The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 22, 1849, Image 4

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• • /..17.1...1P1E,4700 •
0011Rinplien Ceache , Cel4ll4llFgat' LW.
I to Ileart, leilocssst en , ltlb r Orolgen - Con- • .
atittam; Sore Throat t Nerithir
ty,Und all Diseases of MOTfiteat„ .
Wemt add idosTil thimotAef.•
' -Warm end spEeffy corm
ever knovds for any of
the above thetas- , .
... •
DR., SIT/tTAiirjg
Coma Syrup of Nvus Cherry!
Thisarealeitie Is no longer among those ofdoubtful
.10empiesed away froethe .thousands daily
bucket) upoothertide ofesperiment, and now stoner
higher pi reparation, end to becoming more extensive
', we d * s o any other preparation of medicine ever
produced (Oldie re of tmffertng man, •
It has' been introduced Very generally undogh
Dolled Storm and Europe, and there am few towns
impom ac e tot what contain thine ;fentarkable
dormer of good effect. For prmaf oftho
statements„tmd of the value dad efficacy Of this Elsd -
eine, the proprietor will insert Mew bftjus
sand testimonials which travotoM presented ts i,A,
sum of the first vesceetubilitelf,Witt. lava higher
' tea
armored responsibility Justice; than to a nd
so foots; beesuce &rowdier a favor, and
thalaselves`no injustice. Such terlintOUy pr.:mestere.
ebrdvely, that its sniwising excellence is established
by its inuinede merits, aue the unquestionable method
ty Of" public opinion. The instantaneous relief . it of
fends; and the sombittg influence diffused through the
whole frame by its use, renders it a =tot agreeable
remedy for the afflicted. •
oWhen men, acting from conicientions napalms,
voluntarily bear testa:may iha Utah of a thing, or
parnealar fact, such testimony, being contrary to their
worldly interests ma purposd, coerces conviction. of
its Rath, and commend. itself in st special manner to
universal credence.--Olionan's Moral Maxims
Sri= Atom= Coss es Pnaloosn mostrivom--
There never woo a remedy Mot has been as successful
In desperate eases of f.kinsumptiat, so Dr. Sway - ads
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It arrangtheos the
Mum, and appears tp herd the elects on the lunge,
orearmg new and rich blood, power possessed by no
other medicine+ CuarrauCo, April WM, 1849. •
Dr. Swarm—Dem Sin •I vehas rily
be hew
the means of
llcats your Ccrm
pound Sim of Wild Cherry
saving say hfe. I caned a severe cold, which gradu
ally grew worse, emended with rt severe cough, thm
remsted ell the remedies which 1 had recomse to, sull
Increrming anal say core eshdard'all the symptoms of
koboonttry Consomptien. Every thing I bled seemed
tohave oo deer, end my complaidirmreasodso rapid
that Mends as well as myself, gave up all bhp' s - -of
my recovery. At this lime 1 two meow:ended tb try.
your invalaahle Medicine: h a n d so with the most hap
py realm: The lira bottle the effect to locienthe
cough eau= inn to espectotste freely; hog by t h e
th . 16.1 bonles i i was entirely wekmad am
_wwo bealty a Wl' " 1 aver ln We7 sad
apia, Ira 41"3Wr Wittirrers9o-air- derive the tiniart
which ern so grateful.
, gr .,,,,, th;,tr u gi c l ro f the
Chester, I red:el:hi:: 11Mtehmed the =dieing,
ly yours, hit= Mematall.
Tionderfal Cure of a Illoshothot . . • -.1.0er.
Dr Swayee—Dear Sir. I feel a debt vignuitude dal,
you—.end • duty to the of materally, to offer
ruy humble testimony In favor of yew Ontrntetand Sy
man of Wild Merry. Some three years Mee I was
violently attacked with cold. and inflammation e the
Lamt which aciotopanled with -.a dist:muting
wax Pat. in the breast and bead, An very considera
ble aischarge of offensive moms from the lungs, upt
own change of weather, however slight At
c fir i t i t t i felts o alarm about my dictation, Ina was pertly
Kam convinced Madams rapidly goingconsma
lion. I grew daily weaker, and at tenet was
ly able to walk about, or speak above owidsper; sod ti
was the exceed-1M wea k ness off my Moro During this
time Iliad tried various crepe:melons and mesenpuons,
but found no tellec--growin,k all the time worm loot
here,' wu advised and persuaded by • dear friend in
rngton to make trloi firrnP of Wild Cher
) must confess that prevmusty I hod been preps
dew ...rearm patent medicines, and I am still mm
thosecoming do of the hands of dowries, bet under
standing your claims to the proferaion andproctiee o f
medicine, and having bootleg faith in the sou* of my
friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw,orm plied
mento s a few bottles, and ernUmenCed ile nee. Ity dis
ease Mil at that time of %tor 25 menthe starming,east.
gaged:My it W. deeply seated. I Mood, however,
considerable relief from the use of the fast four or five
haulm, Rd being a public speaker.! frequently at
tempted to preach with my mereastog sattm^ and
thereby raptured throe vessels that had already begun
to heal in this way„ doubtless, my cure was &ready
lurtled. In consequence of noting thus imprudently,
I had to cote twelve or ftfteee bottles before !woo per
fectly restored' . base no question a mach en:taller
wormer of bottles would have mode ons soda, but for
the aborts indscretion. The Syrup allayed the fever
tak habit, took away the m distresdng cough, pat stop
lo the dischargeof r from the lungs, and gave
them 11.1111 the entire system good health. I have defer
red offering this certlficeie until now, for the y a
dare,nts' pettedly satisfied. with the permanenc of the
c and nos 0,4 I feel perfeetly men I ear it with
pleasure. itsv. J. P. Joanaa.
Dublin county, N. C.
linportmat Caution — Rea & Read!
'There is but one genuine prepamtion of Wild Cherry,
and that is Dr. SVIAT.4I, the first ever offered to the
which has been cold largely throughout the
raked Etudes and some pans of ktrepr.„ and ail pre
parations called by the Bongo of Wild Cherry here
keen pot out ranee this, under cover of some deceptive
of e, in ardor to
no give currency to their sales.
By a little observation, person need mistake the
genuine from the false_ Each bottle of the genuine. is
enveloped with a beautiful steel emeaving,• with the
likeness of William Penn thereof, also. Dr. Sarayne's
signature and as further security, the portrait of Dr.
Swarm will be added hereafter. so esto di
stingu for
his preparation from all others. Now, if 61:11
the great ennui.° properties and known virraes of Dr.
ets Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons
not be endeavoring to give currency to their
Maddens eamerarrisn by melding the name of Wild
cherry. Remember, alorayenearto ututerese
of Dr. Sorayne. and be not deceived.
PhiladelphiPrincipal Office, corner of Eighth told anCie atee.ll,
'PVT aisle erboJesale end feta by OrsDthl SNOW
car 'AI and Wood - Sin . 13 A - PAHNRS &
con Ist and Wood, and 6th and Wood sts; RIR
?DORN, 53 Market S JON&S; lg. Liberty Jug
A JONES, col Ilan& an 3 Penn sec JOHN MITCH-
Allegheny city, bud by all respectable dealers in
motheine octl3
EL - 46 Wahnestwelk". &aft-01110w Pill
Mhso Cathartic compound combines smallness
J. balk with effleiency and comparative mildness of
=try a o c ratio., jc e t ru o em g ely ' v P ri ul ble in 12113:0112nw
try, In which bilious fevers and other complaints,' at
tended with congesdon of the liver, so much shatut&—
They have now stood the •teirt of Al icsra, and, captri.
ante has proved them so bee safe 00419dt:table lirnidy
In Intermittent, Remittent and Banal revert ;
dice ; Bilbao* Cello; Indigestion; Dropsy; _ Dysentm;
Dams Vomitmgs ; Colds. and all comptrits of as In
fammatory character. The complete and universal
arlhfaction which has hem given by those pills to all
who have once [used them, renders the publishmg of
the =woos certificates in their favor unnecassary.
To prevent comsteraciting they are now put - up in a
nid xylograpie wrapper. -
Pecs US etude for bateCatiltling 30 .
b 7
11 A FAIVES/rOCK. & Co
emelt . Ist and wood, and alga conies eth and roma
Ix=mom Va., Oec 12,1844
Mr. it E Sellers:—One of our physicians 'whose
ptrsdee rs very extensive, told me this morning of a
coss arldeh one vial of your Vennifage brought
sway above SD worms; and n gentlemen in the neigh
borhood said that less than half krial caused the du
ohargerofnear GO large lemma from one of his chil
dren. Very many of such insumees might be- Mated.
Ii Is well knows about here, and almost all mar 1140
say other. Send me 1.2 doses and oblige
Years,.J. AL WILSON.
-.Parents who do nor erlb to trifle with their children,
amid use Saco' Vcrruituge.
- Prepared and sold by B. E 'ldLladlES,s7 Wood at..
eclair, Dr Cassel, Ms W rdl D Cony, Allegheny.
Arrnerrict EVIDENCE mat Dr AYNIV3
"PECTOBANT to aoparior to all other resecaitie for
Clarftei.Coostrayphati, Brottehitie, gi=2,lllld *dm ralloo
iry is that ihe same pm.. aisocotameneed the
Ma Of it to their frouliee ten yam wir. gill wrier. it to ell ;
Whit reassiller ail. Mod; an& whammy Qua hews iodated
preparations they here Count iitraziahty been
to - ramjet:a the bezel -whirl virsa rosonably:
kora the hi& mires bestowed by the Proprietors,
larrirnfarnea tofhotura of Units ' Earacrotterr, as,
Ifaaleridy. Ws,hes ewer bided to reline thas, lad artarli
leahlher serer had aquatic , arreateeirj &roam
tmly lry Dr D. Jayne Philahilithiestaaold
72 Foulth et
r i ALLErs PAIN kill - TRACTOR wilt, in live =la.
IJ *tufo= the tam of its application, foam the
pilaw from the eervennst berm, scalds . blistery,
and will heal ereenda, ulcers and sores any kind
without war. This valuable Pain ElWlei01:. MI be
MA of JOHN D MOROdN,_ W Dtanipin, -
No 931___ood Wreet,
9. 1, A Ecat to: Westevn Penns:
• Bs As FAIMILSTOOWS vzsaurvina.
FEW weak. since, ono of my children,aged show
TO years, wag wrarell for several dips, and the
--- Increased so alontungly dm 1 (mod death
. would be the result. Having heard of the good effects
of Falmastock,s Verroitlige when witairdstered to the
ettildren of my neighbors, and thinking sty child might
' am. worms,from some of the symptoms, Ira. it one
. aail . a half tesispoonfols oCthe Venoinfoge, and to my
Crit ., astimlshroent it almost lauttediately discharged
a 250 and 200 huge worms. Its health was soon
Vg' guun teittrsof
it is now Lat w ar o kably w w o 2.
...Previii i mr
'•ma In its' throat, Etna I often feared It would - die (reit
• Ottatogalarlon. SAS. G. DASP3ON.
'3 - Tltßutstas Ventage. co, Pa., April 3,'48. .02
OINTMENT is the most et:foetusl remedy before
Dahlia for We cure of letter nth, dry and watery
Oa** of the Dee, neck nod body, scaly erapttons,
•. mad all edam diseases of the skin. This' Ointment la
wanistiod free from mereary, it iterfeelly safe, and
maybe used all time
of this and cinder al et l i eVl=wes 4
fetid/obi- app ly
g A L r fINEJTfa & Cr,
earner of lot cad wood; also, cornkr of Gth and weed
421=ES' VERIIIiFUGE-- . No family should be
JIV - witham
Lams, C. IL, Va.,
. IL E. Slant : I thearfally certify that have
Serino, pears put useh year Vermlfage in my family,
and imiaerrally with success decidedly prefer it to
MT other preparation t havoused—amongst those may
; be. nartiod celebnmed medicine called Doodsho;
FahnastOeXa Vesirdfuge, and a lion called.
Werra Test In a tenant-ease n singe dose Monett
*am my Utile boy one hundred and six large wow
No family certainly ought to beJAS. strithous LAWSONit., Your. Stn .
Piepared lad told by - It. a Bellera No. h 7 Wood st.
and old by Dniggmts generally in both aides. sepll
Pine Set of Teeth for 25 Cents:
11113.—Yellow and unhealthy teethe alter be
' ones or twice cleaned with Rum , Amber Tooth
Mu* bays, be appearance of the most beautiful ivory,
Masi al the same time Mee° perfectly innocent sue ex
quisiteiy fine,. Matta constant daily use is highly ad.
waitereach even to those teeth that ant in a good con
them a beautiful polisil t ansi preempting
decoy. Those already decayed it ',mom
= lll lXnehtli tirotatt.-41 also fastens each as am be.
=iictitscli and by 'Pen.ftillllCl, it Will
br nict
tnethdelicalsly white, and snake tho b
ud m o r WeI...JACESUIVI/ LI y
• „ .
' ' • Bat: Voliwoog,} r 7 A,..14 Ilat.i.,N.N clr
• -,, - 11.1:Foznotocat, , rigsbugh• - - ,
• ••••• , 311,2ipilopm.yr g. Otero . the Ott l y as
' '....' --,' , ' .-, . . Nair Task.
,'.. ' . ...r inaaniksrors eXteluOvely costiod, to ihe.
• I, ' , ' - Vaptetialo business at Mae. 1 - oto street, to
City pf Ntr* : or tu mz uo ptePloot-to WY
:t:A.v. Alld. Mum adds Dom, nu,
4toltivFonuso 'sad Mitetieatt• Pe d 0112617,
ii..) 1: -a . Wady own
1 4 alii=egaztl==rWas of boo.
ot a slip:dor qoality as few its - espy au bow.
orifotite FON V 1-FAIIMMXI& CA. 1
.. . , . ,
eolleoeso =mit' Voi] •
ou•Drilled Blessiey 4,/ hte Affe.
The meet astraoldlaary 11edlew In the World I
Estrael irpid 1171 a Quart Bettis: It Is re:
. Wise Wiper, eltstroster, sad wurrested et
sitrivr to my told. It was gelltkout
erwrillsyr, reryley, eieheerair
er stall
• •
The crest beauty and supsniority of this Sarsaparilla
O•fr elit he reeillettes Is, that sidle it eradicates the 44.
ear, it histiotate• the body: Is le cue uteri my best
Dyer knouts; It pot.etlY perinea nr
.. the ban @Teem. and
strengthens the warm, but it mew woe, pars end rich
z Alporer Foulame&br so ether medletee. And in
iais gas the ' , rind, keit of its weodettal emcees. It has
perforated within the last elre yeses more.thas 100.000
rums of severe ban et disease ; at lewd 15,000 were
everidered Incurable. It has wed the User of mon
than 10.000 children during the two pas +woos.
(0,000 =ye. of Catena_ DabMt/ and
~ weal of Thermase Mama.
Dr. T.accuend'a liatas . ria, invigorates the bolo
tieflitpertaasenttly4.; A c tll . o44 . sdllaie it i et•thei, ; •
:::,,.="6, 4.1,.. the azteseival o trolgenee of
the pastime, and brought ens general physical pram..
don ollidt nt.'s.. trtintn. ludlude, 'mai ofintabition,
i...i. t i, k teetteation; prencataredeeity and Mello. hasten
ing tow& that Dag dteintes,.Conantapdon, tan be en
tirely 0050000* by this pleasant remedy. 1111. Berae•
par la foe vtperior to any
it • larifforatima Cordial, •
AA fencers and invigorates the quern, give. activity
t o the 'limbs, and strength to the tnostolar mum in a
moot extraordinary degree.
Comesuapiloto Cared.
Mem se . Slaw Ora Gramrptios can
ilrnitkitik Conttnketicce. Liver Orrviaut* Cell: 1-
Chun* Closiks,',Arama, Spittle, of Zleoit,
iStaresta Its the Chart, Ho& nod, Mehl
lee a sae.
. ratisalareethaVaf.,/ree
t ore eat ea hi sure.
411PlePT1461 D u : 5 ,. 4:3 1 .
illas 7 Aprrill
re l laa l irs "A" Laihittofideae 7"l n '
. _ale g
whit. I lame fee atenlyearelltad a had nth. It
ViAndes le wars Al tga I staid hart yak
feed, had Mad gm% me wen mai;
stl taimad, ard did sotarpma to Bre. I Ivo
oderi Int Befseforilla sstat ea. al thine tr.
awe befit altmarelma amp& in tn. I tin var., Atli
Ka I ova the CV. I nate so 4 . 4 cad tot
Ise idl ma. to miCerldi Met I tut
, eft them road%
Taw obadlinfyi
NIL lIIMEILL, lib Cathatthul.
Igeoidallialletstek .
• P., TewasereeallsmadmineictiMcdP midiporle
caroler ImtV az Connanpaaa,Barrsanao, pro.¢ms
Mod, arT of the Wastrb. MirUmat Pilo, L.. -
tert cm re , • distryaod tridille ribinsers. ,
des insoottene Milne, fp land &inhale
,astlteet the turgid prerlradaa of the gnom ,
e.. or whether the moriltaf irlareal MUM or mom,
Mince, by unpin*, Mtn to imam Ronda:
t o Afe. mans surpoisina Me ite imigorating .r.t.
en Me hantaseratu. fame all Inaba= alai tat*
nil, tra:a uklagA at csas boons yobad tad fell el
mew eels, fat e-m , .. II boatedishaterestteracts
the nerrelemumef Me fees Comm. le thu P.... 1
mote al Barraanisa It wid net to tad ef et la
Mem of se &llama a caw% to earadrat. of
ear.. performed bat we dim acme the abated. that
bandied& of cam iambus reported tots. Thaccomis
ef.zaeos whale hello bare bee without dabs.
adm a (0w bottles of *is teraiathla stedinthe,
hare beellamed with flas, hishby alierana ,
T• nothers suadllliseried Ladles.
We Estraco afilareaparilla Ism been rope 1f pro.
pese in tehreat, 0 female complaint. - Ito fends
tie turs neon t o . suppose she I. antocachier that
critical pooled. " Tits tare of Effik" shield maize to
nth. it, as it is • cartain remora. for say of the
rouseaa and bersible diseases to which females aro
subject at 2010 ohne of Ifs. This period may i 4 de.
lege fine aseeralpars by .dal Ws maisrac. Nm
b it lm nimble far than who see approseldny wo
manhood mil la alculated to man mt.. by Cdoir
esiog the- blood and thrlawating the system. lodee,
tht. , seedl.toi I. invaluable Mr all the delicate dime
seg 0 width 'lran. ere sobamt.
It brims the whole mine= =nous peraseedv the
outhl'a huu,Mth. by removing the impuritire of the
body, not ea far stimulating ta to produce ruthequmf
relaxation. width la the ease stare medicines taken for
Lamle weekasse end dbetuo. By ming a few boll= of
tide medinthe,==ey serer. and palatal surgical opera
dohs may be pymeutseL
Great Elleszlag to lllotkere and Childress.
It lathe oho sod most effectual medicine foe purify.
lag IlMejetene. end reimhig the =treeing. ...eds.
, ftre th
ta ildth . : oard.disca ena
. 1 11 Ltr . e i ngther ,, tt..
creams end etriLur th, i t ' red, th,l',. who have ford it
think Ills hadinpantabla It le highly useful both before
drol dim conthument, 82 It presents
upon childbtrth—le Cornea:tem Piles, Cessops. Buell.
lox of the Feet. Demande.y. Ilmrthere, Wonkier-.
rain is the Bock sod Lobos, False P. 1,. Hertethrhath.
eel Is riegaleting the se al sad equoituisug t h e cit.
notatim It bee no equal l'he ahem 1...7 at ab
Medloine Is, it 11, alums NA. sad the most dell.= use
IL most othoesstalty, very fee mew require soy nth:
Medne, le some • little Cestar. 04 or Magnesia, to
useful liscrebe In the epee sir, sot light food with
1 - -thh......du..t en el:era career . stasis& say coo
BeMST wad Health.
• ,
Coemetks, Chant, end • variety of preparations gene.
of b use, when applied us the fees, very soca epoil
of Its beauty. - They chow th e pore. of the
check diselrenlatkm. which. when moor is not thwais:
'ed by disease or powde, or the shiu blamed by the
.athelie. used In soaps, beautifies its own production is
'tho human (Me Divine OA well ea to the garden ot
Inch sod delicately timed and variegated dowers. A
the, sett. end healthy circulation ofilte avid., or the
coord4 oldie pore, rich blood to the extremities, is
that wW.b pats the eosins...mem in the mon miyya.
site besom. It that which imparts the indescribis
shade. sod Sashes of Mediae.. that ell admire, but
DOO• caw demdb. This beauty is the offspring of no-
Ores—ootefpeselsr oremp. If there le um •
to stud
healthy Minectir, there le uo barmy. If the lady la
fair as drives mew, if paint and me comeetke,
esul the blood*. thick,
sad impure, ohs is not bou
nd& if dub. boron or yam., and there Ls pare and
mum blood, lt give. stet Woos to the cheek; sted a
brilliancy to theireTn thud b
This why the tiontb+ y the Span.
lob ladies, are so ensteb •ed. Ladies In the north
who ohs hot llrtle exercise, or are confieed to dose
room, or tare mild , their coombialen by the spoil.
. cation of daltamthas sokstoses, If they wish to re
. gain ebodorq of step, loseyinat spirits aparkling eye.
• mod bannifisl compliteformthey &mad use Dr. Town.
I send'. Sermparilla. Thoiland. who hare tried it. are
mere than added. are delighted. Ladies of entry
station, crowd our odes duitY.
MI odes tio the Ladles.
• Those Loll Iminue Dr. TownsinidN, Sanaparitta. hove
Invariably called their wage peer Reemtly .11.•
melee, dos, and have eopind our bills and circular,
which relate. to the comolaints of armors om for woo'
—other MOM who pot op medicine, hem since the crew
seam of Dr. Tenntsead's SessapirMa in complaints
Incident to Itandess recmded Didot2ltip
riously they did cot A number of thole mixt
arwinjurious to fmalei a. they sp i els,
arie undrierine tbs o f
oleo. Dr. Townsth.T. isthe
only end best randy for thatureserins female ems
pialets—it rarely .
If ents fills if effecting a permanent
mow. can'be taken 'try the most deltas/a females
Ic nay mem or by those Media( to become mothers,
with the (melon advantage., es It prepares the eystem
and prevent. pan or danger, mei Stropglbous both
mother and chid. De cosehite r . the genuine.
Scrofula Cured
Mks carat:stet conelexivey proses that this Pam.
patina ha perfect control over the mon obstinate the
eeses of the Blood. Three pers®. eared ha one haus
le sopraeadeated.
Three Caillslyma.
Da Tooragsal its: Flare - the pigegore to
learnt yap that dine day children bevels. earedof the Straw. by He nee of year entrails= tegilhane.
They great afflicted very matey with bedllagg boo.
taken only (parboiling ; brook theca away, for which
I fad myself ender greet oh
IBAA W. , 106 Woo:go:wet
Opinion. of Parretthum
Dr. ?cosseted &anent daily receiving' erdm lone
Pityteidea. In different pasta of the Union.
nurbi. certify tinu ere, the endersipted, Physicians
ado DiMnf Albany, have in LIIIEUTOP. elm prowl*.
rd Dr. Taoresend's.BerimpariThe end beiloy° U to be
one erthe moo valuable pre peridenn in the =rho.
Albany, Apra 1, ISM •P. g. ELKENDORF. K D
Owing to the gees sews. KS imams tele of Dr.
Terse:ere Bessamila • number of moo mbo
formerly our Ageuta has corsureced making !lamp.
mil•Extrecta &Ws Births Extract. of Yellow Dock,
be, They getaway put it up to the use Stalled bol
as, sal some of these See nolo mai copied our advs.
tucroeus—they an sly worthies Shades sad
rbould be awarded.
PrinelpO Clam 135 FULTON Storni. Su. 11. 11,40 .4:
N. Y. &adding & - Ch... El State strent.Enstan. Dion
Sow. 122. North Second .too
Plak tntaa;
S. E.
Ilan, Druggist. Baltbnore • P. a Cobs& Cbskeatnn ;
Wright & Co.. 151 Chartres' Street. M. O. 105 South
Pearl Street. Albany; and by all the Inineipal D.
ghts and Merchants genrally throughout tbe United
...tales. West Indio and Oh.h Caned..
N. 13.-4'cm...inquiring for this medicine, should
tint he take any other. Druggist,. put up
Sannspariltas, and of eourse prefer selling their own.
Ile not .be deceived by .n— inquire for Dr. Terme
semd,s, and take no other. Remember the gene--
Inc "Townsend's Onntapasil a." sold by the mole agents.
R. R. BELLRRIS, General Wholesale & Retail Agent,
No. 67 Wood street, and D. M. CURRY, Allegheny
city. )rya
. . . . .
For theßeernery of Dement and Improperly
. dement and Arbitration of Commercial,Trading. and
other Dehts, Securing Patents for Inventions in Great
Britain, Ireland, and the Colordes and Dependencies
theremons bohemian, tool Negotiating for the Pur
chase or Sale of the same.
a WCITtrIrt, pCErovibra be
a List , comprising a . , yards . of 16000
names in winch unclaimed property to chindum.
Also, an, Index toner 10Ccinadree...seinents which
hails appeared for the past d o years in %ration. Welsh
newspapers,oddre”ed to Beira at Low and next of
kin. Communications hy letter are re/owned to it
post.puid. BENTE/01 FABIAN,
.73 Broadway, New York.
Referencearo permitted to Bon:Charles P. Duly,
Judge Celia& ofConsuson Pleas, New York.
Freeland, Stuart & Co.
Clow. Cartlldne . k Co.
W. &LT:Topic= •
O. IL A. RickettaiEsq.
Edword Schroder,Psi,Cineim Ohio. •
A . p o t s h et , Pad, president Patent:LELA; BinTalo.
The Allegheny Oemellory .
1- . A T flic simnel aneung,of the Corp onion, bold on
...11.1ho . l . 1 .. t d :=the following perhons were tad.
astenity Idewegirrehwihe WNW* years
, ..• .. THOkLii, hl. 11 0 W EePnwitlnit.
...WEIN HI , .-.
~. .
fiEssxam ss eMEtts,
.'' WILSONIMPOANWA Nutuffurs. •
J. paw, h . ., baCroltliy . inif Trusturer.
; ,Tbe annual statenent pre/Cilied the affairs of the
Ongpguy his very prosperous condition. Their office
in the city HIM. = Water sheet.' Jal2
fllitHlkfi APPLEs-14 buts, snortnihifili,,foi - 0011
kw by new IRMA HOICK - EY tc. Co
14-100 tat to 010 re and for sale by
0 1 , 11 rgg dna , lliAlAil DICHEI is Ce
IRAiSPORTit* C 7 Intol2lV, .
UNION 1.111,14.
MOM' 1848. o at
?damn, Pittsburgh; -
• rscn i Palma .Co, Bomar
CaaWroen ris si
MEW. aboie Lion is turat.prepared to uneven freight
.1. and paisengete from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or
any point on the Coonla and Lakes.
late boat leaves Pittsburgh mad Cirvelmul daily, win
ning in ronnettiou with lint steamboats Lake Fsie and
Michigan, between Pittsburgh and leaver, and a line
of first class steamboats, propollora, brigs and schoon
ers on loiter Erse, Boron as Michigan.
l'voVrr unwanted to ruty part of tho Union with
cur Water and Smithfield s., Pittsburgh.
AGENTS Rued, Parks A. Co...Deaver;
It G.Parka A Co, YMIIIIMOViII .C 4
E W Coma k.Oo, Warren;
D Botta , lok do Co, Dreadpor4
A ! k.. N Clark, Newton FaLIN
F Lewis, IlieVvport;
J L E AI Wlliuleser, Catat , lipotti
J'Bride, Ravenna;
M C H Kent, Franklin;
Millet it Tuttle, Cuyakora Palls;
. . ,
Wheeler & Co, Akinoi
Wittilm.tclE4rlc; Toledo;
G E Co. Dkdro-d,
. ,
i'krClurr AVllliAmsalhr „
II J IV metaw, ellicap, lU. upl4
-• ' -
TH Proprietors of this old eetattlished cunt ftrit
Portable Boat Line. havind removed their de
poi 1 ,,,„ ]Philadelphia, to al Lora& Warehouse
oa et., than they formerly occupied, told also in
creased their room for storage at Pluisburgh ‘ are note
prepared to offer much greater Menhirs to then. facade
au d patrons.
. .
Good• carried by Mitt ling are not manshipped be
tween Pittsburgh and Piuludelidnu. being corned en
tirely to Portable Sued. Wall, !Po-shippers of dour
and other goods nrquinng coreful awaiting, lb..
importance. No charge tirade for receiving or *hippig
goods, or advancing charges- All good, forwarded
promptly, and upon as rcasiniablo tem.. by .y oth
er line.
Cminl fern et., Phigburgh.
JAAt M. P.ANIJ4 3. Co.,
?X Market 54 54 Commerce St., Phil.
JOHN Mc rkbES k Co.. Fo'f-Pranling 'and •Comaru
lion Marchants, Canal Gain; Pena et.. rittsb a ma:
JAMES M.D./713k CetEloor UsOtoes itud Onnmis
aloe Merchants, 2:7 Mar Let, and 54 . Cotitrocrce Cr.;
PhUsdelphin • feb24
V - Advancee nook by either of dr abase on Floor,
Who! and other descriptions of Mertahc.don consigned
to Ron. fetal
_ . .
NOTJCE—The railtscribeo hove disposed of their ;11-
Levert to the Pern'a and Ohio Line to CLARKE 6
THAW, of rittsbargh, and A/St:l'llS LEWIS, of uat
qicy to transact Inteinue for the late.
at their Wsichonse Broad greet, as nalldi, and be.
=2km it s continuance of j thezetro_ r nm s cif
Philsdelonin, March sth, lEgd.
and Mio' Trans • • • tkon '176
Dan 66 p#4 Lane pd
70.• =POUT GCUIIS aIiTW rrn-cnrau
.IN CA51.1.111: 11171...
CLARKE h'f}lAW. Canal Boom, Pt...burst,.
LEWIS & BUTLER. Ile Mario:lo- Plaint:o4l6m
:AK STEEL & CO.. Asts. Brort4 rarect
iiiiiVDEVCLAR.K.F.& Co., rd Nor th el, Boit.
W. PORRICS, Agt., 12 West sucot, Now Yolk.
MILE subscribers have this day Impel:steel themselve
together mdm the style of Kier Cc Jones, forth
pis:rues. do:maiming the beisines*micrly curried
by Funnel X. Kier, mil sobeit "nalinee of th e lib
eral patronage hcretotere exteede to the house.
Pittsburgh, Mardi 1,15.45.
rupid.),......_ .=. . .... 7._
..___4_, _
7...- - 4*.-1,‘..- - :- .::......: ... -.7.1-1-o
I\ T 6 ore prr,,Ared to receive and forward irehtlat to
the above and intermediate places with tu mach
ansuatch, and at as low rates, as any other responsible
The attention of shippers sewhing to send Port or Ba
con to Baltimore In bulb, is purnenlarly requested, in
asmuch its our arrangements enable to carry ouch
Krt. I Of through in better enter than any other Imo.
KIER ittNFlS,ltroors,
0313:11 Basta. tear 7th st•
INntburgh, March 1,1-17.
451' 3t ETC. a. r. f 03313,
TTIER & JO"—Comr:u3s:on and for - wan:ln, Met
N 1 ,..
chum. and Who:cAlle Dealer, :n Iron. IS:oomrt
enth. Produce, &r.
Pt.burgh. Phtiulleh2a.
_ _ _
O..Wn. ZS
- " -41 p A a A *Amor.-
To PMlodoirito
VIA CA.AA AXII .11241.1.
ifFINRI" GRAM & Co, Canal Basin, Pdvbargb.
1,17ri LII, hIPIIREVS dr Co, No. IV Market .4 Phil.
C. Korms. comer North & Scratogn . sts lick
j o g,,, P. nark,. No n, Old Slip, New 1 ors, 5 --°"—
IVOTICE--The atylc °lvor firm will be known Gaza
Al and asla Saw, at Pittsburgh, o. Henry Graff
&Co-, maim Philadelphia, . MIA. Humphrey,. &Co.
1113 NP GRAM
Ilf-NRY GRAFF - , Pitushurgt marLAf
1 18 • Xiiiint
For Trawportation of FrowAt to and fn.
smZLi 6Ani,
- -
& aeon:too, Pittsburgh.
pins old established Line being noir in full opera.
bon, the proprietors have :node enenitive arrange-
Men. to ' Cornirdril goods and produce with despatch, and
an the most favorable terms. They confidently hope
thi-ir known pmnapthcss In delivering goods—pe
milar !gaiety in male or carryi.g—aspuiaus
se. at 'each port, affording uncoil:mod:llion. to allippeni
and owner. Of produce—together with their long rope.
Hence and nn remitting atteatiou to busmen, will secure
to them o continuant , of that Worm' patronage they
hereby pluckily acknowledge.
All consignments by and foe this hoe received, char
opod, and forwarded in may required directions free
f vharge for co . - opium, advancing . or storage.
to intoreirt directly Olindireedy, ateisaiboats.
MI ementunicanonsprompt.b . attended to oe applies
non to the following agents:
DOR RI DOE & CASH, VI Market .t, Pin lade
TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Canal Hama. Pittsburgh.
CPCONNORS & Ce,piortil at, Baltimore.
- - •
11. WILSON, P 6 Cedar at, New York. uoi,
184 s
well known Line, composed of steamboats
Lake Elm and Michigan, between Putsburgh and
li,nrer. and freight and passenger Canal Boats bo
na...Recker [Ollll Ene, and C Reedk line of first
anus steamboats, propellers and vessels on the Lakes.
Is prepared to carry freight and passenger. to oil points
on the Erie Canal. and Laker Pre, Iluron and Michi
gan. •
Ravin?, every facility for conveying freight and pas
sengers with promptness arid dispatch, the propnetor
and agents respectfully solicit from their friends a con
tinuance Of their patronage
C Mt R REFA . Propraetor.
REED, PARKS rhCo . , Beaver, Agents.
apl4 ear %Valet and Smithfield at.. Pittabwish.
Mffik IS •
To and from the Eastern cities, via Cumberland.
Tit E propnann, of this popular line, have...ince their
roorgunzation largely increased their facilities to
meet the wishes of shippere, and are wt., prepared to
forward a greater lIMMILIt by the FIVE DAY LINE,
115 glen by additronal regular wagons at low rates.
lidsfins will run throughout Ore year, delivering
goods tin," h the agents m Baltimore and Pittsburgh
to owners and consignees at specified rates and Mae.
Shipments from Philadelphia for the lino should be
mnrkeil "Care, J It Robinson, Baltimore..
'fhe only agents ore,
tr 2 9 Charles in,,Ballimore.
ELIGERTONE CO, Cumberland.
(I %V CASS, Brownsville.
felA J C ISIDWEEL, Pittsburgh."
ag _ MSII 1 3 ! ,
Li The Proprietor. of this popular Ling ham chew/ the
Agony et Cumberland C= the home of Meltaig k !idar
gone to that of Edgerton Or. Co.
Pittsburgh and western merchant. are oesified that / Bey •
milhWows. N o 01 South
rejlalsismorg. the mly
orived nerd of tios the higasern
The only want an
J C BIDWELL, Pitaburgh,
O W CAB Brown.ll4,
EDO A hTQN 4. Co Cumberland,
J B ROBINSON, Ballimors.
We.tern Trans time Company.
1848, cilteltfeht, ° ea.. 1848,
VIA. MN - MUMMA •ND 01110 uf. Basra.
A RE prepared to transport goods and produce to and
AoL lona the alarm cities ou ihvorablo tort.. Al.
dress or apply to
D. LEECH A. Co, Canal Ewan, PitUiburch.
11ARRIS A. I.EMIL,Nos. 13 te. IL fleruth Third or. Phtl
J. TAYLOR. &EON, Agfa, No 14, N'tli Howard It, Dalt.
A. A Bitarr, AO. No 1 West street, Now York.
Eituburpb, /dutch 100, 184 e. inae/ei
llterehasatai Transportation Line.
4 1 %•'15it.i... 1848• .ga
I OODS consign,' to our core will be forwarded
witoul delay et the lowest current rates.
C A Id cANULTY k C 0.,.
(lentil Resin. Penn at, Piilstqh.
PM and a as Market at, Phil
c2l Smith's wharf, Baltimore.
akaa 1848 . Mitat
.17.15 , VILLA /011TUMMIINIVIrr.10/1 or vestries:taut
I.IIIIVEEPI Pittsburgh, Hlay.villo, Johnstown, HoI
lidaysburgh,Water street, (Huntingdon Ce)and
;s Line Wp• formed exclusively for the special ike.
emarnodation ,of the way business. The Proprietors,
thankful for the very liberal pauvmme they have . rt 4
cowed daring the bun rro yegra, would respeetfully
tom their hienda tad the public at.ey are. now still
bessesprepared totehaer goollsrat y point Oh the
Canal aa Bail lUottla, with promptness end dispatch.
Sicksaorth lc Woods, Joloaatoom.
/Air Mhllo lloilldayaburgh.
C A WAnohy k Co, can Pictaborgb.
Rairassammo—htulairgh—Stalib Slatclaln Jtc
bliaDorlit;Gib.J,HElboribergar, Eriblasoo &Coq D.
bloom; EaSoloY & Smi th ; Jahn Parker, Wai Laser a
Cr, Dr 1' lalmenberger.
.arsz - .5....... :
Is •HOIALICS & song, ------
I --...- .
. ,PI.IINO ..INDUTICS. .. 1.
nankotra,„Eoco hang,. nro.k•ra 5 ! . JOlH`lf N.
MI-2..L0H,_ litt.'in WOCia
iztn brabami fa . '
itv s Cl, Its now received o fall IMO3II.
nOTEg, DHAPT/ 1 , ACCEITANCY.g, COLD, SILVIDt • teen? Of Plana Fortes, oeleetod fron.
' .7 1 .5 foitowing manatee-brie* in. Roston
COLLECTIONS.-.Drafts. Notes sad Acceptances ~,o 1 New lot*. to which M e oti c i i or t o of porebzwers is
daYabli , in adY.put of the Unioa,eoueeted ou the most re.ralfulli invited . nowt from 111 r. Chselccrine, (for
favorable ttrar , ,
~, die pals °twine
io NVestern Scon•
EXCIIANG)- . 7 on NM,. Vora. Philadelphief - and Bab ,1y,°,1, 4 ) haw what it termed the New ClechlarSdalm
amore; filed. Thnolnholi. lamt.villr, . 8 0101 Loulsk and h o b, an iioricovem eot recently ,,yind, aiv up, 11.1.0,
New OrlOons; crondintly (or sale.
a decided °dad:mice Iv power and emmlity of tone
BANWNOT.77.---Nows on oli sole°n banks in the o y ar nay others. The following aro the palter. told
United ... , .tale.. dlittOusiled of the lowest rote. All kinds my
les of Chickownga
of l'orelqn mud Amen.. Gold and Siivcr COM bought No. I. Rowwocal, 7 °erect, finished back S. front, SUS
said cold. o 2 " oi - ri chly carved " " 6 / A
Qffiee No. 53 slarket sittet, between 34 and 4111, a 3. o 63. •• L. L. LL . AOC
r,lallurglx, Pc , - -
... L25 • “a. " di " carved moulding., ' £l4OO
- . - -
-- - — " ‘'• " 61 " finished hack and ~ ont, lißal
VILISSICIts UANNA. es CO, 6. . 6l " " " 1, 15321
DANEE:I[g, 'EXCHANGE E1ft0%1419, and dealer. a 7 6 " 0• a o tern
. Foreign and Domestic Exenanye, tlertlfloates of a ~... .., a a a a o $535
pesita, Boat Note. and Spent; rourdi 1:Ac 0 l. Lc.. L. , L.. li p mic,hzg f ront, rom, 800[1
.ly opposite tan Honk of l'itiab. Carom mune, i .., 10. 1 . 7 richly carved, style of Louis 14th.
merited on 4'/:“."iie-t,h‘ )ireC r " ' nk ; nnd n° l " .• 11. • " II hollow corners ondboilow eol.
1M1.6 merle 0a 00M17 . the P tlna P ni P9/ 1 4 1 in the ' meted legs, second hand, cost originally 8- 05 , sod wilt
United Stasis.
be sold at a very reduced price.
The highest premier' paid for Foreign and Alarricant N o ll% tr,,,,,,,,,,,,t, ro u r ,a aame r, very elegantly 611-
j isher. No 13. Rosewood, round corner, very el-
Advances mane on consign/norms of Prod. . a .,... yfi4ished, V.:75.
End Haat, on liberal toms. .
mnhls 1 la bdva are erionufacrared by 11. Woreester, • N.
ID '
. P O . E, r.E 40. 11 1 , r1 i nX i.,,,,i3 0 . 71 ..e,,, N . 0 u n ,.. . d
bo.s .
I, Y i i .. za ti l s l
th,.... llen t.i o T w d, n lv a o s r,. t , e st i er ng
a co mi nn , c od e r ted di.N form .y.d e . r . ly ky ari th t: ,
JP any OEIIOIII4 01 the Correia Rates of Exehanr.. N 0, ,. 13 - r......e 0 d , . 0 ,..1 etyrn ... .!! 6,
Also, Dila. parable to any part OCRS. Old Coontnes, ' 24 .‘"LuV a - c....P..0 . 1 N. ", ° . ..r.'
__ ,•,_,_ . A
_, N.
from II to ±.4 TV, at the a rate bf 17.3 to the 5. Sterling, ,N 51 , 1 41 ... w`ttfal tf 7 ,ven,. , , , notv , .., .......,...-,,, .i ... Q
wohout deducting or dowount, My JOSHUA 13111111 1 0. r Yrft - Pa• 'f'o• 13 F.... " .
SON, i.-,,, a p aaa a „ a „,..u aaral A, eat , ai.&, a , sa, .t 0 ,,,, No 16, 4lnsewomi brand Plano, made by Henri
door west of wood. 0511011 ' ilcra, Prt 64.
11 - 24tni'li.7.u.L. ~,...., r Nol7. ,Ilahominy. 5 octaves, scennd hand, price $7.5.
HILL * cm: lA . lc, '''''• ' --'.... i old rialtos tattm in part pay .i te i t i . N t for maw h,
i. o L n o ct i
BA NIi.ER. pitii ,1.,..i...'uyty, EMIL err... alere in For 1 • D ' -- -- sae . \ seal for Chic keting's'Grand and Square Siam,
I_,) eign null n0t1.,,,, Wm: 0 .1.. Neil. Bills ~r 1. 0 . ~,...d ,
~.. w,.. , ,r. , .
0. ,..,
ehonge. tlertilleate• of Doposim, Minh News and Coin; rY-1., , . -
i ' A SPLBNDID aßsonment of blab*.
__ .- .f.7..-S-t,lvv. ay andltosewood Pianos, Jost Ott
ALLAN eiuttaal inowato zoos , "' p ishes.l. Theta inetrumonts are made o'•
ABIEII. ilk. RAIIDI, . . the Wert pattern and beet material!,
I) A lIKERS AND BXL:II..a Nu ii ItRith.BILS, dealers and 1 e told low for cash by
in V . Oretalt and llotnetos Bolt in Exclianite, Cer- I ' F. BLUMF,II/ Wood sweat,
often,- of Ocitotitr., Book Note.. sod c.otn, corner of ~ ,„ ..„, :Manor above Fifth.
3.1 and Wood. streets, di rtetly oppoitte St." Citariet 110- i"•aa—"..°°' who err in warn of a rood 8t....0mit
tel. 0 ,",..,f1y are torecoully invittst to ecru:nate these, before par
- • . - - - - -
I e ,VICS T. 11111.13 P1i1,11.35. in di country, and will tic sold lOW, than any hi-Ought
Onto, , 1 trout the Nett - A Illottltt TectiVed, two ' , Mongol' to
' borolt manufnotare, wort-anted to be superior to any
Kentucky. . cost sold to 11 i• country. 0010 F. 13,
hi Croon,
Book Nona;
No is Wood street, .ird door below }loonlb west
xldr. marlatf
parehased at the lowest rates, by
N. 1101..kirsq & FONS,
septa 3.5 klarkti street.
BILLS OF NlCUAliCilG—Slgtit Checks as
New York.
PhtladelpLin, and
Cow:roily for sole 1• N. IfOLNIES SONS.
scpl2 3.3 Market st.
I ‘. , / A 1 7 1 1 1.71 A .1/9 . , l i tT: l lL t \ i fkI .N A D Co L 4 I. I .- I ' lo r „h T sv U a lL te ' r C s e t ‘ l ' s)7 . d
Id N. whamvs, rhiP, atrer for robe an accommodating
term, Geld pltdis Mtutuntetn red Tobacco, ronsisung of
pounds, half pounds. tre, Sdn, Ibts. MN, In's and •Wa,
lamps; Oa Ws and li's plug, and MN loathed Twist. in
whole andhulf boxes, of dot iollon tag o; proved brands,
Jambe II Grant, ()shorn dr Itragg,l
Grant A. Willtains, A Cabani‘a,
8 Sabra S. Sea, trltonaltl,
%Yellow r 011, 1 'I - bonne:in,
Jen,: Thomas, Jr. A II Arulieteed,
J l'hetsum et :ton. I.andburn A. Artmsboarl,
J l',,, J II Cobbs,
Gentry Et Royster, .1 A Clay,
M h. Buller, C A 11a11,
Green 11a11, Wm llavimn
Pearl &Norwood, J $ I.llnektroal,
N alb Pep, }fey..Lula,
W II Vauxhall, Namedll,l7,
Pordottx Robinson, Renee! .'c Rubinson,'
HerniAttthingen /a Co, Garb. ilaleloy,
R Ate:calf, Jahn Mader,
I.netrame Lottler 3 J lbobtnten.
Gm) .F limy, -1) C. Tumor,
It .1 3,,• ~ tlo. 'loll. 11 . I,llc,
1/ .4 —AT.E.O—
I.:ti Cobra - e, nl•ppert and filters;
Vtan do d J ./0
Ci.i.,,,V1 do rl, •10
St J soo L de 13ubn do do do
SL 1),m:boo a. 40 do
Inc,. Et Ouldca do, part file, do
' fittry/rille du do do
Irernachy rzrtous tradrs to do
Viromm Leaf. to, ol le tar munufarturteg and export;
Spant,ll Xectl hertf, Penn'. Conner:Dem and 011ie;
Tupelo If :rape,sterol; German Piney, Pipe haunt;
beoteb Snaljllowe an hladderrd slaterndla Meal;
TOIItiCIL Benno, Ilavarta bars; Eno Rose; Gemmel-,
Cumbria latincriect Patent Cavendish Kitiver,fibunt,
kb. ex PRII.ADELPIIIA. myth
AA T his Old Stantl, p etartler ~ , m ia.fidd .tract end
Diamood unaturgh. Pa., would respewi.
ly tall the aunman of Cowry Mete-totals, Hotel 211 d
5. 1 1114011 11111110 , 1 r it, 10 a large and sapenor assort
mesa of IMPORTED cloArcs, amount squab teal be
tonna the following brands, slit Eagle. Rnpalia, Cs.-
tell., Principe Ls Norma.. Star Wand. Misery, and
Dollar Ite clam, all of teasel) mill he sold as loss am eon
be had at any other bourn in the any.
Also, consoutly on bond nod Mr sale, a lama and
wet nelectcd eon. o(Virpold, s o d Nina em
Cisonynng Tobnrno.
Cubs and C om.7UOU i 5.1.1 Tobacco,
countundy ou . l4n t id you tux cad. oov"AnlGto
before—made ov Me most approved lectern plans—
and most
LEastesn patterns arol.lors. Also
THE citEAp ROLL. or BOWI'ON BLIND, on band
o r mad e t o order of ai) slut. and at nil Webs.
a nt
and nthprs are inigto to rail and
auurir toe above Wm t o as all will be sold
wholesale ar retail. and a laser. deduction made to
wholesale patehmsets. .
nnicar. rioit RALE.
TIIE amleciagned offers for sale a impened article
of bnek for bonding, mole liy Lou klteam Press,
iMproved machine, Inc winch he hafelbtained a patent,
and agree• to givesurchasers a wruten guarantee that
they are stronger, nd wit' ten. frost and wei weatio
yr and imbibe less moisture or dampness than my oth
er bnek, powessieg greater body and superior tester.
and much more durable in every respect, each brick
being subjected to a preistar of several 101111, and pos.
sensing a handsome smooth surface and clan edges,
they make a front equal In the best front brick.
They have given the greatest mtisfootion to all who
have purcharted. A kiln roll be seen at my works, and
specimen at the Gazette office.
uyssi n g Themselves tor their buildiu"
mul misismg fiandsonae front brick, or superior hard
and wild paring brick, cast obtain them.
- • -
Ri, ttrn ' /one 17,1b4V. tf
TARR" this method to inform his Mends
1 and the public at Mete that hi. Factory I.
now In fW operation, on the west side of
the Diamond, Allegheny, where a eats
stunt supply of Blinds. of various color.
=-.4 and qualities, ere constantly kept on hand;
also, at Nod Wood at, Sturtburgh, at .1
• 11 Phdlips' oil cloth 'stateroom.
emtlau Shutters mode to order in the heat style.
Blinds repaired at the .hone! floors.
N. Ithed• will be put up without any Wi
nona' expense, so that they can be removed in a mo
ment in case of tire or for washing, and without the aid
of a meow driver. tit-rllyewthmlyS
qr EVA 6w Ar. hi AN FACTURERt
Birmingham, [no., Pittsburghii
Ihebrehouse, No. 1.37, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
wLLLsonslutUy keep on hand • Food won
, 4.7 meat of Walliti of nor own manufacture, and
n? e:metier/reality. Wholesale and country Mer
chant. arc respectfully melted to cull and e 2.
amme for thetasclvez, as we are detZ rt nina4 to sell
cheaper than hi" EVcr boron: been offered to the pub.
(Er thar to gent by mail, accompanied by thumb OT
Co, ',styrene,. will be promptly airentled to. feb23
FROM the very ilberal encourage
plant the anbecilbel lief received since
hae located himself in Allegheny,
ham stored him In take a lease, for a
term of yea., on the property be now
occupies, in Oenver street, immediately beside the
Presbyterian Church. Prom the long experience to the
alms° Monnere and a desire Ea please, he hopes to mer
it and receive a share in public peuntinge.
Now on bond and fintelong to order, Rockaway Rag•
gees. open and top Buggies, and every description of
Carriages mute to order, from seventy-five dollars to
rob' henaret leen:l-din JOHN SOUTH.
I&SAC IVIId,IA.IIIS, ',raper and Thine, begs to in:
form the citizens of Pittsburgh and others, that he
noue ripening at his rooms on Smithfield street, un
der the above Hotel, • [urge and beautiful assortment
of Cloth*, Cassimeres. Sabine, Silks, and other Vesting":
together with such other articles el are required for
gentlemen's wear. Bin goods hose been earentily se
lected, and are of the newest and most fashionehle
style, its well no 0( superior quality.. His oostorners
may depend upon baying their clothes mode up In a
manner which cannot WI to gratify the to of the
most fastidious. ora_ttly
East side of the Diamond, where Venttlan
Blind. of all the different sizes and colors
are kept on hand or made to order elle
the latest and moat approved Easter, (Mb.
lona, et the shortest notice and on the mos
reasons le terms.
Also, the cheap Boson roll or split Blind Tronspe ,
rroey and Paper Canonise! all the different sips and
patterns, on hand and for sole low for cash. Old Vont.
non Blinds palmed over and repairad, or . taken In part
payment for new. Rhl W ESTMIyit,LT, Pro , pr.
1.1.:B —All work dohs with the best Material and
worktrianship, and warranted to please the moat fas
tidious. ouglo-elly
Allegheny city, Ang. 10, 1548,
. .
soriben offer to sell one-fourth of the two ferry
boats,,flen. Scott and Gen. Worth, now running from
the foot errata Moot to Sew Allif Rue, so as to make
It II profitable invesiment for copitallsts, or any who
may wish to engage in the bashful.
For farther partuanhos, inquire ni
narts g __ 0 BLACKBURN k Co, Weser at E ._
NW: CARPETI3.-41euelved this day direct from
the otantsfactarer—
Now style Tapestry 3 ply Carpets, extra super;
do do '. do Op amen'
do do ' Brussels Carpet;
do Brussels, very cheap, do
do rich color* ettper In valo . / do
11, 2.1 isi! heavy - Venetian I do
44: . 34 . !U1d 6B eemmoa
All of Which will be veld al a. small advance, and
will'osawnee'aa low as ona be purahumi h the es*
W ISMILINTOCK, 76 Foarth at
....x , 9. , r~M.~.....~.~-+s-ma..,n,.ctc,+~.~5,-, .~s.: ~c;ncreE~4~~'Y r t''i~r-g~+~~~-'^_~ ,
Frit E absentia has mien-appointed Sole Agent for
dm it ale of CAILIIA R VS 1111'110 , 7E1" MEWL/E
-ONS, a Inanufattved and mid perfected by Mena.
March White, of Cincinnati. The usual compass
nud extent betty bet tone octura, Mean. 5L.1 W.,
aecordanro with the genera/ dame mid demand,
have extended the settle of there instrument. to -II and
even 5 Octaves, tha matt/ g it practicable L. Perform
upon them nay mitric written for the Irmo or Organ.
The exterior. aloe, has been much improved by placing
the body of the latroment upona east Iron fame
beautifally bemired sod ornamental, rendering It at
once a aunt elegant toil extremely destralele article.
The price is put tow ato 'bring it tendon the reach
of every one to obtain a perfect nutrient instrument,
and, nt the same time, it mat elegant piece •of. farm.
tele (ore competruove trate. 11. KLCIIER.,
Ail W Wooilweine
RF.AT AILPICAL auweriour
I,J has not received from Europe, and for sale, oe
entirely ocer in./Celial. of Pomo Forte, edited the CAR.
INET PIANO voirm which posscasing more power
and sweeter.. than the Nettle piano, occupies butane
fourth as much room, and in a pitch more showy nod
handsome piece of Convince. It is particularly desira
ble whom the raving of space is an object, being ex
ceedingly omit and compact. nod occupying no more
room than a small side table. The subscriber has to
hood a testimonial of as superiority from the celebra
ted pianist. aforchelles, in bit own hood orrinitschich
may bd /111pCVIC1.1. KLEU
°cat: At 7 W Woodwtl's
9C01.1 &I A T tlst 111/I.lpdi T.
IX=VELI [nal for sale, a biter choice Pianos, ...Oh
pud without Coleman . , .Eollan Attachment, by
Nunasik. Cturk, N Y. Can of Name te, Clark's Ptscnoa,
nrith the Aunehment, was taken to England bs
Coleman, andamong many other testituomals of Ilk
mlmtion for due elegult specimen of AMOritao skill
and ingeinhty, elicited the following remarks from
O. Thitinerg, the greenest ritirust
Lannon, Jan. IS, 184.5.
My Door Sir—ln enelorng u Wort to oy /nand. Mr
rested, Pan, I usonot rcfraist /ruin spin expressing
to you how touch I wets ploased with jour ..Ectlinu
Attachneent,^ which I rounder us a great monies! no
porsitiment. I can unsure yon that on toy Pot/ / shall
with dreary...wino do my utmost to nuke your invert
um: known. For saleby Il KLEIIEtt,
><r At Wondwell's furniture loon, 3sl St
Alotwlio !Frame elem. -
A SPLENDID aasortment of Fa:74-
or.od and Nniw g nay ff 60.1 •Ction Ih•
Amos. pia finished and for anle.
Alto, two splendld e n
with Coleman's celebrated Astlon attachment, finished
In thr most modem style, and for rale at
F ULU %I F'S, 112 wood W
- - _
Qom! FeeI:et—SWALLOW, Copt. Ford.
OCEAN. Capt. Dr town.
NK of the above Packet. leave Deaver every day,
(Suildny• everpied) and arrive nest morning et
Warren, where thoy ealtiteet with the )Ihil Stage. for
Akron and Cevelood. mottling ot each of there places
before ne;bi Oue afire Dar leave Warren dully,
at 5 P. ht., and agave nt Deaver in Limo to take the
morning ecomboat tor
112.1 A I.I..FFLNO W LILL,
TAYLOR Warr e n,
1.1 , „ Propriers.
Taxman TO Tv. Lao. II gown Walla.
Canal Packet—Pandramvams, Cain Jeffries
0. Pollock;
" Drown;
e Paocam3, Sayer.
The above new and splendid Passenger Panketahave
commenced running between BEAVER AER,ERIE,
lnd and ran regularly during the scasur,--mie boat
eavinLEVio every morning at ti o'clock, and one lea.-
lual r, g Deaver every evenin tm.tuddiately after the arn
vof dm &even.. httet4au from Punsbargh.
The boats aro new and comfortably (anus/red. and
nil 4W. llainiga az tarty ha.. Passengers la Milli
paint m 1 the Luker. or to Ningwo Falls, will find O.
Male be mort combinable nun expediuous. Tletets
thruagh to all ports so the Lake can be procured by
applying to the proms...
REED, PARKS& Co, Beaver.
JOHN A. CAVEAtEY. Picsbartii,
Cot. Water and Smithfield sta.
AGE:CM—ins C Rants., Buffalo, N Y.
C M Reed, Erie.
C %Viol, Greenville, P.
M'Farland and Ktrig, Rag Dead, Pa;
Hays & Plumb, Sharpsbargh i F.;
w ChWan , Shah., BAY
D C Mathews Pulaski, I'ii4
R Cunningham, Now Cantle, Pa. /Si
Pennsylvania Canal t Rail lined /irele
preasyast Packet Line,
(Exclusively for Pawn:mart)
rIIIIF. public are respectfully tuformed that this Line
will soulthetani tanning on the oast, and con
tinue throughout the Scrumn.
The boat. are new, and of a supenor claim, with Ple•
lamed cabins, which ad' give greater comfort The
rare are the latest coniunetton.
A boat will alwaya be in port, trod travelers are re
aeeMedeisearb tO call and eganune them before engaging pos
!Pars only era
nine dollars through.) Otte of the bouta of
thm Line will More the lauding lopposne Ll. S. lintel,
corner of term strum and Canal, every night at nine o'-
clock Time 31 day. Yor mlormation, apply at the
Office, Monongahela House, or to I) Co
let2P Canal Basin.
_ • _
Psationger wad Itemittance
gla HAMMEN fr. CO. conunue to bring persons
Wales,ny pan of England, IrAlarni Scotland or
s apon the mostliberal terms, with then
usual punctuality and attannon to the wants and com
fort of einungnuits We do not allow our passeneers to
be robbed by the sariedling scamps that West the sea
ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re.
pow themselves. and see to their well being, and de,
patch them without arty detention by dm lint ships.—
We say this fearlessly, an we defy one of our passen-
Ken to show that they were detained 49 hours by on In
Liverp[POl, whilst thousands of otheta were detained
months, until they coald be tent 10 same old craft, at a
tht ra la t u u..rd . c p. h too frelpten
rm oar c tlprozd h ru nom Tr y us.
, Boat
what it may, and not not as was the ease lost season,
with ether—who either performed not all, or
when it suited their eonvenience.
_ • _ _ _
Omits drown at Pittsburgh f or any sum from El to
LUSE, payabic at any of the proStocial Hanka ill Ire•
land, Pngland, Scotland and Wales.
Fs:trope. and Honors' Agent,
a•ln nwo
Cohere Patent Conclave Beaker Churn
TitrE call the uttenuon of the public to the souls
gg heading this advertisement, and invite the en.
terprising and curious to Call and wimeseits opera.
dot,. Jul advertisements In relation to this invention,
to the hundreds who have seen it tested, Is enterer°.
Ist This Churn Will produce Hotter, gathering it le
mass, from sweet milk, In five to tan minutes: sod
from cream prepared. U families usually prepare it,
In three native minutes!
ad. The utility of this bascule° Is apparent, as het.
tesilinter can be produced from .Wert milk, Or Creliall,
than Cream scored in the usual war and by mono, Of
this churn, a little girl or boy can perform. is five or
ten minutes, what has heretofore required the labor of
• woman or mentor one or two hours, and sometimes
half a day.
3d, tly simply turning a thumb screw, the whole i,.
side dasher Is taken out, lensing nothing but the butter
and milk la the plain wooden box.
• •• • -
4th. It is the cheapest churn ever Invented, ea the
d a ,plicil of ita conattnetidn (Ihongh embodying
great phdosop Weal principle) Makes It but little m
manaractUre it.
sth. If is n eorumon.senna Thom, as all will admit
who will eramine it
07 w e have purchased the otonetmllnf this vales•
ttletromrovement front „Mean. Colver & Myers, the
patentees. We are now offering the complete mono
poly of MIS styled amok for the States of Ohio, Penn.
sylvonia, New York, New Jersey, Maryland
which wilt Warn Caitilili and largo. pyortts to
ha manufacturer, and a speedy return of invesUucrit.
The publinarn invited to cell and <slums to ap e nt,,,,,,
at our office, In Pinsburglt,every dry at 4 o'clock, y. Y.
J. IL CLAYTON RCA., Pm:quieten.
_maa, pare Jobasangellnildings,l3l.Clairstreet,geon door
Da' ' doe/14W
_... ..~ . _ ..i.+'S *rr - i~.~ ~ ^s' .(- ~s`~ -.....ic .rk~-s^f. rs ~' n ~'.S'~`..~"-~ Vic,
Tout Proggietots hare spent meek thee
kotlittoe w.Forooltioe lottooto**„___
to Eta preenot stets et profeollOo:
of rotate= years hea halfbed Moo tho snat snags
PFtota7 to looly, thei:e verloas forgehthe dhows IX telgokit
'. le necatenetelod. ant to MIA It ma* to au* t r at,.."
gores who wish& Aiwa eoao ktedietne age forged toil* ft 000
fessosoloto of Its superiority, gel the tereguibli reoperty ti!peigiagle title:triages
mg =kg diatom The bottle boa bean eolarsed to bold QUIPS.44II k kin ,
prong twang tone may Wel, ebbe to tof ttlexorkooft
goo ND. Ito progress to the imp isa attained may bet by' o
ofoosottas wool ea Imams:ft sod booms for dui Wolff. • las ray m
Wen qhflft.t.
theifolkuring is ham Col.& G. Taylor, • miasma sr Olgti itund,tali aielettalltirg
mapashttarima tha Southern awes, sal Istelpagrdetel Curl is•
Dame as D. BLUM:— Yrirmr4.l
Gairrtnamer-Dsrtalimmii and ettuemel the emits altar
of Ilariagerilla Mama persoue ,rarious
_patina Ditalherlt °Sr?'
Thginhi, Louisiana; uas, Idoxico, I Gel umeh pleasure hi staling ith
cof'• MI great nolletnal *due In my own cue it acted alnical
.Iflars therm. removing. ipmdtly the entreated. stank of airalplip.ar4istmittMli
the met agreeable umaner,. S tonic audit:l.'4o=2MS lanimalm•
Your, nafavarnia niStkien ard assam i arad•by IL Mamma/AT
la J.w„ and toy 0005111, VZ/C . PLCHARY TAW) •ban a lr i rw o oMArigtam
betas in Um WV auxins it. and talide UM • la ear
artlaleet the same thug, wait la nee maddedan aficsat ballspemable requisite
hi the army. In coneluatan 1 eseihtpay, that ilut tt la imam the mar, WO
tt be ;abed, and I nest that Its Meath. efrmel , iiltialitatit gameraDy-
Mown thatimilmat th e taiga mat treadle des
Yeats very nespastlldly, S. G.
• V. Oiled Deer Oramida:
• . , Cilia; 1 - fleVBo. •
, ii..... 1 y . .. lta. Oa sitldat - Oft... me* C
elt Mm.rommtelds arm al fatal 10.1AolOO. ta 1.,.......11,3 .
C i a il"1 : 17 ; filillt"1"2"11. sod tux amium Mg" )& 4.6.13 rm e :
Alva= tadlos. noLtut tom dm m. A,
vow the tow wappantal... Fx:10710 031 tt wr
rs:ll3 w wt rl l iltti t a =l.."-* . :yak Atall WM
II fr .
Mel, bet atan Ma ' MOON. Wore
COM at Os kbalt. la
oats marred. - t. naw eme,* =5 =la'
NMMd. donnas Us itoo font dm=
=di ixonrths to . • ,11 7----- ItotAgio r a utm
to ato aim - WWI Wood, •- ,
foot Own a t ria =I Owl Staallratta itle_ IMoinkin .
' oN . . ' iks•
'C RikiiirlCll 4 sareri=
, I=6 .
In .
. et =`
of the
2 gnu d noes lbws? _i , 7101940.; gm Am* dO I 7
, fa
I. 44 . 4 4ta atir i pla jaa nutongp
trv , .., „
et„..., Mr
..IMlmMootlymyf ililli Ze il mMem Pli na ay a 1111.4 al 11..- -
.F . FP — YtiVRO ZOO* 'oliiiia
'mum a: IlLi 12. lota :,... . 1 . .1,.. ; ., . T., i.d .ittte, l 6 6
. Oww.ame-rwaipp 4 tt a: M is t
,41,,,,, lii . ' lliiiiiiii" .— oneral
dUm tomMil . pme tilln4L - amill.. time would
. ' sod oli, m ory [Mow . aid at Lc.. Vgbil4 Week out to
putt of my fool sod EsmlLlum - I ay tkrattawm% mad
• rig= ul a . a.M f ig4 2 ll",_____At= th oltairt
wand =oh aati athaw I S% I wawawa ...watp4a*=,..a.
Iftgl it n.
tad Taloa Ma nottral ID , Oa / benElZigeMin Tala IMP
Mit lal To ; Ow lam gas Al MOO, ad I MlTlMmieirroonli loamy
t IL to elm of
'4l,:tr=srion ad itteuldic rani cAliothk.
Don penansOw acquatalot with Um May ohms Mahml, I balonflom aitolsommt
to be cc... JAW IL D. CABB.; Jaie* of Or room
A. B. & D. BANDS, Durcieters AND Camara.
ICO rusrox•n., mums et Witstax. Yosa.
111 1 1 I Sold also Si Dnagidog i r= tboolOrO tt,
a lbs Oohed Maim lad Condos.
Milos far SC
14 111 1 ,
or sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail. by D. A. FkIINLS COCK, k CO., eornerof Wood and '
corner of Sink and Wood str, by 1.. WII.COX, Jr., corner of Smithfield and Fourth au and
fi'lArkot sfi nod the Diomond; also, by EDWARD FFINIDERICII, nor klonongnia Home. no
HIES Who Use Gammon Prepared Chalk, are -'` 13A_LTIC.8OEI
en net aware how frightfully ;marten. •I Is to GINSENG' PANACEA!
! how omote, hn re mush, how sallow, lellow,
healthy the skin a p pears o ft , ~,,0,.. prepare d r o THOSE SUFFERING WITH . ' DISEASED
Bowles, it et im a ,,,, coo e .,,,,,y a fs ggr quo. I LUNOS.—The mapreeedented armee.. which has
land. We have, prepared a limonite! vegetable ttentled Me art of the
CE.' It la perfectly innocent, being porißedef nil n ell the various forms 'which Irritation of the longs as
noes qualinesi end it imp Arts to the skin aMASS names, has Indoeed the proprietor Aga. to call =en
'atilt), alabaster, 01,47, hams whiter Cm el this
mutt as a cosmetic oh the skin, making it roll, WONDERFUL ERFJ'ARATION.
mon. The ehangable weather which marks me :611. And
James Anderson, Prectlea! Chemist of Mean- I motet months, is always a fraidutsoured of
.Us. asps "After analysing Jones's Sp.ish UHT! COLDS AND COUGHS. '
ihlte, I find it possesses the most beautsful and Into.! These, If neglected, are but the precursors of that fell
rel it at the menu tone inneeent white I ever saw. I destroyer, .
cerporthac, an couseienttonalyreeuramend its see total. OSUMPTION. -
what,. at in requires beanofy tug." The onewhan, thenhow Shall we nha the destroyer in
&Price 2leent• a boy. .the budt how shall we .get elear,of osir coughs and
Sold hi W%l JACKSON, et his Root and Shoe l oldst is of vim) Importance to the 'goblin
&nye, SD Liberty street, head of Wood, at the sign of ' THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY
the Isis Bout Pa will be found di thel:ll.rontag Panacea. • Inpme of Ole
Lathes. ladies, Pat astonished, we have from user time published the nutlike:a of ,
%Yuen you know Mai you are promised dooms of ou r . best. breast, ell:Obi, who Use wiped. '
A natural, life-like, snowy white, raced Sac... powers, Them e : with a mama of um
Chat you wdt attli use rummot, chalk, Smell from all parts,.pf the 'eanntry,- 7 1!rom
And loot a drottli ty yellow fright, ; MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING,
The Smoot of nu: glued and Of uuk_ t nineteen of the Gospel, ftc., together with cordons noil
lyou would ace a cos of JUNE'S Lilly-white, it i ce , f ro m sh e
f.l give your sk In en alnlteater yet natural white, I JOURNALS OF THE DAY,
god at the mote time clear end improve it. Sold at ari p have embodied In pain Wet form, and may be had
JACKSON'S. so L.berty cd Prom VS cents per hos, t gratis of any of ma egents out therannoy.
"alit H HUNDREDS o_
oettoru LA . AND SCROFULOUS SWELL, , have he. used in this city.
Q INGS.—Serol• le to sit its multiplied forms ' THOUSANDS AND TErqs OF TH USANDS ;
itlueughoutabe Umted Sutra and Canada. and we chit
whether in that of .a log's Evil, enlargements o the , tondo toy ma. to poioo, .. r
gllinds or bones, Goitre, White Swelling., enronie , SINGLE INSTANCE ~,
It heumatiam, Cooser, Oblongs. of the .Skin or Spine, ~.n w hich, wherrenken fteeertilag 16 diroMl'ons, and b e .
or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate froth one , fare the lungs had become finally dlsoronmed, pi h u ,
and the some cause, which is a poisonous principle,' aver failed to .
cut ' ar.. . ,
more or less inherent in the hum. system. There., EFFECT A PERFECT
fore, unless this principle eno be destroyed, no radi• Why, thern, coed rho alaisa.t h "! iletel !Y T l Tee , e'l TO
' the ta,-rable 10.111101., gone,, up by um , earn Indlytd.
eel cure can be eflected, but if the principle opoll ' a ai . aaaaaa r 0 th e e!..." depends , is ram . sad , a c a rs I onion, and pude d into notoriety byw or tficato. r. AS:
must el necessity follow, no matter under what form s o ns e gantry onkoewu? Maid a inedyej t ip et
the disease should manitest ascii. This, therefore' UNPARALLELED EFFICACY . '
to We renaen why J ante, ALTERATIVE 11 no 111111 in to be had, whose voodoos ans ill homer-err neigh.
versally succemlo I in rem, ng .o many malignant i hors,—any-..' 4 h..
diseases. It destroys the mt. or pnociple from in order that txh.,„,,,,..a.bobt,..Lnakein.Gai,,yrk__,.....,
when those diseases have their origin, by entered , within the reach o f die pone , aa „ an Laa 7 l 3 4 . 7 a r t =
taw the circulation, and with the blood Is conveyed , Dot th e pd 0 ..1,
to the minutest fibre, removing every particle nl ONLY FLYTY .CARNTEI t
discus Irmo the system. Prepared and mold at No. I lust one hall the usual eon of cough medicines. at is
1 South l'hted Street, Philmitelphia. 1 toe sale by our vents In nearly every Warn 11111tiplage
Sold at the Pekin 'l' ea Store, No. 7" fourth niece. ! 111 T the west, who are prepared tO give! full inform:.
Pwshargh , onn ., ! don relative to It. T. SALTER, Proprietor s
r____ ißromiway4llnerotati,.Oluo,
—____ . ..... .__ .
rsnosi E II
ratWeSsnacasl L lNzasal CO, Pa. •
BUT IN UTn•l'; pR. EDWARD ACKER takes this means or re-
TIIE undemmaed h. long been convinced of the ...lag his thanks to it ' is friends and the public
rtecexity for wane tnetheine adorned to Me ase or dm extensive patronage hi norrecelreili and alto
ildnnn and inlant, to nannlnnda thn are a t on N ow forming them that be has erected &large and
medicines which contain °plum, and ass at.ength b „ Jaq ,„
ended in preparing and °doling to the public a medi
tam fully answering every purpose for all diseases of ISM
location, ni PhiDlpsbnrgh t tea the Ohio rivet,
bowels, without the aw ol that deletertous drag, Gr./. the other calculated to injure to Me east. The Int.% Pan 4 ntumboat landing at 7ee , whero lieu te a i
taco has been oily tested non tried, the last twelve
months, by rumen.• pollens, and round to pow. all enen,,—;,1 Nie the 6 .4„ soo ' co r.„l7a
the enmerdinnlT nit.... and n , 'ha posse"
tended his treatment of patirats committed ts his care,
fishing elects no set Mull on the bill of direction. Di
arrhims, Vomiting, Chen, Griping, Pains, Stet cos and h e h o.
Diseases arising from Teething, acting Immediately . .;;Zll.ll:n=rtn
i n=
tRi coo-
Lholll &stating any of the functions of in WO, I„ o o „,„,„„ ; (7.17,a4 „r d yg,,Lt . "
producing the nipplest and mom pleasant transiuon the ;.„„u„., mfg irate violent room to a trrotqatl and joyous state of feel-, of the patin
s t. Pbillipsbargh .1s • moat delightful and
bag in the hula sufferer.
To be had wholesale end rctail, of the Proprietor Dr.l feel, h village, nay of
o c
err by steamboats, had
JOHN HARGANT, Druggist and Apothecary ; iribn facia
th r ,„ p tad
„,„„ who 0„.„ dekw
Mitchell, Elliott & Beckham, and most other Druidism
der his care, that every anetnion shall map .
be paid to their
o Allegheny and !lusting.. deel3 comfort; and as an assurannofthe sabstantiol benefit.,
ialfV. Ps Krilandlit Premium Plaster% to be derived, he points pith confidence to the hmi-
Dn H. W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College bf PMI- dads who have been perm.ently cured at his estal.
adelphla, now odes to Na public his Indian Ver. u s h. s .„ Th e W o w o no t ear ., on •
cubic Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, after . nhind, . is with hove
long and tried exlicnener. Iles been satisfnctorily es-1 been treated on the old system It removes the dm
mblished. To an women who may he sfilmted with ealb, invigorates the system, protect. from indulgers
Prolapsus Merin or Ehnen Womb, he recommends his I incident to changes of the weather ; mates • natural
Planter, guar teeing a so. and slliendJ . care in the and aetive appente, an Imparts urger to the digestive
short spaoe of from two to thee weeks, it applied with I powers, Terms of treatment and boarding reasonable.
cant sad rest—discarding all the countless mummers*: For further patient.. moults m the
and expensive bandages so long in a.. This be feels- address the proprietor at Phillipshurgh.
co 4 or
nscientious in among, innmooh as he has Mailed:ra .sejki
to one ease out of three hundted and fifty-three pa- i -----
Also for Rheuntausm and Weak Breast or Back, nt
h:laded with pain, there is nothing to excel this Fluter
in affording relief or effecting a core. For min by
L Wilcox. corner of Diamond and Market at
Breton t Reiter, " Liberty and St. Clair sts
Dr J Sargent " Federal st and Diamond, Alle
gheny city
Jacques & Co, " Denman and Diamond Birming
ham le3
B. This Cathartic compound combine.. smallness of
balk with effietency and community., mildness nip...,
t wice action, and having a peculiar tendency to the
Intge o htt l oOS i L e 47:ll%l 7 oT:ec Un.ble e
complaints ma tey
with congestion of the Liver, so much abound. They
have now Wood the teat of .I.M years, and expericnee
has proved them to he a sale and valanble remedy
Intenntitent, Remittent and Who. Fever; Jaundice,
Mi.i colic, inthgestlott, Dropsy. Dyventery, Bilious I
Vomiting., colds, nud all complarnts of tut indamnmtw.
flne`rhZVeil.ll7,TZ.;°:,°,a,l l .",,"p" v :7l: — . l oil wbo
hove used them, readers the pultitshmc of the num..
CertifiCa;ell in their favor ulltiecesmry. To pre,
vent counterfeiting they are new put pp in n led xylw
graphic wrapper.
P e nce 23cents for n boo containing 30 pills.
Prepared and sold by
corner lat .d wood, and also corner Clth and w ,
. .
NOl\lll. gat Wood street one door south of Diemond
alley, Pittsburgh, An, offers (or tale lame tot of
Drug., puidiolnes, Otte. Points, Venushes, /dyestuffs
and Perfumery, Foreign and Domestic, to whiett he
calls the attennon oldruggiso, physician. end Auer
chants visiting the city, 05 he 0. treiosooslell to sell at
very low[lnce., and give general'outisenetion.
warranted sod cheap. Vartush (do. l and 2, N.Nork
mancdneturth also Japan nerd Itlacit Leather Varnish
es, of superior quiality. Also, White and Red Lesuf at
poesy lower than hcretolown ralbred.'• J. Dr M. also'
at anufartare Morgan'. celebrated Cough Syrtrp,whieh
ho. genoa Poem , satisibetion to all In the curing Of, ,
coughs, cods, hoarseness, inlittenee, whoopin . g sough,
rouA oei pone 23 cams per Matta Also, moments
Ratan Liver Pals, et =mutt curejfor liver complaint,
sick beadechc, mid all bilious codplnhus. Price 16 ets
per bog. sew2ll
at Juin wrtiv.usto.
!awe, Baltimore.
charge. s have beenreda
or . dtrottlalthnore, Pine
eoluspdoding redaction
itelkstorwarded from Bai
' n l , f i N c4Z l b . rurtAb m to or
cents for each additiemd
011/ee et the Exe
D ExvCED ttans.:-Th
JA. cad an all Illeasagey .!
boo or Wltealint and I
made an all
thaoro Weal of
for the Basilan wards, and
• I
irr No sharps is mods
the wa~mu ; and •fea.o
- West.= UM 0 .
• nn, New Orleans, dm
lamplii• by %kis rote, ausd
• *WI
11111110 m completion of th
TOMirro P h troto Itlemphis,l
Watt. min De forwarded to
=sited (aerie* Odeausa.
. •.. •
LIVE! 007
4 tr._
We have been informed by Mrs. Rose of setae per
formed on her by Drs Jarleis Alterative, which
proves lie superiority over miry other remedy of the
kind. She hoe been afflicted for the Last 42(00.1 lout
with theerations and enfoliation of mums bosies,du
Ting which OLoccaltawn bean discharged from
the trowel bone of the cranium, from both bee arms,
wrists and Itendhand from both lege, and from the left
(moral bone, and ftemthe right knee, besides palatal
uleemon other partner ber person, which have baffled
the OMR of a nOzobef Of the most eminent pholciansot
our nits—daring most of the limo' het sufferings have
been excrathung andrleplarable. About three months
,then the was Induced to try Dr. Jayne's Alterative.
which hen had an astonishingly happy effect upon het,
by removing alt.poin.ana, swellings, and comma the
ulcers to berth while at the came time hergouerid health
hos become completely restored, no that sho now weighs
to lbs snore than site del before she commenced the one
of thin wily valuable prepaum•—(:at Eve. Post.
For further information; mineins of Mrs. Rose, No. Ito
Filbert at, Philadelplin.
For We in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
Mi Fourth st. near Woad....
ATWENTV• ChalLemisit to te d.
will be pai
Waxl d
to any one
be will Produce a t of pun Volt. or fey, that
cannot be nitrated w ill Net's Improved Chemical
Soap. I have the setisfactiatt eleaynat ia the people of
LltisTianc, that this article, by Jay awn uoplovemetii no
di tam situate unrivalled to doe caccdl ter .Imaing
grease, tar, {nigh, oil, pain or any other
antam Isom all kinds of Se n t lemen's or lodise elottimg,
carpea, table clothe, merino shootio, ladies' bonnets.
.t wttkota -Waring anything Mat pare water will not
Wive. More than one ttioomM persons m different
parts of the COMMIT hovetold me they would oat be
orlitutet it; Ott cost one dollar per mac In limit thin
Soap ea mote then 000 articles of light Mika, mains, al
paceas, and caliimes,l have only bored throe Pieces of
Oda owe of alpine., and foot of calico, on whieh
cbenacil the retool thereto. before pollulty it on at lien
due. try • ample of the dims Dm I we this Lemma
1 ant determined not to recommendh any cayman than
knew to be +primly true. N II ilact.
b Poe; 14 col pee Data. Sold, weolea
8 de and retail
y b: 11LU11111.,
•toeltt - 57 wood al
LTowlv*mritro ' iAitsArAklLLXZEOWGi
AJ Jun received Townsmen, saraapasilht, the
!awl extmordinary medicine m Iha world! This EX
o aeuis put ap lalpian bottles. It is pintlettelieheapce,
pleasanter, mod warranted impeder tams, isord. It
mem &War. wiillaiitii o Cidlingi parting;, ~ iotennig 'or Wlitallna the'palient..
Lamour eau bm'asuiss. — Lteprielpleripsnirmal rv e
. pat 'ap :medicine sli the 'sine
shaped bottle.. &ether each hat4a7dtethaNrititteitsie
aoareoftl:P!Tberasead. • • ....
llrages - 4 6 7 .1 1 7oOditra, between
Third and repay , la Dr.Theassiabi only rehaleeate
and retail - agent for PittabargtO!'whares the; genuine
article can be bad.
D. AL Curry has been appointed the sole avant
Lunheep,eirp r of Ashcan the frealglito 11411Cle cm ne
balL •
CLEAT Ctralt,perlbrual VON. ddail.ltradsmhttla
'arid patine Li.rittiltafaids.4 94.! 0 1 )7 - F;ltyra
Ilo7tati.TafraolsT,Whattatiabadd/o4lPiaat s ale s,
Jaly,l9th, 15117,,
ftfrat.4. &arlam:—A mule kip. and theallticeal
induce.. !oath{ my hotalda tasti.toonyia rmar of yottrjastly
asiebratui Lim Pdla I ha. dative...doing so far pan,
adhasinttaDary eeitstr's mastm,ohe mos you right,,,,,
goah.d." Mom of dm omy prepartn l f tratpi.,
and mmelorj.ded to theakiin, ha. nab I u vim • .
zoo r Liles Pa& banana *Ear. to the rake, mad, 6414
[Wier* Wry will ...min them all, as URI aili.fisit
you teptd.t daunt* be. I have been ailllceid lirrliattir •
Cmnplomt Goat my . you* hate milfared atoe4 asop.topA
many. ...aims physicians, to whom I paid saw_li. minty; taioa.L..
lcdt machlllood, Der. named and physerked death
Mllteated 5' or o tuts., and Gamily amen ap u inearahla. ,
i 11054 I ararhhinemilo sty pa. Liam puboitawxkzolor ,
WELLL. O. hot ef width unowsulkinattnhazamatear ,
of pain la the aid. and all the other aymphans t kir at Tats "-
months, Your are attm thalearentrar
sad griping Or gfring lona
sea, bOl mo• sweb, reLef ' Llama kept thastvits ory stan
for 6er - I years; sold h.d.da of boles, and or. an.
W a rd a • ,g , . complaixt *stared by an obi 'Oho had Wed
. them. They haw napeneded ahem rreryhtlear pill la Oda
ackghtorbood, .d b a short time swat banish *bans an, ,
earamtly mmosonornd t,on amain". phyde,. •
whether for. Liter Complaint. Billion. dEselieem. .cos
eider Nrm farsoperterto Calomel ertim
6 &apses.
,Ma J L blemata • '
A N—As Um= an what Pala beLsrs tha pohlie
GUAM:IL/7'6Mb. permm who want thatiENI:INE
atielsr and lob. Do ollur than dn. prepart4 and aoldraiyib.l
& dELLERA No 57 Whod-et between Thisd aad.foortb.
~a .
FiCKEßt6y.birli:24 now in amid- the lloephids
11 Antler. and other public estattlithtnente, and
recommended by Mile of the most disirtuttimM4 phy
sicians nod chemists, ort an article of Mot for Chili:leek
and ..inealtde, much superior to arrow Not, Ma SUL,"
far mom strengthening, pleasset to the taste, easy
Of digestiop. Put up to 41 It. Intwis of Wilt' lb. papers,
tench accompanied with printed directions for ethiking,
Liehig, in his Agriertkorai Chemistry, p. 1 Phil. ed.,
.Children fed upon arrow -toot, solar: of Indent:inn')
hood of amylaludea. lewd, which dneacontslit
diosts fitted for the, formation of bones and mantes,
apepeneme M hi n t
thaecq uidroe
moth srosoveyttheirlimbs
q gh
our are ,
their organs properly developed.”
In the analysts of the,Eatina madmby „I",rpclicid of
New York, atoong other cousLittleinii; he o,Peals
coot of glutton and albarnem srld tentarks,:that, the'
chums of the-Enricoupon the,rtittliceJ eigreadoliovi:
the public will rut upon its containing in MO iinrotn'
and alliptiten, vegetable abiine sadrothernitregoatagdi "
bodiei not found in arrow root or similar wind...lsm:Si
gag which modern chemistry has pointed out as being'
necessary LO Iha.femalion of Immo finre,„
means of which Wore: mate* Cy for Mo.&instant
waste, that takes pace ftt ihelturann 'hods . :Foe' albs
'wholesale or retrul, E SECLEIL% -
septd.. 57
Great •Eng/leta Remedy,
VCR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! 'The
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the gq ere ottim,•
above dimmest, - in the HUNGARIAN D
LIFE, discovered by the e, .Ibreed Dr. Dechan, 01
Landon, England, end introduced into the Viand Statee - ,
mules th eirnmedthie sugunintendence of the iamb:l4f
The emnionlinary success of this medicine; In ,
one of Pulmonary Moan., Manama 't he AreetieS4
Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible' ea. -
ses that can be found In Um community —eases that rook
relief in vain from my of the common mired of ofthe •
day, and have been given up by She most du
physicians as conforned and timetable. The '
an 8a1.41M has cumd,pad dais I* . MOO.
of eases. It is no quack'nostrum, but bstaff Him
lish medicine, of known end esablished eilbm
Every na n ny the United States should IA
with Bnehan's Ilutigurbra Balsam of Llfo,,n
counteract the consumptive tendencies of the
butt° be used as ix preventive medicine in all
colds, coughs, spilling of blood, pain in the
chest, irritation end sorenese of the hums,
difficalty of breating, keens fever, sight errant
Chin and general debility, asthma, indoeura,,
cough end croup.
Sold in large honk., at SI per bottle, with f
dans for the restoration of health)!
Pamphlets, containing a mstes of ilutlish en
con certificates, and other evidence, •Lowit
equalled merits of this great . English Reined
obtained of the Agents. gratuitously.
Per sale by B A tdi/INEfrOCIL le Co,
at and Wood and Wood and 6th sts.
Dft. Jihr/S.E 7 3 CaltilltiAMJlVE D.l
ip 11051 the it -CIA dill 21, a well hew*
War peravmazi el the Protestant Method
Th c twdemtaaed hsgct gg been gallica:a aural
wiaser with a disease of Wa stomach, wale
&ming pie= pain in the senacett for ma or tiv
withata ussermisehes, and aster having tried
reeled., with little eireet, was thrldshed with,
orlDr D Jaynes pruedruesre Cabala. Thialie
cretin; te.the direction!, and, found lllyAllatilt that . thla
medietnecaused the pain withal° in three et .ur
ales, and its fifteen or twenty t , aitetes ever} , autIMI .
semation was entirely quieted. lie enedieinewittlif ,
terwardssaed whenever italicatioursithe approach of
palnwere pereeived,mtd ems thereby prevent,
d. lie continued to use the medicine every sonata;
and sometimes in the morning, and in a few weelsl
health was no far restored, Rau the etude re r area relies
ed from a huge mom% of oppressive pain. From e ,
perieme, !mestere, ho CAA soullently recamit ;
usnd f
D Jayne'. Ruminative itatsam as a salmary modiste. ,
for dmesses MM. - wench end ,
Alieuhany city, 31
For sale in Pittsbargh 11l the PPIILIN IrgA toTOR
72 Fourth street, mar Wood; ithdlilig•tt:thebyug
Sion, of It P en.:l. W ARTZ Veder ll art , on. Ikratiosp I i
Par '
MIL 0. F. SlBLEV—lust Spring, and dib.
nug the previous "rimer, 1 entaberstuly Meted
a scrofulans complaint in my legii and had Men
for wan =nails-am:Ler the care of *emblem. They
said my cam urns almost incurable, and they could de
but hole forme: .1 Nizati itasity halphmmipanscire the
aid of enriches mould with difficulty gal about:: In •
lam e. I jiarchased of pm, artc s onsm
aw oereal=4)92..kil.
sem commenced h.ltuff,:prl,l
_laid salde*ty match.
es, using only a cant. I dispensed with ray. eN3o, end
at the end of the finuth, was so well es to assist all day
timarirg sheep. In all, 1 used five bottles. The •
scrofula and aorta have ell healed up, and slaterleat ,,
summer 1 have seen no appearance of the diseinsilsat
have continued, and am now, in the mostperfect hash*,
state with confidence, hopingthat others map hobos,
edited in the same way, that the Sarsaparilla sold hp
has been the means and the oul means of effect,
mg the care. CO IJS J. HOSE'
For sale whalcsale and mail, tip. • •
daw B.
_DAMN - U:TOOK nee '
- •
_Rant P wood ata, & alargeonter wood le &has •
Cream de , Amanda Amore', fog abawmg; • • ,
Cream • la.nore, tor dming;
Almonde Cream, do;
Sapertta&on Porcelain stand;
scent So p, litmgc perfumed with Lavender, Anglo.
Deudifal powder pad a, of ill pantroa; - • ••".
kanboased•unlet.bozes, conuttrung fragrant extraeta
for the hone hatehief; a scent bag, anti to soaps, mt.
etibt for Ptraents.
Pereira, or Chinese powdert
1 . 41 " 7 otelable hair oil,
Bears oil, m fancy or common wrappers, (rose scent
Jones , Sciani...Nymph Soap; Ram Lip naive;
Abell neap; Soda amp; together wen a great variant
of film perfumery: Jut reconntd; for mic
nal& a"
ear tat wood rug
Pulmonary Balsas..
rely U. C
ooty c UrLEit fe . el It
tam z a , l 4 l awe to 1
more respectlng you Vegetab le 'almonarr tidiest.
Mame I first awl the Balsam, about eleven )Cll5ll ao9
the happy ofect of whielsilhen pm en amount, of,. ,
have bad - several smerecomplamts and aumkealmy
lungs, one a few days since, and in comp instants+
have menthe Balsam alone with complete mid yeifiem
success. hasollectini relief and yore in a very few
days. it is certainly a safe medicin. rd6 - 7iitarUoror •
that It will mot a fixed consumption, bat k believe iN
will be in many cues a pneventwe, and prevention' le
Deter than mum I do Mettler*, for the love Of tory fel
love m earnestly recomannid the use of this Balm,
In aU putmonory maplainta I am. martfidenr ULM tt,
he, been the =WI etyma:rpm my fife tothltdal
For sale by B A Fahnestock, A Co, corner, Ent
wood ainialso'corner mod and Gth. - ' •
S/"3-LER'S IMPERI L COUtill S3KUP,—It has
poorer Memel Pursturaisn, Felt 11, 1917.'
R. E. Si4sow—Aly wife has for years been sulticht
trie ft. e dh utest i tt. rsed cw V c, ""i t j attrtere
and had die advice of the mom eminent physicians
England, bet .11 was unavailing. By thanes-I beast
el year Imperil Cough Syrup and was induced us boy,
a Louie foe trial, although I b ad no belief that sayiWng
could =tore her complaint. To My'gee - eh Tpthdi
two doses gave her immediate relief McNair llmei
troubled with a cough, but two teaspoonful oftfyrius
always sums it Ima sanded, after a unit of *MO 0 1
tour years, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the boo Mogi
medicine I have ever died either in Me. Old or New
World. Wu. Fanocieird, 1
Seventh Ward, city of Pittsburgh.
The above mind:male should ,duce tU wb
troubled with cough or maims, to give the Smartt:eft
• al. It may be had for Yfr cents a bole, atrheldM
non of ft E SELLER/4,Zr woad in"
Sold by Dr Camel, 6th ward, end D II tnnis.Allet"
rimmr city-
ONDRlES=3bbnNOTilackerel; : r 1
130 Iddrilomaekerel; WV do No 3 de;
SI/ o 3 a 10 doTanners 0111„,
I do Ahno; 2 do E Salm' 3 do chipd
I hf do Nutmegs; 50 Ins No I sewed
50 by No 9do do; sdo scentedloaml t I
10 do No 3 Primed din /0 do No 4-dodo
1 bate Chaves; 10 bags Java Cot*
50 Idols prime Pi 0 Sugar just reed and all sate
by deeld necnirn cuuntiersos
Sa.uals , VERNlFUGE—aSiiperior 14 . 1 havi
Oxatt..l Fayette comity, Fv Mareb:4, 4.46.
Mr. N. E. Soisaim-1 hereby cerufy hint ,
your Vcrmiftere in my family, and belie. if
rt emial
not superior to any 1 have ever usciti L gave Somme
my children one dose, which expelled she
Prepared and sold by It E SELLERS, ,w
Sold by Dr Cauel, 50 Ward; D M Carty, Ml* ;
W J Smith, T a in;emperancevilic; and P Dr
reneeville '21174
1 UST RECElVED—Twovpietedid new naricifortits,
toom the celebrated factory et Nan:ask Clkih N.
Y., and ed octave hallo, rosewood,. with tied= cal.
ging; one di octave, oral. GolesursU's ..Eo4llAlllSebr
These eery superior Pianos will NB jold grOPAUTIIE.
lacers prima
C4l - 11/..F0-01 Cis mould candles on . Ga
far sale cry deal ARMSTRONG &
Mar Demur/AsWino, 34 rt., Aare Os DostOVIO.
, O. A TOD OV .rk lI•VikaTIVIDI Orr
Wl3 In.CEI/013 of MOMS, - orlon ' ' goo
- 1-wo ionOtotur of ,
a1tenti0ing,.........0 'lb
Three "
~• 7...4 g -00
One Week 0 0 •,--1r, li A , r
. ~.,..„4 ....
'Poo Weeks - " " ' ' " .r.
Ono Month, • ..
• .;..4.6. 1 j
Two •• ""
aaaa •
Throe, " ...... 760
ID" Longer edrer ti sements In snme . MoloOtir e
One scue,6 mouths, without alteration,... ..•""
12 •• •• LS 00
Eliot' addition,* square fof 6 mones, - . a • • •;1;•' . 9 00
12 ' " .. to 00
One smtare,6 months,rernemble at plasma., L 6 00
•. " T
Two Mini %
Men Matuonal square for 12 men
m, mOnafr, , 'OO
KWh edditional square, 6 menterr,..
ktifir..L. 8-
•r* 0o
waszai oa Tai-vrizalor p ll"
One stMere„ Insertione ?.60
• insertioa. re 37" •
BMW= oeens.
Irmo Roes or leer, me year, .......... eoo
sia Inonthr,.... ' 4. 6 00
one yini, daily & weekly, ID op
got month* " 0 0
Apyra VT. 1,121131' I Za2lllW
Par 20 hoes, o less, One insertion, ..6'. - 4...4,01) by
. Two, " 17 0 / 45
• .....•••.,4:10.1
. Three months, r
MSix " - 00
". L T 1 % 1 2, '''l.44..ur
- -•
?ig . to
. •
ilir "
i v.Ol 4
11 battle
3 00