=CIE! - .1 ". 4" 4 1 / I . ‘ 4 4ll A rt 11.414.)4Ffi/ sn CONPOIRID 13TRO VII,D,MBY.' ems azumniminsok.... CtiMounties, CookeeseColde, MMUS, Rronentis,./ii lirCentplialitt, Sputurglitloadtiliffimlty.id;Rtualitc inmate in dm Side and -Ignene_reiglieliotif the Rent; Influensa, , Croopianden.Cons stitntion, SoneThroatililetuu 1:1=11. • tyiand Diseases of the Breast and Lungs;themosiefs nemtd, and serf :curb • ever Magni r any or the • obtreeT•diseste • . _ DU . t3M,X;T:"N Compound Syrup ate Wlldlnulirlil This medicine is no Inunir antongithose of doubtful utility. It has paseed away. from the thouseiMlidni. Launched upon the tide of experiment, and eta2arptun higher in reputation. and is becoming more Cl:tenure ly used thus any, other preparation ef - met:Limon ever produced for the relief °Centre-ring mari. It has been introduced very generally through the United States and F.terope,antrtbere are few towns of importance tan what contain soma .remarkable deuce or ire good effect.. .For proof of the foregoing statement., and of the value and efficacy of, thee med. eine, the preptietor ha v e it• few of the mar., shoe sand,tesumont air which v heen ruled biro by men el the first cispeembi li ty—mertivrtui balm higher Aare. of moral responsibility and Landes, then to ere rify•ro farts, beenuee•illeill &ea/tether • laver, and thenselves ..m ice. Such testimony prune* con elu ito sevrii . don it..rotrrisinaurneagegh established by Ise ,..ete.,ette the zetquesalitabl• ennui. ty of . n, • con: Tbe instantaneous relief.tt af fords, ...edit... , Men:cite diluted through th^ whole 'rendele it • most wrecablo • te r I..‘trltilit “Wbfl. wigits m cencieution impulses NOlUnlarly • •-lir to the troth of • Pang, or parucuis r I. Ci trAam.y. being contraty to their worldly rorrn.r., career. contretion -of tin tr uth riltd c,nmroda Itroll,n a special manner to imbrue& Credertoo ' --ntrontils Mont Maxima READ 'Ell F. it MP. C KRTIFICATES. SIMI. Antra. Fens or Pm-teem CoAlrOtrifOiC — There never ens is remedy that by ben es auecesafol hi deepense cases of 02110:01ptiollo is Dr. Swagne's Compound Sirup of Wild - Clietty, It etrengthens • the elitism, and appears heaMthe ulcers on the lunge, cresting. new ants tiolivelnosti . power• possessed by no other medicine. ' Cuanza Co.. April Cab, ISIS. Dr. Swathe—bear Sin I verily believe your Corn pound Spur of Wild Cherry has diet =the mean. or caving .my I esanglit'antreareseald,which Jtrado =worm; attended - one a IMAM eoagb, that all the retnedies which I had recourse to, null Inermishig uolilttry coast eXhMited all the sy . mptoma of Polaciaary Contireptios -Every thing.l.med seemed to hien zie,effeet,bild my teMplamtincreasedso 4abed **lna and middrigaxe ill-hop:a of Say recoirety.', At this rime Issiossecommendeddo try yourinvleedleittec•tidtiowith.the most hap. py resultsaluab . Tbil nt t litabottletbsolthe erect trt Itiosen the wait. condos ' Me,* inleranidalkselyi and by the , t d amea nix boulesilchasi entire/y wa, and am sour as wit Inn lee Ines and "mug be wag, re isnitidellatiOn res say noel kat e. r nen mliyederive - the hen= for lent 1. , Ptir the truth of the thorns sine -me.” I refer. you in' Peter Reda, Groom, West Chestersdiagymete I purchased the =Zak& y yours, 'Urn illnaelL iromieeUreltii . of la MisdratioNixoster . Dr. Swayner—Dear.is I feel a debt aigrette& due you—sad • doty to thenfhleted gm:malty, to offer rat humble tcallmeny favor of year Compound gy rap of Wild .4:Merry.i.fionte Iftree vein mace f. ins violently stunted smilAd find 7 lmeattruditien of the Ids4whieh was, te d - ,7 :113 s'dbetresslng • sc i =of off b ensialt a ift i mene femitt'iha OP.: . in I fberroti=art_r4p co r ridlon, but eras -At j soon matlinc inedtbstlAil ralddlel'asf Jana eM:= I ChM. I grew dainestal4ar ed 4. AM ara. • ly able to oralkiMOularteeiask Oa la/ 11 We ,- seek was the agnedies yet:o4ms arlaYinniT D uir dl thia' tim ar e I had tried venous prepenthlantin preseripuonsl t ribef—growing all the time inns Jut. 'hen I was bee found advised and "persuaded bf • dear friend in Wilndngtan to make trial'adonr Syrup of Wild Cher -17, UMW cinema Abel `premonsly been poem diced against patent nedietnEk'and tem knee centime mita diellantbs, of empaiics, but ander standing year olnionlo the profession and practice of medians and having implicit. moth hillier saying of my Meads, I forthwith punhased of Ile. Shaw, one °freer agents, akw bottles, pad commeneedim nee. My di., ease was at that time of 2CI 0r93 months , treading, eon .-- solvently it was deeply reeled. found, however, considerable relief from the rise of ant Inv or honks. nut, beinga public 'speak the s!, I freguentlysat tamptedtopreach.withmy:lnettaf alf strength t and thereby alaY.,nased.those vessels that to almarty begun ' is mt. tray, doubdestbdit curt was greatly inarded. coonsmesae. of -Unling hnidaftudyf I had to use twelve or Veen bottles before ens per !belly tutored. I bore po question, a much mailer =mac entries could AIM., made Me woad, but for the above indiscretion. Ta Syrup allayed Me fever. -kit kiddy took. away the distressing bough, but sump to the &sirup of matter the`lungs,' have -gave titan exid.the entire system gitiod health; I have defem. leelLOffeaing thin 'certificate until nOw, for Ihe Ptinatan Cif heinictreafactly.satiafted with the pennammey alba gam, aid now that 1 feel perfectly well I offer it with planare. Inv. I. .Tognsas. Dablin ninety, N. C. . • • , lotptraytt Cataifitir—Raa' Reel , • There is bet melt genuirtz pleputuion of Cherry, tad that lo Dr. nnesstres, the first ever offend to the = which bu been, mold largely throoghout the Stump Snd some ports of Baronet. end all pre. Wider, coiled caned by We li.nar. of Wild Chs r ci h ove 6000 p u t ou t dn. this, under cover of sovan deceptive ethournstanges, in order togive currency to their seen Dy a little observntion, no person need_ ;abash, the istmEne from the false. Each bottle of the genothe is entieloped with a bettatifal steel gogrnmng, with the likeness of William Penn thereon; •bio, Dr. Sarzyne'e the . • rtrait of Dr. Banque will be add • —•7i.;:"'"ralll.a. • • • • hisimiwationTronedrnstkaaa,4o4,,iLy(sra not for the great GLIIIIIITC proper ties-and known artnea'olDr. Baityne's Compound ,Syrtrp or Wild. Charm gremns 11/012)11,1% boandeavarmg.taney their “fictitioni noittiatesn . by • the mum of Wild Cherry. Remember, always bear in mind the name of Dr. Sample. and banal deceived. Brincipat Waco, comer of Cie& and Ram sweets, Phifadelphia: For sale•witoicsak and grJ.44.013,DEN.2r. SNOW DEN. ear ,tbl and Woo4l,rw; B A FALINarrOOK & Ca, err tat and Wood, and tith and Wood au; WSI THOFCI,S3 Maramati S JONES, WO Liberty sn 3AB A JONCS, nor Hood, aaal Pgnii Ord ,1,0611,N.1.11TCO : MaktAiltycheilY net d ' Lle " onidicine. B. A. PM hrsisitemli's frhso I.*.pdr. - a .aan ;sand - co - nibbler moldiness of Er 4ah eattmdritive mildness of panitimen i.y; Ind hayln' a pdeltliett teadeney to the bitter) , rr arta m , ly 'raki,:able in this coon try; In IV tar:': ',.311 , 1 4 . • fr,r.r. Oftei..lllll2alllll, at tended with ~aaci;,;ioll af the rarer, sotrareh abound.— They 13ve im:tv't.rnet flat tes(of tat resii, and experi ence b .prored there to fir *lmre and valuable remedy Irantertddlent, ger:Mt:rot and !Ilion, Fevers; /arm like; Bine. Collorlndigestion.; Dropsy ; Dysentery; Hirtgoos Vomiting. ; Colds. areal] recipients of an Iblermatery etitiracier. The complete-and universe latisfaction which bar bediegiveri by these pills to all Who have °ark need them, renders the publishmg of the numerous cerufiestet in their favor einneessary. To prevent coin erfteiting they are now pat op in a sad xylegraptc wrapper. Pte•l3 cents - for rt box containing.= pia.. sold PmPwed.'"L . d Tit A FAHNESTOCK &Co • eorettloi tad wood, and ohm cantor 6th and lOOOdE qty. . SELLERS VigidIFVOR PREFERRED TO ALL ' • LmastravS, VA, Oct. 14, 1813. • Ms.. ,IL,lL'Bellerm—Osm of our,PbYeielsgrd wboee maims wen ex•terisive, told me this mormeg of a Mai la sublet; I:l9Set•Oial df punt Vermifuge brought sway lama girsvormr, add a gentleman in the neigh . beams& sold *did-lists than half a vial caused the Ms -alialVorsotared-large worms from oue of his chit show...Veryllwayof suchinstances might be mated. Ilistwankoowtratema here. anda/Most all prefer Rut . -- warlishor. • Send mutt dozen and oblige ' - • • Yours, • J. hL WILSON. • Parma lobo do not wish to trifle with their childreo, itheakhow Vertulfs Preparedadd b i t R F. ge. SIIILLERS,S7 Wood it., Mit by Dr Cassel, sth Ward; I) dleurry, Allegheny. ASTRONG .IaTIDENFE that Dr JAYNE'S ES , TECTORANT is sypst)or other tactics for of y th4,is [pass iathat the tea rOn r n o still prefer it to the 71zasedies Mat sad whits say .In bean imficed to try silacAs'llirsfloas they hors Crust brearlably beta =" l ' ...TM Asa basclit which ma ressoashly the bath pri*stiattoand Orilla proprietors. .at hin ey'llatt crhutted to the; au el Jima' •r.o.ressrer as pacii has larrer faded b all Mt era, Ma Width pielliWiiMni Wits i.erno..4l. l ..trYdmoaca. • Sanindr..dilty„Tripr J . syna:Philitelphla r isad sod ea sliza k : in i - ALEX. SAY NES :2 Fourth PAIN EpETRACTOR will, in-Erse colz• ruilifrouieseilmuof•upplicalbsui runners ibe sererrei burns scalds or blisuirs, asamiNlniabsound; slu u 2 d "'Maul ow. This valuable Pala Extractor em be -JOHN DMOB.GAN I=oo4 usb, •inutior. cabman:us a. A. VAIMIZSTOCIPS PEW tusks :dam, one ofrmy eldldrestiaged abut yesm was unwell for several drys, and the = 7 lnm:rued so alarmingly_that 1 feared death oremld'be the result. Raving MuLdef the rind edema oggralusesutek:s Vermifuge when administered to the ddliliren of my nefghbora, and thinking lapel:11d aught. Ornrms,frolnarornis of the symptom, I gave It an tdaspOoOfuls • of trre=d to my frees nstretbannettr It alniutri discharged lawmen 1:1:: ind26olnrge worms.. Its koala: was moon lalltored, and it Is now remarkably welL Smut= to Varrafage4 the wools would occasionally Its tbreatiratutroften feared It would die from 1011111111111MdedLo,JAS. 0. DAWSON. HiloStestArNidnintgo earns, Autla, NS. app ANINTIVIDI , IO -BMW . RATED /TDB AND TETPER DLNTArrhe t o m .efeetaal remedy before pbEa towthissairaioftter,_Asa, dry' lush watery es -of the face, rush and bodyowaly . eraphoos, sada ocher dieesset of the Akre. . net Oatmeal is vitereasd •free Dam =tarry, As Perim*, safe, sad away Isimmed as althema and order ell cireemstAmes: *WM tattsply of this-valuable remedy , meAred arid Sarialsby • BM FAUNIOSTOCK.A. - Co; • • • swam elms and wear; alsa t tomer df 6thweetwtvd semen 41112•LENV VE,ItIdIFUGENo Wald be mrithetathan, Loss'', C. 110 Va.din.,4. ILL IL E. SIZISIS: cheerfareptitYAat I have Ike Paw lama putt used your Vermlfuge itinty alai seivessally with meeesa 7 deCidedll3l7o(ol it to -Mr Gibe? ompamann I have used—Flo4llthMa lasatainod.tbe, celebrated medicine called Dendshot, Faknastock t a • Vonailuge, and a' preparation 'called: Warp Tea,• • recent cue a single, dose ',ltmught from my little Ildy one Mandmi and aii 11.10 WPM. cettainly ought to be ordhout L& h. 'outs ha 7AS: WSON . _ Prepared. wastsulbi by . B. E Ostlers, NR. 57 Wood s t and sold by Drugglas getterally to bottiestles. septl • A Fixtleipt:ot Tooth for 23 Coats. Tual,TE - 21.5 - pi„VOUL HBI:3TH, .HEALINY GUNS.--Tellow and unhealthy. teelh;altet bo• bit ones or twice cleaned with Jona! Smut Tooth •_.'llidto,have the arpeanint,e of the trotibeaudfolllory, ' r "P" tall "u • " t e gighl _7 . ne, it; t onstint ge l. • 114111:irix•ori;-•:!'nt.OVItielifibratl'iti=ttnre. around Ttwoe idrendy decayed. it prevents 1TT,,•.117r" ale bw li:igtii) . T!.,Zte, r that ranke , thelaissir e. 6; -Slj:s . Cry Whi. JACKBIiN,WK•IIxI ;Asset: rair4.thermxl,_ . • A. B.:thi:“.,pei k ir ~A y, TiCutranxir r . l,Usburts , •.., ~ . , W , — - iT ..d.luttstrtor., i • ,• ! , . 4 of • s -Drag _ • tons !. MD : us 7 N - ... ' 77‘ , ..-;• , Throrisr IfOrli. ~, • . • , join - ) ere extensively engaged In thai ..., • .• busitten a No. •iii 30..RIFilect, la and Are pterareet.to, ilapply .4 1 7 - 0 .1" 1. --, m y - 4°4' 6T - rem= with Orwrrunik 'Clrre4.44ffs,- llVlsigns - sad ' Attierleair dila ,ery, . . • • ' ILAlatldriCbcmicudylof their 0... twilitarptejt"OlpTigtartiesirrittettibleot birW .... -wampum u low as *item *Paw! BIM •". - ' ObA II d hi di iS Of Off it AV at sy jui 6. , - so a i 0 L .- - 2ii: wVadF. rebla ..• ,A,F =V= -_ .....-4.....,,,. -.........,,,:.....,.:-.7.--..,,,. fft.t . .7 7 ..i11t .1 1 1 ....i..1 - :.:t . • ,--... .i.t.. 2 , 4..„....„.... mbr , .1— .14.1.4,;=. AI • . —.1!;: - . U,111Z 't • • . . .. . . - • • i [ ' `ii i,t'ij - - *, i • • '.• . ' ... 'T 4 ---t - '-'-'- 1:1 - I - III: m ili - I ' 11111) ' li j UE.1 . 1 .. .. " '- ' ,Z7. - • .1.1 • t• 4 •: ! . ..1, - • -.-- - . --- • .. waooan =rum OP SARSAPARILLA. insular and efW .4114. . The rata antraordkary 111441tine21.: the Wedi This /sirs. 4 pat ay La Oust Beta.; it le a+ tiara okesotoo. plessestir..." .1....ted Prier to on Hlat it cora addend nod:6c =Niagara," ea' da Cle Patiaat. The yroat botany asd aspetiosiry of this transparffla neer another sudkinera that white It radiant. the dis. tun. it inriarrata. body It is one of he ray bear SPRING AND litillidtlV Ever known; rut patides the shot. ratan and .xrensthercs the pantobut it ...Wooare, roro sad rich i hod: a power ponseased by soother medoetne. And In leis lira the gramiraret it tronderabl aura. It ha, performed sithislbe lan urn oars, pore thee 100.0® tures of onverai caw of dismal a bum 15,000 weft considered iltrarabla It hat saved the lira of. toore tun .I.o.9ofrabildren dart. the two put nubs, ' IGM2MEMMI Dr. 'rammed . .Bas. Jamb." thrslionfinta lb. •nhclo aystero permaaaotly. To that.. oho lays hart their =anoint. enemy by the .Serb of totadictse or load m. dm, e a mm ltud l a y ot ol t , at tha memalve haulm= of the passions, sod homed oun pound phpdol Roam Urns arthe imams spleen,. Pardlada, van ana t atha., Wad* oanatlon, panotatoro Cony dadlaa,hastar Mg towards the !Mat disease, Cmpumption, b a hotly reamed by Wm Omni moody. This Dana. will. b lar superior to my Invigsratbag its it renews and invigorate. the Aymara, Om *tatty to the lab., and torongth to the menu* q.tuy a to. aim extraordinary degree. lusausamption Oared. Ohuran sad Serasellsa. o dos cot b. mast Bronaitio, Oosnatption, 'Lan Qaywaa Cade Cain* Oess}A *tins 10Ettbor ly Jams • kractoolo a Olsit, ifanerhull, /NM ` louts, i-ot. Da .. 1113 . 1611 rd: r gb P grIoo l ,lhas Gni MN la amt. =Loon. Mono% Apra Tairindlia=lbeen' am *sr dna beddm tuna; tillsbee. MIT nrellainrs ku l % ltn i eltlL 9f too= IMO and mos Al let I rasilZiguna dr alto* Ind Ma* Ohm* sed daillb bud ant *nod, al atom elms to I Inn eoly soit fiat Bansmilli • dm tan a* dm g. io ash Oa ohms boa wenn um Ohl Anita/ to *6 snr nol- I Ain ls In en b in lot sal ad nosh Ise BB sts, as ass inn, korqba a an hr dons Man Tose abolisaf W/f. ' lllCatitsaion. VolnaidaModhatino — Toiraansfa n. ,Bamsealllab".niTV,,,,V ten for Bunanan, Una arlVards — a Tan e nano, or khan intim*/ co, afkalsl On, lacauntaars Thias, sr tarelmary din/brio throe, cad far the isional mstlatoot of ata rafts— re tam stoner as rush Maharanee:us sawn, frodneod•by Mae readast. Nadia; eta ha Imo amrpridas this 16 nagaradas ribcto co the ham Bram , Pienss was= sal lani• ude. ban takbp=at Immo nista .ad at ertergy =der ...ware t. terratenzumr at the lhotala &nob satlib gnatcoan at Barrunsta II MB La M ef on la CUM of so damn Sinn% ti turn h as nosy the adkiehn, that atan i ,da= a* larre bw *mud to an Manson& of owes Inns fonalsoistra bin litho* ddldna, eat a flar Wan of ildo landadds maid* barabeen .un ot . sautr oftriat • To klitblii• and trllreed Ladles. Th 6 Tabula Barannagabo boo. rinsell **- pared la gausses* nasan`annplaion No math sho *a rowan ea *span as, la approachlaa that aided pada; Thie ars iilk.••ohoild antis% to aka 6, n It lo a anion mandrel* ary of tho macrons sad borabla dlsun 10yarn.male. Ye anion at an data of LIA. Thb rend say ha As tor./ jOr asisod. paws in o4nlW.odlctse N.. blahs adsobla fire dam ono an ispropebtag sialmod, o tt b dean* tombs wars, by gabl ed* the bind sona aold*. omen. Wash toodions b taralotbl. Iltr oh. Coda* elan eo to which woman ise anject. h bro.. the .bole einem restore parstausotly the esturel ...mist by mooning the imperhic• of the body, sot sce Or abash,* at to produce euteequent which is the ceee clam reedichus taken Po cri= ll'4 lreakuese and diattem. By %dui few hocks to thte toodictua fumy emote and NI.I eargical opera nom may be preowned. — tm,ffithbenreethed Child . It le the safer asdinom &canal medielnafth purify luy tha and reßerieg the arfferlap theasidant imam ehidbirth arm dlecovered. It thunolunurbotb the mo th er thd prevents p.m end disease, In. creams and thrithes the food, those who , Mere used it think Ittshuilthethebin It le Welly Metal both before and alter confinement. as it prevent. diaereses attendant open eldhibittli--th Castimmem, Piles, Cramps, Birth of the Feet. Despondency. Heartburn, Vomiting, Puna I. the Bank thd Loins, False Palm, lifonorrhaga. eniation hltth eeit" l `re r= e N rihic l 7 l 4, 1,i91 e W o n •.e esefal. Exerelas le the ope• atr, thd light thod with tble asadielne, rill _sheep , emery • of. aml eary thee Ithenthre. Beauty mid Ileabh. Croniatica, Chalk. and . traretty of preparislose pne. rally I. LW. when applied to the fOO very rasped it of en =am, the Ow of lb•CAIIII, and check the dthuladou.nthich. writ= nthursia not thoraw by decor or pander.= tbe akin Infladed by tb• betalle mead I. ream beandttaltanns inoductiee to the ^ both= 10 Rhine." ma a• thi prdeb nth, .od delicately tint= and ratiwatad Goners A hoe, and= and hadthy eirculateet of the Ikeda or the word= of the pva rich blood to the aleretnitierk is deterartheb , paint. tba countettanso I. the 1.011( =qut nits beauty. It et that whieh Imola= the todierarih=i dudes and baba. of torah.= that an =mire. but no= ae deacriba. V= beauty is the offarioa of ae. Care—not airman =P.p. If atm b on" eve and bealthy drtalatlon, flare fa De breath. If the lady fair ma dads sure. If the paint. and us• crannatica and du bleed b thick, =ld and levant dm ben boas drat If aha bo 'brearn,er pared. and the= iv pa= ad oaten blooklt iploam a deb Verna to the amain, sad • tdiMant7,= that gym that la fascinates . Tbia b .by the retina and rp.ewry th* Spas lab ladles, we do moth admbd. Ltd= in th• earth who take but little aural" or are coeds= In dare roamo, at bona thud dumpladen by the atop& anion of d. nitataraa, If they =all to ne . p ad of darp r ieepaztddrita, aptuddiv „ lira: and beaulfal camitlisiens. thy =mild a= Dr . 'lb flusapatills Thomas= =to ban died It, use me= than =tidied, datighted. I. 1.. of retry widen erterd our old= daily. 12=1 . Thom tom imitate Dr, Townsatna• Harsapartaa, bay. t—way . th .) !Stir Antra grw Remedy In Fe 1114, 44, ke...ind have enplad ogr and aintalarr whiclo Maras tbionaplaints a:fume...oA lm one —Mimi mem who put nit mad., Irma, 8111C1 elm peas mamma of Dr..Ttermontra Bareamn emnplakrur incident to &maim letadd although pm 'randy Mar did am • sabas , of them Pala ara Munioem Lone" ul Moe and mad eamultarkm. Dr. I b the J and best nunady for m e! e mewl= linturetair. ptrint•le b an Win 410.*• permanent aura It ma be Winn by, a. mat linnake In any ease, or bribes - a ciaileittue to become mama With the mated adrintaam; aa Mama. th• araulta and ravan , ul_da dam,. ittlearduou both mother aad elle Be eastralto pi dm alumina. r!I'MIr•RI Thy cominesur coathishrely prove that tbh Basr pal& taw perfect =MI ass the meet anis= die eat, n1;11.131=1. These mass sand is con home dnprecsdaund. Three Childress.- Dt tomersiora--Doz 86 I base the plomans to ihrean,yos_thas Lama my Wider -.bac bees eared albs Berads by the am at your iitetat medians. They was attiessd measly with bad Bora ; have mhos only &sr Unites; h took than sway, to wbleb I feel myself midagrad. obayalos. Ye [l3lManS, 106 Wenasna • Ophdasu of Ph Dr. Teerneend dream day =Aden hem Phpledme Di direness pima et the Othae. This lite eartlfr that we, the ea11e411441. Phydchau agile Cite of Albeay, lut.ososetwom ewes preecelb ed D. Teensateer• tantapedne. ehd " b. one ettie man eahta6lapnwuptioas la the waselues.. P. PULING 111. . J.3virsorr, D. ab.,y, Apra r, tatIIMUIL D . Owing to tb. grad Bosom ond hatormse de of Dr. Toworend'e thusparillo, • wombs of mon who Imo fon:forty ooeAgtral;. coonsorod soaking Swoops. rills Ensetr,'Elbdro Bins, Extracts of Yollow Deeß Ttary rrarrilly pat troy. in *swift armed bor der, and scros ethos has stole osd , oditioi ov adorn arotosas—dsy are ooly worthies Inausionr, cut thoold be nsidect. Principal 051 co. 125 FULTON &med. ens !atio& N. Y.; dding & Co., ft &tato on4r; Bop. rDiott e Sow, UM North Eloormd meet, Mirdulphilti Harm, DruciiiM.Holdmoro ; P. IL Cuba& Charlectou ; Wright .& Co., 151 Chartres Ihree&Pl. O.; 105 &Mb pr...; Elude, Alimony; .od by all Om priocipol Drug• riots md • liorthustsi (morally throughout the Unli,W Crum. Wool Indies sad the Canada. N. R—Pcoutna inquiring (or this medicine, should not be induced to Mira atry other. Druggists 'rut op Sarsaparillas, and of comae prefer selling their oar. t . Do not be decanted by.'en —inquire. for Dr. Town smells, and take no other. •. Remember the genu ine 'Townsend's Rumple! • ttiold by the sole air. R. E. SELLERS, General N °Mamie & Read at, No. 67 Wood mem, and D. M. CURRY, Ane. 1.7 J. 44 •EV t OPTMUNGILIVey, For the SLOOVCry of Dormant and Improperly With held - HEAL AND PERSONAL ES.TAM the set tlement and Arbitrate:in of Commercial, Trading. and - edict Debts; Securing Patent/I.km inventions in Great Britain, Ireland ; fnd the Coldnies and Dependencies %hereunto 'belonging, nod Negotiating for the Pur chase or Solely( the some. DEPERPZICE may be ba d . i on application free of it, chae, (provided rise mouse s not. th at. of more :earidsfty, rg ) - to a List comprising op vards of 1.3,0X1 'names so which unclaimed propemy is standing. .an laden, to our MOO° *den:rd.... l s which -)save appeared for the past . eitryeart in: various British newspapers, addrrs . ped to HMO at Law, and,"nezt of kin. Communicanotte by litter aro requested td be postle o4 -. BENTIfAid FAIR 38 BroadwAry,,New York. geeropeoe am permitted to Hon. Charles P. IM ly h edge„Coart.o ferommon ni r k. Vreeland, StaaM4r. Co. Chris: Carthage ArCk.,. W. J. T. TO W: ' • Fslwardilehmstor, 1 , 45- Cincinnati, Ohio. A Passion, Eat; rano] Bank, Buffalo. nornt-Ofim'is i . he r realme a l o o v i ,i th , a,Cozojatz; ; b:l o a agi yaws; rt-ele ° 4JkLuttit n atila enzningyarn T 1 1:1 .NN.. HOWE, Proemial's, JOHN VIEHELL4 matranate, NATHANIEL Ifilf HEE - WILSON 11TIANDIAWi rt: MLI TIL JOHN IL fiIIOYNO EEO JAI4I*),IL SEEM^ :). J. Fliarr.'4, georarAr.isnsf Traumas. • • Te amnia) statement )I:sae:lined 'theraffitiss of the COMMIT in I Y o niift._ i_mi s iErf,ocui condition. They aims tt bo reet Jag - G wen tIAINDIOIIt tag in dare • • for sale-Jei dad I&4IAH DI Cllllll* Oil Mita 1848. ECLIPSE. TRASSPO * TATIORI To and from the Eastern dues, via Cumberland; POE proprietors of.ilds popular line, haves/Mee their re-orgsnizazion large/ } increased their facilities tO meet the wishes of shippma and are now prepared to forward . • greater mount by the FIVE DAY LINE, as also by additional regular stammer low rams. This lint swill run throughout the year, deliveriv goods throush the sigmas In Beldame, and Pittsburgh to owners and consignees at speeiled rates and time. Shipments from Philadelphia foe the line should be marked 'Tare, J B Robinson, Baltimore." The only agents roe, I B ROBINSON, 928 Charles sg .b.i.L alatoms EDGERTON& Co, 0 W CASE Brownsville. fete J C 81DWE11..., Pi • CAIITIOII intimmita _ _ _ E c AT E : Tam tr aT t TioN 1.117 4 — , sonny Camberhad Bust trelfonk " ofol. lb &b: pure to that of Edgertan & Co. Pittsburgh and western tosrehaats Ire sallied that J Bay. ly Bahaism. No OB Booth Charles st, Battlmors, Is the only stahoriscd agent of this Line In the Esstsra eines. The only agents are , J C BIDW ELL, Tlttsbmgh, 0 Iv' cAes Btootstillit, EWA BTOJI CoChilherland, B ROBINSON, Ballimara Wasters' Tr Oa °eau ats§2ll Ig4BLEIEOII & Ods IS4B Old Established Lines I. TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK vis rmaurnmons Ann omo ism alma A RE prepared to transport goods and pnadnee to pad 1,-front the above aides on favorable terms. Ad. dress or apply to II LEECH & Co, Canal Basin, Plusborgt, HARRIS & LEECH, Nos. 13 & 16 Booth Third, at, PbiL J. TAYLOR /a SON Agts, No 11,TPtb HrolVard 5t,13611,, A. ABBOTT, Agt,Dio 7Wext rareet,,Near York: Pittstforgb, Morob 1649. • • mar2o harriamsportattleall Line. ' 184148. AhAlat 1/11. CULL LID L 6 zoom FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. • G 0 0 n con.itned to mu ern. will be kowipoDoL ,without delay at the Intorno current ratio. •C A MoANULTY & Co., Canal Buhl. Penn .1, Flab; bi IaitHEILLES & REYNOL DS. 279 and ars Market.% E ROSE, MERRITT &CO,' Jed Sollth's wharf Rallbsultrid BEILUCHANTS , WAY•VILEIGIIT LINE. ekftli 1848 . Mia - 1101.0117170 warulmzcnaarsrtoa 07 WAT TWO= I)ETWEEN Pin.burgh, meld ? Johnstown, Hot- JOIV Ildaysbayet, Water eareet,Muningdoa Co) add Pe tersbeltitt)- Thane was formed exclusively for the webs! ao. xoti Won of the way busmen. Ilse Proprietors, thidlisfullor the vary Menai Namur, they have re• .colvod during the lest two yam, would rammed/my i n . form Metr IrMnsla and the Piddle th. arthey° are emu pu ll Wm? prepared to del met good. at amp -paint .on the Canal *ad FLaill prpolpluess asul I:Dyads. • Pick - worth lb WoOdi, John Hollidaysbnigh C A WAnalty k Co eanslbesin, Pinatigh. Rennexml.:—Plushnzei — enhit ?'t j MoDevin; 0 eAllit3haenberger, R gobinacniAMeli Moore 13=h; John Parka; Wm Leldass 41e On ntti. 'ORT 'NHS VIFIOX LISA I BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELLorp. • hls,C o, tubarshi . . • P uma. C Beaver }Prow.. Clawson tr. L Crissommka,'Cleveland 'PRE above Line as now prepared to transport freight and passengers from Plusbnegh and Cleveland,. or, point an the Canals and Lakes. ' one bow leaves Piusbnrgh and Cleveland daitt ,rlln.. in in commetion with the steamboats Lake Ermand lka rust,. , betweenteaboats, Pautborgh aud e Deaver, ma IL line ems propeller*, ' mut aOn lakes Erse, Huron and Aliehigan.brigs sehoon- Property forwarded to any part of the Udall with dispatch, by WM. T. MAT H E R A , or JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Asents, eor Warm. and Smithfield sw, Pittsburgh. AGENT:Sr.—Betel . Pnrk! C 0 .,. Beare, MaMI 1848. Beaver, youngatoarn,* D Bostwick & BrenapoN NCltak, Newton Palls; P Lewis, Neleporg Pi I Whittlesey, , Canipbellspoq J Ravenna; al& C U Kent, Franking MI ler & Tonle, Cuyahoga Mai; Mader & Co, Akron; Kerney. Gibbs & Co, Sandusly; NWatkins & Eagle Toledo; 6 Williams/r 7 Cro: , Deiroit,' Mob; 11PClure in .1. 4,llalminkle, Art; Winslow, Chicago, 111. argil QELIAIQCE • DORTABLZ :DOMP LPffids lAM4B • 18 MIA YUa. TRAMPITITATION 07 1 1 1.11511..50141 BETWEEN PiTn4...ttuami AND PHILADELPHIA. THE ,Proprietors of. tids old established and first Portable Boat Line, having removed their &- pot. in «Philadelphia to • much larger .Warehouse on Market than they formerly occopt, and also kt crecteed them room for morege n PitIODUCIEVIXO 11.1 Lrejt 4 azd zv to ,.. offer moth greater facilitiea tattle, .friends Goods carried by this line are not.transhlppod be. man Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, beige earned en tirely in Portable Section Bean To shippers °Misr and ether goods reunions careful hendimg, thick, of importance. No charge made for receiving or altipputg goods, or advancing charges. dB goods forwarded e PßmantlY. and upon as =sortable terms as byany oth line. JOHN MOW/EN is Co, Canal Basin, Pond at, Pittsburgh. JAM} M. DAVIS It Co., fttOX W l,l l..kUt t. ConUnurus n„ Phila. _ . JOHN hIcF.A.LIEN igP,FOEV,,,rding {ion More Lucas, Canal Buth ; Petssi .t, rutsbures. 163163 M. nevi 4,Flon4ait.6' Timms, P 27 Market, and' 64 Con= P elphts. Adronees made by either of tile above on r Flow,' I and other description. of Merchandise eonslgn. to thorn. Nol9oE—The subscribers have disposed of their hi wrest in the PetuVa and Ohio Line to CLARKE THAW, of Pittsbrush, and JOSEPH S LEWIS, of this ' ley will continue to transact business for the 11110, at their Warehouse on Bread street, as nand, and be geMnfor is a eartnnetence of , ilazatte r ms ,l f their PtiladelPllll,Xlsren Slit, 1848 . Poauea. aid OLto Tran :tattoo Co. DoSBL 7m a/gat FIRST CLASS NE I nATS AND CARS, I'EXMLED TO 11.111111013 00011 ELTOICIN rrtissesan .• - - • • CLARKE & TEA W, Canal Easszt Piusbarah. LEWIS & BurLER, 1119 Market sr„ Plillssfelphia JAR STEEL ,& CO Ara, Broad street COWDEN, CLARKE & Co, TA North at, Balt W. PORRICK, Agt, 12 West street New York. marls m subscribers have this day associated themselvesT together under the style of haer & Jones, for the impose of eculthiuing the b=#gsterty carried on by 'be:v4 M. per, sod eobeit a c van. of the oral patreettage heretofore to the rums. SAMUEL M. 11:11;B, • B. P. PaiNLIIM. Pittsburgh, Marra 1,184& MEM%..11131411 BOAT LINK Ett=l4lll-11tipalla COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF FIRST CLASS FOUR SF.CTION BOATS, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND eAurimitier.; vie CANALS+ RAILROADS. AXTE are prepared to 'melee and Gtrerard freight to T T the .hose and Intermediate plates rich its mach despatch, and at as for rates, as exty other reopeasible The intention otabippers wishing monad Pork or 'Ba con &I Branum, in bulk, is particularly rorpreared, in asmuch ma oar arnourensents enable us to cam such articles through In bener order than any other line. KIER & JONEN, Pil*Ull, Canal Basin, near 7th al. Pinsbersh, March 1,1:4`. asset ht.. a s S. F. 203.13, ER & JONES—Cammiseion zed forwarding Mr r .a. Emit, elmarn, sad Wholesale Deaters is lean, Blooms Prodaee, 'Liberal cash @deansea on consitemonns. MUT ow>, aO. annul, £3llMil . -- ntnarrurro Pittsblirgit. Philadelphia UNION 1411 E, Ea= To Phillodal • t tm VIA CANAL AND ItAILIO•20. • Scan, earner North & ala Balt /ores P. Mute, No I; 041 Shp, Now TOOTICE—The style Moor Erma will he known from 1,1 and after this date, a:Pittataig L , Heat? Oral & Co., a nd at Philadelphia, &arta Hphmo& Co. .11 NRY , GBAFF. NDMUND G DUTILH • CHAS. HUMPliltkiY4 e kliWel Ph i a• HENRY GRAFT, Putabutg osiers:iv PITTSICIDIGH PORTABLE BOAT LINE igkiM lB4B -111BLEK So, du Tr i rpr l Les i ian sf i rrespis to and from PITTSau KG , I r ORK. ADEL H s iA L BAL . TIMOBE, N. Houma. & Caen. Philaddlphia. Turn A O'Custmos, Pittsborgh. THIS old established Line being now in fall opera uon, the proprietors have mode enemies atrouge. menu to forward goods and predate troll treapateh, and on the molt favorable terms. They con/Wend .Itagst tiff well known promptness In delivering minor safety in mode of earrring—eapamotuvrarehose sea at each port, affording accommodations to thipper• and owners of produce—together with their long expo hence and nnxomtnotg attention to business, will wrote to them a continuance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All consignments by and for this line reeeived, char ges plod, and forwarded in any required daemons free of charge for eommission advancmg or storage. No interest, ditertly ertudireelly, in Olktroboatt Ell communicationspromptly attended to on apphea lion to the following agent. BORIIIDOR & CASH, 626 Marked at. Philadelphia. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Canal Buie, Pittsburgh. O'CONNORS & Co, North at, Baltimore. WM. 11. WILSON, 86 Cedar at, New York. apt LASE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LIND. I NEdOA 1848. AikeL . T Hl Llkel n rie k att " :TLen i t ' " =e 'id Pinstrozgli and Beaver, and freigh! and passe_ager ' Canal Boats be tween Bearer and Er ie, and C R ood's boo of Int clam menroboats, propellers and vowels an the Lakes, ia preparal to carry freight and pamengers to all paktum on the Erie Caned, and Lakes Ens, Huron and Michi gan. Raving every facility for conveying freight and pan tenger, trith promptness and dispatch, the proprietor and agents respectfully solicit from their friends a con tinuance of their patronage C RE ED, Proter. REED, PA A C,Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEIr, Agent, eor and Bseethfield to., Pittsbn . ricmigorern wooDs,. JAMII4. LORE, GEORGE TRINDL PA,GENT& JOHNMILLEB & Co. rar,4ll . .1. sioxarcit 4 mon o Asaskasrklve4ll:l ‘ .lro bass g • lEkrolk•te•s I ~a.p;DMIZZIS LI NOTES,DRAF E' M CCEPTA MMooto,gg,Awid BAN N0TM,,,,. COLLECTIONS.—Dratte, Notes and Ate tangier Payable in any past elite Union, collected oh e mod favorable terms., EXCHANGE ea New York, Philadelphia td Dal tiisunv;Aslach Cinch/n.6, Louisvi ll e, Salm .Lo is and Nut: thieen., constantly for sal. DANIOIO77Z.--Notes on all solvent banka its the United St*. discounted Al the lowest me. All kinds of Foreign and .g.rneneun Gold and Silver Coln bought and sold: .ofkee, k No. 55 ,'Alarket street, betareen .2d 4141 h, Pillsburi, P.. rilliippf , .... rADSSSIT, UAN&A & rams, EXCHANGE BROKERS, kri# deslen Forerm and Dommnic Ezetincar, d'emikeioncol podia, Bank Notes, and OPeolo; FourtirMmin, War' ly. opposite me Dank of Dittenoxit. Carom( mo received Mt deponito—Cight CimWm'rov mtd leCtiOlll mode on nearly nil the prinalpsl rioixda in Gm thdlind Mater The digitent premium p*ld for Foreign and Ainetionn Viiralibel made on conalvrausnto Prodiooottdp. on lams! rums. Mau PORMIGIR /eXIMANGIA 'DILLS on Engel:l4 Ireland, and Scotloud bought Eit any. amount. at the Curran itale• liszhe.4 , e. Also, DaUtirteayableln my pan of ate Old Countries, frow„f4 _to 4,1,00; Ute ode or 15.5 -to the EwaUng, wilhoUrdhallaidd 6/ lutattnt, - Jl;elg SON European' one Gummi Adeht, or, &h doot west of woad. &-iteu sown &MILL.----------r & C . &ill& iiii . d• & Ctra&Y, . 13 eign and Itinti t :r 8 tu;Tthl 4 4 4 XI: chane, Cercates aiDepostFe. outo ind Coin; No a Wood street, third door ow Flu* west* side. trusr2lt( , _3. - JØAlrp7:27. swim RAHN. DANKERS AND .E.:XCUANGE. lIRO >l.lotEi; dealers VI in Foreign nod Domani& Bills of RuhCer tificates of .poeite.., Bank .Noios and Col corner of 3d and Wood stream, directly opposite C les Ho tel., TPUBIDI3 Ohio, ndiarN . Muhl, himourt, purchased al the lowest ray, :g hankhiciteig ums a. BONS. sepl3 SS Market street. ' B ila trtrlMAN4,--astht Cheeks on ihflaskapdla i rd - N. 001 :1 =it SONS. Oons7 3 ntly for ale by Willarketat. MISCELLANEOUS, _ . IeNANDPACTURED AND LELP TOBACCO..., 1 HEALD, BUCKNOB & Co, 41,neuth water et, and . wharves, Philla' offer for sale on accormardatmir teims, 6000 pkgs Manufacuired Tobacco, eons/mini of pounds, half pounds, s's, Ens, tr., uh, I 8 and pi% Nam S's., iPs and Sla plug, and tala Lodi& Twist, in whole and half boxes, adze following approved hianda, vim .James H Gram, Osborn & Bragg,l Grant & Williams, A Cahoot., 8 Jorms & Bon, Ponald, Webster Old, J Thomson Jamas Thomas, Jr. Ali Armisiead, I Thomas & Bon, Landluun & Armis , tead J P Coates, J M Cobb Gentry k Royale; Jlt Clay, s, M A Bader, C A Ball, . Green Hall, Wm Dawson,. Pearl & Norwood, .1 8 Blackwood, Nash Pae., Keystone, Edmund Henry, it. A V or i tjanx , V l, l o. binso & n oo , is.th lkoma tie ll & ...y ßotrinaory , I R Metcalf, John Ender . Lawrenico Lords; J Robiason,' Gray &41ray, D II Tarim; R D Id B r an —ALSO York White, et. Havana Loaf Tobacco, errappruu salolle nn de Tara do • do Oleafnegos do do :do frd Jago do Cuba do do de St Domingo do do do Norio & Onidea do, part Ana do klayarille do du, do ' Kentucky various grades do do . Virginia Leal, suitable (or manufmuning and a=part , ...e.h Bead Lalg, Pnrus'n, COnileCtitill and Ohio, • aginia Scraps, sweets German Piper, Pipe Ileadm Scotch Boot Goose and biadderr,) Maccoubu Meat Tondos Bean; Havana bear Otto Rams Be' - Csdabria Llquoticm Palm Cavendish Knirea. &c. &e. PHILADELPHLt. tir & fA? Ms Old stied r eorner - of Smithfield meet and Diamend PiusWrgh,Pa.„ soak respectful all the aurtmion of Country fdereha, Haul wed Steamboat Barkeepers, to ► large sad ettPatleg. anon toems of 11%1PORTX0410.134.emeng whisk mill he found the following broods, nz Eit/e, fitertalia, Cas tello., Pmete,l,4l Norma% Star Ilnut Ildmatra and Dollar Reg an 3•• • an of which will be so as Imo eaten be had al any other house la the city. also, eels/study on hand and for sale, a large and will relemekateek of Virginia, Idlepoefi an; Fins Oa ChreintioTo..ls:steeo, T'- . _ —vet, team—made on tie room approved Dorm plans— and most fashionable Ewan= Panetta and eohms. Air 11)E . CHEAP ROLL mlloBl'ol4 RIJN% en band orm ado to order of all Meta and at all ptior. Country dleyehents and others 11 , 1111111 bed VI gall tug emunine the above torthendiclea,4 - alririll be mid' let:Merle or retail, and a liberal dad-amino made to wholesale purchasers. avidly A w MYTEAVELI adieu von OLLIE. TIE undersigned offers for ule a importer Mee of brick for building, mad. by kis Reim Press. improved machine, for which ha ha. obtained • patent, and ernes to Ors purchase's a anima guarannte that they arestrommr, and will Mitt Rost Shad wet email: , CT and imbibe lesa moisture or dampness than any eth er brink, partying greater body and superior mum and much more duraideln every , npreeti each belch being subjected to • ponsure of sera' toosond pap. swung a.handeonte abooth sure land been. ids., they Make a front equal to the best front Wick They have given M matzo eatistrition to at, who have purchased. A kiln can be seen at mg 1•0d11, sad spuimen at the Gazette race. . . • • • Those having supplied themselves for their bnildlop, .d wishing handsome front brick, or supesiot hest d solid paving brisk, em obtain them . _ ISAAC GRIMIO. Birmingham, Jam 12, IBI& if Alt FOIIENY VKNITFAISFBT.IND Pecrosr — JOUR A. nnows, ITAKES this method to inform blithe:oda f aral ...r t i lleAmblle at largo that Factory aide 011 'the DtantonT Alle:lterty, * * lmre a deo '. ... 1 .PPIY .r Blinda.of eariows edam and otwaties , are eunstantly kept on itatuh, also a !Nob Wood at. Pmsborgh, at J A. II phillips. oil sloth waremem. o an Shallot, made to orderin the lOW style. D' do repaired at the ahorteat notice _.. ? N. B. —lbs Blinds will be put ap withend any addl. Lionel expense, BO that they can be remoied In a no. =min ease of aft or for washing, and without the aid of a sore driver. jyl-dlyk.w.landyB ____ BENNETT 4 BROTHERI grEZIiiSWAHE MANUFACTURS% Mr!WIMP-sal, /pear Pittabereecal Po. wWarchasse, No. 137, Wood stroa,"P4tabrgh. WlLLeemoithatly keep on hand •• amd same. omit or Warm ef oar Gem and asiseciorqualny. Wholesale and rioarlinliktax charm are mitt:mildly ativited to cal as 02. amine for themselves, as we are detersolleed to sell cheaper than Imo ever Woes bees ofeitiltal the pub lic. Mr Orders seal by mall, acaompazimil try Mauch or coy reference. mill be promptly attentled tn. tubs! COACH MAKI NG PROM the very lial sotiouraips went the sabsoriber has received since he has located himself in Allegheny, him =Meal him to take a leasoAr • termof pan, imam ptapertv.hts oew occupsev, in Deaver Weal, Immediately beside the PrmWmittutChurch. From the long etperichee at the *PM busman sada desirous please, ho hope, roamer. it and nmeiva a shire of public p Now °ahead and finiabhrg to ent=timerstylhor, Z., t,ope ei n and e m to p . fluigie der r % an . d e ejery w 4 deaari w of wraftnitret mad lmnivitfj nonaiWang In Unitas if aflowinefisiaTi: Oakmont. SISAAO WILiJA.IIIB, Draper and 'Faller, begs to in; farm the citizens of Putsborgh end others,, that he 131:41r opening at his rooms on Smithfield street, trtc• der the above - Hotta, • large and beautiful emery:mat 01CC;02.6, OlAthileget, Sauna Silky snd other Feelings; umethe, with such other articles as are required for gentlefoed% wear. His goods have been carefully se lected, end are of the newest and mom fashionable mirku men el of superb . , quality; His customers mardepend viva having their clothes made up in • mannerwhich cannot fan to gratify the taste of the man . tamidloue -- 9447_ • __.... - • . TEE STAB, OP TAE WlitilT VENMAII BLIND hiethillpeCTOßY Enna ride of the Diamond, where Vallailla Blinds of all th e different slue and colors are kept on hand or made RI %inlet .4. Wert and most epproyed Eastern dab. • ions, at the 'honest motley Radon the loss ' reaio le terms I A 1.., the cheap Boston roll or eplit Banc p r .,. Jersey and Paper Curtains of all the different Wausau! 1 patunne, on hand and for sale low foteasti. - Qld Veal ...Atha. panned over and rspoin%takart in part payment thr new. R AI WERffk2i . 4 iffralpr. s.,g —Ail work dorm with ths pest iustelial - and erorkissmaillt, and wartzkleff l'll POMO the am fan. Wrests.. . . • • 411° 1 41 ff ' ABsersty WY. Ruff. 10 , 1 81 . 3. Ct 'FBARI'PERRY• BOATS FOR fitaaedo,Tent. 1,, wibers ger to cell one-fourth eff the MO rem boats,Oeu. &yak and Gen..Werth, actheethuthas amen the foot of . piqn street to Sea Mil. *mato anta;undre it • profitable Document for capitallsta, *tiny urti. - , may utak,. tolltAt Ina* be-00M For butt* 'guys,' Inquire c' ,' _ensalf . „ . _: 117-acusumio . ccrop i te w at_ ' , t •• oSßPßlS—Reetived thls day.deneri b.lll ths torinufaffhisot— NewsOlcs •.YeetrY 1 ply . Catpetscostok sutler; 'ad • GO ", eq . - no . upon . do - Rthtsels.lll.arpetN do • `l3 'very cheap, • •• flo .., sicilleoldillpttiper•lnselth• •••-, So •-•--.. i rkili34lDul - ffenpuen• • SO /pi d o a .1 id i:II , .111' Inlet lead at a °unit advance, ariff I 'All ithanthee as low as oet be risedia the *OP A ME W ww,x•mom. ~• Pi hearth et 1 PXYLSOiSPORTICes ~.T9VI burrow IHEL I 4 I , I N. al Wood 'trierburrow racer a foil assort lifillasentof,Piitio Fortes, selected from • the following manufamories in Boston and Neer rerk,lb Wbrch the natation of prochmers Is rempectfullyanyited.• Those fronrar.Chickerine,,kfor. the sale of which he is who Agent in Western Peon sylv.is,l hues what Is termed the New Circular S 0118..; being an =Movement recently made, nod giving tirmo decided adVatteird in. power and'equality of lobe over any others, The following aro the pi:Literal god ; styles of Chickeving's: No. I. Reseorood,7oeiMeatuditiell buckle Crcts,l94oo. " " richly carved . 0 nj a a ' Y 405 "4. " 61 " carved runaldingsi, " 6100 5. 61 •• finished buck and ',ay ,41350 " " 61 " " " • "• • 'IMO " 7. " " " • s33k 9: a 6 projecdng front, " 1230 " 10. " nchly.caniedsstyle Of J.411.1814th, " 11. " r hollow corners and hollow cov ered legs, second hand, cost originally "31.25, and will be sold at a very reduced price. No. 11 Rosewood, roundcorner, yery elegantly de bated, 805. No 13. Rosewood, •rdandberner, very el egantly finiahed, 8275. Me above are manufactured by H. Worcester, .N. V. vela known as being connerted,folanerly with Wears Stotard..Worcester kOntilitun, Y. NO. 13. Rosewood, ol'.erved ramilding, made by the Manhaunri Compony, N,.y. $175. . No 14, Rosewood carved, octaves, Gale * Co'., N. 1 .- 05231. No. 15 " 01111 tla ' " No: in, Rosawdd.l timed Pietro, made by Henri lien, Paris. No Mahogany, 6 &Wye, , second hand, price 1175. . Old Pianos taken to part payment for p d ew ones. , J Brood N an ELLOR. d Square Piano Forma, for Western. Peunsulanni. oetl7 • ANOIlls • "' 'SPLENDID inortniern of Maho gany and Rosowood Pianos, fast fin imbed The. instruments are made of ffirtl7ll the latest pattern and best materials and pill be 101 Joy for cash by F. BLUMR,II.2 Wood trd d Soul Finn. N. R.—Those who arc in want of a instrument, are respectfully invind to examine dose before pur chasing elsewhere,. they cannot be excelled by toy in the country, end will be sold lower than any brought from the Raatn Matijust received, two pAnooo(ltbm burgh ipannfacture, warranted to be superior to any ever soldlit this country. 0et.13 P. B. taw tesTaVaiONT. • • 1 3t at b lr:Parill3,747,1WIt e' civtlf matlnfeetored end and - perfeeted by Messrs. .March & Whim, of Cineirman. The usual, compose and extent being but four octaves Meant. M. & W in mmarditnca with the general desire, end demeni, have attended the seaje of these instruments to 4y and evert S octave., this I - entire •it practicable to perform them any music written for the 4ismo or Orgati. The exterior, alto, bus been touch improved by placing the body of the instrament upon nroot iron frame .beantifully breezed and ornamented, rendering it at once a. MOM elegant and extremely desirable article. The price Is put so low as to bang it within the reach MesOrY nee ep phone n perfect magical instrument, and, as the same time, a meet elegant piec e of Sums ton for • compamure vide. KLERER, . At J hV Warrul 5v..11.12 GBEAT MUSICAL NisoEi.ii - mi — estior has suet received from Europe, and for sale, so entirely new invention of Piano Form, calla the CAIL Mgr PLANO „FORTE, which possessing more power and ewcetness than the square Piano, occupies but one finthh as much room, and is a much 'more showy and Mordstrwe piece of Mrititctre. It to particularly deems. ble where the saving of space is on object, being ex. ceedinely mat and compact, and occupying no more roam than • email stile table. The suescrtber has in hand a testimonial of to superionty faun Me celebrai ted mantel, Idoechelles, in Ins own hand Shane which may be Inspected. 4_,LALELIgIt, __ _ . oetel At J W Woodmen's Tisotlwa Ina g R D ECEI andUttul d 4'ol "";,' N.*. auk, NY. 12/n7OL-Nunns & Cla Pintos, with the Auachraent, wax talututo . England br Mr Coleman, and amount, many other lesumomals of ad miration Co. a'li'ened specimen of America.° skill and inmulty, aliened the fink:ming remarks from S. ThaWrg: the greatest Pianist living. Lannon, Jan.lB, 1876 My Drart3lx—Ln enclowng a letter to my fneod, Mt Ersind, Pans, I cannot 'errant from again ozpresomg to you haw much,' was pleued with your "Radian Attachment," which I consider an a great musical it. pro...merit I ean assure pm • that on my pan I shall with great pleasured° my airman to make your Macro don known. For We by At Woarell'a furniture roam. st Mot&Ms Mx. me A SPLENDID . assorunent of R 0 .50.. stood and hiohograny grand action 1 , 1- *nos, Just finished and fot ale. fffi gli f. Also, taro splendid itostrs!rood ad& Colannue eekblated Rtalinn ansehment, finished in the most modem style, and for sa f e L - rt F S llg wood in IMISPOR.TATION. TIRED, PALRE.I6 - 111Vo4 48 ?PA - CKETi.IIII - lis 18 . AXIII CLEVELAND LINE, vta 'AREEN Canal Paeltel—nWALLOW, Capt. Port OCEAN, CaptslN alter. NE of the above Packets leave Bearer every day, 1 86 t 6 6 v1l t 6 Ye .avAI) .and some atammlag at Q., where they marmots nne apkthe ;imam for Akron and Clevelmol. arrisniett each demo., places before night. One of the PA Act. leave 'Warren daily, It 6 P. M.. nod anise at Bearer m nom to take Me mamma steamboat for P.lmbargh. Ju LEFFLNO W ELL, Watsen, lITAYI,OR, ProptiCia. BEAVER AND ERIE PACU UN . 113/SQVGII mpis &mkt to torn . 17 _ (meal Par..kehmasvtgakTaiDtkpLharelaN,t.;t v • v Sdyt - • " Perron Brawn; " Far-anon, B ayer. The above rime and Ispieudid Pusertger Packets here eacaraanced running between DEAVER AND ,ERIE, and will rah qvindagly,iirtrmg . rietwatt—one boat leaving Erie every momterst oratleltißsititinri Intro. tag Beaver every evening. immediately after the amt. vela the ...boat•%Mugan from l'utaburei.. Tim brims are new and comiunably,furnialted, and will run throb in folly home. Paasengers m any point ea the es, or to Niagara Pal 4, wW tatd this room thamotkerentortable and expednimik Tickets throne. to MI ports on the Lake ean Imatommed by epplyin to . REED, P ARITA k r Co, Braver. /WIN A. CA UGHEY r cor. Water lout tannititielu sta AGENTilt—Jas C liarelson, Ettufalo, N Y. C 14.Read,Enc,Pa. C C Wick s ficesztviDe, Pa; WParhtud and Yiei, Rag Brad, Pa; Hays I Plumb. Sharpikuikk, Pa; W C Malau,Skam, Pat D C /11alhows, Pulaski, PL R WCuaniogbam, Near Cutle, Pa. ' Postasylvasata Canal Ea - floasi j ;kii.; prosa,lfaat Pocket :Lame, EgagMlB4B..MM PIIIIII-ZIIIBRUGLI YID PIIIIIADV.I.PHIA r NAb- • TlhlOll.F, (Eaclusnrely for Pasmagera.) Mphlie are, ropeetrally Infbcd that this Wm commence en th ee,92d Mt, and eon- Lthroughow, m the Scum. The boatman new, and of • sitpefiPt cla;s, !aged calleas, which will glee (,caret comfort. The can are the latest cowmen/en. A boat will sArays be In port, and travolers aro re- Wooed !lomat and anannoo thorn befora engaging pus olsowlarro. pro tmly Giro dollar. through.) One of boat. of dualina vrtll leave the landing lopporita U. N. Hotel, correrOf Penn creel and thertal. enery eight at dee o'- clock • Time 31 day. For inforoasnoa apply at the Mee; Monobgabela Ilmt.a , or to D.LF.F.OII &Co Jet, Canal Da.in. Passigagar and D.euittnnea 00:44. itiltki.RDEN a CO. coauuse to bring persons m soy pan of England, tr-land. Scotland or Wales, upon the mon liberal terms, with their soul puttemalny and attention to the wants and com fort of esamorrants We do not allow our passengers to tie. robbed by the No t that West the sea ports, as wit take charge of them the moment they m ean themselves, and coo to their well being, and de. Veda thaM Without any demean by the first ships-- Wrist, this fearlessly, as we defy one of au passion gen to ahem that they were detained 48 hours by as in Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detrained months, cord they could be sent in wine old end, at s eh if F ith l ' pe b rform i7 ott " r u to r otacts ' eon what It may, and not set a/ was the CAM lutuLion, wi t h ether•odacera—who either performed •noti all, or when It suited their consanienea Drafts amen at Pitietmrgh for airy muts from t 1 to glom gamble &tan) , of the praetor-1.l Banks in he %.ftir d. Scotland and Wake. JOSHUA ROBINSON Earopetto and General WEeel/ the menu= of the public to the. ertiele beadln! Mb advertisement, and Write Mean, terprising and curious to call and witness its opera ,Anartfireitisecuents In 'elation Io this nmention, to the 'bandied' who have seen it tested, is tootle!, Ist. This Chum wlll produce Butter, geolleying It In a mml,ll= sweet milk, In five t oo ten minutes! and from canto ;meowed, as families ually prepare ft, Id Ibsen Calve atieutes! 21.1140 L mnier ofthle lovettlon I. apparent, as bet ter nadir 6in be produced front sweet tallk, or cream, num cream sour •W In the usual wayi and by, pea. of lbltultt [4l of bay can perform. five or taILIIIiIMICINirhat km heretofore required the labor of $ woman unman for one or two hoar. end sometimes half, day. - • . Bd,altimPlytesniii a 'Lomb Ronne, the whole r takentint, Manor; nothing Inn the butler wiling the plain wooden box. Jnth- Jt ,thapkeirpern chain Over inVellte4, LI the dmplal of Liu b,,,,tretlen t (though clabodying a past per- pringiplet makes it but limo to atanaftetere it It lii eoomion-sense Omni. ss ell will adroit vDowW oxiimbre It' . v. We hisO partlawd the oe , ,opoly of this valor. Ole improvement from Mrs.r , llolverLs DI Fs, th yorfitlitises. Wo ere ataaraalcsats . poly old& stylwi wti r 4 for iho Slues 471:11. 1 .1. !aryls:4,nd Del owore,wr ell Will n,-ate certain and lariga profits to thema l ry(t¢tmerand a wpreaT mum' of 111YeatMellt. Thirpabliefre• Wiled 'to tall end witneisitsOleoratloa, QIQCe rit u ZftW ii "l lll4 61 ' 6 /4,Pas. N ..,•fittop=ons, C=X:tekiaost - Buldings, Eit. CI elrileaStoseindreif Jaim,Ofilso eigkeltf af kurtassuire hat hasahal them the out staple tto. tft em/e, in thstrsulturdasuphirdleesals .1 Sad to edge it soctly to that relief and cans. . thodrebe wish a saute GOOD MOWN ststaytudeXit tbegodvt• of itt otatehattn . and the inTibabla - ti" and • sa#Tritoviume. Th. bouts his beenialiired hot& o= m itri 120 araitothaprdeed arm oue ufateutrad iodic them? sattaPatteeftliftaftlftft_ the ass. its prosults to the bate It hu attalated,taaase tmcmikr?fk,ifettml!_ sad oares,Csat Mal sa lardmarks sad boaase the Undid ' the ham of Width. Rb (hi ( clam Col.& Os Taelts,s etzdamta et tdsh alt adtaz and situates Iginat ,oo : o tha Bombers ftstaautilatate Salutotad Catudt?t„ftritaift*Pds'4 Hews. 1, B. ft D. Bunts t— • ' arm Tafti7jaoseS, Ali d a v •d , Clunumo.—Elextas uted,szel witossesd chi sits of ym 811.11191141111 as &Emu priori it amts m of A qistamycli24 • Vl:gluts, Umlauts, Tans, sad Idsdeo, I feel touch pleasure to statist stpaas latch Ilededaftad of its crud modiettud rem to laT meet sate ItEtle uarto, ramming grade dai - esonstad slits atlas seettott, aft 4 4 rattilh-ttl. the msst=ater tst a uv toshe sad inUtorattor Wom:tea • Is • ported and estaastvelv used be the IL ducat cur ta li Za, sod tatoosan, ZSCHLILY , TLYLONIM faC *salt. thftlWA... bets to the habit'ofealog ft, said rocatumd. watt ;he azel ..... myeau lohoPtal tee "ma i is O. amp tijaailliad WI. DOW driuddind 11.11 dread MMJPIMIMILO ha the army. „la cosahaioa I waste say that the Naar AU haunt thsftsre. • sta pased, - sal IMu that i.rist=chtemm Y haunt ausasheat the kWh tad rsi* User Yeats refrrOWthlars,bgll LAIL SOWOW . . . . . RZIMARKAILE GYRE OP SCROFULA.; soy t--OsesUmas.licsos imuo tar tee I== a l i r m t ro to " digi rc. , of Oa =to dh o ti In the atm xi Sty Watt . ii.Ver .." == itMk tis' oax i i a kto =Uri- ms {Lab o i t -.o tatttormi nehtflittna ~ .IMr g az boi l the ktan tulghl Her .. ore .banwilbontooy i= a4 ‘• ';i• . ... haoatioutb Zer. "1"21 :1 1= ltoto .t6th at* mity& DI ntforoner a - ..be. al t o ad bit 4 , 314 t° at=o.val./limbs tho autumn • _... L,;.; . nom Vitali/2E l bl ta knawlßTl* Prt" .1' • '•.:I‘: .phgat, : .41:00i1 nvii a Win rooltrod ftton. ILT;N:It. _fisnarada isg m n i Z ah s is W oo ao Taa=m tonvi liMuloy , it 14U.0 MT •:-. "AjWi4=lC " I D . 111 41M 2 0. 4.11U59 ' 7 4. 1 0r t n . ltaiN. . . . ttCt hosa 1tiv.44 , 0 62 1h11.01500 V.l,irst Da . :21=1161111ditTor7==° hi 61 .ft....i = C• R aitorN i - in.porolno =team stlinthon. liis, • , :AZ l ah l i ttz mn gairtitr a na %7 tttm • .. 1 1;111. - - - ! .." Ns Tfr . 1 .11/41. l'ill .#1* ( ..444 4 .• .: Murat - Moira I. IL aD. - Y., Od. = - liwpaugoo-fooD,Mtadono xra WlllolB' Ilbuiseni .ol Duo Vomit 1 ,,.1 * .g. n•ft dirt , . pa . _ iitt ihilri DA inn bon mitt, nt OM= 0,424 II DI Dtted. noIR Moth sin ItteakOtel ti. , Vitta.f.'ix nom sad loref/., Thaw 11 1 DD 117 ttaah 4 l l oo:l • mom sal for s ion Don I woo 40 Itntrio Chit wit .=tho= wVionaa wort=gthmagas=.lX„ silm 4 r, . WO oothous but readmit** Wilt stqto I contooottod 001fiti - i'lhanhil omit..lmo ;As moo aro nil MM. ADOIIIIRDADILDT tiOnahilenDll4, to tho elheno arm Vulg.. Toms• mut ropier nal mitten* , PM/1 =ow. - •• Dotogpoinnony oecutschol with Ike moos obtrilituttil DuE rto tritiadttldhiai kr be alma UAW Y. D. MAD, Juntas, ofthiPTiliss. .._._ . • !UM= AM sat" watiansa max, ir A. B. & D. SANDS, Dizromers Caians, 103 Tosrawn.. Dammam WILII , IIg, NO sold m 1 by DMELIm 7 ago3looo th• Unikd Sad 1:422,46.. Pzica 81 per BOX* t six Rouble tar ts [Errol an, corn le in Pitteicrali, iirbelea ale aiiirre. Mit, by H. A. , FAHNESTOCK. it Ca, cerium ViinoAaiadf . corner of Sixth and Wood sts; by Jr, corner of emidifieid and,Fotirtb •L and er of Harkin at and the Manton di also, by 'EDWARD FENDERICH, cot Idenongaila•Valre. . . •• • . . ADIKS Who Use Common Prepared Chia, are . ad often not aware Low (neon:Lily injurioas •t is to ee . '••'s sa ...• ' t pkui•E L A 1 the skint horecoarse, how rough, how sallow, yellow ', • taIN &EN G .-,P A!ro and mlosahliy the skso appears after - tains premised • fro , THOSE , - SUMMING.) WITII MS l 3' .O i 3D chalk! Bestrimy ft IS imenotta containing a large quan. A LUNGB , —ccedenteid soceesaierhich 4u Lay of lead. We kam prepared • beantifol vegetable • headed the ag es the nicle, which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILY : PANAMA ' " • •'• ' a WItITED It Is . perfectly inlloeoll4,beingparified of all' 0 ell die various fermi mblch Irritation or the lungs lis• deleterious maxlitics; and it imparts to the skin • nate.' games, has iirdnied the proprietor main to•eallanen. nil, healthy, alabaster, clear, hving white, at the some' Lion to th is traer i =ith a cosmetic on th e skin, making It Loft ; WONDERFUL PREPARATION. • ' Wei& I Theicehmtgablet strembeertelith - parka ASO' folk mad .4tzwi:itt}itukAbentl 064stowaremeh m la*.euttho ammo Of el: l 4 llVlMtpossesses Ole most beauellti I Thaws, if veglec t M, - ..m• -, AziTmia.,.....,_, .. : , rat, at time the same me innocent white I ever saw. 11 destroyer, .certainly eau conscienucanly . reetimmend its meta ell! . - .COSUMPTION , -- - •r• • .' - 7 hose skin requiem beautdrog.” ' i Tite!threstlon, •then, here altalregt MP thaiskaarftlet M . , Bar Poce CS tent* ober_ ' the built how shall pro get 'clew or okr 'conks' and' ~, , -WM:JACKSON, nt his Ban 5/141 Sheet •olditiatif•VitalimportancetO theptablie, ', ' re Stere,S9 Liberty street, head of Weed, - st , thesign of ' • • , t Tsto:M. , .T,A.11,11.(LN1,Y,. the Big Boot. • / 25 will be (mud mthe gisoparyftnimie,%o of Ladles, ladlia, Pm astonished , we have fratnume to time published the: . a tC When you know th at you are promised demos Of out best 'knoWn.6,itlielth,yelto 'Mitre ri d natural, lifelike, snowy white - .enced'ltecorativis'perwem Titece'arlds *moist. - That you wilt alit one common chalk, threeszlitom idl j zts Of the mac hart - , • And took s deathly yellow fr i ght, h CAL OF THE EI - STANDING, The theme of laughter and of talk. Minister! Of the 6 0 Me4 Ito lafflethet-Wiataaniaae 00 1 If yea would use a box of JONEsS lally.whitts,it,, tees from the woMI ore Moor skin as Crammer yet 1.414111 i white, .NLIIKNAIS"OF Tfikl?.KY,' 4 .. . ' l r ' titand . , the pante time clear and lumeove It. Sold Sit . e have =homed. in' entophleEpae, and'lnath. lied JACIDSOPPS, Ed Liberty st. Pelee 23 cents per boot. gratis of any of broeets throciterattl. . MIS . . •• HUND SUSO' GP: SLEO' - iiil=A —LT ok AND S i ULOUS — SVELe have boon used in thiscity L , .z. , . .. , ' •• MOS.—Si:roe la in all its multiplied forms , USANDS AND TLNS OP THOUSAND:I 'whether in that of Aloe. Evil,eal mks o th e threetbOut the thethO'Shttes *MI Carada,add,We ere hinge sn' men to . polltreint• ~ • ••.. ,• r.. glands or bOnes, Oottee,•White Seellinge CarOlthr , • ' • SINGLE INSTANCE ' - IL• F. . ktherunillaM, entrer, disisasek bribe Skin or Splae4 a which; whem taken stheotdinff lo,dittntantkadbe. or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from ono fore theriongs hadbeccette fotally,rl I I his ! sad the same envie, which is a poistinous principle aver faded to more or ices Inherent In the human system. Therm! _, _ EFFECT A PIMPECT CUM.. , -' ! ' ! ram unlew this principle can be destroyed, no rzsli. . , ". r eTtthee3 nee d the alletedl ' a iteth ? uthrremn to the mieemnle nostronns, gotten ahoy an 4 ..01141144kdhic11.: L eal cure can bo edected, hot if the princtple Oho), w_ the ,w wwi .. o , o i,k",g . pil. chick the "rcieiso clopeads, is removed, a core i dd., sa l prided into notoriety hy„certifietho., c' „ par.' must of necessity follow, no matter under what lona I em s equally milmeramt Whilst* medielne•ef ' i the'disease should manifest Itself. This,Olorefore l UNPARALLU.EDIMFICACT'' ,•• is the reason why Jovirs's ALTert.erivt ea m one ! is to berhathwelsoie•machera areht hodersosr lulled.; venally @Medicinal in ieroovlng eti many malignant j born, — .l4 A ol c %,,,hoth !Wil ma ... Tut u , G . , 0 , 1 , :. , . : 1 . • ; .rneesses. elt deatroya the scree or principle from l join the ibi-77,,, th e ~ed,,,,.,,, ..,.;,""b,, planed whten those diseases have their 'origin, by emeriti e% within the reaeb•df the poor as well the rich, we hors into the ain:Alotion, and watt the blood is conveyed pm the primal • -' __..„l____ . ' • .'t __-- . ... to the rennutmt fibre, removing every particle of . . . 'ONLY Wirririr 0163a 6, .., i . . , • disease from the system. '' Prepared and sold at No.l lost pee half dzes - oat Rost of cotthb ' in to S South Third' Streit ;Philadelphia. !tor sale by out agents in merit Miry ' ' .._ ptt age Sold et the Value Tea Store, N 0.71 Fourth stem. 1 rZ r .,.. th e ' lb ""', o 7 L '' ' f re P" .4.4. 6 ' 11 '''''F l W ropciatar, Putdiorgh .. • ' enc till i -' - . . Ele m lWlty..thededihrbOluo. ____ ...- -• -•— -- I 'in - pitoi . ii i iiisiinsTAisztsrumairr, ~ • • 11111.42.2.141n4W1LTWA.m; ' . .144 he - L irl:atelliiiis friends. and Azjablig Or the' extensive h e aWage he haereeelved, of in forming' them - that be has lately' erected *large, and . well minuted Padding, for the exclusive purposes I 'ot hi:WATER CURE kT.A.IILISILNIENT, at hi. old [location, at Phillimbargh, Pe, ea thnOtdoeltheri ripper , • site she steanffloot landing at Deaver,wherelthiCly tore:min paneuts as warden., dad teen gm ' 11y., drithatitie principles. In addition of his Mktg ii core, and the great Success which Its Ficieloßks at, tended his llt4lltlnellt of patieln* , comattned tali, Mimi t ha haaAose the additional facilities.agordedAyea ex- AMINTO bri=seeeted expremily fig,th. 010190, COll4 IL uillutkpO se nod any reetlps a ri fitted artualt , every bete-wary . apparatus flit hy ;ma dmui. I teeing the treatment td the utmost bene t antreonifort of the pattern. Rhillinabutult is a • mbsrdsthritful sad healthf %Wage, easy of remiss of stewedthath, and af ' fords Se said wholesome water, Dr. Acker salutes , those afflicted tenons who may place themselves en der Ms carts,4nst artery attentloo :Mall tashold Mtheir - 1 comthin; and m m assurance °film subsuonial bebefits 1 to he derived, he point@ with conddeneeto the' how. drody who have been minumently cored at his Mat. lishment. The Water Core leartentoinfteious effects l behind, os is too often themeerrith. those who Use I been treated on the old system. It removes the die. ease, invigorates the system, protectafeeth;the dangers incident to changes of the weather,. Creates a natural rind active appetite, and imperuf*lger tedieativie • es powh. Trims of treaument snd - poardiserrieso able. For.fortber panicalarsimains tit,thecsli or address the proprietor al Phillthablugh. ,- trusteed .• . - PEA CE t PEACE I XVI IN wattxy BUT IN EVERY MOTHER'S HOMESTEAD. IHE undersigned has long been convinced of the , nucasity for mane medicine adapted Mile meal dldren and Infants to supercede one of all those medicines which contain opium, and hop at Anal see. Goaded in preparing and offering to the public a teedisi eine frilly answering every purpose for all diseases MUM bowels, without the or, of that ilpletenorta drug, orsey, other calculated to boom the :can. The Intent P ant acne has been telly tamed ace tried the last twelve tumults, by numerous persons, and Munn in,pcosess all .theastrsonlinnry mimes; mutt* priahice ad the agora. tailing effects as set forth on the 101 l of directuma anima, Vemitum, ChohoiGriping, Pakus,.Sic knells and Dimas. arising. from Teething, acting immediately without distarbing any of the 4:mmlmm of the body, i Fleecing the .happiest and most pleasant tramiltion man violent pain to a tranquil and Joyous state of feel-, Mg in the hole sufferer. To bebadurhoLessloand retail, of the Proprietor, Dr. : JOHN ,SARDAST, .Druggist sod Apothecary John klicchell, Elliott Beckham, and most other Dmagbits o Allegheny and Pittsburgh. dean tr. DR. W. P. INLAND, of th e hledieal College bf Phil- adelp his, now offers to the public+, his Indian Veg etable Premium Plaster, the qualitica'of oshich ' after' long and tried experience, has been eathifactori)r em tabliahml. To all women who ma3r be afilicte with Prolapses Maria or Pollen Womb, he recommends his guarimmeing a sure and speedy cure in the short &Pectin( (rem two to Met weeks, if applied with Care and rest—discanling all the equndms Instruntonur and expensive bandages or long In use. This - he feels c0 rn ,,,,,4, nt i 0n ,,, in stating, Inasmuch sq be bee • not foiled in one case out of Mice hundred and fiftylthree pa tients. Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Back, at tended with pain, there fa nothing to excel this Plaster attottling . relier or erecting . a core. Pm vale by L' Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market at EtrannA Reiter, " Liberty and St. Clair sts Dr J Sargent " Federal st and Diamond, AD.- ghat/ oiq ka Jacques uo, Denman and Diamond Dlrming i BA. FAIINES7I3CRI4 ANtr43ll.lo - Uft etus_— • ThiaCtitharue compound combines amallness of bulk with efficiency and comp native mildness *four. auntie action, and having ,• peculiar tendeney to-the binary organs, in extremity valuable in this country. In which bilious fevers slid other complaints attended with congestion of the Liver, Ito moth abound. They have now Mood the test of 21.1 years, and experience I has proved them to ho a Rafe and valuable remedy in Intermittent, Remittent and Bilious Foocry Jounffice, colic, Indige.on, Dropsy, Dysentery, Bilious Vomiting., colds, and all complaints oleo indantruato. ry . character. The complete and universai manlike non which ha ; been given by. these pills to ell who have used them, milder, the pub/jolting of the numer ous certificates in their favor unnecessary. ;To pre vent counterfeiting they are now put op la a real xylc, graphic wrapper. Price 23 rents fora box containing 3D pills. Prepared and sold by 1.1 A PAIINFSTLXIC Co corner Ist and wood, and also comer 6th acid W aura.. scp23l JOHN D. 11011 GAN.• ,• NO. 331 Wood street eet, one door south of 'Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa, offers for sale o lae lot os Drugs, Medic/nes, Oils, Penns, Vaniishes, weirs . and Terfurnery, Foreign and Domestic, to whi ch he call. the attentiou of druggists, physicians and mer clients visiting the city, as he is determined to tell-as very low rime., and give general tiattafttetioh. LOoods vrarrantod and cheap. Varnish , Na 1 and =r N, Vork manufacture; also lap. and Black Leather. Varnish+ es, of aupertor quality. Also, . White and Itcd,beeadar; paces lower mats heretofore offered.. J.• D. 111. - alao manufacturce /dogmata celebrated caiagh Byrup,wieh . ~,,..iveu gement] satinfaatiou to all ID the curing of , . coug - h e , colds, hoarseness, indueura, whooping cough; croup, etc; price 23 cents per'bottle.• Meg, ladlentiver Pills, a certain cure for Bier mitalgi n nt...! sick, headiche, and all blame, eillimplainta. Pr ice 1M Pte.cis 1 whoa. iatirlalCAN TELEGIRAPBI OWitCP4l.llt. U/031..... nrrIMIITIOU MM. WllicigwtO. ' , WESTERN LINE. .1 , ,,, i (=ea at the Bzoliange, Baltimore. EDUCED BATEB , —Ttmcharges have been iredu 4, cede. all Aleasages' to or (Bird Baltimore, Pitts )* or Wheeling , and 41 correaminding seducuon on &Utah:useable despatches forwasted Ben &sl um, Wm of Pittsburgh, Pa. Bare—The Mule Cot a telepaph 'despatch -to of from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and P.eling, WU emu.. for the Brat ten words, and 3 cents for earth additional , word. , . . .117 - No amp La mado for the address. and al,gpla-, 4.111114 . . , Ia0 11, 0 tompletion of the South Western) Lino of latterMomphia, Tenn., to Now' Oriaapa, 4alk: , lb be forwarded to Ideownla Vitale now, nn ' ... •Or Now deon& -SU MUM EN= DR. id LS ALTEllenyPw • We have been informed by Alia Read at avast. per on her by Dr. Jayne 'a 41teratava, Which prove -its superinfity j over eves y Inbar madly 6f the bad. ens hes been aninen. for the but stutters }ears with NkritthdEili or .IVAikirri 81.1,4344hz t , u w. will. nleenrgons. and nufsnistion kif sgrul.us opes,do. , I.rius which u me atflny pierek hard Drab Oise 4 from I the IrplUal '116116 thi'Vtattiitati ftewth.bib bet sane, ears& and hands, but from liodr teAcadfroorthe federal bona, and [rant 11111 01 SM itacat beFidearlidallel• miners on other puns of horpornonovhseh have .tiatbad e liar or &umber of the atestdminitiVph)dditansol our du —during non' of She aoselhdr shiteringt haws been' essiballagwnd deptdratild.' ;About three months earns she res.rindueed,m ny:Dinlngnes watch hss httnnn woo , okinzir baTppycliyativailtV, by re taw sing all punt and 'swelling', and nutmeg the ulcers to heat, matfett dirsinne time her !general health has be redgilistelyrdantedoo that she now weigh* D lbs . 3.l ' o 7 . 4kl 4 o 4 usiornshopuauurnsbd. the am. of this In3lr , nib 4 rigetion---(nht. li ve: roil. For Clothes inquire ofAlSn. //We, Nal LTV Fdhan stabladelgdpia F° " 46,111 ai the tEIfIN Trd VOILA Founi t diU Emu Woad iS3 A Chillinga to tnia — Wiatldi 111WEiellt.FLVE DniLLAß'Swilitte'paid to emcee J. Who lltilllntitnitee *nom of paint; green or dry,eltat cannot bc,aitracted with'llcat l s !Moroni! Chemical Soap. .1 bare the satisfaction of saying to ate peep:WO thiapleho i then dila article; br myown unnirorament Oa It, now ettutda mirbrillo in dim cottony for ortractlagl grease, Ur, pt oil, nanp,, or toy Other..etrarl lab' "UK° bun all Mb o t ; Of gentlemen's or Indica , clottung , Carpet's; table do . merino ,mionerli, lidies l . breihoto, I ite, without Waring impaling that Mills woter 11 lant i iAltve. More dm? olio -ttrooarnd pajama 111 In treat' patMei.ine. country lame 0/d =Atm , Would of be' ' wlilloalall till cork one dollar per cake. la upon We &ma oil thanAoo onkel,* of light sake, maw, ab Paribhaiandvalleettlei / hare. only found three meet of alit, two. of ogpanit i ., nag Goer of canteo.on.whice it' Changed the We theneforo. helm puntnikliqp aught I E trio a ainnal of ,thadnnai,nint. I slate mlan'eaeaar/ 1 amilmenniniobreat to nr-coonmenditapy ramtater than I knOwnrabomtictlyntwa -, , , , ... bi_ 41 11 . 01 z• r.Price i t 221 co .pa conk's, • Nola, , en r ..,30 totall . .areta _ _ _.,,_ ._,.. 1 an. TOWnlngraLrn ItTiclitiAl!A 1t141.A.-6134n -, Jtj - inet iecebied of Cr. Townsend'. r 4, the mod catrionilintry medicine in the 'wortfteto g x . ..1 Ogitliteut up ei oath botileL lite - nun duies *per, I pitlaulniet,'and , orathinted troperior tot air old.. si , I curclra..wittommw:9g . ,purATK. iii, , k ag ~..,, dettill . lobo venom. , .f ‘ ; Ft , o - . , ~,.. Loot °yr roe lannalunna—t*cifteltilatirtah m coped oar labels, and-put .ap medicine, in . annll3 . antmelboule. .Bconhat sada, LING Atte th e also naturoof tkr.Triatasetut, . . ",, • 1 ..R. a s ' ^'N.Diuso(4. kW , * omo,b4r:rei, 1 Third,aingfcatah, se Dr. nowasatutbi. endr,th,h, ankleibil bgbal/°r ittabaillAi cr '. l4 ll , l 44 ;ll ll bhibln ' acan be bash ‘, - i D, hf. Curry has been appointed the gale 14,105. ABefbellr ellyi'of shout the: yemineil artlelo p'....iyrafT eIhICCINE. O IIIELMUNtIfor aldai .. JlClloolo3arra ' agt, -;;:,,"; •~~ `sfit ` } i;''' ' MaruatritoDuciatilitottudg Pa, 9 .ault nth, • 42.61L.liairettfity y amid the May b:awn= iosdoodabluoirinuay dower's:squill %VdOsriskilorg It* Mrs. l* ONW Yfo_drars dielrgosiosiL , •Msitorthrioofallio dffTudnil t...itt=r a t= 4 7 th .a tat= s's dry .to twavint. Wig PletV l l ., t Oissa to be. I lisys &susses wi th Mr=os, yea* Snrsif SterSeed Dielit'arlDryot gaugsurroes4totolutotu wl..lll,4d,WfkiltaßDl kid esseb • erayonuted sadylisrd Ours. • inlMsteirl tooor, Litt fraltillOtOp4O IWO 'M.S../ tura Troo lam =mail sacla Drw4. mobs: of Immo army rufficuroktotorposoersor appals thooldNeollalt rho sei t a=torki Or Ay pro t 9 smiths Your Pills ore Wag wit, mot grrpsurr or gat sea ire=t e Mt li sels, riss socik Mort am lulu door is Illy don (on 6or 7 purri rota AMOS.' 142 .4 444 . 1 1MAirer bronteotio tooselator atterfd bywoo. lose so omit draw May birrol4motrutotoodsrurpodest irrid, egiitAwkrEut II *ft CrP aj a k tdth DOtAg i. oiroccay fta thou in stf urietri limber Fr Lim Complaint Ot • 41frolimotr Ala McW r t°o 6 t9 d 'in i ° AN di 4 tli fiu i tth iCli tP l=l: S l ai724l ,4, AM:4VA rdp'''f, Ands. .11jigablyzEVAta* Yillk DDDrilltiii*MOt 040, _ ; 4: 44 16 To Mr alsidllesst „ Ur =KUM FAB/Na,zoortu row lit them itil;sataVi=t; &11:Ma:V=17..44 ,l:th:r4attyrhe*izkts em article of thet for labia lirniro arrow .6P Oleruio rho dium;knrSW gr" . 'reZZTIIMTitALVtt ni,sno Lacing, in his IsyrieultoraiClumoistry, p. 49, Phil od., observes. l I 1. .1 `,!:') r.Mtadrun Aid upon arroomoot, salep, or indeed any • kind bf eurYtalareacur ford, 'shied does maxis! intro ' Otintits filled for Oro fidotirttion of boutO feud anDules, become Drr inuett xxlo=ol=l ippourtull, but &Edit b 4 4= 1141' ..Zro ` eIL ' S., :,f,lki;.` Nown Yo rkilt,74.Attffr.,..3"Mtit:l2i: oritur heal port ilLoateureal Profoutori mid ..dttlVArt:ulrfibtrUnt g . p=l boron rot• Aim( la taw rota at aura/ anksandad. orulrwoOro clio.garE Ppoundout is bet ta neee 40 fensunled of tuunav Atiro; riot try means of` Mash natare makee.inp 4r L oy reiryoss Tune OW taker piano.lMPar...b°dio wholesale or retail, by SEW area liestrit‘i r. OR Coughs, Astluneand Courwarlent , ,The GR E AT AND ONLY REID= for UM mittroPilm thrive' di:Beaver, dlim•HtaileADlJlX-11611tEMII OP LIFT, discovered by the calebrited Di. Buchan, .1 London, Eintlatelieett InivothiteadlAto Mc United Baum Ruder the terideoee of the inventorkg 'The extratinibiaiy mamas of this medicine, In tY, cure of Puturongr t4fofl#oool•Pwlk. -thP *Mk= Age& in soliciting (or treatment the * oral pc:entitle ea scs that can be bound In thrteodminitillikellalt relief Y•in•frOM WU; Cd4he WPM= the day, and lime been given op by Mb Most Phrdolans es °enema mdaimistabki.: The. - . Balsam lias cared, .a 4 LEURiko ll ar t aggr= of casee lt is no quick' • ben meihnims...., ori known ind' •• Every family in the Coiled Suites shoold, be with Bucluues4==f PAholirt gr ati coritileractOn pliholatimsb but to he used as. preventive remikane in all colds, coughs, spitung of blood, psis In thief tpyo of. the .10itp,Jterghltis, didlcany of biassing beam fever, tiltatwet u ra4 h tart Mon and general debility, asthma, cough andotiono. . Bold in lizAttiSotlfre, at 111 piir ottle, v itt hilt - titre*. tianaftirthermumultut ofaltht . • , Pamphlets, containing a mama Edgllsh and= can certificates, and other imiance, elltrenteg obtained : f t& Ar l o l ,= l P/P,Robtodlti mnY is .f.Pdr. Ails by if A P ESTIPgIi k. Co., comer of Vi ft h O s4dl Y „ V , 50. „. !pare DB. JAYDZIS CARCfjIY TrIFEINIOtbrif ntio_g4 the Rev ADA SHINN, kare erianallholonitestibillir ptVeh Tbe dad edletaingbeeneflibtedilafthh4am wired viiiiiirdieekuia ofthe atoMitch,ea..tre. filelanteeltpain in the otemachihr tea or Make home anikatatieno4uinn,nn3 IlDefiligreig if tedim PanekbeavenblitliCarifeel a wee.fathiched onfr - thirk r eChirmetareilelaren„ That hence ea , of Xliker c ike pain to attnn w ill ales, and In Wen aurremy,mirkeicaeifetEsa akkentimaweenadraly.temted. The medmitko terwardimed win:neve, indicatiana of Me h of paiamempereolved-, and the paralfrea theaebrpwant• eentleamiummakthe r medreineareap afting end sordenemlin the :momeig, sad in ik leen snake • treahhenuk as terremored,ther ihraufferer eras relic. ed from a huge Leo= of oppressive pain. Vtonk en 'patience, _Allergia:a, tni eanamaideuelp kteriashteemil D • Dbarvaiebribannianknve Mum, ah•, at a mlatatpanfdhale fi q. OII4 . O :"P" U PW b .F 4 .? ° Z,,, A ar?: re": ilia riumergh at the EcHIN :TOR 711,floarth mreetonear Weal, eked alp.,} • firenvelit Vederal street. 4 11 0 .7 0. E -0 = :-4 7,..: , ;..,..R. -4- .... 4. . 1 .: : . - , .... ,nro the protege 'Mater, I was se - Se . ap7gaWeted yob a scrofulous com Plaint in my legs, smillad been r ev Seine , monthe roidertleschni oF Pltylne.FA'hey . win oty tam Was ttrotutc lommible,tannylutly tolbald do bet Imle for me: 'f Mrs nearly helpless, Ws with the atd of ennehes could, yrith '616401 0 og - I May lest,' 10W-hosed acyo4 - and ..0e- 4 • • - Ta..si uati...2.u.5.x.. mkouteit. ofmo • • •,. ths write emunenewa, Iscallnt,.ithgthda eilli •• ' mil es; Ul4 oillyn Mad — fempe with_ . , end 'ettllt, , t i lts i... los stVram=ass . MY •• - ,shave men no Otthe •r"" 4 ? be .I=l tinthpl.,M4 hos no , . poirlialt fa ft , ,14V = 4 I . = f 2=01 .6 4 . the twin Ste Anent C 0 ,T the mot. .00 aslowlookstfe and Sited,: r r H. & . F .k. cb ..• Real l wood sts,'& aboottester WOod ablletpts DIA* vamp tiatintir - ' -'•'' - LI r- Viesm Mg amenes natele , , fill. Shaft:4e . , Craim 1!a BASC.,tar aticelar, .., , i :.• . ' tr. .4-4w,Afp,h,inc#llll3a4r- dinike• terra 1; -,• t , ...- , ,y, - • Satatifol, A PaWkst Pit% of All•Panefelt '' , i lt. ' • al* boxes, Muctlsleg "freminl ta frtr''glVPlhovebleft a went bag, and tolled awl able tor antsaens,•• ,1 1 • -t/ , • t, -, •.- ~ i St S 1,, Persian, orsloneenyawden H .. ,- -. , '.'i ,• .• ~ f WWI hair oil. ' 7I a ~,,.. B ,C l,2 lcMi.l;'eF 4 lP' ,IFL'ancl Prijrn4. 71... , pofriativlokt.i itaelisitatiii 447 . - Shen nialn••&da *sip; togenicywuh.nthein vassely al eut° . -'w-Tr • . :, l , P ar. ‘. ..4421/41/01 roil .. ' 7. ' . 'nee 0; us vuhaikawy i 8a4141..—T;7- 44 - 331S,SUL MESA virrLER-J atrii_aiz i : ai. 0,. to my fellow trebles, to state' :Mao Soar:eddy'my. Vegenalgd Pabbonasastswn. 'feted I Instated I.M•ltalsars, about elevate the ham effect of,wiilett t then samt; 11.11.fieeOe kayo yea h, savOletreetX eatttplamte antantank as ati logs, att a: fine dirre dme, and In eeirry quer* tuba tboSidiansahnts wilh easipleusattM perfect access It has awned relief:ad mat& a-ifw few •filtykt &le leitudoty le *it* eledielne. I do not lcnos. • ttoerlLwill canna d fixed . Inesseutroo, the,lamtem L Poltava a `nee tatquealla tiSAli a rt l i l i a l . ek MU e: . I E I. all pasoooooy 'lrl-5.p1..” , .. I am confident that it :tuts, been tke means of • •yasserrtnavny,bfo aa ltits day. &Man JOS WO. itENS&MiIf it . 5t13.4 I For sale VS A.Fahnestoek, & Co, ;carer st end woodallat also cornea Swodand esk, , - . ~ , sELLExes IMPERIAL coma tittaut.,4lbas paweakftortid' ' Pestorson, Fan....11,p47„ ---c li„.'S: 'SW , --so wife has Mr anal been totaeot Rote 4hanWt!r• W- ,,. ..• .4 wiser i4ina, fit ,sba wsne of k oe„ melt aliment tweet.. ,-rojetwfies, and ba4 the " ' ' af thit. sepia ,etaluenrphysliiins ki 'England, bat ellbras unsiailing/ - Ely ehabohli , branl -d Im yad.pede! Cattgh fityrtm,-and, was Litisty_ 1 a boilTif kal.rl4 alsboaatt 1 had no be meld reeves bee, earaplalat. To soy yeas /747,74,1 two doses twee her namadlais tenet Slabs at Ti m alUrasank a. esatitb, tomato tesspoonsfilttf STroP stOpe it. lam Satisfied, after a vial offtne r t 0n . . 1 . 161 4 21 . 8 e/l'r* F 91 .1, SYTPP,RA:I i ahoZI =duals t Weaves Ina elsherin 1.. w, Nvir Seventh Ward, city. of Pittoink. Ttoi Mom candela* abode, ecerlell flgt . m notabled with eough or astfonosto boo y a M CI. It bury .1141 led 6ur IS cents libia - "at drag non tsf . /1 E 0 vt-t -P IP I , 11M:l et. =fir% ci# l , 2li In* b‘l'Dr,flinAmth'" -181JN.11.Wrr bit. No . [Meek* , .•• !• i - 2011 Is -1 / 2 1 tuckers!, 20 hf do teitdo• .-1 at% 4 •-• !7,; ': . ... . ,IF I S. Al., 4 6 dot A.huois tiaratallirs do . e wto , t tdrlo Nutmegs; 60 las N o tie:Alf 0 & S.l.tas No a dadan 6do mentsdnoafat 10to No 3 Preerd•doi 10 AO No4fid do 1 . . .1 balhOlovesa 10 baga:Jaravatraq,-+; ' . • ' Sandi primp N 0 borer jaw reWdnad ot sale by dee d SWAT/ k..Clll.titstridon Q ... vh......0h,— , 0 44 * -i4 ,L-yi. h... k"...,'"eFL nee "Ttt,Payetteeotulty• Soi'lllesek2l, '4n. lfir; g &r .' : ' ll.i&xsae--1 befit.). celery -WWI Ms used TcßP.Vefol l r , l3. l f l efwatlYe and-benVP ir if • tensaiperfor so auy I na ve a.: W.* :___air . i . M. Of 0 7 01 0 ft" PR ° 41 " 1 is t w N` 4 . ?T ti l d •t! '"!'. nn.. ' PreSered and stall by ft S SELLEkts,. eV. at_ Sold by Or Cassel, nth Wasdi 3 . ) Id- etvf-TY, I , l 4llftenTi • - W JtAmith.• 2 'WhiWihh 6 h 4 o 6 i• 1. , .?4 T.:- -,,.. 1.....- - sonemille. - .* -osy4 • TONT-1061 ' . TlmmpleugdiCuiear,Tone., 7 f./ from ibii el:tanned factory pl- ti vua* [ chili, N. le., lipl t.ii ausve Vial., romerocel, 'Wks,: ont cu. vinto one 6e octavo, eynn Colterneuen . .f,olintclt eek t . Jerold :• • t - i k•-, ; • Thole very interior Pianos' silt - be ittlffeu iiilmaNee trictzura, -`1`, 74 -` , l"' t , BoN Amnia Namis•N Clark Dl{ tneti4l camUra eau omens 66n ewe Dv . deep -ARDISTRO:4O-66 taunNß PerTgEttltiGH tiAZETitE, emit , OMO . II.4OI.7',I7IIAVERILY,/tWE'Er I lef o a o / o, issigoisll4 PsdCw EL.ALTS.II,ner lIVI SING. Ono sasertion 66 Two tascrotfgOtkapol6 ti 664.. 04.44,, 078 D, Week . to 60 ...,..... . - =Yeah " " old . . 11.11•111,11.1 r SOO Wenloath, ••••••pir•• 3 00 0 4 OD Tw0.::... . oa , ••••••• 00 0 o 6 ••••••10. 00 Titre, " . . 700 az LtnizatadreNentnen ts in anon ; T 0peq1...41. One allate,6ztonotsrnthont tho n g /5 55 &ink iiMitiplicOnvinnl con6oinntin...Q.O. 555 AX. . . • ... •10 OD COillitillnin.it ann4Opi rnievtgole Antony" lb 00 - ..,_,"illiil4lilDiolsitiorifor LTlnon th e.: .drip 10 00 L .__.• "G. 'PeDre!,6 months, reinable at panninis ao 00 .115etki.:21Piemlffirterw, 615agqii., , ,... 4.. 1 r . 800 w aii-4tmnitsrat 111 %Inv-Lim& Ann nnnans.3 Ingettnnuo, —4604.4.. t•,.»•.8160 '' *" ' =lL:Adana:od 1n5a 612 .00 , 04* ST .. Irlin'llaate az lait., pus 'cu. ••••••••• • 5 °° 4 n 'n 'Wee yreired.int i ! ,'4 74l7o o 00 ~n sir mantes " ,-,. 8:1 - , StrelltellWillifilM l33l ,fl .l l 4l 6 ika l t) Into, orlon', Cwo insW o 4B. to. ••49 4) a Two, " •••••••• Ue ii 4.,:: ~;‘, :, - :41,, ' ThreriVilf -- /j•joj .. i 0 t. ,an " ,' f2.11 4 b. 0,01. 6 - i. ' 141.1Y• : • , 1 -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers