BY UAGBETIV till:roam= drTELir,GRAWM).."'" siciaustvitif.pO l dtitrili aeon« . , F 1}:610-NI.,,PiEWSwr.:;i A4L,19 . ',.10.V!, Tyvavs*,V.W l ' 3l lmvir. High INTEMSMEONDIT#Vp&pr - riE POPE Utah Pati444 Trll4lollr. Oeitiehtdod. • ConwatUffdtCzon PaeUk. AD V fige W,C,OT To !IMPORT NswYmr,Jao 30, 6mw , The d'cilVtAiiniibie:o4 4,l4 ` 1.41 , 34'er54v. ed, with twohre=d3rviater inionigeuce , !own now on 4 . 1*,5 .. 34iini4, Hir t *sago in 11 days _ • - . The neorilf feiMiallitminsportuty The Pres& ident is:occupied in irtofitg yaw ft:ooptiono to" men'of entikelia of atm shade of imlitical s optro. ions ,-- wherelitiffeilAo s ,Ptdaioizstesc Papules* receive him gteitla Oar demerstredon of respeet. There haOMMlMmukakiarbisKits rsaw g . mil, =4 mcFVVc l stutn o , ll 7 ,, o‘ l °!bit The Freuttaneds ere torte homer, Tying to the uneemMity whioh operates respecting the pm. triothert. °lsle 'Cliaasten t ' being IO be dissolved mahout a paliticeastrnggie... Thie is the main on" 4 .1324 dap - Trade itiuNlzow, ever, improved., ^ Odillon Berid will probably be elected yive President 13.# the Natinnal Amembly: Daftnem tvdl cuccee4}/M . lm MinletM ;nonce: L 'uniu,t YPl'Pb?',d.44otqlenct the 4if-e/Fs .• The Lao6ol6l6iitgaiiini;',inc«iiiii. lei.; tatTrom Viattittalrt:tatatiO . el that it mcatad that tinatitir - ickf Kai= hod fallen intode tno to at th 11mpex,ehrnli t m afatriarce_ of bum.' 41 - Patti •,..• •••.• • • - - - - Windiagtiunui s iantst4alds that interwent4 be Elude immedemelyin Lea' of the Ter, is Pro. Posed by fYi'gerePuldt VOA; town& The ttaiaquiity of Baba n 01114nannanted ilea. Wrangel. , It if mentlaaedin this Ta u t_papers of Tuesday that the Pope, wiobiag to avoid foreign twartetn. tket,lntanaidn the etreet or personal mcniea , meat. It la *AM that be would go to. Civil' Sews shin, and ipinato the faioYda, which. if. not rest Peeded W Eie•ini: let Pim tate their own natuse:-.4n:itaireinibuisi Gtota; 111,ELAND„ , . • The The Jaaj(43e,ete tiihe*er.A4ilisa in) Teesdli, ea the is of alai , *Aimee! Oltsieit. apt Meagher,het,,Weg opinion, , C; (3 Mt i rr S . A- LJIMMLIGENCE• Thoi -comaft* cad financial inteftrim Li 4 andel dOili*V , e Isug.; and;it KS* izoltil 4 tact. Boila 4 TterFo l lifilaftriPgiu'd t he . mi l' uradurehijkri in /dgh gititS; The Iran tteida it teak and sales el:Waive at tun pricer 1 raisfeerl t; / 319 - The O'rVcuarzfor r dui week sending the blh,ahorrf iLlfafteneii saml?tt-ta in - Americall deteripthnte, witllconidembk, weni . con: mi#o* treikendittgthel39), theEpec. elatton abatedi and plea; aleghtly gITO-wayr— The higgi4i4eeee of the tilt week - Coingdia [Whit tillaWilay, is %haat td stave the gnomical. Pr* 4fd; Mobile, 4 t aid; AhMed • 4 3 441:The." cierelak - isniekwersflAci*s, 10.#4, ael=s and witki.2llll ,c 1,7 ^ • r : . 4 . 11 4:14 14 ! 27$s t? '24 16. 4:4; 11 ,1 4 4 43 tc lls sga: IViottipille4Blo to 7m211; White, 7 4 - - Psaititoot4olok AtooritOu — t4ott 14866 ' beg", :35 to 311illirfir3itAlft*Utlita. Poss.4-Aszettela 661 a prime now tiro, 40to we; ' BIC a l 1. 7 4-e " 0 : , ! off icyc a l l.4 fr ee fmk 14 ,4 4 Oicsati l 4l(4,o2#44. - The *salmis is Wails id Mem ~1; 2 he ism4.olo4 . l.4d:ei4tirOlitsbezieoupgris epdrood kaineis • Mow is easy anddisionnts Miteat 2il c ce a.qeiltdirdicinefai99i flr tie: it 1111110. 'Tt u vti o lelf Enitakardigixemigs continuant" . .. may, Th e - ainekat balrloo #u,11:411731,4/1.17,,- _COMMEISSIONAL. Wiltwx °l l :am 30.1619' Atter Om asail brisk" had ben Is ' 10$14 iatr ,lIMM I A • f allea milAtt , et s bb , witee iallys reified,. It vu Pula. The'Natifilnataisi , ii gni ties t;linin ;up and disc . asiied... iis axiodedoiti,l*.Beir loft aide.. echfoUloca 1 1rml" 14 .- 4-1 " M D "' Maki ro iher,idimitrusce*wad . ta i eb tbis body. -, i-`BOIIXL - r? •.L.,. Iu thiiiioaividAsst atOulggis-rr gepT ,l 4'' ThagiiiilAiiploptizomsm w taken up s.* : eer o skins answ, fawh Megim:Pr*lVlrYhaulf*Lsould Kt. Thompr • 3 2. of /wham( 'wait thivrOugPd iPeakers• Mr.! aver,feamwesWMrThoulPicot awn wittiposi ines6sigoooy, slowing ma 'or, then in oboroboist,ond oft elistag him tenth witted principles aiati,tha sultied:arPaTe* The. or,e4/ vu ebar.ct°!iz. , pagainassw-me.aKET. ;AM CctUn/":" Neithl t zt V IA Wit". bas du?" is. bcM - - , Weitcllt,tx $0 121; , mod :1,000 Ita-di'ni toli2 '7O to truaixibu • • . Gonr.Solis of prism. while it 60 cis pot , WOO, 0810-42/es 2 04 vti)Otkostiel. - . Proviskate'ellts ot Ida* Pork at; iil3-66 to 114, for how, sod lAA at $l2 50211113 pet,bbL Bolgor.Saleit 'New - Otleasarot 4.te per lb.. Nirtdot m—Seetitt,24 cents pa Multi ales ittivito.perrb. • 3410i,' OR MARICET • ,; • You, lan. 30, lBt9, market u steady, but ba !ketiva. ItarNl looo— ', Tb° 56 =i Of ProAL'il 1 ; 01- ' 0 * letbsfaxiol3:ol.4a,terliF usde deuumb: • • _ t , `O, prime yen:wit eti'ar ier -other greF,N4iibeWtavoted. -30dginst4.Nr4;trismai Nita at 1081, and . NeW LOSII " • EZ= -- : • Yial64aser 'l=4"l-;444 iteak;,e d Alll' • The mind -b sipidndettralciil..4. bar, ' • .Ana noweviarveviwanaZiaul le ' i r ee * Ziatii tt i-to n roretteiteelt vnied And tatAlisitiiiriOnffin yelkim reitlbs bind inttneres of dal am and min, Now feet the bilebteelginuch breath, AinCitfidsmedre Neturdi , noiNdidagoirissKhali unite iSN Q , bola Tbo Wolin shall vOtiseiiper Aiidthbswamshilleapwith a imitsumai TEio*Orit oba Memo fa &gentler Woe, •- - Aid Wwitie brash of flowers its osnir AtOS oky—she Sbiglothespriopoime treohneseshare... . . _.- -Aro Karr -7- QTO Ude ferlsoobane* i n ai4r; v ,it.: . :., 0 of .theriimontand Market atree — . ' tuft , 4"ner -%. Algoma! asentaislroteomAndiWilivoff 't,.l.‘ 1611116letr Itl'MSg 4llire. Wet. m... I: Was a t 5 i_:l : ' J 092 ..7,- i N PM*. DAt ~ 1 4 i ea Nit.-RWIt On Maik i. i gt ; a - ' .&a.olloriftoll .011111VC , Vel mantb re/ . am*, $i P 3, . ." ssElr at Ara ranoveii loVasida t iosi „turci4.! to idly or tri taw buena* best -Ng oIYATNWiII:WAVAir tt tb iVunmed, •AtIATINGAII crOgPletud . ire* sonne boom, 'go Ave nate:Preinund sistsiTe - mess, 4 " unite At La trdennst 00.tatablo mourn The *mt.- a n At* mittdilb4l36l.o.l nupoisnr. 00 04 end a .I re estrehictoreonteMir nets, Cm! poLui „ • , tre.if • ' • Semite caw rtalifitsr-AT:losiVis F igia "' sect • bitedty Kin Ids OJT sate br 311"4.'"... Elvo4.l3oll42WaS;r4"Ce* , . ^ • • : =, ; 4." - s : . 'ax 1' J. • :.‘," (r: Aeltea.-Dotl 0 0 Pr. e. ll h , ~.. . ... ..... .... 4teop Pearb;.. • • iste_ 4- &&dervmaws, „. i n = • , ~. t _ ..._ Sada , Alla.. •• • . ~ , Al Md.:- .. ~ Urfa Da J. 6 per kg clot. e ,Aaseriesn•t S.:. agt i .... .---. t IC l'l''' e I V r koak7L ' - g°l2* ' 70075 Crimean& cd.rd4. 1 .620- {" Banta 6 4 'S , Patent Be Ter- •• 4,060-- Meurer D uty Motes. Tallow=- SW _•111 lola -Blooms.- .9-070 ''Boiler Pr• .... Limo-4 ' Brost s-9 'des Elerchumulde 1"( 54: / ,v7 P1r Stator .1 Bards cord. Ckarnut 0 8500600. Black Oa 40403 • 0 ty al per et. Al Oa rir ,e.. 15 ara 0 4 Frani vra a •A- , --04 • Cott.. Dar free. Tenn. andlelabama.. • .440511 Ohoemlete+fr b. • Number Irpared ~ 100/1 Cocceim_ Clandles-Dcar, XI perSD e = ; t, City dipped ..• ~ ... •. • 90- M0u1d..., '7 , ••••• 010 i• Boa ' '21'0112 '.Pittsburg d0....4..4.5. 021 s Spann, t Irneada..4J ink, Cai 999-9 1 '.2f • , A ...arr. .... 1 4 0 47 W: . .fiz.rnar.e. ' do- , . ... • _43 Tea ke i t du .••••••404917 Wagon as 0 100112.4370 Counter to it set t .;,._ ,40' t i gh Bad p lb , nett?-4145' , Cott** Tarna-lr, 96, ~, L No• 5 1. lar. IL MU ni la WV- Long rue IP 00c. n". ..,.., ••••••;1••,;:::114 ... goo, 1000 Or -....4140:; r e4et ern irlb- ..9801,1 Cocoa 121 : 0 Candle pk ' -013 OrdOr •Dail eq.per e,t • igos 0 1 Whit'''j:l,';.t . lenr BL . 4 .0 .. : . ;7'.."** ', 0 • „„......-. 7 ..110 1Tt0:..-; 031 1 1 10 3 t -41, 44 0 Pr re 3 3 1 - . .bar arid oldsrTct old free. Thasidni.....-7..., vim ahem:apt .... • ..........-M , ITiiii4X9CPRQ: 2031 r. 301. 3 . 1= ----- 'l-043 -oVMrent•-*”..”•:•:',71.. " V t=ao:S alx" :•.-40 Spi „N L /l ip eso r p . a ...t.C....d.s. .t..•: 0 •341,. , 0C20 f1 •••••---:14' 87411,r0, rd Pb a l la ij a(locks:-Par 801 . - 40 pd.. 9 thread.,-":-.-00,60 131 Ab.3odo ----13104,33 . • do Matte 11rer.....-- ;31/ ,elk ~...! . ...-lialikrt4,. lIIIICCU= ••••-••••• . /IWdrbi do" . 13 01 ta. AN0.1.,-- 0 1 7 t. Allegheay Ws.-.•••• 1 0 - =Pin BUll.--0...0 Oregon Unitas 303/.-0 4 .. Peroaldel.;,.•,,,At ,piwicaelo ”- --,5..1a-i -t. Baragr,.... - .......-... , .'. - -4rr .. ______Fm 4 u o l lo , :A •••÷, 40 Larome,.--...... 1 8 Hansa ---. -•••••••-• 54tucrant COMM* Pan 1 4 131 tombed 11111.— ** -4 ° 9 . do; do.---- - 7 ip -90 i 49-••••••.• 4 L. Brains drills- -=. P Blearked-----• . 4 1 g 0 I e lickings --.• • • o i IHamiltoa,--. Lantasen..-- --8 4A.0. A. • L . L• 4 11 . No 1 superior *-- --0 / Colored. Cambric:l 4100 Flinty prima----' , 31011- Fall Biter Bloc—•-• 0 8 Meniluae-,,,- ----OW Fal3ll.lllicks 1 5a le Orange 5 , 11109 YoTk TO3 Drugs-Pert 1445/ 11 _ A h.. • . 1. ,, l aff_4,.. ta1eatid11 , .... , "... 1 0 0 g m i ..00.--t-----1. OA ........ ..... --. :Ara .E 4-1 15 1410 7.74 551 1 -40. 45' '' ?g . %ll * . _ _ i;' , - 010e,,,,..1..,.. . -....own't G 51147 • 600'5111, 'I Ar l 4- 1-- .10.0 70 1 8 Cop -, ..13 9 10,:10 . a,,, T araZ 47 .1, 1 5 S4P. -s- mi 0 ,, ,,.- —61,25 ,, 1,,,,,,,,,....:. ..... .. 80 01,01,1 Talap,4bOMOl- 85 044/ 13314rge, ,;.-,•• NO ,r 51 14,42,,acen80t17.•4-7 Oa 0 .5 1 751800111‘,1- 48 W ill 1.40114" 23 Jelignapagag --3549-• 25 MOW thobro-.45 0 14 %ladder, Val'. - 0 - mmier.• - -49 050 OU'Vluital i-410 5 outo, " Ma 01,73 Cllllllll, tti , Iro, ',VP 0 3 4 5 ° i " C 1 974 1 .117 , ":"P" .4.1..p711 ....... . 1 ,14', 831 4 0 , a N0vei1....03,0/ • 0882 87 M 4 / 10 r” .4 0 04 1,, 5, 9 r1i.......,0,,u ...4,...• bi 3001.....43 g-50. 851 . 5 5x 41 41r.t:'1".•;!"- - sa'sat....--; • steitl;../1. , .:: , •::,•7: .919.0 4972 1,44.thW'5551 ,,, :•'.40 , 0 ,119. , Vi 'II I DWK404H:1 1 r,U,c,, , .. ex3 o .N*'3"l:'.' , '•' . a - •.- 751116 ' '' - ' 0"` - 3'' Loon*, chipped-040 21 . 7 1811403191e1541517 , 45perre1. V.:. V 3 -:".:+1, - ,1613•41.; , ' genti;Ory, 'M'43 - t3 Pht'=TVtrti — FA ditzairfaicitiarst:J:.%) 0 yO3 sort. ::...,.:..q.c:, trolls , caiiiiiti";*,;:::.loOlN lr • 11184114••••-•,'4."': 8 1 8 P . ' 0 I tr 13875=1111iii-,'4•••=t1.404 1 t-, r i 2 M . "' ; A 5 4•7 -- -• ..f" .- r• fr'•:'' l_ilitWkiAix,V,::,:.•:-'0 14 ., • ,-; _l';',•i4o•°'' . *laic, vaa,•;:-.,-• • ‘,.., 117' • '-fr; llonlvaiiri '''''"s`9 . 2,:,, 1A 1 5 1 88 4 4 44 / 5 re,. 1=444 7, 17:•--113 4 9•1100 r...i. dn'tkt' !•ej tii, .tV,..., - -6,...,•- - . 1 00.,,.. =sp... 111,404' sz: • - • impoir,...:—..--., .e , Anse& esmentoti•usys--.• ii1 , 61.1n do: r, 11111-71j i4616169619,7-....jr,180 1 in. connocan-- - = VMS - OW do - rule Finoileers 61002E0 0 - 3,IXV La:99,lo:wedi • 4,43 0 , 2,50 Ltvi 0606116.0119118. at; : • e1:68:16i,ini1ie1105.4516 . Apwajscr .., How»,00 • 5e60411 . 110 - 6 6 / 9 1, -- " ^ " Covri & Calves- 4,c0 onwc • lob 12'; Eieep_- • 0 2,133' Mons- .. . Nolaisoo-Der pt. - 01. .....f . :997.96f0r01L - 9919.4 Engteensse•-,-,...40 ,45 -,s6_pereent.L._ • • N. pricans,-.;.:. 87-0 28 , 1 N0.,111,01.4,00 .:1518 , 901-166arn--Dati •" '994=a6 -6" 110033ter bbr 5980 - ' N 0.., o -3,.W - 0 • ' o. blLAbli , Yu, A ll egheny.. 0 - vi , .-•--?`19,75911806 197E5t011na:".4,95 0--; • 0 tol9entbb, fall- 63 0 7D Eleedorcel 4 +675 0400 , Vatnish,' `typal: 7,75 0 1,10 - 1 _ WI; kei6 100182,7(eislog =Es YAM Orion Det lb.l SW, boon . ..twat% • we . 3,713 Rodv i verfihs-=;• 04,6 0 so a 60 Id .4530 ' O Sad Fai sNa.3`.. _at —1 12 "s i t • eixop L Y. l .l:, itaticAotcrr,..;- o. 023 0 Pressed. , - 4 ,111, Deer o 7kger • , - Oskusse3 322232103 ,Pitubnxib.. - 0 L,5 -peril.. . . • • •• OOP° 12,E. Curet per 40 0 . 1,63 . 151017 aw Ws" per 0 0 67 - - .136onobleselm1 0 1,95 yraebed 01,58 • • 75 0 106 19618--- AIWA Tanners per . bbl. 17,00019,00 ra100t4.41691410. s . • - 16694ati tb. Pros, 166te..•...... 96 0: 0 8910,1-3-7.----3= 3 . 5 U • r 7 long ' • ' 4 . - ..ssoars,7s - qp Wthing - a - '1 0 I --106310:9991166-Daw2o99. Chum 4".4.80 3o , " i 33 0 23 5,25 05,0 " . No. 15 0 53 EMI": et •• - 03,00 Erox6.lek Green. •19 0 90 Dm 63.1 ID. 432,33 With. 1.. 1 , &I-- • 6NI 64 Fifeito" - 040 " - Miaow. teg..1,03 0 lA} Eagle do. in papers.- 0863 " No. 1 - 0 1‘33 Sed 8 Bpck W p ke T9 l l=l . Ad C M! Yell L'-" Oettre----11 0 .. . . lejrall' vwfied. • 6 4C • ovs•------• - ••• -043 Ver3lo4. -• •‘• -So 0 33 COMICM .-RECORD. /LLIELANLO. I JANU ISO ARY eattazy,, '''''''''''' •"" Is 59 Atoaday, .. • 30 -ice 41.97 —l.:Thanday, ••••• '''''' . • • I:9ITTSBUI BOW= OP TRADE - . C.O3PatrEE FOR. FE BRUARY. it...a gush:- - W. smut- woßrife ".; ; 4 - REVIEW OP THE rog "ram ioirrea ./i.srair 30. The, aril '.' ' ' - gen wriest the market for the week *Atilt,..ell*l, hen bent - Marked hi noant ,ettargloWWY thing mill/dm about" we telltha _ .. tMaltatittour last tine* ashibit. '' - - • * weather: gimitallibia leen very mild for OD ae#son; we have hadfeWturit - wafts; aid the vtieralbayi boo tray high again, .wadi although .now onthe dediiie, ant in admirable order for an thiptuyoses of trade. Notwithstandini thy oboe. dance; prwater &wear, bnalnew on the river hash quila light ispeadalli down • freights' bevy been aid coutitniuyery Warm. Boma %OM' to swirl regularly ftoto Cincinnati, Lou brill idt'.'l.lthia .aid-Ntw Orkin* and th e ye imitagiof 7.10ur,41w touting; iMd , Poovialous have iiven taitthir.exthit. ....: ' ..."... - ; , ' •=AhliP37The , mating half been anaatally dull ;lotheir this . pia- week: Rieeipta 'of the, wailer kinds' have beta to a &in extent, but ales have ipien contlead Ihnited kat triat atima ai.quatar ALS--We - magma to quitter regular sales from I breezily at tfaiP, cask included: ilrratnst4riablei qUantitiei clattlime,to wive by riveroutd supplies are- quits full ealcs of 20b Ws at the 190750 f bbl, and of 400 bhla Gout store at priors ranging according to riartlity 4OirIISO to itg4z,bbl. BACON•rPfts 'Tory 40e- has transpired is beitig 161. We may quote zendrially asi aboaldels 4tfier aides 51W1 as* glaile. Silas of cigar cared -hams la lbw Wu! lota's* 90 4p, ~ItqUE4)ll.lC—Wribive.tiotioed no large wiles during thdireek - receipti halides fallenoff comma extent, and the Most - of the 'receipts beteg to the c 4.10 of Minns? or *pos . se: EP .15, hog, • geondits about the riding Arnie Of toe market. -l;RElTTratiderable.ijutunities are coming forward, and liberal ship. r E neen, end; me 'notieni . edt. - supplies left lo Nom— ttilei io 101 s and kegs , have been confined to lots 0110,15; and 20;: rdpilM for kegs, and 'ldifildc ~ :. - -4 3t00148-Cd- s ale of 80 tuna Tennessee blooms Mai infeeted $7O time' - - , • • •• -'l3ltOOkSepplieitteidbieone limited, and .:Prinen are • yelp' kr= -Beat. nullities • are -noddy psalmd up at 2,25(3!471, and good common at 1,25 diStAtip doz.• • - 'III7CILETS . AND TUBS—Prom the small re, , milpts mom tiam.past, supplica have fallen off W gate naratdeniblir r egel ; h e? ot au li Me / Nalited &aerie .nb change. in prices. e ii store at 2.25# detfor Niche* and $9 or tabs— • -- ' , :-BEESWAXThemadieiii:iiiihOu( change,— • Tem...141M is. brought •ioPplics are light, and silty in a small way only at 1502 gc D. market is . itteady, tot not, sop jic,e; there ;being only: -small :Supplies to operate • upon. -, , :Regolar. - •sake good Wit at 51 6 Wc, of create at 8 461 7 . 0= '!giln;4 1 talitln • • KdtAcKgB9-4 - Intittri.76nsideis is doing by citernannfttetnrers at the following pricer. Water. Crecker5i...........34,00 rt. WA. Mater_ , .410 475 e • • Blot btrelo• •••.• . • .. •••. ••. 4 3,50 • ,OO Rota &Nod/ eraactir . tp• Ye diNDVE2 , —"tVe_note saki S t et 10, an d 20 bolo, et the Collowing price2l632, manta tillott..loh Add dipped at tto # , SON, CO TTON YARNS dee—Cotton is but no- satesworthy' of 'lletreeL • For correct rating gootatione only, : thing ender this bend, nee tinotatioo! selle,tal &We. - • - DRIED likiT-;COlisiderable quantities are in lies in'ularket.- aftiv/pli w ," are et tall ' e . gases daring tke 'seri " rt u nte ve n cell/lied to limited tots aL Wee k7',, e acbaj - 12a51,18,: 6 7r aPPIeli "short of those figures. I.II4° FL "1"-irmild eti l irietneu has prevailed in i ti t t e :io t h or partial dkeline s t.o9" / the gall "et liwziets have . beencAtt tint itileutewnt7haleales-r---frem-Iltai lute o g r a ka 4 l o lglor 4 f geed to WWI kis at the bbl, ncelly at the Wet Ague. Sales P U T sW r ' in din bad lots , et prices rang . 2g sneers . ng to guilty from 3,87 t 4 02 i FISH ' We nottce . undci,.tlas r , „Lo het t i:i there is. a bar regular:damned'''" ~u I* ire les. PEi s. :" . nbria• - • saies jaz wiliViofdt'thfair th to 1004 79e ile=.,o.,,matket Market, quiet. - -- , ' - • WateT_F LOM-Rec r elpti Ityr.AND BUCK have been paved. but prices rettlatn unounne . el with regular 'Wes of the fortuer from goes lat fal,2s;arthe knell sosiawr; to* ; ':F1111:10lITS-Izteights are very mem and v Culp dOillf oi the - river awe this point. AVesSi.- ; ;tutelar packet. rates # to cinciaguni 6o. Ate, 64 Figthu424.410454,3#4',"00.1,12101iit44' nizwni426.4a4sll4Plugairr 1 111 diki• " Cris f, t .r 1 3311 - 34- '" 500":53" pa _tune—pe cub. cowmen.. PeLvot Cabe per gall.• • astern comb 00 Glaueelat,Dety 40 r. ne. - 26 . 60• 211 nay-per Adi of 16s~ . • Ate,x3 , Hldee• • ••• • pety 6 per eent,- • Pp0m . b ...... -041. • - - De. kirialPekOlel-IX O 2 31 143 Green - 0 4 Ben3p-ladly 23 pereede,= - rewind ikEr:1 1 ••• llannla ••• ,, L Hops-Delf - 20 per teat. First 1926 '4B- • . 100 13' Indigo-Defy I.o*t_sent,. 81138:1 I,M 01023 , 1,00 01,23 .• • 95 01,42 • Ileoso,aury 33 per 6661. Ber'dkeet,_Joniatia, 4 0 4 4 1 r,,,,Face.e.•4 . ..• 3 0 3 Boller 'Plans -- 1.1. 0 . ~ . . 4 1 Reads 419' Seeet;: - A".. - •'. Lend-Du :40 pir , eac • fb Minced • pig.:: ..,,.*}o :-.• •Elar. 41,0.41: • 3 1 0 ` Leallie+rztetty'so‘pr: et.' Sole, Baltizeleee...4el-Cr ' ,Sirevr rad 0 IF -.• 12 0 ',LC 2C9 w4 gre ;f. ''' . •; . . IS 0 90 - .SkiArnix - ,;•••'•,..! 91 024 "- Hernsea,idanklu4. - .19 , SI! Bridle.,blaek,pi. dor: 'f'• 'ldea... 30,00 . 0311,00 Reuui2t3o,3o' ewe" UpPer'fleanhed•44oo'o4oo,oo 010,3:1 - Calf 5kieta.4.13,03,02 . 400 Lane' Leather. :. per doe-. No. 2 Per dar, 0' - Drce3'per des.- 1•:93,33W3' !meal) eatte4.. 4.....1.2101 6 ' 'T•dinlabar'd uty 214. e. ad eel. per BL Piar, oss,to csmunoti • 011,00 Clear, 11 - 033 1 01 Codtla le " ,, .."---"0/3,91r Sane- -.044del Ca 3 Pa. . . -Atrirr goods .20c 8100. Fnefghts wens taken vesterday Err Nashville et 30c for bean, and 50e for light,. 10% end for New Orleans of 00c per 100. The taming are the wagon charges from this point east sva [ 5 717 510 715 511 710 519 714 514 7 13 5 15 7 14 le 711 517 To Philadelphia by D Leech do cos firs day ex. press wagotoline, the charge. snafu hasty goods. $1,25,,and &Hight $1,50 p 100. Return charges by same lime-heavy goads V.l.light 52,50,100. Fromatris point to Whom by the Eclipse five -.. day line; for heavy goods 51,25,9 a Egln $1,50 sp ' • Cattle rtarksrt. 100. Berm tales by same line, for heavy goods, Aurstumit, Jas. 29,1849. $1,374, for tight 51,50 p 101 I ..EV72*-Sonne 500 head were oared at the GROCERDM-Dnring the week we have badi_ threw six arrivals of steamers from New 0r1ean5..."" 47, thous 300 of which wore taken by which conuidetabte additions - have beets made at airie OTS net, showing a decline on common to the supplies of sugar, molasses, and other gm. quality. axiom We ROO sales of N 0 sugar ansounting suEEp_waTa very scarce , and we could to some 50 hhds at 404*, 4404 i, and 5051 for ,__ _, __ ,__.,"" coma:ion, blir, and prime qualities. Sees of 200 .." °, o. odes 7 7.7 of roPolt• .. bbl N 0 molasses to lots at 27, 271329 e , gall. HOGS-Sales o[loo head at to plb net. and of sugar boom molasses at 40345 c. Sales of - ---- -••-•-• - Rio coffee are - regularly effected at 7, 7V0760-as Retell Prices to she amma& Haste& in quality. For loaf maw notice a regular de- An uivit ~,k to o Vi t r"' M ",, kuft f:/""qh . 