-i ills £st. Wy?.:#3)Bk j „ SR. 9WAYNSB-« . / T GOimSD KIEDP CHEERY, ■Jfcttiumpaoß, Couha, Col.’*, AijihnuvßituJthhi*. Tdv ■:■••■■• ex Complaint, Spiuinr I3loqd ? i) I glenltyflfßr^v- i ; •v’.il '-• .:■■ • t , . ;icg, rai* toe Side tuid lirenjj, piJpjuddirof '-" \■■ Turn Heart, Inflncnzay Croup, Brolteh.'Cott* - \* £_ *UluUon. Sore Thrpat, Nervous De&ili- | ir. *yi«dal!Sisea*eioriheThroai, I !>?i. r. .. . : , >• Bre*Jiai«JLnny»,Mhtijjno«tcr. • -I &£?•>:.- 'V/fectaaraj^spsc^yveefe 7 •’ •' v -3i?a . .."'-1 y •':■ «TOknown.for.aßy of. < 'v :!•'•*- theal>ove disease-i'"-.' " ' •• • r-?V" •• ' V v r dr, sw\AYV*i>a' » ffii . jeamponndßjrxnp ofVVUd cttml • . ... -iTOa medicine i*na loagertmong ih<j*e of doablfcl »v>; ..■■•"■•. .. tuility. v Hltaa pasted uw*y. froia thonwndi daily , j Wmaebedßptmtoetide.cfexperiimmV’aiiditowitaiuu *. \ Utter in teputttiop, and » becoming 4qbn extensive- M srr?- ■ ■ -pwdwed for toe.reliefof sa(Teri^£aaiu< jT 7 r V >i - *-’•;■ *• RJ ftta* beenintrwlnced ye^p^raU*’torbhghtoe ; v;. - States und Europe, and ftere are few towns 0/ Igf.'. r importance burwhat comain some.reiaukable &A desee of ita;gaodefleet*,ottoeTotegoing £3 .--- mguavni*, Bad of foe ▼aloe and efficacy of fhlkned^ JIJ efoe, toe jnopncwwni insert oje wof foe many ihoo- M«d testimonial* whiehhave been presented fo him by * Mmol toe Brst respectability—men.who bare higher h*i WtoW» of nioralr respoiuibUjiy andj asifcfi* to in'to eer t fUyvr f*et*,'beciic*oiiwfll.dD another*’rtYor,-and 3-.- - .:■■■.' <iMß«*l»es ito;iniu*rica«:-Bapli tMtlmonv prove* eon* ?; -' otaaivalyttoatit* *mprisingexeellcnce ijr. established fc.-y. • ••• .-;• >.<feyli>istnnalei&'erits,and too u'nqupstibaable’antMri* ;ty-Of public .©pinforu.Theicsuimßimca* relief Uaf* .' . v ; iord*,and toe soothing through toe • by iU’ure.,’render* it a. : toon 'agreeable •'":n'-.'-'i«aedrfdt.tobalßicted.-. ‘ - ,. ' ? ' . .'j 'menr detotg front: corircEentiods impiiifiS} ' .voiaatarilf beartettitoony.to toe'trato of a toinff, hr •-parttealar testimony, being contrary, to • 'worldly interest* and pnrpoaos-oocrcei eonvictiaa of ilstrata,and comoentlsiuclf uta- special mamier to • -tadvenal credence.^— Haxuai.., READTHEIIOMKCBimFI CATES.' ’ StHi Abotsss Cck* ov pnawnaay cpawjttnwo— r: i ■ Ttero aever WM : ateinedy toa;>a* beat as sn^ewfiil’ : iA'destSraie «as»of Consumption, a* Dr. Sway no 1 * ..' OomSrand Syroifof WUd Cherry, 1 , It weagihens toe - appear* 10 heal too oleetton-toalong*.' ..V. ctoSm newo*3^rtchbloodt power pooeoed>y ao [i . wtoer medicine. cnx*x» April 2SUt,IB4S. ii \ Dr, BwnTne-Dcar Sir. I.verUy, beUere your. Com-' 3 " Bonod SyraPof WUdCherry ha* .beentoe mean* ot - SSnfrlife. leaughta severe cold, whleh «ada.‘ a Shrmw woriei attended with I • !55?SSftlltoVwBaedie¥TrhieAI.hadrecott»elo,fiill ».- • ' S^a^Sdlmyc«eJ^Wtedalltoa*jrttWom»flT iSgSwConiampanoi-ETOTihlnglmedseemrf B ■ i"i?ZZr!3:-i& C LandJoyeomplaintlncrea*ed»orapld. | £ gaSSSS welffti g?W np. aUtopSTof I ;: '• ' tirrScovenv At tolsnme I wa* recommended toby Mrat hearty tfiisaaaslcva waa.in. ay,tift, and ■ weald be happy W any information respecting my S«b. that otoei denvo too henhfit tor w£«l am ed graieful- for toe-tiato cf toe aWre .. i; . •tateaeßt, 1 W .P«cr Rnah, Grocer, Weal ■ Chestcrtafc of wham I porch Med toe raediciaa..: * • yottr*; ' - Wonderful Cum of * iifitintfte lUtftMtt. j? P . ' cold AM inflfmffllartnp ef pia. ■:••• ' ..v.ygffJß wM wadi'a diitrewm, = ■:- •wr.MlUm- S?sslSE?p,voroaci»wo »• ftomMho - bit Swnd no •“ ■Jt lUne a - persoadedhy adearfnemlia u> make t to el pTflvioaily I had been profit' and laatolUagtonm SSeSSoatoftoehandrofemperic*, bnt tedaf. >." . aSStog^eitdiMtotoepro&^^prMawof •, BoMsttn'i.;and having unplwir toith inthe sayisgof ay • forthwith purchased OTD^Bh*w,one^rar . SSSvafowbottlM,andcoouwnced Itaaaa. Mjrto*» »•- S^KmtomtimeofSOortfmontoJi^dtafc^. . Boqnentiyi-it'wa* d ecply sealed. I framd, hawe tftf, sr^'^a^^ssa^sti&sssffjssse^iss ' ,■ toheah in thisway, doubdess, my care was neatly letaid^LMnconsequence of acting to«lnmrndently, > " IhadtoaietwelveoT fifteenboulal befbrelwasper« . *ctl r restored, . I hare no question, a much matter - would 1 have mada me soosd, tofor .: r •:^.T-thoahove toducretioa. The.Syrap allayed toe -fever^ ’ l*h habit, took away toe distressing coagb, put a atop .* to'toc Scharge of matter .from toe tongs, anAgase: them mid toe ehumsyston good health. Ihavade&r* ' ged this eerufieate nnot now, tor torpnrposo -:V with the pcimanwiey of too S^andnowthotlfteJ perfectly-weU Joffiartt with pleasare. Hbv. J. p. Joxsax. . Dublin county, N. C. / . ‘ . Important Cdiaion-rßutd! Bead! v . H»e» w lni» cmo gennine pteparation of WildOteny,' ■«n4thatUDr. the firsteTer offered jt© the -■MbUe; whioliihcis beeo s«M largely thtuagbemthe \ 'VtitciSme* and wmbpaftabf Itotopejandallßre., • ■ptniioat called by the name of Wild Cheny; haw • '*■ • • 'leoaptttbolaioeeiiusißudprcqv^rofsome deceptive V r ‘- r i «ircam*Uncea, in order logtye curreucy to fltclr sales. - - By a liUi»-ob«a«UWP*JiO, rcrsaa need mlitakoihe - ; yArrinw(jam tbo Bacaboule oT Xhr fenuM u ’ ■■"•-■' eartloped wctk.obeautifat jueel engraving, with the k - -■■■■ Uheflew of William Penuthereoui aUa, Dr.Swayse’s l - --- - .'ripttim* and farther aecnriir. theporttait of Dr. ' Bwaroo' will be added hereafter, so as to durtrmoisb i his prepandtofi from all ethers- -Now, itK qnuiiot far •. )2to areal curative properties and Irnown. virtue* of Dr* ‘ fhfoyna’s Compocnd-Byrep of Wild. CWuy, pcryqs : would notbeendeavonngto give currency tatheir Vy “fictitious • nostrums’! .by .stealing the name of .Wild - '■ always beat.la tniad.uu} of Dr. Swayne, ahd be col deceived. --vr*'.. : principal Office, corner of Eighth and Bteotiaeets, r ■ r snSswholei al e and retail byOG DEN jc SNOW*. JDSN. cor JSdand Wood sis; B A FAHNESTOCK & 06.e0r lstand Wood, arii <hh: and: Wood stt; WM VUOBNt S 3 Market «U 6 JONES, 1» liberty i«_JAS • I JONtsTeorHand ind;Fennels; JOHN, ttfrptf.* e!ty< aad'bjf all respectable dealers 4a feme.,;- •' •'■ • T -‘ i •; i-. km». aadle 'B*' A». VafeAMtbck , « Antl»QUl(nu ptUs« ■ rphim cathartic ■■cnmpoood. combine* Khallnr-ss of X bnlkwith efficiency and ccjhpsmfive..inndnfcis'of purgative action, and having a peculiar tendency to. thouiiiaiy .omansv is eiupmely .valuable InlhiSCcmn try, in which bilioos levers *:i<i other complaints, ai* with congestion.©/ tit© it vex, to xnacb abound.— . *rtny have now stood tb© tesxofsS) expert ' '«nee has promd them to be a safe ana valoablo .remedy in Intermittent, Remittent and Bxlibos Fevers; Jana-' dice; Bilious C*Belndigestion; Dropsy: DyseHtary; ' BUiou Vomiosga; Colds, and all complaint* oienln* - v, : fi*nmutory «h*raetEr« -Tit® .complete and tmfyisrfil •- .'.l .'catU&etioa which has beengiven bjobesonilis/to all . - who bar© once osed them, renders tbs pubUsnnjg or •-t vibe tmmexoas. certificates-jn. their, favor nhaecetury. yTo pTerrent coonier&eidng they-axe now pat op to a *^rico°l^cntr^a*Soicout'tlni)!ffOOpirA : i; -' J ' AFAIraESTOCKa:OO corner Ist an da wood, ami also comer <fch and woods -■epia.-y--,* ..i.-Vi' Q ELLERS VEBMIFUGE'PBEFE&EED. TO ALL OTHE3S&— Limoto7t,~Vav Oct. IS, 1843. iSt. E. .iS/Sellcrt:—One of oof phytiiiana. wboxa pruetieeia VcryexteaViVe, told meilus monang of * , ■ case ta .whlchjose vial'ofyour Vrrnrifiiga'broaght .■ - |M above 60 "worms; onda pemlejoan in the ndn> -: w . . bodiood xeidthat ItM than ball a~riol caused lira au* -.• chargeofneatCO Targe wonorfroafone of his chil* •/ ■ • dren. VerTßumTcf.sQch innarices might be listed. ''Y IliswellkxiowniboatHere,anilalmoit aUprefijfitto . -■ - ojjvother. Send njelSdotenaiidoblige •■' ' ‘ ' . • . ■ ■"-Voutf, .J.M. WILSON. PißAti wlio do notvislt to tnfiefwiUi diarehiidresy • abealdoseSeller*’Vennifuge; v-.>, .v ... . i’prepared end sold by RE SELLERS, <>7 Wood sw r jold by Dr. Cassel, sth Ward; D’M Carry, Allegheny. . novl '• •' ‘Y 1 ~ ' A' ST&ONO S7ICEN€£ U»i Pk EXr - : xl PBfJTOBANTi* Mperwrto a<l oiiwr macdiea hr \ 1 .:■ .mnrjFtflldioßViiflwuUiei^aii^noMwtocflOßacserf it* j :■■:..•■■ mm afitin IteirfiadTusUaywaago rttdtHj ; . oflUrrtacdka«ftb«ki&d; Krtwbcrtaaj haw beta iadae*4 I to try *th*r wejai*£oM'!th«y'3uc»**lJßo»t imdafcl^becq, -. 4hamobted n bcscSt nhkhaa* reaieetbjj •sfienßte4&cnth«hi^bptabetbaUnr*ahjth«pnpTi*<on v ••. • mi ter* rttnscd tot£e w ef J EzracrbaiurA as • ismdr thaiimi Bmz&Ue&to rtiict«.Uita« aAnAleb I ■ ■ atmjibT • I <loeX3ai.mS ■■■ .Wfwmhn T\ALLESra PAIN EXTRACTOR wolj infive mi a : I * met ftan the time of.itt ignore the . . . Stw ftom ihe •ercTcc bama, tcald*. or.- Mitten, ' mad will heal srmmdkt tUcAra aad toret cf toy kind rrilbomacar. 3We raloable.Fain Extractor 'can be feadcf - JOHN J)MOEOAN^^^g% Af : , V ' 8,, A. FABHBaTOCK f g.;mmWOß4 *' k P£W;weekaiUice,oueofmjrcltfldien,agedal»Bt .Afiveyears, tts*unwellfor «veraj dajs, .aod-the ;'■• ■■■■.'.• iUB«M incrett*ed-:»ftlanmOTly,tiuu..l feareddeaih \ ■ weald betbereKiiuV Haring heard oftbe good efffecu - - • wfaen. administered to the : ehfldieno fmy bejgbfyj rs>' and thinking anrehild night lave 190 rffli, tram actse oftb* symptoms, lg*ve it-jrae: *Sd* >*Jf jjaupooniiilAof toy wreal amadiiaaeniit' olmoit immediately dUenrged H Seore«m2®sridJWOUrge -wotm*- lu health wueoon - ntfated,jaiid: iti* now rfntaxkabty we 11... .Pterion* to. . nktagthtfYenmfiigevtite worm* woald. occasionally ' * Wia ite-lhKtet,'Biidtofttßi feared UwoaU die ftwa' ■■-■-■ strangulation.'- J AS.G.SAWSOTi. ’ •' aToaeaa*Vcßansdeo,P*,-Aptil3, ~ *pl3 ;,V" " " ' '■■■'" “ “ T gmvm CTJ.iaHRATKP rfpg AND TETTER' Jj ODCEMENTi# tite dm ctfcctnai tMpsblle (nik caiaofteaer t itcb, dry and watery: 'pteleaof theface>Heekrasd bodyyacaly crapuoo*, - and ill other diacasca of the akin. Thia tKnnneat ia i perfacilyaafcyand awboaied g»U tinea tod row* allcircantitance*. .Acetoapplyof Unavoidable Tenedy received and Tbiteleby - BA FAHNESTOCK ACo,.; I i~ ranter of lyt and wood;too, eornexofCUi'a&d wood V:K'VKflfr .1 CJELLEES> -miMITOOE-“Ko fißUr'tteraU t« I ■ ' KJ withe®tt 1” • • . --.--.'---rV—; —*- > V ■ ' . „ ■ ■':.. \UMA3t, C,H,Va^ *ui.9LHB. 1i ■ fixzxxss? I ctocrfbllyreertifrthatihaTel • /Ar aose jrean past ucd your Vertaiftue u sty fuailyt ... .ood uivcmJly with-iaccae decidedlypn&r ftiol • MyoUwtpreparaVdßlhavenaed—amonjptibead oay<j be supd ite. celebrated jmedidto called' Deadihcv 1 FkhwtecW Trenmflijej^ ? and-* pteptrailofl called ] Worm a reeem cate a amto doaebroaitu I / flSSllmyuma'boyiste'luiiulredCßdaixTnnarorme I Jto.ftaaiyceßaiaiy<rtibtto-bowUboatit Yoon Ac ; ; Jhreparedaifl Wcod 1 aed .1 ofTtttbfcrdS Cnita*' „ TfriCTß TEBIIZVOms. BBE4TH,HEALTHY ) ff, cad «nbealttqr;tßeOt, *fi£r?b©- ia* one# «r.'iw}6#'ilcaijed,'»ll2i Pug, fcsveAbo ta e Bi6«ti>e«ntfflilwgy > fprlpf Utem juid mtttbOag s I muapt 'dS«gr, Tfcosw *ircadr decayed - a pnrrentr | r fig teas wcfi u«zstofc ; iiri'Blhf lhft lMlteßttWlC<fel|wMy maketbabraft Kd* - by | Wat*JAGKBU?fy V, L- 'sitij ••*■ ' r < u *VL * **• - ■■ 1 r -| , * * <u», - • S'* •/•^^g.nr.-pA-—Mw«,f«*cyr *Jv' i »-y " '-1 tffrr ff nl ■•;=.- JSKSBp. *■ iiMCitt. «»-toy w-Oar.Mi ■ / ' t(f M ?/ JFaUrr tad SUatisgiifUa -Agg. .. . * Thanes* cxtrsordißajy'JUatetaa ia the World < nU»£cMct QiaH : BctiUttiH+ri' - ttmueUsfm, fUsMsttr.mmi wmnud tw ’ potorta mjttld. h emt mtOstt Pst teak 1 •menotbaß*didmivUrt«^tttrkdfcatethedls> •7 Eras kwmjli mt salt, p*ri£ri ifcawbotosystem, mad the it cracUsaas, vers »tsiriek ttas 4jmpower Me>eaed.byooetharae&!M. Andie i;► ialsUm the paidsecret of ia wasteful aceem." It has I performed witty* lb* lut two yean, non timo 100,003 of ; dimM) ml.tout 15,000 warm' : considered iectrabU. It'has eared tbs tisa'afner* - Uima iaoOO ehJtywdarfn| ihstwe p*« rcasoas.^ KO.OOO- eaiM of Cteaeral lability msnd R : wa|ii «f Nnrmti BMrgr, ' Dr. TowaseB<rtBiniP*rflls larlyomss tkevhols - ipta pemaaeady- ,Totho«a wfc® km lon tbair 1 omocular eomrty bythseSfctief nqUcteaer hdbeta- He* committadfia jeeth, niltha txeccrire bdrirneaof ' tbapambms, and broefhl eiaiceactripbyiifcripratti*' ; tide of the MHouiywa, i—3twa« trass ofaaHtSa, Aistiaf«assstK&% dacha* hntaa*. • - lsytowarda.tkaSn£ftldifliaa*,Cen«aptba.'eaabaa»>' tiraly restored by thlspbiasast resady. TUs Bma< puiOaiaArnperiortsiaay' •• larimddn|€«dlal, As ttrasawa ead urigemas tbr system, (toes eettrity ta tbs limbs, aad strength. to tbs nnmcalar system, is a •r most extraordinary degree. 9 A/«mstUßptiraOaMd. : vfsaasMaiaßaKSss*' 9*tto>D&cahtrpHfr» a X«y«2>» ....r^K-Msfr 2 "- s!nCTTinaßi<ooi>. ... .. _ • 1 j i- ■ JbM ArilßßMf. baCaratoyoarftmy* , rfil* hat baothe mesas, tfawqh Prorlgsece,gfsrrkij .• vlb: (km&Timdmrktia MConi u - . lbin Om kn ltaw*?bh U; . uvmlh tU«-m a* attJ> 1 lOrn tML aisr - wtJbJi'Jhftßs.Tfiißa w<l basgtochii la - • •• « . Tra^ESS^ o c^^.. \ «rrb«t, Cf Whites, sbetmmd .nr tßrdl-l«aa*tr*»> . lnimstteaßsaaf Ortsa, as ttralutay 4Ush*n» ;M;ißlbtkifniitl|mMlN «fo>D«». MBuact wfcM&atSstanUnttibsnamm w earns, prodossd tylmfhtortiy.Clsaaasatedmtt. Hath!** «n ba oars wyihttr thamOls (stbanttsf efbets aa tbs haslaa rasa. nisau aB veansasaad kari (ads, bun uktsytlct asaa basons rabut adftQtl iKTnudirUiisl3na.ll tnnedtetsiyeasßtßtaets the umlHsattfllstetliftaiiimklikliiki put esaao«t Damira aa. tlvfSwt btexssctsd ef as,t* am «r »• dallots a sstsr* Is exhibit certificates ef tans puftCßad bos areas mom the erifetad, that hundreds ef cases h»tsbaa npesiad ta gt Timeasia ef cssas risers Amfltss hare boa witkoat cUldrea, after Bring a Antwalsref Oka tmfaakbaedidea, bn basabtooedwtik dsa, tae&hy e&priag. To Oetbcn nl Smtcd TU* Extras*efftampaiffia ka baaa nn—is pr» aared ia >«*>■»«« to Baals csmslalsta. Ra vba has mam to imppaa ska Is mmdsiat that critical period,^ tfXA,".. ta taka k * bh a cartaia pramare ftraiy «f tka tsaenss asd berrlbto diiaUa to tridch&aalaa era csbjsc* at thb riaa ef Ufa. TUs pariod ls da- atsaal yaarafpesiv deU mt&bu. Her to it tea Triable tor. tkon trim are approaekiSf «» oambeod, a ft to alalatsd to tain taxare, by qo£fc> aalxg tke-hloei aadtoriaoratlaftha system, tsdead. this aedWaa to iarriakbu te all the dalleata dbes asto which wqn»a ere subject lt.braew.the vkola syxtea, ressirs pemasndy tka amtarml eaerrias, by rtmotinj. the itaperitia tko bedy,«oc a Arstisntottof a to predaca cabseqaeo* Tetomtien, yMeh to the cam of post ewritofnee takes fla ■ Ante veabeaisd disease. 4 B/.estof-athvbooksM -■ Oitoßsdidsmaaayanerecad'peisAl sorfiealeper* tkau say ba prsrcitad. - ' Great Bteabi tm n«kmaa4 OkiMfra. * ,I» l» tba ratal aadtarat cffaeaalraedieißata partly tf tio srstca, tad teßartsytlt safloriap •poo etand-biftb mr dUawemL It stmphau both too roother oad eifld. j'forrat*'polo sod Jimm, la. trradroaaftoariehralho-fcod, the— vb» hire uni it ' tiiaiitif lllskiftilyuefalbotb before after couJ uant uC —' h p—au 4i—a—s aurndant. ■pon Cratinaess, Filw, Crunw,.o««U‘ la* of tit F—t, Despond eatr, Bonbon. Voatbf, Psla la th» Baekasd Laiat Fun Patau, Hemorrturv oad la —inlattny tto—qtilniis ood oqulixiof th* dr> ; eabitieo it'htt jo.oqaif The prat booty of tbb ’ KO&ei— fap U. b sJwajsraS, sad ;thotaeja ddkataoso £3lnoct sueerapfaßy, ywy tv* cdstdrotra— wqr-otiu wdirfaw, (b nao a Bub Castor OH IFfoods, b 'nsefol Exorrfraintio ©peaafr, tadHfbt foodwitb . tidsmodldnn. «Qiln}ilsmc onftsad easy a— ftBOBSL <.J , . Igeaaiy.- wMI rr—!■>»• Cocas tkaClalk, sad araiatyofprfpxraUc*a|*no rtfly la to the Ike*, ray sooaspof] U ofhtbeeaty. Tboy dnao the porta of tbaskia, nd cheek tbs bbetbtfaa, phick. Phxa eaten it ast ttavtn. . odbydbefcao or.powtfsr, or the ikia Mamed by the •„ alkalies vded is seas, bosedfiao baowe pradoetbs fa , tha ■ hamM&ee Dtriaa," ss veil' srio uts finite of neb. sad doUexxsly dated ud vtrbcsted gowtn A . fton. acfifi nrf bstTtbj rhmTatfin rtf •frr-ft-fot. rr tlrr t, coantsa of tb* ptjdo* .rich blood'to tka •xtnmhke, fa that wtdcb pxiatstho coßßteatec* ta lbs tadst tura^ ■ eitobessty. Itbthsl which impart* the tadeserfWbla , ehadax .ead-dasboa of tovcOoea. that aH-adedn bet .’.eoseais describe - This boxewb the e&prfos ef.ao> ftw aottffi wilt mmm. .lfiharab sot s free sad healthy baa boemty. Ifthalsdyb L f*ir.aa drive* «ao w,-tf aha petal, tad era eoetaenea. jnd (bobbed b thkk, cold sod Japan, sha beet beeo* - d/U.'lf shebebraweo* veto*,•eedtberrUpxn sad , ; .'ectlTßhlb»4.ttflrai rie»bbqaw iheebeefeftsd * fhrCTtaacW to thsboyo* that b ftariaartay. ..Tbb tawkytbe sooth are, and ospeoaDy the Bpa>- lah tadlw} ■** noscb tdmlrad. Ladles la tbs earth *bo ~V 1 bos liftfe.oxsreb*' or era caefieod la elan roost* «# hsvaaoQad tbdr ecnplnbe by tka tppS> .-, extioo of dabtsmsa nlitiTOa. if thay wbh ta n ... yxiaslaaaan of stop, Vooyaoriplrtn jtparkliaf oyas ‘ tod Dir. Tove> . •eed’a gampartH* Tboessedawbo hareuiod h, on tnorotbah oatiifledf era da lighted. Lodlea of mrj suiiea, t»«f ooreAeo dsfly. Rstlce to tbe Ladle* Thaos foot igribta Dr. ToweaVod , rB*mp4n2* ksrr israrlably eoßed'Jbeir atofT m /reef tUmtf* hr Ft ■tabs, ft, A* cad bare oopbd oer bUb tad dreeion «hfeb raluaa to tbs eostpbJsb of ver I —other raewW pel epebdldaa, bora, aloes th* pen - meeeaa of Dr.' Teenaoedb SanapuCb ta eeamUlou .ieddeat toftenlos,' raecßßeedod theirs, aHfcara, pro rbnlythsvdld hot' htmitisr ofthrairiiiinoo pin«. • fke; era to fnaala* «o they rarareto dbeou, ’ and eyranlaa theca Malta tb a. Dr. Tovsaoed’a b tho - onlr tni ben fin tha asaeroaa bnsb cast. ’ ploJot*—Unrely, If ovar'fdb ofofheilaa o penexseot : care. It exs be tsksa by the aan debeala fesulca, - or by tbooo oapoßdet to boawas aothars, , tbfcraetsst adrsstpfM, 0* Is are pens the sytba sad prey sots dxnxr, id xtnsgUwa both soihoradcbud. BoemnUofatlkofttala*. SmfUa.Cmd. TUrortlficsl* that thi* San* parinshitspcrfitt control oro the most obatiaau dia •sms of tbs Blood. Three person cured Ii om hoan 'Unopraeadestcd. ■ ' : Ykree CkOdres. .I*l. TuvlUs>~Ow Blrt I have tha pleasure to 'ni£>tayontfctttbreeefmj cbfldrea hare besmeared of the Strofala by tha an of. jwur excelled They vfre afflicted TsryMVErety with bad Sores; bora token o*ly£bor bottles ;■ it took. than away, for which I feel myself nadar great obUgatioa. ■ > Torn, lotpectfaDy. ISAAC W.fBJiN, KM Wssmomi. Oploloni Pkjildu*. ••• *or. Townsend is almost dally reedviag order* ’(ha rhydmao in difirrsai pah* orlhd Union. ThbJatocsrfUy thaxwa, thauadaidgaa^Phyaidan* crib# Qty of Albany, bare In nonaiuMcaaa* pre*crib> -«d Dr.Tovuaead'aßsrapariU* and believe It to ba ooa of tha moo nimbi* preparation* in tko market u. P. POLING. If. D. i. WILBOZLJLD. „ a R. & BRIOCB, JL D. Albany, April 1,18(7*' P. E. ELHENDORP,M. D _ : „ CACTIOR. . • Owing ’frest reccoas and tamensa calo of Dr. Townaend a Samparflla, * nupsber of men who were Anrnuriy ©nr Artel*. hare commenced mihihgSarespa .riHa Extract*. Elixirs, Bhtoro. Extract* of Yellow Dock, Tbeypaaranypuiitapfa ibesxma shaped bot demand *°P** of thorn bars *iok ud eoptel euedver ■tl**arnt»-tbay an only worthless imitations. and cbookltw avoided/; , Mi, IS Nortlr eeccad itmt pbltadolpWa ; f B. 8. I v Uaac&, Druryiit Baltimore f P. M. Cbbrni/Cbarieston: L-Wrifbl .Chartres Street,N. O;j 103 South I Pearl Street,'A&nyj ud hr all the principal Drue- I giiu.ahd Merchant* geasrally throughout tbe Unlud' L <(ta|ei.|Wc(t Indie* and tbe Cumdta. if,'i o £ •M£*fan4Ube (Uicr. fc/“ Remember tbe genu* SarsapariliaT" told by tbe sole ■««»« RESELLERS, Central Wholesale 7 *RettS |Ko.;C7 Wood rtreet^and,D.M.CUßßY, aJle® igg«.,.; '••• .• jcoo ■^'s! f jft a Ls£ c, £ rer Ji°f Domini aid Improperly With- UmgS - of Commercial. Tradinsr.antJ V SocoriMPatenU for Itrventkmiin Great • vj/SSffc;! Coloule* and Dependcnciei 1 bttd - *PPlte«ioa.ftee of not-that of mere Sm2fs««l^hfcHSc£2? pTirin * °, !>T * pl,i *?■'*&* ■*?*&** p I*n*ca ttndalaed property It rtandimr. . •ii* 0 !.*" «jvei^«raenttwhleh' tjttrjngw^.Ardii.putjs BtitU h radrtpjporß, odfoewefl lo Hein. »i Low and ran of Omnwomrauora br letter uc mooned 16 bo' p>“-P*4: ■- ■r. - ; bentham Vahiam, ; : •, **'l r •k-v ".r.':'-.-B • V,-'3B,Bro«tfway,Mew Yort ; - Charle* p_ Daly,' •• r Chai. CjJtldmfcCa;' ‘W;4j;r :rp|»cotrv '; llicketu,£»g. ;. Ohio. , Buffalo.. *«W irtfMßaiett io? tto eMiii»ye«n • .►; ./BSMIAROrHEIJS, ;., j , t - ‘ ■ '.4 o wSoNiraAjKHlijL' '- . JOIfXJI. SmiKMjFttGEfl. f • - , JAMES'S. tJPEEK. - I - - v oa - '■< ■ jmngal'gaTrmmt preaemed lie. aflWft'Pf 1 tile 1 : SkKnf i APi , |,tv.S-r«l4'bbfc>, t aMDrTad kinriWrrr lJ . ..>,-• - ISAIAH DicirKV* *V 'Ci' — -J ; <£v‘ ££ ITATION LINES,' :.»BB traios I.IXS BmsP**lf&Co l De»von - ; I >PrOOT»a. & Cniimatiot; Cterelind S - . anypoiuiontbeCanaUandLakea. ” One Tunjrin connection wtfhthe tie«nioiu»Laire Erik*nA Michigait r .betwden pimborgh and BeayerTandaSS cor Water AGENTS.-—Hred. Park. A p ‘ u ‘ b «rt- . t‘gMf»lckt Co, Breailport: ..Kss^ass** 1 * 1 ' S-nili”?'™* Jte . ral1 ' N'f hi tr? T.™ A" Ulifcma, ffk oUL rPfe,^lXriE£"? ?? ccubUcberl nod ASi ,S iW boYfao removed Heir do b 10; * moo* larger Worehouac on hiftjkei it, ihan they fortneriy been pied, and also In. SSSi'Ilf I V°2; f ? r •“MO »HtSborrt, ore now * * reater to weir friend* .Qood* earned _by thie line are not transhipped be e® 1115 ' Philadelphia. being corned eo -1? Section- Bom. • To ihipper* of flow y® other food* requiring earefoi haadlmftihisUof unportaaee. No charge made for receiving or ahipplmr y 0 ? f od»aneing charge*. AJlgobd* forwarded promptly, and upon u renontble term* as by any o(br er line. * JOHN WoFADEN ACo, Canal BaabuPennaL; PitubunriL _ JAMES 81. DtAVISA Co. fthaj gg Market A 04 Commerce »!_, FMl t Forwarding and Comma* tion Merchant*, Canal Batin; Pena at, Piwbnrgb. - . JAMES M. DAVIS A Co, Ploar Factor* and Conuni*. iMsaE’- ® “ d ** Com «- to them.. . ~. y fc^i ■^OTlCE—iTherabsaribcrs have disposed of their in* P^fK Pcn ?’ a UnstaCLAUEEfo City W> ° f Pitt,bnr * h » JOSEPH S LEWf^StM. 7l^ l c ? nUmio to «o»aer business for the line. ntllrcirWarehoo*eon Broadcfrect, as manat, and be? $Sd i * 'T”"** “JiSligfsTES.?^ PWlidtlpnl^BUreas^lMa 3 STEELtCo *** OgftjVrauportßUa Co. muSSS-^^- FffiST CLASS NEW BOATS J&iD CARS. rnaaxo -to namftiKt boom unrsn Rnann CLARKE A THAW, Canal Basin, Pmabarth Market it, Philadelphia. JAS. STEEL A OO- Arts, Bread street w 18 North ft, Balt VMWBUCKi Aft, 13 We« street, New York. „ L .„ TWte»^3BWiPB!E B^ffgMsaeysSff aral patronage heretofore exteadeotoihe hoow • BAM{JKL M. gißn PitObcrgb, H«rth !, ISIA * F ,ONES - KHSB'S POBTABMt BOAT Llm, BALTIMORE VIA CANALS + RAJLROAWT TTfE are prepared to receive and forward freight to ,TT “e above andiaiennedlito places with asmaeh «iH»tck, and at as low rates, as any ether responsible °r ,1 “PR?“ send p«k or B*. eon to Baltimore m bolk, U particularly naaested. in !SJi-.^* n lT^* u * CBea , u enab, ° M toeanTweh articles throagh la bettor order than any other One. KiER A JUNES, Prop'tn. ... , .. Canal Basin, near 7th il Pittsburgh, Mareh 1, i£47. T/ lEH t JONES— Comtaiwiaa atu) famrdis* Mrr* JQLehanU.Md'WJurfeaato Detien in Iran, Woomtt Sail, raxluce. tc. Liberal ea«n edvmrtee* on conainuneota. *• *• '"Kuffi,£r CHIOS USE. nestta .____ vu cixiu iio'inriwin. HENBt GRAFF A Co, Canal Basin, PiUibancl DCTILII, HUMPHREYS A Co. No!Yft Market, Phil. C. 11. hoos*. comer North A wiMt sts Balt. I . Jobs F. Clarke, No 13, Old Slip, New Vok, j**** - firm* win be known &oa NUMUNO&Dtmi^. CHAS. HUMPHREYS, I Philadelphia. HENRY GRAFF, PilUburgo. PITTSBCHGO PORTABIiR BOiTUBS Far tit Trmufortaticm tf Freight to and fm PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA,BALTUIOR&M. YORK, BOSTON.Ae. BanouACin, Philadelphia. T m 8 o,d «uJSST£, t^rs£rs^ pn ,. JL boo, the proprietor* hare made extensive tmuro manta 10 forward goods aadprodnea wiihfcraauh, and oo thO-ioost favorable term*, IfecT confidently hope thyr well known promptnesa In delivering rrrrtlt pc collar aafety in mode or carrying—eapactooa warchoo* *« at each port, affording yccoimodations to shipper* yd owner* of produce—togeber with their loaTeSe neneeud oaremitting attention to basinem, wiumeure to them' a ecnunaance of that liberal oatronan thev hereby gratefully acknowledge, , , 1 All consignment* by and for this Ha* received, char* get paid, and forwarded la any required direetioaa free of charge ur comtoiaaion, advancing or conn. No interest, directly or indirectly, tn All commniiicaticaupntmptly attended to on troika-' tior to the folio trine agent*: KQRBIDGEA CASH.S7S Market at, Philadelphia. TAAKFE A O’CONNOR, Canal Undo, pffiSrL * gCONNOBS * Co, Not* st, BaiSe. WM. B. WILSON, 60 Cedar! it, New York._ tpS IIiAKS B&IB &BB BICHIGAS LDB. npipS well; known Line, 1 Lake Epeand Michigan,b«nma PitUbumhaS Beaver, and freight and passenger Canal bo* tween Beaver anil Erie, and C H Reed's line of trsl e!aw»te*mbo*ts,-propeller* and vesaelaan the u prepared to carry freight and passenger* to all point* on the Erie Canal, and Lake* Erie, Huron and nUehL gan. Having enrery facility foreonv«r*iag freight and oas* aenger* with promptness and difpatch. the proprietor yd agent* reapeeuhliy solicit from their friend* a eon* tuutanee of their patronage. 0 M JLREEIX Proprietor. _*pl4 cor Watar aaid SmithßcldrifcVlf jHil.4iysL 1848. j£Si^ SCIIPBE TUASIPORTATIOB lilVß* and from lie Eastern cities, via Cumberland. 'TUlEpropdeuraof this popular line, baveUneo their X "-organization largely increased their taclUllaeto meet the wishes of shippers: and are now prepared to brjjml . mreaier .mooiil the FiVK fiif LIKE, rc S wagons at low .rates. /Inia lino will run throughout the year, delivetinj geod* through tbe agents in Baltimore and Pittsburg to owner* and consignees at specified rate* end time. Shipments from Philadelphia tor the Una fbgeid be marked ‘‘Core, J U Robinson, Baltimore. n Tbe only agenu are, i B ROBINBON, 93 0 Charles at. Baltimore. EDGERTON * Co, Cooberlandi , v< 0 W CASS, BrownsTiUe. ft M J 0 BimvftKL, Pimbnmh. LrJ ui i rtODIPSB TBABIPORTATIOI LUB ;JLd The Propncton of this popular Lins bars chanc'd tba Agency «i Cumberland from Ins hinus of McKaixlt Ms gmr* to (hat of Bdgertoa A Co. * ’ Pittdurgb and western are nolififd that J Bay. ly Rebt&Mo. M 093 SoothCbariait, Baltimore.!* tha only aotborned (geatof this Use in tboEMtere cities. - Tbeoely ftgcntf are i C Bn>WßLL,PiUtbenb, O W CASS. Browatrille, EDGA HTON A Co Cuakarlasd. ■ J B ROBINSON, Baltimore. XOTO, Old Brtabllibwl blasi ICHCf, TQ. PHILADELPHIA* BALTIMORE A NEW YORK . vu rxKHsTLrAXU 'asD onto anc. aaasa. A ,RE prepared to transport goodaand produce to and -fX from the there,cities on • favorable tenna. Ad* SSiKSiS tefedrt „,PML B,IL . Pittabnrgfa; March 10th, 184 S. - > mart» M«»,bjLnu|;yran<portatlonHnc< ~ ru caaat ajro malt ndina 2!n« P Hl LAIIE f‘ 1 ' Ul '* iyD BALtmOBK. T^S^,f2 n f‘s?" 1 will IwiGonmded VA .without dolapai the lowest current rates. • CAMcANULTYACo, Canal Basin; Perm it* Pittsburgh. BIERSEILLESA REYNOLDS' ' 573 and 385 Mtlket st, Phi Pa. j ; «» mgggaaa. - ri«l»cnAitTy wAT ramßHT'tnnt. jOlUg.to»h, w ««i raoel, (Humln^ncSlSdFfc Qtt tarwti «etaiiml7,i«aM qi MiktS c ; eccuaodiitan ofih. nj bumm thankfUdortbe veijr-liberal patrooace Ihrr brra m* eerred daring the last tworears, waoidreaaeet&l^ln. farm thetr3«id*aadihep«bUo that thtym^SiftJm &. . .. ' AOfiNTB. . ••■•:■'<• t '- '- 1 A - Autmlair: J M«DorJn;OA l HStoenbetfer: I BoUamAOsß S?S?S ,ok " ... %a . o 2 j»*VimtUX 4KCi ,1 ; y«*k<-.PWl«ddplO* and ttatfre, ai*o, Cincinnati,-Lcoiarillo, Saint Looi» mi us2£^*K2! l^ :S *" ,^Vo *s •°" *“ *° lwDl bank* in ibe / Amon«a Gold and Sil?er Coin bought pfi^pi 3 M ”‘“ «».t, b«w«n M^mU^ '..tICSBBy, SAIII k cST~ ’ gj^affiua««dg&rs' uSKS-°“ “" r Wjlual Phantom paid for Fcrrui uid fimnicu, iJvZZZ T>UXS 0? < t^toiScSj,°aSfd A ®SSj bmibl |ss^ l d e l 3 u S^.“ (l s c ' o s;.t f ,%i{efgsa gjssgag "—■■ wagtfgg- «usara u. inLfc.i - . ,=^r-_--- ' plU4bCCaB¥, "“’i T} ANKERS and Eichanm Broker*, Dealer* in Pot-* « f *»“»•*»« *“"*» » lu * High! Bilb Of t*. S^*is? ,^ rli ? ,:^lc,,of P?P <M ‘ I, i u * n > t Note* andCotaf riSi* 4 WoJ * lreel * door below Point]), weal aao ‘ martltf - "'"KiiAJIEU A, mu In Foreimknd DomeiOe Bills of Exchange!cS felt®* r*”* 1 , NoUu ““1 Com, comer of »~*ad \Vood*treeU, directly opposite C*L Charles Uo> mayfcdly yyv bt jsacr pcs ■ Indiana, Keeiselnr, Muxean, (tuchoKtl »Itß. lowe.t rates, br N. lIULMGS * SONS, 35 Market unset & tor ttle by N. HOLMS’* SONS. -J? 13 1 Ulluketu. Miscellaneous M-ANp/AOTUIIED AND LEAF* TOBACCO.- *? *r C °’ 44 ntml> It, utd ■ to* »»le on sceomaodatine £™*> COOO pkf* Manufactured Tobaceo,coiui*tinjro7 l»»r IP*, IF* anda**, 8% Dlof. tad lift Ladie.* Twin, 2 •gala and half baxes,ofihe followioff appro Ted brand*, James 11 Gram, Osborn* BrarrJ Grant A William*, A Cahani**,^"* 8/“»“ t Son, M'Uomld, Wolator »H, J Thoauim, "»»», It. A II Armiiieod, 1 ruamtt h Bon, Loodiojn t Arainood. IT Co.ie* J m Cobb,, Otouj * HOTBOT, J A Ctaj, }? A ““.f',?' 0 a H*n, grew Bjll, ffn H.WTOH ft" 1 * Nwwood, J 8 BHohnSd, WUvKtam, KdSSflimii, Intoa anSAS*— 1 ? ete *^, John Knder, LawTenco U> tiler, j Robinson, Graylt Urajr, D B Tamer, RJartieson, York White, J/aX Branch. —ALSO— am 111 IJeafTobacco, ami fillers; Cteubcsu do do ;dj 8l Jipj os Cabs do do Jl.Domlnjrt* do do do do,pan Ooe, do Mayttflla do *7 do do Kenaeky Ttriooß (fraie* do da fflsraaatess? PHILADELPHIA, mrld tobacco, mm, aid citfilE'' A of SmUhfleld oueet and lHaatad a! ey, Pltuburjh, *ooid reapecifal. th© OftaßtionofOanniry Merchant*. Hotel ud plriiDwtl UvictMit! to a litre ud >OOOllO7 aaaort- CIGARS, among which will b« fdnod (bo/oilowing brand*, tia; Eajrle, Retalia.Ca*. gS* Sur bSS, uSS^ C S OpU«T Rcgauas,aJl of which will bo sold Ulsvuua b* hod at any outer homo In the chr. Alio, coastami* oa hand ind for tile, a lam and of Virginia; Uiuooii, and *so Cm T before-made to Urn non approvedtutor* «»t«»»- Alto Tilt CUbAP BOLL* or BOSrON BLINIL oa hand 0T to order e/ail»ite*. tad *t tU ultea. mfzPVO* l £ ,erctimfll " and other* are invited to call aad 2*S"f. the above for tbeffl«ehret,a«tU willbeteld >nr!!*?. e •' roaiLaada liberal dedoeiioa aadt to whoidtAle perehuen. **Wt A -WEOTEBVELT ___ nniiiKWtt saz,b: I# l “2 d ? r *|* n * d fof tale a sapednr article A of brick for building, made by .hit Bn>«« Prg|f L unproved machine, for wEch be haefcbtalned a patent! •ana apreee to fivp pore haters a written guarantee that ““7-57 * adwill «=* i « &o*l and we* waatb « and imbibe less mdsmre or damndest than any oth- Vr.A?£'&!!Z2 l s*PP x P bod y •** >oporior teztore kSi..5 al £ “°P dHr4M * la ewtr T respect, each brich belainbjeetedtoapannreof sevo*&J tons, and p» eeninff a handsome smooth sarfacaand eves edges, ®»k» » front eooal tothe beet from brick. i,«~lLi\7.E ren J^,f r ** a J rt to all who SjKSto.'C Mn,7 ’ rol "’ “O and solid paving brick, can obtain them. , ; ISAAC GRECO. ..Birmingham, June u, isia tf ALLEGHENY VKJSITIAN BUNU PACTORV WW X* BROWS* TAXES thlametbed to loformliUfriecda * n “ thojrabUe at large that his Factory la ,'MarM : M*wliul operation, on the weal side of > ?BKSBi |he Diamond, Allegheny, where a eon ■slant aonply of 2Uinds,oi raHoas color* - SX&KA andqaaliUea are constantly kept on band; XI Phillips* oil cloth ware room. , .VenUiih Shnuera made to order iaihe beat style. BUnds.repaiftd at the shortest notiee. N. BU(dA wUI be pot op wriihont any ftddi* tlooal expense, aothai they can U removed In a mo «*nt Id ease of flrekrfor washing, and wiihom the aid of* screw drtm. x■' - JybdlyAwiamlyS BENNETT'S BROTHER, QratNSWARE MViDPACTDEERB, 1 ftarefauß. Nq. 137, VfooitlrUt, PitUburrl Man o>Sh/meotol Wb, of obi owaßaAttfuion, ,r.d wp Wholesaleuutcpomrv'Hei. ehalu. aro loqieelfhllr m.lad lo c\)l and ea amino for fhem.el.ea; uwin tall eheapej ihae hsaererbemre beea .fferedto the ,al> Ip" Orion •enl bTm.il,accompanied by ibeeaab if eh. fQfßrenee. will be promptly oiipnded to. feblld MAKING.""' ■ -rim' _Pttoaf the *ery flb«rw encoor*** received tinea QDSk be batioeuied bUoielf la Allegheny any 1 — W he* iMdseed hlto touke * taufTforc 1 . termof fee/*, os the property be cow oecmnea, la Bearer itreci, untqedlftiely betide tbe FrcioyttrianChureh. Frotf the loaf experience to the above btwaoti and a deairota pleaa| ho hope* to mc£ 1» and reoelvo o ahare of pahliepatronajre. • No* on band andfinii&ng to order. J&kaway Bna* X ? ? £Ff e & vl,i *** devcripOon of CerriajM cade to order, flora tovoty.flye dollan to •irhihnh.ret (wpiWtn j6ll -5 1 iononr*an» tjjtX TSAAC WIULIAM& Draper «n»l tailor, W» to Id 1 form the dOzen* o/Pimbargh aid oiiwJ tfcmite fessKaws aw?Ssws iss* iSspasaJs^p'tsssfß nQtlotoen’t wtu. Ui.pXKUha»pt,«nS?Sui,ll fccwd, and are of lie mwrn anj mt ,n faihioiiablt 4“» U V' HlaeiioiSiia m»T depend epee having dull clotha ...h. ™ IJr . “mmi which cannot fall to gt.ttiy th, tut, 'if u,i BMtt CMOdtaga. * ap34dy THB STAB OF TBS WERT lM> Blind* of oil tfcs n kept on hand the laieit and tnoit approved Fj.^l.” \ to»,uu»ih«n«Zt!?,’SfS,iSjS reaeonnblo term*. *“• Al*o, tim cheap Bostoa roll or mUvßUnd rtneyaad paper Certain* of aU ihadlfiwaS BESS' pattenta, oa hand and (or tala low fo^hT 1 sssterrsiftms&ur • odw * n * a, * d to i Allegheny edy, Ang. 10,1918, i 1* a profitable Intocimoni orV?» tsar'wish to engage ls tie traajaeaa."7-7*. , “°f w “° laoalw of;. , WtlB , * • '‘■lt b Jjpgisij, ■SsT^^ataSSSp' ,tsi ■* -sStf-=s3»fr<« u . -• ‘ ';x{M4SO.VOBTEi. • . ====3 ' rngUgmiXUSHvJi JJ“££si'iS , i'«w*>j' n @m ®on«»,.»«toaed from hnd New York 1« J*i!?k7» n * ®»nafaeione» in Boston s?' ?fn rct “ !r v' (taMfe olVUch W hK?jK£,*fif W'Sli i r °’ Sro *qanilry of to,* £,"'o. OIS,i„SV tofM,ruM N.. 1, fiiii*hfd back i femi.wo' “1- « J?f « richly carted * “ */j0 «s* u 5* “■ carved mouldings. • 8400 Ug u ?j “ finished back aim} ftyn “X « S* « J “ “ ®SD -8. 41 6 u ““ “MS ■ w g u A . “ u lu. « 2 _Tr°J e cUnp front, yyn “11. 44 . ' "^‘ytsarved^lecrUmisUih. nc»«ft le-*. ,*,iA ooUow corners and hollow cor “d *» JSi, £7l vT^p™ o ” s ™>7 tl«p»ur fin- SSi?oS.h?| 75 “ d ‘ rou ” d «4- ■»- Worcester, N. l connected formerly with I I“S?MS2 rdrfWo . r,c,,t * r & Da "‘“>ro, N. Y. I HtocwooJ «t. curved moulding, made by the 1 sWrlfc? Company, N. Y. S*/73. °’ 7 I ■v v ‘ C .'^ o<H| carVcd ? » ocluves, Gaia A. Co’s, N I TWwA 015 PW" 0 - 44 Ja» Hertpßri?° Gr “ d I>lano »' b r Henri j I o!dPinn„°l'?. e K' y '“ ■ C "" d * lftnd -p*!« era.l Old rtano* takeu ni port payment for new aura. -! a,iii*- ~ v.• JOHN II JIKLIjOR, I l»ow Aientfor .Chicle.-ring • Grand and Square Platlo ( ynnea, for Western Pennsylvania. ««|7 I I 1 A SPLENDID assortment ofM&boi BflUWiggHl S° n 7 urt Rosewood Pianos, jtut fin. 1 II © f fll t*hca. There instrument* ore made of I -T,| _rfii, ■ “»« iat««t pattern arid beat material* I will be sold tow for cash by I i V. ULUiIK, 112 Wood street. I N.H—Tlio«d who of ; u d good^n«tnjjneni,| SbH'.Tl''""? lnTi, ' d J“ MW"!” n "c bSirHSI fjfki 11 *’ cJt, ? w * ere » they dannot be excelled by out I fr 0 t“ try * wiU ** ,o,d than any brought I hSA U ‘J Ala ®W A received, two piano.ofHsS- I JS h aok| l i'i i: .v e,l,Ttf ’ warnnile(l to 1« superior u»SU cyeraold tn tha country. - ocfO F. B. 7 J ' . .«k\v iUEST. c eii appointed Sole Agent for GNaSa* mVI? ARHARI-’S^ IAJPROVIiD MJ2U>J)fr t »Jworaciu»cilßodand perfected by Measra. *A Ich * CidcimiaiL ¥he utuii rcmpiu and extent bclug-bot four octaves, Mdsars. M & VV K$ ,, 5 rBl dc «™ nnd demand, n»tfl extended lie sealo of these matruments to 41 am?- »Il ?*»«*«*, tbusnmkirg it practicable to perform Bpmi ttem any music written for tbo ' iaoo or Organ. .il B wfj r msrrarnmt upon a cut Iron frame DeiCUiaify Pionied and ornamented, rendering it at onge a most elegant and ertrnn-ly desirable article, ijie pneo u pot «> low at to bnnj; it within the reach or every one to Obtain a pen'oel auutcai instrument, ana, al the ssrue Ume, a i»e*t elegant piece of funti* Uue for a comparative trifle. |f. IfLKUVItt, At J W \Vonrt»erll?a Great 4 sautcr.^r fca* 1U« received from Europe, ami for sale,’ ah iv£rt # ?Nn n«w #f '!!“ nn p «* ln »« a l‘o*iUmOAl>- riAiau rUltrK,which possessing more Dower and sweetooas than the square Piano, occupies bat one fo , tm ' “ d * • ««* more showy and J,“ ( ft ce «.°f »«nmare. It is particularly desira ble where thd saving of space is an object, being er eecdutfly neat and compact, and occupying no more ntom man a gniali side table. The sub»cnl>er has la huid a testimonial of it* soperlomy from the eclobra* ted ptaout, Albsvltelios, ut ius own band wrmoff.wbich may beju.pcetod. _ II KLEnl£- : oecr7 _ _ _ AUWWocnIw -rvornT.®^ ATT'iOBMESTi “ Tl ECEIVhU) ami for «aJc, a Jot of choice Pfauoi, with Xv and without Coleman’* vUbljaii Attachment. by C l* rk ’ P* v - OiMS of Nauru & Clark’* PianoZ wilh (ha Attachment, wm taken to England by Air Coleman, ami among many otJicr teatimouml* of ad miration for this elMpMit specimen of American akill and tngenaitr. elicitm! the following remark* from tt. rhalborg, tbo greatest PionUt living. w _ , Usno.t, Jan. IS, IMi _*“r. o J , ar bir— In enclosing a letter to my friend. Mr Erand. Part*, I euuim refrain from artuu eapre*«um to yoa bow ranch I wni pleased with your “33oliaa Attachment,” which I eouiidcr as a great musical im provement. 1 ran awure yon that on ray part I «hal) with groat plcarorodo my attoofi to make your inveo- Qonkiarirn. For Mtfo by || KLKIJKIL l ca At Woodwell's fqmitnre JM«t n«uU< irr»m« Piauo. —rg-. A SPLENDID Mioronentof Ro*e> grand acliou Pi- I ft n lamM, ju»t tuii»hrd audforaale. l B Alao, wo (plrndid UoMwootl Piano*, wUh Cft.eman'* eelei-mictl Jvoiian auaciitecm, fiui«Jjc3 U tnfl DhMt modern *tyte, and lor t&Jr at - P»Urv»Kt»,||g ww>dtl TKMSPOBTATION. REED, PARKS * Co’«. PACKET Liitfte'. [ BBAVtiR USe'.hi IVABpgy • Canal Packet—SWALLOW, C«pi Ford. I - ... , * OORAN.Cafu. 'vaiier*. . a, '' nbo ' rt l*a«k«i* leave Beaver every day, I \_J (Sunday* cxcpnvl) and arrive non tuummir al kVurteu, wbrre Un-v counect with fo« Mail Starrs for Alrtm and Cleveland, arriving n{ otu-b of these places before nißbv U.»c of ihM’«:.*lvt. !«*»<••• Warfea dally, al »|\ Ai., and arrive at Heaver m lime to take foe Benin;* Steamboat for I’ltubarcli; OirreXfrI.KFFINOWKI.r. Wartfcn,»-. Id 11 *M Yton, o ’ \ PTOpnfß. B&AVF3I AND RHIK PACKV7T LINK, ntaocoii n» tub labb is r»rrt storas. Cwiai Packet—PcuofTLVAau, Jednc*; “ u Tu.ta**nt, - Pollock: “ L*»l Km, - Twbr. . “ PtTTosiA, “ ILW “ Palchjos. “ Barer The Above new and splendid Paatencer Puck tit. hare eenaroced niitntof beiweea BKAVLa ANDiEHIE. bjw will r«a regularly daring ike icsjon—one boat i ,'£? |,J ‘* ***** mofnin s at* o’clock, ami cae lear «unrdtaiely after ike im mloftko steamboat Michigan from Piiubturk. Tbc boau are new and comfortably famished, and wul ran through m forty boar*. Passenger* u star point 011 the Lake*, or to Niagara Fall*, will fiadhhi* (OBla the him romibnoblr and expeditions Tickets Uuoajb toall port* on ibe UlLecau ho procured b« applying to the proprietor*. * 1 . HF.KD, PARKS A Co, Beaver. JOHN A. CAL'GMKY, Agt Pituburgh, «®r- Water and Smithficld»u. -ACENTSb—Joa C Harrison, Buffalo, NY. C SI Reed, Krte, Pa. C C W ick. Greenville, Pm M'Fariand and King, flmßcnd.P*: Hay* A Plnmh, Shan»t>unrb, Pm W C Mttlan, sEaron, hi * D C Mathews. Palatki, Pm B WCunningham, New Castle, Pa. Iri WmW&t fbdm prrrsiit'Gii to phidadklpuia a uaiZ _ , TIMOBE, (KxtliaiTely for Passenger*.) fftHE nubile are rrepectfully informed thatthisLine x commence running on the 2hl Iq*l and eon unae,throughout the Reason. ** JSm * n of * wperioT cl *Mi •»iib an «lscd~^k h)ch wUI K lve prealer comfort. The ears are the latest construction. ..15S!T'l!i', <I '7 y,lsr “ Po'V end Im.eler. tntc JSSrtS. *““” u, '" b ' fer ” P .Jffr* •f**7 l1 n , ine doilar » through.) One of the boats of! this Uae Wtllleave the landing (oppoaiio U.S. Hotel 2j??£ r filtT! «u«l Canaf erery night at nine o’- j clock Timed) days, hor loibn&ntion, appty at the Office, Monongohela House, or to D LEECH ACo • Canal Batin. _ IliltfJSiiN & co>. - IR MAJMIUIMi c CO. continue to brine tenon* Waie*, npon the moat liberal term*, With then haoal Ditactttaitty and aueution to the vuu md cam. te T fnMh5 I »™^h a, f-Ft 1101 *^ ow OQr paaeensera to ***» «*««« Of them Ue mortem Ut«y re 22Lh n2?S Tsl‘ *”* ** , to theu l*eine. and do- Vff*^ J*rtf Wittoat any dewmiun by the firm »hi™_ We nyihlafeKlejaJy, u rfedefr one of our puaeit. J * ftfi wer « 48 boon byorto Liverpool, whilst thousand* of oilier* were detained aumthi, omil they eouU be .e n t in Mac old cnS/Sl e^f a ‘*>7 luch^ fre< l'* oin lV proved ibalr oqffin*. . Wo intend to perform our comrmcti honorably east what taay. and not act a* wu the ea*e last season, with ether wßcera,—who either performed act alLo? wnen it eaited their convenience. h Pnift* drawn ei Pittsburgh for any turn from £\ to JOSHUA ROBINSON, w GeoertJ Agent, 'nrSeaUthe tueoaon'pf finpiSufo toft* nnic), TT beading m tidvßitiaemcßi. and invite ihn »•> JflrprWmr ■nd conea* to call and wltncnlt*owS" “S™ - te " , * I tion to »M* Wwnffiv whohavo teen it lotted, l»aap^»S In 11U Cham wiJl pfoduea Btmej, jraibeHna I, in ■ a mtu*, from .tweet milk, Id five u> ten wlnalS? aid Sss- asss&r torßamr JftMfc tbu crcaa Maxed lo'lba uiaal war. anil iv lU. clam, . little ri,l or boy cu! ua mlnaiej,whu fiju heretofore re,nirt™hi UW of i oufororreox „d M.SSL/' ssfiSSSSsS®*?.®?* i ■ft-.-* UsiriHr , rn Pttrd<teai>y»ipiimßtht%n» tobrfa*ta*tM»pr»j*mia*of «inn«a^^UUi; ffiy toPipnogttttt»«fp«rf»cafeiß; icrttf»«Tp«rtro». v _ . Wr * * w< —**—fcMtoMwttt—i>» awfc'ittafrop^''' gf T; pqtottrto^ f : ‘r : ;^ V u raeoaandad. «ad to «dtpt 8 exactly to tMr nUafaicara. Po- QdCTtoifflmw. Th« tostokuiam nlupt ta koU <nrir4TA*lV»* »H»: ’i" £“*“ - < cUla u m tt. •am^^atnluacSmM . caotf*. xaprofm* to UU &m* tthu aaitaad nark* t»e«d*r*tattKaMifActa “ l “ldmA'A ' ?^?SSSRSaS2!^B • MtoirtM ** ■ ... l i 'irmrft.Smmr,,T.lML „, , " jggßßßaagKgaM: : ...... . RMAMABtt OWE OF NUNU..W ,r.U,.,T , AH“T~ ' : - ■ . - . Taro wffiSgSamgjanij: •••'- -mrn ... ****"* <g »"*-" , T r f^Bir*"- l ft'; A. B. A D.BAHDB, Duiwm abd CmianaL lWffa,TOl'H_ «nn» j»HHtiii» | W^.y^y"' 4 "'. Wd •!» by Dnwton#wDyten|M Q». o=Q*dtm«. «*’dw^M. E«e* f 1 jwr BrtO*, ttt Botti* fcr $8 ». o'S^S^^te^'.*^^TkA.FAHNEßTbCK/»CO,W«ofWi>il'telFtei‘ L Who H*® Common-Prepared ?halk, are Sks»SS^ , sj.‘sSS I Cftraulft of Mow I tealysuia Jones’s ftianUh LiUf I tit t*® ®«t Ucantiftil and natu rnS7oaß TgASBSSSifBS'^*-’ w “ «ors°N,« hi. 80., „J SUM ttoSffl h,,,J ° f Wood, .1 thß .i,n cl I’m umnixlied, 133 Wh, o yo« know lint «rci pmml«»d Amumi, lifn-Uko, .nowr Y aal ,5 f *. u »tU MilLcae common chalk. And look a deathly yellow fright, The theme <af la*g&«er and of talk. «»« * box of JONE 73 Lilly-whuc, it ZZi T**H^ yoßf tA,a -« a hi»ba*tdry« namrel white. ‘i ae clear improse it. Sold at AACaeON’s, tSr Liberty at Pnceasetmtaper box. , SS^i AKD-scSo FOU j DS - SW ‘^ L , S.ih.?&7S. CT °r l V Ji .f. *“ ™Wp|Ued form, ® r *lbakor Liil,eolaree&ieQUo tbs jrtniidn or bonen, GoiUe, Wbita Swcfiinr., Chronic HhhhTO4.m, cauw.BiMOTw of.thsS'unnr Spine, l c ®'“«mnuoD, coanano from oto 1 l * h,c “ 11 a poison-au. principle < me|e or Icninherent in tbo bnmnn n, Item. Tbeie. imneiplo enn bedetoije” no roS , i£^' oC? ' C 5 eJ ’ t ? lir 180 prineipln opon which tte dueasc JepomU, in nmcnl n cere SI dfaeS^‘^ oll °’’' "““‘““'•■wlor whntlonn the dDene abonld mamlcct iunll. iThin. Kioreforc At - T *'“TiT»u .o uni i * a?s* 7s ol iDTemoTinjf b & many malimant 1 a,t ! tflcir origin,bj entering , lew the eireelntion, end wan th e hlhd in nonreyed diiM ISmS" 1 6br ° J mr T partible of 1 Hiilaricipnij. i Pitmte™h k ° rtk, ° loa Slorc,Ko.7i FourUmree. ' rnuburpt, , PEACES PEACE Ik • M 9T ,*KRfI *HOMESTEAD: ' I *»• looy- been coDTincedof the ifv •ora® mtdrtine adapted to the me of 2£ffiS« «kSS talß *? «*P*»»ed« awweof VXUe S^df.V 1 ? r Wti oont * u * opmtn, and t>u u«i nh nc« ■cfetMSi sstsusijft psss JiW^s^sS!^ r V Uc< - * n^lo Produce alUbetuiod l^i. MMt ,on *» *• bill 01 duecuoa*" K2^^£^*V Choll 4> Q # ,iQ6 » I * ajni > Sicknetn and “•!?*“• from Teething, wlm iramedStelr 22&i??E^i n * P? of ihn TuncUon. ofSebSy, iw ?^ rpie “ •*«* »<>** plemaant tranStion »Oira°BAHQANT° I ltSi”^ f . U “ Dr. Sg^SfeffiffaaSaSSa; isr °“° o “‘ of #sshss£=.®s SS»tsk e ““ br D?7fu™£, ’ u t l '" 1 ? ««ii ». Ctttir .u fhPnyTilY ««nd Ci^aO.AUo. » Doom.. (ua DUmond Biminr- SSSssssEis iffirsafrStejS's: •sssM-a I hmw!! . JV S r > ** niuch abound, Hey b.nS? I %l e ! 1 ot / M y?“«i ™d experience mlff enn!;‘^?s^ u,sD l^^ Ulou^PeTer » Jaundice, C 0“0» JwLyejUion, zJ*»py, DyMtuery, Bilioot X“J lnfluunalo^ a^^s^ k i.aaiOTSjsg SSffiSSSif* —»p "«TK J®' '“““'“'"sa’pau? . .‘N B conV« 1.1 ud wood, “„d t,d° w • . *■ «niQ * . JDHS >Oi HOQOAS: T*“ nSfaJSfVr.’iOTfo.'SS '[“T’"" call* the. cueiUott of - i lc^^e ebaau tUiUn| the'city; Mho it Je2nS!S2 - very. low nito, and give xeuefaKSS-ir 1 vnuramedaadcheap? Yarniah J?^" fl cUoa.^^Oo6d* maoatac-toTOjiUa e*. ofiuperlarouality, price* lovJertUa herctoforo njaoufacturtiSlorgun't celebrated Swito-’ eboJ asfiKaassiissaM^J^S B3^ ’^^^S^Sss^d ttmdr* WMU^inlrtl^r^rf^/wiiWdedfifaaßah 'SfS 1 -wi«n jito * SSSasss&?-®w^4SS3itti • ■* i •_ '.. ' v ; U K BALTBR*B,;'. .. . ~ GINBENO PANACEAI ,/ T O . ,I!JS? E _i.B DF 'fT JUN(i WJTjr J| l«Uf*GS.—The Biipre'eeUenWd KieetMi-Trkici h»t uenaettUw'Me'of tiie • j.,,\ ,„o . „ . • GINSENG*PANACEA"'’' l, ' f * S! " Q oil tbe-v&rlona'-Ibnßs which irritation tadnccd the proprietor eall alias ‘ . WONt>ERFUL : PREPAdIMOte > : The. eb«Rg«b}e .weaibsr-wUeh'JßUta. fioc-ihll and ■winter auwtha, scares of r ' rr^- «wse, if neglected, are bnl the preesraois ofthal fell destroyer, ••■'-• •* ‘ COStTMPITOI*. *: 'The qaesdon, th£a, tow ahaH.weatethedeatroicrm the bod? how shall, we gel elear.oronr' toStoknd older is of vitallmportabe© WthepibUc. . THEiQgEA.T. AND OhOiV wanmv , ' will be (bend tathe Ginseng Pan aecaTfopto*/ ofthig we have torn tone to tone pablisbad kfe c&tifie*Mi of ! dozens of oar tost known cUucas, who have eSerf. meed iu curative power*. The*e,wtthaßia*ser fc* tlatony frdnmUpamof ... MEDICAL JdKN OPiTHE. HaSTSTANBINti,! fiUnisten of the Gospel, Ac- tonthefWtuftopfatoltoi ices from the ■'>-.< .iv>; -n •- {; ■ . . , JOOBNALS .OF TBEISATf- ’." "*«'• we have embodied in belta l"fmißwKaww'* *« have been aiedinlhls’ehy. ll <*■ ’:»• t. r.i THOUSANDS AND- TENS ihxongboeuhe.Vnited Btaie* and Canada, and w 6 ebit : tenge any man to'pointohta'' iu-j . 1 > J^GLE-INSTANCE,, , ~ . rffi'-S*® l whe . a .l»Jtea according to Tare the long* bad became faShUr h all ever failed te, . “'■■■ EPFBCT A PERFECT CUBE: v ‘ - : | need the hSicted hesitate* -Wto amtt& \ f W*®"- np bx W , pwntoSiS’ ler the auemed name of uoe ed-fttasSrSfrl ileian, and puffed into notoriety by certificate* r - - ,*ota eqaaily unknown? ‘Whilst a medicine o/ : tINPABALEELEDEFFIcStf-.0 5 .' . fate be badjWboso Toucher* ate, at hpmey—onr hors, —many of whom it ha* 1 ‘ t*w*T SNATCHED FROM THE OB AYR. -, ! ’ln order that thi* invaluable median* x?*“' “ wwss&iaj . OBIT FIFTJ ' ' A ss3aafrw»Tßte®i^K v . - ■ ■ > HYDROPATHIC ESTABUIHHEmT nntuhititos. uvn m. ’ Tt®" ACKF.iI, r»,e* thu menu of re- hUfritod. mitf iSJirtSm tommy Ui* S? SSESXS to li. mnrupeS ®saas!^3g^MSS» mtetddigfaftSSa; hedtbv village, cw of access by steamboats. xSIS, fk sm* and ;vhql wane water,. ; WTSet .aiMiH Uiose afflicted pcAons who'iniy 'plice IhtottalvlffttH!- that every attention shaU be paid to their toffi fti y^**,****** o ™”? l ? ofthoaabstantial benefit* sLs*i7 t T? i » withidnfiiicpce) to ■ the, hMI mjm, « u iW» v m?clSwffl%sES! been tolled on UiroU tyiton.' II rimora i m. wura, pm;t=i. tomto, iSJSi °Md iijm s!i3»oVdiSJSti address the proprietor atph»Hp t b PTg ?*--" l>|t^n^ ngol » or angasd ;r . *V--'d'u, ! . ' DR. JA y K AWKHAT] »k. SSSiS^t^sS «£&&ggl P£ " . w gy?f tiafecita of **yia*» tae jieopl* pt wole,by my owaimproKetoeSncuy iled m ilu« country 6r uifteini ,Ttm, or wt oi&rr greasy sab* ofgtmJcoeoJs. ortsdies’ dcUung. ► mermpsliswf#,'ladles* bjmaw inytHlnrthaipnre.wait* will not lASbtb» M-- thousand jpttwua ip different parts't ':UUcf ; r IfießKf weald noth* •wrthda; ;•} s^iilartfwftir Boanbi S 'Utietc* erirffcitliks**aiins,'a^ paeeaa, 'irvJ'c l /;.^;-. ".w’ro.onfy found ibfee pieces vf changed • btforepattiag is <m *\}&i 4re*atrr ■-.?»«:.'% first f•ulpiilsbwftate lamdett-- • »!*>?»** ft fay ftj&agas is™ fewm fesaHVfe?-. - f«*J---t jj .MUdljMabfisi.' M , -. » ffi&ss tssttssssssk ,.,.' • im tniiwSS " "' J : * tttt* stto, burs nakittto «Mrfi ti«i idj« > nbctooSkrcd to U» p»fc(k,«B>l.hnie*a/ f ««« • ***Jii fcu» bm . juj K Um ■■'•** ■' ' A*t» wfirad math; fcaploW ' "-‘" l :./' :r v j: - >tgjw£»m PUh,M4BCH»N oof /«j^St2SSS5,rm5S 0 ., £ESHS&5 r ■ .I’a^gg^^-^^.Mfc^bSaKSfe'.'' l ‘ w ’*i - ■ , ;x «!. Jj^^** 1 " a; -slSS^t^lggr 1 ” -' ;; aa&WffiSEs.;:-; " :, .. ,' : OTfta^SwSpSSSSwS^f'isas^ ;R^^«tej.iT eujn6y > *- '*qAiai Hunmtri • “ > ■ ■ .. ,n i jTbtftxtitoniiaMXf raecen of thi* taediolui?, j a iff . J, < ti.o America <•■**•* r «I*iS^,*JSSi2S aI 411 S»»W*C«iml|«| Mk .1 ” and Tire IJunrtji. i Sssie ~ sw rag* w* i* Tft SSia- •• • aotqma of ihgiioagfl. • , ; ISS®* ‘ :■ • . ’ 'Utt.'»iVlnc'B'olit«i* ?^a . l v l t tt^LsAn" s .'. Affl&esSß&'-x - -•• K&iils.H-- : l )l(WrjUtia/ift£tr Varied*' ' * • '• kpS®y&®S%' 'r )n4fo»!idinwiria6jir|bMHi, Hatafeteiiiac'AtattfM' • • ' ~ SSbSSS'. wm&skt* i : '■'' 3 j U ' J Si.’ • . 'J J [j '. 4eje»ely oflioiwJ $n 55* >us.^^s < *-S I ffPy t >. i nCßr%fa|B l »odthcr coaid do • TSS 1 H ? ;1 1 ■j*. lpMih*iod«f ; ,-,» .After theme of two th. -.. tutd booie*. : “ ■Ria • a f W*prcXj , ».pfolJ;he»ledmij'iad rin& Us<;' yffl,PO'«PPa»rincfl fftbo diiaMa.-hMf - { « llfiZZ tote? 1 MUky ■- 7 1 cor, frog* P .wood »U, Jc alio comer wood & dfl>,» > f?BUFUBKIIY .. rS?fi|riipetflmcfl iSh^Sfcndcr.Amt. eitimcu • 1 ■ • u p» fV.fcqcasJoq wrtppen, (nice «ctm- ’ 1 “,< | offlaopcttg^jc^/ 9 ?f, l^ a . 1 -tS d t aru,ft T*** ' -t. wu-ia.’! : j. . : I._ TO J-' PaMaottu* Btfttf&u . IJSI OT^S'w^&SiSsS -1 ' 1641 " 1 ) .KDSs^fS^*; r t«4ta igffl • - kl m»akA2StSSr ? 5 t y r<l *»* <?'!“*? tim«i6ieet, . iX th» ?*® ? ,% flie d- *wnll XMhnu, for '’-; SSihRJ!l T '. ,,^S «3 afol«7itS3"' -JL «wr tried e*iher tithe Okf Stjffi,' i < ; -• >• | wa-dPhßlßEtßfe";: S|fef?S k - • - .■ ; •:«u-Jg f BlOdoTaiaoenOtl;* 1 < t !. ’ ?^^rj»>l*SBarix»»«da k • . . ~ ; No L*caied Utrmij, ' * do *eeotrf£«ap3. I * lUjdoNo?i*feMU'<fo iQdbTftrt'rfo tfo ;• t t S/kwee; 10bajfs4«\rs:Cofffee; ( 'i ipriflUfil O&ajpu; ittitrecMendlfisf eml». ... iel»n.l / <-?. \a miy j jhv o eijßMUeit" " u '' ".* ' 1 ‘ =• ■ if ooi Mljerietwijay liere eTctu*cd. I gareloonoof >'< ; do**, which'expelled *Umt a) wonux. •: Jl ' Prefixed tad mid ; fay. & fcflgi J?ns» J?WxS**L ' “ w Jigjgtth. had P I>t«to, - --A y. ' **s«jp*«k->'•.'■> ; misuSS-t? hi iUbr Mam» ft ta?tt ■ . i § .«rtprk d*s*7 Soto Agent _ f}&XULt&~u>bxraou\at%i*ii n t 'l PITTBBURQrt 'QAZEI’T p -4t I ,Opo Week ‘v ii , lt , , J 9? * i OMfi<rtiUi:s. j .. ?£ TOw] swjSUsw*-*,; ><n-; ’"••*- :««««}£•» , W<l ! j iV« Ra^SjaoAtb*,rtanwttta *tnjemr#, 1500; • v 8 i V ,VM)* , >,V • .r>. «’!. I 10 00? i | sj* | W»t,f*V***«~ - - vV '•"> ... f . ntf timer teas; dm j«*r. ***♦■*'s 00'* V ! iraa, « „ *d «waUivn«™..M.i.-#0(l t? • 1/-■'.: <««/; .isdj<tir;(ikilJ'&»MU*,tooo I ■w“i;?' 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers