~~,M `BY nom TELEGRAPH. BM ' PORTICO & wzr,.y.ciaaimizro , fur the Pratelnugh Ossetia • CONGRESS: Wiramerson, Dec._ 28, 1848. -Alter the usual morning ceremonies bad beta gone through with, Maßrigto, of Indiana, offered a resolution whiny had for its Object the reduction of the pay at the fEectoral meracmgera, The resolution wee laid trier under the rule. ' Honer.—The Speaker anamanced eis the first daubs order, the business on the speaker's table, to wit "—Fetich:am . Mr. Gayle, of Ala., rase to a privileged qtades4, Respecting the Tribune's article reference to the -mileage of Members He denied that he had re. Owed even mileage, onthe contrary, he had not received what the law allowed him, and re intone Eed,to make application for the deficiency. ' gya.Visture,ct Obio, reported a bill providing in ibli.Cilra and Dipktmatin expensei in the coming :And one far Indian Appropriations, Which was read twice and refereed to the com ofite Whole, and made the special order of • the day Sar Thundarnext. :Mr. Coleman, of Vermont, presented a bill give • Leg Pat:lolanda to certain States kir thepurpose untiring rail roads and canals, which was also its &nod to the Committee of the Whole. i • Ottmotion, the House proceeded to the 'could; itatiOttof private bills. • A. bill granting to each new State the saint ' Itmenat of pubile land that Ohio had received, wet, taken up, and after some dist:union theme, it yen Mid an the table. Yeas, St--nays. A Message in writing was received from the President, in relation to the American prisoners in „Ireland. Mr. Gayle, of Alabama, reported • bill rantiny the right of way and public land to construct n tail:./OitE from Mobile to the month of the Ohio itisithich Was referred to the committee on pahliti Linda • Mr. Victim, of Ohio, moved that the House /*- bole* itself into committee of the whole on the Wale of the Union, which motion was agreed 4 when the bid far thispnrpoestof supplying the ie. -fielenny bi the CITE and /Nolontaid 'Nati trl• RALTIRCItE Witt= < iitindittoss, nat. 28, ista Floup—lL ft 1d4 . 41.81, and . City Id.#ll, It COM . htelllllll bay -4411 of prime White Wheat 96 99e; nod puma red 4110,5e# ba. Con—Bales plume wen. at, 0; nos pure yellow Ea, _N , tren =liken. ange in cant Kai* spoken * usually spoken of in the • • : The weather is very onpleuant The Tete. 'erspli between here and Bostnn wu out of order gadm the day. Cot,. Funtoam—A writer in the Saab Ad. "miser expresses the conjecture teat CoL tatoot,.who recently resigned his . position in th e :Army, end left Bt. 'Louis . with a: anathema bet eareftdiriticked nazi We California, on his -oven reiourcei, was well aware of the intatense gold I:etemaint on Ida route, and pea Itith the iciten tine ofeariching himarlf and Ws piny tharefium, GROCERIES, /40. ENG-4 ricks now • • fir sale by G U I! s.Z 'IO3,&THERS-8:1 mks near landing., for Bale by deems • ISAIAS DICHEY & Co MLILABSES—I3 bbls Plantation; 5 do Solcarhonso, on C012411011:4 for tale by r 2 5 issua DICKEY it to 101171EULPPIN0 PAPfirt.—.. rum rag and straw TT crown, double crown aa medium wtappirgpa. Fe; fat gale by dee4s WICK JeriIcCANiILESS. SOUND NTll3.—te bushels Tennessee armed G nute fer eats by dee93 WICK t MeCANDLESS. WAXILY, FLOU R 5 bbls Rai:lnsoles brad Pato r 11T F14'41-.° ga'c"Rm4.3a aad for me VIM! ROLL RIITTER--de bhts Mangan Rutter, L• landing this dads Orden Una, andFL fin sale 111 OYD ITT UTOOL-15 mks common Wool, In dam and no sale by • • , 11FLO, : dean . . , inarrid Church Wril YD ding. HARLENOrf.3I3 'do: on band and for Wen" E d Clialloste. 40 dodo mould tale ie% -6 bble dlottips do No 6 Loaf Sog g y received . say. pot Imre Newton, goo court mot, for vale qcoit for essit by tietia & BEST- "ROTATOES-40(1 - blgir atrd-604menks, tee& ;1 211 Cot . sale try . des2s TABSEY & BEST 7TTES-12 bbla• 801 l Bauer; 6 kegs do 'cc haiil B Irnd for alio by • etee23 TASSEY 6.I3EST DEA/IL dee2s ASS:-10 casks re .to T sad ASSEY Sr at saIe BEST by . • GERMAN CLAY-/3 calks lt rt quality, m - hand Dud tarsal,' h dee* ,TASSEVA-BEST MACKEREL-125 btila No '3 to I:ll.Suilis decth . 'WICK APCANDI APPLES—U3bbIo inen4Pippre .1, ae. n ninaorntrig l, l a e zt a s YINEGAR-191obiCder Varna ferule by dects WILYecircANDLFJ9B ATTEITING WKS AND WORN BOYES.,A .11 splendid glummest, annalde for v Erts, for loelirresp low. dee= 108 immanent fp .L ) BOAMIEN—A lugs C Cab Or rale Amp N . 4.- ood r e rl siAIFE,7k ATKINSO, Ist; iiesx w t BLOOMS -60 kaus Juniata Blooms, kr sale by 'deal _ FOSISYTIik,DUNCAN , 37 lkst et 10110 , 1YETAL—EiTionsHotorsalitlg dee= • • FORSYTH & DUNCULN VENNESSEE 8L0C315-0:0 icini tor dale, to sr ttfq by dee33 FoR9I7Iafr.DUriCAN OTION-13balesTeattessea Cotton, for solo by C dada - .FORSYTEt &DUNCAN LiOVEBBEED-50 bulb tar sale by der23 SP VON BONNHOBST it Co 'WEATHERS-3c° Its prime - Ora geese, for We by 4 1. dada VVONBONNHOEST 'I[LP dealt lo t tO =IV Co :CfiMbxehw=rTini4mie, iT EITONS-61mstar ale by • • •jj dea) .. 1 7 VON. BONIIIIOIIBT hCd 13, bi" a r V011 " 130 HORSY; G TIVLAIGINTS-1 club fai sale by El dee= s vox Boxratoantece 'M o ldisl3 . !S . Edlt,2oo ms an hind sad Winds by CODLIVER 011LVallo cs wawa .ca tor .tie 3 blab prigoo N Oeultu r altor wax 20 do a* 'do old. Bogor, out mold tad for Oslo b 'deett sa Witaßlukuon MO . i e b,r sES bbls blolasse s Itudiudar nornE-4.93 lie Cate; ; 60 do laisyza . o 4 60'do t Deigns*, for Wel** to close coluvz - • . teat t!VS , lIAABAUOII , QOAP , . . CANDLES-10D bisCinclanadeaad; -- - a It* .o do maid candle& 20 da de suit caddie& put : . dOr gde try - dee:a Et & W HAIRBAOOII D " ' bags Dry Apti& 15 dodo reatb• , ea, &al scathed and for sale . . g' • • degki? St &&1111AUoti YINZACCO4IS tiis Cincinnati ITobioeor Nal re. ceive4 bl. a w fal4lV 114.1121A17ti1i • m FIXIVV-70bIls Tallow 41 — WieCeived andl a r P ifee 19 , a pliaal Ell } * des27. -SrW HABBAUGILI LObbls Lud; prime ital nal ' l4 UT, Jag maim! wad far sale ; b & timuisticti ' • , rI.IIIIIIBMMIS-%lObbli Clestitta, jam landfil, t.t for ate b . W , • • MATRITEBEANS-2. 4 bbla Anita .litettree4 w.V for .We by, deal & W AUG El •TDORA7C—i2 kegs Relined Boras, Te by 'l.lll._dee27 WICK} • - ray BERBING--143bii Seoteb ' deer WICK* BaTriflt—ebbla &ea sale 1013guel . , recd end le by deems WlCK & bI,CANDLIW t eat' for sale by TIACKEDBUTr.EII-18 k rs rre IVICK rr!bI`CANDLE23.9 derk7 .71" ARD--10 bbls No 1 LestLird; keg' da • Adseel and fd! sale by, dert7 urierS WCENDEPAI4 7IOTARII-4 auks Infos Potazi., , fot J. aeon WNW& 111 , CAND1 E.IS . G INS, PM7-43ueks olnteng.'esed cad ' fbesaki bY WICK & WCANDLESS HES' 40017 el'jrark2PANDLOE.4l3 - ancicony NUTS-2 bins shell baSu4 fpr ayjs by API. 2.47 WICK & WCANDLESS la GOLD CANDLES—;D tan Cincinnati mould can dies ,E 4 do do attained do; for sals by didn WICK & MVANRIKSS his IV It Meese; 4 do ears. cream dcgiot We blr deo= WICK & WCANDLEBB CLOVER REal--14 W ite d. Wm clover Seed; 18 b for sale by der.l7 WICK & WCANDLLES Ngto:i v 73 .r-Tri rIM EAD-51100 pp sofa Valens Lead for ebt* lJ deelll FRIENb, ittlEY do Cu - - - • •• • :TOD. 0114-20 table best quality Oi sale by deale l'/lIENik RIMY It Co • • gum, r.sale • y ••.• , &cid FRnIEN .IaC , IIIX , bbl. it.,, .44016;u2 f j on a Mme , nt, 41 srtier st. iNARD.OI 74 :4IOIIBONLA-4 auk seed gad for ado . _ "Al bY desall BRAUN A REITER CYNDRIII3-7 kits No 1 Lard; st bbl. Roll Boner, la vary akin 4 do dry Poacher, now landing; far sala b dear MALAN DICKEY 000rdwr IitCBOMICE POTASH—On band and for Eats try J KIDD 6 Co d'ren 1. 1 4 ji*Z er TAllTal.-60 lb, an band and far aala • • COMMERCIAL - RECORD.' M==! — lime i qiiii — r Ban . 17,1114 - ii. DECEMBER. _I mei. iffiukftri•ifia i, - 1 n i a 23 2. ---. lrda s i --, , 2 --- _,„7.., 4;372 - 1 a, ~ , 7 7 91 Bari I, n2l: '4 - 39 7IV ii• , • 23 Ma 7 ~ ,721 F 4-38 834 28 404, ~:'-'r, . . - 122 , r 39 41 , ..,. ~ , 47. ednadmf .7 , 'x 39 (_ ;'±241417i - . ~ ,1 , 28 Titaliday‘ 7 11 lii 1 ' SI i, 29 Friday • --- • ..% Vaa morn. PFrrinkono owns) or IVRADEI OntaIptep.POLOWEAIDEB. w. s. DIMITY. 3 '„ W:11. arnlll/ItY • primeiAtia Gazirrric, Friday Mensiiig.lleeember, 29, 1848. Tho weather ytsstesibly wits clear and pleasant and sides in a gieneril aray.werelo a ( air client. FIDUR--Sales or 1441 . front first hands at 3,82. Sales felnsatote in dray joad foes amen ne ing to some 150 Mka at_prineirlinging from 3,90 to , Sty bbl. GRAN-Ibn amount coming forward is limit— ed, and-very Hula is doing in_ thsway of sales-- Withimall sales we may quota torninally from store aa follows: Wheat '7oc, Ere '5O, Barley 500 55:t'orn 33.?i134, 25940 . bu. OROCEROM.4O further change under this head; pricarof !war thing . rettialtrpretty firm as Pun quoted. `lNntehleli 0 . 0 1 40 is sold.by hhd inTo4i time; old fair a 44; newsugar rineetrian 44 irs44c f.lll, with mo derate sales; of molasses we have sales its lots as Gallows 'OO hiphi,ile2 ; Tethree, 36' little,a. 26, 4 ZllOll 501.b1s at3Bo cash, al!ii 30 bbls at 27c time. 2.9 c may be given myths outside figure, although we heard of no males ai that price. Some dealers are holding an extra article at 29c, without salts-- Sales of loaf Sugar, St Louis refilled, of and of Rio coffee In p PROVIkONS—The market is without change is any particular. Small' sales of bacon hams at 61c.. Sale ci IWO Ilia bulk meat licigracied at 40 ell Sale pif '3lAcies No 1 lard at 01c. WIIDSKIIIV-Salo , of 109 bbla isw at I4c, cash. DRIED FRIJIT—:IaIpa4f;B 1 44 b ifFe4,P9ocbce. as excellatO Artifd4,al:oo gt.bu. Of good taloa rod pqAtles.silpplit,site_iibtrodtu,a, ilia dull as I.' 121 ip I I I& of-0 bet dried 41{tit1ei of a air quality 0500 it.' toi;nl : naCeisAles In 10t1 of 10 to 20 o*---81 . 0 - estif 20 MA to city trade 5 1 , AZIED--Sulett 505 bu from atom at 55a p POTASH—A tale of 6 easla at 5o on time. CHEESE—SaIes am regularly efTeeted in limit. ed lots at_ 60360 err W 8., and %are for cream_ Hangman)/ aresereoesßcrmnuoar-The tag is a lig -of the aglow bgtosge,' and:dges of the ettuiata built and entered at the Cuatom House Office at Pittsburgh,. ditting 11iii„,yhei1818: 1846, . - • ' Tonnes. Jan. 7, Cerson, dapt. 'Hahn, 291 " 19 And. Foltno,Crmt. Wll Fulton, 360 " • al' Bain, : - 189 • Atlantteli Gild 3 Parkinson; 189 " ". Hope Mi2„..Cepaldatitews, • 51 Feb. 9 Patli,,Cept.3lneeo ) . 243 " 14 Zavanosh,..Capt H -Hermiston, 338 ?2, ,Stulbrant,Gitgt R C Grace, ) 382 " 24 Weetem World, Cep: A Norton, 339 March 6 Grand : Turk, Capt N Robirds, 669 u 10 Wave, Getrit.E Gordon, 90 • Oriental, Capt S Vanhook, 350 • u Star, It Mcciurc, 55 April 21 Greenwood, McGeorge, 48 • • A Maso'n, J W Siddle: • 24 Ariadne, N Grabill, • 26 Eanihrates, J Ca!howl, " -- 2 S Virginia, Daimon, May 13 Shenandoah, G W Bowman, /90 lone 3 .1 Q Adams, T Gregg, 190 7 Had Columbia, D Green, 117 " 19 Visitor, A Jacobs, 142 " 22 Rohl Wightman, A C Williamson, 63 July 6 Dolphin, }Lulea, 121 " .13 Caledonia,'R Calhoun, 120 " 16 Vensitiele„ W B Walker, 329 " 20 Columbian, Wm Bean, 139 " Pero, S Musser, 129 " 27 Peyton, FR. Rendriakson, 39 4 31 Norliifire Jos Smith, 213 Aug 12 Toscarbra, J Poe, 139 " 14 Palmetto, W G McCollister, 137 " 15 Geneva, A Deem, 142 Sept 4 Allegheny Clipper, W Wanerson, 101 0 Lawartine, Jaa Patterson, 115 9 Joa.R.Gordon t 4Watkina, 55 21 Alert No 2, a Dean, 95 Oct 3 Vermont, W Haslett, 162 " 5 Alice, A.Q Kennett, 223 Brants, Wm Brentlinger, 102 " 16 Wave No 2. Wll Gordwi, 1 02 " 18 Fort Pitt, A MiMr, .131 " 23 Newton Waggoner, A Hine, 106 " 26 Chief Sciatica Marshall, 3 Black, 341 " 27 Connecticut, : H Price, 249 " 28 Plainer, CV Wells, 129 v u Violeo,S3 B.Gillett, 163 Nov 6 Fashion, C Cadwallader, 150 " 9 Ivanhoe, M Scerliag, 299 ° 13 Wasliington,l 111. H Easier , 103 " 17 Flora, Wm Jenkins, 112 Dec 2 las Nelson, Moore, 183 " 16'1"itserr, llEller, C S Frisbee, 159 Total tomcat, Custom }loam measure, 8,1487 la addition totib above list, there are now Co. isbing, at the lower wharf 3 steamers of the lar ger class, whose tonnage has not yet been entere,i; anti we are informed that at the different ship. yards in this vicinity, some Bor to boats are now under way, intended to be ready for naming by Spring. Cowan Pnannin-The Savannah Cb amber of :Commerce Us inneanni fa= Lendoirseveind rich silver goblets, to , be presented, with suitable in. seriptlens, to planters who bring the best mops of canon to.tharket. The elude:don these prizes will erZeite, not for their intrinsic value, but as a tribute to agricultural skill, will have a good etreet in im proving the - qualities of cotton, or at lea t the con. +Edda in w bleb It is gathered, and subsequently prepared tut zuszliet.—pi. 0. Com. Eloatuntas Tita.nn—The total value of the Usti. ted Statev• trade with • Honduras, daring the nix mouths ending the 30th of June last, was, imports $103,105, and exports, including specie, 5139,.. 550. Ler:nom—The • stock in New York oo the 9th inst., tarsi only 73,000.81da5, being less than ono. barthat tho same time last year. Cattle Market. Brilithkm,Ziers. market during the week 52S beef autte, , lN) stores, 2873 sheep a nd 200 swine. ' ' Pricria;—' Beef Extra 6,50, first quality 303,25, second quality 5,20,5,75, third quality 4, 50 038 5 .. quote . yearlings 113ii311, 2 years old 5146311, 3 years old $10325, 3 years old steers et 54169, aeciording to gualrty. 9 bw/rl l -51, $1,371, $1,75, $2; slid kd sheep $3 Swlae—At wholesale, 40µa, a in Journal. • Targarnarer TermMaar to the value of Dr Idlane , s Vermifoge. Read, all that doubt. 1 A ferret, when placed at the entrance or a rat hole, enters the aperture, travels along the p.a.., mire s upon the nu. exterminates his existence, and drag* the animal's defunct carcass to the light And in like manner have I feud Dr. hPlanles American Verml- Mire to operate upon worms, those drum:lfni and dan. gerous tormentors of children. This remedy, like the ferret, caws the aperture of the. =nib, travels down Megan., hunt. round thestomach, Lays hold of the worms, shakes the hfe out of the reptihts, sweeps clean their de and tarries their carcasses clear out of spite= n, This at least h. been the edi to of the ye 'mithe lk. upon my-children Wil t. RUULA9T. Naples, Jan. L 147.” *This is to certify that I have steed Dt. Minute's yet slaw, sodium found it to operate in like manner epos ay childice. JOHN /111.113fai. Nisples,June, 1847." A peeing snide aide above rub:labia medicine can be bad u; the Erns store of I. Kidd Cu.,No. Oil Wood street. istre27 . 1:17. worm by their irritation, iropme at the accre tion of Manes or, slime in the sumach, tit which, al thcry involve themselves; and it Is nod they feed upon 0, and if deprived of it they die. 77,e celebrated Vaythifisgo • preparedbe B. A. FA.IIIIESTOCK, Anshan - 6, Pay. ur admirably adapted in oo operalio Lnt r towooer-the-the prpteeling 011.191114 0101 20.01101 Y u; 10 expel the worms rendered helplesa and to eder by be ing thud denuded. Iti a remedy in whirl, every con fidence can be placed; and that n has arsivered the purpose is mantfeat from the hundreda of certificates circuit, its favor :/e6 • Dtslltreti. Is the bane of many a maw. exist ence. No tougue'ean describe the sufferingsaused by this distressing diseaie. It unfits mar for h i. wa di:to In life, whatever. it may be, and Make. lum feel ao though be would rather not exist than endure such misery. Vet these sufferings are produced to the Grit place by derangement oldie stomach, arid If this Were met by using ii.•Fahnestackls the bowelidffirould be eh:nasal? the .accrnauladon of bilecarrisdiff, nada speedy and me relief obudeed. Prepared and: sold by B. A. PAPsNESTOCK a Co canter Lt and woad, also corner this and wood its. Ben Itarratt•os: BID Term.—?enottswho have ci that era.honorably.assared la.:box of JOura' Amber Toad:trawls with.= aro, trial, without Make the Breath pate wed MEOW • The Teethrwhite and Dome bard. • Readerßlst.try this cams. For sal& by WM JACK COMBO Liberty at, Wan of the Big Boot. 003 UT Lohoo who sma.ToneVt3panlan'LBy White, b aye *romri afine white tranirpsrent skin. Of We • trial w.4berg payl9dandwlydl manzfy any am. Bold only In Piusbargh, at 89 1 -TORT OF PITTSBURGH. RREVED, I, o uladeLane, Bennett, Brovrneville. — Atlantic, Parkinona, Brownville.' Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Ette, Slaolett Beaver. • Cashel, Beaver. • Boma; ClaYk, Welhrittlle. MessenteA Reno, Cincinneti wighanni, Christer a Landing. ha:Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. DEPARTED. - Louie McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Partinson, Brownsville. Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Brithant,Ginice, CM. Jas. Neleon, Moore, Wheeling. Cannot, Webber, Wheeling. Wyoming, Rimier, N Orleans. Beaver, Clad, Wellsville. At dusk last evening; there were II feet 6 inches water in the channel, by pier mark, end falling BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M. Brow - nevilie Packets, 8 A. M, and 4 P. M Cincinnati--Switis Boy. Chrssleen Landing—R. Wightman. Tux Gin-Scary—The steamer "Gee. Scott" has been purchased by Capt. P I Amanita and Major Tillotson, and is to be commanded by the former. The price of the purchase was $22,000. The Gen. Scott is one of the very best of our New Or• teeing packet boats, and in present hands, must be- come exceedingly popular.—Cia. Coin. THE Haven—The river continues to rise, and if Nis may rely upon accounts from above, the water w ill reach at least the curb of Cassidy'. Row.— TAe streams below, ea well as those above, are po ariag out, and the present aspect of things does not indicate even the possibility of obstructions by ice. —[Cis. Com. 'rho Ben. Franklin, on Saturday, run from tins pia, to to Carrolton (90 miles,) in five bourn, making twe lye stoppages and beating the Wisconsin`— (Cin.. Com. 'Weicatto—We learn from the American Flag published at Browneville, Texas, that the United Stat is steamer Dragon was cut away, near the mouth of the Rio Grande, on the 26th alt. Our coteinporary states that the boat was a total wreck, but that the cargo, consisung principally of iron. eta., belonging to the Government, was saved.—i2l 0 elm HOLIDAY PRESEN 4 TS, ------- 14.15H51JA.L19 AND GIFT BOOKS, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS .-- Gm es Beauty and Literary Gift, for 1849; Knepaake of Friendship, for 1849; Friendship's Offering, for 1849 ; Chnstmas Roses, for I 849; Christmas Blossoms, for (n 49; Amaranth, • Taken of Remembrance, for 1819, The Young Man's °Henn= The Young Lady's Offering, by Mrs. Si/mune y mad others. Leaflets of Memory, a superb lIMILIe for 1849; The Fairy Ring, for 11349, The Opal, a 'Wen& gift book for 1849, The Hyacinth, for 1849, The Scrap Book, for 14 42 ; The Suostraake, for 1949, The Book of Pear* The Lady's Annual, for 11342; The Women of the Scriptures, • beautlfal work, The Wreath of Friendship, for 1149; The Claws. Keepsake, lot 1949; Read's Female Poets of Ammon, containing pop traits of Mrs,E Oaks Smith. Mrs. F B °good, Mrs L. H. linrourney, Mn. K F. Elk; Mrs. Emma C Ent bory.illes. Amelia R. Welby, Mrs, R. J. Hale, Mrs E. C. Kinney, Miss Anna C. Lynch, Miss Sarah Chum. 40race Greenwood.) . The above, with a large collection of Poetical Works, Prayer Hooks, Bibles, and other works o f sp e lendid style of Wading. suttable Gar Chrtstmas and Nw Year's presents, foe sale at the bookstore of JOHNSTON k grOCKTON. deed corner Market and 34 - • Gin Books end dookild* for 10148. rpHE Gem of the Semson, INIS; Book of lk-auty. I . The Opal. do The Garland, do (Mimeo( Beauty. do The Amaransh, do duschte clkwith rase. do Chrism,. Roses. do Forget-me-Not, do do Blossom.. do do, wht et: wnh rl.O. do Flora's Genoa do Book of Pearls do Llama. Keepsake do Frumdshiph Oderms. do The Snow Flake do Keepsake of Fetll6lll,l, do The Gen, do Excelmor A.m., do The Aloe Rose, do do wht cf. wih case. do Gift of Frlenddrup, do Perpetual Keepsake. do The Pearl, do The Gramm h, do The Token, do 'the Rosary of Illourshons of the Bible; Lady of Lk Lake, illustrated: Latta Rooth, Moore's Poetical Works; Eoe.. of Connecticut, gilt edge, Willis' Poetical Works, morocro, Lays of Sabbath; Pictorial Fratikho nod Napoleon, die. be . A 'popu lar luyende Books, many of wl:Te ' r are '' 'a ior inii 1 0 0 the prnia. Toy Books with co bored plate, Games be he Jum recer,d by Ex press and (or sale by ELIJOTT A ENGLISH, declL3 wool and market lam - . . NEW BOOK-S AND BOOKS FOR IPREAENTrs__ Wilthe• Pocural Wort*, an mororeo, illuatrued Lady of the Lake, Works 01 Cowper and lluompsoa. Rosin. Welman. and Keats Goldsmithh PCIV/214, Thompaon's Seasons. Sacred Mountains. Ilethone's Goldsmith's Wilma, Tim Gem of the Neiman. The Perpetual Keepsirek; TbrAmaranth; The Scrap book; The Ilyamail, The Jewel; The Token; The REligio. Souvenir; Milton tord Tomos: Proyerbod Plnlosophy, Poem. by Amelia: Poetry of Flowers and Flow.* of Poetry; Jed. Capt..- Parlor M.S. of Floury', Wreaths of Friendship; Fairy Tales, Sunny Hour, Select Christian Authors, Hoe. Paulin.; Last days of Eliot., Young Ladies (Memos, Flora's Interpreter: together "nth a large ranety ot Juvende GUI Books ELLIOTT I ENGLISH. demD stood and market .0 T_l-OLIDAY PR.F.SENTS—• siredToreirefeLos; .1.11 . real Brooks Long Phawls, of a quality usually sold at 3.3 to 40 collars, bought at Anetion inY. York. will be sold for $l5 each, Also, • few, real ehene lane Square Shawls; splendid Csatehm Link Crape and Turkey' Rhoads; a fear pieces very superior new op. Bilks, and • very large amoral:lent of Mc nearest end most fashionable dress goods, now offered at decided kargaias. ALEXANDER b. DAY, T 5 market sh deed N W corner of the diamond OLIDAY GOOl W Wnann, co rnerr et Harker and 4th sts, has • beautiful usonnient et rich and fashionable goods to his twe, parucuiorly pV -- Fine Watches and Chains, and nch Jewelry Gold Pencils, Gold Pens and Pencils, all of the lie.t materla/s, workmanship and patterns, and will he sold low-at cavern ',Aces. deelb PLENDIDGFIFT BOOKS—The Women of the St. 0 Mee delineated in a series of sketches of Preen. vent F emales mentioned in Holy Senpture—illivareted by IS fine steel engravmgs. 1 vol. quarto: Turkey gilt edges—Arabesque style. The Sacred Pacts of England and Amenca., for three centuries. Edited by Rufus W. Gnsivald. Illeatrated with steel engravings. I vol. evo. Silk gilt edges The Female Poets of America, with portrati., tno craililt Head . I , nagees, and specimens of there wnting• TB, Book of Pearl.: • choice Arland of prose. poe try and an, cootarotng 33 fine steel eagrartnrre; I vol 8 so The Book of Christien Ballade. Illustrated: I sol 8 vo. For sale by II BOYKIN'S. deel Apollo Dulldings,Ch HOLIDAY FELESECTS, a, 1. Knoisirs, 67 Market ll mreet.—Having pot received per Express a very largo aasorunent of Fancy rsoode. he invites the auen. tion of porcliasers to his very corrosive stock of fiend Bags, bead parses, rosewood writing desks, 'twit boxes,Curnivbed •ria unfurnished; tockgaironon board, Jewelry, and in fact every variety of Fancy Hoods in his dee. dste..7 OLD HELM MR13101.11 HAS COME !LOAM EE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of T Pittsburgh and eternity, that his Toys and Fancy Goods are now open, in the large room formerly occu pied as a i arpet Morehouse by R. D Thompson. where can be seen therlergem assortment of Chrisones Presents ever offered for sale In the city. All these goods are imported direct from Europe by myself, and will be sold cheaper than any other establishment in the city, wholesale and retail. Call and see the fine assortment. C. YEAGER, 109 ?darter st, decAd seer I.ihse” CHIIII3IIIAB FRFASENTS—Starre a J0...A, ao Market street, oaer for sale, at reduced prices, a variety of goods .citable 4 r Christmlut present., con • aiding in pan of French worked cohere, cbemtretta muslin and lone capes, crab. Swiss robes, revier and club. linen cambric hatidkerchtefs, deep corded no.: dered gentlemen's told do; black and fancy silk cravats and scarfm rich chameleon silks, asulmirre. and de tallies, satin striped mohair, lastres and anew tale. deer) NEW CARPKTS—Received this day direct from the manufaetnrer— Near style Tapestry 3 ply Carpets, extra super-, do do do do super; do do Brussels Carpets, db Brussels, very cheap, do do rich color. snort, Ingrain do and 15-9. heavy `'ens on do 4-4, 3-4 and .5.8 commas do do All of which will be sold at small ad•ance, and will guarantee as low as can be purchased In the east. ieclG W TOCK,7S Fourth st LOST -A Note drawn In favor of H. Stimple or Or der, by Wm. M'Covran, SUL •datesl Mah Dec: le4o, payable 50 days alter date. Persons are cau tioned not to purchase said note, as payment is atop. dec2s-113t J. H. STEVJINSON. M Al m T e " Tom W s lLS co ' r ' i N ie . r P o o r P al' ottli/t i c i e m fle r ; P' u n id - Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Market. deck-4101 TOWNSEND'S 051155 PADILLA, IGenumel—Jost reed and for sale by declti JOHN D MORIJAN "DOLAN Kf7TS—I cam pearl drab, suitable for (mar l) coats, for sale by deo Id MURPHY & LEE BUTTER—IO bit!. fresh Roth 5 kegs do; reeetved this day and for sale by droll TASSEY & BEBT 'LIEATIIERS-13 sacks Mr sale by &clO FRIEND, RHEY it Co EILAXSEED-37 sacks, I bbl, I keg to sinner; tor sale by ISAIH decls front at ri•Ail.olV-13 i7ble mar/W1121;g from steer Drab.s and for fale:by J H DILWORTH, e 27 wood et YINF2I7AR-40 bble cider Vinegar, for sale by deep Js niLivonTit 7.iLovit-4110 IMIs extra Family Flour, in store and i• fur sale by 41,21 Jl2 DILWORTH 42 IL MOLAtitIER—bO bblsl3oplr House Moles.. U.. RI Lowe Refinery, kti .tore and for side by MILLER & RICKF:PRON YDDUCE-101) busb Cloyeraeedi GO large sued Cheese; 20 Sags Butter, in store and for sale by deolll MILLER & RICICEMON ._. . DICE —a beret. new crop Rice. in store and for pale AAPby decd MILLER & RICKETSON by L ARD 0 IL--5 - Mds for gale deal FRIEND. RHEY & Co M°LASSES—ILO libis new crop Just reo'd, for gale by dxcut tw C IHMSEN, let and td ate BROOMS -W do: Cons Broom, fort ree'd and for sae by dee2l ARMSTRONG & CROZER lI , OOACCO—W kep No 1, Mx tarfyt Tobacco, a pmme Md., hut read on comignment land (erect by doc2l. sp.i.Lzas NICOLB MOLASSES—RO bbl. new crop N 0 Molluscs, fast nc'd per smr Roscoe and ior sale by deal SELLERS k NICOLS CWWINUT9--5)0 bashryclat lonahng and C ot sa le by deal J 8 DU.WORTH LOCAL MATTERS. ZUOITZD VOL STIR PITTSBURGH DAILY BAZIETTIL DEMOCRATIC CITY CONVENTION. The Democratic City Convention, called to no. minute a candidate for Mayor, assembled in the Supreme Court Room of the New Court House at 11 o'clock, on Thursday, December 25th. On motion of Jame. B. Sawyer, Esq„Charles Barnet, Esq., was called to the Chair—Mesta.. John Wray, William Gilmore, and Andrew Mc• Ilwatne were appointed Vice Presidents—Dr. A M. Pollock, Adam Wilson, and James B. Sawyer Esq., Secretaries. The Delegates in attendance having been called on to present their credentials, the following gen• tie:nen appeared, and took neat, in the Convene bon. First Ward—P. C. Shannon. John Dunlap, W. C. Meredith, J. II Sawyer. M. Kane. Ir. Second Ward—John M. Irwin, Chas. Barnet, J. Wynne, A. Wilmin, Wm. Wood. Third Ward—Wm. Paul, 11. Kennedy, A Getty, A M Pollock, Wm Gilmore. Fourth Ward—James Herron, Joseph O'Brien, M Connelly, A J Bennet, J I lowny. Fifth Ward—John Hague, A DiPllwain, J Mack. in,. A M'Cammon, Wm Young. Sixth Ward—Alexander Black, Joseph Birming• ham, John Wray, R. Miller, G. Punsten. Seventh Ward—C. Kent, A J Crnbben,l Shaffer, S Snee, Win Moorhead. Eighth Ward—W Alexander, S Morrow, Geo. Dairen, B Flanagan, D Seim. Ninth Ward—R Hughes, 1 Wicks, T J Hawley, R Prior,..l Ivory•. On motion, P. C. Shannon, Esq., was admitted as a delegate front the first ward, in Mace of John Patterson—John Wynne from the second ward, in place of Wm. Phillips. Andrewlwaine, Esq., then offered the folo lowing 'Resolved, That the Delegates present unani. mously nominate Calvin Adams, as the Democra. tic candidate for M or.' Objection was made, that some of the delegates might be under instructions. Mr. Meredith moved that the nominations close. Carried nem con. 7 do real Scotch Gingham, Also, W bales 4-4 Brown Muslin, 4i All of winch, in connection with those above men tioned, will be offered at leas prices than can be afford ed by any other establishment in alit city The ONE PRICE r3vsnzi. Winch Insures justice and fairness to all. will be strictly observed. Any article purchas ed at this establishment found to be above the general market pr..; ac nsequnt reduction will most wilting. ly made. upon the e ITC p M... es being made known to the Proprietor, it Lying ineir desire that all goods shall oe .old on fair and honorable terms. All persons are respectfully Masted to , with he ehoieeft Fresh Oyster. in cane. boll ego,. and .hell..t such reduced praer• as anll enable every lanagly to enjoy the. deliracy•L mete tables. An xpr , -. load will be rereivril do.dy at the ware. hod.° of Jllll C BIDIVEI.I- \Vnrrr wire, tiriwerin mad ior gide Ifr • n.l at dirfol .owing d•ido• kri• dormer "MIIII/field mod E A /lorrirr, .rd, cc 1 J Coddr Jr p. Avrdidi Merv, ti Kordwod. vow SPLENDID LOT OF NEW PIANOS. opici \I \ h Efil 800 cI,ARK.N , haf.tow opt, and For ,•. rOt 0. moo •uperior re• To, ron.lot or 11..ev.t.t.1 as.l.llallogarly of h. rj slid ocravr, atyles prlcer. $d renur.er thr tnsp rovvrnents. 'rad.< of Nunn. A C.mrli..• tor vt Gm he is Ani..s A LYS, o veil etruigtng fosveesed tio ',ale , a:x. supertorp.ait lealbort.tg the hammers. ,frovrA.,....g 1 Pinato. iroru ,rrv4l..”, harsh euml wire The hachtekartaa. al 'ratan at Bus a attperi at ktL arr 1.11 :het trc r anti wr aetrrit,l for hLatt r+ .1 Chicit•ranit, of Beaton rc The aboac a r.l aottl at tnattafacturcra' tem, ritr .as I, found at I W 0011 iron ~.. A t:. trom Ito 3 P M Mr N% oct 10 1142 during of 11. (NEW YORK AND BOSTON PIANOS. 11111 1 1 J. JUN II MEI U.R. No -I Wood rtrrt. !Is.. r..erryrd ..Ivor.o. ot • !arse ~,,,,,,. 0 , 1.1.„ 0 rut,. ['um ulo ....Ir. .....ted to.toufactroty ot lockrrtng. Mrs., tr arm, ... a fr.. - 11.t)s. of whirh dor notice oral , pre:, v.tr,..lg ... pr .r from ezm I. 17111. Also l'ff.nt the mattulartor,• of 14 41 •nd flacon & Raven. New Nod, a handson.• assortment of 6, 6 i and r,F octave Piano Fortes, rosewood and mahogany eases. of the most elegant desenpliOn. arid with all the la. tinprovrtutut• The above, in addition no he mock on hand. w if: make Me largest and most desirable selection ever °tiered for sale in Mts.., and will be sold m all cases at manufacturers pne on aecommodaung tern's, nod • stru.ten guarantee give es, n with every Piano Font sold JOHN 11 MI:1.1.0R, Sole Agent for the sate of Chaeltormg Potato Forte, (or 1% e.tero Peiwn) I vont. deo2rl NEW PIANOS. Sots AGIITC, most NI. iS3 a C.aiesCm....rwto Putrins Itil9ll THE subscriber ha plot replenished Ins store of Pihnem. which for •anely at style snd one. has error Leen sir pos..ed an tn. coy J wit received and opened, the io..lo,vtile too Pt... Oite 7 ....nye Plano. M entirely new rue Itte.evrood very r,egarir titamt• h Clerk One •• scnb Co.rtnno'l , celebrated .F.olian Al l.cbnent. Ting /. n.ery.ape nor Piano. One•• timizot enz . plain. ..\. &C. nov 1:1 KI.EHF:II., all W WooslwelPs Ilartinritre—Cheaper than Evert C.A N. WI (SON & I 11. Importer* end Wholesale I_4 Deulen in Hardware. Cutler, and Saddlery. So Wood !tree,. ai.ove Fifth. have now in store • very cheap and well selected stock of Hardware, imported si. the decline of pnee• in Europe, and which the, are ne determined to sell eorrespointinaly tow Merchants who here been in the halm of going East, are partici, larly requested mewl end Molt il.roogh our stock. • we cionfidently believe they will save their expenees 6e14 ORIGIN AL , BOLIV AR BRICKS.' E - • . X PERI ENCIR) Judges. on atrial of one and tt nal: millions. since 1, tl5. this article color. pisssell for durability in the construction of all londs of Furnaces Price 151.:1.75 cash for load+ of 10 51, guar. attired rune months use Orders forasecond quality Rohs , . Hocks will ir etoenced at VA , per 51, if as de sired, without guar:int,. A Mock of the first quality is now for ..ale at the N. 4,1. u., 'Slotio's Wharf: Ca nal Haan, ley J SIIA tt NIACLAiLEN. mull( hensinoon Iron Works Diluisix FIRE BRICKS—The subscribers having heen nuntunird suit. Agents by the manufacturers. tor the sale of the celebrated 'Thews Masi" an now prepared to till orders inn any quanoty, at 1321, cash. per LUDO For iho coostruebon of furnaces 0/ all kinds, those hrieks have benu pronounced by com petent J udges as bents -diperior to all other fire links now in use C A NI'A I'I,TI & Co. Canal ki,hti. uwm' J e - - uxTRA AND :O. PER Tllltl. PLY CARPF7PS -1,,`, Itneeised this day, direct from the manufacturers, a handsome assoriment of extia super and super thrt e ply Imperial Carpets, of new kyles, to which we ask the attention of those IA tubing lu furnish hOusum or smainhosts. Care, wartroom, No ;5 Fourth st. Pitts burgh. dre2l W APCLINTOCK !Olin arreitill. h. D. rOCIllis.MlB R I TO H I E & Cale H RA N E, FORWARDING COMIGIARION DIRRCIIANTS, NO. 93 TCHOCPI'III 'LAS STREET, Esse Orleans. OEO. W. ell' fl & CO., N FORM their friends Lind Ilan public that they hats to lower any COIIII,IIOII with their late ssi h iu h .h. mein lit Penn sire,. the Pittsburgh Brewery, bayo; remove., their entire business to the POINT OR EW in Pitt street. Bleaching Powder, iChlaride or Lime.) MANUFAC rt.. I KERS —The. maw:norm has, oo Imorl and will cooMaatly hr •mopiled will JIM. Nltmoratt h !tail rel. el.ratml Itlenrlting PowM.r. whieli they will warrant mina! Ifllol mtipertor to any imported to the I:. ,oat e . , mod whtch they are i.mpurell to pelt ut W. loweM mar ket price for r'arlt orapvroved 1011. taml 11' h Al All iviir.a.TßEE., tern liberty., üb lllu•prwill & Sofas' Soda A•h. TM: swriliers sre now receiving their Fall stock in the above srnele, throe vesnel, viz: the JU/lintii. and Lydia. buying arrived at Philadelphia and Haltimore, and two more, the Stephen Itald WI/I and shOrdy caper . ..al; they are, therefo r , p , p „ ‘ „, to receive orders 'rho will receive during the win ter and spring regular supplies via New (Mean. linvta W h 11 MITCHELTREF: 0 UN lobos No I Macketoli 3014,14 NIP . 2 mackerel, tio bf do No 11 do; 11/ do Toone. Oil. do Alum, 3 do Fo: Salto; 3 do o b oo od Ihi do Nome:, bon No I ..co cl Homo, SO hos No . 4 do do, ado •ocootod 10 do No 3 PronOol do; 10 do No -1 do do 1 boor (novo*, IU boon !oleo , uff. SU hhdo pt me N U ougar; Jou e , •'o ood for ml by de-col BROW A. I.I3F.RTOON Da. D. RUNT. 1:111 4401, A , P,ozont o 'moor ot Fourth s s lo.o.otur. beturren Market and Ferry store.. orpl4l von A FORT4.IIiL nr.DuvrioN• JAs. MI :-.)I.R.ATT 9.t.)St , I'ATENTSODA ABll— to 5 tons.;44 sash curlew - ), or 4 Inns. syn'lrd 6441.. 5 tons nr upwards, do par. too. do, Merest ad ded. F'or the I,olll`rtor q ualar of tins brood we refer to the glass and Km)) otattotaeturer. 0 , this city general k MITCIII - 1;IREF:. 8004 Ica hlwrty st - _ _ . NOTICE. TEE undersigned having removed to Washington city, will attend to the prosecution of claims on efeovernment. and to any law Wetness before the Courts oldie Dismal, with which he May be entrusted deco-d:ltais ANDREW W 11.1 E, J. HOUSES, link FARMS, kO. Skerriceres ce.izaa tor Bale, ITUATED on the Neetniaahela river, about 10 Mlles from Pittsburat and Y =lea Marra third , Leek, in the Immediate erughborbocel ablaut's. Lypath Shorn andkdr. John Herron% purchase. This fibsi kod 7 of Coal will be sold at the low price of taper Mini in band, balance in five equal anneal parnetoe, without llama. Tide indispittable. Location :very good—earmot be For tanker pSrekatars enquire LEEYY , who has a draft ofisald_prn petty. Resideneefidel, below Ferry, Mr. Adains , Mow. N. B. There In azumber seem of coal ea thin ***, about GO feet above the lower, M excellent qualm, .17 28 :d'r 6. It r aa — lhatate IL* Ohl* . • & TRACT of hunll, I.tr Hamilton, Pomp, A on the Cterahoga nver—ahout 30 acres ander:tm. provement. Also, two unimproved lots in the village or Warren. Tres:Moll Co., W feet b 7 DO. Also, a ldt or rd 'd e " ogl l'of eofthe di•i'b eIl roLattso H artl and, belt stane: for a merchant on the Western Reserve. ArtY or thu property will be sold on Ifilry ILECCULSOLMUkting LSALII4 DICKEY A Co., - feblo Water and Front sta. MT;IMI:M=I pill: subscriber will sell on accommodating terms, valuable tract of animproved land, tamale on.the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles from Pntsburgh, and about eight miles from lhe town of Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract con taint 402 acres and 20 perches, strict mature. The land is of an excellent quality, about 00 &matelot:lml, and well watered, and will be sold either is .ttali or to farms of cortyardent size, to Solt purchasers. For further particulars enquire ortVAL BOYD, Att'y at Law, office on 4th at. above Sualtateld, Pit:tabu:o u ray26td&vrtf T Property In Allegheny Olty for Ils/e. THE submribera oder for tale a number of choice Lots, situate in the Second 'Ward, fronting ma the Common ground, on cony terms. InqWro of W. O'H. ROBINSON. Any at Law, St Clair at or of JAS ROBINSON. oat the premises. . myt7tdisartf T TWO - 11 - o'oB,lL'ir AND — LOTII - POIL - SAI4d4 ,forb, TWO LOTS on Beaver street; in the city of ,JEM, Allegheny, above the ripper Commons, on which [4 erected • frame building, two stones high, suiphle for two mall tenements. The lots are each twenty feet to front hp one hundred feet deep, and mu back to a street forty lent wide. The buildings on the pre will'. pay a very bmdserne interest on the invest:, ment, and the property will be sold cheap for cask.' Apply to It. Sproul, Clerk's office; U. S. or to noro KAY k. Co ROSEDALE TO LEX. Yore Tills delightful Summer R4gem, some years past oceupted by hir* Burgh field, Is odured for sale or rent on the liras of Apra nest. This property has been Uprorsedtby addluottal buildings, and a substantial etarfa watt, and terrace planted wait iivergreens and Fruit 'rte.. To a good tenant, capable of conducting the Retreat,, the tern., will be reasonable. ORO COCHRAN; Pittsburgh, Dee_ 9. AS!!"Wr.FI°P.I"!...- . . . . . , imk, THE subscriber offers for rent for the term of one or more gee., a large ellaerealeall weed two story Dwelling House, containing 8 rooms and Kitchen. There to a lot of ground containing 13 acres elfin° young (anti uses of every kind, weble, ke... connected with the hostas To any Fenton wieh it4; a delightfal residence within a few minutes ride of the city, thin will be a rare chance. For terms, which will be low to a good tenant, inquire of Mr. ,Jno. IN nein, near the prenWaas of John Watt, mentor of Hand and Liberty streets, or of octerntf THEO. F. WRIGHT. MEN ACRES OF LAND, situated In Peeblets town -1 ship. on the Monongahela, three miles from Plus hursh—in lots to slut purehasem. For (unbar panto alert apply to Henry Woods, 3d it, or to A. WASHTMOTON; noon-sit( 9th , above blmithheldat Yalitabla Residence la Ali•gbeSlY City for 8.141, (Wt.:TEM PL.ATING a removal from Allegheny, eiry, Oder Illy moutonu Were for sale. The prennleS are to delightful order, and every way worthy the at. .1111011 of any person waiting such property. ". /Y2 O It W.POLNDEX.TEB .__ _ zukat ikatati to lifinia4 - itairaniy. • ALOT, Storehouse and Dwelling, sawn on the Erie Ertension Canal, In the villne a/VI/milli& dlesex; a clearable loeeeoe for a merchant Alio, a Lot and good Dwelling Hoene well caned for a Tavern Stand, in the village of °magma - Ole, cm State line of Ohio. Terms easy. ISAIAD DICK / & Co. ruble Water and Paint Ito. rIOAI. LAND FOR SALE—Seadn acne; ocotl land l.„/ for sale. Mall/ in bend oldie Monongahela River, above Litoarnsvillo s Fa, hair s g a 7 Gaol r of oak i which wail be sold at ezebanga for gooda. cir ar.. Apply (Debi 80/ W;KARRADOIi wood a WAREHOUSE FOILSALLE—The sabseriber B' stress for sale the three story brick. Warehouse on Wood street, occupied by H. Tainuor k Co. pi? WM. WILSON, Jr. 2 The subscribers uselll rent part of ths "aro" hou.se new ntrupled by them. Apply to LEWIB. DALZH.' & Co., Isom 61 WVStftt. *ALI_ ntILE REAL ENTATEON PENN STREET FOR ' , ALE —A Lot a Ground attaileun Pena .trnet. Irt.weta and Alarbory atreeta, adtalning toe bou.e and lot now occupied by Richard Edward., having a trout of feet, and to depth 120 feat, wnit be 0/1 tatorable terms Title unexcepturaa4le. Fop oLprc ai C. U. LOOMIS, Lb et, near Wpod. perm-do' FOR RENT A THREE story Back Darelitn,q Amite, on W met. Move Grant ntrert. ?postman given. [he first of January. °YR ar sooner If required. I 'or lr I.pv7 0 BLACKBURN tr. Co. nraterst EXCHANGE BROKERkko. N. HOLNIXI3 i BONS, Bankers, Exchange B rrrrr •, N uTES, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES, GOLD, BILVER AND BANE NOTES. . . Col.LECllON—Drafts, Notesand Acceptances pa y abit any part °l'd.: mon, collected Onilin. LDOst nowurat , ie ter". N,o, York, NlOlodelpkik Lod Hal tooor Cutcinnati, I nutevalc, 63.11 U 1;0111. and Irirana y for HANK NOTES --\um• on all .Ivent bankriA the Unued sduLee diseouotod nt the lowest Gum All binds of Foreign ullal American Gold and Silver Coat bought loot eold dice No. 5.5 Musket street. between 34 and. am, Pittsburgh. P. oenls RUMMY, HANKA • CO., 13ANKERS. PACIIANDE lIRDICEIIB, and dealers 1 . ) In Foreign and Domestic Exchange Cenifieates of Deposit. Dank Note. and Speme; Pisani siren, near ly opposite Me Ban. of Pit= ConnoL money received on drpossto--Bight for salt' and col lections qtado ou nearly all the principal pawn hi Ma United SOLI,. The ele . bert preaduar pald for Fannin awl deeerieso Gold. • Advances node on consignments of Pendants, ship. pea Ewe. on liberal term. •mclitl.s POILICIGiN—EXCEILANOIO. 'DILL—. on F.ngland, Ir e land, and Scotland bought any amount at the Current Rate. at &change. AlArt, Grail,. parable in any pun of the Cdd Coontnea, from 11 to .f,IOOU. at the rate of S 5 to the £ Sterliog, uruhont &ult.:turn or dtacount, by JO:4IIVA 2001N SON, European lulu Genera/ Agent, oOne sth st - one door west of wood. roszrit u. . mu... AIL Cr HILL & CURRY. . KERS and Exchange Broken, Dealer% in For el, %ad Contest. Mae And Sight Bilk of t of Depot:tie Bank Notes and Co; n No tis V. cod creel, third do or below Boni* we., •11.. 13.361: 1 1..a um Ell & . 1"1" " "g" AN:KERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERBoloalors T/P in For and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cm/- tine/nes of Deposita, Bank Nato. and Cont r oomer of 31 and Wood streets, &reedy opposite Bt. Chute* Ho tel. mi • It - ErIIOUN DS Ohio, Indiana, lieutneky, Alrattourt, Bank Notext ' purehued at the lowest rates, by N. HOLM} k SONS, 33 Alaska oxen I : IWLS OP IL2I3IIA.NOE—Ftsta Cheeks New York Philadelphia, and atri Conx.ntly for sale by N. 130Lha h SONS. sepl3 15 Market at. Reollnij.—.Galvanlzed Tim Plates. THE subscribers beg to call the attention of Builders, A reloteet4 and owners of Buildings, ltSthe Zany advantages which these plate, pouess Over, alt . other meth:lie substances hitherto used for roofing, &n, u they posses, at once the lightness of iron, shout its liability to rust, having now been tested for several years to this particular, both in this country and In Eu rope They are less Liable to expansion and contrac tion from sudden Change of the atmosphere, than com mon on plates, Iron, sine, °rimy other metainownsed for roofing, and consequently form a much better and tighter roof; reouiring far leas frequent repairsiiirhilit the first cost IS but a trifle more. A full supply, of all sixes, from Id to 30 W:O., con stantly on band and for salt by OEO. B. MOREWOOD & CO., 14 and 16 Braver street, New Ytirk. The patent right for this article having been secured for tile tinned States, all parties infringing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, will be pro.cia led. oitOnditorlyT _ __ _ RUST PROOF IRON. • THE undcratened have emoted works N tl~elty of New York, for the politicise of rialvanirink rat arti cles of Iron, which It ts desirable to PROTECT PROM Rus.r. such as 'l`clegroit Wine, Botta, Spike*, Nails, wire tar Fences, nosyd other ankle whit!' tnay be rano red For lioopa for Casks, as a substitute far bale Rope; nor Clothes Lines, Lightning Rods, add a host of oilier applications, it will be found cheap and derable. They would particularly call attention to ihe•Galvani- Ird Wire tor fences; it requires no paint, and will not ru•t 01.0 to :spikes and Bolts, the preacrtration of Iln nildeli ol so much 1111p011411CC, dial it will commend to it nolo, of all those innervated. 11E11 B AIUREWOOD CO., Pareitteca, net lit.iletwlyT 14 and 18 Beaver st,N. York. NEW IllifiTillUalENT;" -- THE subsctilier has oven appointed Sole Agent far the rale of t - & RH rs MPROVED ELODE ONS, as manufactured and and perfected by Messrs. hlurchd. Whin, of thnoitnau. The usual compass and extent being but four octaves. Nexus. & W., in accordance unth the general desire and demand, have e xtended the scale of there muniments to di and even 5 nctavea, thus making it practicable . to perform upon them any Innate written far the titan° or Organ. The e xterior, also, has been much improved by plamag the body of the ornamented,instrum cast iron frame nenutifully limitsed and r rendering at at once 61 most elegant and extremely desirable article. The price is put ro low as to bring within the reach of every one to canam a perfect Maslen' 11111IfInnont, nt the sante time, a matt elegant Mehra of hunt tem nor a comparative index H. KLEHEH, AL J W Wocenvellts t{.—Call and examine. dem* DOCTOR YOURSELF! On 2t4 the o e r F C N v/ . . rs ry '. 4 — th u e ' llra rhysicia r T torentieth wol, upwunl. of htlildred engravings, show g private di.cose. le every .hape aml forin, an d mal• forot the grernove ayatern, by IV. YOUNG, NI I) no. bloc Ira . now armed, that perigee toter oo, try., rc•dt/...y. yea,. no more becone - the cm. ton to qu..-kery. 11121 by the pre.ertiptiona eptolined in loo,h on) one ton, cum htinsell; wallont hindrance to ...me... 0 knowledge of the moat Intonate /lead. and with one tenth the asual expense.. In ad- IU lOC gruernl routme of prtelile diaeite f it I dwil pls.. the r muse of manboare early eb/ofVnllping inallOolVl—nolndOn Other our. ocogetneuts wtoch It worth! not be proper thettomerata fit the publth Urn.. I Any person rending 23 Cent. enclosedin a t o m, will receive one ropy of this book, by mail, or five co p '&111 be sent for one dollar.. Addm,' . 13Et. W. Y ies OUNG. No lad Spruce street, post pa ut ANTh:D--Propnetors of drag or boolilatorea, and pedlar., In every town in the United Buttes, , to act as Remo. for the above work. odt7-deod..lia I )(nig KLEPINta—A penton of long etpetteune Ia 1) !look ke.ping &fere Ids servinea totted capacity, ire rnlanendy, ur would for Me present cleiOld his gate to the adjustment and put lament of !Voke aIadALLCOUIIIi, Tim boat of reference* as to capacity, he ' will be gi ven Apply al nore or C H trig NT, c 15 water st ....~, ...R~l MEDICAL. MUMS VEGETABLE EXTRACT 111 THR ONLY REMEDY that can be rotted on for 1. the permanent care of Spasmodic Clontracuons, maim of the Herres, Nervous or Sick Headache Nervous Tremont, Hennas - le a/realms. General De bility, De6cianey of Nervous and Physical Energy, and all Nervous Disorders, ioolodumg toe moo drcadfol of all &setse that elver a/Vet ale human race— EPILEPTIC FITS, LB Flllin g gickness, Ilysteneol Fits. Co.volsions, apasma he. Han eroold impress it upon thc minds of the atilleted that the Vegetable Extrect is the on. y re edy ever discovered that can be relied on for me per mane'', CUM of this most dreadful of all disescea As LB tendency la!!!taartAy, madness sad death, the roost SKILLFUL PHYSICIANS of Europe, ac. well as Mow of our own country, have pronounced Em.Moly incurable. And it has been to considered by many, soul this most important of all discoveries was made by Dr. S.Hart, nearly cu.-en yearsinane, during which time it has been perform.; some alba mom FAXABIF. CUR ---------- . upon record, an ba s acq uired a reputation which time alone can efface. Physicians of undoubted skill and experience,'ministers of miens denominations, as well as hundreds of our eminent citizen., all unite in recommending the use of this truly valuable medi eine to their patients, chum and friends, who are af flicted, as the °alit moody. WE Q OTE T HE LANGUAGE used by those h have been cured by this valuable l i media: nu' One sa 1, "I have suffered beyond my pow er of description, ut I now rejoice in being fully re stored to health happiness.* Another says. -I thank God I feel lam a well man. I alw• te-i It my duty to Noe it to the ends of the earth, met those similarly lewd may find relief' Another (who's an EMINENT LAWYER end well known in this city) says, "My sou has been afflicted for yen!, .with Pktilepsy, bat in now enjoying good health hold the Vegetable Extract Its fame," says he. -. should and ought to be mounded to the ends of the earth " Att other says, "Language LS entirely inadoquete to express my gratitude to Dr. Hart for having been the means, under the blessing of God, of restoring me to the enjoy - min of good health, after having been afflicted with kktilepsy to its worst forms for more than tweet, three years, and my mot= and evening oblation of praise and thankagisring "union, to ascend to that God who has alkieted but to make me whole" Mrs. J. Bradley, 116 Orchard street N. F., states that she has.heen mbiect to fits for many year., and has been restored to perfect health (eller emery ether means had felled) by the use of the Vegetable Extract. Dr. Chants A. Brown, of Dover. Burrell county, Ala who is one of the beat phyncians in the State, says that he has been much benefited by the use of the Vegeta ble Ennio, and that he anbentatingly prescribes it in lively ease of Epilepsy which corm• under his knowl • _ tAntis G. Mayberry, Eq. formerly Postmaster at Lime Mills, Crawford comity, Pa., now living in Ene county, Pa.,states that for many years pen he ha. been sorely afflicted with fits, and he to now happy to tam that a pertaverini no. of Dr. Han'. Veg-inbin Extract, has restored ham to sound health, being entire , ly hoed from that worst of all dmeases. From the Cincinnatt Commermal. BEALAREABLE CURE. The following dertificate was given to httes, e .. Th u mas & Miles, DOCIOT Han's Agents for t s o l e of ht. Vegetable Extract, for the'7;:df a Fit' c o *, in ear odito c rial columns ' from (ant mat n 't theo lo nly known medicine that will Cart 411