177 . 4 4 0 5 mend at 8310 e yr lb, and of size by tierce at 50 Beef, Oedema rp lb 5 0 7 IP' hs•-•-nt ell 51c ,D. Of raisins the market is fully supplied, —Mallen ......408 11! pek• • • -•••0121 with sales at 51,62031,75eth05. —Came •• • -••- 2 0 A Ped4dit War. Ilelli 4 0- id art GRAIN-We anim —Ch ..... ••••-6 0 6 Perk,l a° change in the market- --Aimee. •••...- o. oes p n0...4am 0- _ Regular sales are effected from store at the follow. i One. • be... -;•• •30 4 "'bud.- 30 4 lug rum Wheat 70e, barley 48050, rye 45c, corn 1 /ht •O ,frwh C l ' a /lc ' " r `" T V P IPk - a"' at 83031, and oats at 20230 e qv ho. I Do •• - ate • --0- . nu ' Aspic p• 10,- wrut 1p a.. flp-- GLASS-For all sizes of window glass, prices Beaman had. P ph -0- w.ip pi.... -e -:amain very firm, as last quoted, see general tau -etird rum, Pio . -0 - Peaks., erk•• • . -e -bbs The prices of diet glen generally are with- C earerT,birret -• • 30 1 P• P . ~.... l ALL out dotage. gneumbers, Ps. -0- Peas,lo aallArpeil- 0- HOPS-With a dell market, we may quote Ch1..4 1 ...•5r -0- aseasgs•APll• - - 7 et 5 gales of limited lots by the bale at 1014121 c as in ••• • • 31037 . —...111•11. 607 quality. osi bo 42 0- Sonvie.,Ded, pas 11 ON RAY--Sales from mason annatelarl . p effected' C200‘411, 041••• • .-41 1 -" e!•;•••-1714.6 311030 at $9.58,50 p ton, a slight falling oft ;C0m,,.. Vern, f , ihrt -0 - ITaitspJee. eel. • 0 - ,- . 1, 0 03 .1..1: 41 , I' qt -43-1-.....e1immi1• •- • 000 75 7 7 IRON AND NA.9-Ses quotations in general Daus, timer par. -.0- Nast , lee e1e5,41 . 4 0 -47 el table. —;-etemoi 37060 rtramitietties,OYS -0- 1 Sclifriss. • • ... 1101, TUB . LARDltecitipti have been full, and mewitha Owe, dyes, meti•• MO randslo besek..-......0- standing the henry amounts pauing east, the mar- alatharries, it qt, ....._ r .....••....•......_ bet is largely supplied. Sale of 50 kegs No lat / 17 t1 4 ?7 , ;i4/ IS.• 0 e ..t.e. , -am 61, and of IS tags at 51013 c, according to quality. maa ',.... a , 6 —.4,4, ta, , , iii .....-- r --. 030 LEAD-With a quiet market, we may nuke 877 1 1.04116-• 1800 Wlest,go las I 1,87 °- regular limited transactions from store at 4* for —sesissa,P qt-SI 0- Or-. ..... ..4 , -0- pig, and 414:0110 *mbar. 1.4 4 4VA' 4 ,f , IS• •-0 S ._. Rad ••• - P bunch Egg plant 0 • LEAD PIPE-The market is unebanged-mtu Ilse teterdes 0 ett- 0- Tearates,o I plc. •• --0- oniper font ranging in, in site, fr om In !0 1210. Maas oqt_• • • •• -0- Mellow each -,• • LEATHER--With a fair trade demand, ems """ 1 " -- rem quatathms for all kinds am given in general table. MALT—We note regular limited sales from store at BOX& g) , be, for barley. OlLS—With a quiet market we continue to quote at wholesale as Wowe iinseei sowndard 1116281%, 51 5h060c, castor at ,16031,25 ty gall, end am. REIS PIG METAL—Nothing has transpired worthy of nonce. So um as we could learn, bolding rates am about the gamiest at onr last quotations. POTATOES—SaIes from !tare of best qualities at $106111,60 p bid. and 62070 c bu, in sada RAGS—There is i fidt reviler demand br good mixed Item first hands at 310 SOAP-"We note sales in lots of 10, and boxes us fidlawm Rosin 41016 far • fair quality, and of variegated at ROM:alto gr to TALLOW Sales bare been confined to limit ed lots at .7o sy lb for rendered. VINEGAR—SaIa (tom wore at tillaGe go gall, for ;Food cider. WIIII,9IIEY-L.The market is quiet, with regttlu sales of rectified at 19(3191e p galL ...WOOL -Receipts have been very light, sad prices from first hands remain steady -at the *d towing quoted rater. Common W 001............. ........ ....20 ii b100d22 e do , 23 , t do 27 Ifull do 30 Our general table which has been thoroughly revised and corrected, will present fair quotations Lorin articles not contained in the above review. MONEY MARKET. The following are the rates al exchange at the Broker's board., Selling rate. Buying rate. New Ycak, . i pm. Cincinnati, ' 1 dia. Philadelphia, i Louisville, a Baltimore, I , " St Louis, 64 41 BANK OTES. Buying rates. Buying rates. Ohio, 1 dia. CodcOity orders 1 dis. Indians, - a " Belief Notes, " Kentucky, a " Pennsidvania Co. : : Vl l in heeling 1 .¢. =land, ' . " " Tennessee, 10 • New Orleans, . " " Baltimore, Jan. 27.—The supply of beeves 'MI the scales on .2vlonday was fair. The offerings reached 1150 head, of which 633 were sold to city butaberv, ao to packers, 10 were left over unsold, and 351 were driven to Philadelphia Priors rang ed 60M 2,2 S to $4 on the hog ore; to 6P/51,15 am, and averag4.o3 grate. . Hogs—Therewat-a good supply and priors are iomething better. We quote from to 5,50. Philadelphia, Jan, 25,41tt market, 1250 tee rattle, 'lncluding 560 bead lot N. Yarh,, '2 60 cow, and capes, 550 hogs,. and 1300 sheep and lambs. Prioev—Beeves—Nearly all rktdd at 1150 15 5 ; and .0 few Prima et 525 the 100 tea- SO left over. 'Mum and Calves sold of 670312 fie dry, 6148324 far slirlySers, pd" 62Q8631 fire tiesO w ere, mop—maws ranged at 55005,25 the .100 Its„ - Sheep and Lambe meanly Ittmrght 61=0541 e ac h 6te the former; and 111,6004 X, Re the ;Wei, siiiiedinir to qua* Ittott, lan. 25.—At Matitzt-450 beef cattle,2tdcdrOjiaii•voititigorincowaiindoihre Eltelts&-pr ta0,6 4 90-n -"rebutted • 0 illOndi•Coinny: • Foindo4s f n - 4 ;— gtitrP / 3 19010eParin. , !. 11 7;, 4 3 t rv_ton*— ler ikin= pia dry core i - doiunry do. 199*P. in kg* ;- eiguti 1 3 in kr+ .44 1 I,in bb n• —0 ..R0 9 . 9 7, 1, in ro k3s..ol.o d t e a o3. 4 . iw l•tor e ig •-• cretin .pFsers t End!. Warr. t —0 4,76 14 481604- 6 46 bad.. 1.1 2, 11( 0' *l e 147 :1 4 i ueiiyi , —.O WO°PPectib Blc9'l l ' 510 ' tl4: 11 , i t 47 . 4 U 44 . 4124 , - ,ago Thibl#4.-,- • ,i 9 ,73 3 (11 02,/ mama" . 666rtak4 .. . 3,0 03, -.031.69114ar.p. ttakinin 0 23 Gi999t- ' 9 0 10 'Muting! . : 7 0 0 0 lAD PePP er 0 .10 BlitrailbriT- 4, ','• -- '• .. X: 100 ~ T 3 Calabria '' ' _ ' • 2.2 - IT , 'Wool •perlb—cony 00 ' Full Mood' ' " per cent. .. iblood. '.•.- 0 21 , • b-watited 0 20 Whilk ! 7— P er .iii n " . ' Raw blantengabela -... _0 10 Sleet ...... •---.. , ----t• 0 10 Protean—per CC W s;' Lai ." l'o Cincinnati. Heat"? _llO Lonisvilla .1):7 GOO& 210 • Heavy Womb:ref/villa to th . Dry Goods As— Heavy 0-- Bt. Louis. • DTV5aa ---•••••—•—•—•0 37 Heavy To Cleveland lad Etta. Dry Goods Heavy - To and Datm Brownsville, Dry Hoods (down). -- 0 Produce, &o. (up). ...... ~••• 0 To Nashville. Rry Goads ...... Gxds Hea G oods anesville Thy Heavy To Beaver. Heavy--' Tv Now Wean. Heavy Goode 600— Glass, &a • —43— lam as rum= 00 TEM rsivasnsa eIIIALMED IptILIDAM Ashes, Pot and Pratt, 40 45 Boner and Bacon, 43 60 Beet,ealted, 43 60 'Ba l e ' . 54 and maths do 70 Beeman, do ell Bones, ' do 63 Brooms, ' ; • do 1050 Cheese, • do 40 Con, do 0 Cotton, Chilled Bolen do 60 do Denp sad hredlaines, do ,00 TVedChillLit do 1,00 do 73 Floor, Dec bid. . 60 63 Pan and Pelmke, per HO lbe LIXI Fulham do 1 Parolto in Glworw re, are, • d ft Glass, Window, per bz 40 0 Green and dry &atm 1001 be 73 Ginseng, per 110 the .50 Ortmenee, do 00 Hardware, EiePa, do do 74 Hemp, do 70 — MU*, (raw Hen dry gm go. Leather, do 82 Lead, do 45 Lard and Lase Oil, do 60 Oil, Cartor, do 76 Unwed Oil, do 76 1 Pork, Per bbl do 0 160 Rap, per Minn ft Ropes and cordage, do Oil SPetio do 00 is, Bas 70. fikine,Deer and %dale, d Ms o 75 To Tallow temeo , , Leg do do 60 43 de Hanulketired, do 76 Wheat, do 40 Wool, do • 'Hley, pet bbl 'B7 . 160 _ lliiiikeroot.:-perlb: Villt9ll9 7 , -1 --C-.- - • 14 karectai-.;...........-: 0 --.. 14615p , atity 37 per earn. Pith/40 ri0..1.- 40 41 .CUtelutudi - - 4 ft ' .111991614.8 r 13. 5' illasibSliesx . -1 , ,. -15 17 I 1)0 . - 119 4 19 ••• " i 0 16 Ben 089519.5 ~ i JO 13 F8414....;-----i 0 11 " 1100, L 3.1.....; ID 0 145 . 999 . 1 0 !Arai -7 g e' ; 77 . . 1 Vaitt...... 0 0 ....f«.:1gki ,,, ..-- • 4 'Vpli '• 4f. ••17, - _l3O , x 1.1,51 0 9,50 ene.. , ......,...100 0 3,50 ;#2 141 0 7121 9 14 13 4 g 5 ‘ 4O 111 "- ' --..; • 40 0 60 i1ki,11018787 1,04 0 1,75 11114615r- I D L a t 2 Mr mu. - 11 ,2" 4: 1M8 91 1!“! 4 :4 H9799471.1895,z1b.4 0 96 R.B , ....• ~" 'llp. 90 44 Pa1781794,9944.. , ••0 - . • SAW-DOWN per 0091- Nal,, 419‘5-..«....... 01,05 " 140 - 91010:•;•---• lAD 'MIN dos. bOx---• -0 519981- . 19819 Sti per cent! Per keg.: 015,50 Per. tnag.....-- 0 1,274 ..Saltpetr .16. •ftivitrs..... , .-'......9 0 10 - 6.410 987 •et. gator ciudi tot auum;Pd ... Tobsece.] - Duty 40 ra. el. C 71•918917.--.. ••.4 • ; 8 11185917580 .4 0 . 7 Ladlasltwist-..--.7910 18 Plug (Step. .80 • Itag inbozez— -14 0 17 liTyrist.:--.....-... so 7 . . Clam No. I—Ashen %MEWL& In Races, Ihruer, Lark Chemlo rkTotaso• = ‘9,1156 pi= amble ~.... Flas In bsJes -- ClassNai—Dtiodlialt Leather , OM Ram Skink ' Seer* W. Class No 4—Beesmax, FeathersAesraGgemeg, tiorrelless, hxsteflas , ' - Riarlaa laltramme s Rates of lesorarms or cargoes or steam .ad keel bolts. rut Pittsburgh to Wkterging,Vo. p i 1 . “ and from ri"sissstt,o di : to : w i. istall.... •••..•1 gr/ ' s .to BooarilleStes 10 g ' s s tolculepooderate lOn , s 4 tothaersklil. 11011 Ise ro gleamKe Tea II I s eto N. Orleans 401 1 From N. Orleans toßieshargit-1 Or 1 St. Louis 1101 e r a ge n sr b leWas F ! '" B°.', /- • ==2l22Gltl 13,13301.31c3.•- • lib si . 19 0 17 " • u—. 0 14 Scatcliixnr-•-••14 0 16 ••• 0 13 gairWrllbpip•-• 0 *I Tes-Daty,llll poi cent. Impelial-•—• •• 0 0 46 Gutipww4er- , ;•-•111 . 611 0 Vl .l Tla DOT 15 pt. et. . Banta oak- • 10 fr. cent 30 0 4 4 Vleo6•-per con. 114 Ines-11 LP Madeira- L Frenceirc- Usk= 1 7 / 7 :4 1416 4 4 . Sweet •• 0 16 ty 0 pr. cent. • .2,90 a I,a 0 • • •73 0 IA3- Prim—Ere Cattle—Extra I),A drat eality 6,50, sewed $6 third 85,73—ws advance.rap last week's. Storer—dell—prices Tells old $l2 fat.% 3 . reses old $16=20. Warlueg Oren—.No sales noticed. Cow, and Calree-520, $22, $27 $3l, Sheep—Sales at 3140. $2, 113, Eyre log as 33 sold Cat 6,25. MILT OF PITTSBURGH. *IMPEL, 13oLie, Jacobs, Bramanlla. ' Atlanta, Parkinson, Brownsville Caleb Corps, Murdoch, Beaver. Braver, Clark, Beaver. Lake Eris, Gordon, Beaver. Clundro, Handricbon, McKeesport. Jas. Nelson, Mears, Wleeling. DEPARTED. Jacobs, thownralla. 1 Agana; Parkinson„ Brownsville. I Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Caleb Cope, A. Murdock, Beaver.' Lake Erie, Gordan, Beaver. ; Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport, Retrilluttoolllll,'NeW Orlaatur i Robert Fulton', Cio. Jas Rehm, :doom, „Kt:eating. !- There wai l iY Zmikrltiettla water In dance! by pas mark, hot evening it duak, and as' ills tot. Mama= No. 2.—We are.amosed latubacon tweets, now at lama, between the Dllmatob' and Larne, as to who did the stained glnsi fm: till ll4ereeeyer No / The Dispatok, seer reedy to tect and promptly , a:W*l.ft 1111163111.110k1r. of its neighbor, the Icllast li! calls Ike reP 4 r l l l 4: pipet to account is felfatit' "AIM theielintrilliM gietMliMd ‘ rto Maw W. McCall& itlthougki manufactured trylifesero Mintier' la . • : , . • .. LW, the out, dayrkowever, the U5llO alooter• Amn i me ere' tto enii-iti..i:istriedirg - ttiir SemTo is' itatit4e . lui,malteitthOtOnoleg tonnes,' ''. . .Coatuark4l--Wtt weretotaiitorat a as to the, name of the'manutsOurer ;of the do rod 0100 the cabin of the Messeottet , No. 2.: The Wound ores correct In giving credit" to Mem* Win. bip" • ..„ In the mean time, h owever .the i r toiorea;:e4% .. , . , ktiowledges' the , :.ixrro, cad make, the gaming I fr ank cookesioo:' -. I, `-t'1.21-I.i.i • , We were wrong kt eallbuting the matoskidans of the beautiful gained glass in the Meisisisger'• cabin to Messrs. W. McCully de Co.: 4ettalt woe the Captafei, who, little harry of oc'cupled moment, indsinkstned us" New it Is not light that the public shpa l Id killer remain in the dark, 411 to the importept talker at Issue between the Dispatch end JoartlaL it not be fair then, to penposet thm thel i gentlemes, resolve themselves Into a committee two, and` forthisith waif ayon the pro'pee eutliticli gain the truth, and publish tPthe mo ll the Import ant fact, as to who did the Iseatifully gibed glass for the fine steeples, Menaces Not 2 ' 1 Ncm,,we are not muted to state positively, an' to who made the gless; or 'who knockeE &ski , BM Patterson,' but to Euard art ordains,- ott the subject, wo !should say that the Job,hy - WblusSo , , ever!doae, bl a titoblo concern, andilloes am ple. credit b 6 th e manufaintrer as welt as ell joitice to tbe;loble steamer which itin designad to deco! - • Nay Baa Stant cat Till CaernacvaeciL4ha itetti draught , senintent Palmetto, was snagged talfen thelChatedeachee river,',and became a tat}it afieck; This was her first Wraien,.at see bad ibeen. Dryly .61easht dud 3 beiVes , Het time et wean vas saved, vailiele dermeted..- IN; 41. -- lATAIMATTER 4.2r;rnimos;tiuLt,oicsts ~ . - rekorxe Gue—Thel,wiminapr44.ate so: -4 4 best 6idetitsientair ethalestei*rebery ethfrintel ittantitiee ;lit Olen iaida.. ,TerWeindar, three mats; One bleat mil, one, oient/glasS, !Intl a fiStiat viriStyoi old lien,:brus"; *pot-, /so, Were' been roioyared, ; and are now in custody °Cilia, hiaimr, - who will detain' them . until - they COIL be idemit/ed by the owners, Let our clothiers - and . Miters Who have affixed leek to this. They have also &mud and seised' a .quantity of goods stolen from a store at Deer 'Creek Lock; lam Pridayaight. Since writing the Acme, we learn that Officers Reed, Rielmrawn, Glenn; Hill and Bare have sea . seeded in Wresting the supposed thief, and also ' a sc f tutu and Ig . the occupants of the loam where the ' were found. , - -....—..„--- iiel=' P a ortas : These paintings are to 1 • 'visaing at Philo Balt We sub. -jsin,thoislib . g letter, sent to Mr. Brewer while he was 10111 lig hie panoramas at Detroit. We have the plesaure of* personal ampialitance With Mr. Haskell, end know him to be an /mist of rare merit, and °Very way cowPetent to fudge of their value. : , —••- soo .......... rrmu •-• • •-•-.....30 0 60 - ....- -0- Ms Bextiatt—llemr Sir—Allow me to express my indebtednesito Yon 60 the enbertainment and instrantion,dmived from a view of your interest / mord...the Introduction of Panoi. ea e exhibitions aim improvement of great in,. Wiest and utility, and rejoice at their inereasing pppaluity.' Your own specimens are certainty of rare excellence, as to thetharacter of the scenery, and I should think, skso,in their execution. I was deeply interested in all the views, particularly those representing the sceneryof the Nile, and the Mammoth Cave. The effect of the whole, Is men. tally and morally elevating to a high degree, and I epitldjwishi that as far as, all would-int. pit:46oe opportunity of cultivating, at so cheap a rate, their &coy aintance with the wonders and sob. liznities of nature and art. Yours, cordially, S. HASKELL. e - RZFUSUCTIEWSIIir44IIIIII an excitement %nu, c'elt!ta fn Allegheny city, on Monday afternoon, , by the diadosery that ihobody eta young ladshad beerOsiscitT from the burial pound in the rear of Dr Drift's church. :Yesterday morning, Alderman Bucltmirea was applied to, for a search warrant, to search the the shroud as stolen property. In balking. fa the abound, the mutilated limbs of a kande 'subject' were discovered concealed in a hay mow. -Certain Circumstances having come to light tending le implicate three young men, medical students, in Allegheny. Alderman Bucks master, ori application, tutted a warrant for their apprehrudon. Whether they were arrested or not we were unable to learn before going to press Mons flaunies—A detachment consisting of ILS recmits, under command of Lieut. J. IL Ward, 3rd U. S. Infantry, arrived on Monday even• ing,from Baltimore via Brownsvale, and took pan nap yesterday, on board the Futon, for Jefferson Barrack& * They constitute a part of the Regiment of Mounted linkmen, that is now re.cuganizing , - and will Wart for Celifornut early lathe spring. Twa nue sosm.—„A rumor was rife in the city yesterday; that Wilson had made a mistake, and had again altered his cock. This is untrue, Wil. son is not only right now, but be Intends to keep right. Hering lost all hope of sun shine enough in Pittsburgh to regulate his !clock, he has made amusements! with Mr. Riggs, who regulates the ship chronometers and also the State House clock, atnuladelphia, to lend him the correct time eve. ry week. . DWI. Carrie um Orreinton's Lb:mum—We canine but admire at the mute displayed by our citizens its patrontr.leg these lectures so extensive Dy special request, Dr. Cutebeon lectures to• morrow arierucou, 6se the benefit of ladies and gentleman, who find it inconvenient teintend in the evening.! - • . Oil:6day night the Pallas an!sied Jha'AVIL limit, - Henry Firpotsieliss Jnlin>j uniCiecalastleu who hare bete Juni committed toe =Me i depri, dation* Orb of the oily.' Marl's Orrus—HL Honor, the Mier had Bm kites before biz treshirdsy wenreoginined, one disobliged, god one tined.— ThINID wire eartinntine snag wide, which' Ors copied the anititiOss Ads bonotAlitiii - On dor gusgriest Illtnawasul s Thetrionktillini..PlWW rwin • weU wrinen now in eters° of pohljestion in the ftier. ticrearEke r entitled .Ilenribenhote The passage is Crum en extract of Littler from the mama to her *mid ..Juliette' I End . given directions for a very early break. AM. and far the carriage to be at the gate at sun. rue. 14teas natural that I should wake duty the neat morning—vet ft seemed to me very long in growing light: I wafted an d waited kr the dawn in vain. At law, Mom came to my draw and ketrielted,and Hold her to wane In. .llreaktist is ready ens'm, and tile carriage is at the door. Ma. Wimsat =mid not let me disturb you until taw. She thought you some asleep Buil l light the titer Ka idinnyonot this . morning , as .1 shall have to dressth haste. - . Open the blinds sod draw beck the cortants,,Nitnny: She did so, and brought mealy dorsalown, •Ati,liieny, you will have tto light • dad* it is too dark to tee to dress without one.' 'Lord bless your sour no It ain't maim, The sun is blinding—it dashes on the snow aci. even thought it would be too bright tar you, tria'ai.' The* the truth tithed on my mot• and over. whirl/lied mei wee blind Juliette. 'I sunk back upon my pillow, tad to an Maim ell thus poured through my mind—the hereditary, bat irregularly appearing, calamity of my family—nada Mad. nem, from the paralysis of the optic nerve. I re. collected bearing that my great grandfather on the vary day after his wedding, whflo'crosaing timers! alone in • bad with his bride, was and. dimly writhes with Madmen I 'connected that my mother ' lmmediately after my birth , soddenly bet ev ealght; end during the six weeks that she survived, never beheld the face of bet child. N. language can describe the anguish of my soul at that moment, Juliette. It Is not that I was }hot out from the blessed light of Heave Ccover; not that I should never commune nein, through !woks, with the glorious souls of the olden time, time, or the spirit stirring thoughts in!" modern min d 4 not that I Should nerves he blessed in con.' templallog the face of my babe; nor that i aboold never kitein know the heart-thrthing joy of some time" meeting the glance of Ernest s souldit eyes —.tharigh all these paced through my brain, and bunted it as they went. It was a pun snore ex • quiidte than any of the rest. It was the thought, Medicaid never be useful or agreeable to Era I nest aln; that the bleated privilege of nodding his ha piness was taken from me; that I sluireld became a bolded, an incubus upon him—it stoma Wing Nock in his way--a gloom and a shadow In bid home; that, to the long years are iMold lien, his womuor weary of me. Oh, God" what a imbed I was then, as, heedless of the; near prow. pets afthecomieg a mother, I gasped o sc l i in Words %WWII op by the convulsions of my ,* prayer to beramoved from life then and there All this paned through my Wad In the few `minap doting which litany was ' arranging th e ad; then' heard her tome to the bedside and y down my slippers and stand. I feh the strong necessity of Weis g atone, to wrestle with this great sorrow; SO I . 'I not the yet, ildinny Tell Mr. Derby that am not well enough to Co down [4O Os to. day; that our visit most be deferred. Plsee'the little band bell within my reach, Minot, and leave toe. Tell Mrs. Wimsat that Ido not wish to be dietnibed until I deg.' -Shan't! bring you up a cup of alike, maim.' .6191 antil - I ring, Nlinuy. Go.' A. soon setter was gone, 1 slipped out of bed, and gropingmy way to tbe door, bolted it. dreads ed itrienaption until,' should have attained into degree ofeelfhommand. !groped my way iron O the fact of the bed and by thet.• gas table, until . 1 Amid the window, threw it up, add otretched out my heeds. Oh! yes,tho ova wu there, I fob the genii] glow upon my flute, bosom, and arms, while In MY eyes all was black, - opaque dialmests. 1 rubbed my eye,. and strained them towards the sun with the faint hope that the light would *time plate; the torpid time. -It warmed the , edges of my eyelids, end theism's sit "'I felt ray way to the basal of water, bathed them, and turned utwardi where liar the sun to be wan; it4fas warn but EictsfAs data !groped after and found a bottle of berishorn, unstopped and inhaled it, hoping that It might reach and excite the optic net velArno . • 1 did art think.' Then 1 shot my eyes tight, and (Opeued and Wretched them — black - still black.— h! it wee of no use-1 knew kliegs notwbent Ilifhbl crept back to bed; end as 1 ley them eil haw the thick, black, heavy darkness surrounded and reined upon toe, at though it emluld endow. pass and press - me to death. I could not breath , Under it, 10 11/toped Gallo times% to have mint l'qn !,- And them 1.. wanted Ernest a inuetr4 lefty from my cattunity, and And shelter on ' his; but the thought.that I could. never let to hi ell , ! .I bed been, rose up dark and threaten., big berets me and then lams and - writhed wad ed until /exhausted the ibtoe orinYFlTc#lg , and lay litharbollapm of weakling.' ,. ... ...- - —.....--.--- ramps AT OIMIAT BARommi tc i ac i ' . I —':t.,,-,:i•hrgrcoseom their the season, will sell a 'lmes iembrec:nt ' a good Tarim oLLeax owe •an well se,the re ewennw anielee,).ar)SAS. . -COST - lush! allot irouldreipeeuellynwitt the nentbits, re, ' NOW Id THE Tan,. 4 FO LIAR A Cell at cornet Wear sea PTA. WA2lll43::litutge "ROOEN.Well'fbeligde Oa: ' suitable ill oh r macaw lei the. sweenneeee; 'ten ageket tf ' it ' zi la r d . , - 6.: - ..... . — . - ,.... pa i ,..-„ .... ..,..-- ,,,, ,,, , , ,,tunt1i ,...,,,....... , .. lit l'''' 114 TM:US—v/00 ibs prime Ky. ii‘ll-1116/0 .les4b . in store and fore side by , ~., . - , J .. . 04.3 A kitriviusoN A coi . i Dal - AU - An bis - yeuswei his Pcsi Miss baibibm3cl itcdp-estyssas by Maio ' . '"y`Dßl~~c' DRY - aootivs It'ilia i Cyd s.'". - ..' ' . fiiii 6Q L itlaarteristalislr i' EmWOMdli'i-E0- ~.. Iff hi" Inwt . ri&oM ee m It la m tVirt 6 ein-,% notmequanceSin ecmtemplathig I n ' eln their antis . nests, Driven -Opening.shesistitle of their attendee waraonse, Oscine:waif their :rboarii,). tor mauling, and will done open til the Mat of Feb: .a p ak, realyi commencing .ou jiew Yeats. day,, litili: Our who/earths snick, compthing one °litho moat extensive and varied iasaortmemsni. Finland- Staple Dry Goods ever exhibited in the west. eonntsy,,rin be offered at lower prices than ever ore known. , Eve. ry article, however eboierrand deadrablm-srUl be ac cordingly reduced. Upwards of fifty thousand. dams °rootstock ltas been recently parch= d, the greater potthin of which am foreign irlreceived .at New York by.late,"Earopean arrivals, eh from the late- - 'nese of the season; seven as . iiiii, own pressure in. .the money market, were sold al ens sac r ifices at outdid a wes; at rates varying from( twenty.five to fifty per cent Muth= similar goods bromelothe Inn of the ' newton: liVe . ere therefore confident thatour penal for the time above mentioned will found to be even lower than any Eastern wholesale rates. - . , -.We anzkunly invite all pe to visit ocrestals. 4 lishmencwnether they pare hese not, and test the truth of the above—asimong them but they will incur un obligation thereby. her confer &favor apes the pro pneters. Our assortment of Sil Shawls, and dne DressOoodi ill amply 'repay. i 4 for 'a visit;' added in which, I: unusually' greet dl play of • Domestic' 'Goods will, we hope, induce all to mill. Our sync= of one price will be. strictly adhered to. Jail; - ft d MASON & Co ___ Starting nueUna woad tatthLlnessat - 171/- YL - MCB,VIIY Invite s . p eular attendon of esteem wanting the above Goals; to his desirable, stock, euesiltiegot the _best make,Bous the rant ap,. proved rrwternaturera, and the latter warranted pore kasjuss received an additkutal supply, and its otredoll shirog,Ttbulits ot a superior quality, at a very low p rice. A ls o,: Bbeming and Pillow , blailbse ; Diapers and Creak; - Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins; wienkets, Qmlttio l m 3 =ipanes; and Housekeeping s generally. LADIES , DItEBS GOOD u as Fran ek Ne muss; Panuneues, plain and fancy De Sc.. Laines, (some new . E Tlret, " , t;me' ?..l::4lgli=,.ll these Goode will be sold at piiees Mat cannot fail to please. frp-Whelesalo Booms up etalrs:: janlS Dmorr, Oct:24, 1848. •- . -NEW DAY GOODS.—NY. R. Mamie bu *paged thin =ming an additional supply of Goodi, embracing many scarce nod -desira ble atticibs, and btryers are invited to call, as tbey find *much lamer stock to select:from than M amen, found at thin advanced ganef the tenon. Among the goods recedecit,in new idyls mall fled Mods do Loins, Terketi Shawls, file cloth do, Am Irr.Doctils at wholesale up stabs, very tow, ja9 MUCH DRESS GOODS, per torelgtisreacrer Ettrops. XI, —A A Limos fc , Co, No 60 'Marker street; will open this morrdng, Web Dress Goods t eomprising the following styles, Mr. Satin plaid Maims, a new 'Mi ele, and She richest goodi Imported ihn; season; all weed Ehdds, high colors and choice styles; wool Cashmeres and Moos de Laker, Rae Oohing entl-Lyst• nese Cloths, of any describable Made and color. Italia sniped Cashmeres, In great variety. Jal6 AA. MASON & Co , GO Market street, have jut . received mother largo invoice of plaid Long and Spare Sbawls, bought 2.3 per cent less then any , previoludy received tki. .euot. Onestoet of Shawls is now the largest in gus My, and porcbasers may ba certain Mu • our prices from thiudate will be per cent less than at my foram gone. . 1.19 GENTh CLOAK TASSEL S -2 maser Tar colt, utmost; 3 do silk do 2 do do Mece dm W do do Ladies Tastes, assorted; do; • do cold do do. WOOLEN GOOD2-lAdtm childrenrs 'envied coang 6 dodo do Ceps ; tto do common; Mos Woolen com forter, ascent* Vida do with tirigm SO do laden Cash mereOlerms. me& . . . . LEATHER BELTS-30 blolkskin Bolts 20 do do Morocco db. 3 do eol'd den susiti ZEBULON X.ll.49El^S,s7sonikot st pLAID LONG IllirlWLL‘—hiexander &Day, have jaw reeeiredby express, one mourn Mid Long Ellomels, some of which are of the finest quality, and the newest roles Imported, and ata now offered at prices greatly redeeed from the niter obtained early In the season. Also, a taw extra 8210 "Cberse Lane" Drocha Lon Slaw* .Web wlll bo closed at great bargain. The ladles are [mired to an early eino , ;” -nee ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 market st, N W nor of the Diamond A RTIFICIAL FLOWERS—Smith & Jo 5 hnseN Atacama; enseld invite the attention of de enA and others 'to their extensive stock of nevelt and American artidcial Flowers, which will be offered at =al=l 'DRENCH TgairlElMll„SHAWLlS—mper reenen Terkem Shaw% of;aha Wen atylea and debase des:lima, nese okned and selling; at a aery geed radar, don from Canner ' dead ALFAANDED. & DAY / ENTt' iIVEN 1.5/1/ NO GOODS—Fine Shinannta ‘j standing collate; merino, silk and wool Velar, do do do DraWen; sfk, kid and wool Glorev, command wool k Bow; bit Italian aroma firm Ea phrr Scalia decs Y If EATON A Co cexperd—We would thou* the AM. anent!oa album, wishing 10 furnish !Wawa to call and examine our Asthma , Carpel, width are eery nob in style and colon. Wareroone, N 075, Ith , st. Pin/awe/h. dec9 W MCLINTOCIE SATIN DAMASK —W APCLintoek offers to parebes. ere a very handsome assortment of eta satin Da unts for window curtain. Mao, French ehintses, bee, trauspare et erutdes, ire, at Ide carpel wart room. 75 Fourth tt. dee9 TvC. AND INFANTS' WEAR—F 11 Eaton & o, have added to their forater - bnaldeaa • de partment ander charge of Mra. Bigelow of Desson;tot making io order In laud styles, Interne' Wear, lama Saab, cloaks and Dresses, Ladies and Gents Dreesing " flanaants elatto/acTea..or 'stamped for embToldeTy; kunung,neulag, ,era Mt Iroticheteldus and mu , neat! excented. trovig "firt - aa''—Ke — Tiraoas reserrinp at W. Welintoers, 73 Runt street, every runny of Carpets, essiss , r. to pan of .11inmiaston, meet beatnital pattern; Velvets, latest Raterr■ imported, vory riek; Tapeitry, Rransby, 3 pty, sap. and VenetUn, MI of which we sr 61 sell as low as they ean be par ebastsd In this nonkel. 