"•- V 7 : .11.11UDDINCOVOIll... VT' CONSWEP •len'T=o323lll"2.o,3Z.GitialN.lY 1 .). DIVXWAVNIN',.."--",--- • ~ COAPOUNIT Sifffit:Ornal i CllEßßl. mez earth exitrtlosanu 7 floassemption; Donets, adds, Adhma, 13ronebide, Lly . 4ccomoutgf gptmoy Dl .00d,.,..111ficulty of Wreath - • Jag. Vain wtheSi4e.lbut Preast.ralphation of "--• th e time.., Weems., Croup, Drown c on _ man s.o.yht.tt.Nervects Debili . ty. on all Daemon of the Tbmat, i .a., . lire mandLangs, the most cf. fee .044 Owed): care - , ..-,,,,„ ,:i • .oyerhnown Corp:Tut -..the above dimes. t : • _ . -'•an. , ti3v lor,reii , I . componnitOßlMP orlarlud Cherryt • ' , 'l'lits wiedielmt.is am tenger ending those of doubtful -.utility. Is fins passeit away from the thonvands daily lanno b o o men sthe lido ofpaperlment, and now monde Idlidulr al reimultioneuivids beef:ming more extensive. -," IP used thansdllnther FuPersdfm, of medicine net produced for the relict - of safferfirna .., lath been inuleced very erally th rough Th.; 7 •:.- i grated States end bombe, andd, are few towns of i . - •:.:importenver. but.wbaa,mialain some remarkuble tal i: 'dance of. Xs good ell - eels:4E6r peso( of the foregolne auttentems, and of the value end efficecy of thts w e o,,, '• ~ ^ ' 'thief the propethtor will insert a frAr of tb. 'marl thy, . sn o od testimonials iable/1 have been presented Whim bP ,• ' mert of tbr fast rearwetabilitYnniulOub u lunru idabei , -- Wawa of natal respensibilitY Sifid lutslieer thin ' to ec vtlf,' to fans, beethan Useilldo anoth ~,. er a 6,, .. f Ilthrlsrlyes no imustice.e ll la testimony Promm: co .'—e. glasively.thot its marprtrogexcellence is estibliihe -, "''by its intrimnemsh ic-iand the unquaaliOnable snow , '• ty of public OpilliCa. 'The irmauterienua Wier' It ..i '...--- - ' fordo, end the soothing _UllketWo,lidnaedd thiongb th - ,1 -• -. whole (stun by its, eth,thadem ll s. mil agtheab ' • •UNDESI DE Rl i • • ' "When men acting APM vuusuleullaus wlimlere. voluntarily bear testlMo4l to the 'yolk of %. T hi ng n i muddler - fem. each tow jolonyalw, ing contrary In tked worldly irnesestssindPmPosel, Coerces conviction of Its troth on o eon ...ands itself In.. special manner it, univerthl eredetheneeD/lognes Morel Maximo • READ THEJNOME. CIDITIFICATM Stwesarx Center. Pciangs.ll3 COIMMI.IIOT-r nett mtin other slue a XvolvoYlbrakas been es auccasifdl to derrerate them of ConstMptiOn. As De. imam:nen Compound Syrup ofWild Cherry, -It strengthens tbh system, and appearato heal the inmate on the long}, ' • westing new and rich blood.; Pastel Possessed by. other medicma • - .. . - CaWli CO. AP Til ItStk, ISIS. B,e.nyneeelharverify, believe Tom pound gyrate WiltlCherry has been th e means it fa , I caught a neve= coldoshleh d - 14 ' 17 2.L C ti. o b e em, trended wish a thyme CCM rthlt . 7 .l; te tt' . 'in t h.,:medielorlaiell I Inadartourse g to, bun increasing until my case exhibited ail the sympkow a or : ? y ummy Consumption.: Everf.thiull ; Fl° 4• Su o l l to hereto caw, end Iny compband haoreased to rept . ly that Maidens well theelliclfifflue vill.Wllio_pes f my' recovery. -.At.,thdrs Wool, was,recoMinerded to tgy year iternhable medium% I did so Wldi theanclid bap , py results. The first boulehad theallectut haoseuthe cough.craning mote eXPectotalal7,o7ll- and br Ille • time Ilan. neW sikbottlefblvthe elltitalT **Hi, „end atri ' nose as hearty.% men seanter Wu to my die •* 1 - -- Inlaid be:happy ter givesual infest:MUM: respecting ray etas that other uderena.ulay . derive the ftnat_ o r which tam so irralteaL , Dar the truth Or the almvo , _Statement I refer •yeo. to tenor Rub, groCer, West • - Chester, Pa., of whom I purchased the medicine. ; ..: Nespeedolly Tomes .• . J!' !Mk t„-' ; Mule - * 11Elkailtaidir W . ta Care old meths,. 1 . , • wlDr.Surayro—Talar Silt I feel &debt olgresitna, ge ne an em-arid a duty to the of generally; to oiler ,- say bumble testimony' to favor of year edluPollud :ilk ' sup of Wild Cherrl. Sams. three yenta Sinto I wla viateraly oriental with. cold mut thff moat aft or u. ',flitch *US^ ileotapaeiod vrith a distressipg coinprun in the bleu% and bead, a amp ,thomdene ble dischotge of offerdive unthes fa= the long% expo dolly upon -change of smother, hummer alight. • as fast I feltro alarm about my condition, bailey's milli soon convinced that woe rapidly goi4g into corisnthp . lion. I grow dally,weaker, and al•Witige b: 1.21.01/140.. I'l ablate veldt labout,sfr speak *bole at whisPer, :such, was the mcceeditireettltaessUillu/ laysfill- Dullulll4x time. I bed tried Yeriaaa preparatiotho tit=ns ono pumeminsosny but forted no relief-poising ell Vrp ),,, to, here PR•o3ld,ised and 'pomaded try sae= /K er wi n Wilmington to make trill of your:lsis:pot Malachi, . I must coerces that =Ealy liad. been melu .. diced against patent toe and tarn Mill agthant; those amain am of the bend: emperice, hat_ondoo. standing-your a..i.... Id the profession and practice:of medicine, and haying implied l oth in dazzling my friends,' forthwith purebased Of Dr, Maw, osmof yam agents, a few bontes,andeenumelmudite ase. Ur clue ease was as that time of %tor.% month.' sanding, can, eminently it was deeply seasedi 1 found, hemseser, considerable relief from the me oldie first foes or, five bottles But being a public- mocker, I fregaeolly pt tempted to French with my.increasing sureamb, and - thereby reported dose vessels that had already .begun. to besl; in ilia way. doubtless, my care woo greatly '• xstathed, in constquenee of acting than umnsdently, I bad to use twelve or fifteen bottles before I wee pe r '-. fatally revered. I have no emeroon, a ankh meaner. number of balks would have wade me south, but for the above indiscretion. 'Me Syron .1444 the ferry un habit, took tawny the dithessum cones, put a stop to the discharge of mattes- from the lungs, and gaffe them and the entitestsieta good Mallb. I haves deter, red offering thia certificate unid now, for tho purpose of being aterfeetly mais fi ed widathe pettumencl of the _ ' core, and 1107 . dim I feel perfeedy well I offer at with pleathro Dublin coantri N.C. ' Important •Ctration—RaLE:Berself . There is but ont. ;el:mine preperistiedefWild Chem,. and that is Dr. titcros, ' the first ever offered to the p Elie, whicli.batr Leen told - largely throughout the Coited Stater and MUM - peril , ofEscropc..and oil pe. paratiota called try the name of • Wild Cherry have been Putout flees la; a, under covet of wane deceptive circumstances, - id order to give .eurrencyen their sales. By a little - ribserration; no- Iceman Jared mistake the genuine from the 1.150- atekb bottle of therm:tins is enveloped with l bee - Mani steel engraving, with the likeness of reno themont also, Dr. - Swaynsts signaler= Bea a* further security, the portrait of Dr. Swarms will be aildcd berreader,sou to distinguish hie preparation Vora nil others Now, if It was not for the,grcat CattaliCe properties and kuourn•virtites ofDr. Switene's compound-Syrup-of Wild •therry, percooi von& not beasticavonano give. currency to their "fictitious nostrerns" by acabog , ,the ',OM* of wild Cticery. Remember, always bear in mind the name of Dt. Simsyne, and to not deceived. rtittcipal Office, comer of Eagan; and Dam , steema philmleipbla_ ,' T"! OGOEDe SNCIW DUV COY WOOa sur, A PAIINEWMDFC & - 'Co, c oo .Ist and VtAtcd,'. and dth and..Woodst.4 Whl THORN, 53 Mirkeit avSJONES,I BO Liberty sr, ;AS A JON car llnsul and Perin me; JOHN hIUCiI ELL, AlleOeny, eiryi,.and all respectable dealer. to maddieine. , twctl3 Fatatolitorws- Pa" : •Coluutio -Farqptiefol:cieufficei irtaaTneas of hulk :with cave:toy:Arid cappaintivo milarrees of W is e arnica. vuel.hovior a.,peeidisf len - ddocy to the Wiser. organ', iv er.ucreely. valuable' itt thilt coon try, void etv /even an:Lothar cortrideleht, waded with caugettioag:the- her. mothlittoortd.— They have•seev. atooddhe jea o f 01 year*, and el:pert :meet:as proved genet v.} Ines safe ittlefeemutent, .licatittetd,:and 'Mods. Fevers f . Jartn- • diee; .Biliocuteo laddlestioni.Dropayl prenthrit nakm.vomiung.q.c.9l4...xid,au come.yantg or On in gaMMEOrY •• character.. The .smaplette and - traversal satafaaion vzhichthuitectisiven these:We to till who have once uted . theras, restdon the patTriMag of the namereas comfiest-iv . dheit favor ettuutceas_ary. To pre:vain coorderftei4g.they, nre.4iid.par vp;zl a red xvlograple vvrtyPer. - • • Priu Yd eetftv - for fore tele. coatainin6 an pills. I Preared and sold.h. twig defied .fitittifitedaistfeivraer.tilth and vrdoda SEILE 34 T-4141100r. TITETTAKED TO ALL • •:-.; t. le•Milcz•WTs4 Vet. 12,1€44. Mr. R: o • tier pbytielans, where , in invert extent:eel told the lbernalthenif• of • cue in which tine, tint. ef-your Vermikage brought 'pray. skeet 80 getitlemsa• thiumicb korkeed. thaileaa 'Wet half favisil caused the sliw ehargeef near CO Jade derma from. caw of his c hit then. Very etiany of inch instances zeiglit be stated. It is Well known abonclete; and Walesa all prefer it to any tadr. 't3end'intadares odd oblige • • • Nowa, •• • WILSON. Parthes whodci not ',Niel'. to e: willa with their children, should the lleraretth• • • Prepared ' Se ant iaIdI,LIEUEOELLTBS, 3V9KIa sold bi.Dr EL Cony, tairithoo. • . . . fiTYLONG.EVIDENIM Mit : Di EX .O. i koptti a il mther.rereedim CimiletteetiCamliVreltlamia. . " lp ath tee ll'a iteretie% ame aft. their Emilia team aria Al Ati ar other reimethmortirs hied; aphelian =Orr hems tratimed r imeraratiene.theylamyelrecaty itera ted receiftetr-tha hmrhl44-ertm from the biyh prime bamo t. rred ihap itmar i". ski hatemrianusttaAM arJainieal. de" 0, a remedy that gyrededrei irelisyrr rav relmbly sitar had Wt trittertidik... el PT1PM 11144 .7 IT Dr PP. etila ORA J/TryitES —ll/1111146.1,W • 1.21114 a ~._ - .-railxvo E•AIN namogo j a, wa r, tt r% th, . I/ Was from thatime.at lia..appbeaiieh, a the . pates , ftumaJbeaseVarest kovrfo4. .itrAls. -41 : b ) , e . add will bedlam*, Werra mak *area "Of anyi Ulna valchaut.'acat.-, This valuable rale Eatractor eta be had of JOHN a moacart Dreaut,l .4 . r. _ , ~.,..4 4.iNcestwzreitern ratt.L. .. .. . B. A. saincs.wrocirslaz. A, iitTow-k°''„'=LegMebri‘disAgetrulb"ll.l .Imm .inereas:d r" - so .alarroinubr. thet fesmul death strlntld be the result. - llevine . henrd good erects of Falosestooler Vermicelle a"n-• adeelahrionld lathe claim of nIY- Plegilierter,and thinking mgehild ought have nforms,from soma ciao Symptoms / I gave I. -one oni a half teaspoonfuls" ottlie rag area astonistunontit abacus.. litunedlatetg discha rged boustten 241 and large wain.. " health wu se sesurred, 5.14 now remarksbirwe. glre 4 rimm Wing the liermlfuge, the Worms wou n dldOccasiona Sibs its, throat, and often feared It woild die from strangulation. JASi CL"DAyIIIKIN. Tionesta, Vamps esh Ye.. AP . 41 3 0tS: 413 T tUriPS. CELFAIIIATED it Asp ,TErrER OINTMENT ik a* im • m eaftuna remedy tmfaxa the paella for Om Autre.of letter, iteliOLtir and watery PanDlea Abe iteflf 4Felt • end bodr ,Ltattlynnienona, and all . minir.diseasen of the "nti, Ointment is animated free from a:nitwit akin . Pere.itli a m ens MI7 b a aced guilt tancsiond un4er',ol emetaniumeen A nan wept). of intavahutble remedy *dyads:tid ier *ale by. - XFAHNMTMIL'ai Co t • miner et tsi exid woodi alno i tenni of 6di and wood kiriiiiiffirUO i.noula nj without . ' - Um* C. 11,14', Aug. SI, B.E. 5112 i 1V - eheelfally certify alit I hose for soma years put used your yeradfage in my faintly; . and onlYermilly syillt meccas -I decidetflrpretbr It to Mir other preparation 1 havensed—atodugst these may De. Paned the celebrated medicine. e ailed liklmeetockle "lenient!, end •liTeparsdlor t r u gn 'Vg fro friyzeTer:Thr*recent case s single dose • brought No tnply little boy one 'hundred and oix WOllO.ll femgy eertatny'ought 'or be without ilM1(11 &C JOEL LAWBO,I diumf • - Propsze so R. E. Sellers, Nam Wood Sad gold N9 ) .Turg",t 6 E-Cf.ma l Y " a " ith "' scPll " - 21:16riNeslict_ ff'_ol Teeth few RA Celina. ,'..IFOUL. - BREATH, fIRALTILY ' - I ' `irr n.r i,, 3111-4.=;.Yelieitt did azdtealttry with die: be ' las ante r dr - rake cleseed 'with Jona -.lathe; Tooth pud e, lave the appearance of the most bosortitol ixory, ~' •-• .••• 4 0 - "or the looms tutte ilia 60 PetteettY i1....4! 6.. tbta he egertant daily use J. XISWI • -1 , -. ,:•• 1 1 ,0148 4 ,-- A ' ili ' tettlrthintratldAlood ex. lief them a heaunfal poledquad fateezateg a '' de at Thew &Imply decayed It PtaYhate = oder seciete ,, At'alia " lasses, such tessa be,- - coo - 11J- " reeeenin - et ft wilt feeder ihe " ... 1.. lar all efue 4 ' y%iiiA.6Latetleake the breath ae.. ern — litil'A t i ,ell '',. , .. i,, • 2 : , , r wA ! ..,Aci.u . . N,.l4b.sm '. .0 A i --- ,...; 41 i. ...i.. ' , ..i-,...,, .....LNAtissercc4P ifttr . , r.h• at ,.. ~..- ..., , ---,-., 431ir. insentaos..,' ii t. ,. s j ; (Ili:, City, of , • ' ' 74 11 1 1 ,"as ig ''''' -a. •Task. - -, : ' - '6l• ll.l %2lcalinir • . l kiv 4 tr , the' x tm. _ , Wb Wei% taPtu RR a ro 1 " 111 b , and ;axe altf 'ar . Nett , Yetire. .L , ______ . Denitdadi 121d=teasts7/ 4,204 7 m . „......."' 'rd.... 7 i OW I.lye•atader, t Fon r ' . - 044 .m...t.the *their then' , ;. L '' ...,,, • . alatelif t Wel'a 6 • .....1=170146 In 0 bite..." e1n"" 48164.an.144 °I . TurnrlV Nthettini be r a. . t ot u:L. c..tio..vlverp—ire err 4 '''" I, "I 1* let aegll tLiall ..- Ph' - ' - a A.PAIMSEITOOK 0, ~.~^~" r ~.rr - ..... - « nr F :- -.- rte.. -.~.._ MEDI6II. Maas out •Blasumpif els 41111. TI meat axtraardtasry. tb. Wor.Li ? 144 Jertractqla put Ka t a Quart Bout.. is it rr Haas dipaper, pleareater, ra4 searreatad r. parlor to up" fait, 1R agra.atiai - Ad.d.Air • . idirs 14'2 • Patna. She treat barmy; aid anpirjoirity of th is Sarsaparilla smell other roodielneS trrallehile It eradicatria the dim ltll.lj" thii 401 . It la oae of ths Yu, 'kw •• • • SPRING AND 41i MEDICINES • Ever Imam on eat milks the ' , WC WWI; nod eat ;Lreft e"th ar "."' 'Il i ; "'mother uto medfre. Ai and d la .4i=o=escret elks weeiterfW niece. It has atianast teal pork More the 100,000 cares *cif sever* coos of it.. lean 15.000 vain considered It has stead .the linen of gore earl 'lO.OOO children triiior the tee pan aoliaotta 10;000 cakes .Z efileasonal Debility and want orltfarvioso Towarearra Stntaalialk hi•tintraus the whole system porenonorktto. To those who kayo loss rhoiz mnreenrlnterry !Taxi as of Radioing.", iodhorw. tiflrl committal is ranker the clonal. isololesoce ot the'porsiona sad beohila on . • remold physical pools • tiog auto sorrow MUM. hitote, wool ofaribitioa (doting ansoloos. ptaCtota &ray pad Aochoo. toecap. ieuswirdittlit estalattlasei'llooslaptimi. ow be or dee ccomai it:is Pleura remedy. This Sasso ris;for sh or' iny - Lad ragtag Cordial, .~A. maxi . krid elgoriles the -fires utMq uktp.:ll.*ala it. orh 'to lb. mambas sysao, 'll'oasaskristlon Cured. ' 4 3terias and'Strearloca. Colsooptiosi ess k cowl. rl Odisorooltiork. Mew OrtplatraVilds. Caitorrik; Orsertko. kazoo, Settaryt of ow' . Semen As died thaw 115ghs Calls I Ow, • owl CAR /1•.. . . arirnigs BLOOD. t". ttt ttt •ti ..'noTarktipta a. ElLTO•notongerkr bottom Du year ti . rata bilt ben UtAl mak tbentet Proltdtme, of MX - I kin 1p santilVitan kid a Ind Cough. ma iranokat moo; tAt Imma I rgool Loom quantl 'theirtirtoott km/ otgitt Vorftbt sett Ira rawir 't tote/ telt redtomd, oil /Id Sot expo to Dm t eat. trolykottl Too ItiosatirMar Den Om sod ammo It. • watt offal thamDbommtwiDglnte um I max mor. able to OD 011 IM the DO. Ittdmmt/• Dookt m/t/ , /7 o/O NO noo sma vdl tamps dot I ma tkookNOttilkokm/mOll. z • t.l - .BCAOstiktma. sta w di mad., Tralmodbiallabliellfeboieoniodes itrat atosihr . M .ls , •Itomea was Utati, oft', brash, Coolmesd. Lce• .cortion, eleirtettel lintuaran. • Cow inenzattmes Who, of hiciliatary dlatherge them; mod thevastel prectrelhot of owgntnos =taw wViibes tildig.pkgsa.amps, prodstad knidastill, Raw crud dest Hord e d. „call .ba mot trarlft Ni erten opt A. Imam Ina* troaketo tad heal. =AI booms *not leid hll of ,c.notri =Au helabbasee. It tatuadlately otanteracu skigin,a t Ansgs fru" b the ova. „ream 44 I win bol , cad ova. of 10:441site " to tisMi smillettet tots. pears:Sid bst trs as more the allkied. that eondnd.ota.m hal/bee* Mortal to ea Thensands • of Rua alma Quest has bete trlsbaue shildraa after ealstafe7 bcCdeo if N limbo% =Ada., bar beast bkoneg vbh ilitalteebby elleptiag. `.To Thobal: soidlisurrlooll Leak& Ws Balm* of Iteret ken been vonisely pro yorycl la reletaace to 11.11011 . empleiesa. Ne Comb ho name to tapper, the In apparechlso critical period...lU term if cbonld neglect to nits It, uqt is • omen preceestre Or any et tee nuntenret fad hardball 'Ammo to which hauls an abject at• thhr dote et Mb TEN wind ago be is loyal fir errand Tenn by attar this teaticias. Nor la to les Womble ha thorn who to. wo. ' nicabetal, tt b cabala:al to son amine.. lrcatelg. cniat the blood and Invigorating the eyateco Wood miedielowtairceleable. tot all the delicate duo. .e. , co width miaow ate teblect. besets the whole rynem.rearwe peneezeply the ',mend weenies.. by • nuseniag. the, up:mit/es et the 1.4 y. POI pp firiliallainthnriPlCPP . produce •iableqoes• telmatiem,, bleb is theme amen medicines mime tos feeleheire asd . digease. By vita aAy bottle. ol thLeee..emar sever e and =maul opt. tiotge any be pereeatieeL Ottat Bleostisig t. Inottsets sad Children. It tha West aid num drama anatieins Ow parity- I:g die d = b and raThisingalte stolksings alumtlaut aver discorased. It strengths. Wan igMother and dad,. primes pata end . ta snows nal nark... rook tbs. vrbo hare used u thin' kit iiindispensabl. , Itialltatdy sootal beatibefors aud . after sontinsensma as ft psalm. &mows aurodua peal clad:falls-4a Costive.... Piles, C.taPa tat of this Poet, ,Dsisponammy Hardin.. Vomiting. P o lo th ths Back and Labia. Tel. Patna . 11mtaaahata , d to mirnblint th. manatlons and equalizing the dr culattuu it hit no eq.! Th• gnu beauty's? Ms medial. O. ft is always sato, sof tha mat dales. ass • It Moo sationtlake, soy Ow num onsidra may other noidleina soma Boba C.... OA or Magarmita f. nista Panda la tki op. alt. wad Den [rod with ' this toddies, ICI sterns mom a Ruh ead miry aro- Beano =A Health. Denteslea, Chalk. and a moiety of propszethes rem rill in on, ebeaappikl balhe Mae eery um.poll it of ets behesty. They does the parse of. the *to, wed • .• thick theshadatino, ikicb, .hasmature is esittheem ed by dim= wpmmt m tree ishin,ltsthiesd, elbeiire, need In alma meow its am rad eetl.e to rev • ham the thyme as we 9 aln 'the' revive of ' - •••rtett so& dalhaelly dead. and extieuted lramp.. A Pre. palm aid healthy &tidal= - of the flaida•or th• , toanial Mile par*, rink blood no He extremities, is that which relate the eonatemosee Id the no.. esqui bonatty.s. li that width laratetho tod thedas,pid,ilselisi, of thol all admire. but ohm can - dearth*: TM. Id dertdriWthl ••• .tere-eatt ohms*" ereeep.' th ere la not • me end heathy eiseelahre, Weft iota homy.' If lbw lady In &Iris teak If Vie pats; sod oe emonetiee, ~'and %bobbed is Malt.ield and bawls, elie Is not beer Wel. Vida babreei er and there Wpm me bleadOzatew deli bk.= to the chafe, and a L r brilibutcy to thelieyes Mal le thectaathg. This Is why the "Mho* end erpooldly the Apse Ith lad/a, era :ranch Lelia In the ear* who aka bat card" or are by ld le eon mons, or have spoiled their Marisa** the li cities of delatertou mittwee. ft they verb s o re . -.ads elessie=l, of asp, hay.% eptetta efordstMe_.7. B ~ sod beentifal templet:iota rise ishoeld ese , Dr. Tom. emicre liknomaritia. Thema& eta ham tried U an set:nrilott, r :tided; ere delighed. •Laliee or every snitloa, - itemd MI6: daily. • •-• Medea tie the Ladles. Thee tau imitate Dr. Toessaid's Bareararillo, hoy• " 'firvart•hly • ofld their seers sew Rawly fa Fe - k., Ike, ad bas owpW wr bats aid ettentem ' mkt: to the weeplaints of weem, earl for ear 'other men who pat ep modkao, ham eines the area - sttear of Dr. Townsentre .loMe la eismrhento incident to Annsles, tienemomdM thabe,atlemithfire randy they did wt. Asaaber ef these m'mie, ripz, "les-, are Walesa to finnalevea they erparats disease, aoda nd -wraf... Dr. Teased'. in tea toarisetly der du niaMilfte had. ma lady; Mt fa* 41( e•Ww • permao-eni tam • la eta leant= by. he are dials knee. a ray me; at trttleele expeebo to baleen mode" eftli thapinnour adtaapem to. h anwavellia sateen • ...actresses:la pata orlengle ,ndatroarboos both • - , :urber nut Be =NM to pi the pasha . Striggials Vowed. The eatf Scat rair prone that thin base ..parilla het perfeCteadiel rear the moot °babel,. die tithe Eked,. ThMe paw: eared le no boson narneselaud, Three Children. ' lea,Totnniono-Doer• lbore the plasma to "Weise atm that three tiny chitin's • hem bees mend ftbh> bra by Val.seikne mane= meellebot Jhiltrae elided IMO entirely withbed Born; boon totea ettry War bottle:oi Wok them limey, fa which hal asyself isoderinet oblbrales. Tet 1111,11 * MLIDI, 108 Wiewasw- Oplaleste Plitynielans. , Dr. Tewessel Is almoot dtiyzerlog imam free P Tile Is totally Martha endentaurd. Fbrehlem ortbe Coy of Alban , bare in ouniarone come Pr.bmib gut. Dr. Toramthre and believe It to be , oneefilasintimatalifablepreiwatoos e market • ' P. PULI Ia NG! W , M, D. ••' j " ! &WILSON KC.. Bolt iambs, 41). Albany. April 1,1847. - Y. E. ELMENDOM7, BL D - • • • I' • ' CAUTION. ()wing to dm grad somas and t occata ads of Dr. Torneoad'a Borooporills, • number of aims who were f tonally Areataliaiteemounened stakingSamar*. ' rill. Estrada P.lirir4 Blume Dumas of %What Does, he. They generally ;milt ap 1, the IWO= emelt boa , " sad some of thee here rain end copied our adv. ' tkealcatb-they 'a* sly eurtheee hatatione, and 1 ' should be *voided. Hticlrial Mee, 128 FULTON Street, Bus 11.04i4. 1.1..Y.1' Redding & Co-, 8 State drone, Breihinti Dion & 122 . Mirth Herorni meta Philadelphia 8. & It ee; Eirtigitier;llaltimoryi P. AL Cohen, Ctra;iesion ; f ight &Ca 151 Sweet, N. O. lils South Piarl lima. Albany and by all this principtil 11rni elan an.L hierrhatits reneralty tbroaghaut the Coned 41pies:Wiff-lvitie. and the Cleedas. Niß,—,ferapas ingotrlng for Oils medicine, should' not . . IM induced to take my other. Druggist. pot tip ',llarasparillas, and of coarse prefer selling .then ow, Aortoilie deceived by, miv e lhirlaDO for Dr. Town? mend's mid take ati other. Remember the genu ine omusend's Ernoisparll Bold Ity the mole .gents. Spuzas,, General Wholesale & Retail &ce; No. r Vroixriareet, mod D. M. CURRY, Alle gheny 'city:• - ' For 44Reclivery of Dorman and impropmly heN REAL AND PERSONAL EdTATE: the Set tlement and Arbitration of COMMerelal,Trading. and arDebts; 'Securing Parente for Inventions in Great itabOntoreland and , and the Colonies and-De theree'.beleoging, Negotiating for pendencies the Par dons," or Sale of the suite. • viqlnatExcr , May be - bad on application free of j.k,dharge, (provided the motive is not that of mere curioady,) to ■ List el . :modeles al-wards of IP, 0 0) names m which anelaimed property , in /tending. Also. an 'dick to our 10,000 onion -.semen:its which base appeared for the put LO years in micas British newspapers; oddreued.o ileireat Law and mat of kin. Comumnleations by letter are requested to be post-paicL • • BENTHAhI FABIAAI, at Broadway, New York. - 'Remotes am permitted to Lien. Charles P. Daly, lod Freeland, Coen of Common Pleas, New York. eland, Susan Co. Cham•Cardrdms It Co.. 'W. ft J. T,Tapseern. • 0.,R. A:Rh:Mews, Fade Elward.Schroder El 2 Cincinoml Ohio rWQ A.Patetant•Foq., iPreslrlent•Patehiitll - aiiki Buffalo. 'arc kepi on hand or made to • - rtbwaile nov:11•101w , •—•', - • ' f • • the latest and most approved on fad. — ":11 iiiiiiseiftie" ' / ions, at the shortest notice and on the .... A 7the•tiltailtoeeuneof the. Corporators, held on reasonable terms. 4,1 .. .thi,,,gth j ri t., t h e •fau m g,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, ~...„. ....., Also, the cheap Boston roll 0} Spiil Ellnd Tramps , p " . .:,:Th ei nlia lud soth . 9 piatt, hand "" m Cu ttrui cr :fo , i' rale "ll lorfo d t i e g as " h ' udi ' . Il l' Id . ;:1:4 1 , 'mna•sme•eieetedifaitasoni t' the ensaingwear 'FHO fAS M . II , IIVE,- PfeThudertt ' iitiEtP 11188E 15 4k . payment ter no • a M 14 . 1RILT, p,,,,, t ,,, ~, ,1 44ArBANTEL /ICI -it of -•! • ~ : N II —Ad woa or donerwith th e best material and I. ~ • ' ,MlLsoNlivoANl,Lvv . ',. inaneern, wor bruit...lido, cad vortanteCto pious the most Ow •••'•,-.• 'SOHN it•SHO/EviILBLER, I Winne. - . ' omit:N.:4 i .16111FXS R. SPERBi• - , ) Allegheny eny, Aug to, /sta. • -- . 'l. VIIMWtt Jr., /kerma-Toad Twasorer. ' QWE•ki 'EMILY MOATS. FOB BALE—The sib. '''.77l*,:Aantsal atatetneett presented the units of the ', L 7 scribers Offer to Mil one - fourth of th e l'•• 1 0 1 7 'i3oorgeloy in • very prosper,. euedition. 'net, ogle° • boats, Oen Seen-and Oen. Worth now monitig, m in tbe..Ey 11 as No. 37Lpst in rert. 1012 th e foot or Penn ideal to Saw Mill Ban, so uto make ':(1.1c - ,To-141;as_•sortadirinds for sale i 11 • Pmftuthth inveelthetti rqr caPitail; or WI Sjr " "'' '' ' . ' "'v. ' .- ' ISAIA" DICE° 6 Co I j'AV l AVgiTuiti ri b nol,l= n a lmsz—tou bIIIIII OOP' and foiiilerbi 77- 'l - '‘ - - lei at ' 0 kiLACKEURN A Os, Wale,, Octirr ,:, dodo LIMAN DIONIZI'‘C• " . •0 _ iANUPACCC DRIES. GOFFIN IDLERS/3 AND-FURNISHING UNDER "PARRREA corner of Penn sad St. Clair scree esposlortheElrehange neltekeuttanee on Penn sire respectfully Inkrrm their farads and the pablie, th t they and prePared to tarnish and attend to everything the line of Undertakers. Amrsys on Auld a large en. • reruncht of ready made Coffins, covered, Lined and GA 'liked in the Verybesi manner all sorts end sizes ready 'made &worlds itatiriel,Canitinek and muslin, and sal macs modern approved styles. We keep a large en .oninent of al and black, cream, silk and kid Gloves, outdo fore& thearers and mourners, crape, raps, ea. faro, and every thins necessery for dmssmg the deaf, and on reasonable terms,. we purchase all one goner in the Eastern cities. Also, silver plates for engrave the name and age. tVe haws splendid new hearse home* and any numbers, the hest manages. Eve thing attended to promptly and punctually. oethAy - • -•- - • -- . . BEN N ETT 4 BROTHER, 1 4FF-ENSIV,ARE M ANVFACTURERS, Illrizattghnut. papal- Pittabwrgb,l P.. lirrnaouse, No. 137, Wood aired, Pilisburgh. WILL. constantly k rep on hand aloud manor, , went. of %Van% of our own manuloesore, and , aupenctiquality. 'Wholesale andel:nu:try Net • ehams are rearweVedirtnvited to call and ea amine for thpaselves ' as are nor dolotamticil to sal! ettealler than has evor before ben, offered to the pla, fiat • frs.- Orden sent by tontbnecompanied by the eosb City orteroner. will be•promptly utr^ •• =MEM '. rooLoAra. -- .1.xi,,i , .. hatodin VLINT GLASS .10.STAUTASIJI1IENT., IioirULVANY & LESLIE manaracdure and keep rob /TA Canny on i t s eat, Moulded and l'lttiu Flint Gitotralareon allvorieues,at their War : choose cdr ox; of Market and Water creeds, Pittaborgb. .put, Works .ntinne in full operation and we "..;iian'it nsidiirla to ourditoe k, which citable. as toII oriels wit h prqatpracso. Purchasers are revectro ,i sal oiled local' and a/supine priers and terms. ! r ii" l 7_.,__ _ 0.0 , A 0 H , MAKING. 1a . • . FROM the very liberal cruet:rags . U ‘ . m eat the subscriber bar received brace - iiiii..,,„7 - ii' he lice located iiinvielf in Allegheny. -,..2,••~‘..- has induced him to take a leass, for a „., _ ,• .••• term of year, on the property h l .mw i sccapres, kn Reeser meet, Immediately, besnit the 1 Freabyterwor Church. From the long exponent, In the !above bantam and a dente te plea., he hopes to mer it and receiye a abase of public patronage. pier on bawl and finishing to order, Rockaway Bop C , . 60-n P 3.1 'OR Buggies, sad every descriptiou Di ugh, mad., to ohter, la ' from seventy-tee dollars sr re hmurrt . • Plep3-dill .101( 4 , 2 SS,trni. MISCELLANEOUS. .1% ANCFACTLIEED AND LEAF TODACCiDT— ii. IiF_ALD. IitiCENOR A. Co, 41 mirth water sL and 16 N. wharve. Phil.. offer (or sale Co accommodating term. WV flags Manufactured Tobacco, consisting of pounds, fang' pounds, s'. 'o. IY., ItYs, We and 30'., lumpN s'. IN and EN plug. and 13's Ladies'l•aiist, in whole and half boxes, of the following approved brands, Jnmes II Grant. Osborn A Bragg,/ Grant A WilAaltas, A Cabonisa, Et Jones A Soli, 111'Donaid, Webster 01d, J Thomson, • James Thomas, Jr. A H Armistead, J Thom* & Son, Loodhorn A Arausicad, 1 P Conics, J Id Cobb., ( InVe riP r "t'' ' 't 1 , 71.71: Croon Ilea ' , Wm Davestm, Pearl & Norwood, .1 S Bnkwood, Guth Page, Keystone, W H Vnkalum, Pkinmod Henry, Tor - tiara Robinson, Russell & Robinson,' Kelm, Robinson & to. Svth Halsey, It Übteaif John Ender, LaytTence Lattler, J Robinson, Gray A Gray, D 13 Turner, II Jamieson, York White, GM Brunch. —ALSO-- Havana Leif Tobacco, wrappe rs and fillerr, Vora do do do Cienfuegos do do do SI /ago de Cuba do do do 'St Horologer do do do IQUIIA A Gulden do, part fine, do o AI sykoille , do do do liritUay TATI.• grades do do Virginto Leaf, tunable for martufamonor and export; 'Spanish Seed Leaf, Penn's, Connecticut and Ohm; Yugtma Scraps, sweet; German Pipes. Pipe beads SeotCh Soul( (100ae and bladders.) hlsccouha bleak Tongan Itotms, Havana bass; CAA , RO.i Bergamot; Calabria Lanuonee; Patent Cavendish Knives Spunk, An. An. PHILADELPHIA, my LS T tn. Old Standeorner of Smithfield street and -C1 pn.... 4 t.acT. PlR•bordh. Pa. would respect/Id. ly eoR the 11.1.11,1La0n of COMM . " Mardian., Hotal and Steamboat Partnere.. to a bulge and superior IlvtOß tann IMPORTFID CIGARS, among, whieb will be foßmatug braoda, VI. Fo.k , Regalia, tel.., Promo, LA, Samoa, Star Uranil, Emery. and Dolls, Regain., all of artdet will bp sold as low or eon be and at any other hone u, the mu. Also, constantly nu hand and (or rale, • lae . g• and well .sleeted mock of Virgin., Masaouri, and }lna Cot Chewing TADlneto. At., lla•ana, Cuba and Common Lce Tamar constantly on hand and for aala. 0na3.416m PAPER _WAREHOUSE. No. sr uvulas° EMU'. fOiLW YORK. t•VRO W. FIELD offers for tale ti the loorrst IL • Alshohseturers' prices. n very extensioe Resort tor, ot PAPER. tonspricee seer, possible vsteery, affhpleothothevoststof COl33lMe f• at AJI Itetion. rib, courary• Plipbt or ill kinffs tootle' to enter st shot. oenoek of.PRINTINC: PAPER is manually arge apart of which In of very taperer quality PAPILII; ALS of every description, uepoited nod kept constantly on ban_, ,s; getting", Wire Cloth, Foorstriener tree Bleaching Powder, mos Introwarme,Twrne, /se.. it FLAGS 4 Cankasit,Rale Rope, G. fass Rope, Ragging, Denham:el, for artitch the highest prwe in Cash wr itl. paid irgry • New York, JetlY4 lot& betore—awde on the moat approved Eastern plans— and crion fathionabbr Eastern pattern* and colors. Also THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSPON BLIND, on hand or trade border of all was, and at all prloca . Coomplilarehanta and whew are tented LO COB and orsolne trio above for therurclven.an all will be old wholesale or retail. and a liberal deduction made to wholesale parehawrs. aoldry. A w VELT BRICK FOR BALE. . . . rpm: undersigned often for sale a superior article J. of brick for bnildunkroade by ho Stearn Pres. improved machine, for which he has obtained a patent, and ape. n: ID gi ve parch/men written guarantee t tha t shey astrongr, and will resist frost and wet weath er and =tube less eninsture or dasmniesa than any oth er brick, possessing granter body and; supetior term» and touch more durable in every respect., each brick being subjected to a pressure of several tans, and y ins sessun a handsome smooth surface and even edge., ey tanke,• front equal to the beat.( brick. they They hive given the greatest esti...lion to all who have purchased. A kiln can be seen nt my won., and spectate% at the Gracie office. Those haring supplied themselves for their knight:m and angling handsome front brick. or mpenor ha• t and.nolid paying bock, can obtain them. ISAAC GREW°. Addlinglnm, June LR, IMP. If . ALLEOIIk. 4 .II( VEVITIAN - 111,IND VACTOW V;Z=M=3 TAXEM this method to inform Ws friends 4 and the public at large that hi. Factory is now in full operation, on the west side of the Diamond, Allegheny whore I fll7tof:Vna'7fcuros Colo n 1112( . flOnl1;iy k lOEd; • nista, at No 3 - Wood it. Pittsburgh, at J H Phillips' oil cloth arareroom. ti en inn Shutters made to order the bent arida:. Blinds repaired at the shortest notice. Blinds will be put up without any a ad . d: bonal expense, so that.theL.eolitobsg..re.7t:rietgoutn, lb. aid tylAllyttwiaxaty/3_ C=l WINTER ■EAsON PUB subtetiber is pre pared to furnish Bouquets for Wedchnus, Balls and Furies, romposed of Bell f ogr•nt Flower. Orders bell wroth W. T. BOIT, Jr., PLC:bur street, try through the Post Office, will be de livered promptly JAMI WAHDROP, Munebester Nursery. Dov 9 dlm. ROBEDA.LX OAJELDI4Ne, • WOVCIIESTER. rEI e, IE Proprietor ottllls known piece of reson has the pleasure &Informing th e public that his east, I chi having been thoroughly refitted and repaired, and the grounds elegantly aid out and decorated, Ito now open (or teeth accommodation, end he dattersthm self that those who mop favor him with their patron. age will find all that they desire, presided is the best style and on reasonable terms. He le determined to sDare no expense in making his establishment worthy of Fuddle patronage, He hos accOmmodetions for boarding a few families. lee Creurls, and all Wrath. moats suitable to ths season, constantly on hand Jes:lr LEVI ITURCHPIELD Monongahela Hours Tailoring Patna. Ushnient. IRAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, begs in form the citizens of Pittsburgh and' other*, tk he is now opening at his rooms on Smithfield street, un der the above Dotal, a large and beautiful asso ent of Cloths, Cassuneres, Satins, Silks, and other Testifigsi together with such other articles ea are required for gentlernen'a wear. His goods have been carefhllyae. leered, and , are of the newest and most fashionoble style, as welkas of superior quality. Ills cementer" may depend upon having their clothes made op ih n moaner arida; cannot fail to gratify the bate of the Mestfastidicus. apfiddy THE irrAn. OP TUE WEST , VENMAN BLIND MANUFACTORY But side of the Diamomf- where Vemtian ---1 Blinds of all the different sizes and colors . ... TRANSPORTATION LINER THE VTIO•H LIRE Dam . 1848. BE' tmv Firrsingstott AND CL AtIZAN MA , CHZ., Pltnbu, bi• Urn, Paints & Co, Beaver Propen Cunneen & Cnntreenant,'Cleveland} PPREabove Linais now praposmato transpon freight and passengers from Patahergit and Cleveland, or any point on the Camas AIM Lakes. tiny boat Immo. Ptnalturgh nod Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with die stesinboats Lake Ene and Michigan. between Piaoborgh and Reaves, and a hoe of fastclass steamboats, propellers, brigs and schoon ers on likes Eno Hu ro n end Michigan. Property forwarded to nary part of the Union with dispatch, by Whl. T. MATHER, or JOHN A. CAUGHRY, Agents., cor %Truer and Smithfield ate, piushos g b. AGENTS,—Rerd, Parke & Co, Heaver; R 0 Parks & Co, Youngstovra, t i C 044 Co,ts'arri n; & Ilreaalport; Cla!k, ion Ftil~; iLisottsie et; I & AT tvgo Catapbelingerg J htllnde. Ravenna; M & C R Kent, Kratth ha; pRRer & Tuttle, Cuynhoga Falls; %Viol.ler a. $ CoS.Alti.n, B • orory, Cab)). d. Co, andu.lp; Nnt¢lniS Pamir. Toledo; I t ..L roil, Mich, & %Hi/Inc& - N1,1;;;;;;;, H J Winsim,r,Chteagn, 11l spll RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, -:=1. 1848. ' Von TRAtiStr , ler,rin, nV 11181101.4:101S1 -- EZIFWE KIN 'Jr I TTS BURGH AND I'HILADELPIIIAL 111 TE Propnetore of this ohd establi s h e d a nd firs, Li Portable newt LMe. having removed their de pot in Philadelphia, to a much larger Warehouse hlarket Pt , they formerly cweopiinl, nod nleo in crewed their room for worage at Pittobtayeln are now prepared offer mach groomer fneilittes to their frwililt awl patrons. Goode tarried by thot line are not tranehipped ton Pnuburgh und Phtladelplart. being earned en tirely In Portable Secuon Boat. To eloppers of flour and other good• requiring careful hag. floe Is of importance. No charge made for ry- andb mettle or shlppmg pante. or advancing chance. All gomle forwarded promptly, and upou am rennonnble terms as by try oth er line. JOHN McFAIDEN it. Co., Cmml Homo, Penn in. riusteugh. JAMES De VIA & Co, feb2l Mnrket de. 54 Commerce at., Phila. _ • . JOHN McPADPN & Co., Forwarding and Comm. 6011 Merchants, Canal H.., Pe. 61, Pittsburgh. JAMES M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Factors and Commie- Hon Merchants, el' 7 Market, and 54 Commerce st.. Philadelphia. rebel PV - Advances made by either of the above on Floor, Wool and ether &mu:rivet/no of Merobandete consigned to them febN VOTICH—The rubscnbent hatrediapoacinitkeirln- LI tercet in the Penn', and Ohto Line to CI., A ItJi & THAW, of Putcbuegh, and JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of this c loy will continue to transact b.titeaa for the line, 'at thou Wnrchouse on Broad street, on mll, and be speak for it a continuance of the patronage of their friends. J A NIES STEEL & Co. Phtladelptua, March sth, Poom.a. sad Ohio Trtani ortatlon Co. DouE4 11.34 Lute of FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, raaaam' To rawastottr coops ccrvirmuo rmsztranz •ITO ../TX31.1 ClTtra CLARKE & THAW Cava' Dann, Pittsbomh. LEWIR & BUTLER, YID Market at, Phlladerphia. JAR. STEEL. & CO- Agra, Broad street_ COWDEN CLAREE & Co., 71:1 North on., Dalt W PORRICIL Agt., 12 Weal street, New York. rkeklel Captartsiorship. TITS subaertbora have ttua day aaroetated therneeltrea together 0121100 the style . of Kler d- Jones , for the pupas° of continuing the brume. formerly earned on by Shame! N. Eder, end atillett a et:mum:Emma of the patronage heretofore extended to the house. SAMUEL M. KIM, B. F. JONES. Pittsbargh, Marsh 1,1819. MUMS PORTABLE BOAT LIAR, Mg= giliffigliai COMINLNED ENTIRELY OF rgba CLASS FOUR SECTION BOATS FOR PIUDELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS/ RAILROADS. lirE. are prepared to receive and forwani freight to yy .he 1.120V42 .111 intermediate places with a. mach despatch., and at as Mar rates, as imy other respomithia The atteutton shippers swishing to send Pork or Ma con to Baltimore in buik. purueolatly requested, to untrielt our errangemerita ridable ua to carry such gruel. through in better order tn. way other line. KIER tc JONES, Proplr. ennui Ltastn, nest 7th at Pingo:tech, March I. Itsl7 Wirt. N. [LEL • MT., IT wa JONE.turueeion aud foroard2s , i Nict 'IL chants, and Witulcsale Dealers in Iron, M 0... Produce, to. Liberal cash .I;susce. m ronalgtimen LA. marl:? Ranaun, . a ort.t, An, cu.s. ururn.. n Emaboxgb. I.l,:in,irto. UNION LINE, To Phlllode otrtar77 -- L aur.. vuk r4sm, •ss off/woo. KENAI' GRAFT h Co Canal Boon. Pottotrgh. DUTRA, HUMPHREYS r. Co N 0.147 Marko O. Phi! C it. Km., echrter Nosh a Saratoga .. Rah. .100, F. Clarks, No 13, Old Slip, Now t or:, NOTICIF.—Tfie .tyl.ef our firm. 1.111 be it soon. loan and alto. 4•1.. Vol.borAl, a• Henry Grad andlat SW tsar Ipbm, Hata. Hunosiorty• 1 Co. HENRI! CHAFF NDV CND G DUTII.H. pfidadeiptua. CHAS. HUMPHREICS, HENRY GRAM Piosburg marCH PITT/WV/lOU PORTABLE BOAT LINE 1848. For the Tralnaportruiols of Fnrtgia to and f, PrrTSSURGII, PHILADCLI'MA, LIAtTIMUR.F., N. YORK. BOSTON.Ie, BOlnallsoa a Cain, Philadelphia Tuna & OL.Man, Puwbursh. His old establiahed Lie being now in full opera uon, the prop - tors have made estensire arrange nen ts to forward good. and produce weh despatch, and an the most favorable terms. They confidently hum 114. y well known nymph:ten in deb rerun, suods---pe count mfey ul mode uf carrong—capaciuts araratoo eea at each port, affording areentmodahous to shippers and ownen of produce--together yeti their lusts ern- Oen, mut enwedeing attention to banana. oral secure lo them a cordinnerwe of that liberal patronage they hereby grawfally acknowledge. All eOnsitnnlents by and for this line received. char ges pant. and forwarded in any rcylilitd direcoom fry or charge fareounntssion. ads anew/ or storage No interest dtreetty or indirectly. in stalnoboala Alt teral=nlastlona promptly attended 10 on appllta- Uen to the rolkwrtng agents. RORBIDOK & CASK tl7l Market at Philadelphia. TA AMR & OCONNOR, Canal Rama, Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR& & Co, North at, &Whiny WM. R. WILSON, to Cedar w. Now York 14.3 LAKE ERIE AND NIICIIIGAN LINE. atiEgM 1848 . Iffakr `°:= d! suamuoat. AMU,. and leer and Isaarenget Canal Dons be. Plet.hurgk nod torten Bnver an Ella and C Reed's bee of first clan ateartilmats, propellen and Smola on the Lakes. Is prepared to carry freestt and manngen wsa ppoo ea on the P2itsCanal. and Lakes Me, llama and }belu ga,. Ilevlng every (acuity for conve*lnt height and pas sengers with prosy/yen and dis Patch, the proprietor and agent. respectfully entail from thew fonds • eon. donne, of their patron C M R RF:ll , ll . ropnctor. REED, PAR. & & C.:5 Reaves Agents. .pl 4 e j or aL",c4l;l4o:TAZ:.n,‘Pliasburgh. Milla r . 1 . 848. 141 EL :ECLIPSE TILANSPORTATIOS To and from the Pastern etua, via Cumberland. rpm: proproeum of this popular line, have.sinee their re-orgainiation largely increased Melt facillues to Meet the wishes of aluppersi and are now prepared to forward a greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE, as also by sitsintenni regular wagons at low rate. This lint will run throughout the year. delivering goods lltro.oitt the agents in Baltimore and Plusburgh to owners aad consignees at specified rates and time. marked "Care, ments B Rohtnson, from Philadelphia for the dna should be The only rigours are, B ROBINSON, 99 8 Charles at, Baltimore. F2X/ERTON & Co, Cumberland. O W CABB, Brownsville. robe J C BIDWEM e Pittsburgh. • . ....w—.. VOL/PIM TRAIIISPOEVEAL'BIOIB LIME ..Es Tbe Propnetore of tbis plumber LIM. ham &sawed Avner 01 Cumberland Gam the house of Maids k M pure ro that or Edgerton re Co. Pittsburgh .od watt= membants are notified that J Bay ty Hamm.. rso aJ South Charles at, Baltimore, is the aid mithorieed sgvat of that Luie is the Patten clfts. The only putt we . . C BIDWELL, Pittahurgh, 0 W CASE. EDO A II TON + Co Camimmoi a o, 1 D ROBINSON, Baltimore. I;lte•LiiriaTrasisportation Company. 1 1 11 =1 1848 cut 1111.14.% 1848, TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE I NEW YORK . . . vu rtrnsrn.ranu AND WHO RAIL teem. REprepared to transport goods and produce to nod the starve cities on Namable tonna Ad. onto or apply to D. LEECH & Co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. HARRIS & LEFAM, No.. 13 & 13 South Third rt, Phil J. TAYLOR& SON Agui, No 11, Nth Howard tit, Balt. A. ABBOTT, Agt, No 7 West street, New York, Pittsburgh, Mareh toth. lain mar 27 Transpoitation - &Web 1848..iaga VIA CANAL AND LAIL ROADS FOR GPHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. OODB consigned to our care will be forwarded „without delay at the lowest current rates. C A hieANOLTY & Co., Canal Basin, Penn st, Pittsburgh MERBFALLFM & EtRVNOLDS, Xr/ and 003 Market at, Phil a. ROSE, MERRITT &Co, Jeri Suilth's wharf , Baltimore ELERCIIIANTIP WAY PREIGIIT LINE. arami 1848. ji t i t IMIZCIOVELV INTIITIISTIANSPOIVATION ON Waylrmillee ETWEFIN Pittsburgh, Blairsville. Johnato n, Hol- B infect, (Huntingdon Coland Pe tenborgh This Line was formed exclusively for the special ac commodation of the way business. The Proprietors, thankful fat the very liberal patronage they have re ceived during the last two years, *maid respectfully in form their friends and the public that they are new still better prepared to deliver goods at any point on the Canal and Rail Roads, with promptness and dispatch. Rrtir•rwerlas •• • PICKWORTH WOODS, JAMES A LORE, OLVROE TRINDLF, JOHN mum Co & Ca Pkokworth a Wands, Joh AGENTS. nk lonown. John =kr, liollidnyen C A WAnnity & Co, canal basin, Pinotonih. Iburozmni—Pionbtugh-Bmith k Blown J & Maim* O k J H Shoonberger, R Robinson IS Co; R DrP9kW Atom; 4 Smith; John Porker; We Latour & .BOOKS, PIANO. PORTS& Joitr.va MELLOR, N 6. et w street ‘ haa now race/veil a full asso c went e Pima° Fortes. selected fr o . r ,ll7 . l t t o lo s, intlossing,ntaninfaccorins of /Newton which the attention of purchase's 11 recpeeifolly tacked Those (rem Mr. Chickerins, slut toe sale ,of which he is wt.., Agent in Western Peat tleania., hove what If teemed the New Ctrealar Seal., bolnglnlrrow.lnenl reewnl/y made, and Fining the • a derided advantage in power arid equality of m oce , ether.' Th e following arc the patterns a • styles of t incite? ink's: No. I liinnWOO l i, oci'vcs, finished back lc front, ' a " . 5 1 richly co , ced " a •.4. .. ni crved molding, ' $4 " " ,• fi n ished bar u k and s ,at, " 9 '•6 pry/meow , . front, •• 7 richly carved, style of I.onos 111 I. e hollow corners and holler co • nered leg., second hand, eon originally SUS, and ar' IM told et n very reduced price. Na. llnvewood, round corner, very elegantly BD whet, D'-'75 Nu It. Rosewood, round cproert very • cgalftly finishnl. ItY75. . "The above . llu mefartumd by li. - Worcester, V. tnenin e• Innng connected formerly w Snnurrl. %%len:ester /FL Dunliam,N. V. . . . , No. 1.1. Ro.onrood, oe, carved mouldsng, made by Mar.lumaJi Conspaoy. V. 5275. No i I. 110./.wood rarved.G oetaVeit, Gale & CoNI fel.el No 15 111/tin u 14. No In. Ro.oo-ood lirwtd Plano, made by Ile Hera. Panr. No I:44ithogany, 6 oetaveu, second band, price 8, 01.1 roan.. tukt•t• ui purl payment for new noes. JOll3 II Mt LIA/IL Sole Artent fur Chtekerutru tiratta and So are Pl• • Forte., for Wertern Pennuvl mnota rw•t7' frintiii A SPI.IIIIIDII.I assortrat 6 31 tY and Rosewood lhano lobed Thew instruments g the Inters roittora and best 11.11.1 Mill i•C bid low for rash by F. IILU al P.,112 Wood Street. atil doe. isbn on Filth y NB —Thu, who are in want of a good ustrunwia, tor nespeetio Ile 10,11-4 to emulate thew Worep4r. ettssow el, where. us they eau tot be excelled by sty to ate et urtr, wet .1 , 1 he sold lower (bull any brow t trout the Fast A lu; !I. meet red, Iwo pianos 0111 - burgh inanufue Wt., wurunted to be superior to l y ever sold in II: to rnuutry. oettel F. 11 lIEAT MUSICAL NOVF.I,TV—The subseri r 147 has test recved from Europe, and Tar sole, cpbrely 111 1 c anon at hasio Pone, railed the CA • ivrr ANO FORTE. which inosseasing more po • r ntid sweetness than the square Piano, occupies Irmo e fetich so Much room, and ni a muc hmare showy • d handsome piree:of furnimre It is particularly deli - Lie where the saving of space is an object, bung - eerdinely neat and comact. n o d occupying no cri•• • n than a small side t able. The subscriber hr • n hand p le./um/mai of its •uperiority from the coleb. - led mantra. hloseitelles, in his own hand santing,wiu h may he inspected. If 10., :OM oenn At .1 IV W alwelr JEOL If A ATT ACUMEN . RKt:MVP:Dan Mr sale, a let of choice anon, h and without Coleman's Neb. An Inment. .y Norms A Clark, N ) . (Inc of Nunn. feCla 's hen r, with the Attachment, was taken to Eng and 1,3 , Ir Coleman. sod among malty other 1081i3/1041 Is of - nitration for this cirgant Opronnen of Amerman s 11 and in elicited the following remarks fr m P. Tbolterg, the greatest Pianist hving.• LAnkniir, Jim. IS, I My Dent Sir—ln enelo.infes biter to my friend, r Erand, Pans, I minium refrain from again elpress(ng to yuu how much I was pleased with your .. ..Eol*n Attachment' . which I consider as • great amines! du provernent. I can assure you that an my part shaill With greet pleasure do eny utmost make your in/In bar, known For m sale by j jetty Al ‘Voinlosell's furniture moms, 3d st i i , floL/11111 1100111.11-11twory of We t•nsok R 1, attn., and of tee wary an tout d emopatKne vu ti Wee front the struggles of the k Pate in tdnanet uric Mete MOM ry from the 'll4lO Vote—to two • 1119(14—spieudid copy with numerous maps and en vfngs. Lecicra' illaallall•c of the cowl of William 111,f • re lain ro in••••—ay.th portmita, in :trots. Compmoon to the enctv of the !tole Sertptares• !tarry filovebray, tinning romance, with le e • •et. l'ou to the litchi Land, French Stage, and Bkotc . IJnoa dem rood and kraals by tifc DONALD k BEESON t no market Weed Metall., Frame - Piano. A SPLENDID ...mune, wood sad Mahogany /l and snot, root tieushed sod leers Also, two splendid Routat antle Cole:nun, celebrated Alorttut astaehtra Yu the moat madam style, and for sale as rtn F ULF 111 TKANSPORTATION REED. PARKS i Go's. PACKE lEia 1848 . 11F.A VER CI.F.VELAND LINE. vu 'AAR '4 Cana. raw act— r.W AL.L ,, W, Capt. For . Cant V. atter, `J :` , 1); of above harleta leave Heave reerY day I , 4thda • eleeptetl) anal amvene•xt .thrumg Osarrrn, wt.., they eortricet with th e Mul Wages !et Akron land I'ae , rsiand. arrnirrir or mob pf • es* plates before ntabi I hoc orth , Parker. lorry, ren daily at 3 I' a,tve at Heave. In Mae • take th e awl mug .....nboat tor I . ll.trorpr rrt r 111-1 , W 1 Warren )1 D fAI 1.01 i.. fIE (NTT: A\'3 Ellll-: PACKET rat. an T./ rnt unAt ;• nut, no• 1 l'. v: I•.Ntan rt•n•li.•••,•14, Capt. Jr ru.anian,n, • Latkir Ems. T • • I • ••,,na, 'Me above ”ev• am: splendid Pm...elver P rommrnred running between BEAVER A and wilt run regularlydarong inn art leaving F.nr evvr, moon% o'elnek, • Etee trtungngun, itornednately r•I •trarronnn thei from Plnaln • - • r.,-e trout..ro non, nod coaniorianly tura or, ran lanugh :n forty hour. Panacn, pawn on h- Lake. or to Naagara roou, the ILO. fII.III.LIWO taped/non rouale •t. , all punue the Laic can be p tu appi tha propriotor, }:1:1a, PAftlitl CO, .701 IN A CA171•111tY, Agt Pittsburgh : nor, %%later and Smithfield sta. Afiltuk - rs —J.. C Ilarrtwn, liudalo, C Read, Pain. Pa. C Wick,Oloonollta,PL IWriarland and lung, Big Band, Pa, fl.. A. Plumb, Sharp•horah, Pa, Calialso„Shaton, Pea D C Mathews. Du!luau, rat; R W Cmmingham. New Dante, P. jyt Pennsylvania Canal & Hall Bead Ills preas.Fut Packet Line, 1&48. FitOM PITTSLIt To I , IIIDADV-VHIA a OAL, TWORE. lEselorively for Parrenvero4 are redpertfully informed that tins tine eamomenen runtitorr 011 Me ttki tat • and eon. hub throughout the 6eason_ lino boon. are nese. and of • !superior elope. with en Laur! ristons. which 1•111 me greater comfort. Tb cart art tha Imam ramttruction. A tow will always be m part. and traveler, are I quested to roll .1.1 casual, theta before enirbging p. sap. r {sew here irtnr• nnly nine dollars through One of the balm this Lute Atli tr••c Up. lanthng toppastte U. S. llotrl corner or Penn runes and Canal, retry night •I n. 30 0' aloe,/ Time ai day , . For Informanun , apply at dt Othre, Manongattola iktntna, or to D LkIECD ICo ,caCannl Llastn. • Pe...sense, and Remittaneellce. is/IA! a CI). continue to bongpeiwons from any part of England, ir-land. Scotfluid or Wales, upon the most liberal mums, with then as punctuality and atwoUon to the wants and eon. fort of monograms We do not allow ourasscAghr• be robbed by the •ssiedling scamps that infest tbh scs ports, a. we lake charge of them the moment they re port themselves and we to their well being, and de spateh them without any denenuon by the brat ships Wit say ibis fearlessly, as we defy 4410 of our pasaen. ger. to show that they were detained Oh hours by us Liverpool, whilst thousands oers were detained months. unul they could be sen f t in oth some old craft. at • ch ; p rate, which too frequently proved their coffins. We intend to per - tong our cony.. honorably, cosi 110111 It may, and not set an was the ease last season, with ether ofheers.—wbo either performed not 111, or when u suited their conveutmice. Un t il drawn at Ilutaborgh for any mm from SI num, payahle at •ny of tbe provincial Ha to I . ta b u, VAgland, Scotland and Wake. JOSHUA ROBINSaN, European rold General pe n t _ (General A 4 t I I :.L Colones Patent Concave 6 Churn/ BUTTF,II IN FIVE MINUTES(' WF. cad the attention of the public to the oriole heading this advemisetnent, and invite the en terprising and carious to nail and witneu its open. lion, ativerUsernenta in rotation to this Invention, to die hundreds who have seen it tested, is superero• get., lot This Churn will produce Butter, gathenng a in a mass, from sweet milk, in hoe to ten mimes! and from eh.= preperrid, as families tonally prepare it, In three to five minutes: MI. The utility of this lineation Is apparent as bet ter Butter can lie prosluced from sweet milt, or cream, Map cream soured in the usual way; and by means of thls churn, a little girl or boy ran perform.five or ten minutes, what bus hentufore required th labor of a woman or mint for one or two hours, and s metimes half a day. 3d. By simply Writing n thumb screw, the hole 14- side dasher is taken out, leaving nothing hut the batter end milk In the plain wooden box. 4th. It is the cheapest churn ever Invented, as the s implicity of in construction (though embodying great philosop Meal principle) makes it bat hut, to ,tusitufaciure it. sth It le • common-seine churn, as all will admit who will examine it, u - We have purchased the monopoly of this salon. bin improvement tram Messrs. Culver k Myers, the We ale now offering the complete motto poly atlas styled article for the States of Ohio, Pens, I tylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Del. sworn, which will ammo certain and largo profits to the manufacturer, and 4 speedy return of lineament. The public are invited to call and witness Its operation, at our office, in Patent: h, every day, at 4 J. If. C .AYTON & Co., Proprietor. Office, F.xehange Bu iigs, St. Clan sine. next door to Esquire Johns' office,.dlll-dtf ii,rusTAJID-1 bbi grosadilusia6fiTr al rigs. JO D i s s a i liAlp , , - , Thr4ll7All. BOWLES ... ' ~. . c i ---- ,--- -- AHD FOR THE • •' irnse rToo Proprietor. horioptst no* Uwe : - In tent.* ell PeParaPtinaliikitao=.. -• , ~, toll. proms orate of pi scathe . of fourteen moo W tarnished than the loon =pie op- ~.:' ; • Futgaiy to otorty, in OtoisisolcOutfotWielhorthiparelbroliohlt . • . (/ "to reotoothitaise,'lod to adapt .4 ostt44 to 1 11 0 Sel.444l l,o a= ith 1. , _' tiezWlerbo Within/LUX liootkiihricios an torttelE p 4lß Vrthlt Outouthrei of Ite ropedmity, end' the th 4 rataihte ' ' Witlieles Of eluding ..eatt'eorlog• &sum The bottle hos he ® oolotged to 1:41/02VART4 la Ott. ' tosteht ttopored form shay safety-ail= .to be Mester wittallOWItAl‘WWIDW: the aga. It, prosiest to the fuu lt hu attaturksuy he goofklvtwts._ . sad cajse, t Mad es lattimarts anti beim= for the tine; ratan* the Ira , "' The him of heath:. Muf Redirtngta from CoL fLO.Tayka, streenfense of WO atradtetszajimbroahe italindidane• la the /noshes antes, owl lady eppedaned Canna to Ziratif . Vegan A. B. k D. Soma:— If.. Yrtn, "Nosy 7., ISt& Oututatic —Klein used, and witnessed the effeeta ef vat attealland of lamparllia an diffsmat moots Ursa:Nam parts oftf.o Itoontecrn• t wiz. Yltettia, i e i t ~ , ,: enaa, and Identeo . I feel onanin Ilk. fdax e t e lleg i = f itr gnat .madicloal nine. In y' • speedfirtne ennead seats of the ayatme, and•atiffddeth the mitt agentahle manner, • tonle awl iiiritimildn Mug... You eaneapazilla la highly aonnted and cameral need o f the C. Mans army In Ifxdo& and nty I t, CfBN.. ZACHARY Ivo for the mg giro Tan boon fhlho halt of osiod It. ond neneennende the moos : he and bi,,,ta tbidod .. . 6 . l .tho wide at the same time, and it Is now censidenid an aimed ' falba irattJ .fa ei:astlntort I would eaT, that the better Et inennsenttbe rerr. it trill teeptised, and I treat that na health-ettatatat=z2V l C: known ftemeloord. heath uti beeadtatuf ear Years vet 7 reeprethdly, , & 1114TA L • "If. S. Consakte Now 9 . ... • , OmO., .7..."7 10M Mmotat. Ulm :-Gozal to ilti=rtettieer Moto WasAno ado mutable oars ~aa [ to ma snit of 171116 - 11001 was IMAM wllll ttto ea win of tho Ite4 I &ado of As wen putty oalarpd, sad bar wenn: Jars otter& Aolt rAtekt tro ll o= im ira i rkipittule=ri - • lOW tc dsz a , , I to b t.. ..L. . . . Ant 4.• . „v-..'. do badltood str to the lueslth veto Is now ono a you ... 4. MO Oar OVI US T4II:I=4I=I76, 1, • ' \ •-' vo Erma lilmedeg to Ito pre. YOUti .• nom, ma Rums nom a Wks roodtsd from Kr. 111: W. 4 11: 4MV= .1. 14 . ... 4 r at . 1 hart catroliho= n ar trul y _ -. ,•• foildortd, Va,, 17, • :•X. W. 61ARDIO . . . , -..... The sllll ± Maity Dud ilaz itig„ ......... tur ?TA: tarativh 4,1 of eta 3 at tont of tattoos atoms 4. , •OMily lib morlabto so a im asity restsvit .. , .. ~ . Yaws w elded ,—A secsbes af my bdr adba b e n ; de for A wan wedded at e , de. mad Mot Sob its tie. 11 Odle ise day irrou pt cozy brtacr. Iliblatee sal dab olden cozy be beam b • in " lfivpl=' 110 - 10 - , IS& nag mixt:RE - Yana a. AMr A long : II . T C. 11,1147 - Olten.szco—Peolliqrs of Waco me le matte • lartment, of IS. boat I teens qua die of , I Lin= yeas tab edialed dab scrotal= Si itr =ea atothalr., •al by Slime, KM .. , =lll4l laddd bent oasis ; bed were pl =ll Tars i"' Bad g ftee ret ig=igtz rm i t .,..- = ... j . i r..1. 7 = 11 . = ...0.0.,. LI add void= bri received no Wadi wad I asersubsed yaw' laria-. Leas cene , the eano axe ell baled., bad 1 eddbasidevrarall ' Seale •'' - ' =Ade rif year vdedbi aumiloble. yours. did rasped led inafaide,=l 14.1100 N. ... . - . Debi persesellylesdostesed lab Qui woos dab tam& 1 air dataxuat to be and. JAM= lUD, CASA hooka itibe Plum I or area Iction 1 . 1 wool MLA= MID May 1/118LIMLI OLD WW2. .„ B. dc D. SANDS, D RUMM= Azio Camas, Wu.arasr. N.. You- Sold also by Dnegglste generally threehlteat the United Mau. axe Canada. Prim 111 per Bottle; ehr Ikatlerfor LITFor We vdso,