The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 19, 1848, Image 1

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    • - ; ii : '•-:
. .
. 6 .
---M51.1, 0N.1U,17.-'---'----.7--------• Co Commute= end Fo
rding Merchanta, have returned to their old
stand Water arid Front etre.. Pitoburgh. 0.31
rgoasa statts CROWS REITZ&
'R A M,' & OSTER, Wholesale and Retail Drug
guts, corner of Wherry and Bt. Clair streets, Pius.
tura, Pa. merle
COLSIERTIO3, N. IL 11110.47111.
DROWN IF •CULBEWIBON, Wholeaale Grocers,
..1)1 and Comml.iori Merchant, No. 145, Libeny at,
Pitlablab. P. daily.
B A. FARM...STOCK K Co., Wholesale and P-e
-tailil Droggiats, corner Wood and eta at,.. c
_ jy I IP
!,. • ....,:amt,Ers• & SMITH, Wholesale “rocer., 14 and
• ' 'l5 SO Wood streetyiusluirgb._, _
GA. McANULTY & Co., Forwarding and Cora.
0 11.0 iierelants, Canal Boon, Pittsburgh Pa
...awahr. --_
Jolla oxalis.:
E VV ers A t T P . Voce anil i gitaborVb " Va ' nr?fe r 7iti ' res, ''itur
ner of Liberti and Ithadats. pittsbargh, Pa. obl7
Wm. iiairtisit, I t*. J. RIERSICIT.
EENGLISH& 111F24NRIT, (late Cagliari, Gallagher
It Co.) Wholesale Grocers,Commosion and For•
warding Merchants, and dealer. in Produce and Pitts
burgh Manufactures, No. 27 Wood it, between ...old ..__ _ _...._ _
c 2d strum. 0.1
P. L 01LILIn 000. =MT, JAY. Woof ,
- g . pRIEND;RIIitY & Co., Wholermle Grouts and
_V Munn.= Merchants, and A,gents for Marton
Canoe Tams, Noe. 57 War, and DE Front sta., Pao.
4.0 . 0 th. Pa
Vo7rALLAIIIIER, LONG & MILLER, Bell and are.
Pounders and Gns rulers, 1019 Front, between
Wood and Smithfield street*, 4ttabargh. Pa.
• Er Highest price civet for old Copper and Bram
x-' . •
~...,.. (2.IBDELIE. COCHRAN, COMMIS:4OT and Forwarding
Merchant, No. 20 Wood street. Pillabargit. thYli
a•a. ULLA Baltimore.
A. I. ICCII.OI, =WASS 111ALD, i phil A d a .
D. C...II.C.AISTION 30DII A. WASltell,
BALD & BUCkNOR, Tobacco CoLittnisSion Mar-
chants, 41 North Water et, & 10 North 1V...,
Pkg. nov3o-tf
lire 11. BRUNCrT, White .4 Red Lead Mann-
AA. fachirer, Riot and Oil Merehut, comer 0 1 14 . -
etty and O'Hara ins., ?loath:nth. _ _ ie 1 5
TAMS SOLARI., 111. JOUR - U.. M.SC..
16 - 8014SYTH A. DUNCAN, Forwarding and Commis.
1: al. Merchants, No. 37 First we., Pittsburgh.
ISAIAH DICKEY & Co., Wholesale Grocer. Corn
on Merehmts and dealers in.Produe a, Nust OS
atei:end (07 Front rue., Pilishomk. nuetl
JOWII H. RANKIN, Amenity and Counsellor at Law
and Commissioner for the State of Petually Irani&
St. Louis, Mo., ilate 01 Pittsburgh.)
1111.MDSCia—Pivaborgh: 800 'W Forward, Hansa.
too & Miller, hlCaudles. & MiClum, John Is Parka,
Bissell. & Semple, MiCind & King. ielatty
:11N SCOTT & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Forward
ill and Commission hlerehents, Dealers in Pro
ud Pittsburgh Menufeentros, No. 7 Con:menu.
Raw, Liberty toool, near rho Canal, Ihilsburgh, P.
TAMES 8 McGUIRE, (late of the Om of Alpo and
MeGarted Merchant Tailor, St. Charles Buildings.
not street near Wood,Pitobargh.
TAMES A. lUIT C IIISON, & Co.—Successor. to
el Lewis Hutchison & Co., Commission hie rehano.
sod Ageism of the St. Lotus Solon Sugar Refinery
• Na 45 water and va Boat mac., Patinolli
haul _ _ __ __. .
iOHN 8. DiLIVORTII--Wholesale Groom Pro- '
duce and Cormeisseon 180rehnol, No. 22, Wood rt.,
thaburgh. tan 4
1011 N D. MORGAN, Wholesale Dmggist, and deal
er in Dye !Hai, Paints,.olls, Varnish., So. N 0.93
ood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Ms
brirr_ tont
. -
JJAMKERR, Jr., .k Co ., Onece.or to Joseph li.
Dari n ) Ship Chandlers, 38 'Water street_ 0.31
JOIIN Il MELLOR., Wholesale and Retail dealer
in Dhotis ..4 Musical Instrument*, SOUK , Book.,
Paper, Shun, Steel Pens, Quilts, Miter.. Cards, and
Stationary generally, No. 81 Wood st., Pltbibera.
icr Rep bought or taken in tr
a de...
T 1301100701AKER & Co., Wholesale Druggiats,
U . N 0.34 Wood street, Monarch.
IOIIIN D. DAVIS, Auctlinmer, earner 6 th and Wood
9greet. Pittsburg-h. 6.8
TotiNfrroN & STOCKTON, Bookiellers, Pruners ,
qa and Paper Manafacturera No. 44 hlarket at., Pats-
bora. 5 . . ,
JOlll.. 3,1113. 11, Wholesale Gr.., dealer In Pro
done, Pittsburgh Manotantues, Tin Plates. to. Sc.
Ito, Nn........8 Liberty rt., piusburgh. _ _ iaits
MLR rite, RICUALL 0.110._
JA IL esale
. Glsiteett, N 0.193 Liberty strut. emss
. _
JA.AIf.S DALZELL., Whole...tit Grocer, Ccromission
Merchant, mod dinner in Produce and Pittsburgh
Menufacturra. N 0.34 Water a., Pittsburgh. junto
RIER & JONLM,Forwaimg and Cm...ion3ler.
chants, Dealers in Produce and Phusburgh maim
rired arucles, Canal Hum, near 7th et Mrt
Veer vita. Iran Works.
LEIVIS, DALZ.1.2.1. & Crt,searnactorm of all .-
sea 8., Sheet, Boil. Iron and Nails of the Deal
. quality. Warehouse, 54 water wad 105 front st.
....10 •
YWATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, For...rd.
g log and Commoston Merchant, Dealer to Pitts
burgh Manufactures and PrOdime, 1904. 21 Water a.,'
al o - mast lc. /2 7
g Er gnicirattn"Mitt . , .WholesetrantliWkr
-1,1 warthog and CoIDULIAILIOU Mercian, dealers in
Produce and Pittsburgh blaurtanuirea, Nos. 13 and 135 '
Woods., Pittsburgh. ... fear
M e HY, WILSON & co., (late Jones, Murphy &
Co.) Wholesale Deaden iu Dry Good, 11.. 40
Wood sue., Pittsburgh. n0v.2.1
M' ERPIPV - & LEE, Wool Dealer. and Commi - ssca
A!1 Merchants, for On sale of American Woollen
Coeds, Liberty sweet, appeal:La Fifth. s;. nos2lly
V - 1 ifliCElLTlfiCcrrui-311.4 e, eir., cin........ bier- -
lIL cants, Philadelphia, for the sale of prateee ge;
eirmir Liberal adVances made on COnsignmeols.
fe ut
Isl. D. 110.11 LI. WALTIra c. no.
• I,cGILL & ROE Wholesale Grocers and COnnuis- (....
V..k an Merchants, No. 1.104 Liberty at_ Plttsburgh.
l ik
L ALL., Al.a.i. SCILICR, WX. A. ALUM ,
, '
NA 10 Fri Jr. GO., CollannsaiCal end Forwarding 1 .
F Merchants, Wamr and Front sit, between
od and Market au.
AiiCoMUIR A RICKETSON, Wholesale Groc n est r ood
ormissiou Merchants, 00. 170, Liberty,st, Ms
h.,_P a. „aura
.110111.P.S . SON, No. 53 Manin 01_, second
s door from eoriwr of Foarth, dealers in Foreign
and Ik/rustic Bills of Elchalige„. Certificates of Duos
11, Bea Notes and Specie.
Irr Crtlectio.road on all Me principal cities
• thipaghout the Unit ed Mate. ers.l7
ID ourarr MOORE, Wholesale ()weer, Recuiying
Ds Disinter dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Marinfrt.
toms, ad ail kind. of Foreign and Domestic %Yates
and Liquoo, No.ll Liberty ..met. On head a very
large stock of superior old Monongahela whiskey,
wluch will he sold low for cash. apisv_ty
RVITAIarT....T.EVA.:O4, Jr., Import. and Dealer ID
Forma and Domeatic Saddlery Hardware and
Canine Trimmings, of all descriptions, Na CO Wood
a., Pitoborgh. apt*
7) !Chid RD LUAU, Wholesaler and Retail Dealer in
Xlb Leather, Morocco, Shoemakers' Toots nod Elect
ra. 'Palmer. , end Cutlers' Tools, and Tanen. Oil,
Na 100 Wood n, Pittsburgh. , sepLl
- ' •
suansaint, MAMA a stmonsca.
ROWNSON & Co ~Wholesale Grocers, Prod..
and Commiaanso Marehuts, and Deal.. in Pius
arch Manufactures, No.lllo Liberty st, Pittabmh.,
• FIEHOIT DALZELL is Co., Wholesale Grocers,
Commission arid Forturdingsiderenso dealers
ns, deale
Produu end Pittsburgh idszurfisetures, Liberty st.
Tinsbantrt, Pa. fetal
an NAM, . Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer in Produce d Plushargh alaufaetures,
t a 144 Liberty . ...
..11L 2
J. o. asralune, . I. L. arta
1L) EVNOLDS& SEM Porwarding and Censtrusuon
All Merchants, for the Allegheny Rivar Trade, deal
ers in Groomes,. Trainee, Pittsburgh Maufactures
sad Chloride of Lime.
The ithrheat prieea, In cub, paid at all times for coun
try raga Corner of Peon and Irwin as i. 33
0 B. 131.181IFIELD—Wbcdsside dealer drryy geodT,
O A groceries, brae, oboe., Pluaborgh mancithetored ,
allele. &e., Ne._Eis Liberty streat t tuthergh. sera ,
. . . _
' . OMITII &JOHNSON,Waleartle end lbstailDealers
• ,1,7 im,dlillittary Goods, Laces, Hosiery aid Fairy
. ....-...: .dsitthrhrik,No. 45 Market street, 7a ttrios abava mat .t,
'''• v . nuamsei.
. yo.
_c. , •l4.uarr t.
~,.., :ma a .nrrra
gifioKLETilt WHITE, Wholesale Dealers In
Ponagn and Domestic Dry Goods. Plo.P, Wood st.
Pittsburgh. febl7l(
jcw . iwadADGH t Wool Merchants, Dealers
ni Mani and Product genendly,end Porwarding
and Commission Morotouits, NO. 53 Water si., Pitt
0 4 17 11 . GAJGALEY AS Co, Whokoala Grocers end
Piodu4odeltferS.ollo4ll4ilarket street, bet wees tab
gairet47rucirattte7Phibretelgesta. more
ri,11.4t7t.7t1"C:1-n .
Mont/nuts, No. 17 7.,atrarty .t, Pittsburgh.
Sperm, Limeed cud Lad Oil.
- VON BONNNUIWT, k MlMende bro.
e tem Forwarding and Communion Merchants,
in Pittsburgh Knortfosoiree nod Western Pro,
toes, have removedto their now trIIIOhOUSII,4O I d Nandi
no;LS corner ofyrom et. and quneery Lane.
v 7
• = a .111 , 1 M, Whotenslo Gamer. Mid
• &Aix* hierrilunts, and dealer* in Produce. No. 3.5
POSTP.I4-dgent for Memnon soldiers and
. Po.i . oring peristann, offtetr'of Witt. Aus.
WI, Pat.., 'tuck?. boddingeolth nt, Pitishorgh. My son
to the 'gene.' land Dike at Washington, will attend to .
MY Muntess these free of cayenne to applicants.
• • eiiiiiirce - TriuOs
PaNDLESB, Inteceseare 10 L. ft J. D.
.11- .{Cleo,) Wholesale Grocer*, P0m0:.4 ono
~..montestou Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nail., Gla.l
Vo te.; U.SPittaLurgb. Manufactures genera/Tr
*onto or Weed end Water -mem Pittsburgh.
bleretunn, No. DO Front Of. Doman Wood an
*reel MILGUL ' fobld
W —TV . . WS stone and hip) Ficrrrubt
lug establishment, No. MA Liberty of., near the
canaL ar-A
317. tratiLAl int. Dealer In hiece - y la Staple
Dry Goods, No. tO Market street, Plumber&
w WILSON, Dealer irk Waebes, :letiojry,
TY . Want, Military Goods, he., No. 37 Mar
kel sr noy7
Ur - R. Nemo., Wholilgalea/Retail dealeriu
. Foreign Demesne D ry Goads, north east
coruar of Mortal and Feu* els • auglit
ano. u'cvne.
M. YellThlOa Coe—Dealers In leather hides, Sr.
TV 143 Liberty sL
-)NrM. MITCLIELTRED—WhoIe7taIT Groton,
b. .
' a ls o,
lioeing sad . 'Wine si'd Liquor
als fy o, Lwpetters of Edda Ash and lileseGing
,ftertfor, Ns. itOliberry at. Pittatriutli, P. isd s dlY
a1.4.31i1111, 4[0.10 1 lONE.
BLAC/0,11.111N a. Co., Wbolersain Glace. and
dealers is Ws, Boat Sum, utdPlu'O'sni/t
tared artistes, have on hand, as all dales, • full sad
staeral Sillartinenit caved* in then Woq Water areal,
Car Cherry Alley, rmabarge. ant:
d r
_ '
. .
• . .
i , •
!. i
. ,
. ..
B .
GB .
. , .
ing .
.. ...
rI. ' .
. . 7-77
~, : *''
_ 7
1011 N M. TOWNSEI'iII. Druggist aad Apotneea)
J No. 43 Market st., three doors shore Third *t. Pao-
Inugh, will have constantly on hand a wnl,
sortment of the best and freattest Medicines. wliteh
will sell cin the toast reasonable Acne*. l'hy *lrmo*
senthrtg orelent. will be promptly at ended to. and 001,
plied with angelus they may rely urn. u getonne
Phrtueians Preseripuons will he ancnrinely rind
neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hear of
the any or night.
Also for sale, a large stock of fresh and good Perin
Monongahela Livery Stable.
.1 ROBERT S. PATI i tots opened
..ftk the large maim. on Ftvot st.rottosne throos:l4
apt& to second et, between Wood and r.oullolo, !ol
sta., in the rear of the Idotion74nels How,
wall an entirety new cork of florre• x."l Corrtages or
the best quality and latest style. Horse, kept tot ',ivo
ry in the hest intoner.
riCir . iTINUES in manufacture Mn.. nument Initial
%aunt. Tombs, need Stone.. Mune! Cen
tre and ner'rer of foreign and dornewe uurrLle, at
a regular and fair price.
N u.—Drawine for monument.. vault, tr.c funnell
ed, or any MiWription. Ile when, v share of puiplir
patronage !mgt.. till
ilizootaeturer of COMM 14114
yYeolomi Littett, Fringes for
Stilt nod volorcal Cotton Fottg :fir 1 ,,, k .144 giughttto
Parasols. limp. Mohair,and Stik Frutgra.
mode to omit, on the •horte•t 'tow,
corner of Maiden and \ Vnlinm. entrance
No ,5 anal floor. over Abner & Kly•'
%tore, No Ws Maiden Lan• New Cork ;yin
iaarrecaw aawa UM MM. C PVC.. 11103. DTA NO CY. Jr.
J•toa /WM al•3.ti
'zinc n tvonxs
L, FLAKE, STANGER A. nninufrietn•
0 rer• of Vials. Bottle., and NVindow Glass, keep
on on hood • goners/ wolortroma of the above
articles. Also, make to entry a sonennr tiends of
Mineral or Sods-Water Bottle, 01 colorer go,. No.
16 Wood .1. - Pluatarneli. Ya. mag.r..ain
1,1 1 1 1II7 1 .131:10F.J.I.E11.
Sadden' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach
Moss, Deer Rair, Varnish, .9.e. to.,
No. MI %Van) Sr. Stman. noo
C --
PEKIN TEA STORE.—Na 7 . : Fourth
N . sL, ores Wood—All quantklne of r.tern and
Black Teas, d 0,,. up to ou4rier. tin', end
ime pound paokagos ranging from Et , rte. per innrald
81.,..5n iy4 A. JAYNES. Art. for Pekin re:, C.o.
'hag/ea.:so - Spring, Aile i Steal and Iron
COLF—M- 4 01, MAILMAN d: Co, roanalneturere of
Coach and Flipue Spn.ig., Itannuenn Alin.,
Spring and Plough Steel, Iron, So. Warehouse on
%Valet. and Front loreeix, Plitsburs h.
A 1.,,, dealers tn; Coach Trutt-songs and Malleable
Cluinturs• °can
V BUCKMATgIe, ALDER. A.S. —Other.. Fourth In,
il . drird door above Smithfield, south solo
n veyancing of all kunls dons with Um greatest
core ad legal accuracy.
Tales Id Real Estate examined, he or 13,1 ) .
Ur h. M. hIITCHELTREE. Wholesale t•rocers
Reeufyin Dtsullers, d Wine and Linn.,
Merchants. Also g ,
Importers of an Soda Ash and Bleach
ig Yowdes, ILO Liberty street, littsbargh, l'a.
011 N FINNEY. Jr., Agent et Pittsburgh tor Me Del
l) aware itlutnal Surety Insurance Company of Plitla
ndelphia. Fire Risks upon butldmcgs and abert•bandcae
oc every deeercpUon. and Mame upon hec, or
cargoes of veesels, taken upon the ino, !evocable
[Er (ytto: to the Warehouse of \ It !totem., h tiro ,
No. ;r7 Water. near Market street. l'lttsburgn
N. ll—The anceess of this C0112p.1) .utce the estali•
lishineut of the Agency in this en), with the prompt
ness and liberality with which ever) Mean upon them
kw loss has been adjusted, fully warriiiit the e;cut in
wetting the confidence and patronage ui lain trtenda mid
the conuountty at large to the Delaware M r, Insu
rule° Company, while it has the adthuinial advantage.
as an insutunou among the moat nourtshing 4/11"nd:him.
phin—rie having art ample paid•til cupdai. 'Arnett ti) the
operloon of tin charter iscOrtataltl/) rea.t.g a.
yielding each person red lua due sitar, in the
profits al the company. without utvolvnig tool n 1"
renK.u,,aulaty whatever. and th,efure .... e ng
the Mutual prt•i. iple dittimed ut every 0,10.0 ti•
lure. and /It It. MOst attract/sr lorni
pin: Institute, Company of Nor. Ametu.a. “,,oet,
du:y mohottere Agent. the seem... Der tele,
make permanent and :muted In.urener on mope rt%
flue city and lot vicinity, and on shtpraeul. age 13
gal sad !Lycra.
Aram. G Coffin, Charles Taylor.
Siun'l \V. Jones, Amtvrowi
Forward Smith Jacob hi
John A. Brown, John R. Ned.
John Whirr, Richard 11 Wool.
Thomas P Cope, Win Wetati,
Samuel F. Smith, Canine, lios kens,
Paretic! Brooks, I' Awn. Ali/bone,
ARTIII-711 t, COFFIN. Pres't
Hoarse D. `anaravve , Sec')
Thu w the older Insurance Company in Up
States, having been enartered tit 171-1. It. charier is
perpetual. and from lis high standing loug cri-crienrc,
ample mews, end •vmdinr, al rt.• tr• had,
ardent character, ma) be rottiiinercit catierl/Ig
plc wearily to the public. IV, I' Jr,\l'4.
Al the Counting Wont of Atwood. Jun., a i'o..
Ml' and Front sweets Pittsburgh
riluk: Franklin Fire Insurance Company, a
pan., will make LUAU ranee. iiernianeui mid limited
on every deaenpuon of property, 1 . 1.011,1(11 and the
surrounding country. 00 10V010100 ter tn. This com
pany has a perpetual ~nailer
Canna!, ig-Intaisno paid in
Contingent, Fund gstv)t sal
°dire comer 01T111•11 and Market street.. Pituanweli
apllUtf %VAIL/LICK NI ARI'I \. AC,er.
pRE untie raylned,J hl j authortved Agent of the Arral. r.
I. can Fire lutorranec Company of l'ltaaale,pul.t.
...attunes toedeet 00.0(0/11,... agaisit.oos or Lisinn,
agzunst Fir, on ..toknogs, therthenchz.e.•tur,oturr ano
propert,,ot <a ca
hartiou., 0 uu. eaawl
*Ol4 r, F.l 1,11 , 111ZAN.,.,...1
and will issue roller,. tool attend to the 0110, 40.00.••
011103 Agency, at the warehouse 01 100...
Co. spl2 Wll l' it ,
J ~LO° so. I
c tl2olll=ent. DAXENUOW 1 & co.
No. 49 South Wharves 117 boot Water ot
tit:l.l . /11A.
BPATS to inform Mc and dealers generally. of
Pittsburgh. that they nits is made such arrangements
wtdi the Virpniamanuue urer. and die iirowees of
the West, %%est Indica, and oher places, odl insuie
a large and constant supply of the follownig de, rip
-1.10112 of Tobacco, which wilt be sold opiiti ILS aceom
mostating tems as any other house in U. rlty or el.-
where, and all goads ordered nom them Nadi led war
tented equal to represent:mom
Havana; St Domingo; Conn.;
Tam; Porto limo' Penuin, }Seed Leaf to.
Cobri Ronda,
A1...0-11rameirs celebrated Aromatic Stag Cavan-
Can, with a large usoruarot of ether poini:ar brain.,
and gualmea al pounds, ft.. ea, Lie, IG. and itia, Lamp;
1., G i bs and lOrt Phigi Liolica"rietat, Vtrpnia Tvetia.
aweet and plait, in woole and halt boxea, wood
and Liu, together with ereri variety of artsc.e belong
ing to the trade ieltidty
1. BAJA.. r. N. 1112. r! "111[101.0X.
Produce, Commission and Forwarding
No. 07. Nauru WILIOO2, arm 1P29 WA.rxt
Rolm eo—John H. Drown & Co.
Robert Steen & Co.
Harmon, Leaver Jr, Co. Ph " del P h " L
Smith. Regality k Co.
Allen & Parton, New York .
Walters k Harvey, Baltunorc.
Bagel gurb ri7gt & , l7l th o ' n &Co
Bailey, Brown k C o . P... 1, ..t1h•
Kier & Jones,
JIMr Liberal cosh advances on consitrunerni to our
111:“..r dty
. nun.... wont. wAnisi.
And Gonersd Conandsolon jderehants,
Ne.l3Bovru Worn &ram .
PHIL& Ina.Pirin
RF:FERENCI2I—IIectry Graff k Co, l'ltistutrith.
Rodgers b Sherlock,
S. Sul/pole) 1 Son, $
A. AI. January, Maysville
Charles Baaharn. Jr., laturaville.
Duni& Sturaphrey• & Cus
Mercer, Bro. & Co.
Reed & Brother,
APlttitY /haunt aL COusaltrY t New ork
iirso MARL.. W. •301:11210,1
eußwmothip t Curit.OISSION. JSIERCJIANTS,
NaLa c ?A I rawer la, A.VIt ISt. OWAT, CINVINSATI, TWO.
13E011014 COCIXILAN.
Coma.lesion and Forwarding Merchant
U.'.11 Worn. sr., Trrr
SONTINUIzi lu traqsart a general Coranussion batti
k./ tteu, expect:ally ui On: parr:64.r and agile of Artier,
eon Ahnititacturra and Proda.te. and n i t ero,aing and
forwarding Goalie ronotgned to at. rare. As Agent tor
the Illanufaeturra he will he cuinttarttly aupplird with
We pruteipal articlea of l'ittaburati Nfn Warta, at the
lowest price.. Order, and conaigittnktta
r . e!eLq..elllap ta-
Iron, Rollo, Cotton Yarns go Plttobores
1/0611111.01nros generally,
TO. 10 Wow. 0711/LX; rtrns,..,o, Pk...
Wat. 11. CLAILU,
Forwarding Mont hAnt, Wow narllle, Pa
Attends pattieulyly to the Forwarding tit Product:,
'For soy information, apply to FORSYTH & CUN
CAN. 'Water sh °cols
tics. 100 and 107 Sumil Washy,
Kagriamiche—Merchants of Pittsburgh
WhoelMS. Crangle oh Co. niarthi-dim
fti MiIIP - Pk .
transact Mmm uaa usual, ant.. new house .can
be N a mange:bents having already been elude
for that Npo., Boma will always be in readulem at
our wharf to receive freight.
O pt
Canal Basin. liberty st
(Successors to Reed, lined & C 0.,)
Particular attain= ➢aid to the We of Wool, and nor
.1 advances Made on CollllrUllatilll. •
Bud., r.
WILT. alao ottrnnt ornlertann. and all Mtn, boat.
•tted to biro ni lionsand Arstplmoc
rooatu R , 4-r to
& R Floyd, Liberty al
W. \V NVAllae., Ito
James \lns . ..llan da rtl,Murel.
dly XL" 21 l'o Wood at
TU. SIVEITZER. Altos.. I.nw. ram. ''.l
monnt. Pi Chart, 110,1. I'n rah. ono m.o.
enroll promptly to , 011erlsoo, %%nahnsgtss, Ea
and lir... counts., Po.
H 'r I )
. .
Blark•tork.llrll Aro )
l'lmre.h Parotlirts.
I) 'l' Nlorgnm. 1 Ist.ll4l'.v
L , 1. 1111N121'. Utotney nod Count,flor at
Clneirolntt It.on onertlon. of Sootb , ro tllll. ,
awl 111 10dic... 1 ,, kenturk). protoptly
fully .lirt2tled to Colon...out, for State ol Prttn
sylvt.m. for takol; DepoActloitt, ackitowledgowatt.
Ricr. To— Wm & Son, fume.. t'llurrh
Carothrm.'Wtn . ollort Oa. Davin x 2.5
. _
WU. 111:,I
W . 11.1,1 A NIS SIIINN, i.uren,sorn to luwro.
V end Coult,llorn ni
thf, Sorth .Idt 01 Fourth aloove
J4\IF: 4 KF'lllt, Alton, nt I.nw.
Ituloi.po•ite the Coon
It. IthinoN
I )1. I 'awe. Int
7,~utty~Alcu A SW A 1111WELDEK. Attorney. u,
r Imvc remov,lthrtt r Iltr Solllil .1.10 o'
Fourth st., ',Lots,. Cherry Mir) aluil.titek
n ' t;:v ' e l el
Calm ,11,t door to Aldermen Johns . !apt: . v
ANIU 11. BLACK. Attonley nt Low
kJ •irret. urar P.tlaburgh
4 THY. Iml...scriber. ill 10 big O t
mnitufartnrin vi Hats. ha a made arranee• e fi
mem.. with Ale g
s. , lichee & Co., tit, most
fashionable hatters of the city of New 1 ork.i tor A reg.
u:er supply of his extra fine rsntls Hats, and has or n-c
received a tew eases. grtneinett ran ,Itt:..d •
ver) rich •nd beentifu , hat ealang at toe 111,1" liar
and Cap ,vors, SauttbLeld street. secon.l door •uil, ot
Fourth. where may Ire mond ages.. Vitfir:V . d i
and Cups of his own manufacture. wholoan,e and re•
tad lints wade to order on short notice
JANES NV 11...(1N
DI • CORD B. Co.,
4 t5."e4.,.. to NI Cord & kJ'
F••hlottalbln ll•lter's,
- • -
Corner f Iroroi ijih St r ret t.
PA!ITICULAR attention paid In our Retall Trade.
j l.entiemen e rely upon Reran{ their lint. 3:.I1
Cap. from our e mab on
loittineni or the 11,71 m0.1,11t a :Id
WOE% of the LA TIM, am 1.12, and at the Lola - rat
Country !,Irrrhant, putrbd. , , by whn,d+nd, arc
rrNwettull) itivdrd to usil laud rxamnr uur StOek. ILA
urc can .my with c.ouhd,trr that rrgoldA
Knd rtur.. w 11: not suddr 111 cumparlson with any
house IA rhiladdirlda. 1t.17
mubsrribrt ito w e r arrreiv tr.. , di^
city ol Ncw nAnriidit
nl filar. and Mud.. latr•l 1,1., V wro
ty and vco rhcop, wholt,u, land
JA \IFS \ VII, P".
klow •01:111
Mall trashlon• for 1104 N.
McCORD dr. Co.,
t.crx aettnt.n .t
Virll.l, inzrodore or, Soturalsy. Amp.. Nui.
T Fait ...1e.., rrveiv,l !roan New ork
Tbamrwank 01 twat Leatailui hut. are
io tall an 114.1 tiorn. vornrr ofri,lll and Wc/.1111r,..,
tp,Di..ALERS , Farr 0vt,..1 lo .:Arum. R II
PAI-NIERS oork ot aunty 14.4.. of 10.
*lmo, .01..... roznirovd in par , . I.(
lk/N \ FrN rotrder tiro,' Fats I.r. ih,,
Aothie do. Anwro•no do do. Cho, P , ar , gIo ioto,, Jo
ii A I ,-1..110111. Paan 10 oi l'artatok.. l'ot, , oy 4,10. v.
d. /trald. Rid, . I. 0 I , d , do
To Country Merchants.
AI.A , 'Honig •
nth.S. 5ur...1.. r.,untry
Wrlttoe Pape r• ••• ntedtetn and ~,,,, non qv
Letter Pniter do do Jn
Note l'eper do do do
Noir end Letter Ent ....per,
eere. tdottl• end Strri Pen,
NVlndirer Paper ant settle, plain end pr.nterl.
Bonnet Bodide. of different nualide,
Bleat Books, to ere , r•netl.
l'estult Sehoos end
Cretan. tordann rind clinthle reraninne paper
:11rf inffte, ,• nod Betide.,
gay • Letreor nroa.aew a.
7 0 b,,,, an d itreder•.
tt_ionder. pie tlii Jo
r"nror ur. Adam.. Do v rn, %m,IU, Sic. t
rey t0.' , .1110, Sat.>
r l'arl And other.,
The togitAtat maart prt, pool tot g-od vu icd rat,
I )1....A NFTA RN A , A Ott I.(t , A
ar rspoAttton it, grt .11...n0rr0•• toad 11l
or tottrottOtOV. zt, t' Nittftlte , A 0.
tt clur to the ClOrlo1111:. 1 / 1 ..r, cur)
Ileedle)•• Italy, Alps and Rhin. -Letter,rnin h•'s
the A 1,., end the Klan, e . . 1 r ll•edley euthur ei
3•11.1 Mat•hu.• Wa•l..lloeth • urn.
aim .4.e New •ti ethtthul
rotrstroric• ol Caro - n•I 1••••• •••••
r. drormetiorro or ~,,, truotrt , o• ”I :0440 : Jr
111r101:1111g 110t)e. - • rood lurnlttlr• Irre
no.rteral Irmo:ruinous mul.rxerr•ro erropirryrd or • 0,.
main.< turea, NlmpA nn.l Umgn
rompanied Ly ocur:y 41X,•1•11.1r, and 111 , 0 u
own of male - coratn"tzlonce. k. , prepare.'. K. la
and Crow lutg rxy;or.
Jo m rnplem of el , b of tt, aoove wort
for yak n y Jll H\:41'101 h. STOCh.D.N,
))", 8e...,..t1et0, cur marl., A :V ~ •
I.y J A. A L JAMES. Cmculnatl.thc
n.-w and ♦nluubre work._;
Drouphan'a FApcd.inn—Cootainusg ntelen to•
4k of CIO A W Ibmphan, the ongur•l
fie• Kearn.-y'a hrerland t•11'
fornia4 tkoopham'a Chlopalgil hgamo the Nav,a wml
11/ • unparaooled Match upon CoLhuahuo and 1.1..0r0.
and the /pc-moons of 6.-n lipoe at Sawa F. +/.
a.p and Foor-ravin‘r. 1 ohn T Hugh.. A it .• • ote
Hogostenl htLesours Cavalry
ihatory of Krotocky--1. Aunquit.e. and Natur,,
Conowitlea; GooTraphienl stallatleal and 1. , 61 , 11,1e1
de%ortpttona; enth ancodnit.• of hnn,nra Life •4
than one hundre4llhograptral Skelche• 111•1111(111sh
04 Psonecn, Soi4lora, Statcatoeu, Jura., cr.,U.
voles, 80..; WWI forty engtor,oo•, I.f Lewl
Coilms,l voL octavo.
The Twelve Months' Volunteer. or Journal of a 1 . r..
vate In the Tunnel... Regiment et Cavalry. 111 the
CAmpaurn of blextro.dunng tats -17,,K1 tenting an av•
count el the Mar c h of the Revenant to bees Crar, •
desznpuon of the Country pond over, manner, no..
tom., a.c. of the people, Sketches ot IMO Life. an
ccol, of all the art.. of other Volunteer •
an o d a full citatory of the Mexican Vlrar, I..tat or . .e
led and Vonanted. 00. sllootrated by a Jerre number nl
correct ricers and main., I.y Ciao. C Farber. I venue's<
octavo duct
- 9oak[ itatatillaiamnn k, -
New Paper acid
7. 5V.,00 Si.. IitTiVICILN Puccini An, DuitloNV A
pialn white and Woe Writing and Letter Paper,
11101V161 end parket post Flat Cap, dewy and /111,11LIIII
writtng paper., for Ldank books; herd turn and royal 1 , .
tared Prin.; Papers, medauta, dens) sand rap Day
Books and I,ellge., .0 per paper and Lent Laster.
Irimlingi Schfrol Hook• of all lud., atainlard
Theology and gerrneea, Qutl:s, gold nod steel
Wafers, Was. 1301 Yee., ar ae
❑link Books of all sues rule, to pane rit, anal IKnind
in the most substantial manna .
Country hirrchanu supplied at lowcst virhuicarite pri
re. for c.o. or rag• at CA
JOU PfliNTlNls [laving • Jul, oiler 1., rduoer non
with our rstablishtnem. weero prrparrd to ,•ccote
order for plata and y patriptil,s
Circulars, Imam,. curd., lolls of lading. d r With de,
patch and at low prices. Orr ,1.1",11,
my/ 7, 'wood .1 lr.y.vrrn itl3 nod dminot,,l
ot 'rot,. vrrh, ley Jd' Ilc t
jr I'OWOT of the Pulpit. I.) 1.11,1/11, NP/slls I
firthcl Hag, do do
Jacut,u• un tiospc,, Matthew, with
Lo cu / vol.,
m,. oti
Putt/ 01 Ilte • V and
Footrirp• It( Slc•411.11.
T h e Convent, atotater el Seittnn tort pt, I'
how ;tad Tact, t, V% WIG,
Sketche• uf Lt./11011a.. 3tr:e• lad,
Ireland it It:al...anew the atrattger,
Ilan vett upou
Ilavvlttoon. •1.. e atal tor and Iv",
For su'at I:1.1.1. a I . 1i1.1.11,
t elt; 7- wood mut at marvel
near V. 00, rupper• 11. pr rtnu, Phan:sow, . three
styiu. el l n
dittA. le.untitui book ler upt ••
Prrparanon for the 1 . ..p.t
Sketch. 1/( 4e 'WOOS 011 the P•ratdea and Mkraelett
o(l,hrsot by the author of the ruipd.cyrtop...ha
Ai-tate:A, de. Th.. Endliah Pulptt. r oiler:tun of aer
111.4.11• by the 0111• ,111112rItt drrt....tut IdoKland
MINI/A . l.e VOLP —Dow,: lovo.l.t'bratian Love, 4°v•
eal thou oto,Snirrtl ortyo.l
. _
- . _
114/;A „. rK , I 4 /11 . 13 . 1 , 1 0 J , \ A
od Lt n t e , ol
death of Ixone: Ordured from tier erntoir. ol Move,
and other oloiored suthotx; null illustrated l.y eop000•
,leretters to the ,eloot E,11.1 toy
thology of We Ileatheo World—LK Ciro 740011,, F $ A
I vol oltave,
har . m. tku.l Count.. Charms, by M. /111/110411 A
fl rah v.• r) pogub. Ilrtla wnl b
°twos, of the A,n. neon Revolailoti, E I. Ma
gonit, With l'intria.. I vul, I/ ton
Parley, Cabinet I.ll.rary. for faruiltes pr seKools, 111
volume.. 12 too, with et.gra sings Tit. I. a new work.
l'or sale by it HOPKINS,
se r.,0 Apollo 11011.11ov, 4tn st
sPlt hT HI rl ANY- (Gunny of the l'lnted Slates
D north of Virgirtinifol/1,f1.111K deser,l'llon• ul the
Huy mg sue le ro-like none', found 111 those
Stale, arranged 'treading io the natural system.
WWI u •yoopsis of the flrnera are/mime to Um 1.3,-
1111,11 system, n .1.0-h the rudiniersto of 1,0101.) , and
Pflo•sstrY of Woos. I.y Lewis C. Berk, M U. Prof
tin worry end Nunsrul History of Howe.' College,
New Jer.ey, He he hEeolla edluon, revised and en
larged. Fur sale by
LA &I ARTINRS tiIItUNDSTS--litslory of the lit
rondlatr, or. Personal &lemmas of the Patrons of
the French Bevolutiou—(lore unpubluhed sources: ny
Alphonse de Lawarune. Complete in abler volumes:
Hyde's Innalat,... A feral'suppl) of dos popular
wort received day and for salt. by
septa Booksellers, tor market and .1d to
I I iI;AN h NE:VIVI-31V hove tlitv day c. rated
IA with thvm itt the Hardware bovote., Pion!, Wd
und Edward Gregg Th. •tyle of firm will here.
after he I.unti. Wthoot Th,. nrran,entent ten,
d. rn. it de.trahle to clov the old huvnevv.nt moon n•
m,v•iht• pelln3llol w tt o.e Ivahnitten have 1111.91U, , 1,
are e.velully requerand to make Immediate papa.,
l'itn.hotr,h, Jan I.
I °GAN, WILSON & CO.—lmport," and
J. Wholesale Deaden, In Forman ond Iknoe.t.c Ilard•
ware, Cutlery. Saddlery. Se, 129.\\ - odd sire, linv
huret,tore !lOW folly prepared with a recently tmon,
e 11.1. 1 . k of Hardware, Cutlery, &r.. to offer very great wevteto Int,er., bents determined to
nontnete pro,. ‘ any of the Allation gale AI
• oA ull VI:1'111.1% n••orinieni of Pt ttatturgh Hard
ware.sin. Fork, Vire, .
:r 01 V 1 iiil . ll ,S 1. • so.ol at the lonee+l tonnuftteturer , •
ALTilt.: •tt,er bor. hovnt,reently entef ed IMP
of.rtlier-1..p under Oto 111,1,1/r Ol Gui oglter. Rolf.
& m 0.., tor the purpoor ot on rrytog on Iho 801 l
tool IIrot• Eno toltog and On. Fottog 1,11,00tr.,•th
11.1 11. I.r:triode-. lot,r token the *mod fortocr:v co otl-
Nod by II fot...toser. No lie Frota .11001, Oetworlt
\l,od nod E.ottiliftotd .1, , whore tl,y are propored to
of ...•stte 11l order. 141 r Roll, Bra... iNo.lotsfo. of every
.1.... option. nod I ot• Foong• orolttu
oratno•o rd deft.outolt otetool.ooi so,long prfonntly utlonded to.
II 1:A1.1...M.11 ER.
ii A 1.11\1..
I' II Ail I.I.I.:11.
N II Tito utteottott nr 111tchtto.O. nol EllgollO r rli IS
111Trieri 10 our troll ItUrrif . “oll nieml, lor n rcdoced pr 0....
who. lot• 1..., prodouneod ouportor to littsltoN by
.t0n.1.. r• to, lin... too-.11..0n StrontbooL loo , der. and
010 p010...[e.t0t01.,, a-ro ..!.o rrour.t..,l w roll 011101.
arouse our •.toortor 1n.0., l'orce lump, In,
ste.toONott tool ,lotto,to• toe
leartaaralt tip low cataltiatug under lite firm of
J_ ortl h hina,was Itysnuloto conacat tttaao.retal
nn lift 1.1111.1 The noartaara wit! Ite atottatt at Oa ttl I
•lla/ vatic, al ItanK thr wane of hria
rairla.... net., .1, .ifou. to laksc Otlt
Oned a. dale. delay po.tble arc 14110{1141 re
apert,to recur, tho.e aalr; , ~, I io c... 1 nod .cola
Tull] I) hat oiy it•itioutted with hon h.
, rouier NV tle
iorit. out Owtot . , of ltl'l'ord
3taut dour lot- Ow lint. Unit mod Put :iuutiteua
zli tia various totanolo , . wtoolo”le nud (filo, at the
tOille, 01 %%00.1 and SW .11,, wfrr• ihry
e 01,11111441011 Oi the patroltaigr .43 ILl,nerkl'y be
toe,t oe the arm J(IIIN I) 7 , l'COltD
PC2 , S NI onto
IN rrt.rlfig from the o:.I find fircli k ficrxi. firm o ,
fil .'orkt R.t I mii.t tt,pretilly repommen.l to
11, pairoom, of Ose in) v..u,..1..r•n0r5., Al
Wrord A Cu Jac- , II D KING
Co-Pvtn• r•htp Notlo•
W s r of \ ,Itcrnber,er
t. owl J Fqol,totl of i'illAborKh. here
Jay entrrr-d 11110 f co-pwrtrstlT antisaryl.iikad
En m of ,trph•-n... Shocnt.erg, & Co Artreor
worl, Wheel!, V• Inc purpo.... 01
t. tar uR Iron and Je-enpuo...
t W Z r %HO I a PT./111 - OM
ANt lILL IKON \ VtiHk,
Whoritrtg, Va.
M00n . .: nto o' 11,1 of Nolo, she, but it ott rod
u... A N•to.. upue •prog•atul n Geo, Lon
tort, vv atotKor • onl Junoltu won,. ‘fte 0.40
tarot au nrtn ot Juniata iron t. rnentod Shot...horror
.tun' to on, mull.Oto ouuto ov AP. 01 *km, 14,
:kr. .4,141 .11 IJ,•t•urgh ;Ince. Wnirltoose :11a,
Awl" v rio , colrt 4.1 Mnr, awl %Val, c•
• mOl
1 I,IISSOLUTION n... 1•,,
Limb, •1, , firm
•1,0 x:4l
).~ Iw
i~ r . II ~~
wan uu I•ti.
II \Vial.ttuan
ale firm a 1111.1 ‘.‘ 14,11 , 1 A .,
1'17; J
r prrp•re.l manal•e , are • .
1,•11. 011 . 010,k .:00 t 30.• I.l,ter,
ntr• R ig121111.11. • FAY. ,
unil Nl. •.•: turrt A., prompt
• \
(10 4 :PA RTR4. ' ILI HIP k%
t , t Ng,
11 `. BM. rvery r.a.• tr
ty "the, 41‘1.1:
I .r um. •
St H 01.111111,1./
strr. ,
li•r* Na
ti, n oar,,rn
111= ,1 I . •
~.,,y. „..., .
twel. •
,n Nlorrww WI •:. 1
pr ~.I. 15 %tar •E II ••nl :or Nlnra , 4.1
•'• llcndr Co 51,41 111
V. 1.50 prr 1..,11.e 'ler rl
Dr. line's Celebrated ktenardies.
1 R JAI,/1 A H(ISK m.l
I prletni o! •od i n. 4, I.'nr
.• . nun •Ixo vrionr of It, ••ru
mr . ll n, sotto., Ow Lunt. L: r
wo• munnul of Its,tl ranurrn
I, of roe 11,1 , 1, +l , .31 , r
—lnto , ' in o,, , Yrnlztelann oI la./ 111 c NM..
I trusetl,... ,nrrt.n,
rropthylautt, :up •tul tut,: ut ttt.. rutttt.d.
Ife has gatrunl ulf unpurultlieu ~,,, fru.,
Inoue dreadful muff "wt. rurtiu/11.,. ltroorralar
I'•ncer , . Irto...maroon Aoe
Fcver our, A, Fevcr• XI • F.,
a• sod al; rhos. , 0,1•1.1/1a, Jerome.
Indecri •Yr•V torn, ol v•e,rart.. uod, the tore
co hi. rem0d,, , ,0, for, I,urnar,y r• - the.
1.. r 0: One 4 . orTlllO4l/1d "0) 10, t• ...
with Phy111010,1rS! LISW Ihr t.r/..• ore,
d.•• gdeptcd n, and prero•rouol :or onch jorcuriar lufll/
oe Cilx,4•o
(Jr 11•00.'• Tome Aueraur. i'llts. whi-tt 0.041 are 10ya1...10y
yal...10y acknowicat.4ol to be surtertor to t•t. otner ••
a yonratsva to•rr tua•much as they if•Y• the
how., itcrfect.D tree Irmo eurliveneaa, a• al.° Itts
(.01400 Ptio• a wlmtund try thy Iseult)' to rx...0.0.0000.
iter properue• arlapirtt to icntale thaeattety but lining
sals•fird thats bare foal .4 sulfide,. In eslloll.l what
ha• !teen •ard the intod• or the most alept.ra.
Tue arlitrool are turned to rail apt= Ow agent. and
prororo teraust one 01 the Doctor • totlnphtet, a 1•11,
tirtatled account Meath remedy and ito appltraltrot
ror race by thc fol'uwinat agent', .5 well ashy mast
Drtorgoo• Utroaghout the eouotr,
J ~euoonmeJter & Go. 11 Woo.l
J M Toven.end. druggi&t. 43 .IJa rket ot
Ima A 1/,,khatn. •• !WA r the A heghen) city
Jo. Sauk Jey, Darhoolum, Ilea vol. eouuty, Pa
Juo Klhott, Knnun , ••
T Adn Ikav et,
, iov1"•.11 y
Jayne.' Expectorant.
SA I XII. .oluniniana ro .11 Apt. IA. 1.11.
I) R un t :l
i•ortnooy . orl•eitgrutollrily to tile extrcuortl,Jl.4o t•
,00lir Lipo,nr...ll on no .4.1( Ilavziog hern •1111rkr tl
for arverr! )•ar. se•ertt rough, hteur lever
:.41 corn-n.73)1.11 elnd Ircsneal oi.tydooenell
ir. ow a .1,11 easstr 07.1 lA.,
.al ol• IrCID, whin, heasig more .r Tel, nitarlEetl. end
t tog
,tew Trio Tried sill in) Torn., resurn,co. onEl prc•
ypt ot two he inns, re•posble phyia in
the neighb of orhood Evithout ilertvin p g not lieneh sic t. or n,
1.1111.011111011 of .urviveng Inn • lew days or weeks in
TprilmeDt—when In., venni oi hop,' ws• :anon to
visinDlT, I nail revoinisteiliDEl 10 me your Exp.-Dior...-
21. i ITlrsaril I,E ilpit !king who 1101, all 11.11.4 111 We
iiDe 01 the ttienn•—i4.ll ettottwin to the •xpeoEtinioo.
ml pit, Docia and itiesida, I DD.. ~, ie.
my nD
end wn• 1 , 1.111,11, the ore ol • boo, to
ent! to Toy Liu•oteat, bolter •
hvaili than
I hid for leo leurs prevErni•
IleTtpretitilly you", , l'arti 1.
l'or sale no l'iltabilEgh, Cl the Pekin Teo 1"/
roopli Dire, Ltlo
‘v~I , :TIIIt II All /1(1lIS hua Jog t... ..A por•hu•
..d Drua . wor form,,y .1 I- 111, • A
iirock was. No '1 I, ,r Ito, I A 1.,: •Ir..t
Vol•burgh, 1I L,• of u.•
Iro,ol• We puhlo• gro•rol, •oor
willal nn •epplonl with au • atru•,•• Nod
georrol 11• 4 0fIfilehl tit Drug, lh • Atull•. rule , -•
Vnrol•hra. Prroseurr). Aologne, 11/1/00/1 , V,1
Or I• ',Ord lor n thug akar, which id wuwe •
rudd •14 lit• al ~,y veh
Lx I[l :ha ol•
wi• or rciall How, to "tern usharr to Ow out.,
notloo, .hell he 'murmur, lo ;ow ' , lull . •lal
11101,1011 no lel• rii•lonwi • oov; Awl%
flydropetthy, or till. W IrtOr Curs.
l ocron BENJANIIN ,
/to preette,l the vela moil Popular rarirrdy caiind
Ilydropethy or ilia Water Cu,. wool ti irrai
&erases A lloptitlitrally of
it laird to promptly
N B —Dr !dorm Inlay be roneuhed si 1,14 Drug
Store, No 1 Comirearriel Row. 1,1...tr1y
littiolia.• hour, or at hie reoldr , ner, alorionit mad r•eo
np, strrri, .1 Olio, below 'ruin alley
o•v7 1,014
R. T. Roberta, M. 13.,
?THAI,AtIi: Stitt iEON, will anent to the win
of la...a*, ol Ilseya
q aii• been eti,geil In alio bratieh ni not niodi
toil prof... awn hnsiatetin year, It nd lad an
eatiablonitarol lin dot trea•itient doniaiiie• the eye
alone arraral 'yarn
Ilraltat and reallinnea. Cornet 01 S•tinuaky •t anti
Strawberry alley. Allegheny rot y aell3
Dr. lllalenne In Tentleassee.
TIIIB is to certify that I purchased one, ial of Dr.
ileLane.• Worm tipeeiGe. some two nanths ago
and gave to a aoti of nun, some seven year• old. Iwo
naepooln full, *ad although the amount re,' appear
yet I hate no doubt but there wit, upwards of
Iwn 71.10.1. woine• from him,measuring
So or.a ouartcr of an mei. I. two inch. 14mg.
W 1101.1.if/AY.
Rona, , reolt. Parrot co 'l'm.. We l:. 1147. 1•14
,toprrior Vrenrin, n...orte.r Alr ar. la Yap.
just Trceo..•d and forsalc Lr
• • .. •• .
fiTHIS establishment long and vriarty k nown as
being 011 t of the most commodious in the oily of
liaittinore. *us recently undergone very eaten.
sive •Iterations and itopro•ementa. Anenure IleW
wing h. born added, containing numerous and airy
sleeping nortranenta. and extensive bathing rooms.
The Ladies' department has also been completely
rcorainiaxed and fitted up in a mo-i unique and bosun
wain. In In fart the whole arrangement of the House
hes been remmleted, with o angle eye on the Part of
the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of
theny fitic•ts, and which they conhdently assert, will
challenge comparison wiih any Hotel in the Untow
Thrwr Mlile will always he supplied wnli every', suh
mnial and luxury which the market affords. served
up in a supenor style; while to the way of Wines hr.,
thry will not lie sarpossed
In conclusion the pprietors beg in say, that no hung
VVI .. lii len ro part. and on the part of their In render this Hotel worthy the emit toed
pairritinge of their tricials end the public generoil y.
The prices tor board hove been reduced to the
following nun.:
Lathe.' Ordinary. 31.75 per tl.O .
t.entlenien's •• 1.50
N. ll.—The Hagan, Wngon of the House will al
ways be found at the ('or and Santini.. Landings,
which win convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free
of rherge_ maythr
t'ortaga rr
The suhortlsn. r g rh av L o a g i & a u a n i r l ed o the anit.
ment n( this long ....Wished and popular 1101d1,
teopectfultyatoinunre• to Travellers and the
goorrally, that he will be at all nines prepared
to aventiainualote them in all Wino desirable in n well
regulated The 'louse is now twong thoroughiy
repro rcA them, ( bout. otd new Furniture added. and no
pain. will Inn ' , Pared to mill, the Exchange 011 C of the
veer trot [noels in the room''' .
Tia• andel - soon-ft reepertfully solicits • continuance
oft te v•ry I,herai patronage the House ha. heretofore
rved THOMAS OWST , /N,
feldidtl Propoelor
Or AND 41u,, 1 , 711..11011.
•eltsetalter re.peetiollt •ottotoe, ihat
he 10. tutor opened ht. ono , and excellent Hotel
lot the oectortinodoLon ot traveler, hoarders.
end the putdot getsemlly bon.< and (urnium
are enttrei new. tool 110 peons or capenne have been
4itared to trader . n one of the tom( cOnlinfluble nod lloir!. to the rely
rite aulotorther determined to de•erve, and there.
for....ohettn. a .hare ul punlrcpaiErGitage.
0et1.1.41) JACtIII 1101'1.11, Proonetor
2 AR'S TII Kral 1.
liMilliTe r K N
I. to " oat „, i„,
fror.otto that ho 1. mew. less., of Ole i:Ai:r
101 l ,rl.. ',mural. k y . whore he trope. . meet
CI tt.• old irielidT. arocurto, them urtd the rut..., that
no ritOr nhnl: I.e wErrtt to all eoluiortot, who
t., or hull •te..r itu•rou., ran: lily
rretTEn stAllis 110T2L. 1
trurra ar • 1 r•t•,r, •t-sertt ••tt iIrTTI RI.
( ) YPOSITH lone I, . n tr.- United State, I ,t one
del plum NI l it ll'E NlrrellEl.l.,
m aritt Proproet
• • • _ _
Chocolate, Cocoa, etc.
tt' Floketr'• Anc Yrrurh I'hner.l nte, Prt par
rl`t u..r. wel• •,• I ,onsugnr,•. vrtlo woulol pure
1 . 0,0, free trom
cr ntsd qubilrls unhur•
r..-•^1 !I , •u%•....., ~,,,nrner.l• a10v...
Itt, 4,1 ..”.1 camped null 111, 11411,
Mt 1.0 1,1., ma.
rtrr.-rrt are- prq.rotr - tcoritty ;Dr rurrrnrcnittrat porntelant
rtor,or to pro. rrthor preltrtrattorot Pita mittrattmclttrett
r.r•rs. ort •rr, ... v tra.ortot Itt 11, ma re.
Ihtur,..i & err rri Iler.tort. Jan,. M i
114rtirorl 11.1•• , )) & Monts rtw \,,.k
t•rroot A Sttt. l'lrt.roJelptro, Ttv , “..• V Itturtittc,
t Ilerotett.Otrrottoratr.
1 1 A r.TEK IIA KKR. Dorelorr.tet
For .Ili , tt, utttr:tt IiAtrALEY & t!tr
A... 1.1,41 1 ,11011
W"Mll:•llrl.l.lltnri':4"':.K:7;skal.l)l.",, ..
, re.. -.tern rurrl nrusrlarr.r.
arrrxrr r.rr.l are ,reperrer: trr r
eve, elerrerqrtirrn rri vernrirl.
Ihr Nortia* , • '.e,
\rrl ,
~ N
raufli h. 4134 Ca. {rola
nod Reor.
1 )/01114...1•411C CHM,. rl.l \ Nl/1,1 moo r..,u ut
~rea to lueY2l •t•rr tu. put
r, with a., Ittur u•-• tu. 'lt .r., )Inert
• str .4• NI,
J It ........, tr.lerlel Ilan,,
I - . 1 .44 , Sytrllt, tuottll-.11/".
I.”..hing, Capping and Bleeding.
I Li NIIKR-IS t`turcr•mor to NI It
Ns. Gull `mu,
be, L . ,•.1,tett..• vnt motant, - tendpurt••a.
[yours trruut r. tur ph IP, rat., nary C. A
aml llarttt ttthntu
toots: run riu ononutut Itt. a.. (an.
.It.• alit/ It ay 'urn., unu patro... k I.
orrt• att tortuy .toorougult t •ctiuutytral vtrt•tt it, I,
4 a . 1 " : .1
It mat
fl• t
INdo NI Hot.,
IN IH do 2. Harwood
51 do do do
7.5 do do Pr a , S. Ha: woo..
II do J Rob. tmon
57 Id do Jo
IN no do V.
tit du T rx,r...
I r Jo 1. dock
do I. 1
do II 911.,/.1..
9 do 'RAH lid
lohdo,K Hato sod peck,. ko.I tor nal
II KALI/. HI d t .„ .
11 north ..•.r H mod 19 north VT
1 • 111:11deip/UA
To 61 of
75 hait 1.Y.111,1 sup, r.d °ow.
$ • I.dvrrcore I utHer
" two., Ho", r 1.A6.
Ji e.
Ju•t lane g 110111 tienua , r knal for sale
111.M.D. Itl 1 . 1.:NO1t kr,
41N water io •ml lON whar.e•
to Y:11 I'httsaelpnt o.
W. A. J. (AL itArN, Book nind.r..
I%rt; Are t.ll eon,.
111 .arre.s. Plitaburo., where
•nre prey...real...lo a 1. %%wk... nu. •ine w,th .lea ,
M... nue ml
R•aUk 114,01 i. ruird in Ain, ratirrn anti Sound aut.-
P , 4 r• ki, old ticnvl. na1 . ..-
lolls or refiner, .•••,ino• inn. on linaka in gni irt)ens
iltot nnvn n.nri) •
11l r 1111•1,1.
1•11,ni 'row n1)141111
IATM„•• , ATKINS-1/1i
V hare e.ter•d: ,:n parlvetantp revrier the fer
va al ;I
'AIFF. k and veld r arm nrr the T 1
Copper. and vire., Iron II arc rna dr:actor,
Ilinekanarthine u. all its I.ranritee at It. ed
stand or Vint II Scarier. Plr el .110.1 near N% uod
l'anieular aoeoooll green to steamboat work
4,,,,f,,;:, Po, Care . dr/ tot, idoua/• oodo.
I mil , do N. Llooonhu do, 41/.1 btu +.lO hit... i......., •
1412. Jo, 211 do :oth,. 2.5 do Id 1.1 .10 , 11.64, N
Sugar, 20 6141 N.. .11 1.1 ilm t., r...m.0n0 No
1 . 11,0 do timpprci eandles, 12C. do 4.4 u, )))) ao mould do.
en,. hy
...Oh 0 h 5V 11 A 110111'd.11
1 I'OT REt 'Ed 2 150-- A 1005 0 and ~.',-...1.4 a...0n/no/it
LP to I 5 ,111,a, 1'..., For rya. Vt 000,... Cras at.. Ix . and
..le by I, 1111.1.1 A NIS. hlrronni Tad°,
al, under hloooneanola Hon., south hold 61
tiii(Ek vv. V: DRAl . (itt lii irisp.!:
Thrt., hilt Itraught Horn, for .11. •te,in
Inc tor droving. At Engin, a
• V. A MANI a , l MD ..k. i'n,
; , 41 ,, e /: 1, 1;1:1 „ 1 . 41 , 1
SA In, inanf fife toffy, ton;lnfif of II NI Cru.vforfl. fo
wiffr6 nittolliffo t•ffot Iff-r• if• tovood 1,1.1
rorofved fosfl for •Ale ‘l , 1 . 111 A Co
113 iflpetf,
A r W 11 11 Four..treet.
vet anlt toe rotett .pteteettd ariett of top Rot a , Veit
d 'rapentr) Carper, Intest soles Ados Wert
ero., J pq nod top nod role Inv.. Carpet., ett row
ent let •nd elonliteet. noel to eoneteconn colt ulna,.
too 1 Tattle Lettret, Cethe., t,upret. Itattem.k.,
re. ett, (HI Clothe, Lr de to all ,ot w torte are all the
IV , IIIIOII rile puti, 4111frn
1 I A VINo sold our eo.iro •11.• • 10 t . Wll/1
10 1'1113,1111r wooodt, "I ""'
.ogl, Aug 40,1.14
JI)111 , 4 bilk:ll.lPP a co.,
v 93 nod trl l'offot Foto., rr and nom
11 min tuff,. .ofond% of hillock at :Memo
fr.., I k.ltn.. fowl, of ff.. Land f fol2tit 1,00 %N.,
drd hiNg strofee, goof, nod o, Isom 210 10 on
.. Mow., Jiro.. flu og food met,
to rd Ala.. ft
farce aksoittnyul of 1101. nod fookhrd limkr ‘l of k
wfurl. allcoMon of i'lutnoers fool k.fifclor Molar,
partomlarly dirrmrtl
1122 Youngs put up promptly fool Oft 00..1101101/
1r MLA 001001-411.10
17'1 , 111,HW:1'U ia:ruEAT ran be 1.11.11,1/
V WIIII • hunch at ell hout the tine. alno. I.e
i'reeton, Yruiti,ootertlollllr). he • The •trainet l•reen•
aroc•Inooko• tier reprlur %rip. n• u• 0•1 len. mg her Von
street lant111.,•1 ^4 A Nland of hell 1,4.1 ea( hunt
1,1, 1 0 141 NI —leaving lII.' l•nrtlrit •1 10
1 1 Al. tor her Irwin! , to tlir •11)
A moonlight view 01 the llnrden s• Indeser,bahle in
enttly. is
1)1171511URO/1, OCII /HER 2”, Isla —We are 110 W
I/1 receio o hat rate 480 %Veg.&
Nev.. Vora anal AI isa•geht.itg Prune MA'S, ottd •fl ,
always l'CrelVillg regular suppling. Wn are prepared
to sell at lowest rlller I'ol .trees. Allegheny
.ver• 0ct2.43 G J. & ego
10LEMAN, RA lI.NI AN & Co, have removed to the
V Warehouse, :1 doors WriLl 01 the Alotrortgahelg
House, on Water god Front Arent.
FOIL Rt.:NT—Thy Wurrnouae Wood at
fish{—ai ~t i ll lot priuto
.11,J noel NVOLLI, h ROE ,
E.EPPtzycovr & HARR,
M!Late 7.S Stnek & Cod f ANUFACTUREFLS o Pheenix fire proo mkt.
anuth •file, 'end . r
ocet. bewreeo Wood and
Smithfield Pats'mesh. J S *sutler hoeing deceased
and the survmeg partn e r Mr. Jos Lippeneolt. having
utstwinted himself wish fifr. Wm C Barr. the busmen
moil hereafter he condument soder the style of I.lppesa
eon do Barr.
Trial of a safe in Cincinnati. 0 —We, the undersign
ed were pre•ent at the te.otitc of one ofJ S Strickler &
Col improved Pheemr fire-proof safes. The safe wee
'tiered in a ((front, en the pablie landing, end sukieeted
to the unease heat of a moan coal fire for more than
three hoUrs In oat hoar maids half the safe time to
• height red heath toe door of the Contour was than
closed. which essuseat ail luercased isnd steady heat for
the bids nee of he •trne, until the roan Iron wheels were
partially mulled ME the furnace was then thrown down
tad the 011.1 . 0 eooled tied ope..ed The money. P.P..
and books which it contained were as perfect as when
placeal there, the binding only of the books being in
red by the water In cool/me the safe We Pave uo
hesitation in reenntmendinz it i 0 the pubhe as a safe
sopenor to any we
have ever sera tested, and believe
that it will stand any 11.01 which ht he produced,
arm', ahem winch would melt it to solid
+plunger & )Vnuntan, 1, Worthington, Kellogg ".
Ketinett. Bent W P Breese, %ferns Smith. T
S Duncan & Stedman., alayani & Co, Wm 1111111.11.,
Mead & \Vmstor.
We, the und&r.ignen, .elected the safe q?eken
alrovr, from th,ot in the otnre or huh, Aebery. the
Refer to Cook & Ilarrto. Brokers, Plusburgh,
IluAs.'y Hamml, i,,,,,irs &
Co, Jo do [fe
w , r's saoltas3.
MANUFAC I'IMF.RS of Hammered and Cast Steel
Shovel. and 'Medea, Axes and Hatchets, Hill, X
Cut. Circular and 1.111 how, Hay and Manure Forks.
Hoe, Mattocks, Picks, &c., having completed all their
arrangements ot the construction of new mechtnery,
and In ancurotg the best workmen from the most cele
brated estalfloah.,ont. of the Eno are now mattufactur•
mg and will keep constantly net hand and for sale MI
the above notelet, having weeded themselve, of the
latest improvmnent.. and are determined that rn work
mannhip /morn.' they will not 1,. ereclled They
promote to presto,- artfe•r. equal. if not superior. to
any that ran be heti tti the eau They inane the anon
coo of dealer. to en etranunnuoif of their stock before
purrhamng elsewbem,,as they are convotend that they
ill be ably to fill all orders 111 their lam to the oaken
musfnettolt of purchasers Warehouse, Water street,
4 floor. West Monongahela House. Pntsbortrh. Pa.
3 —Person. hoeing huffiness with %Vol. Upper,
rots & Son wit please call on Lmpeneett & Co.
, p111:1' are to, aware. how (rightfully injanotts rt Is to
j. die •k on how r.narse, how rouzb, bow mallow, ye/-
low and unhrulthy the akin appearsalter sung prepar.
pnrool r balk' IM.tJem tI Ia tostriouft, contatnt fig a large
quanta). of lead
We bare prepared a heartufol aegetabla
we re'l Jt.NEr , SNISII LILY NvinTF_lt
iwriectra mop, Lune punted of al: deters:nous
quaitto, and It 'worts to ti.t, %tin a natural, healthy
ar•baster, clear, I. vLo4 wtote. et On .an t e tun , . 'rung
as n. costnerte rot :he .kin. 11.21 rig it soft nod smooth
Dr halt, Aociet ProvOr ul Chrntoo or Masan
rhusetts, .av• manly/tog Jones' Sprunsh Lily
Whiles I 11.•;1 tio. moat trenurriel end satu•
r•I and ur the .ano. tone innocent want I ever saw
Tenant.' fall colooronnaotian evoooo,td it in, to ail
who., r•Apmes lut“). r .g • rrnt.
m ntnriV
Pitt Machine Works and Foundry
TI til\ IVRlC:irrAr.eo rare prrperr.l to Lwl,l Cotton
tj end ol drurtwton.
1.4 Card.oe Nierhottra, Fret Speeders.
Irrew.tig Fre..., Re. wa
1. 1.- %Vari.rr.,pooler..
br.,Kime 1.416,111, Ort .4r \V rout'.
in OR Sha^a, &It r .. tat CI. Iron 1 . &....r• err.]
Fier.Ger. or 'lv. &r.rterr, stud.- 4 brew( I.ethr,
red t . errry &K•rnl , ..r ,
"Ki• K . 'r• & nt J
Pe'rner & I rroun.r
Retro, to ILI.. •
. Wen.. J.
ft 1 II V. •
th3l •
• " I I
New IlArds•wre Hansa,.
Wtmol” . % eon,' r,l
%%nod and alf ntsburen
• . irrC x tndrnwn on. ner turnll. uf
rc and 11Lende, nil tee I.t Jar...n..1.117 I
1.1•.,11,11•4, tu nly nne•.•:• en)
e rod•drl d I h•ve upened .dure at tne
4 . 011,1 r• 1.13/17101
. .
~...! 111 li , I-: l•rg. I. lye t,. .:, h /rin thr r. ,• , l'o.l.
1.. I,urgh WI
r,.,,,, ':' • lin t :a., 1 Ow Dar.,
liati Rttthl. !nlett thhthlht,t,l'ttr,, r.
,•,.„ .•-, .II that /I t 11, .4, , ittht•thltneuel.l., a r......,u,
ss r•• n•s •••-, rn. , rnror rnorrn Orn nrt
tir,t d•in - nyers, I..irt.rn ..a us/At—A..4 r
11. grrnrarririlerd
• .• : art,. .k.* n'ru •• Ai rr-rert
von p es•nre NI, esral•loonnentlp
opnr•slesi nor •ssr vsr, month. Purr n l'or•
. rs• , • 1--rCnynks, .lEr• annurarni,
r.nned I.altr•rresss•••• nrl.en r ars. vreather sr, in
rorrlsris. brnarri pins. • as., anal rrann-•
insauclosits sr,i‘nr, .11 trrurn, ann. art. all
porstu• I,,shr•ri r.
Penn Machine
f w„:„ rm k.nal. roe.
Ktttl woo It, tottebtttrr) Atlrettrlt
ft, anat., %%wt. Ittrt•..; ttow ttt tut Ittttl .ttetrerttita.
• . 1 1110 , '. I nn. prt t earrt: Itt r - cat , ttt:t ttt
;or tt.
nit). „I rt.'', • --) • Irr t .1.. ,trtt JIA S.• tloot.or car em. tor :Ile-v.1.. rou osork, r at‘d M . otOrt..•ittl kook I/I 1,1
uta A.. Yowl. ot •, out, or.:rt or (.tai.k gir
r lot atm, tut :too, or MP •a; ~ . .tros...or t.L.4r.
Ittitlkot tr,tett .‘l4 'o Mark riot
to Kokr Itettoot k t'o la- (•re,
i l i A FULTON Hm.• tin• re
trabe , re h vu.d p bu•tAte••• al hi•
vet,. ea-ed to •ee o:d eu• , ont
'" 6 re. a•.
CIII.I, Ntenllll.oal. 11111 Ile!, r ty sire. front la
a 111.1 a/ Nand.. cac ironl patter:. of the nurs
ad In...lris. and sr. /muted
Aluseral suer Pumps. t.ouniers. Its“ing. A.m. toee
ther Nittle,ro s aver) of limas C. 1.11..., .1 ato.i..d,
furnad sad I las orat, mealier
A I ts the sole propr.e•nr • Bazars, Aser:•Arra.:.
r ds
Irest.on uis ..• , iy eie• rnte.! ior red ieut
..... Auorre 'rise n•ld .. - onsp ., osidnn
rd. ,w had or rum •1 a.. tuts., al IL_
Ploulgh.t. Plough Cm/A.11.1w,, Wagon
lit e* /131-. RT /lALL. of the nid
firm o , H. A • NCI, I. manors,
l l '
/so a tit ties of
l'loughaPl•ureli I:Astute, Wag
on (aloe; kr. arilli unproveiuefus Mr 1-4.1.1,,,
Yeartult. lamina stud other l'unusus, of the latest and
uerr path, ts now
M rehou, Mxt lahrrtt• Pols!. rKh, orpomtc
4., !toy S.,le; F3ruerr ~,,rhe„ny
Conon Pactory M Mlack Moe thal h. Co
I err•it.icitie it R. Co
Nevtieriie, Teen . Nov 4. le4e f
DitOPOZvALS ee.r . be receive,/ at this othre on the
j atth Deverelier tbr the tireituerunsi arid Ma
'IoI !orly at road. viz 1111,1 nezt
to NmnOtelne len on lee cross., thn Barren fork
Unel nver 41,14 , .1 count), Tenneeeee. and ten
auk, on the Norm %%eel anle or Tennessee over, of
J•eh•on aounry, A:ainone
Proftlea and inane may be seen at Ulu office, after
-lly noire ol the Itool.l
M S. A RN rrr. Chief Frlgitreer
N H —Tvrrmy•Lve Hulett ni row! ,121,. Led.e, the TU:I
- •55.1 SIX trule. her v tHrill; work err utEdr
conirni, e,en huArr.l ..H mou .orrri err sr.rntrd ! , y the
rakiHrar lora. nov2l..lltn•
e Cooper Dopler sod Lever Wefiche*.
11 S r rr •etvr , l and for sale
,eatty reduced Imre.. five geon
,km r I Cann., l'hhhorp strt,
Gra) , lee. Ronal London." Du
. ell sod .I'stent hover %%swims. caAed oahall.
F , .ad IntlChtonotoster halsor,s
no. now thr finest evntehr. made. lying. 11 000,
or 1111111001 31i ncrurt., tr. the NI t 1 .1 . 11 , 1a1k, Joseph
Johns., or •
VO ny nth, make Those in WlOllOlll vrry
firm watch arr. 111tti 10 1,0 and ....none this lot.
A 1... a , arKer aasortforto ot I.old sod ' , dyer Watvlmk,
ChlEnsgteal.. ;,'1 .S,
t l / Fine W•trto, trpatrrt: th the 1,1 mann,
race!! corm, 4111 nod Math., so,.
rI , IIE undersvpied .re prepared to fin ord.., tor sot'
j tiunnti, of , ypresu Molauves Hurst.), ot • suite,
,1111,1f.deltvrtuble to at 1111) 11111, IP) ,1,41 g
us Icw day. nolo,. 1(10111 ‘‘ hat Roitt We thn
ore eun ntale :he totere•l turreltnnts whn
buy Isrgely on the roat•t tt• thev unit order the.. ts,
rel. , stopped to 0110 plootototo thus •
tots, dusts,. whoth
shalt Us attended to eettlotto eStflt
%NCI' 1 - 11 111 at ,41,11, end 1 , 11.1, steel,
Da. mrtl
alinf. , - , .1 awl drx
h re Wilt 4'11.'11 1(1111111
it 111 qt
tucr II a,"I ['rout .1.. l'olo.l.orgh,
11.1“1 ,
(41kt()KGE: & J3CIIIK/318, 10
11,,INII" , Sit , N
IZ XI TaA.l,l-1,• ,
1 tI. I S'I'EN ART. trountrartarer or Ile.zry
rdoriing., hers*. /cc , Rebecca street. ..riy of
Alirgiseny. tiovlr.,lly•
T F.: A 111 0 A All E N ' T
tr , .. , ••noVic ALL., I'll,
111 . 131 t, No 4 Water strert
It ANt FACTURE], in mit, and In no•he,l• alotri
in owlet., with ihs orlon, ll i 11, .4/31 111 ..1.11 MY Pi.
Hi. Al., Callon and elO•di nt.trie n we,
1.••••. ot•ner.lor a ~ , a I,rter 1,1 1 111,1Lat..A.
o! I nI
' wan-1.0u., 211 Water ar
QTEA DOA? ( 1 011[1111111111 to cell
1.1 off on r nntrre of Kirin Nlarmo Tnnepte...,
t,ow offer in Sell them at lower pricrut than they can
I.ought at any hen .° to Ykßaouran or el.where,
nao or Wl l l , l. Ws /11111 1 er.talmahrd 04-ents her.
for these elanAis, we have the wan. and hoes) won
meta in the city. Cal , and see,
Renlentber.wr. are not In Ike undersold.
BLAKE dc (XL, Market street,
ri3o entrance an none end, of the Dtaznond
.._ ________
W "N o n s l io ßF"L :Z "l4' ;d l ea — t i :f . tt?i l e 'w g '" rea '' Al . ll B'-' and .
winter tnedleme, just recenved and tor sole by IL K
BELLEAU+. Sole Agent for Pittsburgh, of whom t►a
remote article can be had. °cafe
i. It. / K Nitvorelmad
•ir 1r..,h S., .4, I . tt.l,ur,h
14(111•1. Ilurd ot
City D•Kiterrian Gwilery
T UST being received and now opening at ALF.X AN
g? DER & Na 75 Slnrker street, northwest
earner of the Diamond, averp large and splendid stock
of fell and winter Dry hoods. to which they would re
spectfully invite the attention adze public. It is Well
*mien to almost every one that Inc present mason l•
one distinguished for its low prices of Dry Goods and
U affords us peat !devout* to tieing able to state that
owing to our great farililies nor 1:10.1 purpose, time ot
the firm residing in Pruladelphial we have here fl! ,-
bled to parches* our prosent stork at a conatderutoic
redncnon Iron the usual 'market rates, cheap as they
Am, end we are therefore enabled to sell at correspon
dingly lower than the meal prices. We would there
fore invite all cash buyers by wholesale or reunl, hi
ono to a call, and lay out their !loony to the best ad
net Ledo.s vimuld call and ex•mine our stock of
Prints. Gingham, de Llano, Cashmere, Alpacas.
, file Silts. Bombazines. limits. and venous other
styles ..
of larthion.lble Dress Goals. Of watch we have a
very Inco umortinent, including every description of
time goals m the market.
CLOTHS AND CASSIMNRFdt_Tn the gentlemen
we would mementend ougstock or super French Cloths
sod English, French and American Coemeres.
r, v , r w ry l“ l a nre iit) e, umbra-
SATILNETS-01whieh we have so exec/lent as
sortment, and of all qualities.
FLANNELS—Red, white and yellow Flannels argil
qualnies and pnces.
'PICKINGS AND CHPX3Kft , A Puperwor assortment
of Ticking. of all grades,and Shirting Checks ti great
galmost every deecriplion of the above goods, m
eho!io g Sheeting. of all - widths.
ALSO—A fine *toe& tiflionn Vesting., Silk and Cot
ton Velvets, With plain end figured, Kentucky Jeans.
plaid Linsey., plaid and fancy figured Cloaking and 5 1-Mlteinlembed and unbleached Table Diaper,
both linen and cotton. bleached and unbleached Table
cloths. blenched and unbleached Cement Flannels,
cord do do, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, blk and colt/
elk cravats, Lathes Scarfs and cravats, Cloves end
Hosiery of all kinds, Suspenders, hush Linens, Linen
Le mu- Loon MUM, Silk do, blk Lace Veil, Lave do
and Mikis, Oil Chintzes, Russ!. and Semen Doper,
crash, lumen, plant striped and barred Jeanne.. Cam
bric and Swiss 31..1nt5, Nrictona Lawns, Green 13are
go, &c.
Merchants muting the ciry for the purpose of laying
in their supplies, should not tail to goeus call, o
they will find our goods and prices such m cannot fail
to sin, them purpose ALEXANDER& DAY,
scpAi 73 market st, N lV cot Armond
The New Golden Bee Hive Again.
Nero Pal mod Winder Dry Goods.
Tutu reecived and now opening, kt the sign of the
d Btu Der litve, on Market crater, Iretween Third and
Fourth street*, 011 C of the !sagest, cheapest and best
assorted etocks of Fall and Winter Dry Goode over of
fered ai Pitwburgh, to which the attention of our no
r...MIS customers and the public generally. a respect
fully ted, as the subset/I.r is confident that he can
oder such bargains in Dry Goods as cannot be so,
liaised by any other house in the city.
As these goods have been. purchased at priers far
below thaw of any former season, they will be sold at
greatly reduced rates.
Among dais larue and splendid stock will be found
many r and desirable goods at extremely lONV
mr, V r e , :ez i :l i. ch k an .. d u ra n c:s 4 t fr pe lt , i l o w nall p o i d . re d iet . zht n i b cl ,,, an ni l
yen gro de Shiite, plain !dark rich plain blank
tting. olk tor went...mantillas land tapes at very love
Korea, newest [lament and latest st 7 restlrrierc.,
pram and .1.1111 striped embmere, very cheap, French
ad•rt no POI color.. de I.lnea. platn and hgetred and mann
otrtped. at great reduction on loaner prlees, gala. t7al.
iforma and ca•hmere plaid.; mnhatr and Monterey
p.adls. dq,gtlitteod alpaccas, all goal:ties and rotor.,
from 101 to 75 eel. rrer yud.
Black raloronlered caqiitere and de seine attgarl
fine nribei and der lama do
Plot howl/ and colored cloth
rolc occlay long, very 11101111
.ilk, corp r heap
Tx '5l E.ATIC ,;04111f. , , MUCH BELOW FORMER
Good dark rally° from -Ito d eta yer yard,
Rev quality dark eallico From 6 to 10 conia;
and vide purith, do, NI et.,
I:ood yard wide bleached muslin 410 Gf,
Bed orkenr4 and meek., all preen,
11:anards, iron roar, Lo Lest powldy, very cheap.
A fu!l manorisnent of red, what. and yellow flannel,
Jrann. Kerrey, I..nwyr. etr.
• rtr. , d 1 or wn. nold at reduced raw, a;
rt. 2 !dna, -t WNI I. RI:SSF.I.I.
FALL 4310005.
N‘r ,• ilutt rotiatx, v
a1.....rek 1 . . n RPETING. fee. rmnprt....
one ot too inrersi 4-sottateuts eatar Idoudiit to the alsr
to /lc, sod %loom aeturer, Of Ihd latest nod ileseest
s • II •• 1`; pro, Ilcoo t••er offerchl t
.1/ Itr 04, I:ea toe allentodi of those o•folse to
KJ 4, e A: xsonolt Carpel, (Went.] Tapecry 011 Cloth
do Vtiret do Pl.lll colored do
do l'upe.ory do 04 feet wok,
do Hrouel% do , 4. 74,5-4, 44 h. Loa do.
I.lllra super l pay do Sin, Rod.
±r r insr.,, ,lo do 12-4. ±-4 and 2-4 Drupe:eh
do Shalt Utica,
tl ,de du •u Ro±rarood Oil Cloth
omm.., do do crumb cloths
4-4, 3-4 a I Dumas Embosead Pian cov
Vrl.lll'llll do Table o
do ers
4 4.1-4 &i : u I'd do do Figurr4 Table Oil cloths
4-4.1-4 ,t I, do do Turkey Rod Totionett
4 I ;. i i h 04 cur do Adolahl Mats
• 4 pr.lord coon. Ca rpco., .a , heep skin do
F:a.ra sop r 1,.. oil. Rugs, Atte do
Jo do Tuned Jt Abewint do
Flnc Jo do Manilla litrop
IV„ do do Snow drop Napk to
Crmi-4,J. Led Mope r 'Nara:now
Ida!, M Clan :-4 and 0-4 Table Lasens
11,.. dd, lc r winch un'g, Transpqd Wnidow Shnelds
c.rev t Rod dd., Extra Freoeh do do
W.b., d rord. Rich Satin de ',UM, wr
oo Ti..... 11 %.kutlour eurzuldt
Sear:ct, erinwm. !dark and drag Damasks;
Ittrur.r. rei run,. trarnar.k.k. worated and trues T.le
coverx.erint.orr. rrearlet, green, drab and black
Nlisreeir.. enurrri I . lirshr•of all colors..te &a.
.11.0 I and I.krilling. for steamboat deck.
non: ail .1 r triff.llllMgt necessary Den °ult. for boars
oar .10e :0 wawa :Dr aapeclal altentlon of owners
filed IV II ri-INTOCK'S Carpet Wareronin.
one do., front Wood. on Fourth at. se pga
LIIXANDF.R & DAY have Jost reert•ed a fine
un-ortrnent of the followlug desertpuon of sear on
ante coats. the greater portion of which have been
Louaai at Auction. and nil be sold at greet bargains.
11..kNNEL6-12,1. a and yellow natosela
vei) arge and etniip•-te a•brtrueal, and very cheap
SATTINETS—A very , large...of blue, black, Ilk
ru,s. ;rev and eohl Salionets, al very low prices,
ALPACAS -P.itin all. Alpacas, plaid and striped do,
plaid lan striped do. cheaper than ever.
lai l t A.\t 'V SILKS—A splenditi anortmeat of nett
enangk .I , le StAs, both plain and ford, of oiroo.t every
sIIAWLS—A very superior assorunent of super
Itr,,ehe, t•intted. Trrkert. and Chsrtrocrs Shawls,
prtkes fartte.ow the ordinary rattks
At., a large assortment of Et.plt.h klertoos, Ch.h.
rand I - 710a Ptatda, bloc, Ink and grey Pilot Cloth..
tor overcoat.. hik Cassurter., cotton Damask, Ltnen
Jo. kentur Jeans. he. he, to u,l of wrueh we invite
the anent,m, or the ;white.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 76 market sr,
oen.V.3 err of the diamond
No. 75 ForeTn Stair?.
\NE of M moot r lamest and the mo eh.. stock of
CARPETINI, in the market. eolbraeing all the
towel quell,a tram the moot approved tnanufaetoete,
that hu•e been tested for durebtlity to fabrto and el:.
Tapestry Velvet Carpeting;
do Broods do
Ilnia.aia carpeting. I , ..itra t.honille Rugs;
Extra sop 3 ;11 do Tufted do
`top Ingram do Wilton do
nod do do Brussel.. do
COllll,lO/1 do do
Pnoltod for Inung room.. VIIITIOO.
ktichent. dn.
Straw Mattlag, Slur Rods, Window Shades alid
Itm ton and Woollen Bor king, from one third to three
ant. Whit. Door Mao, kr. Se. , IV Vlraleh the
ha. of ourchavm at wholtottle mod ralatl tu respect
tor:ted Warmtoont. om door from Wood it.
sur.v W 'I,INTODX
Et). R. INMATE, No. bl XlAurr IRINA?
choose lli hi. Luslneu n 111 e. lat
Jaimary •nd wlll 1:/11,0%.1 of the lo.towtng
, le• g[hiii• 111 ortztnal
Itrrwlion Loop nod Squort ShewlA:
F,11.11 Teruo I Amg du
French Printed Ca.thmeres,
col It F. , . It I.lnul.puns. .tut tanry
TV .an Ns - burg:La. ere Inv 0,1 to c0..1.
111.ACIV . 1 / 4 `41, I AMV:I -
ul!Nlilre.rj) pt. > received o lerge useurouem
gumle, mut upemog then, ol prive• unpreerdromdm
remOng from 75 M pvr sd
.k,uo, French 1/ovk of quouue•
AlsO.Freneh eed Vogue:. BrondriotOu Meek, °Me,
Lnvooble gnu- ,ureter, mot Mut- Aumeg Mr., are
aozne very luguel•olne Frew,. Bieck ...Ole Sr. elook
Al a very law prier. ued , roum itMle jr.'..,. mot
black Pciireer Clothe for ladle. ehroke
enlk, eotmo nod mvetno Untleteturl. and drew
ere. Nloroterv . oderularts Notstamly on lum.l
r The •limmon 01 Niel chums utol Now T.o
lone, %Alio buy hi Si... Inner, ~ • ,Jleri 10 Si,.'
V0 1 1. , 000.11.110,11. 4N,IP 001 r 00
r w ilc It
Inntl 10041 htxl,troaUlt, •t),• tutporte:i.. "
A...., a large quaotity of Rough and Brad) Mao kit.
And Contoq-, pr..aborly adopted to the onte• and oho
lifid, the larg . est, Manu(vmdred nod mold
fashoolnlole .ark 01 rradv made Clothing Om, nay
All order , in Inn Tallorlo4 Aue r teruled In the roost
lishionaole .11,1 durable 01.11iter0001 4
11 E
AC 1.0 lute add black Lac, I <dm, al
i.l /100001 do, wtyte atol Id.rk lore
Be (the, black Jo Vfids, Fre. , Work
Collars. trammed and untrina l / 4 1 caudtog do ',arid eutfot
to match; ladies horn rosolorle hdkts; grto. do do do;
also. opera des. head dresee.a,aeulkisd Bowel, leonnct
lahs and tpulund•, jaet ree.eed aad (or sale whole
sale and retail. I,) I' If KATON Je. CO.
dY fourth at
asoon, cloak Ta•sela $ giOa• firored .ilk Hind-
Mr, a do do mona,r do. 2 dodo drat, noon do 2, do drab
ovnrcoal buttons, Soda hoc gnat Potions, IA Ins hest
Italia. analogs; 50 do do Novo Thread; pudding, ear.
rasa and otter Trininungs, for tailors' nor, conatandy
on hand. decs F H a. Co
600115—F II s..sroo 6 Co arc constantly
17 supplied with large and c boss.* of
allk loupes end prop, nlibous and tomato,. la
ces, edgings and ainbrolderita, `llitalall and hosiery,
ahirta suspendeva and ander,leitoona, Berlin
2,phyr, woolen yarns., noodles., pins, Aoillono, tape.,
bobbj.., be., all of whit A titer one, 4a the lowest east
price* to enema/taw and othersi at lizetrewas and oeda
moths:u wareloateidaFousWear ataiaat„ . aco
F•H EATON & , Iteater. to Trimming" and
Haberdashery, bon ,neatoasel from their old
stand to NO 67 FOURTH 821IXEF, 1, doors from MOWN' .1106 E• uonts
VOL. XVI. NO. 114
Patna Graduated Gs/accrue S
&gory and Pa t ,,,* . . .
Irtorshued Poles fur Medical and nibs pawpaws.
THIS ts the only instrument of the kind that Iwo ever
been presented in tins country or Europe for med
teal purpo and is the only one ever known to man
by .which the ealvante thud ear ronweyedtothe ho
man eye, the ear, the brarn, or to any part oftha body
either externally Or Internally. any
• definne gentle
straiten. seralswabrsek •or pun— with perfectufety
anti often Wilt Ilhe happiest mice..
Thu Important apparatus 111 now highly approved of
by many of themost ernment phystcums of this coun
try end Europe. to whole the tattled modellers whom
0 may concern can be referred. Reference will atm
be given to many highly respectable citisens, who hare
beet, u red by means of this moat valuable apparatus
of some of the moat Inveterate nervous disorders which
could not be removed by any other known means.
Among warrens other., it halt been proved to be ad.
numbly aclapted for the cure of the follow - mg diseases,
ne radon headache and other diseaars oldie brain.
m with thts apparat alone then the operator ran
convey the magnetic thc d with ease and fag to the
eye. to restore swim. witn. O . II II.IIrOSIVIZ to the ear to
restore hearing; to the gue and other org•ns. to re
store speech. Red to the venous parts of the hotly for
the tore Of chronic rheumatism. asthma, neuralgia. or
tic doloungua, peralYwth p.s.y, Fon., chore. or St
Vito'. dance. epilepsy. vreatnoss tom sonatas, some
disease. peculiar to females. contractron of the limbs,
lockjaw, ate. etc. •
Rights for surrounding counties of Western P. and
prdiegea, with tile instrument. may be purchased, and
also mated for the cure of diseases.
Full In.truetions will he given for the verlon% cher..-
.els to Ire used for various disease, and the , best man.
nor for operating for the mire of tnose diseases ...01 al•
so be fully explained to the purchaser. and n pamphlet
put two ins hands expressly for these purposes. rare
fully prepared by the pitteitme. Enquire of
attl:l-11ty S WILLIAMS, Wine
. st, Pittsburgh
811. aT'B momovan
TWIN H. MKL.LOR, do at Wood street. a
dm sum
beautient for Carhart's Patent Melodeon.a new and
ful anstrunitent. execeilmely well adapted ler
entail churches or family worship.
ror the benefit of those residing at a distance, and
consequently unable LO inspect the Aleindman bellere
purchasing, the following description is
The eases are made at rosewood, and are na hand.
mmely fimithed . a Piano Forte. The key-hoard is
precise!) , the same as the piano or mean, and the tour.
(which is very licallittoll closely resembles that of tha
Elute stop of an organ. The instrument can be amine-
Mately made portable without detaching any part, the
bellows receding tote the body of the metro:neut, and
o e legs folding under, leaving the whole an a rompaet
rm, Hach Instrument hes a packing rase, end the
whole when packed weighs only 45 pounds. The val
unto of toneisequal to that of a small organ. and by
of the swell may be ittereamil or diminished at
pleasure; it ts sullietently load fermata,' ehunihes. and
Is well calculated for a parlor Instrument.
lest received, a supply of Mc above: price, SCltil
ease and Instruebon Honk, 850. tasty
Reversible Filtering Cloak,
Which renders turbid water pure by
. rernovinc . all vuhstancer not wauhlr tu
although ur'ro
V" when it passes na P he ' u n r thr r ou7ll ' tine
,f filtering cook. allow. a large deposit
----' impure
worma, he Th.
rase more or !erg with all hydrant wale,
The Revartaible Feterer 10 Scat and durable, end
not attended with the immovrinenre ineident to other
Ftherers. na it is ricnesed without beilc detnched from
.ho water pipe. by merely tumult the key or hand.-
irons one side to tor otecr ey this easy preens, me
eourse of water is ..hanced. and all seructulahons of
oupure 5 1 .1 1 .1 1 V1CE, ear tiny,' odahnost instantly.
without unstrewmg the Flier It rlan poisesses the
sdynterce of color n stop rock. rod .11 sack in mai,
.14,1 will 1.0 very e onvement and eeonomicai.
It can be reached where there trusty pressure htab
or tow to reek. tank. tub, with case. To be had
et thnoire Agent, IV. W. WILSON,
octl7 corner of Fourth and NI arket au
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water.
taiIITHIS is to certify that I have hp.
A pointed Livingaton, Roggen Co
Sole Am. for the .ale of Jennings
ifutent Diaprahgth F'Eter, for the ei
nes of Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
for Walter M Gibson, 349 Broadway,
not. lu, i-34.1.
We have been using one "(the above •rtieles at the
office of the Novelty Work• for three mouth*. on tr.,.
and teel pertegtly satisfied that it iff * useful invention.
oiol ./{", take plen.ure in recommending thenn RA a 1,....
...I erne,' to all who fov• pure water. Orders 4,11 tfe
L.. - tiikful,v recefveft and prampPy egetuted.
LI VINI/S rON. RI nfli EN 0 Co
• 1;1 JOHNSToN STOCIiTtiN. Alar
tio , ,, to. ler of TlorO
, allay FaJr, a {WV., V•1111011i 1.1 Hen by 11• ro it
Filo - ant Verona: NI) Cooasn's Story: I.y H V Clolde
r:aa, tae rea,tot and ho,
Capt. Marryati, Chilthen o! the. New Forent
Reebok, o: t'zr I.ooy
Oirks the Gaol, by IVot.:mor
atry lima, or. too fruating Woo: by t'lLna Bur
Wuthering Iletghte. I.v qtr no:I•or or "Jam, Evr , "
of 16:1. by the author of ... Jane
the franaa nrhis Father, Irol.lTrtled: by the klrotaern
The D.cipline of Life.
Tbrae Sistert Fortan,•. ne Rose. 1;i a ache.
and-Vlolett: by IL Lewes.
Thirty Years Slava: b) G R Faq
reopenpn a I
0 1 r,;
of „Mpg:
II he name building, No. 52 Liberty etreet, on the I.t
s.londay of September.
Arrangement.. have Leen made by which the, led!
he able lettturnioh young ladies faeilittes equal to any,
/I the Weal. for ontatninz a thorough Ert.glt•h. itatte.-
ea., and OrltiLllloll.l edurnuott. A Cull cow - , 01 Ph,
..oplural and Chemical r,eeturrs will be ‘ll . ;oirrrd
dorm, the %rune,. Illnatrated apparatutt The tle
pattments of Voeal and Inftrumental hlustc. Modern
Language., Drawing and Patnung, will each be under
theeve of. competent Yofesaor. By Mose at tenun.t
to ILIC 111011.1 land tinelleetnal Improvement of their pu
pils the Principtd• hope to merit n connnuation tti the
Itherat itatronage they have hitherto entoyed. For
I n
circular or apply to the Prtuctpatt.
~f eons his friends and the public in genrrs I duo
ie. bus the largest stock of the rodovring named orb L
eMs big own IllanLifiatLare U.. , etty—, , Atltlle*. lint
ers.. Trunks anu Whips. all of whic to w,,1 v.wrriwt
o , made orate best material and by the best neech
atues in Allegheny comity. hieing d o to intll
aiiiifitgtert• sornellueg lower than has been here
Id sold any milar establtshment in. en),
Si, would invite per so ns in need of me shire. named
a rt, , ,es to Ins warehouse. No.
let of
t. oppo-
FllO be-senth. Also. bends mode to order (or machine O. KERBY.
MonosifAhala NartgAtion Company.-
x()TICE TO STOCK lIOLDKRS —ln pursuance of
the provisions of the Charter of Ineorporation, the
anneal meeting of the ritoekholders oldie Nlotiongithe.
Navigation Company will he held on Monday, the
hist di" . of January. I - 40, Iheing the first Ntonday of
tee mond,/ at the office of the said Comp.iy, in the
Olden° ktuildieg, Fourth street, Pittabargh, at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing officers Mr
the ensuing yea/. V11:11. IiAKEWEL/,
30. W
(10/LUIS:NON MERCHNTS No. 213.1.nrket street,
PlttsbUrgh. Pa , will 11.11 d prOlnpay to the sale or
very desenpuort of Western Produce, and other ar
ticles entrusted to their care.
Hsnors, Husacy k Co. Pitlehorgh; Hanna, Grabs=
tr. Co. New Lisbon, 0 , Northants generally, Wells-
0; Rhodes & Ogleby, Ilridgeprort, 0., A. G. Rsch
artlson tr. Bro. C111G1601.-1, J. E. Howard, Lotnavole,
Ay; Uulle as Dorwon, Lount, H. Hoyle., Steuben
v it le
In 0 big I.arline Sa, 33 do Hirsh... 5.q 3:J
du Hutto. Ss and 1,. 20 do John Rucker 16 do Ro
he., & Slsaon .3%; 13 do Henry k //WIGS Sa end IU
do Johns nod hewia . Is, 3do Wurwlek pups, 7 bra
z.n.ward s.
These Tolmeeen embracing some of the most faro,
brand, oileon ennsent, end will 61. Sold lose to
e 1.., by dero I. S %VA TF:It AN
HERS -.The sobaort,ra haunt( the .. xc lu aloe it, '..
pone. of Jiunee Moapratt Lc So., Sada Aah lor Ihi
mutt., urn ocov and will / - ontinue to be largcly sup-
moot with 0,4 oolehruteel brand. orlooh they 0.111
'I bo tue owa.. market prtre or eaah or approved bills, :'4,j,
y 1010,10 the Oa. 2.0 soap manufacturers of - ,...,."4
~,,,, , Ity generally reaper., the quality • ''_ 'l'''Tl'
Wa, m hirreliEurßms, ' - ,,N,
lOu Ilhertrst ' kji
Rt.N FOR await Iron Foup-
: Tdry i t , a doitondin i c Lowe, vr.lo P. , :ternv,
c. all ready lot 1n11131,., ' . lll be sold oo necOMElldrr/ ..
Jou, floor rtrbnlige tor t good..
PI, °fray. an excellent oppormtihr- to a y oung pvjv
Ilellll 1 10 104111111 i., we loon oundry
Flay/um of
8. A TKINS4I.I , "
,1„6 L I o,or Wood aced; le . • .
Neatie• - •, cooking Stores, demos, Illfessddl
A n 1 ; : :, .A , 1 i ; . 1.: Jr.
rot...der tor sale Platform. Floor and Cannier &alga, 1
of the movt ornpooved quaint Cookon gb oo vetbiOnatrt • •
0,, co. , NIS . P*ll4:llAds
edtmooll Gra!, Hollow Ware. &e. &o. Tbey rd.!,
maJitalCll,l, tat Kl ' whets ILabge. no arch has girdnot th
•attosetsoo to Omar. paring on use,Woll4-,V,
Pi I.lei revpeetrully oho 44.41:
and the ,01111 r 6enerally.
Watohas, Janvalry, — ‘4. . • •••"757.7;':•* •
• * OK,. Ilanas, • so' lot tab simeurn,
Illroubvcrii.ertm.. returned from the Exidi744,4 1
a ;a r go and cuutully
.„ Illel., 0000
I for past liberal pakkerk..i ,-- i
`,or,. to ;neer rontintranne thenctickbroarbr',...,.
irva., Lustnnen, and kerbing the Jest atairitkdeu.o=f;._..,
ronr.oultllc prices. Fnond4l;lrktabittlf,4.4,
ors. and Ow public generally — partienlrlyrjayitlV4,:-;
Y. 1,111, tile city troin distance are lark.]
corona my large .lock 01 guoids.
'n . Utinelb,
/1 AND IN V A I,r
' Ph) Sal Education,
Voice. a. honed utanto the nteeltanical
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thir city. Fen bole tor R I{o eßjr 4 Ekl"%f lt) :.- -
0et1.9 Apollo Boil
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WI, alike oda, of Frocud Rimy & Go.
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.lock, us wu,ssu bibs,' very lour. ,
PA IfES, SIIOWFIL-kt, doe —4O dosspocilis
•Ia 0cta1 . ..44de blaustre Forks, Pp do GraittStlol , o4,f69. •
do Sucicei doi Amea, riabottetr, ollatoccki,:nitdfl f iSib . /;::
Belida., Vices, , lot r
for safe at 'taandflctattraltbccai f
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