7irponlngant3 paultubty the nurriaranarets, enables us m'- tromp7l.6lllBl, th e eastern marker- novt3 ADIE2P TRIIIMINGS-3 dos blkLaso DentiVeils, tone 3 pa eol'd 66k Velvetr, stdit Daley Bat, tonu do eastalan do; 18 dFlan do; 12 do do Yarnasiodo; q dick sera - Hefty silk Glover 6 do blk Jenny L ed F 66 6%r 12 do French silk Rub= reed Ild• dal' 6 7 • • • Flt EATON a; Co, Foarth st lINEY GIAREGS-44. 74 and 84 Linen Table . Diaper of common 63 - alud.. damask and .now drop patterns. Alro, RIM% and Scotch Bird Eye Rd tern, SUACKLETT & 'warm, ul9 int wood at WELSU FLANNELS —W - R aluplay has on kmul a fall mom= of these deiirnbla Goody, a fall assortment of domestic anstoitikable dq and a fill mart:sent of Bearlet asid idiom, and spoucq for Christmas wear. _ lima made Fiannaln—while, brown and Darted: • earl eonstatoly on hand. dre.lh A L TEW GOOD IN JANUARY—W. R. Moires hon /I within a hoar daltopened a. supply of black Al. paceas,loor priced, do, medium and emu!! do Mohair Lamma; new style British nuns; do Amonean do; blank ninth Shawl.; plaid hang dm neat style Noose de Lamm plain Ind and drab do, at Ink nod • ...i -cy of other *eaten and desirable goods, worthy the attention ethane wishing to boy. • Merchants will And in the orholersJe rooms upstairs a good stock of desirab:e goods, el lots price. jal6 iIN RAND AND FOR PALE-10 ps drab Blankei Coating; n ps Lariader do do; I ease Lavinder ikets; I do grey mixed Cloth; I de Array Cloth; I do Tweeds, brown, black and gold ads, Id. fancy Cassinaltrea; 1 bale blue Blanket Coating; consigned from,mutatlatiaten sad for sate by thepackagn or pieta. dee7o rdURPLIY it LEE, liberty al T.,`rilitit:AND SUPER TIIRLE PLY CARPETS— lieccieed ibis tiny, direct limn the mouticastareni, a handaotneammitnont or Wu toper and lope, three pis imperial Carpets, of now atyles, to which we aak the attention of Alum wining to famish houses or swambiata. Carpet anteroom, N 073 Fourth ot. Ptita b . d dec2l , hPCLINTOCK TIORWSTIO WOOLLENS— Elsekets, flannel. jj Tweeds. Clednetts, 7.t Coda and Coastmete, by the piety or paetage, very low; for sale by oottlS GEO 00CAILLN DANDY OASSIbIERLS-0 eases new otyle Faze* lksalmores, bright - Lige*u and eery handoeono goodo,just opened by deal* 6IIACKLErr t. WIUTE ot l a uok; c at i ket an t will A T .ell for th — b:l h artee ' o b t the A season Webs; their stock or Freaeh e hlerinos, sled the moll etutlee tobsrs. Now is per Woe to se, ewe barpas. • r. deel3 IrlgiVElffitillSUNS—Jast tent at kormlon Kw sere,B7 Market inset, 30ps alloyed Velvet Ribbon, assorted . eolorN 30 rt Meek - s " =Widely Gimp; tope odd* Plata,he. dees GLGVIII AND I.lo9l6llX—Aniiiii sdlrareit. 7 llif Markel at, would Invite Dio attention of dealers and others to their obnieo stock of fiction's superior KU Gloves, and n great variety or merino, silk and 'cotton; Oboe. Alto, to ramie Wei:nitro stank of worsted, amore, Alpaca s Yu:oda and Silk Dose; Moravian • d other styles of cotton Lose—together with story style of etdhiren's NOIO suid kennelliens' ii OLD 13L1 ; band, ; Ala tool Also mine • i4IIMOTH GOLD YENS—A. large:Bld beau* inn foe engrossing end retail other gep, Pianism Cole Pens, large: medium' end anal sizesof the ben maker's tor tale by • , ag B - N NT IMATilen—lhabiLavender, grey Ins and blue, fkoala or the piece',..ei coanuractareni prices, by ' meant &LEI; • liben • s appetite nix THl3—: ease black loony essalosesi; 2 &I do Tweeds, fancy oolote; Ido (am) ded4a96o for sale at osouldboturers podes, traußpnyA taus Idez —....OCAdadMERIZ—d cases told nda'd !down and black, Tweeds, 1 do Fancy Uaaattaara lust tde'd 'tt far map at ananufaeunetspares. . ISII.IIIIIIY &LEE, liberty it, t deal ' • • OPOPIIite ad, S " %rat al l. I.ll.l , 7F•rtleroto lot rinoronent of rap:nano %Me% rardo " i= Ihr B tete, low percedi alerts emortroent of colored Plarulelre heavy, woolen plead Lone J3holvig heavy Tetkinlerod:blenkst Shawls. rod OINTI tO 16 .e idling to furnish houses, the handsomest assort 'went, • Carpeting ever brought to' this market, com pile • • in part the following yodeler Kish style NW. , AtrusrAbllToPa 4 tr7 , i_B.Plfellt *Mel .dPnr ply; i • • r"3 ply, *swifts, ono one inpaln Carper, to wit' ho.most respeetinily Invites AU Witudesnd the' pu 4xamine lefori purchasing eleowb 0• Wayreene,llo. 7S.Eotmlh st, Pittsburgh: 1 . 011:13•ALE1.—'1140 Kerbd . and sub-' — ataatW steim"batt- AMERICIA4III4; s'cited. tot - sale ".oss ILO mlmodatlar; nas..ndy to Par '•A -wafer a • • XERCIELLIARpTIPXJ/34r. 00.1, 9.IpWSIMOItiId p ERCKANTI4 . ` Fot the mai6ofrroductegantrally. :Liticral mitoii#vmatifi: F 11 'Patept 8 ediii i n , , „ . . a , p 27cbAntfda, 11 81 441. E e,a k : :IL" , B=fit e l t t o rale 'b 1 .- 7 . l birr • 44 , ~ z • 0.. i., •••••-,.. • , • GOODa F. E ,a VTACLIM--biter do; Stool On; Oennan • o. A largo;liSSOrtmosti constantly on eamthtly filleOP:Lanytire.: Concave, eon taractoOnonyieraly adjnotod :udply l 44 &ties binininfig tints; unol, • bows, ioc., Just you'd and for tato by W;W WILSON, • cainot of market and tat sto EVIATHON l t ost excel k , for 'Wel !COLD /TSB, • tingaltleent end nt pan,liklng the firat sent to this W W WILSON, comer market and Sth *As . -. 55d0s Gooies 'spar Jild Ciloresi 30 ^ moos white and Olt " ; 5 missal; colored do .. . ;.. ; • F• 11 EATON .5.;C0. =. t•'o.:..m'•i4- : .i.:, :Er= MISCELLANEOUS" IMEI . , 1.:...... ...AZ 88 8 VII X 'VE.7B.Bi. -'1: - -- .- - ..;-7....::..• Mrholotala - and rendl,osanss -;. ~ i.,:l , ptemt TEA:37OE6OO Foarthntrets,astanWood, _.. piostewitt,Tito sabaonlor halttng just' rit fp fronf NewYork...le now' to a flows an of fresh'GREENAND BLACEYE,W Dow w 'Yolk Fekin les Conk be for nasH saki. Verruca beteg no heavy wo :paled to supply Grocers, Houlsintstabeits nod Aso. Wet with napquaatitg sad at sollaida SwF owl wtelv pstakea in L i and / Poandlwabages, 5 ib- det mai lets, 0 and alb catty boxet, and in half cheate,, , :. ~, • • fatal! Grocers:an invited tocull, as we can sad will tall better Taunt loafer Pia than any. other Our stock ofine in Voting niiim,GiopoWthWand Do pedal Green, and' Oolaug Week TM ettle#lbasl in the *manta° market. - - -: ..."...! Covering's; doable refined - iiiiVCnasha t ,o4 , llll. tensed Santry at retaD,ortrpahe barreL, - ll: - - - COFTEES-Mocha, Old Gar. Jaen, Lavin, SI. Do 'rningo and sio Coreay selected by the -moan Melim' ced cadet Broker in New york,, ~_ .- - ___: :': .-..' SWeet Spiced Chocolate, Fiala! CIICUMPOIII and Onions, Fresh Mettles, pat np la their Man luta& Malaga fisisirt;• In 31b.boxea. _ - • 3,-All Dr. D.,lsrat?s Faunal IteaftillBll kit sale. - deeD•d&wB • - 'At :JAYNES:. WOOL, pLotrit — AmlsimOgerig,At77 LIMAN, RI 8 114':e 0 . 1 ..', ,----..--. (Successors tit Heed. Acrd th Ca.)__._ ___---- GENERAL COllBlBBlOlll/1118IIC1878 BOEFCBI, MASS. • ~ ~.t . _ .'• ' Particular attention pestle the sabot all Made of rm. dace. and liberal witrinets made on coniliptalsonts. , :; L. R. es Co. have leave to reef in-- - • s r - . , Meagre R Itobisouls - Ccu P zi t ,,,b,, , ,th . " ". '/ ' :- Reed; Parks ft Co.; Beaver; l ; - - . -l , a: , Esersorrik Covode, Welbrrille, 0. - : . Boswell Mush, Fent Steubenville, 0, ; .. ' • S. Brady, Esq.- • , W P M etemm4 )I ' 4 llag, V• Mee - &Tema RC:angle & Co. a . " Rhodes* °itchy, Bridgeport,p: • r• decdt-dtwtwaylOS ' s;" • .", • . • • - t.. .... i- • T • : Lantos pananw-vms MN* r) CEMEST.—Thet ,Proptleter weaddsespectrully Infants the go bile duns be has now thesettiefactkot `odor them ar asamat,which railhead, beturtffrallY and durably; all:ankles of China, -Earthen and 011ajIllaM Shades, Ornaments, cfarble, dyer", toy. arklamt di* figuring them in the least; rendering them ea natal foe any purpose whatever u they. were hams Woken, and not affected by heat, water or alsr, • This Cement is 110 t weakened lathe lean wheniaest. 'jested to a strong dry beat, or when immersed. In hilt water. The public have long since felt the necessity of such an e , ankle, lard tkis Metz expectutaas *SI be tally realized. as it Is appliedwithem hem ant can be used bye child. The subscriber has Slily tested thlsantele. Per sale by Vi.W WILSON. r 1■29 corner market and 4th eta ' • FDA GENTLEMEN.-W. It. hbrung has recently , received a further *sprayer Gattnemerit - Faney CRAVATS, including acme 104 handsome+. Also, black lianas Cravats, several qualities, and including somusuperion Also, gears Linea Outibriellandltes t wars, plain and wit h bordeng super Mk dot Undershirts and Drawers, merino, sod some of the former extra trim. rapeelalintenthimy Is asked to his stock of French DroadclmhelnitCreiss , mere', of the loner plant and fancy; Fetter smililatilit Vesting', de. At northeast - corner 4tlt udldartet streets. Tl$E NOTICE. , . ON account of the date to the city beteg atenesslly AJ so mesh tee fast, and to salWy the eery metal desire tabus it eorreeteti, I now give notise that! Sept seededdoSatnrdsy in obtainitig the cezattet Yeatty Telegraph, reported from the beet acthorhTiµ Mei, del and I have this day set ley Reolatistardatd ingly. ja% W Vsr WlLSON,multetandliket2„: , _ TUBS ANO_CHURNEI.'.. Pine and Cedau Ware latinfactory; No. 117, coma bleasea MAI FM* Bra; Ponistatoil. HE subscriber keeps constantly- oe band , whole. sale sad retail, very low for oath— • r esb Tubs, Barrel Bath Tuba, - Cha Norse Buckets, I Hall Bushehr, Be. All other kieds Ware In his 800 made to older. • - Jag:Fifty • SAIIIIEliKBOBSEN: OPVICB OTT= Animal Fax Emma:sin Coicraiij emery 40,1510. - S' fIGIE business of thldcoargany, henstofont [moot 1L ed by George Cochran, Esq. mu forritto. burgh told vicinity , Will be closedfr o m, sod rater the Pith boom. Applications for the renewal of existing Insurances, may be made to the Secretary In Mute. SAMUEL C.; MORTON, Pfedidezit.' , Ur- The eadersignedyriliauend, to Lavine, Secretary: , the edjobsolet oUleases tinder mob* polities. ' • dile 4 , GEO:COMIRAN. _oLosure OUTS . • rIR nedenegneg would We Munoz of iho I ;entitle m hls .lock of DRY GOODS t whiehhewrill e out at eos; ea be Wends - 10 guitlhahuriaetit. All persona knowieg themselves Indebted; am 'wt. guested to call and settle lanedlantly. as alt seeoenke cot closed previoesto the first of Illesehorillbo placed In the hands of a roper offteer far JOHN WRITTEN, .t. .No 24 fderketilreet... • J 0,11 Pi Bl'lDe GIL NOTARY PUBLIC, OFFICE stlicurs. S z p _ans & Co's Waislon__ Ws. ter street, between Wood cod Market: . IReslddre fars—lones' Faulk street, Inners= Sinn/ debt end Utast, next door wine OffiCti Robert Woody Sink: MOVT.42 , EAGLE Taippu—Tai v.learantaii4. dows seed' lump glasteNAdtver platej.hrtsri [pi; tark a, and other ware. U smartly takes oat irliapota and stain, rind reproduces the brash:Vat:lM doable lustre anew ward. Just received and &rr sale, whom; isle and retail, by JOHN D ',MORGAN w • pat 141;k.41,:,;,•i45.!4;W • - Ems FROM Tait aIIELL—By" Burke - aCO Fest, at reduced pacea.—Tonceentatot , all Loren °Mix delicious luxury, 137.11 LEE /To. have renolecoll to supply the people regaled,' through out the season, with the choicest Fresh 'argent. in eons, lull use. end shell, it such tedueedptleatits wills li)ie emery family to alloYltlillt*thOl. tatt - . An Emma load will be received daily, at He of MO. C. BIDWELL, Water offeee between Smithfield and Grant, add for sale Bale, en d at the HI , lowing depots: Reis & Berger, corner Badilsel4.and lid au; E. Eleszleuni, Diamond; A Heavier, Fenn actrol Wart I) Handbag, foot of Übertg s r, .1 .'o6ltart, Jr. Pena * :e nact Hu= & Robiam, Ang4lfm7 "1.11: • I EBB OIVICEIMEobTora PLUMB,' JOHN H. MELLOR, No 61Wood ffin9lllsheet, has received isindeas of &lime .pply Of Piano Fortes [mat the beis.ied - mane/actor) of lidatterlng. licnion, to arrive to a few days, of vridek dos Dotica will be given, varying in price it ITN to 11700: Also from the matisfactartes of If Worcester,. sr ti Bacon & Raven, Neer York, a bandana* of g, gi and 61 octs..Pialtio Fit mammon and Milanally CiltS, of Me moo clegnal daraiiption, sad with sal the lam Improvements. . .. The above, to addition bike stock ad' kiand,'srill mak... largest and most desirable We.= weer altered do sale In this eiry, and will be Sold Mallen. at manufactitrers prices, oo ovoitmartadmingtaress,aod a wriaeu go arintoe given with every Piano Porta sokL JOHN ILMELLOR. Bole gem for the sale of Chickerlites Plano Forma, for W.gouo Pennsylvania. • .NEW . PIAIWON. • Bata Aches TORN.. & Mazes Catiourro Pianos 111 1 3911 T s tee has lost repltatished his steels of Pianos, %Mi. for Taney of stele and jukes has never bosons. passed m this city. Jost revolved and *paned; following new Pianoa. (Ivey cameo cabins grand Plano, an enthely new in... One Eesewood 45L very elegant Nonni & Chair, One " It & One " 's Coleman eelebratetl.Sollan Ab tut:nemvery enperior Piano: e " EnabogenT,V_ldn, - 14: le C. north IL U&BEE,- int .1 VirliVoodwelrs. LIFE OF .F4X2 1 . 1 N,, , Ulan:Mete-In tome .o f pubbeauon in e aomal form ty, limper &Bra there, New York, The Lite Ot,leSamltaritalklin; eon! snored of his Autob - MgraPhy,. a 'unwire of his imblio lite sad terylees,bythq Rao, n. th..s4lllolWoldi splendidly en:Medalled by moat MO exADUU 6 de 4 4 11 1 by Jobs u. Chapman, engraved In the bliberd Eyler" o am The work it priatedia.tha ettayo form, on ga ped'ne paper, hoot bold and. legible mei: It wilt be completed in eight parts , ' at eleeola each, and Waxed at boa( intervals. Each part will be reegeed by an 'press Immediately otter Its pabhoMimk.,..r . art lii Jost received and for ante by • • JbllNSTOKlkerocrrori,' • z . comer Market sad' hd Its A. ITEITILEIC RED v 0Ti0N7,77:7", f AB.IIUSP R ATT SONSVATEriTtMLIA BU— tt./ 1 to 6 Unseal cash earrenal, or.. sum. itropod bud • tom or aporards,3l doper 6 atm deOuntrait dad. - for the superior quality ol this brand aurora: to the glass and 000 p wanalamtress or this cit nerat, --w,ala,urrctiEt.,TnEs„, deco .....=:loolther_ty ' MsatehlnWirdeLtmos) ThIPORTED Dlitt.VT FROM TIfiIbIANtiPACPII - subscribers Imre on. hand and will constantly be sapplasdwithJat Magmaßous , _cel. ehtned lileaehtno Powder, whleh - they will warrant coal allot *opener to any imported to the-E'Statesi and which they are . preporedro last tketaarearaar, bet price fez calk or Oppnwed bill .o. • 1. • . tort 811.11TCHELTRIPE,166 Blatagivatt 411. glows! Await Asti. ral imbue /diem are now teceiving their pallidock crib* above snide, thnee'neistle ; al= the. hitting ; Biedallion end Lydia, kiflag wined at Philadelphia and ltaltuobre,uod two tnote;ltt6 Stephan Baldwin and Leila. - shortly expected; thetynteoherefote, - Pregnned to receive orders., ,Theg recelte tinning the tar and 'sing regular supplies Ina New' Orleina• • . nonl3 Dail 17. ZI . Dentlis:Coil6r °Mari and' Demur, : -between Alitkat arid Fern tutus:" ' • yfn TIIE subscribers eve this day assaelated Awe selves together for the mem of Ranitacting wholesale and woad Dry Goode awl Orneery Mainers, at No legi Libesty s epposde Seventh sweat. under-the 001 a and firm of 13178qlErillit RAYS,. - Pittsburgh, January 1,1841),. N. A—Uornld eastamers and the pub lic . . Ws habil; to eve at a call. - 'jag ;UNE Subierlbers orivmirpartnersof the bets of IitiVOCA Jones . ft CO., will matinee to transact amending and Ctititniss ion business, under the style of Itardy,Jones &Co. - AARON A. NARDI, tIURSE LOST—War . dropnd by *Lady an her way from Elliott tit Moshaleshook sum, Woodi st, to Eaton's trimming store a parole Silk Perm s worked with Seel beads, cantabile& a gib bola theßank Pittsburgh. The Rader w be suitably towarded by leaving the name sr either of the above awned pan acea" , , RiTCHIE &CCHRNE' •:. -- eacasaatl vo&wising a cosonstos AEROBIA% NO. 93 TCHOUPITPULAN STNENTii. ' ang'lleivlmott Zane Oitheeths.-,: yrworus • Melt Meads and the pabUe that Mayhew* 1. no longer any connection trek their late establish-, IRd meet ht Peen wee,. known as the Pittftlith Brewer.. ItTtlarartriAtheitt .• t •- "ni r" U , the PONY • 211 • - a 0 • APED.. ' MEM SUbscriben Lavin the Wielative &Mel' for, jp, selling the Printleg raper "of a new andenensivo paper milt in this vicituty, wilt be at all timesweli solo pllui with the arm=sae, or Met or.rkt gnaw lYt which we offer at the lOwestregolar p nee.% Any sine or quality wilt be manotetoured to codes et lhosnotlee. REYD . iOLtr4& ,11E.. cociiiiii7CiaainlYtk - its. a o o • P a a., vs rOf"irii;irmi,Wl777: - .. f _ OPPOSrtION 'MUSS... • .. ,' ... • .., TUB VIRGINIA ttOTSJ., on Baltimore West. iniiil ": ' the DCPo4CatnbeTialldt IF now In complete! order: or tne mpention, and' enooninmdathm or rho paost i Penton in Werth or ease and comSot, - ..ontVdo well 'to patronise ado odablisbaiord=gdy wi l l Slid rho t \ itiom clan saa Igo rlnd 4 1 A TabbS . u . well'Alt , ' niched as' say lo entonalimd, - et twenrpliref cents, suonaaeed as rod is UT that can be 044 in the. . Plone, at on ' puce' , or TkaObltr."• NO,ehaVe for 71=thr b to and from the eat& ~ • m° insPAvAsßuictroN.EiAirs.-.' '.., A Good 111111X10110etaII4 forS IIV•.. Ar.: O %ONFECTIONA.RYSAWyadoty&am , mite ' .•oa.Pconsylatoda AVINIIIikAIigt Clood..nus iir and a asualatoca, The rtapili,W.tgaii i , it AmatrroMear . a keen two estab ' 1 . /a ensue:lo aostaz, Andy . • # 4l " 2 P‘.-. - P 51 # 4 :..! 144 W —.- • ':'..'".....:--: i . . - 4' .....? ;..,,', re.,. ~.:;' •':, oil, '!.;",;...: ~.....'. i ;:"(;,.:, " - ! ', ' , ; . ::_fti-. 1 1 - 7.:: . ' • '-' : . ': . c :_,I. . ' ';:-,:.:-..; ,'.., '[.',1'.', , , , ,:: ' -num LterFAßmsoto Vet ONAIIII Magni. lbw 111111.: , -4 tenon en t. MTV/ nrreittse : 7 ..1144'42feet nirroletiAteMT. greet, , noidwainr• .• - teal; byl.lo kettle Brewery alltryibeing panoiLart3l.? , jtn Lot Nzeiso, Parting 90 Otetfterittott, Sete; Wreet AD het Slziwk . rerry z ipenp:llr.llo Cintlittal • Gnult • Loon fibs etreet,Nlibei ' ' LediNos 120.491 and 130, no Finn sueet, - -betWee . t . „Fontana Try etteets,eneh havlng9l feet front on rase street* 90 feet Map. lots 1 1 1914321, 129 _ „ „ • one 140,1urng Late 164 nod having 94 SWtfronteci ' miniititet • . :44,ir 94 , and 23 i nweltr-FVe avt- L on gnu. • Two b y sad 33; Fain street;lll ihn`993'7411. ward, is by 100 fettle Spring .11ey. &Lets on Pelee street in thalltYwn4betine in Bald. ',Swig - awl Mos streets, having St &et tiont"on, SO* 'tweet by 100 Betio Spring alley. tLote on Butler strew, tik Um 9th Wire, between :; ' wahine end Saldwintentete. sem the:Aliegbentriver. 24 teet trent by 193 feet deep. - _.,., • • MST Cr Lots Nos et and 121' hay trfeet lean on tenter.: Lp 810 •to Winn, Compnon, - Able street and 1.-ott4 Commas: Lobe Nos 0 eutd,lll,3laelniar.k.geee cir e ie T ij *nee; l`F lO root 1 ° Middia ill' betwoit No ID% having 69 ket onSiendnekyertivet by 9113.,•• t,•.• . foe t tont betwnp Ohio stern end Nonh Cote- Five 10aere7ids Reierre:toWnibip, bear the bo roan of bleneheater,Nos I , 1924%, ENP L 1 tan sem 'Lot' azi the Okin fiver and 6e. Beam ,;+ .roist,lbergitelt thaU. 9. Marine iinepinti tot and Phil cdl elotle factory-40,bn sold in Anantitiente tnh• parphaftrit. inyratTeor CHART .N. 4 tietruy, ,Burkels Building. - 4112',, •• .., .• • . TO COTTON ANDY sucus-plaarnrag.'_ , 1 3 1.-WiteTZ l l D''.=rt2,7=11''.." 4 "4,; 7-- flametly Lolonitlar liFind:teespled .ooremer Unto( Maryland, and eardateles.lmenty......; J eiskt hundred sad eightpthme and a Indrieres estate lies In the canine. of - Phillips and .011,:.; leaden, and le situated in Walnat Bend, mrthd.hlimdt, aippl drop, ttrenty4ve Mlle; above the town Of 'lisle- Bs; It *Wad to be the bletest liver • 'waif la Abut .m..L .glon of eatunry. Its !Milts 'peculiarly :adapted lathe, .. growth *rumen. Its intpmremente ye an eeeneer's geese, e• hone-nail, severer corn I,o=o, - and.. ; geed quartet fat aerraga. = Upwardrof amen _lntidied tibiae of this lied bare been clewed and are now Cultivated. • Thatest of: BuV be Built dewed, Bhe meat bell* already • and: La : leas ilinbet uponie end that. thinly ofash, , width iereaddy a :tablas well located moed-patd,'ta.:. neataltles efseseraltheinsad met canary. year; Rhts Idantstiao la end afttMit velvei and ntesenta rase tenCinaalt . p the pabUa.. the hand s- of 111` 1 11:."'Ti....erbairi 8 unie 9 with than'emme r , B " s :ll Bade constant area= for the dispetaTof its:Reda ts. 7 ".It dletenV about BOO: miles . from Cinatenatzi9l/0 miles from the mangt of the Ohio, and P4O miles. item .. • • Ithipmmerty 01 be divided , lam serMal pititi, For Items , •tispOlilßottttplo I • 7? lfi - BabintongtUP/and. SPLENDED PRIVATE 111;91:DE14CE tOVIIII the oteapsaay P i nt. Samuel AT, rshaiu,otoidest then Ward otAllegheey oity. , This propenjr is beustll47 loestsd eit the his* , albs Oho, bevies a liver front of POO feet; psoteetea . c br a mons wall,-and attending -beet..3lB feet, , aoso. - mng abesatifol slew .of the city nod the meets. These are two steam tany boat luoilhigre Within few: captor the_ prove:try, bumbling ecurenieluaseess by' Edna, al 4/1 dole*, to this cityolPittshorgh, eudTees— , perslieueille au the south side of the river:. , - Tho house Ultimo doable two stoty briek,listsked In the latest stylo, with alltthe =dem etinseoleoces sad rmproveseeelsi, suitable out lotsicsi rudshonse, The garden well supplied - With shit:lb/Any soul ebiteee.fnill trees, inehuhng pews; apples, end peuek , ,T,„ ; es, „For terns and °the? peplestlars, spiply to' - & B=o7, llttomies et Loin .-- - 'Office au etts st, - shove Smithfield '•-• • 111611'doras Coal Laud tor S " • ITUATED th e ongabelanver t abostlduuleo from fletsbanhand 0 notes above thinl•Look; to the naleadlale hoWthood of Men= Lyon Elwin; .;•.; and ldr.lohnilerronlr poteclune. • abh a( Coal 1,111 be sold al the. low pike off per ocoe , Tone': third is -hand; Wane.' In Bee equal anneal poptienta, - ;:.: *Clout labstesti r .gblet• inalspnabla, Loestbm•YelY rood;—eiumot be renamed, hotheeneellnil • enquire of S. BALBLET, who hes a dna party. Reskleowald st,below eery, Adonee • N. B. 'hem Is another seam gat enakon thus bneti;::',, ebonite feet above the know, otexedlent gut • • Mud lastat.• in Olda. A . Ticacr ofisa.49l)ftenny Rarrison,.Ponsgokle • on Use MysnWs riverrobout 30 acres wider ua. provenunn. •Also, two ealseproved tots in the' village , ot Waren, Trumbull V tk.4 Met b= ai lLecit stood la Um centre of Co, with a leo *Mang bruise ond steno—one of the best stands s onsrebsan on Um Western Reserve.- Any or all thls propetro7 will be sold on .vety_sototatoodniber . , terms.- MAIA7 I tgaIMY & Coe 1410 Venter and Fteeleti. RACMPORY, PM V Ar. 46 08. RENT: tante sad w e balliFedmy,ereeted - on Flebee,, r.3.—,,Attelt aft h 7 r "^a, e eyed On otrenmam thelsr °Out. VUe let de whiett the Feielonrts aieet4 fiteateloo &tit ad k . l 1 ,e , Rebates. tereekielil item bask Ile foes. so The' main builis briek_ three : idol* high, sae etr feet-Tour by, V . I*. - wide... The Ea . e Roue hr: large attd , commtedloweith4netegine, bettooneek. /he., eithieceoplete order- The - p ro perty will itoW' low, and an Weenier:Gee terms., • ' .11b=' • - -BABE= Millill3lllT, • THE subscriber will:sell on accommodating term, a:- tract lifis3ditsirmnli4Owil, - singer en,:tho; toad lenAiciff !lei:2B:4U= to rnuitint, about eighleen. allea'rninirtistergb, est about tithe: Ding warn:of frecdoof on Des•Obto river.:."Tbitniqeco- Was Am , nem and 2trperehat, Inlet ineiroreg4 , llo" hnd in of an excellent panty, *bow 90 sena cleated, ^f ry todirell inunted, nod wfß be tob2 ether Li. WITOW inlarnis =went= itteiltise. ` • - For 4WD= paniedars ipeneDe or wni. BOYD. An iuLaw. office en th aboretttoßbneti, P• 1 1 4- - "so • • t7ror ru, 3 : ibtotibers 'can for 4. amber of choice . tiZe ,Lots, anise crnA the S Aetolmti Vald e fr ` at gon - wr gl gOM Vy=,llmAr grfSaßMMonlbkiutzie? mia 0VW111.4 !RESIDENOIII VOll. tILEJILT.- "'tO ACRES OP VELOUND, showed twartlo Pitt/bomb * ad Otticambiargb Turnpike, .31 , =Lbw' homes dry, wad tidjoinlag the Alkykesy CC • story; at whisk 4 eftelitti a lugs and wall - linisbed tyro story brlckDirallirg Hoossowystkesirith stables,,, , cants/it booso, do. 'liters Is elesciOloo premises ,• lams vanety orfroit trots, sad-alptlas oftstassalez, : ;.,1 cameo eotuigdoos to Us dwelling. • . Also--Onsi three sad Me two. lam brick Evellin -, situated on Libor'. j susisttletween CPHars sod NV • MI outwit ark Watt: , aw toodtests.. Esquire . • is.t3 Wlll.lfoolo3llBllbuty mazer.. • 6FFICE BOOM isear the Past Ofilee. Abe",' two mall cares au Third sweet. And le leer OM Mask et street, thint sbery, with smaller • 1 . room in second etairy below, formerly. accepted as' Dagnerscotrpe essliabsoset,..heisc well located and ellepteel for thsa beakless. . • D G.S.ZZLIff, ,' • jal74w . 01114;24 siortr Philo II•11. 2 THE &Nisi& Cm , j , .:•,) .71 ibirty.ocenybed by the sabseribly,Aw _Balm cc. way In'AblatitTtly city. IMl:Wiar. felsV. Non Wawa • 4la• A THREE'reory Xongilos oo Fonrt6 , Oetweon Vary an& Ilbap way cow occupied by Abut= More& 1.,• of • -• rata , . •ariAP 4c:TOITO.N"-.1..:••M1f' A : t• BBENT oh* olthfoo, tau of Apra ran; • lons two aenta DnC Dwelling House, pleasantly almatedon dot bona , • oftha Oita tivot j adjoinhi.the borough df Itlantheo , , tat. %ilk atom fans az rea of land, dot Apply m. - , kolltlogo, , . • JAMES A III3TOIIII3ON ~ToLiL it:CLAMOR =I well fi nished Room, second ' : ,;.' itm, oaths eotnix of Wood and Third .creetr, ' • ' above the I.Yamage tame of \T ut HlVidlucT - • • • , PsetTanko given buenedteentT laqthe of - - J*3 - - brousko . k. auf., IN liberty .t ' ' . -, ____ ~.I ROB. 'ALP. OBBIZINT. - • • ... , • , c 1 , itk Ab VIE rebsetiber eters Aleuts Term, Lis Teel- . • ~ . a dente In ilegbany city. ' Palmlike can be el. ' 4 , "-•, Ten lab( FoOrreasi or owner U mese:sari, end Trinq •••• '4. :44.4 env may atoll it:ealglrt And It adTin twee.' to • re- ••••• , n,Tie [lan Mae oittle lllllll,ltl4:l4.,_Vikraelaluty .itea . ". deal the plata. , :id% : • %%lA. W. POINDEITEF,:,,,VI4 4 . i WANTED TO BENT-4 wadi private divetynf:!:.'W.,, blif with hot taw data Coar toms and a tht.he of tea minutes amok oldie• AMrantWi*PfnieUlany !Boa No, so. Pea Beitlo"&C rre P-•'.. • - of at • onion itagUis r * oo Borah ealiahls for one of ino Nat. • 1. two Brach Yards, to WV:Apply to ' 'n jaClat AL B. LowainAgest, Wylie et. , TWO HOVIIIZB LOT/ iron 'mar* PtTwo LOTS ea -Beam meet, in the city of - 7; Allegtear, above the vont thinuitowi, ea whieli.t,% reewit a fame bietbilog, two Eccles bleb. atiltablit"-',A , for two wasil lenementa .The low we each twast ic ii r 's feel frost jiy one ,haadred feet Peep, aa4 to a ethat tom Bet idea , The btoilitlafs oa thePww 1T•7'..••• wawa arid gray away handwrite intOtlll CM the invest 4. moat aus4 the property will be wild cheap tor cull: ; ss: • • APPIT to 11:Bprool, CletVe tame; IL or to wart pomp. .. Key s. ... .n par • 001 .Io7IPI,ILZOSPIA 1:113 , deligittlaP.Bcuruner He ItlAh...eetaat sotooLears partecoapind by Pit.L. Barete=, *Pepe or area' tont oaths Int , of Akra acia• Tau ptoporty las neon lower ed addaimmal beildams, cod • sabstantlal atone trail; planted ault Everireern end Fran Trees. To • rand tenant, capable of oentdentlßi 'Pe R.l. i iro , terns bo mammals. . COC mon, PA b, Dee. IP. ..rot an Proprietor.. • olenak Tloinber WWI tMa Pardo tent .14, ; • aoe or M tab re luut, amo Lune fa eonvenlenverell . nro story Dwelling Bowe, constant:ay 8 mats eniKinney. Thera Ix ke around eantaintag 1116,0.4 ;, into *Urns Toone nen re or dvatT * . aa.,etameetst wiak Itta Wm: lb any peraon *MIN, toe," ins deftatial reudezte• Inaba' a few ululates Ado ed.vrnalit: tan thy, that oral bit a rare dunce. 'For tom, 'ante*. ernl be kw to good tenant, Intonre ano,“ , ad vivo, near prnapei or J:ha Witt, corm ete': * *- • U o i rcso trim P. wzrowi -T - t 74 7 :.r.,'"t 1 , ACM OF - LANDontnasen /a Prooka . Ca 6 ;i;'.3's '1;i; • bliis s aaTaa tau aais,7 2 .= 1. 0....r a F 2 4 1. f . 4f Pn , •• 07, •, 1 slats Na;0 1,0 Hag/ w° o 4 A. 3 d r• W. CI" abort, Sontairld at, '-'l 14atafs i comas,. • • gr.ol',' Marianas& sag! roaft ri ailaus on Eno Easenalea Canal, In nie of Won not , a aaarabla location fat a amain* Ai.", • . Lou good 0.,..n 4 thaw wall mai firs larvae - awai, La las en Stab: Una 4.1111' Ohl*. Tema easy? innann =MT ..! f labia - Winn's* Ifseatiosb:el . LAPID.FaiI sali, &sate In bandit( tbekloesegaiele WM. 41, 14 ,... aims litetinsvilla Pa, hasteg a 7 Soot reiaat vat, welch be sold la asobsos avods,•PotrattEtz;4.:. .• srs los951_11& Haßanowalt,seed , s;eer. IMLWA.RE• IIOS M PO& SaLlit,arse sehiediss.l snit ' on Ass sale the tam story bike Wsseiesewthens S P ` re)a ."f o ri ieniipleot Tom. a ce.? .. ,I" i esg . sling abeedbms *in 4'0411 -- • iii.k492!""Yroc=ribma. . 41 - )mat • 4+-v- .;i it.wittsz . ..;; ‘ ,.,41 • ' FOR 9.ALE. —.N. , Lot otoreavidtmaseuaftutiiril. - soet, between illy sod Ileiesnr Amu: itatioanteet • WI hams and talcum eeevpiett flathard 1 rbstiSS • then of CI lee; 0 4 flott.loll, Oi sole ea k teooreb emus 11t 18 • 11 . 100 1gbanable...Ep,';.7 4 s false of • ;,) r. C. IX.l.oo)llB,olters'snaz Wcel4 l . • ' I - , ~. gilt ; I a f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers