=M= PITBSUBMII WffTE. MUSSED Y. 6CO pmrativstatu Nn!3=6A,TITMIM:rWt ‘• tan and Udmd ... , - —..- • --, ... Lot~atded Auot tLGo~?^•~. Masucus, iiss'Auirtrgt vinerragr e v o, .111•111 V toss • rranktree of exPense, llll • Ot s t oo ll rog," tor tids pew. 4 • • . . ....... . • Prittio, Duct OasetYi• t. - imbliAbd I, ,TlOVeck.ty, and Weekly—Tbr Daily is Berea Dollen peor sturangthe Tri•Weekly lelive DOW= unman 0.8 W. 04)1, I MT 1,1.,P11,!.11rte. . , Ari'Vtieni Ike ciationy twatilse•••• haat la ItEOmni been* 61•11, ana as early' Le do day iur lim• 41.50 t faserted far • • 11.4 tan • • 11l D't r d wd&r.d oac Rr 16*. I* /liver . Nor: 40." Ise sort page pot. Locill:ll9i!tere,goll men swim. agt Joust Fb:uliCts7diay or • Tea IN raquasted - to cull it Paha Meeting . the ciiiizas of Pia:arab, io 'be hold' a tho old Cantrt Hot* emWedneabry Intuits, tie Slit, at 7 teelor-t,to make saitable anuniputients for the meld= Of Geal. Tiy!cri; the . gassdant who ts,peetei7 sotatio - miat our CO on wa7 to Wluhintort: `t'attifelloas &Latta; ' ,• , saat'l ltoaebengt, ' 1 0 B Haw ; WOOdy., r hioepo Rebuttal:a - -Joshua Hanna, , B D Seger , 173111 Ute, liwa4i, Wtolt.fisik AkildaClinsock, N-S Cleo fortune; ticlungiter, C < E M 31 4, W. It Tata CI Immis, Waßhiagtaa. lo tareaaace of the above repeat, the *wins I d.PaaWantit roipeettblly Invited to attend a Public biiienag, to the old Court House on scads y evening oezt, at 7 °clock, kir the purpose d making suitable arianaetneuts krr the reeepatia of Can. Taylor. JOHN HURON, Mart i , Pri-rszoles; lan. 28,149. We' are glad that a movement has sO With beau see cat loot us, the .Preshiera - elikt a imam reception. The pinbahahies tie, that Ilia stay here Ira! be nen slam, and the szniosetaittte should be icillcandxted, to make the reception sa talPaattli alta el gratiulUL to the 11i?Wa51, 013 , ' - . - 80215:11TEAD wien:Plelolf . , suite_ of oil. courcosofies, • CD/ friend of . the hismisbtirg Teleespliainong them, enablr, t h e proposed homestead exemption laW, as 'enact* star attempt ambling up an azist.bilitsa*: in this country," "in elite* nothteg else than ktwa O entail and prairgetante,! , Etc. We ire 4 '4, oemrin then such at kart Is -not, the Meanies O. those who appal, tills Meanie,' or of thole: with, laic= it originstet4 - srio tare as pile irympfhy or, kms for Nessocreer es MS well be itesened The meastau proposed Ismaili origin, in fact,Mthest• esamine !kit • happier social argenieldera. , alrlikia: so deeply area the auks inturee . Ciia,ilifii Inge portico of oar awn people...Tbeumaviciii r modern eirlittation into - smumulation idsinttl th In few hinds, mrim 'Creationist emerged a the place of.ate old 6rair gristocitcY. Is ii aril that dasiarbo are arilealpseeklat a . riimedy for ; rids tendency that' the bonsearad ems' bad 7 ita min. We thick it 'tem let, feebly; IL at • 411.; check OM evil ecrinplaittridef t , nt es we wse. i n csbar directisins ranch eaXsaals ba links harm ; that can result from u, we OM to Amor of its sulopc duo "- ' • We are Lee at ekm to oonaive how our bud. ligent Maid of the Telegraph o=ld arm the pro. • ?mad law to .entali Nand. prierainnisces." Estee' th pa renders it inspoarille• for a mart Co sell lai2 eIAIDA-- iitorllCASA* pats e Pr eldest lee to leeetswitiie the cadre *mamas. ofthe rest cit dottrel. The., are the ementuds of stud and . prizoogesdh* The Liereeeteta Rapplialt lor ..4 0 0 Ps 4 Platt! a man limn selling his psoistrif , int amuse% does anyeretes! hinifecat divi4ing .l by . Will among kfe elltdreis 'rir heirs, and does riot husdriiristis i , ,-: -* D M wait the moment they twine , into Pc•c!'.• '• - Was. aud wrandertos the piameds iftbei to plait Wish these powers there is but Lulea/mem Om., ' • tries Asseendlig m the I.turA getcralieeais:artr . ' facials of t h e Telegraph seems to apprehend.' The " imriteriesd;, exemption is in :bet =dint ywsre than en etarrement of the lives 'already is opereirin. The present laWs'say fat a man'a bed. hl,caw, bi• . =la, sad''saie•Othai 'Bane, shall,, em be farcaNs taken irarry Gas lilm. , In t h e same . principle sad spirit; sad more fully to 'ensue the beneacculintention of tb - preeens Issr,ir Es prproposed', , to add to U,riria oishisa shall be be forcibly driven from hiaborise--bAbcone, and that of trivelddren. It kiainMEW in some Measure, •-therlght alive; , by . wearies - Ls some degree, bi . estly . inso, Ise against emery one foal himself) the Means ofliving, - , The Telegraph ages, that a man with - a haiori• stead, wishing to go isto briskest, wooed he ambliS to Carrie urinal. upon it. There Is something itil dia. Thauth werrensember Abe soma ariMment was used agriax the sbofialliiitaikcpssfe r ridenripar ee• aeht. It Wm urged _ this *Pg*Pli*l icillali * moildo tz txarow moOili Oti,Wit:o4 4 iset be . seised and kept in jail to eatmte s pee*. The • spirit damage; hoWeier;oriketiihiar, these small nbjectines. ; .' end 7 4 eror. (160#11P end sew such etee4prokitte iit'.iheliiiiiiii.iiiirb society is ;g ovemed, as. may' with 'safety be elided. It is possibly rims tax the &Orig.:imams - ins on qoad And moiwtelesilllf. tr: B3 mbr ib sz• c'l uile 4; l " socianits, of ..incoarenoe ;avenue. But this, pica* ittig s ik'on ,_ihe wbole-trove to b. T I the wens fa=re of the law.- 4in 1101111 measure ewes a man, aid iielatitahitialiA iiignigq— it lahlidual finrility °Mood' and massage "then Mai ant bat the Land of a country into, the hanks tithe roomy •leader-rtir modern 4:trio mt. Was' the', drilleettife 'isot ineoperible,lt a men ii deutrsok' ed • to examthe shear a his ram. . 4, ..4 we Ida butane in barium, be can give e . " ' deed to the money.lender, beeousa his t masa, and . bey tali his bssittatiad. , when his air s —dem. The priterial'effem of this law we Ai not drink woad, on the wbolo;, - ditardsh - the serituftf of dehos, xr curtail audit, which Is not genetaly bat. ed as the trivia which ;We *girAl to compel errant, but on the made* which one party reposes in the charades sad banerip of the other— on the faith then be will pay if be tea Able, and on the Wirifthai he yr4.le able. Thu , and not the power a comparion which the law eyes, is the . basis of credit.. . - An' tamest man 'era serbbas bar tranceme4. Nomad fir, perbspe„ more credit i than las !ass row-: : Eie cannel, by any ulisitrome be gate embed:and driven or. and the chance d b:s satunstelil4l o e. i i iiite.bi r ATSO # O6` As to the dealiaof ale tinr— , tho nibs P wick, ak4 be K,Lair'te°l4A4ixrc.d the baz e "4, .: I *. t h e dohs tithe family et Abe deessure et rim AIM bag' DM, AM, yeoman*: with ID:liddalteD4llo; . sad speak. • All that we desire is that every Ad* ly which has'secured a tiortforinhk? , heategaik thsli hold it ID 1111ADDalt FOIDPBIII O D7 44I ° dill d• hog to mabshins arrald,l Per .4W mad* that ww DMA end the patio ailflded it An& gm cazoodiog, say flit saes, hillier. 2:111U7, and a gurirter or helium ate Is the am; shall be ex 0444, iltilici9x r egard t o . or Arlie' 7a l cT. 10, 14 4 be as po d say. •.., . • - • - ' 9101511 C? /1114 Ourrur Catos—lu the caw of Mae ay vi. si's; ;fa the ideetelartst Oda palest 4 railroad oar wheel* uteri at Horns • babe the Initial. Saha Circuit doit.n, the jury, to Tualduy, retratreri a verdict , tor platatiif SSIIICtIP th;latictittilahallKl7o. Times -.. • elitr.*trahartria .iur the plaii4, - isid In, are wed that ha tee apt eattagetteres, lo ennead ha • dant bees auxres stal, Cyoate ii ass WU PAW Mr. to MOTO:A a la; EA*. The aems fie and =pew&.atocaut to ibopt and the Talmo of the pant right is atimated •at iIACCO4V, The lactiag - tea hated =mai a taants • ' •- W 1 believe dare la little doubt bus that an *peal to .8 higher astat will fallow the dechiere • * ‘Ctro yes Cavezu6- 4 b*,_,PoWdit Ledge 11 II Ratatsagg - fora Lek-1i at {be Wblb d the ctol: lOW ibe ferlar 4 -• • rificrlracm, Whether chili, S faddy dere* would git 4 P r Pr t " a " 1° , 64 " d :_iraFiAbilatlliekrMia " M r t" and : • '• • itadsouivultilasupei 'lnnastarl be mg socessi. *amo pepper ar en)* black, ate bd 1.3 eabodultal • -so — ,vinsch - CO sugar 01 1 ° 44 C0.112/3214cesa7 c am gee of zetriVr,P * - • ,‘. „ • =M=Mi===MEM . rg.wwiy-N - TIR---b9q!,*-- 11 * 40" 5 'rr- Calbettios atiotooellig 4 t i . ° _ Osrmiiiiine m AjirA 1:01/1ii/41 1 1 1 dig; 1 4c:tad =Nair; oTeneillFMr. itothisi, to: `Mr a lintra'fils -- ninitairthatiticts new isle t 11 1 4 1- 2 6,1 " 1 in I = l l of oftml leotth, the adopted draw being the longest, and mew. *Ens eWwi - Eir W-thet-Anciad onninaunt4st Union. Otis eolia,* si n* , pm.pcorpi!g. t h at we lie OMPOI#II-01iCajnappiit of 6:15i0t or Yr. CALacrus'n atliiressonit wee nol . cipted i rescatin bnirerei in full, all this teallihaparteca.posticoor? ft I: ..4•a usAiiri&T. ~ ,- '; "The rm9f de-138;thar;flisiogasiois Alit. its °MUM paragraphs areasiffilaws: t .. ; whoreZe, mune, t.hiigiteUdt yon .tietaw sbiemepa, an the niopostutigltci jiieteatr your aoa>ider lo the wallet between the two, great morons of the Vision, gipwing out of a diderenos of feeling and opinion is tekrenos to the Tuba:ion osioicg be t tweet. the two rice., the . Europeen and Abi"Di which Itleiti the'southent,coMina, and tle Wilt 01 .111110"4:e and entrocclinent to which it has led. The conflict commenced cot long alter' the ee- Imirwledgment of oor indepentisnos, and besot& 'ugly increased until it hes arrayed the great body Of the Noil against the South on this most vial ilubiecL J° the reolln, of this wale, sliiite" l " . .has loomed aggression, and encrosehment en croachment, uoUthey have reached a point when is regard sir your peace and safety will, not permit tubremainlonger silent. The object' of this eti, &mitt to give you a clear, comet, but brief nc. count of; the wholesales of moo' and en. "croachmenta on your rights, with a statemeat of the dangers to which they expose you. nirr ob. jeer in mann it is no tocause =Hen:lent, but to pot you In full possimaitin of all the faces and eir cuturos,eurcassily to a fell and justconception or a deep: anted disease; which threatens great danger to you and , the whole todyikaitle.' We act 'bothe'impressinn. that in a ,popular government Um oure,a true conception of the sena! &mete and state of ediscasa lit indupenschle to erecting ; a cum. I , . , • . . . .. We Lave made it a. joint address, because, we believe that the magnitude of the subject required that It should amume the most impressive and eel- The address then **mks to give a. Array of . the controversy between the North and the South. . in mierence to Slavery, and a garment of as . ' - . ..tta ,01 which the South complain. . . ‘lt . commetice.s with a history of the senament Of a in -dDn'elhe dandelion of- the coneitutioni iiimlabl e, th at itrior 40.1019, erith few exceptions . of invent tarlic'enriss, the South had no awn to comp ~, With that . year Canonical the new Pot diain thequdier of admitting Mardri I intoilit , Dirks; which wu • thiallisettled- by the fut Mai ce.aPaltaiatl . . Of *PIP ' ''' - ~. The soldoet of otatineing up runaway slave% . ~ . thee pewee inresiew,rood varicathjudnial autheri tics hr• cited-W.OOW that the rights of the Booth ~-vi L as t ~ o utraged in thistemect. , ..Theconclud. DI re ,' **Mudded won fallen -- „ . '., . ere *rave ad solemn, and admonitory w feeds high source . They mann all Dr w e ttr i b i t i t :Seith,hdrnar. con ended , es to the • impertann, end &adenine chanter rif thiepue and the disastrous consequeluxn stinkweed inevitably folks, from its audition. Bat inspiteof these soled wathistp,the violation then ebthmeeeed, and which they were Wended to retake, has been. fully and patently comma. mead. ' The eideas of the South,ia their attempt to.tedver, their slaves, noir MOM, instead of aid and - csnopereion; pewter* in every Dna ; re. eaten* from !scathe acts of legislation, intended to badle and defeetheir claim by all torts of de. = 1 .0.0 triCes,tand by letertann' r every description of Ma 'pal to—redunce Gom judges and magistrates —an Seedy, when all these fair, from mobs, Com o( white and blaeltswhich, by th reats or e the fugitive slave from the possession of his rightful owner. The damps ea -recover a alaveon moat of the northern Staid cannot row be nude without,the iiimard - of thin% hear] Fe =km% handlosiment.indf eves of tire ma ' has a worthy eitiset of Maryland last his like:toad:MU iseatnitV atenfore his claim to a f ;:e' slave under this provkion:"-• ---' Ths nett grievance complained of is 'the secret „ . Cilimtinadorn which are believed to exist in many ciftbre Nititheria Stedarboee object is to entice, ' ;... - r .. ...., .. . dext m enttspintheigte,and .reedinie, s l aves to me dye their Owners; and to test them secretly and 4 1,11 7,5 f inesimireenizea-bt the purpose, into Canade;whire they Inaba ineyond 'the reach of tiiecrevisionted that there has been no of adopted - to 'Voillit i r, Ti° l '!lic ll . Of skiistlatede;F. — _, , : , ".' : '' ..'"-' 'inartilininf siding i ' soinettes, and, rigiti. . ... .., , Oa the elave*ipteekniarthe Nar th „ . in nest cow lathed of. l• no ;trite the Medi in dal bar may, to aide* in the'Boutr—maccades anti newapepri ere everywhere catabbiaberi, • &tame Chtbt opened.kmared emploYed,, prizatiblem and Cliteritubiliithfinis, pleads and petitions to Cown gent seated A and directed to that single point; ' regardless r4treat or decencli, While thecia* - - tier Of incendiary pubßtatiod in the Booth, the ' agitation of the subject of abolition _. in „Ilbmgrea, andthe emPfornag...of en'il are relined on to rude discontent - amine the alavies°. "Agiteion t ad sisieantler=the addreas diabunig, be. tareitabithipendets nation, constitute pats:some of arby ttr4eirty' against which the ay. reannefran • tainsweis directed, and, if net heeded, an ape . -. ~ . ptastne fir redress.. Missouri Csonpromin is then again revert., arl to, and the anapae stated. The Texas annex. , ad ,the MeinenWer; and the acquisition of the ... ' Me Ter ri tories pus under review. • The right of . - . ' a actable to gem the new territories, With his ''. • I,” liargeed, and the "tireasne of an ag. ~ „ "as ahaMoter Mainlined into the present Co presented. - Having thus summed op • all the grimed of which the South complain, therdnis Constitdes es Mows: .., ... ' e have tow brought to a cad a naussive of thelseriesof acts , of Eggression and-encroachment connected with the subjecrofthis address, Maud. ini i those that are consummated and , these still in pnigresa. They are numerous, great, end danger. ous, and. threaten with destruction:the greatest and most vitals:if all the interests and institutions of tie South. Indeed, it may be doubted whether t &ay a e single pravision, stipulation, or ettartudy of constenn, Wedded for the security of th e ' jut has not bed rendered almost nugatory. it peen be made a ended question, whether the entmwchnoints already made, Without the aid of any; other,; ould not, if permitted to operate heeted, end is emancipation; and that, at no • distant day. 'lnt ber the OS it' may;it hardly ad. mute cif - a doubt' thol e if the aureathria shandy iicanmenced illoo. Uwe, and now in progress, ateuld Ite consantesied, such ba the end wrath rd slie the onsequence. • petsU be rms ; d: be Left to be den en; ire hive en' excluded from all the Tenancies inolithintylhose to 'be hereafter , acquired ;-; after ittiveey IS abolished in this diaries and in the no. estrotutplaces dispersed all over the South where Coogress has the exclusive right of legislatioi,and =the other messed proposed Me adds Every outpost and barrier would bear ; eincl, ,v ind nothing would 'be left be W. finish the we of abolition st pleasure In'the States them. sel This District, and, all places over which Dirgress has exclusive Power of kdalatfahr would Missile= do fugitive **Tee, iitiete,ne soon .is they placed their feet,they would beanie, ac ad. tag to the doctrines of our northern usailaets, free; unless the topret~te should be some positive enactments 'ifadersaoh a stele if th ings the probability is, that emancipation would soon follow, without any deal act.to stelidialtiverti.... The depressing effects and measures on the white race at the South, aid. - thei hope ' hey would Cretin in the black of a ' s peedy athafatiParen, would produce* slatit'ef feeling inonthuHteufwith the much Meger'aintine: aloe - of the , teleaut reflation, between the two. Bathe that IS It may, it is cattalo, if emageljetion did not ialkiw.as a matter of the duel act lit'e' liked inuld : not. be lent . ' yea. The mid of coniturtuneal patina ardopposeakeble resistance. The great body of the North itunked against our peculiar institution. Many believe it *i t ., to sinful, and th el residue, withlnconsiderable d believe It to be wrong. Huh being ' .;case; it would indicate a very superficial kil .of human nature. to think that, ager ening et abolition everanteany fa so- many years, ;and ettreulag it with web unscrupulous disregard' otter . and ernatitnikni; the 'theretles who have led. the'. way and keyed the great tidy of the North to fallow th em, would, when the Milani taroks only , 'remelt:red to be giviti, voluntarily: suspend' it, or, permit any condi. tattooed scruples or consideration: , of juslai to end it. - To these may be added an aggression, though`trot. yet commend, long meditated and threntened—to probThit.whe the abolitionists call 1 thoiaternal slave Ude:meaning therebythe trans. Dr of dads from dee State another, from whet. ever metre done, or hewever ereeted. Their obiaSlWcald.walm to be hi-reader th ey thless b y cra tenigg thent:hagetber wherthey and thus bead-the work of emancipation.. There: is retr o for believing that it will i ts. allow dal: at p shorrtatten in the • mean lime 'to arrest mi t , qaag ihnt then is, will the regimen of ay whist temoned la the Mouse beeatiteal, -. They may not, sad probably will notlisithla Oa. i d • Bo when we take Mut esiddereicoillast ri, Is A oillo4 now Minor* eue of them; earl i decoke idthrotottlue other,is far Oaths, of the House Ins been Islam that there will iiiiilipiefebilai it toril thaw, In the i Vonareat Oran VOtebi theopftheth, ad that will imgely,b3aw4d*tbe - neicier , averse undeethett eaten Mildest; next year, areesmitteMeth4 l, thotthet Ida b. auks stfiltaßeCiaMeisiMaskteillak edid desiasped . erath. • - f. ,I: , , Li ~.,,,,,:r., . . ~ , P:44:lofeifitii*ldadtmi* 4044 glove: en Illeretjfettininieituei the 1014140r#11bOidi to their painre, fee once repot aitbditkia nal terdersior lithe cideulatione of policy should crd the adoption of these weenweevor even de• them altogether, there iambi be still ben One '‘Warto aoccetiplah . theirs:4er; if th• dee* • - ' • • teSYMII monopolise lea the etelunWelthe South, shoat; letet'slsetesitpolf would, or: cii rititsutdwiroSiteortlfoetri ittilltkut melbas:le Iffinaito Oda inutOtttheoftheiwholiswheng. inadertheceiciliar arsine's. , ••• ;tit of the ••••• traffipate„ onr tile:the - to its tretilniesth' _ , inder gray aspect. the Molt is COMM, N. swan= be sort promptly and decidedly Medi 11010 jot tojeinett, is Ice you to decide. -10-telelsaitilresonldbeetile \LIP st m yonsedd hesitate. f. To destroy the between 'head and ainnlemet at titt = corkwouldlead ftstangequene r =aln& indite hirtinw ;Ther,ttannof.,be inn eannot, bee rogether, pecaser _harmirtiVrts theismutual adsantsge,eucepttn theleerment istkoOants:they, minchedneis, and leis. and'desOlition'araulVarersnmsd theovhole Soutit.'''7linesampleofthe:Britah :West - Thilies;, giblightingesemitheipmini.has mrtred lei that. amides artery faint picture of the cadainities. wadi briegcarythe South. —The etwomitances under Mid it Mond take - place with nemottld be 'Canny different from those.whlch took place with them, and caleulated to lead to far Worn &unroll! results. There, the unteremectofthe went CAMP Int epleo442#o.olMllluher muessions ja7Fast end actuated b1vicur5.. w .4 7 ,,114 way tweed oat IA Wandered' bedlam liveekt,bealdes, disposed tout jingly Muni the owners; aent In them% of emended* theft slaves, and to &Meet andd'bur that afterwards. It acandosgly appsopristed neultllo2,ooo,ooo m • compensittionto th en Su their Wises' under the act, which- tun,ahh o nghtitturned cat In be far slatted thiaanund•wuthought at that timew be• liberal. ; Sled the 'ematelpation,n hes'lropt up a aufficiort militancutd,naval three to keep the blacks in AlliCylad . a , number of trowdstratesennit eonstabbisiend, attar civil ahem to heeDnaies in tbe'tosrug rand,pintalons,_and enforce respect ui th'elr. former olden To - a emodderable Wept, these have serled tas a subnitete for the police kumertykept on tho pluton= try the aspenld - their oVerseers, and to preserve the social d - political a*peOrniti of the white race. But, n - withstanding all this the British West leapns sessions are ruined, impoverished, le. wretched, and destined probably to be abandoned tn - the black nee. Very damn would be the ciretuastanees under' which 4emancipation would take place with no. If it ever Mann be effected, it will be through' the agency of the federal govern ment, controlled by the dominant powp of the northern "States of the. confederacy; *Mt the resistance and snuggle of the southern. Roan thenonly be effected by the prostration of the whins.racq and that would necessarily engen der the bitterest feelings of hostility between them and the North. Bet the reverse would be the COO between the blacks of the South and the people of the' Nod. Owing their emancipation ta them, they would regard them u friends guardians, and patrons, and centre, adoldingle.allthell sympathy them.tThe .people of the North would on UM to reciprocate and fuer them, instead date whites. Under t h e Influence ocunti kalif*, and ImPalla by fanaticism mut • kive of power. they would not stop et emancipation. Another step would beta kew—to , raise then to a political and social dui. thy with theft gamer owners try gimes them the tight naming and holding public offices ender the federal government. We see the first step toward it ltl the 141 already alluded to—to yen the free blacks and deft with the right tome* =toques. tinter emancipation in this District. But when onbe raised to an equality, they would become the fast _political usociates of the Neith,lacting and voting Srith them on allquestions, and by this poll , ticalunionbetweea them,holding the whits race at the South incomplete subjection. The blacks and the Protligatenthdes that might unite with them, would lumina the prineipal recipients of federal offices and paronsge, and would, in consequence, be raised above the whites of the South Le the po litical and social male. We wadi, in a word, change conditions unbind—a depedathrisrest er than has ever yet Wen to the lot of a tree and enlightened people,and one Stun which we could Ftut=othoold emaneipation mks place, (which y if not prevented) lust by fleeing the homes of ourselves and amazon, and by abandoning . our country to our former slaves, to become the permanent obodandisorder, anarchy, poverty, misery, and wretchedness. With each e prospect bthre us, the graven and most soliothipienion that ever claimed the atten non of* people is prautintor your couldention. What is to be dose to prevent it! It le n question belonging to yea to decide. All OD propose is, to give you our opinion. We, then, are of the opinion that the first and ' indimrtaftde step, Without which nothing can be done, end with which everything nay be, is to be united among iSlUreeivell, on the granted nag vitadquestion. The want of union and concert in refereneeto it has brought the South, the take, and car system of government to their present perilous condition. Instead of dieing it Mane ail others, it has been made sue.:tilot only to mere qustions of policy, but to the preservation of party ties andurairendr of penyinteocia.. •A high same hold a dup raped inniess• we bifida them athonente to ,that and Om questions into:iing our inlay and isoppisesi hiller.ft they Ilia so ; kind -by the South, the Nottlivn7l- not believe that yen ate in tamest fa ***aka tether siteroschtecuts. and they Full comma to Wilds one efluanother, until the went of itignon is finisheiL To cons I vince them that yon an, you mat prove by your i ens that you: Mid aft other dem= snordinne to it. If- you become united,and prove mend us in earnest; the Nails will he Wm& UM pause,and to's calculation of eartatistenorts and that may lead run . chante of nurtuntra and the aloptionof a coune.dpolieythrt may-quint and peaceably tended this lout con limbetween the two sections. If it should, not, nothing would re. main Cor you but to stand up immovable intefttsce of eights, involving your all--your properly, pros pesity,eqesality, and safety. As the smiled, yon would stand justified by all laws, Luau and 'divine, In repelling a blow so ' dangerous, without locking to consequences, and memos to ailmentsnecessay thatpurposee-- You assailants, and not yoa, wand bri respond& for consequences . • Entertains's throe enmities, we earnestly en treat yea co be reread, and for that purposeadopt all necessary mamma Beyond this, we think it notdd not be ulnae to go sr New 'We hope.if you should unite with anything lilts unanimity, it may of it elf apply a runny to this'thep seated and. dangerous diarrel but, if such *Wald not be, the ease, the time will then have come to you to decide what come to adopt. Mr Brumm's substitute is addressed this ismkte of the Demi &au! It Is stemmed of nearly the same menu u Mr Called's, ban pre sewed in milder and more conciliating language. The same historical statements and grievances are presented, sad the whole people are appealed to by tbetr patriotism and love of the Union, 'to exercise the restraining influence which 'heisted posses, to give harmony to our counsels, and prosperity to our country: • This address was :ejected—yeas 27, nays 34. Mr Calluses Sinus was adopted by the this lowing votes 1, - - Those who voted in the affirmative are-- Messrs Mason. Hooter, Buda, Cslbouti,Turuel Downs, Davis, Foote, Daspenick, Borland, Sebes tiu, Western, Fuld, Atkinson, Bayty, Bedieger, thud, Beale, SW O Brown, /aside, II A 'Dump- I era, Daniel. Venable, Bu rt , Holmes, Matt, Bens. • van, Woodward, ,Wallage, ;mom, Lumploin, ' Bowdon, Gayle,' Huth, Inse, Featherston, J. .Thompson, La Sere, Monts & W 'cautious Pills. I bury, and Stanton-42. Those who voted is thenegitive en-- Messrs Berrien, Mescal{ Underwood, Johnson of/cabana, Bask, Hottotoe,Pendletan Dragon, Clbotrosn, Toombs,ditephensy Winn, Cooke, Cabe!, Boman, and Osman—l% No names are appended to the address as given in the Union—is being maddened that it will be published in en official posmodan all the names pomade me procured.. Such is the conclusion of an effort on the part. of Mr. Calhoun, and some Law ultra Southern Addis% to widen—not- to bes3--de breach: which dists between the North end the South= am subject of slavery. The address to an able one—probably none better could have beenwrit, ten on, Ontlide of the quencny',lntt It will di endure the directing knife of thinh. It may pro. dace a =cesium , eidement. in theeiouth, and , t th en will be hard 'of 'no Wove; teeny heard of weever ifitilithani with . odium. Our faith is strong that the grad sense od the mph, of the South will reject all anclinvolutkouysithemei. Their suadmen tothel7lon, egnnot be questiceati - ed, and „the :safety ;of,their Iflave property As tio toeustely' awl vital. with, le POPP*II% that ,It ;were mains ba , them to sitars. itsrlistsbaet This deity ire emu and there'm i na...no Wag.' amine—end then are thousands bettor -th e y woad resist McCallum's wild schemes. • ' ' - • Tet More 10 Lime—The French are me, Meg themselves with • new ammo phrie called , 0 1.4 Propsitai oce Intended • s iodise CO Socialism generally, and =re paiticelsrly on that phase of It held op by Mr. Pomace, who las des . „. . clued that .propenty ts theft." hlottehme end Madame Somnchon are tbet prfndpal eitiz‘agn la It, and the be/league of the place le . in agreeable and Miami' filmdom, they me placed by a decree of govemment nuortusing tie right to labor. Servants discharged from °lots refuse to go. In virtue of the Comer decree, hundreds of ,o(all mules /ICC* to hie home, a/ 44 17,7nthottt maim or. leave, at ono* ouster upon ghe exercise of their respective probed:ma wP - Ittlsierent' JonineynaVeir down the !wpm.. fond I his. mine, which;were *heady in awl coedition. Slaters tear of the roXesrpeeners break bin don's, porters hanns,epon removing his knaltsue to • new bolus, portanra Attu Inundate has bed room with torrents of maw, and finding no other vessel to receive the gold, p or it into his boatfi and fi nally an unemployed &obit !watts up= dizerlng a tooth. The piece 'As snld to brit set all Parts ismehing 6r the inn time .ainter the Imerweinhx.: doe. Tazikkiwileno Esskinuw—Mitiaowinne' et klitenuel, ponies oat in favor at thiemsesoni.. know' of go aim clamp% which his bean mei,. ed witblooteinneral tavra in the ,Weettni mow). guilt& hes? , The aria is eh bennikinl b Mimi misty. sew the tan" for wollrirk a borne, it will enobarege the obtaining Immix, ■nd passant moons la Livens eirotuiwinnenn Gom beithpi diem an the /kW.' 111 = 31a . Thee Is iso big.. s aathea the vigoee. bf :o ,, ==si cam "illOl eat Nichol= Lester,ssid ‘ th e late Democrelm dam — ker the Amidenib hi retinaal ion GT se to eagerly. sees i >.ll4o47ofitheit= of a Semata's sea, boun d ems by and - probablyThypleareVeradititlitpltm e dam, in rennenene to 81...-oHkor.. l ,quiiiarig of the dal—the reryttiTtrlir Cidittba hat always paused h,,,,e,trin fatter OE' Comellie able trilds, though he puma ' llot, laielk4 Oi delete.* der. Bin he mart he partied by kris 'OW and as abject writ.. Two praral4o,lo4lllljUi "rx• - li e of the Pen iucs but t FlOtit a lq tom dincerrer, and xiicertfitharly too, that echogere going ,en. i:t the public; egad, Updast thatl: measure of polity, be , changed' hat rnladh tied taipted to curty fuer with bas haughty isitd - lq.. unapturp c.u.s, by ovt,le qie Nicholson - Onthsrloentoes , t Of hi letters la pet hlteutf the artmotud verdict wu ging/ egainl Nat" intejonly such as hltilleV'elbelf:l beside( WOO Prdeel htetell. fleeing 'his opinions therms. deauted,..a hie principles reindiated thecaut by, and by his Put party,, a decent' self regret *nu have tught hira to VIIIIIIIIM qol treseefttUy from' public Lk until at least the pear mtertion apes which her. had bees torched, bad paned oat of the politics of the =May. Bat tile own State, as if tivorothibly appreniallng We suer, and detemdeedleVilidniNtilniliikithlas. non, passed wii6el4.ii't.i . nllo6lk446:lngt: log her Senators tb use hoietstrle sadness, to pas at. About the time of the reporting of abase resolutions, and thebegjunice of the maculae fa Senator, past wide to his friends in. Witatimpon that the game was up, and that he should not go back to the Senate, as he mast be hampered by the insuctions. 804 6141thea Vibe wu in lemons of intripe at the wort of his friend—while in power and prosperity—lionis FtilliPpOoli discovered a alma is the organisation of the opposition, and he Outer= managerrient, and upon the alight eon. auleatiou of the eserifirts :of his horror, be cored his relent to a seat, which be cannot res ten one week without betraying be State or vie• hall, his oath, to support, to the bust of bra pulg• meal, the Coristantion. Ha election has excited a general Indignation among theDemarsts of both divisions. The Bun. burners never bad any other feeling than contempt I for him the Timiken are ollapthrid aka shame. Ws repudiation of piecipin upon which they supported him through the late canvass. Re has come bark to plot sad eincetivre la the Praia dewy. He will hold his wet ally March, ISM: In the mean time, km Hanker adherents 111 Micah gee wal be lath • miserable minority of the pat: ty proper, and if neeetury to their otter dbeuede tare, the Harabumena will, at the out election, lola the Whip, and provide fat the elution at se honest man as hie succeroce. There is nothing new in Meld le the ethetheue Adders,. I have hard that between thirty and arty Democrats end two Whip have been lade* red to sign it. At least half althea have yielded to Importunities to that which vu riot commended to that conscienoes by its own worthiness These are *few Southern men wbo, even la Camper ( would do any thing toque the •datrined Yuba& Otte of these Is Mr. Immo, of Georgia, who add la the anus leis Monday algtat—oLet as now dl. vide—let as draw the line—la as elate our parts spied the northern steps, and throw them epee to those of Europe, and we shall have these Yankee peddlers down upon their manger tura tagging be admission into oar Oak; de ear °We teram an all months.' This datietay Kr. trams mart be • descendant of the Tutu chief wbo, stie (Sr be lead feasted on a up of mare's sulk and • date, seat out, he slave" to palate at the dooe, his teat that the aher potentates of the earth bed his permission to go to tale dinners. Bet Waded* ing Is milked to a kw whei, the this Itasca, are unearned with envy and Mak* la COMM. plating the advantages which supertor Wow?, energy, and economy, cookr spun the North over the strictly panties States I appose the same will appear itt the Buy 6.3/1:10 of thew toorannpr— bar it wail all apse the pale oaf watt %phalli more aka the one of Father Bitchrtno kudos. three wind ed4onale. about tad, th e cooperates a th e orenthatott, nett other appev, co pulses which the veterable apes* tots or the end of him tongue, or glibly as • parrot clatters Pretty The Huse tuthlig 'good ,Progrea With the upropriation boy, and the pave eakwltor. Next week Is muted la both Houses for , the war snenceteent of the regular debate open t h e tenders vial tab. Were this • long •CUIDO, tyro =lab I pitiably would be a sheet aficaloce for that de. bale; but only rive weeks remain of tha, arid In that time mart bo perfected all the admen Ws. lawn of too putted sewn' important meweires of casual legs/Attu. as the bill far the mamrtion of the Pets" which the mast voice at, mum try loudly demands The steam, therefire, mast be blown off la two weeks. at mow. Ito not yet desesk ofiteeteg territorial bills, with the Wilmot Perrino artsched, page he, Hamm and seat to the Preeldeta for ha signature. Per. haps it as almost leo much to bepe that, rake what he Us written, he will alga each teas Bat be pre op the whole - ptampbs. In Wising the Oregon all, and u to what he has said m imlatated about vetoing • bill applying it to territory midi of thirty ale, thirty, that =crew to nothing. He krfetted kin wordvben pledged to Beams, Dix. and In nivor of freedom, how can the , stave holden, ewe apecarely trust hits! No man not se of men au trust him farther tun you Weald pante • bull by the andel extremity. We hove beautifal weather and gay thus in the city. It Ls said that bits Polk will give a valettio. Wry festival, which will eclipse all similar Outplays that have ever taken place et the White Ibmootu— Hot, pare safer The Vice President did not appoint the Senders I to form the setat osmmithato on Douglass bill and amendments. that were earned by me. Yon will doubtless hue nude the requisite correction. Wand Oman has been coafirined Inspector Geeeral, widiena opposition. 3cura. PE SNIIITLINUIL II I LEAUILATITEM. tiaalussaa Jan. 26. The speaker presented the annual report of the Wwhington Company. • A. niamailal from the member of the ha: of Albgbe coolly. asking Moltke salaktes thejodgestddie Coati may be increased: .Pititiolll 717W4.1—8r lideurs. bilegas,Over field and 'ma to Amos of a new omanty W be all. ad Lawrence. By Mr. Manatiaa, Dam clergymen' of Mansynek Wong that the !mum of Libor err upends= em ployed In mattafaMorias may be - Lathed to ten boars pa day. By Mc &uall,fiam &stale ope u lits employed In mantamonen k; bah*atlticuroo re. peal of the previa:Lathe Teo Hoar' w, Mr. Slog, from tie acme:Linea.= Ealltee, to which wee referred the tal to-provide by the pay mem edam& laborers on the publlo works, and nrpairs *Oka same; verged themme, with an santadment., The billiegsdatlng premeedings lan =Mot jar tine, was takes op- and passed. , The MD ertatlng the new aunty of Madison was taken up sittl the_ question mumps' di the minced meat onntlOry Mr. PoWeiger, wassagreed to, sad the bikpaped a. second relator7yests 13, I'6s 601.•/aiahe to mortgages denunted, Law or mistafketwirinsadatlilrdl time and passed. - ; soma. The Swim ltd before' theAcants the 29th Annual Anita X;the ?ennsylvaulaTtible Bode • Oo 'toothgreet* cattr. Geo. T.T Co hme, the cis of the vas ed' to eorge r the pun. p ßill ow of delivering • lectur G e iiirlak to to the ado— cativased d,Wutioa oftbe North•Amiorhoto dtut Mc Cooper .(Ways sad hiertigr) reported e irovitt64 roz vdtoary.expvu gamic. •• et, for revers oa the Blear Gana% mad bob. Ma" And for the: pagmeal af debt* doe ree toe, dons tbeetai. • - • • • Tbit Select Cdiumittei at the totgeat reporle a. Jell kr Mahon* county; oat of parte of lodises, ,Gteartled and Jeflanam. , • Mr. R. EL Smith: a as p plass o M to She Ur setts tire to thkargaalsation o f Coons cif Imam. r My. Gwartsweldar, e*Joic re encnan=a• pick. apnea/061e amounts of Pathnic r, Mr. Era na,nf Cbester, • bin to ozoo*o 1.7 of the Bookie Obeyer caw,. Mr. Sharp a tall graatiota oec9do ice of ironed in the Paarath dikter:. Mr. Mars, e totatepoists Ibo kbinteern The billpmridteg kr the oompleske or the North Breath . Quad mod . Canannee of the whole, vith reautample.. - • • The relation rebt s (a tbik igAtne4 lbs t w a. ci litetGo senior, came up fa order erica Me. Woos:aro: =cis dad reoserta Mr. Dili loLioirsa, azoloail b. bAdocooladod.latliortios prre e s et , qessakp, whioe was carrisri7f Ur.lAftle moved to reecbrutitt rite vier valet vas aintireah imir 40; Teagoestematothea orkeri =Xt. altate,ood it wee lost—yrou 4S, oaya 49. Tbe goestios vas mu taken CO Mr. Unia's ' asocadmea/ malt vu agreed to—reu be, nay s 49. ' 'loddegt!!- The foiknelngi we take fromtha. Ideation dal adisiSiseiree araf *rep muses. The wiper lives hiNa4k •.1 4iisier ‘ sind, maser oevel tal=rment cum azuelltir malls *at' der -• th e Marys soktiaaral rdatritil et, mi:!r-titeu 'mar hub-play lhip traeltaill*-14cEar: :fates; clad sh iorscoagea (.r travel kale abort of rail,' walla, iodine Walther pirdbetteiredepukatti 4 ` - ' 3cL l l4cand „ 11 . nrr n sti l . riaell can be rpada, as • general rune, tor , about the lee.. lacuna' of 4.artirenble - About oni_lthdred Compittln hare i already fanned, or am alma to cettstract these toads in Turbos parts of the Sam d New i.Yark... nett= d coaling when mod aftheroada _tithe Stew and where there is say eddy. 'astable croon* of trivet and timber reascumbill, will be pholreA - Thus ter,everyydantsciad ewole, littlds•ne haa . felly; equalled,4 tree exceeded, •V espeotation their projeetbra. The fitet that extrasess of cin with easeoind wi'k ittatir • can, .doable the weight no h. OW , (hat they can en the lest Common roads, Woe, , any . ether eettitlention, settles their tialtre. When - the wads are bad, as they orna are Viet/ and fall, four times the wino. can be taken EO plank made at snob salons that an be taken On aomakin roads. The fume/ can go to market st all unit when he enlace week his (bra on errs arum of weather or from other c'sosta; And wben 'other roads are immix:WlM can trot off aft his pair of buries and two, hats weight, and return, I (living scene fifteen or *berry miles distant Erma market) the aamedary;whilevrithhad roads, taking • thn same weight, would require Aerate!, day.. he dies grew wear and tear ofbierias ;and :wagon! I nod bunion-•(n Cad, leaving actually little Mon, after deducting eipples. Thli is de tancifni eels en istionv-it has been fully peeved , This iIIYPIOVIP mem will berg up the value of (ands within Week of towitets, which baTO bete greatly' depressed by . the low pied offend at the West The convenie nee genhig the yeoduce *fare fawn to market will enable the firmer of the East better to compete with the anima of the West, although the owl of land is en touch kw at tbe Wert. Tke aspense daunt tratuipartauen will serve to conllnntbe veins of fume near the' great markets, , • ' • • Our new /dudes, until they have more money, shook' go to mark, consuncung plank rced4 dog in• a tong time anrwer the wpm* of g. roads; ascent on the great and central thannigls. Ore Michigan should be wide awake en Am subject. The pees, cannot be too dßigent id alimg Fart stituttion to there roads. At the Boom, where timber is cheap, and the common Toads exec:relies they will be agrees value; Indeed, in every pagt of oar Union they CID be constructed to vest ads . mange, iitngemptoymenttothe laboring classes. facwased value to real estate, rod a good Wrest: main stockholders. It la an iniprovement bends betel to all Waimea Some kar hat been expressed. lbw the timber of the country would to exhausted , by the rage ke plank roads; but "itch will col bey the cue. These roads will be constrected so el to lead to those districta where the timber is now ready, bat of lade or so value to any me, or the bad on which it grows, on anotont of the expense of getting it to market. • These pkink roads are gout to open sauces of wealth to the Northern part of this Stew, of more value to the latblio than the gold wines of Callfora Ida It is band that very link grading is *died ••••eete foot rise in from twelve to sixteen cantata) b••••••=• with • psi? of .borsekaellt two, twin isade,perfercliVevel, advantage would be taken, @adularia loaded with four of liveitensSiould piss; without any additioesi telk u l j , i =alg fit tao heavy (Of such a road. o be repair. ed to review Jhe weight loads, et as toprevent im =these wads were erg thought of. it so supposed they would not answer. °nutmeat of the perishable nature of the material used. Bat it fa sow discovered that them roads rear out believe ; they decay; and that, while wearing oat, the theme ' lia ga i=they will afford ten per nest, bn the I (the maxim= rate tiWir try law= Ilas MS! celiew Yort.,) and from 10 to 20 per GOA setplea to. keep tho nod in repair, and relay . 11 . when necessary. • Teem road. will abo ere *good kirtandlt WWI wagon of the year, free clout, and save theirwm Ole of mach bone harnessiog for nelght.oldsta. viselng and church vans, as well r,u giving thei children easy emits to districts wheels. Ihe prods oaf our State. nese roads credit, to be a mums dadditimal isseps Stoats Frets central Lines of railroad ,. and ! IMMO dm* calm/acted. Plank roads Willemeach ado °Ahem, ester:dung threragb sil• valleys op to our maintain wgrouth will brine ell the tesainces d door Stale two active le plat— esunloyin terry idle hand, sad every iddog:sr— tens of tluxteutda of Bohan that are now lucked ter , lo our egricubstrat dlericts, 0120 buttdrvl here. flwa hundred there, debar wahine liar the want of a Womble. investment - Plank made will call getitioch meash,sna set lit at work km (h e Who gvad, and wen same 61110. eV* • NZ 111• g• In Uterest. For tha Pittsburgh Chunk ihe Editor of the Ameriesa remarked iota, popes on iset Nantreall, - that reforms,: like other Wits, move in a else* and In the coarse .cif dew, come thud to the Owe they caned f ro m. This is end of Hatrio's oily sephistriener et those (Welk seamed' which he vas Wont to dial In dime& tsialltheorical wrClage, for the porpoise of weakens in Christianity and inducing the wavering to feu the the holy inatimulan ortmla again to overthrown in coming time. Home Ina not as bold a leveler as the notorious Tool Paine ; yet, the was a daa. gercias man, end his writinp have ever had a mildewy loop:tram in rottifol tinention, and apse • way to the darkest chambers of skeptical gluten. When • 'Rita loathe refigiok u•I its re does wok, in a doing muter, the reel e?! , _ see kW object al • glance, and gourd Wang no lacunas ; bat when=meals along a snake in the (rasa, he may d himself toned the via.. dim betore ha is untie, and inflict rhea atiog In the moral nature, which is as deadly as the viper's WWI We do not wish to see any of Home's gen. Cucuta advanced In this age of the world. The cotrthion seem of man is against them ; and the wide tract which the champions of the ems have already redeemed frost infidelio error. shows that tbs Sib= S glorious, and that it will &deuce entil it teaches from the rivets to the ands of the habitable earth . Chaim No. 2. Namccus Comvswrios , —Then Is to be a Natio. nal Convention held at Belmont on Tuesday, the 6th of March, 1819—nd ef pditiciana, but awls mhos inventors, and amateurs ' of lityminity and ekUl In the productive aim The objectedbolitag the convention son I.To cam:sloe discoveries, mew ioyenUtina,plsaS and composalonit of Mater, &o. 2TO famish true and retinal larennws, Thai required with advice, the omens of onstenance, ma, wish, kn. ' 3. To purchase a hietry far the use damming* and inventors, doe. 4. To enablisb • room for the exhibition of Noe deindrawings, flits• • • y,.T W y a give counsel sod advice (ice a feet) toe* who nay desire information about machine% deo. 6 The establiabineze de warehouse of erschicica; fingiamently mantifactiatis.,6ce. • 7.The catablishmettt of workshops for the lint etrocnion aptmentices,6cc. Et. Ike enab4b , =al of wheel Fni the 14 , A MCI LAr of szoctoades, se6oLs, dos This bald sinnotary will rive an idea d the objents proposed to be iipmunplished by the am. Miens. Telt pass or Namur Outruna--In the Mow of Costumier the State of North CeionUt, on the 20th Ihstant, when certain resolution ecriamilag the syy Lulea at the shinty lunation sere cinder irosuidetstide, the following ItiOladon wan moved, by way of aittiudiaant; by the t Prittahli /Lwthed. Tbat we bellevollie people dNorth Wickes, of ett tome* , ore davatetit ettnebed kettle tattoo( the United antes; int they regard it as • main polar in the edifice of tett ladereu. dews, the support et, trauguallty , tit Popo, or nice alwoad; of inky; of posperhr, arta el Iwo any l iberty : they all . Mighty Avis.; that they 'Aerial' a cordial, habitual lied tronsosslda ittachannt to Il i and that they watch 4oir be nantraltoo withyealoas atutiety; that they NAM ills the dale of their pnblio mutate to Itconnte. mace Whatever may taunt area a auliplocis that . It era CO es/erect be abandoned, sad to l'repet d i s ,, A gy watery attempt, la silently myrtle:l d out cl:la horn lhd 11/11, - at loth feeble swod Oes ,which ither tad Yogettot the :various parts I Tide iesolanoe, we 11, WWI o aty, pawed by yesig Oa. Taunt on van !firm otsra.—fin Lod- Wins , , Contents**, a ISio ibo nolng Zpisdoca entunniSputhorui teoandy •eIJI at Ilalna The coonediail. slant dawn limn 411101.0*Tc , "iittqfettlOgred so by a Visst to dm sonfennon, O t onend.Tailozortio subiegoently,d4nedlntnlttl idolori4 Bleborj. Dr. Pelee, and • considers* sonsitti of the azinissanSmanabin• d(ibiten4 l 4s 4 l A knee to lAn . 13004AVA,Pdissain Advocaat) op t n'toE'snindallselect sas.vicesdnifilyn444Lakni on act ndesesUnir, alingetber such as ► tn.; n, Vous Gams= anourcut.—Theiteciii palm ir•lr givia 41 1 ,r i '!!":"" °I. '"f" Ip the int 4 &nen . 4 A, lOW as scioole mancactnred Neu in els Vaand . ginnlit. oo ,4rnnin tut wnen, bOsen . Lor Canter* Tbey ire desisted 6. 4 nataua They aro 'natal Urn Owl SAY opts, bog inny be =adored aa rod Sto '1143.134n may , - QINTOTIII34IIIII/ Verimilinuage. ! i WOO V. bill 11100: GUI onur. . ~...... 4 •,Tu'ilr allalosa,,Sxretary of Si to j Ali* Itudoell s *pulyatiturry of etai,e, Tilde rutartr. i - ' -- -DallrWtatorneS , GePO O l - '", W Vir. Itgold.Adintant Donald. ' Geo& panic, Speaker of tbn Senile. . ' William F. Picker, Bpeaket Of the Um* alb. rinnt4ives, '.: 1 ';;.' . ?: 1 :.: .* :.'-' ,. ;'::i.: , :'-k , ‘. ,-2 ..:-.'.7. ;; ;'- r .' lEEE :~~?:~l'= L. •. - L t iv *me IWI M r4110444111* 40aility r a.rh I itriatorg bieti fa *bat t#oo .1 111 .4. 0, b" I kii 610 reiolf tib - 441/4 Atc6 4.. 1...0tt sii- itsmutAnor_ria* iffibilis'ibirliwg in am bag iiP aib 14 ier reltil U.. stair ere Ls. , isambravAtAuxia br-inoittlx. Aga do orst ipetere ilitagiciatio33, 4 Aillioo, fora ill .b illealaseeent than, the nitenniiiii elilti ethi:thee poi ismady itheentned to the tease& -, MeV!O4 of Ala Latta* onploTea.ad laera siomi 4 F r a is, bLlt'dgib i tata sailtive wag kg 11l da asairas amuse Le as auxseehiCr; alh 11 201 1111 010:1d to he cased as that aseallallera u ;titles will mons carefully Aim= thiassiii* slay Intl &sago shed 121.4E4114 is WI Wild is Us ma =abed seams. and /a IMMO 14444 la b pas eage from nil* abased phr Tut NO= ntit..Ati edr r steal! cases stdo. anal education and • treadle 4%ewledd•o(the wend. Ha gang he • generman 45 lane, feelings, lad habits. We ailed abolsol be sated unite UN bore of antiquity, sad arta the leaning of the indent school. Tha ses dais nrell *add should lie an CealUu to him as•sla Were( ha own roomy. }Us enuoincianure InIal• iftlUolll4. !pup AU peal Viestlaith . II ado la Potainv Meath.. arts easisidencea. ,Ha mold be a coarsoleseusta Poesy. Pain l 4.l4 l ..th ~.^ Oth Ramp sad of lates ha canalised ouzo abould hie blur to discanstlsa beanies, and to detect the ft he. Yale -4 lag that parka Sou eau tame be attained by aortal.. ha eheal4 eutol and ereoeugo all • a so Nona. lama let the ans. lly geagy poussOl ah d en s ha .hats la hat ruse far se amend ii, and abals the .ash of censure sonatina bat ace No sueoefeae trate isled, for. like Cesar% wite,hels shore sospiellar. Personal abuse or vinmendlell fecnnihm loo "Er NO place' in ha column'. leis Vats atretehal forth* succor aii &armed, and shield aro &females& Can% animus of the power of she MI eginal eanuots, MB coats efonlatell the alapLimoltir Jot...sal he titabi Ikth th anderbotth <may matt. albs= 4 Twenty ears of my life have been ul ill Lo elevate Thasser, a , d i believe It is ankalhwillaP ad by all knout ere that noun In lay prollasion i Au &nu Gat. Ilan myself to pone the Detain of ltd dms, and nee oup to the Ugliest standard ennead essandlence Je3l C. AIARALC, - , - .), JOIll PIUS TING. Mkt: maus, , cmax3, lakumWa 1 5 ; 6 4 Zasoquu, ihat Loess, Castrocts, Lea UMW a 11.1.14 tosul, CIZIVICATSI,4II3O:N.. , , Piloted :ith ,the shoran notice, as ow prices, at she delb - Userna threes, Tam lama. leoprovesnonso la Donttstry. r• 0.0. Erna Wai t 1116 of Boom. 6 pillralen to oaroolactoro and sot Broca Tina lo alLaus ad parts or eau, two Partials or Atmospheric Portion Plana Toornseas mato as ma su aorta sr hero as nerve Is =StCate sod rradesee next 'door to ad Mai . a, Fourth writ, Pittsburgh. • Ettn,aso.'d. B. LlTaddan, V. IL Eaton.. }an W. 114 Wright, Bi;11, DiiaVish (Wring and guidance on Foanh stratn. 0 99 9 . 89 the iluabargl link. Vika boons nom 9 o'clockw It 91.. and (ma ovtock Ida P.N. sepl449 • • WED, Testi:tea, moraine, Met Fevre, youngen diode= of Jewett Merle% tired, ered,llieee• ea 7 mouth& Thi Amend will Asks plies Irma the resident..of 6ln:iodise, Penn Arse, 91door troll today la otkak. The Weeds of the Wally are ,respeethelly united, to • , . . Li*taro es U. Lop.- ' Calais of and Remedial for ,Coosiuspdos end at*. • ,' , Diseases of tke Langs. rPatna Lettar• of .the mina of Tha Cornea . t i Coital:as, will bekl•eo this eveu in ',Waders. LE 7, /exam :Ist,' azAPOLLO Bat • easnierlckllt at 1 de-took—lkon poem as Cl eal k• alairollf 113 run, to be 110 ai ill &Co's toot , and *Or =actin ant iitoottoo of the • will l. 11 , bk Abe am of tbe Skeletal and SlattlkLos. Their ela, and the coadltlosukapon valid, btad.ll end dire* disca4.-• 301 ti , AlSlakflett.,, The OW Ul of i=resaJoo ot die than, 'ma the lorporraneti of-no- i •Iceplog to WOW Posner; Ireton ir , ....., Psi ehalb will be thelatiset Of ptiztleal nowt. O• ' .218111 • •• WANOMAIMA "" I OP'• E OllO sa M a d glaalnon' mavE, Nixon Fo/li, • sapPl diocoory, now elkiba. lad: o3 PHILO HAUL, immotooelog Jimmy 310-•-• Am • ••• ws it complus as fouoriAr listto of Al' somptiAzir aAM vieo•—irk of Me en' of Mr co, from the Coavem of Bauf Cot mo —PiLooro- WO • • of be Follo of lbo Dom the Indiana sido city of Lools•Wsolka— MmomMi cam bolt II tailors for atromeae, sod transtara pot • View of Alaimo% Hon. Mr, studarze .1. a the Mormittler, th a dare Max -00 flairses • open at II ocetook—P coatiozoco pmelsoly.. Ad • • • - >sseam . JAM • - :t • tiasittalotratio.sll.ll6•A • I ' • toir aitnimandoo . to raottod ths untlaggood ea 110 oottut . .Dovtd ittooto, Allegheny eoitoti. act--4- 1 • 1 Prnatte Is • - • to wad Wats vs nottectott to make Itosondloso peroottig mod 01l po mars Aorta; -iottlootoot to ow, ras ory e v l o . t t=e will l petst nb otatip,#atomr,o_ . , .• • • • BAN 0n... xmoN, - of David Moe* &tea - - • aillHole Mottos.', • kr= H Orlibl Pooh Mal Jam= of iiteel'OL.. IMAM iLLTII boot, rowel to Ow andorsinsi IS MU/ of Raton Hmoo, Ha or HlLLlaboik lowa -4, e100.,a0101. tontwo ho r Coloo spoof elo enuil of rid deargosal, orfal mow =an soHoodeaboll'lst satioao paw Natoiss•Cas• "t _pac, - JOHN = toovai4o, - , JOHN SOO ay. lollArtel . , . BIACULIATIMISS-W. R. Warta sits tM • allaalbld at 110 akleadfre akicatimall a/ store tw.lo iseliaar.amb !doom Loan% ariai=7; an black and als• Waal •I•• • d maw alma • laricauernannt Xa; e=ni lj a ay in of sada wiped and armada alpacas; black sad fancy co. Iry • !dark, lonribla aroma, drab wad cam =Pa Mai Panama. add Alpagnesa-,11 ;carpals of • • acme* and dadsabla gacdalara4 regalni • • ands Zoom .9 win, :ulna au% awn., of tra and • akin its. VIM II MR 111111a1DI1CIL Arkallis IWO sow topper maned sal envoi toms 'MIN NAM Capt. Pinills now Mattes et Cndei witarc, .. re d trlel:tr 18.1142 v 111Bautre wfSatalattlacies ; OeS * '77 • — a xe wsxrzn: rim* of btu loarrtrnibiea io s gin cats.el this allea. • QN CONSULFUIENT-40 bbis whkdd adondlliar Com lasali do kegs time ItotunidOldeb flu el s& difeCipplaiy dAti Mom eleid,lired ar4 RoB Banat. JsL - h. .ON • HOWES-Ng 1.04 N 0 goirat e . sit ROE ~-. O ebia wvp ate. t aoa ~va—~►w~poewa ~i , ~tueiios= Fi'Ztl'ala'W° 3 'ket= ) 'll.l l s ,JOCUPV. ..itiragree,.tb? esu 01:143.1113 AND 110LASSEB-419 tamb !taw s ty (CO Obts unir tro• ids ley O4LB r • DEMI, 44.490 bapr 4 / 4 4 41 darn. JE., loam 4 bila C 4149 iat W.. ' pal • • , 1140.44 4111 TA fIOILUCLY 4104. - 4.13--1!10 ban comma Own, tea& -1.. 1 ail/01Am Now &Was* Oa sala by, • &MALEY 4 SMITH .11 E t = t wo tl2,4sied P i t telizar v il, B=o lads al wiallit Boat fnstliattot drANILLA. COSIDAPIp-10 Olt mama gi. 151 tistimto4 004°,02170 174-4 bbla ellierfor Masai hi ails by 0 4 1 3. 31TOUt—la hbds old anif,, •:aitrilt. 13iMiffi?ElL3 via.-4p SaR=ALTI42 I. . 010 is day ‘144 • kl ; ".. o arowtu. cotri Yllno? D ox 1u2145, ft; ; :1121 vuotlusia WEW ACO:4-4CyXO Leo sadlOnsl, 45 11 4 Jut ow amok. bgaseii*timitalOr_ ON • BELL , 3 CO , tCFr3I bacsansir c ioi4 fon ialak • -71 / 1 4 1 7 OW= IFI TATIArgrar 11 74 ? l ir U VaklairlagiAge D A , ; 112 r diTat9V4rjeTrArl t r n e M i lta :1 4 1 -.l'sbr,i° ra4ll g RADJLittOti• 1te;414'!..11/114111r. ''i(4l64 .e 0ft".171.• N ra°4lct , 44 , vrtti,"Ave, Is i ' ow--; . - • - ''.'l l l l Asoli m4D4I Ole Nen 4 PVlAtt, %op Iwat meottaoa "le @ l d RI -101blinseolted evis braIOWNO 1 126 i q e 1 1" ' 4 " "14&"" t irarinNEß4tit.,....ire unori. M opur ,71 . lli11 ? MOM If imurroze r r rm o: e Ew% e= Zsie bt prphe“nd pit LkbetiT L:4 24 0 O CIOO P 2 0 0 044 1 ,4 , . =SEM x:,: : ' WApailiaStaisvia,Asatlisies,r . 4 • - iiiip•uringiON*o.l. 1t:.,0.dy mortomPta la. a le eela &SIT 701diMiea Wl* Roam, taros.( Waal alas: ~.s t ray.oalt. al l=t-AcsbouLi timitr.sisnaatlA ..,.._ . g i .3.... Assay asiflisda, siabrating vairsOLoo alias, ;Swum "satioolo, *so% mood % Slat sad bassi i d ot b., asides, yallaw, aura and walla% 11.. , 7;.= , -id 4114944.0910414 4 re., ' seariaoa, al sfl 4., bLbek sallo [Sae .4mitigis do Was, ChintrA Oath., aldidnnaa Am ...xi , . a,:aa,......2". baalaryt' 4 caps, svmrO7 of 'dares. lribba l !k i rr'll . 71 1 0 1, 4 -,..i : 4,1 1 F• 1 Pd . olk , j : •' ' ,itive iCJ r. r 1:1. Qv =oil 1 AXIL, Ai .: • 1 , 4 r=rmatasisci deal 1.24111611.11. boAld sof tnsivta toreasnet vatimolvie . is MAIO lingually ir ward 4 1 ••:••i" loPtek • gua aa mmuctand 1.1 , ..n tlpl . Rio a iilli.. seat au*? . 1 0',"•oc l w am i l l ir`;‘ , :. 4l l: - . .• . •Ai OtAaroo . a ‘...,...,t.i.,;a Altila ll l 010,6di ' a l == SWUM vow and woad band era iv; sr We 04" 40 • 2 114 VP g"soilVld=sor 'ken ,•blaali• books, %is ...i, tia ji33l). . .JUIL*4.I4-144., A•jer ' liLv oridsdli 4 ef Nihilism, - Go A._,_. *limo* .i• I. ~..4_,,, ar , Ale at*. .. r , ...17 i ,CIL° asitiva t wtort iniy,..., b • , 4. 10 'clack. ai uns asides SOS. _ . ..,.. . ~..,.. itie road, spear do iLios Vnat a aim., q!... kir IT Pass, Ls th W e O , Alllorlzlltr - . , . trv.aed Pa al. ' ICC Roams orntlas inssarl • I .". A. largi snotty s' MAMA $0 Mk 11 4 1• 15111 _.1 goose* rv, hal bed 6 mos, • 7 1, 7 • sad . 'a:. .srioddy roma, slasesty 4 *Maw 141z1v • Pot sad Wars.; - I esri tad lozose4 , o•BeiL iloalugrs. 'May Owlets, woks, Dirks, easksos, berm* Ad. . - • .4114 o; rasa tool Aram Ihrvillar iloriso, MOT= Olds' WILIk Ass mots mad hoe Iwo Aosta, aabliiii and °Jag Vat b 0 . 4. 11, .7a161 al Wes. .1 .OFE D Myra .. - ... , Asa, ,i ~ ;. ,1 OM . - ... N _______:......... 10 aWu esistem.lllano, • &Voider Wlela ta were . • W Ai NW) • 'APPLES-8M btai . atilifileitUtss *MIR OrdPIPOIIO trlit •",- • • • k SiOLOA 0 lin Cl) 2 a " IVA& .11 ha appEll.4obbis era,l4 ClAin, soft iso aw H IiLLHOH - 'AND-vrkett lard, mod r•taihes tab' loahlo7 - • P 0; . •-•l4,Nak:D.At•m• . • USBNINTS, -" .- -• * taro -- - ,' . ' " 441 1 0 /Mti ' : 11l ' • . Kabul. 1 BENETFT OP MIRO LOO.illz .1 0:11 1 aOlll/164 Maul= tilTibilADOCl:r o rtirr W or Jasour al. v iii bb AU -:, r. • ' 4 - LILLY Or ',TUNS.; ..0. ,g,:be.,,- 0 ICIIIIII Mr. 1i5t60611... •Vol:emiso A—, 1 - ;,.. ,—ur.7ooli" - ,1: A • . • Tog:bulb& Ugh • mud, e - r ' TARO wart taws& won RAM Lanin',, Ituy Oone: ea. Prker. •,,,, .. Dam ....... . ... .. .:, Ina Tplgionow—Ur. l3l l 2 4° 4 .s l . l l4) ll !..LOPairii/ mcwitri ign new. 40E4 aufast* !OA erenber kelane.lenoras - • onmertv somas... VON Tris MOW= armarnklaili= Cinni trir■ ll = Tab 5fa1k,,41.1 Roam, • i - (Leman,: : imazotlinot4Esai-.. ' Jo . 8 lincitir; it t l e i "' l f Jar. Own. ~• R - linconnots, Ir, Mom Lass Joss liknnoxis. • ..I.lfranutt I...Bazwyi.. , commis. - • orMeting csa be obtsiped Cris de s IA 'acts , CIEIIOIMIU32 4 WW . Judi% H. mEua taw A[W of ma... 620 19226 Toms fat W*161021 Rum I Im•tat,Ao VW, er: Wale .222:2t; E !pts toulalsoke 222=2122Vd(teds OlMpiageoury, . , 0101222) pies; mrip.. a ..{:q +sl"r V r t - 02•Ibminsood grim selatilimas I'm,iirat2ll2l 2 WA 21ergsma sod de11117522(112 2 t 2 a 2 *. 41.22 Ilammnod cirriod - wros Mani win pril.4 Poo ilmstwom2 PIED*I 2 4 2 mFur !tire, .16s , sarnel,ll , - wand sosomos, lot t 2. mst . f3sNsb • ::1422 * pamel . • • "ram aboto'sly .12:1141A, wing, *lam West crilms 2112040m*. 23 0 1 whil Liao os 222:2 2.230 tom sail Law •1112.24,24 II mums Irizoos, from tba armraf 2 ouoll of IL Worcastat. Raw Ye*. Omni,' of 1.22 Ern of 24.2,214 Wareenili k Polka& 2 nosmornorl I cram 042 a Ca, N.V. " rrmmill# oco2rl PWA4 rJ 4 11 ' t r I petal's Plmaro.„ sot& 112 Ralilmorm, cod tak .1111 me mom tale TT Tlom • wow, - Lot ammh or lo az *Atap fat Romlocrit alrodatur22, or froomytes mats. abler.t 2 cocoa,' mare. - PTICI AV seboviber QOM ler sale 114 beam( of Laid, beam( ma" eals e(lla OW river exollortolf *Me tool Pe0b14471 1 . rare us ler loom cat ban Ob Lb. Imoojeob Cporadi of brrry am* Ere lx toltrii• wnr.4 wort char = 4ll l - hozei is sills . of Xsail die CM Irtear via sal ob die Mt Cora bans obbiabla .041.bableollbeedik111(byaoebillet sMar) q ltt,yu ti is baliaraas amaimm aoumaq 4 am MU lr Miablak 441 be ■Fa vesimu es. 7, Lbe Lief owl bind, peitioaboeb La,tboAtoboo2bk. WIN el el WI. YOO4ll, Ca.,143M 5traEr ..117,111141411i10.r..-1' , . • ' t. i2RAY I • MERCIIINT.TAILOR, .• /dot. twists ilaa, Jr!.iotiin.sssas. ierzmunriwn, I tOmr . axFoA,Fra,cri nArm - cant cis!" E !!in Intarat . z e r FASHA9I4,OOI wai lea to owls ikaitijell 01:MS }CA: lan I I®a put:az:skip a ntlanre, LE t itzlis day' c"...bso try memo amssit. ottim Low will in wrilad kes. tr,.lllWinnrc . : 1 % 20 14/4 tut a; UP - . • ;2 1 . t 4wW6 . 4136641144 - Intatossi wat =WS gala at rail , ' .: 11 14 . 1 '"....""" - trirpag Mos Ili tn." liiiwo, Mit *Lam COaldi.tellllrm - TewwWo.ollft. •V V 140"-alriaa • 1117 kwi ago Shawl , /LI • UM ' ' FriinriPirn , .. mammon 'Alms nal. .....', - 1 1 ri WWI 16114"112111101442 Wlie=lurd4. bl.l . emiarglod, ant tsFg t owl at a wur jrrit e wrl ,„ bewared Una of .II bir a inane . ilosawe all kWh ei.W , Matrai% WI antali YAMP..I I OIIO/1414“4419 1 1 1 4 , .W..e.11 In ilawwlll .6.4e6t wliV i tir ini. , ~ ,44 4 mi W, will keep crestoari. co Mal IL 61011111~pee I tkil A.Mainl Waits a Firr, , aad .. litrtui, alio 1 ' 'ma is saw wl Nan. • r, -11Malliii.w. nalrernip"El‘,. vkArrilri ttaLki" .tler=V2 - an' 1.0 VaulakValtio, 111/111024 , ' rirtHlC Siael.boldan, at dm ltattardli Mir Saida Caw r plain Paavaarara be:110y aadimadlkal Trutaaa kxhraterred'ea magaaela of eat dal& jar alia"vayilla a Orairaaantraea, to tva wail Le. allaratals, aro as tba lay a! ligutig Mud, axed "ilk arida oa • 1.5 , -) day af lbs. Sly wart; a; - • • JOEVir LEXtiZiar. rag'? aad 'rraawr: • • . ear. • gad Frartamaa, irl — INS 110 q....: IFlVTantritutt.rel: courr, caw= a cur,itursamatawgewy iehlrribt 44 4heletberh. COM ha,l Bening, , r 1 i i It ti t‘ 1 7 ip“ sea VIM cantartila.aph* ilki'TM bum WIN ror_tri Cep. vi .1. ow. "rposcas }mum mast; • • ww• PArAkill Alme' T. - n.16,61=6 litr• • " I t icks% “ ll' KIM/ " b k•f': , 'vriiir 02 V21.:1; , -110al, • 1 PM Itthlth of the gam% tik4 • WM*" mr` 4l.° ... '. /*llea itiiiiilk t Cateallbalk 4 . 24 Itiagla seliulippir Iliseilada Noes MumanD, will :a 21;11 • 4. 4ins•mak ....re,1,..•-4‘4344 6 thi •11 maw TM 14daliai IPA 'Mr awn= Initial, ma •1•1_ of 449 •••• rnineWk beak 1, 1 meted ,cm A .Bao•ior 40s1 d 50 , 1 4 4 • 4 77. ,r,=lac k- I- , ircum, wir. to u 1 1 A iims igtaaj.lls4 _ ".1411 - 1111111 .4 _car ats •111•1•0 Oa ' Au adisidot at AIWA ant Lbw? 'l6a , ", a lu allidi r ds = l tim ma rdi roeretb. , "NW ' Uto earl .••••V R iMa UP' um stnal•ti- , if _,,, tastteso ram Cam, Itio tlea 0va4,6 , it ward *.Efr—J. remit t!(!ib 400117:104 . L . w. .A LA. , row* aretati,, emit Churl - . i a - mill-411 Ma% (1.1641. theitaa IliTa t ril cm=lC DEW., DinAndia.ait keg WM. Skis aer semi Ise 'gabby' PM ', ' , Ira 14—, .SAailaireitian.r• r ' • ..,IF!!!", alas ba r et as& flo r cr e pi . 0111TAE/ialli4bni*Ootatorso tot. Way . 14= M IIW t = , S • II r. Qmmmi !.? a 6v • ti r! l 4.iiii'XiEgici'ai'r w:a IT n 44-1 • , • I , 4 , .. , .. , :,.. ..41; prrrdEVEISIll " .• • - , : , i ! , ...• -......,,...:.. •--,•-.0-A-1,4,,,,Y-9.4IIaLILE,WII kt.,....,.., - hts . r...p , • ~.1M 17 i l i:=Wi-ea lm Aallil ll l l1 .4 a ersmv of the Wela.22:.....Tkeeefes _ din eeeLyeee..7 4.l lNs tE l k tetrgleyee 1 , - • - ry . Ueda. yeveoste. Tree lY*64"“=low lo mriey,tliel •,:e.. -- dna4Veltt 11041 M 0911 =r114 1 1 ' ~,, • • y .4 , 10474 1Z,....,A4 1 1177:1 . leave 111117,d1MW_ _,_.ftper 4 4ere.i,:ikt 'e u,.. • .• • .r.,•,..'r ..... ......,1 , --...-::Tiq .. ..-.- ... ~...i - .. w . ago '3 , 4elee'eveeevidy • lIIMMCIddit, e' l e:' ',, Idee ClPffi rey r6i ttl 10 e • '.MITC E P T. 11 ' . :- - .=;. -- ;:te7zUilte• • '. ' , e , , t! 1 . .0 ..sktraniCr3prjtaft s la 1.. W 0 0 414 1, ; nee *lll4,r Jornwhiblerolb miry Windy stioirpoirstl,l3, ‘ ;.!el • .. ~,asr f i r.day ippopsgstill.rdlijyrr,io3l4l.:', ::, AI t 3 - --1 VlTlPiiti e SID:: - JECkW I t ue: " :64.14 ' 11 . 1 .: , Tlet.llllW - 12MAND ira*.arEd4iiiidiTi,.:L. , - leamay W + RietOrst. am. 0 I.say:. • 1it 10 : 5 4 3 V i • _r. ° F.lei r "S ' e:h.7 r 9 4* • , .. . 4 ... - -. .. 606.1 4, 1 62a Mg1, T Vilditicli l , 4 2',v . ,::_!'w ~.,... z •. : .fta civt 'asear cg isil l ii; s 4Wif;Oleo • t: :. tretialti.--,. - ssi T. "44 .... 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