The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 19, 1849, Image 3

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iiiiisivay ter am Pittsburgh guista.
wai l :mm 4 .1.0..18, 1849. .
—Szture 7 -Ls this body to day theouly bushman
F rial
sot. T ' Bill, which was " d, mead.
Sid an finally bud over withord any thud action
ups... I I
• The =minder of the session liens ix:copied in
Biscuits. Badness.-
..Hotram—Tire dug Appropnablat lair ill
usual =reins. business, eras 'tilled up. Altair
tome &weaken, en emendate t was ofreted,
Junking VAN:oak' Tariteri, the same as Oregon,
with an appropriation.
The amendment was low; but *to bill as report.
e,t. parsed.
conntmenoN OP WELLER.
Wasnearros, Jan. 18,1E49..
' Cdone...T. B. Weller, has been dOrditMed by the
Senate, es Commusioner-to settle the bopedaiy
line between the thiittd Stales and Mexico.
Col. Duncan will be appointed Inspector Gene•
.1.4 in place of the late OA Croghan.
Prtnatna.nua, Jan. 16, 1849.
Pr.otna—Sales at 294:10 barrels western at is' Z,.
Corn Meal, at 52 811 per barrel.
Grain—Sales 011600 bushels prime Red Wheat
at 122 113 t. Barley, 62; .oats,33 cta per bushel.
Provisions airdlGroceries without change. ,
Whiskey sells at'W, cts. per gal.
Nsw Yuan, Jan. IS, ISO;
. Cottcr—There is no change from yesterdfy
market duller.
Floor.—Sales of Western, et $5 621®g5 WI,
wain extent to'looo bbls.
Grein--Sales of mixed torn, 60 a 61; lied 5000
bushels Yellow, at, 550 06 cents per bunitel
Whist ey-7921es at2lf o. per gaL
Provisions—The market b heavy 63r Pork, bet
I bear of no sales. Lower Wrens would be acs
btonLa~Se!es Treasury Notes, at 1081.
A lucky editor has received the following :in •
Yelp neat billet, and a very neat style of chirpas
A Kin. '
A kiss, a kiss,
Replete with bliss,
I send within this paper,
Take it in haste,
Don't stop to taste,
'Tie little more than vapor.
Pray don't complain
That it's in this strain,
Tapledges PR be steady ;
And were you here
I would appear
tot "Rough," perhaps, but "Ready."
• Buz Harmon:lr Aria Ina Teutoarru —There
it odd specimen of the masentine gender maid.
Mg, if 'there parts,' familiarly known as ‘,lllll
Hathaway,' who itera : es way dial is some times very
amusing.'Thin tellisiraph, with a slanting em.
pbasitetnithe middle syllable, 'is all a he.' ax.and
bamboo - , got op to catch pennies and gall the peci-
Jge,' said bin to a neighbor cf his, on returning
from the Telegraph. Office in this borough a:few
".:.mornings since- , you can't get Repeat:4.BmA, if
Torfarant to. I took a private letter Otero pester
".day that. I wanted to send over the mountains, and
&rig their Meters if they did'at opus and mid it,
• '-the first thing! so they didl—Wark. Cosa.
kisiiker•, Ezo hangs i 1511Siok•r•,
' 'COLINZTIOI I K 11 tee
` "I=.
favorable term.
EXCHANGE on Nes York, Philadelphia anthßal•
- Caton; also, Cincinnati., Lcotirrille, Kaint Louis and
New Orleans, rousts:any for sale. -
BANK PankM..--Noles on all wisestt banks in the
United States discounted at the lowest raters All kinds
of Foreign and American Gold and Sliver Coin boaght
and soTd.
Office No. 55 Market street, between 3il , and 4th,
Pinsburgh, Pa- oetss •
t in ANKERS, EXCHANGE lIROZEBE ,and dealers
Foreign and Danuerdo Excherce,Cartifteases of
• te, Bank Notes, and Speeita Foortastrees, neer
laYe=ts I le e potthe—S ßmk Qf
P llec lu g ' foTlTl " itu n iW
lactions made on neatly W h lae prim/pal poin s 'te la the
The highest premix= paid fa Foreign maiblantaicaa
FOREIGN RECO/INGE. j -- q- ----
Atrus on F.ogiand, Ireland, and Scotland tortilla
soy =out `ar - lho CYO= .Raimor EzettonAre.
Dods parable In any part oftbe O 1 Conannes,
„ .E.(009, to this rate of So to the t Sterlinkr,
_i...irithosidedneuon or dotrottnt, by JOSHUA ROBIN.
SON, Ettropeon ono Gemini Agin; office rah it one
APor Grout of.wood.
macro tr. mu, c. rimer
BANIDIRS and Exchange Brokers, 'Dealers in Por
eign and Domande Trme and Siitht - Bilts of h..Y.
hange, Certificates orDeposite, !hulk Nolen and Coin;
No 63 Wood street, third door below Founh, west
aide. maratf
annunn nmum
& ll* Flld,
in Foreign and Domestic Bill. of Exchange, Ctlr
tiheates of Ikposite, Bank Notes and Coin, owner of
3d and Wood SUIMTS, directly opposite Pik Charles Ho
tel. marlddly
EU D5h1.,..4
h l.,.. 4
Bank Notes;
patchaqd at ika low e st !ataa,b/.._ a soNs,
, ,2q, ilOututz
35 Market street
;TlLLS l Or y .E o rTliAlliGE—Sight Checks OP
iik.iladelPh Ix, and
ctonitantly tot ale by N. HOLALES & EONS.
EPA. 35 Market at.
Independeht Police 012 lee,
E -6.10E1 FOURTH feTIiMT.--Committing tangle-
Irate, lacciciceex Secca, Chid of Police, Poem
.rtANDLEIII.O bze mould candles art cortaignment,'
for sato by dee.9 ARMSTRONG & GROZER
S. OLL BUTTLIL-10 MOTO and for
We by . (dec9) MeGILL & ROE.
QIUNDRItz—zr bbl. pare Cider Vinegar; 10 do do
1361. Pearl March; reed and for aide by
• rrEA • ppackasca Young m Hyson; :10 do Gonpoor
1 der
toe Nla y ZaPVBILVAZV,Mr•Ard
EACHIS-11* boob of Obio Poncho,s • vas, reed
and for solo by W & U SIVUTCHIZN,
doel4 132 4orty sl
S Ncw-reio les Rappee Snuff, Jam reed”
aad for
bydeelB J RUM fr. Co
MUSICAL BOXES-1. dos Musical Boxes, tie: play
• variety of .in, waltz", quadrilles,inat reed as
dean Z KINSEY'S, 67 osarkes at
itEA:II.-1140 pl.ii.._
Galerus Lead; 3000 lb liar der, tor
mat br AU JAS A HUTCHI;ON &Co .
OLASSES-43D bbl. plaatallon ktolu.s. fortale
A 'by ' jail SAS Atm rcHrsoN co
INSENG-040 Inn Ginseng, in store and for sale
NJ by tall /AS A HUTCHISON & Co
EFINED SUCitatll—dso bbl a, large and =mu
x 4, loaf, crashed, powderyd and clarified, in Ware and
soLoalo by jail JAS A, HUTCHISON& Co,
jail Agents Sr Lords Salm So Static ry
11:15T HEMEIVELI—Taro splendid neer Piano forgery
• - -f l y from the celebrated &zany of Nun. & Clark. N.
Y., and t 1 OCIATO Piano, rosewood, With elegant ear.
'•-•• • vino one-ef OCIIIVG, with Coleman's Zoliao Attult.
• • • • went.
• • These Very superior Pianos will be solder marinas.
tares prices. u KLELIER,
Sole Agent for Nun.k.4 Clark
Fc' Llm "J.9 FLOUR —I t b i e L II.2/1%,"11.::
OAP -30 brilclo 1 Rosin; 29 do do Yellow—, for sole
?a by / 93 JD IVIW ASIS
C.OIOLML-20 boxes Stessine: 10 do tetad; 9 0 do
dinked; 10 do Sias; for sale by
CIDER -30 bbl.sayeelorDrob Cider; lb do common
do, In acre and for wilo by
deelb IS DILWORTH, 27 wood et
ARDI7 bbl. No 1, now landing Own ; gentler
id Degas; (or solo by
}as ismAn DICKEY & Co, (stint at
- nu. CA.K.E.—Muni. oil cake last reectredper canal
imit.Near Brightoa,aral for mule by
9.ALERATCS-3 tour Salami., just ric'd and for
►b . It. ROBIt30:1P & Co
WADDING Soodoe very beery black Wadding.
reed and for sole by-
BILACKLETT d:; WHITE, 99 &000 st
Sttl 7 l. /MUM rLASSES-.Bo,bblii3i Louis Ha
47101.,DEN SYRIJP—In bbl 4, half bbls, and 11) gallon
rgs; for .alo by
mACKEREL-82 bbls large No 3, for solo lOor by
or ‘ ster and dd !poi fit
• .7lb kelp, 30 bids it; Lolla r 61600 d thrprdopr
, order; Am received and for sole by
.1" . AliLi7.4okep Leaf Lard, in good .hipping order,
- I,j•just received and' for mile by _
jay BROWN a. ctrixrarrsoN
' • INEQZIOII.--1.1114k k.gmec
just zda'd and fo,r
, . js3 ' R ROBISON ic Co
- 130TATO$S -4 .W.Oar-kak reclPeisizOriental by
• - Pitt 3TfloNo & CROZER
•••• '44; Pthrm '
Irox . sugy Jggrpg.-12 bblejest nes:d and fm ;ele Lp
.4'"FEAtitEILT-40:10)14 peitociAy. - lire geese
• ars; dons mid Coressale by
• • ...1,11 f JAMES A HUTOIILSON & Cv
.', was Allegheny, 004 10 tons Haag
' .. 1111[4 V.01:;1'00.100 by
j" gggim DALZ.}.3Z
_______ _______ 0
- .
AL.R11131)80.... 4 , .... 1... ..
- 1:4(1 ---- I -SIM- 18 88 - SW.Ziar -- KO . a2 -1 / 4 -7
JANUARY. 1 rise..j4BBl4rlwei. 1'9811888;
ii1384:11t;-- .4_, - E4-11 . `;4 l c.
1 . 5 Mc 8818 7', • ., , 7.10 t . -4_55 'Bl4 .
10 Yitesday, .;-. - , 7 -6- 4 18 41 ''.
17 We ' l2 "al; 141.1" 4 4047 ' f r...; ...
19 i t°^ Bll / 1 - .7 zr. Ase 'AI SD': • ,
1. 9 Fri BB 3.. - • .110 LS _ b mom. s :,
n Claxerns . - 11
• Friday 7doratig4aiinery 11),18415
The markets gene,railyppreeynted noMarke
champs The s weitiher a NA ", vat cold, Sad Vizi.'
nen Was confined" irmiLity 4 ,4 regolor i'Utibled or
retail wdes, witklightlece in Prf r ;n l6
Business on
.theiereixfix i ,l3l,;poniee to show
soma activityl:" Iliarteaie:tvinning 4hrrive from
above and couilamallilis c iiiin g tities cf dour, bilk
pork, and other thick/ are coming in.
FLOUR—,e.seceltits yesterday were to a fair
extent, but the could hear of no operations from
first hplids worth reporief:q9sliii the wlititrie
abode fair quotation. Frematorik in regular lint.
. . . . ...
iced lota, slo4,l.2inse the salnageparea. 'Foe ex.
Ise brands hiai'i ke..4 7 6,46 - n6d, , .
BUCK*t-W,kt io . l*•-,.-4enipti 14,4 been
light, and . suppliesnmJim ited,, wilts sales in small
lots at . 151,7 - 451',874 PDS!. ..o •- : • • •
RYE PlAtJ"Oir!ktel :lots
. 11 t 3,1%425
. . .„
GROCERIES—Nc changes under this bend.—
N crsugaiiiontittlalakiti 'lngtsest at 416141' So.
fair old, and 41A4 pew crop. - Ptune - held at 5
oni,ll . l:es,to, Ibe. eztemod..3o
bbt . ,, a l
.27,322,0 ; tir 9t I..ottfu - retlned , loat sugar
at 816310conflihresdlee 111 . 1 4481.0, and or
PROVISIONS-We: find•rtoduni new in the
provision m a r l re f . , !..Bulk Poky, begttuung itr.
rive in eoniidetabld onatnities, but we could bay
of IX' large gaeS• othocon ,‘lA
and pnces.nolgea7: : We' B ehiafregtllaSttales of
and to Mailed lots es 606t0 p Ib, front store:
plies of batter are And snlea hiplied. We
may quote .itmst 9 ,Land44::!ollin bbbi in 126
1...100te Mont the rulidg dem of the market: •
OILS-4 e ' ediniii*jotnitiote ; Lisseed fit. 'at sa
057 ,andlardnt584rall..
FEA. 7 lVE RS —' Tie , 4 l iiilost , ,itt• - steady &it not
active. Sa(eis laSceititTottr:32,o:33kr lb.
Flsll.*Salea of.saLinin ikre:;:d aiaaaaret
Not at. 11,51451p,* 2 , - 8,51;10, Sklied Ao 3 at
5,15088. &lea dfberrpnlet , N74ilec; bbL
WILISKEY— N 4l L 3 telaleiLOtreaLtia entail
lota tnl£o2oo eguy•
cuEesz--Thextar - Vetis,inn, with sates of
good-W ; It at'SMl„'ned at-Wine-per
13171,111339 AT •realSariiit.-The ateadi improve.
meat inthalaverpool market ofthe great Southern
atit!le, marorOairaaLtsed vita a revival in trade
aouih Oaartar,
of a recrat gate, aayin , • ,:•• 7 •
"There appears to be a general favorable move.
meet iabodoesa oiattetrizi.our city recently. The
greatetapleet hitaklakett • start,
alter a most Mmatubp: letl,a/Pressioriat&Vm some
days peat has beast taken hold: sitimat, an avidity
that sugars well forthe continuance r 4 a brisk de
mand krthe article.'-' Itlottei,mattets are easier—
every:hilt:eh .of trade la More proipMt . ma—indeed
the whole face of:inatteliWear a favbrittle appear
anea.adtk every prospect apermanenee..
The Pori of blevetatid is a great Minter marl—
supplied mostly from Michigan—between Saginaw
Bay and Detroit.
Me.. I 3 , FraUCSiCO nod Whipple & to, dent Al
together in the Canadd product.; the others in
those both of Michigan and Canada. The usual
ratm'Of thiamin lumber to that of Michigan, re.
calved at this point, is ail' to'4. '
Mr. Batts is in the !ember and stave trade. eon.
fining himself to black walnut , subite wood end
stave, all being the prOducts of the State of Ohio.
The receipts firr the past season, of the - different
lambtir yards, - are-ar &thrum,
. . Ft /Amber. No. Shunter
tt. Bottles, • 2 "0.2 660 363,000
I Holt, 1,400,000 600,900
8 E Fax & Ca; • '1 ; 2013,000 1,300 000
Whipple & Boa, 1,20074 2187,000
I Francisco, 650,000 , 5E03,000
C Butts, 1,000,000
C Sanborn, 2,780,311 1.327,000.
10,517,145 7„357,000
The !somber of alms tcceived by C Buua
The average price of lumber is 57,59 per X; of
abingies, $241F5 and of staves, 319. Mr. Botla'
receipts of !amber were 800,000 feet black walnut
and 2,000,000 feet white wood. The average of
the former per btis SNJ. This wouhtgive na the
vitae of remipts us jezillawit
6217.110 33
This thew a large increase In the trade eve
that of formerseasona.
Tun Stmaran's Nman—Effeet on the Marketa—
Tbe news by the streamer America has had rather
a depressing effect of the markets for breadatuffs
in all the Northern cities, as well as in our own
market The kilowing are the comparative
net at the time of the sailing of the two last Brit.
tub steamers, of the Liverpool market
Europa. America.
Duty Paid. Dec. 15th. Dec. 30th.
Floor, bbl 27s 6c1a244
Corn, white,p4oolDs 302 fida33s 30s
" yellow, " 33s oda.3ss 32s 6,1
Wheal, white,ip 70 Ihs 7s Idals 10d 5 607 duty 7.
red, " 6s 9.1a7s 4d it bd, pr qr
A New York letter sayw
"Private advices by tekgrapb, to some of oar
merchants, report the stock of wheat, floor, and
Indian corn on hand in Liverpool to be large, and
pricesitt{telinintc. For Judie° meal there was a
tolerably }Auk demand at Liverpool when the
America sailed. Provisions remain about the
same es at the data-of last advice,."
40,741 beef cattle. Sates estimated.] 51,590 576
20,553 stores, " " 403,274
57,690 swin
146,755 sheep, . 264,159
e, , . 482,295
43.425 beef cattle, •
20,738 stoles,
133,550 Sales estima'll at 82,719,462
62,015 swine,
39,670 beef mule,
15,104 stores, 1 ,
10r , ,350 Sales Cbtinavid nt S1.5;1418
44,060 swine, )
142,910 twat cattle,
13275 stores,
sheep, Sales eatinaa'd ,593,548
56,550 swine,
Gatzva—The commerce of this city it rapidly
increasing. According to - a report made to the
Mayor and Alderman, by the Wharf Matter, the
total number of steamboat arrivals from the 17th
of &lamb- to the Orb of December•was 21.0; keel
boats, 158; flat boats, 107; from which a revenue of
$1,950 was received. A very large amount of
lumber, shingles, coopers' sluff, ace, was also lau
ded at the whimf-.the value of which is estimated
at $106,662 OZ
The Mowing statement of the export. of Gale.
na, during the aame period is also publirPed:
Valued at
68 4 959 pip0r1ead,47,737,&30 Ms, 91,527,610 56
16,965 basbeJs of wheat, s 9,311 75
9,407 ‘ ba r ky, 1,040 10
26 barrels of flour, • 43,45 00
7,1 hl des, 14.951 00
45,823 pounds of copper, 5,951 99
Total Taloa of exports, . $2,602,010 40
Cattle •narliet.
Baltimore, lan. 15- Cattle—There wee a large
supply of beeves at the scale. to day, the offerings
teaching 1200 bead, of which 240 were Sold to
packer, 300 to city butchers, 210 were left over
unsold, and. 420 were driven to Philadelphia.--
Prices ranged from 2,50 to gi g. 100 Itia, on the
hoof, equal to $542 , 7,75 net, averaging 3,12 s gross.
Hogs—There was a fair Supply at the scales,
and prices remain as last quoted, V=.6415,371,
Er Meson, Angebeezpreswoo of some remotes t
grateful to view, while; the repelsive,coarne, muddy
yellow fates of ethers, excites disgust—the -same wub
males. Could sorb people be induced to try s cake of
,the true Jonas' Italian Chemical Soap, they w ou ld be
enraptured with the change. They would have a deli
cate, clear, white skits, while every disfigurement et
empties would ho removed and cured.
Pastactrt.salloricz—klersons who have bough: cheap
counterfeits sod imitations of this, and have hod no et.
feetproduced, most try this, the original. Mind. ask
Pones' Soap. For sale at Wat.Jsessun's, as ljher
ty street. moral
Asonnta Clumsiness to the cacao.° of ]Floods
?desire. J. Kidd & It is wub plea.
urel hand this, my eertificate, (wearing to the gene
ral popularity °I'M 211'Lane's Ansencan Worm dpe
elfic,) toyour traveling agent, Mr. MantoE. SOme time
Igo I received from Wm a small - lot to sell on commis
nom I used a few bottles - in psy owe family to the
good e.dects t can fatly testify.' 'Tim balance I saki to
my monomers, and found on taquiry, that it gave very
general satisfaction. : .. t .... Gnomon filaistram..
TAugusta, Carroll Co. Obioanly V, Ism.
or le at the drag store of I. KIDD to Co.
"Thu winter skin of hen, than snow.
And pare
MI asum
li an:metal alabaster."
fentaln have hav skin lik e the clove, who nse Jones
Spanish Lily Whit.. It maketh pareanew)", Yet . 0,
ally while. • Bold at SO Mart,' street
—"" ='~.. 5~,~.u... `L:S,,,yKi~'i~L::.. u...iM'.-'"Yi... t . _..n.,c.' ~. ~~ .L',nv.u.:l~~,, ~,. _
~tf~ 51.1:
Jacobs, Brownsville.
—Carioca, McKeesport.
. Genii:mutt:corn, Maclean, St Louis
-Hodson, McMillen.,l3riclgegort.
. album; Parkinson, Bacturnavdi e .
j Caleb Co ~Moore, Beaver.
Beavel, Clark, Beaver. •
--•- Jacobs, Browisraille. •
Atlantic Phakiason, 131crwasville.
Claik,'l36avet ) .
Tkure were 12 (eel. water in channel by pier
aniirly last evecing drusk: end falling.
' cincingaki•Pnciceta, 10 A. M
Brol Paßiteta, S A. M, and 4 P. M
M, and 4 P. M.
Cinchi s calaaaengei. -,
Lanieville-4elegialgt.No .
_ .
Earan*Per Caleb COpe--50 bbls dour, S & W
Ilarbarigh; 48 bids whiskisißagale7 34 Smith; 2
- bids lard, 9; kgs do; 2 bbl. butter,
.8 do clover seed,
2 kgs Lana: Church & Canothei) 1191 pea bulk
meat, .I.l3lack dr, .rio; 759 pes bulk meat, S & W
Harbaugh; 41 .bu oats, 9 killed, hogs, owners on
board; 1' lot loather hair, planer.
• • Sr: Zoniri - per - Gentalgovro-18 '
lard, Young
111133 sen & Minket; 124 'dry: bides, T Bayard; 295
bbta dour,"Sainl' Litideniyril2l. pas bacon, 1 sack
feathers, 8 W Raitiaugh,'• 7 obi dry peaches..)
Painter-, Milo wool, if bbls Hour, 13 kegs lard, 1
'bbt do; 4 do butte, 10 lied do, Oruro dr McGrew;
(15 kbls • grata apples, owner abovick 8 bills dour,
Bridgeport and Wellsville . -pet Hudson-300
bbls molasses, ha McCully; 03..bb1a flour, 3 aka
Oktreed, 15 akar dry• 'applCs, Sinai Melutkan &
co; 200 bbla, Cbirk - &: Tbdar; 10 has a il , ha
adzelk 1 bbl l.chest, Jas„ May; 2:eaki 4 bbla wine,
J Shuck; 12 Mt,. door, 6.b,gis 0015.,,2 bogs, lot mor.
keting, cracnCta chased. • ,
• St. Louis, Jon. 10, 1849.
• Ibrvra Nawa—Tbe chime& of the r flier oppo
eite this city, was comparatiielt fiee-pf led yeller
day, but above, aavigetioo, pukes.* short abo,, oce
0"p thellillwas, COOlirlUe3 cloae4, lttld baste trout.
below report haTing., etscouttlethd - Aphat difficulty
twioakiag. headtaar;;patticalartptratott distance
fiom lhe ,u6ab;.or,the gilda, at which point the rt.
Yerla aearli elcoetk, There if ehhaenel depth or
art feet Crain thiacalro—tßei
prntletilati WiKi came IT OD the
• Mainelohe mamas Da that the .taraimer Ivanhoe
borsted a cylinder afew miles ebillefi New Orleans
on the 40, and was compelled toor;•back to that
port No: oae was ,scalded.—[Lon.
ant an De' thoeCtly Pi TtIVISJOArtI4,II n 1
• • . .Ns , HOLAlidll da BON% '.
• Each ange Brokera,dio./kft.Alaktnt street s near •Da 4
~Pe email anal,., - • : Indiana.
Dank ofriusburgh --. andoste.Wklbllnenches•• I
Exe-hange Bank •••—•Par!S•rieSerni. •.• • •
-Wren. 4. Meet- Bank •Par,' • Virginia.
Etkaofftitsdelphia • • • parlExchango DI. of Vas • • I
Girard Bank.±.• . partFanneral3klotVa• -•..r
Ilaul•Of liermasnown • parßk. °rue V,lyjy,... 04
Chester County • • •par DICof. Wigan* —•"
" Delaware Co.. • •parill..k M. BE., Wheeling i
" Montgomery Ca -Tar do blargardiswa• •• • e
i .
Nordrundnrland••par N. W. Bent Ve......-.• 3
Columbia Bridge Os: • par do IVellatarrg. —• • t
Doylestown Bunk ' par .do Parkersburg•— "
Fanners' elk. tteadipg•par - T 412121•12•114,
Farmer.' Dk. Bucks Co. par Btu( Tearteases. •• • - b
Pen FPI, l oances'r• Fat: it'llibrebk• Bk.—'
Ltneeetea Co.'l l / 1 .-. - -psr Plows , Bk.• —• • • - "
L,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 r Bk. ..... . - paltlitigilLik,i , ..•-- - "
AL etate# Dank-- • -.45 • • Etlitoserl s .
• Brawnsedle Bk.-- -par,Dtate Dkorldisamin-- I
Waahusgan Ilt• ••—• • + North Carolina.
etearabargattk.s....... - • x ILlk.of Cape Fear. •• - • 2
Chwahens La rg• ••• •• . tblereh's Ilk., Neerbern• 4
Susquehanna Co. 81.• 3 idente Dank.-- •• ••• 2
Lehigh Co Beek, - South Carona..
Levresteern• - • •--- - Cluadea Et ..... . -•- 2
.%1421etesen .....•—• I ,Ilic• of Charlestons• • • • 2
CS/1141,• •••. • • • • • " , Coarmarrial Ell-- ••- • 2
kne Bk. ...... • . d3O Bk. of Deorgesown 2
Farmers' and Drover.' ißt.of hamburg • • s
Dank, Pt aynesburg• • I :31errhannt 11k..... - . 2
Harr:Awn, .. ,Plantere I ddeelra's Ble• s
Ilen•ceroe -••-• . • I , Bk. of Beath Carolina. • s
Lebanon per, gtarglauld.
Pousedie ..... • • •• -• I. Etstachotalika..•••
I& yoonng •• t ,iiiil3:-,i;iitr ifisvir •10-
York Bk.• • 1 'Ctunborlanditk. of & to-
West Branck 1111..••••• . 1 ; shany ........ • • •• • 1
Relief Mlles-. " 'Fs, ilk. of Maryland • • "
M& M Bk. Pitts. do• "lFarmers' k. Atochazues s 'llly k•ConotY intlp•- , 1 1 Bk. Frederick
Ohio. !Frederick Co. Bk..- • • "
Bukto Bk. and Branches I pierstovro Bk .
Mount Pleasant ..... •• " usersl Bk •- - -.•••••- 1
stenbeu,lle• • " ,Paupse.s Ilk • . ...... •• . 1
:I.:. Claassilto. " 114'1mb:1;1_0mM. -. ..
&annuls ..... •-• • • " IBk.orlYestininstet • ••• "
Near Llsbon• -• " mew s .,
Cincionsu Banks ,Bk. or ss. ch. -.-
Columbus do• " Bk. of River itsison.
c,100i110.-. . ••• "',Aitchison Ins. Co••• •• 3
z.,,,, 50 i1k, •_..-. -. " far.B.Mtell's Ilk
1.,,,,...-.-.-....• " !Wlaonalts TerrlPy.
w oosu ., ._.....-..- 70 ; 3 1sr.&Firertn•Co.111!ses 5
513.5111ga ----.- • I i Canadas.
Sandorky• •• • 30; ABsolventßanks• ..... 3
lieauga •-••- •• •• • 1 Amok of Ed'iltszolnotes
ci,,,w,d.-- -..-, 1 iCiold 4 Specks Value.
X.e.u.ia ..... •-• ,- • • • •, .!Nspoleans -- -.. 380 .
Mr= • ...... • • " ilkacala 130 a
Western deserve---." End old • ••••• - • 10 0 ,,
Franklin Irk Columba. " E•agle, now ••• • • 10 00'
chili o th e ..... " Doubloons, Siummb. 11 00
Lake E. • • • •-• Planet. •13 SO
" :Sovereigns ..... • • 4 43
iGuiteas au
`lanulton 13 Frodaricka‘Pars---W: 40
$M1,125 4 1 59
20.291 75
108,003 00
Granville 50 a h l •
Fairroks Bic Causon•-••••30 enGuL aro--
Urbane ,
ti.eastacky. s=p s.
Bk of Kentucky • ..... I i Ness York ..... .. eine
Bk.of Louisville ,Phils.delphis • •----
Norkern Bk. Kento'ky• " 'Baltimme •—• •• • &Sr.
Now York—Ctry Banks, par, lowan Wks—
Le tering a. I have for 3 years with these dzwaser.l
feel from rey heart for all persons equally mfortmate;
and therefore I begof thensif they love life and health;
if they love then families and friends, not to lay and
die under the hand. of mercury doctors, or their use ,
less wash, but try Dr. Taylor's Balsam of ['lverson,
This medicine cured me when 1 sr. so 111 I could not
tern over in bed velment asztetuce, and the mineral'
doctors said I could wit live a week; Yet this vegetable
medicine cored me in one weeks. I had • harking
cough, porn in the aide. reusing of mattes night sweat.,
and was wasted to the bone; also, inward teem.
J 11. AIILLR, Milkman. Newtown. l L
The virtues orate herb '•Liverwort," are In this veg..
enable preparation so p , .werfally and effectually eon•
tunneled us to render it a most superior an bare:dew
medicine for all dieordere of the Liver and Lungs, and
1,0%. considered by all pummel handier Its el ,
feet, superior in ment to any other medical prepare.
lion for them prevalent complatnts. It has proved so
emonishingly beneficial for Consumption, Coughs,
Colds, Spitting of Blood, t.e., that many of our physle
eines deity employ It in their peartier, and Mc= It IV
supenor and valuable medicine.
Lieu Cosset atez 0 1 1 1 Corott!—ILeving taken a via
lent cold. which settled on my lungssoul liver, madly . ..
staga meets coggh , and pain in the side and shenlder,
which was so severe at times I could scarcely torn
over 111 . 1mA. 1 yrugrulualty weeding away, end wary '
even o f my life. My stnigh Preto very distressing, and
being accompanied with napsea, toes of appetite, de_
bully tad other distressing symptoms, toy sufferings
were aureate. finding no benefit from any medicine,
.from my physicians,l gm a bottle of Dr. Thylor's
Balaton of Liverwort. winch soon made me wetland
able to attend to toy business OkX.I. YOUNU,
Druggist, 391 Talton at, Brooklyn
Bold In Pinnbugh by J D Morgan 03 Wood it J
Townsmen 45 Market an H Stlayfer, CO, blanket and
3d its; Henderson I Co, 6 Liberty et Priori redneed
6.1,50 per bottle.
Remember, this is the only genuine preparation of
Liverwort All others are imitation. Be sue and
buy only as above. lap
tratilsedTiPlatea. —
rlllll3 subscribers heg to call the attention of Builders,
Architect" and owners of Buildings, to dm many
allyentages which these plum possess um: all other
metallic subsieneee hitherto used for muting, ke , as
they posseas at once the ilebtoess of iron, without its
Lability to M teste d AO. having DOW been sted for sevetill
years in this partreulse, bath in this country and ihryl- •
rope. They are lees liable to expulsion and etintrae
lien from sudden change of die atmosphere,. than emus.
moo tin s plate iron, sine, or any other metal now nut
for 1 , 0011.1 g, and consequently font] a 13111411 hence and'
tighter roof; requering for less frequent repairs, whilst
Me first mod Is but a trifle more.
A tall supply, of all sizes, from 16 to 30 W. 0., con
nutty no band and (or sale by
OM). B. MORE WOOD it).,
Beaver IS and IS Beer street, New 'cwt.
The patent eight for this anicle having been teetered
(or me United Slues, all parties itifunging ti . jrzon,
either by importation or otherwise, will p cu
test ont3l.diwt yr
rr H E subscriber, to olfenue for eel, • Minden. lot
of Nunn. & Clarice, Paw York,)' and Ohiclter
ing (Boston,) Pianos, would direct attention tithe
feet that hi. is the only place In the Went whore dm
butruinabt. of there two makers can be tried tide byy.
side, and when', consequently, a COMM Idea ortheir '
qualities ea ha formed. The subseriber beiuganxioat
to ten their relative manta, and having fo r t am:Mere!
years performed open the Pianos of - Nunes 4 Clark,.
has taden into use tot the last twelve menthe. in Chick.
ering Piano, in order to try its durability OM; htncoo
as . accompaoyment to thin voice. Thu rill.o mayy .
now be liven and examined at his rooms l e fedi.
confident of his ability to give a competent and sena.
ble opinion on the subject.
A handsome lot,of new Pianos will be opet 4 111 ' 4
few days. 11. IMES ..,.
&eh At .1111 WoodwelPs
'Tieid Quorums for Babes and
Corner of Sarithtlehl and Faarthata,
Prema . insatt, Pa.
Fli ,s
TROTH k SCOIT, kanngconnnenged the
general Hoot and Shoe busineni, wkoleeale and
retail, wee.d renpectfully lobe the' ilUGation of
their mend. and the patine generally to their eplendtd
new stock just opened, consisting of men's, srlumen'a,.
boy.% misses , and on , wear, of every 'ninety,
suitable Gn the neuron, and at price. io suit the tinges.
/Ow, a splendid article o,f Menthe Gum Shoes,,for gen
tlemen and ladies.. Yleaso call and examtiWun
selves. TROTH te.
torner or Smitittiehl actiitit .t. I'lttabargb.
N. B Tranke, Carpet flap, Rt,
on hand and low Ipt clutt.
THE undersigned having removed to Wodtington
city, will attend to the prosecution otelitimEOW
the Government, and to any law business beronssher
Courts of the Distrtet, with which ho may be entrusted.
deca.d:nots ANDREW Wifl.lo,Je.
I, I LoUR—= 1;66 heperfluo, Emir; recenic .. ? per
12 Clipper No , for nolo by i
deed..l nuns IDGEft
. .
1 I — traCi. , Plitt''' . t- - reaeliiTiaiiiifi. 1 " 1 =- 00-
deaready for eldPMe.t. • M .dirj,k ,tOE..
B e itr r, zly
- ,
01IN MEAL—At mall/at very g ood .14 ,6 1
Cfor unto by dettS ARM81110:40* (tW
USTARD—UO pYti f lb can', Long.l7TaVa
ii Un
/WI tard; 4e a, Ins cacti, do - AO da: .I.Ort and
for male by dtcY2 MILLER & RICKETBDPI:.,
SliglrilijurtYa'reALCS:= 1
10 14ijc " " "2"4.
fr:,C% •
dcco • IS wpod
LARD IX KEGStat received; - ,
decle Mecl4l•4!. ROE
--- - -
yriiii6 ' ' ' -
11:120 ft TIM llinirritair DAVIT eamarn
L ...._,_
7 Ogiviit ofgivairter-8 cantors&
..._ .
TnotosnarjanunrY ili
Judge Studer in this case made an eloquent
address to the jury, going through the whole evi,
deuce, and fixing beyond question the tegimopy
in regard to the several defendants.
Mr Sawyer Wowed, defining the I.IW as to riots.
Re very laterally abused the owners of the factory'
Mr *Clore spoke next, and very emphatically
defended Mrl3tutgle.
Mr Kennedy, on the part of two of the defend
ants, contended that there was no riot at all: that
the throwing of pebbles, eggs and potatoes, was
mere child's play, designed for sport: and that the
jury could not possibly return a verdict of guilty,
to far as related to his clients.
The Court took s recess of fifteen minutes.
••• • •
Colonel Black, on the meeting of the Court, de,
livered a brilliant address in (neer of his
Vance, Hughes, and others, after which,
Mr Stanton wound up the ease for the prosecu
-110b, urging in a very lengthened and eloquent
speech, the necessity of maintaining the soprem.
any of the law.
Thai Court was densely crowded all the alter.
noon, even the bar being perfmtly filled with
Judge Pattop will charge the jury this morning
at nine o'clock.
His honor Mayor Herton received the following,
letter yesterday. We publish it, believing it may
subserve the cause of humanity
NNew York, Jan. 12, 1949.
His honor the Mayor of Pittsburgh.—A woman
named Ellen N9Connell, or Hughes, (the latter. I
presume, her married named has arrived in nue
city, from the Parish of Glenfogle, County of Tyrone.
Ireland, and is a patient in our Marine Hospital.
:She its anxious to hear from her brother, Hugh
=mitten, a cutler by trade, and her daughter, 1
Mary Hughes, supposed to be' in Pittsburgh.
You would serve the cause of humanity by
seUlng on face some inquiries for them and if found.
communicating to them the fact of their mother and
sister being in our care.
Any communication addlissed takinjzre will
Immediately reach her. Very Res
HN%„CsiftISOD (1 7 .'Agt.
Mason's - horyor Herron,
had two cases yesterday morning. They were
both of the orditTry character,
Team.—Mr. Munloch:the popular tragedi
an has arrived, and will 'TN.r this cventufr as
Hamlet, in the play of t h at name. Miss down
Cruise playa Ophelin, a character in which she
appear. to great advantage_
Presentment of the Grand Jurry et the
December Session., 1848.
The Grind inquest sitting for the December Tenn
of the Quarter Sessions, and Oyer and Terminer. for
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, to whom have been
referred all such matters as may of right b e
into and presented,. affecting the peace...rely and ha
pines, of inhabitant. of the bailiwick, respectfully o.
present the following so the recall or their delibera
Deply impressed with the responsibility of ;heir
connausion and without any role to limit their hive—
Ligation. Wier than the public good, th hare deter
mined to notice, not only all known vi ol ations of ;he
laws on the part of the people, but, likewise, oins
'4rdoly, and
poser ‘Un' t: Pr d e tect, 4 :rre n il ' , b ab e p d a e rt oCt o f l t t o' Crtr:ll:
Tie =Nett of Intemperance h. been again and
again brought le the
oldie 1111 bile DU although
ftal salutary results, no dent's, have followed,
min to the extent desired.
It is viewed as one of the =en deadly Mee of our
race, the prolific parent of crime. and the polwried
fountain fin which is concealed almost every HI of Ilk,
Experience ha. partially dessonstnued, both hers and
elsewhere, Met this dangerous habit eunuch be eon ,
trolled by severe enactments.
The present law", amnitaing the system of been,. to
be wake, if thoroughly executed, It 1. believed, are sof. • .
ficientty stringent-that they ilre greedy neglected is
the Imhof the people, in giving too little considerattonClENTE. ' CLOAK TASSF3..S.2 dm mohair Tan
ta the ackgetion of Constables, whose duly it as made es.l eels, usoned; 3do wit dodo; 2do do fine do; 10
to tauten all perm. violating lbe License laws In the der do Ladies nasals, assorted;do mini do do.
officers orate Coen.
WOOLEN GOODS-104oz chndrense wool.' coats;
The official oath is too often put aside in she fear of t/dOdo do Caps; 4do doconustmr, 10doteWoeden cone.
being rendered obnoxious as an Informer. The roil- lona, smarted; IS do Moitirat =RN 4 4 33 k divr
stabalatory, therefore, shin be selected for alm s mere Waft. aft'ag
courage and integrity, and held to strict aecounlohdits. LF.ATfiER BELTS-33 dos bib itolktkin 13e1u;
Stouter sift , are entertained in relation to :he if- do do Alorocco do, 3do cord de; at •
Dace gatehung. Under the old statute, pulishrtient. ' notlD ZEI3I.7LON lONSEY'S,67market at
th .e . "' moo
" g fr"'*l.ird "w
P T; MEW tiGODe IN LANiyAnr-vi , n. Sharer has
°""ri°- of 6°°" °' ".."°° -'• -"` I within a
ter kw doer opened a *apply of block di
rk., has not. is believed. been dlounished, retitle. 40, 4. y o b.,,
tions are almost unknown, the nammi Pg sf ei:s:Y •: I oats.: to !Mush Prieto; do Amencon
of dm tanominft.
plate piled lung tes neat style Stowe
the vigilance of the Otheer, shaman several fI,PIP-
drab ' do, at 1.7.1, d earl:
lions under the 'weft. art, we Icaru have been mode Of 0,1,.;, s t p.l uesirehle goods, worthy the
by the civil authorities of Philmissiptha county.. Mod-
Lir i xtr g r: 7°4% "ro i tt C " :„„ w ill p a find In - Me wholesale rooms op stairs
moth formidable weapons to lap ollf the evil hniutursaf a goad ''',°•-"'”" "h".
the tuillec.ed vendera,_ the dries t: ' TIRE2III A RItIVAI,-... :Weinstock Ghent to =one
the M m Ch'" wishing to furnish houses, the handeoreest /NMI.
WV inter fere to (Melee* Mail against htm.seig. or cospetiop ever brought to this market, co.-
"'" .p. 0 .4 ;no :lb. in pan the galloon.; varieties: filch sly le Vet.
non has of the intended postwar., by reeding the be.. Ageos.i. Topestry, lleusseis ezira roper 3
oppressed,vet Pile:
and leads o secret sad
illaftlion and realms., of those robe may conilder ply anyer 3 ply, ruperhiwt and Poe Ingriin Cotyretel
dartgentateindalgrenee. Uhie•S he most respecatv iy invites his (wends and
Me pulnie. in roll nod examine before parrhosing
'State the 441,4.4P44.4.. %4 P r ms , ' , they hitler erhu... elsewhere derla Wareroole, Fourth 41. I
gentle sex Rom Ilia wiles of the Intentness' by Llaplaslue
an latnsonatentdisqueliryiegthecendenmed Pura the!
exere of the rights of citizenship. nen using. anfigia. 'jf:W mdosgold patent Lever Waich
der bus been convicted this dieln., although 'Seer J.l es go
fat efts of its violation. Meta. reason to be new, 1
'lliar hat eo occurr ed ictim, intray Our Midst.
steran lathe law solisEctliwni t Al. in
, Sold Pen end 'wined lases, heavy
the =ul equiraleet in darer., ' Guard 0.12, /IMAMt.
r, Finger Rings, Ear Ring*
.: 01 . 0 . 10. tr.., than . the wr bldir and shouts-less and • complete assortment of O , IM, fretrell7, at
outlaw spread rum brood SSA aver :he domesbe deer ZEIDUIACV ISINSEY'aI,67 market st
hearth. crow renew citizens with impunity, . g,upEgtion LoNG li
b y Slomay Pas
m tea balls I, received MU morning by bYzwess, a lot GI very
'b." adj ud ged be .1. 4". the pram,. super r wooi Lang shawls, of handftnic styles.
It is agi much tne sworn duty of the police in seek a hand. • good sleet or mese
the arrest and conescrion of this aeduee r . as it so to se. gnarls
~ r,.tble, area. Uane~ maroon, drab,
care the buTgbu. bad he n him them scarlet hr. Ahcp Pittroetttas, deturidola mars.
A few black 'glebe{ Long Ishowts. of a good quoley,
on hand at north east comer 4th 3illt4el assn
ka Alcorn, has opened this morning an udditsocal
supply &Goads, cabman; many scarce Ind desira
ble whet., sod Intyere are Invited :weal,. they weal
;Wag:each larger week in select (roadie. m usually
Mutat it this advanced canal the .casts,,. AlllO., the I
geadifeceleed.ta riewatyas .malt fied Sloes de Lams,
Terksiri Shawl., Wt mo th do. ihm
jgr Goods et whetemls so stWrs, very tow ;i0
it 1.7.4 have
letcentred by expresso , canon Plaid Long
Shawls, sot:near which ire or Ibis Guest quality. snit
the oningst sty e• iniperftd, sad are now offered at I
price* greatly resigned from the rat. obtained eariy
is die neasnu.
Agsa.• new exult floe ' l t:Prue Lane . Wachs Lang
Phawls, which sal be cloned at great bargains.
latheirtare maned to an early examination.
ALEXA.NIII:RA DAV, 73 market stn
derl3 N /V rot of the Dawn..
NCYCIIER vurrNif ARRIVAL-Or ,hose mom,
passedTapestry'A m
Inc sal t reduced prit - es at the carpet
waren:atm of hI*CLINTOCK,
der.slls 75 fourth st
k. 7 der St Day ace setting off at temerhably 10w pi ire.
4 !Wert assortment of superfine blanket,, large dom.
tie Blasting, low mired; a largo hoarnt of colored
Flannels; heavy woolen silent Long eh/mirk heavy
Torkeri and blink. Shawls
A It YIEICIAL FLOWERS-smith 0 Johnson, 411
Martel .t, would melte die anention of denten
and others to their extensive mock of French and
American •rtlacual Flowers, which anti 40 offered
e.t.a pores .14,17
VRENCiI fkirtieftlii-74T.itViiTtreeirre7G,
openedls, t/f the latest styles and richest
deslans. lusand wiling at a very great redueg
tion from Isltins, prices,
dect3, A LEXANDCM. h DAY
I T I IINta i IiiNLYGOODS-ktoe
handing collars: merino ',ilk and wool Wenn do
do do -Drawer.; milk, kid and wool Gloves; men• a,-
oellon and wool A!lose; W. Halloo cravats; fine X..
Pity+ Scarfs. deer,' itEATON &Re
onentinn of those wishing to,fornish - louses, to
call mid examine one AzattasterVanyentjahieh are
very nen in style and COI4TII. • WM11e10061.140 73, nth
et: YilYhnexh. dent • W AECLINTOCK
QAT4NDADASX - WhVelintocli otters to porch..•
,erna very handsome itasortment of rich satin Dot
mask* Cfor woultrw curtains. Alas, French Gillum.,
wira,linen,tranipara aluid¢s; ke y nt carpet Ware
ISlOnta73 Foarth.t. deell
I %MEM-AD OAtightßitvopoi -cases
• brown and bract Tweeds, I do Fanny einimeeis,
Jun ter!ti and tor .ale at entnataerarevtperce.. -
• - • ••• MURPHY& IXE, ItherrY
.IA/F153133 11 4 7FANT$' tVEAR-F ti Eaves Zs
• AIX Cht, have added to their tomer turaine.. a de
pienMenit ander ehatdeathlre, Videlote Gdetna, for
malurtg l to order in latest stytothinihnts , Wear, Aflame
Racks, Cloak. and•Deesses,Lles and Gents Dressing
Garment.embeohltred ; or studded for esobreidery;
knitting nettingeemochet worlt,hearretliching And cur
ling neallyemecuted. • netv2/
.171,6APET94 tritlPE l ' B3- eConmantly-eeeelving at
NV.'.31 , 131ntnekr..33 kloarth street, every varlet,.
of Cornett, cmuirting in p.m of Altrainstd3r o f most
iscantlfaLpfttattlisl. Velents,•lste.t.pattema Imported,
very Gab; Tapestry, Drunsby, 3 ply, dap..and Venetian,
all otioddelt tfill• sell as . low as they eon be mu ,
used in this tonrhec Importing and parehaelnit from
the , mantilietnrerlh.enalstes us to compete. the
He may not di ever either in The sot, and, Hulse
hi s mgannity Is toted In Roth the sinter, testimony
he Al the ernte on the former. be cactus Maim immu
int)* fr
~thed!*?, . .l 2 eatmosintfitite or an,osh , by
fr4.411,r,e."7..,;',;7:4"4.`,:""0 n , .'':t' !!-:" — "e 4
•Thilefuerdi.sef the Pecrsholl.d..inailhoy oroi.-
000 of duty calculated to render the taw bteperonee:
Ourpsedecessors have repeatedly tailed the tote..
don of Ina County ConsathenuersiO th e inbo rn snit, er
ne mode adopted to entire prisoners. It. moral
death to many, who odder &bedtime s , or e roe
sequence of slight misdemeanor: hive been de t erred their liberty. A univenotty, wherddhenbieet or, o '
God bsdiscrettrie may be intlemod intn the toys:eon.'
knowledge of the whole elect.% of kinardd crimes The
old prison was scarcely more objectionable than he
one now in Use; and ell who marlin. it, ceonot ',nee
forgotten the depravity engendered within its wont.. one to no part of indiscipline,. fir Ito Ohe yet •
101111 of its Inman' are contented.
The septratten b een sates. If contemplated deg: its
builders, lase never tarried Into effect—under the
direct/oh of the prefect High Acrid it boa been kw -
tially sccomptined. Ott the efension of an ethenl
visa, our attelitien Una Claltai 40 the it:di...rams:l,
entrghstg of male sod female, coloreda n d white—a
system moody rot red to excite smbappy mouth.
en, and pastier to the elle missions of tint Jinni...
Thu mold be aspided by baring the third tier „ f runtfinished, andappermriated to the female.
The none,. Industry is not heard within its weer,
and the minds."( the ill oeern t a s well a s the guilty, are
forced to amen on the moral pestilen ce that rernounds
The health of the prisoners demands tbe erection of
blahs—.renewal in many lostooces of beds st i ll
ding.• weekly sod monthly panneetion o f their e n s..
meets with lime, and the adoptio n of mes a con tor
'conveying the venue water of the cons outside the
walla, and abating , tlin nuisance creatd ity pmanli
ii to alnk ender the Seem The nece e ssity tor hr ng ..
sanitary ragalailons is rendered more tercet, In clew
of the rapid hperoach of the %Aude n to .r border,
The tenure teetang of the prisoners -requires the
substitution of new locks for those now 12111.011 , :n• On
cape Mo. Ingenious inmate from Ms coll.-would In ill
few- minute', work, <dem a ...rid - Mit delivery, .
me Mallet Is molded to the secant= bribe Column,
- '
I t is proper whilst on the ahem of die petted Load
ings, to direet the &Median*/ the Commissioner; mho
awedttion of ihrltenvesta- 44%May:teen Wove i Cont.
plaint has been made aim gloomy
.appearatieel a dr..,
feet that Is felt bj i personesioinitzetn en n the Moines
courts,suid.unle may eakfty. remedied by a emu of
.Mittepaint sit me —thisiloge with a morel rigor.'
.d. Mamas of 011ie in thif,sMilit departments. * 0, t h e
basement adjoining llte - Comtfy,olfieesove must Mir 1
on the tensidevalionof thiCounlyAtard, as nde r m e .
ty to the licaltlh.gpmfert assgeortreeletme of the pea. -
It has beau a matter of contrt forSuars,lt per.
eons convicted of vagrancy So been mate ed for
then period*, Miss leadinglo,lwo, thine. or rear
rests within thir period of thillydaykilled imposing In,
creased barthenejattlto eountylbristultiplylng cont.
raltraeoteWard.lltrt/ette of the - Peace, rub* have
somatertr M te
et eenneetorthtell day*, to take a
general from which they IMAM not depertjunless
ant Peeled metier oho theisill period,paniettio el e If
theitilletwouidatppropthste *Vet IMIO their tolerated
-ueoreleral aninatureari vinraitey wattle Leconte less
E t t:Leidea;arl•lhe trinitty.tof
,Inscounty atria . be,
•Sk y lpree e de Ue e d of MaglatninSie4ses of suiernin
eenvienons for AliorderlKeoridnit,. he., to (acne.
:prilsoneys on payment. offers. irst cede, after their de,,,,
livery to thesasualief the tar*: io mootro,oy denim..
ryto NW; aftihouldbe prritemly.dleconnnuedi ,
to D,r o o .h ianni u Ltf i e .. .o t t ils, ip, Fr ..., efit -mo n i e itt
p it4d ,
vent the o l tnareic=er theatre ee: 'irld t d a h le w g irr 147:
builder s andothern, and Jammed against shaft' : anpro, ,
tfcted mate in the proven Ofigeavetione, the negledt
,of which has too frequennyeendied Meath:ea linqr.Y, ,
vo Meyerson sodomise:ly oroarfelleweitim ,
This notorious wentOgOrdet and eater:hi a re Murk -
which the Connell; eitrehe OtioeM Clint.:, and o et an
thoritleewlll, no doubt. soon wipeout!
The ponderou s and obtrusivemathinery whl b tea.'
stitlittlen Coroner. Can't, tepoirfs reform, otil Hui
private 'mouton, coupled VirldkAhe PO". ex ibt'iu°
consequent to Its sesslone;indtices the concealment, it
ti betieveeg of many-eates of so Med and imehpleined
death. where the examination by: the Ometter Might'
'havedlscovered violenee or poison, - • ',-,. ,
- It may be idle, and perhaps we may be traveling not
of they teemed, to propose any Improvement` yet to
minuet etisersht from calling the attention or Om piddle
to thee:knee, and recommondiug to thelcoMisture
to reduce the number nosy tenoned to correlltau a 'CO,'
. onOt's Jury. , We would (MMer urge., no t4oroeer
indelicate casette( investigation, where the eh !meter
:Seib* details could'aldnefillettfit intlTOT•lnOnyer , and
the licentious, to either exercise the power of; rich-
Slott; should It rest Mkt.; discretion. or press an epee
;Monne importance Of avoiding the :publletnion of
'boles or the evidence elicited:. ' •
lit the country from* w hied we copy lericly in
nuaiiira 'Of faw, the Gin:merlins tbe treWer I . hold.'
fog his - Court In entiate--uebd dui pow r and
exclusion is , considered necessary to Ile duo
adminidration of odic:" ' ''' •• •
It is univereafty conceded that the di ay in
print nt ilia revolting panicWiwi of Orlin tends,
largely to . the , corruption, of ,neicletyvra. aotlce`
which follows prellthinary examinations When'
none are excluded—end when the exatnini g all - ,
der annmes the provinces :of the toilet d Jury .
.IreniroMhOtreihe prisooet is tebe adjudg ed 'pihy
Or not gullii," numbing out . lie most Mtn e futraf
falba belief, Who be is not Plaided in tom inlet
UM (or Win, until he is antisiledithat there et/ ffts '
cleat itiohleocalb bitilthile2.',...' ' - ' -,' -
leis More than , enough Tha l thexifinute henry
-of -crime, developed., before Ithe. traVe jetty:
thould be Immediately sent, or hit dlitmintit il and
cientiarrought pictures; olboh,ii.vr otti . i , Prim;
1,0 qtr P U P' winiust....9ll-TA.-ru.
30rus,-Irlora ind
for %1 by
it w it prove a reboot or !dorm, where IC IbMl
IT prnytiyable—will secure the public against
their unlawful propensities, and after to) npprentiee
ship, long or short, as may he deemed neoceonry,
the youtufit I offender will ho permitted to go from
his confinement without the mark of the felon.
The art of the Philanthropist, wherever this
plan has been pursued, has been made glad with
the evidence of sincere reform that follow the
discipline it .reposes.
Thy promptness and courtesy of the high Sheriff,
and the counsel of the zealous Prosecuting Atter- ,
ney CWd is ateestantsdinve aided or Stoutly in
the r Ict.lloll of our dodoes
A.l,pierl anJ .:igned this 6th day ni Jan.
A. 11. 1649. 1 A Gay, Foreman,'
A B Westervelt I R. McClintock,
W.M Edgar, Jacob Hays,
Wm. Glass, Joseph Bolero.,
John Willnek, Emanuel Halter,
John Wilkison, Christ,. Stoner,
Belden Wall, A Mcßride,
A II Corhog, Caleb F Foster,
D M Allen, U Applegate,
Wm. It Smith, Joba Gill,
Robert Belt, . Jan. 16, d2tarlt
JLJ pig eihril 'Silk Wiwi gniot blk &Nay
11 , inoinan do; • 8 do. ool , d Floss do; Ili do
do "Poillaide'doi 9 dot rard eecil silli - Olovac 'tido Wig
Jenny Void Snug.), l 9 dq Frenek silk Hoehn; reed
IM diltlikr : • kl/LTON & Co,
- P,7 — ----•"-------- —.—
,7 It SALE-10 pa dent/ ii Intl4 et
'l_, 'Coating: ft pi Lavindarlia, do; 1 - oasis Lay - older
tOnnitele; Ido gm mixed Cloth; I'dO Army, Olothi.2
do 'Veered*, brown black w a y lold mil;.- 1 do (obey
entteitnetettr 1 hale • blow Blanket Coittiuto conNianed
direct from manutiretoreta amt./armlet by thenaekaga
ot t 'pleee . „,: ,... doefiet - N ylt . F.liy ic.l4i, lilertyvt .r.
Vilil4..APlitAtTifit—Tllllll.ooLY 6.411.1"M'5.L.
ite, Iteceor ad 110 day, 01(rri.roilli Au uatiournotarera,
rt handsome aim ortainVoi Orrril sapct and annex three
lt,!Titaperiol Carped's, of. new atytry, to.which We ask
• I .e , olleralatt of *may , %Flailing to .turidall h,autas or
vteatubouts, Carpel viererootu, Nola Fourth at. Pluto
D o mEnte_ . vii15014:E1111$ .1- - 111anketn Flannels'
T waedv.enstattetts, 1.4 Ciotti-and Cattabunte,by
the pine: nit panto*, very.loar; for ante by '...
, covbit
I;I.aNC V ( Ai i iltitlEttiittu-4-elfioi no* tay1,,,p,,,, a y
a: 4 . 7 . , lanwret, basti3 figtirei 004 very handsome
trooda,kott opened II , .• ' '.
&era ' snAcicir.i - r &1V11111;
OllllrloaT 11u1 30 LV t F t EN I— f'ii Ti
old'bPautir./klZlf6f"Pt:lf'udfi'arta'r'i:7:r!,Zi lkeborikert: eo, i ditt2llanrivebayf t rin (attain by
•.. , IV.'llt W11.86N
._ _
T)LANNEat C OATINo—Drab, Lavender, gni tutu. I
jj ett and blue, for ogle by thb•rlicer Or pag {tom at '
runtuditetilte to prices, by MURPHY& LEO, 1
AG .' .-. I
itbanY ar.opporile rth
(1 T " --- " 4 t
I LAYIIIIB.-..1 ease block mixed boa y I , 4{l , lcr.rresi I
NJ do Twirda, - fantry eoltorat'a do - ‘ ftOtary - ottaniate re
. .J
ors/dar inanufactuters priced, I T - . - ~
tag. • , • • • 11.11 11Fillitft.LF.E
, i/.1. - ., tt ..t,!. •
••• .a:;: t..# ' Citi
vlwa~ugs~::~~:a, ~~ti:~t73...a~a+W~e?a`Z~.,.~. s . - ~~:E..» ri~.m:,+..~i
. .
aronnd the 'hearthsitonea of every habitation in
the land.
The people Sbould be shielded as much as
practicahle from such poisonous visits.
inflection cannot be avoided; jusiice 'demands an
open trial, and the freedom of the Press cannot be
invaded. There is no good reason, however , why
these oflnnsive matters should be ren,dered familiar
by being twice onsviously, through 'the Coroner
and magistrate, paraded before the populace. If
they have the power of avoiding the publication
of the proceedingvwhere the evidence would be
prejudicial to public morals, we demand mat they
will exercise iv s
The loose manner of conducting past martens
examination,, before Coroner's inquests, has been
and in still a pruliEc. theme for commentary,
and is therefore entitled to more than a passing no.
I tire.
The medical profession, and the Coroner and
his juries, are alike culpable, and whilst theiformer
has foiled, front no want of capacity, to Bottom its
character for science in the walks ofjarisprudenee,
the latter, in the performance of their disagreeable
duties, have too frequently been satisfied with hur.
rigid and imperfect examination.
The County Commissioner. have heretofore ren
dered themselves subject to a part of the odium
toot attaches to hasty psoi marina investigations, by
their refusal to make liberal allowancesfor the sem,
vices of the medical exaroiners—a blind economy
Which the present Board of Commissioners it in
hoped will refuse to endorse.
The delivoly of opinions befiare a court and jury
are alwris:diasteful to medical men, in view of the
unintentional discourtesy indulged in by counsel,
In a searching crass examination; and their duties
before the Coroner's Court ore not only highly re
aponsible, where the fare of a fellowi-being ispend;
Mg. but attended in every instance with the most
painful feelings. We must, therefore, insist on a
fixed and liberal system of compensation on the
part of the Commissioners
Our purpose in not to censure, but to turn the
present exmallent Coroner and Commissioners from
the errors of their predecessors.
' The great number of trifling lists/lulls and buttes
ries presented for our notion, admonishes us of the
necessity of the adoption of speedy means to ar
rest them hereafter, bet:3re they reach the Grand
ju ßis is only to be effected by urging the active
ititerference of the Magistrate toeontpremise every
petty ease brought before him, or by an appeal to
his discretion to discharge all cases at the cost of
the prosecutor, presenting the appearance of spite
or provottatlon.
The some rule will apply to sureties of the peace,
where a word of trim,' and wholesome advice from
the magistrate would, in n majority of cases pre.
vent all further alarm nod litigation, and ovoid the
ruin thel is sure to follow.
A !though. happily, it Imo not been made our duty
to puss on any roses of Minors, charged with gross
MittlerN,nors or fetonies, we cannot In view of the
convictions at previous terrlll of flit Quarter S.•
of this doss of culprits, withhold from press
ing on the proper authorities and the people, the
benevolent project of establishing In the went, an
innlllolloo based on the principles of the "House of
Refuge,' now in successful operation in Philadel.
Casuistlasts MHsi& Camasalleres for
Otero for • arid defending I nk p a ni nig
lnforreauon on eel:moles tied tb!! opium:lea af See.
cue to the Arts, and onlioterieatt and FbreignLinci
DROP. WALTER B. JOHNSON, late of Philiidel
-1 able, and Z. C. ROBBINS of ~to n
ItO be aided by Harrod limosries.r. law &whit:lest
of the United States Pelmet' Odice,) have associated
ihertutelvea together for the poweeutionof the above
• branches of pmfeftiotral hosuteas, either Indult office,
at the Patent Mee, or before the Count; and will de
vote their =divided aneution to forwardnog the inter
est of Inventors and others who may coastal them or
place business latheir hands. Mr. Knowles has for
the past twelve years held the poet of filachinest la th e
United States Patent Office, and teems
that situation
to take Nut la the ptesent ondenalong. Ilia talents
and peculiar fitneas the Important olfiee anteing fill
ed by him, have been Pally reeognised by Inventors
wherever the office itaelfis known.
The alßee of hl.sre. J. tr. H. is on I" street, opposite
the Patent Olficee, Wukington,l). C., where communi
cations, post paid, will be promptly attended tel exam
inauons made, drawings, specifiminne, end ell regal.
ite papers prepared—and models procured when deal
red—on reasonable tsars_ LC - UM ofertqtary, expect
edeto be simmered after tintoinations had, most be ac
ompanied by a fee office dollars.
In thr duties of their office which pertains to the Pa
tent Laws, Messrs. J. & R. will he ass red o by a legal
gentleman of the highest professiomil character, and
hilly conversant with Mechanics and other Scientific
.. •
Wholesale and retail, at the
MIN TEA STORK. 7 1 /Fourth stree
lie. Wood,
P Pittsbargb.—The stibrnriber having Just returned
from New York. is now receiving a larrn.„ fall simply
of freak GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from the New
York Pekin Tea Coximany, seteeted with great care for
retail sale. Oar wick being now heavy we ore pre
pared to ripply Greerm, Hotels, Steamboats and Fan,
Wu with any quantity and at any price dray may wish;
.1, I and 1 pound packages, 5 lb. tin canis
ters. 0 and 13 lb catty boxes, an d i n half cheat,,
Retail Grocers are invited to call, us we can and
will sell better Term at lower prices than any other
boom in Pittsbargb.
Our stock of fine Young Ilyson, Gunpowder, and
perisi Green, and Oolong Black Teo, are the best in
the Amerman market
Lovering. double reined Loaf, Crashed, and Pal
enzed Bob n, at retail, or by the barrel.
COFFEES—AIocha, Old Gov. Java, Lagaira, St. D •
• 'age and Rio Coffee., selected by the moat expetie
ed coffee Broker in New York.
Sweet Spiced Chem°late, Pickled Cucumbers end
Onto., Fresh Peaches, pot up In their own price.
Malaga Raisins; in 3 lb boxes.
N. Dr. llt. Jaytie's nuttily Medicines for sale
rlecd-disw3 A. JAYNFIt.
....Ittobttrgh Water Works.
PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the
Water Works, until Monday, the 29th kat, at 5
o'clock, for furnishing Pipes, as follows, to wit:
50 pipes, IP
inch bore, each 9330 lbs.
160 " 12 "
th/ " " va
eac rying o
from 1000 to 2450 lbs.
h 01 lbs.
150 8 " “ 460 " •
" 6 " "
300 " 1 " " " 200 "
With the instal complement of branches. All the
pies of inch and upwards must be east on end, and
It i ps
desirable to Save the° inch and the 1 inch east on
end also: bidders will therefore state In what way they
propose in make these sloes, and the difference in price,
!any. between castinff them on end and on the inclin
ed position. It should be kept in th ew that portions or
will be requid early in the season, and
the whole number by the k e n
of November neat.
Pnyments to be in Bonds bearing Interest, und runs
nit/ twenty
, lear i r.
" '""s.lLhom?,:ll.ll.lelgir,'s°4,the
ri,;rke &
Fvol Express, at reduced pr ric es.—To enemata.
glare all lovers this delicious luxury, BUM& &rd.
have resolved to supply the people regularly through,
oat themason, with the choicest Fresh Oysters in ,
cans, half runs and shell, at such reduced prices as
will enable every family to enjoy this delicacy et their
An Examen load will be received daily at the ware
honse of JNO C. BID:WI:LI, Water street, between
Smithfield and Grant, and (or wile throe, the fol
lowing depow; Rein & Berger, earner Smithfield and
fid MS; E lie Acton, Diamond; A Roesler, Penn nt, sth
Want; D Ilangliey, foot of Liberty et; }Cohan, Jr,
Pewee Avenue; Mercer & Robinson, Allegheny city.
JOHN H. 111KLLI18, No hi Wood
iffipq street, has received invoices df • largo
supply of Piano Forms from the tete
brated manufactory of t bickering.
Boston, to arrive in a few days, of which doe notice
swill be given varying io price from 1026 to VW.
Also from rho manafactones of 11 Worcester, and
Boron tr. Raven, New York, a handsooe atizortment
of 6, 01 and 61 octave Piano Forms, rosewood and
mahogany caves, tithe most elegant description, and
with all the late improvements.
The above, m addition to 'he stock on hand, will
make she largest and most desirable selection ever
offered for sale in this city, and will be cold in all cases I
at manufartore pricey on accommodating teem., and
a Wni
riten gaunt lea given with every Plano Porte sold.
Pole Agent for the sale of Chiekering's Piano Fonts,
for Western Pennsylvania ded.l3
frlIE subscriber has been appointed Sole Aient for
1 the sale of CARIIAR f'S 1511'114/VI:D,
ON& as manufactured and and perfected by Ideesra
March & Mine, of Cincinnati. The usual tamp.o
and extent being but four octavo, Memo M. & W,
in accordance with the general - demos tmd demand *
bane extended the sealer of Mete instruments to 41 and
ev e . 5 orisons, thou Gr it practicable m perform
upon them any music written for the i taco or Organ.
lhe exterior, also, has been mitektimproved by placing
the body of themonument upon a east iron frame
beautifully bronsed mid ornamented, rendering it at
Once a most elegant 1104, eitTeMely desirable article.
The price it put so low as to bring it within the reach
of every one to obtain • perfect musical inn/lintel'',
amid, at the tome lime, a most elegant piece of renni
n/ire Inc la comparative Mee. D. )(LEVER,
Al J Wcodwelrs
N 11.—C4.12 and ermine
Hums do.. no. Nusys& M.A.s Casimas. Pun.
MiITHE sob seriber h. just replenished
of s sleek of Pilmos which for variety
of otylt and pawed hal never beet. son
poss. in this city. Just received wed
opened. We fonow in: new Pianos.
Una 7 arms, cabisset ;mud 1 . 4.0, .C1111241y new
erne a...w00d el, wry elsg-inst IN.. & Clark.
One v 11, - u
Ow, v with f..lolcounnl. erlebren. A:Winn At•
taehment. This Is a wry supertor Piano.
Chsc " umnewani. plats. N. & C
nov l3 if. KLI‘IIER, at .1 W Woodwell's
1 - 3.I7..V • FITITiiIiSCN.a • tr; -:.•"••• _ . . _.. -
.1. it down Sliver Plmed toner guises.
..- .. plsoin 'Ycs Nemo.;
• . v - • 'N' 1 , ,. • ' -
Th rend. extra 1,1 . .1.
2 . •.,
.0 ,, ....rt Spot.,
I - - ~ 'rebaren Boxes, •
I - •• -- Poe. Shovel.;
I - - . Salt
2 • -I. Sn S
eer Spee C 0...,
4 ecs;
4 Am'd red's.
Also, e Allen', VlLieet Itrivolveig Ptetels: Iwt ,add at
Z. KINSEY'S. G 7 lalurket rt
LI 31i i, REED k C O ,,
(Sucersani• to Reed. Howl & Ca,l
Partieulat alletafon paid to the sale 0(011 krels of Pro-
duce. and liberal advances made m ecemignmenw
L B & Ea have leave to refer to—
• Week@ IL_ ROIJmn & Co. 1 i o , tuturgh.
Motill &.
Reed, Parke A Co, Bearer;
Lwow.. L Covode, Wellsville, 0.
Itomirell !leash, Esq. Steubenville, 0.
S. Brody, Esq.
AV P Peterso, Reg •
Vbeellng, Vn
&twist. Crungle Co. - a
Gin A Mont i
Rhodes & Ogleby, Bridgt von, 0.
dreg:eh% %Irmo y lOs
undersigned hive tweeted works in the city of
:iievir Yen for Me porpow y - Galvanizing all arti
cles of Iran. which n in desirable to Pl-10TPX1' FROM
RUST, such as Telegraph. Wire, Bolt., Spikes. Nails,
Wim for, .4 oily other article welch May be
renewed. For Rome for Cask, o. n mloutute for bale
Rope. for Clothe. h f rinen. Lighten,m u d • host of
other appllesdnini. wilt be limed cheap and duroule.
They would particalarlyeeill etwattiort to the Galvani
sed Wire tor fences. II requires no pilot, and will not
rest. Alto in Spikes and Bolta, the preeervatiou of
which.o of no Marl; imp. lance, Math ww commend
Ibielflo the 1,0005 of all those interested.
GEO 1.1. :11011 (WOOD A- CO., Patentees,
ort..lDel&wlyT ' 14 and le Bearer st, N. York.
. •
t to S tons 3/ cash enrrency, or 4 mos. tipp`od bills.
6 tans untoward.. 3j do par, d mos do, interest ad.
ded. Por the adpetior quality of this brand wo mice to
the glass and soup mattulaciurers of this city general.
ly. • W ft 61 MITCHELTRP.B,
deer ICO liberty st
_ .
Bleaching Powder, (Chloride of Lime.)
RERS.—The• anhaeritters hove on hood sad will
constantly be supplied with Jar. Mospratt A Sons' eel
ebrated Itlenolung Powder which they will warrant
equal if not rapcnotio aniimported In the U. States,
and which they ono Prepared to sell at thelowest mar
ket pricerfor caah orwroved hills.'
Mal W A hl DITIVIIELTREBiIaI? liberty et
— lllupiatt do beau - Bala Aah.
'FRE aubsentmra are now receiving their Pan stock
of the above aniele, three veuels, vitt the /meta,
htedallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia
and Ashmore, and two room, the Stephen Baldwin sod
Leila,. shortly expected; they are, therefore, Tempered
to receive orders. 'They will receive during the win
ter and spring regular supplies vtn New Orleans.
SUNDRIES -8 bb'. No 1 blarkorsi,•
30 bbl. No I roookerel; 20 bf do No 0 do;
50 " 3 " 10 do Tumors Oil;
• 5 do Alsin; 3 do E Salty; 1 do chipALogo,rood
bid° Nutmeg: do las No I sowed
boa Nod do do; 5 do *canted Pooprl
10 do No 3 htsit'd do; 10 do NO ( - do do
1 bolo Cloves; 10 bogs Joss ~„frw ;
40 blots prime N O Sr )010 reed and for male
dotal BROWN& CUI ElbalTslYl/
10101arrelita. a. n. cocua.ani
as 11-ddwam • S New Orleans.
116 rTO tr TR
went In
TNFORM their friends and ilia public Enittboy bare
I no longer may cormeition With their late establialls
Nan streer, known no the Pinitinre. Brrwery.
haring removed that, entire business to' We POINT
AIREIVERY, in Pin mylred yS
t iG ivio Geital. Garner of Fourth
and De4tait, between
Market and Ferry 'stews. sepikdlyin
githserilteteve ilila thea-b
j selves together for the putpose of tranancting a
wholesale anti retail Dry Goods and Grocery bwinsees,
at No :MI Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the
title and E m rni of OUSIIFIELD & /EATSN.
hubrib, UnitarllB4E. m
N. lio-Our old eo end tho,public are invited
to grog a; - lo end. i n / no jaS
W 81 • 811 ' ILANNELS-.3y It aiu urphy h boad .
-y .-a tall na•Dltlllevi of theseststirwltte floods, ob.°,
a assail/neat of dot nestin.-tarwitrntk" l o rio, nod
pill frelibiltil ettarrcurictanth,:i..iv. alto 00.41 rd, far
Christmas went.' 'I, •
110/110 made Minim:le-1, • iwolvit and jarred:
supply oolitiontly.on heed. det , o , • I
ta. ,
brllla •
1 41 A E : '"1 :1, 7 .1Cines 6 i171.Z. 1:' ti t oi ;. :t h c a
Forteardiaglutd Conints4orrlibainess, ander the wyin
or / 13, 4. 1 0ites 'AARON A HARLIN,
bi — ni.n - di • en - 17 ---- er way
oat logiAt Eagludes book wood 81, to
Kw°. iyiihipmg otoMll, rOfFIO Silk rune, worked
wnh c loathing a $l4 note on We Donk' of
Pittsburgh. Thelnder will Ile toe rewarded by
leaving the CHOP at either of the above named mores.
(„10AP-2:j Cincinnuli nra .. p. for urn by
A 7,: , ilea aunis.TEONO &CfIOZEO •
• •
in*.—~•-?C~'~"':e~,~t ._err ..-~~:.r7"~'^"`42~.L~~.:, a '~ - ~:r.,,;~:'~~ ~'.Y°='~~~~-„s..
Valuable Beal Estate for Sale.
HE following described property, in the dries of
Piusburgh and Aliejghcay, and minity, is offered
for ado on aexamtoodaung tenon:
' gni.
L0X412 feet ninv 4ll on ellT lll ev., knv ....''' TS T/IF:' ONLV REMEDY that can bit felled .
bury, by 110 feel to Ilthweryielley, being - r.rpr Tut No ' t.
. 1 . ,b oi , a , rynioyrairar .
of e1.. .... tic
LID, near the Monongahela gager,
~t • ntation of the Nerves, Nemo. or Etch ilea.
ypcNo 460, hiving 6 0 feel tonne. Ktenutlh of
h tt /t , Nervous Tremors, Neuralgic Affections, General
240 feet to stratnliervY l dn'Trlv... It . . t.r.le ? 91- G " . . bility, Deficiency of Nervous and Physical Ent
and ell Nerve. Disorders, inr.luding the moo drcr
a ' L
N. 128,
otteo :
1t0...". j of sill diseases thatt L iverelf r ec t t the buten
1 Lot on Elm street, 30. 1 6 01 hy 9 °.•
n race--
lo4 Row and 'Cry Weds, each aging 24 feet front on First or Felling Sick r.css, Hysterical Fits.
street by e 0 feel deep.
Lou Spasms, Ac. itch would lathrcs• it anon We Mao
ts Not L19,129 - end 140; hams 21 feet front 0. the afflicted that the Vegetable Extract is the only 1
Thtrd Erect by SO feet deep, .
tt ls'ifil end la, h 9 9 14" f*.l fro.' .n-Third On.- ter'iarneert rcudretf7hris'dtatheisne"ndlllb' 'of%'lll7i'l'irs'bst.'
by feet deep. • ' its tendency is to insanity, madness and death, the t
ts 'Nos 21, VI, B arid A twenty-five feet on Quer-
ry tt ret by ,60 feet deep. .
I of Extoope as well es those at our Oren country, h
0 L on , j N o . win gudigth on Penn street. lo ll'6 9th pmnounecd Bulepsy Incurable. And it has beet
~. , ~,, ~,, by. no bi e r c o wpriog alley. • 0 . considered by many, mad this moat , imponut of
6 thou Penn street, in thereth ward, between oeln• dery
was made by DI. S. It 0 ,1 0 . 0 .,
win nd Morris struts, having 21 feet front on Prom i . r0 ,,, ,i nrat daring
ww , 6, ,...
ttt. e:t t 4te tt
i. l
. i ..
st tby 100 feet toittpring alley.
I rt
rat. o: the most
2‘4Vlifehl'it'fron'''''''td"bya%llo'dkZfirl'er:tu'd'es'l4s,p'..':!:o''''hi': A'Al.lo:gt'"(o.7o7:-:::::
sue alone efo ' a c e 'n c i at . ill'e7nticeh"l3. X4P.llaßgysi'lLErNicianse7:l"of aarott'bt.rd'ii,'.
ern or sumaniths.
.4.4 rxperience, ministers of varier. den
s, Ink. No. 91 andl27, hastog 60 feet from on Ileac. , ' as boll as headrests of our eminent eititens, so
m e
00 West Common, ',w eer , Ohre street and , in recommending the Use of Due truly veluahle me
ts Common.
, rine to their pattehts, charge; and hien who -
xi s Nos 90 and 91, ',nou, no fret from on l'id,tral , aj r , rdi 00 i b r 0 . 4 yo ,„„ rii da, ate
"' ,Y•
c, by 940 feet to Middle coley, lietweeri the Dies • WE 411.:C*TE rim LANfiIIAGE
J b hose Who have bun eared b
' N ' o d 14 hel rth e rngttnet on riatilusky strew by 240 1 iio“"odiriY„ Otto say ,,'! horn
ttutro.„ t y /has Veto..
Pin nne - y, between Ohm steel and North Cone .1
effordesetiptiou, liut I now rejoice in ' rn d g%,,r,
stored to health and happiness.* Anothet uys,
thank Kod I feel that I alit a stiell man. t
also t,
my duty to proclaim it to the ends of the eat th, b,
thou sinularly afflicted may led relief.. Anoll,
(who is an F-lIINIENT LAWV:FIR and welt known
Olt. min says, . s hly son has been
with Epilepsy, but is now enjoynth o hearth
the Vegetable Extract. Its fame,. says he. ..ider.
and ought to lot rounded to the each of the 0 ,,,,
Other en), "Lonpar..etzumtylundoqua, re ewe,
Inv grwriiiite to 11r. Hart for having been the anew
anderthe Idersin,- of (led, of rcsterritg nte to Ilte notto
meat of good health, oder having berm wares.,, ,
F.plleysy 111 af worst forms for th e, ,h,„, 0 w ,.,., .
yearn. and my GOOlillag and evening, uman : tit tit •
and thariltsgivtng Shall eOnliarort ut rioerita l e ~ .....r,
who hes afflicted but to make are whet, -
Mrs J. Bradley, 115 Orchard street N i• . "
the has hero subject to fits for ,any "a.-,.,;:1 t
been restored to perfect bmith (aftss olverc edit ;Aire s
had Utiledl by the use or :he Vegathli.e Exotic..
Dr. Clutrlcs A. Biome. of rinser. Ruesett ~..ty..,
who is one or the 11.1 ptivoretanz on the t.latt. n..
he has been much benefited by th e use or the r
i • •
bin Extract, and o-. tau he unhesitatingly pre, or., , t.
every cue of Epitcplity which COM: a tattler tot• 4 11,.
Larlis G. Mayberry, Esq. formerry Powwow.: .
Lime MIK, Crawford county, Pa., noW ttlestar a• I , :
county, Is., states that foe Many year. on.. is . .
been urely afflicted with At.,end be is now mini..
state that a persevering use of Dr. Hawn 1'0,0.0
Extract, has restored him to sound health, haute i 10,
ly Heed from that worst of all thus,.
From the Carteintrati r'ontt,rera
The followns ceruhesre was given n, ot• , ri, ; ..
tues & Miles, Doctor Hart's Axents ter th e •rt e w • •
Vegetable Extract, for the cure el Epl fel. FI,
I Felllng Sicknesa We ete rnduer... , in fro., i . 0..,
our editotia/ • columns ream trot tam der 0. It, u •
known medicine thte soli rare caribtpay, r se
1 time be li eving it to he 01. of th e Ireatest s t ar ~,,
1 medal science. Pal oe•eat, /Ina m•.. a, -• n• • •
nil ages have been trying th discover e -tubd w
no t. i
disease, bat all has been oi v.,. mud flic cr• ..0• •
eovcry of Dr. Hen, and we would new -j... •.
I afflicted with fits, despair no long :-,.er for • int i-
lIESSRS. THOMAS & all Li's, IS3 Al n:: c•-:, •
.. 10 .
ettmarl, Ohio, Agents for Oulu New s 7 , --
F3treet for the-core of Epileptic) ibit ,-
Gentlemen-1i to almost aupossible ro r ress ~,,,- • .
exp with what he tratisthetion I -4tl-e- , Ito
few lines to you, for the parpOell of inform:b e - y Y e'
he beneficial Malta that have bean cffeeied h •
unapt Dr. Hen's Vegetable Extract.
hey mart,aged twelve years, hes been 501^7,...
flicted with EVileptie Fits, and with suet serere'l
the opinion was, he could not he mend '
in one ohm paroxysms he fell and broke hasarm.
ti called in Dr. Mulford, a very excellent physim....,
who re-set it. He informed me that my eon's Neuter..
System wan very much deranged, and that 11 vroulit !..
ere rawest to cnenrabure him le, o an f,, d emplo y y
ing as Epileptic l•tw
w idanz
his case would he only. throwing money a a
I called upon Dr. Pollee; he informed mo ff. •her
d e
isease. had assumed a chronic form, use d t w - onlit talus long tune to curet,. if ho could b at el!.
/Le became worse and worse, and I began to think.
there was no cure for UAL entd 1 now Mc edger.,
meat of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Retract in one of our mty
papers, with ecruficetca from persons who hod be e n
eMicted for ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, and even Garry
yen's, and restored to health by the use of the Extroct
I called al your 'tore, and after conversing with
Themes, I nn to the conclusion top urchase a th Alr. ree
dollar package.- It done little or no good I thougirt I
would try another, from the use of which I parnelr,l
so I
me litne:benefix
then one to the conclusion to purchase et :ea au . .
tar box. I found that u wane( in much service to 1,, no
I was induced to purchasea second. And I am
W that I thole so , as by th e use or the thin pee:.. .
ges he hes been 'emceed to perfect health.
Should any 00,001 be deur°. of seeing biro, and a•-
certhimog bather particulars, I should be pleu , sil hi
gratify theta Iti their coining on roe at toy re-ra •• • tt.•c,
worth west corner of Fourth and Park streets Cl, ; , 0-
ruin, Ohio ISAAC N. PERKIN:-
Crampon.. August ten& ISIS
IThen thousands who art tartar trembltrig under .' .•
hand of Uri* dreathill dlsease, and feawng th
e,.. •
attack may irtesic fated 6101 find permarti or 1,, •
be restored to new lobe, by twirl the. celebrated woe . ..
lane. li on one thousand cerobeates have nee r: to ,.
ertroed at letarrnanty of The beneficial reruns pond, • .
by,the tau of Dr Iran', Vegetable Extract
Prepured by A 11.11 T, Al. D., New fork.
I Price, one 1.
package.. ..................... ~,cd , i ;
I do four packages .................... mitt
j do eight do .................... 20,00
THOMAS .0. 1t111.1.49. 169 ]lain street, Cinetnntit
, ob., General Agent. for Caned Siaths, Canada
t IVOOt Indic'
I t tt'lL4-TJX, Jr.. cora, rof Inaptiond and Mara, .
: Agent for Putsburgh. Pa
; Ens & Kllloounic, Columbus, (Ohio; II& 0.; 1,,,,.
'Ow:011nd. alla for sale by mow of rho r".mr•l• qj t,..
' gists had there/lame througbout the Caeca strife..., •
m fro t r t n o ta or co o rg t e li..Poin trot , r,..
P P r 11 4..xpress, ;ia ri
ttstrifor the importance of the Putt Extractor 0 l
~ p arent
I ..
Pi e 10 nett Lots la Reserve township, near the !w
-rong. of Manchester, Non lei. lee, 169,,42,
1 - acre Lot on the Onto river nail ate Itenver
road, between toe U.S. Itinrlno 110spilell !,at and Phil
lips' cloth factory—to be sold in quanotirc to stilt
purchasers. V.ntenrc or CHARLEtt II ' , CULLY.
ijILANTATION IN ALUS...tiNSAS.—Tbe rubsermer
rr otters for sale the extensive pinetation In Ark an
sae, f utterly belonging to andoccupied by the lam
Cove tor Kent, of Maryland, and cotmuni..g twenty
etght tandem and elghty•three atid a half sews ofland .
Thi estate line in the =Antics of Phillips and Urn
erode , and is situated in Walnut Bend, on the Mimi.-
sippi 'err, twenty-five miles a 1..., the town of Hele
na_ Lis said to be the highest river mod 1,1 taut re
gion or country. Its soil a pecoltarly adapted to the
growth of cotton. Its improvements are nu overseer's
housU, a horse-mill, several ruin houses, and good
quarMrs for servants.
Up azds of seven hundred mere. of thin land have
been leered and are now cultivated. The rest of It '
may e easily cleared, 'the moat being already done.)
end as leas timber upon it, and that chiefly of nib.
chic is really sold at a well Located wood yard, In
Imo 'ties of several thousand cords every year.
3'4 a plantation is one of great value, and prevent...
re ppomanlty In the public. In the hands of a good
n ril cony be easily made of immense uninial pro
facilidel of interemirso withltiew Orleans at,
constant avenue for the disposal of its product..
' distant ahout• PIO miles from Cinetnnata, DU
from the month bribe Ohio, and 740 miles from
;properly will be divided into several parts, if
"PIY (P4n W i lLtahl B. PERINE,
Baltimore, Maryland
ow in the occupancy of Mr. Samuel M. Wick•
raion, attained in the First Ward of Allegheny
is property is beautifully located no the bank
Jhio, having a 'Der - front of 200 feet, protec ted
one wall, and extending back 348 feet,
g a m be . a . ud . fill view am i ttLt t li cl i l g an .. d i tt river,.
:117mPg,tytZ furnishing
olguiz g rc; :1747.6y
vi11e on the south aide of the river.
out, is a large double two story brick, finished
ul style, with all the modem convemencen
vemen b o ts, imitable
deout houses, wash house,
ge uts, A< .
n is well supplied with shrubbery, and on
rail trees, including pears, apptes, and peach
, 15R641 and other particulars, apply to
VILLIAALI te SHINN, Attorntes at Law
jedldlOrme. on 41, st, above Smithfield
1185 Aerie Coal Land /or Bala,
QITUATED. the Monongahela river, about 16 miles
Is, from Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, in
the Immediate netghborlmod of Musts. Lyon & Shorb,
and Mr. John Herron's imrehue. This fine body of
Coal will be sold at the low price of 031 per acre—one
third In band, balance in five equal mu. payments,
without Interest Title Indisputable. Location very
good --cannot be sup - used. For further paruculare
enquire of S. BALSLEY, who has a dratt of said pro
perty, Residence:ld at, below Ferry, Mr. Adams' Row.
N. B. Them Is another seam of coal on this tram,
about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality.
Jrabdtf S. R.
Trull of Land for Sala.
THEmbscriber will sell on accommodating terms, •
valuable tract of unimproved land, situate on the
road leading from Brightest to Franklin, about eighteen
miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight miler from the
town of Freedom on the Ohio over. The tract con
tains Uhl acres and 20 perches, strict measure The
land is. of an excellent quality, about PO acres cleared,
and well watered, and will be sold either in whole or
in farms of convenient size, to ,nit purchaser,
For further particulars enquire orWM. lhO't D. M'> ,
a: Lew, oft. on 4th at. above Smithneld, Pitulturgh.j
myeataLkortf T
of the
by ns
step. o
Real Relate la Ohio.
A TRACTonand, ou acres, in Uarriscm,Tortnve Co.,
cra the Cuyahoga river—about 30 acres usalcs im
provement. Also,. two unimproved lots in the vrllnge
of Warm,. Trumbull Co., GU feet by 90. A Ite.n 1111 or
round in the centre of Stanford, Trumbull Co., with a
E. darer/mg house and store—one of th best naiads
far • merchant on the Western Reserves Any or all
thin property mill be sold on very accommodating
'febtO Water and Front sts.
SILE Large and well befit Factory, erectedini Rebec
ca sire., Allegheny city. by R. 8. Pagatltt. Eitg . ix
emi for sale or • re from the let Jan. PAO The
lot on which the rectory Is erected. (roma lW re.,,
Rebecca street. end rani back 110 feet to Park %trent.
The main buildieg It ofhrick, three stone. Mull and
flu feet long by 27 feet wide. The Engine nonce s.
large and eminnotheitix, with an engine. boiler. steel.
ell in comp! to order. The property will tte road
low, and on atlvantageo.terms.
Inquire Of ROBERT
Pit“httigh and Gm...burgh Tori.pike, nu e.
Irmo the tet. and stkosthng the ialeettoo. em
etery, on which 4P y erected lottge and s'rkil /Inte C hs ,
two story bock Dorcilins Dotthe.torrether with
enrrisee h...., :or Teel- to stet , 04 the pier...sea
Urge Yornoty of roan erre., HMI a opium ut
celletter ono•le-oeus liWt.llll,l{.
A. 1.0 One three and nee Iwo-sorry bt•f;k
situated 041 , .th,i I'. ar
nut streets. OIL WontFent n.oderit.,
blot NI., 141 y •t
rd.o/ BOOMS neat the Vogt oaico.
IWO Mail stores on Third street bud .5
(001:11 on Market street. third story. with orno!ier
roc. in second story twitter, rotmerty ix -cooled oo
D.I.g.I7COITpe. establishment, being welt located ono
adamed for dist basilic.. L D t•AZZ.I.II.
1.17-I:wr Office, itd .t,
over Phi lo Ils.'
2 THE three *tory Bnek Uweton; 800,. toe
corny nocupted by the rubscrther, on fir
rrt met. Irk Allegheny eaty. JAZ!, K %Mt. ir
_lulls(__ No A; B' ab.r
A TIIR EE wary Ihtelhag on Norl .. brio nen
Ferry sod Liberty AMT., now orroptel t
Absalom Morris. Duple 01
ludg4l. 10114. P & TOTTEN
• _ .
FOR RENT—Forone ba three year., wool
rrest of April oust. a large Iwo storied hock
Dwelling House, plenenrdly untaxed on tbn 'dolt
of DM Olio nvecratWarog the borough of ninitelret
ter, with about four acres or /and, out burbling, iron
trees, &e. Re. Apply to
Piopewty In Allegheny Oily [or Ante.
ritllE subscribers oder ntr sale a number of choice
Lott, &Mue ru the Serood Ward, frooung o; the
Common ground, on easy terms. Impure of
W. O'll. ROBINSON, Any at Law, St Ciall
or alit , ROBINSON. en Me premwes.
aryl:ttl&wtf T
To - Let. -
A LARGE nail wed finished Roo, ereond
nary, on the runner of Wood and Third torn.,
above the &Arbitrage other of •• IV idiom.
Posses.= given immedlately Inquire oe
Jai M 01CL.9 & RUE. 191 Loterry et
bp, TICE subscribell Ohm for sale or mut res -
11adence in Allegheny city: Possmooon can Le gi
ven Ist of February, or . sooner sf necessary, and who
ever may occupy It, might And it ads antageous to Ti.
Miff some of the furniture, to, pa/ocularly suited to
the place. Isar It W. POIN DLIXTER_
ins with Dot less than four moms and 6 k11C1366,
Wlthi t flee Or tear minutes reach of We Rdruoad.
Address, with particulars, .No.t No. 216. Post Odice."
.8.1 •
TO LET.—A Loton /Myers suitable for one or
two Brink Yards, to let. Apply to
M. D. LOWRIE, Agent, Wylie to.
. . .
SitTWO WS on Leaver street, In the city al
Allegheny, above the upper common,, on w Lich
c.ted a frame building, two
for two man tenements. The lots are each .v ta
feet in front by ono hundred feet deep, and can bark
to • street forty feet wide. The haihtings on the pre.
MM. and pay ,very 011,111.61:11110 int. rest on the invest
menu and theltt property will be told cheep for cash.
1 . 1 . Sproul, Clerk's office; U. S. or to
KAY h. Co
---11 . 04 1 1 1041,1Z - VO — LEV;
joiTIILI delightful Summer Retreat, form
some yeah. past occapted by L Burch.
field, is offered for safe or rent on the first
01 April nen This property has been improved by
addittontd buildings, and • substantial stone wail,
T o
Item., planted sash Evergreens and Front Trees. To
, a good tenant, capable of conducting the Retreat, the
trims will be reasonable. GEO COC II /LA N,
Pitbduirsh, Dec U. Agent tor Proprletor.
FOB. REST. -_-
TUE subscriber oilers for rent for the loco of
one or more years, a large COlllrettielll weal
hC two story Dwelling llou-e, containing rooms
and Kitchen. There is • lot of ground containtne t
acres of fine young fruit trees at every kind, stable„l
Ae., connected with the house. To any parson wish.
hag n delightful residence within • few mmates ride oi
the city, this will be a rare Chance. For terms, which
will be low to a good tenant, inquire of Mr. J..
Wriisht, near the premisesi of John Wan, 00010/ ni
Dail and Liberty.stretts,lorof
ocurd.df THEO F WTO 11l IT.
Soot - eh 'Bo (Coin . taistifitrii
TEN ACRES OF LAND, 101Unled froote.
hip, en the Monongahela, three mile, hromn .
bargb—in lots to son purchasers. For forlher pow..
Mara apply to lienry Woods, MI it. or to
,4th, above 1 .1 n5101.•'11
Rat Ildsisit• in Mercer Conner.
AIILOT, Store:ons° and Dwunive,tims on ore
Erie Extension Canal. In ~b u g. o, I .in
v,. Nim
ex,• • desirable location for s merellant 1.1,13.
Los and good Dwelling !louse well rotted Tavern I
Stand, In the village of Orangeville, nu State Inc of
Ohio. Tema easy. ISAIAH DICKEI A Co,
febtO Water and Front sty. I
' its.W LAND Eon SALIC- . .r/cscn acre, ' lOl q..,/ for role. sage... bend 0, 11, .I.looro,ohrlo taint
above I,lll,rll.lriar., I'm , barmy , loot e e, 0.11
which will be said,:, gee f.-.l
ara ripply to foccal ts/ • AECACkIi. ~„i t ,
u. +,
r ! c c
..7 1 .. 111 7 7. , 1_:
o r
1 .11
jaThe ...libel% will, tnu ....I of din wart
hoctse now oceLn.uphail,7 ,
JIMIO • .1 - • • water dlivet.`
..trAEA-A=g--t:SrivitZsipziN STEusia
v FOR 84LE Lot of Ureind sharte en Pe.
meet, hetwcen Hay and Martyry •atrts. ndoininp
the:house attfloi now occupied by Richard Maardri
haring. frost of RS feat ,- an d in depth LW feet,
sold on foriorableteroa. Titlernio.teeplionabe. bo
witt.* Of C. O.' LOOMIst..44h
~ . uii ~ -
~•at `}
EtcrkeC, iitUltitor 411,
EZPCII33 017104 Altnioy, Sv•pt
Mx. DeIAA,: My Doer Su—With feenngs •••••
aditni e n. you in ' , Lillian to
1 ,1 ha Ji
ve received from your nivalnitbir rain Li4 ,- ,• •
o f
my linte dnueliter. dl ours oid hid
a( noiling wruee turned into i, hoe ° , h iii nor
drendiel. .3 that o frovrd In.auntiy cathei• n •
lure ;tn. lion ‘e teuru the coupe or the
kOr. her flotbe• .under, mid -put. nu •
tak, end %he unto domed end 41.1 tiro
, - . noon relle.ed front err..ina.•lll•l,l•, • 13. !
h.- if 1 rould•thugh," and truece.on.i.u. sveren v.. -
nese ',aided to a brisn.r from lb. W i n Ler •,
0,1 bell line chest, mini rnun v .c.o.
"rel. ( the shoulder mai no v o, it
r•t Iron, nie hint hour. :In. rumples... 4 Ohl
the .ore hvniv.l non ti
COntrilettt, muset
With nitirly wishex, rn3 deur •.r no• •ir
din rale of On. nuirlay •ruele.
_ THE TE.ST XO -1-17spE)
nc~g.,ul.• [wiry, %et produce 4-
atanneour raliet, and •tlathing t cocain
ct• r;•.1 eat., of Burn.. ec aid., Pile,. he
I'4e t:.4. -no aver rank? Wtia , : tr:, in , . .topear—alerayr Ireton, and r,
I, Edamed P. llulntes. of Chadian, 121 ,
Cl ,ct • .
itnuabia county, N. V. have het, ettbett.o ut
tanner:. Au brcaat, fet I. and all aver ;,,o
Rig yeaga, 6041101 I could not stand, and ta ,
three applioutattut of Valle) Mrtglcal Pala
L.:my:tit!) th.ti •
XI r Dailey. eur—l rut my finger 'Alts a
the pulsation. nature; ut winch cut., my rort,dersibly, .Ith Ailoot1:1,
al:loan/cr. A large awell eg tah . tut •.t
pit, with increhaing paw, I I.c,atur ' , Mtn 4/.
J., In thin extremity your l'aut Katrp, i: •
cocuutunted to me, and w Etch 'I watt pre . . "1,4 •
try. The COnftqueuee Was that it of tett 11
11 .„. •
rll.ialn acd three lay,. I teat, cutup..
ed. Jusr : Pit{L{xxlB .v
corner ltroomo and ztallivzh sta. tient
NGTICI.7.—/t. Dabber la the Inrolktoc at tout
able remedy. and never has sad novae win eon
care any hiring man the secret of us coniiiiimb,
TII Pxtractors, taereforo, not mud., and cut
him, art base counterfeits.
theormarombi Duors--414 Ltroadway, e
WsChetnnot street. Pail.
JOHN D. MORGAN, General Datani Dr. .•
THORN, Agents rot Yttrainargh.
cares humor.,
.I)alley's Artrazat Gahm's° Curses apavtn, qttittor, grease, pa 1!...,
60f06, gulls and bruises. Pamphlets,
t o , , ter
lifielites of gull,
pante., may bo had on tpllea.
don to
souls dlyis
Agent. Pittsburgh.
__ 131711010 AL OPOICIfis
4ilie. 611, DIAMOND A.I.A.EY •
..,...,,., - rear doors below Wood Atlndls ',1 4
f‘is Mittel.
Fit-, . DILs BLLOWII, having been
.._ 1 ~.:‘,-,,,::.., regularly educated to the ntedma
.., . 0 1 prate...nen, and been for some time
....t . ~. i :". la general practice, now. confines
-1,*2 • big allentioll to UM treatment of
i• ~ ,- ;'.-d ak those emote and delicate carol
. l / 2, plaints for which his opponuatues
3,• .:. '.,. „_ 4 and experience peculiarly qualify
-..- ...-... • him. 11 year. stutduously deemed
to stagy & treatment of thoae complalcas,(duang which
time be has had more practice and his coded Mors pa.
beat. than can agar fail 10 the lot of any Pritate pros
intoner) amply qualifies him to offer ilistlrdnees of
speedy, pernumen4 an
d saactory cure to ali antic to a
with deheate diseases. and p l y diseases arming there;
Dr, Brown would I n comeose afflicted wf fg. Kir:km
diseases which hove chronic by time tan. :
gmvated by the use of any of the common noth
the day, that their eoroplaluta eon be main - alit and ourbf y cored; be bormg given his cared.' astruon to
the treatment of nth caws, arid careeeded ift , undrads
of inatancos in oaring persons of tabooing . ; of tot
neck of the bladder, and kindred discases,whieh oe
resalt from those eases where others have. consignee
thorn to hopeless uespair. Ile particularly invii. s .uo.,
as have peen long and unsucemisfally sneered by, ~
to consult hint when every sattelactfoo srua,,,
Meta and Moir cases treated m a careful, eshritargh aad
imalhgent manna', pointed out by a long ~,,,,,,,„
study, and investigation. which it m impossible for ~.s
engagod in gencrsJ practice of medium- to an
one r
Il claw ofd isease
Eenita or &option —Dr linsom also :gloms iir . i
soas nifseted with Hernia to eon, as he has paid par,-
alai attention to this disease.
Ct M'S. fit also cured.
Skin diarnaes, also Pt. ',Palsy, etc, spi - m'il.-' , i r. l
Chargi:a very /ow,
N —Pawn. of 4111 ryl i!vitut . .44••
ol • •
nntny awn sr nttrig, glvtfig, • , aqt:
hit nurr medicine.. With lb r nrr• for •• •. .•)
„dd,c AL L. postpaid. stn.
mg •
01lEee tio. Din.moud ahe9 , oppeane wa aver')
IttreVaLtals4-1)r. litown's nearly dinee4narn.l
dv for IthennnAliovn is • ope,ly and certain
h never fulls:
tad;ce and prorate Consulting Rama,
wand alley, l'ittanurgh. Pa. The Doctor e
Hy- t.u.rotto pay.
..s. • decto.
el' dencelcan a Foreigri 'ea reo se.
till-LEN 011; it, of tt,t
. (irreiandli. cowmen:tea the heleinega
Ys car idld Potent Attorney. al her edl.6: /a • ,
‘iric4lll.titel'ON lie may be leolliniindle • •
lel"ledl en (flaking examined/um, la neorWiLee ; • r
eaten. °ellen 'nod elemisehe, re, lo !az td , leide;
upeeificasiona mactliae.. nodal! pameidie • • •,a
ire/el. - or ; .141 end. re rp.uo at exernd 1
elee Ulundi limit. Cr Kurape Ile tool .44 j -
led prosoiunnliy en el , ade.enna
olg uatiOr the l'atene and wilt ..17i.vere
lons before die Patent mric-e an .aPfeeti.itkes edoem
for Which: Ku . long expeneact tbd iitudatikirterii:na •
in las pioreimina, bore peridearle etca.histc
of ago
Lo.en placid to hot Conde, all ietteoe4itieleLl4,„ 0:. '
oh.* bo' ed him Cos paid. leurfie.e.p,l;;,,4
1%.1.i1V 3101.A.Siele.; tilde' lice!
(......cnop).tbie:xneenict LatidierNeroON4.4
05 , 44ndforma., •