The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 16, 1848, Image 3

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Exclusively far the Pittsburgh Gazette
The overland mails bring late and:important in.
telligence from the East, and Celestial Empire,
which arrived in time for the sailing of the Cana.
Between Gers Darla our minister to China, and
the Chinese Imperial Comuniationer, • rupture has
taken place; the latter refused the former an aud.
fence somewhat superciliously. Gnu Darts de
manded an apology and if not immediately made
be would blockade the ports.
The steamship Princeton and ship of the line
Ohio and sloops Plymouth, Yrekale and Dolphin
were ordered before the rivers leading to the ports.
The !Bled Telegraphic ad ' sup to the hour of
t he sailing of the Canada, sa s the King had yield.
ed in hisor of the Republica 1, and had dismissed
the Sradoeriburg Ministry.
Lord Melbourne. foimerlif Prime Minister of.
England, is dead.
The ruutor,of Lord John auseell'a ressination
has been officially contradicted.
Lord dr. Co. of Birmingham, have failed.]
MIS feared in Paris, from an excitement crea
ted by diaclosares wkich had been made ronnect•
ed with leading politicians that Saturday would not
pan over withant serious violence.
Rothschild. ere about Io_•jog their business.
The Wertemberg ministry had resigned, because
of a quarrel with the King in reference to reducing
his allowance.
The Chambers have been ' ckls.d by the litng m
person, an consequence of the continued tumtillit•
The Queen of Spain has quarrelled with Nerve
reo. A Ministerial crisis was expected.
The Cholera has reached Lisboa.
LtVVII.PoOL, Nov. 25
Brown and Shipley's circular quote bonded dour
at 26's 6d, and tree 25 to 291. Sales only to retail
undo. •
Wheat—bonded 6s 5d to 7s id, free 7s 2d to Ss
Coro 33 to 35. Cora Meal 17s.
WASHINGTON, Dm 15, 1949,
Horse—The Speaker anuouneed as the firer hu.
sineas in order, the business on the Speaker's ta
The Houee then resolved itself into a commit.
tee of the whole upon the private bills; and alter
some time bad been spent in discussing the several
bale, the committee rose and reported through their
chairman, Mr. Cobb.
The ?oure then adjourned mad Monday.
Nrw. YORE, Dec. 15, 1649
Six new cases of the Cholera have been report.
ed, and three occurred to day—all at Me t r:ammo.
tine. There appears to be but little excitement
now in our city, in reference to it. • The frighten
ed have become reconciled and passive.
Pau-tor-ruts, Der.. 1 - 5 ISIS.
Gov. Johugou's appointments. for the car .41
county give genend satudortion.
PIIILAMELPHIA, Lie. 15, 1848.
Floor—Market dell. bales L.a. Sasquebanna at
$5,121, cad Western 1.135 per barrel.
Grain—Sales prime red wheat at 100 as. per
bushel, with heavy market. Corn—Sal. SOO
bushels prime yellow Penna. at r./4 cts. per bushel,
- with smalbreeeipts.
Groceries—Sales 100 hhda New Orleans mo
lasses at 28cta per fpll. Sales N. 0. Sugar at 4;
6341 f.O. No coffee in the market.
Proviziona—Bacon, stack light. Mutt Pork is
held at $l3 per W.
Whiskep--Sales at 241 to 25 ets per gallon, and
New Yam, Dec 15, ISt&
flour—The market is dull, and ladders "or stiff.
Sales of 3,500 barrels Genesee and other state
brands atil.s 3lre per bbl.
Coro—Sales of prime yellow at 65 cts per bog.
The Grain Market is without change ot other par•
Maulers, and dolt
Provialons—.There is no activity in any adiele—
quotations are steely
3toelni-43alea of United States Treasury Notes
at 1031d108t• and Government Vs at 108; to 1081.
Cotton—Market firm and gnat.
Batnnwar•, Dec. 15, 1548.
Flour—The foreign news is not yet digested, but
holders an asking lower prices. Sales of Howard
Street at $5 251 and for City Mills, $5 is asked—
no sales reported.
Corn Meal--Sales at $2 75 cis per barna
Rye Flour—Sales at 53 75c per bbL
aria—Wheat—Sslei of 30,000 bushels prime
white and red.
Corn--Sales t 49 , Xx9 kw white, and 51 cts per
bushel fitr prime yellow—mitt steady demand.
Data--Sales at 50 ets per bushel.
Rye—Sales.= 60 eta per bushel
. .
Provisions—Thera is no activity in my article
—quotations are steady.
Mobutree—Saiee of New Orleans at 27 cents per
Winkel—Sales at 24, per gallon
ERIN TEA STORE, ill Fourth street, near Wood
P ,
, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber having pot returne d
from New York, is now rewiring • large fall .apply
of fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from the New
i'ork Pekin Tea Company, selected with great care for
retail sales. Oar stock being now heavy we we pre
pared to supply Grocers, Howls, Steamboats and Yam-
Jun wok any quantity and sr any pnee they may wish;
packed in 1., j and I pound packages, slb tin canis
ters, 5 and 13 lb catty bozos, and in half chem..
Retail Grocers are invited to call, a. we can and
will sell better Ten at lower poen then any other
house on Pottabargh.
Our stock of fine Young Hymn, Gunpowder, and Im
perial Green, and Oolong Black Ten are We best on
the Amerman market
berrering's double refined Loaf, Crashed, and Pal
venzed Bears, at retail, or by the barreL
COP Mocha, Old On.. Java, Lairuira, SL Do
mingo and Elio Coffees, selected by the most expetteo
eml coffee Broker in Nem York.
. •
Sweet Spiced Chewlue, Pickled CISCII.6aIII (fla
Odom, Fresh Peaches, Poi np in tbair own
Babearr, in 3 lb liontA.
N. d . —All la II Jayne's Parris! y Med/rums for sada.
dec9-41blag A. JA YNES.
J -
gh tss a n es Projection—This is reputed to be the mom
~,,k,n d ld Map oldie World ever published. It is high
ly embellished and beautifelly engraved on smel t m
the moat elaborate style of the an. The geograph ic el
portions ate compiled from the latest and mom unben
t.. searees. Ersmordhary joins have been taken to
makethi map perfectly reltable and mimetic in all
respects. s
It haa but to be examined to be admired.
Pneewill be WO.
This Map has been most carefully compiled, and con•
UllOl, touch DOW and Interesting inform:omen It is
highly eMbellished and e”tifell engraved ea meek
Is of convenient Mae, and represents the British Pro
claims, Oregon, Californis, Mexico, with . part s of New
M and Venezuela_ Also showing the course of
the Mail Atlantic steamships, to and groin &scope,
America, the West Indies, Az. Price ELIA
COTTON MAP of the Countries mentioned m the
New Testament, and Travels of the Apostles, with 00
second and MOODTO names--from the most authentic
ECr The Aims of these Maps, Mt. THOAISON, nt
DOW in the city procuring subscribers, and would most
re•pectfully solicit a share of public patronage.
SUNDFLIFIS-511,:a No I Almakerek
Ws Nog mackerel; 2O hi do No g do;
" u 3 " 10 do Tanners MI
5 do Alum; ado E 81Ile; 3 do elup'd Logyrood
llf do Nutmegs; 50 be.. No 1 seated 11ernmr,
NodLO Lz. do d 0; 5 do scented !loam
10 do No 3 Presed dm 10 do No 4 do do
1 bola Clover 10 Logo Java Coffee;
C . °ldld Mod N Sogor, Jug reo l d loul for eale
et - lair:mem pluzszeiii..
AldEd A. lII`KNIGHT, No. 21 Market street, lbe
h! toroth ad and 4thj will sell at igreatlz reduced
pricks t h e balance of his. stock of Silks, (Ashmore.,
hfoosliaa, Chemizettes and Collars, the most suitable
`nods for a nice Chnthum Present, and cheaper than
the mama goods could be purchased lo ■oy of the east
ern ether. deel3.4lt
AN ANNUITY of IliM.-,,ecured by good improved
property In the Diamood—being the most safe in
vestment, with Certain returns—wilt be Sold if early
application bernade to the undersigned.
.1. W. ROBERTSON & Co,
decll•dlw Exchange Broker.
INDIA RUBBER DWYER:64os gentle:aerie Italia
Robber Waves, beautiful •ruele reed and rot sale
at the India Rubber Depot, Nob W oo d
GUM SILOES-0 cams Gem Elastic Shoes, of differ
ent kinds, which we offer to the retail trade much
lower than any other house in the city. We invite
customers to come and examine for themsehre.
deep J & II PHILLIPS, Noe Wood st
L -
TRIMMINGS-2dos bik Lace Mod Vela,
2ps coPd bilk Velvets; 20 pose blk Daisey Ds,
tons; 11 do ...edition do; Iti do colid ?lolanda; 19 do
do Fontosie do; 9 des cola fleecy silk Gloves; 6 do bik
Jenny Lind Kluge, 13 do French silk Roches; reed
lids day by F H EATON & Co,
deel3 Fourth at
CIOEY SOLES--F H Falco & Go, boa:: Ptstto”).7.:
Li; i nstTgrtitgh f ly is'h'.." nrg to F" perso ' nir pre
disposed to pelmouary complunts, and to odors. a
prevestuv• to col&t. deeo
184.13 Bun.
DECEMBER. rises.
- 0
tisariday, 2O
10 Sunday, 7 20
II Monday, 7 81
12 Tuesday, 7 21
17 Wednesday, 121
14 Thursday, 727
15 Eriday,___ 727
440 ' l ' ls
440 7 t 3
442 834
4 3D D 41
430 ID 47
4 11 50
430 mom ,
_ J. neretw. w.
Orrick PrTrautman G•zerrE.
Saturday Morning, I,3n,,eaami. to, 1e48.1
The general tone of the markets yesterday
seated little if any change from previous day's
quotation. Every thing ante quiet, but in • gen
anti way, a fair amount of butane.s was done.
FLOUR—Thy market continues dull, and very
little was done in the way of anlos. The arrivals
were small, and we could hear of no sales (coin
first hands worth reporting. We note regular 3ales
from store to the city trade at 3.87631 p bbl.
RYE FLOUR—Sales are bunted, and may be
quoted nominally at 3,25 bbl.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Sales in accts 0(50
IDs at $1,121 p sack.
CORN MEAL—We note sales In small quam.
titiea at 45Q500 f bn.
GROCERIES—The market is quiet, and no
change in qnotationa. N 0 sugar Ls to fair request
at SQSI Err old fair, and 4 Oil; for new crop.—
Sales of N 0 molasses at 20(n230e according to
quality. Sales of loaf sugar, St Louis refinery•, at
naloe. 01 sugar house molasses at 40045 e, of
Rio coffee at 7, 7iallit p m. 01 rice at riic per
PROVISIONS—Nothing new under.this head-
Bacon is dull at, tbr shoulders : 1 16i4r,stdes !, and
hams at 64. lb. Of lard, *mall sales are &fret,
of at 6,61061 e as in qu•lity; No I keg at Barry
to small lots. Regular sales of log butter t.l
and of roll in bble at IDC/illO I '2c f lb. Sales of
killed hogs 'mm stare at .."la3;e
POTATOES—SaIes of neshunnocks at 5i,176,
51,50 V bbl.
BARLEY- Saleaof 700 bu at 50(XJ3e 1111
"FLAXSEED--We qpote at 9::0035t a . bu, with
small Wes.
CHEESE—SaIes of cream at 61201, and of
good common W Rat .`}(gate
FISH—The market is without any ninierial
change. Sales of salmon at IS,soaslo, shad A. 1 .0
Mackerel No 111,506;512, No 2 9,:w510, and
No 3at 5:15f2:036 p 1,111. Herring at :..7.r✓,a56, nod
confish at 4,50 p drum.
Warm, FLOUR.. ann Coaa.—The produce bust
nem, of Cleveland, says the Herald, employe more
capital by far than any other branch of trade.—
This city ever has and ever must be the great
northern transit depot for the staple products of the
State, especially for all articles for foreign slop
meat. The amount of wheat, dour, and corn re.
ceived by caned, Varies , of 00(1111.r, Torn year to
year, according to the crops. The following table
exhibits the reeelpts toe each month during the
year I St&
April, 29,791 29,301L 1 1.5,562
May, 141,138 44,689 73 I 70
June, 1 78,1 35 57.709 113I0':
July, 51.059 33,707 1 00.'179
Aug, 204,354 35,619 104,173
Sept, 688,120 73,231 1 05.1 11
234,524 91.972 73.910
Nor., 67,250 42,2 5 0 17,499
Total, 1,372,,Wil
The receipts of wheat and corn per teotn• du
ring the ping sensors, were as follows—Wheat 66
661; Corn 96,906.
The two mills at Cleveland, City and Menne•
have manufactured during the past season. 70 , ..71
barrels of dour, but tht. is by no means the caps.
•ity of the rlllll6.
The exports for the past reason were as
A few cargoes of Chicago wheat , have been re
ceived daring the past summer, but the products
of our own State are generally the only items in
our produce market. The best Ohio wheat this
season was from the region of the Sandy & Beaver
Canal; but the rich treasures of the SCIOI.O valley
constituted i a large portion of the amount.
Most of the grain ahipped front this pot goes
through the Welland Canal; most of the dour to
The nnvigation of the Nem York COOOIo ma,
closed on Monday. The Albany Evening Journal
gives the following statement of the amount o r
tolls received on all the Ns w Yonk State Canals
in each of the billowing years, during the Munn
week in November, and the totals op to the 30a.
November, inclusive-
4th week in Nov Total to Ist Dec
-840, 520,190 37 $1,773,382 31
841, 21,734 11 2.033.261 77
842, 5.350 09 1,746,869 88
643, 14,748 87 2,082,145 60
844, 13,449 02 2,446.037 91
845, 25,594 68 2.646,117 55
846. 21,717 46 . 2,754,467 22
847, 24,654 75 3.831,847 53
848, 30,168 66 3,248,443 58
The receipts of the 4th week In November
show an increase of 15,613 93 over those of las t
year, and a total decrease for the year, up to the
11, of December. of 1386,403 93. .
Sous—The steamer Dover has been purchased
by John Bell, (or 33500. The Dover la a tin•
light draught stem wheel boat, nearly new, and
was sold low enough. phe,i..desiatted hen:miler
to run the Cumberland rivergisde.
• -
Comencarmr—We lava EiMitSaliossm says the
Columbus Ohm/ Statesman, i rernarimbl y well ex
stated counterfeit quarter dollar. It mom-twat.
the Ammican coin, with the dale 1847. It is much
like silver in appearance, but can •be easily told
by its Inyhtness. We understand there are lame
quantities in circulation.
Hoos—We anderetand that large droves of bras
have coma in dunag the present week, and that
the pen. are trite full. Some of them are very
doe. The sent% price now ranges between $2,50
and $2,80 per cwt., and the market Is very firm.—
Those concerned in packing, in Its vonous branch
es, have been kept very busy; and appear likely
to have plenty to do for some time to come Hal.
ton (IIL) Telegraph.
Tannrrasirr TrtiMONT . to the value of Dr I'd'Lanes
Vernutuge. Read, all that doubt.
"A ferret, when.placed at the entrance of a at bole,
enters the aperture, travels eking the pasmge, seams
upon the rat, exterminates his eminence, anddrags the
annatal , s defend CaTtlit• to the light. And in like
manner have I found Dr. APLana's American VO.lll.
rage to operate upon worm., those dreadful and dan
gerous tormentors of children. This remedy, like the
erect, enters the aperture or the mouth, trivets down
the gullet, hunt. round the stomach, lays hold of the
worm., shakes the tile out of the reptiles ' sweeps clean
their den, and carries their carouses N ear out of the
system. This at least has been the effect of the reran
fuge upon mchildren WM: ROULATT.
Naples, in n. PA')."
"This Is to certify that !have used Dr; M'lmne's Ver
mirage, and have found It to operate In Ilk. mariner
upon my children. JOHN iIIUGGS.
Naples, Tune, 1817."
A immune stuck of the above valuable medicine can
be bad at Me drug more of J &Co,No 60 Wood street. neon
s sp- A Free S. or TIM. ro• V) Cam.—Yellow
onhenlthy Teeth, after being ones or twice clean
ed with Jones' Amber Tooth Paste, have the look and
color of ivory, and at the same time Is yo innocent and
finc, that tea daily use is advantageous even to those
teeth that aro in a good cerudition, going them a beau
tiful polish and preventing decay. Thom decayed it
prevents from bacon." worse—it also fastens such
are becomingloose, and will render the foulest
teeth delicately white, and make the breath deliciously
ewe. Pnee 25 or .Vl Cents • boo.
For sale by WA(. JACKSON, Ni Liberty street. sign
of the nig No.
The eineawire or morbid aecr.ellona of bile a,
well known to canoe violent duiturbahre of the dikes
ore organa, rad bring on wabruant and untnanagea•
bin fevers, w/steh adieu put an end to life. The stomach
roust be cleansed thew lout secretion, and this ran
mast readily be accomplutted by the one 01 B A Palos
eau:oak's Anti-lialiou, Pill., which area woo vulamble
(small cathartic. They can be given with aufety at all
times, and afford relief in • very short time.
Prepared and told kg B A FAHNEKrttek Co,
corner rat and wood, and corner oda and wood ate.
would call attention te
tins excellent remedy for Cough., Colds, Consumption,
Asthma, and all al/bedew of We Throat and Lungs
Having several liniererilltin a few years past bait ace.
sion to um a medicine of this kind, we have.hy experi
ence Meted its excellent qualities, and are prepared to
recommend it to others. blirdstem or other public
speakers aftlienial with bronchial affections will bud
groat benefit from its ose. It is prepared by a •clestli
iephysician and all cisme, will bud it a safe and elf,
noses. Medicine in the diseases for which it is
eemmeneted.—{Colembue (01001 Cross and
For sale at the Pekin Tea Sims, N 0.70 Fourth street.
Er Worms, by their inltatten, augment the mere
lion of moon, or slime In the sumach, in w bie/i,
so, they Involve themselves; and it is said they feed
upon it, and if deprived of it they die. The celebrated
Vermffnge prepared by B. A. FAIINLIMX:Ii,
Pittsburgh, Pa., la admirably 'adspted to as operation,
Arm, to remove the proteenug Meese, and secondly to
expel the won= rendered helplem and tender by be
ing: them denuded. It is a remedy in which every eon-
Ede..e ran be place* and that a hae answered the
purpom is manifest from the hundreds of certificates
given in its favor
OF" Don't have a Foul Breath—lf you have, asa •
twin shillatrg bouts of Jour' Anther Tooth Fut, That
Will yOp/ breath tweet, whiten your tetvth,/ka.—
IWO to Liberty sh tyltutthisttY
LouisMcLane, Bennett, Brownsvale.
Atlantic. Parkinson. Bmwnsville.t
Miehigan No 2, Gibean. re r ,
Lake Erie, Sholes. Beaver.
I .liff'll/111. Lashel, Beaver.
Beaver. Clark, Nt'elisville.
Messenger, Re(10, f
Jos. Gordon, McLane, Cin.
Arrowline, Morrison, Brownsville.
Arrow, Nelson, Monougatieta env
Arena, God, Franklin.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
Lou. MVI,IIIO Bennett, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Michigan Nu., 2, Gilson, Beaver.
C-aroline,Lagbel, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Allegheny Belle, Henna, Franklin.
Ariadne, Grabill, Brownsville.
Clipper No. 2, Cnioks, Ctn.
Mt Vernon. Koontz, New Orleans.
Friendship : Davi, Ctn.
At dusk last evening, there were S feet 0 inches
water in the channel, by pier mark, and falling
Cincinnati Parkes, 10 A. M
Brownaville Packets, 8 A. NI., and 4 P M.
New °Henna Smanak.
Cincinnati Hail Columbia.
'rho undersigned, passengers on the Telegraph
Na 2, during her recent trip from Lours•ille to
Pittsburgh, cannot take lea leof her gentlemanly
officers and crew Without some expression of our
approbation of their tonduct and nitration on her
unprecedenteilly rapid and pleasant passage.
It h as become so mammon to publish cords com
mendatory of ordinary Imats that we should have
hesitated to follow the practice, it this oemooon
nob iii our opinion, dater widely tram any of a
similar character that has mune under our limier.
It was well undervtood that a trial of speed was to
take place between the Telegraph and the
hunt, - whose reputation as a fast meat, tit:unlit dr
servedly high. On leaving Clitrinn., the stmets,
wharves and docks at the &Hermit boats in
port were hued With eager speolaturs, to eve the
The Bothnia first backed into the stream, and as
she passedits while getout under way, set up n
shrill scream of defiance, which wits awered
from the Telegraph by the discharge of her cartoon,
the shouts and burrs% of the passengers, and the
multitudeou shore. The took the lend
aunt three hundred yards ahead. We rapidly
pined on her, and at the distance of about six
miles, were fairly abreast of her, but Own came
the tug Al war. each boat scented to be be aking
every etlort to increase their •peetl. i. 11,111er 1-4
a long time was able to obtain the mastery. Won
almost thirty-h ye miler they r side by side, fres
fluently t lung. and during all an
that distance rmn
their gained over fifty feet Co the other producing
one of the most Animated and exciting contests
that perhaps ever was witnessed on the Western
waters. The number of passengers on our boat
who were constantly shoving about, prevented our
boat from ring steaddy, but just atter we had
all sit quietly down
down In dinner, our boat suddenly
took a start, and shot ahead Fmrn this time we
rapidly advanced, and when night Caine on we had
lett the Brilliant several miles astern—nor did we
see her again.
During. the whole of ibis time not a loud or
haYslt word was heard Mint v'sptatu orany
of his rrew—nor could any one have drterted
front hiscoati and collected manner that the repu •
tenon of •
hts twat tor speed was to he trrevoonbly
deternitned by the 'sane lir appeared ever at the
'saw tit duty, and sided by ho mitment othre ts and
any tiling appeared to more like el.wk
work, and we arcotottltsaml the tourney in loss
time than )1 ever was performed Iserom up
01 the boat and her accontnaraliationa. II i• tailcoat
•upertluous to speak She t. hashed 'a a style ut
unsurpassed Neatness, without any Mestrwious nr
nameat but with great rocsi taste. tier tslae was
well supplied with sl! the delicacies of the season,
that could he olitained at tinr lest hotels and the
attention and civilities of the servants was nightly
worthy of praise.
We take great pkilAUTe therefore in tendering
our thank, to and hi. polite Clerk. 3.11.
LINT, fig our pleasant and Pipeclay peering... end to
recommend their bOal w nun at our !needs who
have neos.pon to aunt, ,owe
winced that litey N.,. nulling; afloat Ou the Wort
maters superior .11 ell that conduces to the
comfort and pleasure ot the treveiter,, tn. the
Telegraph No '2.
"naus Marom,l, Lu.ssolle, Ks; ;la° T svnnes,
Plusburgh, Pa. Writ !leeks, Va. John 01land.
New Orleans; Enos Burrolrgh. Philadelpis. Pa.
S P Membards. New York. Ilr Law. Iturchaan
ser, New \od;. 1 I. Lornmn. St Lou.. T M Joon
son, entlenden Spongs. 6c, F Reece, Memoir.,
Teonessee, W Wade. St Lows, W I. Ew Wol
H White, St Loma, My, J aates MePheelers. St
Loma. Mo, Thomas Zeaunsa, do, John MoKolip,
Cm. Ohio.
The time ep from ("meantnu a. l'authurgla molt,
thug stoppages, was - 11 hours, 17 minutes.
!V heslang an.d Stclarn.ll.l,—l'er ort
boy.. J Irwin; 6 bm, pepper. 1 I,tor alsnice. Kr:axles
& Alcorn, 10 bbta crab oder. .I & Ilartrough,
tsol roil batter, Wiek & McCandless., 1• bills
2.lcl:lu::an S co. 12 Jo do. Rwhardsoo. 11
aka wool. J 11' 13:dvret: 1 L L B lgs lastner. (Irum
do McGrew. 131 bbls dour. P Nl,.l . larkan dr. no, 1011
do do, awn, aboard
Commenett—Per Messenger-11 .k. wool, S
W Harbaugh. 241 dry hide•, 1 II Bayard. z GUIs
cratibemcs, U H Stiller, 12 had, sugar, J Nemo.
1 box midair, J 7 bbl, whiskey, W Greer S 4
bbl, whiskey, R Watson: .50 bbls molasses. Friend.
Riley & co; 20 do do, J Blackburn & co. In hos
starch. W Byer, SG Obis whmkey. L,eitmer. fa bids
molasses. English 3c Bennett, 3 bbl. ginseng, I
do beeswax. 15 Irdls hogs, c W Soldh
VFW EUXIKT , FOR S(11001,. —l.:lr.:sent. of
11 Platte and Sph,lral Tr.gonogneinr, unth she, op
pliconona to Alen•unttnn, Sarvrylng .nd Ns, igauest
Hy F.has Langs., A M
Xenophon , Metookabi .• of !berates. Fatlt•lt
notes, crttiral and expltinntory. la. of Sort.... A r
Fly C Antbon. I- 1.. U
Arelintd-k & Crooks' First Bonk in fusel. contain
ing • foil slew, or the form. of words with •tre•ltula
ne. wid copious exercise., Be
stalkeld, Ftrst Rook In Spurns!, or. • prat-tient in.
trodueiton to the &Indy at Urn lipantsh Lang - uses.
Book Keelung by .tngle and double entry Trace
cony adapted to the inland sod maritime cotern•r. e of
rho aired Sotto.. fly F . Duff.
A litstory of Franc, trona the ronott,..l of I:am by
Ca.amr. to the raga of lout• Ph6lmpe- By Alta
Markham ILaviaed, improved and enlarged, by Jam,.
Abbott, map and cap . ." mac For •a,• fit
dee.l2 Apollo Ithtuttners. ith
Pennsylvania Hail Read Company.
'llO MICK is hereby pit co that the Seventh Inelatment
Flre Dollar. per .hare en the Callan: Athelt or
rompany, is reoutred to be paid nn nr before the
tit day of January next tie eighth Instalment al Five
Dollars per share, on or hetore the .1 day of Marrh
next. the ninth :astatine,. of Flue. Dollar. per elm,
on or beton, the tat day nf Lay next, and the trnth io
Ftalment of Flve Dollars per share, on or be tore the Ist
dav of July Ii at, •I Menthe, No 7O Walnut •trnet.
Payments vetll he recoived of one or room 111•I•i
-mew., or the smelt may he paid in lull. n the option of
the Sto4k.bolders, and IllErre.l will be allowed from the
dale of payment
Instalments net pmd punctually. Will he thine, us
the penalty of our per rent per month, as reynved by
t/E01214; V BACON. 'r,ciazurnr.
- -
N. I.l.—lnstaintenta artll he reretved by W H Dane,
at the filorchanus' and Manufacturer: Hank. hut.-
burgh. dent)
sobseriber, to offenng for wale a handsome loi
j of Norms A Clark's, (New York.) and Cho. her•
infra (Boston,) Pianos, would direct •ttentron to the
feet that Ins ta the only place all the Weal where ti,e
metro:dente of these two maker. eon be ined •Jdo by
side, and where, consequently.• correct Idr• m their
di:mimeo ran he formed The •übsenimr twins •nsions
latest their relative men., end having ior a number of
ye•ra performed um. the Pianos of Nunn. i'lark,
has laden min um for the last twelve itionih•. a Chink
emit( Piano, in order to try its durability and
an an aceompanyouent In the voice. Th. Piatio inay
now he seen and examined at tux rooms Ile Mel.
sr/nit/lent of his ability to give a competent and WI,
hie opinion on iha sulneci.
A - itandwine lot of now Pianos will be opened in •
few days. II 151.F.111-31.
deer Al I V Woodwella
asmirtnient it enritutins k Co't celebr ated roams,
tart:ire, and superior to all others an use, adapted tu
churches, steairilnaais. fortune., dwellings. public and
private halls, and to all ether uses where a cheap. sate
and brilliant light is desirable.
Also,Gtrandoles, Hull Lanterns, Cundelubrus.lilobes.
Shades, Wicks, Clinnuies. Care, 'rummers, he Also,
Chruideliers, (rots alle to lour light.
dad, _ W WILSt 0,11, 46 sitiOei et
wrrily.w Portrait mod M Lrm.n. rr Yam
-1,, Roar., cr, or Pn.t Othre All.) and
POOTat strmet, entrance 4111 near Market
CIABSIMERF2f--1 ear,- fancy ttrtpted cat•nnerrl. I
%..) do stool mild bort skin do; ni.t i re' d and lot *ale
by dee! WILSON tr.
tq Na I Norfolk cloCu,b,ocy
Chocolate, conaturtly on hand and for talc by
novl7 Ants (or W Maker. Dorchester Mu.
, bhlo lwrrerl on.. Double Refined Lou( eraphed •no
Pulverized Sugar, nun roe'd and for vele al the Pekin
Tea Store, 70 Fourth Weal, by
nov99 A /A YNER
MOLASSES -10u lob's Plantation Molasses, landing
from stior Hail Columbia: for bale by
l AI NI NS-1 . 00
b b i %H . orte d , o h Lo , tr u t . ng's bond.
tlecl3 lIMIA I.EN . k smiTil
,111 EAST 2 dox Breast l'tpos. rre'd and lor
I) tale at the Itsdta Rotate, Depot, No :IWootl at.
decl3 J h II
WHEAT -50W. Wheat, for sale 14
derl2 /a. Co
4,2 UGAR—ltibiis N lr Sugar. new crop, lamb nig Irmo
MEM!, µinggold , and 30/ pair by
d . "' 2 JA MI. A lIIITCIIISON h. Co
L , LANNELS-4 bales tow pnced reel, white and yel
l: low Flannels, opeue4 and for role Icy
dee 111 SHACKI.F.I7 ik WII we wood st
FNust : e r o lFLl ,v !i i i Ti-il cuts new sly le low priced
DOTASH-7 casks
tt prints, for sale by
i. - demi I V VON BONNII oRST kCo
JrARIETTA APPLES. -71141. received and Vri.tale
by(dec9) WICK .1 idc(iANDLEJ4I 4 .
Ink- ddo book do Cylinder press ink in J bbl.;
you received and for sale by
dee9 J Ss:11001CM AN t lat it Co.
110JITENTINFJOICINEDIdEtillitilti for •ale by
[rye:um= try =Quist]
To ate Altemn. ar.d other patrow of Jetrers.
The undersigned, soon after his rudgstatton as
President of Jefferson College, consentml to art
as agent for the Board of Trustees—and glso fur
the "Alumni Association;" to assist them in ca - r) . -
tog into effect a revolution to now $30,000
mg resided ter some bare in Philadelpni.i. I ava
myselfof the opportunity of tootling with ninny
on he Alumni coining to the any from tharlent
distant parts of the country—with very few exert,
lions all were prompt and liberal in contributing to
the object and without any cone nuo. effort, I pro
cured near Sii,ooo in subsertmiuns—considerali:e
part of which has been paid.
My health Itavlrtg is led, notlonu has been dour
dunng the last IS months—the subscrtption papers
were returned to the Board.
A large number of subset - int:on, were payable
within two years. The principal part is now
due and those who linen not paid are earnestly
requested to transmit the amount as soon as prat:-
Funds are greatly needed. The Board have
honorably redeemed their pledge on which sub.
imriptions sverelaased, viz:-to purchase additional
ground to erect a President's house and other res
queote Inalltitogs—to enlarge their apparatus and
Itbrary, &e
Grounds have been purchased at nn expense. 01
4,000. The President's house has been erected for
An excellent edifice, which was erected recent-
IY, is tiow lit h.r use, for a boarding hoese to Or.
continoalate students who wish to be economical ,—
and as soon on practicable crpter buildings will be
The efihrt will shortly be renewed to voice the
proposed sum of 530,000 by applications partum
larly in this region where little has yet been done—
and we have no doubt of success. It is gratifying
to know that iefierson Cullegn is nt present nn
very prosperous condition. Notwithstanding tub.
verse mertimatances trout the changes which have
"eurnnd- being suddenly Icit without
a Pnnttidnnt and the change as to the time and
length of vocation--and other causes tending to re
duce the number "(students, mid the !lumber in
attendance exceeds r tpecintion —upwards of 711
new students hone entered during the pri•sent se,
won and others are expected. On experience
was lined that the change which had been made
as to the tone itf the an nualcuminencement ill
and one long yncation of 'murk" 'I months was un
stotublo to this region mail injurious to the Collnge
The Trustees have so ~hanged the tone of smv
thin there are now 3 'envenom. Vour week.
in the month of A pwl—.l x weeks after tie annual
etanottencement which taxers in A ugust. and two
weeks of vacation including rhrodins. and the
New- Year 'The College year le di vide,' into three
nr.lott, This change poen, to work u clt anti is
generally acceptable
The students generally. xre diligent and attentive
to their •tudien, oorrect in their deportment, and
linriunny and grra)d order prevail It in believed
that:the pods, wets of the I n sti tut a at were never more
encouraging than at present Having somewhat
recovered teamviolent rittaeLt of haver, hr which
haze been confined to bed three months in ex
treme prostration with little prospect ot lite. I hove
Tormented to assist as health may permit, in pro ,
curing tnud., particularly Iq writing. and as it
would lse attended with great expense ond Labor
to appoint agents to visit in person subset bars so
dispersed Nee who hove •ulzseribed an, I hdve
not paid are eorneatly requested M transmit the a•
mount of their fillh.orlpo4,ll to me at rotinnab..irgh,
present re.inlence, and ri is loped that pert ,
are 11 who have had the opportunity to
give their names will promptly transmit their du.
nations or piedres and hove their n enters,
with their 4.;10w on the list ail contributors
L...ame of almence tlf onenle ne0..1 io
the the Preoudrot the w,114.en
.oy emornono..tolon oddre.vd to m e nd w,ll
turn reee./.1.--an.l du'y enter the names of donor•
ere.lll trimoney ion,il
Smithsonian institute--A1 logical
^11111 , •,0% NOV I .
Th. Regent. of the Smithsonian In.tititte it
the, last reaolve,l w eatalibeh ign rilrnded
avoteen of Meteroh..,rai ohaer•ation• intrtettlaele
with reference to Aniernraii ~,,, embracing
no at ax poacitle the anrhwe .tt the
In order that the Mete.mnortes' obeervainms or
dered hy t onereas at their leaf Seaamn, may pot
interferr .•th !b.. enterprlinr. but ,-ke."i•eraie with
it. the Serretare t 4 fur Nary has din-vied l'r"tpa.
sot Lapp to ,‘Ln G s rs t.. those of the In
A.l,m.harp ttte t t .1 ta n.i.,rtant I.
tam the num... • .nod k. , A1.1v 1.1, pers..n• n.ho
.nslroment.l are !low n !toeFor
poem. glow ate tlatlftnttr4l lttjotn In Ihtene ott
liteTlMlloll6 itrlt fettperttilliv requesteti 1.1 stioltfN
tbetr mr.q.nrnep• do by te
the N•n- Ivrpartmrnt. .111 thr w or.l Mrte•,
gy irftlten on the enVe.ope.
Though it trott.d be of grant mt•nrt•nee that
verb oh...veer should be petroded with a perfect
set of compared Instruments taut,. beilevad that
much valuable Information. relative to the swim,
ty the duration and the extent of o.ortas may he
ohtathed even wdhout instrument. from a mere
record of tbe face rat the *lcy the due. and
Mree of the wond, and the Iteaontung and end of
rata and amour. provoled the td~rvatiotts •re of
auffwient eaten! and duration. Blank forma free
of expehae will be vent to those who are divas-seed
to yin in the observattons and. es moms aa the
amount of fonds for !hie purraw. i• wwheient. toll
seta of inatruments hell he forrstshed In •-mewl
observers in anpvirlant
Very. respeetitilly,
Non, nhe.l , eat tar
11ENIt V. See. ',non Inst.
JAME"- , P Meteortalag at
Loafer the direction olthe Secretary of the Mary
Gas Tsruot s Rentartm Restortarton —A ron.
temporary Wes to error errorn sa pm, that Gen TAY Loa
had forwarded hot restgoalloo to the War I opart.
ment, to take efTert on the lot Fcbruare Generad
- NV,. is at present amtvely enraged in nrnanipn;
and settling up every thing coected with lbs lofty
years yr 5..... in the army wh ich n he v. tst, and
tntend. Mail to finally (-lord preto , os to bra a.
oolong his new and mom responsible Mar...—.
When than is accomplished, and nil the artanaet,
imams completed tim the transfer of hi. command.
he tern then rend in his resignatatn, and not
11.0114, —.Vat hotel
%V11...111N Welen., Jewelry 1,,,er Wage.
. and Volnarr t0f.,1• ..corne larget 1.1.1 1111
Plltsba qt.. I's N 11 W t .tet4e. u.l clork•
rarelul, rrpatre4 arrl
RA \BERRIES So bb:s rov
dere water arid re!, Iron , . 1
D ETTER Tt bres Irest, mod tracker Sutter e , so.
4. kegs Butter ,orai and •• If by
deer) I. `" A - TERMAN
lAN lir .• raourd r•e4res nor conseruseete,
k; for sate dece A RNll , l'ltt • kRA .11 . 31
" ;1 ' ; - bL A
'" lt ' ,4l(lSl3 & rRuZER
b" 1 1 1„Z
IAT 11111. 17 1 1 deco
31* wool Oust recerved and
VV for sal. try iderel H RUH'S , eCo
%..!I*NDRIF. - S—Y5 bbl. •1 II sir tore Reaos, in good
alepprag prole, 4 1.1.1. Dr, Peaches, - tees Lard.
No I, I.drog Irom steamer I.amlartroc, tor eale try
darn ISAIAH inrk - y‘ ACo. Ivonr sr
f Wet proira . ll - 11 ~,,, 1;, for •are
droll SI , VON WINN itoitsr I• 0
V4.1. 1 .1.7T Rllllli/NS—iust received at %epee'', Hen
y'4,`B7 Market street.
NI p. colored Velver Ribbon, es.rted cnke,
311 • black
embroidery tamp. lops wl.le Yla,u. Ar
KW JEWEI.H) -- I doe gold patent Lever Wale b
.11 ea,
A 1.0. gold pen and pen. Cases, Vest rhsAds, bury
4.u•rd riouna Bream Pll/, Finger Kings, Far Rings
and • complete •••01.611l of abet tarwelry. at
d.ef , ZEHIAA)ti INNY.III, ea marl. at
WII4TERMRI) .ptbl:4lhe beat rldy,
~mrc ~ „u,, I AKI : Rk :
RI wood at
S I. " r e .' f
I SSEVS--:1000 roof br i ght Ju•l
opened by novZ9 SHAIVI.ETT k WHITE
¶t %I , n 0 dot fine brlght colors, and dr•ora•
'oat opened at reduced prtres. by
( ) 11.1:AKE Alien* utl rake juat'rerever.l per rural
6001 Irw and for •al.. by
If R 448154 /N IL C..
1921.0.1,1 y .urea
INSI-111) - 16 Idol, prune Linseed 1111 ow re
1,4 vie by
D t"rrErt. - Ir K s prime flutter. !or wale by
dee9 A R 11111M1 CROZKR
111 ., •10V/WAT F1.4)1,14--4,gackiTor rile
Jr,, AHIISTRONI. d CltirLF:ll
1)4 rrAMES —34 LAN very fine Neeltannork Vora
'" e7; " ""'"'""' ,l A
-44 dot 11110 ritorlr, 1 dor wool Shut.
1:1 and Drawer, I do silk ju.d reed and for
.ale by 4,13 F 11 EATIIN & Co
PAPER 110XEI. Foil STOKES-4 c•."‘
tr Wong Hoff l'oper Rafe., awned slar•. for
1,411011 Coli, Iheir stock of French hlernook. colr,
song the roost ch.:nee color. No. la your time In se.
.ore borgnnos der I I
JEWELRY, conuel/ng of gold guard, .ea and .1..
clone, key, seal., pencil., finger mugs, beet pine,
studs, ear nog, brace late, lockets, beetles. elides. Ac.
A 1.., ell vet reml”, card eases, frost Irni•oo,
shLelds, pencils, beck 1r.., ands., tooth • lid , e.r picks.
der/ 57 meant .1, rot 4th
IL &lOLA rs:SES—.IO bills prima 9v gsrietase I,l°-
0 lasses. to store 1.1 for sale by
deep JAN DA LZ
M -" . 1 g ;/ " A " ?./1 .n :1.1 ' . '
AItD OIL..- 10 bbl• fonttlitte. Item, wltarr WOO.
1.1 01, just received 1•01110, sate by
dktey SELI.ER:4 k NIIIIII.M.
L , A1.111.‘ iota reed end !or .4 by
r der. WICK AUCAND(.I4IS .
LPIA.R.Ft . try family flour, K. Holmes
brand.inst received and (or sale by
41 1 .1f:'‘T,"`Prk,'"'
J uel landing from Come, nod for rale by
deign S & W 11,11111AUG11
L- imoi oil !r i. for
‘-r i
—2 4 2 L"
-6011 I,iihels honey flirt landing from
I Could, land or .ale by
±0 u & W ILA RRAI'1:11.
131EF-sE.--.541 nogg. erriam choose, r.aira, lariding
from Lake Eno, and for gale by
deed S k NV lIARBAUGH.
DOOR SPRINirS--12 dor India Robber Dor
spun', re , 'd and for sale al b. India Rub
ber Depot, No 6 Nand sr. decl3 J all PHILLIPS
Wholesale and ELetalt.
. - .
L 7 AVE received more tban one thernoand Caoes and
Parkages of Foreign and Drome.mic Comis, rnak•
ling of the :noel rolen.nee. 4 .o, , nenl.pi In line coml.
tr, . em nine
bracing the lu•e,. richest end 1 ' MA,10,1111.1,
1.1% leo of Imported and Aineries,. Good, narcliaoed
, entire pat gages from the ditporTero snonotarturers an d
Auction.ales,large Aucon .ales, by one on the firm minding in New
York. who is constantly sending ne lII.' 114,1,, •./Id
MOP, desirable good+ to the Eastern morarta,
will be offered 11, low as at any tablishment in the
,ilted State., stul lower Man coul es d possibly be nifer•
ed by an, House 111 the West We enumerate the tut
SILKS--O ea,ro rich changeable, striped.
plaid itd brocade Gro de Mir, tiro de Berlin, lira de
Swiss, Gro de Alper, Glacier, black taro Rillll,
TOM., . - me Soon Florence of all colors. be &c Al.
en, Silk VL•lvet of all colors, eery large stock
36 CASE, DRESS GOODS, err caaes extra nob
satin stnped Cashmere; do do do printed dodo, de small
figured krigloala de Lame; do Clononee Plaids, striped, !cc. Also, So ..,,ses Alparcas, 20 ruses rich
otnped and plain Lyonesei te4 Tartan Plaid and tOI
El-4 cash., roo and Grandls:a
FRENCH MERINOS—A full alsollmoot of
mode, scarlet. Moroun, Nexan no. blue, 004 .th•
or colon, of the beat manufacture
2.1 M SlLAWL,“—Cotopriaing the 1110. t extensiv, a/.
sortnient ever offered in Mi.. g.,:y, embracing long and
square Cashmere and Tan Jan plud Shawl, Maude.
klmnswtek, Ftri!and. Jenny Lind. Lai:routine. and oth•
er Shawls.
Lace rap., rot's, cod, itandtita collar..
Also, linen centime and Is nn 11,11,i5, Laces and Ed'.
alga. Ik o Ribbon, limnery 41 ail ktnds, (any., do .
FRINGES, 11. , Ft (M. lIRAIDO, &c.—A full
assortment 010.1100. d lastoonaltle styles
LINIIN AND 110l:SE I,lo)llS—ests< of
Irish Id, Lest manufacture, Linen Sheottttgk and
callow case nen ltten, Table Lktumak and Nape/. Satin
I .lmmi , Tattle cloths and Ittlapktna, liarkaltark, kus
ma, and Eye Diaper. 11114131,10—over Ittust ps 01
vareety Blenched alnd Wow, klusltns —more
than 15.0110 Ito to all the wetlC known make. .
RIBBONS-- klore thnn lOC tartnn• enttrety new ski'
and wßtitlnnt, ver, t hour: •tk les
French t'lutnot, Caaattneres 6.111 !await tits, en grrad
• v^. ” , g, t , •rta, ertlvatt sml 11111 a.
. .
11 . 1.11 e 4.ovhle i or eery deer r.piiii• iv to•eilier 11.11. ev.
co artisle u•unil) Id ... id iti • dry ...itvli. i.i..r.•
The ioliossille 11 ail invoice , ii 1.7 timer. g•iid. .uoi
received. wiili Ilic • pt.tie• ati..exed.
Ili liair• oi rr 4 noel white Flunlll.l.. NH Yr 001, 1.11 11iii
7 ca.., toile and orniige Print,
In do thaliecie•. :r.i y•rili lur I."
111 do inal . vi.iieil lliiiii, ref
17 di. itienceed A t. lti.i..i.t.
4 du .11ou• de I.iii 41
e lye
7 Jowl, Sco 1.. tie h.. rtt. 1 . 11
A ia0..10 Lair. 4 I 111.. win NINA• 1111, 4.
Ad.of ~ 1 11111 l •••114. ant, 1114.•
....J. Veld Anted to le.* prior...on. di. he afford.
onv.fillr ...ll' T., I I\1.:
1 . 1)1. e . 1 ,1. ro- • ) 11. Ivo and
.101., . 1 14,16.11 f. J 0101•1.
ne ftied, inet.r. L. 111.0
1 . .....ri0r• it Id., Mai on pool..
11.1) int ono.. In purr bu..
I.(eAk ,
I I.e a••u[let! I
114 N ludo,rt, .1 , -" . •
do 4do J.,c..41 ~,,,, to .1„ „
111 I Et. At Jot . kin :• ffil
att•lit 'III.IHI tat
- .
Auction P aaaaa .
\ Ist as Ow sot:,
X I t Itrus.r.. l',•..ttterrtt .tta tts,
I a.t.traarr• ant! 11111•,
i'l ulll ~ru u!
Vrruch !lerineot Fretach BI•rInoe
a • ,
;tow,)4, quu
SII , II I hi— ANto ~,
I? It
• ,-.ll‘ll-INV,
34..,• le
ot-wr urt, , :or arr.., Sa!,ll •, /Av.! t ,
' •
nov t
\ FA Ft F II sr° , h
• Al Iltr••• • Ladles and • Dr•••ttn
•s..t. .r fit.eroiche: work ertatc... itt. 111%, I I wat., ts•reted rsovar 'II
I 1 1
1` A i
amt ,e, •
r t
Is l l oure/t . I,ser Wttcheo, ro e o(Markr
as M ILA 94 - Intl,. at s.r:ue•
',00.3 14. to St Itt
It A . ) 1
opennu tzw.rt rot', g
..• vta rga.,l Mer,nt • J..- vr
Lnrl the mehe, trn,red
.~N\r ~ • l. l•. ~• 6~. oLu •.l l.)~
str.p, I a•ern,
S.l' 1 . 11/11. 11l I ()NI, ..... Al% I ,
. .
" r::: ' ;; - .;: " ..... " ,...7: r.. :: ';'"',..-.:!:". -, ...._
toot, AV., %
~ .11..., , .. , 4 ../.., ma rann drnt
on !in,' et nn,ll. ea•t ..1 ,nr 4, .n.. %I xt fo.. •Is
Mu,ph. hat
0; 0; .;•,#
4 • . ego M• 414444 •44 - 4-4-. 4444 v• j 444
A. 1 p.44.41 1.4.4,
•444114,40 arr :4444••• • 14,44:40441414,44•4 crot Icy. 444•41
m-44 14•.4.
p.0444T 444 4444
•.• ,n.• ..0n
and rurrhaser. rri.3.l
1)1.AIDI.ONI.•.11A111,,••• do. A Ll•ve
,tac ro•rd•ed elpre•• on• ar‘on riaol Long
SApkwis, wain s•no aro o/ ilse toon, •nd
lb< ite.est I, ir• imporled and mre now offorod
1.1,14,•• Arralll rei•ord :rum Ina row. o s. aril e•r . ,
AJso. a leva r Oa, Cale, Lam. /..•
VW hit Io w:4l De rlo.rd ,v,•l I.argaLaa
Lads., arr malted to aa early rianurnwa
A 1.1-.X.ANDI.“ Da l
al marl, at.
dee N eor we Ih•mondla
lerlertl IL? .t
.es •ot., nehell
devign...lnatopea.d and ae::”Jg c• very great redo,
non fromformer once..
deo 13
AIMINMTKR CARPETN. -we would ilivLte tar
ariaotior, of Kura housr,
call and ...male our A/ tsrm•t, Curiretsrh
•ery rtrh In .tv sod Color,
n. Plllehurth decY Ml - 1.1 NTr .1
All , : DAM ASK- W MVltoto,.L offer. to porch,.
rrs • very boodaorus assoroneut rich •11.11/1 Lha
a tor window t - urt.sw. Also, Ftelith rhgntse.
Duffs, I nes. tra n•ps rent alludes, ke Ere earpel war
room. rourth at de y
I!I•1 S)•(iJ I I
'LIMN *A CE N' 1i 135 ZU( . l.llul the Pocket I:gr,
l•ptue. ...roc) our Ir. own l'h)11.51•11 twentaeth
rultuon upw•rd• ut r • hundred eurrAvlngs. otos.-
,ng private dwrkwes e• cry shape s.rul tonsutt sus.
Icon:tattoo. ur the trorratoe system In SS ID' At
AI D ITrtone to, now •rriverl. that persons sulet
III( "'OM secret at...we, 'wed no inure Leconte the vic
tim of rguackery. so 1.5 the prewklpttorts roolstned ot
this book .1.5 uue ura, cure himself. without Ittudrance
1,1 1 1.111,56 ur the knowledge ot the too.. :1,115515
trte...l. and Plat Lute 1,1111 the usual , 51 . " 1 ... s ,
!tun to the gruer•l routoteof p.tvnte 1t.W.“415 II
dap/ulna the eau, ut amt./loud . ',ter) dr. Use. wok
etuurr•lttirria• roams, 15.111 515.1 de.
*gouge:or nts .1 Nottid out be proper rata
Di the pul.rtr prods
A., person tentfing 25 1,11 I• enclosed .1. • letter, On. • tol , ) 01 I/11. 1.005, by 111.1... r hve et,
pies will be wt., our one dollar Address - DR 55 .
k DUNG No 1:4 Spurr street. rhtladelph.a, posi.
WANTED—Proprietors of drug or book stores, and
pedlar., In every town in the roiled State, to art as
&plots for tho alrove work oel7,lrod:4a
PLEN DID HOOKS—The Women of the Ho
0 Lle, delmested sa • serum of sketches •I Prom o. neat Females suestuotted to Holy ..rspturn—nlustr it sod
by I. fine sloe' engravongs I •ol quarto: Tort, gat
lgeo—Arol.elino style.
rhe Marred Poets of Kneland moil Ausenrst. for three
rentorma I.ldord by lining, W , •asd Mums sled
wan tael angst. ',togs I v01.,v0 SOS eta edge
The Female Paris of Ainestes. ‘lllll roriridy, Ino•
graphical notlees. and a/teem.. 01 thrtr wt asag•
T H Hod
The I4rot of Pear,. • rholre rnrland of pros roc
try .m 1 Am euntmoint hne acel engraving, I rol
The Root of Clirisusu Ballad. Illustrated. I 101
11TO. For sale try IL 110PkIN
Jeri Apollo Ruildisiga, 411. at
NECINYMS.--Crelopedia of Moral owl RellF WU.
.1 Anecdotes, a collection of severs, thouinhol boos.
Incident, Nartattres, Example and Tr...monies, em
bracing the hest ,d the kind 111 most dormer 10111111/011111,
mind some hundreds 111 111/I.llllon, original and selected;
the whole arranged end classified 011 a new Oat, with
mien. toptral and scriptural indese• Uy Men R.
Arrinc, A, AI , Pastor of 1111 Providence Church. New
York:woh an Introduction Re.. (sec. II Cheerer,
II II Just published.
The above, with a number of new and valuable put,
beano., for Bale by Ei.L.ltrrr A MULISH,
noYYJ 710 wood st
Illi•oehlog Powder, (Chloride of Lioe•.(
1 REHM —The subscribers have ott band and will
constantly be supplied will, Jo. Muspr•tt Sono' cel
ebrated Bleaching Powder, winch they warrant
equal if not sopertor to nay imported ill the r . we.,
and which they are prepared to sell of the lowest enar•
act price for coati or approved 1011,
11011 . W & NI AIITCIIF:I.TRFIK,I6O liberty sr
Binspratt a Bons , lied• Ash.
THE rubscribers ars now receiving their Fall stork
of die ahoy. ante.. three veaaelv •ix; the /nodal,
Medallion and Lydia, having arrived it Philadclphta
and Baltimore. and two tame, dm Stephen Baldwin mud
Leda, *beetle expected. they are, therefore,
do receive order* Thv will eceive during the V,lll-
e r and apring regular s u pplie seta New irleans
ncor1:1 tV k
• DR. D. 11113711 T,
Dunn.r Corn, of Fourth
and Decatur betwreca
Market and Ferry alto., uer.s.dirtn
13Y Tli) CAN. of anpertor queilt). pi leer pru,a,
put up by the sub•enbere ea y tot the use al
families and parties. ram be prenured Cl the Re•lau.
ral.ll* on Hits and Allegheny on tha MOM 0( 14.
Knox, atreet, 'queen rgh. 114 Alle
ebony Coy, and at the 0> Der Depot, EA Charier.. Hotel, NOTICE.
Wood et. noel I-dler 1101:1' k IIALTHV CI , lIE undersigned removed to Wo•lous Lon
A FIJELTUSIL ELEDIJOTIOR• City, will attend to IticiiropiecUlloll m room, 01l
eg 1 to 5 tans at cash currency, or 4 M.. apfiVil • J . i t
to tans or upwards. 31 do par, molt do, interest ad. h A e
dad. For Me superior quality on thza brand we refer to LI HERLOCK ON DIVINE PROVIDENCE
the glue Lad soap manutarnecem ot ibis arty general- 1.3 hitherto very scarce son reodingi) v•lnable
lye W ntrrenntaßv.E, work, has Dial been publislical.y J ec I
(lead. In u beau
deal (60 liberty at tiful Iltaso. voL of 2.41 page. It COillaiill the rearms.
UR SAD.} hie per
kook ., boo, .nod m en c i nti d allona dn o . l u aLv . art , r „ l , a n ra w )m r.e e k tl
4 0 . 1 t c l , ,d, la p, e . t . tr i . ,.. o v id=
A' repair, now running, COn.inllig to spindles reek n end kon„
One Cap Winder, conUttrung 40 spindles, suitable for dwnkmk b ook j k
ok d Aok' 0.,, b,
woollen manufacturer.
144KINn, Apollo 4th at ._
Fitt Callon VIII, Nov. r 2, 15421-etw It) F 4 . 9 I I k e 7 127, bap KLettec Peaches; o
T - lontEsric WOOLLENS— !Dank. do ',"" `°: h"."'
GALE" I' rt
j,/ Tweed., Casein..., 34 Cloth and Cass:mei e, by BA
the piece or package, very low; ter
e by (11LN SENO—IIi meta for sale b
// Tn.
1.11/ at
t,,,,t. in bringing dui preparsdion of 34•8•1,111.L.A.
present stare of perfection ; and the experience
fourteen roan ban (tarnished them the most ample tap
ir J4ortunity In study. In their radon.; forms, thediseases lot which It
is recommended, and to adapt it exactly to then. relief and care. Ea
/ th, t , lenta aho nab • ass., antic Medicine are !tinted to stye It • trial, and estlidy
oh, I maelves of Its supernaratr. and the Invaluable property It possesses of arresting
and corms disease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold ONE QUART, and in its
present , Improved form may safely claim U 0 be the save and CZIAPSZT Medicine of
. a age. 1141 progress to the lame at has attained may be traced by long facts
aline of
I 1 and cores, that stand as landmarks and beacons for the tneehdaPslbillisS the W.,. W.
111 the haven of health.
I 1 1,
uxiiTL• fa i.... llowtng ,.
th ts e fro_m . f h "o e l S C Taylor. • gerdleman of high Macau and extens i ve
Sca rn awes, and lately bppointed Consul to New Granada:
, V Meson. d. 13 kI) Soo.
I I 1 . .11
of O s tanstats u n . ..- o l n t a d v a tg ,„ 4 , 7l p,. . end I
o w s It , o n e yrs sd the effects ni ' i .". our Y 4=ent prepare: "7a ba°
111 I o V P L en i' le " rl.t rel .of ' 1
L great a n'
I 14:11 ;? °: 1 :: 17 r l a r Tu l ! pm' ''''u n t''' tP , l ".:r: own thm
a E ' ''''' t lf
d "4 l'
IAlfIi: ...,,,,,,,,—,,tslrargthiße:n‘mna:L:l:re:d,antintihrea:l7n.ati'lcolrAsttainZ.onfill.;:c7"'n' "d
er'ti'g, In
111114 l i I t e M n e m xic L e t;
, ar l lm ,
, y ,, c u o . u. n sa g n ;I L:
a t: , ft „ ,
e 7. „ ,1 0 C. II S .
. 11 d 1 , '
, T he •Yla. n h h as (eed bays the
1j 14;1• S t Mr* year:
~ I 1 .
1 1,11 , V e ct
a a r t . th y e sreeotni I. , e . sn on d i a ,,,, Ln h, o i n sa eo T n t g , t a le t r b ed e
ta„tet,,,annost indispensable adopt
illi l ! . .1 : 1 1 11
4' knownbe pmed. and I tn.. that I, health.resturing T r am ". " knollwn the
tt g r ene!!ll
threognout the length and breadth of our ablety4:lte " ncl ' ed mak otta e
Yours very respectially, S. O. TAYLOR,
' . . .
U. S. Consul to No Granada.
4 . . 1 11'4 III I II
Messrs. Smne .—Gentlemen— Sympathy for the :1111 ..""" eted inducres ree j" Ute nil .
of the remarkable core effected by your Sarsaparilla illa Um ease of my wife. blt e
wu severely afflicted with the Scrofula on different parr of the body; the giso a
the neek men greatly enlarged, and her limbo much moll.. /Aar .fi g a i m
year, and finding no relief from the reatedieLp the Weems Mimicked one lea and
below the knee suppurated. tier phymetan ad It Mould be 1•11 4 fl ooDpq~ evl was
done, hut without any permanent benefit. UM eitualion we h •C, aid enure
butuad to ole /WI DV hanaparUla The Ant tome and famr
able affecterelimlng her more than any on a=l .d i eiS L,44 .24 Wore
Me had used els bourn, to the astonishment and delight of Mr Ms Round boy
health quite restored. It le 110.• over a year came the awe was and km
klAralth good. Mewing the (imam was thoroughly eradicated from the mum_
Ow w• all Lnowtng to these Mete mid think hasse. licmg i M p a i set
re the age. Tema with respect,
listrast from • letter received from Yr. N. W Hama, • {.Wyman well Snorers to
Louisa esuaty, l e..—• . I hay. cured a raw" boy of mlue with yaw Sarsaparilla,
was was sasokad with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. Tows trot
J o nderkde Ha, /a., July 17, 1641..
The fellowtm tammony from her John Ong& nue RAWor of the Church of the
Crag:llb:lm to due otty, oommende Med to the attemilon of Me odllerteet NUMMI./
eerttlcatee of cures of redo. disease, affected by Mae madleilm and almost datly
remind --
Mews. BA". —A member of my fato/ly ho. taken r rateable lanaparilla for
a mrere weft:dem affection. M. WM the mod erect mendlleg from rot
me. It Oyes me very great plemore to ramrd my beetiemosy In behalf ant. virtue
=I enemy, hoping that other. may he Lagnoed to make a trial of It.
..rn• Twk Yee t Ike /OEN GRIGG.
Meson. A B. k D liana Esnirisi X. T., Om. 11, 11147
CI• —Peelings of gratitude induce me to inake=l.l43 aokuowledgmatit ,
of the benefit I hay. derived from the as of your darn l ben foe several
been ditched with acrofolous swell... to my head, which al time. would
piker and discharge at my throat, nose, and ears, and at others would brink Out
didbraint parts of my fees and head. Theme continued antil my throat, (a.., and
head a Minim were one complete lore, and fora long time I we. to hoarke that It was
with the otteom difficulty that I could speak aboye a whisper Dunn/ this time I had
several attacks of pleurisy and otheritikes mutated different phyialarm, and '
tried rano= remedies. but receteed no benedt until 1 commenced twig your Hama.
para.. lam now well . tn. sores ate all healed. and I attribute the result entirel
to the ettorts of your mtluoMe medieme y
You.. with reap.: and gruniude, PHEBE CAHOON .
Bey:, pervert/ally acquainted with the pervou above named, I behove her flattmont
to bo correct /LESS id D. CARE., Juktlite of the Peace.
.Itt.tu.trttk sopoiettale ett.l te.o !,‘ It AFAII \ 11 - K. a 1,1 ert.,rol \lfortti twit Front
pt . Sixth ittrtd WOO 4 •., I. NVII i•I , t t t :m t •t t t t e; t l ‘.o] Fnurth etc and 13..0
et .1 and tbe Dtatno t w • . 0 . of \ A 1111 It1:12D vett Ntoltottrala ilostve mtt"." Jto
ilaink•r•. letc. h•ltge Eirok•rg
mob Acres Coal Land for Solo,
!Tun l'Elron me Monongahela river.abool Inrnbea
CI from Pt:i.burer. and .1 mile. •torve third Look, itt
Inv. !num-Mote ue...:aborfoood of Mriers. Lyon A :Abort..
4iirl Mr Joon Herron. purchase Tina fine body of
W d ni the wor pro, of ZAT.I per aen...—one
, hpl Land h.,anee ta five equal annual payment,
velthout Interco 'Foie tiorixputan.le Lactation very
Itn. l — , llol xurpn...ed Fe, further paeUeulars
•• a , ,a o: 11.‘1,41.EN . ho to. a Iran or +god prn•
I rt y below Ferry. Mr Adam.' Rove.
BANK Nt , ri, Not , •oo • irt Ole I N It There tx abotber mourn ot eon] on thin Intel.
I Jot, Ptatt • .1 oh lee rnie• A aboul lerl atm,. the .owor, or ear:client qualoy.
Real IR,•ta.a• In Ohio.
. . re., in lINVII.II. Panay.
rotnureh. l'a'r
on thr Cuyahoga rwer—about :] , .errs under in.
vasiev, HANNA dir CO., provernent Ako. too unimproved lots in the village
ANK [ai d deCers of Warren. Teurnhnll Co (eel by PO. Alm. a lot of
Forme, amt Itome•no Eich•rn ih.ruf.eatea of eround !here litre a Hat:ford, Trurobol , rho . mu, a
Hon. N Fourti. floe o‘e +tor,- -not pi the beet monde
ly the n Current money for a rorret:ag: o•. the cso.rn Itexeryr. Any or all
reeelve.l on po•• fOr oa•r enl- • this eoperti Lo. no very aerommplltill
ierttno. cox, xr • the prlae.px. 1.. the te ISAIAH DICKEY ACo ,
nited States fehlo Water and Front w.
The atehext prep ate. pa... for Fo•eign and Amenran FACTORY FOR HA.L S.
TILF 'urge awl well 1..11 e , reetetl on Ftebee
Advanree made 0.1 rob--
Noll,. NIA IT.. Ai I 1"11% , T,1.t.E.D
A \ )i.%
- •
' ;'!‘ "r :% ' l ' .lll . l \kw 1 wk. l'kuud. pillk Itk
Peri Kist. , 44,11 tertr,,, , r,re r I_, A i be r h by )R. S. Ca•natt.
•••.' °dere, U.! at a I.argatn, and 0/1 tenon 114
FOREIGN EXCHANGE. 'Lot . ito, the V,e,ory d, erecte 'rot ruy
as PIO feet 00
i n . n t
A Ihan ut •
• an, tor r: ot o'd t'oulttro., t.O reel 'ots,.h; "2 fret o ~It The EttgOte Houw
from 1.1 to ,t 11, • .o OW Strritnl, , u rge and rU11101101.1.01,..:111 fIICIPC. hotter, stark,
e.llO. 100 or )tl,lll A ROUIN• A.t- oh to complete order The property wtl: .41
MIS. European aau lorueral Agent, wt., Oth oo autt. ou ad, nritagernot terms
door west co wood 0. tl -. true ,o 0
For pro-e, term.. . rug oire at 141• office
D ANKF:II,3 slid Etthange Broken, Denier , For
e tin and Ikurteo.r. TPme St hi /II 144. I/roost, Flank N. Kr, Com
No CS Wood stre., thml door Woe. Four.,
itoW•XIS 11111
I) in Fog.“, nod oi F 11,12/1,, I •
talcylet Of DrpOnit, Noon, att.! Com.
and 1./u.,
Ind Lana,
Kruft3 ,, EV,
purottutett .t (hr iowe•t t lb,. by
Ak , SS
.03 'Li %1ar4.0 .r
BILLS OF kICH A NOE—S.4'M Cherks nn
S eve lork.
Yhsh,lelphin. end
1 , 5.110 r,
3,0 W.rrn .1
(I,nstant.l• for sale by
RaaAnsj.--...alvaulsed TI“ Plates.
pliEsulacycitc..c• tcc ea. the uoientoon lieoldror•
A 1 . ..1ate/cc. cocci cca ' l lllk/111gs, lo one man,
advantages %t h, meow Ldasr• po•••••• 11V, •Ol noloro
ouetallooo •ulostance• In:
01 nos, nor 'oolong, fite . ••
ones poloansa 4i .....olannors• oron. soling,
loabolny La ruod, having now lor•on Irsord Inn .everal
ea.. no 11116 partecoo'no noon no ono. counio, and in Ku.
rope Thry arr le•• hank. t cape onoon and nontrao
lillll Imo sudden oblong.. nthr alniouphere. Shan rem.
,00111111 plates. cr., , c he or an, oho, en•olal used
tar roofing. acal c ..... ortoueonly form a much better wool
tighter roof, rouuloong
orode MO, oar , regaefit repel r. 611.1
the Prod rust os lust
A ul suppl,, rsi[un 16 16.1) G row
.4111 f ) l on hand and i !or ..11 , e I. r )
IJ~:i1 Ii NIi.RKWOOD & Co.
14 rind 16 B..aver streel, riv.A. ort
The patent rie.t for tht• having born secured
for lot nil 11.16111V11K 1.11,1,011.
etcher by miportsuon or otbew
rl‘e. will be pro..on.
led n0t:114.16 s I v"l'
r U.) THE ENTER PRISINt. —A rare etimiee in now
I pre...en:ea tor lie. •lilr iti , e•tinceit iii • lotm.eit
noel). new. one adapt, to the Mall 01 11 n. we.,
•• to the ma“ elteri•r reaourcra, )ieltioig proht
from capital rotetprtre be)ontl any opernoon
the day. It in the romple, monopoly of a ' , tapir atl•
aliaolutel) and e•anittinl lo even tam,
a. well a• li.41•14 . 11•10, to the merhallie,
or o/ prate.-tonal man To caposill•i.. oportunit,
offers onett fora lucrative employment at either .urge
.moll num.. bring,mt immediate anti /ugh, -a.ine•
toy returne .I , ..irour of embarking oi • t ier
•et, genteel Lenoir.. ate to iteol. Yell 11 ether% hi Coil
1111 the office of the no.lenogited, examme the articic,
elld (trio their own ,ii.leiettl6froni the tart. pre,. ated
Office. Ex,haligr Choi. et. nejt Maar to
E.tiotro Joh.' nthre Choi.
Llt la MI ERr.
irEitst tit efEluot
URE:+II FIWNI ['HE SHELL— it:, B R A R A t.„
1-aott Etpree, ut r rtlur,.d pr ha u• e. •To scrotm°
'low alllover. au 111],k .I,r:rm.:m). BURKE& Co
hater resoitted to mope, tfir people tegularty IL
oul the ...KA°, atilt the el.:ore-I Freelt It).; in
cut!, huh vary tool •t reduced itrtee• R.
tatit a nithle vver) tawny to curt) hoe deltrary at their
An Es prey. load ry,ived Jot y at the ware
al C 1111,1‘ FAY.. Wirt. r ..treet, lietwern
Smithfield •nd (want, and ;in Ode the c. and in Mr•lo tui.
lowing limit., Reci lierger, corner Smithfield .4
aw, E liengleton, old. A litievlcr. Penn rt. hit;
Ward, IJ ton n ot Liberty C, 1 Calms, Jr
Print'a Arent., Moor A Robinson, Allegheit) city
RUST PROOF' utonr.
7undersigned have erected works in the cog co(
j New I ork. tor the purpose o(ltalvanitilig all aro
cle• of Iron, v. illf It It r. destrable to riturvtl• FROM
I's - p. such as Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spike, Nous,
Wire a, Fencer. and any other article which nut- Its
required For 'loops for Casks, as a sult•litutelOroale
Hope, int Clothe 4 lAnes.l.ihttug Hods. hd a hot D
other •pplicalion, it will be g bond cheap a
and dorsi s ', I
'limy would particularly calla ntention to the ltalvato•
nod Wire /Or (1 . 111 , ,, it requires no papa. and iiot
rust Also to Spikes and Solo, the 11L,14,V11.11
Whlell IS of .o, 1111p0I11411r, aia witl commend
itself in the puttee co all iliose interested
U FA) 11 Nlllll}AVOlilt & Fsientecs,
r.t:lo-d&wirT I I oil ld Sesser al f•• I ors
MM.", AND ous, an:mu:mu AND 121,14 I?
1W FuLrox .T.. Coaxxx or WILLI., NA,' Yong.
• •
bt., by byugv. reberauy .rol.bout .41 Unfted SW. .4
Pnce 01 per Bottle rla Bottle, for
HorsEs, LOTS, FARMS, &o,
1 i II e
I 1 0 e eta
~. ,1,,,,•,,.. 0 , rrell,e. st .
- - - • • • -•
1,4 7'11':1 tarlS 0.1 IScultet alto., in thecur of
Atleghebt alto, e Inc upper Ottomans. on Is hielt
t• rreco-.1 a name butohng. Iwo. totiea high. suttabir
tor too lottati te11r11,,11,14 lie lota axe each twenty
leo In iron 011 r hnadred t doer, and run bark
to a street lour ILL 3 att ttle The e buildings on thee ro
otes o pa, a yet, teldworne inter Oat on tt, inst.
111,11, pHil in , prop. rtt .111 ttold eltrap tor rattli
Apr, to 11 ',:.u.. Clerk. %built, It 4 or to
oe,p tt & Co
Country Residence for Rent.
ilellehttut rou•ttry seot of Rev. Jr
link, I note Itetow Manchester. colmn-
Ind .tiotut ocre. 01 troutiti. AtPOUI 1011
• lileo Trutt tr.,. rind u itreal vanely run Powenng
u .•olt:valton Tl, locatloo
art r:t. atom tottot-t,1,,, retovt• the Mantle Ilo•pi
le: wow ,o procrryto or t.reetion. Pottae•atnn girt-. et
qIIN t11111..1,..rt, App. to John Saingt.ton. . Man.
che•ter Jot, Henn,' u.. 2:1 titrett hit-burgh
droghttut , tintmer getrrat tor
attnot st, pa t.t ot t.opted by Mr. Horeb.
tiod. otl . t-trtl lot •ulo or trot on the hr.,
1.1 Aril 1,11 improved
otitlttional buildettg.. anO stitt..tattun atone arab. an j
ter Tarr plaint. with F.YrrZlrt. and Pru. Try.. TO
ttoil rattabte of conducting lb. Itrlreab the
terms will be reasonable
Putaiturelt lb,. II A,lll for Pnyr.ror.
1111'....a.ncrikor oder* for rent for the term of
In one or inure years, n large convenient lin
ittird two etor) 10u.,-.I cont./nog Orion,.
and Kitchen There lot of
`round roninining If
n e,. o r gnf young fruit trees very 1,11.1. •table,
01. on wail the hou‘e To :toy perton wish
ing delightful res.lunce within n few roinutet ride or
the eiry, thia will he arlre chance For terms. which
low to a good tenant, inquire of Mr /no.
\\ right, near the premise', of John Watt, corm, or
llond and Liberty so rrel., or of
, . .
ot: a, Li '171F..0 WRIGIFT
Tract of Land for Sale.
lila: subset-11,er will sell on stecotornoclauag term.. •
rti;umble tract ot untroprov..ll 111111.11 C on
and leading trout Brighton to Frank 4n,1, elrut tir‘hte the
, n
t r om and about etght Mlle. (rote the
Low e " ot Frertlote ott the UltJo ricer The trart colt.
4112 ner,t and pett•hr., strictmeasure Th•
i•ha $. elvelleot 110.. It), about
s e lane J r
od we.. wutered. and wt.; hr soil either in whole of
1/111%M. ot ronventent •oze. to •utt purcheaer•
For torther port.eulars enquire of WAI !( IR Alt')
at Low. oftwe on 4th st, etpo , Soutitheld, l'lttsburet.
ter...ti.db.wtt T
Scotch sotto= Land'forSoile
ri`MN A i'RKS I I.A Nll.roinstecl 111 reebies lown•
*hip, on the Monongahela, three mtlng, from Pat.
areto kill plirl•hnker• For further panic.
.., to rt. or to
novetl-1( 4th. alrove hlreithfie:d st
. . .
Property In Allegheny City for
THE eute , cribers eller tor ntle a numb., of chow('
Lot.. situate 11, tht, V,Pond Ward, frontmg ott the
Common around. on co,rens Inquire of
W Rlll3lNetitN, Atty at Law, At ('lots et
e , /Art FirtßlNot 011 the prenatxre.
rayl7,lSr.v,ll r
Vatlialabia Rotiderace fa . Allegh•lay City
for. Salo.
(lONTENIPLATINO a removal from Allegheny r.T.
VII offer nit rroodenre there lot +ale The premt.ea
me In delightful order. no.l en my may worthy hot at.
otion of any per•ott no.lang .0 :It property.
I) , N ,
lEt••.1 Est•t• to Korot, ODuaty.
A LOT, Storehouar and Dornatttg, nitanto on the
here Exterotton Canal. in the village of Wo.t
.11evto: a tleatral.te location tor • trerehUtt Moo, •
Loot and atoof Dwelling Bonne. well •11:tod fora Tavern
Stand, in the vlllago of Orattgevil... on State Imo of
Ohm. Tem. tatty. ISAIAH VICARS' & Co.
robin Water and Front
/1 0 A 1 . ItANI/ FOR S.U.E--:oven co, coal land
fin ',a
,Il lied.' 01 ton Slonmtgahela Myr , '
attove Itroo It., Co tilt,: 7 lour vmo al root
wttech I, .01.1 Llt can bongo for gooda For portir
ar• mot to {0,251 S A W.lO, RRAI,IIII .1_
InkV.' A RF:filll'SF: KOK SALK —lhe on tat'rltte.
otter. nor nate the three •tory brick Woreltnum3
rod err et . occupied by R."l - 2., A to,
apt', WII.Nt tN t jr,
The subsclibera wlO eat part of tt - wore
how.. now occupied oy teem Apply to
1 FUR PA I.E. —A Lot of IJround *moat., on Penn
meet, tot.eon limy and Mertntry otrreta,
the howe and lot note cm...noted Ly Richard Edwarda,
havnig a front of IS feet, •nd Ni depth Wit feet, Intl I.
‘nd on lurorable terms. rot uneieepttoO•ble. En•
quite of C L
0. OOMIS 4th at, RCal Wood.
TN% ii ROA. formerly weepier! an • Dm
aguerreolyee eieblmliMenl, being 'yeti adapted
The et ,
story roam is •
meet ogre, end the third story, et long room, eniJi good
Entrance on Market at, between ail and 9th
nov2tbibrir I- D. GAZYIAM.
_ .
igtA TIMER story Brick
.11Nrelfing Muse, on
Water, above Gram street. Possession Arena
the first of January. 1949 or sooner 1( reentreli
For terms, =mire of
4 0 "/ 0 BLACKBURN t. Co, seams st
.• •
I th•n came to the enneloonon to pureLe n
:ar ho z I Mond that TT waa of ao much acre: , e tiou
I wag unlaced to pa/eking.. 111. second And I arn •ra
Maul - 114101m ten I done no. a• by the se of the le
Ora he has been reatored To perfect u health.
Should any person et. Aeon-our oI wring hun.
c.,:a.ntng tanner par cul a, I .hound „
gran. , thet ruy e,
.outh of Fauna and Park t •
Etat/. 11100. IsAAC N PERRIN,
Cmennlat Augualllitle. 1,4 e.
When thousands who aro HOW trernbun a env. r •
ham: of Ana dreadful dt.vaae. and teu , ing 111.11
anionic ma) prove faun. vs II! find permanent r, v I
ee re..tOrml to new tne. by uaAng 01,6 vele!au:c.,
clue. twer one Thouaand rertatcatea hay.- .e•
reined in te•nmony of Inc neweneaki 1,1.11 A p1•.‘1,1,
the hoe of Dr Hart a I"miennsle 1.:/travt;
Prepared by 5. BART. M I). New York-.
Pour. one pack age • . • •
do Tour packager
do right do • wl
TIIONIAS 169 Shun at eel,
Inun,rn-nerat Age.. for United States,
Rent lodge
I_ Wll.O ,X. Jr.. eon,' o( Ina mood and Ma , "
Agent for Pitt.huagh.
Pay & Allinounir, Colombo., 111110, H &•
Cleveland - and lor sale by mot,. pt Lortna
gVb and merchants thrungikout the lolvd
IHE foi!owtnr from George K Pomeroy L..,
wen known proprtelor of the Ea pm.,
ts.elf ot tha truportance ul tba Pam Extracto, Io
Fara., Ormcw, Albany . I
Ma. Ds My Dear Str—With feelings . 0. , • r
dutarl peen re I addre•s you relation to me
Lave received from your Invaluable Pain 1., ru•
Lamly. my little daughter, 6 years old, tad 1..1 r...
or boding water turned into her harem, her an,
were dreadful, in. that crowd rostantly
lore Me house to learn the cause or the territde
Jere her clothes asunder. mid soon spread
salve, ands he was carried and laid upon u t..• , 1
was soon heard from Ler pains, and says -NI a. 1 ~ .r
no ill could laugh," and was won 111 ...Gel •:r<,.
WT. scalded to a blister Irons the toy of he moot,
ove i r
r more lb. hair her chest, arid round r „..le, 1,
arms ml
hr the shoulder and brew., it was vett dr. I.
et !TOM the first hour, she complained nein at.
was dressed. The rare healed rapidly. and Illeo•
C0111f1.../1 of the Muscles
The genin,,e Dalley. will ever produce the :ante
a ant aneous relied nod southine, roofing edeet
severest cases in Ilurits. Lac,lds. Pale., ite.
Therim...ilea.— no a otter under what a.anni• In
may appear —Casey. it mate, and increase the Loan,
F.dward P Ilolme., Lot Chatham. Melvin 140,,
Columbia comity. A. Y . have been afflicted with the,.
Mo.. ill any dresst, lea and rill over rny ;nnn..
so Mat I could not stand. and was cured t•,
three applications Cl Dane re Magical Pain 1-:x trio
Mr Vic-1 cut my finger with a camper mi...
the poisonous nature or winch eaused my are, 10 .we I
ronsideram). 'Alta constant shooting pains up :a :he
shoulder A large 10,11 ng dating plaen a . the aim
pit urith Increasing pain. I became 'earful ofthe s
OW In this extremity your Pain Extractor was re
commended tome. and which I was prevails , . op,m to
tri The consequence was that ad - ordeal nee
instant tenet. and tam three lays I was compirte,, Fit
red. JOE.EPII lIARRISON.Now lorl.
corner llroome and 5u111,311 sit, Eript 9, lA,
YTICE.:—/I DaLl.rt t. the inventor Of Wia invaiu
sire remedy. sand near r has and never will commiiiiii
cam to any ing man the secret of tta
dit 1 - atrartors, therefore, not made sod put UP h
him. are liaeo counterfeit,
Paornirroal 1)a.r0,.-41.5 Broadway, New Vora
Miellemaut •Irrel. Pwrc
JOHN D. MORGAN. General Depot; Dr WM.
cl 4
Cures humors. spnvin. gamer.ur.4 gresue.,..,pM:.ev,.
sorer. gall*. and hrmee. Pamphlets containing cet
tams..f of respectable pante, may be had on applien
non to JOHN D MORI. A.N.
nwrlS dl Agent. Plllehargh
'.altTht• Catharuc compound combine. arom:nr•e ot
with effimency and comparative mild:map of pu.-
eau,. action, and having a le-rullar leaden, in the
htilary organs, a nd
extreme, vanthh.r in tlne rournrs
w hid, fe v er. and other complaint. atiend ,
settle cantgention or the IA 'err, so much aboo*
Hove now mood the 0 , 1
of 20 ears. and rx,riee,
Ilse proved them to be a rale and valaohl• rented.
Intermittent. Hcsmitent mid Billow, Fever; Jan....".
!Annum mite, Indagrauon. DropAy. Dy water).
onolllng., cold, and al, complatuts ot au otddrntn.
character. Tn. r ample, And an/vernal s ,
11011 which has Urea ❑rre by t, ,C wt..
have used there. readers the putht•hutg of the ',tor F
ou• cerEtheates La thrtr sheur unneressar). 1.. e..
rent coo me rfeiung tho Hut pt. up th a rell
grapkte wrapper.
Pr2e• YS eenta lor s ...ta:an, 30 pals.
Prepared and sutd by
I\7o 931 Wood street. our door . south of Thamoh..
11 alley. Pittsburgh. I'
. offers tor sale a large :oi
Drugs, .11e,beines. Oils. Palms, Varnishes,
and Perfumery, ForeAkn and Dornesne, to which he
calls the attention ofdrugkists, pnyalclorta and nier.
hunts victor,' Ihe ne if determined to sell an
very low priers, and give general sausfaclion. r(Anal. warranted and rurnp .
arinsli No. I and N 1 ort
innnulaelure. a 1... Japan and Black Leather ,Vurna.h.
surwrior Mso. While and Red I.rod at
prices lower 1.111 heretofore offered. J. JDOk, NI a...,
tufneture. Nlorean s Celebrated CotlgnSfrOP.wh.r,.
by given lienerat .attslantoot to all in
curing 01
c oughs, rinds, hoarseness, influenza, whcqplng rough,
croup, ete, prier 2.1 cell. per honk.. Allah &langs..
Indian Liver Inns it certain ruro for over comp.,
sick headache, and all bilious complaints. Prtre cts
per hoz.
Ocoee of Americana Wore Spa Patents..
JANIR'S GHEE:NC/Lk:II, ue the law tun or .ICelie r
fircentu count.. the bustness 00nsuiting
Fartneer an d Patent Attorney, at his on in the city
of WASHINGTON If, may lie conallbad and ea.
ployed in maki ng examinations m madonna in tike
Patent 015. d elsewhere, in furnishing ...semi,
and spembeations of machines, and all papen nee..
ry.tnnisfer, amend, re.t.ue or extend InnasMteut /
Me United States or Europa. lie ears also be Cell./
profe.flonally on all quest...of hugation aria ,
me under the Patent Lam, and wlll arrac
non. before the Patent One, or an appeal thererreit%
for Inch his long experience in the Patent (niter unit
in his - profession, here peculiarly fitted him. The pier
te..moat bonne. of the Inc Dr, 'F. P. Joo. Ifavtirci i
been pieced in hts band, all letters in relanon thereto
stoat./ he addressed to him poet putt. anspada wen
Ju powdeKdj tit J,
clarified, in store and for sale by
Ave St lows Steam Sagar'Refilary,
dec. a water and VA.frOnt
- •
XT AIOI.ASSILde-Co Ws 4. imaition 41 eta..
VI Owe crop! rice morning
,landirtgfrom steam,
filbert". No 2. and (or .le by V !a: Is
lee{ JAMEnA:4II7CIiyk (Ay . a. 0
11•11RISON'S Colunktnan /(anso= '.,
do du filealninif;rfiikierlf
""U"'" prepatauw.
'7 l Harrie. • .u p root tut. Lida to r
al manufacurer's prce., by BELLI"
de. Wani.t.
s at, I
/4.• Hurt uoultl ~ u prrr.• tt up...lthr. 111.111/11
arlheurulllll. the Li,/ 111 0 110. 11 'l l . rrit
red utut 1.0/1 4, ,r
11140 .11 01 0 cure Of 1111/1 Moat 0/ 0114111. 01 o,' A ,
la 0011 f y.• mammy. rtiftd , •.llllUthuuth, the roo
. ......
or 1 . :cr0p.... moll n. rho, of our own Countr). harc
preciouhccd I.prrcrwy turntable Anti it ha. meet, me
ow.idcrrrl b) . untll SID mash 1 1 111WwIncl ot A.l
do.cover.” mahy
made My Dr $ Dem nearly vvren
yr.r.r. .0,, duct,/ which lime it h. been ',Ann:nick
tonic ul the mod
Upon record. nod has arquired • reputation u hie!
L oud
experience, iron merit of arum.* denoutintiong,
as won • • bundrcds of our eminent ettarn.. un,ra
in re, 00.1111311J1113 the use of this truly vultratne , 1,-
CIIIE 0 their polio r. charge, and fnends, who 31.
dieted, as the oruy remedy.
usetl thore who have Itrrn rarrtl hv att. vow.
hnedietur (ie .a a. "I lavet at... Terra, 1...r0h(l th, POW.
trof‘l,,,,rtpuou. but I how retnar n he t n •r •
•lorral 10 and httnitthra• another -a t • I
thank rind I 1,1 Into lum N, rour 11.
tny dill) to Prorinint 11 t , the end: otl the 'rem, hul
atm, talloare sear bird 1,1,1"
who to en 1-131 IN ENT LA W YER and Wfdi
thla C 11) I 1.1 .. Ale .tran nevi...eta erthrh .„,
watt fhptaepe). but :w. ahtt
the egrial., Fatale: I , - I:ane.'' a•ra
othl ought to lm. outtard to tlat etttla ihr 0 1 .,. /1 All
yThr • • Loweate, , ettlarly "redrew,. to
taY ercau.h. to r,,,t 'or h. -tae Irrn the thr,....
uuJrr the•at t a, of rralorine net to th...
ut.rut t a good he nllll Atter Itario, horn at , o to
Epoora) to 11a wor•1 ham. tor niore ['nn t-rro
,earth nod na 011411111 r r,111 . 1K (.1.110, .•
ank acts Illg 1,1 1 / 1 11P to haven, t tohl
who Itna alliletee but to oral, tae wo,.
NI, .1 lau,llr), 1011,1,1,11w,,N 1 • •
I , r A. Illoss DI Drsarr. Htt•••-11,
who. 1A.,: Of the br , si
L. bo. ber, I, 1 , e , •b1,•,1 by 'II,. t,%.• tor the ,
hie Valraket. mut
twtst • -illitti,rl I,r,.arr
t hlaylitrfcr • ,11),V Pr1•111..1..
I, Nltila. Crawford Nati.). Pl{ Pko,V Vmg en
,1411t1. . ; ~ .„,,
een hori nalit rerri N‘ith and eriia
•tair On; a ur , 'Pr Ilan rr Fir r.
halh rehiared hint inunhird near. der •rr. re
ly ireed mat wra•: or nil di...a.,
I root thr Comote , ...
- V," [ O,l l to NI.. t- • 01. r. Doctor Ilarr. Aar,. for Ito. . •
V rgetab., etc cure te bpeen
ure 1•111.,110
in our e.l.tor.u. rota: toe pee .• • .
nor mrtfietne u eure Flulepst •••
Prue belleving it ot 1e...e ot Lll^
01100111,1 i and me, of • ... • • r
all ages have tote, tr. luc 101110001, . re.. •
dee.ase, but all Its. been vai. tot.t. te. p••
roettl 01 Ilan and we wo.“ now , ..•
tl. ..pter 110 tortger tnr the, .•et.e•
TH , ,MA,+ Mt ton Nt„,„
cutest, I thio. Agent. tor Doctor 4 r• • .1
Eltrael tor the cure of klptlepto.
Gentlemen—lt Is almost enpostutnn fo ,
e.gpress vrith what !mar le.t sat . .inetico Is la ob,. • .
tr,v hues In you. for the purp.e. of 11 00(11111, ..1
be Itenehetal ro.alts that havo been edge,' .••
use of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Eltretel.
Oil non, aged twelve Ivan, att, :e.en see•—• •
flteted ' , nth Y.plit.pee Fits. and won , uvu
the opkteon woo. he emild not herured
In one tr. het purniy.. he led . and tuutit.. lj .k• •tr,
called ,u Ur Milord. a.lncwarmlyet'. ru , ntat rt .
/ 0 -0, Ile inform I t • N• •
Itystent veu• very 1110th deranged. and
Icy. to eure 10111 Ittptlep,y, Ern ••:• .Is
were 011110 0 1 ...ruble. and pto • .•
hie eu , e woubl Cl,]) throwtsta money away
cobcd upon Dr f t ut,e, tniorrued
Je•ruse hod a...etted a throttle form, and it woo t,.
'tang time to rare lent a he could hr cured
He her ante worse and worse. 04.1 I torgs , • t
there was no rote for hint. aute I .aw tut ..•
meet ~f Dr Hart's Vegetable Extract ei one of our r
papers. errnfieates from person, who had ...
afflicted ft, hfreen. twenty. Ilerty and eve: . .••'e
year, and to health by no. use of the 1.1,1.1
I eat:ed a: your 'tore. nnol atter conversing 41.
Tltutna•. carat to the conclusion io par..., •
pat knee It done little or Ito good : thou,
wo try In to,/ mom tile use 01 wleca I ps: e.
untie Ittbe:benefit
Willi many wishe, toy dear .t r. for your 5a...,
.1, sale or Unit inirhty arnele,
I ani yours, with respect,
War F:. Pt.)hl ER. it
BA FA lINKS.TUCK Co in and wood, and aJto comer 616 and vir
u. arytt,
47111 ;