The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 12, 1848, Image 4

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    ,~ r
vine Sin'? =MI Tot •
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, AMMON, Bronchitis, Liv
er Complaint, Spitting Blood, Didion) ty of Breed:l
ing, Pain in the Side and UMW, Pelpitatinn of
the Ilearclnfluenxit, Croup,Broken Con
mullion, Sore Throat, Mellen. Debili
ty, rind all Diseases of the Throat,
Breast and Lunge the most ef
fectual and epeedy core
ever knows for any o re
r above diseas
11R. SW e;
Compound Syrup of Wild Churryt
This medicine is no longer among•those of doebtfal
utility. It has passed away (Men the thousands daily
launched upon the tide of experiment, and now stands
higher in reputation. and is becoming more extensive
ly used then oily other peepareuon of medicine ever
produced (or we reile 0( stalreving men.
It hoe been introduced very generally through the
United State* and Europe, and there , ore few towns of
importance but what contain some remarked% CT,-
deuce of its good erects. For proof of the foregoing
statements, and of the value and efficacy of this reetb•
eine, the proprietor will insert • few of the man' thou
send testimonial* which have been presented to him by
men of the fire respectability—men who have higher
views of moral responsibility and justice. than to eer
ofy in facts, Inienuan it will do another a favor, and
themselves no illfltatirn. Such memeony proves con
clusively, that Drs sur p rising excelleme is established
by as intrinsic merits, and the unquestionable authori
ty of public opinion. The inotantanweis relief it If
ford*. and the amthuir, influence diffused through the
hole frame by its Ilse, renders it a molt agveeable
remedy for the ellicied.
w '
-When men, acting hem consciennotts impulses,
voluntarily beer lesumony to the truth of a thing, or
particular feet, eorh testimony, being contrary to their
worldly interest , and purposes. ccerees conviction of
es truth, end etimmends itself in a special manner to
universal errilmce."—D,Hogarest Moral Maxims.
Rena. Aucerumi Ccve or Pedatiower Commeretem—
There never was a remedy that flu been as successful
in deepen.< Cones of Consumption, as Dr. Swipes'.
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry; It strengthens the
syste and appears to heel the ulcers on the lenge o
emoting new and etch blood; power posmsseil by n
other medicine.
Counga Co., April Mid, 1545.
Dr. Swayne--Denr Sir I verity babe. your Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the means o
mtviug my life. I caught a aeve re cold, which gradu• f
ally grew worse, attended with a severe cough,
resisted all the rernethes which I had recourse to, still
increasing until my ever xhibited all the symptoms of
Pulmonary Consumption. EVII7 thing I tried veerned
to have no effect. and my complaint increased so rapid
ly that friends ma sth myself, gave op all hopes of
my recovery. At thts tone I was recommendal to try
your invaluable medicine: I aid so wish the most hap
pl. results. The first bottle had the effect to loosem the
cough, causing me to expectorate freely; and by the
time I had and ass boules,l was entirely well,
a d d a
now as hearty a man as I over was in my lif
would be happy to giw any information respecting my
ease, that other sufferers may derive the benefit for
which lam so gnueful. For the truth of the above
statement,l refer ycm Peter Rush, Othear, West
C heater, Pts,of whom I purchased the me:Moine.
Respectfully yours, lthos Idoxstaa.
Wertainitt/ Curs of as ModwArs Mist:Wee.
Seesyno--Der Sin I feel t debt of gratitude dee
to you--end a duty to the afflicted generally, to diet
my humble testimony in favor of
alarm 1 your Comemond Sywas
rap of Wild Cherry. Some three years
violently attacked with cold and inflammation of the
Longa, which was accompanied with a distresaing
sone. main m the breast and head, a very eonmd,,r,n,
bdiacitarge of offemove [0.0.11 from the hangs, cape
pon chge of weather, however sllghl A
=fen im im alarm idiom my condition, bat was prat;
soon convinced that I was rapidly going into consump
tion. 1 great dady weaker, and at length was scarce
ly able to walk about, or vela above a whisper. each
was the exceeding weakness of my longs. Paring
time 1 esti tried van°as prepantdons and presenpuons,
but found no relief—growing all the tame worm. Jost
here I wasadvesed and persuadel by a deax friend in
tTdmington to make trial of your Synth of Wild Cher
ry. I must confess that previously I had been preju
diced against patent medimnes, and I am still against
those coining out of the hands of empencs, bat under
mending your clam. to the profession and practice of
medicine, and hamtig implicit faith in the slaying of my
friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one °Cyan
agent. .fen betties. and commenced its use. My di.
ease WILS at that time of YYJ or IS months' standing , con
sequently it was deeply seated. I found, however,
considerable relief from the use of the first four o
battles. But bring a public speaker, I frequeny at
tempted to preach With my Increasing strength, and
thereby ruptuw.l vessels that had already begun
to heal; the. •va, . doubtless, my . mire was peatly .
retarded. In conwquegwe acting thus imprudently.
t had to ow twelie v' fifteen tootles nefore I was per
fectly restored I have tin question, a roach smaller
number of bottles would have made me sound, but for
the abuse init., ream,. The Syrup shaved the fever
ish h a bit, took a way the distressing cough, put a stop
to the &where , of mutter Worn the lungs, and gave
them and tee enure system good health. I have defer
red offering this eetuficate until now, for the purposa
of betas twriect;y satt•Sed with the permanencyof the
enre, mid no m
that I feel perfectly well I offer :t 'sub
pleasure KM' P.
Dublin c ounty. 7.,1
Impertant Getlawn—Rue Reza'
'There, but one germm preparation of Wild Ch eer ,
and that Le SWATNItiI, the first ever offered to the
public. sir htch has been sold largely
United it s and some parts of Europe; .a p
parations called by the tiante of Wild Cherry have
been put out.. ore Vita under rover of some deceptive
cven...nee...lll order to give currency to their sales.
By c a
little oli.ereetton, Ito proton need misuake the
genuine from the taw Koch bottle of the gennine to
enveloped with a beatittial steel encrtt
vutg. wan the
likenesa of Wllltatit Peon thereon; also, Dr. Sivayne4
•ignature: and as further seeurity, the portrait of Dr.
Swayne will be added 10-reafter. vet a• to dutingmah
preparation trot. all others. Note, if it am. not for
the great curative properties d known virtues of Di.
Sigayrrets Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, person.
would not be endeavoring to give currency to their
- ficonous nostrums" by stealtitc the uame of
Cherry. Remember. always bear m mind the name
of Or. Sway ne. and be not deceived.
Primeval Otfier, corner of Eighth and Race Meets,
For vale wholesale and retail b 7 OODEN & SNOW
DEN. env thl and Wood vhi; 11 A
Co, rot ..t uild Wood, an.l flth en Wood mg WM
THORN. 53 Market S JONES, IN. Liberty at; JAS
A JONES. cor 11.4i111 and Pend mai JOHN MITCH
ELL., Allegheny city. and all rerpectable dealer. in
medictua. octl3
B. A. Fahneetackla Amati.Blllosom Pills.
ri , h,.= Cathartic compound combines smallness of
.1 bulb with efficiency nmi comparative mildness of
lueranion, mid having a peculiar tendency to
try. . in which lithous fevers and other complaints. at.
tendet with congestion of lie liver, so much abound.—
They hive now stood the mat or years, and expert.
en., has proved them to be a safe end valuable remedy
in lnterrnatent, Remittent and Hiltons Fevers;
, Bilious Colic; Indigestion; Dropsy Dysentery'
Bilious Vorniumrs ; Colds, and all complanita of an lo
flatorrustory character. The complete and universal
motto/act:on winch has been peen by these pill. to all
who nave once mod them, renders the publishing of
die numerouo certificates in their favor unneemsary.
To prevent counterbeiting they are now pot up in a
red xylos-mpte wrapper.
Price 25 Imola for a box emmuning 30 pills.
Prepared and sold by
corner Ist and wood, and atm earner 6th and wood
Laugoron, V.. Oct. 12, lei,.
Mr. R. E. Sellers:--Oue of our physicians . , whose
P1.01.1C1 IS very extensive, told me this morning of
case to which one vial of your Verruiftige brought
avray above. du ROM.% and a gentleman in the neigh
borhood said amt less than half a vial ceased the dis
charge of near gin largo worm* from our of his chil
dren. Very ninny of such instances might be stated.
It is well known shoot here, and almost all prefer um
any other. Send roe 12 dozen and obli
M ge
Yours, J .
Parents who do not wish to trifle with their children,
should use Sellers' Vermilhge.
Prepared said sold by FL E SELLERS, 57 Wood at.,
sold by Dr Cassel, sth Ward; D hi Curry, Allegheny.
AYECTORAN'r is alma* to all other remedies for
Cone., Consumption, Br of SAW., ood othsa Suletto
-0017 eduction,, hi that the saute prIALLO Vi....11331=1.4 the
use of It in their franks" ten yenta ago still prefer . ot to all
other reseedies of the kind; end ethereality have kat induced
to try other preparation. they have slimes isseriehly been
Ilimpporoted ca receivlng the batted erliteh war sraaonably
wait:paled hem des h mums leathered by the proprietors,
wed have renamed to scuse of E11..02041 1 11 . ,
• remedy that has never Salad to vetting theca. wad winch
probably unser bad i.egual its amain;
Pespital only by Dr D. Jayne Philadelphia, and 'olden
r 4 Fourth st
DI.I3..EY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will, to fire min
utes from the time of its IlppligatiOn. Mabee the
psins from the Weer.* bums, molds or blistent,
and will heal wounds, ulcers and sores of soy Mod
without seal. Tess colorable Pain Extractor can be
bad of JOHN 1) MOGAN, Drogisist,
No R 904 Wood &Hest,
en, Agent for Woman Penn..
&FEW weeks since, one oleo. ehiLimat r eged about
fiVe Tea., was unwell for seven! days, and the
tocreimed alermuly that I (eared dea th
would be the result. (lovingheard of the good agents
Pahrestock's Vertnifuge When administered to the
children of my neighbors. and thinking my child ought
have worms, from some of the •ymptiants, I rave it one
and a half teaspoonfuls of the Vermifurre, and to toy
pear aMonishment it almost immediately discharged
between ISO and me huge worms. Its health was soon
restored, and it Is now remarkably well. Previous to
taking the Vernufuge, the wort= would oceamortally
rise in its throat, end lotion (eared would die from
sumnolstion. JAS. U. DAWSON.
Tionesta, Veining° en, Pa.. Aped J, '4B. apl3
- -
OINTMENT to the most effectual remedy before
the putilie for the cure of tester, itch, dry andwatery
phapies of the face, neck and body, scaly emptions,
and all other chemises of the al ~ This Ointment is
iwurnanted free from mercury, is perfectly safe, and
may be used at all times and under all circumstances.
fo r sale by
A (mix supply of this valuable A
y receiv,ed and
earner of lst and wood; also, corner of 6th and wood
smote fel
FLLERS' VERMIFUGE— . No family should be
wlthout it!"
Lotus, C. H,Ang. 94, '4B.
MA It K. 861.131: I cheerfully ce rtify that I have
for some years past used your Vertniffige in my family,
and unmensally yeah success I decidedly prefer it to
any other preparation I have used—amongst them may
be shamed the celebrated medicine called Deadahot,
p a i i nemocles Vevnifuge, and• preparation called
Worn/Tee In a recent ease a single dose brought
front my
hula boy one hundred and am huge worms
No family certainly ought to be without it' Years .4c
JAS. LAW 601.4
Prepared and sold by R. E. Sellers, No. 5; Wood
and sold by Drugguns generally in both eine. seen
A Phut glot of Tooth for SI6 Ceuta.
TV GUMS.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after be
ing once or twice cleaned with Join' Amber Tooth
Paste, have the appearance of the most beautiful ivory,
and at the sarnennie his so perfectly innocent and cr.
quisitely fine, that its constant doily use is highly ad:
yzatige9vs, oven to those teeth that are in a good con
dition, giving them a beataiful polish, and preventing a
premantre decay. Those already decayed it prevents
front becoming worse—tt saw fastens ouch as are be
comtng Mose, and by penseverance it will render the
foulest teeth delicately White, and make the breath de
liehrosly sweeL Bold by al. 'JACK/SUN, bit Liberty
street. mann
B. A. Poorrrocl, A. a Hou, N. Y. Qtr.
1.. ROOM= , }Pittsburgh.
f litole m anle Drat Store in am City of
Now York.
rwiden% are art naiyely ongagod dui
Wlioissale buaincas at No. In John meet, in
do' of New lore, and are prepared to supply
and country Momenta" with Dogs, Runny
14113rwamira, Fafwgn del American PatAuciery,
.=Ol4/ n Vaaver it !Loader% Ciliamicals, ler chair own
and all other ankles in their line of WA,
- • Mn wpartorwsliry w low as they can bayou*
. oda or any eastern city.
. '. - stISDIC:AL; .' ..,• © ,
....:-..,,,;:- ••. • ekli - VZ . f.M. -,... .
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Dii. o ajec rr . D
coxratica usaicror
I.h. ruder sad BletZ i lft.Ad.e.World
T. guttuat ...pat .p /a Quart Reales is
tla.• Amur, Atadoustar, d eurrnata
Iterier t. MI Ma It tow satiuna
r 4. ricluteity
The p-eat Davit) and reperkaity of this Sanaperilla
;war RD ether medicines tiat while It eradicates the &p
-eva, it Invigorates the body. It it one of the very twat
Ever known; It sot tartly pwrides Me whole patern, and
lreelematts. prison. bat It mama ars, Tore psi sire
oad:l a power posseesed by 141 ether mediae. And in
toia low the greed seems effte wemdsrltd seep.. It hp
perfothin the lest two years, more Pao 10000
tures of rme d
.acre poem of disease ; at beat 15,000 were
....let.' It has semi the HT.% of more
mart IOPOO shildmm dzeted the two past pasta..
10,000 eases et General Debilit7 and
want al Nerve.. Energy..
Dr. Tr/Imam:4'a Darer invigorate. the whole
ay stena permanently. dime who have loft their
momular energy by the of swriletne or balls...
non come:dud la youth or the excessive indulgence of
the po aluve, a nd brought Oa a general physical prom..
a t t. e oerrona system, lanntade„etant ofmnbition,
f i d .th g done, premature decay and decline, tiestew
aog towarthathealbtal dinette, Comm:pylon, can bro..
tardy metered by this pleasant remedy. This Same
,wrille is far anperior to any
Inviliteraling Cordial,
it revere end thrigoretra the system, gives activity
no th e limbs, and strewth to th e =molar 'Taunt, to a
mow attraordsnary degree.
Consumption Cured.
Clisom nut Strength.. Offonnoptios ean he tarn(
Bronchitis, Otnumption, Lion Complaint, Golds.
°Musk Coes, lotkoko, Spitting of Blood.
StintnessinOlood,Hease nu.* /Reit
Enno eete,
s., Tn.
siaio zL
yr Preto. Itsete•
Slia.**4 •
tera Yor
Dm. Doirteure:-I nrity Indene.*a roar Mi t:r.
Tina bet bete tessera% avenge Peedenn• of nil
roi DR I Iran ter mead nen kid • bed Cough.
I rend . Larltra.
nnel I mewed, sad tot wpm re . M ' I en.
only wyear Aafap a deon them Oa there ha
watlinithi Otorglibeei lent& AIDS
i l . r d ably
thall , l:ir NV. 1 tu
Iva Ifl ba es I eg ,
M thee Tana
6bl nlrlALL, IS
Dr. Terraemi lgeßril b • wrereten ired
rem at latq w :ULlarkSll,
Merl. or elf Wit•Z=Wlrenem n•
tombs; . W tiltilamores.
buontlatorm et Iltitm, lir lise &ahem.
thereof, aml fin the l real if The gram—
ma whether elebetwelglall muss.,
predated by Irreqyatette, or widen Nothhts
a. be auto morpriebba dm Ili
ye the ham. frets. Teresa WI =Ltd.
lade, from akin U. a tatm be em eb ratan aped Asp of
tan? ander tte tellstome. It temmelleolfil .10sutarsets
ths tuolvalan.llof tba allonala feste. wldel le the mat
cause et Barratneen It ell sot be .Wald of us, Is
mew of se dattasta • manna mb mrdlimme el
mires performed ha we ma wren the ...Sated , that
bemired./ mem babes mooned es. Tlithemede
of came where boar hem Wm without children.
aller adag a by Wilts if tiele laminable medial.,
ham been blamed widt lAN Maltby adapting.
Te Illetlearelarzled 1.1111[2.
MU Extract of Im.D dun LAW been .spa ly pre
pared in reference to complaints. No fowls
ho has reason ID BIIppIMI approsablag that
critical ceded, The hire .110," should lenient to
duke It, aa it lea terrain preventive fee wry of Ia
nanmereee end horrible diorama to which female. Lt.
nth : Jed a tbb thee of 1111. This period waxy ee
iaelllbr armrest peen urine this eetseren. Nor
t lea 'enable for th ose who era approaching wo
U is calculaled to sane nature, by qulele
ruing the blood gad lavigereting th e rya.. ledeed,
this medicine is inveleabhe for all tha delicate divas
see to which tromeu are rubject.
. •
It braces the whole erne.. mese.
uni eneilyiee by removing the tmperinea of the
body, not so Bar nitoulatian u to produce übseque.
relautioth which 4 the cue °feud osedtensu tease fie
facade easkaess and disease. By none • fee bottle,
the 'edict.; many enure and owlet] eureka! opera
none may b. prevented.
Brest Blessing to Bother. wad Children.
It h the rem and mist effectual mullein@ for ;miffs
lv l t the spurns and relieving the sufferings attends:it
upon chdditint ever dlecovered. h stiregtheee both
the moth. and child, prevents pain and dews, M
em*. and enriches the food, thmo who tome <mod st
ditolt it *lndispensable. It Is highly useful lush tense
And after nonfinetteerni as It prevents diseases attendant
open ehildbinh--tn Couivenns, Piln. Cramps Swell
sms of the Feet. Dessitenry, Heanbana. Pornstme
Pun in the Back end Lost. False Petits Hemorrhagn
mud in mutating the envenoms and nouniung the es,
emlatioe it has no equal The great beauty of Ins
medicine is It to asap India and she 1110 at doll.. mu
it most succeasfully, use few cases mane say other
nudleina In soma a hide Castor Oil, or illagneua
unlit ratercloa In the open air. usd light food with
this modish., sill always savers a nth and easy con
lientatry modlicalelbs
Cumembse Chalk, and • variety of prepmetions fens.
mdly In map when applied to Om fate, very woos wed it
of ite beauty. They clime the pore. of the duo nod
shook the circulation, which, when nature is not thwart.
isl by disease or powder. or the ela
wnn Inflamed by the
alkalies osed in maim, beautilim ite o product...a in
the " human face Divina" as well es in the pirdein of
nob and dedicatedy tinted endvarbeammil flowers.
free active and healthy cirmidatioa of Ile beide. or tie
semsbie aloha puns fob blood w tha extremism, u
Mat which palate the nonutenance in the mem mope.
te beauty. It t. that whkirimparts the Indescribable
shades ma tubes of lovellneal time all admire. but
noam amortise This beauty le tbe offirpring of bit
otprioderr or *sq. If there to not a free end
beaUhl arcalatioa, them is no beauty. If the lady ts
fair as driven rove, If she pallet and um comictica
and the bleed le thick, cold mid impure she le root beau.
Ufa If ahe be brows or yellow, and there is pare sad
active blood, it given a rieh bloom to the cheeks, nod a
brilliancy to their Ilya that I. faatilaLinj.
This le why the southern, and especially the agu
sh ladies, are se notch adisd. Ladies in the earth
wiso take but little ...Mae. or are coasted in close
memo or base wined their complexion by tie applh
tad. of &tensions raismres, if they wteh to re
tsin obedient a ionip, buoyant "Oita, iipmk limp_ eyes
sod benudted complexions, they
Dr. Tow.
seists Elersaperble. Thousaads who hove tried it ere
more than satisfied. are delighted. Ladies of meg
mitten, crowd oar oblcie
toot imitate Dr. Tostrotned's Hermpaulla
invariably udied their moff • elver Remote Fr
tea/u. &c, At, end time implool oar bills and urculso
which relate. to the complaints I for were
—other Ems wbo pot op medians, have, since the groat
raceme of Dr. Thrmaior. Ilaresparills In complaints
Incident ea thareeyen. eeneao thud. itlihmilb_pm
sintudy they did not • ember althea, Iflatorie,
be., up imaariotts to tamales, as ...1 grtamt.t.e d 1......
and mulorteins the eassrandoo. Dr. Tomomod's is the
only and best remedy lee theannerette female corn
plaint...—. rarely, if sow fails of efatileg • permanent
cure. It can be talons by tin NNW delleete team.,
iu any cam. Of by those expeedelg is become =ahem
ah the ere teat adsardarta, ma it repents the system
soul presents pelt,or danger, aod toreaphene both
mother and chili He careful. rat the fitthltte.
Thin certificate concladvely prvrea that thin Elan.
1 , .n11e It...perfect Thre e ver the mod obettuate
.J,ll of the Blood. pavan cared Iv one house
1. unprecedented.
Tkree Ckildrem.
. .
Da. Toonreato—likar t 1 ha. the plethora to
Inform ray that tkreo of tory thithroo hoe. teeth etoral
of the ilorofola by the see of your ethelleot toodkiaa
They were *Mewl very severely with bad eons have
thloth only four boules; it took theta ...y, for whielt
I Awl my if yodels treat oblirolou.
Opinions of Physician.
I. Townsend is almost didly maids* molar. from
Phi/sic:ens diderent pare of the Union.
'this is to certify that we, the undersigned. Physicians
or 0.3 City of Albany, hare Is numerous cases pmacrib
ed Dr. Townsend'. garsaparilla, and believe it en he
our of We nem minable preparailane In the marked l y
J. linusorioi. D.
Albany, April I, 1847. P. E. EUMENDOILY, IL D
''wing id the rear moms and Mammas wale of Dr.
Townersd'e Elareaparalk a member of moo who were
Amend., oar Agents, have commenced making !kraal?.
nil. Ewe.,, Catrann of Yellow Dock
Tbay reinrelly put it up to the autos shaped but.
DOM* of them be.. stole and copied our adwer.
tuL,eut•--tbsy are only wertblatut imitation.. =id
st.uld be avotded.
Promipel Office, 196 FULTON Street, Bon Betiding.
N Y.; ELedding k C., 8 Nests anon. Sostonl - Uyou
S.,e, I= North Second weft. Philadelphia R.
ll,ner. Druggist, Baltimore ; P. M. Cabo, Charimtoo
Wright & Co, *I Clasztrea Street, PI 0 ; 10S Booth
1....r1 Street, Albany; and by all the prthetpel Dmt
end Merchants generally throeghout the Coned
Wen lodine sud the Canada..
N. R.--Persons inquiring for this medicine, should
not be Induced to take any other. Druggists put up
Sarsaparillas, and of course pmts., selling their novo.
Do not be deceived byanpinquire for Dr frown
send's , and taker no other. Remember the grou
t. - Townsend's Samparil a." sold by the sole agents.
R. E. SELLERS, General Wholesale 3 Retail Agent.
No. 57 Wood street, and D. M. CURRY, Allegheny
eity. Jelin
/I Proprietor of this
well known place of rel.6T! ti e.
I thy pleasure of Informing the public dim t • e•tal..
lisionent having been thoroughly refitted andrepuired
and the grounds de/inn:ly bud out and decoratei.
nave open for feel r ocean/motion., and he flatten b.-
.ell thut those who may favor him with their patron.
age will find all that they desire, provided to the hest
PEACE I PEACE I I st) le and on reasonable tem.. He Is determined
XOT m acmes seer,/ no expense to making his establishment worthy
BUT IN EVERY MOTHFA'S 1101111,7 r.AD. of //oldie ...age. He has accommodation. for
Loa rdine a few famines lee Creams, and all ref../
T HE undersigned has long been convinced of the e , e . nte eenethette ~ h e/0 j
necesnity for some medicine adapted to the use of table season, eons BtiacilyiELD.
Children and Infants to supercede :he u. of all those jeb:ll
medicines which contain opium, and has at iengtb moo. ffdswowitnateln lionise Tailddring E•di/t.
needed in preparing and offering to the public a Med,. Ilahment.
eine fully answering every purpose for all disease. of tne 7 It//AC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, begs to in'
Entsvvis, without the am of that detetenoas drug, or any 1 form the citizens of Pittsburgh and others, that he
other calculated to injure lc the cast The Infant P.I is now opening at hls room. on Smithfield street, un
tge h e ,. fillip tested anti tried. t h e t eat t we l ve der the above 14.1. • large and beautiful annonment
months,neo t eem . poeeee , .11 of Cloths. Cassimeres. Satin, Silks. nod other Vesting,
the extraordinary viruses, and to predate all the ono./' with nu.. other articles . tee re - 4...d for
ishing effects an sat lona on the bill of direct... Di-lee wed , goods hove been carefully sd
arrliwn, Vomiting, Cholla Griping, Pains, and 'tad, and are of the eetwen and most fashionable
the,eeee seining •A et t et ,,.. tteh„,, Immediately style, as well as of superior quality. His customers
without disturbing any of the - Bleeder. of the body, may depend upon having their clothe. mode up in
producing the happiest and ma. pleasant trans/non manner which cannot fail to gratify the mate of the
from violent pain to • tranquil and joyous suite of feel- most St•dduidd arrl4:ly
loft in thallule sufferer.
To he had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor Dr.
JOHN SARGANT, Druggist and Apothecary; John vF,xrrie.N BLIND fiLANUFACTORY
it Mitchell, Elliott A Beckham, and most other Draggists Fan side of the Diamond, where Volution
A l l
and Pittsburgh. decl3 Bhnds of all the dation/et sixes and color.
- - are kept on hand or made to order afte
1 - 11L.TOWNSENDM SA READS BILLA.--60 dozen the hue. and moo approved Eastern Iksh.
.I_/ JIM received of Dr. Tovrn.nd's Barsisparilln the tens, at the shortest notice and on the eras
most extraordinary medicine iii the world: This Es• re•sons Me tem ,
tract la poi up in quart bottles. His six times cheaper, t o t t, t h e c h ee p Bonn./ roll or split Blind Tromnpo•
plesuanteg, sod warranted superior to say wild. It reney and Paper Can.. of all the different sines and
cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or patterns, on hand and for sale low for conk Old lien,
debilitatiligthle=at oun Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in part
Loodbirracnt =XL—Unprincipled persons have payment for new. tt fit WESTERVELT, PrEepl.
.Pud /ddee_l/3
Pat dP med./m m the .me N. B —All work done with the be. res./nal and
rasp= mut. Deem= cub !Kale btu the sedum tug- workmannitip, and warranted to please the most In./
nature Of S. P. Tetroated. tithous.
R. E. SELLERS, Dnlg= Wood street, between Albigheny coy, Aug, Id/ /did. as 10-01
and 4 tel ' i Y eg t 7n n t b %g ii pi lk tteh ere h_ w i s s „, "4 , / ,„ ' " h t"' " „ / „ ° °TEAM FERRY BOATS FORSALEThe
grit 'd els7hert 0 northers offer to .11 or of the two ferry
A been boa, Goa Scott and Gem Wank, now running free
a M.
npr- - the foot of Pane street to Saw Mill Run, sou to make
Allegheny kilyest genuine week! can be 4 t or e
in far ces.. milets, Or any wh o
apt may wish to culture in the b.i
DraPERS-44'4,14 Septa Ddd/ddd nod daured For further paruculara, inquire of
Table, ha; • assonseato reed by
n0v13141 0 SLACKAMM 03, Water st
_ BEACiisEr;•
TAKERS, corneror Yam and F. 1.. Cllll . streets,
ooposite the Exchange Maul, entrance on Pcm streets
respectfully inform their !brads and the public:, That
they are pre_pared to tarnish and attend ay everything in
the kneed . Undertakers. Alway• on hand a large as
torment of ready made Coffins, covered, lined and fin
ished in the very best manner, all sorts and sizes ready
node Shrouds of flannel, Crunbriek and 01041111, and asl
Was.* Made us approved styles We keep a bike as
rorlmrnt of abbe and Macs, cotton. • iik mot k id tiitoena
sable for pal bearers and mourners, crepe, raps,
Mrs, and every thing ltwersar.ry (or drcs•ole the death
and on lc asOnable terms no we purchase all our goods
to the Eastern mites Alen. silver plates for engratt,i,
the name and yet. IVe have a splendid new hearse and
bryws. and any number of the hest <motives P.erry
thing am-itch-din promptly and punctually aeTvty
El Ll ruslngh•m,lntr•t Pllt•burgh,l
Word:mut, Pio. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
WILL computtly keep on band a geed assort
moat or Wate, o( oar own manufacture,nod
superior quality . Wholesale and country filer •
chants ere respectfully 'melted to rail and ma
amine for themselves, as we are determined to sell
cheaper than has ever before Lrea offered to the pub
la. Orders vent by mall, antomimilled by the rash or
only reference. vn .11 be prompti) 10 1 004,1 to. (0111,P3
P. fti;I7VFNI JAY. M. loin a
1 nanup on hxnd
Glassware, in nli its varieties. al tilers Wa d
rehouse cor
ner of Marto and Water street.. rittaliorgh.
Our NVortis continue in full operation. and are are
constan lo our stock, soh:ch enables c s hp
otdot. w•th Prooitune•r. Purchaser. are rette,eiluliy
solicited to call and ea attune prier, and terms
Ine I y
FROM the very I.Leral eneontars
• Mom the subeeilbct recr:ved • ore
;•.. .111: 0 he ha, locatcd .n degh. - n).
: hay educed Lau to tai a,.'o
tore, of years. on 4.4.: h"te
occuplu, In Beaver Pltt.t, mediate!) kr...J. the
Preabyterran Church. Freer on lons ex per. nre In tLe
above boames• and a desire. please, Le hope. to mor
n andreoetvc share of public patroong , .
Now band and fir.mblaa to order, Sockaw•y Wig
ge*. open and top Buse: e. and every aI,CIM.IIOIk of
Carrmges made en ender, from se•enty-ft re do:la r to
stain b one rat (.0-dul /051 N FOUTII
l 6) wharves, PMl's, oder fur •ale accommodating
terms. OUlar parrs Nlanufartured Tobacco. ronsurturg ol
!woods. half pounds, I6's, la's and Tr..
iumpoi .s's. 6'. ar.,l 6'e plug, mrd 13's Lather"l'wist. in
whole .od hall boles. or um iollowlng approved brands,
James It Drant. Osborn h. flragiki
Gram \‘'ilhums., A Colourist,
)01106 Nl'Donald.
Webster Old, J Thomson,
James Thomas. Jr. A II
J Thomas IL : on, I.andhont A. Arm...road,
JP Cootes, J Cobb*,
Gentry Royster, J A Clay,
Al A Dude,, C A Linn,
Charm Hail, WI. Dawson,
Poor/ Norwood, J lilaek wood,
. .
Nall Keg, Keystone,
Wll Vaurhan , Edmund Henry,
Porttauk Robinkou, Russell k Robitoon,l
Kelm, Robtoson &Co :1,11 11.061,
R Metcalf. John Kod..r,
Lawreure Lotuer, .1 Rohm...
Grity K I.lray, I) H Tame t,
11J6IlliCE011, York White,
1) 11 Braneh
11a•uto Leal Tobacco, atropin,. and fillers;
Yu ra do do do
nutueros do do . do
, .1.41,11, Cuba do do
t-st Dom , ngo do do do
lyurtA & Out<leo do port fin , do
I , l4.yortllit do do do
Kentucky rano. arailett do en
‘,. rgtnto tot t , .uttobic for rnettuforturtlig and report;
Sputtit.h Seed Lrai. reo.nta. Count.rocut and i th.o.
V t rg t n.• S t -rope. "wee,: Ittrman hp's, Ito Leads;
St ol , th S.taff tloor.e a n d bloat:lc...o Mareoube neal,
l'ttuituo Benno. Horan, bass; Otto Hove; HarAotoot•
2tbria Ltrinorice, lot. It l'uvetidoso Is .
Sc hr I'IIII.ADKI.IIIIA. niy lb
TDDArco,lltoti, AND ciGiDs,
oh,lorrlloll 01 Coy ) Merchant.. Illoinl anti
n iorge and •upertnr
1111 , !1: rl CII:ARS amon, wtnett wto
~.K brand, r:4 Ene , ••
• nr I
.n Nnrtnn. Star Ilran, •11,1
la a r It•galtax. :0 or Orr mr L.. he und al low a• can
nad al Itn, othyr hon. , 14 100 Cl?)
vnn•Eant:y tn, u•nd and tor sale, a large an,l
' .elected muck or Vilganna,M,ssaari. and F in< Cu:
Common Leaf Tobar,
k•Ln nrll on Land uml far ...le no,ltNtn
d Y \V 111-1.1) offer, (or sale at the
' /%1 ant:Nem:err pr.c,
. a very
art- ,t nt PAPER nompr • na. evetry p.n....hie var.... 7..
ads-pied loam W.ItA or rott•torters at at I o. 'be
cowttry Paper ot •i. made to order et •rt •r
1 cock of PRINTINIi PA P}.ll is, ,
a part of wn,c, .5 of very aopcnor quattly
of oven. description tutor , : tcd and tem C 04.1,44,) or
ban-, v.:: Felttngs. N ,re Cloth, Foordnnter W.rns
Bleach.rq Powder. IE, Ll:nova: ne,TI• ate, .se.,
• . .
011.11. Bale Rope, Gr - 5-l• Rope, B. Rene.
porehayed. for artaxo lOC higheAt prey ,n ()nth %I'd;
pald /rat New Yo4,JeATAI,46
before—made on the most approved Eastern plans -
sad most fashionable Eastern patterns unl colors. Att.
THE CHER! ROLL, or Irb y roN BLIND, on band
or made loonier of •lllll2t, nod at all prices.
Country Merchants and others are melted to rail and
es suitor the above for nmmarl•es ;es all unit be mold
wholesale or retail and a liberal deduroon made to
wl.nlmalr purchaser s.
+t , l r• I y EIR V ELT
'FILE undersigned oilers for sale • superior ankle
A of brlek for beihitne, made I, hi• Steam Press,
Improved machine. for whtrh nail obtained patent,
• agrees gyve purchaser. a wiltten guarantee that
they •rc stronger. and ern' resist frost anti we weatil•
er arid Imbibe less morsturc or dampness than sup oth•
e rick. possessing greater body and supenor texture
and nineti more durable in every respect. each bock
bemg subjected to a psegaure of several to and
sessing a handsome smooth surface and evrti edges,
they make a front equal to the best front brick.
.1 hey have given the greatest ...faction toll] who
have purchased. A kiln can be seen at my works. and
specimen at the Osmotic office
Those having supplted themselves for them budding.,
and ',Wang handsome front ',nett, or supertor braid
and send puling brick, ran obtain them.
fn =mg hum, June 12. IA4B. If
JOlllll A. BROWS,
- -
....... TAKEt3 this medial to inform his friends
and the public at latge that his Factory w
now In full operation, on the west side of
the Diamond, Allegheny, where • con
stant supply of Blinds, of rations colors
and qualities. are constantly kept on hand;
also, at No 3 Wood W. Pittsburgh. at J &
II Phillip.' oil cloth stateroom .
Ventunn I.but ten made to order to the bat style.
repel red at the 'honest nohee.
N Blind. will h , put up without any •rhh
hone' expense, so that the) can be removed in • trio.
ineut re.. afire or for we.hilur, and without the aid
rhrew , driver. Jll-dlykwianAyS
eubteriber I. ',re
puted to 'umbel, Bouquet.
for Weddipan, Balls And
Yurne., eunnposed of rieh
Itugtent Flower. Order.
lest tetth W T Down. Jr.
st, Clair street, or Through
the lost (Mice, wr
it be dc•
Manchester Nursery
( a 7, • Pi
E " : 7& Co, Pi
r c r , Z 'i Clevelandl P r°-
chnve I.,ne to now prep:mot to transport freight
odil parseitgen , train Pindiurch arid Cleveland, ur
any point On the Canal+ :11111 torkew
Ont. hoot .cav, l'itr.:nrogh and Cleveland daily, run
ding rim co nnection von the steamboats late krie and
Michigan. between Pinvliorgh and Heaver, and • line
of Grxt rt.. propellerr, brigs and oehooic
era on lake. kNwS Moron .d Michigan.
rrolviny fin - warded to 'any part of the Union with
divpateli, Ity WM. 'r NIATIIKIL or
ear Water and genithrichl Ca, ritirtbargh.
AGENTS:—ltcrit , Parks & Co. Beaver
It Parts Young - Mown, 0;
li W Cows& Co, Warren;
IL) Ho Wick 2c Co, Ilreudport;
A k. N.Gsrk N , Wtou
I..vorm, Newport;
J & E 11 Whlulesay, CumpLcEsport;
J WEritle.
Kesut, Frank/in:
hbllerA Turtle, &hop. Falle;
itre.lor 1 Ca:A.k ion;
Ilunley, allot. h. Co. Saodurly.
11'utk ms h tupla, TM*do,
t. & Datrott, 51.411,
NI 'slurs & Williams. NI klwauk.,e, Wis;
II J Clacugu, ILL. all 4
184 S, inAla
IR. 2rI•11/./1
pill: Proprietors or tars old established and first
1 . Portable float lane, haying removed their de
pot to ft 111111 - h larger Warehouse
on NI ark et duct the) formerlyoce.upted. and also no
rreosert their room Orr storirge at Pittsburgh, are /tow
proparod card r greater facriates to their (mods
I:hods carried hy lLta one are not transhipped
wren P.:lstrnrgh ..11// Plutirdelplrdi, being earned en
ttreiy in limaide ./Cll.l 'ro slippers of flour
nod other gad. requtruig careful handling, this is of
tmportanee No okra'', mad.. tor teem, mg or shipping
goods or rolyarldtag charge. All goods forwarded
promptly, aid upon us reasonable Innis as by any oil,
er line.
Can: YmirE a. Patsboro.
fe1024 Nlarket & SI Commerce st , Phlla.
JOI IN rTA I/EN &Co , Porvrtinting and Commis
.ion Merrhauts, i,aial BLICI, Penn st., Pittsburgh
JAM M DAVIS & Co. Floor Fortora and Comm.
n blerehtuttit, u Market, nod 54 Commerce at.,
Philadelphia fele:A
d youlfc. made by router of the above on Flour,
M on; anal other Jracrtptions of Ale rehamdiu concord
to them.
NOTICF—Tbe utibarrlietir. have dug-toned of Melt m
tiniest in the and I /1110 Line In t•I &
TIL&W, of Pittaboc,h. and JoSlirfl S LEWIS, of Oast
n4,-, 0,1 ,1 hlottneoa for the hoe,
at their Warehouoe on Bromd street. as usual, and
speak (or its continuance. of the pate of their
frtenti• .1 A ME: , STE ronag EL & Co.
Philadelpiti a, March sth, 140.
Pann•a. and Ohio Trans ortation Co.
rw•eu n 111.41,10431 a a.,w ert-trum ltll7.lll
K.A.,[11.1 C . RIP,.
CLARKE A TII \ , al.l, l'uttivnygh
!t HI ,t 9 Mat teat.PlulaSetphia.
J STEEL A CI, „Ars, B roa d
Ct /NY C LA KKR sk co , North Rt., Balt.
W PORRICK., sksgt.. la %Vest street, New York.
fiIHE sabaenbers have Wt. day tueoctated ther.elvoa
torether under the eyie of liter A. Joue., for the
porpoeeofeohustamic tltetql..inex. formerly carried
by Samuel M. Kier, and aohc It conunuattee of We itb•
era! pr.tronaite beretogoar extended to the house.
Putehurgh, Ala rah I. Irgei.
c( /SF') KNri itr:i. y OF Fl itsT CLASS FOUR
WV propamd receive and lorward trriKht to
thro;: , .not.lsate o ore. %rob as 'ouch
&swell...lld at nr :for coTy other ' , To:I,IWe
Th , .•ton, tn.end Pork or Bs-
Con to Baltimore lit ,• partirtn ar. y in
”rourh •or arrni,cemnota enat , ln Lig to entry ouch
throuo beller ordnr than in, othrr Inin
KWH Yrnrir•
I anal H 14,1 near 7111 st.
snit 1.161 11 • It,(104
nt, Ji -iminixiiinn •nd Mrr
cha and Xl inisic r • in !run. Minon..
Sch. Prrniticie. ar
ni!vniiries nn rnnsignineillt marl if
••,../T, IL • I.' , 11•• tiV341 . 1(10
7 - I ..aror
To Philadc 1.,. a MSII amore.
11F.N1IV GRA IT 11.•,” l'at.burgh.
UCTIt.II. IFt MI II RE\ Y & 4, no I I 11,1,1 ot,
KOONA. roriter North & Ituit
JotJon..C;arte, No IA 041 Nip, or., Aps
oTicu- Th. gly le of oTrfirin. Itrown horn
,and after th/A 41ktr, llctry Grad
& Co., mull. Philadelphia... Doilth.
111:NR1 (AtAFF
THAN 111:h11.111tEN'S.
BF.ARY (kRAFT. rnartlir
niii2 l . l lll6--at
Po , lA. Trgraxp,tarton
lioasiooatt. Cuot,
T h IJ'Com•aloa. rtntaborgtt.
(THIS 00l estabo•he.ll...ote betna Jo nn rod open.,
I.lon ;or Nor notor• yr,neostvr arrange
went...forward goo,. ,rodor/. with Ae•oatch. and
oo the mr. Mnror•Lic term. Tbry coundently loot
th~rwrO lona, pro euptoc.• kic.ivermg ,00ds--1,- gaiety In male of c arty nag—cap./owl verarehou
aro •I each port. strordin, eecommo4atinoeu to alvprwr•
sod owner+ of produeo—toartn,r wt.thrJr long eipe
nonce sod unrenattour attenuant to es 'amoral. a ill ar , u re
to them a contisno,/re al that rar. patronage they
herray grancfull) acknowledge.
AN eons/guineas, and for [hot Ime rere,e4. char.
oer peal. •Ind fora' art , d in Jr:) . retionred dare time free
t . r barge it. Comxll,s.ntm. athancing n ....age.
Na talere“, thready or indirecto 01 atralaboa,l
All [ l OllOOl.Ol /1 atuals prompt:y attraded lo apphe
0.11 tae i'ollow tag agent..
, 11131DGE V- Market •t. Pfithlelphla.
TA A I ri - I,NNt OR. calla' ISaala
rcuN NORS ec Co. Norm I.oolurnore
tP hi B WILSON. -0 Cedar st. New York •ps
Ma= 1848 . aka
MMill: , well known Line , composed of steamboat,-
j Lake Erie •nol Michigan, neivseei, Piataborgh and
li,tver. and freight and passenger Boats he
twee. Beaver and Fine, and C M Heed's hite of first
class straini.ats, proywilers and vessels en the Lakes,
is prepared to carry freight and passengers to all poiriss
on the Este Canal, and Lakes Erie, Huron and Michi
gan . . .
/laving every Csetllty for conveytng freight and pas
sengers roil promptness and (Impaled, the propseto
and urntal re.r.ectfully •oltclt from thelr Mends aeon
linunnec or their patronage
REEL, YANKS & t'n, Heaver. Agents.
JOHN A. CAL 6111.:1. Agent,
•pl 4 <or Water and Southfield nut. Poulson
Mita 1848. maim
To and from ihe Flamo•ni via Cumberland.
rilllEpropnesors of mu popular lute. b•re . ..nre their
re-organitawnn lamely snorrased tbetr facilibea to
meet the wishes of slopryers. nre
pressured to
forward a greater amount I, Me F I VI AY LINK
also by addattonal regular wamms as low ram.
Y Thts 800 unit run throughout trio year, dellyering
goals throut h d,e Mgr]. to BuILLMOre and Pittsburgh
to owner. and epee fed rules and tome.
Shipments from l'htladelplua for the, line should be
marked “Care, d B Robtliamt, Baltimore
The only agents are,
int $ Chart. at, Baltimore .
EDGERTON & Ca, '.htsuberlantl.
W CANS, Brownsville.
J C Plltsbarirta.
E cit
. 1 71 S.
p TRANSPORTATION . rb .e !. I N a l t ic.
/wry at CuMbarland from tre boom of Mama &Ma
yore to that of FArrioo t, Co.
Pittsburgh and western merchants are ttotified that Dai
ly kohtsmoo. sr, Soolh Charles et. Baltostore, Ma only
authorised agent of tha Cum AO tha Eastern elm,
The only at..o ma
J C EBBW ELL, Pattsburgh,
O W CAMS Brosmmeille,
ED° A &TON 4. Co Cumberland,
El ROBINSON, Baltimore.
W iiTrantaiortatlon Comp
1848'. Olt E.L.1 4 . 1 f,Th 1848,
RE prepared to tranaporkood. anti produce to and
from the above
s einen on favorable tem.. Ad.
dreg. or apply to
U. I.F,F;CfI k Co, Canal Hawn, Putsburgh.
HARRIS to LEECH, Non It to le South Thud .t, Phil.
J. TAYLOR to SUN, Agta, No 14. N'th Howard ot, Raft.
A. A.lll/077, Art. No 7 - IVein turret, New York.
Iti tubergit, NI arch lflth. lufte. mar%
Tran•portation Llne. —
Ma= 1848 . nitia
GOOlkt consigned to our core will be forwarded
without delay at the lowest current rates.
Canal S.M. Penn iti , Pittsborgh.
a 72 and X 65 Markel it, Phil'.
jel9 smith, wharf, Bellmore.
atiEt=l lB4B . nita.
D ETWIIKN Plusbu rgh, Blairsville, Johnstown Hol.
API lidaysburgh, Water street, (Iluminschm Co) alld
This Line OOPS formed exclusively for the special ac
commodation of the way Mminms. The Proprietors,
thankful mir the very liberal patronage diey have re
ed daring the last two years, would respectfully in
form their (needs and the public that they are new still
better prepared to deliver goods at any point an the
Canal and Rail Roads, with promptness and dispatch.
Pickworth k Wood., Johnstown.
Joint Minot, HollithiY•burgb.
C A M'Anulty & Co, canal basin, Pittsburgh.
Rarmaancsa—Prusbufigh—Smith b Sinciath J h I
kir Durin, 0 & I H 3bdenbo,gor, R Robinson k Co; R
m oo , Broy & South, Job& Parker; Wm Lehr:or &
Coi Dr I' ....bonrc.
• " PLILNO viOrmss.
1011 N. 11:.11111LbOR, No. 81 Wood
atreei s has now receives' a full assort ,
',MilMenrof Piano Forel. iteleeted from
the following manufamones of gosh. ,
had Neei york, to winch the attention of porehaaers i.
reepeetfdllf invited *Mote !rote 51r. Chtelt mine, Ifor
the sale of seknetslie a 0000 Agoot to Western 0.11-
oylvanl.4) have what a termed the New Circular :4e ale.
being' nn improvement seeemUy made, and givingdm"
a derided relsentogs in power mtd ennalnf mac
0484 attY mie' , l'he following are te pat t e r ns mid
y les °del.-timing's:
No.l geosessio,l, 7 °creel, finished bar. 1 from, 8141'
tt" 11 richly carved "
3 a ril a a a a 44811
" 4 gi" rarved mouldings, ' *Pi/
" finished bark and ,ett, -MB3
a 631 M
" Bart
it " n a tt a 11.135
•`e 6 projecting front,
" 1 ,, " 7 richly carved, style of Louis 14th.
I. " 6 hollow corners and hollow cor
nered legs, second hand. coat origulally 1415, and will
-he sold at a eery reduced price
No. 11 Roseuroo.l, round co very elegantly fin
ished, 5•27:i. No 11 Rosewood, rou rner,
nd corner, vary Ms
epuntly finished, $175.
The above are manufactured by It. Worcester, N.
Y., well known as being connected lormerly with
'Messrs Stotard, Woirester k Chinharn. N. Y.
No. 13 Kolle wood, 61 carved mouldiug, made by the
Nlanbunan Company, N Y $ll5.
No I 4 Ituistrwootl carved, ti octaves, Gal• k Co`e, 11.
V. fuesl. No. Idpinin frlgo
Nu 16. Rosewood Brand Piano, made by Henri
tiers, Poris.
No 17, NI almgany. 6 o , tnvea, ',rand hand. pore 575.
Old Piano. mkt- in part payment for new one..
Sole Mem for f'Lirk•nnp'. Brand nod Square Piano
Voile, for %Vex,. l'etlne.vivnnin
i-:w 110010 , --I_,orona' nen:mots cols:v.lo.lm.y
of plain and superfietsl Trig noose
try, wttlt their nprOlent.nos to Mensuration, Su emit
and Nuatermott: Ly Etta. Loom.. A M.
A Ftr.l Kook In (:reok. oonssoung full vie of the
form of' words, with sue/theism* nod copious tier.
etses ro the method of constant 1011120 On tad •epeo
non' I')
I,tho 1 ,- ml/sok. I) I), Professor of Langua
ge*. •nd i:eorge K Croosts. A. It. Ad,oort Prolessor
of I.nnlruases In Dickinson College
Tphsant Life of Madan. Catharnm Adorns. 7d edi.
new novel—The Discipline of Life.
pare 9. IU and I I of Harper & Brothers' splendid il
lustrated edition of the Arabian Nights' Eniertationents
The shove works tweetaed this dap Ay roan... and
for wale b) /WINS TON & STOCKTON,
an , " ear 3d and market sta
—•- -
VVV V employ the treat workmen to be found, together
with • law nod complete stack of fine tools and ma
chinery. adapted to oniplicated work. making
with aceu far y and (actin!, new pieta, ettatollhers may
depend •ati•f...etion. and at about the same prices
they pay oi any shop. for nuperfect work, and to mn•
tip CSAVO (or poet uve tmury ,kine their watches All
our work is warrmtied to pertorm
N reduced my huatae•• ml 4, Of..
tent lam derm,ed wit as low as the lore st regu
lar otter...ea. UT weat. and customers may be assured
that they r...n make their inirchissea in this Ilne as
cheap asthe eastern e.t.a thereby etiesparasing
home trade and industry. W \V WILSON
XTEW ~t tli, — Crornorrtr• 5pe..,
eronia , ll . • I.etters and Speerhea, includ4ng the
.opplenteut to tlic brat etlitrort rel4lool. ily
Thorne Curl Ir In '2 nit 1 . 2rn0, Cie It
Cuol n: Rentorqy - /11.uortral ttlreiebes o 1 ten.
‘uoyy, ernt,rerlnr, nr•torv. arti.qutty. and natural
Cat.iral •rul Keolopeal de
.cflptunts, watt aecdotes ol I . none.r 1110. and more
than one Ito.nlr,d n rkg re para.'', •igelebra of diatingutab
rd pluncel •nl.l er4. r,
.tole. en, jun•la. lawyers,
divlnea. rt, flu: oral,: by tom engravlngs. By
hewta Col Mk,
Fairy T 1 1 ,4 •hd IAgNItIt n 1 many Nationy—galre,
ed. newly told. anal IFelt•l•ted. Lty C. H. Lturkbarda
Ikaattia .11o•tritteal
The A rabkan Nteh ta— The Tfinvaand and One Nit Ins;
ttr, the Arabian N:ghta' Kntertstotnents, tronxlated and
anted fee faintly reading—ovtin.erott,,aysry
IN Lane, Foy. Frani the seentid !Amino edl
non Illst•trated wuth 610 niVOuti rats by homey. and
Illuannated titles by Ooen Jones, onntplrte in 12
part. papet, or 2 vita , i%.4116
The ahol e books trial reeetred and for sale Fy
.10/INSTt.N & STI/CIiTON, Itookvellers,
nn, 5 market • or :hi
filicill A HPI.V:N DID I..rtrnent or !Nth..
rani and Rosewood Pmnoa.
ts:led. Theme tnatmments axe made of
the latest pattern and best materials
and will he on;d hoe for r ash hv
B —nose who tie to want eta good instrument.
tespectiu ty 111, st-d examnte these before pur
chasing her , as they rennet beexcelled by any
the country,as, wfll he soul lower than any brought
.roas the FA.' A,o,ust received, two plan. of 17.10-
I tsrgo Ine‘ore warranted to be .upertor to en)
eve, sold trt t,,s r,,untry oer.r.l F. B.
.(HEAT MIN. WM. NOVF.I.TI —The suhaeriber
. 7 100 recea red trom Lump, and for sole an
rowelt „eo Plano Forte tulle the C ' A B
IN I.:1' PIANO Vi.p.Tv_ we.o, leg to• of power
nnd .r.veeme.. than the ...pore Pusan. occum•• but one
louvn room. end a much more .owy and
baud...ore iurnoure It ta narneolu ly denim
hre lettere do. Involg a spuee .1 an °lnert, Leong Cl.
edone:, uno e. on,det. and oneupynne t o more
room than sumo stde uhle The ouboort • rh. in
!.1”.1 • se•tlsoionwl .s• wpariorn) Irom th'
nod wag., :o I.RII hand v., I
Inn, be oso.perted 11 Al.'
.127 As J W W •
-itECEI VF.I/ so., n.s.r. a lot al ohowr
and shoo: Cwt.:n.l. .C.n!las,Alt
NOSIII• A I In.l. si 1 One osusasso.lilo
n.l , llngrimny, orb r•
Thußn-rg thr grratc.i PLanlat
)1V Clear.- In • wilt,
1 . 1 m.. I rannot ,tram from egal
Inbornforo. I eon mono., pm - Itnn on two
with (telt( ptoustito oty tautly.t to make
~ , IGLIS II BOOCCS—lluanr) u.' the ireek Rev
u,at.on. st. 4 of Lb.: wars and rampal ns imwng
(rum lue I rum,. lue li ntel rilll-6..01..111011,1pa
r r :rcuu ,te Iu• •ti lute— n kwo
run:emus snaps and eneru-
Leiters' 1111..: re of , 6e o( 'V :tam 111, from
IMO to 11 , -- vtr.,n fine portraits, to R rola
tonto‘mott 10 the study of tho Italy rter.plores.
Harry, thr.hog ronmirc, b en‘ra-
I au: :a the }lot/ Lend, Frnoeh Stage, ww.l Stet. he
n b..ta .4ot cc AI, r le by
I.VV VI-.l.s , —A Whim, auJ tu coluequenccs.
R stm.•
Vnt..Ty n novPI wytbeat • firm by Wtll
11,a, Y, I..u•traLlon.
Ver, ~,,,, Cou•.” ,tor) by F. V Child.
oi :be renin.u,nr NV itr by I.eneral Charles
bstn VA, ‘lll,Olll. I..notlonJerry. Ci C 1.1.
C "L. , . al Ite;'l late Guard..
Thr a.N C work s IC raved day uid for talc b
f Al OF FEN NS VI.V A NIA --Constructed from the
st Coons, Surveys authorised by the Stew, and oth
er orlgnial docuincitts Revised and improved under
ue. supervi•osn %any F. Morns, Fled Engineer, upon
J.'.. procured sr, c county. under authonty of the
Le;oduth h Icss cows of ibis large and splendid
Mop received tug. da) nod for sale by
Booksellers cor markrt and Zal els
I. 2!!:
A SPLENDID utwormnent of Roo,
ecoori and Mahogany gruld a euon n
ano., rust botched and for owls.
Alma, two selendtdilemmovel Piano*.
with Coleman's celebrate/ Awoken atachment, torwheti
In the most ;modern sty ie, and for .ale
_ )etai F BLUME'S. 111 wood st
Ea= 1848 . jEat.
- -.
Canal Paeket—SWAl.l.r/W, Capt. Ford.
Caph Wetter...
NE of the above Parke's lea re BelfTer Overy day
\ . J ereepledt and err ve next roorrung •
Warren. where they eouneet wan the Mail Srmaa for
Alton and Cleveland,•rnving as each of these places
before mph, One of the Packets leave Warren thirty
at 5 P 111., and arrive at }leaver In nine to tale the
roorntng steamboat for I . ntsburgh.
uarn.oll TO TIM TOIITT 11011111.
COO• 1 Par ker—PaanTLV•abil, Cape. Jeffries;
TILEOCAro, •• Pollock;
1,11.1 t EMIL, TWIT;
• Fmr - mov " Sayer .
The above new and splendid Pasaenger Packetz have
running between BEAVER AND 'ERIE,
and will rn regularly during the se regularlyboat
lea r or true every morning alb of fork, and one leav
ing Bearer every evening, onmedtamly atter •rn
yM of the lOTO.MbOoI ',Michigan from Plttsbargh.
The boom arenew and comfortably furnished, and
will run through in forty hours Passengers to any
00101011 the Lakes. or to Niagara Falls, will find thts
route the most eomfortable and expeditious. Tlekets
through to all ports on the Lake can be procured by
applying to the propnctors
REED, PARKS & Co, Beaver.
JOHN A. CAM BEV, Agt Pittsburgh,
rot. Water and Smithfield
Ali ENTS: Harmon, Buffalo, N T.
C hl Reed. Erie, Pa.
C C Wink, liteenville, Pa. '
AEForland and Meg, Beg Bend, Pa;
Hays A Plumb, Sharps burgh,
W C MaJan,Sharon, Pa;
D C Mathews. Pulairkt, Psq
W Cunningham, New Castle, Pa lyl
Pennsylvania Canal & lloaiilits
prese,Fast Packet Line,
1848 . 419,..ig1ik
(Evelusivrly for Passenger.)
q 111 F) public etre respertfully informed that this Irina
imminence running on the 2:41 11111 t, end eon
innir throughout thr &aeon.
l'he hoots are new. slid of a superior class, with Vll
largrd cabins. which will give greater comfort. Tile
curs arc the latest construcuon.
A lost will always be in port. and travelers •re res.
quested to call and examine them before citgagmg pas
sage elsewhere.
IF.. only note dollars through.) One orate boats of
this Line will leave the loodlng (opposite U. S. Hotel,
corner of Peon Street and C.a.!, entry login at ninon . -
Hock Ttme 31 days. For Information, apply at the
Othre, Monongahela Hons.:, or to D LE:h:CII &Co
jro Canal Boric.
Paseenger and Remittance
JIANEIDELY a. Co. conume to bring persons
rom any pan or England, Inland. Scotland or
Wales, upon the most liberal tenns, with then
usual penettunny and attention to the wants and cow
fort al emmtgrants We do not allow our panangers to
be robbed by the amedling masaps that infeat the se.
ports, as we take Marge of them the moment they re.
port themselves, and see to their well being, and
spatelt them without any dcwimm by the first skips._
We ray Ws tearlessly, as we defy one or our posse-,.
ter v r to .how that they were downed th hours by us in
Lierpool, wallet thousands of others were detained
MOM., until they could be sent in some old craft, at
chit) ruse. WILMII too frcquentl) proved their coffins.
We Intend 10 perrorm our contra.. honorably, cost
what timay, and not act as was the cut last m.o.
w . th nets,—who either performed not all, or
when it coned their convanninee.
- -
Drafts drawn at Putsbargb for any sum from El to
LIM, payable at any orb. prownetal Banks in Ire.
Istmi, England, Scotland and Wales.
Fats:swan and General Agent,
fa. VIM StlMl.a me don. balmy Woad.
MUSTARD— I bbl ground R& alat.o4mao
nitabereh, wholesaie and , eirel. by B. A. FARINESTt)CE, t CU, corner of Wood and Front
eorner ni Stmt. and Wood au; by L. WILCOX. Jr corner ot . Senithfirld and Fourth set. mtd atm.
, Market at and the Dtantond, also. by EDWARD FENDF.RICH oor Monongela Rouse. no7.3in
1)R. EDWARD ACKER,. tales the{ means of re
THOSE SUFFERING INITII DISEASED turning Ms thank. to hie friend. and he public
LUNGS --The t.” - tpreerdented mcrar which hut 10,p. m ..," he he. weir/red, and of Le-
Lended the use of Me commie them that be bas lately erected a large and
GINSENG PANArKA constructeJ building far the eseleerre purpose-
sli the •arions into,. urtneh Irritation of the lungs u
su.., nas induced the proprietor lagun to cull alien
bon to tins
the changable weather which marks our (.11 and
wiLnter moat/L.1,1. alwal's a fruftful source 01
end r
wall Lin
001.14 AND COUGHS.
These. If neglected, are but the prom:nor. of that fell
This question, them, how shall we nip the destroyer in
We had' how shall we get clear o(our coughs and
11.1.0 12 a vital importance to Me publlc.
ts., he foetal to the L.toseug Panacea. lit proof of this
we have from data to 11190 published the certificama of
Soren. of our beat known carrells, who have experi
ad curahre powers. These with .m
us. of tea
umouy from all parts of the rountry.—from
11 • tomer+ of the Goipel, tee together wtth copious hei
toe, from the
gh•ve enthodsesl to pamphlet fom. and may be had
rad. of any nt our agents throughout the eaattntry.
have heen tived in tt•aty.
thrmghout the Ututed States Imo] Canada, and we ett•
.y man to point out a
which. when taken aceonhag to direction.. and be.
fore the lungs had heroine fatally theocgantled, it has
ev., failed to
Why. Men, need the aglieted hesitate' St by resort to
the miserable nostrum, gotten up by on. ova milieu:l.
nal• u for We usumed name ofaome •iseste.l phy
sician. and paired into notoriety by ceru re
Geasos s par
sons equally unknown? Viltilat • medieme of
kw to be had, whose vouchers are at home,—our Iteigh•
tworth—mazy of whom It has
In order that flue invaluable medicine may be elated
within Ilia Teach of the poor tm well the nett, we have
t the price at
lust one half Me usaal cold of cough ruedteinea. wr t.
for vale by our agents to nearly every town and village
the west, who arc prepared wgme full in forma
tion relatme to it_ T. SALTKR, Proprim or,
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohlo
1) F.DUCF:D RAT - B.S.—The charges has• been redo
[).ce don all Messages to or from Baltimore Pma
burgh or Wheeling, .d a corresponding retinction
made on all telegraphic despatches forwarded from Bal
umore West of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Rsma—The charge for • telegraph despatch to or
from Baltlnaore. Pittsburgh and Wheeling. is 4.5 tents
(or the brat ten words, and 2 cents for each additional
Va - No charge a made for the address and signa
Until the completion of the South Western Lme of l
Telegraph from hlemphoin Term, to New Orteams, der
patrhes can be forwarded to Memphis by this mute, and
mauled fur New Orleans. jell
A Cheflthaaga to the World.
ri 7 WENTT-FIVE DoLLARS led! be paid to any ono
who will produce a atom of paint, green or dry. that 4... acted w s lion's Improved Chemical
&lap. I have the thustathon of saying to inn people of
this place, that this &Male, by my own maprovement oa
, awl. stand. unrivalled hi this country for extracting
crease, tar, pitch, oil, paint. or any other greasy rah.
sillner, from a l l kim
s oa gentlemeosorladturoclothing, kinds of gentlemen's or ladies' clothing,
carpets, table cloth, merino shawls, ladies. bonnets,
without injuring thy thing that pure water will not
More. More than Otte thousand persons in at/fermi
parts of the country have told rue tkey would not be
without it, if a cost one dollar per cake. In trying this
Soap on more than DOO artiethis of light MA, satins, al
cocoas, and calicoes, have only found three pieces ol
silk, two of alpacea, rind four of calico, on which it
changed the color; therefore before potting It on u light
drew try a omple of the dress firth I flute this cruse
I am determaird not to recommend a any ...ger than
1 know to he strictly
ca N II 11011 t.
Price, Id* en put cake. Said, wholesale mud retail
den% 57 wood
The Allegheny Cemetery.
A T the annual meeting of the Corporator, held on
11 the Sth aunt, the following persons were alma
namely re-elected Managers for the ensuing year:
THOMAS M. HO%VS, President
JJr.,Secretary and Treuurer.
The animal .tenement presented the affairs of the
Company in a very prosperous condition. Their office
it, the city is N 0.57 Water street. jel2
Agi El
.1. Families.—Tht. work consists of twenty volumes,
nod contains five hundred different subject. illustrated
with WU engrattngs. It is an courtly orel Bevies,
recently written and completed by rich, au
thor of Peter Parley's Tales, and is designed to nil:o
-bit. in a popular form. Select Hugraphies, ancient and
modern; the wonders and ies of History. Na
ture, Art, Science, nod Philosophy. with the practical
duties of life
The price per Vol. is 73 cent., each contemng
o e e
lu per . Fur Ira. by
nett H llO r
I'ICINS, Apollo blothhugh. CI al
liaavrare—Cheaper than Evert
Oli AN, IN 11.430 N & Co l lmportern and NVholesale
eitia l d " st . re " e ' i rbit 7 e " ;gt l tt ° e7. n'o"d Saddlery,t
cheap and Well oelceted -too t of Importe d r ' ve
silica the decline of prices in Europe, and which they
are determined to tell correspondingly low. hienehuits
who hove been to the bob,, aping East, are mallets
larely.7neitted to call and look through Our mock, as
c ifidently beher• they will save their expen
«t 4
EX PERIEINCED judge. oti • Maio( one and a bah
millions, since IbirS, pronounce this aniele uncut.
passed for durability in the construcuou of all kinds of
1.n... Price A:0,75 cash (or loads of 10 hi, guar ,
antesd nine mouths u.. Orders fora second quality
Rol/sot Bricks will Ire criseated at sZi per Al, if so de-
Ureal. without guarsolse. A stock of the Ent quality
ts uow for sale at the warehouse , .filoan's Wharf, Ca,
nal ((omit, by J MACLAREN,
Mats! Kennington Iron Works
Ijr lit-EN IX FIRE BRICKS—The subscribers oaring
1 . been apponited sole Agents by the nnutufacturcrs,
for the sale of the celebrated . Phcenix Bricks," an
now prepared to MI order. for any quaktuty, at MU,
nub, per Mlle. For the construellon of (unlaces of
all ktnds, these bricks bore been pronounced by corn•
patent Judges as tieing supenor to all other fire brick•
now to use. C A MAN ULTY & Co, Canal Bann.
- -
Cientlametu' Boot., pat tae d and lot sa/a at Po
Lodi* Rabb. Depot, No 5 W oo d .„..,
octal 16 it PHILLIPS
I P . 134 - quAlrl: BOTT4IB
, — ollllllllllpr
w w;iniRIPARPO °
)I ii , ;111
so orus.i.
sen l.olll
d lAA Elle
err . 0 0.1 A
o' l WNW
Tel rroprletors hare spent much time
bnegtnglius preparatory of 8.111.41MLL
to Its present stele of perfection ; ami the experience
of fourteen year. has furnished them the meet ample op
pordanfty to study, In their venom forms, the diseases for width It
I. recommended, and to adapt ft mealy to their relief sad tam. Pi
news who wish a em Li, coon Medicine am maned to give Its trial, and satisfy
themselves of It. sopenonty, and the forelmbis property it possesses of arresting
and curing disease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold ONE QOAE.T, and In Its
present improved form may safely claim to be the atter shut careatose Medielne of
the age. Its progress to the fame it has attained may be waned by • timeline of facts
and moms, that stand as Landmarks and beacons for the Invalid, pcdoting the may to
the haven of health.
Th following le from Col.& a. Taylor, a gentleman of hlgb mending and eitettalve
•M In the Southern Vales, and lately appstuted Centeul to Nile Granada a
LFT "_m
• atermusse,—Having used, noo n tnasod the effects of your candlerit
of Setups rills on different pos to rarmus parts of the Southern ommtry,
Virginia, Louisiana, Team, and Stemma, I feel much pleasure m dean th e tdib
t ut= an .. tertam r. ed 4 gran medicln m al value.
te ln a mLown .„ cam It *Med Limo:
the most agreeable manner, a tonic and invigorating induence.
Your Sarsaparilla ts highly approved and extensively used by tee 1:1 States array
In Mexico, and my cousin; GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOFf, has for the past lye years
been in the habit of using it, and recommends the s
he and myself►adogaeg u lte
uncle allele same time, and n ts now considered an almost unitspnisabla req •
te the army. In conclusion I would say, that the better dla knows the Imam h4hly
If will be prized, and I trust Mat its health-restortng virtues will make it generally
i2II7WD threttgltout the length and breadth of our widely-extended mutiny.
Tema Toy respeedhliy, S. 6. TAYLOR.
D. 8. Consul to New Grenada-
3.lAforl, Om, Anew', i., 18.18.
Masers. SAND. ,—Gentleaten—limpathy for the dilated Miami not to blown you
of the moveable core erected by or Dempardist to the cans of a:rotas Rho
was severely antlettad with the on different pute of lb. body; the &ads of
lb. amok were greatly enlarged, nod by Ihnbe mock swollen. After adhrtl i oyer •
.bear, mod nacho/ no nellef flora the rat:meanie Me Waage ethenewl erne , sad
lots trer knee canyarated. ~ Harphydelen II shoold be lidelo ...
doom, but sshatd any baneitt. situation ws It e and Were
lositeed too.. Gene The drat bottle NW favor
able efasetenslbssing Wu more than any preseal. peke srrdter i 1 Cal WWI
' Me bed end six bottler, to the asteratakmant and delight of he Ite fatted km
health quite reextrati It le now rarer •mu dace gut ease was and kw
health maim god, Morton thedleaarse was thoroughly eradicated front the Byre=
Oar nalginnre ant all knowing to thens Mts, sod think Seem" B Mr ple —
Mouton to the sp. Your, with resport,
.• Astraet ham sinew nieshrad from M. N. W. Han* ■ gentleman won lotoWa . to
miaow county. 7a.:—" I hare Owed• ogre boy et mine with paw licroapariLla,
' , blew.. *MAIM with Bantam and of a seraftdow family. Tenni Mir,
: oThelwattia Hall, T... hip 17; lath" •N. W. Ho nnrO
natioßooting tattoo/any from R., John Brim lota lisciat th. Church of th.
Cm:Axton to this oily, octunnende Itself to the attention of the atlllated Monterons
sseattiatas of oures of mica. Mammas dawned by this stedlotn* axe oltoest daily
Wel: SLIM —A merolsir of my badly boa taken yoar vabraids for
a were mroftrirma affection, to. with the meet bemalcial• erect raM fts
11.11. It rlrn me ray veal pleasure to record my teetinmay o behalf ofl Its virtue
arid o l
that alum may be Induced to make a trial of 11.
ff l ll ' eZbfa b W, 1040. JOHN Gatlin
11101171.. L. B. At D. BANDS:— Nerwite, N. Y., Od. 11, 1847.
Osertmote— ?Dainty of gratitude induce me to mote • IL: est.tnewirldgment
of the bona& I hare &tired from the use of your o. Iho for several
been dilated with scrofulous mailings la my head, withal el WM. would
gather and discharge at my Mina, aud amt and at MUM mould.break ova ht
&threat parts of my face and bead. 'c=uid Utlln my throat, face, and
bead were alien one complete core, and for a long time I mos an home that it was
with al te =boa chthettlty that I could d
l, chore done a whims,
_During thla ou t hod
eenar attacks of pleurisy and other damemea. I eourolled dl
phyob and
tried romes, but TIMILVItd no beandlt uolil commeatted aft( your Baru
=Ll am now well , rho sore ars all horded, end I antrlbute the moult entirely
egroom of year valuable uledimbe.
Yours, with unreel mad gratitude, PHEIIII 0.01061.1.
Behar personally &miaowed with the person &bore 1.2110114 I telt.. her Motel:mat
to ho urrect. LULLS U. D. CARR, Joanne of Me Peace.
100 FULTON.R., coaNDS or Wirrisis, Naw You.
Sold .1.0 by Druggists /aurally throughout ths Dotted States .0.4 Cartadis.
Price $1 par Bore.. dg Bottles for SS
nairoglowt, rimentait 0113 wumno.
Omee atthe Ezehanie,Balttmore
" Or .
ai )11/1 W ATKA CURE ESl"r/111LPS1IAIEN;', St Lis old
localloa, at Phillipsburgia. Pa, on thoOhimri•or,oppo-
site the .team bdat lauding at Hearst.ariterp ha is real)
,7" ' H •
to reitsl;_ pa_ems as tor mr. an treat em on y:
dropathic prinetples. In addition to his long erporr
epee, and the great success Which has heretofore at•
, - - - -
ended his treatment of patiuta committed is his rat*
he be now the additional famlitice afforded by en ev
teratve hulloing erected expressly for the pirpose, con
taining uio ummods and tin rooms, and fifted up with
<very accessary apparatus for baftnag, and ddmmu
tering the Immanent to the 111010/1 benefit and comfort
of the patient. Phillipsburdh is a most delightful and
healthyvillage, euy Of uses, by item:abuts, and af
ford. fine and wholesome water. Dr. Sober assures
those afflicted persons who may prase themselves Un
der his rare, that teen- attention shalt be Odd to their
comfort; and as au usurance-of the substantial benefits
to be derived, he point" with confidence to the butt
dred. who have prmamntly Coredat has email,
lishment. The Water Cure leaves fib input°ns effects
behind, oe is too often the ease with those who have
been treated on the old Sr.= .Itn2ollos the
eam, tungorates the system, protects from *I dangers
incident to changes of the weathee, creates a natural
end active appetite. and imparts vigor to the digestive
power. Terms of treatment and boarding reameable.
For farther paruculara Orme at the establishment, or
mi dreu tbe proprietor at ftlipsburgh.
We have been informed by :firs Rose of at can per
( f armed on her by Dr. Jayne , . Alterative, which
peeves tie sapenerity nose e'er, Othin remedy p e on
kind. She Ints Imes Mlbeted foe thelast Ben
tub ciceroneo, and enfolialson of carton, bonen, de
r ngarluch time many pieces have hem d wharfed ftrteb
the trout. bone or the crania., from both her rums,
wrists .d hands, nod from both lets, and freak the len
fed oral bone, and from the right knee, beside-a pninfhl
ulcers on other pans of her persou r ythsch have balked
the skill of a umber of the most eminent phyniciatusol
oar eat.—during most of the late her autfering• have
been excreta.; and deplorable. Abrut three months
since eke was induced to 117 Dr. jayne's Alterative,
which has had nn astoinslangly happy effeekupon her,
by rernoving all plum and smelling*, and min.. the
ulcers to heal, while at the imam aloe lief getteral health
has become completely ream., she nOw weighs
an Ito more than she did before she coonstancisd the a.e
of this truly v.laabs prepauen..—{.l.. Eve. Po..
For Maher information,inottiro of Mrs. Rose, No. 124
Filbert st , Phliadelplua
For sale to Pittsburgh, at the PREIN TEA STORE,
72 Posed, rt near Wood. 1 3
INGS,—Scrofula in .11 its multiplied forms
whether in that of Kings ESil, ante:gement" o the
glands or bones, Goitre, White Spe llings, Caroni,
Rheumatism, Canso', disenies of the Shin or Spine,
or Of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one
sod the same cause, which is a pOistinoat principle
more or less inherent in the hums', system. There.
fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi
cal core can be effected, but if the principle upon
which the disease depend., is removed, a cure
must al necessity follow, no matter tinder what term
the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore
is the reason why Joie ALTERATIVII ill BO um
venially successful in removing so many malignant
diseases. It destroy. the rim or principle from
sthicn those diseases have their Grime, by entering
into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed
to the minutest fibre, removing every particle of
disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No.
8 South Third Street, PhilndelPhiL
Sold at the Pekin Tea Starr, No. 72 Fourth scree.
Pittsburgh mcb3l
L*DIEM Who U. Common Prepated Chalk, are
often net aware how frightfully InJunous 't is to
the skint how coarse, how rough, how tallow, helloes,
and unhealthy the Ono appears allot whog Meowed
chalk: Ikaade., il is mnruna, nontalNppgg alvge nongoon
thy of lead. We have prepafed a thstuitlful vegetable
article, which we call JONEtYI4 ISYANISII LILY
WHIT& his perfectly Innocent, bolntpurifiethof all
deletenousq.burrst and tt isapsuts m the akin.a nat.
rill, healthy, alabaster, clear, liv ing ishile, astir, mune
nme actin as a come." on the' nklx4' making Ilse?
and smoo th.
- Or. James Anderson, Nuttiest Chemist of Altman-
Alter artalyellitg Jantellf7lll4l/1 Lilly
Whoa, I find a possesses the moat Went mid nua.
ral, at tho mine time Innocent White l ere, Saw. I
certainly can eonsetennotalY'reebousend its am to all
whose MOD madras beanufy
Mir Pnee xc cents • box.
hU.SoId by W td. JACKSON, at his Boot and ghee
ithere,g9 Liberty strew, head or wood, at the Stan of
the Big Boot- 1.28
Ladles, lailles,Pas
When you know that you. areprOsolmd
A nataral,hfe-like, mewl what
That yea twill eonunon ehalk,
And look a deathly yelloW fright,
The theme of laughter and o( talk.
If yea would am a box of JONEtS Lally-white, a
would give your Akio an alabaster . yet natural, WWI!,
and at the same lime °Lear And unprote it. Sold at
JACKSON'S, W Liberty Bt. Pre. 156etim per box.
JOHN D. uoudsa,
9512 Wood stem, one door south of Diamond
alleji,Pittsburgh, Pa, otfers for ante a lagii lot of
Oto. Medicines, One Paints, Varnishes, muffs
and Perfumery Foreign and Domasue, to se ieh he
calls the attention of dragysts, physicians and oar.
chants visiting the city, ma he a determined to mall at
very low priors, and give general sansfacuon. 'Hoods
warranted and Mazy. Varnish N 0.5 end 9, N, Yor k
aanntmare; also Japan mid Black Leather Varaan
mt, Msopenor mialny. Also, White and Had Lead at
p2icco lower than heretofore. *dared. J. D. N. also
nimitiftictures Morgan 's emanated Cough Syrcy,:tehich
Ma elven general satisfaction' to all -In the roast of
congta, molds, hoarseness, int/Aga:a, whooping cough,
cr'd., 2 P, Me; pnce 25 moue r bottle. dcs Aloirma's
Inns. Lever Pills, a com bmire (or bo or Comp aint,
sick headache, and all bilious complaint. Pmmr,2s cb
per hem . sep2o
Dr, W. P. Isstassel , . Premium Plait - se.
g W. P. on.AbiD, tithe Medical College br
adelplua. now Winne to rho public hie Indiati Veg
etable Premium Plaster, the qisslines of which;
tone and tried reperienee, ho. been ratiiraeionig
tablubed. To an women who %nay to telleted With
era/apse. Uterste or Felicia Witereb, be ;commend. his
ois.tor, guaranteeing a sure and speedy ears the
*hoot epee° or teamtwo to thee weettil, atophed With
rare and reel --dowarelnig am tOaulles• O.ILISMOLLOR
sod ciportsivo Outdoors an 1014 id LIM 110 by (11.4
CooroOLLlo l l 2lo slating, LO
_sumit m sall.e not failed
Oun nom Out Of OLIV.ALLOiind and tilly.thene
mom. .
Ai for Rl,eureatuon and Weak Bryan, or Byk, at
tended with pain, then is no th ing w rt:cat Ibis latter
to affording tangled armoring a care.. Per nabs by
L corner of Ikagnond and Mar at it •
lireon h Herter, " Liberty and Sr. Clair sts
Dr J Samara " Federal on and: Diamond, Alf a .
gb"Y l7s, haulm did th
_" 1111100 i
?~~ -
A 11=t i tritt r"i ptspigatir=trilXi l (
. MOMS' Co., k,
. I 1 C Adylikkr,
Mr, H. Z. Srarrar—A waft alley to yonnad thaMliMat
olmo no toadd my bomb. tertimory itl fifer dyaatjamly '
U. Pill. I ham dearreedattig so BP ran,
.fiscrimi Dar?Caoakenta doll* obirmaimpol=
thus so blast dman:ay prapqradou
wad smeloi, hoofid to the Wes, hare sulk into o.blirloo
pa.lifierkhi ban ham orlbred pabah lad, lodged,
I halm itmy wfil
to S hare m ham on," 81=71X • 'OW
Too nprartaf dam baha in?
Complaint his Opp** p
hi... miring mrocht - sal
=Masa phys ibis mock mown bin
lost morA bleadrbecomicsitad tad pimielantalmOst dmdk;
salivated 5. et..., ladEasillpirnm sap *a tomaraldri,jla
th16.71.n0 iodoced as imam. Um - tell s , and SOON Wt .
WELL. Owl boa at width boors sandinal to Itimplarreloso
of paha hi the .Lis,sad all the albar opmfiansaam at Non
19 mouth. Ti., nu anal= thobesteathamit 1 wor Imodi
Wag .td3ds otA 9.plat or Atriartamsh Mckaanitta. *ow,.
sok. bit pin ma moth Mai I bars kept ikasla ap am
fir 11 or 7 pass; sold hundrods of balsa and law now
hard a aiolgto complaist mama by MT ON lOW aosil
dom. Thy.", mpiseeded almost every aria pia hs this
acighbarhood, ia short limo 1.91 kaiak al/.
emasaily rocomamsad sham to all mama amadlag Ay*
or Lissr Complaint or billioas 4lrscliaoh /
rid. W. fir sopirlar to Calomel or dm Blom Phi.
'4 j/ran—As Mors odor b ti l kr . pabijict
CALLED Lira PM permits mho soul ths tilANlMNSthoold
ask or at tabs a° other lb. this pr<pared mad mid bl It
BPt API, No 57 Wood-st. ball.. Mint aad
t •'
' o 7: fa " ),
' itPL, 4
IPPI>, ,h 4
1541447 Dr.C.Asszt, Fifth Wvd, D M 4Taat , Lam/
To Lb? Bloaloal.Ptoteoston one Pa
ETECKER`tc FARINA, now its u+e o the limmilllde
L 1 asylums, and other public estahltahateasa, aad
reeonattended by soma of the mom diannipdatitati Par.
mamma and chemists, as an article of diet for Children
and mvaluts, much superior to arrow root. leSer sio
far Mote strategthenta&, pleasant to the taste, and way
of dysevion. Put up m 94 lb. boxes of half lb. =
each accompanied with pruned din:coons Mr e
in his Agrienhural Chemistry, p. 68, PhiL
observe et
••Chtldren fed upon a
rea , talep, or Indeed .ffr
kmd of smylalacrescos food, which does coma=
dients lined for the fonaanon of bones and
become fat, and ...ire much salsonrotrr their limbs
appear full, but they do not acquire strength, nor are
their organs properly deyeloped.e
In tho analysts of the Farina made by Prof. Bader
New York, among other constituents, he aciaaallilper
cent fglutton and albumen; and rem.. ilthl
elev. of the Patina upon the Medical Professirin and
the public will rest upon to conuttrung in the 'lnnen
and albumen, vegetable Minna and other nitroganisod
bodies not found In tumor root or similar submakeed ;
and which modem chemistry has point. antes beteg
meccas.) a the formation of human QUO, and by
means of whish nature intakes
op for taa mamma
waste that takes plane In the hum. body. Por sale
wholesale or retail, by It E SELLERS,
seple 67 wood et
Great English Remedy.
..F ° (slF C = l ALVll=V C° Cor r' = l°W ottlis
above &ease., la the HUNG...ALAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
Loudon, England, and introduced Loo the United/ha&
under the immediate ouperintendence of the inventetral
The extraordinary mains of this =adjoins, In IP,
corn of Pulmonary dusosee, warrants the Aalarkall
Agent In soliciting forusatinent the worst poadble oa
ses that can be (Ound the comintutity—Calat thalamic
relief in vain from any . of the common remedies of die
day, and have been given up by the most
phyalcians as confirmed and inourable. 4=l!
an Balsam has cured, and will sure, the most d rate
of cases. It is no quack nOaarum..Laa a a Eng
lush medicine, of known and estabbabed adioacy.
Every family in the Band States should be supplied
with Boehan's timurarban Balsam of We, net WY to
conmeraat the consumptive tendencies of the &mate,
but to he ased as a preveMive medicine In all eases of
colds, cenighs, opining of blond, pain In the aide and
about, Irmauon and somneas of the lanp,brochltie,
&Unity of brewing, hectic fever, night sarma, esesdh
talon and genoral debility, asthma, tatnanse, whobas
cough and croup.
Sold in large betties, at St per boobs, with fall &no
tions for the reeboration of health.
Pamphlet., oontaming a mass of English and Amor
ean eardfitates, and Whet evidenoe, showing the un
equalled merits of this gnat English notttedY, may be
obtained of t h e talto
For sale by A INMTOOS Co, earner of
st and Wood and W and ads sta mate
JAYI4III Caalluff BAL/61A
t;IROht the Rev Akin tNlh N, a well known andpop
F alai Clergyman of the Nottslantklethodist Ch mni
The undersigned having been ellicted deringthepast
winter with • due.° of the ausesontyairnedmet pros
diming peat pain in the =meat for tenor twelve Wm%
without intenniasion, and allot ha vied tried Vallo4ll
remedies with little effect was farniith with • bogie
of Dr D /synch Carminative Balsam: Thiehe zeal **-
cording to the dintetious, and forted availably tharthisi
medicine coaled the pain so abate in three otter miss
ate., and iu OflOon of twenty totnOtosevori WWl}
sensation ma entirely quieted. 'the medicine was at
terwirds used whenever indications alba approach of
pain were perceived, nod the pain we. thereby prevent
ed lie continued to use the medicine every evening
and somentnes alt rhos morning and to a few wee
health was no far teetered, that the saderer wu retie.
col from a large Ilonflutil of opprooolore pant Front en
orrienee, therefore, he can confidently recommit! D
D Jaynes Corroloative Batwnus a aalmuy mediate
for &agues of theatemnch aarliewela A gIIINND
Allegheny city4y4
For sole Pitts Leigh at the MON. TPA SWIL ,
72 Fourth street,near Wood, and alio at theDmg
Store of 11 P SCHWARTZ. Peden! street. Albemeer
Parity Your Blood.
MR. 0. R. SIB Dear Si., .)ant Spring, and de
ring die previous winter, I was meanly alllotod •
with a scrofuloas complaint sit my legs, and had heat
(or some months under the care of phydelans. • They .
asid my C.S. P.. 1.119.011 bactigehle, and dory cordd do
bet little for ma I was nearlynelpless, bur earth the
aid a enuchhs coold with difficulty gene/amt. In Boy
lam, I purchased of Ton, and cot:amounted .sing
rows Sassaraxmta Alter the are of two the
sorm commenced healing, arid I Mal aside my emtalt
bs, ming only a cane. Idispenmd with my sane, and
at the cud of the fourth, souse well ait to mist all day
in shearing sheep. to all, I used Glll NALL.. Th.
acrofula and sons have all healedup, and Ants hay
hsimmer I hove men no exigent°. oldie disease, but
are mninned, and am now, lathe most porde:lt health/ •
I state with confide.e, hopingthat others may Yahoo
dined in the saxes sway, that the Sarmparilla sold by
you, has been the means and the only means Maps*
mg Me cure. INDRNM. , IRS J. Reap.
I`or We wholesale and romil,'lty
ern. front P wood ma, & also corner wood & ethos
L• Cream de' Amanda Macro', Cyr abasing
Cream a la Rom, or
Almonds Cheara, do;
dorperftm Rouge, en Porcelain steady,
t mem bag., perfumed with Las cadet, Angle.
Reenact powder pan, of all patterns;
Faitiossed toilet boxes, mammal/ fragrant entrants
for Mc hmuirrereluel; ascent bog, and 00,101 soaps, mut
able for present.
Perron, or Chinese powder,
Gotten vegetable hair oil,
VeurPs oil, in fancy or emelt:on orrappein, (mem ettens".
e l i onest Soapt Nymph Poop; Rose Lip salve; •••
50011 map; Mode map;together with . great •
of IMO perineum pun rearmed; far= st d
nv le
co , Gob wood sus
Palm 7/saw,.
„ligEssßa. asED 4 c LER—J feel It a d0t4 4 1 1
owe to my fellow erratum,
mote respecium your VadomV. o Pulmonary Balsa.
first med. the 11.1.131, 'abaci eleven yearn
as aoeoam Arcl
the happy effect of which I Gave
ham had several serrate tromplanns and animas allele
lona.ot a ( ow dry. and army instance "I
kayo usol the Bele.M. talons with complete and I.49se r t
C 01134 It hat effected relief and Can in • v=at
day. It mrtallaly tare malicina Ido not
Mat it will cure a hied consampuon, bat I Willem It
will be in many mums • presenure, and prevention is
better Man cure; I do harenna, for the for of my fel
low men, ea rn estly reemoneud the use of this Hamm,
in ail pulmonary complaint. I ern confident Mal' it
has been the means of promo - ring my life to thin daZa ,
)baton Jun. IG, `lO. BEVY AMPI PASSONEY I •
For sale by B A Fehnemock, & corner firm and
mood and sl.o corner wood and Gth. lath
power to cure! Pre:tureen, Feb. 14, 1817.
K Santamm—lidy wife has for years been subject
to it distreesing cough, accompanied withuthena, fee
Me cum of which she used different cough remedies,
and had the advice of the mom eminent plyilectene Ua
Kiigland, bat all was unavailing. By chance I heard
el your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was indoced to bay
a !mule lot toot , althoogh I had= belief thatemythlnig
mold remove Ler eomplana. To my great ...uprise,
two dose. pee her Immediate relief. She kit times
troubled moth a cough, but two teaspooneol or Syrup
livritys atop. it. I are saufficd, anew a trial of Once or
tour years, Wet Seller's Cough Syrop le the beet magi
modicum I have ever tried either in the Old er New
World. Wet. Frallerlano,
Seventh Ward, city of Pitteatiegh.
The above cerlifirate should indtme all who am
troubled with cough or udinta, to give the Syrup a tri
al. It may be had for 25 routs bottle, at the Mai
store of E 8E 67 wood st
Sold by Dr Cassel, 5111 weed, and Coley, AIM.
thianY • rang
Patent Block
_ *Slack Syria Ta
M F:WLY INVENTED—For the re /
her uld rc rMinCEI
1.11 Cave rd HR/IN/Is or RUPTURE. (Salted to ell
rho .Wriar elatmsof thui Trees consist In the man
mauve ease with which it may be worn. The patd of
wood being neatly balaseied on springs, yields Love*
ar..a artY par: of n, and thoroughly adapts =elf
any movement made by the Wean,. It can he Warn.
towboat inutnntsaion, unul a care ss otramest. The cab
ter. hers have made arrannemenu the the utanatnenust
al these valuable Trusan , in a rapenor style, in Prulab
/Owe and have them now for sale at their othee t Nos.
r 7, hanihne./s1 sr near Sixth, Pittsburgh.
)00 D. W. KAVOMAN..
ELLERS' YElLSlLFlllitli—"Supenor to 7 havo
10 aver med."
Om.. Tr, Fayette_ county, Pa., March 4, '46.
Mr. H. Fl Suramn—l heebyeertify dun I hay. sued
your Vernufmve m m fendly, mad henave If
newsuperior in any I have ever uwil. I gave to 01344111
my children one dow, which atpelled shoal 60 worms.
Eta !Immo*.
Prepared end mid by R E SELLERS, '67 Wood it.
Sold by Dr Cassel, Sth Wart; Corry, Allegtunryi
W J Santa, rempereneemile; and P Calm., La.-
-- -
Q RINCit3--An put reed aud for
L.l 'by J 'Krim& co
At w Daiwa Bradiairs, 3611., mom its Pau Wis 4.
HATES OP AD vv. ay' sit era.
One lusertion of 12 liner, or '
esernon. withootaltitss,.
One Week
. ... / 60 .
Two Weak. •
.......... 260
Three " 3 rij
rbria 6 06
07 Longer Lovir advertisements in mime prorrtio.
One square, G months, wittmt alteratir.i,.... 10 CO
" " 12 " 15 co•
Bach additional squire tot 6 Vuov.tha..... 6 M
'l2 , 4 10 CO
One square 6 mouths, renewable al ideaame..,„l6 OD
6.11 id I, SY 06
Bach additional square Intl: moo Out 1000
.6,aares. 6. mouths, newable at plasma's, 30 ID
itach additional square, 6 naeattm, ...... OCO
wa ""T on Tat-w Kenna in DLILT
Ono .0315.3 iasertiuus $ i
" 11 eaeb additional
Five lines or less , one ryear. ..... 6 :j
• •• '•
its m0nth5,..............b
" one year,,daily & weekly, 10 Mr
" sit moults " " CO
ADTZITIZINILAT/ ON 1/11.11/44. Faii*. •
For 2U lines or lase, Ono insertion, /Mei „
" " "
• TWO, • •!* • •••,
44 .4 4, Throe. "kvio)
4. .4 - limms mosths,
.. 4. Sit
4= =•=4l l
Itiv omit'