The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 02, 1849, Image 3
BY RAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. RRPOR?B.D & TEL.KGRAiIIED lAzelaalvoly fry t Inttebstrigh Gazette WIIRTITES ii ADEITAHT IBETELLI DEICE DT TUB EUBOPA. THE CONTIMITAL STRUGGLES ASSt M ING A PASSIVE. CHARACTER. IRELAND AND II&R PATRIOTS Now You, Jam 1, 1849. We ccnitinne oar extracts from the paper. re. cawed by the Europa, which are rather favorable In their ehntactar, in relation to the new' from the Confluent 1 1 ,W=11 Thu new Emperor- eras evpected in Vienna on the 7th, to hold review' and take oaths. He will retain to Ohnins;arid remove with the Diet to Vi. erica early in January.. The Hungarian campaign had been postponed until the troop, had taken the oaths of allegiance to the Emperor. A skirmish arm reported to have taken : place at Bruch, and. thelintniatians beaten. The Rothe. chdds had advanced one million of Florins for the use of the army. ENGLAND The Banda of a Postal Convention has been settled with the United States: and a tin& of the Conrane tine sent eta bit. the Europa for ratification by the United States !Senate, IRELSND. O'Brien and others, convicted, remain at Bride well. There was a rumor that the Judges of the Queen's Bench' were unanimous against the pri. Boners on Writ of Error, and in case of a decision . of that Conetli favor of the Crown, the Attorney Geneitannlt Withhold the requisite sanction for the prosecathigrati appeal to the House of Com. A tetter feam Posen, dated December 6th, in the Coketue Geiettor anYtt—Proseia, on condition that RUlllia 410 be the established kingdom of Poland, and the Doke of Lenctonburg placed an King, has Ceded to Exisitatbat part of the Grand Dric.hy of Paten which has not been incorporated into Ger. many. Formal Rail of cession are to take place, Januarylst. The arrival of the Russian counsel lor in atliO,atKeili...h, has reference to the execu tion of thy impelled treaty. BAIATDPRE PATRIOT SOLD. Iltszmoßs, kui. 1, 1819. This Moritz& the r.abl;thment of the 'Balti more Pettrim,..passed into the bands of Meseta John F.o.lilein,.Girmerty one of the clerks, and Jedatilenei:' The entire esablishment and good will, hex& 00 0 0- 4BitaDELPHLt !damn. ftlwrcatu., Jan.l, 1849. ..„ , The New Yew, war, has been .regiuded ptin eipally u iiooliday; ii consequence of ahieh, oor mitres Wore been nedieeted. l The 63reiga news, bovine; 61 not'been /6510 VA, the favorable chtnete . r,cewhiely may tend to estate a vise, so Cu is blend ands are interested. rf44o,l.):ADir , flaviwto Furmt—llossard street Sou, ill held to-day at $5, Lama advance demmioned by the favorable aspect oftheirde new. Glum—Wheat unchanged. Corn,—Sales of prime White, t 49, and pnme Yana!, at 54c. per . • Bo atkOzek in other argelei =ally spoken of in FElfrs -2 °. n'semliartafgrreoby Alt D-4 btds Just reel nod for gale by deeg3 •SF VON BONNHOBErr Co Fivrctr 10 . bil%V•=l,,VZ o b ,/,.,. I , co LEMONS - 5 bro for We br decO3 P VON Bcromoitsr & Co LANNETB-4 ease for sobs by deb 23 El P YON BONNUORST & Co CAI.KIAGNESLA-41:0 lbs Sued 'and for sale by t 197 • I KIDD 3Co INSENG—Sliseksynnv lambs& for sale by deaSS ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front st sacks now I.ding, for ode try • DICKEY &Co 11 ArOLAPSES-4311.13 Plantation; 5 do Sogarhoaso, lyl t0d4:151d.i4 1? bY lITILAPPING PAPElL—etSnis and maw ',crown, drab: amen and medium mapping pa pa; Gxrsoldrbr der23 ' „ ~ ~~ L'ADO ND fiUnl.--201) -bushels Tennessee' ;nowt atm Att tale- by •dtc 2 rt ? dePANDLE:3B.. ---- VANDLYLOI/11.44 5 bbls Paktalen , s brand Fam jr: i %25 reed on pankrabment 111.1111 for sale by 6 %2 5- . WICK erbIVANDIA29 FRESH BOLL DOTTER-2D bbis Plaingen Butter, landing this day by the Union' Line, sad r r asie 116025 I 1t R FLOYD by awls common Wog, in stare and for TT sate by J& R FLOYD, Bound Church Building ItaIEtLEM 011-36 dar ea bard and for sale by .1 KIDD it Co lINTRI bra Mo. Seim 20 do do mould eon dleg 6 6Ws Alum; .5 do No 6 Loci Sugar, reecived *L. 10 / Per Issao.Neston, on emudgamero, for rale low for cub by dead TABBEY & HINT MbOTATOFS-1 170 'Ads and V) sar is 4ao'd and r• .ule by - dac2s T Y & B =Mar a:VT " 134nerlAkZE4k BFI . pr./AWASH-410'mA* m store and fk1i.,:1131.1 ERMAN CLAY-25 casks fun quality, on hand .ntd fon ate • dee43 • TASSEY & MiZT MACIZIEL-IZ . bbla NVdaaiitgWess AMES-113bbloi Raise; rippl7, Oree• ke.kc . "imeWrarldiZALVS VMEDAD7I2 bids Cider Vinegar for sale by -, AIM . . , wicra. IrCANDLESS wRHINO' DEM AND WORK BOXIDS.—A : spleadid assortment, !astable for C. yr.A mGER., ums, for ar ask vary . DA market at _ _ rIBCALTNIEN-A Inevi Cade, for aledump. Ap -11 to sce.wt a ATKINSON, sal IA neat soma a 1)1,Mo-6o mai/edam Moms, for Isla by JJ der= FORSYTH t. DUN AN first s.t Pi'mr'lmilloWirt&DVNCAN TEHNDUE , BOMB-400 lOUS Gtr wk j to at Gse43` k. FORSYTH DUNCAN eril 12 .- e; 4 1 2. bales Tennessee Conan for sale reasym DUNCAN dragSEED. -SD bash for sale . by F VON BON/SHOUT t C SBLEBAIDB-17bblepose, for sale by J C BIDWELL COMBED BALTS-14 bblo for udo by deal B 17 VON BONNHORST k Co L' .•suces—a) bbis for iggiby VON NONNOORST k Co ALCOHOL—if bbl/ Inc reel and folrsale by KIDD & Co "L'HRE AND WEATHER PROOF PAINTS—Woo Flboturieceived sad for sale by J KIDD a.Co GINSE l&G —a sacks, to outing (of ude ee ISAIAH DICIiEY tr. Co iNSEVE"Me c"" fraCC I MT I NWITI: opened by noir= /110h01008-3:10 daa flaw bright calm, g e i m NJ.tle Mies, iala opened atradricetliplieva by worglir liIHACKI &WHITE - -EILAXBEE4W2O bbls Flaxseed, tp by deel3 ----------- APPLES -487 bbls Green Apples,just landing ar fat aisle b 7 __ 15 DILWORTH N..121.,1=1:E47.233 bbb, ?dolmans, fro or. fleet% rwr BAG& (" in in by kep [Art lb Dbl. White Beano; lauding and for 'ode by . BAGALEY & SMITH COl,lllOO big- by dead All 5 000. JONES & Co bath Jast reeZ e an w d A fo rg r sa rt l m e by 31 water and re front rt QUOAR-75 bbd prime old crop N 0 Soya, reed k.. 7 on consignment, In note and for sale by dente yp WATFMIAN --- • - • • - SEST IRON-11:0 tons Nos 24 and 4, JunNts, f. 4 . 14 '4 6414' S P VON BONNHORST &Co CiDER-40 b s erreef Cider, far side by .deetil VON BONNHORBT 4 co UTTER-4 4blspnala Ron Boer, reed and for •derby dc6l4 W& IL IrCUTCIIEC4_ N wrA.-40.5 kIP, Rotor t. WHichlee Juniata Neils, reeeieed end for sale by deoli " W& It WCUTCHEON rinfinig BOARDS. 4.--6014 60 . Handles Ness, 0 nud . Hormel asgros% Binder's do, various aura bc"aVeir" b DROWN & CULEIFMTRON oTANOES-100 bblo Pota4o Jut reed and for sale b dada AIM CROZFIT MCKWEIRAT FLOUB.-30 sacks very good, Btray received and fa Aale by decal . ARMSTRONG t CROZER MANTLI-5 bbl, Zama, for ale by J D WILLIAMS 6 ti dwl btdEsual trOd and for .ala by .: iTer M'CANDLESS T --- a:tips rirET . COR GOMA COMP, just nethred SHAC by ELEHT a WHITE deell 311 ' 4A ICELUIttATE lh and for gale by 'X 071.../STARTAR.4OIbi KIDD a co on band lei. Coaie JD LIVER 011.- 0 , KI by_ - dec27 c R lUii ":c- s 'd o o rIILES.4O bblb , n t li ciar .bn I, •pul for •ala II • • OM ERCIAI. 11.P;i ORD n s , ut s l p *Ng J ANU/Vt 1 30 gals:m.lllY 31 9/and.), 7 7 Y Tuesday . J Wcdnesalty 4 Thunavy . 5 Frlda), PIT TSDURO BOARD OP TRADE COMMITTEE FOR DEA:FABER. Orricx PITTRUVIGH GAZETTF., Tuesday Morning, Junuary 2 1 4,. Yesterday, as usual, was generally observed an holy-day, consequently notriing was done in the markets. The weather during the alter part of the day, was quite moderate, and our streets gen erally were crowded with persons, all seeming ins tent open spending the day, being the last of the holysdaya, as happily as circumstances would ad- The river is gradually reeecling, wish sumo 7 is channeL Should the weather con. tinne moderate, however. It will tall very slow.— The river business continues quite light, but con sidering the present doll season a fair amount is dcung. ----- Couxuarrav---The B rittrgloa Llawkeye states that a new counterfeit SUR-bill has mode its ap pearance at that place. The bill is on the Bank of Utica, New York, letter 13,N0 671, dated January 1e0846, payable to W H Bolick or bearer; W 13 Wells, Cashier, T Walker, President, and coon. tersigned and registered in the Comptroller's office and numbered by the Comptroller 071. the same as in the ace of the note. There is a nervous ness shown in the T in the President's name, the whole being well executed and calculated to de. ceive 'he best of judges* unless they are very well acquainted with the bank paper of the Utica LAID Bye.—The steamers Hibernia No 2, and Monongahela, of the Pittsburgh and Ciucinaau packet line, have ceased to run for the present, and ens now lying snalgly moored, opposite foot of Marke street. TOBACCO-WOOL. Baltimore, Dec. 29, 1548. Tobitcco--The market has been quiet since our last report, owing principally to the broken week by the intervention .of the holidays—the inclem. ent weather—and the dear proximity of the new year,—besides which there is no longer any !hip. ments making, buyers having withdrawn from the market for the present, preferring to wait for mare favorable advicestem the other side, and for bet ter assortments of Tobacco in market from which to make selections. We have no transactions to report. The receipts hove been very light, en shown by the following Inspections, which BMA up only tOB hhds Maryland, and 9 Ohio—total,lls hhds. Exported within the same time to foreign ports, 131 bhds, all of which were to Antwerp— making the total amount of Maryland and Ohio Leaf exported toEuropean ports since Jan let to 25th inu, as follows: To Bremen, hhds Rotteniaro, Amsterdam, Bordeaux, Havre, Marseilles, England, Antwerp, Stock on band, 26th inat, 29,770 hhds . Wool—Holden are not disposed generally accept present offers, preferring to wait until March or April, and take their chance of the then market There is a fair supply an hand. We note the sale of several small 10L8 at .late previous prices, and among them one of about 2000 Ds tub washed, of excellent quality, at 26c p M. 6 mos.—[Joan. lan. I, 1849. - _ Pouts to lennan—The last Vincennes, la., Ga zette, connive the following paragraph about pork - Paaa—We saw a drove of 1,000 beautiful port: en pass along our streets the other day—an hand some a lot of hogs as we have ever seen Tb pork packing business has opened with a fair pros peel of a heavy share being done in this county. More pork will be purchased in Vincennes th. present season than was ever brought here hero . during the same time. Cattle /Markets. Baltintore, Dec- 30.--Cattle--The 'Arrivals of bates have fallen off, and we note an improve , moot in prices. Oa Monday there Were brad offered at the scales, hi which 231 were sold, 61 remained over unsold, and 255 were doyen to Philadelphia. Prices ranged from 28403,75 per /OD IN on the hoof, equal to 5,2507,25 net. Hoge—Sales of live hop are making at 4.75( 6,12. IMPORTS BY RIVER. Cincinnan—Pet Consignee-260 hbls roolazo.s, W Holmes & .son; 40 do do, Townsend da Cam 49 do do, J A Hutchison . 23 do do, E Henzeltoo; 30 Ins HaranissrinnipKitiller & Ricketeon; 12 - do do, C H Grant; 25 bbirlime; Miller; 5 carboys, B A Italusestock ft:co, - - Per Hibernia No 2-16 bbhi whiskey,_R Moore; 10 thls lard oil, Sellers de Nicol 1v bra starch, W Holmes; 9 Ms cotton, ¢ be feathers, 1 bbl peanuts. Heazelton; 4 bla cotton, Atwood, Jones & co; 1 bbl mustard, H Graf dr, co. Per Monongahela-50 bbls molasses, 13agaley & Smith; 2 refrigerators, J C Bidwell; 1 bbl sugar. hill do molasses, H & A Childs; 1 trunk, Church & Carothers; 15 bbla molasses, S McClurkan; 30 do whiskey, Lambert & Shipton; 29 mks bacon. Kier & Jones; 2129 pee balk meat, Orum & Me. Grew - , 32 bbls bladder lard, G B Miltenberger; 23 labds sugar, S & W Harbaogb. • Lo ,ills—Per Telegraph No 1-4 reinsert, tors, J C Bidwell; 2 bxs mdse-, John Scott; 10 bbl. flour, J D Wells at co,' 66 bags, 14 bbl. shorts, Sel lers Ar. Nicole; 1 box books, H Graff k co; 17 bp femilseis, 1 mk ginseng, Carson S. McKnight; 22 blade tob, Atwood, bones at co. St. Louis—Per Robt Fulton--29 bble lard, - Jos Gordon; 7 has 2 bble glass, Writ McCully & co; 5 kgs shot, R Bruce & co; 90 ngs lead, 10 kg. shot, H C Grant; 2 refrigerators, J C Bidwell; 25 bales cotton; King, Pennock & co; 105 kgs lard, D Leech & co. tr - A cough should never be neglected. It may appear trifling and unworthy the auenuon at first, but ft will not remain stationary long, it may progress slow' at first, and its augmentation may be scarcely perceptible, yet when it once seises the lungs, all th e other parts of the body will be sympathetically affect ed, and • confirmed Consumption and premature death will be the inevitable result. A little ewe would save many a life, and the timely use of a proper remedy might have arrested many a consumption_ Bra many persons have an invincible repugnance to taking ear medicine, and rather than am the means towards ar restin ndisease, simply because th e remedy may not be a p leasant one, would suffer and languish for a long time, before they would temp to the aid of medicine. B. A- Fahmstock & Co.'s Cough Balsam hm a great advantage in this respect over many other Cough pm. nitration., as its pleasant taste permits it to be used without laCOOVCatelita. Bat iu value an • Balsam consist. in the speediness of Its cure. We have known some of the most desperate coughs, some of which had been naming on for a considerable length of time, yield almost immediately to its power. Prepared and for sale, wholesale and retail, by B. A. FA.BISTESTOCK & Co, novill ear Wood and let, and Wood mud gm sts Tartrairuaer Tasman , to the value of Dr hl'l,ane's YerrMifuge. Read, all that deobt. "A ferret, when placed e 1 the entrance of . rot bole, enters the aperture, travels along the passage, setzes 'upon the rat, exterminates his existence, and drags the animal's defunct carcass to the light. And in like =OM, have 1 found Dr. hVliarte's Affterican Vermi. foga to operate upon worms, those dreadful and dan gertma tormentors of children. This remedy, like the tenet, enters the aperture of the =MAN travels down the gullet, hunts round the stomach, lays hold of the worms, shakes the lafe out of the reptiles, sweeps clean their den, and caries their carcasses clear out of the System. This at least has been the effect el the venni- Loge npon my children. WM. ROC LATT Naples, Jan. W 47." "Thu is to certify that I hove used Dr. hClArte's Ver. milers, and have tinted it to operate in like mariner upon my childien. /OLIN PallitiS. Naplee, lore, 1g47." A genuine srtiele of the above valuable medicine can be had at the drug store of J. Ktdd & Co.. No. to Wood SUDOt nov27 store and for sa' J 8 DILWORTH Bum' llamal. Cocoa Bracr.—lt has p • ore Pittsburgh, Veb. 14th. 1847. -bly wife has for )ears been subieet sing cough, accompanied with asthma, if which she used different cough reine d the advice of the moat eminent phy Bl clan. in England, but all wag unavailing icy chance 1 heard of your Imperial Cough tlymp, and was lade cad to boy a bottle for trial, although I had tin belief that any thing could remove her complatni.. To my great nowise, two dose. gave her immediate rebel She is at times troubled arch a cough, but two (fa. apoonefal of syrup always mops IL I am samfiml, af ter a trial of three or four years. that seller.' Cough •p in the heat cough medicine I have ever Limed, ei ther to the Old or New World. W. }manor arts, fieverith Ward, city of Pittsburgh The above certificate ahould inouee nil who nrc troubled with cough or asthma, to give the syrup a trml. 11 may be hied for YS rel. a bottle, et the drug .tons of ft tt SELLERS'67 NVood •i. Sold by Dr. Cassel, bib Ward, and I) 111 Corry, Alle• gheny city. demd2 EL K. fiche to • to a desire for the turn 0, COUGHS AND COLDS—The frequent changer in the weather at this season of the year, invariably bring along with them coughr and raid., which by timely attention are eraily cured by pimple remedies. SEL LERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP has been tit me for the hut 12 years, and tow gained more reputation for the core of eboghe loot requiring active inedical treatment) than any other preparation ever offered to the chisens of Allegheny county. The lmperlal Coact Syrup irngry pleatirMt to the Male, and, int this ae count. le a greardavotite with children. The doses a, carefully graduated, in the directions., to suit all age. That this Long tried and highly popular cou gh te r may be within the reach of pil, if is o the lun price of 25 cants per bottle. Prepared end sold by R. F. SELIAERS. 57 Wood Pitisburgh, D. bl. Curry, Al egheny, and druggist. gt gushy in both cities. °err ur The or morbid Oterelloll.ll of bile Is welt known to cause violent disturbance of d' art diges tive organs, and bring on malignant and unmego hie fevers, which often poi an end to life. The stomach musilbe cleansed of these foul secretion. and tins can most readily be accomplished by the am of LI A Fahn estockis Pills, which area most valuable family cathartic. They caa ho gmen with !safety at all times, and Miami relief in a vers . _ short time. ir Prep.,. nod eold by AFA lINFZTOCK & Co, comer Ist mid wood, and corner &h and wood et. ang29 end and for ea e by KIDD & Co "'" l °.N76 ICT Ladles who ase Jones , Spanish Lily White, have Marys a fine %H to transparent skin. Of this n will mthfY any one, Sold only in Pittsburgh, at dil Übotty hi navLikiaadwiy M==l 4 fJ a 15 1 40. 7 SO 41 :14 4 42 0 41 4 460 10 47 4 44 11 50 4 45 morn. Th6 . week. This yerg . 12,637 6,627 a 092 669 2,957 1,255 260 131 131 PORI OF 111"ISBURCti MCBEE bou,lldeLane. bennrit. Drown., .ln. Atlantic, Park Jaso n. Nt...11,:an No 2, Crn.oix, Ikla var. Lake Er,, Z . ' hole, Ileaver. Gona. Wenner, Wh tt .l. aa . New Englancl. No 2. Met 'lure. Cm Weltaville, Barn, Sunti.h. Geneva, Dean. Na.hville R Wightman, 'antler a Landlng DEPARTED. Lorna McLane Prenatal. Erdwn-ville Atlantic, Parlonron, llrtarnavale. Miclugan No, 2. G.1.0n, I . kaver . I l lr'avrr , Clark, Wrliavale• Joe Gordon. Mclaine. Cal Telegraph, No 1, Hazlet, I.tanvllle. Inhaence. Watley. Cal C,111 , 1111. Webber, Wheeling. R Wiehtman, C7hrislcr's Landoin At dusk last evening, there were 7 feet inches ater in the channel, by pier mark, and stand BOATS LEAVINt 111115 DAY. Cinetnnat, Packets, 10 A. M Brownsville Pnekets, 5 A. M , and 4 P. M cull:tau—New England No I. Conutpee. Parkerphurg—Wellsville PROCLAMATION. (IITY OF PFITSRU Mill. SS: 11 Ivclecoillanco with the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of the :hoe of Peonsylvelon. providtitc, for the ineorporanon of the city of Nos. burgh. nod of the Supplements to said Act. 1, Gomm. Mugs, Mayor of rood city, do Issue thin, my Noels nano, declartng that on the Szctrtt, TITtSIIII . of Jul io. A D. Isla bang the hilt dny of that mouth, t•the Cl/ICII of teach word of raid city: . qualified In vote Dumber. tof the House of Represetittolves of thin monwcalth, will meet together at the several Pla r holding clectlons to their resuccove wards, and v bullut, a cmun of the sod city, qualified to cal amember of the House of Representatives mmenonwenllll—io lo Mayor oC said city. at nit the same day, in couformity to the ho med nuthortucs, and also to no ordinance of dioneung sod city, enacted into a law on HIM day of November, A D. ITV, the cttieena of First ward will elect by ballot ono Torun to - be a usher of the Select Council of sand city. and TRHaa rums to be members of the Common Council of said v, ot the Second word u person to be a Member the scam. and Tunes pe e notot to be members of the motion council, of the Thud want. one person to he member of the select, 01111 eta personx to be menthe,. f Me common ccil, sot the Fourth .van). one person lie a member of the select, and tots.a persons to be umbers of the common council; of the Filth ward, me person to be a member of the select_ and larval 2 .. G.01” to he numbers of the common council; of the Tooth ward, one person to be a m Trotter of the select and rains persona to he members of the common council, of the Seventh ward, one person to be a mem ber of the relent. and rwo persons to be members of the common conned; of the Eighth ward, one person to he a member of the select, and rwo persons to be members of the common council; of the Ninth ward. One person to he aruember of the select, and iota per on to a inerntrer of the common council—each of whom an ill be qualified to serve as a ember of the joust of Represesitauve• of tthinCoMmo m n wealth. teen under my hand and s•al of said city of Pots. burgh, this 30th day of December, A. D. t 'B4r , RAHRIFI, ADAMS. An Ordinate, the Mayer to 'sow Bomb in the riamen of Andrew , Patton and John Nheriff p Co. SFX. 1 —lle It ordained and closeted by the citizens of Pumburgh, in Select and Common Couneils as embled, That the Mayor be anti he hereby is author ised to moue a Bond In the name of Andrew Fulton for three tiondred,and twenty-eight doll.r• and fifty cents, being in mil ibr sus s Inch stop corks; also In favor 01 John Sheen' if Co for three hundred mud ten dollars, being to full for Fire Plans, each bearing interest at the rate of RIZ per camper annum, payable Nerui.annually at the Treasurer's Mime of the city of Pittsburgh, and redeemable in fifteen yeah. Sec. /l.—Be tt (umbel enacted, am, That the faith. credit, funds, revenue and corporate property of the city be and the .area is hereby pledged for the rt-demp- don of meld Bond. Ordained and enacted ono a law in Cermet'. Mt 999th day of December A. D le4s. tAiirge] ROBERT MiCNIOHT, Presi C C., pto tem . Feed. E Vols.Clk C C. JOBN SIB ETON, Preei C. Jonc M.A.. Clerk ek C. jal-31 Rtraling an 01,11.4.71. , ;awed Derrnaer 4, 1648. 4,2 IX. I.—lle it ordotted and enacted by the citizens 0 of Ptusintrgli. in Selcen and Common Councils as sembled. That the 11)rittnonen anuned an Ordinance def . :mine dm laic between the Third and Filih Wards, Third and Soil, Ward•, nail Second and Eighth Words. passed the (mirth dor of flecernher A D 1.4,, toe and t0.r.. ,, ) repen.ed ted no”oun, d ...W.. IMO La Council, this Anti of Decent., A I) 1.1, Are awn - ',CF: . . r 1 . ,•, C C. pro tent V.,Lk. elk. C. C . JOHN SIIIFTON. l'renh d. C jet-It Joux Clk S.C. BAI.ANC Y. 0:1 DEPLISITS. , ,wIor la hOOO Loco 00,- clanned on. MA, )ear and onward., in the El change Book of PltNburch: C. I) Culbormon. irciod're unt'nl Deo 21.1642, C/ 91) Wm Bran, dO do Oct. 2. - 1, 1645, 100 on Wm. DUNI, .10 do Auc 9, 1915. EN 011 um! 1131... m. do do Nloy 3,1045. 100 00 I certify Nei the torego., Habanero ace due to the person. named or Men legal representatives, wluch have been %mentor, without being interned or dram:r obed for three years or upwards, according to the books (Altos Haul.. THOS. M. HOWE. C.h. Sworn and subscribed before me. tole tsih day of December, tots Jain Crurr. Notary Pnblte. dechn.dalkw les Adveisement. THE subscriber. to o rt ((4/11/K for sale a handsome la of Yonne & Clark's, New York.) and Chick,- rug • (Boston.) Pianos. would direct attention to the fart that his is the only pinc¢ in the West where the instruments of these two makers can be tried side by side, and where, consequently, a correct idea of their qualities.. be formed. The subscriber being lumina* (once their relative mento, and having' for • Daintier n( )ears pec'ormed upon the Pianos of ?farms & Clark. has laden into use for the last twelve months, a Chick- enng Piano. to order to try to durability and fitness as an accompanyment to the voter. Thus Plano may now be seen and examined at his rooms He feels confident of his ability to give a competent and relia. hie opinion on the subject. A handsome lot of new Piano. beopened in fear days. II KLEISEH. dee9 At J NV Woodwelfs WOOL, FLOUR AND PRODUCE. LIMAN, REED kL' O„ 19ureessors to Reed. Fiord & GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS • . - 13l.ksTOS., Particular attention paid no the sale of all kinds of Pr • doge, and liberal adv asters made on eumogumeuts 1.. R. & Co. have leave to refer to-- Messrs R Rohm,. &Co 2 pm,burgb Mel.:111 h Roe. •` Reed, Parks & Co.. Beaver, Lawson & Covesle, Wellsville, 0 Roswell Nlassh, F I SteuLenvilly, O. S. Brady. Frq. .. . . W F Peterson, IF:pq ' whc. i ~ Messrs K Crangle &Co ' '.4. v Gill & e.t.a. / " ahode .., OgiehY , Wrap port. 0. deol7-dhwurayl l l.4 . IVFtW CARPET4—Recerved Uns day three: trout the manufacturer— ?sew style Tapestry t ply Clasp., extra super, do do do do super; do do Brussels Carpets: do Brussels, very cheap. do do rich colors super 'nevem do 4-4, 3-4 and S.S heavy Venetian do 4-4.3-4 and 5--, en 111100.3 do do All of which 1.111 be rapid . • unall advance, and will guarantee no low o. can be purchased in the east. e.c.2.5 \V M`CIANTOCK,7.S Fourth st OURRENCY WANTED, at dixcoont. dee:lo N HOLMM k ON HEE&E—lai Lae for sale by doc:JD F VON lIONNHORST & Co PROUSIS-40Lxplt handl.). for sale by decll F VON lIONNIIOI4.ST k C • BUTTER—t , Ws packed, for sale by jur decd) S F VON LIONNIIORST & Co LEIGH-1 elegant 2 I•orte Sleigh t for sale by dec3o S VON BONNHORS'F Co & Co Appi.m___s. bL s Russets, Belieflowers, sale oy des3o 8 F VON BONN HORST h Co ,CA LED HERRING-20 b. tors 7e V y D WILLIAMS BULK PORK—bII,O0 0 asoorted Rams, Sides and S,oulders, to arnve; for saJc by deelt/ FRIEND, MIRY & Co ED LED—I•S half Ws, warranted, per swam. C°,gab,, for sa:a by • lb FRIEND, RHEY tr. bbl. Green Apples; WO hush dried 0 Peaches, 10 do small Mac Beaus; 4 bids Rye; 30 bush dried Apples, fast re c'4 and (or sale by deelo R ROBISON 2c Co, 102 liberty to DOLL Burrrit— for sale by s bdeell2 bln fresh R Roll B ROBISON Iu tr. Co utler, st reed lA , and DM SHOE 4-6 eases (Duo Rustic Shoes, of dtifer• 1.3 eel kinds, which we oder to the retail trade much lower than any other house in the only. We Invite customers to came and examine for themselves. deel3 J A II PIIILLIPS. No 3 Wood et OVERING'S 1,01111. K REFINED SUGAI2S--30 j J Md. hovering's Double Refined Cool, Crushed and Pulverised Sugars, just reed and for .ole at the Pelt, Tea Store, 70 Fourth street, nov2o A J A 1 . 7.:1 , 21 tPA NSF]NITT, ilientone ,-- Ju re uud for •41e hy de rl6 JOIIN D NIORIIAN able for over. & LEE Bri'Flß-10 Mph, irevh Roll, 5 keen do, received Sae dee nod ior null! b) liven TA SSEY ipwr C , F LAXSFEI. bbl, I keg. In arrtre; g by front DICKEY tt. ale Co, front • . LLOW-I.{ Mothg ', from Hum Winos l lA and for IH DILWORTH, Oaal 27 wood. P ,,, d% JA AICA CINDER_ ,Zri'ib;i l WßG AN I ROUND US I A RD--1 id.l lor rule to derl6 JOHN DI , IOROAN. Idols o d o I.4ToTok„..vre prim- Nn s l ri l ek ' : " k ; eLlaes, peered do: to arrivc and .T role by deelo BROWN fr. CUl.Hl7.crssiN Idd• 1.4711141 (ill. I 0 do be. .. • o i ol , L o w " d, 6 ;t:st received and for solo by drelg SELLER , '" , NI coLts . E4111 ,, E . 1tt FLAXSEED, &o.—Y, socks ys lo ng from ...or,. Fort fain sal: br ."' h AlgEg DALZEL.I. It A LSO usT RECEIVED— A 1 00 , 0 101 of =hog.- or nod rosewood Vette,. .; fee sole. •• 131.C/41: 14 CHL.)ER—aI b 6l • r Crab Cider, IO do comm. , kj do. in store nod lot soje byt. im.wowrit, 27 wood al F U.S d g— i lubbh. Fur 55AL. 76 ,.. POTASH-Ir , Obis 8 eels; 3 colts . • sla by C BIDWELL. AO, dee!, wetter st DI EACIIk. —23 %licks drted Pooches. for ado by decls C UGAR, taw. N U, 00 eonsi6nmenl l enditr i, s t, ole by 6:eta Dw d a ec k- I *- 1 r-t7f4-uTA'S'"-YSE' n Gana end JACCO-03 keg 6 twrst, prune article, received .d for .rdk by decil TASSEY & BEST y i n Iv DOW bl.A9trLlilo by — r e. 110; 75 do lOILT, iy do 10x14; on hood and Cor We by decll TeadEti& REST LOCAL MATTERS ENousli niEuR WAGS, —Fn.° n Zentletnan wh han Ju•t arrtved In our oliT from Liverlewi we learn lUal swl.,rs eugagew, in .ship. hat port for A inert, mug agree Ito vova, and rem vt. th pay thetr rrilan o Liverfaxd. This Is a very unusual .h•orse--t he ustotnary method being to pay it sailors on their meal nt each port—thereby saving to the own• re or ehartere, of vessels the expense of keeping heir hands. nail paylng :hoc w isle the vehsel , hipping and unshipping her argo We oan ttuntoute It to no other cause than the tear of the :ahforn is mania—Which is iv , doubt silently work. ing effect on the iMpleih dimmicuty—many .if them believing that when thi , y land in America they are hall way to the gold regions. England ion plenty of sailors: and nothing but n dread of having to pay the tars a little extra wages can prompt the atup owner. to Iln course. As It is• however, it in all the better line the yaw fellows— except that. if they had their wages here, there many Rile notions to, i i h they can purchase nudely cheaper in America than in England. A horn Waa VEAL—A[IIOI,g the many industri ous citizens of one of our nelghbonng boroughs, isa fine looking man, apparently about thirty five. totally blind, who pursues the occupation at weaver. Though he sees neither warp nor wont . , his nimble and skillful lingers still nerve him to perform his task, and fatthfully and steadily he toils to weave a subsistence—to 'spin the thread of hie: 11:s !ace bears no shadow of repining at his mtslortune—but smilingly, hopefully, he Inborn on. Night and day are alike to him—no ray of gladdening sunshine ever breaks the darkness o 610:1.41 sense—but hn spiritual eye sees pleas ore in the present, and hope in the Cilium of exis hence while kind friends attend his steps, and child' leads him abroad when he is called from his place of abode. We saw them together on Saturday, and the happy countenances of both bade us blush for our own tepining and discontent with the allotments of Fortune. Ton MAYOR'S OrFinn on the morning of the New Year gave fair promise of moral amendment among the alas which usually patronize his hon• or. There were but four persons brought up-- none of them charged with anything senous. One only—a blacksmith from Ma•sachusetta—was committed for twenty four hours. Otreaug—On Sunday night alsmt nine o'clock. Mr. Snmuel bi'Clurkati, one of our most estimable merchante, was knocked down, by one of a gang of ,radians, while passing quietly along Liberty Si. nearly oppovite Ilay's Oil mill, above the canal bridge. Ile pursued the rolling, to the corner of Laberty - and Grant but could obtain no nssistance and was compelled to permit their escape One of Mr. Ca, teeth was knocked out, and hie face very badly bruised. FILIGIITORP TO Dzsru.—We see by the last Cincinnati Commercial, that the case mentioned in yesterday's Gazette, of the man who was thrown into convulsions by fnirbt, on board the Wisconsin. by a collision of that steamer with a floating tree has proved fatal. He was carried to the Hospital al Cintunnah. end survived but u short time. Mrs. Oudy the woman no horribly abused, re scatty in Manchester, by her drunken husband was very low yesterday morning and but sligh hopes were entertained of her recovery TITTATI.--B6Nitrli or Mr. WlLLiams —Bar. hey \Villiama Lake. a benefit this eventog..—A glance at New 7 orb, for the tint time to Poulton - b. will he plat rd. together with Teddy the Tyler and IA d e: Ito) A rich httl tor tole evening nal. niiA by bull 'nu ix,r. 11,,0N RCo 4 .2 111 ki.y"ir t% istil b It (" do K r E l7 r""*I'ER * 5 " 1;1 ' 1 . .% V1;1 .1 ;;. '.. !7 fa-fool • 4.50 Lol. rat a Four. B t Hoff Itunyr. for , 17 , 11 ' .5% fliTti ct 1,7;1.i% n.. R asoff•, Sl nu, 410..01 1.1. she.ted Alinoods; .541 do Val.., has. '2 ins sl , o do: 2 cast , ,cily i.e. 1.1,1 Mason's Illarkin just recofved and for oai4 by arca BROWN h Cl' I.IIVIiTsfIIN TSMOR ti-10 keg' o,soried rer and tor sal, by den I:• BRAIN a R F:ITER BIACK LEAD,II.of n superior quality, rced v.l for sale by • dont:, DRALN A 11.V.ITF.R kegs asooried. lust re; tufo for solo by decal BROWN fa CULBEItT,ON 1 )111 . 1i...4—‘10 his clay Pilo., Coy as/. by Jectl :f.S, F VON 13ONNIfiill , T A Co 13LK NIXED ti A.RXS-1 , 5 lbslll.l Codnrrr V 0r,,. reed this dayn nolooKorneni front the Maaal an turn.. and for sale by the bundle V II EATON A. Co lib decls ULARSI* 511 WA* ifaor \;too f roclYeff i 1 II do Suga-r lion., in owe,. and tor safe by dens SELLEID+ \ ILK STRIPED ALI'Af'AS--I rase silk .mood his 0 doffs, putt Jr r'd and for sale lf) MCRPIIV. ‘VILSON 2c Co. des, 4. wood •i I J AID , IN K is. lust rc,e vett. 51,•611.1...4 ROE F.; :t :h l: p l' ..,. —r j ur hes and appteo in SSOLI , dec9 N1(1. ILI. & ROE. T 0, , , ,, A .r c . f i x,_3 hi, O.m Leaf T0p i 1ac r ,;A. , .; , , , , 0 7 . i , : ,, by I ."' S • A l it:'l;74tl',7ld;k"L'Z';'z'F.Wd USTARD .1 —164.1•. all cs. LookL lard. ell 4ee., 11L. emeh, do do do. Le sinrr. end (or uer by der L' .1111.L.F.R ItICKFT.rION TO LITER A. PintE.Nro--.4 , bags Pepper. 111 ilo j_ Pimento, In AMC aud lor sole by declg2 MILLER dr. RICKETSON T,M,OL R-250 I,bb, saperfine Fluor, received pm r Clipper No 2, for vaie by dee2l CIIBRIDUE. WILdliN dr Co - T A andils No 1 by Lard, %WU kegs do do. ro. IA reed for sale by I WATERNIAN. deeTl 31 water and iron; II DER—I) bids jest recd; Le store and (or •11 , oy .1 &CZ" I. S ATERNIAN 915135. AND RUC) SKTS-04. don Beaver Rackets; 0 I do "Pub.. huge; 4do do Keeler*, in •tore and for .ale by doltd I. S WATF.RMAN_ .. DACON-4 tone H aeon Side, in store end fa 00,0 t ry WICK t• I%IVA N dec2l eorner svond and ale , .• /100 R srath6 y-10 too India Rubber Door _LI Springs, psi n e'd and for sale nt lb. India Rub ber Dopoh No NVo od st 11,4.13 J& II PHILLIPS JDUTTER- Rd • fresh roll and pocket Henri; also, 4Ukegs Boner; Just received and for nob e by decil L it'rERNI A lAN o.t. snouVcandle• on consignment. for 01:60 by de.9 A RAISTRONG & GROZ ER RIL. A 15 sacks R dor k;III . S . ' I LIONG & CRI ER SOtreo—.4 Cl"""l"R,ZrSlitfiVr4sfidd P1.107.ER ' sec yOA and Wbales Illinois wool ,lust for sa i. le b R. It S NCo. I S U s t i! i n p p R i o r S lS er, I s bbln . "‘ D ' ri ll P ' ea b c. l 7lo4 . , B7 Te g i s n l good ,ard No I, landing fitoin ase.arner L.anwilltten for sate deco ISAIAH DICKEY & Co. front al - I, , KATHER 6---660 Ilia prime Idinals, tot aalr 10" .1.- dealt S F VON aottNIIOILSr hCo LARD 011. —lO bbla best alma , grained LAM oil. landing .`roin SM. fileaSellgt , and for sale t. 7 tile..l I • !Art 1.).1..LZEL.16,0ggt0 at DREAM EF.81 , ; 410 bitt p.m), cretk . rn , e .m beel . .!n y ntore d for lair low to close ja c;:ma n T Lzmi decl I -•- . ti (of ode h) lt • V J;c 7 ,.: lb.g' "'Jog "'.'" }t n 7WHISONA ~ kitri d g „ ter.arit.—aiiese buti;,i,ivoiarri , i , , , , , , , , ,) .., Nri.L-4 - ? - e=ir,...:•:7,."P''"mo -..- duclB LS WATF.IIMAN --_—_ PixTu.';',-i''''''''''-'''----r.:r,1,..,.T‘..?,,,-,'.?,, --• . • 11, I. AX f ikiElt--0 lo blot FlOaPeCa on consignawbt. lor sale by ARMSTRONG & GROZ KR. decd . ve.2 matk et •: ----.---- U7S-53 tincksiost ter 'll and (or Swig by der euy A MOOD JONES k Co, water it - - _ KN . HMS —7 kegs No I 1.41(1, bbls Roll Dune, sti ry nice; 4 do dry Peaches. 1101,4 , landing; for a, ItY &eV INAI AN DICKEY k C „or st eLo _ 'ibis eider %iley., for sale by deell J tl DHAVOR II.I Et.ol: bbl. extra Family Flour. inv,,,trrer. II IC for sale by SRI} K --- Q II 11101.A` slf , --Lo Itbl. Sugar Hour , M. a , "•'• 0 • St Lotne itetmcry, ta storr end for ttatr br droll MILLER h rucKerson T)RODUCK--lou burl, Clnveroecd. 10 larpr et‘d 1 Chrenct 211 newt Butter, In *foto and fur .01e by dec2l 1,111.1.111. th RICKY:I'SW% RICE- S tie rect. new crop Rite. to more and for rale by drell h111.1.F.R ft RICKY:NON LARD Ul L—.s bbls litTikhardt's. for Galt by der:ll FRIEN 1./. 1111E1) h I, VI 61.A.515/*/-1.50 bbta new crop taut reed.-for rate I.U_ by der2l ice to lIIIIISFIIN. Ist and 2.1 ob. D ROOMS-22 don Corn Broom*, nua rcr'd nod or 1.11 glair by deed) A R.MSTRONG & CROIKR TO.littF,,C?:;:fOretTahn'o,ol,,,txr,t7.l::,,Tombitrztiraoprr trttl deal SELLER: I i k NICOLS .. MI L ta. AN t „4cT—„',"`.',.`4;';„:::,. ':„tP.Nri:',,",.',ol.-"' drc2l 'WALE:RS rt NICOLS . . . iIIiESTNUTS--auu bosh Just ltuidiog end for sale liy k„,,/ deal J S DILA% 04 . 71J1 OrAM OF AMMONIA-1 euik reed & RP-Co side by dee•G BRAUNITER UEATHEILL4—tN sacks now landing from BICS1310( j: Fort Pilk for sale by Co dect9 ISAIAH DICIfF.Vds QUNDRI4;I4--le seeks Fentbers; 4 do Ginseng, to ar. rive; for salt by deelo ISAIA II DICKEY &Co 1,47 ANTED—. 2 Wool !Spinners. Apply 0 . deelh I klEftli6l, .29 grater . PRittol;,,„"o'....T,i.,7°'"" porno W E Chhh. 'AEALE Ie I ao .i d 03 SNI 4L i d a L►RY k VARIErY GOOD& ' )ICII foreign per foreig alts__ r Enropa.. Conaul lig EJ:llglptea es & rounsollors for Lt. --A A Ms.% A Co. No GU Market street-. OW Patentoc•2 lan 7.• 1131,11 . 13.11 Z. HICh Dress hoods, comprising the 1 vu. ~ a 5 and lendinc Patrols. imparting ..2):es is: zsatits plaid Mei.oo, new aril- I n:. Nlerha.ii, and tiro Upp W.lOllOl 5e11.% l.% and We riche. goods ,mpoeied on, ~a ; all 6.11.1 and Foreien Laves roel hign colors and rhoice style.. all wool I of Pate. and Mod. de Cohort and I.yo- 1 - ) ft(lF \I Al.l KR it it Ors, , 01 , i'l.,:ydeb de•Leribable snadc and color ..Adttoi pnta 5,1 1(.11/01:\Wa•t 1 / 11 4 , ." nttl,l by )(staid K00W1 , 4, , lOW Machine,. al the I r,,ned Suile• Pa, Othec.i neu. toted 1 rs FA K dor isaitia/rnrlur av ol the above ,3 ...,: .1 do -.IA do du. 2 dodo fine do, 1. either pro „ od” ti ssue oss"ri o d. do coOd do do. at tile Piotnl thfire. or ,riore me Courts. and win de- mt. , I i• ni rr . . . . ‘" all ' EN 4. ' 4 ' l) " -- I . ,10, rh ,,d re , " ,...lCU e.., volt . roar unti,..A.lrti arir Wit, 10 for:earthing Me otter ', th' d° d" t' 4 5” . .• 4 do do comm. , 1 0 dos Woo' , . 'O m ' eat of Inventors tad other. moo May consult thorn or for, assorted. Id do do onut ,tags, 7t do lodtes Castt• piece wen.. ;;; ;a ..., haatth Mr. K " wth , thth 1, mere t,:oves. u••'d. the past tw..:os yea, hedl th , post of Maehtnest to the Lob I'll F..Ft sELT,-..r. do: 1.14 Nlmksktn Belts. •Al ; uththd ~ , ,,a th;„ t .. ;th , ;;; ;tthea, and tea gaa that aaaanaa to do Alorooro 410 .1 tin ro, A do. at to take liar, 111 the U... 4,1 undertakma lit, talents 11:lit lON KINSF:VS. 67 market Al and p,,,,,L. , fil m „ ~ , t h e Important n t: , . o 50 long fin. SI PI - 1111011 1.1/NI: SHAW L , —)V R Morph , hit'' 1' by t""b . "' Yr 'Y ' .. .'" ' r-"g '"' " bY luve"'" • •upr,Lor wool Long Shawls. of handsome or) las. Ine 4' , 1...“, .I 14 R , on F street. opposste Fox, it Al ants...—tin hood, a good stock of these the Patent t , rhe^• Wosto , cto- D. C.. where cOirlurtilli loorl•--011,. 11.1ritrit, green, Garnet, maroon. drah ' , c.^ . Po . ' rcd 0, .: ~" Pr ~,,, ptly attended to: room •earier Sr A so. Prirmerlork, of destrable colors. ! onclons mode dr , , ,,110. ..pecMcatton, and all regkor A 4-.... Mark Ththet Long Shawls, of o Komi 400101. ' ''' ,'",'" P" , " ' d- ' " l .0.04 ' . Pr.,,r"4 when dr.' m hand at north east corner 4th and Market sto red --og. reason:l,e terms I,lerr 01 enquiry. <540,1- deer, 1 cd tr ~.- .0.. n ere.: a".-• , i Lulli.:Mono hod, must he ac RE - , H ARI2IV M'Cliotork offers to lbw mwo.l3ing to turnuh houses, the handsomeet usort. mem Cutreting . irrOUghl no au. market, COM prientg m port the lollowiati,vartellell , Rich style Vel. vet rile. A xinin•ter TurestzT, Brussels. extra super 3 ply, serer .1 riv. superfine nod fine Ingram Carpets. in mill , h he no . . respeettuily invites his Mends and the ruhio.. to rail and examine before purehesinli whet, ureroota, No 75 Fourth st, Pituburgh deel6 A. MAN k .60 Market street, have Jost . S O received auothet large Invoice of plead Long and Square Shawls, hhught per eent leas than any pmviou Aly rer,vrtl atim Our noel of Shawls now the largest in the ray. slid yard..., may he certain that.r prices nom tlns date will lie tht per CCIII less titan at any tanner defi, N _ . ,1t g!ltl d, p m ut c r h nt d l..o7e r J EW A'...go:d pen anti pram ,, Vest chains, besvy Board coat.. Breast PIIIS. Fleet, !Legs, tar Kings and a complete assort:net.; of other jewelry, nt der:. Kr:Cs,,til , S. 67 market .t lilµl , :tiC II SIERINt IS AT cowr—sm. &it'll/111011 46 Market .treet. wall sell for the hAlance of the fo.. at coat, the, stork of French ?germ., romper. sing the mett onewe eohn• N e w is um, lose. cure barrel. dre YELI.' t. r lii 1111 ONS—J usl ,ccetved at Zeouion se.} , 67 ,furl et street, 31.1 colored Velvet Ril.bon, ..sorted colora; embroidery linp, 10 ps wide Pll.ll, ekr DLAID & Day, have mot rereivrd by express. one earton Plaid Long Shawl,. S.II/V of which tare of tho finest quality, and Me newe.t at) le. 1111pOrteil, and are now uttere d at once, greatly reduced from the rates obtained arly ut the ovanon Anara, a low cabs fine -Chem. Lane" Broclia Loot whirl, wit. eloard at great bargain, 'I e ladles me n, riled la an earl)' K 11,11111,1011 • AI.FIXAN DER & DAV, 75 market at. de,1.3 7*. W cur o f n the Diamond rhl iO ettket • I rrs o T It t I the SI lateA Wl.. ,41 ...—Stiper French ra add rteberd dement, di.t opened add ,edsug at a very great reduc. lion irate tardier pnees. dee ALEXANDER k DAY Erne nu standina c 0.., merino, silk and wool Volts, do do do Dray:cr., sick, kid and wool Gloves; cotton and wool llosc; bit Italian cravats; fine 'Le. Ayr Searle. decS F H EATON & Co A Si NS'l . l".ll 'A R P EFF.--We would invite th• attention o; those ...him! to furnish h0t..., to rail lot, W/1111/e nur r Carpets, which are very rich In style sod colors. Wareroom, No 7.1, lilt Fm.ereb decti W SECLINTOCK `n Ur-7W Welintoek offer. to purehas. ers very handsome assortment of rich twin Da ittaxi.,l for a indow buff., 10. en n.parent shades, &e.. at his carpet ware room. Fourth n duet/ fri.F.l, A rove. gold rated brown and Mock Tweeds, I do Fancy Costumer° just tec'd and tor sale at manufacturer. price. MURPHY & LEE, liberty Bt. der Id opposite sth MISSES AND INFANT'S' WEAR—F II Faro. & Co. have added to their former business a de pantile., under charge of Mrs. Bigelow of 80,1011, 10 maktrie to order in lute. styles. Infanta' Wear. Misses Santis . ,0a5. , •...1 ()teases, Ladies and Gen. Dressing own (jarmenta embroidered or stampe4 for embroider,: talltine netting. erotektot work,hemAitehulg and mar. king neatly eiceuted. hov29 CARMPA".-:Constanify receiving at Fourth street. every •anely ol Carp., roiniisting in pan of AI2OIIIIIIOII. 01010 pa , ter, Velvets. latest patterns imported, sery n. 'I a; , Ilruns.hy.'l pi y, sup and vin all of which 1, 1 0111 sell as lose as they ean he par c.a.,' ih it...plc', Importing nod purchasing from n i e us to compete with the .totem market LA Loll r., TRIMMINtiIs , --tldoz lace Demi Veils, 1,4 0 d Si:k gross lk Da tsey But tons. If .1,, do to do col &Floss dn. 11 do do FILIOO.O I an. 9 dot col'il firer) silk 1.1ove•. ti do till Jean, Loud F,:nee I/ di, French silk Ruches. ref. d Utt•da) I' II EATON & der I ; Fourth IN HAND AND FOR SAI.E—IU (NB drab Blanket . k / 1.1 1 / 7 1 C r- 1-rotodre do dt. , . I ettac Lavoldrr !Rm.. , 1. I do dre, oozed INDIA. I do Army Cloth, 1 Jo 'l'M e ,w... I .ark Cord rmx I do Tan ro ey [ot e ur rototgord •Rrten .roort olerool, , oreo add uot ‘dir I, the parka., or Pete.MURNIV I.FE-11,-010 tit a I V CtIESTIC Blanket+. Flannels J Tweed, Cautnett. 3-4 Cloth and CYSIMEIe, b) the pie, or pw•lttal,r, ',try low, tor sale by 110 V I. IiFA) COCHRAN HOLIDAY PRESENTS ANN L$ AND GIFT BOOKS, st - rrn 11 , 1. VIZ k.S ENTS --Gems ut Heat.) . ..p I, lilu. for gs~epaa4e of n t rd n a , 14 , ~.111, Chrism.. ;tn. , . for PAU: 111..orns, pp 1.4 p, atnerenth. a 'I Dean is Remembrance, for 1,649, The Young Mana °drying. The Young Lady's Offering, by Mo. Sigourtiey and oi leaflets of Memory, •uperl, annual (or 1.45'. The Fair) Rung for 1.40. The Opal. 0 •ii 010101 010 hook for 1,49, The 11, acp,ti.. tor 1.49: i NEW YORK AND BOSTON PIANOS , The :Wrgellook. for Issin. 101 IN II Al I -3.1.0R. No .1 Wood l The :885. disk e for 181 n, street, has received tnvoice• of a lane' l'he'lbsok GI Pearls. l supply of Piano Fortes from the cele- The Lady Annual. for 1.40; I toasted manufactory . of t hickenne. The Wooten of the Scriptures. a licautifal work. 1 Boston. 111 et ri, in a new doys. of which due notice 'rho V, ',nth of Friendship. for 1.49, i will be givmk. varying :0 prim o mom $275 to $7OO. The Christian lie--psake to 1-.48; Also item the ninnutactortes of II Worcester. and Read's Veinal , Posi• of Amrica. containing por- 1 U. ,, th k R.`''' ll. ''''''" York. . h°"" 4.......... `'' 1 ' Waits of Mrs Y. i tore Smith, Mrs. F 8 Osgood, M c , 1 of 6, 65 and el octavo Piano Fortes, rosewood and I.- II Stkourt ,v . Mrs 5 F Filet, Mrs 5510na C En, mahogany eases. of the most elegant descrmuon, aild our,. Mr• Amelia II Welby. Mrs. 8 1 Hale. Mrs. F.. , wan slithe late tthPthrethent" . C knit.- y. 511. s Anna C Lynch, Nliss Sarah J. Clarke. The above, in addition 1.13 he stock en band, will Itirsee Green w0../.1 i , ' sake the largest and most desirable selecuon ever . 1." 5 i.,,,. „, is s i s , , s ii,, c “„„ a p 5 ,,,,,,,d : offered (or sale 111 him city, and will he sold to an cases Works. Prayer Books, Bibles, and other works in at manufacturers prices, on accommodating terms, and spleinitd style 01 bind, ngs. suitable tor Christmas and 1 o wrt•Mtt Rita lee 5 1 ". 5 with every Piano Forth sold. :siew 1 ear's presents. tor mliwat the hookstore of JOAN H. MELLOR. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. l Sole Agent for th e sale of Chichering's Plano Fortes, de c2I corner Market and Ws. (for W'''ter,' /''',.Y105,10 dec2o . _ NEW PIANOS. sots Aorsr, pox Si NM, at Ct.sks's Cragaasr 111 P1.1,1/11 " a i l IE subserther ha+ just rep,entalled ht. ,ok Of 1 . 01110, which tor variety f o rs style and prices has never Lent uf. passed m this city Just received and ope, ed. the following new Pianos. One' Octave calstnct grand Plano. fill entirely new invention. One Rosewood 6/. very elegant Nunn & Clark. One - with Coleman's celebrated -Volum At tachment. Thu is a very superior Piano. One a unshogans. Vain, N. & C non 11l H. MA:B 'R. all W WoodwelPs Gift Books and Annuals for 1849. 1,,n, .1 the Season. t-. 49. Rack 01 Beauty, 1,19; 1 The ups!. do The Garland, do Genu of llentily, do The Amaranth. do du.* hte t-.l.wttla ease. do Chrlodmas Rose., do Fore nie•Not, do Blossoms. do , .10, wht cf. with east:, do Flora's Gents, do Book of Pearls, do Chrutiaa Keepsake,do Friendship Intel - mg. do The Snow Flake. do keepsake of Fr lid,op. do The Gem. do Excelsior Anuo el. do The !loss Rose do do. wht et. wth case. du Gin of Frtendahip, do Pe 11, lUiti Keepsake, do The 1 . 011 . 1, do l'be Hyaena du The Token, do Rosary Illustrattons of the Bible; 1.80 nt th Lake. i.lustriihrd. !Atli% Boot h, Moore's Poetn.iti Works, Poets of Connecticut. ph edge. I,lis' llocticsl Works. morocco, key. of Sahhatik Ptelorial Fres k hit mud Napoleon. Or. he . A law it.s.rtme . t of mmularJuvclALlc Books, molly of wlttch 00,1051 from the Toy Books wult co- lured plows Onnie•. he hepress Just reversed try IL, press and for sate by LILLIOTS' h. ENGLISH, dectki wood and market its • . 'VFW BOOKS AND BOOKS FOR IPRIINKNITS.- 11 Willa • Poctiell Work, 11l morocco, illustrated; Lady of the Lake, IVo rail of Cowper and Thompson, and Keats, Isoldstuttli's Poems, Phompson'• Seasons, Sacred Mounter:to. Ilethune's Poems, l.oldamith's Works; The limn of the Season, The Perpetual Reeftscek; l'he - Amaruith; The Scrttp Book; 'I he Hyacinth, 'Dm Jewel, The Token. The Reltatoos`sousentr. Milton mild 1 °nag; P o e try Philosophy, Poems by AroOdL, Poetry or now - era and Flowers of Poetry; I utleu Captur. Parlor Book of Flowers; Wm-stile of Friendshro, Fairy Tales; Sunny Marc Select Christian Authors, Horse Paulin., Lac days of Kasha, Young Ladies (Menne, Sliirtt's Interpreter, together with it large sanely or Juvenile bitt Ihmke ELLarri• LISIL deet.: wood and market sts -• • HOLIDAY ILMCNTS-2 splendid Chenc Lane renl !troche Long Shawls, of n quality usually „i i i 10 33 in 40 h ollers. bought at Minton in N R York, v. .01,1 be otif for ISIS each. Also, a few reel chee lone Bonnierplentlid Camelign Sok Crepe and 'Furst ri Phew:, a Iris - pieces very superior new; tyle Pilk,und n very large essortroctit ot the newesand 010.1 tire.. goods, now offered at decided hough , ALIO:AN - DER. & DAY, 75 inarket st, ilergs N W :turner of the diamond tO.l 1 IA .00 DS— W W. WI LW, c J. orner of 1 Market 11111 i .Ith ham benutilul n.sortment of rich and M.loonsble goad. in hi. Dine, parueularly Fine Watches and Chafe and rich Jewelry Gold Pencils, Gold Peas and Pencils. all of the hest materials, workmanship and pattern., and will)e low at crtsiern prices. e 25 . _ . (11FT 1300K:4—The Women of the lb- Sble; tle:nnented in n sertro on •kroehent of Yroun• tonal I ennui,. menonnord 113 Holy Sertinuro—tllastrate4 I.y I , fine meet eneroving.. I vol. Quarto: Turkey gilt ellgv•—Arnlorminno .ntyle The Sneed Poet. of Floglntol and Amnnea, for three I • enturiex EnlOrd by (tutu. \V nnroomald. Illustrated sonon steel tong ravong.. vol "vo Silk alit nolges. Fennone Yo ote on Arn , rn , +. 1 . 0- graphteal 'wore, tool npeconenx on their wriungs. r II Rend The Book of n rholee garland of pros, poe ttry nod art, con:mining 90 hoe Orel engravings; I rot vo The Book of Christian Ballads. Illustrated: I vol. vo. IFOr sale by It HOPKINS, deal Apollo Buildirife,lth . !l FIItKeI•ENTS, at 1. radalv . , 67 Market street—}itt• ng Just received per Keprcsau very large assortment "( Vilnes Goods. he invites the atter" nod "(purchasers to his very extensive stock or Bead lime, bead purse, rosewood writing . desks, work boxes,fornished and uniuriuslied; idiek gammon .nrds. Jewelry, sod in taet every vattety of Fancy Goods in Ms line. derZt OLD KILIBB NAME/LE DAB COME --• • - - AGAIN. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity. thin hls Toys find Fancy 'owls WO now open. ,n the large room formerly occu pied is • • lupe( Warehouse by R. D. Thompson. "litre eau he teen lie large. ..garment of Christrorm Presents ever offered for sale in the city. All the.t goods are imported direct Morn Europe by myself, and will be sold cheaper than any other establishment in Um city, wholesale and retail. Call and see the floe assortment. C YEAGER, tae Harket Si. dect.? Dees Liberty._ CHRISThIAS PRESEN JOlllO.ll, 66 Minket street, otter for sale, at reduced prices, a variety of goods suliable h r Chrism. presents, eon slain tu part of French worked collars, ehemMette• muslin and lace ropes, emb. Swiss robes. revier and emb, linen cambric handkerchiefs, deep corded bor dozed dei gentlemen's told do; black and fancy siN cravats end scarfs; inch chameleon silks. engineer. zed de !aloes, satin sawed mohair, luslrts and erten lats. deMlO POTAB-7 casks prune, for sale by - - ...u ll 2tll Si F VON BONNHOBST & Co M tSCELLAN EOtTS rootpangre by 11. , 11111 I.• • I,` r orb,. wntrl, per to the P, trot Me-.r. J H wtii naelsted by v legal. vtkaraater, and o• and nth, Srtontifir oty2o:d&wl)S SUbje , to Modern aud Antique Furuitnre, -3, That: , Si .I.lor, ell - rem:lton. X A tarp. tool epiendid ~. . anwortiornl of Porto are. ••••• euttalde tor SteAruboata. Hotel. to.d private dwel. hugs. conatantly on hano and made to order. 'rhe preeent atoek 011 hand cannot be exceeded by any matto(a,tory to the western country Peraort• wialnug to pure... would do well to glee me a call, asl am deteronned my prices nha/I planar Part ol the Igoe k con•lati al— Tale a Tete, Barret Etayete; . I.ut. XIV Chair, queen I•llszabeth clot re; Teo l'oyxr. I- nut 'rabies, Toilet Tuble•, Louts XV Commode, Frew . ll Idehogen y ISed.leacle, Plano Stool., ail .oil.. wl,ll 1. , u.,1. and hair-cloth coy erc fe/ Malo.vol.y lior I: tog Chum, 40 dol. l'erdo 11. • f , ',acy or do ZI eentre Tabire. let pm r 1/1.411, 1 panpicr 1 . 1.1.10 A, Id inert, top Dreeetne Bureaus: . ..• Wardrobes.. r•lerretartea and Book cuees, Ninurole top Waatt :fronds; I potr Illtorrtn, - pa, taw . ) Work. Stands; A vony !ft ree lm a•Lor ont of common chair. and other urntur , tcto rot.• mrlllittil Gyt Steam Iktut• ttli the ottortest nonce a”.l Oh the 11111/1 reaonont , he term. dee IS FRESH PI:I3E TEAS, Whole•n 0 an i retail. al the T)E1:IN TEA 701 , 00,0. tnr, coat w.„l, jj Pittsburgh —rho subscriber having Just returned front Now \wk. .• 110 , , reretvwx u large fall supply of Ire•h I.HKEN AND IILACX TEAS. !root the New York Pek in Ica Company . .elected w oh great rare for retail r ••,,e being COW heavy we are pro. pared i4l) Gfoer rs. llotela,reurnboata and Fam ilies with an) quan , rty and al art price they niay with; purlieu to I. I and I pound packages, 5 lb WI Mi., ICIAL. g god 0 , eon) boxes, and to half chests Relmtli t,rover• - or invited to call." we can and will •ell bettor ream at lower prices than any other house 111 I','t-burgh rut ur hoe Vouog Hywr, Gunpowder, and Int peri•l Green. anti t , oloiag Mark Teas are the beat In the MTl^rl , an market. I.o‘ero.e. doui., relined Loaf. Crushed. and l'ul vert,il retait,nr by the barrel 0.,F1/ Gov Java. Lego., St. Do. , a ntl 11.0 I 'oder,. selected by the moat caper ten red rat , ih•oker to New 1 ork Swart spirt .1 Choeotate, Pickled Curunthers and °mow.. Fr•-ti Peaehe , pit up in their own 1111 CG Ma , aga .n .1 lb boxes. N it —.4., Ur D Jayrie's Nledielnes for sa:e der9-daws A JAI NEE. BE= rro THE ENTER PKISI Nt. —A rare rhanee 1.1 now prey/lied tor the Kate to/thegni< 11/ ['acne en. Urely n e w. mit adopted as to the max of extmistae maieureea, yielding a profit from eamMl and enterprise hey mid nay operation of the day It in the crimple e monopoly of a ataple arti cle. absolutely necesaar) and essential to every Man !), a* well am todispetisahte to Me mechanic, artisan and role...tonal man To capitalist.. an opportunity offer. o•mi ior a uerative employment of either large or stria., -tist,. W . 1.011. 1111011ethaViiild high/ y sausfa c . tor" worm rho. , de•trous a: embarking nt a pleas ant. G.r3: r•lo.11:en•. are invited, wall others. to call at the onhr....i lilt dersigned, examine the article, and 'arm rodetnent, from the fact, presented. Han, ;tang, Building*. St. Clair stolen door to EMplire ±O/111.. °thee CULVER & MYERS. dr I - - - 0 6TER.IO OY TIEGIUM '1, , RE.,11 FROM Tin , . SHELL-11y Rorke & Co's r I , ..spnvw. at reduced pneea.—To accommo date all lover, ol thn.deltetous luxury, BURKFI A Co. have re.olved to .npl,l) roe preple regularly through out the ea , Lon.. will. .he ll ,h Fresh Oysters In i ts hair UlO ai.d at .neti reduced prices as witt ehable y enio) Win deltency at their tables A u r_rpre..n toad will be reserved Judy at the ware boo., of JNO C. Ell/WELL, W .trees, ater reet, between Stotmtield end Grab, aad for male the., and at the fol. lowing &rot, Rau) , tt,rer. corner an and V i,..r , 4-10” lhatnong, A Hoevler. Penn s'. rnit nre, 110o.tkr , toot 01 , t'o,mrt Jr Peon ,ter.:er & A 't-,1101,. SPLENDID. LOT OF NEW PIANOS. fiffiSTINUNNS A ,LAIIK. :Sew 1 ock, , IlltisElllM Boston. u Boot, The totrtvc niter lohn ..ow open end for ~ me. a °on uf roost superior Ittano, sr reied by look.ell *1 the monotartortrs. Tl.ey convivt ot Itto.rwood turd Mahogany Piano, of of l. of and : octave, 01 various styles and price, and embrae or the ~,-.l,niprurements. Thove of Nana. & Ctar c t i. Ilor ~nwit ce,ebrated firm he is so,. Aoict - r/ linvo a n Improved mitt 01 mnitging posseaved by no , otner. a1..0 n ouorrwr plan of leathering the hammer, prearnuog boor 1' Du MALI growing harsh and wltty after ...our u-e. Ta r 1 , , 11 „,,, a ,-,,,,ACT1 11g, of winch he has a giver, or lot. are vent•lded with the Circular Seale, and were selected fur lute 11101 rum by I. Chicken:4,ot liosfOo. The a hoy, wo , postoveiy be sold at manufacturers' pr tees. aii.l on arroutmoduung terms. The soh•trit,r w1:1 iillartaol) he found at I W Woodwel , ' , from 11101(1 It A It . art.! loom I to 5 P M. Mr. W00dv. , .. wi.i 0110114 to the humilev. de ring the balance et tune 11 KI.F:BER. °call et 1 W Wnothrell'a. t.:.lThml at ---- Hardware—Cheaper than Evert LOIIAN. IL.SON CU., Importers and Wholesale Dealers m Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery. No Ign Wood street, above Fifth. have now in store. very cheap *nil well selected stock of Hardware, trorioned slime the declineof prices Europe, and which they *redetermined to sell eorreopundsnaly low. Merchants who have beet, to the habit of going East are pitrueu larly requested to call and look through our stock, as we confidently beheve they welt save their expenees. anti . • ORIGINAL , BOLIVAR HI:LICKS: UICEILIENCEIInuIges, on a trial of one and a half XI =Mous. toter 1-4.5. pronounce this article unsur passed (or durability ui the construction of nil kinds of Furnaces. Price 8M1,15 cash for loads of 10 M, guar. asiteed note mouths use. Orders for a second quality Callen Cricks 0111 be executed at TN per NI, if so de nted, wfithout guaraiiiee. A stock of the first quality a now for sale at the warehouse, 'Stone's Wharf,' Ca nal Basin, by J SCANT MACLARRNI, scptiM Kensington Iron Works PH(RUA FIRR CRICKS The subscribers haring been appoindeg wit: Agents by the numutacnicers, for the sale ol the ectebraiedl L'llunnix Bricks," are now prepared to RI orders tor any quannly, at 5 . 21, cash. per 1.001 For the construction of furnaces of 1.11 Outdo, these bricks bore been pronounced by tona -1 nevem Judges. being ',tremor to all other fire bricks uow in use. C A AI'AISULTy & Co, Canal Basin my3U LTRA AND:ATE Tlet PLY CAELpt.7— :( Received dos day, t R h m fIRE E rom them anuflac rs turers, a handsome essor mem of extra toper and super dirt c ply imperial Carpet, of new styles, to which we ask the attention of those wishing to furnish houses or smaruboaw. Curie wureroom, No 75 Fourth at. Elitis t/tug h. Breit NV NITLINTOCK . _ ILITCIIII. it. D. COC.llltAttlx RITCHIE & COCHRANE, FORWARDING &, COMMON lORIICHANTS,' No. Da Tcliourrna I.AS STREET. amil±korom., New Orleans. lagi.inCrai reit & co., ItiFoßm their trtfl . ll.. nod the public thatthey hay. no longer ad) 1.01111,...1,./1 with Mete lam egtabh.h. mem to Pettit a. do • litudlurgh Brewer), towing removed dietr • • ourd Ouslltrit• lo the I'ItINT IMF:Wt.:RV. Piti &trete! - titY:.l ot: TH,`,',.."` . ."fhs",7lTik"ir;-;741T0d vTlarl'if,"-: ONS, as manufactured and and. perfected by Messrs. Mulch A. What, of Cinetnnatt. The usual compass and extent homy but four Octaves, MMUS. M. A W., in accordance with the general desire and demand, have extended the estate of these anitruments tO 44 stud even 5 Octave., thus mating it practicable td perform upon them any musie written for the l into or Organ The exterior. also. ho been much improved by placing I the body or We amtrarneut upona cast on frame • i beautifully bronzed and ornamented. rendering it at Aloapriat X & Sans' Rods. Ash. I once a moat elegant and extremely &tamable article. rikllkt iiiiimeriber. •are DOW receiving their Fall stock I The pace m pat en low as to bring it eetthth the rent h 1. in the above entitle, three vi•ssele, via: the Juniata, I al creep one to obtain • perfect ranocal intdrolneni , Medallion and Lydia, ha yule nroved at Ptuladelphra ' and, at the same time, a mist elegant ptene of far.' mad Palliator, and two more, the :Stephen Ilatilwin and nor fur a comporattve tone. 11. KLF.BER , loath, shortly expectiol. they are, therefore, prepared At J W Woodwellts to receive orders They will receive &tong the alit- N. 11.—Call and examine. dec22 tor and *pram, regular ',applies via New Orleans. —_ W 5 Al ALITCHEL-TILF F ' 2 DOCTOR YOURSEI.FI • . oYIS -- ' ' ' TOR 8 CENT:SI—Hy means of the ,Poelretl EacM Li l' NDRI ES-5 bats Na I Mackerel ) _L" Wpm, or every one las own Phy omen! tsvenucte 0 3o libla No n one teed; 30 Id do No 2 do; 1 edition. with ups:hard% of e &indeed engravings, show. Itt do Twitters ilii; : leg private diseases in every shape and. rel., nod Med -sdo Alum: 3do E Salts, 3do eland logwood l formauon of the generative system. by IV. ArOUNti, I hi Nutmegs: ftl bar No I maied Her in Al D. The time has now arrived, that persons sutler- AP Ito. No a do din 5 do scented Soap; I ing from secret diase, need no more heroine the inc l. do No 3 Premed do. lit do No 4do do lum of qoackery. as ashy the prescriptions o f in 1 bale tlioves. 10 bags lava i wire. 1 thth book soy one may cure himself. wohout hindrance 50 bhd. petani Nlt sugar; jut: me. i i oo d o tr sole to business. or the knowledge of the most fermate by deel4 'MOWN A. Pl' ImER tee, t k sr math find wtth CAM tenth —. . . _ _ :•tion to tne general room , of private di.::e, n,, nt folly imic" e ix. D , lt . c O r .. , IIU ,, N F T: a, d i tz . at s , u tkt . e Iq d y l o t ti,,,, d ‘... k I I 41%. and '..l.kkmattr,r of oangements which it nevoid not fie proper to 0nnm,,,,,. Market and Petry 'beets. melt-dicta re the pantie gn.. i Any personsending 23 cep. enclosed in a letter, A FURTHER REDUCTION , will receive one copy of thus book by mail, or Are ro. TAS.muspktAn A ~,, , ,m4 pATENT SM./A ASII— ;pp will be mot for one dollar. Address O DR. W. tp A: to 5 tons 34 ease currency, or 4to apy'vd bills I yOUNO. No 152 Spruce stzetel, Pbilsidelpia,i, it... A 3 loos Or upwards, al do p., 6 rem do, interest ad- paid. ded. Eor e superior quality et Wm brand we refer to : W ANTED--Proprtetors of or book Stores, and th the glass and soap manuraeturers of dns city general- pedlars to ev ery town I. the Coiled & atm to art as W k. Al MITCHEL-TREE, „,,„ u f or We above work. ootl-deod3ist dec4 IGO liberty st 1 - yrjOOK KEEPING—A person of long expetlience to Bop Rook Keeping offers km 'services Inthatospacity, permanently, Cr would for the present devote his time 1 0 ., die a djustment and settlement of books and aCeMAIIIS The heel of references as to capacity, a.. , will he gi von Apply at the. store of deck 2 C A feaucr, 41 voter st --- - Blenching Powder, ,Chloride of Lime IM FROSI MAN t: FA(' CS RERS.—TIt , nthsentwo , hove on Itand ma tot onstuillty he supplied onto in. Nio•if rim a. s on , „ chrated Blenching Powder. whfch they soil warn! equut It not superior to ant tmpurted I the I' Cluny. and which they are prepared to ccl, a the Ittweet mu ket price for t. 0•11 hirmed noot V.' a M Mt 11 . 1a:L1'RF:E, hherty at - NOTICE:. rynE underxient,l having removed to Washington co, a ill oitend l 4) the proseratiou of claims 0,1 I le Govyernin,,,,, and to iwiY , c‘o bonne., before the Courts of the DIIMICL with which be may be emaciated dace-33am ANDREW WYLIE, J., HORSES, LOTS. FARS; 263 Acres Coot sand for Bale r Q rrt - AT Fl I) on the Mt/nolo:1)hr rLye, abaht iGnailer 1.2) front Potsuuryh und 3 ones 1.3 :e Ines, it the troniediate netshuorhood of Nlessra. Lyon a .cl Mr John Herrons pureba.c. Tho hot body ot Coal well he .old at the low price of S per ;acre--or ono! to band. balance in fiveoquat annualirayments wohout interest Tole Indisputable Loestuon very c.a.—cannot be surpassed For furthar 11,1quirr ot S. RALSLEY, who has a draft of said pro perty Residence 2d at. below Ferry, As. Ad.). Row S B There is another seam of coal on -ibis tract. 61/ feet above the lower, of excellent (polity y 26.16 R. floal liCstata in Ohio. ATRAC'T of band, 90 acres, In Munson. HartnAr the Cuyahoga river--about 30 .reettudet Iste proven:teat Also. two utumproved lots in 610 Warren. Trunsbnll Co., GO feet by 00. Alin, lot of r ound In the centre of Hartford, Tro.mballSo., with • One 3wellots hence and .tore--one of the belt stand. formerchant on IS/ Wustertt Re.erve sty or all {11.5 proper, w !••• sold no very °u to toeing 1 -) AlAtl DICIStVI LO Coy febll) Water and Front sts. Tract of Land for glatate: riml-:sabmenl,er wti; w,ll on accommodatipg an terms. r j valuable tract of ld, sitalite ou 11r road leadow from Brighton to Fru:lir:in, oh* eighteen mini from Pittsburgh, and about eight milart from the town of Freedom on the ()bin near. Thq tract coo tarns 4rW acres and no pr. Trim, inner mekattra The land or of art encodes trounry. about IM and writ watered, and wdi be sold miller la whole or tarn w of coriverucut rune, to salt purchaierr. Fur further particular , enquiry of AVM. I.IOTD, A at Law, office on itb at above Bautbaeld, Pittoburgh. mytkdkvrtiT - Properly In Allegheny Clay for gale. THE volmenbersoder for yule a number of ehmet Lots. situate In the Second Ward, froklUng on the Common ground, on easy terms. Inquire of W. WE. ROBINSON, Auy at Law, St Clair at or of JAS ROUINSO7I. on the premises. tnyllll.kwtf T TWO HOVSES AND LOTS POD SALE. 4 ,4, twit lASI'S on Beaver street, tithe Orr . of : 114 A ,,,, tneny , above the upper CoMMO[III, On which ts erected a frame budding, two stories high. suitable for t snisll mnententa The lute are eSteh twenty wo feet In trent by 011 t hundred feet deep. and run back to street forty feet wide The belldings'On the pre miss, wt:i pay n very handsome tuts rest nn the Invest. meet, Katt the property actli `de Fold chearijor cash. Apply to 11. Spout:. Clerk's office; 1.7. S. or to novr3i KAY 24 Co ROSEDALE TO LET THIs tle.notral :summer Retreat, for souse years past .cupted by Mr. le,lliurch. field, is offered ;or sale or rent on fie first to Apra next. 'Ms property has been approved by oddlnottal Inuld.nglll,l sullstanttnJ Anise wall, and terrace planted wall Evergreen. and FrullTree4 To a goad teortn, capable of conducang tholitette the tem, will be reasonable. GEO COD URA. Pittsburgh, Dec Agent lorTroprletor. FOR RENT &A TiE Bulge niter offers for rent fot . the term of I One or morn y nark a large conampent well fin• Wind two story Uweling House, containing is rooms and Kitchen. There is a lot of ground :p mining acre, of fine young fruit trees of evert' kind, stable, tr.c , connected with the house. To any person wish mg a delightful residence within a few Mthuu. ride at the city. thin will he a rare chance. Forearms,which will be low to good tenant, inquire , of r. Jno. Wrlrtn., near the premises, of John Watts, corner of Hand and Liberty streets, or of emote-if THEXt. IFi WRICINT. - • - , Scotch Rations Land for:Sale. ri , EN OF LAND, summed m Feehles town. I slop. on the hlonongahela, three miles from Pius burgh—ln lota to suit porch...ter. For further partic ulars apply to Henry Woods, 3d at, or 47 A. WASHINGTON, ortd.dtf Ith, abovehttnittheld at . Residence In All heny Oity for Sale. GUNTESII . I,ATIIVI I removal from Allegheny ea) , I offrr my remdence there for sale.. The premise are ni denghtful order, and every way worthy the at lention of any person swishingsuch property. 1Y26 ft W. POLNDEXTET- Reuel Nagaat. In Mercer Coataity. . A Uri, Storehouse and tkrelling, situate on th 15. Erie Extension Cana! , in the village of West Mid dievez, • desirable Ukeation for a merchant Also, Lot and good Devoting House well suited fora Tare Stand, in the village of Orangevfile, ort Stale lino o Oki* Terms ouoT , ISAIAH DICKEY & Co. feta° Water trod Front auk. f 10AI. LAND FOR SALE--Seven ions coal land 1._., for tale. t,mate m bend of the blonongaheht ootet Rivel above Brownsville, Po_, having • 7 foot vein of eon which win be told in exchange for good.. For porde ' art ttop!v to ft S It W.FIARIIMAIH .11arood et AW A R EH OUSE - FOR BALE.—The aulwribe Eden (or sale the three story brick Warehonac on Wood street, occurred by R. Tanner I Co. 17 Wbl. WILSON, Jr. The subscriber. will rent putt of the ware house now occupied by them Apply to 1..}.:W15, DAIZELL. to Co, puit7s4 water wove- VrA I.l*A !ILE It F.A I. I.:STATE:ON PEdVISI STRU. - T V FUR YALE.—A Lot of •Groun , l situate on Penn street. betwetil Hoy end !Ilarbory street., %dunning ine hon.,. Anti ien now occupied by Richard gdwitril., having a trout of 23 tent, and in depth UPI feet, will 1.0 .oldon hivorable terota. Tale unexceptionable En• C O. LOOMIS. tin et, near Wood. quire of o. t.I 111 FOR RENT. A 1 . 2 Vele, above H G ant re. Possriliner Dwelling non g iv e,l on o a first o( January. I.'o, or %OM., if required. n For e Itlquire of ~o v7 i BLACKBURN A en. water EXCHANGE BROKERS, &C 8. 110LBIZS 6 SONS, I!!=tMM===l NYr DRAFTS. ACC . BPTAtidES, GOLD, SILVER AND BANK NOT E. COLLEGTIONS.—Dratts Notes and Acceptances payable fn any pa, oC the Utuon, collected on die most favorable ten.. BM:HAM:hi on New York. Philadelphia and Bab union, also, Cinema., Louisville, Smut Louts and New Orleans constantly toi sale. BANK NOTIlls —Nines on all solvent banks in the United Biases diseountod at the to eat mum Alk kinds of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin bought and sold. Office. No. 55 Nlivket street, between Bd and 4th, Pinsburgh, Pa. oeM EIXTSBN.Y, 11 - Al2llll. & 00, 'DAN - KERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchanza, Certificatet of Deposne. Bank NOLO, and Specie; Fourth:RE!, near ly opposite um Bank of Pittsburgh. Current money received on deposne—Sight Checks for sale, and cob ileumr made on nearly all the principal points In die Caned States The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold. Advances matte on canals:magma of Produce, ship ped Fast. on liberal terms. =hid kXCHANG& ...... B ILLS oa England, Ireland, and Scotism' bought unt at the Current Rates of Exchange. Drafts Moo , ft payable in any part of the Old Gauntnuli, from 11 to 111XX1, at the rate of 85 to the 1 Starting, without deduction or discount. by JOSHUA 501111%. SON, European aunt General Agent, wilco sth et one door west of wood =M/MIMMI IDAKKERS and Exchange Brokers, Dealers In F. eign end Domesue Time and 'Sight Bills of F No Cerufic ates of Deposite, Batik Notes and Co' No tiki Wood street, do door below 'Fourth, w mar.rtt _ _-- — .LL. cagy 7. 1 11.. ilm. dt itAin 4 ItUW AIM OA IDI BANKERS AND EXCRANCiII DROFIERS, dealcis in Forcirn and Domestic Bills of EC in, Cer tificates of Iposite., Rani Nome and Coin, corocr of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charles 42a Hu . ma WE,i{ Ohio, Indi.o, liisotacky, Baia Nowt; l=:1 parehaned at the lowest Mt., by N. HOLMES tr. SONS, septa 35 Market street. TILLS OF EXOILANOM—SAght Cheeks on New York. l'hiladelphia and Itsltinrons, Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES tr. SONS. septa 35 Markel st. Roollog.—O.lvatalsad TII2 Plates. H G subscribers beg to call the an.uon of Builders, T Architects and owners of Boilthngs, to the many advantages which these plates possers over all other metallic substances hitherto used for woofing, de , . they possess at once the lightness of iron, without its liability to rust, having now been tested for several years to this particular, both is this comtry and In En• rope. They are less liable to expansion and contr.- non from sudden change of the atmosphere, than com mon an plates, mon, sin, or any other metal now used for roofing, amt consequently forma much better and tighter roof; requiring (or loss frequent repass, whilst Me first cost is but a. tulle more. A full up ply, of all uses, front 16 to 30 W. G., con stantly ou hand and for sale by GF.O. B. MORHWOOD & CO., 14 and 16 Beaver street, Now York. The patent right for this article having been secured for no Untied States, all parties tafringing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, will be prosecu ted .13N4licsolyT RUST PROOF IRON. THP, underingned have erected works in the city of New York, or the purpose orGlklymizing all aru• clot Jr Iron, which it la desirable trk PROTECT FROM R CST, such 21. Telegraph Wiro, Bolts, Spikes, Nods, Wire for Fence*, and .y other article which May he retunid. For Hoop. for Clots, ail eisobatituts for hale Hope, for Clothes Lichee, Lightning Rods, and &boat of other uppliststions, it will it found cheap and thimble. Thstwould pent, ularly cull ulleniton to the Oalvoni- Led Wire for fences; It requires no pat... will not root. Also to Sptl es and 8010, the premmation of wroch it of au mach importance, that it will commend !twit . to Ilse mimes nl null those internam& tit - 10 U. ISIOREWLX)D tc CO., Patentees, oct9/-.l.torlyT 14 imd to }leaver st. N york. NEW INSTRONLENT• MEDICAL HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT ta THE t /NI V R(:IM nv “.. • -• ttauou4, "S . 4.. Ott 1. ite N . e,ocia Trmnot •. \ eura, s 1 Detetenes \r o. ..1 • nen, of all di...ea that . t • /.I . IIS.PTI t. or Full,llg SIC%SIy., II) • ' ma Aposma. A.c llart wmuid ... , :h. m in d. o f Me aillmted that the %%gm,- tra,,• tn. only rriti edy ever itumoverml that c relted mr per Mahout cure ot thia moat Meadio. of nll in-envs. Os tendene) Is to msanity. madm , . , and death tro• moat 5F:U.1.1.11. PH YSICI A.\? of Ku rot., 114 well aa thmm of our own enuntrA n pit red Fintet/ty oicutalde And is her neen oar eunaArred ley tn.), until this most Important or a,, dimmverim was made hy Dr. S. Hard nearly aixtemi years •,,,ce Manna which Woe it h. been perlontuna , Mtrte .1 me most t:1:121.1 , upon record, and l" II Etryltred a reputatom wh,ch time alone con sauce rhystei.• of undoubted atm and expert ence. minialem oi taboo. tirOOMIOLL110,), an solid us hundreds of our moment rinarna. all unite rocomtum.dolg the um. at th in eine to their rmlients. ;Marg.-. null inenda, who are ut• dialed, us the only remedy. WE QUOTE THE LAN(;I:m:F peel by those whit cured by tit:. valuable . toadied: One .ay a. - I have auffered tMyond m) pow. er ofdeaenptlon, hut I now rrim c :.•• relit Stored to health and happini , ." Anoth. r •Laya 1 thank God I feel that lam a a,: en, I reM A my duty to proclaim IL to the ..! 111 , - ',ln`, Mat 1 those siottlarly alhicted may hod ' 0.41 , 01, (who ban E-MINENT LAWYER sod s . known till, any) sit' e, -My to has hr. afgt with Efolopsy. but la now moyteg the Vegetable Exttact Its taihr." ss I.^ .11011,1 and ought to be sounded to the e..ds o: .‘• othersays...Language is male& y exprr, toy grautude to Dr. Hart for Loving dee, the under the blemtng of God, of renaming me to blur • meat of good health, alter having been anneted Ernlersyin Os worst forms form ore than la - 4,1,11re , years. and my morning and evening ottlanott ot pra,nn and thooksatatng shall continue to oort t lld tO lOW dmal who host offlicted but to make rue wOrtle ' (yrs. .I. Bradley, Ild Orchard steer: Y V .•tnies she has been subject to Got for many oud nos been rertored to perMci health tattorev.) ether memot Dad foleill by the ime of the Vegotoble Est Or Ctuirlas A. Brown. ot Dover. Rosselt tots who t• one the boot pid?,dm . on , i , :ttm Sut le, has been much ...Med by nte use of am Lie Rimmed and that he uhttemtotingly pre. , ,Me• ti reef OPOO of Eptiepsy which conms unde: his know!. Odpit t,oass 6. Mayberry, reg. formerly resinous,: Lone filllbt, Crawford county. Pa, now living to Erre. county, Pa., statea that for many years past he line been rarely attlictml with fit, mad ,• now nap', to state 12111 Et persevering use of Dr Hart • Vegetalde Extract, h. restored bun to sound health. tieing elute s ly freed from that worst of all From the Cincinne Commercial. RENIARKABLE CURE. ,The followmg certificate was giver to \lcsart. Th..- maut & Doctor Hun's Agehts for the tsks of his Vegetable Extract, for the mare of Eptlelin • Pot cir Falling Sickuess. We arc induced to Pt " , it place in oar editorial columns from the fact that is tileit y known medictee that will cure Epilepsy. at tee sgma ante believina alto be one of the greetest d •covertes In medical scaeuee. Physicians and men Om •ctern,of all ages have been trying to dtscover rented, for thus , disease, but all hos been an cam nub: to , weceiti dss. eatery of Dr. Hart, and we would 110 W say to Moss affheted with fits. despair no longer, tor th,re I. hope! MESSRS. I'IIOIIIAS & no Main ,treet. CI:- 01110, Ageo. for Doctor Marra Vegetable Fatrael for the cure of Epileptic Vas: Gentlemen—lt is almost impossible (or Icon:m.6s to chore withwjst hearifeßtansfacuoti aildrce• Use. to few lines god for the purpose of info:wtng p ou of he beneficial results that have hero edoeted use of Dr. Hart'. Vegetable Emmet. My son. aged twelve yearn, has been severely af ducted with Epileptic Fun, and Inch sure severity that the opinion was, he could not be cured. In one arias paroxysms he fell nod broke his arm. lj called in Dr. Mulford, a very excellent physician,: who rg-set it. He tnformed ma that toy eon's Nervoun Systeda woe very much derange.d. end that it would be impowsible to ewe him of Epilepsy. as Epileptic Flts were almost incurable, and employing phystniarta is has case would be only throwing money away. I called upon Dr. Puller; lie Informed tor that the disease had .sumed a chronic form, and it would take a long uoie to cure him if he could be cured et 61 He became worse and worse, and 1 brans to think there wt. no cure for hiM =Ltd I saw thg ndvertise. went of Dr. Ilart's Vegetab le Entilet It Ono GI our city h gcrufieates from pongee. woo had Keen atiticted for ten, &Skeep,. twenty, thirty, and ev-n forty yean, and restored to health b y t:te use of the ' Valract I called et yodr store, and after converting with Mr. Thom., I.corac to the conehnnon to purChlt,, a three dollar package. It done title Or no semi . I thought I woufil try another, from the use of whiesi I :is:see:cc,: roots littic:benefir Men came at conclueion to purclig•.s a lea dol. lac box. I found that ti mar of to mug, • . 1 :sus induced to purchase a , Ferontl. _l , td I RIO Irely thankful that I do , e .o. an by the. t, , it pn.-k a ges he has been re•derl,l to perfect rihoul4 any perwn he desires, of seems• lc to. u. at g certaining farther particular.. I shoryd 10 heatify them by their nelnag on 01 (I, .nth west corner ot Pouch nod l'ack t•.,teta eau, Ohio. ISAAC \ Cincuinat, August t.tth.l,l-.. THli TIME IS NOT VAR DISTANT When thaws ads who are now tr. ander the hand of MIS dreadful diw.c. 41/.11 lOhll c, attack may prate fatal. will find permit:xi,. re:.rieo4t restowal to clew naing the eeleraled meth . live one thousand cerithealss hay,. t.<,n re erived m testimony 0: the beneficial rc•uln, pruduord by the one of Dr. Han's Vegetable Extra,. Prepared by es HART, M. IL New lurk 'Nice. one package Rite' In tour pack ages 10.00 do eight do THONIAS 1 NIILES. lop Mann star;. CLIICi1111:Il4 Ohio. Cencral.Agents tor Gaited States. Cannot._ and e.i f stile 1.. IV I LiNIX.. Jr.. cotter of lnumond arid Islarket st n Agent for Pinultusigh, Pa. Pay & Killtiourtic. Columbus. Ohio: II & 4 Cnylord, Cleveland: and tor sale by moo of tie pribtipal drug, gists and merchants throughout the United Shales novlll-dtwo-S !HUEY% MAGICAL PAIN EITHAtIn: THE folloenne from George F po t o,rps.E,.. the well known proprietor of Exert... ealt. fur itself of the importance of We Pam Extractor to every parent. ErreeT Ossra, Dat.birr: My Dear Sir—With feCiallgot of a., or diary pleastwe I address you in relation i o the hr „c fit have received front your invaluable Pam Lately, my hale daughter, 6 year.. hed plteber of boiling water turned into her boa", lire were dreadful, so that a crowd Ineelntly pale. red ~ lie. . fore U. ',ate to learn the C¢llllls Orth..l,•loor ecre.nme. I .rc her -lathes asunder, and anon +I, oat! on lour - - and e was carried and laid s lied. tine usoon relieved from her p.m., and *ass -hie. I feel 1 could lunghi" and war soon in a... et sleep. elle •• a 'molded to a blotter from the top ro . her shoulder er more than half her chest, and raand antler tho me. On the shoulder ond hrenst it wne very drop, t Mora the firet boor, the complained c•ily when it The ettee heeled , end there is no contraction or the murclur. \ VIM many . I.vir.lic•, my dear St, for your ro •cess in Um sale of this mighty tinkle. I am 5 ours. with reiturct. r.Eii E. POMEROY. THE TEST and HO MISTAKE' The genuine Daley. will ever produce ihe .tme nn.neou3 relief. and tkoothing, coolin4 e30,t00 vere, afaulus, The Counterfeit.-. no aster under what n-one. they • may appear-Ida., s irritate, and merest. die p.m. To TIIE P ÜBLIC.r"'"'"" t 7P...lward P. Holmen, of Chatham. ni rush Bridge, cr.' Colombia county. N. Y , have twee c M.- onl ash rheu matism to my breast, feet, end all over my nody, for, sax years. so that I could not stand, add i.vos cored by , three appbcatums of Dailey's M ag A mal Pain Extractor." EDWARD P. 110L31E.5.,7` Mr. Dailey: Bir-I cut my finger with a copper nail; ' ' the poisonous nw,atiareofw..kuoihsch.ausfig panes e n dint,.to p t s o the wel . ..; eonsiderabli, th co. ahoolder. large swelling taking glare at ilia arm pit, with tnereaung pain, I became fearful of the Lock- ' yaw. In this exuctutty your Pain Extractor was re commended to me, and which I wan prevailed upon to try. The consequence was that it afforded me almost' Instant relief. and to three day. I way completely mr. 4 red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New York, ' corner Broome and Sullivan .t., Sept C. teld NOTICE-li. Daum is the inventor of this invalu able reme, and never his and never wall mamma- cote to any y luring msn thig secret of as combination: / All Extractor, therefore, not made and put op b him, are base counterfeits .. Pxormirrox's Dopers-41Z Broadway. New York : =Chestnut street. Phila. JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depot, Ito. Mai .. THORN Agents for Pittsburgh. s Anarnai Galax:ore Cure• All. -' ''''' • • Cores humors, spavin, grotto,. grease, poll-evil, • sores, galls, and brtases. Pamphlets. containing eau . tateates of respectable parties, maybe had on applied.- , non to 101114 D MORDAN , , • novls dlyia Agent I:manumit , . a SIICD/CAL & SURGICAL OFFICE, " -.4r , : r . 11,No. OS, DIANIOND ALLIii, .P.;• '. ibm doors below Wood street, In 1 market. gr , ''''''- ' DR. BROW( ' baring been' ~..1,- ,_ iegalarly educe teff la. the mewed ' . 14 'l%; 't.54.2.., -el , •.: rOfevaion, sad treed for ..,,. c time -.--; .....,:. n genera. procure, new confineir t...ii, '; •i. •', his attention teL the :realnelit of those private and dedcate tem! eifir'..' '. ...111111 1 k, plauitv far which his opportansi elei i;,•• i ,- . ' and expertence pectinorly imal.s' wyti).• ;.. ,- . row k him. Il years avaduceral) devoted to study a Westmont off those complaintatdorow whith time be has hod more too and has caned mote pas items than cm ever fall to the lot of t any private fir... Intoner: amply qualifies him to offer assarancy:pf speedy, permanent, and satisfactory care to all affl, fed with delleate diseases, and all diseases ariSing there] from. DT. Drown would inform those afflicted Intl. private diseases which have become chronic by tame or agj, ooted by the use of any of the counuoil costruma the day, that their eenrirdaintr en. le , radically add any, oughlyear.; he havtng given hi i c-retut auenUO, to, the treatment of Pesch eases, and succeeded on hwrdredit of irislarrecr in eating pct., 01 Lt.lamnintion or tlo, neck of the bladder. told kindred don-arcs wiritf we result from those ewes wan, other. nave co s 4 them to hopelew despair He pan" marl ,i,y, .., , as have been long and annorcesetunt seined hy saints L,.„ consult kith, when every ututaction will be OM: them, and thew caeca treated in a careful, thorough arid tnielligent manner, painted ma liy a tong experir study, am invesugauon. which It IA impossible fiay ,r 3 , - i eng „, ei g general practice of rued/elm to gore an, one Maas of due.. Agri sans or Rupture -Dr. Brown suo then. Agri situ aftbeted with Henna to call, as he ha. paid Torso alar otterillon to Sus disease. . . SkinCß al. curd. &wales: also PY a, Paley, etc., specatty cased Chames very low. •/ ;i4 L-Paucuts of with sex henna nt a eastanee..try mune their disease in writing, glymg all the eyang toms, can obtain menes With directions the met try auldresaing T. DROWN, M. D., poor paid, and encl.. inf,let•No. 51, Diamond allej, opposite the .eoely gnu. _ . . RnzesLuilmr.—Dr. Drown', newly discolored reash dy for RiieurnatiOn le • spccry and ecru= remcdv for i Makpainful trouble. It never kris I Office and Private Cons:Ming Snores, No. IP' Ma mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor is always at home, tEr No cure no pay. .illecill, (Mao Of AiMillicrask i Foreign PaTenl! • JAMES GIUMNODOII, of the him Erns of.rhelbseht Greenough, combines the intones. of Comrades Kneinecr and Patent Attorney, et hi. odleolnlbeietlY of WASIUNOTON. He may be comulted scesbleri ployed in making examinations on machinery. briike Patent Office and elsewhere, in fomlibing &Wing* arid speelfiesuilms of machines, and ailpopersneetem ry, transfer, amend, re-issue or extend lettere paleetin the United States OT Ikrope. He elm dm be =exalt ed professionally on all qurntions of lltigalion.dmhi ing under th e Patent Law, and wi s . algae ttons before the Parent Office or en epperilltint;rili for which his long expenence 1.11 th e Patent GAitelir Er in his profession, have pecallarly fitted blei:44l# I fesconal business f th e late Dr. T. T. pstoripil born placed in ins :ands, all Wren on rehire should be addressed to him post paid. nog' fraLionS Mar AZ/rinws N F:( new W Al c O m LA ip S u l i FS--rin . ,ahnbgls landing froor, attggcr Mamie No 9, and far sipeDy . den{ ..lAMM A EIUTCIiLiOti 4.4)