BY MAGHrICITELARIPIL " Mragowrza & ziradcau&emen, itioluatvely for the Pittsburgh Gazette, CONGRESSIONAL. PROCEEDINGS. • Wastmearon, Dec: 26,1818. Smsavv;-In consequence of the ttbsence of the Vice President, Mr. Dallse3dr. Atchison, 'Of presided. - ),5 0 0, - Dodge and /Obit the newly , elect. Senators ‘fiem lowa, presented their credentials and totik their aorta Thy drew for their term. Dodge drew Or the short term of 1819, and Mi.: loam fin 1853. The bill for the sale of the Saguman lands, in 10. passed finally. The rallrming Resolution was then offered : 8,,,, 0 1 n ad, That the Secretary of the Navy he re. quested to furnish a statement of the amount of ptorisions end stock transported to the North Pa• elfin during the year. • The resolution lies Over under the order. Mr. Daderwood, of ICy., offered the following resolution; ~ Resolcvd. That the Senate inquire into the ex radiancy of establishing a Board of Commission. cm. to ascertain the whole amount of public lands, and the value and extent of the goldregion in California. This resolution was laid on the table. - Several notices were given of the forthcoming of bills, asking donations of public lands to con. singe lamas in lowa ana Nrusiasippi. Adjoorned. lioniz—Adjoutned over on Saturday until to. morrow. OHIO LEamweruitk • COLUXI3OII, Dec. 26 'Since the organization of the House, nothing toiettby of note has tnunpired. The troainew of the *radon, atter the holidays, will proceed with its =net calituteeL . ALARMING STATEWTHECHOLERA AT - - • NEW ORLEANS. _ • NA* Oates Dec. 23, 113411 Since the.2oth, seventymine easesof the cholera havemmtated in the hospital, among whom were three tnerthante of th e city. The Board of Health have decided ,thar,pie epidemic is prevailing to en almadng state in the city. The community is much excited; the, weather, however, is cooler, which, may wrest Meliorate of the epidemic. Ponarstzma. Dec. 28, 1919. The New York hoer behmout ormalermerenis us from famishing the market reports, or the aims thas of the Cholera. PHILADELPHIA istamer. Pitman= a, Dec. 28, 1849, • near—The market at the close mu firm. Sales of 1000 bbla at $5 y bbl. • Corn Meal--Salea a 82,871 and Rye Flour $3,.. 25 ibbl. (}rein--Sales at 10819107, market quiet. . Corn—Sales 800 • bit new Yellow, at 55 and white, new, at 524353 and 54 for old. Proviliona—No Wet reported to dui worthy of Whiskey—ages at 24c per gall, nominal. BALTBIORE , BA.l.Tna= 2i;1848. Te =kite in all panic:Mars, usually quoted, are without change. In Wheal and coin large sales have been made at kimer ratea. , HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 11. teal PRESENTS-2 scientist Chene Lane test Bream Long Shaer* of a quality aurally MAS to 40oollars, bought at Auction In N. York, win be Mid fat $25 elle& AIMS a few real chew Mitt Septare Shawlsl splendid Camel= Silk Crape and Turketi Sham* a few pieces very superior new style Silk* and a very large assortment of the newut and most fashionable dress goods, now offered as decided bargains. ALEXANDER & DAY,II market s; • deeels N W comer of the diamond 11.0/JEDAY .000DS—W. 7*l. usco corner 0 Market and sia, haa a beat:Mal assortment of 4ted ,iesitionable goods in his line,. particularly me. rim Watches and Chains, and neh Jewelry; PkUl •Peatils, Gold Pens and Pencils, all of the ben Almeria* workmanship and patterns, and will be sold ESRieEMEM frIHE Sem of We Season, IbiP Book of Beauty, Ideor I_ Thell ly do The Garland, do me Gi do The Amaranth, do dorbto clforith case, do Christmas Haw, do Forget-m•-Net, .„ do • do 13korromc, do , do, area cf, with case, do Flora's Germ, do Book of Pearls, do Moieties Kerpsater,do Friendckdoth Offering, do Tt. Boom Flake, do filfoeperake of 'Yodel:op, do Tee Gem, do dikeelelorAnairal, do The Moss Role, do der, alit of, Ink case, do Gift of Friendship, do • iPmpaimake, do The Pearl, it• Hyacin etaalg th, • •do The Thdrec, do The Rosary of . 111ammthosor of the Bible, lady Milt Lake, innovated; Lana • Zeoaroke PRookts, oetical Workg Poets of Commencoe, gilt edge, • - WAIL 7oesical Worksonorocao;- Pictorialand Niyadeos, An &a. A lane mamma= of poyalat Juvenile Books, lllally ars int hot* illikj[ilt:eiwTosikoka •Mt or plitak , V avAg UAW' drut nmeimed 'by Ps- I- praand Metals by ' &-ENGLISH, dank), —mood and multi:mu ANNUALS AND.GIPT NOOKS, • 10 'CITABLE 'FOR PRESP.NTS—Gents of Beauty A 7 and Literary Gin, for 1949; Keepsake of Fri p, for 1849•, Friends/4s Offering, for 1134.14 Christmas Roses, for 181. Sb Cluistutss Blossoms, for IMP; • Amaranth, &Token of Remembrance, for Mb; The Young Mauls Odbring; The Young IMP. Offering, by Mr.. algostrney and • Leaflets of Memory, • superb 1.0.11111 d for ISISU The Ring, for LBO; The • splendid gift honk for ZIA The yecinth, for 1844; , Thil Sags Book, for HAP; The Bncrettlake, for 11319; The Book of Pearls; t the WO Anal for 18191 - The Women of the Seripustes, a ballade work; Thi Wreath of Friendship, for 16411; _ - TheCtuissise Keepsake. for 1849 1 — Read% Female ,Poots Ameries,, eon= tor . waits °MSc": E Mkt Saudi; Ur. .' F. S L.ll. btgoorney. Mn: E F. - Eller, AIM Emma d BIBB 1 ". Ameliaa Wehit..htn. S. J. Halo Um: E. w .l ey, NL. Aftna,C. Lynch, Miss Sarah Y. Clarke, (Grano Greetrwood.y '• • ' Who ebennt, with n large collection of Poertieel Work_.., s, Frayer Books, Bibles, and other works in style of Wailers, Eatable for Matanzas and piesents,'lor sale at the booklusre of , JOHNSTON . 1 / 4 STOCKTON, 60 9 / • corm Market end 39 sts Wyk . IOICS IaiD . ROOKS "FOR PRESENTS— prwymes'Poettcal "Wiirks, in morocco, illettratesh Lady of the • Works of ColiPer and Thompson; • Hestia, vreiman,'l""e't • . Goldsmith's Pooms;'Thno+Pcon'e Season Sacred ilonatainsiPlholc'• Peaar,_ Goldsmith's Workq Thd Gem of the Henn; The Pargetaarßeopseekt Thristaanatth; The Scrap Noicl Tbs. Hyacinth; The Jewek Tha Token; The Rehmoos SocnrenirLhCilum gad Yotinip • Proverbial Philosophy , Poems by Amelia; Poetry of Flowers sod Floirers of Poetry; Juice Captaca•Paslor }kook of FL.W.Dr. Wreaths of Friendship; Fairy Tater, Sunny Bows; Select Cbristiao Mahon; Rome Paullose; Last days of Shahs; Young, Ladles' Offering; Flora's Intetpreter, together with a, variety Juvenile Gift Rooks. ELLIOTT k ENG LISH, dada wood arket as PLENMD GIFT BOOKS- The 'Women of the Bl la bk.; delineated in ri series of sleeted.* of NMI CAM Femalesimetoknotd in Holy Scripuira—illainided 18 Sae steel engravings 1 vol. glum: Tinker) , gik edgee—Brabmile style. ,Tba Sacred Poets of England and Anterka, for time cardwries. Edbod by Baas W. Griswold. .Blitsuratad with stool engravings. 1 vol. Bro. Silk gilt edges. The FCIIIIIIe Poor. of America, with portraits, bid faecal Dodoes, and specimens of their writing. B. * Tbe Hoek of Peailar a elated garland of prow, pot. cip and art, containing .70 fine cogravinp; I voL vo. .Tke Book of Christian Ballads. Illastraut 1 vol. yo. For sole by It HOPKINS, deel Apolld Readings, st HUOLIDAYPREEOZNTB, at . cat street—Havingjost rendre per Express a very Urge usortmerd or Fancy Goods, he insncs the sues ,' • ride of purchasers to his very Azzepaive mock or Bead /UPI rosewood writing desks, work boxesdandshediln= onfandshed; backgammon boards, Jewelry, and Jn faciersery radars of Fanny Goods In deer 3 OLD KILIAN DZILINOLD HAS COME AGAIN. 1,1: subscriber respectfully Infithma th e ellithos of Plusbtugh and vicinity, that hi. Toys - and Fancy are now open, in the large room formerly or.- Paed aur a Carpet Warehouse by E. D. Thompson. Pr tan be seen the hugest swortment ofstmas Protons 'ever oared for sale In the nity. 1l them 'OW are Imported direct from Europe by myself, and wlit , be mold cheaper then any o th er estab li shment in lim cliy,whilicsale and retail. Call and see the fine 4111101141441. C. TEADEII,IO9 Market at, nearlabery, COMLISTMASPIENTS-- S -r- arra Cilium', 46 ,elarket street, oder for sale, et reduced prise., a Oman Of goods Boilable fir Christmas presemarcon part of French worked collar., ethemmetis, eiM late bapea,emb:llorith-Tobes;lrerier and itiunbrie handkerchiefs, . deep ,rad taw e.auwati- PELdetll4l:oll eorddo;" black land matl Ararat. en Warta rich eliantelooss am, cashmere; Made Minas, fain striped =halt, leetre, and m °ri , deal • - MEW .CARPETS—Bedeived this day direct from C 7 AA tbe essualbetarer— Nevilit&Tapestry a ply Carpets, eatn .UPe r ; do do do do super do • do Brussals . Carpeu; do Brussels, very cheep, do do . rich colors super Derain ' 44, 3.4 and 6.8 beawfv.,,,,,,a,, do do , • „,4.4, 3,4 and 6-8 contmoa do do Allot Which will be sold at a small advance, DO • 7ante6 as low as min be NI/thaw:4i in the east. • W brCLIPMCIL,I3Fourtast drimmildfavorbt H. &Imola or orll rrler, by Wm Alleowan, 1650,.ulautd-.lMis Dec., "lttltl, payable GO date after dam. Persons are eau. *". Uoned ass tr, purchase said we, iS.loP dote23.43i J. 11-STEVENSON. alnel—J. SARSAPARILLA. 46en Rao; Ir "ffirar" dHi JOHN HMO reed/aid tarsals by et -ELAVICEni— I ease pearl drab, Imitable for aces mita; Lrt sale by Peale MURPHY *LEH Iced tniigal— . 10 bills freib 8.0 11 ; 5 kor• IbbiAbysad far see by Amu •tost:lr BEST F iXTHERE-10 sack. for sa l e i by num a. el, bbl, I kat Unive; EED-37 sad., b- -, - DIC K EY ra _Fite - DI front st ‘1"" T. ' • - ILIerrECEILS-59 ticks w szett u tat i lf as le i • ".fleell6 S gooks, to wive; tor H ISAIA DI ET & Co , 6am goat,i mo d , t 1 krtM AL— ry deas 21/13TBANO CROZER LOCAL MATTERS. RTED 101 TEI FITIOEQY6B DAILY ORTSTrL Tax Maros's Limn on phrilipiiits nine thinly attendeikpoty tit*" aaei,QC , i n k. • meets being pu . :eseiitasti•-• His honor' Was' quite •sleitairditrith. tb6 , 4 4sPicions indinatiun of k quiet Chriatmas, turilooked linirratit to a oil& week of holiday; bat, altar, 6 srhunian.iiigietations, how haselkas are they'll!, Taitiday morning .eaw Other right," when' the tombs* gave forth their Inmates—tee unhappy, noisy, drunken Tights, who had "made night hideous - with Si j eir howling,"— iiisturbiag even "the regain of . Ihp tomb,"—to the great annoyance of thertiiiineiane'uf the night. On 'Tuesday morning 'appeared thie' . ffiiilowing on gentleman, all gutsy 44eting a little too merry. John Smith, Audrey: „Cramer,' Julius Lyons , Jacob Jones, Samuel - White, Isaac Eaton, John iJackson. Wm. Grandia, Janie* Pearce, and Win The capteffn of the watch had bad a happy time takcinicare of some of the young gentlemen , daringAhe night, and at his „instance, Mr. Dien' wee stint up for five days, Mr. Pearce for 48 hours, and Mr. JacksOn for . 24. The remaining seven Paid ftnes,'nn4 were di/charged.. Tux . 001:11IT OP Qrmina SIMIMMX met on Christ. inns (Monday morning) according to law, and ad. 'anted till yesterday ramming, when tae Grand 'Jury was sworn —Jacob Guy, foreman. No case !being ready: the Coact adjourned till afternoon.— After some preliminary business had been disposed 'of, the case of Wm. Johnson, an old man, accused of stealing a cravat, was called up. He plead guilty, and was instanced to six months In the coon. ty jaiL Henry Sisdtht was tiren put on trial %n three in% dintmenta, ha larceny. He plead not guilty.— The case was an hand when Court adjourned. Tmi Mairoasixtr.—The election for delegates in the several wards, on Saturday, night, having resulted in a tie between Messrs. Herron and Scully, 15 to 15—leaving 10 for Mr. Sawyer and 5 kir Mr. Wiltesoa, the probability is that a spirited contest will take place in the Convention to day. Many persons entertained the opinion yesterday, that a now candidate would be brought before the Convention, as the friends of those in nomination could not epee on any candidate yet named. The Delegates meet today at hall past tee o'clock, in the Supreme Court room of the new Court House. Ar a. public meeting held in the Seven th ward on Saturday, the 23d inst., the following nomina tions were made &led Council—K. T. Friend.. Common Conned—Rag. King, J. Et Wick. Azsessor—Wri. M. Amhara. Asaigans dimassor--Heury Lytle, Henry Wal. lace. Con:to/Jo—John Graham. School Directors—Lyman T. Childs, Robt. Frank lin. Judo of Steerion—Robt. Arthora. hasgestor—SobL Gallagher. WM. AR.THURS, Pm*. W. C. Pascua, Src'g. Csarsolusra.--A company of ten--‘all bent on Califomite--have been for some time making ar rangements in this city. The other night, just after the account of the difficulties to be surmounted at the isthmus, appeared, a meeting was held to con sider ways and mennts and, after some deliberation, it was concluded that a large number of 11110Veif should be taken out. A committee on shovels was accordingly appointed, and the company a ns. Mindy awaited its report. Mean while the ten di. miniahed m live, and the live to three, and the three are still waiting for that report on shovel.— We hate • story of another company of twelve, in which n medical gentleman took the leads which ' Sued out' like a defective Chinese cracker, as soon as the Panama story appeared.—CoL Foster 's company, we understand, contemplates cirmunna vigating the Cape in a Horn.' "Hoses ro wows" dec.—The Eastern papers are giving credit to Benj. F Butler, Esq, of N Y, for • resolution offered-a few days since at a public meeting, in that state, to remove the seat, of gov ernment to the West, immediately, as the best means of disposiog of slavery in the District of Columbia. The credit of the scheme in due to our friend, Major Lorimer, of this city, who offer ed a similar resolution in a public meeneg here, on the 11th of February, littS, nearly dim years ago—of which copies were forwarded to the Sen. moss and Representatives, from this State, by Mesas. Lorimer and B- H. Kerr. The project 'herald, muKintireientiiallfbe earned out, ancTic• hope Pittsburgh will have the credit for the srig. 'genial:, whether the capitol be located here, or at some point more proximate to sundown, or "the Wed." Imam Macon—Those who wish to see some traits of Indian customs and manners, have an op portunity afforded, by the presence; in this city, of a number of the Chippewa Tribe, from the bead of Lake Superior, They exhibit in Philo Hall this evening. Tikasvam—The Unequalled, laugh provoking Barney; Williams, the famous Irish Comedian, appeared lag everting to a crowded audience. He appears again to-night in three of his favorite cha racters. See advertisement. CHILISWAS passed off without any senous acci dent, notwithstanding the immense number of fire cracker., torpedoes, &c., which were exploded in all directions. One boy in Allegheny city lost a fin gar)* the premature explosion of some fire work., but no othuaer.idents were reported to us. The day wan diiuly, gloomy, muddy and disagreeable as possible, but some managed to enjoy ItICIIIIICIVIIM Tax.yercsoces had thetr usual Cbruumns Ad. 'dress out, and were quite libetally patronized.— Their address was written by 'one of themselves and is decidedly better than any cif its Inte prede. &Mosta, Ravin SoorErr we understand hos begn established m this city, among the gentlemen, whjoh promises most happily.. One of the pro visions is that no member alkali make use of any profane or vulgar language, underpenalty of ■ fine, and the moat beneficial change has occurred in the habits of its members They held their first versary nipper oal Christmas night, the aspen tea being entirely defrayed by the receipts from fines. Taa llama have Men as rapidly as they rose and stranded boats, rafts itc, line the shores. A large quantity of valuable property—boats, boards, timber &e., has been swept away from this region and above, on both the Allegheny and Motiongahe. la, but doubtless the greater amount of destruction has occurred below. Tan Wait=s Timms hu been purcbued by 1. B. Clarke, Esg., formerly of the Telegraph, in thin city. Mr. C. will take charge of the paper in • short time, and intends making some Improvements in its typographical appearance. Mr. C. has both the tact and the talent requisite to make him n first rate editor, and will no doubt succeed. flustrr.—A carter mooed Wm. choler, Was bound over, yesterday before Alderman Steele, kir cruelly abusing, his borne—by felling bun to the earth, &c. He thought he had a right to kill the poor brute, if he pleased—far As had bought him. Mt. Steele undeceived him. __— Ham W. W. luaus is spoken of as an Indepeo dent candidate for the Mayoralty of this city. B.M.Mtlocs Norma.—Rev. y. Bonhomme will deliver a lecture this evening, Dec, 27t h , n 7 o ' cloc k , at the First Presbyterian Church, of the Her. Dr. Her ron. The subject will he— l. Christianity promoted among the /ewe, from the Apittslailea' age to the Itith century. I - Reasons why Chnstinnity did not accomplish more among .them. 3. Present religious state among the Jews se a ea' Bon and ite tendency. Christianity has done for them since the year SFAS. 5. Distingniehed characters of individual Jewa now In the politica., commercial, and scientific wor th . 6. Distinguished characters of individual convened /OW, in the religious and with:tulle world. • . The Jowl will be convened to Chriznanity as • nation, and this event will bring about the converVen of the world. • & Duly of all Christians toward the Jews. Th . pu bli c I n "metal, in connection with the term& itesi reepisetfulty invited to attend. 100 public collectien well be taken up on the aeon. 'Loa • N. P—The noticed ve% last Sabbath in the Second Presbyterian Chnrch, for Mr. IleelhorMee to preach sheen this eventhg. WI, done by a mutate. dechl [Er Parise Co:memos Aso Eatittscasrr Earosen— A booturo on abe unchristion treatment of Esteeles to the Confessioiltd, by Popish Petrel,, will be delivered title (Wisdomlay) evetuag, Dec. e7th, at 7 o'clock, Itt Apollo Hall, on Fourth street, by the Her. H, Losnar, formerly a Monk of La Trapp. Tie Lectordwtll be illostrmed by a wad catalogue of loconuovenible quotations from the LatinTheoiogy of the infallible. Church of Home, which catalogue kir. Leahey bast by public request, -translated, and pub listord.wirb the mistrust Lana on one side of the page, and English on the other, and will bo offered for sale on the even* of Ins Loma:at-price 25 gent each book. LAII/CLans positively prohibited from conung to thin Lootara. 'Ala*, Foulke. Tickets 25 cents. iforsto &timer 111mtenissms Lissa= am litscanatai imernerm— r n repeat mewing of ere members, ant Wa election roe officers to seTTO Oa rlito ensinol Yen; s °Week. will 0444 On dec27-td os Tsead E. FlNay veni ng NEY , , See'l. Jamul, i 7 THE PITTSBIMG Borax, refined 'AI 0 25 Balsam Peru 2.50 09,75 do Copt,la .30 0 37t' Brimstone! 4 0 5 Carnphor,refined. •40 0 45 Chloride Lime, cask 00 7 Cochineal 101 02.07 Cream Tartar .... .qc a 24 Copperas 190 5 Glue 1110 13 Gallo 500 to Gum Arab, 50 a 70 - Copal 1- 0 50 Tragacinth• - • •3I 0 374 " Shellac 15 a 18 " Basile —OI4H Ipecac 11, 01.00 Jalap, poen:tared • • tis 01,00 ....... 10 Liquorice Root •• • • . 7 0 9 Lkmonee Ball 10 0 20 Lac Dye 1 a EA M gums. Carb 0 3.5 fitnader, Umbro• . • Ai 0 14 Maddrr. Common •- 0 _ am.Tro 50 5 " Castor 1.65 01.75 " Cassia ..... • .3.00 03.50 " Cloves 2..50 03.00 Lemon• • ...... 3,25 55330 " Peprti't 5.50 03.00 Opium, Torkey• • • .4,75 6 . 5,00 Quinine - 03,25 Rhubarb, root 36 0 50 Sal Amoutte 16 0 70 Sal Soda 49 a 5 Selma •• • - .... • • • , 16 0 20 Tartaric Acid 40 0 30 Vitriol, Blue 1110 15 Dye Wood-Duty 5 p rt. Calm:rood • 40 7 Fugate 210 3 Logirood, chipped • • 210 51 Peather•-duty iD per. et. ad val. Kentueky Ohio& Pertusylva. Pratt- Almonds shell'd••• .20 0 55 Soft . •16 0 16 Hard 0121 Currants, Zante• • • • 1140 11 Filbert NO 9 Groundnut-• • • • 1,12 0 - Fl in, Turkey 1210 Malaka• • - ....... - - Raisins, Muscat • •• • - 0 - iturich•••- 2.00 Asitem—Duty 20 pr. cern. Pots 4404.4 Pearls. 5i6b51 61corchings 3404 *talent. st Bodo Ash 30031 Ale—per bbl- • • • 0167 Heistlag—Duty 5 per cent. American 0 Batting—per lb Eagle 8011 Hope .• ...... 901% I Idloann—per bushel. 'Small White ..... • • • • •70075 Common! mie'd 620 Buoketa—f . dm. Parent Beaver 2.250 Beeswits—Duq* 20 pr. et. Yellow • • • • ......... •• WOW Blooms—f ton. Blooms "Mem Boder Lumps 11760 Brooms-41 , dog_ Merchantable 1,121,01221 Shaker. 1,7502,25 Barka--f cord. Chesnut Chat 5500600 Black Oak 404.90 Hemlock • • • • ...... 3.5006,01 Coal—Duty 30 per et. At the river From wagon ...... ••• Cotton—Doty,Dre. Tenn. end Alebaos• • • .410% Chocolato Number 1 10011 Cocoa, prepared 2621112 Dandles—Doty 20 per et. City dipped 90— Mould 01% Pinsburgh Son 21 022 Connoted do 021 Sperm. best brends• • .30 032 Coatings-9. B Foundry hol. worn, as'd-03 Formica 2.1 Ten kettles it doe do 1507 Wagon boxes P 100 tb. •$l7O Counter weights P mt. • • .40 Sad trom r lb nett. • • .4005 Cotton Tarns—e Short reel— No. 5 to No. 10 Ii "111013 14 17 20. Increasing 1 et per lb to No Long reel Y dna No. SOO ......... • • • • 7 Boom, old 0 Crontrerries 62 Lemon,, Stay bx 5.05 05.50 do , • • 04 100 ?LINZ 43 , dry, bo • • 1.12 01,25 700 6.9 " FM, 900. MO 40 Coverlet Yarn IP tb • • • .2wa Carpet Chain Cotton Twine ..141 Candle Wieli 015 Apples, dry 50 6 Coffee—Doti `Alper et Apples, Green. bbl- !,7 01Z Java Old white 12014 Plre Brick—per NI St. Domingo 0 Bolin.- 025,00 am 9 0 Common 15 0— Rio 710 71 Fleur—Duty3l per rent Copper—Doty PO pr et pig Ezra brands,— • 4.00.0 bar and old apr ct old free Superfine— .... 3.90 0 Bruhn 270..,N Fine 03,75 Sheathing —027 Rye Floor 3.250 Old •• • • ........ •—• • • 19019 " 1,18 bb1..... 0 Oordwira—Daty 23pr. cert. Buckwheat, Walled plb —0 7 Manilla —0 13 " bit bbis • none White rope —0 11 road—per bushel 9 0 10 Packl yam, fine • • ---0 9 Shorts•-- 14020 common•-- •—0 8 lietals—duty on toren caul Hemp Bed Crds per din— SO PCI cent. Rom long 1000140 Mackerel, No. 1 12000 —02,37 No.l, hit bbls.• • ---0 IS Common ------ 0 1,89 No. I, 9.20 0 10 Lanes 871,31 No. I, ML bbla, .•• • 0 — ll .l =l Bed Cowls—per dos. No. I, •—• . 5,7306,00 40 yd. 6 thread.— -• --03,30 Nat, kiln---. 0 0 fr. 31 do 1,750240 Hertini, No. 1•• • • 5.75 00.00 Domealloa—per yard. Salmon, Ns. I. old • 0 1 010.11 Collall • --• 126 New. •••• • •• • • • 19.000 y do Penn ShVgs ANoI. 0 7 !Cod, per d r am. — - 4.9.904.50 Allegheny Vs —0 Indira— Allery LI Fin 51111• •• —0 71 I Red Fax, No 1- 4 0 62 Oregon D Un101:1 Min --IP— / " Nonatook Nan Mill • • --a 0 1 Muakrat -- 10 0 Id ?Imbrue do 7 Rttttat ——— • - 0 ts Lanni Savage--- —47 t Deer Sinn per 11. —l4 0 13 Pcrorhatan ',A ----06 4 • abuts— Lorena. C•------• - -06 Black Bottles Harnsoo•— —..-06 i Q,,,,,., per g ,,,„ .... _ 09 , 0 0 0-4 brown cotton- -- • • 6031 ! Pint, do. • - • 07,t0 i Bleanhod do• • 409 , had , . 0rd1e,5.8 co t t 1— 09,00 O do do-- • •riel, Claret pen gross • 09,00 4-4 do do-- —-• -7 r , Window Glass, per boo Brown Bleached--0 City bend. 0010 • 8210 ..I,—. 1 e Fm 93.0 • 0 1 01 i 1010.— -- 11 Hamilton • ----OUP 1018.- 1 Brown er- --- Lancron —Ol4 Pounit do ,10014 to A. C. A 01 , 1604 •—•— • Methuen. —0 141 Country brands NO 1 . 0 1. 00 • • .-076 1 ' 9100••- —••-- • 1250 1,50 Colored Cambncs 4104 imig 93003,75 Fancy Pants POOO------31011 Owsaposordar —Wry Wm, Fall River Moe- --- - —4 0 , reou Fall R. Blue I Orodito 9 0 10 1 York Ticks • 104 Drugs—per B Aloe. Alum ... —— ' Asafectul• Arrow Root Actuator. FFFO - Sad 05,50 I•66die, di lb. 03.60 Do dot.l lb. conisrd— 07.3.3 FFFQ do• • • • • 04.00 Eagle do to paper. 0400 Rock powder • .1.0 03.60 Orand—Dory al per coot Nhru....... • • 730 Rye 600— COMMERCIAL RECORD. ' DECEMBER Plainr4ny, i 4 Band4y, 27 0 IS 7 Ja 38 8 24 311 9 29 10 47 21 II 69 21 morn ttrb DL7nday, Tuesday. .^727 .27 Wednesday, Thursday, Frtday, PkrTlslll/110111 no/Lan OF rasps c&NntrerEs MR DECEMBER. . a DrCl7. 3. HANNA- W. I. XUt?IIT REVIEW OF THE PITT/608tH MARKET, Tut tnt we= CPI!. D1TE2136101 The recvnenee of Christmas upon the day on which 760 were sold to city butchers sod packers which we usually write out our general review of 40 were left over unwed, and 400 were driven to the market., makes it necessary for us to omit any Ph'l"E'lPh°`• Ynces range,) irom 2,akiit . 5 0' 1011 rbs on the boot. equal to S.Ei9rt. 75 net, and no, extended review, and to give in its stead the above king an nts , of 9 3 genes general table of quotations, which we have so Hogs— sce There is 3 fad supply of hogs, and carefully revised and corrected as to give a fair puce. range from 4.5b.15 sxhibit of the present slate of the market. Philadelphia, Dee 71.—At market Vo 'wet' eat The week pat cloned has been one of little or uni 300 co nnsi i.niveei and 1200 no interest in a commercial point of view Du- sheep and lambs. Pores—Beeves, owing to the ring the greater part of it, the weather, h. been *mall supply in market, beniabi better prices. and , extremely inclement, mining nearly all the time, ' s V i r ii 7 l :' .. . „ 7";: g l Y ge r ie t i ' g h; t rxr ,, ,l , !l 2, o h.d were taken to New York. and 00 led over -a and rendering out door humans next thing to inis Cows possible. Cos and Calves—Sales at 6141 - 514 tor dry. 6159 The rivers after rising to a high stage had par- 525 for *Onagers, and 115/a633 far fresh CoWs— Hogs generally sold at 5.254215 and dressed at , ually receded. but further rains have caused a re sfcafoo the 10E1 Ms Sheep and Lambs sold at action, and at the present amtmg they are again 61 @3.50 for beaspi and gli.iefie4.2s for lambs ; on the rise. The weather has put on a more win. as in quality Hay—Steady, with sales of gond I as the roan h. at length subsided, andin ttibm,soittz bundles place the c`mt, and strum at aW.rlBO es place of the warm, rainy, and unseasonable were- . er of the past week or two, it is now cold, clear IMPORTS DT RIVER. St Loring—Per Oswegn--201 aka barley. Wind and bracing. & Hughes: 2 aka nuts, Young, lhinsen dr l'lntiket, FLOR C--Yesterday was dull as usual, 'eve. 4 5 ski, peaches , . „ en int his cot rat lots arrived by river, and we noticed asks of ion Blackstock. Bell k eo. 50 hula mol.seii, 27 120 bbla on the wharf at 83,82 go bbL Store sales hhds sugar, W 11 Holmes & en, 50 bids molasses. Jan Wait, 55 do do, A King, 155 -" AO Qat iron, Bu eel have been on a limited scale, and prices have eel & Semple. ranged from 3.87 to 64 eg bbl. Per Mogan-10 bhls nil. Cam Jacob.; 20 blds Of Pig man then , have bean ...ale. of noose-' potatoes 1 do oil. J Flack. 111 Md. molasses, 1 (leen " . L ar ge q uantities of Hanging Pig con- B Holum. Sr bro, lilt do do, 159 do whiskey, 10 1 unue to arrive by river, and the supply of tbat nr hhds sugar, W McCullough, 17 bk. tali, 20 Neils ucle now in the market, is quite full. 'tallow; 5 & W Harbaugh; 1 box bone , Iting- I ham; 500 pigs lend, Friend, Met, & on GROCERIES—Remain quite firm at quotations. i Sunfish—Per Wellsville—l box old., 24 hhds tab, D Leech & co; do do. 1 A !toe, 120 bide We note a sale of 100 bbla N 0 molasses at She cask, Regular time sales at 28, and some as high floor, 19 mks buckwheat do, &veer aboard, 9 skit as 29c p gall peaches. Church & Carothers, '7O Mils flour Capt Poe; 15 abs shorts .d middl.nga. 3 .kit bags PROVISIONS—No material change. Of bacon Donaldson; 1 bbl peaches, 1 do hickory nubs, I keig aides and shoulders, the market is nearly or quite lard, Wm Dotsglaez; lb bhls flour, 140 do do, 3 1 do bare. Sales of hams at quotations. A sale of fl.seed, 2 hhds tob, J S Dilworth, 70 lilts and birs 50,000 IDs bulk meat at 4e gr bran end meal, Fawcett, 10 bids apples. 7 do flax. l seed, Geo A Berry, 10 bbls flour. C W Rhodes, (31) tibia apples, I DaLtell; 20 hg. barley. G W Smith; 59 legs lard, 1 Jordan; 23 lihds tab, Clark S. Thaw, 41 kg. lard, J C Bidwell. Hanging Rock—Per Magnet-415 tons pig metal McCurdy & Loomis; 51 do do, H Childs Ciascsuneti—Per New k:agland No 2-30 bbla molasses, owner aboard; 17 do do, 12 has star con dies. 5 & W Harbaugh; 30 hhds meat, Orum & McGrew. 23 do do, Kier & Donee; 1 box mdse, I Leech Sc co; I ball. Vickey, 5 hhds sugar, 100 has snap, Taasey & Beat' bbls mdse, owner, II his feathers, Wallingford & co. BALTIMOIit6 FLOOII 34•1611 T- -The itiSpOOIIOOR of PIOOT (Or the week ending Dec- 22, comprise the following kinds and quantities, Viz' Bbls. Half bbls. Howard street, 9,98 l fig City Mills.. 5,533 398 Susquehanna, 43 tai Family, 432 24 15,969 OKI And 239 Gbh. Rye Flour, and 155., bbl. and 21 half bbl. Corn Meal. -^ -. Buffalo, Dec. 20, 1848. MOVll3lxa r or Batuoarovrs—The receipts down the Hudson at New York since the opening of river navigationsp' to the 16th of Dec., are thus given in the Shipping Lint. 1848. 1847. Wheat Flour, bbls 2,267,581 2,918.45 0 Corn Meal, 4,435 108,580 Wheat, 1,104.930 1,604,102 Corn, 2,028,711 3,537,254 Rye, 5015,290 367,603 Cotton—Export from the tinned States. Since Ist Sept. 1848, balers 371,646 Same lime, 1847, 231,561 The exports nt the same place from the Ist to the 12th of Nov. were as follows . . 1818. 1017. Pot ashes, tails 196 47 Pearl ashes, 24 none Cotton, bla 4,808 1,406 Wheat dour, 33,561 16.102 Wheat, On 22,654 2,472 Corn, 149,136 29,164 Beef, bids 4,929 89 Park, 1.492 - '7lO Lard, kg. 5,260 2,513 —[Advertiser. New Bedford Oil Market, Dec. 19.—Sperm mars het unusually native, and tales of neariy 7500 bbls have been made at prices ranging from 103 to 107 c. The transactions previous to the arrival o the Canada. on Tbureday last, consoled of 200 bilk at 103 c, 200 at 104 e, 200 at 1041 e, and 4700 in pargels, et 105 c. Aker the receipt Oros Canadal. advice, from Europe, which were considered fa.' vorable, with a buoyant market, and reduced stock, prices experienced a further improvement, and sales of 2,175 Mile were made at 107c,—the market closing very firm, with probably none to be purchased at the latter rile. The stock aow in tint hands in the country le about 7500 bbl, as folkiare: New Bedford 4200, Fairhaven 870, Bristol 660, Westport 500, and Nantucket say 10000150 0 bble. in manufactured Sperm we hear of sales of 2500 galls unbleached winter at 112, and 1400 galls bleached do at 115 c per gall. Whale is in moderate request at previous rates. We notice sales of 275 bble fur export at 320,100 at 33c, 80 N W Coat, for home use, at 35q and 500 Mile do at 28c. whafrbone--snies of 22,000 TIM N W Conan, on privafo teims.—fWbalowsn's Ship. Ligt. GAZETTE PRICES C li" MARINE rHIRTRANCY, FREIOITII, aws Mali. barley • • • • Glue--per lb Pitt Pb. Common, Honey—Duty 30 per rent Cuba per gall. • • • —1/, Weetern comb p. 110 19 COl 30 Ginseng—Duty 20 pr. et Ginseng . X.St 31 nn —per ton of nee IDs nmottly • .... 7.50 00.00 lildew—Duty 5 per cent.— hlisson ri —EI Spanish Do. salted..... • • —go Do.kipps per skin • •1,00 01.09 Green 4 Beenp—Duty 25 per cent Missouri & Ky • • • • 61260130 Manilla fh 63 1010 , Hopts—Daty 20 per rent. Flrst art. '46 6 0 10 Indigo—Dory 10 per rent Bengal, lb • • • . 1.30 01.60 Spanish 1.00 01.20 Manilla 05 01.1100 Iron—Duty 30 per rent. Bar. Juniata 4 0 41 tt Coninton 2 0 31 Sheet 610 71 Roller Plates a 0 61 Nails 210 61 Plough wings, • .....440 5 Russia Sheet • • • • • • • • 0 15 Lead—Duty 20 per rent Missouri Par 410 Bar 44 Dif sizes Pipe per ft 640 .124 Sheet 0 64 Leather—Duty 20 pr rt. Sole. Flaltanore • • • • 21 0 21 New York 14 0 17 Damaged 12 0 14 Slaughier 1+ 0 20 Skuung 21 0 24 fiarne..l,lnrk 19 0 21 Bndlea. black, pr. do: aides :19.00 030.00 Russelldo.• 311.00 04,1.03 Upper firushed • •23.00 0211,00 Kips. eaushed• • 24.011 0311.00 Calf Skin do. • • • 15,00 020.00 Lace Lealher• • • 115,00 0 N. England Seaung, No. I per dot • • • •45, No. 2 per doe • • • .35,80 a No. 3 per dox• • • • 25.00 0 30 Sheep alims 2/0 Ltaber—duly 9n p, c. ad val. per 51 Vine, cl`r, in, pr 111 022.00 Common • ..... 011.00 Clear, 11 •• • • • . gg;gmg, Com'n 11 016.50 Clear 2 • • • 044.00 Wr'kdbl g 1 in do • - 019,00 mac Oak do do• • • • • ... 01K . Pine sting'. p 11.90 9.50 0 301 Lathe. sawed. 2.25 0 2.59 •- Live Stock—Br ' lbs n 4 Breves..... •• • • 3,000 4,50 Hogs 3...5 Cows tr. Csilves• • 6,00 Sheep 1,00 0 3.00 glolassoo—l>uty 30 pr. el. Sugashouso•- 40 0 45 N Orlsons• • - gv 2, _ Naval Stares—Noy to, Roan per bhl . 3500 um Tar,Allegheny . 0 N Caron.. 4.03 0 Turpentine, gall • • 60 0 70 Varnool. Copal. L 75 0 2,00 Nang—Duly 30 p — O , OO kr6 , 10 0 ibt, (casing nails I rent ddvanee per lb 11717,3 d Jotuata • 3500 173 7.0 " • • • • 461/0 60 7d •` • • <SOD 30 450 44 3d • • 6,000 Rptkes per lb • —•, Bode, • • 0 7 Oakum—per li , - Plusl•urgh 0 r fans, et! Lard. en 7 Sperm bleached Unblete bed 0 1.20 , OSIS yew 1.71 0 lan 0 ~13 Mamie— •• • 75 0 ltd Twnrkers per bbl 17.01419 05 Palat►-per ib BEIM Pr* Bla Lampblac k Spa I WM tang arom Umcn Yellow No I -LI PP IS No 2 V OV Branserielg Green L 2 it V Wine Lead. dry Pia 61 Oil. pore keg •1.60 a!P • "eo I Rl-.1 Los ritow Ochrr Ven Red Verdit liiiiiremo—The following table snow* the vain., of. the fi:eport• of Mii erehenme from thie pinto for- RATES OF DISCOUNT. cogn Nets 5 , r lets week endong Dec I" ILA rt.:, ~ k Dtweed 0 Ps T -s-Alltht-ArTAJJ B 1 prneotics. FnoirartA Forlorn Proslnets 111. BOWIES le BONI, To lAst lodge*. 70.1•0•1 00 11,03 1 o• uO Fa c More Btu sew, .00 35 31 •. km street. neat Ito at Turkey, I 1 ,4 61 . , 'GI 4 77 , 37 . Pennoyl • oaks. Indiana. _ of of Portshurgh ---Par Make D't it Branehm • • I Italy, I I 042 2 0 .Ea charm, Bank •••;• P or 73 metier T • •• •• .. Spam. 73.0nv :A) I ..,90 00 • !snob k Mon Bank Par . g ia. Great Brom n, 1•0•1:1 50 16:60 00 Ilk •-o• P.M.: , ophlo cot' 34 ehon V otYtlar 'n of Vm I South America, 141 . .41 lOU '.2.1. 170 4 0 iGo• or d Ilona . • • par Farman Bk of lor•• -. ; . Weal !oda', 1 4 050 1 7 , ~,, 19i Bonk of 4rrinanurorn par Bk. of the Valley,- . .: Chealet Carroty pa2;l4 or Virtu... ..... -. " Bt'sh Proinace• In 0 . 2 - : 01 3.5:+11 l ' 0 i ' Delaware Co par,3l Jr 21 Bk Wheeling I - - - _.+. - Alcualootnori CO. par; do Nlosaantourra• •• • i ' Total, $3720,0N7 73 5.V1.41177 52 " Northomberland purl N W• Bonk Va - 6 -tiottrnal colmor... Ilrodge 1.53 pit do Wellsburg •-• I ' 16,22 . 1cm0w Book •• • par! do Parkersburg.- o Carole r•' Hi Ilea& tot -par T•sala Factiew' Bk Bucks tie, par Hi of Tennessoc• • • • 5 Farmers Bllt Lanc al`T• par Far A MeretCla 8k....-. . La:master Co Bk.• • • op.. Plaraer•' Bk.• • - •• • • " 1.. m owe , 110 par Coro, 115. I . ••taws Bator •••-• --At Allartoort . ilrownssl, Ilk par Amur 11l of 5lomouro•-• 4 v 6 4•u out., 1511 ••• -• I North Cop-0n...L. lietlystmego Bk •- - I Ilk of Cope Fear • • 2 oloottwroloorg •- • " .Lerch' s Bk., Newtown • t , o4queonona Cm Bk. 3 ,Slarc Bank t 1...ch0r nCo Book, - South Carolina. • • •••• • - •Cartolea Bk .... ;• • • I Nl.ddc con ..... • ..,...-. ' I Its at Charleston •• • • I ..'er. re • • " Coenown...ko Bk o r 110 •-• . • • 30433 ila of Georamown•-• I Farmer.' .03 Oros cm' Bk. of Hamburg •• • • • • I Nona. NV • ) oeslourg I Sleregonts Ilk• •• • - 2 >4.,,................... Planters at Alcena‘s 111, 2 Ho ....Jo .t. - •_. - I Ilk of :bath Carolina- 4 Lebanon •• • • • ..... par Bar land. Poomoic ..... • • • • --. •• Baltimore 8k..--.-....pat , '''.. 1.t.01t ....... • • • • I Baluak•e•O II it &rip 10 York Bk. , $ Cumberland BA of AJle. Wes) 11r-ouch Ba. thoo7 • ...... • • ••• • I Acre , Nom, , • .- •' For Ilk. of Maryland • " 51 A hi Bk. Pot. do• . Fromers' ! Meehan... Coy A County . 4 .-rtp•- I Bk Frodorck Ohio. Prodetkok Co 85.--.. o State Ilk and Bronchus I Hagerstown Bit I Mount Plesomat• •• • • • • . 'Mown I Ilk- • •-• 1 .tcolwo•olle • . Patapsco Bk• ••• .rowelta ..... -. •. -. r• Bk.oy 1 eatummtee .... •• I New Lisbon- ..... -•; . Blichirgan. ; rllncionar Banks " Ht. of St. Clair ..-- - rate:lobo, do• •• Ilk of Weer Raiser, -.- : r•itele•llle •-• • • .•• •• Mochogon Ins >7......5 Zane. rd'e •.- --. .- • " Far. rt. Mee It's Ilk 5 Putnam •-•-... ..... . . •• Wises:lmola Terrill". 70 Mar. trite In.Co•Milor`e 0 11o6stoo, - --I Canoga... i ..undo•t y • - ; 5 All solvent Bonk a 5 I Ireaugn • - • . • 4 Hank of Erl i tl i and Notes Cleveland-•-•-•.- I 'Gold dt Special aloe. 1 len. .... ... "'Napoleons 300 , • iy, e oon .. ... . . . Nem. 015• 1 00 No.stren Reserve • - " Eagle, old • •• • 10 60 Crank lon frk COumblis " Gogle, new •• • ; • 10 dt Ch.;;,Curne •-- " Doubloons, Spaniel, 16 00 Lake Erie •• . . Do. P otwor ..... -• • 13 50 0..,,,..............' 3overeigns •• • • • • 483 Lambaste( •.-- . r--...--.I 0 limier. 500 110Wo OOP - ..... • • -- •13 Fled...irasfrara --••s7 Ell Gronetlln •• - • 50 "Teo Thaler. • • • • • 7FO Penn.,. Ilk Canton • -00 Too Gat Went • ••. • 310 11 ttotna K•ntocky• E lc bongo. Ilk of Kentucky I New York wn Ilk of loom m ml le . Pho I aclelphio ••• • - o I prna Natter, Ilk KenoCky• " Balumore •-• •• • jowl Now York-Con Backs, par. Interco. B'ks•-• i Cattle Markets. • Baltabore. 1 , er 2%!-- , 7nltle—Pmes of bees es have Improved stove our lest report t Monday the °hermits at the scales reached IMt heed. of SresstnosTSTOCX.—We understand that several negitiations urn going on for the sale of low water Stern wheel boats, the Dover was recently mold et 53,500 for the Cumberland trade, and we learn that other equally good boats are uttered on the same le71:011. liZr Ugh nu Pitorsa Musa—lf you wish te be %In. pesaful In artyundertaking you moat always 'use the s. reaper mean' Thereffire, If you have a cough, use JAM', Eirsetanawr and be cured, foe It I. the proper means. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing, then the only eifteteut means in euro you is to use Jaytio's &spectral:mt. which will Immediately overcome the spasm which contracts the diameter of the tubes, aid loosens and beluga up the mucus which clogs them up, slid thus removes every ottstrueliptt to a free reap. ration, while al the same time all .W[l,lll=l4o. sub dued, and a cure is certain to he affected. Iluve Yon Branctutbo, Hpilung of Blond, Pleurisy, or in fact any Pulmonary Atfecuan, the n l.lspector•nl sad Faber is Crl,llll. and you will bed that you nave used the proper tartans. For sale in Pittsburgh at rho Pekin Tea Store, 71 sweet (loaf Wood tanl7 JATIM'S Farucvounv.—We would call anention to this excellent remedy for Coughs, Golds, Consumption, Asthma, and all affecttons or the Thrust and Lungs. Having several times within a few years pant bud occ a elan to use a medic., of Ma kind, we experm enee toned its excellent yualtltea , and are prepared to recommend st to others. 111011.01's or other !mini. speakers dhated with bronchial affections will find great benefit frum, its one. It is prepared by a mienti , fin physic...o n and all clawing...ill find it a safe and effi cacious medicine in the dinette. (or which it is te sommeaded.--IColutalms (0 . 0101 Craaaand For rslq u the Pohl,. Tut ame. No. 70 Fourth street mt 48 we l Zinowis ' fo c rall ' se . 7 v o lo r laTi o t J nurlo e e of the live orgaus„ and bung on malignant and unmanagea ble fevers, which often put an end to life. The stomach moat b• cleansed of Muse foul maiman*, and this one meet readily be accomplished by the :me of U A Pabn entockls Anti-I.lilicnis Pills. which are • most vslu•ble family cathartic. Tbey con be given with sorely mall Mass, and afford relief in • very Mort ume Prepared dud sold by II A FAHNP,STOCK A Co, corner !at andwood, sod corner Mb and wood w. aural willdliraetyour breath sweet, whitest your teeth, k.ct -a dald at Pet I.lbanv Itlettltaarly ttr Ladies who use Juries' Spanish LA,' White, have always a fine white transparent skin. Of this a trial witil satisfy say , one. Sold only to Pittsbutstl4 at Mt Ulna, sr Pig Mn,etal—pr to Bmoa. NVl7Stgdry • -0- Forge lino n 6 ItOa 10. l ~ dd.ry Wool per b-I)My 30 per nem_ Full blood 0 = blood 0 V blond a 23 and Common 19 0 22 Fnb washed ' 0 20 _ 0 _ - 0 - Forge Tennelorer• Mercer County. Foundry Pig n b 0 Forge Ninhontng County, Oho. Foundry Pyg• • —0 Forge do a Pinata r Paris—dm). free Plover Paris- • • • 55 f IW • Whiskey—per (.1100. Recufied —0 0 Raw filotiongabela •• • 90 Zlne,—per Sheet 0 10 Slab 0 ON rrelghts--per too lb. . To einemoan. Pro•lsions Bacon Hems Shoulder • •• • Dry Goods 2561 " 7:Lo Heavy FremLowsville " Sides Hog - round, city care 05 LLardKo I, id kgs - ay eay " I,in -0 Butter " 1, in kgb. •4 Pi 0 '• rull , lU 0 II Cheepe, R SPO 51 " cream 6io 0 Heavy a To St. Louis. Dry Goods ....... •• ••—•• •-e Heavy 50 0 To Cleveland and Ene. =ll2ll2Wil Dry . f100d.... .•• 0 Heavy —0 To and from Brownsmile. . , . pr. bbl. —0 4,00 Do. Dune, —Or 4,75 Potatoes—per bush. _ . . Dry Goods (down) Produce, ke. (upl• To Nik.(4l4vtile. Com —0 Neshannoeksp bbl -01.50 Rasira—Duty 5 per eent. Country mixed .••• • 30 Do. Komi white 0 4+ Rleteoper 110 Ries Unwed:Alp e. Clover 3.2503,33 Timothy 1,7502,9 U Fluarmed ..... • . 95 01,00 Mustard 2.50 0 3,00 Illptotta—per !b. Dry Goods 0 Heavy To NVhooling, Dry Gooda Hoary To Zoneoyille . . . Dry Goods . ..... • • 0 18 1 1:13da . ..... r . . . -.— ''''''' . . ° - Dry Good. —• 0 8 Heavy 0 To New Orleans Fleury Goods O— ahu., &e —o— OF •131 OUT OM TUN FRIMFTLV• 29 0 31 Cement in Maas • • 11 0 10 Nunnecs 1,40 0 1.50 Pepper " Al.pier 0 ,121 Snakeroot—per 5. • an•t •to eau-tasks. A.hes, Pot and Pearl, 40 45 Boner and Bacon, 43 50 Beef, salted, 45 50 Bale rope and Bagging do 70 Beeswax, do 32 Bones, do 65 Brooms, do Lat Cheese, do 40 Corn. do 60 Conon, do GO Chilled Rollers do Drues and Idethemes, do 1,00 Dry Goods, do 1,00 Drtml Fran do 73 Floor, per bbl 60 63 Fur. and Peltnes, per 100 lb. 1.00 Feathers. do 1!0 Furniture, do re Glawware, do 611 (ilam, window, per bx 60 • Green and dry fruit per 100 lbs 76 ()unmet per 100 lbs 1.0 Grocerthi, do 00 Hardware, do 72 Hops, do Hemp, do 70 Hidca Irate 730, dry $1251 do Leather, do 00 Lead, do 40 Lord and Lard 011, do SO Oth Castor do 75 Linseed o h,do 73 Pork, per bbl. do • 150 Rapt, par 100 lb. 62 Ropes and cordate, do 00 Sperto do 01 Needs, do 70 Skrns. Deer and Etaffalo, do 70 Tallow, do 43 Tobacco, Leaf. do 41 do Mumfactureth do 73 Wheat, do 00 Wool. doe 87 Aey, per bbl 150 to TV Lei VIA 0 0 000a..11.4 man Virginia 0 14 Senecea Eloap—Daty :A/ per cent. Pittsburgh No. 1. •• • —0 44 Cincinnati. • • —0 44 Steel—per ID. Foreign Coat te. Shear 16 0 17 Do. ungle ....... —•• • 0 16 Be. Germ....... • • 0 13 ' Eagle 0 It ' 1 Hoop L. • • • • • • 0 15 Pittsburgh Manufacture. Gerryuit Steel • • • • • • • 0 English blister 1 54 • American Muter. • • • 0 41. Sprig n 00 bpi rit.yr gallon Brandy, .1.519 0 250 Rochelle.- 2AO 0 3,20 RumJam`a 4th pf-1,50 0 2.25 ; N. - (.0 0 90 400 50 Gin. Holland 1,22 lin I Sugar—Duty 20 per cent N 0 prune, hid old) 0 69 •• Pair, chlod.lolin • • • 4103 Havana, 'vitae, lb .9 0 10 Brant - lb 110 Pulverized, Plillad• • • .0 lei Salt—Duty 20 per cent No 1. aloat 0 1.23 I. In store'. • • ---0 Tolle. dor. bar - 0 Shot—Dory MD per root. Per keg 01330 Per bog- ..-- 0 1,37/ Bratrortro.—per lb. 8.1 0 10 4= 9 avo—per 10--(10 per et off for cub for manued • • . • •• . Tobacco.} bury 4D pr , Or. Lear— • 4 p Manurtd Jo ••••• • •4 0 1-adies'Twie— tote Is ['tug in kegs -0 11 Plug tu beiro-•—• •11 0 17 Class. No l —Ashes, flacon. Lard, Cheese. Pork, Tobae n. WWu, nod y pr IS* it's Nal—Hemp. Fll.l earrendrsh•- • • • • • 0 Its Lump LI, hog - 0 124 Scotch snuff•--• 14 0 16 n•PPh O 0 13 all Dry I lb pup 0 0 Tim-Lary 20 par cent Impenal.•••• • • 65 0 00 Liunpou - Sct •• • • • 45 0 30 Young oi Ilyren---• 30 0 100: Poecht 54. • 73 Tts mot.-Dory 16 pr et Ban r• lout • • 0 -- e X • 0 10 50 T4O/0•0 -DWI iu pr cent Ronde red • - -•- • 1 8 - Rough SOILp • 30 34 V10404-por .67 Noted Woe. . 0 IL Wroes-Lary 40 pr rent L P Nladeira •• ia6 0 3.00 I.l . Tsureria , • • 1• 102 0 1-10 La•hon. • • • . 75 0 130 Dry Malaya -• • 0+ 0 76 Surrut • • 56 005 Cl„ bales lass P. 3—Dnod Prutt Leather, Old Rags, Fllcros, Seeds, Wool, Class No 4—Neessma, Postbers,Pers,Oinan'i, Hop•, Mdse. loose Flax Marla. Istastgaracts. Ratesof Insurance on naggers of steam end keel bos Pro Pittsburgh to Milictiling.Vo in II 0 to and from etnetnnan, 0 10 to Louisville. Ky • •10 to Nt LOW.. Nlo • •IfOII e Floonvtllcslo 0 2 Independence 02f Galena. • I{ol+ kleingh.a. Ten IBS to N thles.• Prom N Orleans to Pin.burib .L Oli Yt L°.". liele Chaz;es by good Flat Boats t .. to New Chleans ' PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ARRIVED, LouisMcLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Pariamion, Brownsville. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Bne, Shales Beaver. t:on line. Ludic!, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, We[Blythe. Bibernia No. 2, Klinereller, Ctn. Niagara, Con, Bt Louis. Magnet, Carothers, Hangingßock. Oxwego, Grace, Cincinnati. R Wightman,sler's Landing New England, No. 2 MaClare, CBI. DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Bmwnsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. M ichigan No, 2, Gilson, Beaver. Caroline,Lashel, 13011VOI, Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Hibernia, No 2, Kline6sher, Cia. Monongahela, Stone, Cin. Consul, Weboer, Wheeling. At dash last evening, there were 16 feet 6 inches water in the channel, by pier mark, and rising Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M. Brownsville Packets, 9 A. M., and 4 v. St Louis Wyoming Cincinnati Nominee Now Oricags Itoscoc. St. Louis . Oswego. Christer's Landingr—R Wightman. It? The son, A tigehc expresston of some females I, grateful to view, while( the repulsive, coarse, muddy )ellow feces of ethers, excites disgust—the mane wttri males. Could such people Lie induced to try it cake of the true loses' halt. Chemical Soup, titer would he euraptured wub the cheap. They would have a defi cit., cleat, while skin, while every dmfiguroroont or invitee would Le removed and cured. FRISTIMILaII Norton— NITROne who hove bought cheap connterfpla and MrlltallOUß RI 0., end have had no el fent geode d, mut try this, the original. Mind, ask for Jane,'oap. r oe sale RI WY LLOURRAII, lL Llbla• ty street. maru4 BAD Ilmorm ua Ilan Tnru.—Yoramua who have ei ther are honorably nred that • n. box of Jones's Amber Tooth Paste will, e on one Inn without tail. Make the Orenth pure and sweet, The Teeth while and Num. hard. Reader, host try Ohio once. Ye, sale by WM JACK SON, 49 L4btrly on, sign of the 1115 hoot. vet) W. 11. Wright, DI. D., Dentist, Ornes Ro l f residenee on Fourth street, opposite the Pittsburgh mik. Office boon from I otclocli to 12 A M., and from I o'clock to 4 F. M. sept4-ly Coxponn —An eieetioa (or nine Director., to gene t too onsumri you., will be held at the office of Um Co. V... " U n . "' .;, 1 .1 / :. " .. da i ,° i . .lr '"' 16", decl -did ROBERT FINNEY, Soey. RENT, GINSENG -2 sacks now landinz for sole by dec2s ISAIAH DICICET k C o , Goat u FEATHERS—H 7 sacks now landing, for sale by dee.2s ISAIAH DICKEY k. Co N ioj...As—lA e l n b , bl;i o, Pl . li ite a i i , iin, 5 do Sugarho deeits ISAIAH DICKEY & Co • 70 O 73 t,0D 66 fit 3,60 0 77 W RAPPING PAPERa/5 ma rag and straw crown. double crown end medium wrapptrg pa per. for sale by dec2s GROUND han'S —.21/0 bushels Tenueuee ground nuts for sale by dee23 FAMILY FI.OUR-- 3 25bbls Parktnson's brand Faro- Ily Flour, reed on conalenment and (or sale b y dee2s WICK & breANDLESS --•- - VRESH ROLL BITTER-4 bbl. Plungnn Rutter, Imding this day by the Onion Ltne, and for sale by dee2s J k R FLOYD WOOL-15 .ack. common Wool, in store and for TT sale by J& R FLOYD, deetM - Round Church But'dully - - - LT A RLESIOLL-45 dor on band and for sale by _U. deo:s J KIDD &Co SUNDRIES -20 brs COL S.ap, 20 do tin ;mold can dles; 5 bbl, Mona; 5 do No 5 Loa( Sugar, received ibis soy pct. Ivan< Newton, on convirrirn ant, for sole low for cash, by dects TAMEN" & RFYiT POTATO .—IOU bbls and GO sack, rer'd and for &ale by doc2s TAME)" & BEST BE'TT'ER—L2 bbl . Roll Buller; II kegs do; on hand P and for sale by dergs TASSEY & REST PEARL ASH-20 casks in store and for sale by dec2s TABSEY & BEST GERhIAN CLAY-25 casks first quality, on hand and for sale by decZ TAsRSEY k BEST MACKER EL-135 bbls No 3 Imam for We by decYS WICKk hI'CANDLE.RS • r , KEN APPLES-11d bbls Russets, Pippins, Give k r ,r rungs, &e. dz. In prime order, and for sole by deetts WICK k SPCANDLFBB VINEGAR -12 Iptila Cider Vinegar for sale by decYS WICK & IirPCANDLS WRITING DESKS AND WORK BOXER.—:\ TT splendid •saorttnent, mutable for prennts, (or sale very lore. C. YEAGER, deet3 toe ...let O BOATMEN—A large Cable, for sole cheap. Ap T ply to SCAIFE k ATKINSON, dc r 73 Ira, near wood at Dl,ooAls , —,U tons Juniata Blooms, for axle by derln FORSYTH h. DUNCAN, 37 first st pIG I ETAI.—o2 tons Hot Mut, for sale by dee&l FORSYTH & DUNCAN TENNESSEE 131.0051.9.--= tons for sale, Ito rrre, by derv:l FORSYTH & DUNCAN (10170N—V9 bales T.nessee Cotton. for sole by dseln FORSN"rf I k DUNCAN LAWYER bugh for 'ale by dert.l P F VON BONN HORST k Co FEATH ERS--300 ibt porno Irv< grere. for sale by ji` deems rs I VON BONN ILORZ , T & Co ---- • - LARD -6 bbl jusi reed and for sale by - decGlS F VON BONN HORST k. Co Las large cream, for sale by V) decal K F VON BONN /I oRsT &Co L I. (or sab. b yy derZl S F VON BONN HURST & Co ljurr ER-2 bbls Roll, for seir by der23 f' VON BONN HORST b. Co B LANK rare for Alllt by ", VON lIONNHORST heo - - t t lb coo, Long Island Mug tard. 116 bogs. 20 lb. cash. do do do. in store and tor .ale by derr.l STILLER k RICKKTSON I)EPPER AND PIMENTO—:%i hags Pepper. 10 do Pmento. In store and for sale bT drett MILLER tr. RICKETSON ULOUR—ZU bb. eoperfroe Flour, reee:ved per r Copper Noe, for •ele by de r+ 21URBIlIDlrF, WILAW)N &Co MEZEE 1 MM.:R-91,64 Art rec d. stare and for sale by. V) decalß WATERMAN ANL, dor Beaver Korketa, V I do T 0 ,.. large, 4 do do Keeler, in anal, and sor sale lo derZl 1.4 WArEILMAN BA , :ON —4 tons Itacon Sldrs. in store and for sa.e by WICK& Wt ANDLEI•4_4. d<aicorner wood and woo, sts - 'DOLL BUTTER—IS Dbl. just ree'J and for sale toy decll WICK k AINI:ANDLFSB ALLOW-l 3 bbis Just Irsodm,2 from sum Brilitsm and for sale,sy J S DILWORTH, Cecil 27 wood st INEPA R-40 bbls elder Vosevar, for sob. by V tles2l J S DILWORTH ULOUR—edbbie extr. Enrolly Flour. In .toraed r for •ale by deellt 16 DILWr ‘..2 H. MOLAIASE....--,SO 001. Safer Hours Molasses. Ytt Levis Refinery. to store and for pale by dsrll MILLER t RICKF:T.SoN house of IND. C BIDWELL, Water meett ,, beriSeen Brattish.ld and Lod for sale there, and It the al ll -IVO louiti Cleve rseed, 60 large sired t o ying depots: Hem Zs Berger, corner Sinithrield and, 20 keg. oore and nu by lid Ha. E Henzleton. Demand: A Hoeslos, Penn 6th derdt MILLER RICKET,UN ant D Haughey, foot of Liberty sr J Co/tart,Jr tierces ne Pertn . • Avenue. Atereer Se Robinson, Allegheny aity. ) leFe-11 ve crop Ric. n toe and for •a t srte • by deell MILLER & RICKETH." nova • - SPLENDID LOT OF NEW PIANO'S.' ,UNNSS &CLARK, New Tort CH ICKERING, 13oston; MM.?' The aubseriber hag now open and for sale, • lot of most wponor Pianos: se meted by himself at the manufactories. They coal.* of Rosewood and Mahogany Piano", of of 6. They and 7 Octave., of various styles and prieea r iutd embrace all the latest 1111proVententa. Thome( Norms h Clark's, for which celebrated firm he I. ad. AGM) I have . unproved way of stringing possessed by - no other; also. a =pen/3r plan ofleathenng the hamalrbrsi ---rwervestong the* Pime, from growing harsh and wisp after =um use. The Pianos of Chtekenng, of which be has a mo.rt. or lot, are provided with the Circular Scale, and *ere seiected for tom wok care by J. Chiekering, of Boaton. The above will positively be sold at Manufactuters' prices, and an accommodaung terms. The 4UL...fiber will invariably be found at I W Woodwell's, from II to to 18A. NI., and from 1 nob P. NI Mr. Woodwell will attend tiff the bitainess doling the balance of tame H. KLEBER, , ocilu m J W Woodwell's, 83 Third at NEW YORK AND BOSTON PIANOS. J k R H.OYD JOHN H. MELLOR, No el Wood street, kora received Invoices of • large f 1141411 supply of Plano Fortes from the cele brated manufactory of ihicker3ng. Roston, to arnve in a few day., of which due notice wdl be gi varyln; in price ROM 5..178 to Irtdi...: Also Al (vest v the nianufgetone• of II Worcester,thnd Bacon & Raven. New York, a balidaorbe assorthient or 8. Of and if octave Piano Fort*, rosawoottaind maliogan) cases, of them ost elegant deSeriptiOni and - with I the .•. ImprOVeMents The atm. e, in addition to •he sto c k en hruidostll DUCKW HEAT FLOUR-75 sack. B W Flour , in make the largest and most destrable selection ; dyer 1) efi and 80 lb auk. for sale by offered lot salt in this thy, and will be sold in all Cases dee*/ ARMSTRONG & CROZ FR --_ ' • i mann facture rs prices, onaccommodating. ternashrid (.... , 1011.N-100 bush Corn. in store and for saw by a writen guarantee given wi th every Plano Foneaold. LletWJ A RMSTRONCr & t •Itt KIER JOHN H. hIELLOE, TOBACCOSoIe Agent for the sale of Chicketines Piano Vallee, -al kegs No I I :wt. Tobacco, I.Milg ~,,, w,„,,,., 1,,,,,,,i,,,,ua &MP from steamer New Eogland and for sale deck , " JAMES DAL2ELL, water at NEW PIANOS. ' - SoLIAOINCT a= Noma Ctarix'sCM-sanarnoPaltal DEAR'. ASH-4 cask• reed and for sale by THE subscriber has iu . s replenished der-1.0 Rlll3l . 11A 1-2F1./. & Co. liberty st hl. =mg of Pianos, which for variety g tHEIME-31.4 b.. Western Reserve Cheese, in more of style and prices has never been mu. I_, aril for sale by dee - M ROUT DALZELL &Co pused Mdm city. Just receivedjuid , opened, th e fallowing new Pion.. [,FLAX SEED-15 8 hasty now Isnalni from scone , One 7 octave cabinet grand Plana, = entirely hew r Fort Pitt. for sale by - tnventton. dee la ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front st OO. rr.....„„! 6", , nr ., .i. g . nn , N ur .. & ClaClark. r - -- - • 0110 5, v VEATHFRis-At seeks now landing from steamer One - with Coleman's celebrated Molt= At- I.' Fen Pot, for sale by deel9 ISA Lill DICKEY &Co taelonent rus . • very supener Plane. . ' .. _ 0.10 .. mahogany, plum N. & C. k. 2 UN DILIESi--le tack. - no vl3 H. KLEMM, at IIV Woodweil'a Ur e. Mr sale by dee II ISAIAH DICKEI' &Co ----- H. r d,..,.._ch..,, r t u.,.. N' yrn - r e'. ANTED-f Wool Spinners. Apply to T ()GAN.. 11,,5.N & CO., Impoiten an ON dee.' 1 HESSEN . Awater st I_,, Decent In Hardware,i'utlery and Saddlery; No 1M Wood street, fthove Flllll, hove now in store aVery YRIME IV R CHEESE-AM ht. prime W R Cheese cheap-nod well selected stock of Hardware, unpinned lantting and tor saie by vie • the dechne of prices in Europe, and vidunisihey 13.16 A LEY if SMITH in , art- determined to *II correspondingly law. Merchants decli) _ • 18 and l'a wood 45 who have been to the habit of golng Kan, are panics lolly tett nested to call and look through our stook, as we elmhdently believe they wall save their expenees. mit T ARD OIL— , ,L. Burkhardt's. for sale by 1.1 der9l FRIEND. }MEN" & MULASSE,-1.50 bbls o< w crop Just rued. tar salt by d e 21 I w C 111AISFIN, Ist and 1d sus BROOMS -Z dor Corn Brooms, )on read .nd for tale by dre2l A RAISTROSt. do CROZER rrOltiAC.:o--.lli kegs No six twist Tobacco. a prime 1. lune', lust rce don consignment and for ta4 deell NICOLs M.. i L k per ' s r bl. r o n s: and cp . or• a i e y "'"". _deck! : 4 1-LLERS & NICOL'S I Ili F-Tri CTS- i•nsti tusk I.mtb ng and for sale by devil J DILWORTH MIIIIACCO--.1 bads Obiu Leal Tolmre°, (or sale by dren i a IrIi,WORTII • TA R,- APPLES—XI/ lAtAah Dr) Apple, Inr sale by decil 1 S DILWORTH L ARD -13 Ghia neve No I l a rd IS kegs do de do der-21r nod for eae 1,, I I.I , ; ; NI ,.;, 10 bolad to! , our G 7 D VER doz Buckets. m non. and (or snle drrtl J 12 FLOYD aZ ALI:KAI US-20,00u :b. to csak• and bia, for sale IJby deep RUNT Dal-LEI-Lk Co Dal —a kegs In care and for M. by daell TASSEY a NET __ _ - - ARD—I3 bble No I L.rd. iandlor. for sale by kJ (lee 19 ILAGALEI • i - rint-0 beg. prime No I Bolter. 21 Ws do do ORIGINAL .UOLIvAit BiliCIS54 Ddo, I less prime Lard, at sack• Peaches. 2 fin. - EsxptchiENCED judges, on • anal of one and that peal`d do: to arrivie and tor sale by El millions. since 1845, pronounce thas article nuns,- decia 11/111W N 1.. CI'LIik:RTSON_ pused for durabilny in the constmetion of all kinds of OCIII.-50 tabt. Liuced o hl. - fig de best winter Lard Furnace. Prue 1=75 cash for loads of 1011, 'van do; just received and for rule by mitred nine mouths use. Orders fora second quality dee It , SELLERS & NICOLS Bolmu Bruhn brill be executed at {A per Al, dials do mahout guarantee. A stock of the Emu Oddity I, , F.ATIIERS, FLA XSEF.D. die.—,s.l sacks Feathers. si b ` g„gi" the „„„i e 1,,,,,,,„,,,,.5g. : ,..,i, w e , flet i c, 1: 01 bags Flaxseed. 9 do Ginseng. landing from Da1 13.... , by J SaftW thACI.A.B.E4, Ca steamer Fort ltd and or mils In .'puntXeusinuou Icon deeln JA Waitke MES DALZELI. „„,„..„- ~„,„ , , ‘,, f - 1111..1+TNUM-100 bushels in-sh PEACHES—LOO pr.-- -,-- -vr—Tb. -b•crit. hi•Ull been appointed so la Agents by the ronnufacnkurima, %_, sacks new crop; pat sera and for sale by de e Ili-dl w JAhIES AI a 'OOPEISSB Wood st for the sale Of the celebrated "Rheenig Bracdur are now prepared to fill orders for any quarany, as 821, BULIC PORK—Stbas7o lo• assorted Hamm tildes and erten, per I,MXI. For the construct= Of furnaces o Shoulders, to arrive, tor sale by all binds, those bnelts have been pronounced bf emu declU FFUEI`. RHEA' ACo 'went Ridges a•being i stxlior in till other Eire bracts ('An roFt olt.-001rhis Castor Oil, per steamer Con- n0w n ., " ,',..r . C A . ' 'LIY k Co, C°4.l ai. " - %./ sagnSe for role by declii FRIEND, RHEY ACo '' . _ .. ____ _ ___ _ EXTRA AND SUPER THREE PLY CARPETS— itt3,.I-.1,11.13—e.,15(.1:a.1.f,ebkbyi5, warranted, per ate•mer Received this day, direct from albs rorentietereee, decl9a haildmkine aysoranent or extra super and s FRIEND, RHEY & Co ;Venters,' pi e imperael tame.. of now styles, to winch we ask Q UNDRIFB3-111 tools thee° Apple., lOU hush dried th nuention of Carpi wishing to furnish hattises of kj Peaches, 50 do small Whale Beans; 4 bbls Rye, gti searnboats Carpel storeroom, No 75 Pounta se,' Pinab bush dried Apples; min recd and for sale by burgh dee% W ArCLINTOCK decal R ROBIIMMI A Ca, 1181 liberty .t 14.0111701111- a. a mamma, 'DOLL BUTTER—, libis fresh Roll Blltter,:ust reed RITCHIE 4 COCHRANE II red for sale by decay R ROBISON &Co FORWARDING ta cuinuasion NERCHAATS, ..____.... (vt. CAKE—Ie tons mstore rival for rate by NO. 9S TCHOPITOULAS STHEET U,l- 11 decle R ROBISON &Co isezll-4,hwuneti New Orlosese. T INaKED 01L—Ri bbis pure. Just ree'd and for saki ---" G ab . w. ~,,,,,,, a 00., ~ J . , by decl2 It ROBIPON h Co y NFOFU'iI their Sunda and tie public Mal they have - -- - St ALERATUS-1 tons Saleratus, Just trod and for A, no longer any connects. with Maar We esthlslish. sale by deem It BOIS SON &Co seem In Penn strew, knows as the Pattsbugh Bvirsvery, having removed their enure busmen to the POINT A 1.8( ) J UST RECEI V 1.3)---A large lot of malsoga- gREWEIty. in pw street Myltlid i y 8 ny and rosewood Veurern, Ivor sale ag dectel F !! / '"I'l Blitreobleag Powder, 10k3orlde of Idme.) do, di mom end lair .oar 11, I - DER-.bra Wits superior Crab Cider, ILI a. common ..I.'P°. ETEI VI J DIRECT PROM THE AIANUFACTU • RERS.--The rubacnbers have on hand gild wall dee In j s liii \,,gticii . .. l7 „..., g , tionstantly be supplied with Jas. Mupratt &Soh& cel ebrated Blenching Powder, which they wall Warrant IjsUSE— lb hots Fuse or blasting. for .ale by ecua,ll/ oat snpertor to ally imported in the Uj j htams, J: dueler J 8 DILWORTH sod which they are prepared tu sail table loverkrit mar ket prace for nosh or approved balls. 1 1 .1, SALTS AND POTASH—YS libla 14 Saha, 3 eats „joy, W& Al 11111CHELTREE,U60 lability st O s Potash, for sale by .1 C BIDWELL, Agt, decay sealer 00 nasal-alit & Sone' Sods Asia. THE .a4scab.”. are now recemang thell Fala stock DI EACHES-211 sacks dned Peaches, for sale by , I. `the above article, three vessels, via: the lumina, .I. dent! , 3C ' in ki; V _ RL Y_ 5.104 lion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia Q.ALEIRATUS—I7 bbls pure, for sale by and Bellmore, mid two MOM, the Stephen Beldwlnutd I,J dee In j e atpw E L L 1.e., shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared - - - to mceire orders. They will receive dung the win ter and sprlng regular supplies no New (Menus. 09613 W h AI AIITCHELYJLIZ - - UGAR-20 Oulu N 0, on runiiignment and for tale 0 by J C ELL - DEA Rt. ASCII —ai caul. &remit quality, ou and I - for bale by decli TAStik:l( H NF aI rponAcca—ril kegs 0 twisi, pnme article, received and ler sal. , by dean TkirSEV k BEST • - WINDOW -- il.11.11; :3 do Wall. 50 do 1414, on hand arid for Baia by devil TiiisSEY k LILST COliCilk:llsAL7s-14 oy 17 d,cit S V VON BUNN IIoRST d. Co Rooms—•W clo.t gLIn bundled, lor sale by decil r F VON lIONNFOIHSCT 4 1 / 4 Co OAF AR-30 bbl. for sole by F VON LIONNIIORST dr. Co ( 1 11KESE.—.203 Li. Wesl Reserve, for sale by k deell aI , VON UONNHORVF& Co GROCERIES, &c. WICK kNicCANDLiS. WICK & AIcCANDLESS, ARD— 15 LW, No 1 Loaf Lard, 3U kegs do do. 'Loa reed and for seie b)'S WATF:RIIIAti, decT.! JI rater and 62 t 435131 st ALCOHOL—. 3 eels Just rec'd and for rale by deoll .I KIDD Jr Co . . FIRE AND WEATHER PROOF PAIN-1000 TS las Just received said for sale by decjl .1 KIDD &Co - - A RTISTB' CANVASS, on t‘treiCbert, site, con slaatly ea band lursl for sale Ly deell J KIDD& Co • .1,1A4C Y SOAP, sLe , 6l-7:6 bas on baud Jll7/; l l3 ' ,Yrct° MMMI c o . n rungla=stes& lenammall ars tow: steam Otfice for proeiring sad defeudiatents, imparkikig Keane:des and Um implication of Set- mace to the kits, and on Aracricku mut Famign Lime of Patent. PROF. WALTER R. JOHNSON, 1ate ..,,..* 0f Phi/Adele phis, and Z. C. ROBBINS R' MtY, Ito be aided by Hazard Knowles, Req., lat — Tar•hiri,e, of the United States Patent Meg) have assoeblitek themselves together for the prosecution of the dam branches of profullonel business, either In their Dace,' at the Patent Mee, or before the Cosy end wade- vote their undivided at to farsratifing . the Inter. est of Inventors end others who may thank ee I place business ye ses ir hands. Mr. Knowles hen for , the put twelve held the TIOSIIf Maelklimul lathe United States Patent Office, and real es that situatlen to take part in the ussent underlakmj. His talents and peculiar fitness far the Important °Rea so lanfifill ed by turn have been fully recognised by Lavern:ors wherever the office Itself is known., The office of Messrs. J. & R. is on F street, opposite the Patent Mee, Wubinsuon, D. 4., where commun. canons, post pud, will be: romptly .attendedtoi eget. illations made, drawings, pecifications, and all rrNais int papers prepared—and models proem.' when desi red—ou reasonable tame Leuera Of enquiry, expect ed to be answered altar examinatiops had, must beige. comptmied bye fee of five dollars. In the duties of their office winch ,pertains to the Pa tent Laws, Messrs. J. k R. will be Assisted by • legal gendeutu of the highest professiocal character, had folly convermuu with Mechanics and atm 'Scientific subjeets. mrakdikertril JAMES W. WOODWELL, Modern and Antique Furniture, 83, TIECID Srasgr, P.mlemon. 21Z A large mad splendid assortment of FilMittlre , suitable for Steamboats,! Boucle and price. dwel• ling., constantly on hand and made to order. The present stock on hand cannot be execttlei by .y manufactory in the western 'country. Portions wishing to purchase would do well give the in el I am determined my prices sh allplea.. Part the stock consists tn— Tete a Tete, Buffet Etakeiej Lotus XIV Chairs; Queen Elisabeth chalUN Tea Po_yark Toilet Tables; Fruit Tabletk Louts XV CommOdeu, French Mahogany Bedsteads; Plano Stools; 50 sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth eatery, 50 Mahogany Flocking Chaim 40 dos Parlor do 30 " Fancy do 25 centre Tables; dl per Dv.s; 4 pair pier Tables; 15 marble top Dressing Bores.; 8 Wardrobes, 9 Secretaries and Book cast* 20 marble top Wash Stands; 4 pair Ouornansk 8 pair fancy Work Stands; ' A very large assortment of common chairs and other locution tcro numelOn• to mention. ir7 Steam Boat. furnished on the shortesttice, sod the most runionable terms. decnols FRESH PURE Whole.,le and '<Au!, at the - DESCI:V TEA STORE, 70 Fourth .trew s -near Wood, ii Pittsbnrgh.—Tbe subscriber keying put returned from New York, is nowreceivinroj:rge fall supply ef fresh GREEN AND BLACK T BAP, front. the New York Pekin lee Company, selectedlen great cars for retail sales. Our snack being now beery we unpre pared to supply Groners, Howl., Steamboats and Fam ilies with any quanuty and at any pelee they may ad* parkea In I. end I pound packages, 5 lb. this Mas len, d and I:I lb cony bone., and in half cheat Retail Grocers are invited to call, so we can .and will sell better Ten at lower pnese than any other house in httaborgh. Our stock of fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, aruLlso penal Green. and Oolong Black Tests aro the beet in the Arnencair market_ Layering's doable refined Loaf, Crashed, and Phi vermed humus. at renal], or by the barrel. - COFFEE'S—Mocha, Old Oov. Java, Lagnira, Illt:Do eengo and am Coffees, selected by the most expetlen d coffee Brtiker to New York. Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumbers 'and Ohio., Fresh Peachet, put up in their own peke. Malaga Rateioa; Jo 3Jb boxes. N. 11.—031 Ur. D. Jayne's Family Medieleee for fie. deco.chiarill A. JAYNEB. 1313 ME! TO THE ENTERPRISING.—A rare chance is now presented for the safe investment In • binulteui en tarty !ICY, one adapted to the man of limitgid, as to the man of extensive "mews.; yielding a profit Oen, capital and enterprise beyond any operation of the day It t. the (ample e monopoly of a staple Mi ele, absointely,nrcessary and mammal to every Mad at well atkOottspensahle to the mechanic, artisan and professtontal man. To capitalism, an opporniadry offers Itself for a lucrative employment of enter large or smith sum., bringsag inamethate and highly satisfac tory returns Those desirous of embarking ln a plane •nt, genteel business, are invited, with others, tokall at the office of the undersigned, examine the article, and form their own judgment, from the facts presented. Ctifteet Fischsttg. Budthng., Sr. Clair st, next door to rig/lilt Johns* wiles. COLVER & 21117.148. deelt Eult (Mmraisla • j_, , REH FROM THE SHELL.—By Burke & Uct ..1:` Fast Express, at reduced - pewee—To &team:ono date all lovers of this delicious 1..7, BURKE &Co. hare resolved to supply the people regularly throngh. out the season, with the choicest Fresh Oyster. in cans, half can. and shell, at such reduced pnces so will enable every runny to enjoy thin delicacy at their tablet. An Express load will be received daily at the Ware- 6.1 UN DRIES-3 bbl. No 1 blackeveh 0 bbls No 2 tone Moral; hf do No 9 do; lb do Tumen Oik, 6 do Alum; 3 do E Batts 3 do chip'd Lopyirood 1 hi do Nutmegs; .50 boo No I seated Heeling, 00 bas No 2 do dm S du scouted PoefAl ludo No 3 Prem`d do, 10 do Nod do do 1 Mt a Cloves, 10 bags Java Coffee; . 1 00 IMds prtsue N 0 t•llif•r 1 0 .1.11'6 and EST sate deol4 BROWN CuLnEttlikoN DR. D. RUST, •.* Donnie Homer ofFouch and. DerAnar, Eporeest Market and Terry elects. n A FURTHER REDVOTIONe rns. MIISPRATT k SONS' PATENT SODAAHH 4/ Ito tons al c cothcurrency, or 4 anos. apprl 5 ton* or upward., do par, 6 mos do, lowest ail. ded. For the ou pert°, 1.1134110 Y 011001 brand 1.00(010, to the glass and soap manoracturers of tho eityiieneral ly W EMITCHELT f4E. deco IGO It rty .r NOTICE. HE undorao K ned baying t 01130•00 to Walhangton ), .send to the prosecution of chaints on I G cat overnment. and to any law bareness WE. the. Coons of the Diatnct, with which he may be eawusted. debb-Janus erwith - vv %via^ A.. HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS. ace, 260 knroo eoaltand for Salo, SITUATED on the Monongahela rtver.•ivwt intro/tea from Pittaburst and 3 miles above thad Lock. in the immediate neighborhood of !]curs Lyou S Shore, and Mr. John Herron's purchase. This Bee body of Cold will be sold at the low once of :fl pet , third in hand, bas as bye roust 0.111013, p., valetas, , without Interest Title indisputable 1,1,1,1041 very Good—cannot be st a rssed_ For further 0”1/011.11(11 nquire of HALS 'V, who h. a titan oi said pre. Peel. Residence 3l et, below ' , err,. 31r Adonis R o w N. B. There as anotherscam oi cool 011 00. 0.03,1, about 60 feet above the lowe, o' exceLleni qual,ty jy26:dtf R. MEM A TRACT of I.d, 90 acres, in Harmon Partake Co, /011. ort the Cuyahoga nyer—.about 9t nrres undcr tn. movement. Al. two lots In the rulings of Wr, Trumbrill Co., 60 feet hy Ru A 1.1.11 ot mund is the centre of Hartford Tr...b." 1 . ... 'nth , • fine dwelling house and store--one of the best stands for a merchant on the `Offs.. Reserve. An) or all' !hie property will liV o old on very accommodating n. te A-LAH DICKEN A Co., feblo Water and Front sta. FACTORY FOR SALE. :fRE large and well hull, Factory, erert-d on Rebec ca street, Allegheny city, by R. S. Co..dit. EagJda reed for sale at a hangout, and on easy terms lot on which the Faetory erected. frout• fr., on Rebecca street. and runs back lin fret to Park pima The main building it of bock, three stones !ugh and 60 feet long by feet %life The Engine Hooke it large and commodious, with an engine. boort, stack, /Le- all in complete older. The property wdl be sold low, and on advantageous tents.. For price, terms, Ac., enquire at this offices nag2t-dif TWOHOVSgB AND LOTS - FOR 'SALE. lirA, TWO LOTS on Beaver street In Tmr rav of jet Allegheny, above the upper nommen.. no a inch is erected a frame boildity, two stones hith. suitable for two small tenements. The loss are earn twenty feet in front by one hundred feet dorp. end nto hark to a street Pony feet wide. The htuldtrics nn the pre. miles will pay a very handsome interest on ill.- illve.r meet, and the property will be sold cheep tor rani Apply in B. Sproul, Clerk's office; U S. or to norg9 KAY & Ca "Iqsat. ot - LisnolFtor Sale THE subscriber will sell on accommodating terms, a valuable tract of mtmproved land, situate on the mad leading from Brighton to Franklin. stool eighteen miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight milt, train the town of Rocedom on the Ohio over. The tract con tains 41X: acres and 24 perches, sum roes.. re The land is of an excellent quality, about PO ae rr. r' _arced, and well watered, and will be sold ember in whe!e or in farms of convenient tam, to son pureha,r. For further paruculars enquire of WM. BO S 14 fin'y at Law, o ffi ce on 4th at. above Smuhneld, Poo.lturch say'd&dtkuttf T ROSEDALE TO LET!' THIS dellghtful Summer Hetrimi. for 2 some years past occopted by NI, l. hutch ' field, is offered for sale or rent 011 for hr.l of Apnl neat. 'Ms property has been improved try additional buildings, and a substantial sum, .tod terrace planted molt Evergreen. and Frau T. , es T o • good tenant, capable of conducting the geiteid. the terms will U. reasonable GEO ti A Pi, Pittsburgh, Dec. U. Agent lor Prtpitemr EIIIIMIM . • •—• • • AIL THE subsenber offers for rent fur di. term of Jacque or more years, a large <4:MVO/neva well ished two story Dwelling Houve, conteusiiiig rootua and Kitchen. There is lot of gnound coo acres of fine young (nut trees of every Yalu. ice., connected with the boom. To any prrnoh svo.• log • deltral residence within a few ;m.0., ruff. of the city, will be a rare chance For iron.. which will be low to a good tenant, inquire of Mr Jon Writht, near the premises, of John %Va. center Of Han and Liberty streets, or of emel9-It THEO. F. WRIGHT Property. e. Allegheny City for Sal pHE subscribers oder for sale a number of choice Lou, situate in the Second Ward, fronllnq on On, Common ground, on easy terms Inquire o W. O'H. ROBINSON, Any at La, i d s Clint st or of JAS ROI3LNSON. on taytlidteartf T Scotch Bottom Land for 8010. MEN ACRES OF LAND, situated in Pert..• loon slup, on the Ittotsongohels, three nUon Isom Punt burgh—in Jots no it purchasers. For further pa/110- ulars apply to Henry Woods, 34 at, or to A. WAS HI N GTUN, n0v22.411 4th, above smith Grid aiiilibleTriesdene• In Allegh;nybilti for Sale. CONTEMPLATING a removal from Allegheny ear, I offer my residence there for sale. The premises are in deligkahl order, and every way worthy the at tention clan) person swtstungsuch property. IT2O R. W POINDEXTER. Baal 4Latats to YfL•reer Oov.sity. - ALOT, Storehouse and Dwelling, inmate on the Erie Extension Canal, in the village of Went Mid mer, • desirable location for • merchant Aka. • Lot and good Dwelling House wellsuited for e Tn Vern Stand, In the village of Ontegeville, on State hne of Obis. Terms easy. ISAIAI4 DICKEY a Co. feblo Water and Front nts. CIOAL LAND FOR SALE—Seven acres coal land 1.../ for sale, situate in bend of the Monongahela River, above Brournsvala Pa, having a 7 foot vent ot coal which will be sold in exchrurge for good+. For pashca are apply lonrl3l S W., If ARRA Ill: xi wood at AW AREISI6DSE FOR SALE - - -Ttie • u nher offers for sale the three our) beck ,W arebousn on Wood Client, occupied by R. Twiner A Co apt? WM. WI I.OON, Jr The nibecribete twillrent pert or the MIIIIS boast no occupied by them. Applt to LEWIS, DALZELL, •Y. Co, Jenl9 SI tenor -trete • VALVABLE REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREET FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground +noels on Yens, street, between flay andNinrhury natnining the have and lot now °erupted by Rtrhard Edwrods.„ haying a (root of 23 feet, and no depth ISt wet. he sold on favaiable terms. Title alleiceptirnm:,lft. En tuts of C. O. LOO.lllB, 4th storm. Wax!. oen2l-dtf TWO ROOMS formerly occupied cw a Dn pterte.otype.l establishment, being a adopted COT tkat business. The second .toy rnion is ri neat offioe and the third wary, a long room, wr,h mood Ea-I:ranee on Market at, between 91 and nwer.34ll. FOR RENT laA THREE story Brick Dwelling flou,, on Water, above Grant street. riasse•Mon gisl, on the first of January, 1049, or sooner if required. For terms, Inquire of nov? 0 BLACKBURN A. Co. ♦eater st EXCBANGE BROKERS, &c. X. LIOLIDUeg t SONS, B•nk •x. • , 'exchange Brokers, NOTES, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANdRS,DOLD, SILVER AND RANK - . COLLFZTIONB.--Dna, Notes and Acceptances ;rattle in any pan of the Linton, collected on the most vorable terms. • EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelplua end Bel. Conork Cikeionatt, Lonavtlle, Saint Louts and Now Lot ions, constantly for sale. _ . BANK NOTES.—Noms on all solvent banks n the United States discounted at the losseat rates All king. of Foreign and Amerman Gold and Silver Coin bought and sold. Office No. 55 Market moot, between Jd and 4th, Pinsbargh, P. 000t5 IIDRIIKY, HANNA & Oa, LinOWERS, EXC HANGE BROKERS, anal dealers Foreign ..I Domestic Exchange, Certificate. at tat, Bank Notes, awl Specie; Fenn. near ly opposite me Bank of Pittsburgh. Current money received on deposite—Sight Cheeks (or Bale, and col lections made on nearly all the principal points in the United States. G OI‘LTh e highest premium paid for Formin and American Advances made, on cordugumema of Produce, ship pod East, on liberal term. chl! c~~~ . ILLS on England, Irelmd, and Scotland bought y =two at the Current Rates of Egebange. Pao, an Grohs payable in any part of the Old Coutortuty, from /1 to .£l . OOO, at the rate of ES to the Sterog, withoufdeduetion or dweoant, by JOSHUA ROLish- EON, European tine General Agent, office Sth tt one draw weal of wood octlou 1015 MS It. 1111.1. WIC C. CO.. HILL a, CURRY, - 11014NEERS and Exchange Brokers, Dealers In For sign and Dom-0411C Time and Mght Bills or Ki• change, Earthleates of Deposits, Bank Notes and Com; Np Js Wood street, third door belom Fourth, vest' side. omen tf Alt= Ilumn. H & LA Jura & ELAXIIIwan.. Saltak tIANIMUS AND EXCHANGE BRO KERS, deeedi . ilfFo o r f or and Domostio Bank N lLid: of trte r;l C!,: , - r to -Wood arca; dined,' opposite N. Charles7lo i I Ki; ' •• Kll3 Kentucky, filtssourt, Hunk Noww, ' purchased at the lowest noes, by N. HOLMES &SONS, t 3 ; 4 :EeLS OP EXCHANOE-121t: cs on New York, Philadelphia, and Balsam, • OOnstantly for sale by N. HOLMES 1c SONS. sepl3 filarket it. NEW INSTILVNENT. THE subsenber has peen appooded Sole fur the sale of CA HEARTS 111 PROVED ME A PM:- °NS, asmanufacnised mad and perfected by Messes. March & White, of ancfnnati. The usual eartpats and extent being but roar octaves, Aleuts /II A W.. to accordance with the general desire and demand, have extended the scale of these instruments in di and lees 5 octave, thus mince it practicable to pereirra Ire a ert e e ' ;tor7,7lso n 7;:;• wbencTm'uferh the improved 'aco ioyrp?srgan. the body of the it. 111.131,11 upon s cast iron frame beautifully bronzed mid ornamented. rendsrom it st Onee a Most elegant and extreme/ desernble uric e. The price is pot no low as to bring tt with. Mr reach Of every one to Obtain a perfect Musical instrument, and, at the same time, a m•d elegant piece of facili tate for a comparative tittle H K W L o E nd H s ß eldt WI e. l , a N. 8.--Call mid examine deetet Roonng.—Galwanised Tin Pinion.— THE anbacribers beg to call the attention tit builders, rc Ahitects and owners of Buildings. in the amity advantages which these plates possess over all Oilmi Metallic substances Mittens, used tor rooting. , at they ,possess at once the lightness of iron, without Oa liability to mat, having now been tested for s end years ot this particular, both in this country and tit Po rope. They an lets Liable to eXpansion nod enntrac• lion from madden change of the atmosphere, than <con mon an plates, iron, sine, canny other mend iicin• used for roofing, and consequently form a moth heeler mid tighter roof; requtring far less frequent report. whits! the first cast is but a trifle more. A full mipply, of all sites, from the Ml W (;., con silently on hand and for sale by CFA. H. MOREWO()D A. CO, 14 and HI Beaver street, New I orb patent right for the article having been secured for ine United States, all parties infnnging tneterist either by importation or otherwise, will be pros • e occiai.a.„l4.r. RUST PROOF IROBL dB autiernigned have erected sorts ie the cs.y-e( J. Now York, for the purpose of LiaivaritangAil arti cles of Iron, which it is dmorable to PROTECY RUST ; such as Telegraph Wire, Bal Spikes. Nall. PftvY Wire for Ponces, and any other notat ewhich may ry moulted. Par goon. for Casks, as • substitute 101 hale Rope; Inc 'loth Linea, Llghtning Rods, mid a hurl of other applications, it will be found cheap and ,th , silolel They would particularly mill attenttou 'to 'ho tutivacv ned \Vire (or Mimes, n require• no pain, and 1,111,01 rusk Also to Spikes and Hello. the prettentettton of which la of so mach unportniter, that a will cams:Mend itself to the noucrof Oil thnte ititerctard OFX) MORE k CO. Putentets. 441.30-414.41yT 14 itlisl 16 Beaver sk . g . Yot L bbl. Levenner's Douudr Helloed Loaf, Crow, u,.‘2 Pulverized Sugars. lust reed and for !Weal soh, earn Tea Stare, 70 Fo.ria street., b y novz. 2c3e, w M _ ATTEIEW WILSON, POSltilitiltid r on. Rooms, corner o( Port 015eICAlley nui Fourth sum, entrance on 4th near Market doeo-dtf. 0TA.911-1 Cl3lll prime r roc way y '-• P&tell S F VON SONNHORST &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers