BY MAD a REPORTED & TELEGRAPRICD atatelasively t►r the Pittsburgh Gaza tt ADDITIONAL WORZION s ENV'S BY Highly Important from Ireland. PROBABLE RELEASE OF IRISH PATRIOTS- ilastria'• Withdrawal from Giamatti POPE MVO PLED FROM ROME IMPORTANT FROM BERLIN COUNR!RCIAL AFFAIRS Nrw You, Dec. 18. " The &Bowing highly important and interesting intelligence was received by our Telegraphic agent at Liverpool, and finwarded to as by the Niagara. . IRELAND. The &slat" Governmeut bag Liberated several of the Irish:slate prisoners, among them two Amer. leans, named Ryan and Berger who were ordered immediately to leave ClonmeL The commission will not be resumed, because, their juricdiction to try capital cases is doubtful; if so, OBrieu and colleagues will be liberated. AUSTRIA. Austria has resolved to withdraw hem the Gera mania Union, and to meal her representation from Frankfort. The Pope has kit Roue; scare tip and when last heard of was making his way in Paris. The friendly disposition of France in regard to his Holi ness, has sio doubt caused him to seek safety in that quarter. PILUSSIA. The army at Berlin has been wrongly reinforced, and the people are becoming inclined to msapt a liberal constitution under the present government, and to reject utuaism. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE Litrzamoi, Dec. 2. Brown 6: Shipley's Circular quotes Cotton, ibir Motile, 411; Middling, .3141; Ordinary 2,1 to 31d; Or leans Cu 4}d; 31d; Ordinary 2,i to 31d. Co mar ket was dull, on account of the heavy , supplies, which Mb bonded as fast as lauded, be. cause in two months the duty falls to the mini. mum of Is perquarter, and 7d per bbL No epee - ulatio es only for retail. DESTRUCTION' OF THE PARE THEATRE BY FIRE. Nair Yoe', Dec. 18, 1848. The Park Theatre caught fire on Saturday night, shorty after the evening's performance hadiam. eluded, and the entire wardrobes, 'marry, machi. nary, are., were destroyed. The loss is heavy, end besides the proprietor's, many of the porter• men who were clamed lost their all. Buildings at each side were materially damaged by the fire, and overflow of water from the engine. CONGRESS/ORAL PROCEEDINGS. WASECINGION, Dee. 18, ISI9. fn's—At 12 o'clock the Vice President called the .cone to order. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Gor ki. Numerous petitions were presented. Agreeably to notice, Mr. Douglass asked and ob tained leave to bring in a bill, which was read the first and second time, by unanimous consent, and referred, relating to granting public lands im make big a rail road to connect the Missitsippt !beer with the Lakes. Mr. Douglass moved to take op the bill relating 4 Cs!ikon* for the purpose of referring it to th. Committee on Terruaries--the yeas end mays wer demanded, and they meod as Cullman. yews 24 nays, 25. Mr. Berrien then moved its referencn to the Committee on the Judiciary, which was agreed to. A resolution was then offered, appointing a mm• mince to inqnire into the expediency of establish ing a mint in California was then adopted. Mr. Miller offered a resolution Raking the Sec. minty of Stole to lay begun the Senate all the cor. respondence, if any such was is his department, concerning the purchase of Cuba, which was a. dopted. Mr. Benton moved to take up the Panama Rail Road Bill, and spoke at some length in its favor. Mr. Rale spoke at some length in opposition to the bill Mr. Breese was in favor of hasty action os th - bill--it would bring other competitors besides As. playa, who might offer better terms. Mesas. Clark, Allen, and Johnson, suggested de lay—they wanted time to gain information on a adrift,' liuttynoi of p rev aliantry. _ Mr. Cameron tom the floor upon this question for to marrow. A mamma in eniting was received film the President. The Senate then went into Executive Session end en remained until adjaEutunent. House—The speaker laid before the House sun dry communications from the Executive Depart ment, relating to Land Offices, Coast Survey Re ports, and the amount of military force engaged in the war with Mexico, which were laid on the to. ble and all ordered to be printed. Mr. Vinton, Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means reported a bill providing for the deficiency in the last general Appropriation Bill, which was read twice and made the order of the day for Wednesday 'reek. The Speaker announced as the first thing in or. der, the business on the speaker'. table, to wit: Mr. Robinson's motion In reconsider the vote adopting Mr. Root's resolution respecting tend" ., rial slavery. Mr. Robin being entitled to the fipor,be made • political speech in which he d a desire that the Democrats would leave the question nag settled for Gen. Taylor's administration. He re viewed the late election campaign and finally madea motion to reconsider, which was laid on the table by a vme of 106 to 85. Mr. aiddings asked leave to introduce a bill giving to the people of the District of Columbia the ptivilege of voting upon the abolition of slavery in the Dienes. Mr. Tompkin Thompson intern:gated him so to the diterpretation. Mr. Giddings replied that he meant to Include the black as well as the white population, be meant no difference in color. Mr. Thompson then moved to lay the enbject on the table, which was taken by yeas and imys and decided in the affirmative, yeas 105, nays 77- Some other unimportant business transpired, when the House adjourned. FURTHER NOMINATIONS BY THE PRESI- Wssioncrrox, Dec. l& It is currently reported in the streets today, by the knowing aims, that the Hon. Ambrose Se vier has been nominated to the Senate by the President as Commissimier to settle the boundary line between Mexico and the United Slates. Andrew LOray, has been nominated by the President as Chief Engineer, to make the survey d the above line. He is recommended by the Texas delegation. GOLD FEVER—HORRIBLE MASSACRE AT • THE FEGEE ISLANDS. Ramos, Dec. 19, 1848. By the arrival of a vessel at this port, from the Sandwich Wands, we learn that he Islmds am almost disonted—the popolatioo, men, armee, and children, having' left for the gold 'ewe in Cali fora* The papers report the &els of a horrible mama. ere at the Fejee Islands, on the 156 or April hut, but nobuticulars. • Two English men of war have ;gone to the lands to make the proper inquiry IMO the affair, end apply the correction, if necessary. CHOLERA AT NEW YORK. Nrw You. Dee. 18,1818. The Cholera appears to be on the increase; tive new eases and two deaths are reported by the board of health—all at the Staten Wand Quaran tine Hospital. PHILADELPHIA MARKET, Puu.m.rnu, Dec. IS, DU& Fluur.—Tbere am more sellers in Oa market than buyers. and $5 per barrel Go good brands is the ruling price, et which sales to a limited extent have been effected. Rye flour commands 13,72, and corm meal 12,75 to 02,07 i per barrel. °min.—The market is heavy, with sales of liaised wheat, a prime he at 111, and prime reds a 103 et.. per busbeL Sales of prime yellow corn at 3=4 eta per bushel. Cotton—The market since the steamers, has been quiet, but firm. Whiskey—Sales at 24 i cis. per gallon In batrels to the regular trade. Groceries unchanged either as to demand or price. Sales only to retail trade. NEW YORK MARKET. Nrw You, Dec- 18, 1818. Floor.—The market in ready, bat not active. Sales of Genesee at 115 . 75 0 5 8 1 1 per bbl. Grain—Whim is firm, but not active, and corn has a downward tendency. Other grains vev. changed. Sales of old prime yellow corn at 70, and new at 59 cents per bushel Mess pork No. 1, vales at $l3, and prime at WO per bbL to other marketable articles the prices and de. mend nominal. BALTIMORE 111..111KET. Bruatsreart, Man.—Sala Howard street at s4;lsper bbl.; the market however has more sellers than buyers. Orden—bales prima red wheat at $l, which hi a decline of 5 Gs., and prima white at 107 cut per bushel. Corn.—The receipts are large, and sales made axe generally at a decline of 3 eta. per broth. —prime white commands 45 and prime yellow 48 Cent/. In provisions duns is-no activity is any article; gland: KO ate untidy at rates. GRA NI U 4 DECEMBER. 16 Sa - A - Mday, 17 Sunday, 1/7 Monday, 12 Tuesday, 'IIEI Wednesday, 21 Tharsday, 22yeidat, PITTEDDROR BOARD OP COMMITTREFOR DECFXBE W. 133=12 On-roe Prrrastraou gezerre, Tuesday Morning, December 19, 1549.1 The weather yesterday was clear, and unusual• ly mild, but bnaineasi is every reapedwanat low ebb, sales being *swirled to the regular lim ited transactions to this trade.. FLOUR. - -iteempts are !united, with sales from tiriu bands in small lots at 3,6203,75 p hbl. From Wore 3,90034 are about the ruling figures of the market; with small sales only. The market is quite dull, and prices rather disposed to a further deckle. RYEAND BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—We note regular store sales of the former at 3,31633,37 per bbl and of the latter at 81;75 sr 100 tbs. CORN MEAL--Receipts continue light, and supplies limited. Limited sales from store at .50c according to quality. FRUIT—The market is overstocked with apple. and dried fruits, and prices are by no m.. firm. Green apples are in moderate demand from store at pnees ranging from Si to 51,25 p bbl. Of dned fruit we hear of no sales to any considerable ex tent. In large quantities, peaches will not coin mend over 51,121 p bu. Receipts are liberal. BUTTER Salesof 28 kgs of a fair quality at Et/e .0 Ili For good roll in bbls I eiel2v. are about the ruling figures of the market. LARD—The market is rather dull; we note sales of 13 bhls No 1 and 2 at he sa lb; No 1 in kept at 1 :11436tAs a fair quotatiou. GROCERIES--No change in nay article under -this head. We note a regular run of gales to the trade at the following rates: N 0 sugar, old fair at 5634, new at alai lc fr m , N 0 molasses 25R29r ♦ ira Rio mfr. , " 7 ,71071 c p lb. Loaf sugar 8 610 n, and rice at 505te fp M. BUCKETS AND TUBS—Regular sales of the Comer trona stare at 2,25, and of the latter at $9 dozen. — Tlons--The Maysville Herald eatimates - the number of hogs packed at that place at 2.1.000 The Elizabethtown Regiater nays that the nem• ber of hogs driven to the Lout:mine market Mom Hardin county is about 7,550. and states that it is a felling offo( about one-third as compared with the number laat year. RAILROAD The contemplated Railroad across tke Isthmus of Panama is already before the .paaists of Nets York. The New York Courier xtatee itat a company has been formed in that mty for !wilding a railway from the Atlantic to the Paeinc, serosa the lythmu, of Panama, and the Wowing gentlemen eelected es trustees, viz:— Gueuest. WIN FIELD SCOTT. COHNELTUS W. IIAWIENCE, EM MATHEW MORGAN, Zeq. SAMUEL JAVNDON, EN. C. A. DAVIS. EN. Arnim WM. KE2vT. Books for the :mbseeption of stocks are opened form limited period ally. The grant from tle Government of New Gren.. nada, the control ei which has teen secured by John I'. Adams, Lest, Consul of the United States at Laguayra, is limited to ninety.nine years, and gives the following advantages, viz Int. An ezelssive right of way across the Isar , mos with the right to use gratuitously all the pub. lic lands lying on the route of the road. 2d. An aSaolute gal Of 300,000 acres of public lands to be selected by the company. 3d. Allibe materials used for the road as well as effects of perSoll/1 employed thereon. are decla red freeaf duty. 4th. two ports. vir one on the Atlantic and one en the Pacific Oceans, which shall Le made the termini of the road, are declared tree ports The pielimmary surveys will be undertaken im msdintely, by Wm Norris, Eaq, Engineer, and it is suppoaed the Road can be finished and ready Ur operation within two years tram this date. BALTINORI min Onto Ratutson—The stated meeting of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany took place yesterday at the Compary's °lee. Thomas Swann, Ban., the President, laid benne the Board the operaoons of the Company for the past a month. The aggregate revenue for the month ers*.s transportation.from the West tow Bidtimore, du. 4ing the month, m some of the principal staples has been as Gallosra Flour, bbls. Coal, 4,569 was Tobacco, 320 bads Grain, Meal, 87e 394 tons . Pork and Bacon, 64 tons. Iron, 720 ions. Lard and Batter, 376 tons. Hogs, 36,530 in numr The number of hogs was 15,548. or 76 per cent. more than in november, 1847. The whole num ber of hogs brought to Baltimore by the road in the year ending the Ist inst, has been 133,506 Within the last two weets and more. the number per day has exceeded 2000, and as the average freight upon each hog is not leas than about 67 cents, the daily revenue from this source alone has been, within that period, not less than E 1,840. The tonnage Westward from Baltimore to all points of the road, has been 5,262 tons, and the revenue therefrom $15,052. The lateral road to , Locust Point is so well ad canoed that the truck will probably be open by the 20th. The wharf will be completed by the name time, ekrepting a pan of the earth filling.— The trestle work, abets and fixtures will be to a conditions for shipping coal probably by the first week in lanuary.—{Patriot Spirit of the Diameatte Market. Louie . ..4le, Dec. 13, I'A6 The weather has been favorable for the past I ex.:, days, and business has been increasing. Ship. menus of provisions are heavy, and freights ars at low rates. We hear of a Imie of IS bales dew rutted hemp at sllsQ'sll7 toy. Sales of Pittsburgh coal at retail at 121. Res ceipts to day of 6 boat loads. Fair sales of leathers for shipment at 30c; sales from the country at 29c. Sales of flour steady at 3,954 in lots; retail sales at 4,250/4,50 delivered. Receipts light Grain meets with a fair demand. as the supplies are limited. Ws quote wheat 70c; core 25c for 'new, and 30c for old in light lot. Provisions—We hear of a sale at the pork house of 100,000 pounds of bulk pork out of suit at 3c for abondders and 5c for hams. We hear of sales of several droves of choice hogs, amounting to 1.200 head, at 3,25 net. The slaughtermg has been heavy during the past day or two, and the amount killed this season up to the present time exceeds 60,000 head. We quote a light sale of pork house lard in kegs at 61c, and we hear of e sale of 400 tibia lard grease at Os Wo hear of sales during the past two days of 166 bbls whisky at the levee at 17161171 c We quota pound freight to New Orleans at fetc pork sa.bbl 60c, lard sr keg 121 c. The rates to Pittsburgh 18 cts for heavy and 25c 1111. light arti. cies. , - Tobacco—Nothing of interest hoe transpired in this article, and with the exception of two ht). to day, at the Planters' warehouse, no sale. have been made foe the past three day.. Hemp—The market is perfectly quiet, and no males of moment since our last; 2S bales in rather loose order, sold yesterday at 1107, prime is held at 1105!$110. Stocks in store for sale, do rot at the present time exceed 1,700 boles Lead—A sale of 500 pigs was repotted on Moo. day, and 300 to day at 3,Bs—these are the only transactions that have come to our knowledge— Receipts for the past three days up to this morn ingerere 4,343 pies. Flour—To day 100 bble sold for 4.10, 135 at $4 121,200 at 4,13. and 157 at 4,20. Most of these lots were taken to lilt orders, and the regular buy ers for shipment were only offering 1104,121 for good, 4,15/rat,2o for choice and extra. The mar ket is evidently doll, and once* lower. New Orleans. Dec. 8, 1818. Sales of Conon, yeeterday, 2000 bales-no eliangn, in mocen-bliddling 5 1c—Good Middling 5/(iist ; or Sugar, confined to a kw mall lota, operationn being suspended by the rain; 01 Molasses, 300 bbl, at 21:0201e; Of Tobacco, 3.5 !Aida Admitted, to rite Of Flow, 2137 bbla, embracing 400 Ohio, lined, lit 4,05, 875 lowa and Illinois at 4,70; 249 Minot,. at 473,and 577 do at 4.75; Nothing of moment trnnit pired in Grain, the weather arresting business. Cattle Markets • Cattle—A slight decline has taken place is the price of beeves since this day week. The oiler togs at the scales on Monday reached 1000 head, of which NO were purchased by peckers and tut; butchers, and 60 were left over unsold. Prices ranged from 3203,50 p 100 IDs on the hoof, equal to 5406.75 net, and river agmg 2,75 gross, which Is an average decime of 12eu Hogs—There has been a full supply of live hoes at market this week and prices ranged lroin 4,73 05,25.—[American. Philadelphia, Dec. 14 —At market, 1600 beef cattle, including about 1000 bead driven to New York; 350 cows and calves, 600 hogs, cad 1350 sheep and lambs. Prices—Beeves were rather more brisk, and the market was nearly cleared at 3506,50' 100 pounds. Cows and Culver-Sides range at 370315 for dry, 3140025 for springers, and 3180533 for fresh cows. Hogs were rather dull at tfOri,7s p 100 lbs.- 80 lea over. Sheep and Lambs mostly brought 111,2503,50 for the(armor, and 81,2.5032,25 an the latter, as to quality,-IU. S. Gas B;elViion in, 1 Ti •e a. - 4714 - ' eu, 434 7.t1 4 :b4 g 2.1 4 N 9 41 427 . 10 47 427 II .59 437 morn. At dusk last evening, there were 7 feel 6 trithe, water in the channel, by pier mark, and rising slowly. Brownsville Packets, 9 A. M.. and 4 P. M St. Louis Lady Byron. 11.kingKrt Skipper. Cincinnnu Dolphin. Memphis ['User Miller. Franklin Allegheny Clipper. Tun Pecans btu-en—Capt. Ches. S Frisbee. tine new steamer under the above name, made a short trial trip an Saturday last, and to judge from her perthrmance, we think she is destmed to stake a good runner. She is designed fur the Big I latch ee trade, and is built with particular ri loran a, to the trumpOrlatioll Of Cotton, the staple product of that region The following are her thmensions• lion by Gre. ham ,V co. Freedom, length of keel ]•es feet, nod 130 on deck, with lb not beam, door 20; [eel, hold 6 feet. She is propelled by two engines, with It net cylinders, and 3 feet stroke. She eerries bolero 21 feet In length,and 42 trwhes m diameter Engines and boilers from the well known estab. hshrnent of Lee ..1r McGinnis. Her cobra to by .Bunton S Mason: it is an excellent Job, being stnunohly and neatly tvnnettructed, and well suited to the trade for which she is designed. tier paint tag is done by Rhodes S. Nelson; torniture by Le. mon 8: Tilden, upholstery from the estabbslinient of Wm Noble, 301 street; chandeliers, furnished by Bakeweil S l'ears. The Nair Miller was built mailer the superin tendence of oar old (needs, &site dr. Atkinson. and take her out and out, she Is a splendid job, and re' fleets much credit on the builders. Mears. Scade & Atkinson have recently engaged in the business of steamboat building, and from th•rir well known ampaintance with every branch of the busier.. we hope they will receive that 'imminence which they 90 richly deserve. U&rrer—Per Beaver--267 hog., owner e• board; 4 bLlx apples. S Allen; 14 sks peaches, 10 do apples. '2 bblv butler, 11.1 Lax tea. Smith A - Sin clair, 1.7 bga Dols, E licarelton; 2 tibia hota.h. I I firkin. limier, '2 bbla .•lover aced, 21 lots lard, I litd butter, J A C4liiiitter; 70 mein, oil weal. I I bas do. 10 blila linseed oil, I IV Harlon. II !ibis lard, Friend I:bev S co. Nissansls--Per Fort Pits-27 skit leathers. 1 . 20 bus peanuts, I \V Binlris & bro. 2 4. bother., 1:1 sks 1 bbl bags Ilex...ed. 17 bass leat hen, 2 bass gmseng, I Intikcy & co, 51 .lie leathers. M Allen & co, 2 6gs cotton garb, Spans & n, 57.1 blooms. Forsyth & no 25 bls cotton, P McCormick, lob, 1 bale ssmples Jen- blazon°. Portstroutn—Per Lady Byron-5,0 has bacon, 20 ken lard. Clark Thaw, 15 tigs 5 csks 5 661 s poaches, James M Cooper: 23 totos pig iron. 01 A I. len & en. 32 aka penches, Burbritlge. Wilson & co 71 tiblo 11 sits 1 In. ginseng. Vroitsd, Riley .V co. 1 bits bacon. Forsyth & Duncan - - • It' 51..13 ug and ~ t en ',curdl—Per Consul-5 bs mdse. J Jackson, I I bbl 2 suutinen, A W;lran 143 , lnum & :ales ;sew; . 2. - .43 2142 tined Peaches. S 6: \V 1 - 11trnaugh. kg 2 lard. H Indeed 22 cm, 14 kg 2 hint, Smith 22. Sanclao; MM. dour . S IdeClorkan & co, 24 balls naper. S C 1141. :4 21,2 wool, S Park: :1 tads dour, atr Consul. 53 We I sk• do. owner aboard C'Anesenatt—Per Monongahela-3 refelkeratoni, C 5.1 bbl. wheal:ay. Mdkr & 40 bks pork. H :ruff & co. 11 1116121 1 bbl bacon. Flack; 21 laid* I bbl hanks °rum Sr 11.1eGrew YO kgn toll, TR/lacy 6,7 Best, I bbl mdse, Church & Carothers, 30 bb6 mole..ea, 30 bge collee, 1 1' Hanna l et IMOCTUILI t, a.oeest. J main, 10 bbls butter, E Henzenon; 10 barrel, lard OA Sellers St Nicoll.; 12 empty ale bb!,, C. W Smith ok cm 1 box ands., 1) Leech St co,4S p. hardware Logan, Wilma ,L• eo, 2 hada sugar, 'IV Dyer, SOO burr blocks, W W Wallace, 73 mks corn, Ithodes Alcorn. Ilocktogport—Per Skipper -1 bbd lob. sks rag•, 13 do oats, 1 bbl [tackles, I do liotrused, 0 do beans, 30 do wheat, 1 S trawl - frit" I 2 kgs lard. 2 bbls beans, 1 do clover seed. I I..Seket - & co. 'II bbls Leon.. 1 Jon butter, s MIA flaxseed. Met ;ill & Roe; 5 bbls corn, 3 eke oats. same; 11 bbls apples .1 Cooper. Pr gond stones. 11.bertr•tn & Iteppers 122 bu oats, b do corn, 4 1 bbLs potatoes, M thinner. 29 sks oats, 1 sack bops, 01 do oats, 100 bbls taton s Owner, .; bids rags, Loomis. 102 bbis dour, owner aboard; 50 mks oats, 30 bbls potatoes, Copt Stoups. Lunn M onot. M file PTA Iron has been purchased to a Mir extent at former terms. Welsh Bang are lets to request, and there are .113 e sellers at 65 to L.i 5, at the wo•Le katls have been taken spanngly, but burner term. are maintained. Scotch Pigs have not been an much in request, and paces are barely supported. No 1424 6 Lod 3a, and mixed numbers 41.6 to 42e. Some small parcels have been sold for spring de livery at about 45. British Tm continues In men dy demand at fell pores Severn: parrela of tor sign have been sold at previous quotation., fiance 52. to Srls and Straits S•is to Sr's; Tin Platen ate in good demand at full ratea, 1 Coke 25s 1, to tx 31. e, to 32, I Charcoal 28. to 365, and IS 34. to 36-air box British lead has met a gu-t sale at full terms. Spantali is steady at late rates. Swed• ish Steel has onntinued dull of sale, and an the stock is heavy, barely late rates ewn he town:toned. kegs 1:12 5. .6'2 I Mt, and fagg,Vis Sts, to .613 10, p ton. Quirkulver has been taken to a roo derale extent at 3. 6 p lb. Speller is not quite an firm tho week, the trade having satisfied their wants; the pew° has dropped Sn. On the spot, bu siness bus been done at 614 12.6 to Cl 4 ISs The usual meeting of the Copper Smelters was beld•thar week, when It was determined to keep prices the same; Fintosh tile and cake _CPI Ills to 179 10a yr ton. New Itedford have no change to notice in the market, which, with a good demand. remains firm. We notice sales in this market of 70U bhla at 105 c, and in Nantucket 11(00 bbls (200 not refilled) at the same pore. A sale of 200 galls unbleached Winter sperm was made, at 110 c rash. Whale--Sales since our last of 1000 bbls N W Coast for home use, at 35e: 500 do rd 151 r, and 500 bbls On Edganown) for nsport, at 32c. Whalebone—A sale of 10010 lbs N W Coast was made on the day of our last report, at OIL AND BOXSl—Monthly stntcotenl tli Sperm Oil, Whole Otl, nod Whalebone, imported no, we United State., tor November, 1540 St. Lou., Dec. 6, I E 53,9. Sperm. Whale looe• N Bedford, 5 steps, I beg, 6.520 2,30'1 10,000 fiustou, law Harbinger, 000 Westport, I barque, 3:55 60 Slppleen, I barque. 450 Toth Imorptti Nov., 1447 Modern and Antique F urniture, Kt, TII IRO ST.., ert - ronvwx. A large and splendid assortment of Furnnure, ~4 0 , ' ,, ,. ., ' .!. suitable for teamboats, , --- a - .---' Hotel. and privaln dwei• I t ng . c ;T e a . % a , n . t.ll . , o oz , band olm ln d d , :n n a n d o e , T .,, , order.. da by any manufactory 111 the wastarn country Par.. wishing to purchase would an well to give pm a rail, .1 aro determined nay tomes shall please Put of the .toot E 011.1.1• in— 'N. et 'Dar; Ito tfr • E. 1.1151, Louts XIV Chair, queen Rlizatielli chair, Tea rinse; F run Tishies, Toilet Table, !Anus X V Cimineralsr, French Mahogany Bedsteads: Piano Siisals. 30 sofas with Munn and liair.eloth covers: :Al Mahogany Rocking Chair, 40 dot Parlor do Fancy do YS renter 'Fable, thi pour Lhvans; 4 pair pier 'Flals., 16 marble top 1/teasing Bureaus; Wardrobe.t i 1 Serreturies and Ronk I'P.M 20 marble lop Wash Stands; 4 pair Ottomans; 9 pair fancy Work Stands; A k cry large assortment of common chairs aad oiher furniture too numerous to mention. Baltimore, Deo, If, 4549. -•. • - SIC API Boats furnished on the shorn..t nonrr. and on thr most reasonable terms. der I, P:RIN TEA STORE, Ti Fourth street, near Wood, Y Pittsburgh.—The subsestlmr having min returned from New Yotk, Is noes reeeivlng large fall supply of fresh GRP:EN AND 11LACK 'FF.Aa. from the New York Pektn It a Company. selected with groat care for rv. l / sale , Our work being now heavy we are pre• pared to supply Grocers, Howls, Steamboats and ram fies with any quantity and at any price they may wish; packets 1 and 1 pound packages, .5 lb. no rants. kra, a and 13 lb natty boat., and in half chests. Retail Grocers are invited to call, as we can and will sell better 'Peas at lower prices than any °Parr house In Pittaborwh. Our stock of um• Young Dyson, Gunpowder, mid Im perial Green, and Oolong Bleak Tea. are the best In the American mot bet. Lovering's double refinedlgef, Crushed, and Pal. vented Sugar., •ttail, or by the barrel. COFFEES—hteeha, Old Doe. Java, Legion, Si. Do mingo and Rio Coffees, selected by the most experien. ced coffee Broker to New York. Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumbers and 01/10na, Fresh Peaches, put up their an mice. Malaga Raisins; in 3 lb boles. N. B.—All Dr. D. Jayne , . Family Medicines for wide. deed-QR.'S A. JAYNES. OM' OF PII"I'SBURGH ARRIVED, LouisMcLane, Bennett. Brownsville. Atlanue, Parkm.,n. Browitsville.t Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Ene, Sholes. Beaver. :nodule. Lashel, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. New England, No 2, McClure, Cin. Hibernia Na. 2, Klineklter. Consignee, I II Lockwood. (*in. ArrowLae, Morrison, Brownsville. Arrow, Nelson, Monongahela ear Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesp,,,rt, Anadrie, Grabill, Brownsville. Allegheny Clipper, Franklin. Allegheny Belle, Hanna, Franklin. DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett. Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Caroline,Lashel, Heaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Monongahela, Stone, nit Caledonia, Cincinnati. Conga', Webber, Wheeling. ROATh LEAVING TIIIB DA Y Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M Allegheny 134.711 e IMPORTEI BY RIVER 5.2211! 2,M3 10,900 10,120 1,150 12.000 JAMF.FI W. WOODWELL. NREBH PURE TEAM and rebut, el On RATES OF DISCOUNT. rt, ur 1/LOUJI./ 1 - --4.1J111(-Lt.:1 toll LS • N. BOLIMICs & SoNS, Exchange Broker, No. 5b Mattes direct. near Ca s Penasylvan la. Ludlaska. Bank at Plit.b. , lth • •--Par Stase B'k & Branche a• • 'I Et r.ha op. Bank Per S'arrre p • • • • • .Ilrrrb. Man. Bunk • par Virginia. Bkonin•ladrlPlhia • • •Par.F..arldulgr of V , Girard Bank Part •rmers Bk. of Vs. - Batik of Drrwantown • parlik. or the Valley,— " " Cheater County . - - • par ,Ilk of Vitra, ei• • ••• -• " Delaware Co.• parrhil.d. H. , brvltna I " Montgomery Co. • •parl do Morgan tau n• •• • I rri • " Northuber land • •par N. IV. Bank V a•--- • I Colombia Bridge Co.— par, do ‘Vallanurt —• • Boy Bank par do Port, %burg-- • Formats' lit. ficalliar par Tenn Cartier, Bk. Burke Co. pas, Ilk or T. 1:11t •.ef• • • • • 5 . . . . Fanner% Irk L.ras'r.par Fer..k Alcrcn't,lll --• LilllC IWO I Co Bk.- • • .Por P , orlic.r.' Bk • •-• •• • U. Stour Bank . • —3O Mla•orkri . litaanaville Bk. par State lik of Nlnsour i Washington Bk. • • -.• •-4 Mortis Carolina. liettyabstrghßk.• • 4 ,Bk. of Cape Fear •• • • • 2 Chambersburk• • •-• • • .. Ilereb•• lik.,Newn2ro• 2 elastiackannu Co. Bk. 3 ! State Bank • 2 Lettigh Co Bank, -, South Carolina. Lew -town. •• • •- • - ,Camden Bk ..... •• • • 2 ilaldleinwn • I Ilk. of Char leston• • • • • 2 a:.slr •• • - Calmer. ,r.: 13k - • 2 Ent Bk. 314212.5 I.llt of Georretovro • .• • Fanners' and Droves.' kik_of Iltutthars• •• • - - Bank, Waynesburg. . 4 Merchants Bk - 2 Ilan onnita .. Planters ft Media'. Bk 0 Honesdale .-• • --- . I Elk 04 South Carol nn- . 2 Liar rats :le Ralornors Ilk, ..... -• .pnl . .. . . . ....... ••Iltll'e kr) lIRScr p .10 York 8k... •• • ....... Cumberland Ilk. of ft Ile- SY eeL Bran, It Bk. I ellen) • Kelm! Nub, —•• Par B. filaryland• ••' M & M Ilk. Pao. do. " !Farmer.' & Nkebanak• COY & COODIV orrip• I Bk. Fredelack ••- • " Ohio. F'reder•ek Co Ile • -- • 0 State Ilk .and ilr anebee I lbagerstown Bk •• • • Mount Pleaxant ..... • • •• Mmerul Bk•—•--• ••- I trul en v ill A Ctet rs l'e t % a t7ant 6:;14, Ninrottsdsunman 1.•.---- •-• . Bk.of V 1 rotmln•ter •• • • '• New Le•bon •...... - • • ": Michigan. Csne.nom Itank• " 11k. of St. Clalr• • ••—•— Co:tonhum do• o lik of ay., Itao.en•-- Curley We •• • " Alielosan Inn co.. • • 5 Zane,/ .11e -- '• l'sr.d 511 eh', HI, • •• • 5 Putnam . ..... _.... 1. Wisconsin Tor rit'y, Woteder •-• • • •—. 7o :11sr.flalre1u Co.h/ilwC 5 111‘...fflon • ---- I Canadair. Sandusky •• • 5 All rolvent Bank. 5 Desalca •- • • • • • •• • I Bank of England Not, Cleveland.-- --- 4 Gold A. Spocio V 01.,.. Xenia .' .Nupoleons ..... . • 3eo Davton ..... - . .._.. o Du e ., .... . 2 is ,s 2 2 . AY itersr, .-- " Engle. old • •• • . lo nu Fronklro Irk Colurolora " Eng'e, new —•. • total CblibrOtile! • •••- " D01A100.•..,`1,11.t1 16 00 Lake Erte•— ..... •• " Do ran o, • •.--... 15 se r l / 4 ,0i., • . " Scree, gin •• . • 40l Lancaster • • —•—•-• —lO tin:urea 3 00 lianylton - 17 I - realer:o'l.l'ore S 7 1 1 0 Grsnedle• • •• - • Su Ten Thale, • • • • • 7-0 Farm'r. D'it Canton —441 Ten 11u•1dere • • 700 Urbane • • • ..... SO Lotned'or • • • • 4 50 Kentucky. Exchange. Bk of Kentucky 1 New York .• • • •• • . i plot lik.of Lotoeville •• rhiladelpho ••- • I peen Norhern Bk Kentu'ky " Battonore • • Xt. , . N. York—Coy liankx par, i 01,10 f Ulm •-• I EW BOOKS FUR A. —Element* of 1 . 911,11 , and Spne rteal TrlKunumetry.mith weir 41 , phconon. Aleti*oranott. Su! and Narticanon By Elm. L00m... A NI --• . . Xenophon , or Sorra/ea, vrtill Engll.lB note.. entwal and explanatory. 1./.. or Socratr• Sc. By AnUton. I. I. I/ NlVlrniork A Croot•' In Week room/0- .1g s lull 010 , .• 01 rho lorro• word.. with r , o , •/Poia. 0.. and coploux rxe Sr Solkeld'a First Book in Spnru.h, at. a prartlea:in trodurnou to the study at tar ,pat. Loneuag• Hoot Keeptne by stogie and double euto l'r art, cony adopted to the Jatatol end maritime comonerer a, the I toted Staten Hy Duff A Ilboory Or Front,. trout e conquest nr Gnu. Juba* Cotten, to Oto rorgn I.rott• hoopoe If, Mr. Moritiotot Itrytartl. troprott ed root enlarged. L. //two, Abbott. omit and rtobraytogs. For rile Irk 1111,14:1 \ N. rpono NEW MAPS. • . 10W:so!. s 11.1.1.'sTHA ri..o AND EMISF.I.LIND. F.D PLATE'. NIA D oF THE WI 1H Llt on Slerraior. PrtheeLom —Tlu• repuied Lc the 100.1 slue stdol Slap or th e SV”,c/ • ever p ~ ,.Ledu r It iu both , y ernoellished and, eit,:thed •teet the moat elaborate style of the nr , The cro. until thia most important or at dascovenes was made by Dr S. Hart. nearly ...eel years mime, dunng which tone btu been performing some of the most 1 / 1 41ARKABLE CI R.F, upon moon!, :ad h. act:mired a reputation wheel time alone can efface. Phylueiatts of undoubted .1,11 and expeneuee. tniniaten rano. denoottnanou. as wall • hundred. at our eminent citizens, all non , reeornmendlng the non of this truly valuable merit rifle to their patients, eharge. nod friends, who are at dieted, as the only reinedy. %WE QVOTE LANGUAGE, ,• _ , owed by those who here been cured by this valosib. medicine, One nays, "I have suffered beyond in, pow er of descripuon, but I now rmotec in being fully re, .axed On health and happiness ^ Another nays, ^I thank God I feel that lam a well man. I also taxi my duty to proclaim II to the ends et the earth. that those similarly afflictedmay find lief"re Another (who is all KNIIN ENT LAWYER imd'w'ell known in thin city) says, - My son has been afflicted tor )rats with Eptlepsy, but isnow eitioying good health Worn the Vegetable Extract. Its fame,- sa y. by, and ought to Le sounded to the ends of the earth." An other sal a - Language enure]) inadequate to express My gratitude to Ur. Hari for having been the memo, under the blessing of God, of rentortim me to the etuoy• torat of good hrislth, after haying been althetell with Epilepsy its worst forms for more tbmi twenty three years, and my tnorning and evening oblation or prat., mid theakagiving .hall eoutinue ascend to 11001 God who has alfficied but to make me whole . Mrs. J. Bradley, 115 Orchard street. N. Y Mat she has knee shied In fits for many yenrs. and n es been restored to perfect health taller every othermeans had failed) by the use of the Vegetable Kilianel. Dr. Charles A. Brown. of Dover. Russell comity, Ala who in one at Mr bent Ph) swoons In the SM., say. din he has Leen melt benehted by the use of the Vegeta ble Extract. and Mot he unhesomingiy pre cubes it in every case of Epilepsy which routes under his know, edge. Curus G Mayberry. Faq formerly Postmaster at Lune Mlle. Crawoord county, I'n, now living in Eris county, Fa., states that for many years past he been sorely afflicted file, with fo and he bow happy to mate that a persevering use or Dr. Ilan'. Vegetable Extract, hasrestored born to sound health. being enure, ly treed from Mat worst of all diseases. From the Cincinnati Commercial, RE.NIARRABLE CURE, he follewmg certilicaM was grvengpi hlemws Tho mas & Miles. Doctor Hart's Agents fitv , the sole of but Vegetable Extract, for the cure of Ritleptir Fun or Falling Sickness We are find wed to give it a place knor editorial columns from the fact that to the only wn medicine lb. cure Epilepsy, at the sums tune net it to he 011, of the greaten; doroveriee in Lacrimal have)scence Ph ysietans and men of wienee SA 01g. been ming dorover retinal, for this doe., but ha. beet, in vein until the present di•- covery of Dr. Hart. and we would 110 W say to those afflicted with despair no longer. tor More //1 hope' MESSII.O. 'mom AS & 5111.E.5. ICU liarstreet_ Cie minim, ohm. Agents for Doctor Boers Vegeunde Extract Mr the cure of Epileptic ;10-: Gentlemen—lt in almost imposeible for Ituktroan^ . express with what heartfelt •austkietion akldren• n - se few hues you. for e the purpose of informing )011 u . he beneficial rsults that have tome effected bi the use of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Extract. My son, aged twelve yearn, hasbeca severely al- Meted with Epileptic Flu, mo d as mon severity Mut the opinion was. he rould not Le cured In one of hod paroxpeos ho tell and broke ht. arm. called on Dr. Molford. o very !1t...1/0111 physician, who re•oet it Ile unionised me that toy notik Nervous System wa• very much deranged. and Ulm it would I. impossible to cure loin of Epilepsy, as Epileptic Fits were almost incurable. and employing poysimans in h. CAM . would be only throwing money away. I called upon Dr. Puttee. he informed me that the disease had assumed a chronic fon, ando 'ovoid tal• a long tone to mire him if he could he cured at all Ile became worse and worse, and I began to think there was no cure for him. unto I la. , the advertise inent of Dr Ifoot's Vegembie Exlree t tai one of our city paper, with certifirates from pernons who had been afflicted far te", fifteen. twenty, thirty, and even forty years, and rek'orrd to health by the one of the Extract. I co:led , our store. and after conversing won Mr 'y Lo w I moat to the conelumon to purchase a three dollar package It done little or no good I thought I wood tryanother, from the saeot which I percr:Yed roar ott, Oenefit. - - • 1 Wen m . anebi the conclusion to porch.e a mn dol ar hos. I found thus was of an [ouch serriee to him ay:u tudured . purchases second. And I am truly thankful that I done so, as by the use of the ten packa ges he has Leen re.tcred to perfect health. Should am' per.ort be destro. of seetng Wm. and RI certAlnung (sr., partmulars, I should be pleavd to gratify them by , heir cwimg on me at my manicure south west corner of Fourth and Park street.. 0,11;- , /1111-1, I, , AAC N. PERKIN:, Clnctona.. Aoeust aith. 1.48. TMHTi.MIF: IS Nur FAR DISTANT ‘Vhen Ihouound. wiau are now Lreiutdtog under We hard' drendnfl dlseane. mud letatutg :ha. ,very, may prove fatit;. A - 01 find prrnianelu and i,t• r,.-•or to new df.. I.IsIFIg edei,ra, e d •-d. onr Lhou..and tertifienr, have been rr ,ved le.dnnony of the twin-fit:nil reardlo ,414.1ured Dy the Of Dr. Hort • ‘eartatdu Eitruct. Prepare u.e d by S HART. Of 1). N.V.V York. Price, one paeka4e Slop do four package• In.tou do tight Ito ~,, • • • , 1,11 • • • TIIONIAS )iutlt .Ire•rt, ObLo. I.rnerul Agent:, lur Un.ted Stater, Canaan. and \Vco ludic L. V. I LW,. dr.. corner of Lomond and !dark rt .t, 0100. It h. C. fh,, !on!, Clevdiand and (or .ale toy rnont to Ow prowl:h dn, vv. and mercemnOtthniudhout the Lund Muir- rlo nltl-ddcwS VALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR: r f l w E e t ° k : t7;r7p r ro'porTe t(o;;OrtteEEll°p':=Y:itir.'alt turit ol we importance al the Pain Extractor 141 rvery pare, V.trititser Sir-With, Alban). Se pt. I Nix Dstd a; My Deah , dinar) idea•urr I addle... you 111 ler:11101110 1.•• I here rreei ved from your myelitis/dr Vain latrarPor Lately. toy litor daughter, t/ year- old, had . pon, of boiling whirr trail into her insott., -.'re./ were dreadtul, so that e. croWd tostiowi 1.. h• red l,e• tore the huu•r to learn the cruise at the ier/ili.e •ete,./rns. I tore her clothes asunder. and 1100 t/ 1111 •nd she carried and laid upon a bed she was soon relieved fenta her pews. and says - 31 a. I lee' tu if I could laugh. - nod /esa.. 6001 l i1t1 , 4 ert crry She was scalded to a dialer from the top td her shoulder over more than hal/ her chest, and round under the Anna On the shoulder rind l.reast it v, verN deep, et leolll the er.l hour, she only .I/ro ta. dressed. The .ore aeult,d rapid/y, and there /. no contraction or the ina.cie.. EESM=I 1 am our, ~ t b E. I'i,ATEII(,I THE TE. , T Nc, The volone I , n 11.1 r pooh., •:1/11,' ro.:ioi and •Lootto o. o a, „ ,r•rro on,• or,. Pooot„tc l'ounnerfca-• no all, oe what trono% they ma) appear-3'w, all and tarregOse NW, TO THE PUELIO. 1. lidward Bonne, of Chatham. Melvin Troli;e, Columbia county. N • have imen enlisted with rheu matism in my breast, feet, and MI over toy hods,. br sta . years. so Mat I coo yl not cond. 14110 WA. cured y twee •ppbeatioim Doth m ey's Maga: Pain Txtrueter. EDWARD I' lIMI.MY.S. Mr Dailey Sive] cut my linger with a cooper nail, the poisonous nutme 01 which caused tny arm to 'h e consideral.. tni co.tatit shimmig pam- up To the shoddier A iarse sweOLog takend. the atta r., w8 , 0r , a..0g pam. I became irartu. or me Toe,- raw. In this extremity }our Pun Ey:roe:or u.d• ommended to me. dell oirh I was prey m.ed Upoo try The consequeoce 0,01 0101 1 1 afforded me almost , 'slant triief. mut m three .ta). I was compee. y eu• red , SEPII II A HIM+, IN Nen. lurk, NI Broome 111111 suili van sts. Sept 4 . I DAL.I.I“ is the niventor of this invalu able remedy. and never has and will (000/111111/• I,ooe ot the seer, oi combination. Ad Ext au ractors, thereto,. not made and put up I him. a,, base counterie.. Paorairroa'a Da.,ara-11.5 Broadway, Nrw 1 nrk , YTS Chestnut street, Plow. JOHN D. 31‘1BGAN. Gelloflo Depot, Jr WM; THORN. Agents tor Pitmhordh lhadef's A maw./ Gaitnutr Cara-A,'/, Cure. humors spar., quittor. grease. poll-ev, .res, Calla and hrmses Pamphlets. contuMM, re, uficates respect/ante puma., may he had on appora- JOHN D MORI:AN. MEDICAL At SURGICAL OVVICY., 7 ....- - -, UNo. 65, DIA1110P1I) AI.I.EY, a .....---`, few doors oelow Wood street, tee market. ....C .-. .: , 7 . . DR. BROWN, hartng been ~,......4 ii h. '..— . . regularly educated to the ;umbels .„ . ,•.... profession. and been for some ume .*:1 .• .•. -..! m general procure, now confines I ....;.: . his eitentton to the treatment of those inmate and delicate fan( 1 k Ailli i N plaints far winch his opportunities ~.. .... . and olisertenee peculiarly qualifY _.. t. , hlm. II year. assiduously devoted to mu. y . treatment of those rornplaintadduring which ume he has had more practice and lins cured more pas neat. than cal ever fall to tha lot of any private itroc unonerl amply qualifies him to offer assurance. of speedy. permanent. and •ounfactory cure to all afflicted with delicate dtaermei, and all diseases artsms there: from. Dr. Brown would utiorra thous arklutted with private diseases which have become chronic by time or ag to r e by the ore of any of the common nostrums to toe day, that their complaints can he radioally and thor oughly cured; he having easegiven his careful atteon to the treatment of such s, and tuceeeded in Ounntidroda of instances in curing persons of inflamruntion of the heck of the bladder. and kindred dimares which often result from those eases where mile. have contigned Them to hopeless despinr. He particular!) each a. have been long mid unsuceetsfully treated by other. to consult hint , when every satisfaction will he given diem. and their cases :roan:4lln a careful. thorough and intelligent manner. pointed oat by n long exponent.. study, and invesUgmon, which it is IMpoo•nik.e for tacos eng ono aml . i o n i tgLez . ..l . practice of rued..ite to give m ftrilernia or Rupture—Dr. Brown also ,nvnea per:, soya seickal with Hernia to call, Lit ac has pante, 2 ales atteOliora to this disease. pin Skin diseares; alto Pt' 1, Palsy, r.c , opecdny eared C M= a nra'of exth Rex living at • distance, by aging. Stein disease la Writing, giving ail the s, totrumpl t, eagrablishugueilieine s with directions for use, by addle:iking T. BROWN, AI. D., post paid, .ti enemas Ilket H No. 63, Diamond City, (Ippon]te the a aver!) ouse. RHEUMATISM—Dr.I3roarn'n newly dloiroaerad m d 3" for itheamat•.en t• a npeely and eertaln remedy for that patntal trouble It never fa4la. ()thee anti Pnvate Conaultiar Roomo. No CS Dm mond alley, Yatahurgh, Pa. Tho Loam, Is cway4 at home. 1D N. nom na p.y. \JANNI., °Moo of American & ForelFn Patents. JAMES I. ELEV.NOL of U. talc Lrm of K'lk-r A. Urcenough, continue's the business of Consulting' Engnterr and Patent Attorney. et his near, nn the city of WASHINGTON He may be 0111.1111 ed Mali e ployed in making caare,natton• In taaelonerp in the Patent Other and eiseerbere, a terni•Stisg itrawniga and spectficauons of marmites. and an rap,. neceasa- TY, transfer, amend, re,ssnr or es tead warts patent in We (lulled States or Europe Ile also ne eisorml, professiona:l,. Oltali quest..., of Ittigatrun art.. mg under We lraient la, and will argue oar:s teal. hcforr the Patent ogireor art appeal ihcrolroat for watch ins :ring experience in the Patent Int,. anti In ht, profesruon. hare;) fittest Imo The pow lesstone. boson,. of the rule Dr T. P. Jenrs haring been placed in has hum's, aft 1411,.. ley ([olllol' there. should be addresecd to hos, pg_4plod aug sr-tin estimS Ew MoLASsEs—z. pm % 51„,,,„„,„ 11 turw crop) this morning landing Iroin steamer Iliberusa No 2, and for uletly d•s4 JAIL= A HUTCHISON k. Cp =WM