~TDICAL. c - - 7-val.trounatrozscovEzeirs 011877M.PTIVES,, , BE.ON YOUR GITAIZIP ' ' •• ; -.DR. ' COMPUIND - SYRUP OPIUM) aIIiRRT. vthketkaletStiontur goo Consumption. Coughs, Colds, Alma Bwinchitis, Liv er Complaint, Spitung Blood, Dillies:dry of Brea th - Mg; Pain in the Sldeand Ithused, Palpitation of the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken Con . Milano. Sore Iftireat,NervoneDebili . ty, and Diseakes of the Throat, - Breast mid Lungs; theater ef. fecund and 'speedy Cure ever knereen for any of - the above diseas es, is DR. SWAYNE t S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry! ' Thin medicine is no longer Mang those of doubtful utility. It hem posted away f ro m the thousands daily launched upon the tide of experiment, and now stands higher us reputation. and Is becoming moro eXtensive• ly nsed than any other preparation of medicine ever produced for tb.. relief of suffering man. It has been it trodueed very genernlly through the United States end Europe, end them are few towns of importance but what eontain same remarkable evi dence of_j,t,s good effects. For proof of the foregoing a tmethems, and of the value and elLeacy of this medi cine, the proprietor will insert ferw of the mac y thou. sand testimonials which have bees presented to him by Men of the first respeetabllity—men who have higher views of moral mnponsibility and justice, than to emir tify facts, because it will do another • favor. and themselves no injustiee. Such testimony pro con- clusively, than Its surprising excellenee is established ished by its intrinsic merits, mid the unquestionable million , ty of public opinion. The inmantenemth relief it at. fords, nod the soothing influence diffused through die whole frame by in use, rendres it • most agreenbte remedy for the edilleted. R FA! EMBER! °When men, noting from conscientious empulses voluntarily bear testimony to the truth of • Ming. or particular fact, such testimony. being contrary to OW worldly interests and porpmes, eoerres conviction in its truth, and commends itself in_a_spectal manner to universal creden•--O'llogan's hlorel Mastitis. RF.AD THE 110 ME ChIRTIFICATES. firth. ANOTuEII COM or PrMionally Coasuierrienc,. There never was n remedy that lem been as mccemful it desperate cases of Comoimption, as Dr. dwn) Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the apemen, and appears to blot the ulcers on the lungs creating new and rich blood; power possessed by on other medicine. Capri Co., April:SW, Pied. Dr. Swayne--Dear verily belteve your Com. pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the memo of saving my life. I caught a severe cold, which grad ally grew worse, attended with • severe trought that remitted all the remedies which I had recourse to, suit Inceensing emu! my Care exhibited all the symploint of Pulmonary Consumption.. Every thing I tried wanted to have no effect, and my coraphuut increased so rapid ly that frieeds as well s ues self, gave up all hopes of my recovery. At this I was recommended to my your invaluable medicine; I did so with the most hap py results. The first bottle had the effect to loosen the nOrtgle, eattaing Me to expectorate freely; mid by th e time I,pid awl sty bottles,' Walt entirely Welt, and sin nalie d-DeadnMany a Man as ever wax in my lifu, and I,.ppy to give airy information respeettng my ease, that edger sufferers sexy derive the benefit for which lam so gratethl. For the truth of the above !Sidemen, I refer you to Peter Rush, Grocer ; Went Chester, Pa of whom I purchased the medicine, Rupectially yours, Jhazs Itiosuami Winulafid Cure oliiiiiktetkodid Minasser. 11Pr. Swarm —Dear Sir. I feel a debt of gratitude due yu--and • duty to the afflicted generally, to offer to my humble testimony in favor of year Compound Sy rup of Wild Cherry. Some throe years Mace I wss violently attacked with cold and inflammation of the Ll:mi., which was accompanied with dtattesslng sou , In pain the breast and head, a very emoodera hie "scharge of offensive mucus from the lungs, e s p.- Molly upon chmtge of weather, however thglit. At fast I felt co alarm shoat my condition, but wet pretty soon convinced that I srit rapidly going into eatisump don. I grew daily weaker, and at length was scarce ly able to walk about, or *peak above a whisper. such was the exceeding weakness of mytangs. During this time I had tried various prepared...and prescriptions, bat found no relief—growiug all the time worse Just here I was admsed and persuaded by a dear Mend in Wilmington to otreke mil of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I most confess that previously I had been prem (heed against patent medicine, and I am still against atom commg out of the hands of eraperics. bed node,- standing your e to to the profession and practice of medicine, and having °stollen faith in the saying of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents. • few bottles. and commenced its nee. 1 g, des ease was at that Moe of 20 or V 5 months' standin con sequently awns deeply seated. I toned, however, considerable relict from the use of the first four or five bottles. t o being public speaker, I frequenny at tempted to preach with my increasing strength, and theretry i n this those doubt less, that had already begun me heel; in this way. doubtless, my cure orns gree nty retarded. In consrimencs of noun: this imprudently. I had to um. streive or fineen bottles br fon. I wasp er fectly remored I have no via mach manlier manlier of bottles would have made me mood, hut in, the above outtsc tenon. The Syrup allayed the fever. • Ish baba, sook annoy the distressing cough, put a Flop to the desehlirge of Matt, from the lung, and gave them and the elinfe.l4),,,ill good health I have deter red offering this certificate anal now. for the uurpo,f of being perfectly minified with the permsomicy of the eure, and now mat feel perfecti v well l offer it w ith plc sure. itcy 1 P. Juts . . Dublin county. N C. retpireront caution—rsearit Read! There is but one eremite preparation on of Id Cherry. and that SWAT:IW , the first e•er offered to the public, which hoe been sold largely throughout the Rutted Suites And .ine part. at Europe; and SO pre. routine. carted by ttie name of Wild Cherry have been put out since under erisve - of sorer t lecept...• circumstance,. at cirder ofte current.. to thor genuine little observation, person need mistake tthr from the raise Ethrli bottle of the genuine enveloped with a beautiful ...el engravlng. with the likeness of William Penn thereon. other Dr. Syr aysieb. aignitnre , end'. farther security, Me portrait of ltr. swap will be added berearter, so as to ilisungwah Ware Issurcallothers. Noss, if it K. not for the great curative ;uroperties star [nos. vre.....nt Swarm's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, person- , Clnot lie endeavoring to give curency to their ..fiell(10. nostrums' . by stealing the n name of Wad oCfli,;7l;,,,,,,Rycntrtt.rir,:,anlv,:taTi:,bee,ayrdin mind the name Principal Other, corner etc Eighth and Race stereo., Philadelphia. For mile wholesale and read by (10DEN SNOW• DETI ; car Srl anal 3Vood SIN: B A FA UNIT, rOCK Co, cor Ist and Wood, and 6th and Wood sm. WNI THORN. 53 Market ro; S JON FR, 1,0 Lawler,. .t, JAN A JONES, cony arid Penn et. JOHN MITCH- Allegheny city end by all r v.inetirtge denier: 111 medicine. 001 l B. A. VAhnestock,s Anti—B(llov. Pills. Ti, Cathartic coanmund combine* smallness 01 1. bulk with efficiency and comparative mildneo 64- pII,II{UVP ar gon, and haying a peculiar tendency to the binary organs, m extremely valuable this coun try, in which Aliens (even. and other complaints. at tended with congeoion of the liver.. much abound.— They have now stood the test years. and expert. core has proved them to be n safe and vainchle remedy in intermittent, Rement and Billous Fevers. Jaun dice; Color; hefts ; Lthopey ;HY , etimcY Bilious Vomiting.; COllll. told all complamth of In flammatory character. The complete and utuversel h av en which has been green try these pills to all who have once treed them, readers tlm pribnshing oi the numerous! ceruficates at their favor antrecessary. To prevent counterheiting they are now put up In end Zylograpte. wiapper. Price 24 rents for a bog containing 30 palls. Prepared and sold by B A FIJiNESTOCIC A Co corner In and woost,.‘Palsa comer 6th end ood,l seplL2 SVERMIFUGE PREFERRED TO ALL OTHERS,- LEZOCOTON. Vu. Ott. 12. lets DU. EL F. Seller* : —Oue of our physicians, whose practice is very extensive, told me this corning Or 3 WO in which one vial of your Vermifuge Moog In away abase BO worms; nod gentleman so the neigh. bolhood said that less than half a vial caumd the du charge of near GO large worms from one of his chit , dice. Very mmuy of such instances might be stated Is well known about here. and almost all prefer It to any other. Send roe 1.0 dozen and oblice Yours, J. WILSON Parents who do not ssi•h to tntle onth their chadr should use Sellers' Vermifuge. Prepared and wild by K KSELLIIRS.,S7 Wood sold by Dr Cassel, sth Ward; 13 M Curry, Allegien) noel A STRONG SELDENcE that Dr J A YNE'S EX YECTODANTT is ettperler to •11 other veloulie. rc Chstell...„tlnunption, Broad:Mu, Aukons.and other Palm, Is thrt tho same g oporou who eaeueured the me of it in thou booth. tea year. o Will prefer It to all abort rionedin orthe bond; =Aut..' my b. , e jo"." to try other preprreborts they hme olmot Lorariabty been disappointed to receive.; Ne d ment whieb reudahly satioirned fr om du WO prate but by the For ietutm, WI have volumed t o the me of Extecrozetrr. rowdy that ha. tleThr railed to tette. theta toll which probohty haler had eqml errestieg polormaryduesem Pommel arty by Dr D. toyer ytolselelphte, sad odd co Ig=b ord ALEX- JAANE9 711 FOhnlk et ------- DALLEIT'S PAIN F—XTRACTOR will, in five - Tan. nte• from the nine of its application, remove the pains from theseverest burns, acalds or blisiers, and will heal wounds, ulcers and sores or any hind without miff. This valtuable Pain Extractor can he had of JOHN I) MORGAN, Dragrio. No 93{ Wood sweet. neap Agentioe Wooster Penne- B. A. FAJINESTOCIOIS VE.B.2IIIFIIGIC. AFEW weeks mace, one duty children, aged shout fire year. ...well kir several days, and the increased to alarminy that I feared death would be this maul. Having heard attic gaol effects of Fahnesurees Veraufuge when mini inistered to th e acplasaa ofmy nmghbors, and thinking my child might have worms, from some °Otte symptoms, I gave it one and a half teaspoonfuls of the Vermilhge, and to my mlonishment it almost tamiedintely 6.l:target! ...areen La) mid 260 large worm. its health virtu moo reauded, and it is now remarkably well. Pre/oafs to Wa ng the V,.gifusr, the worms would occasionally rise in its throat, mud I often feared t ould die from Mminfittitaion. JAS I G w . DAWSON. Tionesta, Venango co, Pa, Aprd 3, apl3 ELDY*3 CELEBRATEDETCH AND TY:7I'ER LOINTMENT is the taunt effectual remedy before . the pub' for the cure of letter, itch, dry and watery pimpled of the tact, neck and body,. scaly eruptions, and all other diseases of the skin. fins Otuttocut warrarfla free front mercury. is perfectly safe, and may be lased at ell limns and under all circummaiteus. A fresh supply of this valuable remedyreceived and for sale by B A I'AIiIdESTOCK Co, corner of Ist and wood; elm, corner of Gth and wood streets. • -- - • - SQELLEES' VERMIRIGE-- - No family should he without it!" Loess, C. IL, Va., Md. 24 0". Ma. R. E. Sumas: I cheerfully cenify that I have for some years part need your Verrnifuge in my dually, and universally with cocoon I decidedly prefer it to say other Preparation I hare used—amongst these may be nalned the celebrated crembetne called Deadshot, Palutestock`e Vern:dap, and a preparation called Worm Tea. in a recent ease a single dose brought (rani my little boy one hundred and six large worms No family certainly ought to be without tt. Yours Le ./AS LA WSON Prepared mid sold by It. K Seller., No. 57 Wood sr sad sold by Druggi.o generally in both tides. sepal - - ♦ frisselet of Teeth for A 5 Ceuta,. ifiratTE TFETII, FOUL BRBATII, HEALTHY GlThlB.—Yellow and unhealthy meth, after be ing ones or twice cleaned wlth Jones' Amber Tooth Paste, have the appearance of the most healthful ivyry, MI at the same Moe ti is no perfectly mutorient soJ e. grdeitelpflart, that its constant daily use is highly ad arintagewns, even to those teeth that are in a good core dision, great/ them • beautiful polish, and preventing • twit decay. Those already decayed it plv yea. twin beCOMing worse—it also fastens such St are be mann loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white and makeihe Meath de- Iledooaly sweet. siol by %N M. J ACKSoN, efi Liberty itmet. meta B. A. FAmsaroce,} A. B. ttN.l., N. Y. City. L. B. FA.extrext, pittsburgh. G.W. Fetutnte litirkolessle Drug Store In the City of New York. crolersitned are extensively engaged in the trilihalesalero_ g business at No. 0 John street, In the shy of New York, _and are prepared te supply Drmrests and mann Merchants with Drags, Paints, 01* V 7.42,61 Romp end American Planatery, shoolortWearer Ss hleadoth Chemicals, (ot their own troportanon) earl a qua I articles in then lute et ban. , r ....,of a of ty a. low as they eau beim. c s,.•. , ... IhYrai - Ony eastern chip: , ni. • . Fel.l•P IS A. PAHNENTOCX& Os. i mgnicA,L, . . DB. TOSTNA.F.RIDIaI courocarp Ins - nue , 0. ~ .tel i.•..,-Nt' ..W.F 1,1 , 11 . 1. tt - I'l Hl.i. -; , CEis.,NETT &... BROTHER, SARSAPARILLA. Wader arid Blcuise of tkr Ag L. lt:lrratlysgt.e,.. •tswor Piti015i...qh, , 1•.,., The moot use., Sawl.tOn . tt , w•.0.1' , ".''''' ',,,-, ,\ •• 1 W.,rf / , trrrt, Pittensrg , .. 7 .,,... E. ,", ii y e ., np so goOrf Bottlu. au a, ', l ) l'. 11.1. r 0.,..4..1., 1..,r, Li. 2 4.2 It! .2 r2t..: ,t • 2.• . bows ektoptr, piens...4r, and inswrantrd ... 1.1: 1,. %., 3, , :.ter 10,1 121..i . /.:4. .il II UP.. perm to or/ led. It cores without (Ili`, .l.t ~I 1,: ‘V fi.i . ..l‘. .4.... ,, ,r , , IL ., — torsi/fag, isr4flrte, nohsaine 1 er-tialoaatattag Us Pariaat. TR. great beauty *ad .poriority a this S•roapwllla ~. 0,2,.r a „, ,, , ,,,,,, L , iiane . b .. th.t what, It orwliemo.th.,., I t :, 1, .1.. :• -rn, . • utr , •••• ~4 ... DA' . Le. I V ••'. i Pl , .' ~. .., it t os t aoratas the body. It Is out of tho, 1. , . , . ..•••.: • .2: : . 1. .. , . . .....,,,• .. , , SPRING AND SITII.IIIED. 11Y.RWINCEI ... , . le,arr hl o oro; tt not only purifies the .. holt tt .1.. to no I , ' ....• • ' "... 7 JAN,. i t , 11l ri,.,:r: .. 1 " " ye th f . ; P rAsetss ''''' e b tl '‘ by " ' o:Otho .'""l' M 51 .1 :1.7.. '' ;:t.:l ", :. ' : It , I *. I. S N . ' , . 7 . ',. 1 " l A ' 7.1 5 -1 11 : I l l ', ''' ,,,.. r ... A ... U 1, 1 :..!”...1. 1 :E7.1 '‘ li : . l' .. i ' . ll ::n e. ar. Ise s tits growl secretof ita vitoderrol 10na... I. h t . , •,' 1 ~ , , , or .. ,t.., 1,.: •!.....i..1 no. 1 , J.,. r a. ..rfortneEl wattin the hut two room tnoro than )0.1,...., , t••:.•.,...... t , . „. ~t ~,: t„ t, , t .., „ ~,.. :..r...1 a sovero cases of /hoots.; at law 150‘. ,, ~,-.,. ', ~, . o % ~,,.. „.,.., ~ ~. f .0 ~ ,t ' ... .. ~ ~1 : roomier...l incurable. It has rand do. Imo. of ow., I 2 , . •.• .L.,.. ,- , ... ~..,..ow a '22 ...? 1, and 10.000 childraot during the tore Put ecatant 10,000 can. of General Debility laud _ant of Nerv•a• Energy. 11r. Toernsend'• Samep.tllsi ineigorates the q.t..= permanently. To those who have hut their me eel. energy by the affects of =edict.. loth, re. wt committed in yenta or the excerave indulgence 0 ; the passions, .d brought oa a general pity ticel pr.trn tun, of the nervous systam. lantlude, east of e m bui,i. tainting elmsatioa., preamtuse decay and dealtdo, but., Mg towards that fatal dia... Contninption. can lm en urely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Ser.- penile is far onperior to .y Invigorating Cordial, At it meagre and inmoratea the sync t, gtru ectivity tut. limbs. and strenedi to the muscular spin, in s straordinery decree, lOonenalption Cured. Cleanse mad Streartaan. Cmanomptiox tan Ae ruse! Bresmaitu. Consumptions, Lion Comp 17,.:a, Omtarrh. Canarbm sham. Srittiv of 111.411, Soreness an tha Odss4 OAR no' , N'ark , 9wasetta. Difinatt Prefut trpartm ration., Peu is lag au. /re., Lsce loss mal us Is cowl. arm - rime BLOOD. /fro Yarn, Ap,l UAW,. Da Tairstereno-1 verity believe lLat you. Parseite. rIII bm been the smock through Providence, of mown my lOs. I lass fin wand Tsars had • bed Coaet. 11 hutment Ilene and swot. At Int I raised lam quasi. Lis. algid, had slekt twesta mud ti asstlY debt:- toted vii rsdscsd, sal did no ezpscs m 111 I no, only soil year Samaras m dart lima =I tts , s , was ilith I abacish..a stretightinlas. I its sow st.la to wail error th e airy. I rare so blood, and et, costes Iss m.. Yea csa (=arse that I &It 0321011 hr Una* nobs. Y., 0b17,,. 117,.,,u, O.S Lail:mita • Foul. rdarecirte, - . - Tearewoul'.34l.l2.l.lle sweerstra and speedy D. for Inera Cialefflla tlesreenes. rreleart ag of the Womb. Ctn.... carrhsra, or Whltea, ebrasetad az titlerett - elrestr.s. uu. Inereatlttentre at Uri., ar theelaratay aireltart , ti-ereof, and the the general premed. or the system— us waster whether the Tenth of Whereat cause r reu.. r. produced by billelhhaity, Ohre n .aaLleart. eta he more easprtsirs than In ue the ht. s hew. ?0000 el weakness Lod ,r,t ;ed. frt. teklar It, at owe Imre. relest rat fun , t ~•rry weler tat Woes. It helialeattey toe races the menace:menet. tematerlaress, whirls is ass muse el liurtnato. It .el set ...peruse rs rens of 110 detteate a wt... ssehWi ...Seat , . et rote. peribuseed het we mere the atllictesl. that uttedresteefawe hen ben reported tow. Thatuw is or caws here WADa hove bee. .about ebb efter a Yeer bona of WA law... eu:lc:as. ea. beets With toe, healthy aaspring. To nothors and Alm,loll LaAirs. This Extract of BAllliparthla how boon srpressiv pre. pared is mammas to koala otanaplaluts Nu fem.!, o has reason to supposes he to approaettiot taw *nasal period. The tar-a f - should vett.. as asks It, as It Isibastain psoveatirs for any or tLe sanaerous and Mirada • &seam to width ferns's , ars subott at this time of Una This period sari, le de. ILusel for neared reuse by asisag• tloa ouniscane. IL at !ass valuable foe dam: who 301 approachati aanbood, as at is ulnas's , ' to Lona arose by gaud . en , ng ob blood bad lamina...lnt M. system. Indeed nLo medicine ia invaluable for Ol lila delicate dn.. ,• to ...latch women are subject. It hmee• the whole system, receerl permacently tb• salenertnee. renan•lor the ~ .00 • IbIe. 01 ',II , I•eay. not bo far simulating as to preelme runtaques• setatamen abash Is the case oft:lost ecledsclues asks. I. lemon. awake...and disease. Rs ualog • fr. b••ttle. this madame orally severe stx, painful sue, .1 eper• uon.enay prosenioLt. • o. Groan liiirosing to Mothers wad fp, Id r. It ts the walk. had moat effectual tvedtetue G.r pusti tar the arrtetn, and relicetn, the euffertup atuutttat.l mu= tharltbtrtit ever dutcovetcul. It •trenoti, ha. the mother .ad chiht. •...I 4.•• creases and chrtthes the !nal. Out., who hut , thrukff trultepunsable. It Is ht,lsly useful Icttu In., •0.1 Our roafiatnent. es It prevent. dle,tert utau childhlrth—ut Cu.ttluers. 1•11.• I:notp.. that a the Feat Dettpatleucv lleuctltutt. b•tuuttuc Pere la the Bhek *n.l horath t a b..lit.no.rrher.. wad ko ettgpakhal the evarlatshaa ho,leettlahiang the tit latiulai thy awklugl 1 . 13.• nut beana• nf !Mt nneetichae la. it am .fears ofh, had the mast akirate ucc a min voccesehally. ear, f e st , r hh ee an v nth, rtlAitte t th amts a !Ma Castor gall. mutt Eleteles kirt , ape' um th. agellietra, allway. eahara a wife had raty tnu Dammam. Beauty and Stealth. osmetics. Cindit. and a to of preparations gene rally in um. when •pplied to the face, eery soon 1 of beauty. They close the pores of the skin, end •heck the circulation which. *rhea meter , is not thwart by dime. or powder. or the skin inflamed hy lh - .1k nlie• used ni • eoeps, beautifies in owep p roduction i. her - human face Dina," as well m tn. e garden. .1 nch and delicately Mated end sane:sued Ih..c t (rye. m tire and healthy circulation of the fluids, or the coursing of the pore, rich Sevin to the rlttrcattle.. lhal which paint. the counce in the loom eau, ado beauty. Ilia that which imps. the indeserihab , •Itaidee and Bashes of lovelier.. that all admire but uoasi ea. describe This beauty .the oreprins of ne ners—vot ofPleemler ea reap. If the le not • fr.. •El.l he carcalatloa. there no Mn If the lady ta fair as drives new. if she paint. ear . ' at commence, end the bleed le thick, eekl and impure eh , . is not hese. tiful. If she he brews se yellow, and there Is pore and mina blood. t Oyes • rick bloom to the cheeks, end a lerilliaucy to their eymi that is fueinating This fa 'why the southern, sod especudl so y the Ppan. ...la ladle; ars we nauch admired. I.adiet the Dome mho take bet Sale exercike, or are coadesl iu close rooms. or hese spoiled their complexion by the epidi r sloe of deleterious mixtures. if they eide..to rain elasticity of step. buoyant spirit.. sparkling • es awl beautiful complexions they ghoul.] use ow, miss Sam Thousands who-hev• eeltri it. are more then manfird. are delighted. Ladies of err, elation crowd our ofbni daily Notice to the Those 5050 imitent Dr Toarimentry Senseperilla hsr• Insatiably called their muff re sat Relsaely for Fe emsdes, it-, fr., sod here coped mar bills and circa'., loch relates to the complelnta of women won I f or --ther cram who put up medicine, have, once the Veen soreme of Dr. Townsend'. Sarsaparilla in romplands n...lent to females. 10.111DILlad.1 theirs, dinouch ,r mously they did not • member of tint." Mixtures, P.l1 e , arempinows feud.. m thee iscrisr•se d mid and the C011•21.1t1012, Dr. Tournsen.f is the noir and beet miedy for the numerous female emu ~Late.—it rarely. if ever fail. of atomize a permanent ...r, it can be taken by the Meal delicate fe c osie.. in any m., uor by those eapesting be kwnt r ome • islethe greatest denoting., .5 h propene the system nd prevenie pain or denpr, and Artrenrti.,:s looth oi.dher end child. Be careful to get the Roston. Serregiales egged. Th. 2 certificate concluaivaly proves that th.• Serve parilla has perfect °num.. over tia toast obetioate dis of the Blood. Three peraom cored re ooe boo.a se unprecodeuted. Three Children. Towersgarn—Deer 61.; I have the pleasure to „,form you that three of toy children have been cared the ikrofula by the use of poet excellent eled.c.ne They ever* .glinted vary severely ...sib had Sore.. her• take° only four bottle.; It took theta away, for which I teal myself under great obligati°. , Yon' reirpcafelly, lILLAC W. CRAIN, 104 AN °cons,. Oploioo• of Phyoiclaas. 'lir Townsend is almost daily recesving orders from P,VSICI•III6 to different pasta of the UlllOll. 'KM bi to Certify that we, the undersigned. Pb y Ociots of the City of Albany, have in tremorous cases pees< rib. r.l Dv. Townsend's Neranparalla, and behave It to b. one of the most valuable prapars.n. tu the LLLLL • H. f. PULING. IN D. J WILSON M. D. E. FL PRIGAS. Id El Albany. Apvil I. 1441. P. E. ELNENDORY, M. D CAUTION. to ths groat mrces. .Ad IMMO.. ROI. of flf. Tt•vroxnutt's Sarasparstlx,• nornhor ntro who 'were Prutnrly our Arnta, h•rn(11111111COC•14 uptittngttarsspx- Exaructat eitusts. Extract. nf ftnn4 t Connally put It up In thn $a •Intpc,l Ws. and stnnenf Ltpust have ,toln c:ntnnd tortnnnt.—they •re only •ortlarto 1.041 •ttnottl Ins 'peopled. Prtodival (1111 re. 121; PO I.TON Stre.t. Boa 11.1/14.1. Krt,ldttkg 6. Co. e Ntotd rtreau Bolton: Dyent Sow.. 132 North Nocottd street rhilaticlploa F, h. II o. DrureiYt. Daltonort., P. ft Cohoo. Charl..tru , , r.,111 A. Co. Chadurs Street N C) 1.6 ~L toNt tore, llttany, , and lty lr'd, 11—Persona inqulrlng for this methrow. not be todured Ink.. nny Drueg.At• pni Sarsaparlltak. 01. 11 of prefer Dot ot he deetivrd y• It Dr and lake on oilto.r. WI 0,11, ..Townso.nd's Sersr.pnrtlls. ^ wld 11. L. sh:LI.ER.4. fiene rnl Wbot,kir 5. R.-toil Age., Nn 57 tVood street. and I). NI rUltliV. cnv. For The Recovery of Dormant awl Improperly Wolt• held REAL, AND FEIL,ONAL I..nTATJ., dement rind A ilium ion of Conon , rend, other Delit.r..Seeorine.Pntente 11/ f.rent Brown. Ireland, and flit Cmioniee nod there.. .alp belonging. 11/111 Negoontine wr tio INT thaw. Or tlal.. of the .nnic. I)EFERENC:E may be I ad im aion'oi 1110 P free of chore, (provided them om ate not tom of nitre rornenty.) in a Lim prionna ~ • • Art:, of 15 trio nam•s in whinh properni t..wtoting Also. nn index to our 10.000 too,. whirl, have appeared for dm past 50 years in varmint Brinell Communications siddreseed to lieu. of Law an I next of kin. Communications by let 10/1/Itt.l ni It post pat.!, kiFNter am TIIA 51 VA te AN. !0 , Broadway, New ork References are permitted to lion. Chorlee P Dnly, Judge Court of Common (lean, New York. Freeland. Stuart 5 Co CLao. Carilidge k Co. %V &J. T. Tamcon, • (i fL A. FL[(l(etra, 1(41(tInnl Schroder. EA.I.• A_.Patetszn. PrelidrAl Pstenen 14.4. uov.llAllrn /Allegheny Cemetery, A T dro menial mecum ol pur to ~ the Stb inst., the forlovons ~,, imutly ot-elected ?dimmers for inn ein•Urns THOMAS hi lION't 1. , Pr,ltlrm JOHN HINFH:LL, JENSE CAROTHERS, NATHANIEL HOLHES. WILSON 11PCANTILESS JOHN II SHOFNEIEROER, JAMES R. SPEER, J NeeretseyuT r fin mans! presented the strains of the Cormany in every prorperous condition. Their orfive in thesrly Is No. 37 Weser street • Jeld GREEN AfPl."ES=it esmitid told.. for tale by , Q.eu ISAIAH •DICHEY kCo bin to store and 7:l 7 liiiile by dec9 dee9 ISAIAH DICK k Co MANUFACTORIES WAS. AL-5c..14N11). _ soss. _ ; MAKERS •NIII , CKNISLIVrir rtrArnr ruutl St. CIA, rsint,r E.l.ctrung.• on •.11tortt: r Cr.fiLLIS 304 r.ot • 0 .1 •mr, pr,arril orna r)g Lot I.oc 'a I ..ticrinkr,. A "od ' •or , re , •: , ~.. COACH MAKING 1 R. , V v n'' •Tl` I. ircup.c, 13-hvcr ,slpyterui /1 Front , hewn nit ~t ~..., nr. I n i.r. n n p~~~a •~. a ,•~ nod ret, JI rt. •rpxr com turd e.”.. I.ng to • It , - Carriage.; mad. ta or•l , r ripm fr. t.• • • •trae•ta re:. MISCELLANEOUS. 1142 yr, I J. (UT • I por• )I“ ' ..1 i , .l I:. 1.:.~U. =MEE INet d t/td, idlne.Tl.out.,..l•. A II A , LII Lvdd. I.mkdhorli A A:ini•trLd EiIM(SS MIMI Dan luss & he • I.", V I , V I• `, MiliMlß=ll IS . 1 art NVE.', —A da (ill •• • k , Sul (0, NN( Err: AND IlliAaN It. o~y~ er~.l .. r .r.... ~ ~.F I ~ H.':.,.. hnnJ•.4 got .4.. a hrFC cud PAPER WAREHOUSE , it I Ii 1.114 ,I.lp. .VOlt Ii =EN 1..11 . t.i , 1K1,14 T , Ann* t., ure—mnde on the or, npper,..o •! et; ,•I(nrilxnal•ic n.4 , 0...0r* . 0 00 TUIr.ORou,. JO OS rt I% BLIND or ord, ,of a od , d pr • ^ KR ICI{ 1:011. SALK ....••or n0 . ..r0t-ono 0111. 4 1, •1.r 1 .4 1 , mod vnot rda. no • I, :/0111 t,01.• 10 Ono o rick I ,:veo One ire n 0..•• ..aomtm•onnt vol.. u I,— • purn.....: A kiln rn. no -.er a. goy work.. mod ••, b: 11, Gazette 0/1.1, r.o, tbentmelv.. tor ..r bunldnba.c. • o landmarn« nrnint In••ok or .0 terror bdol •., pmn.o...rnek. ra• u• onnn the on kAC lItcF.I.O Ibrontoqham. Juno. It! P. - ECLIPSE TIAANSPOILTATION LINK. VENITI A 'sr HIEN! , VAC Ft r ILI • Ta JOHN A. Tit r. prop n.s.r.. ~ r n rl. d 11, v..ocr nltmnr mm•mormanorom I 1 , •n. re nmn..l . liF.Stlnt• nroomeml Innform 1./ II trici,ds r .. 5 '• I for mol a grew. amount 15, the FIVE DA EINE, 0p , 50110 11 . 011 thr. wrno rob. ~„ lbsimond. Adeghen, Sm re a r o n. ,nrod. Otro In Ito. Ilultartorr. abd Poonburgh nod 10544150. .re 001.051510 pt on hand. ton " ~.•toonntr from l'lnbudonotou for one lone alorold be . • I'lllsps. ar c•oth weroorn. ' ' ut4•1•••1 -1.41, J 11 Itot,,uil, Ilaittutore ' V...,.a.1 ,at'ers ni , ..14. to oruer 11l the lot, c, le • I.' v,. , age,. are, 1111nr. repuirwit at tbo •nortewt nourr J U ROBINS. IN. • II -Ills Wind% wlll be i•II, up watu;i.t an, oul.l.- ; P./ :1 ellorles It. 14alormorr .1" ,,, . ......c) t... 1 1.0 remove , l ~, a IRO" F.INiERTON & Co. t moorland. 131.• ri I ol ea, of bre or lur 'n a:i•.,,g untl va tthout .t.e stul ' I, IV CA!.t., Itiovelo,llt or a .crou driver. 0,1-.1 , y&wlalut)r , i ~., J.' 1111/W F.F.I. l'itt•horgli. ' FLOW ERN 1 Oitr o t io. Wilatiaik. ILOSEDALE GA 11.01:Pi MANCIIF-.T1:1 1 , r:!V! Proprietor of Ilos 1.0,1, Oar.. of fe.orlltak i loorrtnior pol•I, 0. It lor 0 0 00lre o—orment . ors otrr toren :rrroogl,O, rehire/I lord rrloor/ol crou.ol. rlflg.roi, .ori 100 l 11.'1111, 1 1. I• 011Cli 101 1 1 171 t 10.1.01/11.110,1011011,11011 or HMI,. 10111 1 0,10 Il.lfr N au 11/11, rotor loto door polo. hod all war "we rovorled in 11,e 1,11, 11. 0. tl , l, , enneol apr pntronroro Ile it,. 'wrote. , 1,10 1 01 for I•oreolinE telre.4ll l lll l l ,l . ler I:retoor, eI Loi Fella/sh oollllllll,lo In .11 •ClOO.ll ,41111111110) .0111 1.1 . :Vi Ifi.IO•IIFIEI.D_ frlonongsthels - House Tailoring COE= •• • k A l/rupor and Tailor Iroge to In 1 !semi Inv intent tor Ihunburnli noel whom Ow ler )4 now opt t 1.001111. eAreet, llro der the• shove llo n teeh x her, noel lr