HE YITISBIJIiiiH• GAZETIE. •i S ' PITTSH CHOU. .TETZSDAY 140,4N1N.G, JAN. 9, 1842. PHILADIDLPIII4 ,WORTITAELICHIcAIr. Adverusements c dna om an tdb i S übzmipt ionsto de Mnh Amee anafomr*aciedrStdosGcace Phladelphc received ceived • EXPRESS. We will receive aud forward lire of expense, ad serdsements ind suirseriptions far this paper. . . • COMMERCIAL PRI LIS T A URREN ND PRILADE7i, PM IA WCT. Sabreripuoa. to Lhis vdaoLle Paper will be received wad forwarded from this came. I PITTROI3 DAILY thartTlL IM pFbliabad 7 O.:Ty LE n-Wqekiy, = and Weekly.—Tbe Dail/ 11 Seven Dollen per annum; the Weeklris Flee pe, Ike Weekly i• Two Dollars per ..team stra?, teCodele MrAnrsartvgas are earnestly requested to hand in dm, favors heron. S r. x., and rut-euly in the day as Practieabte Advertisements not inverted for • speci fled time will invaritedy be charged =ail ordered oat Fon 1-trarr Canin,reinl Intelligenee,Donnertie, Mar be, River NeWP, Imports, Money Mutate, tce,..e • rod MS, Aniimasonio and Whig Nominations TOR FUTOF, OF ITZTIMPRON, - CAPT,JOHN sznaoir NATOB OS ALISO Ullll, , JONATIIAN BRIM Zee next page for Telegraphic News. For /meal. Natters sce.next. page. We would take it as a favor, If the Clerks of the Election, in Allegheny, would furnish us with liu of the names of the persods elected in the dif ferent Wards, for, the various offices, for publics. tion. THE ELECTION TO DAY We would remind all our readers of both cities that this is the day of our important annual mum copal election. In this city a Mayor and Council men are to be elected: end in Allegheny, a Mayor, Councilmen, School Directors, Judges of Elections. dtc. In Allegheny the regularly nominated Whig tickets will be elected, with but little, if any oppo intion—yet we would advise our Whig friends there to make it a duty to go to the polls, and vote the whole ticket. They will thus prevent any effort, should any such be made, to secure the success of an opposition ticket, through the negligence of the Whigs. in thin city the Mayoralty .will be warmly con tested, as will the Councilmen in several of the Wards. Our Whig friends will therefore discov. er the necessity of activity, and the importance of bringing out a fall vote. It would certainly be a mortifying circumstance to the Whigs of this city, if by neglect on their part, the alp game oldie Lo. cafocos should succeed, and Mr. Adams should be elected. Aftholigh they push him brwarilliow as the ' Citizen? and` Workingmen's candidate,' yet, should success cro6 their effOrta, it will be pub lished nil over the triioni thatthe regular nominee a toe LocoLxios of Pitteiburgh has been elected Mayor. Thin, cenainly irould,not be a very plea. sant consummation. WCAmltit not, however, that we shall have the pleasure of announcing to mor row the triumphant election of Capt. Ifxratirt. ENVT.—The Dispatch of Friday contains an as. sank upon Geo. Doers, Enq., which pretty evi detitly bears upon its face the marks of that envis cam sighing for a distinction which the writer does not merit, and can never reach. Mr. Dana, in his early life a laborious mechanic, and without the sasisance of wealthy friends, or the advantages of early education, has, by bis natural energies, his upright conduct, and his good common sense, at. tamed a position of hobos and responsibility which 'Tay well be the envy of those whose early oppors tunities have been wasted upon stupid heads and bad hearts. ' Mr. Darsie,' says the Unpaid', is not the re. presentative of Allegheny °aunty, but the 'blower and striker of two or three Men here.' How ve s complimentary to the people of this county, who have reseiceted Mr. Darnic several times, and have manifested by. their votes, that-they consider him faithful public pervert—limiest, capable, and es , perienced.- How complimentary to the. Senate which has just elected UM to preside over their deliberations! Ctrat.sr.s m New Clarstaaar—The New Orleine Della of the 25th instant says: "Our anticipations of a epeedy deli verffienithe disease which for some time past has cast such a gloom over our city, pre. dicated on the fdvorable change in the weather which tool: place on Tuesday morning, hate not, we regret to say, liern realized. The weather yes terdoy morning suddenly changed from the cool and bracing atmosphere of Monday and Tuesday, and became again cloudy, raw, and wet. The re• pane from the different cemeteries, which will be bund below. show an increase in the number of interments yesterday over the preceding day of 21 —there being 51 interments on Tuesday and 75 yesterday. In the charity hospital the admissions have been about the name for the last two days, though the deaths in that institution yesterday ex ceeded those of the previous day by 13." • The of bills of mortality for the twenty-four hairs ending at els o'clock in the evening oLthe 27th ehOw the death! during that day to have been ninety-seven, of which sevesuysnine were of cholera. The Philadelphia Councils on Thursday, anon imottaly authorised a petition in their behalf to Its Governor of the State not to sign a bill passed by the last Legislature entitled "in act to incorporate the Erie and Ohio Rail Road Company:l The Pennsylvanian says; 'At the time flits passage, it was understood to be a kcal matter altogether, arid it will he seen that it it becomes a law our lake counties are of but little use to Pennsylvania—the whole trade passing through New York. 'The bill, having been passed, was sent to Governor Shook for his signa ture, bat, owing to his death, it was not earned. Tug Onto LEGINIWITRI 111 now organized and is proceeding with its business. Gov. flebb's mes sage has been received and published. It is sabot; business like document. Gov.,, Ford will be in augurate- we presume this week. The officers of tha Howse are arl Locorocos, the Clerk baing a Freo Seiler from that party. What came Will be taken to settle the contested seam in the liceme, including the two vacant ones from Hamilton county it is useless to conjecture• Ms. Cur u Sinticroz.—The Lexington (Ky.) Oloserrev, in reference to the express desire of man? iiut Mr. gin should come in the Senate , sarre,--*Judging from the character of the malt we do not fora moment doubt, that, if the Legis lature shoold think his services important in the Beasts, at that juncture, be would not withhold Ahern. dr.Boston, on 'Wednesday morning, Jan. 3d, a sunrise the thermometer wood et 3 dews. below ze. ro—fhittyLve degrees below freezing point. At New Orleans on the 24th of Dedember, says she Picayune, "the mercury.inthe thermometer Mood at Blikrz. Parenheit, in the ahade. Up to 11 o'clock at Eight on Christmas eve the =nary stood adiga above summer teat The earth for " :lotoa hours in tbe day had been sweltering in the bOt.bbaze of tbe The rain that 4311 at inter lints aims almost converted into steam before triescir ed diground, Farman Von ma Punarorvr.—Tbo ma. jority ofGavaiu, TATLOZ over Gewsui, CASS falls but little abort °film majority obtained in 1340 by . Gwe'Hannzacis over Mr. Van Bones. The Whig, majority thenwas 144,000, nod now, *ithout Texas It W 144 000 The aggregate vote of the Butes was as Mows: 'For Taylor,. 1,357,218 For Cars, 1,2)3,464 For Tan Buren, V 7.11.117. Wouw—Our citizens mill be no link interested in the very clear and satisfitiXrdy report d the Water Committee and Sopetintendsni, which we publish to day. The "receipts and ex penditures" Sae' , of the city axe received, and will be given to atorroar. dun- Iloo.—H Storelld; of Allegheny county, Md-1, daughtezed, the other day, a hog named sitough-and Ready; weifOing { 95 pcuada, and measuring 7 ktet 2 inches in hum*. A. 2 years and 3 months: - fr; Lagos Joel Schloemer, of Wm& b oar , c 4, ,ta ry, 1,1.4., sawed !ad year 12 busbele of 131mmermno wilent.,. on. 11, , wee of 40, which lifed him 335 bushels of prime er hem. . _ The Laminas Legislature; previous to adjourn ment, eppropnated 510,000 Or New Ode., and —12,500 for Lafayette, to be expended for the beat& of the iiieJr. of cholera, end ix minatory mamma , tritch" . :coillirooiliiiicis - otilLOPittain* Gazette. Jantiery 4;1849. Mesii*Xditora,—.The House of Representatives have net yet organized, although there hive been three days consumed, and eighteen ballots have been made. This morning, the natives came over to our support, and ten ballots were had. After the first Our ballots a proposition for a compromise was submitted by Mr. Swartzwelder, of Allegheny, on behalf of the Whig members elect, a copy of which, I here insert:verbatim " Whereas, the members elect to the Hansa of Representatives here misembled, owing to the peculiar Stale of the political pasties, have been engaged for two days in various unsuccessful efforts to elect a Speaker, and otherwise organize the House. And whereas, by the d.ley thus oc casioned, the public business committed to our bands by our common coachmen's, is neglected ; while at the same lime, the expense of ouch delay must be borne by them; therefore, "Ist- Resolved—That i o order to effect an organ isation of the House of Representatives, the Demo erotic members elect, shalt nominate a candidate for Speaker, who shall be elected by the united votes of the several parties, or such members of the said parties as shall be willing to aid in its organisation, on the basal pmposed by this and the following resolutions: "2d Resolved—That the Whig members elect shall nominate a candidate fur the office of Prin.., pal Clerk, who shall be elected by the noiteti voice of the several partite., or such members thereof as shall be Willing to aid in the orgardanton of the House, on the proposed basis. "3rd. Resolved—That the Native American member elect, .6011 nominate one transcribing Clerk and the Aassstant Sergeant at Arms, who shall be elected by the united votes of the several parties, or such members thereof as shall be will. mg to aid In the organization of the House, on the proposed basis. '4th. Resolved—That the other officers shall be equally divided between the Wings and Demo. crate, the Democrats to have the first choice, the Whigs the second, and so alternating, neul the officers down to the messenger and assistant messenger shall have been !selected. The Demo. emits to have the selection of the two officers last mentioned. "sth. Resolved—That the Committee, shall be organized by the Whigs and the Natives, taking the Chairman and a majority of the members of Committee firm named in order upon the journals of the House of Representatives of the last session ; the Democrats to have the Chairman and a ma. jority of the members of the second Committee named on the journals of the said session, and so on alternating, until the Committees shall have been all constituted and arranged." The foregoing propositions were decided by the Clerk. M. lack (Loco) not of order, and after some remarks by Mr. Cooper, the Clerk proceeded to read them for the information of the House i the Democrats, however, scooted the idea of consider. ing them in any way, and upon the motion of M'Calmot, proceeded to a fifth ballot Br Speaker. The ballots to.day all stood 49 for Evans, 49 for Packer i Evans and Packer voting for Steele and Fegely. II is very evident, that the locos ore determined with their usual unprincipled rapacity, to have all the offices in the House, or else hold over until the day for electing a Senator is past. To night the Whig committee meet, and tosmorrow pomi. bly a mill mote liberal offer on the part of the Whigs will be made. Stever.' chance is a good one for Senator i Cooper, however, I think, will be the mon, if an election can be had. FRANKLIN. Poems Aria. GEMENIT WITH GPSAT In the Union we have the following semi•oteial statement of the rates of - postage un der the Treaty just concluded between the two governmentst-.Sen.postage 16 cents, paid to the vessels performing the service English inland postage on letters to or from United States, 1 Id, or 3 cents. Inland postage of the United States on letters to or (rot England, 5 cent_ Sothat a letter from any part of England to any pert of the United States, or sew versa, will cost 25 meta—pre-payment or not, at the option of the sender; bet if prepayment is made, it must be for . the whole. Newspapers will be sent in the steamers of either Country at a charge not exceeding 2 cents, to he. prepaid. Pamphlets, periodicals, ite, will be charged for, each not exceeding 2 ounces, one penny, cr 2 cents civer two and not exceeding 3 ounces, Oil.. or 12 cents; over three and not exccedicr, 4 ounces, 6d., 16 earn; or all • exceedingtoa mew 2d, or 4 mins for, each additional ounce or frac tion. Closed mails may be sent through the Muted States to the North American province; amoui ptnied by au agent, at 10 cents the ounce; and 25 per cent. additional the counting by the ounce, Mislead of the single letter. Closed ma‘la ofthe United States may be sent through the Cenadas, or the United Kingdom, up on paying, by the ounce, two rates of the inland postage, and 25 per cent, a. above. These are the material provisions cf the arrange ment which has been lately entered into with the British government Bari Itonsear.—Our telegraph.: despatch of Friday menhoned the robbery of the Augtraa (Maine) Bank. The robbery took place between Saturday night and Monday morning, when the following rums were taken 13 square boxes of silver. 5500 each. 6 bags of wirer, SM) to 1 , 300 each. Package or bag of gold, f 3, 315. Package of sovercings, 55,000. Foreign bills, about 54,000. The Aegean Age lore The President of the Bank offersa reward crone thousand &Ur. The Augusta Bank is guested in the basement of the new hotel which home a part of a brick block recently erected on Water street—The hotel is tinfintithed and unoccupied The vault of the bank adjoin. one of the lower rooms of the hotel , and in only reputed from it by brick wall one foot thick. The mortar used iu the =instruction of,ttas well is comparauvely green. —The burglar firm entered the room adjoisms thr vault, and with a email crowbar knocked away Ihr bricks sufficiently to afford an entrance to the vault. —The plundered property wee confined in a nate 01 t Lt.). boat approved construction,secu red by Huffs celebrated patent gunpowder lock. It was opened by a key which moat have been prepared before the safe was pot into the vault. When she plodder had been removed, the safe woe cooky locked a gain. In the hurry of leaving the budding, a box containing some SW . 0 In apecie was dropped oat. aide, beside* some 650 in scattered pieces. A more definite statement than that given above makes the loan of the hank $21,562 specie, of which about $9OOO was silver, beanies foreign bills amounting to about 64000, belooging to the Aug.ta Bank, and a package (value unknown) belong• nag to the Ticonic Bank. New Yring—Oovemor H911111:011 FM/2 and Liesitenant Governor George W Patterson were inducted into their respective otl3ces at Albany on Monday last week. On the next day the Legislature of the State commenced its annual session, the Lieutenant Governor pretidnlg In the Senate, and the House of Representatives having been organized by the reselection of the Hon. Amos L Hadley on Speak. er of that body. On the same day the first Message of Governor POI was sent to the Legildlante. From this document we /earn that the credit of the State is in excellent condition. The public debt amounts to 823A22,300. The revenue Gm the fiscal year amounts to $ 3 / 1 33.959, all but 01620h9 of which is derived from the cant Is. The outgoes and expenditures of the treasury (the necessary expenses of the Government being S2OOPOO/ were about balls million less, and this balance is applicable to the Erie Canal enlargements &c.— The canal tolls were 8200,000 leas this year then in 1811, when the Immune! exportation 6f produce increased them. A State Agricultural School is recommended br the promotion of Agricultural science, also. Boards of Supervisors to relieve the Legislature of much local business; also, a modification of the criminal code, with a view to reliance rather cm certainty than severity of puoishment. The school districts reported during the year were 10,621, rieMbelf of children taught 775,723, being so increase ,of 27,236. Money paid Inc teachers' wages, $632,00*, paid on rate bills for teachers' wages, $466,671: total, 51,105.652, Amount expended for district libraries. 501, 62 1. The Mexican war is introduced, and the army complimented for its gallantry, sod thence the Governor runs into the question of slavery in the acquired Territories, which, he adds, the people of New York will neveeconsent to. To VIZ POlMULierlita OP TILL U. StATZII.-10fora written having been. received at the Department that a PutitAjeTfelly between the United States and Great Britain bad been entered into, and that,• in puniniuuse thereof, the British Government had di- reeled that the postage 0f.24 term charged upon letters taken to tedium that country in the pack ets of the United SAP" be remitted, in consequence thereof, the ardor ofthls Department, made the 29th June l str directing the name rates to be charged upon letters limited to or, taken from the United States in packets of the tiTnited Kingdom, be and the same is hereby rescinded. Oilier instructions for carrying the treaty into effect will be given, upon the ratification of the treaty. O. JOHNSON, Postmaster General. Paw Orme Ihrreasurrir, January 3, 1519. Moms.—The Register' of the 7th ult,,sape The health of oar city la at the present time re 0 . 4 ./0 good, with the • exception of the amulet fever, which prevails to Some extent among chil dren.' Rot • elegiacs'e of cholera has miginated, ornow exist, here, and we feel - strong ofintSdence Ittieottr city - Will be exempt from the visitations adds dreadful pestilence. Oar eorporateantbod. tics have made arrangements for the thorough pus dilation of the streak, alleys, sewers, &e, which are now being carried into effect. They will ba the safest guarantees against disease. lal Riport of Committoo • City Wilts. Works. Ta the Select and Comm= Cosencile of are City of 2,Pietsturrgh. The Committee on Water reepectfullyeeport— That in Onoseqnence of the absence of Mr. James Thompson, when he was appointed Superintend. mat of the Water Works, under the provisions of the Ordinance of 27th December,lB37, and the disappointment contained by Ms su bsequent resig nation of the office, it was not until the lint of Match, that Mr. M'Clelland entered open his do• ties, to the able communication from whom, here. with presented, your committee refer for a detail. ed statement of the present condition of the works —the extension of the supply from the present baste—the particulars of the contracts made for eompleting the present, and constructing the New Works, and the amount of work done thereon—as well as for an account of the revenue and caper). diture far the last year, regular books for which have been kept by the assessor and clerk, nod in addition to the other duties prevlotudy discharged by that officer. The experience of the pant year has convinced the committee ef the benefits arising from the al. tersitioa to the syste n of management of the Wa ter Works, introduced by the Ordinance of 27131 December, 1547, which will be more apparent, when the works for the supply of the upper Wards are completed—at which time, however, some modificetwea will be required, among the most important of which would be a revision of the tariff of water rents, and the adoption of a more efficient plan for their collection, on it will be seen from this year's accounts that a large amount re main. uncollected, of which it is feared that a con. siderable proportion will be ultimately lost, not• withstanding the efforts of the collectors. The vast consumption of water by the rolling mills, and other large steam engines, renders the continuance of their supply a questiovf doubtful expediency, unless at a considerable advance upon the rates at which they ore now assessed, and with which some of their proprietors are dissatisfied. By referring to the Report of the Committee for 1846, it will appear that the total cost of the lots, reservoirs, pipes, engines dce., to that day, was as near as can be estimated, Set 90 .722 62 Cost of permanent extension. in 1,847, 4.034 97 do do 16,263 54 Mating total cost, to 31st Dec-,1845, 3511,071 13 Less proceed. of lots on Duquesne Wog, sold for 524,000 Old Engines, Pumps, ,kc., on lots sold, and emanated at 2,000 Estimated value of lot on Grant Street, 200 feet squat, say 30.000 - sso,ooo 00 Leaves estimated cost of Works 5355,071 13 It is supposed that of the above amount, the portion on which the city pays an annual interest ot d per cent. may be estimated at about 532.000, making interest, ... 119,500 Current expenses, per Ap., 58,610 Salaries paid to Superintendent and Assessor —10,310 Making total annual cost of Works, 329,840 Estimated net proceeds of Ike lost year's water rents, per report herewith, $28,527. By winch 0 will appear that the water rents fall one thousand dollars short of paying the actual expenses of the works. When the construction of the new basin and the engine for its supply were decided upon, a number of designs for the engines and pumps were sub mdted to the committee. In adopting the plan presented by Messrs. Knapp Sc Totten. your come mitten were governed in a great measure by the satisfactory results of similar machinery at Stens benville and Wheeling. Your committee believed that the interest of the city would be promoted, and the panellist execution of the contract would be insured, by awarding it to an establishment passes* tog sufficient means and capacity within newlf to complete the whole work, and therefore, although a proposition was handed in by another engine builder, tout might have cost a few hundred dollars less, they alloted the engines and pumps to Messrs. Kapp dr Totten, after the withdrawal of the latter from the committee, as their otter was lower than the bid of any other eatabluhment of equal extent. During the last year, the committee have des troyed torn and defaced scrip to the tunount of thirty six thousand dollars, which has been repla ced by the Mee of on equal aninunt of new scrip. The Committee have expended only one thous and dollars of the amount of scrip placed at their disposal by the Ordtuance of 10:h October last. They, in conclusion, beg leave to state that the Works, Basin.ke , are now in a condition of greater efficiency tban they have ever preettlesty been Which may. they believe, to a swat measure be et• I trit:Wed to the, attelatiOn nod teclustry manuested by the Superintendent in the discharge of his ar l i duous duties. THOS. BAKEWELL .lAS. T. KINCAID. JOAN Stitt - TON, It 11. HARTLEY, A. so rrr, DAN LEL ARNisiRoNG 322,7,t :;.‘ rs n.,er •U bucketing the old net..!. tar 8 4 22,000 00 The nftanto ,u water •tipplied durfng Use year asereged .:f.fekiat . a . n.. lee, or LvAcooo ReportSuperstar...inn. The Saperimeadeut Temente to the water cont. ".'" ' 44149 ' .4 " .4.2.6 19 111211 matte a inatement of the madman of the Wtitge, d 491 The ' 44 " 1 "4"." .."eeueaged ovtr'Sib• d there herlng tutu a con.naphoctdaily hi 3.10 and of the operations oftbe last year. Early In the year tee new exam cylinders, faith L. " h the other and kisser traprovenumis to the Engine•ltthe * 411 .. 14 ' 0 of and pump . , tr .., put mrumple!. order for work , that me u.unle °timber of toe tenant* reomm,g lint although, by the late arrangement the water arranged en 4 e , the fitnner , e/ Engtnes are adapted to work on one shaft s• well as singly. they have ham thus far run , with the enrepunn of • tear days teal coo.. . 5.21 ""/ '4. Tuned. kale 94 '7 0" 5 22 ' 1744 S 4 °0 IA 00 14 5.1 pomp t• rapable a( formatnn i n he 33 present demand; but waen the arrangements snail ; 4.1 " 1.7iL3 00 all have been completed for running the tarn te. " 2 ". 2at 25° and I at 225 1.24' nether, n wdl tar yeah advantage to the mac/finery 71 ' . warn2148 30 00 and a riving ff Met, tv so run torah January 5, 1549 -,• - . In order however. to a safe and arenre working 51'20 530.214 . Tie ahoy . o(tbe two engmea and pumps Jointly au ILICTCA.• hr , ed supply of water tram the river. as well as nn 17 , 4 I ' , IWO g=l eni•rgement of the Risma Mom have been deem ed necessary . Amon:lt:ugly by •uthinray from the Comedy, contracts have been entered into tor Oro neemsary pipes. About two thuds of the whale number required kw the nsoug main, 24 tombs. 17 , 3 „. 70 bore, have been east at the Foundry of John Sigh oleo°, and the reataunfer would doubtless have 32400 been east by this time. had not Mr Nietto:von omumrd 1, . ... works beet. totally destroyed by tine on the night of .. ... II ,:•‘• oi device stwessed.. 5'23,1 b 9 the 23rd, Nov. last 53 feet of the new over aup• A ........ I.PMI ply have been mat by Knapp Touen, and have been laid in, and connected with the water coon SX:2II of the Er.glate House. In connection with tn . When The nreiovremema the Lowe , aeoaaa. new, and dm with th e old over pipe, wow', pare Seen ttetertiltecti 121106, shall bane been hs been made L>r washing oat the wand nod crenplered. y ureued rover app l y . and beat these (epee introdumng ¤t airliner the mo.ea into the pmesiust onnude of the water newt, which „„a rills, the present au the vu 'eaje and u to he r " l n d u nt e d f r n nn„ the-r'wng main,, k "P n a .c !poi 000 fret .0 ' 7;111 ty on the outside of the H ouse —the 'nor b as honer. ,e_ara. ter me wate r raga, to been washed by passing the current through etc to cum., pomp.; the connexawn bare beer, made an , hoe warrant t IV he ren fo fl.ter r eripplytrig the higher Fors waste-out pipes brought up to the serfeee t.l( by from me Whittler...ly to be cone up the street present boon new reservotr Acconhtter. There has al.. tweet a I tt e ft e gusnt:tr at ItUtry v •rf teit,rette in the Ordinance of the Ire h put on t h e k e n of greet, and on the - Ws)." Jane 1.1 the rilletiollee entered upon measures in (root of the Engine House,soth a view to trot:, to earrylng out that plea tog a mad hr the coal wagons to paws round. when Conti. was hone twen entered into with Steen .1c it shall happen that the occupation of Mr Laugh- R:ythe for erection the Login. Ilouse--the stone tufa grouna will prevent them from turning in the l i i Urblete are stippned from the MIX Enpoe alley. And as n work necessary before the (dim; House al t0,,,t of k'nell's Allen, they tutoring been thirty feet to length was added to the Pablo rennet t reserved from attic won the ground. for Me.na of on 011ue street at an expense of 192 economy. Prnkresit woo made in this yob by ex • Another piece of work which haa been made, is nrnding nod by transpiring a an entrance lathe water malt outside of the bonne large gnantoy d than stone to the ground; when at An opening was ern on the arch of the smolt, end the approttch of winter the work wan suspended. then earned up in the form of a square well with mawnry, to the surface of the gvound—al s awl Ihe Enteto. nod Pumpo--4hey have made emirs!. of 592 00. The object of this entrance, is arabla limarevi , in the Panora* sad yawn,a pally, for the greater conventince of mecca& in the Mr. Edward Sullivan the contractor for eeriest vault. and kw the teetotal of the sand from the I tag tho Roe" , he. nearly bombed the dialftelf vault—but II is besides, of special necessity so n The water in the new l asts will wend 230 feet way by whLer, to p at in certain castings to he ran. shove the present one, nod 3fal feet above the netted with the new oversupply which could not river. The Irninh of the pipe between the two be passed through the door. boon. will be 2:00 fret. A sewer 20 inches in diameter, has also hens The engines and pumps will be capable of fore built on the lower side of the Engine license, extend- ! la to the pp er "'" q"‘ ° " l of wale; e q ua l 6 ' tog from the check rah , e of the rising mats into i one fourth of the espolninie• of the lower works, the river, to serve the several purposes of carrying 1 tte amount eq ual to the present supply and con• away waste water, receiving the blow off at learn, e uth lth" . "( site ""f sod the water from the bilge pump. A line of Cost of the work nod, cootreot nod projected Et inch pipes which had heretofore served some of for th e upper ` nor " know° nod estimated a s gal t the above purposes, having become obstructed, ham ' own ' l e ' been token up. The F.ntrine House appurteosones, $ 2,000 Cost of the sewer and taking up the pipes g2:15 00 1 Contr act F.ri• fir logier.. -. • .14,000 111101 C Or Iv ii plate, and other w0rk,......2.000 From which, deduct the value of 15 pipes I Estonote of Baca completed,— ..... ...... $OOO taken up, which are of inferior quality, sod so valued, n0y,................ 177 50 Leaves am expense of *ewer, Another work, similar in character to some of the foregoing, is the grading and fencing in of a part of the Basin Lot. which fronts on Oilers St, or a yard in which to store pipes and other pro perty itching - mg to the Works. The grading, (enc. mg and sheds, have Dost shout $320. Stop. Cocks have been made at the Works, an follows, viz :- 2 of 24 inches,i For the over supply, the wash -3 of 20 inches, oat, and the men main. 2 of If inches, • 13 of 6 ini-hrs. For ordinary use. 15 of 4 inehe., At a haat expense of 61,321 00, Al the rule which has heretofore been paid, these cocks would have cost $2,539 The difference has mainly arisen from an unproved Corso of construe. hon. Stop Cocks repaired at the Works of 15 in' elms; 4 of 10 inches; 2 of 8 niche.; 2 of 4 metier Smiles the 5 large Cocks, which have been prepared for apecific there are on band 15incti, 1 12 inch, 370 inch, 18 inch, 12 6 loch, and 54 inch; Also, 14 Fire Plop. Pipes laid for Distribution:- 4 ipch, Elm Street, rear Pa. Avenue, 90 feet. „ Pa. Av. from Price to Marion, 630 „ „ Pride Sheet, 950 „ „ Quarry Street, west of O'Hara, 315 , „ Diamond Street, east of Ross, 255 „ „ Fayette Street, west of Hand, 170 „ , Hancock Street. 430 „ „ Grant St. near 7th. (connexion) 76 „ , Fourth St. near Wood, (do.) 04 „ „ Serving 17 Plop; 204 „ ----3,184 Of the above. 750 feet were lifted from situations where they were no longer of use. -43 inch High St. from Wyhe to Grant, 436 feet. „ Clarke Street, from Logan to Townsend 250 „ „ 2d St. from Gas St. eastward,.. 750 „ —1,466 8 loch High St. and ROW St. from High to Second,. Tetatea:tension:of Attribution pipe, 6,010 Which, added to the quantity before laid, ,tonne 68p00 feet, or 16 3.5 mile. Beside/ the above, there have been taken and relaid, in ooruequeeee of grading WWI; u ilkrnri, Via:— 15 inch, 014 W yhe 40581 Sts lowered, 390 lees 1 2./nch, 0n.5111 Sinn. 490 8 inch, On 1.44aa Street. 149 4 inch, On 7eunnel Street, rayed, 366 , 1,386 Total n whet: of feet crime laid tbe past year, 7,396 On taking no the 12 and 15 inch pip. on Fifth Street, it was Mond that a number of them were cracked and had been patched, and the Cop. witted condo mined them as unfit to be put down. And accord .ugly 4 pipes IS inehea, 16 of 12 inches, and 2 crust brooches were procured and subst, toted far the original pipes, which are still on bond, and may nerve for n less important place than that from which they were taken. It deemed p riper 'to remark here, that thew pipes were orq madly part of the first rising main in Cecil's A iley, and were made when our four-ders had but little experience. Stop Cocks put in 4 inch, 12 in new hoe.. and 2 substituted for old ones 14 6inch, 4. and of h inch 7, 11 17 Fire Plutrishave been set. making the whole number 125 Ferules taken out during the year, - IS9 Owing to the question of juri.dietion on Penn Street, between the City and the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Turnpike Road Company, remaining so long misruled, the pipes which had been order ed. could not he got laid in that street. The requisite pprs for laying in Gibbon and Townsend Streets, are in the contract with Mr. Nicholson, but they hod not been made up to the time of the destruction of his foundry, before men. boned; hence, the orders of the Council for laying in those streets, have not been fulfilled. The Expenditures of the year kept under the bends of 'Permanent Extension' and 'Current Ex penses,' have been : }"XXALANS.I7 EXTEISION. For Enaine repairs 96.201 83 Labor 3,174 14 Castings, Smith. Work. Bra, dor 4,678 07 Lend, Lumber, hauluig, Pnytng,&e. 2,209 50 CCELAMT EXPX,IIMS. .....................$4,585C al 5B Labor 3,291 14 bd. Yarn, Hardware and Stationery '763 29 Total Expenditures 824,903 N'i For which warrants have been drawn on the Mayor amounting to 923,502 19 And paid in Bands bearing interest ........ ........ 1,311 37 55 Whole amount of Water Tax --424,903 asseaaed Ratlttatmos, C 01.11711.101716 dc 530 ' 214 00 lost. estanated at 3.000 00 Water 'Nine be 2ldings re. celved 350 92 427,3901 92 Amount of Butldtmt Tan of last year received Nett ineorne $28.,521 77 Estimated amount of Water Tax on huddiugs remaining %input.] ot 1146 $750 00 Eshinated lintattes growing out of contras an. finishrd . John NorhoLum far IV., New ruling maul tram lower • works. 'z12,000 00 6 inch. 6 Inch & 4 inch pipe to be supplied from press eat basin 3,561 00 -- -315,501 00 Valves, lend and labor Ihr laying and completing the estimated at....• ....... 2,500 00 la part payment Mr. Nicholson receives the old pump and other large caste lags from the &.,1 works, amount not yet aseertnined Estimated oriel of the river supply including laying, t o 3,100 00 . 01 winch has been loud to Meows. Knapp 2: Totten on account of the pipes— the old engine at... 000 00 Balance. ........ ........ $2,500 00 Estimated cost of the wash nut pipes, including rock, laying, .tic 1,050 00 Of Olin has aready teen expended in sundries say 250 00 ........ 1.500 00 4 aril pipe pr cinced fnon J. Anderson & Son, ir corn. pietiax eerie a connexiiina alcwit Nismora. Anap.. k Totten ere the contrietery for Eat:mated coot of Rising Mlllll including laying snit lead 316,760 Estimated cold id ',Mil) feel of distributing pipe with the stop cocks, fire plugs. laying the same, 15,200 Total for the upper works :so far as firmseled ooh, sits', has been paid by war rants on the scrip issued under th« Ordinance of Dvt. 19th, 1919 111000 Respetftfoll v submitted, J. 11. IYItICLRLLAND, Supt. Jan. 411,, 1919. R[rollT or rile Atalsson 0011 Reournot Or WATCH llscHrs con TIM Yews 1649, The Winer Rents assessed on the different establishments using the Hydrant Water, amoent to thirty thousand two hundred and fourteen dol lars,. follows, VIZ .- 1 City Gas Works, 0125 00 1 County Jail. &c. 250 00 6 Glass Factories, 145 00 3 Public Baths S 9 00 5 Tanneries, 137 00 9 Breweries . y • 361 00 10 Livery Stables 309 00 15 Foundries 339 00 Sb Swain Engines. 7 ,440 00 13 Itenulying Distilleries,— 252 00 3 Flatteries, 39 00 7 Chnodlese*, 104 00 109 Hotels, Taverns, and Hoarding-houses, .. 2,459 00 5,824 Dwellings, Stores, and Shops, 23,159 00 6,120 Assessments. $30,214 00 Of this Amount Wm. M'Cutchin, Col. lector of lot Ward, reports:— Collected and paid Treasurer,Ss,l9o 66 Com mionion, 160 39 Reduction+ by Colmmure, 54 50 Uncollected 241 96 Amount of thin Duplicate, $56t7 50 O( this amount -Tulin McKee, Collet• tor of Second Word report, Collected mud paid Tree, —80,056 00 Commission 24 43 Reducttoos by Committee.. 22 50 Uncollected 725 07 Amount of his Duplicates 3 6 9 o 0 9 Of this an - fount Joseph McCulloch, Collector of Third Ward re p or t,, : Collected and paid Tre55...55,600 00 Commission 173 01 Reduction by Committee. 52 00 Uncollected. ....... 1,315 46 Amount of his Duplicate— $7,140 50 Of Ilia amount R Hopm Collector of Fourth Ward, reports Collected and paid Tre05...54,200 00 Commission 139 05 Reductions 1.1 Committee... 62 50 Uncollected 240 45 Amount of hi. Duplicate /34.042 00 Of thin amount Ino. Lowry, Colb, tor of Filth Ward, reports: Collected and paid Treaa...53,600 00 Commiasion 142 14 Roder:lions by Committee... 54 00 Uncollected, 393 56 Amount of his Duplicate - 35,190 00 'Of this antoont, A. M'Clelland, Co' lector of 6th Wort reports—collected and paid Treasurer, 51,600 00 Commission, ..... 49 44 11.1w-bons by Cornmatee, 12 00 Uncollected 630 06 Amount of his Duplicate 62,291 50 Of this amount, Charles Jessup, CoL lector of 6th Word, reports—Collect ed and prod Treasurer, $759 38 Commiesioo .......... 23 43 Reduction by Committee, 5 Uncollected, 317 71 Amount of his Duplicate, 11,104 50 Assessor and Recliner reports balance collected on new buildings of 1847,......... ............ $894 50 Judgments on Alderman's Dock. et, ..... 39 35 Total. 8932 85 Total amount collected for water this year, vtr. By William DlcCutchin, First Wdrd. 85,351 04 By John M'Kee, 2d Ward, 3,150 43 Jos. McCulloch, 3d ' 5,773 04 R.l4ope, 4th ' 4.639 05 Jno. Lowry, sth ' 4,742 14 ArClulland, 6th ' 1,649 44 Chas. Jessop. Nth ' 7el 79 Assessor and Register, 932 85 4{16,263 54 Prooeedlng• 1a B Comell January, 5,1E349. Connell met persuant to adjournment of Dee- 30th. Prewmt—Mourn Bakewell, Black Coyle, Denny Drum, Hill, Lorenz Murray, M'llwain, M'Gill Totten.; President in the chem. The minutes of the two last meetings, were read and approved. The President read soommunication from Drs. Pollock and J S Irwin, Secretaries of the Medical Society of Allegheny Counts , . He also read a communication from Mr John S Cosgrove. Mr Hill presented the report of the Auditing Cots. which was read and accepted, and ordered to be published in the papers authorised to publish the city printing under the supervision of the Audit tag Con, Mr Hill moved to emend by sothonsing the pub. licauon to the Journal and Chronicle, which was lost. The report was then sent to cc, who COE, curred in the action of this council. Mr Bakewell presented the report of the Water Corn. accompanied by the report of the Superin tendent of the Water Works, and the Assmor and Register, which were read nod accepted, and or dered to be printed under the supervision of the Winter tom. tiewq,o c. Concurred in. Mr. Lorenz, aturMan the Finance Com. to whom was referred en ordinance authorising an additional Issue of city acrip to the - amount of Sib,- 000, reported adeerec to the passage of the ordi nance, which was rend and accepted. Mr Black called k4r the third reading and final plumage of the ordinance. Mr Bakewell offered an amendment which was lost. The Clerk of the r e returned the resolution au Mumtaz the appointment of a Cholera Hoepn. Coin. which had been mended in tent counei whirl) was read and concurred to. When Mr Bekearell ntiered the killoenng . entnnunie. Retder.f:That the communication of Mr. J. S Cosgrove tendering the use of the Merry Hospital to the Counena tor the eft-cotton of Cholera patients ...mild the car he rm.al toy that epidemic, he re ferred ut the Sanitary commute. and that the Man, risers of amid liosyital and the Staters of merry con elected therewith are entitled to the gratitude of the community in their noble and generous oda,. and thirttaresafto eranonnee INe artboviied to take all necetaary nacaturra Co the protection of the mum., and to ranter with the County Com. misaniners and mettles! Namely of Allegheny Coun• ty on tee sublime, which urea Read three times nod adopted and soot to r t with the commurucehons 91 Mr Cmtgrotre said the Secretary tithe Medical So. crew tad by them adopted The Ite.olouon In farm S Rxwelierg whreh on the :an ereelog was rend twice and Refe.reddo the comm , ttee elalmo and accounts, eras Laken up Read a third time and adopted sent to c c and ad. opted. Mr. It:ark presented r report of the Police Coot which wily rsid end accepted. A :loon orda nanre emitled,tm issitn•oce fix IP; the eatery • ( the Mayor and for other purposes Which w•• read Iwo, and reillinwoended to the early at. •—•• next tsioneda. Sent to c c nod concur. teultoe red m. MrTmen preeeeteit a reran of the Aquedor Cncn. rhlan sees read nod refexed to the Audit Tee petition of R. Hope, praying council. to certain tan,* that be has overpaid the city, and whielz inC lb. evening was read and is. (erred 10 The Fin., Cam was taken up and read. and no motto. of Mr. Black the further coo• sidersieJa was ranelphrted. Mr Ml.vala neered the following. Romfroi. That this courted return their Yorere thank ato Mr ithtptoo, the Pres:ldeal of lbw body hot the able and impartial thatalliae to which he has dtseharged the dolt.. ea r the office during the past year Adopted unanimously. Adionen• Preceetdlnas IS COMMICIAL CIIVINIIOII Admurned menu:yr.-Prevent. Mem. Ant, strongli. Mark, Coleman, Cunningham. linviey, Jonei, Leonard. Lewis, Lintairatoti, Meant Meik(mghi, Palmer, Porter, Ramon Sawyer, Shaffer. Senn, Saudi, Stoner, Von lionn• b o na, Wilson, and Can. R Mll. sweets.. ILIGAINEDT ♦ SAWYER, I.ILASS ManUreetu raja, and tVlsolexaie in inselgn durneatie Variety lioodo.. ester's Inerchanla, Pedlere and others are melted to call and examine tee pr and eltalil) of our .suet all wish our presses, erenwed facilities Its naa...atiteeler sag purchasing, see thudt we eta oder as great mduceinents to buyers as ally other house won of the M1,111111111,1._, • JANU 61' b , I , 4P—N LW URN. (1000$.—Ar. Miltottr bar opened Una owning • addMonal ll supply of Goods, embractog tunny smarm and drat.- ble article., and Ou)ers are tovned to tall. as Noy ten: hod a omen lame, atoek kora Nan dmanY tound at ti n• advanced •artot too maw. Among the gooda recto:ed. la new at, la bit'd 51ova Lam, rerkert Dhawba, ink d •oth p - Go . oda at 1:.1501. 1 :ute up .ta:rs, very :oa. j• PAINTING PAPER. paper m.ll irt Iple ',lrmo), .111 be at all Limes we I sup. Ned with tbe ditTerent err. 01 paprlr Of ‘upettot ;wait ty, W h., we offer at Lae ...vest regultr prwes. Any can or qua it) will pe manufactured to order at Mort nonce. KEYN9LI/3 SIIKE, cort - ssi - I'Sitts itstl Issa sts OLAtiti rat nevr crop N 0 SlolltascO, - in / ioor e ow/ for eby Jos SOHN ItI'ATV. Liberty ct s Viruch c cmc by jas 'Milli WATT ~ .)..,.ater.:l; I:3 do No Y do; 10 do No I solmod, fu cart• C. 141111. sn siOre dAd for jud JOHN .WATT . . - - - , ULASSES-27 bblo, new crop' oloinul, lozntling /V I per sir Cltppor suid for /Mir try P. JAMES DALZELI. LI ACIN tql)P.'Sare.asi - i - , re 0 ,4 - V." 0 6 to - r - e --- -- .L) ;or .ale by • r.ph ! . 10131!:liTS9N & REPPI:RT T A 1111--33 bbt• prune Lard; D loss do dal just recd as d for sale t..) 114 ARMSTRONG lc CROZER STEAMBOATS. CINCINNATI & PITTSBURGH I 1 a II Ali llal ." DAILY PACKET LINE. 1111.5 well kernel, line of splendid possengerBbolnbo ors to now composed of the largest, molest. bee shed and hands/led, end moot josserte bows as the waters of the West Every accorusuodadosaud eoa ton that money can procure, has been provided loops* , censers. The site hos been in °penmen for Ave pees —has earned a million of people without the least laps , to their persons. The boat. will be at the foot of Wood street the day previously° starting, the the ree..9.. uonof fretght .d the entry of posoengent on the rept, ter. In all cases the passage money mast be paid in advvoce. SUNDAY PACKET - • The ISAAC NEWII)N, Capt. A. G. Matas, Via leave Pittsburgh every Sunday numbing in 10 itPelo4l3 Wheeling every Stuulny evening a, 10 r.>•. Alay Tr, 147. NIONDAT PACKET. The MONOMiAItELA.,Capt &mac, arill lease burgh every Moaday ntornieg at 10 o'clock; Wheel*, every Monday evening at lu e. te. TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBERNIA No. 2, Capt. J. liuresausa, Ida leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday rooming al 10 edelcielq Wheeling every Tuesday evetung at II:I T. IL WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENULAND No. n, Capt. S. Ds•; Mtn leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at 16 o'clock; Wheelmg every Wednesday emitting at las.s, THURSDAY PACKET. .-- - - The BRILLIANT, Capt. (hues, will Imre nap: burgh every Thusday morning et lbo'eloe- Wheelbrg every Thunds4 eve at 10 r. FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER N. 2, Car- Clod., will lava lirta• burgh ovary Friday morning al lu o'ulac.l4 Wheiding every Friday rreruag al 10 P. - - SATURDAY PACKET. The 11Tea11 , 1131.18, Crum 8. BMW, trill lernoftla. burgh every Suturday morning at 10 deloek Whaillas every Saturday eveumeg at 10 t. Y. - - NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LIU OF CANAL AND STEttat PACMIII, 1 W. • Leaves Pittebn - rgh ("A dail e atli velvet, A- X, WI er. rives at 0111310 A, (month of the Sandy and Beaver nal,) at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon mat, lam alsbl. Loaveri Neve Liabon at olock,- Y. BE, (=Um dte, trip cave to the river &Any the night.) cad at 9 o'clock, A. AL, and larl , Cll at riusbouiltr! kL--rints waking a continuous line for roners and freight between Navr•Vsbast and burgh, tri shorter Ueda and at lets rates than by any other rote, The proprietors of this Lute have the; -Abeam et UP forming the public that they balm Aued up ewe &St clue Canal Boats, far the aceommodsdionPeSeehg= freight, to ran in corm:aim with the *MB steamers CALEB COI S and IIEAVM had celibate. tog, et Glasgow, with the Pitmlnrsigh Chteill nou and other daily attestor. steamers dOimi the Me ,_ nod Mississippi river. The hrelitistere ple dge selves to spare o expense or trouble LO can. fort, safety and dupla* and ask of the pane a elms of thee patrons.% AUTHORIZED AGENTS. O. hl. RTCA, S. &W. HARBAUGH, PRObAiht. R. ILLNNA & Co. osyllaf J. itmitutfoli & co. New I.tahsa NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, C. E. Clarks, *u. ter, will leave tiler this notice, for Wellsville paactip, ally, at I/ o'clock In the InClAtattg• PE 1848. 11144 PITTSBITIIOH 4/1 1 110WIRW111:1aLL FEBRUARY 1!1= Pa43k4 F t IBI LI RVARY Isa, 184 LEAVE DAILY AT s A. IL, AND 4 p. The following new beau tee limo for the pew= lam= LANTIC, Cep, James Parkinson{ ALTIC., Cart A. Jacobs; alai LOllllll IiCLANE, Copt E. &amen. The beau are entire!) new, and are hued op without regard le expanse. Eta ery comfort that money can proema haa been meale& The Boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Boat et the foot of Rose at. Passengers will be peneteal ea board, as the boats will certantly leave at the atm , used boon, BA. M. and P. M. bran FOR MARIETTA, PARKFASSUILI And Horkingport, and Intermediate landmass• • . The line steamer miligam Wk..LLEIVILLF., on, '... p o P ra "'" aaniVY:el le ay " a e l 1 toe b ri e . on board. derl/4sa 12E21= FOR LOUISVILLE The splendid new 14,01114 f TELEGRAPH Nq 1, aziElizulep, master, will leave/ for aboisk d intermediate ports oP Saturday s tad loot, at IO o'clock. For freight or passage appfr on Ima i rA, or BURBRIDGE, 'BON RCo. GEG B hIILTENBERGEE. REGULAR FRANKLEY PACKS?. The hue wormer FORT PITT, 101,Eay.z, A. Miller, will rvia kw above inade, leavuag Piltem every Waik-ewlay Swartlay evening, at 4 oclop t For freight or pacsage apply e t,.. heard. derail • PITTSBURGH A WHEELING PACKET .. . —. US swift steamer CONSUL, - Webber, roaster, wan tease 'or Wheeling, every Honda= nesday apd Frlday, at IV o'clock precisely. Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and Oki tardny, ist 7 o'clock, a m, precisely. The t3onsul will land at all the usertmediate parolle" Every aceormalation that can be procured for tho cialF. fort and safety of pusengers has b..n, provided. Thia boot as also provided wait a wit-acting artfety guard Hi prevent explosions. For fieight or .saitsaajr on hoard or to DAVID 0 1 • felel , comer of lwasid Smithfield am PITtiIiGrAGEI AND I.OIIISII,~ILuE PAO CET — MTh The now ate' splendid fast passen ger packet, TbLF.GRAPH No. 4, c{II and Lotanivit %flitt'll=y7T343'767. f oa l. , 01 To o'clock, A. „IL For freight or passage apply on lanard. to SURBRIDGE. WILSON& Co, Or s GEO 11 zanUrraniFlßGEß. T ig: L o n Steamer rayton f a trill leave Louisvine far NM, Or c. i o s. d : c 4trrivai coo o ho T n et e ert . N: 9. Fungi: sued nerthlt • EXPRESS W AEON LINZ. ffi g& , Pittsburgh wad Philadaighla, , N 14117: TIME, FIVE are " , n , —.,p e1 t ,UN.241111.= v.,. Lwila. I commence running on the ail inst. A air tU itIllTO Phtladalphia dully with the Mail Trait In Chamberchturg, and from thence by Wager4,lll/1 relay of borers, running day rind•night. 1 , 7 e will I;re prepared to forward tiny lbw. freight dolly. Apply to tc Co Platattraph. or HARRIS& LELVEI, norefl No 13 South Third Street, Made] PIONSEM. ThABISPORTATIOS 1.1106 &tam 1848. iffiklia t BET W 157.74 BALTIMORE AISiD riTratussa, 41 ZLI Merchuldise trD.ansportTU324ed at C447. anal ma& • FORSYTH & DUNCAN L Ailant4,_ Water streeti: au ttutheribr. , FRAMES' & MARSHAL Arm% 47 Lien open, lihmiw, 17.H.1LE & COM PAST EXPELIant • • FOR CIIMBEI LLA EASTNAERN BALTIMORE, AND :nit CITIES. rrtlE Proprietors adds Ws have imaronNlror SW* and nen preponel teßearard packages of 61,1 de ocziP,lon. daeY, ni An /owes' nue. / J.O. 1 3 1 E/ViTaLL.Zest e Winn/ wen t 1 , " ROBINSON BOEHr. 92 South Clanyleo t 4 lietteetz 1848. `RIPPERS and others are Lotonitc mat hinin 1,3 r canti na. forby FIVE to run daily. Produce &Id Muth= eceipwd DAY LINE =d ons, at low roles nod specified lima& J C BIDWELL, pia i novt4 ROOINSON BOIMBI, hr TO 1311 FlOal 2 .. L .•-2 • • • PITTSBURGH AND.PHILAD&S,PfsuSi r • 5 . 1 4t1.10.11:0110 one AND smut. THIS LINE, whom punctuality lost wintar,glrew ouch moral satisfaction, wile ealutueltuo au lat of January unit, ueinc tae . Gail nabs Hun Gtuultbeeaborab, .4 rainy& 01 110171.01, the =vit. CLARKE & THAW, Pittsburgh. LEWIS & BUTLER, MO.litanket at, ~ln deeZT kl IPilladoly&Le, pres• Wavon To Awn Holt eta • SBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA,' eta cuantaricserson. rribtE, FIVE DA Ys—/l.olng Day and, Plient,--A Car will leave P&ladelpltia daily will ifie,filail Train to Chsrainsrsburgh; a Wagon will leave od its nrrtval, nod having relays of . 1./orsen running day and ill, secures the certain aaloof of goods 'in Five Dot a! No more Goods bo rtuniVed eas bo loaded up each day, no that no delay will mow. WC will be prepared to forward 000 lb. daily. Apply to IVAI..I3.IIN9ILAAL:. No fi 1 . ..11.1.-2, 4:11. .et enact Maids. Dace= Sin kto - H AN'ING rust completed dm rebuileingel . osm, iltroke hornets, we ma SUM Philared Met all meat, and smoke it in the row merchantable tILIFJUILIN The houses are Geed web all the modern improve resets, and are cmpable or containing 400,CW Item each. KIER JONItSA, Canal bestn, near Sereno: s: LOVES AND D I Y:MERY—Dtain a Jomtso a, ts kf Market at, would mono the attention of dealers tiod others to their choice owlet at Baumy ampertor fiat Gloves, and • great variety of meth., gut and canon Wove*. Al o, to their extent/11m stock of worsted, Cawbracto, Ansa, Vignola and Stlt tetrad Moravian cod other styles of cotton Hao—wiether wob every nyte of chi es Hoc. and gendmiens. half Dow.. f2OLD SP ECTACLE:I—SiIver do; itbsclike Oermae :Myer do. A largeaasorubent ronetafitlT ee kind, and carcfuhy fitted to any age. Concave, Cote vex, and cataract spectacle Sian accersuchy ml to o any vision rearmed. Alec, cturtUlAying glasses for examining kabob ' , cols minerals, bank LOMB, ee., just rya d armada, gala by Jai W w corner of mutter lad artists 'kr AhlitlOTYl GOLD PE:Nt large and tiriOdal 4.1 Den lot engroing ti ss, an tor all other pitmen. Alll-so, PTIMILITO tick! Pen. here. etediklak attdjmall sizes, of the pen makers, tor sale by tab W N WILSON ECK FAL.E.—The pod and a.- manual steam boat AMERICA is of forest tor to on accommodating 1. terms Apply to .1C bIDWELLiAttIy Whir si T HAVE this day asacresated myself with Jame, El. and %alter C. Roe, Mate *Oatmeal", U m „ cvrY and COMIllit.:10 bmtnesit, at Melt 014 cow , 194 Liberty street, where we will con f ine the imailkes• coder the hem of Rte JOHN hiVILL. Pittsburgh. January I, lett?. TATA UM dor very bea•y bias& W TT Huai reed and for We by raj Stir:WILLI= & W HITR 1 1 11voc4 mit