07 a _ 06 0 111 . 014 0 +: • ir ltumak. 07 - ruscoviartr CONSVMPMEA orr YOUR 4 211Agn, r•ORITID . OF W 11 0 ; 1 .., t ,„, ftscitu"DocL AilL Y Z 3 listaithltb tivr itUASitltallOar P*l"' Laths sant Alba , ea.., Heart, CroaM3roken C ani on. Otitothon,Potite,llo.latellabill. tlr L and illFrof 'MeV/IMA n arreastindiagrawthotatatef. I feetnallAttal 06stry eir• W, tkarer kaownfOrm of , AI"N E. 13 - • - C*TAO Or , 171711 d Cherryl , , Tkli mildaa • lane longer among those of demi:offal attitty. haspassed frop the tirstmanebt dolly lambed up= ttus tide utw " 4 - 267, Stan" Wpm mawyntation, and Is mobs extensive ly aiedurnaaap other prepanuton of medicine cm' prodataid far ibriellef of earning man. • IS Imo been introduced eery generally through the traitsdlitistea and Satopecaltent-are fear towns of hamonanee-bat what, aroma" some ,remarkable dams of its rood erects- For proofed" the tamping ea of the value c t efficacy of this mob ==lidPiererra s insert re ; '4l M: l l' 4 ll' l ' u- - weia atlas int maiwatability—men who have, higher allows af moral remonsibility mid !name, UZI .10 illy to fams, becalm it will do amber a Ihror, und thamselvdeno "Efetelt sluteely,tbat Ituarprisirmextelleje :AV by luitarbuie Inerlio,and the ataemlanble. antholle ty of public!, opinion. Thermo:automata...rebel net, fan* and the soothing • inflames defused through sh e whale'. flamy its ak, renders is • went agreeable ramptly felt the ellen& - • , "What mon, acting from menwelentioas t r ulses, webrotanly bear testltatuireo the snob of a. , or Partlettlas (=hooch torlmanY, being contrary to then worldly inutfests and parpolan, comets conviction of, Its with, and commends. Itself in a special manner -to. Weans) aredemee..9-rfolimwbt Menai Mamma BEAD THE,YLCINIFFICRTILN Stud. A3onm Can or Prutorlear Calstwerrox:— Them agree woe a remedy that has been as saccesebt la despoefue eases of Cornamption,' tufDr. Etwaynol Caosposeed Syrup of Wild Cheyery, It strengthens the, =tan& ewers to heal the aleen writhe tang; new and doh blood; power poisoned by no, , ,a.,, Crams Co4iii C1r,1849. ...-' Dr. Swayste- , Dear Sin I seilly - • tar's, cm* . mind ,flywy! td•filliiii Chesty has been She Mimi' at swilarary liftt.' I wash sk. sasyrolcogd;which - gradn.' .I..go w e i vr- worse; stosmied with a mere "erig'S' that ' .MI the re ...les which I had recourse to, mill faemeglas unamy cue eshi bated MI the sytams of ' Selaamm,Cansassathiri. 'arythiatflo seemed ft Yams Tatiana, Mid attcestmishat Maracas' so Mid.- ly that friend. al Weil'ae dyisrlf, pm ap.allSopes o r sia recovery. -Astkia !was recommenced to sty year invalitahle Medicinal, salvias Mpanyrstap. py Matta Tha find KM to lobelia iseeshi e stasing meGlib; and by' mof, taw Maimed sin fiaSl • Oadre4 wall,and am as hearty a me nu over was In my • t and inlaid bit =tr . any istonsulearesmery Gtw ir=l I iuM ie 4VataftdiFfn rs Yth p Pater it Parabassde,,,e tru e th .l 4 g i t m thiS:; hhorw ear • . JazgliMpsears iraitigterld Caw til i t *wage. , .. gp= d yartleu to tZl L fisa i l i t : L : t dah ctweil t f r e . prEhathible untimany•in gam at, : yoor Composuid ° B3 , - roar Wild 'Cherry. • Same threoyears Mato I was sftsupsy anaehed with Md. mut inflantalalien el the Vdder war m• with . distressing ' in the breast and heads ascii considsta, bla Urge 'croffer , l e ttemoreastres the lungvs - 01.. s ea t e re r si= ge t isboat olverenditris, bet a etiSiat; Ma convinced Meti.vmt.tsAidiTAsind into...mama- Vow •,1 grew dallt "Warts and al lang*Was mme !, Maw ta walk alms, otstask Wm a widows; mid, araffthasmstardintireitAma of itty Imp: -Dayin ta t Waal hadtdadvarlials Omtitsmatel prescrfp batimdms vailervcsnogriff all Cid limo worm test heal ma whiled and'Pelmded try' a dear Mental Ilfilmiastansq mike Istag`Plyaarßynm or llrdd Cher. ay. _I saummenflow thAOr i, Msnly 1 Mut Swan pres., MealtsimfmstyWeaS. tad I am sail against efts eamllis out thkhands o empeties, bus render.: asitading your claisaa.M Stagyrofeasion and mantice of mitlia, sod hatiimphostie Shawum army MON Tibrthwidrpaccirssad.ofPr. One Of romr, =l* -11 cisw bettlesisad ixdamexteed its use. Kr rtisa *ii il 821 that dam of Mar SSmenths' wonding,con. seglattly •ft ma deeply asated. I fiatmd, 'however,' waidditistde relief from the M the first few or bra meow . teat beings, public, speallter, j ,taastently at.' W*4 at peach wish.m.bserasaing 'drench, and thmkrr isea....st those Tassels Ms bad alrea4sep n ft NA. in this way, readitlets, sty cure Avis sready Manded. Ist consomme of acting thaiirdpradendr, I halm use twelve or. Men bottles before 1 mas per- Seth' westated.• thave ne question, a muck Mailer mother of ijoillet would hive made Me sonodchtit for idlaabon inthecretimi. The Symp a ll ayed the fem. bithabli,rnok away the distressing cough, put a stop • goe she discharge or matter Com the 'Murk mid gave '' thsta sad the entire mane gOod health. - I have delet es& .Sidra this. =Wino until now, for the purpm at heists perketfraatisfiest with the permanency. of the may and noel that 1 Mal pasfectly'sralll Mks it. Mb Plaillare: - '• - -, '• • - Rev. .X.P, Jmum. Paha Minty, N.'ll .. , .. ~, `n"' R:limems•-cam._.—R.& r.ar ' There hi but ado gmhirietpreparationorfiald Cherry, and that DIM, tirw - op. ilia first ever offend to the tu.M whirl' lots :beta mold luta ...L.l ll.mM= the Stares and same prig Of • and all pro . psuatleas carted- by _ the mom -of ' atephave Issurput ma dace ths,findefeoM of• same deceptive i oblormatances,in ordar 1 0 tate currency to thdr'ul.. 'By shale- obserrinim MD. perm! need ' talsanke- me OPIUM- frotn tha false. Each 'bona of the gem One is anpraloped with abeantlfril slant ensmaring, with the lilutimai Prim tharecon mho, De.'Swaynes ligustririn and as farther Memory,- tha portrait of Dr. Burnnia MUM added hareem, so as to diatitignisb . M. preparation from all others, Now, Hit was not for gra grearatrative properties and imam Timm or Dr. =mbrCompound blywm, of Wild Cherry, persons not be endeavoring to glaii . eintency to their ail ltiOlil nommtraatt. by stealdiff the mom of W i • 1.0. Many .2oroomber, alorrm bear in mind rho iihma stM( mod be not decemsd. • - ' , ' earner trkighth and.BseciaMitets _lir wholissate MA Medi by OGDHN iiciii: Dfilff, ear itd. Wo od, strn B A PABNESTOCK it mrs, ear Imam, and Mb and Wool stu WM TUOHN,S3 Market %HAINES, ISO Liberty at; JAS A JONES., cur Hand as Penn stu -JOHN eat er. kr-- =4 Allegheny city,inkthwarcat;Watable deal afildwirar ' ocim... '7L 41.. PgahnestookinlAmtliailloms - PIUi TrCathartic emitpound eombineg 'attetlinegarof • alk with efficiency int; conpandive inUdnera of tilttet actiemfanditaving.a.pectigiutz, tendettet to organs, isgtseautir trainie to diecoott: hams' keen nnd..tothei complahmota leeded mint congeaticin of - the liver: {o tench shutout They hate wer stood *roma of 20 year% and expert rteeethes pronek•hem te,boA pa% Ind 'rateable remedy .111 loomauterit;lrget erat - Ifilionn,Fevered Instal eke; alio= Colic; Indict' shim; Ropey r Dysentery; Mine Voesiungei Cnlda. mid elf cont Plat bfnn la ligetmentry chara cter.: The complete and uruverml 11110Miectlim which has been given bgthesepilia to MI win have once used them; readers dm meblishing of tlggnmerong certificates in their , favor unnecessary, 210 prevent eounterflentruphet te' note pot •op in a ntaglograple 'gramma: !dee IS emus tor abox containing 30 . ~ingpared andaold • A Et A PliffilifEElTOCY & Co eireiner Lai end gioodoind dist emir dth and moodij ,•1•0131., , . SELLEREI.VERMIkTG! . PREIMBRED TO ALL liftziturfota 004:14.1ta1e. ri Bellere—ulse of oar physic/ma. 'Ojai Waxi easy exteniivai toklme this.monstug of. a s — Width one .ilatqatpour Yerwifogo brought = *ow mu BOWeredl.andapamlmae in the neigh. old that Miathan bdi,lllrizi.etained the ds of near GO large mums from of Weld Brash Tay manfesuch Instanaternkt one,ht be waled. - llbwall known about hem, and almost all prefer has Ys. ~. Bead glen dems and oblige Yours, J. M. INOI.BoIi. lamina oblate ancialthdlltrillloo4l/49Olfr.bild"°, shah. use • Saline Vallitoseo , • . Vilma•sod sow bYlligatlGLEll9,67 Woodiq., elkkhrp.Dt CasseVals WarfkD Ai CkliaYrell4F,Ofil• NO - NG MM.; elgr t6l ' Dr •JAVNIS - FE RMI' ig .asparttit JO ' •11:11thet smalls. thr l Ontassatice,Broashitadstassza t totbsr Pots. Li.. _ ......t. W . F .: 4IMM "t Ish -- g:waseka of i r il'r gibers lass has; ;ILLS Ater ristar - ts . 61W hit* Ilfait lamas* him taallthas shoe laWft+ shish ants reasaaally ham ch. Itsaltptahislistosrsd_thapropsisters, Itsisractl to the use at Jima' Euttaloaarr, ta Shalt has sant failaltilialiase thaw and sirlacts j=s7stshad &appal hsharialassatet Aatt.hy, Di It .14315., LLY-D1J1.21,' ! ;.",..1 ,-„,..,„„ Zigottra se . , VMS PAIN EVYRACTOR sidiT, Inlive . ann . Nee finin the dine ni:W...sppilestios y ,eeltort,the kern the severest ftina, ohldn or Mixon% =heal wounds, alcen 'and Kies Or any kind sear. Tide "Pan 'Faustian can be War ..ii D MORGAN, Diesel 000 SUDGI, 9 4 e AIFIU N :N W eI , IFP !Fn"- • - nonallo: SPALUNESTOOB , II Vi4B3ILV.IIGE., ou • , k i - i . =iv wism*.,s.43( l aykill4i4o d , i f ed t yearsoras asiwell St oeterol iab bu ps, mid be Inereased so Alanningly'dost I' feared death Imola be the resift., lisvinglebni of the good ogees.: i=Vermifogo when _administered to .tho geighbors, and thinking my ohildlntgbt inmsworms,u= soma °faro oymptano, 1 gare•Lt ono loslet4oll at lioNersoiNgedso.d.to my' Illetonbdursorn fvoimoot- izonsediatelf disebenrod - 11 1 0 ladled lug" worms- Itetwalds was sdon, god , it to now ranorteldnoreLL Proving to • tbe Vernrifogo, donworms.waold ocomdmmar , ts! tro throat ; o sad I Gaon feared it would die from' • •-•: •-• , • • J.A.S. O. DAWSON. • :11 M Ik tinoromym Pa. 4 Agril 3, 418., :, Apl.3 i • ...21DYIS , CELEBRATED ;ITCH AND TEITER. , eventszerts damask elreqtnal remedy. before and.oader ma i 1 AK the ezna of Woes,. Steh, dry and watery; of ths hoe; and bOdlLecolLerOptiene s Nal other amasse dike Agin. , TVS uin=4,4, ,J . f i r - -sitatiam Ave •fives - otexcarlitie t .u Perreeds, eun,„ .. ..4 Ana "54 as erthie sal siza i l ohodde .... 1 — dve4Thin s ci ~Illialieby -, ,:-,, ,- -HA FALINL2MC & Co, ...71issraustIzt Awl •emod; Wok comer otOth ard weed IDrollrirsaso NMDAIrri2E._.O, tendit Ahmed to A t e.lt a , a ,.p - A 0 , v, ./? . e Vittc.l42l-t-lusa ,al;restitutaiitya • it , , Itarl l .list tied mayttauhsei m Try Rually, With enemas ' Idetddegy preterit to 4 : OW • • ../ lure usgA-m on 0, ' '''1,...., tlo ee.ieht,sued' =much * . •.41,11 d 'av ; --,..'. - vvrgebt., Aiur a pienanth. , ...II , , _Ds' a mentos:a r angle dose *den Ogg on Ws bpi , cap 'hundred 'and dr lanes vertu ./141 11 VADA,df!Idnii,TOthFte-b,d vdthoot It Years /Le - ' JAB:LAWSON ?r, ltom.tendseld br E. E. Sellenc No. ar tiVeod • c Illegal .. -. whurisi s Arenesey inhotheidas, septl _ . • -.li Mita Net imevreiib fir 25 Own,. VIM TEEMPOVILBREinf, REArfurit 00148 e - yifilonzid , 94.9o.7 -Aced,. alter be. , 1 4 ¢.- 0 1 1 CCAllsaedonthAuw Abp Tooth --: 111•91teareeeeteigfre _slim' besucl4 l . o, 7, i , Agra ..... v .pmecur tuerdatg and OA. Jaa, Willa Sr ate 11 taitai 114 . ". teEll*Sh teeth that rue .Wit gag ear. gem , e.relp3lieb, mad airmyemdrig i 1 Fel . dmallY,_ .. "Vt9meNte4d,Tdmaned it.prerdere emeermezweeet - atrure,meteruterieb, es jab b end r Pereeeereere tr wiLt render 1 ~. rook Use flelitkry and make th e b ." ' ; irerAGV., Wa17,11w44.4C.1.811N,W ..." Asmini.,..;, -,, :-,: •.,. , • - • ; ...-" .., RittslutreL , . , . , „. 1 •,, :',, •:,,,,.',' ~, sew' :: : r- „,,_en,tc s,, i• itvo f ~ r In ini 71.,::;14,..,,,,,,,;kie atioadvel4rOja the' ~- f t ;'.::'' • , :4 , outset' is ti*.—___, atAotr , in. , r - -:::,...i. yorkoink us Prel - Pp i PY , -.• ait axasuy Nerensau with by en sad 'Assasiesn ” rn , . ' waitagilkinvit, Idkadisell Cbtantefla, Wadi OW11: .'4oolool.lind all other aulteles ill: Wu listekefibasi - . inn, at a talialOr VOW whirs* ail . , tha, can: bpintr!' --,„...,,,,Ab0jed In ads or Orr sours; ab7.___... L .. t ',-.!,,,1-;•..',,rr1".'"•'°...!,:11`f4110,...,....*4%,,0M2422T1 P . ! ( le to , s 0. • SARSA PAR:I L L A . The"mo •extraottilartry X •in ;World, r.ki• ..extiiit..kplit* to 'ghat Bettie: iesaj , fiflui tilier, idiamaidtavead;warreat..l es r **Tier cte to sqr7 edleL : cre se lettbst, kenthedr 414 irm.W . titairty kid Impeacher of this gamparilla ere all othqmedlelata i, that wh‘lelteradicantha di. • me, VoAdalr thh body. • Uhl ono of rho my bah • ANDiEWAXEX IfEJXCIXES Erni, tilgwitf yelt 'aittijr prrillowthelellele system, end • Areilgtheiiitb• peraMlat it erertee =spa. oad rich need: tepow or ptomaine by rib otber mad., And is tab Iles krad sestet et Wriretedelailatecas It has • performed - wafts lb* hat two years, ems haawloo.l:o3 rum or de4ere cascara dim.; afiewat LS,OOO were 'oainsiderediiactrebbs It h er saved, Mr ;lives ama :than 10.000'ehlldrati darter the too past season. , A mei •• •• 1041 w p ool N arms4 f r m Delland ei eIL 'Vaud 4: oi rt d Dr. Tostedend's illatmaritta invigorate. tha whole .y.taroaently. dums who lay. lost Unit maculae= Agatha affects of undid., or badiserw..;;-. tintramand inroads. or the am:min indolgencaoC the pusleas, Dad brought ona reaaral physical prottnel lion attn. raiment opium landendo,warat a ambition, fainting... Won; premarou•decay and doclhaehamo. .ior toWeade that fatal dim.; Comaaptio4 can ha ea why itortonkl , %y. tetlasplemna moody. 'mi. Sara. , parties la tar • roperior .toan Isarlastraamt y Cordial, A. le renew. sod Inahrbrates the system. thrhe..lo,hl the ;news strengthehe anacular aryatom, in a moat extmordioetry darts, Cured. . • Maass eritf"dbWattu. •Conam o phow ma-es csraL •;; Broaarrai,iobdtroapti a m. Liars .grgo. Pada OstarrA; Clovhs, iletkesdi, *dies. of t 0..., assents dm Casa. Heene FIW, 01114.1 Itamata Di lloalt or Prem Zsgeats, ratios, retain as ass fairassicam be car ed. Oositiprzssruzooto. Teri, Apra 1101817. Di. Taberaleddro—lystylllra halloos that your Sarama. hum hi bon Wawa, *MO Providence, of ratans toy BIC 'lbis fir sesagratare bads had Cow& la Irmur t rzr i z i ll At tact tad' iiji'radeood, sad Ild "lot tepee, Be. I ;me* Doll • wanirstrl oak ;at t axon r I &moo. s red obese tr toatalt em agi., 1 "Me sin bloat ud en; , marl o. lattran.'; iree eat wall tamalne that I m • thaakfil, tar demo .Tent adoodleat scram Inks DCatllattaest. . ~I . reautaa. Aredirelite. I tutioutote Boa's/Mg la eavertip .td Reed/ in D. te.V4dos, Berraitoese. Proispris Watt P tithe Vtotab;Coarsiiti, Le• motel*, or. obirtreeted es, 4 Molt Itesurtra• tim Inota,,iikepee Airitui, elf itvelseteu &done thereat, am! far the coentrel prodretbi the ea d0..4 otteltsresteatua 01 " =, Prolleed kKatkila Olatat. 'Roth's' ea eim be was 'tortilla than ha onitiag abets ibto tutteektessue. .Paileas an • ea and lev. olds, from smog 11,11 oite• boo= taut (pd tall id :mitt ludo itetelhaeam It tmigteidleoly etimterasts the strrelooteii• et the Amide trauti.••l4 Is the peal mon at Bernmsommar* b• we, tied et to, le MOO Of 40 401:023 ••*CM ID 11MhWt Collietatea Of van. puribmed .130 dalth.4 bombed. afeeses have beea mooted ton. Tionnenta tba m. whom taiga Aare bees without uhildtuu. diemaft • lior boo]. et this levelesils nedkiee, lave beselbloodd with eta. heathy °even. • Tit Ihdhere Nlstrziedi Ladles. ___Thb Cams of timmospastla las ltkokpresaly pr. Ponta hr fgerettes tO Calattiht mottPlaints. No tr.d. ho 1... a . b supPoas I. spproaelday that erizieskpmiod.. The tide ofUft .heats ughtst to taka It, as tt la A certain presenter Om ray of the matontrus and horrible dhow* to whisk fenudar ars mbjem u Ws trek of TIM Tian period may k de leyedfor mimed years iferimir Lk maids. Nor Is 11 lasevaduabl• for those teila sm ere smathood, salt 1. caleuktad to assist sanest by via rains the blood sad *ottomans Mr eystem. Weed, this mediator itt innkabls fit all ths dal:lama dims. ass to which -silsimnt ate sabjtiet It braced Mal Thole system, moors petuorarotly the osturai eraere4 by removing the impurities of Lk body, am so far atm:ander .. to 'ltiaduce subsequese relammimportdrb la the emeocrsom medicines takes tot format weak...and dimes. .By ming Ors banks of thin mmiiebaq neling went and paw mtryloa epees dolts may b. prenatal. Gram Mooting to Bladkoreamd Childreis. It la lb. eallmt tok• mast effectual foisdleiros for purify. lac tboiryatem, end statistics die , safferinge attendant upon chu rl eier diseemored 'etretmettens both thi,motisfimd 'ettitid, promos. pato and disease, in creases mad enriches dm foodotosa .who bars ...d Wit II is indispaonDle . -gt V kighbt awful both heron, slid Alter Conlinsaiont es It prevents diseases attendant spoil eltfldbtrth—k Csedveams,,Pdes, Cramps.. la(of the Feet, Despoodtmey, Reambore, ifomitier, Pols'in We Bub and Loins, False Pains, Ilemorshora mad bi'regulatiur the secretions and outwitting tbe qn =duke it ho. no .goat rh. gnat bemny of this melloise lkit Is ahoy, Ws, sad ths most &stk., ass *Exuleinaidothlly, Stiff dm ewes enquire any other oiedleins. beim. • linla Caner OA or Magnesia, is !excelsk tito opau sir, and light food with ads makcistit,Min thrive .anew a =feud smy coo- Ibtaummt„: Iliataty and Health. Conned= ChtahrShd • ratitt/htSrePh= relly Irma whensappliod to th e fiat eery .poll 0 of la balmy. They close the pone of the aft, ad cheek the eireulatiins which, when attn. brat Maur, 4134...datese et pander. or the lain inflamed by the awdlia ;oats beatific. a owe production to the w human fans Data:tee Well 4. a th. garden al ma and, delicately tinted ad Intrigued !lowa, • he., setae and healthy Magadan of the gelds, or the eomalot of timelier.. rig blood to the extreatlea f. that w palms the eounammice fit the ma Coyy.. du beauty. . : hie that which apart. the lialleralable 'shade. odilaikei of loathes. that ell admire, bat none au desarlbe...; Tide beauty la the offrprim, of so tero—not apwater create,. If them b mot a fin ted beathy minutia*, there 4 beau. If tho lerly Is fair am drama mow, the p an t an d us. maneta, and ths blood le thielt, cold and impure, the la ant hese. Wailib harm ar paw., aa Thal. a pan ad salvo blood, 41444 • rah bleu= to the drake: and -. bridling to their go that is faaciating, This why tho wathent, and esperlay aho goat lab alas, an a mita odettrod. Ladies In tb..iorth *halal. but Sul* ..ore).., or .r. conflauf in cilia roothOir has spoiled their compleclee by 'lle flag. catminf deleterious manse., of they *Jab to re. tat elasticity of mg, bagant spirits, mparldirte eye. ad beaegfil oomplalons they shoeld an Dr. Town. cccl'! Saltrapatida. Thousand. who bare tried ft, ma more than suirard, are delighted. Ladies of amp rtatiort ergrd ea ems , the Ladles. Thew tau &ulnae Dr. Tawarand's Sarsaparilla. hea lartrialdy melted their Oct • Irma R=r edges; fa, haw erapitM our bale similar. wLich rehttaslD tb. ebmpladus enema, woo I for we.. • -other 'Sure who pitarsp medletra, heee.alheer W. gar Maas, of Dr, Teadeare in Incident to female% Dien, i iidmulDi pre tha Mardi airy did woo. gat elan. Maga in , A., ars Lovinim fatalwa r ee ad =demist thehostalushat. Dr. Tawaserie h4b,; ouly sal bet rowdy amaeso platuni-4, randy, Wien bat a aratima eura. It an he Wait ; by dm moot dirket* feigirl, • itiwitY Mat. With/June bn.tnete pother., with the pentad natal* es it prem. the gamut and prgwa,pao ot . Amor, end rut/Wage= both mother and child Elfarefulto pi la genuine. Sogehits aired. This certificate oxteloglntr prove. Out Ws Sons Wine besperfact eoutrol over the moat obethate ea.. of de Simi Time pax. eared to one boon. ap,r. -••••, • • • • •••:orbrte Okildea. — l)a.Tomuzino—D u is ffir here the plea... to inforapon dues logy children bare been cored of cto. 4nlo by deans at you excellent median*. 11., were meted ran severely with bed Beer: buts two boom; I II took tben. away. for wkddi Del moat en4eriew oblintim • A.o.gey,a. Or. Towage.] to elm doily refairlag A vg . phlrrgrywaAtAbrent p 1171.• Of th. !Won. This L. to cart* Um* we, Ouandorsignow,Pbygieleas o f Eltx-nr,Alboop,lores nomerow CU. 0r...1b. WM' Vowniendr.• Etnnipwrithe Out IV to be ogle of Osamu rkltt edeptyporathrits In tleo.Pn.k..- AL E. PULING AL D. I • 4:v4 V 4 dit 80. , D. Albany. AprO /07. P. E. ELMENDOILI. L D custriorr. Oer lb. prat SOCCIISM ttemense We or 11:4 , . Toeresesdhrilliniparlls, soimber . of 'silts who wen formerly egret islntlet hansoms/toted making Symp. 'harills 'Extracts. EllMrsegletem, Extraehrof Yclleor Doss, 'ha, They generally rail op In the same shaped bee , sod WI. of them lure= le and eoplgethar . dyer heemets—ths ars only rthlms. Imitations, and rEarekl he aseideol- ••• Primed al Office, M Street, E FULTON Strt, Ban Randier. N Y. , Redding & Co., 8 Suite eirea, Roston. Open on. Sons, 152-N Se .meet Philadelph ia; 11. B t , ~ist, Baltimore ; P. M. Cohan, Charleston. Wright & /511 Chantey Street, N.. 0.; tOSßoodo l'esrr Street, oyi and by rill the principal' Drug- Br itlik. teas and Here sett gerterelly . thro•shout th• United Si .iet t Vi'mi !Mao sad the Caned. ME.-PereroviMpilting for. Mb, _medicine .boat not be induced to" take any other. ssra gest:Poi M Sarsipwrillas;and oreourso prefer militia Mew own. Do. not be denelverby itnpuloire for Dr, Town.' send and takwno•olber. Remember the gin. ' foe "Towns endl , Bitriallertil a.n ;told by the sole agents. i R.N. B ELLPfIki, Genetaf Wholesale & Retail Agent, No. 6/ liyoqCstrogb,nrailLALOUßßY,„,Allegbeny rmicaricainter— - For the Recoywy of Dormant and Improperly With. - beld REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE: the Set tlement and Arbitration of Commercial, Trading, sot' othez Debts; Securing Patents forlneenuon s in (0 Britain, Ireland; ind the Colonies and Dependend thereat:do benagrinsi and Negotiating (or the, NIS chase or Sale of the tame. Di EPERENCE rear be m ot oh appixerai n y, ' r ''' Lk chtrre, /provided the motive is not that Carioatty,l to a Lin comprising ec •anit ' I."' or err names in which unclaimed property is r ties.' ' s f X.. Also, an , index to our UM, adver „,°' -" have appeared nu the past GO yenta in - 1 - " . g . tit, 'iddreSled to Mire no- rrl gents which Icr. "P actlinghleatkins by icor , ..,•' anon British post.patd. m...),....„.", and next, of • ar• requeated to be - References are pe •" . . - TISS .al VARIAN. Jedire COUri Oren .. .1,9 Broa d' way, New York. , reeland, 13 ' , t i e , a to Ho n Charles P. Ded9i ob:vpoi..- ..„.- .. on 1 , ,,,,,, Nor . York. ik • EL ., ' _rt a ts c. C.. - - • TeP l.°n '.., wardA.l,o,,titi,l-,, ei, : hy ~aci, Ohio. Ikb er.n r°d" kiy E adeet Pt stchinifank, Buffalo. , A . patalst% •-•••••• _ poeC-Oam h,,FO ems, •re-y-rr VberAll°6 .0414 COM , .anstal . 00 124.4 4 , .pessa 1 ;ATIITI-Silt=thr ft clSe 4 IWe en. meal' re. TA rfdika DI et MSSELito , -`' I ." i , ykS ••• .a^ inn ': hib caging fitq. • ._ , .i N ikiiii 01036 *ow% ' joar , t I.:Liktalirreit" . iiikii e d presented the I . adisint , of_r IWAMAILB°:M/11,7Aelr'1374"3"::trre.tarer:: ,_ i . „ n , w .. .I .n , ~,,,,erottS condition, .Oler opuspanY , i ': i . No. 37 ‘ll.er street. „la an r io; ilLq` e , cr ws-- 4 ` 7 AisriJ . • - (4 bU it/rIrDICKEY & Co_ Ur I ) / E-40i I- to it, sroxiiand - fox side by a. c. .;,e., 'BAUR VID=" I '...-,,,,,,r,;,,,..,,r,4x."-;r---"''',",- • anti, ,=,u. aiti A id ',,i 'kTAIiTTEA - GTORIE S.. , ' 7---- WEL. AlLibthiEDlEltrie 80118. , -rriCIEFIN:tdaxErtsaNDFUENISIIINIE.UNDEA, rt. 0../ I Z A ut E li gt : . : ( r m. e th r , :f . .. f Peen rima r . aall and !B: o,. . Clam palict erroc a 1 oepostertheE.shenge Motel, eturance on Penn arre st, "hay are, repared to furnish andatunabro eveL7tterwiti the lug of o r t m l nl c eptr i s c .4.ga , yis o e V3 i tl e a d l7 4 fi ts- .. 1 t Ished tn the very heat manti,r, till zotti and Cute ready tect4 e te:hroods of flannel, Cambtick and mush% end all I Ise'r7tlt e 'do'f:.wi'haffejs"anthdy'bia"Tre I,''cotl.o7,74lkkeane pdakidi'M.`,' able ror pall berffers and mournetv, crape, caps, cot lars, and every thing nenusszy for dressing the dead, and on reasonable terms, as we perebirse ill our good. to the Easter n ewes. Air*, athweplates fare arse he name and age. We have a splendid new hearse tad thine a ttend edto and y neinber of the best carriages . Every romptly and pcmclual/Y- • os*l-Y BENNETT Ba , EfftoTH Ell, 4IFEENswARE M ANUFACTURERS. - I : ll reetngLeua, (near Pliestwargho Pa. Fictrehbuse, No.• /37, Wood street, • Pittsburgh. ,:- r a WILL censtemtly keep on hand a good assort. ,-. men tor Ware, of one own manufacture, and anperioroalny. • Whoksale Mid country Mer chants ere respectfully invited to call and ea amine for themselvea. as we are determined to sell Weapon theurh.ever beftwe bees offered to the pub lic _ - .' • • • 16. o r d er, sent by maul, mxompanted by the cash or city refenence. wlll be promptly attended to. fetea _ ___ ._. ....... '_ 'MINT. Alohtsor, __ _ /saw F- L.roun GLASS H.STABLISSIRIENT. ;A i i li LNANY harmLEDE manufacture and keep con .L.T.L invniy , on b Out, blftlded and Plain Flint Glassware, in all its Varialles, at their.tVarediouso cor der of Market and• Water streets, Pittsburgh. Our Works continue in full operation, hod we at, coastrooly adding to our stock, which enables us to fill orders with promptness. Purahuers aro respect:la/1y solicited -to outland examine once, and terms. ~, my.loay C'•ACH MAKING. FROM the very liberal encourage Lb< .‘Lb.L.L.b<r revelved since he h. located himself In Aileghen), , i ,. /11011% , has. educed him to take 4 lease, for a tuna of years. on the properly he now occupies, to Beaver Street, :mined:CO) . he 4144 the Presbyterian Clocrelt Prom the long e rpo rn• TWO In the above bareness, and a desire to please, he hopes to lOW it and rettive a share of public patronage. Nor OntiVad and ftniahlag to order. Ilookuvray Bag. F=en and top Beams, and every deeertpuon of s modem order, from soveuty-five dollars in mght bona ma . 1011/4 311 MV , Motel p eof - ktloFre'..n4e.',,.,; 10 N. wharves, MOP, offer (oral, on accommodating terms, WO pkgs 11,1mufactured Tobacco, consisting o pound, half pounds, s's, e's, 12', 16', 18's and n'ts, lumps; s's, Cl's and e'is plug, imd Ladies' Twist, IA *lola Wild half boxes, of th e following approved brands, • Ix: James H Grant, - Osborn Jr Braga Grant & Williams, A Clibaniu, S Jones & Son, klgronald, N Webster Old, J Timmins, James Thomas, Jr. AII Armistead J, I te ThCoaomas & Son, • Landborti & Armisad, P r, J 111 Cobb; (4517.u.'",, 7., . J, I, Clap, Green Hall, Wm Boynton, Pearl a Normotal, J S IlMekmocall Natb Page, Keystone, .IVoritliallarkfttmobinso, Edmund Henry, n, Rim ell & Rtosonj Kenn. Robinson 4. Co gm:Halsey ob, It Metcalf., John Ender, Lassrenee Lour., .1 Roblusou. . Jab Gray, D H Turner II Jamieson, York Wilde ' , DA! ranch. —A SO Havana D Leaf Ti well, wra l ppers and Einem; VIM Clenfacgo] do do do Si St Jago dDonsine Cuba do do do do do tourist & Golden do, part Ate, do do 111 a ysmlle do , do do Kentucky variant. grade* do a. v.rgink Leaf, mutable for manufacturin'n o g anj exporq V'ish Reed Leaf. Penn's, Connecticut and rgirtia Hcrape, sown German Pipes; Ohio; 8,.0 Plne beads; tel,s.. Snuff (loose and bladderM) Illaaeos \ba Jacob Tony Doan; Havana bass; Otto Rose; Bergamo,: Calabria Liquorice; Patent Cavendish Koran; Spunk, Se &c. PHILADELPHIA my Lb nutria USW Cer TOBACCO, AMD meas. ATD,h.t.Tdl ctzt r Znithtl a d , rt , :e p. et rho attc-'?'',on'of Conlry Alerehmints, Hotel an aa d Stasall'eal [ repent, to large and superior aswrt. Inv. of 1111PoRTED CIGARS, among which °on be In.:llWe fo:dissiog brando, arr. I.l.tsha. Cu. Ibllur Prateipc, La Normal, Star Dena, Etna.. and Rard'al , WI of wlriels be sold as ksar as can be hod at arty other ho.s in the city. .Also, constantly an band and air .4., a law. am we't salectedvtos lc filniscom .d Pine Ct Chewurg Tobacco. A... Havana.. l'uba and Common Loaf 'robber a. eonscandy on bard and for sale_ 01.3.41. • PAPER WAREHOUSE. so,stazt.azsa SLIP. IVAN TOR/ A. a TRIG° W FIELD otters for vsla at the to Metal Eof PAPER. stnafisarnrers' eanpwsanat laces, • seri earem,re rt .so,° adopted to the wants of c 0... rsi ry .4 all seel.. .10 1 of the ` try. Paper of all hand* made to order al *bon 1 °°.s'..k PR 1N.: 71517 J r APER in Vent i.rp • parrot wh.• :• of very • PAPEAL /MARY Les ELATE.I eve desapoon, 1.1/ l even' ri ban toted and kept en. teat an -, •ts ire Cloth, Forodro. .re. ires Blaachort Powder, , Ultramsruia. ae.., le RAG S., Canvass,ll4ia <ire.. Hope, La gging. e , purchased. fro why eVitte 7, wtll be paid P . ray New Task. /n! 7116E1L rzr•••• _ • IrEfslirsTlAN BLINDS. rr/{E greatest and beat variety everoffered is this eity beßiree—eagg, on the moat approved haste znpt aas— and mew fashionable Eastern paiterna and ea to Tilt: CHEAP ROLL, or BOsroN BLINI A, on ha Alnso d or made Molder or all oars, and at all prier a. Unintry !aerate*a and others are invite?, to emit and eta:rime the above for thernselve•,• ll all wit 1 b e sold arhulesale er retail, and a liberal &due' /on made to lesalc porehascra. et , ldly A 1V B}', BRICE POLLTE dVEL andesugned (or sale 0 n article I of bnelt for building, made by h is * c ar am Prow. offsprOv innehine, , fbr which he bee obtain/ mil a patent and agrees) 0 give purchaser. a written gmf seam. dud the, are stronger. and will resist frost and r wet weath er viol imbibe lees nunature or diiinpnew any nth textur e r ) muchwwwing greater body •nd stip' ~ried Still more durable in every mitoses each brick being mulneeted to pressure of several se , di, and P.' sors•ang a handsome sm.* surface and I,rell they make a from equal to the heat front I wick. Agra. h They have given the rsa ates, tiate . on to all who bate purchase& it kiln ean he seen at r works, and py speehnen at the (hurtle office. Thum bayingsupplied thernwlver ot w. and soli pa vi n g iiw and .srishin brick, c. obtai n front hid superior oh,' or superior Birming ii hALLEGHS)'6ErV.'-iig:lthrtV'ss, BEEN D 'A F e A7rolt - s7 --G. . ... a m iW ethod W to i kW friends now t 04 ;7 Ale at larg e sat his Pee ape tory of yr, , A operation, On the wen aide of mond, Allegl itur v, whew ii eon. Ta d : , ii i p 6 l!... 0 . f m 13 , 1 . 1 , rt 0 i I ty siLri p r o n e h olo o zi - oil o No s . Weed s Pittsburgh, at J Y 4 ttian !,34 , e t oil cloth traneroOM. tiooolEttndsrep a Y. er. made to order I. the beet.tyle.' roper • Blinds will be pet ttP without rry addi, mean c ., ise, .o that they con I. removed 'n ame. or 4 of fire or for washing.. tad without the aid • - 'dlltrer. j yl-dlyfruitetaLy9 _ • AUX OA TIM p rom , f 1 hleCitEtir/ :.` ,/1. the plop h• ,etor of titles/roll known *gear resort has Informing, the public UAL his qsi &s -and they Aving b een thorou•ghly refitted and sapid, ed, now op- grounds elegantly, laid 0111 and decorated, is . 1 11 b, en for reef r accommodation, and ha flatlets bum. at those a 'ho may teem' him with limli atron t7 will find all e Mu they , desire, provided the best Y. le and on us Womble 'terms, halo determined to ,10/0 no expense In making his establishment worthy of public patron ego. He ho. Reenmitotlatione Tor' boarding a few f hinnies. Ice Creams, and all refresh, mews sellable to the season, constantly on band /Cdul ' M LEVI LIMICtill ELD. Monoklgralhel a, House TallOiLllff , 0%011. Ilalament. , •, TRAAC WILLI 'AItIS, Draper and Tailor, beg" to In: form the chit , ~ rts of Pinslntryrh and othora t Alhat be now opennig a t his rooms on Smithfield .s H, un der the above M ttel, a large and beautiful artso,rtnient of Cloths, Casein] bees Sauna Silks, end other Veining', together with sot & other aniele• as an:, require d - for gentlemen's wen h Ilia goads have been courfoLly an. Jlected, andere e If the newest and most MAMA table style,iteefell or *of anperlor ,quality. His costa eters may depend nlmo 1 boring their clothes made op m • manner which Cal not fail. to gratify the taste of the matt fastidious. i - - '- . _____ q 44 4'. , THE Er. tazi.ov . THE WEST *VEI • ITIA.PIBLINDMANUFALITORN . /tall aide agile Diamond, wham Venittan • Minds of all, th e different Kees and colors are kept on nand or made to' order afte the latest aoi lomat approved Eastern bash • M - . ason the s tartest notice and on the coos reasonable terms. Also, me cheap Bosom; roll or split Blind Tranapa rency and Paper Curtain of all the afferent sizes end patterns, en heed and for:sale low for cash. Old Vern- lan Blinds painted over and repaired, at taken in part payment for taw. RPH WESTERVELT; Pro•pr. i ;PI, B —All work done' with the best material and workmanship, and warm tied to please the most ry fes. Whets. anglo.d Allegheny cup, Aug 10, lea QTEAM FERRY ROTS FOR SA The sob- Q scribers offer to sell; one-foorth of the two ferry hoist', Gen. Scott awl Goa. Worth. now Waling from. - the foot of Penn Buret ni Saw Mil, R01t,40 tretoPte„k4 it 0 profitable ineestme`nt for capitalists, or ant w ho stay with to engage in Me business. For further particular", inquire of novStatf 9 BLACKBURN & Co, Water st !In". ts, 7,1 • to,,hold on Gm .nun(- lung' year 14,aldens, •:,, , ,,,,,,,, % ,- z.: - !':':;r:' ,,, '::. , .1 7- -- , ''''','' ISCELLANEOUS. roll 011 IS WINI 'Eli SE ASON. THE to Is pre. rased to! (um ish looqUets t or ' "'`' a ding .. s, .nd e """ , 'l , .r.posed of rolh IMP.. Fir ,srers. (Infers lell with V , T, uss,u, Jr, SI. Clair pf a, rough We Poo' 01Bee will bir de. livervd p NVARDROP. , kaebester Rune y. .no•V dim. I 0 BIDWELL. Pittsburgh, 0 W ce.i. , A U owinolls, EDGSA IiTON et. C.Custherithd, dwelt( J B . ROBINBON, 11.1tirsom. — AV --- ii4l lon co mg& 1 lbt . • 848 05.1,1112.11 Co'. . IS4S; TO PHll:l ' t.DEL,Pillst, BALTIAIORE A NEW VIM' VIA NOWT LirAOIA AND 0010 RAIL loans I f lll4 RE prepared tots sumo. goods and producet, from tb. aborts .cities on favorable terms. ices ofapply to' I D. LEECH k Co, Canalßasin, Pirtsbnigh, HARRIS A LEEUH, Nos. 13 A 13 Sooty Third .t, pi J. TAYLOR & BON, Arts, No 14, Pthh How .q A. ABBOTT, Agt,No 7 West Meet, New York.. Pittsburgh, March 19th. 154.8. renal/ ---luirgag uga r., g , ronaportotlost Male 11112M1 1848. . ~ VIA CANAL ARID RAIL ROARS I FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CIOODS consigned to our care will be. Rl:ridded I •-.4 without delay al the lowest current rates. C A rimanalurrk'co ' Chnal Basin, Penn st, PittsbitlL MERBEJLLES & REYNOLD S 073 and 355 Abuts& st, PIO. ROSE, hIP.ItaIIT A Co, lag Smith , . wharf Ithltintore RI:EILOBIANTB , WAY IPU .._ HMIT TsINIIT., 1126 Mil 1848. ........k,.6.5.......,... x or wairramoirr 13 hda ET ysburghe,Water rbor stire l e j t(7ll: li n ul t?bgon Co):,,ld li p ot ,,, tershorgh. TM. Lloe was rotted exclusively for the weirdo.. comm.:dation of the way business. The- Pthprictors, thssikful for the very liberal patroness' they have re. eared during the NA two years, would respenthui4i In. One their friends and dm public that they are now still . honor mammal Roes= goods at mil point on the Canal led Rail ds, with promptness and dispatch. rsotuthrroas. PICK WORTH A WOODS, JAMES ALO GEORGE TRINDLE, JOHN MILLE RE, R & Co. HENTS. Pick - worth A Woods, Johnstown . John Millar, Hollidaythorgh. C A M'Anolly & Co canal basin, Pittsburgh. itgrinsthanni , •Pftuburgh—Bmith & Ilinclab; J A .1 McDevitt.° & .1 H Shoenberger, R Robinson &Co; R Moore; Ba& Smith; A olth; John Parker, Wm Latimer & Cr, Dr P Roenberger. WXP pIANRORTATIO . . i .. , ,TEin rt. 1848 .LO/11 LIMA! .1.-1 J...: •..' • , ' rj.:.:,t'f,l - • ' ''' .' BETWEEN PITTIgESURGII AND CLEVELAND. ; W. T. &Utast, Pittsburgh ; , 1 R», Ness & Co, Beaver; Prom'. " . CI6I.IPOIED Jr. C.1{103123..., Clevelatall , rinimabove Lane" is now_prepared to transport freight j.' alai passengers from Plttshargb' and Cleveland, or •nitirlsit an the Canals and Lakes, •bosa leaves P . Varfli and F,levte..lit,led.a.il%mn- Pdli= be e t ' areen Pittsburgh and Heaven-And alien. end of firaftlass stentriboms, propellers, brig. and mhoon ma on lakes Ene, Huron and Michigan. 4 711731,(°""Lided '41'.1. gE Ml C l:ro U r 'll'' ' '. ith • JOHN A. CAUGHRY, Agent.; ear Water and Smithfield xis, Pittebarg4. . AGENTS:—Reed. Parks & Co, Haitian . R fa Parks & Co, Vinutgatown, 0 K W Cotes & Co, Warron; D lidsrwiek & Co, Hreadpora A 2c,N.Clnrk, Newton.Falbv, . . f eit'EVN =S: l,l 3 r lCarembellaporn JO 11Pitride, foreost . .. M & C H Kent, Franklin; Miller & Tuttle, Cuysa,,i n Fi,di„ ~ Wheeler 4 Co, Akron; Burney, Gibbs & Co, Simdusky; Watkins & Eagle, 'Pole,* •• G Williams & Co, Deiron, Mich; _ ISPClure & Williams, Milwankle, WiSi II J Winslow, along ° , lit 1 I amt. BACLIATWE CPVITIIBLII DONT'Llartar 1 ittASllB4"gaiiit i so.rigniccirrarto2. or mic.n.ntrn BETWEEN NTT:Mt:RC II AND 11111,Aph.1..PH1A. r rPropprietor. of egoablißlied and first Portable that Lae, haying ,yernove* .. the,r de pot in Philadelphia, to a rnuelt ?lugs, 11, *boo. on Market st., than they formerly emenpted,'anJeleo in g ermined their MOM •.141141.6 lf. lrepared to offer muc n reater far:Bidet to their (mends aPti NM.. Goods earriul by tins line cre net traW4liPPn , be rme. Pittnbufgh and Philath.lplea. I imp., limed en tirely In Portable Semen flows. 4,,ppgreordoer and other goods requming careful hr due is o Importance. No charge Llltkem for reed wing or %hipping r geode. or,-advancing charges. All g oods forwarded pr omptly, and upon ea reanonabl e lora . as by y eat er line. I , .IcPADEN C 6.6/ Bum u Penn wt. Piusburgh. JANI.I4 DAl'l6l& Co., ra'A 2,,, N 6,16 4 . .& 64 Commerce .1., Phil... - • JOHN McFADEN tr OD Pon's!,yang mad Cam., 'On idn 'oln.nu, Buini Penn of I'mabgrzh., JAMES) M. DAVV.s & Co, Flour Yuman and Commie -1 'lbn l'a -,,, b-utbb ra Market, mul 64 Commerce st, Philadelphia. • T feb2l Advausa , , made by either of the above sittEkelb liPX.m.l oat+ r descriptions of Mere `midi= consigned to them. feb24 • -•- . _ • ._ ._.... _ .______ ____ M! e—The nn r. ibe have disposed of their in- N i... in Me Penn'a and Ohio Line to CLARKE & THAW . of Plusbargh, and JOSEPH A LEWIS, of this 'lb , y will continue to transact businesiTor the line, •I Lb eir Warehouse on Broad street, as turotti, and 6, - vPr , elt for ti a continuance of the patrottatm or their 6 , eerie. JAMES STEEL & Co. Philadelpaia,ldarch atit, PAS. P4/111011. 'Cad Ohio Tlrsasportatlo mi Co. Inki= Dauer Daily Lust af FIRST CLASS Y Ew BOATS AND CARS, rozmus to TZ...0.1 0001X6 IMTWIEVI /EASTX. =AM CLAZICE k TILAW, Ceuta' Basin, PiLtsleumh. LEWIS A. RUTLEE4Io noko thsklAbio. JAS. STLT,L a. CO., Apt, Broad street COWDEN, CLARKE & Co., ?V North t, Balt W. PONAJON, AV-, 10 Nat street Nett York. starls T HE scribers have thts day ossochated licessolves Impala= ander U,e style of Kt.. Jones, Orr the ET= allt i l c n i n n tlle . b il lta c ess . form u ft .m rlyz f riecl he i o . talpur, maire heretofore catended to the Luc. SAMUEL, M. BIER, B. F. JONES. Pia* argit, &lamb 1,1843. Kr sewsTABLE BOAT LINE. COM POSFJ) ENTIRELY OF FIRST CLASS FOUR HECTION BOATS, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND HALTIMORE VIA CANALS, RAILROADS. 1,17 - E an prepared to receive and forward freight to r V the above and intermediate placer with as Much despatch, and at as !ow rated, at any other reoponsible, I pue. The attention of shippers sighing to send Port or Da mn to Bolurnon in butt, pante ulaziy regstestwi, tn asmach th our arrungethenta enable us to cony such arnica through in better order than any other lint KIER k. JOY}]!, Propn. Canal Hann, near Tth PiltsbmtN•MaxetcLllE , c , . VIER a JON} .C...crountsslo u and lmn ud i nR R Al , hums, sod Whale ado Dcalers in Iron, §P,t. Prodnes. he. Lthstrat mash micsnecs on consignments. macitt lINNIT 0.17, Z. a. InTll.ll, •:Itr, leciousles Piostoreh- lalsdelos.. lINACIN LIN To Pia ci i ße alsoore, vts CANA 1...1 .ea Ins-1120.4 HENRY GRA.FF & Co, Canal Llano, Pittsburgh. DIiTILII,IIIINITIIREYB &Co. N 0.147 Market 91, MI. C. It Roo.. ee.mer None & Samna so SOL # • Jong F. Choke, No 12, Old #lllp, Neve I.gnA, Agb I\TOTICR—The ...Ideate:ma firms will be known from; and after ads date. at Pluaborgh, as Henry Graff & Co., uldjat Pluladedpiutt, a. Dtlll, Eitintp/11176100. HRIURI GRAFF. NDHUND O DUTILH, CHAS. 1111141:',HRB VS., HENRY GRAFT, Pittsburg ankrialf PITTSBURGH PGETA.BLE 1110 A LINE ailaWai 1848 For Trvorparfitilon .FrogAt to and from PITTSBURGH, VIIII.ADIE7...PHPA,HAVPINIORT I , Nr YHRK. 110:YrUN. &C. Hymns. 1 Casa. Philadelphia. Tkarrt & O'Coemer, Pittaba e o.. rritlS old mall.** Line taring um. fall,opera- A non. the proprietor. have made extensor* •rranukt, ion. to forward Rod. tool Moline. with despatch i l al Ott the at favoralile terro• They confidently h;ir mo tamest. promptness in delivering rooda—psi enuar safety uk mode at COrrYllig—enp.r.mas warrhoun se• at each port, afrooltrig •rcontrnodallott• and owners of prodare—torretber anth their long franca and unrenuumg attention m I , u.tnr., will aritu rd ft, them a continua... of that Ithcrwl patronage they latreby gnurfilly acknowledge. All oonstgornents by sad tor this lute rect./red, char, ges pan& and mrwarded In any rrqutnnd 1'0.4 f charge fOr aom2lll.ourt. advanctefr or tdo rage. ,No mime., directly or strair....r:), •trakuboata A II communiratkona promptly attended to on •ppltene iko n ..ek the tol/owtng venni. lio,lllllXil. & CASH, !tarter at, PAdadriphia TA A & O'CONNOR, Cana/ Hawn, Pittaborgit. Olen, NIN(JELS & Co. North at. Baltimore. why_ b'. WILSON, Cedar at, New York. ups LABS BRIE AND MICHIGAN' LINE. p rizi&-V 1848. s yy, k • 'own Lint, composed .1.1131.0•0 Alletogin, between Pinshurgh and Isirer, and frei, !h. du an pnassourer Canal Boat. Loa , mom fdeiver and Ene, C M Reed's lane of Unit elua.teambea., p, openers and seamen, on the likes, is prepared to carry trent. nod Pn•neonor• . all p.+ ~ou Ups Idie Canal, no I Labe. Erie, Huron and Mae* Raving airery finality „for eonsesang (relight and pat. @etagere wall promptne. uld 4,181...aid5, th e propriety andagent* respectfully paten ft,. dont 'newts • cot tsaaanca of their patronage. C M R REED, Eroprien.r. HEED, PARKS & Reiser, Agent*. JODN A. CAL:MIEN , &rents' apl4, nor Water and Southfield - 4s. Pirtalrurrta 1848. ECLIPSE TILABISPOILTAT;ON LIREI To and from the Eastern cities, via Cumberland. %ME proprietors of Ws popular line, havesiure their re-ormantratiun largely tiierrued their facilities to meet the washes of stoppcnt, and are now preparcd to forward a greater amount by the FIVE DAV LINE, as also by addiuonal regular wagons at low rates. This !Me will run throughout the year. defivenng good. thew,. h the agents In Baltimore and Pumbuedh to owner, and ernsugnees at specified rates and time, Shipments from Philadelphia for the line should be marked "Care, 1 Ii Robinson, Baltimore." The only agents are J ROBINSON, • EJ S Charles et, Balt/mar EDOERTON I Co , Ormberlant O W CAB* Brownsville. AC BIDIVSEI Pinalutat!, itAtaat • :PORTATION L/N Actual at Cumberland frem P rrimiss "" c l eVetl e iT s d ; gm. to that al Edgertau A Co. ['Mahwah nod ermtern merchant. ate notifird that I ty Rohm... No fr.l South Leitrim it, Baltimore: is the unbound nem of this Line m the Ewen; Whoa, The only agents a»_ N IBM BOOKS, .PIANO PORTZ'. - -- - .101Thi H. ARMLOII. - ,12e. EriPecel !atreechas now received (allatsaart-, .moot Of Piano Porega,pelected from I the fallowing rearniracteriee in Boston ..d1 New York. to which the attendon O(Ni/chasers. reipectfully invited Those from hI,. Cincbereies, fewe tbd sal, of which he is note Agent In Western Penn eylvaoia.) bade what termed lhO,Naelr Pi ylar Saila ng an improvement recenq *go. ppa ecedee alvantlere in poorer and eq sty ot lone over al .r ethers The following are the patterneand stiles of Macke. beg's: NO. 1. Rosewood, 7 °revel., finished lurch &front, SOP 2, a 6) " nobly caned" 9.00 .S. a 6* " a ", :OM "4. a 61 a carvedlietentdilegai ' c .5. a finished back and Alt 6 " GI " 7 " 6 " " " 2.14 " e d O " „ 8.215 . " " 0 projecting front, 10. richly carved, stylq of Louis 44th. i "11 6 hollow corners and bellow con. mired legs, second hand. cost originally SPA and will he sold at a very reduced price. No. 13. Rosewood, round comer, very elegantly bled, $275 No 13. Rosewood, found norner, ve ryel- etetlyotlnviesbed. N. Y„ well known no heieg connected formarly with Messrs Stoterd, Worcester a Dueham, N. Ir. No. 13. Rosewood, 61, carved moulding, made by the Manhattan Company, N. Y. $17,5. NO 14. Rosewood carved, 6 oxistrea, Gale & Co's, N 51.50. No. 13 plain " e2scl No 10, Rosewood (frond Piano, made by Henri Hers. Paris. 'No 1). Alahogany, d octaves, mend hand•lnmo $ 75 • Old Pirmos (mien in part payment for new ones. JOAN II htla.olt, yo. 4 Avnt for (7hickering'sra Gnd imd Squa 4 ro elm for We!norn Ponnfivivania. notl7 • - P' NOS. ( i fff l. 1 A SPLEIVDID assortment of Mahe gutty and Rosewood Pianos, rum fin g the lates t p atient en'i' and ' l ' r l e . r e Itr '4* l a and wtlkLe sold /ow Int cusp by . ''' ''"" , F. BLUM& lit Wood Street, 2d door Cleave Filth. N. B —Thrwe who . are in went of a good instrument. are reefer . ..ally tt rot d to examine there before pur. ehanng et...where.. they carrot be excelled by nay in the cc entry, nod will be cold lower than any brought frynn the East Armin, v.:rimed, two places of Run 'rargli manufactory, warranted to he superior to any Id la Mi. yountry _ ocitM F. I. GitEA:x MUSICAL NOVELTY—The submnber has rust reeetved Irmo Europe, and for .ale, an entirely new invention of Pomo Forte, called the CAR , ;IN F:r r IAN() POR rE, which groesesstog More power and nominees than the square Pomo, occupies but one •ff unit as much room, nod is avouch more sliewyond .hlndamne piece:or turuiture. It te particularly/lesiva. 'lt . o where the mvlngionspace is on obbect, he, ex ceedingly neat and compact, and occupying go More 4.0 m than n moan side table. The subsenber lios to nand a testimonial of us superionty from the cerebra tkd platurt.Alosehelles, to his own hand wriung,which May lw inspected. ' R. ELMIRA, :.arr ' _ At J W Woodwell's _ ;tot lit IV A TVAC. HBIWIT: ----- 1 ' rECF:PIRD and tor sale. a lot of choice Pronos;with mid without Coleman's "aline Attachment, try firths &Clark. N 1 . Otte of Nom. fc Clark's Piano., _ ilth the AlleMilOcnt, %v.* talteit•lo England by Mt Irma, and among many other leetimentals of out. irlatint for this <legs. specimen of American sklIP and ingyituity. r 'non! the following' remarks from S. 'lltarbetg, the greatest Pininst Irving. omax, Jan. IP, 19115. My Deniilir—ln encloylng a l L etter ih my friend, Mc. Erend, Peen, I cannot refract from agate expressing lo you how numb I was 010.sed with your, "./Eolitur Aitachtnent, - which I consider in a great musical ina brovement I can assure you that on nay part I shad moth great pleasure do toy utmost air make your Inven- Iron knowb. Foi sale by It ICLEBED, .. ret... At Wocalwell's furniture rooms, Mist 12 Ail G LIS NI BiltOKS—llosory of the Greet Rev ...r elnuou, and of the worse and campaigns stung from the struggle. of the ti reek Patriots in Emanctpo ling their country from the To rk/•S Yoke—lit too vial. emes....eplentbd copy with nomennw maps and engra vings. Letters' Iltastfitlvo of the reign of Willis., 111, from latA to roe--w.th d Ire portnuts x in 2 vols. Companion to the •tudy„of dur, Dory Scriptures. IlarrY Mon tray, thrillng namanee, oviA Id °dant . vows. , four in RY ugly (And, Pretigh Stage, and Sketches in Chula !art rev') and for ssle by Mc DOVALD A BEESON lyon: eo ...rkr I street dletalo Praia — is - TPll2;e. - A SPLENDID wortment of Rose fillpf wood.and Make/now grand action Pi mato fun brushed enrifor sale. Also, two selendid Rosewood Pianos, with Coleman's ectehteted .belie attachment, douched hi the most modernowle. and for sale at , wild P kILD 11 EM, 112 wood .t ...- TRANSPORTATION: .__ REELS, PARKS st. Corp PACKZTCTRE 1848 . BEA VKR A N 1:1. EV FIAND LINE t• WARREN Carnal Yasokert—SWALl.OW, Capt. Ford. OCEAN. tNtpt. 11 aners. r: Ito al , ove l'a /eta leave Beaver every day Ltithsdap eAccossit and unwe gem atuanu44 a , arin-ra they eotun.ct with the Mui Akron and Cie oPT/Lpsh es trnng at mob of these places Wart naght. Una o(the Packets lessee Warren duly ats P. AL. and 'starve as fiesivet time at, take the sweat e arms:about rat .I . ittsburgla o'7/.5 TA a LEPITNGWELL, Wt . rstA p ropn e AI LI ICUS'S, • BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE lal Taloa ate to TON Lane In TOM, Morn Canal Par kel—Plmsescs nut, Caro. Jerrie; Tusaasru, " Pollock; " " Lou.. Esse, ^ Traby; Parrosta, 4 Brown; A. 1.141“, Sayer. The atiOre nese and splendid Paasenger Packeta hair commenced miming bets/teen BEAVER AND,P-RIE, and an!! ran regalarly dunng the season—oue boat nu lea ring Frt. every morning ale *Cloth, sod one he... ee I or Beaver every evening immedottety after the alai- w vat of the steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh. The boats are new and uomfonably focrualsset, and W...n OLVOUILII 111 ferry hears PILSICORC to any pointon the Lases, or to Niagara PPS& Wel find Una route the most rodoartaide 4.4 expeditious. Tleketa through to al: ports an the Luke can hr prorated by apptylng•to the proprietor, BLED PARKS it Co, Beaver. • JOHN A CA VCREY • Age ?umbers!, nor. Wale{ and Smithfield sta. AGENTIIt—Lx C ilarrisory liaßklo,N Y. C hf Reed. Erw, Pa. CC Wo - kg(ireco•dle ; P. APParland and King, Big Bend, Pa; • Hays it Mawr, Sharriburgh, Pa/ W C Malan,Shaiou, Pa; p c mc.tm ins, Pulaski, Pa; R W Cunningham, Neer Casale Pa. JO Pe anal ylvasaga Canal At. Ball yluaif Ex; presayut racket Line, akeM 1848. ft -ft Fitt 01 IllTrzt0:101 TO PIODABIII.PIIIA & BAt TISIORE, IFxclusterly for Passengers.) I,eu.• throughout the Seamn. The boats are new and ors supenor class, wale en larged robots, erlorh will rive Mater comfort. Tim ears ore the late•l construct:on. A I,oat will always be m pon, and travelers are quested to call and exult.nr theta before engaging pus sae, elsewhere true only nine dollar, through.) One ord. boats • thi. Line set!l leave the landmglnppoyte U 8. Mote rooter o(Penn street and Canal, every night at ninon' clock Time 31 day. For infihrmanoti, apply at lb Other. Monongahela House, or to D LEWD &Co l' ml Canal Basin. lIA RN DEN a CO'. Pas..agar rand Hasa'Stanza Offlow. l imi t Ha d hi HD EN a CO. COll.llO m bring permns from any pannf Eagltuld, lr - laud Scotland or Wales, upon the most /Merin worm, with then usual punctuality and attenuon to the warm and coon fors ofenumgrants We do 11.,{ allow om passengers to be robbed by the sweedlteg metope that Infest the seas porta, an we talc oltirge of them the moment they re port themselves, and see to Men , well being, and de spateh them without any determent by the brat ships.— We my this fearlessly, me we de() . 0. of our pmsen grrit to show Mai they vrerc detained 1S boon by us in Liverpool, whilat thousands of others were detamml months, unel they could be sent in some old crall, at • cli',;p rate, which too !rogue/My proved their cofftea We slimed to perform our cremates honorably, row wh e t it may, and not ri f e`a wa. the last season. wnh ether orheers,—who iher performed not all, or when it mined their collect/mune. Drafts draw.' at Pittsburgh for any sure from tl to Lyme, payable at any of the provincial Rani. to Ire land, FAgi.d. Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Fleh Europe. and (Sena rot Agent, L .eve d....5weed.... Colver's Patent Conneavo Boater Chore! BUFFER IN FIVE MINUTES!' WE call th e attannon of the public to the article heading this advertisement, and invite the en terprismg and canon. to call and witness no opera non. All advertisements in relation to this invention, to the hundred. who have wen it tested, is supeor o . gotten. le This Churn will produce Butter, gatheringlt in a mass, from sweet milk, In five to ten minute.. and from cream prepared, an families usually prepare it, in three to five menet! Yd. The utility of thiainveation i• apparent, as bet. ter Butter can be produced lean sweet may, or cream Ulan cream soured in the ummi Way; and by th ooo . this churn, a little girl or boy con perform. to five or ten minutes, what bas heretofore required the labor of a woman or man for one or two hours, and eomMunes halfa day. By empty turtling it thumb screw, the whole in side dasher Is taken out, leering nothing but the butter and milk to the plum wooden box. lth, It W the cheapest churn ever invented, as the simplicity of its consnuellon $lO ough embodying n grail phil.op Meal pnacipie) akes bet little to mandacture rowempsonse churn, as all will infant who will examine th ID- We hove porchosed the monopoly of this tralua• ble improvement worn hie.. Cwlver k Myers, the oowores. We are now offering the oroculler mono. poly of this styled article for the States ol'Ohto, Fein sylvants,`Near York, New Jersey, Maryland and Del aware, which will insure certain and large profit, to the manttfacturer, and a speedy return or treferement The public an invited to coil and witness its operation, at our office, to Pittsburgh, every day,at 4 o'rlock, e a. J. H. CIA I'TUN &Co. Propnrmrs. Office, Exchange Buildings, a, Clatr .tree, nestdoor to Velutre Johns' alive. decll-dtf bbl orrovid rill rmo xv,„ ..,...f.inii-4e. ;N`. - z,-.. ~ „., ....., ..- . .., . Vir'WART * HOT= 3 ' •.• • ._ . , •• ~ —,-.7._ *tat?, I d 1 ' AND • FOR THE !' I IiIIIIIII, , , , turit OF •Id (16 M1114.11,110" over c;.,,.. .. oe m o pUL l : 0..1:r II 1::'; 1111N1M1131., tiftc icif , 14). 4 " 1 1. IL. ONI I 1i g I : °°l44 .hts;',' '' " 40 4°' gptlA 4 / 1 ' FlX“r:i o4o eh A" Al on or 4 4 1 itl'u . 40. sisal , , • Dnair r ' 441i tfr". 1.4 • ' • •••• ell c. ~,- - - - Tis Proprietors have specitentutt time to bringing ibis preparation of Itasat•as 14 /1"/ utu progeot new of perfection: 10110,6.140er0bb of fen - teen moil has ittrabibtal Urged the 'l6Oll otbPl•eoP ( 1 ( w P.lurdt ho trodY, ad w in thei p 7r U lotts f u o 7 7 4 ttres ue foi.'7biolbiti.... • • ~. taaLa• 0000 Ile ere e ' , I'. 2•781".<11.•Of ft"Vtlentt/o"hd. th ,L...--b."ga' vcrialm.,.-. =. 1 .1! I ~,,. ..:sitrop „ , 4 OM ~ ma t.: u r t slre . ly u cla.6 Co be gber by oUatoad ...;:r i g JO timer )I . ediel t p . s of 1 ri , I the haven of health. .. . ~ l il l 11 1 1 1 1 ill ; wquatntmr The followin i g .ib le from C0 . 1 , ...8 n. . C. ,, T;tylor, a gentl std y:ate:intl.:of id ted x.17-.7 New gaztens sda iTs II Maim A. B. k. D. lawn,- 13 airnatimr,-11alng used. and witnessed the elfddeaf your!excelle7ToroTaratiBl4o.. l ' 1 npe oos to serious partVof the Sbatbbro counts . ), 'al a , II V irginia,aattlato S e e= and 31e!ten, 1 feel much . Pleasure as stather the MO I, 11 .ion entertal; if Its great medicinal value. lam y own ease It anted almost Vla . ule a ch.rot. Tomo , * epeeddy the enervated state of the mate., and exciting; in the mast agreeable mmter, I tome and invtgorattng infiumme. 1 • ' oli 111 Your attaelmrdie h highly approved and estenerrely used by the U. states array k 11.... , in Models, and my man, OEN. ZACHARY TAYLOk, has fOr the past deo Mrs {I I i been in the/habit of ten it, and recommends the cone ;. - he and myself adopteA.tw , II 1 arliels at the same than, and ats now mouldered an:alma:ll trtd.hrpensehie +Nom,'" "It In the army. In nonebalon I would say,lhat the berterit is'knOwn.the mom highl.,Y. It 11,111 be prised, and Rout that Its health-restoring SiTtneo wall make It generaßY L;1,1110 known thwargima the length and breadth of our telfely aaao tad country. •. lIIINIII lowa very remeetfelly, B. 0, TAYLOR, IL B. Oonsal ie New Granada. , • P r iridli 1 REMARKABLE OURE 017.1 1OROAJOL - ' r .411 1. 3_4tort, _' Com; ;Tammy l, rms. • • .ilii: . me. seeeei:-.-melgaira.;4l.gralnell for the of ihd".431.....t..,A:, ii il lidl :: =. l- ... — Nvell e et:gith the Be7d4r.mdia."rgarint=4k 7 . L'llkattu 0 V. , 1 1 ; _ the neck Tr grestlypl f a i rged r. , and her limbo much renDen. Allettrateriong Mal, , i , I . year, lad ding no tene t . onathe re el ppd, thlll Oftellse , onejeg, :la be tlialatee nryptovad. Estphyetedan arlz . ot it attend" belt Owea„ . rtruth seas 111fIll111 ' .6aliedbultOraseldaa'ar='°.* at beeireirte se Ti = AL L.: „--,.. .: 1 I :able at hocralisellag hiphaqre than any . -:'-pmeertgainn laden : ET Una ; Ind before ,--..... I she had need els belief' to theastoallbroant and delight otkrafrlerde gat Ibundbm, i lliMil ) . 1 1=i gun e resto g red. It is Te l,. =La . year 11221A11 the Min liAst=e4d Iten 11112 1 4 . 111 O looming ar netillEar* kpiwing to thessi o raote; . ll; . " rak Rim' lastanta p a great 11 1 1111111 11 1 'Natant Dvin .lre a • I pi,: 77. I=, 1.1- 16 -.1 Unita minty Ti. :-..,1 ha v re 'd- efT:::l a ne tt boy of Inh a ri with 7000 se kmwn rwuth., lie'li l h ' ll . TW•eleb Hell, Pa, r4V1601.. 0f wful'x'. . fi mdly a ff. W. riA Rana - ---, 11111 Pi. - The dal lowing tastinasky from ler.john Drin, tat ;Rector 6414 1 Charel of The l , Ortudixion talkie city, borernenda fluff to ttte - ation of the, Nntnennut MII1:id =t es of ., cures ofwatiods diseases elfacted by Ode wedichts . almost daily 1 111 i a eaiiye hum- l'i rilinTief T =aa, ‘ L.lli i rtL y he Vmetta= valuib t it'SUi ti Te - , fai; 11. - It gotta me veg.:pr. pleasure . be to t. nrard tiry,t,wEnrs. tr t a in. f h t a t trlf Drib Mt. , Nstilt7 17.1641. 1 l I M I I - • ". • - -- - - • - JOHN tinloo. 1 , I . 14fra A. B. St D. Bums._ '•- A.: 5,114 i 14 . 111 . 4 t r as.mowt " - I ifil, / , t l I Of the beneht I tta . =v o ttd tron t i u tt UM of ''. W :oemila4 • I hare for crewel , I Plan imn acted Intb sorentiora mailings ee.err•beked. which;at time woul d . r.I W ri r lt artd disarm at ely thrtat, nos.;ilta;tl== al ollentwonkl bro t t . ott l a j. I I ' hasti wera " a n ir a my f" coraple a t to e, and Arca Inn Wand %a y ho that it 1 , with the lataml cittl=trua 1 con r ld irproalt atm* a whimper. Daring this time I had : • mural attack. of p end othedleasses. I consultad diffet=akrime, ead ! . Wad MIMI! remedies, but received a n be ontlll canattenced- mir Sus. , i I era am well i the •sores an all healed, and I atultatte tbe malt entirely =effete of your rahaable inedleime-, ..._i Torus, with respect end intim* PUNBZ C ABOON. te be . pentaneDy aortahned with the per above named, I twHeie her statement. , Belote avi ves JAMAS M. D. CAD; Junta of the:Peace. __ . plxpAszy AND ana, um Irma. A. B. tic D. BANDS, DRIIOGUITS 'AND lOC rociver-re., <soma as WILLIAJI, MD+ ToMI. Bold also by Day:gins generally ttonoglwat the I.lfilted State Syd Canadaa. Price •I per Bottle ; att &midi* ga . , I•6llLlWlffilifflily r For Pfnetforgo si . b.c.;b:e and Teta,- by lb A A.IINESOVF( . .I, CO.,'clatiterot Vroottarta Fran I earner Mhth and S % ood sts'. NV lI.COX. Jr, . corner or I.mithfo , l4l `ma Fount, and also er o f-Market .t and the Diamond; ' almnr-EDWARD.FIiNDEsSICA.cat-MmaoligaliaXaghor.. RO7-3.1 &DIES Who Use Common Prepared Chalk, am I SALTRIVS .a oven net aware love frightfully lemmas i is t o let Blunt howeesstne, new rouge, how nano a t )ellow. OiNSENG PANACEM tad unhealthy the Oat c mean alter its.un peeper 'Tr , THOSE SUFFERINf3 ' WITH DI/LEASER Mello ~ Lletaides, do t s ~..is -ous, contalrit t e tt Ir. eVi t trio A 1 . 1, N05.-The tinpreeetiehtlei success which hel ley of leid We Mee prepared a beautiful vegetable deeded tt1.... or , p. Mee t which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILY GHTSENG PiririoEA _/ - ' ' AItITE! It Is pmfectly tnaocent. leute pun/test or all n all the various tonna which tannin , . ofthe keg"... de:menet., politick' and t tmpans to the este a natu- stones, bus induced the red, healthy, alabaser, c.e.11, ./ v.ng vitae, at thee.. Von to Joie Proprietor seam to call atom time acting as a mon im on the thin, making .t soft WONDERFTL PREPARATION. and smooth. The Mongol,. umether wheel' marks oar fell end Dr. James Anemia/3, Practical Cheimst. of Lyre.. ..inter months, es always a 'NM. source of beset. say= "After *nal) soo Jones's lopantsh Lolly COLDS AND dOUGHS. (bite, I find it possesses me mg, beauttfet un& nem- Thum, if neglected. are hut the precursors of that fell LI, at the sauce Übe onnocrol white ) erre sow I I.tmyer, cruunly cm; eet.eroutuas , r. ...,,,,, t i ge r.. „ ott ,, CetbarAITTION rile. sem remains beauto•yoto. " The questlem, then, bow ahallTee nip the destroyer la g e triee C., cen& a bee the bud . how shall we got clear of our eoliths nod Ste ad w fil.-JACRCON. at hes Rent sail Shoe ..1,, , oo r vital importanee to lad Lae Stere,69 Liberty suet. head of Wood, .Mc nun o T tt li °REA` T AND ONLY RE2HEDY do ilig Hoot. .1" will be found in the ("indeed Pahncea. In proof of 64 Lad., Itulies,im estonished, ter have ham tone vo one publiglied the conthemes el When you knew that you are promised lereits of our henknown calicos, who lode exp.,- 6 totural,life-ike, snowy .hue, um,' n..curative 'mar.. These. with a mass of tes • That yen will MI uer common chalet s demity from all parts of the confirry t -from And los& a drab') ye Itow fright, htEDICAL &IF:lc OF THE FIRST STANDTNG, The urine ot Mohler and of tr. a u& I 11 lusters el the Gospel, /Lc . letelher with eopio • n t . Hype woold vie p bog ef JONP's Lolly-white, .t tee . f rog , t h e I wouLl give yr.. sic an slabateter yet Sutural white,, r IGLISNALS OF DAT, mil and at the sa to tine rte. and mem , . it. hold at tee heave' efikhea t erj t i t parehteFfer, mid maybe 1 JACRSONha. ieLoen, st Price du grins per see. grails of nay of our geom. throughoulthe county" . mTS HUNDREDS OF IHYPTLY'S. " §CECCir (ILA AND . SC ROFUII.OI , B SIVEL ~' have been teed in thie elty. THOUSANDS AND • PEN•OF THOUSANDS , ING-Serulula in all its Multiplied form, w ether in that of li, reg. Evil, enlargements a the e-, Onnieltout the United States aini , Canadu, and we. rice n.e. any man to point out a . gland. or bone, Goitre, 11' htte swell or e, Omni ' sm. " i ti ,,,, e m., Rheumatism, t.:lnerf. dtaeasesel the SLID or Spine, , g h o st, seg., ,ga.. n aeeer t tleg te ainieugge, and ii,... nom, tress a or al Pulmonar• L'omumpuhrl, emanate, Horn one f ter lire ht.,* h.l become Udall? doormuitoed, it hes 'entitle saute Calen. at then te g petsortous preneiple ever carted to fi ord A PERPIERT CURE. • • ' p salve; - more or lens inheres/ l• the Immui mutant. There• i a greal n lore, uneven thus prircipM can he deetroyeal t no rim. WhT• ththe ...eed th" W i l lethd ae•4ller .th /IF Lewitt le ot ... . le hy e rabic nostrums, gotten tot my tie. o -en to ehl cure can be elietwd, bat if the 1.-taCipte Upon • 1',,,,,',," .... ,„ t h e ... greed „ h ., e rg hthe ee tt. , e , 04. - roGg i CI wince the dtn ,,, P depends, ,* removed, a taro .;,..41.1., end puded,into notoriety lip cenificato• r. per. ' ,16 ,th & wood ------ --- Matt Of treeersity (Mew, no matter littler Wirthlorrii sego rifle alp 0/11,th.wn• Whitst ante/moo or Pulmonary Ralson. the chsenve should mandrel Itself. Tilos, II - teemed c i•Nr Aft ALLELE') I'FFICACY Dl f 81113. REEFS,' & ctrrLER-1 feet It a duty 1 is the...reason why Janis At, vn•vivr ha no um is to he bad, wt.. vorcher• steep* horne t -ear neighs 131. own to my kllow creatures, to .ate something mg. respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary DeMara. vercally successful e removsng co many malignant beta• - eta", of ahem s has ' SNATCHED FROM THE GB AN 'E. ' Since I first ar.. the Belem°, shoat eleveu yems ago, diseases, It destros the virus or principle 1 rom t li ~ , d er that this Invaluable mgaletne may be nlecd the happy effect of which I then gave an account 04 I "area those Maces. have thetr ongutt, by eaten ng eett g th the th em . t h e poor g , see k, the etch, et; ha i r .... h o .... r ., . egeett ethetpithete htet etttheee et . into the Clrekllol.loll,o ad with the, blood ts nonce, co get th e p.,, . e, 1 .1,0.1a-fe days sauce, and In every instance to the minutest Jibe, removing every prticir of ONLY FIFTY dIENTS, • • have and thew.. Mahe well complete and perfect disease from the preen). Prepared tad sold of stn fuel one bail the usual co. of ceugh nicebeineo t . success. It tune effected relief and cure in a very few II South Third btreel t Philo/lei phis, for sale by nue iseens in toddy celery town mid Vifil dept., It is certainly a safe mediine. Ido nol Jolene sow et the Pee.. , ee ste , e, iher . 7 , p no „, ~„, over the west. who art prepared to give full info lnte- Suit it will cure a fixed wansumpuon, hat I believe a ~,,,.. I den relauve to it. F. SAlifF It, Pro/tremor, t mitt be in aunty cases • prom:neve, and toes . Plttalsoreh ItiOndway, Cincinnati, Ohlo boor, d. cure; Ido therefore j for the or T . fel. . PIEACI 1 PEACE 1 1 ... t .I 1 IiDROPATHIc EsTADLisilmircril") l in '' ettrp ' lm e r ' ttary r4 romp r'c r ' aints *' . I ' M% '" colt r fi llU den ' t east il art is exile., rith-bownovaii, ....co s eat BUT IN EVERY noTTIER'S fIOMESTRAD hoa been the means of rose my life=a dad er lIE undersigned hat long been fonstnerd of the Iret lU tt t e W h A t t rtt r ‘ i t N t ? h • t e la t it t l g t "' ee 7, , , ,,, oe, r ; R.ton June !Aga. SF.AHJAJU" lig• • P NlAii j, nemessny too hat adapted to the use of for tat- r , 0 ,,,..,„ n00.00n.,., be ~.r 0, ,, „ .... A . ~_ Fur mate by 11 . A Falmeamek t & Co, corner fi rst and Ctoldren and latiu. to ampere,. lit ow of all these forget . ; het . th ' e , he he 7 t - t.tret . T et ; ett. ', ;a r .,. ~,,- . 1 ,.. d wood tand also carnet wool arid fith. jal9 meetheace watch coated . op ere , Ithe has o•,teeg th ere forget.; cot.tructed huildiiie, !Mate iserluslye p ' u 4 es -cett,,,i," -,,,,,,,,, COUGH sy kiji „ ..: it h .. - oototiod to PreParing aid offering " 1 the Pththe a ewe ' . of et. 11 ATER Ct. RE v.s..r ‘III.I'ZkIiAIENT ut Ms Id Mee lu l l , ' mewee rthg ' T el' P ur r.. '*`*" d '''' .. '"' ‘"' lova! nnt at Plolititsiturels, l'a., esi The ohm riar'r, op T o- -a • J P ' w " '""F' Pmaatratint. Feb. 14, ga47. bowels, struhout the use tt thelltheice.nollit drug, or any foe the ~,e eethe.tt ,„„,, n ,.,,, „.,,, „,,„. i .,,,., ft...E. SeuscomAshly W. has !or k ears been autitect other calculated to trout ti :he G.L. The Nit. 1 . .114 , 0 tweet , : , „ our ... a . 00 ,7, d treat ,h I yto a es coßh, accoaratued with .thous, for act-a heo been lolly teitett ati died. the last twelve , _.,.. e ` ' tree ., tee t .. e y t a i l t a :;te e ._ t_•,!.....22. T i : the c. 0.. or oattok a. toted illfereui cough rearediee, months. by numerous ge s fs and mond to pewee. all ,'",!:.""e'tet the i 2 . t .A t • tt • thet ," gte eeh ",_, ~7. 1 ": - 1....- ~ and Mid the a l l pf the mom eminent physteleins m the eeteeeettehey ettett ... et , „ grettege all the egget . t,l. e . tee L ,eeet et eu,oteletaeettaeti to lota e • Eniflmid bet all am unavailing. By chalet. i heard 1 . 110 11 eXeeth to we th'the" the me at etheelthth a• D. ' I a10e,, l now the aatittioe:l StriltA • atierdeet by rho .:: m k our Imperal Cough Syrup, and wash:deco/ t ip buy anthmn, Vomiting, Choligliriptite, Pat:tat:Lek nets and 4.,.,.,„ „ g erected eepy4b, p ..p.,,,,,3 , • ••.'" k..• thleltnltheuge I hod ue belie( the; wallung Dise.ets ensing from •Isellong, one Immediately tetehte ern... thee. eed ~,y ~,,,,4 .nd ~ ,,.4 OP , ,th 6001 d nilnoVe her complaint. To my great . without distarbtng en,' If the . ..et."' of the ...i ll r • itere.ary linnerales for b thine and ddmi 1.1.- lieu /WI. Faye her eareedrate reher. She is so mas., ne producing the lumpiest and must Pleasant tranon e te ye tt ' e the „ egge t egt • i g the n0 ...4... h ; ettd et ,. et troubled with it cough, bated, wo telinpoonsittl of,fsyrup 416"frOm stolen , p.. Lo * MINI. , eta , PT... note 01 feel ' of n the gotten,. Plulltpetthrith . altruist delight/ d nd t l tliettys stops i t lam . sath antra Mid Of dime or hts " tle ' vh . :l ff e ' st r a ' l;end i e tee 1. of the Pmprmor. Co in h 7, 1 ,,, 1 1:; 1 4". g d ' ',...T:1,... n °( ,:r'7,",,, 1 7..,,1'1 . 1.• " 4 . ~...'"; irt::Th k Y c=itte s* eve lk r r tr. t?i'dlit'litYrYiglie I. O th6 9l h d e . m eg e r h PI, JOHN SAitilisliT. Druirm and Apothecaly, John thg-,te Lth g ,,g t i get - g - gt ;, - ,, - ) 7. tott • ;• h i geg .a tte % g t r el .i.;: - ;.t . World. g,... Wrii.-Fitnecurnr, Mitchell. Mum & lbeeklon, and mot other Druggists der lea mum that every nommen shah bo perdu) e it . The egg, egt.gr 'rni " "d "—' it j' of —Pit'''''o - Allegheny and Plush.* deel3 ~ _ ' _ comfort; and . all nvsuruneeoftbei7tubstannuf ben feu a te should induce .1 who see DR - 11 - 7 . ...W . ..P. gialassellts Pe- rlaater. to be denvcd, be p.n. with cottildence to the n. troubied oath cough era:duc v as ve the Syrafit • .W.W. P. INLAND, eagle Medical College bf Phil- area, who have been permanemlyrured et the es e a ;,"... e n ei th s p Ith .ethi the It o th t , h ll ,E le v ere e , 7 e= d e f . ./ .1.../ Pb aielua. now offer. udo [tubby co Indian Peg- I lishetent The Water Cdre letavesno o re eta "" tt .• ~ t t., stalls Premium Fla.,. b,.. qualittes of which. a., lethotd. as . too tglet t the case whit Mose who, it ve ett.... itheth ILY Dr Cauthel, sth wod,. mad D li Ca Ve. long and tried experience -has been .tisfactorily es- t been treated on the olds ystem. IF le the s s-' a" th l aH Y•• tabllshed. To all women - who may be &Mimed With elise, invigorates the system, pewee's chose the don Pelona Woolna, rim Tr -- Prol•ps. Gone or FallenWougt, he rt commends ate 1 Incident to Chung. of the 'seethed, cremes a mu Cal • EWLY INVENTED-I'O P g 'et Ftvion all ple.der, guaranteeing • ore and speedy flirt, bi the , and am. e appetite, and imparts vglor,tothedimi 've. short space of from two ti, lee weeks. If spelled with t powers. Terms°, treatmenventtlinairdus reul Fon .le. iSi,„lline orIIERNIA or RUPTURE. ithotte to c all ere and rest-di.arding al the countle. Instruments, F'or further particulars (119111ra at the ecohllanuch or, ~ ..- f h...„....,,, , ,,.... of th,..t.,....;.0*w f,,ittriegrg. ad exponstve bandages valetg in use. orb,, he feels , whim. the proprotoo at Phillipsbuigh. ' • oarattee ot.o With which limey be worth The ad of •setettuous ot stating. Ma ouch . he has not failed ' nag' -'fed wood Reg s neat yea/emcee on Immo, inelds,bapres - case out of three tundred 61111 fitly-there pa-1 - - rue on oak part of it, and dimunghlyeadaliblitghlf to er earearmovement made by the weer... it Celt lle Worn eh • ohnot latcurais won, mutt a cure is effected. •rbto sue i set dere base made aromogements for the =wearier. ' or Om., vaintibm Tressed, in a whetter stYlettnPit,thi Its ~,, lepma, end have them now for sale la th e, thee, No. -- r 7, r..e:thfir.d at near sixth, rTltS.Mit. .tibXt. WATT, D. W. KA UFMAN. Also for Rheurnattsm and Week Bream or Back, at tended with pain, there if 111 1 / 1 1/Ig to carol this Piaster in affording relief or effeetun a cure For sale by L Wilcox. corner of Diamond and Of arlret st Braun & Reiter, - Libery and St. Char sit Dr J Sargent " Fedeel st and Dustnend, Alle gheny city Jacques & " Denntei and Diamond Birming ham. Try ..h,F:l.ctb.lo;lo,..C.K'Sr,olfiTelo-m8LE..„1,2,1:,.n.v hive. nl bull:with efficiency and regular:ins, mildne,• of pur gative action, and having a 11 , 14i1111. tendency to the Wary organs, is eXtremely vlinable in Our country. in which bilious fevers anti oiler conipleurts nuendrd wtdaccumexamit of the Liver. io much abound: - They have tow stood the it., of pap ear., and experienee bias proved them to be a safe nid valuable remedy In I ntermittent, Fternittent and !thous Fever; Junintice, Bilious colic, Indigestion. Drni.y, sentrvy. Dilioue Vorniungs, colds, mid all romped. 0(911 ry character. The cm/velem aid immerse! mobilo, lon which has been given by Lee pill. to ad who have used them, renders the pulusbing of the neater. ons oerbficates in their favor noteernsury. Ths pre. vent comiterfelung they are nor put up in a red spin graphic wrapper. . Priee'Veents foriCbox containing 30 pill. Prepared and sold by.. 13 A FA ;IN k:S.TOCK & Co at and wood, and akt earner oth and to , aea2.l ..10 . 11111 D. DORGAN, kjO. pal W.,1 street, one dear south of Dtankond alley, Pittsburgh. . olTers for sale n large lot ol ugit, Medicines. all. Paints. ~ .arnialles, D) wads and Perfumery, Foreign and llemesuc, to which he ealls the attention of drugglsh!, phystaians and mer chants ynnung the city, as he is determined . to sell al very low ymces, and give general satisfaction. Goods warranted nod cheap. Vanusb No. I and 2, N. York manufacture, also Japan and Black Leather Varnish es., of superior quality. Also, Wane and lied lead at pemea lower than heretofore offered. J. D. M. al. manufactures Itiorgait'S celebrated Cough :Yyrup, which has given genera/ sattifuetton to eh in the curiag at coughs, cold., lioursenew, induces. whooping eough eroup, me; prwe Celli. per bottle. Also, MorgaWs ladiaa Lives Palls, a certain curt for liver comptild. sick headache, and all lit.tous complaints. PT., '45 ,z. per bob, srpn A-MB.lllibkirTE:C.EtirixpEt COMPANY, I YLTlX.nvttgpifil.tkll ; Ofilee at the azetiatige, Baltimore. DEDUCED RATEs.—The charges have !Wen reila• ced on all Messages to or from Baltimore. l'in. buorh or Wheeling, aid a corresponding reductim, made on all telegraphic despatches forwariled from tau.. aware W ert of Pittsburgh. Pa. Rama.—The charge ter a telegraph despatch to or from Baltimore, Pitts - burgh and ki heeling, Is 45 ernl• for the hrst ten words, and 3 cents for each pikhOonal word. 117 - No charge is made for the roldress and Cigna ran. Until the empletton of' Tennut I{'reern Lint of Telegraph from !Memphis, New Orlrene, dre. patches c.n he forwarded to blemphte by thl• rOUta, ana mailed tot New 0,k... LL , H>, ,g, • lAt. I A Nhi'ii AL laittA ti K. We have heed informed by Nis horn of ti ante Wowed on her by Dr. .71.711cA1i /11.11•1r6 I.IIIIS, ',.. ill I &veer its suninribrity over ovary M i lan. ammo, o th b mil Oho line been alllicted for ikp/ast awned i a, ; nub NECHtn/Ifeil or \t HITE: SW4,LINLF. one p p 1 • ...Id weerdbon• and enfoLdiinet ofiviatious l ' ininv. de I mine wench rime mo•Y pwcta Ito vobiand!ms/we go p co/ We minter bone of the enaoluica s film MO her a no ..ris Anil hands, and trom p both Inieg, add from the lei I fee - Deo! bone, and from We tight knee beha ve pa .fr uleer• on other parr. of her person s Mhich have I, tie the oath or a uneuher of the mo.t Caditcat physinthhso oue nit, --slurii4e &oat bf We time Inc Suffering. gage hecil naerullit./1{ and deptibiehle Ahoot there ontolo since she was Induced to try br.llitynsib. Anatol, se wench has bad an .touiehntaly blvpy ehreot latuinlllet, mvin a/I whole and emellio,gil, nod calamity/ the ulcers Co heal., whole al We Mune untnler gen , rol health has become cOloplettly en/stored. to Ott., vile sow avellehe 15 Ins more thin - she did tierfoto . she 'commented We ove of 'hi. truly valuable prepanna—lnaii limo, post. • I'M' further Informotwa s inyturo of Alt, Rose, Nos /...W F.i.el I it, l'hlladelphia Per ' , ln In l'inehttlitt, at the ItEitiN TEA trrdotth:, Pi Fourth ea near Wood. 11 a 1 Ctirai t ge t to ticaVtoldt '- TWENTYFIVE DOLL/ R.S awl it paid to any one /. who will produce a spot at panita•iterm drrt,hat ha aatnpted With limprove4 Chmt.eat Soup. have the natientexton xnytitg to Mc peOple Of thin plate, that this untie le t ay my eivea, iniffmne.ufo or , .t o now elands unrivalled to line eouttkr lot ratrotOng gl'eales Im ptten, oil, pittn., or any I:ithior grapey' aut. nom.; mall kinds of genceenen'a Or indica't ioth mg, ...aroma, table. ate merino ammeter Indira , Inorinem, he. without injuring anything that (personawate voi c t not alum. Afore man Ote thonvand ln dilly rent party Of the country have told me boy wand Sot tm wahom it, if it roar one dollar ere mite. In trying this snap on more then :OM articles of Pod talks. Swim. al. paced., and CliirOrA, I airy only foontl throe pieties of Oik, two of alpuera, and tour of cultro.on, which It Changed the come; therefore hr fore putting it on u Itgai /rens try a sample of the derma Drat. l +tate thin hesitate l am determined not to renotnnieml It IMO menage/ Meer, I know to IN:atria& true N.l.lllittv. • Pr.no, Itl eta per cake. etoinl. venuMsale mud retail y It I! . 1 51.1LLE17.3, _ry• _ . • l 57 wood el 1 i - I t t; , . .Ni.I.F. l/, nill,A t'AßltiLt.-.2.10 damn I.s ' JLoit ricei•ithil Dr. Townsend% *Wpinparilln, die I mon! extrotediaoty Menne* On the Warldl. plie 14- ) uu k • op to quart Mats. Os 'lt leilet ihigeo, 1 er g , , eurino wtd Wornwletl sapannine,,topn,u, so k j, i f cure, wee:Lee eilehout ‘oteu!mi„ptif,,ilc, 4, Firtt•Olng or .Ir.lotoott rig the policoL , 1.t.0n to r FOR l., resuneeellprhe persons hag ~, ~„.„ „ u , tube. and pal up awatelne to the MID, ..i :aped imitle. • Sea litiaciikt boleti kiej.hi w rotten ili nu t „ IC 111 et. 1 ' ,71 4 7/1.F1111 7 . 1, It E. 1ee. , Mu gs . Xl l, 57 Wood itieet, beeee m e rlurtl alue Frurth, le Der'rersenvend'e ddly wholesale und retail egret tnr rillibufgh, of WISOM ., hC senate. Ariel.- eau he had: / D. NI. Curry hat been appointed the sole .Rent far Alligheay city ' l oPtshom the gennineisttdele can he DATI.INT A boa hIELTI,INE uueb•CTit.LN I ea e try .I scHoo *t.7..., =lllll Liwerr dida and% by • p.„ 15.1 a, /W. 110,64.,Searrar41senriiiinfalaly inland - deal/mad • ottee9 tut my humble tandimany • knenciiyourjosct, Skf Pine'lquite di:remit - debit., fir years, • *crag teitycarehatnienbeia.,.be Mit ..Id• IA • 01.1 lilog.qf ttArmipay pr . tpapitigt. qtatptnes airs - ,lene anal Intetannahresee ytl=Meer ids have Immo G&W lo ON4P , bliadmil i s4 ends dam all,"y du, to larl that 1 LC. 1.07,via thank& b.. I bin been delete! ugh Liver Cuwit,l Ina% eel . .yennhi have actircrecl employed rivircU=arialt24 , = - It7:1; , larg.tatt , ,k,w i ttegrin, %FELL, 'mhos et which issimesafikkathskrephmel.ar .r poi: a taidtiend th. other Bymptuez ar el lead ik month& lour Kra areal.° thi testa thatiki ere.. W lTeildiearrip&ty girinig ouch Manua It tie Maw fjr 11, yi. cm much relief I lam kept llama my rtes6 7...prs mild hundred. of baseii,msd ' , Ave 11”. l newel • I .l.4lo2llplaint mitered by any gas •Thy U. mipareedml annum iwerz otberial ei io this ghttortod,ad dart time mill pe bainh tene at. arm*, reatempi atm so ell rm. qi pine. *holler kir LiTitr Complaiut or Valium ilLeetne. I ltYmo t 4der Win Eitsaperiar teCalonal et thetneefllL Sapaet- J then Lao." ' • r. PM. Wore Re pabbe Lime Pith. ?imam who what the u 6NUlilßuAemd :. iWiii!talit another than them prepared and old by 11 t SELLY.M, No $1 Wood-.t between Thltd cerFourrh t,ett , ld,by ?Mt Mad, D M Omar, Illegtemy • .1 5 e 4d ft tota,lo tun tha Jaiipitsia L ihv o i r . i t z , bl . te m e .. ..t i z . bli.litnecta and ,. chenimn as au article of _diet for4ih tiaeohgW irect. undid., ouch up< 'awl rail, . ate., wy E...h.acesca n nai t el nth mead dlteruoos rot oohing Ae. . MEE ' Liebig, In his Agricultural Chet:emir,. p. 4.9. Mit ed., observes: "Children fed won arrow -root, th , ep. or hided any kind ofeturylnt ammo. food, which coat enntaaritrgre dlettis fitted for toe formation of lo.ursmak qthetes, become fist, 054 '..squite moth mrm , venctoi ,bee limbs sppear full, beitluty, do sot timmtre strength, sot are their organs properly developed." In the analysts of the Farina made Preillteid of Now Xork, arming other comitumor, he gjve per Cory of glutten mad albumen:4dd mantes Vat the chafes of the Farina upon the lUritherd Profeson and the petille will rest upon 'containing in Moth:oleo and alliiimen, cagenibla Ithritse and• Other nitroptuseat b o dm. not (pond 41 arrow foot or !MO lir sub.:meta and Which modem chemistry hu•prittioul but a' beteg neeessary to the fothenutier of homed fibre, mil by whteli [mere makes up, pi . the mutant Waste that lakes utuee in tee htutoin bode, hp,,.k, wholesale or rota.,hy •• • •SkELLED), 57 rod _ Groat Enzgllak Ttomidy. FTlMits3ttrpiztt4rlL:h. r t , above diseases; iv the • rsArAittios OF LIFT, discovered, by the elebrated Dr. &mho, of Loudon, England, and intrvduced into the Uniusdkates tinder the inniedtate•kaperintendettco.f the hinxtula The extraordinary etteecna of: lima medicine, v. c_ure of Pulmotiary . diseases, wartunts the All:eel:I Agent inatilteiting ter treaintentthe tamest pothillt m acs that etztliektutul iu the conuminity —crewed dm seek relief in mutt Dom any ofine cernmon remedies Mthe day, - and -have been given lap by ammo. -dif=4 . physicians as confolapid and Incurable. The ail Bal lms mired, andvitil Pare, the ost deuseato of ease. kan It no quack nostrum l , ton m a strouluxtEng loth medicine, of kruswo, and established efficacy. Every faculyin the-United States ebould be suplied nth thrugarbul Debar. of Life, not s ly counteractcoteract the consumptive tendencies of the clime, but tube used as e preventive medicine-4s W. eget of colds, coughs, spitung of. bloal, pato in, the and Cheat, IrvitatiOn and serene. of the flings, broida, dillicalty of brewing, hectic fever, night mels, talker anon and general debility, asthma, influenza, whophig cough and itninp," . bold to large bottles, at'sl per bottle, with full leen deaafohtltd Teatatithsa of health. d l amplthus.oculusilliog • mime/ Loglish and /than eon certificate., and other eviddrice showing un equalled merits' of illitvaut Am be obtained of the Agents, graininiusly. For sale :14., I.IB.I.2a.'TOCKk Co, mime of nandlead . andylrood end 6th ens. mati .011....1AN.N P.m - JEL.l.ll,loSlifil3 V lg. it Lr HOU the Dee &SA $.llliSiN, a well lamer= V nine Cleralvmanof the protestathdilethadlat Moak . The anikraignetiltaoing beenatltinted daring thew winter with a - disease alit, Menden, staistantell fro , daring great pain in the stomathfor tenor tereivetuars without internaiscion, and after hoeing tried vane. remedies with !Atli eireesriterkurSithed with a balls JeYA titSruartertsa Balsam. This he asedac o eor ing le the direttillna, and fond , nrarlably that his inaliana nagged MO PM a Write a throe a: Untrape• ales, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine wet af. le rwards [Med whenever Indian/ma& the in ebb:black If . pap:male paerfed,AMl the barn wee thereby prole ea Ile continued marts the orcaleirm every es= tad sometimes to the inarning. and in a few berate was eh far reamed, that the sufferer was_ ed from a large amount of opprembe pain. Fnpal 414/ pcnence, therefore, ho eau confidently recelltneild'D D JayneirCarnainative Dalauta ‘ as a salutary utedlein for diseases of the nomach and bowels. A SUMO • For Iskleetter_tY etlytly3l l safe at, the Ph6TYTEA 7 2Fearth street, o ur aelbeinn Store of 14 st.:4I'II7ARTZ. Peden) street, allegtwely /Mr mriT — • BOWL it i rß. 0. E. SlBliEr—Dear Sin Isisa SPrina, and dw nag th.Drovkna,wiater, I vas severely atilicted with a scrofulous COMpiaillt inn) legaond hat/ been 'far t a x i ender the etre°, PbrelMma. 2, Mel P" 'e-Imu , hApta.l , 4 l .pai mad m but li me for me. Was neorty - fa pleat, bat with am alder enurehas cool/ arithsligieukyvtiabod...aley purchasol of yo sad commenced usirm Bars. roLI Ssasarunts. Alter the ate of two bonfes, Su, sores commenced he and I Mid asidenuy Winch. es, using only a cane. /dispensed with my calm and at the end 'of the (Moth, wad a* Well is he assblill day shearing sheep. smell bottle ..;,, Th. scrofula and sores have all .healed up, and mace Mat eunsser I hs.o.s seen appenynnee the disease, ha have cannoned, and am now, In the most perfhes haeltl4/ mate With emdldence, hoplngthat alma may - he bee efitied in the tame way, Mar the darsaparilla soldby moans a,u,d,,g2eartisett4gfeets 14 , r , sale wholesale a w . lietVi leK . a ca car. from P wood ma. & alms corner wood &Memo F . _ ME PE/IPV7IIICI3 3( Creeir de r Arnanria Arnero% for atinving; email! a Is (loco, tor wincing; Almendo Cream, do; niiperfine IWAGLSc on Porcelain nandg te I . l4"ant Went bags; perfame perfumed onitrLorrendet Niel; !Icautiful powder pinta of an panemisi F.ratiouscii , tbilet hon., containing fragrant antrum for tile Windt waliiefi a *cool bag. and wet anaphora*. 1 Lon vogetab ic bnir oil, Inticenotl, In fancy or common wrappers, 10000 aeons. ed); ortes'l . ll4p . ,_NnarilS Soap; Rove Lip salve; — 7, .6elLogoap; Soda soap; tosether wall a gram varier, `e Pada...err ;au received; i.e Lain hy B A Y.M1NE....701.1( CO Cmath k wand eta a, Cr ELLERS' VEILSIIFVOE—"Supenor to an! have 0 ever uved." 1 , 4.31.11401 Tr., Fayette county, P., Starch it. k. 1161.1.ehe—i hereby ceruty th at linwe wind yrwr Vcranduge w sny faintly, and toclieve n cyan!, if uat superror to any I have ever treed. 1 gave ro One of ray children one doe., which expelled about ea won.. Pd./ Vaitua. Prepared and ,old hit ß E SELLEILS, ,57 E WOW It. Sold by Ur Cattle!, sth Ward; 1) 51 Curry, Allegtternyt J Sarah, Terapenurcevtlle, and . 1. Linavol Law• ranee villa 4 Q VS-WOES—An zWorUnent jail reed mut (pr ftal by , e,,y3 • J. ILlna co PITTSBURGH GAZt7tTE., 01.1SDED DAILY, TRI.WI3IiICLY %VHF:I.:LT rjanAtt Butiding4.3d mons, tila Pist PlOara. u Kw 0V AD VE11:1' 1.51.131431. • Oaelswertlou or 12 lin9a, oritrerw..• to • • 4450 50 incrtions without alteration;. - tti 75 . . Three •••• 100 One Week r. •g . 1 50 Two •'•r 6o Three 3 00 One Month, 4 00 Two t 600 Three 750 gi nger 2 0 1 13rhaementa to camopro7.tWP°.• One Inoue, hathitha, without alLerstfone.• 10 00 die • .• 14 4 44 15 00 Each additidonal ttitnte for 6 months... 4 t , b lS 10 00 One wittare,6 months, renewable at &nun, 16 00 ~,, • 12 „ • - 2000 Each additional square Inc 13 incnothf 10 00 Two AfillarVa, 6 .40.4114, retrtbleil'irteAS 44 4 . .dU 00 Each additional square, 6 no.attul. ...• •••i•• 3 00 - aiiititte oa ren.arm.LY ta , oatr r'4.lr one. 1 One aquarta..l atohrtion., ........ • •$1 50 " • w Leach additional ine0(41011.. .. 4.. • 11•11103 fore hoes or ten, one year. 6 00 ' " air. months,— ....... 6 00 one year, daily & weelfly, 10 00 o - o sax months " 00 .1111/TIVIIIIIINIST• If RIZZI! 14111, For 01) lineal, or lens, One insertton, ••••1.1..50 60 • .. 'Two, !' ••• •0 16 .• •'• ,oo Throe, 'g 10. •• 'farce nen011!..•1.,"'" pP u . Twelve • 0 , -
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