* induced the again *° cIU attciK
rabbeaUk*/,alabaster,clear, living white, atthe same ; tion to thi* „ B ™.ii-nnitf
Quin eeti'of an a cosmetic on the skin, making iiaoft > UONULRFLL PREPAKATION.
•nd tao'otS. I Tho eh&ugahie wf.aOicr which marks oar fcH tod
Or. Janies Asdcoaoa, Practical Chemist of Mass*.* i wia ici mouths, is alway* ajunijMmmc* or .. t , i
chkiePA. says: “Alter analyalagJortea’aSpaniab Lilly COLDS AND COLGHS- _ . - n
Whifrj,! fin* U possesses tbemast b-sautiYbl.aJfd oata- These, If neglected, are bat the precaiwJlor thalwU .
r»li at the tame' time Umoeeet white I ever saw. i destroyer, ~ ■ '■ !
certainly cancontdeatioosiy retocimendlts use tosll COsUMPTIOJs. ' 1 ;
wko«etxißf€«aite»beanu<yißf> The qaeKion, then, how shall we nip Use deatroyertß.
fly Price t? eoitto-box. the bod! bow shall we seideir of oar eoogts and
t&'Bbld by WM.MClCON.atbitßoot and Shoe old*? i» of vital-importance ie tbo pahlis. . . .
8t0re,69 Liberty street, bead of Wood, u the sign of THK GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY
the. Rtf Boot. will be found in the Cln«TJgP»naeem.-lirpr^fcftUa
ladies, Pm umnllhcd, are bare from woe to time published the certificate* 01
When yoa knew that yoo are jrroolMd . dwenr of oar best ! Icunrn : citirens, whp hare erpen-
A tUUarai, UfWike, snowy white, cneedits curative powers. These, with a mass of tes
That yu will still ih eopmoc chalk, timouy from all pan* Of the country <—from
Andlookadenthly yellow fright, MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, :
The theme of 4&d of talk. Ministers of Oja Gospel, Ac-, together wuh copious noj
Ifyoa woald use a bo* of JONE*S Ltily-wbite, it i C es from the •_
woald fixe your skw an alabaster yet natural white, JOURNALS OF THE DAV ;
and at"the aaae tivae clear and Improve it. Bold at «« hare embodied in, pamphlet form, and may bo had
JACKSON’S, fcp Liberty at- Price SS.ceitu per box. rrous of any of out sjrents throughout the~country. <
£?& U ?i!sa Kfe OF THOUSANDS
KSdl throughout the Urnted State»;Aud Canada, and we cha
£yfl,enlargecnara O tb. i eRSO niy man topointout a
jlaadaorbonea,Goitre. White Swellings,Chrome 45 1 SINGLE INSTANCE'
Rh<iQmaiiiSm,C:iAser, or Spine, n which, when taken aceoidinf to dlrectionai and
or of Paltnoaaty Cootamption, emanate from one fnre the lungs had become fatally diaoigantxed, |t baa;
and the tame canse. which is & poiiorum* principle ever failed to; ixm , n „ nmT ,
more Of lota inherent in the human ayatem. There*. KFF _
tm» ti n l rm ,ki. m-innini. mn h- anrtrfu.rf nr . VYby. then, need the anUctedbesitnto! why resort 10.
4? on bedeotroyed, no radi- nownrom, gotten up byrtax owe Indiyid.
cal core can be effected, hot if the pnfteiple apon i C r the nuumed name of some ce-»!>nstu’l pky»
which the dUene depcadi, in removed, a cure l;c ian, and puffed Into notoriety by certificate! t. ptr
mmtol aaceuity follow, no mailer ondor whot’onu «ouscqunllr unknown? Whilst a medicine oi
'the diseaae aUoold manilesl itacll. This, therefore j UNPAJtALLELED KFHCACY
in the reason why Jatbe’s Alterativs » a» um Ww b« had, whose reactor* are at homier nnlfh*.
reraaUy ceceeaMol in removing *o many malij,*nant bois,— mimy Cm T m- grave. i
dI r Me ?L2J if??? 7 * V th ® °* P r 4. c,ple ,rom : In order Suit this inxnlcaWe theScfa'm may be placed!
whieo thoee dlaedaea have their ongro, by ont;nc« - wilhin u» reach of tbe poor oaweU the rich, 1 w«baT*
into the clrculationyattd with the blood i* com «yed l pn , tie price at
■io the minutest fibre, removing every panicle o(' ONLY FIFTY CBHPTS^
dioaxOT fromthe eystetn. Prepared and sold i;t No. i last one half-tire-usual c©*} of cougb mediddet kjja
BSoutfa Third ! tale by our agent* la nearly eyery-toyroahd village
I ’*^ tore ’ No - ni ' ; 5r» r
Pitnbargb rgpM . L Broadway,CmeintmU^OUo^
: uVbROPA'TIiICEISTAnLISBjIBSTj.'ßoiu'AkATxaco. r*.
DR. EDWARD ACKEII, takes this' mrths of re*
turning bis ilianks -tp |iis.ftlcnzU f «sd the Public
1 for tho extensive patronage be has received, iatufdflQ
’ fbrming them thai he lies 1 lately erected'a targe end
i well constructed building, for the exclosivelpiupotea
! location, at Phitlipvburgh, tire Ohio tircr, eppo.
I silo the ateambeal laiiding at Reaver, where be is ready
to receive patients &s Ldardere, aud tfeaTlbebi oa Hy*
: dropmthio principles, lu dddrtion to his todg export*
! euco, and the great succors which has berdoCore at.-
' leaded his treatment ofpaucnts commiiteifti hiseare,
: bo ha* now the additional facilities afforded by an ex*
, tensive building erected expressly for the puroose, coo*
; mining oommouious and airy rooms,'and oiled up with
| every necessary, apparatus'for bathing, and ddmlnis*
’ lering the treatment to the utmost benefit ami comfort
of the pntieul. Plilllipshurgh is a moat delightful
( healthy village* eavy of access by steamboats, and af-„
’ford* hue and wholesome Water. Dr. Ackorassttre*
t those niilieted persons who may place tbemiefircartais:
t dor hi* care, that every cuenuion shall t be paid to tbeic
1 comfort: anu a» an axsurande oftbe aubttantial benefits
i to be derived, he potuU with coufidence»td lhe.bßtt*<
1 dreds who have been permanently cured atlhts.astab?
I ligbracnt. Tlie Water Cure leave* tto' tnjaribua efibetx
. behind, os i* too oilcU the ease with.those Who ban:
.been treated ou the old. system. U .remoyda.tbo dUi
’ case. Invigorates tbs system, proieetx frtm iitedaagrr*
incident to change* of. the weather, created ROBtural
’ and active appeutr, f ud imparts vigor to the digestive
: powers. Terms of ireawrerit ttJidhMird'uig rfeasonabie.
I fdr further pamcularoi&qairo'auhe estahltphnienL or
. address the proprietor at Phillipsbnfgh. ' ; •
\ adg-Jrtd : " ' ‘• A --i-'j
i 1 bit. .. ■■ . •
r Webaveheen i nformed hyil rh.- Hos eof a cure pet
; 2»tuic<|onhei by Ur* J«yjie : » Alioxsit^V« t which
■ proves its superiority over every other remedy of the
• ethd. She hn* been alßicted foV thtt lttiliTxtcea ynare
wnb ulceration* nad eufoliatlon of variostk bones,da^ 1
. ring which umo many pieceahtve be?u disc mured from
the itonuJ bone of the cramata,'ffrota'-l>oih; har ams.
; wnata end hand*, and from Mh'lcgr.'thd frfim itte letv
femoral bone, and from thc;right
t vriceruon other parts,of her person, which have baffled
the skill ol .a number of'the most eminent physicians ot I
-oar cltv—dartngf-most of the time her soffdrina* have,
been exenuaung and deplorable ■ About ihreJiiroblh*' :
: I wa«:Wdaced ® try Dr. Jayne's iAKerattvef'
whieb has bad aa astoaithifigty happy effect upon her, 1
by removing -all pain anil swellings, l iodcausing-tbe i
mlcets ib hcal, wnilo atthoshmeume hergerjersl heaJtlr ]
bus become completely re stored,vo that sins hoW we?gbA :
. lbs more than ehc did Uedtrc she couunected lhe use
titij truly valuable prepOntm.—(Sal Evc.S’ost •- - i
_ For further infomnujou, mjimro of iUse.No. 12S
Filbert si, Philadelphia ; i.-... :-- L
_ For vale ia Pittsl.urgfi, at,the PEKIN TEA STORE,
7,d Foonli su near Wood. j . , jyfi .j
PEACE t PEACE 11 tCJ!. '' 1
HOT » MZXtCO, }*€£.
fPHE undersigned has long been convinci id of tho i
JL necessity lor tome medicine adapted to t he use of;
Children and-Infant* to-sttperctjie meow of all those;
modi cine* which coo tain opium, ami hu at x ngtb sac*
coded. In preparing and offering lo the pubb e a medi* |
cioe folly answering every purpose foralldiaeasscsol ute i
bowel*, without'tho two ol that deletcnoas drug, or any
Other calculated to Injure iu the *att Thelriaat PnnJ 1
•ae*a hu been fully tested mpi tned. the bus twelve :
• monthSrby nnmexous.penaui*. and lounu to r tosses* all i
the extraordinary vnmes, and to prodaee all the oston- 1
liking effects u set forth on the bill ot dtree non*. Di
arrhea, VomlQQg, Cholic*Griping, Pains, tjnikness and
Disease*, arising from ToeUurjg 7 acting immediately
without distorting any of tbe'tuactions of the body,
producing the happiest and most pleasant transition
IWm violent pain to a trunquil and Joyous state of feel
ing in the Uule ■ offerer.
To be had wholesale sutd retail, of tho Proprietc r. Dr.
JOHN BARGANT, Druggist and Apothecary; John
Elliot! It Beckham, and most other Druggists Allegheny and Pittsburgh- deota
"Br, W. F» bdindU Premium Piaster.
DR. W. P. INLAND, of the Medical Colter© bf Pliil
adelphla, now offers to the public his Indian Veg
etable Premiam PUster.tbe qualities of wtjich. after
long and tried experience, has been eatUibctorily es
tablished To all women who may be affiSeted with
Prolapsus Uleria or Pallea Womb, he recommends his
plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy ear© in the
short space of from two to thee weeks, if applied With
cam and rut- discarding all the countless instruments
and expensive bandages to long'in use. This he feels
conscientious in statinr, Inasmuch as be bast not foiled
in one ease oat of three hundred and fiftyvthree pa- i
dents. ! j
Also far Rheumatism and Weak Breast of Back, at-1
tended with pain, there is nothing to excel this Piaster
inaflordlng reliefer effecting* cure. For sale by
L Wilcox, comer of Uiaaoud and Marketst
Braun A Reiter,“ Liberty and 8L Clair su
Dr J Sargent u Federal st and Diamond, Alle
gheny city
JiequqgJfcCo,: a Denman and Diamond Birming
ham. I*3
r> x>-
y« Thit Cathartic compound combines smallness of
40lk wilbefiTclencjr and comparative mildness of par* (
gatbroaction, and having a peculiar tendency to the
biliary organs,, la extremely valuable in this country. 1
|n which billoni fevers and other complaints attended
witftchngetdeh of-the liver, so much abound. They
kava now.flood the ten of >9 years, and experience (
>bM pwrei\hem io be a safe and valuable remedy in ’
Intornmtent, Kemlttem and Billotu Fever; Jaundice,
Biiiatt* colic, Indigestion, Dropsy, Dysentery, Bilious!
' Vomitings,'colds, and all comptamu of an intiamraato- ]
•fT~ dliinfl’T Tho'complete and universal satisfac
tion which has been given by those pills to all who;
have used them, renders the publishing of the nomer-
Du certificate* in their favor unnecessary. To pre
vent coouttrfeitind they are now put up in a red xylo
graphic wrapper/1 . . ' m
Price SJ cenu for a box containing 30 pill*.
eonier lal and wood, and also corner Cth and w
streets. ' ' ' ’ scp33
XTO. 03) Wood tmtu one door coath of Diamond
ll alley, Knsbntgfc.4*. oflen tor talo a large lot ot
Stun, Medicines, ihJtvPauitt, Varnishes, .Dyettofik
and Potfamery, Fkrejgn and Jhanestie, to which lie
call* the attention prdniggubi, physicians aad.mor
ehabls Vliltingthecity,aihe 1 li'detcnnJned to «eil at
very low pnees, and fire geuert l satisfaction. Good*
warranted sad cheap*. Varglih jio.-i.mul 2, fi. York
manstaeinre; al*o Japan andßlack Leather Varnith.
eeybffaperferqualltr. -Also,* White and Bed Lead at
pneer tower than harewfpre offered. J. D. lUL also
oanulierare* Morgan’* celebrated Cough Smmwhleb
cml * f* rl ’««i=. ai.£ Sctnk’l
. c: . - *
vfflt* attha Dschanati Baltieuir**
EEDUCfiD KATESt—UtecbaTgea hare beeii redn-
Ml :M«agei; lo ot from Baltimore, Pitas*
born. or. Wheeling,-and a corretpomUnr reduction
mane on all telegtaphledeJpaichedforwarded from llal*
Ka»M/—Tbo charge tor a telegraph, despatch to or
Aron Baltimore, Pituoargh aod wheeling, « 49 cent*
tortheirttiegv words,- iful3eenls (breach additional
id, U inperero-
',C7“fteeharge tb tv address aoisigtla-.
tttre. ;
TL i]Mn th4>AmplMtew BOOthl WettßTß ' XiflOOf
.Talqtnmltflroa Meatphi%T*otH4ojNew-Orie ana, det»
'plicku Mabelf OtaiMte, and
■aaTtarHewOrtaMSTc.-. ~-~-J , i f,T iiitF
MEDICAL. ‘■Vi | 'll
•bilious piUa-
A ChaUtage to the' TVorlti. •
1 TWENTY.-I*l Vi; DOLL/iß&willbs paidlto anyone
who will produce a foci of pamitfiree* fat dry, that
cp.uioi be attracted with ’libit’** Improves ChemlcW
ootip. 1 have the satiidiction ofsaymg , u> ut people'dl
lhii> place, that tins article, by my own bnpfdtemcnt on
ttf not? stands unn vailed m.tiue country larVxitWtiiii
greasej ur.pitch, oil, paiot,.or any *nbertfnriiy''sub
stance, (ram all kind* ofgentlemen’* hr Udiek' tlotiung*
carpetsj tsbie cloths, -mertilo shawl*, ladies* bohnetii
Ac, without injuring anything that pure watdr will not
injure.. More than one thousand pitrbns jn~ different 1
part* eftbe country have.toULme they weald iWttbe
wnhont It; if It eost ene'dolwr pcrcafce. this
Soap on more than SCO srtiejes of light silks! tatint,' al
paeeas,».uui calicoes, i bare!only found ; ibrefc pieces o(
«ilk r two' of ulpacc*, and-four of cbtico,cm which U
changed the color; thererbn* before nutting it on a. tight
drets try u. sample of because
Lam deter mmed not tp recommcntLHany.sidcmger than
I know to iwstrietiy tnie- . S 1 j NJi Hot.
• Pnee, t*J| ct* per cake. •Bo!J I wlm!e*au audreuli
by - - * 'RE EELt,KRa >
• •tr*2S ■ >••■.:' v? ':-! -."i.-5y wMtrt^ar.a
Yiit TtlWAaiiiS/iVti sAitaApAlULi^H^u'Hoira
±J just received of Dr. the'
moit extraordinary medicino in ihofrotldT
tiuctiaputupbquanbonlra. Jtl*hi*timesehedner
pleaiumer, and warnutted'saperiorit© nrfr sold; it
cares disease without vomiting, pursW, iiffcenins' or ’
debilitating the paUehL' 1 ' 1 •• - I
Looa oot sou ianAxtosi.—Dnpriucil'ttMt-pinonahave
copied our labels, and puhtiff'medjyhw lu Uie same
IkE- kVho^ctrettfbOtwees
Third and Fmnh. is traiy: wholewie
■aSmUE? Alii iidii'lbt-
AJlrjbcny cr vboia liu caaba
■Btts.l-*-- 1 •' i •
VhATEhfT aaloßyT?"
.{jW, * k
r. : ‘
. ■ ■. ;csßacssaMfak
? 'I ‘ V-
uts *‘
£. Saßo*.*—Airaiaofdaty to
'iedaN>a»totddttylm»hlkt«ituaoaylat* «eofyonj«su*
ctUtnUA Lmr JSlh.’.'l fcawdetairabdetogao for jm£
toulal, “ Wwrrjsa'K* Hrtu
t bttir— th*T wiH t i«wiw ttmnn^oatfceyjanrjullwhii
tortnyh Udofc been waited tad phymfctJ tlsraelio ioAi
■ ud fa*Dy *£w£p*' itobisCTS
1635-7 I *r*a fad md to t*j JW j»4S DOS GOT
WELL. Oa«buz«T *mieh.uoosaeflewst tokeipmelar
brisc miU, sot gnpug or girmraiah aieSinw it tWafeat.
»ch,W gto bo auch-rtlic/- *te*kcptti&Ri*'ttj atm
far.® ».f jw,»H taWr«t r kui.«**m .mr''
heard a' am®'* eompfiiet titttjtd by eaad
iTfrmi ’ ThaTNTHiyirrrdriilmarnniuliti sill luttlt
wife a afaorUaa vriH heal* thta a&.
anally raeommtW IbefaSniU'jxrfov S«ia*T4fiie.
trtrittier fcriim CtapbimiarSSUmidcctfau TC?
ifaertixm taaajanof to Womejar tha BJatPOL BmaM>
CitUU LimFfllf, ?•»»»*)* waattbeUENUllTC Would
aik far tod take aoothar than the* pf*iv*d«ndiolrE*tt.
J& SBU£BBrlfcrs7:fl3»Mt:bai*w Ttmd aadTwtta
r“<T; ~ . .1. - :lri
'o' aka Maaietl I woft«ii<>d*iria‘fflmr.
• Q£CKKR 7 ti£&KiftA,howiau»»ei Uw
• Jd Asylaraa.’nnd other.public etim>fahmaai«, »«*
stciaus ond fhllJprit
and- invalid*, mock asperiorto arrow root, aare, «»^, L
far moter atrtijvlhoufnj, pleasant to thc«t>l?,-aaa easy
<vpui^lb > Uaf<iaf
each accompanied utoce^oUn®,.
.\Ue tug, to kiaigri cultural Chemutry, vdirffaiLed,
obaerves: * *-.;r. . , ?
-- - '“Children' fedopjn arrow-root, o*lc|»'.'«jriridoed any
kind of amylaltceoo* foofl. which dqc* c pirlda inert
dieuta,fitted for the foßoatloitOf boilra aiiU'iaUaema,
become DUyund 4£eir Uaba
In the onafjnia of the 'paiatmad© of
Now.York* among other eouttueuWj ji® give* 16 per
1 bent 1 of jfaOau
.the public will real apoa.kacotiiaiitiitc In Uteirißueii
a&d adbtnben; ventnble fi^iobtild 7 Uhef hlrMraQized
Sftdlaa noi fonna- in arrow roet.oniffflrfay
and which, modem chemiattyiaa pointed but tJbeinl
and by
jncaha of which nathra mika tip for the cooatant
wabtethafthUe* place intbrhnmau bod*. Foraalo
' tepid' ■". yy . ',. 'PWoodat
LIFE, of
London, England, and intruddedinto UidtedSatoa
under the immediate aaperintcideace oftxra brrenlcTjp
r. :Thd .attgegaa'if taodiclfce»ln tic
cure, of Paltocnarr- diapaaca I 'warrgtna theAmeiiflaa
Agcnfinailiciiina-ibrtlealmfttthe'Wdritt pdfalhle tt
. acathaleairbe found ia the eptejiyiiiy—caeca tkataeak
: rt lief in-viiU-Cram any oPthafomoog iß&cdiea of the
: day,,and h%n been given ojby tie oioat d»m?ngei«V*yd
phjaidaoa'aa'cohEnned aadneorabie. The Hongaii
an;BahaahaiwiedfahdwiiHifi,tiid mmKdeaperaia
of earn.. It ia io qnack noernm, but h- atandwd Eng*
Uih taedicinC. trt knoWrf hM«lßli4he
Every family fa the VufodStalea ahould
with Buchan’* langarifift faUam of life, not omly to
codniet®ettim;cmd4mp}tT®9n4c?fiu oftho tlimito,
ho>tobe uaedoaaprevenli®oeil£BlneiJiaU (aMt n
'coldri : Caugh»J «Ilttiiig)et b®od, pain in the aide aod
.cliasV (nimtiott- ,«f the ■ tungv hrochitu,
dxfficahy of f(tf<r,'higliliwOalx, esutefa
alien andrcncraUebniQ'l Maaaflhqnrftrxngiigiooping
eooghonacroop^-' —- ••«'--
with foil dine
■ri(in| foy the reatondpn of heaSt
’ ■'Pamphlet*,’ebntaiiring a mao rf EngUahead’Ameii
-eonr cextifiem®, and othefi the un
enualled merit* of llib great ajUaU.Kcmcdy, may be
obtained of the Agenta. gTatuiUiiy^ , r‘ :T ‘if't
For aalo eoroeref
at and Wood and WooinrtdCthjL -; mar 9
jjs*44ws’s fCAiimsjri vjsfeA&SAa
tji&OM tlie Rei ASA dHIN'Ni veil knp-frn and pep
The.uiriersij ned banug bpctfiUcied daring the past
winter with 4 disease jiiiue suaeb, *i>tiLC limes pro*
dueinf jpeatpain iu Bie-iiojaacbrienor tweivefcoan
without inienttbsioii; and Uftenavinfrtried snricw
Itetaedtci witiUJuloefitc:,wujrnlsi}eiJ with* bottle
of Dr D Jayctfs Camunnuye Uonu Thi» bo used u>
"dunlin#'in ttettTfttmtoa/AMftfrf nrrJdHaßlr Uxauhii
medicine cacacdthe pjtiij ura&i min
mca* mid in fifteen or rnenMnaiesevcrj, uneasy
kesstSiou was tniirely qnieietf.TicTJKtiieioS was if
terwatiUtued whenever mdicanaof.tjjt} approach oi
palawtie perc cited, and ikopawaiQifcrci>y'p i oeeflt*
*edr Ife continued ©'die tber nSctec-etiry etcnin*
and apßiptipc.tuuhe. a, few weens
health srosib far restored, thatl •aferer%as relic?
'-piltf. From ex
perfcnee) therefore, he eanepa»uly,,.feeoiaao»a 0
D iasnefsCnrainnyseiJWttin* a salutary tnediein
tor dixefo's'oltie'sknauch and tots,--'. - A&UINND
rr . *‘ - :ife*heiyfcJtt t jjat.
ti street,
n p scnvViRTZ. «ahn*to<. T -Aiiegtwaf
MB. 4). & Sum* Springy and do*
ruig the previous winter, fe*feTfraiy Afflicted
with ■ scrofulous-complaint in leg*! and tad been
•foreome’ittdnUi*ander.U»<*repbytfci*h*. They
esid'tnY Jesse vn etfeott. iucant. eosld do
but linfefarmm 1 wa*ilemrljJpl«Uajb]4 with the
«id of^retches eoaid with diffieogwatipaL - In Uay
taatt.lpgrchucd of Tgarwd.tgteaeeiHainy Bha*
. fdi.% , B*»lritTt l Tit , r »Aflct thcl of twO bottles, the
sores' commented healing; ahdid-asulftiy crotch*
, d, uauraaiTii cstte.- -!mipcfiheilh' J myesne, and
it thfi ead Oflhio fourth, Wi* so'vie tdttdatau day
Ttt shearing sheep. In.iU,- T’afArfr-baalea.. The
scibfnUthnd aonrtTmvo-sdl heiOK'Kadiiace Uui
; Sommer I baveseea-tid appease ptlWdUeaso, bat
hive coDthntedyattddiaiittw,'lnOn*rp«fectbealil(
1 stgfe Other* ms y be bea
‘e&tted in'the same' Way, that tßanapsriila sold by
' yen,’ hah bnh'thd'"tneins araTßTy me and of effect?
los the core. ' " ''-'COEUUSI«'BO3&
1 For ssia wholesale and '
dAw ..•?•> £:} vjß. A.FiG3TOCK iCo
- ■ wood46thttt
PEBVCaiBBT.'-. ■ t
J 7 "Cresa'de* Amanda'Ameref dSkying;*
Cfehm. ti Is Boseitprehssfßr?
; Btq>erfiJoaßoafß,cii’PorccULSAasi v -*
' pofolg-rfoacdh LamsgacT, Angle*
: B*sxatfi^ ! powdrt pht!i.'of'sitetitr}^: ,f
' ! extracts
Tor the handfcbtehieT; ssocot fcurtf loffticoips, smv
able . ; • •
' ..Versiioi'ort^flesepewder;-
.’. Indian vegeUhfa hatroUiS ■' >
: i i Jse«r!ttt!i (rose scea>
> Tsjitty
nvld -. , ■ ...... •:• i-.'jCetcih 4;wood <ts
' P&lmoturr -'.r
MESSBS. BKED A CUTI-I feellf'a daty 1
gvn ttf JBy feilaw ertH u> «uts
mow re*peetia*:jpot Veget Pulmonary Balsam
SuirtTfirttnswme-ttUaitft-dflwi jtzn us,
iha&lflpy aHUt'ottriiclii wre uCaceoam oLI
ban baa-several Nnrwo.coAtaajul attacks udt
“tongs,oneafinr daysauee, .tji/eviiyin«ftw. r j
have osed she Balsam tliwMomplcfeand perfect
laewa.: itfcu.effttted nUtt few
.days.- 'Btoeejtatoly»safc.ixtoo...Tdo,net enow
Uittitwi]reßmAfiicd.cac**oo,rball,b€liaT« U
-bcaar than anti ido Uwrefet; && .tore: of my feL
towmen.earae«Jyrcconuaws us.of.tKia Balsam,
iaaU.yoJmoaaiycopplalPrtan'confident that U
baa begalbotasana of presg bt life to ibis day.
Fusate by B A. ifeJumsUMCpt corner first and
wood and also comer wood aK.- '’ }«to
poweMoau*} w ■ JfouaL&iiiU,wi.
■ O. £. B»U**>-My wife Ic ytaA been rabje«i
loadittrasioreougb, second. for wed trjtcoofcn remedies,
•wl bad the adrice. of lira in
■KnyiawA, bataii wu unaT*il!Byl J €h|Lhoe I betid
ot joar ixaperiti Coagb_£ym wa* tedueed so bar
a boaie for trial, although 1 hi be lief Uqu anythin*
toold remoyQihtr «omßlaiuyar>grebt etirpriM,
: »wo tan. nvo bgy U ti timet
iroubted-wuht a; wogb,,btrtfafpooji*Ail of Syntp
• aiwayaampt it. lam aaiiahaf. atrial of three or
lodi ytabff tim SbllefrCofggp 4» the best eoagb
•.owtUcme l have ever triedcm lao pld tr New
. ' SeTeotb jSttbttifb.
i>k3te<abbyv etnificai?-, thqtquee 2) who are
iroabledreriih. coogh 01. wthnirive the Snap a tri
■tt 'is. may/bb Ju4»fer;i4 oa at the drag
;.yR.ELKRS.’W wood*l.
5 < Sold by J>r Capet, &i, naat JX HiCurry, Alio*
ffiettyeityv .• Jtnd
DliNDlUES—SbbliNoitreg-' •*
O >jobbU fio '2 miektriU Soffrt floj
k Y>? '„3“ -'>Tiidatf»Oi4:
4, Is.
r. f-'. bentuiy tlm i have used
yntrf lt equal, 1/
uotwperior to any i.oavo*e<k' ; , f<M« to one of
my cirudiira flaa do**iWfciwJWitf*t>?t M worm*.!
:• .:•:<(•> U 4-: v,;,vi'. = r---V; J '’i-.'jjvrKl*ErOiOX I
Reputedund«old-br>Hi4jiß3»'is7 Wood tv
•SoldbrUrCauaVab vy**l<niny»'Ai]cgheuy]
W J timllhi ,'fe®permit *A& J* ittavo.'Law^
°»y* :
: ' : T\tiT fonea,j
t! frott fee e«Kl»nitea
Vi autlttf octave Ratio* rtxvmth elegant car*-
tovuu-' ; ' ! f***' l ’- *•:.t-t•'i•;«':■? ~ •
••- Tite<tveTy<ffp«rit» *oJd*l eumoTao*
turcr* price*. . !„ -^M-JM^EUEB.
dccff ,'j it TW Solofar NtttmifcgHark
•'/ T lAi , fDLfc2J- i IU u« tßOuUet <mi«ouuKutaeuc
for agio or - .AIWXQ 4 efIUKKH
i - n A.l'ES' Oif ,4jsS»IB«SO.
Unc-ujwrtionof iJimefya,....JO SO
'lVfOlKKrtion»wllho«tUoi,„..'':..„. 0 75
.Vhrei >ff
jQjve.AVeek ~M .•«•••«•••• » ®
'tmalv/ecU •• *52
Thw. ','“ J »
OnbMomJj..- rt ‘.'t. »««w**** * 22
iTwo-rs j/■ d . i #•*»•••*•. 5 ®
_ "
ID7aop«qy!rtt«rt4«vff«3^ ?t, 7() no
Ono g •{*
'BieWUlUbi.Uqowo foiouw..-•10 00
;Tire,»iroa*?».<»'»»“l , 'Vis?^s'f“' Ir ®’ *2 {5
liieti»Witi<n>al«7«* , ®>?!> Vf 8 00
lUU, 0> tu-« u ,“ llT '«ni.
~tf r ‘es^handiubtvtloB7
ttlo lteak«r lettj obb ]A.***-». «>•«« 600
ft U ... J.*f ' Sf 000
’it ''« mnyif it weekly, |0 oo
, . _i.oT** , mwi»*Tw any
ror*OUin,-'<>rlai,(Wkos r d..,...«o«).
, (Kj:
• <t K
4 ’?'■'# ZT, 1 * » L- »a y
(SitpJiTJii h v-Trldp/ .
.'w-l - j;'