.11 . S.DICAh VALUABLY/ DISCO CONSUMPTIVES, BE ON YOAR GUARD , COSPODNO SYRUP OF WILD gHBOBY. Tins ollip WS= POI COrmarninkosyCOngtoh C•isoUr Amram, Dronebitis,l4, o g obent, Spitung Blood, Difficulty of Breath ing, Pale in th e Sideand Breast, Palpitation of the luart,lnithents, Croup, Broken Coo . mimosa:, SoreTbrua4Nervonh Debili ty 'd all Damao of the Throat, iti•Cr ' wand L n ung d prost ef fectual a • cure , -.ever Integra or any of the above &seas , • . es, is DR. SWAYNE'S CesogastmllffißYlmP or Wild Cherry! nuthetheine is no longer among those of doubtful ,Bs,lt imposed away Dom the thousands daily Imo/oh:pm: the tide of et pedment, and now mends higher to reputation, and is becoming mere exteative iy7.,ed :no any ether prepanthion of medicine ever predated for the teller of suffering man. • is no been introduced very generally through the Ileitai States and Europe, and there are few - towns of importance but What contain some remarkable donee of Its good e Teats. Fmr opera the {aleph, alinements, and of the value and efficacy of this med. the will insert a few of the mazy thou ,wluch have been presented tohim by wen of the int respectability—men who have higher views of moral responsibility and Dualte; than to ref• tify to facts, badman D. will &mother a favor, and • themselves no injustice. Such testimony proses eon • clunvelir,tbm smiansthit excellence e is establishe dd by its Intrinsic meth:aged the tauNestateable author'. ty of public, opinion." The bistaataneous relief it af fords, and the soothing influence diffused through the whole from bif Its me, renders it a most agreeable remedy fur the afflicted. "When men, acting from couscientlatts orates, voluntarily Max testimony to the truth of a thing, or parueular, fact, sad) tevtireony,lxing emissary to thug worldly interests end purposes, coerces consignee of its truth, and commends itself in a occult manner to universal credence:”..-Crllogna's Moral Mamma. READ THE BOMB CERTIFICATES. Siam Anna= Cgar. as Pramossav Constrients— There never was n remedy that kola= as goons/al in desperate cases 'of Cortimeptions as Dr. Stone's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the anteta, and appears to heal t h e ulcers on the limo, teeming new and rich blood; power possessed by no other methane. ' ' Cum= Co., April Zth, 1818. Dr. Sum/ma—Dear Sir. I verily behave your Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the means ot some my wor se I ettuera • seve cold,whiel i zada. ally grew , attended with a sesem c ough, that resisted all the remedies which I had mount , to, gull increasing oath my ease elhitubtid all the symptoms of Pulmonary Comammtion. Evert thwig •1 talOseneed to have no effect, end my tomplatntlecreased so rapid. ly that friends unwell as myself, gave op all hopes of yourvry Athhis time Iwo toommolus invaluable medicine: I did so with the monhap py rmat, The fait Made hultheeffeetto Inane We, cough, causing meth expeatowitai =Lily the time I lad end six botdelyl was entirely sad eat wow a hearty a assn as I ever wase in my me, cud would be that happy to give any informaltwareonwing my ems, other .offerors may derive the bend? fig whilst lam so gtatefuL For the truth et the- Om natemejirader you to Peter Rosh; Grocer, West Chow?, of whma maven:awl the Medicie. ly yams, - .U=2 Manama VAnedeful Mire qf a lifithdairi !Swim. " Dr. Swayea—Dear Sir: 1 feel a debt of gratitado don to yea-end a duty to she afflicted 'generally, to offer my humble testimony in thvor of yeeiCkunpound Sy ,* OVred Cherry. Same three yeantdaee was slolently attacked with cold and Inflammation of the which was accorapoird with a dthetning blSLamain the bream and head, a Vert corwidera eharge of offentive mneu from the hags , espe- Moldy upon chants* of weather, !rawest? sired. s it frail fehro Os= about my condluort, but was pretty soon convinced that / was TIMMY Bolsi into mammy do, I grew anise:esker, and at lengtliwas warm. ly able to walk about, or speak above alsithrpra. : th an was the seceding weakness of my lung. Denet ?nu time I had tried anions preparation. and prescrignons, but bend no mite •••-oserbitg all the time worse. lest hen, I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in Wilmington to teakettle of year Syrup of Wild Cher ry. -I mast confess that . previously I had been preju diced agates:. patent me dicines, and lam still infante these miming out of the hands Memories, but under standing your claims to the profesaion and practice of medthim, and having Implicit faith In the saying of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, Me °from agents, a few bottles, and commaneedas use - My dis ease won at that time of 40 or months' needing, eon gequently it deeply seated . I found, however, cosuudemble relief from the ma of the fort four or Ave bottles But beteg a public speaker, I frequently at tempted to preach with MY inerommf Meng* sed thereby ruptured those vessels that had already non to deal; in dd. way, do title My cure was greatly retarded. In consequence of =mg tram imprudently, I had to ma twelve or Afton bottles before 1 war per fectly restored. I have oo question, a mach caller number of bottles would have made me sood, but for the above induiereun. The Syrup allayed the fever- Ish habit, took away the distressing cough, put a stop to the discharge of manor from the lungs, and gave them and the enure system good health. 1 have defer red of thin ecrufisate until now, for the purport Of bete g perfectly satisfied with the permanency of th e ears, and now that 1 feel perfectly well I offer it with pleasure.hay. L P. Joanna. Dublin comity, N. C. Important .Cantioa--Bead! Ran& There is 'but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. BRUTIEIt, the len ever °Tend to the public,' which has omen sold larVi t.h uthigh=t the United Slates and some pans of • end sit pre parations carted by the name of etTy have been pat out mace this, under cover of some deceptive circumstances, In order to give currency to their sales. By a little obaervation, no person need mistake the genuine from the be Each bottle of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful steel engraving, with the steamers ofWilliam Penn thereon . also, Dr. Swaynel signature: rind no farther nearby: tbstportmit of Dr. Swarm will be added hereafter, so as to distinguish Ma preparatiorifrom others. New, if itwas not for the great curative properties and Mums 'Virtues of D-.„ Dwayne% Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons mould not be endeavoring to give currency to their .fictitions nostrums' , by stealing the name of Wild Cherry. 'Remember, always hear in mind the name of Dr. Swayne, and be not deceived. Principal O gee, corner of Eighth and Raze 112OOCIB, Philadelphia. For sale wholesale and retail hy OGDEN & SNOW DBN, roe :hi and Wood sts; B A PAHNESTOOK & Co, cer Ist mid Wood,, nod Gth and Wood sts; WM THORN, 53 Market en 9 JONF, 110 Libenl.SPl_dil A JON ear Mud and Penn ets; JOHN MUCH ELL, Allegheny city, end by all respeetable dealers in medicine. °ern R. R. Fahneatookts Extt.l.l3l.l.lesui TTh.,Cathartic compound combinea smallness of bulk with efficiency end conmarsrtive mildneas of the action, and having a peculiar . tendeney to Mary organs, is extremely valuable us this coun try, In which bilious fevers and other complaints, at traded with congestion of the Live; so much abound.— They have now wood the test of') year., and experi ence has proved thorn to bee safe trainable remedy in latermtnent, Remittent and Miens Posen; Jaon dice; Billoas Celle; indiP 4 od • i.DT.P.7 tarp Bilious Vomiting,; Colds. and commune of an In dartrandory character. The complete and universal aatiafartimt which has been given by these pills to all who have once used them, renders the publishing•of the numerous certificates in their favor anneeessary To prevent emmterficiting they, 0315 now pot up in rod 1:y10g - reale wrapper. Prtea.2s cents for box containing 3D pills. • Pre; and-sold by, .eparcd 'B A FLEINEffrOCK fr. Co earner ist and wood, and alas comer 6th and 'rood! sepl3 ELLERS VERALIFIJOE PREFERRED TO ALL S OTHERS:— LEXMOSON, VIL, Oct. IL ISIS. Mr, R. E. Selhinc—One of oar physician whose practice is very extensive, told me this olong of a came in winch one vial of your Vern:ilk* brought away above CO worms; and a gentlemen in the n borhood said that leas than Wavle caused the di. charge of neer CO large worms from om of his chil dren. Very away of each outcome might be suited. It Lswell kntrint about here, axed almost 12 prefer it to slay other. Seed me Lb dawn :fed oblige Yours, .1:M. WILSON. Parents who do not wish to trills with their children, shaold ere Sellers' Vermillige. Prepared sad wad by R E ) SUIRS,P7 Wood et, sold by Dr Reuel, Sth Ward; BlCarry, Allegheny. nevi t ASTRONG EVIDENCE. the Dr JAYNES F - ,pAcIinLANT is sayetj. alba Masa. fat oCatuntaptlavy BtoarAttiaiAatta.,and atherPulabo ..ticatai tbal.ll. ma pezadoaarbo ealaameed Wa ma of it to thalf Amain tea Tars qv. gall pada it to all cabac reasedioll the ki.l; andarbertarryha. Item lad.. In try other plepiratiaet thay buy a.at hmtialtly been ttattiTtaltthab..at which was teatematy anyejp the Itlghptaileabactattedr=tor mot hoe returned to ltaa ma of iATIM , rilialy tata never Wad to Mina IlaaA, WI 14 . 6 prilmbly aner had Daum! asmnia( yalmainarydasate fttamtal maly 11 , 1J1 D. Jay.PhiNdalphia r tald WA= ALM JAYNES 751Faarth at . RAIneLLEYD i'lLltl EXTHAPOR will, In Eve ruin. s from the time or its application, Worm the from the - amazes' burns, scalds or idluers, and will heal wounda,Uleers and sorts - of any ki nd without scar. Thu Tabrable Pain Rondos: can be had of JOHN D MOROAN,_ NO at W it a l liztel, ;We April for W1:40111 PIM= B. A. VAIIIIIIISTOOHOS VERMDIIIOB.. PEW weeks since, one of my ehthlaut, aged about la years, was unwell for several days, had the increased so *burningly that I feared death would be the result. Having heard of the good effects of Pahnesuukte Vermifuga when administered' to the children of my, neighbors, end thinking ay child . Might have worms, tram some of tho symptoms, IMO t one and a half teaspoonfuls of the Vermilbga,and to my great seumishrnent ti almost immediately discharged betereatiltlO atidOLO huge worms. Itsbealth wits soon Ered, and It is now remarkably well. Previous to the Vernunige, the won. would occasionally in its throat, mot I often feared It i would die from strugulatton. 0. DAWSON. Thrusts, Vamps co, Pa., April A 411 api3 TEurrs CELEBRATED ITCH AND TETTER JJ 0111TIMiT Is the mot effectual 'remedy before the public for the core of mum, itch, dry and watery pimples of the face, neck and body, scaly eruptions, =I all other diseases of the skin. Ma Ointment is warranted free from mercury, is perfectly safe, ad may be! usedat all dams and order all to cos. A fresh supply of Oda valuable remedy received and for tabby • 13 A FAILNEHrOCH A Co, oomer uf bliand wood; also, corner of Gth art wood =sets. - ELLEES' VEILIIIIFUGE—" No family should be S wilhoca it l” Locus, C. IL, VA, Aag.44,418. MA B. E. lirrusaa: 1 thecafally cettly that / have yosiotme years past axed your Vermlfage la my family, and universally with" mete.* I decidedly panfar ft to any other preyaratiori /hare nsed—amorago these may niahrd the [celebrated medicine called. Deadahot, Valatestriers Vermitage, and • patwortaion called Worattfca. /a a recent cm° a magi. dom brought Nom toy little boy one' hundred mad de huge worms fierfamily certainly ought to be enthrals it. Younr era • • . JAIL LAWSON Vreliared indold by R. E.: Sellers, No. 67 Wood a t. god sold byrimggists generally In both cities. seD3l at "the Het of Teeth for t1:1 Omits. METTHTE TEETH, FOUL BREATH; HEALTHY GUADA,—Yelloor and rinhealthy teeth, after be. _lng tenser or 'Wee clamed with... Tonne p.m, have tha appearance of tho most hennas' AneberTooth ivory, and AO the seindumo itbi an perfectly innocent and ex. oildttiF fincObat its constant daily use In highly ad. vandagixiit.at !wen to_thosa teeth that are in a good eon. din, eying theirs bearttiftd poll, and preventing • =are wou t i mpr. li i tilitte . hyrd h h w prerws b : Ciartlingloose, b . p aotao erseverance it. will nary the faaleit teeth delicate whim, and make the Snead, no- Handily avresal So Lby WIId..IACKSON, SF Lawny sum* • sC.A:Piliamirl, • A.-11.111a,L,N. Y i:ny 11. L. Ziroxams, pybaNamic. . _ . . -; lilr2 . 0.1.6, rug Store In the Mk at Self Yorl4 irlwervvlteC4Flecalfely. anoired in the •,..., ',Wholesale hoeteamlasNo. *ha a wee!. in jar ,sl2 ..mo tt - 4 1 " Prjr Wi " ) ,.. i l : fag :SgtVe.stgla t ' ..".---.4 111111 i .6112111:WIEL reihamery, ....idanday Welatelk42l=2lo4 (pithier am?. n) ahl it/1 ether ankles then Mill 01 ' IP ALWenlngailli••• (cant, 11. b u r'deer= be Rip *W° 4 o " ltalhis =is " raiU2l T 0 ag & 45e; NOW TO% II 1, --. . Wood& soid.Bloosisg: 41.0 The non otztraordistary Mod is the World I Tkio Zrtrod .6 poll op is Qmort Bottles: it it —. olsopor„plautraw, d warremted ot• prior to mq soli It cons toiikaos weetang t uMickirsise or dr Pain& pea homely end eoperiesimof this Sereapaas ever a other medletnee is, that while tt medieetes the die cue, ft. in orMarnme the body. It in one of the 'o7 beet ' SPRING AND SIMMER. XRD_./GINES Ever known; mg enly partlln the w hol e symem;and flied: person. but werpmeacdt g . = .l l ., a erse, d ir . u.t„ i , perform trr peed secret dim erenderfhl mann It he ' s ed villain the hsl I. pen, mote than 100,000 corm of avase ma of db... 15,000 woo considered tecesahls. It ha and the Rem of more than MOO chlthren Mainz the Me put Drumm 10,000 ease. of Dirmermi Debility and wont of Nervosa Energy. Dr. Tosossend's Sarsaparilla invigorates thewhole system permanattly. To throe who have last their mmenlar est. by the effects of rusdldne or biller. tiaa .mirtadits youth, or the excessive Indulgence of the passion. and brought ma general ph:raid proem. don b(th. =TOIL system, Istuda, want ofmnbition, biotin sonsatiom, premature decay end decline, hasten. log towards thattatal dime. Consuarption. can to ea. dryly restored by this plasma remedy. This Bass. Quills is far perior to any D su iviigeendlintit Cordial, As It mows and Invigorates ea system. Om .tidy to the Mai. and strength to the muscular mum, is • moo extraordinary degree. Constuzilitlon Cored. Mans. dad Straw Comomption cax be ova Bresthitis, 04 annovties. u, Pao' O .+SPW.S. 0.16 CWO , .a n tab tkiciair q /um% !kerma list di Ohs* Mak. risk Nfrks P ild; 4lo64=l= B ,•••• sr is t Ln • • ISPITTILTO LOOD. Mr re* Applt ee imbals-A reeky I•Littis fts• igl igtk kora demos, b rothO hmtsst art Ilk I kiv• ra mennirura IA trill 4 ..kesoN woo ri nk Az Int 1 indantelft IMOOde stgai vela% erg me ' mail in I nekton% • aid lit sot mai se I hem %rim lanagedas • am gen. wit °Mika WU dam ben errikkibt e t :ir •••• the Iligr• I Kit. so •zd cry .calk ow kit ems. Tea 4211 • I itei r it!l#ll/ IL* Shill Mir& Tarr llaCEwr _ WEL JIMMI., Cathrrtao-st. /Masai tirtdletaw _ . De. Tomumsdh e lltilltPlitllMlhillnlidne tft= la liftiruptara ;Jul, icv iti litemia rows, Illa - AUT: earthen!, art elorttested inillathreleutru• tlces, batittlunce nibs, at Inatome., dinhoryo thereat and Om pcoonl poundal of du tutu— to maltet whither the nun aftahortitoust et cum produal try brigibety,lttnis cm tooldma N a ettke cu be note em-priohe Uzi lb ImilintatUi Wet. as tiro boa= busk pat=en multasta and Lad. ode, from taking boa mass bees= name al fell of mousy =ha la, Lamm.ll bonsinauly edittetacta the arrnlaraom of the nada funs, mblah Mks gnat cuts of Berstimma la min ale baliami of u; to met of to donna . am% to inc Mil macaw of mot porflonomi M wa ea mots the aellettd, tau tune& deem ban ben taporttal to as. Theneasde of cam whore floolnoa Uwe boa mallow children dot Ind* of Oft Imitable maids% krim beemildomed flu healthy ensuing. To nether, lull Illerrted The &ulna otasavutga bag bete omft•mei Pro puma is Nitrous to female cupids= no tomb she has toms commt. tit la appear-him that 0111 . 1 Atfita4 • 1% . tf !VA," aboald mina to take th a to is • etrula prrramtre Am any or tko mum= end b=r=ie deems to "Uhl hauler aro =bleat at the tams of Thli period mu he to layedfar esstrel pets by uhap Ude maiden rim leo caul& Ihr Uwe vibe are appreacklag we. ..Doug, as h to caudated to oda norm by gulch• esing the blood sad .wratles the rystem. Indeed, tab atodidne fa IneskikbL dr of the doted. dime it. to which gum ere tabled. It bracts the whole roue, moue permanently thy oetnral energies, by ramomog the impurities of he body, not to It. almolulag so to product mtbsenotte rebuidemorb;lch L the ems of mat inedletnee taken tot feade weaken...4l &mac By aided • Ara beetles of this media" tangy aware and magical opera done may be premested. Gwen* BI Inn to Ineatmesmus Children. It la the taint and tam gramma manna for purify tog dm and relining the auferiap attendant epos c lamb ores dlauoventr: h nrloChtu , but , the mother and Mid, prevent, pain and Mem, n emeses and miens the food, those who hare used it think It la indimemahha It la highly useful both Wore and otter emsfinament, as it prevent, &seams anondunt upon eldateinb—ln Cattivenem, Neu Cramps. Swell. log of the Feet. Dappotmndeney. Bentham, Wander, Pain ta the Ent and Isla. Palm rah; iimennsege and in lerniating the one and sqnalislag the em MUM ft .hes no equal The great beauty or this medicine KR Wilms. ofh. cod the men delkate use itu."="it47...Piew mos r•qmle• ally other aedi~aq to eh . • Ittlif COW IA or Kumasi& I. . Mfg, Or la du open 4.1 r, and VII food with 'Mb andicias, Ida alwaTe mere • safe mad way row thwasiont lelthenthy sued nee*. Castentles. Chad. end sacristy af prepared= gous rally In oak wben applied te the foga my soon avail It of Ito ban _Tlu7 cloth, the pore of the th in. and check the ..athltdm. width. when oatmeal.. eel thwart l=diesue ar powder, ar the skin lamed by the used in maw, bthatlllem tee awn pminctiel fv the `human 100 Divine." la wen din the garden of nth and delicately tinted and variegated tlawen.. A her, active and healthy etretdatioa of the Made, or the comig oldie path, rich blood to the extresoltics, is that with-pa to the coanteradsce is the mat ezeol eite booty. Itie that width Ithparta the IndescriNthle Olean and lathes of korelinea that all adadre, hot once can dtheiriba The beam la the airing of as. lore--not *finned.. ormap. Misr@ le eat a fret and healthy ciscalatith„ there is no beauty. If the lady I. fair as &leen Know, 'if the paha, and use comodca and the blood Is thick. cold and iriatent, the la not bean tiful. If &babe brows ar yellow, and th.mie lepers and , bleat ft Atm • rich Mem to the chthU ml a brilliancy to their eye, that I. faadristles. Thl, le orb y the teartharn, and speciaßy tho Plpan. blob ladle., are at , mo th admired. Ladles in th e no who take bat ade mad" or to confined In dose room, or Ism th.asd thuds comptsalon by the app. cation of dalant attendee, if the; wail oe, geht °larded, of dap, buoyant raisin, apuktiog that and beautiful complesiona, they ab.wild the Dr. Taw. trend's eartaparills. Thonethda who have tried It are snore then satisfied, ere delighted. Ladies of eler, station. crowd thecae* daily . leedee te the Ladles. Those doe Whets Dr.. Torrusadlt flaraparCiLe hau Izoniably caned dear extra R... 4 111b* Fe mud.; &e, it n, and bare mu WU. and eirrnohLw whirl relates to the ounplatuts of moon. wor l to wore —ether am who put op ematichte hare etnee the peal memo of Dr. Townsend's is complaint. 'incident to dastatee thstuy although pre rionely they did me. A neater debase Minn.. nib, &e.., Injurious to fentoles, se they earamte end mambo the eamdttolon. Dr. Towmand'e bthe r tnlr . and but reary , for the of To r roue female . CM core. It mu be taken by th en tape e cod d it. Kaaba. In My CS" Of by dote expecting es Irsege =ram; with do greatest throaty" he it prepares the emum and prevent. Wu or denim end anorthem both mother end ebbfit. Be oundhlb get do genuine. This certifies.; etntelasively prams that this Bum wills has perfect control over the DMA ohstiaste dis sate* of tia - Blood. Three perms eared in one ha.. Is improved's:Mad. Da. Terodemesi--Diear 61, I berm the plead!. to Mho.boo laathet throe of my children bare born enred of the by Ike ass of year tutuLlaut medidne. They weirs aimed my eirreirely with bad Born ; here taken logy Mar baths; lt took them away, far which I feel myself oader gnat obliyallas. Tome. moped/1111Y. , ISAAC W . CRAM, 106 Woomera. Opinions oFPitraciseta. Dr. Toarasead 6 almost daily reettiviai orders 6tim Ph_ydelarte in different yam of the Iltdoa. The fa to emtUY goitre, the eadardened, ?hyoid.: of tbe City of ANtey. here is niatmotte cam preacrili. ad Dr. Totatead`e EummarEla ead baste h to be arm of the mod nimble mit parade. in the market. , Ei. P. PULING, IL D. J. WILSON, U. D. • B. 8R.10064 M. D. day, April 1,11147. P. E. ELBI.EfIDOZP,JIL D OAUTION. Owing to the peat mem and krOlao6Be saleof. Dr. Townsend's Sarum.'lla, a member of men who wen formerly nor to bare extemanmed snaking Sarsapa rilla Entracte, Rash% Balers, Extrattaof Yellow Deck, to. They puterallpput it op to the same duped but. des, end some of th a n hare stole and copied on adv.. detonates—they are only montane imitations, and should be avoided. • Principal Offms, PIETON Street Ban StrUdlng, N. Y.; Redding k Co., 8 State wee; Eamon; Dyott & Bona, 132 North Second street, Ptlladelphie S. EL Raoeq DBaltimore ; P. DC Cohan, Cliarleston ; Wmht irrc i lsl Chartres &reel, N. 0.; RS South p m d Boren, bony; and by all the principal thee. rine and liereband generally threeshont the United nine. Wen Indies end the Canada. N. R—Perrsone impelling for this medicine, should not be induced to take auy other. Druggists put op Sarsaparilla% and of course prefer selling thou awn. Do not be deceived by unpquire for Dr. Town wad's, and take no other. Remember the germ. toes "Townsend's Serseperi tobi by the nob agent. B &SELLERS, General Wholesale & Retail Agent, No 57 Wood street, and D. 51. CURRY, Allegheny city. ienn tr, • t . e For the rtheterthy of Dormant and_improperly With held REAL AND PERSONAL t=.TAI7.: the Set. tlement and Arbitration of Commercial,Ttndiop.." other Dept , Bscuring Patents for Inventions in Great Britain, !Maud, and the Colonim and Dependencies themunto.belongung, and Negothuing (or the Par ehase or Sale of the rams. DEFERENCE may be had on application free of ehallge, (provided the motive is not that of-more ...",ityj to • List comprialnau o traria or 15,000 names in which tutelaimed property is standing. Also. so lodes to our 10,000 advett.sentent s which. hare appeared for the past Dl years in miens British' "...papers,. addressed to Ban at Law and next of kin. Communications by truer are requested tube . poet-paid. BENTHAM PABLAN, • Rl Brosdsra,y, Nem.l•64. Rd . ? . „,„ permitted to Helacharle. P, Daly, Judge Coen of Common Pim, Nev. Verb, Freeland, Smart & Co. Chas. Cutlottre It Co. W. Al. T. Tayscott. G. IL A. Maeda, OK. Edward E.q. Cincinnati, Ohio. A. IsteMdent Puebla Dart, Befall notral.ddin • The Allegheny Cemetery. AT the =mai mammy of the Colporators, held .the 6th init., the follinving persons were ortaZl mutter re.eleeled,l=4lllcln= JoHN : , • PJECARUILIER, NAEHANIF2Ht.I.IIEd WILIBON.APCANDLLSht, . J l . l . 9 Neersi JOHN II: SHOPARKRGER, JAMES-IL SPEPJI, Jrnsuar, Jr., Secretary and treasurer. The annual statement ptheented the strain of they itompany in a very prosperous condition Their office , to the eityls No: 37 AVater inert, flatakSl Arept:ll:7l.ll.4eY, asseited - rinds, (a' by dec . ./ ISAIAH DICKEI & Co• sliblEYl3E-100 has more and formeby ~r • PO duce MALAN DIC ' , Mir t C• • THE VISION LINE, ffia=4. .1848 .. a ggitat; BETWEEN Pirrammou AND CLEVELAND. W. T. notonmerittsbsugh; •1, . , Rao, Esau Co, Bemer; Prom's. OILAW/01121 Cnsumer Le, Cleveland 'UBE nboveLineisnowArepared transporttanight and passengers from asburgh and Clevehuul, or o point ortihe Gnats and Lakes. , One beat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland Mug In connection with the steamboats. Lake Eno and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and • line. earn Mass steamboats, propellers, brigs and schooto. ers mt lakes Ene,.llaron and &Schism -• Property forwarded to an - foul .of the Union with elepruch, by • WM T ILATLIEED,or JOHN A. ceuottEy . ,Agolo, coo Water and Smithfield ste,Tiusburgh. AGENTfin—Reed, Parks & Co, kientocri• • - R 0 Parks & CO, Yomirsionm, it E W Cotes &Co, Warm:, • D Bostwick it Co, Bread porn. F& N C , N k, lar Newton Fella; Lewsewort; & E hl Whittlesey, Ciumbellsport; J 0 it.Pßride, Ravenna; • & C Emit, Franklin; Miller & Tonle, Cuyahoga Falls; Wheeler & Co,Akron; Barmy, Gibbs A. Co, Sandi:Laity; Watkins A. Engle„ Toledo; 0 it Co, Detroit, hitch; firClurO a Willi.* Itlllemuklei Wm; H J Winslow, Chicago, ILI. apl4 Et-ELIAS/CB PORTABLE, BOAT MINE, a1iE41 .1848 • MSai roa ritartsroarattna Or raraca....traria BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. Einth.7h.V.,""°ll"„h.:l and flat pot in Philadelphia, to a old larger Warehouse on Market at., than they fOrinerlyocoupied, and alsorin creased their mom for' forage at Pittsburgh aro now prepared to offer mach greater facilities to their friends and patrons. Goods carried by this line atm not tranahipped be tween Pitusburgh and ghiladelphia, being earned en tirely to iLnnble Section Boas. To shippew of flour and other goods regulnngcareful doodling, this is of importance... No charge made for receiving or whipping goods, or advancing charges. , All goods forwarded promptly, and apon as reasonable terms as by any oth. er JOHN MePADEN & Co., Canal !Win Penn R Pi:ulnae, JAMES le; worth Ir. Co, (0624 227 ?dirket dc 51 Commerce el., Phil, JOHN McFADEN /a Co., Forwarding and Comma don Merchants, Canal Bat* POllll el, Pittabargh. JAMES M. DAVIS & Co, FlourFactsua and Commis elm Merchants, Y 27 Market, and 54 Commerce P M l S hi. an b y eithe r of the above onT•L? l r and ' oth em er ' desetTpuonsefhlerehandise consigned tO the= feb2.4 • NOTICE—The subsc rib ers have disposed of th eir in threw in the Penn's and Ohio Lino to CLARKE THAW, of littsbargh, and JOSEPHS LEWIS, of this city. ney will Continue to transact buaineu the the line, at then VVarehonse on Broad tweet, wa usual, and be. ads JAMES it a continuance of i lluatn i Am t i s t f their Philadalpnia, Ruch 1th.1948. Ponn , a. and Oldo • real= Co. INNNUa rrouliki Daily Lsna of FTRST CLAES NEW BOATS AND CARS, ezazgazo To eleelecerr eooln errosiel ertlencrion GUIDES. &TEA*, Canal Baia, LEWIS A..ELITLER,2I9 Market xt.,Phila&tphla JAB. STEEL .,A, CO Aga, Broad arca. COWDEN CLAR K k Co, 7S North a., Balt. W. PORILICE, Agt, 12 Wan area, New York. maa3 00.partaarelip. • TuR subscriber+ hare thistle associated themselves together guider the style of Kier Sr Janes for the grr e ll7 l .lle7 g andlo b lit;r lY ee c =b?. cal patronage heretofore cries .the haus°. SAMUEL AL UFA B. F..JONT.S. Pittsburgh, Marchl,lB49. SIERT PORTABLE BOAT LINE COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF FIRST CLASS FOUR SECTION BOATS, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS 4. RAILROADS. TATE are prepared to receive and forward freight to FF the above and intermediate places with as smack despatch, and at as low rates, a. any other responsible line. The attention of shippers wishing mated Pork or Ba ron to Baltimore to balk. t. partiettlarty nemiested, in asmuch as ear arrangements enable a. to early seen articles through In better order than any other line. KIER A JONES, Proplrs Canal Benin, near 7th at. Pittsburgh, March-Lint]. Wart. z matt. D. K IER/ ./ONl—Canarolaticin and rerrrardiaeld Pun, Produc elnaas, and %Wholesale Denlera lroiL Blom e, &es Liberal civil, advances on censil )Tr.menta. mull( 01417, S. G. =min, AND Pinsbuzgh. Phthulelphia UNION LESIE, • To Ph c 2 7 0prcrplirn nmr.Ttla - - HENRY' GRAFF to Co, Canal Rash. Pittsburgh. DUTILII, tr. Co, N 0.147 Market st, C. IL /ioaits, canter North lc listiltora sts Rah. Jona F. Clarke, NoI3, Old Blip, New 'Cori, NOTICE—The style of our firms will baba= from and after this date, at Pittsburgh, ea Henry Graff &Cm, utd,lat Philadelphia, as Dun . Hump hreys& Oio. 01R1 GRAFF. NDMUND 0 DUTILII CHAS. HUMPHREIA b HENRY OKAY?, Pitts rug marolaff PiTtBILIPIGEI - PONTAISLEINIAT LINE Matmals4B.jogn. Far the Troatporiatiort of Freigkt to and from PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, N. YORK, BOSTON, &r. Hamm. to Casts, Philadelphia 'rum to O'Comma, Pittsbumit. THIS old establlthed Line being now in MR opera don, the propnetono have made extensive arrange. memo to forward goods and produce with despatch, and on the roost favormble terms. '[bey confidently hope 11.4 rm well known promptness in delivering gooda—pc calr safety in mode or eanying—aapnenna atm., port, affording accommodations to shippers and owners of prod..--togeher with:heir lung expe rt.er and unmanning A.uflon to business, will errors to ahem a continuance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All consignments by and Lae tlaisline received,'ehar. sew paid, and forsiarded in any required directions nee Of charge for 'coromisaion advancing or swage.. No unerest, directly or indirectly, in steamboats. All communications promptly attended to on applica tion to the factoring agents: BORBIDGE to CASH, Market st, TAAPFE & O'CONNOR, Canal Blum, Pittsburgh. O'CONNOLLS to Co, North at, Baltimore. whf ; IL WILSON, 88 Cedar at, New York. _apt' L &HE ERIE AND /11011IGISLN LINE. 1848 . I `Hls well known hoe, lake Erie and 7b m ersZs d n gi:runbo ats r g Beaver, and finish! . pasae_aget Cotaal Boats be tween Beaver and Lr p t i and C hi Read • hue of first class steamboats, pro en and vessels on the Lake., is prepared to carry i reight and passeagfitt to el l en , . on the Erse Canal, and Lakes Erie, llama and 'chi- Having ceet7 facility for conveying freight and p . ngera with pnyteptness and dispatch, the propneto d agents respectfully solicit from their friends aeon once of their patronage. C 111 R n Proctor. REED, PARKS & Beaver,Agents. JOHN Ae.CAUGHI6 , Agent, • .04 car Water and Smithfield s Pit • Mita 1848. Alit • ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATIOIS LIMB. To and from the Easterst eines, via Camber Lind. THE proprietors of this popular 'fine, hayesince their re-organization largely increued their facilities to meet the wishes of shippers; and are ilaw _prepare& to forward 'ln greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE, ea also by addiuonal regular wagon. at km rate. This line will run throughout the year, delivering goals threniii It the e= I Baltimore and Pittsburgh to owners and consignees at specified rates and Sine. Shipmettu from PluDnielphin for the lind• should be marked "Care, J B Robinson, Baltimore.. The only •gents are ROBINSON, • In Pi Charles st Baltimore. EDGERTON A Co, Cumberland. O W CABS, Brownsville. feb4 .1 C Pittent_mlb teolLa samitia_ LICLIPISE . TRANSPORTATION LINE i Proprutora of this popular Lit. hays changed the Wary at Cumberland from the hove. of IlleHaig & Ma guire to that of Edgerton & Co. Pittsburgh and Instant merebsusta am notified that .1 Bay • ly Hammon. No Oti Mouth Chalk. tt, Hahn:sum is the only tulle:mead agent of 'Meld= m the Enna= chits, ,1 C BIDWELL, Pittetnugh, W CASE. Brownsvills, EDOARTON 4. Co Cumberland, dw , r,ll B ROBINSON, Baltimore. W n Trans station Oompani — .. agiaM. "C 1848 D. LEECH & Cots tue App ___ Old Established Lines ItOr - t0 TO PHILIDELPLUA, BALTIMORE & sEvryoui VIA NIMITSTI.VI.I7I kAlt 01.130 414 Th 11111•16. A / 1 4 Prepared to transport goods and produce to and frOta tbee above .eltiee on favorable terms. Ad. dress or apply to D. LEECH & Co, Canal Basin, Pinot b.. HARRIS & LEECH, N0e.15 &15 Sou Third at, Pbll.. 1. TAYLOR &SON Ave., No 14, Nib Howard trt, Balt- , A. ABBOTT, AV, No 1 West street, New York. Pitlaberuh, Mardi 191 h, 1818. taar2o ---- flieThWttanta. Transportation Line. Pati 1848 . M6l. • VI.• CABAL AND WI. LOADS FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. GOODS consigned to oar care will be • • • otrithout delay at the lowest current ratea - • C A MeANULTY & Co, Canal Ruin, Penn .t,, Plus_bizmtt. htERSEILLES & REYNOLDS, De and 36.5 ?dirket .t, Phi Pa. ROSE, MERRITT tr..Co, 020 Smith's wharf, Baltimore. RLEROELVFTEP WAY FREIGHT LINE. Me= 1848.Mlia U.O.LCIPOILI /Olt TIOIT3III37OIMATION OF WAY FIX/OUT - 13ETWEEN Pittsburgh, ltlalreville, Johnstown, lioL lidaysiough, Water - street, (Hantingdon Co) and Po temburch• nis Lim Willa formed exclueively for the speeiol m„. emeedneinhoe of the irdy - business. The Pregoriesors, tha • -Arbitr the very Rtal.h.f.e Rsxl hi , e re -sews denote the lac me yearn, wawa respectfully in .--ts 1. -tie Mends and the public that they are, new still .•-rter prepared to &hear glood• al any point on the Canal md Row* with pros:pines. and dispatch. letbriarrott. PICK WORTH R. wonDs. JAMES A LORE, GEORGE THINDLE, JOHN MILLER Co. PIC Imatth Wood., Jahrutoon. Jobr. Dollicisyrborgb. C A hPArroity a Co, canal Darin, Pittiburth. RErymess—Pitubwrgb—t3toil& k 8=1.1127 J & .1 AteDediti; & If norubtrger, R Robinson &CD' R Elm.; Elagalay & Smith; John IParten Ws Worn t Co; Dr P Bho6therinr. D. I 3,11 - • 0 . stimoiaists s- doss, - &DA sr ,ST-c hat n Orsk • ANN DTALlitl tit NOM,DRAPTEyAODEPTANOES,COLD,IALVER % AND BANK NOTES. COLLE . CTIONS.—DCaIts," Notes' and Yiecepuaens payable in any part of the Linker, colleciedaoe the met :favorable terms. i• AEXONANtrE New on Ne York, Philadelphia and Bill. morc. ciacinnati, Louisville, Saint Lacuna mod .New drlesms. constantly ctirsale. - - 4ANK NOMA-,Notes on all fteolVept banks in the 13nMed Status discounted at the lowest rites. All kinds uf,Fureign land American Gold and S.Bver Coin bought and sold Office No. in Market street, between 3,1 and Ilth, Pittsburgh, Pa cm= • CGS TIANK-Erts, ExakANGE BROKERS and. d ars n in Pofervi and Domestic INchanta, ' Oenifi. .iof Deposite, Bank Notes, and Specie; • Pourtis Street, ly ,opposne Mrs Bank of Pittabmlx. Conan m.. received en &Oahe-4*kt Chefts (intuit, and el 4 Uni te d made on nearly all the principal points h the te States. Eia2:=l=El . Leanne, made on conalgrintenta or Pitiduet,... P. pod Erat, en liberal lemma. •."- 'FOREIGN EXC11A21031:67: Baas on England, Ireland, and &allottibeo, ht any amount at the Current hated of ElChahge. Also, Wafts payable, in any part Orin nut cor, Gout £1 to &DA au the ram of MI to the .f, 8 ding; - ioitb en t dedneoou of &mount, by JOSHUA. UM SON. European and Genetniitgonl, ()thee ;earl et one door west of wood:• " , ,' .• ' N ontlElli FALL Q CURRY, lIPANKEUS and Kit•hange Broker., Dealers For. ,a) eign and Puma*.c lima and Sight Dillaet . ehange,Cenificatra ?inate, Bank Coin; Na lis Nyo o d, stree nde.t, bah.: Fourdl., W. 61 .11t/ Lux!, muurp4 leow.an aunt IItaI.ABLIZEL o lIAHDI BANKERS AND FACHANGE BROKERS, d en in Forript and Dontentio of,EKnhartgo unmet of Lposite, Bank Notes and Com, co er of and Wood streets, directly opimilie St. 'Mule D. tel.may. f , wir.sTrats-ati N DS, -----. Ohio, • • licatap.ky, 3lateoun, Dank Notes; purchased at the lowest melt, by N. HOLMES. Sr BONS,. 33 blarkat mord. DILLS Olb' IgZaE(4lNGE—glghi UweTn on New ork, Pfillnaelphln, and Baltimore floastarnly for sale by -8014/3. sopLi 34.21larkea al. MIIiCELLANEQUS. I VtA-NUFAcT RED AIN'D Lt Tortacco.— 1 , 11E.ALD, DUCKICAR & Co,Il northwester n, and 16 . wharves, Ptill , a,effor for sate on aceomnodating tennsomopkgsi Mantifacto rad Tobarco, casisisting of poands, half pounds, 5? .B's, IVs, 144, 16'. amd .T.Cs, lortipg 6's, fi'swald EN ng, and 13'wLaditso Twist, in whole and Logo., o the following approvtd britmds, viz: ' James H Grant. Osborn 4kbtragga Grant & Williams, A Conant., Sion. & Son, bPDonald, Webstor Old, J Thomum, James Thom., Jr. A H Armistead, .1 Thomas & Son, " Loodhonn& Armistead. J P Coates, .1 51 CobNt, Mitle U r, "'''' ' t... A Atl Y l',. ' Wenn 1141, • Wm Dims n, Pend & , orwood, J S Blackw ood. K Rath Pogo, eynone, W H Vanglian, • Edmund /Inn., Poriaux Robinson, Rowell & Robinson.) Reim, Robinson ob. Co. Oath Halsey. R Metcalf, John Fodor, Lawrence Lon.", I Robinson, Gray tr. Gray, D B Tattier, R Jamieson, lark White, I/ Al "Darien. —ALSO— flavwaa Leaf Tobazeo, wrappers and filleni; Sara do do do ' Cienfuegos do do ;do Si Joao de Cubs, do • do do St Doosharto do . do do Nark tr.Gaidea do, part ben, do Maysvill a. do Kt:inanity e various grad. do do do 'Virginia Lang suits:hie for manufaintoring *nil &zoom Spanniti Seed Leaf, Penn.., Conatetinat and Ohio; Virginia Szsaps,sereen Gorman Pip.; Pipo hinds; SCOleil Song (loose and bladders;) Maceoribn D 1 W; 7 =ri lk alrloo l rergit l et ' n °t l : fdl i ar C a lr °4 e_ Ribes, - anki a,. &e. riIIauELPIIIA4 0013 - TOBACCO, 81 1 411tF8, ABB MOS, his OM Stand corner of Smithfield sweet IM .Dianaind alley, illtiburgh,Pti_orinald respectful y cad the attention o Roam?". Merchants, anal acid Steamboat Barkeepers, lo o large and superior us.ra. =mu Of IMPORTED CIGARS, marls which will he found the following brands, Tut Eagle, Regalia, Caw tellos,,Principe, La Normals, Star Brand. Mlnerra and Dallas' 'Rarebits, all of wideh will lit .old es low as eani be bad at any other house to trustelty.. Also, constantly on hand and for sale, a alp and well selected frock of Virrintai,Missonri, and Free Cid • thewin Tobacco. ' - flacons, Cobb stoic 0"." Sneed, etty befere—moie on the - sue r slitiipmvad &Piero plane— and most flub:enable Easten patterns mdeolors. Also . 7 / 1 1:CIJE,AV ROL or Ilte3aiN ElriND, on hand el made to order of all Curt, and attillprND, ill prlces. Country Merchants and others are malted call and examine the Metre for themselves, as all will be weld wholesale or retail, and a liberal dedetetion made to wholesale purchasers. aoldry A WESTERVELT MUCK FOR SALE. undersigued offere for .alp. a superior article A of brick foe building made by his Stearn Pleat, improved machine, for web he has obtained a patent, and agrees to give purchasers a written guarantee that they arcAltretrger, and will resist (mat and wpb weath er nod wohibeless moisture or dampness than any oth er brick possessing-greater body and superior texture and numb mbre durable in every respect, each briek betty subjected to a Nesetire of several tons, and poie mateuga hmdsome smooth surface and even ekes, they make a front equal to this best front brick. limy have given the greatest satisfaction to all who have purchased. A kiloton be seen at my works, and apeeimen tire Gazette office. . . . . Those taming supplied themselves for their buildings, nil wishing handsome front brick. or superior hard d solid paving brick, can obtain Mein. Rim it _ham, June 111.1 tin FACTOR JOHN A. BROWN, TAKISible Method la inform hh friends and•the reline et large that his Factory is now in Ailloperation, on the west side of . the . Di s raend, Allegheny, . when, a cm stsupply of Blindo,of various Colors and modifies, are constantly kept on hand; also, at Nos Wood at Pittsburgh; at J 1 Fhilliparoil chub wareroom. • aniline. Shutters made to order in the best style. Blinds impaired eathe shortest notiee N. B.—llis Blind. will be put op without any addi dotiol expense, so th at they can be removed In • me the& (nix. of fire Or for washing, and without the aid or. ..row driver. /7 1.41 7h.vmmitlY8 BENNETT 4 BROTHER, QFEENSWARE Id AN UFACTURERA, Birmingham, Diouf Pittsburgh,' Pa. V V OVUM; No. 137. Wqad street, Pittsburgh. +m C Ware: 33 ,:f k o7r P o o w n n h."' man d n er d e t. aa rl d otthartorthathty. Wholesale and country Net ' chants are respectftelly invited to call sod ex amine for themselves, as we are determined to sell cheaper Man has ever before been edited to the pa il. Ur Orders scat by mail, accompanied by the (mob or env reference. vrlll tm promptly acceded M. leb23 COACH MAKING. FROM the very liberal encourage • mentthe subscriber has received sine. . he has located Maisel( in Allegheny, a• Am i.it%ha Induced him to take a lease, for a term of years, OP the property he now occupies, in Beaver street, unitacdiately, beside the Presbytenutehareh. From the long experience to the above business and o desire to please, he hopes to mer it and receive a share of public patronage. Now on hood and finishing to order, Rockaway Bog gles, open rosi:top Boggles, and every description of Can rages made to order, from sevmay•five dollars to men beam iseo:lttddi JOHN SOUTH. 113oaangahels. flouse Tali - coring. Massa. llahmeiat. /ISAAC WILL.L•3I3, Draper end Tailor, begs to In ' form the eidrens of Pittsburgh and when., that he now opening at his 11,01911 on Smithfield street, un der the above Hotel, a law, and beautiful motormen" of Cloths, Cassimeres,Satms, Silks, and other Vestings; together with such o th er articles to are required for gentlemen's wear. HIS goods have been carefully se lected, and are Of the =Win and most fashionable style, as well as of superior quality. Ills customers may depend upon having their clothes made up En a manner which cannot fail to gratify the taste of 'he' mast fa:Minna. &Play _ THE STAR OP TILE WEST * VENITLAN BLIND MANUFACTORY East side of the Ditundadt `where Veratian Blinds of all the different mass and colors are kept on hand or made to order adz the Latest and most approved Eastern lath. ions, at the shortest notice and on therms resume le term. Alto, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper Godsons of all the different aims and pattern., on hand and for sale low for cash- OWVeal uan Blinds painted over d repured, or taken in part payment Mr new. RAI WESTERVELT, Prol.. fc B —All work done with the Len material and smrsmanaldp, and werrented to please the most ths 'idioms nag/041y Allegheny city, Arm. 10,185& [S T EAM . FERRY BOATS FOR SALE—The at& scribersoffer to sell one-fourth of the twit ferry boots, Gen. Scott amities. Worth, now mulles from the foot of Penn steed to Saw Milt Rua, so sato make a a profitable Investment for capitalists, or any who may wish to engage In the o btotineu. For further parneulam, 133_ininid of novP.J tf ULAOKBURN et Co, Water it N_ EW CAR.PEM—Recelved thin day d, t tr ." the maratfuntrer— New style Tapatty 3 ply Carpets. extra groper; do do do roper; do do ikunaLueupetsi do Igt i very cheap, • do do sup. In;ratir do '44, 3.4 ein s W . Venetam do 44, 34 an a do • do AU of which sold at a mall advance and wUf guarantetilikrer Raven berporehaseo lathe's./ wrcikl W 111'CLINTINIE, 70 Fourth n , BOOSS, ]UB C, ,' PJL II IIO - PORTIC6. • - vow Na. wood n .. il.Ol of Piano Fortes. selected teem _ the fattening manrifiicteriesin Boston enu rear I seb, to which the attentlea af purchasers a retpeetfully invited. Those from lllr. Cluckerins, tfor the sale of which he is 60Ie Agent .in Western ay I vaniniThave what is termed the New Cireadarlicale; heir; an improvement recently incite, and riving there " decided "a...4e is 11.310 . 4( sod eq0.04 of toot Over any others. The following are thopattems and stylnaof Chickming'si , No. I: llorewood, 7 oet've . linished back & front, SIO , ak " nobly carved " V-40 " Bk . sa " 4400 . 4, . Bk carved ' 84M " " 6 1 `. finished back still 8550 a • if u " 11350 7. .• 6 " " " gals 6. 6 u a " a OMB "6. - • ." 6 ;Inkjet:dug front, '51169 " 16. n nobly carved, style of Louis 1.41 h. °AL ° 6 hollow comers and hollow cot , limed legs, second hand, cost originally 8125, and will Le sold at a very reduced price. • N 0.13. Rosewood, round comer, very elegantly fin ished, 6.175. No la Rosetwwad, retold corner, vary ol egantly finished, ,SAS.'The above ant manufactured by IL Witicester, N. Y., well known as being connected, formerly with Messrs Stotard, Worcester & Dunham, N, 140.1 a. Rosewood, urved moulding, Made by tha Manhattan Company, N. Y. 51176. No IS, Rosewood carved, 6 octaves, Cale & Co's, N. Y, 0 , 411)..•No. 15 " plain 6 a us). Nd Row:wood. Grand Piano, made, by Henri Hers, Paris. No 17, Mahogany, 6 octaves, second hand, price 475. 'Old Pumas taken to put payment for new cume. JOHN H B lEL.LO R, Solo Agent foi Chickering'efirandand Num Piano. Forms, for Western Pennsylvania. . 1 erll7 fitA SPLENDID assortment of Mah p ar uny aud Rosewood Pianos, Put fin ished Them instrument. are made o' the latest patient and bon material. mid will be sold low for rash by P. 13LUAIR Ilk Wood street, thi door above Fink. N. B --ThoW who are in Waal el 0 good instrument, annespecually invited to examine these before par nailing clrelehe re. a. they cannot be excelled by any In ilia eOesitry, and will be sold lower than toy brought from the Cast Alsonat recetved, two pianos of flan burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any ever sold refits nontry . IV KIN zirwrimunlarcit. , - l' u rf ,7 .T.';' , ==pagf(d),Vl>ll:xp`i , ',e thilS, oa manufactured and and perfected by Meson Mitch & Mar. of Cincinnati.. The usual matumns nd extent bens; but four Waver; Manna N. & W, In accordance with the general desire and demand, have ektruded the peak oral.. instruments to sli at oven 0 °eller.. tithe rilltap/fp II praeuenblo to perform upon them soy music sonata for the /Mho or Organ. The exteraa, also, has been much mortised by planing the body of the ii strument open a east iron flame beautifully bronzed and or rendering tt at once a roost elegant and extremely desirable article . The price Ic put eo pun as to bring it withm the reach of every mai to &Men a perfect musical Illeteentlent, and, of the same thee o moo elegant piec e of faral• two for a comparative tilde 11. KLERFM, At .1 W WoostivrlPs ' - GREAT 111(7:ORAL Pio VAL sir v = has Mgt received from Dnepr', and for tale, an entirety new in venuon of nano Forte, culled tIieVACI) IF ET PLANO FORTE. which poomssing more power and meeetne o than the Square Piano, occupier bet one tomtit us much room, and ts a much mom showy and iaodsome ptece;iif furniture. It is partieulatly desire- Ida where the/anent; of space Is an objeat, being az, eeedingly neat and compact, and occupying pie moe room than a small stile table. The hubsentier has' its hand testimontal et is superiority nom the' celebra ted pnlnuahlosehelles, to Ins own hand writtn4ehich may be inspected. H. KUM 8427 At .1 W-Woodw I`a 7 titOlrtrAN - A - VP - A - 611.1111111)4T7" --- RMEWED and lot sale, • lot if choice Pianos, with and without Coleman's Aiiolion Attachment, by on & Clark, NY. Ooe of Nam. & Clarkts Pianos, with the Attachment, wan taken to ntglinut by hit Coleman, and among many other testimounds of ad , odmilon for this elegant specimen of Am remerican and inpurdty, elicited the following ark. from Thaiherg, the gretneutilmoist living. , Lemma, JaralB, ,My Meat itn—ln enclosing a letter to my feted, Mr 1846. Demi, Pans, I cannot refrain frtm again expressing to Ted how moth I wan pleased with your ...Hdlisti Attachment," which I conaider as great Omet] icav • gr eat I con assure lot Mat OD my pu tt I shall with great pleasure do my 1 1 / 2 1204 10 lathe your ISITCI2. bon known. For stile by H )(LEBER, Jeri. At WoodwelPs furnituremoms. ad a . .. . ripfil A SPLENDID as of Rose wood and , Maltatany grand action Pi anos, Just finished and for sale. Also, taro splendid Rosewood Planosy with edlernan's celebrated ..Eolien attachment, finished In the reonteritetem style, and for sale itt )e= P IlblltlE . S. 112 wood at I`ll NSPORI'ATION. PALIILK . B — elic ' earTh:PAClKET Ll 1848. atikgi' I.IEAVER ANISCLE'VELAND LINE, eta WARREN. ' Cmtal Packet—SWALLOW, Car. Ford. Capt. %atter.. NE of (1 aboreTnekets leave Beaver everyday; .9 (Sundays excepted). add arrows next crtornum at 1 (loan, taLICIe they connect with the Mail Stages far Akron and Cleveland, assiring at each of these places before moth Otto of the f' least Warted daily, tat A P. AL., and arrive at Bearer in tame to take the morning steamboat for P thrhumeh. COPk. A LETTING IVEL arm W ALOR., Proprit're. REAPER .AND ERIE PACREP LINE TITIOCTiII to Too I-LIT TI WOW, noun. Canal Packet—Pavan hysaht, Capt. Jeffries; - Pollock; " Paix, Truby; ° • ° Parronts, Broercd,i; " o Pagano; Sayer. Meal:ova nowand splendid Pa:meager Packets have commenced cunning between. BEAVER alti/nERIE, and will not regularly daring the aessod—one boat leaving Erie every morainic at iVelock,and one loev ing beaver <vet)" evenstur, trarnedia.ly after the Ur- Tel of the steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh. The boats aro new cad contrastably funnsked, and will run through in (arty boars. Passengers to any point on The Lakes, or to Magma Palls, will find this route the WWI comfortable sad expeditors. '!tickets .throogh to ad:ports on the Lake eon be proeured by applyingto the proprietors.. DMA, PARRS k Co, Deaver. JOHN A. VAUCIHRT, Age. Plusbergh, ear. Water and Smithfield sta. AGENTS:—Jaa C HRITiSOII, 13neale, N V. C M Reed, Erie, Pa. C C Wick, Greennlle, Pad • ATParland and King, Big Eked, a; Hayed Plumb, Sharribargh, W C Melan,Sharen, P D C Matheers Putukl, Pat B W Cunningham, New Castle, Pa. HI Peintskylvanla 'Canal . 46. - ..Tkistl Freak - Fast - racket Line, Eli= 1848 7. MAK PROM PITTSRIRI/1 U Tv PHIDA U PELPHIA DAL. • • RD, (Excluateely be Passengers.) PRE public are respectfully informed that this Line commence .rpataing on the :LH hut., and eon. unto. throughout the Scums. The boats no new, and of a superior class, with en larged cabins, which will give greater comfort. The can are the latest construction. A hentswill always be in port, and traveler. are to visaed wean and examine them before engaging pas elsewhere. elsewhere. are y dollars through.) One of the beam of th s Line will leave the lauding(opposite U. B. Hotel, center of Penn street and Canal, every night at nine o'- eloek,,/tiniaH dela. ..For information, apply lithe °dee, Monongahela House, or to D LEECH ACo Jogs Canal Basin. 11A RbibEN & CO'. Poseanicar and Remittance Odloe. & CO. commute to bring persons from any part of England, 10-land. Seotl.dot Wales, upon the mom liberal terms, with their usual punctuality and attention nodes wants and eon, fort of emmigrams We do not anemone passengers to be robbed by dm swindling *croups than infest the *ca pons, as we take charge of them the moment they re port themselves, and see to their well being, and de spatch them without any detention by the first ships.— We say this fearlewlyi , u we de(V.one of Mu PAW.- gnrs to show that they were detained 48 hours by a. in Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained months, mail they could be sent in some old Craft, al a eh:pone, which too frequently proved their coffins. We Intend to perform our contrams honorably, cost whet u may and not Stets, Was the can 12.11 t season, with ether ofacerz,—who Ole., performed not all, Of when it suited their convenience. ISAAC GREGG V - -•. Drafts drawn at Tittaburgh for any men from El i to Loop, payable at any of the provincial Bunke' in Ire land, England, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European and General Amt. .A 4 gyro., .r.• WEcall the attention of the publit to the article rteading- this at/Venison:tent, and lush& thn_ en. fp r pe a l oa and; curious to call end witness Its Opens, tipo. All advertisements in relation to thin invent:lOn; to the hundreds who have seen h tested, is Istiperere. own. let. Thle Churn will produce Thaw, ga th ering lila a mass, from Wool milk, In live to len stnuthisl end horn cream prepared, as famillica usually prepare It, ln three to five minutes; • Pd. The utility of thin Invention Is apparent, us bet ter Butter can Ito prodUced from sweet milk, or cream, than cream warred In the usual way( end by moom of dd, chum, a hula girl 07 boy can perform, la five Or ten minutes, what has heretofore required the tabor of • woman Or man for one 01 two hours, and ocopoti, s half,. di?. 3d. By itintily Min* n thumb same, the Wh o l e t o . side dashm , hr taken out,totortngtiottslng bat the better end militia the plumwooden boa. 4th.•ll•is the cheeped churn ever. invented, a m oid n . at, Its eorottnetion (though embodylog a 0,10 philosophical principiej , Malt .,, et it but little to noinufseture 'fith.' It le • corannon.senee mammy. all will .d m i, who' Maga and. it-, t, y this trilu - le%tro W, !tere7tf " fr ' o l mni t ctu ' ik ' Coker cE % p b yw 2 taik. We are vent otrering the complete mono poly atlas rtyledlutiels be the emelt of Ohne, nn- Jerse7, Marlland Del aware, which mut owns cenain anfi large profits to the marralaetarcr, and it speed,' return, or investment The public ale frrniefi to call and witness its operation, 01 . 00 °tare, In ArtabrkrieVonv dar:at 4 o'clock, v. J. H. C VTON & Co., Peopenttnn v . , Mice, Exchange Ehtlfilihim Bt. Clan street,nart door' to Began° Johan arks. iodide . w.F. .~ .., _.. ~~., ter - •.~2 ^xa. rip.` .: : ~:,T' , `Y; w -`T ~PJ ~P~'+,~.c t. _ ";~+Z. .y 'Y!P'~' - '!G,S' r :~r •i`~""SS~q'?4z2r++~ ==E= A 1:13.F0r We irt.eituburgtt, wholes ale and retait, by S. A. FAHriTOCS.AtaI corn"dr-wend---,Freo, •aul Wood ui by s WILCO X Jr,corber of Smithfield ould - Fourth abo, anti 0 ...... 4 0 1 At +.41h.0 ,alas ED,WAFF,D Mit DEILICH, cor Monoegallailobse. ao74m. L ADLES Who Use. Corr non Prepared Quilt, are . often not aware how In ghtfully it:Miriam - t is to the Skill! hate' coare, how up clph, hem sallow, helfoss, . QIN' EENG PANACEA! and sinhealthy the akin appear after ming prepared 1110 THOSE KIPPERING _LUTE DISEASED cheLla Besides, is is und,i‘..., flni....ing e large gam. , J. LUNGS .- The ctripOetatziai veisse-which - limr ; thy of lead. We haverow pared • herniate! vegetable I needed the use of the - crude which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILY , . ; GINSENG PANACEA ; W ILI. Ii 1 . PerfectlY inno•ent, beingpitrieed of all i d all the verions forms which irritation of the ; hugs es, demenoualinest arid. trtenntna to the akin e taw- !uxuar.4llds Winced the proprietor again to calf atten. 1.1, h co r on a • th bromortelimeeiteing. whim,. at the same' thm toting • tune acting as a cotane,e on the akin, maldnill uff ; ',WOND PREPARATION. ! and smooth. The changibrel =which marks 0ex1111,4.04 Dr. James Ahdersort, Prandeal Chemist of fdassa-1 Manes =owlet, jettliw•Te • rositfel worca or, , L • *ehmeetts. term “After analysing. JoneeleSpanish Lilly , I - COLDS' AND comma, . , ~. ........., ~ l ehlteidfinditpeasent its the roontheintifulthadlltatel. These, if neglositedisteminathelltsteeßolo iriLDWAI rat, at the same time innocent white I ever Seer. I destroyer, certainly can consere neoesly recommend tut cm mall , '-; OOSIERPLEIZi:' ". Leese s ki n regales ' mattufying,.• i The enestion, theet,;• - how ilfal/ isertilp thedestreyernt - &Priee ea cents sober. • the bud? how AMP wo get .10:111,0 eel combs and lola by WM. JACiirfON. at his Boot and Shoe oldeLie of viodiemortteleeto the Pablir- . Sle reieJ LibellY eto it, head of Weal, at the ergs of , .-,... - -TrIE GREAT AND ONLY; REMEDY• • the Big Boot. ' /XI willbeiliandin the alnasmg Pazusees .lolamerernde , Ladles, Imilm,.i'm&stindshed, we hare Inee.ts tune published the ceramic:a of When you Mum that you are pyomised downs of our ' known 'eltiseite, Who tiewsexpene • A natural, lift Mire, snowy 0-hits, theca Its curative power. ,7714.,, vita mass of ,to. That Yoe will, nth use comment chalk, And look n d• ra miy fe j.,,,,,, rrio, U TINUL oiI IaTA4 ' 4II7I 7 IW ma ESTANDIN ' 0, The th CIO o f laughter en I oftaik.. Ministers of the Hamel, Ae., Ingetherewith eopione noi If you weeld• use a box of JONE•3lAlly • white, it 1 lees two, the weskit give soolllklll an i11..b.11,7G1 na=sal white, JOURNALS! die THEDA.Y, . and at the same ame oboe and improve it. Sold at en, have embodied Di pamphlet Mom, an d ma be °a 'JACKSON'S, CD Libmry at. Prue 23 rents per lox, grans of any of out eta War= min ; try. utYB OP • --- ---- .. _ ._ . . . OCROFULA AIVD SCROFULOUS SWELL' have been-mad la Wacky. _ . 10 INGS.,-•-Scrril• la in all its multiplied forms THOUSANDS --- - AM; " I NS " /I "; II4ANES wtuaber in that tit' di•ing's Evil, enlargements o the throughout the Muted Sums said.Cimmia, tend we cll . a glands or bones, Goitre. White Swelliegs, enrol:tie " l'uge ."'Y '''''' WS&IGI4LEUW• INS'CE' • - ; Kb Mealtime, Cmeuer, dispose° of the Skin or Spine, . which, when taken accordkng to,,direetione, end bo. dr of Pulse-unary Consumption, emanate - from one fore the Mop bad boa fatally disorgainsed, it has and the saute cause, welch is a poisonenfv-principle ewer (ailed to more or lees. inherent is the human eyetem. There. , • EFFECT A PERFECT CPS. Ito d why nee t the& d the afflicted hesitate Vi by .resort to fare, ardent due principle cut destroyed, no radi- -- g o , r:tr . :* • gotten e • el:Tens , rierwi a dmid. cal Cele e,ll be effected, but if Um prinmple . upon the nueem le n,..,.. led ~..r e d,....q . q f am p, p e .v, m r„. pity, which the ductme depends, is removed, a core picien, and ; puffed into non:deny by certillette• . 0. per t:nest al necessity follow, no matter under what term s one equally anknown? Whilst a medirdne (IV • • . the diaerme should. mantiest %Molt. This, therefore i UNPARALI W A" ) . Pr/UMW is th e reason why !SSMC'S AL 7 rite ett , T. is so oril; els to be had , whose voriebers me lit hmhts;‘ , eqty neigh: ~ ~ • • • vernally eucceitelet in removing Ito many - malignant , horn, —many•or whom it h u, NA. ,,,,,, „ nom Ttm „ Ay , &Aimee- It destroys the virile or pc eciple from) In order that this levetde dediefffe'mser he plaited wince those disemee have their origin, by entering ; ~,;,.,„ , ~,,,,e h o f the poor= well tho riak, , h. q . into the circulation. and wi th the blond is convoye.l 1 p et th e price at _ to the minutest Glare, removing every particle of ONLY PI O.IIIIVM dieenve from the system • Prepared and told rat Pio..i lust one half the usual cost of cough medienes; iris 8 South Plated Street. I - ' hilmle.ptnn. - for sale by no, nude IMMO every - town Ind village Sold at the Pekin 'Pm. Store, No. TL Fourth tarot .• I es's , Lb. .... wee , . 4 4. " P11V E, 4 2.e, 44 . 40 i.r....". Putshergh . - emu, Propriem& Steciwel talocinnedi Ma ; --- mr ,,, ; don remove to it . HYDROPiifille ESTABLIIMBLEINTA lA R. EDWARD AVVII I ' '' vra , takes Co. ' l, ; ;Mens; of re. Jii tinning hi. thanks SO his frietnis and. ,the ,cabin for the extensive patromme he has received, and of in forming them that be bus bit e erected ;a latge and wen constructed buildiuff,, for the exclusive purposes of tii• WATER CURE /•TABLISHMENT, lit his old location, at Plallipshareb, Pet; on the Ohio riveroppo , Wm die steamboat latietng at Deaver,whem !mix made to receive padents as boarder., and treat them onlly dropathie principle& In addition to his =g ore. e. eon& anti the greet ace-gess which has heretof at. tended his treatment or patieliti coranahted ta his elm, be boo now the additional facilities afforded by attej tenslite buileingeneeted expressly for the purpose, con taining commodious and airy rooms, andante rip With every fteeesseary. apparatus ,for 1=4164, and Clods* tering the treatment to the inmost toneht and comfins of the patient. Phillipsbnigh Ii a most delightful • • healthy tritrage, ems of seeds by Steamboats, and afe fords am rind Wholesome wpter. Dr. Acker asserel those &filleted tremens who may place•themselvee ••• • der his ems, that every apeman shalt he paid to their eemfetti pad as an assuranc to e oftheaulietantialbenifits to be derived, he points with conedence the' hada sheds who have been piiruninantly'eured- at his moth, ffslintent The Water Cureleaveeno hanrionaeffeent Lied - aka. is too ellen thecariewith those who , hasp 'been treated on the old system. It removes the div. case, invigorates the system; protects (rem the dadgene iheiderd to ehanitre hf Vie weadhee,,e_remes.• =land and active appeute, atutimpalla vigor to the-digestive, powers. TU113401 mammal end Ireachng reasonable: I For farther particulo inquire at the cataisUahararkt,tii addreas the proprietor at Phillipsbtugh: • : .: • witir.ed - ' • PEIkOR PEACE II Am lISM rrUT LN EVERY MOTHER 'S HOIIITEA.D. THE andersigned has tong been convinced of the necessity tor some medmine adapted to th e on of Children and Infams m supereede the use of all those medicines which contain opium, and bag ...gib , saes eecded in. preparing and circuits no the nubile a medi cine fully atinwering every purpose for all diseases of me bowels, without the use of that delete - noes drag, twang other calculated to ti the ,chat The Infant Pit4t emus has been lolly tested nno timed. the last twelve moths, by momentus penitent, and round to posttest, 'all the extraordinary virtues, and to predate all the distal- I isklnfgetrocut as Set lona oaths- bill 01 dlreetlol2.. Di rrh¢o, Vomiting, Chen°, Griping, Pains, Sickness and, Diseases arising from Teething, acting Immediately without disturbtag any of the functions of the .body, pnxtueing•tlia happiest and mitel. as transition from riolent pain to a tranquil it 011 joyous state of :ea-, ing_io the link sallerer., To Ink had wholesale andversil, of the Proprietor Dr. JOHN SARGANT, Druggist and Apothecary; john i Mitchell,,Ellion Declibano, stud most other Druggtsts • n Allegheny and Pittsbnigh. dock., - /$1.1i . V7 is P — llaiisitici.rast n eab DR. W. P. INLAND; o ft the College hf Pbll adelphia. now offers to ths nubile. Ina Indian' Veg., amble Premium Planter, the.qualutes of which after long tried exicnet has been ezdefaon, t to6d .nomoomaye.t ; Prolapses Uteri* or FallerrVitomb, he mcommendn his plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy care in the short ace of tram two pi Mee weeks,. if applied with' gam and restwilisearding the countless Instruments and expensive bandages so long lir use. tThis he foots, comminutions in stnung, intuuntieh as he has nor failed in clue case out of three hundred and fifty-three pa tients. Also for Rheumatism and Went Bream or Bark, at. . with pain, there is nothing to excel this Piaster In affording relief or effeetingat cure. For 1.61. by L Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market st Braun A Reiter, " Liberty and Si. Clair ton Dr J Sargent " Federal at and Diamond, Alle gheny city Jacques & Co, “ Denman and Diamond Birming ham. 101 ;1737 A. FAIINESTOCKI3 ANTI -BILIOUS v. This Cathartic compound combines manliness of bulk with efficiency and comparative mildness of par paints action, and having a peculiar tendency to Ihr bllise7 organs, is extremely valuable in this country, is which bilioa s fevars.and other inemptaints attended with congestion of ,the Liver, so much obound. They have now stood the test or 20 year, end experience has proved them to be enure and valuable remedy in Intermittent, Remittent end Bilious Pever,.. Jaundice, Billeus colic, Indigestion, Dropsy, Dtsentery, Bilious Vomiting., colds, and all complaints also indemenatiii 7 character. The comp/stem - el universal sattlific• uon which has been given by thew pills. to all who have used them, renders the publishing of the num6r• oce certificates in their favor' unnecessary. To pre vent counterfeiting they aro now put up in a tntl xPln graphic wrapper. Price 23 tents for n box containing 30 pills. Prepared and sold by B A FAHNESTOCK & Co Comer Ist and wood, And also coma! nth Afid W J 61131 D. MORGAN, NO. 231 Wood stree t . one door south Of Dittm an ' 1,111 alley, Pittsburgh, Pe., offers for attic a_ht,rigo letbt Dug, Medicines, Oda. Penns, Varnishes, Dyestuffs and Perfumery Foreign and Do mettle , m. which he calls the attention of drvrgesstri, physician* anti rner chains visiting the city, as ho As determined to sell at very low pm., staffglve gouorAl unislaclion. Goods warranted rind cheap. Varnish No, Immo 2, /2.:10r1t manufacture; ale Japtin and 'Peck Leather Varish es otsuperior quahty.., Also, White and !Led Lead at price. lower then heretofore effete& J. D. 2i1,440 anlif.U.Oorffdllt‘Wit celebrated Coligh3yrap,which has given general saliefaction to all in 'the curing or mugha, colds, hoalleuers, inflect)* whooping Cough, one; prim 23 ceths perhottla. 'Wa n , al g Indian hirer Pill., . 0 0 , 1 , 44 corn for liver cosaplaSnt. sick hearinche, and krieh Wow per box. Mart 11143Alit. ILLLZedual i rrrnmorroo =of orpeo, • JROff's* at. the Exchange, Haltimore. EDUCEITRATE.S.7-11ve ehargOs Halo been redo- I red nu an Muniges to on from Baltimore' Pow . 2 . h 0n 0r2V ,,, 1rs tizoono Weal of Mu m , lu d ,Z P IP4 - 7 tbr... 1 ‘ 6 4.,frM0 . Flaanp for '0 IeIVI mph drennich to or from linlamore, littshurgo co. 49 ihr the fiat t n words,'unl 3 coma for /ma t addinonal word. • 11' Noebarge, 4 Endo for tho address and aim Stun tho contelotiou alba South Weluom Liao or I" .kaTaPhloom XleMPhit:7‘.lllp., to , New Oilcans, der patefin ean-kllOTWard s edto mompLy by oubrost a r weld tar Now Orlean. MEMO .•-•"-- . Tarr eoprieltis laith!qamtmaehthae. E '' hams ~." , ' tatattaa eft miptrat hatot - thmathna . a 4 , to IL pm:4 stasia(paibtathai I wi th. '.. ,•, . to . ' of Mouth= yegt)igi t0:m.6144m I,* ithiit,, ‘ , . lara ira • armaity . tomody, to ltharverfostatheznalle diethear, p tot boa ..r., ~ ' • .. le natoaus eith to adapt is sadly to their atiallaill,mak :Ira . *await* wall wiser 0000 Iledleithiththettatttalliaqthath ll 4 l34 PMM , ,12teemethea of Its, atipidoaty,.and a. wawa zapoa a ktathallig , el tatialths ado:laza...a . Ta.boille thalami agasatatall*4 o 27; 1 ,, V a r . „.., , 832415 til , •I rani improved Mao may ably Maim ao Li the ma*. ....ef0Raa a ...._,. . 0..:, IL. go ; I- nap:carom to the tame a Ma attalaidesaybatagthhy,a bath= mthzu — ... -ea eates, thatetaelth !matron*. W. Waves fait tit Walk rthtliatha IMOD 'Ohl kthestothaalth.... " .. • :' - , , , J .---..• Tha Womb/ li &oat CoL S. 6. Tow, a guideedijot - ate*lateadeiteratte • ts rsalalaao. la the amobam mates, mad lately t 4 WO 00400 ~ ,i `m 'ri:'" d -. 1. d.p. saio- . - _.. . Arard i fior,o4lo • , , armassa,ltielaattsed, sad elatered ate iambi i,: r ft =kat f thomoniffa ao Mere= pawns itt Vlll/062 war of ,iiiistoje, kosisimailTates., lad Maxim, I feel sooth . thallartbj liz- bili z stae =tem= thi m,, % Mai vales, • thi Wt e ttLotii" . ~... i t a settid attiM: the meatagyeathle Matiost, a lathe sad timitontbas T: ••• • - . ....- 1 ham aanapatilla ta tope• Mowed sad extraminly ' ,thiel7:lltetal anal fol . la Itinko, sad my othista, tilLa: ZACHARY TAYLOI4' . vac ihrapmati boat la th e habit qua:TM sad reeommeadathe flue l'hir ftytell adtleadlaa'7:, Akita* at tha t time, end it la note ethadered mo thaw hatthaethahle ta the My: 'la emoted= f wolf my that mahout ala tha loath -Ilahth a win b• Fuld, sat I toast that Its h ea lUtrill Mew lapaandth. "Lagoa liammtkat Lb" laaatatta4 breatUretaareadday, • .iL.i -,-, ~•Irrira . roor,iii!jr.. . i, 1..• - sLio, rrdri.oit.iia.:-,;- • -- -- tic. 4 raist _ IT • (r 6 ~ ~ ese . d pekettarn g= it um . ....1, •,;-at a tit e institar k o r . .„.... .., et, . no elms men map. ml t.,4 o iee" AZ V .• 4 4, , ft sr. • , . eblbsee . _perl)• ea ton —.lobar •=io • •• wadi bentoatts . , • • , Seribroul e ib m Lel _ • I: . _..:,. _„ m , . ....r.,................ t r.. 21fil nr wt . ' csuci telerr itClltil i e . 2 . 2llhasik'd Ve die ntine e sees d melaniild. ezel/ _Ti r eTreentt ulls iiTb, - *MWeet and inanceo 4 ,-, *MIMI cidiele. j ertaue r embed wish e lm . t e abe OMM ATM IL A C.llloeueltite rum= Agnew. witazuza /MD surrass...n A. B. do D. BANDS, Ditroems AND Camairs, ice sumo Wu.usz, Ni.r Tom Sold .Iu by Druggists gensaltr thrsogbact Do galled 1126;. dad Cambs. ?dm DI Doot/o ; dtx Ikalsa lir ell DR. J Arff ALITERATfVE. We have been - informed by Mrs. Rose an ewe per thuned either by Dm, clayase'S •11.11,nentywn,, W ha c h orove. ita kupertornY over ATM. Othnr rernefly : of, the k.a„ Err h m been acted trr the that Halted yeah with NECROHES or WHITE ElVELLllyEtchttetlded watt akeratlone and ertfoliatleit of Verielle bettesthiT ring whichtimomaTlYPitmathgrsbern.disMizndf noae,ol th e entnison,lnnie hei:a wruts and bonds, and from both !emend (rem the le fmnoral bone, and from the right knee, besidmipainfel ulcers on other parts of her persOniailinth have: belied the skill 01 a comber of the Min =Liam physicians of oar der—daring most of the tithe her andermishave been ezerutatag and dcplorible. • /Thane threes:meths glace she was induced - to tryiDr.Jaynet Attrisrme winch has had en astonishingly happy effect upon her, by Temecula all porn and sarcillagsond ,cansuly ulcers to heal, ',chiliadic samellme hergenesit health has become eouiplitelyrewurnws o dun the now Weigh. be mom than abe dld , before she muromMecd thecae of Alga truly valuable prepauou;—{nat. Eve. Post. F or further Informaneft, Inquire effille, Roe., No. 0 Filbert it, PNlade! eta. For sale In - Pinsbm* at the PERIN TEA STORE, 72 numb eh near Whoal. •• •'• Jr 3 A chattoritign to the World. rpwsnay-FIVE IHiLLA ELS will be paid to toroth, 1 who mil/mitten soot of poor, moo at dry, that cannot be {attracted, lamb Uolea,haproired Chemical loop. Intone the lonlifietton of laying to. nod peophint this place, that &hie ankle, to no own Improvement on , it, nano Made ontltralled nuteoontry for erzeranting gieuci tar, mob,. 011, paint, or .auy.othet ,grosal or* ntance * lroto all huts et imuletnen's oiputeitl clothing. Monts, table cloths, memo, enrols, Indite' bonnets, ,An• nintloppt Injuring anything thitpuro water will net {Wore- Moro than one thonsand• peroooon.ddra44i Porto of- tho mimicry have told, me thcy enield mg be 'anthem 14 If It rent one dollar per eate ‘r in trying *lel hoop on more than 3 0 0 articles of lieu seliA RP paeena, end 0ak..., I have only Onion three pennant{ silk, two of alpaca., and (oar ,of esilnO•oritattiOtlt changed the room therefore before potting it on a Leo. throe try a carapk: or the &non fru. I otoin this' beetnne 1 am deterailml int to Yentornotted It rmy etkinger I know to to saintly une Prtee, ton cur pi reaka. Bold, wholesain nod Mont hV r • . E 3 ELLEPinI ' 67.nnerint. krr.."l Week:M.lW atikt.thiPAE — E:Crt 1 n p Lunt ed otEr.,llnautentl'a SangeartEllitan 'moat at ' irru4dini7 LrY ~,daluine th.AFaridl• Egs aunt to pal Up la guar) aut).". AKA; !hut* S.beape4 pianatutter, and warranted attpenor le - 'ter aphy . ' run, diocese without voimung, pares, ' , ;;4414. Z:p1:1 '47,ll"Hisee'' en * :ü bo P ule meamibe luts the .IU "4' 0,2 ' ! nature brE.l 4 .tratanaingst., ft. ESE LLEELS,Dniggin,ta.Wcoi Teal and Ventra? DT.TOTZLICiIirs pial,;r4l;;Z o .: and retell agent eie . Phisbrugh; otaraann, getintno article ran bang& D. ALGurzr- J++. been appejnceit Um sole aim far illegitetrf eitr'oreabom tha genuine' Miele ban be and. ~4._ecifo9Nbutimas ' - AL.; . • T It isobeeLlosesad wad by it JA.I/1110.-. -ItisametTatlntall, ;;; t hly nth, 1 • R. S. arllow—Lecose ofo.oopsiamd 80 6 . 01010 htdoele me b addmy tunable teatime's& ti...tr.rjuity A hailtiMed-Livar. Ms. 1 lame astiand doh; mkt yean, •a"lith CreeteuSs abe. sus you a_rtLe. beethir , ihrost tbe may porta*** of A uk 4lFO.a.oli ' aui 10 11. alio...as iitetarr= ' ; 10r1tiverrdlebsuallaidollarelltelbe pdtlicead; 6414 • ' Mkt. they. mil.serras -shwa an." allay` Mi aset idbo you L op' meat Oast tolbe. Tior baif ameba - ißtte tame . rr coldpbdat timer oty:ybetio haw zebra/ sdadosapistywl ldaaj andesat physic-m.I,M Whoa 1 paid sea oomytlere 'hutsalb 1004 beim moutall mad Ora' led sheatui Wait - ti or. a Otaah sted doldlyrwel sips. iwarabb. . 6d071 wee isidand btuyymaLirerniii;oadBoooool Ortilboit el iiiiatbitowsthSeiat ktkirpmedir • 111 the Odecand albs :Wise Amami ; lert Worst Tom Pilliamiholltsbantathestatlevaisedi • r d•P, at ai mild, mot pfliag _47Tivanclisielyeme OA* am. 'ash. ere Insmuch es,W."l_ ay Mora ;-.; a sr loyeam oriel - baotreitsUbossi, sod Ono emu AIM& Mindikt watt by Fixpas who bee met - ,'. Mayhew abiareededallistist :wry etbar AI L sic neleholoa. and bra dhoti tibia bud* Clam ,titimemyrecatiestui th aw gl_.pawas awl* pbysier ; slather icti•Lifte Obispislat 811 111murilactiois.- Ina- • L, Sider them taseperiettoGalosial ads ithartll,lloso. lU'y'fO -A. tore - ad other Pals fulaeltra amimstdresPdle,powas wboarata the gOOlB,O atk for and no gala Awn thew repared and soli by ft & ars it,'No 81181010 barren Thalami Taft • , 0118 Dr.essam., PlllB Filird,Dhl Calm allilliss7 i;c •'4 4 ' -1 0 To Ithe - Ileillon,lProfeulpts • rad Plastic. ITIEC MUNN, now tad et the Umptals Atyliams,andbater po6lie LestabliAhments, and recommencied by some of rho mow dwing.lsaall .sleiana i n . elientlas,lo ia artlerti of diet for ehMait ly. and intralideoimeksupesiortaarrow am; silla. am., mar eirengthemne, pleasant to ibe, lasts, anti easy , afetipsdon. Put up in WO boxes eithalf lb= r e : im • each eompanted with printed daemons for his A LI aitaiia eh "' Thll. ad. gne enusuy tt tebeervesr2 -, • • uaiildran fed_ opus arrow -root, salep, ocindeedyal bind oYamylalatene bmsl, 'which dee. &111U1113 PIPS. t: Went, •atted • Rothe kamittlon df boors' and tomeeletif became at, and aettolre morn mrausrearri ilmiefialas nppear . full, d but they do sto=as' itrgth; nor'toe roar In ogmately'rsleNoffim7. mum made 11; Reid of New York; among edict etinolutents, flu Pre. IS per cent af glolten !and allstarolti _end iteclarionthat-the cloims so Cm. Farina opon use medical Profession and • the public will rent open its eon:Mein in the glottat and albumen, retildbli.etbside sad; altropmssed —bean not Conon in arrow mot or 'aithilar substances, -. mid which modern ahem Wry hos pabiteir'omos. beteg - . ;necessary to the .f orte- ou et tymi...,Shie, and by ;Mean. of which namakes up Coe the mutant wand - that takeSplaue dm human boll .—For tals wholesale or retail, by it 0-8 ' • sepld owciall it " ' '...."' •• reatifiginglLlterifiemo. VCR Condit., Colds, dal= end Coessimptireal The A GREAT AND ONLY .11F6DY foe the enro °fibs above' &seams,' li ihd "BUNGARIA.N ItALatfif OP LIFE, disc.:ascent by. Clio celebrated Dr. Bitches, of London, bbigland, mid introduced Imo Um Unto! Ole= ender the imatednne saperiatendibice of the intimerag ,The extreordibery. 11200011111 attilia dicta), In tP., .cam of Palmouary 'diseases; warm the Amealeas Arm ineoliching firreemmnoite, st posaiblo cso maths: can be m the community eases WU sea relief iti'etta aciteeny alibi =neon ' - bane iry, )04. boo beep 0= op by the most dialogs:6=i 4 ,amaki yihysiciana as confirmed and unusable. The Hinguri. P.O Bob= has enred,..avvai .aresik.l=estuta af .= is Pi e r 4..etirM'ara2t a t. as& fish , _his, . knotrii and es eit Meter. Every &wily an the Vatted Bator s=ld bo applied Wit Buchan's Mugu= Bel= of Life, not silly to conmeram the consumptiva tendencies of the album, poldg, eon be tided ea epeerioblood modicie pie e In all cease of • y coughs, ming o , n tho chest, ir ri tation co end se of the f l ungi' b aide ro.:bid and s, difficulty of 0 beetle aver , night a= e:li get " tY, ...ap., imau=due.= .. . .9. 'clmgb . Sold /a huge =loyal 111 per bottle, with OE dime- Lions for ihe restoration of health. „ Plunphleu, =mining a mass of Begash and Assert. tan certificates, mut other evidemca,,au=ot the en. equalled merits of Mistreat Bursae's Remedy, may be obtained of the !grouts. media_ wily. Far sale by BA" PaiLISM.FMICk. Co., comer of at and Whod tad wood and Barna " mare DIU JAYNE'S CAI3IDIDATIVE 8 / 1 1.116.111 FIT tr il Y t) • ! u ttWZtth= 'The hadempoothaiwtheenatiloteddittingtlospast aviator with a awns* ado" stomach, oomeameo pro dOclogooapalo to the nooLochfor too or twelve hem itithboi OkoWai - orttf Chet hating tried work= itwetbes with little ffect, was flandalted with a bottle of Dr D Jayne's Cm: datum Detrain: This be aced acs cording tocherlirectiena, arid found Invariably that ibis ntedierroi earterl.tho pets k .bats totitre,' or four min ims; end hi invert twenty ta toutea every anew s=d:wits entildly quieted. • lee medicate was af cued whemever Indications of the approach of pain pereelvodi middle pain woe thereby pwcrent• dd. linconOtated to ma the =Leine every; atoning . lionentnnin m the momioo, and lo a few week' health was oo far reatcledi that the sudCrer was Tetley ed Dora a huge amppntaf oppretraive pain. From ex pertence, therefore, he eon confidently recommend D D Jayne , ' Carcurtedve Balsa rc an a salutary medial* for diseases eftheaunmanh and borwelst A oIIINND .. ;., Allegheily city .31 Fo , 4alein Etubtuith at the PIMP/ ThiA • STUD Foonb aueet,. near Wood, an/. atm at thattras • aim i t aittillVAßTZ. Vadaratageht. Alkalwao • Purlty Tonle Blood. ARIL O. E. 9 —Dear Bin Last.l3priar , and da• 1!1 ring the previous winter, I vu severely MlLlered with a terotalona complaint In my Irv; and had been far serne• - nuinthnoM cohesive of phalanx. They mid my ease ids vmoir tAudraldd, , a dsoy eould de het rof Tao, • I was -nearly holy! Ann-with the. ! aid of efotebes could with diDenlty get'bons In May Lai; Tpitchaseel of yen, mid conunanobil ming Raw - raci N.IMITAI - . Mitt the use of two bottles, the acres commeneed • end I laJd &ide my arateh tv:r7te .akii,........1 ailat d r ay. aeating 514 / osed.s • The wan* sadmmes 'hay!, cad mos bi d summer llama a nd tto aopeuvinou a dbleafo, bid hare n 4 mad, and ant now, lathe 02011 perfectbuattbi I matitenth eimfidanee t hoping Mu o may bebop Rued in the. lapse may, that Me' mina gold* zen, hes been the meal.- and the only am 15 , - p the " , :IoWIDI aura ^ e , dam tree snPereno. on Porcelain standr t Elect soon agi, peentoed with Lavender, Anil& Pawner pee, of all patte r i Laiitioso.4 folletboxce, containing foitu:it extracts for careatekotiosuititau bag, and Pules istps,son. xbfe Coo • PolontiltaitannetO powder; Indian pegmatite OCT Oil, Soar. n.. ll ur piney or eatoziptsrappeirs, (rose new OP' flymh Peap; EOM Lip salves iShaticapt soda strapOosettnit snot a peat serial ,of fixto perfumery: pin removed; itn.ion_Ci ' , ptiesuic aco woe tar ikaA wood ma • aain. lUD/ 9H & Paimosary CUTLE.E.— m l.feel It • d 1 In ewe to ay fellow ereatatek le state wmecb more tespeettne year Yesstable hareem"' Bailer& Smut I iiretnaea the Balsam ewes eleven years se% the happy effect of arblebelikett Me an account 04 tints bud sneers/ serwriecosilsons end attacks Mal lunprone a few day i since, and In every Instance I lamella( the Balsam alone with maples and perfect Ilateeil.. It haaMfeeted relief and cure In a ncoy fin/ day& - bettitlalk a tsar medicine. Ido net know that it will cure a axed conampihni, bat I believe it hill be ia =Mr seackaprerrentore, and prevention is teller than tam I do= for the love of low men, earnestly the use of MN in all pulmonary compialrill. I am elaadent that it bas been the Amami .4 1, Pfmelv1 4 11.MY_Erc Ode d4F Bostan•hito /th `ill HEN -rensosai For ale by it A Pahtesuiek, d . Co; carrier ant and wood and also corner *. • • and (th. SELLER'S MIFF:27AL COUGH SYRUP. —It bat power to etrret ' Feb. 14, 1817. IL E. Sominc,3l4, for years been sublet:l to a distMsmog. coast+, ale painted with asthma, for thAtaro at which Me mod dlfferent comp reraedum, and had the 24V1C0 ofthe Moat eminent' physleittut in England, ba t all was' innt\lathig. Ify chance I timid qt your Imperial Cough Syria?, and`was Odnied to bny bottle Gir trial, althithgh,l bad no belief' that anything timid' resume her Votoplalnt, • *To - toy great smpr4e, two doses gave her immediate relief. She is at times troubled .With . 011 0224 - 1 i MOTs WuP•O•srui Syrup always stops it- 1 sanstulafied, attar s trial of Ititte or Mir years, that Seller's Cough amp is the best Mash medicine I have ever Mod either In the Old Sr New World. _r Filmortsffs, Seventh Ward,. city of Pittsburgh. The- shove eartiffiont should induce all who ars to:tabled with moth or sadism, art give the Syrup • Sl - Is may be had Or 23 emu a bottle, at the drag ; store of R.E SELLERS, 17 wood at. Sold %Or Cartel , ontxd, and 10 Corryoo- Q UPlolll7ridi." -----4 I,j 20 bb u ls plait ma; loml7 bf do No 9401 eO. ' rlO de Taaseh . 5 si! . Aitlrm~ . ' . Dala r, EOM ado ehipl Loprood 1 . Efdb N 1 e 114 - 6(1131711Oi ;7:Zia hzilio 79oupi 6do nented egap i i . 10 do No 3 Cc/Wit dg. 10 do Nod du do !.bind Ckave&lo 64. link Vora& • 60 eddy prime N 0 bupd- r hum red/ sod for sada by • deo 14 BROWN & CULBERTSON 3 , 13 ru`P VEII.IIIMIP.3--“Supertor to say I have S eversmodia Orman Tr., Fayette county, Pa., Much 4, tth. lidr.:ll. 13sizaas-Iberchy certify that I have used Tout Vermlfuta mmy family, believe it equal, if not superior lo ony 1 reeve, used. I gave mono of my children site dose, Which impelled about 03 Worm, ... . . &at:flu...lL . Prepared and mid by It E SEL.LEDy, 67 Wood at. Sold'by Dr Cassel, 6th Ward; DAI Curry Allegheny; W !Smite; Temperaneeville; and P Drawn, Law renceville. , , , Jaye yro U froni ß tLe E e l l V ebrated 111111"Zat Clark, N. U., and di or We inseirood„ with elegant car ving; one 13* octave, with Co/eman's WOOL 7 hes• vary superior Moos milt be sold st imuirtfue• tillers ricer, I/ SI4ILIER, det..l7 801 e *rent for NOM!, & Clark PAYDLIvr-so OD maid candles ort eouslumml for sato o dee° . AItidSTRIZIO &AMMER; - PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PULILISIIFX DAILY, YRI - WEEKLYWyY_ ESA) la tta Gum. Dail ,i(olif4 134 tt, am itt i Pon WW. RATES' 09! 4uyETasitao. Out niftrtiork of 'Slimes; er lea " 1010 Two insertions w i t bontalterationa,.... ..... 0 7 Tana - . "" - 1..... ..... lOD One Week " ' - it' ' .. ...... I 50 Two Weeks •.. e .. 2be Three n " , e , .... " . 3 00 Onehloalla, .. .................... 4 00 Two .e u_ 6 CO Three ~ ' tt ...7 00 Er Longer advertisements In eune prop ortion. Ono square,6 La . trmths,withontedteradon e .. ID 00 00 .. e it .. , 0 0 EEachi additiouall w ...are for 6 months, 6 00 e, , ..,... ~.. 12 0 ..... tO OD ° Do gAlliarg,6 m 0 1 4 149, renewable at plague, 15 CC ... 12,00 ~.._E 2" a illiiionsi r ci!ire for t! mouths .... ..J. O OO • "o 1k,10 , 129, ;$ tivilthi,ra•wableat pleasant. 30 00 Eacit tuitional equiie, 6 months, 8 00 iYaattlT''Pli Tax-irintir OP oust /ATMs F a. i tia*; iliitirtibilt, ' . Si so " ".,.e.4 04dAtio*himinion;:....... 57 . . rilßraO Canna. , 517 01145p40*234 - offe - year. ... . . 6 00 5 Co " oat yetr,daity & woolly; 10 00 .41 44 wombs 14 41 00 AlITIMl35Olril Innocar , in. Poi 40 lines, orress i Ons insertion, 60 •4 , • " • " Two, ........ U7B • - Theo, ........ I 0, .. , ' T h ree "•••••••0-6 00 . 4 .! Teun messelpiali
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers