Slifete* JSM’Jssi, j . .3 Sfci'.J. T i ; x s .a t * : E§TASWSB®D IN 1786. . : ■ BUSINESS -CARPSi : a ' . oM-?TR(>Vri-t£RoZl’R,Co[2niUikm ireh:bli:'.« A™fi*°un in Produce, No. a Uukrt'Uren! HS-J • TOfiiinr*• • --- 1 Of.B-BAiK Kcoodl, Groceries, Uoo’*Bboea, Pittsburgh buv teUKdiulinlia, *t, No.*B Llbeitr tlrwu Pltu; t»nb- ■"- '•' i? - ■■; y— —_ >H_ .) ■'■'•VitSnrac ‘«•«» **=“• 1 r f *nRAUN £ REITER, Wlroieinlo null Eelnil Sing. liberty .nil EL Cin:r»ireeu,riu.. .•• . •. drtam*og»-'‘ ••'• ' >x.. a. ttowv. • IV&OWN.* CULBERTSON, "Wholesale Groeers, k * n and Commiisioo Merchants, No. 145, liberty su -•fttubantb.'Pa; ' a : - • 1 • dcafiyTT B ft Go*-Wholesale and Ref. i’Wl DiitggUtSi cornet Wood and eth sts.. jyl i ; *« OiG ALKY ,fc ; BSOTtfi. AVtold«alB*6rocet», 18 and ; .80 Wood street PtUsunrfch/ ' ' '•' • - j A-McANULTY Is Co^-Forwarding and Coab wx. V ksoush,' -- - • •'-_•••:■ •> Sam. aEnoar.t fc RENNETy t GnUaehir • ~ rt*. Co.} Wholesale Green*, ,Conttnissioa and Foj-- *:* wurduit Merehaiits.ajiddealewin Produce-and Pius ", No.~« Wood at* between ttiujd : adstrccts. ••.•• ' 1 »■ •• • 1 - - -*> oeU| • CoT&oiWfc GrocenTaJd Merebanutoad AccmarotCriebtdn : CoUon.Vaxn4.Noa; 57 Water,and 103 Front sts*l’luk' ~-banth.-P*. , -. : -' • •■---'.-■■v.-.' 1 ' ' ‘'.yjbgL ’ v ?'vS < AUJtGHES t afid Brats . Gas Titters,- lWTrom, between old^j^^aadßrai*. Junro^Musad^o.nttfold and Fronl streets.' PUafanrab. *: Wj -j I I«.• I I I , I *. ,' ■' !' ~ - l'■ . v ] , ~(j,vn*.B*sii>,ll*ltinjor*.-, (j ,vn*.B*sii>,ll*ltinjor*.- : ‘' > i - V> ‘*s'v 1 | • .....Vi-A* j.»nat»o>i,.aawjjai.ti*iA»*’ - IphJiiuSs.''- v v x>-ch’cjjoio*, tonss.jrsi»*a, J ' „s ' TJEALD A BUCKNOB, Tobacco Wmor.Vt lllNonliW^;«. lTc 'taaiur bcut, - • .'• ••. ' TSAUH.DICXBr .., anil dealers in Priwacc,So*.” -.i ac ? r ? > ' 'tOHN ii n AtctfiN.-Afinnay and CoanteHerat I4W r l'd; and Coamtiiilouer fartbaStaio'of Pconaylaama TOON BCOTTirCa^WbolcaaloGtoeera, Ftrrwnjd -1 O inr aad Cea»Uaioa:Merebants.pealcn In l*r> i* Bs'bSsdPlOibaffbaUinLlaemea* No, 7 Connerdal low. liberty alraeb scar 4be Canal, Ftuibotgb, Paj - ; • - - l - Wtkjria, »Mc(;LLttKjlatocftliailrmof Algcodnd at IklcGaircJ Uerchant Tailor, 81. Omies Ihulian, 6i ami itrect, neat Wood, . ' *T34MKtfA!jL'\HCTCHiCSW,V'*^Ci^Bditsea»prajto • ■, •§£ Lewis HauiUMn 'R CoA Ootdadstio& eai«as»csa Bat*t tteSicry. lxoaUqcsnHPdtsbusb. t. t'' •' _!'- " * T. -8-' DILWOOTII t Ca, Whoteialc Orocstß, Vm-' j,.- i €•• deca'and .-.'‘/SVlhillluinl Powto Co. of N. Y, NfcSr »* «, -•’•TOHND. lIOBGAN, .' d er in DyeStuSi,Psima.-Oilv VtjTiiilir ift r-, Tja. -Wood atKet. one doax floraotltiamood Alley, Firt»* . -n •• . l*Ol ? AMVM KKnn-Jf., On- tiaece»«»ite Ju*a>h G. Waterroeet -oc3l JOHN EL MBLZiQRf- Wfaslcule 'tad Retail dealer iaNTuietodllauetl Insuments, SehoeLßoou, Slert Pen*, OniUl, Pxfauen*Card*, fcnd •■•“ - BatfgaarycctiarttUy,No.tfwoodPuftVmrgn. j :, (ryiiinboaabycttakenuuradc. • «epta.. 1 "BCttOONUAKER * Co- TVlileiale Ttoif&h n tf ♦ Wo.tUWood«trecuPiuibnitfc' SOilN Ik I>AVI£L Ajtefioaeer, c*roc*&h sntT Wood ■ireeUrKtnJmn;^.-'■ - > oe|3" TOUN9TON * STOCKTON, .BookieUm* Priflienr • *J «UdP*pc» Mami&Cturen, N 0.44 Morkot»L, Pin* mas non* • *iou*b nom. . TT; (iito'J; Plor4* Co^)Wholesale <■[' y« Groccr>,'No-iailil>crty atieet . - - aep* Grocer, Cersmiaidn 'pml gduler fe‘ Produce tad. Pittsburgh fV aUnefecterK No.'S* Water *l, Paubargh. janlf -: lV: T2'4liß*JOi’ , iiKs t Forw»rdiofi Her- IV cfc&nts t i)celeTf fcPxadßee aaJPStts&urjh menu* kewßd:»wele*>C*oatß»»u4aegf g ihe*> ' J dm_ > '. r X: T Iron • ' T EWIS, nA KM ■*! Caj«MniriHntnTer» of all ti- I i *o» WjJ»toKit,Jioiierlros»nd Nails of the best qoaliiy. Wsitliouso, 6i vaicr front si. • •'■ i Grocery Fcraran^ IJ t «• <|Coini«>iifoa Dealerja Pm»- ' J wr I r sunh *adProdaeeipfo#.3l WxictiL, nod e Front fc.,. , . & » Msaacanu I b. ■’atu* . w*tm c. nar- Tk * cGILLS *RGE.W6slesale Grocer* arid Conpnb-- % ■ ■■■■':* jyjL aimrftlrirchanttj Ka. IPilibertyaU rittibarih. -yjM& .c ';*>< ”• -• ■ Tk*UBPIIV,iWILSONfcJana; Mtuplrri ” Jj!iCoJ Wholesale Dealeraw Dry Goods. h*43. • Wood agcet, Pinilmrgbu,- 00t23 ~< and G©mnuM£c LerefcutSr <be .Uwj *alr ofAmenean Wooden. liberty ouoet, QCTO«it»yiflh.^:iil l ggßTt»;ly-• M* All*S,- j AUO. BDOCXf -‘••W:*»■ inßF*»"' j •At'.t.PM-Q- fti-ffluiwlulwr «bS Karwanling Mi «u, between -. .. wood andMiiiteiits. V jtnS me/nnml ,•< ? ! &w. ib~> no>?T~ r fUL£& A BICKET&OT9, -Wfcoleiala Groccn and eauniasioa llcrehnnu>Ni?rl7o|liben7^t > Piw* Pa. | •:■ j HOLMES A SON* Nfe Sfr Market>■&, odcoodj ieorfrCto corner of Fooith, dealer* in Foreign, ana DoneaUdUilla of Exchange, Certificatceoflhpoo*' ,”i“ Jvßaak-Notea tad SpeeZe. iry*Colletitoae mad. on *U-ihe principal cine* tklOßthom the United States. -- : dcclT ; A A &k, Wholesale Crocon and fj* dealeminOU*,Bo«Bi*re,nudPla»l«*gb Jdan*, =, JLmidawlelei. *mtcon hand. alaUnmga. i fid! any resfnlUKffznesiQftcodem ibeir line, Water street. .j* w.Otertr Alley-, ftashorgte i 11 •dnU,..- i ‘ V Matufar „ i '-nara, aadaft kind* -of Foreign end Doum •adiiSta* Kfc!U.lflirty]*SwU- 'O^tenijiWT cd.aapdaoroM MonongahglnwhbtoT, wtoh*ridbc«cldMwforca*h«TV ■■■ ■ 1 .<,ti *plMy - : jp, Leather, Morocco, SS, Ttoncw:o»4 &«><»• 2^ ' U , . ecpld ;' 5 ,0 X T* gumNHr iV jt Co. Wholesale Grocers, PTodocc ~i 'aw.'jm4GaßTßiMwn2uUKh*!itt>t'DdDe*ieraidH!l*r RrJV Mana&ctaitt, Nft m idkerty »t* * *C a-r Wholesale Grocer*. : ■•; Kcanaiimfl and iFaroarimr Merchants, dealer* &Pndsceoad Pimbatgh: Mannfacmres, lilxdrrat. Plttabßigk. Pa. ' i y ? -. ; •- . ft”*-" [)flVr, i'cUNNmGMAkViWliolwattuflroecr, K Dealer in Predoee and Pnabnrjlr MsnaTattnres, y 144 liberty a. ; 1Y& , - mtt'oSeS, Hmte*S KtaOetm CUojUf^^Ustfa 1 SKRBkiOUHSON«nfeste»nteaii£B£llß Beaten In UUlteetr boode, Lenea-Hotlnty end-Fenny 1 ■ Anteles/No-U Ultknaaeetitt dsn ebote Titedel, • Finabmda.- ~ • r- :l era n . ~.. s*,c~nuauiT« • ■ sßap.BnWm ' QHACKLETr k WHITE, <Wkoles*lfl ©e*lew la , D Fercix* w 4 JDo*Mue wf <J«xI».NdiP3 Vfood»L ■... fjftthffir-,:. —■■- v vttei:?:?**"*# ftwtf W fcW. HAHBAVGH, W«U Herduatvbealera, Rj fctHdiirfcalPro<lae«r*a*r*Uri*a4Forwvduig 1 o—l«toi lttetckami, No. 63 Water ct^PUu. ' 1 U v If Greeef *n4 ' K Prodoee de*ier*,Na.iB3 Maiket ra*et, between Sib {S liWNotA , „ oavfl. 5 HBurua - ionrjnaiautiubtmp. %p» tTvrfg 4 NlCoX&'Prßdsee tu4 OenenlCea* a3lssMeretont»,No. 17 libemr it, PilUbarth. o3*- •* '»••••' : -■ > ’ sv fi D*‘eoi Von IiONNHOBSTpJc Urol ‘Saw.- Forwsrdi&ff »ad Cottmhtton Mctchaatf. jESSiw rSffW»ihelr «tcnd) s*»3£eort« *tFxoai «i.*nd ChjaeerjUnc. MaSi ' ' -'. '•'• • ••_■_> L-1 _ - . .*o»-.... 1 .. : ; ~t. t.teonT ‘ Xi * mßfrrtffc£Corft Wfeoleiu*ud RcuU dialer*in O' (J-. 7lwJ«i»yiiMi»CTdi. " fr “?f c^^^*ynSi«Jit'; ttmnt -n -mnrtw' ' ’ - - pAro.MVHimT.IW- (reWeuonta v Se&sK® -ta b._J? Uetctau,NolW Front it. b«w«o 'WopJ*pd fttstneta.*' •. . . j feb ?Lt *^V](^. : \V r i9AifeAGKtMih'B!oo» uaj-fllill'Kornuiil 11/ i,i jlf,. b« No.»M Überarrajj^ur iif iSiWpsK.wn*®; Baler ta.;w«lili«*, }«P$St - ! - ; -.W'» liter Ware, ilUkafy 67 Mm .i, r : .!".y. | /,-i ■>• -v ; i . -t Y PP»7- •. ■\IT -K. m/EPHY.Wkoietaletad BrfSTdeakria fY odinestetpiy Goods; oojtb east ’ MMtattaAFafttUiw- - 1 aggfi.. 'irminfCßTCODlL, . - •" - - tow, lrctrrcgxog - 131?; i Grocer*, dee* Whig lexi, i* B*o4ace» Oi*M, endPitt*.- ■gpZfVMaiutflMWW gWratfftia liberty [*t, r FitU-' r jdrtr" w •inrf' W.WIMK» Wte to, Jewelry, SBier\V#W,< ‘ •w?«tlpitttb«»s, *■.; widGiock, , « 1 d * c< . o n4i hßewSUiket. ; .-. 4JgA^gftgEssa&& i B :”■ 'SjSgSSSß&d&fizii w^ : - ~.., jte - „ -T 1 T 4 ' ~“l >F ‘ J- ' - - \.j'; ’' j ... . ... ' * i, i' ‘ ii, ~ , i -<T II | J||„ | H __ ' " V " H: "' ■---! -■_'- '. . - v_jj f llf Ft ' ii. 1 - ■ '■:. '-.-i- ■!• -? -•■ ■* H - ■: « ’ ' ~ I■' .j^L-., |. .1 CARD, UARRI.E wokkson LIBERTY ST-opposite OF WOOD. PITTSOURGiL - .|tDHOSO WILKINS, . . i ■ /nONTIKuES. to. ma&Bfaeinre Monument*, Bnriai \J Vaults,TombsjHead JJibnevMamel I’irceaCen tro aud PifrTona cffore&t and domestic marble, &i a regular ono fair price. N. B.—Drawings foe monuments, vaults, Ac. famish ed, .of .any .description. He soliciu a share of public ptttonaga.l angp-iiif > JUtrttiw tbw.nns, los-c-rocra, . tnos.srAJ«oK*,jr )ICOI SOCtX/ ■' ' rsUXBOB, lAMBS M.LXAKE, 1 ttios. antwos. 1 MECHANICS’ GLASS 'WORKS. ! OIMPRONA CoW mamtfucturera. of Vials, Boules, O undAVlndow Glass; keep - constantly on hand c general assortment of- the above articles. Also, make to order a snperior article of Mineral or Soda-Water -Rottles.of eolorcdgtius. No. IQ Wood at, Pittsburgh, 'Pad • # ang3Konv» PITTSBURGH -STEEL WORKS AND SPRING 1 AND AXLE FACTORY. ISAAC 10013, '* I.' iOHW f. OCTOO. .. . . JONES * dCTGQ. XJrANUFAOTURERS of raring and blister steel) 'lri, plough ateel, steel plough wings,'coach and elipj ..Uc springs, hammered iron axles, and dealers in mm:- -leuitb easting*, Geengifie lamps, andcoach-trimialnas generally,corner :oTRij«s. : Bsd .-From sta, Piiuuurj;n, ’\TriLLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of Ctmon and .fy colored LinenjFrfi»#e*f<»r Dresses, Sewing BturifalcolOTed€otron'Frtnge>i.for«llk';snd girtaham PamoU.''Gimpj'3ddhßif. ;andSUlc Bullion Fringes, 'madeto orterouthe shsnett notice.■-.. ■ ; STOftmconterofMaideft Lana and William, entrance No 65 William street, third floor, over Abner & Eli's’ Woife, , NbJGsiraWeh Lati.*v Now Vork . -:., -jylo ; ' -' . ABERBEY, : - , ' AjfANUFACTCRKUiBfSteam Boaroiid Family ijltui iVJL ictf, Batting, Cotton Mattrakscs hud Comforts iof ill alia. : Warehouse, Ni£ ©WaiersirOet, Pittsburgh 'offer* hi*.professional /Jjf-rtarjices to hi* inends and. the public ffenerilly'of r.Fiusbtirgb . . ° '> VJ;Offico. Fourth street, two doors from Mayor's office. -v>?dt*lMlm* ' ■• , ?7 •sms ,C*«I;'~-’' , 'f"^ Voo<l r AlJ <««autle., rCnin md Brmrßb Bluer Teaa.dono upm quarter,. half, and .one pound packages, tanging. from GO eta. perfiouud JAYNISK*u for l*tkirt Veafts;. BbiwiM ljrSa -/SoiiEMAN, HAILhIANvA, Co, m*aalStftnre?»;6f A^rCoached, fchptic Spring*, Spring and Plough fitrd, Von, Ac. Wandtbiiioon •W aler and From sutreCvPinrlißrsh.. .- - Also, dealer* Lai Coach Trimmings and'JiiaUeab!*- ... " ;' rL-T^aciliL.-./.- AT- BUUhMASrKtt, AtfTUKAj—Office^ It « third door above Smith Geid,.»outh. ciuc, -, >VS * Conveyancing of-all kinds done with the greatest care anti legnl accuracy. . • Tilies to Real Katato examined, Ac. . oct3&ily. - A M. MITCIIELTREE, Whntesals Grocers atnT W.ino, and' Litioo,. MereTihnts.' "Also,'importers of hnillßbaeh* >lg^|dbr»-No^lcqLil-rrtystreet, PitiAborgh, Pa. • noana i*ea.gjuk jpa^tobt. TTAMILT ON STEWART,- ihmiathcUrrc) of lleivy XjL-ahtrting*, Checks, street, ehy of •Allegheny. - - - ■ povts-dty»: ’ All ENT6 ! 'Esg%>3tgg. itmcxxonviiM:XtuwACo, MBaaßraaaaa octal ' No. tg Water siteet. liNSUIiANI’E. DELAWARESXUTtJAI.INSURANCE CO. ’ T OHN FINNEY, Jr-, Agent at Kuaborgh tor the pel- U awaTe Multml Safety insurance Comrisny of Phil adelphia. Fire Rieka upon buildings ami merchandize or every description, and Marine Risk* upon hulls or .cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most lavorabie terms. . j|~7* Office ui the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes A B:o , Ns.97.WattrinearMarkeistreet, Pittsburgh. " N.’ toceess of this. Company since the estab ,li|hmeat.of.the. this city, wuh the prompt nesiandUbehmty with which ever>- claim upoti them for lots baa been adjusted, fully warrant the agent m inviting the and patronage of btft friends and the, eommunity. atlorge'to the Delaware-MrS. Insu ' ranee Company, while It ha* the udditinuai advantages most fionrisbingio Philadel ph|a—as having an amplejiaid-in capital, which by the operation’o'it* charter is eoastuntiy mereaiing, t* yiehllug to each person tniured hirdue share of the profits of the company, without involving bun in any reaponsihitay whaievcr, acui.,therefore, as poßKessmg the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxioui fea tore,and in its most attractive fora. . -. . novt FIRE AND MARISE ISSUBASCE. THE ltisuranefl Company of North Aracncfc m rough iu duly nuthoruM Agent, the tabtcxibeiyoders u> make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in this ehy and io vieiuity, and on shipments by tlir Ca nal and River*. DIRECTORS. Arthur O Coffin, Charles Tarlor, SunHW. Jones, Ambrose While, Edwasd Smith - / ;p , , Jacob M. Thomas, John A. Brown, John R. Neff, JohnAVhita, RlchardiX Wood, Thomas T. Cope,. We Welsh,V Samuel F.Snnth, Franiciiroskens, Samuelßrook*, S- Austin AUiboue, ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Prts’L Hxsbt'D. BHXxuao>,'Sec'y- This il.tha oldcyt insitrance Company in the United Biatesr hanag been eharttfcaiit :X7>t. Its charter is ;pctpcuuVaadfrom 'Us high minding,.long Experience, ample and avoiding, all risk* of'-an dxtru has , arwnu bo considered as otTeriog am ple security to the public. W. P. JONES. u A| the Copniiog Room of Atwood, Jones A Co, Wo . ter attdJßreiststreets Pittsburgh. nmyff FDASKLCI FIOE ISSCEASCE CO. •rpils Franklin Fire jnsriranee C<nnp»ny,o/ Fhilodel- X pbia- will make Insurance,permanent and limited cm every&escripucn ofpropefty, In Pttubarsb and toe wrrtrarulaif'eoraay, oa favorable term*. • This com pdnyfaea* pcrpetaol charter. -> Capital, $400,000 paid In. Contingent, Fond - • SaO,uuo ' Orflee cornerofTfcnd and Marketnreeta,Pjtubargh. npKOlf WAttttlCK MAKfLN, AgroL UUOfBBCCt' -OTHE ond«riignexi,dnly authorised Agent of the Amer i-ica» Fire Jaiarmt Company of Philadelphia, continaes. to effect inaoranee against lose or damage •gainst Fire, on buildings. mereaaudUe, funmure and property, not extra hexarootu, ia lius vicinity. epli UKOOOCUKAN.Ud woo.t ft riIttIS.BUU&CBIBKK tpas been appointed Agent pro X iem.offim’lustmnee Company of North America, andyrJllissue Policies'aad attend to thaotbsrbojhien 'drtbd'i/kffency. cttiewarebousßorAtwood.Jone* a >-‘%VMU P. »> fOBWftBDM & COMMISSION •*»f famimuin. . . i. isay-no utt "cOABJUBsIu DASEISHOWEttiS;cO. V; TOBACCO COSUAISBON MfiBCIEHIt S, Ne.'©BoaihWhxrres, i— tNo. 117 Bomb Water »u - - ; PHIIADKLPHIA. HTbEGS'to 1 htfsrtb the truth; and dealers generally, of 1 jK diaflhey have muds such arrangements truh tbd Virginia ntonuraeuirers and the Growers of ttbe 'Wesfc TOsst Indie*, and other-places, oawtij Ins dr er a large arid constant supply of the following desyip ilorts of. TbbaecOj Wbicn w»u betoldopoo a» accbm term* as any* oilier house in this city orelse* : WhereTarid ail goods ordered from them trill be war rented "equal torepreaeatauon: Havana; St. Domingo; . Goon.; 1 , . Yora; Porto Rico; >SS*e4 Leaf to- Onba; IguinL ~ * & Florida; j * baeeo; Ai^JO—Branch’s celebrated' Aromatic guj Cuten 4i«h, with a lairie assortment of ether popster brands, audLoualitiesafpounds, sa. 85,135, IG* tun!*Cs, Lntnpj fit, to end IDsPlag; L*»dW Twist: Virginia TvfuC &g,, sweet and plain, in whole and naif boxes, wood and tin.-together vri* every Variety of article belong ing to the trade. ■ - • i •■' -jeiodly i.'u^hzsT r.Bxexrr. 'iiToan »•••’ i : BAIUnST/ BESBIT *fIAERETSOH, JUKOfI AAT&, No. C 2 Nona WnsJtvti, Arm IB> W*to frr.y • ( “> PIIILaDELPHLA. * Rmsvo—XohnH.Bfowtf&Co4l Robert Bt«n A:C*. _ t Philadelphia. Bereroft, Beaver It Co. f ' . Btniib,iJegaley.4Co.. J 'fSßlehfcPStott,' ’ ‘ ’New Wk. ttvaliers & Khrvey, Baluin ore. ’‘Bageley* Smith, ) Barbrit%e,Wi!sonkColp. ttt rh • Bailer, Brown It C«. f Kier* Jones, ) . Liberal cash ndvencea on consignments to our iddret>. , nmiOitdiy r«C.SLUbLKSX. CDABUDI SCJLt. KOflr WATEU*- ELLNIAKER,'ECKY.&. CO*., HOUftFACTOfISK L 4 Aad Quinl:Xonunlaiion Mereh»ttU| w«* ffiSßlpl|u _ Ct«J4Co, J-iiuborgli. ' A.'ilJai]nai7, WaytvLle. , , Cliaile* Buham, Jr,, LoulsyUle. DBUlb.Utinpbrcta A Co. > , t ’Blereer, Drt>. &Ca ' >PUW’» Kiel A; Brother, 3' Jhullh A Cotuiocry, Net* Sort. ■iifftu. cu; iBSSTBOSG & CBOZEBt /?*>MMISBION MHECUAtiTSjNo. *Ueel, \^«PW»boj|lr/Fx t .-wUl«iendprtnoptJy ipibe saleoi erery'tewrlptun or Western Produce, ud oilier i -lielee cammed to theft-core. ■■ ' tonio i i UanJi3 r GruL*m l&Co. New Liataiii O 4 Meriham* jftnerallf, WelU- Rhode*4 Ogjeti ry Uniceporr,<>.; AyG.lUth* , erdioa to, J. K.llowurd, JUxtiiviHe, 'K/j Guile &Uorwort,St Loair, ’’ ll, : TfUiO. ' ‘ deeG_j v T. H. OlVmiQB, BeeeiTlDg, forwarding aid titneral Commis * . lion. fiuthall, : ■ i Stbxct. St.'Locxb, Mo. - - H.8.-«Biric*xUemioapaiaioord<r*ioT lb this market, and. all Goaines*. promptly transacted. - Reference tu Htubargb, Job a M'FadeiiA Co. decanßm . wnia ». OlflMt. __ T. BOIEXT JKSXtSS. , flltOßflß * JESKZS«, ‘ ■ f cbsfeiiaslON i FßOV]SlON'MEaCHA.NTf‘ l ■ No/3 Cujuorac* tnrxtgr; -• ' ‘ - • Baltimore, •*- - ptwwpiß—Church, CofOthen ft Co., Alexander l*dgbUn,_ , - ®BOffiSB ! icog«a:4sr f ” r•• " : / ,<u- ; 1 jKUJfII . /HONTCiUES to uaattct a general CommiMfoh Mu*- Uto principal articles of Pittsburgh at the 'snA»JSißt& u ? - rr^sr MEWBDUIB MD BQHBISBIO* IJSBCDAIIT, X"‘':" : AND DEALER IN i .w. Im/atlltt, &. Plttalmrgli . .M*nttfao»nre«;|feiieroUy', /', . HegcbVnti Brownit ill* , Pa* Abends; garticiuarif to the Forveayding oj' Produce, tefihtmitioo, apply to FORStTII ft CUN CANiWwotit.,. • t . * , opus;; PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY; 37 1849. LAW. OFFICES. WM. TIMULIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Btrtler, Pa WLL also attend to collections and all other bnuj ne»* entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong counties, Fa. Refer to J. A'R. Floyd, Liberty *t t W. W. Wallace, do I , . Jarac* Marshall do \ Pituburgh. ./Ry ’ Kay A Wood it ) j an r .T,' ®* Attorney- at Law, offiee 9d *t., tf W opposite Charles Hotel, Pitubonh, will also otterm.ppjpiptly tp CoUcctioiu, in Washington, FaycOe and Green coUtiUcs, Pm • - - REFER TO Blaekstock, Bell A Co- •) Chnrch A Carolhen, >Pi!tibnrrh. D T. Morgan. ) ceirMly EJ. HKNRY, Attorney and Coancellor at Law, ■ Cincinnati Ohio. Collections in Southern Olilo, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and eu*e fally uttended to. CommLatonerforlhe State of Petm syiv&nia, for taking Depositions, acknowledgment*, Ac. Ac. r, • ; RjTKtt to— Hon. Wm. Bell & Son, Curtis, Cnroiltrra, Wfn. Hays, Erg., WiUocfc k‘ Davi*. • «ta Ji. w. wiuuuu, unt. m. gjnifl. IXTILLIAMS II SHINN, (soeeessoia to Uowrio.anil *y William*.) Auomovs and Counsellor* at Lake. Office North tide of Fourth street.above Smithfi' Id | fcbl7d&.wly I JAMES P. kEEtlt, * ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Office removed to Fourth street, between Southfield and Grant stioeL jaft-dffin j lAUts mnn-or. j. uasboux sxwi^A. DUNLOP & SEWELL. attorney at Lqw, Officeajon SinlUifiHd. between :U nnd 4ili at*. t- • -• j . O. H. ROIUNSON. Attorney at Law, ha»Tre • moved hi* office to the Exchange CußJlnjrjJSl. Clair it., next door to Aldenntu Johns. , api7ly ‘ BATS. CAPS AX!) BONNET^. FASHIONABLE ZIATB* j tp, TMi: subscriber, in addition to bis own Ays Jf? monum daring of iiuiv ha* made arrange* JBO ®*Vantciits with Messrs Beltre A Co- (tlm most fashionable baucrt of the city of New York,), for n fa* ulsr supply of his extra imo silk lints, and having Just received a few casevgenllemen can bo suited with a very rich and beaulifu'hat li; calling at his wrist Hat eud Cap Fiore, BmilhLchlstreet, second south of Fourth, <vhcro may be found a groat variety of Hats and Cfips of liis own manufacture, wholesale and ro» tail. Hat* made to erder on short notice. : • tpgg JAMES WIIiSOJL. , Jjj (Sarc?JSw m^l’ferdSting) , Fashionable He.tterß, °P®® & : . Coriur of Wood and Fifth Btmu. YIjAItTICULAR attention paid to our Uetail Trade. tSL Gentlemen can rely opon getting their Hois bud Cops from our establishment of thu best katsbiOlo nut! tvoaxitssanr, of the latzst styles, and at the lowest rhtesa.. • ; f Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale,. are respectfully invited to sail and examine our Stock; as wo-etm say with confidence that as regard* qrsjjrt aadTStco, it will not sutler in a comparison with any house in Philadelphia. _ feUI7 11ATS, CAI'S AN D"M I'FPS-Ti» ,rt**A Jgg subscriber is now receiving from the«£&§*. *t*Hbeiiy of New York. udfilice of Hats, Caps and Muds, latcatfashicn»,in great ▼urle-' ty and very cheap, wholesale and retail. , ] ! JAMES WILSONS novU Fmithfirld rt, **ddoor suttth of 4tb Cso (L*TK n’camo A ttaa.) WILL introduce on Saturday, August tSlh, the Fall style of !laU,just received from New York. Those in want of a neat and beautiful hat. are invited to call at their stare, comer of Fifth and Wood streets, any*-*! . BOOK TRADE- n^ v * n^^asssssss new ami valuable Works—* Doniphan’s Expedition—Containing a sketch of the life of Col. A. \V. Doniphan: the Conquest pf New Mexico; Gem. Kearney « Overland Expedition to Cali fornia; Dontjibau'sJilaiupnigit against the Navijos, and his unparalleled .March upon Chihuahua and llarango, and the Operations of lien Price at Santa Fe, with a Map and Engravings, by John T Hughes, A B* l the Ist Regiment of Mirsouri Cavalry « History of Kentucky—lt* Antiquities and Natural Curiosities. Geographical Suuisttcal and Geological descriptions; wiih aiteodo’.e* of rioneers Life, find more than one hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish* ed Pumerra, Soldiers, Piaiesmeu, Jurists, Lawyer*. Ik. vine*. Acg illustrated with forty engravings; try Lewis Collins, 1 vwl. oetavo. i TTie Twelve Months’ Volunteer, or Journal ©f a Pri vate in the Tennessee Krgiiaent oi Cavalry, in the Campaign of-'UXJCO. duruu J»llM7,c >a ainiug rwatitot' tho March of the ILegiuteut to Verm Crus, a description of Uus Country passed over, msfti-frs, cus toms, 4c. of the people; Sketches of Camp Life, ae counts Of all the actions of other Volunteer Rerticenu, and a full Utstory of tin Mexican War; IJit of.ut Kil led and Wounded, Jte; iliasinued by a large number of correct views and plans; by Geo. C. Father, 1 volume octavo. deel. . \TEW WORK**—Cromwcti’s S>pcc?hes. Ac,—Oliver J.l CrotnweUVLcstcnr and Fpeeches, teeJadOigtbe {Upphrtqcat to the GreS cditrou: with elucidation*. Up ThomssCarlyle. In 3 vol*: Lfcno. doh. Collins’ Kentucky,—Historical Sketches of Ken tucky, embracing iu history, antiquity, aad- natural curiosities, geographical, itaiirtiettl ana geological de% seriptions; witlraaeeddtei'of' Pioneer wer dM more than one hundred biographical sketches of diitiagnUh-. ed pioneers, soldiers, and *:aie*mea; jurists, lawyer*, (Urines, etc. Uiusuatcd by forty engraving*. By Lewi* Cotliu*. PiriryTnle* and Legends of many Nations—Select ed, newly told, ami translated. tty 0. IL BarkhardL Beautifully illustrated. Arabian Night*—The Thousand and One Night*; or, the Arabian Night*’ Entertainments; trah*laled and arranged for family reedmg—wiih explanatory notea, by J 1 w. Lons, Esq. f rout Bte second edi tion: illustrated with 000 wood cuts by Harvey, and illuminated utie* by tivrea Jones. Coincide in lit part*, paper; Jt 8 vnis. Lino. Cloth—Gilt: The above booksjusl received aud for sale by JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON, Uooksellera, novOG market, oor3d at NEW BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS, ftc—Elements or Plane and Spherical Tt-gonometry, with their of* plication* to Menaomuon, Surveying ami Navigation. By Eb&a Locaiis, A-Gl. Xenophon'* Metnorabiljs of goer ales, with English notes, critical npd explanatory, Life ol Socrates, Ac. By C. Ambon. Ll>li , APClintock ft Crooks' Pint Book in Greek; contain ing a full view of the form* of wotd*, with vocabula ries and exerc-Les. fte. / Salkeid's l-'irtl Book ui Spanish; or, a practical in troduction iq the study of ih&Bpapisb Language. Book Keeping by nngle aim double entry Practi eally adapted to the inland aud maritime dommerce of the Urn ted State*. By P. Doff. A Hi*iory of Prance, from lira conquest 4f Gaol bf JnKua Cm*iu. to ibe reign of Louis Philippe. By Mrs. Markham. Rimaedj Improved and enlarged, by Jacon Abbott; map and engraving*. For idle by . R. ROPKLNS, decl2 _ Apollo Building*. 4th at "VT E^ r BOOKS—-Loom-*’ Elementa of Tnsonomctry. Ai —Eicments of plain and aaperhcial Trigonome try, with their applications io Mensaration, Surveying and Navigation: br Elia* Loomis, A M. A First Book la Greek; comaimng a full view of the form of vyopJ*, with vocabularies and eopiooaexer cine* on tl>e method of constant Imitation and repeti tion: by John H’Clintock, D. IX. Profeasor af Longaft ges, and George R. Croovis, A. it, Adjunct Proicsaor of Langungea in Ihckinaon College Upborn’* Life of Madame Catharine Adorno, 3d edi tion. A new novel—The Discipline of Life. Parts U, 10 and II of Harper ft Brother*’ splendid il- I uxiraied edition of the Arabian Night*’ Eotcruinmenla. .The abovo works received this day by exprefta and for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTUN, rovl3 cor 3d and market au ’ &CHOUL >RCmTKCTUREj or contribution* to the improvement of school house* in the U. B.t by Henry BaYuntd. Abundantly illustrated With views and plans. ’ ’ Tboorr and Practice of Teaching, or the mouve* and metftodsof good school keeping! by Dakid P Page, A. M. Teaching a Science; the Teacher an Atlitt: by B. R. n»a a. »(. 1 The School and the School Master—A manual for the use of teacher*, employers, truatees, inspector*, ftc. ftc., of Common Schools. In two parts. Uy Alon zo Potter, D. D-, mid G. IL Emerson, A. M. - Illonrated With enrravtog*. For sale by decta R IIOPKINS, ApoUojßuildiog^ ARLEyS CABINET LUHIAHY. for School* and work cooauU of tweqty vpluT' rß . and coDtaiu* Gvo hondred diDdrent snbjcci*, illustraied with GOO engravings. It i* au entirely original senes, recently written and comploted by & G Ooodncu, au thor of Peter Parley* TaJt-*, and U designed to exhi bit, in a popular form, Select Jliographies. aucienl nnd modern; ibe wonders and curiosities of History, Na ture, Art, Science, and Philosophy, with the practical duties of life. The price per Vol. is 75 cents, each containing about 330 page'*, Ik mo; or tSlOpur at- For sale by octa R HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, <ih »t N” EW NtiVKIjMA Whim, and tu ccosoqueucess byG.P. R.J«Hc*,lfoq. w L Vanity Fair, a hovel without a Hero: by William Makepeace Utackery, with illustrations. • Edward Vernon; Sly Coasin’s Flory: byE V Childs, glory of tile Peninsular War: by General Charles William Vane, Marquis of Londonderry, U. C. IL, G. C. Colonel or the «d Rcgh Ufe Guards. The above works iec«tv«l this day and for saJe by JOHNSTON ft BTOCKTON mErToCkIJaN DIVINE PROVIDENCE.—-This hitnrrto -very scarce, and exceedingly valuable work, ha* jus* been published by J. L. Read, m o beau- Ulut 12IDO. voL of 3M) pages. It contain* the rccom meudations of several dergymen of tb>s cjty, efditfer *C'°7l iwi-Klw" Apolloßu i l |l tnsM^ - -t - . AIIOOK FOK PARENTS, VOUNO PERSONS AND INVALIDS.-Dr. Manning 1 , “Common in....,, on llealtli, Pliy,‘cal ErlncnUon, »nd llumnn Voice; •« baled upon ibe mechanical of mnn’npbvsicnl cMlUlullon. being ibo »iil»lnnce orbit “”c. in ‘Sc chore .objeem rcc.nUr dcUrcccd io Apoi.o ß i,;S!:“is.,.. muuuionof UI Fablei, rngolbor midi ***s Historic cl, .Mythological and ended, nnd Uhjdnicd b, pictorial cmbcllnbmcow with n cloris. WN. L. lfrooCl.A M **ecls KjUUPKINB MAP OP CALIFORNIA, OREGON A TEXAS A rtotn the latest “dboSllesr Ry/S. Aognitn. bell, with tin cc.compaltlmcnl— lllitnncd.Dcinrlp Airi, Geogrb|.bical nnd stnuiuca.. For >dc n» dceia it HOPKINS, Apoilo liinidmgn Ob ■rf ATHEMATIOAL INSTRUMENTS- For Draw 'JML mg—ln Ebony and Roactrtwtl casci,,wlUl or . A o, r . Ani.m eomr. UcMm,._ MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA—Cotistroeted from the County Bunreys auiborixed by the State, * nd er orlalnal docammu. Revised and Improved a Miter ule sopCTrilioQ of Wm. E Monlt, CivU Eiiglneer, upon data procured In eaeh county, under onibority of the LegisloJUire. A few copies af this large and splendid : 81ai»‘rt<eivedibis day and for sole by M _____ map re JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON, ’ . J . Booksellers, cor nmricct and 3dsu bale* Illinois wool just recriyedoni for sole by Idertj R. ROBISON SrCo. * i CO-PARTNERSHIPS. . CO-PAItTSEBSHIP. I LO6AN it KENNEDY , have this day associated with therein tho Hardware business, Philip Wil ton and Edward Gregg. The. style of .firm will here* after be. Logan, Wilson A Co. Irus arrangement rea ders lr desirable to dofie the old business us possible. All persons whoso liabilities have matured,v are especially requested to moke immediate payment.. Pittsburgh, Jan, 1,1919. i . lOQAS, WILSON * CO—lmportefs add j Wholesale Dealers in Foreign andDomcsde Half* wufe, Cutlery, Saddlery, Ac ~190, Wopdstreet, Pittt*> bnrgbjare now fully prepared with a fttnntly nspoT-r ted stock of Hardware, Cillery, Ac., to offer very grchf. inducement* to western buyers, being determined |o; compete In priees with any or the AUontie cities. 41*' so on hand no extensive assortment of Pittsburgh llaril-' ware, vis: Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes Vices, ■kb-,; all of which will be sold at the lowest moonfactureps, prices. _ __ font Dissolution. fflllE partnership so long emsting under the firm to] A M’Cord A King, was by rnutust consent dissolved on Ote fittest. The business will be dosed at the aid stand l*r cither of us, using the name of the firm fy*. -that nurpore.. Being dcsiroas to have oar btuunfiM closed, with a* little delay as possible, we would o** speciality request those indebted to coll anil scUle their accounts. JOHN D. M’PORftj juiS 11. D. KING. . Co-Partnership. JOHN D. M’CORD having associated wuh bim hi* brother James M’Gord. under the style of M’Cord 4 Co., will couliuu: the Hat, Cap tutil Fur businfisfi in all its various branches, wholesaleuud retail, at llxe old stand, ©orner of Wood ond-Ath streets, where they solicit of the tiatronogo so liberally be slowed on tLeoid firm.' JOH.YD M’COItD. JAMES 8. M’CORD. rY retiring ftotn the old and well known firm, ol rWCord a. .King, 1 most respecdUy recommend to the patronage of the public tny successors, Messrs. M'eoril A Co. _ jaffl IL D. KlNO._ DXBBOLpTION —TLo partnership hitherto exist ing Under the style nnd firm of Wtghinuui A Dal* sell, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, John Pal sell haviug disposed of his entire interest to H. Wight man. The basinets of the late firm settled by IL Wjgfatman, who ic authorised to use the name of the late Ann te that purpaso. H. WiGIITMAN- i .Duly I’47] J.DALZELL. THE ls now prepared to nonufketmfi all kinds cf Cotton amt Woolen Mochinery, at the shof.csl notice. Otdcrgleft at H- Wtghunan's Engine Shop, par tier. Liberty and Water streets, will meet with prompt attention. 11. WJQHTWAN, Leacok st n between Federal end Sandusky its., spvSUly Allegheny city. CO.FABTSBBSQIP. VtTM. D. SCAIFE and Copt JAhIESi ATKINSON yy have entered into partnership, rntder the firm of SCAIFK A ATKINSON, and will carry on the Tin, Copper, uad Sheet Iron Ware mamusetory. Also, lilacksntithtne in all its branches, at the eld stand of Wm Ik Scaifej Fint sncct, near Wood. Particular attention given to steamboat work. ocQ I HAVE thTs dsf associated with me in the whole sale Grocery, Produce and OomruiMian besides*, tny blather Jcteph, under tho 6on of J.H DII.WORTH 4 Cm. J.t}. DILVVORTJL , January 1, 1t49._ / eO-PAIITI¥EIISIIIP— \Vtn. VoLni; havli, iil day associated with him, John R. M’Cune. the lea theydiusiness will hereafter be conducted aadei the firm of Wm. Young 4 Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, )an3’ JNO. U MTt'NK. MEDICAL. /iou<;u, pain in the SIDE AND cllKSrqU- V_/ UED!—'Moving ft for long tine been dirtTfrred with a revere pain in the ltd* »t*J chert, accompanied with a dry eoajU, I »n Induced, apatt the argent *uir rtianoit o* ft it lend, to Dr- Tavlor'e Baliam of liver wort, at?d I Jpntt ur iht« meuicinc bar an**<ertd u» jmrporr adtturaUy. My di»tre*» n*u pTodueedii.y a revere hurt, »nd war «o great that it ra with dltncahy I con id mwftllow tny (OotL Indeed, lam afttUfiei) mi* diseate mast have terminated in CcnsampUoo, or»ome ■fatal ducue. bad it not been cored by Ihir Jadfctooi tnrdicuie To ail who reek to prolong their Uvea, 1 would advise the are of Pr TaylorVßafrain of Lieer* won. * ‘ *“ MMKB GOW.VN. <SB Bowtry TUi* medicine focititntei expectoration, rctlncr» le* rrt. miores sire gib. *mi on bo eoaaidered u a su perior prrparauoa for the cure and prevention of all diseases ui ihe Cbeai aad Luugv, and should be retoi t* cd to, cveu after these diseases bare reacted the ntu* a) remedies. In the practice of this old aad eery n» •pcctablti plryrtetan, tbit »nl—«i ot liverwort ft a ♦'ac quired an eaviatne reputation tor U» virtues, a* nor to that of ibcabuudam no»;r>m« of the d#j, at w** the chanwsier oi tta luvccfar, 10 that of qnarka a-d cmpi-ie* CONSUMPTION" CURED—My nn baring a vio lent cold, used to cxwgb violently, r>i*nn» qua.Ullc* of Uuek puutd manor, and family he could not (urn over uj bed, from weakness. He manifested ererjr tymp* lom of continued conuunpuor.. For *ix year* k* hdd been subject u» the aathma. Ilia phyrictaot. \|ruri|. Vermoulr Jc Au'lerenu, »aid be was incurable, oirl nun toon din. Vet 1 was determined to fry Dr. Taj - lor'a Balaam of Liverwort- and strange aa ft may ap pear, this medicine has folly restored nis health. SOPHIA GALLON, 14 Norfolk and Sold In Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, M Wood at; J Towaamd, 45 Market at; II Smyter, eor Market and 3d ata; lleudcnan A Co, A Liberty *t Price reduced, lo 6IAQ per bottle.. j«a» Uf PORT AAV TO TUK AFFLICTED. Br. KosPft Ctlcbratcil firmedlav PR. JACOB S ROSE, the dlKdvtnrtnil uiie pro prietor of these tztest popular and fwoeficutl mrd leiucs, ftod also the invenior of the celebrated instru ment for inditing the Langs, ia effecting a tare of Chronic disease's, was a student of that eminent physi cian; Doctor Physic, snd u a graduate oft be Universi ty of peuaaytvaaia, asd for thirty yaoradoce has bees engaged in the investigation of disease, and the appli cation, of remedies thereto. Through the use of his inflating tube, in connection wfth his Prophylactic Syrup andotherof hi* he ho* gaiucd an uoparaieited etaiueuce in coniig those dxcadfai and fatal maladies, Tabercaiar Coh-' sumption, Cancers, Bcrofula, Rheomolisio, A ,ltim *i Fever and Ague, Fever* of all kmds. Chrome t>) sipe tos, aad aU those obstiaat* diseases peculiar to females. Indeed eveiy form of disease vanishes tinder the use of his remedies, to which humanity is heir—not by the use of ono compound only, for that is inecnipaßbld with PhyausJogicfti Law, Lat by Urn use of hi.s reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form of disease. Dr. Rose’s Tonic Alterative Pills, when used are in variably acknowledged to be superior to ailother, as irpurgauve or liver ptlL inasmuch at ibry tease the <oweis perfectly free from eosttrenes*; as also his jolden Pill* is admitted by the faculty to possets pecu liar properties adapted to female diseases, but being saUsffea iftet a bore trial is sufGcieut to establish what 'ha* been said in the tniud* of the most skeptical. The ftihiflied are invited to call upon the agent, and procure {arau*} on* of the Doctor's pamphlet-, giving a delaileu account of each remedy and tu application. For tale by the foi'owing sgenu, as wef) as by must Druggists throughout the country: J t*chooumaker ft Co, 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh; J MTownsend, druggist, 44 Market at “ Lea A Beckham, “ near the P.o. Allegheny city. Jos Barkley, Darlington, Beaver county, Pa. Jno EihotL fennon Volley, - •* n T Adams, Beaver, “ « »• novlb-dty Jayhssi Bipeetoront. SAftxar, ColttaUioia Apr. S 4, IML 'pvR.JL JAVNhA Dxaft Sra>*-1 feel bound to you I / and tho ollUeted public, to avail myself of this op portunity of givingpuuUcity to the extraordinary effects ofyour Exneetoront on myself. Having been afflicted for severaJ- years with a severe eougL becue fever and ii< eoncotmudh diseases, and seemed only doomed to luigeooul a short bat .miserable exisieoco. until the. full of IBS, when, being more severely attacked, and having retorted to ail my former remedies, and U» pre scriptions of two of the most respectablo physicians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or tho coiisoiatiou of surviving but a few days or weeks at farthest—when the last gleam of hope was aboal (o vanish, I hod recommended to me your Expectorant— ! and blcased by that Being who does all thutgs tn the ' ate of the means—and contrary to the expectation* of my physicians aod friend*. I was in a few days raised from lay bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to attend to, enjoying since better health than I bad for ten'year* previous. Respectfully yours, Ac., Jam. W. Esnu. For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea {tare, 73 Fourth street. tnardU NBW ARItANOEUEST. ' DOCTOR B. \V. MORRIS having recently port: bas ed the Drag Store formerly owurtl t«y llaya Brockway, N'o 'i Commercial Row. Libert/ tlrcet, I'mebnrgu, takes thi* method of informing bis friend* and tlie pablic in general, that hi* atore will at all time* be supplied with au ertensive and general assortment of Drug*, Dye Sind*. PainW, Oils, Varnishes, Perfumery, Cologne*, and indeed every ar ticle called tor in a drug *tore, which will always be sold a* low aa at any other house in the city, wcoloj tale or retail. Moping to merit a ahare of tie pablic patronage, uothiug shall be wanting to give entire sat isfaction toJiiacoatmanr*. nnr?-upH Dirydropßthr. or the W»Ur'Obr»r OCroE BENJAMIN W. MOHUJO, still continues to practice the aafo oud popular remedy called Hydropathy or the Water Cure, ami ifdesircd will treat diseases AUopathicolly. GbsiitricaT eases will be at tended to promptly. N. U.—Or. Morris may be consulted at hie Drug Store, No, ‘4 CommercioJ How, Liberty street, daring business hours, or at his residence, morning and even ing, Peon street, 3 doors below Irwin’s alley. po?7-Upl4 j, Sfi . /~\PTIIALMfC. SUKGBON, will attend to the treat \J meat of Diseases of the Eye. Or. IL has been engaged in inis branch of the medi cal profession for sixteen years, and has conducted on csUUtlUbaent tor the Ueaunent of diseases of the eye alone for suvaral years. Otars hod reedencs, comer of Saodosky st and Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. *cll3 Or* Delias* in Tonnasaoe. *l*llls i* to certify ih«i l purchased one vial of Dr. X UoLtne'e Worm Specific, tome two mouths ago tud gave to a coo of ouno, sOrao seven yearn old* two teaspoons fizlt, and although the amount may appear targe, yet I have no doubt bat there was upwards of 1 rvo fsacaiTO woKtt* passed from him, measuring boo e» quarter of au inch to two inches long. . Q W HOLLIDAY. Rosa's Creek, Tern., £<c *7, IM7. joJM __ S' bLLr.ks’ v'pnbiiplGK In oeohgia^- Countses, Jdn. dth, IBtfl. Mr. B. E. Sellers:—Your Vermifuge bos sold well, and has been highly spoken of by oil who bav*> used it. Prom the success attending lbs odmlninratioo of yaar Vermifuge in etery case I have beard oft 1 am confident i call sell more during the coming season than I did last’. I will be gl&d to receive another sup* ply of< or 6 gross. Yours, respooift’iyi [Ezrrset from letter.] R. CARTER. Prepared and sold by tt. E. SELLERS 37 Wood st, and sold by drugeisis generally, in Pittsburgband At legbny, WONDERFUL ARRIVAL^-Da. Totnnsrt; Baa* SATABILL* »4,SW bottles of this great fall and Winter medicine, just received and for solo by lE..*** SKLLEiUL Sole Agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genoino arlcle ran be had. oct *° BISON’S Columbian'Hair Dye; .. (to do Indelible Ink, wJlh or wiiloot preparation. , . ' lJtOiiaogh mOkrior Red Ink. For •»!« to U» iraa® at inaiitfiraitthjf* micoM, by II K jJBLLEJwn dficO No 03 Wood »ireot_ T\lfiE£n&Nl£-3! <»au i i iiHnrMcJiein» Oittc-' j Rl p D t Co BaSati-al) Iti.TE.THronlo, all colo;;.>i' re®' l ! ■jnd for sole by deolS J KIDD* Co jTDIIESVE PLASTER—UO yd* Kill*’ Adheitoi -fIL PlMier,Jnsl received and for**le by __ deem i KIDD *. Co . ' A LCdliOL-3UI» Alcohol,'frit refd lojfo ’ A.\trr d«|o . JOHN D IUORHAN TAMPTiLaCK-I r».«IToMrK;rwIToI Ml« I>t I 0 deco JOHN D MORGAN HOTELS ' . JW§H?AINHOTKL.T UGHT STREET BALTIMORE. i M To6g Altp ygUMTOH. raonigOß. j , THIS nmbßihment long, and widely known ip ■beingjono of tie most caramoUioupjn the city df Baltimore, hu recently undergone very exiei}- slyc- ulteraiioiis and Improvement*. An' entire new wutf has been added, imitoinlag’ntnnerdils onddlry aptirtmetita, and extensive bathingrooraa. i Tne Ladies’ depanmciit Las'also been, comnletenr reorganised and.fated up in a mO*inniqa6.wid beano fol stylo. la fact the whole orrangeipeM of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye or» the pan pf proprietors. toward* the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently oaaert will • eaallenye.comparieon with any Hotel in the Union. iThctr table will always be supplied wfth every sup* sfauial eud luxury which (he market affords, served up m a superior style; while In the way of Wine*, fee-, they wilt not be surpassed. , In conclusion the proprietors bey to spy, that nothing -will bo led uudonuon their pan, andon urn pari of pwjir fissistonts,to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. J The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rates: • Ladies l Ordinary, tl,7Bperday. i „• Gentlemen)* “ IAO , N. H.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will ol* wavs bo found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey'baggage to and front the Hotel, free of charge. ‘ EXCIUNOE lIOTKIi, : wmb <jt res ns *s» ar. cLata sra, rrmsuxaa, rai iRM -The subscriber having tmqrard the raannfo l Ba . nemof Ulia long established and popular Hotel, ,J&iak rtrpectfally announces to Travellers and the ;PobHc generally, that he will be at all'timet prepared to accommodate them in oil things desirable in a wscll regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, uud now Furniture added, and bo pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the .very beat Hotels in the country. i • 1 The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWBTON, , febbdtf proprietor.. Lamartine house, .posysn. or voustu akd outrr rum, riTmnpß. :JWL THE subscriber respectfully announces that BSHfce has now opened his new and excellent Hfnel accommodation of travelers,, boarders, end the public generally. The house and furniture am eodrcuy new, and no pains or expense hove been Sarctl to reader it one of tho most comfortable and easam Hotels in tbe city. The subscriber is deierraiiied to deserve, aad tiiere* fbre solicits, a share of puhiio patronage* •octl4-dly lACtill HOIIQH. Proprietor. v CWITED STATES liotELj cuxsvtrr sr n acrwxKa rouani ant) rtrrs m. OPPOSITE lotu Bonk of the United Suites, Phila dch hls. M. POPE MITCHELL, marttf * Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS- JAMES W. WOODWELLj fflodcpii anil AaUquc FurnUnrc, s3,Tuisd SniEsrj l^tTttflgaca. (urontneiit of Fnnii<ore, p,nynßMEHlff mSSaUsd Hotel sand private dwel- "*** . “ lings, constantly on hand and made to order* The present stock on hand caoaoi be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. Prisons wishing >o purcWe would ’do well to give! me a -call, as lam duemfnrd my prices shall please. Part of tin* Stock eonsms in— TeteaTetr; Jy-I Buffet Luujeio; lawis XIV Chairs; . Quern Elisabeth chain; Tea I’oysc; V ran Table*; Toilet Tub'.rj:; Louis XV Conrmrv.ler; Mahoruny Bedsteads Piano fltooU; f fit) sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth emrsra; I 50 Mahogany Hoc king Chairs; 40 dot Parlor. do . ISJ ~ I'aucr . do 23 centre Tables; 30 pair Divans: 4 pair pier Tables; Ifi marble tap Dressing Bureaus: r Wardrobe*: e Sccrttancs and (look cases; SO marble lop Wash stands, 4 pair (Jttomans: * S pair fancy Work Stands; AfVcry targe assortment of cotamou chain and other fundtore too numerous to mention. TC7»j*team Boats famished on tbe shortest notice, aodbnilie most reasonable terms. d*c)s I Cbeeoisisi Cocoaric,"' ' ' W Uaker’s Amerieon aad French Chocolate. Ftcpor nf Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, llroma, Cocoa Shells. Ac. wmerchauta and consumers, who woohl purchase the brat products of Cocoa, free from adulteration, mordnutriiEius than tea or codec, aud inau*iity muur paaskd, the sob«eribcr recommend* the above articles, mantfaetumd by him«elt and stamped with his home Ills llroma and Coeoh Paste, os deheate, palatable, and Valotary drinks Ibr invalid 5, convalescents, and others, are pronounced by the most eminent phy4cians superior to any other preparation*. Hts nunulaptares are ahvays on sale, ut any quantity, by the tufist re speclM>]e grocer* (a tb« eanern eiur*, and by then age ufa. llawes. Gray A ro, of lloaroa: James ftl Dunce 4 Cooic Hassey A Murray, Near Verk; Gn*nJ& Btooe, Plxfaiielplua; Tnomas V Ifraadigt, Ual* urating And Xellogc 4 oeaucu. Cincinnati, Ohio. V WAiTKR BAXES, Dorchester Maas. FotaaleXy anym BAOALBV A SMITH, Agfa tvreught sod Oatt Iron BsUlug. fpilESubieaber* beg leave to Infbrm tbe pabhe that X they have obtained from (he East all the lute and fashkmabb dcstgru for leoo Sailing, bolbfar houses and fcjmetenes Persona wishtag to procure hand eomspituents trill please ea!l sad examine, and jadge fay thfcmeeiyes.. Ratling will be faraisbed-at thq-shpci’' est notice, and In the-Gest tnminer, at the corner of Craig aad Rebecca streets, Allegheny oily. aos2Wif_ A. LAHO.Vf A KNOX. . MUSICAL ADVERTKfiE OELS I% T>RurEdBuß CJiajf-TIAN NOTH moel resdeetfab XT ly AmfaOßces to Ota -ciuuas, qf Pittabtu|h and vteiuuy r that]iß has commeueed giving UiSUdchoa on the , Piano; IC* method of inureeting is very easy, and adapted to Lam In a very short ume. He bones by stric.l arteßtlon to lus business, aad- by reaaonahle prices, to men: a »hate of ths public patrouag*. Those virltiug to hear him play, are Invitrtl to leave their cards, with the tone best salted to them, at die Music Store* of Mr. Meilor or Mr. Blame. Rxthisco —J H. Mtllot, Esq t Frederick Blame, Esq., Victor Seriba, UookwUer. oovll-dtm* QopAbif tin} Ql«u!lq|.. KD. NORJU&,<»«cr«*or lo 11. X. OelanyH • Ko.&s Fifth suecL between Wood and Smith fickfc Fresh Icechr* received monthly—-attendance all toon. Reference, the phyifeiait* of Pittsburgh,' Alle gheny and Biminjham- I taott ebacrfoily recommend to the physicians, fam ilies sod ali ay former frieuds and patrons, All. K. B. .Norris aa bring thoroughly acquainted with the basi uc*} and worthy of patronage. marAMy _M. R. DFJ-ANY. ISanafkclarafTobaeeo. A Q BX&tlentry * Royaler'# superior aweet 8 tea; TU S 5 tin M A Butler's “ - lb J IB bf do Price A Harwood's “ “ 3 “ 21 dado do “ u lO •* 23 do do Pearl It Harwood “ “SAlt,** 14 do J Robinson “ " lfis “ St lif do do . “ “ 3 “ S 3 do do Win Dawaon “ * 5 44 SI do T Wright's « - d “ 37 do 0 Anderson u w 8 •* 9 do L T Dade's “ ** d “ 8 do R Macon's - “ d “ • • do Ratcliff u ■ " lb “ Jatt landing from steamer and packets, And for rale by UEALD, BUCKNORACo, 41 north water at and 18 north wharves, __jeS4 _ Philadelphia M~ A Sou * superior sweet lb lamp*. 75half !>x* Webster Old superior rweetfls lumps 38 “ Lawreuao Lottie r •“ is “ 83 “ (sentry A Rovs'er “OsA&» “ CU “ Dupout (do la Cure) u 8a “ 10 *• McLeod “ 8a u , 83 “ Lawrence Loftier “is A 0» plug Joit landing from steamer, and for solo by UKALP, BUCKNOKA Co, 41 N water si and 18 N wharves, roySl Philadelphia. ‘wriTJ'.QLgira, Book Binders. W 1 are still engaged in llie above business, comer of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work in oar line with des patch. We attend to our work personalty, and taction will be given u» leitard to its neatness and du rability. HJajik Books ruled tehny pattern and bound sub stantially. Books in numbers or old books bound care fully or impaired. Names put on books is giltieuers. Those (bat bare work in our line are Invited tocalL Price* low. >r. mytShtf _ TO WHOLESALE GROQ^BS. TUB undersigned are ptcuarod to fill orders for any quantity ol Cyprou Molasses Barrels, of a snpexi or quality, deliverable lo order at any lime, by givlug ua a lew days notice, at our Wharf Boat. We thins we can make ft the Interest of tboae oarehants who buy largely on the coast, at they can order their bar rels shipped to arty plantation lacy may desiro, which shall be attended to without extra chargo. WATTS, GIVEN A Co Paducah, Ky., Oct!#, 1849-3m* STEAD BOAT BLANKETS, to order and faruiihcii at short notice, with tho unme of the boat io each bias kht Also, Cotton and Hoik Maltraases made Ih the best manner, for a very low nrie* by LUERSKY, novlß-dty ■ Warehouse, 89 Water it ttALF SKINS—uu dot gegunto Flomh.Calf Skins, a / very fino article. A-fcwr dozens ‘Philadelphia Skins, (rum the manufactory of II M Crawford, lo which Ibo lUeaUou of boot makers is Ibvited. Just received and fur sale by W YOUNG A Co, jell?. 143 liberty st ; AT w' M. 'M’CLINToCK’B, No. IS Fourth street, can bo seen a splendid variety of sup BoyaJ Vel vet and Tupcstry Carpets, latest stylet. Also, Brus sels, 3 plya and sup and utio ingrain Carpets, of sup stylus and qualities; and jn connection can always be found Table 1-ijien*, Crashr.V'Uiapers. Damasks. Mo reens, Uil Cloths, Ac. Ac.,' to all ot which we call the attention of the publie. aug£l H'~~ ' NOTICE. AVINQaotd our cadre C. JLliHsfrr, with a view loploung our old uusiuesm we boraby so licit fur him lira paJtoiuu;<s of all our friends ami cus tomers. J RO. W. POINDEXTER, ' THE. POINDEXTER. Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 184 d. ■ mWood tueßirßlioi# **-.. IfJlM&jnd vr«|i acjeeted ftock oSSS3SS°iS^« ,3 t' ww——.:•* ; rt k h '■ #*6HSkSPW« ■-.■a.™ v * , .iMAMpjBJBBWtCii > >.: iiudttAlXOl tQPBTqgTftECT, fildbSfrrSh' •_*»*&.. > , _ -' - -', **&Yfa'-eQT.'.'Jt.:} Maiket urtci ?:’,**' ‘* iunvflf ■ ■;,■ .TJl+Al' ry iipy^liultetboy t ~ggsjj^y.<.- , ;^‘:->: ? i:7^. l J "• .,i.„ -\ l ''" ! ' , M K^‘i,,, 'iM^^i:;t; , ! ,'P^|j|pK;J f'X ■ 1L ORAN'i'. Wholesale Oroccr, Comnunion -nd X_/« Forwardmir.MerchduUNo. 4t Water at. ual’J T“ ‘ *— NO?. 93 and 94 Front aired, ltell Founder* kind man ufacturer* of all kind#of Killing* lorGu, Slewo tmd Water, b»v« alwayiou baud Wroagbt Iron Wel ded Pipe for «tetun, ga*, and water, front ii in. to | m. in dtatuufar. lira** Cqatiilg* Outdo to order. Al*o, a large a*»o*aneui of Bell* and fi»i»bed lire** Work to which the attention of Plumber* and Kngtue Builder* U panluulorly directed. • Uae KitUnn pat ap promptly aud on rea«onable tern*. . *ej«a>-d<im "\M A&UIOTiI PENS—Jost received, cue ease of JjJl, mammoth Gold Pens. Person* haying much writing t<» do, will find gnat cmhe in using these pen*, a* they do not cramp the Huger*,-and have fine smooth points. r W W WIHSON, daell _ _ corner 4th aud market sis INUIA RUilUKtiCuJiuONG—Jcal received Tor me X California. Expedition, a, complete hssortmdnt of uum Elastic Clothing, at ptie'ii rafigtnjf from *s,so to BU,fiOibr>ult of poatJ pants und bat’ ror saleatthe- Indio Rubber Depot, No $ Wood st •• dewy ; J fe U PIULLJI’B . / IOIiEMAd, hate ronlovtidtotbo VJ Warehouse, 3 door*- weti of ,lhe Moaongahela- House, on Water and Front streets. FOR RENT—The Warehouse No. 43 Wood »L _octifl Pd»t copy. JUST RECEIVED—‘Three more of those so lastly celebrated Hamburgh Pianos, used feantiauUjr by List, Thalberg and other great together -with a largo assortment of. rosawpod .andj mahogany, of my own manafacture,. The show Instruments are warranted tube perfect In every rtspeetvajid will be sold low for «aBL • • rRLUME, declS " No 119 Wood it) 9d doorfrom «h MISCELLANEOUS. rroNPUMPrrbN A MDLIVER V faring a* I have fay B.yean with. these; diseases, I feel from my heart for all person* equally unfortunate, and therefore 1 1 beg of them. If they lave life end health; Mtbejrlorethdr.iainiliei andfrirud*,,notto lay and die nuder tbe bands of mercury doctors, or their u»«* le4* trash, but try Dr. Taylor’# Balsam of Liverwort Thu medicine cured me when l was so ill I could not turn over in bed witnoui assistance, and the mineral uodtors said 1 Could not Uve • week; yet this vegetable medicine cured mo in «ix rreeks I had attacking cough, pain m the side, raining fif matter,highl sweats, nod was waned to the hofie: also, inwardiover . . , ... J. B. MILLS. Milkman. Newtown, L. I. The virtues of the hr rb u LI verwort" arc In thliveg* etabie preparatum so powerfully and effectually con* fa render It a rao*t superior aadbnnnless medicine far nil disorder* of the Live# nod Lung*, and is now considered by all person* familiar with itsef fact, Buponor m iperit to any other medical prepara tion for these prevalent complaints.’ !! bos proved »o a*ton*shmg!y LeneQcinl far Consuflfhtion, Coughs, tylKvSptftfag of Blood, &c., that many of our physi cians daily employ It in theirpructice; and esteem it a superior and valuable medicine. tivn Coxn*aoT son Coconl—Having token a vio lent pold, which settled on my lungs and liver, produ cing a severe cough, and pain in the sidoand shoulder, which was ko severe kt tirdes ( could scarcely turn overtftbed. I Wusgruduu'ly wastingaway t ana wary even ofmy Ufa;- My eough was very distressing, and bejog.accompanied with nausea, lorn of appetite, de bility ond, other distressing symptoms, my sufferings were extreme. Finding nobencßt fVom any medicine, nor from my" physicians I gbi a bnttlc of Ilr. Thvloris Balsam Of Liverwort, which soon made me well and able lo attend fa ray busines*. GEO. YOUNG, Druggist, 301 Fulton st, Brooklyn, in Pittsborah by J D Morgan 53 Wood stj J Townsend, 45 Market rt: H Smyscr, eor Market and 3d its; Henderson'A Co, 5 liberty st Price reduced to «1 jo per bottle. - *- Remember, this is tbe onjv genuine preparation of Liverwort. All others are Imitations. Bo sore and buy paly as, above. ja> Jcsxru u*r*V«rorr. __ wst c saaa H.IPPESCOTT * BAlia, MjLale J 8 Stricklcr ACfi) » ANUFACTURERB of Phonlx fire proof safes, south side, second street, between Wood and southfield Pittsburgh. J 8 Stnckler having deceased and. the surviving partner Mr. Jos Lippcncott, having associated himself with Mr. Wm C Barr, the business win hcreaAer be conducted nnder the style of Lippeo* cotlft Barr. Trial of a sofa in Cincinnati, O.—We, the undersign* ed were present at Die testing of one of / 8 Strlcklcr A Co's Improved,Pbccolz fire-proof safes. The safe was placed in a farhoce on the public lending, and subjected to the intense heat of a slope coal fire ibr-mora than three hours. In one hour and ahulf tho safe came to a bright red. heat; the door of tbe furnace wo* (hen closed, which caused an increased aud steady beat for the balance of the time, uutil the cart iron wheels were partially melted off; the furnace was than throwu down uud the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers aud books which it contained were as perfect a* when plaeed.thcre, tho binding only of tlie book* being in jured by the water in cpoUng the sofa. We Lave uo peallaliou (n recommending it to the public us a safe superior in any we have ever seen tested, and believe that it will eland any beat which might be produced, < xeept a heat which would melt it to a solid mass. Springer A Whitman, I. Worthington, Kellogg A (Lsnuca, BenJ. timer, W G P-Ureese, Mont* Smith, T S Dunsnn k Co, Stedraan, Mayurd A Co, Wm Manse, Mead & Winsfar. We, the nudcrsigncu, selected tbe safe spokes of above, from a lot tu the store of Tniber & Aubery, the Ageuu CGSPRINUHII, 8 J KRLLOO. Refer to Cook A Harrii. Brokers, Piu«borgb; Kusjicy Uttuna A Co, do do l(e.ldAwfyB’ Pittsburgh ik"Boaton (topper Compuiyi rpins Cofapany respecifotly informs the public, and i particularly all dcalrr* and consumer* of Copper in the fora in wbirh they prepare i‘, tbst their Smelt ing Works are naw iu tuccesgDoi'eratian. and they are now ready to make cnutrafV tor the delivery of Ingoi* to those whu Want in ihi# forts; and also faugh eakn for the purpoioof rolling. The Copper produced from the Meiaiio Mine* of Lak* ttaperipr. iy ascertained u> be much superior to the ordinnG copper in tbe which t* obtained from ukrii containing foreign minerui-iubstanees., Tku copper is perfectly pore, and i* not iitj&ryd by the pro* eess of*me.uog, and t» therefore greatly fa bo prefer* red for bed metal,-ro ling, ami many other purpose*. A* il i* nut the inienuon nr wl*b of thi« Coumaay to erect works far the manufacture of copper io tho. various forms in which (t i« wanted, tbey wit be happy to roeke contract* for the delivery of it m the foftu of logou. tough rake for rolling, 4c n to those who muy wish to embark in the businefc. Jlcrcsiter, alt the copper obtained from their mine* win be brought to l’uuburgh, and large wptallea may be eipeeled Letter* addressed fa C. G UlbsSl or TutnLs* kt. lloxvs, wid meet with prompt attentiou. dcft)-dJm CHAKI.Ki> AVKRV. Fresidsnt A CARD. I'OTHB ENTERPRISING.—A rare chance is now presented for the sate Inveauaent in a buiincssen tirely new, One adapted to the man of limit'd, as well as lo tbe man of extensive resottrees; yielding % profit from capital and enterprice beyond any operation of the ilny. M is ib* rompte o monopoly of a staple arti cle. ali»o:iitriy uront uy aud e.scnuol fa every (ami* ly.s* well indispensable io artisan aud piofesMouai man. To capitnluis, an opportunity offers itself for a lucrative employment of aitner large or small sums, bringing immediate and highly satisfac tory return*. Those desirous ol embarkingui a pleas ant! genteel business, ore invited, with others, lo cal! at tae office of the undersigned, examine the article, and farm iheii oyra Judgmcut, from tho facts presented. Office, Exchange Buildings. Clair st, next door to Esquire Johns’ office. CULVER A MYERS. dcCll s_- __ -. "XaDIKS ARE dAUTIONKD AGAINST USING COSISIOS PREPARED CHALK. TUBY ar« .eel aware how (rightfully injurious it U x* ; the skin—how eootse, how rough, now tallow, yel low and enheallby the skm appears after wing prepar pared chalk! Betide* Ul< injarioat,containing a large ' quoad!* at tend! . ' . _ We have prepared a beoaUfol vegetable article, which we call JONES’ SPANISH UUY WHITE It U perfectly innocent, being purified of all dclrteriooi qualities and it impart* to the •fciu a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living whltr; at the uao time acting oj a cosmetic on the skin. making it toft anti smooth. Dr. lame* Andersen, Practical Chemist of Massa chusetts, save: “After analysing Jones' Spanish Lily Whho, I find it possesses the most Imautifal and nata ral, and at the same time Innocent white I ever saw..) certainly can oouseierraousSr recommend it* use id all whose sktn requires beautifying.'’ Price, 23 cents a box. bold by W,M. jACKbOX, S 3 Liberty it. marg> Pitt nubia* Works tnf Foundry, JOHN WRIGHT A Co., are prepared to build Conan and Woolen Machinery of ever > description, such as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders. Drawing Frames, Railway. Heads, Warper*, Spooler*, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinder*, Ab. Wrought Iron Shaihnf turned; all sites of Ctut Iron, PuUics am) llangers of the lato«l patterns, tilde and hand. Lathes, sad tools of all kinds. Castings of every description famished on short notice. Patterns made to order far MiU Gearing, Iron Railing, Ac. Steam Pipe far heat tog Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Cas tings generally. Order# left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Liborty street, will have prompt atten tion. Refer to Blackstock, Bell A Co„ J. K. Moorehead A G. E Warner, Johu Irwin A Sons, P.tubdrgh ; U. C. AJ. IL Warner, Stcubeuvillc. ianl# ’ . „ Ncw Raniwue Hoots. JOSEPH WOODWTJLL, (omer of MHgfcgaagS Wood and 2d si#., Pittsburgh Hav ey|yQScdor mg withdrawn from the. firm of Wtdjrer and Woodweli, on the Ist of January. 1»47,1 take pleasure in ounauncuig to ray friends in, the city and country, that I hare opened my ntw at the above named place. Having purchased my goods for cosh, and made arrangements with manufacturers in this country and in Europe to be constantly supplied, I am fully ore pared to furnish Hardware of fill kinds, on as good term* and as low us any house' East or West. Merchants and others are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock, before purchasing else where. The fallowing comprises a part of his stock: Sicomlxjai and saddlery hardware, run trimmings, files, Naylor’s steel, euticry. edge iooU, a»vp*, vices, locks, latches, scythes, butt hinges, screws, Upton Fac tory planes, taw*, maoognny board* and veueers, and ■ll other articles ci aectod with the hunlwurc busi ness. mcbUtf Pratt RaebitM Shop* HWIGIITMAN —Manufacturer o / all kirpls of eol • ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny: city. Fa The above work* being uow in lull and successful op eration.! atu prepared to execute order* willsdispatch far ail kind# of Machinery in my line, sneli tq willow*, pickers, spreaders, eanls, grinding machines, failway*, drawing frame*, speeder's, throssilt, woolen cards, double or single, for merchant or country work, mules, jocks, Ac., slide aud hand lathes and toefia in gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to'order, or plans giv en far gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Rxrui to— Kennedy. Childs A Co-illackstock, licll A Co., Ring, I'cimock A C<h Jos- A. Gray. [ ~C oopir Duplex Laver'«Ed'%kuhei. grggfjwtri wi JUST received and for sale at greatly reduced prices, five genu- *T. F.'Coopdr, 6 Culthorpe *tr% * S9^ll lu Ll Gray’* Inn, Road •Lbnfioit," Du plex and Poteof Lever Watches, eosed hi 18 ktuu raid, and full’jewelled, with Chronometer balances. These are uow the finest waiehc* made, behig sapen or in finish and accuracy to the M. J. Tobias, Joseph Johnson, or uuy other make.' Those in wunfofa very fine Watch are invited to call and exnmind this lot. Also, a -large assortment of Gold and (Silver Watches, Chuns, Peals. Keys, Ac. EJr Fine Watches repaired in the best manner.. W. W 7 WILSON, octgf corner 4th and - Market sts. WORCESTER'S PIA3OS, ThECKIVKU this day, and for sale at wnmtfnctarers XL prices,threr elegant Rosewood Piano*, made by U. Worcester, N- Y. Them Itumnne nt* are consider ed fallv eqital, if not superior, to nay now. made in N. York, having as full, round, and melodious tone; war ranted to wear well aud giro satisfaction. The price of these Pianos is believed to be mudfe lower titan any otbor manufacturer®* in N. Those who are in want of a good aJi elegant Piano at a moderate price, will please eallwßd examine tho above at the store of the subscriber, where a large as sortment of C bickering's cclebfatedPinnos dau always bo found. JOHN 11. MEU.OR, \A/ATCHES, of d very fin® quality, ah<l beautiral TV patterns; selected expressly for ruloil tales, made by Cooper, Tobins, Johnson, I< therlaud, Davies & Co, fleesley. and other gemuno aiul approved mauofaetn rers in BiifttamL Fall jewelled it) carat Gold Patent Lever Watches, as low oj SSs. Other* at varioai prices, according to quality, weight,Ac., varying front *4U to 6150. Silver watches in great variety, from Wto S3O. All over Bto warran’ed. l«evers tu low os 81 d uovtTJ W W WILSON, 81 market a, eoMth UoaoDvahria Llnry gtablci «f| BOUKBT U. PATTERSON has opened ,&£rrStho largo >table on First throoirh f a tt\ to Bccomfst, boiWetin Wood and SmithCcld the roar of the Mononnnhela House, with an entirely new stock of-iloma and Carriages of the beat quality and latest styles. Horsck kept at live* ry lu the best manner. lythlly STEAM ROAT concinded to sell off oar entire stock of Kirke’i Marino Timepieces, we now offer to sell them at tower prices th&nihdj can beboofjht at buy boose in I‘ltisbonrh at elsewhere, c#*t or west Being the oply established agents hero for these clocks,'we have (ho largest and Chest assort ment in the city. Call ami see. - Bemembcti we are not to be undersold, i ii BLAKE k. CU- Market street, oci3o ‘ entrance on north tide of the Diaiaoud • - - - FOB SALE.—The pood and sub » ft staotlil stnnm boat A'MKRICAIs of fered for sale on aecponaotl^ting y.?ir) oiii'SwELL. Ap.<n««t »t . CH-'NDKUS—ISOO bwliel. dr!cd p,«»bc«, jaUm»h. O el. chc.C'jt. li .a?,*bailief»..lll eO wool.d do gUtseag, Just received per steamers AHtgaet ud Flo* ja* D"~ OAU COATINO-lo“«J> t “ l, ,C|“lgf 1 . -«rr,kr.-' ▼y.jusFnreM. decld fcIURfttVALRB DRY & YARlir¥ : J Sine* th* Jqwj So. 3S VU&&‘ BrkxkT; Wntrinttfia;.-- y•? j HAVE Miolved -on’ SFiLLJNGi' OFF . lfijgi tide A of DRT.GOaDar-thepriQcippi pan,ok which bXve lately bees purc.UaapdM.thp, x-xsog Acp •xiox Salci. In. Philadelphia oi »|lre moDtloas and unparkllelea sqorifiee! "'• 1 1 J We have madc'sttch a large fkdbetfan from cnr jeg- , ulor prices that we will rtow scU Alargoponinu ofotir e*od. Mctotr cost-, or towm*)jo'!.* Ttouuh «<• tention of buyers is iuvitejd to colofcd roods adapted lo the C&fifahiia Trade*' j LADIES DRES3 GOODS*', - i Plain andflgttredCamelian delxinef, silks, ’ i • aUprfees,.. I. Very superior brochio-fig’d Super cloak ill; c»> and. watered silks, . lore, • ■. ■ ■ ' Superior reponnare silks; French therlmw,"a]l colors, btk and colored,! ' Black bombau&ek, - ; ; Super black glo*sy Groda Cross barred ond’strtped. Rhrnbilks,- —* .alpacas,. Viictto and.mantilla-silky, Brocfca.ftg’d and stnpMdo,' best quality, Jenny Lind plaids,' •' { • Fore sutlns, oik and bine Victoria' I«yohdse ; doiqs, blk vtitts, verynehi ! *- ! \ L • Lanmniiie satin merinos, Cot)erg clotits and eaaeu*, Super silk warp alpaca onJiuixcs. . i i SHAWtS* SHA,frIS!! •’ j Splendid plaid long shawls; A few bfpeha tong kfaawls, - Splendid terkeri shawls, ths fintiit we have over from N. York aociiona, brought to.UiU maikft, great bargains; now lo.bft spld nl gr^at Plain aad embroi'd ihibct hargaint, . }/ i shawls, all colors, and Common bfo- Silk fringe,Tiyemarkably cbAsqhanr shawiii ; t cheap; 'Super eambtlln sUlc’shawts GENTLEMEfiiSi GOODS*. . . - , i • Frenchcloihs from.the cifiebratei.fJpuanyl’.maduJ factory. For beauty of finish and rtennaiik'nco'df wear, those doth* have uo Superior; iuV piece* extra’one Jet black and olive carton beavera and othorheafey. cloths tor ovarcoau, twilled French tleih*,manufae*; tured expretdf for cloaks, Frenoh*-’ I ahuercs,ou|wr weal of England do.aapetFrench in* i tins for vestinn,the be*i Imported* 'Plain tmd faxfef ) velvet and cashmere resting*, merino shirts anddrkw* era, Italian cravats, liuen, cambric asd ailk hdkfa. ho siery ami gloves. - , , - . ; T STAPLE GOODS. . , • Irish Imfos, best long doth shirting. mnnUns, Llqach*' ed uud brown muslins of good oaollljr, r«ufrkn£ly low; tickings, cheek*, domestic aud traportid- gma-- hntna. scarlet yellow and while Qa-melij «. la>te|lo( very* cheap; a large lot of white audcroMbufteifcaun*: try flannels, cheap; brownandblgachedßantitiytdble linrnn and lablacloths, Rwu and Scotch diapers and' towellings; stULiOUs, KeutuekyJeiAS jnd ttKeeils I; , BLANKETS. -J-j-I, An ustzal large stook of blanket*. direct float jtbo mannfactsrere*some of which: are tho Lest ever exhi bited, qil of which will be clofed out ut pnpatalldcd low price*. la adUiiiun to the nbovd eudmerited goods, our stock comprises n vety largtf'oml cpmjflctU; a**Qitmeni of almost evefyartieie usually lotted In a dry good* store, ami ns thcyMinvobeert mainly pari. 1 chusrd auhe easern nuciious, hence the lafo grerd ru-' ducuou of prices. We are euoliled and. deiermiitiM lo sell them off at great bargulas. ' ’' , ’ I {y • . Wholesale buyers, countty mefchanW, tailors,'ami Ufa public generally ere respectfally iuHfad to on eo/- ly exoiuiimtiou. Ilumlna ahull beglvcn. f, J ALEJLANDKRAJDAY,.?S,MarkeIsJ _ deudl N W cornerof the Dfumopa PALI* GOODS* ,• :v , | ■ \AT ITCLlNTUCK,isnowcpnsiantly.receiruikbi*. . TT • fall slock of CARPETING', Ac., dompr&iny one of ibo largest assortments CYerbKnjghilbTbe mir- : ! ket, which bnve bdeff purchased tfiroct from Ihq Imv pondn mid Manufacturers. of the latest, pad Jtctrei; stylet, ami lower in price than everofleredm this Jetty; . to wbtebba Inriici tliaOUeniiou of those wTrifitg.lo, furnish steamboats or hoa»c‘s,before porcliaflilr s)se wpere. The stock consists in pan of Uw-folio ving 'variety,'vis; ’ Rich Aixuinisl Cnrpe.u; OrienmlTspestry Oilfjlotb; do Velvet do Ptaiu t oiored > tier do Tapestry do $| feet vide ' do llrusiel* do 0-4,*4,34, 4-4 A f oil. :foU» Extra super:} ply <lu Sutir Rods . ; Super do do ItM, SM and SM-DfUgWU do Ingrain do SUui JUueai Wide do do UosewooflOil.CZotli , Coalition do do crumb cloths j , 4-1, J 4 he | Damask Embdued Piano covers Venitioft do do <• Tublc- do; ] 44,34 A | ntTd do do Figured TabtoOfl clows . 44,34 A | plain do do Turkey lied ToileueU; 44, J, 4, ( L 34 cot. do Adelaid Mats &4 primed oonou Carpets; Sheep skin do " Extra sup Chenille Rngt; Jute -' do do do Tufted do Alii ant dp ~ Pine do do Manilla i, Wilton do do Suowdrop tsaplun* , Crimson fig'il Hush; Diaper Towelling Plain do Crath ; , Drab M Clmb M and 34 Table iiaata ' Olu** do, for coach tui’gs; Trantp’et Wiudow S mde* Carpet ikudmga Kxtrq French dp ;I do WortHl cords _ Hifj, .patin de Laim s fr do Tassels window Otirtaiti*', , Scarlet, blue, crimson,' black add drab Damn figured rainbow Damasks: worsted and linen j T covers; blae, crimson* scarlet, green, drab , and. Moreens; cotton Pluslicsaf all Yotor*, Ac. Ac. Ac Also, Oiurborg* ajtd Drillings for steamboat! and allvthcr triuuamrs nece?>-ury (or outfits 'foi in oar line, to which the especial attention of n is invited. \V M’CUNTOCK’d Carpet War< one door from Wood, on Fourth si % WATCH AND CLOCK BEPAIRINO—H«' employ the bearworkmen to be found, t<> with a large and complete clock of Hue tcola at chioery, adapted to complicated work, and r with accuracy, and facility dear piece*, etutoxae depend oa aatufeetion, and at aboaFthe came they pay ia many tbopa for imperfect work, and ny eweator paaitlyeinjwy docm to ifceit-watch oorTrorkiswuTametfu>,pqrfenawelL . . N. B.—Having reduce! my. bosiaeaa to a pm tern, I amdcteßniutNlto'tell 'ulowea tbelowea Sar price*, east or wext, and eottomera may bo ■ that they can make their porehiaea-ialhi* i cheap oa in the eastern ciiiea, .thereby encot bomotrade and iadiwtry. ••• W w WTL novld French Blertnoel French Serin WB. MURPHY has.opeaed withpja.few • large aisortiaeai of superior french M comprising different shades ofMarbon, Gafnei, berry, Searlei, Cherry. Drab, Light BlQe. Brow Mazarine {Boot alto, varioat qualities of black PARAIhTTTOa AND I.YUNE&&.CLOTJi: of ail the leading colors, including a few pieces superior black. '( uKLTlVGS—Matarme Bloc, Green, Brorvni PLAJN CASIUIKRK*—Maroon,- Garnet, J Drab, Black, Ac. {* I EMBROIDERED CASHMERES—PIain «ri|| Mem* do Laws, punted Cashmeres, Lamartine | a new article for ladies dresses, Baiin striped'a! 'BOTI' n } 1 JLACK AND FAPICY CAMflUlkHK*—w 13 phy ha* lately received & largo assortment rood*, and is opening them at price* unprecet low. ranging from tt to SISO nor yd. Also, french Doeskins, of ail qualities. Also, French and English UranueloUis, blael invisible green, brown and Mas. Among *L some very handsome French-Black jaitable foi at a very low price; aod brown, invisible gr black Fell*see Clothe for ladies cloak*. Also, silk, cotton and merino Undershirt* an I era; Mariners* Undershirts, constantly on ttfen IlT 1 The atieutioQ of Merchants and Myrch ml Tai* lors, who buy by ihe piece, is specially tnviu 1 to tho above. __ ; •id 0 18. . tux secoss Lsjtoa ars tAfdtoßAau (cm r or „ . SEW GOODS,, AT DtGOV’S, 13s Liberty street, coinpruln; French Cloths. Cassjmeres and Vesßuga, iaf- «tv tnrwufl, and most lastuooablo stylfslmpoijci Also, a large quantity oTKouih and Ready : Uankets and Coatings, peculiarly adapted to the time, and tho, season. , On hand, the lnrgest, best manufactured r a id most fashionable stock of ready mad* Clothing in hia city.- AU orders in the Tailoring line executed in he most fashionable and durable matiner.' 'Z- ~ fnovid : VTEVV BitrnsH lt Wufphyhaa is just received a lot of new style brotyn and .white , Braun Prims, very handsome, arrived by late steam*' cr. Also, on hand, a large assortment of choice styles of American Prints, fast colors and loir priced. Black Ciuui Shawls, of various supply just received. tilack AJpaeca*, low priced and fine—a cry foil »“d at lowptice* for quality. jgio NKW PRINTS—W. R. MuKFAt has rccea ly recei ved several new styles of English arjdj tauiCan l*riaL3..wirr&:tied fastealais, Ail Alncr* ps Lsias*—Also received, a lot of yerynetu and handsome style*—Mazarine blue Bird white, neon - and white, Ac. : I Plata Drab Moose de Lainei—A Mod article, only Ut etsperyd. .. •. .1 Monnuug Prints—Sovctal now styles, ilrliiih—alto, Araericaaucai figure do. ' I • ';»■ Beside* many other desirable roods, at'nonU.eiui comer itbnnd‘Market its.' 1 ■ < v Wholesale Rooms op stnirs.; . .j \ |»y ; • I* ACE GOODS-Smith A )uir»t<w, <d Marict-street, U have received one carton of fine '•Encith,thread lace and edgings; five cartons loom made defcieuHbar- ; ion*cotton do; one do of blsflk. tflls, tacejlwo do of b aok and while Flench Worked lace papeJ;|one do of black chanulla veil*: together with a variety of fancy Brussels netts: black ana colored tilk netil for veili) pol'd and white illk illusion for etenia* dresteZ— Dealer* and other* will find it .for t,eif mtchist to ex anting them before parchasing. { ’JaSd j NEW JKWRLJIY—I doa gold patent-Devfe r Wutfl h - on | - - ,*T .** 1 « silver *• M ’ *' ■- Al*o, void pen and pencil Cases, Veii chain*, heavy, Guard chain*, Breast P»a*j Finger Rldg% Ear Ring* and u complete assortment of OiherJewelrrtaf ‘ deed ZEBULON KINSEY'S**? tiuktlit v SUPERIOR LONG wjirphy ha* tecelved this morning hy Express;* Ibtofvcri •upcrior wool l.ongShawls, of handsome title*. * Passat Wsauto*—On ;band, a good tiocdcdi'.ihecoi good*—olttc, invisible, green, Garnet, maroon, drab, scarlet Ac. Afro, PormeUo*.ofdeilnicfecbtdT*. - J A few black Thibet Long Shawls, of a'ropd-quajity, on hand atnorth ea*t corner 4th nnd'Markei tt*. deed • T ■.’) • JEWELRY, cousutng of gold guard. Test load fob. chain*, key*,teal*, pencil*, fingei:|ing*| bpst pin*, •uS*, ear rings, liracelql*,iockeU v bucklef.'slide*, Ac. Also, silver comb*, card cases, fruii knives, thunblc*i shields, pencils, buckles, tildes, iooth • ndfear nick*, Ac. WW WILSON, ** deC4 ■ ■ S?marketkf,TCOieth;i 81 U'oodn r'WANGEABI.K SILK VIBITES, forChrfctrassPms Vj seat*.—W. R. Moarnr has on fow very, hmidsodm changeable Silfc.Vititcsj very jsiiitabte (or Chris Una* presents, which hfll* selling atredaeed nri-; ces. Also, handsome Dress Silks spnernue now style Liaeu cambric Hdltf*, Ac.' | J oet2d *: LACE GOODS—White and black ! jioeCspciieiabV! muslin do; white and black lace U'aderilieTCSf do Lace UmhaSi 'block do Veils; jpjaiiv FtyiyihWork- Collars; trimmed end omrintM stanainedoj tmVd Cun* to mateh| ladies llueii coiflbric'hdkft; 'rctu*«odo dcj‘ also, opera tic*, headdrettCilkrGEcUU cowers, hnnjict lab* and duiliings; jaat received aadfarisle vrholo talc and retail, by F U EATOS ACo p . r TticcS . , , • ~6<fourih*t_. C~c)At"anFc£oak 3» S?4t' tissartsd cloak TassclsAgrp** •« l»«di ing; 4do dofoohairdo, iidodo dr*bco*tdOvefi.dddrahi overcoat hutioas; <J)do'fine dost DJI lb* bc*i Italian sowlngst oO do do phtenVTTibiati; piddlny,cim* voas and other Trimming*, for tditorsMueJ eoottaaUy on hand." dcoh • r. H-Il EA*lvN A Co. . I?RESU GOODS—F If EkTO»-£ Cbi'af J xonsianUy ' tuphllod with a targe and c hotm•AAottiafeni r of ailkfringe*andclmpa. velvet ce*, edgings and embroideries*' flpves and,, hosiery, gent* shirts, suspenders and üßder ikraCms, UJ pWm< zephyr, woolen- yams, -needle*, pint, bobbuu, Am; all of which priee* lopierehant* coto^ mdaidttrw4rehoitse t fl!> Wdrww<firhrjnatkch.iiioa ~ 3211 32r icalwr manCy eiticf. iiimlb, tiMti ■m*ct «*‘«n <en tflin t*a i«« oak nol <Ao Mig ilral ly o iK 1 enk Ifi ili'i ufrtyrb •tor > bp JTOI pCB( t'bo rtJ'bl iol rtra o’* iant «** r I*'V w> f toad Pd&W*.-.-. v->c \&:A een pfe«med lnilu*«oanU7.or Europe-formed- 1 - Vl£'..'..\-‘-4 •5? } ?f*** , y lj \ liieanl ? ofl BW c r known to man. ''• v »'i •;. •;*! i e wuM^ or t nteoul, 3 r » .I»awSrf£uto <} ®n3» / Vvi “td l' ;* \ Mir, r iho' itojnj.UoilaM \ f'J WEflWJbtt3ttg£S£& -4 alee tewed for the care *: •, ateaKttßss DM for MUIU fcrtfmea»pfflia».dSe*& wm m.. * fit lOtheptrrchAier,- aiid a'oiimDblri ■- : oat-Wto bl^etl4fittpre«! y foftlieleSttpbabjlfrJ: IJi!y preparMby Ihß[\aiaiuo«. Edooiwoiv-,, life, <*) .t,,Kiuhimt -> r PlfUlmr^Haaa'AUeglunyltiawhiirT. 1 TpHlSinrutiiilpn r*no».m ; «c^Mepcj=aVd^a'n-:'‘ ®g nwijreaantorKcaabbtent^WuxAiWV ■>■£%£’&& nuwrt. J fhe Medical Staff ii'roeipbeedr of- tbe follbw. -V :"•• •:.: i* £% ing ft ? , y*io^^ ; 4d!^;^ittXflaulWfe;lliook« 1 ~ " ,£ Mqrjraa, Boll; Lutgo and two iait-or 1 ‘-C :.v :-'■?■■■ ■whom attend' to the Geriurt Mtien&f lie .object of * J » ' Umlnfisnarjsfoiioijtobe.amerojreccptacle.but clcu *S f Crieff nndUo'iifck'—rtiffcS a ri- -, t -j teuwrclbrelimttedtoacciuenu-and acdtediecore*. M»* - 'J - ' •** S^»3i&SS!!^*jjSS ££!i£ paretfadßel!,»ecomi - i mais gajLKi > — *«jn .\V§rka,i *MT ci » n»7',louoagalia county, Vir-jiaLv ' •• - jTOfeidyorka dmisSsitrfa ! Rollins ! Slill/Forfe iff-dl " SSSSB^SffIB#; U f.»^? n * 3,CT catt be any whore fouiuLi aili of f in rtitcrjmproTcutttU; JttJ eiuuwt- Smf - 1 - 8 ftlJMdance of roomforcSSS-' aad wcof.fia facJonea inoddition tatie woTlnrdtteadY erertcdi-aftti a'beaoitfel 4i(rht .J«r.S, JtcS aro situated in the uud«of a ncHjarmiui>om tm^reW^^aronba,^^ teie*cfO;tnflias£ pmJdio/aeiJfticp for.gciintiQ mar* - , k ?i“L?W « .co«W alWMifco n2- For faiticr puruculara apply toTrisjer &lie»i?l»riie. liorgSjiEtmn -r.^lllKotfe.l&q.,: BalSi'e-^nr^nthn •■• ' ' ~,•■■ PHumaji. Btreralblo Ptltmar « “ ~V *&jss?mwii tbr . "; : -s y&siSfV *teirwvinjrall«ihomace%noisoUblem ~ wy£Us^f-2**’ , ‘* r.. _ 'fho crotonwate* in .N*. York, -, clear and pure tollin'«yo,yc» . •:■ pa»e*;nn.ta«ißthroo|-h tma i VS— -filtering cock, show# V inJve~2cnofUf ' -itnyaro cabatancttifwflmiL-ftcL : i«the'-ea«9'ißbf4orlu*wi'JiaUhyarMi|,\ff4i&r. s’ _ V v . U neat and damUle* and iu^rV-V'.-r^y 1 notatteiided with the in«HiY«iiertcfe incident fft other \ : Wltßrer*;o»i»i»’nJeanecii-withotrtbpinffdctAcltpdinW ■• :Uto,water l pjr>c, by merely turning tic fccy or bandU r ' from orfe Aule toibe'outer. Uy tftiO’easy pr«ai#,- the* to .imfiure «clistjmc«.-s ara.drtvenca elinort iiuiaiiliy, ; :”/ ; ',vi'!Fi mthoufuurcrowingtha^FUtfcr;’>lf the iY.-v-Vvry ddraatasreTofbeioff«-*£op ; coek r and.njM«ck ia, mnny" cases will be very cen*eulcntahd ecouoiaicalr It coifWnttacheilwhOfelhcroisany-prdMtauo hirt " hor.-low ta pxb, ±c. with toft. JPtube hadt? T: ,“ -,-2 k ;3 of th* solo Agent, Vr, TVVWIESON. - •-£ ?J •*" octi?— : - ’ *■• coTaerof Foqnhiima>Maikctgta » .r<- Ofap&*a&aa Filter* fbr Hydrant,'Water*' .... -Tfiiaji U, certify thai.l have ap? , . 1 •fi g i'ainnii i^ 1 * A&enti for tbesnle of Jeoninn'* .' * gyM” Palenl • Kaftraliria Filler, f far the I tfe#°(Km*ureE en 4 Allegheny. -■ ** '. JOHN GXDSOTtAanU J- .zZj-Z* 71 )%.■■■ ?--*«»•*»*». . i ’f"" • ’JP 1 ihfi • :,\V.' NovpltyJVork. fcr thn* monUu, on trial, -f . v-".-'pri ’ vi> eta pJe*«u»iii recommending *te*B>i* a use-* • v ': : all wlu>.Jpvej»are water. 6nJora will bo • ‘ • Oumkroily received and prompt! ' • ■ . ocOfl - , ~ JJVtNCByQM. &Gr> \:*Mj • IAII roja cured lie «*„• iayat ■mi os, straw a, aud. I, A * 4 °’ )f very '•!••• AdVßirtU*jaenit. v ' * • offetjoff lor tale a hendrorae Jot . I oFNtoan* Glatt V (Nw YMQ • aifl Y€hiclteJ‘' inf * tftojUWjhPAaoo#* lo ihe*' . . i f^ 1 'i I# i^ e ‘?S l y P ,ttee *“ uus ' initrfimeats ofGesetw'o mniencuo bdtrftoVtdeTrv a»d,witre, cflttttquemly, a correct Ideaofthefr’ - ; qualiile»eart be fonacd. The*ubswberbeuu;anxioo* > ••• letdsttMir MaU*e*a*m*;BhdbxutfogTo»utniterbf 1 <?«?* .opcode Pianos. ofNunus A Clark. ' • erinfrrlanoym order tK> try it*darabiiny, aitd fitne3*- : '■ •>: confident of-lilembtUiir. to gnro axoajmifdtaku rriia- - tile opinion on *he subject. <r I *T. • •;■ o A handsome lot of ncw'KanbiWllbVoSiiod’miii'- ' Jl ‘- C » ■ ,AtJ\y.\Voods3l>« • . . -;tfl asrasasS J' yil 3 - •fltri.. ,-■■ . ■ -MiaM?., . t J Q. KERRY, J -.:-£&£ JP beeu •••: . ’ ( V;: for ihe-sajoof the - ■ .lyfiNUFAciiikßu tiSiuiS^? H3a^r^ — i £L&!&i^& s a gs£gte l £ c “‘SmS”, s a S'*iirw e, Sdi^,'’ c ; •.,d et l>, . Pf-Moaprittlt Soar goda Ash IbrSi maritoture/TidW-end will l eoaUrin7wW : . pliedwiththib calibrated ced -' : ,U^l 0 X C rt>^“,K Cl il r^co / , ;s l^ ashor appfoTOfrUli. Tnfty referib tho ftnsr iiid’soapniann’.SciurerS'f -thlsciryseudhiHy v '• r W»v a .» ,<v*-'I.3X*MAUTCIIELTRKEi; - •>. TRON KOUNDRy FtmtidiKAwSUroaFoa'n- JL, with Pattern*, Tool*. all ready for bmlne**, will be told on aoconmo- •' :; v; •-•• v~.- ..Thutpife unit excellent opportunitytoaroarigniaa '•>'■'!• with small capital to commence D» Iron 'foundry bu- • '••.•;•' .’. '*. v <•, <,fj fo-i.,-.. • / ; - , .SCAffEA ATKlN'Sdfi: . •• ':r deed. 1 •■* M»thefcrmo t |»trcei. Beale»i«oouag Btorti/Gruu, Ac/ - , » Cbweh, v corner Libeny and \7ood •treets,* raanofaclore • Ftoorttnitioaier Scale*. ’ i i'V 'a ofihaiaprmaprovedquaJim OooWogSajTc«,forwood • ■•" - •■-'Y ■< and cdolj fcfg'Swvw or varidto alie^.'Tarlor anil - : coaißoat Otmw«j>Uollow>.Hr*aßßi jdaLTAßtiiTTiertU® - ; wanufaewre the Jiiieltcn Panr6,.whirh l ha«gtreu*ach' - vl: T ,v_? general ratUfa'cUen to those Evraig'lt nl tOio.lo’aUOl * ' r ■which; they wonid ( re»peetruUj;inTHo of 0- tbe,citiz>;uirand the pnbiic gextenjlly.. * ". - .y ~TjAIEJix^>LAH r hiARP ljAMy&-»fln exu!ii«wi» ■O -- t*«mxneu»of.CorcefiaafisCo , »;oelWir*ted mintf- • .‘i-VV-* Cm ChandeUer»< Irum one to four •' •••,■;■’ ■***•*■ ;i ' ' v ’N;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers