The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 23, 1849, Image 2

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    !BE V
PIT rstivactist
AdTettionma eui Sabseriptlanstott4Nortb Anap .
can and ITELiod States Swam, Flilladelphla, ituti.ka
said forwarded this oSee.
aboottptions to Ws valuable paper wine mei:laud
- IDIPTwis-Prramaanlansuu.. CissZrza la published
Plan Tn-Weekly, and Weekly.--The Daily is Seven
Casa pas annum; the Tri•Weetly Is Wee Dallas* pea
spasm; do Weekly . Ls TriDollurs per annum. straly:
.Nfa Wats 5 .r el =L eg ny l ikeday es- in
: greet
dabreztieements eugleicited r 1 *mi.;
163 tims inesibably be bared until ordered outs
page 4 29l , Telsgrapbto
nt Local Matters See next page.
1 1, 1 • 13
s.ll"N:titi' meeting of Per
add PettosYl!ral
4104 frourPittabQk to Mansfield, area held Par
to riblio notice, at the 'Friend's
flonee;hl the team of Salem, Ofiaribiena county,'
- Ohio, rte the evening of the 11th inst. The mee t" , ,
:Mt Inv ltdalvoled at length by SolomonW Boberob
Chief &gen' ter of the Company, In emilimetion
JIM reaultiof the surveys and the prospects of th
- work. ILW shown on the maps, that this
with its extensions, will be the shortest and best
• line from Pittsburgh to Cleveland, Sandusky City
Toledo, and Chicago; sad aloe the best fora con
'neat= with Si. Louis. The distance from Piul ,
burgh to Cincinnati will be 33 0 miles, by the wa
at Masefflon, Wooster, Mount Vertical; and Col.
imbues; avoiding interference with navigable coin
uambations and passing through the richest and
most pospamemuts of Ohio.
. On Thursday, the Path ins}, the annual meeting
of the Stockholdss and election of Directors urea
head at the Company's Moe ; the attendance
riarearters,. and the 'allowing-named gontleMl a n
were duly elected to servo for the ensuing year .•••
Reside:if...Vilna ' Etobinasupdr.,:of
_City; PinixdottP-Theran tieback% MP Mob ,
Ovid Pinueffp of Beaver, Zadock Strtiel, of lidaern,
- Mom a Weliman,•of.blesedlon, Jain torarill,lof
Wooster, and Charles T. Sherman, of Mansfield
~:Bekaa adjectruing, the Stockholders adopted
unahnonsly the-following resolution
.Mesolved—That dm Musks of the Stockholders
be sad they are hereby tendered to the late 800 rd
of Directors, for the r.o.fs , lory manner in wtich
they hese conducted - the affairs of the Comp my
duce Crtganinlitle
Pialre Rowe—The Plank Road Convention at
Weterford. Erie county, made arrangemenni to
pewees general Plank Hoed Law, similar td, the
one in New York; flom the legisisdare of 'this
Siete, and biting in the, a speciel lot to j0e0410.,
ree to metre a road from Erie to Head
el Are learn from the Cattskill (New York)
yffeeningeOhnt.thrtmgliont *estate Plank Roads
trredd!lseUiretlitit. in more general use. raw
Roads ere emeantly being projected; atm: a te
they kayo been tried, have mat the =lei ' of
.laiterial instances, where doubts have been
entertained es to the !emcees of Roads when filet
limit. they here proved to be profitable in a high
degree, As to an' instance of this, the Clyde Tel.
caliph nye a gentleman was recently offered 5
per - cent aeons par for 52000 of stock in the
and Rose nutlr Road, hat refused. The atookts
leittat 10 par cent.
Misty Roads are in course of construction, to
contort with-the main lines of Railway from the
Iklallilll.. the North and West. Those recently
gotiecterif,•or in come of construction, r given
below , . • ,
From Binghanipton to Hamiltan, to connect vritfi
the Hamilton and Utica Plank aped.
nen Norwich to Binghatuptoa, to connect with
Ftolll Erii!) . Rablort4 s,
. Chenango county , to Minuet
&Vie Una of the e Raddray,to be extended to
• Sibtsilicli.
From. Norwich tt Oxford.:
\From 'Fort Edward, Washington Gaudy, tthe
Warren County, connect=
IensT IN IVI and Road, at 's
Falls, with the Saratoga and Washington
From Saratoga Springs to Schnylerville.
• From Syracuse to Utica.
Bonn West Troy to the Aoucduct, connecting
with the proposed Road to SZlll2Pga
Marorracraanaa—The Louisville humid is
publishing a stiles of t ablizartielea aboiting the ill/ .
*mace of encouraging Mannfacuues and- Me.
t abard& Arts, in order to promote the growth of that
city...beyond its present size, It
. rtatee correctly'
that no city ever arrives M. greatness by commerce
done--that ethic individnale—Ormeission Hour
es and ViuZi do all the bathe= for an Inc.
slim extent of tune" and that it is only by the
enipleyezentof a population in omnufamatitig, that
demi te greet , ' increased, the resources of the
. piecedeveloped, and its aggregate wealth promo!.
ed. In our large and flourishing cities,—lfew
i t tork, Phdadelphin Baltimore Pittsburgh, and an•
clitutUti,—an immense amount of manufacturing W
carded on,and without this, they would be corn.
fpatstively much smaller, and less prosperous.
Ecru,suicidal, then, is the policy of some per.
, eons about this city, who would strike a blow at the
root of all our present and prospective prosperity.
by boarding and encouraging ao unhappy baling
between the Workingmen and the , proprictors of
our Manufacturing cuablithments—and in holding
up the latter to the odiumof the public, as if they
,rate unworthy the decent respect of the comma
•. hibmufacturing has made. Pittsburgh all she
• is, anliQmst make her all she ever will be. To
business we can, over
sprat, our p3 isilaticm is already far too large.—
Destroy our manitliCumM, and the sources of oar
liceperity are at oncisind foi.ever gone. Our man.
taearring interests ran*ato every busmen and
every walk of life; every citizen, rich 'and poor, in
every branch ofbusinetek , aiYlNtheir btu cent of
Thote, therebe. , wltateire their standing,
who would either directly or indirectly, take Kith
-- a poiltion as to, injure, weaken, skittles:Toy these
interests, are a curse mbar city, and the
reerohankm dell its friends. They are slid . -the
bitterest enemies the Workingman and the poor man
less, as they dry up the vary sources of their live.
1110,1drand all their hope of enure competency.
H.Ol dwarnernat-linwnse-The Hon. T.
HatloEingii„ftrin the Committee on Naval Itemise
1 1 ,11'0. S Howl;;V
, Represeinatives, - tiss coat
umiwitio3, t o that h o din,! .. sport sad bill on the
liablentAithe proposed railsoiditems the !shams
of Panama.• The comminne recommend a grant
pi $25000 a year for twenty years, to 4 3dessrs.
Allpi6W4lll,43tepttens & Chaumont, kir the purpcsP
-of enabling them to complete the conditicaue stated
In ihedi memorial The east of the road and its
• sko2o3llloei if eitinleed at SSPOOIO9I4 villa is
real the amount proposed to be granted
the csnlePtay by the U. S. government Within the
HO3. lisits4 %+s.—We see that the pea Ken
, tacky Statmonan is to accompany Gem. Taylor op
the Amer. , .aronld not au:pries us Übe should
anecunpanyrhe President elect to Washington, and
take a Cabinet 'sea:retort el Pard,e,
It 8 prettegtmerally understood that Mr. Cane's.
\din Is resolved to serve his tints ant IS Governor
--mite so fitted to-take the swim appropriated to
' his by canna= consent, as Mr. Clay.
Clanzrl% Laves B.* or February, Is • . y
Ca oar rabrirt,krala splendid number it is, ca twin.
lair B pager—trefaj Egovatses4B engravings,
Kips' or them very @icy and some colored; and ar.
Wes tin= 54 contrite:nail', Is not this enough for
ow =dam We can hardly Ronceive anything
alaenethar in'ttieldiasattne vray than Godel
amigos. ,
CluestwornwertrOszoon Harm—The 17. States I
sawn whet ;Falcon' will be dispatched from
Oil pow ohNerst York on Thursday, Id of Felon,
sty;4B49;'with• mails Or California and Oremm
vilkilmina, dawns, and Panama. Mails .may
.11adenit'by halloo from Chastest= B. C, on the
I Savannah, 01, on the 4th; and from the
-410,116„ . 1 . /adow New Orleans, La, on the htb at
D. W.Rorinxr, Esq., of Mercer, Pa., weneder•
itandorill be ititllirward by bis friends , Is, the
0 11 . Cir the Western amid of Peon.
glinFif26 ge IS • 8
.01 4 vntg , and en intelligentappiMotent sronMisrisr, mmy
of the
peopie of the
• '
pant.: Rawlli*—Tke Sew Or:
` fig the.n+iSnsiion ands, Cam.
, • 'Ll"4"411-13 IL, Ildi . rr i u r Publilb lof
if i rallfl d"tie itrai he T
• t h e ett eriefim of CATO fid.
• efellaih• sti.Vl/14,41
•a' 441.114,17 'tad* •
vet dispatchas,
CarTeSPOWlenee 01
i gp i.c.
rosoPoN. ! 1
, Pittenigh Gazette.
a, Jan. 18,1849.
According to the pin me olliteoeral TayloMP
1 404etalet4leihe canna Plie*Pect!.4 here het= the
idilior Febru i ,
i. - -o4piiii,ori6 is inai q oi,
altos tole o r liliad - rolistration. Jl' bei,tiplayshis
irriTiftira aithiii two weeks of its inaigutstion,
he will choosellis , cabinet Ministers promptly, and.
(tumble own ideas of their personal &neu e$
ciatimuon,- It in than view a 11 ° . N /
Thomne Ewing, oT Ohio, is mentioned as a man
who would be acceptable to many Western Whigs
TL, is enp4,er4 pat Colonel Alexander Duncan
will be notninated inspector Geaeisl, in enterer
CoL Crogien, deeeneett u intleekbia,,o3l44,?i
hot already gone La. .
klr. Calhoun appeared in his =at again to4ks,
pastime ire shrinking from his side.
..tlitzky Sou
them Democrats, beside the ambitiMis Senators
Rom Taxes, are repOrted openly to have declared
an tinoullintrttess to participate in any thing that can
be even &envied into the appearance of hortfiity
to the Union. The eintemptuons silence of Mr.
Benton has its effect upon some—their consciences,
and an innate perception of tie impropriety of the
course marked out by Mr. Calhoun, deter many
others from any farther connection with the plot.—
It fi thought to be probable that a majority of South.
ern Democrats, and hem and there a Whig, will
Riga the manifesto which will be reported on Mon.
dnytevening next. Bat a, large and respectable
minority now intend to withhold their names. It
is said to be only a =valve of filets and ti state.
merit of grievances; but there is a way of ea tell
ing the truth as to give it 'all the effect of a lie—
Anthony's Oration is an example of Mr. Calhoun's
exhortation to the South to be mild, gentle, and
long suffering.
The Senate to day had Mr. 'Douglass's Mineso.
ta Bill under consideration for a short time. Mr.
Butler, of South Carolina, denounced it as a viola
tion of the compact of IVO, by which no more
than five States were to be mode out of the North
West Territory; yet, ha raid, five States had been
already taken from that territory, and here is a prop° ,
titian to provide for the ultimate addition of a sixth
State, twenty two thousand miles of whose tern.
tory will be taken from the region solemnly ap
propriated to the formation of five States, and no
more. The bill went over until to morrow, when
Mr. Butler promisee to oppose it further. It will
probably pass, however. The rest of the day, in
this branch, was given over to private bills.
There was a sort of preliminary or sham battle
over internal improvement. to day, on a motion to
print one thousand extra copies of a report of R
survey of Suffido Barber. The advocates of im
provements prevailed by a vote of two to one, and
the paper was printed at sew of twelve or &leen
The debate turned largely upon the expense of
the present eoatract system of doing the pohlth
•printing, as compared with the former methods of
doing it. Mr. Toombs♦ said the rates might be
cheaper, but the total amount paid was more than
Mr. Henley said if this were the fact, it was be.
cease Congress ordered three or hUIT times as
much matter printed as keprek He showed
that the trial anintmtiof charges for the printing,
Chits far executed underthe contract, was $lOl,OOO,
Whereas, had 4 1rca,f19 1 4C1414 Prilzfl of Burble
& Heim, it would hems cost 4801,000, or at the
nits paid Gales & &mum, it would have amount•
ed to $041,000.
Now, I can testify its' the printing is very pools
ly done, 013 Wretched paper and old worn out type.
But it has never been Well done, although the style
was not quite so bad, When tout prices were paid ,
for doing it. .
The fact is, the present contract is altogether too
law, and Congnuiswill probably pay to'those who
undertook it, iron twenty to fifty thotompd dollars
by way of Terns:mesa:Motor losses. This they may
do without a violation of principle, became the
=tract system is yet, here, an experiment. Bat
there mast SPMO a radical reform in the busigess
of making, printing, and publishing books at the
expense of Congress. The prefiigucy with which
basimess is carried on here, is beynnilall bounds.
Mr. Triomf,* well described the patent of report
as a collection of newspaper scraps and idle scrib.
blink, and, yet of this immense mesa of trash, a
volume of teL or. twelve hundred pages, the two
Houses last session woolly ordered to be printed
one hundred andthousand oopie s It is hard.
ly fit for gun Wad ' ,and yet it cost from sixty to
ti4 :101...
oho:mired thousand
Oa Monday, in bitch branches of Congress, will
begin thereat debake upon the Catania bills.—
To morrow we shall have another dose of the Pa.
cheep slave case. 8011[1:10711 IX= say, if they can.
not get the man pat Of his Digger, they have the
satisfaction of effectually barring all other claims.
hope It will be Nettled one way or the other to
wow. . Imams.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh &news
New You, Jan. 18,1849.
A little ripple his appeared upon the surface of
financial affairs, and people ate ell talking about
the management oar banks. It has been ever.
Mined that the Cashier of the North Hives Bank
has been loaning money without the consent of the
Directors, and that the borrower of the money has
goon to California, leaving the Cashier's account
abort IMMO. The ran away is Mr.Steinberger.
known throughout the west as en extensive spec ,
cantor in stock and provisions. Some years ago,
he opened an accoont with this bank, and offered
for discount, paper made by the first houses here,
and based upon shipmAnts of produce to them.—
paper gUalnally grew worse, and he failed at
last, leavingithe bank with $120,000 of his paper,
which rea4ed $60,000 at the final settlement,-
The loss war ebarged off, and the accounts closed.
Recently, Mr. Sulzberger made his 'tepee:nem,
and by his remarkable address persuaded the
Cashier to loan him money, urging that he could
Vida the Mini' dear off the old score. Upon the
strength pf These representations loans were made
"to the amount of $69,1P. The affair came to the
ears of the Directon—tbe Camhier tendered his re.
migration, and there the matter coda The Cashier
has _held his place twenty five years; and is the
oldest one m town, Led has ever been held in the
highest Zio dishimemy is now mullet.
ted to him. Ile has simply been guilty of an emu
in judgment, by transcending the wide tirnits given
to dUbiera in the manes of loans. There is no
room tO*4lotito that too mapy toorik . of ~_dire_sl° ra
are ortuunhatal rather than ifa2lal to a Ortl?fi..:Semas
institutions ;are nastuagadby an energefic cashier, or , president, end Lipari Weir honor and sagacity
depends the success of the bank, end the security
of the public. The directors, ton, AMA APIR *eir
ditties; and so long as all is well, the Preddent and
Cashier are praised as paragons of manners. Let
_them poramit an error like this one, sad not only'
thiYpubllo, put the officers who have neglected
their ditytionits y them down. The bank, its
the end will net-he a own loser, and for a time,
soma attention will !.a even to gait" flotbol by
swims, smite of whom In thiscity have ebsointely
known so little of the business of theliboki, Its to
be ignorant that their associates bad loans from the
back, 0
lAmovement is making here to procure the re.
„of the usury laws, so far as abort loans are
coitennio , .At present, paper melts at all rates in
thir•streit, and were usury pleaded, people who
have illecounted it, would lose their capital. It is
now Implied to make merchandise of money, in
vested in abort paper, in that way, and let the sap
ply and demand regulate thehrice.
The out of time pecked ships are dropping in, and
the stores of mercbaom are feat filling up with
pods for the spring trade.. Some of the earliest
buyers Isom the South are n marke,t, but era not
punka:lir-yet. Domestic goods are
. held with ;
great firmness, though no positive advance can be
quoted i Cargoes of teat bava to arrive, and the
finespring sale will take place to ;morrow.
The keel step taken by tbe.Corotuktee of the
hfelltodist Etatopl Churob South, to obtain a die
simperer the chuck property is touch discussed
by the members of Ws church here, and by the
legs' profession. The church Jr-meows this step,
al tint 'rand firr. Lay mmbers of itodoehted in
lbrinstioe,Aird supposed to speak' on ,tile pan a!
the chop, assert stint` the annual conferences
Would now rote for a distribution, as the angry
feeling!' attending ine separation have passed a.
wa ltudoes; on 'Change to dulloand tbe emotint of
•odaco obsellicS Mods mattrste. Pesti *skies
hare gonelap cents, and Fate ate firm at 7c.
Cottureelia freely site decline. • Flou has fallen
Rd oa tbdiewettlfrsdea, and closes dull. There is
more Inqulry.for Corn, but , sellers cannot make a
• whee• fa bald aboye the *Ws InlYrrrr.
Redding in Haelitos,ttyod Homo groom f
at-St eta. !II:. continued Jarge arrivals o pork
depress perm. and oew eity Ickes ntey,bil - quoted
M 750046; pAnte 75 old
111% new Obi s Me" 1114,00031 i, 7eg
nominal. f Large sales at Rum sad Shoulders edi
8691 and.Bo6o,leith good deguad. 'Jona saint
of Ohio Whiskey at 21 Ma. • C. "
DARIXL4II23I6I ,AA A litarlitwt—The New
York Coe** paititleety warmth' report that Mr,
Welitgor kas 'far liitgro-yeara very succielliy
eturaged On collecting. o.> Iterial tor a "Wigan of
Waakingicio's Adminua , aigni, and that gegand
tkißteteio(tpe wort:hays been alga* tgrltteo
'Upon hi', titan . of treating tte subjed, War work
would eggsgOrt three willuogg
Almost may, MAIMAmes mild small a3mpsniss
leave this city and vicinity in Calambi; and the
tame movement la going on to a greater or lessor
C.lllt, all over the country. Ajtocortnyi.cont
prld of individat
ilittftleipally7Weittayikising hearty ydnOtinen—ent
IPelmtrillifAttv start fat the El Dorado,l3tthe weer.
lead mattiv;. "Ili*ies now procuring tbeb wagons,
end baggage, and expect to leave hidependenias
sometime in April. They are under the own:mai
of Captain Ankrim, and will keep up their military
organisation, even after they arrive at 'the mines
for mutual proettion, although tub. um design!!
itrwarit OtiTui:Oarn uteeetal. 7 - - •
There 4r41 o v er tmq Aimila on their way'
to Wort' - iria the Cape end the &mita of Ma
gellan, with neatly Awn *nomad puaengesm,
gape 14 , the may ofChegrem,andbean
'Africa vesseh went to sea, from New York on
Tuesday,63lB= ffirartrisco--bhw, schooner Raw
son for Chagrea—sllll freighted and carrying out
d large number of passengers,. The ship Apollo;
among the number for California, carried 66 pas ,
stagers, or 8 I persons in nIL The New York Bon
Ghealso has on hoard two newspaper
types, paper, and ink, and every thing compete
the establichment of • newspaper at the gobi
Under the charge of Mr Reuben C. Moore ena
John B. Ormisten-7-1.1u5 Ammer, late assistant lore.
man, and the latter, compositor in the printing
department of the New-York Sun establishment-
This office it, farther represented in the Apollo by
Mr Joseph P. Beach, late accountant in the pub
lishing deportment, who goes out in charge of eon
signments from several hoaxes in this city. Mr.
Asahel Beach takes out adventures of valuable
machinery, consigned to him by parties in this and
other cities. . -
Another company went in the bark Eugenia,
from New York, the same day far Vera Crux.
The Commercial says— •
'She takes out a company of one hundred men
formed in this city and Brooklyn. They . are to
proceed overland from Vera Cruz to Mazatlan,
and titmice to San Francisco; they go armed, inch
man with a ode and revolver, to protect themsel
ves from the band. °Crabbers that infest the coon.
try through which they have to pass. The expe•
dition is under the command of Capt. Hutton an
experienced veteran and well acquainted with
that part of the world.'
I P The New York Tribune say.
'The number of vessels for the gold region is
so great that the baken of ship bread, though
working day and night, are unable to supply the
demand, and many vessels am consequently de.
tamed beyond their appointed time. The amount
of bread manufactured has averaged 50,000 pounds
per day since the let of December last, or more
than 2,000,000 pounds in all.
'A letter received by a mercantile house in this
city, from its agency at Panama dated December
Ist rates that the place is not crowded with straw
gen, for the gold regions, as has been repiesented.
There are comparatively few vissitors, find no
trouble of any kind for want of provision.% ita.
A letter from New York, dated last Wednesday
evening,,saye :
Letters hive been received here from Charges
and Panama, as late as Ist January. ThoSessen.
gen b e John Benson and-the Faleo3l. about
300, al went safely over the Isthmus PPM Cali.
Mira was expelled about the 10th Jegi)there was
no crowd at pentium
received „
4 letter has been Gem . op of the crew
of 6e whale ship Washington, w was deserted
by her crew at Monterey, amine that the liiittab
bias sheep" of thei,crew had $150,103 and many
of them nibs
Lieut. Frisby, of the N. Y.-Reis'ereht, has writ.
ten to hie friends that he has collected $200,000.
Among the Californian Asamiation pow being
organized here. is one under the conduct of Mr
Audubon, jr., the toil of the distinguished natural.
is.. It is to consist of 100 subscribers at $5OO, and
will proceed to California by land via St. Louis.—
The precise route Ido not ant know. Mr. A. has
been over the ground before, and expects to cam.
plate the journey from 'St. Louie to the odigginge
within four months from the. time of starting.—
The company will take with them an ample suit
ply of wagons and pack mules, and provisions for
eightma months—They contemplate passive I
through Chihuahua to tha region of the Oils, where
Lieut Emory report. the gold is found. Should
the metal prove as plentiful tierce Iris represent.
ed tti be farther west their pilgrimage Will be Mortis
ned some 000 ar 'TOO miles
Our chief of police, Justice Mama, has caught
the msgion, ind is making preparations to "ea.
' mom. " -
The pilot boat Anonyms (says the Barna Jour
nal of last evening) cleared this foremen far Sas
Francisco, under the command of Captain Snead.
we11..--Her crew consists of ten men, all told.
Trtodwell intends to make the passage
thtbagh the eveds of Magellan, and thinks oneltp
dred and ten days (including stoppages)
him at his destinekpeeti The A. Is intended far a
trader on the cost ordalifornis
The Sweden, of 650 tons, has been purchased for
$30,000 by a Boston company, and will lame is
San Francisco shout Febrility Ist,
Later tram fleelea
By the schoouer William E. Colfins, arrived at
New Orleans on the II th from Vera Crue the 3d
inst., the Picayune has full files from the city •of
Ningbo to the Milb 4Ni:ember. . .
The Mexican Congress we to astiemblison the
let loot tor the despatch of bodiless. There .wee
much feu that a quorum could' not be obtained
mons especially as the Treasury was - reputed
as short 'of funds. •
The administration at the very West date atll•
pears less straitened than venal. Thornausda of
officeholders and pensiensers in the capital had
been made glad by the payment to them of ars
rears due, and the troops in the capital had been
h is said that Gen. La Vega is on his way to Taro
pico, he having received the appointment of Com
mandant General* of Tarosedipas. He is land of
the vicinity of the 'Americana
We can gather no Items tithe state of thing, In
The authorities of the State are continually mw.
testing their fidelity to the Garments! and the
integrity of the Territory of the Iteptiblic, while the
rest of the cation appears to bolt on them with die
Dirlio continue to exist in the State of Mex
ico, and papers mention that Gen. Alvarez
had "pm weed" at lgtuda agents Senor Ants.
mute. '
Not long sincearevolutionary attempt was made
1 in Chiapas, led by one Gen. Getomitto Cardona la
WSJ pin down.
The insurrection of the Sierra is not wasubdued,
nor can it be with the present military {rote of the
Government Gust apprehensicaur are - felt that
this insurrection may extend into a wat of castes,
like that whinkihalblesolated Yucatan.
Thrightbf therocientry the terns of robberies
an d otheimpitaLenarrobsch. tore frequent than is
eloitahnent with anAciedt . pollee and well ordered
state of society.!- - - •
It fs nowilieged tharGiuseral Paredes 'received
a passport to leave the county from Senor Otero,
dated Mesa= day that Otero resigned his seat in
the Cabinet.
A division of the troops under the commituad of
Gen. Moon is obtained at Victoria de Tamaulipas,
milder Gen. Aqaba' The pewees say that although
tone of seithnent in this "city was in Sena of
! anise:akin to the United Skates, fee pretence and
good conduct of these troops had produced s ram.
Ilion favorable to the government.
The papers are - full of acemants of the ravages
committed by the Indians. s .The Monitor ofthe 21th
ult. mentions that a party of piiitenty wages at.
'tacked the miningtown Milan I f twas, killed twenty
of the inhabitants, wptoidpil many others, wad
carried off eight captives, with a large somber of
4 7 1 P.-AP reele,. The WM scenes of rapine
were c9Pitilued it ether stapes in the vicinity, with
killed, captured.
A Haptbo g . arrived at Vera Cruit on the 224
Deepintivoi tfot a ,fyom amberg, and wee or.
dared to anptit ogtede,on sl qat of one of the
pawsengeta having dia CVFFeya during tee Pee.
Flom Tau.—The New Orleans - Rpm of the
18th, have by the steamship Palmetto; Captain
tppith, thesof Galveston papers as Imo as the IBM
Galveston and ItonstOn Ink corithillys healthy ;
only a kiwi:cholera cases haying occur re d; and
the Telegraphooll the latter place, - contradicts the
awe:slid - reports recisntly:published concern
ing the dentin" In NS idlaget.. The, interments,
it WI. for the ?VS Foneli worn only seven.
A detachment of 14 infantry,ll4 in number,
was encamped at ctons at the last : accounts
Two ottlie nutritite'dted eller their arrival, and 15 .
orhers were inch, of that'll* flip**** Ft o h Fs'
veiled in the regiment while 'twigged-at I.atracra.
The remainder of the sick were cout e ctocili
and the disease had not spread among all.,
Wayne Bitscra, son..nela . ,l General Burleson,'
the limner .rice Prealdent Teas, pay Wed in
Washington county lately, y two soap Penensl
Burleson. Several lists were gred both Odes.'
The quarrel originated from an old grudge—'Batton
having Wed allother* he Burleson' last year,
and this wearies Arst op nift they bad of takipg
The Bonham Argue, a paper published in welds.]
evilest's, ayes information derived filen Indian
chlik.of altinlrpprdply fate committed by
some while - men, by Bring on wpee", and else
of a few hungry white men, a part Or a WIT of 2R,
coining into a Shawnee sculementi.'flee hitting
a conflict with some bands of wild Indians near the
head Arkansas It is supposed they were
'emigrants th'Sidifornit
°OPTIMUM STEAM= to Csuacanta.—. - Thd
WttiOnipallaion refers to a catameot that Capt.
Meade waajtonte4httilli la . primed to California
and take comma of tha fr. s. oaßga E:dita,
as e at a depository and protect* or thp ialil
J11 13 0071 , a -.Wa.undaSsa/ 1
amd Olieuetilltitkriejk*ill49?°P.
wi iii o uid it. is piopqm4 911711.11r=
otbdirge 74 . o4ll "" °U* " %ant " Ma;
. 1ica491,11R9 11 " t r , 4 14° N c i7 bag nosh 4 pt the
application was •
daltwatotiof m*o.
• t , .
JUDO l'ATradithiAtoe — le Mee to supply 4
Wemedd (Or 'City& civic* of ledge Pence* pump,
Wet IMP' le the Fed 071.111,4 Cue, we republiab
it on the Ana page of ie diem
Hasa,. Jan. 17, Ogg.
The Speaker Laid before the Semite a communi
cation from the governor, nominating Townsend
Adoen,arChestigrots Becreterr:of the Common.
alsOpresentett a mpy of the Ineugn.
Ind Addinis or the Octrernderenpon on mo.
lion of-Mr MOW, 1000 copiesan English, and
ZOO i*Elermetcirens 'ordered to be printed.
,2';11ille iuPleonly Mr Mason, a further supple
ment to' Me act to reform the Penal lams of this
Commonwealth._._.• • .
bill to repet the ad to incorporate the Erie
and Quo Railroad Company, coming up on third
reading; Mr Johanna eptdte at length in opposition
to the bill
Mr Crebb replied.
Mr Johnson rejoined, and spats till one o'clock,
Two reit:4'26.°mi were offered by Mr Patton,
calling for Information nom the Canal Board in te.
gird to the expenses of the Portage Railroad dare
ing the last four years, stating the amount paid out
and to whom pall, and the amount due and to
whom due, dm
Mr Swanrweldu offered a resolution Unmet.
ing the Committee on the Jediciary to report a bill
providing itr the election of Jim:lgoe of the Supreme
Court; District Courts and P 13113 of Common Pleas
by tlie people.
Mr. Pearce moved to postpone the resolution in.
dellitintly, which was negatived, 60 to 32.
Mr Evans of Chester moved to postpone for the.
present, which was alai lost.
I I Mr M'Callmont moved so to amend as merely
to request the Committee on the Judiciary to Inv
quite into the expediency of reporting o bill as
proposed ; which' was agreed to--Sll to 46.
Mr Laird moved to amend by adding to the end
of the resolution, the words "and hereafter that
the terms of °thee of all judicial officers hereafter
appointed by the present Executive, shall cease
and expire, if the Constitution should be amended."
Mr Evans, of Chester., moved to strike out the
words " hereafter appointed by the present Exec*.
nye," which was IDOL • Mr Laird's amendment
was also negatived—yeas 47, nays 40.
After considerable discussion, in which Mews.
. Ltuk Roberts, B. R. Smith and others opposed,
and Messrs. Swart:welder, Craig, Riddle and
ratters advocated it; the resolution as ...mended,
nmbatltuting the inquiry into the expediency, In
stead of instruct) was lost—yeas 43, nay. Pt.
A resolution was adopted, directing the Couunit..
tee on Vice and Immorality, to report a bill impoe•
. sag a tax spun all venders of malt liquors, except
those who have tavern licenses.
On motion, the House was directed to meet at
10 o'clock, A.M. in future. Adjourned.
The Speaker presented a communication from
the Auditor General, setting forth that he had
transmitted to the House of Representatives copies
of the MUM{ made to his department by the sev
eral banks of the Commonwealth, shaming their
condition for the past year.
.On motion of Mr. birthing, tOOO copies in Eng ,
Mb and MO In German of the said returns were
ordered to be printed.
Mr. Mason, from the Select Committe, to whom
Imarefened that portion of the Governor's mes
sage which minted to the late Executive, made •
report, in which they respond to thesontimentsex.
pressed in the Governor's message in regard to the
distinguished virtues and services of the illustrious
dammed. They recommend the, adoption of the
following resolutions:
Essefied, That as a testimony of high regard for
the memory mad vietuesof the deceased, the chairs
of the Speaker of the Senate and House of aim
sentativaa, be shrouded in black during the midue
of the session.
Raselogf, Thu the Governor be requested to
transmit a copy at these resolutions to Urn Shank,
and to express the regard of the two Houses to
Mrs. Shank for her elevated character, and (their
profound regret at the 'late Providential dispeas.
Ramered, That . bill be introduced authorising
the payment to Mu. Shrink of the balance of the
annual salary of the late Executive, competed to
the 16th of January Inanum The report was
adopted anilthe resolutions unanimously Myreed
Mr. Smyser, from the Committee on Agricelture
reported a Wit to establish a standard kr the meas
urement of bituminous coal.
Mr. King from the Committee on Finance, re
potted a bill to continue the law graduating ;lands
upon which the proclaim money is due the ccai•
monweahh; reported it with ameadmeou.
Mr. Mason read in place a bill authorizing the
pb=l, to Bra. Shank of a certain gum being the
of the eatery of the Executive. It was
taken up and passed.
BrJL -Read to Plan.—Mr. Brawley, a supple.
meat to the act to reduce the State debt and to in.
corporate the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad
Mc. Streetec g -A mopplernent to the act to regu
late peso:cedilla In courts of justice, and for other
Wite. Crabb-1 o authorise the partial resto
ration of the Capital of the Bank of PancisYlve•
ea. •
Mr. Brooke offered a resolution instructing the
Committee on Inland Navigation to bring In a bill
to cons:eta a millroadto avoid the Inclined Plane,
which was adopta
ble. Silas altered a resolution requesting the
Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into thee:.
radiancy of reporting a bill granting the electioe of.
the lodges of this Comaumweehb; De nip Attor
ne7 Genezals,and Deputy Sarviyar C3meraro , - to
tracts. Adopted.
vernor sent in a message, cammusiom
ti that he tied appointed Alexander L. Ramell,
of Deetny Seeneary ofi the Common.
eal& •
• Mt. Forsyth offered • resolution that the (km-
I ridttee W CceJinticlary enquire into the erpede ,
envy of metharang all the differing inspeetordap-',
putted by the Governor to be Mooed by the, pee.
r pie. Adopted.
The Senate took up, on third reading, the till to
repeal the act lecorparatingthe Erie ea Ohio Rail.
road Company, and oiler debate, in which Messrs.
Wee and Brawley opposed it, and Mr. Smelt ad ,
vacated it, ens reads Mini time and passed by
the following vote :
Yeas—Messrs. Brooke, Crabb, Cunaingtora,For.
tryth Frick, Harris, Halms, King, Rogmachee,
Lawrence, Levis, Matthias, Rich, Savory,
I Darin, Spesker—td.
Nays—lklemus. Beat, Boas, Bewley, Johnson of
' Erie, Overfield, Pcminger, Saddler, Smyser, titer.
lett, Stine, Streeter--11.
The Speaker laid before the House a litter from
' lobe N. Nirvana. Auditor General, transminicg
the annual report of the condition of the banks and
savia,ge institutions of the commonwealth.
Petitions were presented from Philadelphia for •
change in the law relating to the inspection of salt
plovisunis ; for the repeal of the act incorporating
the Erie and Ohio Reacted Company; for the re.
vival of the collateral inheritance law; tor the
completion of the North Branch Canal; for a change
in the law regulating the apraintiment of prism in
spumes for Cheater county ; from citizens of Fay.
trite county, solemnly remonstrating against the
abolition of capital punishment; against any di.
vision of Clarion County ; for the abolition of the
District and Mayor's Courts W. - Lancaster, and the
increase of the salaries of the President Judge of
the Court of Common Pleas, and remonatrances
against the tame ,• from the Historical Society of
Pennsylvania, in favor of the removal and path.
cation of the colonial records' for a partial rector.
ation lba capital of the Rank of Panasylvenia ;
for a change la the mode of granting tavera
licenses; for a abutter to a Savings Institution In
Spring Garden o foci the pivislon d the Fifth Ward
Southwark; for the repeal of the law preventing
the bating of small lades by the Banks; for the
removal of the Seat of Justice in Warren eOl3-011;
relative to the rights of the Seventh-day Baptists ;
for Lawrence county and for and against China
Mr Evan., of Chester, submitted a preamble and
resolution instructing the Committee of Inland
Navigation to bring In a bill authorizing the Canal
Commissioners to construct a route to avoid the
Philadelphia Inclined Plain. Oa the second read•
ing considerable debate occurred, he which Messrs.
Evans, of Chester, Ball and others rankirated,
.and thy *Potation Was Qnally postponed for lin
Mr Robb, from the Coalmines ot Ways tied
Means, reported a bill providing for the payment
of carted'labaien on the public works, and to pro.
vide for repairs upon the rune, which vas read
three times, passed, and seat to the Senate for eon
lidAriltdlupr MOTO to estryM tbe Committee
on Edocepoo to revise thp sp col allitol 90111 to
make them more coraprebeasne degulte,
which passed.'
A message from the Governor informed the
Hausa that he bad rimie.d the impalement hodhe
sot laciest:Ming the Efitiltable Ilea Insurance
Companyof Philadelphia; that iol, LOPTlVarfli
the Anne's Widows' Aultita and the o'
a ntarising F. W. Hughes to sell rattle rind estate.
To ch. Editor of th. Pituburgi
sae In your paper of the 1 8 th lash, a .
notice of. au Affriouhltee; I,4eptipl, had
place 114inp'tbyrsi8hlp, signed hy. Parmei; but
does not mention at what-place the 4iteiing was
hedo. 7 nor of what gentlemen it was ccapriedy
Perhaps you could giye toe Nome iagna s uo u r
the subjegt, in your next weekly. If I knew
address of any of those gentlemen this acWati ao
onglou* lion the eet!i*lnent 0 ! °° eultta/
Ekwkwy, I would tiomodintely porntaimad with
li.egn, ant( l9d feeble old Ottrrytnif mit glair
Pertutm the best way to give them the required
information, would be tb 'tart this note in ybur
Wgegly gagetp, whiel Woriil4 ohligo tie
spbm4o....r. You specuully,
of, A ftaiLm AND
7144 Tan Elogsagiggr Lt n 4 Tltle.
any, wedues4Y. Ain. 11.
The [Omer= ita.girig . Ind FPOrigir• &WWI — -,
ID bd.ann.9 l P T tt i oB # lB4l the Y i li ""4chi° B 16.1 W. M. WrightoE. D., DonDet,
o f Th e nit brought aptoit the Vani Ileoseloere to Orrsog Eid on zido o lgeo , z3, , v,n...„„,.
Ice OD riliditY ortho_ t it l e to thotkat onetol 4, , realatii a &leek %AM 4P Pait 4 4 7 44
ttehi tiiiihern ia no , . Onuntes g(alball, Wfglir... . ' -ego 4 11'. •
!gab 1 0 7 ' ' I ' DititD,i., i t ,
Uis tirgod,by lilti LIM th at tbofe Ittide
o ea ld remit° th e •o o" Your:. i , h.,. (.1 a, a al* U..... 1 . .27 th •
TitoikonAiptitats !mita called upe, thekeisk 0., h1...a4f u." , " , ".q. 3" oBo,2l o l .l4liTeent.
Were to rear4ill, the VengeabielleeljeSni We ed. The .O,W ...ii toe pipe 19-311r i quesdelq . 4 , ti
leotion Of rent de/in the vedetwy the me in ' 0,6,,g, Rom tborrAlhoce of kw iiiikor,i.i.Aullk,„,.
mut It grin P7014/14,11eDitti .t Satatolfa, in ihe ~,. Arimt: the family Cr, htiltiel le *teed
mouth offsbigsly. I
rotthow ee
Damn no zug Gam Ilsom—The Bows
Rut 'mei** J. Nati* thipowing
tract of a alter from bia brother at San Francisco.
Its g-treatents have on air of exaggeration, yet
than, may be truth - in them. TM - lack of pretty
inll . -irobably be temporary—as
4 'bugs oat
ITTYi ...i canton bias ' gone._. .
"A state of distress and suffering prevails here
such as the withd probably never bakes saw—
people were SO eager to get-gold that they only
thought how to get there. Thousands upon thous
sands have reached here, bringing no provisions
with them; trotting wholly for their supplies from
what could be obtained h ere. There was none
raised here. All rushed to the mines The sup.
ply brought karst:avail is nearly exhausted, and
hundreds have already died, vow. thousands more
will die from lamas, and by the hand of each
ether. Sickness rages as tamale incresses—and
f 4
me hove become demons goaded to Insanity by
hu gm, and if you hate any regard fora basher
r God's sake ship toe some provisions to San
cisco as won as possible, or I din of starve.
tio ."
•.• • as Naar Chwurrs.—Neer (Mean. pa
. n of the 11th and 12th instants have been n•
Ved. Tbem - bas been bat 40 interments from
..... during the two days, anol on the 11th, bn
ere ppm oases had been admitted Into the Charity
Flosidtil. Among the deaths on the 10th inst., was
that of Judge Lany. The Bee of the 12th inst.,
"The health of the city Is rapidly Improving, and
we now feel safe ittsaying to our readers, that the
epidemic is at an end. For the twenty four hours
ending at noon yesterday, there were only twenty.
.pine interments, of which seventeen were cases
of cholera. In the Charity Hospital, up to six
o'clock last evening, only two eases were admit
ted. We congratulate our friends at the happy
change in affairs, but we would, at the same time,
advise them' to be extremely careful in the matter
of diet, clothing, and exposure, as in moat came
at the termination of an epidemic, the least no
prudence will prove highly dangerous."
NEw Omura, January 15,1849.
The Hon. Henry Clay has arrived at Baton
Rouge, in the enjoyment of fine health and spirits
He paid a visit to General Taylor. Theo Inter•
view, it is said, was most friendly and agreeable.
They met and chock hands most cordially. The
President elect ts makinghia arrangements to de•
part for Washington, about the fins of next month,
and it is said that Mr. Clay will accompany
Our city is again resuming its wonted healthful
ness, although the epidemic still exists to some ex.
tart. Within the last kitty-eight hours, these have
been in all seventy three deaths, of which forty
were by cholera. Nearly all who had led daring
the extreme prevalence of the disease have rev
turned, and business le going forward again brisk
ly, without the slightest intemmtkm. The welsh•
er is cool and pleasant.
New hurt' &rave Pmeca.—The report of the
Inspectors of thin institution represent it to be in •
very satisfactory condition. The number of coos
victs at present is 176. There had been bat two
deaths during the year, one of which was by su
icide. Seventy one have been discharged during
the past year, of whom twelve were pardoned.—
The manufacturing and businere operations of the
prison have been very successful. The institution
has paid all its current expenses, and at the close
of the year had on band, in addition to the full
supply of foal and stock of furniture, clothing, enc.
$6,335 OS There has also been paid into the
Trensmy, boat the surplua earnings of the convicts
$3,260 36.
Cusonia um Ps: usu.—Ca in Chapel, guild
bn pronounoed u in champion; the et as in rag;
and the no uln trees, only .hooter. Attach the
`to the first syllable. Cloquet.
,?:anama should be accented on the last nibs
a which is pronounced exactly like 'ALA when
used as • substitute in mother. Attach the n
to the first syllable. Pan is pronounced like the
. English word pan. Pan-a-wind. So says the N
T. True Bun.
Oct. Sinio.ns s.s U. S. Sets - rel.—The New
York Tribune, referring to the nomination and re
ported election of General Shields, as United States
Senator from Democratic ' free =a Illinois, sage.
• It it generally understood that he Is pledged in
Giver of preventing the establishment of slavery In
the Dear territories.
If General Stck& has been elected--as are pre.
same he his--a curious discusaion may be expect.
ed. A. the General Is an Irishman, he mast have
been nine years naturalised befine be can take his
rat in the Senate. It is said that he has nut been
nine years naturalized'
"fluor ()Aka" •oa Croorossra.—A New York
letter, of Thursday, ray*:
"Ton printers from the Tribune °eke went to
(Ytifornin a week or tan day. since, several repro ,
tens of the other duly papes are talking of going,
and on Beimday next Me Edward Conner, for
thirtaensgears past the ship news edlum of the
Herald, learn 6r the valley of the Sacramernm—
Other gentlemen connected with the pets are talk.
ing about going."
W■ric PrAtn.—A newspapei, establishment at
Springfield, Man a, seal • mercantile Ann on a bill
of advertising. The firm relined payment, be.
emote the advertisement was incorrectly publish
ed. Thalia the plantlifs responded by proving
that the errors were caused by the Inferbrr writing
of the manuscript, which could not be read. Ver.
did was given far the Omaha.,
A Could Eirsuctutwer.—lt la stated in an Eng ,
Rib paper that the proprietors of the Loudon Dai
ly News have sunk one hundred thousand pounds
by the publication of that journal. The price la to
be increased, and it is to become the organ of Enga
bah Dissenters who have coma forward to its re•
lie( and taken shares in it-
Manifaas, Bill+ Lading, Colainad, Lau Monks
luau lal.lA, LARILIB, Clall/tearCt, 01262.14
POLACISa at. to
printed sr the shortest notice, at low prices, at the
der2P Garr." Onoca, Trout art=. .
I [)•' Neer airs 2# 4,
enamor' insurers—The Third Leettnrifirat#4; •
aociation be delivered by the Hi . Eltettattr
gycomma, on TPursday eveningOan.24tht IA- 9 0m
Apollo Hall, at Se o'clock.
Suarscr—The influence of Christianity on Slavery
Single Tickets 25 cents, admitting a gentlemen and
accompanying Maim.. To be had aPthe Dook Stores
nod at the door. •
DAVID HOLMES,}Commituie.
TIIIIIIITHAIrt Tern:eons to the Weise of Dr.
genalfage.—Read, all that doubt.
5 41 ferret, when played at the entrant/el is-at hole,
enters the aperture, travels along the pa dTsetse*
span the rat, exterminates his exbstenceiend. go the
mama's defanrt carcass to th e light. An fit the
manner bare I found Dr.lFLane's American Vermi
n:le to operate upon worms, Mese dreadful sad dan
gerous tormernors of children. This remedy, like the
Garret, enters the aperture of the mouth, travels down
the gullet, bents mood the atounteh, lays bold of the
Worms, stakes the life out of the repairs, sweeps
clean their den, end tarries their earcasses clear out
of the western. This st least has been the effect of the
vent:gage upon my children. WISL ROCIATT..
Nfples, Jan. 1847."
, I%b Is to errafy that I beer used Dr. 11I'Lane's
Ventelfoge, end have found it to operate in lite MM.
ner upon my children. • JUIIN lIIUGGS.
Naples, J0ae,1847."
For sale at the Drug Store of
/ KIDD k Co
CoV.4 An Cows—The frequent chant. In the
weather at ails ..,on of the year,
invariably bring
wit them rough* and, colds, which by timely
ainanion am easily cured by simple remedies. PIEL-
Opt/3 , IMPFIRIAL COUGH 'SYRUP has been in use
for the last II Teens, and has maned more reputation
FLthe eure oT hpuglat Andt , regedring;grumitienl
,A,,, them ear othec
be eili;ett; Alregl.ot cod6W Th. averioV4
,* eery pleneant kethn,taste, and. and this
Count la • alma favorite wait etuldten. dpses r.
~,,„o,ll,graduated, to he On:miens, to oak all ages.
rum lons tried and highly popular cough remedy
may bessithm the tench of all, a is sold st. the low
Prg2r ants per bottle.
L „.Hvij,,.d ,ad by 4. 8r.t.1.1.44 , . WA.' 0 1
Pt,StalttlLD. amy, ecentey, sod amorists pn,
*hilly 10
eitioa. oetti
DR. U." 11 STEARNS, late or Reston, le prepared to
raanufeature and pi Stee4 Tana In whole mid pans
epee Ranieri or Atmovphorlc Nathan Plays -,-
0404.17 , 14. q. ulNirtge , netee le
4 4. oa r , d iespleue;l4;t door Lhe Isar.
er n s . blfi n e . o ro .
Use Baum on DAD TZITIL—PerSOII2 who have ei
rater pre honorably assured that a On. box divots'
Anther Tooth Paste will, on wan tliO4. Wllllollt
• Mak° the Ihexth pure and sweet,
The Teeth while and OW. ban!.
Rondcr lasi toy this once. ft 4 sylo by WAI Aig
"' °( * s "
t. •
137 Tho,Gasette, and Pittiburgh and mbar armpit
rs,—Cidotlamen trtvellog, or My of 'our eitizeos
wisdnairopply of our Pittsburgh tislly u pLurs i sk ,
= P T:Z ' s
v s= e 4 OSELL , M,
644101 chnP1.5......11. Hiests , App.
oT vad tome, where fhll supply is tea
Juni low 1419
yrra Doan hare Faul 14 : cr you hart, age a
tw Saintair bouts of loge*! rXooth Patte.grue
bill mane yew breath meet, hen your teeth, tke
4 Ild moo üb.rty M llftuirvorty
Jr , late of mid city, deeeased. An remm. 6a
elaim• oi demands against the estate of said Hays are
requested ta male kaourst the sum talltlMPr l
withoaldebry. • • DOM ;
TO LET. ... . ._.
'..• A
poZiEthreirstory and am two 01 " 7 =
Home, bed in modern style, mattde
of the parlor...and batb bnantatudndidd
Vylia street, second sod Wind houses from th e ear
ner of Washington. JOHN Y. rERRY:'
Ja7ll Iv
4ons SPIO ! GLENN.
rikEFICRat Messrs. Spann Is OnksWerchousa,.Wits.
V ter street, between Wood and Market Residence
at Mrs—Nns', Fburth street, between smitkfield and
Glans, next door to the office of Robert Woods, Esq..
Plusburgb_ iteM Ws.
ItirOUNT EAGLE TAJPOU—For elrstlit g rent
al. doses and letup clowns, silent plate, brews, Bri
tannia, and other ware. It rapidly takes out all spots
and stains, and reproduces the beautiful sod durable
lustre of new ware. Just received and for rale, whine
sale and retail, by JOHN D htORGAN,
Sone A.Bll-10 casks Musperws' Sods Ash, put re
ceived per steamer PLOIITC r Red tor M
100 Lamm st
W -
A HITE W DDLNG-100 dozen, good heavy szti•
irie, large rheeta. just reached and for amdo by
ja92 SHACK Lt.-rr & WHITE, 99 wood it
BEEN APPLES .40 bbl. In store nod for sale by
1•23 J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood et
-01. [OM 211.10
Jed hearth and cloth do; for sate by
jadfl J D WILI.IAMS__
CORN -1) bogs shelled, for sold by
A si 8
D ELT? SMUIT-49 bush Scantier ilb , to i Lid i sgo
B UTTER - 1 bbl Roll, for sole by J
DICE-30 done. Carolina RICO, near crop, landing
tram Attar Consignee and for sale by
:MP SFAID-5 LLB reed and for male by
jad3 BRAUN ola RitrTßß
ANARY SEED—For .de by
c i lltel E1L.1.171—1 ease reed and for ask, by
pr pal BRAUN & REITF.R
M 1 AI.4.ISTER'S OINTAIENT—A fresh lot jut r
eelved and. for sale by
__ _
MAR LEAD—On band and Got mac by
ACETICCID—On band and for ula by
AV .1 KIDD k. Co
) d for Bala by
Pal KIDD 1 Co
POWDEKED DA YIIER R Y—On bond and for said
by pen J KIDD &Co
PULVERIZED CUllEltd—On band and for sale by
is= J KIDD k Co
and for safe by Ja2l J KIDD Ir. Co
CHF:ESE—NS b.., Cheese, prime quality, stilt ran/
and for *ale by W & k tirCUTCHEON,
J.M. VII Liberty at
T\R V YttACUF..I3--300 bush dry Peaches, Tre'd and
I, fur deb ja/2 W& a fIITUTCIIF.ON
111:STNUTS—Lr,busira••touor, read •nd for of
by 3121 W A ft M'CUTCHEON
LARD -3 bb'. and • kegs Lard, reed awl' for sale
by lall W k R bI'CUTCIIFON
GREEN APPLES -4e bbls GM. Apples, on band
awl for sale by peel W t RMV ETCHEON
- -•-
YAf—%* bbla Fird and Water Proof Palm, on
-baled and for rale 1. , y
jay %V d, R brCLITCHEON
OTATOFI?--oa. sack. Neahannook Pawnee, reed
ibta day per attar &Ethan Fallon, and for sale by
DOTASIf-9 casks to atom and far We by
iatJ TA. SM . &
N. O. SUGAR—X Md. prune new crop, langt,ng
~ from omr Noels hoer rrod fur sale by
pt.?! JAhIEnA HUTCUISON tr. Co
R AISINS -40a boxy. Mlensi
300 hi do do do
qt do do do., in 8004 and 1
..1. low to close, by
ROLL lIII7TLII-4lthls fresh Ron Butter, for sale
RHEA' tk. Co
I.,‘EaTIIF.ILS--10 seeks prime Feathers. for sale by
tat! FEUFAD. RIMY a. Co
CarroOS bales for sale by
R(1 L . UTTER - L:4 bbis pHs reed and (swosh, by
"AGGS—t bbl Eggs, for solo by
ri - Lou Et- 5 3 bTrl;;;;Illue Flour, for arde by
eIitAMIDKR-8 labls 'red, and tar see by
ka_12,13 irItALSTRON(i 2 CHOZEIL
EZGAZ:litzas remuved aloe to rho
La. Post Oka b f,
3d story-entraute by Philo
Nall .miry jsls/4tor
L s
AHD OIL-ID bb . .14 Premed fad, landlrmr horn
by the Hodson and •
S'IJALZ tow,to close
ELL eorsardsreot
ral7 , warm at.
pure vrincsr attained,. in moo
LARDOIL-16 • •
and for sale bi
• puma & Co's extra BMA. ID lio
jlts 0 BLAMBOINN aco
and C. ..In by
PEARL ISTARC 1.1 bza in sum and for do •
1,19 - 0 111.4CYBUIL91 4Co
OTABH—II • Pot dah, in aote and ibr itale
S _._ --
Veal 1101123E17401.&SE:13-1 3 Obis L.. qL
Mouse liolasset, on c.,3tlarnt and for .11c Lry
VITHITE ILIAV A 8171166-30 taxa white Hama
V V Ougar, Aux ehre4 and COT sale jiry
LAILD 611 L—Le bbis No 1 winter strained Lard Oil;
a do No I fall do . do do
est received auditor sale by
tFnz-40 bap La Cato; 30 do roper do d o e,
o Lairayra Mir., in loon and far sale 01
ArEIR.4 Y OLD BRANDY—I qr. cask Old Cognac
V Broady, -180100 past Imported by ne and lor ego
by the bout. jolt MILLER k lIICKETBON
MiACXEREL.— bbl. No 2 Mackerel , Wading f •
dant drooklyn and for dale by
ROLL BUTTER-23bbla prima RalLlkamr.inat
calved and for sale by
MAC 1EF311.34--35bbis No 3 Macke_c_ , b I=Mo
and for oak. by initi L WA
AHD— bbl. No 1 Leaf Lard, inn reed and (or
sale by Ala L N WATERINILN
EANS-5:1 bblo white V
Beano Lawn and
.4.10 by L N/ammo+
CCREAMCHEESE-40 b. mom Mee.; al.; 60
do Watt.. Rescue, for ale by
Et WANTED—For -which Um
• !big.. market pct. wUt Do paid try
Pao E SELLERS, 67 wood in
DRIEDI . EA CHES—ZAU bash dried Peaches, Levee,
'cod shipping order; for eel. by
BW !MAT FLOG R-40.saeka ( or sale by
SWITETCIDSR—M — bbIs just reelsad for .ale by
N SOAR—ID bb, for tale by
ALMONDS—IGO bap son shelled, Just reed,par etz
Oriental, and for sale by
CHLORIDE OE SODA—On hand and far sat
}au IaDD & co
CHROME UREMN-031 band and for sale by
010 J KIDD & Co
^ -
BALTIMORE CHROME 011 M 1-0 a hand and
for sale by jalo J KIDD tr. Co
male by Jan J KIDD t Co
sale by ialo J KIDD k. Co
RYE -Is sacks Rye, tor sale by .
. _ -
ink. 6do book do. Cylinder press ink to bblst
st received and Ibr sale by
_ .
QTRdecl4 ANDLES-Iff 411 1".74574 ftv We by
.41L8-200 top assorted, 'for rats by
deall 8 1 , VON BONNNOIL4T &Co
• . _
-00 bags EeppeE . lo do
Pimento; In store end for sale by
ARD bbl. best winter su*Lerd 014
landing from Mai MelPfpgll . Md by
droll 'yeses sti
Cl3lllll CIIEUSE—VYY Las prune ersaiebeese,
store and for sale low to close coo current, by
deell JAS D LIEU,
Bittinr 4110441 p
nom mr.,AL-410 .kle by
V c_ slygrA IV! 4 . _
b l d i'VtragiNHO '' .5 . C0 . 7
ASH-71deek1_7 let ; Onceentargokri'aVi
SI'OTTED FL....NNELS—Orte ease tsqk vtml
red, Nei opened by
'DEAVER CLOTHS—A Icon pezt;e:l l ea . tylgu.
ip i""`"c'd by "P ":IIeIELHTT ‘1113% -
ra.Dl g a g . ajts'' YLrrriAraiiiir
i r kity.4.l bY
gOT-10 kegs Na. AiA A sAtalimby.
_ 1..--
7 8
AtivnA Oh No 144k4di I ball &gab
tr. bIA peen Appleei 4 obis erseklinp, Jot
e4I per sour AllantLe, for Bale by
FLOUII- 77 bbl. Ramsey% Family Floor, jsist reol
per mar Canna; for .111 by ,• . '
la 1 4 1E0_
SUGARSN 21101...A1PF*-4,1 *VM
Bbie opostalobi ail,• ror sale by
Fign -su bbl, No 3 !doctoral, for 8010 Ili •
,j 94 • ,
LARO au. -6 oulfiAtet grupc4
f ,0 41 imur IWO Nava% and (Di sy,le by
*4: aeut pa 1.444.
QUNDRIES4O bx. n Wool* 447 i 30 b.z.
.I.ll.,Updsj SO to bi• ogo }lv; I In drum
do; leases y.Laciaortoo; lIA Mason's Blocking,
Jul mesh , 'sod in .ale ht
• ab
sus - 'w r're TTrrMlll'
64url. if Confretwaary, co Auction-
Thramortang, Jse.and, at telfeleekort theaters , *
Jarrjohnjaahlea, ba Diazeusiellari*tweMAVe*
sademithaeht wrests still be achdiblaitroirs eteek or
eetdregrataii. frra, ghse, fart and iums- 11 = 10616
Terms, truhaluresey. jaart JOON DbeirD2l, eta
PoloraptpoySalo of Dry Goats, 1h to pay dohmWd.
OP Thotedny mominz, Jan Yih, it ID o'clock, at the
'Cloimstewelid Sales Itotnne. corner or Woad an d FM
streets. w il l be &AI, for cub currency, on account
whom it may concern—
A large and general usonment seasonable atom
plc and fancy Dry Geode, embracing superfine clothes
caedineyes satigieticatil; weedy, %tar tad 'heave?
clothe, setae, yellow, green and scarlet flannels, catt
ton [annals of various , co/ors, blankets, cloekings,
cashmeres, merinos, alpacas, silk, black arab:, h.,
vesting% gingham', calicoes, do ham, Orleans cloths,
eblldrent net mats, woolen enstfoytr, hodely, eapk,
libbW3hlisc.,.4lShire aadi owey of fincY
goods, tn.
At 2;:illth iirrpzik '
Gancennu, Ockwww '
12 boa Virginia tobacco, a quantityect d
e :e d .
I:detected halm
!Leasehold furniture cooking sieve' and Liana .tnen
ails, from a family ;bout to remove Onset thii eity;
All o'clock,
A quantity of faahionanto ready made elothinary
goods la arras variety, new and secondhand watches,
imam( clocks, fine able and pocket cutlery, shot
guns, pistols, cadoal uotruments, German fatteg
s'ooda. letter and cap wenn'aW, think beaks, &a
Dana god Goods at Amnon.
Will be added b., the barips tale of Dry
at the commerelal baler rommOtonter of= till
its eta, this merlon. at le e'elech
1U pea 44 thistin * A. Laurel de
do; 30 .oper Trani, emtdriero, areeden and embroi
dered thaw a, cation table diaper, bleached mulles,
atinetts, Ike. Alen, • > •
23 pmsuper large domestic blankeus
sdo do Blue Mackinaw do r
to place* sad Flannel; Int pea unbleached End color
dCanton Flannels.
1a23 JOHN D DAVIS. Ayes
Ilausehald Funsitu . re, litkrarr, Paint
. ,
isigs, go., d andsm.
Thureday morning lan. Mith, as .10 dekmk, lathe
resißence of Mr. W. Younlexter, Allegheny May,
will he sold his entire stock of slousehold Flarniusm,
Library, oil paintings, engravings, &a., among which
I very superior well toned piano; I pa lariselFreneh
plant gilt frame mirror. Upttir superb pier mbles; I
pair splenibd mahogany soMs; I mahogany contra
iota , do ride board; Mahogany and IVindsor chain;
• few headroom oil painting. a library of choice Man
dard works. I sets boned u candelabras, 9 fuss dress
ing bureaus; Gina, glass and queensware,
'with • large quantity of household goods, ',hien Flay
be examined pinyon. to the sale. at sale.
ia2o JOHN D DAVIS, Jinni
at Attesion.
Will be addedin the ule on Monday alternoots,Jan
?td. at she eenuneretal sales Main; saner of Wood
and Fifth its, I substantial +eel i made BoIkT
nada JOHN D DAVIS, Anal.
Tammy, JanerasY 23, 'rill be acted • new play cal.
Walter Raymond
•• • •
Philip hir. Gum
Lilly Mee Cruise.
Evelyn'6Tiu Porter.
To conclude with the
Wednesday—Benefit of mr,merfiDcut
Now.—%e vrtll remain eland during We
o d wariber 2d und 3d Tier.= emu.
Cotillion Party will take place at du: ono
Asmagly"Doolati TitaidaY entt hitUarT
Ticket. Si; a gentletain $.4 . did
No ration= aril bo admitted wntionlba
of a lad. =feu he has bowl a. papal.. TaDeadlil
OA THE BENEFIT arms °Malai ta's
sSs. Pam:.
Cntracas,.mlS. be (Ivan at the Lafayette Assembly
Room, au • - 1 1 2iday eveolag, Febtnary 2,1822.
Hon. C. Sams; Am:2m Bows, Esq.,
Jon. B. Ormuz, 1 . J. &game,
Rani Larms, 'LAVA
J I!tacexu.,
W. A. hildause,
E. Ram,Scars,
WaL B. fdmrearasz, Jr. Urals NALLY
Joao Dowsosta, A....irceuzdzi, .
c., - carcui.x. Acuzi.m...
111:7 Tickets
con be obtaLaad nom the Manager..
dea22 '
minim - mum rirdison ICISSTITIPVIE
THE Second Bettina of this.. Inatitidon, ander the
care of Mr.,akid 'Mrs. GalPl.2lll, for the
academic year, will Sounnem on the &rat of Februa
ry next, in the asniehnifdings, p
ND. d 3 itibanr alutet
Arnagenterna WM been uni4.:t.bperhiett they will
be able to garnish Tenn ladies faciliticiegul ban
in the Nest, for obtaining a thafrumpli;Englash„
cal, and O rn amental education. A fall course of
.Ilsophical and Chemical Leagues will' be delivered
during the winter, illuernted by apparatus. The dc-
OILIVUOUII of Vocal and Inammental blusio,"lttalem
Languages, Deeming and Penang; each be under
the camas , wm ..t Pude:mar. By claw attentitil
to the Moral anal ktelleMal itarrasement of their pu
pils, the Prittcapals hope to ment • conthmation of the
they , hamelhltherto annoyed: For
terms,cimalator apply to.tha Pummels.
Lvmszkis Lvanizusi
ryas sobseribers baring oaten the Baer BED above
the Fifth Ward Bridge, formerly acm by hir..Jolto
Chambers, and having a good cock ofrunbeton hand,.
would solicit the patronage 'Lot' • thenpablie.. Orders
thankfully neared andpromi l ly atihridekt to.
The anderslipmed haring sol4kleinteresitailittAbove
Blil4 mi. - Messrs. Baran & Spalding, or/cold Ygdoca•
l owa thent to Ile COW , cargenere end the goatitelial
cy trldtarseell qualified to• ere tuitistletlon' lAA
Who may deal with OWL r .`
t' "1"22-dlor • .4onmf CHAMBERS. •
LIABII.O6I=I tjau=to46ear.,-,,r&
lone Led edgindin fivirear loam =de l l= elts
t, COWS dog ond do of b*.lt. silk tang do of
bßelt and retate Franck evoidtbd:lltoo capes; owl dd "er
Mick *Weill* sense togiantwitliamuirty of twiny
Brissels new black end catered 24 l. 2ens fof ?el*.
oolld and midis silt Dula* for -dresser',
Dealers nod odium will And ft Barroom rent to on
andnetthein before molt .• . .16.92•
grerras 7 vziusuruGE , IN o,EQRGlLL—
egorosers, Jan. ft,
Mr. & 11. gellerw—Toor Veywlfße hes sold
sad has beta highly spates Of by all who have wee
Fttm the scream attending the atheleistradots of
your Verrollbge in every cue I have heard of, 1 am
soundest I eon sell more !going the ettorthilt season
than 1 did last I will be esti to reech, 11IICHter sup
ply oil or 0 gross. Years % respecrtfoly,
(Sousa from letter.)]
- R. CA.1171311.
Premixed srul sohi brit 10 13101.1.100 y; 67 Wood. it,
aoldby &mhos gereerally, la Pittsburgh and .711
go. gem pretuatisteo. OtalleinaihDlSSOU
jokThe A elipprr. banmer-JOHN -FUMED,
Calm Wm J.Wattr, in now loading ai Chase'.
wharf, Baltimore, and 'will PAnccild thoht
delay. For balance of &eight or pamage, having su
perior cabin accoonnodatlons, apply to
HAYDEN & Al don& Gay, aa Ball:
Mama. Winter A Latlmahwill have charge of the
earges and will be pleased terreicelve Ihtther ttatisign.
mom • 'AMP,
MEW citmon ii/LICTORY,.. ta
A. WRITE & CO, woultertspecthdly in orm,
. the public that theP brie erected a shop on'
it, homers Federal and Sandusky streets. They
are now maldnir LA an prepared to mere orders for
may description of seinclas„ Coaches, Chariore, Es
fmciu., lIIIr, Num.. kn., ar,"erluelt &ow their
- Lithe facirtlesThe a r have,Etery . foerldert ' Lae . w y ' l r tre k.
enabled tors work on the most reaso Le sinus with
those wantingkrtieles in their line. •
Paytng cedar attention to the selection of awe.
dais, kliT tag none but counietent workorn,,ther
Lave no hiensdon in srenanung their work.,
thank. ask the Loin ion Stith., public to tido water.
N. B. Repairing dom in the Bert wuaor, and on the
moat reasonable term.
__, •
Olt Dats•rrtso Gallery
noon oritan, nay oretco IIIILDIX.
Q HOGE begs bare to [anon denitiseas of Bins
sop burgh and eh:deity, this be bastakcape Deguer.
rasa Hedid4etel7 oceuPietkb7 gr• r 00.4 i,The pub
lic are assured dal all the late Improventhntskreseta
red, and will he-brought las operation by Mr. lege,
who has been • convent apentor ainee the art was
are discovered. Entire esusfaction is guaranteed to
all who may become his patron. Bin kb will safer
with pianism to Mr. Porterrin who= anablishment ha
has operated for the tan mitre ruandes. Family Poe.
traits, &waving*, Dageettecamearle.,accuratey
copied. laketases taken manyureelher, and set W lockets, breast
ewes isrukfetenp.
Instructions men In ever} bran= rash. alrj ao.f.
paroles furnished. tf
BELL AND mum" valdtMliLY.
builsatuf ings, shoed i. ess a* his 4*14 cht,
pm tus***l ph ased to se e his ohl tAito •
'bud Wads- s
tom Chateb, 5 Wm absroy; du-Jew.' 10
oce pp,w4.6 W vo=1:1 palleintOlf the most aptzt;
edadalsous 4 la be the best
Mineral Wider PbuipsoCounters,Psilhig Ipitis'
*her seithavery scr,etyelfin= quibsits, it beguired,
canna and Masked bOW AeAl4ll{ lAARDAAA ;;1
A. F. is the ealeisruMacis a( JAhunres SlarrbArrab
you torsi, la c cab:hulled far tha ruluatiou al
f,i.AAA 4A, -kW orl f U. -flues. and Cummillat
eW he iiii49( SWAIM .3 dhush ---- ' *ably •
POWYKAI ' 80 PM:91%11111hRZ .. XN-,Eugrst
.l3 fm , D•l[ 34 ne us lggished by F. Amhq
Oy—t . ial \Velm, . lin his 11st shard
..6' PillAyyb.oub`wm.
o. pawn Joko C.
.9:44, Alitel.saonan, The.
Ouse ' h ' se . hoyhts=slabA.BDinclrAdecm, Andre./
.tak.. 2 .1.(kW4 'bcblobtiod.mortbm.,) wub-
T . 1 ' 4° ' la uw‘,lrAtt, u xim Ix, i.p c.i.
I•PiLIT ckl . go • 6 •se misens nu* teall
W 3 0 mos by ~.., 301411 1 3 TONACBTOCKTON4
jaYO - Omermokel and 3d sts
" lreni
AILAND paaaandon WM Itt . April—A. Sc
in Mairktt gt_t; near Liberty.
A 4m in LMertYntsnrii itnil OW MAID eon
fib n• - of Market and Liberty eta
adjoining Stun, conri q Nal:ket and Liberty
Two_,Spnej vatrxwasuacimi„ intperl,
neat u , :i r lgiaL , - &First nue BMW, rlp to id.a
-4 g, nea r cum'. Pauemaccrirksza na
miediont.), - •., : DAVLAG,
- esuiaa,
Dom almost. new ttet CIILai
Peu 110 11111 g If II A - I(WD Vv ,
rraiVIWADDA 110X1t=imore meet, near
Depot, Corberlan is no w in ecanrdere order
for O. ..cepu.u..;,4 %a • or the
Persona In lamb of mat and comfort, do weal
542.4.1040 Asa establishmans-Ahey• will Et ad. ,
elean and nine, and %heroic as yr r al Otj
nished as any. in Cumberland, at csreargArni csn o,
guaranteed as rot u ene t 9;4_ 1 4 in the
plans,: at any pee, or no l pygr.. ih nip gnome (dr
"= " 4 11"° 11 7 5 ,44 1, ZD5Z1 WALKS..
• - • - • - st , Dikka tielbt
0 , 7 CAMS lOW* In) NalUri k k i Zte
brand, just non per atarowst molar
inda by
STOEIV.II bt Ala to woo, • fa*
door. from die *meg, vitt s*A*ol* (et a eloalig
tom DN,kro of II:, Yt. N , * v&Y or ?BOUM
OLIVER. ±',.) 3 ;,,Astii-de .
coati .1.7tb01110:11177
ITORNEI. I AT LAW, , F•ar:Mtc.
Nmithfietd end Oraa 'l l k•
A#PLEB-4nO6int a pin.
milehhind grond'alb mew-min sad
nor itS
ild Chem, on bann
Dlatkir sate Xialta
il.v P kcK.E.T N E.
=wen known Ikea( splendid passengers eseatas
• ers is 110111 co wmd eine latnentomnlbrat, be.
and to rnishe and most poorness' boats on the
orateinnt We West. Elocernecousnodation and mom
tort that money can procure, has been provided for pas.
-eandara.s.Theldmhas.bersungolicimwatsr ,7-0
—has copied of go , without least Oda
th'grPlP•E Thef ^tejlt.lia oar Itefe toot ot
Ood s tmedleprdri . ll'uttltittr a
Lion of tremht and the eutt7 apassengers the re
denrs.b.Alrdnieklisn,plMOW lateen mast De
.: 4 iviniaxeraximxst
knee Ahothugh.overy th!xid!whaorning W Dlxli
Whetting army, Sunday evr.wpgAt Wr. l.
May. 89, IBA
The MONONGIMLELak,Captatosa, Ell leave alio.
burgh kloralarcaornagg at ID o'clock; Wkoall4ll
every Italadayartatung at 10 r.
The MOSSNLA Cap. J. Kumenzusoiltli
Pittebuiti every Tuesday ciningerny r1 0 0:111
etery Tuesday evening et tor. K.
' TheNSWENGLANDNa , Cupt..,B. DzAsimil
InarErtanagb.4Tay Wedacsday montlag
Want; Wh.e.d arming 111 A Wr.a,
• „
The BRILLIANT, Capt. llues. will Leave litb
burgh terverTateastar mantis* at 117 o'cloet riVleetteg
every Thursday evening at 10 PAIL • •
The CLIPPER led. e, Cot Pau Deveit , efitO Main
Plea burgh every Friday moment at ID &cleat Whin.
Hai every Pride) evening el •
SATURDAY •PAA.-- a.. • .
The MESSENGER, Rapt S. llarremna, will leave
Pinabargh even , Burnley seureete et 10 attest;
Wheeling every 'Saturday evenieg at 10 r. at. •
ii =k4( lase. abaft
`-- (vss etisocsar,)
1 4inye . rassbassit daily, at o'rlost, A. Id, and bit
rives u +Glasgow, ( olas* asap Saady and Beaver' Ca,
tial,yai 3 Ws foeK add New Lisbon nt 11_,Juunis naafis
Laurel , New Lisbon at 6 o'clock, , P. X, tvilaug tka
(zip canal to die river ddritllbo 'n411,) und'il
odd oidlook, A. 24., and tame at Piusbestrat3 4.
31,dss tasking a coatiad o P-,4 0
464611 and Neighs tinw
burgh, in alarm data waist less. rat&
ether - row. - -
The proprietors of Line have the *aim Of Ito
rmag . the public that they have fined op two Ana Waal
&nal Boats, (or thir aeconmedstion ofpauetgevs aa4
freight, to Tan in- eonneetion • with sho'atill=
-IteAmers CALEB COPE andIIEAVEII, - ene
ing, at Glasgow, web the Pittsburgh aad (Sada
nos, and other daily tirmaisf swowera &WO the Ohba
and idtsaisaippi rivers. -The proprielone Pledge Oca,
selves to spare no neon or unable to mourn
fort, Wet, and dispatth, and askdispat.b, of tho publis a 'hate
of thetrpstkona-
8. LW HARBAUCII I, t PlUnb2l o'
R. HANNA '& Co.
urfila I. nessAdou co: Hair When-
Mr. Murdock.
Mr. ?dor.
NOTICS—TM steamer flErarEit, C.
ter, will leave after this rodeo, for Wetlseijeltne;9l9.
ally, at 9 olnrck in the =nine •
Piing amen t, nnownsin4a -
Daily Packet Lbw,
FEBRUARY 1* .154 d FIa:UAW 14154
Mr. 7. Dunn.
WWI Crotty.
The folloodos .now bons omens
. neklino Cot We plosanseasoro AIN
I bANTIC,. Coo. 4osoes . PAM
TN; ego. A. 7accbr, sad
!MOM Caw. P.: Bennett. Tbo bons on
desynotnednd op Ainonrogard to Ev
an' coodein that many connocAro bgebeed
The Bona villlesoone himunonen, la
tholbot onion A.l • fautonn r botpnotantou
bond. no in boon will otruuoly ono nno off
-nal b00n4.8.L. AL.Jusd 4 P.rAL •, .- ~ ,1141
1.1t.0,4•1.&11C:e"atItt. 1 . ,1 : 11
s • . D v „
..•••114-5 - : - • .'. . : n , . - " ,1
The faarrannina Mo
O amar " '" ' i
Camila BD Cocerzar, silt WWI (kw
e and all intermediate pgrAaare ,
Tharodax,ELkinat, at 10 o'clock, A. Id.
For trecilmoT panpipe apply on boanL ' lan,
- -
FOR CINCINNATI AND LOCIIIIVILI,R. , • .; • 713ie igestald new steamer '
t :Ilatilep,master..will leave kr, abame
~ I ntermediate ports .on litmulliy s
Ind last ; "at3o o'clock.
Fel trelibror pas i sm i tf i ll. e pt.. i . , l t ., t n ,tellrel t or toC o. .? i
.. lea.. • , . 131E011 kULTKVBE I .h. (
- - Tkettpleaditl steamer , ..::• ~.:,
PARIS, ... • suet '
Mama* Mutes, *lll leave for ataiWe
Intermediate gone on Thstredati .
F or (mi t oses Flom= app i ll al board. os be ..i i
_. la= , ow kr ILTENHERG a' Att.
•.' . ,The acv and skieuxfid
• • ' ,F7 ' . P , ac . k' ALEGILOPH Ne.S,•.!
onsiefiLmaateL pill lave fotCineia
nen and LdaloOd en'iVientillah'thel7thinst,atllt
Wetter, A.'. X. Vernacute apply Int
to ' BUILD %VILSON icOccift.'
• Gro amn.
(=limner PeytollllL viII leove t Lennonotelinaor
en artital Telegreehno,ES
eanigefilicesx, and can tante bertha Stated
"newt a • . ••• Itne...‘throt.:
~...r.e . ,—.--
. . ,(F.
MtTha 11 , 1 , Oulid omE tasi v :ranotoc 4. , , girap i ;
Watts, matter, • rill leave ,f or tlet
above and iateratediatapanamWed
_lbe Slat inirtAtt IVattatk. ' ' • - ' ', 1
:,„ . F.g 2 .
o fteight 0114111 . ar i
v l ttla ß tNgt t t:p Ag
~ ,
Az4Hoekingport. ag,lluargoWo4o • ... •
l'00; mace!wW76Yra [ at me
Oar Talesdy, at 10
L For Gal. War •• • . •• y board. dneStf 4
4 1 / -
120?tre . q itearnee, , '
Iiair"VTISITLe . 4`
Webber, master, +Pt leave teteV
a' Wheeling( eeery Mood*,
arteday me w F lies lo . ercleekpreobelyt+•'• • '
Viva every Tortelop,'Therrea Midrib ,
toniey, at 7 delete am, presieel • -
It eCaosoPprill-teed at all thp
Hoerr aecomedation Prat oda be proottred tbi rt.
fort oaf pefotz of paarregets hub= prerrefteter
boor ta t elegazir op:N .6o ;ring safely wr i t
.= ni ta.. • . zvorill
&IA ~, ~,• , ....1',7.9( in 118d8taki4461'
s • *...t a o
Pttgabiargb and•Pbtlindelphtsi
. ... ~ .. . .
Tilar:'CiliTiku:nr.::= V a rvA h ,r it , t .
writ lea** rkradelptaa. daily ivAl/ th a Ida 4
Cbarobiriblugrand Ikon thence, by. WvAici Awl a
total' of noun , muting day. and debt. ' Wo' ha
prepared to fonvonl 6000 lbs. freight dafly. ‘ ATVs
•, • • • D LNECH 2Winsblirg I
Ooh % No In Swab 'Third Bireel. Pinhole .NA
'IPIPARTa ThaFsvpsvrwrum. noh.
wp ri ligiegDz i rrantrsicia..
Mareitandise transported at Canal mum
Water itrect, Winab&rak.
anal 7 • . • 17 liabistrea& R.
111:111.1{.E . a CMS PAST. Er„p ima .
Pii 3 doe putput onbard Bart
Preitmed Mlortrard packages of; all
°l4l /AVPri r.- Mf
4 0 /'
OVA likßoadaCintrtns
. frn, ..... 1848-111 ala
QUIP P ERS aad arbor: are Infonnedithlts this I.llte
conilmans lama Willy. Produce mad amsehaadbe
reectiplatlfar by FIVE DAY LIND and cogalar twig-
GRP Warr mum and speedded tiro, •• • 41 4
J C BlLlVES.l.,ltonhanth; ,
itird• ROBINSON &BONIN, Balantor
; • C‘- •
.1 , • Tlll%6Dll* -1 ; 1, "%gf.J. . may?.
irtsdhii:=ltttrfinbese groiner. Militne s tLe t rnkng ”'
as I. of Januaty mkt, army ,trnt tam!' train Favor
Chtunhersburr,b, and relays rtyborsesou the tornm,ke.
CLARICE& 'MAW, Pirtsteirgit.
„„,....""." LEWIS & TIER, 219 Market
n in g h.49 / 1 , 244 M 5a W 41 1 .":
•i f ert son taste ' &Ala
11111113 RYE DAYS-tßoMolag Day and bit
milklkine Philadelphia tlairy with/ MD
Train• raChatabenabargin,A Wagorr,,,,du
•trial, andllaving relays of , liotseit mnidnadry tod
tote oa 'its
pp mk'. menet, the certain arrival mf,cneds
Naakorn Opoda will be waked ..Mom OAP bo
ketilnd up each day, so Mat no dels,yr•ritt
Ws unli be prepared so, foneard-Mak !MIR ,
'" Cuba Dam% ly
dee29-dam. 7 hi test Palljela.•
%AIL cr.gierkierthi:
In JAYNE—ma. ~ chat munedwisly au.
basing alditalad raydnothce; mho died M en
.in idvietm , lB4.ll,loeaa takea *let mull Moteat.
CemPlalat, aad reduced et leer the
4. ll . l Teen I was melte to armed to.
. $14C11... "."1 4 T , a home us abroad, otav ar.
moat Irma confined to ray bed. Dcringtba above Peri
od Mim I bad expeaded s
and.mgdieuirs, to 1 1 0 , 0 • 0 14 , of
IMIS/, reecistingiany benefit aerator!? Im
jalyilB4A, I Mitimenced Dr... .el2eito them moreet ie OW alea,
4314 lerett„Attat It weey pareetrenttp tktblit Use,
Shat aim alum truly =TOM bere- , compleiblr-fikno-
TM.I . , IliYhdaith. , I, holarethatdaynakrftnauftePtlls
an. EsPuMarant, kkokomfamtlyrabillehtas now in
gagged, .0/ogo curtail'. Pi. 14, pad
ilfitTett a lr P autPgaiekote shop us tgatipbac,
'it aka airt t ruc s and muunq . 0 * MI. /
• rs mid Wet, and make this certificate tanks Ms.
eat of artheael 4: tiltUAll PATopr,
:NAN . 15,1513. jar
6 VEIIII4. AND onto weslatir I.r/
.1— : ~W • • Till, . .
FrANOIRW MAN whoa* Otter wal,), r
• Ile orjetrit • qiiion, - st ri.• 4.ri a , kj it to k
~,,,i,,hi,..yother•desolittoo Ot.
t 1:5)901 I
be seeirabtei wbethr - TaLogio?"t. or p ~. n ...
*l. 11:, ,, dick •• •-•• " ......
• '-..,
tagAn 84t11 • .-. • .41 .