The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 15, 1849, Image 2

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    rtiaLteffsp sy
MONDAY SgeM:P.IML , IS, 1849.
Advesassastautd Subscriptienstothobrfardaiser‘
an sa Unita Edda Gadaatipadkillas, received
• au idtirreethwand forward Iles . , of exoes.....
tertiset and natwOttans far itch ,
voistemscriaz Ltwr Aro
PHI& MUM 01 0111.111dINT. ,
2nbsaciptione wilds valuable paper„win h. me t, ir a
..:iatitkrrwpie4 Crmathis oreca.
.Prmairram DaliT Quays = yab . bead
Ve•Weckly,ead Weeklr.—The Daily Is &wen
glegaraper unman the TVl4Veekty Irnre pollarapft
ilaresa4 tba Warikly la'proDatlavi per pram, .=Wif
:gaufikvatrAbvitieccus are L 3
to hind
;re before 6 v.=1.1 early,lathe day ea
practicable. dalverdecateau riot f annul !Pr
Lima will invariably be charged sunil Wendoet
Una ilkamervld
t z t Macs New% Lupona, Money Marten, see
• ilea itixt fai Teisgripbse Sews,
. „
dim otur troungion
sky/ reek* atm of the thateekty of emunmeting
'Mink RoadfrUi Pinsky:2k to Erie, ta MOM!**
the ettexake 401e*Ite dons the.line, and that
ihers . eirospect thatming marelhantalk.
m441:0 done.' The' Eria .CommentirstArkertie
nr says, that the tiwasbtaotErie WO in it 'per.
aorta= of enthnaium oti the mkeet.' A Maas
Convention hen beettapiminted, to. meet et We
. Word,. Erie
,connty, en_thrn day, to take the
ultjee; into eimaideretion; and vie observe a call
• •
. -
s3r • MeethepM
,the:ErM, piper!, led by Cho
lit te as ' H.adu;:r.-M.Sterrett;aedoth
en. The object Mike 'meeting is to promote the
isideet of the *aurora Conyention.
People araVrforli OM* are curving in
goad esenestoks will be item by thek 61lowinir pro.
cetaingi ota =WO" beid Mitiat.ll/e:
.PLCXt . MZIMCIr d t a of the
&isms of Meadville snails vicinity, he the
Oust, ;Meuse rin Tau "sinning," the kb, inst.
grethe purpose .of_saking some action tn Telatka
to er bonstroctlotrof Plank Zeal in the oulity'r
'•:' on motion of David •Diskersan, En.• th e Han: G. -
Chtireloaras inflate the thair,-eue Jame:ea Mc.
Pa iaod appointed seecetary.
On =mon, the °buret of the triseting wan them
stated by S Busturi Riddle, - Esq who offered the
•Aillowing ',preamble, and rscdution tt cionsiders
nice: * •
Thmeii nothing that coadocei mom
• Sethi prosperity. of:a country than safe and spec.
dy means of innumatumniemien whereby a great
;":".-.'"isaoterr of-Mme and an increase in the facilities of
::,..,trittuatethig bigness us:erected; and whereas,
=angst the improvement of the day, there is none
*„..wideliipPears to bit better idarsted to the wants
end - mune= of Minima peansylvanin than
• ." liardstaf, That we. the • ciatens of Crawford
• county, miroajunetion with those of that neighbor
...jag" pommies: who concur with 'IIIV:will adopt
the, mom speedy and effectual meuares Br" the
construction of - a-Plank Read from tea,platie to
• 'Erie and to Pittsburgh. •
Eintard, Thai it be recommended to all those
_.:;:,who feel intriested object above speeilled
le meet in convention at Waterford,: Erie Co., on
• • 'Homily, the 151 h list, to take the subject into coo
" siderekin, and to devise the means most likely to
Armin this desired end.
• .Itiial That CaL 'I Stewart Riddle, David
• Tachersem En. Alfred Eligible:9er .haq, Ron. G.
~ . Chundr, M It Lowry Gen.clohn Mak, and
Was Reynolds, Esq, be appointed delegates to
Herrisbargh in neneetion with aeiooiar number
to be appointed by Erie co, to aid in "obtaining the
xecesmuy legialation on the subjecq and with in.-
`."struetrons to obtain_ ,If pciasible, the adoption of a
• general Plank Reed law i lf these °teas meet with
'the approbation of said Convention.
On motion of M B Lawry Esq.,
• ibrielard, That a committee of three beint
"'.." ed to obtain and circulate petitions in furecii
'of the object of this meeting among the people of
-Crawford county, and that John David
Dieir,lind David Dickerson, Ens, be said com.
ilaroited,.That the proceedings of thiartmeting
be signed by thea lancets and published In the
coney, and t hat copies thereof be forivarded to
roe members of the Legislature from this county.—
['Aped by the Odious]
• Atter dna consideration the reenlittians were
Rdoptee . _ .
Toe Pstarritearda duilitissinete Barr.
TbePhiLsdelphin Inquirer, of the Sitkitne., pub.
alum en address of Snow W. Roiliers, Esti,
- Engineer in Chief of the Pennsylvania and Ohio
Railroad, in relatiento the BalletadatleoughPenn.
-sylvan* to the greatWisst. We should be glad to
::;.,copy the Whole eddress,but must content ourselves
. with the Mowing synopsis, prepare:a - by the 'new
no. Mr. Roberta propounds and =ldabel these pre
positions Pirw..thet the-Pcmnsilvanis Railroad is
"Itested ea tile right *lie, di4filieilecar cmn"
r:. pletioa 'esserdiach the wreperity of the State Of
- rind especially to the cities of Phila.
degas andPittstaugh. Secettd, that the Ohio and
. .lltarcind is the best line in the en.
'th Pennsylvania Railroad westward
Ohba . Xsttahrgh,and that it will eat only pay in it
- self, hat wadeable the value of the Pennsylvania
sea Third, that if the se
Win lilies baitiremptly.coneracted, they will be.
Ant.: !Lake in a great chain of railroads,
• which will tilthie r eedy extend across the contieent ;
thit They ,Willieske Philadelphia the point 01
intenseeyon, between the grand triuddine from the
West, and the acuthien end southern line clew/ the
Atlantic shore. Awl &turd tbar In tie view of
these iliete,WW Oiertiiitught; tit be devoted le the
completion ofthey,Petruedvania Railroad, and its
:fkiseiet, extension beyond Pittsburgh; that lidded
otcompeting Ihseaeught to be postponed until this 1
greet work soitienPlished; and air; •ns.aciaa'
- -zriesstrrise 'boa) be-Wkew to make the entrance of
the Western Railroad-into the city of Philadelphia
avoiding the Inclined Plane,
and b y making tie Ra il road seitienske the Comm.
incidation of passengers coming there, as creditable
tot a city as.they `am sow t¢e' contnim These '
the--reader'Perceive, I.atil important
:;` . read paopoellions , and well to arrest at.
ieittion., • •
;:t_;.;,W e mug pia*Sinicm' ; one, ,Opinkma being
:femekfor es, - oe wends put tow au month whick
7-", - ; news wet *ad to what we say,
;-,lnt;metnot•iph ourselves aceoeulaide for an the
• ..- - ,iuti7pastaloesiYootcoatempomisei We are sent
• log that the Nations! Government akalighne arena
ho every landless person, ender certain =dams,
oata(tke Odds lands 7 km we do not thereon',
-, msdamv by,any means the Idem and principles or
the Natiotie an they are called. We al.
;16itheltbefsee7fanied the ommannity would
bs tubeerve# br Wiodickete Homestead Ezemp
btitei iby any Means subtathe to
the doctrine tbah maw him not "it& teiPlnY_ and
- .
. . . - -
nandlyto .
be &wises Co do so.-
11iire may An, utta,,in this cosuscition, that we
•r: brio? the distriiii of;
"•'lwhieh aopnne pen may bold. • Thaacerinudal
nionnninstenuto bodies of land in tho hands of a
individual, is an evil to the csamwanity efati
as to esquire the interposition
or bisnroviiintolt. But whatever* nun does bold
be le As filioiredifd:-.
• t -
S. • "t. PORTAGE 0017ETT 01110.
t7W odlcerfof the;pottage Monty Agricultural
afelety . -la snaking; their return to the State
n .ragatt,Pr7iel'ar V l °lrialr Wereatin , ?. I LTUCU•
The of &in: exported doting tire'year,
beim the o , odr:tot - lit'. Ore dairies of dei county. is
• ,:‘ Ara 1450 toror,thea*erage price efirldeh is ahem
$lOO puma.
The clip of-woos:hist, year ir01550,000 pounds.
The aped' this iv= doe, uotecieerd that °lbis;
thquels the nurnber of sheep ban increased more .
than 14,60; a JR:ie . :46l4a= in the
:There air in the county of
',..luicilautsay , of them *dog a star ediressive bust.
Dem There 11J0 ihrie Wcolea ,Fieteriee t 2010
3111/kund between. SO and 70fiaw oat, •
All, or nearly all the bide alibis °canal, will
Come to ii#.!ibtu l it When our 7estera Railroad
- 5, is tubbed. •
Plesezze—glds azaellsze sage= peps
fusel ort entektalgor sheet than
Ibtatetly,. and in the ao gets; and, laced 'redly
ot arsolnnonthly. The mar was started
'L... ale= Ids yeas* why the Bee. Dr. Pressley, on a
shalt awe; and published setsfencedhly. That it
t ; , : haeittlirm to its Pteeihr Mite* 4 < l difaettko*-
!! . 1 tied has became a weekkabeet, fs esidestee ler
edit, and itrits appr adJthitrdietila Pab-
At ',bleb supports .Bow. DivIDT. Sus
4 4his PaPer eckwlriltat
Ppatfejea th*-oebilitiel to osk• a good ettitip:
eidifornsior varied sad
60040**id ded in ,
lepodact It Oa =Was intaitelng
t xpite
of Bansi Skit% the Alther otiewlzkr_ h?
setae; With apradt OPaplali work
4bs swam otorisitartoo29llo6o6
ft 7 ":441 1 1 04 ,4 ,*:.Wh1C•'• -
-- "7 -4, 4• 1 • 141,1 111s'
to Wires er
renniii 2 e, if Wilke of Dooto - intecou I
ito bow thewriicer tkis raid
nt., We also Witt . to show the fatal
ipto; re sdas puticiabeakderi by those lhat ere
endeavorticto get up a drelingagaller the mad by
leri that thew* hal been abandoned.
odds end gm have taken
_much palm to pro
cure it armor idateekut ef the warren of the watt
on tkus tbiriyjtwo miles of the road between the
I:Titiodruad in fkark county, and Hudson, In
Sarno*.Reln i g we, We are lwiebtedto thepolitends
of Mr. H. ' and, Mr. Wtn. Coalman; Con
tractors kir Weitz tiro and tired Smxth mile*
of the abcrve work, and to Mews Robinson and
Linton, Enewers outheroart,W tbefacts below
elated.. l' • • -
Last spring, Mr. Doolittle' mterneted with the
.Company 'So" tha Mr,.-
clearing, tisadhlf and
masonry, on; twenty. miles of the muteiletween
the Mt. Union road and Hudson, comprising sec.
dons 1,2 and 3,2,8 and 9, 11,12,13,44 and 15,
18,20 and 21,25 and 261; the vont en which he
commenced in May last. The most or the ma.
sory is done on the twenty miles, }nil one section
is Tendril the some of the belief.
est of the Soetious twdnet with the abutments of
the bridge across; the Cuyahoga ver will be com
pleted early censuring; the plan river
the abutment'
is 90 Get on the face in length including the wings,
22 feet bi,qh, and fr et thick, the walls sufliciently
long fior a donble track which are bulk of the best
quality ofstme ai Mr. D's. contract sbouOtalfof the
work is done, and the twenty miles will be ready
for the 11111611Vacluse next fall.
Me Wm. coalman contracted with the company
last May, for:the arading sad meson work on sec
tions No. 16 indl7, which pass through BiTeMilk
(20 miles in length.) Mr. C.cornmencedthe work
dent the lit of Beptember lad, and has .done
aomethingmene . than one 011 k of the whole amount,
and is prognosimg with a small but efficient force
with - reasonable success considering the incle
mency of. the season. Theme two Sectkaus will be
ready for the superstructure next fall.
The 4th aMtion. let to Mn. Laffer, a heavy earth
work section, was finished ready for 11Uperianica
UM In November.
1 1 The worle , optut the sth and 6th - sections, Day
& Morse Contras:torah.. been progressing steadily,
the masonry being nearly (=pieta.
The llth; lat. to Mr. Leonard, which was
very heavy timbered section, has been entirely
cleared, endra considerable part of the masonry
and . earth tiorlecornydeted.
I The 2llh seht4a, let to Haws& Co, beam been
Armtek to some extent.
edTbe 19th, Yid ad 234 have =Prete= work.
The work 0 2: the: eighteen miles let vest of
Wellsville. ii soinething more than half finished.
The work' as fir ash had progrewed L pninoun
ced by competent . Judges, to haegnal to the. test
work in_ he ,United States.
QOM= Semzeti or Crewman—The city of
Cincinnati seems scarcely to be st all behind Bat
ton is efilelent etfrats to promote common actutol
education, themat ofcoesse not expending $0 much
money tit - 70hr ‘tas Boston, her population being
probably not near u large u that of the .med.
ern Athena! 'The Cincinnati Gazette gives, from
the nineteenth Annual School Report of that city,
far the year rmlbrg June 30,1848, the fallowing Ix
heteltillf am i giqieractan , statioacr,
There u 4 in Die city twelve districts,za central
school, an orphan asylum school, and Ave everting
schools. The whole number of teachemin Wide.
partatemte oldie common schools, ts 127-91 female
and 113 Male teachers, and the total amount paid
for tuition ..15,379
The wages of the principal male teacher in each
school, 350 per Month—to the anistams, from 30
to 835 per =mile
The wages of each principal female weary, VS
per month, and to the assigns' from from 18 to 18
and .s2o . per =OWL
rite prlncipal tittle central school receives $8333
per month—Oi assistants 00. The principal fe.
male teacher inAtis ached twelves= per month,
and the assistants $3O.
This central - school seems indispenuldelarAto
perfect rutting of the great system of geueralefdir
cation. II iri'a actual in which are taught the high.
Er biftnettell tO thine who have annpleted the coarse
prescribed for the common schools, and whose
moral deportment and superior proficiency entitle
them, on examination, to be removed from the
common to the Central achooL
The whole Sunder of scholars enrolled is the
city is 12,000, and the average number encoding
daring the year.wu 5,06:1.
Amount of money received tioring.tha year, by
Board, for finnan fund,511,0713,99.
Expenditures during chi" same period 637 80,
leaving • WWII* on hand cd58 0(18,390 1 9. 39
Receipts intiiibe building (and daring the year,
918,569 57; expenditure*, $t9,953 77—excess of
espenditures,Sl,3% 20.
Tuition Pend—Balance in the treasury July 1s;
Ign, $29,917 23 receipts in 1018, 037,078, 99.
sm fix a nditnees in,1848, fa intillen,lntd,lloolll, dFa
80-4eaying a balance ut the gees:stay, lone
1,4, 1848, of$.,VAll 72
Building k'un . d—Batance an hand Tolj Ist, 1847,
$BBB9 40; re-4tots inlB4B, $18,569 57—total, VS,*
45167. Ps.pikkiutresin 1815,819053 77 " . . 4 enTizi
a balance on Itand inne,3o, 1848, 0445.4.682 M
In 1847 there were 21,991 youth in the school
districts of the city, between the ages oftnr and
twenty-one. In 1648, theta were 27,316--in.
crease .1,743.
!HO& Juliet Coopir.
w. • election of this gentleman to the high posh,
tion Voitet Stan Senator, is received with nut.
versalrmpran by the Whig press The Phil.
haulPlda /Jinn ' i.emilkK
The result of the Senatorial election has given
unfvertal satistketion la this community. Mr.
Ccoper'schtction has securetto the Commonwealth
• representative worthy her best daya, In relation
to every pay acestion in which one State is in.
wrested, Mr. Cooper is pledged as her champion.
He is • told ea able debater, a sound matesmen,
a thorcnigh going Whig, and t an evayeray woe.
thy the conddenpe of the Whip of Pennsylvania
Them were&etas and diflcies in this vicinity
as to the election of the Senalor,and it It was (ear
ed that skillful arrangements might defeat the will
of the people. The result was received with an
enthusiasm than seldom greeted any party hi.
nmph. No effort on our put could stay the shout
of exaltatioithat rose from the crowd around our
office when it Was announced.
The cholce . " - of, &stator b army - -way right. Re
.ii Wrathy the hottor -front his own merits Ho- is
the choke of thelpeophs. His career sea Ssrator,-
Will reflect inure upon the pasty that has elected
him. In the' days that are coming --and there are
dark days citomiag—he is one that can be relied
upon, as s Nigh minded and pure American
Statesman. - "Ilus Keystone tuts needed such a
ehaMpion, end we rejoice that -she has secured
one, of thelWrost elevated, intellectual, and mo
ral cluirarmi—ai man of whom she may wellhe
. Ts' Timinzat as mg 13mmomma Am Onto
Bartscuar.—The; report of the. business of the Bel.
an= and Oldo Railroad, for the last month, rays
thaßahhareiPats9:9, showy, a valif99' hi and ea.
toning increaseorer - the corrisp . =dim month 'of
.............. 30,234 bbli
4,023 tons ,
Tobacca .• 76 hhds
Oran, Ideal das. ' 216 tons
Part and: Bacon. • 503 do.
Iron .. ........... 598 do. 1 -
Lard sad .Softer • .558 do. •
Hogs, In.
. 04 `OO4
The num* bogs was 44,99 °.t.9r " 4 " Pet cent
greater than In December,lBl7. woe: r = tnum ba arta.
tlon.cantinues very *live, and will Et
continue • Waugh the rest of the
serve numberhrought to Baltimore 14 the 'firm
25 days of Deettotber f fnemiehlch time till the end
of the manthAlte !cquott.tdkilmt of the road were in.
terreptedtmenow,waa2,soo,daily, &at which the
revenue was abotasl,67s Yet day ar upwards 'of
840,000 far the -moll. • •-••
- .
, The wanes, Westward • from Baltinare to.all
pints orthe road has hien 4,632 tons, and the tey.
en tkerrefooll6ss62:,
The revenge tithe inaati from pausengers has
been 1154,84362' and from connate 420,767 71-44.
:AU= remPacntr—Gold Cattetera—We- find
the fothowing ta the New York Journal of Coot*
mere, of Tatiday; eveuirap—We have accounts
from Mazatlan, meat omit °Mexico, to Dec. 1*
Vea . selatiad4trived there from California with gold
some& arida' had bean assayed at Giunialazani,
And found to averogo tweatpune maul.
The British surrqung mama Plllll3O/11 had tak,
en It, 1:60,000 wrath In all, and was io land it at
Panama, to be rent across the llamas to Chagas,
and by the mail steamer to Southampton, Ea®.
land. ;
The British raiveying schooner Herold Mind
ilaculan, Nov 291.1 r, Belduee &rafts, hava
Feeen unable in pin any inteUigenim ail: John
A Valparaim mu of Ont 2811 i
8220,0000 in lather, udved per steamer ofTe
24thonostly, Ws from Copispo where lumbar
diiftvery.ofitamenset value has pug been made.
We have also had sloo,oooof gold dust from Cal.
ikon* and ' 'have soraewhat receded be the
li ve:s ten SW 32 it 310 321, dollars
10111 lPer eel; premium. , •
'This is a decline of about two
value ofsber, theper cent, in the
previoas emotion for donut
Laving been 112 k
We leant pom the &limier Itueitireneer, that
the President'Orthel7alted Stales has issued the
anal elm/w i t* the Sesatois tithe United Eames.
remmaling e m to mew lathe Seaga Chamber
on the Oth daic;;AtertiHt - MarM'' .It is then =tom:
ry,to empire !Ala set upon the noudaagoes which
the Meant mar mike f 6bvmmemberi eat, cad,
sk .to.: .Tlia. 2 OAr I gt 2 is 1 , 430 PY of the eireatir a 4
- .
pLuzirsieliiiei%dakiu6; • •i 1
': '?' -1
r'• .l / 4 22 ; 222 c1ii 22 2 22 2 2 . i •;,
,*:.i 2 llo l2 i2 l 2oaigailerthilvilited aid= in,.; I
ra l ati th2l .llDll s ‘l. 42 ; j orleXext,• w 'alreeeive lmi°F 4
sot operate-1i terturnuticaoiona u may be made to
is on the part citha Executive, your attendance la;
the Senate Chamber; la this city, on that day, at 10
delooicha the theaream. is secordirety al I=l.'
',.- •—• ':
: ; '-' .1; .. -.::1 _ _
LEGULtatilliWill ;
13 Jaunt eincaisai of Mt. King, it was. isii•
solved, ThiaTeenky, the 16th inst 4 ell 2 o'clock
tei Seed keine inauguration of:the ooree.,
nor in the . f ail of the House of Ilipieaentativaay.
and that a etomittaa,4 three twappaultetVpa do
part of the Senate toirait;epon the Governor at
hL lodging! and micomMiny him brae hill or the
House, fir the purpose of taking the oath of the
OW. Commilles coexists of Meant, King,
Small, and Boas
The idloivirg hula werelead in place:—
Mr. Bing, an act to incorporate the American
Telegraph Commny.
Mr. Lawreme, an earepealing all laws author•
icing the Treasurer of Washington County to grant
licences for the sale of intoxicating drinks.
-A message in writing was received from the
Goveractr, at the hands of the Secretary of the
Commonwealth, nominating Hubert P. M'Clay, an
associate Judge of Clarion county.
The hour of twelve having ainved, the Senators
withihiew to the Hall of the Roam of Itepmsentas
tires for the purpose of electing a 11. S. Benintr.
Home. The House, alter prayer, proceeded to
the election of Clerk.
On the first Ballot, Wm. Jack of Westmoreland
county, Dern, was re-elected.
The vote stood as follows:
Walla= Jack had
David Fleming,
The Democnua voted . 5; Jack, ;he Natives for
and the Whiga for Fleming, with the ex
ceptionorrhomas Duncan, one of the Whig mum.
bens from Dauphin county, who was not in his seat
and did not vote.
Mr. Jack announced that be bad appointed as
his assistant, WED. S. Picking, of York county.
The Clerks were then sworn in.
On motion, the Hoc= proceeded to ballot for, and after two unracceasful
lothrits the subject was postponed.
Tan ELSCTION 07 Unman STATES Ehmarmr...—
Tbe hoar of noon having arrived, the Speaker and
members of the Senate were introduced, and a
Convention formed in pursuance of law, for the
election or a United States Senator.
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Baker acted as tellers.
The result of the drat ballot was as &Howe
Richard Brodhead, received. 62 votes.
James Cooper, ... ...... 57
ThaddeusSbevens, 7
Wm. M. Meredith, 3
George Ford, , - 2
There being no choice, the Convention proceed•
ed to a Second ballot, when the result war si $Ol.
Richard Brodhead, 62
James Cooper; ............ ...... 60
Thaddeus o &arena ......
..... ...... 2
N G ;Thieredith, .. ..... ••_• ". 1
There being r(o . choice, a third ' oallot . )was held,
which resulted eltllowe
hum Coo, .... .. . .. 66
Richard Br per odhead, 62
Thaddeus Steve ..... . 3
.Tatnes Cooper,. having . mer of tbe whole
votes, was declared duly elected en United Blues
Reenter for six Veers, bow the fourth of Match
The Convention then attoarned mull 3 o'clock,
to make out the requisite eertitkates.
The members from Allegheny county voted kir
Mx. Coopet on every
Stealing CommaMims. of the Mouse at
Woyramf /Efernr—.2dexars. Cooper,Roberts, Robb
.Lockenbach, Biddle NiValmcmt, Stubbs, Nickle.
eon and ()Maple:
Judiciary--Messrs Lime/4mM, LeirdAddenian,
EVCalmont. Schoonover, Cornyn, Frick and Pul.
ler. •
itanntrAtecar and Reforns—Mesm. Lon, Pratt,
Eller, Id'Laughlin, Rynnut, Shaffner and Rose.
k aters—ldesars. loud Welles, Large, Nip
gir:s i , e Z u Gritt=d;:lit ad
Emu, Miler, Bent, and George:
Perrixess and Grarnitia—Means. Fegely, War
rink, Gordon; WCartney, Bailey, Taman and
Doshutie lktenufacroris—' Nowa Om, Noble,
Bent, °aortae!, N. Thorn, Otto and awn&
An/die Boadotes—Menus. Walters, Carl, and
• .drawars--?desirsLanbarhAt .Ttinan,Suxkwell
Morrison, Em , Lewis and SreeL
Education—Messrs H. S. Evans, Meek. Bidd e,
Eshleman, Stockwell and Zerby.
• Vressaulksawrolow—MewraMeek,Rediek,Rop
ley, Grove, Sewn, T. Thorn And Lewis.
Miliww—Mesars.Bedleir, Klotz, Elliott,Shaflber
Henry,Smyth and Ccanyn. '
Elosion Sharias.—Mesars. Elliott, Ball, Kirk,
Hower, Grove, Bzuherted and Morrison.
Bankr. , -.Measis. Laird, Swasswelder, Robert,
N. Thorn, Luelenbach, Prune, Hewing, Cooper.
and Myers
Beau and Errherda—bleura R. R. Smith,
Weirick,Rcenberri,lebn 31'Kee, Fenian, Baker
and Ueda
. 43ahrely, 11 : utiskim .
&atrium, Hammy . and • Zirby.
Roads and Bridista—Mealra Wilcox, Sharp,
Martin, Lambert= Waimea Witmer and Ramp.
Load Appojtriation.—ldezas. D.Evana, Pinter,
Father, Bloom„Bellia, Kitt and Oa
Corponstiona —Meana.:Pearee,Butl, Baia; Diehl
breolloon, man Beboonover. Du and Porter ,
LantLt,-!Sean. Marx, George, W. Evans, Bole,
Smith, Taggart and Lambertpn.
larary,-.Measers. Swartzaretder,Nieldelon and
Prisztusg.—ldesm6 Williams, G. T. Thom and
H. S. Ennis.
Inland Navtiratina and internal
1 7
—Meter—MeterMeer, Noble, Wilcox, 8a14717 da
Diehl, Wattles, Smyth, Gol:fits?, Mu, Flu
sold; Falter and Williams.
Divarcs.—Menstre. Fick, Baku; Haring, J. F.
mo oc h, Steel, Fenian, and W. Smith.
fallowing is an extract of a letter received to Ptul ,
AVON, says the Ledger, from an intelligent and
reliable source in New Orleans
New Ounces, Dec. 29,1848.
'General Taylor was inspected to pay this city
another visit, say about the Bth of January, at
which time anangemerds have been made to give
. him a ball; bat if the Cholera sontinues to that
time, it is probable he will not come, I have,
however, had oonversations with persons to whom
he has imparted some of his views, and as the re.
suits of them, I will state the Wowing, which can
. be relied epee
He will sign any bill pasted by Congress In.
commuting the Wilmot Proviso in the new Ter.
He is very moderate in his political views and
Rebels, and will soon banish ulnalan from his
He is opposed to ren?oving Democrat' from of
fice who have not elassonemsd, and who have ad.
ministered their duties Guthfully.
No prominent appointment will be even to the
Sates of New York or Louisiana, so they are re
presented in the Government by having the Pre.
sident and. Vice PeetidenL
Be desire, to confer suet an appointment on
Pennsylvania, and it is probable that Mr. Blney
will be offered a seat in the cabinet. III& a
does not wish a post, Mr. Joseph B. Ingersoll will
be sent to England. Perhaps Mr. MiCennan may
be Post Master tactual, or some one else front
Pennsylvania. -
Mr. Clayton, Mr. Bell, and Mr. Bing are persons
preny.certain to go Into the cabinet.
General Taylor will go to Nashville and Loula.
ville, anteing at the latter place about the 10th or
12thof February. When in lEraie ty, he will b e
°Waited with Cknremor Crittenden, whom he most
highly esteems, and whose advice and opinion re.
Wive to the cabinet will be to a great extent fol.
kneed. He will most earnestly endeavor , to get
him la the cabinet, as one in whom be can rely.
The &:llowittg extraot from • letter from Baton
Rouge, dated Deeemher 15th, to the editor of the
Ginelonati Gazette, give" further paztleulani es to
the view* of General Taylor:
'General Taylor told me that he was
overwhelmed with applications for alike, so
so that It occupied all his booties nominally den
voted to business to read the numerous letters,
many of which are long and tedious, so that it Is
pm out of his power to give answers.
'Besides'_ saps the General, '1 ana not yet Pad
sident, aid, when I am. let these applications be
made enough the proper depaitments and If It is
wished to remove an incumbent, let it be shown
that be does not answer the Jeffenanian standard
for an office bolder, and that the applicant doer—
for, so far as lies in my power, I intend that all sew
appointments shall be of men honest and capable.
I do not Intend to remove any man kern Mem
bemuse be voted against me, far that is a freemank
peivihrge; but such-desecration of office and ofil
dal patronage as some of them Mae been guilty
of, to secure the election of the master where they
eared as slaves, is degrading to the character of
American freemen, and will be a good cause for
removal of friend or fie. The Mice' of the Gone
element 'should be filled with men of all puttee—
and as I expect to find many ethos, now hold
ing- to be' honest, good meniand as the new ap.
pole:mein ofccame be 'Whip, that will bring
about thisrestfit. Although Ido not intend to al.
low an hulisciiminate removal, yet It grieves me
to think that it will be necessary to require a plat
many to give place to better men.
'As to my cabinet,l intend that all interests and
allsections of the Country chap be represented, but
sat mamma of thenewspapers will have it, all pan
ties lam a Whig as I have always been free to
aclmowledge, but I do oat believe that those who
voted for me wish me to bra mere partisan Presi
dent, and I shall therefore try to be a President of
the American People. As to the new territory, it
A now free, and alarm cannot exist there without
akar of pangreso anthoorunt It, find that I do not
believe they.will aver pans lI Was opposed to the ,
amuliitioi of this territory; eel also was to the acs
quint= offences I ants opposed to the war, and
ihheir# 'hy occupation a mama, I am • peace
lJpon Me subject of improving ottepeat' rivers
, the friends of then:Mum may rest sat
isfied thetthey bans a friend &President .Tailor.
foseyhtenett, E.. Br a bait period of time
Tntuurerke the State of Mosca ta,atts, died at
COICOA on itanudey, the ant tein
Menasha*a anditeldhayis been ehtetidper.'
Mot and Mut Goinmo!, by ihe 100ietnre eR
Msoobmeus. In the &niter dui,* evening=
otn. Gem Brine lacked some; afirliptni - ef en
ebenian by there*
OCR Wing
inomptcreTEl PTJUvIaI "
_ ,
fturt pi4 l mrialr flouloam
' • •Btivl4ur , Jarman 3.
The Omit ague:ter Beasiehs met on 134netar
.moulpgAtt tear/dock. The fins btodu k i F 4301.3 43
',mime ntuaber Of irrisoitere , •
The following mucous were paced
Barry Smith, Larieny, 0 months penitentiary.
" Ernest Oweck, Larceny, 15inotths penitentiary
Samuel Williams, Lumpy of a ooesiderahle sum
of montry . fro‘no Lewii Mikior, in gold end , notes.—
The Gaut stated dog Baker wu 4 young inset=
Ohio, hiving in hic *mewl= alum $lOO, being
his sham of his fat ee or grandfather's estate.
The prisoner said he had not stoke the money,
but won it V gambling.
The Caul said that if be had taken advantage
of an inexperienced young man, and had thus
cheated him out of his money, It mu as bad as
hie-slims. The Sentences Wate — Pell t itentlari 2 years
and 8 months.
Wm Davis—colored mart—iatUeny of a trunk
containing clothing, dre.., Penlenciary 3 years
and &months.
Janie* Clarke, larceny,--coati &c., from the
Manahaa Rouse, property of. J. A MeCollaxgh —
Pealterniaryls months.
Anderts Connor—the fellow prisoner ot the ism
sentenced criminni--epplied for anupportunity of
geeing his wife before sentence. The Court said be
might have anoppitunity of making any states
ment, or giving an prat as to his previous char.
amer. Connor's sat beside , him dosome time
in the d0:3144nd the Coon deferred passing sen.
tbnce until the prisoner had mo opportunity (dace
ins such friends as be desired.
Mr. McGraw intimated his intention to move for
• new trial in this ease,
David II: Armstrong and Joseph Randolph, of
the Allegheny police, indicted for assank and hat,
tery, produced a pardon from the governor.
HollMbaugh and Donalty, two men indicted each
by the other for assault and battery, were each
lined VS end costa, the Court stating that had it
not been for their families they would have felt it
thee duty to send them each for 3 or 4 months to
the minty Jul.
CAM of Stem 101 • NNW
Th. Hon. W. . Irwin hefted to make • scut
potion, which he ht would meet with the atm
probation of the Attorney General, and also with
that bf the Omni. There was a motion iby • new
trial, and also a motion for an arrest of judgment.
He proposed that instead ageing through the kon
mality of arguing these motions separately, there
might be u general argument blending the two to•
otter. This world avoid the necessity of Emmet.
nos speeehes, and in point of fact, he was so antis.
tied with the thorough investigation which Mr.
Heidletarg bad given to this subject, that he did
not think it necessary for hint to occupy one mo-
ment of the attention of the Court.
Mu Bighorn, for the Commonwealth, mid he had
no ohfeetion to adopt the coulee proposed.
Mr. Heidelberg then moved in a new trial
aging that he would drat put In a number of res.
Kass why the Court should grant this motion, and
neat, that should it be refaced, be would move for
an inert of judgment. He then lead the Mown*
I. New evidence discovered silica the trial.
2. The verdict is against the evidence.
3. The verdict is against the aught of the evi
dence by im able, experienced, and unimpeached
witness—Dr. Armstrong showing:
That there were symptoms testified to by unint.
peached evidence, aammer of delirium tremens,
and not found in common &mike:Mem
The evidence disproving malice.
The absence of provocation and also of malice
together with evidence of insanity gives weight to
this latter, and should have &De so in this case.
The preemption Latieing from the (deliberate)
we of' deadly wearmin was rebutted by proof of
mental derangement and abler= of malice.
The intention (to 'kilfect.,) arts (other &pro.
wee by the defendants good Character and End
*cling betwen deiL and his deceased wife.
4. The proof does not meet theallegatkmis to
wounds: the indictment avers that theywere on
tight side of the body of the deceased; the evi.
dance ahows them to be on the •tell'
mums NOS as AM= OP MIXII2I3:M
1. Tbe Courshad co jurisdiction; for the Sri.
pteme Court ofthist3tere was sitting in this county
when the etcmcsaid Court of Oyer and Terminer
had cemntended tinettddros, irbiebbt sohlited.
Irjr the fun swim Ofthe Mb article of the Coned.
Union of thil Connnonivenith.
2. Some of the jurors empanneled in the above
ease were not 'good and lawful men' of the county.
3. The talesman were directed by the Corot to
be summoned and returned and empanneled before
thetegular panel was exhausted.
4. The prisoner was refused a full panne) at.
though insisted en by his counsel , C. Darragh, Esq.
5. The Talesmen were not chaste from among
the bystander.
6 The jurors empanneled on this case were
allowed to, and did squiransafter they were sworn,
and bef ore they bad agreed on their verdict.
7. It does not appear by the record that the
Jam a were 'lawfully swore or alarmed.
8. It appears front the Record, that the jurors
were all of them swore, and that th ey rendered
their verdict on their resPectisettallisand afirms.
9. It does act appear from the record that the
primmer, Joseph Zimmer!. 'was arraigned"
Mr. lieldleherg entered into these reasons at great
length, admitting hemmer, on the ontatart, that he
was not able to state to the Coon the name of the
additional evidence.
Mr. 1110 am replied—entirely setting sae many
of the reasons rationed by Mr. Hehllebetg—espe
dally the reasons alleged in west of judgment.
Mr. Magehan was about to reply to the argo.
meats of Mr. Sigham, when
The Court Inquired whether the mussel would
forego the exceptions an the motion of swat of
judgment, and apply such of them as were of
weight to the motion for a new mal t if the Court
should be disposed to grant it?
After a short consultation among the Counsel—
Mr. Irwid intimated the wish of the counsel to
submit to the suggestions of the Court.
The Comt replied that in granting a new Dish
they did not wish it to be understood es impugn•
log the verdict of the jury, in any way, who had
already decided on this cue. A foil, and fide, and
patient investigation of the cue had been had—
much eloquence and legal Went had been dliplity
ed, and yet the jury had had no difficulty in coins
Ing to the =elation at which they had liffired.-
The main ground—perhaps the only groundupon
which the Court would be disposed to grantee new
Meioses, tint, the considetution that, if convicted,
the conviction must result chiefly from the evi.
deuce of his own child..-a most distressing con.
sideration, and which the court had used Its few
once to arrest, es far as auggesting to the maned
for the commonwealth the propriety of dispensing
with the oviducts at the child, if posellq and NIT.
madly, that a strenuous effort had ben made by
the defendant's counsel to continue the cause until
the next tend If, therefore, the Court vented a
new trial, it would be mainly on these urosiderse
trans--w that the defendant might have every op.
patellar of defending himself.
Mr. Irwin said he took great pleasure to bearing
his testimony to the humanity of the coon, and
was satisfied that the =tine of the Court ha ergs
hag the trial on, in opposition to hi. motion for a
continuance, oeginated only from :111:1 but feelings.
He was very grateful for the indulgence which
the Court had, shown; and now that the Count
had intimated its dispaithun to grant a new tritl,
he would ask another grace, and that was, that
it should be continued till next term.
The Court said it would be necessary to make
that a subject of • separate motion.
A new trial was then granted.
DMZ= COVIT.--Friday, Inn. 12,;-School Di.
rectors of the 4th; Ward ve. Henry McCullough-
This was an scrim btought to recover the Ong
paytaent due on the ground and materials fintnerly
occupied by the Pablo &heals of the Fourth
Ward, and sold to the defendant far s B o: 4o —eal
third down, and the retnahlder in equal payments,
In one and two yews with Warw.
The plainal gave la evidence the action of the
Board of School Directors, uarelation to the change
of the location of the School Buildings, and proved
the ale of the old site on Irwin street, the tem=
of sale, as stated ebove,and the tender of a 'deed
of the property to Mr. McCullough. It was also
proved that Mr. McCullough took coasesaitin of
the remises, but, under the adVice of Ms counsel,
mtlwoeci to mike payment without a bond from the
individual member of the- Board, to keep him
batmlem from ell costa and chunagea, which might
arisetroin any dlspatte about the title. nis the:Di.
rectors reihard to give, conceiving the title . 1 11 4
their right to sell induputable.
The counsel for the defence aged :
ht. That the money rceelpt in the deed watt not
alined, aid Um* lender of such a deed was not,
. .
24;:T6et the idahoot Directors bad no atakaitT,
a) alums tb)) kailioa.argha &bag &Wings*
that thq could not, "mine, make a goal tilltia
3 0 4 ,61 7," • • _ ,
He °Vele.] prove by Hsi °mania Loonaid*Pii
atk6ickiseeaofthe Wad, dad Oa olitiage
by Os Dirsdars in the location of the Bcluaal Ekdid.
farm aaaeoeasuy.
Oismii*thegratO*o4; **l IkseMcri
weriehep*rpmaiiiic.detothiniall peiLiatv
Isf thai,naturvi And that . their had full powerto
nude the aiw g i if they deemed it necassalT.'
The abjection we, austaited, and the Cotut re
fuseto bearthe testimony.
The Honor, Judge Hepburn; charged the `iltrY,
that there was nothing in either of :the objections
advanced; and that they were bound to find a vet ,
did for the plaintiff.
The jury without leaving their jelli, rendered a
verdict Cor the plaratiek for ESP 66f.
An exception was taken by the defendant's
counsel to the 'charge of the Judge.
Mears. Todd, Smith end Shale: for the plain.
tie% and Mr. Woods far the defendant
Mairna's Orrics—Captain Hermit, the new
Mayor, took his seat at the Mayor's desk on Sat.
°May morning, to investigate the cues brought
into the watch house the previous night He was
misted by ex-Mayor Adams. There were, in all,
four cases—the first a man rejoicing in the name of
Dr. Thomas Cooper, charged with drunkenness
and vagrancy. CommittedjlS daya—France Tay.
for and Thomas. Munn were each charged with
drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Dna cow•
milted 24, and the other 48 hours.—The last cue
was that of a poor maniac named Alonzo GrollB.
He was found in the Diamond by a watchman, who
was unable to make him understand any thing.—
When brought before the Mayor, he rambled at a
great rate, talking in the man confuted, disjointed,
and aboard manner it is Foul to conceive. He
spoke of temperance: said it w the foundation of
the earth and the end of etc . of the Savior—
that hailed died, and that be, he him, would die
far men; of Garlewhose eye o • all things—
and that his eye, like God'a co Id scan the human
heart. He went on in this a great while,
extending his arms—then acing himself on a
chair, then ruing and th ... his cap first over
his head, and then up to the - ding. There being
no asylum for snob cues, and the poor man being
unknown and a stranger, he as committed tojaH
for Ave days, as a vagmcd. H • was perfectly sober,
having, as this watchman state. , drunk nothing but
I water.
A Cow Bun m no Mu.*flea.—On Sat.
urdaymorning a young mw, evidently a novice
to the art of skating, took a h arty ducking in the
river. It appeared that heal.. got on a pair of
skates, to which he wan clear( unused, be made •
dash in a straight line. Now it so happened that
the direction of the said straight line was right to
that part of the river which wu not frozen, and
being tindr full weight, and not having as
yet teamed to 'Wheel,' he went heels over
head into the water, to the great amusement
of the spetatmors. Fortunately it was not mom
than four feel Jeep, so that no harm was sustained
beyond the drenching and the mortificauon of be.
tag la .ghed at.
the revere Goats of last Week, we had a
In the weather on Saturday morning when
to min a Uale. Foes kw bons it was
possible to plow along the streets on aps
!fthe l
ir slipperyneas. We saw several people
I . willingly embracing the paving 5t0 . 131114 but
.• so yet heard of any serious accident.—
• I • • evening the rain WI heavily and the riv
.• a to rise.
avant •
very u
Tow •
• To nut JUL—Friday : on motion of
W. Loomis, Mr. Edwin IL Stow. Stour
motion of A. Burke, Esq., Mr. Quincy A.
Texans—Mr. Oily takes' a benefit this even
ing, as Gisippns, in the splendid drama of that
name. Mr. Oxly la deservedly popular with the
play-goer of Pittithurgh, and there will doubtless
be a fall attendance out.
Winchell the cootie lecturer has 'stepped
oat' to amuse the good Loan at. Wheeling. We
understand he will be back here is a few day.
We direct the attention of travellers to the ad.
vatisement of Mr. Ws:aurae Evens, who bas
Cued ap the Virginia liol4 at Cumberland, In
adnairrdde order, sod Is mimed to entertain
travellers with comfortable gamins.
leua from ihrtbrew
.Yo* Sakthitorders
Ware veze h4a - krude. parceig- - I,temearts.ati
from Waidington, dimming. the 17.8. sennsatte cut:
tier Ewing, to sag bemediately Cartfornia. The
flan adds:-8/te vu gut in readiness in a few
hours and proceeded down the bay, but wu cum.
petted to anchor at quarantine and wan for the find
kit wind. This sudden and unexpected move.
meet of,. the Revenue Department, we understand,
is caused by the late astounding intellipuice re
ceived from California. 'So sesame the Ileums
of gold spoken of it: these accounts,' says a cone"
pondent,qbat government appears afraid to publish
ithensdest thelulantiockica should be depopulated
and commerce Interrupted by' die multitudes of
people who would wish to emigrate to the gold
14nyans, Bar, Lading, Cananzatt, Law Maas,
rowan, Re. Re.,
Printed ►t the shortest tunic!, lu low prices, at the
del9 Gazwrim Orme; TMIM mum
irr vim tica Peoria Haase-. you at to be me
peufol in any imdertalring, yea mum always Sao the
Crepe, mean.' Therefor ,if yea have • cough, um
em Exnerciasar and be careA for it is the proper
means. Have you ' , Asthma or dl6culty of breathing,
then the only efficient means to cure you is to use
Jiryrat's Expectorant, which mill immediately overcome
the spasm which COOLZSCI3I the diameter at the tubes,
and loosens and brings up the mu us. which atop them
up, and thus removes every obrirdetion to a free respi
ration, while at the some WOO all tufammailop i. sub
dued, and a curs is certaid to he erected. Hams you
Bronchitis, Spitting ofDlood, Pleurisy, or In fact any
Pubilortary AClicuon, then use Jayne's Expectorant
and relief Ls certain. and you will Ind that you have
mad the preps, means.
For sale to littabargh at the Pekln 'Tea Mora, HI th
aeon arm Wood. Jay
Os. A Film Six TX= rot 23 Cyrra—Yellaw
sad unhealthy Teeth, after being once or tvride clean
ed:with Jones' ginbee Tooth Paste. have the look and
color of ivory, and at the same time le so Innocent and
fine, that its daily no is advantageous even to those
teeth that are in a good condition, giving them a beau
tiful polish and preventing dechy. These decayed It
prevents from becoming 1•0130.4 t also Cubans such_
aa are beeembigloose, and virW render the fonleit
teeth delicately white, and make the breath deliciously
meet. Price 23 orgneedua a bac.
For rale by WU. JACKSON, 22 Liberty s tr eet, sign
of the Big Boot. sepia
Comm un Comm.—The frequent in the
weather at this lemon of the year, lomuly bting
along with them coughs and' colds, which by timely
Mardi= an tutu cared by eimple remedies. REL,-
for the lut 12 yearn, and has pined men reputation
for the ewe of coughs foot marring active medical
treatment than any ether preparation ever reared to
the eldreneof Allegheny county, The Imperial Coogh
Syrup la very pleasant' to the taste, end, et this ao
count. is a great favorite with children. The dame are
cantfUly qramtl, In the directions, to snit all ages.
That this tried and highly popular cough remedy
may be with the .each of ell, It is wild at the low
price of M' cents per bottle.
Prepared arid cold' by R. E. SELI.E.O.B, 57 Wood et,
orally I a
nPittsbh b oth einem M. Curry, Abegbromy, and droggiste gen-
Aswan Crewman to the excellence of'a
Messrs. T. Kidd fr. Co.—Seritlanwn: It is with pie!.
pre I hand thh, my certilleate, itegdfliog to the gena
lin of Fir lll'Lanat tuannean Worm Spa
elle,/ to your traveling *gent, Mr. Mama. Some time
aatgoo / received (tom him a small lot to sell= corncob
aloe. I used a few bottles io my'own family, to the
good erects I can folly testify. The halance mold to
my COJIMMIIIII, and (mend on inquiry, that it gave very
general malefaction. One... Mexwitu..
Augasta, Carnill Co. Ohio, Ja1y17.1840.
For sale at the dreg clove of J. ltll>D k Co.
The ereemive or morbid worettons of bile le
well known to elute violent disturbance of the dig.-
live organs, and bring, on malignant and unmanagea
ble fevers, which ellen put en end to life. The stomach
most be cleaned of them fed secretions, and this can
most readily be accomplished bythe use of ft A Paha
mock% Antl-Bllicras Pille, which ern • most valuable
family cathartic.. They can be glean with safety at all
times, end afford relief in a very ebon time.
popared and mid by BA FAIINEATOCK 3 Co,
earner Ist and wood, and corner ath and wood sta
Jemrs's Exrceroasert—We would call memo= to
thisC.:lllCW mount! for Coughs, Colds, COIIBUMptIOO,
Asthma, and all erections of the Thmet and fungi
Having several dote. within a few years past bad oeca
sloe to Om a medicine of this kind, we bane by experi
ence tested its excellent qualities, and am prepared
recommend It to enters. Is ten or oiler pubic:
speakers aillicted with bronchial affectimw will find
peat benefit from its are It is prepared by a minuti
ae physician, and all clams will end It a safe and el&
cameos medicine to the diseases for which hi. re
continendaL—Molumbits (Ohio) Cross and AnuaaL
For sale at the Pekin Tea 13tOre,'Ne:71) Fourth grace
tab Drmazu. is the
describe mnny a man's exkl..
once. No tongue cm the offering. caused
by this distressing dimes& It unfits man for his sta
tion in life, whatever it may be, and makes him feel
as though he would rather not exist than endure such
misery. Yet Mesa sufferings are produced In the first
place by detangenrent of the stomach, and if this were
met by using It Pahnestock'e Antbßillous PAN,
the bolvettayould be cleansed, the accumulation of
btio cirri mill% and a speedy and snre relief obtained.
Prepared and sold by IL A. PAIINPSTOCY &Co
comer let and wood, clad corner OM and wood eta.
UT Mufti , by their initadont segment the mere.
Wm of mucus or slim in the stomach; In which, id
;allay lwrolverhemselvete and IrL mid they feed
e j%and If deprived orb they die. The celebrated
prepated be IL 6.
Prothab Pavia otaMirahlY Warted in he pennion;
Ant, to mune the motet:Wm mucus, and seeonsity, to
aspel the worms rettdared helpless and tender by W..
Ing thus denuded. It Is • remedy in
Mace tante pieced; sad that h has answered the
perpose is =West from the hundred. of certificates
gremlin detour , :ja?
Bas Rama as MayThera•—Pa,navhdhave M
ikes nde twaarabty wowed that a Ss. dad etiones's
'Amber_ Toads Puce will, on ads twil,Whinnat
• Mats the Breath pate and www, •
'•• The Teeth white and Gems haft
Rentderlast it . this ones. Fat sale tig
gOli, OS Malys4sigii oldie Big Dom aeq
tr;,~e.*s'i • -, i +;Ml:;~iSra;, , ,.~."^;u.' ~.7. z!, 431c._l rz..'.'.'~y`.~.;r'"'-~
4 04 C L 14.:Lzwil
1111flanni ktiOnhua. Mum, o'll6 ehr.
on Thnnonar, nth ttevOno. Unfold.
D. D. a=fnu.n. daastuen or
Geo. Grans, Eakin*"
~. . .
Mamas; 'ae Mit Tocrazinci:Lsaeri4fl meeting
of the League will to halA.lnthti , EStth Presbyterian
Cdtesch, (Rev. Wesrs,) on Smithfield sweet. tea
rtemnse;the =blast, at hatere7o'eleek—at which
tam attic* will be taken. on business of great import
ance to the best interests of Association. Earnest
ly dashing the. consdanance anti - amoral (tithe tem
minim, and needing mush klub encoungement as the
thesenes atone friend" is nalesimed to afield, We most
respecttoUr invite the public Wanted. Jan
W. D. WAilight t H. D e DIM Watt
Oman and untldanee on Fourth ante; omoalte tha
Pinabargh Bank. Ma boars ham. o'clock In 19 At
AL,ind from 9 &ulna to 6P. AL - septaoly
100 pna CENT 11•1711 DI
11HE VIRGINIAIIITTEL, on Baltimore meat, near
the Depee„ Cumberland, is now In complete order
the reception and aceommodation of the poblio.
Persons la swab or case and comfort, will do well
to patronise Mb establishment—the y will find the
chambers clean wag nice, and Me Table as well *m
obbed as any in Cumberland, at twenty-five cents,
guaranteed as entail as any that eon be bad In the
place, at any priest, or no charge. No ebarge far
trans=lortoi baggage to and from the ears.
NEW coops all JANUARY—w. R. blear= has
kku2 a few slai d opened • supply or black Al
low miscall medium and sop= do Mohair
new style flab Prints; do Anteriean do;
black • tit Shawlai plaid long desa, neat style Mouse
de LairumPladri /add and dub ad' at 18t; aid Anxi
ety Mo th er searne and desirable goods, worthy Ins
auentlon of wishing to buy.
Merchants will find to the wholesale roams up stairs
a good meek of desirablajgooda,nt low paces. Aid_
THE thee cony Mick Dwelling arum, (o
malty occupied by URA cabscriher, on liebec
strect,in Allegheny city. )A& HERR., Jr.
joitt6if No 36 Woo" in
DTOUED PEACHES-401)6=h dried Ameba, halwas,
~JJ !mood abipplar order; for Ws by
BLED APPLES-3D barb dried Ap_klee, far sale
by Ala bPOILLS k ROE
Leati—io bids No 1 Loaf Lard, In fine order.
B UITER-10 Ws packed Bauer, 10 do roll do; lb
Ity_ jols AVOILLS 6 ROE
OW MEAL-83 bbl., (refit ground, for sale low
to close. taut WEIU.I.B ROE
FLOUR --100 Ws Flour In stare.
lus • - WOILLS t ROE
, 11 9 t . .I. 'co d; kers •o •, Ws
• •81: Roll Bauer; 3 kopßottor; lauding from
voter n
- DUCKWIEIEAT FLOOR-514gs Buckwheat Flour,
JP in store and ar sale by I tr. it FLOYD,
1.13 Scald Vhdkett &Ming
sate by H—P5 oaths p' Potash, on a a hand
no d an for
P bad J ill
ROOMS-60 don Poland Moo*, reed and for s'ate
by _ Jan It FLOYD
Rom. BUTTER—IO Plume= Butter, reed
this day and - forl by j& 1 : J & FLOyD
ALEILLTI:7B-13 narks (Ad arnel &della., in core
La and (or .ale by J. 12 l t g FLOYD
riiwILLED BA 4157--273 , dolv,6o1" - in tryj
.1. 1.11. 1 5 and for sale , J
- a. B. FLOYD
UTASTED—A Tar& :• • well Lghted, and
satiable In ether respects Yor the accommoda
tion of a Select tkhooL Enquire at this °face.
T AND OIL-10 btgY bse, Oil, No rood per guru
.1.4 Roscoe end for sale by
f LOUE-20 ML In note ZoFm:i sancas
LINSEED OW-42 bbl. we t In fine order for sale
by Jaly fiIk.LLEILEI a Nicuts
LAM-U 0 kegN Qibbis Natual s e by
& NICOL&—ou dos to w e
BUTTER -8 bblir (rub Roll, for sale by
LA RD-0 bbli jaai reed and for Ado by
DRY PEACHES-900 bosh foi We by
APPLIZ-20 bbls Lady firr On= lord sourer
sale by j.t 2 8 F " WN-11-11°B111.
QUOAS HOME MOLASSES-15 bbls for sale by
ULIt MEAT— yes Sboulders; dylr expectul
and for sale by fall HARDY, JONES ACo
COITON-30 Wes Tennarses Comm, is .to and
fd* sals bY Jai HARDY JONES& Co
BACC6-40 blob Ry Leaf Tobacco, for We try
2A UALB9 Cuba Leaf TNfara law
close. inlA,:tr
TIMED PEACHES-0 sacks Dried Peaches, au
LP hand and icor sale by
Jan HARDY JONE 3 lc Co
GROUND NUTP-53 sacks OTOUIIII Nuts, for sale b
Art /IAILOY,;ONIatt a
/.4- Co
bY 33
Obls No 1 Leaffirt
WA Leaf
MA R sal
All 91 wires and Carrera st
ll lu
CRES--293 haat dried kwL WATERMAN la stare and
- Eor ale try
ITTER—CI Ikei4 10 bbla packed - Bonen 7 do ,
Roll deg In norm and for sae tir
CLOVER SEED —Zbbla and 10 barsuietly patine
clover seed, la sune and for sale
jail L 8 W ATERMAN
MILOUIL—LOO bils prime wheal Floors do superior
Rye do, toy family use, inL
t 3 wore
WATE and
RMA for sale N
Fs‘ NUTS—ISO bush Te.llllV rel Nuts, In store and
r sale by &eta JAB Da 1 Vura,
a BOOllitl-20 dos common; 23 do extra quality; for
4 sate • 7 D W113.1a
(lONS IdEAL-33 ika far able by
' j.I FLOUR-0 Uffi c r i n o br aitio
Sew. ASH-13 eskavimk.inatity_for wee by
81 , VON DOMINO/387'N Co.
StdA bY ,mall
INHENG-10 bap Ginseng, i Man lad forbabs
ElArEat. GLOMS 4. *ems plain and Agar
ved'dd AT exPtedd and dm sale try
EAD-90 pip GalannlA4A, per ; ittr Robert Fulton,
for nle by RA C H GRANT 41 want at
UOT-10 kegs Nos 1, It, 3 and 41 . 13b0t, ay Isla by
b,' Ja3 C GRANT
S UNDNr3 bblart m La i n i lt,l ,l b i bt=ltolt
. reed per ittmr .ffrerdePor sale b
.1 •
F LOOR.7I bbla Itisay2 y Flour, jun•rTed
• A " Can. 4
" a ROBISO:q & Co
QINIAR AND AIOLABBEB4-22 hhds prime N O 8a-
A 7 bar 12 bbbi Goodshes 811 Mol•• or We by
jab B ROBIBON t Co
UM-30 MI No 3ld obbrel, Ibit sale
R RN 3. Co
TIMED APPLES—G[O Dub &la Apples p prime
T ARZ-10 keg. No I Lan!, in mare mad tby nee by
WITLAND OLL—llibbi WS Brown & Co's
l E att OIL nolo Wil lik t:lay par ar Brilliant; tad
DIG METAL —AO inns Allegheny,and 10 WAS Hang
WA Hoek, Art aa/a by
fIOTTON-50 bales cotton, In store ond for sale by
So./ ' is 4 J.AI3 DALZELL
SUG&R HOUSE glOl arrtm3-40 bbis prime Sugar
, Braise bloissare, in more and for axle lore ta close
eonsignment, by Ja4 JAS DALZELL
N7ORLEANS SUGAR—On hood, 30 Mb Wow
1 0 13agar, old crop, which will do sold tow to
O . ODA Al3H—ao oasts Soda losb, of a superior octal
1 , 7 cr. on bawl and (or solo by
deal JOHN bi"FADEN P. Co
EIAMILY FLOUR-3230b1s Pubes:as brauad Pam
,L• fly Fleas, reed ea sseadui . ament,ousd Co w sale by
der-51 wICY tide3ANDLESB
T MONS-46u for webs .
GININBEDIO-151 = a t aues Ind for tide by
k. Co, Ikons a
F Jae SATHERS-70041bs In aOlll and for oda b
. _
" PjlegY TV: "
CI I M E-414 7 ITEIr a s cow
QALTPETRE-33 bags dodo, tt on and for ode
4.3 by jab MAWR DICKEY tr. Co
CORCHED FIALTS-19 bbls in Store; for sale by
GKEEN COPAL YADMBU—ftdmra and coach,
jo in bbla, ball do, and ken. for eby
Waltdi DICKEY k Co
I NT4T o r
ind S— di.i I.
SS Sax Lirtea m, NapKlAssar ,
re dnrq , bird
RAISINS — IgT72 - 2'&1 2 ' 4 .1: 4 g's
BREAST PIPES-0 dos Bram Mom reed and for
We at the India Robber Depot o d Wood rt.
usAT—co WY Wheat,* bee by
y w &US BUREIRMA blrylk.o.yik Co
OL • ES-100 bbl Plantation ?dolmas, landing
lhacrtau Rill Columbia• for &Ai by
deet3 W►PA it SMITH
kirOLASSES-40 bbls (new crap) N 0 Aldassu, In
Ly.l. superior order, ree'd , titu day br strum Tele
geaph No 1, mi lot wile by -I& FLOY . D,
dee,' Round Minch 14^C"--
CLOVER REED-10 bbla Claret Seed, ree'd thladay
by biar Dihganca, and for sale by
dont R FLOYD
Paseama 16 do Chatmatg landlay from mar J Q
kir de by deal aa:GALEY t BBIITII
LAMP BLAlCC—thvetior Buw, bbli sad 111,4
yi maned papera,for sate by
U4l.o—thcily, in. , bagajaht leo% and for rain by
deal • FAUN/MOCK k Ca
TIROCIME. bl3ll Bier, ID bbl. white
&um Woks seemz lOC go thug 3 33 /.
C1!343335 10 keg* Lard; 424 u7
QUNDRICE4-111 taxi Oil Cake; MO lb* comma
Wook Mash dded Teach= do do dPoisi ,
' eel an d AVoils b 7
lad somsoN co
TBOATS-9 Ilosas;110 Won Sri*
Ins 4o b 7 a ROBISON Co
'BOTATOFIS—dta, bosh Potadneadast ree'd and kat
gala try jad ARAISTRoPM& CROZEII
=~~~ ~.
'',., iltuoinoN aLF.0.,...,:::
•felua D. Davlth
.Laran qf Fancy and SfroifirDvi
On Idondity morning, Jan. 15tb, laa'eleiek,
Canunaietal dales Reams, earner af Wood and Filth
streets, add, for cash currency—
bap and paterral assareneent of mall solenoid sea
sonable ilkpla atui Caney Dry Goods, embraring , new
ly all Oa variety usually kept in a retail dry pods
At lleolock
172001, d 0 L The balance oh mail smelt orgroceries nen
• gan.
dem= mho is declining Ham bch of banmas, among
*each are, 4 indtcbs.s Y H s ort
4 bra line quality V.
Tobacco, mackerel, lake BM, de-, glasnrme, c hina
apd ilnalmierare.
A general assortment of batmen:lld famlturn,l alga
eookms atoll, kitchen uteosils,
At 7 o'eloen,,
Fine tatto and pocket entleu, hardware, Jewelry,
witches, pielOie. nail instruments, German
blank books, letter and cap smiting pa
per, ready ahtde clothing, de.
jat9". JOHN D DAVIS, dent
gr:l6 itgi D161.D1
C. 5. ewer= Mauna
- 111:14EFIT OF MB. Oi6llV.
MortuaTi jA2ntaar 15, will be presented • beautiful
5 " nalind
• i DN. Tel rolootrist rumor.
Glaipprie - " Mr. Oxley.
Titus Pußins• - Mr. Prier.
Ohm:ilea i Er. Kamm
Lyclas•• • t Mr. Ron.
&vitro** ,: • ....... •Mira Pone
Rows I L _ Mira Walters and Mr. 0001i11.
)lly s.laarers F. and W. , Wood.
. To conclude: With the
window Ur. I. Dann.
Polly Pieliie Min Crliblli.
None—TA: Gamy -.rill remain closed during the
•ed timber it and ad Tier, 3 tools.:
FOM THE BENEFIT as inn Om.. 081. Paint
Canon will be given at the Lafayette Auembly
Moms. O. OriOvY nvvololti rebrofill :''. 11 4.P.....- , '
Bon. 0. Biwa. AnOliw BoosisiEeg, .
/ono EL GUMMI, • • J. J. Rooolin, . '
lons LATSO3I
FA. 1it11n..5.., Lloax. A ttrracsiz, - •
E Jaen,- Joan Boom. ,
Wa. B. bracmconive, Jr., Mon EXIST, ' '
/ono Ammo, ti-til,Caraturrede r i
C. Boone:non, 11. Humus.
ED" 'rickets can be obtained from Lbo M00.11 0 .‘
, • denTO .i
ALL patio. interested to the opening of Pike street
from Hartigan street in the 6th 'Mud to Allegho
ny street bi she Otis Ward, AXE hereby testified sthat
PeOfasission for the extension °Judd street Ls
now deposited In the ofilee ofshe ftecording
fat public atuninstion and inspection, u cf=lbj
the Onlitrwiais =tided "An Ordinance , for implying
the higher parasols crib. city with Water and for oth
er passed 11th day of June, It and the
relating th ereto pused 113th dity October,
1848. 5 • IL. E. lirtilOW/N,
. .
Extract from Section 10th MOM act entitled Act
to inthorise milt to be brought apon the add Bond of
William B. blitM ell, taut bapertotondent..
".aad anomaly or cnnteramf ground lying on the
line of such areal,' lane or agg mho shall consider
that he, ate, or they, shall -ender damage from the
opening oo widening of the woe, may apply by pen
non, to the next Coan of goartor Santora of the dam.
Vof Alle • COY.. jaatiltar
Partnership 'Notice.
IHOMA.TEENNEDY, Jr.. corner of Wool and th
walnu t . , has Nis day associated with Mut id the
king Woo. and Variery_bunnesa, Ala JOHN M.
EIAWYER, of Manaus, Ohla The firm hereafter
will be KialrliT & Smarm..
January It 1131 D.
111.01taS aria* re. X.llitTiL
• igiirailEDT SAWVIAII
bOOKING GLASS Idanniaetruors, Amt khaleale
dealrs; in tennis ant danterde Variety lloodn
Yestent eterelnutti, Pedlars And others on limbed
to eel and examine the Mien end quelity °fear stock,
nu Led e yr p bt se enlety h a y rm s th i nki o
e n In
so ;rent
indutemenul to buyers so on other not*, west of tho
tdatustaino Jasdtt
10 ACRES OF GROUND shoaled near the
Pittsburgh and Ontettebergh'Tonipike, 31 milers
horn the city, and idiNning the Allele:le=
et.el7, on which erected• I*rge and' well
two story luickthwelling Hodoc, togettutf with stables,
canine booms, in. There is: she on the premium a
largevanety of huh trees, soda sprhsgotrunisnat ex
cellence eonitguotti to toe dwelling.
Also—One three end one two story brick dwelling,
situ Li
sted on liberty mi. betties:it' O'Hara and Wal
nut W. 1.,: 01/t Ward. ' Tent :moderate. Enquire of
lel3 WhL TCLINO,I43 Liberty el
subscriber, having the' . exclusive Agency for
the Printing raptrr 4sf snail andeatenaive
paper chili in this trill 'be times wail imp
pawl with the &Cereal s I epaper of saperiar gent
ry, which we offer at the lowan regaterprieea •
Ally dm, or qisallty will be nianetbstered to order at
short netted - 13:EnZI1.D8&418ZE„
earner Penn and Irwin us
itnizolearm ,
°sinters Prrq . 4sau COlealff -
• , Jemmy 8, leiSt '
Trim Trustees ads. Fittobtitylf Ga. Csimpany have
this day declared a
n , dvidend of Peer par at
ativ Capital /hock paid i, out ef the yrairet the last
air monthaorldidi will be p i lid Stsckbelderwer their
legal repthsentithres forthwth '
t. JAMES 14:11111112T1r, Voisurkr. ,
-1.7 10 cosh Pearl doh, primist 5 do Potash, do;
23 bblo *caroled Bak;
ShhdsN O! now crop;
, •25 bbls " dloloi ugar,
20 sOgor Law d 0 100330 On.Eloop;
'WI boo Ch; mould nanaccd* 10 Mgt No dice Sow
11 ;wild Tobo,Tlime; •
MI b kess osh Oknor Wed; 50 aptlmenky
10 kegs Lazdut bbl dos on hand and ',-Coo• sea low
for tat. D Jan ?ASSET BEOT
'MEW BRITISH PRINTS, :4O.-.4Nr. IL Murphy has
}an redelyed a lot anew style brown and whlta.
BALM trials, ves7 bandsamd,!areivoll'by hue osam..
at.' a; Undo' larta moment of choice atlas
imeribui Phi:ll3,llam bolorloind low picas:
black Cob Shaw* of views q supply
MackA ve l
t d. accaa, law Weed! and laa—a vat 1118
so • • ,annd lb law prizes far quality. • JatO •r,
11, Elmaxe Josisoa,.4s Jetsam greet, laths
tho ancatio4oetrayars tothet choice sick of French
cloths and quuties; .olss, tiouy cassfamos, cud
mares, esate sad tweeds, villa they . ass zow of
Ceram mush; below tho trm Mess. . .
j..L - A THREE steny Dwelling =Reath, between
and Li wee now- eeennie4
WebVaol Marste en lngiee l .
__l_4ons coosqazr,. ,
A.lTOuriisY AT LAW, roust_ street, betwtstr
.141. Smithfield and Gnat . j 11.14500 ,
• a 12232 3
47; i • 0 0 , , 2.11i35 7 n;'
Jost reoWo.nd for ode by ' •
• RaItSOLDWit.SHI:F, •
' ; , :cot Nair *rot trorin
POWDER—noo kers Flaming Powder,
• • 400 WI" daßnle do.
i 300 " •do ; -
le las conferee do do "
coB bbls Flak for bhurdnit
tonal sod mill be delircrod to cre,r merchan
la cam total de& jabo 313 DILWORTH it i ts
t PAPER— 1 .
P"100 reams tine Beak Papar,lostli - - •
95 "j a C " ' leas; wiry homy, .
VS " ; medium eoland Re.-elope
' 50 a ' Martz Paper 19937; just ree'd sad (012
sal. by jllO JOHN HMELLOII,I3I"rt99I
der* Day are selling 014 imatoices
a large usottmant ofsaperlinolUanketsi. domes
tic Blanketiflow prlced;Va asso rt ment oco lored
Flatmate; heavy stoat= Long Maw* bernr_
Tartest and blimket Sim , hed
5UN7717.1E77-3 tads No 7 Lod; 7 kap do arc aLaka
flazated; d'dir Feadier; do Yarrt Bans; IA do
Mao &Lag 41 do Chestnuts:to arrive; tor. rala by .
• IMO ISAIAH ALCICSYda • front a
WAIITICDA Lad about It years al age, to sr-
V". lend 14 a Drug sum. .03fe who has Aad some
eriglrlarle• is the bosun woeld be preferzed. Apply
at Ws Oka! •
'FOR am.s.—rae good and ridr.
.otaadal slum tow AMERICA if, cd. I
Rood for sale on accoorcoodatbNi
I C _
aI7FICIAL 'FLOWERS...BmM, & Johnso n, Aid.k. a , would loons the attention of dealers
and others to their sato:Wye stock of Entootrimd
Arnorteanp*lnial Flom" ortdolt will, be cared at
eastern pne dee",
Scam Cot sae by ,
OLDEN 11YRCP-1n bbla,'lfbblVold 10 Ong*
lcoysi toy solo by
bbLs 13399 No ; JO . in h bow by
453 rater sad 93 GO tat .
B .
roll', La good shipping
order, joat :OAP/ad and ramie by
lad • BROWN k CUL r. :ON
L6llll-110aed1 Leaf Lint, in pod snipping Oder;
la just need H n ned and for tide
s skilitnEntsorc •
L INSEED 0U,415 bblo Eavies &
io6 I .11 ROBISON & Co
P CI TIIT °"" /=lll4 e o ratnAlb7
papa ROLL NUTTER-4 Oh, a prisita ankh.,
aza Rotsaliliry
HICKORY NIITI3-1.2 bblainit tee'd bad Gat tale by
FATHERS—ipo Mt prime Ey. Soo' gees. Fkoth
Flllrll, fa items and fors solo S
o jaa JAS IIUTICHISON ak,. Leak ma) Ms War &
VI; dertAr
riINSENO.44I:IO. Glusarti, ks mon. and fat sae
kir jail JA841.11UTC1111,30,1 Co.;
DEFXNED SUGARS-650 bbby large and'arasil
' loaf; trashed, powdered and elviand, to core and
tar safe by jall Jes.elitiTcHisorr, Cq .
Jail Agana 91 •; • Biala Ita Maler, •
1N8: OW-14 la wimp AllMn' OdA d ji •
delved .14 d for did° by
e 9 4 • ROBISON &Vs.
TJUTTI6e• —46 kern pddr. Bauer far tale by' .--
porAToo3-34 trbla fahi Nadannoek Pot*.
duet •
dci • NO &C
S tad liontwevgl4.) ailir rlls iti . nse`4 ,
b deal - IT EATON it Co
10 mgrAL—etioas
, sad bar Web deal. MID
r• •,•-•• • !Au ••• • ~ 12.• ••• • •
___•• 1' • .
,62 arabs - racirto a caohaa
72 17.917 " Pl4llllarlGVZ sie %EL
Tur laza sad camas b-11CLUDed•
KIDD& sad tor
as sale
;•i"_. , ;:I , IL4OINTEASI & riTTsuuson
Lft: war knewe &al* aplendld eaateater*
. is atm nomposed of the largararthats
ad falstishesli aler= tstate
fatten of the' Weal: 'Eve 'ae tionavio.
fort that money can proeure, has beep provided hn
tenet. Melina hae been in setnet.tatilf4f.klltta
—ha. tarried a million of people vrithoat the leant.
re to their venom, bossi Wales at the lel
Wood street she day erwricate to`auteingt kte &ev
il" of tr th. chrrefteteettztea on thew
Cues the mums motley samba its
evrirolY PACKET.'
itts ISAAC NEWTONOCapt cti• Misof
leave PittstatiA ginTY 80 411 3 nanattee%/P,W.
The morioscuatEa.A, c,ape siuq: l ;l lasigt.
bane enerldeattartaotaing at /0 a'cl . trek; 'nag
every Monday gammas at 10 r. at. '
The 11111038N1A CW.-,1/ • • ••• •
leave Pituburgh evetylttiodar =rain at 100
Wheelie/ ever, Tosaley erelong u 10
The NEW, ENGLAND No. St, Vag.
leave PiAblersh trfe.rt_Vil._tanced .thw ay ..„L ia
e'eleek; Wheeling ervlT
TEII7BIIDAT P.ll.43kaitTii •
The=JAM, Capt;l:anct, wilt leans in.
burgh crony Thunday morning at II o'clock Vinfing
omT-Ttriunday mains at 10 r.
T 66 cUPPER No. Copt. Camas. wallet Ira itta.
barer every Friday mortung at 10 6 ) . c10t4 Wimala
eteryPriday evening , ;.
The MESSINGER, Cap. 8. itts3o, writ Heme.
burgh evezy Satani,y morning at 10 o'clock
even. iltuaday evezuzi ALIO T. t
• lila.
Leaves Phlaborgh daily, at a ohlOck;ii. 2 4 WAIT
timid Glarsmontb of th e Sandy end'llearee
nal,' at 2 o'e and New Lisboa at It, same night
Leaves New bon ate &clock,. P. IL, II
um canal to the Tin t daring .llight.iaa4.Gyogp
at It oklee.k, A. •ht., and &mace at Pinabrogh
IL-apes making a .eanthmees-line for. esnyliaret
congers and freight between New Llittentrallrit
burgh, La shorter date sad at led rates Iheatrym
other roam..
The ptoplietors at tide lane have the glottal% of
fmmtwr the:radio that they hare fine dolt two grit el
Canal Boat. , for the secomatodation of pincag , p i
freight, to ton ha coninection with - the' Well
guinea CALPFI CO; 8 mad nnAvtat,-and
-logreV.Dissgeer, with the Pintburgh end'. Cfat
tutu and other ding lines of ointment delartirthe •
and Idlsalesippi risen. The proprietors pliaggs
seises to spare en efpeate or !wellies. Wants
fort, Witty and sad ask of the pnbiltin
B. HANNA, & Co.
aryllaf Hammy qtr.: ra7,.
NOTIBB-tThe 'teenier lliEdiVt,C.t.ttsibtio
tar, will leave alter Ude nertice, for Wellsville a.
ally, at 9 &elm/the the 'nothing. ,t)
Dafl Packet Lbw,.
FXBRUAiIIt 111, 1818 ' FEBRumliel 184
The folkrwinst new boatzsiPlete
tee line lbs the preiimt seep AT .
LANTIC, Capt. ' Duties PsaStigt
ALTic, Cap L A. into* twig
paIANE, caps E. Barmen.. The beats ginpuref
maw, and we Ana-m epmay *Warns regard to expo. Ev
ert? totalla tha ran macaw lax VAZIAtiL
The Boats Will leave •• • Moneagahela *I
lbe foot et Raw at , Pauengers will be Wad ea
heart as the boats Will eerttenl7 tents at t
deed home, BA. M. awl 4P. ill - - '3 1112 T *
'llr plendlat v riptiaw
I , :tran d moor ,
art fie ;tat ittlk*
day, the tedt toot at 1 o'elot k.
For *eight et apply ott beard. , I „MS
And 110e.lixail Intertuediapm, and• . •
Tim fins mama - • J ...
master, will leap b. above
is virery Taesila7Afp3 iecloek, A.
x. 'or f _hi or. •ass • s..lyan bad. -detlO.lm
Tn. splendid newteansitr
Bu~l.r master, svileasi for abeam
teraiiiiaus pis an, Sltruday,
last; at ' o • 4,
FFoset P I TA , Riitllseaks
DGE,, 11.130 N ato•
&can B 'JlLTst't=t42lllll',
/martian - mincitipzer.
• 84t. ,
• • • reati ' atestiutiAlVar
4.8,71V-edSmq9:!MPUI",I6,4M r 4 tf 14°14
/*VOW - otkaard: , •• , ..
• • • • cliSuL>•••••-'
Webatisourielarii leasersgilarty
,Wire e l icerferPranudat
aelatir ••• Piiday, is 10 a'elastpreelaely r
Lease TilietbssorirjrTaesiy,.Thiusday Sa
tirday lu t=:2 4 l7 , l 64o, -
Bossy setteasiditim t fax
Ibristad Wary of rep Si pica grin , Tie
boat xi ed 'St a fehsettig agent guard ter
'="l' tO "
fette tarstar‘ Isfand ' d sta._
-- --
rAtersuaowenbouet — mix rAc—, —...
.., ;„;,--- iv
The new eid ereneld leetpassen
• "fttGRA:PII No.llo
'lan' Loalsellieto n e er nedity Wil obbtekb ' thef., f" CIA : In- 10
, o'clock, A. AI. For note oneenge 1 9104. on beerd.
4gilL s
- 1. , U.; ',At •CM:ka TEVMPFR4M
t s tmer ymn; ienereloolevillie•Alr New
O°. lorifel of Itlemehlf Dr. - ,P
r o te. .. YiiPtt.ent+l4l' 4 ' t* #!. W .P a re4 s / r / 0 •
• EIVPIZOIIII' W -4 . 9- "OX-ietalkle -
•-, - ~. , ' , . ., . .,, , ..e.,1..,-:, ~, :;.4 1 .-'' ',, '
.1...,,a/U/113110, Rad rausildinAlary
_, : e . .. , (raneenonmeogi.f ft
: TnIAZZ .... , DAN)37401N414_ , our:
i r t - wiff - 7.47., - ...thir oo h the rrin thee- A a Lia t
.en leire - Plulanellthil datly' Nit the
O lean
' Cbenthenbcthrond .I=. - Menet b'r o lirak6c with.
thlef nr„bbrees,l - nuntneday and A Id. . -4, 6"rei1l be
PfeßnfelPO AyerentliDCO lbs. !relight OaDly.', A ly to
.'.D LEECH tz_ ,Co 'Pi
- - iiillAß6lB4 - eLTECII,-
, ' onytO," No 13 Saadi Third Street, Pldtadetphis.
/Plasmas crutissikOrimallo trim
..xl)rg v 04 a ILL ca AND rrmintrium.
- - zr T Ito a, 6 di c g .1:It ...
gefirai4A6 et ilnusi. 4
.. . , • - Tomornik DuNeavca"
4,.. viorzy . W ult i te l , M: slo llk•
' & Amu,
- n0v1.7 , '-' 47 Ltibt ttriset: Ttliaora.
Y:l l oo.4cti , ,A.m.aavrvao.ariAlii) Tam
cram.. ,t
ICEWOrailitONTradWiie Itive* iaNelf elm*
A and we ON
itikrioatd *lrAiizettd , All 4144
&rfin# , :%&'& . /1, IcTrein rum—. .
, • 11.0131140144/150E&Ilb.
oes3l ft South ChnICS St; .Itifil4oll:4
~ I
. ;:'.1848-'lllli f a
':, '
e ttlP PE. ll3. 'ssittothesiciire , lainuuse.lB4l44 l . Lim
Q coatinats to row daily. irsocham luadrctu t ,
rivenitited forby ?WE DilT 1.1 Cre Ass w alr-
Auk at tow We* imil_i_vecta • qw..„: , ., -
•,:-,,. •—, —„,I A kiuMEL us
u9V1.4.,:-. : 41 74 1 4PPP1# . ...
- Pialiali. luink ouzo Iar,ILGAWS.I3II4
AN''' TO - 1, -7°' /1 0,
....!r', - - k. -- 0-vc`,
. • -..i :•,., f.i . ,-f , , , , , ,f,, , ,x, : -.,
. • 8 ;:;r•,.;cf:L.E ,-. .1 1.7-_1 ...
'",‘, "Prrtssugda AND flinriOEL . 4 .
'il boob tbalfscrkSll4l lin' An, hUitt.
.Auvrtuumer=fr leutt.Ntliftentudirir2
Co tit It , narLsettillll'als!mtlk i _ t ri Eas . t2
aulzbeisbu ZßlEß l rrilAW, Austnusta P
LEWIS & qUIPRp . 2 1P bh,.. yt** a.
iiiew ~ :- - ' , Pbuiftibbia.
ninsbazis la.:payees -Wotan 412141.,
.. 702x1),OP?!,.rj*tli
- rsrrEIMAK/ti AltlVin
via cessiamertiott. -
11136.1Ps trijElialvs*PSll:4lplairdliglniohtall
Walls to Chatattersbatik istitasest.wit i bt .. h .
ar 6,4 and ham zelays of bones Tana ll day sad
night, wimp Um dettalle elitteeko( &Dods in Five
usyai • Ito mots Goodewlii)smtaceaved AO can ba•
loaded no eack den sadist az dgla r m w . oww.
w i
wai be prepared to (meant GUI be daily.
Apply lo -•. : - -—•: : • cWiILiGHAM,
Camel Basis iusbotrh•
HI NUHADIkr - knocx .
. .
AR IRI Alsact *roe& Phila..
.. ...
- ELVA4I EiThrtal "extairti—FTP
' JAYMIL—'This eagnAin,laal failigedhclztf
Minn anefidlid Watt, arho' died - ate le
Mambi.lBl;i Wail akentlele *fib ent
or Liver Clalnt, and inn
aiseassethag tor km!, ysaratinas ansible -111
sty basuanshsfau Same: es sbroft‘lble_in
mon dn
ihba maned la bet 'Duna , s , "•`•
gat moa' gusuldsnea
mutat a m seethe] neao 40,1441mmt of
W Inmost re ceinng say !meal ta ms
JsiheSS,-1 casenteneed - caking - ,Pr.40 , • Bl• ' -
411 n i : ksvaisk In
en.lbeza me; ay t gessytt ,
. ssit ate: it,l
y4sa y arsi by. pose:y.lo4 their`
sw,consalste theirad I . tagraTK Wil acti
*ld begaliC.T.bstrass Oat/ones 0.1114a1 , .
*ld Expz.p4t. T .,4,. but tassitY n"" rn
reta - riniiptintakt, or.eoeolatr, ti• Y., =A
t.zosargranwiainftaftrnatere.rlin so.:7l4.•eral42oHtfolact,
semoan thietentfiets Ka tie bea
t& of shwa slatted. • - IiJAMICEATON.
B Prinizia. N. Y., 80 1 . if3V,
4 - ' ' ' ' ' ameatMlits4 l o l rit I/
107114 ilnannelmiandthera4MMA/droar smoke
!spasm, ye meow, %ratio 'maths men,
=A. 424 Ow nag DM INHOia 21 44 ACT.
Tack L aaaa, are dead
n i gni 41 4 ,024,04411 131 imman
en* and are tamable atonal - mar Rae ... b.
.-. , A 'I -'' 4 4 " '' ' peleatetnale
Ttrivr atEcEnnlN: • gilanaia
d d,, d , dm, cAteeviciutoryof Nun & s aut Y., =4 61 b f
ocume, i'l , ! . got!_p.ow o6 d;l l :itietlegszit es.r
vane Of adWirfwilt filtOpijrn ititad Acucar
Mesa ye. 7 agianier Masao will be sold at asaaa
° W ig "' El Cam,
Sale Agatetfaz Maws is Ca*, 1