. ~~~~:~~ NIZ=MI BY Marne VlMlikria az • •a • :71- I AIMAXAC. irieustvel j gb7 411.1 10 f t fassit. ,, - Su , 03-52 1 srwa FOREIQN:NEWS. B.Y. rises. I scut. ~ Tivelt. ph*acts: - ARRIP4.I• OP Tan itsAlisnie airßT , mi4Y , 7 - I = 9 4 . 2 55' • at , •7 23„. 440 .1'23 EUR. 0 55 4 217, 7 27; -4N! 34 2To 727 4 42 , 2.41 19 400urtesji Dars.Later: tyagn 71'. 7 ' 4 43' 10 47'; y, 727 4'44. 11 /44 5 7 - 4-45 -342 PRINCE LOUIS NAPOLEON -ELECTED "PERSIDENT. liapariarii tioni.. the Caiitlient.; ,yr v.. 74 41rTI IMPORTANT ; COMMICLA.i. Niaw,Y_Oia;Dete.-51. The steeteei...EoMe.eitd at h Avner!' to day, brining Duman dap • laleeiniet‘itee, du mod impididd of; igbichfft;theq;eltettioa of,Prinen to Oa ?residency of,the new B.ayeddie af coittiI;ERCIALVii . ELTMENCE. 'l . .,mdemdm, Dee. 15. Corms-The combined : 'activity in the market and the . Isigi basineityritutacted 'is giving more sealed confidence lathe ankle. Speculators, uni td within* Oat tro'o e theweeks, had corn. pkiely ibandinedAtia insii3ets, having as sellers, somet( -*go;.clefYed (miter stocks and reline. el their fistriniatiectisiike, back it Arita titillate of depreSilltgileeelo the lowest point of October. They brie mite; ,fenrelir, gathered °mirage, and turn rounChilag ictrie buyers of fair Upland'and moat kindl:of American at the foil prices of the day. Paleldgrutiand Mobile noted. et 40,,and Orleans astie; long Stapled neatly its bekwe, with thus qi Miackfcr Amerman 'Cotton and increai log ectuannYtion. The polltimdlisturbances on the Contitunit Mem tehave knitheirinattelice upon oat titles Amerinan and 1,200 bales SittStOtityo teentiken on speinilation, and 7,750 bakirAmerimk snOltree. hundred Bursts fir exyat,M . :intuiting M. 55,620 Meal Semen Sweet flour, 27 to 235; Indian Corn , 3 1 4 3515 tr,slntia Wheat 711 9,1 MS* 2 d; Mea1,.155 Ad toll,* ;Alms Pork 47 tests ; Lard, American hi this 35 to 36s Beet new Ancerf. can prime mesh, ES , to 9.0 s pet tierce Rice, Caro. lion, 77 _to ._ 221. , Naval ' , Stone, 7 lirndred thin Diddling clawed lands it * no salei thin week are reported: In Tarr Tripentine, and Rein, sslekm ,lid per Owl. Valk& Tallow dull; Petenburghlt*•Tsganom, 43s per CWL can dermitilons at rsduction without an improving Immix gamer Mariam, Dec. 15th. Co sii&ey,fiat to 88 ; for . aceount,B7} to sn ;- . 41. 8. .LT, per cent Iota; Dec 7tb, 91 to 981 ELAN hcftploonAi tranquil. Lard Clarendon was warmly rbeedied on phis net= to the Viceregal Lodde4.4*;ititikti exiii*s of confidence was voted, coupled with a recommendaticnt of.a re Finances under .which the country labours. r lifia Excellency's reply is temperate and diselai ; 'Zlesitpi on the part of the Govern' meet,' totmcclude Catholics from Joys. Pit.ONCE. . The litho accounts from Paris mm Liruis Napalms popularity and the downfall of. Cava*. nac. The eleetion is more decisive than was at Ann anticipated in Paris. The Prince's majority over allhis'coiniietitare is 20,000, and in Bordeaux, 70,1100ontes , were liven for Louts Napoleon. Prinise Lodi Napoleon has been elected Pre& dent. The countrywas tranquil. ~ , Palm, Thursday, 10P. M. 17p tothis dale traniplity continue& The la wit 4=lle:seams show a majority in favor of Prinee.LouisNapolson. Erepro poses - to - taise Geo. Cava:Tons to the rank of Most* of France. Ai partial amnesty is still spoken of as 10tely to be predented to the Chamber, either by Camignne or thetniuirtey of Princebbipobsoo. It is under. stood Ilia it will not include the primmer* of The intention of promote& the election of a Tlngeieeto -the ktinti4iCy the Guenter:. is mina, snd erill.probably be; carried -into' effect. hiendialDagenite Amide hid fint epiiiittrance in the ,Ohambier to day, end Nils reedited In the set. tads bi niers =a !dole. , A great number of the membeia of the Astern. bly,Asve to day, left their ends at the Hotel of 71de - addle President artil te issued strAt. rte stood in the Mauling' propos • 'fiat Nerleon,.. per cent. Ledra Hollis, 6 „ • „ IL ...... 3 „ The Commissioners will have examined the votes by Monday, end on Wednesday the Meow. bly wOlproeleint the. Freebie*. mazn Alarming rims concurred on the 4th,between the Town hands and the populace, it was ccmtinned daring the space of bur hours with unabated °Seas! A grad ebeagefins come over the people and the,COM 'The King Inn granted a comitatio n of the matt Beni . character. Amnut. "Thn:pilastT lcmentions for political offhneetr - • The-CUOL74 6 raging 64,41 #4 4 PrePtavir , The mop:prim' abdicated In favor of his nes *er.' neer gqinlitry lima :been Lamed by the President, "eb? pallid' ted en address containing tbepittett of the tiesrEtivrar, in whir-I'bn pledys ea - himself to mecinucin the liberty of France. .'.The revolution in Home has umninated in the flight orate Pope and bead of theßaman Catholic Church. One of dim' most popular Princes that etraiscendadthe Papal thwue, is now an exile and wanderer. The Pope, it appears, alter the Scenes last descoled, temnined a prisoner in his palace protected foam personal violewie by the Franchambassador. ' The Pipe in fleeing Borne, took refuge is Naples, and wan' under the protec tion orlhe slog. The Pope:, refused to go to Prance...i - Ne has signed a pretest declaring all late lids .void. R JSSIA. Russia oroationes too:Vett dui progress assents. An array Of Ave hundred tisrustuoi is la a high., ardlicipllne. Bath a force could not fail to restart> tiO"Popi; to power. , The death ef Mmdeiel Pacha fa confirmed and his pairings are making serious lagadaistaPiaga the Quetai troopi. • CDNORESS. WASUOGIVM DP- 34 : 0 , iris, - Thep roiteedings of Canvas Werol3lllolnnarit , to day. Tee lanai met at the usual hour, and hard some petitions and memmWL after which it edjonnutiever until Tuesday. The Senate adirnuned ors on Friday until CHOLERA AT NEW YORK. Nine You, Dec. 30. Trott 'Arm eases and oat death ourarred by Chalets since yesterday. The eielteiaeut In re iolitte elm* epics:de be fast receding. ' tidtki=I:=—ALAIIMING 'AT 'N.OI Naar Oscaass, Dec. 26,1618. Vet adi Li in the most plassiing Slats; in 'egad — tone madftyassit,whieb sho-Clislera.spssiula — • 6nrased and fidy-deaths coa2rTd christ. tnSadicirt (Warns unwell as a:imagers ars lear. Cod inlaadieds; by every waveyanee Oat- ofress Fire on do gasmen to Cincinnati' rOse fccwv Cii 0 Mewthe2sth. • • ' ORD PRESENTATION. Autanr, Dec. SO gigle.ttli imposing ceremony took place In etc' city to deLin the preteetation of a mord to Gni, Wool. Speeches commemorative of-the lietoe's sticceeeto'hie couitry, which were replied to by the General is lite usual hippy style. • MWFIXEII a MARKET: • ) haraetam Dec. 30,1 1 319.. The markets initew York and Baltimore, to -110 ouieStaire raitlian change. Thal hr Ara steamer L follrdae, which castes dull m an lbs prime Ilvs geese, for sale by F.VON BONNIIOUST g:to OrAltri=tbblajbo reed sad (at We by • VON DONNHOVNT & Co ((`'~~lyEyE~BgF.--06bx.larte ettam for Mda br 1!_-deel0 6Y VON ONNHOSSI' tCo • ,04CiNt—ti bur. se t. a, A 02173 5 IP VON DONINHOSIJAT & Co ilkentErs ‘teen i COM for sale br BP VON BoarnaoasS & i=olLAGNEkte—doo hit on bond and for Wedij 1,1.1 . KJAD :.,.- F ~. MERCJAI, RECORD. stAtrlxon .86440 or =Lens cotairrnm FOB 3. [WM.. , W. 11.3k1U1WEIT I arms Prrivairrton G . ;\ 2+ t • _I blhodnY Moni.l!ig, January 1,1810. ii The weather on &nudity wavelike' arid pleas , wit, be; al usual on the lasi 7'as eflhe mica, very little +arm done in the way.cif val,esiliWaltearrhea the market in vain in any transacti?Eu. of mo ment, and are compelled lAA vent measure to conk - our report to narttri , UR—As twill, the receipts werii - Sbt, and suppli care rattler on the decrease. A ofl3o bbl effected on the wharf, from the steamer Nehlia, at 3,85 p bbL We note Eden 'from muting to about 100 bbla at 5401,06, Itmr ly at tfie fanner fignnes. • GRAIN—We could .614 4t,"llooWes to hny con side.„rla le extent, and can , quote t only in a small way f m dote, with to cheap in price. 6 CltßlES—NOthing hew in the market, ex °cent g a better feeling in molasses, with 'a slight advailce, but small antes. It le-generally bold at 27(328c p gall. We find no change in sugar.— Fiur i!dd N, C 1 is :6M. at 4103, and prime at sa6lc 11 ,1.11 ,1 6 d kl,leW 4104 are about the ruling fig. hu t ) urea Lost Siiipr,SULottiii refined, is sold regu larly at 6slor. p, p as in quality. Sales of Rio ooff 3 in small lour 7,71071 c p lb. P VISIONS —Eraty thing is quiet, and quo - tali° is are generally unchanged. With no large Iran actions, we may use the,tcalowing quotations as t re fait ruling, &twin 'of tife market. Bacon am held, with &anti sides, al '6lc, sides and shoitldeni none offering. Lardzelnuins firm at 6 to 6uo in bbls, and 6ic in keg!. Of bulk meat we notlim some mead receipts, but heir of no sales— Bu t is is in fair demand , with limited sales in keg . at Ic., and for good roll in bids 10211 c is ob. tiiitiell, from st one., Sales . of W R. cheese in lim aerl lets nt fitgie, and of cream cheese at 0107 c p • celttili"--0 green apples we note wiles of 60 bbla at the riper at y bbl in small lota Solei of a lot of 50 1111 from store at Slic. pbb L Dried apples are dolt at 606355 e, and peaches at $1,121 p bn. , POTATOES=SaIea of 15 bbla good quality a si,siarsiAo a bbl. &via brans.—We learn from the Cincinnati Commercial that the steamer Wisconsin, while on her upward trip OM Monday last, came nigh being destroyed by coming in contact with the limbs of a large tree that was floating in the current. Her tailboard stancheons were torn away, and her cookhouse shattered to splinters. The Wisconsin was heavily loaded with pork, and her destruction liras prevented only by the watchfulness of the of. fcpre. The Commercial states that a man who wasstanding near the guard at Ahe rime of the col. lision was thrown' into convulsions by the fright, arid his recovery wan considered doubtfhl when taken to thehospitaL The St liiiislialitiblicau states that the steam= Odd Fellow wan reported as lying in a sinking con- dition In the Illinois river near Diamond Inland. . It amid that in rounding to she ran against the bank with such force as no carry: overboard both her chimneys, and .upernte her -hogehnin. She war saved from immediate sinking by the prompt ep. plication of pumps, rind throwing overboard her eatire deck load, consisting of 340 - bbts of provi. SKlnliioll3, and other articles. ' The tools - v - 0W Journal Mates that the second clerk of the steamer American, who was so se verely injured by the late explosion of that boat, is not expected to live. The two negroes who were scalded have died. Ms. Poshest Wickliffe, the owners of one of them has brought snit against the daptain for his value. A correspondent of the St Leeds Union, writing from Independence, Missouri, under dale of De cember 11, says that the Missouri was frozen over at that point, arid the weather very seeetether mometer at six degrees belciw zero. The limiter also says, that Smith, Brown Ss Co, who undertook the large government contract for fielgbinieki Santa Fe lass eummer ate losing great numbers of cattle, by the severe weather on the Plains, and no doubt many of their hands are suf• fivingsecerely, for they are not near an in. Among the 'distinguished arrivals' !coked for. from New Mcx:co, was titare Jul Newby, the facials volunteer, who smuggled herself into Col- Onpin's battalion, some time ago. Dismseics =mom Nornnax Am) Soenna. Wporxr—The able Editor of the South Cctrolprun . "We go at length into this scienuile description of the component parts of Wheat, which consist of gluten, gum, starch, auger, brew, and water o that oar rensarlormay be thoroughly comprehen ded. Starch is by far less nutritious than gluten, and abounds in wheat in the proportion of about 6to 1 of gluten. The latter is then the valuable nutritious matter in wheat, and from all that leas been developed by the aid of science, it has been clearly proven that gluten can be varied and in creased by climate and the character of the Una used to promote the growth of the plant-- The mere difference to climate, upon a fait trial, and by analysis of the grain, has resulted in the fallowing smisfamory statement, in favor of the warmest regiona in which wheat is anecesafally gnawn: Warm Climate. Starch, Gluten, Sugar, Gam, Bran, Warr, Let the reader lack below at the result of the analysis of wbeat grown In a cold climate, and compare the great preponderenee of starch with that of the former. Also observe the huge amount of gluten and sugar contained in the grain grown in a wentrehmate, end estimate the comparative value of that which contains ao large a proportion of these nomad ingredients which constitute In the main this nutritious qualities of the grain, with 'that which is greatly deficient in those substan ceo Cold Climate. Starch, Gluten. Sugar, Gnm, Bran, Water, 100.49 These statements folly show the great superior ity of our climate over more northern regions for producing the most nuiriciotte Main- SotrrnsmsWESHATGacrwzas:—To Wheat Grow. era of Georgia, and such portions of Sooth Caro. Ilea, Alabama and Tennessee, as do business at Augusta.—The undersigned, having in progress the erection of two merchant mills on the Augusta Canal, which, it is hoped will turn out 100,000 bbis of flour per annum, wish to encourage the t.ultitrstion of wheat at the Sooth. For that pur pose they offer, and will pay the bollowirig pre. miums: /st. 11100 (in • silver • pitcher) for the beet 50 • sheds of wheat.. 2d. 875 for the 24 best do. 3d. 550 - for the 3d best do . 4th 525 for the 4th best do. The grain to-be delivered at the mills of the no derslgned Inlhe city-of Anmista, on or beforp th. 'gist Tuesday in September, 1843. It uoll be ex .j oa d and toe preminms'anrarded, by them eon, potent and disinterested gentlemen. Augusts, October 13, 180. , ll= Hexr—The Western (Mo.) Frontier Jotirun uya. new Hemp crop of Platte county is said toexceed the crop of last year in quantity, but is regarded as inferior in quality. In s o m ,, p ars of the county, especially east of Platte river, it is con. siderably below an average In length. It will therefore be incembent on the farmers td handle their hemp with more than ordinary care.' Tho same paper in urging upon hemp growers tha impudence of greater attenuon to the preps ration of this staple, says! "Missouri bemp, when Well cleaned, is superior to Kentucky hemp; and in the Louisville market will out sell it at least five dollars per ton. A let. ler from a Kentucky manufacturer, lately received here, states that all the Missouri hemp is below the Keatacky, as to cleanlineii.' Cattle Market. Baltimore, Dee. 27.—Cattle—At market on Moir day lag the, supply of berrirei was light, it being Christmas day, and prices ruled somewhat higher. , The offerings reached 550 head, of which 231 were add, 64 remain over unsold, and 250 were driven as Philadelphia. ' Prices ranged from 2 , 871 6,13,33 y 100 ma on thq hoof, ennallo 65,75067, 25 not. "16.tatosi .‘ use Jones' liptuttsh Lily Whitt, are dwells • fine sylphs transparent skin. Of this a trod any one, Sold only in Piuslmtgb, at E 9 ; lumstuatray . • :>~ r ~. ~~.f.rs`-..._ ~'PC.'....~c.:.. _..3.mt..-a[::.':~;.. Y+.warn.v—..a—..r...~....T~~_ ~ ~.... PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ARRIVED, . Louis.McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Browurville4 Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Erie, Shoes. Beaver. •Besver, Clark, 'Wellsville. Conant, Webber, Wheeling. Telegraph, Mo I. Haste?, Louisville. Monongahela, Stone, Cin. Consignee, J H Lockwood, Cm. Robert Fulton, —, New Orleans. Diligende, Worley, Ctn. • Joao Chttilon,NeLane, Om. Hibernia No. 2, Klinefeher, Arrowline, Morrison, Brownsville. Camden, liendrietion. McKeesport. Mary Ann, Duncan. Frntiklin. Allegheny Clipper, Franklin. DEPARTED. Louie McLane. Bennett, Brownsville Atlantic, Parkinson, Browns Ville. Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Messenger, Reno, Cincinnati. Isaac Newton, Mason, Chi. Fort Pitt, Miller, Franklin. Arrowline, Monison , Brownsville. irchne, Lashel, Beaver. Camden, —, MeKfteport, At dusk last evening, there were h feet 0 inches water in the channel, by pier mark, and falling BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Cinclnnnti Packets, 10 A. M. Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M., and 4 P. M Frankliu—Mary Ann. Allegheny. Clippies Louisville—Telegraph No I. Wheeling—Consnl 117uslintr—Per Itut Nelaan-94 bbl. flour, D Leech & co,• 8 bbl. apples, owner aboard; '79 reams paper, C Hill; 80 do do, Johnston & Stockton; 267 sks barley, Wood da 11084 es; 100 bbls floor, Jas Scott; 6.1.81ra barley. ,Brown & Calbertson; 21 bble apples, Cummins St Smith; 26 do do, owner aboard. , Cincinnati—Per Isaac Newtori4o bbla mains. sea &Tuley & Smith; 65 do do, R. Moore; 5 halls bags, G W Smith 1 box mdse, H Graff do co; 6 elm feathers, Wallinaford & co; 6 hogs, D T Mora gao; 40 bbla wheat, lb do fruit, H Childs; 11 do flour, 7 S lklurorth. Browasoille—Per Arsowline-16 kgs nails, Lams bert & Sbiptoo; 1 box 3 ► do glass, Forsyth &Duo. can; 100 bxs do, Tummy &. Beat; 8 bids cider, Smith; 22 bbls flour, 01 do flaxseed, 104 eke dry apples, lames Beim 207 hl( bxs glue, R Dabsell & co. Portsmouth—Per Diligence-193 kls lard, 40 bas pork, 1 do mdse, D Leech & co,• 1859 pee pork Friend, Rhey & co; 51 kge 28 bble lard, 4 beds hams. 3847 pea pork, G W Jackson; 8 bbls clover seed, 2 bge dried apples, 2 sks wool, James Park 5: co; 31 sks 10 bbls potatoes, 15 bbla beans, 3 do ilex - seed, 8 eke oats, Ire, 11 sack rags, D T Mon gas & co. .. BALANCES to MAIMING in the Bank of PittsbniTh repaid: al lA, so, Dividends unpaid, previous to the last three lEEE John Ihraungharn 1814 , Forpir W Hontuntin Chow, Jr.. Itt43, Noe. V, V Ott Court of Con:mount...of AI- __ ieglieny county, lea), March 7, 19 39 John aild Thomas Cowan, 1814, March 11, 65 93 Daniel Canto, 1631, July 11, 35 Ralph Davis, 1913, Janb , 16, 16 30 John Dickey, Beaver, ' 1936, Jo nh 8,11 l 83 Henry Foulke, 1633, Juno LV, 90 Jacob Fowler &Co, 1814, SepL V., 431 65 Gabriel Garishea, Auhrnea, lelB, May 5, 160 CI A. C. Marathon, _1835, Doi. 3, 11 60 Thomas Handlion, Annulling connry, 1823, Re. 6,1: 85 John Henderson, IN:, Nov. 8, 251 511 Robert JOTICII, IEVJ Oct_ 3, 42 65 . . Jo.ph Junkin. Sr, 1214, Ja4 13, IS Jinn APtiothn's blaccutors, 1239, May 17, 59 50 Joseph ?WenHaugh. 1214, Nov. 7, 111 se; Lucinda P.PDeratol, L. 37, May 5,1 w J. J. O'Brutte. admmatrai'm 1232, Oct 24, 43 39 Jacob Punter, 1214. March 2, 10 04 Nathaniel Plummer, Jr, 1317, Sept. 12, 60 25 John Ramage, 11930, Feb'y 19, 10 James Ramsey, ICanaler.l 1371, /silly 6, 50 Charlotte RI./ MUD 1344 May 3, 100 Samuel NI. Fired, 1319, Oct. 5, 100 41/ Fredenok Scherer. 13151. July 6, 35 OD Johannes Schmidt. 1344. Dec. 7, 1.10 60 David Roles, 1145, Oct. 91, 1719 01 EDEN Stephenson. 13:15, April 00, = Wa.Suswan. lot 110benil 1345, Mla , 1 7A, MI Arthur Thomson. 13111, Nov. 11, 110 07 D. H. War6el6, Ohio, 1631, May 11, UM T. S. Wuhburn, 1541 34 Sept. 4, 75 Charles Wilkins, 1313. May 7, 20 H Hannah Williams. L 142. Now 25, 405 DI VIDENDS IDESID. NUOICS. Resarear, :So. of Sharer. Araarank Wabarn Clark, H 9 6 40 EIZNIDMI BEES2I ME= Merlin John Rcllf, Pinal.nrch, 5 Speakman Say & Danl. Chute, H Doane John Osborne George Huey, IJaorge Mnrrny John Wad are. J. & S J Roblant, George Sermon; Jam. NI/be:son. W Maclean, !kart, A. a Moore, . • I certify taut the foregoing appear to be balance. rat dividends due be persons named and baring re ~ atne l to Rank uncuangcd (or there year.. Sworn ie and mbrorared. thm 47th day or Dreemher JOHN et:srl'm:a, Gawkier. 6no. Wanroo, Alderman dretd , d3tit or I BALANCES AND DIVIDENDS STANDING in th e 111evehanoi. and Manutrietorera• hank, which base not been tneresued or dinunlab ed for three years. Names. Routnisr-s unknown. Darr. .dtnieunr . Abraham Benner. Illeporairj •pril lienefit. I then came to the conclusion to porchia, a ten dol lar box. I found that it was of so much service to him I ems induced to purchase it sec on And 1 lun truly th.kful tnat I done so, as by the one of the tcu packa ges he has been restored to perfect health. Should any person be desirous of ...ring Lim, and an ecetatning farther particulars, I should be pleased to gratify them by their calling on me •nt, _my re.denve, south west corner of Fourth and Park street,. eincin ati, Ohio. ISAAC N. Pi:SKINS. THH TIME IS NOT FAR DISTANT When thousands who am 00 W . trembling under the hand of this dreadful disease., and tearing that every stwok may prove fatal, will find pem}.lnent relief and b. restored to new life, by using this celebrated meth- " ,ue. Over one thousand ceruficates have been re ceived in testimony of the beneficial results produced by the too of , Dr. Hart's Vegetable Extract. Prepared by S. HART, IL EL New York. • h , a, Pore, one :soakageTam • • ". 1 •• do four packages 10.fiH , ' etten. do 2.0790 THOMAS tr. MILE... IWI Motu ortetiViTi,eirirsooli Ohm, General Agents tor Untied States, Caneuln, and West Inds, L. WiLerax,.R.. corner oflnarnond and Altrnrct Agent for Fanthuairb, Pa. Fay & Kilthourne, Columbus, Ohio; H & E Gaylord, Cleveland: nnd foe role by mobrof the prinethal drug( pets and therehnnthttuvorthbontlba 'anted codex. novin-d&leti DALLErB lIAGICAL PAII EII LAiiOR: vHt followmg from George E Pomeroy. Eui . the I . well known proprietor of the Exprees. speaks for luelfof the tmportnitee of the Pain Extractor every parent. Execass Orrice, Albany, Sept. I. Ha Dat.LIT: My Dear Ste—With reclines of no or dmart - pleasure addresa you in relanott to th e betteSt have received from your itivalualile Plllll Extractor. Lately, my hole daughter, 6 years old, Lad a pluater of boiling tenter turned into her bosom: her sera,,* were dreadful. sciAilitrn crowd instantly Gatti,- te, e l tOre the Lease toidllWhe cease o! the territ. • ne reams: I tare her clothes'hattoder, and soot .plead on ,) Wye and she was carried and laid noon a bro. She was won relieved from her pros, and rats - NI, I feel att if I could taught^ and was soon tat sweet sleep. She wt.s scalded to a blister from the top at Orr vhoulder over loot, their half her chest. and round under the snag On the shoulder and hreost it to, v,) deep, yet from the first hour, ha eon:pia/nen only %lira it was dressed. The sore 'healed rapelt). and there hs no contrarion of the muscles. With many wishes, my dear sir. for your +uccc>s;.n the sale of this mighty 12/11Cie. I am yours, with respect, GU, E. PONIIr4tOV, THE TEST an,/ NO zirsTAlit',lj.,', The genuine Dailey, will rover produce fun] soothing, cooling edeCt. in thg .verevt eases of Burns, Scalds, Pile, The Counterfeits- no c suer umir r what imMeighey may appear—always irritate, and increase TO THE PUBLIC. • I, Edward P. Holmes, of Chart:tin, Melvin Bridge,' Columbia county, N. Y., have been edirtteit with rhea- , mamma to my breast, feet, and all over my body for six years, so that I could not stand, and was cured by. three applications of Hailers Magical Pain tatractor. EDWARD P. HOLMES]. Mr. Dailey: Sir—l eat my finger with a copper nauT, the poisonous natter of which caused my arm to swell considerably, with constant shooting pains up to the shoulder. A large swelling taking place at the arm pit. with inereaaing pain, I became fearful of die Lock jaw. In this extremity your Pain &timelier was re commended to me, and which I was prevailed upon to try. The consequence was that it afforded me almost instant relief, and in three days I was completely ea red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New York; corner Broome and Sullivan sts, Sept S. lige. NOTICEI—H. DALLIIT is the inventor of this invalu able remedy, and never has and never will commend rate to any living man the secret of ita combination: All Extractorr, therefore, not made and put up b him, are base counterfeit. Paonurroa's Doane- 15 , [headway, New York; =Chestnut street. Phil. . JOHN D. MORGAN, General Del.; Dr. W THORNAgents for Pittabh. })alley's Annual adoome Care-All, Cures humors, .pads, quirior, grease, poll-eeil s sores, galls, and bruises. Pamphlets.concerning Cer tificates of respectable parries. mar be lonian applica two to JOHN D MORGAN, . noets digt, Agent. Pntsburgh.. !MEDICAL & 111713GIC&L OFFICE .., • . $Ne. 613, D.I.IIIIIOND ALLEY, a ~,, • , ' tew doors below Wood sweet, to': .., ', _ ...,..o - c l•-. market. all /...,•‘ ' ""•—••'. DR. DROWN, having ball ,: ''.. .` regulaqy educated td the manna ...,.. . ...,, profession, and been for some time in general prance, now confines his atentien to the treannem of . . . 44 those play. anti dennate coal I ' plaints for which his opportunities _ • end experience pecutiarly qualify ''i . ..... ow , him. 11 years asaidnoaly devoted to stay • treatment of than complamtoddarian witieh time he has had more practice and has cured more pas [tents than can ever fall to the lot of any private pro& titioner) empty qualifies him to odor ...rimer,. of speedy, permanent, and satisfactory Pure to nil inflicted with delicate dioceses. and all dioceses arising tang from. Dr. Drown would infanta those alilicted with pranta diseases which have become chronic by tune Or ta vacated by the use of any of the common hostrathabf the day, that then complain. can be radirody and tan. mighty eared; he having men his catcall attention . to the treatment of slab cases, and succeeded in hundred' or instances in curing pence. of indearnanon of the neck of the bladder, and kindred direases which et.es result from those eases where others hay, consigned them to hopeless despair. Ile particularly invites ouch as have been long and onsueecodully treated by than to consult him, wheel every ausfaction wil. be given them, and their eases treated in a sereful, thorough l -,g intelligent manner, panted out by a long coperiCnee study, ad insestigation, which n is impossible rot. Dios o n e in . general practice of medicine to glisn an One Ch.. Old:was.. sollras alllffien'telw"ithaffe'rtu7a—torhalAl,47o line'ltha""4pstiVidr"pa,...rf: alas attention to this disease. CANCERS also cured. tom s - Lease sin. FT ~ Palsy, ate., epeedily eared Ch tt.."i r t Y tie i s; n w ts'ef cub sex living at • &mince, by .m tio g their duelist In Writing, gyring nil the eympj win, can obtain medicines with citreetione for ate, by addreo,ing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, anti coed e. UeTrio. 63, Diamond alley, oppeelle the aserly Rouse. • . Eastman:sat —Dr Brown's newly discovered reme dy for Eileen/am= is a speedy and certain remedy for th 7.. t hh l t n a 6 n i d It k aM ll C: e n e s r u s hi ( n ai g ls. Flootnit, Na. ad &a mend alley, Plusburgh, Pa. The Doctor ia always at home,' No cure no pay. 0111 c• of Amerioant & Pareigsa ratant ' ita TA.m GREENOUGH, of the late firm of Koller Ureetiough, c OTO We ontinues the business of COnntetier ‘ E . ptt , peer i i i in , l l l Pate;:lettleett m e4 [dined in tny making examinations tn Sp . the Patent Office and elsewhere, In formshing env/runs and specifications of machine., and all pope rs neeessn ti, Mititaferomend, re-isme or extend letters patent Ti: the United mates or Europe. He eau...840 be gined, e nd e r en all questions IF - Iliiitation an. - tog under the Patent Law, and will arnste—que, - non. before the Patent Odiee or an Vt../ then:Henn, for which his long experience in the PansatAillict and bin profession, have peculiarly fined hiri:.` , Thaxpro. fessional business of site late -I.le. Tr 130AmollUrving been planed in his hands, all letters in relaltda thereto should he addressed to tin parr Paid: m a N . lICILASSP3-441 la ,pl ds aritairon:,„Revo.,.. (new mp) this wonting landing from steamer liiberala No %and for male bv den 4, utuciusorkf, cck