.comatiittriMYMgean; column MoistrAD CHEM Dansurription, Coughs, Pdai, Asthma: BrOurfddr. Um " emOrdut Settling Blood, DiEttenlry: :Breath -- ins, fain in the Side and thenst. SWlTilatien of the bean, Influenza, Comp, prciken.Coit ciliation. Sore Throat, Nervous Deblli- • 2 - • - ty, and all Diseases of the Thront, Wisest and Longs; Mem:aid; • • fecund tint speedy. cam L ever knorenfer hay of . the above Rim.; : • ." , es, • DA . AVATE , ,S . • : Compound NyruPtif Wild Cherry? - This makeine, is nolianger "tittiOng dune ordoubtfal utility. It him passvi avray;frete the lietildends daily launched upon the uhrof en:peril:dem, kindutnestlinds higher to reputation, and is becoming. memaktettkirs pUsed then anpolUer preparition :err na.mine uver produced bribe mile:ref o ffering man. : • hiss been introdueedyery, generally through the:, United Staten and Enrope,and there are kw towns* hapcinence bat vibes „contain' sonle remarkable eri-i dance of Its good effects. Per proof of the foregoing,, impremermi, sad of the -mine and effeacy of this mech. =l th els= i nla w w r hltta w- ve n t7Z4St e . ” ,3 l'. .li m* .b7 men of the first respectibility—teen who hare higher vim' of twat, Tara, oddliry anditualce, than is c a r , o t r.ts, • heeaum,it edit do - Soother a favor, end themselves co i s Stich testimony prcrres eon elusively, that its unrynaingarcellenee is established I by to letriesie merits, and the unquestionable netheri.:: ay. of pnblie o}4llloll. ThEAIMIZIMMOUII relief faarl fads, and the soothing influence diffneed through - the Idols fume by its use, renders it lemma agreeable', remedy for the adlicted. .RemisErn "When men meting from. minseleraions MitPulemi: votimuirily heir testimony to te e troth o ntf a tdm their or parucular fact, such teadritotry, bing corary . to orolidly interests and purposes, coerces conviction of Ito truth, and commends itself In a specie{ manner to universal eredeuue.”=o!Hapure4 NortipliErMs. HEAD THE liClaltiFl CATES. Antoruge Cursor Peonnum COMMIPMI2II— newer was a remedy that Las been lut successful th desperate cams of Concomdtion• atprt'SrlaYne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It' strengthen. the = end appears to heal the ulecti on -the hinge, new and rich blood; poweepossessed by on ethetreedicine. cam= Co., April 251 h, PM. • Do itortyne—Deatt Sim.l verily believe your po.fityruytof Wild Cherry has been the means of I iaMor my life. I cmght a severe eald,whith Mode., =T v worse, Wended:with a revere ceugb, that all the remedies.which I had recourse to,' still Inereedrarontil my careorhibittd ill the symptoms o r Pulmonary Consumption. Every thing [tried seemed hue no eff,Gt, end my templet= inerea:se so rapid ly Mei:ldeas well as myself, gave op oil hopes of my recovery. At this . time I was recommended to try 'Tans insahmhbt mallcine: I did an With the most hap py milks The first bottle bad the elket to loosen the eouw; oaring me to crPeclemlft frPeil; and by the . hW aged bottles,larse tamely well, ands= 'weir as hearty a martial atm was In my life, and. „ s od b e b u ggy ro givoany Inlbedialfoa respeetingany . m ' 'em thactlia sufferers may derive the benefit for. whichlt= SO: gratefuL ..Ear the trathatf the above sgateletettkZl you to Peter Rash, Grocer, Neat Chester, of whom 'purchased the modleine.. • ,• • But yours, Jamas klakoan. Vaidatecel Cars of l amedlffirrirtsr. olpriftwayno—Dear Sir: I feel a debt of gni:leads tine yoo—and duty to the afflicted generally, to 'offer My barobleaestEmeay in. favor of Yost Compound Sy rap of Wild Cherry.. Some three. years sized. I' was violently attacked with cold and intim:o=llp of the iwthi r w'il'el'rn.=PidTitendi with dwt r ing Miiietrgr of offerisive =leas from v ilfe l laags, wth e d rg e . m. s al 73f:0 c=r,,to.f.r" h ` a li g ht tit soon convinced churl was rapidly going Into co:3am t was ; ewe. I g rew daily weaker and at length woo scarce: !y• able. tcoaralk sboat, or Weer showy whispri wa d, emw riwegeeedlogarealmem ofmy lngs. Doridg this Lima I bad tried aluithusprePeredom mad PmsenPUorts tut (amid riogellef—growing all the time worse, her al was adivisidand by }dear friend Wilmington to make tri. of yoarklym Wild Cher. In ay. I most confess that presionslOthed been preju diced against. potent es, and ain still against those coming ord of the hands =eutectics, bid under standing your claims to theprofessura and practice of medicine, and having implicit faith in the wing army friends,T forthwith parehued of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents, %few bottles, end coeuneneedlis me.. My dia. ease was at that time of 20 err 45 months' standing, coo. scone:ray It was deeply seated. d found, however, couiderable'reLisf from the me =do &A fear or five bottles. E nt' lming a nubile speaker, I frequently tit terer-lied to Piesch with my increasing atre and thereby ruptured those vessel s that bed already erdt, begun to heal; in tideway, desstulms, my ewe was greatly retarded. In consequence of acting thus impmdeotly r I had to use write or Mean Maim before weeper teeny restore. I have no question, a much smaller number of ha ul erwould have made awe soimd, bat for the above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed rho jerer- Lsit habit, wok away the distreming cough, put a amp to the discharge of matter from the Itlagh, and gave them and the entire system rood health. 1 have defer red offering this • certificate mail .sew, be the purposa of being perfectly satisfied with the permanency of the mats, and now thit I feel perfectly well I offer it with pleasure Rev. J. P. Joaot a. , Dahlia comity, N. C. importa' rit Caution— Read ! Read! 'There is Mamie genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. Swayze's, the first ever offered to the v a =States mid some p been Bold of throe . =tas called by the name of W7g ' eherry have int OPL4IICO th in, under cover of 1.0.9 deeept.lll/11 kiteumruutees, in order to give currency to their sale. By• little observation, no person need mistake the gerndoe from the Wee. Each bottle of the gerinine enveloped with • beuntiful steel engraving, with Me likeness of William Peen thereon: eiso, Dr. Symp.', Wifealartnand as farther security, the portrait of Dr. lilwayrne will be added hereafter, so as to distingnialt • his preparation from another. Now, if was not for the great euratiVepropernes matt known satires of Dr, lilwayne • CoMpeura'Symp of Wild Cherry, persons. would not be MideaVonag Ore mine.) , to their :nolirrneffi. stealing. Oka mono of Wild Sherry. Reedernber, always bear in mind the tome of Dr. Swayne, and be not deceived. Principal Gffsce, comer of Eighth and Baca steceler - Philide/phia - • • • For itee'veholesale and retail by OGDEN tc cor lid and Woodam; R A PAHNFISTOCE & Oh nor let and Wood, and 6th • and Wood eta; WM "TORN, 53 Market se S JONES, DM Liberty sr JAS A JONal, co: Hand and Peon as; JOHN iktErcli- ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable ilyalers in @medicine. oetta 8. A. Palsiiestook.• Astii..l3illosis Pills. Cathartic compound combines seemliness of bulk with efficiency and comparative mildness of = ials L xi. action, land having a peculiar tendency to extiemely valuable in this COll.- try, in vich bilious fevers and other complaints, at tended with congestion of the liver, so much abound.— They have mew stood the teas of X 0 years, and experi- Caen has proved them t• be a safe and valuable - remedy Ile Intenrottent, Remittent and-Woos FeVers; Jaun dice; Bilious Colic; Indigestion; Dropsy,. Dysentery; flliaa Vomitings ; Colds , and all comglaints of MI In dammazory character, The . empplete and universal ardiafaction which has been given by these pills to all 1/10 have once uuill therm renders the publishing of the anotorons.ceruficatos is their favor unnecessmf• 711 prisycnr.counterficiting they are now put up in a 11=10aniVI0 wrapper.rD" meats the it box containing 30 pills. • • Braparad andnold by B A FAIINFSTOCE CO ORIOST Ist and wood, and elan unant dth and woody aspi9 VmsgirdErJll FRY.FEREED TO ALL 1 1 0 Larracrniv, V., Oct. 12, Mr. IL B. Sellerg—tine of our physicians : whose Wade& tit very extenrive, told me this morning of case.in 'whicJi one vial of your Verlaine brought aunt - V.ooe ett wort.; and • gentian. in the neigh borhood said that less than half a vial ceased the Ms- Charge of near GO rage worms from one of his chil dren. 'Wry =trench lusts.o might be *trued. It i Werfictiown about here, lad almost all prefer it to anycitlier. Send me 12 dozen and oblige Yours, J. M. WILSON. Pirents who de not vil.h w trine with their children, Ana* use Sellers' Vermifuge. byß • Prepared and ld E SELLE. 67 Wood sold by Dr Ceseet so ..hit Ward, hi Carry ßS , Alleghen a., y. nevi A ISTRDNO EVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE'S EX PECTOSANT is asperses lo all ether ramifies for Opitrumptiao, Breath ilia, Asthma , wad other NI me e cos, lathes the rase pergola who coraraced the so *fit in sham basslies ten rats ago still prefer st w all tesediesof the kind; end whaler, bra beenicdrad WS, either Eglantine , they tarn erase Insatiably bra s =l 6... leeerelSl2 tb• which resuccably the ite mime bestowed by Liu proprietor., MN Igo .12.114 01.1•Slte E.MCTO.3rr. • ••••7 Out bas tratasilai te 'relieve tbeas. and which poi* newt bast itnetscal I.arrest4c pedmatser7 &.r es Pawed oely try Dr D. Japa Pbiledelpbia, and sold. ALEX. JAN N,E9 72 Fohrth „ , px.ALLB4`9 PAIN EXTRACTOR will, in five min uses from the time of Its application, remove the from the severest burns, scalds or blisters, aid will heal wounds, deers and sores of any kind aritbout rear. This valuable Pain Extractor eon be had of . JOHN D MONoROAN,_ stree Droggist, Mit Wood t, -, 9.1,11. Agent for Western Penna. • ita A. FA.IINESTOCIVIS VAILMIIITVGE. PEW weeks .nee , one of my children, aged about vo years, was unwell for several days, and the Increased so alarmingly that I feared death J" Would be the restilt. Having heard attic good effects of Pahnestoces Vermifoge when administered to the children of my neighbors, and thinking my child aught balm worms,from some of the synipMens, I gave u one and a half teaspoonfuls of the Verrnifog, and 'o my peat astonishment it tpniest In:km.ll..ly discharged between ev and 'Can large tonnes. Its health waft soon ititstored, and it is now remarkably well. Previous to Hkarthe Vermtfuse, the worms would oceastonally Mae in its throat, and I often feared it would die front Strangulation JAS. G. DAWSON. r ione v n , Venungo en, I'a, Apnl apl3 LEMT'S CELEBRATED ITCH AND TErrER OINTMENT to the moat ellecmal remedy before the public for the cure of teller, itch, dry and watery gtibiples of the lace, neck and body, scaly erupumw, Slid all other disease. of the akus. Thu (hutment is iirmumisted free from mercury, 101 , perfectly safe, and MI be used at all times and ander all CUCUMItanCe, A &tab mooty of this valuable remedy received and Err side by Et A FAHNEtvTOCKA Co, comer of lit and wood, al., currier of 6th and wood Whresia. jel QEL.LEJIV VERSIFIJ - c "tio thrily .thouhl lUD without at- Loot., C. 11., YA., /tog. 24, MIL E. SELLIXII.: I cheerfully certify that 1 have in! Mg; year. p.m utter! yout Verontture to thy (=oily, *id attmeranity with ...teem. I decidedly prefer it to any other prepuatiou I have used- tuttortget thew may pa CeitbralCd ettlled Dead shot. Fahttesowk's Vero:afoot, and a grepantoon •WOreo Tea. In • feet,. caw • ciugle dose hrottglit holm my he Inq our hundred utd .1.1 large W 0111.3 ND fannly eeetantly ought to its without it Your. the =ex= Prepared and sold by R. E. stollen, No 47 Wood d t. busd dead by Druggists generally to both clued. sepTl O Sine Set of Teeth for 25 Cents. RITE TEKIII. t'tl U l. UREATII, MALTIII . "W TV GUM.— Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after be. alke• of twtee cleaned With Jones' Allnher rooth /%11118.,ae.ve the appearance o( the taostixarndul mon. .sail at the same at lit... perfectly innocent and ro cdidley§.., that cpustant daily use Is tughl) tad. ~,,,,gmeaus, even In those teeth that are in a good con tiorktnisiirring them a bettuunal polish, and preventing MM.Mradecaye 'nose already decayed It prevents beeteating .1.0 fastens such as are be. emang lb., n d by persevcrarteeit will render the flattest teeth delicately wt., and snake the breath de lidiOnly street Sold by WbL J ACiabuYt, , 1) Liberty lateeL Mil%) _ El Feanerrocs, A. lieu., N. Y. City. L.Feernwroca,}rituburgh. G. W. Farawros WEelesale Drug filtore In the City al New York. rElllldCrlll.l4ll. enageti 111 the Wltohntale business at No. 31) John street. in elTy of New nod are:lsl".P.md to supply Dman.t. .4 country Merchants with,Drngs, ?AIWA, Odif Pr6•Firmtga .A 124 Americ. 'nutmeg, gander. Weaver is, blander's Chemicals, Or tlieir own mreutation) and all other articles in their line o( bud ••• supenor nastily am itne as they can boyar , tilts or cnuern city. 1, t&ZATeresper; pleauridarr, cad werreeted m• /Ur to orty ma. It 'arse *lke. "smiting aTriV r o , .... , V sr lifanlital•f ll• • PaUT& grha I...o.,,,ei'Mperkitity of Ws narsapanlle orn all es. tardientea it, that whiten eradicates dude. '''''' 8 l= " Alg l lntrA4l 6 ll7l4VE:s7 ".'t ever kn wen t it not only p ar ities the whole .your, amt . ,rommth ns thepunoa, trot it rrmtm ano,pers .4,nel, 11,364: et punned by no other medicine. And to .Leslie* dreadment of its miodatfalmeerm. It hes velem d within the last two pram, DIM than 1a0,009 Mr& o acme cum of disease ; at lean MO we ? . amide d insurable. It Me send the lireehr mots ' Ppm 1 children delving the two past lemma , • i ~ ? • ts. to,oob =UM, wr eieualiut Debility' mid i eraser. Odineroone Energy. Dr. ad's Sermparilla !intonate the whole mama pennamintly. To Mom Whaathre lon their mmeul Amory by the eillate or medicine or indisow- Tr .i e„,,m, le youth, or the eactliire indulgence of the payee as m , end boaught mitArederel phyneal points. I too of e oarroum,' leWtede, want ambition, nal sensationa,,pranutaledecay and decline, bane. Mr, tatlets tatty ease, COusumption , can be ea. tirrit r ed-by-this pleasant remedy. This Sum. p untie r Car superior 201allyi neeigorating Cordial, As ittime* and Letrigoreten the rystem, gives activity t... the 'mho, sod atrosinh vs, the =mulls/ wiles; in • aunt ettmordiemy deßre. I laneemaptitta Cared. Gnenialitrusztkes. Oreateepta. .on be oral ilre menteettitavneet. Oaaplatat. Colds. 0 errk, Onrika *ga t sew., elaboo, - kraus. tor af Obit Max l'issA, Marla Seat; pillows ee rates, Pais .tie 3f4, Zr d ' • • bees ad as be awed , I SPITTING nra,0914. ih.i i iir . . • darn rink .4rit gam. , ratily banns Mat your Serape. an 1 lameeireetatte, *tomb noddle" of min/ my f timihr simmayon bad • Irb- II b tratateatal area, Id lest I rAfaltd 'l . "' der lieedriad altla threva,atl,ru y debill .. teal reflood, aed 114 net alma to I hen only arm Bareeparala • dart dam road Mere her awon will chap boo yanks es an. I m aro able ton ail emir Use clip. 1 - ntee so Mad, awl , my caul% lor left ma. - Tee an well balsam that I au thenklT I ler theasrealla To.. ebedlut norm WIC AlliallELL, id Catitterlsort lfranals Iffeiletne. rh.;ls,"Than, elappaala esesrep odtPodf ere tbr Itt p 2 l Af a ut Coanfordos,llltromma Poisson, Wadi or oto lds Wee* Castivamoo Loo c-srtfo, of obstructs& ar Moult Italostroa t.p. , Ineoattiosta offilefas, sr. fxralactow cl..4eltorso tt.esoor.od for thirsts& pia cliffs systaco— so tontar wbotbastbs Waitof blood coca or mum. Prodbostawl or accident Nothisa coo be sumo sossrbist tbsa hortrotating afros .2 the boas Chum Pars= at wiso and lard. tram cello i kat can boon robust asd toll of cora odor Or Ladonsa bosoodbasly coacteracta the artrobsousoottlia fasuala busaarldeb the trot con of Baresipela .It me irk be mpoccedf ou nos d o dollen, a wort to istalt cordlicato of taMB 1.1411,11221.1 bat w. ottuasowtho. affilcud. that Wass& atoms bass On nods& to as Slussods of wet Wort Maio ban NO widow stable, Ow Wogi for bates of ado twofold* tradisio two bean bld Irish Ino,boolOkr offorlag. To Hatboro mod trawled Ladles rids Mersa of NmaporMs bas base seprossly pro paold le refetesos to feloals oreopleints. No f tla who boa morn to suppose Ai Is appose:des that eridol period, • Ilwr sera of kV abeald ugh. to 1.41 U. ss It t. a =tall Fantail Ibr any of tie CIEIerOMB sod bardhla diseases to whkh female ars stb sot at this tipprof life. This period aloy Is de laysAlfirr several yews ly new this .dice. Nos Is it lea voluble far show, Who era apple:whim wo cooks. d, as to to ids:dated to mid satmo. byA . stich I.cies the blood sad losiecooth4 the system. Indeed. media. Is hmalsahlo AN all the &slices. ells. er so which women are subject *hot: system rens.. parnisoently she ••• , rot rsentioa by ransomp the triputues of the tualy, not to fur ztitnulsthyr ss to produce mobseqtico , Mu:miss, which is the ease avow trieJteinv. tsbee for (~ m ale weskowo sod &sow. 41 wring a Ce. bottles of this hied! cioo Ow. sever. arid paled normal opnra [ion. snay be proem:ed. Greas Blessing 1* Mosher. and Children. It is the safest sad meet erected medicine for pertly. lug the syn.; and ...tiering the nlferinp attendant ofwm 60d-birth ever discovered It streogtbees both the mother and child, prevents pain end disease. ere.. in svd atria. the food, those who have mod Wink it is indispensable. It is highly 0.101 both before and site conduoinitaa sa It pre... thse.ro attendant upon childbirth--in Costiveness. Tibial Cramps. Swell. in; of the Feet, Despondency, Heartburn, oreattne. Pain in the Back end Loins, False V iuni In regulating the secretions end equali.o.g the ere. ciliation It has - so *qui The MAO be.sty of this entdiclee in It to always sithaand the mid date..... ho.saantseetattgy,anry be rasa require any other toadlette. In VIM, . Bala Cana Oil, or flagman in 1s lw. Cgiselskets Bs apes sir. arid light food with this essagrins, *TO sissy" rams a sate sad .ryes isessams. Beatty uthai Cumwthtles. Chat mad • misty of preparatsens Irene rally in use, wieth pplied to the beg very thou neon et of in. bonny. They cloth the porth of the thin. end chock the circulation, which, when aattere la not thwart ed debase or powder,or the kin inelthini by th e alkalies ased suet., b•'e.alia. in. 0.0 predeththe ere the • human face ea wen as ea th e garden of neh and delicately tinted and variegated flower. A free, active andbthlthy dm:dation of the duds, or the amnia( af the pore, rich blood to the thtroaltias, is that width paint. the countenance in the mot exqui site beauty. his that athlete thrums the tadercrile shades end limbo of lovelbthes that ell album but info ea/ describe. This booty Le the offspring of ale turs—oat a/powder 111 wry. If therein not • bee and healthy drculatlmAhave boo heathy. if the lady Is fair as driven mew, If the paten, and use eosmetka, and the blood la thick, cold and impart, she Is not hese. eared If ebe be brown th yellaw, and there Is pant end thtive blood, it {lase a rich bloc= to the cheeks, and s brilliancy to their of. LW'. ht. i..6 .4. Tide Ls why the etenththri, and thpeetelly the Spas. ish With the so moth admired Ledien in th e north who take but nub therena or elf theclesed to cloth rooms, or bath spoiled their complexion by the applb mime of deltherloth minors, of they Teeth to re thin eleastieny althea, buoyant spider, thealtligt eyea and beautiful cothplthioen they should on. Dr. Town lived'. Sarsaparilla Monteath who bay* tried it. are nt0,,.. lb. =ti th ed, are delighted Ladles , of 411I ary ation, crowd our otnee duty Novice le the Ladies. _ . Those dud imitate Dr. Toomend'a eanaporilla. bars Invariably Called their stol•• g,. Yam.! yPr F. ega.l., ke. &0., and boon cooled oar bill. and et.molar. Much Maus to lb. complaints of womon, om I —other Mal .tko pm op ameliclum, bare, don* Ma Veal per of Di. - Ttrlntand'm Sarnaparilla to complatzua mindent ferule; mcosammodod th eirs, altbounn pro viomly they_did as* • number adman Idsztarov. Pdla & c , are injiiiona to females, as dmy *worst. due., undermine the ecomitudeas. Dr. Toomem.l's as tbs. on.r and best remedy for the annamous (envie a.. ploman—it tr IRO falls of efibnung • permamou rare. It can be taken by dm mod delicate femme, any we, or by those *noonday to bosom. .alt the greatest advantage; as It prepare* tbe spurs and prevents pain or dointar. and smongthens both ...bet and cblld. De careful to pa the genuine. =DM= Talc cortldeato ectoolocirely proven that tins Battu hut perfect control over tiro most obstituu du ,r 1 of the Blood. Thum, persoos cared to one totes oupreoscleated. • Toessastrre—Dear Ss,. I hat. the pleasure to Inform yon that three .f my eitildree hare been mires! Or the Scrofula by die eta of your •excellent niedscio. They wore afflicted Ten , severely arab bad Sore. , have taken onlyAmr battle.; it took them ewe. for.hick I feel myself stager greet obligation. Y° 179.11 " .,2V 2 a.41121, 106 Wooeces-et Opinions efPbysielsins. Teertmead is almost daily recessing order. from Physic... in different party of the Ursine. P. is to certify that we. the undersigned, Phyla... be City of Albany. hese in nvistero. cues prescrib ed Dr. Towesenrfe Sareaparilla .d belie. it 14 be eine of the moss valuable prepares.. tv the insrlet H. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON, I L D. IL B. BRIGGS, II D. Albany, April 1,18,41. P E. ELIIENDIOR.F. M. D ISEGICEI 01,14 to the great once.. and Immense We of Dr. To streteatre glaraaparilla. a number of men oho were Awn: rly oof A(CMJ, Ili melonFlarsapa Mt. ExtracU, Extracts - of Yellow 'Son, .• They generally put of up to the same shaped hal t., end same of them hare stole and metal our wiser sotorota---thoy aro only oorthless Intitattona. and should he amulet". Pneospel Odicr. Pr, FULTON Street. Duo flolltiter. , 6: Co, e Stale street Renton , D, lot •.t. North Stentotrrt Plonolelphoe .... Itellttunrc P M Cohen. , horlosion ..,nt 1 Co 151 Chart,* Street .1 etre.. elheoe . end 10 all th , unt to tiarnethoq. •- t Wo,t 1.1.1. o• rod the N —Pontoon I nquirlnz for tho no-Otrto. •bo. no, 'a- ortlatrd to Irtlne. rtny nibs Druga,•:• Sar•oparClaa, no ,00tbo. rk r,o, „, nol dorelv , d oaya-tatpora for Vo Jos. ',nab, and talc, oairr f: , Itorpouda, ote - Troa - naotat'l 5araap00110....,,,, E SELLEI*.. fo.noral Who , oania lb-lao No 57 Wood •trarb end I. 51 (71ilift\' Atlaab. - EUROPEAN AGENCY. Fl.ipro, , •V r• held REALI. AND PERSONAL F,TA I M F. and A rlotrottott of Com. , re Inl ' ”••• other orb.. See urtugl'utent. tor 1.1.- Nolo, broom. IreiuteL ohel the ro - oto. • AM! neve , ••• /e• thereuntn belootztop. 1/114 PIA, elm., or SU,' of the •a j3I.:FERENCE may he I n • appOeuLo. , fre , n. rharge.(pro•oted the rn.yr t• not Ow 1 eurtrooty.l to 14*1 I.olllple+lliG I, vcote Ot t 1:t1.0 nano, en which nuelatmed propert, t- tutolino. Ake, no tndea to our 10.101 IkIIV, eine., who It have appeared tor the poet AO 'ear. ;u vermio 'Rood, eu.,opera odd • to Re,. ot Law and heat Yin Cnonnuniesono• by letter ore reipeeted isvvrilAm A fIIAN. BrontheoF, rw 1:or1 Reirreuren are pennttle,l in Ron I Joule. I. JUdge. I:oAn of CAIDIIIO , I firs, 10olt. Fret 'mod. Solon ft CO E:1411., 11/1/111(10C tl , Co J T Tarm:ott. ll R. A Riekrue. Edward Schroder, F.Joi .Cotetnunt, Olon A Pateltot FA(' Pre•oleto Palfll/11 Ranh !ORLI, no..R.dOm The Allegheny Cemetery. 3- mono& tt, corporator r ,. ta•td rt pt . r•tom ton. or M. HOW 14 Y'ruudent t A frtrf ll' , \ .nlO4. JOHN !I 11.1:N11E170ER. JA3Ik:S ~•I:F.R. ,•,1), Aug In. 1 4 4 z. J. my Trerasurer FERRN Ill)A'N FOR SA 1.1:--T1,.• out,. 'rho ann., ,o , o t ntoti the Itifotr , . of the gent,, , ,• off, to ' , ell one-fourth of tbr two fi rm , Ceanyany oi yr.. • •nun onie, ? , 001 , ',Lott ut.,i I ~0 N ortb, now roottittir front tho eily ONo 17 SA' .019 l.froi 1 . ,-.ou sae, , ' , ICA if d, Run..a ato mot. G. }-21 4 - Appt., •, -14 i.b,. „,, it 0 p100101,!.,iiVr•01,./;• ~pinoists, 01007 syt., by ISAIAH DICKE', .1 l'o ntas to r'ng.t , tbf' _ riIIELEAE-100 trzntnsnor,r and for •Aln lot further imrti , olar , ,, ,nqulrr. of %" ee9 dee& LYAIAfi DICKR} A oo'4" to BLACKBURN k. 03, Wm= et A MTh' vvßes. cIOFFITI MAMERE ANL:FURNISHING UNDF-R -la! TAXERS. corner of Penn and Oh Char threats, oilmen. the Ft:chatter Hotel, entrance on Penn evert, rcalnectfalli inform Mali (rands !find ttre public. that they use prepared to furnish and attend to everything in the Imo of L. ndertakens. A tivarottin hand • Lame as. , b.tnett of matte mule Collins. eirvered. lined and Go. l"kett the 'try best manlier, carnal, and fixes ready !node Fltronds of flannel. entribrtek and muslin, and nil item made in approved ntyles. We keep a largo as .nernent of ern!, end black rhyme silk and kid Glove., cabin for poll bearers and mourner, crape, caps, colt Lori, and creel' Mots neeessiry Mr dere...a the dead, and un'kertimnable terms, as we purchase Wiener :nails lbe RpAttr, emelt 'A lon, filer r plater for engraving liaraq and age. We nave a splendid new hymn. and and all number of the bent earriagra Every dm.; atm./led In promptly and pflletually netibly B ENNETT 4 BROTHER; a/FEENSW ADE MANUFACTURERS, Dlrralnighenus, (near PlitAstourpfh4 w•choss z e, No. 187. Wood drat, Pal:buret. •rr m W , l n L , L4o_rks: . n , tly ( keep on hand a pod assort. 2. w oar CISU manufacture, and Y..r• aeperiorqualtty. . Wholesale and country Alen chants are respectfully Invmd to call and ex amlne for themselves: as we are•detensuned to sell cheaper than has ever before been offered to the pub. ite. -- • Ord.-. sent by nutiloaccompanted by the cash of et. reference , will nromptly atiended tn. feichl FLINT ESTNIGLISHIIIEIIIT. • hiI•ULVA N LEDLIE manufacture sad keep ram clulltl/krcal hand Cot, Moulded and Plum Flint tilassurenk., m all its rasiolies, at (hear 1.1 , archness car. r of mask. and Wales streets, riusburat. • Our Works continue in tlll operatfon. and see are constan•ly adding to oar amok, which fumbles as to all orders senh promptness. Patel:um..are mope... Many soliencd to call and examine prices and terms. my.ltMly COACH MAKING. FROM the very 111-erai encourage • ic • it s menittm tolmonbor ha. received hiller he &relocated hitnueit in nitckhcny. boo induced 1.11110 wee 4 Ira.,:, (or a berm of lean, onthc property 'tow occapheit; m petrel. , 'street, Iterilediele!y bes:de lie Presbyterian Church. From the long caper:. nee to the above - basincev and a dyturc ta picker. he liopcvlo arc, h and receive a share of public putionagi %NUM, on hand and finiatong to order, Rockaway ,liuk- Mtipen and top Buggies, and even- detctription of regea made to ordcr, from Pave/orb', dollars to mettlmoorot farto3-chtl JOH N SOUTH • . AunuANEous, _ • . 10 A t r i S tr ACC II i t i 2 ori n c, L 4 , l l Lth T w O a ild i, N. wharve Wier for sale on accounnodwing terms, 61100 pkg•trtlitaufacturcd Tobacco, c o nsisting of pounds, ball pounds, s's. b'a, Itt's and ar., lumps; Sia, d'. and ' 13's plug, and IS'. Ladies' Twist, to whole .dhalf boxer, of the following approtrod brand*, • Iv James II Grunt, o.Forri& Bragg, Grant A Williams, • A e.0.m., S Jones & Son, 11PDonalil, , Webster Old, J Thomson James 'Photo., Jr. A H Armistead, 1 Thom. it Son, Landhorn & Armistead, J P Coates. J Id 'Cobbs, ( fir/Ntnte i t ' , '"'"' . ll In e Hg, Green Hall, Wm Dawson, PenO & Norwood, 5'5 Blackwood, Nath Page, Kegito. W H Vaughan, Edmund Ile /my , Portion, Bob }lamp. Russell & Robinson,' Kelm Robinson ACo S.. Halsey, fl Metcalf, John Ender, Lawrence Lower, 1 Robinson,- Gray A Grog , D 13 'Dottier, El on, York White, Ilk! Itranoh. —ALSO— Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and Miner, Yarn do do do Cienfuegos do do do St Jngo de Cuba do do do St Dominjo do do • do Nana A (miden do, part fine, do Maysville do do do Kenturky ViSiioll.l grades do do Virginia Leaf, suitable (or mannfacturing and oaporg Sp.vilaii Seed Leaf, Penn's, Connecticut and Ohio; 1, ii gm.. Strops. sweet; Germ:fillip.; Pipe heady Scotch Snulflleose mid bladders 4 hlaceouba Meal, • Toni ' no Beans Hovana bassi On t; Otto Boto; Bergamot Calabria Liquorice; Plitelll Cavendish Koirea Spunk, Ar Re. ' PIiiLADELPiii4. 1016 , . LIT hi" Old Stood, eororr of l.'nalthfteld meet and 1i:or:nor , alley. Pirroburgh. Pa , wou:d re•recolo• . • , •11 the aversnott of l'onnrry haat, lintel and ?terto 'area and 'opera, ...on. to, or INI 1•f , I11 - CI(; A RS. •atona witch will ter land the lot onr‘ng brand, vlr kindle. Reg oho. 4,41.• Prlnc,pc.l.a Norman. star Wand. llntenta and ti Unor Regalia, rill of which will he .old as kW/ 14 ran be had al. an; halo, hoau . the 101 l A. 1.0, constantly on hand and lot vale, • lore, and wc,l 'circled Flock of Virg - Iola; Mtwouri. and Ftne Cat ebewlng Tobacco. Cal. and COSeintoo tool Tobacco, orn.tootiy on hand and for .aleunv:l-dllnl PAPER WAREHOUSE• NO. 9 BUSI.LIIIIO SLIP. NEW YORK. (15 . 111'..; W FIELD offers f.r role at :hr !travel Manufacturer,' prrees, a very evensrve a•-ort PAPER maw:AL:et every adapted 43 the wanks at a...smogs 1.11 seek.ans tha eountay Paper of a:I k•rda made to order al ,:•or ir• stock of PRINTING PAM". is anusilaiiy i sryy pp, at vrilicti oi very safmnor sus Lay PAPER MAKER.' MATERIAL" or ovrry ileseripLiati..rupor let and Vert coast... y on hae -. viz Wirt. Cloth. Fountrinier Wires Blessining Powder, Moe I::trateaine,7sries. ne .&n RAGS.; Crirvus,Rale Rinp._, Grans Rope, /lagrno. c. r . plilTizssed,aar thq hygliest pt•rti o Cash trill lie raid /1/MY New York. !c•,11645. T I E crutestand beat 'army evaroltered to taut city before—made on the atom approved Eastern plans— and mow fattnonable Eastern patients andetwora. Also TIIF CHEAP ROLL, or BUS I'ON BLIND. on band of made warder of all stars, and a: all prides Cottotry Marchants and others are !tithed to mall and Como tar the •ttovo for themaetteett,” all will he sold who ...ale or sod • .Fero Jeduehon made to art, -.ale purr tolts. rn EMENZIESI BRICK FOR SALE . - . rI•1111 umler•Jened offer• for sole • •oponew ante., I of hrms buMttrm, mad. by h.. 5..114 1n , ... mpro,c.l machme, for whmh ha has olwamed • paSrrll To Aire pure-howl-a • rider Kumrwolee Os: rc.tratwor. and 1•111,61•1 Iran wet ...L vmd antplw m le•• oopure or daMprtem than an) oth er r. eh pmwssam grower body and oupersor. lexturs and much more dorabie ,eery reapeel. each hem k m-mli•objemesi to a pressure ot sevens! on.. and pos. esms, hundsotne smooth sorisee an 4 even edges, Me, make alt equal to the front ,rink 'l 4, e) - have (teen the (realest sallshmunn to all who ha,. purchased. A kiln ran he wen at my works. and tm Gat.... ogle, • Moat- baring aupiMed thenuMve• tor Met r hmldings. and vri.Mlog handsome front bri. a, or ammrsem bard ant! •old paving Leek. ran IMMI/1 them ISAAC 1:11F4li /11ruvryjuun. Jun, 12. fil=roit JOlll't A. BEILOWIC TARES to. method to inform his friertda and me 1• at large that iw Factory trees in la.( operate.. nth. west rude of lielttamond A .eneory. where • cop = ...p:, Itirods.o( varrous rolor• q 7==: - / and ualirtetlll. errnstatilly .pt on hand; No 5 \l - reed st. httaircerah at J & II l'h/:11(.. 01)1 waretoorn Vetr.lrart Shur :Ors mad• to order 111 ihr best style Ilunds repo real rhe shut,. nutter It --11. ItIrod• p , il up without any adds tem.d caper., err Mar tlret rat removed to a mo rre rtt ease of hre or Mr mad ve.rhout no aid or a tere , r...1-dltfewtarnlytr NEM owrr• • i.romp.!) W A dint lIOSEDALE OA ROWAN, SI A , 11Y l'nnprienlr of ti. r,J nown pine , 01 Irturil. J 11,.. itlra•nr- irklornn, 101 1 Iruhtnn thnt hl. r•Inl. •,nr•n rrinind nod repaJrnit • Pl.rrnanrol- “.n1 und olecoruintl, n 101 r ncotprioi.lnwan mtitt Le In, mon , may I mutt 11/10 0111. thew d 11.'00 n,.1 fin , hey de.nrr ni the 1 , 1.1 r• , r• n•onnlne term. J• •Inlrrntinrd 10 •n ennkirisr worth, Ilt-• ~ .n.nnnintnon. and nl: •I h r r band ire ~ u ~ ~~ ..,,.u,,... ~ u,. . 14 , i« Pr : Pr. nn, ti eon. run 111 10'11F1/.1.I) Monongothehr House Est;b OZMIECI WiI.I.IANIS, Drupe, nod T m.or I , gl to It li'Jll•bur,6 .141 l lx , noW ”prw..e. no Dr. roolll . , • rerun] mut is, •Irt neutr, nrul moul ttttt n. uu• , •upurtur uue:o%y itiu utnuomer• m, M.). .1 upoornavin, Inuir u.rhu.l innflu manner voqurn (ann. fun to grunly nuote of Um ',mot Imanlioug apI4:IY TIIE STAR OF TITS WENT *, I.NITIn \ 111.1 \ I/MANUFACTORY 1'.., , • tri• of 11, leanoool. where Vellins. li:.,kgl. of Id, liir it Ili o,'lll BM. and color nee kepi on heed er ma.de to ardor aLle the il&letlarl4llooollapprove4 Ea.tere hob inne.at the mharteet limier ulltl nn the mow ..\;.o. ;be circa,. Ito-ortr roil or •pirt Blind Transpa. run, and Paper rorrarsor or all driforent orterru n d pratiarna, on hand and for .ale row for canh. Nr .1/ 11 Illind• punter:l over undreparrert, or taken or pun pa)Mnrtt for now. ft M ELT Pro pr N --Ail work done with Ibr rru, roarer,. and orkrourrnhtp. end warranted to plea... the room: rarr auglo-di, TWA NSPORTATI* THH• Ul4/c, Mg= - 1848. BETWEEN PUITSIDIRGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. Martura, Pittsburgh; •• Raab Paal stas & Beaver, le }Prow' s. • Cwroun a Cnsattisaus, Cve+lnd lIIHE above Lint is flow pnipaveul ptennsport tßlght sad pusangers from Pntsburgh and C leveland,. 4.11 . an point e Canals and Lakes. Clue boat o l n ea th ves Pitbburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with the steamboats Lake Ene and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Heaver. and a line of fire en on lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan. Property forwarded to airy pan of the Union with dispatch, by J"011 TAA.CAIATItEHIER.7Agents, nor Water. and Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh. AGESITS:—Reed_ Parks Co, Bearer, Rii Parks & Co 'ti'la E W Cotes & Co, W .""4""; D !o, vrlck ‘ &o, 13rea,lrooN A & F Ne;rport; J & M Whatle.ey, Campbellsport; 11,PLIndn, Raven.; N & C 114. u, Frrurkyn; Miller & Tonle, Cuyshoia Palls; Wheeler & Co, Akron; Barney, Gibbs & Co. Sandusky Wrokins & Knee. Toledo. li Williams At (Jo. Detroit., ititot it ' M,Cip illiants..Alitwoakte, Win; H J Winslow. Chiang:a, 111. opt 4 RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE t , , ft:1134 .14)11TATION Or htfilefrsgoto BETWEENTY.S. PETS.I3OICiII AN,D P 11-ADELNTIA. THE Proprietors of Otte old established and first 1 Portable Boat Litic, baying r.moved their de pot ha Philkdelphin, to a much larger Warehouse on filafket st., than they formerly oc.apted, and also tat creased they room lut storage at Possimrgh, are now prepared to offer pouch greater Leith.. to their friends and patrons. Goals earned by this hoe are not transhippedbe tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, betng earned en tirely In Portable section Boars To shippers of floor and other goods requinng careful handling, this is of itnportarme. No charge made for receiving or .hipping goods, or advoncuig charges. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon as reasonable term. as by shy othr er JOHN Mr FADF;N & Co, Canal Basin, Penn H. Pittsburgh. JAMES 51 IM V 18& Co., P. 27 Market &54 Commerce L, Phil& JOHN 111eFADKN d. Co.,'Porevarding and Conneus. mon Merchants, Omni Basin; Penn H., Itimebugh. JAMES M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Eamon and Commis sion blerehtuus, 18..7 Market, and 64 Commerce at., Philadelphia. feb2.l Iri'Advances made by either of the above on Flour, Wool and other desenpuons of blerehandua eousisned to them. fob.% NOTICE—The subscribers hove dispbsed of their at. term to the Pemila and Ohio Line to CLARKE & THAW, of Pittaburgly and JOSEPH,S LEWIS, of duo City will continue to transact latrine's for the Into, at their Warehouse on Broad street, at moat, and be speak for it cOnttoyaneo of the raronage of their friends. JAMFS STEEL A Co. Philadelenia, March bth, 1548, Penn'.. and Ohio Trona reatlea Co. ti Dosibie Da 14 Lose of FIRST CLAS.S NEW BOATS AND CARS, 1 . 117•11,0 TO TIUMTORT Coo. ernisasa ITTTLIVIAO Ira XlarrAN CRIB CLARKE A THAW, Canal Basin, Pinabargh. LEWIS & 13UTLER, 519 Market ri.,PhaladeTlua JAS. STEEL. b. CO.. Alta. Broad street. COWDEN, CLARKE & Co.. 7b North st., Bob, W. PORRICK, Aft, IS West street, New York. marlb Coveztneralilp. -- SHE mbaeribera have 'Medley aemommed themeolvam together ends the style of Kier & Jones, for the purpose of condoning Me busmen. formerly corned on by Samuel M. Kier, and wheat mamma/lee of the lab. nral patronage heretofore weeded to the how,. KAMUEL V KIEK, F JONES. iltnahangh, bla,reh 151,8. K. • K 11113.11 PO i STAI:ILE El T LIMY, ifiMl commiED OF FIRST CLAD RICK st:t. - fIuNDOAr, FUR YIIII-IDELPIIIA AND linuri MORE VIA CANALS+ R.AILROADS .\\-F, ‘0 reentsc and forward freight to the •lactne and tate flOraill , l P/Of ell .10/1 as teach despatch, and at as late gales, as any other reaponattite lint. Tte attenonn of •11.y..,..r• wishing to ....ad Pork or Hu, on. to lialtnuore buCs..• p articularly requested. in • ucb our arrangements enable as to carry much rtreles through in better orr/er than any other hoe. ICIER a. JrEk Ifs , Prop . y.rs. Canal Itzetn, near Tth at. PlOshorgh, March I, 194: oaart. IL ILIA. r I/ lONA, V IER At 1( )NE9,- -ComEntot,o n az,' forward., Nit, _IV 0h0... sod Wholes*. Dealers in Iron, Blooms Bolt Proddeo. Labotai rook advancer on conasirrooenla . _ El MN Wl' GUM", I a DEM., ANL rLIA., LIGII,IIIOII Paalangh. Phtloki•lplaa UNION LINE, I adl INVI*U WAIS To Phoipn a an a al,— I• • ft, 111,11.RoAtm itt:Ner CHAF FA. lira/Plttst,p,vh. PI Tll./1. W. 311'118.F:1'S h Co. No 147 Market .t Phtl C H rpm, Nonit 4 Saratoga gas Halo. Jon,. F Clarke. Nn 13. ()Id Wm. or.. 5 TOTICE—The , style ewe Ca* awl] beirttrnren ham II and after •At• dam, at PIM!"Wed. aa 411eati Gest &CO !Indlo ritsta.delf4rta. arUnx. Rumplreer• & Co. lIENRI GRAVY. DMUND IWTII.II. liU REVS, rh""&Phh.- 11F-NRY GRAVY. Piturborg mar43:l PITTSBURGH PORTABLE 1304 T LINE IS-IS•Wart Pm'M. Thrmurrtat ten of rrs,ht 1., ow! ern.. PITTItER Rtsil RALTIMORT, 11 , 10, iIIe.TON, it ReaweQak C•aw lerossow. YlitabutsL Ttotableme,l Iwlng noo In n. 14 opr:ra j na. tat proprietors hove ulnae el le w, re •rrang, mea. (nrara clew!. and prat..., er trao•tr aod nne inwo vonow. Itnua In cwdeterA,) tiopc 10..0r wei: known prong 4.1.1 In IE4 rertn, calm, natty in moar Cl cars ) one —anent was w•rehou • at, •1 each port arrnrdiqe sr roa:natation. lo atupper• and women. or ptwdoto---waciner en. .opg t bu.o,•*, p“ to them • conunumwr o! that deer./ pattottatr ;Ley a..auoe pedte Ant not wr tau :me rectlwed. tear. tee pone o ane w tor warded ,7 revftred diret.l.tons tree 01 . ..001re tar o. I.lv /LH ( mg or stoma. rltrec Ely or 11.1., a 0,. Itl A,. ucuded to on appites• tten to the ai.,nyrlag (it .1211111,F. V.- Market 4t Patinae:palm T.l NFFR t trt:ltN NOR, Gantt O'CONNOR! , A. to. North •t. Ijr'ra re li WILSON. AS Cedar c. New lore. ap3 LAKE ERIE AND lIICIIIGAN LINK 1115idi IS4B. I Er tt•owil Lan.. rompoard nl Lake Ent and NhrL,gun, Prusnorah and Renter. and fr,ght eas•encer Canal Roots ere rwcen Deaver Auld Erie, fired • in, re ftr•t el as. weamnosta, prupe4ers and ve•sela an the lwart. t• ~pare 4 to carry fretgnl and par...t o rt r• al. feento on Etir Canal .4 Lakes Ent, Raton land I,thr Ilanng rye ry rdetlity for don, fa, fr og . sod alno prompt..• and diva, h. the roprwtor and ai. lt d. reaprrtiody •orit .rumtheir (rlttfds a don. Unuance of Mr". patrona.• M R REED Proprwt of REED if ARES A re, Rrfmer. Arm , . JOHN A CAI 1•IIEY. car Wow ffml •froithEd,l ,11,1,n ECLIPNIC TRANSPORTATION LINK. I'o soil rrom :lir Faatrrii rm.. via Cusnlierlaiid frilE proprietor. of Oita portlier It ne, ve . atoce their r , orrilztstot larttely thermo.o4 their (Neill.. to Meet the Yetshei• of ittitppety, and are now preparri to forward • rever amount liy me FIVE BA V LINK, am also hy additional re•olor WIte0 1 1• a aow r•te• Th.. Ito• will run throughout V, )(tor. tiellirennit Rood.. thro h the aji.nts Itaturnore and Pitt•tiorgi to OWne. end romit•orn• al Teethed ores end front I'llitedelph/a for the hoe should be ain't ed J 11 Robin., Baltimore IT , only •i(ctit. are, 1 El ROIIINsON VY S Charlea is Iletinmore F.:Dat:R"rON A Co, Cumberland li W CASS. Ilrosm.,ella. r Palasergh. fing4 Agetafgaia 1 4 ] At, Lit y At I ,fc,cland Irum Ihc h. mse of NlrKalg b. lta to ••• t.. chat a P , Alccrtifn A to • • I' ~ •4•l•en .4 a...rt.rnerrlsurd. rmi Led t, 3 %.• M.natMl. harlat .1 iv rl.. .' G Ilrowo•• Ile, 1c1,.1 ....T.. s e .1 Co l'oeoloe 1 11 121.1.11,0 , 0 'N. ttelzonore Vl' Tran•portation company. latiziG2l c. fttAla 0.:: - htK1abl . 1 1 . 1 11 4 ‘ett L ('u l . m . es 1) 1)}..1.1111.4.. NEN', 1 (Jith A tra O/11 0 A u to n. or apply to 'if &11.1.111 11AR lON 11. NO. 1.1 'llurtl Phs: .t TA 1 f,l 11/ 1 .t. hell A A AC \r.; 1\ Irvr lurk I . ll , purxh. Al.l r. 11 , 11. I -I- rlll Merch•nt•' Tr...importation Line. IS - S. 1 , .1( DI I.l'lll AND lIALTIAIoR, Illri ~ rt•icn...l to mil. , Nrelil L. lorar•rded I. I 111r•t t,rreti rotn I A NI, NNl• t i.Ty e ro., \I n,lrl +I. Mill'. NlERitirr Co, sal,. • rt ll.,;timor,. MERCIIANTN. WAY FREIGHT LINZ.. alkiMl IS 4S. iMila II IPLIVKLTIOR of' V11.Y.110117 13 l'ittehurch. Jolmodown,lint I,,j.y.buro,M, ate, strcet.tilummirdon Col and Pe. te tabu rch fAne war formed e,losivrl7 for the .pedal Re enitimodialionof the way I.o.onnan The Proprietors. timid.. MI for thr vrr) 1460.1 marormge y have re• ce,red du nog the In two fror., Wouigi rrgprellUny f. rut Il.rlr tritlid• and the Insi , ilV tf.nl Ihey arr tin," +till nr pr , pored to delsver gosh... .INy 1.1111 011 The UM] Ron) Road.. with prompthro.,l and 41mmtelL nryltrnte 1•1C1(11 ORTH It WOOLS, J A5ll A LORE, .RI.E TitINI)LK JOHN MILLER & Co. A G FATS worm & Wood,. Johnstown. John .11,11cr. Hollidaysburo C A M'Anutry & Co. moat Aura, PitiabOrgh. Ru xx. ,,-- a — Prughorgh—Elnuth & Smclahl J lt. J Alt.! / , 711t. I, et. 1 H Shocaberger; R Robinson lk Co; R d. Annan Joni/ Parkas, Win Lolunor Ccs, DT P Rbosnboczni.. I 90114 MUSIC, - r ifift i fi ; o PE ao -PORTEs. ,WI 11..1dELLOR. No 51,W.01 i.". 4 itow rabeived a Pull anaort. mein or`Piano Varies, 11,eleCICII MINm awl New V..rk. 01l U.- ilia fowing inarrinfactories loioo attention of pal:chafr, ia roPPrelio , lY Thnue from Alr.rbiekerino. (for die ante oi Wii,f iit ,nte .fiureten .yhrania.l/4:8,, what 1. terniedthe NOW Circular grille: being an India recently wad., and giadia Laem a decided ii•braa. :we. in Rowan and conning of tone over any mar, thp . rolftrwini needle palterer onit ai idea of Cheek emir: • finished,. No. Ron.' °erre., finished bark tr. front, VW' ruddy 'carved• o V. 40 " I 's reeved mauldinas. ' SAW " 0 5 fintabnl and saw saw i u. it 6 - sae.. • " o irony 193 W 10 • 7 richly carved. trVle or Lorna 14th. 11. a d hollow ironiencimil hollow cor nered tog , . tieeond hand, cost originally *425, and will Ire told at n very reduced once it, No 12 Poseonnol. round corner, very elegantly fin shed, *275 No 13 Roaewood, round corner. very el egantly !toothed. *975. The above are ulanothesored by It. Worcester, N. knot, as being connected formerly trith hl srs Stionrd. %% s r. - rester te Ilunhant.'N V. No. 1.1. Rosewood. si, earved moulding, made try the ?dalmatian Compati). N 4272. No 14, Itin.emmo i l carved, B...laves, Chile V. 81.5 5, No 15•" roan 0 `. " No Pl. ftimetenal tir•nd.iriano, made by Henn Pans. No 17. hl shoenn y. f octave& seenad hand. price 875. Old Plooon nitro in pan payment for new one, . • . !WIN 11.11:1.1.011. Sole Aeno for Clue lernor% Weed nod Square Piano Farrar, for ‘Veirteen Penneyleners. . PIANT3B. A SI'LbZiDI l) tmonment fli of Idaho -4i9 pun Bunewood Pis, mat fin lobed_yand Thatee increment ano . are mode o the latest pmtern and bent material. and will be sold low (or rash by F BLUNIF. 112 Wood street, 2d door above Ftllln. N. B —Those who are in want ot a good niyirumeni, ate renpectially inv3 d to cation. tbene before per ettamng st•vwhere it. they cannot be ravelled by may In. the country, and will be (told lower than any brought from the K1,...1. dire,l.lr. t. received. two pi. .o( Barn burgh wenufactur, wurtmited to be superior to any ewer sold In this eountry, octg ( ... I .._.__ _F. B. 1 , REAT All SICAI, NOVELTY—The._,_ suliscrkber kJ has rant recerved from Europe / and for (Wag, an elitirety• new lave. nun Or 1101,0 Fern+, railed Ilie . CAlk. IN Kr PJANO FOR r F., which possess ing more power aid •••00111,•• than the square Plano, occupies bat one Faarth mY rmich petnii, and is a much more showy and handsome pievept 111 ruiturr It Is particularly desire. bin where the saving of space in an object, being ex( ceedingly neat a idnd compact, and occupying no more roam than n small an.. table. Me sulworther bun is bend a tenpirionial on its supermrity tram We celebra ted pianini.Mo,lielles, in his own hand nernlng.which may bes be inspected. If. KLEBKR. All W Woodwell's . JEOLiAN ATTACHMENT. - n, rrov Eri and tor sale, a lot of choice Pianos, with 11, and without Coleman's X.oliaki Attachment, by Nouns& Clerk, Nl . One of Nunn. d. Clark'. Pianos, with the Anarlitoria, Ira. taken to blue/arid by Me Coleman. and 111110111( many other tesomontals of ad andr this elvennt specimen of Amerman nkill Ingenuity, rliv.ted ,he r following remarks from C. Melberg. the greaten( Pianint living /wawa, J e na IN, lOU. My Den Str ettalmung a letter to my friend. Mr F:rand, Pans I cannot rrfruin from aatun exprnswng to you how murh I areo. prod vrtth yoof “.43011•11 AllaClll..lll, wtorls I fiemadsinal no. provement. I ran w•ure you . Mat on toy parr I shall with flint picaaure do myy utmost to sna.ke oury mien ton k nown. For an ••• II KI.IIIF.R. 1V0; ' .4im , ...11's furnit;e roomt, ad at ,ems - - - - • 13 011Kb—Ilistery of the Ureck Ilea olat.on. nod of 0, w3ra and nipatgris aswing (ram the crackles of the Urea k Patrww to Emanc.pa- Ung thew movie) Wool Wa forkwb lobo--an two vol. arnea-wpieno.d copy a :th nunicrona maps and engra ving.. Lotters' tllunrau•e of m• relgn of Wllltaat 111, from tare to Ills.- w e retrtra.t., at 2 rola. Cosareantett to the etuor of the Ilnly Saranores. Harry hlttattray, rocptocto, heillk 7O exgra '!.o" fear to th• lioly Lan .l. Creech Stake, •nd Sketches a Chma 1.. t rcc 1 and tor .a/c by Mc DONALD & DEFNON art? FO mark e t street "lle Mlle Prame . . !MIR• A SPLENDID vogollment of R.I.- nood viol Mabocaoy grn.od aritou Pi o....tuo•lsd 3..1 for sale A• •o, two sp , en.lol !tow wood Plano+. with U 0...... • r.,* •rnt, .V•I'IIII14111ACIIIIII.111, illlllalttl I I 131, room irosl,l, III), 11/1.1 hot .ale at IMMER:M=I MAASPORTATION . . - KEEP, PA KiLS C Co's. PACKET LINE. itir;AZtA ir 18-IS. ,Aaft, IZF:.t t'lll A N I'hi:V{.l.l,ND .M.Zr(l.-N Capi %%, Let. leave Beaver err, driv, • exc.-p . ..41 arrive next morning at la'n men. :e 1.14, unmet wan Mc Ma , ~ ..eoa Akron . elm , ' arr P iving at each of mese vise., before n. arket...are Warren 41.11, at .5 l• . am 1 1 .emertrine •o the the l'•in• arßh I 1.h./ I (N,. Wor•e- Propnrra. Al LI rA,IA.R. BF:Al 1.11 AN L) FRII: PACI.:I•7T LINE. It.•L .• • 4.1. Atto roar,,Pr Cana, l'ar•et—l'appralLaaala, L'apt irtnart,• raPaoakru. " kart La.' ro;Prei, " ILY,roma Bro., YAP. :oa, - Saler ' The ,r,ve pear ane ~enerd Pa...near Tarter.have Poonaeoccd larlarrea BEA% KR AND ,P.HIE, t 'a rl ' i i s- " Fate e• run r r r ety .l l?;o d me at% Weita:P.roal one leav bre evs ry erpar imracyllatel) atter tar arrE an i:••• Plreatgau from httaPurah Car a.e pear ape eralortar,Ly and ruo Pc , ,,P le tor , Pour. Partenerr• to any pr.., on yr Or 'a Niagara Faila vr, Pod IP. ream. earo , ”caPir Nad erperlitloaa. 'nellera la (Oa .•, a ~ $1 zr, Laltv r•n to- proearre dr Co. Beaver JOAN A CAI .011.1 Aar Petaburgh car W., and SauthErhi w AC.KNT, - Jar C Itudalo, Y NI Reed. Y.fle. l'a C Wiek,lrtrensure, hI Fartaad apd X•ag, Ilgp Betai 11,, k haul, SaarpaPargh. C I , I s Nl•Mews. CP:a•at. Pa. II %V Clea•,iaGPat, New C. 0.,. Pa Jill Penekaylvani• Canal & Hal/ Read Mat. pre•synst Packet Lando, ...EFL 1S Kintigh ryp.k1 , 14.1 . 111). & UAL. Err...lv,, for l'tta.en,r• t II F. pub., , utoru..e..l mat th. Line run c.. 14 ni% the 2t. mat. knd con- MMlll=l A itom w • hut. het tit port. •uh tr•vrMr• hre lo t . h 1 and eamtune them It•.lerr retKhilmt pu• ext• .kr• 'ttrnaKA (Inn of the hen,. or Ow, I,inP mitng !opposie U r , /tote corn, of Pe...,••• a;nl Ca,c enynry male nLnnt Timn .1, Fof •Ppq Ott,. Nlononskile.a. or La 1) LEF:cH A. en Cana. Ita•o• _ _ IitEINEEM Pas...age r and - fie to I itana• lIANHOFIN h. e'ee oh Lsrena N.rheho• •nr P•e , I . !. ands Ir•land SeotSand Wales. up.se el, mos., otsara. terneta. wtth taro al puortoa sel