The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 22, 1848, Image 1

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.it J.~;, i. t r.n: .. .~.■TTTY:■{~
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~ BTslt
" • "' •-• w • • . 11 and or.
MackdolS.Ao4l returned ^to itudr old
seand,AVaxer and Reatinneul, Piusb• . 0321
Sail Mall Dm.
Mit MaYl.4
ROVIM .4cuLmosTleuN, WhelekaW , Groeeee,l
„IntiC.?,ll?./342140g1if.M.14,t5,Ntg. 4413 , Mart ■
A. FARNESTOMA n Co,' Middocado And
, •
B; mil Druggists, coma Wood and Oh sto. 171-
,47ALEVirriBITIG, tvka Grocers, IB
n A. maanwrita di; .Porwitritht Com.;
tiiaauson Atereba.., Canal/1.1;1a, Piusbingh p
• mat
. . .
4111AVAi 77:Ticill
3 %0 Piodseannd P 4102320 idal; ' llintat m" :4 ' , nor .
nee at Li. • and •
• Pi • • P. tibi'
" -- 74. ENNETZ-1 1 1=
....linfobr i list a 7o7ool7l7. o.thr
'C4llP7biglla 0700 0 0; MI : F 0
W 11010; M027.0/01S, WA dealers tn'Prodnee and Pi
burgh Msins*tures, rick r {YAAed tn, between Yd
a RFIS v ink• pin I Fr
L=sertri- Ustakanaa, 'sad Agentar4o4
Yarns; Nes.fllVlser, asullgd Enna Its, Pi
Re 9 eis .111.1.40ttER,LONG geu.d Brea
- Fogbd•re and • Clis Ptauti:bemerfi
dkust 801%104 entato, PlWbal;b, Ya
Olney= Prke.iltran" old,Coppar pdltrus.
-- ~,A4 41=1:11C111, Torun irana), , '* - t,b ß a it.
south.. vrAziox, -,
LD & BITCZNOII, Tobacco Commtuton
dotal*, 41. North Water & lONorthWherves,
a • it,IIIIXINOT linkla: sat itqa Laidzpi•
.11usiarar; Paint Oillderiguiat,xopua_9l4l.l.
DIINCAR, Porrazilng mat
sad Com mscat. mi.
*;Vensliateltamsato.47F/Ett area, Pittgargd •
,ra DIC
Wild en U o r d o e m N c
05. n 64
*gamWrenn%and &gm In
ater. .
saiLlo7 Front emu. Pinemnitt. nova
0/IN fLßANSHPyAnorneyuOConnaellerat Liss
- • and Onnonbaiotar enr thislttata of Pennsylvania
Lathy No, (Lm of Pisfsbsulls.)
llsrsolonta—Pinsbargh: Han W.Porarani,
ton &fklillisr, 3 hreondlau & John L. Puke,
Dawns & Bevaple, Pda:ird & OCing. Jeltly
Z I IEIN SCOTT tz , Ciii:Whoksals Grown, Forward
ig and Occosaisekm -Idcrehant. Deal
And notoott Bisasfosonoo, No, 7
, !LookLiberryiarool, new the guild, Piusbsugh, P.
^2 --.LAIKEt),B I A a t t eGIJIITAZI:I; 3 III 3 ==a;d .,
TArifts A: HITTCEUEON;... Col --etecessors to
sp: Imsdnitatehism, es, - „ t:lo, Commission Merchants,
.--"mnst Avon of. the, St. LaMothe= Hagar Yemen,
4711 wain: sadl/2 float 1117041, r4tsblllo.
I' . OFIN D. 1110110A.Ni,
Att in Dyslittaffs, FLuus,Oila, V
coad atm; one door Bata af.Diamond Pin.
ant •
'~- 8 * .
h4adl 7r~ . mettoor m le~ o ~.
11_ ' 9Q~WWr s tr~ oce
,jlgA i t sx 3l W2k a rg Attul , 3.lgna Bel denier'
Piinu, Steel Penni ttudnnftnners , Citrie. B =
it. dimity geeT.I I YrNC , et Wande4; Pitigixtdr..
Rate tent.trtor taken intrude. sepLs
01IN:D, -DAVikAur i eonulr.ith laud Wald
.trvats, - -'• • ect9
,q,IO4INOON'a, Egocicrox. noeksellen, Penton.
tr , Avid Prim 167.r.muess; liq,44Rke_ t Pia.
of Ulural,
Wholesale Urocer, dealer La ere.
r a Iyypp,,ilata'J. ` Flcryth
, r447iyholessla
~IP.:;Geoe 140.1ki Mem sep3
•= 4414:7rr Lin4cocarkea eol u ion Aarchantomi dealstU" /uticll•PktV wir as, Tiobutr Jj
• I InProduci apiPin4o2# Emu-
=• . - linuranlins - .liflorks.
swm-4 - ra..)4:o4maaand: R nt. of an .1-
.1.4 pia intrniaor, Boller Iron an 4 Nolo of the boa
Wanduonsoot otalor mut MS front oL
,1111. - 4 q 7 FT Wh'i -
tam cam,
,kartlNlt _ ;Wbolafala °mean, /lop
*Ado: Ed acassoladadMelalnat“ealers Ea
sad Pitathargh allaaratazids, Kos. =and LTS
woof Pitabhaialt. &MD
• ay; 11/30 & ti , uld!Y
CO.) Whoksalo•Dtalars an Xery Goods, Go. 48
• • .33W044412422,-.1 . 12222422. . .
r - tivnv - scIAZIVeaI DeGaro -sad.C.oasiono
E&Oboats, tor- th e - sold tot Acconiesa Woollea 3
Dods', Many ousto,psoßoodOstritdi. n 0•92.17
rsa, ' - BROTHES .& Co., Comatuumn &Tin
tbladelptda, for a& Ws of produco ge]
, onit advances made opo edosi4p3 ul
• •
.luredu..l.4cßas, :Wholesale Grocers and Commis.
6011 hiszetwasakio. Liben7 Pkusbugh.
11. • !'Co,,, Commaissititr-isg.:Forgraw
!Wareham., Wales and Front-w., berme=
oadiadllarket sta • -. joa
„ „
w. mccccion.
,laka." a t,nrcaznsazi 'wick -cos Grocers &Ad
Nana, LiterfirA, MO.
& No.-01 Haien It, gooood
- !Aker freerearber of Pour* dealer. la-Forego
Yr, Male Notes surd Spode.
, _ate Bala of Ezehange,Coralicaoaie(Dtpoo
irrtaliettioni, - mad on' an tts iriacißsi aides
ahe Halted Maim &err
hsouice t Wboksaler Hone, Sem' Y
deale rr at Plutyahr tuabareg Marmass.
Pir stui oil keors of Fotesan aad HooloatiesNfLore
;said Nall jibe ra street,. Oa lewd a vary
sue* Of N or . Brooccogaaela
wards aril be sallow for iamb. ; safely
k a r r t i .AHD T. LEFALti, Jr., imports:and Dealer la
ForSprard Doraewie deddler7 Hardware and
raf deacdpsious, No. LIZI Wood
'EI. o.1:1 •h. a and 1 - 1 - 1 .
, Ltunbar,llorofze, Shoemakers , Tosisand Vag&
Tannate'and Cadets , Tool; and Tanners* Oil,
mom, Wood • sepil
animit i ni t &Glom* Prodnee
=Malebo feria..
Midiatabtirtbs,Zia.ll3o Liberty nr Pitts*
nk .
t e
4 , .-.'.' • DALZELL & Co.,Wholesslo .Grocors,
'',.°. ".` Cosimfroon Nair Yoreoudmir Mcistukopy dealers
'rl obt - Triutough Atanagetizzes, übeci ."..
_ , 9. - CliteatiGLLAll, .Wholcoalo Grocer,
1 Groffrbiarroiloco ma4.Pludargl4-14gunfacuuos,
..., o.l44leben ct. tin
.MoDelertintir, at tb. , AllatOsay et Trade, deal!
era imaterits, ?caducei , Finsboryb Mansfae toms
yks higkosrpdoes , esabipal a: all lima Fo j
t try no, Comer orPenn and Irwin aolD
. B.M.A.LlFlELClmissatedoaler=s=
1 ,, ADV. - drOceriersOmo 'aimesairtsburab
,AntS l l!•litel NO. ZP3 ance, k r /WM.4h. mod
QIAirrItIEIOHNSON, Whelan!. sad Handl Donlan
5, in AllainerY ~ , 0 0tts, 'Laces, slicalary Fancy
strenAld door shore T 4 rd at,
' ilirid= l6 DeWin
Mei • and Domestic. Dry Goodz:NO.O0 Wood a.
. .
ELHHAOOH,• Waal Ideraiumis, Dealer,
Flag and Produce generally, sae Foranana g
lefaroliatua,' Na. 63 Water et, Pala
8AC1A.L.137 Mailleatte Grocers ILO'
flutude desigThlNTe.l33.Malis area, between bth
anlAhle. Non& sido v l - ativi
12SINNI14111111:310111, SUMMAND.
1511C01,4' Prodaerand , General Com
' .1
M 11404 Mesr.bantei eua Libert7 Pittebere6.
Linseed end Lanteila- • ' •
• •F.: VON ittINNEDEBT., Wholesale tot.
sotry F
I ,Mt iu, apt Dereitanta
- Plash mamma and Western Tto
attaVe ream to Meir new watelloasated4
l omer et Fmtat. anti Chaneety Lana
Mitotesalo Orocamand 4.ortutdr.
, Mehlerrhanto, and agate!" Itt Proaara.
Orlansican aoetiers tala
ono, at dureMekof3tria. E. !ow,
-• Ere..itativo ath at,Tittaborek MY son
fhe ginetel tam Mao as WMtmoahwi ll " en d
- • teem. there Free of memo to lin ELM&
LES (int4Caiol3 tO , &I. D.
W W.O Meglithrt (Mem Forwarding exull
~CestletheM Marehants, 4aalera:talrenaaDa
"tee~ Vara sea Proolnugh Manatkommtaltatattb
EST and - Forwatemg
Dam*ltant,,No., Tient, it. hawses wecel'on4.•
"abbilimmid M.. l4l Lthalr/ ete AM the
atAAEMEI; Dealerlnfamy- az ,toirga
.0204 Untarket atone,Pttlaltargh.
w DiaLsON Dinar ISt Wata
w ktutm mn.=
Orßtog Glicdsomm wt.
c. l, ': - Aluserlitl 4l "" mi " Inh lntelli •
- . •
MEM YOMG Co.—DesheclifilseanV ot t,
.= 7 . I ITV' Mali IL • •
§ 1 f - , ll' kV IMITCLIELTREE—WhOIash 9nokrii.
ci ~. mil burns la:
1 2 • • . - 4-" h=fsods /WI abil 1114,,Za
~,.;... • i li.ibaltillt;
..,,,,, 4112‘11:11..,21..;,2.P. - ,i , ,, , ,1ga2,11 p t ..L
~ ?, A 'r t. uM & 1204-3570 1 .-• ar
~ ...- wou4sturompsousd • .., It
-,-. e - ardikayssw ...... Ar • i iboAl4 . .. - •
. shit.
.‘lsr'll=l4olrifig i t. 0°111 1! I b :::
.13.: 2 14.11: , 14 - ii 1.2 f A„*,:', ..:-...e-4 , • '
, 1 .
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:, g 1786. - '- •
Fops.; '. .
_..__ .
JOTons TOWNSENT. nsd 4fdbecui'
N, ra,three dans almins Tiuril .1 rim
burst, will halo eoustaatly on hand a well summed m
amma cribs bestand fnmhest Heinen:Ms, which he
will sell on the most seasonable toms PhY.1....
NM:Wing lonters,arill be promptly amended to, mai on.l.
plied with - srucles theystay rely upon as genuine.
fliCrPhYsieians Preseripilons will be accurately no d
/prepared from the best materials, elan). hound
the fty as nista
Able far safe a lugs mock of Nab • and sopa Perfu•
Hlctiton aka?.
ROB/Hr H. Itt i tMe st n i al . open ed
the large table on First monnning ttnnogb
aPA Beeondlot; between Wood and Smithfield
eta" In the rear of the ?do
Mtn an entirely new cock of liorse=r a i r,iages kim3 4 .
th ,y e in bea th t e alltyamid t arias. Horses k ept &thee
? 11.1WHi t E- be s t
tt • - j .
CoNnstrEs to manufaetare meats, Burial
{finite, Tombs, Head Stmzes,deantel Pieces, Here
tre and Pier Topa °retrain aa&Mattestle marble, at
iregular and fin primp.
N. Draudejra for mom= e a te, moths, &c.
ed; tr . ! desertion= He solicits. ahare ofAblie
Vern r too M. &MITA Mounter taxer of onon and
.__yy colored Limn, Fringes for Donna &e.; Smuts
PIM and colored Cotton Frthges for *ilk and tow.
Sanaa. Gimp, Mohair, and Bilk /ham ranges,
made to order on the Menem notice..
Oros& corner of Maiden Lane and William,entranee
No 6.5 William street, third door, over Abner & Elysi
stota,No 63 Maiden lAn_ Near Fork jvld
&ova* smatazor, 7 roa a roma, vrasosaar.
iiooa WOOS; • " MIX moo,
TOOS. 16112103.
• linclniAlncip GLASS WORKS.
ren of Viaby Bottles, and Window' Glass, keep
todatantly on hand a - general maonomat of Ma above
article. Also, maim td order a superior article of
Mineral- or Soda-Water Bottles, olcolorod glass. No.
16 -Wood a 4 Pitiabareho Pa. aup[3.66in
Arritl2ll AEM DIALII rif
Saddlers' lioamonatty,alarnato And . Coach
Ness, Deer Hair, Varnish, Ike. De"
jyu.. No.= 'Wean ST. Prrrisman.
at., near Wood—All quantities of Green and
reßlank Teal; don. tip in mrcier,
phearlf 'end
u lTrt g Alf7iV g Ar.To s° Pek l. Pa Cra
Works. •
' l=d 4u l7l.l, '
Siring and Phrigh Stork 1014 ire. Waßilol.B on
Water and Front atteetkPittsbariti.
dealers - int tkiteb Trimmings and 'Malleable
EUCE/dASTEE, 'Aufttattatt—Othee, Pourth et,
third door above Stuldttleld, south side.
Coaveyancleg of efl abide done with the greatest
me end legal accuracy.
1111 ea toßt.! Estate otamined 0ct3047
F& AtITCHELTREE, Wholesale Grocers
.:Rectifying Distiller*, and Wine. and Uccle,
ettehatus. Also, Importers of Bode Ash ind Bleach
powder, No. LIO mem street, Puishrusk Pa,
j WIN F rat E shtieM e hty, " l "btrg p h an o % D'i
adelTshis. R u ng Este upon bu.Sthno atm utereharadire
every description, and,Alurine BM. upon hulls or
argues of mutts, taten Rim the mon , favorable
laV" Oft= in the Waistcoat of W. R Maim &
N 0.37 Water, near Market street, - Pittsburgh.
N. a—ne meows of this Company sleep thoontab
holunehn of the Agsney in this wry, with, the prompt
ness end liberality with which every claim upon them
filt loss has been adjusted, icily warrant Me agent in
inviting the.confidence and pa rronage ofids friends and
the community at line to the Delaware M. S. Insat
mnee Company, while it has the additional advan
as en institution among the moss ficsarlshingin '
phia—as Inning an amplepa i d-in capital, vin
by the
operation of Its droner is constantly Increasing, as
yteldleg to each person numred his due ahem or the
Mita of the commonly, without leaching hum in -
responiibilisy whuorrn* - end • thensiacisis possessing
the Mutual prtnetple di
al of every ober:minas fen
tore, geld in its meet attractive form nen4
—WME-ANID Itimuars-nroutuparcz—
THE Inaura V ee car4any of North Amenea,iterough
J. us duly authorized Agent, the subteriber,odcrs to
make permanent and limited - Inkoranee on Overly, in
Ws eil and its vieinhy , l Mad 'on shiputettnaly the Ca.
Arthur G Coffin, Mules Taylor,'
Steal W. Jones; Ambrose wh4e,
Edward Smith Jaeob Enema&
John A. Brow John R. Neff
John Whits, • Richest D. Woof ; Themes P. Cope, - Wm. Welsb it...,
Samuel F. Smith, • Wattles Eb
Sutured Brooks, S. Anson Allibone,
, Pres t.
This is thriashiest lesunince y.
rCoMpany in the United
etyma, havuorbein chartered la 1.724 lug charter in
ProPotOtVssotHritto its blab *landing, long experience,'
ample Mel &Tattling al( finks of an cite.. ha.T.
ardent Omuta, h may be conoldefed as oren4 am
pie soctirity to the public,. .• • - 'IV.. P. JON Pg.-
- At the Cohotiogßoom ol'ameoed, jeCtet hoCe.; we.
ter and Front street. Pittsburgh • mays
.../Plialrig.Llllllll7l/44-171;19JaLPICES (Ma
Ptfaltintoutein Centopanly; of Pilladel
phia, wiltrnaka lissureuto, perineum and liiniutd
-on every deteripticut of propesty, In Pittsburgh sudse
autroautting -iountry, eu favorable Lerma. Thu c
=kr a popvntnat <barter.
Contingent, Fund 11501;000
• Offtco comer of Thi,d and Maher num; Pittsburgh.
1 1 /Gal Pita y or - A f he
emainans am( inamancd m Minute
ndlikut rue, an talltlauga,Enerediza, to alai
ImPnrrY,R9t cat= hazanlma UM city and viainay.
apl4 GWs COCIIRA.N. wood ,a
ItS olitßiClithilk has bowl IPPaing.d,Ag.m,
• tem. alb. /ARMCO CO/Nrany of PiOno America,
and will Islas Policies sad woad ict the other business
Mate damOo3r, sut the warehouse of Atwood, Josue M
.4,12 • WM. P. JONES, wsuar.
Tusacooounigissom MECHAM,
14.0BautioNtinia . , Li.i1No. 117 Sinai Weer et.
gnbEGS to ' Worst the trade Bad dealt= generally, of
Ir jp r i m Pl ure; ttsb ur orgh,thet kav t y rh b vnu ate ra: m . ed r e m ateh 42,,:k arreag ur ense irz a l ta
a Jorgeend conga:it supply: of the following &sulk.
jlioll/ of Icbacco, which Intl be sold nue u rum.
any'otaerhorwe city or else.
where, sod all goods or from Clem will be wee
rented until to reprisEntatioor
Our. • ' St. Dozeingig Cana;
hers; Polio !Sorg .
i i . l E tanWi }Scul l, Leaf . to.
C4 O-4bi f nehhi celebrated = Star alt:-
CU, with a large augment of ether popular brea ds,
and qualities of mud;
_05; , 135,121,..L53 and 323, Lump;
fa, CI, Ss and 10i Ping Ladies' Trish Virginia Twin,
•de., sweet and plait', to whole end half boxes, wood,
and So, together with every variety of udele beloog.
tag to the wade.' jelOdly
J. wort. mita. I. amacnia.
umuna.r. aricsinT amtairraps,
pr?Attool, Co dl shoreardteg
111111,CRArit T S •
D 3 Nam Wzaitni, AND 1.. V Warn 91
, to-J o hn
TDrcrorn k:Co.
Robert Steen & Co.
' Barepsl3, Eletier•L- Ca R b il'OalPhi.
Smith, Ilagaler &
' ."' IDewilreslL
alto p/S Hahli,aney'
Bartnidge,Wilson 4 Co }
Balky, lirown&co. ra , 4o
Kier !J anes,
ed fir Liberal cash advantes en coralgnmerits to bur
' maandly
13.1314234. cooruis rum WU. 43113.
And General -Conuniaaton, Marabousits,
Na. 13 Soma W 32101 Bran
REMENCEl—lleanyorat & Co, Ptuse PHIL AIog. A.
- • Rodgers 4e. Sherlock,
S. Sebago & Son,
; January, Ma yo
Charles Bosbam, Jx, Louisville.
D 4144 4 12 Ph a re a k. C 4. Illillad'a
14:4 4 k /Chu, 1 )
Dull& & Cousineiy, Neer "oik.
;auks o. usuuss,
am. 7 & 3 nowt or,±sovis flosavrev, inicentsH, 01110.
0 0011MAIX. •
commlidgen and Woe Warding It erelbant.
• .• • str:2o woo:, stirtreuvies, r • •
CIONTINIIES to thiamin iedieralComadaelort bati
k/ nese, especially in the purchase and W e of•Aweri
oot, martufactures arid Produce, anti to incolving mad
t l " , witill 0 ° 045 a1,) ,4 104 4 SO cam ris Apra (or
IhW,A I limn?, ./ 1 A eetenutly supple-6 with
the prioe/pelarticleswfPuteburglSMantificrut e at the
lowest Wholesale pikes. Ogders' wed coualgoarente
reepeatitilly 197
• • wliglatgAiLE osocans;
ittc",:firwis;eimitosi Tanli & Pittsburgh
. , ithirrattioitires generally,
so :10 wren Ens*
was. u. , ,
A „,„„ d . ponicalwly 10.A.40 Forwarding. of Prodmee,
L a i r to ron&rra &
. r i c aSAAID_CFLUS_E "-.'
ci zin COXELUSION mcnonkaT,
• Nog, 103 and.lo7,3lAgars Wiume, '
, lbourals—Menluous Of ?Rubor&
.Va.--R Cr de Co, trise77-d023
Licaoiti op for thb rite to
e i 1
r Mrs
ar ba taken an * es
bat sl ug f e ectedotemus
Boatow o Tana=su
'oar:* ~,mollereigho A ipANULTi& CO;
'W44 et
I . , %;,- .;.- ..,....,* ..—, , Woca.-,. , ---
.' . .. vpi4v ,RS E I),_fai k tc a . Td . latAwn l4Bll OIROYDIST&-R. u s t " Ihe GI.
- 1 Ai maim; or ?enamel Jarman olr e Phitiou 01
ializip..Thlamoomora uni t i al... ills&/.....& n lkis••• •' k Abe Pre-12d1 itr•Ohllionwirm ita . plibli.l 2,4 4. w e. ; b r I
.- --••••••••esauseasitaiososan El sumo ar k Alphonse de Leenanals.- • Commis bat thlfelt&e& - ]
•By aPe -alaglatkaa .Artradvsnply of OP . 17:"tr. 1
lid to the mai ortip. iii. work aseettedthis day and for We by
-71=taildstaeanpassa.. iCageTOrg & 0 I rOd lll3 M' ' 1
;, ; ',FrAintm i o ~,,-~ , ••,:.--,1 -,... ••..
. • •
THE subscriber, in addition to his own
matinfactuting of Hats, Mu made arrange
ments with Messrs Schee & Co., (the most
fashionable hatters of the city of New York,l fir o ma
uler supply of nisei - try fine Silk Hats, and having past
received a few cases, gentlemen con he salted with a
very rich and beautiftt \ hat by coiling at his new Hat
and. Cap Store, SmiHil.eld street, second door wroth of
Fourth, where may be found a green variety of
and Claps of his own manufacture, wholesale and re
tail Hats made to order on ahon notice.
,31 , CORD 46,00,
alneeessors to APCord tr. King) OIL
Piashlon•ble U ttttttt '
Corner of Mod and F ift h Stmts.
PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hit. and
Caps from our establiahment of the mar ataransta and
of the Limeir miss, utd at the unmet
Conn. Merchants, purchasing by 'wholesale, are
respecnWly invited to sell and examine our Stock; as
we can say with confidence that es regards goat-Iva
and NU., it will not suffer in a comparison with tiny
house in Philadelphia. febt7
eiv MUFFEs—Theoltb
ashwriber is CA
now recing from the
city of New York, a choice assortment
ornate, Cape add Miffs, late,l faaltiona In greakvane
ty and very cheap, wholesale and retail.
14 .., Positional, tor 18419.
RIoCOII D. & Co.,
(Lan Wont, & lunoo
TrWILL inrroduce on Saturday, Aortal 46th, the
Fall style of lits,just received from New York.
. in wand of a neat and beautiful hat, are Invited
to call at their nore, comer of Fifth and Wood'atreeta.
..t o DEALERS are Maned to exaanne R. H.
• PALMER'S stock of Straw Goo* of the
•P f i gll4l4, l ro 's'd m part o f
English Don
stable do i American do do= Pearl do Coburg do;
Rodandeles French Lace;• Parley Gmtp, de. do.
HATS—Leghord, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw,
do Braid, Rndand Heald, Pedal do.
Also, ArnesPal Plower( Ribbons, de. Straw Bon
net Warehouse, AS market st , marlin
To Oottatry Merchant.
ALARGESTOCK of School Book., Papa, station
ary, 'nimble foe country sales; among watch
Writing Papers, of finer, medium and common ,a'lt 's Loner - Paper ci• do de do
Noce r do
rr E YLeuer E.nellopes do
&sues, Pencils, Wafers, tJujU, and Stead Pens
Window Paper iyard PILO Bod Ptit4edi
Bonnet Boards, of different sinalities;
Blank Sooks,ln, great variety;
Schob! and Pukes Dillies
3 C ,l rs ,G twA i ta v etet: andeiie sindon 51°
Uors t " ran RZ:r P s r, Ph4 I.°P"'
Ray's liclecoc ° Arithinetits
Cobb's PrWers, Spellers Ind Readers
Sanders' do do do
drithmeties by Adams, Disis,Colbam,Punith, Stock
Ueograpnies by Idltchell,Olney, Smith,liorse,Good
rich, Parley, and other.
rammars, by Smith Kirkham, BetKons, Weld, and
'others. Fin mile n low prices by
mood st, 5 doom Move Oh.
The highest market pride paid for good mixed rags,
in cub. sp i n
I. la:exposition of the at ducovernes and Mea-
n= of modern autonomy; gre by 0 Ai !ditched, • sr, Di
rector of thoCincianati Oburrtuory.
Headley', Italy, Air and Shiner --lauers freed Italy,
the Alp. and the Rbi s; by J T Headley, author of Na
poleon and hi. Alarshalls, Wainington and Ms Gener
als &e. New and revised edition_
Statistics of CoaL—The Geographical and Geologi
cal distinctions of NDiteralCourribles or fossil feel;
including also, none. and localitim of the various
mineral bituannious substances employed in arts and
manufactores illustrated by Maps and ae
companied by nearly-GO littirtirdi an d an
alyse. of rElillerld combustibles, ae; prepared by Wea
ried Cterurlimy Taylor.
Just received rk few copies ofeach of the above warts
Ord Booksellers, tor market & 3d sty.
Al by J. d. & IL P. JAMES, Clncionati, tha follow./
now and valaabbs WOTitO—C,
Doniphan's Expodiion—Contain
sketch of i
life of CoL W. Doniphaw the nem of
Mexico, Gem Kearney , . Overland Expedition to Call
fornia; Dordphait's Campaign against as Navims, mot
his unparalleled March upon Clnlusalica and Durango,
and the Operations of Gen with
give at Santa Ye; wi •
Map lad Div/einem by John T Hughes. AEI • tbe
let 13.egimaut of Minoan Cavalry
Ilisuiry of Henmelq-4s Antiqutties and Natural
CalidOtilic Geographical Siattertutal and geOlogioal
desetiptlemg with suustalotes of Pioneers Wei and mom
than use lrundred DiOgraphical tOustehos of distinguish
ed Pioneera, Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Di
vines, &..e.; illustrated with forty engravings; by Lewis.
Connts,l vol: octavo.
.11th Twelve Months , Vol L um or:, or Journal of • Pvt..
Irate in the Tennessee Regiment of {Amery, in the
Campaign of Jiletico, daring 184047,cen eking en en.
coma of the klare6 of the P,eglment to Vera Core, a
&winders of the Country paseed over manners, ens.
toms, ere. of the people; Sketches of Camp _ Ll* an
mamas of all th e avian. of ether'Volonteet Itereauents,
and • fall Iltatoryof the Mexican War; List Or 48 101.
Wounded,d kr; illustrated by ala neither of
l elr " iva t Vireo add pier* by ilea. C. FtXsel volume
°etas*, doe)
— llfwgWil — i . Book 1 /Gatabllnkunuesta,
78 Wean Sr,rrwras Four th arm &adobe Aust.
tHE sabserthers have just opened, at the !above
JL itand4 stooge stock of diFerent qualities rated and
pleb white end - blue Writing and Letter Nom, cone
toratial eadpaeket-pest Flat Cap, demyend medulla
writing Impels, for Thank books; medium and royal co
lored Pruaing Papers medium dewy end cap Bey
Hooka antiLedgens, superior-riper and bout Lamm
binding; Schaal Books of all heir, standard larks is
Theology and Se-Maces, Quills, gold and eterti Peas,
Wafers, War, 11111 Vile', tam de.
Mita liodki of all dyes ruled to pattern, and bound
In the maul inthsterutal manner.
Country hlereheath•uPP/ted at lowest wholesale pri
ces Gut eat nr raga al rash prices.
JOYFR TlNG.—Having • Job °Mee ix connection
with oar mnablishmentore ere prepared te escrow all
orders for plain end Laney Printing--books, pernpbleu,
circulars, businew cards, bill. af lading, de.; with des
paters gad at low prier. ELLIOTT ENULLBf I,
mya 70 wood zb_Loet_ween 4th and tharanudalle
E CrosnOr ektirlt ft fey esd
Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Elpmfg, D. I),
Bethel Pthg, do do
Jacobus on Gospels, .fdattheer, with liaamorty;
Lettere. se Shakeptue, 2 volai
Path of Life, or Sketches of the Way to Qlory and
Footsteps of Messiah;
The Content; by author ofBckool Girl In France;
Now end Then, by Warren;
Idketehes of LCUIPIIL on Parables and Illinteles;
Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger;
Heaven upon Earth;
Bawl:won, tale at antltbr Ragland: 9 yob,
For sale by ELLSOTE d ENGLISH.
jobb 78 wood and 60 ainyltet eta
- -•
ATEWllLti—ioet received frorn the. publisher,
•Al and for solo of tLe biethodist Book Biorr 4th tic
'near Wood. Topper's Proverbial Philosophy ,fin Vireo'
styles of binding; • beautiful book for • press .L
Preparation for nut Polpit.
Manahan at Berman* an tha Fumble. aid Minna,
of Christ, bythe The
aline Pulpit rjpeloyeniu—nan
.ekatehee, ae. The English Pulpiti collect lan at set
'Novil.6r the most eanneut Ihieg de‘inee at Englund
Maculae' Vouu—Lttaine Goa,Cb Mlan L 0,..
est than ate,Blcrett Mennen/my myna
firHE PATRIARCHAL Ate ; ;; or Ma History and
11 ' 11 Kiv. of Mankind V .om the Creation le the
crib of isaaci Deduced frr. t h e writings of - Dose.,
and other inspired author • and illustrated by copious
reference. to the &retool' record, , traditions, and my
thology of Wier.' World—by Geo Maiia, E 8. A.
I vol., octavo:
" al °, " 4 1 1 tY , r-Charms , by M W
Idles hitest:. A
or tory pogulat latle era*.
Psi ra of Itis American Rev& utiou, by E. L. Ma
m ronfa Jts. l yet th mo.
'..:``` l6 f tot Library, for famdlies or schocils, to
For • by
•-• f4B ' with engravings; ~thla a saw work.
se q JD Apollo Buildings, 4th si
at/Irma -Botany of Meiitedgtioes
° .L . I of Virginia; comprising ot Ibe
1 ° ,..,"ir and plaza. harritO, forte 4
, unused according to the •.
". - "A •Yoopele of the Signers se. 00108 *nu.:
°my arsystsww a stater of Um nidireei ,
itesmary of tamm-by Lewis 11 Bs 0h0..: 04
iII.WWILY end Rarntal Unary In h Any:
New Jersey, 10.. - 3 e. Behead edition,. , , Lm
larythl. For axle by
' — OO ' WINSTON t e Errocirrox
Butler, Pa
Waalso attend to concede= and all ether birsi.
nt • enumsted to him in Bader and Armstrong
eountles, Pa. Refer to
J. fr. EL. Floyd, Liberty at.
W. W. Wallace, do
James biarehall do
dly Kay A Co., Wood at.
B. SWEITZEB, Attorney at Law, atece 8d at.,
U .opposite Bt. , Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh , will else
attend prompay Collection., in Washington, Fayette
and Green counties, Pa.
Blanket** Bell & Co.,
• Church &,Carothers, }Pixtebttrgh.
D T. Morgan , ' Fecl3dly
' J. HENRY, Attorney ami Contemner u Lam,
Cincinnati, Ohio.. Collection. io Southern Ohio,
an in'lndians, amain Kentucky, promptly and care
fully attended to. Commissioner for Inc Stem of Penn
sylvania, for taking Hapositlons, ar.hmoarledgeoents,
to. to.
Baca so--:Hon. Wm. BeU & Son, Cords Church &
Carothers, Wm. Hays ; Esq.,Hoek & Davis. .715
Wa LL/ A l4B SHINN, (successor. to Lawrie god
Williams.) Anon:ors and C...0e..110rs al La
Office North side of Fount, street, above Smithfield. w.
JAMES P. OAR, Attorney at Law, Ilakevielrs
Beading, Grant street, nearly opposue the Court
Honsa anOt.ato
D •'lx 7r
F0. te... 3 11 , :ve removed their office tn the South eide:'
Cherri Ailey and Grant meet.
1.0. U. ROBINSON, Attomery Lever, has re
. more/ his office to the Exchange Building., St.
next door to Alderman Johns. apt7ly
SAUUEL W7EILACK, Ammer at Law. Otitee •
Fourth street, near Oran; Piusborgh.
emittdseld Vl'idoor%oViathOorith
T OGAN k....IeVEDY Ilan e this day associated
JU with them iaiithe Hardware business, Pliinp
son and Edward 'Gregg. The Arm will hard
after be Logan Wilson is Co. Ths arrangement yen
de nit dostrable to close the old business es soon es
pearl/Ile. All persons whose !labial. 'have motored,
are especially requested to melte immediate payment.
Pittsburah, Jut. 1, 1949.
T tiaAisr; WIt1102( "Co.-7mpott en and
Vilholesale Dealers in Foreignand Domestic Hard
ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, de., lite,'Wead attain, Pitts
burgh/are now fnlly prepared with a Intently impor
ted stock of Hardwans, °sultry, &a., to offer very 'rem
imincementa to western hillier., being dxierwitmil to
compete nt prices sytaltVury of the Atlantic cities. Al
so on bendier extensive assortmentof Piusbat)sh Hard
ware, viz Shovels, Spade., Perks, Hoes, Vices, de.,
al, 'of which will be whim the lesson manufactures
price. }Kul
1:).P . ~ IS , RIIIIIIP. ,
ia.THE subscribers Iraviegyecently entered into
pa III,
unde l rAgrue of Gaingber, lows,
dsct for the Of-carrying on the Bell
roan g attirGas Flying burinesa In
all its branches, hose taken theMand formally socti
pied by H. Gallagher, No. 109 'Prom street, between
Wood and Smithfield at.., witerit they are prepared to
execute all orders tor Bells, Brium Curing* of every
description, and Gto Fittings with neatness and des.
patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to.
N. B.—The attention of Machinists and Engineers is
invited to our antlanesotlon metal, for aredneed price,
which has been pronoenced aperior to Babbit's by
numbers who have used both. Steamboat builder. and
the public, generally, are alio requested to call and ex
amine our superior double botlun Pores Pumps for
steamboat and domestic 1.e..
THE rn , .. T. l * , : 1 4=1! under the firm co
Atuord & Kmg, CPSIS ey map consent dissolved
on the let Lest. The bI2IIII3IMIS twill be closed at the old
stand tty either of os, win; the name of the Fitz for
D ube
ry ' as u. po to ssti v e a . vse o" a b ort:-
spectfully request those indebted to can and settle
their accmmts. JOHN D. ?d'CORD,
jeld H. D. KING.
TOHN D. M'CORD having easomated with him ht.
brmher Junes Pl'Cord, ander the style of lillCord
Co„ will continue the Hill, Cap arid Fur business in
all tt. vorteue bronchi'', wholesale sud of the
old eland, corner of Wood and CM streets, whom they
solicit • continuation of the patronme so litiemlly b.
steered on the old firm. JOHN D
jeM JANYS s. nrcoan
I N w rat T A tr4m , tliti m o oo ld ,.. ant l. well y t , n o erorn firm
the patronage of the public my SOLOGIL•Ofl, Mourn.
/illoord It Co. t.Jy It. D. ICING.
Oc...Partas rattp Notloo.
'EI W. STEPHENS ofWbeellng, E. F. Sheenberger
of inmate, and J. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, haws
thus day altered into." co-parthenhip ander style and
firm of Stephens, Shoenbarger k Co., at the Anchor
iyon works, Wheelin4, Pa., for the purpose of mann
unning iron and nails of every dewription.
11. w. WILITIM.,z I. WWWWW.W.II2. 1. a. . • .
Wheeling . , V.
Manufacture all kind of boiler, sham, bar iron and
nada, A. 11. steel attune spri st g. and axle.. Doug con
nected with Shoeoberger's old Juniata works, we east
offer an article of Juniata iron (branded Ellsoonberger)
equal to any made in the country. All of which sod
be aold at the Pittsburgh prices. Warehouse of the
works corner of Alonroe and Water sta. myll
Dinhpartnetehrp hflifillno pint.
_LAI under the style and Arm of Wight:roan lb, Dal—
ht this day di/noised by mutual consent, John Da
dirpored of his toiler inteeast to 11.
man. The Inzinesa of the late firm *ill be set ~
tl lit
11. Wighmtan, who u authorised to use the name o
late firm for that purpose. IL MIGHTMAN.'
sptAkMer Duly I 371 I. DALZELL.
THE trubaeriber la now prepad to mnonfantare aII
koala of Cotton and Woolen Mac hinery, at the *honest
notice. Orders letlat R. Wigraman'a Engine Shop. cot
ten Liberty and Water sweets, will meet with prompt
attennoni H. WIMITMAN,
Leaeol st, bonne. Federal and Sandusky ma.,
Allegheny stay.
C O•P/LTLTARallifllP—Win. Yoong booing thus
ther!linens w 111 hereafter bre ' ollu M cl2 n u n ed th e:
firm of Wm. Young to Co. WILLIAM YOUNG,
1j Thlst:snide Iv prepared asseordtug to a rempe pro
cured from m
very old and eminent physien, who has
exparieneneed In his pramthe the want of • remedy for
DISEASES OF TOR LUNGS, upon which reliance
could be plated by the publie—which tudnem/ !um,
after matured tests in numerone asms of Pulmonary
Complatms. 10 offer thus preparanno. It has been the,
roughly tried by hundreds, now in geed health, wh o
eon say that they owe their preservaunn from an early
titre, to the ace of thls medicine.
GO:121730TION 4ND LIRA CamtLAlXT.—For a lea=
I stigered with these diseases. and was the more ,
ed had lona mother, two brothers, and two • .1
ten, with th e consumption. I had the best mediae
Okla In Wain; every remedy woe wed without e,
and I wks union in despair. I was wuting.7,
very nevi's., bad a bad womb; loss of strength, and
mar other dangers. glyzeinom.. At length Ivied
Dr. Tatloes Balsam or Ltvertwert, and] men may this
medicine eared ore like • chum. It. rest restorative
powets should be made know,.
Btooo.—This disease is easily cured by
the proper Medicine. Mr. Newbery,lslßowery, need
to use blood In large onannues. both by defland
night; besides this, he had • wecrefitough, sod pun in
the breasn yet after using eery other medicine, ne was
cared by Dr. Taylor's 13aWarn of Liverwort. Thu now
is A eenteel, and let all others who cannot adord to be
othe, follcier his example, if they are sick, and ore this
medicine. 11 will restore diseased Longs and Lover
in n chow touch
To persons of • disordered nerroussystem or those
who tee unable to rest well al night, this TlM:Leine is
eraphatieally recommended. as the subscriber once
witnessed its extraordinary virtue in his own family,
one of the members baying been attached wall • se
vere coughing, violent cold, spitting of blood, prntese
night sweats, disturbed rest. great Irritability, with dd . -
kct.ltT of breathing , b.., nod'was curwl by one bottle
of this Oblige..
Sold in Plusborgh by J D Morgan, 93 Wood s 4 1
Townsend, 43 Markel H Smy.r, eor blarket and
34 eta; Henderson & Co, 3 Liberty st Prtee redacted
In QLAO per bottle. deel
Dr. Roses Celebrated Remedies.
_ .
DR.. JACOB HOSE, the discoverer and mle pro
pnetor of these most popular and beneficial med
icines, and also the Macau. of the celebrated instru
ment for inflating the Longs, Wffc tins• cure of
Chronic diseases, twos • modern of that emlnent physi
cian Doctor Physic, and is a Loudest* of the 'Dumyat
ty of ' Pennrylvania, and for Many yearsamee has been
engaged to the iovestoration of disease, and the
canoo creamed's, thereto.
Through tho use of bis inflating tube, io, concoction
with his - Prop/actie Syrup and COW of bis remedies,
ha has wined an imharMelled eminence in curing
Mose dreadful and fuel maladies, Tubercular One
gumption, Cancers, lierofula, Rheumatism, Asthma,
Peres la d Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic rdysipe
/As, and allthose obstinate diseases peculiar to females.
Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the use
of Ms comedies, to which humanity is beir—not by tbe
, ire .of oar compound only, (or that is incompatible
Ptrrlde)ogleal Law, bur by the use of hi• reme
m co , k , LlUpted to and prescribed for eaoh peculiar form
1r: Roses Tank Alterative Pills, whim used are in.
vat UWE,' acknowledged to be impeder to all other, no
'tredve or liver pill, inasmuch no they leave the
bow. I. perfectly tree from costiveness; as also hi.
Golds m M., in admitted by the faculty to possess pecu
liar pt Verde* adapted to female diseases, but being
tads& Id that a bare tried is sufficient to essabloth what
hasimem said ho the minds of the most skeptical.
no .®feted ars invited to call upon the agent, and
gweiln, one of the Doctor's pamphlets, giving
s d.uns,l lecottet of each remedy and It. application.
Pot_sal b • the tbnovring agents, as well as by most
Dniggists thismigtom the country:
.16ektoo oath her & 04 Woodstreet, Putaburght
yepprrnse t td, drugglst, 43 tilmitat st
Lea A Elealtdasn, " near the P. O. Allegheny eity.
Joe Barkley, Plallngton, Beaver county, Pa.
Jno Elliott, Eamon Valley, "
T Adams, Basso', a a
m, 10-tly
&ram, Colombians c 0,0., Apr. 84, Intl.
DB. D. JAYNES: Daaa Sue—l feel bound to you
and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op.
portunity of giving publicity to the extraordinary <recut
of your Expectorant on myself. Having been afflicted
for several years with a severe cough, hectic fever
and its cOncOMitiall diseases, end mewed duly damned
to linger out a short bat miserable 011/11111Ce, until the
fall of lko9, when,
teeing more aeverely attacked, and
having resorted to all my fanner remedies, andihepre
• aorintiOns of two of the most reepectable phyateians in
nelghbothood Without deriving any benefit, or the
, mutt:dation of iturdving but% (ow days or weeks at
I luthest—when 'the last gleam of hope was about to
v marsh. I had recommended ,to ma your Expectorant—
s pd Warmed by that Heins who does all thing. In the
a Se Orilla means—aad oontrary to the expectations of
it li!r physician. and Mends, I We. Ina few days raised
Lm My bed and was enabled by the it., a(o bottle, to
tit toad to my business, enjoying since better health than
I I aid for ten years previous.
Eespectfulfy yours, !tr., Jan W. Farm
-1 tar sale' in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 71
Pot teat meet moc
DT O4PO.IIEL W. MORRIS having recently parches.
eti the Drag Store formerly owned bye Hay
• rooks.), No. Commercial Row, Ltbert street,
Pittsbingh takes this method of informing his
friends and the public de general, that his store
will at .all times he supplied with an extensiveand
ff191.X114 .asortment of Drugs, Dye Studs, Paints, Oils,
Van liihea Pernarnery, Colognes, and indeed every an.
{lel° called' tot Ina drag store, which wall sheep, be
wW en love as at any other bowie in the city,W6oll2-
ale or retra 'loping to merit • share of the public
patronage, nothing shall he wanting to give entire sat
isfac Lion to We crammer,. nov74+ol4_
• •
— iard.rojesi
ucrort.liovnikuN W. MORRIS, still eontinues
prectico the safe and popular remedy called
Ytlnspalby or tee Water Cura,and tides:red wilt treat
diseases Alkipateically. Obstinioal .eases will be al.
tended% to premptly
N.R.—b,. Morro may be consulted at his Drug
Store, No. S Commercial Row,Liberty sweet, during
business bows, or at his residece, morning and even.
log, Penn street, 3 doors below Irwin's alloy.
• .
COTHILLAILI SLIRLIWN will attend to the treat
ment of Dimiees of the Li r a .
Jht. bkell engaged ti• branch of the mad&
car profection for
Tears, and has conducted au
enablishment for the treatment of diseases of the eye
.alrotwfor wreath! lean.
Omen and ratudance comer of 19aEOlooky t and
Strawberry Alleg heny city, 90%13
TIIIS Is to certify that I parehased one vial of Dr.
- Slannahr Worm 12;dio, some taro months ago
and imsa toll son of ma scion years old,, two
Olyiv . oons ray, and abbong so the )unocot may etypOir
10 - 1 balm no doubt hot there was upward. of
TWOMMIRP Wants pawed fa= hie% pruning
. toriArsoo quarter of an lochuttsnyinehell lo
Q 110/4-Walf.
-x-Ramer ereak..oorol to. Tenn., Deo O, £947. laSt'
libmttlx—So f. =FtWookoes9M,' pir t .
for ddb
O _4OD rtrearros, raormarmta
..trestablishment long and widely known as
bet iyao Order most ecunntedimis in the city of
Dal Wm recently undergone, veal' eaten
sod alterations and iruprovcatents. An enure new
wing has boon added, containing numerous and airy
sleeping ltneents, and attermive bathing room.
The Lad es' department has also been completely
teorganht and fitted up in • most =blue and beann.
I fel style. In fact the whole amusement of the House
has been !en doled, with • single eye on the part of
the proprietors, tswords the comfort and pleasure of
their e.cslaromi which they confidently amen will.
challenge ernriparlson with any Hotel in the Bolen.
Their table will always be supplied with every sub
sumial and loamy which the market afford., se
a th rta 4
o a ..iparign style; while In the way of Wines,
„Divot be surpassed.
conehmion the proprietor. beg to say, that nothing
l be left undone on their pan, and on the part of their
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the confirmed
patrolman of their friends and the nubile generally:
The pares foe board have also been reduced to the
folbering rates:
Gentlemen's. u 1,50 Ordinary, $1,75 per day.
N. B.—. The Baggage Wagon of the Rouse will sl
ang be dmed the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
=MAO/ Men AND rt. matt m., PT1TN3934111, PA. The. subscriber having assumed the manage
' Meat of this long establiehed and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Traveller* and the
Publle genera/Iy,, that he will be at all times prepared
to accommodate them in all thnige duirable in a well
regulated Hole/ The Roam ts now being thoroughly
repaired thioughout, and new Pyre ore added, and no
pains will he spared to make the Exchange one of the
.cry best Hotels in the cOmitry.
The AtedetstAu t ti rt..ot, Holly ttotteita a etanttlatanee
of the very Ithere.inttfo/lAffe the Meuse hes heretofore
received. THOMAS OWSTON,
febedtf Proprietor.
°o h . oh karma AND emu rraxgre, IITTIMVAGH.
THE subscriber respectfully
libe has now opened his oew and excellent Hotel
r the accommodation of travele boarders,
and the public generally. The house and furniture
an , end , n l .9 now, and no pains or expense have been
spared to render it one of the most comfonahle and
Hotel. in the city.
The sabacriber Is determined to deserve, and there
fore eoliclis, a awe ofpublic patronage.
0ct144/1 JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor,
Tentlowitintrotivs GALT HOUSE,
LOrettru.TAt, AT.
AIDETHROCIUSORTON beg. to acestaint his
friends that he is again lessee of the GALT
•HOUIPP, Louisville, Hy, where he hopes to meet
all his old friends, assuring them and the public, that
no elfort shall be spared to make all comfortable who
favor him with
mennitrr rt.. A ret.PALth room HOTSn !
axe nun urn
/APPOSITE late lhotk of the Paired States, Phil..
kif=P r
hocolate ; Coa ;
W. Baker's C
Atomic. and French m
Chaimlate, Prepar
ed Cocoa, Comm Pasta, Brom. (ben.. Shells, de.
TO merchants and commons, who would purehm
the best products of Coma, free from adulteration,
mon nutritious than tea or coffee. Kadin quality unsur
passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles,
maluifactored by himself and stamped With his name.
Hid Buena and Chaim Pane, as delicate, paltuabin,
and salutary drinks for imaltds, convalescents and
ethers, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians
superior to any other preparations. Hts Marmlactares
ere slimy, on sale, in wy quantity, by the mom re.
spdetable grocers m the emterlECibm, and by thou
agents, HassaaGray fr. co., of finaßbn
& to, Ilartfotd, Conn; Mosey & Murray, New Turk;
9.l. times .lk sum., Philadelphia; ?nom. V Ilrundlge, Hal.
"d ELlVEil,rowlete Ci r
For role by ang3l BACIAL i pY A SMITH, Agts
UrHITE, BROOKS & CO., would reapeettrilly in
fonts the public that they bare erected a shop on
Laoock, between Federal and Sandusky streets. They
me now making and are prepared to receive orders for
every description of vehicles. Coaches, Chariot's Re
touches, Mimes Phonons, &v., Ac.. which from their
tang expatience in the manufacture of the above work,
and the faedium they have, they feel confident they am
enabled to do work on the mmt reasonable terms vnth
those wanti ng articles to their line.
Paying particular attention to the selection of mate
havemils,anti having none but competent workmen, they
no bestutuan erarranung their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the public to this tome
N. R. Repeating done in the heat manner, and on the
most reasonable term;Mß
and OeSsi. Iron Illtalling.
rptiE gublberthers her leave to Inform the public that
they hew obtained hoot the East all the late and
fathionahle designs for I n Railing, both for houses
and cemeteries • Persons wishing to procure hand
some patterns will please ran and examine. and Judge
fin themselves. Ratae will be furnished at the Won
est nod., and in the bestmanner, e• the corner of
Craig and Rebecca streets., Allegheny city.
wurfiskllf A. LAMONT & KNOX.
tothounoes to Ike cairn. of Pittsburgh and
eleld . hly, that he has commenced giving Lunt - mum ou
the 11% His method pr . :lnstructing is very easy,
and ada to I. aril in a very short lime. He hopes
by+ mitt Slitmation to his buaineas, and by reasonable
prices, bluetit a share of the public patronage. Those
wishing .fg, hem him ploy, are invited to leave then
cards, with the tone hest suited to them,
Stores of Mr. Mellor or Mr. Blum. at tho Musk
Remamem—J H. Mellor, Eaq , Frederick
Esq., Victor Sort* Bookseller.
B. NORRIS, (baccessor to M. R. Delany I
N* AS Fifth strait, between Wood and Smith.
Id. Fresh leeches received monthly—emndance all
hours. Reference. the phydei.• of Pimborgh, Alle
gh.T and Birmingham.
I moat chanting rocoonnwd to the, phyuciam, lhab
then mod all my former InexiM and patrons, Mr. K. B.
Norm as being thoroughly acquainted with the bust.
neat and worthy of patronage.
eter22-Ir M. P. Dba-ANV.
Mannfacrared Tobeee.
EMS Gentry & lioyetor's superior rout 5 Ipa;
25 do fil A 'Butler's
19 kif do Price & Harwood'. " . 5 .
21 do do do . " 10 .
25 do do Purl k Harwood . . 5k lb .
14 do I Robluon U UIN .
57 hf do do " . 3 .
13 do do Wm Dawson " . 5 0
33 do T Wrighfs . . 5 .
37 do 0 Anderson U U 8 0
0 do L T Ihiile's . " 8 .
A do 11 Macon'.
0 do Haien 5 " " lb .
Jut late,/ from . .lehnl , t .4 piinicela and for sale
by if I _ii.D. Hi. CK7iioll & Co.
41 north 'rater .1 and 10 north ' , hurl,*
r 24 Philadelphia
4b TO
/L i Efillt - I IfACCO- - 20 bx hi 8 . s.lonei
Nt &-
5..•.& •I:'s superior tweet lb hhapa.
75 half bra Webster Old superior garnet 5. luip.
36 u LaWlllll.l Lome, 0 _ fe .
ss ljeutry & Rovtaer "la & fia
20 " Dupont (de la Dire) " fa "
lo " McLeod " Ss
24 " Lawrence Looter "7. ads plug
Just landing from steamer, and far salts by
41 N water st and 18 N wharves,
W. de J. oLitsa,
TiTE are soli engaged in the above business, comer
TT of Wood and Thad streets, Pluslturgh, where
we are prepared to do any work to our lane with Jet
patch. We attend to our work personally, and sans-
Mouon will be givau in regard to its neatness and t.•
Blank Books ruled to any pattern and !mend soh
stantially. Books in numbers or old book. bound care
fully or repaired. Names put on books an gilt letters.
Those that have work an our lino ore invited to rail.
Prices lOW. 0113031.
SCA.IFE and Capt. JithlE4l ATKINSON
bars entered into partnership, under the firm of
BLit irk: & ATKINSON, and will carry on the Tin,
Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufutory.
Ales, Diacksmitiaing In all ate branches at the old
stand of Wm 11. Scaife,Firat street, near ,Vood.
Particular 11100011011 given to steamboat work.
40/11RiAlfh — a , 801. g. Lyquara - ire.eFSo
t/ do St. Domingo do, 4.K1 tax. S.lO glass; 124 do
10-12 do ,• IS do 7.0 do 23 do 11114 do ; Wide N. O.
Sugar • SO blab No. 3 mackerel ; 120 be. rosirisoap No.
I; Redo dipped eandies; DM do Cinclomiti mould do,
received 013 consignment and for sale by
111/4TIT.P.CKf - V - 0 1 . large and splendid assortment
1/ of Clines. Cassimeres, Vesting*, Cravats, 10., and
for sale by I. WILLIAMS, Marcus Tailor,
myd under Monongahela House, smithfield
• Three fine Draught Homes for sale, moue
hie for druying, we. Enquire of
canal t(s. Übangi st
a' IALF SKINS.3ITOs genuine PreneVtaif flt, •
Skins, vetz„Zin gilsvattaki,,,a
which the attention of hoot makers ih invited. Jtut
received and for cote by W YOUNG & Co,
A ' l' W. M. iII'CLIWTOCK'S, No. 75 Fourth .treat,
eon be seen a splendid variety of sop Royal Vel
vet and Tapestry Calvet', latest styles. Also, Bros
eels, 8 ply. and sup and fine Ingrain Carpets, of sup
styles and qualities; and in eonmetion can always be
found Table Linens, Crashes, Diapers, Damasks, Itlo.
mess, Oil Cloths, Ac. Ac., to all of which we colt the
altanUao of the public. morn_
HAVING sold one eolre stock to C. R.Osunv, with
a mew to oloung our old business, we hereby so
tacit for him Lhe pWroltage of all our friends and cus
tomers. R.O. W. POINDEXTER,
Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1848.
C. IL GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Contentssion end
Forward , Merchant, No. 41 Water et. ault/
11015. 03 and 04 Front strut, Bell
erecter., of all kinds of Faunas for Gas, Swam
an Water, knee always on band Wrought Iron Wel.
deal Pipe for slum, gas and weer, from, in. to m.
to diameter. Brass Osailngs made to order. Also, a
large assortment of Bells and finished time Work, to
which the attention of Plumber. and klusthe Builders
la partioularly thrected.
U., Fittings put tip promptly and on reasonable
ten= sepal:Wince
1718ITERS TO THIS 1111111.P.A . P ca d ho (entailed
V vith a Lunch at 'alt./lows of the day; islso, lee
Creaths, Fruit Confectionary, to. The steamerGreett
eraticl makes her regular Ores as as leaving her Pitt
strewn landing in ed A. hl.ould at halt put each hoar
(except util I 0 P. hL—leaving the Garden at 10
Y. AL for her last totp to the eity.
iAsecmatied view of the Garden le ludueribable
t. beauty. Wts
t,oITMBEREII3, OCTOBER .26,15118.:—"We are now
, raottpeof mere bales first rata tettS Weal=
Now York and . Masiaikasetes Primo HOP and are
always race/vim regular unarm We eee PrvPiehlid
io. nediott low= tuna Office, Pin etre_et, Allegheny
river. "Dote OßO. AC IBM= & Co.
LWivamow% Hammer; a co, hita reawnni to the
. chnissin a doom wenn of ine Monongnltala
on Wannr_rmi Front linnets.
}7 . 0 'REVT—Tha Wnrabnais No CI Weo!aaJ.
rips. —
IVomLt 110 E
22, 1848
Mate J 9 Strickler & Cal
ATANUFACTURERS Plwenia fin proof safes,
south side, second street, between Wood and
Smithfield Pittsburgh. J 9 Strickler having deceased
and the surviving partner Mc Jos Llppencou, hating
associated co nducted ISt. Wm C Saw, the business
will hereafter be ander the style of Lippe.-
con& Barn
- .
Thal of a safe Cinch:matt, o.—We, the undersign
ed were present at the testing of one of .1 13 Strickler &
Co's improved Phrenix fire-proof safes. The sere was
placed in a furnace en the eolith: lending, and subjected
to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for mare (hell
three hours. in one hour and a half the safe came to
a bright red heat; the door of the furnace was then
crawl, width caused an increased and steady heat for
the balance of the time, until the east iron wheels were
partially melted off; the furnace was then thrown down
and the safe cooled and opened. The money, paper.
and books which it contained were as perfect as when
ed there, the binding only of the books being in
ure by the water cooling the safe. We hum no
ration is reramaroandirig it to the public Es a safe
raperior to any we have Cara seen tasted, and believe
that it will stand any hest , which might be produced,
inept sheet winch would melt it to a solid mass.
Netllnt, Ifett Um IMl L P l llc o e r e l eiVirus iC ;on li T : 7 :
& Co, Stedamo, Nayarit & Co, Wm haA.,
We, the andersignee, selected the safe gookn f
above, from 11 lot in the morn of Traber & Ardpery, the
Refer to Cook it Harris, Brokers, Pirtsbersh;
Hussey_ Horton tr. Co, do do Efe3d/sykyB
.1.11 LUTZ:NCOIT. 1011111 D. WWI,. L. Z. MAGAS.
. • •
vreNuvAc ruitErts of Hammered and Cast Steel
.INI Shovel. and Spades, &Tel sad Haushets, Mill X
Cut, drools and Gm Saw., Hay and Manure Forks,
Hoes, Mattock., Picks, kr-,hasing completed all their
arrangements in the construction of new machinery,
and in securing the hest workmen from the most 041 G.
braced establishments of the East are now manufactur-
ing and will keep Constantly on livid and for : all
the above articled, having availed themselvee of the
latest improvements,and are determined thatin mirk
manakin and materl they will not be excelled. They
Promise to produce articles eciu If not superior!, to
lionmy th•t C 5.5 ta had In the East. They invitodhe atteri.
of dealer, to an examination at - their eased before
purchasing elaewhern, as they are convinced that they
will be able to fill all orders in
M led line to the editing
satisfaction or purchasers. Ware ouse, Water street,
4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa
N. a—Persons hating buslnem with Wm Lipp.
coo & Sea wit please dell oa Lip au d Co.
fill4EY are not aware how frightfully injurious It is to
J, the shin—how coarse, how mugh. how sallow, yel
low and mhealthy the skin appears alter using prepar
plied Math! Besides it is inddlotis, containing a large
quantity of lead!
We have strepared a beautiful vegetable article,
which we call JONES' SPANISH Lin' WHITE. It
is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleterious
qualitim; and n Ineperts to the ski, a natural, healthy,
alabaster, clear, limn& white; at the same Lima acting
SA a 505315G11C 013 the 51404 making it soft and smooth.
Dr. James Anderson, Practice] Chemist of Mama
chumus, says: `After analyzing Jones' Spanish Lily
White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natu
ral, and at the same time innocent white I ever saw. I
certainly can eouseiciniomly recommend its use to all
whose shin re q 1.1.51. Price, 23 CCM*
box. Sold by WAL JACKSON, PD Lihertr st- titora.
Pitt . Iltatshine Work. and Pennoiry.
rim:enema, N..
'yowl WRIGHT& Co., are prepared 45 build Cotton
gg and Woolen Machinery of every descriptan, such
as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speedera,
Drawing Pri2Well, Railway Reads, Warpen,Spoolers,
Dresang Fmnies, Loam; Cord Grind's,* &a. Wrought
Iron Shafting named; all sizes of Cast Iron, Pulling and
Hanger. of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes,
and tool, of all hinds. Castings of every devotional
furnished on short nonce. Patterns made is order for
31111 Granny, Iron Bailing, Lc. Steam Pipe for heat
ing Facto... Coo Iron Window Sash and fancy Coa
tings generally Orders left et the Warehouse of J.
don Palmer & Co., Liberty street, will have prompt atten
Refer to Bleakstock, Bell & Co., J. K. Moorehead &
Co, G. K Warner, John Irwin & Sons, Ptusbargh ; G.
C, & J. ii. Warner, Stesibenvdle. Ault/
Rev, ilaritiware /louse.
• JOSEPH WOODWF-Llo corner of
Wood and 21 am., Pittsburgh. HMV
mg withdrawn from the firm of
er • • Voodwell, on the lst of January, 1347, I
take pleasure in announcing to my fnend• in the city
and country. that I have opened my new store at the
above caned place. Having purchased my goods for
cash, and mode arrangements with manufacturers in
this country and in Europe to be constantly napphed,
I am fully prepared to furnish Hardware of allainds,
on as good toms and as low an any house East or
WC3O.. Merchants and others We respectfully invited
to call and examine my stock, before purchasing
where. The following comprimes a part of his stock:
Steam/mat and saddlery hardware, gun &inn/maga,
fi&s, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge tools, anvis, vices,
Looks, latches, =pates', butt 'lthaca, screws, Union Fac
tory planet laws, Ifthog.y boards and veneer., and
all other al-dthes cr. Rooted with the hardware bast.
Clay Daguerrl•sa Gallery.
Q HOBE begs leave to inform the ctuxen• of Pins
k). burgh and vigiatly, that he has taken the Daraer.
nen Reams lately Gelletpled by Mr. Porter. The pub
lic are assured that all the late improvements are secu
red, and will he brought into opention by Mr, /lege,
who has been a constant operator mace the an was
first discovered. Entire satisfaction is guaranteed to
all who may become kis patrons. Mr Al. vrtll refer
vet • pleasure to Mr. Porter, in whose establishment he
has .posted for the last twelve months. Family Por
ten Engravings, Deguerreotypea, fr.e., accurately
opt • Lam/casco taken in any weather, and set to
lock •ts, breast pins, case. and frames
In tractions given in every branch of the art, and op.
• •• s furnished. Rtf
_ _ le
Pomo Maohino Shop.
HWIGHTIIAPI-11anufacturer ot all kincts of cot-
Ull a ton arid woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa
The above works being now 111 full and successful op
eration., I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch
for all kinds of
in my hne, such as willows,
pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding mackunes, nuiways,
drawing frames, speeders ihossils, looms, woolen
cards, double or angle, for A
merchant or country work,
mulesoacks„&c.ishao and hand lathes and tools in g-en
oral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans giv
en for gearing factories Childs s at reasonable charge.
acme In—Kennedy, & Co, Blackstock, Bell
& Co, King, Pennock & Co., J.. A. Gray.
ammt.-Aans-nams VOIMIRT:-
A FULTON, Bell and Wass Pounder, has re
built and commenced business at his old stand,
where he will be pleased to see his old.custom
en and friends.
Charch,Steambeet, and Bells of every size, from 10
to 10,000 pounds. cast from patterns of the most approv
ed models, and warranted is be of the beat meter/a/..
Alumna! Water Pumps, Counter, Railing rim., toge
ther with, every variety of Bran Caminge, if required,
turned and blushed in die neatest manner.
A F is the sole proprietor of lisithcr's Amt-Arnth
noa mkreL as Justly celebrated for the reduction of
(notion inmeetimory. The Roses and Conthoemon
can he had of him at oh nines. al ay
Ploughs, Plough lergillogs, Wagon
Boxes, Se.
ROBERT HALL, of the old
firm of it S. Ralf,M oan ufac
turing R.
largo 'lO.O ti e• of
Ploughs, Plough Castings, Wag
on boxes, ke., mull the improvements of the Leaver.
Peacock, Illinois, and other Ploughs, of the !meet and
beet patterns now to use.
IVerehoute, 100 Liberty etreet, Pittsburgh, opposite
the Hay Scale; Factory, in Allegheny city, near the
Cotton Factory of Messrs. Ilfackstock, Bel, Pc Co.
- Cooper Duplex Lever and Watoksea..t.
JUST received and for sale at
greatly reduced prices, five genu
ine 'T. F. Cooper, 5 Calthorpe ourt,
Grey's Inn, Road London," Da
rden and Patent Lover Watches, cased in IS kinat
gold, and toll Jewelled, with Chronometer balances.
These are now the finest watches made, being superi
or in finish and accuracy to the M. J. Tolima, Joseph
Johnson, or any other make. Then in want of a very
fine watch are invited to call and exanune that lot.
Also l a large anortrnent of Gold and Silver Watches,
Chl4.'liacie'lkinteges & c .
Vpatred in the beat manner.
ocrJ4 corner 4th and Market sts.
AEel:KlTES—Cyclopedia of Mond and Religio
Facts, s necdoten collection of seam° thousand Facts,
Incidents, Narranyes, Example and Testimonma em
bracing the boat of the bud ill most Mimes collections,
and Immo hundreds tn addition, original and selected;
the whole arranged and classiaed on a neve plan, with
copious tamed and scriptural indexes. Hy Roy. R.
Arsine, A. hi.. Pastor of the Providence Church, New
York: with an Introduction by Rev. Gen, IL Cheeses,
ik U. Just published.
The above, with a number of new and valuable poh3
licaumut, (or sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
norM 78 wood st
PURE undersigned are prepared to fill orders for any
quantity of Cypre. W1..6 Barrels, of • superi
or quality, deliverable to order •I any time, bye iving
us • few days node& at our Wharf Boat. Wthins
we ran make it the ulterest of those merchants who
bey largely on the eau; as they can order their bar
rels shipped to any plantation they may desire, which
shall be attended to without extra charge.
Paducah, Ky., Oct. 22, 1848-3 m•
11, ioun v. Roma.
JONES 041:7100,
11,TANIIIPACTURERS of spring and blister steel,
Jjy. plough steel, steel plough wings, conch and elm
tic .y g., hammered iron nzles,and dealers in mai
icabic casting. fire engine lasup.mail eolith trimmings
ge . erally, oornor of Rum and Prom sta., ?huh?,
No. 3 Cosintsaar 1129.117,
Rsinnuccces—Church, Carothers C AL o.,
Ale.rander Laughlin,
Jona (Bier.
ANLIt..ION STEWART, conottfacturar of El Ty
Cheeks. Re., Rebecca street, cit . ; of
Outer, szotti N. Ara& ec, r S
ocfll No. 42 Water street.
AHIJFACIVELED to order and furnished at short
.1111 noUce, with the name of the boat In each blan
k/It. Also. Cotton and Husk Mattresses mode M
beat =sonar, fora varrlow price by I. HERSCX,
. , kVarehonse, Ira Water st
LtGATCLOCKS4Itornag cosicludad to rell
odour entire eta:duel litrkee Merino Timepieces,
we mew offer to sell them at lower poces Mao they
be bought et any house in Pittsburgh dr elsewhere-,
east or mem." being the only estaallabed agents here
clocks, .vrehteraitto largest and ADO./ 114•011,
seem in the city. Calfind see.
Ithateinher, are are sot to be...dors:old.
BLAKE tr. Ca, nark,et meet,
entrance . ca, north side onhe Disuuctud
WONDERFUL ARRIVAL—Da Towmocart's list •
ILILPAELLaL-4,EW bottles of Wu great fall and
wintersthedinine, nust,reeelved and Let sale by . 11.•
SELLERS,' Sole Agent (Or Pittsburgh, of whom Os
genuine article eats be hid. • gems
§:NDltirkS- , -11110 bushels dzsadisensbes, rOu nosh•
;Os bassuns, 12 sacks foadzors,l.2 do ssool s 2 do
g engjiast received per Memnon! Megost and NO;
near an (or sale by
TIM being remained and envenom:us:4M A.LEXAN-
I/ TIER & DAY , * Noi 73 Market street, northwest
CO; net of the Diamond. a /my large and splendid stock
of fall and winter Dry Goods, to which . tiler Would re•
spectfully melte the anent'on of the public. It is well
known to almost every ode that the present season is
oe distinguished for it. Low prices of 1 , 7 "
Go....tu d
it n affords us great pleasure in being able to slate that
owing to our great facilities for that pnarpose, tone of
the finn residing in Philadelphia,' we have Wen ena
bled to purchase oar present stock at a contd.:livable
redaction trom the usual market rams. cheaptu they
are, and we are therefore enabled to sell as correspon
dingly lower than the usual prices. Mre would there
fore invite all cash buyers by . wholesale or retail, to
give ns a call, and lay out their many to the best ad-
The Ladies should call and minion our Gook of
Prints, Giwbanta de Lames, Cashmeres, Alpatatt,
Merinos, Bias, Bombazines, Plaids, and venoms other
styles of fashionable Dress Goods, of which wohave
very fine usortmem, inelnding every description of
those semds in the market. -
we would memo:amid ourinnek of super French Cloths
and F.nglish, French end Anierican Gissinieres.
OUR STMIC OF SHAWLS is very, large, embra
cing almost every vatiety'Of style end quality.
SATTINPNIS..-Of which we have en excellent .as,
"rtmm FLANVA I" whi — t ea
yellow Flannels eel!
Tiand prices.
Ti °BAND CIIFXICB—a superior assortment
of Tickings of all gradm, and Ifihtreng Cheeks la great
tifilo:st every description of the above goods, in
, e Sheeting, of all oridthe.
A A fine stock of Sarin Vestings, Silk and 001-
ton Velvets, both plain and figured. @ohmeky Jea ns,
plaid Linaays, plaid and fanny figured Clo ing and
ektalrLininga bleached and unbleached Table Diaper,
bath linen and cotton, bleached and stribleaChett Tattle
cloths, B onnets d unßennet Flannels,
cold do do,s and ßibbo ns,, bile andssord
silk cravats, Ladles Scarfs and cravats, Gloves and
floaroy of all Linda, fienders, Irish Liuens,,Linen
Lawns, Liners Isidkfs, BA do, blk Lace Veils, Love dal
and lidkfs., Oil Chintzes, Russia and Scotch Diaper,
mash, Linen, plain striped find blared hiconew, Cam
bric and Swiss Muslin', Victoria Lawns, Green Dare
aes, ere.
Merchants visiting the city (or the purpose of laying.
in their supplies, ehould not fail to give us a call, ea
they will find our goods and prices such as cannot (all
/0 suit their purpose A.LEXANDER te DAY,
septin 76 market st, N W Diamond
Tie New Golden Bee lllve=iin.
N Fall awl Winter Dry
PQM received and now Opening at the dam °Hite
Bto Den Mew, on Markt:lancet, n Third and
Fourth moon, arm of the largest, chea pe st_ and best
assorted melte of Pall and Winter Dry Goods ever of.
fared In Pitobtugh, to which the mention of our nu
merous customers and the pnblie generally, isivinantt
hilly invited, as the aubsoriber is confident Marto ran
offer inch bargains In . Dry Goode as cannot be ear
paread by any other haulm in tie city.
As these goods have een purchased at piece ir
balsev Move of any form b er season, they will be sold f al
greatly reduced rases.
. •
Among this large and splendid weak will be tibuid
many choice and desirable: goods as aureately low
strYPe7tr.ilVe'lc.ladti7; garpehid"tridP=Tploti:ii,
vary glossy gro de Shine; plain black rie Lamm
dik for visettes, mandllas and capes at may low
pricea law
t newest designs and :latest styles cashmeres;
plain and satin sumed caahmerh, setup Preach
merino all colors; de Wines, plata and indkatin
striped, at great redaction on farmer p ast
:tonna and cashmere pleb* .mohats and mm.terey
plaids, all qualltierg alpaceas, all enclitic. and eiders,
from 12110 711 cents per yani,
Fine cubsaara, terkerie and brook. shawl.
Blank embroidered cashmere and de lake shawls;
Elm Tlbbet and de lain* do
Vine black and ordered cloth do
Pita quakty long, very cheap do
Plata block and plaid silk, very cheap do"
.di t lark. lox plaid blanket aliases from 73 cents to N,
Good dark calico fro:7II3CW 6 cts per ystd;
Best quality dark cane° from 6 to 16 ea:mu
Yard wide purple do, 161 ct
Good yard wide bleached muslin 4 to Et
Bed teekings and checks, all prizes;
Blankeis, from come to best quality, very cheap;
A full assoriment of red, whim and yellow flannels;
Sennett", Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Limp, .1,
etc., etc. all of which will be sold at reduced rate., at
Noel Market st. sera/ W6L L. RUSSELL. '
- -
PALL 0641:49. . firCLINTOCK, is now constant/7 re ceiving hie
. fall stock of CARPET/NO, do a comPrtm o g
one of the largest assortutenti ererbroug,ht tothe Mari
het, which have been pdrehMed direct from the lop
porter, and Manufacturers, of the latest and newest
style's, and lower to price than ever offered in this city,
to which he ineOes the attention of those wishing to
furnish steamboats or Imams, before purchaeing else:
where. The mock monists so part of the following
Rich Amtninlet Carpetc Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth'
do Velvet do Plain colored do
no Tapeatry 01,feet wide
do Brussels do 0-4, 5-4, 4-4 & f oil cloth
Extra super 3 ply do Stair Rods
Soper do do 124, P-4 and 1-4 Druneu
do Ingram do Stair Linen.
Wide do do Rosewood Oil Cloth .
Common do do emmb cloths
4-4, 3-4 & f Damask Embossed Piano covers
Vennian do do Table do '
4-4, 3-4 & tivitd do de Emoted Table Oil cloths
& pinto do do Turkey Red Tolleson
4-4, i. I, I& 24 cot. do Adelud Mau,
64 pnomd cottou Cafpetat Sheep akin do
Era= sop Climate Rugg; Jam do
do do 'hated do ' Alieant do
Floe do do hludlia Hemp
Wilton do do Snow drop Napkins
Crimson fued Plosh; Diaper Towelling
Plum do Crash
Drab M Cloth P-4 and 0-4 Table Linens
Blue do, for coach mega: Tnimarnt Window Shades
Carpet Ihrututga Extra French do do
Wou'd cools Rich Satin de Laines for
do Tassels window curtain.
Scarlet, blue, crimson, blank and drab Damask..
figured rainbow Darnaskm worsted and linen Table,
"MOM blue. crimson, scarlet, green, drab and:black ,
Momenm cotton Plashes of all colors, /sc. tro. to.
Osneburgs and Dolliogs . for steamboat dealt,
and all other manning. nem:nem for outftta for boats'
in our line, to which the especialattention of owners
is mailed. W. APCLINTOCIO9 Carpet Wareroom,
one door from Wood, on Foorth st.
' •
A Lk:KANDER tr. DAY have t received a line
/3. assortment ante following esenption seven
Ft...n.,lNF.LS—ned, white and yellow r
Flannels, a'
very large and complete assortment, and very cheap.
SATTINerS—A very large lot of bloc, black, bilk
mix, grey and gold mix Satunets, at very low prices.
ALPAAPIain blk Alpacas, plaid and striped do,
faney platd and
SILKS striped do, cheaper than ever.
PANCY A splendid assortmeet of neh
changeable Situ, both plain toad fig'd, of almost every
SILAWLS—A very Elp<6ol &swim:tent of myter
llroche, Paris primed, Terkcri, and Cashmere Shawls,
at prices far below the ordi ry na rates.
Also, •
large assortment of English Merinos, Cult
mere. mid Plaids, blue, bik and grey Pilot Cloths,
Sr overcoats; blk Casaitnerea,. cotton Damask, Linen
do, Kentucky Jeans, Sc, ikc; M. all of which we invite
the attention of the public.
ALEXANDER it DAY, n market at,
octild N O.V car of the diamond
_ - -
W. 51'C R
• No. 75 Foommt Snarl,
ONE of the largest and the most MOM. Mod , of
CARPETING In the market, embmclng all the
usual qualities (tom the most approved manufactories,
that have been tested hvitEtrabllity in fabric and eo
Brusse ls Velvet Carpeting;
do do
Broach carpouogi
Ertra sop 3 ply de
Sup Ingrain do
Fnc do do
Common do do
Extra vtionille Rugs;
'rated do
Wilton do
ilmssols do
Almafactored to order In now patterns, adapted to
pastors, broements and Munition.
Pointed Oil Cloths, (or dining rooms, entries, vesti
bules, kitchens, &o.
Straw Munn& Stair Rada, Window Shad. and
Conan and Woollen Booking, from one third 'to three
yards arms. Door Meta, &r. &e., to which th e anon
dart of purchasers nt wholesale and retail is respect
hilly inane& Wareroom, one door from Wood at.
If.O. 8.. WHITE, No. It Hoax= .moor,
Uf. tends waking it change in his nosiness on the 41
or January nest, and will dispose of the following
styles of goods it °sigma' cost
!troches Long and Square Shawls;
French Tartan Long do •
French ?fluted Cubit:wits;
English do do
bloosline de Laines;
3.4 and 114 Gal• Plaids;
High cord French 6itighams, and fancy Dress ,
Bilks. Those winning bargains are invited to call.
n0v27...1 I m
D LACK AND FANCY CAllgiftiElEE.--iV 81 Hai
phy has lately received alarge asmrtment of these
goods, and is opening them an prices unprecedemodly ,
low, ranging from T 5 to 6{50 par yd.
Also, French Doeskin', of all gunlitles,
Also, French and English throadcloths,.black, olive,
invisible green, grown, and blue. Among these are
some verrhandsome French Elack,sultable (or Monks,.
at a very low price; sad brown, invisible green an&
black Felissee Cloths (or ladies cloaks.
Also, silk, cotton and merino Undershirts and Draw-.
er ED - The alte ti nsTru n' o l f 'i ger ' e=r a d lTd ° llle h r7.:ant
lore, who boy by the piece, is specially lnylted to Wei.
above. deck"
LOX .CO. 1.4.1111 it Ate SUPPLY 07
AT BIBBY'S, 135 Litesrty Street, comprising French
Cloths, Cassimeresrand Vesungs, of the nearest
aad most fashionable styles imported.
Also, a large gauntry of Rough and Ready Blushes.
and Coatings, peculiarly adapted to the times and than
On hand, the largen, best manufactured and most
fashionable stock of ready made Clothing an nits elty.
All orders In the Tallow:1g line executed In the most:
fashionable and durable manner. novl4
LA -CH emb't
:mamba do; wham and black lane Underalcaves; do
Laze Herat.; black do Veils; plain French Work .
Collars; trammed and untrimhl vandal'g do; edl'll.d.
to Iowa; ladles linen cambtie Isdkrk; gems do do dot
also, opera ues, head dresse arallicild dome,., Imthtet
tabs and quilungs; nut rec eive)
ived and far sale s•hedalc:
sale and retail, by F H EATON & Co,
deed — 02 four& st
k_.a assorted cloak; SgrOss hinted silla,,Hiad
ing: 5 do do mohair de, 2 dodo drab rest do; S
overcoat batons; 40 do fine coat bnuonsi, l 2l.l4-11eak
Haft. rmsei •30 dodo patamtThreada POwng, eau,
vass and caked I mmiup, for tailors' up constantli:
• assissuard. • deed
H Ear= p
&Co, anxid ,
F i rp,, ll LL I walk aL. *AAP bdge quaent
silk (noes and )1 0 .4. nth btalliSV bk.
ea., edgings and onabroldetiaa, glotte , .. &w en .,
team ahlrta, saspenden Eralanater •• .ta, :
ZepDhJr,.ootee Yuan, wialbsrs, - 1,
b o fit nn , akoa an mild:lab theradr at,lll. 474 . = I
pones to arranabsatanadiakam
nua4ana 0 12 94. /oak laok9 I
• r
H. EATO,WVCO • "" Dantroiti
, , L ik
Ild,,Statakstnvi'Veroth ,
ed.,. • taut. t,14,
u, int errsusKr., A t,.. liana
Marked MOM goal*
I . CaOlmAlPTPatet Geminated' G
afmacorry a•
aged pi nylnsulated Polo for Meth
mad parpossi:"
tr HIS tattoo only Mem:meat of the kind that hal ever
I. been presented In this courary or Earopothemed
i cal propos., and is the only one ever known to men,
by which the galvanic thud can be conveyed to thelna-
Man eye, the ear, the brain, or to any part of thehody,
either externally or internally, in • d einhlo r r ' Lle
stwara, wilimpt Chocks or pain—with perfect' sit '
and often ongt Ihe happiest effects.
This important apperutus ie now highly approvo Of
of the moat eminent physicians of this
try end Europe,. towhom the aZeted and others whpre
a may concerti ean be referred. Reference will
be gram gram to many highly respectable citireos, sotto'
been cared by means of thlemost valuable appi=
of some of the most Inveterate nervous disoniers whT4
mould not be removed by any other known meanly rk
Among cation& others, it has been proved 'by be adk
oUrably adapted for the cure of the following diMatiotA,
rim nervous headache and other climax. ofthethetio. •
, It hswith thin apparatus alone that the operator can
mower the magnetic tlail with ease and safety.* the
eye, toreworn sight, or care tonal:maw le the feat to
‘,...tare, hearing to the tongue and other orgatiatttpre
store speech; and to the various porn; of the beeth'for
rho care of chronic rheumatism, wham, neoralgra or
'tie doloorens„ paralysis., or parry, goat, chorea or Sc
Vitn'sdance, epilepsy, weakness, from sprains, emu.,
dioceses . peenlim to females, conanetion of thetimbs,
looklaw,mooto • .
Rights far surrounding counties of Western Pa., and
privileges, with the instru m ent, may be pttrehned,and
also tested for the c re of diseases.
iers , I . N: rg i lL%foz Iti n e d e t itg Duo et t l n emi .:
.. ner k 4b; , : l afr y erl ex alt&f: 11 . teg e ttre pum of h th . o . se r, ilisegtrd ,. Will
pae~th lnle;
Ena illto hi. heeds pressly for these pupae., tare
mlly prepared by the patentee. Eumirrof ' •
«u3-dly S WU.LIANS, Vine et, Faulbargh.
i• ei raanarcre lalraorcaaumnOn• ,
T o' to: IL hIELLOR, NoSI Wooed I et, is the tole
' Pent 3 este o " and
I,i'llgt L'lg" . = 'eregdifiiii iveltu a l a n pTe . ./ for
small eharches or (mil/ worship.. . • ., 4'
For the benefit of those residing at a ' distance, and
eonwettroily unable to inspect the- Itralodeinibefore
pumetsuing, the Ibllowing deseriptgla ii_givAtt ,, - .
The cues are made of rosetwoW, - and are as 'hand
somely finished as a limo Porte.' The• keythoard is
precisely the winos as Ma piano or ormathandtbe„ tone,
(which to very beantiful,) closely resembles that dale
ditto stop Of an organ. The inammeat can behirame
dhotely made portable without detaching any part, the
bellows receding unto the body of the huarttinedg and
the leg. &Idles - seder, leaving the wholeimagmmpact
form • Each emanate= hae a packing case, eon the
hole when peeked Weighs only 43 poendel:,Tini vol
ute of tom hem:tat to that of • small orgemr.and by
mestrotof the swell may beinereascd or diminished at
pleasdra it is sufficiently load forsetall ehurches, and
to Well CALIZUlatad for.aparlor instanzuent.
Jost received, A Alipply , of tho above: pica, " onth
case and !ammeters' Book, Sip.
nevenlble Mitering Coot,
Wl= renders turbid water pure by
remov 'onel:tetanal selebie te
water. The erotors wader in ork,
7nt ' ser ' a t iffre.rllL L lF . tr i T s t
I the
filtering cock shows a. largo.. posit
inputs substances, worn% kn. This
is the, ease more or leis with oil hydrant Weter! - •
The Reversible fritterer in neat and Arable, and is
not nnended with the inconvenience incident to other
riflemen, es it is eletrised without being detached from
the water plpe, by. merely tsulting the key, or, *mate
from one side In the other. By this esisy proceis, the
Immac of melee Is etatlgetl,lll2ll tin • atlessunlitiens of
pure substance. are dnvent of Almost. isugantiy,
without =screwing the filter. It ilia - petliettleit the
adrustoge or being a stop reek, elute/came Imunany
eines will be very convenient andeconamina .. „,
linen he coached where there le shy prettere high
or low tea east, tank, tub, &e. with am., Teak had
or the sole Agent, W. W. WILSON,
octl7 corner of Fourth end Merkel Ete
Diaphragm Filter,. e ar. Iliy*Ant Wetter.
44. ,
~..... Is te•artlfy. that I lone ap-
Age?* fot " tPorkfuttin C A
Patent Dlanwthgny Pigtr, foe the el
two of L'lttebargk and Allegheny.
for Walter MGibson, 3.19 Broadway,
N. T.
, .
c., mr:
We have been using L.lo,
one of the atertrn article* at the
office of the Novelty Work, for theoe months, on trio!. and feel perfectly sattaned that It is g need! trirenuon.
! and we take pleasure In roconmsanding,thern as a one
fal article to all who lore pure water. Order.
."will be
thankfelly received and prempily eremite& '
Nreit. 1:1-VC1-11-.1rtiliBrVilbAt-ii)14---
I.' ket street, corner ofThird.
Vanity Fan; a novel without a Hero: 3.y Wesilf.
F..dward Vernon: My Cousin's Storysloy'E. V. Ch.dde.
Mary IlowttSe Trartelation of the Poutekand hie
Capt. Marry-Ws Children of the Nevicbrest
The !Bachelor tithe elbon_y. . . .
Old Hicks the Goidej by Webber.
Mary 01 . 0.011 or, the hostin g Wi4: by Chaos. Bur.
Wutherittg Heights: by the author of "Jrige Eyre
Tee Tenant of Wildfell Rail: by the nutturtgf "Jane
The Image of his Father, Illustrated, IfithrfErothen
The Discipline of Life.
Three Slaters sad Three Femmes; oillime,bElanehe,
and Virile= by 0. H. Lewes.
Thirty Teats Since: by G. P. &James, Esq. .
_ nor 27
PITTSBURGH b r EItIILISE renftlirwrz
rlllllB bnaltutlon, order the cam ofArni rand Mr,
tit the
G 05110221, w il l meu - N op for the
Liberty reception of pupil,
same boga, o. Mt
hlonday of September. street, oh the Ist
A.rrangementa have been made by which . they
be able to furnish young latfles facilitiel to an Il
In the West, for obtainnag a 'lmmesh.
cal, and Ornitmenual education. A fell course of Phi
lisophlcal and Chemical Lemuel delivered
daring the winter, illustrated by, apparatus., The de
partments of Vocal and Instrumental Maiiih, M odern
LtoMtagea, Drawing mad Palming; willasteh un
UM. care of a competent Professor. By dose attention
to the moral and Intellectual Improvement of 'their pu
pils, the Principal. hope to mem a contimmllo n of the
liberal patronage they, have. hitherto enjoyed. For
terms, me circular or applymMie Principals;
l 11131P.Mite141:' TRUNK
et informing his friends and ther_paidie in, several that
he has the largest stoeit of the felloviring tallied lint
el. aids own manizfeettlnslithiseity-,-Eaddles,
Tanks and Whip., all of whielt)us.urill mane
to be made of the bait material and by 'OS beat meek
mile. in Allegheny county. Beingdetennirsed to sell
hi. manufactures some th ing lower than has keen here
'tofore wild by any similar atiablishmenf fit' the city,
ho would invite pence, at need of thdabose named
arucles to his w
rs arehouse, NP. 244 Litiefiy arpei oppo
site Seven th . Also, bonds node tworfttldr machine • , :oCALJERILIW.
ivr• ;Tit 11/ IiTQ gahels
CKHOLDERS.—In pursuance of
.1111 dui proybdona of the Chinn' of Indoren, the
enusalsnattog of die Stockholders of tbn, noorithw
Company will be held on °oda'', the
'first day of unitary; teen, Hoeing tha first , Slonday of
tee month.) at the office of the naid,CtußPaitY, thu
Odeon Sanding, Foetal street, Pittsburgh, o'clock
, in the afternoon, for the dortsonsitfelec=ffi cers for
the emitting
ovaauyear. WhI,BAREI Secy.
• al
OkIMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2dAla.rkei street,
Pittsburgh, Pc, lin attend prentiftHtlo the sale of
•every description of Western YrOdUce, M 4 other ar
ticles entrusted to their care.
- Rinzi To • •
Hanna, Roy & .PiUslttursts Ijsyinst, Graham
& Co. Ness Lisbon, 0 - Meraliants generlly, Wells
ille, 0.; Rhodes & ogle by, Bridorport;o4l2.. G. Rich
ardson & Bro. Cinctanati, J. F. flowani,„Lonavile,
By; Guile & Donn's; St Lon* IL 13OPH, Steuben
do listm .O eut b .s " s ancilnr, . e
bests & Sisson Ss -4hblo Henry &luau/Stand els; lb
Stewardess. and Lewis' Is; 3 do Warssissomr Is; 7 boo
These Tobaccos, embracing smsosofilas most favor
ite brands, on consigns:nom, and will be. mild low to
close, by dee. LS WATERMAN=
RERS.—The subscribers, beinigliip exclusive 1111-
pones" of Runes Muspratt A . SorePEAda - Ash for Wu
market s pie now and will COLIUMIG to be largely sup.
plied with this celebrated brand, sulfas they will sell
or the lowest market price for cash or approved bills.
They refer to the gloss and soap pasuigfacturers of
this city generally respecting the quality:"
noel 160 liberty st
IRON FOUNDRY FOR SAL - E. - -A small Iron Foun
dry Inn flourishing town, with PattUrns, Tool,
Ito., all ready ( or business ' be sold on segoturno
dating tams, or exchange (or Iron or goods.
Tins offers an nreelleng opportunity ro a young man
with small capaal to commences Mu lans , Foundry bu
siness. Enquire of
deed lst Dalf.,WP.d N‘ret.
Scales Cooking, Stoves, Glainlain s &a.
ILAArk.OIII.I.., WALLACE It LO, Hor d Church.
comer Liberty and Wood Meek,'
and offer for sale Platform, Floor and.C.painer Scales
• of the most unproved gueloy; Cooking Akio., for woo.]
and coal; Egg Stoves et various Aire., Parlor and
common Grates, Hollow Ware, 1tc.,4 4 n„ Tony alto
...denture th e Kitchen Range, which has given such
general satisfaction ID Memo having , irkpuso, to a u o f
whul, th" world yn4ioctrolly htcyutention of
Wat.hiss, Jape the citizens and the public genetitir
comma or hlsnarr ion Foca= mums, Prem. - ann.
Ting subscriber has returaed from the East, and is
I no
opening a large A M leitiefall'scleeted stock
oi Goods IA hichao. fl:ty pitm.liberd patron
age, he hopes to merit a
ward (paps'
by diii-
P' cs - thm2ta3 assonment,
nod at the most reasonable prim
.kriends, custom
ors, and the public jirdlernlly—rirdeirty sojourners
dual., the city from a distance:am inTitbd in nall and
Diallaillo my large mock of pods.
oetnti W,Pri,MTILSON.
• A 10't',K 'PAISPANTri,...Vutrai kiltisoss
AND BannlAs'•
'ben." on llbalthi.Priprildil Edrichitiorl,4 and Human
Voice, go based upon the utoduutiCafThilosophy of
roan's phyaient tionsutittiom being thdaubmance of his
lectures . roo the above trebled/ 'l . 4‘bertideltvered to
albs oi ty. • For gale be OPKINS,
.119 diiturthst
A PEILiON with • Ansell...•splisigand aelown ., t
on d
wito, the boaipeas, to take an interest lu eo o ruby; to be located on the %vele , ' likilroad
, oly u st:the ogee of Frieb4a.bay,*•gor
geo C.O. Rimy.
rIitYLPETI'S! CARPETS!, '--lidenvgjost'ree
• laca.4.4cuuerArc . ct, a spleadidmlirosinister Car
pet, of moat beautinal color. add SUM"; and any ono
larnishing yiarbato iscald s4ll* airrinining our
noviir l '" ' " V fig j et4 : 6t ; t 4 ":s Poona at
50.P.11.1) SHOVEI,S;ard cat s and St.,
ia•vob4 , o.4ohlansua Fortran dotlnun Shovels, ,5u
dtd &idiot dol. Axes, Nateqls,_/) fto . and Pinks,
nollotra;Vleea, Zee, ror silo it tiide torerar ic e
by novlB GEO COCHila" %wood an
"gr.lGAß=4Bllds Mine N 0 Sip; for sale by
Mont at, near arood
. - .
pip ai lyi • ar safe D co
- - 4 •