1 0.4-473-, . 74 -' - .'.' - `f7'7 ,- . -, —..-:::!::-:-:,-• . -4 ' - ,'..44- - - . f . . : .: -- ifl ~ c.- 4 . • 24- . ..--:4,.:. -- if -.4-t-11:7- ENE Te " ; '' - 'ESUBUSIIMY 'l3r .#llBl , 4AilijB: e-,a nrgt. ISTRONG ihOßOZEß,Ohnindubm Menehanta d Dinlea in ProdsceoNO, nn,Mninel, Mae@ • • Acne *. • .-. 11USI1PIELDtflAYS,WbolesaL 5 dadars 14 Dry Goods; Groer,lley Boa* Sluvez,Tinsburghmma =o . 1414 *!;, : ".. N°PIS2Ct.?./4,l.trect• Attr ezzoinuct• . a RON RElTEiresale kali Retail Drng - cometo(Llbaltmid9t.Clalrsweets;Pitta ::lS. quint - r • oving a Afiritaktlik , Gniegt%, Ad - C4:1A1M411111 111 L.• • N0.:143, Liberty at., 'Ale..3lly. ..IGALEY'XlKETWlnfdalndia,qinnral / 8 and Ileemnirrec-,44 nrwarumf.d, • 14sakeild9d00411012,10+1/o.,Patabiatz "V" *'otutvarr Ailitacsillettirtxs#% a I: P" Z e agt 44:44471,'C'' s. mum , Z. COMM ErA4CBENNETA Ooze DOW: Oans&hqr lkolesalo Otocen, Conzaudina rot. eardwithlerahnug, yid dealers itYrodneoiandlistg buRS4 KIRVaPtaTli N0;27 Wood eti;Bemesvid int la t e t & i allEir Ar• lessle Omen and : - .lfetthantlyiaul %Agents for Brighkm IttgosyNouVrWater, and DB Front stir4 Fiat burgb,Pa. ' i ki".""""t /A MtrMA =4Y , a,lsoU and.Dism - siim pfr: d =Vat , FitteAl9o • Row, bemen, ihtiltat Vito I;),vsntoi!aircttr*...our: M EORGS COCKR.6.l%:Coiiizoluladatul Fbrwirding v^hantb No. El; oalstreaL Pittibtagb: 1tty17... tir&lLtht,'"JONESt& Ca.,AUUMO I2 gaTjorig h er s ' •"mrgiit,r • • • t . liffiLlnat*Sittline."l ..1P=1.4 urt...uucxtma, Tobacco %mum — ssion. ?fee. rtanis.,4l Nara wider 'tt 1G riottbmuwes, F 011511711 DIMOdB; onraralog and Canna. Aim Merettaats, 1i0..77 an lama, Pittsburgh.- :wan :mart , LAX= :mar, ra, MDICKEY & (5, leak. ewers. Com on Merehuta, and Olden in.Prodnee, N 06.66 ater. and 76Y Front meet% ritubargh. TonN Loam% Jtuottby and Coausellor al Law ej . Coemisaloaer (or the State Peansylviutla lit.Lentahlro,llate of Pitobtitgla) . Ilmasoicaa—PiUsburghr Non W Forward, AnmQ 104 t IlL.Candlitas:&" Welawilatak , .E,Pesite, iattly LiiN SCOTT fr.Co:,_Whalenle:l3zoctra; Ponntrd ing and: Cortuntision. i ltSalcusipealers in,Pro 'amt Piusbargb 7 Coeunerda 3 itcror,,Liberyared, Rear ;hp , Piu,bnigh, MA 5 McOUIRSAImis of the Essitotit4ecizatt ' Dicta= Ta Ea. Mules 'Tuildiagio, Tataloke... - Aittrausote, t ILVLirorisi ihnetalson:& Marano, sd uv.of tAa st:,4torun Sa 6l rierseT Noel 6 ra 2 r4 and 22 &Ora • -1 - , ElajjktVONPELjele.44 IMitoleialeGroders, Pro ' . &Iv aid Commission thlmehiods, EA 'Adetts .for she Noup, Pirdilerco n od A. Y.; No.. V Wood at, tds DO S ioTh s i a bo t r irs, h .o o i ns s o , V ld a rolaid , it .i e l , ia N d o el . 11 Weed Mee; ohO 40or South of Dimond Ailey,. Pito. pinl - FAXIIIN•IMUWJt., , ....h.*Ica., - : (successor to Joseph G. dr , Difisatddp ... Sso_dlorNyirWater *met.. x 31. .. riili Fli, nth:l;6n; 'Wtiolisalq diailetiiii;Jesderi `l4l:4ALSkiteic2l Ustßuteuts±Pcbi oll iecaul r Steel l'hos, r Primers' Catds; end ea 1:1*-faJ;N& M. , 0 0 ,142 4 ritu , u,riaL Er ;up bought or viten trade : .. =OS ÜBeitoarlAmba24 Co!,'Vnicaessati - litusguas, • No. SI Wood. guyert.-Pittihofsh: TOUR 11..DA4IS.Ouldicrneericcupsr4tlituidWood : .L r. SINCICKTON, Tiirders . sad, paper 14.1.3mfacuucta, N.,41-I,Markct Witt- ii4l • (. 01.11Nt, 'Motown) Grocer, dealer in yin due, ringpsagN Monufsenneo, PAles, /to- No. ZS Laborry si,Tinsburgh. . jein, " t;Fl A l ag i " .l. gleia Co•All'holesalel GoovorsiN Ltheriy,aroot: ,runs , - • - - AN DALZELL,MbahiaId Grocer,Ccio,,ixdsalao frte And , dealer in ' . Ptdduei, sad Pit4b@vit •.'l , ;‘,. Wfael at, PistabontL_:Janl6, • pratr...lo/4M,F9rmading sad Cosizaissioa Mes 4 1. authlkaler. ULTTO4UCCI Petartllgaltel¢llllllZ ! utr•xt •• • • nett 701 st. EVlVALZElZA;Ctionamilitatirerkatitilai. .14.01 theibest ; NN , allifeloo4 wiLICZ (=re. ••- Whidetale Gine% Z i t ,,,rat. idcommon fdathazn,Dealer . klarr, aaa?...f!rad4c4Nat al.W.farr 127 Calgil i ntlithttiq;l l lkoLiisila Grocers, Fbv- - ing,andde:alai - 1n *id Pituticag6 ZilzunfittatrsOtos.t7sl4M liar LI HMV, W/feQNt C 0.4 tlweJonea;AtmmFph) t iv.vaxy Wholesale Dalai Ix! pTy ?balm, , No- 49. Wdedieraet, Ilttuborsh. ! na , sl2 Man n liarnalraataty twee, opposiso ' faMallind .Ml42eT . and From , tut, betaier4' E,ILLERWAUCIETSONOVINgesee Grate:mud CmatlissitableteltanisiNo.lls !Amma r . Itins, a iso tota ?r, t l.oAttrjg . r . tire n ld. .2411=ie.tinsorrlehar&ms vecrwtentud spode.. • • actions" mad en' ill - iinintOnt - Until titeenneut the United Staten s' -erect? E-datil=ratekd4 tea Ods, Uctat Sums, and Figt i it imir.las, lava on baM, Waal N7eN t atnuonso a tlicaLaus, asks stria 4 41 1 0 2 ta11-AUM Puulauxt. . _ aar., 1601nUCT.000WW6oletale 'Groeer; titedifying , jullt , pillea di =rico r tc= ii P b irgrk Verse ! sot rap Kai taibessy street ' Chi a =4. very . l e=r e t I t tirita Vrli c lti l ! tali il l . . 141 k eY. ...---..... ----,.. spttlx_ RICreidIIaT. , LE.EXI4Jr4 kapwierDesleeln Amiga, ali* Aramaic , 8.217 , flatherare sad Ate Trieuelege, of ell deecriPtieuer Nell& Wood ,• "Pli ;MUM) ROD, Wimilisals , oiu' I Hei.".l,loealeila xi ne.c..,.84....k4rer.. ractd-rind AOAFIr - Damn Alamos. &DOMED & Co,R 7 botesalatinxisfo, Pradnee Commlnion blerthasinuhiDellersli I'ADI- Alilludaeswe!, o. DO Lit of st., P 1130112., r/AULT DALZELL & Wholes** .Grocenr, CAnimistau and Po r.rang - MuctuAts.dea&ri. YeAdAca and ,DAA&ArgA MAAADcI.I.. • CUNNINGHAM, _l l , _ Oro= ' realtanOpeAml ma,caeturit4 Eyl4l4,l4ait army., Fenrufwgiad Calcuttalon hferel, for tee Allegheny Kireehadol, deal ers i add l s reerles t " Pla4, 11 eah ripanuid. histuatiFme* • , 'Tbehlgtost mica; In iash, paid ar all LA-444d. • rags„ Corner Of rata and Wahl ala• 1,11122 CIUMMIOUNION;Wisige*de iind RataDetleri. pr. Idillitsert COodss7Lsta , :t, !xi/Fancy floar sba.Thini Art, inctensTr, • suol e wgtrs, WhaleV: rogiltti " . —, *: - 15.ARBAUGH,•: 1 170olfhtoretutouF, Deal= ger floor oisdPeoduco - groosallr, and Fatarandlog "11;ftoobsioo. Xorehants, No. ge.l. Wale? sr; Pius - 11t't1y;]ldpAl;EiY'~:Co~ JY4oldule ~ ~:haQu~ d ^• NagA b'f_atkalume4 . • Ir. • talSOClalt. k - .NICOLI3, Pubic ink Gwent Coto, •e 100 Iletchsnisalit , l7:l4llcity u , Yilubutsh. co,. BONNIIOII2Tv.ii Cit,'Wlooleitli Oro , :•*. tint; Forraidor ind'-(`dniniedon • bleritinti; Plitibiutlind WYCiti l 7 l iittebtioicc(oln St o tetaiernl.Pititt and-Ctitikty Itt'iftartiti464iijid ge.t.in diatom a iktmesi .4verßagg,' ind Solikllont tiustruirt,tri. Js3, 4 t i ger. whol+4 . o row* anl - amiti , t ir . 6141 4 113 1 1 011111, litfart for idincicaniiontnirs and line mint tt tbe cam of Wia, &Ain . ft,. - liert's with "of Elitibnigit--Blrion • IS WI t Ind Ortr am " tawnil2Foollitiiiim'il7twon, trip amyl to • 1011CIL 111VIICKI'CAIPD',Opooessari to At f. TT Wholeisle Urmarsi -Forwrinnj ied toiiittni*.iWohinti. &ions' In Iron, Hsi% inn, tottierarni,trilllusbargh Zdanifieuties fromer;orw6 o 4 aint W. 1., wits: rittiton't -; • 1, WEN—Contwasitto. sal. Vern"? id, No AO., Fund it, InntrionONFini, .i1W77.11/M.AL,L t iCE, Kin mono and Paid Einiii! Inprinabllitnoin, No. 544 Laborersonniritir ___ 't h wer • • RnAr- save . girtq .09115 N22 : 79 t Vrsr4 tnPiO W 'kW WILSON, Dada irri WOMarik, - Jewsln 4 bait', ,31 1 1 w WIT,111117,17:9000?-ilia;a Mar l:wen "VROIII/Billtc Wialemile ma Beta gLlalet I; *adget OMDommorti a Ltr 43oadsorth. east tollift ahlutet sad Yana sta. &sign, ID & Co l -Dapas in Leatlaszto: ,'"'7 -A.-- 4 ~',,- ,. '- : , :- . :-.7‘. . .-,.... •-f - , , , -,-;;: .....::,.... . , , • • , 42=11111 4 • • • • • • •• aukur•AnexAA=PAlractrerArzsr,., • • - .• ' t )ti ,t itao ".• • ‘ 1, ;1;t 1 - ••• ,aa , . 1110 TGISItt*AVir ZWASI • • j •• • • • • • - la#1.11•14•6• vs-.emtve ir,” - • - • 4,4, „...1 A. - ..ur...111‘, cola • ii •• • ,, 4` • ••.• ,t - , EA L - title 0 20 „ - A,, • , ; .T tp . , ••• ' • . 1 , 3••••1 A•r,,l - • ••••) " ei . i;• •• , • .7 • McAlear:moil. W WCU TCHEON,Whohliale . grocm, de. t mis ear, r ,"."TadM. TICS lails,Glars, Aid P 44 '<`..",urs Ileuerally,,l2l Liberly . at, ,Pikt:sl trfrisitgo — timiiebes;fewelry Sliver fit'etio. .W.13,-- and Militiry cop.., of Market and Ch. nrootiPiltdreirey 'Pt: N. . l aratehrs Cloat entetaT tepared. • '• M, o tend • woo -' , ...;11001i15, earner or,roit gOontirfrietiontrartge odtu'AtaeL • doilktit • . , A r To BErforomzulete..e.pothecerf, N 9,4s3 ltrieitite.three deere above Thirde‘ nue lugr a illit i le b e . arze d ttg M.= • er i t i sell en the mart reesolle terthe, Thf 4 thu , s ' litmalAkeelerkneill he promptly Ja.endealle, mud. sele , ed !nth, ankles they may relyon genuine. . Pbysi4ianapresmipuooa wilt 1, ace;ately. and tpe mamthlS 4y 5 7, 14 11, Ate 4 from ' ll° - De" " "y harp! Alsoica C ,sere L oilaiTe stook oetiiih'sii4cP,lP ath MARBLE wome ON woonlerr s. Wusnte , prrramardir.- C°NITNUE£I. Ennnikoniroi , dentattenty, Vantoiltnal; Reed Stemee,;Blemel Neves.) 0141. treezt.PierTops of la end domettielaerble, it a rep t_ lat miler prices .. .11-I,l=er 1110/MMen et.. Amish. 4 ze ,14:1147 . ow , tiet solidus tiara. pehtt ,ENlgG!iil ~, rr . • • ShliTllolaluifoktatrei of Cotton and L colored Linon,lrialVe for Dreams, tke ' I . 3 ewmg ildk and eolored - Cortettarmtestor•slik and gutsham Pnradola . '"GiclPf - Mohair, - and Silk. Bullion Fume, toadate. ander on the - Ft - shirttail notlee.'" ,'• • ' • r .: , flreale„,comsrofdlaidarrlatte and WilllanLentrance Noti3 , lVl.lllum area; third flototoverahner & Ely.' turseqtaMMalden Lan , New - Port jytO t - RtCI:4ARD"T. LEEC,H / JR. ) , . 4.3,4uranuixi3O .. Saddfire Ironmongery,. Mimesis Auld Ciach ......: 1.. -- ., .". . •Trimmln4 I rwriaarbeer. Harr, V tin. *.O. *.0., Lint -Jet j N0.1.131ti000 Se. , rrrannaott.:.• 4 It JTANVACTmCotIo a UILEItof Stent4.o4teaac Familyßlan la& hats, Itath hla , Idl Idzell.., )Vooi*,lid.W IV , ' ./.31110 Conalons of , k/Dfliburg,h, -,, p 1 OCTOKI,.II, WILLSON. eon, hut-ototesaional, services to Ili Morals and Ow public generally of ntshargb,, - r , _ - - - °Mea t Fouturarrect, two doom from Moroni *Mee. . deolfkilm• , , L SLVi l ' -' iA .4-W •PEICIAPrEitIitTO iou CO` at., near Woad-411 quantities of Green- oral Illnek.ereuF,Aone ni, ia.qoancr, tudf,,und 1 one occuAltackagear,' raftOod &ea SO et, . per pound 81,10. iy4 ..a, JatiltalS, ae, for Pekin-TP.IAm.. lhaqi - ciaarling..rtzlei r,wst Wanks. „ OLEISTATC, - ILIIL - ,CO„cdanallrctirrefs of . Coach and., Eliptle 'illfirld'. litromered &Alm SprihrMar Plonk Steel,' frou,• feo:- Warellowaveti }Voter and - Proof acrects4 s inehniklU'' • . • --.', ••• "CAlsogdeilol - In; Coach Tnutaunga !nit Malleable 1 third dim abort" hatuuthelch iouth oda. 9 ouvoltanSing..4. ll -laitaa (1 0 14 1°0 1 h grehtPin 4%unglietiettr, ',30.120.1X lour *.wr,, MTOHYILITREC,, , AVhoIezabs. Groom. Sl , 7T nectifying Dimillers, -and Wine and Liquo, Mitoiluipurierir of Soda Ash and Bleach,: PoVirdi* tioilgt Liberty atreet, Ptthargh, P. DELAWARE MIITV.U. INSII/lABlen OHN PINNEY, lkedgethiii Pittsburgh for the Del l"' swim Mutual Safety Immune Computu of Pluto adelphlai Eire aisksapou baltdusgs and unsrabandthe of everydeserfption, - antd Merino kr swots halls or cargoes , tlf-seuels„ , taketc upon .the Ilion adorable OiHeb intim Warehoate of IN,kl.llolatee.k. Btu, htet. 37 Pliatet,insr Marta awl, :Pittsburgh. • • • ht N.-11..-thel trustees of this Compemy mince rheostab- Oehmerd Agency ellyouith the reap nes, and liberalltpaithkrislaitentery claim apoulhera fpr loss has been adtristed, inky W 5.1112.1 the agent la mvidng-the confadenue and patrortage.of Ida them!. end the community at lunge to the ,llelaware Al, &lush ranee Company, whiled has the addnionsi &dant:anent as eh inadurtion amotegthe mon do'quableg in Phibdel phi's—unbarring no =pie paid-in'ttdoeteeh by the Operation of its charter: is' Coma:tasty imarea k ing, at. ptelding tech Itersotrissured ids due , skaba re Abe profits of lite.reaspany; vithout istratring him tunny responsibility %hater "yeast- therefore,as L possessing too Aluthakprittembsdrossad of every ebuoilsuralia. tare; and in its mast extractive dams • • nevi. Emu sari) ateluxtip . Rstrituct. q itilinsarance enntpn at e l.duabbea, tareogh lorduly andlosited Agest4, the subscriber; often to make permanent and babied con property „le this city co as vicinity, and on ahipmats by th e Cs, dal andßivers. -• • . . • Arthur G CceEn, Charles I's_ yin; Sarni W. Jones, Ambrose Wince, Edward Smith • Jacob AL planes, John A. Drtrattyi , Jobs Was, Richard D. Wood,- P. COM - • • . Wto..W= - S=Drooks.,:. • •S. Ansin - Allibone, ARV:WILD, COPED4PreaI. ILiataxia, Seel. - ~.Thi.s.intho of Immropeo CoMIAMY Mt Me United • StotesOronng been chartered in Mt. e s isr •riP M431,.14-44 "t 11, 11P1,10ncesp.ri.....c, pr...w3toiti attlidanrial ruts or tor tura Wm ir OA CitaiLetaii it inv.b, 'efrosilleTed aerfugsan #le Co to the pane.' - W. P. JONk. • At CountielgoMn Atoned, lottei isr and hoot meet* PiSstragh. ' : ma 5- 7i71.1111.N1M1N. FLII.E.I.IIB4B.&MCE rpm,: Franklin Mira Insurance Company, of 1 b , ls , b4 a 'Oda, ariTt aunts Iva ranee, peraumens Bad limited ea orrery description of Property, So Piusbargh and die sarroanding country, en favorable terms. Wm com pany lama parpental cturrurr. • . Capital, 54C0,030 paid in. Cowingonl, pd thrice canter of Third and Market store% Biasabargis • apillirf. ' WASEUCK AIART.LN A. f/T• t' . • nodersisned,dulyanitorisetittratortheAmer ... Ant lasoloace Goavouty,of,,Phitiiciphto, maims* to aid' inoptaned)4lainit loot or . nsunAcc ring Cram .= baildings,nterenandl* . formulae sad ropesty,RtAxtro. knairdonc;in nag cny end vicinny. 0t , 14 _ .O Ea MelinAN, wooll . .. •• .a appointed Aire* .pro: amt: oCOe LiviroimCaroparty, of Norlb.A.menco; And will itua rPalfcierand attend to the other busipeso, Cf the Ageney,..l. Thavrarebourto of Atwood, Ai... A Co. apl2 JONES, water in VORWAIIDSO & COMMISSION CHAIM): _pAutsainowns f. TUBACCO:CULIIIIIMOiI SHECILIIITB, •.; • Pie. agora& Wltaria.4,ll7o: 117 botch Miter et 4 101E08 tii.iarorah the 1.11,t1t. And de. A) Pahtfatigh.fhar they hoperoade With arraageweaur ontathe .Virg atarotfacturent wid :thue threethre or. the Wary:West ladies, sod odter places, as will aware rosodeaealaal , eliPPlY Of Ile OrkraiUg.'deiCOP .. jiatts of Tobacco, whien be ifild'dpoa as decom toodatiag•MlTAlS as ally other house La Ws city ot clea- Where, awl all yoodt.onlerethfrosa theta with be War routed equal to reptesetatatauu • Havana; • St. Death:ger !Coetti4 • • 1 Von; • Porto Rico; • l'earest.t. Lee tot• cabs.; • • loam; tr.:Florida; • baccoi ALSO-43thatehfs celebrated iirematielthas,thlleee.- dab, with a huge essortracal of char popular. brands, ted qualities of pound., 4s t ea, 12s, •IGa atut.2 . ll4l,statp; G, es told les Play; Ladies , Twin; Tirana's Meet Cur plartyla wboTelutd •thilr beset, ' and au, together leith every variety of arUele helm, - leg to the Ifide; Jeladly 1. imam. .• • • . NUM. . . • • taIiVET. KEBLUIT 6GAIIIIETIIOX, 7 na FLOUti. FA.CTCVI Prodoomi Cotniision o 134 I = • 1013.11CSAITli, Va. ILI Norm 'Mums, Lyra kW Was. Pm, PIIIkADELPIiLk. Caro--John IL Ihtnnt as Co. 'ltobeN Stesat p aadeip ,.. res. ik Snaky Bagirey t Co- • Allan k Paxton ' • , Notes York. • Walters k alamora. Iligaley Sail* , • llarbridge,Wltsonk p i n' Bail tirOak4 B'g Kier % ' haat, ' • cash ALIO/L=ora Caillgainer 4 C t o "T, ELLMAKER, 'ECKY & CO., -1 torLOVII f/601"011191 , ,r TO. And . 01111254thlti , Cortmlsoloth Biorsolututli I,, Ntra3Sottrallrosso tint= • • • • . PRICAIIia.PIIIk AFl:l3lloiprz, - Homy Gnara Co, Plaint rel. Rama B. Sherlocklottelthutth 6.15ch001el " - " A. AL'Jsuluary,'2lfyortile.-. Cloirleallantuary' a; Ithothlrters a Co, aro tlru ma,, fceonstur 9 7 1 aieneEegilOA2 ' tielpontroste4 to their 'core; _ Hamm, Hauer ' tr. Co. Bittelrorgii Hoeuio. BreiOrrii k Co: Nab Litbon,'o4 Alerebenu, generailif, Wolfe -04 Skop kOgleby, Bridgeport, 0.; U. nich e:aeon Br . :Ciactunalii J:F.llOurardi• L401v,114, ciltpApq, t3,..Ltitent; H. Boyles, reolegio. deep nal) T. 071:11.01. 143111:171USUll °sonar. tG JENKINS, , COMMISSION VEOVISION hIESCIUNTS, No. 3 CUZILIFICIt skim Nzaiaara—Clairelk Catottibri Atakanaet Laughlin, Jolla Oder. eK nava-a:Fa. diontnir(Nittilar, Noaandaslam staNN'oahatardlng Maratauat,, tiONTINUEB-Uitfunissot %gem:trial Qomadalon bey lJ nen, espectallyla thaVarahase tad asked Alas d ean Easrafiattubs ihd Pladace, and at readying and tfri v alblea ti r s,u alr e b= i tt , az r the ottaalW astatie ppgyit l l Kw afaciala c at tba lowan, ialoat yogted., tata cca.!l OtalarN4 , l4,o9rildl V nF , , G wio i i tat A j r : . B ROC R ER RY" FORWEDIAVIAVCOSMISERIN 2); irpst EMU, Cottainillsaus ' Kanallkattsires generally, • 0 0,10 woos, tram rrrribtfitray PA. r'?''''W.IIII.II4.+CLAILIC r • 4 FOCliirlitailliale; b 114110 1 10111111010, Pa• Attandalvielady,t4 peyet4sciltroPPOli - FaranT tia - MialloT 2 ;,sphicrOASl744fßi CANAVareirst., ;« M ilt •-• Oirita.lo Witt( Pirestrzatf t a 4, MIME i """ "'' " ' , "'' Writ"rll%lßLlN; -- ' "-' 1' - illil"rint.NEltriAT . 7..AVV,i , -.-- . :. t raw =aid to collections and all othcrinid. nilodlV. ~. nes - anuste dukdn in Bu tler . d .. A ' m g . aifnsAa. Refe r ..,,.., i. zy e 4„,„„ . ' , , ,v.W.Wnee, do heii Mandl:in dd • Piasburc.; , k , dly v. t . Bay ked..i Woodin. . ..$ : an. 7 , 7.7-.Pmi. tithnd promptly to 11 , : timil giudGreca easuniaa r a. • •,-• .; . 1 , Bellgt.Co Chard fr. Caloth n, y Prfasburgh; 1 D. T. Warfel •• lbel9yi Faisminri 'titun.y • ind Councellor at Leer,- theme; Colleetions in Sontheetp Witt id Wank, •endihrSeetdeky,proosaly and - hatatheadetiro.. ,Soramissioner for the State of edit -4", t 4 / 4 gt /4 0 .ilionsr ackwiwOarileAlit. heAtet. Win. ft Sod, Cafes, Chitmli'S Parotha*Wel. HayS,E4q, Walloet e22l' it. w- • Wil• 114,Fewl* VIVILLIAMS & SHINN, (surecisors to Lovr3te and irr 'Att.:mats and Connienormal:air. °fe ee Nort rlvide of Fourth suer% aborellatithrirld. i brAltrw LICCIDrSI.O7, nalt.t.nanilapill... nuNinp inorn'er erLirw, Otheis lii Smiihfield, between :0 and 41.6 ata , , • VIONCIZA.RI) SWARTZWELDER, ft.tfoineys .io 1.7 LawS have remand their otftee to the South b fourth between Olieny Alley end Gm:mouse!. % gat It'RolllllBoN,'Attarnay at Law has re oloved Wel:oElo.m the Exchange- Dailairrat. hn C rut et., (eat door ea Aldermen Jo,. ap 11T 'HAT :.CAP` _ TurclusAng.hytarholesals,„ are _ .......-- .tall and examine oar Sloe lc ; as and cualsiy ; .with, confidence that as siganta cream - ay li f al4, and mum will not antes In a comparison wi th i any hoo. inl • Indainhia. ' fetti7 ... 41J . - CAPS AND MUFFS—The . sobs Libor I. runt. receiving faun the ciry ,of New York, a choice assortmeoi IVFAIII alliats, Ceps and Akan, latest inahlona in great Tart r ty, and velly cheap, wholesale and total. /AMPS WILSONI _ : , Limp Smithfield st4d door math ti_l_ith Pall Fashions tot 18411. D . 17 ' • • eCORD i Co., A I . .._. Il.axam'cosz & Imo ' ) 71 11711. C., kntroduce on oatowlay, August 2thlt, I the at r atyle of Haia,j ' atat raceised Ceara Now York Thom hit ant of a neat and. beauufed hat, are intfitisi tonsil at Waukee. corner of Filth and Wood streets. aar,24 STRANI? GOODS. , &• P.ALERS ire Maned to ezaudne IL H. 1 P LItIER'S stack or Straw Gooda of the-, .. P g. hlja`atiCr d enc i e! rti ' a l ig lait ' allah D.- 'stable do• 4 merman do do; China Pear do; Cednag do; k t Itutland A Freneti Lace; Pitney Gimp, &. . or. HATS— orn, Puha Leaf, Panama, Fano/Suns, do timid, and itraidi Pedal do. • : Al., A ffeini''Flessaia, Ribbon., ,te. 'Straw Iton net Ware+ 5e.119 tnnekei at .. ! manta ~,.,,,Aft„,,,..,..:.%,,,.,,,0,,.„.......,„ sable near and dable Wasta , -.: , •,. , Doniph 1 Expeahno—Containni a sketch oi. the life of Col. A. W. 'Doniptusa- no Coequals of Nen, Mexico; ' - rs g.n.i..4 Expedition . to Coh ryas; Don 1 sign =th . : Navtiny and hat l l.2. le4 os gl . 1. urrice at Enna Fai with a : In ef. bl L.Lnd vulas Jahn Hughes. A . 11 • (abs N. ' is Cally . . Watory: - Irsatacisyi-Iti. , Aaticalties and Natand Qtrunttics Gebpst*aal Ana/steal sad Geological &snip with s aerof Pioneers Life, and non than asse red Iliartatthical Ariake* of thninguish. 01 noose Soldiers, Stanstneo, Jana s, LanyanJA trines, ter-i Dkrarated-arlthierry cogravusgr{ by Lewis Callas, L sdl.-betivo. m. f 218 Twain, Months , V lentecr, or Journal of a bl ame in ihd Tennessee Titcgimens Of Canada, an two Caanyaimordosieo, dining l3lll.47.eoeidshdon an no eonnt ofAreh of the Rast=nt wifera Can, n description f iiii Country passed over, roatulaccui- . alt Abe . the peapied.adddebea of a,. , of .., .i y to senor...Cabo, Volunte ' ,l ''' cilidanexs, d a fu ll of two. %lexica:l IVar,List oLin *W ind IV . ed, Ac, illustrated by alarm" minaret of donee% • - and pima by Goo. o..Fuiber,l vol.. rietaVO. xrEw Spec ch c.--On re, 11. Cromwell's Lenora mid Speeches„ including Me supplement do the first edition: With clue Idaho.. By 'Thames Car yle. In 2 sots: lSmo. Gioia • Cailins , entneky Elkeurhes of Ken tucky, el.-acing its history, antiquity and mound curios:he's, grograpbacebotaustical and ' irmological de, wornionsonth anecdotes of hooter iris said. more Ilan one h.dr r. biographical *ketches of distinguish ed piencemisoldters. and statesmen Amos, lawyer., &inn., ell. Illustrated by forty engraTtng. By Lewis Fairy; Taloa atutiogends' of Omni Nations—Beloct nd translated. Y C..P. ' ll 4 ea ' atial rave s red. The Arab . and Thousand cod One Night 9 or, the Arabian '4;404' &kris:laments; - tau as Ar lan family - reuling—smith explanatory notes, •by E. I .V. Lqsr,l*. Etna the second London edi tion: allostliated with UM Wood meta by Harley and lillomleatedit A itles Owen Jon. l ii . Completel2l I partapape Or 2vois,lshae. ' The abed bookskost retelred end kW tale by - JO NSTON t ..ITOCKTON,Ekkokeellen, .0,26 ! :NEW ~ s. ;Rs bOR SCHOOLS, to... Memento of PI • .4 Spherical Trlonotuen74 with their - sp. ' , Mmithing • Newmann% Surveying and Navigation ily_EJlae Limutis, A. AL • Xenophon . * hiernombilia of Wroratee, -with English softie, caudal and expiadatory, Life, of 5.,...te:., an. By B. An tho.i. t. si. • hl`ClintoOk A Creche Fino Drank in Greek; contain ing a fall eldsrof the forms of words, with rrocabol. oes androgyne es erciaca,die. FralkeliPn trot Hook in: Spanish; or, • pradtical in. , troductien the gaudy corpse tyranisit a Lang nags. . BoOk lietling' by tangle an daub entr,y. Paten rally whaled to ta inland oud maritime co amerce of , the United ;States. lip P.,thiff. A HistorY , of Pinney from the comp:est o.f (toil-by Julicri.Crelj L t . o the re ion uf Lard `I Philippe. • Ily lira filarkhrun.„ Ir toed, immured and milsrged, byJagon Abbott'.at ' . and entrlikilliga. For sale by 1 R. HOPI GINS,. ' decla !).1 ~' • .Apollo Nodding Rath et _., ! • ICHAV BtioK s•-y.l<mentso , Tniforui rti — er — try. :Ai —Demi mu of plain spud superficial MO some. ;try, with t* .il l applications to Alsninandon, SuiVeying and Nerigi um by Thar Loomis, A hf. A Vint & ink in tireck; containing a fall view of tbe 'form of wring., with vocabularies and eoplottet niter el.O.• on the method of constant imitation and r, men tion: by John 3PClintack,•D. D., Proferstn.of Lai ow gee, and George R. Grovels, A. /Id, Adjunct Prof maw of Lwguage lin Dichhison . College • Upbarn's life of Madame catnarline Adorns, 11 edi tion. , • A neer no el—The Dbeipline of plc. • Parts 9, Inland II of HaiTerrothers' . ply ndi d ll lostmted edition of oho Arabian ohm , Rinenal, not at. The aborts works received this day byeine, sin and formate by . JOHNSTON A STOCKTO )N, aorla . . , eta ad and limn et ale SIIOOL ARCH/TS:CURE; oremtributim to to dm improvement of wheel Sodium in the U. $ : by ilentrlimadtd. , Abundantly illustrated with , views end plena 4 , 1 -;. '. • Theory pin ,1 Practice of Teaching; or the - soothrise andnietittrds;of g o ad whool keeping: try David P Page,' A. hL I Teaching Onfene4 the Teithis an Artist, by ILL Hall..A. hL 1 The4elint and the School Master—A ma n out for the. u Of. nett employers., trostecalosp.ectorg, ke..die of.imams Schools.. in two pane. St • Mon a. Potters CC Di and ti. P..!Enserson, A. hi. Ills grated Omar g with s. Pb, sale by Ct deal it /IQPKLNS, Apollo Bath Mee rilAßLfi ii 'st eniablim LIBRARY, for iiiiticr de end ..g - - Para fie .—Thiork eon ***** °Nevem,' vo hunes, end coat five hundred different subjects Illui armed orange' ugraringa. , If is an outirelr original ' maw, recently :Men and tonipletul by S G Loodrli ilLini. they oft'Varters Tates,. and is designed t( i cahl• bit, in 0 !scram, Select Blogropbies, aneiiis rat and modern: - e ander. and curiosities of Snooty ;Pia. MM.." Pi ettoci, and • Philmsophy, with the pre etical duties •Of 6 1 . The rice per Vol. is laCente, each containing about agl,pagey,/lP„mot. or 810por at. For sale by , ~, -oont.‘. i- ,-- a HOPIONEI, Apollo Buildlngs,Al bat XTEW-drEP,-A Whirti, and It. eonsca fu •Odia: Al by G. Pe .IFoq,rog, , Visual . .. , 4 . it SOYA Without a Hero: by AV illiam Mikepeteel atkeir, with Illusuatione. , 1 }Award Yemeni Idy. CowLha's Story, by E V' Made, Story'rOtte .Peninsulur Wart by General (=kW.. William arm, Marque a Londlinderry, G. ( L11;0. 0; a; Crollel of the , 24 Bert Ufa Guard.. Thisibo j e Works received this day mid for; odeiby . /WINSTON A Sit 1114 DIVINE PROVIDENCE ..—To, him airy scarce and exceedingly su doable ork,.nsal s been published by J. L Bend, Int ,bets. dful 12oto. vol. of 330 page. It contains the , atom. teendutionsiof several Clergymen of this city, of sent denoMilladous. In ace week 400 copies bay e bees disisibuted.hithe city of,Plusborgh and suburbs. Is a book for slurp .booy. Yes sole by noOtti It * HOPKINS, Apollo Iluiidhsgs,4l hat 41:BOOltitY0B , PARENTS , YOUNG FEE- ANS ' Ain• ONVAj„itts. Dr. Banning'. "Coo rot on suer oh" Widths Physical Edutation, and Stun an Voice, as, hosed upon the mechanioal , philosop hy; of nihrrepbysitial nonnitudon t befog the substance of h is loCinple.oalthe, above. subjects recentl y delivered 4 4. *stay. V4i..4.4y - It •1 OPKINB,. ,t oeilD i r r i i ' Apollo BaildiogOth ~,, T3lii. r4 oym—ibe .lifetamarpnasei of ihiblnia rOtitll Agasa,• elucidated by on malyes , sod, al. plattallotratt no Mini,' together with Engilah Piotes, iiistorical, ' y th ological null critical, and; illustiwied 1 2Vinnitril ' tribellutillitenun with i close's. - 1 . 1 . 1t,,,C. , i st s . Brooks, A. - ''nel 3 trn9r&Las nnoNze—so Hu Fine Brouse, all carom* , "" .T 1 1:-011POALIF 7 0 - 11NIA, OREGON inillillEAS,--• . .100 and far 246114 . dente JBIDD&Co ~..• Fle° late 4 uth ' nthis ' B r f/ ' Agg°4'. A - 111tESIVE PLASTER;iso — id. Ellie Adlureire te..1.10.11 ,taro secompaniment—illsterreal,Desenp- . :; ii. mot Fre,. Gemdphleill add nitallstical. For We is, s• 44 %., 43211 ."' 1 "d .. ,1 fon . 4 . bY J JUDD & Co 114615' .1 Bli°llE— ' 7l.4Bj A"n° Buildltit"th'" -.- creoß(Ubla Alcohol, jest reea and (or sale , , ATM I'ICAL INSTRUMENTS—roc Draw- A . vb., , Ilf &vitt JOHN D MORDAN 1 s .Inifrl Eking . and Rotrowood stun, ,wlth ',Or e-• I••ut An ~ cOlOrt. - For - see by ' . i • VW BLACK - 4 casks Jost reed aadi0t .,........ 5a1e by 4011 . . , S . HOPEINfii Apollo B. L &en )011N D itOsimaA t". , PITTOVROff;::::P.RIDAY MORNING, ' JANTIAitt .12;.:'.;18:4H6,:,',.-:1,':„.:.:.:L:,, I=lll2lll Ancnnay at Law, office !idti tit Miley Pittsbnrgbi will . limiting, in Wutkingtonanyaite, ANY. BONNETS. HATE. • TIIK-suktcrit midnied to hi.. — "factual's p Was, Imo made anal we. , • 'Alec • !)epee BCo '(the caw* eity . oi Now York,) forafen ,t dna Bilk )rat., and linnitiq: =Alin . ; tu b* ifi th a Id street, decend door month Of fonndin pent nutlet of Raul Imminence, attoteinl a and ft .:ran . hart notice: • • JAMES WI SON. lUD & CO" 5 b MCoid & King) 411811 ' in;ble Etat t•ea, of fl' and Nth .3trati. eption paid 10 our ftetail Trade. bmrely IMOD isiting their Huth mild %lament of the stsr lIATICSIA. Li and Arstrinmmi and at dm r.dtsmsts 800 I TRABE. #ft. s iV. trattel. eor ad rt ' , COPARTNERSHIPS, ' , , e, PP C___. cdpias.rwansinp - OOAN le KENNEDY have Ibis day associated with them is the Hardware business, Philip atid7dward Gregg. 'The style of Gem will hero ine/ 141.6gan i Wileoe /t, Co. Thie arrangement tee m It desirable to close the old Inalnels ns goon a. ,basible. ' Ala'l,o:ll*rd whose liabilities have metered, lli n l=V , YflfTsle a do mete immediate payment ii.0131.0111 t ,,W17.•1504 I:lo.—lott . p . o . etc's and I P... 1 Wholesale Denten in Foreign and Domestic Hait :ware; Cadet", Buddtory,/tet 1510, 'Wood street, Pina r ml l 4 renow fully f otepared with • recently tmpor. I On ;or ll ia te! 'i resTm eini :bfonrs, ‘" arnirt=t .COMPet. ILI prices 00th any the Athmtie AL Flo on hand as exteasivi, assottmentorPiusbuto gar& I , rwq elm.Shovr.la, a t ., Forks, Hoe+, tricein he., an of which will by sold at the lowest mtmufactdrer , iles*. • • • _ — Diaiblutton. IrrE_Partnerehip so long existing under the of hrt.lord 'ZS Xing, was by annual consent red l am Cie Ist inst. The holiness will be closed at th old lucid iv tither of us, using the same of the for ;that' purpose. Being desirous to have our baud ess closed with as Dube delay as possible. we wool re spectfully request those indebted to call nod ule Chair accounts. JOHN D. WOO i• 29 H. D. KING. CosPartslairahlp, I TORN D. M'CORD having um:winced With biro 4, brother James !Ward, under the style of hi"Co d .* Co., will continue the Hat, Cap and For business in All us various breeches, wboleinle and retail, at the 'old stood, corner of Wood and sth streets, whets they !solicit a continuation of the patronage so lilienally be stowed on the old Grzo. JOHN El WCORD. pretiring from the old mut well known firm of Id'Cord Sang, I mow respeeiflly reeeroaread to patron Co.g, of the pukka my aueoessors, Mews. Wcord tr. II. D. DING. GosPartite galalp Notion. - LI W. STEPHENS of Wheelies, &F. Shombergen. of Jartiatm and J. A. Sioelmors of Pittsburgh, have 'thin day entered Into. co-partnership under style and firm of Simphens, Meant:sewer & Co., at the Anchor iron marks, Wheeling, Va., for Me; purpose of mann menu ing iron and nail* of every description. A. W. OTZ/13.11.. L I`. MIOLTIOMOIM 1. A. STOCITOS. STEPHEN*, SHOENBILUDEPI £ CO. ANCHOR IRON WORMS. nectiag . , Manafacture all kind of boiler, sheet, bar iron nod nabs. A. Mama! eliptic quietened axles. Being coo occult with ShorsiberizePs WA Juniata works, we can off," an article of Juniata iron Rounded &went...ger) can to ant made in the country. All of whioh will be sold at the Pittsburgh price.. %Penthouse of the works corner of Monroe and WOW, Its. mylt Di ABSOLUTION—The purtnemlup fathers, oulat. ring mder the style tad firm of AN/Ightmurf es NI , ell, this day dismayed by mutual consent, John Dat il haulms disposed otitis entire interest to H. Wkuht u. The Misuse. of the lute firm will ho settled by L Wightmun, who is authorized to am the name of the oto firm for Mot purpose, IL INIGHTIIAN. spaal.7or Wily 1 47] J. DALZ ELL TICE Subscriber U nos prepared to otannfortnre kinds of Cotton sad Woolen ry, at the shortest tonics, Orden left at B. %Fights:nut's Engine Shop, cor ner Liberty and Water streets, Will meet Prithflrompt attention. WIGHTMAV, Leocolt it, between Federal and Bandit:sky Es, Allegheny city. CO—PAATRIERIIIMP—Wm. Young having title dny usoeinted with him. John R. mine, the lea. t 4er buninehe will banana, be conducted under the Earn of Wm. Yonne 1z G. WILLIAhI YOUNG, rant JNO. It MVUNK. MEDICAL. pa TAYLOR'S BALSAM OF LIVERWORT.— This article Is prepared according to o recipe pro cured from o very olir and eminent pby smart, who has experieneeced to his pretties the want of • remedy for bINEACHIS OF THR LUNGS, upon which reliance could be placed by the public—which Induced him, gildr matured tests In numerous cases of Pulmonary Complain* to offer this preparation. It bag teen rho. renghly teed by hwideeils. now to good health who can .ay that they on thnr ttreserratton from an early grave, to the in of this naratone. COannerro, AND Ural. CotirLAM —For • or time I mtierett with these direlses, and era. the mere alarm e.l tta I anal loaf a mother, two brothers, and two sis- I, rat with the eonseroptson. I had the best medical ad- visa vain; every remedy wa Inest emboli' egret, mail ; !was almost in despair. I was wanting sway, verynersitor, had n bag cough. tow of strength, sad Vela ;lo h' r ' S a ltil g" S ' Z medico:le eared me tadsschema. Its great ratorative powers should be wads known. W HOLDRIDGF. 232 Spring it. ithurin or /nob —This disease eaylly earo by th e proper inedrine. r. Newbury, JIG Bowery, need nuso blood i In l M uxe qoamities, both 11 , day and lgid: besides my ha had a weer, coop, and .In In is • tartmen, and let all others who !AXIOM afford to be idle follow hie example, If they are sick, and an this medicine. II will restore direued Longa Lod Layer in a lawmen:de. To persona of a disordered nervous system, or thou who unahle to rem. 441.1 0 r 01gh1, 1.111. medicine emphatically recommended, se die subscriber once aratioined W extraordtoary virtue In his own fatuity, one of the member. having been attacked arab • se afro mmightns, vegeta cold, sowing of blood, Pref... m fb.ts.ud..dislmted tea, great irritability, mob dif ficulty Of brtatldits, fee, and was cured by one bottle of tlilellalmati. Pahl In' Pittsburgh by I D Morgan, VI Wood Yq I Townsend, US Market su 11 Sanuer. tor Murree and l 4 sur, liendersom at C 0,5 Liberty It,- 'Mee reduced 11140 . pe r drel _MUST TO _TIE AFFLICTED. Fr. Roles Celebrated litmedles. DR. JACOB S. ROSE, itte diacoverer Ind mole pm. prictored them moat popular and benelimal toed imam, and also the inventor of the celebrated inure. tarot for inflatmg tho Letng.s, la erecting • cote of Chronic dmeases, was • eadent of that eminent phym must, Doctor physic, and is a graduate of Ma Utucemi trof Remisylvezda, end for tinny years since has been engaged In the trmesugattoa of Mesae, and the apgh canon of remedms therm. Through the are of his inflating tutu, in connection tn. his Prophylactic Syrup and other ofhts remedies, he hos gamed SA mpantellsi eminence inuring thou, dreadful and twat maladies, Tubercular c Con somme., Canters, Scrofula, Ftheitotatunn, asthma Fever and Agee, Fevers of all hods, Carom. Kniev 1., and all those °bull:rate dlseaseapecol tar to females. Indeed every form of dleense vanuh. under the use of his remedies, to which hum.. Is bets—not by the use of one compound only, for that In tecumpuriLle with Physicdogieal Law, btu by the use of Ms reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form of &sense. ). Fir, Rose's Tonle Alterative Pills, when used are th numbly acknowledged to be superior to all other, let a purgative or hoer pilll,, inumuch as they leave Bee' bowels peritClly fete from Costiveness . , u ale hie liniden Pill. is admitted by the faculty to possess pecu liar properties adapted to female disease., but being satisfied that a base trial i. ondkient to eetablish whet has bete amid in the minds of the meet skeptical. The are longed to call open the agent, and procure (gratis) one of the Doctor's pamphlet. gut. a detailed accetunt of meth remedy end Its app lication. Kor de by the following opens, as well as by most Drprgilll• ditOUghOla the Monter Behoomusler & Co, al Wood tares, Pittsburgh; kiTownsced. druggist, 45 hltirket n l&te A Beckham " near the I' 0. Allegheny city; Joe Barkley, Datypo., hteaver county, Pa. July Elliott ;u. F.o nec o t n Valley, T . Ate i n ly , . . Jaynes , Expectorant. Swot, Columbiana co., cr., Apr. fl, VaR. D. JAICNE.P.: Data Rum—l feel hound to you and the calmed public, to aced myself of this op portunity ofgivintpnblielty to die extraordinary effects to your expectorant on myself. Ilaung been affiletOli for several years with • severe cough, beetle fever and itsconeanntant diseasee, and seemed only doomed to linger out a *hen bat miserable effluence, until the fall of 181 D, when, being more severely attacked, and having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre- Seriptions of two of the most respectable physicians in the neighborhood without donning any benefit, or the coneolation of nnviving but a fare day. on weeks at farthud--when the tut gleam of hope was about to vanish, I had recommended to me your Pagemonun— and bleated by that Being who does all things In the use of the means—tad cmitrery to the expectations of Domhyc mid friends, I was to a, few days raised my bed, and ay. ennbled by Me use of a bottle, to attend to my business, enjoying since better health thui had for ten, year. previous, llolpectlblly yours, At., Joe. W. Emu. For std. la Roxburgh, at the Pekin Tea titore,7ll FOonb,llllOrt. OM% - 10111 W lOCTOH. B. W. NORMS having recently purchas ed the Drag Store formerly owned by Bays a tleitway, NO. a Commercial Row tabu', street, Titubrirgh, 'takes this method or Informing Ida friends and 11,0 public ta general, that his store will at all times be ettpMied with on extenatve arid geneyalaxsorment of Drug., Dye Stet Pointe, Oils, Vatnislies, Perattnery, Colognes, and indeed eeryar ticle called tor ha a drug store, which will always bo told ar low as et may other house in the city, whole suit Or retail. Hoping to merit • share of lito public patronage nothing shah be emoting to give entire sat noftenou t o hinno.mmera...__z_no.77-Upl_4 • - It*aropetliy i or . the Kesler Clare. Yiktpourtin BENJAMIN W. MOR /Us, still continues to practice the safe and popular remedy called iattry or the Water Coro, and if desired will treat diseases Allopethically. übstitrical cues will be at tended to promptly. , N. 11...,Dr. Morris may b. consulted at its Drug linite,47ia 2 Commercial Itow, Liberty street, during business boon, or at his iy:thdenee, morning and even ing, Penn street, 3 door. below Irwln's alley. nov7-tspl4 — IEL - 7.1L - o - bizta, M. D., n MIA GM I C SURGEON ` will attend to the treat. AY mantra Diseases of the Lye . . Orr IL has been "Ringed in s branch of the medi cal profeation foryiteen years, and has conducted an establishment for the treatment of diorama of the aye •alorie for beyond IMO 07FICL and retudeacs, corner of Baudasky at and .Bnawbouralley, Alkesheny city. actl3 - brtirtelatais Ira Tennessee.. THID Is to certify that I purchased one rlal of Dr. MaLensee Wenn - Specific, some two months ago 111110 ID • SOU or cane some ..011 years old., two imutreeirls film, and although the amount may appear bully yet I have no doubt but there erns nirranU of rot* 11111:01AND wow . pound from him, mermunng Ran One quarter of mulch to two inches long. O W HOLLIDAY. Henry Creek, Carrot co. Teria r peo 47, 1447. itart. - WONDERFUL A/1111YA.L..—Da. Tomas:Ws Ban. V urda• r-s „Vag bottles of this great fall end Winter inediclue, Just received and for sale by R. EL SIILLEEIB, 'Sole Agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the gtladltro owlets one be had. ootto • TI.ARRISONI3 Colombian Ilairllyei do do Indebble lak e with or vrtUto.lPlanansllon. Ilarrison'a superior Red Ink. For sale ut the trade at maottramorers.priceas, by R. SF.LLERP, sinkA o .67 Wood wain. rilltMitkirt MIME Patent hindldlati Atipint recd and far aala by ,•. • cant 1 JUDD I Co HOTELS sot/11241N 'HOTEL: LIGHT STREET BALT11110111.E:' RTHlS lit ' ne ta A b ND h s m u e e n t t w b o on rt, awndnen • ' known being one of the most commodities In the titre( Baldirnn, boa recently undergone eel? erten . sive alterations end improvement. An entire new wing 'ha been added, containing . mucteurnm and aio aleeping i =nents, andexteldve bathing roma." The ' department has also been. completely reorganized and hued up in a Inelatutdoe and belmt. Ni style. in tact the whole arrangement of the Bottae bes been remodeled, with a single eye on theMutat the peepnetorsorward. the canton and pleasure of their Gamut, andwhich they confidently wen will challenge &malinger, with wry Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every ebb. venial and luxury which the market affords, tarred up in a superior win while in the way of Wines, Act they will not be 111111:11.11.4. In conclusion the proprietors begin say, that random nothing will be leftleftmier., on their part, an parrot their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the coptinited patroungeof their friendvand the publie generally. • The price. for board have also been reduced to the dtes follosnitg Or La' Ordinary, 111,75 per day. . Gentlemen'. o 1,60 ' N. H: The Baggage Wagon of the How will &l iverss be found at the Car end Steamboat Landings, which will convey bagga g e to and from the Hotel, free bra •:' EXCHANGE HOTEL. scomnsios nom ram re. imam ma, format aB, PA. The subscriber hams ummed them tmage. meet of Ws tong establalsed and populist Hotel, respecally , &enemas! ro Travellers and Me Publics generally, that ha will be at all times prepared to accommodate them In all things desirable tart well Segalated Hotel. The Home Is now being thorouglly repaired throughout, asd new Humane added, and ho palm wW be spared to make the Exchange one of the !re beat Hotels in the country. The plldetegned respectfully wham CoutlanariCe ;br the very liberal patronage the House has heretekire *else& THOMAS OWSTON, 'fisbedtf Proprietor: • -- - ! . • • •• HOLISM. " • Voisse-nit roma MID dinar META, prrrearaciii. .11. THE subscriber respectfully asmoonees that be has now opened his new and excellent Hotel lox the, accommodation of travelers, bonnier*, end the piddle generally. The house and, furnitate nre entirely new, and no pains or expense have been spared to render it one of the • most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city. The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there fore solicits, a sham of public patronage. netbi•dly JACOB ROUGH, Proprietor.' THROOKEribittillLT HOUSICi unnevu.n; IT. 41t114 THROCILMOn'ON beg. to acquaint his . 2 friend. the. he is again lessee of the OAIiT IlOUttr, Louisville Ky., where he hopes to meet inll his old friends, assuring them and the public, that , no effort shall be spared to make all comfortable who furor him with their patronage /"141— vnaTED SPATES novas, enamor 117..15TWX113 000111711 ADM VIM tot /APPOSITE Into Bulk of the United States, PhUy ky dolphin. POPE MITCHELL,. marthf Proprietor. RISCELLANEOUS. Chocolate, Cocoa, tie ; W. Baker , * American anb French Chocolat., Prepar ed Cocoa Cocoa Pasts Broom, Cocoa fitlei* tie. TO Merchants and consumers, who would purchase the bent products of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more nutritious than tea or coffee, and in quality unser- passed. the subscriber recommends the above anklet, manufactured by himself. and stamped with kis nama. llis Brava nod Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for Invalids, convalescents, and ethers, arc pronounced by the most eminent physicians ruPerior to an f other preperations. maan6stures are always on We, 1/1 any quantity, by the most re. spectable grocer. in the tern Mass, and by than agents, Hawes, Gra) , tco of Boanon; James M Bunco ro. Ilartfont, Conn; Holier t Munn, New York; Grant& Stone. Philadelphia; Thomas V Brtuidige,Elat , ' novae; and Kellogg & Benett, Cineinnad, Ohio. WALTEII B AKER, Dorchester dlasa Fbr sole by augal BAGALEY t SMITH, AV COACH FACTORY. HITE, BROOKS CO, would teslastlitlly in- Gam the public that they have erected a shop on Lacock, between Federal and Sundial,. meet They sre pow mnhing and aidyrepared to receive orders for “ , gy d.w.pitm. Coaches, Chariot's, roaches, Donis, Phruina, he.. Ice, which Ibricp their loan experience in the manufacture of the above work, ansf.tbe facilities they here, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with tbenk wanting artlelerile their hue. Paying I/Pilate...lv attention to the selection of math rialS, and having none bat competent workmen, they bevel co hesitation inwarranting their work. We therefor, tat the attention of the public to this mailer. N. B. Repeating den= in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms )etf — l,Vreintrha anti tut Iron Hultug, FIVE otbscnbera beg trace to inform the public that they hove obtained from the East all the late nod fashionable designs far frau Railing, both for bruises and lesinthteries Person. 'wishing to procure hand wino patterns will please call and teilelitie, and judge for themselves. 11.1ingwill he furnished at Lts glen. ell Udine, and in tit . beat =met, at the corner of Craiglnul Rebecca strcets, Allegheny city. A. LAMONT Ar. 10102. - ansgcAL AD VERT/SEUENT• 41 ) . E ly °'o2l.E" ne R F C 3 1 T i tni . fre N mr!l a gt " tob71 . 4 " at i i , that he nos commenced giving inmuction on Abe P 1.30. method of Instructing ts very easy, and adapted to ant it very olum He hopes bY,Mict auention to his butane., and by reasonable oVsto m erit a there of the publae patronage. Those to hear him play, are invited to leave their with the tune hoot suited to thou, at the Blom &doers( Hr. blebs, or Air..l3luoso. amosescas—J, H. Mr/Joe, Esq., Frederick BluMo, 'Eel, Victor Scribe, Dookeelles. novll.4lcm• _ Laseiiing s Copping and Blooding. D. NORRIS, I&Ccelmor to H. R. Delaoy.}- 11. 63 Fib .tevet, between Wood and Smiths Pooh Icons. moved monthly--anendance boors. Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Alle gheny and Ehot'nt.gl,mts ' , most cheerfully recommend to the plankton, &la thes and all my former friends mod poems, blr. K. 11. Norris as being thoroughly acquainted with Um buta nea and worthy of patronage. m0r..54y X R. Dl nastufaaturst, . BIS ( klt'LlTl Rt.Yntsf's solserios street l !psi -- A, 93 do Al A Butler's 19 !lido Pelee tr. Harwood's " 6" VI do do do 96 do do Pearl & Harwood " " 66: lb 14 do .1 Itobneson " " les 6: hf do do s 4 IQ do do Wni Dawson 33 do T Wright's " " 27 do (I Anderson 9 de L T Dadebs " " do II Mason's 2 do Rated!" lb " Jail landing from steamer and packets, and for axle HEALD, BUCKNOD. k Ce, 41 nonb water at and 16 north wharves. / 4 24 Philadelphia MOFAcTu itr.D I•oB..teto-20 bx h( ..idan k Ban's superior sweet lb lamps. 73 half his Wehwer Old wipenns assestria lumps 30 Lamrenes Lamer S 23 " Gentry & Dtruster Is is " SD Dupont itre la &owl " h " lo " McLeod " .1 Lawny.. Louler l• ba&flaplug Just landing from wanner. and for sale by IIEALD, BDCKNOR Ik. Co, N water st and 10 N wharrea, my3l Pitiladelthita 117-E.....011 engaged In the above banjoes., minter of Wood and Th.rd streets, Pittsburgh, where thpeae prepared to do any work In our line with des r. We attend to our work personally, and anus faction will be given in regard to its neatness and du rability. Blank Books ruled wimp pattern cnd ballad .4- tamnally. Booka la numbers or old book. bound nitro fully or reriarrod. Nunren put on books 111 gilt latter.. Th., Om knot work In our line aro invited to Call. PTIC. tow 121y2kIr CO-PAIVFN Radii-IP= WM. It. SOAISK and iCept. JAMES ATKINSON have entered into partnership, under the firm of SCAIFK & ATKINSON. and wtAl entry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware marteractory. Also, Hinelorrnitiong in all its branehee, at the old nand of Wm A tieule, First street, near Wood. Particular attention given tosteamboat work. wtd 12 tHRF'S;OO4I4 - UkciUolit 140i1151;14. Three bra i n , Dugh Hones for sale, suits. hie for drapng &a. Enquire of WALLINtiFORD & Co, augt7 culla 6.1111,112 nm kt (('IA - Ll , Slffdittifdlis inCuine Fniaeli Calf tikAtii,i 4,./ very fine gnome. A few downs Pt:andMa Mina, from the manufactory of H Al Crawfo r d ,to which Ma auenuon of boot waken 1a inviwd. J ut received and for gale by NV YOUNG & Co, 1 0 0 7 AT, p l I N e Ilia K V Illid4o o t rito7 11 nh 1 Vol eet .nd Taiiarr Carped/ latest styles. Also, BM. gots plysand imp and fine Ingrain llaspets, of sup styloa anti qualiticsi and connection can alwaya be Mond Table Idwn. , Crailtes, Div.., Damasks, No tenni, Oil Cloths, b.. &c., to all of which - we calf the attention of the nubile. ang2l • • -• NORTOIE. . ao . l o d io a , u i t . . g en o tre: l, llT m kx . c'” t, we ie:mm.4lmM ifiat for lam the pa.ronagq,of all our friends ►ud ens ._ Ito Y_ r9P4.l?}lx:Mi, Aug.rin.WMt , ,thOßK (1 11. GRANT, INliokook Grocer, Consminsion And . Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water st autY JOHN 8111G8IFF & CO., 'MOS. 93 and 04 Front stfeet, Bell Founders and man. oracle/era of all kinds of Fiumga for Gay Stearn and Water, have always on hand Wrought Iron %Fel. ded Pipe for steam, h., and seater, from Yin. to f in. ldiameter. Brass Castings made to order. Also, a arge assortment of Bells and finished Brass Work. to which the SUCIIIIOII of Plumbers and Engine Builders is parueidarly directed. lies Faunas pul up promptly and on reasonable tOTIII4. sepZulem GILEENI2VOIMA IA - Xlthig - /Nill. inSITEILS TO TlllB AKITA:AT can be famished with a Lunch at all boors of the day; also, ire Creams, Fruit Confectionary, &e. The 'learner Green• wood makes her regular trip. as usual, leaving her Pin street landing A. Al., and at ball peat each hoar Vz; , :t i e . f pt , ; , IA, until P. AL—leaving the Garden at /0 her lam trip to the toy. A moonlight clew of the Garden Ls indeseribabla in its beauty._ jyls 11ITTSBUROH, OCTOBER 20, 11848.—We are now 1. in receipt of several bales first rate 1E49 Western New York and klasuelmsene Prime HOPS, andare always receiving regular supplier. We are prepared lo sell at lowest rues. Office, Plirstreet. Allegheny neer. onion GEO. W SAM is.CO. th ,15 ;mammoth Gold Pens. Penna.( baring - mileb wrn gto da;vrillfind great ease lo using these Pont, as ther4o stet cramp the fingers, and have flue smooth points. %V IV WILSON,, deck corner 4th and market sts FOR Se wo oung Borne—will 'Ai 711:1 be sold ow. Work well elther dou uire of s ingle or single harneeei l Inq• • Euatar k ENGLISH, _ co. 78 wool • COLEMAN, ILaILMAN & Co, hare ',Moroi to the , Warehouse, a doom. weal of the hianongabala Liam, on Water and From stream FOB RENT—Taa Warobonao No. 43 Wood at . actin Pon copy. DryeyßAD COATING-I case Drab Comber,' re ,jost roe& able MURPHY IL= fISEEL. "I' IN; :comp' in Varpiellti*TVAAlltl4". (lungs El BUteklut doCal,• 0,,11 5 1=1 In 1;404 6 Z I smith aide, ahead - inipci r Weed , Pittsburg& Ljii Wing deceased I and the arriving eartner Yoe aserimed himself with Mr. Wrl 0 , BMPlowmi, I will he:mallet be conduetedundaslibliallidf,,,e4**mt—T tett& Barr. t Trial of n'ailk. In arkeinatad,aa't aldf=l-1 ed were pre:Sent al the setting*, one '- Co's improved Phenix lini•prootudens, ,The.sale was placed in • bunaturem the Public ISW*Fr**almbMil to the Inten s e heat of • moue coat ere. for more , th lth three houn. In one hour and a half the ea& elm* tO • bright red hest the door or the furnace Was lb • cloned , • which caused an faereased and meady beat the balsonee of the that, entiktlineastlron wheels ,wore partially melted orb the furnace was then Wow* down ' and the sate cooled and opened. The money, prs and books which it eontalned were as perfect ti-when laced there, the binding only of the baobbei Pored by the water in coo ng in. ling the safe. Wolters no caltation in remmummding itto the Pune * ** o superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe that It will Stied any heat which might he produced, inept a heat which would enell h toa mass - • Springer & Whitman, L Wanhola, It= 14 limusett, Bed timer, WO P Breese, Mwes til t Donian Cortbedman, award t Ca r Win Manse, We, the anderslyntea, selected the saferit7 kt of o above, from a lot t the store of Traber k A the. Agents • CO tWIUN Refer to Coat & Haab, Broken,eßroken,l3 KE4I ~ Hassey Hanna ik." • 'do do" fe9dkwl :: co. meNupiatriuTiBVElA3767lWilitd Cast Steel .1.41 Shovel. and Spates, Axes sad blatekets i cut, Circular and Gin Saws, ay and Mane. FOTIO, Noe., Mattocks, Pk., Au, having completed all their arrangements in the constraellan of new tmithinew and in securing the best wen.= from the mosseeile. , brazed enablithmentserthe Big 011it011111Walhaldt , Lag end will keep constantly.. hind and for oath ail the above ankles, inning availed themsebres or the latest improvements, and are deteinnited that In work.' manthip and material they will not bt. excelled. 'They promise to produce ardeles equal,'lr not OUPeffart any that tall be had in the East. They invite the anent. non of dente. to an examination oftheir stock before par... elsewhere, as they are carmineed that they will be able to fill all ordain In their line to amendn sinistitetion of purchasers. Warehouse, Water Meet, 4 doors West Monongahela House, Pitabasg. h, 141. N. 11—Personharing business with Wm. Liman , canjitui wil please .11 on .I.,lppekaan k, Cs. . i w c CfONED AGAL ST USING COHKON p fIpAILED OFIALEL rrIkEY are not aware how frightfally thitinnu item I the skin—how coarse., how rough, hasi oath, low and unheal th y the skin appears - all. axing , pared chalky Besides ins innoibas, containing a largo quantityof lead! We have prepared a beautifol _vegetable article, which we eall JONES' SPANISH LILY ls perfectly innocent, being muded of all deleterious qualities; and It imparts to the akin a =and, healthy, asco ,alabaster, clear, living white; at, the same time acting a cosmetic on the it soft and smooth. James Anderson, P it - Chem. of Mas. ...ens, says! "Allet sinalysing Jong' S pa nish Lily White, I find it posse.. the mon b..fal and nem mit nod ai the ante time innocent white I ever saw. 1 certainly can co nuisst,— tionnireconnueod ha use to all whose akin requires beau ing." Pries, 25 cents a ifl==Ll TORN WRIGHT & Co, are prnpared to build Cotton EI and Woolen hlachinery of avers description, met, Al Carding Idachinos, Spinning Frames, Ho sed a, Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolars, DIVEZIIIIr Frames, I.OOIIIS, Cant entire's, &e. Wrought Iron Shorting tamed; all nixes of Cut Iron, Pulling and Hangers of the latest panerns, slide and hand Lathes, and toots of all kinds. Cutout. of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for NISI Gearing. Iron Railing. &c. Steam Pipe for heat. ing Faniorses, Cast Iron Window Nutt and fancy Cu atwutitiLLYarep rom hors t of J . non. Refer to Eflackstor.k, Reif h. Co., J. E. Moorehead it :Co, G. E Werner, John treeitt le So., or • G. C. k I. H. Warner, Steubenville- Jani9 • JOSEPH WOODWELL, corner of • Wood and Si Pituburgh. like ". mg withdrawn from the lino of er an Woodwell, on the let of January, 1847, I .take pleasure in mlnouneing to any friends in the city and country, that I have opened my new store at the above canted place. Having purchased my goods for cash, and made arrangements with manafectertrs in this country and in Europe to be coustautly sat plied,'l am fully prepared to furnish Hardware of al on as good terms and us low as any house East or Wert. hlerelnums and others are respectfully invited to cell and examine my stock, before purchasing else where. The following co prises a part of his stock: fiteuraboat and saddlery hardware, gun trimmings, Wes, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge tool., anvils, vices, locks, latches, scythes, butt Mena, screws, noon Fac tory plum. saws, dailionny hoards and veneers, and ell other avian co meted with the Irardware beat nes. spetallf 4 3 - liiriliagia•rrt•n tntno team, .m s OM= aurßolo. Q HOGE ben Ceara to Worm the cumens of Rus t . burgh and rich*, Mitt he has taken Me thortter aian &oats lately mutated by btu. Porter. The put. 'lie lull assured that all the leteamproreticelete art &me ired, ha s wil be tiroaght Into operation by Mr. liege, who been a comma operator elute the art was first direovered. Dane satisfaction la all who may become his patron. ED.inirefe W r with pleamte to Mr. Porter, In whose establishment he btu operated far the last twelve manilas- Family Poe um's,Et:gray:an, Daguerreotypes, /se., accurately opted. Likeuesses taken in may weather, and sat In locteta, breast pins, eases and frame. Instmetions given in every branch order en, and ap paratus furnished. Penn Rlarthisso Shop. Tr WlGlMlAN—Alanufarnarer ofillkinds of co% . Um and woollen 0/11.0hinery, Alleilicaty city, P. Toe above works being crow in fall an succeinohl op. enstiors, I am prepared to execute orders with ditebb for ell kinds of trusehinery in my line, such as wilWars, pickers, spreaders, owns, grinding machines, a, c ards, do .P.d... dimwits, looms, woo cards, double or Angle, for merchant°. country work, mules,jac kii, &c...; slide and hand lath. and w o r m goo- erul. All kinds of shafting made to miler, or lans giv en for Sav ing factories or nulls at reasonable charge. Rom To—Kennedy, Childs & Co, Mackstook, Kell & Co. King, Pennock A, C.o-,Ju. A. Gray. --- nius. — Alitn"attaiiirpo arTMY. A FULTON, Bell and Bras. Founde oldasre built and comm enced business at his wand, when he will be pleased to see his old curtain_ en and friends. Church, Steamboat, and Dells of every um, from 10 LO 10.020 pootrds, east from patterns of the mom wren,- ed models, and warranted ta be of the best mammals. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing go., toge ther with every ninety of Brass Cawing., if renamed, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole proprietor of Hmusres Aare-Amz nos Maw, an Natty celebrated for the reduction of Duman in machinery. The Boxes and Composition can be had of bun al all macs. ally Plataghs, - Plough Castings, - Wagosi Doses, to. ROBERT HALL, of the old firm of RAF. R. Hag, is m l., large quantities of Ploughs, Plough Castings, Wag on bole.. he., with the unprovements of the Leaver. Peacock, Illinois, and other Ploughs, of the /west and Lest patterns now in no.. rehouse, 106 Liberty street, PlitaboyelL opposite ay genie; Foetory, Alleeheny 11.1.1 the n Factory o( elegant. Wnek.wck, Iklt & Co. Sly Cooper Dapl.i Lever and Watching. JUKT received .ad for sale at greatly reduced prices, five mo vie T. F. Cooper, 6 sMilitiorpo stet, - Urars Inn, Road London, " pie: and and Patent Lever Wsitehes, eased 16 katat gold, and MU Jewelled, with Chronometer balances. These are now the finest watches made, being impart er in finish and accuracy to the M. J. Tobias, Joseph Johnson, or any other malts. Those in tram of • very fins watch are invited to call and examine this lot. Alm. a large assortment ,of Gold sad Silver Watches, Chants, &els, Keys, an. frj- Fine %Vetches repaired in the best manner. W. W. WILSON,. • corner 4th and ?darker eta, WATCHES, of • very lino quality, and beautiful patterns, selected expressly for retail sale., made by Cooper, Tobias, Johnson, Laherland, Davies gr. Co, Beesley and other genuine and approved matinfactu.. errs In England. Pell Jewelled 19 carat Gold Potent Lever Watches, as low as 633 Others at various prices, scrupling to quality, weight, do, varying from 64U to 6156 Silver watch. in prat variety, from 13 to *5O. All over 1110 warn:m*ld Leven se low as 618. norM W W WILSON, 57 market es, ear 4th TO WHOLESALE GROCERS. • TitE utidersijrned fee p _reputed to fill orders for any quantity Of Cyptess Molasses lion-els, of a noire-t -or quality, deliverable to order of anytime, by Ovule tut a few day. notice, at our Wharf Baal. We 'Ill.( we an mate It the interest of those merchants who buy largely on the cast, as they eau order their bar. eel. shipped to any plantation they may desire, which Moan be attended to without extra charge. WATPS, GIVEN A Co Paducah, Ky.. Oct. 184.9.3 me ---- PITTSBUROU STEEL WORKS AND SPRINO AND AXLE FACTORY. ILIAC /OM, Jam. IMMO. JONES & Q 13700, MANUFACTUELEBS of spring and blister steel, plough .teal, .rani plough wings, roach and e he springs, hammered iron .lee, and dealer. In M • !enable castings, fire engine lamp 5 and coach trimmings generally . , renter of Puss and Front MI, Pittsburg Po. sepsn SOME LEAGUE FACTORY. Triourtacri sTEWART, mnauretutrer of Heavy JCL Shirting!, Checks. de., Hebeeea street, city of Allegheny.— ' , n0v16.411y 4 y...- PETTIGREW 6 Co., STEAM UOAT AVEN_TB Om. •nove M. Am & Go, octal No, 4 Water street 'TEASE BOAT fiL,ANIKET% • NAIittFACTURED miler and rnintandd ai abort notice, with the anode or the boat in each . Alto, Cotton and Husk Pdattnuses made In the ben manner, for teVery lon. pPrice by CIIERSICY, notritt-dty Warehouse. VS Want in Iliomortiralbelts Livery Stable. HOBERT I. P.OTTM.SON ilia opened the large stable on grit stemming throagh to Second ri, between Wood and draithdeld au, In the rear or the MotteireMt Hota. with an eutireltnew starlet Mises the best optallty and West styles. Seises C i s ar i lres. ry to the best minter. O.TElat BOA i C.K6-:]frinig eattehaded to sell 0* of bur elitire stock of Kirkes Marine Timepieces, oblrotlia tb sell donna losses prices than they can be bought *altar house be Pitmburp or elsewhere, east or west. /kitty theonlr cataliihded agents here for these MOTs, we have - the largest and therm usort mut In MO, c Call and see. itememl:MtOye ate riot I n be arlderidld. ' ' . . . . BLAh7...fr. CO., Warta treet; • litittimee oh nonh side of the Diamond §:NDHI2.9-1 buslels dried pet - tie -24002%W els ebesisuis, 12 uit 1 1 . ..21.12111 do' m . ° 4 01.!. asp 1221 teethed par moan.. Mogan tad met' and forage Imo • •—• • INDIA CCUMICOLOTHING—Joan roceintattorttia colikomia &p.m.. 41 complain anlonineos of Gam Elude Malang, an. rim. hvot 111. 1&6 0.tir bnet t4t of iai v = l • rnr 1 040 at Ilea at Jlll 8 MUM • a. , i1 , N , 2•9:,`,1 1- I 1.401 Jr ....the. 5,13 A:4 rlfol4. X;161.4 V. N 91," /34 3k l cebtenesireili . ra. f inc.4l.ll =‘,2 l ll - ‘,..a& - re -, i 7 .Ne. 73 , 1ktazgeor APR resolved CA litiLrad - ..15 - ff, -- tbßr, Imp stook ormireoons—viipatibit'Out or have lessir7 mahatma si the woe Acts . ,Bung. in Melted* llet-NO•Ae r . k . E • "t I Mandons and Shp toted genital! I We Imes matleauchn•large redirisnalre M nt grar Mgt Wu thu vs will now tuff ave portion m BELOW COST of impart/add. 'The early'al of bayou Isinvited to ohdbge high colored - '" 14447uNi ir the DBFWV - 431X1108. and ftguredaustaliu Cashew-it and de Minn, all pric =Weal' acurile llgell'apereheit Moths, ell ca. ' ... peo.L artd eructed bib silks, . lure, , , , „. F t lemmata° silks, Praneltmerinoe, all aim. rZlid colored, *MUM booliburnog, !gial l o-I% gluey Orride Cr barred and striped . I lliattta and mantilla silks, Balm igod and strip s dnM. L ben galikli, /catty Lind plaids, Rare ;tins, b it and bloc Victoria Lyceum dram, nos, Eate 7 l3 a and " mil ' otr ,zo s,, way ;I= r satin meri . r wasp &put an tufts ' slums! sits Wist Btlendliplald bag eirmesin few Moat Ilprifisita, Splendid united 'h Muriel the lot* waTheve ,eller from N. Yoh suctions, brought to Mi. marital, _great hargabtE now te be gold at great Min and embruPd Whet battaina, ihr t i S all ea.., supeadeimieouguntb , 302 mega, genunkably aka agnate Ithe cuiarnma chew, Swot oops. eireellarrea e „ ' , rist , Pranalt cloths Mum the deans:lid nonfat , " maw. tawny. For beauty offal,* and pennant... alweirt ;hese cloths have no superior, a nor`piegas antes Sae ea bleak and olive eastoo beavers and giber Paw t plonks tor over coats, twilled Preach clothsonanafta _.,__"'" ertmg'r a , eats, Preach and Arno Hasa ekt mature% suPor We bestland do, paper Prenonsu dos for Teetlop, the lmported. Plain and Mary ;rebut and csahmere vesting', mennoshirtsandliravv. ere, Italian eravats r acm, cambric and silk ha at hu awry and gloves , • STAPLE GOODS, t t, ', 4 ' insh.ll long Merit shinlstronuslins,bleartr t ad anti breath =hu of polquali , Tettuutably Imo; ticking*, elsecks, Borattpa and ging ham., mule; yellow and wit; lannels; a Mw. lot Tory chimp; i bugs tot of orb! amt eharietrins try cheap, brown= bleached Barnittygeble limns and table clothsltueds and atota=pe 1 and towelling, unarm ttomakr.lemigkrud • ALANEEM ' ~--- , lug minal large mock of blankets, dirist from the lnatrulactsurs some of which am thd belt UM Mrhi..• bited, all of.whlcit will es closed eat OlinPrualed Law prices In addition to the abovb enumerated Pals, oar otoetentaprlsca it very lisp and antiplete assortment of almost envy article osnalik toned In a. , drygoods nom, and as they have bees mainly pur chased aithavasem cordons, hence - the him groat is. doedon of mutes. We are enahletlend debrannedto sell them of at great bargains. • Wholesale buyers...ware membentrt Milan, and the public generally are respectfully Invited to an out ly ataminetio a. abed be given. _ ER & DAY, 73 Maxim et, N W corner ;dna Diamond ED= Thu New Glabilen 8.. Mire Amain,, Nora All and Windt Goea J u ra 11 ~ a nd acne opetung=flu s l ga d oore meets, one of the largest, cheapen and lief t assontat stock. cf Pall and Winter Dry Berlds ever of foxed le Pittsburgh, to Ort4r.btim/ PS= =Rowe ragmen( mid the porde guteralfyiut fully invited, ea the subscriber ls cauSdent that ho cut offer such bargain' In Dry Goods as cannot be nu , parsed by any other house IA the esty. ' MI those googly have bean purchased at prices fu haloes those of any former season, they will be sold at greatly reduced rues. Ameba ibis large end splandid melt seal be knind malty cholas said dadnthle reeds at extleasely lbw rises. LADIES` DBMS GOODS. rich and most fashionabla dress all; plaid and strip ‘r Ublack ass* wiped .4 plaid • plain blank very glossy gre de Shins. plant bluck. L ritanstre' Ins wing, ailk for tisanes, m anilas and capes low priceig newest assigns and latest styles miasma plain and satin ped clubmen, rFrench merino all colors; de Wee; plain and and atria s triped, at great reduction on farmer es; gala, Cal. donna and cashmere plaid; mohut and blentaml plaids, all tmalltiem &paeans, all crudities end cobra, from LH to 75 terns per yird. SFIA..B! SHAWLS!! Fine cube:tem %criteria and brach,' ihawlo Black embroidered auto:acre anddn laine.ahmarbq Fine Tlbbot and de Nine • do Fine black and colored cloth do Fine quality long, vary cheap do Fkain black and plaid silk, very ehean ' do A large lot plaid blanket ahavris from 73 cents to VI, all vrooL DO HIMITC GOODS,.. .51:DCH BELOW FORMER Good duk calico frto:V3 - t - o ets Ter Yank Best quality dart calico from I/ to 10 wog' Yard wide pa la do, lite etsi Good yard wide bleached muslin 4 Irk% d B ed debtors and cheeks, all priemq ; Blankets, from coarse to bail qua& vevrabalapr, fah amoronent of red, white yellkwelannel% ftvt l e.... Iterarrety leans, Kemorpk. tkeletys, Mr" alf of which will be sold el rethotai ram, et No 02 tat. .q WhE RINISELL. wITCUENTOCK,Ls now emmtatuty reteleft . stook of CARPETING, kr, Othap4 'ne of therlargest amornitents ever krer4i that mar ker, which have peen purchased flirtet fox* tho porters and blanufacmrers, of the latest and rumen styles, and lower in price than ever offend in Wavily, to which he Invites the attention of Howe wishMg to Amid, steamboats or houses, before parehaeng aro. where. The week =mum in pan of] the (showing my, eik El do eh Airedales Compeer do , &Jeweleolo Toiketrybil e Cloth Valvm Plain nee th do Tapestry do 94 feet wide do Hrossela do 34, 0-4, ,V9oH cloth Eatenuper 3My do Stair Rods - Soper do do 194,24 and 94 Drawn do Ingrai n Wide do do Stair Lim do RosewoodOi on* l Common do do erumb clinks 4-4, 3-4 & 9 Damask Cahouet! Piano eine. T Yenittan do able do 4-4, 34 & tsvPd do do Figu re d Tattle 011 ninths ik9 plain do do Terkel Bedloldenen • 4 4, fl, i k cot do Adelaul May 84 printed eouon CarmtN lamp akin do rep Chelate Row, do do Tufted do Alicant do • Flue do do Manilla Hemp Wilton do do Snow drop Napkins PlaCrimson in 96'dlush; d P Diaper Towelling i. Drab Id Cloth 041 and 44 Table Line ns ßio° do, (or 00 0 db meg& Transphit Window Shades Carpet Hirelings Extra Pren 4 do do Wool cord. Bich Satin* Waft for do Tassels window ennsins • Scarlet, bine, eritimon blitek'smil drab Deintwkw bigoted rainbow- Dam aslisi worsted. Lid linen Table ...err, blue, crimson, scarlet, green, drab Mid black' Moreenw coltrin Ph:these( all colors, los.ftefite. • . • Also, Osneburgs and Drillings for steamboat deet, and all ether trimming. necessary for Outfits for heats . In eat line, to whi . blitimeniecial Murrain of owners Is invited. W. apc.t...wB Carpet lygucrootty ., one door from Wood, on lbunk st. leperit • WATCH AND CLOCK REPAMNO.-11aving Vemploy the best work - met. to be fitonwl;itcoretbsT with a large and complete sleek of Ane tools and one chinery, adapted to complicated wort, and Inth accuracy and facility new pieces; entitOMlS= depend on sansfamion, and at about Ow seine prince they pay in many shops for Imperfect work, and in ma. ny eases far poideveinnay dostatrtheir wadahes All oar work Is warranted to perform wolk N. 11-11aTin6 reduced my bushseai to a intah aye. ma I on determined to sell as low as the lowest regu lar pricea s eaat or west, and Onstalners may be assured that thby can make their purchases in this Doe as cheap as In the easter:cc-ince, thereby ends.4Vg home trade and Industry. W WILI3I . nowl3 Pressed. ll•rizirsal Pregieh newt:steal gly R. MURPHY has openedmritldu • fear days • YY large assertmera of of Preach Merinos, comprising different shades of Maroon, Garnet, Straw berry, Scarlet, Cherry, Drab, Light Bine, Brown, and hlazarine Blue; also, sarious qualities of black. Also, PARMETTOS AND LYONIOR CLOTHS, of all the leading colon, including •(o pieces orrery superior bluk. RELTlNGS—Mazarine Blue, Clreetroren, 10. PLAIN CASHMERES—Matorm, Carnet, Big.% rh al l iralliED CASHMERES —Plain and printed hloas do Lams, printed Cuhmeres,Lazosnine Stripes, • err article for ladles dresses, BOW slOped : Mpaeas. nest DLACK AND FANCY CABBIhIF.X4IV 11, Man phy hm lately received • large asseinntiut ofthese goods, and is opening them atpet prices iMprdendenteelty Myr, ranging Dim 74 to d. • Also, French Doeskin ,f all qu y alities. Also, French and English Broadeletkajblaele, Invisible green, brown, and blue. Among Dime are some very handmme French Illack.animida the cloaks, ai a very low priee,• tad brown, invisible green and black Felissee Cloths for ladles cloaks,. Also, silk, cotton and merino Underittlrts aid Draw , ars; Mariners' Undershirts, constantlyan hadd. 0- The attention of Merchants andalembdill " 4 1- lan, e.who boy by the piece, is specially invited to the abov _ dden Too szootra Calaa ars rasorcowris arrn.l or NEB GOODS, A T 133 Liberty street, coaiptisiAgFtenek /1„ Cloths, Casslareres and Vestioga, of tits operas and.most fashionable styles imported. Alm, a large quantity of Rough and Iteadi:Blaukets and Coatings, peculiarly adapted to the timestutd OM. season. Qo hand, the largest; best manufaelired 'find meal fashionable stock of ready omit Clothing Cabin city. All orders In Lao Tailoring illur executed 14, the Most faskicerable and durable manner. . ~.ocreld • Tan vadw, cousisting orrad (twa t r a #al Uchallis; lress, nal., pencils; Anger rings,,br st puts, studs, ear gulp, bracelets, toasts, buckles, slidcs, boa Also, sliver combs, card eases,'lrpit kalresirldinbles, glaelds, pencils, buckles, alines, tooth, tut bar 'Pta 'dear 67 market iter h ac. 5V:W114301,1, , nUANGEA LE BRA , nsrmivais Prep eents—W. Meerut has• id Mid tiVesir - ve Mendel:me ehangeable Silk libele r een) , stitabls,f Gbrittreas presents, whin!' bs is esilintst. bedstead p eels Alen, luindeomis Dress Silks t4tirpyupellbe new style Linen camlirin3'e'.,,. deal L. .. LACRGOODS—SIMIte sad block Laos Pow tooted =alio dr; Whibt gad black Lace Llndoroc_i dl Lace lientioun blaok do Veil; , plai3 , Fronok work Collars; trimmed and untezo'd 0tt041.440; eotbta yes to matolc ladies linen cambric hdkfir t gentkAcrda dot aMoo t opera ties, bead dreosex t artlacial OVrifir horioot Utha i "d tratizgs; IllsOrtautivoli andformile %lota t te t ,u t d-occoil, by.; • •• •it LI. COAT AND CIA3A4 TRIBMINQD-01. • a gents ass° rteA cloak 5 pm srslMMinlak imp 2 do dolrualoir do, 2 dodo tR *Dr edj 42/2.4 2 0120= 1 3 2g0t 4u9a lo 4 l32 fin"s' fla ' 4"l; " besi vass tatio /22 mpg y on IfrATONA. ( . 6 " litg - lkdow*ldeirlv Ata i a ' fili 4A 7l l" 4 slV " ao 7116: m ar, gas .ftinaseurtundle.:- "- . GEC ts cuL ttr l" vo i r of 8,! 1 7 0 . 1m47104 / fes watiEINOWTM o r. 441):vwcinr K EATON 0110 .I , u.yilatsl.loUßLlS HEFILNELVSUOARZ i p LA 'r N W 6 p ine = l =r o =4:f" a d 0 1 ,0 4 etillhed uta Morn mitt - . - MIR T1111414P,001 gm% by -41 " 1 / 4 41 sow 'AIAYMie LI M 0RE1;101 , H Ems.*;y 4: supplied with. . 1 . daril e alk Mom luttl tar% ;law tatEM ont I **7 4 lo24tira . *Ade* Wittuattaw andiabitg • midi • • • :KU- • • aliarki="-- ,•• ZEDIMEOIIB. COAllYil • • Panit Grainiest!. ITalesmais Wad Pence Istruhtted a** VlDY;V il folthe Mod az net J.1.0n - 0. ij vas .0 3 0, 1t 1 7 or /eV. Ibr MO. Imago Mae only *owner wo o o nen. by rale 4' ti bid a ca n be con wh the is. alm , FlYei the en, the nein, or to ..7 Pm or tha N A, either Met or , Inerimity,. ht. a definite , armFOM Fiklickatit. pan—wilit perfect city— . ' . 0 1. 11 :. - llegaPPtsst 'Acta Tbilehrtlk? altrantalk. ?tined of ,bY Onnig o; i7llnl, a Win caw ' ma XllORlALANklinnitad °then whom 1 1 it IbbY eialkntlid Vd Vekkret b inference will ,be &woman teepee le citizens, who have been cored hy means :.sivitiAluist valuable apparatus dente of the n =rite tenons disorders which 1 nialdnonii ' ken Ilona Mein. I Antougghtiodapstkersoli taxinAlroted sis be ad. I *drably n doprd for toe curaggthe Following diseases, gra ! w w'l a l trikt= ll e ar atat 44" ope rator th' the GUI e yr, semey b eitieltnel with ease and th e to the to Man i ' / Or rare antandaser, to the en to ,r Munro to move and other maim, to te-- morn . slid tank mien parts of the body, ~for. - ;:. the core of c FLrkildtm, Whoa, osondirmt Or dotsolnentiPnaMV=, seat, Moms or Bt. . ' lilMEZlnlep QOM $lOl.lll, *alio ' diseases i tp esnain,contrattlon of the limbs, tatt b rokstuyouridlngnunties of Western Pa, and pi sink nstipmen may be purchased, and also lin the ettredfdren t, sin. ••• Fallinstnmitionwill be given for the various nerd : mils ten used or micas d(ming, and As best man , ner On operating lbr the care of diseases Will al. ' se it toy er&tld te i lvettaL and a pamphlet VI prepared ° blryinAte alP Fsews/k ol ilaci .P 7 ." ' ''''' ogn•dly ~ , IS W 111,11.603, Vine st, Pittsburgh. IPlittabwilijgh. amgg,,lLUgateltur Infirmary, Menai lii Allegliny'City, Fleng greet, con . donation. oft,Bertgaggy—swar ,N. Commons) vi z pins bumuition Is win kneepad operation, 0n ..1: darnel right conintent matron and sup* ~., The, Stadia rionnomect of the - Wit,: u dirrilans: addling Gamma, Dale, Brooks,. - LieDl-Leage ibui.CoMmodi . the two tan " Whom artemiti. Widpe lingua whims. The nowt ol ile Itlintoiry Is not to be a mem receptacle, but a cu min region II: it the and the slek—the chars , t i 4 -_,thegiteUl . ari *Leen A. ,Ind Sens awn., net,' e eases as . many Founts of this p ermit. dei *Wherea C s:red , as th rud e hinds will ek ,: i all i s: 44 'wrgh is pro a' n anti= fo i rrke _ hinds, nuidentestja e ado so at from in to 11 pa[ itho brn, nodding to attei a nance, more, Ac. All dd. permits most be made telly Add& lEz.ndl Miele DrAlanam, alb wen Dr. Brooks, I.f .Dr. .L.NONEattli, Week li e. orm, Peon. • dr: Cgamitan, Prinenzeit, Mt Ward, and Dra. ' land By.;oll,, geooroliblink, below Federal stew; Al. eny clt . ripttent Mil cetnibutiorts (brain charity, may i'''''' lo to 411 1,11 /”.,Wr N. nsatvaut. .Dlreelor elite = ll°4 ; " -W ai,, WP lEFWe rs, who hare consented to receive lion. Mn.,.. Kramer& :"-, N ,110 # 1 1..- A Soma , B, /9.35,* Co., Was Lati et, It, Dna ik Barra, HAI A Curry, and IL D. derkistf • . __ !.•~ Hg 1 110111.11 WRIES Mos mum. , .fto_Fi Werra, situated on Cheat ut econourtha county, wettecousistof &altar MP, 'L ttirats, Nail setoryFwwtutßß, Fotted;=_ 81uo Furnaces, togeth teUrfid Fa* bfld I Tut i.n dr d ig Lathe, and f=r,..lbrtins . of iron .at' ore, coal, 'f Wit: tone= bre elay for leaking backs, and atnutdanee of timber for charcoal {ad all other gosposea. Thul. 0. of ganaostettaplem $O4 traltutble es. resoroutil the certuatry, haring oup of bear Water ei.rthattan be any where found, *WI hs faxtherimpme=ant to almost tnd 41,11.1tbilo4litittbeztai to ol th ' e rocia r e k tor e z c i rt arut• beautiful sight for a age.' 'Mae w.V dl is are situated In the utaistof &rich farming coon. try, where tinintildeartniabandant add cheap, *here o zet aUsl tbefattilities 6rpities to atar set sa easy almost be withed, hams the u nit Cory the West passing • through the Repent., _ For thither bank - dare apply to Teaser Yellest, Flue- Iturgit;-Evaa.q.Daltimons, ar on the premiums F.. COVilatut, Esq.vatltierdroWn, Fa t or to the saltscriber: Tesser, , • •• pituburge. • • .t ,tAilereterelbie Plnettling Cook, L. FOR PURIFEDIG WATER, '„I 1 1' ch in readers 'tithtlid Water pole hi :' Themarieg ell tahettetetteeteet4le et : (67 - tretst...Thectoteamteht Yotß, kt., hi, •• • • daze Ind pure to Sea ye, yet ' ...-,-....,., . . wise& sApaehets an hour thrugh this ♦... - 1 .2 • 1 Path* CitOt.,durtSll et. istle dap** it'''' billitteb he ehre*e.•oettems, &e. This , thecae m ake tit imerithAßßyttrentrweitey.. ittdeaTerVattf=,==.-la tatorKaticptoloarsootl.withrou Orktdevoobosl bolo =Tilt i t il l e P t ' gta M i ff:XT.:erg: PiloWElo clunivat s.d •Seests of tesstesees an dn.= c um.: attseyeering the Falter. It also a i i l lek vialllES. Ot Win, a MP coat lu4 1ia.=.427 Om* xrui be. eery itersenittat and ecolutml eal huh be littatited *her* theme is say peen*" high or Om to a essk,ltaski tab, Ike. aid( ease. To be had erthesole Agent,. 1 ....._ •Ar, W. WiLSON, con},. • ~; t . mum of ,Pbonti attAllarket as Illleirberspet • r _lv!, ter 1111Tgraat Sinner. Taus la tc certify that .1 have Co by . _ . .Linpje_. toot BottPu & v , • , Patent Dler, Filter, for the ek ‘!* ' Iles ofPirts and Allegheny. , fl• . • ' JO GIBSON, .. Ageea, 4 . laryekar , AI Gibson, 349.BrowiwnYr ,:.t ' . Z Z l *kir' .. tm., , We eev a been am entre sbovnjut Lela at Me office nitro Novelty t arks tooth. months, on ilia andfc:l perfectly waled tiun it is meal vention., lrod wetYdre. pleasure in rewnounme4 them eraam, ' tot mi. all who kW pare water. Order* will be Ihnf Initi , wed garlpplarptly Created. oetig ' - ' LIWLNOSTON, ROGGEN &Co fratatigt&E . LT it&LES EIEBTITI/TIE I.ll—lnitihrolort, ender the me of Mr. atil Mm. ' ltommastarillreenen for the reception of Ogle, in Malone building; No. fill Liberg wreet, on theist N.ity of Berammber, .. , haw Data Mette_ „hi Which Mei 4itt . beVnrrffida young ledierViaelliti Anal to ' any in the Went, ChM oltMlninithereraeh r e ,rl;lish, Claval- - eal, and Ormanumtel ednealiony -- 6 , fitirecause of Phi. • liacw'bruil .wd•rtlheadeal lecture' will he delivered , Alain . 1 429 wc*letr:illuttntell XI WT*lE:rt ., The der. = .4 14w - rt iflreal cuid wing na lmaramen Pfmriog ,tin each be unde r the ewe geo, eta competent Professor. By elan anerags - :to tha moral andlntelleatnal improlrement of . Moir pa , atare frinetitale hope novarnit's aontimmtmeot the paummen they hem hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see Maniac or appq tO Me Prinel .Ws. .. • ,••• AT INTESTISISS §ADDLSMAIIIVESSi TUNS' AND WHIP MAW' UPACTOELY.—The sabee ri ber takes lith method •itt informitViendn and iltstpublie.in general - Ate hes deb is ate* og the r0a.9.,11g .na.ms4 aloft- ,eles aids entituteetent eitySaibilm, Bar, lieu, Mucks and,Whlim, an of which be wilt wamank to be Made it(thrtbrat mitterlal and by Meilen sstech , % :anise to .6llbary cowry. Being determined to wit •Ine utsstrfses Itrwm Man has becalm.. • , tefine. sold ky nig thriller estiblishment the MAT he ersieldlitilte" yetiotif id tobed - cif thd named uncles kinnmehalini4 N 0.1144 Minty street, site Seventh. l'utlinn Mindagandir mew GM Machine ry. . eetabllly ! • a . ...mlay, N' °TICE 20 ST fessosegsbede -Nialr6olloZl Colnmpany... OC,SiID w ERS,. .1 .1 the protokona p(tho.gbarterstfJ panuance of nomponhon, the skid etfttlft_of the Stocanotdors of the Menontralte. la NavigideitrAmpany drill bed on Monday, the Aril 'day of Amory 1810, (being the first Monday o. the {IMMO at the kik a/ I 'llw said •Conip' thy, instal ' 13deatrEhdldIrtr, Eburtb meet, Pinsbargb, at 2 14took to aflentkn, for the purpose of elec officarrsfor ho b ornatje,n, 3TX, , tiYl%ltTA.crumemrviAcco. 10 bli tanikke• 6s; 33 - do Miraboan aq 'Yetxtran Os turd.lr,•2o do 2oltn - Rnolrer Me 16 do Ro-t bens 841017 6a; 15 do Henry &James famed Be; IA do S Johns Bs. atubtssads' as;•,246Yerarie.l Leir;l7l. John • Theee Tokio**, coateking some rink iitrisi a4;h:;' ire brands, en enusisnmeat, endaillf be' seldloir oiose,prz-,. , • •docir",, • ' I.J3.WATERMIibrrI ntrOarstkiorEar FaommimitiANupthru. I ABEtet—eTbeAubearipers, Wog the exclusive m oon:in of Jam Mosendflt fkieß Soda Ash fettle& ma:ket, we now and erilLeiminameVed• be Utley sup pliod with thin celebrated t)rand;eirhiell - they Neel eon az the lowesemarkez pries for cash or aellearedhills. They teferto the glees, and imp monefealareisof airyWept'. T f r eepecting theALLtalfq, :IV AIM V • " ."‘" h TB IRON:Y015 - NDICY FOR Eat4-A. Ewa *a jj dry 'ln* tbiurbalak in** witlrl'adei**' , 7 l / 4 *!* all ready'lbr business, sill be bold on =comma duing iennsintonnbnoWnqxws RW O 4, The offennan anneal** oPPortz= *Uhlmann evhal na , common 'ln !Fnannry "IL "I ' 9( '''BCAIPE* debt Lt near Woadncreen • Sealubscookini atov.., Orates, 44:7;77. ANA 118114.1.1, WaLa.ACE & CO, Round Church, J 3 1.-..met. ÜbeWr and Wood *lift% 'nuuntfacture wordier foruutlo.Plotfona,. Moor and. Coutuor &aka °Otto Most latatrorodAttaliOiPookatirPorts, for wood k•)x rlts)4l.and condom} Gratta, H0 11 03 ,1 ‘ 4, if . . 40 Th eY 61.° winufkOitia Ow' netted ktidg aflaCh gtrdUooi, genirritleittjfaction tonnes% *fair It which 41knyarould rowleoundly IWdm noel:Won or —me unmorally resp%ttU -.vas Alk7LB A..... _ ___,.., loShlan ebi;o;;;e1 ....i t 64 o ( cZerreUrta k Co. celebrated mum .iture,,aneiveriaitli'llrOdalittl We;' adapted ~,, C h UMW* COMUKOZOLfaCIMICS, . 1 1.0114116. Deblit. ad private b and to au other ono roam' a t h e . and b I b drawable. :°t .f. , a i., ;,., ,R?,,Pja . AlaoaCh gail4.htbrhthrardAotara, Shades Wick*, Co * e r i. e,„ Al . riarfauouhritigto thrbeir . f‘ • ' mter n or..oo N & c o . MpotkethidliMliol Na . ' I, 4 =i n IfordwomankTma Saddloty, No Lawoodr WPM finkbsprolthW blktlilroltpfe,7 de , and seleeled stoat of Natliorsue,firoported dike* ell Iltio of pdelthitt ftttOpei, - lOW . erthet they owetercoloectioseasly Joy. Alerelouyte who l a oivl d t In tie habit or Dtht, ithe portico hair to pahOor look , Woos& , oar , noolt,imo ws 34,1 AAWCTR: 14e 7M 11 0. 14 IP, 04 4 Zlieth:PA. octi • - ' d O6 - * ipso= • trisluf . oms bad a half BY - 4 4 7=.,„i r f =darabili n r. 1.4 c........,Fri o suktOkof ' Peke 1513,13 en& fbS Obidek4lo-Wfulu c=af trsVii"V a rWMIIII644II. is acm far sale as QS warchbese ”Itios's 15n1,110410, n1,110410, .1 saivr dvaar - -" ----umb r . min Milo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers