The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 01, 1849, Image 2

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    P - -
Adoenlarolows sad Sabseriptions io North Aron
son end United States rosette, rhilarielphly received
tad anrorded from ibis Mice.
...3~ .~~. _. ~... t {'.t .
1!! -, fi ;I ;CATVIii
• my void{ sumucies.
We will receive aad forward free et expense, ad
vertfaeraczas and'/ascriptions for this paper.
hatimasaato and Whig Nominations
ie. next page for Telegraphic news.
War Latta . Matters see next page.
We take it kir 'granted,that those who do us the
honor to proraiise and read our paper, feel some
interest in knowing how we prosper, and with
what feelings and aims we enter upon another
pen To all Who rowers any arch natural curt'
ashy, we take pleasurrin saying, that the past has
beam pleasant and not unprosperous yes; for
the 5 01 d Gazette," and that it salutes the new year
with chordal homes and pleasant anticipations.
in no know period of its existence was its health
more Amens, or its Mends more numerous and
steadily increasing. It commences the year also
with very ample arrangements to supply its read.
era With allimpostant intelligence, whether .local,
domesticAredimi or. commercial. In this respect,
its aningementrre one more lieral scale than
at any hem pericsi, and its &roe is much better
esmunzed, and its proprietors are determined to
gem! in failure no prudent expanse to render it
husessingly valtudde to its numerotat friends.
Having said this muck, we MA without sub
jecting. ourselves to the charge of egotiM, wt
commence the labors and retmoultaities of the
Nevi Yelpr, by ofTerMg our readers the congratule.
tiara hi theSesslm, and with sincere wishes kir
their Mae wellbeing and prosperity.
& ',le entering upon the new year, iff!mnr not be on.
Initiltridn' to take a raid glance at thegroat (moms
Widelrhaie. cccaned in that which ' is mist, and
whiehinake it the mina' remarkable of any since
the thirraflaither. his true, that greater politica/
eltinger`followed in the wake of the firer French
Ettenolallia. .Napoloin had all Emilie
. under his
fink and Europe, in its turn, overthrew him. Ai..
-ndeemached hither atultbere..a curse tam to the
otruintrarlikli sent them forth, and to that against-
Width they were seat Their progress vie gra
ms*, for the time, arrested by one government
' narking over to another a portion of its peoPle, and
it mejleolutreingict, as smart weight, a woman
with aptidigree, bat without other merit, Al an Of.
Windt& this-'Victorious chief. . But in the naidayof
ail the turmoil and barbarism, littkurelar pewees
Wee made. Ideas, for the most pan, werestation.
83y. All manes alike—Napoleon cot less than the
later—were intcderata of. free speech, and a free
prase, -the two great achievements of IE4B, Which,
ins think, the people cannot again be munianently
deprived, and with which, it would perhaps be
well,ff, for the present, they would be content.—
Led these work awhile - and . the rest will follow
eniffy... 'But we are ahead of our subject. '
It isaomething less than a year sham the revo
bnion Which drove the last of the Bourbon, from
Pence, took place. Since then, how eventful the
binary! In• France, lemanine, the head of the
stevernment, expounding from .he text ' Merv,
Equality, Fraternity,' with the tongue and: heart
of an angel—inAustria' , Metternich and hispuppet
Emperor are ignominiously driven from Vienna—
& Prusaia,the long promising, but never perform.
Lag Ring greats or agrees, in a great hurryi a re.
presentative goverment and a free prom—the mi.
nor Princes of Gennany hasten with great feat' and
much armor rigiodo the same. In Italy, Medea
lisisourare noted at all points, and expelled Lom.
bard/ end Venice. The people every where
triumphant. -Alas! the spark was emitted from
Paris beforethey were quite prepared tae it. In•
andeated with tracona, they have in somemen
sere failed in enforcing, that without whickany
gem of governments intoler able - recant , and
ranee The reaction has coannenced; andlathe I
„plane Witicka few short montirshasprodatesi. , --
After 8 muittittery
_Minten, the eloquent Li m as l
entitle atiperceded by a military dictator,—a Worre
than kenallliLly is at Vienna,—the King of Prue.
Ma is enamelling his parliament—the Ausiorms
are again masters of Lombardy. Iteverthikas,
we do not despair. The present is but the nuns.
Won state. In a concert like that which is waging '
in Europe, there must be ups and down—it in the
ketone of war. The next arrival may again change
She aspect. What if the Russian, having made i
peace with the Circassitma, should interfere livid 1
/ asenething Fain W than'
'orders,' thanorders,' and 'auto
r graph letters,'Could any thing` more anspicions
himpeekr the union of all Germany, under one
• bead; then Mist What if the Itirtiss.'4, l 6;4 th e
inapuLeof the new Mend Boman hfinistryr,slaxibi
meate sash a 'diversion against Austria as to Tea
t& the Hungarians to beat the Liperial troone—
What if France—but we set out to look at the,
and not to scan the future, and will not, ' re,
specolate upon the e ff ect which might be p rod ced
l ima,
by the appearatne of Fitince in arms.
In Great Britain, the only very notable occur.
rences of the year, which occur to ns, are the tdan
nye dentoriatrakin of the Clmnists in London, trod
the 'Young Irelandere in Ireland. The 'fitst as-.
chaired isle; mi her people lava to call her, is will
gate at her moorings, though the cable is sorely
strained, and will require first rate seamanship to
make it hold much longer.
Omani' i heloved country has also hail its re v o:
Intion-ismoeful, it is tme—kgal, alao,and constim
Lionel, but a revelation, nevertheless. Our Bain
bons have been expelled from a power which they
long abased._ The Bourbon maxim, ' I am the
*ate,' caddie -Bousbon,.'l forbid it,' have been
. eimat rebilkett; . That much, at least, it will be
sionfesserl, the -late election has achieved. It has
atetk_bniught ji& the country to' ili ancient and
• - true policy--Jpesee with ails nalltuur-4ntangling
' alliance? with none Results of themselves stir.
&Mut to npay all exertion.
Tie discovery of theouge`• --- 'district of rich sari
' farms Wu ill Celifwas, threatening, as it doei„ to
"fate a serious change In the relations of valne,
- nay, wellbe deemed one of the Important events
(CAM remarkable year, 181& It may prove to be
laill. MST important. If the gold region is as Imp
. and as na an it la represented—and we east Me
no season to -- doubt it—the amount gathered in a
-- -
few years mat set calculation at defiance, and
'daitroy the character of gold as a prams metal.
Li Alms meeetfine time whose bonds call for so
• Mak 11111 ' lb) WOTIBI fixed quantity—will, we
' Oppose, jolt get that and no more. A great in.
J' will evidently be done, but we do not see
—' aityrentedy Illudy to be adopted. Those who ovre,
".!erlll say gold is a commodity, and we have but the
.tietnefit of the Martha market, which is our right,
' al= would have had the benefit of the riseOf
. 'any hadtaken place. our own happily situansd
country," the monetazYchinjps which seemi 9:U
pending, may not be productive of any great
Mama of misery, but in Empty its effects wilibe
' , Wilful. Millions there live on fixed incomes,
rents,anunines, interests inthe put:die : funds. Tin*
may /bid themselves bathe ft= condition as ri 3 r
oilcan la eitlifornia—unable to 'Pay ko a di n
service with a week's incrimm . There is one Mar
eulation—the change mast at all events be graded,
and by reducing the ;aumber of Idle bands ang
ascath* Which long ages of claw legislation has
imeduced,.ll may—the short sharp pang once Anf•
..409 salutary.
Bach cre.the events of the past year, which, id
the bony a( the moment, occur tons elt is est}
ilsei'iient the recital, thait h e world is on the movei
.; lid thifieell we can desire. We hive an dad/
iniAlth RIM it MIA move hackward. Dadition4"
..inteattste-earlyeducation,:havegretitfinre, by
n new generation 4 :peiesingt:goiewd, and
- , .them we doors ruit a brgeatep.tinia' ids the
-r ‘ til. liggli*lY , A* l 4:l4:iitthejdalFn'
•.", / Wok 64=0*.Fi,:"..hiit,44,a•-,-
IF‘Orincr tirtionvEtsm!M—Onr , friside in Itti,
stmt ItielaioA to the Inteivits
tustl,,thoi-Ontemailuntmt of, Ma ogog
4gimaikkal..lo:tt Wei - Magna usor_fety Cat
*puiturk ifithleftifgaiMedire;" itud hale mot
,4 11 01 1 4.0totigiiiriOtEtotraiveriii7, to Oro
of: ids iiitoit6tiog scietuifio &t mettle, B;i4
Ws 014i/tick= so him as to bring them with..
Is the astensnt ell The first ezhihition will take
phi* is 14 rows sOlaca nottsW c of tie Ward,
ammaimitir *th0rt...34% hope tbif - igham• Ward"
alto atto#24:, • ' • -
' . ! 1 " -. ' ; '' ::..::: . :,.:'!:. 5 .... : .•,
limos -- °tile Pinitm4ti Of:tette
WASSltnolcw.tenitt7, 1848.
The ad — Ca' of Congress upon the . - 'subject al'
81svery, lataking about the course which I hove
sasetttePltst it probably would do. This morning
MitOttiszt;of Michigan, uuldressed the House upon
his , nuotkon,to soconsider_theyote by which the
Melnik:us prohibiting the SlSve traffic in the Dia.
trig of Colmabli, passed the Hansa on Wednesday
lialglati was in earnest in making this
mblioe. He maaftiatelly to the object of the re•
but he did not like the language of it, and
he preferred to confer upon the local authorities of
the District the power to do, what it was now pro
posed to do for them.
It was perceived that this was no time to take a
vote upon the motion km reconsideration, so Mr.
Wentworth moved to lay it on the table. This
ailed, ayes 59, noes 109. Mr Vinton then moved
to postpone the subject for one week, which pre.
It will be found that Mr. Crott's resolution will
not take effect. Ido not believe the vote on the
reconsideration will ever be taken. It will be pu t
off indefinitely, or if taken, the reconsideration will
prevail. The excitement en the subject is rapidly
subsiding. Mr. Calhoun's speech in the secre t
caucus has been furnished to a reporter, for
cation. It contains nothing at all remarkable,
nothing more than he has a dozen times repeated
in the Senate, and in private conversation. He
thinks this is a caws, that the South must take a
stand;. that she must be firm and united, that she
mast be determined and high spirited; but, at the
same time cautions and prudent; and just so he
always thinks and'speaks; and I presume, always
will. There is no man in this Union of whom it
may be more justly said, that he is a mono•maniao
fanatio-than of John la Calhoun. There is
no man. vi 4 has done so much to bring shoot
disunion, - . and who arishei it so ardently as John
C. Calhoun! and there is none who will lie down
in more bitter disappointment at the end of his
political life than he.
_The ,remainder of the day was consumed in
. dmettaiting acid clispiialnif cif a question of privilege,
poling oat of Mr. Greeley's letters to the Tribune,
and started by that unfortunate gentleman, Mr.
Sawyer, of Ohio, the name whose dignity was
offended by a letter in this same Tribune, concern
ing die manner In which he ate pork, hoe cake
and ramps In the House. The matter of pier•
once this time, was, that it bee been shown in Mr.
Greeley's exposes( the extra cribbage of members
of Congress, he, Mr. Sawyer had been set down
as receiving over two hundred dollars mare than
was due him by a proper construction of the law ,
while Mr. Schenck, who is his near neighbor at
home, Islepresented as drawing only two dollars
more than he was entitled to. Now he supposed
that- this was done only to injure him with his
constituents. It would not have that effect, but he
bit it his duty to notice the this mode.
Mr. Tema, of Illinois, took the door and made
very scurvy attack upon Mr. Greeley, the Tri.
bone, its correspondents and reporters. He was
one of those who appeared from the table given
in the otter, to have charged and received five or
six hundred dollars more than they ought to have
had. Me was p( comae proportionally indignant
at tee* exposed. He oelled Mr. G. all sorts of
names, and ended by offerings set of resolutions,
substantially directing the committee on mileage to
enquire whether it contained allegations of fraud
and if so, whether those charges were true and so
froth, and to read kw persons and papers in mak.
ing the investigation.
Before the mob:picas were put to the vote, Mr.
Greeley took the floor; and la the easiest and most
natural manner in the world, proceeded to advo
cate . the investigation, and to argue for such a
change in the law, as would prevent these ove
drain upon the public, funds. He did not pay in
least attention to the unmannerly assault of T,
upon bun, and when interrupted by him, coolly
replied, that he had caused the statement complain•
ed of to be prepared and published, and showed
him wherein he had tinned in making the charge,
and drawing the pay. Ae to Mr. Sawyer, be told
him that he had not been in his mind since he
entered the district. The resolutions were adopted
by ayes 100, noes $3.
The Senate did nothing of consequence teday.
Comepeadenee or the Plasburah Guam.
Navy Yam, Dee. 26, 1848.
The recurrence of a holiday leaves little to tell
in the way of which, however, will net
amount te much, unul the New Year tins item
menced. Merchants, without exception, are bob
ing over the paw year's business—finding, upon
the whole, a reasonable profit.
Another delegation of sixty three gold diggers,
including several ladies, left to day in the steamer
Isthmus—late United States Steamer Seorpon--for
Chagres, via Havana; but their ardor was a lade
dampened by the return of the new steamer Pan.
ama in distress. She left hem on the first of De
cember, and should have been at Panama on the
fifth of February, to proceed on her northern trip
to the gold mines. This delay will cause a good j
deal of trouble to the multitude at Panama, as
they will have one steamer, when three were ex.
petted. •
A murder and suicide recurred recently, that
exceeds in exaggeration of Its details all the past
experience of our criminal coerce A young Ger
man woman, it seems, had 'become dissatisfied
with a German named Geiger, with wham she
had lived, and transferred her society to a tailor
named Marla Geiger at this became almost in.
mane from love and jealousy, and proceeded to me
residence of his rival, in pursuit of revenge. tip
on entering the mom where his former cher amie
and his rival were, he handed the latter a dirk,
calling upon him to defend her life. At the same
moment ho seized the woman and stabbed her
twice, nearly severing one of her breasts from her
body; then, turning upon his rival, he commenced
• hand to hand fight, which resulted in his death.
After murdering the man, and as he supposed ta.
ken the life of the unfortunate woman, the cause
of so mach bloodahed, he stabbed hlonsel4 and died
almost instantly. They were buried =rday
from the alma ho busclosing their
Weliave had in thir region a specimen of Lon.
don fisg--not a single steamer' arrived from any
quarter—the steam ferries were idle—and even
tho omnibuses on Broadway, at three and a half
r. w., followed their example, having been forced
from the density of the atmosphere to suspend.
Money remains easy, hot all stock. are lower,
and an inclination to sell on the part of holders
still prevails. This decline is always seen at the
elms of the year, sad will no doubt be followed by
the natal rally, alter New Year. Treasury Notes,
1641. •
The great demand 62r provisions, for California,
has advanced prim, not only of Pork and Beef
but of Flour and Corn Meal. There are no stocks
of provisions here, and the advanced rates are ob.
mined assay. Flour closes at $5 35f/45 50 for
common. Pork, new, Prime Mesa, 817; new Mess,
514 25; Prime, $ll 2503311 50; old Lard, 11 cts,
which is thou advance. -Ashes are did': for Cot
ton no esles—holders and buyers alike are dispoir•
ed to await the arrival of the next steamer, the
Hermann—now quite due, if she left on the 12th
of December.
' Tar Cnorazu—lt is
,now placed beyond ell
question, that the Asiatics Cholera yin New Decamp
and that it is gradtUdly excepitm up the river. So
far it has been vety. fatal, more so than on the
Western shores of Europe. We leans from a
gentleman just from New (Means, that the alarm
there was most intense, and strangers who had
gone there from the North to spend tho winter,
were fleeing . for their lives—rvery boat leaving
being crowded to its utmost capacity. Cases were
also occurring on the boats, on the way. Four
deaths from Cholera took place on the Havannah,
three on the Diadem, and six on the Caroline E
Watkins, alter they left New Orleans. The great
rush of people from the infected city to the North,
will scatter the seediall through thY West, if It is
contagions--WhiCh matter still to dispute.
It becomes oar city authorities, in view of the
• near approximation' of this alarming disease, to
take immediate measures for such sanitary term•
lations as the nature of the cue calls &sr. A
temporary Hospital should be selected, and well
fitted uPs Ong the_finst victims of the disease, which
ate usually the homeless and the stranger, may be
propeiily cared for and judiciously treated
Progress of the Oholera•
New Oztaaers, Dec. 23.
Since my last despatch, whirl was dated the
20tIOnstent, three days ego, them have been
admitted be the Charity Hospital seventy-nine cues
of Asiatic Cholera. Out of the number there have
been many death,, the number however, I have
not eWmttaliettt:- ":The fatal malady has also
corriMiliced*raVagealtttlur higher walks of
and Within Messner period Mentioned above, hes
tenitinitedjAitallArwiththrea of our merchants-.
t hir'Whiihr***eftiittereatlyalenned and so.
ciaa.• ; *s ii
!,catiaf Beath has had a meeting • tumgehescalfy an egidemle
lkorostesi thereal mann Cholera. They MOM..
Mend Fveibly and justly the Stria a orprecan•
Bonn y ransoms, not only publicly by the annum.
hies, hetcaenion all persons to be curial in their
trrand Maio* in their habits of living.
inet sg ther,mhich wan unusually warm and
trimessortabkitsateoeme cooler, which, it is hoped,
Sellbensurtemainease to laahh.
"Well. how should I," says!, "Gm. I never was in
these waters before."
"Weil, says he, ••Ba(t rums suns up strecruso Jest
'bear that in your mind, and you'll had it all plum
"But that can't be possible," says I; "you, nor I.
'nor nobody else, ever knew a nver to nut up
You may depend upon it," says he, "Salt river
runs up stream; mai I suppose that is the only river
is America that does run up stream."
By this time I had(looted so far by that 1 could'in
hear anything more he said. Btu it was'ot long
before I was satisfied the Colonel was right; for as
the correct carried me along back into the country,
the land kept growing higher and higher, and at
last I found myself quiteup among the mountains,
and when I come to the head of the river, the curs
rent run my plank right plump ashore.
I found agood many of our friends already here
before me, and f naderstood a great many more are
on the way. Our annezire friend, General Casa,
hasn't got here yet, but he's expected goy every
day. This Is a pretty good aortas country op here,
after all, and Mu a good many advantage. Bat I
hav'nt time to give you much account of it to-day;
I'll try to describe it more another time.
I've spent considerable time examining and ex•
plating this canons river, and I think I've learnt
more clout it time any body that's been up here
afore. It's different from all other rivers that I
ever see. It has 00 springs or streams running
into it to feed it, but it feeds itself from thrown wat.
en. All the centre of the river is a strong current
'yttrium up stream till it gets to the head of the
river, and then it divides and turns oil' each way,
and works along down in eddies sad currents by
each bank of the river till it gets to the mouth, and
then turns round regular into the center current
again, and up it comes.
This shows the reason why any body that bap.
pens to get into the current of Salt River has to go
clear to the bead of it before Mime stop. It shows
the reason, too, why any body that sets out to go
down with a boat, or a raft, or any thing, has to
lead it along the shore by a line, for if it happens to
get out • little too fiir from shore, and get ketched
in the centre current, it is gone goose with it; it
has to go clear back to the timid of the nye, and
take another start This, of worse, makes the
navigation of Salt river, on the passage oat, very
hard and difficult.
Now, pil tell you what I advise you by all mean.
to do. Yon know Congress is in a great taking to
pas. a bill for the improvementofthe navigation of
lakes and rivers, and they arearfnud they can't do
it this season because you'll iiituyour veto upon It.
Now, you Alit snake a bargain with 'em, and tell
'em if they'll put in a million of dollars into the bill
to improve the navigation of Salt River, and let
Gineral Cass have the laying of it out, you'll rico
the MIL If we could get that bill through,it would
be of immense importance to us and our friends for
a good many years to come.
We cant, of course, look for you up here till after
the Ith of March. bet I shall be getting every thing
ready for you as that as I can. I've got s notion in
my head, however, that you might hold on there at
Washington some years longer yet, and be in a
situation to do can friends more goad may be, than
you could up here.
[see they are looking round all over thy country
for men to make up a Cabinet for Ginend Taylor;
and they seem to be going upon the rule that them
that did the most toward, electing him must have
the first dance in the Cabinet. Now, going upon
that rule, the first chance belongs to you, ofcourse;
for there isn't no other man in the , country that did
a quarter so much towards electing him as you did.
Inflict, Wit hadn't been for ran, be never would a'.
been elected at all,• and if he dosen't give you the
first plate in Ms Cabinet, if mall take it, bell be
the ungreatfulest man that ever lived. I think it I
would be best, all things considered, for you to take ,
a place at, the head of the Cabinet.
As for dear old Mr. Richie, I spore you can spare
him now as well as any time; and as the weather
is warm and pleasant yet, and comfortable for
making the voyage, why not start him right alone
I hope you'll be careful to see bias well rapped
up and supplied with a plenty ofblankets, in case
there should be a change of weather before be
gets here. Tell him he needn't be s bit afraid . ; he'll
find good comfortable quarters here, and nothing
to trouble him. for I've been all round here and
there isn't no bears, nor wolves, nor Federsiterts,
nor any thing of that son. I don't think I ever see
a country clearer of Federalists in my life; and
every man I've talked with here is in favor of
the resolutions of .ninetyeeight remain your
friend and pioneer.
Oar neighbor of the Post has become quite amt.
able since the election. The prospect of Balt River
quarters has mended Mir manners amazingly, and
he now most dolorously coinplains of the' panisao
bitterness' of the Gazette,- because we used the
term ' Locofoco,' io announcing the nomination of
Mr. Adams by the Democratic city convention!—
Row long is it since the editor ceased to apply the
term 'Federal' to the Whig patty, for the Fiume I
of reproach and misrepresentation? his not ' fair,"
says the Post, to term Mr. Adams the ' Locofoco
candidate, because good men of all parties are
enlisted in his favor!' Ah, indeed!—Wan not Mr.
Adams nominated by a Democratic Locofoco Con.
ventlon, regularly constitutedr—And is he not the
regularly nominated Locokico candidate Wo see
'that the Post has taken the liberty of announcing
Mr. Adams as the ' Citizens' and Working Men's
candidate,' although he Is no more entitled to that
distinction than Oaptoin Herron, The Poet is try.
ing to playa sly game, but the rose is ten bald to
wine .u cce ,,,, We have not a word to say
against Mr. Adams; personally, but he cc . e
before the Pittsburgh .public as a candidate for
office, ago Democrat, and as the nominee and
representative of the Loather, party and priori.
I plea, and as such we deem it the duty of every
comeistent Whig to oppose iota election. little Lo
cokirm party fn this city bad the ammo t o elect
a Mayor, on their party platform, Oh attempt to
gain success on a (Ilse issue would mates° been
made; and we trust and believe that the Whip of,
Pittsburgh will only be induced by it to rally mom
determinedly mound theLr Own =Wide&
. _
'LA Wily palliate • 1 . 41. tram Morliwr‘sJaek
g Prostdeart Palk.
Hasa °liar= Rim, Dec. 18;18413.
Dian Coc..—ft all Come:oat jest exactly an I told
you 'mould in my last despatch a few days before
the ler:iron. artlirmaies and harrycanes wan
awfaL Some of our 'Needs was throwed up sky
high, and haint been seen nor heard of since; some
was swallowed up in the ground and buried alive;
and all of as was shipwrecked and splashed over
board, and lei to the mercy of the wind and the
tide. I was lucky enough to get a-etraddle of a
plank, and made oat to keep my head above wa.
ter. I drifted about a white, kind of confused like,
and couldn't hardly tell whether I was on the ocean
or on a lake or where I was.
At last I floated along into a river, and then I
concluded of course I was bound do wnn Niagara,
and should have to plunge head and ears over the
big fella. I seemed to be floating along down the
middle of the river, and away MI before me and
away behind me I could see a giod many others
going the same way; and away in clots to the
shore, on both sides of the river, there seemed to
be a good many going the other way—that is,:m I
thought, going up up stream. I was kept eking:in
thin way till I come to a'narrow place In the river,
which i learnt afterwards wan called the half way
narrows Here the current grew more rapid, and
I floated along very fast; bat I was no near the
shore I could sea &Ike on both sides and hear 'em
Presently I met a man on one side of the river,
footing it along the shore, and towing a little boat
after him, na 'thought up stream. At first by his
stooping walk and bald head, I thought he was too
old a man to be doing such hard kind of work; but
when he come nearer I see he hod [lazy hair and
a young and almost boyish looking face. He went
straight ahead, with a line over his shoulder,
drawing the boat after him, and singing a merry
kind eta song, which I couldn't make out, only
one yams of it which seemed to be this,
Life is real, life Is earnest;
Things are jest what they do seem ;
Down Salt River thou returnest,
0, my Tribune, his no dream.
When I seen who it was I was amazingly puss
sled. I'd heard a good many songs that had more
truth than poetry in 'ern, but this one seemed to
have more poetry than truth. Any how, if this
Was really Salt River,. that we had heard so much
tell of, I couldn't :seem to make out how I should
be sailing dawn stream so fast, and the Tribune
man he tugging op stream so hard. This didn't
agree with the election returns at aIL Something
has got twisted around; things is not just what they
seem. While I was bothering my head about it,
I looted over on 'bather side of the river, and there
was another man with a line over his should er
towing a larger and heavier boat up amain so I
thought. He was a tall officer looking roan, with
large whiskers, and stood op straight, and walk.,
ed strong, as though he didn't care Gtr nobody.—
He too seemed to be singing a very merry song.
All I could hear of it was just this vane
Old Uncle Sam was a jolly old soul
And a jolly old'aool was he;
He called for his pipe, and he called &This bowl,
And he called for Taylor end
As he passed by me I gee the name on the stare
of tba 'mat was New York Courier and Enquirer.
I was in a great poulement;these Whig chaps was
all so merry, and yet, if this was really Salt River,
it seemed to me they was going the wrong way;
according to the lection, and I couldn't tell what
to make of it. As Iwm near enough to hail the
Courier man, I thought I would call to him and
see 111 could get any light on the subject. So,
says [—
'Hallo, Colonel'" He stopped and turned round,
and answered, 'Hullo.'
Says I, ask your pardon, Colonel, but Pm a
'stranger in these parts, and a stranger to you, but I
'know you by your boat. Will you be so kind as
'to tell me where I'm bound to! For Pm kind of
'Oh, certainly," says be, "with the greatest plea
brow, my dear sir. Yon are bound straight up to
'the head of Salt River; you can't miss your way,
'for there isn't a single path that tams out between
'here and there."
'Well now," says I, "Colonel, you or I must be
'under some strange mistake. Don't you see I'm
'floating down on the current! Ain't the river
'running down this way, and carrying mo along
'with it r"
At that be laughed outright, and says he, "I see
'you are nothing but a fresh water miler, and dent
`know any thing about the navigation of sohriv-
Local nst*Arsu
IZPOLM I= .11141.13migni DULY Dams.
Fluter, Dec. 2ir.
The case of Mr. Peter Baker, of Meßeespon,
charged with uttering counterfeit note., wail pros
seeded with today. This case appears talearite
a great deal of intered from the hitherto reaped.
able character of the defendant.
IWe give below the substance of the evidence as
far as it has gone.
John Rowland was the first witness—This note,
aB5 bill on the State Bank of Ohio, Peter Baker
passed on me; he called on me kir change of a 55
bill some time ago; I counted out the change and
looked at the note, but thought it did not look well;
took particelar notice of the note and the number
and thought I would remember whom I got it from
and would return it, it it proved bad; same day '
my father, not knowing of my doubt about the note,
passed it to Mr. Walker, whose brother returned
it to me; I told Mr. Walker to return the note, as I
wanted to return it to Mr. Baker believing it to be
a counterfeit; I recognised the note when returned,
from the coarseness of the appearance, the thick.
nem of the paper and the number of the note,
which was 92; other counterfelta—all that I saw—
Were of the same number.
On cross examination, the witness stated that he
could not tell which note or three produced, had
been passed on him except by a private smirk mad.
upon it after it had passed into other hands, and
was returned; it was out of his hands several day.
and had passed into the hands of a fourth person;
had made the Information at Pittsburgh, in eonneca
tion with Mr. Crane, one day when Mr. Baker was
in town; had paid money for conducting this
prosecution; Baker's premises :were searched for
counterfeit money, hot does not know of any
being found; my share of the expenses in thii
prosecution is to be SlO Mr. George and hit.
Creme are also to pay part; I told Jonathan Baker
on the wharf that I had been urged into this pros.
motion by others; my father urged me—said I
should be compelled to prosecute; others said that
the prosecution should be gone op with, but cannot
recollect the names of any one of them; never
took the note buck to Baker or asked him to ex.
change it.
lodge Jones was called to prove the character
of the notes; he said the three notes were all coun
terfeits, and very bad ones at than the eggraving
we. bail—the genuine notes hod on the back
'State Bank of Ohio,' and these bad 'Stale of Chia,'
and the signatures were not like those of the oft,
nen of the bank.
A. L Crane:—Had custody of a note from the
time it was given to Mr. George to the time it was
given to Ald. Steele; the note now produced was
passed to me by Mr. Peter Baker, some time in
Sept. last; he came and asked me for change; I gave
hint small notenand he threw this note on the
counter, I observed that the note did pot took
right; to which he answered that the note had
Meat in his pocket; 1 laid the note away; was ah.
sent two or three days; Mr. Penny came In and
wanted to see a 'Stale Bank of Ohio' nate; I brat
this note and showed it to him; five or six days af.
ter this, I commenced proceedings, Mr. Penny
having', pronounced the note a counterfeit; kept
the note in my possession till the time I made in.
formation against the defendant; marked it al the
time and now identify it as the same.
Enessisted--Never took the note back to
Mr. Baker to ask him to change it; was one of the
persons engaged in getting op this prosecution;
The. Penny, Michael Bravo, Hiram Sinclair; Ins,
Huey and Shelcon were all parties to it;:had had •
meeting with some of the previous named gentle•
men, and it was agreed that they should all come
to Pittsburgh to make information; has contributed
to this prosecution as regards funds; has given Mr.
George 55 for his counterfeit note, which money
he had not got back.
Ald. S. Steele was the next witness. Had seas
the three notes, now produced, at his otlke; a war
rant was applied for wing Peter Baker for pass
ing this mosey.
Ceara Rensatural—Had requested each of th,
to the best of my belief each one did so, except on.
gentleman whose note wee marked I' fl; Mr. Ila
ker's person was carefully searched when be w.
brought to my office, but no counterfeit money
found oa him; be bad a considerable sum of goo,
money with him.
Mrs. Catharine Long was the next mitre.
Mr. Alden—Did Mr. Baker ever come to your
house so color bank mates
Mn Long—l don'tknow anything about iL'
The question was repeated several times, tint
the witness would only answer in the same way.
Mr. Alden then said he would bring Wittlelliesll:l
prove what this witness bad said at Canner times
about the defendant having gone to her house to
color paper money in code,
Mr. McGraw objected lo this course, which
was neither more or less than to impeach their
own witness and to get statements bebre the Jury
which could not be got by any other means, and
which at best would not be evidence.
A long and spirited discussion ensued, at the
close of which, fudge Patton said the attorney for
the prosecution might Submit the witness to a
searching cross examination, as she tru evidently
an unwilling witness..
Mr. McGraw asked the Quirt how there could
be a cross examination, when there hail been no
examination in chief.
Judge Patton .aid there could; that such a course
would be perfectly in order, when the witness w.
- -
Mr. Alden then eked tlp witness ■ variety o
questions as to her declarations. formerly made,
Which however, had no direct bearing on the in
Simeon Pennon was called to prove whether ie
had ever had any money such as that now pro,
doted. He had $lO of it, but cannot be pozittve
that he got it from Baker; took 25 to him aid got
good money for it—Mr. Baker said that he did not
know that he could have got it from him.
Ramiell Kennedy had had a 115 note at the State
Bank of Ohio, which he got from the defendant;
reunited it to him and he gave me good uatttiry,
before I returned it he requested me to sired tt.4o
Pittsburgh, by James Um, and have it examined
and if it was not good be would give me good
money, I sent it to Pittsburgh on Saturday, the 9th
of Seet., and on the Aclloartng Tuesday I received
it back and returned it to Bake:.
Crau Extrminei—Paid the $.5 to Mr. Gould who
took it to some wore, (he said) and they said it was
counterfeit, and I requested Mr. lire to take it to
Pittsburgh, at Mr. Baker's request, because be ®ld
the Ohio money wee the beet we had; had not wen
the note from the time It wee given to Mr. Gould to
the time it was returned by Mr. Um.
Arrnuwoon SOCOM
Rachnel Long, daughter of Catharine Long, was
next Mom.
An argument here ellaned en to the propriety of
receiving any testimony (min this witness in rela
tion to that given by her mother in the preceding
part of the day; it was decided that nothing could
be received from her which might tend to impeach
any testimony given by her mother.
The witness then withdrew.
Another argument occurred u to whether It WU
competent to give in evidence the uttering of
oountelfeit utes, on the Northern Hank of Ken.
Judge Patton observed that it might be givee in
evidence if it happened about the Same time--but
to go back and trice the passage of every counter
fa!! note by the df . might unfairly prdjudiee him in
ads plutieniar charge.
Mr. Washington said that this transpired about
six month. ago; that the money was tax ed
back to the defendant, and good money returned
for it.
Mr. Wood suggested that this was over o year
ego, that the defendant had been down the river
sold his coal, and received a COUllidellble sum of
money, in which he got one or twe counterfeit
notes on the Northern Bank of Kentuoky, which
be honorably exchanged.
. The Court after a km more remarks on the same
lineation, decided that inch evidence would not be
The counsel for the commonwealth hare intim.
ted that their case was closed
Mr. Wood proceeded on the pan of the defence
Be said that the defendant was an induariona
young mamhad built himself up entirely by his own
e u t u nni , in purchasing cod and tilting it dawn
the dyer, for which he got large sums of looney,
Ind it was nothing-uncommom for penitent; In sock
to receive more orient of trountinfell money,
dvary dollar of which this dd. bad boson* repaid
to all the parties Who bad received it from him; this
he would *how dived all doubt, and he " K w
thither prove to the jury that thli watt irinalicitros
prosecution, got up by some puttee one of whim
at lean—and be the priseipal—was wholly unarm,
thy of belief
Jaa. Warner, of Williamsport; loin 'twine, of
Cookstonni, Fayette co; Sam. Devote, O f Wenn.
islets city; Michael Rose, of theism° place, Geo.
Rose, Judge Hill, Abrabun Teter'', Chu Rose, Jae
blenown, and Jos Allen, all respectable looking
gentlemen testified that Mr. Crane's ebarar_ter for
troth and veracity was ezeeedingly bad—many
of tbe wittiesses stating that May would not feel
jesnled in believing him on his oath.
To accommodate aritneases—man y of whom
had come a distance of 40 miles—and as the
Court proposed to adjourn till Tuesday morning,
the prosecution mere allowed to call rebutting tea.
simony in favor of Mr. Crane's character.
R P ?dellvaine, Hiram Smith, Simon Jaokm
Andrew Du nary, Jos Springer, Win Penny, and
John R Skugart, with another wanes. whose name
we di . / not bear, all testified that they bad not
beat*Anything derogatory to the character of hir.
Crane for truth and honesty.
The:Court then adjourned MHO o'clock on Tues•
day morning.
Ward Nomisantions..Whig Ticket..
Fortha accommodation of our Whig fellow citi
etas, we pabliah the following list of 110MiL1111/0011
in the nevem!' wards, of candidates to be voted fo
at the =suing election.
Select Council—Jame. T. Kmesid.
Commis Council—B. C. Sawyer, Allen Cordell
Wash. Mason.
Judge—Wm. Gorman.
haspecter—Andrew Humbert.
Awearor—Charles Cam.
Awidanr Aweasess—Wiliam A Ivo, William
Mod Dorstors--John Sheriff, Robt. Wighiw
Grand:le—James Sharp.
Man Oarinc/J—lairan Jones.
Cannon Conned—Wm J Howard, Sr., Are
bald brFatlabd, John F (bung.
School Directora--Renbeti Miller, Jr, Alexander
ilmrar—John M'Kee.
',Amulet Assessers—Robert Alerstrall, W
Judirn--Col. John Roes.
impector—Geo. Fortune.
Med Couricii—Harrison Pang.
Gassman Council—M W Lewis, Wflard Leon.
aril, Robert Smith, Edward Gregg, J Duncan
William McKee.
Judgs--Andrew McMaster&
fruniertor—James Galbreath, Jr.,
Mad Directors—Joseph W Lewis, Samuel
' Assessor—Major. Joseph MaCaHoch.
Assistant Assessor—Witham Chspman,and Wm.
FOtrrill WALL.
Seim Coon!—F Lorentz
Common Council--Derld Holmes, It M'Knigh
John Wiflock.
SeM:t3l W Wallace, R E Mc
ttessaser--Riehard Slope.
Amigo:et Assessors—Caleb Lee, Israel Higgins.
Judge -0 H Hippy.
Irupwtsrr—.l M White
Sated Co nn!—Thomas Hays.
Contours Council—Geo. Hamilton, J L Patter
son,, Dr. Robert Hazlet, J Allen, Jr , James Craw
find, Wm. Young, Alexander Bradley.
&Awl Directors—Dr. Coruna nod Mr. Reyes.
Ammar --l_qamuel Taylor.
Assistant Amewers—Robert Dalzell, Mr. Cowdry
Judge—Samuel Moore.
Insysmer—Wm. MeKehry.
SIMI wail).
StGct Coanal—Capt. W Dawson.
Coma. Conned—Daniel Armstron Roirrt A
Cunningham, Gm:, Lamborn.
School Dirrmors—L ft Livingston J hn Major.
Assessor—Emanuel Enke,
Als.sutaxt Asse.norp—john Scott, J M Brush.
Judge—Thomas A Eton.ley.
/wpm:of—Amos Kelly.
Con.sta/L—Wm. H Glenn.
Odra Courreal—R T Friend.
Common eVeinerf—Rthiert King, J D Wick.
M Ambers.
Auistaret A++a++a•--Henry Lytle, Henry Wal
Sdato Ihrestorr—Lpnan T Child, , Robert Freak
Jurige—Robeet Arthur.
herprater— Robert Gallagher.
Corutab4--Jobn Graham.
Coesiml—Henry Staple.
Comarsts Covaral—Jacoll Ortm, A P Osgood
Schad Dotimeo—R F Smith, Thomas Gree
„ Iredge--Thommt Dap.
Inapea.r—Cbristum Slog.
Asscom.—Fteming Morrow.
itstummt Amementn-Johlt A Sai King. lir Chaistiatt
Comaadfp—Stelmut Whs.
- -. watt.
~ e lor2 C.c.-IF—Hush Robinson.
Coo.non Cocrortl—Robert
Annoy—Jaines M'Cur..
AsslArann A.rasorr-0 Rey..ltle, Hugh Hun
m nod.
froige--Mertio Richards.
hupeorm--John M'Curge.
Nek.d Doregore--C Reynold; Levi (3 Berger,
James M'Cune, Geo. Dobbs.
Crowe/de—George !Abbe.
To as Edurpro of Mx Putstwrgia Gazer.
As no title granted by a mere enrthly monarch
can add coo iota to the fame of great painter,
and as none such was ever bestowed upon him,
I think it nut only wrong, but In bad taste to sir
him as you have done in your editorial of Friday.
I consider the plain name "Benjamin Wale' de..
cidedly arbitrable to “Ste Beepwrn Warr" besides
there is less danger of kirgruing that he was
an Ameriean if we carefully preserve his proper
name, than there would be if we added to it an
English utle.
Nora at sax EDITOI---VlO assure our cones.
poodent that we had no band to knighting Mr.
West We found him with the prefix .Sir" to
his name in the history;of Hoyden's Illustrations,
and we lett him no worse than we found him.—
'Sir' is a title of honor in England and we pm.
some Mr. West was as wall entitled to it as many
others; and he would be none the worse au Amer.
Man because England rewarded, in the usual
way, his virtues and abilities.
11011/71.- Tna Second Lecture before the Young
Mena' Mercantile Library and Mechanics' Inantnie,
will be given on Thursday evening, January 4th, at 71
o'clock, in Apollo by Profassor Richard Henry
Basarr—Materiallern and It• tendencies.
Single Ticket. ri cents, admitting • gentleman and
acoompanying ladle. Season tickets, One Dallas, to
be bad at the principal book stares and at the door.
J4OOll Weave; Jr.,
B. A. Salum,}Committee.
dtriM-5t Boat. M. VlOczassean,
hrox's Roe rroaanv.—We would call attention to
this ucellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consump an,
Asthma, and ell affections of the Throat and Lo
Having several times vriaml a few years put had da
don to use • medicine of this kind,we have;by
Imes tested its excellent qualities, and are pre d to
tuminmend it to others. Minister* Of othe rp
speaken arllinted will bronchial nirellion• etn find
great benefit from its eve. It is prep•re• • scienti
fic physician, and all clews will hod It • safe and calk
cotton. medicine In the diseases for which it is re
commended.--Irdlumbes (Ohio) Cron and Journal.
Poe sale at We Pekin Tea Wore, N 0.70 Fourth insect
[Er The sort, Angelic expremion of some females
crateful to view, while; the repulsive, coarse, muddy
yellow (aces of ethers, excites dis g ust—the same wi t
mates. Could such people be induced to try a cake of
the true Jokes' Italian Chemical Soap, they would - be
enraptured with Ike change. They would have • deli
cate, clear, whim skin, while every disfigurement or
eruption would be removed and cured. Nemec—Persons who hum, bought cheap
Counterfeits and inaltaumis of this, and have had no ef
feet produced, mus t try this, the original. Mind, ask
for Jones' Soup. For sale at Wu. Jacusou's, a Libor- I
ty street.
meal • I
boot. of Jane. Amher Tooth Posen Tha,
will MAO your breath tweet, Whiten your teeth, &c..—
Sold at 69 Llhany st.P Itikdkurty
W. M. Wright, AI. D., Dentist,
ar/ICZ i
lia rettdroce on Fourth three!,
l o o pposito th
Pilisburrh nk. Mee hours fr om o et To ID A c
01.., and ova a o'clock lob P. M. oopl4-ty
- -
To• Ptrrsamosn Nero:tart. A. Ft/A mouse
Co.PA :0 —Anelerbo n for ewe fhteelotd, to Ilene fo
the ...op year, will be held at the ofhoo of thib Corn
pang, on the first Monday or Jitney, 1849, between
the hours of W A. M. and I P. Id.
deeld.dtd ROBERT PINNEY, See.y.
You= Alms' Al...annul Lamm AM) Altmann.
Irprrmmst—a regular meeting of the members, atm
the election for otAcers to terve far the, ensuing year,
will be 7
h o' eldclock. at the Hall,
Tuesday even i ng, January
Ath, at dee-VI-14 It. PINNEY, Secy.
Dy Raw. Mr. Posanvant, on Sunday morning, the :list
Inv, Mr. Floyd M. Reynolds, of %Ve!Dottie, Wad to
nu Anna &Leos, of ibarallle parish Louisiana.
Oa EletetettLia . a o ns o . mo
i f tDee..3:l,ld49, at i o'clock A
lber, to Jefferson town.
t j p a , t I t i. b lr e . gelow Wilson.
The fricadr of the deceased are reepeatfally lava d
to swag the funeral, on Monday, let Jan. 184 n, et I
o'clock, A M.
Predate Broker, OT rtcs, No. 47
Worn STU" Yancrtraou, PA.
YE FLOUR-0 bbl, lar sale br
- - -
iII 8 F VON aoriNHonsT G3.
QODA ASS-15 cat. prime qualiT for gab by
1 7 , JV a P YON BOMIIORST k Co.
enZt accotdance with the provisions of an Act of
the General Assembly of the *taw of Penneyivenia,
prtividing for the Incorporation of the citY Of Pitm
burgh, and of the Supplements to said Act, I, CUM.
Amaze, Mayer of stud eity, do stte this, OM Pmcil"
mango, declaring that on the Sccoxo Teem:tar of Jan.
nap, A. D. 1919, being the 9th day of that month, "the
freemen of each ward of said city," qualified to vote
for members of the Howse of Repnesentative• of this
Commonarealth, will meet together at the several pla
ces for holding elections to their respective wards, and
elect by ballot, • enizen of the said city, counted to
be elected a member of the loose of Representetives
of this Commonwealth—to be Mayor of said city.
RtAnd that on the same day, In conformity to the
.fore record antharthes, and also to an ordinance of
Councils, districting said city, enacted into a law on
the lOth day of November, A D. 1947, the N../ of
the Pint ward will siert by ballot one person to be a
member of the Select Council of said city, aid rupee
persons to be members of the Common Council of said
city; of the Second word one person to s member
of the &elev, and roses persons to be member. ofthe
common conned, to the Third ward, one person to be
a member of the wise,. and six persons to be members
of the common °outwit, of lie Fourth word, one person
to be a member of the °elect, and roam persons to be
members of the ennotion council. of the Fifth ward,
one person to be a member of the select, end carp
persons to be mew si• 01 the common council; of the
Sixth ward, one p. to be a m ember of the select
and mess per-ons to be members of the common
conned; hi Ili.. SVVCIIIII ward, ooe person to be a mem
ber of the select. sod TWO persons to be members of
the common cameo, of the Eighth ward, our person
to be a member of the selects and Two persons to Ito
members of the common council; of the Ninth ward,
one person to be a member of the select, and sort per
son to be • member of the common council—each of
whom shall be qualified to serveas a member of th e
loose of Representatives of this Commonwealth.
Given ander my hand and seal of said city of Pitts.
burgh, this Mith day of December, A D. tript.
A. A. AlettiON & CO.,
No. GO Maas. mut., Peruse:sou, Ps
BEA) leave most respectfully to announce to their
numerous patrons and the public, that they, in
consequence of contemplating a change in their boil.
KM., propose opening the whole of their extensive
warehou., (including all their whole•ale rooms.) for
7011140 11, and will continue open until the first of Feb
ruary, commenctim oat New Years day, 1619. Our
wholeaale stock, comprising out of the most extensive
and vaned risnntents of Fancy and Staple Dry
Goods ever &rhili su tted in the western century, will be
offered at lower priers than ever before known. Eve.
ry article, however choice and desirabla will be ac
cordingly reduced. Upwards of fifty thousand dollars
of our stock has been recently purchased, the greater
portion of which are foreign goods, received tt New
York by Into European arrivals. which from the late
.o or the mown, so well as the known pressure in
the money market, wren sold at immense sacrifices at
public sale., at rates varying from twenty-five to fifty
per cent less than similar goods brought the first ord.
iteanon Vie ore therefore eonfident that our prices for
the time above mentioned will be found to be even
lower than .y Meltern wholesale rates.
We anxiously Invite ail person* to visit our estab
lishment, whether they purchase or not and test the
truth of the above—assuring them that they will incur
nn obligation thereby, but confer n favor epee the pro
, git:74. will. o. 2ar ssortment of Silk., Shawls, and fine'
amply repay one for a visit; added
to which, an unueually great di-play of Domain..
Goods will. we hope, induce oil to call.
Our system of one price will bestrictly adhered to.
Jai A A MASON & Co
106 Y virtue of • wnt of Veoditionl Export., issued
oat or the District Court of Allegheny courtly, and
to me directed, will be exposed to ..le at the Court
House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Monday, the 22d
day of January neut., A. D. 1819, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
the followit , g described property, to wit:
All the right, title, interest and claim of Lewis Al.
ArKee, ofi to and to all that certain lot or piece of
groand,•llll•tel hi Pitt township, !rounded and describ
ed as follows: Beginning on the nosheast ranter of
lot No 8, in the plan of lot, laid out by Ashur C
recneded in the Recorder's of Allegheny
roomy, in Book No Pare 113, and Hornet or Sus.
yen.° etre. thence northwardly along the raid 111 e.
net or Stevenson street 11l feet 6 metes toirrotutd of
Christian Setts: thence westwardly along said ground
of ChristMn Seitz rrifeet to al/ feet alley; thence south
amrdly along said alley el feet audit inches to sold lot
No 6: thence along said lot No 8 eastwardly 90 feet to
the plane of beginning—stud lot being No 7 la the plan
of Arthur H brelelland. Seized and taken In execu
tion the property of Lewis Al Arliee, at the suit of
James B Hi l l. And 10 he sold by
Sheriff. Office, Doc. 30, 1816. intw3ll3
An Ordlnace,
utaormingi zA. Mayor to use* Bowls in rite
mama of Andrew Buffos. itadicAn Sherrff t Co.
SEC. I —Be it ordained and ennewd lay the eitigens
of Pittsburgh, In liseleet and Common Councils ..-
.ambled, That the Mayor be and he is hereby author
ised to wane a Bond In the tame of Andrew Fulton for
three hundred and twenty-eight dollars and fifty nerds,
being in full for six 8 inch stop cocks; also In favor of
John Sheriff A Co for three hundred and ten dollars,
being in fall tor Fire Flogs, each bearing interest tithe
rile of elo per cent per annum, payable wow atmnally
at the Treasurer's office of the city of Pittabargh, and
redeemable in fifteen years.
cr. It further enacted, lee., That the faith,
credit, corporate property and revenue of the city be
and the game us hereby pledged (or the redemption of
said Bonds and payment of the interest.
Ont.:mid and enacted Intoa law in Coon.* this
t9th day of December. A I)
[Astray) ROBERT M'KNIOJIT, Prest. C.C., pro teen.
Feed. K V 01.., Clk C. C
Joe. Maw., Clerk S. C. Jal.3t
Am Orelistassee
Repealing on Orthroinere passed berszethor 4,
SEC. I —De it ordained and enacted by the citnons
of Pittsburgh, in t , efeett and Common Conned. as
sembled, That Ordinance entitled an Ordinance
defining the line between the Third and Fifth Ward.,
Third and Sloth Wards and Second and Eighth
Wards, passed the fourth Jay of December A. D. 1849,
be and the mune as hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted inns • low in Councels, this
30th day of December. A. D 1E49.
(Aueestil ROST. MI:NIGHT, Prest. C. C., pro tern
Fend. & Vol.; Clk. C. C
Jou, retsina, Clk S C. al
COOPER, Aavarti thla day emacedased
0 with bun Wu4sast S. UrCIA, they will hereafter
eandutt the wholesale Hardware business under the
name and style of COOPER O. LAVELY.
The new brat respectfally waken a continuance of
vie favor and patronage enjoyed by Um late concern;
d as their supplies, Foreign and Domestic, will al
ways be obuoned front first bands (or cash it, they
pledge themselves to sell at rates which shall defy the
most vigorous competion.
No 60 Wood street
PiFOR RENT—The Dwelling House occupied
ty the subsenber:sitaste on Second street, s
one Cherry alley. The house is very octave
tdemt for a small family. Part of the Furniture can be
bad on very easy terms. Possession can be had Im
mediately. lal GEO COCIIRAPJ.
WANTED TO RENT—A small private dwell
tog with not In. than four rooms and a kitchen,
wttht., Svc or ten minutes reach of the Diamond.
Address, with particulars, "Box No. SIO Post Off,
ACKEREL-20 bbla 100 No. 3, for ma eby
TAR-l 0 bbl. N C for la eby
S AI de V 6 DA —.5 cask. ree'd *". 1 1('' ;11 1' .:It AR
7)UTTER-6.5 kegs No I keg Butter, to good &fp
pl)rog order, J.I reed and for sale by
SCOTCHSNUFF—I tiere• fer ji n N l i ebi ,
L ARD -U bbl. new Lard. consiannlentby
tIF 2 . . canaignment, by
F de EA TIS ..
XTEW ORLEANS SUGAR—On hand, 00 bbd. prime
ld N 0 Sugar, old crop, which will be wld low to
claw constr... deed? JOHN M'FADEN &Co
SODA ABH—SO ...Soda Ash, of a superior q.t.
Hy. on hand .d for .1a by
ACICEREL-310 !Ada beat quality latTo No 3
t , llelterel, on baud ionic.. a ale low
decal JOHN do Co
ULAXSET.,I3-250 trash Flaxseed, just rec'd and for
we by dectta W RARBAUGH
S OUR e AS II ) casks Soda Ash, for sale her to
d ',.. 2 , 3 c.rotbittoteot, by N tr. W fIARBAU(sH
DEAM DUCK--0 bales Beaus Doak, just reed and
MI for sale by doo V HARBAUGH
.... „
IU - ACYVVEL 200 bbln No 3 blnekerel, in awns and
al. for sale by dec&-i S& W HARBAUCIfi
UCKWHEAT FLOUR-60 tacks hulled Ruck•
.1) wheat Flour, an extra article, in store and tor sale
by delete 8 IS NV HAIULAUGH
DRY APPLES-300 bush Dry Apples, for sale by
LARD -I 5 Dbl. neer No I
In stare nod for sedo by
ALUM -10 bbl . Alan, recd and for We by
deal_. FLOYD
_. -
- DEAVIiit BUCKETS -37 0 dos Dockets, in store and
XOl for shla doe:t J & 8 FLOYD
Q ALERATUS—SINOOO lb. to casks and bin, for sal
by der33 ROUT DALZELL ft Co
ARD-3 kegs Ls more and for sale by
I.r dealt TASSEY & BEST
DUCKWHEAT FLOUR-75 aaakz II W. Flour b in
MO 05 and 50 lb was, for sale b y
CORN—Ine buoll Om, In Gore and for nab by
OBACCO—at kegs No 1, CI twist Tobacco, landing
from steamer New England and (or .ale
dect.ll JAMES DALZEI. water sr
DEAR'. ASH-4 outs reed and for nag by
I. deb= ROUT DALZELL & Co, liberty •t
CilEk.73l:—OUO bx.lVr.tern Rcoerve Choose, in atol
and for onto by dew:o fprr DALZELL !F. Co
FLAX SEED-150 bob now innthog from .tenure
Fon Pitt; for we by
L ARD -2 bbie fresh, far .k by
IT/NFXJAJR—AI We pure Cider Vinegar ,for sale by
AIrIIITE DEANS-10 bbl for sale by
CIOA RS-10,000 Half Bysoolll for We by
00014 d F VON hONNUORST/t Co
OLA&iES.— bb new crop N o Illolassea lan
ding from SMIT fiall Columbia and for ram by
decl4 JAB DALZEL 24 water at
C OTTON —.5 0 Wan Conan,i; care and for We by
- • •
Q AND PAPER, 1/lombroak*-40 reeee. wow
0 numbers, received and tor BRA U N
dada U d. REITER
..... .....
CORdeath N I.IIIIUSHES-LO A tf ongricatti3ll.
BEANS---tU bins or for sale by
detail D WILLIAMH„IIOwrood
- CI OLD PERS.—Jest opened, another eaaoTofsp entbd
Ur gold pens of the best utanufsetuse, mut superior to
any heretofore sold, and warranted, by.
dean W WILSON.
Gstrong Ilutf Paper Dozes, assorted sites, for sale
deeLl II EATON & Co
ROLLnurrea.—e- b nor. hush , pat re-
coned and for We by
past remind
' •T. :417
ifiE llitre7i.ereedarat . foilsate by
tiIAISUY-19 We Boric y, reed and tor Bi4eby
Dr Joh* p. Davis, Aastionsar.
Extra *de of Groarias, R.
O n Tuesday afiefboon. Jan. at 2 o'clock agile
Ce =emrcial Sat e s e Room, comer of Wood and
me, will b s
months over S5O. without reserve on a Credit of
12 half chess 1 o a s Hymn Tea,
27 k haves and e - -
g r Tohneets,
1 cratealmond.. /peens...ire,
1/ sacks of Feathers,
/4 Obis No 3 Mackerel,
4 half Obis
With a variety o6other groceries. to,
tai T JOHN D DAVIS, Auer.
15 par-Lags, Pinny:find Slopld Dry Owada
On Tuesday moramg, Jan 2d,µ 10 &Mock, at the
Commercial Bales Rooms, comma( Wood and Filth
streets, will be mid, without reserve, on a credit of
the e . months, for approved paper, on all MIMI over
A large and genet* assortment of seasonable Caney
and staple dry goode, velvet bare been seleeted with
great care by •genVeinen of great experience, and
mast be sold to close a sonnet,
illaocusres, ciramorarsas, An: wren:, ke.
A large collection of t miscellaneous hooka, fancy
article* molted to the seasons, testily .m de clothing,
gold and ulcer woollies, guns, pistols, fine cutlery) kc
DiamoitiliProperty at Audio.
On Tuesiley afterobon, fa, 1t49, at 3 o'clock,
will be sold on the pkemises, thin very valuable three
story brick more Name and lot, situate on the corner
of the poblic square , and Diamond alley, at present
occupied by l'ilattheie Dahill and others, which yields
an annual rent of Ctn.-the at having • front of PS
feet on the Diamomli and extending along Diamond
alley 30 feet. .Termaat sale.
dechii JOHN D. DAVIS, duet.
Ranninar, Jarmarri 1 , 18 W, Mr. Williams vat ap
pear in
BORN 70 GOOD 1.1.7 CFC!
!i hfr. Willi -
Nino, (with soqg,/-7.• •• • • . ........ Mi.. Cruise.
To which will be :Wide),
Paddy antes
Mtz Fidget
.Mr. Wullama
, - ....... hlre. Madison.
To cenclude with th e
SPECT4Ii /3Rll*Xiltoo3l.
Di gory .......... „ ................. J . p. m.
Aldwinkle ........ ................. Mr. Archer.
Lavitta ........... Mrs. Prior.
rehearsal- pis so New
sauce—The Gallery will remain closed during the
Gold weather. and 3d Tier. 33 cents.
F OB THE BENEFIT os as °mama se Se. Pauth
Curses, will be Oven r
ats the Lafayette Assembly
Rooms,. Friday erasing, February 2, 1249.
Hos. C. 13... X., Aausstur B
Jena B. ras; Esq.,
J 0 cream, .', z J. J. Roassa,
Jogs LArron, .r. T. Waal,
F Jo A. WM2u,rt, J. 2 J. !Ir.
NICS, ' Jain, Sarre,
Wm. H. blercasuraba, Jr., Hoini Kazar,
long Dessert:to, ~: A. brCoLuaras,
C. Gotremoss, ;.! M. Bszassa.
[Cr neket• can befabtaised from' the blattsFem
4 dozon Silver Pined Batter Kiiive.
3 " Oain Tea Spoor
3 " " u
3 " " Threaded extra heavy;
,"" t e lible n
I " " Tobacco Boa.;
I Sogar Shovel.;
I " Salt
1 . Mustard a
"SilvegSpert Cues,t a : Specs;
4 " " cif u'd .I'.
Also, 0 Allen's Paietif Revolving Pistol jar reed
daew I: , Z. KINSEY'S, 07 Market .1
For Bask Prastopoo, Cantonal% from
The fine aml well known ship XYLON,
Captain C. MEllington, EOOO barrels Mather.,
win sail abotrEdOth to Mb January, sod has
spacious and very suproor accommodations between
decks for passengers This ship oden superior ad
vantages to those Koir- Cabin pusage 112 ed be
tween decks, with Na ration., Ittri For ytassage
apidy on board at El • • 13 WHARF, Fell's Point, or
to Mutts. J. HENDERSON Co,
dec274llsre 77 Pratt se, Baltimore.
FiCEIVED frits day and for sale at manufacturers
prices, three elegant Rosewood Pianos, nude by
H. Worceater, N. Y. These mstrumerns are consider
rd fully equal, if not soperior, to any now made in N.
York, ha•l ng fell , round, and melodious tone; war
ranted to wear well at, give utisfaetion
The price of three thanes Is believed to be much
lower than any other nhattufsmurerls
The. who Cr. in wafer of • good and elegant Piano
at a moderate price,will pleue e all and examine the
above at the .tore of thB subecriber, where • large 141.
aortment of ChickertngSt celebrated Pianos canal - ways
be frond. JOHN H. MELLOR,
dm 27
81 Wood .t
. _
LHE mtge. and well tlitilt Factory, emoted on Renee
el Allegbe=mitythbyt ynentaa9E9ible
lot on which the ' Fa n' c ' tno le ere e cted, c. frontsloo Met o:
Rebecca street, and tutu back Ile reef to Park etreet.
The malr, built:knit otbrick, three metier, high, and
00 Met long by kr feet wide. The Engine Haase Is
I o wedange- coromodionecarith an engine, boiler, stank,
ho, in complete order. The property win be mold
low, and on adrentagedna tan..
In et of
ilecnifSdarn h 'ROBERT WIEKIGEIT,
T. U. cavAusevavr,
Benching, Forwardi ng and General Commip
Comma.. thin; Sr. Loma Mo.
N. B.—Strict anention'paid to orders tor morel:ming
,n this market, and all Easinesspromptly transacted.
Reference at P lus h's* , John hr Fades & Co.
Issrruzar sowszos, 10III.c„romes, rranorisar
/•co• roc., IT= Ecl, LIM IL =Ail,
• 130 .I.wwrsos.
S IMPBOI FOR 11 , A R D & Co., ormanfelera.
of s, Booties, wol Window Glass, keep
constantly on hand
a lemend assortment of the •100•0
&Melo. AlsC IC order IL superior article of
Mineral or Borls-Water Mottles, of eoto red Caw No.
Pirtsbn ' ' an : “ Gra
j Ut3T RECEIVED-Tin splendid eew Pima* tot
from the celebrated ketory of Nurms & Clark, N.
Y., and 0 imtaire fiene,fiesewoodi with elegam ear.
'Mc one 11.1 octave, with Coleman% Zama Attach
These eery superior nines will be sold at manatee
lure,. pines. II KLEBED:
deed, • Sol; Agent for Nouns & Clark
0 LLS-1010 galls nateWcol'a - Winter 'Sperm O il ;
KO do Sleighed do do ' do
1500 do do de Whale. .do
Bel do N Wevest crude do do
8 bhls Not Gerd]
tig do Strait do
• lnuzunted pam do
, g do Tanners, waentd gen'e, do
In store and for ea/a br
_ _ _
W EI.BII FLANNEL „.%-.V7 R Murphy insd`on bead • Ina aszotuneni *Abeam desiratdd Om* also,
fall assonmern domeiltio analuintable do, llntl
fall assortment of seartet dad yellow, and eponed,for
Christmas - wear.
Home made Flannels—tinne, brown and barred •
supply constantly on buil, dee../1
ANOTHER FRESH AtRIVAL se —Of those moans
passed Tapestry` pi t /m1). 1 .1 Carpets; mailed
thi s day sad for eald t sedum!prises, at the carpet
wareroout of W ht'CLINTOCK,
TS fourth st
"DjIT LOST—Wasdebpped by a Lady on her wa a
(oElliott ilalingbays book more, Wood at, L' m fr trimming store, • purple Silk Purse, worked
with steel beads, containing a $l4 note on the Pant of
Piusbunh. The Linder will be suitably rewarded by
leaving the same II either Of the .above named stores.
IFI FLOWLICS--nissith & Jobrio, 46
21. Martin It, would Mena the lineation of dealer.
and °then to their extensive etoek of French and
American artificial Flowers, Which will be offered at
eastern prices stec77
siTO R.F.PCT—Ttte National Rouse, at the, r ,
r_ We Rom Apply to
Taro Mlle Rm.
CUldteltZoNCY I,I 4.NTEJViI4 thscou
110/214. k SONS
C ll ttg -13° br! E I N•V bbY
ROOM 8-30 doter' !mill* for solo by
deed 8 P VON iiONNHORST a Co
kegs do de do
BUTTER -8 bblettackegkifor sale by
dec3o 8 1' VCNIONNHORST t Co
elegant B 2
p ho v rt lv ßl Ej eiih ,b la
s ale by
APPLal—so bbis Russetp
gals by dee= 8F VO Timm:aft
"DAMN CASSIMERES-1/ canes new style Pane,'
brigln figscres ead very handeorne
opened by
816Lc w
i o u tic poRK-60 0 000 lb. ry.ocye d to Hama, Skits sad
P Shoulders, arrive; for iktLe by
&eta MEND, /WRY k Co
RED LED -14 halt
a?rneel tar ulalylN mted. Per .mamar
S IlfVl4- 315,..
bush dated ti put racq4ud for see by
deal) R ROBISON 4 C ISO liberty ss
ROLLB a bbl frob Roll RonettEmreo'll
IDId for sale by a...iir , u Romson aCo
LS OlL—to bbla puiiu, jou 'sued and for We
'dam_- R ROBISON& Co
s ALER&TUS-3 too. Sulupstoutiust rooht and for
lusttrLecL, • s
OLL BUTTER-15 bbl. piime Roll ikater, m lam
and kw we by 1 JAB DALRELL,
AQ, b. s Latirliicarbers,• do
Ginsansi Is do piampeed, tic. arrive. for We by
dooSS ISAIAH DICKEY Co, from is
PpatENT,3_43 Imp moll for saki by
. deal W is AMA:Mit:9B
ALLHATUS,--23 casks Clavelsod&derscasi 7 WI
13 do dee 10 his do do, pulverised Id papers; 4 casks
do do do; for sale by dal fdV,.dN.DLESII
CI bbl. No I Lest ; estvantrieni by
cv U , ;:a AR CURED DRIED BUT IRtriPS-44
az:l%l=l= rel 9 km* ar
iNDIA' =BAER CUMKB-14 hubs Vabbe
No Wol
od at sna .ala at tha , Ind* linbttotdna* a J , 4 altataal
.11. bugs umunutti 'a
b.- . ••,, •
APPLEB-64 MA choice • .
Well..ille, and Ad tAls h
~t r w
_.. _,-L
*Lis , BOY
The now and iplendid autpamen
iier packe T t ua
RAPH N 0.2,
Macon master, will leave (or
nail and 'Lliairrille on Thursday, the WM , glint
o'clock, A. M. Por freight or passage apply on band,.
Ur. Steamer Peyton& will leave LocimAlle for How •
Orleans, on arrival of Telegraph No 2 P
can go direct, and can kayo berti neared
EXPIIBIO-1-1 W•410414,11fE,
fifft =AM) lrleal .
Pittsburgh mut Phibidsi:
Isla s TIIIF.,I7DAIYB—RU 11,41-D2Y AND—Nl'Urr-
TE4,I, .......,..,... 4 i r med that thlsthie
anti leave PiniadefiThianVry :iith• the lif e 27th th aitifa l la to
Caandieraberff, and from theme-a by Wagmi arta , n
relay of hones, moiling day and ingha We WI an
prepared to forward CO(O lbs. freight 496 APOO lo
, IiLE H&C.°
PlCl264ra 2.3:41.11161.P0RTAT10N LIMES
at= 1848 . MI&
arrwraw aethutoßs arairrrrsimmi.
irr Thu; 3 darn ..lELY • ;..•
Illerekandiee transomed at ignal ratea.- i
mote ?!I fr. nuNami,
. Winer etrea reto t ryjn
FlialliSlr Art W.
Inlet meet, emu*.
BO as
T HE Propriecon of lila Line isrvepPt oiNtrar No '
ck *
and are prepared to forward paek . apa .1 . de-
, riptloris daily, at the lowest rater. 11
IVator street, PltraVyth
B 2 Bomb Charles 0. Balfirsour
vAANIN.A POD. 1 . 0
~ a, . ,
..I:l.)_:Aii 1848 . Magi c
SHIPPERS and othen. us Damned dud _ no
continue. to tun dotty. Produce-tad
recelptcd for by PIPE t.
en., D DAY LANE and flotax,.
Gas, et lo rocs and opeeltlad time, se,
n 0.14
J C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh; -
ROBDIPON &BOMA adv..,...
Agarii aim Mal -• t X . -_-,-,,A.,... 7 7
errrszunGn AND P/DLADPIP
=IMO Dlll3-102attl rt4T AZDA2OI4.
rum LINE, whose punctuality lost wimp pee
1. such general outsfacilon, wilt ccuntnence
tat In of January next, wing the malritala
Chouritorsburgh and Way. or itoneaoh the 111E.T.
dec2 DEVrLS t atn.% P itgta ha la rg rk Mpebee eDt;.
klifVVilTfilvVir .
ilik11• ~. "
io iio nor
. ,
nit ewitwasaawwow
TIME, PIPE DAYs—tßustlitog Day oott hrgt —A
.- .L 4lr will leave Philadelphia dell, with Mall
l'llwitt to C hatababutgt; a Wagon .wilt Itta , ( ooM 11 .
" 11 41 and havtor rel.), et 6a•cs totullus day and
night, were., tho tenain artival o( ligolz4ra tt
Days! Nowlorr. Good. lona bi- Weeived ha.
Pm.led TP Ewell etty, ea thin tie May will hear:
We 'MI be preparedto forward 6000 lb. di all
Apply ito .W3I:IIINGDAD,
Canal BUlZl..Pandslito.
Hops ItOaket eve— -
w lent, Wi. day
(0 i< CROZEtt
rod 1, -- iTaT 4 T - 6 7
1424 CROZIM,
icra. mart
- VTIMrU -.. .N VASS, on Stromlo:ea, u
-21 stogyaabald natfor 4 i% I
3 ,,t4t
DEAtHERso to ittfve; bet if4W ,
iv deem ISAIAH
' hadinsihan mau
ies luzmay
011. dcc ei r S taus in owe astar o s i a u k t 6b hi
mrontifami & PITTSBURGH
Nati - 1
111otiaL " Nat
Lintll brown Inte of aplamlid passenger Stearn. '
m at unc r, =-of the ledgeindforgleallt hes
ed fa ' , and enact Meeti.ifel lioataxa tan
ureters of th e West Every accommodation and coed
tint that man? etirprocntrei hes beempecoridediedpait.—
magma. The lino Yu hoe.n in operation for fire years
--has earned • mullion of people vadat the least Whi
rr to aunt persons. The boots vent beat the:foot of
Wood street the day previous to starting, for the recep-
Lion of Ends t and the amry of passenger.= WOO*
ter. In al roses the pesaage- money men be i
.4.4.111 k
The ISAAC NEWTCIOI, Capt. A. Mum, mid;
leave Piterbergh every Sunday morning at 10 0.010 . 1 1
Wencher, every Sunday everting at 10 0.
May 1847.
The hIONONGAMEI4, cap 'On Pi t tl 4 -
burgh every No ug 10 o'c Man'
evet7 Monday eve m n 6 al to r.
The HIBERNIA Plo. 4 Capt. J. Elta:ang.rza, will
leave Pittsburgh every Taaday morning et 10 o'clock;
\The-cling every Tuesday eveatne at ler. at.
oThe NEW ENOLA.ND No. i, Capt. S.. Du
leave Pittsburgh every Weduestleyvnunvihrg at II
`clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at 10P.
Tn. BRILLIANT, Capt. Intact, will leave
b e•err Thunder morning at lOo'clo \*;,WSealiet
every Thornier evening at 10 r. se. • • •
.............. -.—___......„ .. , ,
The _ .
CLIPPER N. il, Caps Cadets, will kani runt+
burgh every Friday rearctitig at 10 e'elock.WheePlag ..every Friday evening at 10 P ac
Tn. hIESMGER, WIMP, Will *TiTina•
bUrgh every B . OO r O OY Me at 19 Oclotk:Whentista
every Saturdayt eve4o46 4410 4. M.
NEW LISBON AND PITT pußoli nen-input
( OF CANAL AND Mau jeacal . zgig,.
ins ohssoOw,)
Leaves Pittsburgh daily, atga i elos.k,A. it s mid ay. ,
a.,. at Glasgow, (mouth of the Sandy and Detaz,Ca. '
sal,) at 3 o ' clock , and New Lisbon at 11, teas at
Leaves New Lisbon at 6 oieloek, P..M., turakittg she
trip canal to the river during the night,) and she
at g o'clock, A. M, and arrives al Plttaturrshat
bk.--. Mus
and (might making te a gendarmes lituifor qsatvgjrafti
Mogen New Liebma k .
burgh, Inute shorter time and at leas rams thank) . asyl
other ro.
The mroprictom of dila Line hiv e Ai, Ailunifitt r
fonsuv=pte r Ugh ... at , ttey (mite tialni tenttlllt .
freight, to Tan hi cot...cetion wish o ther are/71.,„„.
steamere CALEB COPE and IIEAVER, mid eototoelel
iag, al Glugow with the Pittsburgh` and Cinch:Ai.
nad aud other da i ly lines of steamers down the 0610
mei hatteleteppl slams. The proprietors pledge Angel,'
wives .to spare noexpense or bauble to Luzon oink t
f o e i laffer p 9 and diaPatch, and isk of the public a shots f
O. M. RAMON '',..'
B. &W. NAR/4117(114, ' pi jUIb lu g
EL EU:Mit &CO.' • ' t i: r . ,: thon. ,
.inar J. RABB& Off& Ca:
,ow • -
NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, C. E. Clarke, ineso;
ter, will leave after this noticeyfor Wellayllie aneta
ally, at 9 o'clock In Memo . 12 ,
VMS.- •
privenulon anovnistrazao
Dell Packet lilac
PEMRUARY la, 12t3y
The following new boats complaUS
' OO nee for the present lemon AT.
UTIC, Capt. Jamec Par
TIC, Capt. A. JacobkitalM
WI NE, Capt. E. Bennett The boats tun mainly!
new, and are fated up without regard to espenma. Es. '
cry comfort thatmency can procure hes been provided.
The BOWS will leave the Monongahela %Phut Boa et
the foot of Ross st Passengers will be panclual o*,
board, as the boats will certainly leave at th=ty v i
tised hours, A. M. and 4P.
The rptendid end fast ranti ng,um. ,
0 W Ebben, muter wi ll lane ar
e above and interniediate pens OR,
T.msonY, Inn. R, at 10 &clock, A. rs,
Per freight or pamage, apply on board
And Heckingpert, and Intermediate landings..
The fine steamer
Poe., master, will leave for ,
Um abovit
Pp every Tuesday, at 10 o'clock; a.:
—.mu.' apply on board. derso-11R
Thosplenditi pacsenger atoargite .
ayens, maeter sill leave j interategia . po j'' , ll'7"4
For freight or passage apply Oi ' t w ' ar l ,thli'daTdoegj
The splendid near steamer
• • TLLI.OII-OPII No. 1,.. , i
Ilealep, master, will lease Oar isbovb
d intermediate porta rol, Saturday,
zlili o st., at 10 o'clock.
For freight or p
irtsmunft 1 4= 3, 11 .
. 1 :
y.,.„.. The dre; gum=
amt. A. Miller, will OA
abeve trade; Medlar/I*mA
Teary Wednesday dad Bawds, evenit.t, aII °Via '
2 2 . !!'1 18hi '''. ''• . . trli). oti Wald._ ,so,u l , -
--• REGULAR .1.07/191,111..LE
The splendid new warner
g ia l e atho
Wmllealen VEßMO Nmastor will leave lorries
ye and interteelate'ports Wed*,
Far pelahtor papery
_apply on board. deaf.
FOR dT. lota
The hoe not...light drunght alasji,;!..
niELLocaa, master, will leave kir 'dlor
bove and intermediate port! the day
For Ereigl o_ rpa>Taßa ay2ll:,,,,
_baard. d.a.,,
PII T SB URGIW7=I4NO 1 --. /to r t'k'''
The swill steamer .. ,
salLWebber, mut c er, retll leave melt&
or Wheeling, every Monday, Wtis
nesday and Friday, ti
10 o'clock precisely.
b.'. Wlesehegi , . 7 .T TeusdaY, Thursday and Oa
troday, .17 °Ochre a at, precisely.
The Con.' will bora ea all the intermediate ppirl . -
Every accomodatiou that can be procured (or the coal
fort and safety of passenger. has men
mulct Ths
boat is also pr in ov k i , ded erdlorrlf.rtmg safety mod to
=a' - For AL g-mgvir
Labe corner of La sad Smithfield vb.
---1----tERT IFFW!ititrINGTOACKE,7.,
latima The newsaralv t ;/Aanwr '' ;
D P Kinney, master, will roe ea orat
or packet between PittatalreaMnd
Wheeling, ieaving th is eilyereery Tneaduatro
and Batorday r at to o'clock, A. M., and W TIT
ry Monday, Wednesday and Friday, ars coda, A.
For freight comm a / a , having saperior se ' -
lions, apply on board or to
TM ne , Aim,
At An th ony la a w bJAMESoat, MAY speetand
accommodations carrot be surpassed by any bola cm.
the river.
40 771! &