THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: PUBLISHED BY WHITE & 00 PITTSBURGH. MONDAY MORNING, DEC. 18, 1818: NORTU AZIMILIOAN. Adyeniternents and SabioritdonstwtheNcath Amer ean and Untied Rua. Gaunt, Pinlaklphia, renamed and forwarded from thiinftleen COAIIINRCIAL LINT AND PUIL.ADELr - MITA PRICE GMLIZENT. Sabwriptions thla rateable paper aril! be received and forwarded irate this olden. NEW tons zxrasess. w. receive and forward free of expense, ad weasel:seats pticma subseri for this paper. q - es Prrrsarrsaa Raw eastern is pablisbad Duly, Tn-IVeekly, sad Weekty.—The Daily is Seven Dollars per annum, the TA-Weekly is Ilse Dollars per annum; the Weekly is Taro Dollars per =aunt, alias in edema°. {[7•Anmerua+ are earnestly sequested to hand in their favor, before 5 r. r. and as uriy in the day as practicable. Advertisements not inserted fort spent- fled time will invariably be charge,' until ordered out. Pot Loam Comma=lal Intelligenu,DoMaalle, M. bets, River News, Imports, Money Markets, ke. trail page. gee meet page Car Telagraptale Now. Andrew W. Loomis, Beg This gentleman is, moat assuredly, attracting considerable attention, here and elsewhere, as a proper person to have a seat in General Taylor's cabinet. It gives us much pleasure to observe that the great abilities and high character of this gentleman are becoming more generally known and more justly appreciated. His high sense of honor, and retiring modesty, have led him to shun, rather than court notoriety, and hence his merits have not been generally known beyond the imme diate circle of his acquaintance. From an acquaio. tance, the commencement of which dates back more than twenty years, we say most unhesitating ly, that should he be called to fill any of the high places in the Government, whether on the bench or in the cabinet, he will be an honor to the coun try, and will fill up the full measure of what the people expect in an able and incorruptible nubile officer. The Cillowmg mimmunicatisn, recommending Loomis tie Attorney General, speaks of him in terms which will• be endorsed by the whole Win inanity: HON. A. W. LOOMIS. Mn. Enrroa— I have been mach gratified to learn that the name of A. W. Loomis has been mentioned in Donne:ion with the office of Attorney General, in the Cabinet of General Taylor, and farther, that it is not limited to this vicinity, but is agitated, quite generally, in Ohio, in Washington City, and m ma ny pane of our own State—even in the East. where other names have been announced for a like ho nor. The selection of Mr. Loomis would, it seems to me, be peculiarly fortunate, not only because it would be hailed with delight wherever he in Liman:whet because of his eminent fitness for the office, as au able jurist, a finished scholar, and a sound Whig; unexceptionable in character, and untainted by any connection with intrigue, faction, or cabal lu his person, all who know him would delight to see the Keystone honored, his mime being a gua rantee for ability, dignity, uprightness, and honor I know no man in community, whose appointment would be more gratifying to all parties; and lonely the man who elicited the tribute from Henry Clint. that ' he was one of the most eloquent men he had ever heard,' deserves distinguished consideration at :be hands of White. I have long hoped for the selection of Mr. Loot is for the seat above mentioned, and am glad to find the movement in his favor so much more cc• tensive than I supposed, and lace the avalanche-- Vim arquirit roach. • A WHIG. SLAVERY IN NEW TNIELIUTOBIES I NEPOETAXT ISOCIMODIGI 121 001.101135. On Tuesday last the following interesting pro eeedings tool• place in Congress in reference to i b new Territories, and the question of Slavery: IN SENATE Mr. Benton rose and presented a petition, receiv. ed by himself and the Senator from Delaware, (Mr Clayton,)from a Convention of the people of Nea Mexico, signed by the President and Secretary of that Convention, and dated Santa Fe. Nov. 14, 1818, addressed to the Congress of the U. States. and praying that a territorial government, purely civil in its character, may be provided for them. The petitioners state that the laws in force in Sep. tember, 1546, would be acceptable to them—pro test dismemberment, in favor of Texas, or in any other manner—and express their opposi tion to the introduction of slavery. They conclude with the remark, that as the territory now coo. loins from 75,000 to 100,000 inhabitants, they trust that their prayer may not be deemed unres. sociable. IA printed copy of the laws referred to accompany the memorial.] Mr. Benton moved that the petition, be referred to the Territorial Committee, and printed. Mr. Clayton said that as he -had labored at the last session to give a civil government to the new territories, he should do the same at the present, and he cordially concurred in the reference pro posed by the Senator from Miasouri. Mr. Calhoun rose to express no opposition to the referonci.—but to protest against the mural character of the application, from the people of a conquered territory, the property alike of every portion of the United States. Mr. Benton said that when the application of those for whom he acted was thus pronounced in solent, he deemed it his duty to rise and Machina for them any thing of the kind. Mr. Calhoun replied, it was not at all strange that the Senator from Missouri should view the subject as he does, and that he (Mr. C.) should also view it differently. He (Mr. C.) considered the territory of New Mexico so belonging to the U. States, and therefore the common porperty of all the States Mr. Rusk made no objection to the reference, and deemed it proper that civil governments should be established in the new territories; but at the same time he mast enter his solemn protest against any such government being established in territory east of the Rio Grande, acquired by the blood and treasure of the Suite which he represeo• led. Mr. Benton said that he had done, in this, just as little as could be done and comply with the perlin nrentary forms in regard to. petitions. The Senator from South Carolina had declared the petition to• solent. The petition was neither insolent nor die. respectful, but entitled to respectful consideration. These people have used the express words of the Virginia Legislature to George 111, before the breaking out of the Revolution, but though George 11l did not grant their request he maileani exen.e that it was disresprotfuL Mr. Calhoun considered the. petition donreaprct• fel, because it aimed to deprive the south of their nghts—and it cm for this reason that he had term. ed it insaLett. • Mr. Benton • again denied the insolence. ane asserted the emanational right, conquered or not conquered, by the people of New Mexico, to pe tition Congress for a Civil Government. Ile pro nounced the declarations of the Senator from S. C. gratnirousaad unfounded. Mr. Calhonsizaid that it was sot against the right of petition that he had spoken, hot he had a right to remark upon every word of the petition pre sented. He contended that that petition attempted to exclude one half of the people of the United States from the benefits to which the whole were entitled and in this he deemed it insolent. What the Senator from Mtssouri thought on the subject was to him a matter of perfect indifference. Mr. Westcou said he had examined the petition. end Mond it signed by only fifteen persons; and without intending to be disrespectful to either the Senator from Missouri, or the Senator from DI1112.• ware-he could not but pronounce the petition nn attempt to impose upon the Congress of the Uni ted Suites. Of these fifteen names, hut two or Mice were English or American, and one of these two or three was a Mr. Giddings, who acted as : ecr r a l athe T nvennwWn'dwl d the nroedenethat this pet i tion sidered as the voice of the people of New Mexico. Mr. Benton declared that Mr. Weatcott had read the heading of the petition, as if it were coming direct from the people of New Mexico, and had not included the words also 'in Convention wam bled.' came here as the proceedings of . or ganized body of the people of New Mexico, in Con. session assembled, and if there had been any at. tempt at imposition it was not on their part. Mr. Westerot appealed to the Senate, that he had mated explicitly that it purported to be a petition of the people of New Mexico in Convention as eembled. There was no evidence that the mem. hers of this tonvention were elected as the repre sentatives of the people of New Mexico. He hod seen as yet no evidence that such a convention had been called, or that it was mare than a local meeting at Santa Fe. There was =thin before the Senate even to show for what object this meet. ing had been called. What he"prcaested against was, that, without such evidence, a petition, signed by fifteen persons, nearly all Mexican, should be received as the petition of the people of New Mexico. Mr. Clayton did not rise to take part in the des bate, though associated with the Senator from Mir Donn in the duty of presenting this Memorial He should have said nothing, had he not learned that the rights of the petitioner. might be prejudiced by the remarks of the Senators from Smith Carolina and Florida. The petition had come to them with its genuineness vouched br by respectable names, and there wee not the slightest reason to suppose that any imposition had been intended or pow tiara. He earnestly suggested to the Senator from South 'Carolina to reconsider the charge of inso lence There was nothing either Insolent or die. reispecdid In it, for if there had been he should have opposed its reception. They bad expressed the wish that sla , ery should not be Introduced there, but that could not be considered either inms. lent or 'disrespectful; aid he regretted that any thing should have been said here to prejudice Lbw canoe of the petitionem Mr. Calhoun explained that be bad on previous occasiotis, repeatedly appealed to the Senate to exclude petitions that were disrespectful to thst South. ben , he had 'mei, uniformly Toted dome. he mitedled that he considefed it the bkighr of insolence or CC" erOd P e° P 1e.411.4166( • torritorriehich belatedboth to thaerMtli end S t ittitt;l6 mime here With each an vphiMdcm. Mr. Benton said that, is the Senator from South C had reitended the chirp of Mecham, be :0914007,11Aslas.prpormqty to Tote du ilt• - - ~ itudff he OITA:Whom) dt& tanywatt ate make thOrdelpis, be (fd.r.Zetisonyabould, for tlsd youritnct earl on the quest/sera reception. Mr. Callswin declining, Mr. Benton made the 1206= eineri*nriy. . . - - Mr. Fooksiaquired Whether either of the Sane. tors had received any evidence, other than the petition itself, that. 'my mach convention of the peo. pie of New Mexico had been held. ' Mr. Clayton said he had received two or three letters stating the (act, and urging bun to use his influence for the estahlishment of a civil govern• meet there. Of the - fact that such a convention had been held, there could not be the slightest doubt, or alibi genuineness of the petition. Mr. Foote wished to know from them whether there was undoubted evidence received that this convention was the result of venous meeting. in New Malmo, at Whieh delegates were elected by the people, and that thin document emanated from 6 a convention entitled , to represent the people of 1 Mexico. Without such evidence, and upon the mere as. sonico of the pelitionitaelf, he was not for going the extent here, which teemed to be the object of its presentation. Ho would not say that honorable Senators had been imposed upon, but it did not spa pear that they had not been imposed upon, or that any such convention, properly constituted, had been held. Mr. Westcott did not intend to intimate that the j azz.. ei r th f iz m foged, o u r ri a h zu w rio u u n s d paper, d end he was mistaken. He simply wished the evidence that the Convention had been properly callnl and convened. Mr. Clayton bail several letters, and the petition came to him as well authenticated as are similar memorials presented to Congress. The newspas per. too, throughout the country, had published the whole proceedings, memoridl and all, weeks ago, as authentic- They had been published here, in the Intelligencer.--.He had no idea that the me morial was a huntbng, and had no doubt that there had been a very large meeting of the people on the occasion. He did not know that all the people of New Mexico had been represented there, or were there them.' ves,but the Inemonal was respect- fully worded, and should receive the same MOM deretion as it was customary to sward to similar memorials. Mr. Hale said that, though he too might be charg. ed with insekstcadae would move to goateed the motion of the Senator from Missouri, so as to refer the memorial to a committee, with instroctions to report a bill in accordance with the prayer of the petitioner. Ile contended that the people of New Mexico were entitled to a government. and maim led to it now. The people of New Mexico had came here now upon the Nichetion platform—in the spirit of the Nicholson letter—and be asked Congress to gtvethem the first dose ot the Nichol son medicine—and he trusted that those here, who believed in the doctrines of the Nicholson letter, would not now kick over their platform, but give to the people of New Mexico such a government to they ask for, had which they could have appli -1 e d for with great confidence had the author of the 1 Nicholson letter been elected President_ Mr. Foote replied to Mr. Hale, and the discussion ' between these gentlemen here turned upon the relative merits of political conventions—the Utica and Buttaki conventions in permitter. Mr. Calhoun. said he should vote against the reception, for the:reasons stated heretofore. and be , cause of the reasons now assigned by the Senators from Flonde and Mississippi. The question was then taken by yeas and nays, ' and the memorial received-33 to 14, as kllows Ages--Memos. -Allen, Atchison. Atherton, Bade -1 er, Baldwin, Beeton, Bradbury, Breese, Butler. Cameron, Clarke, Clayton, Corwin, alum Dick- I moon, Dix, Dodge, Douglam, Felch. Fitzgerald, , Hale, Hamlin, Johnson, 'of Md., Johnson, of La, I Metcalf, Miller, Niles, Pearce, Spruance, Sturgeon, z Underwood, r„sse Up . har k ,.... i W e rt n l kern Borland, Calhoun, Davis I of Mississippi. Downs, Fitzp.sthck, Foote, Houston, Hunter, King, Rusk, Turney, Westcou, 'fairs —l4. It was then referred to the Committee on TOM• tones, and ordered to be, printed. Mr. Douglass offered an amendment to the Cal. iforma bill, firing the number of Delegates to the Legislature at 71, to be elected by the tree white male citizens 91 the State, and moved a reference of the bill mdamendment to the Terntorial Coni• =nee. Mr. Butler said this was a bill for the admission of a State, and nut tisr the organization of a Terri • tory, lima should, therefore, by uniform practice, go to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Donglass had no particular objection, though the uniform custom of the House for several years. had been to refer such bills to the terri tonal com mittee, sad it had been for this reason that he bad mode the motion. The bill nod amendment were-accordingly re ferred to thejodiciary committee . HOUSE oF REPRESENTATIVES. - - - _ The States were called for petitions, &c., and a number presented. Among them was an applica tion from Meisris Brooks, of the New 1 orb Express, ,1 to publish the debates. A,c.. for $lO,OOO per session. 1 and another, (tote Mr. Fenton, of Washington City, to publish them at 56 per column. Ms. Palfrey asked leave to introduce a bill, re pealing all laws establishing or supporting the stave trade in the Distriet of Columbia. Mr. Holmes, of S. C., objected, and Leave was refused. 69 to 82. GovilMitrlTS BOY TRY hew TiellTolleS Mr. Root offered the following resolution Resolved, That the Committee on Temtones lie instrithted to report to thin House, with as hale delay as practicable, a bill or bills providing a terrOonal government Car each of the Territories of New Mexico and Caldornia. and excluding sla. very therefrom. Mr Rout moved the previous questma Mr Hall, of Mi,souts, moved to any the resolution on the table. Mr. Giddings moved that there be a call of the House. Agreed to The Clerk then called the roll, and ISt members answered to their names. Mr. Jones, of Tenuestre inbred that further proceedings in the call be dispensed with. Agreed to. The queation was then put on laying the rear lotion on the table, and was decided in the nega. uve Yeas SO, nays 107. The previous question was then seconded, and, under the operation thereof; the resolution was agreed to by the following vote YEAS—Messrs. Abbott, Ashman, Belcher, Bing ham, Blitzlunar, Blanchard, Brady, Butler, Canby, Cathcart Clapp. CoHamer, Conger, Crowell, Cum• mine, Darling, Dickey, Dickinson, Dlzon. Duet, Daniel Duncan, Dunn, Eckert, Edwards, Embree. Nathan Evans, holm, Fart-ally, Fisher, Freedley. Fries, Giddings. Gust. Greeley, Gregory, Gonnell. Hale. Nathan K Hall. Hammona, James H Hama. ton, Henley, Henry, Hubbard. Hudson, Hunt, Ir a, Jenkins,Jsimes H Johnson, Kellogg, Daniel I' King. Lahm, Wm T Lawrence, Sidney Lawrence, Levin. Lincoln, Lord, Lynde, McClay, McCtelland, Mcßeane, Joh Mann, Marsh, Marvin, Morn., Mill lin, Nelson. Nicoll, Palfrey, Peaslee, Peck, Petrie. l'ollock, Putnam. Reynolds, Richey, Robinson. Rockhill, Julius Rockwel I. John A Rockwell. Ito. man, Root, Ramsey, St. John, Sherrill, Silvester. Slingerland, Smart, Caleb 13 Smith, Robert Smith, Truman Smith, Sterkweather, Charles K Stuart. Strohm. Strong. Tallmadge, Taylor, Jim Thomp son, Richard W Thompson, William Thompson, Thurston, Tuck, Vinton, Warren. Wentworth, White. Wick, Wiley, Wilmot., and Wilson-107 N A YS—Mesers Adams, Atkinson, Barringer. Barrow, Bailey, Reale, Bocock, Botts, Boyd. Boy. den, William G. Brown. Charles Brown. Albert I, Brown, Buckner, Burt, Chase, Chairman. Howell Cobb, Williamson R. W. Cobb, Cooke, Cranaton. Crozier, Dmitri, Donne!, Garnett I hthiena, Alex •ti• der Evans Flonrnoy, French, Fulton, Gaines Gentry, Goggtn, Green, Willtard P. Hall. Haralson. Harrnanson, Harris. 11111. Hilliard, Isaac E. Holmes. Inge, Charles J. Ingersoll, Iverson, Andrew Jolts son, Robert W. Johnson, Geo. W. Jones, John W Jones, Kaufman. Kennon. La Sere, Leffler, Ligon. Lumplitin, MoLkiwell, McKay, McLane, Meade. Millet, Morehead, Morse, Murphy, Outlaw, Pen. dleton, Peyton, Phelphs, Preston. Rbett, Richard eon, Sawyer, Shepperd, Stanton, Thibodaux, Tilo. ma*, Jarob Thompson, John B. Thompson, Robert A. Thompson, Tompkins, Venable, Wallace, and Woodward—bo. Mr. Robinson moved to reconsider the vote met taken; and then the House adjourned. To the &lathes of the Putsburgh Cowed. Allow me to suggest through the columns of your paper, the name of Jowl Covent, Esq., or Westmoreland county, as a candidate hr the office of State Treasurer. Mr. Corode is a true, reliable working Whig. He has been Lighting Locofoeism in its stronghold from time immemorial. At the recent State election he was the Whig candidate for Senator in the Somerset and Westmoreland district and came within 45 votes of his opponent. The district usually gives from 6 to 700 for the Locokicpa In his own township, West Fairfield, be received over 100 votes :from the opposition. Mr. Covode enjoys a high reputation in Western Pennsylvania. He commenced life as a poor boy, and by hisperseverance and skill in business has succeeded in acquiring a considerable share in this world's goods. No man in the commonwealth possesses the confidence of his fellow entre,ns to a greater degree. His character for integrity has always been unspotted, and his election to the office of Stale Treasurer would not fail to give general satlsfacuoa. Nothing could be more grati fying to the Whigs of SOMPASET & WESTMOR.ELAND. Mn. Stamens ma, rue Porrimirrta G —We be informed by a friend of Mr. Smuts in Lancaster county, that the rumor of his being with drawn as a candidate for the U. S. Senate, on ac • count of his being a candidate for Postmaster Gen eral under Gen. Taylor, is incorrect. We learn, that, however his friends may kel on the subject, be done not covet the cabinet appointment, and u not a candidate for it; on the contrary, that he is a candidate for U. S. Senator in conformity with the wishes of his numerous friends, both personal and party.' No man could fill that post better, or more to the honor, the credit, and the welfare of Pennsylvania.Nis commanding talents, quick peroeptiam,brilliant and powerful oral powers, great readiness, promptness, wit and sarcasm would make him Aformidable advocate of good measures and a pqwerfol opponent of bad onea.---flur. fnrla• naZitti MO 111 X laszatan ftzrortac.—The N. I Lionise! of Cammence says that azdhentie infor ;:thationhaS been received at Wastongton, through letier*oi Gdv: &gam, af LIMB , flint the French Goirininerd has not oats Tempi:ad the Repub. crof*sititt, bat. also Outwit at its diaposal three bated vessels to be used to the sapwood= of the idavetrade, and id the retention of the interests of the teriblic. The Dead. flas Inzpoiltlea--liktarotstlag TileAllaskigton-Ufpon copulas the IcUowing yeti - Interesting letiel (mm Lieutenant Wm. F. Lynch, under whose command the perilous ex% pedition to the Dead Bea was so sugessaffilly pro. eeuted: To the Etithyr of the U11.102C With the consent of the Hon. Secretary of the Navy, I beg leave, through your columns, to re deem a promise I have made. When the small party, just returned from the Dead Sea, entered upon its water., its members came, one sod all, to the conclusion, that having undertaken what others failed to accomplish, the honor of the American name was at stake, and that it were better to die like them than return on• successful. On the evening of the 9th day, however, on the southern sea, we were prostrated by the hot blast of a simoon, sweeping from the desert of Arabia, which was followed by five days of intense and sti fling heat.. Oa the afternoon of the 14th day, on the coast of Moab, to our symptom, we were greet ed by a deputation of Murmur from Barak, the Keijath Moab dam Bible. The joy of this people at meeting us was um bounded. They careened us, brought us water and leban (sour milk,) all they had, and some of them spent nearly the whole night hunting a wild boar wherewith to regale us. When told that our, farina of worship in America were different from theirs, they replied: "What matted Christ died for all' Do you lot believe in Muir When told that we did, they mid: "Then what are forma before God? }le looks to the heart' We are broth" en' And brothers they continued to call us to the last. We could not trace their origin, but concluded that they are either the descendants done of the last tribes converted to Christianity, who in the fastnesses of the mountains, hod escaped the Mo hammedan alternative of"the Kenn of the sword," or tire crusaders under the Christian Lord of Kerak. They number spout 1.0 families, anti live in the town—the only one now left, in the once populous country of Mmih. Within the walls are also the huts in IGO Moshm families , end outside are the are the black tents of the fierce tribe Kern Keyeh, nninbering 'l5O fighting men. The Christians gave us an invitation to visit their town, shout seventeen miles distant is the mountains; but, while hospitality urging us to go, they did not conceal the perils of the visit; for they confessed that they were outoumbered and over• awed, and in an emergency would not dare openly to insist us. . I determined, however, to accept their invitation at all hazards, hie it was evident that, unless re. eructed by a more bracing atmosphere, we most inevitably perish. In this opinion the lamented Mr. Dale concurred with me. I will nofftire you with an account ofthe mea— n( the weashery;with which we were threatened . and our relent, in haul. array, with the hostile Sheikh as prisoner—but simply express my con• section, that, but for the timely I.IfiMPIIIiIOU given by the Christians, we should never have seen our boats again. Those poor Christians are much tyrannized over by their Muslim neighbors. Their only place of retreat, when threatened with violence, is then little cell of a church, which can scarcely hold twenty families Their account, which in its nsr• ration bore the impress of truth, seems confirmed by the eircumatance that in the centre of their lit• Ile church there is a well, which supplier them with water until their pniviniom are exhansted. or the restless nature of their persecutors takes them elsewhere. The object of all their hopes is to build a church sufficiently large to hold all their wives and children, Mr, with MI their intoler• sore, the Maritime respect the house of HMI whom they call "loan, the Prophet of the Chns The foundation and a part of the walla of • church have been built, but the work is discontinued from the want of means—the sirocco and the locust hat log swep their harvests for several years They gave me an appeal to their Chratain brethren in America, which I promised to delver. With mutts appologiea he its phraseology, they begged me to wnte it out more fully the them, but I preferd send mg it Borth in its own simple and touching brevity I will only add. that little should be green, sad that discretely. at different tunes so as not to cantle the copidtty of the Muslims. The Board of For eign Mission at New York will doubtless receive what may be given, and them nett it either to their bretbern in Beirut or to the Anglican bishop at Jerusalem., for iltstribution. One cent from each humane person in Boa land of thorny will be more than stEcient By God's favor May th !toll unlitnit, rent+ Am ira and be btreseutral 1.1 our rheisttso brothel whose hapteness may the Almugb'y clod serve; Amen. 5612. REIATAFI We are in Kerak, a few very poor Christmas, .1 are building ri church We beg your escellency to help or in O. un dertaking, nir we are very weak. The land has been unproductive and visited by the locust for the last seven years. The church la delayed in not being w4,-otiaphsh. ed, for want of funds, in we are a few Christians. surround by Ni.hatt. Thu being all that la necessary to yertae to you. Chrtshan Whetters to America, we need say no The trusters to your bounty, ABDALLAH EN NAHAS.:tSberth IAKOB EN NAILAS. )(MAL. 29 Jamad Orricist..—Taa GOLD ASSATCD—EITILAWIDI , 44. ar Pustrrr.—We publish below from the Union. the official letter of the director of the mint at l'hiladelphis to the Secretary of the Treasury, showing the assay of the California gold. The gold assayed yielded 535.492. The parity extraorthuary, the xold•dust yielded 4154 pure gold, the melted gold yielded vales 11.1090, or Pi in the 51000. of the mint standard of ...Ott This fa , exceeds the expectation. at the most sartignine,•nd places the extraordinary parity of the gold beyond controversy. :Hurt or rim l'on - mo Sys rat, Philsdelphsa, Dec. 11.134 fl Sir On the 9th instant, we received, as I have already bad the honor to Infisrm you, the first des pond of gold front California. It was deposited by Mr. David Carter, who hrought it from Sa■ Fmnaisco by the Isthmus route. It weighed 1,04 re) ounces troy; of which 1111 Se was from the lower surface mines, and 350 from those at Feather neer. On the 9th Instant another deposit was sent by the Secretary of War. which weighed 229 ounces. - . The gold arse of two sorts in external character. Omagh apparently not different as to quality. The first, from the 'dry dtgros," was in grains, which averaged from one to two pennyweights. the other variety, from the swami+ or margin• of the stream•. being in small fiat spangles, of which, on an aver. age, it would take atx or seven to weigh one grain. Of these, by tar the larger part of the dermaites was "'T posed. held was melted in nil parcels, and the hint by melting, due to the earthy and weldable matter which dmappeart in thin operation. averaged about 2l per cent, of the original weight. The love thu• reported is moderate, and shows that the gold had been carefully washed. Atittay• of the melted gold were made with great care, and the moult. altowed a venation in toe. aeon from 892 to 897 thommadtbs, the average at the whole being 894. Thu is slightly below the manderd fineness, which m9OO. The average value per ounce-44 the bullion, h 0... fore melting. in SIB 51; that ofthe mime in bars, after melting. is 91 b 50. The whole value uf the gold In the two ileposio me was 836,492, besides a few ounces reserved in the native slate for the liecret•ry of War, at his equesi Very respectfully, your Isttlnfol servant. R. M. PArraaarnt. Lhrector . Hon. ROHERT J. WALIOCI, Secretary (dam Treasury' Titian W.D MErriao —Pursuant to call, the Whigs and Antimarions of the Third Ward met at the lam and place appoiated, and organized by calling Edward Gregg, Eta., to the chair, and ap pointing Andrew McMaster, Secretary. The object of the meeting having Leen stated, the following ticket wan unanimously nonooated . For Select Council—Harrtsoh Parry. For Common Conned—M. W. Lewis, Willard Leonard, Robert J. Smith, Edward Gregg, T. J. Duncan, William McKee, Judge of Elections—Andrew McMaster. Inspector—James Galbreath. Jr. School Lbreetom--Joseph W. Lew., Samuel Palmer. Assessor—Major. Joseph McCulloch. /transient Asseasors--Wilbain Chapman and William Buchanan. Resolved, That the proceedings of This meeting be published in the Whig }lepers of the any. On motion, adjourned. EDWARL) GREGG, Chairman. Anvw. Mohler - la, Sec'y. LATEST PROM MEXICO The N. 0. Picayune learns by an amval at that port from Vera Cruz, that Signor Otero bad resign his oilier as Minister of Foreign Relations, and had r I been succeeded by Caere!. The govennment was distressed for want of funds. The National Guards were almost dison gentled, the want of their pay giving cause for disagreement. Orders bad been despatched for the arrest of puede,. The report of a Pronoun:la ment° by that worthy Is unfounded. Arista is accused of favoring the disunion of th • Provinces• The French Minister had ■ greed reception o his arrival at Vera Cruz. Santa Anna ban not arrived in Mexico. Innumerable robbenes are reported in the vioi oily of Vera Cruz, and numerous Indian depreda dons are constantly occurring in the intenor. Tim WearstmL--Quite • Novara thunder storm passed over this city between $ and $ o'clock Vat Saturday evening. We viewed aas a token of cold weather, as is usually theme; bet on Sunday morning, and during the day, we were amprised to Fuld the weather cleat anti bright, and remarka bly plessaut---sessmbling mom the madams of wing, than witi-Datambsa LOCAL ..MATTFR.S. firOilarD 1%1 TE TarEinmai DaILI cuzzirrii. DISTRICT ODURTTRII SLR= WATIR NATIOR runt CITYPLIIT.—A few days ago, an action was tried in this court, atthe not of Mr Kinney, against this company fin damage done to eight acres of land which we overflowed every spring and fall in conseqaeuce of one of the dams. The jury in this case gave a verdict for the plained in the a• mount of $lOO. On Saturday n motion was made kw a new trial. The range of argument embraced the right. of the company, under the several act. of miserably of 1838,1846 and 1848. Coder one of the acts, it was contended that the company were not liable for damages over a distance of ten miles admising the public works. What was ac tually intended by the legislature is very proble matical; but the last act of 1818 seems to have brushed away all difficulties, by the last clause, which says that the company shall be liable Wr con sequential damages in all eases arising out of their improvement.. The court seemed inclined to the opinion that the compensation made to the .when of land where • dein is erected or locks construct. ed, included all the damages that the individual could possibly recover, he himself having beet. talent as to future damages at the time of the pre aeutation of the original claim. COURT OF Corson PLEA!—laroararrr TO FAIL ~• .—iliontgostery or. New/Z.—This vru an ac •n of trespass, to recover damages for a field o Nits, claimed by the plaintiff. The parties live i Pine Township. On Friday the case went to th Jury, under a direct charge from the court on the points of law offered by the defendant's cone sel. These points are of some importance, as mutter of information to our farmer. Ist. That the 'tenant is entitled to the way going crop' has sole reference to grata sown in the fall. The crop of oats cleaned for, was sown in the spring by the tenant who went out of Nssesston. ll wits, there fore, lost to bin,. Another point won, that in an ac tion of trespass, it was accessary that the plaintiff should be is the actual possession, or have a con• structive possession, and thence a right °lnhuming property at any time. This could not be prenuins don this ease, for the lout himself, who sold yer was trt posseeeton of the oats, and it th re appeared that the action was wrongly bruugh 'erdler fur the defendant. A motion was tuaJu for • now trial iu the c of Kelly the 'Alegi,. This will he •rgunl day Ihni week. No mutton has yet been made in the case of /numeric, Ma rut's Ors - wk.—tin Saturday morning there were four cases brought before the Mayor among which were Henry M. Twyntrig who has, long ago, acquired for batmen a lasting fame in the watch house. Mr. Twytong earned nu one band a haunts of very delicate artificial Gowen, to the other a genteel cane, while in one of his pocket• was the...veered. very carefully wrapt to paper, a large Irish potato. la unfolding the package his honor evidently expected to tied something val. uable. The actual disclosure caused cooaiderable merriment. Mr. Twyning having been in the of the officers so recently, bin honor corn- mated him tin twenty d.ys—anoUmr case was that of s p.or murerattle pauper m such a ottoothhou . almost to defile the watch hour.e. We understand be le inane, end ongbt {bereave to be the All object of the can of the guatilten. of the pot, lie was found lying on the do/x.l<p of the mayor residence the presto. eeeu.nµ l'rrnesc"..o no A u.all.T reference to another column it will lie no th tr....bunion with the /shove name has been ea operant,. A large and cosi...cut Inti!cling baa been fitted up for purpoae, and Our mealmai department under the control one of our moat ennnent phrswinns. In common with otbert we learnt] that ars chantable en(trpn. had Leen abandoned. instrod of this, however, it was nm.r• legal{ aJrmatng irlllll Jai, to dal'. and now air lotimalloa of its elulence lorkileo the path nave received Is as ot•itattott rood their ,at. gent etch to thi. chanty ••se about money and scut, out priers: When it ts seeable:ad alit tht. rlytte• Lou bas been esanbitabed through the exertions of At& taldeloal, aud.l tbat the charter depend, Orr its eltateace and nixes, on the voluntary row iv-diatoms of the public. we ate sure that nor citi zens will not permit as doors to he elosesi. air want of fonds, against such as are legitimate objects of relief The Rev. M. Paasa•ant, director of the Mt/UW.IW., will receive contrition°. for this chant, —or any gentlemen named in the advertisement referred to. Assoc - tars licroww t:ttuaco.—The new -church in Stilts street, belt:torrid to that denotronattoo, to to • state of considerable progrew. The upper part of the building will probably be ready for worst:upping to, early lo January It is calculated to bold about one thousand persone sod COOMIIIII one boudnrd and sixty pews. The Raptist church in the same street is •nder going some repairs, and will probably be ready for the purposes of worship In a oouple 01 Wee ie. fli• Eduo, of the Pat.:buret Garrity la your report of the trial of Peters & va. ILichartbons, I ant led to suppose thnt you an to make it appear to the public that I was mtlu raced by spiteful or mercenary motive. I cannot think why you should cast such reflections on my character I was summoned there al witness in the case then at nom, 1 was called slain to speak ilia truth, which I did, to the heat of toy knowledge and bebel If you had taken the pains to examine the testimony and seen how far it was corroborated by other witnesses, I would then vril limp, leave you to lodge whether I deserve the censure cast upon the by the article of December ttl, I would willingly submit my conduct in the case to a public inspection, after a full report or publication of the trial VOW. respectbilly, GILLIAM l'ittaburgh, Ilticeinber I till, liter. ;The Reporter Jteelaims •Il intention id reflect ing upon Mr t4tiliatn. IN duty le to report tarts. end it i• hie eon to routine hon.ell to them. II he la in error it is through Inadvertence ! CLAVIELAND •nn Pll - 1111r1l.1 R•IL Hain. — We learn from the odimars of this Company that an estimate of nearly Six Thousand Dollars, w paid over ou Saturday last, on this prwtson of the lina, and that a final estimate urn* paid on two .etuttn. We are pleased to ace this read steadily. if not rapidly progressing on this, the middle) division, and we shall look with confidence to sea the north ern end commenced early it the spring, and push.. ed Gneward with en,gy. We are aware that there are interested croak. era that •re ever ready to mroulaus report, that the work is abandoned. Yet, by the steady persever. trice of its friends the work will in doe time he completed, and the country through which it pass es, will denve great benedts from its construction, and the stook•holders receive ample remuneration for the delay in ronstrtution, by large dividends.— Portage Clensury Whig. =III On Tuesday eating, lath tom . al 7 o'clock, • public marline Win be held to the P'trat Presbyterian Clisitch, st e ry e a'ao io consider the claims of . the SAS bath All friendly to a better ohaersanc• of the Lord', day, •r• hereby respectfully invited to attend The COISITIMM Or arrangements aro the ite• Dr Rodiers, Hey Dr. Cook, Me, 1 F. M`Laron, and Rea . Nathaniel West. n.roralty of Pittsburgh AATORALTT —Meters IVdtte k Co.—Gent, Pleats .nooner the enlll4l of COO Jowl •• • amiable. Peron for the odic. of Mayor of lima elly. dert,eltn FIR-ro WARD M•loanhry.-11. f S•wrca. Fag. wdl b• supported o the Gonvenuou Jurnommsolon of Mayor. for his Wag, faithful nod senlous seiviees as • Whig. deal-Cos Fir. WAIL Amen. CO.—Oentr Please to artn•once the name of Mr flinty WlLmson, as a suitable person for the office of Mayor of this city novl7-tit Ptarr W•111/1 Mntouare—Mr Maar. Hesse umannao that Coif M. Hceu.r, Earl., will be a candidate for norannauon for the MSc. or Mayor nosittlin Hamlin Won. IiI•yorolty of Allegheny Wt o.l•Touvry el ALLISMIAT Crrt.--Mr. &Ilion You wiII please announce the name of Mr. JONATII.II eau, U Ward. Allegheny, for the oar. of Mayor, snider t to the decision of the Whig and Amin:tam. COnVe..o.. nord7.lvo MIAS VOTZIIO. At.t.zonuirr Wain, Murivanc—The Anttmuons and Whigs of Allegheny are requested to meet on Bator. day evening, the 16th inst., at Ilk o'clock, th eir usual places to each Ward, to sleet two delegates to the Convey bon to meet on Wednesday evening following, at the Town Holme s to Pot In nomination a candidate for Mayor, and • candidate fur Director of the Poor; and also to nominate candidates for city e® e. JAMES TEY, dee I 4 Seel of last Cb.ention. Timm Wk. PII.I3OAT llaxerten.—The Whig and Antimmanie Musses of the Third Ward, are requested to meet t 1 the School House, in said Ward, on Rater. day next, Dee. 16111, at 7 o'clock, S. hl . for the minas* of nominating a suitable ticket to be supported at the coating Wind election. By order ante Committee. dente Mr - Annual subecripthus will be received at the boot atom of Mott a Englieh, Tel Weed tom, for the Josiah Chronicle, published by the Areetieen Society for msliondin the condition of the Jun, and edited by the Rev. A. H. Wright, Putor of the Amulet,. Cborob, Jain meet, Nevi York &ate Norms ott MEI AEFFOIIIIII3.I.IrO WillOF OF TIM [MT oF PIITFIRTSOII,-710 ;Wing Committers of Ccutference met al thb 014 Cottmlffoose / in the ConthOrn Council Chamber / pummant to , • m1114(1116 Cblinion. on N 1.. .- day everungi the 1141 matt Wm. M'Candlesa, Pres dent, in the Chair; Brush and James B. Betray, Secretaries. The following resolution was offered by J. M. Brush, and unanimously adopted.: Bemired, That the Whigs and Amin:loons of the ciq of Ponitiurgh, will meet on Saturday evening Der at 7 o'clock, P. Omit. usaal places andante primary meetings, to elect five delegates from each Ward, to meet in convention at the old Court Hocme, on Wednerulay, Dec. trth, at to o'clock. A. M., for the porpooe of putting to 11.0Miltallon a erandtdate for May- J B. kl coact. J M. Hansa, / lIP.CANDLESS, PreSt- TWITIIONT to the value of Dr I.l•Lene • Vermuthge. Read, all that doubt. "A ferret, when placed at the entrance of a rat hole. enters the aperture, navel. along the pathage, .cues upon the rat, exterminates his exlmence, ethidrags th• animal's defunct carcass to the light And in like insulter have I found Dr. l'ilif.ane's American Vernit (ago to erate upon worms, those dreadful •nd dan gerous t o nmentor. of children. Tins remedy, like the 'erect. einem the aperture of the mouth, travels down the gullet, hunts round the stomach, lays hold of the w e shakes the life out of the reptiles sweeps Mean their den, and carries their cercasses elect out of the all stem. Th. et least has been the effect of the venni gage upon my children WM. ROCLATT. Neple., lam 1e47. - "This ism ce ruts' that I have used Di.lll•Lane's Ver mange, mid here found it to operate in like manner . s tun my childien. JOHN lIRICiGS. Naples. June, 1•47." A genuine *melee( the above valuable medicine can be had at the drug store o(1. Kidd A. Co.. No lid Wood nov27 fig - Um ma Paorza !iota—lf you wish to be suc cessful in my undertaktng. you most always 'use the eroper means. Therefore. if you have•rough, um /sr ar's Eararvutanivr and be eared, for It is the proper means. Have you Asthma or difficulty of livcatkung, thou the only mfictent means to cure you is to use Jayne'. Kapectormt, whirl/ will munediately overcome the spasm which coutracts the diameter of the tubes, and loosens and bring. up the mucus which clogs them clad thus removes every obstruction to a free remi- MllOl, hite 111 the mrue nine all nifiiiinmslaoll tr, sub dued, an w d n curs is cerwin to lie effected. liner you sins, Brune/ Spittnia of Blood, Pleurisy, or in lael any Pulmonary Affection, then use Jayne's Ktpemorant and relief as certain, shah you will Enid that you have used the proper 111(11111 For stilelit Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 71 4th street near Woods taunt lir A rough should never be neglected. It may appear trilling and unworthy the alien.° at first, but tt will not remain stationary long, ti may progress slow at first. and it. augmentation tuay be scarcely pereepUble, yet when it OM, seizes the lung., all the ' other parts nl the body will be itympathetically affect ed, and aonfirmed Comminution and ;immature death will be the c Ine,tablo resti!‘ A little care would sa•• any a lite, and the timely use of • proper remedy 1 010111 bale •re•ted natty • cc...mutton But many twrooti. have r .l3 it...nimble repugnance to taking say ntedien. and rather than use themean. toward,. wr• K o s siniply because the remedy ma) not tie pleaugatill who, would surfer and languish for a long nine. bet re they would resort to the aid of medicine It A Falotie•iml. Co ~ 1, 0 1101 Balsam he. • great ad•antuge tins re•per t over many other Cough pre. paratiosi• as its plea•• 11 tase penult. it to be used 1/1.11•C111.41 1 , lint s , ts value a. a Balsam courts. the vard,tiess in its cure We have known some ot the der perate roughs. some oi which had bee ii running oa hir • considerable imigth sal time. yields nnual immed.amly its its power Utepare4 and Mr sale, wholesale and retail. by B. A FAHNEBTIit•K A Co. t.oslo col Wood and Ist, tied Wood and bib at. M I...MCIWoaa V6.lloTrult —The popular. which this rurdolue has aequrred in Western Peansyhart.a, ts • lure 4uarantee of excelkore The following gentlereo, highly re•perlable entre. of Allegheny and thrAver roanue, hare used this Vertwinge to the r ( rider thr assurance or its great medicalproper., Jam c• &Lion, FoUrtMl Road. P.ltsburgh Mar) J. Struttoo • Nat) StrAtlon, Mar, !lurk, Beaver counts Sarah H••lterarr Manchester near Fill Margaret landsey, Squrrrel lttll Agnes Hurl. For Ages at his drug store of 1 KIDD k Co .10 Wood dd. II ('ocons •so Cot,. —Tim Irv-anent changes 10 wenn., al Ibis se •uosi oi the rai inr•risio, iir ing along voili :beat roughs and coal, arhieb lapel) situation are easrly cured by simple medies SKI, L EK: , IMPF:RI Al. Via SNIII re bus been in 11 6 1 1 fur tae //111 Pi yes!, andglamor usury repuedtr lor ILe . areal con. toot trauma', •riiiretoed Rai other preparation ever oflered to tlir 1,1111 . 11•Ol Aaegliesi, county 'Me :sipuniii Cough Si ri.p err pleass to the woe, sad, en this •c roan, is • veSi insofar with ebildien The dour. air caustally gradaatial the directions. io suit all sri. Thai t:i.• long lord andpopular roue, Fumed, ins) lc within di, oi all it i• said thr 100 pro' , o( 73 ruills re/ loatir eirpaird and sold E SELLERS .17 Wniai Pora.urgli, Lt >I Cal, A. eglirni druggios gen t/ u,.t 11! LlOll3 rllleo Ulklll u r 1 , 011 Angell< fapresaufn of .cone ream,. gr•frfu• ..eo.vh, of Lho f•yolif4••• coarse. w 0../ ',Au* iare• eit sto•gliffguf , i—the •• wfli• os..e• coo, peopie todured so I, • ••• e.le of hatuati May. , bat would Lo red tt, Mr) woodh•ve • de, se .LA.. ev•fr th•figuretneoL of eel *ad e u red - re v ...T. r• houglo Arup • rou,••••rle. ,r.o•at .... • • o• ti..• arm boor. had oc. nauro tr, tor ornoto. Moot Jr•orr.' Soar For 11.••• •L ot ..,.. , I ", LrOo ly manrol4 We bu of many •men'a e 26F So ion; u• tan dray/Ina :be auffertugs raumd tm tam dmmessaan d•maw It manta man lot ht. .1* non die. venatewm u may and makea host feel • Moualt would :miler l lo t calm OM. endure • aura mmer, let Ibitaa audennas are pralored 11!NIM kr•t p.m.. deran,ement oiotosnantt, and it M.. were umt yam( A ratmecort'• Anu•l34;mtm lue uoaram maid rinan•ed, arrumumuon of rarned off. and a and aura mite( obtamrd ar' •a 4 mid by II A FA A. Co r orwr lat and An,. ale. corner iltn utd lend am 117 - A r..s •av us Tmevat son Ccrrx--Yellow aud unaea.tom Teo.. lamer tenni once or tames clean ed Jones' Amber Tooth Pate, have Me look and tr.uor imuy and at We same WWI IS .0 to:lucent and in• tu•t its dad) uaa A• •dvantagrous even to Moira tll.l 0.211 In • good eundatton, rates them • beau brut volt. Lod prevenan; decay Those decayed tt prevetms •cronmni oLorse— It also faxacts welt as •re tavvosrungloomr. and artil render Ma fotMem debrate.y ammte and mate tb• breath deltnoum, **vet et., 2:1 or 37i cant* a two It.. II•cr, in 80, Tam —retard. Nebo hart ea• th•r are hunne•rh) ae•ured that a 2a boa J one • Amher Tnota Paste veldnne trim +dhow hil“e %he lircarh ;wry and owe.. roe reed. lortnte •nd (rums hard • • • MMMEIIMI T.I. 1 . 11-11, Bell NAV .. .ATM. Alto Flat Inactemrtt Colie•yr roee,son for moo Dmetors, to *erre for t p,re.r, will ne leetd ai Ik. office of true Com von, on 111 , t, Mood, of Janear , I 449. bC1••••11 tte ys of iY .0. M So. IS-dtal ROBERT FINNEY. Sea') W. IL W right, D. D., D•latilit• Orrzra •ott rri.olonce on Yourth etre., opposite the K o ok 11@e. hours from o'clock te 1 . 2 A M., and Irmo I o to P M arpl4-17 =EC! q , II h; underengned •re prepared to furroah to Yarns., Ino, ne rt. I4ot 11,ast Castings, made on the Ilangtog goals P•ltern, h,...aqtraved HI S. na render them toor• dorsals. Tbt-pro' , vatll ha the sane per lb ma chafe. H •o ,ne Rork W. *tit also (arms) the Sheet Iron and T.n hoe, manuraetureal sn the toott ounatantsa. manner The whose expo , t. of eretting the lila,. If at •the Lunn., head of Staei, will be about 1140. and It at the I,• p ••• from DSO to SW more W• are atao prearad Garzush weltiner) end othrr castings genoral4 sod turn all kin o ds of Iron DROWN. Co, Ksitsnrona. I'.. and 66 Water at. Ym.bmgh 4.01, da or3.T _ I.XECZ'Toll't 4 NtiTICK All pots.. mot-toot! to n the 1.111•11 f ul Harbar• Bright, late nt Wiltins township. Al!agbeny count{. dee d. ace regoested to malts Roniod.ata payment to the Inbscritess. and all person. basis' Hulas 4111,,eunt Eh•in. duly nests& for srltlansent ENIA N ATI 1T1.11.11. Hr . Fare utor Wllltins township Der 16. 1441--decto-w3T 1 UST Ell—'lbtee more of those so justly elrbrated Hanet.orgli Itanea. used constantly by List. Thalners and other great performer., together ertill a tarn aswertment 01 roolevrood sad mahogany. of my OVVII notartere The abowe instrumento warranted to he perfect of every reepeet, and argil ho sold low for Lash BLUME, decla :So Wood at, 24 door from 5, Pur C. rTst7o• ttr H ttli W t:l l ;rt i ls " l N „rl o tt r t; ' ;„4lte ;Z:71:11 * y ". o l t l'lturburgh Whet, Fourth AMC, two duon frum M.l er'• *IV e der I*-dtmo a -- 4aLSO JUST RECEIVED—A 1p lot of naahog•- oy and rosewood Veneer, for soloai derPo I' BLUME'S bbls suportor era. Cider; 10 du common do, to pore and for sale by der IS J S DILWORTH. IC wood rt . . II;HISK—I0 hid* Fuss for Plostair, tor solo by dais S DILWORTH sAL'rs AND I'OTASII bbletl salts, 3 ed. rO.Oll. fur Bala by 1 C Agb DMANIU,S - I •xvitsdned Peach... bar sale by decl4 _J _C DWEI.I QALE.RATI•S--17 bblo pot, for gale by 13_deciN J C BIDWF.LI L Alt hltds N tt. . ronmgnment and for ogle /3 by J C B ARLEY 3.5 U bush plat rwe'd and for sale by I. y W ATIKR NI AN, 6.316 31 waler and k 1.2 front et WITTER 120 keg', w parted d 1) Roll do, lu etdre 1111 d ler lele by Jec IS L SI WATERMAN j)RACHE. 44 -1 50 both dried Rearbea in store and LL for gale by deelg 4 M ATERM A N SWAB -4:2 Idols prone old crop N 0 Sow, rer'd on touaigranent, r. atd for sule by deeld I.N WATERMAN OLARSFS —25 bbls note crop N 0 Molasses; A 222 iNreeeteed Rad for sale by L WATERMAN FLOUR -1 00 bbls Flour, In store and for nip by deele 1. 6 WATERMAN . • EtkLAXSEED -- e 0 busk Pla.ateed on coast/Tent . Mr sale by AllSl3'lMOliti kORO KR . deaf , ril market st LARD-616b1. No I Leaf Lard, On conbigomont by dool2 RMSTRONU 44. CROZER INEW LARD- 12 bbls It kegs now Lord, tiOS d•y yochl on consognovera by doclo A FINiSTRONIi k CROZER PTIOTATOES—Sar blds Potatokaoust ree'd and for ~1. by dacid ARMSTRONG k. CROZER FLOUR-30• very Food lA ." dta:lj"""'" f'Arl.ittiVatONG TARLEcnoris-z) reams Patent Medic-ma Duce .1./ 'mos, just reed and (or sale by deel* J KIL/D tr. Co II - RONZR-20 lb. FIIIC Rousse, ell eolors,losi reed P 0 end for .We by deolli 1 KIDD& Co - ADHESIVE PLASTER-1W yds Ellis' Adheeive pigider, rust received and for sale by dezle _ 21 EIPD iCo HUFF -6 00 lbs Rappoe Sod!, /oil reed and for sale Sby deb IS / KIDD & Co MASS -60 lb. pure blue M..., Pier d end f., sale by declb 1 KIDD L Co. (Chronicle Copy sub, suitable far aver B saleby re r r i : MURPHY t LEE --, nth' 1 - Vial COATINGIease Drab • 9. . • TarLibila - 1- 7 'Must reed. _ deele KO af HY k±15 15 , / i L al E e bT. ATlNt! t re blue Myaket in Cfr l ip ---, , SPER M 0 1 1, I wiilter diratned)—Be. quality, reed anti (or salt by • ecclll BRAUN e. liErre R ._ - • • HUBA BB ROliff-2 cadet ree'd and for sale by cc L: HILSUN lc REITER • - -- PARR OF AMMON lA—I cook ree'd and for ode by dec 6 BRAUN & REITER • SAL SODA-5 rusks reed and for sale by dot Id BRAUN Ss REITER BUTTER -45 krg. No I keg Brater, 10 good .Lop ping order, lust reed ts.,d for sale hy deele BROWN t CULUERTSON FE FLOUR- Ibs bbl. bite Floeut,'jost teed per suer .1 II Dorbou und for abl• by deb Di SF.LLERS NICOLB LCOHOL,—.S bbl. Alcohol. j . lte l LlA o nd f t7 A T 74 o . by deAb la JOHN T AMP FILACI:— I basks pat ror'd . and for able by deelti MAIN D Mt ,ROAN - - rr 0 W ?Of E ND's , SA: , (Gentarrel--Just Iree'd and for sale b., declO JOHN D MORGANZ COTCII SNUFF— I tierce for sale b/ der JOHN D MORGAN POW'', JAMAICA GING ER— JOHN D For sale M by decal ORGAN GROUND MUSTARD—I LW for sale by decld JOHN D MORGAN MOLASIII&O--50 bbls prime N 0, per Messenger, for for sale decld FRIEND, RIMY &Co LARO—JI6bI. No I Leo( Lard, 8.5 kegs do do do. for *el. by daells PRIEND, RHEY &Co PKACIMS-104 sacks Peaches, for sale by circle FRIEND, REIFY k Co r EAD—TILS pigs soft lialena Leak for sale by decle FRIEND, RHEY it Co AsToR 011,-20 Irbis best qtr•lity, for sale by rhacla FIIIEND, Rif k. Co K tr l : l l6 ' " ."' D .11EY k Co '"" for tsAlk l ,teltk`L?,•l,7 , 7: dec front .‘ VEATIIELLS-151 saek• to arrive, for male by I: 1.5 ISAIAH Dir KEI A Co 1 " ."'", to ' 7, o 4l,A ( l,trc b lEy k Co (YOB \ , .11 I,A I - A mall lot very goal, just reed and J io, •• e ~ v der A RIIISTRONti CRO/.1,R l l t t ic D ; I ' l7/7trri ' 4l) Z 1:7 F. A Eltrl -1 .a,-It• on courtroom:ll. by A WilsTll.l , Nt , A 'HO/ER / IORN e11i11.1.4-16 dot on so,,,lKuoi.vit, by Alt ms . ritosu A CROZKR Bru,. Carper Ido do dodo do lot status bor retorts will hod n to Oleo . tote, term. to r• I at \Y NIcCLINTOCK`S, doe I:, 75 Fourth et PAPER, Burn brook 'al- -10 rr an. as.orsed 1.3 nun.. r • reretrrd and for Pak. by deel:l BRAUN & REITER E MUR " "f" " W " FLAN LEI rER iV tor ..le Jer - DLACE LEAD. twasheo-30 , X) lb. of • oupcnor qua..l), rrr'd •I,J for sale Ipy deela tIRAI'N k REITER . _ N A 1: : S; - 4 V1.0 kegd a*sn ß r it w o J i, t ,. u N et ., :ez , ! i nd E r axle by ,21:NDR11 , Y--20 bbly B pure Cider Vlongar: 10 do d y o 0 I .del. IS I,ln I'L no larch; reed and tbr sale a der 11 11ROWN k d'ULIIEKMON par lages Y•ung Hyson, vt, do Gunnel. , I der, IS do Impertal. A/ Black Tea., 'oat reed and tor mat. by deel4 BROW!. k..CVLBERTSON -•-- - - I Manatorturer of Stt•to Host .nd Fula t.y 1,11 .n let.. Hotting. Cotton Slottruooss and Coro tor.. of .11 .tte•, %Valet •lICCI - - I)EACHF. , -1.5 boats 01 Dino Vracht, halves. rec d j lut \V h. R NpurrL dre I I IR: al, Fly It B A l "b 6 - 4 4 . l t > , :raor R ‘, ll , Tst .s t i e.4 6 ,:e r c e :d ii nd ,s lot N nilll,l, ,lecl 4 WA u l...ta ,k ito r .t . nd do ;a4 „. .N ... o . s ou :a . ll . anh . um alure and for aaor by dot 14 RIO W Y f • 1• rwiN FA% drill J DALZEI.I.:Z4 water _ lIYTTON—.IO tnlce Cotton. 111 $lO, and for sale by J DALZKLI. l( Dll7l - Al. tau. 11144ing Ruk Aleut, land mg awl for sal, by aler-14 JAS DALZELL . - I) EA NITs-150 bush Tenor Pea Num m stare and .I. for role by ___ doold JAS DILLZKLL 4.2 TAR CANDI.E. , . —ls bi. landmg and far sale by CI de-ell JAS DALZe.I./. N A rn;rt.;Nfoir."'N'',Alo... Co -• WYYHOH• R. —to ions Nos Ylnd 9A, Juniata, for CI snit. by oorl4 VON BONNHORST kCo fIIDEB-30 bla .weed ll ler, for sale by ll 4,14 $ Y V(.l`i UONNHULST k. Co LARD —2 Was fresh, for sal• by de , l4 tt F VON 130riN HORST k Co IN FOAR-20 bbl.. par* Oder Vkaeor. for sale by I der.l4 N F VON KONNIIOI2. 4 I' b. Ca wHIVE LIEANS-10 bb Is for sa , e by decl4 F VON BONNHORST k Co rtIGAIL4-10,M) Spam.h. for tale by dert4 S VON DONNHOHSTk. Co I)IPES—TO I. x. cloy Ply ti for We by docl4_ y F VON BONNIIORST k Co bbl. ion reed on consignment 1 and for sale by deci] ARMSTRONG k CROZER I_)FIA NUTS-63 sacks plyt ree'd and for sale by dee I A rWfy >D. JONES & mULAMM.-.lou bbis Molasses. oak !same. arn. •ely per emu Sarneak. and for sale by SURBILIDUE, WIL.SON tr. Co. WSW SI R " ,.. K :I )*('WDER V uu , .0.4 I 'LOUR-4S' bbl. extra Flour, for ule b dull J P DIL'.%ORTH Tr R--4bble Roll Butter. for sale by 41,13 J 8 DILWORTH , LS X SKEIL—Mt bbl. Flaxseed. in store and for sal* 1 4 by deel3 $ DILWORTH • I . I . LES-1.71 , bis limey Apple, last landing aud .t 1 for sale or deelJ J .4 DILWORTH _ - V MOLASSES—Z. bbls Molasses, in fit.e or . der. Is bug Itoto sun, Sarsnak, for sale by dr<l3 BA(: ALEN' & SMITH IlTth 2A WY CA ei.SIAI F.R1.1. , -2 eases vow style Fancy 1 t'aestater• a bright Cirgures sad very handsoise sued', $l4l opened by =ill VELVET CORl.Ht—Tvro trusses heavy largo ststrie lieno• 1:onls. just received by dee 11 9(lAc' UylTa WHITE LFFEL--144 bags ko Coifed, po s t reed and lor eat. by de<l2 ATWOOD, JONES. 1 Co lURRANTIE4 , --S bbis Z...., for use by lJ tire!: D ‘‘'ILLIAMS CALM) HERRING-20 bis for sale by deela J D kVILLIAMEI QtrIMDFUES--300 tics Raton., 00 exam do, JO boxes kj shelled Almodda SO do Malaga Figs, .2 Ms drum Jo, 2 came Mall} Liquorice, I bbl Mason's Blacklist, ism received and in Hie by deeS DROWN k CULBIBILTSON I)EM -01 all sixes, kepi constantly on band (7 , by IHM6IEN, der I I.**. Ist and 2d ma D 100414-10 bbl. Plates, reed on eoerignenent, land ior vele by C deell-11 41 water et _ M l y = y n 0 0 , N . ; 1 . 11 , 1x .. .`d . ..c d el n tia i Ll t h r aLf. , l7 , acell Z KINSEY'S, err market et Nl A c ‘ ta " rl Yr ot ' l l l Pir .l l: ‘ he .n v e in: ' Ztret writing in do, will find groat ease in using these pens, ihey do not cramp the angina, and have line month WILSON, corner 4th and guarani sr; 1 ARD Ott.-- to bbl. beat WIMOT atralned Lard Otl Le I.ndmg from to Memoger ated for sale by draft JAS DALZELL, enact at ()REAM I'IIEI.:SE—WO by. prune rresen eitecul, rn store and for dole Ivy, to close dm:lmp...ll, by decll JAS DALZELI. K.-- 13 Lags rye rust reeerytil and tor sale dee/ R ROBISON b. Co • ) 01.1. nur ['ER —8 bbl. fre.h rol; LAtEer fiat re. 11rreived •nd for asle 1,1 4.0 11111b11) PKACHES —IOU bushels Nei received and J ler sale by idee9) R ROHIPON k Co. ( - 1 ELATIN 11, or Cooper's lionglass, 6 reset for sal. k_K I,r J SCHOONALAIME & Co, drab ri&PA'_•ilodd srr66l.. friar: *Mbilic•N ALMANAC, nsoL eo'd •n 4 far sal! by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Braoksellsrs, nev37 corner motet and 34 Its VEA NS— bids small whit* Beans. stor•And for / go wale by novn I. S WATERMAN Q ANSA P A RILLA-1 W lbs Hondo raa. 'lust recbl'ind 0:for sale by norV 41 A FAIINESMCICA Co cVni . p.--1 case lost reed and for BOG by r A FAHNIF.I3TOCKA Co . _ INSEYS-11103 eases good bright eoloura, lost J 1 opened by north) SHACCLETT k WRITE eliding, end &aim siiredlEegeaVinic _ norms 0 .%4;" B barty W.It9N 4 Co , deeplMlld watt LINSEF.4) aisle by bbls prima Linseed Oil just no- reined a. Ice 800 R. ROIIISON t Ca. tisft:Ltd Foei prim. Batter, rWe k - o y deße? ARMISTR for h. CROZER . FLOT E Mart trat eß OyEß ny deeY P°T A T °EB- 9 4 "L; TM an. Neskannock Pots 101.• an oonstoment, by tied ARMSTRONG k. CROZE.II Q HIRT'S. 0.e.-44 dos lino Shins; 2 dos wool Shins sad Drawers; Ido silk Shin, Just re ed sad for sale by &old PII EA TON kCo GLAZED PAPER 130X&•4 FOR ',mom -6 - 2 c.... .liOng Eta payer Dosols, amassed slam for sal4 0 Ba d P II EATON If C• AUCTION SALES Illy Jells D. Davis, Mtl34lo2siiker. Large &Kb of Clotho, Catrisossms, Cloakiits , . CO.• lona, 44hir4, Maori Ty-inrush," le, 6y eata• Cni Tueeday mernmg, December le, at ID o'clock,. She Commercial Sales Rwmt, earner of Wimil and Mit Streets, wilt be wild without amerce, one credit of four month. fer approved endareed paper an alj mom over 1150—e large awortnacet et clothe, cathimeree, cloak taus, connects, Muni, re lamming, tunnel., danuel, blanket., colored cambric., pins. neeiller• banana, &a. Catalogues reedy far delivery this LA. r • aeon. Goode wilt ha ready for enuolhatiou to morrow morning, to vebich the attention of the trade la maim.- ra- deele JOHN DDA V And, Balance of .'seek Remora, to le <land. OuTharsday morning .t 10 o'clock. I will sell at my auc tion moots, comet of hilt and Wood streets, the &nee of W.A. lil'Clores stock of Dry Goods, c 00... ing in part of bleached and heaven muslin, eacebnes. neltings, glued. tape checks, unit spots, bobtnetts, "mi., laces, linens. buck ducks. cloths, eustmere, Ky. jeans, Testicle. alpacas, dress plaids, pints. French gingham , domestic it:Neb.:a, H,,p, na p. kiss, hosiery, seating tinned. reusing silk, testst..g. buttons, sank Dales. cigar 00.05. +e Sc. The goods sad De closed out. and the attention of dealers it reqnested. 'terms—All sum oser $lOO, three months credit. sp • proved endorsed notes, ever f7OO fon, months Pro ved endorsed notes. deelfl 1 D DArIS, Adet. Value. City Property id. Auction. On Thursday afternoon, Dee. tllst, at 3 o'clock. will he sold an the premises the very valuable Real Sante, eta: that large three story_ buck ware heitse and let, situate On the east side of Wood street. four doors above Filth street, at prevent oteupted by Lyon t Co as a glass warehouse. Also, that well finished three story Brick Dwelling Hence, with two story back buildings. pouate on the soittli side of Penn street, between Marbury and WV ter streets, the lot having a front 01 . 24 feet on Penn at. and extending back 110 feet to an alley 20 feet wide, on which i• d erecte a COUVIIIIIOLII IWO story DI-Irk dwelling house. Also. those (ant new and well finished two story brick dwelling houses, situate RI the corner of Second street and Redoubt alley. Pale will commence with the warehouse on Wood siren, thence to Peon street, and will close with the property on Second street. Terme at sale. deetY JOHN D DAMS, Al., Large Stork of Fancy and Nayle Dry Goods. On Monday morning, Der. IS, al le o'clock, at tbe Commercial Salea Roomy, corner of Wood and Finn streets, will be sold, the elitists stork of an extensive reail dry goods sure, belonging to a finu who is de• rinsing hostile., ernbractog all the variety usually kept in sorb an establtsliment. Collat.'s; of superfine clod., raesiersreav .tOneta leans, who, yellow, brown and rearlee flannels, blan kets, pilot cloth.. calicoes, prints, de [sine. mennoa M 0.., dress oaks, black satin. manna. and satin rib bons's. swab., ifl.l/ linens, French linen cambric attawl• and hilkis in great variety, datimak listen istble cloths, fanry veining, glorr 4, hosiery, gtrighansa, blearhed and unbleached muslin, white and colored stewing thread, Buflingtou spool cotton, pia, needles. buttons, sewing silk, woollen comforts, bowls, he 'Me Goods ate now ready for etantookooo Al 9 o'clock, LimoCUM, QVCI.W•IIIr, Fnmsoaa, Ac fl o'clock, An invoice of new and valuable kohl and salver watches,voic than received from 111 aawnetvet mporning haus. an Now York, musical auswannenw, fanny Larne les, stumble for holiday present., ke. d0c1.5 JOHN D DAVIS, Aura ASIISEMENTS. ECCI3II:I3 C S PORTER Massome. FIRST APPEARANCE OF MIL B. B TAYLOR MommY, letsconixo IS, will be acted DAMON AND PYTHIAS. Damon •• • • • • ..... •M r 13 &Taylor. Pythias • • Mr. Oxley CaMoths • Miss Porter. Hen:alone • • ... • • • • Mrs. Madison °MU, Waxier . .Mate Walters and Mr. Go odwin To conclude with a Comedy in 9 eels, celled A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER Fixture..... • • • • Mr Poner Ser Mat k Chase Mr. Archer •Ifrad • • • • • • ............ Mr Prior Mrs. Selborne • ... • • •• • • Mrs. Prior. Mar rat CTillee. Mr.. Picture —• • • • ..... 3lrs. Madman Norms—The Gallery will remarn closed dorm! di coed weather. At end 3d Tier,3s carte. DANCING AI R. GOOWIN le•peetful informs the t Al of Pittsb b urgh that Ens present quarter will expire • Thursday, Slet of December, Those gentlemen who were disappointed in beton.- las pupils, on account of Mr. G.'s classes being filled up, will please make euly:applientiou to the nem set mon. Mr. G. can be consulted .1 hie Academy every Tuesday and Thursday, from 3to 6 o'clock, and 8 to 10. everung. Mr. G.'s brat ColilliOn pony will take plate on Thursday ammung, Den 616 Mr Goodwin Lovaw parents and guardians to his .1 overate clams, to valness hi. improved style of Dan• meg dee lekllw 1 IHE mall balance seknowledged as an hand at We date of the Report of the 1... d of Viattors, bong tmer rpm., the &mere of Many hive not for to eup port oer dollar belenging to the Unetittnion. There are nowt tatymight patient, m We boo.. The totters beg leave to appeal to the public for aid to meet the expeusee neeemary far - keeping op We ID.- ttehmnptious and donations wdl be solicited by Ite• Jame. O'Connor, or will Le received by any of the following gentlemen, members of the Viatung and Emitting Conmettece W Ebbs. John Snyder Henry bl:Caßough. C. I Mose n, LAM. Tatra, P. Molests)) John S. Cosgrove, J. C. Cituntuno Ism. 111.kelv. deelbollse VILKSH bCChniock offers to those r ~,übtag to furrosh h00t..., the handsomest .man of Carpeung ever brought to dos market, tem przsing in part the loUoertng vaned.: Rteh elyle Vel vet Pim; Armanster Tapestry, Brussels, extra super 3 ply; .per 3 ply, superfine and fine ingrain Carpet.; to which he most reapectfutly invites his friends end the public, to eall and examine before parchmme el.where Wareroora, No 7b Feninh sz, Pittsburgh. Meet° noOK KEEPING—A pensive of long e.rpenenee i Do Bonk Kevpseg offers his strokes to that cspecuy permanently, or would for the present devote his um to the adjustment and seufementof books and account The best of references so to sapactiy, he., will be gi vast. Apply at Me More of Cit GRANT, teeth 41 water al ESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL.—A V general meeting of the contnbutors to the West er. Pennsylvania Lim:pile, will be held at Ike Apollo Hall. a Fourth 1111.1., on Tituraday. 21st tnst , at V P M. for the eotaiderauctu of a special report of the Managers, embracing various subjects of tar penance to the lustalll4o6 Hy order of the Board. THOS , itAKEWELL, deels President. Qty papers please copy till 2W in•i. U ON mAP„,•-• t C he latest llltlf?ti rt es; :I ‘ T Atpu;tus Mitchell, with aa aeotimpaabrieut—Mlstoncal, Doe no u re, lieograpbtcal and Statistical. Pot We by deels K. HOPKINS. Apollo liatidtag., It 6 st WEEDS AND CAr.4. SIbIERE.S.•-•2 caws gold T brown and black Tweeds, 1 do Fancy Cassir,o, rust reel and for sale at manufacturers price*. MURPHY & LEE. libr,yry sr. • tracker ?epos." 5111 LOsl—On IVsdnesday lam.• of gold closed L SpeetlGlt6. on Martel or Fosoll street The finder argil be liberally rewarded by learn`` thew at die store or 1011 N 14 DILWOR. CH. dreierwoadlt , Tires FOUND—A Pane - with a small amens. or TT nanny in it, 41 the head of Wood SIIVCI. owner c. got it by calling et the warchonee or Chore Ir. for: ben I Co. deele•dlr l hada gyrate N ()Sugar, rust received and rot sale by the subscrther at 11 cents pay lb., cosh currency JOHN I) DAVIS. Auer, Jerre , corner of Weed and fish .to FOR SALE—Two Young Horse.—will • , work well en either doable or stogie harness will be sold Mw •I Wit VLl.artr s ENGLISH, deer yb wood st I)RLIOKS' aVia—The Metamorphoses of Yuldius AU ((vain. Naso, oluoidsted by an analyze. awl ea planation of the Fables, together with Eng.. Not.., Hisuaneal, Mythological and critical, .lid illustrated by pietonal einboillahotan., wall a e 1... VIT \ Brooks, A Al deelsllol.NlNs B - LK NIXED YARNS—H(SI.g the Country Yarn.. reed this day on consirt true( Lb.'menet ea rnr L and for sale low by andle derby H /k Cu, 4th •t M " 4 I IIO 3S S E :4 B / 7 1to "1* . n t 's :ato " n o s p ikL ( L A .Vel; e".". derls ILE v rKI PKI) ALPAcAB-4 don... lass reed lord fat by ISURPHY, & Co, decil IP woo.] .1 RELH ROLL HUTTRIL-1U bbis In store altil . for tacit) MeGILL k ROL K EII . B , FTTEIL-20 kers butter ~4:,arrioirol, AHD IN KEGS. just racinved. Ldevil Nreou V. .t.& au. . • - D FLIED FRUlT—Peaches and apples ka maks .L 1 ready to. shipment EANS 40 bbl. small Rom, .0 store and I) fur sale by Nkooll • J DILWORTH _... (l RAB CIALIL —OO bids bu store and for sale by lJ tact UEATHKRS AND WOOT.—lduck• prima Icy Fea r Wen; fl do Wool, reed nod for nolo by der!. C H GRANT BELTati bbl. vebt j te a ra , l n ta l. b , y__ . 3 AR --- - - I, 4 IEILI&ER-R-10 sacks T r sale by .""m J ' 11) 0 WILLIA MR R for Bale b Arr,i - 2 --2 " 1 " — I D ZVILLIA.MS R A l L 2 B l l b N .,v P .:,...b h y i d i ee d a I' J Y VN4µV.IWa nd • l ilt vsa ROLL Tanta pr Roll Rat j: ter, In atom and Ca( Bale Ry dealt JAS DALZEI.I. _ _ IAUTZER-41 bblo (mak Roil; 5; remand Aji dna day and for min by deed TASSEN LARD --S keg. in store and for We by Jaen TASS - EY • PEARL Al 4 kl-20 tasks fresh quality, on hand(o.l iLlo deell TAL4ev & fol4T motiAoco—vo kegs 6 lOriet, prose &ruck, recereed and for We by deett TANSEY t NEST AITINDOW CILAS3-100 bee 8410 . ; :5 do 10111 k SO TT do 16614, on band and ler We by decll TASSEY i IfFeST Sco do n e 9rED tor p gina sT a Co ON 'l4d 8RZ)..m., -71 "'1 1 70.dt461 , 10.)11 , ... co \tIN B a". 1. NIIORST It Co bbl. loft recl Cr=y a d Co VIRE AND WEATHER PROOF PAINTS —ARie J: lbs jab{ tvc.vvod and for Balii br decd,J KIDD k Co ASTINPV CANVAS... on Stretcher•, ell we., Inanity on band and for •ale by dealt KIDD 6, c•-• T, , ANCY SOAP, ~'d-75 bin on bawl non% Ibr rale .1" by deal' 11.11/0 In Co OLL BUTTER-0 able roll ►ewer, (rash, ;„„ ly calved and far sale try dee° W lIATOIAUGII. rThOVER bbl. clover lierd pain received att4 Cos sob. by /*eV S h w STRAMBUAT6. .CPSPINNAT I & PITTSBURGH , 1 7a DAILY PACKET LINE. u?IBIS well known tine splonthd passiesw -, ers imw of d. largest, soatas, ushed and formil, and most powerarl bo•ts on the waters of the Wom. Every arttausuodsition and corn. 630 that Th e eon procura, has licestprovided air pas sengots. The La. hn• tie in operation for flaa 700111 —has carried • MAIL., of people without the least top. tT lo their persons. The boats will he at the kml al Wood street the day prdvddis to tuarting, for die recap. non of iretght aad the watt) of passengers on the regis ter Li oil caws the passage money mast be p.ilo to advance. SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON. Ow, A- U.lmes, Ina leave homburg'. cocry Suoda) mortung ICI o'clock; Whoohng every Sunday c•cualk at 10 I' . 1.4• y lOC'. • MONDAY PACKET. Th. AIONONIiAIIF_LA, Capt. Svorts, Alll leave Pitts burgh every Monday morrtrog Pi o'clock; NVbeellsg every Monday caroms at 10 The lIIHRII.Oa/J. NO. 2, Copt. J. Kurcorkl.rek, heal rave Pittsburgh every Tueguihy morning al 10 o'elock; heeling every Theodor eironlng at 10 ?. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. Cop. t. Due. eve Pookbargh every WedocArtay toormeg al lY clock, ‘A'heertng ever) Wednesday evening et 10 r. r. THIIESDAY PACKET. . The BRILLIA.N'T Capt. Ogees. twill leave Klub burgh every Thursday toorning at Iu o'clock, Wheel., every Thursday evening at 10 r. C. P,IIIDAY PACKET - - • The CLIPPER ho. Y. Capt.. Cuouat, wan leave Phu. burgh every today monung at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Friday evening at 10 r. u. The Caps. S. Ram, will leave rittl burgh every Saturday morning at W o'clock Wheeling every Saturday evening at IU r. NEW LISBON AND I'ITTSBUIIOII DAILY LINE OF CANAL AND STEAM I'ACEETE, matiat 1 8 N. Bidai Leaves Pittsburgh deity, at h .41.4, A. AL, and ar rives at Olattgow, Mouth of the Sandy and Beaver Ca altl,) at 3 o'clock. and New Lisbon at LI, same night. Leaves New Lisbon at 6 o'clock, P. M. [making the tap canal to the river during the night,) and Irlingow t Si o'clock, A. M and ~ In erne.' st Pittsburgh at 3 P. hi—thus making a eonintampt Into for carrying pu perkgers and freight between New lash. and Ptue burgh, in shorter nate and nt less rates than by any other rouge. The prnprietors Willis lane have the pleasure of rit fornung the pabhc that they have tined op meekest claw Canal Boats, air the accommodanon ot passengers and freight, to tan in connection with the well known steamers CALEB COPE end PEA VER. and connect mg, at Glasgow, with the Pnstarigh and Dacia rats and other daily knee at steamer. down the Ohio and !thwassippi news The propnetort pledge thaw. serves to spare no expense or unable to ulnae cam fort,valoo and drionteh, and ark of die public a shwa al then patronage. AUTHORIZED A tiENTI4. G M. GA EITI.N. S & GARRAGGH. R. HANNA. & Co. HARLIAL/Gl4 & N ew [Alban_ Pittaborgh. N NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, C. E. Clarks, mass tar, w il l least, after this name, tor Wellsville prams ally, ally, at Y o'clock ta the moraills 111413. PITTSBURGH dr, lIROWNSITHALZ Daily Packet Lima FEBRUAIIV lst, 1849 FRBRUARY 1.1,194 LEAVE DAILY ATV A. M., AND The following .w boats complicti tae line for the present season: AT LANTIC, Capt James P.lrinsoo4 BALTIC, Capt A. Jacobs; and LOUIE MLANK Copt P. Bennett The boats are entirelp and are hued op without regard to expense. Ev ery comfortf that money can pr. are h. been penvidh4 The Boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Boat at the foot of Ross st. Pas.itger- will he paacßmai hoard, as the boats will certainly leave at the adv.- Used boors, a A. M. and 4 P. M. jan..3l FOR NIF.1111"FlIS AND BOLIVAR. The new mliscantial steamer PITS ER 'R Chas. S. Frisbee, master, arill Iwve for the above ports on Tuesday, the loth lust at ID o'clock, A. /IL The Eimer Miller will take freight for Louisville, Evansville, Cairo, Hiekmatt, Randolph, Memphis and Bolivar. For freighl or passage, apply an hoard. dee la. The fine rest running meanies 1101NAK. Wimps, missies, will leave as above • on Wednesday next, *llO o'clock. For (rright or pas4oge apply nu board, or to decl3 GED El MILTENBERGER, Agt REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKIT. - - n iali ta, The apleudol ova mauler VERMONT Wm saasler, wi l l leas, for ger eve and tatermethate ports "to•slay For freight or passage, apply no board. clean _. MBE= ~, 04 'rbe fine new light draught steareet ZACHARY TAYLOR, Luta.. matter, will leave, for the Love and intermediate ports Ma del For freagla or pa-range, apply on board. cleat _. _ FOR ST. LOUIS, in alL ~,,... The fine new and auharstraial Wear - g. Font; ter, RN arTi ' l l ~,.. leave o above sad intermediate pa • . "i,i, FOR LOUIS VLLLE The splendid now MAUI , imaist.TELEGRAPH IV 'I „ 'lnstep, moor, will ken , e ",.., . b .,,,,, d otterussdiete port, 44. " y, ~ it , o'c lock. For freight or passage •pple on be' BUILURIDGE • ~,i,,„:, Co deep GO 13 MILTY .N ""'''''"•. `BERGE.B -_ PYPlSitukti:H .4 Wmi'..F .Lirfd iicelik - r. - jaitmTow swill si ~., . CONSUL, ' s ,L''' ,aster, will leave regularly ‘,.._,, r ''..., cling, every Monday, Wed ...lV ..,.,,,d 0 .....Y , " I J &Oink precisely. m / 41;7 7 v a t ti K . 7 ry Tueeday, Thursday uld 8a ~./ 1TC.r "..,.'1 1, k ex - tti m' at r :Ttre il interuirria. ports,- - -ir ri . ," l- -_,- on that cart be procured (or the corn _ft,n • , -...,.._.."1 ..' passengers has been preceded. The •••••• . ''—''' I - . ruled with it self-e Lung safety guard to Mr ei n . r ,....V . r • A lois. For frez , „.. ii; E ,... 772u „,i, .. (chi corner or Ist end Srnahlie'ld as. -- i lilobLAß WHEELINGPICKET: za The new md splendid steamer ST. ANTHONY, p P Kinne y, master, will run as a reg ular packet between Pittsburgh and Ws:meting leaving this my every Tuesday, Thursday *ad Saiurday, at 10 o'cloch. A M., and Wheeling me.- tY Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at S A. M. For (main or passage- ha•itig superior r, &mom:mods :ions, apply nil board or to JAMES MAY, Agent. The St. Anthony la a neve boat, and for speed and •ecotmuudatlotia cannot he sus - pr./tad by ally boat on hr river. noyth PITTSBURISH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LINE 'Me new and splendid fast poogott liger park., TE nno LE(JRAPII No IL, Mason, ter, will leave for Cinons 11.1111 arid LOLLISVIIIP on rharaday, the Ifitti inst., at lig gcloek, A. M. For freight or passage apply en boost.. io IgURBRID OE. ENI3 ERD WILSON A. Co, or GEO 13 MIL T Ma— Steamer reytoa will lease Louisville or New . or/ea.,.,0n arrival opf Telegraph No a Passenger,. raii d go direct. and ran boon b weanederths here o do novin EXPRESS WAGON TO al. •114.. larg Piti•blirgh and Philadelphia, (VIA 011•11 , 11031.110. TIME, FIVE DA I'S—RUNNING DAY AND NIGHT. 11HE public •re respectuilly lutormed listd this Litre I will commenceruntung on the 'Cat ant. A ear will leave Philadelphia daily with the Mad Train to Charnbersborg. and Howl thence by Wag., with a relay 01 running day and night. We will be prepared to forward WOO lbs. freight daily. Apply to nov2o D LEECH & Co PIONEER TRANSPORTATION LINE, eitfti 1848 . IIL7TWEEN BALTIMORE AND PITTSBURGH. Tune, .5 daya —LH Merchandise transported at Canal rates. FORSYTH & DUNCAN Agent. Water Greet. Pittsburgh. FRAILEY t MARSHALL, Agra'', _vl7 47 Light Greet. Italillitens. 1117FLIKE & CO'S PAST .12.32.111:11119 FOR CUMBERLAND, BALTIMORE, AND 11 EASTERN CITIES. ripilons duly, st the lowest rates. J. U. LUDLL Apetge„, %Valor sal t Pittsburg L. ROBINSON ts. two! 91 Sow/. Clussies st Bahamans. EC LIP :1 TRAS 5 PORTATION LW' z. m &iiri m 184 S. Sa*:4l 11 , 1 0 F ., P , ERS tt s d ,,, ,:t d b e e i r i s y • reeerpteil t " irr ‘ l.7 . l.l DAY LINE seal re " o,o n 4 l'e ons, et low rates and specified Ume aulari wag- C MOW ELL, l'arshr noirl.l I 11 4 (yds..".l6'.°"° S, A Rt A rrants, Zanes=l. 4' ,7l F 0514 C".MMlillaVo. 'meteors unite steamer Ohio; liar 9r0 . 10 ., and Pre daffy hue of Canal Boa.. o att. Adams Cu'. p7,, N 4 tt n it y ou t L y pr ro ese ot rit 1,1•041{1.,...ver5•.4.ere prepares /IARPETIF CAlatVlLke. u g —Constantly reeetring . at cauw , e, eee.vii2ve mirth street. every variety beanutni pa; tarri s r 10 part of Atatwpoon, most very riehi late•t patterns imported, all of which via mrsll ' 3 PIT, sp and Venetian, rhuad tifimaltr .' no t h e y cmi par ,. •mPorUng and purchasing trom eatables us to compete sena the .tern 13LACK ALP - n0,r15 co, 2i AT 121 CEN't•si—A A :Mum ,0 U N/YrUAS •-1581 bushels Jriel IKa, h... Ise w she. 1_ Peek. per str7arn ' er ' s I .slagnet and no dean „, openettatinther rase of Ppeadtd Told pens of the be.t ntnnui.rtere, tad .opt run to any betetofore •Oili, a n d warranted, Lri dee9 t% tv WII..SON WINRAPPING APEF re.tat and Maw P ettmll.dotibi c rnuwii and medium ter &prng pa. Pe deellr. for tale by IN' 1.7 is & AIeCANDI.ESS. G — - - ROUND NUTS —Lto bushel. Tennessee ground nuts for sale by dung WICK & KIeCANDLFS. CLOVER BEER- 1U bble recemed ier nib by dee,/ %VICE fr. AIcCANDLESS. GOLDEN SYRUP—In rbbla. eal. ltalfbbla, Rad 10 [dlaa ff .. .ul "°' /AS A HUTCHISON Ch. SPTS. 713 PENTINE--40 tolLs io be order, for se e N - uortl SCHOONMAKIIER b. Co ITEICEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers