The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 14, 1848, Image 2

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1 VTIB LISHED " yams I: , 4 41*.
- - I' 11111111L41.11ut'
'alitrii3DAY MORNING, DEC. 14, ,ISIEL
m I
'' - Ati ctdite El.l l lXLVlNll JUILEB/m. I
s.end Bubee OßT
rigtiertsto the North Amer
ell4.Veiled flutes 011.1.61 A; PhilatlPh**.esived
cam. •
zutaw,auna pinzazusz..
Ileme ei *hie vatualkle , peps. .011 be reeeivel
- ' ADoTotwardedlltimthis aloe. •
; •-• sauessais.
‘elll trecelevreuedinenal'kee cepuee, le
taulsobrOPttoßafor *spoor•
pagellie Teiegzayhie teirs.
Viii.tibisailEattan see urn gaga
: 34101 , 114 " /T.
aworulerfal ant int tunne hilkat awe
• ..
ht ff 7s
048 ht.tootttli*Utlark Yot toomeetatte
ithizintr.4YerillllMll any year, muddy, in the
I , mihrtvetttzte 6tYWI. the morcereate - of agn
10 be - enzvded together, end errat fellows
oveettz.,mith .such sourzi4
t*i4itstestOrc t end pa Alpe thefaulties. Any
f- saga one of the great equals which have trarte
, • •
Plrope, within the kW ten months, wou Li
.hi ve made any year, or gnawer ofa lana
--4l*Yr. -4 ,4llo ,enrage:km of contarr.
eriebte , : h t b daata
1. -seut
•'-, , :ll3M,Oettroyed the effeettuyon the mind
itiao . olZe r .li* 41101030 a to produce.
4 r ;,11,ai the least seutartable et the strange o v en
1 ' 'I 'd ads yeai is the • dianivery of the vast deoa/a o f
.p.d Gold tad pv6attly the ultimate erects
aieMt - cf..`theHlear ." more in3Param ma tintd,
Jading van theybrie .eivilssed el*B.
• nlating ovideniecsowacle arm an to
• ac
=malty° no room' at dope es to the mist ireaatity,
' aiut ears golddepwites in the valley
itthe Sachitent4 and the , l3 "loan sbda to
' l 7
a+ the tjiara:
hie; the Tlicadei tann i n
• hew ilcheilhave come, add what'
ia g
161n ‘ ce hly i *l ne&wremble isupplwa of t ' the precious
Pit 7 • lava -• beetQddden from the saute:Wm gaze
or km ages.
What man *Sect this vast addition to the wandard of
farm will love upon the world, can only be left
••` • . The editor of vhe New Yosk
• that bee Wand &Mow of
' ••- '= •• * i n e ' ca l ima ,h 3
aialre4 ; • ol gold, will be takes from the Cah
• fmnie Maria; Within the nett bar years. Another
- lir thee an intelligent oSioes of the Navy .
' who' has been recently over the gold region
Cala:lnd& for the purpose of arcuniningtha matter
•thm°ughly stated that try the month of March we
shaltbe eecet v in g fr aTl. f:th ra , sAann per
, 118onth in gold Thin anew himself has a amok&
erableAnardity of the gold, which has reached N.
• Orleans, and other large amounts ha knows to be
. .on Oto *raj. The binzallau amMapondent of
lowland dG Aspinwall, writes that $lOO,.
000. Worth of gOld ban Nem received there, which
has been anasyed and pcmxl to be 22 to 231 urea
fine, erhish is as near as may be pore gold, tco
pure he coining°, mechanical pmpossa
• One offeci. of this gust increase d gold will
certainly be a decided change in the atandatd of
value. Gold will go donne, or in other words, real
entitle, and the various productions of human in,
dostry, will got*. It volt take more gold than be.
tree to roams a dog's labor, or a tombola wheat,
_Put 010 1_ add soy thing to tbo general swot
:ohttippitilio, Marta or pirrioal, In very ranch to
;be atottitol
A etutsidenble tiereametilf the tortes which ro.
.1" S r a: " tile '4 11 ' 4 " 4. "LW , I" lidttlithlll
f: •-b lei There has been &a soma'utile alma of cam
ir the increasing denten& of commerce, and if
deposit°, in , Celikinda should ma more than
'..:„.„:; l :"gaUdlree enough to keep the amply up to a healthy
" the discovery may prove a blessing.—
. 'Ttei great ;hinges in, that men, hiding to be rich,
'need* the sober and certain parade of lib
63r40a'siptscolOicu* end that Ludas of extrava
gance, idleness, ind dissipation will be end.
Our great distance from CalifOn4ll4 nod ditoral*
• ties of coronmnicalion, may prevent much of the
evil which would otherwise fall upon on bet br
• California itself we look upon these diacovenes as
egreat misfortune. The. twilit of trite improve
ment and crampons will be checked for years., and
a miserable population of miners, matey hams,
and speculators, will take the place of that hardy
yeomanry, which, in the permits *resat:Moire, the
mechanic arts, and cotruiteme, can only nide say
country waly peat and perataneralif wealthy.
Two singular fasts accompany this dim:Ovary—
, ,42 u.e IMMOblielY 114Mracclrat comma to
.the United States The other, the emistadeneot
Line of *osiers to Chaves, on the Latium
Darien, in comedic' n with the Pacific line few
Foam to San Francisco. By this ram als stud
aft atiosae 3n aim drys. The grld
--- *AB *cut rapidly find itrarayto the Aihuitie Stat..
ThcaZeivOilealliTh tOte . sonotmeitig the depot ,
tare of Gen.. Taylor float that city, to his home et
Haim House, has the 61krtinetg remarks:
-.Arremg his friends andittiMate anociates Gen.
Taylor does not avoid touching upon the subject
glnoblemdions use discreet
datinguthed brselfdiffuleamt. Hee:serene*
the hisruff thit Aid peg& driti6ll6 champ eats
asuesseereres in the administrstkel of the Govern
ment, and that theyelevated him-to odloe with •
view to po&Wil .Mora. More than once he has
decllt 'Unaffectedly, and honestly that be would
hare preHired the election of any other good, sub,.
mptial Whig. He Willed with emotions ofgraitude
Mite ...rote has received, and he never speaks
of lardsians, but with a kindling eye and • lace
suffused with pleasure. Of Kinard Fillmore, he
speaks in terms of high admiration and respect,
and regards Moir as a sound and trustworthy con
.grovative statesmen."
• We infer from this, titer there is email chance
for those office holders who are consoling them•
selves with the ides that Gem Taylor will make
no removakt If 'Old Zack' believes that the per.
plimiailign a dump of moo and wornoro, and that
they elected him for that purpose, he is the very
man who will carry out in good Intik the expressed
will of his vast constituency. •
The Delta gives a sprightly little speech of the
old tienerat's In reply to a remark that ha most
be much annoyed with applications for office.
'No' replied the old gentleman, with that pie.-
ant sadle arhiph *htattp his features when he is
laying the amiable, "I am not marred by them
bemuse they were to be expected. Let them
all send in their applkations, and in proper time
they will be duly considered. Some will have to
be appoi - Med and some disappointed, and those
that are disappointed will be no worm off than they
wens before. As Lir etyma I would give them all
office if I had them, for the offices belong to the
people, whose servant 1 am. Be be added "they
will all have robe patient, and wait till 1 act Pre.
sidem befoosl can sin upon their ap• .pheations. In
• February I shall pay a viten to florid friend, Gov.
Crittenden, thence to Washington, where I shall
be happy to see ill of you whenever you visit the
capital?' The /Macau:of this little speech prod°.
red a greater effect than the mast cunningly non.
committal discourse of the most skillful politician.
YOAX 4 03301:12,741cif toiniZanDrTins eon
. ,
temPlaned imptevenient, designed to connect Bal
ite:se with the Pennsylvania aidhoed, we learn
&on the Beni:wore Patriot, meets with peat favor.
AbOpt elie fourth of the necessary means is already
sulocribed, and the prospects of seceniog the re.
gitaindsr arehighly, !tattering, the Patriot rags:
Lasteserritirtnattgeollsmen of known ability, smith ,
er of them owing cheek in our any offered sack a
subscription of ssoo—in sue eighteen
could be gifted to Join in the proposition, end
thit a third peril haegone to work to roue the re.
quinine num. We now Owl satisfied that this
work will be built, and we hail with pleasure this
--- evidence of the resuscitation of the public vim of
our city.
PrIMIIITLVAMI Itsnsou.—The grit bur miles
en this important work, from Efarrishorgn writ
being complete, the enterprising nnelr , "°^ ,
Masts. Consmare and Quigly, yesterday placed a
locomotive and five large can on the section and
took. trip over the ban miles and back. The cars
ware Ailed to emus, by the members tithe Elec
toral College, stranger. and citizens to the number
of several hundeds, who were present by invitatton
of the contractors. We have sot room now to
speak in derail of the importance of this great work,
and the merits of this particular section, but can
oily my then in our opinion, and in the opinion of
all who wticipated in the ride, en far as we beard
an et d, the work has been admira
bly dons and if the whole mot is completed in the
some manner, it will compare very fifirorably with
any in the country. The bur miles on oar return,
vine nun in shout ten minutes.
We shall probably have more to say on rhe
Immeher , —Proa latelligessam.
Arsis l : 9 . ll th ' say' El rpre f se th' T ab Vbe i r l'.
a ny ' bith:cin:ens of run COCZY fterpc c tinily . "' lts
celtsibly seems to forbid my °kebob by CM 41:4111. ^
Croes Troth% raticle of yesterday
Now, Mr. Editor, I would ask, if it lannoanstim.
doted to make Hamihon County two eleetias dis
tricts, is uopnstitnttonal to make two counties das
nprim a i l i dias aerie, aa it is In theme cif Adams
and Pike and several other counties in Ohio!
Arrheocentinition of Ohm.
CALLOOOOIa- - We orodonto4d two Obi.
*Odic* pries ors *heady framed la this clty,kr
Ito 'ola.n/11l Gold - mem 41 PeCa tb Out
to "1; IWO
WAillinglairfari s . , • •
AAP!! 'keit' Aliiaamaarma,
&d we ek l
sibourned corer toed* day. 8 °
8 i4' 40811111 8 of interest has been done in either
branch, and I take it kw granted uMill be several
weeks, before the proceedings will were any um-
The city hark so fa presented an tumidly anri
mated .appeariustric the number of members to
attendance being quite full, sod all, or at least with
very air exceptiden, seeming to be In the enjoy
ment of good health and spirits.
The ciangrianlaticom of each other, by the Whig I
members, on the favorablo result of the den.
Oat election, as you may well imagine,have been
magi hearty; and unless I am very much mistaken,
the delightof the muses of the people, from the
same cause, all over the comae!, is squally great.
I have, kir a number of years, been an observer of
the effort produced here, by the molt of important
elections, and I assure you, on no prevails* ocmi•
sion, have I witnessed more satisfaction at, or •
more general acquit:Bence in an event of this tort,
than now. Gen. Tayloy will eater upon his new
sphere of duties, with the good wishes, not only of
the majority of the people who supported him, lint
also, I am sure, of many who did not vote for hum
but who are disposed rearing to yield to the popu
lar verdict, and to do justice to his Adminiura•
The President's message does not command
much attention, except from those whose business
it is, to glorify all his acts, and whose party preju.
dices am so peat as to let them see nothing but
perfection in all that emanates from their own pa,
ty, and nothing but evil in what is done by tbeiv
opponents. It is very evident Polk intended to
make an Impression upon the country, at the close
of his trekaal career, and has labored hard to give
his message an imposing character. In this he ha s
totally failed. The fact Is, be is a small man, a
third rate politician, with much more of the cunning
of the demagogue, than of the originality and
grasp of mind of the true statesman. Hence
the impossibility of pillOr 631 th anything
the shape of elmemute, however couch he
might labor to do so, that would command the
attention of the nation, and inspire any degree of
respect for his talents and political wisdom.
I doubt whether much general legislation will be
done at the present session. The slavery question
no doubt will come op again, in connexion with the
saltiest of establishing Territorial Governments in
California and New Mexico. The general wish
swan to be, that bills providiag der such govern
menus should be passed, and that the slavery
question, shoudd be speedily and finally settled.
The Tariff question will of course be agitated.
Your able representative, Mr. Hampton, has ekes •
dy moved in the matter. On the third day of the
' session he rose in his place, for the purpose of vv.
ing notice of his intention to introduce a bill, at some
subsequent day, to repeal the Tariff of 'O6 sad to
restore the tariff of '42. The notice, however, was
not entertained, on account of itsteing objected to
by some fastidious member, who contended -
the miles did not allow the notice to be ; van at
that early period of the session. I douht very
much whether such ■ bill can be carried through
Congress; for to say nothing of the °bantams it
would meet with in the House, the Senate mei
constituted would hardly pass it Be the prospects
however, what they may, of effecting an mime.
diate change in the present Tariff law, you may
rest muted, that your representative and other
Whig members from your State, will spare no cf
kegs to bring about a modification of the present
system. There is no doubt also, that if the main
katures of the Tariff of '42 are not re-enacted ai
the present session, it will be done ultimately,
and thus the interests of Pennsylvania, and
the welfare of the whole country duly cared Mr .
The people of your region are fortunate in
having Mr. Hampton as theierepresentative in the
present emergency, whose vigilance, real and
ability will edible bile to effect an much as it is
possible for any one to do, under the same circum
stances. Having alluded to him in this connexion,
I cannot forbear to say further of hint, that as a
member of Congress. lie IS a credit to the roastit.
none,' that elected him, and an honor to the body
in which be occupies a seat. He possesses quali
ties and abilities which eminently fit him fir the
station be fills The fact is, fee' menders combine
in themselves, to the same extent as himself, the
essentials of an efficient and useful representative.
Fine talents, the feeling and bearing of a gentleman,
great energy and industry are his prominent char
acteristics, and they give him a popularity and
weight here, surpassed I assure you, in very few
Tie totainess of cabled making continues to be
prosecuted here, with a great deal of vigor, by the
politicians. Speculations are indulged in on all
hands, and every one almost, is ready to give Gen.
Taylor advice on the subject. He is rot likely,
however to give much weight to their counsel. It
seems to be conceded, that glorious old Penney!.
vanin is entitled to a cabinet office, and though not
a citizen of that State, I say she is entitled to any
thing she may ask for. It affords me pleasure to
see so strong a &cling manifesting itself, not only
here; bin in various other quarterrof the country,
in favor of the Hon. Andrew Stewart, of your
State, for the Treasury department Mr. S. may
be emphatically styled the wheel horse of Toy
lorism, and having contributed as much, if nix
more, than any other individual to the success of
the Taylor cause, hie appointment would not only
being in itself, but would, without doubt, give
great satisfaction to the masses who supported the
old Chief I hope, therefore, to see him taken into
the Cabinet, not only on account of hie services in
the cause, but also because his eminence and
ability as a 'Bteitaman, would make him a good
officer, and enable him to oontnbute essentially to
the success and popularity of Gen. Taylor's ad
ministration. Theca Sam
Every paper we open, teems with accounts of the
wonderful discoveries in Califinnia,Svold, Gold it
the burden of every article, of every letter, and of
every conversation If the acommte are not great.
ly exaggerated , the quantities discovered
must effect the price of the article as a standard of
value, and gold will become as cheap at in the
days of Spanish glory. In addition to the extract
we gave yesterday from the report of Col. Mason.
we present the 631k:owing extract of a letter to the
North American, dated.
Mormarr, Amts Cauros.3l
August 29, 1948.
"Maass. EDIToSts and important diocese.
ries are made evey day in the gold region—lnstead
of being confined to one stream, as was at first sup
posed, it has already been found on the banks of
five, and in many dry ravines, where the water
Bows only during the rainy season- These streams
take their rise in the chain of mountains winch
rums North and South through California, and are
tributaries of the Sacramento. The discoveries
extend already two hundred miles North and South,
and some seventy East and West.—The strong
probability is, that the entire chain—at least five
hundred mile. of it—is richly impregnated with
gold. The ore has been found in the deepest val•
leys_and on the highest the bottom of mea
dow streams and an mountain chin., where only the
eagle has been accustomed to pay his visits. It is
Inexhaustible. As an evidence of Mis s ive fad w•
be sufficient Seven men, with their Indiana, worth
ins on Feather river, took from a spice measuring
two hundred yards by twenty, two hundred and
aventy.five poundsof gold.
It is difficult to ascertain with much precision
what the gold hunters average a day,per man. But
I can date this fact. I here met • great many of
them, and not with one whose daily average was
elf 10117 as twenty dollars; and some, it is well known,
have averaged, for a week or mouth, over a hun
dred dollars a day, and this without employing any
Indians or engaging in triage. When a man Ands
he is gathering only his eighteen or twenty dollars
a day, he change* his locality and looks up a richer
spot. From all the facts I can gather on the subs
Jett, I emu: believe that the white men now at work
in the mines average each about forty dollars a
A man who has done considsoble team work
the me, wait to the mines engaged In dravringsand
fur othas from a dry spot to the stream, wane the
d might be washed out; he reseived sixteen dol
tars the load, and drew Ave loads a day,quit it,
and went to working on his own hook and more
than doubled his earnings. I know a little boy„who
is twelve years of age, who has been at the mina
forthe lad two mont hs, and who has made his
twenty dollars a day during that:time, with no otto
er machinery than a little wooden bowl. I know
a woman, *rho took ha teastray, went to the mines,
squatted down on „one of the streams, and In six
days worked out her two battled dollars of gold.
Bhe said she should have worked out more. bat she
=rata of her time in thinking about her
- • •
The UM:oft American is lode •-• to • -11..
4 Feigintredaing at San Francisco, in Califccreia,
bra copy of the "Polynesian," published at HOOD.
1•111, the capital of the Sandwich Islands. which
contains =Pe interesting hams respecting the gold
mines of California. We copy/tom h thelhatm"
111000 Ma of a trip to the Mines made'! ens of
the neeisistllar golden treasure:
• .Prom San Francisco, our road lay tiniest the
Talky of the Pueblo to San • did•••••,01
thaws 60 aglow A lovedier cOesery eye of oda.-
nava gesed on--the keel. plain %% 1 10117.
matt* anititgawers of every itnitiiteee 'earit
and there Alga streams, tiagetbei-avith the tattle
,on the thatuattd hills,' presented ti beautiful:pie.
taza, "Ali thireru wanting in nag mind to heig biea
the area, lad indeed without which I thought it
hicoinpline, was a number of snug Hera England
farm-house scauered along the ' end embo
somed in the trees near the toed, the "village
church" should pierce the clouds with its glisten
ing spire; instead of which a short that, in the road
brought in in sight of the dingy tile covered mis
sion of Saint Clara. The mad leads from this to
San Joaquin, which we forded and passed on to
Butter's Fart, through • country of greet richness,
and apparently capable of supporting an immense
population. Set not a human being win to he
seen; rancheros and all bad been deserted, and
Americana Californians and Indians had all gone
to the "gold diggings." On arriving at Sutter's,
however, we found at the Fort • young Manchese
lea The blacksmith, the turner the carpenter,
and indeed mechanics of every trade, are actively
engaged at their vivant.' millings ; and all aiming at
one grand object, via the means of washing the
gold at the mine., which are some 40 miles above
the Fort.
After leaving the Fort we passed along the booki
of the "American Fork," as this branch of the Sa
cramento is called, and soon commenced ascend
ing the hills which stretch out from the base of the
great Sierra Nevada. About noon we stopped to
prepare a cup of coffee and partake of a lunch.
and while the fire was being kindled, one of oar
party dipped up a tin cup Nl' of the gaud from the
bed of the little brook which ran gurgling Put ,
washed it, and at the bottom found some four or
five pieces of gold. This was our first attempt at
gold digging. About sunset we arrived at the
saw mills of Capt Sutter, where the gold was first
discovered while digging the mill race. We had
ridden over gold, silver, platten and iron mines
some 25 or 30 miles, and over a road too, where
a city cab could travel with ease and perfect
safety, and through a country blooming in dower.
and sparkling with springs.
Should I relate to you all that I have been told
in regard to the mines since I arrived (but a kw
hours) I ant fearful you would think the savor
fishy: As near as I can ascertain, there are about
one thousand white men engaged in gold digging
thus far. The term "white man" is used in con.
tradistinction to "Mormon." These lot named
fanatics, with the sly Brennan at their head, are
quite numerous, having laid claim to a large pro
portion of the gold region, demanding 30 per cent.
of the ore from all persons digging thereon. This
Cut will undoubtedly lead to trouble and perhaps
bloodshed. Those of the "while men" who have
last arrived fiom the sea coast have stated their
determination not to pay any per centage, and
swear that whatever has already been paid ' shall
be "choked out"
Brannan. This disinterested
an., when last at San Francisco, arranged all
his affair. and pasted receipts with every one with
whom be had business, stating with a very length
ened phis, that perhaps he should not survive to
return, as the miners had threatened to shoot him,
bat that duty urged him onward.
Thus far the gold has been obtained in the most
primitive manner, by washing the earth lade pans,
Wooden bowels, Indian baskets, fkia. The aver
age I sin told has been $l6 per day for each man
engaged, and the deeper the soil is dog the richer
it become. One man obtained over $3O in one
washing—say 15 minutes. I was told by an old
miner that not more than one half of the gold is
secured in the present rude careless way of work.
ins. With a proper machine and the use of quick•
silver, double the amount could be taken from the
same soil. The largest amount taken by one per
son in one day was 5200. The pieces are of an
extraordinary sine, the largest weighing half an
ounce. The mountains have bees explored on
every side and gold kited on every creek. It is
the opinion of all, that 30 or 40,000 persons could
'could be profitably employed on the ground now
explored. Nor is gold the only mineral discovered
here. Flamm bar been fiend in one place in
some considerable quantity, and very extensive
mines of silver ore haire recently been discovered
with in five miles of the saw mill, and are said to
be very rich. Iron is also abundant, and will pay
about 55 per cent,
The richness of the soil in the immediate neigh•
borbood of the mines is moat astonishing. Farms
can he made in every direction that will feed all
the miners that can be employed. The climate is
found to be very healthy sad free from the chilly
winds that howl around the sea mut- The gran
He of the mountains is said to be equal to the
celebrated Quincy. and a beautiful quarry of mar
ble has been discovered on the Conmmcuy river.
specimens of which will before many years adore
the front of public beilihogs in your doer:stung
.The cry is still they come." While writing
this, two men have NM arnved from a valley some
five or six soden distant bringing With them two
hundred and filly dollars worth of gold obtained in •
five days.
The Sen Fennel.° Star, alluding to the excite*
went produced by the gold fever, says—
Every seaport as far south ss Ssn Diego, and
every interior town, and nearly every rancho, from
the base of the mountains in which the gold has
been found. to the Mission of San Luis .oath, has
became suddenly drained of human beings—
Amencans, Californians, Indians and Sandwich
Islanders., men, women and children, Indiscnos , -
nately. Should there be that stance. which Mss
repaid the efforts of those employed for the last
mouth, during the present and next, an many are
sanguine in their expectation, and we confess to
unhesitatingly believe probable, not only will it
witness the depopulation of every town, the dew,.
lion of every rancho, and.the desolation of the once
promising crops of the country, but it will also
drew largely upon adjacent territorma—everdre So
nora, and call down upon us, despite her Indian
battles, a great many of the good people of the.
We have, by every launch from the embanesdeve
of New 'Helvetia returns of enthusiastic gold seek
ers—heads of families, to effect the tn.:int.: 4,o i..
of their households to the scene of their succeed&
labors, or others, merely return to more fully equip
themselves Err n protracted, or perhaps, permanent
stay. Spades, shovels, picks, wooden bowls, ins
di. baskets, for washing, ege-, find ready purcha
sers, and are very frequently disposed of at .or•
bitaut prices.
The gold region, so called, thus far explored. is
about one hundred miles in length and twenty in
width. These imperfect explorations contribute to
establish the certainty of the Flamm extending
much farther South, probably three or lour Mons
dred miles, este. have before anted,.where it is
believed to terminate about a league North of the
point at which it was first discovered.
There is an area explored within which a body
of 50,000 men can advantageously labor without
maliciously interfenng with each other.
In another place it is said— •
The Mormons have laid claim to a large Tor ,
Lion of the territory and demand a per tentage of
the ore taken therefrom. An express has been
sent to the Salt Lake settlement, where about 10.-
000 Mormons are located. There is a rumor that
equally nth mines have been discovered in that
region, and that the Mormons encamped there MC
engaged in mining operations. If this be not true
the whole Mormon dome will probably muster nod
come to the Sacramento for the purpose of digging
The Washington Intelligencer say,—
The following letter, received at this office, of
later date and of no less authenticity than any let.
ter which has yet met our eye on the subject, is I
enough to shake, but not entirely remove, 001 in
credulity as to the brilliancy of the prospects of
the gold banters in Calffiarnis
ALTA Caurromis.
Movricary, Aug. 29, PIPS.
Messrs. GAL= &. Searon The gold excite.
meat has precipitated all California on the mine..
The discoveries that are made, and the quantity
of gold taken out, throw fiction into shade; and I
cast Alladm's lamp into distances There are now
about three thousand persons, whites and in dans at
at work in the mines. They get out, at the lowest
computation, over a million in gold per month,
and this quantity will, in all probability, be doe].
led by the time this letter reaches you; for Oregon,
the Sandwich Islands, and the new emigration
will be down upon us.
In the meantime we have very little coined
money in California. and this gold IS sold et an Im•
mense sacnfice to keep this little in circulation.—
The gold has been thoroughly auayed, and proved
to be over twenty three and a half carats fine;
and yet many who get it out are breed to pert with
it at ten dollen the ounce, heavy weight -4 lose
to theni of nearly one half their earnings Nor is
this all. This grain gold must find a mint and a
market, and goes for this purpose by hundreds of
thouaands lo Mexico, Peru, and Chili, ,where It is
coined, end where it is lost to the metallic basis
is our own national currency. This evil can be
remedied only in one way, and that is by sending
as out a United States Mat; and this should be
dime with as little delay an possibbs
The Washington Union says—
Among the specimens of the mineral wealth of
California which were brought to Washington on
Thursday; by Lietm Icieser, were some grains of
metal supposed to be plaints, one of the heaviest
of metals; and also a neb sbeciroen of cinnabar. or
the ore of quicksilver; (very heavy.) They are
transmitted to the mint, with the gold of California
also to be submitted to enalysis Some suppose
that the quicksilver mine of Calannis may prove
more valuable even than its placers of gold.
The New York Tribune says:
A very intelligent otticer of the Navy, who has
been recently over the entire gold region of Call.
forma, for the: purpose of examining the matter
thoroughly, stated to day, that by the month of
March we shall be receiving from California three
millions per month in gold. This officer himself
has • considerable quantity of the gold, which has
reached New Orleans, and other large amounts he
knows to be on the way. The Masatlen cones.
poadent of Messrs. Howland & Aspinwall, writes
that $lOO,OOO worth of gold has been received
there. which has been assayed and proved to be
Z! to 231 mums One, which is as near es may be
poses. too pure far coining or mechanlcal par.
This thct sets at rest the doubts about the
genuineness of the metaL
The specimens of gold sent by the War depart
ment to the Mint at Philadelphia, are pronounced
to Im 'l/51u:tine,"
An way o(Californis add, wade in New York
proved it ID be 2li canon fine.
M n earnest ion with this subject we take the Cols
gwing i amereerilveraels advertent and landing
at New Twk and other mate or . that have soled
Re the coast of Clathiamis within the last six weeks
boa the Commential Advertiser. We may men•
tina that emend ardor italaphluive- been chat
twed by Governinent to take oat Wawa, motes,
STELlll24,4ldifofllit, Forbes, about Oct. 7; Pas.
lune, Oreurfortl, Dec. I , Omen, Pommel, Dec. 8.
./3stra—Jobs W. Certeedixr, .hoot Oct. 19;
TOW* Dendeff, Nov. FasosiTorresier, &seed*
Nov. 14 ; Henri Nesmith, Ultser, Nov. 17 ;
de Prase, Sidit, 19th ; Pendheoo, [barrel Coral,
&I; (barque) Gelman, Nov. 20; and soma
haltaaseo vessels ft= Boston, Salem and Bahl.
The ship Sea Queen, Manson, fur California, and
the brig Sammento; (late U. S. ketch Stiumbolo,)
Wilhelm', are to sail to-day; the& is partly loaded
with GovernmeM stores, and the Be* Queen is to
take out a detachment of two hundred and thirty
men belonging to the 11. S. infantry,under the cow
mend of Minor Miller.
The barque John Benson, will mil to-day for Chi..
gm.. She takes out n number of passengers, who
will go overland to Panama.
Ships Albany,Shennan anon, Ekerman ; Mass
sachusetts, Samson; Walpole, Cotter; Orpheus,
Freemen ; Fkirenee, Bright ; Cristoval Colon, Coale,
and brig Leverett, hot.
The barque John W. Coffin cleared at Boston, a
few days ago, with a large assorted cargo valued
el 6311,000 ; her manifest was about two pulls long:
and we hewn from the Boston Journal of last even. ,
ing Mat three others are fitting Opt.
One of the vessels loading at Baltimore will
take out nothing but dour.
From the Boston Traveller of last evening we
copy thekrllowing:
Gott, Bor.:ea—A .meettng was held at the
Hanover House, last evening, for the purpose of
forming a company to dig gold in California. A
large number of persons were present. Charles
Brett was elected chairman, and W. B. Farwell.
secretary, and a committee was chosen to report
on the matter of organizing such an expedition, to
an adjourned meeting to be held at thettatue place
at 7 o'clock this evening. The plan of the orginators
of the meeting is that each member of the company
Anil furnish .5.500, and that a ship be chartered
and stocked with the proper materials for mining,
provisions, be. The number wanted is one hun
The Plymouth Rock given currency to a report
hat a band of adventurers are about to nail from
that place.
In addition to the above, the steam ship Falcon ,
Copt Thompson, which 101 l New York on the Ist of
December, is to form one of the line to Chagres to
nnect with the Pacific line nerou the Idhcou
of Thrien; the consort of this vessel will leave this
port about the 25th instant. She is called the
Isthmus..We copy the following from a New York
paper; it describes the moat direct route to
As the I. S. mail steamers will scan form a
monthly line form New York to San Francisco
via Cliques and Panama, we have made some
inquiry in relation to the Journey across the Isthmus.
The whole distance is sixty mihm, forty of which
is up the Chartres river, and is performed
atoms; the balance of twenty miles is done on.
mules; the whole journey takes about two days-
We understand that the steamboat Oron has been
purchased at this port, and will be placed perma
nently on the Chagrin neer in connection with the
mail steamers, and thus will reduce the journey
time across to sea to ten hours.
Aunt y of the Young Men. , Bible
Society of Pittsburgh,
Was held in the Pint Presbyterian Church (1/r.
Herron's) on Monday evening, November 77th.
R. E. Sellers, President of the Society, called
the meeting to order.
Rev. J. P. McLaren commenced the CI erCia.
by reading the 55th chapter of Isaiah.
Rev. Samuel Fulton engaged In prayer.
The annual report, also the Treasurer's end
Librarian's reports were read.
After the reading of the reports the meeting was
favored with interesting addresses from Rev. Mr.
Preeten, Rev. Dr. Cou It and Rev. Mr. Bonhomrue,
the converted Jew.
A collection was then taken tip for the benefit
of the Bible carom.
Benediction by Rev. Dr. Herron.
Anneal are the reports, hat of managers, air.
cers, &c., to which the Society direct the earth.
attention of the public.
On this ocoasion, the Board of Managers of au
Young Men's Bible Society, offer their 3leg attar
'rt •
'hirtyone years have paned away stare the
xiciety was organised. Ilunng this period re
markable changes have taken place in the ...-
commencers of our city and her population the
Pittsburgh of Ibl 7 would appear as a areall coun
try town compared with the Pittsburgh of
In the year Ibl 7 this society was organised, tad
dunng all that length of time the object tim been
invariably the time. If there wit destitution oi
the Bible then, how much greater mum it be now ,
If there was need of effort then, bow much greater
is flow required' We need not Bauer ourselves
with the redection that the Bible Society increased
as efforts us the city inereaard in population—am
ie not the case. We cannot say that moral dark
nem has been dispelled—that spiritual destitution
has been supplied m wain ag discovered. On the
contrary. you. Who compose this society, and we,
your Board of Managers. must, when we review
we out. acknowledge that we hove not done our
duty, that we have not increased in good work.
a. our city increased in extent and population.
The evil spirit is far in advance; we are far be
hind. The Prince of Darknew occupies a high
ground mid maintain. bin position with a powerful
resistance. Do you ark why has he the edvao.
tagei The question is easily answered—sutictent
interew has not been felt In the Bible (muse.
The object ut our OrgllUl2lo.oa I. still a great
and noble OEM; it contemplates all that Is pill.
and benevolent. Its design is still to furnish in.•
mortal twinge %lib -ohm that will open tot= ear
they journey through this "vale of tOllll, a
hghtful view of the realms above—to point the
sinner to Christ. the Saviour of mankind, showing
him the way of salvation through his sacrifice.
Often has the object of the Young Mess Bible
Society been presented to Christi. audiences.
Often has the Christian community been invited,
nay, entreated to come up EU • 'the work of the Lord
ageing the mighty." and not altogether in vein, tar
tummy have come, but there are thousands in this
city who have not. Once more then, we dame to
lay before you the objects of this Society. It is the.
-distribution of the Sacred Scnptunis in Pittsburgh
and in such comities of Weripru
are unable to supply themselves with the word of
God." The object is simple and easily undercoat
The command comes te us all. Let no one In
this community or the western counties of Penn.
sylvania he without a Bible. Furnish it at a price
ma small that the poor may be able to buy—bestow
it cheerfully without price to any who cannel
purchase. Let the whole community be with
excuse. but especially let the religions community
and the Young Men's Bible Society be withont
reproach. Here is the substance of the whole
matter—for this purpose the Young Men's Bible
Society was organized—for this purpose it now
Before proceeding to details we ask your aurae.
non to our mode of operation. Every peruse
contributing annually to the funds of the Society
becomes a member. Any person contnbuting
tom one tune 510 beeping, a life member, and a torts
tnbution of 521) makes a hie director. The Board
of Manager. is composed of two representatives
from each church ropreaented. No church is ex
cleded—all are invited. 21 churches and 11
denominations are represented in this Board. The
Manager, confine their collections to their several
churches. They call on their own members and
depend on them entirely for a generous support of
the Bible cease. Should any one forget that they
are members of the Young Men's Bible Society
and coninbute to another, they cannot expect
their Manager, to give a favorable report from the
church to which they belong. It le the tinny of the
member. of all the churches interested in the
prosperity of the Society to wall until their Mans.
gees make their annual visit. If you do this, then
your Bible Society will e'eve that support which
it so nobly deserve*. Then will it show a sum
collected worthy of the cause. Then will your
Board of Managers feel that they have been re
warded he their disinterested labors.
We now invite your earnest attention to what
the Young Men's Bible Society have been doing
during the pant year.
In the month of July it was determined on to
explore the city, to seek out the destitute, and to
place a Bible in the bands of all who could.resd,
and were willing to buy or receive one as a gift.
For ibis purpose, Mr. James A. Irvin, one of the
Managers of this Board, was appointed as We
agent of the Society. The necessity for this sirr
ration was known to he great, and Mr. a'.
report shows that it was not over estimated, but
on the contrary, that the work in much more
important than we were aware of An abatmot of
Mr. Irvin's report will show you that this is sprat
work in which we have been engaged, antrnay
we anl e bope for great results?
The number of fumiliea visited,
" Bibles sold, 812
a Testaments sold, (45
Bibles bestowed, 395
' " Testamente " 174
Whole number of Bibles and Testaments
said and given away, 1639
Number of familes destitute of the Bible, 401
Supplied of this number by sales, '7l
gratuitously, 339
In addition to the above, three Gantiben
were found without the Bible, too
poor to bay one, and unwilltug to re.
ceive it as a gift.
Amount of cash received from sales by Mr
Irvin, $513 11
By refenng to this report of our persevering
agent we discover that there ta much destitution
of the Bible in our very midst; that there are Min
i ;redo who are too poor to boy a Bible, and that
there are loony glad to purchase it when, it is
' offered Were you to hear Mr. Irvin describe
some of the scene. which ho witnessed, - and In
which he himself was an actor, you could not help
thinking in your heart—perhaps it would. be the
expression of your lips—that the Bible camel is a
gkuiows one, and worthy of a liberal suppo r t.
The steamboats have been supplied by . . Mr.
Cuthbert, who has been laboring In this mound*
sphere for some years.
The canal boats have alio heart furnished with
the word of life.
From the report of the Librarian, you will &SI
serve that 2160 Bibles end Testaments have been
sold and distributed gratuitously. The Tretuntrer's
repoit shows that the Society is in a prosperous
condition. The amount raised this yell: g o:Wail
buttons and sales was 111323 Id, ex laut
year's efforts by $6OB 45. Much more, however,
s wanted—we have only commenced to work. #
Our city, whose Christian reputation ia maned.
iuxlt good, Is nevertheless a flallied Said of wid o ,
edelesa Here every than of sicellottriabess-i1
weds no cilium—it grows up aponiuneonstr—its
Gait I. patnfully abundant—it has no autumn when
It may be gathered and destroyed. "It has all sass.
swop: its MTh." and midi .the =sit
,> 44trADR00144 11 , ...Anirir•
aderounea ant 1111Ceiiiag.281:818 to ?Meld il A c inBMIAIVNASLP Ut r ni, ' b =
•Preadog hb 3 the'peettleaes *2041 ewe* He m"ntha 121, telt? qb, -irqs , "
veBlllave Ow priVilegetof 'attending the parttime foe the
whoie neuou Nn scholars urea for half ittueruf•
and corner of, tNe land. The mate obtkelli Dieu, Pabscriptions to di: tartlet r 3 " l" ' ere ' r
should be tO wed labored IWO this field. Sea seholarc,duin ti re mi so a e
thew with the 1311 e, let Its precionstruelts be read Ibe non attendance, for r:, not sibol.n. Ilk I'd.'
by a li who .211 teed . Tbe ettenlatian end toadies a g i nmi dm enholars, 13. Any scholar tor one canner
of God's book by this community would fill every
church with pious members; every eabbeth wheal The o , t eermay me ad., , s in b e meter Wstrung
with immure end &Three whets" and our city and the Polka, tree of Charge.
wltt, good morale , The crying urn or the present APPlk•boti for tleudemeri s tickets for the Panics
The Bade can &mak the day are Sabbath desecrate:4l and drunkenness. .." b.....1e to A B e•rionsu Mtn ao Uekete wlil b.
randy fi . the . I,od at the door rhe object of arrangement win
I be ePpneciated by thew enshung to he meeieet ammo
evils. In it God speaks lorth in tones of thunder ey e
to the ca.rekiss and wicked. 'When his spout , No Ladino' betels win be granied after the firer par
,ieevee on t h e trou bl e d oretero the angry waves are ty to any gentleman, subseriber or *choler, except to
MM. an old scholar et A II 'a No children admitted ex-
Your Board of Managers have closed these yearly Z:5 t ,,,:ft," . 1 . 4 , Z. , ... l ::c ir ober. No Lady will h. oil.llt
service, but they have not finished the work. much This ale will he strictly enforced, to order to keep
is yet to be done. On the new Board devolves out same who wood not he mood Therefore, thene
our duties; and feeling confident that God will Ladies loglecong to bring with than their tickets will
bless the efforts of the Young Men's B ib l e Society, b disappointed, and tlie) to bear On blame, ss •B .
determined not to ho caned froze is dunes to the
we cheerfully surrender our trust moo to attend the door
Fineman/ Report of Young Mans' BTUs Sonery, , P...u.r. P...'t, arty ...0.,/ In "lid For
fur the Year ending N ev . rhA, 1848. pairtteulars, arm') 1.1 A B .
Glentlenonal tickets for the erelong will be hooted
D. to twenty.
To balenec per Oat annual report,
fund* in New York, V • Parma for gait.
do Philadelphia, Ili Tate: subscriber effete for sale a farmnikaik
moo Peters ted se Pers tolonahip, Washtnirton=
county, Pa., adj./tom; lands of Joaeph
Mon, widow M. Loney, heirs of Win. Watson and
others, containing 150 acres, 12miles from Pittsburgh.
on the road leading from thenceocece to Pigeon Creek meet
ing house, and 7 mile. east of Canonsbergh, on winch
is erected a large iwo story brick house, containing
four rooms on each floor, and a largtvitall well finoh
nal, a new frame bank barn, fifty feet by thloyonx,wlth
stabling under for horses and cows, together with all
other necessary out betiding., • young orchard Cl ap
ple and peach trees, all grafted, with asndleiency el
umber and meadow land , and limestone In abundance
The land ts of excellent quatio, alibi gran., being well
calculated for a stock farm, with water In every field
It is convenient to reboot houses and churches of du
Orion danoretuatunia, and also to excellent steam mill,
and coal looks For ones and information, Incour
if Edward Wright, on the pram:use., or the aubsenbe
coigne the farm adjoining
Collection al last tonal meeung,
Cotanbutione at do to make 40 00
the meaken Life Divectora,
Cash from the !Renegers representing the
following Chortles:
Ist Presbyterian, 140 00
3d do RI 50
5d do fa 30
4th do 25 Mi
sth do 17 Wr
Cumberland do On 90
Liberty Rtreet Methodist Episcopal, 155 44
Prnithfield st, do do 13 ou
Birmingham do do 22 01
Fiab lil Inlet Methodist Protestant, 11 00
English Imtlierau, 10 00
' Borman do 0 00
Aesociate Prosbylcnan, 1$ 15
Ist Moo. Ref'd do 51 50
RI do do 17 00
St. Andrew., MI HO
Ist Reformed Pre.hytenast, 10 00
Asbury Chapel,
Weldon do , 600
10 00
—731 04
To Librorion for book• told,
By cub expended m purehnse of Rtblor
and Testanieni• per bills, 1,497 12
Freights from Philadelphia, 541
10 55
FAchange and discount,
Appropnauou to supply Crmbria and
Venting° counties,
Agent's salary . for exploring the est y,
Minute , Book, 2 40
Sexton and Messenger, II on
Balance, oash on hand,
in Neve York,
I:1 Philadelphia,
To balance in available means, 197 14
/AMES M. BROWNE% Treuurer.
Account of Mies .d Testament, received, do.
need and sold, from Dec. 1941 to Dec. 1949
ON WAD 1 , 141. LAIR 11.2,01 t T.
Largo Engllah Eitblea
Small do do ......
German do
Engluh Testamarkla
German. &c.,
BlNct La. In7OllT.
Rtr'sl Dona./ t Add On kalui
Eaghsh 8M1e5....2124 1035 1099
German do .... 292 St 115
Welsh do .... 31 14 17
English testament 2574 1001 - 1573
Welsh do 1(M 20 SO
fiO32 2160 1 8 7
It.. A. CUNNINGHAM, Librarian.
Mr. J. A Irvin, agent of the Society, related riome
interesting facts connected with the expkiratiun of
the city.
ID- We mytte the attention of our readers to the
advertisement of Meld:met, & Pryor's Flys
peptic Cordial, in ko-day's paper No medicine has
been °demi for *ale in tbs• community, the advertising
of which has a's veal us ao touch sauslaehou as the one
aaroeil It ts • most valuablepneparattott, as every
ono retie has heed it ...Lb testify The Dy•pepur Cor
dial it recommended by same o( the ablest OhYsr... o
thi• state se all Arnele which should ba kept in eve
ry fatally Milieu,' with Dy•pepsta, layer Complains.
.•tr h I Ir adaebe. Nervou• AO - actions, Extreme Debility.
Eileurimmii .41 maim. atfoetton• Road Ms adv.,
tosement &eta-wit
Religious Not We.
An +Yearned mantra, or the I.alies or the Evangel
real Churches of the ernes or Allegheny and Pittsburgh
will he held at the Thad St. Presbyterian Church. or
Lir Riddle. thr• Arburaday)•vening, Dee 14th. at
Oelock, tut 140 purpose ot utgantruig a Ladle , Jews
Society, for promoting Cbriansitity among the J e w .
The Key Mr Banhosurrie velll deliver an addreaa
The larhe• moil gentlemen are respectfully meshed to
It a very destrahle that the Masten ot the dater.
cut denotainaneris ormild attend hurl favor the made
enee emir their pressure They are re/spectrally •Oi r
anell or attend deel4
ALLX6.II.-.11. WAND CITA....l. — Ttle AMIAMI I .O. and
IN ragaatAilertlecny are retrorwled to meat on Sala.-
day I , reurne, do. non.. at 6i oclock. al titer , O•ool
place• In each Ward, to elect two dedegatet to the
Coavet taro to toe. W ednesday evening tollowtng,
at the Town Motue, to pot in non:total/on a candidata
for Mayor, and a candidate for Dtrecior of Um Poor,
and alwr to nocuous candidates r city adi
j eera
dctellSedi aturrenuo.
W•tt. PZIMAST Mairrusu —The Whig aod
Anttosseunir eau...a of the 'hard Ward. v• requested
to meet at the Arhool !lotion. in said Ward. on Sena
. . -
day next. L leith i at 7of Y. ,tor the purpo
of nonuastma • auttable ticket to be supported at th
coming Ward election.
By order of the Committee deep
117 r Annuat subscrigruoits will be received al the
boob Attire of Elliott Se En/112h, T Woad creel. lot the
Jearmta Chromele, publashed by the Amerman Society
for meliorating the condition at the Jews, tad edited
by the Her li Wright., factor of the Asyr.late
Chore h, Jana Street, New York. deal/
Ler-, as .21 F.xuuskt lia• . rn•a.—AG. Covell
laver anotper Lecture oo English Grammar th. (Thor.-
day) e veto tn; . the 14th tn. &eh. Ir, Inoloro 'rhe
Aaaortason. of Thtt.►ttrgh and 'leanly for promot.g
F...lncauon. in the Chapel of the Unreeraity. The pub-
Ur are tespnetfully to•ttad to attend.
hMa a... Wotan V astaorreor —The pepularny which
tkn medielne bee acquired in Western Pommylvanta,
IS a sure plarantec of its excelknee The following
gentlemen. kcghly reapectable can of Allegheny
mid Bakal r roan tie, have used this Versatface in the.,
and offer the assurance of it. treat medical
pu e,
ma. Stratton. Fourth-et. Road, Pittahurgh
Mary J. Stratton
Mary Stratton.
Mary Burk. Bearer county
Sarah Haeberger, Manchaater, near Pitt
Mani arct Lendeey • -
/at,. Durk, Sepurrel 1101
Agnes Dark.
For tone ni the drug store of / KIDD k Co, 60 Woad
Corona •un 0131.1.—Ttie frequent changes in the
weather at ibis season of the year, invariably bring
along with diem roughs and colds, which by timely
attention are euily cured by simple remedies. SEIL,
for the last Id years, and has gained more reputation
for the cure of co ughs (not requiring attire medical
treatment) than y other preparation ever offered to
the cameos of Allegheny county. The Impanel Cough
Syrup to very - pleaearn to the taste, and, en this ac
count. is a great favorite with children. The doses are
caratialy pr.duated, In the directions, to suit all ages.
That this long toed and highly popular cough remedy
may In within the react, of •11, it is sold at the low
price of I/Scents per bottle
Prepared and sold by H K SELLERS, 57 Wood at,
Pittsburgh, It M. Curry, AUegheny, and druggists gen
erally in both mom oetU
tisl Tn. Poor. Mum-1( you wtsh to Do sec
pessful in any undenaktng, youmust always `use the
crop.' mean..' Thereiore, if ion have • cough, u.
Jura.'. Extmerromor lm cured, for it to the proper
means. Have yea AtrOnua or difficulty of breatlung,
then the only efficiertt mean. to cure you is to kin
Jayne. Expectorant, which will immediately common.
the spurn which contract. the diameter of Ute tubes,
and loosens and brown up the mucus which clop then
ep, .hd thus remove. every obstruction to • free revs
rotten, while at the same tune all iulanarnation Di sub
dued, mid •eon ts rhrtun to be affected lice e you
Hronchrus. Spittisof of Wood, Noun., or in Mot .y
Pulmonary Adecuon, then um Japte's Exgmetormt
relief is Cella.. Yid yon will fool that you have
used the proper means.
For sale to Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Snare, 79 Oh
street nom Wood. tall , ,
NOM% TO Til• Allilllll.ollM •111 D Waif or ran tITI
Or PrrfillU•ial —The Whig Committee of Conference
met at the Old Court House, it tho Common Council
Chrunlmr, purment to • call of the Chatrman, 011 Men.
day craning . ltc Ilth Inst. Wm. rd'Candleas Prrsr.
dent, In the Chat r, I. M. Brush and J• 111041 H. Murray,
The following resolution was offered by., NBrush
and unanimously udopled.
Resolved, That the Whig. and Alumna°. 01 the
coy of Pittsburgh, will meet on :Saturday evening. Doc.
tad, al 7 o'clock, P •I their usual pine. of holding
primary meeting., in sleet five delegates from each
Ward, to meet in convennon at the Ohl Court Howie,
on Wednesday, Dec. 27th, at 10 o'clock, A. Al , for the
pews. or putting in nomination a candidate tor Hey
J. H.
1 Sec retar es
Yommo Mars' MASCARILS Lt Ass littr.Slele
Imartrtm—The brat LAMM before the Institute will
be delivered by the lion. Worn Folaw•ao, ou Thurs
day evening, the lath 1061., at n oblbmk, in Apollo
Stogie Ticket, VP cents, adulating • *minarets and
aceacepany mg ladles To be bed at the mammal
book norm and at the door Member.' Tack.. for the
course, One Dollar —to be had at the Library gloom.
deco-1d J ACOB Jr., Chm. of Corn.
W. N. wright, D9.9t1994
OFTICE and residence on Fourth stseot, Our
L tte and from 9burgh Bano'clock t k. Meo
5 P. AL e hour. from 9 o'clock to 19 A
, 941,914-19
Q. UN DIUM--6 h b • No I Mackerel;
30 Ws No 1 mackerel; 20 Id do No 2 do;
" 3 " 10 do Tanner. 011;
6 do Alum, 3 do k.; Saha; N do chm'd Logeroo. 6o l
10 du Notmege; 60 boa o 1 seated llcruns,
la. No 2 dodo; do aerated POspi
10 do No 3 Premed do, 10 do No 1 do do
1 lame Cloves; lu bags Java 1 °flee;
10 labd• prime N 0 0o r, ion mo'd and for .ale
XI-AILS -200 kegs assorted, Just ree , for sale by
.tereld BROWN k -.HERMON
Ci UNDIIE3-90 bald pure Cider Vinegu; 10 do do
Cider; lb bis Pearl Staral . reed and fo amy iale by
dada naotht cuL a
ITIKAI3-37 p.kages Young Hyson; 40 do Goopow
j der, lb do Imprried, 10 Black Teas; put recd and
61 As
-816 89
AN ANNUITY of lllNl—secured by good =proved
property in tho Diamond —being the most safe In
vpplirattot:ast, es
he co with
nude to udenort
J. W. n
Exchaoge Brokers. _
EnBl.:Y, Millings...tore. of Steam Boat and En
I. Dy Blankets, Banton, Cotton hiatus.. Len and Co
Ion• of an sylen NV archon., No. ta Water stre
Pittsburnh. deep
7 , 44 02
529 "11
814 142
-1,346 61
13E.A1 , 111 , ...-105 bush of Ohio Peaches, halves, reed
J_ sh 4 for sole by W h A hUCUTCHEON,
deal ls4lllberty
C H r '" 4E
Clier.c, reed and for wale by
B ARLEY -19 bbls Harley, reed .nd for wle by
- NV ix
4 bbla plow Roll Mater, reed and for
P male by derl4 W k R M'CIJTCfI W."7_
N AILS -100 kas Rogar Joluata NIII 1.
.nail, I,c:tweed and for sale by
cicala ‘V Jr. R AITUTCHEON
12 50
1 01-- V 50
11 01
51 65
J 50-10? 14
116135 01
TRUNK BOARDS. &e.--. 30 his Bundles Nos 5, 6 and
, o, Bras MR 4; Binder's do, various num.
hers, in core.d for sale by
NENV hit s prime N 0. Juat reed
and for nob by BROWN t CULBERTSON
dee 11
MOIASS6IR-25 bbl. new crop N 0 Molasses, las•
dins from stew flail (kohlrabis and for Ails by
droll JAR DALAELL, VI raster at
- _
en.-ifUl‘: '
-131,;.A,:::•:-; .15U bus , h irc r i et , ln
J . 1141 ... D Ol st . oarl
A 's DLL. -10 ha , . t. n•bn i t A %d a kt z s t ol• u b y
`I t' VllY ' t{l " ,l.l .4 b l y ALST k co
A RP-2 LIJ. Irr ssts. Sur .1.. by
dull 14 F VON BONN BURST h. re
j' I`l Fr i.A R 1L Ll:rig pore Cider tiegar, for pair by
IF d. , 14 tl F VON BON NHOR , I' &Co
. .
Wlt EA NS—IU bb Is for ,de by
C O„?
I"AR : - t" , X' BrNt ' itIFIST& Co
pir=2”"•"• Sy
I'l7;'N fo lo7 l t 7 i I b l y o FLAT & Co
70; Flour. just reed on <woo, unbent
.ale by
deo 13
I) EA 14 - sae k• ino st-e'd •ral 101 sale to,
deel3 ATWOOD, lung is Co. vratet it
- -
Obis Mol.aes, oak barrel• am
ern{ per attar Saraoak, anal ior gale by
POWDER- , -T.) ,
L , tA)tR-4w bbl. extra Flour. for .ale by
12 dee l 3 J S DILWORTH
▪ UTTER---1 bbl. Roll Boner, for v/
El ale by
▪ dtel3 DILWORTH
I,I.AISEED--20 s.Fl.onyd, to eon and for sub
_ _
A PPLI , J— li
In 7 bbis reen Apple nat landing nd
for sale by deeL3 .1 fi DILWORTH
bbls Moloueo, In floe or
dordl; from
ARA iin.-151 tags Lard; a bias White Beans,
4 landing and for We by
44013 IiAGALEY
'VANCT lak6Slllll:6F3/--1 cases nem st) le Fancy
£Cu.ime e. anght *arm aml very handsome
goods, rest opened by
Aria, VET CORDS—Two us.. hear I largr stripe
Genoa Cords, just reeened by
CllFTEE—Zb i a i go Rio C i op, i lskro j e o kl N and f a o . r e sal a e
bbl. vd"te, o r bY
-1 D ' NVILLIAALS, 110 wood st
LIEATIIERJ3—:IO sacks Tenoeuer, for tale by
A PPLFIL— der SJ bble Ru 66.6, for AM. by
I) A ISINS—W 1,6 M le do Layer; Abdo 3, 6 and
I 2 lbs. for vale by deel2 J D WILLIAMS._
11;RFLAN balls Zane, for sale by
QCALED HERRING-20 nee for said
0 •
QUNDRIES—jeo bar 20 meld do, 30 boam
0 shelled Almonds: 50 do Rallis Ewa, 2 tea drum
do; I eases *lcily Lideorme; l bbl hlarron's Blacking,
pat received and br sale by
7 tIaIIJOIINY.—.Ot all Incesk kept constantly on band
11 by C. I RNISEN,
let and Id sts
1)1CKL1 , , , --10 Molt Pickier, reed on eonewnment.
and for sale by C H GRANT,
deell-11 41 water at
MIISICA I. BO X F-S—l doz. Muneal, that play
a vanety of alra, quadnllea lost recd
su m r o r t i l i , t e .
u. h. o a n o n
r e u m e o
t o t [
writing to do, will find great <am to using then pa n s.
ea they do nut cramp the huger, and hove fine .mooch
pater.. NV W WILrON.
deell comer Ith and market or.
LA KB OIL-10 MA • best winter stramed Lard 00
landsng from sour Messenger and for sale by
deell /At+ DALZELL, water st
IRRAtid CHEF2IK-2tM bxs prime creme cheese, an
kf store end for sale low to close consignment. by
- - - -
R ROLL BUTTKR—I.S bbl. prune Roll Bur
-1 ter, in store and for solo by
VlTER—io nd bbl. freah y
Roll; 5 kegs! reeeleed
P alas day a for sale
den LI
A KU-3 kegs in store sad for sale ny
1_ )EA RI. ASH—W casks Email qualsty, on hand and
for tale by Cecil 'fASSieIY A HES%
sokIACCO-66 , kegs 6 Isnot, pnese article, reeetred
end for sale decd TASSEY 1 BEST
WIN DOW IiLASS 100 Ins &KW; DS do 10x111,. 30
Jo 10x14, on hand and far sale by
S ei d > e n , F i li , SALTrii.ll/1(!)br.11:3040a06.1.
Cok Co
DION/MS-03 den gilt handleg4 for wle by
LOAF ; 4 11 U6 A a-
3U s h V ' VVN " IVIVNIIO6I.BI b. Co
droll r;•;,crY,;74;:ki=34'.,...
AIA:OHM—I 5 bldg just ree'd and for sale Ai
dealt I CID - 15 t Co
lba just reamed artd for sale by
dealt KIDD & Co
A RTISTS. , CANVAS'S, on StrolcherY, all. see, con
ntantly on band •nal mkt sale by
devil KIDD k Ca
- -
ANCY SOAP, ased-.::) Ito on hand and
A rlo
.12 by duel! J KIDD
RT.,%ellatrodEeoltr s roll butter, fresh, lust re
_ .
IIrOVE 5E.1.1). 1.61.1 . 11Pret seed ILISi itetUred
.nd fo R r
sale by
K--250 bbla .xtra untruly flour. R. Hob..
brand, past tacevred and for We by
ttea ger do eu apt.;
Jinn lauding from Comet, and for sale by
11. 818 AL. — ,: inn. ail meal just landtng and for
. 0 1. by ido) 8 & W HARBAUOII
DA aLEy,-ssu bookish, belay rust loading from Um
1.3 COO.. soil for solo by
died/ 8 & W lIARBAUOH.
1 HEIIM—OO tarre• cream thecae, extra, landtag
from I..rtlce Ent, and for salt by
rbreO B &NV HARBArrill.
L , G(711.-1 bbd. frosb egg. just landingand for We by
dec9 fit W HAYSlibUtf H.
I VILOMEL-11L0 lba just ree'd and for sale by
' - I 6,04 J KIDD 1 u
, KKU —IL bbl. prime olmar tleed, l 0 bp Tiae hY
L 7 S br .ele by 00.70 LSW ♦T .ILMA
IHEESK—IoO 13.3. prim. W Re....., for sal.
now3o 3 F VON BONN HORST a o
Q SALTS-11 task. Cu Ws by
Q. =Val el l' YON BONNIIOII3T &Ca
. .
WT BOATB-3U Flat Boats, (o MO to 133 (sal
Fbsug, for sale by J ISCHOWL&LAYER &Co
110•311 al wood
. ------_--
QUA STRIPED ALP ACA23--- Elk gulped Ma
k.) emas, jam reed aud for Ii
kW Pll , WILSON t Co,
41 wood 41
Jahn D. Dalai, Alsotl6il'iDsi7"
. •
Grapes a ducting
On Thu .dal 14th meta at 'clock, .at
Davis' commercial sales rooms, .111 ba 4014 *.b 1 .0 1
reserse,•• kegs Malaga Grapes, • very sopeliot
duvet from New Orleans, which olarbea•aroined
on the day °rude. Deaier. are Invited to atiena.
dee 3 JOIIN U DAVO,,
Damaged Dry Goads. •
The sale of the large queenly of DT ) . 09.. k.
damaged by water, will be resumed ibis morning au 10
o'clock, at Itt'Faden's canal warehouse. Dealers
would do well to allced, ika the goods sold yesterda)
went peal sacrifices Sale powuve.
decl3 JOHN I) DAVIS, Auct,
Fancy ur,d .t.4apie Dry Goods.
Or, Monday manual, Dec. 14, al. 10 o'clock, at the
Commercial Saks Roomy. cu
iner of Wood and Fllll+
a wueia, will be ea
wubuut rewrve, for cub currea-
tio eitensiee •suortment of seasenuilde Dry Goods,
constsung ofsuperfine clods, eassierntres, satunets,
mans, whae, yellow, brown and acvlet flannel; bleu.
Lets, pilot cloths ealicoes, prints, de loam.. menno,
alpacas, dress silks. black rutin.
halm stul LIMO 11l
bands, gingham', huh Itnetir. Fren en coml.,
hdkfs, shawls and hdkfis in great eurory,
gtc k linen
table cloths, fanny vesting", gloves, hostery,
bleached and imbleached white and colored
sewing thread, Buffingtonsponl ce11..., puns, needles
buttons, sewing silk, woollen romforts, hoods. he.
At o'clock,
OROCT3II3, fjetruiw•te, Fusarimuts be
I I Watteau T-111;;;libilrineqanInty Va. Tobad.
o. 6 do ground black pepper; I crate Mistimed queens
ware and china; 5 bin assorted a1..50/arc.
A general assortment of bousehold and kitchen fur
annm, coal stoves, cooking stove, .ke.
At 6 o'clock,
A quanUry of ready made clothing, boorssatioes, hutu
rubber over shoes, hoe haw, rap, utubrullar, double
and 'lngle barrel shot gun, Miss, pistol,
fine table
and pocket cutlery. hardware. masked turamments,
German fumy good., be.
deel2 JOHN Auet.
C 8. PORTER NlhrGethrl
Dhchatitha 14, will be presented Stink•
pa are's Comedy, called the
r John Falotatr , .w. Nf HuekelL
Ford Er. Oxley,
Anne Yag
LA r.. X 711.,
M/II • ender
Fndity—Benefit of Mr Hackett.
Nonce—The (hit en i will remain closed dartag the
cold weather. kid and :al Tier. 75 cert.,
M:htbltlone with the 0:7-11ydrove4 MI
rpliE eons with the aticroscOpe and Lantern
1 will be conunued in Philo Hall on Tuesday,The
day and Friday evenings of Ilse week, which will
the lam. The Therstlay evening exhibition will be f•
children -tickets at het( price.
Tickets at 23 centa—to be had at Itle Richardson
Jewelry Store, bfaskrt at, or at the door. deell-51.
Doctors Drcsbech, Kuhn Pryor's
For the cure of Dyspepsia, Affections the Liver, Bil
tous Chobe, Silk or Nervous Headache Rheuma
tism, Cramp or Spasms in the. Stomach, Sc.
THE Dyspeptic Cordial is one of i the must valuable
medicines now offered to the public. It has long
been apparent. although the c.111101(ye on medical pre.
narrations of the present day presents a sovereignsovereignrem
irtly for every disease to which '.Scab heir," that
there was still a vacuum, Consumption, Dropsy, Palsy,
Fevers, Cutherke., agent to be diseases which
ha •e alone been considered as worthy eta cure,whilst
those distressing diseases, which alitrafs denote DVS.
looked. For the core of that disease the afflicted need
no longer despair. They now have preparation
made expressly for such etthetions, and which stands
premminent as the most effectual reme dy extant for
the care of Dyspepsia; It has been tested by gentle
nice of known eminence in the medical profession,
who have made thescience and practice at medico.
f thei r study and pursuit for nearly thirty years. They
, therefore (eel prepared to recianmend the Dyspeptic
I Cordial, with the litittollt colifidellete ill itaremedial
powers, having meted it fairly in numerous caws in
their never. practice with the most happy and sue•
eessful results. It has cured hundreds of the moat as.
Dyrpekna of 12 ream Standing
Has been awed' by suing a few bottles. In fact its
power to not only gran USX., bat in the language
of • correspondent of the Buckeye Eagle, its
*(irrat Mtn( a, that ti Cures'
A few rarve are annexed to prove all wonderful
ore ',worm
A Complele Triumph!,
• A*. or WILL. ...LSI cu.lo
Fear medtetnaa ran begat of haiing eared a dint
• •
ing disease of 11 years smnding remarned for the
I:l)epepue Cordial thievec Ow triumph` Read.
Fredertek roam,' hid., Sept 14
Mr C neon.. -Vow medicine neme h is re Bree•
h•ch, Kuhn Zs Pryor's Unpeptic Cordial, cured ine
of Inspepata. I had this disease twelve years Van.
reedictnet, as well as invitee' assilitence had been
tried, het .11 fasted. Your Cordial as ureaudned above.
his completed a cure. Jour Mderoosaire, Jr.
Rood the falufeing Extreserelstutry Care
The following cure ha. been the means of selling
hundreds of beans of the llyepeptie Cordial m IVu.h
-mgwu where Mr three I resider, Let the rdllict•
ed read this estraurdinary cure
. _
Wuhinigton, Nov. M, 1511
Mr. C. Merl:tens—This disease] bail for some ye•ts
to an alarming degree. Yore Dyspeptic Cordial de
serves more than a posing notice from me. My rase
sou one of the most thaw-slang nature, and the condiet
between my stomach and the food was oilen severe,
the stomach louhmg the food, and tune after time
throwing it up—frequendy with pain. 4dd to dun
greatly depressed spirit, with deblity, retires,: nights.
frequent starting with any:e.t.a dreams. To describe
my summon a difEcuh Physic:am were consulted.
capons enedieine• tried, but nothing met my rue un.
di I mat with the above medteinc, Mated Drs.
bub. Kuhn & HY•PePitr Cordial. 13‘.^ sli e r
using itdisordered stomach became soothed.
columned the medieme—a perfect cure hoe been etfer.
tad—my health I. now good, and has been for more
Wan a year. I ava wow tvm turrartinte of diey with.
oat any Inconvenience In my case this vMunole
esedicine inconteatab:e Uy ea. is well 'known to
the Rev. James N. Hanson, having been usocutted
and: him, to the same room, for some yeast In die (lev
eret Post tbee. Ww. M. Dollen,
I am folly convinced that the above stateMent is roe
rect. Nov V, 1044. Ist M. Ramos.
Cured with ons Bartle
liter what •
after having
member of the he
Maryland nay., after having need one bottle of the Lha.
peptic Cordial:
From as Hon. D. W. Nail
Sams Creek, Frederick co., Md , Aug 31, '4l
Mr. C Herstons—Dear gir. Having suffered muck
during the sprang of 1041, as I then Inn:armed yors, wash
wear I regarded u a dyspeptic condition of the stom
ach, and having procured a bottle of Drs Preshrink,"
Kuhn A Pryor's Ilayspepue Cordial at your instance,
have pleasure to rnforming you that from fu au I was
in ten days entirely relieved on that occasion. It has
also been successfully used in ibe family for other purr, so that we are never without it.
I) W. NAIL], Senator of Mary land.
an arrousituo ccad
. _
The follewmg la from one of the most respectable
citizens of Seneca county,
Seneca county, Ohio, Dee It.
kly wife was seventy atflteted with a chronic atfce•
non of the liver for several years, during which period
she angered much, and was frequently so ill as to pre
vent her from attending to the domestic concerto , of the
(amity Among the most prominent symptoms in her
ease wore punt in the side and shoulden, which tee
uenti y extended across the back of the neek, and up
trio the bead, prod.:. great Buffeting and dottrels.
painin the stomach, veldt bad appetite, giddiness to die
head, and debbily.
Sbe continued in this state cif health until n Jew
weeks ago, when she was entirely confined to her bed
and wmonk reduced that she was unable to Welk
without ...lane, At this stage of her disease I got
• bottle of Drs. Ihrsliach, Kuhn, and PrYor's D/ "Pep
tic Cordial, and commences/ giving it to her. In • few
days she began to improva She took but ywo bottle , .
when she found benelf so far restored . to be Obis to
attend to the ordinary duties of her faintly, and in on•
dun MOM fatigue, and exercise more freely than she
had done for several years. She tsnow taking the
third bottle, but merely to eonfirm the cure Her hentb
is no. appaniatly good, and 1 have no doubt that alie
was motored by the Dyspeptic Cordial. I reel no /ma
intop° in recommending this Cordial to nit persons
who are afflicted u my wife. was, they wood
find it a •ery •aluabe otedmine. I believe it 111 640 a
•aluabie ninny Meth... arid would advt. every
family to keep it cousouniy. In my own (aunty it has
been need iii rig,erlf-MOrbill, diarrhoea, chat, Be.,
with the moot prompt relief Thokue II Euds
From Nee Leonard II trurtey.
I bare confidence In the DYVelni , Cordtn , prepared
by Dr- Dreebuch Kohn and Vryor Ithe b-en need
my wally for sick heed riche and Revere rheumatic
pants. rrdeettrie, the shothrler nod beet—and has odor
dear luancdtau, and npporetdly permanent re tel
_LW , J. 13 1.1 th MAY
• •
Phrytng irequently oiled the Opipephe Vordral pre
pared by Dni. Dr .barb, Kuhn rk Pryor, lot rrlick Head
acne. with relref, I have no hc•ritai Cy In pronounong
a goodymedy for deres%e. Hurttaor
Por eby WILLIAM J•CESON, wholiwnle Apt.
husburgh, P.
Princopal Apncy, H W OWEN A, Po, Tithitt, Ohio
011/1387111 PRESBI9 Ts.
JAMS 3 A. bI'KNJUAT, No. @I Merkel strtgt; lbe•
teen3.t and gthj will sell at greatly re bored
pp rtees the balance of his stock at Silks, llaglltme,os.
Jousting, Chemizertes and Collars, the Most .14,41 ,
goods fora Mee Chromes Preaellt, and cheaper
the twat good. amid be parakeets' in any of the east ,
GM CALM deci3-et
DOVE SPRINGS —L2 doz India Rubber boor
Springtujard reed and (or rit the India Hu,
tier Depot, No 6 Wood at. deol3 J k H pun Jar,
INDIA RUBBER OLOV}IS.:•-5 doe gentleureneledia
Rabbet Moves, bertauful an..* tried and for
at the India Robber Depot, No 5 Wood at.
40013 .1 H PHILLIP,
rA Uhl SHOW 4-43 cases tioth — Dastle Shoes, of doler
ent kinds, which we offer to the retail trade murk
lower than any other hook in the city. IC e etts
customers to come and examine for thetatiel Tr*
death I & H YHILIAPI3, No fi Wood .1
LTRIMMINGS-9d°, elk Lace Dorm
aps col'd eldk Velvets; 20 elk ahusey
Ions; do castithan do, Id do eol`d Floe. do, 12 do
do Faathede do; 9 doe eol'd fleecy WI: Wove, 6 du bik
Jenny Lind Fetoge, le do French edt Roches, rre'd,
ads day by ti EATON ee CO,
decl3 Fourtb
_ _
fIORK SOLEtal—F H Eaton et ro, hay.7ptst reeved
k.) a fresh supply of ladies alai gents Irenra Cart
!tole., an arttela highly recommended to persons pre
disposed to pulmonary complaints, and to °Mars as a
prerenlive to cold.. deel3
Cl FLIRTS, hr —at do' hue Stuns; 2 rlor. ay.] Floras
and Drawer.; I do oil Shirt, jos , ree A .ad for
"ale ay deal] F NI EATON & Co
lj 'trout Bud Paper Rotes, awned alses. or orate
tr - dael3 FII F.ATON &Co
RF.NCII MERINIO4 AT COST—Sunth ft .14,1colotn,
F4O Mask. street, oull.aell for the balance of the
',mason at Co.!, their stock of French Merinos, coruprt
tag the most ehotee colors. Neer ki your um.' to se
e•re bacigatna. tteel3
BU(' KW MUT FIA)U A R K --4 61 :4•4 o fi N fo o l i r c le ao by
Jer zm
131,TATOE:3-34 Lela very fine Neseastnock 'Peta
-1 toes on eamegnosen A t,
VI-OUR-900 bbls extra Funly Piaui, an ,tore and
r for sale by dad J 8 DILWORTH_
plea; i4O do do Peaches; (or sale by
deep 18 DILWORTH
BVELAPS- —9 bales heavy 40 inch Baclapa , oa hand
and for by
Mr Dunn
liss Cr ums.'
Mrs. Prior.
Ms.. I.Valters and Master Wood
Torooriude vnih the
SWISS etrrrAuE.-
I:ITER-1.1 Yee prime Butter, Ibt sale by
Tins known lino of Igileadhlgadaenirf Swale
awatecaa ieLitioz=cieod o.thierl=
waters of the Watt. Then aecoaniexiation mud cm.
fort that money can procure_ haelven provided for pas
' senors. The Line two Leto to oper a tion for foe. Moo
--has earned a million of people withoutlhe lout IDA
rT to 'hale pawn.. The boat , will be at the Man of
Wood greet the any portions le meting, for the reeop
nee of freight and the entry of pacseugera on the rep.
ter. lo all oa.o the passage money: sstPLid
The ISAAC NEWTON„ Capt. A. G. litalON,
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at lOp'alaVa:
Wheeling e.rry• Sunday everting at tO r. L '
Itlay t. 5),
71e engin stoics, knife Pig*•
burgh every Monday morning in In sieleeki 'Meeting
every !Monday evenug si le r. Y.
The ILIBERNIA Nu. 2, Capt. J. Kuouricursa, rtill
isars Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 1.1/ o'clock;
W heeding every Tue.'s" . evoning at PP p. u.
The NEW E.NriLAND Nn. U. Capt. 9. Dun, .111
.ane Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at 111
clunk; NVheehug every Walriesday evening at 10 r. •,
. . -
The BRILLIANT, Capt. Cauca, will leave PIM..
burgh every Thursday rnaratug at 10 o'eloorti Wltealtas
every Thariatay evening at 10 r. X.
The CLIPPER No. 2, Capt. I.lltooka, will leave Plus
bore, every Finlay morning at 10 o'clock; Wheekag
every rtalay canine at r. b.
Tbe MESSENGER. Cam_ S. Macao, rill Piu .
iamb every Saturday morning • n•IU o'eloelt Wbeetins
very Saturday etiatung at to r. N.
m a i l . 144 I. ismaill
Leaves Pittsburgh daily, at I n'elock, A. M, and ar
rives. Glasgow, (mouth oldie Sandy sad Seaver Oa
mad at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at 11, same eight
Loaves New Lisbon at Co'clock, P, id„(uaking the
trip canal to the river during the night') end-0
at ti o'clock, A. M., and arrives at Pittsburgh tr 7.
maktng a continuous line for currying pas
senger. and freight between New-Lielknkabli Fau
ber/it, in shorter time and at lees mos than by any
other route.
The Proprietors adds Line have rho pleasure of is
fosmin the public that they base Rued op twoftrat elan
Canal Been, the the ereommodenon of pusetsgers and
freight, to run in connection with the well known
creamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and eortneos
tug, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh andgneiss
nall and other daily linos of strutters down and.
and Itlfrsissippi rivers. The proprietors pledge them
selves to spare no expense or trouble to insure ure
tort, safety and dispatch, nod ark of the public a Ghana
adieu patronage.
S. & W. Pla.b.reL
R. HANNA, & Co.
snylLtf J. HARBAUGII & Co. No. b'the'
NCYITCE—The maw BRA V ER, C. Fi. CLAW, maw
ter. will leave after this none, ior Wellavillingananw
ally, at il o'clock in the 111011111 Ada
. __
PITTSBURGH £ Baowissirre,Lin
Daily Pacts**. Maas. -.
TTe folidwmg new bouts 'templet.
ton hoe Cot tho present season: AT•
LANTIC, Capt. Jame Parkinson;
al.Titt, Cam A. Jacobq and LOUIS
PLANA:, Capt E. tlenneu. The boats are entirely
w, and am hued up without regard to expense. IN ,
gry comfort Malmo:lcy can procum has been provided.
The Boats will lease the Monongahela Wharf Boat
the foot of Row st. Passengem art!l be punctual on
board, as the boats will OGIT(1.1:1i7 leave at tba anon.
tilted boors, 8 A. Al. and 4 P Al ABM
The new marinated 111MRST
Chas. S. Frisbee. atoter, Will leave
for the above ports on Tuesday, the
19th Mat . nt 10 o'clock. A. N.
The Poser Miller mill tide freight for Loesoille,
Evansolle, Cairo, Hickman. Randolph, Memphis and
For freight or p.ange, apply or board. deed]
• The fine fait miming Menem,
Palmra, r, leaves/I above,
• n wea,,e,nlay next, at IR o'clock.
For freogla or plumage apply on boare,
tplendtd near 14,010,
tiaaleir..maMet, mull Imps Mr Ms
bore and intermediate port to-day
For irrtglii or paatage, apply on board. dealg
FOR ST. LOITIfiI 7-7--
1 . 14 The fv , e ,i l .., w il w A l i, tril . u .r d A l r itatteanier
• Lures. utopia', will leave; Gpi the
Lore and
bo ars portatius day
..._. For freight or petinage, apply on board. deol2
The ante new and substantial steam
11. KJUDIZ, master, will Wt. for
he above and Intermediate pone on
' der 12 . .
feY The splendli !.
ea .,
master. will leave, lor above
.ad unarms-1/mM porta lAisr day, al
IA o'clock A. Al., postuvely. Mien!
_ The sVaineve o
earlei nor
will leave roe above
td totereneduo• pone dna dry, at lo
For frolght or passage upplr cm board, or .10
. .
- -
£171131113111:11 - Ft. WHEELING PM:gib - T.
The swift steamer
JEOLVebber. matter, will tease regularly
or Wheelnag every Monday, Web
needay and Friday, at 10 o'clock precisely,
Leave Wlteeltng every Tuesday, Tharaday and !la
tarday, at 7 o'clock, a ur, preetaely.
The Consul will land at all the tuterasedlate ports—
Every accoruottanon that ran be procured On the cop.
fort and safety of lgers has been provided. TM
boat is also provided with salltheting safety guard to
t r o ante a v rdor i
For he i gh t o r g
) aras l a r e e ply on
febs comer of Ist and SixdafieLl eta
akainu The nee and splendid stsanaer
D P Kinney, mutat, will inn as a nag-
Int packet hetrs-een Pittsburgh ltid
Wheeling, leaving this city every Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday , at lO o'clock, A. M., and Whael t ng era.
ry Moinlay, WrJoesday and Prlay, at 8 A. M.
Fur freight or pusage. haying superior ageousiada
non.. apply on board or to
The at Anthony to a new Uont, and for speed and
oreommodationa cannot ho surpassed by any boat oat
the river. Doyle
The new and Tideland fast passe°-
. . "I ger packet,
?dawn, omelet, will leave for CMCIII-
11ftti and Lonnville on Thursday, the IClth inst.. at to
o'eloek, A St For freight or passage apply on board,
IL7- Sommer rrytona will loava Loons , ' ado for Now
orlcans, o ~ 01 Teiegrapa No Ptagera
` oup due., and can loi•e Lionka secured hare lidoaa
filiffiV;ig TO AND Tito
Pittsburgh and •
'put: public me resperoully !alarmed ilaal MO; Lad,
1 will commence running on the Rhhitif. *4 'car
will leave Philadelphia daily wish Athil TM.. so
Chgbaberaliorg. and from ihrturs by Week., with a
may of non e .,rolillig day and night. • wdl be
prepared so torword Wan Ib.. freight daitj Apply to
norm 1)1 <i - XCH k Co
blrs sp,
rr hAndt. eaFttet rr ,telyait,V. A
BUF:Kg. i coni steam szrßkse
'EASTERN crira.
ri I.: Proprietors at ads Lille have poi on Naar Stook,
and are prepared to forward package. of •Il de
se riptloo. daily, at Ills lowest rates.
J. C ISIMELT.Jec43-ent,
Water stridt, Pttblorrgh.
RoIIMION k 1.10.E11)1,
oeflt rer houth Charles AI. lishintraro
jEg i 1848.
other* ar t e ., l o uju . rtne e 4 4 111 rt ilu b a
. 1 ; 17 .
,eseinied tur by CI VI, DAY LIM.: and regalar wag
on., at low rate. and spreerfred time.
J C RI trWl.ll.l. final/mak,
nesl4 ID 'HINSON k ,
1114 27—"Vii,A 31111100 ELTAT/0211. 1140.
SADAMS Jr. CU., Forsr•rdlna and eanurimiun
. Merchant, Zanesville arid Dreeden, and no
prietom M the steamer Ohm; also M 0. Adams 1 Cu'.
d•tly Ilue of Cana/ float..
With our present Mollifies we ore prepared to slim
property any rout witheaCdelay. dec2.4.lm•
C A l l , l l l. li7t . CAlty ., lir;* . — . Cons nh ~t ar otIJ
. r v e c ej y r %NI
of Carpet., consult/rig part or Asiminslnn, of mm
beautiful patterns; Velcro, !meat parterni Imported,
very TIC h. Tapestry, Ltrunaby, . V.......
VI of which we will act] 00 low .. they tin be pur
chased nu thin Omsk et. I snporUng and pn re MI g from
the.nufacturer., enable. u. to .1 nevem tank Me
eastern ma market.
L.PAu.ci4 Tr Ivi CS.NM-- 4 # Mason
IJ Starlet .t. is o.Prt 11L paeeea 6111.ek
Alpaca* at 121 ern. per yap'. Ore bee grels width
have ever. .14 for (dae9
L/RI A $ lfroo bushels d oe.l Pearhe, 100 buab
k.7 els ellestiuts, IV tarts lesti,erl., 1 . 4 do 1•001 a 2 do
O smash nseog, lust rect. ed per .atoe es Alstpust
[met', and fo,
10L1) PENS.- Just crowed-lomat, g.* of •Waridid
gold pens of Ilse bc.l smantsiskettm.,l4#opertor to
any befetufore sold, uld worrualcd., by
decti W W WILSON
- .
RAPPINti Y.6PER:.-2109 nue rug 4.4
TT crown, double crown mud medium Yynfipptog pu
pae, for role by
sal NUTS-ILTO bubsla Tenneause g ro und
opt• w e
0 bills reeeivta'alid Elile by