The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 27, 1848, Image 4

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CVN8 : 1 W77. 9 . RE ON YOUR LTA!) ,
Consamption, Coach., Colds. Asthma, Bran hiti%
ar Complaint, Swatting Blood, Difficulty of Small.-
- int, :, Pain in the Side and Dremt. not
• e Bean, inff nen., Croup Broken n
atlmtfon, Sore Throat, Pierre. Doh i• •
ty, and all Diseases of the Throat
Breast and Lungs: the most ef
feetual and speedy core
everknoarr (many rf
the above disc.-
et, is
t, u f a rapaustd Syrup cif Wild CA rryt
medicine rune longer among those (doubtful
utility.. It haspassed away from the thoultands daily
brattelted upon Mod& of experiment, and pew stands
higher 111 reputation, and is becoming morel extensive
ly nand than any other preparation of medicine ever
ptt/demi for the relief of suffering
It has been introducetivery generally through the
'United States and Europe', and there are free towns of
importance bat what contain some remarkable evi
dence of its grood ell - cent. For proof of the foregoing
Easements, and or Lh., value and efficacy of this meth
nine, the proprietor will insert a few of the many thou
ea testimonials which have been presented Whim by
St of the first respectability—men who have higher
views of moral responsibility and justice, than to eer
lily to facts, because it will do another a fuser, and
rbaraseives no Injustice. Huth testimony proem can-
Ohnively, that as surprising excellence eitablished
by its intrinsic merits, end the linquertionable authori
ty of public opinion. Tie, ir,qtanteneous relief it af
!bids, end the soodunOriflnetice ditfasetlAbraegh the:
whole (mine by its ore, rtmdie - rs it n coon agreeable
restody for the afflicted.
RE:MI*2 , IIMR! .
"When men, acting from comeientlons impulses
voluntarily bear testimony to the • truth of a thing. or
particular fact, such testimony, bein contrary to their
worldly interests and pOrpotes, eeekter Conviction of
its troth, and eommends itself in Eternal manner to
universal eiredenee."--(Tltocon's Moral Maxims.
SITU. Altarillta CVO, or Pal-ston•nl COnstrhlrrlosr
There never was a remedy that has been on successfal
in desperate caret of Consumption, ns Dr. Dwayne ,
ettlettpoUnd Syrup of Wild Cherry, It s t mn gih thth
flue appears to heal the ulcers on the lung.
new and rich blood; power possessed by a
*Mot medicine.
Cuenca Co., April:6th, Wis.
Dr. Swayne—Dene Sir: I verily believe your Com.
polled Syrup of Wild Cherry hae been theeans or
Waving ray life. I caught a severe cold, which gradu
ally grew worts, attended with a severe cough, that
resisted all the rented... which I hadiretollr. to.
Inerneing Ida my cafe exhibited ieuto symptom. oi
Palmortary Consumption. livery thing I Tried
to hate no effect, and my complaint increased so rapid-
ly that friends as well as myself,gave up all hopes of
my turnery. At this time rwea recommended miry
your levalnable medicine: I did so with the most hap
py results. The fast bottle had the effect to loosen the
s ' o te lt l 4 h "' ad '"g d a'ff boWrr.l was entire) 11, and em
now u hearty a .1.11 us I ever woe in my hie, and
would he happy sufferers g tiny Information respecting my
cue, that other may derive the benefit for
II am so grateful. For the troth of the above
I refer you to Peter Utah, Grater, West
Chester, ra., of whom I purchesed the medicine_
Respectfully years, Jams l'ittuotAn.
Winuksfui Curs of fli ndethea i isr Minutes.
Wr.glwayne---Dear Sin I feel a debt of gratitude doe
you--and a duty to the afflicted generally, to offer
my humble testimony to fever of your Compered Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. Some three years nese I was
yloleutly attacked with cold mid inilturmunion ef the
which was accompanted with a distressing
01174Z' in the breast and head, a very conidera
lble of offensive maces from the lungs, espe ,
ebony upon change of weather, however slight At
lout I felt no alarm about my eendition, bat was preny
soon convinced that I wee rapidly going into conntrop
dim. I grew daily weaker, and at length wan scarce
ly able to walk about, tie nicer above a whisper, such
Ins the exceeding weakness of my lungs. During this
Slum I had tried venous preparations and prescriptions,
hat foun d no m g d f__greerier ell the due WOTie. Just
km I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in
Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup-of Wild Cher
ry. I Mast canine that previously I had been preju
diced anitt patent medthlnee. and I am still against
those teeming out of the hands of empe ries, ton under
steadies your claims to the profesmon and prances of
aiedieme, and heeing nopticet faith in the Buying of :try
friends, I ferthwith purehssed or Dr. Show, one of your
arum,. few bottles, and commenced its use. My die.
sass was at that owe of 20 or 23 months' needles, COll
- it was deeply reined. I found, however,
aoniderable mile( from the use of the first four or five
'bottles. But being a public epeoket. I frequently at
tempted to e
with my Increasing strength, and
thereby ruptured those reseele thal had alread
e y began
TO heal; in this way, doulole , o, roy cur ,
w greedy
ptard In consequence of acting thee imprudently.
had to use twelve or fifteen lionle. before I wee per
fectly restored. I have no gunmen, a reach smaller
unatber of bottles would have made me wled, but for
the above inthecretnin. The Syrup .liaved the fever
ish habit, took away the di.treseaig cough, put loop
to the discharge of matter from the lungs nod gave
A en
an and the ure oyetena gond health. I have defer
red ofericti gum eeroficnie unu: vow . for the purpoeJ
of being perfectly eetbified with tith pennetiency of the
=lns and now that I feel pestle , . o I offer with
plememes It sv 2 P. Jewess.
Dublin county, N C.
important Caution—R.. l ' little -
There Is but one genuine preparanon -
ti w Cherry.
and that ts Dr. Swa max's, the first ever mitred to the
p2blic. whirl, has been sold lamely throughout the
Mailed States rind some . parts of Forope, and an pie-
Weldon, called by the name road Cherry &aye
been put out since this. under rover of some deceptive
Mrctsamlances, In order netve eat, env Melt sales.
By • little observation, o person need mistake the
gamine (rcen the [Mee. Poch bottle of the genuine. i•
enveloped With n beanutul orel ent:rnr inn. with ibr
likeness of Williarn Peon ) I
herron, aka, SvenyneS
*nature: and as further %rowdy, the mutton of Dr.
Iderayne will be oddest hereafter. so as to Mstinguish
his preparation tronrall Galen. Now. ait 'ions not for
the great Ottritti•e proper . ti elt •I nue. of Or
r would not oe endea•annf to Five cereal oe rs
9letittous nostrums" by *manna the mete or Wild
Cherry. Remember, always
to mond the name
erd Dr. Swaim, end be not dereived ,
Principal Office, centre at Eighth and Rmre sweet,
role wholesale and rrtnil by OGDEN;
D.Li, roe 51 and Wood o, B FM-INT:STOCK &
Co, ear Ist and Wood, and 6th and Won., so: WM
TIIOiLV, 53 Market at: S JON 1,0 Liberty sh JAS
IL JONES, one !loan nen Penn stv. /MTN MITCH ,
NM, Allegheny cny. anal by all to di , tlcrA
medicine. oettt
B. A. Fahneatoek , s Anas—L__
Frhtia Cathartic compound comparative
j hulk with efficiency end comparative troldoess
plargetive action, and having a peculiar tendency
the biller/ organ, is extiemely valsorlue al. row
trg, in which bilious fevers and other eneplambh
Landed with congestion of the liver. so much abound_
They have now stood the that of 211 peon, end experi.
ha. reeved them ta lassie and valuable remedy
ilt Ilitaaaa
erOnnent, Ileontthsit and 13.1 too• Fevers; Jaun
dice; Ellie. Colic ; lorligesUon; Drops - ) i 13) .fa n
Bine. Vomiting, ; and all complaints of an in
tecoedircry character. 'The complete and uoiveraal
satisfaction which ha, been given by these pills to all
wits have once used them. reuders the publithiug of
the cerognates to thou taror unnecesaary.
Tb provent counterfirtung they are now put up m
I+4 sylorio wrar
Pries cents fo rabox contain i ng 3u pills.
Prepared end sold by
earner IA and wood, and also corner 6th and woods
Lra-curro , Va. ()o. 12,1941.
. .
Mr. R. E.. 13ellera—Oue of our phystmans, whose
;trachea as very extensive, told rue nut morning of a
we In which one vial of your Ventrufuge brought
- away above BO scones; and a 'tandem. in the neih
boritood said that less then half • mal goosed the Mo
akley, 01=1150 large worms from one of hi. eltP
dren. Prey Many clutch ins:once* might be stated.
it LweK known shoat here. and almost all prefer it to
may ether. Send me IV dozen and oblige
Yours, .1. SI. WILSON.
Parents who do not wish to trifle with their children,
abarda ere Seams' Vermituse.
Prepared and sold by K K SELLERS. 57 Wood et.,
said by Dr Cassel, lth Ward; D bI Curry, Allegheny.
P =ORA= in superior to al other remedial for
101••.C•temstoptioti, Bronchitis, Asthma, nod CM./ Poirot..
II NI ~.1.1.1. is th at th e same =mos who commenced the
O Of sato their familia. ten ynrs ago. still prefer it to all
Mbar idealism oftha kind; and where ny ham bean indohed
try other.preparatiiari they Mee alma =variably been
Yapper n all mailing the bmaGt whiehants stasonahly
rets , tie Nigh praisestanienred by =a proprietors,
Milos realised to the us. of Jana.' Catrzarozarrr, as
• 1111•17 -ant Ma cam failed to rah.n then aird arlimb
Wilily urn had it. 00311 is arreauag pulmonary enemata
reitairell only by Dr D. holm Philadelphia, sad told on
:a Fourth at
TIiALLF , 9'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will, in five nun
stirssfrosn diorites of MB applicatiOn, remove the
pains frost the severest bums, sealds or blisters
ILad mill heal vrirronds, deem and sores of any kin.
grialoat wer. This valuable Pam F-orsetor eon L
IM td JOHN DbIOROAN, Drug gi reet st,
No 931 Wood st,
. A. PAIIISIESTOCK , I9 VE13.3111 7 1712E.
PEW week. since. one of my children, aged about
lire years, was unwell for several day. nod the
increased so Mariam ly that I feared demh
amnia bo the result. Having heard of DM good CiroCl.ll
of Fahnortaele. Vermifugo when agnitnistered to the
oldldren of my neighbors, inA Snaking my child nught
hays worms, from some Mart symptoms, I gave it one
aad a half teaspoonfuls of its Vornithme, and to my
~.. tonishment it almost camodiately discharged
SOO and 260 Inge worms. Its health was soon
MU:4 and it as now remarkably well. Previous to
taking the Vernufoge, tho worm. would occismoonlly
nos in lta throat, and I °llea boated it would die from
Strongnirdion. JAS. G. DAWSON.
Tionesta, Vonango no, P., April 2,30. apl3
.OINTMENT 4 the most effectual remedy before
public for the cure of totter, itch. dry and watery
ptiar,da of the lace neck and body, scaly erupuons,
sad all other disc sta of the skin. This (hellbent is
sinner:MO free from merman . , is perfectly safe, and
as be used at all tones and tied., all circumstances.
A supply of this erasable remedy recessed and
brace by 13 A FAHNESTOCE.& Co
Gamerlst amt wood; also. corner of 6th end wood
Q. ELLE:6B , VEILNLIFUGF.--"No family should be
la without it !"
Lona', C. 11., VA, Ang. 24,'49.
Its. It E. Slums: I cheerfully certify that I hove
br 20610 years put need your Vermauge in my family,
and unieermaly with aocceee I dectdedly prefer Uto
may other preparation I have wed—amongat Mena May
=Me celebrated medicine called Deadabot,
k's Vermlfuge, end
Worm Tel. In • recent cave •stogie dose • brought
from my little boy one hundred and AIX large Worms
Ale family certainly ought to be without It Yours
Prepared sod .old by IL EL 57 Wood .1
end sold by_tillistism generally m bosh dries. sepll
A Plus let of Teeth for 25 demi..
TY GUAM—Yellow and unkealdsy teeth, after be
low' OM or tyke cleaned with Jones' Amber Tooth
040, Aare the appeerance of the most oearinfal ivory,
lid Pt the Mile COW it 1, 20 poifectly innocent and ex
eritnitaly fine, that its constant daily am is highly ad
vantageouy eveato those teeth that are in a.good coo.
alhjedogiting them a beantiftil potish.and Preventing •
=decay. Those already decayed it prevents
dug leo rse—it aloe fastens web as are be
“simir wow., and by perseverance it will render the
=Mb delicate-17 white, and make the Weill” ole.
meet. Sold by WAI. J AOL.uN, &Merry
B. A. ParsarrU, * A. B. Hru., N. V City.
B. L. Faiurnx3,}Piiisburgii. '
G. W. Pau - array
e~lo Dusg Store In the City of
• Nev Pork.
Band .are are ertenatvely engaged of the
16 1liinhedesde g buriness u ho. 49 Jahn street, In
• - aity ahr New York, and are prepared for supply
proggialr•ard country .ktarebanis with Drags, Paints,
als, I lekbari, 'Pomp arid Maerteatt I'estantery,
glassi.• r, WUragkalander• lo( Weir owl;
other ardeleiria ibefi Mara(
arevarcarlity as It. as -they'eaa brim .
0 , • rung, rastem
41,4 reivionocecii cosi_
ig.lj.itylitf' -- :
. .
; :• . _..„.,:-.,-: ~.: re, - -,..... , ,,,;....:„...iz , ..1--_.
Ir,Lrfjj -- „i : : - .0:1 - 4 - trtirti
. 1.J. 1 ,0A - Tr.frr'L
• • ...t ').1,1 - 27•171 ; 1:-:.,t
1.. . ~ , .6.!.. . 1 . • 0
•.:- . r- ---=-----... : . —..,;_,--. --•,..-,,, '.L.t ri el- ri ll
1 `l-±,.7, - . ...,:'.- • , :' , .. ,. ."-.,..-,:: - .: 7 47. - t - : ......,.- x.;!
•... , :-D1R. ,, 14 OAVIII I Un li D'B
- , , ••coxreollD TXt*NCT 07
aturMswdaes Me Aye.
Tta most Utraterdleaty SWIM= to to. World
This Estr.o* f. yid q to goat Itattlast 4 4.r.
thus chsapiov planseater, wad twerwomed yes
pester is meriteM ft Cast stand
erredelnif, purirlac, ekkarkeir
debtfersootrag the
The great beeety ead eupertorby of this Sarsaparilla
over ell ether ineAloolues lethat wldle it wredkates the die
m., it Intriaernites the body. It itt /mad the eery beet
Etter he; it oat euly parte. the whole +mum, and
rt reneck ens thy meow, but u meatu aro pro end rick
14 , 4 • • power pteweillea hec ebbibef stardiciarr. And,.
Mend worm Nita woodertlweccesa. It Om
performed within the lasi two years, more than INI,NIO
wos of severe uses of disease; et heed 15.000 were
considered inearable. It hes used the lives of more
luso 10.000 Mabee during the two put semen.
10,000 cameo of Gets oral Debility and
*Mat of Nervous Energy.
Dr. Towneendbt Sarsa_parille trurtrlnllce lhe whole
system pertnenently. To those who oat lost their
moscalar caercy by the effeete of Medicine or indieere•
ttea committed to youth. or the excembre Indulgence of
the passion., and brought vas (mere physical prostm.
ttoa Atha nary... grata, leseitude, weal of ambition,
(mode, sensation; premiere decay mad decline, ham..
Inc lewd. that hat Mass" Consumption, can be O. reatnimi by dd. plemeat comedy. 'fhb Elmo
u r
toperlor to any
invigoration Cordial,
A, a rem,. end Meter.. the serer; giros activity
to the limbs, and nongth to the nanteolu gam, to •
extraordinary degree.
Coasomptioaa Cared.
C 1... and Strgoetlwa. Corinotyrtion con to we.
Areackitis, Otramorptiae, Liver Ognvislat. 0•14.
Cetarre. Cryks, Aran, Spitriuy of sloes,
3ercuessto Ms Oeu; ffscite MA IO,Ao
rotaro, D =is Side, 4.2. Pndio. l =l ".
lota eati eau As coral
r.rk, %We.
Us 7OOrtotocco-1 roily Werra Mai your Soup.
rill.. kw boo, do anus •loonb Prootdsou, ...O.;
Imo tor toural you ad . b.d Cough It
bacazu "no asd owns At lost I resod bum oust
do. atliaotl, bad slain Evros and •ro gaudy dotal.
toted sot minced, ud aid sot upoi m llts I boa
oty sot youllarrusrek a obart ilma old than, bum
• .roaestrl atom boo ought la ma I sot now UN
to wall d/ aro do *by. I rats, ao blood, aod my
eutirl os WI ma. Ti. as dab basin dust I co
ioubfli to Owe mobs.
Dr. Toramstffonsmopirlas tea moleskin and
Inni4 wm anntirinOinh
P rre nu.
toff, of P orate Won*, Coitioonag iles,
amba% or • eitanalmtod on Moth Illonarroe-
Oec, locantkomeni of OM., or Istoinmarry dischsay•
thereof, miner the peersl paelledos of the mum—
co mediae Whether dm matt ofinlaresa Imam or deem,
prod.od by inagelarity, Mom or arseldent Duthie/
can be more ourprbday lbms Ibinelyareolay affects
Doe ham. Pena, Pusan off Imbued end Wed
tede. from oats; 11.0 onto beams robes* cod hll of
reap tr.der tb toloomoo. It imatodianoly ionions
tar nerreloanentof Me female tram, which Mine Meet
ono of lierrenninee lh fill vat b e y tb roemd ef ea, le
soten of so delicate • nil** to cordials. of
s parfbraed hat Ire can usage ths afftletee. slat
bordrods ofmom hies, beam reported bar. norm:ands
of rem 'o7rt fasafflas lone born *Maw children,
after rising • ihir born. of Ude tovellmbie medielso,
nave boon blessed EDI to., bealiby offspring.
To Mother* wad Married Ladles.
This Extract of glareaperiila ka• beau expreesly prte
pared ht recreate to cotophanta Ito fawn&
ho ham ritaloll tO =ppm. she is Ipplawhiai that
cridnol The tars of Wl,' timid wird to
take it. as It Ls • contain preeauttre fer any of the
ounenence and 'lttorrible diseases to which females ars
.object ai this time of life This period iwey be 41.
hrierilbr metal VW* by arise t4.madierm. NOT
it it lea,nllBl4o her than who an approaching. 0.
mesh:wet; as it to calculated IA SUiSi Raters! by quirk.
rens the blood ud Invigoraung tha system Indeed.
ti.o =diet. thnbitbft Ihr all the dating* dteea
v.. whielt woman an autijus.
It braces the whole errtatr, rawer permanently oh.
ooral enemata by remonny Um Immature the
oce eo hr oimulatiag as to produce sabseweew
relasMattaarttith bob. use edema medicines taken lot
female ' &sea: by mum a few bout. at
Ott. madlebaet many Demme and panda] antryteal opera
vOlll. may be prevented.
Gerstellleasing as Slathers and Children.
It a chi ,fan odd most edeetsal rar , duceste for panty.
mg the trot,. and raisin*, theauffirmen mwedeot
upon child-birth err, discovorad. otrentihene tnlh
the moth, .ad cold. prooents pain ami &...s, to.
eretwes and enricher. the (nod, Omen who hate tweel
think it .Indispetisahle Iti.highly neetul both before
and after endowment ar n pox ant. attendant
own chadbieth—lit C.. veneer File. Cramp.. Sorel,
itts d tho Feet, Despondency, Heartburn, Voontme.
Pan in the Snell Ind L. Pane raw, Ilemeninan
and in mandating the secretion-a and equalizing the sin
culation It Du es eq.! 7ltie rat tatting of this
ashcans.. it in easy, eallis and the can delieets ase
it moat asecessfnily, very ha cauee require any other
medicine. In lama a Dale Caner Oh or Mapienta.
Ezereine ha die open sin and UPI fond with
this dissilshan, Jane* email stnl. end elan nets
Bement, d nestle!.
Commodes, Chalk. mad • rash./ of Priem.rotis it•ow
rally in nee, wheel applied to the bee, very teem epee It
of an beastly. They close Ma pars of the thin and
check ths erenletion, which, when seam is thwart•
oil by disease or powder, or the akin inflamed by the
*prelim Deed le soaps, beautifier to. owe prodamme te
hiarean face Divine." es well as tit the garden of
etchand delicately tintedand saregmetellowina. A
free, active L ad healthy circulation of thislialdn or the
reining of the pare, slob blood to the entreaties, m
the !eh pares the etatetrumnes In the men eaglet
s,. hemity. ttts that which impart. the todemithable
Made. and gallica of lovellame thet all mime, bet
cum ma daseribn This Malay is the advent of es.
tare—mus Ol amyl . If Mere Is mot • free Uhl
beech) eireelatioa, thane is oo beam). If theme ) Le
fair m. driven satrw, if she paint, and ma ena,
cud the blood is thick, cold and impure, she la not ben
. tifuL /f she Ite brims or yellow, and them is pore and
mum hlood,it gives • rich bloom to the cheeks, and •
brilliancy to their oyes that Ls fascinating.
This is why the .kern, mpecuttly the Spa.
oh lades, me oo much admired. Lathe.ln the worth
slut rake bet ernes., or are ceased to close
mown or have welded their tatepliction by the 's
Cali. of debase* .mittens, tf they wish to ris
man elamkey amp. tuntymil spleen sparkling eyes
and boatieful f i ltidesiora, they should me Dr Teen
wed's Bump of
who Itemed la tri an
sera than ardefied, on delighted. Ladies of every
sumo, crowd our dB. del),
Nada, is tke Ladles.
Those net imitate Dr. Tosestintre Sissiperine, b.',
Invariably maxi their stuff. same Rends for F.
•*-,sod tame copied our bills Lod esculent
.Melt Mei. to the oomptents of wassin sae l foe mere
—otber mei who pot op asidheine, b.. eieeribe rim
rereen of Dr. Tosetonare solophoomi
omelets to feateles, reci= dad tbitre,eltbnagb pre
ininnly titer did sat • mew albino Mariann, Pins
5 e.. gra .41)1100U1 to tltlallek tioy ingreeste dins,
rot stedietofairthe evisetittlkiea. Dr. Townsend . . is the
noir and beet remedy for the tannersies female ewe
'earm—it nuirlyi, if ester Ml. of eifeithis • perman•nt
rm.., It on be takes bp Um mat darken Possles,
toy cam or by these a:pectin to become mothers
elth the rented stiont. / .., ee hi peepinis the system
and ;aliments pais oe deem and itnertbeas both
moth= ant child. Be unfelt get the remains
. .
Thu certificate coriclualvolf prove. don Oda Bus
porilte has porfiot cooed over the num obordisto di.
es.. of the Blood. Three perm. eared in one house
Three Children.
oa. Tosnutionio—ifirar B. t I ban dm pleasure to
. •
inform you that three ef my &Wpm Pre been cured
as dm San( alkby 40 .0 of rods ....Odd , ..dill..
11sy *Me 10tedveryettemelytahh bed &sag ; ham.
taken ally rove WSW ; it teak that away, far tollah
I feel =yid/molar peat elliptic.
"721 . rtr4 1 .1kA111, 1011Woompan.
°rialtos. of Physklama.
n o . Toneend 0 llama daily netleing callers Dam
Physicians in Memos parts of the Ualo.
Tal• 10 to acetify that we, the tmaterninneL PSYMdimtm
of the City of Albany, ban la numerous naps prow&
ad Dr. Tetruatted'a Samaparill. and bates. It to be
aun of the ream valuable praparationt 10 lb. clarlOt.
11. P. POLING 11. D.
• IL EL asighs, 1L D.
Albany, April L P. << ELJIENDOILT, Y. D
Owing to the grit BUCCOLs and hettososso sale of Dr.
Tow swee.l". narespartlls. • number of men who Wen
fw rosrly our Ascots, have cousumncod =think Ilsrsepo
rot. Extracts. Eltairs, Bluer, Extracts of Yellow Dock,
4, Thai itmendly put tt up to the same shaped Lot.
mad sums of them Inca stole awl copied on eases
tons.eau—thoy ere ante worthless iMilluOLIll, and
mote :d La avoided.
Prtuelpal Offlee. 120 FULTON Street. Plum Butkihm
N. Y ambling of, Co. 8 Nuts *vest, Boston; Dyov /la
Soo, I.ZB' -North Hoeund one; Philadelphia; P. B.
it ptce, Droogiet. Baltimore; P. 11. Cabo, Cherie/mu;:
b. Co., 151 Churl/Tv Street, N O.; 105 South
Ptteet, Albany: and by 01 the prioeipai
81`1 , etrd Morbitita gerwrally throughout the L'etu.4
ut•te.. W F ag.ladielt acid the Canulag.
N. 11,--Perians trigturtng for this medicine. should
not be miluced to take any othrr. Druggnas put op
Sarsaparillas, laud of course prefer selling their own.
Da not be dm:erred by any—inquire for Dr Town
send's. and take no other. ILT Remember the gen.
6 Townsend's Sentsparille.' sold by the sole agents.
R. E. tiE14.431.71, General Wholesale A. Retail Agent.
No. 67 Wood street, and D. PI. CURRY, Allegheny
cli Y• Jell
Fnr the Ceenvery of Dormant and Imprniterly iVith•
held R Pitts•AND PERSONAL E.WILLTIth use ;cot.
thentem and Arbitration of Commercial. Trading. and
other Wine, Securing Patents for Inventions In Crew
Britortl, Ireland, and the Colonies and Dependenc,,
thereunto holonjug, and Negouating for the Poe
ch•to or Sale Of the POOLE.
DEFERENCE May he Lad on application free of
charge, Iprovided.the motion is not toil of mere
cutioeity,) to a List comprising 11 y cards of 15,001,
names in which anelaimeil property is landing
Al.lO. an index to oar 10,11W&dem temente which
have appeared for the past GO yearn in "%Onus British
newspapers, addzemad to Heirs at Law and next of
kin. Communications by tenorrequested to be
post-paid. LIEWPHA are M
Broadway, New York.
It lorormull PcrOrOrq hr. Hon. Chsrle• P. Daly,
/maga Court piCommon Pleas, No w Yo,
Fracianch Stuarts Co.
Chu. Carthde k Co.
W. k J. T. Tapaeatt.
i; R. A. Rickiltta, gag.
• •
Edward Schroder, Fon„Cineirmau. Ohio.
A. Sordoni, PM.. President Patehin Bank, Buffalo.
Tk►Ahaßhany OematG .--
T the anneal meeting of the ;Corporator., held on
21 the adt hen., the rolknoiriesont were unani
mously iv-elected Managers for the mottling rear
THOMAS M President.
JtY.SE e - A - ROTHERM •
1 Porstrir. Jr_ Seereiary and Treun'rer
The imnatil Calm:neat presented the again of the
Company in a very prosperous condition. Their office
in the etry/a110.37 Wafer urea. Jets
R.F.SISFAPPLIiiihis, a - 'Sorted kinds. foTaide
E 7 lol:rbiela store atidior sale by
' deco . L9AIAI4 111C1 & Co
wzrt.staciA)sio - trii iscirrie.
TAXERS" corner of Penn and St. Clair streets,
osposits the Esettange Hotel, entrance on Penn street,
rml..htnitil inform their friends and the public, that
they are prepared to furnish, and attend to everything in
the hne of Undenakera. Aiways on band a large no.
snrooent of ready made ColEna, covered, lined and ha.
ished in the very best manner, all son, end rine. ready
made Shrouds of Satinet, Cambric k and muslin, and ail
n eel mode in rip Proved styles We keep a liker as
, irimeni of orb!, and black. co bop. elk and kid Gloves
"title for pail bearer, and mourner, crape, ceps, m
ints, and every thing necesat.ry for dreming the deed.
and on reasonably wrest, as we pare hose rill ow goals
in the Easters mom Alto, cheer plebes tote ngraving
Le name and age. We have a splendul now hearse and
Facies. and any nonuser of the best eswingen Every
Piing attended to memo/ r and pmetually. 0.1.17
Birmingham, [near Pittabur gibs/ P..
14ozehowe, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
;-:74 lea.n.Loi°Vat're',4orkLerponwonhrtninnUPantre."7l,7d
''' mpetioigualii). Wholesale and country ' fil cr.
chants are respectfully 'avast, to call and en
amine for Mama, Wes. as ars am determined to sell
cheaper than has ever before bees 'sacred is the puts
Orders sent by etahaceommtnied by the mall Of
mit reference. will he ercenetlT !wended In. clod
P. Mt,aril. Jamas F. lain.
It ,fIJLVA NV et. LEDLIF Manufacture and keep eon•
IYI sjanny on hand Cut, Moulded and Plana Flint
li lamp/are, in all in. varieties, at their Warehouse Cor
ner of Market and Water .treent,
Our Work. contr.,. t 61:1 opet Arian. and we are
rirnitanity andink to our stock. term h cuat,ihr rein WI
or o den will, prOrnpinelts l'urcitaiie, rv.pectfulit
rued ti, r al: and tir amine price, and trrtus.
an - 1U 17 ,
FROM tho vet, laoroal rneouroga
men I the 1411 . 1, r. her hue /1,,,rd since
he h. 1.. n
nt to tr.l har0...11 in Allegheny,
.41.`jogiv, hiss •nducerl hi roge o renee, for
term or your, on t:. , property lee now
ocettpica, Brave; Etre-, aumeohntel) beside the
Presbyterian Cbureh From the long eg pe rre net in the
tthove blames. and a liClll, be hop., to /nee
n and receive a ohs, or pooh, patronage.
:Vow on hand and fin:shine In note r, Rockaway Bop
glee. open and top lluggle•. ood ever) descripunn of
Carrnages made to order, Imo/ seventy •five dollars to
shill honoree Iseplhdtil JOIIN
r r r 131 . 1 1 a(V ) Co l i i i :' 1 ' to F „h T a?n i t ' e A r e s t ;
lo wharves. Phil'a, oder for ul.le on accomroodnong
termA.l/00 pip Manuftteux,d Tuhnevo, ronew.tog of
; , ound.. half pound, s', 12" IN'. and :trx.
lurnpN rih. and 0* pa,. and 1:74 Ladset . in
11{1111if /11d half In oc the followlng approved brands,
Jame. II Gra••:, I tabort, A Bragg,'
0111 A %I u:..1., A Cabo...,
5.101104 .1. Son, Arflonultl,
Woboor Old, J TIIOIII.III,
James Thoisny, Jr. A II Anmarearl,
J Thomas k. ,on, Landhorn A. Armistead,
1 I' Coates, 1 NI Cobb.,
Oentry & Royster, J A Clvy.
M A Butler, C A Hari,
(ire. Hall, Sro Damon,
Pearl h. Norwood, JO' Blackwood,
Not Page, Keystone,
IV II Vaugbmt, Edmund Ileno,
Portlaux Kotula:an, Russell A. Rolauson,i
Kelm, RbIlLll.ll k Co. Selb Ital..> , -
R Metcall, John Mader,
I.nrctu. c I rawer. J Robutuar.,
tiony A limy, U It Turor r,
K Jarroeson. Nork Wttite,
1/ NI Branch —A1,4.--
Ilituana Leal I. ar 00, wrapper. and fillers;
Yana do do do
Clenfuegos do do do
St Jugo de Cuba do Jo do
St Dorologo do do do
!gurus K Gtodea do, part fine, do
Maysotho do do do
Kentucky vorLoos grades do do
Vlrgotto Leaf, sultable for ruanufactortng and export,
Spal.:•h Seed Is al, Prono.l . ol3llfrlWlll sod 14.1.
V:rcitna Scrap, sweet Ortolan Yule. rtpe bead,
Snuff moor and bladder*, Ma, Meal;
Topoun neon*. Havana hasc. Otto Roue. Bergamot,
t'u.alorra Laginonce. Patent,' sucndlsn ha,ves.Sponk.
T 11; fsla ...offer of tqaithfa Id affrei land
- M .ammal al'ay ritt‘lfurch. would rr•pectfalf
• f.I ft, a nfoof rounin Merchant.. Ilotof anti
- oftaffa Ha ,
ta. el., 10 a line and aora - tfor ayao,
ff NIP. fiZ t I:11 4:11..4 •mon, h I.
•1•....••• Kix.* Regal., ea.
rrafrfpa. I.a Nona•• Star Brawl. htiaaca• and
•.4r Reanfisa al , n which t. sold sa low a. can
oc Lad af off) coLar how, fa 'he city
ron•131, y on hood Tana for salt, • latly• stvi
of Vlratnfa. 3floanurif and Cut
CI. A mg rt.e....0
A.., Havana. Cul. aryl Comm.. Leaf Tobacco.
conatasaly an baud aud far nov3-doa.
Y RUC+ W FIF:1.1) off,. 4v .altt al ,hr laws
' Manulac,urnr•' pc,. c* • •nr. •zien•.re
tn• , +1 of PAPER. a rnpr.• rrl vanety,
adeptcd !nate wanl• of r0L•11...f • n •11 .eenc.. oi th•
enusary P•p, u •• to owner “cnr,
tr.rig of PRI:\ fA I . 1.11 ur, ugau. .1:s
• partof wla.r4 •••ty f of f,k1.21,7
or ever) on trnpoo,rd and arpt corsland,
har.. r z • \V., Cloth. ,•
Bleactung Powder Blur I 1! , 11141,11, T..r.r ,
Ca nvara,fiale Rope./. my. Rape, U. nic r c.
port.C.ed, for pH, the [..Rh.-pn ackb
paid Ir=i9 York, Jely o t I,ld.
/ before-601de on the room approvedhastern plant—
and mom faultuonsth Le Eastern pattern. and colors. Alto
or mane to order of all else, and at all prier...
country Merchant. and other. are invited to call and
cast.nte the above for them.elves,ll. till will be weld
wholesale- or reta.l. nod a !theta' deduction made to
tete porebeve:t
at Idly.
rf underslcned offers for sale 'a super.or Retitle
.31 brlck for baildsng. mode by his ~, . ./111 Prams,
Improved mach., for svh,, h. has obtalottl a patent
and nrree• to per purchasers a wrlnen ruaranteo that
the v are arennger and vetll reslot frost *1,4 wv
arab =tot, less moolure or dampness than any oth.
• r 1 , 1111. pOrreelralllK greater body and superior none
ore much more durable In every reapeet, each brick
•Albjeeted to a premium of rcal loot, and pas
...••Ing a handsome month aortae.. and reen edges,
wry make a. front equal to the best front brick.
"I bey !my: gravy the greatest ea rurfaeoon to all vrhp
be.. purchased. A Iran can be aren alloy ortolan. and
ar,...mco at the rester, olte•
'fooge. h•ring pplied themselvela for their buthiln.m.
land vrinhlng handoessme from brick. or superior lorda:.l4 wird parrot ortek, eon obthio then'
- - - -
'kerning luun, June 12, , 1819. tf
JOlllll A.. BROWN,
A • TA KEEI ts method to Inform hie friends
and the public at large that his Factory 11
mawin full operation. on the west side of
the ihamond, Allegheny, where • ron
-= stant supply of lilinds, of various colors
4 and finalities. a, constantly kept on band,
also. or Not. Wood st. Pittsburgh, at J
II Phillips' on cloth w
Yeoman Shutters made to order to
the Yost 111,10..
Ithrida repaired at die .tiorthat notice.
13.-111. Wind• t.JI he put up without any addi•
none] expenae. an that they run no removed in a mo
ment in ease of fire or for wathing, and ynthout the aid
of a •erevr driver ryl-411 y&wi ytt
If I' to
ropriet of this well known plaer of resort ha.
I the pleasure of Informing the publte that his estab
lishment ba•ing been thoroughly refitted and repaimd.
and the ground. elegantly laid out and decorated, i.
nw open for tesir ereotortiodanoti, and IVO hatter. him
seolf dial Mow who may favor him with their patron
age will Gild all that they desire, provided in the best
st) le nod on reasonable terms. He determined to
spare no expenae in making his cambial/intent Worthy
of poldie patronage. He has arcommodations for
hoarding a few fmnilte.. lee Creams, and all rerrsah•
ments suitable to the season. ronstently on hand
1,1-IVI BURCH Fl F 11.1)
111 Qahel. noose TalforiviiEtstab.
ISAAC WILLIAMS, Warm., and Tailor, bega to in
1 form the citizens of Pittsburgh end others, that he
is new opg at his rooms ort Smithfield street., un•
der the above Hotel, • large and beautiful .sorunent
of Cloths. Cassimrres Satins Silks, and other Vemungs.
together with such other articles as aro required for
gentlemen's wear Jr. goods have been carefully se•
looted, and are of then etwem and moat fashionable
style, its well as of superior quality. His customers
may depend upon boving their clothes made up In •
mum., which cannot fail to gratify the taste of the
must fasildln.: ard4:l!
En.t sale of ihe 'halt-mad, where lfmntian
film& of all the deferent end col °.
arr kept nn band or mule to order ohm
the latest and moot approved ' , Agate,. filet.
Kau,. the •horte.t notwe and on Ilar mon
frnsonabio term..
Also, the cheap ltoston roll or split Itltnd Trstrops
rens y end Paper Carta,. of all the different sass and
patterns, on hand and for sale low forest& tnil Vent.
aan Blunts patriutd over and repaired, or taken In pan
payment far new. R M WI•I 4 TER
N Li —All work done with the best material attd
wrotkm..ip, and warranted to please the leen to 1.-
“ 1 :1301,1%. itoglO-dly
Allegheny city, Aug. In, LW.
metier. offer to sell one-fourth of the Iwo ferry
Imola Gen Scott and Oen. Worth, now rtlniting from
the foot of Penn street to Sow Mill Run too to make
u • investolent foreapitalis6, bragiyarlto
may whit to engage in the business.
For further pankulars, inquire of
urregatf r 0 BLACKBURN Co, Water rt
9 • QUQLING SLIP. 1 . 11441/ YORIL
outweliber is pre
ps red to ft] 'luso Bouqu e ts
'or \N &lines. Bella aml
hirie•, mposed of r,cl,
tr.,.runt Fi co owers. Ordwu
leo with 'r. flown, Jr ,
St. Ow street, or through
the Pow Oilier, will be de
11,111 , 1 promptly.
Manchester Nursery.
MANCIiI-Yrt: It.
usroßfAtioiti - IM -
HEIM 1848 -
W. T. Mamma. Poisburghi
RE., Pam k Co. lieaver, }Prop's.
Caawrro. Cloimskabmt ' Cleveland
rr HT. above Line G now prernired to transport freight
I and paasengers from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or
any point an the Canal. mid Lakes
One boat leave. Yntsbn reit and Cleveland dnly. run
ning inconnection with Ow steamboats Lake Erie and
ALchigan. between Utast/nest and Braver. and a line
'of ant class PtCrtrnholan. propellers, hogs and schoon
ers on lakes Erie. Huron and filieldgan.
Property forwarded to any pan of the Union with
diapatch. Ly T MATHER. or
JOHN A. OA UGH EY, Agents,
cor Water and Smithfield sta. Pittsburgh.
AGENTS— Reed. Parks ik Co, Beaver;
R O Parks & Co, i....g."&s
F. W Cotes A. Co. Warne;
D Bostwick & Co, Breodpoe4
A & N Mort, Nowt , . reliE
F Lewis. Newport'
J & K M Whittlens, Camptiellsport;
ti 111'1:1f1 , 1c, Ravenna;
AI & C H Kent, Franklin;
Abhor & Tuttle, Cuyahoga Fidls;
Vl'herler & Co, Akron,
Brirney. & Co. Sandusky;
tl ntkins & Kaki, Toledo;
%Valium. & Co. Holm., Stich;
Al'Clure & lVdliam s. Milwauloc, Wis;
H J kV;nslow,Chleago, apl4
rl-t :4
Yon rewoo,errArloy nr xr.n.k.nt.
rI , IIE Proprooors of this old establtabed and first
1 Portable Boat I,ne. hnvooT rrincrved their de
pot In Philadelphia. to nuch loner Wtarelonsae
no Merkel .‘ . than they forme m rly orenpled, and al. lo
ne:toed their room for storage at Pittsburgh, atrieraror
per pared to odor much rrrafer factlates to Ot et r mends
too! patron.
ticmda earned by On. hoe are not tr.stupped be
tween Pm%burgh and Phlludelphsa. Lynn; carried en
tirely In itortable l•txetton Floats. To 4111pr/ere of floor
and other goods ronutring careful handling thisss of
tattmrlance. No charge male Inc reectsutg or altipptng
pools, or atlyanc tog charges. MI good. forveartle4
promptly, and upon u reasonable terms on by any Olit
tx hue.
ennui Rusin. Peon 0t.,. I . Gothurgh.
P—o": Mork co A 54 Commerce YOU.,
.1011N1 Ile CA DF:N & Co Forwardsng and Commas
don &lerehante, Canal B41;111, Penn a., l'inaburgh.
JAMES M. DA VI & Co. Flout Fnetom and Commo
ion Alervhotio., 227 Alarlct, dud 54 Commerce EL,
Plo I atielph to. feb24
7 -Advances ovule by either of the above on Floor,
‘N no; nod other detertplotnn of Me rettondizo et/wog nod
to In., leb24
VOTlCE—l'be outow hut, thoposell of their In
„LI tore,: In the l't-nn'n and Ohm Lore to CLAIM E &
THAW. el Pittsburgh, n:l2 lin-Ertl F LEWIS, of this
they will rootrour In tranroret trostneits for :IA line,
ot thou Ware:rou.r Broad usu.', anti
spent for it eolBUntraore of I. painnnnie of their
(need• J AMES erttlEL & Co
Plulortelpnra. March Stir. I^4e.
Pann , a. and Ohio Trans rtaUon Co.
DoWle Dady Lane of
rax.r...a. iv It.cwsrusT G, O. 8CT , VZ.2.4 1,11.1011
mrt, g.wo out
CLARKE & TI! A W. Cgt..inl !taco, PlttAbtirgh
LEWIS & 219 Nhirtct at_ 1 . 1111.4..tphat.
.1 AS STEEL & Ag., Broad sfreet
IX/ W DEN. CLARK 1". &Co 7. , North at, Balt
W jORRICK. Agt. lY\l cot •irert, New York
I'llEoulowribera have Iht• day assortated the welts
I together under the vt, .1: 01 Kier & lour., for the
purr., of eonunutng the I.o.azlest fortner:v carned un
by Sumo.' Kier. and P 011 4 .11 a enntinuanve ot the
oral pa,ronage hermoterc ealcoded to :he houb.-
1,11:El. NI KIER,
Eittithurgh, !larch I, 1,44
• IMMagita
COM ru , SED F.STIRtir OF FilLtiT Malt
NA -F. are prepared to receive ata! forward tre,ght to
the .hove nod tate rau , d+ate p: ace, uau at poach
Impatch, and at as tow r•tea, aa Ito other reavohathle
The artrorron of stirppr r. vvlk..Flrr •••,t1 I . .rt rno Eis
en. to Ita:urnor. part, u aa
.131[11,1 ••u• tr. r.rry
males Larorrot .a c or•lerr
lard.. nit 6t.
Patoburgh. Marc& I. -47
Wel- • Mt
IrR & - rolurro•r.ron and 10r.41•111,
ottoook. root Who.c.a.,• .n Iron Itloonor•
Son. Ynnnuer &
Ldneral nn•t..o.rnnnn• en, erlf1•11,111•11t• mar
RCN" GS,. IT, .• 1 - 111 • NI ,
Puistna r,b
To PhllWaloip i a 1.3 a ilusora,
'ID •.•:{... , •/31.
HENRY Grt&yr & co. '&1111 ISA, Pritstpurxh.
1/12T11.11. IiU\IPHIIV.I'S Co i slisztet .t, Phi!
C II Kooma l comer North b Sa , ALoga .1• Ft
JOE% Clark e, la, Slsp, N... Or • .
Xr(STICE—The style al OW firtnewlli ne ssumrst 'ram
1.1 and after ttus date at l'utebursrla. at Heury Wad
ICo antgat flulaste:phia, as Isatu i li i. l , l4ni.h G re r a:t;:o
111.7.YRY GRAFT Putsbarg
• ...I=l7 1 8 4s, jet
For eh, F giv to dot,/ froxfs
NORA. ILOS11.1,s• ae
Boas c...” re.iad.iph,e. •
TA, 'Tr a l re.••••••• 11 l'ltt•twrxtt
wont.ftworant proW• Pltd produrr ottOtrow•lttr lost
on It, nowt 1,, twooto own. rn, rontolonrit oopa
ort; known ptompotow in tootvor t ,
rtaTtar sot Cory
tn mode r ow, cn.p.A.c•ua wirrhtirlt
alp Mt etleh port stlant:og arrortonwtatoot• to Wopror•
and owners o(prodarr olth thou tong expo.
swore and unrrnspon, town toot or loottorw. wills
to them s ronOtionnor Ww itorra. palrottare they
beets (rstolully wk orlo(1,
A n elluSl,lllllCA. t.) nod , or tlo• 'me Trofoy..d. rbar•
r-s paid. and lora:tole-4 In and rrw0r....1 dlrretion• (rev
of rhamr for CUISWIII..IOI{. advunrolg r f •:orage
Ail rertanu mco,uon* p roan p 11, ntiendoil to on applies
000 io the following agenor
BOIMIDGF: a ( • A: 4 11. 27. NTarliet Ist, Philadelphia
rrE Thil.horgh.
k North st. Italumore
WM II WILSI IN, WI Cedar •i, ar k .0
ri , liks well known Lsm. eosnpnos-d a( steamboat.
Lake Ext., and Mrchtgar, hetween Pittsburgh and
Bearer. and fretabl rual pauenger Canal Boats lea
t 'teen Beaver and Ene, nodV Heed • line t hr.t
class oats, propellers and ve.asns on the Lakes,
es prepared to carry tretcbt and potssengrrs to Clnts
on the Ex.: , Canal, and Laken Era, Huron sod'liein
Haying every facility for e over • itia taught and pas
sengers Irttla promptness and tltspstril, the proprietor
and agents respectfully .oheit trout their trlelllig a eon-
LUIMPICC of their patronage
C 11 R REED ) Propn,or
• REED, PAPAS & Co, grayer, Agents.
apl4 car Water and Prniahlicid sir. Palabargh
To and from the Eastern-cows. eta Cumberland.
THY:proprietor. of this popular line, ha•sociince thew
m-organicauon largely increased their facilitiee to
moot the wishes ahippert, lout aro now prepared to
forward a greeter •13101.111 i In the FIVE DA Y LINE.
a/eo by additional regular wagons at low rate.
This hne will run throughout the year, achieving
goods then. h the agents in Baltimore mud Pittsburgh
to owners and consig nett at opecilied rntee wed nine.
lelopmente from Philadelphia icor the 1110 should be
marked .Dare. 1 It Rol/moon, Baltimore
The only agents arp n
in 8 Charles st, Baltimu nd.
EDGIL/LTUN &Co, Canabella
t. W CA.SS t lirownsydle. h.
t C Pi
i m eata fz_77-Arr tiroli
. _
I 64 rrom.torr of tilts popular LID. hove chmtrad tL
A, oe, at t umborland from the bOVI/0 d filelLamg I.
gm., so that a VAirrtm
P.ttetnatith end %western snorchante are nolliSed that J U.
ly Mont.. No Ott Mouth Cheeks pt. Mailmen a the pod
aothortstol of Ito, Lope to the Esttero sines
The only Dents are
I BIDW KI.L, Pll4burgb,
O W CA.'S Brown.r,l4l,
RDO,I ft TON # C Cumberimid
J B ROBINSON, Balthoure.
W n Transportation Canavani
1, mrElettibillsiht
848 C eit. . 1848
goods •Ild Nodure to and
irt.• raassyLval•L• AND umo .AIL
A RE rrom P' ltia Par si e bt ‘ p o e I 717:5 0 0 '-' 0 15 vorable loom, Ad
dm. or •pply Io
D. L EECII ok Co, Can•l Hamm Yot•burgh.
HARRIS & LE01..11, No. 10 A 10 :Nadi Thud It. 1•1111
.1 TAYLOR A St/N. Agts, No 11. N'th lloward 11011.
A AIIBOIT, Ago. No 7 West alrerl, Nrw era.
Pittsburgh, hlarr• 1.4- hart!O
'merchants , Transportation Line.
c•frAt. •int ItArt Room
:100Dti conatirord to our cam will be forwarded
‘_,T,vrothout trit•ltly ni the lowest current rates.
C A hIcANULTY & Co •
Canal Bashi, Penn at, Pittsburgh.
272 and =Market .t,
jr9 Nalithh. Wharf, Baltimore.
MERCHANTS , WAY FB.l4lollT.Liaili.
abigai 1848, laia
BETWEEN Pittaburgn, Blitirsville,Jotinatown. 1101
hdaynnurgh, Water Bireet, (Huntingdon Co) and Pe
This Line was formed eseluaively for the special ac•
rommodatten of the way bonne... The Proprietors,
thankful for the very liberal patronage they have re
ceived during the last two yeasa, would respectfully In
form then friends and the public that they are t u r a, op
Imtter prepared in delmor goods at any point Oil the
anel and Rail Roads, with promptness and dispatth.
Pick worth & Woods, Johnstown.
John Miller. liollidaysborgh.
C A WAnulty & Co, sane! basin, Pittsburgh. ,
Rknotrosess—Plrtsburgh.—Rnith k Bine/air; k J
McDevitt; 0 & J H Shospberger, R Robinson & Co{ R
moors, Bagels), & Sralth4 John Parker; Wrs Lekmer &
0o; Dr P Sboonbasger.
JOHN H. AIkILLOR, No. id Wood
•Weel. ha* now reeenvetl a full asap.-
Ins,' of l'lano For•e, rear from
ffitT Oa- ionossing tore
-torle• Intl n
•nd New York, nj wia eh thr oneninon of purchasers.
rc•ln' , lThllY hn , e. , 'Muss from Mr Cluck e Mild, (for
(fir salt. of win:lt:tie I. •o .e Agrot In Nl'cstnru Pron
.l, 'rani. I ha se T hut A. termed tar Nen . Circular Seale.
„.in f an autrovet.ww rrceut;y pvw, them
drenled u•otanta l ge paver u'bri e yqualil wto
ny other• 'Par folloviing ore the iwttrrat
tae. and hiCbteLerunC.-
Nn I Hnsrww,d, w IYra, linialted back S front. 1 , 10..
- 6 1 '' curved ••
•' umuldt int •.
3. Gi fhtualwd bier ruld ,nt.
c} sun
" a pro,,ing front. 53EXI
" 111." carved, vtyle of Lout. 11th.
" 11 • " hollow corners and hollow nor.
nered end hand. coot onginally &US, and win
he sold at a ` very reduced once.
No. IR Rosewood, mood ranter. very elegantly Grt..
i.hed,111,173 No 13. Rosewood. round comer, very el
egantly (toothed, 8-45.
- .
rhe above err measure...lured by H. Worcester, N.
well knowti It• bring roomorted iortnerly with
Al ***** Siotortl. Worcecer A . Dunham. N. Y.
- .
\o. 1:t 1t0....,vu0d. earved mould.q, mode by the
dluoLnnxnrompun. N
No 14, Ro.,voorl .4•,rrma. It ormyes, Girls dr Co',. N.
r, &LW. Na. plain sarl
No 16, Ftrrew,..l Gruml Plano, 'mule by lien.
Herz, Paris.
No I 7. Maho,lny. t c.r.ves, seronal hand. price 873.
Old Pinn . o+ taken in p. 1 1 .1 oaytnent for new ollt,
JOIN II 111E1.1A)R.
. , ... .
Sole Agent or I'hi..lettno Grand nod Sylate Piano
Furl for W.. ~writ I . I . III , VIVIVIIA ~,,7
MA SPLENDID .norlownt of 3laho
gany and Rosewood nano., Jusl fio
wbr.l Thew , . incrunwol.. are Mllt/G of
flitt latest pane. and bra: mairrtali
and will be *old low ior cask by
r. BI.UNI F. I 11 \Wood 4fr..e
NH --not, whoerg tti of n good nitdrouottit.
are rr•pectrully iron-d to CIAMIIIe Mo.c before our
ehustag elsewhere, us they nnllllot Lr ezeelled Up any
.rt the gruntry, and wnt nold ,ttwer than any brought
from rite First rem-lard, two p.atto.tti /I•m
-burghmanufacture, warranted to Le superior 10 4 , 1) .
ever sold in tins country. or t,J 1' B.
REAT MI ?ICA!. \HIV ELTy—The sultsertber
Imo too rgreived trom Eutope. out for pale. no
eititroly new to +cotton (31 I . tuno Forte. gulled t
INKT NAN(' Ft/13 rn. whielttuts .... log
te more ower
end orweetnetto than a
the squre l'tano, orrups lout one
Montt us math rootu. nod 11 a tough more showy and
hefolsorno rniug, ti I. tartigular: demira
ble where. the sat.log of space 1. an otttect, Itc.itg rg
rnttlttorly ittttt, to t 1 etdnputt. d o n e. opt tug no more
r.trn then a •tou'l title m .'t. The • -,..criber ho. in
han o d a' or;terio.nt 1,0111 the tteleltre
led ',mow, .110, ov tut
I. writing,' tuck
may be into,• tg.t II
ior ..“! 1 . 111110.. Wffil
11.11.4 CiPl , lll.lll, tall 1,1. Nutt31..N. \ on.. of 7,1111 n Clitri•
Wlth the At,. 0.“ talker. to Engll.l.l i.s
Colvitut wow: , Inu n, t.:
Thir.oo :1., • i •1.41
sgml 0,4 the to,.uNt”g reinuris trout
Tlionorrr grrate., ving
. .
My rn.nt r••tnr n r my trtrrni. Mr
grand, Purl.. I•,/11111 . , ft .r.nn again raprr.•,ng
to ,ou how 11., I v. a. No:kat-a wrill your
Attachment,' whutt, et.n.., av n nrrat ni im
provement. I ru., n••uto- )ou Oil my pall I ' , nu.,
with grrut plvn.creliolu ) . our tllvetl
twe known For ta i.) IiIa...LIP:H..
rtr.• (tumult., row:la.:hi .1
1601.11,11 ot Ihr. firer. kr,-
oicuon, ,nt...1 of :11 , can April. et .ng
!oul the st r • -no 1 . .••.. t .it Enlll4. p..
:11C thetrco ry, , , ~ p . I - .,11/ •11 1v64, , roue vagr.
V.. 11/•
I..erters' n • • a tilt ••• l • • • nrn I 11. Cm
Volts Chrer , ., r, r. rennet. se eogra
In, L. :.ntrrt
fffl itici A 51 . 1.1 \ I'll , ..•AorAnert. tr , 11n....•
AI, reOrrnAkr • i -, •.11..1 V." kan ..tar Itinv I. I , q..•bed
1 ,. /5 J I.LL .11:,. 111 woo, •i
111.141C11, PARKA & fo••. PACK ET LINK.
I t‘rit.R .,
; , \ll LINE \s, A I. LEN
• l% ALIO"
W. 1.....0 n e .„, .a . a
x o , • • ,, L1 L
• .1 1.F.1 \ I•S% a t r . r..
NI II rA%:,01:.
' T1,...0re ow ma.: tr•vm.tol l'aavon•tvr totre
t v o at a ta na. v l v a t•o t c I,t-tar• lia-A 1 - -1( ANI/O'lllF.
ar.l .; : ram reoa.ot Ourtnt amon o ,
I test vtat, law ev at, nottoong at • o • :ova a.' oor
Iv, _e .r o% votog, totistevloatel% •fler Ova •
v. •t: gt•am:ovv, v.pat: flom Potsrotr,
Ivy., ar
•1 »t tped tiou
111.1 It, P kr:Ks A C.,ll.(ayEr
J.(ll‘ A Al ((111,. Ae,
((«L •t.r .(01 (Mn(thh.:(l
A,L2(I P. J.. lttaLla,( 7..
M Reed. F • r., Ps
I . I
1%1(1. c(r.-er, (lir P.,
r.t.aa((l KAI4C. 11(.1(end
11., • A P lam« "(harp. , ari, Ps.
• Nta,“ ',at.", P.,
IL (' Mstwew, PLl«att; Pa.
M (1 , . ((r(harn. Mow Pa (VI
P•ana,lvanta Canal k. R• 11 Road Ka
presaya•t Packet Line,
zazzu 1 ti-IS Jahint-
e('IIF: pationre te•prriltil:) nanrused lios Lose
j (012111,e toCr run , el, on Inc last s ans.! ron•
Unue Inxonglsoul Ine flenuse
Tar noarls , re new and PI sursenest r an.s. with es.•
larger, ralslnn ss n ver eons ttttt Tne
sr• are Ilse Inle•t ronassurtion
A Imam. 1.1 . 13 1 , .• iat.trt. and travel., are te.
quested tore, arid calamine Ilacm ltetora engaptig Nur
aaa.. MA< r
.ree ooly /11110 110.: Mt, ***roue* . ene nebr boats of
tb * 1..***...-at• tor *.u***bog toppoloir r.‘ hotel.
• • Prun aml CaD.L ever) mrrilt ore
• 'rkrnr tins, For Informarrort. app . , n IL<
Marrottxrriv. Dr la LEI:CiI k Co
re.A. Bruurr.
ANANIt UFA A. CO continue toper..
ahY Dort of K u gl wl. r SCOWIIIII 01
W. 1..% I/ .• 1 11 the mo. dberni term. with the., sod ~,,, to ttn, wants and eon,
fort of etsinup.o.n• Nit do n,,. allow our paasettger• no
be robl.rd by the •drnedliing ...paOW note. the sea.
ports, we take e.t . a.. of wens thr moment they re.
port themeeler• and pee their we. 1,-Ina. and .-
.tett nhthereeny det in
ention by the hr. ohtpa
way 0101 tearleest I se we dety one of our passer
th w.a , er• to shrioe at . were detained to hours by non in
L i cerpool. nhoodunde of other. wet,' 4..1.4
month., until they count be Inn, on •01n0 old craft,. •
ell p rune, which P. treouennly provo4 weir
%I'. Intend 10 iwrfiltnt our rood.. bunor.oly, roc
whet may. ant 4 not art as or. the caw last sen.oo
wh ether otrieers.— who ea.!. perforritdd not ail, co
when a salted their convenience
l/ralt• drawn al I . ..bargh (or any ram Isom LI to
111001 pay shit. at any "(the provsnenal Bank. in Iran
tand, England, Sentlan4 land Wale,
. ti Eurnnaan and ,;I,llr fl Ajtvlll..
WE rail the ailelltloll of the public to the *Miele
heading thin advertlaernent. nodl/I,le the en•
teroroung and eurious to call stlol Wllllll , lll 11% opera
non All ad•rrtinenleni. in relation in 'hp. invention.
to the hundreds Who hove seen 11 tested, i. euperero
a let Thin Churn .gym produce Butter. enthernig It to
from sweet milk, in bye to ten inmate... and
lium creaprepared. a. tannin, u.nally prepare 11.
In three to bye minute.,
2d. The utility of this Invention la apparent. as bet
ter flutter can be produced from sweet milk, or ',elan,
than cream routed in the usual way; tOOl by men. 01
this churn, a little girl or boy ran perform. fi•r or
ten minutes, what has heretofore required the labor of
a woman or man for one or two boon, and wornetinvie
half ••day.
td fly timely turinag a thumb mrcw. the whole in.
aide dasher la taken (MIL /4 - 11,111(11001111 hot 010 baiter
and milk in the Wein wooden boa
4th It to the rheum:at churn ever Invented. as the
mplielty of 10. Colll.llurtion (though embody ma it
great phitoann Meal prturiplel makes ii but tittle io
We have purch•red the monopoly of tins .dun.
hie improvement tram Messrs Coleer & Myers, me
patentee*. We are now offering the complete mono
poly of this styled allude for the States of Olito, Penn
sylvatils, New lark, New Jersey, Maryland and lkL
swam, which will insure certain and large profits to
the,p,er, and a speedy retort, of investment.
The public are invited to call and coarade d ,
at our office, in Pdminach. every dity,et 4 o'clock. P Y.
J. H. CLAYTON & Co., Proprietor..
Office, Exchange Buildings, Mt. Clair street., oral d on ,
41squire Joht& office.
us . ..rARD-4 bbl valeta Al T i g
Ln husturrn, whok-da, an.l retail. hy 11. A FAIihiKSTr-a2.K. h. CO., cornerof Woo•ltaad Ftou'
cr S.lth and %%nod sta. ty I, WILCOX Jr ..-otnern( !trunk:field and Fourth Ins. and also
'art a, and Ihr theunontt, also. ht - El - MARI) Morrongaia How, n07...1na
orlon no
A 11.11!
s Mee&
e. Ik• Hrs.
IrITI!' It .
d. nerein gun,
ortiag as a
smn smooth.
la Junes An.
int•ely eautons , r COSUMPTION.
111....•••• skin rcea.n•" The (petition then, how shall we nip the dilertrether to
/1 - 7 - I'nee menu 0 tar. the bud• how shall We get clear of am °qui* asidi
Nkr JACKSON, al 1.. s Runt and gLev ma: mof vuut ma/armor to the publ: ry
the I,,beriv errs. haer or n err ..rn GREAT AND ONLY R EMEDY IIw Snot es& he found. the lanseng fthostacca. In pMef Of this
Ladles. lad ... Pm anon.shed , we have from one to owe published th e cercatee of
When yoa know mat roe are prom,thd domes of nor hem keouro enthens, who have export
.% natural, life -!tar n ,111 , 1• r wrier. raced as curative powers. These, with a nthoth of it.
fk st elm vs Ly ger mammon chalk, tfmour from sit parts of the country,—nren
kod look u deem./ l r..ow u.jhy , MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING,
Tb- teener oi tvegbielof le •k NI Asters of am Gospel, Se., together with captpus no-
If yeti was Id ism • hoz A' JON bet I.llly••thite. •1 Iris from the
would give your nr.n s roteastern white, JOURNALS OF TILE DAY,
,1 (I tr., seine frit . mr ,o n' t Sold at are pave embodied in pamphlet form, and nifty be Mil
CI C S "' 4 ' ..6 / 1 -0 "ern. Pot .oat, men. of coy of our skeins throughout the colliery.
a t o CROF LLA AND St - ROVE: SWELL have been used in till. c ity.
INGS.—Serolula in all its multtplied form., THOUSANDS AND TEN, ft OF THOUSANDS
whether to that or King's E.vd , enialrAntab th h'‘ h t ehuhd States and Canada, a n d we chat
oat glands or bona*. (foam, Pr late OwOwCaren,- it tt , t
imrmatism, anaer, d,aca e ca of the Skm or Spinel .1 which, when taken according to directioni, and bes
of Pulmonary Consomptian, emanate from one (tee ter lunge hod become fatally disorganized / it hAil
and the urne noose, which as a poison°tu prumrpre river (ailed to
more or lum laberent In the human system. There.' I.t. • hcrr A PERFECT CURE.
fare, uolem isles peristyle can be destroyed, no radi- Whysthhh:,'"'d the af lfi eta d h . " l "tht "hi IkthenNO
cal tura con be oiled e, but Tr the prlnctple ',pen tee m the &same depends, i• removed, • Clare e q ua l polled aomrior u a for the warmed name y
by c enjE cu i,,,, , c „,
amyl necessity belies, no matter under /6 bat torn eons e pan
qually unknown! Whilat a medfchae Of
the diarafe should mantlest itsell. therefore/ UNPARALLEIOID I , 7FICACY:• •
is the rearms why J I.I•KE'S ALTLAATIV7 a on um ,Isa be had, who ratchets are at home,--epr neighs
venally socceSslo lin remorrrtg •o many malignant. b.” - / — "") . who. has ....-
Claireafele It destroys the sans or pope loom' that this Invaluable medicine
ev a „ see ,
whin',thine diseases have their orgin, by eaten n ss i m i tt t h e ',ark of rbo.poor we l le ire brae
taro the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed , pat arm . at
to the minutest fibre, removing every prruc/c ONLY FIFTY okiirTa A
othease from the neaten. Prepared and sold at No. , lea one half the usual cam of rough raealtdinet. n
!/nuke Tlfrrd nreet for sale by our a 6 rata In nanny eventlownluk,d viWge
at the Pekin Tet Store. No. - I. Pros rth Ore, over the west, who are prepared to givefall Irebroario
Passim an inartil I
eon mlaUve to n T. SALTER,, Frapthelar t
kt If DROP ATH IC EST ABLlSH.Mtirrlf T a
rint.l.l7srielleill, , Maar. Co., re.
R. EDWARD ACKER. takes this moan. of re
/ turning las thanks to Iris mends and eta public
er the extenuve patronage he has received: mid of Ith
forma then that he het lately erected allows and
we.l constructed buedirle,thn the eacluethE purposes
or ha WATER CURE ESTA BUSKS/ ENTi an tits old
locution, Si Pholipsburgh. PA. oil the Ohio river, oppel
ene the alecinlicall landing at Ileaver,wherelth is ready
reecho patients as boasters. and treat them rlrt Ily
opallue pelneiplea. In Aida.. to hie thing /tined
nice. d and the pent sooners which has heretofore at
tended his ihauoeat rat patie nt, lus care,
he has now the additional acilities afforded by an ex
tensive bur 'Mug erected expremly for the peEposa, con
taining commodious and airy roams, and fined up veldt
every necessary apparatus for bathing, and dentin.-
tering the treatment to the:utmost tear& und.comfon
of the nauem. Ptullitsburgh is a most delightful and
healthy vilfage, easy of avec. by Heartbeats, and af
fords tine mid wholesome 'water. Dr. Acker maxims
those &firmed persons whoknay place thentielves en
der Ids care, that every attention shall be paid to their
econforq and as anew:ranee of the sabstantlal brumfith
to be derived, he porn!, with confidence td the &la
thed% who have been permanently eared &Lies comb
liniment. The Water Curt leaves po runginaselfeeta
behind, as is too oilers thelcam with tbmrl•Whe have
been treated on the old ayatem. R removes ate the
case, invigorates the stem proteCla from
the danger.
incident to changes of the 'weather, ereitet d named
and activeanneutc, and Manta vigor se Set Mgestive
powers. Terms of treatment and boarding reasonable.
h -
further particulars qune at lbei.osellaiaaanna{., e c
address the proprthior tri
at Phillmsburgh.
Who U., Common I . ,parml lThalk, are
moon , how IrmOttotly klq•(10.11-11 4 IS
1 , / 1.. how
.y tee .1 ...,,evr• r prepar
.d.• 4 tl4 Juur•ou4.-oeltset,e'r iht , 4 4 •"• 44 •'•
• Wr bee- peeper,' a 1.4,444 Lie. eeeclAhir
‘I• 414, r••. •=f•.% 1.11.1
4 per-• 1.0 w. lor..tirporofted.ol all
.nn• to the slha a nate
•e•trr,:ear. v•ng 44414:tr. at the .2/1. ,
ea4tne, rn 41.4. 4k:n. a , .aklnt 'Lehi'
.ertms, PTae6eal Chemott of 1112.,-
- .A'Wr 5mx.,•...,J.n...L55pan0 , h1./111
1.••••••., nou,
rime, PV, taw I
- , 4mmorf,d a:.
um" , • •
• er•l.•
x• fi 11 •
•oi d I
e,111Itt: underlopted has long been
to rcnty;tteesl of the
r some tomtit:toe adapted to Ilse use of
L htldrett nod
Ir.tants t oupeerede. •110 est or all thew
methentes which rontain opium, and Ons at tength one.
tcoded to prepartng and offertng to the notate • fordo.
ente fully answer., every purpose lor ail dweases of toe
bowttl•, without the use of that de tekenotta drug. or any
other e•trulased to notice it. tit< cast The Intent Patti
tees has been fully tested a. 0 trice! the law twelve
months hy nurnerou• pers. 4,11, and mend mataeas all
the estraordittam lid to prod.., all the melon
talon.: effects es set Mein on the bill of threcttons. Lb
art 11171. Vol wog, ettolto , ,Unpolg. Pants, Ste kne attend
In wasett ng trout lrethlng, meting tmmeahately
whout di arno sterbsrtg any of the runctsons of the body;
produetng tlle happwst and moot pleasant transalton
Irmo 01010111 pant to a tranquil and joyous state of feel.
ilia in the Ititte sufferer.
T. be had wholewsle and retell. of the Proprietor. Dr.
.1()DN sARGANT. Druggon and Apothecary; John
Mitchell, Mom & Ileekham, and most other Drugkpate
n Allegheny and Ptlialturgh. dent.)
Dr. W. P. Iniand's Pr'emluM
W INLA Nll, ot the Mennen; Conege hi Phil
tolelphin, now oiler. to the pool: hte ludtan Veg
etable l'rernsum fiance. the yuulitte. or which, after
I and tried experlenee. tine Leen aansfe.clonly
tobll ong
ened To al; women Who may tyo .11;clad with
Prolapsua (:taut or Pallets Womb, he recommend, hid
planer, guaranteeing •more and speedy ••ure in tn.,
short spore at tram two to ;hoe wrrkn, .;pplied with
earn and reat—diecardota el. ;be e..utitlena Lustrurnent•
and expensive barnlng,..... tn.; w u.e. 'lnn. h e r ee l.
[011•Cle.OLIII 17140,111tarh a. bn ham not (rled
in pair root oat o; three bundr,lai.d tiny-three pa.
Al.o for lihvomatwn aiol Weak Brea." or Bark, at
end...l with pan. there I. nothing io cxecl th.s
in offordtng relief El, eilreUng a cure. For sal. by
L ‘Vt:cok. turner ur Diamond and larket et
Iltllllll & Reiter. Ltbrity and Si (In, .t.
Dr J Sargent rt.deral n and D.atnnod, hue
glteny etty
Julia. hCo. n Dann an and Diamond [lemma
I)A. 14HNES ' FOCK'S ANTI.II 11.1 1/t . t PI I.L.S.
J• Th. ratharto• rootpoond f • 0111 11111011 anta!loras of
bulk woh ellicfnese) and roforneattve par
gateve acnon. and hanlot: a preuhor tradrney he
loltary organs, fa rxtretorl‘ , ninahlr tho• couotn.
tit wlttelf lotto. fey,. 0,01 oth, Complait. Silelltied
with eonttration of the fllll,ll .hound
hare now stood the tr•t rur.. 0,01 expenence
Itua prov rd Own, to he a •ote and valuol.l.• m ouldy to
Internottent. Kenottent nod [boo,. Jounthrr.
llthou• robe, Indomation, I. l ,apoter), j
Votaltitto, cold., trod .11 ellrflplllllllll Of all Ilitlannnuto
ry elfaraeter rhocomphor otifl atover.tal aathcfat •
Ono whorh been I,) thew, polo to oh who
trove uord theta, retolor. the pubis:tong of the rot
of. ceroficale• in flirt, favor untteco,oury. Ti. pm.
vent eouttlerfelting arr 110 W put opt.l a r 1 .4 xylo
graphic wrapper
1',0 . • . 4.scettos torn 1.00 ColibitillOg At palls.
Pfel.nred Lind gold
Corner I•t and ward. x.i,l 3,0 corm r 13th nod w
U. 931 %Sorel street. one door smolt of Donated
Potahurgt., Pa . oth.ry for rule a large lot or
Units, Medicine, tn.. 11111114, nrnt.tws, 1/yertaLta
and Perfumery, Foreign and Duntratte, to wlcalt to
call• We ..,1110111. 00 70., rtlystetunn and, mer-.. 1
chums v,sittog me nty. I, deterettned to roll and,
very low pr 0.,,, and gi Vl' general rutt.tanion. flood. •
ware v, rod cheap. Verostsh No. I and 2, N. York
mattotacture; all., Japan and Bleck Leather Variorh
ea, of aupertor quality Also, White end Red Lead at I
prices lower than heretofore offered. I. D. AL sire
ma nufaeluTe Morgan'. celebrated CorighSyrop,which
has pr. Varna! imitaluclion to all tu manna •1
cough., colds, hoarseness, tntleoute, whoopmg cough.
ne,,ap, etc; prier 23 Crum por bottle. Also,
Indian Liver Pillr, ennuns rare for liver con:Timm.
rick headache, and all bons. complaints. Price 1 , 5
p er tint. wink,
rerremmou IND ,41123t1....
Onle• at the Exchange, Ilaktlenore.
itt EJJUCIIII RATES.—The charges have been
eel , r
ant et; all Messages to or from Ualdimore, Pot e.
harsh or Wheeling, and a eorrespondkng redact...o
made on all telegraphic despatches. Cornea Med from Br t
umor. West of Pittsburgh, Pa.
charge for a telegraph despatch to I
front Haltimote, Plitaborgh milfd heeliwg, ts 43 can tr
for the find tea words, and 3 rents for each axiditioe.
V- No charge is reside for the adiiress mu! sty.
Until the completion of the South 'Western Line n f
Telegraph from Memphis, Tann., to New Odle atm, des •
patches eon be forwarded to ?dem*ts by this Loom, and
mailed Mt New Orloam. lOU
Tisk Proprietors have spentinneit One
to Warn UM preparation of fiaisarmutr.s.
to Its present state of perfeeticM; sad the Ott
of fourteen yeare has tarnished them the' Man Mini , un
portunlty lu study, In their various fortis, the liteehMelfaz 'Orie . t it
I. recommended, and to adept st erectly to their relief end. sere .P 2 ^.
tints who sefsh a nutty soon Medicine are invited to give It a trig. end Mawr.
themselves of Its superiority, and the invaluable Monet* ft 1 1013 ". 4 c
f arredmg'
and curing &seam. The bottle has bean hold ON (MAR, sad hj ; fu
presmat Improved form may safely claim to be the sem end mum? Mediate of
the age lu progress to the fame It has attained Mertes treeedby a long LEDs of fief
and ewes, that stand as landmarks and beamons for the Itteetltt, lethedel
the haven of health.
The following is from Col. S. G. Taylor, a gethleman of high dandily! OS = 1 .0"
env:nu:item:a 10 the Southern Bates, and lately appcdrited Consul to New Granada.
liesars..L. B. & D. Sswes No York, Leery y, MO
1111111.21‘..—Haring used, and witneased the effects of your excallem posperelloo
of Sarsaparilla on different persons in venous pare of We tiotitisru mutual, A.,
triturate, LOlllll.l, Texas, and Mexico, I feet much pleasure in staring the Sigh
opinion entertained of Its great modinnial value. In my own rase Weed elthost
like a charm , removing epeedlly the enervated state of the system, and ascii:Mai ill
the meet agreeable manner, a tollio and invigorating inlinante.
Your SanapanilahighlT approred std extensively used by the D. States army
in Mexico, and my cousin, URN. ZACHARY TAYLOR, has (or the put Ave years
heed hi the hehlt of ...a it, and recommends the more he end mall adopted the
article al the nine time, and It tz tow ethisidesed an alrothe. hilthmensithie Waite
In the may. In conclusion I would say, that the better is known dui mote mgmy
It will be pared, and I trust that itshealth. virtues will .make IS gene By .
known throughout the length and breadth of our Iy-extended
Yana very respectfully, IL G. TAlni,,
11. S. Consul to New Granada.
ilewtheert, Cm, .I•Newy 1,1140.
Stamm Saxes :—Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted indOom me m Worm ymi
of Ms remarkable more effected b 1 Sarsaparilla la the gee of my grub. ghs
woe wrverely . listed with the 8 on dtrerent parts of the body , W. glands of
tae tech were greatly enlarged, r Maks =eh mo ll s. 'After . h ower e
year, ead ending no relief from the reaudies ti e Um di m s. ogtootrad cog , goi
below the ape. euppurated. Hu physieian It Mould be
i laid u w wee
dons, bill without my ens bement. sittilama 'vs ofnog woo
tattooed to use same amparala. Tim first bottle Foci:pad • am favor.
abb. effect,yelleeing her more than any pneweripthin Me bad our taken ; mg before
As had toed sio bottles. to ate astimMbreent and delight of hair she found her
health quire restored. It Is now over . year duo the emslra .0d hot
Malik ngogans gook showing the dins. wee thoroughly entitolttod ham the cyders.
Our neigliallne am all knowing to them finta, sad think illatraoganf r
n clp pa n &ini
blessing to the n u loon with respect, it
Mama from • letter received from Mr. N. W. Harris, s ituctiemsa wall Miami in
Louisa county, Ti, t—• I hens cured a sumo boy of mine wilt your iersemotille,
who was anseluel with Nadu* sad of a scrofulous family. Tests teal
Prderldt MIL, V.., J. Yr, lea" t. N. W. RAMS •
The followinn testimony from Rey. John Grigg. has Rioter of Ore Chink of the
Ctradtzlon to this city, commands itself to Ibis Wend= of the aglislad ffermejetus
eertillnates of cum of nrlo¢ll diseases effected by this emeillstins ace abreast dilly
Mesas. Suns :—• mambo of my huatly his tuna sahtaile tantparills foi
a seem scrofulous agfectios, llh th. most D ellactmealts h its
11 gives me sin great plasm. to marl my to t:Lamy t o 2lis *las
lad rheum, lumbar that others may be induced to mast a Vial of D.
X= Ted, iley IC ism JOHN ORIGO.
Ilene. A. B. k D. nun:—
ur n . Y . r a ts 1. I „ 1847
03111121E11.-7•lllmys of gmultude laded me to make • WS ladmiant
of th e benefit hoe e derived from th e uso of your / have 7 or melds/
yaws bun afflicted with scrofulous evrellthry tO my Imtd.,irtdak 11 times
mbar and discharge at my throat, nose, and ear; and at otlaars
would bisak=
=argot parts of my face and head. These arratanad taut my Wont, face, and
!mad were almost complAMl sore, and for micros time I ems_ po bnarliothat 'Posy
with the utmost dthiculty that I could sprat above • whisper. Dating w time I had
newel =auks of plow* and other Derma I mnsoffad digeraint phydefans, Slid
trawl various maladies. but recatved bane= until 1 comassacod mftir your Rafts.
puilla. lam now moil: the won any all healed, and I attribute the result stately
to tda erase of your valuable machetes.
Youra with respect and gratitude, Plialig CA.HOO2I.
Being penormtly acquainted with t h e paean above nomad, 1 beam her ststalment
tO be correct. JAMBS hi D. CARR, Judo* of Du Puce.
11121,JZ0 012.0, •11101J10111.11 LSDIrSII. >7•
A. B. d: D. SANDS, Dnuocusre AND
100 PrrLyow-wr., colon Or WlLLusb Nn You.
Sold also by Dnogisdo generally throughout dm Mailed auto, told Cguadas.
Prlee 3! pa Bottle [LK Battles far B 3
LI Nlir: —The unprccedentetLancee.• iytticb hat
itroded the wun of Mc
- -
ad •nrioor :onus which trrnohon of rho longs is
Ana Induced the proprietor again so onll amen
hon 10 111111
Tlte he.l”, etc weather yr hi rh tuark • our fill and
..inter month.•lny • e. frunful souroci of
These, If neglected, ore but the precursors a( Dad W.
We have been initialed by Okra. Hine Of *MU', per
formed I n io by Or. Jayete'n tertitive, which
ptoveS Iti superiority over every other remedy of Ilk
tiol. the hoe hceo %aimed ior tho hot atzleen yenta
in NElifloSES. or W SITE OW KLLI NUS., attended
w. uleereliOng end enfollation Of Yonne* banes, Mt
ring which Mee many piece s have been discharged from
the renal sone of lbw onuount, from borlrger arms.
oe,•iii am! bonus, nod lam both legs, and fytim the len
feir oral bone, and from the right knot, beanies penal/
ulcers on other parts of beepers., which It y ve bated
e. !till th or a number of the most eminent p incianaoi
oar car—during rano of the time her tulfertims bare
been tam mat ng •od deplodable.. Aboot truer. month,
since she was induced to' try Dr.Jayneia Aliemtive
witch has had nu astonishingly hippy Mteet upon her,
by intuo•ing all paw and nwelliogt, and denting the
•leers to heal, oriole al the elute time bar ireortel brwith
boa OneOmeeomptmey resthred,eo that shogun+ weight
LS noire than the id before she coromeneed th, toe
of dl Is truly valuable pyrite:Dn.-11ot liveel ost.
Poe tootle, infonantion,iiqeme of Odra. Won, No. It's
Snare. it, Philadelphia. I
Kw vain in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TH,A 1 STORE,
Fcautli et near Wood. ItO
A Oballotago to tho — i/V
IrWENTIi-PIVE: DULLS RS will bs paid to any opt
who will produce a spot of pads, sress-or dry, that
cosmos be attracted with/ Itosibt /10D(01/011 Chemical
sa a have the eatiafactlnn of saymg so the people of
cowthi lods, that thia article, by m co untr ynprbeement on
stands unnesslied id shit lots CSIIAMMI
.R. 50, tax, pitch, Oil, pairi4 or stay other ereasy
Ilatiee, trout all anda of gesilnmouss tar lade.' elothots,
Carpets, table cash., merino shawls, Indite bottoms,
hr. withota swarms anything that pare water will sot
Mutt- . Moro thrin Ono itresould personate different
outs 01 the country have told Moth , / *Paid =sine
without its if it colt one dollar per cake. in tooth this
Soap on more than J t atonic, of bed bike, mains. at.
Pateta,sted calicoes, I have only found three ptores al
'ilk. two of Blooms,and ,four of ealsco,rin which It
changed the colon therriore before putting:4c an • light
dress try a sample of Ult dress Sett I stated. 1.1.100
I am d=i=mmed out 10 ri7COMlDentlttenylonCer than
I know to be smelly inst. Rota
Price, lel eta per nab.. Sold, whoks SE ale lied retail.
wood 4
. .
1 - 1 0. •/ Bann U a Siatsa *sten
1/ sot 'recited of Dr. TOWlllaDd s ll Sansdparills„
ettroordon•ty medicine in the snarkb• 'This
art spot up on quart bottles. It Is al/ beim eheaymr,
esesossnier, sod Wllll7.lo.Cdr •op , laid to .14Iy
tures 41.0.. without vomiting, piustos; •blateby g i.„
debilitausis tee pattern.
Lout our roc lautonosa-yUtspritielpled &ream lase
copied oar labehn sad put up Methelop It the aaht o
shooed boat. See that each bade has iltestbu sa
nature of B. P. Townsend.
ft- E. SELLERS, Ltraggixt, 47 Wood street, between
Thud .M Front', W Dr. TOwwwwi. only whabialle
and retail agent tot Pittsbatgh, of whom Ao s mu l nv
article van be bad.
D M. Curry has been appointed the sole agent tor
Alleghtny ally, at wham the genuine WWI° carq.
had. •Pi ;
ib — Afitarr hILDICINEIMILECTItiN3tetude by
L T PL4 4 ,
1 / 1 17,
AN. 4
Dkt. JAY rf 1::13 ' A - L,TT:II v
A ez i tgr i mqv re a pn ba.
mow' Vacua., WestasorciandPa.,
M. EL Sellersi—A mom of dety to you end thy alined
lodavirs nee wadi! Foy humble taithieby Emir yoorjowly
esietamad Liver Pith. I ken denied don( le ftw rars,
unarm, to Dory Crockett's =n, obe.sara as are npht,
Wu to envi.- blew
orate many Porepiratinai of ampules
and loaded to the Ain, ban nub into Win wave
your Liver Pith hare be. offend te pablic and, indeed,
I helieve they will “eurvin they w• *et what
you npreseat awn to be. Llama beta afflicted wide Liver
Complaint Goa myouthi have sabered szlieb; employed
away =hint le Whale I paid mach emmer, here
a,od, bi.. 4 ht.= nenited.dphyained Iltlag to umb;
sellrated sor nod dmiDy inn op as jontraltla. la
1.-7 I n nut need to icy . your Lirer Pals asdBool9 00T
WELL.. tine boo et whaM inow suilbswat to keep much=
or n pain in the elite, end the 'other eye:pt.., kw at beast
I:: months. Your Pahl:nate thebemeathartielerer mei;
henag a:4d, yiring mach, eCkneta at the Sow
sett, hot pin memo& Mal' !hove kept that my shore
tor .11 er .2 rare, roll haelnuts e bine; axed have seer
Bard a sive comp/MU attend by way new whir has toad
. ems. Tho have .ipacedtglilsoalS every other pill Eta thin
="aand lwa then time tunielt thew all.
ne:lan.IIII them to all pine. needing
Whether In Line Complaint or
ilibetioas. / /co.
der:them &reopen. to Cakeesl or tin aloe PilL ante.-
, f L Noun
I,AMSyq...-c e then an other Pills liners the pubis
FAu.ED Liter Pilo, palcau who want dm OEZIIJINE Medd
ask bruin:leaks aotc Manner prevelnel mid mid bp It
OELL ht UL/EO 5Z Wood-W, ben.. Third sad Year%
bed by Dr. Clan; PiiW rrua, D m cma,A.llqpray
Vo the Medical Profe and Pabllc.
ow at the tiorpluds
U . my on, other public catabliehments, and
ireeOrinnelltlent by Wane of the most distingulabed pay
,esciarie end s, hit. an ankle of do o r , for children
:and invalid much superior to arrow root sago, etc.,
oar more etrengthening. pleasent to the tame. and easy
of digestion. Put
m2l lb. boles holf lb. papers,
each eneconpanled snth printed directions for cooUag,
Lida& in hi. Agriculgural Chemistry, p Phil, ed..
&Children fed upon arrow-root,•salep, or indeed any
kind of amylafaceous food, which does t 1 341:210 inve
thedis fitted for the fOnstauon of bones and nittnelal
become fa t, and acetone much mrausrumr, then limb ;
pper I, but ibey do not acquire strength, nor are
their erg.a properly deveJoned...
to the analyst& alba Farina made by Pouf. Reid of
New York, among other consinuents, be gives 15 par
emit of glutton and albumen; and remarks that the
clamp Qr Fah.. Um Radical ProfinsiOn and,
ow public will rent upon site yonsairung la the glance
and albumen, vegetable /Mane and other attrogenmed
bodies not found in arrow root or allatial 911011talieria,
and which modem chemistry has pointed oat as being
neomsary m the fromtatiou of human fibre, and by
Mena. Or, which Ware make& op for the 000ataut
waste that takes place in the human body, For aalo
wholesale or l retall, by It F. ShILLFALS
aepld 57 wood ' at
Great ElWish );Lesnedy.
FOR Coughs, Colds,Asthma and Consumption! The
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of the
above disease., Is the 'HUNGARIAN BALCIAII OP
LIPP:, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Builian, of
Loudon, England, and introduced into the United/UM:a
antler the immediate superintendence of the inventor
The extraordinary success of this medicine, In Lg.
cure of Pulmonary diseams, warrants Me American
Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible .-
...s ant can be found in the cemnimuty —cases that seek
relief in vain from any of the c oon remedies of the
day, and have been given up by the mow diatinguidued
physicians as confirmed and ncurable. Thu thinguri..
an Balsam hes cored, and will corn, the most desperate
of eases. It is no gamic nostrum, but a standard Eng-
UM medicine., of known and established efficacy.
Every family in the United Plates Mould be supplied
with Buchan'. Hungarian Balm= of Life, nut only to
counterset the consumptive tendencies of the amain,
but to be mod as a prevewise medne in all emits of
colds, coughs, igniting
blood, pain in the aide and
cheat, irritation end mantes of the lungs, broolthis,
chtltcalt7 of brewing, hectic fever, night sweats, masa
ation and general deothgi unmet, inducers, whowing
cough and croup.
eilld to large bottle s, at 81 per bottle, Wi th full direct
boos tor the res4ratton of health.
Pamphlets, eontnirtlnt a roam of English cod Amen
eau certificates, and
. other eviden., rholdng the un
equalled merits o( due gnat English Remedy, may be
obtained of the Agents , a y
For sale by 11 NEWVOCK 2 Co, 000000 of
st and Wood and W nod oth slut mare
D L R.
ROM the fres ASA:S W AN, a tbril knevrit mid pop
ralu Clergymen of the Protestant Methodist Church
The andebratned haring been unfitted daring thepast
winter Mika dintme oldie stOconcL, etII3IOIIZOLS pn.
diming pent pain in the stomactifur ten or Melva ha ars
without intermission, and after baying tried various
remedies with little Mfg., was furniahed with a bottle
of Dr D Jaynes CaroMptuse Halsam. This ho used at
cording to Me direetimmaad found invariably that this
medicine caused Mitimin or abide iu three or (oar min•
ate., and in fifteen or twenty min...every uneasy
sensation was entirely anintert. Tin. medicine was uneasy
tenter& used whenever indications at the approach of
pnlnworr peenoined, and the pate we% thereby pretreat
ed He commutate a, the medicine every eve/tide
and mattettines to the morning. and to a few weeb
health was so far restored. Mut tot sufferer was retire
ed from a torge amount of oppremtvt pain.. From to
pertence, therefore, hoean eunfidentir recommend 1)
DJnyaen Carminative Salim, as a salutary multeirt
for &acmes of thestmemat mit bowel. A dit/I2ND
Alma heny" ai0.1241
For sale in Pittsburgh at the YES I N TDF BTOR
72 Fowl!, street, rm. Wood, ann *lse at MaDnig
Store a(11 I' SCHWARTS• Federal ore. Aire/omo
Putty Sopr blots& •
MIL 0. RAMBLES — near Sin Lam Spring, and dm
nag the previous winter, I woo severely afflicted
wets a. scrofulous canaplaint in my lege and Itadeen
for soma female solder the core of physicians. They
said my cam was almost Incurable, and they could do
but hula for me. I was • manly IMISIcm. btu with lay
d , of eremites maid with difficulty get about. In May
last I purchased 1,11 7011, • and commenced ming Bur
mu. Salaams/Me. After the me of two honks, Ma
sores commenced 'healing, and I laid aside my smith
es, ming may a cane. i dispensed with my asee, and
at the rod of the fourth, was so well as to assist all day
el shearing sheep. let ell, 1 need five bottles. The
mro, ale and sores have all healed op, and sine, lam
summer I have seen no appearance us Me disease, but
have continued, and aumusur, in the must perfect
Bute striMlianfulesce, Mum/rem others may la ben
tlined itt•ttesmatis wan-Ma the dasseparilla amid by
u, km been me means and the only means or agrees,
og the cum. CORNELIUS J. ROSE.
For sale wholesale and retail, by
dive 8.A.. uft-TOCK b. Co
001;M:oaf P tined also corner mand'illth
Cream de' Amanda ammo', for abasing.,
Cream a la Roar, tar ,hosing;
Almonoe Cream, dot
Superfine Rouge, on Poseetain mans*
Eastern wens bags, pardoned oriel Lavender. LW*
tette Alibi;
ISeastsfal pawdot pdda, of all pattertmt
Embossed tenet bores, contanung fragrant extracts
for the Istadkatoknel; a neat bag, and toilet soaps, sail
able for presents.
Perstan, oSQonese powder;
loban vegetable hair oil,
Bear.. oil, in fancy or coalman wrappers, (rose seem.
Jones' Soap; Nymph .66,1 p; Rom Lp salve;
oholl kov; Soda map; together woh a great variety
of El= poMmerr AI a I remored: for s a/o hy
.16 car 6th b, wood au,
Xi MRS. lIF.ED & curLER-1 feel It a dmy
Jjl owe to my (clam creatures, to stale kulitWoi
more re veuting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam.
Sauce I first used the Balsam, about eleven yeant ego,
hampy effect of which 1 then gave an account. 4 I
had had several wvete complaints and attacks iki my
Watts, Gen *kw day. since, and in every instance
have used the Ilalsam "lone with complete and perfect
'access, It has effect ed relief and cure in a very few
days. Ills certainly a safe medicine_ Ido or know
that it will cure a rued eonsumpuort, but I believe it
will be its =any eases • preventive '
• and_ prevention is
batter the. cant / therefore, fortheLs.e\ of mr
low men, earnestly recommeud the nee of thießateam,
in all pulmonary complunts. I am confident-that it
h. been the means of preaervmg my life to We day.
Boston June 16, '46. BENJAMIN PARSONNj
For sale by B A Fahnestock, & Co, corner first and
"rood and also corner wood and 6th. jal6
power to caret Prnsamion, Feb. 14,1817.
IL E. Samouti—lily wife has for years been indueet
to a distressing cough, accompenterl unth= th eta, for
We cure of which the used different cough remedies,
a= had the advice of the most eminent physic.= in
England, but ell we.. unavailing. By chat= I heard
of toot Imperial Cough Syrup, cod was Induced to boy
a bomb, for trial, although I had no babel that anything
could female her complaint. To esy •grist almanac,
two doses gave her unmediate relief. She Mat times
troubled sett a cough, but two teupoonsfid of Syrup
awe= stops it. lum satisfied, after a trial of throe or
tour yenta, that /Seller's Cough Syoop la the beat cough
medicine I have ever tried either ill the Old et New
Wor/d. Fazatiowani,
Seventh Ward„
induce rtsbarglt.
The above certificate thould .1 1 who no
troubled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrup a t,
al. It may lie had for ZS eel= a bottle, at the drug
twee of R E SELLERS, 17 wood et.
Sold by Dr Canal, Sth we., and D II Curry, Allo
t.= atty. Ja=
Pattaut mock Sprlag Tres..
Pew. INVENTED—For tiro tchelotod Perronnoot
LI Caro of lIEJINIA or Itt/PTURE. faulted 10 all
rho actpemer elailtlea this Tress consist In the cam.
oaratiSe ease with which it may be worm The lad at
a/...1 being neatly balanced on vprattgv, yields to pees
lare Ott Um) put of at, and thoroursly wisps itself to
any movement made by the wearer. It eta bd Worn
otnmt jol.rweseletlotettl a corn is eiremcd. The la bc
seB hen have made urugements mattultteUtte
at these valuable Truses,in • superior style, to Lbily
U . P.a. and have them now (or vale at their olitee, No.
17, essmhbeld st. near earth, ritteharpla
GEO. V. AT!,
J•3O 1./ W. IittUFFIIIAN.
VlsELallil.:6&- - Supenor to any I r ime.,
1.3 ever med. , '
Gamust Te, Fayette county, Pa.,
Marett 4,'9b.
Sts.arals--1 hereby corm) that 14a,, wed
your Vernmage 111 my, mei Imeeve a coml., if
not mpersor to may 1 have • Yes oval. 1 gore 10 one of
say einalem one dose, roloeb orpolleal about to worms.
k. 114 EmusaWs.
. .
• ...
Prepared and told by R 1 SELLERS, 37 Wood st.
Sold by Ur Dom', LW Wtol, D3l Curry, .1111cgReny,
W .1 Staab, TeluperancevEDo, and P Uravq , Law
rouctvale. xeq4
- -
S NOES—An de sorucient pet reed Imiti forCial
my 3 7 KIDD* Co
Ai outlaw= 13. k line s. 34 u., 91146, As Na Om
One insertion of 17.1irres or leunq. - .........40 80
Tteo imertionswittiontotteratione,.... ......... 75
Three ' •
.... ..... L 400
One Week •• I. ••••••••••• 150
Two Weeke '• ,• 2. 50
Three '• ' . ..
TOne Month, " 6
......... ;I . ;
76 . , i
woo :
wo " 1 II
Three '• ~
0!? Longer. tulvertisotoetle in same . ............
Ono squscre,6 mouths, without alteration,... 10 07
Each additionast square fur 6 months, ..... . 0 00
Otte square,6 uturahs renewable et plasma., IS OD
. Z) 00
Each additional iliguare for lit inuntlta......• .. JO 00
VWO aquirree.'6 month., re'srable ti Pl . '""' . P ti °°
4 : 40 . 1, additional square, 6 niiinte., ...• •..... , 8 00
%Iv tncLl OIL Val- I • uallr e
i ao
One square.. 3 Insertion., 1 1
" " each additional inset h0n,...,..i. , 37
Fi,e line. or leas, one year, 6 00
lex m0nth.,....:......:..;5 00
one year, duly Sr. vreely,lo 00
„ „ • months " " •.1 00
LIM 01111113X31T1 IT . ris m e,
For 00 hoes, or less, One Inßenton, .... 80
Two, ' " • 0 'IS
'Verne,gee. •••11'
" Si. i••2•••••,_6 0
" Twain
..." ftsvilist