I , ' "'', :41`1 yi •iiiwiii,E6T A RI4.F.WW 1 pt, :fitsi•lnts• • , Itiguel444? Rev , wel o - A - csOzEstegaidaloi ofelttlAle _MOWN . . .e. i la -q.k , L „.._,___ .., z i, gn lI MPHPIELS; /216.1711,:"PhAilafin 'to • 1 jak Goods, GrooaTies, Boa% Plow, Pituborgii din I 1114 ,isetaird 11361101( %ellidepp7. rtnat, P' • ..,) , !;•(: - A , .• -iit lialenVinoieftro lied •Estial Dr* 10111StaLUMMIsoda. Mir arsetirPuls• • 1 44 ." 1....1":.•.".'bzi , t. , 5p - .4,E: :,ii ~,, mayl4 i 1 - •41410WIPIt Atbsleager.aredaii• P_Fia 41 • 00 . 1 ".k..M.... . ' l'rftlai .'; • 4.!' . . igArliti A:. F. IN Jr.C.;3l7ltoleede .I cs , maDvitnists. trowitiVood sad ath Tn.' • ITV -sn.a.toads Orognerlalliil _~. ~~ , ay.*. • 1. - Tssit:l:l4 41 &Medea • •• • TIOARPOB e rInibVO •00: , C5hi , V. , .%: ,. .-at se.te, • . 1 0Tity l t r ite4 4 0 . tientrth'aittltdkettall, COT.' •!. PtitalniewPar ic6l7, ei Fll'llll4l.llllol[l-Tilliditdden, . 61 =' ' ! ••::, •7- • - sisGricaric dim And 2.1 HA.w . d IporgierNit I.l.LA•ncr . .44,W,0051 • rC. e !•••••Ad. • bares. :t .4.mA rJ caws =dill:il • ,m+ s,- ` 7l- `,;," , dd.niptilzsel Yens; gndliVerkliers , •••• Stzendry,KAVlWndtstn P3bligl l L !.: ,•• •• • •t or taken in trade.: ,T:nilt,l3CllootidLinit • ••• 1 Oirti Sfit • dird.innOdilphdd 6l2l lnd'AV ntites,7lnalto4k.'' :" • rarISTOS,&-Ir.MClTOludfonknallers; ' ne suA-Vaparldkongtencrtenh , IR Memo, Pins: rl dAtd4Wsd4'Wbolediate, (Mow— denlo ,Or • Ir ibi gg. AbM 4,4101, 41/taP .. .... 1110410 & rarD, jig* J.. MIA ay), • -. ISA OtocersirisartLinen7 meta: , •_. _ . AME 23 DALZELL,WhoseIa Grocer, MereJaz, lad ,duler I. Produce sad : r ..1.1.1311 War= itt, rutagnrs- .igua c„ • "'" 1( . 1E11.6 Jo Dealers hlZ,Forwasal¢g and thaws in /Waal and nub a^ wed wades, Canal Bub, lie with 'V - - ~., frvis:DALzaz a ce..ozis,uszi is lin . wid,}l,o,44_llallatkpa- Liat 0 C w • • ' 1 e rr. r w.esuiciath.wwv.! kaossfm4a , , ' ..IN ' • Ciasaildoillerebass, Dealer= SKI ""t • 404:00wAliteot .114. 1 .- * 4 agar Wli laml iai 'Wbaisslo Grocer; l• • r• • ; • .. 121 1 67;•dft eat 'O . 1 •PralalMik lissagietrlas.l.l,scal 33 iAs 013ditiMMORP02. L. . -, ">l : • , '" - - - ' ..„..iss.waroisa. yams v • ... Arm atitos,: • l7*-ailfii - is. v aka Mett: IVIt lIRrI4IIM fikilli_RPHY, WILSON t W.,(l.36Jases, s' - ••••M•-.ft•rilislossle•Dallen - lw•DerOsed*. 431 likautuirx.niamstr.r <. aa. .1: .: x :: AY - Era ii . :,1 1 1,2,314,- fur Thie saila 7 pun ti t, moths 3 11 ./..t.xe, , - .us - allecen,•• - •. vier. msem. .....„ ; i a ,Alk.cf +; wcoti nia skA ' - I . lie aFq, . .., . ."' '• • .1.1414de; as. ~ ..-• ! - —n- * d ..ll 4' d ' • ,161:1 ; 2 ViikliitillSON., - oißats* . - • WV I'. .... ... ••••• iffrallatirbP4e Ortg L . ":... . 0 Vf. , 1,6%.1u. , 0.7 --,,,, • •••• . ' . ' 1 ! • ,''''-'7C • •L'• •.. 'No. 6541dastat st., sac ••; ... ~• sl o vresitepysanhi odealars in Fireftra - .... - 4' -• ' - - inijorUclulAtei_POWAlezikr. = ' _. - ,;,-...., . 1 1 7Al lt n ef*E 1 - V;ig.iitlirtig s csiie' ' l' ; ,K vv i r siff,..i.' • -0.4•04.1 , '.. v • oaroLAsiat.itog Otrittglall . Min' I all a fall • 1 Ve ll a • . f. iiinnol_ =V:A br, ;Ili t ntViinn ~ • , • ,T - - , - .4..-initiliiintt - 41107•Einarniler• '- - ' - . ." :' 20.1 1 1 11 4et. *,ooW4Vbajoilmocer,, Recur -....1 - fli.ti usual WOW in - Pmda ce; Pittitnnsii - .‘ • . i • - Mit t i Olis t rii4; . --•:•.: '''-=...- . _ . .. -,• ~. •- ~ %.4:4`.. , . . gym s ',. .....----,•-• - ..........•..-..........;_, - . .. id , ,c ti. - i 12,1 _1.4.: ... 1412 ... 17/ • . ..,,a, . eft', ''''t: '. ...twE li vis.oAliith ,- 4• d t _ ::- VlCilktu9AßD4Wl6teaulii ibidliciallPeSar in •manithletilllnionini• Shoeninknisi Tans and. , . 1.. _ •!iTaitUnnionnia -CiakrY Too*. and Taman • „ 2 -- '• - i . and Conninsion IllarehlmOnniplialets In ' nii. • 7 tio . " l . - f•'.••.•• - - ,i.:,?KLAAbiens - 14: - R 1 1 • • , in - • , • •':. - ;.• . =Su* C. 0.,... Wade. , "!- -n, • w -, i • OnibieniMi and Milnitd illeirelltftni.i . „,,„ _., -'neirlyinatai7:"."—.4lllL • 1147 •,... ' L .. ; ktp...1'..,t ~. • .•.:•••. .f.'-: . .1,• ,0, - , t.:•. - , q,, , ,t1 ' • . • -TN.L , PU . 'Moileilitlo' - Oteteer, • ‘,7' - t . - 4 ' 4171°4 4 1 1Kr_ LiPiNgseTileii . flit _ -c--•.a. -- j. imitz.vd. - s i s old . • . , 1 451',. , i 'hi ril'i• • no, lin ea Allinliert , r. - r - -- - ',1..1.- es,- Pindnea, Pi - • .. -i... , ..' - f- ... .... c L .. tuteettiAdei r ,telsiiiiiiiikee* tua..0. 1 . r. F .4111, , . atkelotnirednpan &IM klxiko • , •'• -WIMP, Wbolemils4=rlii tarwifrasaritiltabiata!_twati4 4, Ig:4l4aalcsevoli, Wool U Ilithwe irelurtgAlaittirovinttant W jilarao 2 4 l 6 }U. a Water a, PULL rli, •4:e 4 Wbolesal•Ototai en . 1 JAPPVtimixes No.lloinakei CasPIEN Nor*' Philadiaphlia - - , • , "1,/ • =lLOdnes P;Ciftta,llllllo7.4lD. "rE. _fig Tn a ger Cop' WIS MINI " gd OUL U ' ' , 1 ":' 37 : . . 71 1111. -- 4: • . 3T ,y MANN' ;Loom ,; '4l O1 1 11 , .ratro'' ..4 OMIT. & co; tivcs~ )I fq lff 1"41.111 and Coeseniaa Me of Frottitjad COM LION' , ...,111,:nrimarm%ecciTT' - lans,Ritail=detsuir. W . r... 4., . 144 ..*:Boarsilaciermiopoi•CO 4 ' 1141 V- kio , a- : or I. .....N:aveitretithausdlUdgilla , , a MOO . : 11,7q*n vac. uterri'‘ . p ,.....eri : :-Np. 15 . • . 4 ' '. , A4111113 9 . - tt I li : , i , -. ff M.' .::;• 1 1 ; ,,5i *ik ." itial , 4l; l A °44 4 64, „., ) ,,, i. . ;Nl , It ts si V4r to . . a . 4 • .- .. PP 1/4 cams* Yelli.willjaileto4. - rcintwwww.mm.oßmoxi - 0.4..a, .. ,Jiiit,,.:.,.....,.. , .....,_ , , .4,,.i y..,lnsil Y ..,' , ,r, ii r, ~, MOO 3 010 i. , ‘ , ,i : ,rr Z , ..3 , 1,,, , . I:4llrar i irtili ,-.. .f.,ECZWCANDLP3S, Onsesesaors va it•A J• l4 . -ICiab ? l Viledesalribuclitsir, . !..1 AlathiuntodesielariamispNifiri i 6.6.1 4411405Mintaind,P gmtany, I.,r,•mi DOPMEWOAVeId asil'AVairwanelso I - • E., SW 10 1 " ' --- t:',77:74lret.' 4iia;tol/76 - 11214 .''.. g:P 7-'' = "^". ein rt one,. • it, - 4 te 11- Nl * „ 4ll4"Asqlo,l44cAllie'nab: I , lso.4 Exa 4.. 441,111 M, I , I! . ' L Ir2W" TIMID! "Desk , be - .Woe.- ,-I..twirosiospew Lomas an `' e etee-IFinsilYanilin , eed D=ld Ptramavakilk use mut otillutaiand Ancriti - ;iZ&i2;A tAA.,_,,A,....--t; lrArilGa NO:iiaZa SA 4 PIGVI p 4. it, iif:l6CM4 k coy— Dee=m -. _=...i, , : ,"7 - . .., ~ ~ _. -•- 1 .",,, ..1,, • ~ ~ ~ ~,o, i .3., At t. t •v, yio ,I 1::= t.' , :,..." , , ~ _, ~,. - ' - ‘• • ,:th'. •"“ t `.,„ ~, i i i - ,,--.‘ "'"Y. - , ~,..,.,, ~ lA' ' A ~ A, 4 A-A. 41 A 4 ' j.G.1".64,-',1;.1.1n.,V,4 1" ,,,Ci-_,A-A5.4.4. n . , ~, ~. J . , V., t Act( g ' ''. , r. ' 4, Wft•Z; ''''' 'll '';''iol..-:A A , v '''.' t'l' i ' iqi. ' " l C ' e,,4 -t' ttli , ''''''''''' -. I " t -2 ' ' r . , Isr IA mvra..: 4. 3 . 1 " .`' 4 ";;;.,.1',, ..;.• cl.rs 7 5,,,,,,,,, .... . . ' •.4 I - .-t- , -- ,,, . .., -, ...-,... ~ .b< " -:4 " 4 '':7'.------ff-7 --:7.-11-7-7 - j:- - f-' .----' I t . tii. ~ . , J "' - c 1 1 . I •- 1 -,......-.. ..:.4.- , --._t ..,, . --- - , ..:" - }-1,-,- .t.,- - ..4 - 1 - -,.'.4.4",. i_• 1 1.11 . ..- - '''''' ---- ic , i -,, ',2.- ''." - - z 1 ; .-I . ' .-- t ; - 3 -- '', ;•- .. _ ' -...../. ~ ..... ~..c..,-...---- --- --' '- --`.--' ' - 's " " .a-,tea,.. —--' -- ---- 4 .i% 1 - - . ," " i •-- '; - ;., . - ' - ' -., , ' '.:',.- ',.., , ~,,.„,,,..i.v5......--.-4-----.o'' ....% n-......... , --.....„..4„,,...4.----..... 4 g ...7 ...............--.......,,,,z4, --,, .-, , ,,,,,,,0 - ... , Z.,i -.1 . .I.ILI i• r • 1 t @lija slate* 4 4;44 rva Mai Axr• o'ilirltinto2oNesaleat# TT V'tees•biPtodeeeaen; Nalle:01401. AM 4 to. , Sirgti Ilestahemes•leneill4,lNrl):llte ;burtt..._: •. • • • • dee" W!teiteirfPwcyti=d e • • • * T s ife=tna; idectoeli 'es re • 4 _ ited. • • A i % 'WM*, ortrutud :a comer.or Post Wee env • • ; e!etwinte on las mu Market ' 11:3 -- prii._TICONtiEND,brogicrt ilk Apo • p.'ls blawhet st„ three wry Own Third st;ttes , ./yrritaorili harp constant/1j on hirl_h met% 2 0 ,41 %A alewsOclateithe..best oLtioliwojaollotou, which ir lar4l;ew, the pays. reasoosbha tem. Plalakian b . 6 VOROPUrAteltded to, awl so 11. 1 erittiansetes they eon rely's/au u mutts. • ril. rr "yeas.Pres4ductions voill be acesuately an • glityaMfotot tho bed einlerialt 1 / nay 111.4.1 x 4 ,1 .: or 410.; •• ' • • . 7 410 far WO,' lair Wiwi . .1?lh and pod Pe • 44MapplUaN3*.w000sr, PIIII3IfURGEL CONTINVECNIWWWIMICIMI imamento, Burlaf ,YlailsOWNl•Vll,SlC4 6 4. sl antel Piece; •.INSURANG& ;;DirlavalstivitlyvAraxlitituccE 1:1 , 1iN Jr.,:,!=larlborglt for tOrr Deb ItrArattro !Waal 8.21 7 • St arilrel .. dcaccl= laud Mei= Nal. r:;11 trolls o ° l . imagoes .of orearelaoaken op= . mar favorable • plyrOlEee Au Me Warehouse OW. Lt. Haim &Etna , 37 Water, near Alarket envoy FLudlurstr.: . N. 8.-The serene of Um Cot:Tally mow AM oval , - Ushment of the Agency In this ettykera. the prompt- Was mad laberalay anth which every derma upon Mon' foe Icaudlalibbaehr sdianadalDE "WWI the- agent in tirearting/the toad:nee and petit:amp: othlerneuda add'. 'tom wuntiotnaty st largo -to Oa Delaware. 4. N. Ittalw Mum Catermay, whet. st hat Me aridomeal adv es , unnlenlatten amen` the moat donnshing MPhil ,paiswase rummy an ample punka wind, arlue,hly the • lopametan of na ehartar arnanajlat • Ersidburto eamtb pawn. tamed imp-dap sharp Alm • Irma* of Me. company, wnhoet inv i gdenurA ,F = re i = r e• I. =MM i re ., 4l4 , 6bitazioas tORi add in ib namtrattraddve Snipe • pay- 1 .an YE= AJELCEEAVEM Eliiiihuo Tom' insuirmett Cpwaitarty acHotlkArdtritpli tapmegVi 12. pa duly,aruhormed Adm. the, an to Apa , Win kttpennanstru andbpsited Ipeartudy tin , ear Nut u..ieuuts, .04untOtt,?00 rutLeM Rinse. - • •Ai.ai..• Cans TRW* ntIX - • vitla:ries Taylor. Anal, TV,Jouee, , , Ambnase Width . 1 Edward Minh Jacob Df. Tbiedlias, ardor ktroarn, John IL Negr Jobtainum, Richard W4cd• • Mamas E. Cope, , Weld, naIXOS4I P , P- µh,. FmWes Hoakens, Banmellimoks, 9...4,tradn ALlbene ARTHUR G. COFFIN; Pra m, _ ' Elzasllestislan, Seel; f • 'T. This Mahn oar= immentoo CoewanS Jane United. -Sam, barmy been chartered twin* eherner perpetual, =dews high inandrog,lenur eapernmes, =Eta udreas,aad aroolow an data of an extra bar, anima straws r, is may be cortarderadm edam.' Wu por setunry to Me pnbLe. • , Al At Ms Lornutorr of Atwood, dime* A- Co., Wa r and Flan arse ts Puna. rah • ...73 IFILABILZIZIE-WISSICINSIORMNOS CO. us Plitalls Vhclannuase.Csimpaay, of Philndef. X.. phis, ten! make Inman:me, pensand Waned on every description of property, lit tab sad the suiroanding coun=y, en Carombto This cum. mIZa perpotaal Moaner.` • Stowe Path in.. C omingen 'Mal • • Clnee'ea t, raer Of Third and Market meets, khitsbmgh. MAW • WARfUCIi Bile/all[i,.44oas. . • Vi.l ,: „ ._. .., , Imaotemilo e. • • oadersigiedolnly authoriacliten tofthe Amer. lla Pim Insumme Company. of Iltiladerpeue, easuitmes to erect I.lall/1,1106 against loss or damage alal*Liarsina hn/hUitdst mdconneftee,,lhmiutie and Jimpanyinot w ai n,.. brianraons,ln this en/ and Vlcially. 014' " •GEM CmCil Ft 7c, Vlr 11/004 't. . num bursec Ltyl:U Wu, been anbluptAvra!pro Ana oda° InsurafidirCompany. of Nottlx Em two, •jauilwiaknostPolielis ostdattesui toy.edler oflho:dgemey, at the warehouse of , toiood, JoUes •• 14' ' ~ W 61.• P. L lNMssater'sr FOtWaidG W-ComMisslati 11;133ABSES.: DA,TIENHO'hy •fri. co. ..t . TUBICCO.:COMiIIitILION aggc.ftmus t ! 117 oauth Wo'cr ht legs filiflaihrl ' ile rind liMion:generilljr, of "•,Pfnibnigh,gfit dui , ' base Made arch animcetoenu Nl* the ‘v_lrirburnsiardemorere • ark the Growers of ,disf Watt Wein Indies, arm other planes, air ill Weans a • borsand radstam merely -a the , followier deserip , . tic= of Tobaonv.sattlelsoeih be sok open as swami zoodillintitenDo wan other bowel* this shy pr eLte .turro. and et pg:4l , ordered from: them will' be wale remind equal f . -Hamem. •• Lkuaingoi Cahn4' "-'"" •• • Yd l 9 . rat?" - Penn's.; Sea Leaf to Stag g ; - dish, With a large ax..ne ° ut of ether popular. br ands , acidly eli.d•• of 'molds, Bs, es; Its;ldsand hda, Lamp; fej.d a alined .10s:Ptfa; Udine Tnn% ua ha.., sweet and plain, to whole andl elf oores,• good and ray toolbar wish: every Variety, pf arficliibeleng. log to the trade. • • • ~ jetcdly J. LA'. BARNET, IfESBIT. It , INAILILETSON, ...-F3,;.011,11' TAtTORS, Propfkoop.E.Conikilkosettuk" and ForNyard)ing . ; , .., • —2l ISILOBTAIS; . -,. _. :- Na. Mt Noah Womtps,'Aair Nit WATER tiT P P . L AD ' iail . i 1 . '• A . kpllgiohi)lßiiiie . oo. Robert Steels* Cr. ,'pßatoret;Bookork yo.lPhiladolba. . •.l Allen.r Paz r a, C ') Now York. •- Walters kellorwry, I Balttorole. YIB I Ballacituititr. ,, ~ 1 Miaow& Co pl- e Bath ' ui b.. o ,.. • a , 1r1.1691.1 e!ok.'„adirkneel oiicintiigarriants to arm ..f.0.;1[43uxu.. comma sum ; Dor; A f f ix: - L:g44:1411 - AKE_R, EC ICIY - 4 C 0.,. „ PAC TOWII,_ • thootorak - 0011101111f101$ Jll,:rChittaf N9,13 . 00= M:iftifirDlM•LltextriGroff CO;PLUsbUrgh, , • " 1 1C4 ,3 begaetneintitsti. - Autumn :Charles 144=4 4,l4oujiville. IlutophirkDol__ • , , ucor, o.— Flitso'a DuWh Devi& Droth'et, I; ' , &Cougiutry,,NOvi Mr==6 . 2 ex +•,' ,-,exartaTnowa Iz" , , catozza, . 0 3SIIII S ON 11 1ERCHM.78, NO. WElarligt +greet,' •Prneberrgbi PAI, will attend promptly ;albs a.lle! '4147 iteenoroxfor . WesterroProdaci!iart4 0 . 41 , ur er+lsto4.4.lo 41eir'etrec •• 4 .'• maligrec Hanna, oriham 416.0 a 1441,44,04 Illerohaati generally, Wells ville, 0A• Modes icOgleby ; JltfAgepon, 0.; A, 0, Icie4-. 1102141. 4 134-"Chaelumui J. F, Hoenard...LoutArilla, Arc iDorworr. Ottl-oulai 139.1ei, steAbeA .‘m4 • + lc , • • decn retail Meat: , ' ' to tore ;sacra. ' • '••• •'• ozoitOSS & nasals:), rnovlssis.saFn 4 srm, dConatet retire nALamoss. sv~fcas—Chmce, Carona, MetaderJALoetho,..„ •••••,• -a r';{ Jobn Grief. • .noeFadoe; - Ciiiddifislad and 'Peoelerardlaglitertateadt.,' :$0 ,3), , ,m00e 8/4 eertsteloir,', • . usattes a amend Cceresdatlotbado , DeasompeetaUT.in t e Purcluwa " 4 1W...flan* TeadtdaaattedurstleAPl.duc.,.ld An. matting and' Gloodkeonagned .here. As-Agent toe :will .cosatandy Arclpplfrai with taleutelerof Pidsberrt* Manufacture al the pr auwacw•hobiottreda Polars and eorsignments gammons,. fORWRDIfiIif,4IIII CortlmlSaci ELI fIGJIA 7, Asp :Ir UlaalL,.Wuoa ICOOIO 4 a-PU*4l 2 l;k Usanfactursa g sr , INV 10 linxa - - • and. ' ' + 4 PosnirAT(4‘ll4 6 reb*Per o W nt "p Qa P lu 44 3 ;ta i rm th84 IPPYw' rut t k ftstYr! rT v sis O. A . itlllo, TOP . „PTOdUttr,Bll4ol,. 90=7_ Lt;zi=E ihm rte /01.41.,14."0,3M • -ail, 1,,,1:s , MEM 4121M1 ~"~ , Aw r r z _. •TVBI..TIMICIAPi A .1••••!•1 r.,c, mrzonirici Am LAW; , 4,..1.-:. 1.1 itr.-tte t•DNDIMPokrIg••• I ',',' A 4, "•!.' I . W ' f a' s es itrin :tri 1 i k i a ka er s d all, gt: ,PL Refer Is.:.e. ••eis o, •erenv-..,* 9bl to i . o•t••• S t 0414.441401•11711taintc,ci gad .: a., 4 , DosomMocikoll • . do,. ~, 1 ; Ay Kay ft Co., Wood et. „ )„ . 9 14 4. 8 se Et: Ctualto -Hoiel, -" . jaw ' ;NZ jutondoromptly to exilloctions, fn Nipub *4;l Green counties, Pa. ' • - " ' • - c 1 ...q... ot, ~ .; .• . • RENA TD:..vii .tidola tco Riacksuxt, Den & co, Church & Corot . honk, }Poostromit. ""•'•I 1 1 D T. MC -- •• - ' otlaP" . r_q_Mtm MI J.—REP:RV. ktoiney add troandellefla Lair. *.E.l:titeintniti, 011.1si , Colleiltilionillornballado, aktect:ia ladlazts, iirld in.{117., r. V fully attended to. comm vikr Mg the tat Z S sy. &a uil.a,llyr • tatag Depealkiam, .. • Actium ecc . nMM Wk. it: taunt. 1017it.masts ESlTUMppeeemerso Limis Attorney, Via _Coansellprs,at lap/ Mee North aide of roarth Una; above Skillgq& • lialltdawir - • • . . um IMICIAP, r. DUNLOP& BENVIML, .ctormq graitificlilli brew= Od and I* au. mt. atimmy! I 19 11 1 :"1 6 k. Formal lit, 471n " en . Cltem Alley eadGiaatatnieL • . WW.041 2.080120111, , Angel*, altar ...moved his etkpa to the &change . doerto 41_11ezetia p?hos - _ ,FATS: CAPS AND: BONN - . .4.,.lllE,.sobstaibet,.Lowitlition nisnaficanibgel Hsu, nes mule . mcnUesitli lamina • I .10.eo & Co" tat siquil4l6, liddonable hammy of tiro sity-of Nosy Yolk ' ) for grOV -Mar mitply of his nuncios &MMus, mut basins jaw s iteel , ed • ems., Sesnlemen CAA he who& Intl sc. eery fish and nesislfulhat by calling la ble Met • eseCop Sure, Sngthlsid sheet, entand dims Oomn , Ftmictliosb ere may &and a pea Nwcitny ergots mid C.scis of hie own mimefactace, wholcsalesuld Win , Maims& le adstensbart noun.... ,pc ~eMffi ITILSOItf. EPCOUD & 4 •••fflace_usonoci ht'Cord & most . .-P•shtonable 11.11 tor's.!. • • Carrier. or Wood and Fiji* Eit j,Dte...v4-„,t,-„Ainoratlril= e. ftp t itee t oue l esiablithmint alto me gteariteuts end levlrWthor,,tel the wet= mum, and n the web. ems, Cowl It!etellente, porehesing by wholes** rerpeeiglyliii7eitOca r litie .... =. 11 :: v. ' apy *tat :Confidence the fa, rega%l . warn It wlll not weer la i earaptuiarra emir say, se Phi& --- f it Al - 1,4. 7111".ccArs AND nitrilrA- - - - 1671 i -, • ob.sliber i. now receiving Nan the of Nee Ye*, Dade. ustrenteeiltakb * AV, i and Aka, hum fiuklabs,in peva:a ty and yea skaspotslli siulamml. •: • , JAMS WILSON.. '' siovIll• Padialslo 'Caddo* sea**. 46 a: Pall Fashions for 11148. - 1• 4 2 , 810C0RD...00., • .. - Ilail IeCOSII b, 100 WILL !Modem. on Satonlay, Aeon Velt, the 'VV Fall stile of tfats,Just mewed from New Vert. . Thom in moat of a near laid beautiful bat, ore Invited . to call et them store, cornet Of Fifth and Woad Proem. . STRAW GOODS.. I t o • DEALERS tizeiiainted to catalog R, It , PALMER'S oiarJi of 800. (Mad; or dm mist otylemomposed In pan of BONNETS—FIomoca -Raid; &Allah i l ti @able do; „American do do, Chios Petal do; CObotil do Ilualaid dm French Lace; Fancy Gimp, ke. tx. HATS--Lerbors, Palm Leaf, Parmina, Fancy Rohm, do Una, Rolland Ursid. Pedal. do. • • Also, Artificial Floorcra, Ril4poit,„ Ao.. Straw Sid on Warcholiso.os.laorkol fiL,.. . maif^.l 13001011A1)E. N't,•••ftlire2L'Zig'JitSui"d°ATl'm atm% tha DOW sad vs/Amble Wpgka.—: lira Rinedition—Couttining 'a sketch of the lira of Donipkbw the _Complain of. Nam Iranian; Geo. Naar/rea Oratiand Expeaion us Cali. Garro4Doulphates Campaign against the Naritaa, stud •hisanganacted March upon Chihuahua and Durahga, stadia Operations of Geo. }'rice at Santa Fq anal • dlakant.Engrartagn jobitrT Met.. allet 'Lstigagtmet of Maori Clralrr • • • 'll Runny 'of Xestaeler—lts annittildes and Natural ,Curiessuesq Geographical Statistical and Geological descrionr., with atteadotei Lira, and moro than one hoDdred Ittostagetelf tilt ele hada( al sting* sh. Cd, Pi one eta, Foldieni, Stateinnea,..lurietnLaaryerot 7c-t4y Indented with•forrreagrMagalty LaCeFil Colllas,laoL octavo.'" ' •• ' • • The Twelve Matfett , Voletteer; of Joartutl of t. Pel• veto. ihe:Te • liniment •ot etialry, hi the zA, m ora l & the "147 fit t ie e YN &weed= of the emery pessed oven etheeen, coo omme;te...of.the peoplgliketabee of ChuVtlef team atoll thee waleasaf ether Volooteer mint; sad than:sem of ihe filatietue War Lilt 4.4 itlh• led led Wooaded, fa; illustrated by a l haptualter of comet views antigiltas; by Geo. r; *chime Way.deal . . . II UMW- WORlS—Chvozatoll's Speeches,p.e.- 7 04ier Croatere Lett...-..01d Fppeeetchee, • inekkOtg the en 771v:seat to the tint edition: With elosidatibol.. 117 Themes Coyle.' hi 9 total I. Clo - • . . Sentneky.—Historical Sketches of, Ken tucky, .exabrating ii. &awry, antignity,' and mooed at de scripdnemi millinnenaelei - . - Pirm*Vce, 'and more than one hundred hitigraphl asketehea dimingnish to pioneers, el:niers, surd3nMds, as divine.,etc. Ilidartaledr eneskinsa.,' By Lewis Colliar. FairyT'sJea and Lege nd `of Many Nktions—Select ed, newly. told, and trans By O. H. Burkhann. BettatifuitY atiutmlia. " The Arabian NlOhite—Te Thousand and 0.. Nights; the Arabian Nights' fltertelprometal:manslatedand arranged Or Loath(snilly,readlng explanniory notes, :by /LW. Lane; En Prom he - seem! handy . °M uerte illruntared m yth 000 mood ems by }fancy and Illaminated litiee - by Omen Joan. .' Complete In it parui, paper,,er. Tanta, Lann. Cloth-CUD • The Waive boohjast received and foral. hy .JOHNSTON & STOCKTON; Booksellert, neerßd I _ ' • market, cot 5d a, :KTEVir BOONS FOB. SCHOOLS, Cm—Dismal:4. of 11 Plane and Spherical Traronemeirriwith ( barn. Rhombi. to Mensaraboa, Surveying and•Plavigatiodt By Mal Loomis,-e: hr.. I Xenophon , . Memorabilia of Socram., with English notesiorhical and explanatory, Life of Socrates, tre. t".l.•Arithert, L L. D. t . 11.1 , Clintock.*Drooks , not Book hr Greektreminda• ing a fall view of the formaof words, with. vocabula riftand, copious exeremesi.ket.. , . allied'. jsputi.fii,'or;' fr . piticiAeal iu litekietion.to the study of Ake Boinise 'lwzignige4 • Book Keepikrby angle.oenol doable entry. , , Ptacti cally adapted to the Deland lud metiOntreotottletee of the fiekrA.States. By. P.tbar. " • • • 7 . A IlithOry of Frace fiofe kurceeketeit of Oast by_ ,Cmsar. to the reign, cif Leads relfpfre. • Brains. " lffarkbem. devised; ImpOred elided...lied, by lawn -Akkott;..seep nrol.enroyin4o. For tie? bY • • norraoi, 00412 , Attalla Boildlo ' , Ultra • ,-Nl3ll/4 1100K8-.Loomis' Tywopemati. —Elements .lllOll Ond saperheird-Tngorloste, try, artib theirataisllearA' MAO Mensuration, Bunlymg - anitNattailleitt 'Elias torinsislA. M. Piers Book 40 Greek; contalningsMhitilew (the .foam of words/ -swith , rectdlularies-ankapplens .ters' tires an ihomentod'of constant ieilt repot!. , tioht by-John BlTllontek, D. D. Professosof Langur ger, runt goatee IL Crowns, A.M., Adhstietprokssor or TAngttages to Dieltinion . " uPtUFA.Uce. of Madame! Catharine Ador n, 3a eat.' ceir'novel—The Ihrelpline ' ‘• Pima la, 1n and II of limper& Brothel* spiendidji. Instrated edition of thedtalnan Night& EinernMnaents. .The above - workarreccieed this day bytexpresi. Ind for sale b JOKNSTON k 'STOCKTON, . • • •• Myra • " • t• ectild*ldtatirket lili TECTURFx•oy cordributiona the improvementi3, C f school benses fillerny Barnard. Abundantly illustrated whh Steam , and•plaria - • . . • tP • • rt.r . and• Practice. of i Teaching, OT. thp menses! and ofgood school keeping: by Damd - P !Page,. Teichiv • Science; the Teed= OnArtisdi The School l. and the Paboolddeater-,1 the usts. of teachers, sump tritstrmin tors, ke, hd., of Cordniod R hoe "Inters, pans. yittleo., so Potter, D. D., and Si,. tub; titt Illustrated. 'with engraving. For sal • deethr B HOPK11{B;Apello Buildblp MY' ARS CAIIINETVIBRAErytkrr Sitipokand: I F amlllea—This work' coniistr oftwenty vatueuts, and contain. five hundmddifferent emblems, illualreted. with due engravings.. ItK on entirely ,oriainal scrims,. recently women and completed by.S , (rGoodrieNau thee of Peter Parley'. Toler, and Is designed . to exhi bit, in a popular form, Select Itiogrupleia,ll33Cif St and . modern; the wonders met lentrientim Illster), - Nu. Akre, Art, Roienee, and PhdoroPhY, with the dance of, .:I,..The, price le .- 73 p. innts,'ettett conminingabom Wu pager", Of f %For oale by oetZ . It HOPKINS, APOlks Dada • . • 40 , at NEW NOVELS—A. Whim, and its cranitimarices: Valty ll 6 P air ß4 ,'.l=el art Fort • ' iisC,A;si....4-'- 7461repeacei 'Mastery, with illustration. Edward Verson:lV ifirCtruslars Sony: 4ry Ti V 'Sutty, of Aha Pcninsedat War by Genera/ Cft, Vanei Marquis sit .Londoodarty, G. C.1.11.,"0: tiftbir 4d Itert Lila Guards. The abase works racciYnd:thla day and for 'silo by, _auk JD FINSTON .1011 V YTNIE :Shirc.i7O7!‘ro—nriesjile: odd.'ilitNitgryYttosioll rt r liujOet bees b0b1 . 411)1.1....Re0d; iosibexup (KO ldmo. Of =4 ~,, I vecogainskho, teckon. moodifforo of several oleAymen oftbia 4tr,rof cat donominitioosy o'cok aup'eopl . a s havb boon feddburib botho ay.,KPAlibtrch an 4 =burps{ ' ILIA • k ovOrt 'sok by '• • 0005 =- , a HOPElbmdpolloitalldings,4lh ct 41Td,_ _ ABook' "Fort PAID 4N., VOCNii htIIDDND AND ' , INVALID:a: I -Dr. Dannineartnon_ lta on Henkb, Dttysigal Diucntion f • an lin.hann Voice as tow& apart, the mcchattical ph aaaPAl:, man'o r phiticiestl conaantloti.being MO . „. h ..Ce i ._.,, ~ lecture, on the 'above anhiccm recently ul gr.!,' r Min-thy. For cola WE - !.,* ' m a - ` 1 4• , - ,tai l coin Apollo-D all Oh' it 13ELETOKS , tiVID--The :hfcramorphoites of Pc Kw I OriGne Noun .1,16110.04 by cvnua l lv .a ll .x -atonsolon a the Fables. together alt.li.DErialr ores, Ilictoticol, Mythological and critter.Wintrlyaitt!ttei Iff Natalia einpoll4lrtettowitriibtgrelOWA:f C. 'GroOles,•4:llt. • recto _ RAIDIf 0 REorletz SAP" A.GL- - ofatitiamMe, 9 _ _ . sorw . /Etqtrerti Itutholuien• mg B. Ao 'Mitchell; with an acctonpanimernlctamcale ) rnt,t; tive, Geographical and Siailatical.. For salo it :o ..,:, . deal; . . "ItlloPKlNs 7 ^XpolliGni • inIM G : 'IUrATI - IFAULTIGAL INSTRVUEIiTS-7- rlDtawk. 14/1-4 4 1: - . 4 .litokYataltz.lloSamata4 cW;gs aitla t au: Nxithara..a.nyll!Aoiora• - For ictli. by , ' r•-i t + o ; -c , 41. 1 1ia; :1 ' ~.. -11-110 PglIMN' 1 0 1 4k q...., 416)7 t.-: • - • • -42.-',.?;...,, €t .. -,5,. ~ ~.1,4 ; rr. , ‘,F u g.-7'.'...: .1. : .:„...,seirrrii,:al • -, ,:s •, IgnitSatatM,i LOVING;;;;LIADMAM. MAU . . .... , 1 v t ' ut i .1 141.1. 111- 1 - . 1 I ' l. 1 iii 111 I ' IN ' 't., trdicco tICIGI.P • • •::ti • ~ ',I '.', *.-* ! IWAN & ILENNED • kayo thli day' Muctailcd• plafthlCTl l i% ..!4: l 4l ' Nfisia lt 41 11 1;a 1 - e . amen , Thltranaltruickm KV dos ii &amble to claw the old•htmjimukpmsgailo 1 1 0,11ThilIcidtilfrlamtior je t t is u9 allW 611 .: 8 ri. =4 - 1-n4 ~ - . - -.'• . . - ' ' '•' "' 1 i . ito....pturilt - bw.....- = ..„, a MitadeadtalaslenlaFtocir Mod 0114. Mittel Catiolarlh &cc i %NZ 0 ° 0 14" ; handl/an no 11 prepartd "trititl: may . ••• ta nal WM 'Cadelly&a.;ttiagertan , Inducements La:WAWA buyers, Wog diatcadmod d . 'earnibleitispersolret dote Atlintle cider Al-, AU aa handaa -__Attinctat amactmootorPlitaWl lilt It r ?2 - 1 ' ,, ° 717' 4 7? 4 % - f=alig ir • ';,, i ,:%,. .. :1:1° , 1 5 —..•.... : j - Z. ----- rjz o lln ia ,..hlr si v irvai= 75 a., r tkpao . eny ! ihe lot insa. 41ablualueu -i . n will automat Attie ill mad tir „ob.; a i r i =b 4 := l :l 3 ;! , = l ~l elraVr;i. itPiiithiThilly. poildble, '•41Woold ter dynyulnlly rocion.t those lodobamto to call bad-mud( fl'ae.‘l2.ll,l, •• - ..,:i :,,...,„, r ixD, 1,..; _ ~- Co.Pastitarshlpt . '_:- '.; UT ° bWr e°ll No i r=la /of Pl= . Co. will cannon- the lint, Cap ,yri3 For paalnemila. all to yorion. branchenirrlnol:ljildf2o4l. 1 1,ht d l a old otaa, corm atWood add Cair it cU, tchera.thAT, +ogioit o condonation of tho pal 'so IlSiesllj Ito bored or do old•hrm. , , : 1 41241.11.11A 1 008D1 , I, , nom.te 014 IreV kozr• Ena laMeard Iltibt. matt mow! Tee ' • piasoftw ml 4. dipmaauo, Arewd_ l • Ceellashittlinalft NOtiole W. STEPHENS oftVlteatingiS Shent... ger. ;oftE trim, and FA. glusktesoll'instnugh, hp , * enuired. into* eo-parnintahip ender etyle dust Inn of Stephens, ghoenbr-rger A Co., et Ots &rotor Iron work& Wheeling, Ve., for 'the 'lmiltoso 'or ettr: tikaturinsr ltdir and nails of eserg deseripeon. • • & s neer e.lntartlinien, Inca . •lITSPIUDILIQEN,. VERO V ' •vo • .1 , 06 ifin " nieteite Wl' kind bf agiegOitrisetr &or AWN, A. B. meal ellptle *mingle end edes. Wes witted *Oh •Ighltenbergarn old Sinikaareillgbialle wfberwo ankle e( /moat& Iron (branded e s eqal to ally Mule ill ake COnniry. All et Wide& be old at she Pinstrorgb works eorder of Monroe tout Wow, ats artaerstup . tath.turaila. J./ UM ander the are end Wm of Wigan:ten & 3A4. soli, Is this dardleleed by mental tomco. Jahrt v p sell having diepued °thus awns istereyt to I wan. The, Online& of the law born b. sad km; H. Wighonas, who is anthorised to use the nun o Inie Awn for that purpose. H. WIO speelidaer (Ally J DALIELL THE Stlbiretber b lbw preptlett b mantafacture *Wire! Caton zwi_Wpoien MathinerT, at be a H rs torte make Osie left at IL Wightataal Shop, COT. set Met?. sad Nyruitr steeetk will meet wttl. pomp' atsawioa.• • EL WICILITAIAIf, Leseek R. between Poland. and liasaull spietUy I tabgbetly,e4., CPARTarIaIIUFECIP—Wm. Young lasin , a ilia day aaaeciatad with hue, Joint C 6.1, the ie.. her budded,. W/11.8atraAar. Oa conducted wan' the Ilan 9l . WmYoung At Cs WILLJA3I YOUNG, 11.4 JNO. R. ArelINK., IMMVieiFiii •YLOR'S BALSA OF LIVERWORT._ If. A BALSAM OF ankle is prepared according to a recipe Pro- Cacad from • treprotil mad raiment physician, who bes expencoaneed in h.. practice lito.want of • remedy for DISEASIRS O' TILE LUNGS, upon wbiell reliance could be placed by- the pablrc—erhicb indueed Ma, elm motored leas in nnacemas emr-s of Pulmonary (=moo egidkohla boen the ells, now in good health, whti can sky nub preserrattoutram an essl y gritha, mlhtWn M leis Medicine. CoMnbi nnertarn Irrowaleatras tor --For • llonjut I thriered mitt damn diseases, and Imo the mare ell es I hod lost • mother. two haulms, sod two aim tars, with the eoniannonou. I had he best medical ad vice •ain, Owl mania} aria third w i thout .41 l imbs hi nhapeir. I anti; westing Vary mamma -hot bed cough, loss of strength,rid loamy other. darthirtuas. itynnuouta Al lumina:laird . glr. Taylor:, italmin of LA . ..ammo, and Imam say th in dledmine canal me Eke i chin:A its gnat restart:dive growers should be meld known. • ' •• • • • W 140LORIDOE,'8T7 Frfoll R. RAMIRO. flation—Ttus disease la amity coreg by ProParfaelbes Nearbaryantl thosery:a•og to raise it to largo gamma's, both by day bad Wnight; Anodes. hobo th eme cough, and pair IA e breast yet atter thing eacry ether medicine, he Wu cured by Dr. Tnylarb, Hairs. of Liverwort. This Min Mace:Mann, and let all °than who cannot .fond to be Idle follow but example, If they are sick. and are Ms trodielos. It will. matonndlsemeal Lung. and User io • soon time. - - - _ To persons of lk disdldited be l isnos system. 9r thorn Wha aro unable to Itstarelll at nasal., tW wedJeios Is Tolphatually recosaroando4, as tag subsenber omen jaYoessad,ilatatrAprilapary vulg. io dis own fa9;fly oho . ..flail cumbers bariaa-bar&anaalted %rah a so virrerainathinaf.Vialant told . sPilliog of blood, Velb , n , idea sereatadisLarbed rest, qrcal trritsbilny, e t of breathing. &c., and was cored by one ISind• of this Mao= • • Sold in ?enabling!, by l D Morgan, On Wood et; 7o.osend:4SMerketeq H Serrar.. ear Martel wad sui Bencle.on a Co,d LEM, ea. Coke reduced . 8140 per bottle._ dal IMPORT A - 21 ; i . -- T - 0 THE . AFFLICTED. . . • • Dr. lines Celebtaltd Leant'lCS. TIE. JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and role am -1.) rimier of these most popular and beneficial toed iciamanod also the inventor of the eelebromd mato- Meta tor laming the Loop, in creeds% a nuts of Chronic diseases, was s student of that em eminent phyd. elan, Dotter l'hyoia and to ogevoadoote of the Unmoral ly of Ponnsylesnia, and for litany yams.. booboo. engaged in Mei:symbolism's of disease, and the appli cation of remedies thereto. Wl r g l t th 'lI gbe D7tn * !tkisopVl%ne I; i other I remedies, be has unmet we uparatelled eminence to eating those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular coo. am:lotion, Cancers, !Scrofula alteurnansm, dsdinia , Pecan aud nane,Percra of altind Guam &pipe. las, and MI those obstinate diseasespecuhar to ttitaleso Indeed every form of - disease vanishes under the use of his remedses, to which humanity is heir—not by the am of ass compound only, - for that Is incompatihid with Physmiogpul i.e.., but by the use of his pone: die., adapted to end prescribed for each peculiar form of disease: Dr. Roite's Tonle Alterative Pills, when need are in. variably acknowledged lobe superior to all other, as • pargative or Liver pill, 'inasmuch ea they leave the barrelsperfectly free from. cosuscoess; u also his Deaden ril e Le admitted by the faculty to possess peca n. properties adapted to female diwasel, bat being satisfied - Z=li bate trim! 110 sufficient to canblidi orb= .has been said in the minds ofthe most skeptical. The afilletediur invited to tall upon the agent, and procure Wade) one of the Doctor's pamphlets, giving • detailed oedema ofeach remedy and its application. Ibr Witty the fol'orring agenta, as well as by most Droggista throughout the country: "J etchbriumakerlis Co, dl Wood street, Pittsburgh; ...J.AlTeeruseadolstymiat, 45 Market st " - Lead Beckham, .. near the P.O. Allegheny city; Jos Barkley, Darllnfou, Bearer comity, Pa. inciEllion,PAncitt alloy, 4 0 T Adams, Dearer, nov10.11). Expectorant. fisista Columbium 00,0., Apr. 24, tett. rg: fl D...JAY.NP: Oxen Sr :—1 feel hound to you andthe alleted public , to avail myself aril. op portuoViri ng publicity tone extraordinary edema a your twist commit'. Navin been afflicted, for awr ran with severe con hectic fever dntd tta concomitant diseases, and wen only doomed to linger amnabort but miserable existence, end! the fall sif Eng/ x i:whoa, befog more severely attacked, and havingteemled to all my former rentedtes, and the pre setitthin lento of the moo respectable physicians in thencighborhood.without deriving any benefit, or the consolellotrufsureiving but a few day. or sobs .0 fanbest—whea ..tho Lott gleam of hope was about to vaniiit, !Mid reeotimmoded to me your Expecnnall— smd-blessed by that Being who does all thingi to the WM Hof the means•—tadeontrary to the expeetations of say phYncians anti finials, I was Ina ferartleye retool from lurked, mulwanenabled by the ma of alentlo, to attend to my atna.. s, enjoying anctihotter health dun Iliad for Ingest. previous. ;IlcuPectfulll Tours, no; Joe. W. Ewan. -I.l oth itr.rittiltufgh, at the Pekin Tealittoreeni trutOP ... • --- n — fglifififirlittikaataiT; , ' 7- Ero ) . .00TOR D. W.TilOftfUll having recently parehm. cd. the Dm thore formerly owned by Hays & ekirdy, No. i C,ommetelal Row, Lilian , 'areet, Want -take. MD methodof informing Ile Dierittli - Mid , the/ public, in gen Mal, that •his More will Ait.all Ilmeabe [applied with m eMensini itud Icterairoworpgent ar Drop, Dye Staffs, Paints, (file, . turniebm,ferfumegy, Colagnesmd indeed overy,ar• t lhetilled 'orb a drug mare, which will [Drape be 'sold' ad tea mat any other home in the elty, wade .laltv wr .retail, • Iloplngwitmerh a share of the publio patranage, , nothing abeD bemanting to give .01100 Cot t...faction to his commuters. n0v74.414,_ rrwrwwww......- r ropA •y.or t star .1.11. I . IO(4ORBBriJADILY W. MORIUS, Min coati JjJJ to practice the safe and poptder remedy d led Ydromuhy or the Water Cure, and iffiest - red anti at diseases tiloptottlenity. Obstmical eaves vrill bet at tended to promptly. N. Iflorris ,may tot:molted at hfail l .trug Store, No. 2 r ommerCial Dna, Liberty street, Miring business boob/or midi residence, morning end coon liig; Penn street, 1 doors below Irrorin's alley. nod-tspl4 , • • , • i ~, t . . .y.a,, . . " . CArrIIALkIIO SURGEMY, will attend to thou:cat- ‘.; meet of - Diseases of the Eye. .., . Do. It. has hcononguged In thin branch of the meth en profession for amteen yearn, mad has conducted an eatablishmant (or the treatment of diseases of limeys alone for sortual ' , nark, , OT/Ira and residepc ,o comer of Sandusky et and Straarbetry alley, Allegheny city. actin Dnkiliitanie In Tennestane. • iMIS Is ,to certi ( y. that 1 purchased one yial of Dr. , I.4l.ane's Worm Specific, soma two months ago 'and 'pm - to a soh Of mine, some seven yunisiold, two en 0.„„... fill, and altbough,thermount. may. ear larAS yea 1 hare no doubt bat there urn non sot ran tooniaitaierotars paned from • bliti L ; oil , Mao ineormarair of an inch to two Indica n . , D W HOLLI .._.' tam. f'reek, Canal en. Vona Den V,154? .. )11 . 24 i t ;IAI ONDERFUVWRILIVAL,-6. 0 Toenail= Sas. 'V V' iiaratnat..‘.-4,0 - i bottled of this great f I and winterizes:dent, Just moaned and for Bala b It E. 5E1.,1,81113i Sole Agent rot Pittabrupb, of oi urthe gattlitio'ardelo oats be had. • ri.- .11.AIWISUIVS Columbian Hair yr i , .. 4 1 .:!„, .. do, Indelible' Ink,' or willmotpreparallini. i i Darinacteaonperior Bed Ink. For sole to th 11111115 Aktlianigactortr's ptlecas, by B. E SRI. 4.'' • • 'lncr. , No S7Wcod,iti .., 13 1 RgbfliPtS:JATrienta - liiiairkaiDami - , '• lialiot jan reed sad km; ide PY. decik 'i ItIDD 'Co " /10:11:,,:-:',0 itilinoßronsaall coloss,ja_ heed A I '''' ll.. " 11° , 17 ._..... d r A l s : . . JKI P-P - -,-,vintEsriar..hAsTEii.,46o7CEUle ' re i4/14,' Pisatet,fastrectlyed and female %Ad . } Co 1.1 - D:54 . 1117:5 - 6bls.,4leoldrli pun reed mud i tale '...0.:11 - ' - dectO • •", , JOHN DikIORGASI 1 i , , , 10 2-13 1 f Aci,ig-- 4 , -c , &!,.3 - .3,ll i nctd. mid rci .. eistaie r - ..i• •"-- 7 ••!.' • , L'.• , POVETAIN HOTEL: . ' " . ztelr . sTit - er,T•I3ALTI sto will' • t o i 7 ,4 'l , lawn Azwiwaxwas,,nunzwasc- • :, • jais_ ee4blitdonesi li:narr Ana widety, blown as st ace ofthe tUltned1100&04:11 in the ea? of n dame, Ws reeent/y underma wiry Wen sluLletuntione . and ireptuesiana. Al . entail sew . "thew Ues ' addid,noatsini dens:caress sad sirr shgusrunerna add t, exio hu nsionteaHog s Me de psnann alio been isarstUrad and fined split , a most ann. and . fel tress Wu: the whets arrangement Id the kloose ,lot/ 1.500 temodeal, with a tangle ere. 9:i ths awl St .themprietersounads th e y easo :Old ale urn or irs,huld which e scarldetei , Will :Erallssits eamparl sea with say Hurd he thaU Taint 9 01:1 will alwara be espadeit will ase ame/4X lasury which he wankel adorns, ed a t 4n a tot mi. o .hne ~.*4. way st . n ~ 4., . • In coat:anon the proplietots beg ts sayolue a will be lell =daft° onlert, sad as put f :herr wistal4o,lo ten4ler . S . womb T ths %Vaud . 7F.% IV:4d ithe... . 301,:pRiTe•1 to the 14,./WlB4. . ;.. .... ••••:. *lmre - day. ! ,:ji: 14- 04 ;. , Diana Eason qr du Hasse will s)- pril - col. ate Cie arid S d o teamboat, Landin, • hawse . to and tannthe Hotel.trt A . Firirti. t _ .. . EY0nA . 311(374` 110 TESL. .. ' "omen de tros *IOW awn 1174 Mlsitlbik P I . ~i Thihmbseriber bnins atrueed the tatr ia t Zeig Odds long ertabliaked and ;open 4 Dt. 0 lie e9 = 4 l l , r arltrZrebriti T aiim ik' e a E i ' n Mettedditidatalltentla all ditto dealtable a 11 I . rgle i tg ElotaL . Ttle.Hoataa -ia no* being thoroughly ,: dot, aked.new Murmurs added, and De pail* wiliVaestl. to . wake the Eutaw wit it bo.a solid flosinger it W hit, ,I. Al7onhlnatoo, i ' Azar k Bennett, Ben/ - 11rner, WO I. Dreesalftwas r , •14 /Amgen &co, tAtaintta Alayeat &Co, Wes Mama, Mead & Willmar. . . . We, the..tadereigneas- sainted the safespoken of abare,fa 10 cp a tn.the side of Sieber h. haberiohe Agents- • '" CO BPRIN , Ilder laCcohn'Thirrisinancilt Pi 4 + 44 *6 1 5 - . • klus_r_p_ . . dolfeniALid San Luoszce. roux rt. •,M• ._ z. nohow. .XsIPPENCOW' C O. VACLIIEIO Vered and einited .td 'sa tCa,.ChtalatandVL/nue Pes' fhtoltetL inns, /Weeks, Plbbi kn, ,41ilkYl414d all their ,pnangosaccds in the construction of pew. •cachinery, • Indio tanning Shelled' warkmen (gm' netted rola' b rated listmenti of the Lbw de now tesunfaettir., 14 0 04 will keep cenStantly on fond std abr rale all . the abate amides, haling atalled thetas/Ins of thv. isllrevaldelnat and are determined nada work -4=44lPendalnidel dun wit:lndies excelled. ' They pantile lb seduce 'alleles Canal • If 'Dot superior, to cornet ticabil khan the Ilan Th.pi ladle the Were donor degas to , an ft..anien- their stoids Were pardoning eisewherb, as they. are eoned that they ' will- be able.te fdl ann.' in their hateto the Satin ainsfactiets ofhtirehasers. i/iiescheizsei Want street, 4 doors Wed encephala' Haase; Pittsburgh, Pic • 'lt ttis harinelmanessedilaWaaLiPPeil, nal - ea* Ismail please =lion Lippencottls Cu, • lESfig - WPTICIYip.D AINST fli3loo .00P1111011, pump onALs. not aw'aP lior r rbiray int =Join it to to 4i • ew coarse,rough, lb:melanin", yet, ' est Ind unhealthy lho ekineppean allcriosiert }Mao' 'pied chalk! , Besides Ms ecratainin .41 4 11. ale: a beasiddil veyrodtte ardent; Which we out SPA/MU-LILY WHITE! IS Is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deletsrlotte quelling sad it inputs to the skins nettesti healthy, slabaher, eleari ha whitttl Y those= thee meting Ata• a e p ee:4llo,4n the Ain. making h. aoit and inuroth. /Lir../attote Andation, Practical Chimed of Mann. _ettusepa;_saya: "After anatysting Yam. Spanish Widur,lnM . hpossesses the Eton besatifal and usm. Pal, acid crew seats dace tcatoeent whits /inn saw. I terisinly.oll/1 CMOCiall*/ZP! rocainat_ end its one So all -anode. Sol d . Price, 25 ants • b WOO / Liberty st. tulle) . 0* • 140 • ' Qr/ta tea • • Gust • • 11 . 0 , 1Ell_VRIGHT14= g igoid to balla Cabral ey n itrj.ajtleratax4seh -4k114. raitieearnrilr i krer e, Loom, 0 data, aht Ir &F tree Shafting tarn* 'all sari a/Caat and lof hunt ptstenaso slidivaadirsacilaxhat, ol'alhklada citstiagn of trrely.deseahrtbart [smashed ansb9n. aotlea,..Paugras made at War for Glianny, Irma Reline, ka. hlteare 'Pipe for hest. , ltlnpr og Factories' Caw Iron 'Window Sash and Taney merrily. Order, lef at the Virarehmue of L Patter& Co, Many streetorill lava pa:km*lWe.. dam Hafer to Blaskatock, Eell it Co ,/ E. Moorehead et Co.„ G.E. Warner, John Irwin et S ons, Pittsburgh 10. b. C. J. H. Warner, Stebbenville. AMP ew sruze — nsa. JOSEPH SV trii OODWE.I.I., comer of Wood and 'al ma, Pituburgh. Hay yr-Widmann from die firm of ,1 Igo Voodsselloo the lot of January,lB47, I and annooncing to my friends In the city and country, HMI I have opened my new store at the atitiventused place. Having purchased my good foe eadb, and made arnenxemcals with mantilacturani In this