Kamm • 1 4111 - ; • - i• t s • - vet►tioYio le eats • ""'"".. COIYEaI*P TIVEs, BE oNy9 toiroirso It SOME VOLD nn Thth Muir /romp? Cootbs, Cold 6,l,sukahs • az Complaint, Bailing Illood,'lSlkentY Them* . Int, Pain in the aide, add pita/ion of the. Hum Latium, Prooy,Aroked 'Par' f. thithition,,Sii re ThrtintliervausDebdt, • tYlond IhsessevrortiroThroat,lt drastandlronte;Alie mte& , • , fecuia had wag edri • s , - • , goey known f=ot. the above D 134.altkr.YE c• '- 111•IirpolukaRyglap efl7l7Atil (7er7l 1.16 ....4,eine 4 ao longer .inohr thestlf doubtful . lailtry, it bas pealed away from ths 'thathlands daily .lamselpti ayonglits tide,offdledroillir and OW Made Idgbatem myrothdon, libt arming lure extensive:•, 17 lawa ttian sx l l Caw meympton thatitrons roe? Pr lt eellead for Ore teliefof setting corm. - boa been Lotrodatedrotry generally dirotigh fhe Volied sates and tierisferoril there are fear thwart of trportanee but shah annain ohne 'rorkoltable 'art /kenos of It, good clear , : P proof Of et fumigant aranments, and of the Salad ro and efkatey of des mod,. ,lk:tnPelrstrilyitiregave then. Ran of the oast resParibilitY,-ate" vials t h g l y orison of Mond yergromeibilit) jasuee, thTuf to sec' thy to them, because Oral do anothe'i Taw% Mid t h in . n iono no jP3OSIICC. • gatitieiMlibty &tows ea, shrove ty, limhts atronslng theelJiroce is established bunado men is, mid thalthquerlitiniarle aethorl ty s pr o t ,, , s crose o lo4. s M i r h er=s4r: - .. it sands frame tor its urm,, red:rail a Wart egrreelite n. /When emu; ailing from einutient.biro napalms, „ r ,zu m=" hear /midway bathe troth of .a that or tad.lubbuithioanbrigCAVOlT.3. wtobS/ Rallheauldbfirvirosts, coerces conviale or l/as, mod etattomu itself hi is special mune; tp Valle/NI Medefrosand.O'llognir's Moral MMus. • READTIERVOILV.C.I4Krineft=i•i -' LIDIRASimI= troth erefotainrit=oot - 7 - • rlNg:Wl:ttrgg i : 4l = o4,r, e l24, Cattpittuld fityra4 WildCbtaYs. , loroollurooP, Leo ttittattl, sad ittrpnattaqttaol thattv Wags, arttattlxi lattiftall Mktg** POW PpsitessedAY 14.airegliromi Co OMR " ' Bt./kis %al mil lel' ' 4:1 pp • y ieve youg. pmed Plytrojr-a ild'Clarory - bur litendro means grafqg my the Lekagbx seven eold,which mast, attended with kw/ cos cougli.:that di the remedies whiehi tad mune ORP Ineyeasing until my crime exhibited ay die syorommiSe Paboropary Coaramption. Run . tang. I tried seemed to Mato area, and ray utopians inaused so rapid ly that Weds u veil mrselfr O. up all boyca of my recovery. At this time /was tecosnuiendep rouy year Wadeable Mediate: I Aid so with die =oaken 's', raWut. Tbe fiat battle bathe edict to loosen the • crossing me to expect/wain tredyi. , and by the Oro / bad ay •W elrboniwyt Was eatakely aut m a, now dyeearty*ever was in my ha, mg . bspyy re say infontanoe ovenae& my ream, tbal other TM VIZI deny, the penal fat gratefal, For the /nab of Na above shlehlam Mannaonire Coe yea te "Puter Itash,,Grotal That Chou:, of wham I Penshased the diedleire. Res tali Ion" Jazto Moms' • Trodarja Cup( of a Ilia ti kinsman • br. Prway.ow-Dear Rini l feel a debt argrashade dva tt, rawa a duty to the atifeted lronendly, tree m y hTaumble =roomy ia favor et yam Compound fty. Tim of Chera. Symetrtirrea years ante I was ylolwUy nrutekr 4 " ith c44.1"16,1=11" of th° wlucelreT,Tagandalrad,•z,rery toned:T:l - ° d of oltruilite meths from the,ltmta, ripe mon unes or weather, hrosevet slight At Mthlteo aldra Mental tondition, trot withroteny Mon convinced that I wag rupidly tangible ementhur. glen. I mew daily weaker, and az lengtbhus marts Ity able to with abut, or rout sbore swbisPer, such. wp the ex ceeding vreakoessof my lungs , •During this time I bad tied Sanaa P.TrPrad" , and FrouTtPtions, • • but found ne relief--grunnt alt./lie time worse jam bore I was advued and peniuMed by a,daar friend in Villennmon to make Victor your Stag , of Wild Cher- Tr. I most confess that premotsly I bad been mu :heed against patent mediates, mid lam still ela n at Lose coming out of the lands ef vapor's's, bat oande, . alandhstypur claims to the profession and prune° of • aidikkati, and laving Lou:Lien faith la the saying of my . Ildedds,l forthwith yarcbssed of Dr. Maw, one of your etypools, a few 100170, and comenoted iw ass. ley dcs dame was al that wine of War f ound, ever, dequendy it was deeply ..how reaulderablq tenet (ra m o ttle sae of the fast fear .4,Sr° bottles Ent bang • speaker, I fret:teary al . tempted to preach with my , ' ere. And thereby ruptured th ose Weals daikail al=epan ler i 0 tlll.llnlr. doubtlem, my tuna was, greatly minseguanee of swung thus Imprudently, rha l ro use t lor fifonai bottles before I or= leafy restorer p ave lio iodation,' a stub amber of bottle, would have made me anted, bal for the above induseretion RYthip Cara the foyer. took away.the, distressing cough, pot aver, to the dow_harte of umtlet,from the loom' and grove I than Med the enure meth= goal ILealtk...l Whoa defer , /.1 aiming due eenifiema soul novroihr the being perfectly Eddied wiebthe ealunen=e nod !lOW OM I feel perte,rwell Naar tt grub means. Dabtta einattr, . There Ls bet one ne genulob preparations/SWIM Phan, that is Dr. Pwantaa, the End aver afresh to the bow, bay, been sold tturaly /brougham the States and enure parts of aui all me eared by the name of , man .b.y. gaiiintiont slue Ors, tinder eater of wroardeteptim ' aireasismneu, In seder to as. /wiener us du -,mlo de pal kS,l es. lay • little observation no patron need •,miatela lbw Vali" from the lase. ' rACiI bottle of the grades is sairsloyal grub a beeraful noel engraving, with the ttliaaaa• Pout thayon; Dr. Swam', Mmistiow and it further WCU,ICT, therertMtegt Dr. Prosyno will be added kerosine. so as thdisdatodak Ida yiteparatron from au others. :'iow;;f : 11.1senl 1 01 11. rut eunitivo properttet alla blOaria TI IMO al Dr. rsiois Compound flyray -- of Wild Cbcriy,peraturv , not be eroleavonng is pre corteetl lo that ofientroas nownututo by ~slug th, nano of Wild Merry. Remember, always bud Lr ound,the name' of Dr. dwaaltied be not decayed. ~riygj p poo7ool • ef-Erilaa and Racimaorni, -For zwantanla and avudi by CrODMIk 91 . 40 1 N. • Inv, ear 1m and Maid B A FAILNI&IT9CK. A. Phase lsm ma Wood,-aa And Wow .ta; ".'wtr TttOllN,A3 Man sh Liberty MI SAS A JO? ear limuLsed Pena eta; ; , 1011N /arreit , .t• Allegheny troy, and by all respectabledeantrata. Las. • • , TA; A. ,Valuassetwillihi4 eels. Taw 'Catturds composed' H o f austipta_pusiblikisof Alk Ath alltdesersuad mmrm actim,.aita divisor II :AA?, Is armed, yuloal4p. •17;07:te faraisa n . tended wil eavestionetUmt liveroo mewl, . mood tha Sat 040.7, 1 ,:ri fr W r ewes As tweed :Iwo tO beauleigie ketenzutteA rtcreAent sed (Moe's./ An' /*MO diem; Bilious Ce ll e; led.eerliwr :Veit Moos Vorderegs; Cotes. and Arosmatow Aurae:et Ttor : coaplele:. Slllllllfiketion . whiek has Lev:given Var a l oin ' . AA Are owe axed AA rewleiAll l the macrons ce-rufle - ntee In :beie.fmA 1111fleezerul.. To plena:: weteteetrider -I,giTs-L-7 - gr;;,...6 , ..1,,,,i : • . /1 ViiOIWrIOCK-k; Co voraarts! , w"cd,'.bd 9ngeow4ltitzed grocel3 SELLERS VERNSFUGE.EatInOWD,To.ALL• idr.'lL E. Selleec-4Wo wW,Ph `. l tbe „Vacate in very extensive, wild roe lbw ant nrof a ow to which one tHal of yaar Vermifinge brought sway above 60 winntr, and a eeditldrian'in the neigh- Sarttood said than law than halts idol awned the , tamp of new 60' large weretnfniim . ono of kW. alai-. dren. Thy away °tooth lcsOmees might no auueiL It la well koomnrabeist hereon:id almow all prefin It to, Say other.. Send mo Leclottax and alley; • Vows,• J 011 • Py . _reals who do not whit ni itiße whit their chlldrca, 'Should oso SellereWermi rasa... • reepanad and •014 bi at: VOW by Dt Camp dl/In al6; D lit Corm Allegheny., k. .MONO7.viosticz I I. D i , fx rils Ex . HAN7' 1r ampariat td aII Ober radisiki far risaiMcdp424l3roatiecia,'Aelsaaisadotharrfdeb- Mr la that Uwe mum prima vie 4411444 to thev fro 4111prea.#14 41 .': - Z:s f rumalat thaktok, rtmraaai has beta minced - War rreparaL4ra Okri batik tact= realTrag ; eta bocu. realoautys er4a Ow balk rruns bestowed/OA iirepriaton, .444111 hers reused te W4a am et Juni' portry. 414 boa roar la: raErvathros. aad Tria4l7.aarte bai 4.4104 la. arra4+4 A..1.0!"7.1.umace 1 PlaperadetlyArDlPialPe ta. "P h V a nld® . sip= . A. NEB • ••••:, -.• 7.lfaara PAW szwaserot oat, in five DAD. etr 11 l I s I trourthettoe ef ite•dpitauDest reams tee treat tee severest bums, scalds , or Olsten, 11Dieral I...lvroerets, akin( nar eon* :at Loy Mee INUDier Seer. Thisl'etzt EltractOr Can be pea % JOHN DitrOEDAN t trat, f.bir ! Cerra fo Veetera Derv". 114 L. • rimagwrocirms virmaturtroz:' few mead since, oneof my children, aged stout ire yea* was =melt for several days, and the increased so , alarmingly, Mid 1 feared daub would be the resale Having .ard tne good tteets• et Fahnestoell's Yen:Wage when' administered tto• the elide= of mysteignbors, and thinking my child =gin lave worms, ft= some dine symptoms I gaga it mut sad a half teaspoosthdk ordre Vermli*, and 'td cry. ritae l ‘ 11416rmalandalArkrtin4= diutwTel wassmon Eints2,l.lsWilpitTestasito4 area Previous to n.YmmikeViliatwornst snald occasionally In Ouedl/4101111511Des Fenno! is world du tram or nma yuketc . . , .• stee•f et . - JAS. O. WSON.. 2Sanacts,Vpiljp*,'", Apnl3, V.4'...: -&pia • OINMKENT !ago) T e f ire C L ANl:vn befo R .. ro, pal* for _ooolro or tatter, hely dry and jelmotes at the face, neck. and bo4.,lanily.empuons, sad Was di the - sY,n. This Mama Is wratnaaid Creo kin =mall, b mai a" may Sawa al all dam and solar all elmanslaiiccs: •4tramply Ws • ideibta. emaY eaceired sod "Tui. bY • • II it I Co, . UMW OUS3 aid 61Xidj also, cam:TWO acalwood. riztup vispapwigo: rlu*: Whigrogbe • %.01e71,1331.;Vi . .",'Aiser: DM E. Baximpi I elkanially earn' • livete • far sasseYelu. put tuoa youltcrtoifuge in my " ttud ratversaltr with same* rdscidedlr peep Lt . • .27 corrprepthulon .1 have used., atdatin theseflas7 be la , "d thy celery...we medicine calked' Padestieere Wm:WM dad a. Di = Woof Ten In aleepdt cau. z 11141b1.0": OW kA ( . boy mw bundrad:sad Via mem. BkollitediTeeilldidrelloe, Us beleitloutit. owerilge• _ • ri - .11.13.14AV50N.: Mew AM setitby R. E. Sellers, Ne.E Weed Oiltelid ; 1111 Wil, la boak dd..; .. . ? " 7- 11c•Trif' &Tad , safileyealktlludea • Lane. ‘• i ghliac, • •;•••• ' gli eiiihd: ii*D liis *low -, • . :• •• , I roit• VIRILIDSIIIIA AND - irminison; ! , I G.opDs. eert.ign .10 .e•r cite artlll•be arwaric4l.l .withaat delay at the taireaf carte= rate& • • • • • • Cl A IIIdANULTV &C 44• Canal Baaln, Pend_ eV • Pitteb • luTb. •' . . . 1.11:821E11.4.kli k HkaltiO Vs kpree, • . , • •and &Id Mundt .1, nava. I' . , .. Rose, kiE.IIILITT &Po, . .• lezi . • - • Neoldi'd wharf, Ballizaark . X:ElikifAlfiP WAY 'PEEICIO. , LINZ., 1 ri1iCa1 .1 ....... _ 848 .41ti11a ...:ireiii.iirtir tr —ltteli OrIA=11 . 1 1 :. '. :13 E n t lilo sb orgi4 . Wale r aßeot, i1it0;144012 Co)aocfPe= ta 2 r t.. I ti' "1i . t4 ,- nid .46i61,dii,.;iih;weele 'cotizikidation of tho way bola's& • 110 Pivrtfpfs, 14edifoltor.the , Tarr Weld Takll ... iilf therl'‘ rif ,....... ..r„.,,,i,.).„..itm 4;e7fa=uller akfl , , .... ~,,,b,.0.{ akd o . h e r k g rwa , .1 &ay jaded . , _, WC Ulf , ..' ' L=7,1 1 ' froa;, " ;&Eiditall la dupatek • • :: - PIe.R.WOUTII & WOODS, l&Sdlaktiollic • 04 i OP.ORGE TFUNDLE," • JoHN,MIPA IR i . i -, Networ& k Wards, /dkusiiW.. ~..1.....; • & M Al6' MaIX/411 r Hallidiyabaty --•- • • 11y & Co, etrialk•aald• Magill& ~ :n .''''ller-- - Pitubut yk4koilk - kdC•aoM di & • .f• II Sheenbeeler,:.9. &blown k Oca la . t ‘ ,„, , , & thmigh ; iota iri4ari Was 1.1_,14•2; is or, D ,r i P or. ,•:i'r,i .., .. • . 4W, .. . .•• ... • . : , .7,1 . . . . . . . .. . • .• . ••- . . . .. . : A l . .X.* . q!. : 4••'.,:'•, • .;.r.......:;.....:,........, ~.. -.... ~.:,./.....•- ..••::::- :.• ...,:.,....•.!....... ''. ••••••.: ••:••• • • • , • ,y„,,,wa;E:ab. - ..-. 4 ..;;b;:t, • ' - -.V. - ..:21iRaMer. : ,, ~• ..- •:. .....,......5...ireg. 4 1...... .. , ..rotar .' - < a?...,...W.4..ec44.4.442'..%V.5.1...mati04,4L44..k.f.••••••„4.0w45..44.4...0......mPAM. ll'''.l4 "W.H.:iggVo•.a. 4 :it..A.X a. .4 .... ~ - • .!'!'?.."" ".." 19014 ‘ th .4 '.• ; .. . •• ; . • - A. Mao sifittryieltb: tor in C•111(.0. WMTE.TEera, FOUL BILIibTII,JIEALTUr . • vr OUlll2l,—Yellovrend eabeshhy idler b.e. • leg eon as twieeecleastawitl Jour,' Amber Zeeih are the tOpetranee of the mo bone wit the same tnae ft a perfectly fignant eat itz.2 tea the Itheats{cut dallY Cie *=. 84 " reategeoltd, Mesa, thole teeth aka are Ws ea*: diziew, Otis *an a beVarul potishi luta p mimed* • decay. Ttufee already decayed It prevenuo I==ski r ' arosse-41 alas Ames ateb se are be - beak apd parwennao it will ire Oct:the =ash altntely +white, sad make thalA csdi slorwAmm br . weet.2scosuN, tc Wimpy . • .. . B.A.riftioll , i ; , , A'..B.SletivilLit:CM 31.1.7a1MININICI; Put.bosi. - ....,;•,.,,, .—. T:7 4 , ymaaigicir Stare Ca ales .0111 y 0, .„5,..:„.. Now Itle .ula rl:: - - . i t; a 1 t , ,, W 11.1MlilUileactsmai al lie. /11t; ct r er4s. ~.x.t are perearea. th• !Rel. WA - maw abi-- lira Dlaa ,l / 2 .lan LS AA* fame', 101 awl ,American Porfuram, agersior r airee4utWabehlealltarthi,lon adrow h aver adaq aa? sit elan articles an taw Line etba!ar. 1 0. 1 " 4-6. 9 1 P 46." 4edirlr a. ther AS th ey eau be-par ahead !a we w -. . Y emeena ethe. L,.. . Arm Vc.,lr. SOO B. A. i'4II!.NIWOa ISIMEI -x--...r,.,.... -:~ . , * - . ,,_ .lead ~. Mb m ean elioes . kb* ' ill si • . Metals* de lletkebTlatAlliirklbabis s , allegje i:TI thelle.o.9 o. .....e, •• 1 1 : 11 4 int -., ~ ;Orilla, 4•( low '' ' .... ' " .. t .4.1 .. :. . ti .... ' ::r he =mid aa •11148aikitla p :::::Lit..:::111. 0 .0. ~,,.., co b IS body. ,his his oat of the nay bon , ~t 4 , SPII %GAND failllall. TEDICINEII,, , s Meth n.; : it iete ttly, pare. the etjd..,..pto..,t ; ', . a ' , po c: poosontol by.ho abet MONCIC hie:L.died i f ' _sten hey.the .and levet ern. hatintalmicome.; It futir " ylon:trod ...thin tha la.tt 1 30 ,1 , 3" two " 331 •C0P. 3 °. 'twee o:.1 nitre casts of &mane k •1 least 1.51.10 intro t , deutdcred lecnahla. It ham sided It.. lira! or w .Lttaa.l3.l.ooo thaddei dithid chi t r :t pan snitoni, , 's,' - .. 1N7,000 Cases of Ciaseral . Debility, wad ~• .„.; . masa of nervous .E henry. . _ . • 'Pr. `rows*, ca. liameatills badly rates ths 1.604 1 _ apnea pconausetly. idi alum ...ha . ltd. lost Unit. .., :minnetlaty by theorem of moann a tedhche -. .., Ilk ausal Id yeeth - tothahloaartes Indult.. ol • i n„lhetihis. stet tesethrof a general physical prance. * I .4ki* et UN etrie. eleash,lasanda, was of makkas,‘ s abial; seMolcreCpagillaadenaseadeekswslatur ..sligthiresde Das fed dbalim:Deallesatims'ath F,dijt. 'tT'ild o Diama" nada. This Deno ils males ft oar' - n. --, ~ s ' • 1 1 '7 s'. anripllidsar coraisi, , .. 'As bre asitlaidorassolbentlaba, ginsi eakeirj . to the'loslia,. rod sti.sntlh'ui' thevoisoolar spethirra.k , uton . tkunsf rdusri dlime.: La wet. .4.. . P., , •he h I. • Conanistptleid Wits. . ''' '' ." A. '‘' ' Obtuse Mid Stragthre.`„Osimisidlidtabes de eliilok Bout,t4, Demesuptink Lbws osovicert OWLS+ , , - , Muria, Deals, leifrali.• • of za..., s..ronss is as Mast Alaa. NM, , , . ; a. 131 1, r ( limI 1 0 , .* I:sped... • r ra,ialt 4 ti "r! r b. drallit. stris In '''llaiLL)- alm-1 Taal OW Tat•Per4. n beta fa a Waft kwld4ll4l; et 7 tallith I haw Cr. somi)flors bed o ad Cagle' . t" amt. arm pal meth Al htil I rthi.Klakle SU-It. Oa off , s 1 itstighl 6 etitth'ad Mu iitedo Wads: 4 I ad ill On expect route. 1 lisys , - indyAr. i eia ilomparla 0 dory Pre add, ahroSe. . a sada Wei amp beea ifilt, fa ate. 'I Mho" ehlo to aral - ...4 era it day.. . II Yen se bbed, sad ,ay esmih I s's 71M1 , 3. Zan .= lUD Ingle, dad I, ha . thsp).f. I the them realm' Tea etedi mi mewlp . . I . - CUA.SWlDU‘biifelballtit. s . Fataoueld geriDasptingsse: ' , . r.r...../ - eanindhli is ..,,,50i . b . 24,a ~ I. [sr I er i lik Cleoneezus, ;DOA or Es ...Ira Was* C•cs ..--- - 410;1:- • Vinfors, Cr lan, ethanol aroilf-cell flearieto l'elis, Ism sitemsa at Ildoe,•es Isrelunuy Cream klbsook and for the pant porendin Of the ey.tam `:allitatllr hballter the nrsteeflasthat taus ' masts, tei..-ffli hy Irregubsity,illsess es ateldem. ticiklag • ..sea bs mare servant theca Ini laistrolcd eilois . ' , MI I'IS L. att ernOl, Jamas' imam and {Eta • taile,*l.lll t ,1, a)a .1. .V4t 011Zi beanie r4e:n and fell a ' earn' er Li. airs. Ti insamillateDoraterscu the own Id the fonlitraind width I. thereat: • Mina tlieesomees. 'II will ant le .:pieta ef 44 Is .uses tit , io2.te 4 0050.•, to alibis cetsidentu of mew An vezi we as th e' allictid, *het keisdrde amp boo tau terra! to a Thomas • d"ildiewdabillia her. bees wham alum; . '.." spa . ai. Wiles Sr oils tenbutte owildee, %kw. bad ' utdeitie. ballahy ambit , To nalltikre'sod 'larded ladles. ... ' Tide Enna of flomperkEs has bast awned y pre pared to; nicrestee to Danis osoptshos. Ito scab'( who has team to rappoui the i ii opprestakeip that critical p hied.. Ti. are of Ble," should deems Ao. sale It, e, ts ts . /wroth pansave fist eaT 'et .5. i .• llothernsa and !tonal. dhows :es "Isla tamely An : .IW .1 Me rho eft. This i red oar ha 14- :Ire:— Asc. 4 ' Vie . tag v ' ca ble calculu& us mat swam kit ouirrs :'s'emlob blood ad latigMailit she moms lieleed. ises ahle ..1110 h. theallabl. Sin. all to delicate dime -1:s dela, cis - women thelotobJeht. , iff lbw whoto'systio,Tweinrs licisiiimutly ON . '' .ititissia' +lsm", by rometiet 101 I.epe , tbee a. She l'bolly, rat sa fu sumaisling as to indith rithespiai „ solemt which is the cue °rm..' medicines uken fo &male sod diem. Ey oda . pow Lenin of ~ els nudist., ,may end pt. noTiesl or. Circa% IBleeelob t ' o illablve and Chlldorn. • . AIL the saws onsi mos cdonsalpedesim far panto '. * ho; she system rod collator roe ruderina atteedeas spa childbirth went discoreltd. It atteopthey both - hie amber sod •dai. presose. halo' eel' dhttaaa. 5..... amuse eel •erscha the fosl, dose who lure toed h think I; k hoh.phouble. It 46414 entel teal. before _ tad eel cerdohneetiet it pesetas disieutee'sounsdan erg t MUM...Ib-hi C&olsetso c trut y, al, Peen Chimp, Swan. _ km of the Tod, Da Dona .. s . isisty ~ ..i '- Flats Our Dedrusd Leas PAM Pala l T 0..: meths *slab* the Machete cot estmliiiii - ili• ode ''' Woke, lis has us rose ' To rear bonny of this , ' oodles+ b. IS b•ahnirra ate, Lai tb• moot ddicsus me , 11. mu t=ceodolly, eery few' wawa cadre isty,ether , ' ',iodides Is sense e Dohs Castor 00, els illierlhhiltie Welt I :ft-woe le tle• opus air. tad tlghe !bed wish , '71=4± 0 ..e1l . 1 . 1 7. "?'". • •Lr!" 4l '""t .-: - Core le , Calk, and A tuba of_ref.rekr.k.... , any a toe , where applied ur tee thee, lay owe sped it F - a! V 2 I•easq, They dose the pme of the .Ns* and .b e ep 0, thedgbost, vista: ob. natsuills sot tltyrot. I edl.7 d erne or posnler„ at do thin indated by the eagles:weed le Wept. beendia in ewe t he in Do *Aims* hr. Dinah," a. erel a. la the mein. Cl rub and .l at e deliely tinted and rosigned bowers: - A ache hathy dm:wt....l the Aside es the courting I:d the geno ibis blind to doe wreathe, ~Itlist which bans dii. leteees.ette L. the most elik. , as twenty. Ithe thu Moth Impart. the ladescrthe le • ;dodo bad team of hemline. that ell edam. has on. cF &stag. This tarty Is th e efisprisa of go. We- t of 'mar or sa a. If One is no e Dee and bmith cisesiolos, them is a Decay. If the koly Adr m i day. taw, kf dm pain, sad ow consofse ad ableedis thick, add sad impure the boa beer,, - Wok If elds he bronco: pinewood thare li pus and. am., irked, it ghes a rich bloom co the chola., ad • , Miner. co deb eye thee t. esniaant4.. ~- Thu lar ely the gallon. col opens/1Y the Sim., ; L liblllcs, ore me comb admired. Ladies le the north - who . ken Doi. comb; or an ...dal le vase - rasa cox are epoilled theft comp: extent by dm app all:. 'of delatriess assume if they wish - to re: -,1 .„ A . ~ a i t e g 4 heefael. spina, eaaz sin • p 'iTy c ompletions. they Would Me Dr. Tao. s ken, S t raw:Me Tama.. _who Mee Med if, Ara l . more tles sadadod, are dertthlad , IrdAU..4 may , oust+.,, trowel oat • 's Notice to do. Ladles. • '1 ,1 1 . 1 .. um. loitatelle TOlMCiiira litamparol4, are ID matted their nada gran gouty fee r s , aidor, eel Low espied am bills and UT elan ...Oki, ;dates le the compiskass of . ern I far wow' '; ‘ ,..-risthet sea who pa* .p mediase, here, ate. kt a Meal Omems of Dr. Towaseadh Darseperins I. amplawle bade lit le fi11u11......W15d.a ti. aksboutb Pm ~eloodo they &too. • umber Odom • rau, ! day am injuries* in Ihmleson they 'ornate ettlinteniernltte the eo ea. Dr. Tovonsers b the ettl,7 d be.. remedy tea the ..wand. Canals der plena it rarer, if .ria ddb of ethnics • penteeths it_ -'.era D . , sae to taloa by the mon tainwo fltoslsk - In sty ,thsa, or by them 'speeded se Name mother; with the grern adralaws, as ts pre pervisbe pupa' and , eed 'streigtiese Mei • methl=chielic7canie go dee saphif, , ' , • „ . Tbis certificate teseLestrety prom dee'ool6lleier • anathema pagan contra gra the oat asthma die emu, et iles Mood. Three pena' Coed to omi base is euprecolaud: . " • ' - - :.'t'Pi • _ -rk. Clindrew. • Da , xowitorro-Des. turf lan dm pireslow, se lame yea dist three ef ory aflame on bem and add Hamfds by de ry of year amines medicine Tay were Offload any melody wish bed Dem ; hies Askew bey bar bottles; is seek them a.m. for width I feel myself e e ms. e . i . • -• • • I.3AAT. Cd*, lOW/04a _ opialmia et Pandetam. . .. or. Thrived la almost daily marring ordm frow Phyaletsw la demos parts el Oa Chelan llow tem certify that we, the aadandgood.Phydeinse eau, City of Allney.hare in necendrons acre ad Dr. Thome:nes Samparilla. ettel bailers re 'b- ,he woof the mat valceble oreenralleno fa the martet P. PI7LINIkIi. D. ' R.E. swam ist. D. •Illguty,AprUl,lls47. P. E. ELNENDORP, it o csirrioN. • . Owing to the greet mem= mi Warteenee gale of Dr. ' Terwelsegera Sartaparille, a amber of men who were amid, ego,Aawara, have eommarwed making Swap. • r.aneuc. /taring Entwo,Entrarts of Yellow tkcar, ' ! fi e. They enwrap For hap la the atm doped bee '...38,41.4 sweet than wole wed 'copied oer aim , eneweer-thry are oor woollen Imitation; and '•• oloott be .raided, - • 'Principal Offm,lS3 TifEiON Stmt. So ihndwg. r, N: y,; Yeddiay & Ca, B Roue sum, Roston; Dion& , 121 North ga ll edNast. TU.a.elpi • Lat & & ' firafr. Merritt. tladdroore; P. it. Calm Cbasteame , 1 •Wmht & Co, 131 Cbortree, Strew, N. CL; 1013. db j pe.,el Fir.wt . Attlany; and try elPtbe principal Dreg. 1 rim and llembaaw generally thmeboat the United: wolf. Wrs MN. nod the Canada.- , • • N. 8..f-Porgorle it ..ring tor thli medicine, .maid not be. Adored 1 4Alto tmll•=d l NT • lhardim p OI 'IV ! flanstmrtnne, and acetone , prefer selling their own. Do not bo deeelted by 'memoirs for Dr. Tororo..l &male. add bike no ether. . Remember the gene, bra wrownsend'w Samparil v aold by the solo spent. H. 13.8KLIL.FitS, General Wholesale it Retail Anima, Nox, 67 - Weed . Whey , and D. AL CURRY, Allegheny. • • - *knits Recovery. or Dormant and Improperly Whit .lliald .REAL AND SEILSONAL ESTATE: the Sete 'Reagent and A ft.Palltkaief Comme retal,Tratil we. end i Nether Deldl.; to romance Pota Inc Inventioweintheig . : - )Botkatfr,l re landolnd the colo.k. maupipmkseates ~, t htremnw belongdge, and 'Negotiating Pk , ' dio. Purr , olkow. or RI:14 ot tic moo. i 7 airl EREICE may. ha /ad an applimedgignew of . ebazge,ipakTidnd meow it nal 1.11111 14 ,•111011k 6 49VOlta a. ILK .romptixing no yards CC 10 0 0 lows ne wind,. unclaimed peoperty is Mantling., !Room I roles to 0nr,10,000 advet:lseteents which 'Owe appear,ll for We part Wi r4 nn is rations DMA& INolleS.lSmi luldre'Mdloit , Law and went - of nine - Com touter w il -snoY.lct r we relnerted lobe. • t ..„0 . 4„ s , _ , . , BP :Muhl 14,111. M% .. 1: 1 4 6 ii i ,""' • , a xe per'soVol fo lim itm. " alel 1 1 . ° Dnkl rk. Apr Reed of Celanina Many Ncr• York.. • isoloolle :URA ia. I & PC , . 4 Alboo. Coo lot Co:, - • ' • • r. 'Yotrroto 1..L.,.fir, EDI. eskolosku,tio.„.. , ..; 0 J . 'A. PPlOrit EN., r MASI , ' ra,Ptlikr . Bllfrailte' 7..--.. .... 1 '.). 71.4 dri li ...iir. "'-'-""-‘,. . :: esr..fm.WAQn* * * W il l eV file :dni inatelha inoomog,porpou wk. . 4 1 'mattw*sso,iLemtip_t,the cryilagyet . , j :'. 361iiiismO v4a44141"'Y'regt5, 1 . si.:.,o..uurrar.r.lit, . :: ' ^. ' • NAT'L+ NI Er. ifor.m i t , '. • - . ' ' • wiwti U•CA. I .I f i 'a ' , '.•: Bfangara - 5 • 1... JOW tr....eIMENtIF.AO .• • .....1....., , .".... '1....! . ' . JAM H. St.et;ll . . • . - • ..ti,,...6.04)). - ' 1 .1: I WTI, Ir., Secrezi4 UOJTWorkcii.' - • •• zt i '...'') tabto quo I aoteuirkt neitiad , m., a sh" iether Carniin? itt4,' , V%Pn'7%rondblon. 'Thtirol:Ger la dr alty'sf. Or r '. • ' . • .'“ 1 . '101 3, . {by 1 by - hat- . . -- ,IIAJYTIIEJLEY &Cir" '' ~..i . r , iio;=4M NENE .MNSPOnkTION,... - UMi l &" ,tr!T 111 - .ThN lOa Zi RIR Mr; . .11ETWNLN.PITISBEIRGILABD.CLEVZL N IED:1 kloroxit. POPthllghrll, KUZI Puun Ce, Roarer ~. ,Csowrorn aUXuaL.ot t benkrid lllKabcore Liam la .rorwptrepared, to trig:mart freight, sad passengers from Pulaburet caul Clorolonth, et t • boat/eons Plt Utnd aNuTh sod Cliir ' irldtiiiiitanit: alto rousted= with tho stcaniboau Ulm Roo m Niehgtot,•berocen rtunintrgh and Roarer, and. it lbw tlthrot.class onnenbonnhroopollern, hitt and whoop. oo:goijohut Eno, neon and Ershigno. , Property; foritude/ 4o any put. of . the Valero with uunteh, by • • 7 • ..WAL T NATHEIL, ••••• +", -Join% caucirviefd., el/Wator and ni, ipENDx—exed,rArkaaco. - never R e Parks t .Cloi:Yotinharum, • . •-,• •• W Cotes tt,Co, !/` • Whom/a it Co, Dresdporgat • pa: N ClarkiNotrhatFaltio ; Jt E l ll9bialaay, Com • J(7llll3rideatiteaute;- ; • ...it, ••, t • IthatC II Eentr.Frut khn; • • t nt Mkt& Tuohy Ihrpahon, " Tolle, • ••• . • • Moder& Co, thli wn, ••• • • . • I t•:.;••,...,1 thurteretabo R.Co.andlul.M. . Wittldno Hae/ • e tr. W il liam it. Cc, Win/. Aha ht / Cloth'&sVT.buththiltergh t t milsr Pt • ; :“" • WO 'it t i itkf lBol Mll34ll . - - A' •.'!414 ITATIoX OP IFIPCOM,PI= • . =mu , rimutrituir AND Pnit,Arixirr furs ra d detot. ormas .pld titablithed and rut Vit dab Bout 14no;:travisig - tr inton.l4 dick de.' rot r elphin, to it" path _lamer Wnithoiale 'on Market 4., than thex three dy oectited, ind aka ht" *oted thrit.room for morose al rittshotolti Me now wouttcd to offhtninelsitoatet intßitics to their hie* Ind . Goals' cur,4.& hy ! th. fii ! tire notirilaidthipealte biren-Pitishatith told Phllntlelptrie,' belt nett troted en:. Weir 4o Tattable „Section Itonw.•;" TI, old */lour ether tn/tjob goodtrequntig. ,earetcd,. hond og, OIL ito/ 4ingotinneit4 .No chow Ra 4/ / . . 44 "e:.ina a4 P-PN rod., or ,adenneing, All goods tournom is/Imp/yin:A neon reuonablo wow way nnytoh, P r : • ! • • • / nt OEN hIoRAR nn TN ‘ Ca hiushPti itr.7 hluketio,AK4/Ounrei*, • ".:JOllN;brarA.llol,&Co.Partitidlogind Coguxur . Efatchws, Canal Datiot Poothot.; Ettub 4 l3l6 n4t l- 3 . 4 . 06;110 , t , tam mom Werth:us, 2t7 Market, t aad 41..CouRztetze st, 1 0 B it•-:. I 1 -1 tit:4o::Tkieiobie. Abet. aiskmca t.trea ti tl M the Teues otier Lino to CLAMSee W, or,rittitrrytr, std J031211 . 51,E1VM11/06 . 73eT inll.cot*tte tnnzact bludiess at that Warettonse on _Dread Ottite - ,lsltsuali grid b&. speck. fox tt It cotallou .1 taid Grp avenue- 61 Omit (Wads. • • .rbuteeinhoduch ath, 1E44 _ • . . . liqates4 sad . Mile . .T ar 'rtallias. Ca lifia: . r . ~ •, ' . Anal. jay lan' of " “rms - rciaat NEW 110AT9 :Iktib CA 1t.% • Tarr - anal ro ausenscr arrow' aseseres nrwaribv CLARKIL.t.THA_ W Canal din; ma?. IS ' " LEW & BUTLEE,2I9 Market a 4 PP M cipla• JAR STEEL & CO., Ape, Expel sateL• . ': COWE__ ,EN CUILEIM k 0rt.,73 Norden., bolt - W.. bolt AP, 12 Wow stpxl, New Vert . • uterls . • Ceeparleaerstap..• • . • • rprICE suUcribersieseethisdry seeoelated ibeineeltes j•tornibrr under the Jetyikof 'Wet Jonee,Tor tbo gr:fneenriefer liebesiseci Emmet-1y earned on te7elALlgkirend teaksne oLthe lie- MielogneeMennen to =binge. . • •••:4 - •*. ••• r •er,rl ~..94AlUEL AL KUM, . • e « • F..JONES,. • 4:t "; :` '1 .`. , Cia.ronowinamy .or.tusr CLASS roue • eecnox BOATS FOR.PRILA,DELDRIA AND. t• emaireoegvit.tiorAls.• RAILROADS. i•WE. aro prepared to reeei re tud forward freight to • the above sad intermediate plaeer trith as mach ihrspistandaad ta as lode raki,:La *ay ether teepcmaible The liked= of shipperi eriehieg to mad Pork of Mt to Itoldebote In halt, Is panne Welly requested, la sonaeh toren 'Ondrogeatems Onkbto of inearry. Kh .40!0 Z 5P'1 . 47 11211/4a3, W1 4tr . 1. - ‘• •'• ;";: - • , s Consi 4.faln., '"- ,41;11:01PERledihnin 'and forerardin Mee , • tduatilaiirrukATWerAte Dealers iss Iron, InisißdnAisla on nolairdissiti' e. , *„*.s.agamsf ne lo o r.wougsr • Pillibateb.• • • •rekt „10 F.. taigdel tenser, 1 ern aids slot asiiinosiu• r • -•-• =vats , Ca.s.vF a- Co., Canal Ran, Piiintottgi , " lilUTlLlialUMPllllN:lllt.Co,lio.letidarketo,Plll. C. IL ItooXII, COM= NO/111 JeILT F. ClArkr.,li RP, 914 Ealp, pftw OTlg r F The dybi e r rant Iritiniewilliiiikiiihnifiene 4? ? 4 Wles ads dale - oes signora ant anNaillll4gdestgbia sr O Dtrrtha u l t i uge • • • • • • cibts ; ILF-NOY GRAFF, inane:at PIT TSTIOILLiii rcrairtista tecolir Lane 72 , .• i== - 1848.1111 M. Ma infolt • Pll7lll3Ufirell, PIy i kADELPHOt ir TIALTLISURE,M • . ' .130aiunos Oka, PhAadelphis. • • Tnairr COidisols, Pirtebnmh, trEDIS old euablisbed Lute being tow .1 NB opera none lhe o.4rrietors barn nod. on arrange. neennswforrard good. and prodaeo with desbauJi, and abe neasr berotabio The madeall inx, " de/reran known protopuieue In activating esusarsalety in etude of canTiod-leilloxioas mat euh port, landing aneesiumsdansine arlippen ' and oysters of etodata-torrt, !at with their long expo dance sad ahreedaing attrition tot:miaow, will sienna to ahem contnamee of patronage they hereby graiefolly aelownirkdge. , • All consign:nen, by and nit this rum metered, elar gra paid, and forliata.ed Lawry malted duratians fire of charge art anaemia& advancing or stoma. 'Tin maintain, dineetty or , one atentabods- Allacesenomentionspromptlyauraded to oa appbear doe it the tenoning dont. • • HORD MOE tr. CASH, VS Mar k er st,Pidandelphis.. TAAPPEI tr. O'CONNOR, Canal Basin, PLastargh. OCONIIOES Sr Co, Nona o,llalihnore. W M.IL WlLlell`i, 86 Cathie sli New York. ag3 . csiar. MUTE am, inoine t ut stag. • ISIS: , jai , rn us well known Line;,eamposed ' of stesealanos • Lake Erie and hire blican, beyerano Panbargh and eer, and freighi gad paseetiger Canal Eosin be. meta Bearer and Cl* and C 11 itteers boo of Ant class ow am haw, propellers and vessela on the Welk is prepared to wry freight and puseogene to all points on the Erie Catatonia Lakes 'Erie, lintoo and Baring every farullay conveying [relate and pag = ‘ eg r s t iriree P =s " soti ' e 'd utztft, zr. Emmet Grant Rix.n, PAR KSI Ekaiter, Agent. JOHN A. CAUQIILIi, Arroni, 'pH tor 'WM/ sod • Pinsbaigii. iB:44§ c7 • zcz.iPsweTn.a.ispo,u4iTiox 'ARE: .7b and frets its Slut= oris Cumberland, PIMP proprietor& of this pepalarlMei law:hints their. R.l.';revagunisallon hugely sitcreautl their Gmilities to Inset the wishes of iiiiliipers; and are now prepared to korward a greater amount - by the FIVES 11 IaNE U alma by additional regolu wagon, at low rates. • this bna will run throughout the year. delivering Palle ibro , sh the spats la Baba:norm sad Pittsburgh to.owners sad e onueces at speelded run sad time. Shopiremie fromPlidadelphla for the lino should be' ;cubed "Care, J 11 Itobluon, Tao only hunts are, 113' BINSON, • • • • RO 9211Cbsiries it. Maiming' EDOE:IITOI , 4 & Co..thanterrissid.' 0 W CASH. Icnlmvray RENE EC T ZerIE TatIg e IPORMATION Llaric. agtocy •' C=3o CevoilVt.c *! a t i .t Zetait " elt go. to ugh "412,4trt0n 6,C0. , Nteleugh mad etaerro lawsliats aft notified Mal J Day.' .ty Kaman. Neel SesileCteride,a, lidsloon, Is lb* way malkarlsailiiat at do.. Lila to th. Engem clUcs. — ,,The eat ' Wears . . ' . , ..lIC lILLIWITJA.,F,tbeent,, • \ . a w cars. u....iiu, ' i l , . , .. . , IDLIMiTO:f it Co Combnlatki„ ' dtatetr ' .`3. ' 7.11 ROOINEION,BcIthaere. ~.ff,:7l:i7;imisTijuic -- - tlin Ooze ayten=" .... .. .:,-...-......--.--- ' t •• ' • 1848 . -tirliflifTh -A ad •caii - 1848 -. t . , To yIIULADIZPIIIA;.BALIuious kAMlroall vu. ri..11•111.n..114. AIM <4llO tan. IliMitivi $. . ARE mewed to Iterurponpattsaed pleaseslo,eed norrithe a/Atte .citics on Iviosibb !was, Ad: drect or apply go.!, , -. ,• A wai t' • o'" • D. 11,1D , XlEk. Ca pew Dame ' - • •". ' 'IIARRISk. LlNatlf,Nos. 13 Paill so *Kir, Mr J J. TAYLOR& SON, .6,05, No Id, Nth IlimertilaksbC. A. AIIISOMA 0, N 0 .7 Wr-st 'Mel, Now UM .:.,... . PirtOotch.McrehlPih.lBl.l. • • , .. 0, iihiallis ---.'---.4: ;ExcibiNGß=iittokg ~., .'..- mianams dirlions, ,, •!-- .-, i iisit tills, .4e.mog 11 4 ii us.* ,Psge IPS f Ir 0t: A s n ;ijil i slicriNkocniAtotiza 4 :ciiitizi:th l pMig t gni liicep ulneei Made in af4. part of the I.7aZ,7ofteetoll on um acon• [ . .E.xeitAv • ci Kini New Yorlf, Plidadetplils and flnf. I dam% afoo,lloionalc, Lenknvale, noon Wins tun§ I Nes Orlosucconotontly foksale. olifiNKNOTF.9.—Notos on olf ' , Moan Goilki. Li IN; 1 Wolfed Nafe4dloeoutned ht th e lowest tales.- AN kinds -lof Foreign 4, Am mean o.•,1 a n d Slim Coln bongliol f r. ~• Wee ti u . fillAlorket latest,. betionen44;siokfbil e „ .iftlobnOth; .1 1 .1,—. _ ...."4,...... ~., ..y iiiiii ..........". .... . r...... . . iiirits7aciiirio.F...oßoW4bkagiti risilsr*n trot Donzettle /Wham etattazwid • P 3,l 4.• B •Atiol ol ol , d 4 9tok;Vmulk - mE... 1 , uus .th. Bara of PiltrblitlaL Cum* floso op &pasha—Sight Cheek. int snlorn locilorts marl on really 01l the prinelakl mauls' trAt Coned &me: 7 el,: • ,1- , - •,,,,, ; _,..y • ,r; .. , The WO i Pfra#lT l P4O nrC YXV I I g Al l "J ilLai ) AllnAttilltellida. au• annftgontealS binfolifoo.fiblp. ptamuno) like fOrTRO• • . no= , 'Litt4 'ail gi I Bud,' bnd Sanlib,/ bobirfa' MotAO Mown, fill 'Corwin: Rate* or E o etozrze.. th i .. oiDmils . Amble 14 nay pan of the . Old Cohance l 1 1, 44 to MOO; 'at Abe' tote by 145 - tolbe .t. &alibi', ~.boart etrou or dowount, by J 0 0111.1C.Ulpb;-. ...8021.1r.a An TM Peerrf4z ? , , UP4, 01 4. Gla 4, ea.! 7a.TL .z... re...t."41A11a• .4 r orrAmsT, uukv..tch.rwitrek. m , d I)omntia :rpm . and Sight OW Pa= thanze,Cenifiemet or Orpaafits; lkik'Noteshdillaidar No (.3 IVo64 , lln+et;thlnl doet IbuttlOwilL sazucizi.ice k , •DANIX.II9 AND MCIIANGV Ponieound DosootteMll. of Exehoopieer moo. of Depositc, }Wit iNolos s ae I Coln carom_ :Wand Wood aunts, directly ppposico .01010•1 . ..il0.• • ' * -**' uslapbar TirMSTICpS IFOItCIE4r. , :.• • al sen, 42l, ;;•,.' 4 a a•Cr..:: Bank Nibtair: • rt i ll IMOMMbir . —• '. ", . r• -; Up tketitreet, 1,410 . 'TILLS t1 1 .411101/41.111GE--ingtn Cheek:ltem, .Caaatartily for ante, N. ' • •, HOLNIL.I4 k FONI I , , Martelit: • • XECElili • - -- ' AMITACTLIFIiniii diN0 7 4,44a,T01100C00- 1, _,,, 11P.ALD,Auckiv* on.t.Co,anorib wider st. la 27ittfirier„I'Ml'a,"otter. (Mule oulatmlift I/ lie llmP: ll"6 "o. ki l li a' P".g arul . lin47'fa itra F P7O t i tid : L and iT" llli a64llP Ladi 'L illU"il eal l rarlat, 2 4• l ; whole and half boussoftimiftillimindaPPMedtliMmilla vim . j eran 4r l ' a ll g ra- illis t; ut a, A °4." Cabattr. gil - ••• • - ..: 14 Jon, & Sou, - 1 10 , 13onald, • . i - is. oi - ~- Willmar ON, i ~•,,/ 'Pommy, . , .• James Tboinu3r. "A It Armistead, •* .1 Thomas k Son; • • tandbun k Artidatetad,/.. , , .Climisa Itoyster, • L .ll A, Cliy, , la A 'latter, " - O•A Hall, . - , , • . • Wren Hay,. i ... Win Daman i . ;Marl 4.,factsioi . Sif; ' • '3 . 8 Olackroiitt, *, ' 1 mad, INN, . -..- ....Maloof% • • .., '..1 ' Wll Vadaban, • .Edmund !learn Pordatm RobatimolVL '"'ltisurll kilobLason.l- l ; ' Krim, flabinson4. 4.0 i. Stub Ilalsel, • U Metcalf,' . ' I• • Job t IlutEr, • • Lumento I.4mies, ~. A Rabinxm, • , . • Grara Wax,. - 0 0 Tamer E Samlcsait, ' "'• ii • •Vark.'o,l,lii:, ' D Pit Itnaush..• .....01.L8C1- ,• . Halms Lest Tobin:in, moppets and laram ' :• ' Tara • ...• do '-' 40 • • do ' i - r - ,,,f,,,ru , Ao . do , da-• ' lit/ago do CLL. *da ' ' do ' • Co ' ijarla IL midrib do, pan rioa , do Km:Way 'brim+. grader do. ••. do , ,i Illrainla Lcaif. unable for tuanalauturiair rod erport sk,,L,pd, fired leaf. terio`a, Connecticut and MUM Vilyalla ft:ntrumenvCiertniin rotor, Pifiaboodm . Froulceinar tmou ..,,i LI iddc mci lifueoaboydeatf•' Taegu/Lean& !faun* bur. alma flood; avian Calabria I.lqiuutcr; ratenteavandlals Knives, kr. be. PUILADELPUIA. maid • ~T' A lyeaL an.' nacelle* *Mona*? Olellpth.lioyet fuc•naunt lualreepes, to a tarp and eetnaleCil mesa o( Int MOLD MAMA emcee ndacto nrill be Wend the &posies brands, ni= -wane, Peuicips,La Nmmen Star UresdaLiftin. aye Dollar Becalm+, all et which mill be told is Idne senor be had at any mkr.beannle the nay. • • ../k_leooemantal7 oukansl and Inc eel; and west fa Won able Ennelo Dauerna and talon. Alm Tilit Kr' 1I" ROLL. or 800 PON 51.1 ND tra.band Or auto le Ordered illaines and *tall orient ^ • - •• Cantor Merolla:its and other. ars invited call and nava= tin 'star e for *hewer-I*m se all Win SO soli Idsdassic or elalti arida lthoral dedution mails ID wholesale pirreSascrl. • said!, A WESTFAVELT MUM ondenlgned 4WD fin. sale a walla, *Awls •1. ad brick - for- baildlnir; wads by hie Owns Prtnai km:proved bitoNfile vibleb ha hu It pawns. sad &gm» to flu panthasers , rtiWO gnu - sans that • they are at/nom, and will tenni Gnu sad wet ereuti or and tothibe Iris ;memory or duners ilunt say oth sr brick, pesseulag resift bed,. and nurturers» and mach 'WSW datable in every revert; With Oriel Uhl no thected to prewar, of several tonis and pow lonians • landsonn smooth; surface and tyro Ups, they make * front equal to the neat front brick. They Sur• given the greatest unstudied:lona . a nd bare perch wind. A kiln tan be scenes cry Works, ami speclawa at the flsuilo orEco. • Thoth havi applied ilthowelue lot their knaldllnp, and wtilithe . na-was front Joint, or 'Oulu hard sad solid pawns can obtain thew • IAAAC bitEGO. Oinalltbk.* lane 12,1839:= • • Al-I.4.l7iiggrW7ll'l A N• 111.1 Nth vs:roay. ' • -* 3011211 44151110W - Ble ' Metbod to loam* laughende atid the pubile &Hare tam Hs Pular/ Is ! ribsp lg u t4: erts i o4 l. l%the w te . t re t Md . : e a . ! . Haut tow. of gloods,ol uniglosi colors ' sod ogiOliges. toraituatly kept on Isneel; alio, et No 3 Wood st. PitUbd Ikt J H cloth wurenven enamel &Stuns no go opts, la Ote best sqle. • Bands repaired al Le &must gimlet. N. 1.3-111Willlsolle will - be put up wawa% sal naval expensive/3HW tae7 cna la removed fn. me. meat lo es& of ha tutor waidlog, sad without gt,6 old ef sears &Her. Jp3allyangligmlyS • B.E ETT 8 ROT H Ef‘i last...riswAx AJA.N P A CTUICEHr, Blrsibliglesea, flower Pleteburptit] Pew Ratelsouse. Aro. J. 37, Wood street, itittstSwel.: trikeeesuitly keep ori be teed won , letrg e tr b eic ock=isze d erieuire, t re . .. I drains a re legoeettelly Wei Led to tagild mite. fimtheeeselves, ws we see eeteetelo o o oa t %riper. than kai ever betbro been ofeteCto pob-. -- •:COACH MAKING : igilp ii reir li q i . grit i c ' t rjlr A IVrece . t ' ifteb r e i t byi tat located hlatielf fa;•Allegleny, •olint hatuaott Inn to unit a; lease t ior it . .. .Wm of /CA., OP lhadr*n7 Moon ecotone, la *Ayer . Meet, aaatediaterh, bealda the Prerbyriantlanb. 'roar loin inperienee la the aheve boauten and a !Ilease, ha Ina. tomer If ittretei ye a' share Of pabneptuttniger ::•; •.. Nowell band and lialshing elle end lhrt n .es, sod order; p ft ; d o O n s s ewriah o p . Ca o rritg n man t p o order, from seeenipiv dpa.et • etehthanent. . ~, ,(epd-difl . .. iottrt Eigtrilr.;,.' El onangoladlaw Lionso.. Toiloilna, isnot,. EAtil Wind, limper rouiltillet t hig. 'lt, NI ;2[. forty aldnail NT/I'4l2th'; and otters, that ha o il deo* *at at Maker= oo • Omit/nett innetioet, der the' ' eliotel, tinge and hematite/ at wow. Igt;".l l .ll"ls=Wa.Vire' v i;m l iir A o ! . 0 .0." . T: - Ills goods lave been; ge rauf ao. tenet,: an: tr e e eine lowest' and most i fashlotable ityle,as_wed as of stioetier quality. illa Cain:ROM alar depend open bateau their elothas nad a op In a 'manner nittn, Minot nd •to lined/ : the 'tune f.the thi....itYb....-- , ..-- , -.....-...-...........k..L. 4 1r4i41f.... . ! Arm STAR OP Tan ti.lollT, : t.. ~ ..... :tr.' PENMAN 11LINLIMANt, FAOTORY. t ...East dde ne Diantand, viten : ye t .. • Oliatla et ill the illereot slept ant ;pm. ..' ....AV UPI Oa heed or TlAdd td. onlet arta • . ' • -the latest madmen operated 'este refitatte , '...' j ' ' loan, of the slertett baler t o4 ell the AM. mad,' le nom: •• : , ; ••• •• I ' .. 1 ; Al le, the .etteep llama rad or I spilt Illipd. Tran Spa. tench Lod Paper Carmine eta the trona sixes eat W ine, on hand end tor late low for csaL Old Veal.; it. loth. panned OTOidrrd repthed, Otplfeti littert pa yroent fo new. .2 Al WI:MT./WELT, PrOv . ,It 11-A ll whit., tosnerall i dal halt iut ;,,,,,....,,,' ant sornoted "to please= fin, • . Alletheph tilt tag. 10, 1848. ~• ' • l t ~ .. • ~TP..thi REFOITIVOATE7TOREIitTprori g b. 1,7 scriber* otter, to : eeil elis : liositth of, the Iwo fnly, t e eet t t ; elP - gl a k= " 4 " iiZilt , llTir,:; as t h lnt ti !'„ ;;.. ;motion nea t faroapinliont e e r e nus ei 4. nah,eriall to .4.e, le the basleess. -_, 1..., . or . lintdr penlehlan; Illtpare of • • •,•' ' .. . . ~,,,,,, : n Li :.• O . IIILAEX/11/144 4 EWatar n; i t .- t :CA M : 73 I -r v t dr " tt , "' tieek. 6 1 - New ' sty ~. e;,e Tap 4,.., 4,.. i } V r.z‘,,,r., 4 :•do • do — dfr . .. - . r, •. 1 ; ,, eO. _:, tdo ... 'de .: , ~," - • Ihuaselalganiai - de - • EntasehOrery ehaap,` . ',..• i • . - dei;:4 ~ ....613 4 de;kdoiart ddr.f ~.,f-.v.1 .v . 1 . 