The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 20, 1848, Image 1

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A,- ComollsslCal owl For
wording Mere/onto, kora returned to their old
stand, Watoraad Prom Ittta Pirtsbatt,..,L_.l2l
—minx= rums diso.
13 Om, e t' err of.LAbeni and St..e and
Clair are Al cis., l
P. mayl4
• .
&ROWN 4. ER S ON, Whole./ Gm...,
and Ccanalnion Merchants, No. 146, Libeny
MIL fi 5.711 y.
ID A. FAUNEZTOCK & Co, Wholesale ►ad Re
Iris tail Druggist., corner Wood and Oth cu. Jyt
OHALEY A. SMITH, Wholesale Grocers 18 and
JUI to Wool meet Pirelbsint;
A. AIe.ANITLTP_ & Co, Fornanllng and Com
e minion IdetrAmina, Canal 8451 N Pittsburgh Pa
ALT GEBILART, Wholesale Ciroeers, deal.
ID ere in Prodnee and Pittsburgh Idanniintdru, nor.
'nor of Liberty and Hand ins.,ytlybsrgh, Pd_ tebil
wo. S. ISevm, JAYS I.SIVINErr .
RNGLISH BENNEiT IO O , Ilzie English, Get! her
warding derdrur i , LY dealers in 'ne e
I:ll t Pirts. '
baiah hinnalletnies, No. 77 Wood st., between •id and
3d street. OE .
r. I..ration, 030. LUST, lama wan.
VRIPANI; RHEY k Co., Wnolesate Grocers end
.j: Contonssion Iderchant. and Agents for llnghton
Cotton Vern. Nos. el Water, and 108 Pmnt Inc, Pm,.
tough: P. fet.-
- -
ALLAOIII2I, LONG & MlLLfill. Bell and Brook
Pod Go. Fitters, I( OI Front, between
go/Land Southfield room, Pittebuitt Po
"t. , 112.-Ifigheet price giverklito.,,old ppes,eod Lira.
DMZ COCIIII.A.N, - Ciorg .ad Fo.hxr
Merchant, No. 00 Wood mem. Plash areh.
Was. nr.a.n..Baltiosore.
• /L. /. ecuaD4.WM.= 111 1 / 1 •2•D7 • phyi s d,
• D. c. IVCIIII2IOIII, 3023 6. vtratusat6.
"na BALD t BUCKNOB.,TOD.OO COMititalOtt Mery
. w. dis altnet as, 41 North Water st, dv 16 North 'Wharves,
13RUNOT, While and Red Lesd am
-1.1 factoret,POit tin Oil Merchant, comer of lab
. y .and O'llars esa.ittsbarrh. jcifi
ZACOVICLU.M. rl. . . 50U.31 W. DUNCAN.
WaßSTrii & DUNCAN, Forwarding and Commis
„g..• - .ion Merchant; First stmet, Pittsburgh.
11*p 1. DSRT. ' SEM= DICIEST Jr.
TiiiiiiiiCietre a co.,
ridadion ?datelining , , end dealers in Produce, N 05.511
warm. and LO Qat sweets, Piusbnrah. noss
11:=U m. 1 , 1; i nto r 7gy an i d C o w c ar ,m llar a t iLwar
Pt. Lona, ilwaot Plaburgh.) "
Hatsawarai..-Piasbarga. Han W Forward Marta.
Um ik Maar . ArCandlesa it John E. ?arks,
sinakkinkbernpla, IdVard Kang.
I'OGNSCOTT & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Forward
4/ big .4:Commission Merchants, Dealers m Pro-
dam Fad PiLsburg4 Alaabfactures, Nei, 1 Commercial
fob, Liberty an:lo4 nett* Canal,lPiusbuga„ (?a.
C3IITAWSEt 111.0173E5. 41,132 of the firm of Algeo er.d
eGuirsPdatchstalThlm7St.Chelics Etuldings,
Aurcatolesti W • Pittsbn ;
- -
.IAMES FRITCHWHI, & Co.—Successors to
Law's Hutchison &_Cni.C.ouSonssion Morchsnu.
and Atents of the St. Lacislitesal Sag. Runway.
No. 46 water and 91 front sirens, Pittsbargh.
!anl _ _
iWIN •8. DILWORTII—Wholcoale Grocer,
duce and Commisaon Minim:lt, No. V, Woad
ttabarzh )otzol
JOHN D. MtAWAY, Wholento Doirgi-•, m.r,d dual-
FAL Of in Dye Suits, Palnis,.oas, h 0.., No.
WINYI (Wet, and dborDauth Of Diamond Alley, Pitts
b_. junk
e2a=3 KERR, h, k Co, isuouessor to Joseph G.
DsysSlop Chandlomod 'Wm:dram:it. <real
TOM H. ATELIAnt, Wholesale and Ron;Ll — dente;
• in.Sluslc siuldfuzieed lostramdids, Ddidiot Boos.,
Popes, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Pitmen' Cools, and
liwunna.ry geuendl9, Wood et., Pittsburgh.
V - Rap bougto. or Ilk on in trade. nopld
• scitooNASAKER & co, IVlodosain Druggist,
• N 0.24 street, PitLibuTed,.
OHN I). DAVIN, Ancdowser, waterdth and Wood
/I streets, Pittai.mrfflu Wood
J and 2dastorsAdsarz, No. 44 Malta Pao.-
Lo h: ' •
OHlu DRIER, Wholesale hivocer, dealer in Mo
t/4, e, Pittsburgh hlannlactures, Tin Plates, 2to.
isyldlocdal Liters, _ 1 ' 95
Ployd:lt Co - .d Wholesale
J. Gzadert, N 0.1.92 Liberty StSeet. sees
, Wholecale siTacer,
JAtereleasii, and dealer in Produce a nd Putehurgh
Manatactares. • N 0.94 Wator at, Irtaaborsh. pinta
TlERAlONEA,Fosarardiag and Conaniseion Der
' Canollas,Deak .
Dealer, in Prodoef add - Piltablugh m 9.•
setnrod masks, Canal ' 'nitit'fth at dtl•
VeinMaxus Iron • • *lira.
LEMS, MIMI. 8. Co., monnfaccurers of all Ili.
j - pts Boa, sheet, Boiler hero and Nails of the hest
quality 'Warehouse, 54 orator and 1155 troni
4 8 WATErDLAN, \Yank:solo Grocer, Forward
ing and Cosnosission Alecrebant, Dealer in Pitts
burgh and Produce, Nos. IL Water et,
and ft Pram / 27
tripiall-ucespicr, NMI SITITIV:!..
L7rr --------' & iiimlyklirbniessie Lirocers,i'o ,
vr.oling..a cc...=,Agon IdOebants, dealecrin
and Nu/It:ugh Alsaufactotes, Not. 13 and 135
Wood .t, VittaMmtb. , lc=
- -- • -
mvaniv, W/LSON & CO, Hata Jonas, Murphy
Wkokiato Denton, in Dry GOods, A. 4e
Dealers and Coorstan
e the tale Atosartea: Wocr
ER4 HERS & Co, Conanormon Mew-
Abanta, Pliladolptda, for Rio ago ot produce ge)
. Liberal =Jarmo. made oa caaaga.m.l.
Wt. a Worm Irat.rxaos.
WGILL &RCM, Wbatate Giitii ,
sion Merchants, No. ID4 Liberty at., Pittsburgh.
LALLEN A Co, COMmistiOn and Panalarchng
NAOT.AIAtx, Water and Plant Na., bemoan
and ?duke Jnne
irillig RICKETSON, Viettol C eL firmer, 3. lnd
Coatonsaion Merchants, No. L7U,, Pitts
ra.l P. , • Jsztl4
14 "tow.. 50N, N. 36 Martel at., seemul
~,door from corner of Fentnit; dealer. en Foreagn
Awl Domenic : 1 14 1 1 if h.:idling., Certificate. of Dep.-
el / 634.4 Notei aid gpncla“: .,,: .: --
Collscliests aced on. i:-
all t h e irincipal neje,.
: •,L. hoot the United elnetei , decl7
1134.11thaer MOOtta, Wholesale: Grocer, acetifying
.116. Dianne-46W= lo Produce, Pittsburgh Mauer...
tures, and all kinds of Foreign cod Domestic Wen.
andLionoro, No.ll ol d street. On hand a very ,
largo snick of superior Monongahela whiskey,
which wilt ho sold low for cash. aplEsly
yll'aiALlD T. LE.k.:Wijr., importer ide
and beJr - 17i
7Oliiiii7„agpootestie Vw,Wery Hardware and
ba n 4C6 Ol":11 descriptions, No. =I Wood
Plusrgh.,7 , , opls
LOttdßaild.RD, Wholesaler and' /Wall Dealerin
jy Locher..Merocco, Eaceseakitre Tails sod Mad.
sup, Trioners!.roid Crukrs , Tool*, and linnets' Oil,
No .100 Wood itaistenugh..• sepia
spiry atourreblrf eurroru. a mom.
13 ROBINSON reee,Wholerile Wows, Produce
.JUim imel•OonertiOndert Merchardei and Dculere Ku.
burgh Iltitalrieroste, No.llo Litkrxty st, Plusbnglx.
_riaar 141.2 ELL WholceOle Onxert,
ravs.4.o2rund Yorerutsug Merchants, dealer.
uee Ulu! Tirliburlit Mautlectures, Lawny on.
I . I I' t One and'Piusbargtk idararlimusres,
o. 14414brrty aa. /Yl2
"Ly EITIOLDS &SUM, PErtorarding anddentontssiot.
Alerehanni, for the Allegheny Hirer Tntre., deal
ers in Groceris, Prodnee, Plushurgh kleastsestra
and Chloride of Liens.
Ito bigbeinpriees, in cash,pidd Int all notes for cent.
try rags. Cotner of Penn and Itain tin. *Oa
- - • • •
ItUSHFLELD—Wholesale dealer in dry good
grodiris, boon:ahoenTirodnugh nit ratiacurred
Liberriresnie; itunbargh. scp2
Dud rier;
AnlelesiNin n an Market street, id d floods , Latex,
oor are Third di,
Phu b. grz
".... ,
LIAC/CLEr a WHITE, Wholesale Dealers la
p. Foreign mind Domecin I:ki Good. No. 00 Wood at
PritabOrlth. ratan(
,W. Noel 14nrenais, Dealers
Flour and Produce gennrally, Pornrarding
tut in
CAndisinalnjiiq N. all Willer st., Pitts.
111T11.0 11/10ALEY & Co., Wholesale Orators wad
Prodora daalaracNo:223 Market meet, betyrran Sth
and ft, Nat* Aldo, Yhiladeligua., nova
117171nMall- /0112 t 161CUOL, /111/1111JUGD.
SELLEIIIII NICOLS, Product. and Gemeral Cain
faissiou 111.eretiania, No. 17 Ljben) et, Piasb Th.
ldrueed ." Lard Oda
VON BONNHORtrF, It Co., Wbolesele ro
t, acts, Forwarding awl Commission Merchants,
takes itt littsburgh Menedtertires antlWastennt Pro
., have ternenred w their new vnuchownt,(old stand)
hAaorner of-Froot st. end Chancery L 1,1.01%
, 1% a ! a
, • t weer mad • moos
ditto Merchants, oadZalsts fti• PoOdoce. No
'-ood a., hosanna. , pgati
Visn. 41.,,Agent tar AteXiclu.
pre.fing pennons, u the °&e. of VVat. E. Att.
tie Pau Moths ballithap, 4th Pituburea MT dot.
=A* atoorar load oleo at Waoh4,ootywill amend to
Erlakoess there Int afaxponco voapplieimu,44l
S. 1141 17 D Kr-mamma
WICK &•11 , PCAMILJD3S, (success:di L. J.D.
Widka Models' . Omega, Forwarding. and
Co in n blenionots, dealing in Ifwori"O_o l. "'
Looms Yazoo, tout PittdmrgAtoonfadttuo.
room, 4tf Wood and Wen woothridabfddrf;
gad • 01W Tr:
Madam, N 0.90 From at. between Wood
ket mom. febSi
w. weLLACE, hat¢ inane amt . Mlll t+nrnt.h
-• Inn amanita:am; Ne. 244 Liberty 1 , near the
1,711 4la alley :and , Bu•
Dry G00d . .., No,n *Act Oreet„ !Aldeburgh.
W WILSON Mahn la Wateees, Jewelry,
Vl{ darer Ware, Military Wads, &a., We. b 7 Mar
ket a. ' nevi
lirß. DIDDritY-Ottm—rialad.wiTin
sFetelpt and Damesdis Dry Deeds ! , north east
earner of Led ett and Foani eta; • • anal
Wit. 141,171_ r
idi riftlllNr.
- flr IL YOuNG Co, --Deabus la bides ir"
TI IC Liberty st. onSly
A ,,
, . IL ma vn.g
culamssz-...1. or. n.
Focal/1w lbstillorm, gait. Wbui it Li nor
'WW2, also, Iropottort oi Sods AA mot NI
, No. liti Liberty at. Pit • . • b, Po.: isadlY
, tre ann INICSU k IVisolesela Ornmera and
in Oils, 13ons Bum, and linstinnis . )tdan !
hsrra on hand at ill
- • • general anarunent inolpo&
. 4407, rittOlUgh•
• ' -,'<':';:;:-i::t741111V
, .
A eti) r ri 1 r A , P” `! ;1 .i .
.‘.‘ . ._.i ,•, • ,
, .
t i , 't i' , , ' ; )
.t L
1 ,
.PIT .
1, I T ,
• ;
D A I t Y
~_ ~ ~,,...„ .r. , I
TORN M TOWNSKND *Druggist cad apotuccary.
t/ Iva 45 Market st., three ' doors above Third it.. Pius.
burgh, will have conabantly on hand a well .elected as
sortment of the , best and freshest Medicines. w lot 11 lie
will sell on the most reasonable terms. Play saunas
sealing orders, will be promptly averuled to. and sup
plied with an -idles they may req. upon as genuine.
Phylicians Prescriptions will be accurate and
rg e atl d Y . Prepaivd from the best materials, at any hear of
AlOO y fo o r r e e 4 " . large stock of fresh and good Petit,
Meacuagahela. Livery Stable.
12 ROBERT H. PATFERSON has opened
the large stable on First at. room ng through
to Second at, between Wood and Sraithflelt!
ma, in the rear of the Monongahela House.
with all entirely Dow stock of lintarlll2.l44 ClllTltiges of
the beat quality and latest idyl.. Horses kept at live
ry in the best moaner. irhllv
C _
ONTINUES to manufacture Monuments, Burial
Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel thecae, Co,
tro and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at
a regular and fair price.
N. B.— Lb-amine for monuments, vaults. ac. furnish
ed, of any desenption. Ile salamis a share of public
patronage ange-dtt
WILLIAM SMITH , hlsoufaciurer of Conan and
colored Linen. Fringes for Dresses, A..e.; Sowmg
Silk and colored Cotton Frmgez for silk and mnglum
Parasols. Gimp, :Bohan, and Silk Balton Prtnges.
made to order on the shortest roues.
Sivas earner of Maiden Lone and William, entrance
No r 5 William street, third hoer, over Abner le Elyn'
atom No W. Maiden Lane New ti ark_ }pin
11,1rxriW nevem., .1011.f.ronta,11300. 1.1,71 . 61.3 t, Jr.
20003 INCIA, nil% SOIL Jaw, IL Le...,
. •
STANGER-4kto., manufactu
rer. or Vials, Monica, and AVittdow Lamm keep
constantly on hand a general asaortmega of the above
article.. Alm, make to order a strpermr artieM of
\luvral S.:IL-Water Boole., of colored glow No.
IG Wnod at, Pittaborgp, Pa. augal.tan
tarevaa ARD WULF-8 to
tiddlers' ironmongery•, llarnras and Coach
Mose, Deer flair, Varnish, &c. to.,
Jpll No. 133 WOOD So. h-onoosoo.
PE.HIB TEA. STOR.E.-No. 7d Fourth
- k . al, near Wood-All quanuttes to 6 teen and.
Blank Tess, done up un grouser, loaf, and
in..e pound petkeyes,'rangnng ITOIII 50 enn per pound
81.,50. jy 1 A. JAYNM Art for Pckno fist Co
Draqisearte - SjirtinTS.6 - Kiiii i 111.eiraiia - li - Wins
CCOLEMAN,, MAILMAN Et Co, manuf acotrer• of
Conchand Eliptic Springs, Eltutorouvd Arles,
Spring and Plough Steel Irons, &a. Warehouse on
Water and Front 'Amens, Pittsburgh.
Also, dealers. in,, Conch Trimmlnge and Malleable
Caunt et tieing
NIII2CIiftIASTER, A thesuesta-Othcc, Fourth at.,
• thud door above. Sat hfield, south end,
Conveynncing of ail kinds donna with the greatest.
care and legal accuracy.
Titheata Real listen* erartunted • kc : oct3o-ly
WS M. MITCHELTREE Wholesale Grocers
„ R.,,sr,ng Distillers, and Wlna sad Lagi,
Merchants. Alan, Importer. of Soda Ash a nd Bleach
s sg Powder, No. to 9 Liberty street. Musbuagh, Pa.
_ _ I.Y ._...A...._
JURN FINN Y, Jr.. Agent at Pittsburgh Inc the Dei
aware Minuet riafet) bisurance Company of Phita
ndelpina. Etre Itiska upon buildings and inerehandar
or every description, and Marino Irtsk. upon hod, or
cargoes of v.sels mien upon We most mow-mile
Office the Wareho.e of W. EL Ithimes & Bro.,
No. 37 Water. near Market street, Pittsburgh.
N. D.—The MICCOta of tins Coutfituty suitor the esialo
ha/sm.:a of the Agency at thus Oily, with the prompt
ness and liberality with which every clam upon them
for leas has been adjusted. fully warrant the agent to
wetting the couldence and patronage of filen. and
the curarrowity at large to the Delaware M. S. Lnoo
tante Company, while it has the additional adv....
as an uutnnuon among the moot doornail. in Paired,-
phia—as Itherng an ample paid-at capital, so web by the
operation of KS charter u onstsoily titereaniy, n.
peldlirg to-eackc person insured his slue share at the
profits of the Company, onthout hum its any
respensibiltry whatever, and therefore as pdesensing
the Mutual prinetplo divested al every obsokioo• rea
tare, and In its mast attract:ye form nov.l
irlitri. — AND - 111A11.1Nn INfill7ll.AJECifis
rrHEl.tuariee Company of North Ante.o, to rook h
tb duly authorized Agent. the subset..., oilers
make permanent and insuted Lusuranee on property, to
this city and Ito vicaury, and 011 shipments try the Ca
nal and Risers.
Jacob M. Thomas,
John A. Brown, John R. N.
John White, Richard U. ‘Vookl,
Thomas P. Cope, Wm. Welch,
S/111110i P. Rau* Franca lloakens,
Samuel Brooks, S. /warm Alloam ,
Hmt SnZanuan, Secy.
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United
Bums, haring been chartered in 1 7 .97. Its charter is
perpetual, and - from Its high otanding, lour experience.
=means, und avoiding al. risks of Cilra has
oksx.ctor, it may be eunndeted as orrartny am
ple security to the public. W. P. PS:al:O.
et the Counting Room of Atwood Jones & Co., tYa
ter and Rout streets isittabotrh. rosy:,
EE truddixt Piro Insarenee Company, of
phiaorill make Insurance, permancat &ad Mooed
on army desenprion of property. to Yoraboran end the
5911 . 0 andin g COW:My, en OLVOraile lei Too, rho com
pany has a perpetual dormer .
Capon!. Marva. paid in
Uontingent, Fond &50kLum.
Othce corner ei MOO and Marketureel... Prnaborgh.
.pilaf/ 11'ARRIt:K 2OARTLN. Agrso.
TifElmdersigned. duly authorised Agent of the Amer
can Fire luau - once Company' of PhtlasimpLun,
tontmaeo to effect mausanee .;mum kn.or don.,
agounst Fare, on bandwans, moretmentme, and
property, not ea= hazardous, isa tlus oily and vn Lod) .
soli cnn:IIN A N.:_•11 ..volvf 7.1
I tHE et/SZCHILIFH. ru, been appoltneta Ail. pm
Itern. albs Immense Company of North Amcnca.
sod will smut Polities sad attend to the other boasts...
of On Ageimy, at the warehouse of Atwood. Jot,. a
Co. apla Y..11,Nt
GL4.YIIO J 4CCA-1.81.1 423
No St South Wharves. r-1 No. IV South Meer ..
- • .• -
E 431 to forform the r.•'-_and dealers generally, at
Pittsburgh, thatthey nave made men mrantrments
IMAM: Virginia Manummorers and the Growers of
the Wett, West latter. an/ her plaret. as rill tasura
a la* and caststmt sappiv of Minn/cog dr.:us
ual/II of Tobacco, wtach wit/ be sold cpoe as ar_com
modal:mg Len= no any mom Musa a/ this enY or el.--
wham, sad all goods ordered Inns/ them w/11 be war
ranted equal In repteseutate.
Havana; St- Domingo; Cann.;
Yates; Porto Racal Prerra; }Seed leaf to-
Cuba; Igetrti; & Ploraia, barna;
ALSO—Braneh's celebrated Aromatic Stag t'
fish, with a large assortramt of 'ether pope /an br a ands,
and quelnies of poem* an. ta, It. 16. runt, Lamp,
to, 6, S. and 1111 Plug - , Ladies' Twrst, Vtry /ma Twat,
ke., MG. and N.., amts and halt boors, wood
and tin, together with every •artery of article
log to the trade. • vitally
11Z.611. 4.1-SLAIR,O3.
Produce. Ornanaralion and Forwarding
No. d 2 Noani Waasvcs, •rn to ST.,
lizere To—John H. Broom & Co.
Robert eriteen &Co.
Barer*ll, Beaver & Co
Smith, Bagley & Co.
Allen & Perlon, New York.
Wafters &IlatTcy, Baltimore
&wale) , &
k- Co plush° rxh.
Bailey, Br ßororulge,
own & Co.
Kier & Jane.,
beret cash neveinees oleotelgoete,ne to our
arcu.' marlexdly
And Chamtral Commission ll•rc Banta!,
No. I.3Bairrn Wsassnrass - r,
REVERENCiZi—IIenry Grab Co, Pacsiourgh.
Raisers & Wsurioek .
B. SUhooloy &
A. M. January, ;Ways - stile.
Charts. Hannan, Jr, booiN•liio.
Duna. Hatophreys& Co
Narver, Uro. & Co. I. nature
Reel & Brother,
Dutlll3 & Cousinery, Nen 'ors.
rowwsuuniu Ic . cOMADRSION mEncHAS - N.
1.0• 'rite Vignlß IT, .nova 11110•1AVAT, CINCIANATI 7 MOO.
GEORGE cocußsisr.
Constalludora marl Forwarding aleraharat.
no. tal warn rt., rrcrantwou,
nONTINVES to trammel • general Commission burl
%,./ nets, expecially in the purchase and sale of Ameri
can Manufactures and Produce, and in receiving and
fitrwritAtOooda consigned Me care. As Agent for
• Id Mace, be will be et:nitarily supplied with
the principal articles of Pittsburgh hlanufacinor at the
lowest wholesale prices. Orders sad eoutuguninuta
are re atfally
Irosi, Malls Cotton Yarns ib Pisburgh
• - Bluxiit ,
faature• generally, tt
10 WOOD nu., putters:m, PS.
Forwarding Blare hunt s Bownsrvilla, Pa.
Woods pagodas!) , to thc Forwoudlog of eroduro,
tce. &e.
For aafinformatlon, apply Co PORisl7ll & CUN
CAN, Water st ortle
_ _ _
SAAC CR_Ua_E _ -
alorgnAl owduttunnuN Mt/dIROIIAP/T,
N 05.103 and 107lisuss's Wass',
11.5.1.T1310RE, 31P.
Paresaseis-3terchants of Pittsburgh.
CrauKle dr Od:1 . 1alrl.)-11bm
Teirir6 - 11WIPP.
UTE base taken an olbco i
rr i u l ydnately oppostte to
ZIT.' r dr:tt It W o h u o se7 elt e
be erected, arrangements startng 'n already been made
r that pupate.
.Itosts will always be to rename. at
our wharf to metre freight C .
A 3PANI.4OTY & Co,
Cantallasm. LAbertral
woo .
attoecoo. to Reed Hurd t0,b0.,) '
esmsuAL commmaiON 3 . gucuayrs,
sums. Lf.
PortLetdar anistion paid le th e solo or wool, and fiber
_al advances moods on coonsnorow .
IV ILL al. attend to collecuon• and all ocher
hens ittruced. to him tit Butler and Arm t drour
cottottes. Pa. Reler to
J. it R. Floyd, Liberty tt.
W. W Wallace, do
Jame• hlacithall do Pataburgh.
thy Kay is Co., Wood •L ) tan,
T I 3 SWEITZF.FL Anon., at Lavv. iodine 3d In.
opposite :qt. Cimino 1.10.e1. Pottsburrh, win aldn
attend prantrtly to Collecuons. to W.hlngton,Fayntte
and Green coo/Ulna, Pa.
Black stock, Bell Se Co.,
Church Sr Carothers, IPnteburgh.
11 T. Marron, far( ally
J. HENRY, Attorney and Counrollor at Low.
Ills Cm -inn.. Ohio. Collections tn Southern Ohio
11114 in Indiana. and in Kentucky'. Promptly nd """
fully attended to. Commissioner for tho State of Penn
aylyunta, for Inking Depoattlantt, ttekno,seledgmenta
Itaraa rt - v--Ilon Wm. lien h Son, Curtix, Church &
Can:3lllcm. Wm. I Cur., NN Monk h tinvin aZS
IVILLIAMS k SHINN. (..... 0 .. 10 w. , e uu ,
NN'lllorgoA.) An 0,110, and Coun.elints ut I.nor
Office North nib- of I , oorth wort, above Srolthfi,ld
JAMES r KFRR. Attorwr at I.nw, Elttkeweli .
Ihulding, •:rert, nroxly opvu.ito the Coon
House. nug94tra
& SEWELL. totoroey u , lass. Offices on
ttmolrf,lct. betts ern :41 und 4th oh,
I2OWW RD h. SIVARTZWELDER, Attorney. , s
',LW, have removed their ochre to toe -South uda
north et., between Cherry Alley and Want street
ap , tf
W ( LI Its "B ''' O l' t.o N sile A Z ' x ' c ' ll2‘;e r " : I M h :e: , :jt:
Cie, at.. next Joor to Alden°. Johns aplily
k;.! ANII:EL W. BLACK, Attorney st Law i)11,,, uu
1,1 Fourth Atm, Iloet urnut. Patt buret.
ti 64.t1 m
4 THE subscriber. In addition to his own
41 1
madinforturine of Hats. has made arrange.
meats with Moran. lichee te Co. ' (the most
fashionable hatter at the city of New York., tot a reg
ular .apply of him extra fine Silk Ilats. sad having ;oat
received a tcw cote, gentlemen can ne •utted wttla a
very rich and beritinfu kilo. Op calling at ht, new Hai
and Cap Store, SintibLeld street, second door tooth of
Roush. where Mayi.a.
and a great vta riet!' of II at.
and Cap. of hut own monufactum, whoteiale and c•-
Oat!. Hats made to order on abort noti
npll ce
. .
4 (Successors to M'Cord & Slag) /EL
Fa•hi.onable Hatter's,
Carlin of Wand arid Fiji/ Grads.
PARTICLLAR attention paid to our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen enn rely ryon getting their Han and
Caps from our establtalmiont of the atsi 111.0,....1.• and
avnanuasane, of The unarr net., and at thr wurract
Country Merchariza, purrhooing Imp wltotesale are
respectfully incited to atilt and erarniac our Sloe C. .•
we ran oop nab confidence that at regard. gL•I-117
and rues-a will not ander in a companarst arnb any
house in l'bilaLledphiro. fed:
iitHATS. CAI'S AND MUET - t+—Theita .
auttacrthar la 'IOW receivlng ittain the
city oi New York, o chance aanortittent
of Ilals. Papa and Muff.. latest nuditotta, n xr“al • aria
ty and net) cheap. whoican:c and rata,.
non i i Sendhfield td, ad door anat. or Itlt
4 Fall Fashion. for 18414. 4
McGORD di Co•,
4..1" let.. AL 1113...)
11T 1 ).!:„'.",',V.7.',."Lz,:::,Vx,:,.:,',',,'::.", 26 ..,.'.';.„',T:
Those:n .. ant of a or. and betaotitut hoi, Ore Ita t ned
to ea:, at 'iactr ,lor, carat, ai I , l:th and WrK•l Were.
sue - 21
• -
_ . . .
PRA LERS are !netted to examote R II
P a L.NIF-It'S stock or Straw Itocdt, 0 , the
sprlag Sty Ir. cotaito•cd in port nt
HI INN I-71'S— i•oractre Brea Ragnah Lam
table do. Amcccan do do Chin• Prl di, t one:, do,
ItotHold do, French I -bee. Fa.troi:in ea m..kc . kt.
HATS-1,0..1 - n. Pa , in I,cat Notuna. !coney Straw,
do Braid. Rolland Bra. Pedal do.
A tact. Artier led rota er t, R,ltttona. k- Sten.. Boh
r:et W arehonan.'.l: , mark, tt mar,
(barley Ttz:l,or.
Ambrosc VC - batc,
I.rTr ~.r,
Butler. Pa
To Country El•rahauta.
ALARI.ESTISCK of nehooi Books, Paper, Outdo..
an . . Ate . sunah:e for country' sales, among sett:eh
Wentag Pape es of fins. medium and common quit s
Letter Paper de do do do
No. Paper do MlO do do
Note and Let. Envelopes,
Penotbs, afera„ golf and keel Pens,
Waldo. , Paper yard ...del Naas •eed ponied,
Bonnet Booeds, of different goalattesi
Wank Rook., In rrent verietr.
Fennly. 'School Aind Poenct Bibles,
Crewe, medipe.4ueldejabeeceselra WrXT.P. 3 4
McGuise4 Eclectic Sretiers and Readers,
Key • Eclectic Arrdinarem
CobVs Primers, eveliens arid Read..
Ssndene do do do
A nthmenes, by Adams. Dosts.Coibarn. Smith. Stoet
to F:snerson, and others.
Cienar.lMen, by MocheA, Ohms Sutra, Morsel...l
-nch, Farley, and others
Ora mars. South. K let tram. Bu,nons. Weld. and
others m For mid at low srmes,ol
, r 1 areal rt. 1. arrdr• above 41th
The hrghest marker prarc pa.ll for r, 0.4 rutze.r: ao.
In cut, •pl-
LANTUR Y a n'PRI.LAR W0R1../k , . -.
',Nankin or Mr great dOicovarit a and a-
al,. of modern aufrottoinv; by 0 SI Nlttchen, • u, Lb.
rector of the VittoolnaL obaervoUrry
Ilea,be) • Italy. Alp soul Hair, —Letter. (rum
the Asps and toe Rhine. by 1 f IlusOmy. author at Na.
uoleon nd hr. &Wu:to:Us. astunpou and us* litact•
aut.Ac. a
New sod rovs•ed riLuou
tilousUch of 10a1 —rho •phacol sAti
al,suoellows of Materal Combusuble• or 1... , fur ~
.ciudvor a 1.., notice,. .1.1 torhtitte• of the 11r
coluoral bttufotraott• subuouco otoploy.l In 14• afol
otasudocturt,, iLuotfute.l I,y Maps ad
rompon,d near:y 0.•too•ural tables. 4.11 l au n ~•
slyveo at osm•tal rombiasuble., &a; prepar,l
ord Crovr!ing TO) , of
Just received it Icor coyont of each of trot %boy.. wort •
--for sale !.). if , iIN.T(N h .....1 1 / 1 1(Tte,
Jr! Ilooaxellera. cot mart... & 14
by J Ax U r JA311 , 1, f'lncirsnou. tor J 0... o
Law .nd valuab, work.—:
Donlpham • Expedi.n—iontatning • itrtri,
lan of CAN. A. W. DoutpLan) e.onqueit
Siemer" - lie. Kearney , . h.rroir“l Fspalstton to
forma, Dompham'a Campamaga.nst the Nnv‘jo., sad
hor astpareltated Mareb upom Ch and Fat ran,
and the Operation. CC linre at Santa F• qr.
Map and Flogravmsa, t.) John T Hug Lem A
hit Regiment of Mavourl Cavalry
Iliatory of 'Keine,lry Antiquilw• and Natural
Cdr osu UeognzpOical ztetnalco.: and 1....010a1ea.t
de.enptiona; will, at eudotr of I . nds , nro and 11101.
Into one hundred thograplneai Sit.. nee ot .tnitiugumr
6,1 P;oneera. Soldier.. Staten ore. Jortat• I 0w1 .t.. 1n
The Twelve Months . Volunteer, or 40u tom of o
irate la the Tennessee ßegiment at avntry. in the
Campaign of Metaro, durtngl,l6-47, coo amino a.. 1“ . •
count of the March of the Kegtment to Vera I rut. n
description of the Country paned over, manumit. Cu—
toms, dto, of the people, Sketch. uf lA, •,
counts until thd ...limn of inner Volunteer Itext
11/11 a fall Illotory of the :demean Wart lain or ..e Kil.
led and Wounded. kc, tl Montan! by • large umber of
correct •iciorn and plane, by neo. C n I
OCIHVO. dee!
dew pipet ~a.~ikoot itsilikillarriaeart.
7, Wean ST, F.arre AND ihADIUND ALIA,
rilijk: subscribers have sad opened, at the antis,
stand, a large see. It ads/reboot gunboat! ruled 1.11.1
plain white and blurs Writing and Letter roper, coin
menial and packet post Plat Cap, decoy and medium
writing papers, for blank books; medium and royal
hired Prusung tapers, medium, deray and nap Da)
lksoks and Ledgers, superior paper and best Eastern
bindlng; bsehooblitooks of all kind.; standard works ut
'rberstOgy and Sciences, quills, gold and steel INN,
%Wafers, Woo, Bib Files. kx .
Musa Books of all mt. ruled W pattern, .d Lou.
the moist suladamial mann..
Coulstryhaw , . supplied at lowest wholeusie pm
es for crua, or tags Si Oasis prt
JOU PION fl \l: —Having Job orrice In collared.
with our eatablialtment, ore aro prepurod to ea rcuta
order a for plain and Pnory Printing—hooka. patnpulet•
met:dors, tomato! , Curd., lolls of Oldlog. &c.,
patch cod at love prices. I.:LLIUTI Elsil.l.lSll,
my 2 71 woad hrt vreen ith owl thaniutal allt.y.
116614—W 1 r: of Cromwell, qty 1' y
Power of the Pulp, try (:urrfiner eon/m.l) 11
14c thel Ftaq, do do
/aerobe» no lio.pela, Nl•lthew, wait Ilurrnouy,
Lectures all tiliukapeure, 2 vole,
Paw of 4,11., Or Sk... , fics of the Way to Ulory told
Yoo4wp. of Nlen,nan,
The Convnon Ly aulhnr of School tirtl $n France,
Now and Tbcr , , b) Curren,
Staten. , of Lnunt..., on Parable' , and ,Mitarloa,
Ireland • Welr . ourn no the rrtranger;
Heaven upon Parr!,
lirnlndon, n lele of wod fur Knglandr 2 von,
For *Ann toy ELL lull. I-A01.1!+11.
jet° 7.! wood and GO morn, lon
ikryw lumii(A—Just received trout the peel...her,
1.11 and too sole id the Methodist Boot StOfo, 4th it,
r wood. Tupper . .. Prov,rinal Philimophy. 10 throe
styles of btrldinp . ,Lento:Oil book ler present.
Preparation for t a
he Yue..
Sketch. of f+errtions or the Parables and brae lee
of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopediao' n
aketchea, die. The I.inglieh l'ulpie collection of ner•
moue by the most ointment living divine , . of Enplane.
lilliavira• Tom—Doing Good, Chr.L oo Love, Loy.
cot thou n, ittwreil NlOlOlOOOll. 111)1/4
. .
F. P AftlIAH6 HAI. AOK or the Itistory andl
Religion of htunand trom the arenuon to the
death of Isaac: Deduced from the wrung. of Moses,
and other inspired author., mid illuatrated by copious
reference* to the at - stmt records, triathlons, and My
thology oldie Heathen World—by (i.e Smith, F. S. A.
I vol., mimeo.
Chasms and Counter-Charms, by Miss M . 1,14.1.. A
fresh supply of this very miller little work.
Orators of the American Revolunim, by E. L. Ma
goon, with Boum.. 1 yob 12 mo.
Parley.. Cabinot Library, for laminas or schools, 01
volumes, 12 too, with engravings. This is u new work.
For sale by It HOPKINS,
sera, Apollo Buildlngs, 4th lit
LIE , RS 1101 - Botany of the Cittt;tlifial - t;
LI north of Virginia, compentig dcacripuons of the
Dowering and fern-like plants hitherto found to those
' Mace, arranged according to the natural system.
With a itytiopsw of the Genera
according to the Lin
ninonltyatem; a altelch of Vie rudignerd• of anA
gleasary of lama by Lewis C. Book, M. D., ProL
Chemistry and Natural liutory in Ranger'. College,
New Jeremy, &e. Ac. tbcond edition, inoiood en , en
larged. Fur sale by
_ - -
AMARTIPH: - TS ^ l. tho
rooduara or. Personal Maoreurs or Oro Patriots of
, P '" it
Preach ."4..
"—Hraa orrpubluthed soorerna by
A innonan d. Lanntrune. Complete in three volumes:
Rydo's translotron. A fresh supply or this popular
work rePorrod this day and tor solo by
.SepHi /300/1.11..r cur market and 3d sin
(CAN & KT-NNE-11V have Ulla day .oersted
wrth them m the Hardware turame.,;, Philip
run and Edward Grerrg The •tv le or firm will here
after be mean. Ntilson te Co no.arrancement ter,
der• it deeimble to close the o;,1 tamme•• •••soonate
pos•Lhie. All persons who., 1ia , ,1111,e• have motored,
are especially requested to moire Immediate put) mem.
Pittseurgh. Jan 1, la-I^.
TOGAN, WILSON & CO.—lmporter, and
Wholesale De Jere tit Ferrety, trod DritnetttiC Ilartl•
ware. Cutlery. Saddlery, he .129. WOOd street. Pow-
Iturch.bre now folly prepared with a recently impor
ted stock of Hardware. Cutlery. &c to offer very grant
..iducenternt m western buyer.. bring determi ned compote in priena aity of the Ali.lke <ale. Al•
So. hand au rzoinsive aworonent of Pnwtotygh !lard-
MR), vie . Shovels. Spade, Forks. Hoe, Vice, Sr .
all of widen vs he sold at the lowest nkanafneturer •
!WV/ Paul
.81.•rn E Wm,. there haVillit recently entered lino
pa rthenhip under the niplie of I:ai *ter, long,
& Miller. f r or th e purpo.6 of carrying nn the He t
Iryld lints 4 Founding end 6. ' , Hung businees in
.11 attirelichr•. have token the stand formerly occu
pied by II lisillueher, No. 109 Front street. between
Wood awl Smithfield Its , where they are proptVed to
cerrule zill order. tor Hell, Brno , . Outings, edevery
Ito, ription. land Gni FIIIIII*I with nentmise end den
pate h. .tnegmbont joldling promptly attended to.
IL 0,11.1. M; HER,
s. A. 1.,,Nc;,
N P —Tlw humid. of Mnchiniste and Fligineer. is
Wetted to our enu-ettritclion incutl, tor a reduced prirr.
wilLell 1110. been pronounced gnperior to liiibblt's by
nurnoev. who hove lowd both. ..stenntl.allslitldors end
the pub., genera :'.y, are al.(' reque.ted to oil and el
amineour cupertor doulde Action Force Pump* lot
sten...end dome/rue u•e.
( MI, LONG. & N 1111.1311.
der rdly
Trn`Wtr,,a~/fgiac under Mr firm t
tTheh ,
On ow iIP enea
will be chthrod at dm
*land Lao •Ither of on, amino tho nom , of the firm :or
that Immo.. lining thr.lrotta to have nor buoino•.
closed ,Ith huh. ttrlaN po.atbie we wcotld
ho.e i mletnrd ‘n "1 and settie
-11111:N U. M'CORD,
11. D KING
•li•cifully reque.l
Weir neootinu.
Co-Partners tax hlp.
JOll , l I) M'CORI) .etated with tom'.
brother Ja.nre. I,l`e,ord. ander the ntyle at I , lX4',ed
S. Co, wnl rounno • the lint, Cup and Cur 1.10,10. 10
al , 11. v.(100.1 brnneh..•. whoh•tale and mad:, at the
old .tand, ..orner NVood and 511, creel, v'aore they
441.:1,1; conunuAunn toe pailronage itPertlll Ira
All/lA.II on C. , n t! n.nn Ji NVOUittI
J AMP', tt. 1111..0RD.
I N rvlirmg from the mid R. ere': known Isrm 01
1 NI C.a.! 2,.. Kim,. I .. r”.1.1.G1y 0,01.101011.0
th, pnt,lll7.r of Ihe pubh.• my sta....Pon , Klee...
NI 4-OGI &Co 110 11. II KING
Co-Parana rattly Notice,
PTEPIIEN,ii Wheel, P Shainberger
.ri s or Juniata. and J A ' , tuck too oi Pittsburgh, have
thus day entered nape en-partnership under stile and
firm or Stephens. iinoetitierger & Ca. et the Anchor
:run works. \Wheeling. Va . ior the purpose of mune
ractur mg iron and anal, of every 11e*r ripuon.
Nlaanaucintre ail and nr t.0n1,. shoo, toir iron and
nal , A H r•optiv rprmg• nod azies 11clog ron•
wlto ,not.t:'.orgrr • oid Jun.onta work.. +re eau
oth - t a:, P 1 11.44 .4 . of Juttlana nroo $1144 41 40t4.4r 41 r ,
qua , to anytnade tbe rountry. Al of *Welt
, nnl nnt
no. Pon•burgh prire• rrhouse nf the
work.. corner Water.,• rnyll
1. ,, 5 c E.0 u
. T; ; .; x m .l
I )odor
ze.l. 14 14 do) An•so,rd L/) 1.1 1 .14.44 rot,...rit. Jon,
of hi. loiter.: to II W.ett
-14.14 1/1.1111.1e.. of nor artz. be aettled try
II woo t• annthorTe.l to ot tne firm Lor 11181 I:4441110K OS :14 arm AN
,:u.) I'/'1 1 liA ',ZELL.
T Sutbsert,er i. nog. .roared rnar..Lartora al:
Up- owortast
tot-re tir.l,l left.. EL. %Viviman • F 44.110 F. , uop. CO?
.rt I •rt . orKr;.•
1!1 1 1
st. Frale .undani
A ..-c.tret rtly.
f 10• P ARTNECILSHIP 1r.1.1.11, il•VI th!.
Oa) nom ...1 Wlt4 hum. Joo
W1 . .1114 1. , 1
.n -
10 . TAN BAL , AU 1.1% TIVA,ii
f Itstaarho , l• Foopurod ocean, 74.4 q••• pr,r•
coo, From a vers rtn.11(111p,....,.. who ha•
-OpPnen.nerd n., to. prnenn , rho went of y lor
OF I .11,11 r , lAtlce.
p It y 011, phi- wnnrh Incture.l
sner enainnt,l leo. in [.unnerous ra.. of Pulmonary.o olor pftpnrenno,i horn Um
rouxh, Inefl by towi wao
ran .y Ulm that owe their preaero anon throw an early
,rwr no the On. med. , ~t•
Connonotry,..o , l. Lott.. n ~3 ert./.1.1nr - 1 . 01 . • I.IIC ,•••••
I &oder , in boor .and ma, theintr , rt a:2u in
ed n 211.01411 n matt , r ,rn
en. with .on4umplusta I .•—cl.ue .•< •cl
r ,ov“, cj...
and I seas •on,. 1 wa• V 1 ,4 su - a)
yrry nervoussitorne tle
, had • .ad roue:, vrene. •nd
many other Jangrrou• •,.nmn• A. .S.urm I :1,4
llr r.vior. lia:raru to IA sm I I nmai tn..
mrd.rtur • err.' '\• chrest 11. resrornar ee
Lowers snevon
11 HU: 01t.115.1
R. r Ni T,.. •• • v., rote, , r•
en••:•en •.••i 1., d•r selrl
Irr Tr s r , i.. r'n•• maw
r .. ••• • • 44 . 4 O.^ ••,•••
10 a thaoMared namou• .) am", n. mama
wino ern aa a t a a m real i:11.1. I • anathema is
mpalaucal.., a...amuse:l4e , •4, 111,1
1•.11,0.,21:• • ILI v alur
cwr Igkezitt ,r• ftavL
eqC cough..‘ ro,g
;frit. arttal..l.ty ihh A d.l
h. 4.., of ..roathatg. wa• • veil y owl hot.
J J j
1.1A1..1.1. rot Alarl,t sun!
1.1 • Ile.dri..l A k Pnr ,. r^d.^rd
1.11 rp., rime. Jeri
Dr. Ittu's Crirbratrit
end at.fn Ihe .sveu , er e.e the egOe•l•eskd m*lll. ,
ri . Inttllng the Lang., •flecctp, a r.. 1••• n.
Olee•Oea. ors• ...tont of U..i rtntor ph....
Lab, Lk/elm Mtvatc, anal as atl4l ate ..! 11, I t
m e.versi.
rotromlvotoo. and t •
• kir, tveftr•o'o'r Oo.t.eeft
•agsiond in lb. InVestototion of oltortose ...a the NI..
tlllOll of 'meth. thrreto
Ilrough the us< ul hit chlistann tub , n. unrm, on
ith ins Ptoyb)lartlc St rup and (04 , ,
o has ga o od nu uhysr•Anhod Pacon
timpani., Concern, Scretula. itheuntutiont. A .11..0ft,
'err, and Arc, Fr veal of all It Chrl.cie P.rcuarc
r und all thou.. mar ..e• pr. tt. tur in Irtnalcs
otter.] rye') form of tiotru-e ••tti•fttf• dud.— the tote
.1 1.11. 11,114.4111.4. wt.. 111.1111 , 0•11, • or.- •rrut by U.
at. of of,. t-ompound only, fr tufo mitaut•:a
.111 Pttt sutittysca. Law but „ hy t, use of Ills trot,
•claptedlo uW prescran. tor each ;•eerriar form
Ih Ro••••• Too, A:terative I'l'l., whrh
wartably arkgroartedasd to be aupeneo to nine, ••
• purg•Ove or Ilter pol. tnuflll.l4 •• thev leave the
bowels perfeeey free from rootivenesa, as ai•o Atm
lo:titian Pane to lobs:nail by the ktoollr to posse•• pee o•
liar propertte• adapted to telnal• Oaleaaga, lust to•lne
•all•hcal thou • taire 'not t authencos w 01. tat
La. tax, •ara un the mind. or the most ske. a:
The alliteted are owned to call upon the agent. 100 l
procure ;gratis) ova of the Ix.- loe• polapt”.t• I , voo‘
a Oat/ Weal aft - Mini of each remedy Sad its appllcattoo
FOI aale by the Itol'owtog aye ttta, as T 4 las to, toe.
Jruggnaa throughout the roanto
,achotnanaltor & Ca. 2.1 Aood aveet. l'inabergh.
J hl Townactul.. drama, 46 hi a rket at
Loa A Bentham. - noar the I . ll Alheßheny any
Jo. Bartley, Darnropon, Heaver county. l'a
Jno hJUoo, Ennon a.ley. ••
T Adams, !int..., "
Jaynes , Expectorant.
Snmot, l'oluml , tn,ln co . Apr 24. 1.41
SIR —I 1.,1 I,ouJol to you
n:o! the. nftlretea public, lo uvul rn).eli or tita op
porAuntt, of yr. , rtg publietry lb, tont !lour) r !kr.
of your ktpe , torl , au Ill) .el( 11• ,, 0,S un l,l "
for ...vend y•rt re with n never. rough. he , or fever
Jut , l . rovenntoonl dt.eux.... and wooled ,n,ly a ttttt nrel
• .
to linger out a •hort but miserable estate., until the
tall e! I when. being room severely attached. 61111
hiring resorted to all my former remedies, end the pre .
ptions of two or the most resp,elable physic
iansns in
e neighborhood withoutdurt•ime any benefit. or du.
consolation of surviving but a tear days or weeks at
larnieat—when the last gleuni of hope was about to
vernal, I had recommended to me your Expectorant—
anal bloomed by That Being who doe. IL, 111111 g• In We
mayof the 11,11,41- vortirtary to the al
m a y i•lif ull a. and frienda, I wen In a tow days ranted
limn my bed, and xriaa enabled by the as. oft bottle, to
attend to my business, enjoying 511100 better has: ill 1111111
had for tell ycur. pr, vtowi.
ite•peettully yours, he., Jr. %it' FATILL.
Fors in Pittsburgh, at dm 'rem Store, 72
Fourth street. mart,
IItC7TOR It W. MORRIS lint/tag recent., perch..
jJ ed the Drug Store formerly owned I.y Days 2r.
Brockway, :So Coonnercinl 1)0w, !Alien , street,
Pittsburgh, take• this method of I/110 ttttt ins
friend.. and the public nt general, that his store
will at all times tie supplied with +r extensive and
general assortment ot Drugs, Dye Studs, Panita,
Varnishes, Perfumery. Colognes, nod todeed every m
ottle rolled or in • drug store, winch will alms) •
bow Il• 01 any tithe, house /II the ciy, whole
sal or retell Hoping to mem • share of the pulthe
patronage, nothing shall be want:0110 gt ve entire sat
isfaction to hie-cosh:avers. onv7-tapl
ardroinehY , or the Water Caro.
roil BENJAMIN W. MORIUS. still emMuue•
ton ractice the safe and popular remedy 0011011
IY ) dropthy or the Water Cure. and ll desired will treat
Allopattheall). Manama , cases .111 lie
tetN fl to promptly.
Morris may be ronaulted at Itteg
Store, No. f CORMOMIIIi Row, Liberty street. urthg
bosoms* [mum or at los residee, mertittng and deven
ing, Penn street, 3 doors below Irwltt's one).
nev?-tspl I
11. S F. noberts, 31713,
rill A tAilie to the trust..
tent of Dwrimel of Ilse Ky.
)1. R hos been engaged In Una loralelt of " tba math
est proiesmon a,ow
EN3I yours. and hacodurital
ertubllshment for the treatment of diseuaes ol the eye
alone lor sovaral Near.
Otrica and residence, corn -
er of Sandusky at and
Strawbervl v,t, actLl
McLane In I . O.IIOOSCG.
THIS IS to certify that I purchased one vial of Or.
McLane" , Worm Specific, some two months ago
and gave to a con of 12alle, some seven >raw old. two
ia..POO. roll, and although thn amount may appear
yet I have no doubt but there was upwards of
ram eadoaano wenn paaead flora -emiremeeeriag
Irma ego /loaner DI an igrh to two W
bleiler• L o g.
Hewes sleek. Oarrol en 'genie • 1 , 0? loge
dnn torn
11, Just received and for 11110 by
deal 4 A FeiwysToce a Co
7.6 • VD nit....nit InltnnlintinnOL
2THIS earabtlehmeut long and widely known as
being tete of the wont commndinue in the city of
'Bellmore. Ins recently undergone veryexten-
Inve norm:min cool improvement.. All entire new
wing has been atbled. nnmercun and tarn
sloeping apartments. and er.niove bathing room..
anilar.ll2,ll een completely
abd bued np :n a too. untque and beauti
ful rtyle In !net the whole arrangement 7f the Hoare
bun been remodeled. with a single eye on the part of
tne proprietors. tewanbt the comfort and *lnure of
their tiursu, and which they confidently assert will
cuallent. romper 'non with any lintel the
'Moor table win a!way• he qupplied 'nth every sub.
ntantat end luxury which the tnarket affords, nerved
up in a superior sty.; while to tne way of Wows,
they will hot be
In enlinimilon the proprwtor. begin nay, tint nothing
will be led undone on their part, and on the part of their
up...nit/WIS, in render thin Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
'Yin- peters for boanl have also been reduced to the
following raters.
Lathe.' Ordinary, 81.75 pin' day.
GentlernmCs 1.50
N. 11—The Baggage Wagon of the Boost will al
ways be (bond at tha Car and 51e6011..041
winch will convey uaggage to and from die lintel, free
of cilarge. may2tf
rbe having assumed the manage
ment of this long establtshed and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Traveller, and the
Entitle generally, that be real be • all times prepared
accommodete them all things desirable to a well
reguleted Hotel. The HOU, l• Row being thoroughly
repaired throughout.. and new Furatture added. and no
1111111 R will be Tamil to metre the Exchange one °Otte
eery - hest Hotels m ina country
'rho undnnugnw respectfully sone. contutuaice
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
roamOr I, Wilt .o[l,
re NT r1,1[171., rrerseels.
met AL Tut , . •obserther spectfully .nut nee.
he b.;ow opened hts new and excellent Hotel
for the nreottitundatton truvrierff. boarder,
and the public gettemly. The hoe, and Inman,
are entire!) new and rto puma or expense have been
spared to render It one of the Imoot enanlertaltle and
pleasant Hotel. In the city
aulucrlbt r a 41,criviocd to deserve, and thcrc
(um solicits. • •uao• of publicpuruong,
octl4-dly JAC, ifl Iltit Gil, Vropr,n,
illA RN TI [RI ,N 1", to nr p o mnt h,„
frietult thett he ot aI.MI/1 loute of the GALL
Hf/FSF. Looolvt.le, ky, where he hopes to meet
1,.. old friend., WI UMW theirs ...I the pu t.r. thot
sporrtl to inalo n:1 WllO
faze, him IA Itil their pairo.4 age
TNT - Is Ir. DritAtlZs 1101,1 EL
0 !u.
otar2u Pro nr tor.
ed Cam, l4won PRO, ifremv, Coon !.t.'', S.l
, p. utefr1i.......1 coo scone', 1 , 110 would purchase
Luz. iuco., !rt.., from adu+tarna,,
tuor. .41,00 , thou Ire o• rarer. stl4 In quality un•a•
•u! , ,r.l.,Tvrotritnearl.. 'llO 00,. art, le,
1.., Izaz.e.! rt• nava
II• Drama au palatable.
Inks 'a% and
otber., erel,ro.,oollred by In? moot ena,:wrtt t ,. ..•.
•,,eror o.IV nut, n a,,,
law ,dwar• al. say qunnow. hy m.,•• re
stw..ahle Deets In ihr eastern rt... and by ..uess
are , 11aorr• 4.lra) co . 110.1011. lamr• M Honer
Hams. , i-. 11 11. I h Murra y t,,nt ,k 7 None..lll , adrlpula. 'rrt..nte• C liremit,-
Woo,. a liedoar a Ream,. rtnetnnan..ol.ll
ALTI.IR HAKIM. Dumbest," Mos.
Fat as, L 9 augal HACiALEI i smrrti Ar•
IV(: ,l. r r tl Y. • 11, UR • ' •... '4 1! K' trt k at e :L:s . r 7.1? n i . d er r :X . .l .
hem ••••• and. `,4llclu•lty •.,,A
are now rnAkin, am rrrp.r...l tn or ,arras •nr
ery I.le•rriplunt ol veft.eirs. oarbet. ttlarint•a. Pa Ittigglea. . . from tn,r
cyperartic• e Innsiulat oi
mud tba fart'Lli.• th, ;sure 'rr thr, are
In ao erork tA. unn, r*.a• turrn• as
Dou ri ri •ttlekr• inn
Panne panaru.•• ••• erne., te, raft:, awn° teat anpelr. oremen. :bey
bear ,
beteuen,ne ' , woo We
H. Itepannng done the hest nituaner. am! on the
moot rmasono. r Mra. !et.
1,, _....,. ,
tLe~ h.~e l u y. 4
Cnui awl RV6I, .• ev..
itittir..3 . ! A I A %MN"! A
I But 1,, , :•111\ N. , 111 . ; ~, •va
Rau use. ar / Il llr I, I te/lrt, ti
01 .
Leeching, Copping and Bleeding.
I: II N1111111 , ,Ic; cir
ko 15 VIA; 1./.1••••-en Wood
w.ur• pt.% I".;:stuurgl.
g.e to a.... ILlin./1,4•1to
I ow.: r-.-ormnr,a, - . the pure,
• %tot AI ott
to lor , ncr frtri nottl potrot.
No m% tot ttrtrt, thowouritiv orgoolnowl
or.* •nd orth, co pato:too,.
11.1asoulaui.o.rod Tobacco.
is . l3 i, ‘, ty t s tstpt-r.ot •sv
Jo NI A Uu
'4 •to Ilan,
14 do 1 KAL1.64,11 • la.
du ' A
2, Jn Ao Wm I , ,saott
:II Al, T tt rtxttt •
dtv A Verso,.
tlet I.'r • . ••
5 do 11. •
ft du Rat( L.lf
ant t..n.l.:tatem •
•t-am. f a , ..1 Near, nod [tar •5
14 KALI/ 111 1•1(Nt1R A t . ..
41 north atatta, at 31..115 Attratt ta.tuary...
Di n S
11EA UI,•K Nog & c o.
41 N vrao, Rnd 111 N s,
V. J. (LS.filli, - Book Blnderl,
rE err .11 vuunged tue above
oi 11 1 ..11 Lund In DI streets. PULDutell, Auer
aru Frpared to do 1.11) wurli our L e,lll de.
iLuteu We uDrud , LL our LverY DeraLL , nl I e:Di
.. ILL L.: pr., rat tr,•rd to as /lemur.... auLl du
Burnt Llools• I.) putter.: and luiund .1
Ltu s tuni.y 11.L.L. Le tutu- , or oLd iLputelLound rut
fully or repaired I , ll i•nre. put on 6 .4 r Lit ph letter
' ('lane tYet liave work tu our 11210 ate tt ed IU e•.
AIFEa~A °"' " 1 !
opp, and Shea, Iron Wok, matitanetr:,:)""
itlack•atilluttc in all it. braitcheg. at it. old I
land o( Wert 11 SCII/ it. First street. tir•r Wood
Particular attention give. tostetstatront ork
urns Huy
Cod... er, • ,30
s - .l‘ A../ I 410 St Dant/ego do 42.11,” /4-10 g 1... 1.2.5
1.12 do • 2.5 do 1'.9 do, ,
10-14 do, 15phJ. N I) 1
r.ur nr ..A1131,14 No 3 markerrl , 100 rune. 4.00 No
I : Inn do dlpped candles. ein , ooo4o orou,d do,
r• reeved ou coo.ooooriil .01 for
. .
2 , 7,14 I' 1 HITI11%:11
erCr 1,1 1' ..\ turre
of c...: mere,. Cr,,n , ,t . 21
- .
J.r c I , ) I. W11.1.1A NV. Nlerr./ 1' . ,./...r
rrl).nmler Alnoonvuhrla 14ouso, gtuithh...l at
(IiLIA"N TAitir. Fi \I. Dftni'(AlT lit/1 , 0 1 1 , A
Three 1... Draught !torn , . For male. ...“.
bk. tili dra)iiig Draught
Fit iu,rr a
NV AI.I.INI.Ft , RI) h. Co.
auii I; . 4,..nitk00t..1/hertv c
Ncl , ll-X NKINS- A
.1. do, KrinllllV Fr;,:ch C., SCIU,
very fi., nru.,. row dotroa Yhtisidelrrhs
n, Irmi me ell.s...llnruury 01 II Ni I rry,,ord, L.
~ .Jueh 0. , •itrlitawt a bout mitlter• I..ts a,,t.. Ju.L
rrcelved and tnr•ale I.y %V' 11/I . Nlut Co,
J.:17 14:1 Illwrlv ist
T w 11. if CLINT , ,Ck'S. No 7.t Fourth arrevi.
eau .een a Wentltd variety of .up Ito!, al
vet •rf Tapecry Carpels. latent styles Al., Bro.-
pi) sup aid floe Ingram Carve, o: .up
.1, tea nod oaalltiet, sod In rOlMection ono alwa,•
lountl Table I.ll‘a u.. Craahra, Darou.k a. Nlo.
ecta, Uri Clutha, &.e. kc , to al, or WllJeit we call the
atternton nt the pu1.15. aria=
H AYl#4.ll „.. ti i. ou 3 r u ru o , cn7 , kto w l: 4. lll!a:•:lT. 711 i I
hi' it !or h.n the pa. rolt g age al all , r • Mon&
wmc rn. It" \ YI 11 N OF:XTE:K.
rittsburgh, nee. 4th, thitt.
(1 II ORANT.Who , e,sielirorer, Coromlamon and
, F.rwrird/.1, hlereliant,Nn 11 Waler aule
110 OS. U 3 aria to 4 Front .irreL, li<ll Foutiden and man
ufaelurero or al, kinds of Farlor ion Gs, Steam
und Watt,. warn nrwely. baod 1% ruble° Iwo Wel.
Ord Pipe for .I r. g and wakrr, Irmo gM. ID
I/I dFainniel lira.. 4',,,010g• made to order. Also,
nrgeas.ortinurai oi u.nil Imislwel 1-i k Is
Ito :01,111011 1 A 1 .110•• • • .1. !In. ldr, I ,tilny• 1
le ma..
THIS Kr:mt:AT oc
y arm. F Lanett at a. hots, m Itte d . ).
.n , rail Cottewittumary, 4, The •teantertreen
woott inakra her regular try... 'cavil., her I'm
in^t 3 n A . and at hat. I." emelt hour
lII' NI —+.. m a the leas... a. 111
A tocrontlicht vie; a', we
Tt i :rdert ta indnaerthaltle In
Irettaly. Tr 15
pmrstit . l4(iH, OCT kk e are Imre
recero ui privets , bath. first rate 144 k Western
Near York and 31a...eau,. Prime IlthPS, and are
always recething regular. unpllea. are prepared
to sell sr lowest rate (Mee, Fitt otrort. Allegheny
river oethrl CIF.O. kV & Co.
poLF:mAN, lIAII.MAN et Co. lathe removed 10 th e
1,) IVarehourn, 3 door. we•t or the Monongahela
Horne, on Water and Front st reel..
FUR RENT—The W rehhuth
No. 4'l Wood..
netts Post ropy.
115-.42l2Tir—R-Tot -
coal MALL ♦ ROE
fisii.PlrlPtOTT t BARRI
Ihnic l S Strickler k Col
MANUFACTURERS of Pbcenix fire proof safe.,
th wde, e,euttd street. berate-en Wood and
Smithfield Pittsburgh. S Strickler having deccru. , d
and the ourviving partner Mr Jog Lim-moron. having
aammaled aril! fit, C• Barr. the bmonces
wifil hereafter he conoucted under the style of Lippe.-
mouth Harr .
Trio , ofn safe in C viononi, f -•We. the undersign
cod were present at the one oil tit Stricklet A
Co , s improved Plorniz fiir , prnof safes The safe was
placed its a furuom sin tric public iandiny. and subjeeted
to the inrne:leo et' smile goal fire Mr more thee
three hour. ill eve hon. rind a half the mfe came to
hrtri“ rod hoot, the ,! , ,or of the Intone, was then
clewed. which caused an merewed sod steady heat (tie
the balance of the time. unhl the cast Iron %wheels were
partially melted elf the !unlace was then thrown down
and the sate cooled and opened. The looney. papers
and honks which it reatwited were as perfect as when
pissed there. the toothily only of the books being In
iure.d by the water in cooling the safe- We have no
hesitation recommending In Me public so a safe
superior to any we have ever seen tested. and believe
that it will snout any heat which ought ha produced.
xcept a heat which would melt it to a solid mono
Springer le Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg Et
Kennett., Benj. tinier, IV U P Breese, Sinms Staab. 'l'
S Lhintfao it Co, Stedman, lkLayord Jo Co, Wm Man.,
Mead tr. Wimoor.
We. the onderivnea. malected tbn safe rpok. , of
above. from a lon m btu 'tore of Trabor tr. Aubery. the
Refer to C&.k & I lurris, Brokerh, Pittsburgh;
Air/ail-TAG/ tHLERS of Hammered and Cast Steel
1.11. Shovels and Spades, Ales mad Hatchets. Mill, eG
Cut, Circular atul fiat Saws. Hay and Manure Forks,
Hoes. Manneks, - Picks, tee., having completed all their
errtmeemenot hi the construction of new machinery,
and in secuntur the best workmen from the most cele
brated establishments ofthe East are now manufactur
mg and will keep constantly on hand and for sale all
the above arnel,-.. :teems' availed themllelyce of the
latest impsvements. and are determined that trt work
men•bip and material they ant: not be excelled. They
promise to produce true es equal, d not superior. to
any that can be lied it. Ea, They invite the atten
ion of dealer. to 5..1 examination of their stock before
pore:lasing eliewhere.a• they are convinced that they
wilt he :ode to till nil orders tat their line to the entire
sansfaetton of purehusers. Warehouse. Water Street,
4 doors West Nlonotignhela House, Pittsburgh, Pa.
N H.--Persons having business ..vith \Vat. Lappen
coo 4 See nil p:euse cal: on Lippencon lc Co.
II EV irre not uware how trlghtfolly iwurious 000
I Lo ,onfor, how rough, how, sullow, yei-
!lON Unlwanny Air n appenell after using prepay
pared chalk' Beanies :t infurmon, containing a large
qunnlill' of irfur
have prrpnr,d a beauufal vegetable article,
a peslers.iy inufav-nz being purified of all deleteriout
quaturs, and it intro, u to the skin a natural. heal th y.
on r. hying white; at the same time acting
as a en•nlvtle nil lb , skin. makingit soft and smooth.
Dr James Anderson. Practical Chemist of Massa
algae.. .nays. -Alter analyzing Jones' Spanish Lily
NVium. had possesses the moot beanufai and natu
ral. and at the tame brae innocent whim I ever taw. I
reflalnlyeminticilnonoly recommend its Use to all
Venn., •kin r•quives beautifying' . Prier. SS reit. a
lint Sold Whl JACKSON. Liberty st. mar?)
Plit Idaehlne Wort. and Foundry.
JOliN WRI , .IIT & Co.. are prepared to build Cotton
and Nldcamery of ever• description, such
as Card,,,; N13..1.1•,c5. Sp.nning F•anica, Eipecders
DrowTnd Prarnei. Rni:ws Floods, Wltrpef, Spoolers,
Dresamd yrotn,-.. Looms. Card Grinders. &c weight
Iron Shar.ind t med. '1 on., of Cast Iro, Put 4es dud
Hoorn'.ot thepatirlas. sidle and nand L.nahs...
sad d:. ti R e
id..'o•tlngs of every d•••4•ript.on
ft. Potter,. mode to order or
M. .•^ r •.l H • Str.rm P r , 11/1 .
, .r 1 at me \Varrltu.e. 4:11
r Mackinac k. /1 , ...% Co J K 51norehend
Co I. E %Vern, John Irwin k Som., P .Ourigh .
C dc..l II k 0 00001 :•nniinenviiir. 'ALLOY
New Flardware Honae.
i " -w."1" '"""" El ' ! """"`
P 4,50,0
withdrawn :row the Um ot
Wow', ‘C a.ker and W, e:.. on the 1..] of January. 1:4 7 , I
pleamtre ,nounetng to y friend, in the r.ty
nod coo wry. '1.41 I huvr opened m my new •tor• at the
abo• e u.oneat Ilavdoe purohused MY hoodoo. ,
a•h. awl made az re,ectuente ut ID..ASIA,' tart,. .rt
ted hdy and .: i.hrove u, Ire con.a.ll)
I ant tu'ly prepared :o furtuen Hardware 01 all ko.ds,
h.ogi term. nod to, low as any hou.e 1-',l,t
Norrha..i. and other. are reaper:lu.:. Inv.ted
to cu.. mud 'Wee. brtore putehtaemg
Ner.. I .
he contyrt•r. a part 01 nos otuex.
•a:11' oot a,tf! h, Idwerr .r00r.,:,g,
0. - )
••uti 11111,, ,1 1 ,/l. I noon I.
wsnes. sAwl rtbAio¢aor boord• ant: Vene , ,s, turd
ardc;c• Use .
ne •
mclal lit
z ,
o r stlo
City Dagnerri•la
r1Ha.,1H....rr Hot
11 0 . E t - kve the rorreo• of ro.-
.1. horgit and 'Hwy Ihn: h. t.a. taken Hague,
Han anon. neaSupird :•, Vo.'r P.h -
H, arc a...c.1 tau. ~ .I...mpro•rowt-oury
. L.) I.laxe,
•rar, e,rl
^r. *...mi0nc.0.1 to
H w.:,
aa I
wah p.r.l.aufr ker ' 1 . . ,
(M. opr tatc.l tac
k~~q r~.. ~ F .
..J i.:•
w~i. ~.i.
Peri. Star hl rate S
II:III 11. k \ —Alt.tuttttrtur, a I kitt.ine rot•
et a 1.,. I mu prnparrtt it. atth tti•itetrh
tut- tt-or•tntt..r. rtlttelt.ts. wtt, •
tlett ttlF. ttaturts, •, Or .1 loom+. woulett
n.”. t•• k • ha , y
M.h..d ttml g ,
• tntl.. ttatetZ.t.4 mkt', t.. . p!nt,
AL A FL L'IDN. lie.a ni, Brad. Founder. Jinx re
•nti , oltilllellur, t.U./,/, •I h..., 4 • Itlti.,
n derr , n.; ..,• n < , • , ..1 to dee. In• old ell•torn
rt. ant: Irn.n.l.
I • burr h. Strnin , olol .001 floto • of every aut.. I tom 10
to 10.000 routttlx. r nat 'tont patter], of tbr n nppratt..
8,1 t 00,.• 01 , 0 wartnittett to 10n 011 LJ, brst u.uter..
N1.r,r,." •ler Pump. C.a.:, 4. 1t+,411.1; A. tap.-
t:4 , r r . Ca•t.z.g, t
In o
I - * ,e• o .m. prnpr f ,lol . of ihuirrx A 'cr-A TTIC•
• VT , -For Ole telltig IWO VI
riallo . l I/I .MCIIIItel) Lot .1 . . 01 11•06.l1011
/111.61 0.1 al
Ploughs, Plough Castings, WiigTan
Eloas•, to.
lit .13EFIT HALL of the old
firm of Ft .R S Ila.l. 111 roanulae•
tortn, ot,e quntli4os of
l'lougtex. l'iough Cnatoop, %V ag•
on 1.002., Se . wial the Improvcoienta of flu. Leaver
1....".....1., 111,00,... sod 0 . 110/ PlOllO, of the !west and
%V•reetru.e. 1061..leerle aeet. I'Llstaltgh. opposite
Ile) kr !,..egtict elly, newt
I elle,. l-lnetory of Sle•.:• Illeek•toet. Rel. S. Co.
ltrittLa NAJOIVILIA CIL • 721,100• It. Ft C.
Tenn . Nov )
1r)F101 . 0 ,4 11." , tot:1 reertNed at W. other on the
Onh Dvreniber nest for the Itraduatron end Mo.
sonry of forty otOes al ond. .117 VO miles next
to Nash...die.ten rroscog Wt. Barron fork to
Duos river. ,n Bedford county, Tennessee. and ten
mites on the North West side of Tennessee raver.
Jnetoon cowl. y. A'a!,nn.
LI) °nit. , ni It, flour 1--
C F 41 I. A RsiKrT. Frtgineer
13. —Torent) c or road.,.nc , ndn‘C , he Tun
nr I, and .1.1 znt.e• bra% y work.l are under
toniencl. Seven hundred Inborer. eLro wann..l by ine
Cooper Daplex and Lever Watche•.
JI sT r , retved and for *nit , nt
greet.) trainelprlres, five gent,
,ue •T 1' Cooper, rt Cnlthorpe eet,
1.)”, Road London," De
and Patent I...ver Werche, en/trd tu karat
Fold. no•I fu!l iewelled, unto Chronometer balance.
11, ere now the tinnol vra.che. naade.l,lng .11por
f ,e
finish end tn .%I. J. T, Ina. Jo.epO
J.nonson. or no) . other Intanv to lsnn: or. very
hue watch 31, 111 and examtno this list.
A . . 0. n !nrgr mv.nrlrn , tit of (kohl and Silver Wrtichea,
C00..,4,,51.. Key., ke.
Y ”,,. \Vetcnc• repairrd in the Meaner
\V \V NV lI.St
ror;., 4th and Nlnrkot st•
tintlerratt,tl urr prrinorral to tul order. for nny
uuetuuty o(C)pres.Moak..r• Ilurrel., order.
or quallty. deliverable to ore, Ai any time, by prlng
, e n m, m da k y• o our What, time,
‘Ve thotc
irrem tho.r iner• haul. who
hu, ! o rurts oil UK, roast. they c•ii or drr their bar
' r r ,..rup0.01 to 1
u I.:Aolutmo the) Ina) . Juane. Which
o•li attend, . wi.tiout e w xtra , hage
Arrs. r GIVEN a Co
ou•c To. e. , MIN QUI.,
JON ES & quip°,
TRERS apraig sad bllelrr noel,
•te•.l .teeie
n ouch and arm.
tuomnirre , l irnit od dealers in mai
fire eugiue iguips,and coach Maiming.
grnersll). comer at Russ and PIO. MS., Pittsburgh,
nu o
Iltrattgarts—Church, G-irother. A. Co.,
Ai,. ander Laughlm,
John (mar. nov•kl:lin•
I I A.?‘:: , l . l-3v All I', manufacturer of Beast
fclttrung ,, hocks, Ac., Rebecca street, coy of
Affesitety. novI.S.ll •
r .„ NTKAM .N
BOAT AlsEl's. ,
® O. err. • not, M. A Lug 2r. Co,
uct3l No 42 \VII, lorcrt
A ‘.
.ta .nr; o
rd.jr z. t,;,
!tllt;r , a I
n s 4
Icht Alao fount and Jill. no .de tn the
manner. Int a r low praca, I. II / - .H.S
31.1 , 411 y %Varna/malt Water In •
'TiA St ROAT cotteluded to .ell
Ci ad mt.' re etook of Rohe • Marine Moot's/tees
we oder iu sell them at prices Man they Can
be bought et any bourn. It. I . llol.urgh olsewhere,
east or west Bang the wily estaislothed agents here
for thew clod", we have the laigret and finest mot,
roma in the city. Coll end see.
Remember, we are not to he undersold.
BLAKE & CU., Market strret.
oct33 entrance cut north side of the lltamond
OA bouree of this great fell clod
winter meduatno, last MCC, yell and for salts by
BELLEIIB, dole Agynt ior Pittsburgh, of whom tbe
Rennin* sllicle onto be kad. Inge
- -
T UST being received and now gpening et ALEX AN•
rl DER Sr. DADS No 7h Mallet street, noriliwevi
corner of the Diamond, a very largo and splendid smelt
of fall and vaulter Dry Goode, to which they would ,
spertfully invite the attention of the public. It is we ,
known to almost every one that the present .1.0
one distinguished for its low prices of Dry Goods, a nd
it affords us great pleroure to lime able to stale that
owing to our peal facilities (or that purpose. (one of
the fret residing in Philadelphia.) we have been ena
bled to purchase our present stock at a considerable
reduction from the usual market rums. cheap 111.1 they
are, and we are therefore enabled to sell at correapon.
Jingly lower than the umal ‘Ve would there
fore is MI emit buyers by wholesale or retail. to
give us a call, and lay oat their mcney to the best ad
The Ladies should call and examine our stock of
Prints, Gingbarns. de Ladner, Cashmere., Alpaca..
Merino. Silk.. liombanine. Plaids, and venous other
styles of fashionable Drew Goodin of winch we have t 1
nary fine amorunen. including every description of
those goods in the market.
we would necommend our stock of nip.. French Cloths
OUREnglish, French and American Cansimere.
OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very large, embra
cing. almost every variety of style and quality.
SATTINETS--Of which we have an excellent as
and of all qualities.
FLANNELS—Red, white and yellow Manacle of all
Vaudisies and price.
TICKINGS AND CHECKS—A superior assortment
of Ticking" of all grades, and Shirting Check, in groat
ring slalom every desoirtpuoa of the above goods, in
cluding Sheeting* of all - widths.
ALSO—A fine stock of Satin Vesting., Silk and OM
too Velvets, bad plain and figured, Kenturky Jeans,
plaid Linecya, plaid and fancy figured Cloaking and
dloak Linings, bleached and utdileached Table Diaper,
both linen and cotton, bleiuMed and unbleaohed Table
cloths, bleached and unbicached Canton Flannels,
ent`d do do, Bonne. and Bonnet Ribbons. bit and cord
silk cravats. Lathes Scarfs and. cravat, Gloves and
Hosiery of all kinds, haspendent, Irish Linens, Linea
Lavena. Linen Ildkfa, Silk do, blk Lace Veils, Love do
and Hdkfa. Oil Chintzes.. Hursdi and Scotch Thaper.
crash, Linen. plant atnped and barred iseattem,
brie and Swig. Minima, Victoria Letwns, Wean Bare
ges. ece.
, .
ea Ife3O/sor IyS
Merchants visaing the city for the purpose of laying
in their supplies, should not fail to vs, us a call,. as
Fourth streets, one of tee iargelt, cheapest and best
assorted stocks of Pail and INrutter Dry Gouda ever of
fered in Pittsburgh, to which thb attention of oar nu
merous customers and the pubfic greenfly, to nevem
fully invited, so the fobaenbar Is confident that he ran
offer sorb berg -unit in Dry Gm:atlas cannot be ear
pawed by any other house m We city.
Al thew goods have been pittehased at prices far
Iwlow Ibo" of say former season, they will be sold e
greatly reduced•
Among this large and splendid stock will be fonnd
many choice and de si rable goods at extremely low
Very rich and most fashiontlile drew silky plaid and
sniped black swim - striped and plaid 'Oka pinto black
very gleosy no de Manor plain black neh lustre; Ins
uring, silk for mettles, manUllari and capes at very tow
prices; newest designs and latest styles cashmeres;
plain and satin striped eashmete, very cheap, French
merino Mr colors; de taints, plain and figured and mum
.taped, tat reduction on former pnee gala Cal
and cashmere Maids; .mohair and Monterey
plaids. alt qualities; atpaccas, all qualities and colors,
from L2l t to LI tenor per y
Fine cashmere, terkerie and hrocho shawls
. , . . . .
Black embroidered es.shmereiand de lame ehlimris;
Fine and de 1.10 do
Ejne black and colored cloth .
Fine quality Ion& very cheap do
Blom black and plaid .ilk. cep, cheap do
A largo lot plald blanket 'Salina Boot 7.5 corm o 33,
a.l: wool
Best quality dark railed (roma to 10 cant;
Yard wlde purple do. I.le cts;..
Good yard wide bleached mtutlin 4 to 61.;
rigid he amyl and cheeks. all enc.,:
lhadkets, froin coarse to beat totality, very cheap,
A Gil. assortment of rod, whlie aml yellow 6411,1 f
Stinnett, Kentneky Irani, 'terser, Linsey., etc,
etc. etc. all of which will be sold at redacted rate., al
hlartet at. septO t , V hl. L. RUSSELL_
ail crock of
one of the iorgei. assortment. ever bragght to the ma,
kel. which have been purehaiierl direct rind the Im
petus end Manufeetmerii, the latest. and newest
rtyle.. and lower in pnee than bver offered ilk Wu city,
in winch he invite, the Arminian of Ahoy." ...home to
,csLusbows ur bous.c.s..bc frt: pusuhnsu,
here. The stock cons°. pwrt of We ful.owlug
vancti: •
RA-el O.t.hvotrust Carp , ta; Onehtol Topeitry (h 1 Cloth
do Velvet do Plea colored do
do Tepestry do test wltla
do Elruuals do 4-A 1 f cal cloth
Rau. so{. r.l ply do Suit Rods
a do ingrain do
State -d uenos Drugget
do do. Roods's - sod t.l Cloth
Common do do c rut* cloths
4.4. 4-1 &
ni {
nn Iluna...k bonbssed Pune cov do ers
Vt Tab.<
4-4.1-4 & I twl'd do do Figdied Tante chi 1 - tnlb•
4.4.3-4 & 4 Nom do do Turkey Re,' l'ullenen
14.. j.. 4. 4 & 0-4 col. .10 Adinal Moo-
tl is '/1i he
}'too I or
pruur COMP! CarPdt,W h elp sk.n da
e Rugs; lvl6 dp
t L.
l' , l, do do Manilla Hemp
~% v.,. du do Sods. drop Nap kt....
r , Lis , on flI l'iu•la, Map, Tow..l:ing
do Croak
Um.. M Ctoat P-4 dud 6.l,Tliblc 1.1xe.1.
Illor dn, (or ~olir ki tneFic Trzilispnnt Window ~ ,1 0t0.,1t
Carp. ki.ndn,• Rio Frcneb do du
NV uct corde /Loh Bela Oa Lame* t'or
do T....els*tudulir ournlTi
. " " -`-' • '
, , u of the sL, nntl.
b:uo, MUM., bla ' ak and &eh Damasks:
atved 111.1/IbOW Damaaks; Worsted and Imen Tebbe
rovers, hi,. enmoon, scarlet; men, drab and black
‘l"reens: cotton l'loshbaofsallyeolors. tide .ke km.
A.., Cargo and Drtituag, for steamboat decd.,
and all other tromotsg• necessary for Midi. for Imam
in our *M d. ale especial kurnilott of corners
olvited 11071,1NT(1C.X13 Citriwt Waroroorn,
oile door trona Wood. on Foutilii at. e sop ,
DER DAN" have rum .weived fine
/ - 1.. assortment of Me following descraptron searon-
C•ic gmads, the greater portrait of which have been
bought at Auction. and will be sold at great batigaina.
FLANNELS—Red. whne r and yellow" Flannel, a
very lacer and complete assortment. dud Very cheep.
SATTINUN--A very large lot of bine, black, blk
mu, grey and goal ma Samuel., us vary ;ow prices.
A LPAC nun bill plard and striped do,
rray and .tnped to, cheaper than ever.
C- Asr'V epiendid amohment of rich
rh.grable Stlks,lmth plain and fired, et annoat every
SILAWLet--A very mapertor usortatent of .uper
Broche. Pam printed, Dirket!, mod Caihrocto ttthawls,
prime. far below the dfdinery rate,
Attn. a 'arge astoruneni of Entelish/Nterinos, Cash
! mere. mod (tale Planim, blue. tilt and giey Pilot Cloths,
I for overcoats. nth Commerce., cotton Pantask, Linen
do, lionitor y Jcau., Bs.. Ice. to all of *Lich we invite
the miteutton of the puLiia.
ALF—VANDER 3 DAY. 13 market .t.
.4`W eye df the diamond
ONE Of the 1111 . 40. &ha the moat cameo stock of
CARP En ilits 111 the attract. embracto4 ul We
usual auslltlss from the most 'pparoved ntenufsetones,
mat here been tested fur durability at tease and so
Tape d . , ry
ii \: ,r olve l e . atrting - ,t ,
Brussels <3.pol:oat, Eitel. Laentile Rugg;
I-111ra sup 3 p.) do Totted do
ttrup Ittgrun do Wilton do
F., no do , do Brussel. do
Common do do
Manufactured to order to Ana, portents. adapted ts
i p'Plor..t.i.rrl.t.t;s"dfo'hr chamber..
°tortes, roan
' Itule m a n a ' ocheo;.&e ' f
ttotain and Woollen Booking, (rota one third to three
yards wide Doer Meta, ae .to which the anon
el purchaser. at wholoaa)e and retail is respect
fully I nc ited. Ware worn, one door from Wood at.
GKO. R. WHITE, NO. 61 Mama. FM.,
tends making a chtutge in Ins honoree on the
l•nuar heat, and will +nano., of the following
styles good• at angtnal
Brochca Long and Pinnace Shawls;
French Tartan Long . do
French Punted Cashtnerisa;
English do do
Mousline de Loire.;
3-4 and
co 0-4 Cs'al•
High rd French tstnitharno, and fancy Dress
Silks Those wattling borcailis are !Welted to cell.
P puy hat lately receiet a a larae assortment of these
goods, and is opentna Mean at pewee unpreoedentedly
low.ranitng:rem 75 to 152,30 Pal' yd.
A' so. tench Doetk 01.. of all qualities
Also, French and Bre/lee:nib, black. olive,
invirobly green ? broyen, and blue Arno, these are
.0111 c yen' h•ndsonse French 13Iack what), for rhas.
RE very low brut; wed brdevu. amoebic peen and
black Peilfibte Cloths for ladle, cloaks.
Also. rotron antrortetto I nderreforrs and Draw
erv; Mariner o' Utelcrehirtv, cerustantly On howl.
ja=f - The istterthon ot . Merchanw and Mercherrt Tat
lore, who buy by the piece, in speetally invited to the
&Awe artel2
6=1,313 446416 .no /16111 , ,.111... veria or
NEW 1a001314,
A T DIGBY'S, 136 Libettyltma . t, comprising Fremiokt
/1. C:uttis, Caeatumere. and Veaungs. of the /ICWOSI
end mog• laabionable rtyleslmpornea. -
• '
• • . . • .
Also, a large clean.] of Rough and Reody Hlenkela
ad Coaungt. peculiarly adapted to lila um.,‘ and MP
. .
hand, We largest,, best twanuntetureti wild meet
fawuniable stock of ready dtade dog In tine atty.
All Of den in the Tethering line ex...rented lu Ih.moat
fashionable and durable manlier novl4
• •
• •
1 ACM: t.:Ctolee--W bile - mkt bluet 7 Lace Capes. erat.'d
s mo•ho do; salute .d back ince Lladrrsleevek do
Lae.. Berthas; black do. Veil.; plain Freorb Work
Collars; trialtaCti uW orOnto:d standlng da rtuti'd coff.s
match; ladies linen etunhtto ttals; gee, do do do;
also, opera dee, head dreesert•rufrolal flowers. bonnet
tabs end quatings, just reritived Cod for sale whole.
sale sad resod, by F N waorg
dros fount et 1.
ertAT AND CLOAK TR/5111.INUS-25 dos Pins
es.orirel cloak Teasel.; .6 froE. figured ttlk Dula
too. 5 do do tooluor dos 2 de #O2 drab coat do; 5 do dtab I
seer moat buttons., Vdo line tom bottona,Cli 10a best
itahan setelage; 50 dodo patent Thtead; pad fag east
yeas and other Trountings s far pall a rsi usav 001111 Milly I
on ttabd. ders Est.Tvpi 4
GOODR—F If . are constantly
r eaporsed wok a large and ebonite aesorunent of
on; ,10, •elyet Rklat r as and braids. la
, reit, edrings and erabroidurieir, *kate payd"bpsysyy n ,
r ,„„ aturta, vanpeoLlore. wad isottak.orruents, Berlin
Zephyr, woolen yams, doodles ; pro, blittith,N r oa,
bobtils, iirr ail of ...bleb they offer ILL the iggrait 1,4.6
ee unspahandi aattwf./OrsiAyittetr new sad cola
waitron. warehouse, Ponta st, near market. nett ,
H. HA1X6?..1 t CO.; Teak/v.lO Tnnurunge and
Haberdashreprr,itatreb .1211oVed from thur old
stand 'to NO. If INDURTR wriuzsT, § dpors foi44.
Market MOLL
VOL. XVI: Nti.' 115..
Parent Grrsduated Ga!acme Bettte , Y and• Fi e " t.
lyereclot e d Palm for /I¢c eel and other purrs=
Tbeen pre=entM in this tourney at Koeepe tat nod
-11.11 eye, the ear. the br e d, •o .pantl'M.
either externally or internally is dent, gentle
wIlX11 1 1 . 1 , 1hoelti• or pste—iertth perfect talst) , —
and often happiest edents.
This Important apparatus is now hirttly eppgroad of
by many of the mom cannon: physicians of this coun
try end 11-:atope, at whom the athieted and others whom
it moY re referred. Reference will also
be given to manybwhly respectable eitnetisorho harit
been cured by means of tin smost valuable sppnmut ,
of sonte of the most
b y nervous dianerleks
could not be removed any other known means...
Among Vlrtoel.l other, o ha ti been proved to bead.
numbly adapted tor the care of the fullowum diseases.
aervous headache and other diseases or the heata.
It is wall this apparatut toe, that the openaun can
convey the magnetic stai d with ease and safety to the
eye, to restore sight, or ure amairrosas; to the ear to
remote hearum; to the vanesnd other organ, tn re.
store speech: and to the parts of the body. for
the rare of chrome rheumatism, asthma, rtearalgia, or
tic &doom., paralyms, or patsy, gout, chorea or St.
Vita's dance. eptlepsy, weabiess from sprain, some
duseue• peculiar to female., contraction or the limb,
lockjaw, at. eta
Bight, for surroundang counnea of Westetn P., and
almea,. Me imams/aunt, may be purehaoed, and
also tested for the cure of dmooae.
roll instructions eoll given for the venous e hem,-
cols b bo used for Immo& due/we, and.the best Mall.
ner for operaurdt (or the cure of those diseases will at•
to be full,y etzploitted Id the p.n./nue, and a pamphlet
put i nth ins hand% erproatty for those purposes_
prepated by dm patentee. Fdalturo
octld-dly S NVILLIANIS, Vtne at, ihusbur_go.
.Joinl fiIF.LLUR, Na .
Wood sue, ath e sole
agent for tarhart's Patent Melodeon, • neto pool
beautiful instrument, exceedingly well adapted tor
small churches or family worship.
For the benefit of those residing at a distance, and
consequently enable to inspect the Melodeon before
parchasing, the following desonpuou is mono
The cases arc made of rosewood, and are ns hand
somely finished as a Piano Forte. The key-board tit
proetwly We saute a, the piano or organ, and the tone,
(winch is eery beautiful.) closely resembles that of the
flubs atop of an organ. The instrument ean be Imme
diately made portable without detaching any Part- the
bellows r.ceding Into the body of the Instrument, and
the legs Colinaf nudes, leantag the whole in a compact
term. Hach instrouteut h. • peeking case, and the
whole when parked weighs only 46 pouudi. The col.
mue of toad is equal to that of a saiallorgan. and by
means of the swell coay be increased or El.loished at
pleasure; it is sufficiently loud formal] churches, and
ti wall calculamd fora parlor instrument.
Just received, supply of the above: price, with
case and rustructlon Fooir,Bso. ocits
am v•rsible Ftltortng C et,
Which rengters turbid water ppyr tby
removing all substances not soluble is
w ater The i crown water N 1 ork
f h; Passw e' Ten aP Tu i' r
th th ro ' u7b '
filteruagi lock. showma large deposit
impure sabstanees, worms,
is the caw more or less with all hydrant Water
The Reversible Mere, Is neat and datable, and is
attended with the Mconcentence tripident to other
Viltercrs es it 13 cleansed walnut lining detached from
the w - aterr pipe, by merely turning the toy or handle
from oue side in the otter By this owl) process, tic
course or winter Is changed and all accamalabom of
impure substanins are Moose oil aiotgt instantly ,
without unscrewing the Fitter. It also possesses the
ratimige or being a Mop cock, and touch in man,
eases will be very convenient and emsocumeal
li can be attached where there is any pressure high
or low to • cask, tank, tub, he. with imam Tn lee ho
of the sole Agent, W, W,
corner of Fourth and Mark, ilia
Diaphragm Filter, for Byttrapt Water.
lenniT)llB Is to eertlfY That I have ap
pointed lANtegaten, Roggen &„ co
Sole Agents for the salsa of Jenne mes
Patent Dl Pfizer, Met, for the ',-
ties of Pittsb nod Allegheny
One Walter hiGibaton,3l9 Brondsva.,,
lit 10,1848.
We have been ssilw one dile above Irttele• nt .he
°thee of the Novelty Works for three mouths, on toal.
and feet pa meetly snowed that it is a earful in Crete
, 111 IT P take pleasure in recommending. them as a use
.et amok, to of vein, love pure Water. Orth•rs Will he
h.lnktitity received and premptly executed.
r ket street. corner of Third
Vanity Farr; • I.loTei without a Hero: by Wm. II
Edsvard Vernon: Ily Coattin's Story. lq , E V Chtlde .
Mary licroute Tratt. , :atent of the Peasant and It,
Capt. Merrratra Children of . the Neer Forest
'lle Bartte.lor of the Miserly.
Old Hie k • the Guide I.v Webber
alury Grover, or. the Trusting Wiled by Cie" Bur
Watering 11,0 t, autin.r or "Jana r,
TJ.e Tenant of %Vialtall Hada ley the author of -2111 C
The Image of his Father; Illustrated: by thy I:rotte ,
rue theetpitne of late.
Three Simert and Three Fortt.r.•, or rto..-.
and Violeta by., H. Levees.
Tinny runs C. I'. R. James,
PlTT§Strliall FEMALIC 11111TITtiTE
11111:4 in.icutton. under therare of JO r. tr.! Mr•.
ti•tetto., re-opett for the recepuen mei.,
in the ...erne bull/tinge No. YiLiberty etre, on the lot
Meade). or . Sept... Lem
Arra..zements hove linen motie by wtoch th, al , l
he:t Hv to furnish younu Indies farittitict equal to any
lo the West. for ohtoloinc o thornuch fongh•li. t'!ussi
e4•. and Urnartranal educonoti. A full course of l'hi
sophical and Chenucal I..ectame will he delivered
daring the winter. iflostrated byapparatus. The de
partments of Vocal and Instntmernal btosic. Modern
Languages, Drawmg and ILllll.llg o will each lv under
the care as competent I ^ rofettotor Ity clew- onenuon
tri the moral wad Intellectual =proven - mut of their pu
liils. the Principals hope to mini a continual ion of the
beral patron= they have hitherto isnloyed. For
terms, we r or apply to the Ryiatipots.
CPACTOEV.—PIe sultscutrer takes Ulm method
n, informing his friends and the public in general that
he hat the largest stock of the following named aMI •
etas of his ow. maitufactora in Una caly--Sadalles. Moi
ness. Trunks and Whips. all of which he will warrant
to be made of the best material sod by the best rarrh•
am, in Allegheny co unty. lining determined 11, set)
his inttnufnentres something lower than has been here
tofore sold by any suruar asmatalatomern m the eny,
he world tot ate persons an need othe above named
articles to his warehouse. No ?Si Liberty street. oppo
site Peseuth. Altar, bands mods, to ardor for Insertion
lr • oet.3Uly G. KERBY.
MotioirgiSilla Navigation Company. -
V - OTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS 111 .- pursuance of
the provisions of um Charter of Locorpornuon, the
annual rimetihg oldie tkockbolders orate ralonougahe
la Navigation Company - will be held oh Monday, the
brat do) of January. Mama the farm Monday of
me at the office of the said Company, In the
Odeon Bonding, Fourth streat,Piulborgh, ni Y O'ClOelc
/1.1 the •tlernoon, for the purposet of clamant officers tor
the ensuing year. WM. IL‘E.E.WELL,
.1.1,13.1,6305Tri01T10. TOIX1 T , 0110, an.
0031111 - ISSION hIF:ROHANVE, Na trMarket arreet.
Pumbargh, Pm, attend promptly TO the an!, or
every deacnpuon of Western Produce, and other a
ueles entrusted to their care.
Hanna. Hussey & Co. Pittalosrgh; Hanna. Graham
ACo Nev. lotoon. Slervhuos generally, Well..
rble, 0.. RAcnics £ (Victor, Brolerport, 0., A. G. awn
...l3pr; & Bro. CUICII/11•11. J. Y Howard. Louie.,lie.
K. twths& Dorworl, St Louis; 11. Uoyleg, `Reuben.
. .
aL 70 jhu LarnarUne S. 3.3 do Altrabea. 5.; w do Putman 5e and 1.. 30 do John Rueter S.. IS do Ro
berts & Susan S. 4.6 do Henry & Jones .5s and N.; Is
to Johns sod Lew.' In, 3 do Waririck super bag
Sreward ra
These Tobaccos. embracmg some of tbe most itt vor
o brands, onconsignment, and will by sold Ina , to
close, by door:. L NV7t TER M N'
PATIENT sonx -----
HERS —The suls.rtbers, being the exclucre em•
porters of James Nlospratt & Sons' Soda Ash for th,a
Malta. aro now and will continua to he large') sup
piled with dos celebrated broad, which they .rill .ell
of the lowest market price for cub Orepproeed
They tofu to the glass, and caop manufacturers of
dial my generally respecting the quality.
160 Iste-ny st
dry ma donnehing town. err. Vane., l'ools,
he . all randy for business, will be sold on...commo
de.* term..r exchange for Iron or good,
This offers an excenent opporunnty . so • young man
with small capital to commence the Iron FoUndr) ta,
sanest Extgrure or
Scales,Cooking Stoves, Critics, @.c. AH,HLL. WALLACE& W.'. Bound Church,
corner La,‘,o-and Wood street*, manulneturn
and oar for tale Platform, Root' indrounter Soak,
of the mostirnprovedquanty, Cooking Stoves. .r arrool
and coo:, Ede, Cleve. of .•arignuaatzen, Parlor and
cenneon Grates. Ilonovr Ware, kr. te. Tee) oleo
ad, Knelt. atuartiorakitlias given nook
general ...Metre? 10 Mose (tsylog. Atio one, to all of
which they would respectrittly'ldvir• the attention ot
tae ertiken• and pabliosCrosnalg
W sic/tea, tlle oritjz,7Xe.
roamor )(seta- Poorni rrskirs, Pmsarsou.
riltileltallsortber bat retursod.fronfibi East, and in
I now opening • large and carefullyjeleeterl stook
Of 1-1000 1 . 10 his line Grateful (or pauttliberal patron
age, be borer. merit n continuance thereof, by ill!,
hosumm, and tooptim .00st assortment,
and at the moat reasonable oncea. Friend., cantor. -
era, and-the public corteratly--pcncalarly sojourners
viatting.the city (row tit., ILK% P.F,,,Lriylted to call and
examine. my large stool of goon(.. ock2b WoW.
AOOUe Pl.llt, rAn.t.oel,lt.)l4it. Ph:B•OrNO
AyYD iNVA/31X 4 —Dr. Banning's .Cornood,
Sense' on Health, nytioal ElloostlOll. and Houma
Voice, Lazed upon the nre•hand9d ph, lowphr of
man pli)•1 , 1,1 constitution; toing the ahena.ce
ecture.. ,Mc shove gainer ni recently delivered in
dn o a city. For sa, !,v (I HOPKINS,
Isullthog. -kb 61
fAltrfAill'S nmov. wzrztoung.
Ist near \Voo4 ...reel.
AV ANTED ' ''.
A PR.RSON .natt a small capita, and scquattoed
3 - 1. mr,th Iht bu•mcos, to take on loterett nt tut Iron
t ...miry. to be lortrted on ant Portwirecitadotad. A,
pi, at Ow °thee to Frtood ahoy 110,151
'`ei ,, ' Gr.a RHEI.
/ IA RFPfrbc CA itrwrs!!'llatitlfiltat ree'd Oc . :n Itt .
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net. of most ben:lnfol colors toil thadtnyti add .toY 00
itanothtnty parlors would dolitit• bre/attuning ou
:T t y t k tilr ----9 „, ya,,,k;ilJCli. 75 Fourth It
IQ. VADt.L., StiOV ELL, Ace .--:• 1 OA Ittitades and Rot
t.. 7 ' , la; 10 do Manure Parke"?' do Orton tbotot,
plot Boolott do; Axe., tiatcnagtoiglttocts and Piet
Idatiows, Vico, Az., 101 . tart. a t . otanpfactorert once
by , - ' oo t rytl ow) okvl
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'SULAM-191U. pinto NO tWeleHor .. tate by
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