ffEiICAL; _ -- v./LIABLE DISCOVIESTI CONSUALP IVES, RE ON YOUR GUARD , R. WINTAYNE'S CuMPOOND KYOUP OF WILD CIIERRY. . game maze , sot Coroompticm. Coeghs, Beide, Iseffies, Broctajtia et. Complaint. Spitting Blood, DtMeulty of Broosaw In Pain in fhe Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Bowl, Influence, Croup, Broken Con- of Sore Tbroat,Nervous Debilit o , awl all lbseases of the Throat, lionlon mid Longs, the most eft fmituel and speedy care 4ver known fos.y of ' the above discs.- ont S WA VNL'S c om pound Syrup of Wild Clisrryi 'Th. metlicine los IVO lonize , ' among dose of doultl(ni n obly . I voted away front the thousands daily launched upon like mitt of experiment, minium:it stands higher in repotaitow end a boromtng ruhre ly used than any, other preparotoon of medicine ever produced for thelrelief of rodenng man. - It boo heron introduced very generally through 11. retool Sint , . unit Europe, and the are few towns of Importance hot what contain some remarkable evi donee of hr coal effect.. For proof of the foregoing ' statements. nod iof the value nod efficacy of this mod,. mid.. the proprietor will insert a few of the mar. y thou and Dr...llololLna which hove been passeined to Lae by glen of the firstrespectability—men who hove Weber mew. of loon ,' lrettponitilnlity and Justice, then to eel , ofe to facto, letenuse. 11 will do another a favor, and ...evolves no mitotic.. Such testimony proves con ' eltoteely. dad otlt tooprising excellence is establiatual lovltt Merl., and the unquesuonable authori ty of podolt. otionoon The trstonteneou. rebel it af ford..sob: the stoothitic lottnelter diduren_through the whole frotow by 'ose. renders It a most agreeable remedy tor doe afflicted RY-MEMBER! - When non, acting from ratl•CielinD. empuhsen VollitOntLN hear trodimony to the truth of a or lossrl I' faet. such test m. 0., being eolowstry to hens ...orbit) poorest. non porpo.e coerce. convortoon too it. truth. and ittlottinmod• itself ion special manner to Loots/ere locum'. Mond Mumma. IlEAlo TUE 11l fl tt tIiIItTIFICATS-S. l'rsir or Iltiotwoms. never s ea st* rrno , ll . that loan been an soecessful Colhperste .... fte C o eottuopunni so 1)r. So.lt) nen q...usigi rup ot \ lot Cherry, It lambed...los tlitt systole. app. • ar. to heal the ulcers Oh the 112114, .-trating 'sew owl rich blood. Niece possessed hi ou other men.' lee Clturtut Co., Apnl ::sth, Dr. Ss. syne -Dest• 5..: I verily believe your Com pound syrup Watt Cherry hat bee. the Nen. , ot say,. m, o seVere cold.. which grade - ally grew war-, ritteilded with a severe cough. that reeisti.rl all the attach I had recourse to. still im Ise ttool Int ease exhtbited ad the symptoms of Stamonary l'o,lnuotpoon. Every thin g I tried seemed to lathe "order , unit omplatnt tnereued en rapid ly that Inends as wellss myself, gave up all boors of I...recover, Al this tone Iw. the n recommeded to try your iiivalunthe roctliete. tltd so with most hap py results. The last bottle bad the effect to loosen the - couh, r mutton arm expeetonite freely; and by the owel h had uwti stz bottle,' was ennmly aml nse as earty o matt so I ever was to my life, and would be happy to give any utformatiou respectiligray o cane, that other endue. sway dertve the benefit for which lam no grateful. For the truth of the ahoy. statement, I refer you to Serer Kash, Grocer, West Chewer, wham I purchased th e. medi. Respectfully you.. l= rte. . Wandarf rt 1 Curt o fTlictitodia MietsWar. gybe Swayne--Dew Sir: I feel o debt of gratitude due to you—and • duty to the afflicted generally, to offer city humble testimony in favor of your Compoaud Sl eep of Wild Cherry. Some three years since I woo violently attacked with sold and Inflammation of the Lungs, which ww accompanied with a distressing soot h. pain in the breast and tread, • very coosidera bin alscharge of offensive mucus from the lungs. CEpe• Wally upon change of weather, however Wight Si gent I felt ro sheen about my condition, Lot was pretty soon eonoineed that I was rapidly going into consumb tiOn. 1 grew doily wenker, and above a whisper, such ties the exceeding weakness of my logo Daring this time I tad tried various preparations and presenptions, hut found no relief—growing all the tune worse. Just here I was adstsc4 aed persuaded by- • dear friend in Wtlmangtott to make trio' of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry I must confess shot previously I had Leers pr.:deb diced wawa. patent medietnes. and I am still against those comma out tut the hands of emperic. bat under •thtaltrig your c. 0.,. to the I - troths:sum and practice of ott-dirtne. and hiving implied faith in the saying of my friend, forthwith purchuned of Dr. has one of your agent, It few bottle, and commeneed its use. My dis ease was at the: tone of Al or 15 months' staading. con seipiently wo, deeply seated I found. however, enuolderabie ',lief from the use of the first four or five ithule, But l.eiog n public speaker. I frequently at pr• o t yrearting strength. and thereby rupLur.-11,Ooge. vr,ttls ine that had already begun hrn ,n On- wat AoubGess, my rue was greatly ro,..,tturnre of acting thus inthrudently. had to nor tact,. or Gren %wales before I ~ 1 1% per tenni r,-utre.l I have t uner estloo. • much smaller tiunther Of none , ~,tuld linr made me snood. but tot the. abler Oltilierello.l. The. tArrop allayed the fever isn so. ay the distressing cough, put atop to the ilt.eitarge instter ou, the lungs. and gave them nia the ea", •y-trtn geed health I has. defer rd ode ere uow, for the p.p., ill neat, -ufithett with lilt penuatieney en the cure, am! now tam It,: perfectly well oder it with •-- Rae. J. P. Joaiust. coutit) N Impuriata Cancun , — Read.' Rua , nit grow no pr , paration of Wild Glierry. and lamp , Ur rlo'keNc's, the first ever offered to the hwi, n.i. i,cen sold largely throoahaut the rusted State- and sonte p.m of Europe. and pre parations cal:ed I,) the name of Wild Cherry have been put out ptoce tooter cover of some deceptive eirministanec.. ,n ottler to glee cent.) . to the. mem liy Mlle ot,.ervation.. person need retatake the genuine from the la:se Eurb bottle of M. genuine it enveloped with u beautiful steel engraving. vnth the likelies. of William Peon thereon; also. Dr w it signature and ns (mbar aecuritY, the portrait of Hr. way. will be ridded hereafter. w, as to dtatmgmah hi. preparation from others Now, if a was not for h. great rotative wore:men and kno w. virtues of Dr. Soiyoe'• °tenon. Syrup of Wild Cherry, per.ott• would 1,, ht . 1 . 11400/ o n , Si ,0 give currency to their ' , firm nostrums' hy stealing the inane of Wild Corm. Renteneher, alway• be in Mind the name of lit Swart... et nil be not ttleezi Pr mental tither. corner of Eighth and Race steeetv, 1'..1. -al.. and retail by Of:DEN & SNOW c. ,or owl Wood .1.. Ii A FATINE`niCIi Co, cur and Wood. at MI, end Wood •I/tt THORN. al Morker "hells_ S JONES, 1,1 I Ahem lAS A JONES c,11:”. , 1 :‘l.ll Peon JOHN MITCH ELL, Alleghrio etty. at, by en rs,pertable dealers in medicine oeild - B. A. Fo.l.no•tock , s Anil-Bili ur•ous Pills. 1111.- t rotebt smallnees ot Dull etheleacy and romparadve mildness 41 k4llll/1 arum, and huvinK a peculiar tendency to the toltar)organs. eitJemely valuable iu tht , coun try,lll whICII loltous levers and other complaint, at. tended .1111, eooeeftuott of the liver. so much abound.— They have now''ducal the test o(20 years. and experi ence lot. pro.rml them to be It safe and valuable remedy in intermittent, tier nod Wien. Fevern; /man atee; Ildtoo. ttold IndtgeNnon. Dropsyrda .Dy pen.r) Ihi.uo V 441,1,, I eolds. andel! rolltn. of on be tlemotsh.ry eomplete and trtilVetwai san , teeteel u loch ha , been meen by these pills to ah who have one, 00,1 aloft. rcheers the publodoug then umerous certifir.nten their favor t unteces...ar) To pre•rut eountertietting they arc 110. , put Up 41 a rod rylograpte wt.:toper reuta-arr a I.lt containing m 1 pill. - - Pr.-oared and hold by A FAIJNY.STOCK k. corner lin anti .rood, anti alou carver Gth and Wood seplh VERNIIITUE PREFERRED TO ALI • rif Leila Olva, Va-, Oct. 12.1.1 .1 litellerni--Onc of our phyaiciane; whoa, morning of a dtte 'e'Ll'a7:iflodu"A' th' m ertr i lifnge brought worms: and a gentleman in the neign that lea than half a vial caused the ifia• nr gti large from one of his chit- A'y many of such in...RCM might he stated town here. and almost all prefer it to ,iter Send our 12 dozen and oblige ''ours, I. $l. WILFON. Parents who du not wi-h to tilde with their children. ',hood use Sellers' Vermilnge Freimicd and eolil by R SELLEH.S. 27 Wood sh, gold by Dr Carnet, htli Ward; D 111 Curry, Allegheny. noel ,~ ~~ s A 8T RONG EVILIENCF. that Dr J TINE'S EX II PEI...I'OIIA NT is super.. to all other remediee (of Cough., Conmnaptton, Braze-hills, Asthma, and other Polon:t -om) eidrtions, ts that the some persooe who eachnosaced the J Iva of it in them frmthm tea years ago Mill 'trek" It to all other remedies of the kind; and whore any hare bentiadtmed to try other repot - worts they hme almost tirentiabty ht.n disappointed to meemng the benefit which mu reasonably antibmatml from the high pryers bestowed by the propmehma, e retaroul to tht um of JATloss' Yarscroahh - r, rtmedy that hu never failed to relieve them. and winch . probably never had it. veal to armour; pulmonary themes Prepared on:, by Dr D. ! a rt. Phtladelphm, sod t old.. a...y A.L.E—X. AN NCR der:rkih trot Fourth a TNALLEY'S PAIN FATRACTOR will, 11 five mm. JJ they from the now us applieetton, remove the palm from the severest burns, scaldsor blisters, and will heel wound., ulcers and sores of any Mod without star This valuable Pain Extractor can be had of JOHN G M N, aal Nom{ st reet.W nt, A cent lot Western Pea.- H.A. FAIINESTOtH'S AI , OW weeks since, one of nay children, aged bout her year, arr. unwell fur several days, and the Woe. Him - esed so alarmingly that I feared death would In, thenesult. /laving heard of the good effects of Fahnentock's Vet-outage when administered to the children of my netalthors, nod thinking my child musla have worms. from some of the symptoms, I VIVO it one and a half teaspoonfuls of the Vern:tillage, and to my great utoutshment it almost immediately discharged between 270 and 260 huge worms. Its health arts omen restored, and it is now remarkably well. Protons to talong the Vermtfuge, the worms would occasionally ciao in its throat, and i often feared It would die from strangulation JAS. 0. DAWSON. Tionesta, Venango no, Pa., April 3, '49. .10 LI lOW A ITCH ANTI TIIDTER OINTMENT a the Mani effectual remedy before the public for the cure of letter, itch, dry and watery pimple. of the fuer, neck and body, scaly ampuons. and all other Macaws of the skin. This Otntment warranted fret from mercury. is perfectly safe, and may be used at all ones and under all etrOamittsulees. A fresh supply of this valuable remedy received and for sale b LI A FAHNMTOCK I Co corner y of Ist end wood; also, corner of OM and wood streets. _ . gLIELLEFOO VERSIIFSOI.I—"No family should be l 0 without it!" Limas, C. IL, Va, Aug. SI, Mr. IL 111. Smtatear I cheerfully certify that l have for Mane yeah poet used your Vcroufugeln my family, and universally with success I decidedly prefer It to May other preparauon I hare used—among, Wew may be uam , d the celebrated medicine called Deadsbot, Vahneatock's Vermtiuge, mid a prepmsuon eollcd Wolin 'fee. In a recent cam 'a *lngle dose brought from my little I.} one anadrial slid sir larg e e wornNO family cenainly ought to JAS. iL elma kr LAWSON Prepared and sold by R Sellers, No 57 Wood s and sold by Druggists generally to both eines- scpll -- It Pine Set of Teeth for SO Candi. HITP. TEETH, AWL atLEA-Tii, Ii vy uums.—Yellor and tutheaLitY teeth. OM be ing onCe or tarter cleaned with Amber 'forth Putty have the appearance of the most Pcaitnibi ivory, sad Mate MM e time tile so perfectly in and ex .snidely t Its constant daily me is highly ad traatageona, even to them. teeth that are in • goodcan gitign, giving Ahem a beautiful polish, and preventing • ilMitatUrci decay Those already decayed it prevents from becoming ororso—it atm. fastens such an are Le. coming loose, and by perseverance it anti render the fonleat teeth defichiel white, and snake the breath dr. llalously ovect. 4olJXby WM. JACKS , M, ea Weary street. man& ---- D. A.-Fmrsedencs,} , A. J llor.h.N. Y. Cur. 1. 8... Fminsrocs, Pittsburgh. Ci. W. Parrmorto, Wholeuala Drug Stare In the eta, of New York: , Pundersigned are ovendively engaged in dm aolcsalelireg bedews. a-N0.49 John messy in P of 'New 'lurk; end' are 'simpered to supra 'P m ,sia altittorintry Merchant. with Drugs, Pelme t dills, &stab, Parogn arid American Parrlitnem, Jinuiler, Warw.% MandarerChemicals 7 lot their ow* iiesporietirso) and all oilwr argcles in Men lint of limb quality ILL laVr as they C*ll beintl• ...y... : . . I.rm or any rustrrn city. 'No . , Pssin it. A. PAIINSSIOCI.B.Oss We permanent core or Spasmodic Cons nos, Ir. oration of the Nerves, Nervous or Sick llesdsche, Nervous Tremors. Nepralgic difeetioris, Nenerel Lse blLSYr Deficiency of Nervous usd Physical Nsergy. and all Nervous Disorder. including the most dreadful of all thscases that ever affect the human nice-- EPILEPTIC FITS, or Falling Sietneiti, Hymeneal Pm. Convulsions, Spurns. kn. Hart would impress it nowt the mandato' tho allieted Mar dat Vegetable Emmet m Nn only rem edy ever dimovered that can i.e relied on foethn per manent rare of this most dreadful of all diaeases. As its tendency Is to setanity. madmen and death, the moat OHRE of Europe, ns well ow tho.e of au, own cooni,ty,baer pruswboved Epilepsy incurable. And ahal beets so rousuicnrd by many, untsl this lowa important of ds.covergea wan amide by Dr S. Ilart nearly sixteen ) ea rs %tore, dosing artacutsinc it la. i•erlormill„ actor ut tlic mesa REM All &BIS. f I.'RFt? upon record, and haa asquired a reputation winch tone steam eau efface. I'l4 'octant of uudoubled algal and exponent,Uliniotell• of Sono/. denorninutiono. as w• 11 toe hundreds of our eUltuent ruizcUsS, all unite rceoßOnendlnu the use o, iru4 valuali, turili• aloe it, their pat.-int, eh., cue. and trieud, , sl,O a, at dieted, at lb?only mooed). V% 1 , . Quark TIIV. . . need by thow who have been ram./ In) Ilte• valuable toodortnet Otte nay, ..1 have antler ncl bet tool oty pnw. or on deo.< emboli. but I nw repo, in Iota!, folly re. •tnred Jo:anith and o ' Another .ape. thank (Tod I feel that I acell Hiatt I al., feel it aty Italy to proclaim it to the end. 1.1 the earth. that !bore conoarly tatlncted tame find matt-)" A nother who t• nn I.:MIN.:NT W."11.:R need avlt known In Mrs city) nays. -Nly attbeted for seen on with Fader., . hot t• ~ o)11.0 KL.0,4 lienitht(om the Veneml•t• Extant, 11. tame.' obeys .he. and ought to tie wooded to the rent. 01 lbe ...III," Aa. ot ker cave. - I .napiane te eotirel I ...de0.... W eapre.• my Wrftlilllde as 1.4 llned hor h.r,nw larval the IJIG•111% mArr tar litre the of land. 11. reetorm, toe on the woo) tarot nnt good 'wall.. niter haelim been. artitetral with flptlepry .o tie worst 'onto. tot more Moo twehly Utter Ceara. and any moraine nod eeetonig ohln.l. all pranw and Itinaluortvong .ball rotanoine to ocerind to 0.0 (and who ton. atthete.l but to make toe whole, AI ra 1 Ilradluy, IS Ofehard .treat N S. awes that aft, haa been 'object to `Ma for many year, and haa twen restored to perfect health fader every other meal, had tailed) by the uue of the Vegetable Eltrnet. lir Chart.. A. Mow ft. of Dover. Ituoaell county, Ala who l• one at the I*.ftt phi' memo. in re State, any. that Ifa has tfogn much tuntellted hy the use of the Veget• bla F-ttrart. and that he unlfeettattngly 6 pretterilte• it In very caue nt F.mlepsy w (fell coral. under ht. t 'fowl. tularta Cur. ti MayberrV. Ern tormerly P01M11.61, at Lame Mill., Crovrford county. uow living In En/ ffounly. Pa routes that tor matey years pant he hay .orely of with fita. and he faw happy to euere Milt a peraevering 1.114 of Dr Hair. Vegetable ifstraet, has reasoreal baa an sound health. heolg hour. ly freed from that worn of all dtstmses. From the Cmetntmo Commereard REMARKA BLF. CURE. he Colin utßcorttlaeote was risen to Messrs Tho mas d. Miles, Doctor Herta Aerota for Iha pelt of his Vegetable Sauget. (or the rum of blptleptin Fos or Falltng !Deane,. We are Induced to el, na pia, knoweditonal columns from the fart that the only n medicine that will cure I.4alepsy, at the sante UM< believing it to be one of the ( reatem dtscovenes in medical science Physonatt• and men of remote ot all ages have been trying dt,cover a retard) for tat. (moose, but all has been in vale until the present di.. wavery at Dr. Ilart, and we would now on no those allictod scat fits, despair no longer, for there is hope! MEISSHS. THOMAS & Intl Meth atreet. 111, catnali,..Barr, Agent. for Doctor flarl• Vegeta: it Eztreet tor the cure of Epileptic Gentlemen—lt in almottritepoarthle (or lanzuage camas with what hear felt sacs:action I %dill,. me, few lines to you, (or the purport of Informing" of lie beneficial re,lts that have been eget', 1.1 the use of Dr. Hon's Vegetable Fatract. My on, aced twelve year., has been severe:y nf dieted with Epileptic Fits, and with . are srferny 11,ot the opunon was, be could not be cured. In one of Ma paroxysms he fell and broke his arm. IJ culled in Dr Mulford. very excellent rhymer., who rerset Ile insbrunsd rue thst try son'. Nervocr Ss stem was very mart, deranpol. and the II woad no torrossible to cum has of Forny..y, as Ert.ertre Fits acre almost inebrable, and en:Ob.:rote plryaerarts tie ease would be onl throerins money away I culled Upon Dr. ('utter: he informed tot tits: Tire disease had assumed a earon IC form, and it moult late • lung time to cure Min titre could be cured at ar. Ile became worse and worse. and i becan to trout Mere was no CUT , 101 Irma erir.l .aw the adverbse nrent of Dr Darns Vocal...bre Extractor one or our ell) rspera. with oprnfiraieu Irons t.orsor.. w n bad,e,rtr u Meted for teal fifteen. twenty. 1111111, end oen forty ream and restored to heelrh 1,, o; v I:arra:l called at your sone. and •ner 1, 1 / 1 1, • og will, Nit , ;roma.. I moon to the cone rumor. to purr in. a Inner urroar package la do., r ore or no rnr• d I , ttrocgin I wourd try another, Iron, by two or a area I perceived lat.e:lrerrafa 1 then came to the ronnittatuu to linen hose a it box. I that dat• -u oat lee I ns induced to Iturchatn. a .1, um] And 1 am truly • •.ttilt lltm 1 chute •, • i o ttar ttl Ilte ten p•caa ,• he haat tat en matered in per act, lt,lth Aitoult! any nerann Le tle•ntut• o' ••• inz I.lt. fl • .rtl,lMl( plart.C..., ••01,•1 !, lo ulfy :hem at tart,. ua Long on toe at my Ir./1,1)1r rota., az north and ?ark •ttert, ett,o, 0111 n. 1,1,2 1•1:HhIN, intent Ira It. A agtust :Intl: 1. , In TIME 1, NI rl' FAII DI,TA Irir r hen Orforf•ontfar who err no., ttru...s.K forrlor Dor !rood of Do* drefolori firrice•e. roof Poro.‘ !or.: c•-r, ors". If may irroot **fr . , ii•of orrltrar -.1 rr-orf roof ••r• rroorts.l to flew :or. irk roorgllrrmoo, • ilee. *hoer retro Ifortor•Inl orrolfe Llf rfOr.r. Lrofc ar the u**- of llr Dor . Vrertrar, fro, a I.y S IlAtrr. NI I. tore' r. t..•.our • • 1.1,111 4115 lour l ott,gr• tit) rlgl.l do .• • TIIOMAA Itko NIA”. ytrst. 1 1 / 1 . 1111110. 6 . elkerlaJA G , :stn for L. iutrd lanutla. Inch, MM=MEI ray & Co:L:mtana.; 01013. H k F. 1:aylonl tFevrlmnil , the ptmelpel duy merrhant, througitou• are 1 tote) Sts,ra 611121=1 THE antler, ded offer• tor 'dine • superior artieir Colver's Patent concave Beater Churn! „1.,,,,:c,6,".”rt,,,':`,,.1"f"„T',„'",q.,huand,:i.',7. HIITFhR IN FIVE MIN u.rEs ilrE call the lineation of the poblic to the •rtiele VY Imadiugthts advertisement and invite the •It er nod imbibe le•• moisture or dampness that. Ivey nib- All and curious to call and artiness its opera- „tick. .0 pr tine _ t o All advellitternettle in relation to this in eclair., to the hundreds who have seen it tested, IN superero• ; valeta. . aro ng lIIS a hand•ollte smooth surface and cal even ed and ges. Ist This Churn will produce Rutter. gathering it in the teehe (rent eeeet to the hest free , brick horn west in five toten outliner' and o from cream prepared.. families usually prepare it. hat. purelia.d. A kiln ca i' have Rivet the n be seen at my work,. and i ahn n three. to five minutes' specimen at the •o p leasetie offem h ice. 1.. d The utility of Otto tnve•tten I. apparent. as het- . rhose having plted tselve• tor their buildings. .1 . Butter [an pro d uce d re „ we , „,,,, , cream, ~ '.lung h. I,d onate front brick. or •upertor bard than cream soured in the usual way: and by nieaus of this churn, a littlegut or boy can permrm, In her or SAAC filtE.66 I t • ee mato., whet: has heretofore tett,t red the lunar ot Jane tf • R bait a day. wan”' on "a" let one " two "a". a" .nineties.' — .l - EII 2 :6IiENY YEN rn BIND P7 - 071616' 34. By simply tarot,. • ',bomb sere a . . the whole lit- , JOHN A. BROWN, • side dasher is taken ou,, leaving nothing tint the pater TAIIEB this method to Inform his triends and milk In the plans wooden lion. I and the public at large that his Factor) Is 4th It LS the_cheispest churn eve. invented. the n ‘ now i n f u ll o p ero s ton . on thewesi si d e m st.optielly of no construction ithough ertatottpus a ; the Diamond. Allegheny, where a eon great philosop held principle) makes it hot little to smut supply of Dimas of •arious colors ttufacture and qua. tie. aro constantly kept on hand, :ith It is eotomotesestee churn, as all will admit I also. at No S WmDcl et. Pittsburgh. at 1 & who will exantine it. Phillips' oil Moth waretctom i ; f7 . We have purchased the monopoly of this value- \motion Shuttert made to order in Me hest style. ble improvement trout Messrs. Colver & Myers. the blinds repaired •t the *honest notice patentees. We are now offering the complete mono. N. 11.—Ilis Blind• will br pot up without any add, poly of this styled article for the States of Ohio, Penn- I holm' expense, so that the, o.tti be removed in atrio sylvunia, New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Del. ••-• ease of ' o.liing. end without the and aware. which gran insult .emotent a , large profits to I I -dlyAwiamlyS the manufacturer, and • speedy return of taveettuent The public are mooed to call and vet torso toote t eattou. at our office. in Pitulmrgh. eery day, at 4 o'clock. b. x J. D. CLAYTON &Co Pmprtetors ,thce. Exchange Building., St Chair sueet.iirx t door to Esquire John.' office. decll.dff EUROPEAN AGENCY, For the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly Wttlt• held REAL AND PERSONAL EITATE: the Set. tlenterd and Arbltrattnn of Commercial, Trading. and other Debts, Seeming Parents for Inventionsih Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies and Dependenctes thereunto belonging, and Negodming for the Pur chase or Sale of the some. It b EFERENCE may be had on apphcaon free of charge, (provided th. MOol'o ts not that of rnme curtesaly,) to a- Line ompemout o • ••rds of lat,bou names tn which unclaimed property es • tam.. Also, ends to our 1.0,00 a ads. ...month whirl, have ow...red for the post 50 years to vannas Walsh ne Rpowns, addressed to Helmet Law and next of Camnthluesttiona by letter are re9nestep to be postp.M. BENTIIAM PABI A N, • 37 , Rroadwey. New York. References are permuted to Hon. Charles P. Daly Judge Conn of Cosomon Pleas, New York Cl=ff== Catthdge ► Go. W. J. T Tap.con. . Esq.. Cineinnau, Ohio. President Pa whin Bank, Beall, I R.A. Rickert., Fdward Schroder A Satcton. uorli-dro AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY wautotss. rrrnumgau AND 11,11.1.1}0. WESTERN LEVY. Ocoee et the lexehaage,lttmeee. T EDUCED RATM—The charges have been redu ced on Ell trfesuget to or from Balutoore, bun hor Wheeling, and corresimnding reduetton made or all telegraphic despatches forantrded from Ltal “11.1, West of Pittsburgh, Pa. li. rm.—The charge for a teleg-raph deal - wet:it° or from Italuntore, Pan burgh and linteeling. n 4Z cents for the first ten words, and 3 cents (or each additional No cheep le made for the address and aigha Call the completion of the South Western Line of Tsicuraph frolen Alemphie, Tenn., In New, Orleans, des pathfies c. Le forwarded to Memphis b 7 this mute. end mailed for New Orleans. left Tim Allegheny Cemetery. T i re mead! meeting of the Corpora.", held on A ° V, • ";,"-- """ JOHN ayssia,L, JMIS CAROTID , NATHANIEL HOLMPS, WILSON MICANDLMS JOHN H. SHOENBERCE JAM. R. SPF.ER, IL . J. rumm, Jr-, Secretary and Treaseit r , . . • The...attune/ statement presented the affairs of the I Company In • very prosperous condition. nett office • ia iittuity is N0;37 Water greet. ielit . . GREEN APFI.Ii.I3-41 bblu asserted kinds, for sale by d - ee9 'ISAIAH DICKEY k CO IlirlE-1 00 his or store and for sale by ki tech. dad LUJAN DICIM &Co • MANUFACTORIES. wat. SeleEXAStitEß — &lllo - 211 - 11. COFFIN ISIAKT.Ree•INDFURNISIIING UNDER— TAKERS. corner of Penn end a. Ctatr streets, I evratstut the EXCillilllte 1101411 entrance on Penn UPC., I respectfully Mhero their friends and the puldr. that they err preptred u. termite and attend to everyttung in the line of UndaMtkors. Always on band a holm or tortrnent of ready made Coffins, covered, knot and lin titled in the very best manner, sit storm and mow ready ' Made Phreadlt of aannel.Cambrelr and asnaltit, and ad s. lca made In approved style. We keep a Isom to, momenta artn e end blaekotottan, s/ 'lt and hid Glove., calk for pail bearers and Mourner, mope, esp., cal lers, and every OMR tieee.l ry tor dressing the dead, and no reasonable terms. as we purchase all our Rawls la the Eastern ehoes Alan, silver plaint lan bltxrplr I l‘g the nome and, aer.• ice have a aplendul new heamr homer. and ant number st the best eat 'lnger }army tha t , attended to promptly and punmaalay. 604;0 y B EN N ETT 4 BROTHER, 4PFXNSWARE 51 A 1 ` 41 .Tatt 7 TUILlili3_, Ealrraltaghtam.incatr Pll tobtargll,l Pa. Warehouse, :4. 137, Wood atrecl, P ;11aburgh. I F W I Id, cong Illail anil y /lee(' On bond Z 1 good wool t mato to NV a.•, of our own llill/11.11,, nod copenorqU•lnc. Who:cattle and country Men. chant. are crape-Won y olvned to cull and ca. to for tuanoclaca, as . w• arc detormaceo to aril al/caper than bas over before bora nircreti to the r 1,, Ordrry 'en, by mul,itecon;lnnirti by the cakfla eI :i, teleYeure. will Le Prnalll♦ a eidrd m. ~b 2;, 4,11..V•NT. /Axle. E LmWt FLINT CLASS ESTABLISIIMIGNT• I.LN' 'ANN te, tnanufewtare and keep eon 5.., 011 band Cut, Moubled and [nail; f'lnt ras•sveare, ;up valleurs, tlle,rlV archon.. nor. ner of Market and W ate, I . ll,burpo Our WorkA tont nu, .11 111:1 Opr I liOlk and bre nre eongran add.ns to oar atork. ns to 511 .order writ pr , •top.ob... Yor.-I,t,br- are re. peciful in ;q.t.,. it MI mr I fle Ir COACH MAKING. FAUN tee vet y I I , crui 4( . 00,1(11 1111 . :• " leant the adhict,lwr he, ry., d ha Lan loen:rd L 111,./ •II A ~ ,,VANNI-J tadnerd Iwo to :aid Idr • li.lll of y.r. ,11.• pro, ri) 1,, occop , e+, 111 Beaver otreri. domed nod, ~ ,—,J, Preabyternan I lure h From lon&a•per, abort Ims,/se.• and a 4, ntr ., - ple- , 4 to,p,-. dor • It and rreeivr nlinre ni put I,a ptiteno. , re. No's , o hand and fin.alonF to ord. r, Rue Ifia war ISde• glee, open and lop }loggia, nod every de•crtptanl o. 3..rringan made to order, from seventy.flve ,)nlior. to • , [hthunaret JIMIN SOIJTH M 18C E-aAEO 10N. wharves. I . h/Pa. DIRT r los sale oo occonimodou l ng term, ItUtO pkg s anuturi art,' Tohoeen. cons,tiog ound+. halt pounds. 1...! o, 16's, la's o ”d lumpy f 5.a. Ws land n's plug end I.l's hushes who, anal bah h01,...0t the toll.o. ~,g approves! brupds, • ,1 Jame. II lima, Osborn & Hogg,' (aunt A W. atm.., A Cuban.., if .1 oat", & Son, Nl'Donald, Web." Old, J Thomson. JAme, Thum., Jr. A II Armtstead. J Thomas & %on. I..ndhorn & A11111..0 J I' Comes, J M lituoy & Roy,ter, J A rt.), M A limier. I' A Breen Hod, l\ Itum.n. Pearl & hooso.l, Nalla Page., Ko . ono, W!1 Vaalthan, JArntond Pormmi Jr Rol ~,, , Krim 813111/1,4/11 & II m etc al!. Jolts, tinder. I.rovrene.. 1.0(11er, 1 Rotolo., linty A I. D II Toro, Rlitmor,o, \ or.. Wl.ote, M Llrumb iiavorta Lent Tobacco, wromms and N'am do do do ed:legal. do do in :•'• ltdro de Cuba do do do I, DomiltKo do do do L.:n.l A liuklea do, part fide, do A1,..at.d.1e do do do N , lllllcky rarlou. glades do do , rg,:i.,a Leaf, bul:di•le for maduiarwrlng and repot,ll aced Load. Penn'u, C0105e,.14,“ .tod Oat, % .g,tnat S:laps eueet, liermo:, 1%,....., Plpe bead, . • ~ , u11...ww mud 1...4,1cr , ..i Ma, routm Nl,ll. 4,1,14 llaNahn Otto Roo, Ikrgumr.t. .toriu I,quoncc.Cavc.i.l.an t. my TOBACCO, tiBUYYS, AAD CIGARS lu• Old Stand., coruerof SMilhileki elf rel Slid Lhainocd y . Pdtabur,h. veva d I,ard-I.lda Coually !Urfa - hunt, and • - dal od. /4a , 4, a 1,7, ••al aal.cronr rt 1111, rF:to I'l,a arrdo, ha I IR • • tddada. vLr t ttrtoc.po tat Norma.. Star Brand. Muter. a •tot Iv r Rega.tat. a.t ot tante, *old ato toor ea cen he hod tat not other hotter to the rot Alan, 1.1)4.1 land lor .ale. a , arce •rt,l ViTpma. Slisanur., and .t.. Cat A Ilavabo, 1:1,2 and Common Leat Tobacco, • • e. te.tten'e t - nn haled and for •alr noe...t-elfren PAPER WAREHOUSE. BURLING SLIP, NEW YORK. W d far %a, at the- lee., Ylanutherturcret'pete,s. • vrr) rzte-re•rerc •a--ne mni PAYER roteemett, e-very p.a.• var. +6.pted to the wont' , of rn•yoar za,! • o l'arct 0( a., 1 , 6. m.d.. to orth, t I,cr.trwk PRINTIN.; rA PUR .• unuonal . ) I.r, ',no: vccv PAPER MAKER d 'MATERIALS tt,ornpt.u.l. I.l.lLew C. 111.1 Xlllll fa/ , vcr: FL-mnpr. Cloth. Fount, 4, Ricach.l.g Powder ltl, . RA6R4 • Canvass, Bair Rope,l.rnrs Hope, Baatenr, e r pvf Phased, for vrtttols the nichert peer on tarn r. , 1 i Y 1 37 TV , . York. JalvJt,tet rl lock/re—mad<on tbr nlost ao rn provnd Fame plan.— odd Rang 4o,hionable Kastnn panerna Imo! colors A 1.., ROLL, or 111/SION BI.IND. on In•nd or 'nod , to order ot •ae• and prmes. Count, Slerrhant • and only, are invond to eall ond so nal? the *Won ior tln-m.eored. MN all lord. I.< .old or rens, sod I, berg. dealontmn made to hnlesuir rurrhs., •oldl v • A WE1...71:11V ELT BRICK FOR BALK. I=l suhrcither is pro, pored to turiosh Bouquets ior Wedding., Ball. mid Curies, composed of rich iragratii Flowers Orders len with W. T Down, Jr , 1.1. ('lair street, or through the Post Orrice, wall be de livered promptly Jalk,S WARDROP. Nlaorbrower Norwry. nor.o dim. ROSEDALE GARDENS, MANCIIFSTER.' . knownTnit"..';r,:::':::'o7l7ll94:r7metlnlgtepulr;liieccieh:tr resort ctt 17- , lishownt having hero thoroughly refilled end repareml. mint the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated. is open for terse accommodation, and he flatters lism , self Mat those who may favor him with their patron age will find all that they desire, provided m the best style and on reasonable terms. He is determined' to spare uo eipense ti making hi. estalitishment worthy of public patronage. He haa arcommodauons for tin•rding a few families. Ice Creams, mid sill refessb : Went. suitable to the season, constantly on hand (chitLEVI lIIITICHFIFIX. Slostongahela }lose T - ii.lT.ll3ag Estab lishment. TSA AC NVII.I.IANIS Chapel arid Tallor, begs to in 1 form the citizens of . Pituburgh and other., that he t. now opening at his moms on Smithfield street, u der the above lintel. a large and beautiful runtortenCil n l or Cloths. Ca”isnores. satins. link., and other Vesting.. together with stir h other article. as •re required kir gentlemen'. wear Ills goods have been curefidly se ected, andare of then ewest and most fashionable style. as well as of superior quality /Hs cnstomer• may depend upon having their clothes made up in • manner which cannot fail to gratify the taste of the meet futidious. .pat/cif THE STALE. OF THE WEST YEN ITIAN BLIND )01 AIANUFACTORY East side of the Diamond, where Venlllan Bliuds of all the different sizes and colors are kept on hand or made to order elle the latest and MOUlappreeen Eastern Mal. sons, at the shortest notsre and on the mos rensonaWr amnia Al., the . cheep Domini roll or .phi Blind Tranvia. rency and Paper Curtains of all the different Imes and patients, on hand and for male low Mr mph. (lid Vein nut Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken LII pan payment for new R M WKSTF:/l V ELT, Proor, N. B —All work done with 'the hest nuidenaland workmanship, and warranted to please the moo hio. mho.. auglOelly Allegheny city, Aug le, 104th. STEAM PERRY BOATS FOR BALE:=TIie-etb !member. offer to.sell one-fourth of tie two ferry boats, Oen Knott and Gen. Wonh now running from tho Mat af,Petin Buses toriew Mill /bp, .0 as to ;make It profitable ineestment for capitalist., or any Lo may wish to engage in the busies... For timber particulars, inquire of novlbt.tf 0 BLACK URN & Co, Watet TRANSMITATION LANES. THE AINIO S L 16 E 1 4S . 1.2 BwrwEEN 1'ITTSL11;111.11 AND CLEVELAND. W. T Ptuaourgil, •. l'Assa d. Co. kkaver. ortt., C Linr t. aamaanux. eicyc.u2kdvrli Irr nrci in . t d ra a p .z r , t frc d t , g , l r t nov po ttt 11...1%tt,0..J.ti . 1;ko. "oat Iravry l'ittt.nurga and Cl...ye-hold dat!y, rtol lung in Conarruno wlth tar •temmoo.o. Luke Eric and Mo•bi4an. I.lClWtell INttaburg, too , 13 , ..tver. aod a 1,,„. of C. el.:. slmonbou.. propene, 131,411 and ol..hc.ct- V'' , '.at Erie. Huron aud 3olltiogazt. Prop,rtyll.ll, l lllllrd r.ov part of Inc Union yrni, dz•por WM. I II ATIIKit. or J.IIN A. CA L.1..111 , .1. AgeaLl, enr Watcr ana Souutfkeid Jo, ....burgh AtiEls•:—Re4d. no Co. li..arer. 11 I. hark • & Co, Youngstown, 0, F. 'X A Co (Var,q; 1 , 110.1W11 . 1. & C., Ilroladt”." A A N Newton FA/1 , .. N.. 1,4 port, J h K WinlC,..ev t & C II krut, A Pic., Itrc,cr A Co. Akron. . A.• A Cagle, Tolutla. I. (1. A Co, I4lnnl, NI. , 1, M'CAt7,..l Md. auk 11 .1 RIMIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, 111: 1 S - 11/1434._ totniiitri Thor oP thelitthtni, lIETNN,II,OI,I rnA Ittl'Utteltt Itt ill \ It , Nit t,A .1 , 111 , ; ire- iFI tli:• 01, • -.11.11- a ile l'ort.te Itoni 1. , ivi ine rentiivi-it their de it \ nil to . xJ. Ullti xlwLi.• ~,,, .or httittioreh, ore now intti n onto r tiainiweti tu their itot trn,.htibpral • lag e.if ttr.l 4.1.1 1•11.,n. [lour tor, 4,1,01.• of .. .a ~~ t .. „~~~ .1.11 1)1.N a CO 1 . 11.11 i5.1•.11 1,1111 J MI:- 111VI,A. fehtti NI, Lel A 11111 l SIeFA DEN & Co , l'o t w.ordi, anal Conmus mon Alerettataa. Canal Hain. Prim Yitt•lourrM JAMES M 6, Flour Fur ton and Comm,- .llrrr haw., tr.r. Marl", anti Connor st., I . llllad,lprna • grid!' ,Advanens ru.de rithr. rd alurve on Flour, oni oiner riidnm • r , , Nie 'dun 10 lLent, 1r624 rilAlv,..l I'dl.l , urr‘.. Ji S 1.13112. of llus 13, W. 1.. ronk,,n^ 1.• at Lloar arrlro,o... rra a• u•tral. aral %peak for it cortlltioar•r, o• tr••• atronaar• or Oa tr trlcarlo .1.%.•11 l'u PLl•arlripara, !Ilafra Sta. I. I-. P.m's- and Ohio Transportation Co. MIN=MM LArrO. , noliw of nit, I I. A ND CARS riva. LI , 11. T. NSP ,, III . • to rt" rT.v Nine, [...Li CLARKE & I A II , , •ACT ia I !-AVI:" & 11.1. R. I'tulrtl,l.2t.n. e .., A li Kt' ]o,ll I . I,ItRICA..Ig. Nrw Vert Co-pa 71.2. rs p. v _ \I kw: ktruzu,..- p.",uslur,e 4rrr.u, r, :c.!••? ~ N NI ICI-A. NI 1 , 11 , a, U. I A./NEU husbarch. March I. I KIER'S PORTABLE. BOAT LNE. et) NIPUtil U I NTIHF.I.V FIE-r " , 11'R-4,g Sl:t"l'luN V , PR l'llll,ol-'.1.1111.‘ AND vi 11 WAR , ' ku , Jr,6l.n.h, n.. 1 a.. u• r.L...• a. R. , nJ, r i~~ ~ ,~ 111 I'm...burgh :. 1- 501,11. lot I." IER .11,Nr.,—Coctu..••too s, l o.arrolo v Mc , ' "O 1 ."6 • = “-• Pock,. A.r. lobera. , sot co . ~, nut t on,:•• .“‘” "rumf ".."" 11 K, ti.cort cccv, ov - r AN I 40, • Ilt 111.1111, ^ . 1, JXV %A oval oc. P,ost,urca ..EOl.l Al 5 A.TTACLCILILN • I'• I.'Nftlrla L 11.1. >I IV, 1 , 1. or •s s cot of carnet Ptnos. a,th n attachment v 9 1 . 1". :zratlt: N, Unn• 1 . ,41, • 1 . . 1411q+• aut. tali tool c .• v, t. otter, 10 Koala,' t., t'ot• s 1 ~,,, no N moor leNlipnoil./. OA ad• ot. tors v loco ot sown co Aine. att., vat ice ...Ina remarks nu !tom .•. I%am, Locuoc.Jan 1 4 1•45 1.. v 'n•. , , a • IcOrr to toy [natal. Mr Port. 1. :a re'rco, from again oxprvastna • t, I ..s• olca•ed lout, poor -.l:ohan To Ph 11041 i.. 11.12. 111 . ..NRY (.11A1 F At tt att., 11.,.t. . 111 711.11.111 A o I: 11.1". e... Ix.wtt.r.at, Nor, A ,1141 t), Joni, e.trrir. No li. 041 `qty. Nt.t.a. i tea.a, 11..'n.•.tqat 1r r , ~,,, ~,,, \ 111 1.1:11F " • NI , : NI: 1i I:1711.11 s t..• s•t On in. ul.:n.st utl, your pnvra.o. II Kl.l-141.1t. I'll S.. 111:M I'l llt ii! st It 1 1.11.,V1 I : ol..arrn .114,.itar mot. .41.1 POILTAIII.V: TIOAT LINE r uLls it isOillis-11.cou of the Grey:: •QiP - • IS Xiga Ob :• ”• rot f . • , •rr.l k Ystr nts a. ; st... • . :ros, I art•lt ute —ot two vos •• a. 110 ;lumen." ramps and rova- I'lrll4Ell Ron 1,A1.1 I hu N SA, I T ..... A . 1.,14/111.X.E C. 1,41 17. 7113. r., .c 111-1 , F.,., rt, o%N.Ji( 1•..", ~,„ CiENNI,RS C., Num.., I . • ‘VNI IS \111.2.)S .P 5 LAKE ERIE AND LLVIIL 112EAZI ~...vrr. ~.d frroAllt and r 141141 Iton• rw rwrrn Heart, and Crtn, ur] lirwri • .n ot litro atrantlwartt, pr ottrln.r• art.! ...co. no ttle • pr,parod to rarry /Irteht and 1,1••• . 11,/,11, 1104,• Ent' witt F:t !Inn. a.ttl Mtn Ito Ka!! Having rvcry (Arl'aly for f 011 v, t . Sc:, vrtat progriptue and di.p.4tc h. provr".l.l. and 111-0•1111.11 regivetluily sg sally tt Iton: Ihr-11 tri..”l• ..011- 112ILLAI ice of . Lbrir pat tarn C M R REED, Drorrtor REED, DARKS A Co, Iteuvrr, AgrnDt. 1011:i A CAL (,)(L) AKrnt. 304 ear Water uml fAiar IS-IS. ECLIPMIC TILANSPOILTATION LINE. To .ud 'root 1 - 1,1 Com-erlatul THY. proprteior. till. harr•.int. thetr re-oryulllZl.'l,l :Mrg, oitert,...d io ntcrt w. n< 14141.1 Ili •uip,r. n 0.% prepiarkl to rward grratcr umouol tb. VIVI I , IV LINK niour up nJJ~;,onnl r r. ,L1•/ir Till. 111, srlil run theoudhout et. chthyttrlng hrrods thro t .h Pgrill• .11 Ihthottor• Pitt.ttrgh to uvrearrs And ttohugotte• •pvt tithd ,111,11:1Clits iron. I . l.lnalelphot for td. :the should It< uthrsrd teat, J U Kothosont 11:11(m:ore ' rue uNly &gems 41,, /3 ROBINSON. SPIS Charlra st. Baltimore EDGERTON A Co, Cumberland. G %V CAS , . firommemile. 6.1,4 1 C BIDAVREI.. I'Lushurgh. aggt INCLIPNIG TILANSPOILTATION traprirter• of Bus molar L. have changed it,. Agency at Cumberland from dad hones of brlclimg k guoe in dna of Edgerton A Co. Potsburgh and Edgerton merchants are [wilted that Bay ly kobumao. No BB South Charles st Rag .more is the only Wiwi - mad agent of a. P. Eastern cibee The only ape,. are J r BIDW ELL, Pittsburgh., W lIA.-S Broarts.,lle, !Wt./ASTON 4. Co Comber:and, dce./Blf J B ROBINSON, Baltimore. Transportation 1848.0,1 3. E t at a l al i sh C ln e • 184 S, TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NESS' I'ORE VIA Ve...N.I.VA,L. AND oftio AA RE prepared to tranepor good. void produce to and from the abase clues on la voroblr tcrnis, Ad dress or •pply to D. LEECH R Co, Canal Moto, 1 . 1,1.1,0rgh - 11 A RRIS & LEFAAL Nos. Id & Is South Thad At. Still 1 TAYLOR & SON. Ajr., No N'th Onward el. Bulk A. ABBOrr, Apt, No creel. New York. Plit‘hurgl,lll34rrltl9:l.. 141 nnrryl 'rranaport•tion Line. MEM IS4S. . - . FOR I'IDLADELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE. OODS roolugned in nor rare will be forwarded kjwnhout delay nt the lowcat current rate. C A Mc ANULTYA Co, Canal Baal. Paull at. Pittsburgh. IRERSID & REYNOLDS, ZVI and 365 Market st, PblPa. ROSE, MI RRITT & Co, Smith's Wharf, Rulurtiore. • AIEILOIIANTS , WAY FIIIMMT LURE. atikfiZii 1848, inkla T FOR TOY TYa OSFORII•VON OF wal I• MIFF JKrSv KEN Pittsburgh. kilarrsatlla, Johnstowu, Hob lidaymburgh, Water street, (Huntingdon Co) and Pe teraburgh. Thw Irinawa. fornwal eackuovely for the special ar• voinorwiroion of the any humor.. The Propetelora, thankful tor the vet . ) rnl patronage they have e vert &tong the last two years, would moose dully ur nnn their friends and the publie that they are now sun better prepared to dative? goods at any point on the Canal a „,) fu u l afl•d, with prompturaa and dispatch. •• • • . PICK WORTH & WOODS, JAMhJ A LORE, UFA./RDE TR/NDLH, JOHN MILLER k. Co. AGENT& Piravvonb & Wcaids, Johnstown. John Miller, Hollidaysbnigh. • C A m'Antony a, co, rand basin, Pitlaburgla & McDevitt; A H Shoenberiter; R Robinson '& Co, R Moo, Rag aluy k Senitt; Jot. Parker, Win Lea k s, k Coi DT 1' Sboanberges. je BOOKS, MUSIC, GO =2= _ . ... JOHN H. MELLOR. No. 61 Wood .'"°,, h.g now rtenved a full &snort nolo of Pinny tortes, selected from the tollowotg 171•11Ufle tones In llo.tot, , o d N.•,... Yrqk to wlor I, the crennon of poreloo , ert /4 ' 4.. i. 1. 1' ' , I ' y ~ , ,. .1,.! Toroo• from NIT Clockertnt, ,tor toe •no. or wow II 11 , In no.° Agent In Wenner. l'eno• Termed the Now Dolor Seale. topro, role, revel.). made. tend goringwen. n ~ e ,o •-.1 n•l‘ .414, 111 power and eyonlity o( tone n••er u•••• oow, T'..e tonnwing are we patterns •s: .n ..• or i •.-ttna . No. I H0ww,,,1. u, t yr.. Giiidted Lack S front.F.-Itx . " richly caned •• •• t. 4 •• enr•rtl :nouhlino, #4141 hm•hed hark had' Att. 2.1.:A. • • pro,,ing front.. ESC , : •• 1 , . • 7 11.• bi) rurveil.ml•lo of I.oni• 141 b. " I d hollow rorerrs end hollow roe hond.rovt originally Nay, end wily 1,11411.1:a/ :a r•ry rt.," rd NO I, llovevrond. r..und corm,, rrry elegantly 6e .vbed. corner. •rry r!• Tll , /I,IVO toifnctored I.y H Worer.ter, N .. 4tmu connected formerly amu "”• ,‘ Dunham. N. Y . • . ad.ea..ad, .Irnr v• d mouldlas, made I.y the Ntae..t.a.a N N" I. ortavee, Gale a. Co's. .ruml mu& hy lit riri l• LF., 'hand pr,er 157:, ..• :.t • ~, illr twe. J. , 11N H NIKI.I.IM, (:rninlnn.l Square Plan., j louilst , ---1..4.m • tlint.O• ,11 I ol Jad superb, .n 1 'I ngullon, I,y. ....ht.. , %1.-nstll,lloll : 0 -srv , nog u. 1.1 \ 1... 1., I .1. A .11 A N. • •i ~ nit Y 10: ....rye o . ,orn).. • ,t 1 a end roptuu•e,. ~• .... : . •:.,..1 and • en,.t: Il ..•.. I: ~•tr% A Attilnet ~ • I.,ie .1 , .Ala Earn., 31hurilie Acton., 11 I 0. 111 011,1 1I 01 I I.ltother, Arn l . l :4*Kht• day by r..zore•• and J. 41. 1, & STOCTON t . 0001 tor rkl nu K ll Mor, lA' 11 H—AN I) LIAWK --liavolg V V •mt. LK. twit worlcnteo 10 I , ' 1 0 gether w.U. 'argr amt •act [ma 13010 end Inat. • 1110....• adzipin.l in i work. and making n. cora., 0.1.1 tar...l, n.-ar. ..u.tomer. luny Ile I ir lid 114• • •11111 i. lOC 11111 i, lei, IV, and .11 inn . a•. - • 1,111, i 1.0.0 weizehr. A:1 ~ur pi 1,0/111 00 :.•in I mill .1e,rr1in. , ••.11....•••P As 113 e regu• el.l 11 , 1 , •1 . ft CY • vr , .. . I ... Iter. rilaty rAsurra zhnt th. , ) . .01 p•t II1L• 11.1 r BA I ,ntlit• trade Mid \ IV \VI Iv 11 Croinwr, •••,•• rr• •••• /1. • /..1 1 ,r 1 ,1% and •••1••••.•• 1ne . 1.11L4 tr • ••t • ate...l...la:lung II) I 'nr•v!.. , volt ' llion I,lu Is t•.,” Ketn , iv - ti.torleal Sketebn• n( gen h) cult In-tory. a ithquily a. 1,1 • I,— ,t•grx,rll , , and seolopc•I ite 01 l'ltt , trrr lifr. nod me ~ “.g:uprsi. nf • ..ngrnving. II) Vktr. ; 3 . '• tot! (..egehtla many Nuttowt—ltte.lect t.J tt , tvlt . It• u trott•la ot htd C u Burkhardt ttotrnt.,l rh, Batt, —The Thous* ml •01l In,. hitalm. ttr, .itt• C. 1411 11• ' lirriamsneWA. tratiCated nod rtt.tt,tl :kb: tarot . v teatth4—‘,lll rrptory t 0,1.14.1 G. rtt.th the „„A E l•endlno „,,„d „,„ 0.4 t etat• likr•rt, mod toot kAtt.d ..t ra •,, thytott Complete to I, ttr tottt C oth--1” thttrt., entt . •tt A ".1 . 1.1.A DIU na•orment of Mat. g Y ll! Kaply a .1 Ito.. t•h , cl Th,....•.rmnent• are made o! the :zit, Iwnt walerxml• B .o ro 1 , 1 %saw a good CIAII,II/ICIC, -• n ra*to,:o. the•e Let re put , C . t.o:y 1.0 rzer..ed o, ..Fn u A ! a•o, ved. tvo W 'ta l n s g u o y , ino, t• - -r lo ,oroordo FI M=MMEIMES Yurt or It orl -5.,. . r k u r0..e...ng inure 0.. r ..~rn.~..i <, ..~ 11...., i.~~! It.vr a la- tr.gn IV.l , ,atto 111 in •‘ll.l, ut :hr romsnre. •••It I 1, , 1.e h 5...1 eqt•tch A LD / BEESON 41 market at reel ~% 1 •• A .1. t-onietitLosle \ 1 11• , .1 l• I 1\ -1 I. \ I\l.\ - Con...soled Isom , he % i o . u NI , ••4' • . • 10/ oor,ec.l by MeSode,snd ott. ... d.. o. u. 11r vowd and Improved under m i•lo . \, . 1 . Nldm,‘ 1',,0 Eniuseer, upon rm . rt. t. rouht, . t.odm &Milord} of ow .„ • A . , ..y. • oi i{lll large old spletolol ~ -.: ti, s ,14.. mot•lor un:e I.y J. , I 1 NoTt .N a aTOSN'It,N. 800... ,e ,• co r markmwnd Irl. M atolls Prange Plano- - A s Pl.e..\ la II avaormarot of Amur fnigin ood and \I n Mwany grund vvi,on p, a0. , ..j...L aa,•lta, and Mr lair A 1.,. Iwo •piendid Rosewood roms, CoirmaJC• ...1r . ., rd .1...u1tv II altneMorny timslied L ~o• ..... st ooslero st) ,e, as k' 111.1 U 17.1 111 wood .t --- TitANSPORTATION. It ILIC.1), PAPLKS Co'.&PACKET • 9/2=4 ISAS Taabal•earai....4•C".. 't • AN lICI.F.VELA Nit LINK VIA, WARILY:\ l'aetrt—tSWALlM. Cart Ford. • (WEAN, l'apt t,t, atter. ( )NF.ot the above racket,. aortae Braver every day, Austday• eseeotedt and arrive next roorottnrr V, ...rot,. where they mule, with tbe Mail Malec. /or A. rtot ant Cleve.antl. arrtving at each of three pine., or ore melt roe of tho i . 164,C11 leave Warren dally. NI and ernar al Beaver in time to take the .tratokont I.tr 1 . ,11 , ,areh iNI 't rry.s aL) FINL W ELL, Wal,ent Propnr r• It Tiit. I:11A VER AND ERIE PACKET LINE . .11111.01•01 111111,11, 11111134, HOC MC .•ana - Capt. Jeffries, Tat..aa Yll, •• Pollock, •• Latta Call, 11 Tralf>, •• •• PUT Tom, " Drown, •• FAIA•111011, 1 ' Sayer Thr w and airleirtinl Passenger Packet. have. commenced runnfog between HEAVER AND,ERIFI. and orrO ruff reaularf) daring the ..a.son—ono boat osa Vele e•try morning at El firfook,•rld one Ie•y• Ittver ever) evening, nun... Lately alter The •m. of the n1C11:111061. MIC•111K11,11 frelrl Plttahargla, he ig/1111/ are new and emnfortahly furntahed. and wf run throualt in forty hours Paasengera to arty pot lon the Lake.. or to NtaKara Patio, find this rotor thr mom comfortable and exiled/nods. Tickets 11,0110 10 11(111s on the Lake cal he procured by af.p.)tng to the ftropnetora. REED, PARKS& Co, Bearer. /011 N A. cA PULattarr ear Water and Smithfield .2. ',CENTS —Jae C Ilarrixott, IlaQalo. N y. C Recd. Erie. Pa. C t• Wick.l frretmlle. Pr 7 , Cl'arland and King, Big ' Rend, Pa, lit,. A Plumb, Sharp.thurgh, l'a, fAs C Nla I an. Sharon, Pa; ,DC Nlatnewa, Pula•th l'a. It IV Cuniunghain, New Castle, l'ot. fy I l'enn•ylvanla Canal et. nail !load Err pre asy/mat Parket.Llne, 1848. AftAIL Prll`SllL'Uli TO PIIIDADELNIIA t HAL TIAIORE, fErcltwively for PittmanKera.) ti h: public aro reapectrully intimated that Nu EMIG 1 %I commence running on the Val mat. mot con :time throughout m e Setwon. The 110•14 are new, and or • aaportor elamt, with cf.. largrd atan, urtach will gtvr greater comfort. 'rho at• ara lila latent en:la:ruction A ~out will Alyea), be in purl. and traveler. •- que,nld 10 rail urW 0211111/1C lltein before engaging pw. tug , elsewhere Ware atollmoo dollars Ihron One oilhe boats o tbi• Line will leavii me Bowl, r oil Pena air., and Canal, r .6111 at woe o'• clock 'Nor day.. Par inlorni.ition. apply .t the or to U LEECH &Co Canal Bawl. IMtM=I Passenger and ILenalttanee 0010 e. Aubint IIANROF-N ok CO. continuo to bring persons fro any pun of Englund. I rolaild. Scotland or \Vales, upon the moot liberal terms, with then essal punetualny and ansmuon to the wants and cons. fort oneniungrmns We do not allow oar pusengen to be robbed by the swirdling seumps Mist infest the sea. ports. as we take charge of nem the moment they re. poll then/wive.. and see to their well being, and do Weit them without any deumuutt Ly Me first ship. - We say ttus fearlessly, as we dr fy one of our pas•en Feroto show Owl th ey wire detrusted le hours by os to I,er/owl, Whtlet thousands of other. were mrnlh•. uontl they COUld he sent to 11111{1C OM troll, ai s elt o ,ll. raze, veloott,too Ireyheolly proved their not Ens \ c tote nil to 11,riOnu our runt:sets honorably, c o ., what it rosy amt not set as was the ease leas woman, with other oltleent,—who either performed hot all, or when it suited their consentence. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh foe any sum from .L 1 to LOAM, payable et any of the ptovincial Sans In Ire land, Kurland, deetland sod Wales, 31.X111UA ROBINSON, • Fkarepean sod General Agent, nnh •trelti.nno door halo,. Won& • WiTARD-1 bbl rtuand Mustard, fur salabf y{y now D _ GOMM • “, inrr v, ruot.artieo Jov ulur t:r.,u• :WA, t• oUret. • “, of Starke. I ADIES Who Cse eon non ' , tenure.' Chalk, iite SALTER'S LA onen net •nrarc how fr .gtivolly .t.jar oti.. t is in GINSENG PANACEA! .L• ~•.‘ how course. bow 0..r.h. n..or ......t.nr, ',how, se.. ithes:thy the skin tap mars so, I u•.tn; prepared 1 , 0 THOSE SUFFERING WITII DISKASED .1 ri.k: De idea, it I. nu. nu., -one, omit a! a re, quen A LUN.S.—The unprecedented succoss which has it of load. We ha.: r• r pared • 1...aut.:0f vegetable to itdcd the use of the 41 ' 01, . b t, h we nail J0NE...3 • 1+ SYANI,II LILY GINSENG PANACEA It it I Tp. It is perfect... innotent. tieing pur.fted•of nil n all the •n noun forma which Irritations of the longs or. , ii.,,r.as qu.k..L.e., se 4 it anpartsin the CS.• • natu- sum ~ has induced the propnetor again to call &nee l‘ r ^ h'mlltf • . 1 .-Itaate - ' clear liong white, at the same bon to Mi. • ice acting as a or a.,etsc on Me skin looking It sell WONDERFUL . PREPARA T ION. end smooth. The chailem.le 'weather which Marks mar fell and Da' "me. An. anon, Pramual Cham.st of Ms.a. winter mond., is always a fruitful .uree of r , “* ., ... ...y. - Atter analyt....,,g Jones sSprin , sh Lilly COLIka AND COUGHS. Whtte, I find It P ....e... the m0...1 beaul,.lll And nem- These. if neglected, arc but the precuoers of that fell fa • hl me me tone innocent wtote I r ',Cr hew I destroyer. erflltlniv ran , 0. , ...e1.t.0ut n eo mmeo , .t. o. '." C.SUNIPTION. whom oh ,n r•oitotes lemon. ,lag " The Wafiltlol3, then. how Shall we top the destroyer m 6Yore Itie•no a boa . the bud• how shall we gm clear co our eouglo al J .Z , •Ite WAI JACKS , iN, at ha Hoot and Snew I eldt• is of vital Importance to the public oi Store. etit . ..,trty rtrert. Caul of Wood. el the simi ot I THE GREAT AND (JNIN ILE3IEDY Me It.e t Lakes. ladies. I'M 11114061,t1C41. /0 , mil! be found in the flosseug Panacea. In pro. of this me have from nme Cu tone published the certificates of Mt, nen you know that you are promised dozens of oar best known emcees, who have eariere A nano., lid-like, rllOlllO , , ertute. Thai ii. ~I atd. au . cognition .Nadie need tis o curs al u l 1....., re po o sre ar ther0 Th . e , r ,, ... ,...... .a1th .. • mass of ins , Aud wit n deathly le - tow (right , i 000 :171. 7 ..D ( 1 c C7L MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, The theme at both:et nod of ia/li I Monster, of the Gmosel. Au.. together with copious no- It you mount use a boo of JUN Etat Li!. v•vvii.,. li i ~,,.. ttt ,. m e would give your wadi an ...banter yet natural whale I JOUR.NAI-4 OF THE DAY. and at the sametime r , e,ir P A and .metneo .‘ Sold tat we here embodied an pamphlet form • and may be had JACKSON'S, MI Lit ton' st ore ..., rent.per on ~.0 tit any of our . throughout age thughout outhe country. . asal? HUNIMR.Dta OF sZyrrt.E3 .<., ~.-.1 to this my. /J AND •suttoru LOPS SWELL hat 4 illol l s-shilict.. AND TF„Nta OF THOUSANDS 10 I NGS.—Seroltill to all to multaplied forms ihrhughout the United States and Canada, and we cha whether in that of King's Evil. enlargement. n Om sage any man to point out • glands or bones, Goitre, 11 bite Surealings. enrocus , SINGLE INSTANCE Kheumallarn, trance. thneasea 01 the Skin or hp t ne t n which. when taken according to Moselle., and - ho- or 0 }M.o., G0e50r0pt,,,,,,, emanate From one bare the lungs bul become fatally dmorgramted, It h. er failed to Nast the stone cause, which is a poiaone ea ponctple •' t ,,. A po t Flyer cuRE , I mere or lea inherent in the Inn clot symem There.. w hy, then. hee d t h e tattete,d heath lb by ~, ,„:, fore. ordeal. this principle can be dostro yell, no rade l i ent se ru ni e houroms, gotten lip tip an. nara *livid cal cure ran he etlected, but it the principle upon 1 s al. u tar the assumed name of some en ibratard pity- Whtlat a medicine of which the cl.casit depends, is removed, a cure ,Si Man, and puffed into notortety by certificate., r. per m.. 01 neelmssds liillow. use matter nod Or .tint tom ' ....I. mi.."( c. kh ''''.? *N PARALLELED EFFICACY the Itseaisc shoo:el timeliest itself. Than, therefore I lit Irr, be h., who. vouchers are at honnt,—.our eglgh. is toe reason ',soy J trf T. , r s ALTERA TI V L 1. . um ,,,,,,, „.... .., n y a Nom j, ha, reenally I...remadel in neutering an man malignant I SNATCHF.D PROM THE GR AVE. diseasea. It destroys the virus Or panel Iron, I In order Mat this invaluable medicine may be placed o hm those diseases have their ringin, by coterie," I within the math of the poor . well the rich, ma have imo tile rirrulatiOn..lad wait the blood is conveyed I I pat '' Pn'e jllLT FIFTY CENTS, to Ma minutest hbro, remoong every particle of d I one half the usual cost of rough medicines. 1111 ISl.,ke from system Pteriumni and sold at NO. last sa l. by our .4,. In nearly,ar town and mu., h `Mall Third ....u......t. l'hiladelp... I over the mesh who are p . Id at t h e repared to give full inform ~ Vett n leo ~• re. i le. 71 Foto th street t i c ,. n, Latave to tr. T. SALTER, Proprietor Y,trvlrirrEh t0r.,.!.1 Broadway, Co netirtnatt, Ohio -- • PEACE t PEACE. It H YIIItOPATIIIC ESTABLISHMENT, =l= It., I 1.1,1 itllinls. • Lbad•y and for rate b Ji , IINSMN SE s•rtx.Kl‘,N ter Pir NI MliNt, 1 entt.tirlarlent. litiVlrl Co., Pl. lit - r IN EVERY MMTllElitti 1101.ISTEAD TAFL F.DWARD ACKER. takes this means of re ri-lir: undersigned ho s tong le inn convinced or the i J_J turnior ht. thanks to his fnends and the public 1 nceesstty to, s o ot ,. ~,,di en, a d a ,,,„d t ,„, ,b, use o f , for the extensive patronage he has received, and of in. rhiniren and Intents to superce de Jet- use of all those 1 ImeeMff Mom lhat he hat IntelY ~. ', ... 11 • large nod medotines ... w i t coti t sin op um, „„p n „, „, , e „,. th 5 ,,.., well consmacted building, for the exclionve purpoms ~ceded in pmparing and offering in the public a meth- of Its M'A'EllFt CURE ESTABLISHMENT, et , hie old eine futly-M o tw ering every p„,,,,,,„,,,,wd, 5 „,, a ,„,, t „„ location, at Phtilipsburgh, Pa.. on the Ohio T, river oppor brevets, witnont the use ot that de teleran. drug, or any mm Mc steamboat dandling at Beaver, whOre he istready ether caleele,ed to tn,,,,, ,„. ,i,,. t,..,,, , n ,„ j„,..„, p s „: to ntelelve pauents as boarders. and tread theta on Ily a in. be en not,. teste d an „ trie d . ~,,,, i„., twe l ve dropalluc prmeiplea. In addition to hilt. long expen. menthe by name u . ~,,a,„,a, and ~,,,,,,,,, top o"e„ an ' rove, and the great success whsch has heretofore at ths ex i xa ,,,,t,„ sey v „,,,,,,„ „„„,( ~,, procure ~ ~,,, .., 0 „ i tended his treatment of pntiems committed is his ems, bating 11 . ,,,,, .. F., ~,,,, ~:,, ~ ~,.,,, 0 , ,b„ c „,,,,.. D,. ibe has now the additional (anilines afforded by as ei• arrlicett, VOlTllting. Cnoite,,Grlptlig, Pains, Sickness and I ...tee heitithOg,efeeteel,e_..‘PeemdY for the, t e ePe ee i_,eel . Diseases arming fr ont r„,,,„,,, „, ,„,,„„ d ,.,,,, , unsung commod i ous aim ai ry rooms, ana piled ttp with without disturbing any of the functions of the body, ' every necesury apparatmi for bathingt and ddminim producing the happi et a „,l r „„,, reas „„ t te ,,,, L ,„ n ring the treatment to rho utmoet offnefit. 'add comfort from 0101,11 pen, to a • matig,,,l and Jo yous 5t„,,,, Of 1„1. iof the patient. Phillip burgh to n roost delightful and mg in the little .utterer! healthy village, eat) , of areas by stemaatats, and at. 'to to had 0 hnim a i e and „,,,,,,.. r , b , p r „,,,„„ .0 , D e , fords Lne and wholesome water. Dr..leker assures JittlN SA RflA NT, Druggim. and Apothecary; John ' those afflicted persons who may piece thertmelves nn. Mitchell. Kiltott A Ilecknain, and moat other Ur - ligation : n Allegheny and Putsburgh. deol3 co " t% ' f ' o " ru ea lt r n n ff 'b e: e v ery'' nu t u ra nn nTe ' o * f n th " e sti l s hit ral p i t a ia id l b ' e DTI:: I to to derived, he points with con fi dence to the hum Dr. W. P. Inland's Premlam PI . ' l , tired. wile have been permanently cured at ht. cost- T 1 R tt' P INLAND, so we Medleal College lir Phi:- " r heh m e .e' The Water Cure ''''''''' do 'l ''' . e'l°°"' I_, •Jelphiu. now offers to thi s p o w i,. h is 1,,,t,,,, v„,.. , beltitle, an is too often the case with Unties who bare viable Premium Piaster. the qualm es Of which, after been treated on the old 'p.m It renin. the di.. loop •nd time t. ice, has been satisfactorily es. ease. nivtgorates the system, preteens (rein Me dangers Mlillidied To nil women who may 1,,,, .timed prat, I incident to changes of the weather, creates • natural Protapeas Uterta et Felten Womb, I, e re e pu ,,,,,,,,,d a 1„, , end active appetite, and imparts vigor tO the digruMve plamer, guaranteenig a sure allil • seedy cure in the I powers. 'Germs of Itentntent oat boardteg reasonable. short space of ;rant two to thee wee kit, If applied with I For further particulars toquire at the estatbitahmenn, or mire and rem —discarding all the no sinless instrument. I address the ffeoffeletee at EhilitP•heellib mut expensive bandages so long in site. This he feels , eteiffiXel roitsciention in PI•411g. inasmuch t ts he ha; n ot DR. jAYNETI ALTERATI E. in nu co c out of three hundred and hay- th ree pa- w, have ben Informed by m e .. Ito, ~,r ~,,,,,, ~.,... nein, on her by Dr. Jaynes Aliertatlve,whosh Also for Rheumatism and %Vest Brent or I tack, at. thrntnn so n e utty over every Other fentedy of the ended .01111 Pan ). the" " nothing i i ° ngthit this 11 "`" , 0:74 . , bor i,,.. .ff1..4 for last Mite. years in affording relic, or effecting aeu re For sale by I with AI F.:CRIES Or W JUTE SW ELLINGS attended I. Wile... corner of Diamond and hlarket •1 • willi ulceration• .d enfoliotion of north.. bones, da Brn A Reiter, li Liberty and St. Clan Ins l nng which time many pieeu have been archaised from Or J Sargent - Federal st turd Lharnond e All.- I n b oo . et Me eninnuo, femo *Kb h., e.,,,,,,, gheny clip b__ wr istswr and hands, and from hodt legs, matrons the lea :aerie.. , r. Co " Denman and Diamond It r t .! .. ". - femora/ bone , and from the right tube, blesedea poinfal hoo t . I sit oleo". other pane of bee person, which/am° battled __ - - e atill ot a nomber of the moat ethinertlatia of r p el.. , F , A ,, R a tit... , T ic OCK'S AN'lli lIIIJOUS PILI.S.-- f i l l ~,, rd ,„,, „,,„„, of the tr,„,..h,„ egg 4 ,, 21k . . 1 -1 1 11. ecla . in ' eu r e y m 7 d m c P :m u' istr e rlt m iv b e " ns ' ild7tela il' o7p . o o r . t woes' enC I. ' " .....' " 4 g (printed d P tc . b " 1 b u T h 6 . A . , :r ni the Alterative. lives . th goitre arum, and hitting a pt ., ann. tendency t o the I srsb , h has tad as asaaasha,,.... happ y setepos see inlittry organs, ts eit,euteiy 1,1..0de In Mi. co entry, b „ 5r ... h .., s. s s , 5,,,.. s-s!„*.fe__,._“s,,,, „, winch bilious (avers otol elite r complaints on ended L..,4,,„„,..., 13. ;,..,,,, -•= e -- 6 , .. 7.4 „. z.,,, with congestion of the Line, • • mu. abound, They :_ s ...,,, ss „.„,,,, b ,: rds „„ s „,„„_, _ • Mecca ow . .. e t the teet at ttei I ei'rt. tilt "P ei ' tin " jib; more than she . - li.itia;7 s rbo m' ee t " men * Ted ' re i t.: ! ha proved them to he a safe • nil valuable mine d Y In . , tiro tru l y vb y bss i d , br , bsbs „,..._ .iaas tn Es „ p bsh Interco...li, Remittent and II Jinn Fever, Jam .4 me, 1 For further . inqui re of tic s Hose , No. ID Bilious colic, Indigestion , Den .p. y. In wintery, Bill •tis i pil,„:„ tat, phwai information . Vnthth"ge• colder, and Ott ii° ee 'pia." of ii " thannnintt ter. For sale s_ sejisgars at the PE:KIN 'YEA STORE, ry rhetoric., Pb. comet i i.e and universal awash w- 7 ,, ‘..abrsh at. a,b, Wood. u tom which has been given only these pi la to all so bo ti • hove used them, renders tote puhlt•lting of the nun r ou. ccrufwates In their lus or unneersitory. To pr. e- Terl n,g they in now put op IT • re 4 iyh e graphic scrapper TWENTY‘j-F"llVE:l.r...irLAlllitril-IWbes,:itd.,;--any e— re 1. who well produce a spot of palnt, irons of dry, that cannot be tie red with Hon'. ImproPed Chcmical Soup. I have the aatrafactron of saytng ur we people at Misplace, that this uncle!, by my Owl, mer7rovemerit on It, now stand. unrivalled in hie country 111 extractors. creme, tar, pitch, oil, paint, or rote °Mal .6. 6 . Y nob . . : stance, from all kinds at gr_nuenten's or t hilly it' c lothmg, JOHN. D. MORGAN, • . carpets, table Moths, MOM., howls , ladles' bonnets, N . 03i iVood mt eci. i , h , door .once of Ettarnontt 1 ite. WithoUt injuring anything that pare *mar Will not lute. More tell One thousand paned. in dlerereet / allay, P.. , " Iht Ps- ofte n xfor ails • 4, ,, ,, 'ir. Ica ,. 17 ' 'j ilt, . f t y boor told roe they would not be '''''.. I"d'n".. ''''' I'm"' -'''''''''‘' - ? '"U ''' ' se a :thou " t Il t.h f i c t o eo unt st r one douse pcheake. In 'crag this and Perfumery, feratgn and Domestic, to watch he 8 .. 4, no re t h an 30, ~,cka of tight Mlle., Mb.. e ,- call• Om atm.. /14 of drug f leis, phyalclans and mar- Ca. and calicoes, I have only found aim. Ple'" e t i''''' siting ti t° city t" te u determined 71,,, 11 et pee two'of alpacas, and Mar of oaf.. On which it "'"' low pone'. ''''''' floe general al ''''''''' - ----. cha t, silk. . d the rotor; therefore before putt/ilk It on a light warranted and cheap. Varnish No. 1 and 1, N. York i; ',1., ..,,,,,„( u,,. dress firm. I'mae Ibis necatme tuarturaeluter Moo Japan mid Blnelt Leather Varnish- '' ~,,." -A - .l.,,putcd not to recomm." ii.., 4.-r-d -us, of hoirertor q.ahly. Aldo. White and Red Lead at , —•••• - ,, - ,,,,,,,,b, ‘,... , 'N I lion. pnee• loner than here:more odered. .I. D. M. also I ' k i; ' ,.„ * „ 101 ~ p,,,, oats rapid, Ii and 'Mail menstactu I' , Morgan's celebrated Conit Syng,p,Phich i ~, ''' ' lt: 1 1 111.LEItla, has R Men p attend gatisiaction to all in the et rang it . ".' ...cm 57 wood at "'"1".. '" id ?: h""'"'s. ' "n" r n ', ° ' w ' l e e Pie4 couXh,: .- - „ :*,...,P.ND c. l' A dozen - o I• : l'll' r P•tro 23 ern. i''' .'...“, Ale., • Mits . * ) " , ra ' t :cored of Dr. Townsend' Tw rtarSopaana, the t ` tlndm, 1.1 scf Villa. aer Mara mire lor by rr y 00111.4.1. i 1-- „!,, a ‘ mi.ary meal... mme ~ n „,,,' 11 1i ..',,” E X' per bh. , . °scar, and all bilious complartits. print .15 et. I ll l. ' t l ' ll -. ..nuan bolsi... Il is .1......e.4.r. 00. • ur n ,01 .t:a•t Is put u r , - _.... . . I'm:. x; cent, for n bo x containing 30 pffla. I l tspared asni .old by 11 A FAIINESTOCK dr. Co corner Ist and wow!, and also torn., 6IA and w .- . . _. 1 --- ~...,,,,,4./ . nt! warranted • 1 41..... r. W OFf 1i ..,,,..., c .. , ,, V bbl. IrCiall eggs Just land .Incl 16, ..O. • by ~,...e.... WOllOlll vonattntg, purnlng, tarkenunl Dr 8a W H AHHA !Cr; H. de:alit-sun, L. patient. I IA ',./MEL—ISO tits _ . LoOa our .Plattrallusa klapnalided person' have ‘,../ dece Teat rued and for •ale by rented our labels, and put up m eine in the maw _—_ . 1 KIM' o Co diaper! beak . ` See that auk bottle lags the written/4. __— ......._. Sl.lll.lB—ln tads prone clover ;teed, Ins ls. T. madly rte. , . nf .. B * P '..”... r"" " m ' a r,-- a wmla :teed, k...1 ` b y n.v3U L 8 W ATRRII lAN 1 1 E. 501.f....4--oblof , fOiNO, berwv. _ _. Thud and Fourth . n Ih. Townsend'a on* whol o ya. C ille.Es};—tua nos pr IV Reserve. :Mr sale; by ~..1 agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine k2_ vo•NI ' S P VON BONNI 107LfiT . b. Co , :=l,„ „ t vs a t a tz SALTS—ii 1.... k. for sale by D. N. Curvy Wu been appointed Ws MIS stool for O. norno 8 P VON BONN BORST It Co Alletheny oily, of whom LW ll oo ofiO* &Wale can be _ 110 L AT BOAT3V--.30 Flat BOW f., rug it too to f: aNd _ long, for wale 03 J tIf..IIOONNJ ix a:a a. (. 1 'FA TENT burxicuilbuiwnlitl o Thj -- aorthr . by l wog 4u l &ea J BeBo9rauuma r co, 1 ( —....5u ample op partmuty to stuffy, to their rumus forms, the dietaries for eridch It I recommended, and to adapt rt emactty to their relief and Mire. Pe , den who myth a REALI.I 0000 Medicare are muted to give it 441.4 mid heat* II the T. of all supemonty, and the invaluable property it possesses of 00000100 sod co g disease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold ONE QUART,, and In Its memo Improved lam may safely clam to be the Buy and CIIZATZST Modlclne of I the .ir . its progress to the fame a has attuned may be trued by • long Wm of farts r , and a, that stand u landmarks and beacons for the Invalid. pobtaltng the "rep to 1 the ha nof health. 1 . I . The followuzg fa from Col. S. O. Taylor, • gentleman of high nandbibt sod twiewdv° acqualtatenee in the Southern states, and latety appointed Consul to:bleer Grenada: Ileum A. B. it D. Sktwo•— !fors Yoh, faarmr, 7, its. I 0 urrumen,—Haring need, and emnessed the effects of your ercallent proparatom I I of Sarsaparilla on different person. In various parts of the Southern country, oil . 1 • Virginia, Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico, I feel much pleasure in mends the high 11 i i ra 'm cZarro, tro of its re ly ' ' tVe e ' ne ' rr s' ”10 st . ater In ortie ° 7yste c" m7 and .a.d ezeitilr, m 11 1 14 1 f m'd our •S=thlyilTa'''m manner, ' imp ' r%d d ' aii n l i Tzten rstth sfeTil , ° = ° l' by the U. States army II , fn If n ex2 i eta t flm t 7; f cou u.. si i i r l,... sod . ,.. ZA . C . HA . RI . ;T he AYL .,o o . n., b h e as . fr , a i r m th r e .e ast See yell: 1 insole at the nine time, and it Is now cans[ an almost indispensable reopostta 1 :fr . t:r i r l b ar e nty...l 4 ll . no nn, riclu , si m o . n 1 would Wet ay, thou the better it IS known the rilore highly ,I, mown throughout the length and breadth of our heal th - n e=rld l count mak ry 11.. gene rally Yours rery reepectfally, S. 0. T 'l I U. S. Consul to New Cifulada. REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA. dwahpers, Ceoc. Jamey I, 104 S. Nears. gime !--4Zeralerneu—Sympathy for the at:BMW tediums me to M.• ,, m you of the remarkable tare effected by our Sarsaparilla in Me ease of my .11.. She was severely asted with the nod e ffilwat parte of the body ; tlw, gland. ot the wotW wore FrettlY euloolPoi, and her nod mook molten. Alta etifferttig over • plor. end finding no relief from the remedle• used the dtselp IM one leg, ad DOM, the knee cappurated Ha phystsisn cje It should tle Irl ai mer was de m, btd without airy cot banal. sheen= We co and won induced to use Saxes' c The last bottle cad favor. cart ... .41111 her more Man any preeuripaton r b lt ' ad md ev:r taken ; and before shs had 0,04 do bodies, to the adcadddamot and &Witt of her she found her health quite reamed. It LI now over . year AIM the core Ina and her health good, showing the <Um. wan thoroughly eradicated boat lits system. OM am all knowing to these facts, cod .1i Saxes' Sinapsoilla w a rt Massing to the age Y our will respect, /Mall P Zmuset from • Uttar received from Hr. N. W. Hartle, • pathos= wan thorn to !cm" I ban arced . 7 . negro !of of mine with your JlMayartila funny. Your* " Priwisks Hill, /a, Aly MM." • X. 4 : I n qh1.11.11111 • ma fa testlmony from Ray. John Grigg, late Rector ef the Church of the CroctlMeri m oity, crammed. Itself to the anaatizm of the aglhdad litmenrie oertdomse of carp of yellow dlsnau effected bythie matches see algoort dolly retetred Your. turas .-1 member of my family Du tato •Alnahls lanamartllit far • were sarotitlenn at orlon, te..tt N. most D.a.9aial afoot manilla; prom 1. nn. It laves m• ••t7 groat pl•astua to mead my testlimony Ia behalf of •trtn• aadadlosoy, !wpm; that alum may be mancod to maks • latal of LL• Na. Yid, May If, 1841. JOBII MOOD. Messrs. A. D. k D. gums : A A . T., Od. ft, ler Ozer tense —Peelings of gratitude Mince meth Make • Ile aCknowWdgment of the beamed I have derived from the use of your I ltays for severel loco been anticted with scrofulous methane to my head, whl.h to dome would Whet end &scheme at my throat, nom, and ears, Lad al other. would bleat out In =Mead parte of my face and head. Them cant/sued until my t.Mmi., face, and had v. ere almost one complete sore, and for a long bum I. we et/ bonne that it was with the nunost dueculty that I could spook above a erkisism._ _During this time had ilimrral attacks of plan:nay and other Memos. I consulted different phyebtlena, and trlo , l rem ® es hot reeelved no henget until I conthunced aka( your tam per Ma. lam now well the sores an a/1 hsaled, and I attribute the result ontlrely ta the effects of your valuable medicine. Tours, with respect and gratitude, PREBII CARDON. Beni re acquainted with the person ober. named, I believe her atatement to be correct /Melba M. D. CARR, Justice of the Puma JILDTAALD AND OLD, lIHDLALLI AND aILTALL,IIII A. B. & D. SANDS, Drtuoatorro AND etanourre, 100 FULios-rr., comr.• or WILLIAM, Now Yeas. Sold also By Drumm generally throughout Na United Stales and Canada. Prlee al per Bottle Ina Heald for BS • L. An a'or rg h, ve mud etvil. by R. A FA FINESTOCK, /I CO, corner of Wo•A ••-• th and nod at, by L. WI! COX. Jr . corner of Southfield and Fourth ars. nod alto • and lire D.amood , a:ao, by EIJWARI.) FENDERIC cor Hoag, n074r0 MEDICAL MEDICAL AGE.E.4.T COILE, tertian...l by a. original and WI true atted gmaume Liter Pin, prepared end 014 by 14. bEL, LER.S. bloansal , Farrar( , Weetnuttreland Llo., Pa., t July ISLIL 1647. Nr, 17 E. oSelleer:—AeMutta o(duty to you and theat6acted inductee. load! my I.mb:a testimony le favored Toner...ly celebrated Lev Ma l Jame deterred dung w for years, estherttm to Davy Camelot's mum, *he sure yogi are riper, Mee re Wort." Most of the many prey..team. °tempt.. and qoadas, hstaded lo the slum, ham sunk Into oblivion .toes )our laver Pi& hare boo offered to the public, and. mired, I behave they will al.eine theta all,. a. they are just whet you represent them to be I haw been altered with Laver C.maplatut from my youth: have mitered ranch; employed many eminent play..., to whom I paid much mangy; haws lost much b,l,d; been vomited and phymeked almost its death; reheated sor 6 t.maa and Wally cow up eauide. Jr 1,33 7 I was induced to try your Lima PIM, and S O ON 1)0T WELL. One boa of were 1.• now sacrament et beep meals. 01 palm in the std.. and all the other 'raptor. for al la. 4 oandhs Your hits are I. the best <mimetic I wee need, be ... m t il m d,.co m t:laptue tcb r, or b o:itai b m . ue o. h h ue ,,, knew . a l t . the my for 6 or 7 years, sold hundreds of hates, and Wm tumor heard wue , e cud:minuet uttered by ..yon. who Ws used than. They have vaperraded tv•ry other pH In thts maghbothood, aO4 or a short had 11/111 toonsh them all earnestly recommod them to all I..roma needle's physic, whether 63, Laver Gmaphout or LI, ilo.us Aftetimit. I con wder thom ter "open. w Colotuel or rns blue Pal. Respect fullyAuTtx Nloaats L then arc gal., P.I. Wore the pub!. c•Ltatu Loa., rob, prrnad h,. sate, the ,iEN CIN ask for sod lak, ...the, lhav, Iho.v or. pared and .old by E F. SELLER.. No 57 Wood st beierea Therd atad F.rett !NW by Dr C•IINKL, VIII). Ward. D Crazy, Allegheny ri 1 1• vas T. the Medical Profe••lost end Public. ECh El( A Pi Itc flospttals A• 1 :12(, and nth., pub:, ronbh•hment, and recoroniondrd • o. 1110 , 1 d,-ting walled ...la, and L . nrnip.t. a. hit 41, le to .1 , .1 'or eloldrcn m and Lnyalida. ynuel. wporsor In arrov. Oro!, saga, en , tar more aircnglhelling. p.rasaot t. .la and ran) dtgn Pat , one• 1.41 f paper., each arrompanird pri•ited lo cooking, l.lahlg, In h.• Agri,ahufa 1. 11,11,1 t y r Phil Cd , obxervr. - Children fed upon indeed any kind of my lalareou. 10. whieh ingrr. then. fitted for the lannain3.ll,l and inuaelea, ...eenme fat, and uenuirr itiocil • , 041 Lhetr ,intl. •*ar full. but they do F., iir . ,UlT,. •tir , ,,rla, am are their arrant properly dr velon,d.• Lt th.;ana.t•is of lite Ftirola Pror Recd of New York. among OM, ett.i•.l.vent• gtve. 15 per cent of glutton and •loutricu. tents./ as SAW the. claims of the Parma upon the Hod sl I . rofession and Or. public will rest upon m. etnnalinna m the Outten and albumen. vegetable fibrin° snd o.ner nurogerused bodies or. found in erre, root or 'Lai...a r sunotances, and whiCa modern chemistry has ',totted oat as brink necessary to the tertruttion 01 tritnan Libre. and by meansoi which nature mak, up an the constant waste that takes place in the human (only. For sale wholesale or retell. by It E. , F.I.I.EftS, se)ly. 57 wood 41 Great Eagll•h Remedy 1T OR Coughh.golda, Asthma and Consurnpuou! The 1 GREAT AND ONLY fit:Mk:l,l lot tho curt. of the aooan discuses, l• lho If l'NG.k/11A N RAI.BAhI UN thscovcred I,v the coleo , rh, .1 Dr Buchan, of Loudon, Kogiand, and Ho...lured o Uoutd !idler the to:needy., supenittendenne or the inventor te "Phe •alinordinary •u,•ee-, or il:•• medine. tit th'. cute of Pulmonary diseases, warts,. the American Agent ut soliciting]. treatment the wor.. possible ca w. Mal can be round 111 the cosoniundy —i• aunt that leak relief to Ye. from any of die eousinun remeilma of the day, and have been given op try the mart distingumheit pliyalotans as confirmed and m,-or.. 'fir }longer,- an balsam has cured. and cure me nbeit desperate or case*. It is no quart nostrum. but • to tidanl Eng lish medicine . , of known arid establ,,,ed ctimecy. Every frostily in the Ulilled Stule• niuld he supp:led with Bonhomie Itungartan Balsam of Idie..ot only to couuteracillie coumunpuve tenden, da or the climate, but to be used as a preventive itied. , Litte in ••' cases of colds, cough. opining or blood, r on in Me side and Chest, irntution arid sorene..• ot tunas, brochnia, difficulty of breaung. hectic rever. owenta. emact anon and general debility asthma. whooping cough . and croup 4014 in largo bottles • a I per LlOl, wttli full dire° lions for the rlittorehon or l'amphleLe. coottuntog a mos. ot . l'..tettah and ertifieette, acrd of bet r showing the un equalled men.t thle grant florziedy, may b outuhted 'f the Agt•lr.u..“l, II Yor utle byA INF.KrOCIi tr. Co., eo:nr, of et and Wood hod \\ - o td 1411 •, 5i14.13, DIt.JAYBI Kl 4 CARnIN ATt V E LIALISA2I , RUN the Az ASi I.\ a well known and pop ular rgtrosn of the Vratiatant Methodist Church The undersigned bd•ing been aril. , teal during the inter lilt a disease oi the linens, r., sometimes pro ducing g• - •1 pain in the stomach rot ten or twelve boon without -nisaiori, and alien ha 'tag tried •arnius reincdlei • ,ittle elect, wan furl...tied with a bottle of Dr ne). GE. rtn , tut Thisbe oaed az coedit% t i the arreetrear, Ana tumid on variably that this medicine oakived thc per three or four win nuts, and in fifteen or twen.y eh.. nu...every uneasy sensation was entirely q ate st—t. lawdwitte s f rwards used whenever .11 diranoni the seprouch of pain wet c perretved. awl the tram thereby prevent ell Ile coat:need rx e, ids..al...dry..< every everting cod sometime, the mot - rune . a leer weeks health was co fax restored, that the •atre rt. r rkile• ad front a large arena oppe•-•/ p a. Front el Trawler. e. therelore, he ea recorne"d U D Jayne'' , t'arretttartve le i . tten, a• -tatatlry m e dico,, for d,seaies al sad eo we... A till IN lY U A . .echeny eny.jy3l For .ale In P.tLiol.urt,lt a: 14c TEA STOR %Fourth atrrat, o.eor Won.J. 211 /30 at the brUg Store nt ,141W•liTZ F,tfrn, •Irnex.Allemmu our Blood M R ro ,;. , F , :. , S o l s kt o l ,4 lol. o ‘ s — w lk m a o. r , St i r: J s ...a.:::. , , , p o r se tlf,N i t tha w, . w,th n scrufulous mompiantt In to) legs. and bod Lea) fur son. mouths under theooloot simmis The) std 'lv eon- was shun, iicumble. and they roold but tUtte for 11Ie I was IlVarty helpless. but w. the nd of crutches could o Ida ththeulty get 01/0111 In May last. I putehased of you, and commenced using Thu, Tot, 5.......,11/11.1./i. Atter the use of two honks. the we. commenced Iteahnat, and I lald aside my mulch es. estug ouly cane. I dmpensod with my sane. and at the end of the loon),, was so well as to ammt day 111 40 . 0(0111 sheep. lit all. I. 111/011 bold 1110111011. The setoiula aud sores have all heated up, and lance last rummer I have seen 110 appearance 01 the dawns, but have coolmued, and am now. to rote most 559 . 001 health' I• 1 am wntt confidence, hum. that others may be ben rimed in the •alue sv, mut the Sarsaparilla sold Its you. has beet, the mecum 11101 111 C OW) local./ of erMet tlll..2ez sshoissos sod e s t s : I (2I . N o F.LI U S J. fllMitr. A. FANKFTI n. 7 I( & Co or. front r wood sta. tr comer word .4 Gth.ul PI ILYUDIERY— r Cream de' Amanda (or shaving C.Fenw a .a ROAt . /or l; ==tE • t„. l.'legle:iscent Page, perfumed with Lavender, A ogle- Beauutul powder ova, of ppaernt; Knedused toilet ihozee, CO.lta.flllic tra,[ll2ll e =sets lowse hanOte•eroct ; SecIII .11141 to soaps, tun able for prreeols. rerwan, or etoneme ;harder; Inelon vegete.:e tour or.. MM=lE= obeli 'cap; Bodo woo; olotoor , Lo groat var., of fine Perfumery: luta ec0.4441, ror nolo I4z B A FAH A CO 0016 4 or O.h c• Pulmonary Balsam. FISSR.S. REI.I) It CUTLER—I e I it a duty 1 owe to my fellow creatures, to state sumettong more respecUng your / Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam. Since I first used the Bohm.. about eleven years e t r e , the happy etre,t whtch I then gave an recount at, hats bad several severe complaints and attacks at my lungs, oue a tow days since, and in every Instance I hays used the Ba/sam alone with complete slut perfect success. It has edeeten relief and cure tit very few days. It is certainly • toJe medicine . 0 do not know that cure a hued ccneumptron, but I belicv• it will he m Many , Mac" a preventive, and prevention is Letter than rare I do therefore, tor the love of my iei• low men. earnestly recommend the use of this [Jetsam. In al/ pulmonary complaints I am confident that it has been Use means of pretservute my Isle us this day. nosmn Jute 10, 7 4ti. AAIIN rAIC. , ,NS and For sale by It A Fahnestock. & Co. cor,ter first wood and also corner wood and OM 1010 SELLER'S IMPERIAL. Colli/1 SYRUP —lt hat power ID cure! Pirrsarrott, Feb. 11. leE. , • . K. E. Ststa.as tu se—My wife has t) i , ars bor.. subject to a distressing cough. accompanied with ssoona. for the Cute of which else used dater,. cough leinedies, and had the advice of the most eminent physiciansit i:nglasul, bat all was unavaillitg Ify chalice I heard at your leapenal Cough Syrup. and W. I/10, Cat 111 liar • bottle for Peal, although I had nu beii/if that anytiong could remove her complaint Tom) great surprise, Iwo doom. gave Our immediate rcoei. she /A a tones troubled with a cough, but ,vo 1 , 11111r0011.111i of `term, away s mops it lum satisfied. am, trial of threw ur tour ear, that Seliers Cough S)rusi is Use best cough medicine I have ever tried either 113 the Old •r Now World. Wsi Psis.... no, Seventh Ward, city of The above certificate should ludoee rill who sr.. troubled with cough or asthma. to give thr ion LL II mu!. be Lad tor Zs' eel.. a how, at Ike drug Moe of It I.: wood M. Vold LT Dr Cassel, Jut wan). and II Curry. Alle gheny atty. Patent Block Sprlisait M EWLY 114 V h:NITED—Fof tee re t and remanent rai Cure of HERNIA or rrt; rts.lcil to ad uses.) !De Superior crawls of thr• Truss eon, ra tu the corn• [Minh, rasa With Which It may he worth lae pad of Wax" Izmir hourly Iratanced on PI/rang". y relJ. u firr, Sire on nary part of lid 1110/0,10 1 ) .111 N• :tsell In any moven.. =sae by thr, wearer I. cola ire VVI,I 1: 1111 U 11301 .1 1 tlerrnix•ion, unt I • cure ts eder:ed The sat, kr.bers have made arrangements for wennanutaelors 0 there valuable Trus , ses,,n a sopertor ray ay. n rat hipar.. and hare the m+.0 ,4 / for sate at tat, ethic, Nu 17, btattaticle st hoar rittsbaroh. situ. lh ATT, K A IIIFTIAN. QELLF:H.S . VERMII'LL.IL—LIopertm •.t) I hare OOP ever used." Cimmux Tr., FaXclic rounty, I's . Nlttrelt Mr It. E. SuLkum—.l lierrby A.A., met I have tatted your Vermatsge to m, wont,.iwisc ~ A cyual, Ant superior to any I haver ver t.t..e.1 I to nue of cuttalren our dose, wlorlL exp,ed •Aaut to worm.. Prepared and 4oid by It F: SELL)..n,. , w ood ~ Sold Ward'. I) Al l urry. At:eiticuy W J TriSirCIIMICr,s., mad I . Oravu. Lave. ritucavdle. 141)4 CTRINCID—An a...nrnrstt r 10 by cayj PITTSBUR(SH CiAZETTE, euut.lollKl) HAIL), r W I:S.K LY As 0. 40..0 Builtirser, 7d ~, owes the Poo KATMAI Or ADVEItTISINU. One insertion of it lines, or le. SO Sot/ Two insertion withootaltentrons (175 Three One Week • • •Nro Week• ...... '• Throe •• •• .....Jul . • One Month, —....... ltl Two • • •• Three " 7SO Err Longer advertteeonent• in ate, e r,,poet,on One aguare,6 months, without ell. Each additional equate for fi manta.. ...... 5 IX) • I ' 10 IC One agnatn,6 month., renewablr pl,..asurr It , 10 •• U 0 Earn add stiormlsqaarr 1., u 4 n , Isl.l Two agnate., 6 m00t.... to pnat".". 3•• IA ) Each ttitlart..6 101 %/VI XLIF a rlsnw :41T l• rs ro Use .4... 3 ina rt it n.. " " each aadiunnal inacm. , n FIUSITIZna csAus. Five lines nr less, one yeai, sir morels, " , t Ape year, rially 61 weekly, 10 00 " mix months " 00 nbiritilT2sii.lllNTs 111 W tacit /Alta. For 7.0 line., or 0. 1 1 , , Oot ou. , "°° , SO . 5 0 • • Two, " 0 7b Three, I 04 Thee wapitis, •• Six 6 0 TWeite ••••••••riii M1M21211 C and wt. .al J KIDD .4. Li
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers