The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 22, 1848, Image 2

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FRIDAY Ml:Maki, DEC. , 22 ( 1848.
IPErnairwatamis lirownt milemiCear.
` - adnandiatattdasodElabandnandstotha North Amer
am and Cluital. Stases Owen; Philadelphia, received
and fonranlat dans dds ant!.
io*ie virable papar willbe recebrod
end firmed' 040.
aim:roan =mum
larai weetriis and - foreneri free of espease,
wentaemeroa and satieriptioaa far this paper.
PIIITMLOS GiZen3 to pnbtished
To-Weekly, and Weekly.-arhe yas Seven
Mari per unman the Tri-Weekly Lroe Dollars per
num *l OW* ; the Weekly tiTwo Dollars per annum, M 64
• ETADvwcrernseire caraway requested to band in
thew liners beton r. OM eafir lbs "
peetlenbia. Advertisement( nol inarated for spe.
Sed time will tronalebly be ehuged nosil oniler•O inn
Fos tom Commerciallu o, Mop.
kas, Elver Now., Isopotta,nol ke- oe.
Naar go am Arrniuntors mroWince or In crt‘
Of Prrrineramt.—The Whig pauizoiture of Confertnee
Mt 111 the Old Court House, la the Common Canned
Cinisaber,ymrsuant to a call of the Chairman; on Mon
day cloning, the 11th Lust: Wm. 107andless, Presi
de:in, In the Chain I. M. Brush and limes a Murray,
• The following resolution was offered by M. Brush,
aid unanimously adopted:
Bissolved, That the Whigs and Aatiniasons of the
nnl of Pirugh, will meet on flosordaYevenint Dec.
Ld, at 7 cAilaieh T. M., as their main paces of bolding
Onar7 meetings, to elect five delegates from each
Ord, to =et in convention at the Old Court Bosse,
en-Wadnesday, Dec. Wilt, at to o'clock, A. M., Or the
parpom of putting In nomination a candidate for May.
4C WM. firCANDl 7. 3st, Brest
. M.
, J. IL Mozaar,
got hart page far Telegraphic News.
/Tar Local Illatiars ere 1111 ex t page.
ifito Journey to California
We fear that hundreds are starting for California,
Without carefully counting the coot and danger, and
that Wromsequent Ware will be the reach. The
. gread danger of the rime by the Lrthmus of Darien,
Addax is the one mostly followed, consists in the
difficiellki connected with crountg the Isthmus,
lad the detention at Panama for the want of ship •
peer fitelei.• The voyage from New York to
Clutgies, or Gem Panama to St. Francisco, after
twee on skip board, presents nothing very alarms
leg. The difficulties at the Isthmus, are, however,
not =aft The New York Herald bas published a
description of the iambs, written by a gentleman.
who has resided in Panama for some time, and
Ms made frequent journies across the Isthmus.
We learn from this statement; that Chagres; the
Atlantic port, Is a small collection othuta,oontain
ink about • 500 1 Inhaffitants, almost all - colored peo- .
pie. The exceptions are a few officials at the
Cantollll house and the castle. It is situated in the
Cast of a swamp, and from the constant rains, the
streets are impassable except on logs of wood. I
itisciikUne la said to be the most pestife' rons 607 1
whilitabi the Whole world. The coast of Africa,
which enjoys a dreaded reputation in this way,
not ao deadly in its climate as is Chagres. The
thermometer ranges from 79 to 65 deg. all the year
snail rains every day. Many a traveller, who
, has incautiously remained there for a few days
lutd eights, has had cause to remember Ctsgres;
and many a - gallant crew who have entered the
harbor in fall health, have, ere many days, faced
their final resting place on the dank and malicious
banking the river. Bilious, remittent sad cringes.
the fever, in their most malignant llama, seem to
hover over Chagres, ever ready to pounce down
apt* the -stranger- Even the acclimated resident
of the tropics runs a great risk in staying any time
in Charges; but the granger, fresh from the North
and its Invigorating breezes, runs a most fearful
one: Its accommodations for travellers are very
lieitekta about none at all, and no one thinks of
staying there twenty.finu• hours, if he can possibly
- help it.
The first stage in the journey to Panama is made
on the Chagres river, in canoes, propelled by poles
in dm handset the native boatmen. The distance
to Cruces, the end of river travel, is 50 to 55
wiles. The journey takes from twelve to thing
di hours, according to the number of heeds em •
played to . propel the canoe. The passenger sits in
the stern of the light craft, and his baggage Is plat.
ad in the centres and be is obliged to remain per.l
betty quiet, to avoid upsetting. He must take his
provisions with him,—to land is impossible, with.
eat running great rider s ** the river swarms with
4EO9* 0 1 ? , On*" aldd eadl,
- miakem, The swim are marshy and clothed with
Caltakiersust vegetation *twit to the water's edge.
No vtilige, or even slint;lities iti kasha the who le
• diluters . It li the region of disease and vane.
sweintininsals and reptiles. The lowest cost for a
Shaftle.i estemger, p is a doubloon,. ($18) and from
- that up to-two, three or four doubloons.
Aniseed . at Cracesoshich is a small village, the ,
tmvelleria within twenty one maes of the Pacific
ecean,lotich have to be performed on land. The
metal me . ittodis on horse or on mule back, with
anther mule to carry the baggage, and a muleteer
,who sets as sloide. The road is a mere bridle
and as the rains art the Isthmus are very
JutalT, And lbetif is more or less of them all the
yorroMs4 the - uitui holet and swampy places to ,
111111e.eaadlire utunemma He must carry his
• iith him. After about twelve hours' .
;goiliotuis ride, the beautiful Pacific appear in view
• sad tie city of Panama is reached. This city con
tains from MOO to 7000 inhabitants, and is a quiet,
dull place The climate is warm, say (rem 80 to 85 '
degrees the whole year round, and the rains long
and were. kis a healthier place than Chows
'With due care, avoiding alt eneesses and the night
air, a person can preserve hitt health; stig the heavy
rains and continued damp atmosphere, render it
• ratessesny-to take every precaution; for though ,
itealltry'whett compared with Charges, it is by no
same a safe place for unacclimated strangers from
_Saving arrived at Panama, the chief difficulties
Of this,fottruey are over, and the traveller on ship
it mar& me the faidin 'of the glorious Pacific, may
figrielLiii Ids day Weems of gold and riches' to
• 41iirissiet 'a content. Hot let is look somewhat
*to ofifift Iffy at the difficulties of the route at the
• prooant moment. Death has his seat at Chagrea,
and tto time mast be spent them—but, from the
. ..: ' gra;
,It nitsibers now taking that route, there is im•
oedema danger of being delayed at that placer for
• ' 'tlit - teititofixtnveranee. The canoes and boatmen
- -arra lbeited in number, mid from the great demand
win be tempted to charge eV:orbitals Wes—
kits/4:mill co•:tioubtley down their lives and their
ulliietivicrrin a grave at Changes, for meat of
iszargiance or means to get away.
But aay behest arrived at Panama. Hu he then
ray ummiae of apeedy departure for California
An the omi:tens. MR for mtuttios to come—Pa.
same= is a cm . itly place to live, and the danger of
4h:breasts imminent. Many will 'have to wan Gm.
illreabl, possibly nunathstor a Passage to San Free
- ',clew; and taken the long wished for opportunity
- .mmitte, therY will find themselves unable to take it,
,es their egyenses in Panama will have exhausted
.their seam .Thus stunted in a strange, unhealthy
abotry,moneylets and friendless, their spirits de.
Awned by their idnuaioa. :it requires no prophet
to Malan heart rending ucrminatitm to their gold
tax schemes:
;Vs *Sent these digleulties to put those, who
:,fireit" determined to snake • this voyage, on their
araid,rid impala them for its dangers. Such an
sudarphlii~'should not be entered upon rapidly, if
.4 . koahicataaa win be sore to follow.
Tga Wswiass trarsxurri or PEKSBTh . VANU.
rThe Inn of this institution dramd yesterday, af:
alma tionmet examination of Madden:a classes,
tamfhtutd from Mania) , to Thursday. On Mon.
Sky, theBasaawa engaged in the ClassicsMarn ex.
tgained, to the imisfsetion of the commituse of edu
oitiatiartd evinced a amdinade proficiency .on the
prot *llO papile;aad peat fidelity on the part of
the finsthastor.
Tonally was devoted to the classes in =the.
=Mien and natund Scieneejerbich were also Wee ,
• , • Wednesday and Thundery were employed in
,ethithithithr in the diffeient Eng Thai . depertment%
: -„yinok As Geography, Miamian°, Grammar; smith.
t - with the elemethuy ebullient Mudien
di; these: d e r4 2l , ll tk..the rvirte" of moth
.4iii s man,was web, as to inunain the menet=
.4141.1netnutain.and justify the fame somosige ,
Tho mixt rm mat eonnenes on the ad day of
and Olean at the 1401101"
Oar wade o swill bad the toll ee1 . 44 4,0 1 1 4 the,
Arie!"ir. Rome, ,ehlatll!'e live today,
.12°11‘414,11elheietieg;--TaPt:tia#V# power of
thiPops Ida ectaning through an mahicen,
seetei teethehr cone. Even in Ron* the Pop(.
• - , fd labium ivla
• 'L :s tnd
• 'l' ' sr nix viasuzi.
ditails of thisinteiggeuee brought Dy tha
brtultll, 0441,be found he . lorr. They eie of much
Mteicet: -
na, the energetic measures taken by the
Prixtqa ,- Windiajritli WU= to secure trail.
5.56.14. The ) emperor 'of EA:Milli has seat the
Prince a letter with the order of St. Andrews, and
tu -.Telac... hick unequally flattering communication
bilibeen male. togither with the order of St Wel.
dimer. The warm Hungrily is. the thought of all.
Thd immense army of the Imperialists is about to
etittrr Hungary and the German papers state that
this' Ettmgarians will give them a ahary recep.
The execution of Dr. Beecher and Dr. Jellinek
fi*partuipating in the late events at Vienna, has
been-officially announced.
It is announced thit Austria bas accepted the
offer made by the mediating pommy to hold the
confiticrices for the pacification of Italy at Brus
sett This acceptance was the hot act of Wissen
btMes cabinet, and Prince Schwarmenburg, on act.
cepting the government, immediately ratified it
and expressed at the same time to the represent.,
titnesof the mediating powers, the strongest desire
to enter immediately on the negotiauorut. Id. Has.
tido*, however, objected, an it would be more ad
visable to wait until the President of the French
has acquiesced in this.
The mediating powers have also . agreed that the
1111131124105 should be prolonged throughout the win
ter, and in consequence Austria has engaged not
to attack Venice by land or sea. The Sardinia,,
government bus also engaged to retain Admiral
Allard, with the Sardinian fleet, at Ancona.
All attempts to affect an accomibodation between
the Government and the opposition of the Asisem
bly have tailed. The Ministry persist in the in
tention to nail the Chamber together at Brander..
brim. Doubts are entertained as to whether it
will get a legal majority to attend, as the Left
boasts of ICA deputies having signed a pledge not
to,leave Berlin.
enema from Brandenburg to the 29th sap,—
All is tranquil hem The Prussian Assembly
were to meet here Uk day, but adjourned, their
number being incomplete. The impression is,
that to murrow being the anniversary of the twen
ty fifth year of the King's marriage, the proclama
tion an Constitution willtake place.
Erfurt was, on November 25th declared in et
state of siege. There was a rise among the demo.-
critic party on the occasion of the investiture o
the Ist and 4th companies of the Erfurt Landwehr
bittallion. Some fighting took place. and several
lives were lost.
The Frankfort Journal states that a plot, a re
publican and socialist rasing, and for the aasnissii
Mien of several members of the -German Parli,
Merit, had been discovered in that cup.
:It was reported that Archduke John wan atm
to reign his office as Administrator of tbe Germs
The excitement in relation to the election con.
tinues. Gen. Coastwise has triumphed in the de.
bate that has taken place in the National Assembly,
IS far as regards the sentiments of the chamber, by
the majority of 503 - to St, by which the vote that
be had deserved well of his country was carried.
Civairac,in his speech, mentioned all the points
Of accusation made against him in not providing
Hr the defence of Paris, and by so doing promoted
the insurrection of June, with the view of raising
himself to pourer for a brief twentyvfoar hours. His
speech was highly satisfactory.
The toads have improved in consequence of his
increnied chance for the Presidency. On Sunday
is manifesto from Louis Napoleon •ppeared, and a
Change aganteamecrer the minds of the Parisians,
and the star of Bonaparte was again in the ascen
dant. His address was calculated to wm the good
Opinions :of all parties. He avows his republican
rmerity, and detrtation of socialism, the friend of
peace with the smninndinenations, and promises,
if elected, that he will do a in his power, without
regard to party, for the benefit of the whale peo
Cavaignac hog taken another step with a few
days, which cannot fail to influence the contest!
In consequence of the alarming news from
ly and fears entertained of actual personal danger
to the Pope from Ins own subjects, and his report
ed flight from Rome, Cavaignac has despatchad
,four steam frigates, carrying et brigade oft3oo men
to Civics Vecchia for the purpose of securing
.the liberty of his Holiness and respect for his per
son. •
M. Csocenes has been sent off suddenly to
;Rome, as Envoy Extraordinary, to confer watt the
French Ambassador, M. De. Harcourt, and act
jointly with him in accomplishing the objects of his
mission. A reinfansatient of troops will immedi
ately follow.
Caysignao has teed to the Assembly M. Rae
tides's instructions to M. Careens. The des
'patch repudiates in the strongest manner my in
tendon whatever of interfusing in the domestic
differences between the Romans and the Holy
On the day that the above communication was
made to the Assembly, General Lamoriclere de
veloped his plan of reducing the army to 2t92,000
thereby reducing the army estimates to 220,000,000
The government is making strenuous efforts to
cam Ceveiguads electicas, bathe cause qf Louis
Napoleon preponderates.
The West news from Paris vu to the Ist, when
report WWI current on the BOOM, that Prince
Windiscbgram had been assassinated, but it was
not credited.
The 5 per cents rose i per cent. The general
impression we that things mould settle down and
no riots occur, whether Napoleon or Caramme is
Marshal Sortlt has arrived at Paris, the no
chambers of his spacious hotel are thronged by
the friends of the Covaigoac and {slepolecel 'dynes.
ties.' He is supposed to favor the latter.
We have the London Marxist; Chronicle of
Dec. Ist, with accounta from Paris to Thursday
evening, Nov. 381 h. The elections of Banday, the
28th, had been Bonapartist in their result. There
were elected nounlie, Legitimist; Marshal Bu.
geaud,Cieneral Renault. At Napoleon Bertrand,
(ttte young man Who visited the United States with
his father, tie Marsha.;) the Prince de la Mos
-town; Gen. Pyat. AB these were known to be
exceedingly hostile to a Republican Government.
It was thought that two Legitimists, viz M M.
Royer and Morivals, will be returned from the
department of Tarn, against two Bed Repobli.
It appear. that SI. Imo, as professed by as
leident, is tot toed of gunpowder. A dipote took
place between Prondhon,the greatigun of Social.
tarn, end one Monsietur Pyat. The latter chal.
[caged. Proudhon accepted, bet got hts friends.
the Socialiota, to protest against his aghting, a.
being anti.Soeild, and to shot him up so that be
could not proceed to the rendeseona Pyat went
boldly to the field, but wee arrested by police
' '
The Sardinian government ens, it is mid, .
naked Marshal Bogeaad to take command of its
army, and has resolved to *end a squadron to the
shores of La Plata. This decision has been come
to Was conduct of Roses, who hm interrupted
in an offensive manner, his relations with the Sar
dinian consul.
The Athenian Parliament was opened on the Bth
by the King in person. His majesty is only recov
ering from a severe illness.
It is stated in a correspondence from Berne, un
der date of ;iris, 20, that the Central Executive of
Germany boo declared war against the Helvetic
Confederation. It is asserted also m the Cologne
Gaiette, that,* party of German soldiers bad aur.
fraed the Swig* territories.
The Queen'. (legend, MBOZatIO, 16 officers,
5000 solders,Voo muskets, 29 home& atu, AU into
tbe . hands of Cabrera in en engagement at Aries,
.Now. 16th. After the defeat of Menaano, General
'Cordon, the Captain General, returned to
'Barcelona, and, it is said, Immediately sent to
Madrid to demand reintorcement& The intelli
gence from Catabania has occasioned the greatest
consternation at the/Court of Madrid.
The London Times says, "we nre happy to
state on the authority of our well inkonmed boa t
'correspondent at Messina, that an almors immedi
:are settlement of the pending dispute between the
King of Naples and bin Sicilian subjects is
_lir/oft-WO toltike place.
In the depth of winter the tide of emigration
,Lows on with an mulch vigor as during ahy pre.
.vions spring or slimmer. The firmer who
pied from twenty to fifty sores are flying_ from
- Limerick, Clare, and other southern counties,
.taking with them all they are able moralise, with
out, in most eases, troubling themselves about
the. payment of rent or arrears to their land.
Imstimummon m Rona--The conflict urn the
Immediate result of the retinal au. Pope to dia.
Mira his ministry, al the demand of the pmple.
though the latter, for. also time gut, have been
*go* the Pope to adopt still more liberal measu
; On the lath ult., the sudden arrive) to Some of
the earabineers, the review of that body by Mobilo
finer of the Interim, the subsequent military perm,-
baton antome, and the report that they were to
°Conn the isvenues leading to the Chamber of De.
patiWand the bar . ls of the universities, had produo
ed an unusual ovation among the people. The
civic guard amembled thrirrespective quarters,
and darned their colonels to proteat against
uoaterited suspicious &which they bad been Aa
oirhjett, and agamst Meatiest:og attitude which the
Goverapteat had assumed towards the citizens,
while nothing proved that the Wan disturbance was
; meditated on the occasion of the opening of the
Printed bills were Momiated, calling upon the -
Civic guard to appear in tunformon the following
day total:data public tranquility, though not the
'alighted appretanunou wasanantained that it would
be a(sturbed. , 'article in the omelet Gazette,
,taitentne a bitter attsele on the Chamber of,l)e.
fftleakineseasing the exeitemeut of people,—
The 'cilia guard appeared in zpiform, but stup.
'ea, as they were, es well se the acaoLsoateioced
;that shot moons Would take place Crowds had
eseembied ,;•Xte the palace end in the adjacent
egettee,*(ta bahavied2 , Wei , perfectly patine,
.saiionnind tacinun., The, entr of the Wt.
thqg had arrived; thernbeuenattery tilled with spec.
teleell,the dappties , bad taken afiale-wals, Collet
Reed arrived la hfs eankre et the hap of that As.
'scaly, and on alighting from his mintage he was
lend!) named by_aerawd which had assem bled for
that pupae. Hits mad to have displa yed 0311.•
'meg Ihr the hooting+ of the mob, midman then
Tubed Dom th e tinned, sad mortally s i ntbbed him
fshatiiis UM* The saws* who is •
:illJelled to have . Glen one of the erwiti, escaped
it crowd land is still unknown. While Rossi
Was expiringin an adjoining apartment, the depu
ties remained in their places. The President op.
coed the sitting, the minutes of the proceeding one
were mad, the names called over, and there not
being a sufficient number present, the President
declared the sitting dosed, and invited the depu.
ties to attend in their bureaux on the following
After the death of Rossi, a sudden pause wan
ed, though towards evening groups of mingled B.:A
dios and citizens, with lighted torches, were heard
singing in chorus along the streets—Blessed is the
hand that stabbed the tyrant.
But during the night the popular ring leaders
were on the alert, and every thing was organized
for n demonstration on the following day. On the
morning of the 16th, at half past ten, a gathering
began in the great Square del Popolo; and symp
toms of a menaoing character to any eye eogni.
sent of Rooms peculiarities were perceptible in
the leading streets. The civic guards and troops
of the line in fragmentary sections commingled with
the people, and the carabineers, whose uniform
had hitherto been invariably arrayed against the
populace, were now for the first time seen to fra-
teroize with the mob.
Prom the terrace of the Pitman Hill the specta
tor could count nearly 20,000 Romans in threaten
ing groups, and mostly armed. Printed papers
were handed eagerly about, all having the same
purport, and containing the following 'Fundimen ,
tal Points: I. Promulgation and fall adoption of
Italian nationality. 2. Convocation of a constitu
ent assembly and realization of the federal pad. 3.
Realization of the vote for the war of Independence
given in the Chamber of Deputies. 4. Adoption
in its integrity of the programme Mamiani, Tune
sth. 5. Ministers who have public confidence—
Mamiani, Sterbini, Cambello, Saliceti, Fusconi, Lu•
anti, Sereni,
Their ostensible object Was to proceed with
these five points to the Chamber of Deputies to a
constitutional manner. But the chiefs finding
themselves in each numbers, and minty of the dep.
uties being found mixed up with the crowd, the
cry was raised to march to the Pope's palsce, and
accordingly the procession moved on orderly
through the Congo, another column edvanc
log through the Habaino and reaching th.
Quirinal by the avenue opened by Sextus Quintu
At one o'clock. the members of the chambers pre
seated themselves as the mouthpiece of the multi
tude, and transmitted the five points to the mon
arch. In about ten minutes the president of the
late ministerial council, Cardinal Scsidia, came funh
the private apartment, and informed the deputation
that his Holiness would redect on the salver.; and
take it into his best comuderation. This answer
was proclaimed to the people, but a general mar.
mur of dissatisfaction gave evidence of its insuffis
Cleary to meet the crisis, and the crowd insisted on
the deputation getung a personal audience with
the Pope. This w.obtained,and in about a quar
ter of hour Gallett, the esvoliee minister appear.
ed on the balcouy to acquaint the people that the
Pope had positively declined adle.ion to their
request, and had stated that "be would not brook
dictation.' At two o'clock the position of the Po
tiff began to grow critical. All the avenues of th
Quirinal palace were blocked op by dense crowds,
and as no preparation had been made for this en•
anticipated tangs of visitors, there was bat th.
usual small detachment of Swiss guards on duty
These men were known to be resolute, and had
there been but a few more of them, the Monarch
might have cat his way through the mob and gained
Subiaco in the Appenines, whither it had often
been a question of retireing from the rabble of
Rome on previous outbreaks.
As it was, one of the advanced sentinels having
been seized and disarmed by the mob, the Swiss
body guard indantly flung back and barred the
gates of the palace, presenting their muskets, in
readiness, to fire at once on the immense mass or
multitude which beleaguered the QuirinaL At this
stage of the proceedings it was evident that the
die was cast. From the back streets men emerged
bearing aloft lung ladders wherewith to scale the
Pontifical abode; cans and wagons were dragged
up and ranged within musket shot of the windows
to protect the assailants in their determined attack
upon the palace; the cry was 'to arms, to arms."
and musketry tvgan to lwistle in the approaches
from every direction, floral were produced and
piled up against one of the condemned gates of
the building, to which the mob was in the act of
setting fire. when a brink discharge of tirelocks
scattered the besiegers in that quarter.
The multitude began now to perceive that there
would be a i2etermined resistance to their further
operations, hot were confident that the Quintal, if
not taken by storm, mast yield to progressive in
road. The drums were now beating throughout
the city, and the disbanded groups of regular troops
and carbineers reenkreing the hostile display of
assailants, and rendenegit truly formidable. Ran.
dom shots were aimed at the windows, and drily
responded to; the outposts, one Mier another,
were taken. by the people, the garrison within.
being too scanty to man the outworks, The bet.
fry of St. Carlin. which commands the structure,
was occogied. From behind the equestrian statues
cd Castor and Pullets a group of sharp shooters
plied their rifles, and about four o'clock Monsignor
Palma, private secretary to his Holiness, was kil.
Jed by a hallet penetrating his forehead. A shot :a
also said to have entered the room where the
Pope was. -
Of the people and troops, twelve were wounded
and none killed; two persons, however, have most
dangerous wounds. It isnot known whether any
of the Swiss were killed. As if upwards of eOOO
troops of all hands wenn not enou,gtito reduce the I
litUc garnson of Swiss, two rax.poundera now ap-
peered on the scene, and were drawn up and duly
pointed against the main gate; and a truce having
been proclaimed, another deputation claimed en
trance and audience of the Pope, which the moo.
arch ordered to be allowed. The deputation were
bearers of the people's ultimatum, which was a
reproduction of the five mime before stated; and
they now declared that they would allow his Hob.
nen one boar to consider, after which. if not
adopted, they mnouncetl their Eton purpose to
break Me the Quirinal and palm death every in
mate thereof,with the sole and single exception of
his Hainan himself Pius nc no longer hesitated,
but sent for Galletti, with whom he remained is
conference from six to nearly seven, when the kid.
lowing new Ministry anus formally proclaimed to
the people:--Foomign Atkin, Menunia; Home and
Police, Oldie* Finance, Leash; Commerce and
Public Work, Sterbini,• War Minister, Cembello;
Public Instruction. m e President of the Council,
On the morning tithe 12th ult., at day break, the
people pulled down the barricades which had been
erected at Montacavallo, but the gates of the Qui
rinal palace were strictly chased. At eight o'clock
the civic guards who had assembled, some with
and some without arm, at the former place, re.
solved to disarm the Swiss, and a deputation re
paired immediately to the Pope, who eventually
yielded to the demand that they should mpitelate,
but only upon the condition that ell their lives
Mould be spared. These conditions having been
accepted by the people, the Swiss soldiers were
dimmed. At nine o'clock the civic guard took
possession of all the gates which the Swiss guard
had previously occupied, and the Pope is now
protected by them_
The Penult - is shot up in the Quirinal, which bra
been entirely abandoned by his friends and advi
ses Neither the staff of the troops, nor the cortege
of nobles. nor the prelates have been to the palace
to console him, even by a gargle homage. Only the
corps diplomauque have had an interview with
' him, when he was kund attended by merely Car.
dinalo Antonelli and Soglia. Ha Holiness is amid
to have declared that, having been compelled to
dismiss his guard, which has been replaced by
strangers, be was influenced by nofeehng bat that
of sparing the effusion of blood; but he declared, in
the face of all Europe, that he would take no pan
in the future government, having absolutely for
bidden his name to be used, or that the usual style,
"in consideration of the good pleasure of his Halia
seas," should, in future, be perfixed to the govern.
MOM not.,
As soon as the Pope had consented to change his
Ministry, and had accepted }be conditions which
the Democrats had dictated ro It tins 'mamma
ed to the people, who were splitting the air with
their cheers, that if they would be kir a moment
silent, M. Gallant would come and give them en
account of all that had been done. Quietens was
immediately restored, and M. Galletti came and
newt:raced, find, that the Pope would leave it to
the Legislative Chamber* to determine on the do.
mends of the people; and, secondly, that a new
Ministry had been formed. M. Gallant added that
it was necessary that all feeling of bared and VOA.
• pence against the Swiss troopsebould be laid aside
and the more especially because many brave men
of that nation had fought In the cause of Italy at
Vicenza He then requested the national guards
to go home, and ordered the troods to return to
their barracks.
Intelligence from Nome, dated November 20th,
states that at
,that date tranquility had been com
pletely restored.' The Pope had not quitted the
Quirinal, Mu had instelled the new Ministry in
came and appmredjo have loya ll y accepted the
new Order of things. The Popular Club wan the
supreme government, and decides tipin all 'comb/.
nations. The new ministry bad put fori an ad
dress—mere wonis—in which they say they will
convoke the 'chambers.
. .
Lathe Deputies a proposition bad been made to
assure his Holiness of the fidelity of that Chamber,
.but,when put to the vote it woe rejected---a preuy
clear proof that the deputies are not very sosious
to fraternize with their Sovereign in his present cri
tical situation.
The most perfect tranquility had succeeded the
commotion of the lint. The new Minister [Cam.
polio] had arrived. The Pope appeared to be as
tiefied with the order of things; and was greatly
pleased to find thetas, peace of his capital had
been so speedily restored. The Alba, of Florence,
wi?lch Jp su ultra adicalpaper, says that the pro
sparmte of the gory poverameat has not antisOed
any puny . ;1 Is loot liberal fof the Reactionaries,
and not aitlaciently so ibr the &Mtn.
The Patna, al Florence, of tie 1241 at*. pays
that the new Magary at Roma have !resolved to
organise a legion ofmobilished 'civic guard 0(1000
men, who will joie tip =Wisp mitimed from
Tax Mum—lt seems as if the mails, despairing
of competing with thh telegraph, hive given up al•
tegether,for dart:linty, they never were more behind ,
or,mr onearta4 than at present. Our letters
and papers nose &What daily, and our reguisr arr
respoadesee acmes lo irregularly as to be almost
useless. Oh Cass Johnson--bappy wflhll a coon.
try be whatrit la rid Ot thee... You are the horror
of Ogden anCbirers of regular and early
Pawn Pia.CULITiIiS la a rare article in Mias
mas times, and yet Mr. Alexander Jaynes, at his
Tea Store, on Fourth Street, has Peaches finely
moaned, fresh and sweet. Call and Asa them.
71 , of Os autats.
Hoer 104 or the eltizeng of Fulsburgh doomed
to endure the filthy stale of oar pavements and
streets 1 Why is it that we have the dirtiest pave
menus in the United States t Where digis the fault
lie, ■od where is the remedy t
There is tom enough on this imhjeci,'as there is
to preserve the peace of the Sabbath; bat the offi
cers neglect their duty and the oaths of office
which require them to discharge that duty.
'he ordinance of the 14th Dec. 1816, section 16,
requires that "every person or persons who shall
possess or inhabit the knot shop, house or building
adjoining or fronting the Toot pavements within . the
said city shall cause the same along the from of
their respective shops, houses, buildings or ppro•
perty to be Swept, scraped and cleaned, at !Cast
every Tuesday, and Friday before nine o'clock in
the morning; and shall also for the same distance
keep the gutter. open and clean—end if he or they
fail to do so, a fine of one dollar shall be imposed
far every neglect, Ike."
Now every good citizen is bound to obey the
lowa and if they would only wash their pavements
once in a month, we could have a neat, clean city,
so far as the pavements are coacenied; as for the
streets, 1 give them up to enduring filth till some
change is made id those who are hound to attend
to them.
But this is not all. By the 17th sectiondf the
same ordipance It is declared to he the iiPecial
duty of all officers of the police of the city, and offis
cers concerned in the execution of the tarns to
inform upon turd prosecute for all offences against
the laws and ordinances which may come under
their notice or within their knowledge, dre.." And
all our officers, when they are installed, take an
oath to perform their duty with fidelity. Yet look
at the pavements of the Mayor and of Several al
dermen who are sworn to attend to this duty, and
see the impassable filth before their eyes every day.
How often do the police officers, who as well as
the Mayor and aldermen have pledged themselves
solemnly by their oath to see the ordinances oh.
. .
served, step to their shoe mouths into the offices of
the Mayor and aldermen, and along the dirty mor.
tar beds and sink holes on the pavements all over
our city, with a few decent exceptions, and shut
their eyes to the obligations they have swore to
observe. But the pavements along the public
buildings in Grant greet reflect as little credit on
the county commissioners.
If we can't find public officers who will do their
duty we ought to abolish the oaths of office.
But a remedy seems to me to be in the hands
of the citizens. If they would refuse their suffrages
to mayors, aldermen, and of who neglect their
duty, and if they would refuse to trade and bay
from those who keep dirty pavements, we would
soon hove a clean city. lam your friend,
Tue New Yes,-
P. S. I expect to be a little sharper in my next.
The Second Annual Report of ,the Directors of
the Company gives a very clear end interesting
exhibit of the condition end prospects of this great
enterprise, from which we condense the knowing
The emanated cost of the whole road, graded h3r
double track, with single tack laid, is $9,150,000;
and for depot., shops, machinery, locombtives, and
mire, 111,900,000 makang e brand total of 511,150,-
000. But, taling advantage, as is contemplated,
of the radroads already in existence, as part of the
line, a may be rendered available, at the earliest
period, (or a smaller sum; which Mr. Thompson,
the !Engineer, computes, for the "road, at $6,520,.
000; for locomotives, dee, at $1,310,000; or a total
of 57,860,000.
Of this sum there has been already subscribed
about $5,250,000, leaving the sum of 10.,' 610,000 sitli
to be !sued by subscripoon.
Of the two natural secttons into which the road
is divided, the one from Ilerrisbargh to the base of
the mountain, the other from that western base of
the mountain to Pittsburgh, it is estimated that the
first mentioned, or eastern melon, will cost, iu all,
$1.066,290—0f which 11,063,696 has been already
expended and 12,035,440 are available Is fund in
head or instalments to be collected, leaving as the
amount required to complete this section' 1167,063;
while the estimated cow of the western section 18
12,151,249, to meet which the amount available
(chiefly the Allegheny county subscription and the
additional subacnpuon ofthe city of Philadelphia)
is so considerable as to leave an additional defies.
envy, to be hereafter provided for, of only 13550,
213; malting the total sum required. beyond pre.
real subsbriptions, to open the road to Pittsburgh,
11 .322,308.
The estimate for gradual mores. of machinery,
cars&e, la $1,340,000, of which $600,000 will be
required for the ensuing year, to prepare for the
tide to Habdayaburg.
We skull, at a beauty moment, eater unto a more
particular esammauou of this report, which cons
twee Damao,oa lateresting details foam which
adelphmos may augur the future SUOMI, and pro.
fitablenen of this mighty wort; to build up wince
they should all untie their Anon, ...tutted that
they are thou Milldam up the future security,
arrahh and glory of Pluladelplus Tedium* mac
horn the desert and Venter:Gout the MI. because,
Mr a time, the commerce of gam no draws to and
through then The commerce of Awe never was
—and never can be—as vast and es valuable so
that of the Valley of the himatruppi, which in fu
ture years, will be like one of the unmense spout
ing featitxtoslofthe FlottEri t'verealrinati bolt
op nod flow, to a thousand torrents, to the sea—
There will be flood enough—tradeenough—firr
but, to the mews while, n is agreeable to know that
Philadelphta mar command the best and shortest
outlet. —N. Agar,.
Mr. White--We find, in • card . inserted in your
paper, the name of H. C. Sawyer suggetited as •
imitable pence for the office of Mayor.' In our
opinion, one more competent, or 000 MOM &sem.
tog, could not be fined. In Mr. Baer? WO conk
bleed all the qualifications rimed*/ b make •
good Mayor. He has been for toirtY rein rain •
staunch. energetic Whig, and to Ws 'day
mends the respect of tus fellow citizens, fi re
untmng and zealous persevermice In misting to
establish the good old Whig principles, on • kris
footing, to this county. Ills private character fa
will:tont blemish, and his reputation fir bounty,
morality, nod soiled judgment, stands fur—enter*.
hag the Ina morel worth of the man. We trm
therelare, that be may receive the nomtaation, and
thus experience et the handsel' his Fellow citizen"
• generous reward for his fidelity.
Wlrloro or TIM rrarr W&2O
OLD Lacs SCrrillCTD.—The lolkparing sentience
eru voted on the back of a Whig electottai ticket
to at. city no the 7th. It a to, rod to be , kept
to the ballot boa, and begging the Tutee's wdon.
aye feel eonstramed to maks it rusblio....R. (4)
ZACII.IIT TAYLOR nein m'—You have been in.
doted bygthe grand jury that assembled in Philintel.
dein for wilfully, resolutely and determined web
ing to rale over the people of the United
And alter a fair, able and imparual lavesthiptficm
of your case, by o jury of the people, whom yoe
have chosen to try your came you have been found
It now remains tie to pronounce the mamma of
the Isar. That sentence to
That you be taken from your malaise is Louiv
ana, under a among guard, that you be transprted
to the city of Wmhington, in the Distrki of Co.
lumbta, and tbat you there be placed oa a chair,
provided Wr the term of four years to euctedator ea
your country may require. AnOnaytheg4rd have
mercy upon your soul!
Local latalligeso.
_ -
Woman Protrn.vatta Ilearrmar-The meet,
ing called to decide es to the acceptance of the
proposed site fat the hospital, was hold'aocording
to appoiqment yesterday afternoon at 9, o'clock.
John Sheriff, Zsq, presided, Ind J. 74arjer, Esq.,
acted as Sectemiy. 4 repolpapn was °gated' thill
the meeting approve and cooarM tha action of the
Board of Trounces, of 18th April lastisasteTtilli the
donations of Mr. Denny and Schet4y. Tale
cited a very animated and prokmgad AMestakib
pm and con. Mr. J. H. Mocebead offered a Shia
substitute for the whole resolutloo.,l36 oppmed .
the acceptance of the donation's. Alter aritaio,,'
the vote was tinnily taken on the ottonal resole.
tics which carried-31 ayes to 221 tote„ So the
donations of Maws. Schooley andllebny are acs
cepted. A resolution was next offered that the
Board be instructed to proceed in LitirSpOrlltiODl4
LO which Dr. Upadd offered a previa° that the gra:
ding should riot exceed 112,09). A kood deal of
discussion was elicited, and Wont *mom could be
taken an adjournment Wail confab. We shall
furnish a synopsis of the debate biamorrow.
Mirtormeng.-4rociagmodeln =Seal igyentiorts,
Cerheri'v liePteald MelCideon stales pro.ominent,
fis comprising 'burnt), and deepness. It
populism the eweetness of tone, gild is eppheable
to all the uses of the organ, witdeutildent earl?
6); a parlor or coocart luswurnent r iuld is played la
the same manner u the orgalt. For sacred music
in the private circle, It is unrivalled; and any per
former on the Piano can, with' a little practice,
preside at this instrument. Having a dna case of
ro s e wood, it is a beautiful addition to the parlor
or library, and Mt chetpocas pats it within the
reach of those who cannot procure a pi/oa—
th° price ranging, according ,to the camber of oe
tares, from /143 to ro. Mr. Ice*, who se ss i ver ,
thielheal aPPlalullto ( 4/ 4 T #9:afi her a fine
Empty of these choice intro rents, of' the verioui
fixes, and during the holldlytlnamtmado not know
p owns graceful present, bra female friend, than
ono of these Melodeons, 4 . will ielwariveak ip
the sweetest tones of the giver, whenever touched
by the finger, of the Ali receiver.
Cehintue Ti—Beat preparations we now
mad. to supply the demands usual to Clubman
Times, for Tope, choke Sods, eso,lbt preeestilbr
ttot6 tittle and hi; fitllth
One friends, 4obabian 4431nr:bban - banto ■ lip
.hupply of bbiudirtil bitnll4lindiiibmibbionVotich
in fine NO4inggi suita b le ke Plebenla. • .
tchilelblr - linOtt• Venire* oar; man e*en
five aiihartment„ imparted by licnielf, hind on ez:
ha ion In his urge nxime, in ibs mond atm ad
the building he occupies All the little Mu can
find an abundant minty and mpg, it Yindlleb
Mire?* K Plttitburegle.
lars. IV , ara & Co.—Pleve aniatmee the mew
ef oat old (head, !tux Elena% Bp, sea suitable ea.
&lists Gar the omen of Meyer. dedf Lees=
Masa Warm & Co—thaw eanounee that. the
claims of Guam Aimiri, By, for nernireariali of Ahr
or, will be energetically primed, and if successful, Itur
heretofore faithful discharge of his denies will loteire
uininphant suceeaa. dec9 Weep 9,2 m.
rdsvoesurr.—Mesers. White k Co,—Gents: Please
ertrionnee the name of Capt. JOHN LIMON as •
ettheile person for the office of Mayor of this city.
deeB.4to FTITE Warn
Alsroashri.-11. C. Bayern., Fag. will be suPpon.d
in the Convention for the nomination of Mayor, for hi.
long, faithful and menus eervices as • Whig.
deethelto• Pura Warn.
Musas. Wart Co.—Gents: Please to announce
the name of his. How Wnztaott, as a tunable person
for the office of Mayer of thus city.
itasoaszsa—Mr. Editor. Please annonece that CPA,
B. Scvs.t.s, Esq., will be a candidate for twardeadon ( or
the °Mee of Mayor. noratittt Saco. Wk..
Mayoralty of Allegheny City
Mama. or ALummun Crrr.—Mr. Editor: You
will please ennounce the name of Mr. Jonantsn Roan,
ad Ward, Allegheny, for the office of ?Sayer, stibJeci to
the decision orthe Whig and Antimasonic Convention.
nov274w Mater Vona
Er New Ematarte Serra—The Committee of Ar
rangements for "The New England Supper," beg
leave to announce that they have made arrangements
with Mr. Miller, of the St. Charles Hotel, and that the
festival will come off at the St. Charles on Friday even
ing next, the prec isel y. The supper will be on the table
at 9 o'eloek
Tickets gl each—to be had at Luke Loomis , Book
SLOTS, Pittsburgh, and at Dr. Bachop's office, Federal
street, Allegheny city.
L. WILMAIITH, Committee
IL H. BACHOP, ) }of
dec2o IL IL PALMER,Arrangements.
Tun Primal:mon Nemaerto. ARO Fns Incluse=
Cornett.—An election for nine Directors, to sorts for
the ensuing year, will be held at the odlce of this Com
pany, on the first Morality of January, 1649, between
the hours of 10 A. M. and 1 P. M.
deetn-dui ROBERT FINNEY, Sec'y•
tAI THIS Puree hisunt—lfyou wish to be me
pessful in any undertaking, you mast always 'use this
eroper means.' Therefore, if you havea enugh, ow
JAYNE'S Exnmoastrr and be cured, for it is Um proper
means. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing,
then the only effietent means to cure you is to use
Jayne's Expectorant, which will immediately overcame
the spurn which contracts the diameter of the tubes,
and loosens and brings up the mucus which clogs them
ap, and thus removes every obstruction to • free reset.
ranon, while of the same ume all inflammation is sub
dued, and a cure is certain to be erected. Have you
Btanchills, Spirting of Blood, Pleuntly, or in fact any
Pulmonary Aneetton, then use Jayne's Expectontet
and relief is recWn, and you will and that you haws
used the proper means.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 71 4th
meet near Wood 1an.17
Setwoo' Imrsura. Como !hoe - P.—lt hut power to
ere !
Pittsburgh, Feb. 14th, 1817.
R. E. Sellers—My ogle has for years been subject
to • to a digressing cough, accompanied with asthma,
for the care of which she used different cough reme
dies, and had the advice of the most eminent physi
cians m England, but all was unavailing By chance
I heard of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was indu
ced to buy a bottle for trial, although I had no belief
that any thing could remove her complaint To my
great surprise. two doses gave her immediate relief.
She is at times troubled with a cough, but two tea
spoons/al of syrup always snip. It. 1 am imitated, of
ter • trial of three or four years. that Sellers' Cough
Syrup is the beat cough medicine I have over used, ei
ther in t h e Old or New World. We. FUIDOVIAL
Seventh Ward, city of Pittsburgh.
The above eerufieste should Induce all who are
troubled with cough or asthma, to give the syrup a
tual. It may he hod (or I roma a trottls, at the &mg
more of Ft R SELLERS, 07 Wood at.
Sold by Dr. Cassel, Sth Ward, and D M Curry, Alla.
gkeny etty. deeti
AP4.xri Woo* nortoroa —The popularity which
this medicine has acquired in Wasters, Penorylvaros,
is a sore guarantee of its excellence. The following
gentlemen, highly . respectable citiseus of Allegheny
and Heaver counties, have used this Vermilage in their
families, and ofler the assurance of its great medical
James Stratton, Fourth-at. Road, huabordh,
Mary J. Stratton
Mary Stratton,
S ara
I l l tras k t;e k r k gr, e t r ea u cfers . ter near Pitt
Margaret Lindsey.
James Burk, Squirrel Hill.
Agnes Bork,
For sale at the drug store of J KIDD k Co, en Wood
at • &cell
Er A Flea 822: or Turns eon 23 Cams—Yellow
and unhealthy Teeth, after being once or our. clean
ed vetch Jaime' Amber Tooth Pasts, have the look and
color of ivory, and at the same lime is no innocent and
fine, that its daily use is advantageous even to Mow
teeth Oat are in a good eondmon, givtng them a beau
tiful polish and prelim:ming decay. Those decayed it
prevents from becoming moms-11 also fastens such
as are becomingloose, and will render the Molest
teeth delicately white, tad male Me breath deliciously
sweet Price 23 or 371 cents a box.
James Earscroaksr.—We mould call ammoan to
this excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Caesar:apt:en
Sedum, and all affections of tho Throat and Lungs!
!lasing roveral notes within atm yean past had ocesc
11111. 10 an.. atedmine this hind, me have „by experi
ence tested its excellent qualnie., and are prepared to
recommend t to others. Munster. or other public
speakers afflicted with linitrelinal affections mill find
reit benefit from its owe It se prepared by a bemaci
fi{ physician, and all Outwit wilt Sod it • safe and elS
campus medicine re the diseases for which it rs re
ermarriondod.Columbus tOluor No
C and JostreaL
Far sale at th --i o
Pam Tea grove,79 Fourth street.
QT Th. soA, Ameba 6.4.11=1.11 Of VMS Sketatalt i
=fto Tttbers. loan oddl
oollea • Cod such peoplo be ladaead to try a cake of
the taw loam' Italian Chemical &op, dog would b.
coraptured woh the change. they weak& bal. a &S
-eals, clear, soh. Ain, wlle-4meg disarmer-et er
ertptwo would b. removed and eared.
rArrneri-ti ht ouch—Pen vim he's baeght ele.
renaterfella and ismer.. et this, sed ef
fect produred, must try lb* th • enceaL hfuel t u
far Jame rap. Fo r m al WaJahheozre, IN Mar
V - Nearcrma ta the berm of slimy a nay'. extst
ens* No tongue can describe the marerinp ..msed
by this dtaunionsig discs*. b unfits man fer hi. Ma.
a ,
um] to life, erhateeet it may be, and him feel
as though be rather am exist Una ore mob
misery. l'et them suffering. IWO prlidtliC I n the brat
place by derangement tithe Momanb, and f this were
mat by meg li A Pahnentock's Anti-Bilions Pills,
the bowels vroaid be dammed, the aecussalatioa of
tale carried od. and • .peedy and mare retielf obtained.
Prepared and tbld by IL A. FAIINEBTOCIE h. Co
MM.' lot 11114 11.30 d, Li. CORM, Illth and 1.11.111211.
W. M. Wright, R. D.. Dentist.
on and rendartte oo Fourth atrett, opposite the
Pittsburgh Bank. (Ace toxin from 9 o'clock to 14 A
M„ and from I etleek m 6 P. M. at p 14.47
Poeueal Works, in morocco, illartrated;
Lady of the Lake,
Works of Cowper and Thompson;
Gavin. We 11... mid Meath
Goldsmith'. Poems; Thompeon's Reasons;
Peered Illoantathi; Dalhousie Poems;
Goldsmith'. Works; The Gem of the Season;
The Porpotoel Itomtheek;
The Amaranth; The Swap Book;
Tke Ilyarinth; The Jewel; The Token;
The Religions Souvenir Hilton and Young.,
Proeerinal Philosophr; ' Poem. by Amelia;
Poetry of Flowers and Flowers of Poetry;
Jude. Capt.; Parlor Book of Pkthreou
Wreath. of Friendship; nary Titan dearth Bet"
Select Christie, Anthem Horse Putdinaiu
Lath day. of Elisha; Young Ladies Offering;
Froth'. Interpreter; together with a largo variety of
deviZi wood and mmulret am
rBE•obscriber bu been appointed Sole agent for
the Mb of CaßHAltrll IMPROVEDVELODE.,
gi, as stanolantred and end perfected by hfesms.
urch & White, of Cincinnati. The anal annum
tad extent being but four wave., Maws M e
hßeardon. alb the general Mara and demand,
are exded the male of these instruments to of and
oven 3 mares, thus ma i.% it practicable to perform
aaa them any mai. written Lathe Moo or Organ.
The exterior, elm, hu ban mush unproved by placing
the body of the instrument upon •111 call lieu frame
beautifally armed mtd ornamented, rendering it'at
once • mom elegant and extremely dealrable article.
Ilte.priee is pot as lea as to Wing it within the reach
of every one to obtain • perfect musical insenteuret,
and r at the same time, a most elegant plate of thew.
tale fora compantdve trifle. FL neera.
At J W Woo/well's
N. EL—Call and anamiee de=
improyemeat of sae ogee* in Me Ca
p. 8.: by
Harr Barnard. 4b..407 ithlutriped pith rants
and plans.
Theory and Penance of Teactang, qr thl
and methods or good school hatpin's by Day P Page:
Teaching a Science; the Teacher an Ardat by B. It.
Ball, A. M.
The Pawn) and the &heel hfaster—A manual for
the nee of teachers, employers, imam, insect/as,
Aci &C., of Common Pausal. In two pasta y
to Paws. D. D.. and G. R. Fatenon, A. M. Illustrated
.rithe Z a '"
fi'. For HVAY
dIN • A Do Doll dln
. .
1 , 1 7 . nlb."iba , ..P.Allf illiernts Me &Una. of
Final:arob •od'tonally, thatAls Toy. and Fancy
to Mottat_lo Om large room formerly occu
pied .. • Carpet Warehouse by R. D. Thompson,
where can be seen the largest 11.01161110 i of Chrinass
Presentsever offered for sale In the city. All these
good. are Imported direct from Europe by myself, and
will be !mold cheaper than any other astanshenent in
the city, wholesale and mall. Cll aorl i m i. the fine
usortment. CL YEAP 1 ist,
4F.‘ l „ • ' ,i• • ;mkt. Liberm.
nnANOEARLE SILK VISITFA fen - Christmas Pr.
1../ .colt—W. R. Meru. ha. on band i few very
handstUrds changeable Silk VishaylC:raids for
Christmas presents, which he is sellto a . minuted mi.
cek. Also, handsome Dreee Flit! and ,
new style Linen public Ilafit,the, decilil
Wl ir ottn E g i ttl B , 7 p U egirehi l ;te a ti ,
Englteh MoguageLand Wei well itki..- asFhoet.
annum, In We ma ants of ll good &male et nation,
wishes to procure a situation as Govern es. She
would prefers Mutation in a house where th French
was spoken to convereatian. She refer., rfori•
her acquirement. and standing, to Thomas Howe,
Charles Avery, Frederick Lonna and Josh. nn.,,,,,,,,
Fags. deceildier
WANTED—A sly:mien" as Clerk lc a Wholesale
Grocery Commlaslon irons° or kistroilkatormg
utablleionent, by • young helm vino nen Walsh the
best of reference. Andre.. Don No. IA Not Office
deett-dnr. •
OILS -1000 pile natural eol'd Winter Sperm oil;
'SW do Bleached do do do
MO do do do Moils do
MO do
bb No Ili W Lail odast Clli4a ' '" do do
4 do Lfdsed,lnlinneed pare, do
In store and fol
90 dp
WO q SOO 5 Twrinets, warind gen•e, do
MUSTARD—ISO bra, * lb ears, Loa/ Island Mur
ta.d; GO kap, RD DU net, do do do; la atom and
(6 * * e. by dial MILLER la RICRETESON
TUPPER AND PtIMPTIS--110 bap Pepper; Mao
r Pignutlx, in Kora and for We by
deal MILLER k
ULOUR-450 bbl• naperliso Floor, received per
47,RD-15 bbliNo fLealLastgotme,xjt len
ly reed sad fee sale by L WA
31 yaw .pa hom es
CIDED-9 bbls jut rued; le sto re end for ud WATERMANe by
dead L
21113131 AND BIICNETII--711 dos Dams Dultsu I
do Tabs, Isris; 4 do do Resters, lb stote am Dr
e by WI L 5 I/Lowman
COS-4 tans Seam Shin, traitors and for tale
air wilarKk 16'CANDLIM, • .
dael comet woad and water sta.
DOLL BUTTER—IS Ws just 'red mit fai sale by
TrIALLOIT-13 bbis bat hauling Gam tmr Brilliant
1. and for alley .1 B DILWORTH,
t.. 91 • TY woad .t
VIIVEIiAR-4 0 Ws cider Vinegar, for sale by
dee2l J 8 DII.ORTII
OUR-456bbla e xtr a Family Flow. in atom and
for sal• by • deel J EMU:WORTH
= ing—in b.lsony and Rosewood eases, with of
without Anints. colon Pot sale by
Aso% B HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings
SH. MOLASSES--;,o bbt. Sugar FlO.O BM US.,
. IR Loma Rafinery, in store and for age by
PRODUCE—IOO to ib Clovesseedi 60 hap sized
Cheese; yo tees Butter; in store and toe sale by
RICE—II tierce. neer crop Rice, in More sad for sale
LARD OIL-5 bbla Borkbordes. for de by
deal FRIEND. RHEY & Co
OLASS;;,—trbbls rev=sl o rec rsale
by„nwim .ttu
BRoords-23 dor Corn Brown, ham reed and
sale by dee2r ARMSTRONG & CBOZKR
raßruts,C jusne k el . o N et * eo l gumaxi l t an b rbar
OLASSES-ICV bbl. sew snap N 0 Molasses
111. just Ile/ per stmr Roseoe sod for sale by
dor2l _ _ SELLERS & NICOLS
(IL/wry/m-200 bosh Jost landing and (o sale by
devil J 8 - DILWORTH
TOBACCO-3611d8 Ohio Leal Tobacco, rot sale by
DRY APPLHH-300 bosh Dry Apples, for sale by
dere' J 8 DILWORTH
LARD—ts !Ibis new No I Loud; IS kegs do do do
in store and for sale by
- -•- -
ALUdel'!Tl lo Obis Alum,
.13Tr".1,ft. BUCKET —b 0 &tart, rtoreyvad
A4ERATUS;2I6Ib. itksuld btf axle
ARD-5 kege In store ail for We by
DUCK WrifiAT FLOUR-75 sacks B W. FLoar, i
Er 23 urd 30 lb arks, for sale by
ilerrn ARMSTRONG k. C.ROZ Eft
CORN -100 builh Corn, in more and for rate by
TOBACCO—T.: kegs No 1, 6 twist Tobacco, lmsding
from steamer Nom England and far We
demo /161123 DALZELL, motor sr_
PEARL ABU--4 casks reed and for solo by
dee2o ROBT DALZELL h Co, liberty si
‘dv.:.l - 7,
FLAX PEED-130 bush now landrog from steams
Fors Pot, for sfs:a by
dectitISAIAH DICKEY & Co, from et
MIEATHPRS-2$ luta. now landing from measter
i Fort Nit; for !.d , ' by
StiNDRIE.S-48haett Feathery, ado Ginseng, toot
rive; for sale II deaf? ISAIAH DICKEY & Co
WANTE -9 Wool Spanners. Apply 03
00010 I HIEILSEY, 20 matt in
D RI fla: W. FL CHEESE- =lb. prime W R Chemp
landing and for gala by
• •
LARD -13 bats 3%,,/ l Lard, landing; for Bala by
BUTTF.II-12/ kt . 22 rime No I Bauer, 21 bbl. do do
do; 7 key; Lard; 61 .acts Pemba:a; 2 &Ea
peed do: to arnvo and fm solo by
IL--.50 bbl. Likeeed 10 do best winter Lard
ij du; past received and for rate by
EATIIESS, FLAXSEED, ke.-33 peke Fephenr,
gl bap Hasped; 9 do CilnsPg. landing from
steamer Fort Flu and for sale by
CHESTNUTS-7Wbastiele tenet. PEACHA-100
weeks new crojo; 4 6L et read and for sale by
deel9-d1 jrd. COOPED., SS Wood et
BULA PORK-30,000 lbs warted Haws, Side. and
Shoulders, to, arrive; for sale by
dee tIO FRIEND, HUEY lc Co
CAI. 10K OlL—de bbl. Castor Oil. per strainer Con.
*vier for .aile by_ der le 1111P:rip, RIMY k Co
warranted, per strainer
FRIEND, 11.11E1' k Co
SILERATUS43 tone Paleratukjust reed and for
oak. by t. deck; ft ROBISON k Co
A' LBO JEST EIECMVED—A large lot of maim's
.l.l. ay sad rosewood Veseera; far sale at
deal/ ir Hi
(AIDES-30 bbla.coperket Crab Ci4irr, 10 do cowman
dO, In mon 1010 r vale by__
'IIFDILWITSTff, ft iiood
FIRBE-10bbli Fuse for truutbag, fbrule by
— dale 6. JS DILWORTH
lILLTS Obis 9 Salts; 3 ask
0. Potash; sale by J Opt/WELL, Ast,
dar.l.B in= at
'PEACHES-4S meta dricd Nieto:a, •We by
A teclS J C Wri&J,
SATLM-17 bal. pare, for tale by
SOAII-001khds N 0, cm consivurteat and Ws nle
by dide J C BIDWELL
BaRLEY.-33D bob Jast veld .
intr . ada by ,
dgclsSl Inter sad ft *mit st
110 keg; 21 Ws puked Baum de
IMltr,bl auto pad Ara bia by
EACRES—MO bark dried Pettit!, In acreandP
For sale Iry deep L S WATER AN
Q UTUR-73 !ads prime aid mop N ofrtipz, reed
011 eoltirosent, in mom sairfarital• by
v, • am crop 0 Mama; Jon
11 mai • • • • .7
7 d.. 1.4-100 bbla Penr, ware nr4 for as
r w.,,,,L.AN
_F=1111;1=1;) raga
deeld tl market et
LARD—Mbbe No 1 Leaf Lanl. eat 13
NEW I AH3I bbla ant teas nes Lard, this daT
reed on ennalgnmenr 1,7 8
dont& TRDNO t C 802131
SAL SODA-3 outs reed and *teats b
decli U
BUTTER -65 itep bio 1 keg Bate:, in good Alp
pins cider, pot recd sad Tor role by
FVINE FLOUR-105 bbls Rae Raw, Jut nod per
war JD Gorda, sad tot sale by
LCOIIOI,-8 ARobtol, 1.1 media for mak.
• deal 6 JOHN D MORGAN
T AMP HLACM—iI nuts - rooM BM for sale by
4.4 deotb JOHN D HUMAN
1 reo , d and for mt. by &ale JOHN D bIOHOAN
S COTCH SNUFF—I were . for sale bh deal JOHN D MORGAN
ROUNDIatUBTARD-1 bbl for sale b
dey_de • ; MOLD masita&N
Be e
r i illa-115 Ibr go n % ),Rusy
j.eEiElp—a (or
deolb front sa
F4ZlPu'"' =VW
INSENG—I mete, to arrive; for ilea by
COltbl h[EAL-A mall let vary goal, nut reed and
(or We by declS •112dISTRONO k. CROZER
L i d= IArgI)".MICTV42.
EATIII3 b on eons'
t —r--
E 4.3 oNo&
S ranT a . L. Vi l t e n,
doe . 13110tv & CULBERTSON y
M, -- islerg=7 ; !I`71 1
..171.r,„t1 =id
for We by dean BROWN & CULBERTSar
DRACHEB-105 bun of Olgo Jonah ,dirrialvea, reed
and for age W
dna*" " ' ' 15211borty et
C • 5...b . . , 1 • 4 260 tma Cheese, ree`d and for sale b
W s R hi'CITTC
BAILEY -10 bbln HAM rri.Vca 4 , , c 1 1 1 . ;.s
8U. 1 ,114 h.t;eitimo
Ihui t a
Atuit—too 1,6 Rng.r bi'MohlosoJcualata NaIN
1113103M4 4rueiv.d .11 far &tisk,
TTRUNKBOARDS, Ite..--60 bin Bandlea N.. 6, and
7; Bonnet do, Ifesgress; itioler'edo, melons num
bers In mom ud for uls by
110TATOM-100 bbls Po twar% lust rac.4 r
TbucKwuZoVirli-31? sacks very good, to.
detit gaci'"d 4 / 1 173V1t0ii0 k CROZEB
DIRECITIONB-20 reamilaPalent
lions, Jam reetl and fbr tale!lt;
B'Tzlf,t.g P"1" i t= 'll
'P m%
Plauer, Alt rec4l , oo 8.81 farm'. 4)._
de 18 J auDD A. Ca
S NUFF -600 tbs Rope. EWA
J nabi and Gi &
o - r - sibib
by death lUDD Co
MASS—au lb. rue bise Mese, lasi received .ad br
gale b deceta
lirkftrED PEACHES.-10U bushels Jut reeeived arid
JJ for sale b *A &ROBISON
r i ELATINE, ar Napa's Wailes* s . ter see
IJE bi J aCtkOON * Co,
doe 9 KO Ild owl storet,
lOtis td ALMANAC FO 1141—Jed
I teed end ter see i , ,
JOJEUTON d. I TITOCIC/ON,,99dositers,
near muss market and ad e I
Bttil4 4 "h.r.uwww T. vWutrid.ft'
itfefoof srAtis.
Vastrated /30,4, Anci.oh, ascriart.
On Sionday evening.= Wit, el Se <velvet, at Me
rle' Corneh , cial Sales Sa=s, cora. of Wood and
eslieetiosof us. works, em
bracing. Englith ind Ametlean Annuals, bea.
&IA editions of Me Poets, rick 111dinge, Standard Lit
eraturend Science. among the tiolloction wi ll be
fruirid, Ge e m; of Beauty, .Beast 'a llelijim .
Keepsake. Laerel Wreath, Tan _s. os teem.
Book, Souvenir, Jewel, Picturesque Van., ka Pi.
opiea of Moore. alrent.:Comper, Milton, Shelly, Mrs.
ileOrlitS, Onion. Burns,gre,• Dr. lardnees Lecterch
Sonia, 'Joseph., Popery by H,.±an, History, Mom
phit and Fiction, farall4peor and pocket 11.1blea
Alsoome elmober • no, whisk plays eight direr
eat tones, a Ins artielo. end cola eMe.
deal JOHN D. DAVIS, AueL
Large Sok Ortrstres, ye, on a credos of 3 snonair.
On Siinirday tantnin4Dee. 274, 10 o'clock, in
(tom atm Ccrionerciel Doom comer of Wood
and Whets, will be sohlwithent reserve, on a credit of
three aiontba, for approved endorsed parSf,ton all gatetz I
over 153-14 bPds prime N 0 sager, 9 N 0 moles.
sea, 16 hf chests hyson tea; 16 do do yormg do do; 3 do
do do Imperial dot Le'bx. pound Imp V* tobacco; II
01M11 .11.001560 . • Macaben suutD 9 hf piPes French
branskyiS qr doClainpaNpe do t vintage of lferg le
bags (embers, letellbarl•a• • v•n•ri- 01. 10.r•timarld
other wide.. de JOHN st DAVIS, Am
Holiday Prongs, Woolen DAIS and Cra
vats dlaction.
On Fridaymorning, a. el, at 10 o'clock, wilt be
sold on It credo of threit.tactukt.cds all ems over ISO—
SO dm large zephyr wealen eosA
10 " mall "
88 " large sralut cravats.
00020 JOHN D131.1/Is, Anet
Fifty tn lading Lag iit Teimitrantevirkat rkuetton.
On Satan:lay afternoon, Dee. tad, at 2 &clock, wiD
be soldran the preatian, fifty Lot/ of Ground, In the
thriving vUtags of Temperancerilla, by abler of John
B Warden, embracing • great variety oral:grand' kma
dal; ardtable (or business purposes and private dwel
lingc several an vary buldsomely situated, =en{
which lc rine of five acres and 14 perches,. possestung
great beauty, baring a splendid view athaelry of ~U-legheny,
legheny, the nears and surrounding eanctry,
A plan of the property may be seen Holm
of the Washington and Steubenville Turnpike am*
or at the Auction Rune. Terms, which win imlihnwd,
will be made known on the day of sale.
desk, JOHN D HAM, Aunt
Valuable City rroporty. Attdloll. •
On Thursday afternoon, Dec. itat, at 9 o'clOta,urill
he sold on the premises the following very valuable
Heal Fame, viz: that lame three story brick ware
house and lot, situate On the cut ride of Wood street,
four door, above Fifth street, at present occupied by
?Amara Wallarallon & Co as • glue warehouse.
Also, that wall finished three sorry Brick Dwelling
House, with two story back buildings, situate on the
south side of Penn street, between lila/boy,' and Wa
ter streets, the lot having a front of 21 feet on Penn a.
and egtending back 11.0 feet to an alley .3:1 feet wide,
on which is erected. a convenient two story brick
dwelling house.
Also, those four new soil well finished two story
brick dwelling houses, situate at the comet of Second
street and Redoubt alley.
Sabi will commence with the warehouse on Wood
strect;theries to Penn street, mid will close with the
property an SCUM , / 517.1.. Tends at sale.
death DOHS D DAMS. Aunt.
C.& PORTER Masao:.
F11.11.11r, Dacaarera 22, will ba presented
winiem Mr. Prior.
Goa/bruin • Mr. J. Dann.
Buie Mi.. p o n e ,.
Dolly MU. Cruise.
Dario/ theovening, a enilor'i hornpipe and Highland
1$ sad 20 wood it
To houeltile with ¢ Drama founded on Sunfish Ku
tory, Called
Wallace, •
! D r Saturday—Benefit •t MR. J V. PORTEFL
(Li MIL B. WILLIAMS, the Irish Comedian, is e
.homy appear.
main closed during th
•old *ember. 2d and 3d Tier, 22 cents.
GOOD WIN reepeetfolly Informs the gentlemen
.1.111. of Pittsburgh thot his present quarter will expire
ea Thursday, the fitst of December.
TIM. gentleman who were disappointed in becom.
Imetls, on accoun e a r l Mr. o.'s classes being filial
up, will please make ;applieation to the nest wa
in.. Mr. G. can be consulted at hi. Academy every
Tuesday and Thursday, from ato 5 o'cleck, and 8 to
to, evenitg. Mr. GAB first Cotillion party will take
planet. Thitraday evening, Dec Ilst.
MrrGoodwin invites parents and guardians to his
Juvenile class, to vrimese his Improved style of Dan
cing. deell3-itter
and Literary GA, for 1840,
Keepsake of'Friendship, for Ifite;
Friendship's Uterine, for IBA
Christmas Roses, for 1840;
Cheistreas Blossoms, for 11342;
Amaranth, a Token of Remembrance, for 1840;
Ike Yorms Man'. Offering,.
Tem Young Lady's Offering, by Mrs. Sigoomey and
note . Ilei - tis; 4 bbl• Rye; 30
.041 and for sale by
JEDION k Ca, lll2blreny . •
41 (ma 6611 ituner,Ast nto'd
• re and ler sale by
Leaßets of Memory, • superb annual for 194.8(
The Fairy Ring, for 1841;
The Opal, • splendid gift book for 1943
The llyaehnh, for 1941;
The Scrap Book, for 1044
The Snowflake, for 1844,
Ths Book of Pearls;
The Lady's dernard, for 1.34.9, •
The Wooten of the Beri d 4res, a beentrfal work;
The Wreath of Fri. (or 1849]
The Christian KisePsaksi, 1841, ,
Read's Pend* Pods o f
. Areerirm,
-anima Dim E. Oak. Sorsh,hrsr.lVlL
L ILESoparney, Ur& Pe F. eVtdri:Errua= De
lia B. We Mis..B. J Hale Moo.E. r .dr. AT. /4, J.
C. YO Uwe Saxe C. Lynek, brew Swab J. Clarke,
(Omen Greenwood.)
Tee above, with a largo collection . of Poetical
Werke, Prayer Hooks,. Mlles, wed eater -reprint in
ephendid style at bindings, imitable air Canister. and
New •Yearre yawn* for sale etthst bookoore of
deetl canna Nukes and ad its •
a BOIUSDN it. Co
ThHE Illonownia hoe Worira, sintated oa sys vis
River, in innoandia courtly, Vienna..
an worn oaring if a Rolling Mill, Frtge, Nell
Funny, Foandary, and three Blast FlY:4■94* wick
er Inn a Grist AWL &Pi 111311gtoostit Latho, and
Oaten or Men Ozer Of Land, Cognizing
inanansullo bode ' coat, linziortno and
lirtelas for twang In incubate of Unbar
Coe Awed and all - erher inunnea •
This loon* of the Don campleut and
Ti n g es
lablidniosits In Oa We country; having oia of
the bent orator poem% that can anj whose Innd,
and pants eapablo at ihrihor imprigiscons almost
any artent—os then Is abundance °proem for torten
and troilleg Accede* in araein to thi worts already
greet d; and a, boanifal village. non
Vietnam illualidllli Oh cifatich fuming am,
try, when genii/me On abundant and chap, eaten
.. nx44ta alb, end the Wain* fog getting to mar.
kes. ea Ca aansald,alunit banished, having the n
ear ointenthsg pill Ptninargli and the West passing
through in propenri •
Ter funhige.wdenbus apply ibTasipayiklkat, Pins
bur& XV" Baltifoirra, or on the
pinning F., C. Wilma, Esq., at BlergantaYarett
to tha
oeNt •On sabsclier. JOHN T
dt lUnsbulill.
_ • •
• Plittatenrith tkook_thXlPloipo.. Cloomplitay
11111C=IIV i t r ia cthl4 ...r liittilma,tbetublio, end
in hie farm in v l iblett theyuplreparee It, that thelf=7.
log Wads ars now iit oteemstid ppenttloo. sod they
are now ready to make sonnet, for lbe delivery of
lou, to those who loam to this frotau!lphi mho mash
sake for the impose or rolling:
The Oppper prodoeed fror,.tie Metake Inns of
Istatilhksartor, Is assokteed to bp Much superior to
the ordinary tiojtnk biithe muskets, whisk I. awned
from Om connuoMg foreign mineral albs:antes. This
enter is perfeatly past, mod is 'not inktred by the ro
oms ofseneltlng, and is therefore greatly to be pronto.
owl far bell metal, rolling, mod ahoy other purpose.
Ms it is not the intent= or wihtt of this Company
to meet works 63r the manufacture of copper itt the
' , ulnas forma to wtkiehlt I. Wanted, they Pritt be happy
to mate mintambs no the delivery .of it in the form of
logute, math oak. for rolling, the., to those who niMr
lost to embark in the Mathew ,• •
Hereafter, all the topper obtained Rom their mines
will be broughsto'rittsbargb, and hum menthe. hay
be expected. Letters addressed
to 4,3: G. Hem= er
TitOZAI M. HOWL will meet with prompt attention.
dmellStikm ' CHARLES AVSMY-Prevident.
• JOHN H. atria,oa, No id Wood
; ififfiftstreet,bu received invoices of a large
soeidY of Piano *cries from the cele
brated ozamatotory of Chichering.
Roston, to Oreto in. a few days, of which doe notice
will be given, varying in Nine 8 2,6 td
Also from the manalantoncs of H Worcester, and
Moon h. Raven, Now York, a inutdsoito assortment
of et, di and di octave Plano Forte' s rosewood and
mahogany emu, attic most Meant description, and
with 101 the tpm improveMents.
Thu:Above in addition tithe steolt.en• hand, will
make the laigesgond most duirable selection ITN
*fared far sale In this city . , and.will ho soltisolgosea
at onsufactarers pricu,on acomoutodatiO terms, and
• vinrtgon guarantee given with Font sold.
Pala Agent km Me Wu of Chlekerines Piano Crone s ,
Cog WasteM PC,!ILLFIII6IIi.S. deeeD
. .
wed by luau consent.
A. aspingsteen will outruns tltp rms.
debts due thelee arm will b 1 ,lyhoyta.
Is autborized to settle lilt thet axe firm
A; c l3 :'ll.mi snill cr 6Bl.474
ViLtesulfb, DO•18,1,841-4eV044. .
ottsra l la savv c fergt the t ' e ti
aTa c el ty k ,
Peretendil, woo 4 Ule present devote Ith Uo
to the 9,otemennd 'animate ofbooks andueounts.
btest et references u to capasim, in, will be gi
ven. Apply mato atom at • C. OttN,
deal& • St water at
general Ideating , ' or the entrilnatore to the Welt.
hauls Respite!, will be held at the Apollo
Hsll, la street, on Thitniday, lest, at
P. 1B.; ths comideradon of • special epitorf.
of the eettaselag valuv statute or
part•OOl to the Institetion.
Ey oder. of ths BoarL _ npa..I . 4FEwELIN
dead President.
J UST. ElR—Tbree noel of these to astir
6, 44 Pitillsoisaad constantly
List,' rip aad'other'great perferatere s talledtea
With a lease asaerintent of rosewood end soollotPootY,
of re 's own otanufacutre, The Onnikeatmoments are
'rammed to be perdu* ta oral respect, and will be
soldlowlror eat . . ' ' ?BLUME,
^dtrelti • • 112.W006 Sd door from etb
Maitifir*, Bab Cgrariatt, 1 Ansit,
1'44° , 3 1 401. 44. 1 9•Miturle*:"! mica,
puttito, - &o. R I
ftbpa, oltort,eot notteti, low yokes, at the
daIIR , °Amara Mb, Thu nun.
A IR RALIS-40daa badia R bbatAlr Bally an cu
lt Arch, bear arable, KVA by Ramo and Am sal.
at lb. India Rabbar Depot, No A Wood It
decito • J t B PR/LLIPS
OWNES -60 eels Mete N 4 :4raSleseesier, Asa'
Zr..l for safe br ' PIN NNW& Ose
T AND—SN teals N 4 I Leaf katiN.l4kels . de ez.
for Kak 01 emelt arY.WPW.SHEYIL,Css•
bilielito-404 sacks Peachts r ar try
dre,lB PitiLIDAINY bee
LhAly—igi OOPS soft Uslank ,bead for sideirr
d.cas . I'IUMAIItHaV.IE co
mar ?'".7. 4 ., 9 1 yr! ,ftivro,-
P ICTLBS-10 bbis "Fickle*, re0".4.1 bud tot Ws by ..:0 4,i,
deetl-11, 41 weer a
talla OF AMMONIA—I csaleree'd• andWi — sal
- Zulu D. pawls, Alsatimasar
Mr. Oxley
•Mr Pnor.
•Mira roller
•Mn ?nor.
area mown
Line of splendid passeteper &Mal.
res le nom bob. onfkit, bee
eel and fesh aid most pitol hems On th e
emote of the
Wen c ry aecommodation and m®
tom that momscan promm.liabscogiewided OUR.
worm The has been in operation for live years
—has earned a talon of people *reboot the lows beta.
ty to their permed, Th. bears' will bit; at the het id
Wood street the day previous to starting, de the Mei.
.on of freight and the they of passengers on the IMP.
ter. In ad eases the passage mom mast be peg in
1/171111.0 PACIEZT.
Tim ISAAC P&Mrl9.4 Cap. A. G. WOWS lAA
tears Pittsburgh evet7 pariday tuarsing at 10 eelaisk:
plaYPai every Sandayiareabig at 10 0. la.
Ma MONONGAHELA, Capt. Stairs, will leave Pita.
burel Own UMW =ruin at 10 VolockT Wheeling
everylktoudap esestag at 10r. it.
The 2222222N2 No. 2, Ow. UT.
J. 112.22221
leave P222nugh elsoy Tweed ay motoint 210
Vibe!liag fiery Totolor oomiag "LIP,. 2.
TL - NEW ENGLAND Na. 1, ChM & Wash .. 1 1
leave Pittsburgh emery Wednesday manna' as 10
otlock; Wle Eng every Wednesday evening 100.
Ike BRILLIANT, CV:. OW% will .10a=
burgh smuy Thursday morning at 10 Ochs*
avaryThrusday enemas at 10 r. IL
• The CUPPUR No. )1, eVt. Capon, will ba a Plea.
burgh avary niday •eaamtair at 10 ee...001 , W11011114
every Friday avow's at Ur!. • - . •
. .
0 1 A 1,1 111DATVACLIKEITe
The 11DRIT - Na 10ER, Cap. El. Rata win hieffi__.4l#a
burgh every elanteday moratairaarrelock
every Bata:lay aterung at 10 v. 1t..• -= • ••• •
NEW LISBON AND ' , mammon mularlars
im ai lL H .- 1 1% 111• I .
(ws chwasair,)
Leaves Pittsbargitslaily, ask delimit; A, kg., end ar
rives at Glasvrer, Month clew Bandy and Beaver to
...Wes 3 o'clock, arid New Lisbon as 11, seas night
Leaves New llabm at 0 Weiock, tka
trip canal to the river daring the Wok) and
at o'clock, M., and wives at Pletstiorgili M Ml.
kL--stios waking a einainacias
wagers and Newt's lemma New Listionailir e- ew
buret, I. shorter Tame and at less rases than by any
ether roam
pre h gnie pu os
a it d e L a v l e a Imnc h tir oop pleasais ht
Mind *than
Coital for the accommodation °fps:mown' and
height, to no in connectiso with dm Well ',gamin
steamers CALEB COPE andnEAviat, abkots.t.
ing, at Glasgow, with ; th e rittelatrgh Ind Ciaclo
madend other daily , lints of strutters down therehlo
and Itlissinappl firers. ' The poplin:ls *his. theme
micas to epare . no or trouble to hams ohm
lt•ttfar . ad dit e lothit# ish. of
en pttnmye . the publiqii pAss•
HARTCN, . • .
li &W. ii&E.BAUGH I
EL. HANNA, & Co.
oryittif HARBAUGH & Co. New Wm.'
NOTICE—The maxim BEAVER, C. E. Marie, sins
ler, will tern after this mhos, for Wellsville •• •• to.
ally, at 9 CO'CIOCk to the ma .13
FralwAßyll l) ,, M, Packet J 4
lea The following new boats complete
tm itne for the prem. newton AT
LANTIC, Capt. Jam. Paz
TCapL and=
hPLANE, Coat E. Be nnett.. Tlm Jaen.;
boate are ea..,
new, and are Ame op without regard to etym.?. Ev
ery cOMMIn ChM Money ems proton h. boba prowldmV.
The Doug will leave the Monongahela Wharf float
the foot of Rosa at. Paatengen will be mem" 02
board, as the boats wW carman', Iwo at the
thted boats, 8 A. M. and 4 P. AL P•anal
re o. 1, ;
splearlid new
m at a iairep, inunner, aria lAI
m hin , above
brienvnediran 'pone on Saterday,
23,3 bun., at 10 °Wont.
For freight OT pus i smare2 . go lif fi t i nv iN tn ik
...aim._ The tnt star..
Coot A. Pariier, will ma regolarly m
above trade, leaving Pittsburgh
ovary Wednesday and Ela'auday overdng, at 4 o'clock,
For freighter pump, apply on boort
now onootontinl steamer
PITSER muzaa,
Rom Pl. ?name, fin the above ne mnster, wl/11 .
lb .env
--- po on t
nth inn, ale o'clock, A. EL •
The Puma Pu. Miller win take (relaln for.
Einnorrine, Cairo, Manion, B 000 lopiP 1 4144 1" lt ,
For freight or • imago, apply on kart. 1111013
1 . 7 "iti , 16 ' 4ig
d °7 el7" l43sa i ¢SV t * S P lL bbir t : re e-I°" '
' 0 Ags
--- • _
. ILeepleadtd ea* ileum
nesiviloassterowill lean; Pon tba
aad * ~letvae~i+apora,r-day
"ckg." SThaltt, ■PRIT MI baud. d.. 11
6 4sze t z a lttr
i g A tteal p iesteree_ r
Leese, meter, gal grr the
ire and izrtertaultare parte Oda day
Fos freight er • • • .1„, egggg on hoard— 1 ,geelit
mt. gr. toms; ~ •• • '
. .
- Taal.. Elm ataitabuie“......-
ea 1.1•:11ERNONko,
H. Keen, @IMO; *ablatore far
teak a above and laterasealtel 'Pm. c.
The swilisteanitir t -
Webber, =MT, UL,
Wlnehar, Sim MsridaDM
=Way and Friday; at 10 *kiosk pntelaely.
1/01tVe Whacks: every Taisday Tiareday and Sa
outlay, at citlea, a so, preencey.
Tits Csimil laad al inn irdntateditas
Every aesamodatioa Qat ean t rzeured for ig=-
liirt and safety of n meds& TM
as &len ad a sell:acting maw runt to
prevent For &minor set
Mt= atlas snit *Said eta
Tke soy and aplendld manor
D P Stoney, matter, will ice, is a ne
ar packet between Math:Mph and
Wheeling, leaving Mtn city - every Townley, Monday
led Saloydayou ie ' , clock, A. M , atilt Whmling eve
ry Monday, Wednesdey eta Friday, It Itotelk,.A. BE
donsomply boa
For fradill Pasntsade:
tc• hating ingetter atecinnotta.
The- Se Amkony Is anw b., Old Coo
accenmodations cannot 1.0 unpamed . branyboat ea
the titer.
• .
•••• The new and splendid testpuoto
' Gm, packet,
Almon, n ub er, mat IMMO An
. mut and Louisville on TirtmadaY, 4.410., at 10
&clock, A. M. For fre.Mht outossago apply An board,
tur Steamer Peyton& en bare Leelsaillt New
Orleans, en artival of Tekg - tatetlio arms
coo .j to direct, and can hate lierillsocce4d,lt* Ude
IPABSIII-11 vir sows pima,
flag. mu
entaavurilk. mai 1141.11101
T7I4E, FIVE DA I3 -7RUNNINCi 111'16 4 4DZITIG8T.
1 1LIF Ihhiht lee
retheelb:LUrthformed Line
eascieleACO ItlinAloz , -CO the 21th inn. , A ear
Ina le ave Pbeadelphth dent with Ow ta.
Chaathenthrg, froth thththe by W web
Teter el kep% leethiagtaylthd edn be
reePDXeChethreard woo am. Witt WWI.
me* • . D
plorfgreis Lum.
_ ux.VoRE
Blareim.4ae rarVat " CrtAes.
E YTH& DUNCali r Attenta,
.• - Water suet .171tabarall.
novl7 47 Ilea amt. re.
swum is. coil PAST Exmass
MEE Proprietors of ihisLiat bass pal la oiar 81404
a and we prepand to fOrWATO 400kageso5 all de
scriptions day, 0 1 the 100, 1:1th0, 0 ,
, 4 SiTiges mutes, a.
)10811 , 48 ON e k. BOBHIG
oceß 02 Smith Mules si, Baltlatem
TTA A • c7rx — r-17,-, _ _
SotAl for LINE Sat PMILT
A i r D
A . ‘ 7; t ak i4 e ra ea sz r
reea p ana, at low sate, aatl_stood dom.
OIL KALB at th e Outlet Saw 2.4 naning N 2l "
Alleglatoreity—LS',CUl feet of4l inch-Nak Flank.
quality , mired and ear:Malt? ma is
magofeat of and 11 Inch Deakli t
d.em.e.iwitatT NEvn.t.F.B. out 8014
5b0 , 2114 .
•,. CAptarr ;
OAT eromos-43paa 4a of 6,.t Plants, of v.
Tie " legatkvalit breadth. for abo...
r e"
• - NevalE Beam° 1 sop'
BANS—_ 20 blob white, for solo
.CCIR, • • j Dion.,r,mors, 110.'grool .t
C.1:601 4 10251. --loot opeocd,eue of op.oodlti
.01 Pla P.os of the beat ouottlactoro, and aiperrior
oill . grotofolfiroold, voarro7utd,,V wrusom
)r: era r • • T 192 rag lA' MOM
' • 4 SIIMIII,dOSibk, I ...2510,...PPthg
pas; far mad 117
' .UND NU • bubats •• • ?.." rsand
+WS , _ .
CILAZEDP I. :r ie n ••:•s • • •
VI gram VaS Paper Preaaa,asrartettslama W.
by. . 1; , elareGl , •>, El/EATON &G.
443 L . 111..natioofit,
1 . Yed PA".7-`glltilt.ltntrait
rtLOVEIL tIEED.-20bble slaver seed ast received
1," and ar Sri
tea= 1:15t W HALRIAUGH,