The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 02, 1849, Image 3
■ - , A TOr.ptanVatrßir^ jf' ' ; " •'• •• f, "*.•, /Wu«p((ngiß^j;j«* T ‘ .\s "'’ - I'V' '•BUTfc ' StftuA.r' 4 batiawirf-iajportiaoe'ia » combined r .Mr Aifeertoa reported tUUiavmaffiiUcitaqp j! «fo!ddoDatoaoddoubt©etfl» % ] ;£/ i Mr Fearae, reported * taU afortbtotasstead* i | jog iho lima fer the cogpfetknariha bonjaigU'of | f f \ . WTO r ’T ). ■ taunne*a| ( er,lh!r body tn* nnimpeiiinj. \ Thft pq-gy jrpjwHprfarim Ml tO*. I«TrPtfa| i oftfae Hoots t& grater pajtof •ny final action bsiaf .had thereon. GENERAL TATLOB GN- THE .HQUI pis CAPITALS \ r K ‘ *' ‘*taw Otuatf Jia.30,1849*?' iGenenl Taylor day fcr . Washington, ria IWilmTio, Mr. Clay 4oea sol accompany him,, as wat; «spede£/Hh ezpceu to reach Washington by ihe2othof Feb* mry. - - - % I ACCIDENT ON-THE ~ OQt.nMBT« - R»H aom>, ' tumuro, ftb, . iA uighlM accident happened oalha Eaflroad, sew lha dty.iMa mtmiiaj, (a. eonae imnee of »hleh both the .Ehgi»eer read;Tata tajcwer*' fcßed. - ~ PHILADELPHIA MAiIKEr. : " , i Pmunnrmi; Feb. li I8ip,"„ Hoar—The madia :hu bcoa rtiny Which iu ducird otu door opOTUoat , Tto ruifat b the tendency biiwn. *«rJ. Wntem bheldor J}i2}o “ Oraio7-B«lesof prune rob at 111 loH3ctnlij ua primawhitn Com at« to&Ut patxubel. ' .fWlbteT-Stla'o/ a® Wnilt il as cent! per (■Son. > Canon—There b no marked change ftinye*. lenby; tat Upmarket if, if any thin*.doEer. . • , Provirioc*—There. b more 'demand fir provi* tmageaenlly.' V NEW, YORK. MARKET • ! - Nnr Yoat, Feb.l,lSH9. The had vealher haa , ampped tranaactione lo •ay extent Is Floor. Coin la fins, okhmoiarata at la*t quota* iona. '■( . aro pricci ara Teiy. no. . ,}•; ::i?.v Cottoa Market i*.heavy. ;'v \ i BX&TZMO&S.HABKKT.' • * Baltisox*, Feb. 1*1849’ t3a Market* |ue osebnged, toth uregirfi price* and demand.. \ _ A«im WsyBKCWVBD,' ; A W>ttow Opening, a let ot piano Fdrtei : «£L. from the celebrated firm tt Noma fcCtaifr. N.T 1 * It eoniUta in pah of the * SSSsasssKsstass 'SSgtßMbTßeai^ le^oS^ d 6”o TC, " maacMl g o , *‘ al ° 01 yS 1 _febl - 1 .:AIJWW ( K«I.tnxe3TOaK I \ SAM’L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAttOßi . XT’cIIAWO* ■ w. CZiAm STHEBT* PITTSBURGH, KEEP 3 CONSTANTLY ON BAND ' ' ~VVV-U . cwTfls, mimmmiwitotf OfTHEBKST QUALITY AND LATE3T STYLES, FASHIONABL.E CA RM ENTS, to fire ©s2 1m Ttff • Among lio vinn ucomptue* tto fcUowinr--. Tim F*H»' of KUgwueosipnswg & &llyiew~Vkw of tie city r cf Mexico, Bta Cottnb-PtabnK ®ieTtew oT.JtoFilUof tbe Ofcln,.lran.tholndi*a»‘ tMe-jlw cityof Lonirrille, Ae^naUiasßO^'Cajr^" ney on im mttfn*,.. .--.-. t-• / - Zkwn open nt 8 o’clock—Pajsanua* will eotojaenciT moving *17ofclock,precisely. .• k -.•:■•.: -• s-.i't--1.; Admittance,!Bscent>;' -=. .' ioas^a^iMasa^: boxes &Qperii^'Cad^Osspo«dsr Teas, «a hand and for sate by —WAII JEPCPTCMMtiM t r lx brand.* • jag ■•■•■•. A fljcWßApßApGa.,^ DRY PEAuttUT forsalarby • - jaaT? sVwM^niUoS” T ARD~g? b&ts Nol Lord; 30 less do' doj la' stare I t s- jag : BAWH»PRATOH j«Q •! fl jl'.w nrAgfrAVrfnt '•- T INBiiEiJOII>-lJ bMs Lfcueed OtLianneHl and Jj tfrOQ-y 8t WHASBAPaa bafeiPetilX^faM^by: X/ “DOLL EU Xv fog«MO: -ISUUiotf fftrtejvfcitiße'd tnl /tHAB CTOEB—lObhllrfmhCt/Viyfr.PM y Miaty—-:i«a» >-?-■ >BAW'W*"°mk)h- fog ' r ■. » " frfc WJTAPWATfnTT itTLX lm Salk park, int reett;' la ► Rare and ftjfttiaby" I*B WATERMAN,* .l* 37 - aiwtfcrtadgfrofttit*.' ABD-JfcbMe NVlLdkTUnlj**fcento todo* I jort recd Ted- la Rare ”” v? J&-t - - l 8 watchman bMiteeei>r«d lhxnAMait J~* Ma ff*g^g* to.ulglowmelwreonri^rooctt t*V &KlN3BY^g7iß«rtrt«t~- ■C PDA cuki, .(Ju Mmpnm A &m**l hi*t .^yasgaams^gS^ )OTAWESr3B6bIt kwtfa tbinlajf cod fijrvilalsr > jiSO ; J«JO . TA5BE?4fe BBSFVfv T ABB-8 keg* andl br J~j : im3o ; *>T:. TAggET»I^ 10TSY fIEED~f bbl* ta tten aid tat odo. irr !■». »■*>■’• t--K « H.k J.TAgSEY.fcBEgt^ 'DACCED BUTT^—I 9 bbla -to-iMV nett aadibr OUFERPINB 1 PLOUB-2QO bill,- Ewiafttiftind, BjihUdiy teeelved by v ; •; .7 ■ ->li«» _ , , r , y ABH3TgONgfcCgOZEa DXB FtODß—TbbUßye Floor,for**Je by ’ - AifaraTgoNo* crozes ijWTTEB AND LABD-4»ken Lord; 17 bM# da I*B6 bbl*. Soil Bouev; SLkmilausf; ltaduar. and gtWf bf Idflg ’ BAOALEy AtfikUTß. - qoiUtAfoalabv r i23**2£ Y»«i>to Sdoiunf AD SALTS—lS'aaill*^;• ptiao Score Mm*] Tin «■«&«* MdOwulebrT, - ■.. - »■ J JCmDWBMi'• rf‘W»S^-»0O)buil k oiimij T*lto»Corn,lo mitt,tot ' - JOBIDWSUi,A*t, .- ;•: j*3L ;V »mcriwqv « ' . . '• ; •*■»* - jasiisiulzell^ ,w ßaBgjfesSg , » T ABO pttH-WttUteu 4t*an t i a tf i j IsadißS-fiotßipnr^leneiigerudtoruiabT^! ••jiflcH'i' »<»«■•■ .'■■ jaw P^tj’iTVJi|T*«»f ||* 1 T - i pram cretmelKm'ia lND—Tfca Hwaiy of Vat* r&t ifee'd and &r ufe by fffrOff*BTOCKTOS? » Itoiayotr iUcAate^ : ?iteMBa?ißfasii»; ltbafeggsag 1 <iwp!l93 r XFjfep' ■W$P&£ • f,! >&*fit6>odbrdt»;sa. Itt JMHU. _ iriaaihSyvi S-BSSBSC ■SI-WMaeiiai iS'Tbtrtatri wEsg&fP HMfulfli. 'sfFXouai •niw'tiynvei MHwstJiDo butntoj ’ tlxa-iaazket - ;£?E.^ND] Aletfionatod " ‘cotof’au 6tna ‘;;:atrGAKUj] ‘VUb:‘ICfQ^ "-■'MO] 2Sejrg.ii; ■ GRAIN ISo ft bo. Iron aiore. beifiglig’hi ■; tAßfti? •mher *•’' ■firdiendeacy.,- Weintsydobtitr *“ ute»= 7-« now limited 'u'&Oisi. rejnote£SW3Lfffigfgi-a “ 4 v? 70 . * > af ” 59 J 2 * J ? *«> *i.'i o’ iRb f ‘l^ l ° ,y *. ! n’Haa^ab^^n 1 -*«**sfetomj trip'-IttM* -WigliP ofiatoam, wfatj itie S3&JieteQl r «l£it W*w by the FretN t sio v 3O - ; i <sfCa<ktt« 2S-'iaeW •-^asagxg ■&% -/“S’frwd 42 inches 4»‘ xabr‘ «1I bfslAH^lCGinJ n O'.' oy Mason 2s Bontin. its ioEriC' «»•*'. aliian stylo of ar&fcgfii^iSi iia poiii tdor, raiber igat? *«ytb kind ever beibre'?nishtd ! he}e; it 1 bailt'oniTet the immediate soper" iot '» a*'- Washington MasonTan'd'we “I* .>)“ julliee to this gentleman, that a pin. *** k™id«adn»iabto podtigß-beWoiKspoblic aaadeajgQcr aCllglironSliflraifim. n, tables and rther fcmimre oflbecabinaiefroralhe factciy (XYottcg, and teHeeis mnchereditopen •bat as a wafcmaia laaid' In noticing the* fineness of bef.lbdbiß*.glasses S' boafyneieMaiy iheyi are' GoSTtH* fitcloty'tflMr. T.'#wfe t WpdJ.atre«L 'Aa to; fcr carpefioftoarfKend McCSintoefccbmegiiiW » passing hmfe»,tt bang onoofhia beat jobs. In lookirg itio her ataterooma «v observe ibatonr Hiand Edjnoodaon of 3d sueet, bait been ccnlrib. btjyo pccase aadeornfat of tbe traveller, and And tboee handsome wlucta' bare only to be aeeo to be adlilireiJitobMessrs. MeColly do Co, tire Mrsyngnr debts d far this trely magnificent apecntpeni ofisinirinthoicoloringof glaas. . J a ■ viewing pe -splendid chain;of the cabin and so. cial hail, jure yere led at onde to the ebnehsloo that they! fitno-Abs wellitaown Mr. Gdoj Siniw,ra:¥omtb atreet. Tbo chande. are very fine, are finished by Mesire. tedEnrifeOg* Wi»t«i_'a«rett.VTbb.'tiueeiuware ia-fioci tfio sameestablishmeor. Tbe cabin paint-.’ injrlnexpaued in a style which reilecls jnueb credit of: tbe brash, Mr. damp Speare. l Oar friend,A,F[iliao,bfFrcaf tow*, hi entitled to credaiarpe'iplenW bells, largd'anji small, vbichnre to scrveasaaibguar ds to tbs Messenger by night aodigr.dny.,The blocks tbe' *si!«m&mni(y&«nl Slessia.' Dainige & Bobetts, on Lufthansa octtai ant, m jniiy ii,t f ib' aperitn npon jip ;Weoe»A .wito« l ;*iid.:wiib.iaciii'Bin ‘iai-Altge 6i^i& r Aiminjasna£ii'»ni clnj^wsi J&gw.'lWtU '.ijbs 2£lnTe«;on her fi r«i trip fi£' CSircinnall.tomomw incimlßj', u lO o'clock nrc. Cittly.-! ■TKsfKll!!'n'.'t -Jhiv: '.-Jft -■■4s-.c- | , v • J ‘" tolho,\£ireboiao, and tim,'tnsranto?dmjeaVw : »*k«di#-«tU»Sath inffiml, FrM'^r l ‘;Jß^43- < 10,IOl^05 1 fi88:l71,6li Jtoabbio Mafen.f.SH.'na witznn&tfbs gp«*i :;.* ! V 3SJSO3 B,ms 23,100 maa,’7l7,7a 709,02 s E*{a 4f,iaty, : aj 6-7.25 252.20 5l 1-10 TboJjftfts tra tbs-Aaautist’Tresamor (bribe ««<e *oaifl*santi«jy26lb;. smarm ta 101103,415, 341 !., cumber of piek ■SKSi ¥“ tbs Tains of Dry’ Goods, "fapoiied and cnlcrcp at Ike Cutlanr Houie,!£>r there eekend icfcdiilhoaoth taniuit, LI as annexed.'— */ :', BfannjigTTOi of .w 001,607. . .. *ISa3W *' jS-' '.'•Mwc’iat - f; ¥ ■ oftille, ,;*.* 3,108 • 1(007,387 ;■ :SS Of ««,■'■ ' !-HI - **143,66V *. Oo ~ .tlmtteOn . MO5. 133(171, , 8/B5 ■ *2,023/118 uffc^SE^ Co-tbsaamow£k,l. „ I, -• • , , VooVaast Valnee Mannfaetnresof wool, 10s « mm > 7 '* .5? 2 t f£° a ’ - W 655 I ‘f of lb*. ‘SSg. do nuaesruß, -»8 , Td&spaskajes, 1409 *5^761 Itj» «Mber spi V.loo of dry jJwdlenlCTed bt wnrebossmg, fcrebo asms w4et . i ' f Package* Vsloe. . HaMiuare* at wool, .120 tsiW ’ ofsotlos, 427 ,071? -j do Of mlk, 1/110 212^770 . -of-fltx,.. •• 2 ■■•: . .: 39Q. nlicePna, , .-ISO '• . j*f^ r ilaodtndfcf nit |MVOTCJIEOJf., ' ' ' ' * ■!. '.' Mtoi 0-. eta- Tetatpielnra, 1;739 ‘ r. k-.wi ..-a ««1« by. _ ■ ■ I ’ a »• ■ ■ , Wind 19 BeftTor <tTcet, NewVort. •' *' v'. - - v*V?.' this article haring becaiecnred tail/ , .f-i SiSLXiSHMhnpn*njreoii, '{> , , _ WurLmntrr, vr uopcniuon or ote»>e, wiJrt» [rotted. <'-»WRri6SdJ«t.-Pe»r&r Yoirpr-..“ 1 - , ‘ X-l_i - W^Ss3K^“gr&^- onwfceM racanatteoi?-' * a 11 to Ibr :tre ,*•» gfeBBBBBSgS'B pVi wKKSl&g&saa •aMjga^^^A i' *S3S®»SSg k 'sq? ti iip};y%2Bi m ■ _• _ .j. A? ?*■*£'* SKUa®, TsJftv,;: rT^Wj; l '^S§i2d®^Sl2i i J\=^y^oS/^ v-• 4* ‘ , . a rafej, "*«- Sale,ofaft^SSfomoor#. Honjfifii hand* waJurtTSlmi o( WTtf/f.Hh FLOUR«*JR«roIaj< i-..u£dbte at 3«^S»Jt>V ■■ f ■■■ ;•-• -ft \ 9 Rus . mirtstcodfimn. *qniEa r firmi \ ib Aa!i* %&ssss&, <inlitme«>ia/^i*qg#s*;slSt7& i nolitit fixjm ttor<o‘of l3 : liW»'hjriibat at SiSStJt? 1 Cottier Of Saithfieid and Ponrth n» . fffrljl TEOtn & SCOTT, haring commenced the AUf general Boot and Shoe business, wholesale and w **! 4 **»P®«toly inrite the attention of .thfltr tntsids aadjhe public jeneralijr to their splendid new stock jast opened, consisting of man’s, women’s, bo7sVt&U*e£_and childrea’a.wear.of crery Yariety, stumble for ffia season, and aFprieesioaoUthe times. .Also, a vpleodid artiefe of Aleialie Com Shoes, foraen- Uemen-and ladies. Please call and esrsaune ibr 7 oor •«4TW - , f TROTH * SCOTT, „ _ conxer ofgmiLhfieltl«nd 4ih7uTPiitaljarßh „„„ , LCiniEßl LCHBEUII rrHßwhtcriber* baling ukca tbc Saw inn abo»« i A.iSf F * f ‘ l,; )l* r ? «n by Mi. John r»«mbei«, wd hailnj a ynal nock of Timbcron band, l.T 0 ”^,!, 01 * 0 * 't* **“?“*«• of Ho public. Orderg |rtaakioiljr receiTetfacdprompUr;utaod(d ta ' bAVAKTABPAULBINO. ,17a flnicwigrtedhayiaf toMiljiatßreitio ihfliboro will, Jo WeiiTi. fevary *Bpuldaifr would recam jßead then to hi* farmer ■eoxttiaere ud fao ctsatauni - 1- ** befog well qualified in giee utiafeettan to el> .who oty deal with tircm. -frgMla* JOHN CHAMBERS. - Vtfoa Line, Jgfe- «.*»«« AND PIULAD^UIA^ PIYB JJAVB and jfiahi!—A jl. r c * r :JfW 16*»8 Philadelphia daily widi lie Mail TnSa v> CiiaUirjba/gii; a Wagon will leave on iu arriral, and Haring relnyi of horse* rennutf day and wgM, Heart* lie ecrlaio amraTof rood* ia Fife P«r«L No more Good* will b« receiredihan can be delay will ©£cor. We wiU W prep wed ld forward CCOOIbe daily. Apply to |. “ WN. BINGHAM, ' Canal Ruin, Pittshnrtb. ‘ BINGHAMS A DOCK' ' No 87aMartel meet Phlfe<*a.. • , tUE, • CJHIPPERiIiuid other* are O.woUnne* to ran daily. Produce end ntercbandire; receipted (or by FIVE DAY LINE end xgular war* <nu, at tow nuci and apecified »"■ * ~ . >• JCBIfiWKU. Pfttatanh: I gQIiIMgOKABOKHM, Baltimore. DliMlntioAofPanneriidfr THE firrapf'U'Kce A Gefitenhainer, haatble day been djhkolred b j mutual concent They have ptaud theJr hooka and account! in; the hand* of N. Bne*crfaier,fortheparpo» or collection and ceiUe sicni. All‘perion* snowing tbemaelTet indebted to .Ihetaia firm, will pleaie call and eeute with him. and pmona bayinffctaima agalait'them will pnaem their aeconota for payment DAVID M'gEE, _ •■ . - CHAELE9P. UEISSENHAIN^. • Pinaburgh, January 2t, 18<g<-jaBMtm japoangn—Q*AT*ai«ed Tto fPHKinbtenpenbftg tfreaHlheai*-.: •. ■! ■• ■'-}*»?:> *»?■-;■ . . X.jJrehjtEctf andownenof o;: • . i'vjr. i .jr.&upridefia^rToraeropT SHttSJT - ‘:sr ■ TgISSoV' -•? 1' - ■-'-■i ■■}■}i*r«! • . *athbetter led • Ja2j3 fe < - *• J 8 DILWO&THfcCn ■ I ■*-J.r ••••*-.- • ' '-- -®W -SJ?? - JSDiLWofeTII I . fjo'i QBa a • lye,, . ' ’ST i" ; » ■ BcKvif.* t*,.' * rfe En< VßearW : J> ... //dwriKC, >,* ■ Tt « w "” 15 f«> 'ii ctaind by pier m»k, l,« d slowly, -■ .] ° If ■'to'l* AJJSngTHE DAY. '■ '' M - “«■ * ipa **W >i’^^.WWteFTOippau„, •» „” ” V^' * ; <i4> f Jsiitondei'£ VlT* ”* y . I’cio^su^gSr^'x::’. 1 : ;t^ x./ 1 ,oa *•' . d “?, tK^mmoduin^ckric C!l“ ,”‘t" ; sSS^sstessss&aßs, ,51° f I |s. v ? alor, ,* n f otkef« who may con*st ihehjoy 4sysssßsas^ ! Kassa&g : s^«sj4s®ES3i» o !fiaK& SSSilillsS*: ‘SSpSSSBws wMeh-pemiaia> thi (W •g*g beSSS^J^iUS gg^asaasgaggl •„= tolkaj - -^ WItTTOQ Comelo'mr’mAqh^»£f\j>'m < .- ’ :; ’ -firiTß of Boi apatfe; *• - • « w *' • 1 • ’ » ... t No, co’er can be wiry; , 5 Qood-BTp;- ““jj ■ _ C !« Ayaitc &&BOIU 1 s^s^ws®a?ari«' JT BoirtiJW 4 »4'iaco<£dite primer. *2 Beram** Hcxtad&rPiaaa,* < } V S tsss&'f&ssste-- -m£ JOHN iL hIELtOB." -„ 81 woo?«t >*aa Mf?°j!tS£st*r u,ir ’ roaches, Baggica. Ptetone, 4e, 4c., which Him their lous mannfactureof the aborOwork e r*TO.lhey feel confident they are w work oa Ujc mokt-naaipnable term with • jJps9Js*nunra nicies la their liit?J i ''“ .*-••• •elertoo of tthhs njus, Mno bat competent workxacit/lk»T i JJAVo, tto hc«imaoh-ra warraatiaff- their work/ We : thetcfata Mk;tto httemfcm to thamiu** «. t*. Kcpuruts dons in the beat manner, and on the most reasonable terms. - jaJKktf ' PartnirahJnHotle*. ’— —-^ /THOMAS KEKNEOT, Jrfcomcr of Wood and lih _X_ ««eu J . jia»ihir day auoeintod with himlnibd S vl.’T*^- Rl °L? lt, l ea *’ Ohio. The fintuhertafter -will be Ken coy A Sawtzb. -v-ewauM , Jfoatutyr I, i*4o; - j raoxu IKSSKCt, Jtt. . ]affilK.u»m V * SAWIIBu ! MTO * ; &fj££*"**?"** wo *“«*»• cu cfouZr ife?;” 1 * ,o b ° ?c - - «°y *«&!£ Tub firmot reed, parks & Tie butlnoti ofAi 'ftSrSffl? 1849* ibaq, CtA * u *Co-r--a ; 0. Petss, Ism Reed. Parks a Co. CLAip, PARKS 4COn FORWARDING Be. COiIMISSION MERCHANTS And Agents for the * Pitabtugh and OsTelaad Line, to Cleveland, O. fj'« Liao, “ Rn"'pl d ’ °' Bear to b. JL Harton end John A. Cattgfeey, Pitts b-°g> - , - >OOt« aad RbMt," dflg3P-d3aJ | «CTo»»»p.Toi t y H it nrnaCTag'';iMii. T -" F< D;PlTOO Sthß&'.'BoWte-W y»toj. y Bourt, W, id PnhL'SchSiiiL ritKTtoT? -fc^totheanmeobjecttaSe «n.\Tho bmUjing ironli on Penn atreet. ..a',-: &»11^)0 deei „d wu erectednnd aniahedlft •““ftotortti Meant* end dl and also £ JWW Kreclora, U whom lie pnblio a* ndebted fotli truly Megutt Seminuyof Leu* ”l f M *»® dinlain. two halia, paaainl' tbrongluhe (raiding, end aim two rootm? cVT!* wet by 30, onh of whieh ia deaigned tor public and the other tor the primary depute men ofjthe ecljooL , The aecond atory, beiidea the r‘ , T I ™} «Sooi;room &r boya, 13 feel 00, nndjlaro reiitation rooma, 25 feel by 10.. Th<? third atory ia diigned tor lhe miaaea and ia liniabd ed inthe aameimanner aalhe accond- : \Tlm acbooij and recitation rooma an 14 fc«; and the wlndowa am a-ranged ao aa to he to<ee*|d from tfco top, Ihna affording ample meana' of veMlaiion. I ,V The nchool fooms are each calculated tor tho accommodaitoi of 100 pnpOa, farniahing each with a writingJdeak and a comfortable chair. Tho wiole of the nfrangementa are made with a dir »c( end enlightened view to the comfort and well being of, the pbpila. : Y«! Obghl aho mention that there are taro yarda Ortho.rear, aujrunnded by high and tight toncea, aa pliy gronnda tor the different aexea.— Thi bnjldingjataada twenty feel back from the atreet and preienta an impoaing appearance. J tko eentre above the aecond atory windowa, there ian plain white marble alab, a prevent from , Ujo Threclora, with an onSniahod inacription,which ; when completed, will read aa tollowa .— ; ; [Fourth Wane Public Sonoma. 1 ! : j BmLT, 1838, Ekbuilt, 1848. i.Thf. apacojin irdnt, ia to be endoaed with an iffl® mt ?ng, ayd ornamented with ahrnbbery. The fellpwing feme ahonld be credited with the rami'. tore ty-Chainj by A. Carden; Blinda, by Wooer. $4: o*, by; Sheriff & Co. igThb achoola open on Monday neat. See Ad. vettiaemenL tcKeetport. ' 'njiaTljl*. - Ofnci.—Tbc watchmen presented an w «‘y- If 00l an unusual numberof cases IConsideration of his honor yesterday mor- ' One was sent to the poor house two to l iho &iU—one was committed for re-bearing, and IW wero discharged. Among others a merry J-SVeachmeodicant with a wooden leg, and body Itod limbs mbit horribly mutilated, was charged I with drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Hi* I stalcment is, that be Was obliged to leave Prance, jin .consequence of the late revolution. We are j not aware that this was true of any, except, the I Boyd Paoilj. He was I We learn; that a series of religions exercises in.progress in the Grant Si. Baptist Church, <&evi Mr. Teasdale’s) and that considerable in- I terest Is evinced in the meetings, and a camber Jof per® os ore inquiring what they must do to be l* meetings are held every evening. I MtWcat-pFortwo or three days past a Ger ;tnan Wiib whand organ, has been grinding out ; music-: in various Sparta of our city, to the great delight of crowd* *of children. Dimsamsuxu Aanrvat.—Hon. R. M. Johnston arrived from Ciodnaaii sight before last, per [ steamer Telegraph No. 1. He departed last eve* niof for Brownsville, enSouto for Washington.— the day yesterday be was visited by s targe number of oar ritissns on board the fr»tt Ma^Enma— It may be interesting to some of yoor readers to know that a File of all the Bills Before the legislature at Harrisburg h may be found on tho.lable ofihe 4 Young Men’s Mercantile Li- Brery'Asrociatioo,’ and is not one of the lean of I |h« attractions of their very pleasant and well top* plied, reading room. j CtnCKBTIIBQH~piIgbg, " I (»t« Areal tor I QpH^^^a^^kanny 1 * Piano Fortes for Western Ilf ■«lliSlpeaa»y | wui|»,j No. HI Wco4 tweet, u CUekcriag’, p.S&^S rood ”=■*"■ ** a i»- • One rosewood Plano, 6} ocuvea, new sealer | carved,« “ « *. , 1 ! aVro “ round comers, « octave, new scale. Two u \ pan cel “ $ «• *• - u fts ah«rro are all from the aaanfaetory of J. Chick- _ _ *u»oa hajed ajio ro» uu law S « oooto Pianos, from the cumaftcurT fJhy r SS em * * Nbw York. (omcrJjr of tie ton of Bu>d*n, Woreetter k. Darina. 4 rosewood 6 oeioTe, Goto k Co, Jj. Y. ▼e ** OCUT * made bjrßacon 4 Bo- Ssys^fiSSTßS »*-Tia i PIT' 'TBQDItOB ggaf4|t t B itbiimiiihiwb T*£lS 0 m “• iSuSSriSS™ ®* Mr. and Mr*. Goraoin, far the areseat academic year, will commence oa (be fim of tebroa* ry next, la the same buildings, No. &j Übony street. ArranyCmotU bare been made .by which (bey will bj tarnish ymo| ladiea fadlitie* equal to any “d* B Weat, for obtaining* tborouh B»fUah. Claiif* A ftul «««« of PM* "OP"** 1 ' Ch«d«al Leexnres will be deli rend (Jenny tbs winter, Wtutnued by apparatn*. The de* Panmem* of Vocal and InstnunenuuJktiuie, Modern Ltayaayea, I>rawing and Pamtfny, wtlleoch be under (he care of a competent Profreaor. By ckma attention tothn moral and intellects*! improvement of their p«. We, the Principal*trope to merit a continuation of the liberal pdironaye they hare Miherto enjoyed. For terms, aee circular or apply to the Principal*. PmX.AOKI.PHIA UTOBTUIOSir A T /fS VVKST , Jmi tteeired, Pari. Pan* of !*?*** • 1 7 ,e ». PereaMion Cape, Teeth Bratko, Owrmeo Slates and FeocUe, F-eoeh PeTfoaerT ami Dnrnwijtlelet.wuhtho ißOftextemiTe **,fety of Pansy Oowto u the city. Beaten am iarited u> u eetty examination before nsrchatiog Lheir tSDfiliea.aa the good* will be oflcr*a*lthe JoweetSSoiSSm . W&L TiLLER, jmr^^^ HUFFS AT GRSAT BAEiGAXSS! M’COKD 4 wijhin « u> close out Uieir stock of 1U MblTs and Tletoneju for the tcaion, will *ell (ha balance (embracing a food Tarieir of Lt*i and Frrm, 14 well as the more common gwmw>. *• k»s. TEEN COST—« whicQ Purchaser*. NOW }•( THE TIME FOB BARGAINB. Call at corner Wood and Fifth streets. *- |aio "WrAjrltfiSto—A large Hoorn' ‘2 rerpeeu for the accommoda- wSelect School. this IndependentPolio*<frg£iT “ XTO. KW hoCitTH STB Committing Maris. 11 trate, AuinuSnii. Chief of PoUcerßoaMT jslC-d3m TAEA^HKBS—I2OO lbs prime Ky. live fee— Mj er*i in store and fore sale by Jaitl JAMIS3 A HUTCHISON * Co T<V Df has remwred bu office to the Aj*r Post Office bnildtoff, 3d story-entrance by Pbtfo Hall Stairs. jal9-d*w ' HOTICBr rpilE tmdsrsifned haring re mo red to Washington A **tT» will attend to the prosecution of claims on foe Governnwm, . ani/to enflawlutineiibefo«v. Courts of the Diittlct.wittt which fie tnajr lie - ANPRKW WVJT HAVING jnat completed the rcbaiT^'. bpaie«,we era now prepart/ 1 ■od moke it in the moat mercfii . • The fiooae* **e fitted with •• t/.«- r.nj.-f , menu, end an espable of ,'oa; KJ r .'- A •'< Can*; ii'i'in, _J*l • ‘ I' r-'-.-es tugM cared . ,S*. ".' ~V, Nicblfl* l:f.fM. : t*t.K -’<•« V U Molft**<*, BeweTQPl 40 *lt* :■!?'»< fut tale by ! :• L i HEH.EBS * MCOLB bnßh Peache*;B4o do ADpiei. in :ture .■ydfor laieby JaaJ JSDlLVvußlfri A CtT • HP bJ * f««l» Roll Übum, uwUy Av wowed andfor sale by • i ,as ARg&TBONQfc CROZKg gob? cue/, ™ir/hjg *“£&* w w SSPagW IO ■*** Hot “»*>?• • )«ai ,W, w wILBOy t cofDefmarfccians4U»»tt - SPABKB-F3fty Diamond a/’ rijWotiuerai retailed and for sate mxvfio +****, ■ bSofihe real East India diamonds. ••«.., . ■•-.-iy.i^ i,a i..:' '•' :: •» v ww wfLSQXi .. : .TJOCrKERPI* WANTED—O* al li M»«Tu'"s, laXlAubipiEV * Ofc '• :i .'.! ■ - "‘- -i ftodPlt'- - TJlEH3—oooo Ibt In ciorßAad fi?r*»la by r v ■ ISAIAH MCKEYt&rCo ia. *tora: tbriafAtiy' “■' v ,> \**.J - Co" fcbUtnitgTflmad ferttto4>yV ' .^.!'' >'< ISAIAH DICKEY ACo n "' M^MSSS£ K t\ «.* ■ Wo. mm, Pttmnso** Rsrt ' 2S2st22S??SlSfesi& r i?w* Wß ' of ' ,tairer|e# * r *:‘ *arehoa*e,<ise|adUg all tbeurwhotamle'rooms;) 4bt iwailioy, and wj» cteulnna open until W fimofFVfr* n yTf comnmnjiinfjCQ New Yean day, 1649. On* wholesale stockj coaming oac of the most extensive and varied astCTtafenu of Fancy and Supto- Dr? Gooda ever exhiluttf in the western eotmtrmrill be offered at lower pnes* than ever before knowrt’Eve-. ry arueje, bowdTeTdhoieeaaddeslrmble* will baao*- ° r * A 7 »bSsand doIIS of on stock ha* parchai* d. the greater , food. rtcS.rfuN«w V ork by late European srnvals, which than the Jato.' thT*™™ * eiu ? r V fi** 11 " *“ knowiL pressure in the money market, wfere sold at , M twenrefiretofifty the time aborer mentbtied l -will he Grand toTba area lower than wholesale rates. .v l , We anxiowly lari* alt persons to visit oarestsb* lithment. whether thrt'pttrehase or not, aadSorSe S?bi^S I tffl?S2sl^j! lrin * liem will incur 5!! °hifg*Ugn confer a fever npoa the nnv Of DO^ ,vo &Sm* < on * p f * „,, lal^.r .JSSj : airM, 1 “■ ,f'7™ 1 «“ seditions] supply, s£dU JK£j" °‘ * a . j lyblj CJoth* Towel* ud Nipkiu : y. Qy Whotcrtia Roomi ap rg(ra. *TAMJAEY fe, IS<9 —NEW DRY GOODS—W n °*^ ned : “«minyna additional many scams and dealra* bleanleles, land buyer* am invited to eaU.u they will &S?ffi3KS^3!S*s2hjgg »B'iUWor I dV , S a, * ,dM ““ d »« J^j Goods at wholesale up stairs, very low. jeS I g* I*3* 1 * 3* OoodvStSSSgTha i P Wd Al«tS»?aSr arK *52: the, richest good* imported this season: «ii wool Plaids,- ilgh color* andehoice Cashmere* Mou deLaines; fine denary and Lyo- ,r,ss“rr«‘^s' lh b r. a^ pt ' " mi »" «' Our sumk of Shawls is now the largest In the eitv. JhiJ^SurK. ll^ 7 60 **•» °V prices from j thtsdate *iilbe-J5 per esat less than at any former *??*£ ~ - _JL__ isia /JlEyr8 > C3/)AK TASBKIS—S dox }X 3 40 V lk dodo; 8 do do fioodoj 10 do do Idtaic* T»**e!&, Msorted; > do col'd da da. 1 6 do * children’* woolen coat*; 6 dodo do Caps; 4 do do common; lOdo* Woolen SiS gBSST™*’ d ° «*•« “to-Udie. Oh- Sm » "!*! zKmii.ow , ♦iif* b 7®s pre,4 > on ® carton Plaid Lose »cni4of which ueor ibe Enen' ttoo oevett *tyle» imported, and an non? offered at CfSEwil 1>« "la obtained eul; “»« “Cbene Lana" Suck, W i*s:. 1' bp cl o**d *» gresl bargains. Tbo ladies axe invited to an euty examination. " Ul-EXAND£& 4 DAV, 74ma>ket *t, _N_W cor crf lhe Diamond *S?!.•c^^e“ , n —.»■ -“■* «< "T .s* er * em Sh»wl». o{ the l«uut ttylea tnd richest S32iSSSft2t , *« «^«?S!as j? l3 j ALEXANDER k. DAT asay* -» w^.»s3<* &&ebsbissbm S»r£»3MS9MBP SPiS^' «mj .ußionadft^DS^f IfiSSa^^nsaEß^ i^-gr-jgagasfegi Plpssssi g« 04o*coTdfleecy jdlkGJorei;§doMk t F^lPse ' 19 *° fwwk lilk RiwSck weM ihuitj br | F U EATO.Y* C* -jg 4 *, - FWpffrt ■ J INKN mUj For dkt Goatu. .'w^.i Ji *£ p,ais ~ O ‘S ’■* MU««» -TUh : tmACg^wagj^ • foil nwqengf.dOOSStfe «S«&liafcttl!tMtSiU'4* lions etuis blows ml Umdl * apply csßioUitly on buul. ™ J'JJJ 1 ’ • •N'^2i.i°P* , 2* JA NUARV~W tt. MrrtW.V.. sS3Jrsf®2stt^A j sas*s P?** o M< * drab do, at IS|; acd a Tah fflsssssMSjasr o'rJil N . D J N ' D , F °H S4LE-I0 p.irrtUlwUH 25 /as? «timt ftqfa mjaofkeww* and for So lf/tISSSfS MURPHY4 V™* SUPER THRKE PLYCiMBim^ d i recl f f«a U»« nastritetam* s»sLgv^s’s ! aisS- -_ -< l?st> W M’CLINTOCK . -mponer, Wo ICoaneree «, Phil a. rttf U>«; for «l e £'***'*> «* £sl*l oto cochran eMM new >, r le F«wy &m4uS«4 bf' “ d Wy httod “ BWl _ d«l| ' '•— Ja2s r. .Vi .-rocßitw, —— . - i •" >*t and 3d «ta V*j«^4 C, l M£R,A ’ os ATCOST—!Smitb * Johnson I .} *' f ' : *’< rroa; »~'SKr’''->s?' | Ci;e i» C jj‘ji. ]r„j ,igy )“"* K '* 3 t " t 'r ' r ',' c^£Tjc*aeniJ»' 1 "y'f-'BUirknUK'i, 1 Ml'S,' A . *M JUTOJUiLfIikE, Ssh?'°r“ V ' l ""“‘''w -,ite Mi , ’. ; , • - . iMUbcny., 30 •*,black - « r f ->wtl«r, (Chloride •f'i e ,n»iiw.; 'I » ccj 1 ' r :v *‘ 7 irf^T I *? B subscriberstin on>h»nj andwiii sad aist»< "■£ ‘•.f ' . R V c ”*ii* ’? - -ora f ®Jokl If pof teptnor 10 any tafpOrted in tbc 0 gini*. •• -T ami ketprice forcwh or iCTmjrwtbirii. . “t , »V , % 4A.uA, V.°° T » , %gKKVTRKK, Wliberty« • • i. n > ■>•■■'■. <[7 **■* ‘A- <'e *no Sir. Hose; .nvjiprikttdfe haiu' »,x ■ « n., r..i/fitteS* my a*,. Coacare, cm- » "wise order.. They wifi receivedsSr P iEfSS£ -- J ■&«* „.*wm.wooi, Aioisfcci ' raa - u,uk note* Ac., jut rec’d rod Tor solo by w ; u * HUST i -WW WILSON, ] Dentin; Comer ofTotmi! )>J ; ." comer of market rod 4ib su !" v * a ® DeciltnT > between T EViATIiON GOLP Ij cnoat eXCßileot pea, SS HfVJg * ob £»• this day >OMociSJTI^. market; for role by W-W WiiJwtv 1 together lertho.purpose of irmostetio* a <■«] ■ . 7ite!iw M^ft.<“*“4o TO 7Sb£Sw. £ ,Db^ripfss^ ■ * ' n,i^^ TSSlfflEl*S ■ •i* s k ... ... tilSiSSiKl SJSAass aMsfe^iam Pitttburgh.* Tho And irwifl be suitably rewarded by 61 declW ° * nme ftt e cr the above named KfiteL -kWHijnciffir ; r-: irsrdosouire fOEIMRDISB '«fCUJla : iBSloS , a^Bcllf)iM '■jafeaSSS^SSßtaS«: ’^SiSBgaSSESSSB^. lV< ... \J AUMOril 6uU) PtNS_A iltj. ud I«iituai medium udinmll i met, act U» be»l maJcert: for isle by ni.nuiWeri price* by ' MURPHY k “BP* VffL , liberty tt.epporitaith c^*o^l4clt .®Weil heavy earaimereiTS' VjT^EKSJßclgaE^E^^^ J3i . !.„ HUHFIIY ilfiK; liberty*. • or»Potita 6th r , f ** reuilStiToSmStStS l^^™ 1 *™ , “ re OX \ WsSrF* «£» “ '^^‘S'“„Tc^ mlnj® *nd ("»»>»rur*,Bi.Do. ioNiwySt by .**• mo « «P«teo- MaSrtßtiaiajln 3 “£>*»£ ©»n Juice. S^jMglr '3H! i L , 08 % sr^aabwear^ ' WjMfli itßisD & GO;, GESEfe^oS^t'JS^^--, _ . . ,' BOSTON, *g^‘fifaS!? l»fL*C« have Icsto to . •‘ • Merniß. Hobitoo 4C0..) „.• 1 - McGill*£oe. iPttUbuxjh. ■ « Seed, Puk* k Co., Bk»TeK ■IIES*vMSU' m , WP,F«ie»en,Ettl tl _ ~ J.c-j j Menr* RC«Mlo& Go. f V» -?•■ “. * Giukgtout,- ) o. bn> ?" r ' rt° of eonroiJSJ foor ran l tu nrabl. ra J!si iS .SgsaafipsSts^ffSSS ,«*» *"g* wedyfafjuuJßii JSSSTC fPv* 154 5 'J tomwenccd Ukiop Dr. Jurno’iJUfedi dues, ud bAjeiukeatbeaußoreor Icm ever tioee. &3«#f-SSSi Espeeiortm are the best fumiljrmedieiaeiiiow is ••IJ2? e Bprij, ff fiol4 * Ot“go eounty, N. on i ssfsSKs&E 1 ktau c s£ e is £.£&“•' Bprintfela, kTW U. 1M8 MjUAH EftT 0 ”' •I *S%nP U SiF’ B «£. al i Jut, “ FlgFpnooP &sMS’’o7ffiCK e i; S&aftfii feiSSsl brok ”“- ““So F ” ttiebj W. W WILSON, i Irrz—2 1 rrz—2 -V ' • ooreeratarket tad<ih«a v** weladlnj come very hand ton a. *j«Z block luiiinCrarmlj, aeveni qoiUtK?*£l£flliK CMmEta* co!or ® d border*: super Silk do; SS^HP 1 Drmvrßr »f.®criDo» *hk Vad^oruS; •omoofthe fonooT extra E*p«iaJ attention is bi* ■ o? French Broadcloth* and r>ttl ■Ve*S^K U * e . endfoaey; Velvet and Batin I 4c. At north east corner 4ib and Market j TUBS_AND churns. Pin* ami Cedar Ware BannCaelory, A»“!?•?? rtiail, Tery low.for cub— | Svtql Cbanu, Staff Cbumr • Horse Backed, | Half BasheU. 4c. A ? 2£r. r tlui! * ' Vare * u hil “a* 1 * to order JaSMIy , _-? , _ SAMPKL KfIOEBEW.. T .lltnUcn of ilw iw<WL .. JOUN w mrEEN. _ _ No &4 Madw Street JOltß S*D«' GX,S3S 9T. "' . NOTARY PUBLIC, ' **?CB ** *?“« A Co’* Wareheote, Wi. tw «««, betweenAVotS and Maiket. RaJtene* ;as' to “ ,h ° rE ” b ' n jSst. E^’ 4f°™? BA.GLE TRIPOLI—-Pot 'iiJSi AS “£l iafflp *!•***■» “*▼« plate, • brJL Bn rer'Sr:- h rap l^? uke»!tatallipou JSISKrI*’ 1 *’ *°* Te P lW, ° ce * tbe boaotifal and dnrabJo Sa * ««*«* **d for T?JgJ Ufl ’ by JOILND MO ROAN, •*W'«Sa‘rSKM I «fcL - IJ|“^* bto e "7*WiT U> enjoriiu UdicMiNUUeS . AfrjifoTtaalqgj will bo reecirrd i*|ly aithe war*. fiwiw* eomer SaitlifieW *wi ssga? aWr fc, fiobium, AUqgS^JJ; SSKSS: «^*.k bo T*’ tt crock ob head.'will ‘ l**l«*t *“ d ®o« Ue«i*l)lft ceieetiea n« SSS^r enr ' “ d wil) ** »«W io oU cam . -*^Ssa^4Sss^s».a raw PIAHOS. So^^»«!}^‘£u S? c» mAm> p tuo , MITD il.. 1 — ln^tof“ T "* ti,,e ‘ 5" ,,4 - K “». «™i*U »e» Ow p»Mwood CJ, tcrr eji vdo- “ .* « :■ ***“*«• This it* very Mpenor Piano. w 2“L '., ® plain, «.&0. -^» l3 ifcIfILKBKB. ' >ka«KUN; • lll^mw^u^Mirirof W publication In ths social forta, byifarMr * n_. iKr., K«r Vert, Tie Life of b32> fSKu? ST kk,° r "a'tc, sssst&r- ■■■'■■" fIHACKLCTT k. WHITE Ctbly lowpricrt. tttf itrrs.QDjnet aerffof eolaypa, ' PlUBl'ltfd jfAPSa. p«per miUfanfcU wtii tlmj*«.Jl?i T 8 ,g|^gS2S§ / -WA«BmGTON trama,.:. AII^WSSSi t »»*'»oea»Wl»imen%ilb«u>»ior .<*.*< W«4«ni»t.; :-■■>■ i ■.:■ ■'■„ g* £«k<j,i ' , '* i«3 c C2 ?/' -P ”* S •’’ ’ " I. ~ - fla^ 4 V-. -i •>>><*'** ' &** *d “' * "W* v-pX^'-'lf''^’^" s ' - •'3r IC'?* .Vr^",7^_ -*¥!fpp pSbnto ttoiß, Jaoae>tuMn» • maikw.«w»v .HkittyJcVei; ii%«xtn.«spet-a lcfT»idCßrt«Uf v3u !(9is psretuotag. ' ft, Elibborffc'. wants; iffiimllTrViVi; —■‘lunwu. rt«‘jnjodi tai-jmW baiVsABEWOAjUoIV “ • ; "‘\ W 5," . ; ' '•f^lw-ix. oCosiaaouTi Store, eomer of Market end liberty *3SS^:SSw9 ; ... I -"•'•••* TO LET. *■ '- ,J ••'•'iA'T./T’j aSS^gg^femSgri ‘TOIBf. A V ;-T V • •; ® n Ua,k ** »tteet,*i!'VewJ sfet ‘sa®-9ff ETOsasasi M. i . .POW- RB^y L * '» .. ■ ■_ I t JJF 1 *??* 00 * 18 2H r ***“t Office, aw] oTlThi F* «««t. A£d a t«»* | rewd oa Market etreet, third etbry: wfth amalter»» mra in eecooitetoiy.below, formerly occupied aa■*«l FdSEInwJTE® beini well located *aT| EDGITZAM."'! _Jal7.ihr Office, 3d at, over Philo All t f POB BEBT. • •’ • • I M TOE three **ol7 Brick DwelliafHoa*. - for..* raerfy occupied bjr the eabeeriberToti RebaccaJ meet, in Aue|h«ny city. Ja& KKRaTiTf^ oSfZi^ 6U^ oaPounl^,et,r^a Jiii'L-: KKAP'fcTOTrgy- SSKSSEHS i° p °p r °' o “ Ltal “^*.^i< is? James AHUTCBiso.viCp To'Leti r ■ "... ? -' MA LABGE; and well finished Room: second W’™ conifer oMVdod ud nSkiSEJ, ***** ** hxebme office of'tiaH WiilSwaV Pasacaoan given immediately.*-lnqaire of ... . —-*i M*GILL9 a RUE, 194 Liberty it " . voa sale ottakaiC’“" 7r *~~ *£> , ofler* for xxia or rpui, hi* re»]- p«rticnlm, “Box No. MO.' Po«“cKSS BBTOg yj|Rli| • • -. J* w " KtMnSKin k 'Mlnr>‘ c I ?S?„ A n a S^ irT ®« ,a ha££: ft«t In irat by SbSSS uSSSSaS™?t --~-rTtsaenai. l ii ;,r T»6iiT^gf Sa^! sK-‘ ■MSgss&^m^ &aSßfisasasss^&^®*s»asfc “Sis? “*"7 ■•SSSSf or , ' 1 ? w *?. «"“' «■ -;S Tinn-T-rr , THEO P- Wltinm- f i ■ T[f _ 1 PCOlChißflttnm .iS^, BB4«Llir • - A- WASHINCTOrf * J; ~ ’ltrzztKr —-* - 4th»»boTßBmithfeldf>t> ; } m&Missm Front &£.; ttf&^^^sgasgsassl ' nlr " “ ree, t«impi«i hjr .n.iSiu r * oi; —■■■:■. wb, WILSON. Jr. l|§glSiiifl§ A&ssesss Samss*^ jjgggftjfe Pi o-MOijß^SSwo^ fonaleibo jcxttmiTtt. ffiKSgy ■ mssssdssssssii^asi^^- • t^gar«a4i» tfcofr'ooiiha - jtiinid thtf hirimiriraf>laa4- in~ gpa of ewmtty./ itaeoU ft peeaUaiiy iadaptedtoxW frowuiefeonaa.- lu inproreaelJL* are an ereraeet 1 * :W“«i a hone-aUl,leraaleorn'hOßjei, aad'rtod .g wteajbr s :•/•'vpwo* of bsadred aem of this land Uw .peeaolesrcd ami are now eßHrated.v.TOe rtn of Jt &*s*&**&”* (iha ttoabeio*alreadydflw,). -2S!»- ; fcV it, «sd UuixTelueAr of atb,- _r?^P J>nt> ¥ t y raw opportuniwtotha-paiSc. IniieWdatfageod ffif-<SS! "" f OOl4l of Ofaio. L and 740ndia fton , jd^edf Wpert7 [ i wenl- paitv if , •_ia443m« j j ifefr TI f A T 3PLENDP residence jgljnowiath i oeeapaacT of;BIr SwanfllL'WicJrw ftowea liite Pint Wtrd of'AUetfcfcrfr ofe- Sni 10 thacityoltoilihatyh'y Wjl?«|aAxiomle»»tL«w.'' i •«■• 1 »t,*boTtfg»ftMU7^-;, 2ftsag?B®sSJaSß!sßSP '*Si^RfcBElS«^ffiSS rSS-^S' ** WTB *®to*w»»r«wdi«Sf^^p7- fina dwelling boa*o and wore—oaa of iho: beat iU* property will ba_iold oa ernraecoannaxiaiii!* “sft. ' ; ISAIAH DickEY* won OB BMT. ■ ■■■■ sssssssSSUf "'ftga, - BOBEBT iPKNIGHT, . . . • o/litna g nr is 1 SlS.^*«udita"tori3s?S “ "■ * S ' “£ S2&&* dLnmr» ® econd Ward-fronting on Um $&,£LT COUNTRY BfiIIDSSCB ioa RnkraT MIO.ACOES 01? GROUND, SSSd“?S : SSrtEflii*"* Greeaibttrfit “**■*¥ v*i T ’ «fJOtnS»fc ths AllsSeny c£av Urge and wirTtuibed’ Iwo tlorybrtckDwelUo* Hotlie, Uhre tier Snra^nilfJ*^/ **** oa : ! FAHH FOaBAIB. - r-U X.iitiwttd in Hopewell lowruijp, Bearer ©ouSy. affljST * ert ° f tfce Ohio river «n<Ltwsiy nSe* ftogtrPitabmrt. Ttemuoa- logJtonieamtbunon Upwa/iUof forty acres vein cahiT*. MMUider H densely corejtd.wiUi timte' 41 * ▼ttacfeool and «ilia/pT«,\nier friat nffl oq Ute This &na beia* titrated In sexiUareU For particulars, inquire or t&o sabseH- Wa-Xol^y*ctM«^^ygjggßga -X 0l^y*ctM«^^y gjggBg 15Ed&Wla«T 'iftlws?-;'*; •x<4ten.\_*- - **£*s* S*.- <oV .... ?♦;>» * J ‘ B«dkiac:>». #«fd»cripa --'visSr^f iny^ajyiowcSaat teMpbu > , ■ Sxfe A X : .°z ■•■■ : ' ■;.; maVZ!MJ!!Zi s £i!i!t C Ss'if Kfin&g “• to&BcnS-, ,'J'" * '• ;'.*<4s :, °UalioWpni»e J *W. , -t SRKSKiSSS*“. , !“S&”" * >»? r. , >w°;', ’JjWeawofao^^i^^feSSmSta^fc^t l >_*«?'* «7 .*] '** "‘ /' '>» ■ " ggs^ < , -/•/-' «.. - n s ‘ : : <jgsg^jPW»i* Mewn.'no. ' - .. .r - •»* u ? i r aiKutlml «BA«»iwSriiPiS?™.?.i?" :a K c W' , “» V **‘*tz* - i •, ioVeiT?otlJr^(SS.iSSSwrSu^liS 6 man «**■ i * „ MES3E3.THDMAa*SttK^SMIS'S! I *, b “f c >O ’ ■"'?* t ' '■* . ' . iiiSggg!gassafe.*aaa? a yK; ’ -* f MooCDr HufftVemhihi^Si^lSr 1 " IJP lio 1 V saSSSSSSa ,; -" : 3 1 ,* a? hl * ca *°,7°ol tl Jwnv »v ’ *Z?i& r *fer diijShtiSS^SfSSSS^^it olo^l **• J| 7fl / Habeeaise.von»«nd vone.-and *,'. s•**•? ’sy* s f“ * 1 «b«» 7>t.* " i tioltarpadc^e^lt-dajiflliSl«Sfcoo4^^iSSiSS*?! > PS** 5 X *3 waold t tnraD«tof,■ftwLifSSSSSk/iSSiS3 S-S&rrr i *y£sM '‘:t^4 p “‘ J ?“:.::.;::.:::: \“iTf " 1 ! ,THOiI&{fc'MILE3. lea Hit:, * -» ti? ?h< “T-'-T>/ - ---3 -J .•-ra»^otti* > %f l^e . s *, > ; * J 477 j ;;i, -J>, u .i *,{>?;.- » ! .P^cous^-t ; V 4 r 4 . /sM ■'X Edward p. Holmes, ohQimih« m - Mch-in tt‘-j / % > ■ -t mwin.aolhatlv«m.i.i f^....yir^-v far- „ .__: r ' 1£; ; r; ■«s«bSSSSSm3S^-^- ,^ U*. _i-. - -’As -> -'A -; J sssaSsriHA wafAa in <i f WIIS -i. '-a< -rA; ; >v4 ? -’>'rv’‘r n.% . __ A: 5 y;^ 6«rTTr- T T"~?“?? l i.? li *?"t"^^*"*^A *'i*J ’ n'isn- ! i «{l»e*yj*r|ilc)|kato % bfeeoiaa aiflrf f *•• >a 3 ,; "■>'’a •'->.■«•V’*?|f <>^ tf fr> ■•, r 1 ■ ititrniWn|io*b ottws taro «o*daaed'/ /• * ' *>, fiK|WKS&&S%S!9ya;* i -.',1 :•■■. Je.y K%I \ aA'ti -"1 w mfiSOBXSS.’SS^.' ’-*;•' ( itafata <?f,Coßnjan*, l '*-?-» • -.-*• :r, -:v;•;••’ ,Af' ! -7rr l ®BlS|lltk Si fc *■. ' i', *‘ 4■* t* ' l # -5- _. ;U* i f f ;■“>