BY,MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. REPORT= & TISLICGIttAPEKO Exclusively ter the Pittsburgh GI FOREIGN NEWS. AILILIVAL OW TEM STEMS SHIP NIAGAR . Seven nays Later from =grope ANOTHER REVOLUTION IN ITALY. IMMO FLIGHT 0 The PreallenUel Contest In France FRANCE SENDING AID TO THE POPE FOUL PLOT DISCOVERED 47 FRANK. FORT-PRENCH AND ENGIJSII ME. DIATIoN WITH ITALY. Immense Army Invading Hungary DECLINE IN COTTON Bosros, Dec. 16, 1818. The Niagara arrived at her wharf this morning. She made the trip in 14 days, having sailed on the 2nd ing. Another revolution has broken out in Beane, at the head of which are the dubs. The mob pro. ceeded to Quirinal Palace and demanded a new ministry. They asserted if they were refused' they would immediately declare war against the Pobe. The Swiss Guards were called in, to resist the mob and protect the Pope. The Diplomatic corps entered the Palace to protect him by their moral influence. Some attempts were made to fire the Palace, ha t were uasoccessfaL Afterward* the Civic Guards invested the Palace and commenced a favilods against the windows, overthrowing the Swiss Guards, and shooting Palmer the Pope's Secretary in the breast. An overwhelming force of beteiger. compelled the Pope into submission. Among the list of mi. Wert sent in 4o be appointed, the names of three persons appeared who were among the coapir atom. The Pope was under clarets, his personal mfety endangered, and on the 19th he submitted to all dictation. The !Artistry proclaimed kiaramdie President. The Swiss Guards were disbanded, and the Na. tional Guards took the place of the Pope's milita ry. The latest ace.ontim from Rome state that the Pope had Aid! FRANCE. The French government has sent a force Into Vecchea to support the Pope, and protect him from his subjects. This aid from France would no doubt have iritlti mice on the result. The force sent by Cairngorm consisted of foursteam frigates, carrying a brigade, which Gum, it was believed, would secure the lib erty of los Holiness, mad respect for the members of his cabinet. Aa Envoy was also sent to cooky with the French Ambassador. Additional troops will follow if it is peens:lcy. Cavaignac had carried a vote of confidence in the National Assembly, by a majority of 503 to 34. His speech was highly oat The vote ail. solved him from all blame in the Jane Insurrection His prospects for the Presidency were brightening. when Napoleon Bonaparte Issued a manifesto which changed the current against tom. He avow. od strong republican sentinierqs and detested au , Malian. He elm:lmes a strong desire if elected to maintain peace and good will with all nations. Cavnignac read the Envoy's instructions to the National Amernblyi He repudiates his intention of interfering In the domestic difficulties between the Pope and his saborrts. French funds have improvod. There was a report current in Paris on the lst, that Winilishgratz was assassinated, but it was not credited. The impression was gaining ground that Francs would settle quietly down after the Presidential election. GERMANY The Frankfort papers sum that a plot for the re publican socialists' rising and assassinating seve ral memberant the German Parliament has bran discovered; AUSTRIA. Vienna watt tranquil. The Emperor of Russia sent the order of St. Andrew to Windlshgrals, and something equally as flawing to Jelliebich. An immense Imperial tumy was about invading Hungary. The German papers say they witH meet with a amp reception. Dn. Beecher and -Wick haws been executed for participation in the Viennese revolution. __PRUSSIA. Berlin is in about the same state as at last ac counts. No confirmation has been received of the King's dismissing the ministry. ENGLAND AND IRELAND. The cholera is decriming in England. Bullion is rapidly increasing as the Bank of England- Manchester is crowded with American men sthanta who have taken advantage of the tow price of manufactures to lay in supplies. The Irish Journals are devoid of interest. MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE Austria has accepted the mediation of France and England in the albino( Italy, and agreed upon Brussels as the point to hold the conference, and has expressed a desire to enter upon them. Bar. tide, however, preferred awaiting until the French President was chosen, to which Lord Palmerston acquiesced. The mediating powers also apes to prolong the armistice during the winter, during which time Austria has consented sot to attack Venice. Marshall Radetzky, ecenzaander of the Austrian forces in Italy is reported dead. Rome on the 2thh at-, was in a state of tran quilly over the succeeded conomatices of the 17th. Campbell, the new Minister had znived, end the Pope appeared satisfied with the new order of things, and the prospect of peace in the capital to be so soon restored and the settlement of the dim• ankles between himself and his subjects. The seulement of the dispute between the King of Naples and the people of Sicily, is stated by ■ 4:arrests:indent of the Times, as expected. Hellion Is to be surrendered, and the Royal troop* to eves irate the Island. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. LIVERPOOL, Deo 2, 1648. Consols am very firm at Ent to 1• Cotton—The I,lift ansanee lag week has been marli lost, Sir ?labile, 4; Upland, 3i; Orleans, 41; Paddling, 31. Sales during the meek, 35,000 bales. Ebser—Free 27 to '2Bs. Corn n lower, beat Yel low 32 to 33; Meal la, dull. provistone—Bacoe, 45 m 591 choice lots,— good Dew Pork wanted for ebandalry purposes.— Eztensive sales of new lard at 36 to 40s. Baring's Circular says that American stocks are is fair demand and improved in prima Se per • cent bonds to bearer done at 961 2d; Dividend Oblo tlnd purchasers al 91s; Pennsylvania s's, 675; ;Marylad, 696, with light stook; Maiissehuseus, 94 to 965; New York, 90s; others unchanged. Louis •iana and Unica bank bonds find rudiment; but uro othesaorta _ Cuoszae. MBEL AT BALTIMORE Bitunnons, Doc. 16, 1648, .The ship Cyrus Richards arrived at the port .yesterday, and daring bar voyage three persona were attacked and died with the Cholera—one M, bet one seaman, and the mate of the vesseL 'Sloe at quarantine. The news has created wonsiderable alarm In our city. CHOLEEA AT NEW YORK. blew Yeas, Dec. 16, 16/8. Time sew awes and three deaths by Cholera seaweed to day. The plague IWiv4s yet, been moaned to the Quarantine Hospital, bet if it is cot soon checked by some cause cure may cere benly icepeot it—tor that caution and security nee etesary to pitted on kola it has not been adopted by the any authorities. PARILTIMATKE DESTROYED BY EIRE. A report was current in our streets yesterday, hat lbeliuk Theatre, at New York, was destroy a d bY fire, lag nigh occurring immediately attar the caraelerden of the overtire* performance, ao g t h a t several houses adjoining were also dc strayed. A a oar reportes_at New York has said .9thipg a b ou t the matter, we . give it for what it is worth. The !WTI tames per telegraph via Buf- falo and Clevelsonf: LEWIR CABS, JR„ NOMINATED,. CHARGE 74.) ROME. Wasum'oron, Dec. 18, 1848. The President has norainsod Lewis Coss, Ir., se Charge to Rome, and but Mile doubt exists this his atunination will be confirmed by the Renate. His competitor be that per, was the Hon. Mr. the bite Democratic candidate in Ohio fin Aloventor, whose Mends made every ellen. Ste his • Domination, bat Wiwi. The nomination will be . acted upon by the Senate, pethaps on Monday. -COMMERCIAL -RECORD.- 1=!I Sun No Moon's I sets. rises. I ihases. - 4 39 T 3 -13 439 7 t) 4 30 83.4 439 0.41 4 37 10 47 4 27 11 60 437 morn. , • _ _ VMS DECEMBER. 113 — Saisiraai, Pi 17 Sunday, 7 191 19 Monday, 7 2J 19 Tuesday, 7 55 .311 Wednesday, 7 1M 21 Tbursday, 7 Z 3 'M Pride 7 92 PITTSBOIIOfI BOARD OP 'MADE COMMITTEE FOR DECEMBER. Orrics Prrranoacrn Gazrrra, Monday Morning, December iB, 1,494 Tan Witirrinta AIM Rthrith—The weather on Saturday, and for several days previous, was MM. sutgly mild for the season, so much so. almost to preclude the necessity of fire. The river cootie. ues in fine order for every class of steamer*, but oaring to the advanced stage of the season, host iles" in that quarter is rather limited. The market exhibited its usual quietness, but with a fair run of sales to the city trade, and no material change in quotations. FLOLTR—The market is stagnant. The amount coming lbrwatd is comparatively light, and in the way of sales very little is doing. In small quan tities, the ruling figure, of the market are, from first hands 3,75, and from store at 3,870354 p bbl. Some lota of ordinary fine have been sold at lower GRAIN—The market is generally dull, and pri ces of a nominal character. The following ere about the ruling figures of the market at present. Wheat 75c, Rye 50, Barley 50055, Corn 33R35, and oats at 296i30e from store. RYE FLOUR--Supplies 6111 limited, with small wiles only at 3,3103,37 y bbl. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Receipts continu. very light, and supplies are limited. We quote a $1,12( fr sack . of 56 sta. BUTTER—SaIes of good keg at 81091 e, and .1 roll in bble at 10,11, and 12c pQL Consulera. hie quantities continue to arrive by river, brit for the want of a better market, it is mainly passed to the east. OILS—We nonce regular sales of linseed at 57 &Min, and of lard at 55er3pc for Nos 2 and 1. CHEESE—We notice regular tales of W R. to city trade at 5462.51,.rind of cream at 61081 c as in quality. RAGS---Regular sales of good mixed from tint hoods at 3c ip Id SOAP Salesof city and Cincinnati manufac. mired multi at 41, and of variegated at 101011 c pound. CANDLES—Saks of city mould at 101, of dip pod at 90, and of star as 21(i122c ♦ M. GROCERIES--The market is quiet, with reg lar sales at our last quotations. CRACKERS—No change m pnces; regular sales are effected at the fallowmg usual rater Water Crackers Butter do Pilot Bread Dyspeptic ........ Sugar & Soda Crackers. Ton Pas= tlmunt—Capt_ Chan. S Fnsbee's fine new steamer under the above name, made ■ short trial trip on Saturday last, and to judge from her performance, we think she is destiried to make a good runner. She ts designed for the Big Hatch ee trade, and is built with particular reference t• the transportation of Cotton, the staple product o that region. The following am her dimensions: Hull by Gee. ham & co, Freedom, length of keel, Itrt feet, and 120 on deck, with 20 feet beam, door 251 feet, hold 6 feet. She is propelled by two enemas, wish 14 inch cylinders, and 5 feet stroke. She times boilers 24 feet in length, and 42 inches in diameter. Engines and boilers from the well known estab. lishment of bee dt MI-43innia Her cabin is by Beam & Meson; n to en excellent Job, being staunchly and neatly constructed, and well stilted to the trade far which she to designed. Her pan ing is done by Rhodes & Nelson; fumdure by Le mon & Tildao; upholster; how the establishment of Wm Noble, sth street; chandeliers, furnished by Bakewell 6s Pears. The Paster Miller was built under the stmertn. tendenee of onr old friends, Scaife S. Atkinson. and take her out and out, she is a splendid job, and re flects much credit on the builders. Messrs. Sonde & Atkinson have recently engaged in the busmes of steamboat building, and from their well know acquaintance with every branch of the business, we hope they will receive that patronage which they so_pchly deserve. _ Twin sun Tasve—The whole Lumber of seaudends arrived at Pittsburgh, fin the week ending Simdap evening, Dec 17, is 61; departures for the same period, 61. The whole number of travellers, registering their names at the five pen- hotels in dos coy far the meek ending De , 1, mamas to Ma Coasts:act cu Basra 9.—Value of Foreign Mer chandise:imported into . the port of Boston, from Sept_ 30,.1841, to Sept 30, 1948. Articles. Value. Set, 1,063.087 tat • $149,976 Coal, 81,261 tons .... • 195.573 Hemp, 71,84 cwt .r: 413,359 flat, 12;061 " `91,475 Unmanf d tobacco, 276,454 ths 36,913 Tarred cordage, 2,1 85,219 - 131,311 ' Soda Ash, 10.254,828 " 143,011 Bleaching powders, 1,395.161 . 36,131 Opium, Atom .- 65.813 Indigo, 6.92,440 " 440,810 Saltpetre, 9,939,603 " 373,35. - 5 Cocoa, 429,301 " 51,291 Camphor, 99,325 - 10,091 Ginger, in root 1.170.631 ' 41,00 Black pepper, 1,739,270 ' 52,720 Cassia, 68,116 " 5,80 . .4 Nutmegs, 79,333 " 37,464 Raisins, 5,611,404 . 201,75 l Ckrves, 111,900 " 13,141' Figs, 2,027,665 " 83,54 7 Dales, 96,241 - 3,711 Cumuts, 724,845 " 31,171 --{Boston Tray. Cattle !!stet New York, Dec. 11.—At market, 950 heel rattle (400 Southern, remainder this State,) 50 cows and mitres, and 2500 sheep and lambs. Prices—Beef Cattle—There has been a good deal of anunallon in the market the past week, and quite a change has occurred, both as regards supply, and prices. Cattle are very scarce, only 900 head fresh having arrived Woee our test.— Sales Were made to day, in some instances, as high as SSgs curt, and the general range of prices was from that down to 5.50. Aboot 100 left over. Caere and Calvet—Sales at from $2:63535 to 47,50,41 told. Sheep and Lambe—The supphes are gradually off and prices are correspondingly firm.— We quo te sheep so (mat 61,2502,75 to 65. Lambs SI to 2,75. All sold. Hay 621 to 75e p cwt. Straw $2,2502 50 per 100 boodles. W . The exeemsve or morbid secretion: of bile Is well known to eaum violent disturbance of the duo:s lims organs, and bring on malignant and unmanagea ble Aiken, winels often put tit end to The stomach must be cleansed of there foul merebons, and this can most readily be aceomplithed by the use of tl A Fabn• ~...<lO 4 Anti-Bilious Pill., which area most valuable romp; cathartic. They can be lovers with safety at all time; and afford relief in • very•_shors time. Prepared and sold' by 13 A FAtiNPAPPOCK & corner tat And wood, and corner Gib and wood ItTars Exkorroutex—We wesid call attenuon te this exultant remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma. and all affections of the Throat and Low. flaring meant times within a few years past bad um.- Moe to use • medicine of this kind, we havgby espen •ses tested 1L imealtent qualities, and are prepared to recommend it to other. blinisters or other pubes speakers &Mimed with hronchtel affections will Ind r eel benent from its on. It is freparell by a 5c . 151: c e acToris VlVeire all in The Vnite h s od to i r t a w n lil i e s h ittere contmended,-ICelumbos linnet Cross and Journal. Ritual. at the Pekin Tea Suns, Na. 7o Poertit Mutt. 'my** 13:r Worms, by their Irritation .110113111 the 'Ger, Ilan Of moans or nano in the stomach, In vrbieh, al so, they involve themselves; and n is said they teed enon it, and if deprived 0(11 they die. The e et e Lee, e d tfamdays yrreparad by B. A. FAIIN F.STOCX. Pittabar6h, P, is adnurably adapted to sts operatmen first, to remove the proteoling manta, earl secondly, to expel the aroma rendered ha pines and tender by Le inn that denpded. It Is a remedy in wltteh every eon at6danee era 6e plemed; and th ti has answered the purpose is meatiest nom the hundreds of eerufwatet glvaa in it. &VW n o yria went to dna., beautify and make yore hot wifuend Poi Read— .), Henry ECallen, late barber on bond t h e a team boat Soule *merles, do certify that 'ante Carol Hatt go:aroma ti the beet artiele I ever tired (Of dtesstag, . o. . n i mc w wn g, XFaitipg the heir a long urne soft, clean, eillry, dna again artker, all my ewWmera preferred it to anything glen no I. pm, tide will gad.* guy reaeonahl a ;tenon what berg stated. I raiglit give the twine. of don wm ha For sale by Whl JACKSON, sera' a 2 Labatt) st,eign of the Big Hoot "That whiny skit or bars, that maw, • And poleu monumernal alabaster." idhil females have Mint like tho above, who itm Jon. ftwalett.Lily White. It meketb pure anowy, yet nate ally wino. Sold at a 9 Liberty street. . JOB V' Furs hiamg Wanaggitit k Suutixot—Eina dar—the real quality of a 30. boo , of Jones' Coral Llair HeAtontiva is to forte die Mar to grow an the head or face—or wherever imbue intended hair to . For see by Will. JACKSON, No Liberty Meet, Pm of Me Sig Bo ot. maple Mrßolt have • Foul Breads—ll lot have, usa liag bouts of .1.1.1 0 Amber Tooth Pane- Th anllaud o s yam breads sweet, whiten y our teeth,/ca. N at. itrq 71Salltwil PM OF PITTSBURGH 4.11-11.1YED, LouisMcLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson. Browns,lle.l Michigan No 2, G,L.on, Bea err. Lake Erie, Sboles. Beaver. n•hnn, Lashel, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Monongahela, Stone, Cm. Isaac Newton, Mason, Cin. Fort Pitt, Miller, Cin. Pitser Miller, (new) shipyard. Skipper, Stoops, Hoeklagport. Consul. Kinney, Wheeling. Lady Byron, Miller, Lorusville. Allegheny Belle, Hanna, Franklin. • DEPARTED. Louie McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Michigan No, '2, Gilson, Beaver. Caroline,Lashel, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Arrowline, Morrison, Brownsville. Arrow, Nelson, Monongahela cm' Arena, Gott, Franklin. Messenger, Reno, Cincinnati. Saranak, N Orleans. }Mail Columbia, Green, Cm. Columbian. Cin. Isaac Newton. Mason, (in, At dusk last eventng, there were 1 feet 0 inch ater in the channel, by pier mark, and at BOATS LEAVING THLS DAY Rmwnsville Packets, 9 A. M., and 4 P. M St. Louis Lady Byron. Wheeling Consul. Hookingport Skipper Cincinnati Dolphin. Louisville Pliant Miner. IMPORTS BY RIVER Telegraph No 1-1 bxa glass , S McKee & co; 1 bbl corn meal, Shoenblrger; 100 bbla molasaes,lno Greer; 1 box aima, 1 keg mo. lasses, 1 blf bbl sugar, 2 bxo fruit trees, 25 Ms cot. ton, Bissell & Semple; 21 bbla 10 aka 1 keg, Lytle: 50 bga pottitoe.,4 hints lob, McLaughlin; 15 empty bbls, South & co. ('irtrionatr—Per Isaac Newton—tl9 bbls whin- Moore; '4l do do, \V Lehmar & co; 12 do do, Juo Grier, 23 do do. W Greer; 20 do prune pork. H Gruff & co, 1 hhd sugar, 2 bbls molasses, 5 qr csks brandy, 2 pf do do, 19 WI chests tea, 24 bss tob, J h I)avis; 16 bbla charcoal, W & M Mitcheltree; 0 do linseed oil, Sellers & Nicol*, 241 slot potatoes, 1 M Vaughn. RATES OF DISCOUNT, 6.6 1./162:2/UNX--2.2Hon&CCk.L. 6 r N. HOLM! 16.8 & BOMB, Exehange Brokers. No. 36 Market street, near-110 .1 Pe nasylv anis. Indians. Bank of Pawburett • •-•Par.eltate B't & Branches• • Exchange Bank • • • • • • PRI 0' We So rtp • - .• Merck.. Man. Bank -Pas. V IrstliSia. Bko.ot PlBl•delphis • • I. of Va. &mord Ihnt ------ • • • • pnrlFanners Bk. of Va• f . Bank of Germantown • parin3t. or the " " Cheater CountN Bk o , "ghr ra• • • •• " " Delaware Co.- • •par /k. 51 Bk., Wheclal " Montgomery Coo par do Morgantown• • • 31.1husaberla0d• pori N. W Bank Va-- Colnabla linden Co. • par! do Wellsborg• •- • 1 Forniespown Hank par' do Plarkershorg•- Farmers' Ilk. Ileodlng par' Too Fsmers' Bk Bark• Co. par . Lk of Tennes•ee • • • . 5 Farmers ti't Laneam'r •par , Far. & Ilderchhs Bt.- " Lancastel ah. Irk.. • • -par, Planters' Bk.-- •• • • " Laneame r Llk.• • • • .- - par Un.. Uk. U. Maley Hank-•-- • ---30 Al 'moor" . Iltoirsevole iik.• ..... par'Hurte Bk of hltuoun• -- • W na b,ngo o r, Irk • •-• • • I North Carolina. Getryaborgh 13k • - • 1 HIL of Calor Fear.. • • • 1 Chunbershorg • •-- • " InlerehN , Ilk.. Newborn. dasisehacns Bk 3 IState Bank , • • Lehigh Co Dank, -• • • • -- 1 South Carolina. I...O.rtAIDR/0 • •• • • • • - u/2.1011 kik ...... • • • Fllddlctown I Bk of Charleston• • • • • Carlisle •• • .....Coonakerna: ...... - • Er, Bt. 3/0022. Lill of -•. •• • I Forme.' sod Drone.' talk. of Hatuborg• •• • • 2 Hank, Was nn.Lurt 1 Merchant.. Bk - Harr , .bare" Planters & hied:rah& Bit • 2 • -•-• • - • Bt of Booth Carona. • 2 Lebanon •• .. ....... Maryland. ..... tlombeforc Bk.. ..... • •p• Wyotrung ....... .. I Bohm e 10 RR Senp •I( York Ilk Cumberland 80. of A Ile. We.t Branch Bk. knkn7 Hebei Notes .• For of Maryland - Mehl Ilk. PIRA 40 • " ,Fm mew' & klecharne• Cloy tc County `le xp •-- 1 Ilk Froderek 0310. Frecte CO. 8k..-. EltateYloadg! .d /Mane bes Ilagermoarn BY ' ..... • • - -Len'3l Bk -•-. Sentwers.e-• •• • •• f'•.•,pwo Bk • - ••.... I S. Cl- ------- - Menne. rr Bk.of Wesurunster •• • •• New Lisbon • ..... =lc taiga.. P.XOS• Ha of Sr. Ctwr do• ••• • - • Bk. of Hover Ra/sen ••• •- acelen.lic• -• • • • " Nirchtgan Ins. Co•- • • 5 1 . • Wisconsin Terries, Wooster - 71/.74ar..k.Ftrela.eo.7.lllw l e 5 lldasslllon • -- Cosindsis. boosty •- • 0111 wive. Bank*. •••• . r boasts l •• -• • • - • • • • I Ha. of England Nore• Gold a Specl• Valves. S. .... •• lNapoleone 3 CA • 0.-- Dayton• .• •• ..... - . . Lah. ,<..--...r Ise 261 I Western Regan. • - Eagle, old- 10 60 Frank. 11 . 1. Columnas " Eagle, new .....30044 Chilltuathe • - " Doubloons. Spanwk. 16 00 Lake Erte• • • ..... aDo. YaLr. ..... -•15 SO 5032.• • - • • •••• --. Sonerngas ..... • • 123 L oor namer.....---_---10 Gal.. 3 on I 33 :Fminnokscrono.---•1 1 7 N . Granville 50 'Ten Thole. • • • - 7eo Faroe. D't Canton.-30 'Ten Gotlders •• • • 300 I Urbana - se Lontsd'ors• • •• • • 450 Kentucky. a. Ilk of Kentucky I •Ne.. York 131 of I orrinotlle ' .11 lode'phi• • •-• prm NOrbern Ilk lienfortry • " •Baltrmore • •-- -• • • Us. Now Yorh- Core Hanks, par Intern?, Wks.-- I $4,00 ♦ .4,73 .4,00 . v. 121 _ - JANES W, WOODWELL, Roder]] and Antique Furnitare • M 3, Tmap BMW.. Prmaaracin. 21: 1 A lam and splendid assortment of ratrtanore suitable for Ignominy.... , Hotels and private .1 orel• co...taly on hand and mule to and 'he present stock on hand cannel be steended by any Manamalogy in the wesle . rn country Presorts vinsiung to purchase mould do well toge me • call, as lam de.monsd my prices shall please. Pan oc the stock emus.. in— Tete • Tete, Bagel E.g.., Lo. XIV Chairs, queen Eitiabeth TooYoy as: h ruff T.b Toilet Tables, I X V Commode, French Mahogany Redsteads. Piano Stools, SO sofa. wt. Plush and Hair-cloth covet.. Sit Mailgram Hocking Chairs, 40 do: Parlor do 3" Finley do 15 centre Tables. At pair thviim 4 pair pier Tables. IS marble top Drown( llamas. Y. Wardrobes, i Seeretanes and 11.4.1.. - I.e. Ml marble top Waal, Stands; 4 pair Ottomans, Op.lrfancy Work Stands, A very largeassortment Of rano:lon .• has r • and otoer luruiture too nurnerou foontlon (If Steam Boats furtashed on the shortest not and on the most rearonable terms _ _FRESH PURE TEAS, Wholesale and rTtail, at the DERV , . wroil.F., 7n Founts stteet. near Wood, Pittsbureh.—The subsenber ban lust returned from New Vora, now reeelame • large (all supplY of fresh tiIiERS AND BLACK TA t . :rote the lie Voris Pekin Tea Company. untt eed with great v are f a t rod sales. our cock being now heavy we am pared to supply Grocers. Hotels. Steamboau and wa r m dies with any quantit) and at any price they may wish, peeked in and I pound part wo, slb on (SOW tens. 6 and 111 lb natty bole, and in half chests Retail (grocers ate invited to rail, a. we can and will soil better Teaa lower primes than any Whet house In Pittaborgh Our stock at fine Young HY.on,RnaPowdef , and penal Orsen, and Oolong Black Teas are the best in the A111.1./1 meant. hovettng's double refnuid Loaf, Crushed, and Pal. vented Sugars. at retail. or by barreL ' COFFEE34—hloeha., Old Roe. Jans, Lapin.. tit Do mingo and Rio Colter, .elected by Me most expel len ced coder Broiler to New Yolk . Sweet Speed Chocolate, Pickled Carumbers and Onions, Fresh Peaches, put up In the.. own mice Malaga Raisins. in 3 lb Lose.. N. ti.—All Dr. D. J•yna's Family Medicine. for sale derS-dtorti A. JAYNES. • INDIA RUSHER GLAW FS-5 dos sandal:mans' Ind. Rabbet Mores. boanuful oracle, ree'd and for sale tan halts gobbet Depot. No L. Wood as & II PHILLIPS decla ri CM 9IIOE-itt--11 cases Gum Klemm Shoes, of ditto r kJ eat kinds, which we offer to the retell trade much lower that any other house in the city. We invite customers to come and examine for them•elvet dce.l3 J k II PHILLIPS, No .5 Wood •r I YORK Felon & Co, have met received lJ • fresh supply of ladies and gents French Gera Soles, en article highly recommended to persons pre. disposed to pulmonary complautts, and to others es • preventive to colds. den Id OLASSES--1110 Plantation M0t..., I•ncling .131. from stet, Hail Columbta. for :tale by der t 3 lIAGALEI & SMITH . . . . RA ISINS.--tjoU ho . wn. h R. 16 :1 , 118, Loge gs br o ad, deel3 lIAGALET & SMITH TlRE.m..rr pii.E.4 —2 dor Breast Pipea, reel,' and for JUP pole et the India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood et dccll .1 h. II PHILLIPS WHEAT—L. bbl. Wheat, for axle by dorIS DU R 1311.11). i E, WILSON & Co SUGAR-10hide N 0 Sugar, nevr crop, landing from reamer Ringgold, rind loe vale by eol2 JAMES A HUTCHISON Co n --- 17LANNELS---5 bolas low pored rod, wane and poi r low Ftonnnto, opened and for solo Ily dealt SHACKI , FITT fo P 9 wood st _ _ I . ;IANCY PRINTS-4 cues new styl just rezetved by deelti Slf AcKLE•rr & w rn• LIOTAI4II-7 cad. plow, for sale by decll 8 M VON BONN 11 ORRT /lc Co EIL PR1.:!..48 PRINTING' INK.-7n kegs new. Pink. sdo book do Cylinder press ink in I Obis; IU. tiff ClVed end (Or sale by dreg J SCHOONMAKER & Co _ . CRANBERAIV.4-40 bbls just rec'd and for sale by 14 WATERAIAN, 4,0 3t water and 01 front st U111:11—itlbbls fresly roll and packer Butter, also 11) ke3v BMW; poi received and for sale by dent. LB WATERMAN fIANDLVZ---1 0 Ls. mould candles on consitcooten , rof .1.1. by d. A RMI3TRONO & CROZ KR Ul YE-15 sacks Ry., for sale ty thmil ARMSTRONG I CROZER SOAY—fro la• Cinch:nail Soap for sale by deal ARMSI'RONU eeCROLF.R 1111:o c ots wool (just reedyed and (d R. ROUISON k Co. UNDII.II.IB-25 ablesmall volute Beene, In good .pipping order; hiti• Dm' Hearn.; 8 kegs Lard, 01, lauding from steamer Lamanina . ' for sale,ay deep ISAIAH DICKEY te Cal front et FFATUER-454 lbs prime Diatom, lot eby &sell 8 F . VON RONNHORST At Co - UT INTER LARD 011-10 bble of the beet al YY Joel teed by 1 SCHOON LER & the, deo& e. Sma ILK PlUigaus—wo dal black Hula. FfWg., by navl9 SKACKLETT a WHISK To Western Merchants. MASSES k. FIF2IT offer for sal. at 35 Wornd street ritubu on accommodating terms 100 pek:C. IL, Impl and Gun Powder Teas; 300 bis Rto Coffee ; 10 " Pepper; 5 " Alspme ; 100 bra 1 lb Lump, 5s and 8a Tobacco ; pkg. B non; 15J hhds N. 0. Sugar; 100 bbl. Molasses ; 75 " No. 2 and 3 Mackarcl ; 20 half do do BO bbl. N. C. Tar ; 10 " Tammr's ; 25 boo Chocolate; 50 1. Kamm. • B 5 " Winne P . iper ; 1000 " And I , Yruclow Glass from 6-8 to . 24-30; Bi milts Soda Ash , 30 belt S. Salts; 10 e.ks Pearl Ash; " Snleratos , 30 ° German Clay 500 kgs And owls, with • general assortment 01 all sites of iron, and Pittsburgh manufactured article , st low ;wren sepls SUN DRIES-150 bap Greet, Rio Codes, 35 bags fancy 15 do LagOark 10 do old Gee Jar, 30 hall chests Green Teas; 20 do Chubut and Oolong Tess; 5u do catty bores ass'd 1. BO boxes Tobacco, assorted; 50 do Crompton k. Celt Palm Soap; 30 do Chnhcothe S do C.OlO 10 do Palm and Almond 40 do SI R Rarwns, 4.0 do " I'l9o lba ionic Curran., 30 bbl. small Loaf Sugar, 2 rases Wolsey D R 1. 10 bbls crushed and pulverized Sugar, 5 do N 0 Chinned 2 cases Extract of Lemon I do " Rose. I do '• Vanilla, 5 dos hoe Olive n, 10 cane supe O rtor Mustard, I 1. assorted Jellies, 1 case Julobe P...; 50 dot Patent Zinc Wash Boards, ISO do assorted (3000 Brooms, lbs oupe nor Saleratus, Sc s Stearin<and Star Candles; for sale by o,'ool J WILLIAMS. corns, wood and C li GRANT offers fur sale on accommodaut 300 tags Rio coffee, epper, rtribac ltlont's Arne, gull do elk P MIK Holmes• do, pkgs 5' 11, CI 1' and In 15 reams Tow M'rsopi penal Teas. 11 Paper. 30 eels r rushed and pu1. 1 150 do Straw dodo, conned Sugars. 50 dot Hemp cords, or . do N o . 5, Lo• 100 I 21 manill• Rope, Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M 2 coat. Madder. '40.1 lb. cotton Yarns, 2 ceroons Ind tgo, 3.50/ lb. No I & 2 Battu Id bra ground Pepper 53 bx. Rosin Soap; I casks F Salts, 10 do rare do; 5 bags Race Ginger, n Ws Roam, 6 do Allspice, 20 casks Tennant's doul 60 matte etnnamon, refined Soda Ash, 70 his 1., ss, 'and 12. 36 has 10012 610 ts• Tobacco. vanou• lints! 44 do 0010 do. and qualittes, ;102 do mot Flasks, 10 kegs Carohna and V. 15 do jdo do. tenet Tohneco 14 do quart Bottles, 11l bids No 3 lab go mock !131.1 Itola lame. rel. II IS kg. Beatty S Ride Pow -75 tittd. N() Sugar, i der, 352 keleelpur l ) white Letitlllo9 do do Rock do I cook Lamp Black. 114 Idles No 24 Sheer Iron; 1.211 lbs A B. Fll and coal! 03 Peacock and Patent Steel. ,leaverhs_l2_p_st I , lir. subscribers are now recetving and oder lot met at low rates, as follows. ma K 5 hi cheats Y 11. Im7ertal.l 50 bbl. No 3 510060 el le P nod [ilk Teas half Lb. do 43 lilt. do do 75 hg. white Braid Sugar 400 bags Rao and Logout 150 boo Herring, No 1 Coffee 15 Ids Bordeaux Almonds 15 be. Old lieu Java do 35 - 5 Walna. 150 his manutactured To-d 5 - Filberts bocce. 5.1. IS, 16s. ?Zs. 30 - Bran' Nu. 1 lb and I lit lump, 16. Al - Tenn Gad Nuts ' and 6. Span do WO bas W R Raistos 200 mats Comma ' tar eases Tomato Calsep I bbl Nutmeg. 50 drum* Figs 1 ta bags Pepper 7 mats Dates 2 eeroons Indigo 1.2 casks Zan.. Cartartb 10 bags Pimento 20 his Shelled Almonds 2 hate. Cloves, S eases Llquones IS Itne chip , d Log wood ft/ has Rock Candy 2 cook. 51.1.1er 7. bas Sardine. 20 boa No 1 Chocolate 75 - nre cracker• S eaal• Epsom Sal. a - sowed Chocolate TO lA. Tanners' 011 2 eases Prunes 5 cask. I-amp Lni 25 ho. 1,31,10/1 Syrup IS hoe Sperm Candles I cue pres•'d (Wiser 4310 x. White Ihpe• 7 gm.. Blaclitug 4 cubs Rte. B .10,Itaat enneipc. Regal. r hags Daley Salt I Casteia, anal asta 00 WON reamed Sugar I Crgars ENt G LIS II k lIENNETI . aug3o 37 Woolf m,appostle SI CO•11m. Hotel Ore•eries an., 41t46. : 5( )( ) bog. Rio and Lego,. endre , 50 pekg• 5 II .(. P and Impertal FeuFeu, i 1101 had. N 0 sugar . 150 hide -- moleases . list hes aswtrord tobacco 3201 metre N V sole Lather , 181 Itge •....1r powder . AM reams wrapping paper . 60 - foolscap . 50 bbis Nu 3 largemark ere. , 50 .• North Carolina ta, t,u•aertga loaf sugar . sn. chip ,ogwood, 10 -ground ears wood . I hods prime made, , 3 ceroomt S. F Indigo , I WI bbl. eopperas, IS e atom , 1U - miter..., 75 dot bed cord., venh • genera/ &martinet. oe Pti.bargh manufacture* receivtog and far sale on &remora...tin' term. by J & It FLOYD. moll Round Ciarek GROCERIES, Zzo. ==l J. 450 l't;sl.:.•7"lt"'UCY'leand Impe „al Tea. rJobbl.N U. Nlotaaoes 50 Illkda N 0 Sugar , • 1/ Las Manufactured Tot.arc•. *no, IL Sto and I pound lump ll) l.p eepper tOO Mats ea•mis YS bbls I. "tugs,. among !I F 1 \lad Madder IS buts N C Tar • 30 No 3 Large Mackerel, bx• Nu 9 Chocolate. 100 Reams rapping raper, 2.112• %Vb. Tyros, 2 cafe. L.senorire VV,tb • genera: aanorment Pumburgb Manalartere•. • ret d and for Late by l;F•3 • HERRN . eepl.3 19 wood at__ _ - KiKERIEN..._asoo bag• seperlor RlO mere 110 41 cheats 'I 11, I. P. and SO caddies do 14,. ISO bbls N 0 Slo,•sacs .15 bbd. .14. Sugar p V ban ll•sana do 3 , 1.1.14 1.0.1 dn. 6.' and I 116 bin Tobacco, I ,b. S, 11 and Id At kegs 6 tar,at ten Cassia Su bbla No 3 ..rte St•c herr. 'I blots Madder ceroons S P Indtgo VS D.R. Pepper 10 0 bales 141014. No I and 3 DO bag. Vorton Yarn. S to In his white and alone Pipes 10 tads Tar 100 kegs Sbornbergers Naits. S.80(1.1 10 dos good Wheal Bags SC , 1.11 .111/ and 10111161. s 30 doe Burgers 6 do Tuba Ala, Pittsburgh teanu(artnrell amN.. of all holds. for sale lout by /01IN 3 DILWORTH I 10)11017 wood 11 - - - WINES, BRANDIES, tills. te. 10 il ALE r"?.' C°s"" U7' l ‘ t%, 6 o ," ard s' f/t 7 p "y u 1 Co 1 3 •'• - - etnes Cantillen kCo $ Id octaves Roche:la do A Setynnue 4 pipe. Holland tort, 2 yr elm sup.. pale t4h•ry Wine. Bug, Gordon k Co Bete Idea i 10 " - - Cl. lett. do 10 " " I. F Tenerrffe do Caryentet 40 - - txporio ,l' die •wriott. gr•de• 30 - .. L.mbon do •• " 10 bbd. SO hfhlsde }H•ut Sauterne Wine. i SO bblit 10 hltd• Bordeaux Claret, Nlontiorand 15 do Manville. tlo Bergs.. i 15 baskets Champagne Witte, Iletthsetek 1 15 do do do r A Mutate A. Ca 10 do do do l atioewm 3. Sons 40 eases Claret of various grades torp . ted in bottle. 10 basket. Bordeaux Oltv• (Al, crop 1042, Borstal. 5 do klordeau 1 " " - Latour.. 00 do Marmite. .. tt Just received and for isle ILLE by teptal MR k RICK KTSON e , ROCERIES-IUO bbd. N 0 Sugar. 1.3 100 Ws - Molasses, 50 " 24 II do faX bags pram , Rio Coffee, 65 bf cheat. 5 . H and IX I' 1b... is .. - Yoverr hong do 110 bo. Se and Id. Tobacco 10 nags Pepper 40 (Ala large No 3 Mackerel. A general amortment of NUM. rgh manufactured articles, all of which unll be sold low by octal JAM .ES DAI Zll-I .. 94 crater m L'NDRInA--4 bags Rio Codes, s pt lois article, Li 00 1 pkgs 11 Imp'', 0 P and Black Teas, 110 bos Tobacco, 6s, B gad 6 Plug; 10 bags Poppet, 6 do Aloptre; 100 bbis No.) and 3 Mackerel; 60 do (1)b00d Barring; 1U de Salmon, IA drum. Codfish; 1 c•iik Madder, 10 bolo chipprid lAttwood, 1 caroun V cash. Soda As ; roc 6,14 and tor sal* by tunrr A t'l NNirvidi A M. 144 LAbeny at r:11 _ . FRESH TEA :4-2*/ halt ehmis,very superior grades Young Hym', Ilyson Skin, Gunpowder, Imperial, fly wan, mid Black, Now landing mid for W IC K k sep22 corner wood mid water et ri ROCERIE.--22 11 / bags Owen Km Cage., k.. 1 73 ball clients Young Hy um Tea; 10 do Imp', 0 P and $lO do boac• Lump and Plug Tobacco; Yu do Nectar Leaf do 75 do Sisieratiou lb bags Feuer sdo Alspirs; All bairn COllOO Hatung; 25 do Lan ' ellowiali; With • general queorteneni 01 Lill:Kerte% recriVed and for sale by ROBISON k Co. nova 192 Liberty et .IVFIN lIMu "D 2.0 6 eflasbed d• 200 do powdered do 50 do clarified do in store and for onto by JAMES A HUTCHISON k Co, Altye.t Louis 1 A SID Ol —ID bidetoo , I nig 'a beet, wiliter strata. ed, Jaw recoivcd and for solo by SKLI.PIRS 00 k NII.B. deep t.IAMII.Y FLOUR- 10 lull reed and for sale by rdeer. WICK A SVCANDLESS -IPLOUIL—ttri bbls extra family lour, R. Holmes brand, ust received and font 0 HARBAUGH devil W APPLF);.-Alt gr i e o n apfe io leg, Jost landing from Comm, and for rob by dean & W HAI:WAUGH. OJIL MEAL.- wog Oli rneOlpist landing and (or hale by idect/1 k W HARBAUtiII BARLEY.- metal bushels barley pet landing from the Comer, and for gale by droll k W C iktENYtE.-50 cream cheese, extra — , - TWit from Lobo Erte, and for salell ,kcsy juk _ RHAUGH. T loos SPRINGS-12 dog India ItatTber - bOor JIJ Sprtnyth, lust reed and for sale at Cam In& Sabo ber Depot, Nob Wood at. deci3 .1 t H PHILLIPS DRY & VARIETY GOODS. SPLENDID SPOOK OF FALL GOODS, Comas..HANK Engineers LOwaßsellors far Wholesale and Retail. Patentema. A. A. MASON & CO., PITTSBURGH, PA,, Office for procuring arid defending Patents, jetport.; HAVE receivermore than one tbousand o, Cres and InforrnMion on klechanics and the Lp4gabon 0f .. ..M ,, i; mg one oftrmoostEeTtenliTiv."e and D"'" e ' n ' ts G in th e noun- c o ' f r IlaWtenththe Arts, and 00 "m""' Foreign try, embracmg the latest, richest mid most fuluonable P ROF. WALTER R. JOHNSON , late of Philodel styles of Imported and American Goods , purchased in I phi., and Z. C. BOBBINS of Wmhington city, entire packages from the importers, manufacturers and Ito be aided by Hazard Knowles, Esq., late Machine. large Auction sales. by one of the firm residing m New of the Coned States Patent Office.) have ...mated York, who is constantly sending as the newest and themselves together (or the prosecution of the above inost desirable goods to the Eastern markets, which branches of prowsatottal business-, either to their off.e• will be offered as low as at any establishment is the at the Patent lithe-c, or before the Courts: Lod will de- United Math., and lower than could possibly he offer- vote their multented attention to forwmihng the utter ed by any Hamm in the West We enumerate the (01- eat of 'nem...• and others who may consult them or lowmg 11'66. place business tit their hands. Mr. Knowles has lot DAMS SILKS-6 eases rich changeable, Minted, the past twelve years held the post of Machinest to the pled and brocade Gro de Affnc, Gro de Berlin. Gro de United Stalks Patent Lace, and resigns that situation SWISS, Giro de Alpert.. Glacier, black Gro de Rhine, to take port in the present undertaking. His Wenn. Tellata. fins Satin, Florence of all colors, tn. lee. Al- and peculiar fitness Cr the important office so long fill se, Mk Velvet Mall colon, a very large stock. cd by htra. have been fully recognthed by Inventors 35 CASES DRESS GOODS, mu cases extra rich wherever the office twell is known. unit sunped Cashmere; do dodo printed dodo; de small The office of M J. dr Ft. is on F street, O PP O ILI. figured English de Leine; do Glen.. Plaids, striped the Patent Office, Wa•hington. D. C. where commune Uncouth. dre. Also, 50 cases Alparcam Li/ eases rich esti.., port paid. will be promptly attended to' exam striped and plain (poorer,' 6-4 Tartan Plaid end Silk matrons made. drawing•. suectfications. a nd all rem.. Twill, 6-4 cashmeres and Grandilla Plaids. tie papers prepared--und models procured when des, FRENCH MERINOS—A full assortment of black, red—on reasonable term. leers of en,,,,,, ~,,,, mode. scarlet. Moroon, Nazanne, blue, purple and eth- ed to be answered ant, ex...tons had, must he cc er colors. of the best manufacture. companted by a I-, of hoc dollars. 6 . 600 SHAWLS—Comprtsing the most extenmve as- In the duties . their tidier which pertains to the Pa sortment ever offered in his coy. embracing long and tent Law. Messrs J A. It will be molted by • legal uare Cashmere Il rid Torten pla! Shawls, Maude, gentleman 01 the mem , protermonal character, and Bras *wick. Finland. Jen It y Lind, Larnarune, and orb- tally conversant with Mechanics th and other Sonoutthe er Shawls subtect. mythlnawlyS EMBROI 8E.141 1-...-... ACE GOODS, GLOVER, tic— -- _. Lace reps, collar. cuffs standing collar. chemise. Rooglng.--Galvasalsed Tim Plates. Also, Wen canthrth and lawn Haft, Lece• and Eag- T /IF:sub...twin bog to call the attention of Builders, ings, Bell Rllthops. HOME ry of all kinds; Gloves do y 2, Architects and owner. nr Buildnigi, to the man GIMPS. FRINUECt *IDS, BRAIDS, de —A full ad vantage• which these planes posse. over all other at.i.ntent of the most fashtonabie style. ntetallic substances hitherto used for roofing, be , as LINEN AND lioust: KF:EPING GO( tDS—Case ot they po at once the lightness of sr., vinthoot us belch Lnient, best manufacture, Ldnen Meetings and liability to rust, having now bran tented for several pillow ease ldtteita, Table Damask and Diaper. Satin years in this p•rucular, both in tans coantry and In En- Damask Table cloths and Naplona, Horkaback. Rua- rap. They are lees liable to expansion and contr.- .. and Bird's Eye Diaper Flannebt—over lap p• of lion from sodden change of the atmosphere. than eon, evew van .y Bleached and Brown filualins-otorc 111•1 k Ikll plato•. iron. mite. or oily other metal now used than 15,0 A pa of all the well known makes for roofing, a. rowterioratit form a much better and RIBBONS—More than Ithi cartons enurely new fall ugh., root. requiring for Ices frequent repairs, whilst i and winter Rath., very choice styles the firm rust is but • infie mom Freach Clotho, Casesitierr. and threw., in great A lull soup. h .. all saleor sues, trout In to 30 IV G , can. variety; Vesting. Soar., cravats mid lidtis sm n d sir on a •nd tby Whttelsoods of every descriptions. together with cv- GEO B NIOREWOOD 1,. CO , 1 4 and In Beaver street. New York. a' ll : :Xl ' l ' on a l"it a gt t a t aa m t v a o a ir d e r t y tt a ti a r i c . as s eT e g . is to. The patent right ler this 11111rie baying been tweet - red received. with the prices an, fer tine 1 . 111/ed Stoles, all parties wringing thereon, 10 bales of red and white Flannels, all word. for the either by importanton or otherwise, will be proseen• 7 case° blue and orange Prints, e tad oet3o-dAwly'll ' 10 do Calicos-I,m yards for 100 Atr AHD. II do that colored Prlnts, ni 9 , 11 THE ENTERPRISING -.A rare chance la now 17 do Bleached Muslin, 41 1 presented tor the me iswemment in a bll.llllexA Yel -1 do Mous d• Lame, PH twely nes, one adepted to the man of Intoned. as well 7 do real Mown Isincham. IA as to the mat 01 ..1,6111 , 1VC rt.ol.llVel, yielding s profit Also. 50 bales 4-4 Brown Muslim. 41 train capital 0110 rutetpr.e beyond any operation of All of which, so rouneetion with those above men• , , d in r umple a , n0 „, n ,,,, , o ff uoned, will be offered at less prices than esti to. afford- '''' "en.' in It "I I' ' --- r - - ----- a a' C a l tnae.,,'"l'xr ed by any other evuthlishment in Oita ray Tho I iNE ': . '" ll.l.+ ` . "::, - " , :‘,Z,V 10 .. , n , " T ar ban ,„:" . „,,r PRICE SYSTENI which assures Insure and fume. 1 ' , ,, ' y " . " " II : I :, ~,,, a pnai , a , an np ,,,, a „ . ng to all, w il l be strwly observed Any artirle porches- 7 ,,, ,: r 0 . 7::: . „' 1 1 °1 ;% n' employment' of either large 'a at tills a""1"'""" 10"'"I ,01• e """ '" ""`" I If 11111 i Ortl bfrf n ylon thaw and highly sausfae market price. a colosequent voleic lion will moot wllliziK • ' • ' . rro . Trro " . . a l d . a ,:r o l : or roo r ra ,k „ a ro a p l e ,,. ly be ma d e. upon the rircunista nem being made known '") "' lea , ~,,,, . , , ~,,,n a, t . w „, ' 01 1„,... ‘,„ „ a n : the 1. 1 "."" M, " bein g , ' ,. ' ...g r , ',?:;,,'„1115,, all gads 711 " t ' h a e e :ilfice 01 1/1:' ' ll :de reigned, es an the ante le, - 'an aa 'La a a" - "-' - "...--- r ....- .... e rra.Pa"a"y awned "' '""'"' "" "."'''"' office. Escitni , „ Buildings. St. Clair at. next door to without reeling die least obithatiOn to pmelia. Esquire Johns oda. , 1.1,1. V ER a. VIERS . _ oet4 - - decit (ANrii• CLOAK TAI 4 SELS. 2 Ant Inoltati To. OYMTIitIH.I4I OYSTICHHII kj aela,oaorted. J do •tik do do. ti du do fine do ' 10 UHF.: 4 II 5 It , 'NI rut. ,HELI.- Hy Hurke & Cris do do Ladies Tassels, a•sorted. do cord do do WOOLEN 6000 S-10 dor clitteren , woolen roots, " " " " d P"'`‘ axles 1 r- to. 'dos dritcrour , lositry. HI IMF & Co dodo do 11•ps, 4do doe mon, 10 dor Woolen eon, torts. assorted. I, du do Wllh rotas. ,0,1,es Cash. mere tiloves. LEATIIER 10-1:1's-30 dot slk Alo,k•k to Lte,ts eel do do Alororro dn. J do euril do. a: ROT , / /,CHI LON K1N1 4 5: V market OAn . 0 0 , A motion Pries." how , or JNi C 4110% . 5.1.1. Water street, between ENTI.F-\IEN, look m. es the enure idoek told a nd 1,, eel, and for salerbe.e. end at the 101 - Cloths, Cloths, Heaver., fancy Caionenereo, and those to wee", den.- Her. A Berger. -or Smithfield and tra chotro Cashmeres and Silk Vesting.. 111041 post- yd E IleePeto, lhantood. A Iloevier. Yetitt 0. sth steely be dittoed ,tut by 10 February Word, 1111 miehet 1001 of Lthetty st„ J Colton. Jr , 114/- All the hoe ond super French Wort Ctotho •I roe ,. aoi t ,nsoo. A,i,l t e t ty ei ty Import ros En, Whor b the store Aril Ibe opened in novtl another tine 54.11111 STOOK does!-11w Putt Bel:dings ror sth mot wood 0 RUST P,ILOOF IRON. - .. -- - TII V I,.tk.T•igired have erected wort. ill the etty of French VI ershawril Fa - ena IV n0"...' :•••.w 1 ork. 'or the purpose of Galvanizing RII art° ()g I' H Ml' Roily I. ~,,,,,i ..,,,,,,, . ,„ ~„,.. ...,. • ikl Iron. , tor hit ,s dessraale to ('Horrid I' FROM V V . large awortment of •uperror Frenr- , 1, `ti.,. n•, 11l ° 1'. 1 .° hn. Trletrupc %%tr . , 1011.. Spikes. Nmls. coniprr•.ag thtferebt shade. or M.lOOll, ttrnri. straw %, In to 1 , . rs. and au) a , art•r l r wan ., "nd) br berry. Scarlet. Cherry. Drat,. Light H.., 8r..., and regrrin•ii For lloop. rot Cri•ka as ,Koch substitute Mr bale Maranon Hine. al.. venom. quettires of brava A... /tope. hir t ,otre. hine•. Lightning and • host of PARNIETMS AND I.) ONE.SE i 1,0 NI, other appir....ol, .1 will be mond rucep and itarahle of all the lead., colors. mcm.lidg • few piece. of very The) wtskliat par, °W> call attention tu the "aim.° superior black red Wrre tor wore, it require , . BO paint. and will pot BFJ.rtrstiS--111atzenne .M t, Green. Brown. Ar rust to Spike. nod Ito,m. the pre eee anon of PLAIN CASIIMEKESarnon. limo,. Blown whit, ~. ot I,i) niti.•i, ruiportance. trim It wool commend Drat, Bleielt. Ar itre.l to the Ind.., ot it Write interetted EMBROIDERED CASHMERFI , -Plart and panted i .1..1 r II 11 , tRI. N% t nili ICM Patentee.. Moos de I Alm, prrniell C•shnteres. human... 1111r1pre, Ortlo.llA •A I'l 11 31%11 ti Braver st N Verb • new smelt tor ;mires d e .. bun Griped . Alp acas :tool S PLENDID LOT OF NEW PIANOS. N I NNs A CI,A lt K. New ) ork, ViltstsES AND INFANTS' WEAR-F II Karon & CH ICK ERINI;, lkisturr. foßn .... Co., here added . then former bwi. • de- The sulitertber hat now evil and for pernmeol under charge of Mrs Bigelow 01 Boston. tor . e a lot of most tupenor Pll.ooll, se. malting to order in '• .tsty Ms. Infants Wet" Ntomes looted tat htio.elt althe manufactories. Seeks cloaks and Dresses. Ladies and tent. Dress.' They roost. or Rosewood and Mahogan‘ 1 • 1111011, of liONvlls of 6, 61 and 7 octave., of various st) les and prices, end Garments embroidered or stamped for embroidery, 0n5 t,,,,, o il t h e I n i os t on o...maim.. i 1,,,,.. o f Nunn. knitting, or Mita crotchet work.nemttitehing mid mar. & Clark 1, tror which celebrated firra be is sour Amu.", king neatly executed flora \live an improved way of Ontiging Possessed by no o I , alto. a impenor plan of leetbanng the hammers. W A p r.. ,, ' , 1 , 1 „, V , 1.5..... , , , f , a ,, v ., e . r ,, Y ,, h m o . .t ., 4 , ir 0 i r d , ya , ° . d ., 0 , 7 ti ., t sd r I u ., 1 p ‘ ,. .; ., ~,, ng ~,,,,,,,,, h.oor from ,rro . rog h.n.nn, told ..,,m). by Cooper John., I. ther,and. Dusiot & Lo' , •^ .,..„``,"",t e .r,.::, , ,.._—__ , of „,.,,,, ~.. h e , nse . Bompley,•nd other genuine and •pproyed ma:lateen, or "` • ••••. "I ' " 1 ' ... " .4 c , s: '•'- . . l' •••• lot, are provided with the uvular Scan, and were rers in RoCtend as, p ~,,n o I s earn , hold p e , en , L oner w e to hen. .leeted for torn with care by J. Chickenng, of Boston nn 1 , n , gr., tribe n , ..,,,, en ,„,„,,, n0e ,,,,,,,, , o 'The shore will positively he sold et manufacturers' quality. weight. A e . v ar) tux trom to tii gt.yo prier 4, and on areommodating terms. The subscriber will II variably he found at J W Sneer swatches in great variety trorti $.5 .i. • e , oon ~,, ems roe , Loners nn - ; ‘ ,,, , . n . ~ I n A " We...1,4,1PC trom II to to l 2 A. NI. and from Ito 5 P well IN . IN• wi Is u I N 5 -, , rn . r b e , oh, ~.., 1 1 1 M NI: Woods., cLI w.. 1 attend to the hostile. du ri..g 11. KI.a.BER. it IMP,. tOs ills , p er , ormaii tteanier 1 tiro a at J%V Woodurell, ...3 Third •t ..I.ll lt-I A N11...5 . 1 t'. - .. `so ' cat Nlaitet Grey ' L vr:111 ate '''''' °pen mis morning. Ito, Dr,. t ..,....,.. comprising the NEW PIANOS. lolhowtng my Ir. G i Satin pr aid Merino. . new •rti- 1401.11/tat:Wl FOAL : 1 11,112 et 1'1../.11/Csl'lmasz_...o rusk*, el, and the 11.1{061 gotals 1101-le.l ID,. 5e,...1. m. fill. those r.bc r ria•,ust repienistied ! s To w Lets weel EWA.. Mg , relnr• •dld "mt. , "•Yrrs• MI we. , ms s•'" " I I.I."•••• winch for ••••.•• Y . igt The sultaerthers ill rent part of the ware- Cashmeres Cashmeres and Mous d• laines. fine C o n ti , mo t Lyo. or •iy ir and p - ier• has never been tar- , house now orrapird by them. Apply to nese Cloths , of any desent.M.le shade and rotor Sat. 1...0 - d ..t , • ~,/ Jut ,‘,,,,,, ." I LEWIS, DALZEJLL, /r. Co., ttaped Ca...beret.. great •mreis roe. opened.the TM.", , ie new Pianos _ lmilli 54 water street 6s U PER/ oit LI INI .Sti A %V 1.-IV- %N . R Morro., ft; O ' e ' •° ''' ` .°l•.^L 5, 01 " 11.1°.°. on 01,11 " IT on °. - - , , . ...7 - , . - , IT A IA A lII.F. REA!. I-..P.r), rE, ON PENN STREI-71 CV received this morning or E./press a ••• oi ..., V n"".... c • One Re-eIXO,I ',,, eel, e.,alit N urns & Clark I V FOR SAI.I-.- A hot of Ground titoate on Pella superior wool tang Sllstlri... Cl liorldwrcle at) les o r , • • •• street. hetween Hay and hlsrhury sweeda. adttontng FMtami Meath... -.ori 0111,1 • good strict of these , Due ' wLt, i•o.renarr's reiebrated .Kolthri Al- 1 :he house and lot 11011 1 r ofruptetl by Richard Edward., tr . :.d .ri • —• ' ,.,..i. o r r r , A 1:1 .. % 7 . .1:::: ,,, f „, • Z: u . 1 •7 , • . 1: r .. 1 1L''' • , : . `•::: ., ' dro , ~,,,,,,, .. n „,, ~ , , ~,, ~,,,,,,,„,y,, , ,,,, ? , miring a front of •I fret, mid in depth ISIO feet, anti be told on mvorable terms Title unexceptionable. In:41- A I,te 1,110..1. Ili. , hong Shawl. Do a gm.. qualrty . ."" ...."'.." • pram, N•• • . no, 1:1 II I.I.FIBER. at JIV %%moleve:l's . quire of CO. LOOMIS, 4th st. near %Amid. oni hand at mirth e•G no. , Itli an.: Market me ---- s ' co t2I-dlf de .. _ L,) A Rl.lOl "S CABIN 1.71' LIBRA xl, for Schools and i - . _ .. -.- - TO LET. A A MASON A Ca .00 Nlarket street, have Jost A Families This work consists ..twenty volumes, ; T\% . o ROOMS formerly °erupted as aDa /I; „,,,,,, .„,,,,,„ Into . ~,,,„,„ ~ prod L, O „, and ionthtos tiv° hundred J 111 1 . 1 ,111 milnecto, illmtrated i ..ifr . guerreotrpe eatablishment. being well adapted •..1 sq.. , st.“.. ' OO O , ~. I' , " , n. ~.. U... •., . 11' "*."”"''o. It “ ''' """''' T'F'" 3l """• • • tor that bust... Th. tecond rnory roma ts a pre•tously trrelherl •Ii:. ...L.', recenti) w nor, mot rompreird try Sii lioodrich, nu. , neat odic c.. 11,1 the third atoll. a long mom, emu good G un we , , - ..., ~ ~, ~,, argent ,„ 0„. ..,,,, thor of Prier Verb's • Tale, 1111t1 111 dePtrl,ed 10 eat. ' . . 1 right Extrance on Nlarket st. between 3d and lily R 0 porelisse•• ' -rutin %h.,. our prim, Ginn 1 "•• In • Pol'u•ar ,orin. pet..., Bi ,ol,n. ographies, ancient and Nod ~,..„..,,ve • : FL D OAZZ-A SI made rl, thew ~,,,,,r m ture. All. 04 - 11 . 11, 0,111 1 . 1"..01111,. .114 tar Pramual 1 FOR RENT. ...,-- -- - dole • or Me A THREE story Brick Dwelling House. nn 1)1.4 ID 1.1 iNI. Sit A %Vl- , -- Aleatinder a 1 ,1 ” bare The once 1., Vol is 7.1 °en,. ea, li eortmiting about' ; 2 „ •ter. above Grant litre, Poseesmon geen on i ,111 rec.., se dl, e ire., one eerier. Praia! lung =lt 1 , 1 , 14C5. 1110 Of 1 !Iff 1 ,, .1. e rn •. 1 . - 111 k llle hrtt or January, 1849. or sooner if regurred Shawl., eome oi who, are 01 the finest quart, , and 0,2 RHi iI•K INS .., to, ,rr Dn.,' yr c•. Idi st I i. „, terms , u ,,,,„ a the nearest SIN •er• Imp.mod, endsre now °dried et ~. Lynn ., _ Tnn ~,,,,,„ n „,,,,,,, er e ,,, „a“ --- n - ,,. . ton , 0 BLACKBURN & Cm water at price• ',tab) red•e..d from the retry obtained eery IN ~,,...e , o d no ~,,, , t, ,,,, , 0n ,,„, , ,„,,,,,,,,, e ~, n in _- the weals. •lair ur prepation to t... A uddr6 by Thursdhl rye° Aim, • few .airs tri - Chen. hen.' Itt....t i a long ,no ..,‘„ ,n,„ l e st o,'o. n , ~...1 ” , , t , 11., 1110 ~,,,,,,. sthawle which orrii he r . .10.0.1 a: great bargain• Ilie I"' . •igned tremmotee or Con nr,G. rte, tor 110,1 purpo.e, mase• an- .0 y lied to all rar.y r t amine Vf 111 Itreel al the Nla) or s 1 Mire ALEX A N IR.R a DA V, ',market .1. Tea Cotlector• are partieuturly retiettred 10 ' , ell, der Li Nt\ cur •II 11. - leamondSi with the 4 - ,l) Trta.ur , ..... 4 Imve their duplicates and RENCH TERKERRI °H/t% 1., - Super French rteeou not ready for settlement at that time FT•rierri Shaw la or them •ty les •no richest S C. HlM detairos. moo opened •11.1 ',ling at • very great redo.. . S STONER. tAudiuttg Corn non froml'Ortiler prices ) sucor.usTEß. ) . . 4,,13 _ . 11....a...........Cheaper than Ev•rl A SNIINPTER CARPI:7I , , A. w00,.1 air de Ow ii „„ fr s. V afr ,,,,, fr. , . , fr , r , o , and ~, ,, , , ,,,.,„0 1./. n " n " U " '" '''''" n ''''' ..4 ' furnish h°..... ' . 2 17...;ree i n ii 0 rd,,,, , . s dtirr7 and rtaildier, No tail and ...nine our A IMISI•ler Carpel, which are . 0 „ ~ ... r,, .. , L .. : , ~,,, no,. , ~,,,,.0 0 „,.. . " IZ rwh " ." ' n" n''''rn " n ''''''' Nn '' 4Ll ' ire i '„* . " .l ~ .ell.. .. , e7e r d ' .. ' : . : „ l 11r.l. ' • ' re..inportr ' d iltsliarer deed VW NI r 1.1NT011., ' n • n since ihr dr. .... 0: pr.. e• ... )....roiir and which the, arr determined to ,II eorie.dinddig:{ Itior Merehaitor SATIN DA NIASK - W NrClintd" b. ode. , .. pa tenon. , 0 „, ~,„ 0, gOil,g Lou. 0 , „rm.., a v liandliome lk nomn , nl of r.eb satin lla .." d , "' ''.. r ' . tarttr: for ." .;;ndow runaine Al«, French r W 1..., 1.,Y ''.l.' led .' 'a. 'L.' ."" ..' , h"" r , `_ .-. ' „ . .... Uri Isstess.troo•parrra ahades i ke •1 tris ear - pet mare ~,< ei...,e..) i.e. re theY 'nil ..".' ", Lf ' r. room, :5 Fourth al dee,/ 0.14 -- _._ _ _ ORIGINAL 'BOLIVAR BRICKS.' DOCTOR T OURS EL VI 1_;'), El.ill EN t' ED plays, on I. ma: of one and a lihlt F O5 II 0 E NT , ' BY meat" to f t Bork. , Ban , ..alf million, since 1.4.5. protionnee this ante.- unsur. lap or ••••ry or.• tn• own Phystetatil , rwe'r , a ps,••eol for duratal,ty 10 the construction ut all k Ands of ' , BB , ..lth aPw.tdv ot • hundred vagravlitgv. ' , how - Furnace.. Price 401.10 rash tur load• ot to NI. guar .ng private diseases in every shape and torm. and mal• anteed nine months u, Order% tor a aerund quaint formanon 01 the grorrauve •,•lent. 0 W YOUNG• Lkthver lineks will I, excavated at VA per pl. it so de al D The note has 00 , 01. arrived. that pro wyns suffer- sired. without guarantee A %tor dot the fir. quttlity trim from secret di•eikse, need no more heron, the •le. ...ow IOrSa:V at the warehouse. -Slo't's Wham' Ca ma pi quackery, as bv the preseripuone contained in „, yi,,,,,,,.. 0 J :-.IIAW NI ACI.A ItEN. I n hook any one may cure himself. without hindrance ~,,a,it KV . ..1110011 Iron W o ,k. to bowies, or the knowledge ati, the moat tnurnte , ' - - trtend and with OtIC 11,111 lIIP s sual e n 0,5.0 In .1. L)IIkENIX FIRE 111tIt'Yol- The sutiterther• on to the general routine ot pet/rate tilt-race .r t o ll 1 I.eett appoint.-81 one Agent. , OMe ...malaria' , ,Isplain• the erase ot m•ntiood•• -bolt derline. with ln , the aide ol l'' '''''''''''' -14..... " 8 " -.. '''' cb s ervabon• um rheirtage he•ide• 11..., ..i..., de- now prepared to 11 , orders tor not quantity at Slit. at then which it would not be proper to eitutneeate tall Ile t 1.. 00 t'd the '""•l" . '" ... "l t . 1 . ".. . ".. " t rii the public - pr.. all kinds. these hrtck • lane been promminced 0 com• Airy perum selnitny 25 r en t. r ,,,,d ~, . ~,,, iietrot ,udge• us inn., •11,,,101 . 10 uli oilier are hrlek• wlll receive one copy al tht• book t, Mali. or five co. tiow tli .., 1 . A WA'S' I.TY & ..• ‘.. 31 ''...n i pies veill be on tor one dollar Address -.DR W' -a m)I l l' 1 YOUNG. N' 1.7 e: Spruce •ireet. Philadolpbta," post. NOTICE. pant I , IIE under•tgio . .l 1.0 , ,ng removed . W•ohnietn. WANTED-Proprietoot ding or book stores, and ' 1 ~„). ..,, ~„,, ~, ~,,. ,„,,„..,,,,„„ „, ....,„,,, ~„ Pvdlars , la cram , to. , '" Minn I'''." ..l''' .. ..- , t° al . ' ". the t•overnment. and to any taw Isuutte•• hetore the agents for the above work ''''''''‘ 43. _ Court% of the District. watt .1-tort& he may be entrusted PI.ENDID lil rr ROOKS. -The Women of the Ho dec7.dllatts ANDREW WYLIE. Ja. - _ kl ble, delineated in a retina of sketch. al Proint. al HERIAiCh ON DI VIM-. PROVIDENCE—True bent Females mentioned In Holy Se rtpture-dluatruted 0 h .„„„,,, „,, y „..„„ ~,,, ~,„„ ~,,,,,,,,,, by la fine glee! engravings. teal quarto Turkey gilt work, has 'mit been pubil•tred by J 1.. Rend, ma Wan edgeo—Arabeaque style. taut rlmo vol. of bib page% It Lhetallle the memo. The gar red Poets o( England and Amer, n, for three ~,,,,,,,, ~,,.",,, ~,,,. g y,„,,, amts clay ., ~,, ama Edited by Rufus W u r ,,,,,,id ili,,,,,,ated out denorntitanons. 11l one week 4OU comes haw been -Bn ' B " n `""'" 1 " i vol. "' 88. ,''' rd l" . ' distributed to the city of 1'..a., 4 1, ..d .I.a. It. l'he Female Pools of Amrtra, wlth portrait, Imo- ~ b 00,,., ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,,, F . 0",,,,, ~>, V.8 1 ' .1 " . ‘ . ` .... "' . B" .BB '"'' ‘ o " r B B " ," B ' novltS ii 111/I . IiINS, Apollo Iluilduigli.4th at R. Read . - - • Thu Ikrok of Pearls • choice garland of prose, pot. ~,m , gr y. c .,,,a. ri. a scat try •nd art, contanittig 110 fine steel roar , . mg, I vol. RITCHIE &COCHRANE) the Rook of Christian Ballads Illustrated. I vol FOILWARBINS 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS 3 vo. Par sale by K HOPKINS, NO. 93 TCHOCTITOUI.AB STREET, deal Apollo Buildlngs, lth at angll.-dkvelmft — Naw Orleans. - - - - ---- ---- NrruarEs-ey , lor , b. of Moral and Relip. . - - - - Oleo. W. SMITH re 00 ” A Anecdtes, • collection of several taIOUSIMIId keels INFORM Mini . ['send. told the public that they have Incidents, Narrati•ns, Example end Testimornea on- . i .. er . i , ... whit Phew i.i„„bh.,,, breelnA the beet of the kind In mood funnier rolloritone, men, „v i ,:., wi l i . i .. .. i ,..,. Nii . ii , g , i , me . wsi Ll y nod eon hundreds on addition. original and seleeird; havtitg removed . their entire. beams. to the POINi the whole •rrenged and ell...tried on a new Phan, venth IIIII:WERV. in Put street. istylAel ytt - eopious topical and %motors' indexes. By Rev It -_ - -- - .- - Ai - vole, Akl , Pa•tor of the Providence Church, New METALIC HUM ELAKni • IiOOTS-I do palm York: with an Intraluctlon by Rev t.ea It Chewer, ti e rioemens Boma, bust Ter d and for talc at Bic D D. Just published. India Rubber Depot, No 5 Woo.l street, The above, with a number of new' and valuable pub- pp .,. .1 k. 11 PHILLIPS lic•tiona, for .ala by ELIAOTf 4 F e Nta.l7ol. novE yp ,„,,,,g w g i ENTS' FURNISIIItiII UOODS-Fine Shtria,willi - kJ mantling colter.. merino, silk and wool Vests; du Ille•OhIng Powder! (Chloride of Lilea••l de do Drawer., silk, kid and wool Olo•ra: merle*. MPORTEU DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACIJ- cotton rind wool 4 Hoar. bib Itallan cravats, him 1.-- IRERS -The subscribers have on hand and will i w yr ip„, does 1 1 H EATON A. Co eminently be supplied with Jas. Mulpratt & Sons' eel- - ebrated Bleaching Powder, whir h they will warmnt g: ID C.LOVES-1 5 don Ladies super Kid (;love., equal If not superior to any imported in the U States, IN le - men. white and blk - end which they are prepared sell at the lowest Mat- 3 - misses colored do het puce for milt or epproved to Mlle dec3 P H EATON _k Co ord W IS l A MITH CELT E, RE 160 liberty n--- - - ••, 'VELVET PILE-Received this day direct from Eu- Mlaspratt du Sone ! Soda dab. V rope. the richest style Velvet .Pile Carpet ever TII4 subscriber. are now receiving their Fall stock imported to the Lolled States, to which we ni rile the of the above article, three vessels, via the Juniata, attention of parch. ... . Call at W M`CLINTOCK IldedaSton and Lydia, harlot arrived at Philadelphia Carpet Waterman, No 33 Fourth et. dee& Aid Haluniore, and too wore, the Stephe• Baldwin and hell abortly expected, they are, therefore, prepitre v ALF,SMAN WANT-RD-4n a wholesale and retail i..i,. ord„.. ~..7 win w , pwp during o w ww d , ‘. l Dry I,,mas Store. One who understand. the city or and sdo aopplies ca New Ode... bowlegs, and ran give undoubted references. id. UoG3 P I regular - W AAI MITCHELTRET, dress, immediately, with real name and reference, Box NO atO rlllabUrgit Poet Mee deck DIL• D• DONT, • . . • • _ 2,,, •1 ~.. Dentist. ~,,,, c ,, t , our , 10t1.•CK WADDINO-220 dosextra large and It - ea- try, Just received and for *ale by wid Deemer, between - 1 -: 0 .,.. 0 IMACKLETT it WHITE, 99 wad Al Market and Ferry atiects• serithdl yin / IITY BONDS-\ Y anted to purchase , • few Thous. , IFFLEICII OYSTERS, Y.) soli MAIM. el Putsbargh city 6 per cent Boeds , 11.4 Y THE CAN, of superior qu•lity, et low pores , ;,,,,,,o, N; , .., . • it H.ditli.t4 A SONS I/ put up by the subacnbers expressly tor the ass of families and parues, an be procured at the Reatau• II IXI EU FRUIT-lA/hush Dried Peaches; OS do do ' ratite In thie end Allegheny ones. at the store of X li Apples, iwt recetvwd end for code by Knox, 4th street, Pittsburgh, M. Wink's' . store, Alle- 1.0 W ATERNI AN. gheny•eity, and at the Oyster Depot. St. Charter , Hotel, ~,,,00 31 water and 62 front at . Wood at. /10,11.4114 HOLT A. MALTS Y -- - -- - A IFIIIILTMIC.P. MIGOUCITIONs ASH ', Ggbol'Ee . N , pis A a P tc. P k i ;! .. v S a - n ri s " r re ' and id ' ip7;OOA, Apples, n P 1 :t . o . le t n a " I r :d i AS. MI`SPRA I'IN ist iNO l•A rENT SOD., , for ..i. by 110V3U I. 14 WATERMAN V Ito 5 Inns afresh rurrenty , ,or 4 mos. app vd Wile. - . ___ 6 twig or ~44, 4, , 14 no F ar, 6 mos do, interest ad• I 1. - 'LOUR-ICKI Alds in aunt and for sale by deli, For the superior quality of this bread are refer to •1: 0.30 Id 5 WATERMAN the flaw and soap rutinel•Moron.. ...iy C!!'" . ! .l. -".`; UNRRiES-24 auek• Flaweed, Iftlis Feethers; 2 it ly. W MMI d. TCHEL Hsu% i ,,,,,,,,,, ~ I 1 Oinseng; 10 bids Cotton; now lending from rotor decd —_ ---- 1)017100; for aide by doeb ISAIAH DICKEY tr. Cu FOR SALE-One pair second band Mules, in good 1 tiLAP-2iiilbs Iwo rec'd an d for sale by repel!, now ni wung, containing 312 spindles each. l d 4. 0 4 J KIDD &Co One Cap %Finder, containing 69 spindles, suitable for woollen Saimfaeturere. DLACKSTOCK, DELL ilk. Ca. Pitt Colton Mlbl Nov — . ict,ldta-daw - -• ••.- -- ~ . - DOSIESTIC WOOLLENS - Blankets, Flannels Tweeds, Casdnetts, 3-4 Cloth and Cassoraeie r by the pleee or package, very low; tor sale by usvlß ...._,.. GEO WEIULAN DEAL:HE/4,0. —127 becs Kontooky Frocking, d Vibhe 800., 12 do Flozweed, hoofing Boni wor Corte% for ~ale Ly der I HAG& LEV & SMITH CIINBENG-10 sacks for solo Ly dell tl F VON BONN HORST & Co AKAIIIETYII APPLES .-7,bbls reeeaved .orsala ju by (d. 9) WICK & McCIANDLESS. ROUSES, LOTS, FARMS, /60, =2!M== SITUATED on the Monongahela nver,abosnt6 m il es from Pittsburgh and 3 aides above third Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of Meson. Lyon* Short, and Mr. John lierron'a purchase. This Ewa body of Coal will be sold at the low price of 111:3par third in hand, bnlance in five equal annual pap:gents. without interest Zile indisputable. Locaaon very good—cannot be surpassed. For further particular. enquire of S. ELLLSLET, who has a draft. of *aid p perry. Residence st, below Ferry . NI r. Adims , Row ro. N It There a another scamof coal on this tract about 60 feet above the lower, of eacelleni quality. 3F2edtf S. B. _ _ Real Entate la Ohio. - ATRACT of 90 acres. m Harmon. Portage co on the Cuyahoga over—about 30 lama under um provement. Also, two umnaproved lota in the 'Otago of Warren. Trumbull 60 feet by 90. • A 1.3, • lot 01 ffe 'n d d ate ' t ' lli th ug e [74 100 .c. lutoldilst'or'f"dite of tho'dit!..l4l' wish for a merchant on the IVutern Reserve. day or all termsroperty awn be sold en very accommodating ISAIAH DICKEY 4t. Co, habil/ Water and Front sta. FACTORY FOR )) SALE. T HE large and well built FlCtOry, erected on Rebee• c street, Allegheny city. by FL S. Castiatt Fant 2 is o ered for sale at a lotegam, and on easy ,terms. The lot on which the Factory is erected. (rents ICO feet on Rebec street. and rant bark 1.10 feet to Petek sheet The main c building is of brick, three statics high and 60 feet long by 27 feet wide The Engine Howie 11 , large mid co odious, with •n engine, bode, staea. kr., all in complete order. The property will be sold low, and on advantageous terror. For price. terms. &a.. enquire at this eller. aur2Ldtf TWO HOUSES . ASO LOTS IifOILTIALE. TWO I,IMS on Heaver street, in the et t ry Eg Allegheny, above the uppor Commons, on which is erected • frame building, two sterte• high, suitable for two small tenements. The lots are curb twenty feel ill trunt by one hundred feet deep, and run hack to • street forty feet wide The buildings on the pen will pay a very bandwrie interest on the Invest and the property will he sold cheap tor rash Apply to It. Sproul, Clerk's tithe, U S. or to nova XAY "A ROSEDALE TO LIST. • Ttf dettghtiol SUNITICI Ratrea4 for me year. peat ogrupsed by \lra 1. Burch field.. offered Inv rale or rent on the first of April urxt. Thts property boa been unproved by adds...ll.ll[bn,and a aubatanttal cone meal, and terrace painted with F:yergreelre and Fruit Tteea. To • good tenant. rupabieeundurtot• the Retreat, the term,. mall be re...rouble EU COCHRAN. Potelpurrh. Der. 9 Arent for Proprietor. E73311E3:13 THE subscriber offers (or rent for the term of 110 one or ;not, year, a large convenient well fin ished two story . Dwelling Houle, co:imbuing d room. and Kitchen 'There is a lot of groundcontaining li acres aline young fruit trees of every kind, stable, . connected with the house. To •uy person wish ing delightful residence within a leer minutes ride of the city, t•l . a rare chance For term.. Whlllh will he low to a good tenant. inquire of Mr. /no Wright, near th< premixes, of John Flynn, corner Hand and Liberty streets, or of oct*l-ti TI11:0 F Ruarr qmiE anbaenber will tell on accommod•ung terms, • I. valuable tract of ...improved land, situate on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin. about eighteen miles (rem Pittsburg* and about eaten miles from the town of Freedom nn the Ohto river. The tract eon. Inlits 402 acre. and 211 perches. mulct measure The land is of nneirelleni quality. about DO mercy cleared, and wed watered. and vrtll be sold either in whole or In tams of ron•entent sti Will.r. to sun purchasers. For further part/enlist a enquire of W. BOYD, Any et Law: °lire on fth at, above Smithnold, Pittsburgh. rayishdtr.wit T - - _ Country Residents for Rent. THE delightful country seat of Rev. Dr , r Hls coley. mhe below Manchester, contain-'"r tug out :1 acre. of Ground. with . abo ia ut lOW . - anda gre•t variety of rare flowertng ahrubs, a!! ni good .0,01 coltt••non. The location t. an elevatton innned,ately above the Marine Hospi tal. mow ,n progress of erection, l'esseaston given Si any time d.stred. Apply to John Sampson, EN., Man. cheater, or John ilautten tc.C4., 2d street. Pittsburgh. deo. dh,almB Booloh Bottom Land for vale. q , EN ACHES OF LAND, /titillated in Peebles town j slim. on the Mononaaliela, three miles from Pito. burgh—in or, to suit purchasers For further partic ular. appl) to !teary Woods, 3d a~ or to A. IV ASHINCTON. 4th. above Smithfield it Picoperty in Allegheny City fe7ll3Wle. guttwntten oder lot - gale a number of riIOIC 1 Lott. situate in the Second Ward, fronting on nt Common ground, on easy ir rms. Inquire of W (EH ROBINSON. Any at Law, St Chin al MSME=M itesideneein Allegheny City - - /lONTEAIPLATING rerrioval from Allegheny city. I oder nay restdence there for sale. Tlie ptenalses are ut deltehttui order, and every way worthy the at tennoa of any person *wrung gush properw. _ l yyß W POINDEXTER. Heal liWitate In - al•roat Cowmtp. AIAT. Storehouse and Darelltiig, situate on the Ene l'Atension l'arstl, in the rillage of West Mid dlesex; a desirable location for n merchant A r3lO. Lot and good Dwelling Rouse well tuned fora Tavern nod. t o the rt'lage of °rat:Ger.'' , on State hoe o Onto Terms eery. 16AIAlf DICKEF ft Co. table IVater And Front sta. _ riOAL LAND Ft,R t , ALE,—.-Seven le r. coal laod kj tor . .dlJr..111.1111( II bead Of the Monottgah.a River, aoovs Browitsvil:e. , neortug a 7 (coot 40!1/1 of coati whirr, ...I, be in eychauge for goods. For purlieu a o, to ,0e231 ‘I"IIARRAUG/1 =wood -1 PiW A REI 'OUSE FOR SALK—The sub sonher orer. fore the three story brick Warehouse tdi Wood street, occupied by R. Tanner k Co 17 WM WILN)N, Jr EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c, 11. HOLMES & BODIN B aaaaa IC:chang - • Broker• Nt.TF.$, DRAFTS,AC . : 4I7 - A - NCE=.3. GOLD. SII. V FR IterlMM CIII,I,FA7TIONS.—Drafta Notea and Accemanee• pat able in part of thr I moo. Collected ou the Isiiio I.orable tenni , EXCHANGE on Nro - York. Philadelphia and tinnice, CUIC11111:111. Lomas tile. Saint Lou,, and New Orlon., iiotiatioluy Mr 4., BAN Ii NOTES.—Notts on all oilveut banks ale I wad States diarounicel at the leoweat rate•, All I.oiit. m Forman and American (told mid Silver Com bough: and *old thrice No. 55 Market Parcel between 11 and 4th Plitaborah. Pa. octi.M FIAINN4 s CO., IjANKEBS, EXCIIAN(IE BROKERS, e.nd dealer* 1) in Foreign and Unmeant Exobarga,Corufitcater Cl De . Bank Note. and Specie. Fourth atm. near ly oppointe lne Bank of Poodiurgh. Currellt mooll7 received on deposit, Cheeks for sale, and col. lectiois , made on noarly al. the principal point. in the V 0,0 51311.11. The higheut premium paid for Poretrn and Amene. Gold Advance* made on conaignmenta of Produce. 'hip ped East. on I,lwnl iermumchlS roxiciont zxctiAlvoic. " 1 ) 1us 00 England. Ireland, aud Scotland tronght nay amount at the l'ornint Rate* of Hachange Aso, Drafty pnyahle in any part f the Old C-011111r1l, from Al to .1.1000, at the rate 0, IA to the JL Sterna,. without deduetton or dniemilit. iv /0, 4 111' A ROBIN- European anti (.ears( Agent, ME., :ml, n one door WV. 01 o'ooo IX-1/.11 /O.[Cll it 11:1.1. WY. C. ru lIILL.i CUfLILT, DAN and F. .h.nse Brokrra. Denlura F• 1.) rkhn and (OM! and StFht Rdla of Motor, Cr rufseatea of Dvposite,llaltk No and Co No r 6.5 Wood .t reef, thud door below Fourth. w. ntarelt IIJ. •..11111& RAI I, 'All Bur.'"ul"' DANKERS AND EXCHA NI it: BROKERS, deal,. 13 (IL Yo li 11,14 DORltstle MI6 Of Kieti.Ke, C. ttlieste. o f IN.oositc. Dank Notes and Coto, comer ld end W oodstreet., directly oppo , lite St. Omer* If . . . tel star,..ost W ICAT , Itit u, N FONDS— indkana, Kestacky, Slmoon,' Bank Notes; purchased at the lowest rates, by N. HOLM - RA kr PONS, aepla 35 Market street 113 ILLS OF EXOUANGIIIi--Eught Checks on New Von. Philadelphia, and Italumoro, Constantly for sale by N. HOI..IIIPS tc RON 1,143 35 platter IKW ELM', cousiellog or gold guard, vett rand lab el chains, keys, .ertl.. peue rla finger nap, best pms, amts. ear tic., bracelet., locket., buckle*, slide, tee. A :.o oil rer comb., ennt ease., fru:titular*, thimble.. pcneal., buckles, •lices, tooth 011 ear pick.. b. r W w NVIL:4ON. dec. 87 market at, cor 4th si KWJ EWY.I.RV —I tine gold harem Lever W•tell I dttar bed •"` Also, gold pen and pencil Cases, Vest chains, heavy Goa rd shams. Bream Pms. Finger Itlmp. Ear Rmg. and • complete asaortment of odmr Jewelry, at deed ZEOULON KINSEY'S. 57 market at EIRENCII MERINOS AT COST—Smith I Johnson, r Or Market ureot, will sell for the Wane° of the eu at cost, their stork of french Menem., comprt. em eattou the most chorea eotore. Now ts your ume to so cure hargauts. deel3 AT Et. v F:l' RI ust rem, d atZeoulou Ku+ e y 67 `'Musket strert, 30 pa colored Velvet Ribbon. asaorted colors; 311 • black " CE=l 111000 LATE, COCOA, &akar'. No I Cho lJ rotate, Baker's Cocoa Paste, No I Norfolk count) Chocolate. conataolly on hood .d for sale by BAGALEY A SMITH, Ag. for W Baker. Dorshrels , , Mos.. - . OVERING'S DOUBLE REFINED SUGAR-4-'2U I.J bbls ltdserisg's Double Re fiord Loci. Crashed •n.. l'ulmtssd WU:gekt. Just reed and for sole .t the Pris I'.. Bus.. TO Fourth weal, by age* AITHEW %V IIALON, l'ortratt and AltsuatureP•ln ter. Rooms, corner or Fort thrice Alley and Fourth creel., entrance out Ith near Harker deett.,ltt. SSIN ERES—t cue fancy str , ip , cd . eus a. im:r h ec s ; "'" l i l N r k by dee9 w - - V.. WILSON, Waiehee, Jewelry, Silver Ware, and frlllitnry Goods, earner of libisket and 4th hiletiorgh. P.. N. IL—Watches a d Clocks ramlully dee! - --- 1171 - 11 , N an dsMT - rRASSFS--it softener nruele of r family steamboat Mattresses, manufactured Wom good cotton, cleaned andearded; for sale b. nostr9 I lif.:llSF:Y r warettoose MI water st ii,ll,M+Sbri-50T1b;; risme btogar — liOnse 51te. Lassos, sat store and rate by deed JAS DM:ZELL ILIf R. RAISINS-So Las Raisins, in .or and f. aale dang /AS DALZELL .MEDICAL GALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EITRACTOBI THE followm no g from Gerge Pocoeroy, Eta, wall kwn proprietor oft Express. cpetta. for itself of the importance of the Pain E.Yrntelor to every macr.. ELM.% 011104 A:boot Sept. I. Binary pleasure Tyasidlperrs•S'yor—urn.irethlaft%ni"4to.thoef be'oneofirt. I have received from roar invaluable Puri Kennetor. Lately. my tittle dauchter, 6 veers old, had a Mabee of boning water turned auto her bosom; her scream% were dreadful. so that a craved instantly gnthered be fore the house to team the cause of the terrain, screams. I tore her clothes asunder, and soon spread on your salve. and she was earned and laud upon a tied. She wasscion relieved from her pains, and says - 211 a. !feel vs a t could laugh." and was noon in sweet sleep. She vs. scalded to a blaster from the top of her shoulder over more than hall her chest, and round under the w y .. e n :t a ! r . d o r us e :th d e t . h ti e r m . ' t h :bl , Lu d r r ' : h s:tile d e e d b o re tra m a p p s l , l% i s a y t t eTl:n a ' n: h l y e e r' ss n. ..l d t a r::: “ P o n . contrarnon of the multeles_ With many ',rhea, my dear err, for your merem . in he sale of Mu mighty aruele, I am yours, +Mb respeei, THE TEST ..4 NO MISTAKE The genuine Dailey, will ever prod., the wane te n relief. and woUrfing. cooltne effect. 11, the verest raw. of Burs, Sexlda, Pile.. tee The Counterfeits—no • T..ller and, when MalleTT they ay appesx—slway a Irritate, and Increasele rain. TO THE PUBLIC.-- - - . Edward P Holmen. of Chatham. Mel-rm Bridge, Columbia coring, N. Y have been etHta ied wait then. manun in my breaxt, feet, mud all OT, tor six yearn. .o that I could not .tend, mid WILI three applieatio. r% of Dulle %lament Punt P.:tractor ELM A ab P Mr Dailey: Sir—l cut my finger won a eopirVr 1100, the paisotiousure of which ~am.ed m/ arm in ell considerably. wi.. nat ll constant shooting op U. IL. rboalder. A large "Veil :11r Inking ai rlo. arm, roll. with Inrr atng main. I became ieurial m s jaw, In tin extremity your F....tractor was te commended to me. and wrath I was pretai:ed umn. to try The consequence was that it afforded mo al 1111 l instant relief, and in three da,s I w.s.cmpiete , y red. 10.SF:Yll HARRISON, New,. ork, corner Broome and Sullivan ata, Sept NI/TR:Et—H. DALL. Iv the In of tlas tot' sin able remedy, and never tam and never will I.o{lllllllll. rate to any living m in the serrel ot as cuttatinatton . All Estraetors, therefore. not made and put up b him. ars base eaunterfet. l'asamarrolis Dassrts-41.5 Broadway. New York 275Chettatnt street. Phan. JI,FIN D MORGAN. General Psspot, Or FPM THORN. Agents for Pittsburgh Paltnis Anortai Galmnu Cures humor, xpavn, 1410110, pruner, poll ns , end Pornphlr, rer• newel. ot reopertahle purer.. mov lind 011 on so PM:\ Ir Mlrtil:AN. 118,15 dlyn , Anein,l'inonurvh BIEDICAL AD SURGICAL OFFICE, -,..., .. giNo 85, DIAMOND aI.I.KY, a , ~" 1,. war I lowa below Wood wren, toe maret_ Q. k N, ... • rie 7 , - , DR. BROWN. laving been 16;r.;,-,.. regularly ...toed to the ineitice ' . .... f r ; " profession, veal lie. fur some Limo ~.. ..--, • r",. 7 in general painter now confine. ho attention he inainient of ~,. -• A thou private t end o dencsir tam: c ' . \ plaints iiir wine, o opeonnimirs ..... i, and experieue manna,: queiii. , . . .... ` him. II year. a.udunaslj devoted to stiatty k treatment of thou compiainoiduring o bi. tone he his had more practice and he. rood mote pro Lift. than ran ever fail to the lot oi any private prac Mauler) amply qualifies lain to offer mournnce• rif speedy, permanent. and uosfartory rule In 11 I I afflicted wlth delicate diseases, and all doenres aconite there] from. Dr. Brawn avoid Inform those afflicted with pronto. disease* which have become chronic by time or g; grunted by the tor of any of the common ...Minis isi the day, that their complaints can be radically and those oughly cored: he hum. given his careful nnenuon to the treatment of such coy,. and succeeded in hundred. of instances to corm. persons ofinflammation of the neck of the bladder. sod kindred does.. which often Ironresult tm those eases where others hove consigned them to hopeleu despwir. lie particularly inviter much an have been long and uneuccesefully neated by others to consult him, when every smisleetion will Inc given them. and their eases nested in a careful. thorough and oulligem manner, pointed out by • lone riperience study, and investigation. which it is =pout his tor tn. engaged in general practice of medicine to give ,n one clue of doeue. DJ — Hernia or Ruptam.—D, Brown afro invites peri son. afflicted with Hernia to call, as he into paid partic. el.r anention to this disease. Skin doeues; al. Pt' +, Palsy, etc., speedily cured Ch :l7-741e lo n w ts . of nth sex inning nt a distance, by making then disease in writing, giving all the ryrripj into.. eon obtain medicmes with directions our are, by addresung T. DROWN, 111. D., pool mild. and encl... in. a fee. Office No. .5, Diamond alley, opposite tha A reedy How.. Rilleritt,rlSat.—Dr Brown', newly dwarf,. reme dy for Rheumatism Is a speedy and certain remedy for that panful trouble. II never fails. offme and Private Consulting Room.. No 115 Dia ond alley, Pnoburgh, Pa. The Doctor ei always it t home. No care no pay. deelii. XTEW BOOKS FOR SCHOOL..., hr —Elerncnto of Plane and Sphertral Tr,onontetr). with their nl pdcattorta to Menntratton. Su rveytng nod Navotanon By Elio. LOOMIS, A. M Xenophon'• Meinorabota of ...3or rate.. wolt Fatgli.h notr, rtuent.and e.T.P‘anamrY. Lt.' of Sorr , O , ', ar By C Attl-hon. I. I. IP M'Clintack A Crook: F. - , !took in tireel, etoottot• ot; a toll Two' of 1110 100111 A 01 Mrllll 00,11 , 11i[1 , no. and eoptoto. exereoLes.,ko Salkeld's Flrst Kook to Spantsh, o n prnenear nt troducuou to the Butt at spatto.n Language. Hook Re by .angle arol double entry Pra. ally adapted to the okiand and mardtme commerce to tho Cooed State. By I' Dud. A litatnry of France, ,rorn 1110 I• 0 rquest of ):Intl I.T Juba. C‘o•ar. to the reign of lAmta Phl:lppe. uy qtr. Nlttrlt nant Revmed, improved and enlarged. by JUetlik Abbott. map and engrav toga. For *ale by R 1101.K1N., deell Apollo Building", Ith =IIM JOIINSON'S ILLLsTIikI'ELY AND F., Ell F•TEF.I. PLATE MAP OF' THE Woftl.l, Mercator'. Projecoon is reputed In be the ab,t .plendid Map Of the World ever pubbahed. It , embellished and brauulall) engraved oh the moat elaborate •t) le of the art. The. (~, K TJ,LIC2I poroons are comptled trout the late•t and //10, aullrro • makerret. hilreortlittary pains have treii itikeit to tilts inap portertl) reliable anal antbeittitt espects. It ht. but to be examined la. t. • adtlmrd Fare will 110. COLTON'S MAI . OF TILE UNITED STATit.ttt - This Map has beef most carefully coniptir 11. nll.l rol, tame much new and Interesting mlornsxl.oll II highly embelli,thed and lienuttfutly rueraved im of convement and represenis the Ilriti•lt l'iti Orraon, Califortita,Mexteo. with parts to Nett. . - - Grenada and Venezuela Alan showlng me mut:, of the Matt Atlahuc ataantzhip, to and Irons Etero,r. Wert Indies. &a Prtee col:toN's MAP VI ID^ Cnuotrusa me:Monad •ha Near Test:uncut. and Traveis tu the Apurtlas untilha •netant and modern names—from :he anti had:al.:iv wee. The Agent of these Mtn.. Nlr w in the etty prueurtng and ..„u 1t11110•1 .petttully %oltclt • .nre 01 pu!dn pa,rt.u, den Pennsylvania Rail Rood Company. V'Ul'lCEighrtr ,, givrti :bar , le ,•1111, 100-;n Int 1111 of Fter LkOlan per +hare ro .or. Calmat do. 1 . 1•ITIVN 1 1), requtred to be pod on of belore itte 1.1 dos or Januar) t, eleilth lill/Mel. 01 I).r lkolJr• per •Itare. on or I•elore the me day ot !tlareli ext. the tooth moo/Intent ed Free Dollar. per 001110 on Of retort the lot day of Moe nell. Odd the troilto4 otalmeld ot Frye lkdlaro per *hate, ot , day of July nett. at the °thee, Pay metre will be rec,ive , <tit, r the stock mat. hr tie Stoc o kholders, and Intl Tate 01 payment In•talment• net paid pun ne penalt) aone per rent pe law if'4F: 11.—In.talment.sx111 be tee,. the llntchanti and ISlnnuittetum. lur . _ Advertisement. I , IIE .eo•ctiber. tiL odertas lor snit he Nuntis .h Clark', (New Vork,) mud s • tilosion4 Pianos. won:d dtrert :Merman to. 1001 h.. 1- Mr 01.11 p.ain the West w here the tom - ame M these two maker. can he tried sole by n, tide. end where. consequently. a correct Idea at their to re,. be formed The subscriber being mamas to test their relative merits. and having for number of I performed upon Me 1 . 10-11.01 01 Nlllllll l Clark. has laden Into use for the lost twelve months, a Chiek • ernts Piano. in order to try tt, dun:Malty and tittles. •• an areompanYment matted von , Ttsts l`tano may 110 W be seen end ex:m al LOS rooms Ile teel. confident of his ability to girt, eompetent and relia ble optuton on the •olnert A handsome lot ot new hallos will be opened to a few day, dee9 At J NV Woodwell's _ A TENT SOLAR LARD LAMPS—An ext.nsive assoruneat DI Content. A. Co • criebrated mena• imeture. and attpertor to an others in use, adapted to churches, steamboats, factories, dwellings• public and private halls. and to all other uses where s cheap. .ale and brilliant Itght desirable. Also,thrandoles, Laitterns.Candelabrao.Clobes , Shades. Wicks, Chintities, Cana, Trimmers. hr Also, Can Chandeliers. from one to four lights dee3 • W WILSON. 46 market •t Ocoee of in...lean s Foreign Fatente• JAJiLES GREE—NOUUII, of the late no of Keller h. Greenough. Connnyes the bu.meas of 00,tillin2 Fdixtriser and Patent AtiOrney, at h,s office en s ue e e> of WASHINGTON lie may ne consulte n ern• ployed lit making GiatnlnaUolts in otachluery En the. Patent Office and eleeelebi en, In furnighing drawnix• end Wee LflcalJons of machins, and all papers TT, transfer, linen& re • issue or extend letters patent in the United States or Europa Ile can also be consul, ed profeiaionallEott questions of laugetion an. ing under the ralent Law, and will argue gar. tlons before the Patent 016ee or an appeal ilieretroin, for which his long experience in the Patent °dare and in his profession, have peculterly fined non 'flie fesseonal business of the late Br r. P loner baring been placed in his hands. all lettere in relation thereto should be addressed to him post paid. alleXi-eldi wan.; UNDRIES-- 6 bb4 No 1 Mackerel; 20 Mils No 2 mackerel; 20 hf do No b do. 10 do 'Fanners OR; 5 do Alum, 3 do E Salts, 3 do chip'd Logwowl I id° Nutmegs, 50 bas No I waled Berme, 50 Ito. No do do; sdo scented Soap; la do No 3 Press'd do, 10 do No 4 dodo hale Cloves; 10 hag, Java Code.. 50 hhds prime N 0 Sugar, fuel rec'd and for sale (0,14 BROWN CULISERT ,,,, a ..• - • CLIBISTRIAM PRESENT& JAMES A WKNlbit . r. No. S Nine's. street. (ho wren 1.1 and 4th,) will sell at greatly redoeml pices the halmme of los stork a Stiki, Mouslins, Chem.:enc.' , and Collars, the most saaahm goods fora toe Christmas Veesent, cod cheaper that' the same good. could he porebased to att) 0) the cest• el . ° nines de . 13-61 GROUND RIENTS. A N ANN tar Y of SINI--secured by good imprused property in the Lharnond—being the most rale In. -raiment, with rennin returns--wth be sod II early ppheation he made to the undersurned 1 W ROBERTSON tlt. Cu. Exchange Brokers. It EFINFJ) SUGAR.S.SkbbI• anodl Lamb rt as•oed unrebel., ITU do crashed' oa do powdered, 60 do lanfied, Ln wore and for tale by J 4.IIUTCHISON k Co, Agts tit Louis Stearn Sugar Rea.Wl. dee4 4.5 annum and 1,2 Imut MS= NEW ?;10LASSE‘.._-50 bins Ftsatauon Molasays toes. crop) this mortinig landing trout steamer Illberrna No 2, and for sale by deed JANIES A HUTCHISON k Co HARRISON'S Colombo. Ham Dye. Ink, wt do do Indelible . o without prat:mm.o°n Hammon's mtpcnor Red lob. For sale the trsd• at manufacturer'. prlcess, by E HELIXES, donti No 57 Wood street. ADI E , TRIM NCIS---2 dor blk Lane — Demi Von Li pc cord Mk Velvets, gtoorta Uniacy It bans; Le do coauthor , do, la do cola Mon do; 1:2 J do Fentaate do; v dee cord fleecy ink obiVavetierti Jenny Lind Fonge, In do French ailVOntetr:,itren . this day by F H hh.J7 O, dacl3 y / oath st TI.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers