The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 01, 1849, Image 3

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    . ~~~~:~~
BY Marne VlMlikria
az •
•a • :71-
irieustvel j gb7 411.1 10 f t fassit. ,, - Su , 03-52 1 srwa
FOREIQN:NEWS. B.Y. rises. I scut.
~ Tivelt. ph*acts: -
ARRIP4.I• OP Tan itsAlisnie airßT , mi4Y , 7 - I = 9 4 . 2 55' •
at , •7 23„. 440 .1'23
EUR. 0 55 4 217, 7 27; -4N! 34
2To 727 4 42 , 2.41
19 400urtesji Dars.Later: tyagn 71'. 7 ' 4 43' 10 47';
y, 727 4'44. 11 /44
5 7 - 4-45 -342
liapariarii tioni.. the Caiitlient.;
,yr v.. 74 41rTI
The steeteei...EoMe.eitd at h Avner!' to
day, brining Duman dap • laleeiniet‘itee, du
mod impididd of; igbichfft;theq;eltettioa of,Prinen
to Oa ?residency of,the new B.ayeddie af
'l . .,mdemdm, Dee. 15.
Corms-The combined : 'activity in the market
and the . Isigi basineityritutacted 'is giving more
sealed confidence lathe ankle. Speculators, uni
td within* Oat tro'o e theweeks, had corn.
pkiely ibandinedAtia insii3ets, having as sellers,
somet( -*go;.clefYed (miter stocks and reline.
el their fistriniatiectisiike, back it Arita titillate
of depreSilltgileeelo the lowest point of October.
They brie mite;
,fenrelir, gathered °mirage, and
turn rounChilag ictrie buyers of fair Upland'and
moat kindl:of American at the foil prices of the
day. Paleldgrutiand Mobile noted. et 40,,and
Orleans astie; long Stapled neatly its bekwe, with
thus qi Miackfcr Amerman 'Cotton and increai
log ectuannYtion. The polltimdlisturbances on
the Contitunit Mem tehave knitheirinattelice upon
oat titles Amerinan and 1,200
bales SittStOtityo teentiken on speinilation, and
7,750 bakirAmerimk snOltree. hundred Bursts
fir exyat,M . :intuiting M. 55,620
Meal Semen Sweet flour, 27 to 235; Indian
Corn , 3 1 4 3515 tr,slntia Wheat 711 9,1 MS* 2 d;
Mea1,.155 Ad toll,* ;Alms Pork 47 tests ; Lard,
American hi this 35 to 36s Beet new Ancerf.
can prime mesh, ES , to 9.0 s pet tierce Rice, Caro.
lion, 77
._ 221. , Naval ' , Stone, 7 lirndred thin
Diddling clawed lands it * no salei thin week
are reported: In Tarr Tripentine, and Rein,
sslekm ,lid per Owl. Valk& Tallow dull;
Petenburghlt*•Tsganom, 43s per CWL
can dermitilons at rsduction without an improving
Immix gamer Mariam, Dec. 15th.
Co sii&ey,fiat to 88 ; for . aceount,B7}
to sn ;- . 41. 8. .LT, per cent Iota; Dec 7tb, 91 to
hcftploonAi tranquil. Lard Clarendon was
warmly rbeedied on phis net= to the Viceregal
Lodde4.4*;ititikti exiii*s of confidence was
voted, coupled with a recommendaticnt of.a re
Finances under .which the country
labours. r lifia Excellency's reply is temperate and
diselai ; 'Zlesitpi on the part of the Govern'
meet,' totmcclude Catholics from Joys.
Pit.ONCE. .
The litho accounts from Paris
mm Liruis
Napalms popularity and the downfall of. Cava*.
nac. The eleetion is more decisive than was at
Ann anticipated in Paris. The Prince's majority
over allhis'coiniietitare is 20,000, and in Bordeaux,
70,1100ontes , were liven for Louts Napoleon.
Prinise Lodi Napoleon has been elected Pre&
dent. The countrywas tranquil.
~ , Palm, Thursday, 10P. M.
17p tothis dale traniplity continue& The la
wit 4=lle:seams show a majority in favor of
Erepro poses - to - taise Geo. Cava:Tons to the rank
of Most* of France.
Ai partial amnesty is still spoken of as 10tely to
be predented to the Chamber, either by Camignne
or thetniuirtey of Princebbipobsoo. It is under.
stood Ilia it will not include the primmer* of
The intention of promote& the election of a
Tlngeieeto -the ktinti4iCy the Guenter:. is
mina, snd erill.probably be; carried -into' effect.
hiendialDagenite Amide hid fint epiiiittrance in
,Ohambier to day, end Nils reedited In the set.
tads bi niers =a !dole. ,
A great number of the membeia of the Astern.
bly,Asve to day, left their ends at the Hotel of
71de - addle President artil te issued
rte stood in the Mauling' propos
• 'fiat Nerleon,.. per cent.
Ledra Hollis, 6 „
• „
IL ...... 3 „
The Commissioners will have examined the
votes by Monday, end on Wednesday the Meow.
bly wOlproeleint the. Freebie*.
Alarming rims concurred on the 4th,between the
Town hands and the populace, it was ccmtinned
daring the space of bur hours with unabated
A grad ebeagefins come over the people and
the,COM 'The King Inn granted a comitatio n
of the matt Beni . character.
"Thn:pilastT lcmentions for political offhneetr
- •
The-CUOL74 6 raging 64,41 #4 4 PrePtavir ,
The mop:prim' abdicated In favor of his nes
*er.' neer gqinlitry lima :been Lamed by the
President, "eb? pallid' ted en address containing
tbepittett of the tiesrEtivrar, in whir-I'bn pledys
ea - himself to mecinucin the liberty of France.
.'.The revolution in Home has umninated in the
flight orate Pope and bead of theßaman Catholic
Church. One of dim' most popular Princes that
etraiscendadthe Papal thwue, is now an exile
and wanderer. The Pope, it appears, alter the
Scenes last descoled, temnined a prisoner in his
palace protected foam personal violewie by the
Franchambassador. ' The Pipe in fleeing Borne,
took refuge is Naples, and wan' under the protec
tion orlhe slog. The Pope:, refused to go to
Prance...i - Ne has signed a pretest declaring all
late lids .void.
Russia oroationes too:Vett dui progress assents.
An array Of Ave hundred tisrustuoi is la a high.,
ardlicipllne. Bath a force could not fail to
restart> tiO"Popi; to power. ,
The death ef Mmdeiel Pacha fa confirmed
and his pairings are making serious
lagadaistaPiaga the Quetai troopi. •
WASUOGIVM DP- 34 : 0 , iris,
- Thep roiteedings of Canvas Werol3lllolnnarit
, to day. Tee lanai met at the usual hour, and
hard some petitions and memmWL after which it
edjonnutiever until Tuesday.
The Senate adirnuned ors on Friday until
Nine You, Dec. 30.
Trott 'Arm eases and oat death ourarred by
Chalets since yesterday. The eielteiaeut In re
iolitte elm* epics:de be fast receding. '
tidtki=I:=—ALAIIMING 'AT 'N.OI
Naar Oscaass, Dec. 26,1618.
Vet adi Li in the most plassiing Slats; in 'egad
— tone madftyassit,whieb sho-Clislera.spssiula — •
6nrased and fidy-deaths coa2rTd christ.
tnSadicirt (Warns unwell as a:imagers ars lear.
Cod inlaadieds; by every waveyanee Oat- ofress
Fire on do gasmen to Cincinnati' rOse fccwv Cii 0
Mewthe2sth. • • '
Autanr, Dec. SO
gigle.ttli imposing ceremony took place In etc'
city to deLin the preteetation of a mord to Gni,
Wool. Speeches commemorative of-the lietoe's
sticceeeto'hie couitry, which were replied to by
the General is lite usual hippy style. •
• ) haraetam Dec. 30,1 1 319..
The markets initew York and Baltimore, to
-110 ouieStaire raitlian change. Thal hr
Ara steamer L follrdae, which castes dull m an
lbs prime Ilvs geese, for sale by
OrAltri=tbblajbo reed sad (at We by
((`'~~lyEyE~BgF.--06bx.larte ettam for Mda br
1!_-deel0 6Y VON ONNHOSSI' tCo
• ,04CiNt—ti bur. se t.
i COM for sale br
BP VON BoarnaoasS &
i=olLAGNEkte—doo hit on bond and for Wedij
1,1.1 . KJAD
:.,.- F ~.
stAtrlxon .86440 or =Lens
cotairrnm FOB
3. [WM.. , W. 11.3k1U1WEIT
I arms Prrivairrton G . ;\ 2+ t
• _I blhodnY Moni.l!ig, January 1,1810. ii
The weather on &nudity wavelike' arid pleas ,
wit, be; al usual on the lasi 7'as eflhe mica, very
little +arm done in the way.cif val,esiliWaltearrhea
the market in vain in any transacti?Eu. of mo
ment, and are compelled lAA vent measure to
conk - our report to narttri ,
UR—As twill, the receipts werii - Sbt, and
suppli care rattler on the decrease. A ofl3o
bbl effected on the wharf, from the steamer
Nehlia, at 3,85 p bbL We note Eden 'from
muting to about 100 bbla at 5401,06, Itmr
ly at tfie fanner fignnes.
• GRAIN—We could .614 4t,"llooWes to hny con
le extent, and can , quote t only in a small
way f m dote, with to cheap in price.
6 CltßlES—NOthing hew in the market, ex
°cent g a better feeling in molasses, with 'a slight
advailce, but small antes. It le-generally bold at
27(328c p gall. We find no change in sugar.—
Fiur i!dd N, C 1 is :6M. at 4103, and prime at sa6lc
11 ,1.11 ,1 6 d kl,leW 4104 are about the ruling fig.
hu t )
urea Lost Siiipr,SULottiii refined, is sold regu
larly at 6slor. p, p as in quality. Sales of Rio
ooff 3 in small lour 7,71071 c p lb.
P VISIONS —Eraty thing is quiet, and quo -
tali° is are generally unchanged. With no large
Iran actions, we may use the,tcalowing quotations
as t re fait ruling, &twin 'of tife market. Bacon
am held, with &anti sides, al '6lc, sides and
shoitldeni none offering. Lardzelnuins firm at 6
to 6uo in bbls, and 6ic in keg!. Of bulk meat we
notlim some mead receipts, but heir of no sales—
t is is in fair demand , with limited sales in keg .
at Ic., and for good roll in bids 10211 c is ob.
tiiitiell, from st one., Sales . of W R. cheese in lim
aerl lets nt fitgie, and of cream cheese at 0107 c p
• celttili"--0 green apples we note wiles of 60
bbla at the riper at y bbl in small lota Solei
of a lot of 50 1111 from store at Slic. pbb L Dried
apples are dolt at 606355 e, and peaches at $1,121
p bn. ,
POTATOES=SaIea of 15 bbla good quality a
si,siarsiAo a bbl.
&via brans.—We learn from the Cincinnati
Commercial that the steamer Wisconsin, while on
her upward trip OM Monday last, came nigh being
destroyed by coming in contact with the limbs of a
large tree that was floating in the current. Her
tailboard stancheons were torn away, and her
cookhouse shattered to splinters. The Wisconsin
was heavily loaded with pork, and her destruction
liras prevented only by the watchfulness of the of.
fcpre. The Commercial states that a man who
wasstanding near the guard at Ahe rime of the col.
lision was thrown' into convulsions by the fright,
arid his recovery wan considered doubtfhl when
taken to thehospitaL
The St liiiislialitiblicau states that the steam=
Odd Fellow wan reported as lying in a sinking con-
dition In the Illinois river near Diamond Inland. . It
amid that in rounding to she ran against the bank
with such force as no carry: overboard both her
chimneys, and .upernte her -hogehnin. She war
saved from immediate sinking by the prompt ep.
plication of pumps, rind throwing overboard her
eatire deck load, consisting of 340 - bbts of provi.
SKlnliioll3, and other articles. '
The tools - v - 0W Journal Mates that the second
clerk of the steamer American, who was so se
verely injured by the late explosion of that boat, is
not expected to live. The two negroes who were
scalded have died. Ms. Poshest Wickliffe, the
owners of one of them has brought snit against the
daptain for his value.
A correspondent of the St Leeds Union, writing
from Independence, Missouri, under dale of De
cember 11, says that the Missouri was frozen over
at that point, arid the weather very seeetether
mometer at six degrees belciw zero.
The limiter also says, that Smith, Brown Ss Co,
who undertook the large government contract for
fielgbinieki Santa Fe lass eummer ate losing great
numbers of cattle, by the severe weather on the
Plains, and no doubt many of their hands are suf•
fivingsecerely, for they are not near an in.
Among the 'distinguished arrivals' !coked for.
from New Mcx:co, was titare Jul Newby, the
facials volunteer, who smuggled herself into Col-
Onpin's battalion, some time ago.
Dismseics =mom Nornnax Am) Soenna.
Wporxr—The able Editor of the South Cctrolprun
. "We go at length into this scienuile description
of the component parts of Wheat, which consist
of gluten, gum, starch, auger, brew, and water o
that oar rensarlormay be thoroughly comprehen
ded. Starch is by far less nutritious than gluten,
and abounds in wheat in the proportion of about
6to 1 of gluten. The latter is then the valuable
nutritious matter in wheat, and from all that leas
been developed by the aid of science, it has been
clearly proven that gluten can be varied and in
creased by climate and the character of the
Una used to promote the growth of the plant--
The mere difference to climate, upon a fait trial,
and by analysis of the grain, has resulted in the
fallowing smisfamory statement, in favor of the
warmest regiona in which wheat is anecesafally
Warm Climate.
Let the reader lack below at the result of the
analysis of wbeat grown In a cold climate, and
compare the great preponderenee of starch with
that of the former. Also observe the huge amount
of gluten and sugar contained in the grain grown
in a wentrehmate, end estimate the comparative
value of that which contains ao large a proportion
of these nomad ingredients which constitute In
the main this nutritious qualities of the grain, with
'that which is greatly deficient in those substan
Cold Climate.
These statements folly show the great superior
ity of our climate over more northern regions for
producing the most nuiriciotte Main-
SotrrnsmsWESHATGacrwzas:—To Wheat Grow.
era of Georgia, and such portions of Sooth Caro.
Ilea, Alabama and Tennessee, as do business at
Augusta.—The undersigned, having in progress
the erection of two merchant mills on the Augusta
Canal, which, it is hoped will turn out 100,000
bbis of flour per annum, wish to encourage the
t.ultitrstion of wheat at the Sooth. For that pur
pose they offer, and will pay the bollowirig pre.
/st. 11100 (in • silver • pitcher) for the beet 50
• sheds of wheat..
2d. 875 for the 24 best do.
3d. 550 - for the 3d best do .
4th 525 for the 4th best do.
The grain to-be delivered at the mills of the no
derslgned Inlhe city-of Anmista, on or beforp th.
'gist Tuesday in September, 1843. It uoll be ex
.j oa d and toe preminms'anrarded, by them eon,
potent and disinterested gentlemen.
Augusts, October 13, 180. ,
Hexr—The Western (Mo.) Frontier Jotirun
new Hemp crop of Platte county is said
toexceed the crop of last year in quantity, but is
regarded as inferior in quality. In s o m ,, p ars of
the county, especially east of Platte river, it is con.
siderably below an average In length. It will
therefore be incembent on the farmers td handle
their hemp with more than ordinary care.'
Tho same paper in urging upon hemp growers
tha impudence of greater attenuon to the preps
ration of this staple, says!
"Missouri bemp, when Well cleaned, is superior
to Kentucky hemp; and in the Louisville market
will out sell it at least five dollars per ton. A let.
ler from a Kentucky manufacturer, lately received
here, states that all the Missouri hemp is below the
Keatacky, as to cleanlineii.'
Cattle Market.
Baltimore, Dee. 27.—Cattle—At market on Moir
day lag the, supply of berrirei was light, it being
Christmas day, and prices ruled somewhat higher.
, The offerings reached 550 head, of which 231
were add, 64 remain over unsold, and 250 were
driven as Philadelphia. ' Prices ranged from 2 , 871
6,13,33 y 100 ma on thq hoof, ennallo 65,75067, 25
"16.tatosi .‘
use Jones' liptuttsh Lily Whitt, are
dwells • fine sylphs transparent skin. Of this a trod
any one, Sold only in Piuslmtgb, at E 9
; lumstuatray
. •
:>~ r
~.`-..._ ~'PC.'....~c.:..[::.':~;.. Y+.warn.v—..a—..r...~....T~~_ ~ ~....
. Louis.McLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Browurville4
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Lake Erie, Shoes. Beaver.
•Besver, Clark, 'Wellsville.
Conant, Webber, Wheeling.
Telegraph, Mo I. Haste?, Louisville.
Monongahela, Stone, Cin.
Consignee, J H Lockwood, Cm.
Robert Fulton, —, New Orleans.
Diligende, Worley, Ctn. •
Joao Chttilon,NeLane, Om.
Hibernia No. 2, Klinefeher,
Arrowline, Morrison, Brownsville.
Camden, liendrietion. McKeesport.
Mary Ann, Duncan. Frntiklin.
Allegheny Clipper, Franklin.
Louie McLane. Bennett, Brownsville
Atlantic, Parkinson, Browns Ville.
Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Messenger, Reno, Cincinnati.
Isaac Newton, Mason, Chi.
Fort Pitt, Miller, Franklin.
Arrowline, Monison , Brownsville.
irchne, Lashel, Beaver.
Camden, —, MeKfteport,
At dusk last evening, there were h feet 0 inches
water in the channel, by pier mark, and falling
Cinclnnnti Packets, 10 A. M.
Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M., and 4 P. M
Frankliu—Mary Ann.
Allegheny. Clippies
Louisville—Telegraph No I.
117uslintr—Per Itut Nelaan-94 bbl. flour, D
Leech & co,• 8 bbl. apples, owner aboard; '79 reams
paper, C Hill; 80 do do, Johnston & Stockton;
267 sks barley, Wood da 11084 es; 100 bbls floor,
Jas Scott; 6.1.81ra barley. ,Brown & Calbertson; 21
bble apples, Cummins St Smith; 26 do do, owner
aboard. ,
Cincinnati—Per Isaac Newtori4o bbla mains.
sea &Tuley & Smith; 65 do do, R. Moore; 5 halls
bags, G W Smith 1 box mdse, H Graff do co; 6
elm feathers, Wallinaford & co; 6 hogs, D T Mora
gao; 40 bbla wheat, lb do fruit, H Childs; 11 do
flour, 7 S lklurorth.
Browasoille—Per Arsowline-16 kgs nails, Lams
bert & Sbiptoo; 1 box 3 ► do glass, Forsyth &Duo.
can; 100 bxs do, Tummy &. Beat; 8 bids cider,
Smith; 22 bbls flour, 01 do flaxseed, 104 eke dry
apples, lames Beim 207 hl( bxs glue, R Dabsell
& co.
Portsmouth—Per Diligence-193 kls lard, 40
bas pork, 1 do mdse, D Leech & co,• 1859 pee pork
Friend, Rhey & co; 51 kge 28 bble lard, 4 beds
hams. 3847 pea pork, G W Jackson; 8 bbls clover
seed, 2 bge dried apples, 2 sks wool, James Park
5: co; 31 sks 10 bbls potatoes, 15 bbla beans, 3 do
ilex - seed, 8 eke oats, Ire, 11 sack rags, D T Mon
gas & co. ..
to MAIMING in the Bank of PittsbniTh repaid: al
lA, so, Dividends unpaid, previous to the last three
John Ihraungharn 1814 , Forpir W Hontuntin Chow, Jr.. Itt43, Noe. V, V Ott
Court of Con:mount...of AI-
ieglieny county, lea), March 7, 19 39
John aild Thomas Cowan, 1814, March 11, 65 93
Daniel Canto, 1631, July 11, 35
Ralph Davis, 1913, Janb , 16, 16 30
John Dickey, Beaver, ' 1936, Jo nh 8,11 l 83
Henry Foulke, 1633, Juno LV, 90
Jacob Fowler &Co, 1814, SepL V., 431 65
Gabriel Garishea, Auhrnea, lelB, May 5, 160 CI
A. C. Marathon,
_1835, Doi. 3, 11 60
Thomas Handlion, Annulling
connry, 1823, Re. 6,1: 85
John Henderson, IN:, Nov. 8, 251 511
Robert JOTICII, IEVJ Oct_ 3, 42 65
. . Junkin. Sr, 1214, Ja4 13, IS
Jinn APtiothn's blaccutors, 1239, May 17, 59 50
Joseph ?WenHaugh. 1214, Nov. 7, 111 se;
Lucinda P.PDeratol, L. 37, May 5,1 w
J. J. O'Brutte. admmatrai'm 1232, Oct 24, 43 39
Jacob Punter, 1214. March 2, 10 04
Nathaniel Plummer, Jr, 1317, Sept. 12, 60 25
John Ramage, 11930, Feb'y 19, 10
James Ramsey, ICanaler.l 1371, /silly 6, 50
Charlotte RI./ MUD 1344 May 3, 100
Samuel NI. Fired, 1319, Oct. 5, 100 41/
Fredenok Scherer. 13151. July 6, 35 OD
Johannes Schmidt. 1344. Dec. 7, 1.10 60
David Roles, 1145, Oct. 91, 1719 01
EDEN Stephenson. 13:15, April 00, =
Wa.Suswan. lot 110benil 1345, Mla , 1 7A, MI
Arthur Thomson. 13111, Nov. 11, 110 07
D. H. War6el6, Ohio, 1631, May 11, UM
T. S. Wuhburn, 1541 34 Sept. 4, 75
Charles Wilkins, 1313. May 7, 20 H
Hannah Williams. L 142. Now 25, 405
NUOICS. Resarear, :So. of Sharer. Araarank
Wabarn Clark, H 9 6 40
John Rcllf, Pinal.nrch, 5
Speakman Say &
Danl. Chute,
H Doane
John Osborne
George Huey,
IJaorge Mnrrny
John Wad are.
J. & S J Roblant,
George Sermon;
Jam. NI/be:son.
W Maclean, !kart,
A. a Moore,
. •
I certify taut the foregoing appear to be balance.
rat dividends due be persons named and baring re
~ atne l
to Rank uncuangcd (or there year..
Sworn ie and mbrorared. thm 47th day or Dreemher
JOHN et:srl'm:a, Gawkier.
6no. Wanroo, Alderman dretd , d3tit or I
STANDING in th e 111evehanoi. and Manutrietorera•
hank, which base not been tneresued or dinunlab
ed for three years.
Names. Routnisr-s unknown. Darr. .dtnieunr .
Abraham Benner. Illeporairj •pril li<l7, $l4 Jo
S. 11 di NV Morrison, do, Ike 13, IV:, en
J. W. Nicholson. illolatiee,l Mar. V 1,43, 03 T.
%Valium Compbeli. i Deposits,' June 3, 1345, 'O4
I h. Pit. hat
Theo Fitch,
.. . .
Proaella Barker. . 0 23 58 tt3
J. Musgrove & San, 313 &I
1 eerufy that the atm , e appear in he Balances and
Dividend. due to the perimna named, and which hare
remained eachanged tor three y
W. 11. DENNY. Cashier.
Strom to and soblwribed.Dedember 9th, It4y. brim..
me.lttee2o-wlms) O. S. Scetts. Alderman
thfr.CANCESON DEPOSlTS,jarkiabave been us.•
El claimed for three years and upward., to the Ex
change Bank of Pittsburgh:
C. D Culbertson (wwld l ee oak'./ Dec. 94, 1542, 512 99
Wm Bran, do do Ont. 23,1h43, It. os
Wm. Dana do do Aug 9, 184.1, EN Oh
haml. Hass., do do ltday 2, 1013, 119 to
I rent(y that the foregoing Balance. are dye to the
percent named or their legal rerrematative., which
have been manding without beteg mereimed or dimmer
wiled for three year. or upward., aceordmg to the
books of this Bank. THOS. AL HOWE, Ca.h.
Sworn and sabmdbed before me, this 9th day of
December, MO. moan S. Caner, Notary Public.
decal-ilia/kw _ _
— Pennsylvania Rail Ronal Compomy.
ionic*: is hereby given that the Seventh instalment
j.. 1 of Five Dollars per share on the Capital Snick of
this Company, is req idled to be paid on or before the
let day of January nest, the eighth inetalment of Vire
Dollars per share, on or 'before the 0.1 day of March
nevi the moth instalment of Floe Dollars per share
on or before the let day of May neat, and the tenth In
stalment of Five Dollars per share, on or before the Its
er of Jai)* neat, at the other, No. to Walnut street,
Paymetus will be received of one or more instal
ments, or the stock may be paid in full, at the option of
the Stockholders, and interest will be allowed from the
date of paymeok
instalments net paid punctually, Will be subject I.
the penalty of one per cent per month, as required by
DIX)EIOE V. DAWN, Treasurer.
N. H.—lnstalments will be received by W. 11. MAIM
at the Merchants' and Manufactstrers' Bank, Pitts
burgh. deell
rpm albexeribet a ls offering for sale • handwrote lot
1, of Nunn. & larkkr, (New York,) and Clacker
mg • (Boston,) Opium, would direct attention to the
fact that his di m y place In the West where the
Increments althea., two makers can be tried side by
side, and where, consequently, • correct ides of their
quaint. eau be formed. The tub. riber being anxious
to test their relative menu, and having for a number of
year. performed upon the Pianos oiNuuns & Clark,
has cadre into use (or the last twelve months, a Chick
eying Plano, to order to try its durability and fitness
as an accompanyment to the voice. This Piano may
now be teen and ezamined at kw rooms Ile feels
confident of his ability to give a competent and relia
ble °proton on the subject.
A handsome lot of new Pianos will be opened in a
few dayelt.
deett Al .1 W WoodwelPs
LY 11 AN, RE it b, CO.,'
(Soeceswors to Reed, Ihnd k
Portion!. attention wild to the sale of all kinds of pn
duce, and liberal advances made an conelgottleow.
L. R. & Co. hove leave to refer to—
MS... E. iklb!..° kCo. ( Pitaburgh.
& Roe.
•• Reed, Parke & Co., Beaver;
tt Lawson kr Covede, Wellerdle, 0.
Boewell Marsh, Eng. Steubenville, 0.
S. Brady, Esq. 1
W F F°l° " °° ` Fo g `Wheeling V .
Messrs R Crangle & ~
" Gill & Stout,
° Rhode. k 0 11iohY, Bridgeport, G.
CARPETS—ReseTv - ed dd. dap
IA the manufacturer—
New style Tapestry 3 ply Carpete, extra super,
do do do do super;
do do Rms.'. Carpet
do Brus4s, very cheap, do
do rich colors roper Ingram do
4.4, 3.4 and 5-4 heavy Venetian do
1-4,3-4 and 5-c eommeo do do
All of which will be sold at a small advance, end
wilt guarantee en low as ran be pp hosed in the east.
joet W M'CLINTOCK, 7.5 Poona st
riEM - Silftl-litf-5 Cosi. Gum Elartic Shoes, of differ
kT rut !tondo, which we offer to the retail trade ialtvb
lower Root any other house in the city. We invite - -
customers to vomit nod examine for themeelves.
deo l 3 J & II PHILLIPS, No 5 Wood et
I OVElttletre DOUBLE }titFINEIY 81/0 - 41 - R2 , —,1)
/ bblo I.vering's IbuWe Refilled Lehtf,Cruphed nee
Ptil'fotth•ed *trm, test seed sad for sale at the Peki
Tea Store, 70 Fourth street, by
I , OVYNSEND'S ilianunto)--Junt
1 rot 'd and for sale by drclO JOHN M 1 ROAN
BLANKETS-I cue pearl drab, eeueble for ce-
SOWS, for sale by deciti MURPHY & LEK
ILIUTTEI3-10 bbla freah Roll; 5 kegs do; received
.1) this day and for tale by
FATHERS—Is ,, i i seeks for ervie t til
Riwor a C
. __ _ FR ,
FLAICTEF.9.-37 sacks, I bbt, I jai, to arrive;
sale by ISAIAH DICKEY tr. Co,
deets front
ra.LOW-1.3 bble fasa lancting frtrna — ; uWtlli
end for tale:by s DILWW}TH,
deal V wood
1849, Aplll 19,
No of th,'d.. :altar. Amount.
Lt.! 116
11111 E
REPDRYID FOE THY rmnmmulton DAILY warns
Free Soil Sleeting.
On Saturday night a Free Soil meeting was con
vened at the house of Mr. McFarland, Red Lioa,
St. Clair at, for the purpose of nominating a can.
didote for the office of Mayor of the city of Pitts
burgh, on 'Tree Soil" principles.
Major Lamm was uaanimously called to the
The chairman announced the general objects of
the meeting, observing that it was time the advo
cates of Free Soil should show themselves in the
front ranks of party, and endeavor to do something
fur their cause.
A committees to draft resolutions was then ap
pointed, consisting of Messrs. Morgan, Jack, Mar
shall, Johnson and Thompson.
They shortly returned wnh a string of three res•
°lotions prefaced by some general observations on
Free Soilism. One of the resolutions voted the
thanks of the meeting to the Hon. Mr. Hole, in
the Senate and to Mr. D. Wilmot and various oth
er members of Congress, for their able advocacy in
the legislature of the principles of the party.
A special resolution also voting the special
thanks of the meeting to the Hon. Thos. Benton for
his advocacy of these principles in the Senate, was
proposed and carried.
Next came a resolution voting the thanks of the
meeting to those editors of the daily press who had
noticed and published their proceeding.
Major Lorimer was nominated as an independ
ent candidate; but the Major positively refused to
The next choice we. Mr. N. B. Craig who was
This gave rise to a very lengthened discussion—
some of the gentlemen advocating the propriety of
interrogating Mr. Adams with a view to ascertain
whether he would not pledge himself to Free Soil
principles in case he could obtain the vote of the
Others were for interrogating Mr. Herron on the
same grounds; while a third puny despised hang•
ing their principles on the success of either can
didate, repudiated the idea of bring the tad o
either Whigs or Democrats, and declared their on.
alterable determination to vote for none but ■ free
soil candidate.
We picked out a few of the arguments used by
each of these respective advocates, but the late•
nets of the hour at which the meeting separated,
rendered it impossible to give even a sketch of
One gentleman contended with glint seeming
plausability, that it they could bring over either
Mr. Adam. or Mr. Herron to pledge himself to
support the Buffalo platform and if, by the united
efforts of the free soil men with either of these can•
dictates, they should succeed in the election--then,
and m that caae, it would be a free soil victory, the
candidate would be the man of their choice; and
their apparently swelling numbers and influence
would go north throughout the Union, and have all
the weight of a real and mighty triumph.
Other gentlemen doubted both the honesty and
the policy of this course.
After a long discussion, Mr. Craig was even
tually agreed upon as the candidate for Mayor.
Mmicit arm Wurres Mewl's:mt.—A new and
beautiful instrument, under the name of Melodeon.
having many of the qualities of the parlour organ,
with, in our opinion, much more sweetness and
delicacy of tone, has reemtly come into vogue, and
promises to occupy a place in the house of almost
every respectable family. Hitherto, however, the
instruments we have seen:of this kind, have been
combed to 3. end 3h octaves—a compass too
small except ft, ordinary psalmody. This defect
is now remedied by Messrs Month di White, or
Cinclnnah, who are engaged in the mansthicture
of these instruments, and who make them with •
pampas* of from 1l to 5 octaves On Saturday,
we saw several of these Instruments at Mr. Wood.
well's, Third &met, for which nor excellent
townsman, Mr. Klebber, hns the agency. These
instruments are destined to become popular. They
will never supereede the use of the Piano, far
that is an instrument of an entirely different kind,
bat to that instrument they may he made on ads
=ruble adjunct, on many OeCOOlOO, while they
are so exceedingly portab'e that a lady may carry
one of them to any part of the room, with as lulle
difficulty all abe Irlnild Carry her work table.
would suggest to the proprietors the importance o f
inventing a better mode of working the bellows
The present mode newel...lily produces •n on
-eful attitude, which spoils in some measure
street of the music. From what we hose oh.
!reed of the ;gourmand, we are *atoned that
hr. can easily he &M.
o concludlng our n. 40-42 of this adintroble Lille
,etrument. we would observe that a is peculiarly
adapted to the purpow-s of family devotion No.
Thing contnbutes DO much to elevate the soul and
fit it to approach the altar of God. tu set! arranged
Krems of sacred snug. hoop and hatred, they will
melt; the most irritating 60(TOND11 they all saCtlil
dark fears they will banish, bright hopes they .111
engender end cherish. and thus Men, by this aid
alone, the soul is led to approach its mother with
confidence and joy. These strains this little in
strument is admirably calculated to produce. and
to those who are not conscientiously opposed to
sorted lassie in families, on the Sabbath day, we
would say, such an instrument for the enjoyment
of that holy day of rest is • disderatum.
We think the price or the instrument very re..
sortable, considering its excellencies.
Runoa or Caotzas to Ptrnut•a n q.—Conetden•
hie excitement was created on the wharf of the
Monongahela yesterday, in conisequence of •
corpse which was brought up the neer: by the
steamer Fulton. Me boat hell come from New
Orleans, and one of the deck pentagon, an aged
and as d is reported, intemperate man, died be
tween Cincinnati and Galiopolis.
The boat landed at Galbopob•, for the purpose of
interring the deceased, when a crowd gathered
and the cry of 'Cholera' was rapidly spread. It
was impossible therefore to inter him at this plaor,
and he was brought to Pittsburgh the intelligence
having arrived beforehand. On learning the memo'
stances, the proper authorities proceeded to the
boat accompanied by Dr. Murdoch, who examined
the body, and pronounced' It as his opinion, that
the man died from old age and intemperance. Ills
friends, who live in Allegheny city took him away
and intoned him.
I OLASSES-31.* bbls blolasees, oak barrel., ~n
WI. lib( per rtmr Saraorrk, .d for sale by
Gut,`,` d o
ROCKF.T POWDER-3W lb. (or tale by
deel3 J S DILWORTH, 27 wood In
"L , Loun-450 bbl. exHa flour, tor sale by
bbl. Roll Boner, 1"/711)PIWORTII
S I7BTSELIIZ.--300 Sec Hairdos; Ornate do; 30 bows
shelled Almond•LlSo do Marren Elge; 2 tee drum
del 9 carer Sicily I.Roorice; I bbl Meson , * Blocking,
1001 received and br side by
bIORY—IO beg. awned W., reed and for .tde
by dee 15 BRAUN & REITER
. .
LACK LEAD, Itaatrhet4-3000 lba of a aaportor
quality, reed and lanais by
VAI - 17.8 - - . Wkiii - O;;;FA•ATOIWiFiAOIe CFY
P'P,Mc " — " 4.1 ,1- 741,`°,11.°T; , i' Voßxr &co
fi anentl l r d o — m co rr m Y ir l o C u
turbo. and for solo Inowconng by Ota bundle.
deolb I' HEATON & Co alb .
Ai' °LASSES-5o bids new crop NO, jour reeeWQ - ;
.131 I I do Saga" House, ol .lore and lareele by
damns, pm reed and for .mle by
dee/ Is wood sl
LARD IN KEGS, Just received.
deed/ Mein I.L & ROE,
71 RIED YRUlT.—Peaclies add applesla sack's
1./ ready for Filminess
' &lea
JDb://33/ 40 bbirt — em - 311 Mite Ilevnt, In more and
for rale by der/ J b DILWORNII
ri 3 ORACCO-3 hhd. Ohio Leof Tohiteco, for mi. , jiy
•1 " A A moll lot e ••, ). • me' , •
for Nee hy dee t %Rhin NO CROZER
MYVII;s k eel b r k7. l ;o L ik i p ' dg g into mi te rd isnti
for •ol e by de e.. 41 MILLER K
ErPER AND PIMENTO-40 bugs Pepper; 1 0 d•
Pimento; in more sod for sale bp
1. 4 .1 L011R-250 bid. se
Clipper No z for sole by
deczt •
_& Co
AND—to abls No I I..ettf Lard; :Si kegs do do; for
recd and for eels by L P WATERMAN,
dent! 3( motel and lilt front it
bale Jam reed; is Odra and for sale by
‘../ dent! L S ‘VATERnIAN
*aTUBS AND ISUCKETS--76 dS;a BeilVeti dockets;
do Tubs, large; 4 do do Keeler*, to *tore and for
by decti L. WATERMAN
B A CON -1 tons Ban. Sides, in store and for sal
deal MACS Waal and wiser sts
ID ICH DRESS GOODS, per loreign steamer Europa
11., —A A Nissan A. Co, No 00 Market sweet, will
open thw morning. Rich Dress Goods, comprising the
following styles, Vie: Satin plaid Merinos, a new arti
cle, and the richest goods imported St. season; all
wool Plaids, high colors and choice vryles; all wool
Cashmeres and Motu de Linn.; fine Coburg and Lyo.
~,yo Cloths, of soy devcribable shade and color. Satin
striped Cuslimerea in great variety. nov°
CLOAK TASSKLS-2 doz mohair T.-
ozzortod; 3 do silk do do; ddo do fine do; 10
do do Lathes Tassels, assorted; 1 do cold do do.
WOOLEN GOODS-10 dos children's woolen mato,
6 do do do Caps; 4 di do common; 10 dm. Woolen corn.
knot, assorted; 1B do do with rings; 50 do halm Cash
mere Gloves. amid.
• •
LEATHER BELTS-30 doz blk Molltakln Belts; 20
dO do Morocco do, 3do cord do at
;n0v2.2 ZEBBLON KINSEY'S, 67 market st
l th L is
g moing . by ( p:srp dso ress, • lot of very
pod•—olive, ipvtsible, green, Garnet, maroon, drab,
scarlet. tee. Also, Parracitos, of desirable colors.
A (ow black Thabet Long Shawla, of • good quality,
on baud at north nab comer Ilk
and Market sta.
d rotl
ARRlVALc—W.lll'Clunock offers to these
wishing to (tarnish houses, the handsomest noon
mein or Carpeting ever brought to this naatkat, COM
prtsing an pan the following esuienest Rich style Vel
eet AxmlneterTapesUi, Brunets. UM super 3
ply; Caper 3 ply, superfine and fine Ingrain Carpets;
to which he most respectfully Invites tats friends
the public, to call and examine before parchment
elsewhere. Wareroom, No. 75 Foutth st n Pittsburgh
AA. MASON It Cer,Go Market street, have Jus
. received another large invoice of plaid L.
and Square Shawls, bought 25 per cent less than an
previously received this season.
Our stock of . Shawls is now the largest in the city
'and purchasers may be certain that our prices fro
this date will he 25 per cent less than at any forme ,
!time. dee9
Kr EIS' JEWELRY—I del gord patent Lever \ Vox
11 es; I " detached
" silver " " "
Also, gold pen and pencil Cases, yes% chains, helm
Oozed damns, Breast Pots, Finger Rings, Ear Ring
and a complete nssotunent anther jewelry, at
deeB . ZEBULON KINSEY'S, 87 market st
TIKRINOS AT COST—Smith & Johns.,
r 40 Market street, will sell for the balance of th.
sinon tumult. their stock of French Merino., compel
g the most choice color. Now is your time to se
cure bantams. dect.3
vEL,V BRUNS—Jac mewed al Zeol.lloll
V oar's, 67 Markel .treci,
M p. colored Ve!ret Ribbon, assorted colors;
au black "
B " embroidery Gimp; 10 pe orble Plain, he
()LAUD LUNG SHAWLS—Alexander h Day, have
L mat received by express, one carton Plaid Long
Shawls, some of which are of the hnem quality, and
the newest styles Imported, and are now offered at
pecan greatly reduced from the rates obtained early
to the season.
Also, a few extra fine "Chen Lane" Drocha Long
shawls, vrhieh will be closed at great bargains. The
ladies are invited to an early examination.
ALEXANDER DAY, 75 market at,
deeld N 'SY cor Male Diamond
rTII.I-2,17;it 11 7 .H:1:MU SIiAWLB--Super French
'react-iv Shawls, of the latest styles and richest
dent as, lust opened and selling at a very great redac
tion from former prices.
,J stancitne rollers; merino, silk and wool Vests; do
do do Drawers; silk, kid and wool Gloves;merisk,
cotton and wool I Hose; bit Italian cravats, fine Ze
phyr Scarfs. decs F H EATON &Co
/ - 1„ aticituon of those wishing to fonush houses, to
call and examine our Arminso r Carpets, which are
very neh in style and colors. Wareroom, No 75, 4th
at, Putsbook deck W hi'CLINTOCK
4,7!7s, : fifs LlATllAlsK—WiliTlintock offers to perch.-
° era vary handsome assortment of rich satin Da
masks for window curtains. Also, French chintzes,
buffs, linen, transpnrent phasic*, to., at his carpet wan,
room, 75 Fourth st. decll
ri w 1.7.175 s g — Firi CrLikrlalElLE,„l—r CAMS gold wiz - rd;
brown and bliwk Tweeds, I do Fancy Camiwern
just reed and for sale at manutanturemprwm.
MURPHY &LEE, liberty at,
Co, have added w their former business . de
partment mph.r charge of Moe Ingot.. of Boston, for
mak mg to order an latest styles, Infants' Wear, Almon
.c k., cloaks and Dreams, lisnima and Gents Dressing
Garmenta embroidered or stamped for embroidery;
knitting, ocuitta, crotchet isork,bereautabieg nod mar•
nAitrETS!. CARPETS'!—Constantly receiving at
ki W. Bl'Clintoelea, Fourth street, every variety
of Carpets. eonotatittal in pan of Alitainsloll, of mon
beautiful pact me Velvets, latest palter.
eery nen 1 apesiry,llrunstiy.3 ply, asp. and Venetian,
ail of snitch we wilt sell as low as they can be put ,
cl.ased in dna market. Importing and parch sing from
the ntiowfarturers, enables u• to compete with the
eastern market. now IS
LA•=‘ ,- Ttlimm dog blk Lace Demi . Veil;
3pa eol'd Stilt Velvets, 20 {rose 019 Dar., Rub
one, le do essollinn do; le do col NI Floss do, 12 do
do Female.. do, 9 dos cold fleecy .ilk Gloves. 6 do blk
Jeoey I.IPIi Id do French arlk flambee, reed
tho day b, F II EATON A Co,
drela roarib st
) N c, l . l..k n N: c I N .
- p. D
L. 71!
4 : . ‘ , A , L1.7, ;L 1 dr ab
i 2lan
Iliankets. l do mired Cloth. I do Amy Cloth, 2
do Tweeds, brown, block and told two; 1 do iancy
Caa.stnerc., I balo Won Blanket t7onting, consigned
dirrct from rnanuincutorro and for sale by th e package
or piece. decl9 MURPHY d LEr, libcrty st
1) 0 3113(MC WOOLLENS —• Illanketk, Flannels
Tweeds, Cassinetia 1.4 Cloth and Cansignem, by
the lucre or package, very los, for sale by
1:1 and Literary Girl, for tat":
keeprake of Frl/1.1.1. W.( Isle;
FromaliteS tblettno. for 1b49.
Chnturoas Reser, for 1.49;
Cattalo. Bloanka, or 1,12,
Amaranth.% Token of Remembrance. Mr lute,
inn Young Mates Offering.
The Young Lady% (Uremia, by kink Smarroey aid
I ,2}l , l+m Memory. a superb annual for 1121.2;
The Patti Ring. fa 1,42,
The 'pa, • .. , arid, ern book for 1.142.
Tbe 1.,11 1 / 3 . . 1,47,
rur Scrap Mal. tor 1.49.
The 1•49,
Tbe Ronkot Puerta
The lady'. Annual, for Io4S,
The M omen or the Scripture.. • tresalfal work,
"Phe tenth of Frien4rhrri. for 1
fbe Cranston Aerplal•. tor 1.49,
Real, remote Poets of Amer,.., contaanno pa
lms of Mr. E Oahe North, Mr. Osgood, Mot.
L. 11 thanarner Mrl E. IP Mrs Emma C
bay. Mr• Amalie Welby. Mr. J Galr , Mr. C.
C botney. Mt. Anna C Lanett, Mi. Sarah 1 Clarke.
Orr. , tocenwooe
Toe *hove. with a 141113 colloctson of Poencat
Wort, Prayer Book., lerble., and alter work•
S• e endtd •tyle Malmo. mutable for Christmas and
ew Veer, presents, for rule at tat bookaorc of
. TON,
dee2l corner Market nd 3"1 eta
am Books and Annuals for 1149.
'l'l !lth f. .
; 49 te t Vg i t t a k n7 t
Oem. of LlexulT
do The Amaranth do
do,vo. e 11,1 th case, do Christmas Roses, do
ForgebocaPiet, do do 11t00..., do
do, wht ef. with caw. do Flora's Goma do
Book of Pearls, do Christie, Keepaake,do
Frievid.hip'e G loms;. do The Sumo Flake, do
Keepsake of Pred•inp, do The Gem, do
;.:xe c I.lor Annual. do The Most Root, do
do; erht cf. wth case, do nib of Friendship. do
Perpetual Keepsake, do The Pearl, do
The II) aria 11, do The Token. do
The Rosary of Illustration. of the Bible,
Lady of th Lake, illustrated:
I.alla Rooth,
Aloore's Poetical Works.
Pia is of Connecticut. gm edge,
NN i11,.' Proemial Work., niorocco,
lAy• of Sabbath:
Pictorial Franklin and Napoleon. &c. Le
A large eaortment of popular Juvenile Book., man)
el which are raw from the press, Toy Books limb Toy
plows, creme.. he At Joel recaral by En.
pms and for sate by ELLicrrr A ENDLISIL
deeLD wood and market ca
N. - . .
Willie, Poetical Work.. to morocco. illustroted,
Lady of the LAke,
Work. of Cowper and Thompson;
Howis, Weimar, nod Keay;
Goldarnith's l'oenl4; Thoropeon's Stumm;
Peered Mountains; Bethrille`• Poems
Goldsmith'. Works, The (.le. of the Fiemsoul
The Perpetual Kupmek,
The'Amarruithi The Semi Book.
The Ilyactoth; The Jewel; The j rok , .
The Bedpans S.ouvenir, Milton std li ring;
Proverbial Philosophy; Poem. by Am lia;
Poetry of Flowers and Flower. of P Ol
Judea Capt.; Parlor hook of Flown •
Wreathe of Friendeltia; Fairy Tales, . unny Roues;
Select Cbruktion Author.; Borne
L.( days of Diehl.; Vciong Ladi
Flom'. Interpreter, together it., 'sty of
Juvenile Gift Books. ELLIOTT
dect2 woe
real Broths Long Shawls,
''•—• ' - ' '
old at 351041)aellars: bought at
ill be told foritt3 each. Also, et
. _
Square Shawls, - splendld Cameli
Turkeri Shawla;.• few plea. we
Silky and a wry large aasertment
roost fusbronailre drjs goods, nor
bargoino A IrFAANDER b. DI
dr,co N corn
hlarket and 4U so, k... be
Irti- and fntEtnotlubleinodn in In
' : " ns and
P :1
materials, workmanship ■ud pan.
low al eastern prier•.
oli o
d .I :II I3 IIq.EL G I t t7LII EL ::L l' fiCLIL 7 :1"
nent Females Mentioned in lioly
by IN into steel engraving.. !yol
edges—Arabesque style.
The Sacred foots of England and America, for three
centuries. Edited by Ruins %Y. Orionisld. Illustrated
with steel engravings. t vol. Usu. 81I)< gilt .d 6".
The Fenian. Poets of America, with portraits, bio
graphical nonce., and sprout.e of their wntings. B.
T. B. Reed.
The Book of Bead*: a choice garland of prose, poo•
try and an, contaating 2U hoe steal angra•uwgsi 1 •ol
The Hook of Christian Ballads. Illustrated, 1 vol.
8 vo, For sale by K HOPKINS,
Jeri Sprint, Buildings, 4th st
Kaniii's, 17 Marhiet
street.—having just received per Express a very
large itasurtment of Fancy Goods, he Invite. the atten
tion of purchaser. to his very extensive stock of Seed
Bags, bend purees, rosewood writing , desks, work
imae.fomishml and onfumisherl; backgammon board,
Jewelry, nod in fact every variety of Fancy Goods in
h. tier. drevn
• •
TIIE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of
Pittsburgh and vicinity, that his Toys and Fancy
Goads oft now 01%111, ill the large room formerly occu
pied .0 I{ nroet Warehouse by R. D. Thema...
where eon he seen the torgeet assortment of Cbrietreo•
Presents ever offered for sale In the city, All these
goods are noponed direct from Buropaby myself, and
will he sold cheaper than any other establishment in
the city, wholesale and retail. Call and see the fine
assortment. C. YEAGE.l4lo9.lllarket
near Liberty.
C •
lIRIsTMAS PRESILSITSmattu Sr Jansame, 40
Market street, offer fur ante, at reduced prices, a
variety of goods imitable fee Chrism,mi present., eon
noting In pen of French worked collar., enemnetts,
..din and lace capes, cmli. Swiss robes, remer and
omit. linen cambric hawilserchiefs, deep corded bor
dered do; gentlemen'. cold do; black and fancy silk
aromas and scarf.; rich chameleon silk., cashmeres
and de Minna, satin .tnped mohair, lustros and orien
tal.. d e
rd.:311-7 casks pnme, for mile by
Consulting Engineers i Counsellors for
Office for proeunng and defending Patents, imparting
infomratiou on Itfectinnier and the application of Sci
ence to the Arts, and on Ai:eerie. and Foreign Laws
of Patents.
PROF, WALTF.R R JOHNSON. late of Philadel
phia, and Z. C. ROBBINS of Washington city,
(to be aided by Hazard Knowles, EN., late Machinest
of the United States Patent Mired have associated
themselves together for the prosecution of the above
branches of professional Lawless, either in their other,
at the Patent Office, or before the Courts; and will de
vote their undivided attention to Consulting the inter
est of Inventors slid others who may consult Mom or
place business in their hands. Mr. Knowles has for
the past twelve years held the post of illachinest lathe
United States Patent Office, and resigns that situation
to take pan in the present enderutking. His talents
and peculiar fitness Fr the important office so long fill
ed by him, have been fully recognised by Inventors
wherever the office itself. known.
The office of Messrs. J. Cr IL is on F street, opposite
the Patent Office, Wuthin. on, D. C., where communi
cations., post paid, will be promptly attended to,• exam
nations made, drawings, specifications, and all regale
ite papers prepared—Nd male). procured when desi
red—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquey, expect
ed to be answered niter examinations had, must be ac
companied by a fee of five dollars.
In the duties of their office which pertains to the Pa
tent Laws, Messrs. J. & R be assisted by a legal
gentleman Dribs, highest professional character, and
fully conversant with Mecham,. end oth er sr,,, a ,,, j a c
subjects. myv&hdifew I eti
Modern aad Antique Furniture,
83, Tat. Sraxer. Prrna • • en.
MC A large 81111 cplendid ...,,,,-,,,,,,,,.....
ancortment of Furnt.ere, ..1.7 , -81,,M . ,•,
umble. for kB.teambontc, . ------
110164. d private dwel
ling, •
s e
p o
m a sln
, t I y m o , n k bond oh
. a n n ,
cannotmade t 0,., order.. c
..1 , i
any manufnetory in the "cement country. Persons
'trickling to purehma would do well to gtve me a call,
as Ime detcrintited my en". shall pleace. Part. of
the stock cum.. in—
Tete es Tele; Buffet Etayete;
Louis XIV Chairs; queen Elisabeth chairs;
Ten Foy.; Fruit Tables,•
Toilet Tables; t Louis XV Commoder;
French Alahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stools,
50 sofas with Plush and Han-cloth coven;
SO Mahogany Rocking Chairs;
40 dos Parlor do
30. " Fancy do
23 centre Tables . '
20 pair Divans; 4 pair pier Tables;
13 marble top Dressing Bureaus;
3 Wardrobes; 0 Secretanes and Book cause
20 marble top Wash Stands;
4 pair Ottomans;
b pair fancy Work Stands;
A very large assortment of common chain and other
furniture too tiamerous to mention.
Steam Boats (unsuited on the shortest nonce,
and an the most reasonable terms. docIS
Wholesale asla r. wil , et the
RIKIN TEA STORE, 70 Fourth street, near Wood
P ,
, Pittaburgh—The subscnber having Just returned
from New York, is now receiving a large fall supply
of fresh UR F.:FIN AND BLACK TEAS. from the New
York Pekin Tea Company ; selected with great care (or
renal sales. Our smock being tow heavy we are pre
pared to aupply Grocers, lintels, Steamboats imd
with any quantity and at any price they may wish;
packea to f. and I pound packages, slb tin cools
tert, 6 and 1.1 lb catty boxes, and in half chests.
Retail Grneers are invited to nail, as we eon and
will .ell belief Teas at lower prices than any ot4r
house in Ptit.burgh.
Our stork of fine Young Ilyson, Gunpowder, and
pen al Green, and Oolong Black Teas are the best iU
the Arnerwan market.
Lovering'. double refined Loaf, Crushed, and Pal.),
vertred SuFars at retail, or by the barrel.
COFFEES—Mocha, Old Gov. Java, Laguna, St. Do-
mingo and Rio Coffees, selected by the most experien
ced coder Broker In :Veto York.
Sweet Splce./ Chocolate, Ihrikled Cucticohera and
Onions, Fresh Peaches, pat up 111 their own puce.
hlalaga RIIIIMIF; in 3 lb boxes.
N. ti.—All Dr. I). layne's Family Medicines for see.
deco-ridwit A. JAYNES.
MO THE ENTERPNISING.—A rare chance is now
presented for the safe Inveannex t in a business en.
urely new; one adapted to the mall of limited, as well
as to the max of extensive resources; yielding a profit
from capital and enterprise beyond any operation of
the day. It is the comple, monopoly of a ample arti
cle, absolutely necessary and essentral to every fami
ly, as well as indispensable to the median,. artisan
and professional man To capitalists, opportuntty
offers Itself for a lucrative employment of caber large
or gnat .1111. ',incise immediate and highly sattsfac
lau returns. those dentenua of embarking in a pleas.
411., genteel business, are invited, with others, to call
at the efface of the undersigned, examine the article,
and form their own judgment, from the fact. presented.
Odle, Exchange Buildings, St. Clair st, next door to
Esquire Johns , mace. CULVER k MYERS.
r Fart Expre”, at reduced pneea—To accommo
date all lovers of &ix delirious luxury. BURKE & Co.
knee resolved to supply the people regularly through
out the .6•011, with the choicest Fresh Oysters to
elms, half cans and shell. at such reduced prices as
will enable every family to enjoy this delicacy at did,
An filtpressload will'. received daily at the ware.
b ogs , of JS,. C. BIDWELL. Water street, berarrea
Smithfield put Gram, sad for sale the , e. and at the Yol-
Inwtng Reg k iknrer. corner Smithfield and
Slat, R Ileszleion, thamood. A Ithevlsr, Sena .. fah
Ward, tlaughev, foot of st. / Collar. It
rtllll . ll Arnow.. 3lercer Holat,Aon, Allegheny en.,
fiffillifl NUNN!4I.. I'LARK. New York,
The litlbs nil, has how open and for
.111 r, • lot Pf moo loperlor Pianos. I,
tented by htnare/I . the m•ourartonea
- n..rr0..1 or Rowsvoial and Ninhomsity Piano, of
of a. 61 and 7octaves, of vitrion..r) I. and once, and
embrace ail the liite.l nn pr. e Thor or Na
b. Clark . .., (Mr which t e le Mated
firm be i. sour A orml
have an unproved way oi ionneine posse...eel by no
other, also..a.nocrtor plan no leathering the hammer.,
preventing thew Plano. from torah aid wirey
sit, eons. nia.....-- - .....
The Plano. of Chtelienne, of whirl. be bas • soperi.
or lot. ore provided with the Circular Seale, and were
wlecteti for lum with c are by 1 Chiekarmg, of Boston
The above will primilvely be sold at manufacturer.'
priers,...) on nerolosno.latute ten..
The auteeertlter ,I , m vartattly he found at 1 IV
Wootterelre. (tow II to to t, A NI , learn I to 5 P
M htf Weextere'l a. 1,1 attend in the latente•• dunag
me b•lattee ot tat, Iit.EUER,
nett° a: I\V NV...e1.-en t.3Thirel•i
Illifill .101 IN II MEI-LAIN- No ,I Wood
•trret. has re , erred Invoices of
ot Plano Fon.. trorn the eci,
• rstedinanotar.r., of , hickruit,
Boo.; to Kruse to • :cw days, of which doe nonce
will or peen. 'I styttia , to prate 11 . 01.13 $278 to 8700.
Also trorntbr tuanotartoncs of H Worcester. and
Baron it lia•en. New Nora. a handsone assortment
B. 61 and (4 octsr• Piano Fortes, rosawoal and
mahogany caues, of the most e:rgant drscripoon. and
with all tho late tolprovernents
The aboN e, In uldatton to he .lock an hand, will
snake the largest end most desirable selecuon ever
offered for tattle tat tits coy, and oral fir sold an all eases
at Inanatieturers prices, on accommodating term, and
a srel.tan gas...tate< given with every Piano Forte soId JOH 11. hIELLOR,
sole Agent for the sale of etnekering'a Plano Porter,
(or We•Orro Pennsylvania dec.2o
. _ _
SoLa Aoricr not Nvaas a ei-ersa's C %Liguria. Puna.
"Tia , ..ut.enber has 4.1 replenished
hie stock of Pianos. which for variety
of style and prices has never been sac.
pused La ibis city !tut received and
opened, the following novr Plantes
One 7 octave cabinet grand Piano, an entirely new
One Rosewood 0. very eleenut Nutt. & Clark
One " -
One with Coleman's celebrated At
tachment. Thts ar a very supertor Plano.
ii kl)ulii at W Woody,4l••
Ilarderare-.Cheaper than Evert
T WAN, WILSON & (Yl.. Importer. and Wholesale
14 Dealers to Hardware. Cutlery and Saddlery, Ne
1 . /9 Wood street, elw.e Flbh, have now In store • very
cheap and well selected stock of Hardware, Imponed
since the decline or preg In Europe. and whach they
•re detertruned totted correspondingly low Mere hoots
who have Leen in the habit of going East. are particu
larly :wrested to call and look tkrough our stock. as
we confidently believe they will save their expencea
Ex I'EHIENCED mixes, on a tnai of one and • half
millions, since 1,16, pronounce this article langur
plumed for durability in the construction of all kinds of
Puntaces. Price e 81,75 cash for loads of 11) 51. gum..
tutted nine months use. Orders for . weond quality
Bolivar Bneks will be executed at BM per de
sired, without guarantee A stock of the first quality
is now for sale at the warehouse, Ifiloan's Wharf,' ea
nal Bum, by J SHAW MACLAREN,
lispeluf Kensington Iron Works
PLICENIX FIRE BRICKS—The subscriben having
been appumted tole Agents by the manufacturers,
for the sale of the celebrated "Phomix Bricks," ans
now prepared to 611 orders for any quantity, at S2l,
md per For the constructio ro n of furnaces of
all s, thew bneks have been pronounced by rorn•
petont Adana as being superior to all other fire bricks
now to use. C A dI'ANULTY a Co, Canal Basin.
my3o • -
r.4 Received this day, direct from the manufacturers,
a handsome asaorment of extra super and super three
ply Imperial Carpets, of new styles, to which we ask
the attention of those wishing to tarniah houses or
steamboats. Carpet wareroor% No 75 Fourth at, Pitts.
burgh. decsl W M'CLINTOCK
Jolla itzrescs
angll4&wereS New Orleans.
id Ev a W. mama a au.,
IFORM their friends and the public that they hove
no longer any connection with their late eatablishs
mtint In Penn street, known as the Pittsburgh Brewery,
having removed their entire roomers w thc POINT
BREWERY, in Ku sire.. myls:d yM
Bleaching Powder, 'Chloride of Lime.)
RERS.—Tbe rubeerluerr have ota hand and .11
nunrtantly lee ...applied with Jas.. !durpratt & Sons' eel.
ebrated Bleselone Powder, wal warrant
equal if not ruperanr auy ouported 111 Ihr : 1 111.111,
1111 d ,16/01 they are prepared to .4 , 11 at the lower. roar.
ket price (or earh or approved llla.
nova %V .4. NI MITCHRLTREE, IN liberty at
' Mdspratt & Sons' Soda Ash,
TEIS suiwriasrs and now receiving their Fall stock
of the above article, three vessels, vi:: the Juniata,
edallion and Lydia, Imung unveil at Phtladelphta
pod Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
Leilo, shortly expeeted; they are, therefore, prepared i
to receive orders. They will receive doting the win. i N. R.—Call and romaine,
Mr and spring regular suppllns via New (Meat.. - "
no ..- • . WA Al MITCUELTR KM
..--- --.-- ,-,,,----- "Vol! 95 CENTtil—By arse of th e Pocket F.seu-
SUN DRIKS-5 bbl . No 1 Alsekore; r taping, or every one has own Physician! twentieth
30 hills No 2 mackerel; 20 lif do No lido, ' edition, with upwards of • tunutm d engravings, " show
-10 do Tanners Oil, ~ mg private diseutes in every shime uld font; and ro
do Alum, 3do K Salto; lido chipld lamwood ' formai.n of the system, by W. 1 OL'NU,
Ihf do Nutmegs; 50 las No I scaled [lemur, 'to D. The time has now arrived, that persons miter- '
59 bail No V do do; 4 do •eented imap; ~,g from secret Macau. need no mote become the vie
to do No 3 Preset! do; 10 do N,. I do do too of quackery, as by the preacripuou contained in
I bale Cloves, 10 bars Java • offee, this book any one may cum !waken', vrilhout hindrance
50 !Olds prime Nlt Suttee; Met reed and for sale to bunions. or the knowledge ,mf the moat IdillhAte
by ad
BROWN 1,11 mead and with one teeth the tental einense. In ad
• - Pont lo the !macrab moons of pluton disease, it fully
DII. D. lIUNT. , dxplatu the cause of manhomPs earlY..de4litie, with
ikon,. Mower of Fouik ebservations marriake--bekidos 6,4 hY other do- end Decatur, between oangements win on
ch it would not tie limper to enumerate
Market and Ferry sheets. - sepd-ei sin rn the nubile pools.
i Any pereeo sending 23 can* enclosed in a letter,
A FURTHER REDUCTION. suit meetve one ropy of thl• bodk, by Omit, or five ec..
AS. MUSYRA7I'.2 BONS' PATENT:BMA Ai4ll ' hll be tent for one doing. Mares. " DR
to 6 tons 31 cash currency, or 4 1(104. app vd buns. y
,es wi • • •1311..
JDUNG, No ISO Spruce etheeti Ptuisdelphts.," post
-5 tofu or up... Jan do pat, 0 mos do. Interest ad- p.“l . '
dad. For the superior quality of du, brand we refer to WANTED—Proprietors ad= or book otoret, and
the glass end soap utautmeturem of this eitT getterial- pedlars, In every town tyk the Dolled Stales, to sot a.
l y
WI II mrrenEL l ß"' , agents fo r the obeli:uta -k. • • .
deal 160 liberty sr . . _ _ ....--..-
, 111,0 K Kt:EYING — A personlof lons erperience in
NOTICE. ID R oo k K e ep,ng offers his wkascee lethal capacity,
r r e orozej ,. l . o
. 11 t c u i t . h i r . tr n e o t , f o e r n r e sz
j 5 . a1, ,,,,, e n r
, w .. o , 2d . f t e o f .. l .b . e . te i t o lli i :d . er:no .c h ,. l...lll3l . :
r e (fesers d aern, end to any iaw bustitess before the The best of
at as to satiaeitys4o., will ha (4.
Courts of the Dmtncl, with wittehlte may be entmated. vest. Apply at the gate of ;i
decO.d3ao. ANDREW Wyylik js. 61,16 : • '' 41 water xi
a 65 Acres Coal woad fer Sole,'
SITUATED on the Monongahela elver, about Wailes
from Pittsburghand 3 miles abase third Lock, in
Me immediate neighborhood of Meesna Lyon reShorb,
and Mr. John Herron's purchase: fine body of
Coal will be sold at the low price I:Erb:Spec acre-one
third to hand, balance in five egos) annual payments,
without interut. Title indisputalde. Location very
good—earinot be soiswd. Fornfurther particulars
enquire of S. BALSLEY, who Ire 4 draft of said MO.
perry. Residence 4d st, below Ferry, Mr. Adams' Row.
N. B There is another rum of owl on this tenet,
about 60 feet above the lower, of 4callent quality,
iy26:difa a
. fis -
A .
TRACT of 10ad, 90 MSS, in btairreon, Portage
on the Cuyebove river—abont 30 acre. [older tor.
provement. Also two animprovertlots in the
of Warren. True:Moll Co., SD feet by 90. Also, a lot of
ground to the centre of Hartfcrrd, Trumbull Co., with •
fine dwelling house and .tore-onirof the best stands
for a merchant on the Western Reerve. Any or all
this property will be sold on very oecommodating
[ems. ISALAII & Co.,
feblo Water and Front sta.
Tract of Load lOW Boles
TIDE subscriber will sell on accoMmodating terms, •
•aluable tract of unimproved BOA situate on We
road leading from Brighton toFrallin, about eighteen
miles from Pittsburgh, and about ei ht miles rtcan the
town of modem on the Ohio river. The tract con
tains 901 acres and 20 perches, strict measure. The
band is of an excellent quality, aluiat 90 acres cleared,
and well watered, and will be sokheither in whole or
in (arms of convenient sine, to suitpurchasers.
For farther particulars enquire oriVAI. BOYD, Aley
at Law, office oo 4th •L above ...4tnithheld, Pittsburgh..
my2o:d.hortf T _
Property to Allegheny City for Bole,
THE subscribers oder for sale Mlnumbor of choice
Lou, situate in the SecondWlN., framing on the
Common groand, on easy terms.' Ipre of
W. tYH. ROBINSON. Amy at. or, St Clair st
or of lAS ROBINSON. on premixes:
mylVidlkortf T
1101:1911s — ANIV - LOTIt POI r SALE.
Atik TWO lAITS on Beaver striet, in the cityy . of
ia Allegheny, above the upper Clumitooiri on w hi ch
is erected a frame building, two 11401-011 high. suitable
for two small tenements. The lotsivre each twenty
feet in front by one hundred feet deep, and run bank
to a street forty feet wide. The buildings on the plc.
raises will pay a very handsome forefeet on the invest;
meat, and the property will be sold Veep for cash.
Apply to li. Sproul, Clerk's office;f. S. or to
itov KAY & Co
THIS deltghtful Summer Actual., for
me el
soe years put occupied by ?Cr. L Burch
field, is offered lor sale orre4 on the drat
or April next. This property has been improved by
additional buildings, and a substantitd stone wall, and
terrace planted with Evergreens aridiFrult Trees. To
a good tenant, capable of conductink the Fle!reat, the
terms will be reasonable. OKI COCHRAN,
P. wburgh, Dec
_9, Agerd. ter Pxoptictin.
a•i, THE subscriber offers for rent for the term ot
one or more years, a large convenient well fin
ished two story Etwellioyr House, ciantsinitig 8 rooms
and Kitchen. There is a lot of grottod containing If
acres of fine young fruit trees of eitery kmd, stable,
8.c., connected with the house. Tonto} , person wish
ing a delightful residence within a fpm mounts ride of
the city, this will be • rare ohnuce. Tor tentrui, which
will be low to a good tenant, inOire of Mg. -Lao.
Wnght, near the premises, of John Watt, canter of
Hand and Liberty streets, or of
ocole-tf TH.EO. F. WRIGHT.
Booms& Bottom Landyor Bale.
rpEN ACRES OF LAND, situateitin Peebles towin
g_ ship, on the hlonongeliela, tbrenntiles from Pins
burgh--in lots to sea purchasers. for farther partic
ulars apply to Henry Woods, lld st. or to
nov2i-dif 4th, ablue Smithfield st
Valuable Residence In Allegheny City
ror Bale. i!
CONTEMPLATING a removal fain Alleglionx city,
loner my residence there for may. The premises
are to delightfal order, and every wny worthy the at
tention of any person wialarirch idoP.rff.
jr 2o • W. FOVIDEXTER.
Reel lOstate In .61•Aat9tioucy.
ALOT, Storehouse and Dwelling, situate on the
Erie Extension Canal, In the village of Westldid.
diesel;a desirable location for • inerchant Also, a
Lot and good Dwe ll ing Howie mated for a Tavern
Stand, in the village of OrangeviV y State line of
Ohio. Terms easy. ISAIAH DI & Co.
feblo • Water and Front Ma
C _
OAL LAND FOR SALF.—Seveti acres coal land
for sale, statue in bend edam Afpnongahelaßteer,
above Brea-nu 1"
nllp, .., having a 71root 'rein of cool
welch will be sold in exchange (or goods. Fyir portico
., a pply to lord SB . W • finfltAttOH =wood .t
WAREHOUSE FOR BATg.—The mbseriber
offers for ule the three otombrick Warebowe
on Wood street, occupied br R. Tanner & Co.
apt 7 WM. WILSON, Jr.
The submribers will rent part of the ware
house now occupied by them. to
LEWIS, DA.LZ .. & Co.,
melt ./51 water street.
FOR SALE —A Lot of Ground. situate on Penn
street. between flay and Merit.", lsftreeta, ediofning
the house and lot now °erupted by Richard Eiiwards,
having a front of 23 feet, and in dept LW feel, will be
sold on tavorable tern.. Title unegnenvonable. En
quire of C. 0. LOOXIS, et, near Wood.
2A THREE story Buck Direllins House, on
Wster, nut", Grant acct_ POssesston given on
the first of Murton, BNB, or sooner tf requnert
For terms, inquire of rr
nos: 0 BLACKBURN h Co, water ur
Baaker~ Sic i g itt.lB: o k• r ,
- • • • •• • .
CoI.I.ECTIONR —Death, Notes ;and Acceptances
rapible In tuzy raft of the Union, collected cat the moat
tevor.ble terms.
FACHANGE on Near York, Phitadelphis and Oat-
Non; also, Cinema.. lAtulsylllc.l.. Saud Laois and
(Wean, constantly for sale. a
. „
DANK NITITY.S. —Note* on all aorannt batiks In the
'hotted discounted at the lowest rates. All ktnds
of Foreign and Attache. Gold tuld sllver Coin bought
and und.
()Men No. 55 Market .Irant, belay.nen 311 and Ca.
Panshulga Pa bear,
aussicv, nsauirra, co,
T)ANKFkS, FLACK/OWE naotwas, and deaden
In Eon and Domestic Bantu/Ala, Certificate/1/ of Bank Noy, and Spee4Oartil scree; near
ly oppaeue roe Bank of Plumb Carmel money
renal/red on deperate—Bight Chen for sale; and col
leerlona made on nearly ..0 the primiipal points In the
Vulwa States
Admumes made on eatuutnnum4 of Prodftee, ship
ped Fshrt. on Ilherol term..mehiS
FORICION saxcumairas.
BILIS an England, Ireland, and:Semlatolbought
any am at ount the Current Hate. Sal of behsalge.
Also. Dra ft payable in any pun of the Old Cosintries,
from IA to 1100 u, at the rate of ID to the S. Sterling,
without dedueUon or dimount. by •JOSItUis ROBIN.
SON. Europe. ana General Agent afore st one
memo west of wood. octlettl
mud. & ctritify,
13ANICERS and Exchange Brokers, Deabtn in For
etru and Domestic lime and. Sight Bills of Ex
hange, Cenificates of Deposite, Belk Noted and Coin
No OS Waist street, third door Cptow Fourth, sees
side mord' if
• .
"re& 111.411
th Foreign and Domestic Rills . - of blechings, Cer
uficates of Deposite, Bank Notes And Coln, corner o
3d and %Veal streets, directly opposlte SL Charles H.
purchased at the lowest rates, byank NottE
seplY 35 Mittel street.
New York.
Ftriladelphtn u r
Constantly for sale by N. 1.51 ES A SONS.
sepl3 35 Market .t.
ElOollng.—vf.alwasallted.*Est, Plate..
T IIB subscribers beg to call the intention of Handers,
Architects and owners of Buildings. 10 the many
advantages which these plates pollees. aver all other
metallic substances hitherto need: or roofing, ,
they tresses* at once the lightness of iron, without its
liability torust, rust, having now teen tested for several
years in this parucular, both In MB countryand in Ea
'rope. They era less liable to expansion end contrac
tion from sudden change oldie atmosphere,. than Com
mon tin plates, Iron, aloe, ormy other metal now used
for roofing. and consequently fon* • much better end
tighter ro<Olrequirtng Inc less fr.:Tient repairs, whilst
the find cost is bui • tribe more.
A hull supply, of all six. fmio6 to 30 W. G., C.-
randy on hart ol and for .
sale by ro
ob 3). B. ftiOlireWOOD tr. CO.,
le and 16 Beaveg e street, - Now York.
The patent nght Inc this article having been scoured
for Inc United fidams, all pun.. infringing thereon,
either by importation or otherwtee, will beproee.o,e.
ted. ocateletvrlyT
I 1 lIE understigned have erectettworke is the city of
New York. for the purpose ofGalvatilung all arti
cles of Iron, which a is dewHible IP PROTECT FROM
RUST such as Telegraph Wirertp.olut, Spikes, Nails.
Wire for Fences, and any other tamale which may be
required. For Hoops for Casks,‘Masubmitute for bale
Rope, for Clothes Lines, Lightl Rode r pad a host of
other appllcattons, it will be foun cheap arid durable.
They would parucolorly call andotion to the Galvani
sed Wire for fences it requires no paint, and will not
rust. Also to Spikes and Boltz.: the psysenrauon of
which is of so mach importance,tthat it brill commend
itself to the nonce of all those intitvested.
(14'At B. bIOI4kIWOOD tri CO., Patentees,
octal-tltruelyT 14 and 10 !leaver on, N York.
T H .t . . ,7,,b 1e - o n c b Jlitv,:un p agg , irsttAi74,t
0", as manufactured and tind r Terfected by Messrs.
Murch White, of Cincinnattr r The usual compass
soil client being but Mar scio n., Messrs. AL tc
In accordance with the gericrallldeture mid demand,
barn extended the sonic of thesd:unitruthents to 41 and
oven octaves, thus making it haweticable to perform
upon t hem en). music written Iwo the Piano or Organ.
The exterior, al., boa been ramcb improved by plactiig
the body or the instrument upon a CRS{ runi frame
licuunfully hreaucil and ornamhated, rendering it at
once a moot elegant and extremity desirable article.
The price is put so low tie to bring It within the roach
of every one to obtain a perfccC , musical Instrument
and, at the same time, a Mdot elegant piece al furn,
rule (or a comparauve rode. N. KI.EBER.
'At J Woodwell'e
_AO 4:=0414p,
rTI rlllll4 j
„ . .
TS THE. ONLY R.E.IIEDY that can 1< tetlen ,or
thepermanent cure of lipssmealle l - onttnrtiOnq,
maiden of the Nerve. Nervous Sick Headache
Nervous tremor. Neuralgic Affection. tlenersl
hairy, Deficiency of Nervous and Phi ...ea! Energy.
end all Nervous Disorder. including the ant dreadful
of ell diseases that ever affect the human 'ace—
ke !tart would impress it upon the minds of
the afflicted that the Vagotahle Extrart is the only rem
edy ever discovered that can he relied on on the per
=mem cum of tau most cheadful of all diseases. Ail
its tendency is to msanity, madness um demi, the moon
of Europe, as well as those of our country, have
pronounced Epilepsy incurable And own
it has been so
considered by many, tong this most important of all
discoveries was made by Dr S. Hart, nearly sixteen
yean since. during which urns it has been performing
upon recont, and has acqulred a reputation which
time alone can Physitians of undoubted skill
and expenence, ministers of various denottonellono,
mall as hondreds of our
t h is eturens, all anus
in recommending the use of this truly trainable modi
cipe to meir patients, charge, and friends, who are e 4
flitted, so the snip remedy.
used by those who have been cored by this valuable
one.saya "I have suXereal beyond nay
erofdescription, of but I new rejOiro In being fully re
stored to health and happiness." Another
thank God I feel that IBM a well man. I also reel it
my duty to proclaim it to the ends of Sr earth, that
those similarly afflicted may relie f" Another
(who is an EMINENT LAWYER and well known Jo
this city) says, "My son has been atflteted for years
with Epilepsy, but isnow enjoyin g good hehlth forte
the Vegetable Extract. Its hunt.' says he, - rliteinl
and ought to be sounded to the ends of the ram " An
other says. -Language is entirely tUattequote to e lore.
my gratitude to Dr. Hart for hoeing been the means,
under the blessing of (sod, of restoring /tlC` to the eirroy
ment of good health, after having been afflicted myth
Nrilepsy to its wont forms for more than twenty three
years, and my morning and evening Oh tattoo or praise
and thank s'irtg shall continue to ascend to that God
who has arEeted but to make me whole"
Mrs. J. Dradley,lls Orchard street. N V *UM', that
she has been subject to fits for many year.. and haw
been restored to perfect health (after every ether means
had failed) by the use of the Vegetable Extract.
Dr. Chirles A_ Efrostm, of Dover, Ruscell enunly. A la.
who is one of the beat physicians in the Suit, ' san e that
he has been much benefited by the me of the Vegeta
ble Extract, and that ho unhesiurtingly preset - awe It in
every case of Epilepsy which cactus under hi. knowl
Curtis G. Mayberry. Eaq. formerly- Poemmter at
Lime Mills, Crawford county, P., now living th Erie
county, Pa., atates that for many
pact he bar
been sorely afthcted with fits, and he t• now happy to
state that a persevering use of Dr. Ilart's Vegetable
Extract, has restored him to wand health, being enure)
ly freed from thus worst of all diseases.
From the Cincinnati Conunercial.
=The follinving certificate 0/4 given lit Messrs. Tho
mas & Miles, Donor Ham's Agents for the .ale of 1.
Vegetable Extract, for the cure of Fpdepue Pita or
Falling Sickness. ‘Ve are induced in give a a plums
oar editorial columns from the fact that Is the only
known medicine that will cure Epilepsy, at the same
time believing it to be our of die greatest docorerie,
in medical science. Phyatetans aud men of science of
all ages have been trying to discover a remedy for this
disease, but all has been in vain until the present do
covery of Dr. Hart, sod we would cow say to them
afflicted with fits, despair no longer. for there is hope:
MESSRS. THOMAS & MILES. lea Mate greet, Cia.
=awl, Ohio, Agent. tor Dieter Hen's Vegetable
Extract for the care of Epileptic Fits:
Gentlemen—lt is almost IMpossible tor Inns - hags to
earns. with what heartfelt aatisfaction I address them
few lines to you, for the purpose of informing you of
he beneficial result. that have beets effected by the
moo( Dr. Hart'. Vegetable Extract.
My son, aged twelve man, has been severely af
flicted with Epileptic Fiat and with such severity thal
the opinion was, he mold not be tared-
In one of kmparoryams he Atli rind broke his ann.
lj called in Dr. Mulford, a very Imes-tem physician,
who re-set it. Ile informed me that my ton's Nervous
System was very much deraeged, and that it would be
impossible to corn hint of Epilepsy, as Epileptic Fits
were almost incurable, and employing physiciaue in
his case would be only throwing money away.
I called upon Dr. Putter; he informed um that the
disease had assumed a chronic form, and it would tale
a tong ume to mara him if he could be cured at all..
He became worse and worse, and I began to Motk
them was no cure for him, ciattl I saw the advertise
ment of Dr. Ilam's Vegetable Enroot at one of our city
pap eeTd 71. 11 7,72.7.,7 tsw f e"" 4 nrPrrt7. Zirchvaedn ' f . c ," „;
years, and restored to health by the um of the Extract
I called at your store, and after conversing with Mr.
'Thomas, I came to the coachmen to purchase a theta
dollar package. It door little or no good / theaght I
would try another, from the use of which I perceived
some littic>enefit.
I then came to the conclusion to porchia, a ten dol
lar box. I found that it was of so much service to him
I ems induced to purchase it sec on And 1 lun truly
th.kful tnat I done so, as by the one of the tcu packa
ges he has been restored to perfect health.
Should any person be desirous of ...ring Lim, and
ecetatning farther particulars, I should be pleased to
gratify them by their calling on me •nt, _my re.denve,
south west corner of Fourth and Park street,. eincin
ati, Ohio. ISAAC N. Pi:SKINS.
When thousands who am 00 W . trembling under the
hand of this dreadful disease., and tearing that every
stwok may prove fatal, will find pem}.lnent relief and
b. restored to new life, by using this celebrated meth- "
,ue. Over one thousand ceruficates have been re
ceived in testimony of the beneficial results produced
by the too of , Dr. Hart's Vegetable Extract.
Prepared by S. HART, IL EL New York. • h , a,
Pore, one :soakageTam • • ". 1 ••
do four packages 10.fiH , '
etten. do 2.0790
THOMAS tr. MILE... IWI Motu ortetiViTi,eirirsooli
Ohm, General Agents tor Untied States, Caneuln, and
West Inds,
L. WiLerax,.R.. corner oflnarnond and Altrnrct
Agent for Fanthuairb, Pa.
Fay & Kilthourne, Columbus, Ohio; H & E Gaylord,
Cleveland: nnd foe role by mobrof the prinethal drug(
pets and therehnnthttuvorthbontlba 'anted codex.
vHt followmg from George E Pomeroy. Eui . the
I . well known proprietor of the Exprees. speaks for
luelfof the tmportnitee of the Pain Extractor every
Execass Orrice, Albany, Sept. I.
Ha Dat.LIT: My Dear Ste—With reclines of no or
dmart - pleasure addresa you in relanott to th e betteSt
have received from your itivalualile Plllll Extractor.
Lately, my hole daughter, 6 years old, Lad a pluater
of boiling tenter turned into her bosom: her sera,,*
were dreadful. sciAilitrn crowd instantly Gatti,- te, e l
tOre the Lease toidllWhe cease o! the territ. • ne reams:
I tare her clothes'hattoder, and soot
.plead on
Wye and she was carried and laid noon a bro. She
was won relieved from her pros, and rats - NI, I feel
att if I could taught^ and was soon tat sweet sleep. She
wt.s scalded to a blister from the top at Orr vhoulder
over loot, their half her chest. and round under the
snag On the shoulder and hreost it to, v,) deep,
yet from the first hour, ha eon:pia/nen only %lira it
was dressed. The sore 'healed rapelt). and there hs no
contrarion of the muscles.
With many wishes, my dear sir. for your +uccc>s;.n
the sale of this mighty 12/11Cie.
I am yours, with respect,
THE TEST an,/ NO zirsTAlit',lj.,',
The genuine Dailey, will rover produce
fun] soothing, cooling edeCt. in thg
.verevt eases of Burns, Scalds, Pile,
The Counterfeits- no c suer umir r what imMeighey
may appear—always irritate, and increase
I, Edward P. Holmes, of Chart:tin, Melvin Bridge,'
Columbia county, N. Y., have been edirtteit with rhea- ,
mamma to my breast, feet, and all over my body for
six years, so that I could not stand, and was cured by.
three applications of Hailers Magical Pain tatractor.
Mr. Dailey: Sir—l eat my finger with a copper nauT,
the poisonous natter of which caused my arm to swell
considerably, with constant shooting pains up to the
shoulder. A large swelling taking place at the arm
pit. with inereaaing pain, I became fearful of die Lock
jaw. In this extremity your Pain &timelier was re
commended to me, and which I was prevailed upon to
try. The consequence was that it afforded me almost
instant relief, and in three days I was completely ea
corner Broome and Sullivan sts, Sept S. lige.
NOTICEI—H. DALLIIT is the inventor of this invalu
able remedy, and never has and never will commend
rate to any living man the secret of ita combination:
All Extractorr, therefore, not made and put up b
him, are base counterfeit.
Paonurroa's Doane- 15 , [headway, New York;
=Chestnut street. Phil. .
JOHN D. MORGAN, General Del.; Dr. W
THORNAgents for Pittabh.
})alley's Annual adoome Care-All,
Cures humors, .pads, quirior, grease, poll-eeil s
sores, galls, and bruises. Pamphlets.concerning Cer
tificates of respectable parries. mar be lonian applica
two to JOHN D MORGAN, .
noets digt, Agent. Pntsburgh..
.., • .
~,, • , ' tew doors below Wood sweet, to':
.., ', _ ...,..o - c l•-. market.
/...,•‘ ' ""•—••'. DR. DROWN, having ball
,: ''.. .` regulaqy educated td the manna
...,.. . ...,, profession, and been for some time
in general prance, now confines
his atentien to the treannem of
. .
. 44 those play. anti dennate coal
I ' plaints for which his opportunities
_ • end experience pecutiarly qualify
''i . ..... ow , him. 11 years asaidnoaly devoted
to stay • treatment of than complamtoddarian witieh
time he has had more practice and has cured more pas
[tents than can ever fall to the lot of any private pro&
titioner) empty qualifies him to odor ...rimer,. of
speedy, permanent, and satisfactory Pure to nil inflicted
with delicate dioceses. and all dioceses arising tang
Dr. Drown would infanta those alilicted with pranta
diseases which have become chronic by tune Or ta
vacated by the use of any of the common hostrathabf
the day, that then complain. can be radirody and tan.
mighty eared; he having men his catcall attention . to
the treatment of slab cases, and succeeded in hundred'
or instances in curing pence. of indearnanon of the
neck of the bladder, and kindred direases which
result from those eases where others hay, consigned
them to hopeless despair. Ile particularly invites ouch
as have been long and onsueecodully treated by than
to consult him, wheel every ausfaction wil. be given
them, and their eases treated in a sereful, thorough l -,g
intelligent manner, panted out by a long coperiCnee
study, ad insestigation, which n is impossible rot. Dios
o n e
in . general practice of medicine to glisn an
One Ch.. Old:was..
sollras alllffien'telw"ithaffe'rtu7a—torhalAl,47o line'ltha""4pstiVidr"pa,...rf:
alas attention to this disease.
CANCERS also cured.
tom s - Lease sin. FT ~ Palsy, ate., epeedily eared
Ch tt.."i r t Y tie i s; n w ts'ef cub sex living at • &mince, by
.m tio g their duelist In Writing, gyring nil the eympj
win, can obtain medicines with citreetione for ate, by
addreo,ing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, anti coed e.
UeTrio. 63, Diamond alley, oppeelle the aserly
• .
Eastman:sat —Dr Brown's newly discovered reme
dy for Eileen/am= is a speedy and certain remedy for
th 7.. t hh l t n a 6 n i d It k aM ll C: e n e s r u s hi ( n ai g ls. Flootnit, Na. ad &a
mend alley, Plusburgh, Pa. The Doctor ia always at
No cure no pay.
0111 c• of Amerioant & Pareigsa ratant ' ita
TA.m GREENOUGH, of the late firm of Koller
Ureetiough, c
We ontinues the business of COnntetier
‘ E . ptt , peer i i i in , l l l Pate;:lettleett m e4
[dined in tny
making examinations tn Sp . the
Patent Office and elsewhere, In formshing env/runs
and specifications of machine., and all pope rs neeessn
ti, Mititaferomend, re-isme or extend letters patent Ti:
the United mates or Europe. He eau...840 be gined,
e nd e r en all questions IF - Iliiitation an.
tog under the Patent Law, and will arnste—que, -
non. before the Patent Odiee or an Vt../ then:Henn,
for which his long experience in the PansatAillict and
bin profession, have peculiarly fined hiri:.` , Thaxpro.
fessional business of site late -I.le. Tr 130AmollUrving
been planed in his hands, all letters in relaltda thereto
should he addressed to tin parr Paid: m a
N .
lICILASSP3-441 la ,pl
ds aritairon:,„Revo.,..
(new mp) this wonting landing from steamer
liiberala No %and for male bv
den 4, utuciusorkf, cck