The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 02, 1849, Image 2
F~l PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO PITTBIIOIIan. TUESDAY MORNING, lAN. 2, 1849. PHILADELPHIA BORTH, AELB.RICA.B. Advertin•merns and Subscription to the North Alder ean arulTnited States Gazette, Philadelphia, received and forwarded from this office. COMMERCIAL LIST AND PHILADEL— PHIA PRICE CURRENT. Subscriptions to this valuable paper will be received and forwarded from this office. NEW YORE EXPRESS. Wa will receive aad forward free of expense, nd iiirthiements and subseriptione for this paper. ni Prrisocraan Daux . Oszrres pi published Wary, Tn-Weckly, end Weekly.—The Daily is Seven Damper annum; ihc-TrieWeekly is Five Dollars per -ennuntithe ii Two Dollars pet annum, feriae 'a{ Monti. prAnvmmarsa are um:Cattily , CIVICIStrd to hand in &err Ilion before 5 r. st., and as early in the day ns mutienble. Advertisements tint insetted for a opeei ikatigne Wi ll Invariably be charged nntk our ou ,--. •. . , - - - Foa-rxtere Commerelal IntelligeneeDomente, M ketedliver News, Imports, Money Mari, ets, rec. IXd pogo- hallimaionin and Whig Nonainatio VOX Ml4OB or 1117.011.0E1, CAPT. JOHN HERRON son sraoror or ALISOMErf. JONATHAN RUSH Rea next page for Telegraphle New Poe Local Matters Nee next page. New Yea's Dav,—Yesterday was a delightful day for the season, the walking was pretty good, and the eon, part of the time, shone out very cheerfully. Our population, having been peat up for weeks back of the wet weather and muddy walking, was poured into the Wrests, which presented an ao i. mated scene of happy faces, and joyous greetings. It was very pleasant to see so much comfort, DO much freedom from care, so resolute a determina tion to forget the anxieties of business, and to enjoy the profusion of blessings of a gracious Providence. It to delightful to reflect that there is but little soL. faring and want among as, and that the great mass of our population have every thing necessary for physical comfort, and the heart to enjoy their blew ings in a rational manner. Ye did not see a per. sort yesterday that was not comfortably and neatly dressedovhfle the clean, bright, rosy, happy races of our thousands of children, presented a spent. de joyous to behold. There are, no doubt, cases of suffering among us—quiet, retiring, silent suf fering, which calls for the prompt relief of the be nevolent—but they • are exceptions to a general rile; and will always be 4iund in the most pros perous communities. May Pittsburgh—may our happy country—never know a less joyous and happy New Year, than the rtrw of January, 1849. LETTER. PROM REN. TAYLOR. . . The Lancaster, Pa Examiner says; we have grim plearkure in laying before our readers. the subloined copy of a letter, recently-addressed by Gen. Taylor to Thos. E. Franklin, Esg, of this city. It will be seen, that while the nature of General T's Private engagements are such as will prevent him from taking this city on his route to the seat 01Govemneat, he nays that he will endeavor to visit Lancaster 'on the earliest occasion of relax. slices from public dories,' after the 4th of March. There is, therefore, every reason to believe that the Old Hem will visit us during the ensuing sum mer, and if he doe. come, we promise to give him a reception worthy of the Old Guard—worthy of his own exalted character and worth—such a re. ception at never before was given to a citizen o this Republic. BATON Rows., La. Dec. 9,1 S t& • Dear Sir,—l have had the pleasure to receive your letter of. Nov. 22d, which you addressed to me in behalf of the Whigs of Lancaster county, Pa. and conveying to me their warm congratulauorm atthe result of the past election, and their anxious desire that I would visit Lancaster on my way to Washington City. It would afford me the highest Wee-rare to com ply with your invitation, were it possible to do .1. but I regret to say that I shall be so long delayed in the West. in the transaction of isecemary private business, that I shall not have the time previous to the 4th of March next I have indicated to Gov. Johnston, that I shall, on the earliest occasion of relaxation from public duties, endeavor to visit Harrisburg. I propose at the same time to visa Louusasier also. Be assithed that I value highly this mark of respect from 'the citizens of your cotutty,sul their attachment to upright and patri• otio fthitthiples. - Please accept for them at this time my sincere thanks. I hope, of no distant day, to express my arose of :heir good will and regard, in person. . . I am, nr, with math rampart and reganl, Your moat obt.senrant, Z. TAYLOR. Thos. E. Franklin, Esq., Law:alter, Pa. Interesting Correspondence Ilazorroaton, Nov. 22, 1818. Maks. Gs. 7. TAYLOR, My Dear Sir--The people of Pennsylvania wonM feel themselves greatly gratified in welcom ing among them their favorite and successful can didate for the Presidency. In their behalf and as their Chief Magistrate, I tabs unfeigned pleasure in extending to you an invitation to visit our ancient Commonwealth, dor tag the 'ensuing winter. Accept of my congratulations upon the result of the late elections. I remain, most aineerely, • Your Friend, WM. F. JOHNSTON BATON Rotrcnt, La, Dec. 9, IBM Dear Ser-1 have received with much pleasure your letter of the 22d November, extending to me to behalf of the People of Pennsylvania, a very kin - a invitation to visit your State during the win. ter. Werul to consultniyorn personal inclinations, 1 skald not hesitate to accept your invititien; ,or. similarly as it comes to me through so distinguished a source, but my private engagements in the Weal, ,previous to the 4th of Mara, will not permit of On some fit occasion of relaxation from my put. din duties at the seat of Government, I shall make it a mutter of ditty and pleasure to visit you at Ratriabtug, and greet my fe'low citizens of that city, and each other 'parts of your State, as may be within convenient distance of it. I um, deer air, with much respect and esteem, Your moat obedient servant,.. . Elia Excellency, WILE Jornicsrox, Governtiir of Pcnosylvania Run 11" • Fataast,—The Boensdale Democrat gives a long account of a riot at that plate, about • week ago. A Protestant young man married a wife whose parents were Catholics. The wire dying, a disputeotrose as to whether the should be buried in Protestant or Catholic ground. The . bushand insisted that sheehoold be buried where s f e could rest by her side at his death.. The par ents expressed their fixed determination to have ter Interred in Catholic ground. Each party Sought legal advice, which resulted in the decision that the burirind had the right to direct where biz wife should be buried. Matters were then corns promised so that the Catholic IBervicer was allowed to be performed over the body at the house, and she was to be buried in Protestant ground, Bat we the day of the funeral, just as the body woo placed in the hearse, the Ether came forward and claimed that the body should at) to Catholic ground. Thereupon, a fearfdl not etumed, in which a large number of people participated, and the coffin was -tossed about catelesisly. The Sherd!' finally quelled she onlbreak, and the interment took place in Pro. teatant ground. • lismaahrry or GOLD Dimwits.—The Washing• tin Globe has another interesting letter from San Francisco, confirming the motley, desperate and careless character of those eoligeted in thitakw nia gold region. One passage in the letter we have +read With much regret, which Is: "Every man engaged in hunting gold, sod every one that visits the gold region, 'goes armed to the teeth. Scenes of violence occur: there is no se. entity for life or property," &c.. Mon no- aLevvintT ansrrisrrs—A meeting of ears prmelavery men was held at Versailles, Mo o teoently. The proceedings of the meeting were of a similar character with those of South Carolina.— The course of Senator Berlina was atrOngly repro% and'grent alarm was expreased at the rapid progress of the abolition moveaaent at the North. A similar meeting was to have been held et Fay. ette, Howard CO, an the 234 iad. extensiTe rolling mill of Mr. Wet. formerly a citizen ior Washington 00, fld Gochtand county, was 0 0am ll ; dptmgod by fire onSosday ' A g fa, the 2nd ~lltIe" ' b Inzonsce. The Joss ..1110411' mot !acre is the title of a base Weekly 11i0erjaatratatted in Philadelphia, and edited by Getinpr Llppard, Pee, Well knoWn as the writer of tales: Price 82 per vicuna. PraraMnis hw FiePn /mat one yeafjo thorn. liteaday In Pulaski C;:aincy, Ill,; for maizelaughter, IliViga m' died:who va mamil pith small . . • A sespectidde female named Leighton, of Greet Mallen, England, has been sentenced to seven wart uanva!tation for stealing 'an malgelia. SEWN, WASHINEPrOIfii. , Correspondinee'ef the Pittsburgh Gazette. Wasomoton,"Dec. 28. We have no news of etgusoluence. Both Bee. ace are gong well whit the pubhe hulloes:L— in the . Home to dry, Dlr. Pollock of Pennsylvania, made as u.ileuent speecn upon the tariff question, the House being in committee on the President's Message. He lighted upon Mr. Walker's Report and tore it iider - situill 'slued, nod patches. There is not: a man' in the House more thoroughly versed 111 all matters pertaining to the finances than Mr. Pollock. Mr. Thonipsou of the Erie District made a few remarks, in which he explained that though oppo. sed to the tariff of 1816, he was not and had not declared himself in favor of the thrift of 1812. He had not been understood in his previous remarks by those who supposed him to have asserted any thing contrary to this. Mr. Gayle, of Alabama, had a little more to roe on the question of privilege, as concerned in the charges of extra mileage. He was set down as having received one hundred and eighty dollars more than was due. He could inG3rm the hon orable reporter for the New York Tribune, that he had not received all the mileage that rie was cribs tied to, and should apply to the committee on mileage to have it enlarged. Mr. Vinton reported the Civil and Diplomatic, and several other appropriation hills. The House in committee of the whole passed the remainder of the day in consideration of the deficiency bill, as it is called, a bill supplying deficient appropria. lions for the current year. The Senate, having a Democratic majority, com mitted the atrocity of passing a bill chartmng A coxrarry!--s coaroasnon.l---entitled the Wash.. ingtori, Georgetown, and Alexandria Steam Pack. et Company Mr. Benton was for it, Mr. Allen against it. It passed--ages 24: nays 15. The Senate also passed a joint resolution rector. mg the tutee of mileage for messengers beanng the electoral votes for President and Vice President to Washington. The rate was established in 1825, at twenty five cents a mile, but was reduced last year by a proviso in the General Appropriation Bill, to twelve and a hate cents a mile. The Senate has come to no determination yet on the question of confirming any more nomina , tions of Mr. Polk, of a character which will throw upon General Taylor any extraordinary amount of responsibility in removing the persons whom he may appoint. The cases of both Major Cass and Mr. Sevier are of this character. I have seen it reported that the Senate have established the prin ciple, or rather confirmed it, at this session, of not sanctioning nominations made Under these etrco m. stances. But I believe this is not strictly correct. I learn the fact to be, that Major Calls' nomination has been reported upon favorably, while no action at all has been had upon that of Sevier. The fate of both of them is very doubtful. There are many reasons of a public nature against sending any bo dy to Rome at this time—in fact there is no earth ly use of keeping up this mission. It was made to please the Irish Democrats, and now that the elec non is over, and a vacancy exots, may as well be chapped. flat an to the boundary commission, there exist reasons for despatch of considerable importance. A commission should be rent at once, but Sevier is personally very objectionable. A grand inauguration hall has been resolved upon. A large committee of Taylor men have been appointed. JUNICS. From the Eiqtath. At New Orleans the body of a murdered man was found in an appaling condition, supposed to have arnved in the British ship Anon Lancashire from England. His name was probably Thomas Moore, and he was evidently murdered for boxy —The barque Florida, which teak 3.50 volunteers to Yucatan, has returned to New Orleans. She left Sisal on the 10th inst. The troops were all well. and most of them had reached Mend:l A great victory over the Indians was celebrated there. The 21st inst. was celebrated as a thanksgivtag day et N. Orleans. IMPORTANT FROM TA M PICO Passengers who left Tampico the fah inst. In form the New Orleans Delta that General Tenor. with six hundred men and six pieces of antler). was encamped al old Tampico. awaiting the arri val of Gen. Ganiere, who was dad► expeeted, a the head of three hundred men. General, Penorin and Garniere belong to the war party, the party opposed to the treaty of pew, with the 11. States, and without the countenance of the General Government. They meditate taking poesesaion of pe city and fort of Tarnpi co. Pepin Castello, who oncrunands the National Guards of Tampico, has hitherto. with his farces. stesdily sesisteekall attempts to introduce troops in to the city, but it IS supposed by this time Tennrio and Gunter,. ore in passesiion of it. as Castillo. and his assomme leader, Pease Gonzales, have only five hundred men in the National Guard. and onlr one hundred and fitly of them armed, and they had no arulery, the cannon they obtained varns time ago by force front Mr. Chase, C. S. Con sul baying been returned to him. The posession ofTammco by Tenona and Gar. mere will !rid to events If canting interest in that quarter, and we shall M: aniconsly fur intell, genre, for we feel assured that as soon as the news reaches the interior the people of Tamaulipas will hasten to the rescue, and in all probability de. clam their independence of the Republic of Mexico —an event which ISOLIOC, or later is certain to happetrigain.y u who may. IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. - - The Picayune has dales from the City of Mexico to the 2d .instant, mid from Vera Cruz to the 4th. The Mannar Republican devotes a leader to the threstening aspect of affairs at Tampico. It says that notwithstanding the protestations ofloysity on the part of the authorities mid the principal citizens, there is a aestaf traitors in Tampico whose firstob ject is to establish a republic Al Sierra Madre and next to annex the same to the United States. The • article goes an Marian the government that this question eoncemathe nationality and integrity of he Republic. The editor demands energetic efforts, that the project may be nipped in the bad. The Tampico papers have no additional news on the 'abject. The people of Tobaco are petitioning the government to spare Pane. There is news from Durango, of terrible ravages by the Indians. A Zsipetecas paper has a report that Paredes le a San ,pat Potosi. It is said that Perdu is pre. paring a pronancismentn. f A meeting of the chsinzgats of the Mexican tree. sissy as called at the Palace on the ith inst. The papers atilt record many robberies and other uimea, and accasionally acts of speedy justice. The National Guard, in the city of MelierS, is re potted to be totally disorganized. It is said that Gen. Carrera, Ez.President of Cen ts* America, has established his residence is a Mexican State. RIME] Indications are that a revolonon will take place in Cbeapas, FROM GUATAMALA. Dates tattle 25th Oet. have been received from Guatemala. It is said to be in open war, and troops have been galled out t7ir to defence. An eogage. meet took place on the 21.1 at San Andrea, in which the commander-tn•cbie( and other oilmen were killed. Punishment (of depth has been decreed against General Carrera, should he return to Guatemala, before the re-establishment of the con stitutional gpvernment. From—The Capture of Mara- The report of the capture of the city of Maracas. ho, by the fnlee of General Peer, which wan pub. Imbed in thOtmette a short time since, is fully con , firmed by Igter arrvals. The following letter to the New York Herald of Fnday, gives the par. neatens: Pmcwro Csseun, Dec. 2, 15t We have received official .nkurnation of the capt. talent:in of the important city of Maracaibo to the forces of Gen. Pare, commanded by GaL Andrade . The surrender of this city took place ou the 2211, of Nov. last, when Col. Andrade entered the town at the head of 1,5110 men of the constitutional army The place was taken without striking a blow, and the cause of its having held out so long, was the de termination of aoL Andrade to take the city with• out bloodshed. Col. Caatelli, the commander of the forces of Manages, is a prisoner of war in the hands of the constitutionalists, who have oleo captured a considerable quantity of arms, dc.. The forces of Gen. Pace are thus in posession of the coy of Maracaibo and the strong tort of San Carlos, at the entrance on the lake. , The Manages fleet in what is called the Saco, or outer hay, where they suffer much from the expo sed nature of the place, and the want ofsupplies.— ' The fiefs of fienertd Pees to at anchor made of the lake. Ere long, the fleet at Menages must attach the fort of-Sam Carlos, or abandon their present position. General Pees is still at Cornecta, and will leave (or this coast, we are indamed, in the latter pan of this month, with two steamers and a sloop of war, to join bin deer, and pat himaelfat t h e head of the army, which is to restore the constitution and on der to this oppressed country. The inhabitants of the„Llanos (the Planes) are up in arms finical Monagan, said in favor of Pees.— Mesida,Trilsilloalud Barinas,important movements have taken place against the government of Mona. gas, The eastern part of Venexula is oleo much agitated, but we )tave as yet nothing positive from that quarter. The government of Manages has published a new. tlectee. repealing to part the former one rela tive to the iuue of treasury bonds. By the first decrees, these bonds were receivable at par in the mutru 1109.0 and by the lest decree they are to he reeelvyd for unl) l'sfper cent, and the balsa. is 1. , he paid by the government These bonds were purchased by merchants, chiefiy fereigeera,. to pay dimes on the faith of the decree, of Mee.. gee; but es the effect of the measure has been t o deprive um Menages government of the income denied Iwo) custom;houses, the gevernment have =de u decree, by which purchasers are deprived of the benefit. they expected to secure, and are compelled to become creditors ofthe administration, to , a l arge anroura, against their will. This will givesrou in Ides of the financial mate of the ma. eat gerviemment. GDZELDN AND NALNAGNI. The Milowing abstract' ci(the proceedings in the Hone, at Washington, on M. Greeley's exposure concerning mileage, vre take from the Baltimore American. It will be found interesting: WILDIIERDAY, Dee, 21, Mr. Sawyer rose to a question of privilege, and referred, at some length, to a publication in the New York Tribune, in which he, among other members, bad been accused, he said, of charging and receiv ing illegal mileage. He proceeded to vindicate bunceit, and to chow that he had received no more than It had been cuctomaryto allow, and that the distance had been calculated by the committee on mileage, in the same way as had been that ..ifother members from Ohio, and upon the same kind aria. formation. Mr. Healy and Mr. Green, both of whom have served upon the commitees on mileage, explained what had been the practice in calculating the mile age of members, sod stated that the information upon which they had acted had been derived, not from the members, but from the Poet Office Depart meet, from tine Post Office Sohedale, Guide Books, &o. No difficulty had hitherto been made in re ference to this mode of calculating, and ifthere wits any fault aornwhere, it was not attributable to the members. Mr. Turner, of Illinois, one of the members iamb. cated most seriously by the accusation in the bone, spoke at considerable length; and with much severity, upon the course of that paper in this mat. ter, and pronounced the whole article a tissue of mierepreventation and falsehood. At the conclusion of his remarks, Mr. Turner offered a series of resolutions, instructing the Com mittee on Mileage to require and report—first, whether, daring the present Congress, any greater mileage than usual;has been received by any mem ber, and, if so, by whom, how, and in who: manner it has been amputee; in what manner andlry whom allowed? Secondly. Whether the publication of the New York Tribune, under the name and au thority of Horace Greeley, a member of this House, doee not amount to an allegation of fraud against most of the members of this House, and (so, whelk,. er the charge be trite or lids& Thirdly. Authons mg the committee to send for persona and papers. Mr. Turner moved the previous question. Mr. Thompson moved to lay the resolutions on the table, but this motion was negatived, by yeas and nays-26 to 128. Mr. Greeley addressed the House at'some length, in explanation of the article in the Tribune, the mode in which the information had been obtained, and the motives which had induced the publication, there being:no imputation of illegal charges by the members made in the article. The argument was, that the law ought not to be so construed as to allow mileage for any greater distance than the shortest mail route, Sc. Mr Turner inquired whether he (Mr Greeley was the author of the article? • . Mr. Greeley replied that the compiler of the ta bles published was formerly a clerk in the Post Office Department, but now employed here for the Tnbune, and that they had been prepared by his (Mr. G's)directiona The accompanying remarks were his own. He had taken the nearest route for the member' esidencess and calculated the honest distances by the shortest post routes from thence to the capitol at Washington. The diferences are not ststed to arise from a deviation from the legal route, but from what would be the legal route if the shortest was adopted. Mr. King, of Georgia, said that he had always refused to give any distance, but had left that to the committee on mileage. Mr. Greeley made some remark, not distinctly heard, in regard to the unwillingness of members to make statements, and the duipowtkin to shrink from responsibility in the matter. Mr.Kiog wished to know if that remark was in. tended to apply to hunt Mr. Greeley said it was intended to apply to 0. member. Mr. King, (very mernly)—Why tlid you en then! Mr. Greeley then proceeded to explain, and to state the object he had in view in the publmstlori.— The information which he had published had been obtained from the Post army hooks. Mr. Turner—Did you not know the fact that the post office itself did not now use these hooks? Mr. Sawyer remarked that great injustice had been done bon by his publication. He had been scoured of chanriag far :tin utiles further than his colleagues. Why was this. Mr Greeley said that his particular case had not been taken mw consideratton at all. What he desi red was tbut the true and equitable route should be tined by law, er that the law should be frurly ,vneitruetl Mr. Houston. of Delaware, roan and made a few remark,. in regard to tns own rase. The usual route was that . r nab( y tra re!led by bum. The firer rer.hriton wan then adopted without • dr vision--the aecond Le. yeas and nays, 100 to 43 and the third ohe'power to send for persons and Rapers/ was rejerted. Adjourned. Pao.aucsa or nen Gum, Favra.—The gold fere has reached Maine. Most of the towns within he Mhos will each famish its quota to swell the ltd. of emigration towards the Pacific, and many farmer will leave his field in order to reap a gold en harvest elsewhere. Bath and Bangor have 01 ready sent a number, and an enterpn.eig Yank . has a tine barque of 300 tons burtben, now build mg, which he h. olartatened "The Gold Hunter; The Boston Post says 'nor farmers are abaodontag their field; oar me. chanim their workshops, to go to the gold region, arid many or the fair stx are waxtng warm k',/ the land of promise. A new company was firmed in taut city on Saturday, and over thtrty signers were immediately obtained. It rain be composed chiefly of mechanic; and is under the &rectum of Caption Greene, for several years favorably known in the b:ast India trade as on intelligent and energetic non. It is undergo.' that the wives of several of the signers will accompany them to San FrIIIICISCO —an excellent arrangement." The Pottsville (P.] Emponum give. the PlMes of a drrun intelligent and enterpruung young men going from that region, and says . county is likely to be honorably rep. resented to the gold digmtis of California. Our fel low townsman, Mr. Alfred Lannon, has mined a company recently formed in New York, who in. tend to proceed forthwith to California out Vera Cruz, city of Mexico. and thence to Acapulco, on The Amine. The cost of panage from New York to San Francisco, by this route. is said to be $250, and the tone necessary to perform itabout-40 days. W. Ms ur= Castrustuvr.—A number of the mimeos of Waal:envois gave on Wednesday last, a complimentary dinner to nparhon of the two houses of Congress, and Nome other guests. Idea y toasts were drunk, and there was mach speaking. Among the proceeding, we find the Wowing M•. Benton then rose and nod, he evaded ht. .11 of a momentary pause in the guest-anon of speaker —a little gap in the Misr while calls were overcoming modesty—to point mu a gap in the company—the absence of one who, as an old in habitant, and no long the associate of the Mayor, would naturally have been expected to he present. That gentleman is not here, and to mo his absence is what it no doubt in to every member of the company, a disappointment and ■ drawback—the honorable Secretary of the Treasury, on the right, will doubtless feel the full force of this term—a drawback upon the enjoyments of the evening, His presence would have been most agreeable ; but his absence lose an advantage—we speak of him with the less reserve. I have long known that gentleman—personally for about the time of ■ generation, and through the paper which his name sends as the first of two that are equal, for nearly a generation and a halt I became a subscriber to the National retell,. fencer kirty.tvvo years ago, and, with the turns incident to all human things, have been off the list sometimes, but am now on again. I have been against the paper, but never against the mon—l might say nvin—and am now too old, if not too wise, to mil out with a paper any more, which, in the midst of puny conffict, still treats me with civility. II would hove been a great gratification to me to have met bun here absent, I must give him a remembrance, and am sure of the concur. rence of all the company. Mr. B. then gave— "Josstru Gsi.m, A man of head And heart head to grasp the affairs of a nation, heart tba would fill the universe with ni kmdossa" Mr Rdisor.—You published a very good eery from a Hagerstown paper, of two men not known mg the day of the week. The moral of the gory was not odd. Here it is In another story which I send you for the benefit of all pante. smiled) , int untH: Some years ago, a lady noticing a neighbor o hers wan not an her seat at church on the Sabbath, caned on her return home, to inquire what should detain so punctual n asuendant. On entering the house she found the family busy at work. She was surprised when ber friend addressed her— 'Wby lel where have you been to day, dressed op in you sabboth day clothes , ' 'To meeting.' 'Why, what day is it I' •Sabbath day". 'Sal, stop wroMing M a minute Sabbath day.— Well, I don't know, for my husband has got so plaguy stingy he won't take the papers now, and we know nothing. Well, who preached?' 'Mr. M—; 'What did he preach about?' 'On the death of our saviour.' 'Why, is he dead? Well, well, all creation might he dead, and we know nothing about it. it won't do; we most have the newspaper again, far every thing goes wrong without the neWsPslmm. Bill has almost lost his rending', and molly has got mopish again, because she has got no poetry stones to read. Well, if we have to take a outland of po. laces and onions to market I not resolved to hove newspaper. Moral—Those who da not take it newlipsper. don't certainly know any thing. Vuunisto Coot..—ln a speech recently made in the Virginia Legislature, in favor of a bill to Moor. pomtethe Virginia Coal Company, Mr. Faulkner, of Berkeley, elated that the ooal fields of that State covered 21,000 square mile• out of the total area of 84,000—an extent equal to that of England, het. land, Scotland and Wale. combined! Caner!, or purely bitoinualous .coal droUsida throughout the basin of the Eanawbai and was au accessible that a single hand would dig with with ease 200 bush, per day. The liarrisburg Telegraph is to be printed Daily during the session of the Lingisleture—priee taper seas= We wish Mr. Fenn abundant Waal lAquislitive Datehassa. We clip the following from the .. fitaohiogrephy nfa Travelling Printer,• as published to the N. Y. Sun :The disciple of Faust was "tramping a" through Pennsylvania, and late one nighyode up to a Dutch tavern and opened Hnn's eariltus . 110, landlord'" Old Dombiethkei%Ounded to his feet, breaking hus clay chiboque m the demon. sultana. "That was his pipe, l'aupprise," interpolated my critical cousin. "That was his pipe," replied L Regarding me with the, suspicious examination °fan otteer alike customs, he opened the comer °Chin month and Mishter Valking Stehich, vat -do you vent "Refreshment and repose." "Supper and lodgmf, I reckon? •Yes, sir, supper and lodgings." "Pe you a tam Yankee pedlar, mit chewelry in your pack to cheat to gals r "No, sir, no Yankee pedlar." "A singing teacher, too lazy to York "No—no singing master." "A chanted! shoemaker, vat schtays till Satur daynight, and laysh drungk in the porch ofer Sun. , ..110, sir, or I should have mended my hoots be. fore this. But lam not disposed longer to submit to thin outlandish inquisition. Can you give The supper and lodgings?" "Torekly But vot be your A book achent,tak. en honest people's money for a little larnin', that only makes 'em proud and lazy r' "Try again, your worship." "A dentist, breaking the people'. chews, at a collar a schilag, and running off mit old Shantbock's daughter'" No, sir; no tooth pedlar:' -- " "A fernolojous, den, feeling to young folks' bets like so many cabbttch, and charging twentyntive cents for telling their fortunes, like a tam Yen. lees !" "No—no phrenologist your excellency." "Veil, den, vot to title are you i Choost tell and you shall have some of to beat sassage for supper : and sehtay all night free grattut mitout charging you a sent, mit a chill of whiskey to start on before breakfast." Very well, your honor. To terminate the collo quy w•thoul farther circumlocution, I am an hum• ble Mamele of Faust--n profeaaor of the art pro. servntive of all arts—a typographer, at your nen vice." "Potash au r “A printer, sir—a man that prints tooks and newspapers." "A man vot brinta nooshepapers ! Oh, yaw' yaw By Choopiter--eye ! aye ! datch it! a man vot brintsnooshepapent—yaw ' Valk up, vatic up, Miah• ter Brinier!Cheemee, take the chentleman's back ofE Chan, pring some junks to to fire. A man vot hrinta ncoshepapers. I wish I may pe tam if I didn't tick you vas a tailor I" Visousts.—A series of resolutions introduced into the Legislature of Virginia, by Mr. Floyd, proposes to declare that the enforcement by Con gress, of any such law as that embodied in the Wilmot Proviso, will be resisted by Virginia • to the last extremity, and by every means which she can command." The resolutions are in the follow ing words:— "l. Resolved, That the ininitution of slavery was lolly diseased by the Convention which framed the constitution of the United States, and that the rights of the alaveholdera were fully recognised and amply protected by its provisions ; that, with• out the compromises then solemnly entered into. the Union of the States never could have been farmed; that any attempt to abridge the rights of the slaveholder, or to prohibit his free emigration, with his slaves, to any portion of any territory of the United States, acquired by the common blood d treasure of the whole nation, to a gram and palpable violation of the Federal Constitution. 2. Resolved, That Virginia cannot, in honor or 'a Justine to herself or to posterity, think far one moment of a submission to a law of Congress, having kw it. object an abridgement of the rights secured by the constitution to the slaveholder and to the South; and she will regard the passage of such a law a direct infraction of the Coosututien of the United States, and:consequently, a subversion of the equal nghts end benefits secured by that instrument alike to all portions of the Union. . . 3. Resolved, That Virginia will resist such act of aggression to the last extremity, and by every means which she can command. 4. Resolved, That is the event of the passage, by Congress, of the Wilrum l'rovian, or any bud rent measure, whlch can or shall have a practical operation upon the , ateresis rod nghts of the States holding slaves, then, and in that case, if the Legislature shall have &tin:stoned, it shall be the duoy of the Governor to convene the ileums] Assembly of this Commonwealth, to take into eon. sideraoon the said net, so well as the mode and measure n( redress. 5. Rewired. That the Governor of the Common wealth be requeated to send a copy of thew revo lutions to each of the States of obit rateltyatal elan to our Senetor. in t and each of the tern. bees of the House of Representative." Store watt a yea: ago. the Leg - Is:atone of Tin gone adopted a rettea readout:Asa contamog the rime of pwine•ples as no an. twonred is thew. we have j am gaoled It rm. then deviated - that under no eirennastances wilt thin body ,the reetagnias a. landing any enaeltneat of the Federal Government which has tar its object, the probitstatti of slavery to eny terribly, to be sequined either by conquest or treaty? Rimain‘ ?if r nom. of high ett• casement in relation to mineral wealth it may not uninteremtinc to 4 ale that a gentleman o.lWain/im ington, I . o4esair W It. Johnson. has recently an. ceired, by Miler it the lioarine 11 0verninent. splendid sod valuables eries of minerals of that country, emlirccing some el the rater varieties tit mineral cm.. an oriel) as of the rich and valuable metallic OR,. term widely distant parts of the em pire The donationundentimal to be •n ac knowledgment of important assistance rendered to certain officers i.f the autism° mining corps, mot out to this country in 4016, to cream:tote the subject 01 the n, the and am al anthracite and other coal. Itsn oppropriate cutuplitnettl, nod ir•s accomp•rtied by letters vetch epeah la the most unequivocal term• of the high esurnation of the scientific and sod co-operation of Protium Johnson (felon. At a meeting of the citizen, of the Secood Ward held at the hour of J Murdock, on Satur day evenusa last, the following ticket was nrre.l upon for %Yard °thorn. Se!Arc Cooonti--Ketthen Wire. Jr. roomy". Corrnraf—Hugn King, Win. it Howard. Wm. Mtn,. Jader—John Rms. /n.,peccor—Menry S. More.. Aues.or —W ITI. lA - Intake, Aarilirtaxt dtasersor—Andreir Shaar, R G Blocks. ~ r itockt thrersort—S. S. Von fkmottorst, George Woisan. i'outa&l.r--Robert Hype. John 3,1 terclo, Wdharn Whitaker, and ft t; Brook. were appointed a Committee to procure ticket. The officer" were nothonsed to till ;my vacancy bat might occur to the ticket The papers in the eity friendly to the object of the meeting are requested to publish these pro. eeediugs. T. H. DOUGLAss. H. A. WrAvs3d. An a WlLaon, I "'"'`.' The a:diorama litter !runt Mr. Ilakewed wa read at the rneetng S. F. Vas llommoarr , - - , Deer Nor—liaving been informed that some of my (needs will probably be demous ornamenting me as member of the Select Council this evening. I have to request the favor of your announcing to the meeting that With a gratetul sense of their past favors I beg leuve very respectfully to decline the honor of being • candidate at the present election. I am, very sincerely, Your (need, and fellow citigen, THOS. BAKEWELic Pittsburgh, Dec. 27, 19th. 71, the &tat." of the Puirhergl. Gazette. We hope, fur the everlasting credit of the city, that the next Mayor that goes into office—be he Democrat or Whig—will use his utmost endeavors to induce the rouncils to do something to rid the street. of the superabuudaut filth sedumulated in Never, since Pittsburgh was a place of any note, has there been such outrageous delay on the part of the law milkers to take this subject in hand. It is treated with the utmost contempt, just as if the health and mullion of person. who are citizens, and pay taxes, should not be consulted. SIAM TELCsarima —we are glad to learn from a gentlemen in Union County, that Mr. Middles worth has yielded to the importunity end solfciia non of his friends no Various parts afthe State, and consented to be a candidate fur State Treasurer.— This will be gladly received wherever the sterliag Integrity, worth and qualifications of Mr. MAddlim warth an, known, dud will, we think, settle to e lipletalOrt as to who will be State Treasurer, as no one will probably net up his cleiine against the old "Cincionatnis of Union Country."—/farrisburgh Telegraph.. PENNSYLVANIA LEOISLATIMIL - Tlllll body will convene on Tuesday next, the 2d inst. Several members have already arrived in toti.h. Amongst them ate, Messrs. Intone of Alleghen y , and John. eon of Erie, of the Senate; and Messrs. Packer of Lycoming, and Hammon, of Erie, of the House. In the Senate the Whigs will hove a majority of 7, and will conaequently organize without ty. The House will he a tie-50 Whigs add rat Locos. The two parties will hove to come to acme mutual arrangements to effect an organization. ifurrisburgh Telegraph. Ibiap SW Nageorrion.—Wit learn from the N. Y. Courier, that LA. LYaah's reporter his e gr ,k, tions around the Dead Sea, is in the hands of the great publisher', the Harper. It will all two vol. tnes, and will be eagerly sought ewer by thous. ands of reader. Tut Msirs.—This,moniing we have dors eastern mails doe. The late heavy snows at the east have thrown the mails into great confusion, aod the mod has done the sßase Or the went. Mr. Cult flinched Louisville on the 22d inst., in teamed health. He was to leave on the fallowing day er New Orleana—azapping et Baton Route, to pay a visit to Gen. Taylor. Ware Noaaistratoeu..larblfg For the outeonstoodatlon of our Whigitarir seas, are publish the bowing list of nominations io the several ward*, of candidates to be voted for at the ensuing election. 7LRAT WARD. &1 Conned—James T. Kincaid. Common Con noil—B. C. Sawyer, Allen Cordell Womb. Mason. Judge—Wm. Gorman. Inspector—Andrew Humbert. Aawater--Cbarlea Craig. Amstant Aasasers--William Algeo, William MeCutelon. &hard lh recto..l--John Sheriff, Rebt. Wightm Cmstable--Jamel Sharp. --•- •. Seker Conned—,4mo Jones. Common Councrl—W so. I Howard, Sr., Are Li. bald M'Farland, Henry Woods, School Directors—Reuben Miller, Jr, Alexander Jatnes 41.....saar—John M'Kee. 41.nstant Assemors—Robert Marshall, Wd Baker. fudge—Col.John Rom Iwpm:tor—Geo. Fortune. CaaJtab/e—Robert Hague. THIRD WARD. Med Goan!—Harmon Parry. Common Council—M W Lewis, Willard Leon and. Robert J Smith, Edward Gregg, T I Dun . • William McKee. Tragr—Andrew McMaster.. hupector—James Galbieatb, Jr., School Directors—Joseph W Lewis, Samue Palmer. Assassar.—Major. Joseph McCulloch. Assurant Assessor—William Chapman, and W Buchanan. rposnm WAIL. Glee Council—F Lorentz. Common Council—David Holmes, R NrKnigh John Willock. Sthcol Direriora—W W Wallace, R E Gowan. elseessor--Reettard H one. A AISLAN2I",--Calob Lee, Israel Higgins Judge--0 H Ittp . El. M White IZZE222 Slat Costrial—Thom. Hays. Common Cauncii—Geo. Hamilton, I L Pallet son, Dr. Robert Haslet, J Allen, Jr, James Craw fiord Wm. Young, Alexander Bradley. Seked Direrters—Dr. Corwin and Mr. Revea. Asst.. —Samuel Taylor. Assistant Alleuors — Robert Dalzell, Mr. Cowdry Judge—Samuel Moore. inspartor—Wm. McKelvy. SIXTH WARD. Seca Counra—Ceps. W Dawson. Common Council—Daniel Armstrong, Robert A Cunningham. Geo. Lamburn. Sdrant Thrrrior..—L R Livingston John Major. Assessor--Emsnuel F.eker. Aitscaans Assesrorg—John Scan , J M Brush. jia,r.—Thomas A Rowley. Ivor—Amon Kelly. Con.nahlr—Wm. H Glenn. ArrENTRI WARD. &led Councsi—R. T Friend. (//nnvion Conned—Robert King, J D WiDk. M Arden.. Annatenu Assessors—Henry Lytle, Henry W lane. &100 Dirrotarr--Lymati T Childs, Robert Frank lin. Judge--Robert Artbara. lo.rpneto,— Robert Gallagher. Constable—John Graham. EEO= .tisltar Count)—Henry Sum lAn. Common Council—Jamb lmer, A F Chfrooti &Axel Arraors-11. F SolAth, Thome. Orno nougb. Jmigr—Thoman Dati. Inriertor—Clanstten Ku Asse.s.r—Fleming Morrow. A., tartAsx.tan.r—John A Sargent, Christlen Rt og. rays ociAle—Steurert Dev i. SINT. trAlln .tea oruird Hugh Robinson. 'gram.. 'award— /14111<rt Hill. Aurora-- Ism. 313.1une.. As...raru Auessor Reynold,, if b 11. mend . ( u.lge—Menlo Radiants_ /...seem—John httlurge. Neac o il ihnetoce--C Reynolds, Len (3 Rene James , ;co Dobbs. ;corps Ik bbs. JOU PRINTING. BILL HEAL.. CARDS, 21Latyfuta, Bolls Lai-mg. CMOS., LOU , Blaitas !tatty rill, 1-11tils, rhATIVICATItt. rating, r”uctts. ate. to Printr.l thr •horta, worn at low prteec, a 11. Lk?) thrall., Tama imax. Noma ,tocond Lentnre before lil.l Young Mereaot.le Library and lale..banwa . inarnuir. w Ell lin given on Tbur•day .venln g. Jannar - y •I 00A, Apoin, Hall, by Prole-sant itielnartt Hem) Sttatc - r.-llatorrahrto and da tendencies SLof•. hetr,. 3i rent, ad.:nano,a rntlrramin and boeoznpsn,".g lathe. ra.a.on ticket, One Dollar. to and at lb. prtonspa. store. •ndat the door J•ev• aa. Jr liA SA•111,1. Cloanninne dr-4/-fit natal. NI %V araanaa. Q7' Usa rum r•oets Musra.—lt you arta to be sae peatfu/ I” any oedema/tine, you aivray• 'use the etot.ey means "rtrevtote. a you have acough. are hr. 4 , 0 Iturcc - roaatrt mud eared, tar it to the proper toren+ Hove you Awthtua or di ffi culty or beeathlog, ill, the null efficient means to elate yoo I• to oar Jayne'. Elp, brunt, ...quell unmedtotely averecune the vt funk roulette, the dialneter of the tithe., and nano. and bring, op the 111113 e. which elog• them np atatt dittotreno•e• every otuttroetton to . free trap,- rat:on, .1.4:e at the too, I,oe ail inaammanon la sub duet:, end o rota ts rerutat to he effected 'love yea lironettutts. Sottuu, of Blood, Ileartay, effected feet cr y Pulmonary Afteetton, then ttue =Joy e'. Ka root end relter eurtatn. and you wail rind that you have aued the proper rttee,a, For sole -a rttlatutegh at the Pekin Tex Store, 71 4th street neat Wood .I•raWs Fararrimairr —Pia would call amention to dos as rolrna remedy for Crotch, Cold, Consumption, /tonna, tad aTecuora of the Throat and Longa Having sorer, boars within • few yew n put had men .; to ma • mt.-do-me ado. km& haeeby rare tested ;;. csreoeut qualities, and are prepared to reeorarnerad to others altnisters or other pubtte simaiters salmon with brim:team' affections will find great boort; from 11l tom. It is prepared by a ACHIM -141y.1e11114 and all cloaws will find it • safe and ellS., medicoc to the disease. for ...loch tt a re coranunded.-IColiantins (Ohm) Came. and Journal. For tale at Ilse Peltio Te•tilore, No TO Fourth street. myl3 Worms, by their Imitation, augment the seers bn of mum. or slum in the stemach. In which, al they involve themselves; and it usasd they feed upon It, and rt deprived of it they dm. The celebrated raduse prepared by B. A. rA lINFSTOCIL. ristabarith, is admirably adapted , e tth first, to remove the protecting mucus, end theondly, to expel th e Norm. rendered belplem and tender by 6e. Ina thee denuded. lit. a remedy in which every con. thence ran ee pulsed. and that it has answered the purpose t• ltems the hundreds of eeniheates gran di its favor . 117 . Dysrrems m the bane of many • man's exist ence No thorn. cad describe the suffering. mai sod by this distressing disease It unfits man for his sta. don in life, whatever n may be, and snakes him feel as Woos ts be would ream! not eaual than endure such N'et these suffering. are produced in the first place i derantionent of the sumach, and if this were met by bsine 11 A Pshnemoeb's And-Bilious the borreMpould be cleansed, the accumulauon of bile ester J. and a speedy and sone relief obtained. Prepared mid told by El A FA HNE-ITOCK & Co cornerlsi end wood, also comer aw sad wood six imUti ID- The sod. Alycelie expression of roma Ramie. 1, grates d w view, while the repulsive, coarse, muddy yellow aoes of ahem, excites drsguet--vhe r ata . I.lm Could each people be oidirced to try a crate of w a , loria.' rniemical Scrip, thew' would be earaptored wow the chaos They would have a den tal, clear, wane sato, %. ile every disfigurement or eruption would he renew- cured. P. air t u Nat ice.—l'ersonx whu hale bought cheap and imitations of this, and have had no ef feet proalueed, mu" try the animal hued, ask fat /one.' rroap. Por .ale at Wat.J•casorea, Übe,- ty street. marg.' - - E rr Dow. ha, a rota] I;,aTh—l( you bare, use a tWlo Osiling, bottle to: Jon., Anit,rl Tooth Paw.. Tha .11c:sale our lore. n who, your teeth, gold at ep 711iNf3vrt y K'. M. IS M. U., Dentist, (h.nux urul rc.,Jr nr u n Fourth sisret, opposite the Ptithburpli Rust. ochre t..m• troth V o'clock 10 IV A M., and t nom Y o'clock th.l M. serl4ly Tau rnart eon NAVIGATION •ND rta• lesurunee CoMratiy —Att r leen ort tor nine Director., to acne foe tic or,tl be bell et the other et this Coro. pan ,eG 1.. e fir Joy of January, Ihib, between the hour. !U A Al ton 1 r dee littllHßT PINNEY, See'y I'nu..o 11 cr. Al rr.r•MilLit 1.11 1 .111 A. Isrrnl - Aregoial Ineollng 01 11, 01emlbers, for t•11 . ....,1110 .tr. her 1110 c,,,,Lams yea, will 3/ 1 1411, nn 'rand:kr , veniitic, January Oth, ,t, K Jeey.L Died J nuery Ist I•lb Juliet /4 Infant daughter of Robert lota etsruh I. Warala—The funeral unit leave the resude nee al Woods on 4th street, thls day. January ltd at 20 4 e fork, P. Al. FOR BALE OH RENT. lATIIB subsuriber caters for sale or rent, his IVII• deuce in Allegheny city. Possession can be gi ven Ist of February, Or .Gonery, and w a n . ever may occupy 0, might find it Advantageous to re tain some of the furniture. Au., particularly aimed to the place'.it. W POINDP.XTBII. dournul copy. aLOVES AND HOSIERY—SoIith John.on, 46 g_g &faulted n, would matte Oa attanuon or drialeni and abed. to their choice puma ol Bliou'ssuperior Sid Gloves, and a great variety of manna, silk and gotton (Dove.. Also, to their extensive Cock of worsted, Caahmare, Area, and silk Dose; hforaviao and other st •les of cotton llose—together with °ye% aurla of children'. Hum and gentleman.' half Deb. 0/.OTH STORIA NOW* TIIF tb 1 , 41 Made. Cloth*, Caeittnerea, and very choice Ve•thasa, entll be ctneed oil •I half price, and Kay 'Fruruninga "mon In. POST BUILDINGS, corner Wood and fifth sta. EN [MN 1•. AKA 131 AN LANNI ENT, for Spratna, on LT hand nod for rah, by ja* J KIM) 3Co E'S LIMO nYRIIP—On hand enul fondl e by a 2 J KIDD At Co AVieltl Col:Wound Syrup of Wild Ciaily harid D andlor tale by l a Ktilb & Co G vM --.ldo Ibs on h utd and for nal. by A 2 - - - - J KIDD &Co - EMORY, assorted sires on band and for w. by 11$ J KIDD* Ca. The Greatest Elfeeoverf et the Awe. 'Pay. Jammer( COUCH BYRUY V the Lees and morn effectual remedy yet discovered' foe the core of Coughs, Colds, and diseases of the Chest and Lange in several cues of violent cough., which hire recently come under the observadon of the yam , primer of this medicine, one or two done has men Mffiediete relief, after using. without any bencietal effint, several Lonna or themost popular and egpen aiv. me Menus o n f o day That It may be Within the reach of all, it is pot at the low price of Ti cents. As an Inducement to the confidence of the mantes' In the efficacy of this medicine, we say lo all tbo.e who may porcine° and receive no benefit from it* use in the above named dinners, your money will be returned. For sale wholesale nod retail by R. KIF.IIINEDY, Druggist, Penn at, Filth word. Also, for sale at the Drug store of JOEL earner of Wood mid Filth ere r re/ &ha DEa ordained and snoeuid by the muter.. of Piau i) burgh in Select soil Common Councils asserribied, That toe Mayor be. nod he is hereby autttonseil in sign • deed convey Inc to ,be Tinstees of the Pittsburgh Gea COMpally 11,1, .o. e mood note occupied by the Oar Works, in fuJi,drruilou of the sum of went) , eight thousand itibikt iiclars, payable 111 the stock of sold Company, the pro Eli on which slash begin to ac crue. on the first do, oi January. I -tit Ordained and E.... ' .rd inn. , sCouncils, this 2Dth day of Dermot , T. n Ii I [Attest:? Prest. C. C, pro tern. Fun. F.. Vd: C,k C. C JUUN SUIPTON, C . JOHN 111..1.1¢, C . 4 t • 2 d•r{ HAVE:I tin. d, y a%•cmmted eelth me m the whole. sale Grocer,. Produce and Cornroirooon busine.s, ray brother .Insei,, under the firm of J. S DILWORTH rk C. J. S DILWORTH. January I, 1i.19 JS. DILWORTH & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Pre. . due. and Cornsontsion Illeiehants, and Agents lot the Hazard Ponder Co of N. Y., No 2: Wood sy ?Huhn h. a 2 LAAD-17 IMIs No I, now laadlng from steamer Geno& for we by ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front .t I, l EATIlkiRS—gi tack. now landing from mu Genoa; 12 for .ale by ja2 ISAIAH DICKEY' tr, Co f'l —3 NSENG sacks mw landing from emu Genoa; Ur for sale by my ISAIAH DICKEY & Co L. AXSEED —l9 sks now landing from sir Genoa. far 'mid by jay lAAIAH DICKEY &Co A!ID AND Fk:ATHERS-17 bbl. Lard; '4 socks tealher•. tir amen, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & Co GEO. A. HARRINGTON, Produce Broker, Ornox, No WrrEa SnorT, Prrtswoon, P. docUti HAVANA SF: GARS-1U his oriole Hrt•ana wors 112 ow yonoor Jo &oust meowed per S H Con sof nec, mod .a:c by C H (;RANT, 44 water la (TORN MEAL—M.IO for sua, by SF VON lIONNIIORST te Co. R Y} ;; ,}l-°u"—b : " vc .r A i L by NNllOßS'T fr. Co. se . ; by HOE. T 14 1. b N y SEED OIL , -;r w i•h is pure, psFrilosea (SON oracle SALEI. , Ccru-3 t 0,,. reedand (or sure by drel9 It ROBISON! & Co OLI, BuTfER— IS bbl. prime Rod Boars, m store acid lot sale by /AS DALR ELL, dee2s water .t ITICLP I 7 ows Loon, - 4. Sacks Feathers; ado ii.oscog; It/ du Vlassced, to arrive• for sale by deelh , ISA IA It DICKEY W. Co. from st 1011111ENTi,42/ bugs reed and for sale by Jocd % i CK & WCANDLE.B ALERATI'S—'LI rases Cleveland Balerates, 7 Lb& 1:7 do do: In lies do do, pulverised is papers; 4 casks do do do. fog...silo by del WICK & A 1 CANDLESB TIEER HAIR-4 li•les Deer Hair, just reed and for JJ sale by dec. 8 & W HA RHAUGH ARD--411bbis No 1 Leaf Lard, on cona3gnment by a iscc le ARV STRONG & CROZER NLARD -12 blils an kegs new Lard, this day reidd on cuusigninent by decls ARMSTRONG & CROZ ER 7;MIA11/ It —Co ,bl. Flour, just teed and for pale by dec49 ARMSTRONG & CROZER WU bush lust reed and for sale by - deede ARMSTRONG & CROZER CriAli CURED DR IF:I) BEEF ROUNDS-18 Ica eared, prime a: acle (or family are, vast re.reived and tor sale ay der:, SELLERS k NI COLS 1 r .,,A 'WEIS eI.tiAKS-24 India Rubber Cloalt• )usi rrcnud or Fair at the India Rubber Depot, No 3 Wood .1 dee2g J d H PHILLIPS I Nlfl A RI mite BANDINU. tor Nlsehtnery—A 1 lame sseonment Jost reed •d for sae at the India Rubber Lt•pot. No 5 Wood street demt Intotong from dmr dee JAS U I IlLk dal sup'r map, hantilr, IU doi ..orn or se, br F VON 111FSNIIORSF k Co i' s .3,,•V b fi r aior rb l co. TAN-141b1,1•N C for sa cby 1 al F VON lIONNIIORST & Co. SAL:(I),,DA—.S easko reed j lc u e . g , o r; N e s , good .lurT drc It: UROWN a. CULBERTSON eureß SN IT—I usre e for sule LL 1 drelG JOHN D MORGAN , lARD-51 bbl. new Lull, on consousent, by J ScelS ARMSTRONG & CROZER pEATHEILS-2 boots on bonoignmem, by 1 der is A RMSTRI CROZER r ORI.F.ANS SDI:A R—On hand. JO hhds prone Si 0 Sugar, old crop, winch anti be soid tour te 1 clew coesignment dee!? 1011 N 111'FADEIN &Co WORCESTER% PIANOS. -- ECEIVEL, as day, mid for sale at maeufacturez. 40 . I ILIA AlsH—an casks Pod. Ash. 01 a super., goal , , jk, prices, three elegant Rosewood Pianos, read., by 0 op an band and ler sale by 1 H. IS'orreater, N Y. These iestrumeuts WV constder. eseS7 JOHN M'FADEN &Co 1 sal fully es.!, If not superior,. any now made in N. _ loft, haveng as full, round, Mid mciod mss tone; war. VI ACKER- I.4 " — r . ° '''''. he ' t queJ", large Ne 3 Mackerel, on hand l ranted to wear well and give satisfaction. 11. and Mr sale low by /lilt% I , I'FA DEN &Co ' The puce o! ''''' s r '' . '?' I. believed 4, h. moth decir tower Man any ether manufacturer's in N. Y. F L . t.!?4 , r : ED— d, b ,.., usb Flazse s e & d i n i s i t A lia . ..l.l A lT , l , ll3, . 01 111 . use e vir r tostr; i : . : , 7l . I p o f f e a u rod co r l a n d ,, e d leent . P . inr e SOMA'. • - - --- above at Me shore of the subsevbei, where' a large as- ASll—.2u cask. Sole Ash. .r sale low .. Mrtment of Chiceikring's cetebfated PIS-11011 - Cl/leliwuys close consignment. by s& Of IiAItLIAL till , he e„em. JOHN U. kl€Ll.oft, decV _ _ decZ7 P!. Wood at - DE A m Ducig—d bale. Bea. Deck. smi reed and FACTORY FOR BALE OR RENT. 1 , 1...) for sale by deeti P& IV It ARRA Utill ', THE large and well built Fititorg, erected ou Itebcc- ' A. ea strum, Allegheny city, tiy.W. 8. Camila; Ear is is wiered for sale or rant Irma the IM of J.. 1949 . l it he lot on watch the Factory is erected, (metaloo 6et en Rebecca sheet, and tuna backlit/ feet to Park Meet. 1 The main building is of brick, three stories play nod GO fee( lung by 117 feet wide. no roatuae terse sod eormucidielm, with igt MOW, boiler, stack, he.. all to coMpleta order. The propertylorill be mlal low, nod on adrantageotut terms. Inquire of • ROOIRT riDILNIGHT, dectielstho Agent MACKEREL -200 bbl. No 3 !docket-et, mom and for aola hy deer , Sa W lIA RBAUWI D VCR %V HEAT FLAW sacks hulleJ Raca l) wheat Flour. an riles arvele, in store and for sale by decal S A %V IIARLIAI;611 I) RY A PPLFIa—.3OO bush Dry Appl y s. for salt by Lineal J.f DILWORTH LARD Ib vow No I Lord; IS keg. do do do II .are u:.l for sale by deoll A L 1 I—w Ws Alum. rec'd and for sale 62' dregl I dr. It }LOYD -• 13'"ISR IIUCKETA—ZO do: Docket: m ware sod for shle deenl .1 L R FLAJYR ALEILATUS-2r,((0 lb. w mugs and bra, (or sale 0 by d"i° ROBT DALZELL & LA ilb-4 kegs to ware ood for sale by I, drbl I TASSEY & BEST UCK W HEAT FLOUR-73 sank. HW. Plena, In YIS and 30 lb *anal, Car sale by deaW A RaIIaTHOISIG it CROZIER (10FLY—Itail bash Corn, in .tore and for male by k deeR ) ARMSTRONG& UROZER TottAcco—oa kap No 1, 0 twist Tobacco, landing from steamer New England .od for sale JAMES DALZELL, soder at ()EARL. ASH-4 casks read and for ..Jr by 1 dean° ROOT DA LZELL t Co, liberty st CliEb.l9E--301) bmi Western Rexese Cheese, to stare and for sale by dec2o ROW DALZELL &Co LILAX SEED-150 bush now iandlng Mom steamer r Fort PIM for sale by deold ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front lit r bbl. ereth. for sale by deell A F VON DONN HORST & Ca rINFIIAR-20 bbl. purr Ctder Vinegar, for sale by deela 8 F VON DONNHORST t Co " d r ee g l4 lik."B lVt i g ot t374;i7lOßST t Co C 1U d A „. 1. 4 4--10.000 no 14( ')P a t'i : ::,7 c .,:a i l c t:i firr 4 Co MOLASSES -115 bbls new crop NFI blolamma, lan ding from stew Hail Columbia and Tor sale by deel9 J AS DIU ELL, 94 seater st fIOTTON-30 bales Colt, , to store and for sale by deela AS DALZ ELL `AND PAPER, Illornbrnok'si-4 declS o . reams sasprted a) numbers, received and TBAIIN A REI7'EI a ( Te N etr RUSHEI6 AII7I;4;O ° 7I7I2()ZIR whlair We L)T i'l3 ..a CI OLD PENS —Jost opened, another calla of sig t endns IJr gold pens er the best manufacture, and superior to I.l7 ec h 9 eretottne sold, and warruned tt , w WILSO N. LAZED PAPER BOXER POECJC iIJIIRS-11 ease. Gstrong Buff Paper Boxes, assorted sues, for sale by doe!) P II EATON &A:* OLL 131.,TTKR /obis roll butter, fresh, just re- IX, rowed and for sale by dreg S A W 11.1811A171111. II.LWKII irkbal bldr . clover seed lust received Nj and for sale by dec9 S A lV H A RBA (;..111 fillEESTl:i='.tleeor. reed %ad roe sale by V droll IV .k RAt CUTCLIE.WI . . BARLEY—I 9 btds Berle), reed and (or sloe by droll & R N.CCUTCHF.A.IN LA.II_.6LIS No I Leal Lord; 3: kegs do Jo Jo— reed aid for satbb, ;Icon WICK & lICCANDLERS YOTABII-1 casks prime Potash, for sale by deeV7 WICK & ACCANDLESB GINS FI -'"'"i''g*;d and forsie by d„P WICK M'CANDLEI , S i INKS UN Ul=l boob Ctrjn — t . , h -c ic .d , - ns N t r, dl 4... ;ri tt i 4 iiiir %,_, b . , HICKORY Nt.,, b x hell e ~;, Al n r g M ° 'l l iu t ;; " Ott ' rl 4" rata:d b ito n i C ro i' r e s i a n i n u . l!; "*ld det97 • WICK & 111`CANRLERS C, 1 i d ' O, E !or - su l lrb I ; "d'aVe/171 !'l'brii'''&4,4°,:e.',l"tl,:ar . _ b ag.(,', i ;.":". l :; , "„ , :',EED, , T.,":,`'''Viocyi'..'trti,r Dl - SS "' 1 31. 1,V1T .' -."4 "". P"' i b Iat7I I IIII Y Y & Co _ F. x6—"L'u P.,. -^ —l.7n kti l' A i tlAil; .l z Co 4 dcci. CAIPIUIL'-'l' bttir t'" l'Vit i 4, (c. ilgY b & I. Co UGAS-02 Mid. Immo N ()Sugar, übm crop; art do de do old Sustar, real reed and for sale by 0077_ d W HAW-IMAM M --- • ULASBE.B-05 bbia bWlaue . Just landing and for °Ala by dect7 8 & W HASHAIItIII fIOFFF.E.-450 bay Dm Cote°. 00 do Layotyra d V, 50 do 01 Demons°. tot We low to low consign. moot, by .I°o4 Y M W DASSAUUti SOAP AN p CANPLtr laioo Ins Cincinnati Moan; PA do do mould eau lea, do do mar canal., ta g lan • • . and for axle by act? 8& W ISA FLUAL/011 BY APPLE/3-85 bws Dry Apples; tbdstdo Pesch. .1,1 es, jest received end for sale by des27 8 k W lIARDAUGH I , O BACCO—I3 Mo.lmmo Igs Tobacco, Ng re. carved acid for Bala by decl/7 tl t W lIARBAUGH By Alba D. Ds,ls, A sellaninir. -- -- Extra Sale of Groan-ice, {t, nn Tuesday afternoon, Jan. Al, at lock at the Co.mercial Nelee R oom, corner atWood and lath , sr:11 be void wlth.t reserve on a credit of mouth. over we It halt chest* 'Young Hylton rea, Old, v 2 Impettal 27 lovves and le, Vtrytnta Tobacco, 1 crate assorted quceouware, I! sacks of Feathers, 14 bbl. No 3 Mackerel, 4 half Obis With a variety of other Trocencs, tat JOHN D DAVIS. Auer. IS paciagew Fey and Sgaplo Dry (Gods. On Tuesday mornlng. Jan :M. at 10 o'clock,at th e 0 30 ,,n er 6 0 l sales Rooms. castor of Wad and Fifth meets, will be sold, 'without rmwrve, on a credit of three months, for approved paper, on all sums over 11100— A large and gem ul assortment of seasonable (alley and staple dry goods, w/stal have been selected with great care by a gar Vernon of great expectance, and must be soli to nose a coca, cn, Ai 9 o'clock, GBocuan, Qcwww . MllB Ft+Lairraz, 2ce ALE o'clock, . . , A large collection of tojacellaneoua book., fancy article, suited to the season., ready Made clothing. gold sod *dreg watches, pins, pistols, fine cutlery) Au ihalliOla Property at Aeolian. On Tuesday aernumn. Jan.:ld, IRV, at 3 o'clock, will be sold on the pretense, that very saleable three , brick more house and lot, $111:11111.011 the corner Cl t e public square and Diamond alley, at preeept occupied by Matthew Dalsell end whom, which melds eelnnual rent of gooo—the lot having' ti front of 33 on the Diamond, and extending along Diamond alley Cal feet. Terms at sale. • deed JOHN D. DAVIS, And. AMUSEMENTS. . ORAJIITY SOIREE, VOR THE BENEFIT' or T. 01.1...rir Br. PAr I: Cticacc, vein be given at the Lafayette Artaemb fitionas, on Friday evening, February 2,Lb49. MANAGERS: Iron. C. Slut... t ANDIIIM Oran., Emit , Josh a Gcniate, 1 .1. 'Locals, loos LATTO3, T. IV ato,, W. A. M'Alcu.r.s, Jun" I. Mircircu., 1-1 /oar., ' .10. SCuIT, \V at. B. MITC.I.TIOLL, Jr., Head Kurt, Jou x thiwstsa, A M'Cobbratto, C. Goccnia•s, M. Dustup. IJJ Tickets can be anneyed tram the Managers. decV9 DRY GOODS NOTICE. A. A. bIASON No. fto ?datum wrest, Prrtatmeou, Pk. -En leave most respectfully to ant:ounce to their numerous patrons and the public, that they, in consequence of contemprating a change In their bust. ness, propose opening the whole of their esunsi•e, Uncludinet all their wholesele 1.012111,) for retailing, and will continuo open until Ike first of Feb ruary, commencing on New Year. day, 1540. Our wholesale stock, comprising one oldie most extensive and varie assortments tie Fanc end Staple ry Goods ever d exhibited in the weste r n country, will D be offered at lower prices than ever before known. Eve. ry article, however choice sod desirable. will be ac cordingly reduced. Upwards of filly thousand dollars of our stock has been recently porches, d, the greeter portion of winch are foreign goodly received at New York by late European arrivals, which from the late ness of the meson, as well as the known pre e . ere i n the money market, were .old at immense sacrifices at public tales, at rate, varying from tweets, five to fifty per cent less than similar goods brought the lint of the season. We ace therefore confident that our prices for the time above mentioned will be found to be even lower than any Eastern orbtaltmale rams. We enviously invite all persona to bait our estab lishment, whether they purefinse or not,,end test the troth of the above--amanne them that they will incur no obligation thereby, but confer a favdr upon the pro prietors. Our assortment o( Silks, Shawls, and fine Drees Goode will amply repay one for • visit; added to which, an unusually great &play of Domestic Goods wdl, we hope, induce SS to cell. Our system of one prior will be strictly adhered to. /al A A MASON &Co TAMES M. COOPER, havntg this day associated web htnt le 8. Lsiwt.r, they mull hereafter conduct the wholesale Hartigan bustous under the name and style of COOPER k LAVELY. The new nr. , respectfully cohort a continuance of the favor and patronsFe enjoyed by the late concern; and a• .applies, Foreign and Hogenie, will el ways be °blamed from hnot hands for cosh only, they pledge themselves to sell at rates which shall defy the most rigorous compedou. _ _ - - _ pLATED SPOONS. Arc.— 4 doze. Silver Plated Bader Kiiives; 3 plain Tr. Spoon, •• '• Threaded extra area) a i• Dotson Spoon, Table " Tobacco Boxes, I '• Sugar Shave*, 1 .• - oitard U. Silver epee enselq " Speer.; A./0d 'col's. AtlA.llen's Pawn RlZ:l6l;l4,l4:4;smref'.dt - Mar Boa Francisco, California, fro thaltimore. laThe fine and well known ship PYLON Captato C Millington, ltarrels Lunen w "rift ill sail about 10th IMh January. and has specion• wtd very superior accoramodatiOns between decks for to This ship oder. aupenor ad antages to those /wog ouk Cobs. pulsation 411da% be tween deck...roil N•ry calico., $M For passage apply on !ward at BELL'S WHARF, Fell's Point, or to Messrs. J. HENDERSON & Co, dea7stiler• 77 Pratt at, Baltimore. EBII=I T. H. CAVABIAVGH, Receiring, Forwarding and General Commie don Merchant, CoammovaL &roar, Po. Loom, Pao. N. R.—Nutet attention pant to order for posebtiain, in lila market, and all taunt.. promptly martsAmml. Reliance al rinaloirgh, John ArFaden & Co. lourreror .10a. C. roar{, SllO, OSAIMIS, I JACOB COCCI, TICLIZ no, /MOSY LOOOO, -. I • ..• BIRCEIANICP (mass Ivonirt:---- CISIPSON LEAKM, STANGER I Co., Maculates ° rers of Vials, 'Bottles, and Window Glass, keep ConStantly Oa 110.13 d a general uso rt ment of Ike above articles. Also, make to order a toperm aniela of Mineral or Soda-Water llopics.ofealdrod No. IC Wood sr. adj3l-feii UST flffCk.:lVED—Two splendid new Piano fortes, from the celebrated factory.' Noon. I Clark, N. O . an (4 octave Piano, rosewood, with elegant car- .in one 6i octave, wait Co/01.12'11 ZEOlitin At. C h. mess These eery superior Pianos Will he sold al ...Wee wren fleet. 11 KLEUER, Sole Age for Nene, it Clark . _ • galls natural col d NVlUtjt Spertxialli 0 11. - -- tato AO do 'ileac Led do do do MO do do do Whale do 500 do N W•coaat crude do do S Itthls Not Lard do 3 do Linseed, vrary,apred puss, do 20 do Eltratt's Tsia2err., erar'nol gen'e, do In store and for talc tag deer/ 'MILLER & RIMINI-SON WEL.4II FLANNEL...4—W ft Ittutpity has on hand • full usortment of Mew demfable Goods; also, • full assortment of domestic adatuinkable do. and a fall assortment of scaner and yeEosir, and spotted, for Christmas wear. Home made Flannels—waste, tarovn and barred: a supply constantly on baud. ' demat ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—Of thous Cisur pasee4 Tapestry 3 ply Imperial Carpets; metered dos day and for 111a4 at reduced prices, at the carpet vrareroom of %V M'ULINTUCK, dee3o 75 fourth at URSE LOST—Wes dropped by a Lady an he; way I from Elmo d Enghsb's book are Wignl st, to Eaton's tom:rung mons, a purple 8 1k4 . t . tate, walked with steel beads, eonts.m.l ethnott the Hank of Putsburgh. The finder vr. theitably rewarded by leeTtht the lame •; Pititer ( above named stores. deep — IrIYICLAL Pt MIEEI ARTIY/CLAL FLOWERS—Smith 11%Y...a rd Markel In, would Invite the attentmwa Of dealers and when to their extensive wcok of French and amenean manta] Flowers, weden will be offered at eastern anent a titFOR RENT—The Dwelling Haase °erupted by the subscriber; situate on Second meet, a bove Cherry ailuy• Tlss ho use t is very c ntonve nie fora small family. Nt of o Furniture can be had on very Gary 14114 a. Vossession eao be had im mediately. 11 OEO COCHRAN. WANTED TO RENT—A mail privat a e tug with not lam than four rooms sad ' within five or ten minutes reach of „,,,chs., Address, with particulars, "Box No. Vic,. thamc,",t. tat.p.E od,„ TO RENT — The N Two mu . Roo. 110.., the irj , hl?fbibeNtritm., deo3o-dlro Two :lisle Ron VO-3 , able Sheep Weired .0 for .1a by Pn"" atabr, a& IV HARBAUGH 1" . ARD-10 Ws No I Lord; bbl, pence Roll Doi I_4 lar i lutt received sod for saki by deeo7 8 11( RA88411441 IfTS-10 bbls Chemin:its If fast landing and Cloy able by dealt') 84w ARRA Aili W IIITP: afiatli--83 N bbls — Widin loans, Toed and tor sale 4y &ail 8, HARBALIti II BORAX -12 kegs Refined Borax, for side by deolt WIC AIiCANDLESS DON' HERRING—I:3his Scarab HerrinF . , for sale bT dealt] ZWOANULESS DOLL BUTTER—SW/Is fresh Roll Balser, fee'd arid .1.1.• for sale by deal? WICK hr. III'CANDLESS PACKED Burl ER-1e kegs ret'd and fat sale by deor7 W ICKk M'CANDLESS I Aill) L.oulaing's bast, winter strain eti,;ust meerved and fur sale by dee9 ' SELLERS A NICOLE. 7,V1-01:11.-9-50 bbls extra family flour, R. H,„1",,,, r brand, just received owl for sale by dery 9 t W HARBAUGH. - ALES 90 boxes rve.' vide • I'I.. PP -- lOU g do do. Juin landulg from Comm, and Glir : ol6l4 ' declt S & Vr:HAIILEIVJGH. O IL MEAL.-0 tan. oil meal As. _iandint s ad for ale by (dee9) & HARnuog. BARLEY.-399 boatels barioy1 0 31hmding Croak ate .Ut Comm, aod for solo by dea 8 t W NARRAAJOIL CHEESE—SD box. cream cbeeq, extni, loading from lake Erie, mid for sal. by deera a ‘v wuttuiroa. 0131011BMATI di PITTSBURGH DAILY PACKET LiNE. LeILIS well known One of splendid passenger Steam. is n now composed of the largest. scrinnt, bee od and turn:shed, miscast punish:a bean on the waters of the West. livery necommodarion and Geis fon that money ran procure, has been provided Papas. engem The Line has beau in opossums for fiTO mu" —has earned a million of people without the least inju ry to then persons. The bolts wall be al the Coca of Wood street the day previous to stoning, Tor the Meg. non of freight and the entry of pursuers on the mt. ter. In .jr cues the passage money mast be paid in advance SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt A. O. Mum; ar4l leave Pittabargh every Sunday morning It 10 o'eloelq Whi'cltnir every Sunday evening at 10 T. hday 1e47. !MONDAY PACS-TAT. The MONONGAHELA, Capt. Stave, will leave SW* burgh every Monday morning at l 0 o eh:raj Wheolins every Monday evening at IV d. st. . - TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBERNIACapt. J. Kurn,reresa, Will leave Pittsburgbevery Tiresday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Tumid." evening at 10 r. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No, Y, Capt. S. DLLS, will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at Ia o'clock, - Wheeling every Wednesday evening at 10 P. THURSDAY PACKET. The BRILLIANT, Cape G.., will leave PIM. burgh every Thursday Morning at lOo'eleek; Means every Thursday evening as 10r. u. FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER No. V, Capt Crone, will Have Pins. burgh every Fnday morning at 10 o'clook; Wheeling every Friday evening at 10 P.O. SATURDAY PACKET. The MESSENOI.II, Copt. S. Run„ will leave Path burgh every Saturday morning et 10 o'clock Wheelies every Saturday evening at 10 r. a. NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, I 4 . (via suscartv,) Leaves Pittabargh daily, at o'clock, A. and at. rives al GLUM., Month of dm Bandy and Beaver Ca nal,) at 3 o'clock. and New Lisbon at 14 santenigil Leaves New Lisbon ate eelock, AL, (making Ike trap canal to the rive, during the night.) and G at 9 o'clock, A. hi., and ern,es at rltisharghtf7 hl.—thus making • continuona tine for entry imagers and freight between Now Lisbon and ansc burgh, in shorter time and at less rates than by any other mote. The groprietors of this Lute have the pleasure or in. forming the public, that they have fitted up two first clam Canal Boats, for the acennunalstion of passengers mut freight, to run in eon , — etion with the well known steamers CALEB COI,: and BEAVER, nod monneete lag, at Glasgow,. with the Pittsburgh and dada. Ilan End other daily lines of steamers down the ado and Mississippi riven. The proprierors pledge thaw selves to spasm no expense or trouble to inane emu fort, safety and dispatch, nod ask of the public a sitars of etc patroness,. 1 4 N ' THORIZED AGENTS. G 3L 11ARTCN, S. tr. W. HARBAUGS, Pin..bunh. FL HANNA. & Co. myna( J &Co. i ll. "' 'Ligben. NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER C. E Clarke, lass. ter, will leave after tills notice, for Wellsville paacta. ally, at 9 o'clock the momialt,_ lOl3 1848. 1841 PITTSBURG y H & BROWNSVILLIS Dail Packet I.lnet FEBRUARY let, 1848 FEBRUARY 1 184 LEAVE DAILY ATI) A. M., AND 4 P. m. The following near boats complain toe line for the present seasons AT. LANTIC, Capt. James Par= TIC, CapL A. Jacob and WL&NE, Capt E. Bennett. Tins boats are minty cry cd WV fitted up without regard to expense. Es. omforto that money can procure has beta provided. The Dents will leave the Monongahela Wharf Boat al the foot of Ross st. Pmsengers will be punctual on hoard, as the boats will certainly leave at the wryer, wee hour., n A. M. and 4 P. IL Jan3l FOR NEW ORLEANS :Z.': will The splendid and fast running atm, jaitier FAIRMOUNT : W as , 0 Elbert, miner, will Mara km e above and intermediate non. on T00...T..1.0. id, at 10 o'clock, A. m For french* or passage, apply on board COOPER k. tofIV F.LY, No 53 W . 0c0.1 streo FOR MARIETTA, PARKERSBURG, ~ And Hockinvort, and interme d iate Modtogs. The fine steamer oiEIi.WELLSVILLE, Poe, Roomer, will leave ter the above pore every Tuesday, au lb o'clock, s. .. For (might oryaseakre apply on Imesd. decd?-Im _ . ... FOR ST. LOUIS. - The aidekohd I.:meager steamer Jevons, MIMI,. OS CO will E, leave for above d intermediate ports One day. For freight or paesage apply so board. deeZl YOA LOUISVILLE The splendid new i 1, /Inslep, master, will lemma tor above 41El , 10 o'cloc ad i k ntertonliate porn 6o Saturday, For freight or paaaage applr on board, or to lIIIREIRIDGE WILSON & Cch Oft/ II MILTENBERGER. BOULAR FRANKLIN PACKET. • _ The bee roomer FORT PITT, Capt. Twill sus regalaaly in ate:Nude, ieaving Ilusbuzgh. every Wednesday. and Sun ay evening, at 4 o'clock, P. 1111. For freight or REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKET. ~,,,,,,.... The splendid new saute, will !cave Hasleti,master, will !care for th e hove and Intermediate ports to-day For freight or Jawing% apply on board. dull FOR ST. LOUIS. The fine new liht drught steamier ~ Incas, master,will leaire for the bore and satermediate porn this day For fre — titit .. s_,r psamage, ap .. y on board. dealt PITTSBURGH it WHEELING PACKET: — The mirth steamer C ONSUL, im aLVebber, muter, will ma or Wheeling, every 111;;c1la n r= nesday and Friday, at 10 o'clock precisely. Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and Ba melay, al7 o'clock, a m., precisely. The Consul will !arid a all the inuirmediate Every sceemodation that can be procured for t sra l.--. onai fon and safety of passengera has buss provided.. The boot is also provided with ei selfacting safety guard to =17:1W51.02. For Ite D ig A h4 gaiimery eV febe eikrner of In and Smithfield mina.' RIXIVLAR W 'saIIIELING PACKET. maimaThe noir - andeplendid mamas ST. ANTHONY, • • D a P Kinney, master, will ran as Irreg. r pocket between Pittabmgh sat Wheeling, leaving this city every! Tuesday, Ttruniday and Saturday, in 10 o'cinck, A. M., and Wheeling are , ry Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at/It:at, A.M. - For freight cis pasaage, having superior accummieshs, , noes, apply oet board or to JAMES MAY, Amu.. The Ainliacty. Unsng_ bt, and Airspeed arsil accommodations el rIZIOI be sur p assped by anyboit oat the river. P LI% it The neor and splendid fast passen ger puke', Th.LEGRAPH No. 3, Meson, master, will &aye far Cincio eau and Louisville on Thursday, the lids Mat, at 10 &clack, AM. For freight orpussage apply on board, EL ABRIDGE, & Co, or GEO MILTENBERGER. Up' Steamer Peytona leave Louisville For Neve Orleans, on arrival of Telegraph No P `en direct. and eon have berth. secured hen !((a , rrovlS IiCIPREBB WAGON LINR• to Aza ream PlitAblargh and Philade/phi*, MA. 01......111110.) TIME, FTVEDAYD—RUNNING DAY AND NIG= i T HE public are reepeedully informed that Ilk Lira will commence running on the 27Th km. A ea. will leave noladelphia daily with the Mail Train lIP Chambershurg and from thence by Weg 1.:Alo ea, • relay red to of homes, runn W ing day and night. e ab• n prepa forward 0000 lbs. freightaiiy .. .__Jhr . gip,_ sn ov2o PIONEER TRANniroaluvrio' List, Mls= 1848 . rdial4, BETWEEN BAL.nniOnr, rirganuaGll. tra Er Tine , ,S .. Merchandise nnoorted el zu FQDY I '. • •••-• ASNCAN Agent., Water meet. husbargh. """"Y A MA Rsaax, Arms. novl, 47 IJeht intent. 'U ltimo... • 1 0 17 ". }4 44 'CO'S PAST EXPIIICII rAMia POR CM:re:ALAND. riALTIIIIORE, AND TO* THE r EASTERN CITIE2I. roptietora of this Line have pion New &Get, tt'el are prepared to forward packages of all de. al the lowest rate. J C BIDWELL, Agent, 'Water street, Pine/tomb. ROBINSON s LIOERK tteol kCLltTiii, THAN sPOet'DATIOIII LINE: 1848. Mi l l i reenpmd fur by FIVE DAY LINE and regalia ro ran daily. Produce mrd wag ons, at lour ratm. and *verified time. J C MOWELL Carli/Mb; no• 14 ROBINSON A BOEHM, Bahia:rare. PE NI r ea TO AND MON ' A - 5 714 W: PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. THIS 'LW,"iirhosen'tron'el:llTy laar'"ter J. such general TILLIaIIcUOII, commence rurinlng on In of January next, ming Me mall train EA. Of Chainberaburgh, anil relays of horses an the toxin*. CLARKE& THAW, Einaburh. LEWIS & LIUTLEIL 219 Marko et, dee= Pluladelplua. m lngots Elmer , la TO our, MOM araft Ala aIiIBUDGIII AND PHILADELPHIA, _VIA CILAAIDIVATLITALL. TIBITE• Fivr. DAY li--flinag Day and Ngitir—A Car wall leave Piiiladeiptoe daily with tM Train LO Chamher•burgb; a Wagon will Mate on ga arrival, and having relay of homes num.; darned night, aerates the certain arrmal of ßao Da ad .: No more Goode will he reeement tln an,bot lo W ed up eath day, ao Mai no delay anlb neva, 0•111 bo prepared to forward Mat !nodally. Apply to WM. kl/ND HAM, Canal Basin Pat l str u r inatawati Dm • • No 270 Mattel street a. prtt7 ------ ite atter, ass e—;3 ban on Fund and rot al. -L" bT dealt J ICID?&Cbl TISTS , CANVARS, on Sire loners, all stantly on band and flunk by deelt J KIDD k. Ck FLIKATHERs—IS saelu ic9knivq km B'lB . deels ISAIAH DICKE Y 46. iSTEANBOATS. ly . bond In Inns in slum and km oak by ROBISON & Co