The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 20, 1848, Image 2
THE PITTSBURGH GAi.atTTE PUBLISHED BY WHITE' 8,6 . „ CO PIT TODURGIVi 'WEDNESDAY, MORNiNG, r Am. 20, 184 t. NOWril OAS. Atdvertieentento and Subscription a/ocher/07th eaa and United Some. Gazette, Pt dEtadephia, and Garwerded from this ogee. coararze7Orar. LisTA' so p Sari utt, A j • DEL . MIA PRICE et mau l " . subseeiptlens als valuable :paper will be received forwarded hernial, °Mee. NV TOME willldazuclig. and kw, ard Ere. of cape, a. a, vartiseateat. ma d a m vabseriptioi in k n . thi. DiMPlrrlatrasix D p as ki i , ..., *Mr ru„.,,,_ b. Diallars per atuana6k. Vireekly.:_ — "' e slomerthe Week), 4 T r . r .f i l .. eeklyll ' t r a, PT.b!‘.h.a f. w.... ......„, Amy is monk Ale Ded/ars per alQAmexamtnats —'-2-------7 .er anneal, Minty Thai , aeon 6.4, n , 7. l = n itki.tZ ~..... eer eblo Art a :a *ll iti d vari vu sbb. ' • t y requested to hand in sr.' as early inthe day m AM be run insetted fora epee). k en., ar . '"co.m." -- •.= , be charged until ordered on. kird page ewe _.. _.— ___nto] inteillgenee,Horonne, ?dor- Ntatteu 5,,, , lmpons, Money Ildartets, tke• me Mr pre i ..... 7 Met au t h e -..... Chamber. ex Atrontascan am Winos or Tao CITY dap eve. .n.—The Whig Committee of Conference dam, f e Old Coon House, in the Common Cotton' &tem pennant to a call of the Chairman, on Moo r. sing, the llth inn.: Wm. M'Candless, Presi- MT' I the Chair, J. M. Brash and James B. Idurmy, tanea. se Wearing resolution eras ofeced by I. M. Brush, 1 anantmously adopted: Hero:dyed, That the Wings and Antiaossans of the city of Pntsburgh, mill meet cat ic es g, Dee. , Md, al 7 o'clock, P. 111., at them usual pl of molding emery meetings, to elect five delegates from eaet: Ward, to meet in convention at the 04a Court House . on Wednesday, . 47th, et 10 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of putun to nomination a candidate for Illay• or. WM. M'CAN DLEII.4, Press J. 31. Beam, ia. .....a J. B. Identsul, ----.--------- See next page [or Tolegraphie News TER PATRIOT BLUR The military murder of ROISXIIT Bum, at Vies. na, is causing great excitement throughout Germa ny. He was a reptesentative from Saxony to the Nuking! Diet, or Parliament, at Frankfort. lie had been sent to Vienna, in company vita a Mr. Froebel, another member, by a body of the mem bers of the Frankfort Parliament. Froebel, es well as his colleague. was condemned to be hanged, bat he was afterwards pardoned, and allowed to return to Frankfort, where he has since made a great impression by a straight forward narrative of the treatment of himself and Blum. He said that having delivered to the Viennese the address wal: which they bad been charged by a body of the members of the central parliament, they forthwith made preparations to leave, for which purpose Blum obtained a passport from the Saxon Lege tion. They were induced to stay, however, by retresentatioes that it would be impossible for them to pus 'through the hostile soldiery without ambulation, and a few days afterward* they con - seated to join a corps formed by Messenhauser for the especial protection of the citizens. Cannery to expectation, they were placed against the ene my, and suspecting treachery, they refused to act. They then, for the four days previous to the fall of the city, remained quietly at their hotel. From this they were taken and kept five days in prison, whence Blum, after having been exposed-to the treachery of a spy, was carried forth and shot. Funeral honors kw Blum have been celebrated in most cities in Germany, and the whole nation protests against his murder. The legislative as. semblies of every State where they are in session, have adopted the most decided resoluta,ns with raped to it. A letter in the New York Commercial Adam. timer, states that two commiesioners of the Empire have beer despatched from Frankfort to Vienna in collect the documents as to his execution, as the basis for the future action of the assembly. The assembly of Saxony, without distinction of parties, voted to call the Ambassador of the nation at Vi meta to account &a his conduct in not protecting Blum, and to urge on the authorities at Frankkat the most energetic action in the matter. At Leip Ma, Blum'e residence s & large meeting was held, at which the moat respectable citizens took promin ent parts, and in whose resolutions the universal sentiment was even more decidedly expressed than elsewhere. He was lamented as a public benefactor, who had done more than others to se• care public Utterly. After the meeting was over the excited populace committed some acts of de. placable violence. The house of the Austrian con ed was assaulted, the imperial arms were torn down and trampled under fun, the doers - rind win - dawn broken; the home of one of &ttml political enemies was alto attacked and injured, as was the office of • newspaper which bad opposed him. It was not till late in the evening that the national guard succeeded m restoring quiet. It seems that Blerm's family is led penniless, and a national con telbation has been set on Gee for them. As some thing will be collected in all parts of Germany the aom total will be a large one. At latest accounts, the House of Representatives et Columbus, was still unorganized. On Thursday hut, Mr. Townsend, a Free Soiler, after the Whigs bad concluded their usual morning call, rose and remarked that he had a proposition to submit.— He was heartily sick of this child's play. He offer. ed his resolutions its en individuaL The proposi tion is, that the Whig members shall hand their eritlftemes to the Locclbco chairman--sad recce. nine their organization—the fire business ti be transacted to be the Wowing resolution: "Scrod. atik That Meant Pugh and Pierce are, by their certificates, prima Jews entitled to sesta until their dirties shall be finally decided upon their mu, liathts resolution to be decided by the seventy members excluding Pugh and Pierce—the decis ion to be conclusive of their prow fide oght to muds, but not to be construed to interfere with rights of either Spencer and Runyan, or of Pugh and Fierce, to contest for the wets atter ,orsputination. Mesas Pugh and Pierce are the Locofoco oonteitants, and it appears to us, that the Whigs, by such a course would be yielding the whole ground. On Saturday morning the Whigs met in the House, and took up the resolution proposed by Dr. Townsatut, and relaxed it to a committee o/ five to revel on Monday morning at 10 o'clock.— Thc committee conies of Mews. Reber, Olds, Pennington, Marsh and Howard. They then ad jaunted. That Haw Encrtarm &mat —The New En glanders in Pittsburgh are to remember their na tive land, and the cherished assocuilmas of lieu early homes, at a Festival at St. Charles Hotel, on Friday evening, the anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrim. at Plymouth Hock. Although no people au earth's° readily assimilate themselves to their Ices, and to the manners and MAO= of those with whom they associate, so Mai a genuine Yankee is at. fine every where, yet nom remember of with greater delight their early kettles, and their dear New England wociatioce We may therefore expect a general attendance, and a genuine Yankee festivaL TIM RUMOa recently put firth that the 11 States Wm negotiating with Spain for the sale of Cuba , having been copied into Spanish papers, created aosneiszcitement there. The Espana, not • min. laterkal paper, pronounced the rumor Wee, but thought it ought to be contradicted. The Gazette ma. we think it necusary to declare, being duly authorized to do so, that a i., alanlsstely firau.dato , .." The Madrid Correspondents of the London papers, however, think differently. Several Whip have been named by the papers, ea estadidates kir Speaker of the House of Reply.. 1111113alives ofPennsylven in. Amongst them Henry 8. Evans of Chester, A. Y. Cornyn of Huntingdon, and Me. Eshelman of Lancaster. The Legit. Imre meets on the first Tuesday, Pod) of Janu ary. Massactrusrrta—The election in the vaeant Canignsinknuti districts takes place on the first Magda) in hammy. The Districts are the sec. old, bank filth and ninth, and tars represented nangsgthrity in the present Congress by Hon. Dada P. King, Hon John G. Palfrey, Hon Charles Huhn, and Hon. Artemis Hale, all Whigs. Lae* &naiad that Lieut. Lynch, the oasiamander of the Exploring Expedition did not Ewer the opinion auriboted to him by the Nor. folk Brame, that the pillar of malt &my Gus high, Which he saw la the Holy Lad, wee the repsteestatkot of Lot% wife. He maltase its gentian more pinceophieally to the taloa 'of the Awing. Ems, ra Momma —The General Coats el Visglnis,Lew week, refused to siker • new trial in the one of Wm. Dandridge Eppel% convicted Bile' modes of F. Adolphus Mobs, in Dinwiddie. Hs it sentenced to be kluged on the 22d of this antta. Pomo!ltza ,— The Postmaster Gam:alba, sp• pointed Was O. Mercy, Pestmutir at Idomerm da • ,__ / P ROW lIIIM YOWL. •-..nveriprondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. :_:' : • , ' , '.',. , 4, .--. ; NSW Vogt,, 184Ei. ~ .. , c°lll .. n uelll the; !tiding word in ill censer. n ."°. WM; gll d Ciardr : iroht gold too, but the kites is It Its h e4llit s dizzying off Domani, La agars, and in faat n alkll dekgrations from all profeasions, eith er useful or °math ental. The /manly of ships has eaomsdeel the des tend and many have been with. &Iwo !lost wed advertised, cad others forced to otter e xtra huhv cements in order to till op. From Partin') to N. nW Orleans the desire has spread and it is a small r . ,o r t that her hot a ship ready to take the gold htr arra to the favored region. The Canada's mail has produced a marked Mange in the cotton market, and grainholders are I tore coo fidget than for a long time. The small 1 Wynn., qticited at Liverpool was attended by a favorable state of affairs in the manufacturing dis tricts. Bread:duffs are cheaper, was but this is said to be .mused by the alarm of Mush femme, I eager to sell their grain before the opening of the ports in February. The uncertainty felt as to the effect of free trade in grain makes present rates more desiable than the chance of a future rise. The last quotations for metals, in London nra a. follows Welsh bars are in less request, and there are some sellers at £5 to 5 5s at the work. Rails have been taken sparingly; lornaertenns are maintained Scotch pigs have not been so much in requem and prices are barely supported, No 1 42s 64 to 43 and mixed numbers 41 to 42; some small panmls have been sold for spring delivery at about 45. British be continues In steady demand an full pricer, acv eral pisreels of foreign have been sold at previous quotations; Ban. 62 to Ns and Straits S 4 to 851. TM plates are in good deniand at full rates, I Coke 25s tld, IX 31s Btl to 325, 1 Charcoal 26 to 30s and IX 34 to 38s per kis. It may not be uninteresting to theprojectors of sew railways, to know the cost of English rails at he last quotations for iron and freights. Iron per too, Freight to N. Y. from Wales, Coeit on board, Duty, Cog io New York, It will be seen that the rails oan he placed on our docks at the rate of forty dollars per ton, making it an object for all companies, no matter where located to get their supplies abroad, rattier than at hong. The "Odd Fellow." of the city, and a numer ous edam they are, have completed the New Hall on Grand street, and will soon issue an invitation "lotheir brethren throughout the I 'mon to meet them at the dedication, to take place in June. The build ing is one of the finest in New York, built of red sandstone, and of unrivalled proportions, internal as well as externaL It will in all future time, be the central office of this society, which even now is more extensive ir, its operations, than any organ. Mahon, religious or political, known in the coun try. The attendance and the ceremony of the dedication, it is anticipated will exceed oven the Craton introduction, and be worth a trip over the mountain. to see, in connection with the wooden of the modern Babel. The Cholera has reappeared, and nix new es - *es are reported to day,'aiad three deaths. Little at tention is given to the progress of the diseue just now, except that bestowed by the Board of Health* and the subject once thoroughly discussed hills back among the posse topics not to be revived un til the disease in in a neighbor's house. Ashes have improved upon the news by the Canada, as well as Cotton, the latter elosmg I btgh er. Low grades of flour are dull at $.5,2.5, bui export demand; Corn is dull and little in order for shipping here. The new will be ready in lux wee , H, when a demand may be expected; Pork has neon $12,621 for mess and $9,5009.69e prime; Lard 71 and dull; Butter and Cheese no change. r. INDIANA\ Indiana, lut one of the great Western Free States. with whom we soon expect to be connected by rail roan, most be an object of much interest to our readcia, and we avail ourselves of the follow mg synopsis of the principal tams which have lair ly transpired, from the Cincumati Atlas 'Governor Wtiltcomb hu been elected United Slates Senator, in place of Mr Hannegan. The Governor, in his message, declared himself against Slavery m the New Territones; but did not de clare himself e_sphmtly for the Winn° , Proviso.— The majority at Indiana being unequivocally for the Proviso—and Mr. Whitcomb being most asst.. dlons in the search after majonties, we may safely ume that ha will conform to that lat.t. Charles H. Test has been dented Secretary 0 State. Mr. Test, we believe, used to delight to be rig a Whig - , but of tale years has followed ila ways of Jeroboam. who made the people io sin. .He was elected we believe by the vote of Whigs. The two most prominent topics of discussion Indiana, at the present time. are Popular Educano, and the State Finances. Fkith have been till thi year sadly neglected. Nom. there is assuredly a moth interest in the subject al Education, in Ind, sue, an any other State of the Union. This is . happy amen. It is a sign of awakened sensibili ties among the people to the great interests of th. Lean and intellera, without which all physical p perity amounts to nothing. At the late electom vote was taken on the question of baying F Schools or not. The official returns of that vol. show the following facts: Whole number of votes cad. 141,442 In favor of Fore Schools, 7a.9(.7 Against 62 4 75 Majority in This is apparently a favorable vote, but it is not inch a one as Indiana ought to have g'ven. . • song fm the prejudices of the ignorant and tto• indispoaitioo to tax paying—will the majonty ought to have bee. three times as great In the investigation of this subject, there are some curious facts brought out The average amount of property pos..ed by each man—who is a tax payer—is less than $6OO. The number of persons who pay tax on more than 112..000, in only about ant twentiaA of the whole population— There is one deduction Into thin, which is condo. sive and important to the People. It is this—that free schools am eminently economical to the mass es of the People. The tax which nine tenths of the people pay for their support is much leas than they would have to pay for private education. li there were no free achools, there would then be the alternative only of . paying mach more for the edu cation of their children, or 'rang lonioni winos. lion. The State Debt of Indiana is rapidly getting into shape which will be entirely manageable, and will place Indiana among the solvent States. An arrangement wu made with her foreign creditors, by which she was relieved from one half her debt. The general principle of this arrangement was, that her foreign bond holders should surrender their bonds, and in return receive—for one half of them—the Wabash and Erne Canal, and finish 4 to Evansville. For the other half, the State was to issue new bonds, at 5 per cent This arrange meat has been almost entirely consummated. The Wabash Canal a in the course of rapid comple. lion. The Auditor reports that the public debt of the State on the Ist ofluly, ISt 7. was 511,048,000 The amount of Bonds surrendered up to July Ist, 15/8, is. Leaving tui above all outstanding, One half of the surrendered bonds, viz, $4,579,. 000 has been re-issued to new 5 per cent bonds.— An equal amount is struck off the State Debt. as being an equivalent to the value of the Wabash and Erie CanaL Upon the whole, the Ora= of Indiana are in a very prosperon• condition. The great canal from Lake Erie to the Ohio will soon be completed, and the credit of the State fully restored. EIGGIL4.IIOM—The flow of foreign poulation to this country is continuous and immense. At the port of New York, the total arrivals of passengers from foreign ports, during the month of November last, 'is mated as followc—lreland, 13,108; Ger. many, 6,934; England, 2,151; Scotland. 682; Wales, 21; Prance, 241; Spai n, 12; Switmzerland, 191; Hol land, 97; Sweden, 1 Wilne, 20; Portugal, 2; Italy. 42; Poland, 18; South America, 6; Denmark, 12; Mexico, 1, Basra 17--icital, 23,675. Total arc,. vela at New York, from January lat to November 30, 1848-162,196. The probabilities are, that during the coining year the emigration from Europe will be far great er than ever before. The failure of the Irish re bellion, and the gloomy prospects before the people of that unfortunate Island, have caused thousand. to turn their thoughts to Amen., as their future home. The Galway Vindicator says, there are five vessels at present in that port, bound for America, but they were quite inadequate to sup. ply the demand, late as the season was The berths are crowded, and numbers apply: and are disappointed Other vessels that ate expected home have, their engsgernems made kw another outward voyage u moon idler their arrival as possible. A letter says, "due within the last four month., Ms. Vessels, containing truly 1,200 emigrants ed from Dublin far the United States. The eau. grants, wi:h scarcely an exception, belonged to the class of comfortable farmers. Many of them were from the county of Limerick sad Tipperary, and each family canted with them sums of money vas tying from 1:20 to ZVI. Every steamer that leases the quay of Dahlia for Liverpool is crowded with emigrants on their way to the United States. ' It is &Moth to estimate the numbers that have taken thia route to America, but they most amount to many thousands, for the tide of emigration is fatty as great at this unusual season as it ever has been In the spring of any former year." From Germany as many are leaving as eau procure the means. The revolutions of the last riscr have so completely unstated evey 'Weir, that property cannot he mold at present, and the tide of emigration is aimewbst chocked la consequence. Tor Decor of Maws hate unanimously do. eyed oa the sholitiaa of the puididunent of death Ottani eseeptko. It has also decided that the quailahW Le entirely Independent olthe State, and that every citizen shill enjoy the fullest 'Betty ideounneHaaa The Gold region and the Glad Xflalla. Gold' and gold! and gold without end' He had gold to lay by, and gold to spend, Gold togive, and gold to lend. And reversion of gold is farstro, qn wealth the faintly revell'd and rolfd, Himself and wife and sons so hold ' And his daughters sung to their harps of gold .0 belle eta del' oro'" • • Gold' and gold' and nothing but gold' The name auriferous shrine hehold Whereever the eye could nettle On the wall—the sideboard—the ceding sky— On the gorgeous footmen standing. by, In mats to delight a minor's eye With meatus of the precious metal • • Gold. and gold' the new and the old ' The company ate and drank from gold, They revell'd, they, sang and were merry. And one of the Gold Sticks rose from his chair, And toasted "the Inns with the golden hair," lon bumper of golden sherry, Gold' null gold' it rain'd on the name, Who unlike Denise, wai none the worse. There was nothing but guineas glistening' Fifty were given to Doctor James, For calling the little baby names, And for saying, Amen' The Clerk had ten, And that was the end of the christening The Editor of the Pennsylvanian Makes report of the assaying at the Mint in that city of a large amount of gold , weighing:lSO4lounces, brought from California by Mr. David Carter of Boston who left Monterey on the 111 of September last. We copy as follows from the article. Ile obtained the gold in every case from lads. vidnal operators, in trade, and Fir cash, and has realized very handsomely by his memo... The value of the gold. as we saw it in the Mint, cast tam bare and ingots, is reinitiated et $:35,000' Its exact fineness will be ascertained by the Amor". of the Mint, and a report made to the proper de . partment on, the subject. It said to be ennui to the Noah Crunkan gold, and a hula below that 01 Georgia. Mr. Carter gives Borne meet interesting accou ate of the gold country. The extent of the gold rerpon in California, thus far rucertained, is four hun died miles is length sad Only or filly miles wide. 01 course Inaba investigations will throw mow: light upon the wonderful resources of the country, and develepe other diaincts in which the precious me. tel is embedded. The gold which he transported over the distance referred to, was chiefly obtained from near Sutter's Fort, and some of it fiom Feath er River. Mr. Carter describes the she people of California as a perfect Democracy. where Labor is not only on a par, bet far ahead of Capital. Fvery one has his pockets full of gold. All that is reline ite to make a moo prosperous and comparatively rich, Is ordinary enterprise and industry. We learn that on Saturday last, an amount of two or three hundred ounces of the same gold sent by Governor Mason, and deposited at the war Lie. partment by that fine young officer, Lieut. Loeser, was received at the Mint, and is now assayed. and east into bars. t 5 5s 4 1 4 XO6 630,24 7,50 Extracts of a letter to the Boston Journal, dated Monterey, Aug. I. The valleys of the Sacramento, which but a short tune since were hardly known, are now wide and dusty wads Half °ram houses in Monterey are empty, and at least twoo.turds oftho. in San Pran• mono. The hotels and stores have all been closed, and many farms have DO occupants whatever. The hotel in Sao Pommel a, however, again opened, under the &motion of Robert Parker, of New York: bat the expenses mug be enormous, as he pays his head steward, a black man, $1 700 per year, the second $l3OO, and the cook 69011—50 I am inform. ed on authority entitled to credit. In Monterey, at the present ume, there sa no place of entertainment, and grangers arriving, and officers atattoned here, some days hardly know where to get anything to sat, even without the necessary Cell:lint.. The amenity of money, and the present necessity for it, greatly depreciate the value of this gold here. I which can be readily purchased for SI 0 and $I I per ounce. and in a abort time perhaps lean However. I think in the iourse at NI months it will gradually rise again, as money hrpoines mere abundant in eirou'aiion. Its real value is ahoui Sly per cent, There is ever t , prospect of Ibis ',MA digging lasting all next year Two thousand digger. now average an ounce per day, and I think for leo or fifteen years from three to six dollars may he obtained per day. A large portion of the daggers in the months of May and J washed from 575 to Stint per day at $l6 per ounce. I have peen many Californians bring in town 0:00 and &POO in gold. having dug and washed for it less than two weeks Some persons who commenced winking at tone of the discovery. by the employment ol Indian., now have from 55,000 to 520,000 each. Mr. Dye, • resident of ibis plan. returned a tiew days since. hewas a member of* company who. in the short space of seven or eight weeks, obtained 240 pounds of gold, clear of all expenses. This CORI. puny consisted, I believe, of seven or eight men. If people ever suffered from an overplus of this preciou s metal, we now stiffer, for it has deranged every one, and forced every thing out of its proper channel. Forty and fifty dollars per day is no oh3ect to mechanics, an it will not induce Omni to remain in the towns and work. A gradual ad vancement in the men of every thing is daily per cepnble, and it is not uncommon for person at the placern to pay SA per day for board. and that of the commonest kind, cotunatingitd meat broiled on the coals, cakes of dims and water, and tea or coffee. The cooks generally receive from $l5 to S2O per day. Lumber commands S5O per 100 feet. transportation is also in oomparlson with every thing else—SlOo per load for fifty miles on a good road. By another letter from the same gentleman we limrn thut the value of gold in June was 114 per ounce, in cash. in July SI:4 and at the date of Me letter, the writer sold a quantity at ft 0 cash. In exchange for goods it to worth somewhat more. The gold could Le had of many poor holders of fifty pounds of gold, at the rate o• S 7 per ounce, Mb. All the silver had disappeared from mien lation. Gold was taken by Governor Mason to pledge for duties at SI 0 per ounce. The ship James Cutter has arrived at New Or. leans, from California She left San Shia( ict. I I th. She brings full confirmation of advice. received from that country concerning the gold mores. They state that the gold ts inexhaustible. One lamp bad been seen weighing Mimeo pounds. One man was L•noan to the admen wh had obtained eighteen hundred dollars worth Edit) promos metal, to a ungle day—though tlits wa an extreme new, Seamen's wages were 1100 pet month. Six teen vessels were laying there, short of hands; the necesannes of life had become extremely scarce and high. Gold has Woo bee, discovered at Los A ascii». equal in quality and abundance to San Francisco, The closers had held a meeting to memorialise Congress to establish a mint there. Major Leaven. worth has been elected Alcalde. All the weounts however, are not so favorable. A letter from Thos. Douglass, to the New London Star, dated from the gold Region 16th of July, says • “Thi• cannot last long, very many of the rich deposits have already been thoroughly drained . The business is already precarious, depending very much ppori lock in finding a rich place. Almost any ode, however, with is dually sod sagacity, may •verate from one to two ounces per day. Baking, l ‘ howe er, persons can arrive here from the States. a WI , ID all protwhdity, be much lees lucrative.” Th New 1 ork Sun cantatas • communmatio• from tivrard N. Hem, a chemist of that city, which fully illustrate* the troth of the old adage, "All la not gold thit glitters." Hs, it appears, analyzed two specim ns of gold brought from Calibrula, one of which proved floe native gold. II 690 000 'The other specimen was in small bright lumps not uniform in shape, and of a light yellow color, and exactly resembling the pieces of •raemw of copper, obtained by melting the specimen analyzed a few weeks since, an account of which was pub lished in your paper. This specimen did not con. trace of gold, although I was assured that it was obtained from one of the soldiers of Col. Ste• reasons Regiment, who brought it direct from Cal. The above facts seem to prove that there iii“ Gold in California," and that there is ■ great deal of worth. le ss ore beside., which is not worth the trouble of picking up. It is therefore advisible for pence. who are aboo: darting to seek their fortunes by gold finding, to take with then a few simple chemical tests, and obtain annul infrrmation before starting, so that they may be able to {ern on the spot, the spemmens they may find. aad thus didiaguish the real gold from the copper and iron ores found in the cons lora/ay. The New York tribune expresses • preference (or • direct roulroad from our Atlantic roast to the Pacific- It says A direct Railroad from some point on the Mu isaippi River to the Pacific, built entirely on oer own territory, would save the long detour to Cho• tree and up the roast to California, and make • ' cliffiirenms of at least one-hall:in time required fur the passage. A very able officer of the Army is rwrifident that, with the wrvico iifone hundred dra. goons, he will survey within g year a perkmtly fea sible rout for a Railroad zeroes the Rocky Moue. tame, and he is willing to risk his reputation on the result of such survey. Such a Road must sooner or later he built to give us more immediate com munication with our Pacific possessions, and the proposition of this officer Is well worthy of the at. Mutton of Government. The survey would not cost over $5,Q00, which is it paltry iota compared with the end to be obtained. A Road soros, the Mountains would be a work ofimmenow labor, and occupy a long ume In its completion, while the nee. easily of rapid mean. of communication between the two masts of the Continent, for merehandim s• well a. pi...wagers, is imperative. In this view the Road across t h e Isthmus being a work of only two years, becomes armament and worthy the at. Winton of the nation. Comas Coristriwinon N rim Varna *snot— From an article in the New York Dry Good. 11. e.. porter we learn thus the cotton aansusied In the United Stales during 1847.8 was not far from 480, 000 bolas, employing V 0,357,130 capital, 101.,250 operatives, 3, - 012,300 spind les , and distributing weekly in wages $363,111d, or 1118,831128 per an. Hum; and for all expenses, not including cotton, $401,185 wriakly, or - s 2s : s4° Tee annually. Thia izueram produces 156,11110,000, yards of goods or Wit yards Is each individual. Mr...tornllroad, and Coal 'Er the Editor. Qt the Pittsburg& Casette. Pawn), 0. Dec. IS, 1548. I notice is your paper of the I I th inst., a comma. nicanon purporting to be from Horace Balm, on the subject- of Western Railroad and Cannel Coal, in which he tries to convey the err PISZOI. idea that the Brush Run route stands paramount for coal. Now, thi ough reason of this route passing through a very 'rough. hilly section of country, with but few advantages to the railroad, and one and a half miles ce tunneling to be done, this route is or should be abandoned; besides the cannel coal on Mr. Brown's farm, (Mr. Balm writes of,) front a per awnl examination, proves to be nothing more nor less the n a fine vein of slate, suitable fur tiling for tire proof buildings. but nothing as yet resembling can eel coal The bituminous vein is a 3 foot vein of Inferior coal. While on this subject, I will just state for the information of your readers who Ice co. sverned in the progress and advantages of the W Calera Railroad, when the cannel coal honks aossolly been discovered and improved, they sr a all from two to three mile* down the Little cover from Darlington. The bank now owned b y Kirtland da Morse has beau worked for some 2 b years. The vein at this place, 75 feet from the eutranoe is Id feet thick of pure coal (although not JI takes down to the rock Shovel and still appeals to be good coal overhead. To show you the vdne itf this coal for cooking Move. and grate., there hail brim fur the past two months from IS to . .'1) tot in of coal sold per day front this bank. and this it a section of country that abounds with excellent b numinous coal. George Foulkes has a bank of cannel coal, opened mod well improved, of some 6to 7 feet thickness, 45 feet of a drift. Mr. Ster ling has opened lett. where the coal appears to have been burnt out, but at the distance of 30 feet from the entrance has found a solid vein of coal, and is now energetically engaged in opening out and improving the same. Messrs. Elder It Whir, are at .work, with got 41 prospects of finding coal. All these lands have a fine vein o(baumirious coal some 60 feet above the cannel coal, and some of the land has another vein still above lbw Th. coal to found on all the other railroad routes, but • , so rotten and slack sup so tine that it will never bear transportation to distant markets. lithe rail road should peas from Darlington to the mouth of Bull Creek, it will pass within some 80 rods of each of the canned coal Openings, and when the railroad is completed, from 400 to 500 tons of coal can be sent westseard into Ohio daily. On no other route has the cannel coal been actually found. If the coal vets, on Bull Creek should ever be improved so as to be valuable, the rout down Little Beaver, from Darlington, and up Bull Creek would pass along near 0 mm, the same as if it came across from Brady's, Runt, and so on to Franklin Square, &c. The engine era are now engaged in survey. tog the different routes, and will undoubtedly make a fair and impart ial report of each. This 1.1 not to bias their ouch in Orton of soy particular route, but merely to do whose the mind of any sr roneous impress ons gained from reading Balm on rail roads and ca noel coal. Respectfully your's, KIRTLAND az MORSE. Tax Gauls in Starrit CAROI-114, —Comm.:len og his position in by own State, in the Senate, and in the Nation, mote than usual consequence attache. to the language used by Mr. Senator Calhoun, in regard to an ex, litement which seems to be ming, just now, in the state of South Carolina, and of the existence of which some indication w given in the debate in the Senate on Wednesday last.— For that reason 'we transfer to our columns the fol.: lowing account of a malt paid by Mr. Cslhoun to the seat of government of hi. own State, on hi. way to this city.—Norman! Intalltgencer. u•rau, Dee. 7, ISO. At eleven o clock this invents; the Hon John C. Calhoun attended at the College Chapel, where there was a large coocouree of student, and via. item. He wan welcomed by Mr. Wallace. on be. hall of' the students, in • short and eloquent ads drew., amtpliincillary to this distinguished states. man, and thanking him for hi. •MI to our capital, Mr. Calhoun said a low words iu reply alluding very booby in the present crisis in our political at. dos add the neesssity for being orepered to meet it. He visited the Senate Chamber at I o'clock, sod shortly allerwardn was conducted to a seat in the House by the corr. - hiller appointed (or that purpows. The House was crowded to excels, many persons never before having seen Mr. Csl. 00011. and who were desirous not to permit the present opportunity to escape It has now been several yearn sauce he has v.sited Columbia, wed lug present visit created quite a sensation. L./..D.Scfl Exec. - flora—The return of the United States storeship Supply, Lieut. Lynch, from •n exploration of the Dead Sea, h. been already an. flounced The !slormAl; Beacon states that many minoettles have been Woman home by Lie. Lynch among them specimens of the water of the Dead Sea, the River Jordan, nod the Pool of Si lo.. also, linements ol the P.llarti(Sait tutu winch Lot's wile was tranatonned. This pillar, it is said. la nearly forty lees high, and stands exactly oo the spot designated try- the Bible The Beacon soya that Lieut. Lynch expresses the cotident opinion that it ts the reprerwittattve n( what was Lot's wife Joseph. states that the pillar of salt existed to his tone There are many other eunorue• t.r. the Bea con) ott board the Supply, as, an Egyptma mummy, • pair of the cattle of Arsine, ronAia made el wood from the Holy Mount. abell• from th.ahorca of the Heed Sea. dee. We presume thetLaeol. Lynch Trill gore public a tratlve of bra expedinon. The Dead Sea has 1.-en for many risme an otneet 44 great cu• rig:duty, and we doubt non that it Las been well ex plored by this expert:non, with the rune to the aa certatning. d poutble, Its origin, the propertses it. veer, &c.—Nat. btud. Tut Porch-4ra,, or SAN FGAPICISCO. Ga in July last, wan :,WO souls. The Government troops and pas.engers who have since gone out and an, rang, will swell the number by June neat to 9000 Mon dry goods bare been shipped to that region since the gold fever. than could be made up to clothing in a year, if all the inhabitants were tailors. Ready made clothing It.. been sent in the !same proportion, and o( broadcloths suffi cient have gone to clothe all to the country for fore years to come. The Jonnutl of Commerce adymen that the emigrant to Callen...a, if he had any mo ney. aeoold take it with him to half dollus, and when then, purchase what he may wont (which will be very little to the shape o(clothing) to ones ble bon to dig gold in summer—Ledger. Ma. Groom. ea Stavnr.—lt a said that Mr prepared the following remluttone to be pre isenied to the House the Arm opportunity. That an establishing this Republic, tb founders proclaimed their object to be. to secure to those who live under the Executive jurmdicuon its laws, the enjoyment of life, /awry, and the par. salt or ha ppm es. Rasoind. Mutt it is the solemn duty of all who minister this Government, or participate in its legit. !ahem to carry these objects into effect by eaclud. mg literary from that portion of our territory lying between Texas and the Rio Grande. - - • •. Rasohaiii. That to effect these objects, the is. th • separated Taxa. from the Mexican State. cam. pas Chihuahua end Neta•Menm, ought to be 1.• mediately itatabluthed. Jrotr - ui. APPOINTMVITL—The comrolutona the following President Judges of this State extol during the term of Gorernor Johnston, and wr, have to be Ailed by hum Hon. tieorge W. Woodward, Preudent 4th It•s appototed 9th April, 1941. tton.Beniamin Patton, Proudest sth Lhatnct ap pointed 20th March, 1840. Hon. Samuel Hepburn, President 9th District, appointed sth March, 1639. /lon. William /emu p, President 11 th Ursine. ap. pointed 7th A pnl, 1639. lion. John N. Conynghaln, Prenniest 13th In plot, •ppototed 25th Match 1639. Hon. Alezulder McCalnaont, President 18th th trim, appointed 31 st May, 1839. Hon. Alexander L. Hayes, Propident Mstrie Court of Lancaster, appotrued let May. IMO. ila b ♦rl. proVallly last switla al 01==! The Cleveland Herald states that the she. Asia, of 203 tons, left Buffalo about two weeks since, baring on board Ertl barrels of colt and some goods, and a supposed to hove been loot on Lake Erie with all bands on board. The venal was owned by Conrad Reed, Esq.,of Black River, and not insured. The crew consieted of Lester Smith, Master; John Slollill, Mote, and John Hayes. M. Gillman, Selab Lamb, Welter Lovejoy, sod - Spooner sailor, ore. Nothing bus been beard from the schooner since .he left Buffalo, and )1 Is highly probable that the eapstsed in a gale and went down, none of her unfintunate crew surviving to relate the man ner of the and disaster. Jaya['. Hirst.-rosin -- We would call attention to this ea.-client remedy for Couklm, Colds, Con.mption, Asthma, and all affecoona of the Throat and Long. ilavoig several times within a few year. past bad ores eion b i.el a medicine of this kind, we have:by expert elite tested its excellent qualities, nod are prepared to recommend it to others. Ministera or other uha. speakers adhered with bronchial affections will find areal benefit from 1. u.. It is prepared by • scienti fic physician, and all class.. will find It a safe and eth 01C101.1 tqedicine in the disease. for which its re. commended --(Columbus (Ohio) Cross and Joariml. For rale at the Pekin Tea More, N.ll/ Fourth street. Enyts irr The soft, Angelic expreamon of some females grateful to view, while" the repulsive, CO.'S, muddy yellow faces ol ethers, ezents disgust—Me seine setti male. Could such people be Induced to try • rake of the true /Limas' halm. Chemtcal Poop, they would be enraptured with the change. They would have • del «- ricer, whole akM, while every dultgurement erupuon would bet retuove4 sod [prod. l'ammatbas Mmes.—Persons vehuhave bought cheap counturfelm and mumuons true, spa have had no et• remforedo red, moat try th is, the oriental. Mind, ask for Jones' Soap. Per sale at Wu. Jammu's, PP Ldrer ty area. mas 24 It? Irraramos is the bane of ma; • man's exist .No 11./Ktid can describe the safari -4M nltuwKl by this distressing (tissue. It unfits man Cat ha ta non to life, whatever It may be, and makes bum feel as though he would rathennot exist than endure such misery. Yet Mese sufferings am produced in the first plane by derangement of the stomach, sad If this wen, met by using B. d. Fahnestockl Anti•Bihons Pills, the bowels would be cleansed, the acenratdation of bile carried off, and a speedy and sore relief obtained. Prepared and sold by K. A rAtiPlEarrocK I 00, corner Ist and weed, also corner Ilk sod weed *tun LOCAL MATTERS. 1=157:1 ALLgulinir Cerr.e-The first ward of Allegheny City deserves 111 credit for its noble Wing majori. ties, but the mud in the streets of that famous ward is most unmercifully black and deep. The citizens should regulate this. Water street—es it should ; be called—or the river bank below the Island, sleuth! be a fine street—the landing should be wharfed and graded, and manufactories would then be established at the present raft lauding. The wry has a tine landing at the Vet of the Island, and the day is not distant, whets the advantage of ! the location tor IrOn rnantilaninnea, ka . %nil he NEW Derv:rug—Mr. John Murphy called yes. terilay to exhibit and explain a new detector and expositor of batik notes, the invention of Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Gillet. of Ohio. He guise fully terfeita infal a well worth s alleged in and machi. to executed. rrfectly. He mutes, and r day of the M. He to r the Ex. explained the mode of detecting count libly, and it seems to us that the plan t. investigation—that, admitting what his little work as to the peculiar mode very by which bank note engraving, it is scarcely possible to counterfeit it i exhibits the whole plan in a few ; may be seen at Philo chiong ey - present week, from 9 A. St to 511 boarding at Christy's on Penn street change. LABOR SAVING W. 11.611.0 ALCM mined yesterday II machine for wan patented by Tippet, and the right of in and selling which ban been purchased Coffin, of Front and Short streets. TI placed in an inverted tub, the bottom slats are fastened to the Inner sides o the washer revolves within the tub, a what is termed the centrifugal ma The clothes are thus drawn betwee and the sides of the tub, so as to h F.,. cleansed. To the washer is affix d a •priog, which adapts it to the bull or num r of pieces. A child can thus perform all the labor of "a wash ing day." The affair is both simple and cheap. Smot•Lse.—Several healthy children of a family of our acquaintance were nearly Nimultaneouely attacked, on Monday evening, with vomiting, which continued several hours, and then ceased, and all the little folks seemed perfectly well yes. terday morning. They had eaten part of a turkey, and no other cause for their illness could be die. covered. The turkey had been bought in the PM/Mora market, already killed and dressed, and appeared to he in fine condition. SABBATH :Agri - tau—The meeting for the pec motion of the better observance of the Sabbath in this city, held st Itr. Herron'. Church, last even ing, was well attended. lion. Hamar litany pia , sided, and It. N. White. E:sq., acted as Secret•ry.— A term of Memorial to Council., to be signed by the citizens generally, was adopted, and some other business transacted.—We will give the pro ceedings in file to our neat. Tar Isn't 11101 , : k1r to regard to California emi gration was that of • man who went to Maj mere office on Monday. and seriously offered to go to Califiarn.s, in•tnnter if necessary, for thirty p" man.' r Ile had heard, he aaid. that a company was heir g farmed, and men were wanted. and he Wan ready to volunteer. The Major de dined eagagtng the good hallow Tires iss.—!.str. B B Taylor ut to appear tonight in the character of Othello. If he succeeds in doing plaice to the part and the author, he may he set down an actor of nigh meat, for law indeed hare truly conceived the character of the confiding and jealous Misor Two 1 ieti,re on.. Mn. undertook in whip this proprietor 01 the Manchester Ferry Boot, yes , terday evening. in consequence 01 his demanding . toll. The proprietor e sou, a quiet young man, was tempted to tulrrlern in behalf o 1" his lather, when the rowthee shatothea the soh. They got two the wrong I,a. how . crrr, And were. h.nL ,vrrely ittittpt. t.t, and put ...uor A S. ;.i .rv..—lß,nid it not be greatly condo ro Cue cnrniurt iwJestrsans in IL. nonnio of !hi...heater and lower pan of Allegheny, a plank tout walk were eoruttructed aluag lieberen Street' The root would be but fight, and the twu . 3, loeattous could thvido the expense 00,0.0 Gt.uta —We understand that Menai, Heaney...of the new glm factory in Man.:heater, have the nontruot lot furetrahtng the colored ghow for the .pleodrd t nn.nnan Packet now htoldotg to take the place of the Men eager Casa. at the Mayor's office yesterday morning, itare---all drunk. Two sent lo the hill, one peed lisle and tintrhargeJ Tit[ Cora r. yesterday were as dull al the weather The lawyers and yuchrex had it all to themselves. 117 - :Saw F:aut 4 , lnSv-rni. —The Committee of Ar• rangententa for •"The Neer England Supper." beg tertee . 4/11101111, that :bey hare made arrangements art. Mr M;iler, of the St Cherie, Hotel, and this: ihr festival come off to the Si Chanel. on Ergo). 0•031- my 1.1 1. 1). the •21,1 Lust The supper will he on the at 9 o'ekuk precisely Tickets 111 0•1-h --to be LAW al Luke Loomis' Rook Store. Pitisblirgh. and at 111 Raehop's office, Federal street. Alleehen) ray I. 4%'ILNIART/1, Committee R II lIACHLW, of deeln R IL PALMER, Ar•angemente Bah BM, TN OP BAD Tar:v.—Persons who have ei ther are 110110/I.loiy auured that . la lox of Jones 4 amber Tooth l'asie on one trial without lat,, Make the Breach pure anti t. Teeth ...h.., and Gums hard. Reader lu.i thta .pier For We by W 4 JACK SUN, a Lilvet) at. "an of the 14 lloot.l octj Tim Pra - rsermon Pirmosatot sst. Fits Bet" Nee Co.nm.—Ao election (or nine Dtrontors, to tome (Sr th e ensuing year. he held •I the otßec 01 dos Com pany on the fir.t Nlontley of January, IW9, between the !mum to to A. NI and I P tl Poeta-did HOBERT FINN Saar W. M. Wright, M. D., D•nit•ti Ornc: and residence on Fourth oppouto ths Pittsburgh !tank. ( Mee hours from 9 o'clock to 11 A 3L, and from 1 o'clock to 5 P 31. sepl4l7 DIED, On Tuesda y. the 16th lost • A. Hutu... tr. Sr . m the Ikkh yrar of lus age. Ilia funeral ss - 111 take pl., (mot Am late rassdeace Wilk4nsburgo. on Thursday morning. 21a1 teat • tit 10 o'clock Title trteude and are turned to altend. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Itigrmat7, (Located to Ailegheny City, nerning atreet. con irnuation of Sanduaky—ne. N Commons THIS Institut/0U is now in succesafail operation. un der Me management of • competent matron .11 nurses. The Medical Riad it composed of the follow- Mphysician.Ms •ddiaon, finnan.. Dale, Brooks, organ. Wit. Lange nd Conon., the two last of whom attend le thsins..., .patients "Mir object •f trail isnot he a mee and hut • co , . retreat for the iniffering and the itiik--the chart. ty I. therefore limited to accidents and are. iisee•••••, except to •rirerne i awes As many patients of this eharacler will he received tuts, •• the lands a wl permit Individual, Cheri hes, Beneficial licretrtica. Pam lie.. h... , who wish to preside an asylum for sick frlends, nicinbers nod domestics, ear aril no at from Si to $5 per week, according to attendance, room, Per, All application. for pet - trills must he made to Dr Addl. eon. Penn street, Dr. (ingrain, 6th .Iron_ Dr W oo l, ld p. Dr Lange, Ha, , - Hie., Dr Lana., eland strset, Dr Morgan, Penn street, Dr. Cornman. Penn sire, Sil t Ward, and Dm Dale and Bell, second bank, below Federal saner Al legheny coy Sobarriptions and doutribmiotto tor this charity, may be made to the Moo W N Psasarant. Director of tho Inattionon, or to the lolMietng Bankers, who h•ire kindly consented to rei else them. Al . Kramer k Rohm N Moira,. 1 Soria S. Jones k. Co. Wm I art• riser, Jr. Moon k. Sargent, Hill tc Curry, and II D Kant,.-- - - BMW YORK AND BOSTON PIA lOS. /MIN 1.1 111141.1.0 R. No Wood Of lip street. has reeetveil invotrm o • law supply of Tian Fortes from t e role limited manufactory of this kersng. Boston, so arrive to • few day., of which du: notice toll be given. varYtttg fn Pr , ' ~ fro. , IVrtS to $0 , 3, Al.O tree the runitafactorms of /I Woreeptcr, and Baron k Milieu. New York, • handsome ....ttrneal ofd, Ai and FI miter, Rat li*nries, rrie..,d and mehognity oases, of tho mew ../erint deo...notion and with all the late tmprovements The above, in addition to the stork on hand, will nate the largest and most lir mrulale •ffered tor sale 111 Hits env, and tot 111 he sold in all cascs I raanuitionsrers prlrre. IkreorillnodaUlti and setri.ten guarantee aivan watt every Plano Forte sold JOHN H ME LLOR, Apse Avnt for the sale of Chiokenng's Piano Fortes, Western Pennsylvania THE ropartnerslop existing under the name and Sprang...en a. Messick, ta thts thy dissol. wed by maws' conewnl. A. El Spnngeteen will rosunue the business, and oil debts duo the late Om mill be paid to lion, who atone authorued to settle the affairs of the late fins. A R. SPRINGSTF.E:h4, P Pittsburgh , Dee 18, 01' bridled Any One returning her will be liberally re warden. dee%). R A CUNNINIMA lIAND AND FUR SALE—IU p. drab Blanket CoaUng; ± Pe Lander Jo du, I ea. liartuder ( Blanket.. I du grey nuked Cloth, I do Army Cloth, Jo Tweed., brown, black and gold mtg; do fancy Caminierre; I bale blue Blanket Coating; en/twitted direct trout manufacturers and for sale Sy the package drcall IIIUR111" t LEI:, !them. et DECKING. _ 1201 PALE al Vic Outlet Saw and Elamite 11111 Is 4 11: Allegheny city feet of 21 may peek of vary superior qualm, tawod an carefully stuck in Also sk , 102,00 U feel of and 2 in . . Decking, dei2o4l l .olT NEVILLk. B. CRAIG k 'EaDORINO-60,200 fart of dry Monne., for .1a as r she.. deal/ NEVILLE II CRAM & lON CIAT SIDINN. G—kkelk kw of Boat Planks, of va- B nous lengths and breadths, foeeak sa above. deoko NEVILLE II C _RAIN k SON 8 ii.iitATUS-2n,n00 IL. In casks and be., kir ...To toy deelel ROUT DkLYELL 1 Co ftlifildT6l.AS PRFSK:6IIk-s-Surrn d Jonewna, 46 %,..n Market street, oder tor sale. at reduced place., a srartety of goal. !Suitable fir Cannon, present.. ewe walla; to part of French worked collars, ebeinizetta, Muslin and lace tape., crab. Swiss robes, reties. and end. !teen eaanbrte handkerchief's, deep corded bor dered do i gentlemen's cord do; black and fancy silk cravats and wart, rusk rlsnrackson silks, cashmere , and in 101nea , gator atones' mohair, lawless and collet, dec./. MU= . • MANCFACIT HER cot S ,m Hual autl Fasuil) Man kers, ii:111111(. I ' olloll Nin.nras,a sod C.mtorts Lit •,,•• SV:t” •trer,,tirgh A IR BALL, lorlbr lorbb Ru Irtrr r Ait Ha I, vi rn• brbly bra. rer. d lie Ftirres. •rbl Or lab •I Vs' India Rubber I.b.pur, Nu 3 W ood or ~lr 2D J k H PHILLIPS 1 !SDI/. RULIBF:R t • Li re.eellerl for ttre I. C 4 Li lOrni• 1 . 121,11111011, • ••011.111. aan10(1.1.M . 111 of limn Y.:nsite (lotto,. ut 'owes r•nglog tram #3, 50 St 101 sun 1,1 t uuL. it 1 , .:• aro! hat For rale at the Ida Rubber hem. st DucKwtiLAT I, 11 IV Floar, In 1.1 "turd SO lb • lor •itic A 11 11,51'1110, L (ROZER I ,TURN-100 to II .1 t tII Ito, •nd tor oak. by .1.e_.0 A HAISTRUNt. t CID IZER d t a o r b o. I mob and 0.. J AV ES DALZELL, water .f 11A RI. .1`...11 osoke roe'd and for tole by II) 0 e ,./.. It.. Err DA I.Z & Co, liberty 4 , ill KESj.,-314,1. Westertt Reserve Cheese. ut store ,eta lot sate to tlre,to Ruhr 1/A1.74:1.1.& Co VIA X ettIED ISO bush oww tootling trout steamer r Fort Ptit. tor so, I, decl9 ISAIAH DICKEY & from xt 12EATIIKRS now ;untllng from lacaner Furl Yin. tor ace 41 decL ISAIAH DICKEY & We eon ng clothe s, uutelettinng y Mr .G . clothes ere tog he tub, sod runic ginning on to Loth the 'rusher thoroughly S S c' r e, " t i o ' r '' sa:l ' t:t7Ll l .:c I ' Lt ''' lrAlVi d Ul ‘ C " k " l7l 'g ic Co W A - %N . mil ~y~nner . Apply to prtwe IV K I.I..WALEN" d"jo In .od al wood at T A aLI-1.1)..14 No I Lard. landing, rot . rale by drolti BABA F:l' k 11ITTTI:H prime No I Butter, 21 lobls do do do: , teas prom. Lard, 61 sacks Peaches, 2 cats peahl do. to arrive mod for sal , - by dee IV BROWN k CULIIF:RT.4. ON I,i , i• Linseed Oil, 10 do hest aritzLer lAN do. jusi rcreived nod for sale by JerlU SELLERS & UV:AVIV:RS. EL A XSEED. sack Feathers. 24 Luln Flffix.rfed. 9 do f./niclig, landing from steamer Fort 1 . , and for stzlr by drcl9 JAMEY DALZRLL EsTN urs. uu bushels tresb. PEAC/11'...-100 N./ oar • Ite. crop. ;us, rer'd and for sale by der 11.0.d1w JAM Y_+!l 3 , Wood •t DULK MIRK-5.00. I,s a.wrteJ Ilamt Sldes and r 4 u °alders., fur •xl.• by F HIEN a RIIF:Y k CO I ASTOR 01 1,-20 I , l,lACeo.tor rni, per steamer Coo ll arr.., (or rele Ly Jeri') FRIEND, RHEY & Co L„) ED I.V.D-15 krb . s, warranted, per steamer EL Constpue•. fur by • - • Q 40 bbl. (been Apples, 100 bosh dried 0 Poaches. LO do small Whtts. aeons; 4 066 Rye, bu.h dried AnJes, oxst rre'o .11 for rale by 6.019 K BORISON a co, 142 hbrny st R O u L t: I Li r ß v t r : T a r , f v resk l i t i o1 1 1 1( 1= i in r c cr 'd OH. e&KI.:-1, trots In store nod for rule Lr R ROBISON & Co I:s SEED dbis putt, Add reed nd .ale Ijlo • der Id It ROBISON CO rec'd and lot CI sad, S, &ell! It ROBISON & k I.stt JUST R V ED—A I arge lot or mallog a ;4,- vii.l Eu•ewood Vearer•. .r sale at 0,-1+ F 131.1.N1ES 111W•uperior Cral. Oder; I. do common lJ do. .toe r and to .alt. Loy der I. 1 ?DILWORTH. .17 wood st 1, , t Fu... tor L,e,.•E. for •al , by drrl, J 4.` SA I:1 .‘ S Salta, 3 cok• 4.7 lUr sale Ly J C BIDWELL. Ag t. 41,1. NNW,. 14 E zI saris dr,rd SA 1l GA g hlnla N 1 on cort•tgitnoer l and Int 4.a.c rie, J - BID W I iAkLIFN- O bush jot rrr'd noel for .4.e by I S WATER \IAY, aner end 0,1 iron! rri:k -1:0 sees. ti L. 6.4 r.".ked Butter .1) Roil Co. /II .norr aee /Of sale of deelt. I. S WATERNIAN I)EACIIES-ILO bush dri4il rsarbes, In store end I tot ..le by .I,l* L WATF:RAIAN - („Z L (AAR hbd• prune on] crop N Soo,. recdon conmg... , d, ua WAITHMAN N Mungoses. n3,t d„,, I. WATF.RIIAN L' , I.OUR•- Lbia m am, 11/111 for sale by r deck- I. II WATERMAN • ASED— bush Elairreell on conaorrne nnk E K Mt sale by ARM wraor ; S •• ROZ EFL deeld trl market at I, A }.ltein'-1:'1 ILVAIIAr./I.l:li'*.i"l''VlZ/".:ILbl _ N tots new this dny duel, A IaSTFIONI, k (ROZ'R - 13(.:T.itTbOrt-,.,-11X, recd .341 . for very rood. to , deep. -IR.II.I , TRONti h I'HO:CF.R D I . 1• 87:. 04 Medullie Dirrc dee KIDD & Co D HON% 1-:—..Ni 11,. Fine Hr..... ell color, boa 1 . ...T:d ID and for sole by deels 1 LIIIII IL Co A DHEZSIVE I . I.ASTEI.—Oh yds Elie' Adhesive , .. Ple..r,leet received and lon sale _ by decVS J KIDD lc Co ' • L. VCFF . —Our ILe Rappee Soar. mot reed and for sal b dcel• .1 KIDD tr. Co M A . :7 , — , 61.1 y lb. pure blue 7zzgr. ,K e!ofor - - )R ,. A y 11 „ 1..!O m ATI d N . I d t . ...r.e cu, Dritballphy:7 I ) Wu. J. , l l l l T4 l C.?....iif ili f o , 4 " SOll., (vont< slfalne.ll-11est quality, or'd and for no, by .IcrlG BRAUN k RIOTER RIII IIARJJ ROOT-2 cues l , < . d and for sale by civet!. lIRk k. REITER (l C A b ß y 11 OF A 1. , !1 . 1 6 / NIA 1 cnio , k ß r A e t c . ;l ; :nd ;IREIV Q Al. SODA--. 3 casks rcc'd End for role b 0 dean BRAUN k ILETrER _ 13 pang order . UrrEß''3 kegs No Ink/lorßs'ale Barer, good sbrp- docl6 BROWN k. CULBERTSON 1; 1 1NE FLOUR-103 bbl. fine flour. 10.1 rood per .110 r J B Gordon, .11 for sale by declti SF.I.I.F.RSI N1C01.31 A L. ,, T4101,-3 d t e ,tl: 6 Alcohol, j j 7; ii r ,: e „ ci;l ., 7 , 4 3 l F tr A z , le - A MP n BLACK —1 casks just JOHNr al;idmi(o,ll,7lAcNby TOR'\'ENLr SARSAPARILI.A.I(,ennioe—Jn. e:•d.nd by decl6 JOUN DM(>ROAN= S tierce forAl i ee n mokb AN pON d l. , - , 'D ti JAMAICA GlNGER—ict.vm,l7R(.,thi G .,Ll c 'N o D NIUSTARD-1 bblig ri D eb ioßGA..s MOLASSE,..-50 bbl. prove N 0, per Mesoenger. for for ...le by deel6 FRIEND, RITE V b. Co LARD. --21 bblo No I Leaf Lard, (.5 kep do do do. .0 .40. by 4.016 FRIEND, RHEY k Co lEACIIF:3-194 .o,ta Foarhes, ioe.alo by 11,16 FRIEND, RHYY k Co D-2106 p&g• port Galena Lead, for xa,e by docl6 FRIEND, RIiEY & Co fIAPMR OIL—X bbl. best quality, for sale by docl6 FRIEND, RIMY At Co vU 111 oales Co , too, for sale by Aar la FRIEND, RIIF:Y Ir. Co _ FE E ATHRS ate—lS seeks for le by &elB FRIEND, R HEY It Co VLAKSEF:D-37 .eks, I bbl, I keg lo •rrive tor sale by DICKEY h Co, ' deer., front st sacks m arrive, fur 5101' by /2 deel.s IBAIAH Ultl4a &Co GI Ne.W.N6 —Lack., la arrive, for eat,. by dee' & Co CORN MEAL A anaall lot very a00.1.,u,1 re<4l and for *ale by ,trek_ A RAISTR.VAG & 0111)4ER I. I A H D—V Obi. nevi Lard, on eonsrornont, by 4 de,sls ARMS'T'RONG & CROZER F Ar !! Rs ." 7. "b %c. 18Tf7Zk jROZ ER _ fIORN HRLnII dot on oonswnroent, by derl3 AR.IINTRUNI. A CROZF:R SUN DRIES-20 bbls pure Cider Vineear, 10 do do Cider; IS ha. Pearl Starch, nod and for sale by Jerk BROWN CULIAERTSON rrE A , i i---,17 par k 10,01 Young blyson; 20 do Ounrow- I der; 16 do Imp,riai, Teas ust o , e'd •rid tor saw by 11,14 BROWN k CUO3ERTSON EACH —IDS bush oh t,hoo Peaches, halve., reed and for sole by \V k R WCUTCHbX)N, dell/ ISg liberty rt _ . (11IFIE.SE 150 bk. Cher sr, reed and for sale by Itrcl4 TV A R strureitau)i D A RI.EI' In bbl. Barley. rre'd and fur ,air Ly dnel4 ‘y h h At:Clrreq.crti Itpruue 111 - Roller, 'd nod for i 4 .; .. n tH."_ _ T Alt.:4-10U kg • Roger It At'Nloblos' Juniata Nar Is. sorted, rrocnved and for sale by de u ol4 & R kr . jr.arttEgysr l'N K ROA RILS, its —rkt las Bundles Nos 5, and r, 110i10... do. TO , gron.; thoder'sdo, various MY berg, ni 'tors and for 11010 Ly deed BBOWN k CULBERTSON EW MOLASSES—Dm bb • prune N O. Nce.rer M. i'l and for sale by BROWN* CCLBERTNttN 4,14 - OLASSEtt-. -15 bi". Nes crop N 0 Molasses, to do:1k Prow st.ofr Ball Colurobt• and for .0.. el docl4 JAN DALZELL,IIvao•r la . _ f 107 PON —a) bales CoNou, in taste and for .4 , 41 %._/ _droll .1 /41 DAP Ei.L___ . I) ECIRVED TRIS DAV— • -R. , Pc° Now .p o le Tapestry Unwell Carpet . , Ido do ddo do fur so.. Those waning p i ne carpets will Gad it to thou' otter harem to can at IV MoCLINTOCkIs, susl6 71 Fourth sr .... `AND PAPER, Olornbrook's - to reams assorted 10 ...sabers, received and for ssio I.) deala MIAMI LIHAUN d REITKR AUCTION SALE& By J.h D. Allottalimar Fifty Fiiildita t i• Lou iiii-Tutpluttierto.l6l .'" 2 " 14 On Satard. •tternoon. Dee. Yid, at e'eJoek, be .Id on the pr. -attars, fifty Lott of 'Ground, in the tarlrale ofTernperanternlle, by ordpe Jebtl B arden, etobrattitg • great variety of siva and lota- Ikon. 0•0001 e (or bunion. paroottca and. private ciral- Ling , ••eßrwl err very handrontelv satiated. among vim . b c r one of five arm and 1:1k perettes, poaamuug beauty. barn, • •plentltd aseer °eae city of A!• 'tthattt 'he rsvers and torrounduta rona , r7 A It .n of the propett, mot he ottett 1 lb.. Toll Bout. ot 'he aslnnaton Steunenvilie Road.. or at the Auction ettose Tern.. v•kdett Mr3il 10 fiber., will br made known on the de> ...I, der In .11/lIN Anct Balance of .....;took Rtsnorrd, to St Masai. On Thursday morning it in o cloak. I will sell at my auction room. Comer of 51A Wood cram. the bat awe of W. A. Al'iluta's stork of Dry Goods, renew tog n pail or blearhailaoil brem, math, cambrii ticking. glazed. taint rt. .ae , satin spots, botnnettii. value lam., line., Luck aback.. clothe. ea...res. Ky. pa m.. ns, ram/nes, ai dress Nord, print, Fraoth Clllgharn., table linen, nap Irma. hosiery. sewing Parciiil. snaring silk, tons, agate Liu Unlit, .01 boxes. cigar trite. de Tn. A. 06 must be closed out, .101 the at tentiou Dealers is requesited 1!= Terms—All sums over 11100, three mnth. credit, ap proved endorsed nate,. over Woo four o month. appro ved codorterd stages duel! l D DAVIS, Apo rautside Csty Prornty at A uazov On Thursday anemone , Lter. .11 it o'clock, wit tic sold on the premises. the tollowing very ralsabie Real Estate, its: that large three story brick ware house and lot, lintel. On the rood side of Wood street, lour doors above Fiala Street, at present occupied 1,, Messrs. Wallace, Lyon /1. Co ars • Flea* wretch.. Also. that well finwherl three story Wick Dwelling House . with two story back buildmes, mutate on Ike south aide of Penn street. between Marbury and Ws• ler streets, the lot Imreteg spool of 21 feet on Penn or and extendtng book 110 reef to as alley RI feet wide. ott which Is erected a eonvernent Iwo story brick dwelling hOuse. Also. thosie four new and well heretical two story brick dwelling houses, situate at the corner of Second street and Redoubt alley. Sale will commence with the warehouse on Wood strcal, the to Penn Street, and writ close with the property on Second Street. Terms at role aerie JOHN D DA VIS. An, C. S. PORTER M gouona LAST NIGHT OR MR. H LS TAYLOR. WILD.IIO,I, DlCCldlltrt 20. a,R b. actcd (n hello • Ikeademona Amelia-. 13...1 • . ..- . ~ Rascal Jack Air J Dunn. Lucy Airs Prior. Thoroday—Bencht of :dr. U. 12 Taylor Norice—The l (tall cry Ink remain rioted during the cold weather. 2d and 3d Tier, 35 rents. VI IL GOODWIN leopectfully Infonna 'be gentlemen J..U. of Ftitmbufgh Mat hm preaent quarter will expire on Thursday, Me 2tat of December. Thom gentlemen who wore disapponsted in Iseeoin leg pupils, on account of Mr . (J.'. classes wog filled up, will please make earlLapplicatio4 to the next sea. won. fie G. can be consulted at hi s} Academy every Tuesday and Thoroday, from 3 to 5 o'clock, and 8 to to. evening. Mr. C.`. first Cotillson'party will take place oil Thoeoday evening, Dee fire Goodwin orvites forest. and guardsmen to his Juvenile clam, to wanes. him Improved style of Ilan. cing. des:l6-41w I=l Plitoburygh l B 0111•021 C id opper co...paar, T lll l. B ,.. C c oagy a 4e , smc k. tf , u . l I c o ocuru m th , e r. p n o b ,. l&. ,p a p, d r n the form in Which they prepare it, that their Smelt tog Works are how in suecessfu/ operation. and they ere now ready to make contracts tor the delivery of Ingots to those who want to this form; and alto tough e s or the purpose of rolling. The Copper produced (coin the kletalic Alines of Take Aopenor, ncertarned to Pe moult npenor to the ordinary copper in the 11.1 . 1 tels, which is obtained front van containing foreign mineral robstances. Ttin copper ts perfectly pure, and a not iniund by the pro fen of smelting, end Is therefore greatly to I.e prefer red for bell MIMI, rotting. and Many other purposes As not the IntentiOil or with of Min Company toerect works for the manufacture of copper in the various forms in which o triauted, they wPI he happy to Nate contracts for the deovery of it in the form of Ingots. tough en.- for rol hug, ke . to those who may wish to embark in the business. Ilereithex all the copper oirtariied from their mines wm he brought to Pittsburgh. and large styptic. ay D e expected Letter. addressed to C U Urns, or TIIOIIAMI AI. How:, omit meet with prompt .iiention dee CHARLES A V FRY. President etncinn•n Gazet.e. Louir•llle Journal and S. Low, Itspoldlean copy to •taoanl of 35 each. and ..aatge this off.,. 111ZELC V lIOSPIT AL. THE: au all ..m 4e ac nose lodged no ot, hand at the to di. n( the tlf•port of the Boned of Vtattors. hung now *pent. the Si.ten. y have not for port • one dolls belongtog to the I.tAtouon . Then. , are now twenty-eight papal.. m the hone. The Ststers beg leave to appeal to tha public lot ald to wmeet the expenses netassary (or keeping up :het M tattOn. Sub.ersi.tioqi anq dioattons artil he ',Awned b) Rev Jame• Iteonnw. or will be reeelved by any oi Ihr followinggrnUemeh, invEnbers of the Vimang I.lmNitig Comm:utters W. Fhb, John Snyder, Henry Nt'Cul tong b, C. Biomes; Luke Toad, P rosy, John S. Cosgrove 4. C. Commas, James klickmy. -- decl6-.11 Iv 1, -, 11.F2511 ARM VA 1.-1 V NPClintotk offers to those E wislong to (tallish houses, the handsomest momia. ment or CarpOng Coe, brought to thismarkm, corn Penns; . part the tnnossnsff vsnsnes: Rieh style \ ej . vet Pile; AlinUuter Tapestry, Brussels, extra sup, a ply; s ups , 3 ply, ssPsdne and bye Irdynis Carpets. to Which he most rerpectfuny invites his brands and the pubic, to cad and examine before purchasing elsewhere %4lireromis, No. 73 Fourth at, Pittsburgh dead. . . RILL CARDS, CIRCULARS, Mansfeau, Balt Lading, Contracts, Lazo latastl4, assn, atu-a, Loans, CIMITICaTiht, Co.,em • esstaillek ap. Printed at the . shortest notice, al low prices, at the de,f9 Gears - re Orme, Tuthisrlso 1)00K ki•MPING—A persnis of long expenence in JEll Book lieepmg offers his screw. initial cepaeity. permanenri y, or srould for dm present devote his thee to the wheatmeal and imtileetcht of books and accounts. The hest of references as to capacity, A c., will be gi• yen,. Apply al store of umeocr. decLl 41 wore, at y~XFAITHRN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL.—A general meeting or the contributors to the West ern Psulasylvarlia Hospital, will be held at Ilia Apollo Hall, n Fourth street, on Thursday, 21st twit- at o'clock, P. M., for the cousideration of a special report of the Managers. embracing venous shtsects of Im portance to the Insunatiou. By order of the Boast THOS. BAKEWELL, deeln President. _ _ . . HE undersigned are prepared to garnish to Furnace RoeY owners, Hot Blom Oa. aunts, made on Me Hanging Plavont. but tmoreyed ins es to render them more durable. The price snll De the same per lb. as chat, ed at Ilanctng Reek. We will elan furnmh the Sheet Iron and Tin Blast Pipe., manufactured in the most substantial manner. The whole expense of ereeung the Blast, tf et the tunnel head of Meek, will be about HOU, and dal the base from 850 to WO more. Wean also prepared to farm.n mill hue Yiner7 and other cmungs gamrally, and torn all hands of Iron. Co, Kiumoing, Pa., mot Sel Wain( it, hitsbargh. deelr-dtr3tT I USW RECEIVED—Three more of Mose so instil' J celebrated liamburgla Pianos, used roustatilly by List, Melberg mad other great performers, together vale • large &narraterr of rosewood and mahogany, of my own maaufaeture. The above instruments are warranted is be perfect in every respect, and will be sold low for nub. F DLUNIE. deelg fo lid Wood et, ad door from sth DOCTOR 1. H. WILLSON offer.. his ilroketional j K. : . e r rv o lces to hts (needs and the public generally of Office, Fourth street, tyro doors from Mayor'. office. dec.! %Alm* MAP OF CALIFORNIA, OREGON 1 TEN.A.: From the latest auMmittml BY K. ANN. Altmhell, with an al f i , U. Geographical Staumscal. For tole Igy decls R HOPKINS. Apollo timid:l4s, 4th gt • Lo9l—On Wcduesday tut, a fsur of gold eased Spectacle., o n Hacke r or Fourth rtraet. The fader will be Irberall - i rewarded by learnt; them at the store o( JOHN S DILNVORTH, deoltl 27 wood et SUGAR-13 bbds prune Al oSupr.lust reeeaved anti for Oak by rho byto.rnber rot cents Per lb., Mal tr.:re!rep. J011:a DDAVIS, Auct. _ • _ decle , corner of Wood and Mb cm ... ._ _ • • FOR dALE.—Two 1 owns Homea--wil . f , 1. work well In mile. double or angle Icamme. ,;Z., . will be told low. Indium •f WM Ei.utYrr A ENGLISH, _______ __ _ r _ _ 7,. weed lll ID ROOKS' OVID—The bletamorphove. of S.M.. .1.) Octal. Nave l • Mucidlted by all annlyais and ex planauen of the Fables, together with English Note, Moor/eat Mythological and anneal, and it B 1 by pictonal embellistddetimi with a cloud N.C. Brooks, A. 111 ciecls lit HOPKINS , m. r-s. variety,,- L /M a Y a l t o e L , lll o • o c d a I . t: ea, th a k 1: , , , 1 i i.. y droll Z K I N q S u P Y r 43, d i •I na ' a " rZe n t at at mANIKOTII Tik:NS—Jdst received, ono rose - n: mammoth Gold Pena. Persona having much writing to do, will find great case let oiling Mese pea, a• May do not cramp the finger., and have fine smooth P 91111%. W W WILSON, dee)) corner eth and rancher ate CI Addle PA 111 L -EA —HD Ma Honduras, Just err %I and Ono sale by _nov2.l B A FAHNESTOCK &Co YOW'D CUFIEBS---I ooze Mut mold and for sale by notIZI se es BA FANN h.TOCK & Co 1 INSETS—UOOO cams good bnght colour, lust Lc opened by noV3i SHACCLRTT & WIIkFC: (1 0 MFORTS--glill doz fine Cott colors , and dry/ya k./ die a • iglee, met opened at ee ced puce.. by nova filiche LV WHITEIT & .•- - - --• OIL CAKE.—pu.. nil cake min rec.:redact canal Dori New Brighton, and for ante by dee9 R ROMSON & Co . 191 Liberty wry. IINSRED 011,.-111 to lAA pnme Lammed (At !41.• I rc , carved At a for gale by • e 9 9r9BISON a c.. 8 717 drtii; il-15 kegs t. r !1 - I. l 9;l r itlrlPV(4l . oZ ER easW }MAT k 3.01; R -le ear ks for tittle by _— - died/ &FLYS - MONO & CROZER _ .... .1 )MATor-s--34 bhl. very f ,ea oie Neestnoek l'ota toe. on consinstient. b -- y dery A ithiatTßONG & CROZER ._ • QUIRTS, 4,-4, dos Ana Slum, 2 doz wool Shins 1, 1 and Misters; I do silt Stuns, Just rot 'd and for Os by deer ] F H EATON 4 Cu • _ _ METAL—Aa tons Hangtog RcyA Metal, land '. 'tog and for sale by 1ec.1.1 JAN DA LZP2I.I. YEA NUTS- 140 bash Tenn Pro Nuts, In store and lot sole by dttel 4 JAN DA4.Z ELL ram.l.7 „ ... ut n.L . ff x "Ti , b y k` 1 " • . 7t` il 7,dfutVoßsT l.Ce s tow 44 0r3 . 1 kita l lag o r C iD eV 4 "l""rr & Co L A Er bbl.r ‘r (741; by ONN HORST & Co • t&lrspArgierrioVl",yamj, for sale by RNTi Co WHIT• u 1 pEANLI—I C.rb Is for_tal! by de ell co cioga-ioge CQ AMUSEMENTS, DIEM= •• • ........... Mr. B B Taylor. ....... • • •• • Mr. Oxley. Miss Porter. Mrs Madison. NVAITC. nn4 Mr. lioodorin To conclude wall that RASCAL /ACK JOH PRINTING UOT IMAIITS. Alllo-- . 4=4* LSTEAMBOATS . INCIMIATI & PITTSBUIUM ~~ ~ ~ P ~ DAILY PACKET LINE. EIRE well Yoown line of .1. sdnl pawenget Steam- A. cm t o now composed of I.aVPI, hattLed and tannaticd, and most r o wer.. hoots ea cam. wok," of the Wiwi. Erne . " acrommodation mot tort that money' coo pro , Las 1K,41 pr 0 ,141,1 fry( 'edgers. rber Lane hos town IN operation tor hoe ) e0 ,... —Ls cornett million of people wahout thr least now. in Mew prisons. The lomat. ill in et the f o o t at street the day merman ...rung, tar the me, tam 01 freight and Me outs . " 01 p.•-r. , K , v , on an' let. In all rases rho ',dosage looney must he owl ...touter. SIDIND•T PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON. Copt. it. I:. nosObt. k l'ittoorgl, every Suoti. mng .10 o'cloc %V lorltne r; y :+ououy crroao, o roi LU r Aley '4,, 1047. MONDAY PACT NT• Pnu- The 11.14.iNONGAIIKLA,Capt ka• , burgh ever) 143L11/$1) naerattsg at 10 oclock, %111e.ehug every Monday events', .1 10 r w. The lIIHEILNIA N. 1, caps J KLINCTILT.4 vv.H Ira vc Pmstrulati every 'Tuesday nacralug al lu o'clock, Wheeling every Tues.lnc evemnyt at IU P WEDNESDAY PACKET . . • The NEV F-NIiI.AND No V. lawt u .... argil leave Plasloargh every Wedn esday alorusag at la o'elvek, NVlleeltng every Wednesday evening at It/ r. r. Th. BRILLIANT. CNA leave P. burgh every . I'hunulay morning ut lu o'clock, Wheelit( every Thumlay eventag at 10 133:Gailli= The CLJITER No 2, Capt. Co \ arill leave Yw— Dargh every Vesday inornmg of 10 o clock, 11 heeling every /-1141ny evening al 10 r. - • w dl w The NLESCI/Wilik:l4.- Capt. S. Rol., leave Plus. burgh every Saturday morning •t 10 o'clock Wheeling every Saturday everung at 10 P. Id• NEW LISBON •ND HGH DAILY LINE OF CANAL AND YrEa rACKEIS, j E a r t. •5. atilal esamsowo Loaves Putabargli deuly, at o'clock, A. M., and ar. nves at bllstagow, mouth of she Sandy and Beaver Ca nal.) at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at 11, maw night. Leaves New Lisbon at II o'clook, P. M., (mating the trip canal so the moor dunng the night.) and irlaarove •I I/ &cloak, A. M, and vnves at l'inaburgh at 3 itma making a minunuons Lnse for on paw P. sengem and hared between New Urban and haw burgh, in shorter lime and at loth men than by any mt.: roam. The gymprietare of tins Line :ague the plauure of in forming the public that they have Sued op implant oiler. Canal Boats, in the accommodation of paviengers and freight, to run Ell connecuon wtth the well known steunew CA.LEH COPE and HEAVER, and tenuous ing, et Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Orton noel and other daily line. of 1.1<10•0” down We Ohio and Ithosissrippi riven. The proprietors pledge them selves to spare no eageense or trouble to inure cow hal, SUM, 3•04 dispatch, and ask 01 the public n .hart of thou patronage. AUTHORIZED AGENDA. 43 M. HA R'N.llB, S.*. W. HAKBAUIiN, P ' 4 4 33 1,84 gb FL HANNAduo. wy1.1:34 J. NARI3AUGH &Cc, Now Ltsbon. NOTICE—The stemmas BE:',VER, C. F. Clarke, mas ter, krül leave after It. 1,11.1 CC, for Wellavdle penene ally, at lio`doc.) iLLbe mormiks. 'ea.] 11845. - PIT T B B I T II . OII 4I.IID.OWIIIIVILL.IO Daily Paoket Line, FEBRUARY Ist, 1846 FEBRUARY let, 111 LEAVE DAILY AT B A. M., AND 4 P. M. The following new boats complete , tne line for the present •Cll4lll AT LANTIC, Capt. lama Parklnsone ALTIC, Capt A. Jaeobig and IA )I.llt 11PLANE. Capt P. Bennett The boats are eatuvly new, and on fined up without rr,ril to expense. Pm e ry eon that money earl procure has been provided. The Boats will leave the hlotiongghele Whar"hoot at the foot of Ross st. Passenget, will he punctual on board, n. the bouts will vertht.tty leave at the adver tised boors, e A NI and 4 Phl Anal REGULAR FRANKLIN PACKET 4. The fine steamer POIi T PITT Capt. A. tr a d e, will ruts regatarly the above leaving Pittaisaargi evory Wednesday add Sasurday evesumt, at 4 &elect, 1' X For freight or passage apply on board. der Pa FOR MEAIPIIIF A NI; BOLIVAR The new an t , •ketntial swan., MILLER. Chus S. Fristwe, ma•tex, leave for the above ports on Tuesday, the 19th Inst. at IG o'clock, A. NI. , . The Po., w3ll take irencht for Lows,lla, Evan.. Cairo, kileiconto, Randolph, Alemphia and . Bonear For trro,;ht or pat.age, apply nil board. - FOE!.NEW ORLEANS. _ . . . Theft,. Mat running steamer mni fL7( a L , , SLEA.K, 5I Intl re, mas AL ter, will leave a. ahoy., no Wedstessla) next, at 111 o'slock For freteht oi pamae apply on board, or to deell (:FAQ MILTAINEERB ER, Adt REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKET. The aplandat now meant, j VERMO N, IaiLVIEI liasleßonaster,vral leav• for the bove and intermediate 0011.1 to•day For freight or r am" apply on board. doel2 FOR Sr. LOUIS. The fine new light draught steamer ZACHARY TAYLOR, Liens, mower, will leave . for dm ve wed nsteetwiliair port. tins dry For Wright or pawagezopply on hoard. deetd . FOR NT. rainy, The bee new and m.bmannal nem l aliarr MT. VERNON H. Koontz, master, wan leave fir e above and intermednue ports on . .. FOR Itotlin FILL E. ELaster, -- ' inalThe splendid new steamer LEG RAPH No. I. Ilaslep, T m will le•ve or 14i30,11 d intermediate ports Has day, at to o'clock. For freight or passage apple on board, or to BURBRIDGE, WILSON & Co ilea (IEO 11 lIILTENBERGER. rrrrsuuxag a WW.MANtrir&ERET. - The mslllmeansent im alL We CONSUL, bher, master, win teat, regularly or Wheeling, every Monday, Wed 'sudsy and Friday, at ID o'clock precisely. Leave Wheeling inlay,ay, at 7 c'elock, a M, every Tues recisely. day, Thstroday and Sat p The Consul will land at all the minnow:ham po.— Every accennotlition Mel can be procured for Me ew rts m- Gust and safety of passengers has been provided. The boat is also provided an a lf-noting safety guard ito t cycn o t r e i 7losionn For f reigh t in s z ar T sphe m ixpls ow fetid comer of Lt and Smithgeid at,. REGULAR WHEELING PACKET. mai The new and splendid steamer ANTHONY,AHONY, 1) P Kinney, master, will ron a• a ree ler packet between Pittsbn i .gh and Wheeling. I.lVilig this eity every Tuesday. - ihuirstlay end Fetunlay, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and Whs,t.,,, ry Monday, Wednesday and Fnday, at 8o'•,111, A. NI For fretshi or OW, apply on b o a r d or sage., to haring superior secommsida- JAMES MA Y. Arent. The St Anthony t• a new boat. rm t t fp, .peed and accommodations cannot be sarptuthed by any boat on the raver. noste PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LINK r,.. The new and splendid fain reason w/ ger packet, TI...EGRAP 'A Mason, master. will leallNve o for Cincin nati and Louisville isit norsilay, the net, at la o'clock, A. AL For [retain or passage ap ply nu hoard, to EI:ABRIDGE. WILSON A. Co, or • 1./E0 /I AULTF.NLIEKLIER. pSteamier Peyton& will leave Loinsville for New Or sanA • on arrival of Telegraph No g. _Pa...tigers art go direct, and ran have berths secured here if do si c re.l. EXPRESS WAgOI LINE, ffitz SO ASO ROY figri Pittsburgh aad Philadelphia, (VIA. C11•101.2.131[0.) Till E. FIVE DA YS— RUNNING DAY AM:1 . 1116/M TUE public aro respetniully informed that um Line .11 will commence running on the 27th mat. A car will leave Piuludelplua daily with the Mail Train to fChambersburic, and from thence by Wagon. with a relay of horse., rum.; day and unpin. We odl prepared Id foraraul 6000 (ref ht dash. Ai _novA) az= PloNzza 71 , ..A I SEIPO . ItTA D T L I K Or N C :* 848 BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND PEITSBURVIL Err Time. Maya. Merehluatme transported Si Cenral rules. FORSYTH & DUNCAN. A.enbt. W•ter !Mori. huhu reit_ PRA !LEY N ARS/IA LL art 7 Ideht store, Ilttrumitt — 131513.1C - FC & CO.ll PAST EIPEIESS FOR CUM/JERLAND. lIAL'IIk/ORth AND Tui. EASTERN CITIES. 'ft/1E Proprtetors of ttus Law Das, pot nn New. P., k , lej and nro prcparod forweuli package, c. 1.1 npuons datiy , tho lowo, rota .. J. C BIDWELL trim. Voter sus,. Pats. rsh ROBINSON a BotellAt, ock3l 9tl Natal Mingles sr, 9ntirnetre. k.Clarirglc-7110aCIPZI. i i I EL 1848. MliaL 5 11 , 1 0 PLE.R .., ! . :1tt , 1 , ;,oterl.y. ar; r T i c ,, , i c res e e . rX m ar ,, ibz . La:: reeenned tor by FIVE DAY LINE and regular wag ., at low rates and specified time . noel 1 J C BILWELL, PutaNtlrKE ROBINSON il, /R)ERSI, Baltimore ' a. 1.6 41. 'Allimt.ORIP A TlON. 2 ADA MS k , 'O., Forward) t, arid Commrsmon 1,..). Mere:lents, Zanesville am/ )maden, and Pro-. p a/ly l rleNit ine of Canal Boats.+ of lhe mranter Olun; also of S.Adants a Coo d Wall our present fisoilities we our prepared to /,‘. p property any roe/ withaut delay acct....was. _ (-IAIiPETS! CARP ETE!'--Conslantly am . w a s W Kl'Clintwei Naomi metre', • ver7 _,"' ^. 7 ,of Carpels. t a 11l part of All ipillakm, ~. 010.1 ''' , /h/i Pauerus, Ve (vets, 'loins patters. tar porled, nary rid,. Tafleatrp, Bronsby,„l ply. sup.mel Yeeenwn, all of which we red/ sell Al m a, low an Mel ea/ •hr P.' - ehased in /Insular!! et. Impon,p p an d pasew.n; trom tbe manufaeturers, enable, o• to cam p y e "'" the wen„ matte. no• IS i OLD PRN - 5.: 7 -rt - ni - t - 0, / , ,1 ..toths44. .. ern/len/11 d a_a gold pens of lie bets tsmo to., tore, tnd ..1.....0r or any heretofore .old and Wu rrut.t....4 by dee.) W 'N %l ILSON W RA PPI NI: 1/.. PV, /I AA tom rap land suave per, for erown, by doubl e crown wt./ modanni wrapping pa. male deco WIC[ 'A MeCANDLESS. . , / 2_ II tOUNDNI"f7.4.- au bushels My... ground k,V .11 for sale by deep WICK Pe MeC.ANDLEBS G LAZED PA l'Eft. BOXEN FOR STORES-2 Shang Bad` Paper Boxer., /or Pala dee/a _ _____FLIIEIATON tlt Co bblz roll butler:fro.. lun re orivrcl .d fox sole by &co S d bbl. Cleft. wed mat 121,11,1 i tad for .ale by . _ 14 HARBAUIai.