- inamAnt.innscovairn - _ , ; - ._ camnwp ,, jis.voy s y9E:! , pq . .47) , cemPOITNIIMIIP, ORAVILD-CMA Ina agate zgicangiroe , ''F C.o.l7tpdoO, Coughs, Colds„Astbma, er Complaint; Spitting Elicesd,Dithealty.af Breath.. log. NI. hie. Blde uniureut, Paspitatione _ the klenrOniliteirra, Croup, Woken - GM- .. stitution.Snre Throal,Nerrma Debili ty, and allDireaseS of ihe Thera; - Breast and Lunge' , Mdtdost cf (tonal and speedy cure , ever knovra for Toro( • the above diains. DR-,SWAVNE . B Compound Ifyrup of 1.17114Ch0m71 Ibis medicine is TO longer .sonsing theme of doubtful utility. It bas passed istray from-the Commands daily, launched upon the tide of experiment, and now winda higher in reputation. and io becoming Inert extensive., ty used than any other preparation' of medieino • aver : produced for the relief of suffering man. It has been introduced very generally through the , United States and EnroPe, and theta are few towns ofE Importance bet what contain some...rernarkable. eel.' dente of its good Oiredti Vor preicif ofthe foregoing statements, and of the value and eflicany of thlaatedt. nine, the proprietor will insert area, of the mazy thon..l sand testimoifiala which have been presented to him by Men of the bort respectability—men who hare .higher stews of moral responsibtlity and Maitre, than to ter dry to Mot, hceirnse it will do inisaber: a , (aver, and., themselves no initiatice, lintliterulmony proves °ca. , elusively, that its sarprisingexcellenee is established; by its intrinsicmerits, and the unquestionable authart.l ty of public opinion. The Insummarsatta relief it of-1 fords, 'and the soothing Influence diffused through the. whole frame by ns ”e, renders is a mostogrecablel remedy for the afflicted. EIIibiEMBERI "When men; acting from conscientious romulseal voluntarily bear testimony to the truth of a thing, oil particular fact, such maims:my, being contrary . to them worldly interests and purposes, COOlie• conmetlon oil its truth, and eomtnands Itself Ina sp e cial manner. to' universal credenee.n—Cellognn t s Moral Maxima BEAT) THE uo3ni CERTIFI GATES. STILL ANOTUTT - Count POMONA= COOSOMPTIONI-- There never Mot a remedy that has been no successful in desperate eases of C,oturamption, :as Dr. Elwayne's Compound Strop of Wild Cherry; It anangtheos the system, and appears to beat tae ilicenton th e tongs„ creating new and rich blood; power peuessed by not other medicine. Cesare Co... April dab, 18.119.. Dr. Elwayne—Dear Mr' t verily believe your pound Byre' of' Wild Cherry boa been•the means of saying my life. I caught a severe cold, which gradu ally grew worm, attended with a sercsmeough., that. resisted all the remedies which Iliad meatuses°, ail increasing until my ease exidbital tat thasympum, of Pulmonary Consumption.' Every Min I tried seemed to have no effect, and mytemplaint Increased aorapid4 ly that friends as well as myself, gnaw up all hopes a my'recovery. kith's time I was recommended to try, your itivalualite medieinerl did so with the moot hap py result. The fuel bottle had the Mite% to loosemthet easel causing nie to expectorate (Man and by 44 rim I 'h a d es six bottlel was eruirely well, and ana DOW as hearty a mah . ai I ever vu ill my lin, and would to, happy to . lave any information .g my, case, that other redeems may vow t).%rene 'i gt f or which I am so grateful. • For the truth- of. the- above eudcment, I refer yon to Peter Raab, Grocer, Weal Chester, Fa., of whom I purchased the coMiledne. Respeedully yours, 7a3m3lfaanaa Winuferful Core tdfifethrefir; Affregg 'u MiDr. Bwayne—Dear RN: I kel a debt of giatifurbe doe to you—and a duty to theullieteiDgeneraßY, rtt• offer my humble testimony in fiver ef you gimp:rand By. rap of Wild Cherry. Sode r- three yearsehree Fleas Violently attacked with told 'nod inficreonluiiin of the Lungs, .which was accompanied with a distressing cough, pain In the Mew and bend, every cortalderal Me discharge of offensive muter from - the larrga, esp.. Melly upon ' change of weather, Mr:sever slight' At ant fent . o alarm nixed toy condmon, but .113 pretty soon convinced that I werfividlY ring into eastrump• don. I grew daily wearer; Imo o h length woo 'mace. ly able to walk about, or rich above a whisper such was the exceeding we Maly langa. Duri ng time I had tried variant preparations and presenpuons, her fond no relief—growing .11 the time woes Just hers I teas advised and peamaded by a dear friend in Virlimipleen to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher. ry. I mum route. that - pievionsly I had been preju. diced against patent medicines, and -I ant still against those commit out of the band of ad:merles, bet under standing your claims to the profession and practice of medimae, and having implies titillate the saying of my Mends, fforthwith purchased of Dr. Bhaw; one of your agents, a few bottles, and commenced its use. My ease wan at,that time om 9 2 23 moratio , standing, eau. sentiently it tem deeply seated. I found, however, cenaiderable relief. front the One of the first four or five bottle.. But being epublie speaker. I , frequently at tempted to preach whit my increasing Wealth, and thereby ruptured those vessels that had alma y began to herd; In this way, dentition; my cure was greatly retarded. conaegnehde of acting then imprudently, I had to Pre twelve DY'filteen bottle before I was per fectly restored. I have nn tparadmit, a numb smaller number of bottle. orchid leave made In at untied. but for the abovernnoteretion. The Syrup allayed the the er . rahlhabit, tiath away the diatrewing eriegh, h e a atop ta the discharge of TIMM , (rem the lung., and gave these and the entire PVilellt gond health! I have defer red offering this tertfficate until now. for the purpoas of being perfectly swished with the permanency of the Care, and now that I Wei perfectly well I offer It with . pleasure - It.. J. P. Joan.. Dublin county, N. C. Importaut Catetiou—Read! Them is but one nmsuilic preparation of Cherry, and that is Dr. isiesvais, rho first ever offered to the p_ublic. which bas been sold largely thl'OughOut the United States awl corm: pans of Europe; and en pr o . parades.. called by the name of Wild Cherry bass bees pp, om sjunn this. under cover of some deceptive circumstances, in order lit give currency to their sale, Ryt & little observation, no parson need inistalre the genuine from the Wise. Each Linde of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful steel encraving with the lame. of William Penn thereon;also, Dr:Swayer' Sand as further security, the from ait of Dr. Swarm will Iss — Mided hereafter,ari as to distingumb his preparation from alt others Now, Wit was not for the great curative properun• and known virtues of Dr. fiwaynele Compound :syrup of Wild Cherry, Would not be endermoßng to give currency to their .fictitious nostrums' , by titanium the name of Wild Cherry. Remember, olwayd bear in mind the name of Dr. Swayer, and he not deceived. Principal Office, corner erßighth and Race 'teems ; Philadelphia for sale irbelesnle and retail by OGDEN & SNOW. DMI, nor Ili/ and 'Wood ate , B A FAHNEBI'OCK & Co, ear let and Wood, end Gth and Wood aka; WM THORN, GB Market et; S JONES, VC Liberty et; JAS A JONES. nor Dena and Penn ate: MOIR Millen. ELL, Allegheny city, end by all respecteble dealers in medicine. 0.13 B. hnesioek's Asatl-Blllous PUJs. compoundCnlc combines ma 11... ot fib with efficiency and comparative mildness of parg nese sedum, and having a peculiar tendency to the binary argue, is extternely valuable in that coon. try, in IV Met bilis. fevers and other complaints, at. tended with congestion of the liver, so much abound.— They have now stood the test of gfi years, and ropers - enee has proved them to be a safe and valuable remedy in Intermittent, Remit:ens and Bilious Fevers Jaun dice; Meat Colic; Indigestion.; ; Dysentery; Elisions Ventitums; Colds. and ell comp ants of an In fammatory character. 11Le complete nod univessal malefaction which hes been given by these pills to all wrhe have once used them, renders the pnbliahiug of the numerous certfficate , in then, favorounce...Ty. To prevent coumerfteniug they FM now put Op iri a red xylograpic wrapper. Prtee 25 cents fora box containing 30 Prepared and udd by It A- FA SINLWOCR & Co tamer la aid was 4, and deo earner ad. and wood 2 eopt2 SELLERS ifltßitliFUGE PREFERRED TO ALL OTHERS:— Licerimmos, Va. Ott. 14;1.443. Mr. IL P.. *llene—One of oar physicians, boa pistil. is very - exteitelve, 'told merthis morning of a rase in which one vial of your Vero brought 'Away above en aromas; and a gentlentam in the neigh borhood said that less than half a vial caused the di.. charge of neat GO lime worms from one of bis chit. dram Very rainy otsueb Instances might be 'mated. it la well knovenantliete, and almost all pyefer nut jar other. Send bO me a doyen atell'Oblige Tanis, • 'I. M. WILSON. Parents who do not' ariih to trifle with theft children, should tae Sellers' Veimifoge: Prepared and !old py R F.9lll.l.fliS,STWood as, mold by Dr,Cassel, sth Vitied; DM Cary, Allegbeny. novl. STRONG EVIDENCE that 'De .I...TNEIS EX- A is superior to all other remedies to, Omits Conmseption, Bronchiti, Sadism nod other ?elms sulerkesions, isthat therms pumas stbormansamed the Ilms eft I. 'dent frontin ten yeses sp. siiH mks m to all tither remedial deo kind; and whammy haes bean indeed tirtry.ather prepanthleas eery ham &hams tumidity been Dmisted us mee,sior, the benefit mhieb was rewash indidpeted Dren th e hlghpralseabartaaredbytheyroprielors, led W. reamed to the of MM. , ErrataTOWS, ready Mal Aa. no ailed te relsrre them. and which pralably user bad Ito err refiStoy pn/monary dmesses Premed statY by Dr D. Jar* Philadelphia, and sold cm diteIGISA;If ALEX:JAYNES 72 Foal* in rSPAIN EXTRACTOR wi 6 4 in 6in min au. from the bore of iu upplieutioni.vemove the poles from the severest bums, scalds .or blisters, and will hell vroandahleers Arid wire, Of any itinj without sear. This valuable Palo Extutitter eau be had of JOHN D SIOROAN,Dtands‘ --" No MI Wooßstrust, • AMP Aieut for WeaLDA Penn. . A. ITAIINEIPPOOIEII riginnff l l7lllo. ,- . I.26FEW weeks aince,one of my ehildmgttged about vet years, was unwell for uncial days, tbe linen increased so. Mau:tingly that h fearet i death would be the malt. Having heard of the good erect. of Fshnertock's Vermihtgel when ildlilllllsla reit to the children of toy um ghbors,and thinking rip atild might here wanes, from some orthe symptoms, I gave it one and - a half teaspoonfuls of the Verodruge, and to my peat astonishment it almost Immediately diuharged tart Ween 233 and 260 lave worms. Its health AM soon reitored, end it is now remarkably welL Previa:taw %Meg the Venatfuge, the worms would occasionally eite in Its throat, and I often feared it would die from Iltranguh est rtirm. IA 9 . G. DAWSON. re ma, Venango co, Pa, April 3, 48. .03 Ems CELEBRATED ITCH ANL THITER OINTMENT to the mere effectual remedy beMre public for the cure of getter, itch, dry arid watery pimples of the lace, neck. antibody, scaly eruptions, sod all °MeV diseases of He skirt. Thu Ointment ie warranted free from memory, is perfectly cafe and Mt? sued at all times and under ad euctrtastances. A h amity of this valuable remedy received and for sale by LI A FitIINMOCK & Co, Corner of tst and wood; else, corner of fith mid wood Meet.. jel VERMIFUGE—"No family should he hj without it Loou, C.11., - Vs,, Aug. Ili'4l Dtg R.• E. auras: I cheortidly celdry that I have torsome years past used your Vermiroge in my amity, aad universally with ...cow I decidedly prefer h to say other preparation have owd—umongst them may bisimm,l the colelerated medicine enntO .Dead.em, FahaestookY Verniting; and a p.,,,,mu0p wiled Worm Tea. In • retain case a singlet dose brought imam my little boy One bandren and six huge worms NO tuna y certainly ought to be without It Yours &a Mae= Prepared and sold by IL FL bellers,Nr.s7 lYoaf . t. aad mold ►g-orugpnto generally in both cities. sepLl _ • Pine Bet aiTesth for 25 Cents. W IIITE T1.11 , ,Ti1, FOUL SHEATH, IfEALTIIT and unhealthy teeth, alter be . hwoace or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber Tooth Paine, have the appearance mostheautlfid ivory, Wattad the acme ume hie no perfectly Intweent and ei *Lithely fine, that it. constant daily aaa is highly ad vartiageou.,even to tboseqeeth that are ban good &jay, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a =m decay. Those:already decayed it prevents becoming wanve—it also Omens each waxing loose. gee by peraTrerante It will render the ?eaten teeth delicately white, and wake the breath de— lielonaly sweet Sold by %VAL ritCYSUN, ed Liberty street - Ranplorrol • nu, It V. Mi. B. Lontanarrotni, PlOsburgb. G. W. FA112112130 0 , liVtileatllalli Drug stor In Om City of Boor • • , rsurdendsed are ea watairely engaged ,in the WholesaleDruF at:sinew at N. 49 Joan street, 07 of New lora, and are prepared to eapply Dmaeit. and, country !do ir.b.auLWI*MSP, to pyeam.9sB,:fere.ge ds :ir American rerfamery, yyltua~tdcr : ' belrown o v .r....t.t.betattieleat=rts of bast- A• it raia qtlAtiZrOknoka•th°9 WV** c- • . 0 Tr malty. rr1.14 13, A, FA lINE2TOCE kCA I 1 ww 0 ,141 .i . it- .4.41 t 444 F 1 l 1— s ii 11 4 I.ll4irt til P 1 i 1 . 1 k iil t i---i-11 1.14 Isqi, r.-----.7--::::-.1_; tillll-i iirli• /zii 1V:il&.--1-7.-"1.".1.:, COXPOVID wzmuln SA RS A P A RI L',L A mer ex oe triordiruay ß ill i a o ‘to Li tn 4 tt 'World Tk4 Eztrast pat i s Qulrt• Bottle:: it it tl'" ;= . 44 all h . sailifiag,potrettr, sildteldair Aird4iji , ths Paint. tha post bawdy and attporiochi of Mb Sarsaparilla oww sll other arsdkinaa don aradkauts the dia. oolst, tt btohrorotes the body. It ls cos of the very beat spawn AND SIIIINELNEDICINfIII Seer known; it *only puff= tha whole "ratans. and nsapstbooslUporno, bot It peas., inewrzre and rice Ili ad: • power poweasod by do taborworna. And Is tnis lies pond atone Oils wanderthil mama h hos pOrforrnall vithinabo last two years:snore Doan 100,000 cores of "mare cam of Olson's; al kw* 15,000 were • tonaldertal isworabla It boa scrod rho Urea of more nun 10.050 children dub* tha two past Mama. 10,000 cameo of Cloarred Debility and woad of !Corot:on lassorgy. •Da?Toinarosiodstaijaally liatialas, Os ',bd.. .7,,,,,,,, p.f.....*. .TO th ine one ,have lon tools mamas.. marry by dierliesti of seediebunr heasao. , tine soosarted in yenta, sr ass suasive ialdessirs ei the posies, ' ad !noted . 0 r4=sral YhThicdPoruo. _ , tan of the narmenYslo. loop_odes .. 1 . ,,_ __of =aka.. . yoaciayac t uati t iaa, primal.. U. 00117. and a1ir...1.14 ut.. log wads dot teal dames rosssaitgaita4 Caus be en Cicely mooed by this plasma* maady. This Sasso • parilla is far marlin to ony , . , lay lratits. Cordial, , - As it tempt tool Wityorates Th. spasm, giros activity toot ' WM dieostb tei.bo nonabler ~'secs to s ?-7ajt OK iwy dogma. :2,- oinsaraption Cared. I wos ' 'Straddra Cionnorption ems bo eared IS ,'emaciate, Cionsooptioa Liver Osayistai Clolds. ~" clautra, 0008, halm, DOiltty ej zing, ,PoraitisOs Us Oink Recta Arrad, /14.11 datol, - Dillad..lor Penton' sar. ~ratatLeislotli SW, lie, foes • • ad am la roma arrrwitio BLOOD; I:Maharanee sierra, or Mk, I latoo (la award moo borno=l7. LlZI:.7VLAM.ll, l llll"wr g =y ( r atad voodoos% tad fidimat arpool to Boa I bavo 11. oodY Mgt Toaa [taupe& • alatn tlase, mai ohm kw avaaliroltsloboalplaala wrought hi am I mum ablo to mak oil ma um atty. 1 rola ea blood, wool aty togioll at llama. T. w onoT imagins teat 1 Mk! thamp,rantin. Tonor dolled WEL rtMLI A IS Cadtartaato. ihilieeda neaanw. . . X it, at. T d'erouiptia Le a sovendp turd tpleety me kit Le I Conseteatlea Barrasuans, rnalaps. Utak o f F et the We. * Corinne., ril... 1 ... u. edrilitte; iF • abreeeted er Moth Ifeartrae- Wei, leeeathaeace tirtne, et hteelubtry diseharry lietreatiked far the rs.mJ prestreeles of he team— ed =tin vim**, W tomb et lainimet ems et tame imitheed by bmilwitr. OWN arSvoini Motels( tee be mere - etnerlehee ilwa let Isrleeeintes taut on tbe Yuen' et Pam es all weaker sad lead tialeareee Uhler at ea basso tebm tete tall et exutror eider be tee. It laimakiatsly diottereetit Me atmlatemest et the !Wade &ma whiti it the peat tares et Dimetaine Is ail am lateeald of as, it um at' to dathate a =sena b It.zbb4 etrilletess ot taro perfumed hit us ate mate the atekteq that hundreds &atm hurrebeea ..Pend ban liteatealt et' ante .Yen hail.. ho.. bees erftletat &Mem slay e am - bathe et ohm teat t& sectlelea but been bimedirleit Jim hunk, Gape*. To Mothers s*d Married Ladder. TEb Eau= ors...mmHg. In. be5...P.... 1 7 Pt. pared In refkreace to Mob complaint. Na reed. •ho has loosen to =ppm. aka la approachlog that eritkol period, Tim tem of 10... should mew to take It, am it I. a omen proemial. ter any of the noseummo and horrible discos.* to which formal. aso rutdect at this dma of lit.. ml. poriod may I. as. b/yrilfirr smeara.l . years watogrtki• nedieia4l. Nor Is it Ices rahotbkjer thrum wbo kro apptoachion wo manhood, to it icalculated to amict tutors, by quick. acing the blood and invigorating the aystenn Ilide.d, this tordieln. I. Invaluable for ail the delicate disc. see to 11411.41 women .re mibjert. It brica the whale syment renews pranulestly enl eiterglea, by summed the ilepettire of lb. body, imt eo fir stimulatiag to to maw. ettbeeques. rchuotloa,whieh Is the cue of mum medicinescaken fol fends weakness and discam. By valorfew bottles el the madlcinc, many memo and pabafal • surgical opera Vass may b. prrented. Great Blaming to natherwausd Children. h the matt and moat effeetnal totolitios for parity , tee de vet= and rainy* the .offerors attendant upon ektibbirth ever disenverol It strengthens both the mother and ehikl. prevent. pain and dim., Ito ozone and anricinta the food. dicee who have used 0 think it I. Indiejiltuadale It hi highly useful both before and OW ennitagnant, a. It prevent. &ism. attendant upon eliddhlrth—in Cant ea., riles, Cramp. 8..44 Ind of the Peet Detrpondeney, Heartburn. Vottritter. Polo the Bunk and Lolv., Fated gain., Hemorrhage. and to receinciat liencrethes and eqedlinitig the on minion it has no oral The smes; beauty of dd. medicine in Hl. ala aye sally end the most delleete ns• a ,aost *nevem:fully. very fnie eases metre any other medicine. En mem a Wan Cuter 04. or Igagneda, mend !ameba In the epee nr, sad lien food with Aix asedictoe, OW always sawn! • info sod nay nem diamenc• Beam, sad Ilealth. Canneties, Chalk, end a variety el yreparations teno n ity to nee, .b.. applied is the lase, Ivey thee eyed n at ha beauty. They erns the pone of the skin, and shack tha eircalinina, which, when names is tha abeam, ed by dimes es powdaroir, th e skin fanned by dm alWlea and la soar, bazaar itsewe production in the Irma twee Bering" se veil as in the gardan rids end delicately ,lased end variegated flowers. • free, active and h..bby cirralattan of tha dind• or the coorr with park risk bio.d m tie ostristoltios is that .bleb paha tko cowszustos• is the most e. she hominy. Iris that which imposts th• Auks sag *Wm .f Wass that di win:dm bat noneea. deserib• Tkia beast/ hi re eC.qr at or itere--notofyonsier wry. II time h sot • nos sad healthy °lsraelis; there to to beauty. If the lady VW, as drienaeserr, if die palm, and en tionnetiest and the blood I. thick cold and impure. dr is oat boas , brawn orsad then ts pool sad stave bleed, It O m • rich 110021'allow, to the sheer, sad brillisamy to their ow that is This Is why the atoth ai:V=lty the Spa* lab Isidlen•estes mash sdmlnd Ladle* is the mini .bio e. - - r tale. bßub =aril.., or are aoudad in does strum cir hare Toiled Mar compihmfon by tlm .ppti maims of delatarsou mixture., If they wish to re. gabs clunk%) MOM); hooyasu spirit; mpurtill. . )q cud lerantiful elithpleailatma they should or. Dr. own. secure Bassapardbx Tbo ~ode rho bays tried ant mernthen curled, ase delighted Ladle. of eery Barb* erred our ogles daily. Notice to *ht.'. sales. Themtott holtata D. TowMad'a Sampardla hart !amiably eallgad MU. Mira gam Smut, fir Fe mks, to, ao,ond ban oopLW ear ldtla an Medan which relates Obi complaints ammo, Itha worn —caber as oho primp medichte g Mae tio peal mom of Dr. Tswasead'e toMtI enagrobthaa mew.* b prod., seats hob.. thboadlgyr• dandy !hay &gigot • amber of theme Mixo., Ma ..teg y clog Imprimis I. they VSTIMILIe disease, and Mimed. 4. Dr. Townsend's b the only and boot moldy dsr W 1.9013.109111 hmal• ad. plalm—lt rarely; If am fans of abating . parammt ma. It cm be tab. by the mat dalleala hooka In any cm, or by Mao arpooloy oo boom mho.; with the POMO Mitnatlyrila, r ft prepares the moo and pmem pW as damps, and Manila, m both couthar MK a. ouvhd to pat the &maim Nereghla Cared _ This minim; onclusively proves dui this B.m. pistils has perfect control nes the mem obetteste du s.. of Liman:4 Three persons eared o on home suprtindisendits • :Mares .Childreo. Toimitglitn—Den Sir t I ban dm leform:yenskat dine ef my. &Odom have = Mike Surofolitly oho as of y noels. smodk-toe. 214 were sfilistsd say anomaly with had Sons ; ken Inn ad) fen beam ; It took ahem eing, ter which • I feel myself nosier gnat obligati.. Toms. 1134/I " re di CILIN, 166 Woosursc ciPlehuts. Dr. Townsend Ls almost doily hi s receiving erden from Phyairianslo diffident parts piths Miss. This is. cavity Mu von tke utoindissd, Thymic's. of the City o t. A.sy, ban in nameress grand. Tinnmentge gmvaparilia. std bonne It to Is OW -ache asst valsabls plopssailmos tin resist , PL. P. POLING IL D. . WILSON, Id. D. R. S. BRIGGS, XL D. Atrbssy, April 4188. P.E. ELME:WORT, 11IL D CAUTION. . . Owing to the (reds:mem and' masans• al• f Dr. Temme•d's Elmesparills.• numb. men mim mm• remedy arterie46 tette etermenmed mskini Banmpm rills Exuma, east," Waters, Est:mmo( Yellow Dock, k.: They generally put uop is the name sh•ped bou :Imusuld remuref them bath MM. and mpied ow admen thmeap—they are only .moriblms thstratamu and theeld be avoided. Principal 011. a, 126 FULTON Street, Son SeMing, N. V. t Balding & Ca, II State Won, Boston ; Dyo At P.n., 132 North Second meet, Philadelphia ; L FL Ileute,Droggist, Bellmore; P. Y. Cob.. Charleston; Weight & Co, 151 Chanter Street, N. 0.: 102 South Pearl Street. Albany; and b, all that principal Drag. and Slerchauts generally through°. the Com. t .40, We 4. !MUNI 414 the Cannel.. N B.—Persons implicit* for this metheino, should not be induced to take soy other. Druggists put up Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling th eir on . Do not he deceived by any—l nquire for Dr. Town send's, and take Co other. Remember the germ. inn Townsend's Sarsapatil a.. sold by the eole agents. R. F.. SELLERS, General Wholesale & Retail Agent, Na. by Wood street, and D. H. CURRY, Allegheny city. ta' _ 'e lib rita - AGIENEY, For the BACOTETy Et of Dorma lr nt and Improperly With. held REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE: the Set. tleanent and Arbitration of Commercial, Trading. and other Debts; Securing Poet. for Inventions m Ores, Britain, Ireland, and the f. in, and Dependencies 'hereunto belotring, and Negotiating for the Purr chose or dole of rheum, 100 EPERENCE may be tad on application free of EL chew, (provided the motive is nut that of mete euriceily4 to a List comprising 1 vents of 13.1g10 names in which unclaimed property le etanding. A bio. an Index to our It/ t 9OO advm...rementh which w are appeared forthe put Gil year* In SAW,. British ewspapers, addressed to Heirs at Low' and next of Commuttleations by letter are requested to be penn.paid. BENTHAMdwey FAIIIA N. 31 oa, New York. Rcterenees are permitted to ßr Hon. Chartial P. Daly, Judge Coon of Common Pie., New york. Freeland, Stuart & Co. Chas. Cartlidge & J. T. TYpssoit. G. it. A. RIO/ells, Farb • Wrenn] Schroder, Esti., Cincinnati, Ohio. Patehin, Prestdent Pueblo flank, Ronk,. novardOm -77 'r the annual meeting of the Corporator*, held on the 6th the following peonas were ocuthr moody remleeted Manager, for the cueing year: JOHN BIEaSETHOMASLIg M HOWE, President. JPS • SECAROT NATHANIELHO ( WILSON WCAND Manager,. tICIN H. SHOENHERG ,JAMES R. RPEER J. thinert, Jr, Seeresoy cal Trrxwer. The annual:MaiMeetArterefifed She akin 'of the 1 3thithanjitroreery pa:wpm:it cot:Mr:on. Their office In the dr, Wild- =Want , street. jeld kiiAlar - thrude U' by dece ISAIAH DICRRY k CO CEkZE-1:00 his in store and for We by deed deed ISAIAH DICKEY A Cs .t.Tut.X2t s CoFFIN KERS`AND U NDER TAXERS, corner of Penn and 9t. Char streets, ..P.Elotke Egehtmge Hotel, entrance on Penn •treeti respeelfully inform them frlrrids and the public, that May are prepared LO furnish and attend io everything in the line of Undertaken. Airway, on hand a large as sortment of ready made Coffins, covered, lined and fin 'abed in the avvir beet manner, all sons and trees ready made thmuds of lie snel, Cantbrtek and muslin, and all wires edade to approved styles. We keep a large as cartment of whi a and black, canon. milk and kid Gloom sable for pall bearers tmd mourners, erupt, caps, Col lars, and every thing neecetrry for dressing the dead, and on reasonaide terms. as we purchase all our good, in the Eager. eine, A len, silver plates for entre emit the acme and age. We have a splendid new hearse and brow, and any number of the Pest carriages. Every thing attenenvl to promptly and punctually. oelia r • -• • BENNETT 4 BROTHER, QFEI.INSWARE hI AM/FM:Tr/RI:RS, Birmingham. I near Pittaburgh,l Pa. Virarchouse, No. 137, Wood area, Piltiburgia. r , j , WILL. constangy keep on bond a good assort. r meat at iVale, of our own munitnetarv, and • zupertorguatity. Wholesale and country Mel • chant. are respectfully invited to call and el amine for themaclves, as we are determined to sell cheaper than has ever before been offered to the pub lic, Orders sent by mail, accompanied by the cash or ens/refers:lre. will he prom' tly sttend,,,l to. feheS P. hlui.vster. -- JAM. K I.xublz SPLINT GLASS ESTAILLISIIIIENT. NA,-131..VANY ts. LEDLIE manutaciare and keep con- IR' canny on hand 'Cat, !doubled and Plain Flint Glassware, in all its var:eues, at their Walchottsc cost ace of hlarket and Water streets, Pittsburgh. Gin Works continue in full operutinn. and we are snow., ly adding to oar stock. which enables la ID fil! orders with promptnese. Purcha,rs are respectfully solicited to call old examine prices and terms. taTlOdly COACH, MAKING. FROM the very liberal encourage mentthe subscriber illsreceived su tt e e .T .. .." • . he has located in Allegheny wi.Cgimit... hoe induced him to take a leave, for s term of year, on Me property he now ocenpma, in Beaver street, immodniely beside dm Prubyterian Church. From the long erne, nce in t lie above btonnem and a destre le please, be hopes to me r. it and receive a share of public patronage Now on hand and finwanig to order, lockawaT Hoe. Cee, open and top Buggies. and every desenpuon Curves made to order, from seventy-five dolor. to eight hone set kep3.41111 .1011S1 IiIISCELLANEOUS. ANUFACIIIRED AND LEAF TOBACCO.— ..11 HEALD. BUCKNOR & Co, 41 north water .t, and HI N. wharves, Phil's., offer for sole on accommodating terms, IRMO pkgs Manufactured Tobacco, constant:o of pounds, half pounds.s'., eq. IF., 10's, In's and tr,rs, lumpy IV, G's •nd EPt plod, andid's Ludier Twtst. ut whole and half boxes, of the following approved brands, •rs: James II Grant, Osborn & Bragg" I Grant A. 'Williams, A Cobtuntis, B Jones dr. Son, lit'Donald, Websuts Old, .1 Thomson, James Thomas, Jr. A H Arms - mad, 1 Thomas & Son, Landlsom B. Armistead, J P Coates, 1 M Cobb., Gentry & Royster, J A Clay, ' 51 A Ruler C A Hall, Green Hall, Win Ihisviion, Pear+ & Norwood. J S Blackwood, Nath Page. Keystone. kV II Vaughan, - Edmund Ikon., Portlisox Robinson, Russell & Robinsonj Kenn, Robinson A. Co Seib Halsey, R !Retool/. John Ender, Lawrence Lotber, 1 Robinson, Grey & Gray, D 11 Turner, 11 Jamieson, York AVMs:, D M Branch, —ALSO—. Houma Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and Minim Yarn do do do Cienfuegos do do do St logo de Cuba do do do Si Domingo do do do lquria & Galileo do, part Me, do Maysydle do do do Kentucky various geodes do do tleginia Leaf;suitable for manufaelartag and export; Spanish Seed Leaf, Penn's, Connecticut and Ohio; Virgini• Scraps, scs,el, German Pipes; Pipe heads; Scotch Snuff (loose and bladders,) Maccooba Meal; Tongan Reims, Havana bass; Otut Rose; Scrotum*: Calabria Liquorice; Potent Cavendish Knives. Spunk, be &c. PHILADELPHIA, m IS AT Ili. old ' , land. e”.ner Of , taghfield street •nd Duitoond tiOey, Pm:Lure', pa , would reapretta, avri:tinn i . v. o ", Ital. •eper. tn a iartee .11.1 .uperinr ru, ot I m among wbreli vein 1., to andltie A,lloarlng braud., v. s Engle. 'legal., C.. eon.. 1",nr1re.1.4 Norma. glar Bryn I. thne, Regalia.. all of wiite sold a. war n• ran • had Dean) mar, lino.. to the Crn • Al.°, rou.tantly on hand and in, a i.rxe •nd ritat nook nl Virpron. Mi....mi. and Fine Omit Toharco Also, Havana. CO. and P 41.190,1 I.raf Tohn..eo , oaafttally nn panel 1.11,1 lo< .ale. nov3..fam PAPER WAREHOUSE• NO. 0 . 13r1.1.161N0 ("LIP. NISYY YORK. yitv.? V. FIELD offera for 101 l at thr ;Cy, INlSmafarnitera` p nee. n a< a.o„ra,st of PAP KR. rompro Tartrlbte kr .0. ulapted toil.< arm. of ranamnera all Se r 1,0•1• nithr coantra. Papa, of •Il gnus made ta 01111 Cl ...or• •. . 71tenant of PRINTING PAPER ...1:1110••1.0., carp • patio! which .0 at very aunt-notnuattty PAPCiL 111AKCIt S rIATICtiIA LS of a!try deacnpoon, ..opeptrd and teat co/want., or ban. m: Pelt:nits, W Poll, Foardnroor ,ros 111ner:lang Powder, aloe Ultr i tinume,Twune,ae., Its RAGS.I Cernrase,llele Hope, Gras• Rope, Dagg c , pualtued, for which the b4hest pneeevil; a• peal tylvy New York. Jo!,. .etty on t h e mostapyernmel Eastern plans— mid term faxtuonable Eamrtn patterns anrieolora. Also TOE CORAP ROLL, or DOS rots' BLIND, on hand or made to order of &Daises, and at all prier. Country Meacham+ and when ate 'united to call and skavune the above for dmermiel,csres all wilt bn.ed wholesale or remit, and • lacers/ deducts., made to wholesale pure.buers. anldly A WESTER VEI. !MICR FOR SALE. T of'b°„%d c, "7.7 17; .Ioorth."•„'; rs.o :r ,n.`z antela improved machine. for wine!, be has obtained • patent, and agrees to give purchasers a cannon guarantee that they are stronger, and will mine frost sod wet weath er and =Mine less nunsurre or dampness 0.11111 soy oth er brick, possessing greaser body and superior texture and much more durableto every reopens, each bnek being subjected to a pressure of several tons, and pos. sassing a handsome smooth surface and even edges, then make a front equal to the heat (root rock. They have Oven the greatest satisfacuon mall ratio have purchased. A Mtn eau tre men at my work., and specimenat the*Gasette office. Those havingpplird themselves for their Loading, and wishing han mi doonre front hriek. or superior bard sod solid paving brick, can obtain them ISAAC ORM°. Ilirmingham, IT, Me. tf Al I PGlifehlY YEN emist n — FA CFO 301121 A. BROW'S, . TAKES this method to inform his friends and the pablte at large that his Factory is now in full operation, on the weal lids of the thamond, Allegheny, where a eon .__"l *rant supply of Blinds. of various colors t and qualities. are constantly kept on hand; -.. also, at Nos Wood st. Pittsburgh, at .1 k H oil cloth warevoom. Venithan Shutters made to order in the best style. Blind. repaired at the shortest notice. N. Blinds will be put up without any addi tional expense, Ito that they can be removed in a ow "- warhing. and S• 101091 the aid lyl-01 ykwi emir+ WINTREI. SEASON. 1115 ouh.e.rher re pro. pared In turroah 1.k.q000. for Wrolcho,.. and rontrooool h Irorrroi Fioorr. °Mort left with w T llown, Jr. O Most wool or ihrono3 ti.- rt..,• liverttl promioly . . 111n..ehr.ter Nllr-ery ,05.r.3 di M. OSEDALE fiARDFINS, ALANCIIFXrIiIt Prim Proprietor °rib u well known place of retort j, the pleasure of Informing the puha.. that his en bailment baying been thoroughly refuted and repair and the ground,. elegantly laid 01at and ileeurnted. now open for iseir accommodation. and lie hatters In •elithat Mom who may favor him With their patron age will find all that they derv.. provided in the beat style and on reasonable term, determined to enure no ripen we in making hta eshifillohnlestl worthy of public pummel, He hoe emenninualattotts boarding a few familtra lee Cream., nit all refwah• nlartils cohabir a the seacon, constantly rit, hand LEVI MAU:HM:I.D Eranong.hela Houma TallOrlng Effitftb. lishment. • •• • . SA AC WILLIAMS, Draper arid Tailor, brat to i n lArno the citizens or Pitleborgh and mho., that lo /lOW opening at hit rooms on Southfield street, un der the above Hotel, o large and beautiful aosuraneri of Clotho, Coasimereo, Satins. Silk, an t other Vesting., together with such other article. ao are reqtured gentlemen'. wear Ilto gond, hoer been enrefully or then otyle. as well of viuperior quality. lit. easterner may depend upon having their clothe. made op in manner whirls cannot fall to /(11111 . ) , the tool, of the Mott fast:Mout ap24:IY THE STAR OF THE WEST * Ff.:MI . IMS BLIND MANUFACTORY East Aide of the Diamond, vrbero Vene tia Blind. or oil tin different sixes and color am kept on band or made to order ado tbo lomat and most approved Fastern limb lons, at dm shortest nonce and on die mos Also, the cheap Beaton roll or apt. Mind Trnnaps• tenet and raper Can 111. of all dna diffptent stint and patients, patients, On hand and for aala fore aul,. (lid Vertl• Ilan Blinds painted over and raptured, et taken in part payment for new . ft M WESTERVELT, l'ro'pr. N. B —All wart done with the beetmaterial and worknittnahip, and warranted to piratic the most fes- Odious. anglO-dly Allegheny eity, Aug tat, VAR STEAM FERRY BOATS FOR SALK—Tin:Taub scribers ogerto roll one:fourth of the two ferry boots, Gen Scott and Gen. Worth, now running (rum the foot of Penn street to Saw Mill Run, so aim date it• profitable inVestmitni for estroilaßsts, or mg who may wish toenglige in the business. For Anther particulars, inquire ot notegi tf 0 BLACKBURN & Go, Water at TRANSPORTATION LINES. THE lIXION LIIXE InliaM 1848, mail BETWEEN PITTSBTSRH.FIAND CLTVF.LitnI. W. T. fiLtruga, Pittsburgh; Rua, PAagit A. Co, Beaver; }PropeL Caa T IVOIU) CHAIMILIx; Cleveland HEsibove Line is now prepatvd to transport freight and passengers from Ponsburgh and Cleveland, or any point on the Canals and Later Oar boat leaves Pittsburgh and (neve:and daily, rd.- ning in Connection with the neamtwn.s Lake Erie amid filiehtgan, between Putzliurghand Henson. nod a liar of first clang swan:drow n. propellor, brigs and AchoOn era on lakes Erie, Huron and fillehlenu Property forwarded to noy mut or the C.non with dispatch, by WNI. T.stATiivt: or .ItHIN . CAE:I.:HEY Acen con Writer and Smith A field •is, Pitt•burgb ‘At AGP.NTS:—Reed, Parks A Co. Bearer. f; iso ... 2 s,?,,ngstuvrn, E Cote. tc Co, 'l%' Homsvick ,t Co .1 Al v Clark, Ne;non 1 , ¢11.; F Lewis, Newport; I & E M Whinlusey, Compbellsport; I (I NFltride, Ravennn; M & C II Kent, Frankiln; Miller & Tuttle, Cuyahoga Palls Wheeler & Co, Akron, Burney, Ulla". A Co, Sandusky; Walk Ins & F. Third°. Dvtroa, Nlieh; M'Clore Mtlamtukte, Wm: IL J Winslow, Chicago. 111. apl4 RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, 1648_ , YOU TILANsrorTATIore or rararriANDirra agrwEEN rimmenifil AND PI BLADELPIDA. ez , HE Proprietors of this out celaldiehed ;Lod Grid I P0.61 , 1C Boat Lena boolng removed them de }ml in Philadelphia, to o much larger Warehouse on Iblarket st., than they formerly oceopied. and also m tn. chaed then. room Mr manage at Pittsburgh. ore cow prepto off, much reader factlioca Ell altar (mends pat and roim. (Mods curried by this line are not trattMi;sped he• 17,1,11 Pittsburgh and Philmlelplnu. being curried r tirely Pormbla Sermon Dorm, To dapper % afloat and on , graal requinng areful handling. tlit• I. 01 importance. No charge load.- for receiving or ehipplog gondol or advanrlng charges. All goods forwarded I et roraptly, and upon no rea.sonable terms as nay oil, Ilne. JOHN 711cFADEN & Co., Camel Ilmmin, Penn it.. l'itulntrgh. JA,511 , 44 NI. DAVIS & Co., Market h 54 Coolinerees4.,l'l,lll4. MePADEN & Co., Funtintrding and Camay. Merchant., Canal Bain; Penn It., Pittsburgh. JAMM M DAVIS k. Co, four Parton and Commie. alon Merchants, 217 Market, and 54 Commerce et., Philadelphia. fehl-1 917 - Advancea made by either of the above on Floor. \ and other deacripnona of Me rehandive consigned to them. Jebvl NOTICE—The subsurilier; hove disposnilo - f their in. tritest in the Penica and lion Litic to CI.A HI: HAW', of Pittsburgh, ithd LEWIS, of this "hey will continue to transact business for the line. at their Warehouse on Ilrond street. as noun!, and be iiporik for it o continuance of the iintronar of their friend. J tr. Co. Phdadelpina, Marc& tth, Into. Ptossi'n. and Ohio Transportation Co. MASA& Double Lady Lane of FIRST CLAM En' BOATS AND CARS, razwit. to TZ.VOTOBT mob, turn." our TTLTTOTIOI.I •140 MATTE. CITIES. CLARKE & THAW Cann: Roam, Pattaborgh. LEWIS & 131.7ELEIL 2IV Markel gt., Philadotphls. JAS. STEEL & Ago, Woad ttreoL OUWDEN, CLARKE & Co., 7o North st., DeIL W. PURRICK, Agt , 12 %Vogt torrgt, Ncw York. Co-pa rtnersht p. 1 IHE subscribers have this day associated themselves together ander the style of K.er & Jones, for this tiutirrselfecTlir, forsOll7. l- i n aTiats: ' of the lib eral patronage heretofore extended to th.- house PASIIIEL V KzEn, JUNES hualturgh, hlareh I. le4B. KIER'S PORTABLE BOAT LINE, A.-1!...4. • 1;11N11.0,F.1) EN - riKEIN ritt,r CLA., SFA:710•• FUR 11111.A14ThellIA ANL) LIALTI)IIiKE 1. IA CANAL,* R ‘11.14,A 1,4 lqp un mu, n dr.patch. mud 10. •e, otiv, r•••pt•a.,• lui Th e lilt' ntlt,tior r•%., rnr4 r•I 11h. et., t.m.y• .• td,lf, reNt..../..,1 tt•much •Uf . trAelr• :brach .1, . r 1,11. R .1. Pi\ 1 . ,41 . ,r• C•nal near 7Th U. Pottstagr.h. N.rrL I. I-7: sArtl. r Itrora IT 11 , 31 k JONF.:4-I,,enni.s•int. forwardhic elms.. and Vnoir.ale lkaj.r. 1 hot, iloooliitul Pro.locr. Ae . fh .l.p O rghA., 1,11-1111. unix, m . . UNION LI. K, •••• jp . To Philo. r • and alllmor, IirNRY (.11A/'Y a /taro. ho•lor, DUTIL 11 I1.11(N11IF Yo Caa •'.. 'so IV' Mark , • It Kona, 'lra., North ,k , 12 •141141,4 .14 811.1 orra F. Clark, No I k flidar, R r _ ILIOTICE-71a. ors, at rrorfrrm• , re 11.14 , 7411 . 01 1111.1 •11,1 tiro etare P 00..., t, o aor4yr INtorral,iraor, Iltrolortt,r o 111.N111 GIL II Nll,ll . Nil 11 01 - rll.ll. CHO, 'WMI'IIIII.I Ph".fr MAR) Pao-ours, Okartrtf PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LINK eadiZl I S'IS. AIM For Jo Tralwr,,sr,o n eV' •...0/ 1 t from N 1 41Hh. Ikramoms A Cam Phdadelphia Tsar, It a I el'.,"ort. Pittsburgh q , FIL. old eaMbhthed Peing reew in 101 l opera I lion. the promeetor• made e ,'I4IIY. arrange ment/5 tO ion% aril good• mut pmr.lut , • Ith deoarnh, ad oo the moat Inenraide :ems lie, condment. hop, a ll known prompuer•ii de•r%r. rum ,oud•- a tl Ymuse wet) uuNle of cm mule—oepee.ous • arelm• ••• al each pun. adiddam gem:m.llmb. ~,,, •If f fft1I11(11-• of r‘tiO/1.11 , -11.1111 , 11.1 11:ff11 , 1.I. .11.1 rience and unramrdme eitanimni, re to Mem • coutatust”, of 1/1,141, tre Merl.) erateluil, maims* ledge Ail ensmigniariste and lug llnt no. reee,ed. ge• paid •1111 101911.111nd lif 11 frf,fiff,•l drreeteem rev eharg• tor ortvam ink or .orriar Sotntnrn•t, or ant, r tearitleraato Al: erdrimlllllo alliflf • pridriptl) adendeel kr 011 sypt.r., poll to the ae'd• lllte .ern. iitltila4.l. t:Aoll. co Starlet .1. Philarlelpica TA A PIT. S. 10/'t Cana. ilaem . refIrINNORA North It. MIVIIIOO.II Witt. 11 WILat.N. tat Cedar in. Neve York ripS LA.II.E. EWE AND lIIICII/GAIN LINE. ofigifi g THIS well known Lott., eomposed of steamboats I. Lake Erie and Nltentgan, betvenen Pittsburgh and Deaver, and freight and passenger Canal Boats be tween Deaver and Erne, 1121•1 CSI Reed's 1111 e of first elan steamboat, propellers and secrets on the Lake, is prepgred to carry tre.gbt and passengers to all points on the LYteCanal. and Lake. Erie, Horan and %rin g.. evert fsetlity for ennve•,, rre.ght and pa.. seneers n - trb promptnes. and dt.ps;t h, the propnelor and agents respectfully toile. iron: tutu friends aeon. Unaahee of their paironnee C 11 R REED, Proprietor REED. PARIO , h Co, Reaver Agents. JOHN A. CAI r.11E5 • An. nt. mph for Water mind lismahifirld Pitt•boren Mia r. IS.iS. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINK. To and front the Eastern muss, rut Curabertand Pint: propnetors this popular hue, have • stnre their 1 re-organization largely increased their tactlmes meet tha wishes of shlppers, •nd arr now jirepared to forward • greater amount 19 the Fl DAV LINK as •Iso &alumna! regular wagons al low rate. It hot will run throughout the year. delivering goods then ..h the agents in Italtunorr and Pittsburgh to owner. and nott•tßoes• •t spertimil rates and lime . Shipments (rota Phdadelphut (or the inn should be loathed -Care, J it Robinson, llalluziore The only agents are, B ROBINSON, teJ S lr.* .t, lialtunore F.DGERMS d Cd, CurabarL•rdl. 11% VI( (Ass, Brdwnreills. C BIDIVEKL. Pataborgh. igtg4g Aitei§alkia Elhe P r ti h r. h.„.h, T , ll.! 218 . P,OIT Ltoe .111 h L 1 N d E h — Agency al Cumberland from Pa habee of AleKae7B, tu that of Edgerieni A Cio rattaburih and gremern tnerelimMs are notified that Jl4, I, Rohm... No lb/South Chatir. M i Baltimore m the authmnud arm: ih it Liar iu the Klatern The ,grate are J C DI DWK.I.L, Nltsbure, Il W firommv.ll., KIHI A it TO.V etaxdwriand !tom soN , Baltunore. Transportation Company. •••••• =MO 3../111: 7,..•••••••••,..7-,.. "....Zr"*" 1848 011PEL.E..1,V.'he'd 1848. TO PHILADELPHIA HAL TI MORE ir NEW YORK goods and produce to and VIA eirrlreertvAreA Amu 011111 RAIL Nora. t r o e 'r e73 ' eTe r n frivOrAblr, ten. Ad. A"reorrtlao"st J or apply to 0 LEECH k Co, Cenal Bonn, Plit•linach HARRIS a LE1.,1,11, Nu. I k IS Nouili Third st, (.'TAYLOR k NON. Alas No It. Iloword n, A. ABBOTT, Agt, No 7 Wen sire. New 1 ork . Pittsburgh, March tnth. INPA nisr2o Niteroi:Lams , Transportotion Line. /S4B . iftifat VIA CA MAI 0 no 4. FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. 1 00114 eon.errned In our core will he forwarded without delay at the )(wren current rotes C A fiIeANIII.TI k Po (Nand Basin Penn al, Piitsbuirh AIERSEILLFS k IIEYNOI.ON ?7) sod OS Market •t, I' htl ROME, MERRITT k Co, (ern Minh , . wharf, Ilaillrnore MERCHANTS , WAY FREIGHT LINE. atig= 1848. ftlia IMCLCSIVELT 110• rite 'NU 4spoiriATlO3 Ur VV•T rttkOnT D 171'WEEN Pitiaborgh, Blairsville, Johnstown, HM- I) hdaystrurgh,Water street, (Huntingdon Cm and Po. tonaburgh This Line was formed exelnalvely for Ric special as. of ilia way easiness. The Proprietors, thankful fur the very liberal patronage they have re ceived during the lasi two years, woohlrespeetfully in. ions their friends and the public that they are now mill bettor prepared to deliver goods as any point on the Canal sod Rail Roads, with prontinneu and raortarots PICK WORTH I WOODS, JAMES A LORF GEORGE TRINDLE, JOHN KILLER & Co. GNTS. Pickworth k W A oods, Johnstown. John Miller ifollidaystinfgh. C A APAnulty it Co, canal - lonian, Pittsburth. Rssesszens—Pittsburgb—Sidib &twins( Jk J McDevitt, 0 k I H Shoenbenren R Robinson &Co, R Minas, UogaleT 51 . 16 i John Pitrkett W* Latour a Co; Dr P Shoestiberger. /On BOOKS, MUSIC, PIANO FORTES. ffiZrei JOON 11. MELLOR: No . I Wood *le., . now revere - eel n li,h n‘nott mem 31 Pk. Furl.. ue ,, ' r ot" 1...• frn..1,..z munotitotorw.l3 Ito3loil anti New 1 ork, la ;3 . 3,0 the el:3311110,1.11.31Iclin3ernI• re•p•..itt - t attetteti litoee 1. 1 . 031N1r l'ltlekrrlnw, In, Ihr .31/t• 431 3'11,111". ,3 3010 .43,11 In Welter, Peott• •31 .. 33.3 II ,C .3 1iti11314,3134,1 the Nry t`treu;st Settle. 1,1,, tuttup'.....te,u• r• - rwilly meld... and ~,- Inv, nth a 0rtn.1.31 3.1,31113 e, 13 IM ,3cr And equality of tn. over ut.k et.", r• fl.- tollowtog Ore the patturue .d Orley at 1•1,.I, ~,,,,, No. 1 /Wn vc..o‘l, brl , k 2: , 11.' •. • .•... trmuldrkz... • 1 7 r.• of Lou" 11.1. • ' • I. orfi, r. •/•ron.l hatul..,st 5.115. and very rvdurnl prune No 12 lioor.r.ml, round very rirgam4 fin. Nn 1.1 Ropewnr....l. round fOr/Irr, vs'll , rl •~'lL.c„nvrlare ru.mufnrtured l'y If 'lN'orrente N V. .1.5 being et:lure...l formerly Ltb •+:..1,./.1 "n•r,tro h 1 / 1 1.LImm, NV. 1 1 : made b the NO 1.1. 1t0..t.u..n.1 runrd. M 1 00111,A. fia!e k fn . . 7sl ” wl • " " N o In, 1{0.....tv0 (;r a nd 1 mno, taade by I cm, Ile,. Parr. I 7 °Navy, Nernod tiand, price 1575 Old {3,11 4:1 p.m ptlymeld for new 015r5. .1 , 11.1,1 !INF:IA.011 Sole Artrm r Gram/ nerd Square / arm EMM! tt frEgyi A ,I'I.FA Dili a wertrtiont of ITI bo gamy aml Rosewood 15amo, just Ito 1,..l litese im , “ at ue'ld• are rn. e 0 ltm. L‘m•rt rof term and Lest tatawriso .J wC.I I, Fold :0 x for a.usl i,.. CA ie 11l W04,,1 grtrret ul.ve 1111. N Iv. 0 w:u:• ot a good 11.rus .rit,in•a , rlll,l - d ne At , before imt• ~ an,o, t ne uot 0 ex..elVed . ~.e • i r.n, e.. any Nn bf W ropetd al. Mno,ll , rerrinva tn. 4nr• ourga 11 prrtaAni.irr. am lu o t . o n) evt r in I' 41l /4 . ELT 1 — the oubsormer k T h's• and for at. , n"n 'not. ot I'l.mo Forte. cislled the t IN KT \ I w qtt por.e.oing newt po andyweem,• th.la air v.iolf, 1 . 01/1“. occur,. but one lour lb in,ca rtntni a... 1 ts mach amt., showy and band.otne tukoure It 1. particularly de.trn. ble wher• granr in an (air,. briny rl ceerdinaly neat al.! rampart. and occupying' no more room t.t.: min't * r t . oub.eriber liaa ham, hare, I . • trout the celebra ted maw,.hin• la, onvni.and raing.wh,ch tnay in•p,•tru II /4' oct•C At / W wet", .E.()LIAN ATTACHMENT. RECE.I% or o f end Vol:att It by Nonni& C arx \ . 0.,e 0, Natl.& Clark's Pianos. ,th ..t.ta...tnr.n, hon. I , 4oni Am Engluld by M.r hr•.. :erollintiltal. or nd. nura . .,,, air :Me 01 . ertean .111)1 and mty. tar.nkr rernarLs l'ront S ere. lie • IX-m 1.0%., Jan. 1.. 1 0 13 r str— 13 g ~,• rr mY , 4 •-oi jf,••l3 1 0 110 1i IP Wl l tA 1 11 u,ll. your - .lig,i.to I I ... r 4rout tut,ur. Ito pr0v,,,,. 11. ra.: 1011 o par! I .n:d! 01,0 ,n 11111:0, 10 mak. your ,uvets- II 1,1.1;:ltEli for.wure rx , osn4. st L I 1: 1111t111.1.. from 1..- 11, (;,k Ya.r,• rt L.ng t 1 0111,1, I 0 . 1 0 1 iOl kIP I .I —on Iwo nob T.• , , • 1 1 ,31.0 mu. soaps And cairn -1,4 - • I 1, , le • 1,1, 1,04 ,crrptures Hurry \lilor• r 1,, o•Ph 50 ea ra. *I 0., n ii.t Iln.l I ,3 , S•ngt, and Plain Lea \-,1.1,a BEEI3ON mark, t k;retv VrAaste. Plano.• A .., 4 17 .I',. 0 11 0,, ..ortinrnt:r RoIr : .. ” 1 ..., ~ - , : ‘ ..1 . .,:., ;'_,..., .'1•';','.3.:‘,,,:'..111i.::‘::1:i I .; I'!l'.. TU) It I.: 1..1'. VII, IC, At I'..•c. P A 1. 1 N 1 ri I I [NI. •::•711 prt„.,.„ n , u.sr ;01. MEE= I.tt \ knit., ,11,“•••e•,••, t••,, . • a v . • , I` 1 Ilk , A Cr , 71. • • • j. /ll\ t. /I, ) A, PO -ran re li 4.• MR, and Intn,,nen•l.l an. n /CA,. N 1 t• I. NI %Ars...A ....I K.t, Lhd f.nd Pc 114 .• A a. , aari.•••ut,u, Nix tv n• rn I P•uu•ylvanlis & /tall Road vresayast Packet Line, atc:i. (.11 1.1111, 14:1.r111A & BAL- I INIt •HE pub, nr• re•, , knlornn-n1 1,Im! this Inn no,. nt rn•,,nan on lac t. 104. an.nl con ••• • • • r,... .." An- r n • aury.nr, •. • g rya.. r osulurt 7Le A .1: 'II . wa,,y ti.ll 1111..Nfs •I, l , Dore , Oar 011ke• boa:* or •i • , HI,- rTrr, .41,1 ,no o • I of tooprotatom. apply •l or to L./ 1.1:1)1 . 11 k o Conn/ Ile., 14 1/1•11Y & OW* • Paaackag•r and liamilaano• Oalola jabILO Fild•lN A it r ,, ,datur In brine rerrsons leOm an. peert n( net. Ir•land. tirollond us Wa.e., t,,mn .1, InJe, ..beret term., wild Mr. uMal punelualt, end ettertArn In the wont. and roar ton ofeuanogrsod rdo non slider our peesennger• to to. •axel•end •Cumpe :bat infest the sea p.m; a. err 'Ake eeere, th-n, thr moment the), re port .ereresetrete. Ono err to their seed hemp, and de. eratrli thrm any he the dm &Mitt IA r ear Ode Irnetree/e ex ler dr, nee of nut parr., err• edow that me, were uelon,ril 4, tuners by us to •-ri,oul, 01,1 let , euta.Asols tem-re ulr deta,ned rn•r , me atoll lnre rou el I.r ere: in mom. ottl troll at a rit inte,e,oll tem trre,ure 11,11 roan. whet .1 may. And ,:ot 44, a• ,mat• t e r p ether hthe t rr• 'Ann rd., perm/111rd not •.,, ee,,en .t etrted Pratte tlmern e on hitteturple der any mm Ire II to Stoat • oa)ot. ot the rtes./n:4m ilteeele ,n Ire. Kneland rutnd ahil It a,re 1.1,11 CA Ri,ltiv,ws E.rnron and rv5:.1.1.; p id G , Caleer's Patent Court", Heater Churn! ITUrre:IL IN 11VI: NH ♦lr rt..s- AirKehl! the uttenthol nf the puttlie to the vrttele yy bruiting Um. ntiveris.cateto. and 111.11 the eh. ', oh terptt..4 utta rtt flo at to nil aatl W.W.I. 11, Opern• . All halvertmeme h t. In re htlinlq 10,011%.1111V6111.100.1, Ie Ow latettlrrolt, lotto have ttrea It te.tell, it. 'taperer° tulipo Ting l'harit prodai.• Hutter. gni:wrin g it front - nyeret la five to trio onottotii.! from r ream pr.'. it. mini It • 11011111/y prepare it in to five minute, The utility of ilo• invention I. apprirria, a. bet ter Boor r ran proditerel :nom 1 / 1 1lii. or cream than errant 'Loured in the io.no I wit.. n d toy to o thin chore. a little or boy ean perform. to live n tett minute*, what lot. heri-toM letllltre4 the labor n a woo daymll or limn for oar or is. o ho u r. and sometime. half II . ad. BY tar.or e thumb wrew. the whole to. side dasher is taken oin, Ira rtini notion but the tomer and milk tit the wooden ilth It la the ehritpr.t churn rvrr Invented. Is the. ,mpliriry of tin n aafi action (through embodying a great plitionop Man i prineiplei make. ti hat Intie to manotaeittra it• Iffier roontrit•stin, churn, nn all ill mini W will ikaintior it (Dr %s r' have patriot..it I br nionopety of dn. volun bliimprovement wont hi Coletir & Myers, the patentees. We ore now offering the complete indno paly of this styled article for Mc Slams of Ohio, Pea,. nylVanka, New 'York, New Je ror.y, :Very laud and. Dal. aware, which will Insure co fain and large profit. to the manufacturer, and a speedy return of inrentment The public are Invited to call cud tenses. its operation, at our Wiley, In Pittaltorgh. every day. a t l o'clock, P. a cLA s. ( . 0 . Proprietor. Office, Ear Image Itullttliig. St Clair ntreet, next door to Mnguire John.. office. dewllidif 1, R 5-1 tihiirautid Alusturd, or auto s; ,, I one JOHN UMOR J I A DIEN Wp, n N'a u'J •",' how coa franca:thy flcs,flc•, A itITIK: It t• r..u• gu.ll It. Juno , Aloe. u • p. says "'LA". , , , I find .1 p0..e.... u al to e som e . ~,. rt. om coo f rm.. et r , COSU 4IPTION e. out at n reef:toes t.-mii .t ,e ne question, then. how eh.' we nip the destroyer to ow bud' how shed we get clear ei our coughs and I, r-sserid by 4 AJ.JAChroJtverst kia Horn and Shoe obis' is of void Import.... M the poblfe • ot- .91, srty 'gm.. nts.l oIL win, of the len it rilr. r,10".... r AND 0:41.1 REALFsn' . .., . ~ 1t... PSw set' • he wand in the rtinoinr Panacea In proafor this Lobe. lad., Poi mmnished, a Ellie tram tune to ... r obliehed the certificates of hi i n i, you a oast. lh tt coo aft , promised ...lot of our twat known ettwena, who have oirlrl- A nAtorat..-. . le •.,.. a y urn Le . • need ita curative poWera. Thew, with a rums oi ma rhs yea ur 1 . v. nee ...mum shalt, bin... net ail parr. or die emniry.--from A oit ,assi a o.' Is rat.% ,tittal. NO DICAL MEN OF TOE FOLST OTANDINDi TM. up ~,e of inmate,- sea n' to .t ' Molisters or the troop., de • together with copious doi I' yin wiatid u•-• a bon 01 !ONE'S Idlly-wlitte, it • ,„,,, , rom the snail give ) on' la di ea alabaster )et natural while, JOURNALS 0 IM DAY, and al the Barre Late r, at a..).1 improre .1- lkild at we h as e earitw a tf e d in p.m, filet form, Otto may be had /A Lliel) 4 at., "0 Laberpi at Pin c ILI cents Pee Los. • gram of any of ouf •Inde" li the " PM "' tayB %.,)1.-ROI roL LA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL have been •••''' '• d•••iriIUNDRLDS r O F i v. 10 INGS_--Scinla to all to multiplied form. TiIoCSANDS AND aIS OF TUODSANDS whether in that of la ing's Evil, enlargements n the rtroughout the Unita! tale: and Canada, and we eta gland, or bone.. Go'tre . %Vette 'wet Hinge, Ctmeatt ru" sit‘ '''''' IPil l a E INk TANCF. H he. rnatnem, Looser,o rweaßea 01 the Sion or Spine, , wh i ch when taken accord tog to diteCner., and be er of trulmomry Com - emotion, emulate DOI. one fire the lungs had betel:tie fondly dtoorganueel, ft he and and the CUM! eatlae ..hiell 1B a polsonous pnocaple aver Imled to more or Imo Inherent tn the humon system Tberes El" t awl' A PE'LFIXT CURE.: bl' hy. then, need the ellicterl hesitate Why resort to fore. unless this principle can be destroyed, no mit th e mWerable noatrUMll.ipatt en lap by Stria 01111111dIvid ea/ cure coo be ellected, but it the principle mon tee the seantne e ,ta t e eor .0.. ~, ,0„,..d pity. raL.Ch the ritaease depends, La relpOTad, • core r,.,,1„.., ao d puffed ton notor lety by cendute. e. per • must ni ectemit r billow, ao matter under a bat form eon. equally unk , hilst a medicine of toe iLsease stionlat manifest itsell, ' Phi., therefore UN PA RAL L ELED EFFICACY is the reason why JAI a ICS ALT alt•TI, IL la GO one' I. to be had, whose vouchers are at hO/1116,-.olllr ninth. ver.tty Buceeptlnl In neLlolr/ng go many malignant 1 by of whet. n et'. '''""" It `es". the ""'• or P M. P I . ff°'4 SSATCHF.D FrU AI THE GRAVE. whit.' those dln meter that a., Invaluable medicine mai be Placed dm-am bare their origin, by enteri'll „o ur , olt of the poor m well the, lack We bug atO the mrcula non and with the blood is concept. 1 p m t h e ne e It tA the minutest Ebro, reataing every pdrtitle el ONLY FUMY CENVIIIe .st case Iroto he ajatent. Prepared sad sold at No. Put one half the usual COSI of cough matelots. at 11 • , mph '1 bird Street Philadelphia, for sale by our arrits in nearly ever town and...Maga Aoki . the Peale Tim Store. No. 72 ' ' north are e •••• the °"°'' w ° .r° P" l l 7p re A d y!y ° ll7 l.4li p. e t e ielm° th r, ' lion relapse tO IL I',sborrlt Mr 1431 Bloadway,,Chutianett s Ohio PEACE! PIRACY... I _ t to nano°, HYDELOPOTIIIO ICSTA.BLIIIH2I2I4S'Ic No BUT IN EVI-Jl,, NlOrillat" , f• ONIFOTEA D rlttl.llraltrltall JILT. CO, rl. • EDWARD ACKER, take. .I.•:,moA.as Of re i'llif u nder s igned has mug Fee m convinced of the pit - „,„„.,,,., to his nds and lt Mate , 1 id n' ' `""/ k” "''''''' ' '''' 4••' •• t "'" l " .4 t° 't• Oat of t h inn re g ultve 'Monate he ha. rft-ir.d, ttlorlo - -r•• ' Pt j '''''' • '” ''''Pe reed, :be ace of all than I f ' o r ror t t e ' them dill he hoe latelv erected • lariat end "'. which '''''' oP. no' t't .fl it th "..' well :Instructed bundle die tie ex:desire parymes °'''''' "‘ P"""' " " C . I. 'n"r to the P •b "" •••'''' of 1.. wATErt CURE arAnusiettarr athie old *".. ''''"'"`°"" "." P•fr ° ' t° ' n " dt ' •••••° ' t•• atoll at Ptulltpaburgh, P.., 0. the Qmo 401.,oppo bo""°I. ...,:"... th . t'an Tht that de 'etertone drug. or an/ 3. alle w 0 steamboat lending •t Beaver, Wham he reedy emu sMuulmal to Ms e o •be east Toe Infant Pfeil th ,tc.fe s . patients as Imarders, and treat hem -0n Bp s t,„ ". a ts t h 'i W-•• tuil f f.'s's , .' • '"• 4 u'• lost twelve dropathic pnociples In &dation to his long expo., -L - . .---- ''', Monet', a peweini, and Marty te m iter .. all , e aml the Sneed,. which Mrs hereterebre the cos cot n"rdinc" mimeo. &lid to prudent. elf the allow nt ' a s ha treatment 0( patients committed t hlloare, '... ', 4 ' r.. " to "") ' O ." no tae ""t.n. """")""). D ': he has now the addltionaf facinttes afforded by sn en - roam .'urn, or g, Citolic, Drumm. rare., stok,e,...na tenet. , brultung erected cry rooms fOr the perpose)con. l' ''''' '''' l 'lt trot 1,,,, ....g , • ‘' . 'S '' ..ed.P4•l S minus; cornmeal.. and airy rooms and fined upend' K''''''' I • `" t•f '"rr'S ...Y °I the t•••••". .f. th e '''' d f• ever) neeestary apparatus Inc bng, and diltainia. iraly happiest .n 4 most pleasant "..."'" tering the Wes... to the utmost benefit and comfort ."''''' '''''' lent P t. '" t o • t ' st• l•rt • - •d f °, °°' "'• of feet " of the patient. Philbpstough . a most delightful end lit] in the little wafers, hewn!, y adieu, easy ot acmes by sterambissta, and af ro he had wholesale and roma, of the Proprietor j Dr ford• fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker enure. till'a had Druggist and Apothecary, ohm these orgieted pertono who may place thermal., on- Mitchell ' i.. " ° " it ti•••••• '' nod most other Dr i • ST'''" der In s c•re, that every &benison shaltibe paid to their n Allegheny and Pittsburgh ''''''''' comio rt., and so all assonance of the substantial bend. Br. - W. r. Inland's Premlo mPleeter. to he derived, he fiolArts ninth nemfideneo 10 the Min ilß NI. P. INLAND, of the Medwid College of Phil- airs,. who hove been permanently cured at fin alma, 1 1.- 1 aaa , P al. on)" oder. to the Pohl. hat Indian Veg. lishmeot The Water Cate tern. no InJUriotra tr eecra e.hie Premium Plaster. the goal.. of which, alter. behind, m is too often die case wit la the. who have long and Wien capenence, has been ea ...only es. been treated On the old system. It removes the lits -11.b1...bed To all women Who may ba afflicted with ease, surname.* the system, protects frost Meaner.' Proforma L term or Fallon Womb, he notommonsta ht. I Incident to changes of the weather, creates • natural plmier. gunrantemug a sir re and speedy cure in the and sane appetite. mid MM.. wet" to the diacitive abort soma , or !rem Itwo to dire weeka, if applied with pow e w Terms of treatment and boardtruy ream:amble Care and real ..h.eitrdi ng all the counties i inatruntents , per umber particulars Inquire . the evilishnt cid, or and ex penstve bandage* Bo lone in use. nos he feels ' addrem Poi proprietor at Peltlipsborgh rouciontioue to writing, ini.inu tit us be It ts not failmi onsrodd in rine 10.0 out ~r three hundred and hi ly•thme Pa- I _ ___._ _ m. ne DR. JAYNE'S ALTERATINE. AI. o for Rhea tnaloon and Weak Breast tir Bock, al.. I WI, have been informal by Ills. Roarer( settee per tended o ol i p an .. .the in nothing ,o rand 1 ht. Pleat, rotn.rd on her by Dr. Jayne's A Iterstelm s ',Loeb in offnrdma ve , tel or eder tine a I ure teenPa cby Noses os 'apeman. over every other remedy or the I. l% ii, or, corner of Inittiblnld and Martel si I kind. She bus been wattled for the hat illteen.years ;peon A It. iler . I.ll.ert) and pt. Clair .L. w,tit 1/ Le Rttil,l or M 111 PE SW EL LINOS, ottetuled li, I unegent federal ~,, an d ih i p a „,,, ! . tic. er IL swrrnitort• and enfoltatiou of BartOna benethatu stn. ny anyl . th e watch time many picembave been bot h. from Jacque. A (to, .• ii. amen and Dt.no ta i m iitot tg '. ilo. root. .one 01 Wm erullinal, from both hew arms, hum le I , yeti.. and ham, and from both lege, and from the hen tea oral twine, and rrom Wm right knee, besides painfel LI A. EAVNEsul'Or.li a ANTI 1111.101 r. I'll i f s - „ diem... other pupa of her Perim ". kw!, have hal e d _I). rhis t Dooms [ outtamna [ ...hit , * ....liihn .." ' ' the ak/11 of a moaner of feet ost-eintrient physfeLansos hod, auk eth, trove and I output...l,, meets.. of put • .he eft.—doing ti ., mew, of th e a ahe bee uttering, l iner g.“.' •1. 1 m4 am l hav toe a 1"'"""/ '," ' 1 " ) to .". oven eserumbng and deplorable. About there meths hiliur) organ.. 14 rx we met, s nluntile it, ,nt• , loom) rite .,,h ie ,, x) try 1.). e. , hyhe ,,, Akeehthe 11, w ht. h 61/1011,1 it i, r. nod tither cumin* .nt. attended . ..,..,, b .. hod ht ., .„,,,he,,,,.,3. , p opp y ea ...., bpbb bee, wrrl. • o".'"'nfri nl 'fie Liter. ". "."'" • mm.• I 1 .-S ti) rem/wing all pain and twellinge, and causitig•the "". '' ... ,loud hi. t , '•. of la. t .'" , e , I. til '‘l' f. ' lL `` . neer, to heal, while at the same Ulna her general bealth ha , proved them It. ben rule and val. Able rented) tit hat ~.„....... ~,,,,,,,„ ... , mho. in. Itrunttent and !ham. F vcr, Jaundice P , .. "... o" sue bow •Peigh. ' S. Ma more Moo ale did before she mormeseed theme litho,. eon, Intlnreatinit Prom, th, writer). 11itiona . 1 ~.....,, bbibbbi , pr , p.b ... i .. 5. i„....p0.,, . VEMiti..K, ~.M., siol all t mown.. ot an 1... ma. farther infonnaime Impure of /dm Rose, N0..P.1. ), li one ler. Thu i ompl •le nod ...wt.& antwlne . 11 l 5F .,,,,.. m.„. 1 . b ... 1 him which has lv,en given b) there pi ly to all e. h P . S.; to r .„4. 0, . the pgaiN TEA grunt; hurt Ito .11 them, recta,r fin palth.hin /of tan nn")c . ps lA wr in ar, ne , W oo d. iyA ow. reriltreates in their 111 , 11., untie.). wary Tope r _ __ _ . wntrottlite Netting they Ore now put a p sit a red el I. A. Chetteage to the - 1Noeld• ore.. wrapper fritir ENTY•FI YE DuLLA BB will be paid to my one .'nee "t it mi. tor le boo ' ont luting a I pill. .1. w h o mill prosier. , a spm or paint, gmeildi dry, that Prepared and sold hi cannot be *mum/. wok Dada Improved Chemical It .l I' tIiNINI OCK A Co Soap. I have th e m/.with sausrmune of Inn people of corner 1.1 and W•out, nod into . orno r oat and vi• • Mi• place, that this article, by my own Improvement On a*P 24 .t, now meads dilltiValled an this arena) for ortractielt grease, tu, pooh eat, pant, or any cater foamy mite 1 stance, lam all kinds or gentlemen's or Whet' clothtes, regime, table cloths, merino shawls, litybee' bonne., a. , ...Mout Inldrtng wtylfitog that pore water will not *are. More than one unmeanil persons in dafonturt anet. of the country have told net they mrald net be 1 'Whlatil IL if it coat one dollar per rata. In tryont tine Se Op on mom than 315 erne.a of light ankle, sauna et. en , .0 05 , ai t if entw, a. I have only found there maces nil itik, two of &lames, and roar or cane° on which It ohm std the rotor; March"ee before patting tem • hoist de e .. try •sample, of the dress first / mars We beano. I I r Aerrolned not to mesonmettallany stronger then I know , is ho tuned). Me. - N. II UM. , Peon, 14 en per mt. Sold, wholesale and mall X It: hELLEM A 37 ma* , r - - A Neill 'o drettnAPARILLA..,6O Oath 1/i .. .ft re cerise of Dr. TownseatUe Nersapinals,,the must extra, alum, medialnn lo thdatnuld: .Thrs,Eg. or is put air le quart bolder,. /I it sir WWII thetw, Aleuwiller, aild warranted *operatic to any wild, it , net ., mean. ...about satsuma, pergola, maternal oy debilitating the jaaltent - loon otter. I terranosit — Dep=Perearis llesie eriplenl one labels, sad pot up t t ,th eme ".. shaped laude. See dot each haute heath* walnanug. mune of S. P. Townsend. IL E. SELLERS, preach; 57 Wood Meets between Thad and Pelona, Is Dr. lowasetoPe only erfmt e a t o n , mud retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the getutine trust, can be had. / D. Al. Cum hes been appointed tlno pi n a n , .6, Ilegbody My, of whom the armitte ariNti hut be emr, JOHN D. 111011GANI r o. 934 Wood one, one door south of Ihoonntut l'lnshurgit. Pa . for sale ft large lot 01 rdedo•ine., Vario•l. and lerfumery, P0re,,,,1 and Domes°, to which he call. the attennon of &acct... ph ysleia , 0r nod toe, ehato• visit., the co 10, he 0 , deictmot NI to srll at very low prico o, and glen get geeral oolialue 11;i1011•1 warranted and cheap Varnish ,\e. lau G 2. N. York artutaeture; also Japan and. 11 , nett heath,- r Vnitush• priof suPorfof quntltY• Also, Mf him and It, rd Load at er. lower than heretomr. adored. J. IJ. N. al.. manufactures Morgan'. celehr ated Congh Sy rup,wAtch has civet, general •oti•Otellon to ell In tho CUrlo.3 of rough., colds, hoararnes, infotettl“, whooping rho gh. op, ee; Pften CC , 11.1 r bottle. A la°, Marta .1• r Intlittn LlVrr Pills, tent. , 1,, „ em „, no. k headache, and all hulot pnr hua. .140 AHNIALICANTTELE D IIADII - 00111PANI f. astrixont, 1.121.1,11111011 AND W WE:iII...RN LINK °Mee at the Ea change, Bain more. Elit:Cliti RATEN.--The charges have bare reale cod 011 elf Ntertnig ee to or [lore Baltimore, Bats vu L or Wheeling, rani a corresponding redocuon made on all telegraphiu despatches forwarded from Bal timore Wein of Pttgib urgh, !taro.—Thecharge kir a telegraph detpaich to or fr Baltimore, Pittsburgh end heeling, is 45 cent. At the Ent mil words, and Beanie for each .additional , the No charge is made for the address and eigna• tore. Lieu! the epmpletion.of the South Weaorn Lyre of Telegraph fronsAlentphia, Tenn., to New Drina will des aatehes east Ln torwarded to Ygoalptus by routaul mailed far New ()flea.. MEDICAL. . , , 'ShiaSAW? --•'' '''' .! IN H QUART BOTTUM' • 1 . , - ......if - / - irc x,' ftVit I tbiLIp:AVA . . ..------....,...,.m i , .;.,...._______. &t — , , . L ,,.. „ # .. • , r„,rA CURE OF ''o4l/11111111POr i t uvrweeim4 ' - Viill}llllllllo ~ r : sion,,,--4 , p, Oomsy*pr4- ' l'i 1 , • urirrai;z44l,, • , 01#ry71V FOR THE „.- -..-".. ...,” - Tn it Prop deter" hire Vint m2th: , ... , i • • to Magma th urprepatateth M V riltitaa ' to it. present note of perfection; entitheircparienee - of fourteen years has.furnishodshent'tho I S I P;_,,. ° P . i , ' ( . ii, recommended, and pontmtly to study, to in th .d esr apt van t, due font:. t o . ,;; I: riA. ,7 ~,.. dents who with RUG!, ease Itedletne are Invited to glinirlt a tnai;mtgl eatieft th . ..t0010" of via tunerfaditY, and the navaluahle ,pronersYith.PlthltnalLoit • mritli!linf ' f ' 7 1 am corin g disease. The bottle haa be. ,ealutted to hold ONE, Qt1 1 4. 1 / 1 __ .. _, ,. szol.tht.il_t i , present improved form may sandy clam to'. thi itliti gird _ceilthoOY ~_woo•tho,..,_• _ . w , th e age. Its progress to the bum It has att.:Led May be wawa b . " tokthiNom `"`'' 1 and mama, that nand as Wadi:narks and lama. goo the trnailds patient, tbo. y. 7 4." i the haven of health. 11, The following is from CoL 3. G. Taylor, • gentleman of higi stainthai and achinittoo I,i acquaintance ill the Southern states, .d labsly appointed Canant i c flefiaranadat 11 . Iles.. A. B. &D. SAans:— ' tles Tor Sammy 7,184(L II Clawrteassi,—Having used, and witzeneel thus effects of your eacellent preparation : of Slarseparllla 00 different persons in mum. parts of the Southern courdß. TI. , : Vin g thb., Loptliann, Teem, and Efesieol.l feel Ind. pleasure tn 'Odin To high opinion entertained of . great inethcrnal val.. tomy own case It acted .lariat il 1 like • charm, removing speedily the enervated state of the arum, and craning,atcraning,in th e men agreeable manner, a tonic sad laidgoratusginflberica. , • • Your Sansapanlla la highly approved end enensively used by Pa WWI...MY Irii in Mexico, end my mania , 0 EN . ZACHARY TAYLOR, lune fot the " t flye yam 1, been In the habit of using tt, .d recommends th e same: he and noptai adopted th e ,1 Midi. at the eame onee, .d it is now considered an ninon In la requisite to the army. In conclusion 1 would bay, that the better It I. 1:116.011t1 aleirto7o WWI '. it will be prized, nod 1 trust that its ...It , nnea,ullll Mate it gentrallY 1l ! known th roughout the length and breadth of our vi -.land. 11111 Your. very respray:Amy, . •• • 3..0. 7l.Mili . . ' . U. g.: Caned to New Onnailla REMARKABLE CURE OF MMiCiFOLi; - I it _ _ 3e/Apark we, Andy Mess= Sums :—lllwatlemem—llympathy for the afflicted hokum mks Mfo 164 rw rou of the remarkable tiro elfsotod Or par to the Wee of ado with, MI was severely a/Meted orlth the soroMla ma €ll6kreat puts of thibbotty ; 41m &sob of the ruck were rattly advised, and her UMW 11111611 swollen Atter a n a roar, Iced Whit no relief hem the remedies used, the d =reloaked mM oola z sad Ewan la. knee crntrawd. He k____,,, 1 701 6 11? Mil /la *" darn. bat wtthatd Bat = n t s i . :d ....... litpix mina, tadtmad to vas nrat The drat bottle ad tem able eferarreller 0201. tad ewer takes *And kpapri the had used clx to to the allTraen t skid' t orturr Cul foetal her health quite removed. tls now over a year dime the arm woe aid her healla z 4= goo& atiowtog the disease woo trosa the einem- Dar ere all Imowins to these tam, Vrtik Y l= led iarnaparOLLa Cow bleak,/ to the ay. Yours with respect, ,TOLIIIII ?UM Detract from . letter recinvei from lir. N. W. Herr% a gentleman wait Mown to Louise county. TA I hare cundms:whey, of sablealth, your Barsupszille, who wee Weasel with &Wale, mid • ff is a morello= beaky. :Sour, trol Coeleeeks Hal, Va., Ms 17, two N. W. The fo aletim° l l Dom awr. JobuLOcigg, Jab Beam of the Church of the Critiamen m thb oity, mmumade Unit to the atgentlan of ths shinned Numerous =urchinof cures of ram Meat= elfected by the med.imne an anent day =Weed Mars timms i—A Member of toy badly Ass tat= valuate Ilereeparas e for • mim scrofula= affection, Am. with Um mob effect resulting from its up. It pee me very,ffreat pleasure to moot my testimany behalf al Us einem that =hen may bi Minced to make • H.l2lilA'ril, 'JOHN °moo. Mean. LB.k. D. turns ft P., Oct. 1541 Ommazis—ffeelhip of grata& induce nu to maker Lb witonsowledguretit of the =mai I have derived from the use of year. I have for several yams been attionel with scrofhkrue sweltiuge had, Which at Dam would =arid discharge at my throat, nose, anif end st Wien would beta =din c pa rt e of my fad ad head. These wall my tboiso,. face. lied =ad were shame one sore, mid for • long Was I wee so teems that It was with Me utmost =Welty 1 beuX =on =‘.• Doling CU anal had swami wants of pleurisy and beim 1 co different phyMMems, and tit= various remedies., but neateed no Dalai until I commenteml your eaftte =1 now well , are a healed, sadl amilmte the ma, eausly erects =a of your valuable medicine. Yours, with Teepees end gratado, 1.111111 CAHOON. to Beingry peonally acquidnuel wto with m. pereon above narret, I bills» her staitement lb Correct. • JA.M.2B IL D. CARR, Jeans of the Peace. rtzFnttD AND SOLD. IntoLaaAzA AM, laTkU, ST A. B. & D. SANDS, Dtmoaters AND Cuttraccera, too PULTOX-.T., coax., or WILIAAN, Nam You. Rohl also by Druggosta generally throughout the tinned State. and Cu=lex Pnce $1 per Bottle , six Bolles for $ l'o , bargb, waole•rt/e andrela,l.l.y II A FA II!, WK. CO., ,ornor of Wood and Fron' and Wood by I. 'I% 11. ell X Jr . ruruer of St/mid/rid and Fourth sta. and also and Ihr rharnond; also, by EI)WA [II/ FF2SlDErtiell, ror Nlonongsia House. nol,arn r re how inglstfolly do taloa* t t• to lidt PER'S te. hom ro.zll, hew A.:low, )el.oer. GINSENG PANACEA! ~ ..,,; . ,...t: • :cr r 12, ag e ntepnre..l '1 , 0 1 Hoak: SC FrEttrii; WITH DISEASED . . ..• nin , , , ,.. -, .13•1.1rt olwg . q.on i I.l'NGS.—The unprocsdersed success which ha. t%'r h., v.. ur•pe,ed ts h.•notliul vegetsHe ...ern the use of the - ..1 ,, N1•-•-', , , I . ANDeII 1.!l.1 (if NIer..NIG PAN ICF.A •rcric, ~ rio:.oc. hi hen ne ponfira of rti! , I all the vnrinut forms veli•rh trrttation bf the bogs rm .', , nl.: stssgs s :rs• to the +Jon a 11312- num... 'tax induced th e castor again to call won ... r. ,le .• . e.u, mint, at tnr •ene. 1....0t to thn. tett t ~o ~., •,,, nutitu a .t nor. ~ \'fiNI)F.IIFI.:I., PREPAnATIOrtI.‘ The rl.nneshlo went er which wears our DM and 00. rrnet.r ml l'etrnatst of Mi..a• u J.,- motel, r• always r fruitful .uroe of ' , un , P. • e JI, 'll A .....,.oh t.,-1, 0( , I MS At ID COUGHS. •c• thr us s uss hs oro rotto alhi oota• Theo, if orglectod, a am !tot the preeuntorn of th at fell o •nte..e.ll .tu -n. I ver 4 . ,V, l Jemo ver, J ISCHOONALUCLI 44, AfFbICAL A7LM mee e 1 '..-•Lt+LTItYr, --" titriMeibikalr End` Ibna` t;;;. Toned= Liner fprepoted cid "Many @ LER& Mown' IT MI TO Ir, Llfeelhomehof ea.,/ Joy 19M+, MM. Mr. R. E. Sdkvir—d semi allot! to you and the 141etool bedsore.* Madd my humble latimouy is lemm to a' arlehrated Lieer Pilk I Mee dere+ red Proud .o Er ran, intliernd to Davy Cenekettle armee, Mere you are 110,, Oketh fin aasi." Most add ...14rke end sterm-1., landed he Me dam, ham emir into oblivimmm a . yomLiter TR@ @me hem offend'. the , poblk , and, indeed, I balm May MU lesurrim them thal an Jmt rear Tea raprelet than to be I have been afflicted mde Liver csemplabi 4m my . poach;' Moo softived smell+ employed many eroinutd phyaimern,la oho. I paid much smarty; team inuel btm.k Om Mauled and phystek eel Moose to Mad+, eahvateed sor I tereca r and +Molly gen= op as lammed.. la traf-7 / ems iada,alkoc, pair Liver rill., and soon UCfr WELL. Om box of erhie_h +eh.. m Relent to keep me clear of yam in the side, end all the other SymployeS, iot wee, mouthe. Your Pilk are aka the feet. thmtie I. wed, being mild, me yripin or thin, mesh auks.. at Me ems.. achy hart give ma south ref:et I have kept them a• my more kr +yr 7 yeami mid hundreds of boon and have never Wald n Mao comphint tanned by nay wiro km need Mum+ They hma ripereedelemod mint Om, pia na this estigielsorhnod md to • short time well banish Mem earmelly rsee:ummod Mem ua all penmen heeding. physie, whether kr Lmer.Compleml or Emma. Affeetecem 1 coo eider Mem eoperior to Calomel or lb. Mem Pill. Rev,. • (7 n L Manna LA 1 . ff —As them are other Pills before the publm n.h coma. Lbw fin, mean. rho want the ENE - NEchard 1.. and Oa,. moiler than ,her preimeed and mid by It E SELLERS, No 57 Wood-et kin.= Thitd and Yam& *tett Said by Dr. curt, Fifth Ward, D lu Crime, AIROO, Tnrt To the 2iledieal Crofe••lrtn nisi* Psaiillio• ILTECRERIS FARINA, how in use at the Ilespaats LA, Asylums, and other pubbe ostablishamatia and recommended by some of the most di•ungutahcil pay aka. and chemists, as on article of diet tar children and invalids, much superior 10 11105% Mut, sago, etc., fir more strengthening, pleasant to the taste, and easy of digestion. Put up in is It,. bale. uNialrlh. paper., each accompanied with ponied threatens for cootsug, !se. Wing, to his Arricultual Chamistrr, p 4g, Phil. ad. tiservca: ''"Childrea fed upon arrow -rout, erilerf, or indeed nay kind of asnylatheeous timid, which does contain Ingoo. Litmus fitted for the formonon or looms and nitwit's, become fat, and acquire mach eirmaconer, their limbs apprar full, but they du not &coml. siroopti, nor are their organs properly developed." lu the anatysis of the Farina mode by Prof. Reid of New York. ansoog o th er CuOritilOcoLs, he eV.. per cent of 'Outten and albumen; and remarks that the clam:mot the Parma upon th e Medical Profession and the public will rut upon its costa gu n s tho glutton add albumen, 'meltable Abbe std otluir liftrogenised bodice net *mud marrow foot Or similar storsuinces, and which modern chemistry has poilllCO Oat eabung neceunry to th e formation of human fibie, and by tarsus of *lMOminus makes .up for this constant waste th at takes place in the human body. For sale wholesale on renal, by ' R I,`, YELLERS, &lad is wools - - COSA% ACtaggilists Stomas:ly. FOR Coughsads, Asthma 9,110 CouStiCaptio2l; The GREA'r A L ONLY REMEDY for the care or the above demo..., ts the •iyM ARIAY 13ADA.Ali DP LIFE, discovered by the celebruteil Dr. Bach., of London, England and introduced/CD) the United States ma inveotor Tbn extraordinary nieces. ofen. medicine, in tn. ears of Pulmousry disposes, worristea the dzierioan Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst posaihre ca that can be found in the commoner —tames thot seek relief m vain from any . of the common remedies of the day, mut have been germ up by the most distingenshmt Ph.LiMiatite .00tiftnned sadencuratelt. The fluinguri -7111•11112 has cured. and will Cart, the most desperate of cases. It ts no qoack no•num, buts ate:odor& Eng lish medicine, of-known and ustablisticd efficacy'. Every thently ln'the United States altuuld be sapped with Buchan'. Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to countenottthe consumptive tendencies of the climate, but to be used tu a prevennve medi ium in all eases of sold; coughs, spaung of blood. pant in the aide and cheat, iiritauort and soreness of Mu lunge, broclues, dill:lenity of brewing, beetle fever, night 1.•0111A, maon and general de bility. asthma, inUttenta, whooping cough mai croup. Sold in large honks, at ail per bottle, with fall denti tions for die reennotion of health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of Ensile] and Amen can ceramist:en, and other ore:once, showing the an egeledlcel menta of this groat Elighsh Remedy, may be obtained or thee Agents geminate!, For staa by LI A fritIiNFSTIAK it Co, COMET of at and Wood and Wood and 11th so, Mary GA.R.SHIZIACFIvAr.RA.LSS4I/1 I ROM the Bee dna SHIN Not well known and pop P nit& Clergrnawn sine Protrer•pinlythodiat Church aTheenaderaerggertwerl... OennalliietettlftlAnplittariwt winter watt • ease of stoma:Al, eomentees pro ducing great pets is the elniuncn (erten or twelve houn without mlentiasion, and alter eving.tricd VIII/1.11 remedies with little effect, ay. furnis h ed liViat a batt.a D Jayne% Carminative Itedviari 1101 he terealac. cording to Ole diteetralls. and bound ,a satiably bathe • medicine caused die pain to abate la three or four min meg, and in finnan or twenty tr.:am...very neg ea y retaliation wag entirely machete° wee al terwardsused- whenever iedieutlon of pain wetc pincerved, and the yarn TV-Is betray peeinini d He Continued to Ott no every evening cud Intestines in the Inocrine, et a low weer, health wog so far relterce,...a.it Mt r "margin, editors a large amount of e pain. From ea periyono, Werefore, rya c. LI). re cocamead Ulayne's Carminative Lateen,. igs a nrhimry medic,,, for diseases of thestamat baoth bowels.hilany 11)1711JI10 For sale to Pnwourgh let the TE cit y: A ri 22 Fourth street, near Waal, atiLi OW or threllmg Harm °ell rhatIWARTI. Federul creel, Altera. - • - Istuffiritiatr Bawd. 4 - 12. 0. E. SIELEt —Dear em LOA Spring, and dm ring the previous Willtet, I tre.• severely agiletcd Wla serofulime complemt in my lap, and Mid been for mime menthe under the cam of physician.. They mad my case was almost incurable, and they could do but little (petite. I was nearly helplees, but witb t h e aid 6t ernithes eould with difficulty get about. lam, I perchased of you, and comlucinced ming Deus. roblit flatiaaltsellast. Aller the use of two bottles, the wire. Mummenced healing, mud I laid ankle my snitch es, using only • cane. I dispensed with my cane, and et the end of the fourth, wee so well vs to &west sildoy insheanagabeep. In a 11,.( used fire bottles. 'lite scrofula and sores have all healed up, and since last slimmer I have menno uppreraoce of the disease; but have continued, and sin now, lathe mosrperfect health' awe with confliAme, hemp, that others may Inflien efirted in the seam way, that the Snmaperill• sold by ~you, tuns been the means and the oily eteasmof cure., . COILY}X,IL/S J. ROW, Par sale wholesale mad retail, by lAw B. A. P.III:YEMICIC & ear. front P wood ate, & also minter wood Anthem _ LOUD PEELYRIBLEILY Create.det Amanda Macre% for shaving; Cruato is la lime, Inc Maytag, AlManda Cres s da; Stypei ittut go ,on Porcelain . tan L 5 Ettpalllcant s, perfumed with Lavender, Ale. terns Niel; .Ltearititsdpowsher putts, of an pattern,; nsbeased toilet boxes, controlling Wuxi-sat eV:Facts fm aaaalaala . alaf scent bag, and toilet !loam prestutit. Perdaa, welcome powder: Inertia Tractable Mar all, f Beau's cod, La fancy or common wrappers, (rose amyl ases' (Soap' Nymph Pony; Rose Lip salv of Shell=cloda wai,. together n grea e; t variety fis err'iost received; for rale by B FAttNESTLPCB ACO nyIR Co, 0411 C %V Oljd • PollmOMltty Balsam,. ! 11.8. REED & CUTLER-1 feel It a slaty 1110 X, to my fellow creatures, to shim moaning 111011,1 ma - nem:inn your Vegetable Pulmonary ,BinenTfiret used the lialeare, about eleven year*ago, the happy - edict of which I then pee an aceounl ot, I hav• had several severe complaints and smacks at iny lungs, ono a few days since, and in every and I have usecl the Balsam alone with complete and perfect success. It has ellbeted relief and mire in ano few days! his oertainlyi safe medicine. I do not Ynow that it will core a fixed consumption, hot I believe it oil/bolo Many essee ~preventive, and prevention is better than Cure; I do therefore, for the love of my fel low urea, earnestly tecommsall the um °lslas ilielsom, In•altprilmonary complain. I am confidenb that it ass been the Means of preserving rey life to thin day , /loom one 18, 88. V MI. For said by 8 Yaluteatock, re Co, corner Mat and wood and also corner wood so b GO. - - QEd.ra,PTII3 IMPERIAL COUGH STRUP.it has power to semi Ptorsamian, Feb. 14,1#17. R. E. Sictiancr—My wife has for yams berti'sainect to a canediairsong cough, accompanied wilt asthma, for the f which rdrt used dbferent cough reinodies, mid bad the advice of the roost cminerd"Phystelins in England, boo all was unavailing. Jig ,choose. y years your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced td boy • bends for trial, although I Ind no belief that anything could'remove her complaint To Mygreat .4r:rose, two doses gave her immediate relief. She is at times troubled with a cough, but two traspoonsdni of Syrup always stops it J ant satisfied, alley a trial of thlrOe or OMi yeah, that Seller's Cough „Syrup is the best cough inrchellte I have ever tried en t er 111 the Old or Ness World. Wyt- Faramirstva Seventh War co Fistungh The above certificate should d. unlace of ail n who ace troubled with 'rough or anhoM, to give the Syruphtri al. It may be hod for in cents a bottle, at thehrog store of R E SELLERS, 57 Wood st. Soldby Or Cassel, dm wasd,,and II llurryt,Mle ghsnyony„ Jos Patent Moak 15prh Tanga, m EwLY INllglNTtla—rctite ag lefandd 111.3.1111' LI (Nn of clEf NIA or gurrueE. Itlalted ata .II ansaa.)! rhp,sciperior claim/tor atm Trusa.gons.st in the corn haritrie'etten With arhirb it may be loom. The 'pad of wtand ircuki neatly balanced on springs, yielda lb pre.- nate aarany pan of it, and thoroughly .chill itself to til7 movement made by the webrer. it COO in worn Malan int...m.lon, wait a cams., erfeeteu. .ale. lelArtega have made Inapithment, for the manume hare la these wahmble Truaaes, to super/or style, in Pn. 16 1 pellan sod hay< them ruin.. Nato muie ealuk., No. 17, Cintthateld It. OCR, birth, Mttutbotph. G EJJ. N Al 7, 1•Xl D. W. KAUFFM-A.N. SIiLLEHS• VJULIIIFIA.:I;--"Poperlo, to any I have ever welt^ tiliaMinnTr.. Fay,. county, Pa Mere h . 4, '4, Mr. (t_ h. Prisroga--.1 herdaY eerOl) n'ot 1 h'Vf tied your Verinifne to ray family, and believe a nrilail, flat et:reran 11/ ally I have ever tired. Izuye to Doc of my children one dote, which expeileitchimut 1110 io&”.. +orma Fad lir Prepared and mad by E. F. SELLEHJ, ml Wood st Sold by La Cassel, :els Ward, JJ AI Cility, Allo,euyi J dumb, lotaperaneeville. and I' Drava Law. renceville. • .- - - et_ by orso mr.j osaeot juat remit k ?..J111 _far_al C. • PITTSBURGH GAZETTIE, PUULISDED DAILY, THLWEEKLY & WE/I(LX AI do Paseur Bwirdings,,l4 AL, now iss Pow Qttles. IL4l'haB OP ALPIPELLTIfiIiIiO. One itteertion of 12 linee,Dr less $0 50 Two inilertion• srithohi direr:lions .• 0 76 Three " •.- " ..f, One Week 1 00 ~••••• ...... , '•5O Two 'Weeks " ," . ...... ... 1 t i • 50 Three ~ o ,/. .........#/ 300 One hlontb, .1 i ro jrirr- 4 00 Two , A ..... Three 0, . 141 r, (:'Longer advertisements in orree;;;Fro . rt; , A 7 . b° One itiutltt46 xeeeths,withoefaitoraDoe,... TO U ° " '" 12 " •• .. ~,,, 86 01.1 Each 4 ,l ltionaslooluare for 6 month., .•••-• s °° •• er - ' 10 (Xi (3 n o aqullre,6 inohths, lenerblc At plearare.. l6 U 0 „..". .ii OO X•eeh additional 41:Dreier L. innate .1 Ili 00 P s . ° l 'Uts.• 6 Months, relexiiie at pleasure. .nOO gook a dilioncti square, 6 sIo ally, •• • • ..... °° W ?X.1.2 Or. 1"411.111111MIlit IN 0•ILT ft 111”. On •44tire; 3 inserto,a • '5l 50 ' " " each additiraul neertrou,.••••••l 37 Fine lines Or 1n.., one Yea r • ..... •••••• ••• • 6 00 o .. rr ws MO 500 ... .., w ono yeaA daily & week/7,40 00 '' " ~ no mon*A " 4, 00 "" :t l.ls"izT"l7 :r i Z: .. For l7lin, or 1e5,0ne 1 .......... bi ~ , 31,0, i ", ; 0nt0..., 073 . . ~ T hree. " ......r.4 10. . 4, ~ Three ?OM., ay.:at.: tidy„ a a a Oil :'' ••4,6,111' 60- ••• . " " ?We'll t •••••••, e