34 mad etul r ol et= 4„ ett , di n -,,,.. .. s, ~. d t•„. ` 4 Ap r i irnica vacs. mkt , U , 0. ro an,. a wilt guarantee sniper as am be pure le ia. eecliti . - . . . W PPELLIVTOCIL,74 Fourth et . ~.~ -,.. NEESI fl i r t , Wilta.-,W " . .P ( .l.io.alW MSS hl.nrrw reccissa a fall mom . 1 3 4 , 01", Pismo. Forma, salami:4. , . . . . Oidalt maxasetoriet Izellal had Vile' To ,to ch the Allealloo. f purchasers ' ..-- , P.. 141 7 t.slusi. Visas from Alr-Lc Wear, Ift , ;the *sly .0 .illicil .. is 1... -. 1 4.1al .42./Vceteta.Yeutt sylvanra,l basearhalla tensed lee Nair Circular:3gal treWr .4. 1art...4rat11.....4 .. 14 .-V"^a Lb l sr decirecd .arlvamatn in. paws; sad itr.l.4Ao VT. , auY .... , 0.4.13re-follovricg am Pr........- seeks Of Cliekersleana_ ta r .h . *asp 010,7 rags., Crolskredi ' sele - . A. &ant, irli i uer.- -el Al t " 1111.14 carved . • " 4// irerlt•-•A Les SA, l' , .ke e. ". • " :WOO . a . . -0, oar y,„, ~,,,i,asoi telt -MOD ' , es. - ''' -, Al " fi nished bock 004 .way 0-.91A11l r 1" 4 0. , ...-. .. “. ...- , - , 1 . 7. • .. • a “ . “ •• • u CM i'Aell,' ' ''l± ' 6 " ' • "9.1 . ••,.: 9 ... a :projceargr Aura, . .• . , .., Al3go ''. 74111., • ll _ 7 L richly. cured, style; 'a/lads MX • -•. eiti• =, 4 , - 6 hallow. correcraarsiholtovseol. ' 'stied legs, sl.cutd,bawhecost anginalty 1141*.064 WI billfold at a very_ react. plias. ..... .. - - • •; I ND. lg.. Rdsessocal, rormd comer, very. elegantly 6or islrfity orenar 13, ibucesaad, mead comer, very e. * 0 'flub eh1t17.5. t. : r: ohm are tersitatscrartedi by. 31.-Warcesler, D. T., , ill-knot. aa. being. calms , ed. fonscrly .wlth s Alcllra Stellard.„..Warcurcs -fr. Lktchaso,AL .V.,.-- • , . Tinol Ildacerood, Oh carved raciallisg.; Waddle, ths I llanbiuutd Coropsay,.N. Y. siza. • . ,t , L),.!....1." ." • - r• Noll; tto • s•pakr..r.ro, Floctans,ifs, 4 Pa's, Al. V, 0:0. No LS .. plain 6 " ' .r.L.,,e..,,yr a i , 0214 CO, • la. 11...R.O.AAJraari . Plana r . sada: bp 11=ia heir. Nri. ~ • .. •. . r. •I_l. 1 NoI7, Al •.• . op olociascs, Homid Ilewilaudeeirigi s3ld . parla lava 1p prus.paygozet firaiew -:?. selea , l , J um it.innamig ii i i s ~ _Aii G:'; Cl, Clickers:Lars Gnu Wand &rare .p• L ", for, - raereflusslassia. ...........- --,:oeill ' r.::. .::;n " A 13 - 41 DIP assoltMenVilialq " gsuiy and 41olevood•PisatilkolblIF tilbt:4l. • Thom inatramentgarcalimill t the lama pattoraquul. htikaa.lisd4 : . 111010164 . 0 • local* Nish WAWA ILO Wood Urea: , I Atitrot.altette.rif . thd , 111.iithiaa'44141'itiel ti ituji a t t. veal Lumina iirkWilteafullylavititt to exuoltio•tham.,befoto ..hnotAte caddied 67. uilr 61 4. 46 r0ut49,'5ial w'6ll.be sold koiver that, atig Woo& :ft,24 Ai mi.:M.oi: 6r.mtry. . ocra • t : • ' tta - TrlitiregN .tif stat,' tai' sabiettber hesbeen •ppolated'lllokt fo r - . the,saleoftehlteAllrB IttPROVED AIM= kt - en. manafectutad .d sad.,perteetted by eal !Snob,. rhiLe, of Clochmail. Thomitials mil obtoll brag bar door •oellteemillemol/31:10-10, ast aseordinlee tern the gnome desire moll.demillisit. 4 ~,,e estatticdtbe mats Mitten, immonimigtOlll6444 an It 1 belanenjOus making It imitable loperillra a them kitty tube mitten Mr ilto Is Wit or Chinn. . exteriOr, also; btu beet. ntochtmproyedbyploadd 'ilto 'body' dr the... ntibliMeln alb*. • dimilkonclitirin bemillfully.brenned and onitimented, tandlrting it bt onto a mom elegitatialidwineboadydeignblle . web. TI,. pline It pot .e lowiteln bring kabala the Teateit -of teen oat bobtail° a patent. tuntical Ebtransiento a.V, at be'stout time, n mo4t cbtgaut plot.. of fend. tnbi fon Ecompdratim bide. H. KLEBEW, , i te t , .',•l t•; I • ttt At 41 , WlVonthortrit : Et n}. tittitstrikt•a•tna fftwoirluiot lb. Jilt received flout riatope,..i.od tin ialn,! I. rely new Idanntiottof Kau. Fono, ealletlttb CAD tIttET I'IANO.POII7E, witleh ponce/MI more king ltilpiOrtobtaelban Ito uptare l'iintwoneuptes Mamma (atoll tut much root*, and la a much more eittlery mid Minimums ktinnelof furniture. It in pentetilluftdesita• hit *Dern: Me instiby oCipace lain object, being au mantel/ 'sealant! compact, and occupying ite aura tom Gantt neaten tido table. The subscriber ha.;i4. hrallebtettatottial of its supollotity from the 'celebra ted pilaw; Idoschellitst, la ha obi hand writloginhich Markaf ILiterailt • • ••- •• • • 11. RIEI.O-11, t - -,ia .... mii:/. - ~: ''' ' At; 'IV Woodnill's ' •., ,„• .8;0 ../1. 1 10.2/011.111:31. ,( I.7d ,cm It i r.ll mid ftitnaK . a lot ofcboln A e Pitita,tri b th Mums a ci.,44t 4 ". 4"..1ng..". a eI.:INT:A.I, .. Ito A....k.... 4 was fates to Ibtgland'bi blr Cotentin, 'tad. among mint' ottnb toranocualy aria. taltailoo tbr tbM elegant specimen of American skill and.manalty, , blithed Me follobingl rentotti from 9.-Tbilberg, the arrant Planta living.' ,-, '.. . ' ~ - , lntion,lon.:lP, 1.911 11y Air Stc—ln enclosing • Intim WOO . : frienl, Mr .Eland, Yarn, 1 nennot refrain' " them agaln , entioaslog. CO yes hem much I arm pleasettirith- yen '. 1 .11 1 .0110n dttacjiment," which I consider as a great atdrieal Its. promianhe. I eon ammo yon'tlaleu My put t laber toilth greatileamm do my Mann lb make year laren I llon kaowi. f eat saly tt , t• ---. It 111,10IER, ' •=1 MIS 0 Wonderers ftraltorernonts. il is 'EOES: /, i il•tille IMIIIIO' Musa . 11 ,0 , A arivatrotnacit in UP•IL... 11106411.1 SW pand autos Pk itilligbarrtattbe .a ros tale' • • ' • . AlAvartt stileadittßasitaaad= adilliklailiaVAlebasteCthatiats attachment, la thott Nast MO tatiatitual fa *ale at ' tatgl t i •.', :• • ' ' • V ULUMER. 11f triad at '. . ._ __. ~.....; `DISPORTIII6II ; - ."- . -#o* 4 - 616 - &..cisAktisitir - zudsc - , . I BEitairlS.4B.T '-: ' :. lit Oiilklli.iN D CLEVELAND UM, 'ea Vir/kg11.67d: "$4 Coial Pme kei-8W ALI AJW , Clkt h rorik. $ . - ... 1 is llff .. . ' ei triiitoiia I aCketite L e i lltkaver every aai, - 05endays accepted) Anil:rrive nest otenmfts at. • 5 amen where they connect with the Awl &aces fog' - Alice ltts4l OW *baud; atrivingr accueli of Lkene Tattered hatore statt/at. 0. attic, Peeing lenge Mayen duly, of 5 1.. N 4 tia iililll la' igellVirrirretha .ththke the • mileisor inearaboat Cor Lelub ti. ~.').,5) . :4 , i5,, $1..... _-t. ail:Milt LliEEL•ft/ - Whollniliiiihdiii : •_1•..11. isTmeto . it, .--; -; , .., '!.. . .t,• .. .. , .; - EttvißaND'illtiki , l/Aliliriet titrifi' '• . - -...- - • rnaocangjelflt lASI ne igra se • •-•,.:' 'Caw, Yaelget—Piassnvamin C.o. harden ; • t'. , "IV ' , " ..L ". LAS Llafak ~,5 tr../liten • rrb 33 4,.,,:. • limn; • s...'i 'I a . . W ' • PatcoltOitie ..:$ ' '`' ' Norm the nAvfluattirs.a.haNsimParkeuhail .easuanCed main Meta UFA ANDtlillilk., and will king; regelkalr'dnelNg the ItIll011.01:0 heat Meter Eke Ireerf-wrix= o. .f*lli .ss l ill. !0m... Uterr..i..l2.lridr,f;,..,ltgli:Z;e°•"l - The boalsare tager.and conhtebly fan:Oohed, end t 51611'110n iltirnith Id forty bean. Paw -agent to uly hyoid on the Lana, or ale na,. Pil le, snu find lb. mien. th. mast somfonaLand imp:daunt& Ticket.. i gloch lo all ports oh ate - Lake can be patented by .. . I, to the pniprionna. - - SW ' W! - - • • attv4vAiixskCe4teither. (•,; ; • , ; ,tengt .IL ClACGlTVl,titts,Uunlb, eat. Wataroad SailiAtield szt - ' alosisfaiellittribatt, Nada% N Y., ' "• • . - CU Hied; PA*, Pa. , ! - 0 CWlci - Oreenvills.T.: ' . ''" ' Wrarland aR4 Eng; Utir nehd, P ei • ;; • • woes Meea,. tiar rils p.; ' .. B.Waa,9turni, a; ~. $ 0 C Ittathewo,Pulaalt 1.14' ' ' , . , _AW Cl?httinaltan,rie or etiokle,Ph. 'l,ll, pingothilvaills dlkickall. - . ih.lititrikolkai*Wa $ ' -Wellik.tesi Papkst. Ltilite. artiiCal.4B:" (I,lhcleinvely for INuseogers.) yobrde ere eefeedidly- tadzrosed that this Lbw will comities nunnery OA Ile gal inn, and tap twee thiroogienat the eiteesoca., no teens see neer, striate suprrist thus, with h e • lamed cable., Mien widely* inall cocafon. The cm gni ad, tang entwisectoc I .olPdal .I.r. bet. PerVarnd traveler. seem quenceteeill end eximendlirene before engaging r a w , oinettelhatonneerge) OM of the bolted; Wa Lop will lune the Istn• lop:poet* U.S. Homi, =UM Orl . can street and C avert' Web at WWI elo clock, Ins 21 darer , Per Inforesel eel* et the °thee blenwegahcla lieusever to 1) I.RL Hi Ca • hl9. • Canal ' ti itr. t)i.vs _ • Plispeagor as ilaillattsalli erne.. Aff i llANaDMVl CO. coalman' totting persons hemetup pen of ILlngland e 'Head deettaa4 et Welch apoa the molt Worst Urdu, with Owls *seal pone nudity. end Mutant to the mats endeurpasetrygeri tow Ihn eethetnilgrares do not Craw be lobbed by the sericel We ling scampi that kr.w the set. poets, as we take charge of ttim die mowent Pon titiniselsoc and see to their well bring, del• month thew nraost any detention by the first s We say this feenettly, no wetter) , one of trierpainm. gen so above that they were &Unwires Imre by di lb idecrobol, whilst thousands of ~othon. WITS detabeed imbibe tuna they could be wan In some old craft, at a. eh ^ p rate, which too frequarty proved ilea <Chas. , ' e intend to perform eat cootracts booorebty, colt wilt It may, Lod not act Ilona the eaCe lan omelet, with ether offleen,--who entree perforated not all, ot Sims U silted their convenient:lb Dude &Mira at halbert* fed any cm (Mt itt to aVg i b b d l , e B:Ottn * a r nt pproviucul ' " JOSHUA tiOnINIFION, • ' 'A I nropeari And Oettend ARV. • 49 1 .10/ n 6 i , recelrertandriewhiireette,.... e. , , FirrTsl3lVAl.. 4.) . ....' GAZ ITEi_. - .... nt i ttm i6 j4 I : 44 4 I NIXU T IS I : 4 . -• ''-' A- ,„,..:.fitAk Ts ,r -. 0 V .1)..11:111MILit ir" . 1 . , opf 1 sibirdoels l ".. ll2ll per - a**:4.4o. 7 ,...54 . ....,. , ---: g Awca....i....i iiiiite.4. k r ,;,;„ ~...3,y0, z. lo kreviteitt!....-Ai:........4:4 Itif,C. --- :-- : !oit—ayviik '-:•-.4...-,...'1-./04,;4:::..btvi.A.51.i.1-N,-...': mw,4!eak5..... , * ~..t . -,..,1i. : .-. . i.14. . , .2:;;;64.11i.5*0.4t, 2007 ::: - .1741q0_ -, " - -- -,. ...... i . 1* .‘ . :.i . .: - ...... 1.1 !!- - - ,- .."- - .;0',....1..4;‘.. -3. " 011 efdoutbs' ' .". -"" " ---- .l';' - k - .•.-.' - -- .40W - .'" 1 - Th41.A.4 , ~ ,, ,,iii.' . '.........!.. ....,1- ~. r.: , , ~0 ... -.;1.....-......:,/...111:•!tTi07. .. .. ......!...,...4..i,..!--4i1F,..'...' 4iira5i.1.1 , 17,,i. ~ ..11 F%41."0h glidition.t. kifin ficithaithie . - , '-:". 5 "CO- i ~ ait '.--% ".... r•t8 , , , T.rr;40-00-au s ! , 9 M l;llii iil PT l *l4"rf4dl4:l4l4 l i il - ,t.,..,,, „ tai n; "/,; 2 _ , "Urtlaii:'lsooilifFl.l'Cr:itlf" ..". I .' . 16.4. Tsial4.-.2..{.-?4,aiLe.:;A,,,,,.L..., . 7...FP1,:f.yr.i0 tit. itOitbytilmnatitoi: I. l trirkrt. o - , LIs„ to J'244iiiitii Pv4) , 51 , : .'7.-.,2 . ,...,. ,, .qq::01 , .r, Armictv0i, ,,, .. , w , .....4 , ;#:.0..i - v i r m ;4-i 0 ....4 , ,ttiz - 0-tr0.... 1 5 , i;174::::.. , ;i:,..5eT. .- . ,-, ~ '',7 , ---ztriti6w v iiiiiii!„l:,,, , ,...--, 7 ; l':• . , s- -''' ' .^. 1 4 6 4 4 11 .44i* 0 01iiirjjqi ; Y i 4i i : . : -. t . ( tf i ;T . .< ti 4.1.111,, i,-',:r.i.-:;'4‘4--::-'4'74,74.4.';'"OW*1',Lec.-,'t"r- ~..difaSv e l?lti: 'aktll ~. ?6 ...t t, ,...f t?:1011:1Fir!. .4 k 4 , - , i rt, : i.5.1- .i iii,, ..., , ., z. .•[ 41i S 74, A 4,k iti i A) 11'r. " irritZVV lgiblatiatl / 4 ...1.0451:', ; '- 1 .. I r, =via thif,* 1 ..,„.4 ,6, ,. 4... ,a--1,-,,--„! t . R ;., , „.,.,.,=,;•; - t , ::11;..,-? , ,1-=:,-tr; , .•, ,, .:,, , i• .„. ,-.,...,•_,.._,„•,,_. • ._,-777.,..-9.7 ::, , r‘,,,:..,.::::. t ibiltki:iipiii3 -.. J - --. eg1p54 1 1.5., 40.1)141tailo iiAit laic r„.- ~ :::I_- _ . a-a : .. is. - y...-...ff . " - =',-15 : Alt.;‘-..,.,.: -. .. - ~,,.. 4.1 ...,.....14.pi.•',....! ; . ?.TpCII It tirl'i ~I , ' A. , 40.- 4 ,0L', , -. - .Gr -I climosp#l:ll.;r4-1 - "F. ,, ,' ",:;.: 1:."., , , . . . . i . : ......:: ~....., ‘.:,•-•..:,....." --..... . ..) '.-. ~., -.14. "...... ..- . ' ' . . • " 't" -..-- '.- ',. --: ,: .1' -' - , -;- ..-. ....." - 4 , ,... ---- " , .,.c:4 - '-;-: , -! - . - . 4 ". - :e ..: .. , . ). . ‘ "Fe ':;: 1 " I --- ', --- .+3. -.-- a% . ' ,, v--- . --. - - ,---, -,- ~..„ - -- -- v ...:-.. ..,.....„_....-..,,.., ,- . -. .. - i4;.,;:,.... , ':,, , ,'7 . 4 , ..::::,,:,--, , ,...„..,,, ; . a f , - ., -... , ..*...7- - - ,, --...-:.-.---..- , ----- , ----- , .-------- - - -- . ,- ....2 ,,,,,,,, --- ,, cir-4.1:,:4 . zr.. , , i '..: 1 „,.--- ~,,,,,,„ ~,.. ,:, , ,77.44-4,..,4. -....i:a1.41kr - , '""',..,;.4, , ,,.- . . . . . . 1 . . • ..Yr• lags( Illissidirtsilisithitrati at* laPits. thill bib, ;Noshing. art& carious to salt jail .yrliarstalta opera. stab. All advettlarthibis ili rotation to ibis InvoniSon; to the tailbelrthis Irho bubo ratan It tebtbdisisAabatersis gauw hem ,lst. '/IthiGiitthi will itialiire -Habit, isaiiikr ILIA 1 ulhitaip risnlin4Alikie In Elva to tan s piquva. two 1 main prepuce:l,sta Guoilles mall prpate At, ISu tilted terms initial/by , ' • ~• •. - ' i .o . ._- ter6), To. laity ortal invesueq , Is. bppaitah,tia het., Miler can be proslocrid from sweet talk, or cream; Wan &mai ownsd la the wool war, and•hyr.matris or Alio Ohara a hula gist arbor can per f orm,, In Bye or 'tho ininnies, what has here(mbra reglitheit the lalsbeof • w 0121•• IN man Col otio or.thro imam,' Cod sometimey baits dsle• • i3d: try ithilplythirdag thumb stlrior theirrAble in: SW &sant la Latta oit out, leaving nothlsibut the hallo It IA tho.blath ssoqben bole e . ' 1 ...: It Is Woe heapest shorn oyes. threntath 'isibirr' "akaty. a As IMMIXICO•• Illboaati,larthoitt/pg. la st rilosof !Opal iirinorplb) . makes le but • link to L I CUt Its 0 9 00 1 ,1, ;0 0 •1 6 .•1 01 14' /Wall rill, 0• 1 1, 71 , b0 II exambie t. .. et.. AV. bare pstrhased the an 1...r.1y of this cats. proTelanal troar Mr.,. -11.1..e.t, Itycnobe tgiee. Wo ins to wilting Me cooirger poly 'alibis stlioilarli;tlli toe itit 4thissortibio Nark liV v erat 4 .l ' l;ar. , , ' 4i2 , 2, , , r , s air4 c grpoi. j t the ~,,,,dpoirct, and* s ids ssue ips•bsttatnti The plthlit aro Inslidtlio ball end wllnass its obiththion; Arotoroalor, lit 21.110041.Artertda$41.4 deloalt. r. m. j. If. CLAYTON & Co,Vtpisolotom: ' 6s..fßuh+or Baildh.B , 4 l 3t. Clair stied, nliftlai ' to IA atm Jahns , Alm • disallAtt ':. • MIZIC, " 21133221 k.-; o rt t."{.}-1 T 2 . -INIKEitn - Yorsze., ' ' - ' . llX l ' P ,41 10'6 146 - , 1 ' - .', rai -::,;:'•:..'‘ - -,!:: 1 r. . .14t0.0,0EITHe: . 0 1 :0 6 • O S.. o‘ ll4 t o OX 2 e _....- ,-., . - TO Ittrotatal art VMS Ontaktheli - " ,, ! , is bitten DO pantanktkait of Ililitlif ~ • • .1011 s preload al,at• of mistake t •114010: ,,. . - ' • i I at Cowan Tomb= turatabod Manx Dr 14411... 0 1 , ~_. lomat" to titady„ tttiltaitathoos tarot Ur Com= Stitt. ..., - 4 911 cccetcla4 Oa to',latiat it Lowey to task Mid kit , IPA , ' , . : .11tto teak. tutu eon 11./4aa are LaTttsti to JittoillaNig, Flajillisi_'' keen apirtorttr. and .th.. tarazzata* piroiirti tt Prsmiwo of r ""_, _ ,'"Mg 611.,....4 coon.— Tto tomtits. biota eatir t id to hes smi.4l7-4 T.__ ,___.. 00,1 ". 1 4_;. .ittlartactrott Una atry galley claim to d the ism sod aattarlalr /419. W., .. 'la Raper ti um ft. se 6n etesd aztq Isliiiiid 117 - ii= of ft: p via teinoircos es g ,+:. ca. L cI.T.A.i, a man= oilett.4o4bii_god =, 1 to Da Boottorartatan, and lattaty aimptatil Coaxal to If ... , 6 ,„ ~,,,' ,: A. a 110..8aanaa. , , ' ~. : . tf,isya.); fisoref im ' ''. Ci ta= oto '-a = .'"44 'd r .4 th. stikt t;,: . ,ta1t==......, . .;. ,Lotaidaaa, Tana. aati,Mceico, I Got owl pianos to atattalfo.• ...."' , irdumakeplatadr.rduCt ir p . da rd y . th. goadiceol .iainv.l4de valo.:,' Lo a ' f lif izries. f OWII t431 104, .8 AClPMO utzmr. letatost ,‘„, Nrra•sbia , stoats lad aintionooli Irma 1 5 t ... . , .!'''llanV. II ~,,,.,„,E g elamaraiklt t r, . • .IDattarantry • t s., rN si n c h . ---,,,, intx4 sad r,. .z .,. j . ..ta . __lt It,p , . far ty,y.r e fetid' al Um ma a nd ll 'rot moil ol . '",r ,„ 1 / 2 ,,,,„, ,, „ b „,,,, 0 . ,.. ",.. = . 4.0,1 11- r, r , ° , Y ,„4,4 , r c dl Cm Ca lakoa-reeto= nodid as *VI *as s ,1a0,f,. 1 i t Mittratioqateatti• sui Warta, amu . . k A w , . - 1 el k •• . . .. 11, It. preset 1 ,),1 7 5.0,,,..d.. • 1 3 ,. :. ROUJUGUtiI Oitil,olP, 'ltenerULA.,.; ' ... .. . ." , ~ I .., , la• Opera Dow•ammar, l, ANA,:' ' iSum • .• ~4mlllll,,etiliot for Cat delatiodlttfata• attl to bM'm Lou of tle nautrltabla taus Etwattad brim illempattWa ta Cat apt eV, argil, Rao . . i ••• Ilarea4 *Word Wilt Ct. i VIIII.an im. el l ig= . /160 , Al t/rilajl.l4. cf. : x ! l ed Cab* sr relief trona tits lata '' M a.3-77'. a 4:: In tax. 111 PIP' I = P4 2 In la =I wore ' to so Gm. Mt a ciai favor; • box wary Ma Ort takaa I MI Was' I, 4115 2,1 Ex to to Da tax tic Wobtl tsar i' Wit sal:Lora& La saw emit . roc Maire. cod tut ' : ~' O w .., Italtcto=et io c... ars• was lelttltalla• - . ' ;Tan Cra 'yam 1---711 ReinW s i nfiiiiit trim catar rvit tro, jarr; . - ''''. • W iail ' ti; • X er nr. olbizale 4 ... . m ime& ..iir!,,' 41 , !_.;11. iambs Isatiocazr Dan lay. lob itilii,lll, Raft tilittiCiitl*, =d 4 ==='=" 4 .4.l.M , . ap , O of Orr IdoetNl.. 111 5 111 k 4.,,, __ itv so. Irtro - 7: - L • ~ • Tr i kojetirsrm • • . NOR 1 ,1 - . . A. IL - _' 1..... / r . 11. 1 10d:11, VW ': • Whiz. of irlittabitir =am No to . • ~ I. :tt itt• I t * . ar• dartratt tr i la Warr •• •• ot - . .1.11=' mos boux wait' cap ta ity_latletv4.l4o aflame - Incur Er at am 13 toy etroa,t,, = . 0 1, 1 ar aTtrvitoOkt Itrist slater ; pan• oky a llax . E . 2 hal. tatii Allif Wall, Duns =S t 1 ,7 , altani I. = cod kr • lona tarsi vac ao boon tat in t = ==Nam al AM bther =116.. / =gar/ IM =Z. V* atm ratattnitatt bona lattl I X m t mv. titt tam , • rola. las par ; eta = w e •111araDa4,CItt I ~. ~ : rttlif_ to Uts slava Of r 71117 Uteirrespett ad rate% . •t:131111a-41401)111.- . lean pessecty atoroattatal a= Cie pupae .bars eateet4 i WWII larYlliiiiiiii t aol* ammo. Milli 4. D. DANA 3tocbta:/‘Wa•••• -----------•• - . ! ~ ' 1,;: - • ..... E , =tarp J.E llll ll.l%.wrassasa . U . Dtruhlg dr - D: BANDS, Dixotums:uri•Cfijiriaini„ w.` 7 141., ialbkurCali , ebb by Drubida {'testy IlinrathlNS OS OMNI Aida* LA COW& Nob Kw Battle nit tat:at bzr' - . ll:rFor sale la ilitaborat artolei ale by A. PARNEATOO4Terireor'oet 7 AtWaioilaralliraN oho, CO roe ,. ofsird , ,ad Wood o , br-L.wilogn Jr,„ corona BeelhAtl4.,roadLrOgli ,Wd: 101,81 .P reoroaroillasiela salami tes Lantos di cor aloroofrald ',Was r ./ADESII Whis.VareCioramon Prepared Niue,ern .LI oasis illet.meate how frightfelly Injuries* t le to the etlepels* hotoroogb, how sallow', >elloilq and sada*, she *ppm*, afire twine prepare*. shalt!Tama It isintaranis,contutingalento Lir oft re We have prepared - a beautiful v egetable enroll lee we eon, JON x' l9 tiPANlblt trILIt A* is perfectly inneiecanatalso a tainted et damns, a ositairr, and It Imparts to the seta a eate r . tat, beal y, alabaster, clew, hying white, at Mesa* U EMI as..a ; coarnetullon veirb'coallos Ulna Dr: /Liras 'Abaci**, Practical Chentin of . Slaws ellusettai says: "After asaliait4 Jorma's Spanish WV whiter Salk Prialresetv the even beastifol lad name' Da tirtsi th re t . whlw ' i d e itit i r aw. a4 'Orem sem emend bonotd;bia"' • trri'riosi SS cents seas. , .• , Dareerit by WhI..IACKSO, et Wilton aml Shoe Venn Liberysucer, head of Wood, at the sign' of Whoa nee kruns that pia are postai* A natural, life-like, snowy That yen trill will use conution dial% And took a deathly yellow Webb ' • ' ' The theme of !atelier and or - ulk;• nt •%• tin* greed man a boa of JO. LADrarlule,ll weal.! give 'version an • alabaster yet. aware/ white, and•at tea NIELS time .6m, and improve it. riotd at . ./ACLIOWB,MILibersy st. Price ed woe pie tern."' . DS SWELti 1.7 ING.I-,Serel• la 'la .ita nnetiplied Gwen: whether la that of times Evil, enlargements U. the grande or. bean, Goitre,. White Sertilioge; Canal; e.u.matisan, Censer, diseases of the Skin or Spine, or at Pelsnowy Consumptive, emanate. Item one ID a the tame on Whith Pollotio" P 41 44.!°' ' swam ar Ica lehcre at in tho human seism. Therei fore, unless this principle eon be destroyed, co ' CU eine can be c fleeted, bat if the pnaciple epee which the .disease doponde, - . Is *mired, a care Auto! nermarity follow; opine**, ender *bath:mai the disease should manifest Itself. This. therefore the tea/o0 why JAI ALTZBATIVZ. is vareallySneceodel in removing 10 . 1:11.1.13) dimmer. It destroys the siren or principle ifol2l *hien those dieesees have their engui, by entering Into the circulation. end with the blood to coeveyod ,to. the remotest fibre, removing every panicle of &NM from the syntax.. Ptepsred and sold at if 6.1 .0 Smite Third Monet bold at the Pekin Tea Store, No, Penni:titre ',Pntstrareb • metal • PMAOFa r ifilMACtili ;1 am re =taco, • RUT IN EVERY MOTHER'S HOMESTEAD. - 7l . 11}: nadenigned ion. been convinced of tba necessity. tor eon. medicine adapted to the *ea of ildran and • rains Id imported° las vise of all Smite 2.lleinua thieb contain opus., and Maas =phase. canted in premiss and ortanns to the public a medi, a Ma billy answering every poem. fora diseases at mei trovrele, anthem L. a. of that Maoism= dais, or_any other ulcerated to Immo in the team The infant Pml men ban been lull; wad anti tried-Ma lase twelve asentha, by aliment. noneata and amento possess sir the exuakintinary equal and to orodace all the am., Shin SaltabLeaLlan Mtn an Marna ot.direetscam. • rat arritece,,Voutituts, Cholia.Oripins, Palns,Tness and Diem.es era.' trout Teething, acting tnallitely •Inittioat &swine, any of ibo tuned°. the•tiody,2 F in eint happuist and most pleasant. tnuabiloul tranquil violent pain to • and loyerce elate of tect;l g the En. caterer: To lbe bad wholesale tad retail, of tho Proprietor I)r.i JOIDNI BARDIANI,' •Draggist. and Apodwcarr,John k Beckham, and most other DruSgant s Allearterny and Pirtsbnwh:- • • ' • decl3 • If POWS IlrliifixiiiiilrrempieuaThlitat ors TIM W. P. INLAY', IL Mina Me • al Calico Or PhD adelphia,noworters to the p bit Indian Ves t :cable Premium Plaster, the qualities bt whien, Vier lobs and tried experience, has been satisfactorily ca. .tablishod. To all women who may Ire tilbittrel wick Prolabsos Vitas or Fallen‘Vomb, be recommend; Ida plan., swim:mans • OM end speedy cure In chi shon apace of from two to thee weeks, if applied villa care oralress—discarding all the consuleestam sad expensive bandages so tons to use. This V,1 1 .2 consettentioue in suiting, lam/ meet, as he ha not flelbti In one case oat of iiineatmeedred and Eflpstrico!Sea., Mints. . . . Also Asr Muaranumn and Weak Weed or flack `ii= tended alth pain, there is nothing to este! this In mantles rebafor eßeeting a care. For ala . by :: • IliVVlleox, corner of Diamond and Market. masa*, Reiter.. Liheny and EL Clair cta , " • Wpm 'Federal •et ad Learn ayofqq dDi • •• • s ' vies " wpm en amend. alwakerp • Gfil ItLb, fikINaPOCIPS 4NII-UILIGUIS PILLEL—: mule Cathartic compound earablnei annernesa pit ;vide Mlle.:my and eamparative wildness of pat- Ate nnliOnt aininfiting a littanilar„ tendency to Mai crania:as; Is extremely valuable In this eoutary, id Machine:as revere End other. arorptsiata attended. :with sougestion of thy idver, ,so mach abound. They bare now stood the tat of 22 years, and experiauce 11113 payed them to be titafe' arid rWaihie remedy its Intentluera,•Rzwithall sad .thiktus :Paver; • Jaundice,' Moos colic, Indisestiop, Dropsy, Dysentery, Hike. I Nomitiuss, colds, and ill complaints ohm lognininato ry character. The complete and univemal estosfito• bon which his Been given by them Mlle to all who Maya used them, renders the. ss publishing ot the admen pea certificates In their fella unnereary. To pm, rent connuirfeiting they ate stow put tip in a red xylo. graphic wrapper. • ,• • Price 23 ante Ihr a bar CoMenirib' Op gib ; .. prepared 'and milky ' • • 0 A RAIINIFSTOCK Co earner I. and wood, and also comer Mb and atrartt 301.111 De RI s , O. Wood crag •a1 ,...01h i1t.. 11,1. 40111 sooph of Diomood alley,.Pittsbursh, ogra• bevels a lam site. Medici.% Oils, Watnlitits, lipeggg t and slummy, ?cag i er with to widen ha Inns' the anal:llion of ats, +physicians and num ow; is de mradned to sell at Tory low prices; add site general sulakettou. • Goode warranted aud'ehenp. 'VFW'S - Nd.l and 11,'N. York A...futons, also'Japatt and Slack Leather Vataida es, orsaperloramsilip. lAL4 , White - stud Rod, Lead al La pr i d es . .n ca i l ta l c u s t Ib Rrne lo"r n n t irae.cret ro rde n to , LI C o n di In J. also i tr i4 h t e . . 1 coughs, told., °ldleness, u cram, whooping easel; mg, cc; pace ti cents pet bottle. Also,Montatt•a Indian Liver Pills, a certain cunt (actives mouplahm, slot headset., and all billotwgznplaints. Price Wats Da - O T G iambi nroisnotur 'oho *lmmo. • - '-' ogaie at atAa Et =hada Igo, Belli/nom ItEDUCEJ. , RATEkilr—The.bluirges have . • seal 011 all , raceme. toot (tuts Baku:dm, Pius . - with or Wbielint and, a. corresponding Induction t a j a p:g i rolg a tisbt4t:it ill , fi !"!7 ded iTa Ben—The • (Urge for a talvr e t despatch to or .GoOnitalfittlorti sunk% ng, is 41 en= for the find lee twort4, lad 3 Cul du unit additioaal .1 / 7 ehllllkled? ter iddlist sat Ullta o Booth; "remora Liao et To o otop ix". ' Onto pat arnca zoo beto 'to bleertao biAlobooto;dold said lot !bow Weis& - -BURG ,=0 ,:t. Arin___,:iiiikatA,' "--- ---_; -- ...1.401044- =, , -, L 451 0: 10 4001.,.;. •, - .1,1 11 9r, -- 11:111111V . ...RAJ TAIIIIP 1 '..-' 1 1%.‘. ." 4, 1 , • . . . . . . ..-..., 'aIfigtENG;RANACEAr . -' , ‘ mili • :Ili ....__—.l3irrrn . 0.18ZA1 , ?... A j;;LI)1163.-artse -- a - kal:klw72 -11 5, 1-- - .. *tided the Ass of w'.• . •- 1 .1.. - , ;"....• 0. PANACEA. .. ~.. .. lAall the - An.artazatlet I nimniessof ablator mei. . Wats, has, cal the proprietor again Wadi UMW; ' - • - WillidlE4ifin. PREPARATION" • - .., , The "diangable swaths,. which . marks nag. bp, us# Isdrat , morahs4 tralwa l s'a fro:Idol source of•• , • ~. -. ODUUII '3k°l°, lii!iilVC.4*-11"°-•Tre.""kat" "ofte, : ',., Te.atteadon, Med, bow shalt ere niondis ifrbaet , how shag . we'gret eloincafillrfoagla , • • 1-4.1.tritt..3 7....toiltoVßßYl""-77.... Will be found to Met fillogry,g Pan • . =l , l , we hare hem umo to haus pallafted ge dovens of oar boat 'Meshy - fle ws, witethaveresperi. • mired hi curative pqwera...,These, with a mom ri ,.. tta tiotooy from atipstrtsof the rountry,—Rom ' - ' '''.. hi r.DICAL'biEN OF TRE•M.R. STANDOIIOs.,„ I Wilmer' of the fitaspelrkm i toccOntl . 74.!7 . 2)A4 1 ices from the inm a s .1:11 , TR& DAY) !. ,ir a 0tt..... '' JO :we ' ll:Mai embodied in pamphlet folus, and may ma= ! grader!! any of Ott agents thromthant LlMemans, .r.,,,,... .),, t une ltafVD9 n 9 1 1 .4 1 1 ty ~ . 6pirrii r yi.ANDSz -. 2 .. 1 throughout the tmad-Stairs,a4 9 11 +0 , 5• ,1 .?rV,A, ' I Crlgec..„T 01 ° Irar sgaitig sa',. - 11,':-; ...,.... - .1 rivottielE.witen tahett ace to As, fore the lunge had lima= 7- AIM . , 'lrbil . v ., „ a k a te , 1 • ~,. : t..'..,. , , - -11 t .t.e.f:ll-i , hyi tiro, need the •aeloted hesitate, *IV "gtas, 4 say tin anwrsble neetrams,ahannaliphf sac ;Alva mats o . kr the asnomand itaddllA.WW Ce O= • ideln. and pored inlo notoriety by vetlisidCw,pte• mu estrallr . eaknownl, - .:Wallat iratedlclatotio,,g;J, • UNPA rta i tri.EJ) EMI . . . . 4, . . , .. ia'ioto had, whose roach= am at . ' ' Vailtss ibl! , . ,—.lcialti _or whom It has —...-., ,• ; ~. • wiATCILED FROM TIM 0116.9E.,T z .:21' • L Tat owlet that this bwalcablo mr - dicinemayN .. , ,o within the 'reach of the poor iirwollittetherame RIMS • . ONLY WILPTY T our, - )nit . Otte Ulf the droal cart br taint, ali for sale by oar agents In nearly every . toena ism* - over the .12..1., who are . prepared u. lore ' fail firtfas.mtag. don relative to it. , -, • • r - T. SA.I.TEJR ritemefenie.--4 Dn —?- 7,Ci ' c ' husd r& h6 ____._= lIVDROPATIUO ZWY4IBI,LSat , mituarammott; asazAra.. , . • • • • • Wit. EDWARD AORER, , labut amain Of re. 4.,/ turning Ala Moats-Wide . ',awl ; the. Walk our the tile-1112iVil pa chaser be histetrivid: andbf lA. Cormier them iltaileima Mealy -•ttroate4 al/m..444 well toosuncted bablin_g, forth, .excLoalvointrpostrs of bb WATER CURE tr.igAsitacyr, , l a t ba tad , locatinn; at rhltlipobaret4 4.1 es am Ohio ritet..oppo. I site the steamboat Minims at meatier, where he is oradt 1 • to metre patients as .boattert, Med wesa theft volt). deePathlo - ptlalelPlca: r. 1p; aad.Oloa to ids , long awe., mser,,,aild the ER.111..11e2t111•011/ith ' has tigremfote adh tendedlis' do atment of plillontaccaamilted I. hiska - Al be boa now the additional facilities affordestAy, in air ,I warm banding crectrd edprcoly for the porpoas, cow µwag eamalaaa awl airy a•o aial dual lay Witte . cyan! owlowort. •Plearato• ler ing.-padda.cdnif• .) Wing the treattnennOl2lo,Umposi.bepeAt and 'comfort ``of the patient. fhllfipsbargh till Most *Wald mitt I i healthy Wage., eAsy ofaeceno by irtnimbda.Wand at , ; 1 fordi •fi no and , wboks - a/Var. , M, - ticletcashasca thcmeatilicted warms who may plain themselves as der his mac ,i that every attentiogiblt be snafus tig frt:2;zi th red;‘ l ==Otaltluei=ls Raw 1 Medd who ban been pestaasetttlr.emedlat.4lo anat.!. Waseca. The Wale r Care latora, s no ; Warren edima • behind, as Is too often the ewe with thaw Who. tar` beam welded on the old smnem. lc mamma Me - Maw aloe, Iltrlgomma tin Wricrn. Malec tit from dusdangers lactdent to changes of the we/Libor, cream a Mutual 'and active appeuto, and Imparts vigor loth, ddrestive modem: TOIIII/lerftrettsgent and hoarding rementalitl for fhnher porde:dam ussiviro as the catablishrogrhor , 'Wiese proprietor ai.rhiniP‘b°,ok• i ,:•• 4:, • knazd -ruarenv • ."'w R • ( • liiheldiaerb; titapiialslll444 Icar:Agfek . wads 'Ps mthesiority Mips eivial other Yentadr.o(-ON Mad: Elie btu been *Raclin. air thi burrattelar !gum /pm rimKosuieWlllll4lWhlALlNUSelittaAile4, Mill Mention. and enthlisalon of various bonom,da,',. Woo many pl (that,: the Waal bone nr th e 0 ntilanii knot tgall bet sans, wrists and limbo, and (nom loth legs, and Inas th e:Wl (rat oral bons, and from ;health' Imre; bclides pairojal. ulcers on caber Nutria( bar plirsoa;which lithat'onnten, the skill of &Somber of the agia taatiela phyatniantrot' ear eits,dffring mom it [be laws , betl'agawall ROC' ezenuataqi and deplcombitia/SlPPRailmik.Loilthe once she .. was Induced. la Mr Dt.Jay's Alichaive ' *task has. bad obi [Meal elite, hippy effect spew Mx; by smiroving all' "tam and swellings, inn mammas Sin Welt) CD bealost an at aro same time ber general beak!, tiecoad com pletely rialiblitn;Sif lbtanU'ranirsreliths, tit I did b i more than alt!been:rate etintnatilesil Malan of this Play ital aa ri barlion.—(Paslivaltrodi •• • Yet Author info Loquint otilttli,X49).*o Fdhep I st, rhliadwohm. " . for .1.1.2111 ritu6 anti,' if imailf TEA ilithißg," RI &ank st. neat 107bom •.„ :;I,lyg. b OA Mgt: ins the 341( a , rincE NTY - FIVA - MOLLMlSitallbepa sn'aalf ions Yant Val protium a spotiocaantLatrosic os canna; be, as _with ,/lcuanlinproved.aic d Sal, boiP• • I Maio the sallifsetiOngif saying' to me penile* this plateohat IbQ inlet : by mymsu umprotedienl Se it,nostands anrivalled td•thts esasupi ellriCtiti IpCI.IO. 114 pile b, oil, paint, or. any .othief [ reoi tint Taupe, horn all kteds of gentfitmeols orltdisa oLt earpots, table etbs, memo shawls, lathes! Wane% lVala . n . " r i : j ib u t t Moe init Vionn th d p ct. " ift't ma i z o t w arett Pan; Cr hi ttaailly Pav' Lola tne tbes ,vreold not Ile without lq cost cos do lla ilipe r cake. I n tryanyails Innapnci Ems than Rs Midas-of bgla slits. satins: la• ritdenatnnd enlinoos,.l lthva only found thrttepames ett vat, to' of alyttestoand pat of osilc, on *M' it ell tinged ne, color{ theranav biro pen *iton sl &mil try Lestopts of the dressarsi. Main ails teem* I mammoths:4 not toireboonnanailtiallaireNrthai OR, tifl t I know !a De SPUMY an& -. . t ip , ncilt.4gi I 4 '! /41 V e r & g. V• • Yews' ••non.-0 • • .4, et sadist id I tiler if pit recelyrt of De. Towneend'it Entivinxiii 'neat, Carsatliney mettlelei WOW itOrfal The EX , t. anti* put up tit comet bouiett ts aLitiotimikamper, pleasater, and warranted eaperker b r atty end& it clam direue wittneet venue ns, riugittLidooms a ttetilltollng the • ' *zr..4 'Una err rettisdurtat..—Enitrlumpaimes depend our labels, and pal ay 0 • 100 . apai shaped bade. ,. See atoe.A bottle 4ul.lneyernttele p.m.( crvit.rmand.; . a b sEuxas,Ongttotnivoi4 Tulnl and yeane l / 2 .4 Ex. Tomaeat cal) - grr l ikt and retail agent lot Xttlablexty - of one go 0 4 4 'P. Ea E*;77 Alut. lent* *Ettetntett the We Irma - alitenY !FttaPt •gett Ilpfte4tet.xoley, an 4 LR „ Tx t7dttlil 4 ' • " • • 1:4 r'•• en is.. • • re/MAT ' eS a." ' n fa', •e•• m: -.-- -• ' sow tet 1 .7•Widd ' ' A. ... . • - - Mama , sbarbirAia.... d. 1.,., , .• itp.k g,isdrivza frainnigi= theiddieed/Of Id 1f d lateeasate weld IN] ham loorV. ._ egmFeweLlter•lil.b. II hatelqi i dill sad& to Demltatekett`elmatat, old 12.34“........i.c4h1=1::11 • I. Vl' Za a t I , IMS , de dateleotod.^4 td Th. P. 1 3.4 . 1. ~ .1 4 4 4 . . 11.1.0. drat will ~ .oe•roi liailralk. el hderatte fait "Ulla ty ' ye. moon* Pmt to he. non bra nt. •IA Les Gimattet d 'larllfdd dada .alhook dt.lsl9[Peddektr:ll!..lr:: marl =land to Mimi 11.4 1ff41.1 Ilbentrj lave - . . /awl coma 6.4 - u ..G d 4 ,,, A ig2l-7 1 wee added low.. &owl 0.4" - ,,,. ~, vwx.u. ltoedaf a/Mita t.. ditifiewirt"u`''' of pais la the rodyeed di =l 6 atlose .I,;,:ii (A i Ici • ddlartatat ilfilluOitleire dame etad.lotid/Ore orrater myeeisirtZ . , ~, eaa, tat o tle* meta 6.14 ,I leatkagrrlits hi eleellAr /:,. .d, ketd,afl pa* toll balms of- lama, Nei bow terree•- . ' beard. tiara condole! Cana by wayole_mire hao mod • T 4.01.! A 7 6.7 ha" ..P e.1.1 StaC. l • , T . X.,_. 0 !0,4 11 r i s 0 -. 7 I.lllgWaltaK44; la k albeit tar- win mes sexmaly-reetre dog to. alitymatee fe e pipit I/ .. - / edetber.lbe thee Crea*artea daarraitilletiose.s4isoa eidardhare dutiarrior logdanittait&ildilifill; mairi_4..... - . - :". Pci t iti m . - "tr i m; • - arert r alkprreaserdeutatidedialdilllMkaallf . IA S. Add di • • t { :Mtd•deld , dend,.../ae111t..a .. . s ii is im, Atm preerieletima adataird , . streets - ',• 4, .;• ,, ,I , LI. 57 C . ...p.'. a b.. - AIL ,- - 4 4 .4 4. 13 • 61 bi nrC. i ln o PV il f ,d 4 4 l X P'ld4. ger • ' • tee Ma Jfeellated Pratosedela' stet Pabalei= -1-4— =" ' 1 II Ildralk'd FARINA. atiatAa lOWA* Alooldfalic,l /t: r.:•:,, Whey hams, dual other public otostillehreeet‘ AS , , .... „ IS , ChWellskll by bubo 08 4 the label elaattafidiCprey...• , , • Crikli dad f - d , ldider Is so anWIC itifilit i ,,, WAWA 1.,,, C...x ed. lavallds, touch elver tor to arrow root, ago, at*. . - rumors oweetbeateg, plcmatt* the taw, sod eaay , r: 1 .4, o f aterdaa.... Fat opta at w. aoglopflajt talme . s, .1 , 1 cdir• • each aeroatlattiled ena pda*l Wdeetiollel4l,---... &e, . • . ... - I .'.: ~ 4 , i ttr,!l* IM:417: . 1' . :.A.1.1... l' rillattyrallandl . . bal 14 I • in iT dl , o 9 , l 2 oTiaikldt• F4* tt x4roi.t o. wr+ilkd arta irrentigamildillk de dladdlidd4efkaet km! af atailalsettoal food, ardieltdatd adatal . :M & dleoui-fated lona. torm•Ordeadt*ltte .D., .. • .." .0 • Iti • totemic fat, and sealant taatlmoadotan the& qi . m . 0 4 4%•• ItrrreAVArtr:=*- , :lreb itilm xiiirot.:. , la the ladeFlA di dd! Faaattlaadd py, r Ballot ioutofrvn I I.firw,ro . aropeg other coaataneats, be wca W. tri.....4m" jtjir• 'Geld, of &men 'mad , end , rtaila I , thai • ventoribe ri ?j a •OPM. ' l 4, . ' • NlYgoftwAonAdilv inia 'j• Om pabhe vat rem Opo a Ice to/Waite 11l die gleam • • 4. awl Mosterviete tattle Ilbnao . ad alter altroescdrad ' , A." bottler not foand In arrow root or sualltrpoosouseu. . i • v i a 'wet. butriern eboodetr!h!tk polit .... 4d ib allzi Imo .. - , .. - 4•111.1 bar, 1 4,1 V. / / g —...• lit-u 4E,),14.r. Liri; autchliei by tlo.cetatt sled Dr. Reeks, 41-1.1 • Ltsoloil,eityleta,dianditifedisealiAtai tfp lifetealiteareiiiif 'llBlt4 th e tamft. sato salsesLwatidenee ea the layesooraf a 1 t The enfacoduitry esteest Of this medicine, la Ilf; t 0.4 ewe of Pulmonary dieetese, legume:pp Asaelicea % ttG - Agent fo. soliciting for treeentlio worsf, pro el* ea. _ sew th at eta be twat Lathe bel..oyz.ftiste MOM • relief la vela from any of the COMIIILU3 reatestiefAt.ow.6. 3 o day, and hays been given op by the_ poet pliyeicadiaes coafirmed_and ineer lea tatted. . • e yad,and w il l cut,* Fad a llonda• act IS of came, 11 tea& Oast dolman, bane • imatosecifeN ilzamm auldafteldilkd edieasyse ,r( ;di het laNerY.lowly io die Woof skew should be e with itietem's.Rirrioug,a vf L.%;igpfei,olt eoesteree{tio eoppeoffaill!W .4fmaaal 04 1 421 J. , An but to be cued ass pent µyew -fe loci la s.II ease , • . eoWs, coast's, Walt/ '.of bleat, pad tft the;ddli Al . .' Gnostics -cad ..ostrtm, 4l lk• *Pi tomikWell difficulty of Stealing, beiti=r , == allarl h arulicanna -sea... , • a t r ildt =La.., at in Nii,tueo, • done ger therostemuieo of heat* Piumi=ftvile. eirr eta et o relaxes, g Ito ' =. 4 4 barda oldie tem Zoittui - Rs= dr, any be SY theAreokerselotoatle. • , .. .For sere yr .1•115fOCIC Col Cotter tre st mid Wood end Wood oxidate auk , atagl,4 ;DB. Jalf BIEVIDAMI • .II• ID itkpima ..q : ,ipimittillibb ASA ttuirovvi winnow. ThuiskWil .:. : .111. 1141Cg i n g s t Akn ti gra ni val i =kgro silsuli wive[ r4a11444061../altlingelli4loaesistminftt ..,,,,, denim! tramp/in in th 9 staunch Lart.t 0r.. 1 1 , 0 1 4= • , -. withostinlenatintion.•nd tile r , hiiihe tried. rllnve•a remndie•fwittylininn_ll9•4ql.otUg4ket Iwilt 4 .4 , i't4T .. bfDr 11 ORYRea Catizunh4+.o Unload. This he sun is • . . ~ =din/ to tbe !Wrenn:3s and &cad on•nrishly thatilhp:ol itul M edi C .4. eS .'W I W, I I4IIf I . 'kW 41.441 . 7 v. Obrlrlibe....., • r'' Wine, l bitu i a i NitLf os ' c.:•t i ft e i w tt ;11:t oaj z=;.y . ter ,yrbrzeys . r koblemirgulbf lb. aurrced# igto.dg: •ibbfrobelicixtezirertocul ibb pub %Ls ambit.), pm ..• 'ea, • I.lb cosibmb to &etas+ sbalkitit, arm i • &thumb, find to*Ablizra lb ibb. , frgrAßMAß.l l )ll a 47 , ott, "4, . 4. ititlalli Inul•O tar rertdrea,thht a:Oman ter lAfind . rondo in: eihismonanof..cepprissismo:pliyrAlitip:3olo =/ C 3:4 tht =l:tattl ll , 4 :l4l " ramtbl} l l4 . a 'dr , linfluK a tesidtttoopatcb aud, 4401tilt - -1 a AlRUNltffii.l.4t , ;RS Foitth firse . selicarMroad4 RalbAlibr 0 11 .0 001 gbar*:c1 iR SW.. of t! . t. Ed..tiyi(Aßlnielni pow'. Aunomp _, ' 1. I r' - • . • aria —..ll. l, l ZP itv Zi t e i r g a vt.. ll !"wrNit i =yid4 ;lona r oar laity legs, and :Rirku c itoorha tutu the cart ar pktdans. - • Thap..,,tietn. Coati fork e. Prxv":l l .' 1 1 1 olltonat,l2;W'Ait , il id:41.1 il.s.keht was nig.ut rcoafto of you, our cortusatul urn Elm; curassua. AAkr rho are Unto beaks, air% tv •,cletellyrozarcieUr IkuratrarivrictlUtri aka arsallol__. ?OA 46 4tr i Zifiira 4 === 7 4;071:ti. • - , , jaal ta „apgrorr orm raltautouPartat Voll . i.a . • , lu yoo, do ying Char oar:sauc Ws 2 • Witted In ' Um arum way, au tha Elartuarilla mid Irc9.lkAiNt th b et b"u . . _ ;ll" 7 "' { l ay, 11P I .' It00L• •• For solo arraroursom,cotair,,b i• r CM *MUT MoortattAlaVaa coypu artixt trUto •- • Ela • -**. thitritigim. w , elloesin ale , a =Ma *mere, hr !Arabia • L ,•• • • a.p ou Porcelain santlic rag t r al "' P t 444 I r e )4 l a n °4. !!- a s i lizol Bawd powilerpas.4 all pFttrac 'fit toiletavaaA - V.aulmr a =La....m. la the{ hignaltirlt agalahlhogl, le nned -ect coilitrinsiAtpt • Peralarl.naGnYner,oPmolla! ' l l.naoto Velftable bau all: Laneyor effretrympapemple. , 'n""het r ' a4 61=rrig2ele"f " .p rcroikye l.eco PAFA I IVO r r tiC IPIL CO • ' . •—•:,;111;;;;IPbe) i*l,:,iq turn, »C44 ' l44,4 :W qrs. trwe to rAy fallow e- • to sta. wale Tow Vevntotdo Polotonarr lialszoo..bleng •=er=ll2lsßakrotoetkoO2227=-X1 e-Nr the TET `4"*M.W.eiogStilsici.ussetcas r;lihAtt lard uo term' ttomourt oda* dirrA Ualu rM;r5.l sinbe ety rut 5:6F -t. lk tr` tkii - eibettFotitirtatatotafet, Amy Orortatraii • •y• Is cestainty aWs medirla• Idean my • „ dal rill stue • &led bar I be 11.% It- "I" , • Igo La motor ear. • Pr* rge'reathmta 1. - 411K1k931Prriti=t, t"Miradl,.W icor earnerlly 115111 15 5 121 5 52 522. I asta toaldeat URA, ?1 404o b" 111 . fr -Cr iralMlAM)urr "'Far Namtris. miapoics..6 (Nrcp,Pn! • , 16) :0;taheimerre , 601eLb. Q.LIA4SI's • , - , Pertibbatit,Nwis, oit er,4 2 :tan...rtoomskir 40elle* 1,66 romi • • Ot IX. a kz LiANu • eseib *4 Ed. .d.isdatipirmakitabcp , t.doncahr.id.= Hoglandtit W ono war ;Atm. .• • • 04 T r okil4ertole 2 Assl3 • 1°1..4 two bouts forsr ia l tig t2 O 2 s s ls44,gNia`f " r=o4lot • .4;10140 moms h er comp • "tOt SY= 401.• can her bomtrdlate.rtW tttio to as titoras • ktvibLed vr,th a ceder - bar heosaarpouale , ..r BY.P P J sbrat.gwa . 1 - 61 . 6 1121 W Met klltitl,rikrifr 1 06 t Teary, (hall 11 Prage , ..4 1 i & Rue I. A. beat cook tootheroo l ',oratory wad' 4latheT , l ty CU or Now . •• • ;-,' • Seventh NVotketry,ot" ''Fba abb. immigrate thoold Wads =mist tot b00t,151241512 tr00ttpr00du5ta,5 3 51 , 012+0,512219 IlAra • may 'Aiwa . tel tet emus a_tere =•7 0 1 ••1•41t10 221,, m_M .44511:! Cr 2.4 .445 vr554 and l4:,C,u7l.:+o•:o ' S U 2 l s : bbls 2;aoelier Sabi N . Vr hiarktili ' t ' 1 1435 " , •; 4 1V "'". 2- •I. t , • tO"blitusorro .I:lstram. , ol. a• sdo AlitiorJobialialit; ado Olo'd 2 .4 1 ....43.34t • bf do Nottoogic4 o tOlALio toortAdlsy#Wirpa .g 1 DL No 2 dooool do *0424 dOoKfr . JO do No 3 rie.04 . 4i.10 acktr,l 4 ? - T race Clorer,, byro Jiro • • . 125 blab prima 21 (2bArtor,„lo,Fromeall.lLlT l .... %. • devil t -.4lltowlWarCtll.ll ' :SW 1 ":11 6 .W.P . ",.., • Ter jzitlffikri;#l3 c4l4.lretetzif:464:=Witsarbis_ . .uglaq, ) ,.. l 740 Venallhis la say - Wady, aadhcliara ema..4 sot superior to say 1 Iwo ry• aaat 'non 4r1.0 Oa, 8,41 :auly etuldrk.a eaui*bleireapaUnialou.4lll , royaat PrilY l . 4 and suz..iituou Wood awivuo uwft br otuu.6l;ub W.W. u u W elaatb, Tempe ranca tact r mart , . • • .r ' J 6.- veatimUe. '4 - stitrr REM VIW-140111110:00 POW kola. ' - 11 team ih• eels bros4Ofnefors of N.oi t Con, -1(.4 ilott wt on.ie'rsana, uric • ood, tPit'ologolfimup.'4. • %Inv OM Of petto:lNiottik' CdfeaUko's ..2FoitanAffffelf- T Tow ifzun G it aau utliv g .,... A whale. aii; A Va Iffut
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers