tEDIGAL., VALUABLE BISCOVEBEr , CONSUMPTIVES, BE. ON ~..rotAcqwW, • DR MAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILWONERRIC sm aitnT'lll::llli , liiff TON • • Coustunpllon, Coughs, Colds; Aithms, Brimehitis, er Complaint, Stetting Iffriod,'Difftcultrof Dread,. log, Pain in the Side and 13*ust, Palpitilion of 1110 Heart. Influenza. Croirp, DrOkeh'Coll stitunon, Sore Throat,Nervous Debili ty, and all Dimities effete Throat, blreast and Lungs" thereon cf.. • actual and speedy' cans y r ever known for tmy of the above digests- • es,❑ DR. SW AYNE . 43 - Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry! This medicine isnu longer ,among' those of doubtful utility. It gamed away (nom the thousands daily launched upon the tide of experiment, and now stands higher in reputation and IT:lncoming more extensive ly and than any other preparation of 'medicine ever. produced for the relief of suffering man. It has been it very generally through the United steles and Europe, and there are few towns of imponmoe but what contain some remarkable evi donee of Its good effects. For maid of the foregoing statements, and of the virtue and efficacy of this 'sleds , rdne ) the proprietor will insert a few of the many thou ' .a nd testimonials which have been presented To bin by g l en of the fast rospectability—inen who have higher Maws of moral rr-sponsthillty and justice, than to err. try to facta 'weeny', it will do mother a favor, and themselves no injustice. Stith antimony provms con clusivelytthat its surprising excellence Is estaldwhed by Its intrinsic merits. and the tuumestio”ble authori ty of public opinion. The innantanootts relief it ab fords, and the soothing influence diffused through the whole frame by its are, renders it a most agreeable remedy for the afflicted. ' PIMIER! "When men, acting from conewenuom impulses voluntarily bear testimony to the truth of tilting, or particular feet, such testimony, being contrary to their worldly toter.. and peep:nos., coerces eonvietion of its truth, and eummentiSinelf in a special manner tO universe' eredenee.--ITHOgnit, Moral Maxims. READ THE 110 ME CERTIFICATE s. Dnu. AMMO". COIF or Pq,sowstr ComearOunc— There never was reinedy that has been RS tuccessful in desperate elMs cif Consemption, as Or. Swayne's Compound Situp of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the system, and appears. to heal the ulcers on the longs creating new and rich bhiOd; power possessed by no other medicine. . gnu... Co_ April 'Mth, IS4S. Dr. Swayne—Deer Bic I verily believe your Com pound Syrup of Wild.CEerry has been the means f swum my life. Lettught a severe cold which gradu al]gr ew worse, attended with a severe conch. that • ed ell tthe:retnedies which I had recourse to, still itg onmg es ., exhibited all the symptonts of POICOODOLIT COl/51110.0.1. Every thin tried tred to haw no effect, and my comp:ow increased wrapiti ty that 'friends. thuswel as myself, s VIVO OP 011 hopes of my recovery. t iwo m . r w eeetureended to try your Invaluable medmine. the ith the Most hap py 11, A bottle had the effect to loosen the ecellthbenstaonsileatpelefou.ratewar en fr ti eg and by:d rem the nin now as hearty man asl ever was in my life, avid mould he happy to give any information respecting ray case, that other sufferers may derive the benefit for which I ism so grateful. For the tenth of the above sttement.l refer you to Peter Resit, Grocer, West Chester of whom I pqrcbased the medicine. Ile;pectfolly yours, lam hloastan. , - - Bronderful Cure of fr a i irethodirt Mints/sr. r.S.scamneear Sir I feel a `gene r ally,d tude doe gyms—and duty to the afflicted to offer my bumble tmeny in favor r e your Compound Sy- Top of Wild Cherry. Some thee years since I was violently attacked with cold and inflammation of the lautiF, which. WSJ accompanied with a distressing con , pain in the breast and bead, a very considera ble melarge of offensive mucus from the range,.vMe upon change of weather, however slight Al I • I Rhea abum about my condition, Ind was pretry soon convinced that I was rapidly going into vmstimp. dam I grew daily ' , venter, iota al length _rra. scarce ly able to walk about, or speak above e a whisper, such was the exceeding . weakness of rny langs. During this time I had tried various prepared.. and presenpuons, but found no redief—howring all the time worse. last hare woo advised and persuaded by a dear friend in -Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I more confess that previously I had been preja. diced against patent medicines, and I am Mill against those coming oat of the bends of emperies, but under maudingyour claims to the profwsien mid practice of medicine, and having implicit faith in the wying of my friends, I few bottle forthwith proclaim' of Dr. e ofyoor nts, • s, and commenced its use. My dis easeage was at that time of War IS months' standing, con sequeroly it was deeply seated. I found, however, considetable relief from the use of the first lane or five bottles. But hetes • public speaker, I frequently at tempted to preach with my increasing strength, and thereby ruptured those vessels that bad already begun so had- In this way, doubtless, my ton was . greatly gelarde.d. emisequence of acting thus imprudently, I bed to sun!v or fifteen bottles before I was per fretly restored. I have no question, a much smaller number of bottles would have made me sound, hut for the above indtscretion. The Syrup allayed the !ever t* habit, took away the diumssing cough, put a atop to the discharge of matter from the lungs, and gave them and the entire system geed. health. I here defer red offering this certificate until new, for the sati purpose sa of being perfectly sfied With the pennunemy of the cum, am now that I feel perfectly well I offer it with pleasure. Rm. I. P. Jo rats. Dublin county, N. C. Important Calitit-Read' Read , There is but one genuine preparation of Vitld Cherry, and shot is Dr. Sw.vves, the first ever offered to the gosblie, whiali has been sold largely throughout the United States and some parts of Europe; and all pre. warlord. called by the name of Wild Cherry have been put out some this. under cover of some deceptive eireumstakees in order to give currency to their soles. By a little Observation, Ito p h on need mistake the genuine item the false. Eac bottle of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful •steel CnrOVIO ,, , with the likeness ofliVilliam Penn thereon; raw Dr.'Swereeis signature: and SA further security, the portrait of Dr. filwaym will be added hClOZdtor. as I t distiagtosh his preparation from all others Now, if it was not for the great curative properties and Mown virtues o f I), likezyne's Compotmd Syrup of Wild Cheoy, person, would not be endeavoring to give currency to their 4Letitiom nostrums' . by striding the name of Wild Stern. Remember, always bear in mold the some of Dr. Bweyne, and be not deceived. 1.1i110401 Office, corner of Eighth Mit Rice axes, Philadelphia -For sale wholesale and retail by OGDEN di Cpl, co eor 2tl Mil Woad sto; A FAHNKSTOCK & Co, car Ist and Wood, and fib and Wood WM THORN, SI Market st; S JONES, LSO Liberty st; JAS A JONES, roe Hand l'enn OW JOHN m mut- ELL, Allegheny city. owl by all respectable dsalersin medicine. itetta B. A. Fohneetook t e Anal-431110ne Phila. Ph,. Cathartic compound combines smallness of balk with efficiency and comparative mildness of purgative action, and having a peculiar tendency m ike biliwy organs, is exuemely saleable in this men et-7, in which bilious fevers and other complaints, at tended with cougesuon of the liner, so much almund.— They have now stood the test of :10 years, and experi ence has proved them to boa safe end valuable remedy Interriuttent, Remittent and Bilious Fevers; Jane. dies; Bilious Colic; Indigestion; Dropsy i Dysentery; Bilious Vomiungs Colds. sad MI complaints of an lit dammatory character. The complete mduniversal satisfaction which. has been given by these pills to all Who have once used them, renders the publishing of Oa numerous cernficates in their favor unnecessary. To prawn . counterficiting they are now put up to a red zylograpie wrapper. Price 25 cents for a box roman:nog 30 pills. Prepared and sold by B A FAHNESTOCK & Co earner Ist and wood, and alas corner Otis and woodM sept 2 QELLERS VERhIIFUGF: PREFERRED TO ALL KIP OTHERS:— LIMMOTott, Va, Oct. 12. Mr. R. E. Pollerw — One of our Ow:inane. whom onelcis ts very exleamiv4 told tae thin moraine of a 2ue in which 'one viol of your Vert - Mine brought away above St worms; and a gentleman In the neigh. bswitood said that less than half a einl caused the dis charge of near 60 lone worms from cue of he Oil. dram Very many of each instances might be mated. Rio well known about Isere, and almost oil prefer it to any other. Send me 12 down and oldie.. Yours, J. M WILSON. Parents wbodo not wish to trifle with their children, iambi rtes Sellers' Vermitoge. - Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS,' 57 Wood sln .old by Dr Camel, sth Ward; D M Corry, Allegheny. noel A STRONG EVIDENCE that Dr .1 It VICE'S EX - A PECTORA NT is myelitis in ail other remedies for OfifitisAriturantptiost, Brinkettitis,Aath and crPolmo . isd.t.v is that the same Films wwllwm commenced the am Oil to their amain ten yen no still pram a to oil gelter regiedinaf ail Wad; andielscreamy Lore hum induced to try /tuff prewstons they here almost I orariahly been =fin receiving the benefit which vim reasonably rom tits ifigis preen heft:need by the previews, Mid hove vtansegAm the tme of Jersey' Luse-roaa az, m g that hast comer failed to relieve than, and vrlfich ptibibly assay bad its strut is amain ileimmerydiseams • hiptold catty by Dr D. J.yna P A fiiltlell/iNn N dad 00 iTOddlEtEwtf 72 Fourth et TA Ia PAIN EXTRACTOR will, in flo e eve. Me from the time of Its application, remove the fee= the severest borne, scalds or blisters, sad will heal wounds, deem arid sores of any be without scar. This valuable Pain Estmetor can be Yid of JORN D 310110 AN, Druggist, No or Wood Street, oats Agent for Wutem Penn. PAEINESTOOKM itgEw weeks since, one o ( my children aged about ye years, was rumen for several day*, and the Increased so alarmingly that I feared death would be the result !laving heard of the geod effects ofTahnestock's Vemange when-administered to the elildren army netglitan, and thinking my child eught ban wonas, from some ofthe symptoms, owns tt ono and a half teaspormfula of the Verralfuge, and to my c,,t.,t astonishment It almost immediately discharged nll3O and 250 large worms. It. health leas soon and It Is now remarkably well Previous to the Verinifuge, the worms would occasionally 111Zro its throat, end I often feared it would die from atmegulation. JAS. O. DAWSON. Tioneata, Venango no, Pa., April 3, qr. aplii LMM . 'S CELEBRATED ITCH AND TETTER OENTKEZIT is the mom effectual remedy before the public for the cure of mum, esti, dry and snowy phoples of the face, neck andhody, scaly eruptions, =I all other diseases of the skin. 'Fins Ointment as aramated free from mercury, is perfectly safe, and Who used at all times end under all circumstances. • Dub supply of this valuable remedy received and for sale try El A FAHNESTOCK & Co, Gamer oflst and wood; also, corner of oth and woad stints._ iel • EMERS' VERMIFUGE—" No family should be 0 without it Y, Looka, C. 11., Va., Mk. R. E. 813.1.12 a, I churfullY certify OW I hive kw soma years put used your Ve roulade in my family, sad utdoenally with success 1 decidedly prefer it to say other prepareuon I have used—umougst these 11.7 be MCI , ' the eelebratui Medicine called Madam, Fikerstoers Vemlifure, and a preparation celled Worm Tea. In arecent ease a stogie dose brought Aso my little boy one hundred and or large worms (easily certainly ought to bewitho As. ut it YsON ours die J LAW Prepared and sold by IL E. , No. 57 • Sid sold by Dragairts generallSy mellers both cities. Wood t sepll • * NIA;Sot of Tooth for Uti Contr. WTint= TEETH, FOUL BREATH, HEALTHY ifir GUAM—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after be log ones a aloe cleaned with /ones' Amber Tooth Piety land the appearance of 800 roost ix-mallet ivory, Sad Who name tune toe so perfectly inaoceot and e.• pldtey gine, that its constant daily use, in highly ad viatageom even so those teeth that are in • good Con. 111411114 &INF them a besonfol polish, and preventing • oramons decay. Thane already decayed . it prover. boarbeeoudng wonto—tt alao &moo ouch an are ho- OinaltiglOotle:and by perseveraneeit will render the Ilitaielatteelb delicately whita, and make the breath de mangy meet. Sold by WAL JACKSON, EA LiberLy Weft , • IL A.Yetourrocel A. N. Y. City. S.L. FezintMxttPitliburgh 6...W:Putronor, • • 'Wks.tussle Drag Store to the Otry of New Tarifa E andersisi . lare isatensteelY . tnarn.d to the ' , Wl:gale business at No. 49 John street, in ettr el Neer ark, and urn prepared to supply Wats aett.ecruntry blarebsnukwith rOg, Paints, Prearulfs,.Poreln and Amencso Perfumery, vat k 111asdeef ch,...calyygybeir does .1111 , ieibult and another snicks in their line of bitsi- Bti. u.stiperrer quality as lour as thaY.eart pia.ro al this 91. ;1117 1,1(1,11 Cl uuszxs. POWI Let, y DR. TOWIIMICIVD , B C 031,0171.1 1, ArIOAL 4 ? or SARSAPARILLA. Meader and Mania& ef the t. The mos t extraordhary Hubei!. In th e World i The ts pet ey Qeiart Bottle, it a d a me A.m.', yammerer, tad warrostrd petar to eety esti. It ewers witheat sinettarriperfasy. adrenal: or delsilstating the Patent The gnat beauty end superiority of this Saraperills ow:rail other COA-161a 4 that while It eneli.tes the use, it innsototse.the body. It is one of the eery hest SPRING AND SUMNER MEDICINES Ever known: it ant only, petrifies the whole system, end strengthens the pence. but it crates we., pure aid iiirk ined: power pursuant by no ether medicine. Acid is t,is hd the mad secret ricks wonder/L.l menus. It ha performed letthin the het Ma years, Emote then 100.051 cares of severe easesid disease; at least 15,000 w ere cotruldered ineureble. It hae and the lira of more man 10.030 children doting the two peat SWAM. ROAN" men of. Debility end want of Nervous Ignervy. Dr. Townseud's Sarseparilla invigorates the whole system permanently. To throe who hers lost their muscular enemy by the effects of medicine or indisera uon comoouod to youth, or the excessive Indulgence of the passion, and brought on. general physical prostro uon alba nervous system, hussitnds want of ambition, fainting mammas, premature decay and dechne, hasten. ing towards that fatal disease, Consumption, can he so tirely restored by this plessaut Weedy. This Same parilla Is for superior to say Ilmwiweriellmt Cordial. As it renews and invigorates the system, rive. activity to the limbs, and strength to the muscular system, to • most extrstordiestry degree. • • Vonmumptlon Cared. Clsaan sad Strestifthse, Cuarmaption ezcs be curet Brankisn, Cfpnannption, Lien , Complaint. Colds. ObbeC74, Cle4blo. Anima Spatial: of nt.od, Sermon in ald'OLnt, Ma. Plunk Mtn Sanas, Difundicc Profins irpecto• ration, Pins lath SW isiss lows of am is cmssil. SPITTING BLOOD Rao loth, your 47 molly be/leve tha Sarni nil* hot boon sito mom, *rough Providence, of ea tcy lift I have gm reran/year. had a bul Cough. t botanto gram oai Inn* Al Lan no qumal ties *Mewl, ►ad Men Ilynata. and nos greatly debilb toted en! ndneml, an/ did not orpom to Ilve. I here only nest you Elarsaparela a eltarttbno. and Mere hes a oronittehl anal/oboes nought In ma. lam now ahle to will 01 0.7 the nig. I rein no blood. mtd tough Int hilt ton Too au van imagine that I a.m ibanhhl tor those rumba Tour obintlext moon,' WILIMITSWIL, 03 Cathstimret /Female FlZedlcirre. D. Tearareadb gamparillt la • sorembre mad mietty sere fbr Inegint Ceernaption, Darlannmea. Frahm,. Mori, or F of Os Womb, Crettreoess, Lou• uorrlmea, or hit... obakroeted or &flesh Ifenurno• dove lomethteme of Who, or Itrrelootory &rehears thereof, end for the flar•ral promotion of dm Maw:l— =Mr W•lfth*r th. resob aflakerent Moo or moor, prodoud hy.hmerthritY, Mama or meiderd. • rheum ran be Moeenaprbdni lb.. Ito larhrearattag &rem on the ImMan from, Irmatm !weakness and heel. Mdse. for.. noldni•A at .op becalm reboot and fall of curtly ander U. tanieSOL II latmedtately eintoteraela he nerrolememaf rho kali frame, whieh I. the gnat 0r.., of liamerstom it will ma M ted •t I. rate. of or tteUCIOX . natal; to t =lamest of rotor perfOrtilled btu we mu menuti the afflicted, that hundreds 0ft.... howebess reported to us. Thousands of weft triton familia have bon without Anthem titer Wm. hw bottler of hie lanbroble mediehe, hare beeit blamed with dna, healthy olreprtna. To nether. sad lllEarried Ladies. Thl. Extract of earspri. b.....Pttoxii po. tared in referemt to (toot complaint. Re mule who by mem to suppose she is app.:Yacht:lg that critical period, • Tks tem of lift...houid neglect to tate It, as It I. . certain reread. foe any of t h e Lamm= and barrible diseasn to which females are Subjece. at this lime of life- This period may ho do lnijir mand pars those tkia Nor fait Less yslualale few v. approaching ea it la calculated to mat awns, by quick ecruniMood and lamenting the system ludo.. Ott =malaise is laminable for all the delicate umea tea to which womea are sublet. It bandthe whole system renews permanently the 11.1111 no energies, by re printthe impunues of the body, ma ea far stimulatieg so to produce ouhoequeo• r•lamole. which is the ease atom medic/Des takes he female weakness and disease. By tome • fo. bottles this medicine, many severe and psiafal sunned opec. mos may be prevents. Great BlLes•Lnit to nothera and Children. It the West and most eteetual 611411r111e for punfy. leg theeystens. .nd relieving the thiferinge attendant upon childbirth 17•1 r discovered h svenstb..s both the mother and child prevents path and Mara, In. treases and oo lobo. the food, those. who Ira. utr , il it think It is indiapensable. hla htehl7 .end both before and alter conlinement, ea it presents dmemea atterid.t up. childbirth—in Costivenc. Piled Cramp.. S nix of hie Feet Despondency, heartburn. Vomitier. Lain is the Back and Lois., False Pei.. Hemorthaen and to regulating the accretions and, equalizing the cir culatice it has no eq. , The mat beauty of this so , ictrie 4 it le always rdn. and the mom delicate on. o mi.a tracce.fully. awry to use. require any od, medicine, in rot Mile Cuter OIL er asefuL Exercise In the open air, and light hind Intl this mediCind wEd always ensare • taco and any cen fnemest. Beauty and Ileedtb. Coonedes, Chalk, and • variety of preparations gen. rally in the, when applied to the face, very moo rpm' it of its beauty. They close the pore. of the don, and ebeek W. cirmathon or hick weehn nature o net thomt. erl by dimmest or powder. or tthin Inflamed by 140 alkalies need in wept, bemitineri its own production the e human face Doi as ocil as in the moden ..0 •••I delimmly tinted mid rthiegated dowers. A Dm, active thd healthy cirmaldion of the dead, or the morales of the pore, rich blood to the eztreinsues. chat Isiah pain. the entortenance in the most min.. the beauty_ It is that which imparts the todescribable abeam and fixates of lovelineas that all admire, but now can describe. Th. beauty . the offspring of ow mee.--siot ofpkwerin or sesw. If there ix not • free toil healthy etrenialsok there 000 loamy. If the lady is No to driven tho if she P•illt. and the thrtnetics, std .he blood Is think. mid and impure, idle is p ut bems. Oki. If eh. be booth or yellow, and them is pure fled Mood, it it • rich bloom to the cheek; and brillithey to their thee that,. ftherisoiting. This is why the southern, and especially the Spa*. Lab limbo; art re much &dorsal. Ladies in the north who take but little theorise, or an C 066 111k1 ID close MOM* or bare apedled their complezioo by the •ppli. cation of deleterlows taitturet, of they wish to re. rain elathaty of step bonytht quit, tharklith eye" and beautiftd eatoplosione. they sheet,' the Dr Toon. meant 13smaparlila. Thomas& who have tried are more than satisfied, or. delighted Ladle* of every entice. crowd our °Sea daily ISfl1fl• The* mat hams. Dr. Townsentfe Sarsaparilla have invert... 7 celled their .cuff. greet Revue',Jer Ft wace, 1", /to, and have copied our bills snif circular ir inch relater to the memplai n of WO/12.4 wer I fns. .0, --other me§ who pet .p medicine, have, eince the grew mucceas of Dr. Tirwassed's .Sarsaparilla in complain. incident to frostalesoweectonsaded theirs. altbougbyre rlO.ll, they did not A member oft Mater* Pills, &v., are MS..ua to fee:islet .. they *gra.ta disco*, end undermine the constitution Dr. Townsend'. is the wily and beat remedy the the mime.= female cnim iilaiets—it rarely, ff ever hills of &Shut* a permanent care. It car be taken by t h e mom dahcaie female. o any case, or by dime expecting se become mother., ".11' the gee led adeeele re. e. It prepares the epiteto prerrents wsiu danger, and strengthens bo th mother and CWld. B e cereal to get Ma (Mil.. aerofoils Cared This contents conclusively pronto that Pm Bar ..• ❑.rias has perfect control over the mom obovotto d. ease) of the Blood. Three perm,. cured In ono hooey tioptectulented Three Children.' Dm Tumontro--floar I have the 0.n.0.. lo . . Inform ybit that three of my children bare been cured cram Scrofula by the use of year excellent triedmiec. They were afflicted very merely with bed Sores ; have token poly four hordes ; ft took them away, for which feel myself undarreat obligation. Your,, rtepectfally, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Woosura.t fflgsbaiatta offPhylllciatts. 1)r. Townsend Is almost dolly rocs/win order, from Ph yriciava In different pane of the Union. • This is to certify that we, the underzigned. Phyeblana of the City of Albmiy, here In numerout easel, preserib nl Townsend's Sarsaparilla, tad believe it to be tow of Ws nowt valnablepreparations in the market. • H. P. PULING M. D. J. WILSON. IC D. IL PC BILDIGH, M. D. Albany, Apdl L ISM P. Z. ELMENDORIT, Y D CA,UTIOR . . OrMay to the gnat succors and Insimrase We of Dr. Timuseeir• Sarsaparilla, s number of men who were formal, our Armin bare commenced making Sarrapa. nits Ertrocra, Llisho r ilinars. Extracts of Yellow Dorn They &morally pm it up in the same shaped boo Jos, and some of them have sung and copied our silver rommean—ilswy vs only worrhbas Imitations, and sboulil ho avoided. Principal Omen. MI FULTON Street gun Building. N. Y.; Redding &Cq B State street, Boston Drat so., Mil North Second Wee, ntiladelphis ; S. S. :Inner, Druggist, Baltiniona; P. 111. Cube. Charleston Wricht & Co.. ISI Chartres Street, N O. ; los Routh Pearl Street, Albany; and by all the prinelpal Dreg. rws and Merchants generally throsgbout the ended t.‘t ea West Indies end the C.adaa N. It—Persona implying for this medicine, should not he induhed to lake any other. Droopsts put up Snecopanflas, and of course prefer selling their own. Do not be deceived by trapnquirei for Dr Town tend's, and take uo other. Ben:Winn, the cello ine "Townsend's Sanaparil a," sold by the sole agent,. R. E. SELLERS, General Wholesale Retell Agent, No. 37 Wood street, and D. M. CUR/21', Allegheny city. mut saris Mcill - AGENCY; For the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly With. held REAL. AND PERSONAL. ESTATE: the set tlement and Arbitration of Commercial, Tending, and other Debts, Securing Patent!. for Inventions In Great Briluin. Ireland, and the Colouira and Dependent' tea [hereunto belonging, and Negotiating for the Pur. chose or Sale of the same. "DEFERENCE may ho tad on application free of EL charge, (provided the motive is not that of mere curimityd to • 14.5 compriaing as yards of 'ABM names to winch tmeleitned property ta standing. Also. an index to oar 10.000 adveGorementa which have topeared for the past 50 years to various British newspapers, addressed to Hens at Low and neat of kin. Communications by letter ant requested to be peon-peat BENTIIASI VABLAN, •T 1 Broadwoy, New York. Ileferenees• are permitted to lion. Charles P. Italy dgn man °Nommen Pleas, New York. Facciond, Multi k Co. Char. Cartlido,k Co. W. & J. T Tapsoolt, U. FL A. Rickel., Foi. Fatorard 1/caroller. Ecq.. Cincinnati, Ohio. A. Patebut, Ep., Proaident Patehin Bablk, Buffalo. norel.dOno The - Allegheny Oemet. - 14; 7 th. ausual mettl, of the 'Corporal." Lehi en .1“. h met towhir towns were Ilona , moor y ro olreied for enuring year: TBOALW Pre...fent. )UHN 1158E1 L, ' JESS': t'AROTIiPiIS, NATHANIEL HOLSLEs, • WILSON NUCANi.La4S, • JOHN NIIOI . 2IIIIESOKR, JAME' , It SPIER, J. Funar. Jt. Seeretory and Treasurer. The earaothloareuttlet preeenteal the afflunt of the CfunPanffilill Yen prosperouy condition. net, offieo to ifseidty ISM!. 77 %Valor cr.,. Jell! eitirant. 14 bbl. , attsoned for tale Ur by dee ISAIAH DICKEY h. Clo Criieffit—N2l Hero and fo r sale by 4009 deal LYIJAJ; DICI.D.:I h C. MANUFACTORIES. cvniaLuxANatil — a abatis. CUPFIN FlIaN/13111NU U:SIDER TAREVeeornet di Penn and Pt. Clair streets,. o .lkost's pie ....hen,. Hotel, entrance on Penn stria, re.N , ethdly reform their frtrnda and the nubile, that they are prepared it, furnish and attend to everything in the line of Lodematers. Always on hand a large as .ortmeot of ready mad , Coffins, covered, lined and fin b., vet) hes: in twice. all sorts attd toms ready mane Shrouds ci flu suet, Catobvek 51,5 nausltn, and nil secs made in approved ales. 'We keep a large am mrtment of -v' e and black cotton elk and tad Gloves, •11.1.• for pall bears, and mourners, crape, caps, rob Isis. nod ev e ry :tons necuw.ry 10/ dressing the dead, and or, reaaao& , tc arms, as we purchase ;Clone grinds o the Kane,. tarn Alen, s4lVel plates for eoir.cmg lan askulc cad %kn. We have a splendid new hearse arid rod soy number of the best carriages. Every thing attended In promptly and pourruxay. 0e1,5,1y BENNETT & BROTHER, ta'KENI , w AUL.: fa AN UFACTURERK, Birmingham. (near Pittsburgh ' ) Pa. 14a - rehouse, No. 137, Wood Street, Pithitairga• 6? WILL constantly keep on hand a good assort. meal of Wats, of our own manufacture, and superior itualits Wholesale and country Mel. chants •re resipectfully invited m call and eaamine Mt themselves. as we ate determined to sell cheaper than hasever before been offered to the pub- Ord re sent tty . rnet I, rterompented by the cern o env - 1 1, 1,,..e. Its promptly uttentled to. ,t/2 , - - J. MP, tre.rdda FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHAIENT. I‘,l &ILI' A N V k LEDLIE manutacture and ktep cant.) , on band Cut, .aloulded and Plata Flat Glassware..., la all ill %fattener, at (heir Warchoaae cor nr Market fend Wltter si reels, Our Werk• continue in full operation. and we are ,1 0 1 1111 K m cur rinfik. whieh reahlee uri to till only , with Purchaser , are revectruf ly reheard le ca'l afA ceitnairie (ince. and terms. m7I COACH MAKING. FROM the very lamest encourage meat the subserdier has received since .g. he hoc located. f in Allegliert) isi•Amitt s : has Induced turn to take , lease, fors term of y rut, on the property he now osouptvt. .0 Heaver street, immediately ',idle the Presbyterian Church From the long uglier, ore in the above business nod Jr ear to please. he hop, to me, it and tee-civic o share al paid, pntroneur Now on hand and finishing to omit r, Rockaway Ling OM open and top Buggies. rind every ticerripoon ot erages made to order. from seventy-Gee dollars to 'sight hunsent. Isepastitil 101 IN MISCELLANEOUS. R no N whorvre, Phi Va. oder ior awn , aecomm ' orloi a ing term.. nu pligielariariracrurcd Tulateeo, eionauung of pound.. half pound, IC., 15'n nod :hr s. lumpr.; C'e and or plug, wild 'Xs Lathes' Twist, whole and hal flioxeir, of the following approved brands, vie, James 11 Grant, Osborn & Bran,/ Lirsai & NVillinms, A Ca:Manias, S Jones & Son, hl'Donald, Webstur OM, .1 Thomann, James Thou.., Jr. A 11 Armistead, J 'nom. 3 Son, Landhom & Armistead, J P Coates. J 111 Cobbs, Gentry A Royster, J A Chu, iR A Rutter, C A Hall, Green Ilall, Wirt Dawson, Pearl & ;Korn-oat, J S Blackwood, Noah Page. IV II Vaughan, Keystone, Edmund Itenry, Portmax Rah/also, Rovich & Robinson.' Kenn Robinson k. Co. b 4-111 Ilabsey, It Mow iiii. Joan Ender, La Wrence loftier, J Robinson, Bray 3 Gray, ' D Bruner, Si ssulesull, York White, La hi Branch, —Al.wa / Fin: all. Leaf TObaceo, wrappers and finer; Yawl do do do Cienfuegos do do do Si !ago de Cuba do do do So Domingo do do do . limna A . Widen do• part fine, do hlaysvalie do do do Kentucky variOns grades do do N'ii,tania Leaf, suitable for manufacturing and export; Stiawasla Seed Leaf. ('enn', Connecticut and Ohio; \ opt. 5-raps, sweet; German Pipe, Pipe beads; Scotch Siastritoose wad blarldorsa) .Nl&reouba Meal; Tomma Beans, Havana bass, Otto Ram: Bergamot; 'ambrial4qoorlse, Patent Cavendish Knives. Spank, . PHILADELPHIA, myl.s T Did Fon:,, of irtnahficid strrat and 1 Du.mond unry. Pu ,Iron!d re.pactial. rli Inc at:rl.o.. ul Country Nlrrchn, , , Iloict and ruaat Itu , keriuqr. , co a :urge and oapadlor 001010 n.. dt tncu lNll , llrED eII,ARS, among bleb ri ut on•11Lc fu,ovr,nd brand.. el.: Faa•e. itegada, Cos- Prdn.tpc.l... Nutt)... Star /41121 d. Almerva and 1011ar Flr Kafu.. a, 01 which wit; 1, .1d as low a. can be had at coy other hon. n, 11,c cny CLIISI.I6) on 1111441 and for sale, a larfa and u 4•44.1 4 4 4-14.4 4 trd 444,k „1 Virg...L.0.1.44%mm. and Fill< Cot N41,44..414 Toro A 1.,. Havana. Cuba And COMmots L. Tobsern, re.s.tani., on aml fol :414+, natl.-dem 'PAPER WAREHOUSE. O. u.13C111.1156 SLIP, NICW YOILTIC. /,‘"11tI5 W oda. fk.t lode at thr lowrw. , Manufurtu,/,' , t very extra.ve eot-er - t et PAYER. rneirrt..im , Irr fir Poe. hlr vanety, Ideptal to the 6 . 311 L, nt 4104,M1tt% in •:i Ikret:Otl. ,Nr reality. Paper o ai. k nds etude to order a: Oar octoock o( PRI NTINI , PAPER :n unusually hu.i. • rtlll ortorl, .4 ver, purverMll,ll.,ll PAPEIt of ~,rs dc•crirt,on,.introtted And kcp; can.stantly or. nan_, ,re Cmm , Fourdruber Wires I.3lcoetcng Powder. t nretnarinc.T•rboc..abe RAW s 34 ennvans.llair Rapc.l.r, Rope, Bagrog. pinr-aaßcal, tor I. trrlt b.gbe•t prec .n Cacti or.ll be pun, 11 ,3 ) New York. Jr 1711,17. befere--made on the nowt apiortned Eastern plane and moat faehnonable F:astern pa Urn,. and rotor. Alat, THE CI I P Rf/LI.. or ISOti BLIND, on hand or made to order of ad sines and a all prleev. flounur Merehont. and oi ben are loaned to can and adone the at.nve for thenna-lvor. es all sal be sold arlodegale nr and a Ohara, deduatton nude , F:KTERVELT BRICK FOR SALK. . THE tonlersighe . d offers for side a superior arliele j t/r, s Ins Imi:dinG. mask by h.. !steam Pres, Improved machine. Cro which he bus obi.snied • patent. and /tyres , ro glye pusebaser• a wrlitell guarantee that the, ere strong-es. and will resist first and wet wrath. er and imbibe le.. moisture or dampness than toy oth er ',wk. ..... ray mare. body and superior texture ann Inuetz more dursilds I/I every respect. each brick soluerted to a pressure of severnl to and to.. ses.t r i t e a handsome smooth surface and even edge, dow make a frown equal male twat front One.. hone riven the a - rearest satisfaction who have purehnited. A kiln ran be seen army works. and .l.• men at the (Sown,. olio, rt.", supplied theniviTes fur their wighina bandanthe front brick, or superior hard and what paring brick. can obtain them - • - - - Birmmgharn. /mat 12.194 h. M.LEGHENY VE.NITIAN . FACTORI JOHN A. BROWN. ..: ,, A ‘ l,..;ES o t l h i t• the ttoti tuforrn his (rasa. no w• • polite et u . :37. ' o ' n h t a t ' le ht w . e r st ". :cl7 of " rhortionti. Al:eqbetty. where • Coo t d quo the. re coo.twttl7 kept nlw, at Yo v Rood ~ :;.,I :trustm . urg h , at & Veoitton Stanton made to order In the be;rt Bryle 11linds repaired in the shorteat notice. N. 11. Ilu Mani. wdl he put op without any addl. florinl expense. in that the) an be removed in mo ment at eerie afire or for warhing, and wi th out the aid ata screw driver 1)1.41 yrkwi and yi4 I=l Tllll autacesher is pre pnre,l tn furnish liuquet• ter WrIiii1111(11. Halls and rotoro.rd of rich runt Flowers Orders lest wtth flown, Jr , St Gam street, or through the Post Office. 0111 he de lore rril prantylly JAMES RARDROP. Manchester Nursery. nov23 tit= ROSKDALE GARDENS, SIANCIIESTER. ut the pleasure of Informing the I having been thoroughly to and repaired, and the ground. elegantly laid out and decorated. in now open (or tem, 0CC011111.11.1 0 /1, and he flatters horn thove who may favor him woh their patron age will find .11 that they desire, provided to the beet •tyle and onreamoiable teen.. He adetermined to •pare no esprit., In making hi. establiahment worthy of publte patronage. /le hoe accommodation. for boarding a few Monne.. lee Creanw, and all mfrs.!, tarn. suitable to the etwaon, ronatanilr on hand lend LEVI BURCH VIVI..D lionolagish . ela Howe TAiiOring Eistab. Ilahment. SAAC WILLIAMS, Draper ea MUM, begs to - in I form the clusens of Pittsburgh and others, that ow opening ut his rooms on Smithfield street, un der the above Hotel. a Inrge and beautiful usorunen of Cloths. Casslincre, Satins. Silks, and other Vesting. together vrith such other articles its are required Vesting. gentlemrll'. Well, His goods have been carefully sr Inc toil, and Sr.: of the newest and most fisshirnsabl style, as well as of •uperior quality. His customer may depend upon having their elothes modein mune, which cannot lull to gratify the taste up of oh. most fastidious. THE STAR OF TUE WEST .40..VENITIAN BLINIINANUFACTORY hest stoic of the Diamond where Veninan Instals of all the dirTerent sixes and colon are kept on hand or made to order afto dm MM.t mid most approved Eastern nulls t ons, nt the shortest notice and on the woe restsonahle terms. Also, Me cheap Boston nib or apht Blind Trutspa rennY and Paper Camino oral] the'different mires and patterns, on hand and for male low for cash. Old Vezd. nazi Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in pan payment for new. Rhl WESTERVELT, Prolir. B —Ad work done with the heat Material and workmanship, and warranted to please the most (na nd/nos" . auglo-dlk - '" Allegheny city, /tog. 10, 048 C't TEAkt FERRY BOATS FOR SALE The snit srrlbers offer to sell one-fourth of the two ferry boats. Gen Scott end Goo. Worth, now runmng from the foot of Pr en street to Saw Mill /tun, so auto make tr e profitable Investment for capitalist% °raw who may wish to engage in the business. For further parueulars inq of novet-tf 0 Ills uire RiMURN & OD, Waseca TRANSPORTATION LINES. THE VJNI!,•kr, aabgal 1848. - at BETWEEN PTFFSDURGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. MArruta. Pittsburgh; Roca. PAHA k Co. I3enver' I.Propr's. Csainvito & Coannlttl.M.Cle-veland THE above Lme 0 now prepared to transport height and passengers nom PaiaLurigh and Cleveland, or any point ou Cana/Y.IA Lakes. One boat leaves Pinsburgh and Cleveland doily, run ning in connection with the steamboats Lake Erie and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and of firm nlandpropel/ere, bngs & mi t "h,,, etc on lakes Erie. Horan nod Aliehigma Property forwarded to coy pan of the Union with dispatch. by WM. T. Al AIIHER. or JOHN A. CADOHF.V. Agent., roe Watt, and Smithfield its. Putsborgh. AGLISITS:—Heed, Parks to Co, titterer, R 0 Parks & Co, Voarrynown. 0-, E IV Cotes dr. Co. Warren; D Ikettenek & Co, Ilreadpon; A & N Clark, Newton Falls, F Lewis, Newport; I & E M Whittlesey. Compbeinknott., J G All/ride, Ravenna. 11 to C H Kent. Frintklm; Miller & Tuttle, Cuyahoga Falls; Wheeler to Co, Akron; Barney, Gibbs & Co. So.sulutkr. to Englc , Tok,in. G William. & Co, Detroit, Nlieh; ArChire & Milvenukic, II J W 111,1 ,, ,elucagn. 111 apt 4 RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, /S 4B l ftigallk eon rnAntrotrrocrtox ."7 BETWEEN ph-Nitt. it( fl AND I'llll .A DEEP I lA. rritiEorrjartel:47.7, t..a,4.tl;nfin.tva:td.l pot in Phtladelphin, in n inner .nrsr, Wn7o•ltott.... on Marltri Oast Ilsry sorra-1y rt. - rosined, and tilt.o ere...al their room kn. onornge nt an. now prepttretl in utter much rrenter Ines I int, to tar Irtentl. and patron,. Good. oarrn‘l by dm.hnllol trarochipped he twren Pnt.borgh and Phtladelptna, loontc carried en tirely In Portable Section liouta. To ' , hipper. nranur and other good. requlnng careful handbag. liti. 14 0( 'lmportance No charge Made tot receiving or *lopping Hoods. nr adroacrag charge.. All growth. lorwarded promptly. and upon as remannaldo terms , . by any °Lb. or hat. JOIN Nig FA DF.:Si & Co., CAIIII4 Bawl. Penn et.. l'ittsburgh. JA AI DAVIS & '227 Market A..6.lComlng rce Phtln. --- JOHN Me PADEN Gr. Co., Forwarthng and Commis lion Merchants, Canal Dana; Penn it, Pturburgh. JAME'S M. DAVIS h Co, Flour Parton and Commis. *ion Merchants, kW Market, and s 7 Commrrr.. st., Philadelphia_ 1.4,14 ID - Advances aby eiher r( te above on Flo ur, d I% 00l and other de m scri de ptions t of Merch h andise condi-1 ie to them. febdi XTOTICFe—The I...Absent/ere have tltrposell of tioir tercet In the l'ettn'a and Ohio I. to CLARKS. & TIL&W, of Ptuuburgh, and JUSEYIIS LEWIS, of this lite). Wad aoutinue to Iratooket huriness for tic hue, at their Wurehourc on Broad strect. OS sual, nod be speak for it a continuance of Ow patronsge of their • . . &lends J M STEEL & Co. • _ rhillttlelpnio, March Sth, 142. P•3111.a. mad Ohio Traxisportailow-iCo. akeil RiaMtft Doodle Daily of FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, TILCVSKiIti GWOrkS BETWT.VV 1,73111710:111 • 8411111. C1T12.1 CLARKE & TILA Canal Basra, Putzbargh LEWIS & 219 Market st, Phil/ado/ohm ]AF STEEL & ClLAgin,Brood %Iteet. COWDEN, CLARKE & Co , 7T , Nonh n., Balt W PURRICK, Att., 12 West street, New York. ruatl3 Co—partnorahly. TRE subscribers bale thts day associated thenmelscs together under the etyle of Kier b Joao, fur lie purpose of mailman', the bonnet. formerly earned on by gamuel M. Kier, and sohett o C011:11141811C, el' the iLL. era/ patronage boremforc extended to the house SAMUEL M KIER, 11. F. JUNE& fhttaburgh, Marth 1, IMS. HIER'S PORTABLE BOAT LIRE, COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF FIRsT CLASS FOUR stx7rioN lion Ts. FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CAAAL.St RAILROAIk. WE are prepared to receive and forward treinht to the itt , o, and Inter...dime wares with no much despatch, and at as love rates, ns Loy other responsible hoe The hhenonn of' slorower. a - ahtlig ao.ol Yott or Hit eon tolonhore to tu....• porto.u.nr!r rthlucoral. In ao.much •s our artungerhentA conator um to ram) such hrtteleo through oi io-oor order lauy other line KIER It /NV-4. Prop to, Casual 8.., hear 7111 Pmaharrh. March I. 1,1:. Lire, Y.KIM r PoNI.I. KI ER h JON and hirwontil:g Nlrr chant, and Whoirsale Denim. in Iron. Itiournnsi Salt. Producr /kr bend ea. adv. ce, on r onswn mem, m.mr Unit uquiJA • 0 .04,1.11. A. 111,1,1,1 • , Pittsburgh. UNION LINE, To Phlhadrip anti • fa arenas-re, fit:NRY GRAFT A Co l`msburgh. DIIII.II.IIUNIPIIRYYS & Cu. No 147 htarket C. II Kooas, corocr Nam. ~atogn .t. Daly j Jon" Clark. No 13, Old filtp. New 1 or:, VOTICE—The liryle of gmr ..vi he known from eml atler M. due, al i'lloarurrl, Won , &Co, antl„ni Noladetphza n• llnmpt,,,.* co fiDP.NRY OHAPF. I , UND D 1711.11, j CHAS HVNIPIIIIEVS, HEN RI I.RAFF. mar43f PITTABURGII PORTABLE BOAT LIME 18.46 . jigaM For th• Trantprrtaluan r aid 17 cnet PIT TSB KGB I* 111 I.A .P .t BA 8.1-1 N • I=l A C.o. Plots. ..ma_ aht hetue rn tu.. open. 1 on Ow , ~'MI- made 4.1...0...a arr.., Mc. to 101,1 arri oh a. 14 O. ihe moat ...vocal. , term. Do- t coutalcoi. tA~IIIY/14 11 1177.114,110-4, 111 11 1. 11•01111 mosar ...fart) zoo, or ....—capactoue avarcrom ac• at retch port 1311,11111, 11 i ,011 /Illati11,,•,[111 10 .11i1r,•• and norner• or pro.l.tre.-1..e.a. tam r cloc • to r te arid unreal...Le ma.uct.s. . rec., m a at lt,dt ht.eral pair .... sore the, herry ravtally ark All h r011 11 111D1C.11• 1 , 411[1 101 Ii• hne reectred. met tom...sled or an) rmostred (re, of arre ...1v a acletc or room, No interest. It. roc 1, or .4... c I .scat All commitmeatutor r.rompti. .erodedm appoca. to. to thefollromag , r „v & VASIL Markel st Ph..adelpbot. TAAFFI: 11' , ONNOIC Cab.. Smoot rooourgb O'CONNORS & North at. Ilaiumore WM. IL %NILSON...Coder ot. New l ork ar,.s LAKK ERIE AND KICIIIGIAN LINK. • - • • ••-•.'=:ZZ I S4S 'll }tilev. go.'brurg!:":;l. Beaeer, and /ato and raarnaer 'to Boats sa., Seaver and Let, •tl M Reed ,111( 1 of fi•: elan steamboat, propeben and venal. 011 the !Ake.. tsprrpared to carry fretato and passeng,,s and:: 110/1110 011 the Kele Canal. and 'bales Fate, Hanoi M•clo. X.:, daring every f.e.,,t, for rnilre!111; fre,gbt and pa.. sehgers with promptite" tad di.p•teli, the proprietor and agents reaper nun) sone. from their (roil. anon 1111111//fe of their patronage C hl R 111.4.1 i, Proprietor REED. PARKS A tO, Ilea•er, Agents. JO/1N A. CAI. t I(E l', Age I, t, apl4 toe Water and Smithfield sta. Putsburgh IS - 18. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. To and from the tastern vie Cumberland. TllE:proprietors of this popular line. ave‘onee their re-organiration largely mcrens.tl their !imbues In n3eef the "rune. of shipper, and are now preTamg to forwanl • greater amount by the FIVE DA 145 E, ts also iq additional regular wagons at low rate. This will run throughout the year. delivering goods thin n Ike agent,. tn lialumore and Ihttml,orgb to owners and consignees at specified rates and time Slitsmients Irmo Philadelphia tor the tine should In marked - Care, J 11 Robinson. Baltimoras` The only agents are, J B ROBINSON, VI el Charles st, Baltimore E.I:iERTON k Co, Cumberland. li W CANS, Brownsville. fang J C Putshusgh. fifitt4 • igialaiiia ELIPIiVIC . TRANSPORTATION LINE— rh. Vropnetors of thts popular L. have elme,ed the Agency at Cumberland from the house of Mau( & Ma rm re U. that of Edrattaar .1 Co Pitleburrh and western merchants are noltilad that 1 Bay yßohm.. o Sr 2 South Charles it, Dahlman as the only tuthorteed areal of thre Lare to the Eastern c 11.... The only spot. are J C BID W ELL, ritigbursh U W CAt'S Brown:Iv:11a, EDO A Ft TON * Co Cumberl,and J B BOBINSON, Bak:our, . . W 11 TV ao•portatton Compani.7 D. LC Coat 1848. LEECH do Established leines 10'48. TO PHILADELPHIA, 11A LTIAIOR, A. NEW YORK vra meinsykvano min oitio akrk A RE prepared to Irv...port good. and produce to and from the atm, ones on favorable terms. Ad. dress or apply to D. LF,Ecil &Co, Canal Haan, Pittsburgh. HARRIS & Lb:VAAL Nos. 11 te Id South Third at, Phil J. TAYLOR A SON. Agta. No I4.N'th Howard al, halt A. Ailistrrr, Av. No 7 Weal street, New York. Pittsburgh, March 40th. 1440 merge 'Merchant. , Tran•portailan Line. 1848 . ftiQk VIA CALL AIM GALL ROAD. FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. loowur.,ritacruerroreti:: ratiLterwarded C A Ale A NULTY & Canal Bonn, Penn rt. Pmaletralt. MERSEILLES & REYNOLDS, VII and 365 Market at. Phil.. RO alikeSE, MERRITT. & Co, &@ wharf: Baltimore. 1110110111ANT9 , WAY PILEIGIRT LUSK. &arab 1848 . nAlla IOSCLIMIVILI Polk TniTlanlifolTATlno or wo •¢llOOll7 DgrwEF24 Patt.b.rgh, Blairsville. Johnstown, lloi- JJ lida ysburgh,W .ter atreet, (litinutigdon Col and Pe. tershurgh. This was funned exelealvaly for the special ar eortnnodatton of the way business. The Proprietors, thankful for the very liberal patronage they have re ceived dunug the last two years, would reapec troll y in form their Inenda and the public that they are new still bonerpr•pared to delver goods att any point on the Canal and Rail Roads, with prorouleas and dispatch. eanwallemna PICK WORTH & WOODS, JAMES A LORE, GEORGE TRINDLE, JOHN MILLER lc Co. AGENTS. Pictororth & Woods, Johnstowa John Millar. liollidaysburgh. C A hEAnulty & Co, eanalhuin, Plnabor&d. Rormorpcom—insburgb—Smith & Stooloin & I Me ll iti; &I If )36.nberge,r R Robinson &Coi Moore; HwJoy 51111,14 John nolo; Was Leeson & Ccc Dr P ftoenbatou. WA 1 !BOOKB;'111181C, &p. ___;-:-___.. PIANO -APORTIGS. fiffpli JOHN H. MELLOR, No. 4 1 Wood ha. now received a full as.or, tnel, of Plano Forte., aelecied nom l an i , ". - Lng. Inanufactorl, 0 OUI, and N"' V '' ' '' ' , h/rh the alten”on ,a porehaeer. La rr•perub , 1.".1".ii 1110, man Mr canActlue.,Lor the ann. 0 ~, L,, L. bo,e Agent I/1 ,V".,,' 11.'”'.r' I.”' Sri ~. .1. h. "•. " hat I , nrmrli the New ('tremor Sale. Leung an t mpro.. , inen; rrvenu) toad...and civo.g them a der wet! .1., : •.l and a power and roan [Lly of ton. over anY ••.•' , r , !,,,, to:.oassig are the palter. and No. I R 0......,....! : o , t'vea. finiched hark & front 1 , 40 , 2 ...: . rlr,, ca-v..d - -3,, 4 rarred 117011141111,. " bikek a. , an $4OO 1015 M 1 0., Ling f ront. &Wt. 7 nub rar , i OA. •: of houis 14th. turolow corner% and hollow ror• ner<.l nand. rom ortglnally £.423. and Avtli I, .0,1.1, vry redo rd pew°. No. In. Ho-sem.ond. round corner, very etlogantly fin• No 14 round corner. very rt. ..gnot:y finished. 5 . 275 Tbe ahoy.. ar• stmnufsetured by It. Woree•ter, N V. w•fil known n. Le ter formerly Ands Mer , f , "hoznrd, Worcester & llonloon, N. Y. No Is;l.ryeo mouldom, mode I.y the omonm . N V V 275 No RO.r.WoAtli F' med. lt OrlaVel, MC 14 N N o 1r; lio.esvood 4,ra Kum. merle Ivy Henn Her o. Par, No L':.M01.^,0..) ureond howl. prier F. Vitt tol.t, IJ, port pa) mom tor Flew ow.. j",,N NIEL.I.,‘ -. •1,3 :old Sys:to. Porno Forir, I‘,l. ectrril ProJINVIV,.irt PIA N O. fp N izii A :.1 . 1 , 1t .1.c1,111 iiioorintint or . Mahn ..,.."). ft.n...ft,..1 Ift,uo.. juft: tip. ,11..,1. floiiiii iiiiiif ion,. uoi moil., of inn oin •L pal.., i :i.t.l 1..•,: nni.,.! , for vivito I, i; I din,' niitivr I i,lll N Et —T1..... who nin ill W.I. rtl a to inAtrturol. a, , 11 . , ,V111J11V IPi1,1• .1 To , jlllll., 11.,... looore lor' nio,inii ni•i o Loreefinont liii ii‘finlloil Ili iv, litirgit miiiiiiritrtor, iniairootiiil in In. ioqinnior iii an, liver Odd iii iiii- i iiiiiiir, I' II ftElOr SICAI. 'rho .r.on Vl,ll l //c . pt.llnr •:.;e, 1111 1 . 1,111,11 V 111,V invotinti I ' moo Porte. r mile° the CA IL is rir VIA Nil VOll r whitti mot,. power wad aver;n,...• 9 • Gon !l,• t.e . rklior. hut 0,, foorth Os mon b room. and 1- a much ntorr Kliowy und hamlikamf oc . a. lre 11,t . parllcUlar: whrre . 1 ,V11.1, •p,r- 01q..i . t, ta . ing r,dtarly •.r• / l'• ml's1•1.11r 110 ~,,, , 00 , `ma.• Ti., in n 10 0MOTI.O1 rl •artftr , oryv front the eel...D ied plum!. D“DeThe:l..e, .11 lill.l 0,/11111111 I wrttaw.wisicli mny / te.4 II K 1.11111.11. 0077 At J tC NN ' ootiverl:', _. . _ MOLIAN ATTACIIDIUNT. - • • • • RI ,:> 1.1, and .0t •11 • .. ho Piano, wan nti haul A liarhment, Nunn. & Chid, \ inc. in Nam. Ciarki. with the A pit, AA• II lA , .llr C0a1..., ii 11.410 r ad. rairaltrii Mr •liis r.,11,11 •ncciincit in American *lull and ric iiri the riimarkii from S !tie izireatrail I .