The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 12, 1848, Image 3

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Is :elusively. tor the Ptteshorgh Gazette.
The Eastern Telegraph Line has been out of
order Wane Saturday, which prevents our »mei,
log the markets, news, &e.
Posasylvaala ELmtertal College
EMU sauna H.:Dec. 6.
The Electoral College met at noon to-day in the
Senate Chamber at the Capital, and was organized
by tb, appointment onion. Thome. MeK. T. Ma
Kenna°, of Washington County as Prcaideut, and
be. Porter of Hanisbuagb as Secretary.
AU the Elector chosen were present. The votes
were taken separately for President and Vice-pre
sident, es provided by the Constitution, and given
for Tayku. and Fillmore.
Geo. Joseph Markle wes selectei as the meson,
ger to carry the vote of the College to the President
of the Senate et Washington; Col. Thomas W.
DoMeld to deposit a cps in the office of the Di.
uict Coast of the United States, at Philadelphia.
William Colder to deposit a copy in the Harrisburg
Post Cake.
The College adjearsed at 5 o,clock, after some
remarks from the President.
Tux Cattrasea.—The Now York papers of
Thursday aftemcam contain the fidlowiog—
Crrr Hav, I I i o'clock.
The 631 lowing report inmi received thin morning
from the quarantine honpitaL
QuAwrimr, StyrEt ISLAND
Dec. 7. 1548.
liar Honor the Mayor
Since my most of yesterday, six new cases of
choler* have occurred at the marine hospital, four
of which were inmates of the hospital previous to
t ha entail of the ship New York.
Four have died Wane my last report.
WHITING, Health Officer.
The Now York Post of Thursday afternoon'
It is our painful duty to add, that a person who
had been at the Quarantine, was yesterday seized
with the .cholera in Greenwich street. He was
promptly sent bock. The apathy of our city ou.
thorities, In presence of this frightful scourge, is
truly deplorable. Two menthe since the Commis.
sifters of Emigration warned the city authorities
altos arrival of cholera at Hamburg, and the rap
id and desolating progress it was marking towards
our shores. They likewise tendered them their
active and cordialco operation in every preventive
effort that the authorities would propose. They
have continued their warnings and their proffers
till the pestilence has actually commenced to rav
ages in oar midst, and yet scarcely a step has been
taken to fit up one of our hospitals for the crisis,
while the city is filthy enough to breed a pestilence,
were all the elements to conspire together to pro.
vent if. '
WONDIII or Tax Truesnara.—The fol
lowing article from the Baltimore Sun, to wonky
of attention. _The correctneu with which intelli
gence is (awarded by the telegraph, is not less
astonishing, than the greatiength of the documents
"Tux MEL= on TELIGILIAMLED.—We yester.
day announced the feet that the President's mes
sage entire, was transmitted from the American
Telegraph °lace in this city, the:lngham the entire
west, in twenty four hours after its delivery. Tha
western mail last night brought as the PutsburgA
Gandto, of Wednesday, containingtha entire men.
sage thus transmitted, ham); been published in
that city twenty four hours after its delivery.—
This wan the case also at St. Louis, and all the
intermediate cities. On comparing the telegraph:
ed copy with the original message, we could not
discover even the variation of a comma in the
punctuation, the portions we examined being
perfect fee sixths. Messrs. Reddish and Hough
the two operators who performed this great tele
graphic 6sat, arecertainly most complete masters
of their business. There could scarcely be a stron
ger proof of the perfection of Professor Morse's
system of telegraphing than this.
- LOY THE CAN, of superior quality, at low price. ,
_Dpnt ap by the ealasenhers expressly for the use of
families and parties Clll be procured at the Restau
rants in this and Allegheny eines, at the store of R.
Ximx, meet, Riusbargh, M. Jenkins' store, Alla
//luny elty, ind at the Oyster Depot Rt. Charles Rotel,
Wood st neell-dles 110 LT t PIALTBY
LEAD -840 Dirt i, lust nelE'd
MI tor
EN' b7=—
FRIEND, & Con,
DRIED PEACHES-67 soaks jost reed and for sale
by nooll FRIEND, REMY R Co
WEATHERS—id &easiest received and for rale by
renal FZIEND. RHEY k Co
GIN ENO—II sacks now landing, for We by
Dortl ISAIAH DICILICY & Co, front to
AILMEITRONO &CROVElL,Conunission Merchants
and Dealers in Prod...ea,. No. L Market street,
MOLASSES -8 bble Sager Ileum Molattecte t icst
Tssocitred sod for sale by
decS ARMSTRONG a CROZRR, '4 market st
'7INE FLOUR-100 bbla fine Flom., • mapenor art 4
d V M6' EIt:L! " " • & NICOLS
R •
sucks Rye, for Web
deeB y
- bbls just recd anti for sale by
• -
d.; bbl Lard; &eathena 10 do Ginseng; 2
DEuke DlGES—eit seeks Goober Yeas—to
arrive; for ule by DICKEY & Co,
front st
by no.1:1 .1 5CH00N31..".. a co
icrynm SOAP-25 bzs Windsor Not
sod for sale 6 7 B A PALINESTQCK &
nor 23 comer Ist and wood .4.
410_,ARSAPABILLA-100 lb. flo:=7 )e r
070 r -sale by ornon NAP
CUBEBS-1 ease jest reed and for sale by
WHITE REANS-5 bbl. for sale by
01L-10 bbl., in prima order, Just reed
and 1" ? : 111 M31 ) :Er =le by tto•TI R E SELLERS
TANNERS' OIL-10 bbls Slat rec'd and for sals by
Q 1 'ONE PIPES—Ioo bee Mom Pipes, handsomely
11. d, •
toll =calved .d for sale by
t: C H GRANT, 41 water st
MOl s h. VMS-5n bbls isms, crop) N 0 Molasses, or
miartrz ree
and for . ak r ;T ltur day
i re p a L m o c a r l) Tele•
deed ROOOd March Banding,
GlrEsi E{E, V-10 bbl . Closer kteed, reed this day
re , erten, and for sale by
dee4 & R PLOY D
Three bales heavy mit'd
Cunbleached Canto / s in. meel'ired4l
. —
81100248-30 dos Inicod) Brooms, reed and for
sale by aura? J &It FLOYD
TIMOTHY TEED-7 bbl. goOd Tlatotby Eked, reed
by canal beat Arbland I 'Trance and for ant. by
awn ' .l ,i, R FLOYD
WHITEBEANS—JO bblr ~ Trull Whit , bkonTi..i.
VV' Tarn and for sale by nor.TY J FL°Y''
_ _ _____
SPT& TUILPENTINE-15 bbl . jbst reed bad for
Ws by mrl7 y KIDD b. Co
AL SODA-11500 [Da put re,e'd am.l for by
acorl7 1 KIL , D k Co
- -
T BATHER VARNISH—AIways 0.0 hand .and for
.IL4 sato b 7 nowl6 R T LEF.CIi, Jr
FIBH-45 bbl. No I Salmon; 1 cosi .7.odfisit; d°
Whlis Fulki 1 do smoked Hallibut; Vo I. 2 wt..' 3
actorial, for sale by o• 17 J D WI-LIAANIS
BROOMS -- 120 do i Brooms just [..ed pp 51 for sale
10,117 144 Ikon) , at
copies of We above work for sale by
JOHNSTON & irrocciroN
o Ws in mars And for We.y
11+1•29 MAI I DICKEY &ca
~.\ I.\ I ~ ~1 Ltl.\ AY~ i ✓1
LARD OIL—IC bbis Conklin es best winter stra i ned
Latd Oil, lust received and sale by
A PPLEB-60 bbls store and for utle by
.02.. naval JOHN 8 DILWORTH
- --
VRENCH OCHRE-4 cork for solo by
orn6lo R E SELLERS
ripmc—s half chests Y H Tea, on coosignment and
I. for sale by novl7 HORT & CUNNINGHAM
f 1
UIR--1100 Wm North Caroliaa Tar, in large barrels
.lagood Order, for sale by
QUNDRIL.N-1) bbl. Dry ?caches; 3 do Flaxseed; /
3.7 b/d Rags, now landing frog steamer Combo:land,
f./ 64 . Ey oorlt ISAIAH DICKEY ACo
YES AND CHNONUTS-49 bags Kein'y.
ctidr. 16 do Chesuning landing from sun, .1 Q
Man/ 4t We by dee LIAGALEY A SMITH
LAMP BLAClC—Suporior Star, in bbl. and hbd
Immn "S.Psra, for to by A
doet A IV lINE:RTOCIC b. Co
SUMAC—Sleily, Iraga,just reed and for ..k by
deal B A FAIJNbI3TOCK & Co
,CAN.U. AMMONIA—WO lbala jar., hut rec'd and
far sale by If A FAUN aWIOCIi ff. Co.
deal ear La and wood It,
EPS ' O3I,I3ALTH-10 euk• 13.10triore, jut received
~,,, for We by
14, 4 „,,,
&el 13 A FAH - NV-STOCK t Co
_..,—_—.. .
.9o A TB, e s OM, COI-TO
2tM y dor Coati beat
w im i . 1,0 doN 2M
WO d do black do; do HO)
4do cord ds; m cehred that day and for rale by the
.caw so micro ;wk.:. F H EATON t Co,
nor 29 Oil fourth sr
k LI
bbls Loveting's Doable ) 6 :elm/ LAW, Crashed •
oeriteot Sugars. Just reed au: for W e" th e P e "'
Zia ISton, 70 PATb entail, by
MOLATE, COCOA, as—W Bak: •.1 4 0 cb. -
ate, Baker's Cocoa Paste, No I War . folk Pc. ,, T
Ctbecolate, coasteatly oa !tend sod for sale by
scrrl7 Agfa Ulf W Baker, Dorcster, Mass.
PEACHES, te.-1.77 bags MatTurelry Permlxes; 6 bbl.
Mute Bear.; 12 do Flaxseed, limiting from mmr
Comet; for sal. by deal BACIALNY
GLASS -160 boxes “22.erheart's Faye. , " 22/e,
120 " " 1001%
I 0011;
10 12x.18;
Per gate by dibellt B F VON BONN IIORST it Co
p d Ur . /11-7 tas
1,1 k. p for sair by
V VOrime, N
SENG-10 sacks for sale by
lb. prime illinma r for ..le by
~ ~~~
9 Saturday,
10 Sunday,
II Monday,
12 Tuesday,l3 Wednoady,
14 Thum
IS Friday
.1. W. I. ISI , R TTIT
. . .
OFFICE Piz-minium Gazsrlw, tt
Tuesday Morning, December 12, 1.5tii...1
A general quietness prevailed in the marnei
yesterday, but in the way of general sales, a fair
amount of business was done.
• . .
FLOUR—We find no material change in the
market. Sales are on a limited scale, and show
no alteration from bust quotations. Small sales are
effected front first hands at 3,9703,90, and from
store in dray load lots at .1,101:11,121. Retail
oes, 4,2504,37 p bbL
GROCERIES—We notice no material change
in any article under this bead. Of N 0 sugar the
market in fairly supplied, with regular sales in
email lots by hhd at 4RR50.51, as in quality and
terms of sale. Of N 0 molasses, we notice the
receipt of several considerable lots, and present
supplies are quite fair. Regular sales in lots of 5,
10 and 15 bbls at.29030e p gall. Supplies of
sugar house are limited, and 406:245 , e are about the
ruling figures. Regular sales of Rio coffee at 7La
71e, of loaf sugar at Sfiiiloc; of rice at 505: e
CHEESE—Receipts have been rather light, but
suprOlea are full, with regular wales of \V li. to
smell lots to the trade at 5105-ie; good cream/
cheese ie in fair demand at di, fq(iine sp
BUTTER--Sales of good beg et 91, and of roll
in bbl. at 1063/ 2C P
BEESWAX--Smell sales from morn m
IN very little doing.
HOPS--Sees by the bale from store at 9, 9 and
10c p at.
HONEY—Suppllen are Inght, wall small sales
only et Ine p lb
HEMP—We note entail sales from store at the
rates of sl'4asl 30 p ton.
FLAX SEED—A good enicle will command SI
OlLS—Very little is doing tender this head,—the
following may be given as about the ruling figures
Linseed 55c, Lard 55060 e p gall. and Tanner's at
5176119 p bbl.
POTATOES--Sales frooPatore at SI ,r)o for best
9.. 1 42 $1.25e to 51....71c fore gorrd common art.
CANDLES—No change in pncea. Reg - oleo
track sales of dipped at dc, of mould at 101, and
of star at 21;122c f
SOAP—Regular sales of Pittsburgh and Canein
mai manufactured rosin at 4 bli+4 c, of rariagated
&max= Belmar—The steamer Indiana was
burned to the water's edge on Thursday the 30th
Nov., in Conneaut harbor, Lak - e Erie. She was
owned by Messrs. Lee Sr. Carpenter, of Conneaut,
and to insured 6. $20,000. The enure of the fire
has not been ascertained.
- .
FLOUR—The uumections of the week ending
on Thursday evening comprise the following kinds
and quantities-
Howard Street,
City Malts,
Besides, 228 bbla Rya Flour, nod 2459 bbls, and
72 half bbla Cora MeaL
......... _ _
Smiooan—The steamboat liabolochitto. Capt.
Joseph Johnson, running between this city and
Springfield, Misa_,during a heavy gale on 6.atur
day night struck a snag when about thirty miles
from the latter place, and sunk In eight feet water.
The boat and cargo will probably prove a total
lose.—[N 0 Picayune.
Naw York, Dec. 4.—At Mark.
tin, .Mn Southern, rematuder
53 cows and calves,
Beef Cattle--The market liras dull. The ex.
Creme range of priors ts from sto 'lie fk ft A lot
of 40 head shipped to Bermuda, and 200 left over
Cows and Calves—Sales et from $23, 532,50 to
$l9, neeordlng to goalsty. AU sold.
Sheep end Lambs—Sheep $1.25. 52,t12i to $2,
87k, and lambs 87in, 31,75 to s2,so.—{Couner &
Baltimore, Dec. S.—Cattle—The arrivals of beeves
have been smeller than Mr some weeks previous,
and prices advanced. The offering. at the scales
on Monday, amounted to 1000 bend, of which 050
were purchased by city butchers and ;mclo-re, 300
were driven to Philadelphia, and 50 were left over
Poem. ranged from 2,253,50 100 1153 on the
hoof, equal to 4 , 5086,70 net, and making an aver
age of 2,571 gross.
licap—Early tn the week sales of live hogs
were made at $505,371, but since then the am
vela have been somewhat large, which. in comae,
tion with the unseasonable warmth of the weather
has caused a decline. We now quote at St,nllCo
Philadelphia, D. 7.—Beeves-1050 ;n merliet.
Sales at Sti to 6,50 e 100 IN. `1490 dnven to New
York. 70 heed unsold.
Guars and Calves-290 brought to. Sales et 97
to $l5 for dry: 914 to $29 for spnrtgers; $lB to $33
Or fresh cows.
Swine-1850 in market, and males at 5,25 to 5,75
♦ lap Ibs. 250 head unsold.
Sheep and Lambs--1460 brought in. Seine at
61,2603,60 An sheep, and II to 62,25 for lambs,
as in quality.--flaq.
BZ4iti 10 BLUOdJU
Cinesurratt—Per Monongahela -1 relngerstor,
J C Bidwell; 24 ht is Iml in bladders, 14 'has do, J
Fleck; 28 (mks pork; Myers & Hunter-, 21 bbd
shoulders, (hum & McGrew; 100 b,,. candles, J
McFaden & co; 20 !Ails 'poleaxe., Tammy & Best,
10 fable 12 kga lard, Friend, }they & co; 2 boxes
mdse, Coletnan.llailumn &
Per Hibernia No 9.-25 bias pork, J C Bidwell,
102 do do, Myers & Hunter; 15 bxs starch; James
Holmes & co; 12 bbls liquor, J Weaver; 90 sacks
wool, S& W Harbaugh; I boa mdse, J H Mellor,
91 bbl. whiskey; R Moore, 43 plying sundries, H
Graff & co; 34 aka pougues, 15 do tanners scraps,
owner aboard.
G. Louie—Per Zachary Taylor-100 bgs coffee,
Atwood, Jones at co; 3 bbls flaxseed, 7 sks rags,
Young, 'Mogen & Plariket; 45 bbls molasses, 5 I
do do, 2 bp rap, A Laughlin; 56 bbls molasses,
owners aboard.
Leitiseifirr—Per Vermont-3 hhds tob, J A Ma
curie; 8 do do, 2 venison - hams, A Gordon, 3 blob
tob, J McDonald; 8 pca bagging, I Kerr & co, 180
bbla potatoes, Geo B Miltenberger; 71 bas pork,
Clark & Thaw; 31 sks peaches, Poindexter & co;
83 bble floor, Sarni Mcaurkan S. co; 144 bbls pa.
tame*, A Ackley.
Per Ringgold-10 hhils tob, W & D Rinehart; 16
cake iron, 7 pcs do, G & J H Stmenberger, 53 sks
permute, W M ully & co; 100 bbl. molasses, 10
hhds sugar, J A Hutchison & co; 2 Mule tob, E
Heacelton; 10 Kids 1 hoc tob, Atwood, Jones do
soot 310 sks potatoes, Kramer, 100 bbl. whiskey,
Scat & co; 75 tons metal, McCurdy at Loomis; 4
bbls apples, Bosley.
TV7ischng—Per Consul—l bbl alcohol, J Kidd
& co; 5 do do, J Sehoonmaker 10 reams paper,
Braun& Reiter, 105 Las mest, ' Jno Flack; 34 do
do, 18 bbls lard. 1 cab do, Wm Bingham; 16 bbls
lard, 9 legs do, Groin & McGrew; 1 sack mdse, E
F Eaton do on; 12 bdls paper, S C Hill; 5 do do, B
A Fahnestock & co; I bbl knobs, Livingston &
Roggen; 40 letils - dour, F Borman; 37 bags oats,
i Kinsey.
Noehesile--Per Loyal Hanna-1 box mdse, I M
Cooper, 28 sks remitters, 16 do ginseng, 2 cabs do,
37 sks pesouts, 1 bid lard, 1 Dickey do co; 7 airs
leathers, .1 W Butler & bro; 20 tons pig metal, ha
bales hemp, I A Hutchison; 35 tone pig metal, 81
AEen & co; 79 bales cott on, Friend, Rhey & co;
112 bas bacon, 31 libds do, 50 bbls pork, 61 kegs
lard, 19 bbla do, 799 pea bloom., hi Allen & co.
, •
Hocl6ngport—Per Skipper -1 box mdse, I Rec.
bar; 3 bbls clover seed, J 9c It Floyd; I box eggs, 2
bas mdse, I Dickey & co; 15 bbls flaxseed, 29 do
b es na, 3 do gnus seed, D T Morgan; 75 bbl, flour.
Borbildge, Wilson & cot 0 bbls Ilaxatied, 5 do flour
J S Dilworth; S bbls wheat, 5 do beans. 11 Ras oats
I) Williams, 5 hhds lob, J A Roe; 1.09 ha oats,
do potatoes, owner aboard.
New Orkienu—Per Saranak-130 bbls molasses,
owner aboard; 271 do do, Burbridge, W loon & co;
2 hhds sugar, TownsaFd, Carr & co; bbl, scrap
iron, sable; 42 bdla Lippencou & co; 24 ca.
ars do, same; 10 oaks soda ash, A Ring.
ID - A Fora 9n os Tarry Fos 25 Caters —Tell...
and - unhealtby Teeth, after being once or terme clean
eil with Jonas' Amber Tooth Paste, have the look elle
for Of ivory, and at the seine time is so Innocent and
fine, that its daily use is atlVlMterfroys even LO those
teeth that an in a good condition, (riving them a beau
tiful polish and preventing decay. Those decayed
prevents from becoming worse-41 also fastens suet
a ere becoming loose, and wilt render the foulest
teeth delicately white, and make the breath delteloutl)
sweet Price in or 374 cents boo.
For sale by Will. JACKtiON, t 9 Leber?) street. sign
uk the Big Bost. sepia
voiorlemnr.;',l`. l .7i,'.7.":".ll,e`ltkee's!
sive organs, and lspog on malignant and unmanagea
ble fevers, which often of so sail to life. The stosmch
roast be cleansed of these fool seeretions, and this can
accomphshed by the'llse a A Pais.
mtock's Ann-Bilious Pills, which are a Most Mislnalon
faim/y catharuc They can be given witth safely at all
alford relief a very short nine.
Prepared mold by II A FAllNnwrock Co,
corner tat and wood, And corner 6th and wood sta.
B 7 L•dwa who ow. Jones' Spgotta 1-14 b•••
always • Luc whine trarupanott 141. Of thre'• ton/
wnl 9 9 19 . 1 7 wow . op*, Sold only to Fhtbsbutillx, b 9
LOW, all 000lOdandsOly
• LOthaMeldatie, Bennett_ Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Michigan No 2. Gilson, Bearer. -
Lake Erie, &tolea Beaver.
i,rtmline. Leslie!, Beaver.
Arrow, Gordon, Brownsville.
Arrowline, Morris, Brownsville.
Beranek, N Orleans.
Loyal Hanna, Mlkinald.
Ringgold, Cope, Cin.
Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Michigan No., 2. Gilson, Beaver.
Carob rie,Lashel, Beaver.
Monongahela, Stone, Cin.
Well Barns, Sunfish.
Consul. Kinney, Wheeling.
At dusk lost evening, there were 10 (set 0 inches
water in the channel, by pier mark, and rising.
The rise is mostly from the Allegheny.
pha on•
4 49 7 93
1 77 34
177 941
4 .19 10 47
471 11 SJ
178 morn.
Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M
Brownsville Packets. 8 A. M, and 4 P. M
St. Lunis. Pioneer .
SL Louis Zachary Taylor.
Mt. Vernon.
Hockingport Skipper .
Loyal Hatton
New Urleana Sanaa k.
Colveee Patent Concave B Choral
UTE the attention of the public to the cruel..
V heading this advertisement, and in•ite the e
terprising an nine,. to cell end mi this Inventine. I or•.
lion. All adv d erusements in relation to pe on.
to the hundreds who hene seen it teined, is soperere
let This Churn will produce Butter, owthenng it in
a masa. from .weer milk. in five to ten minutes and
from s ream prepared. no families usually prepare it.
In three to five nittimee•
sd. The utility of tills tnseauon is apparent. as bet
ter flutter ran be produced from %we., milk. or cream.
than cream soured in the usual way, and by mos•ns of
this ChIITIL, a little girl or boy exit perform. in her or
ten mutton, what has heretofore required the labor en
halfa day.
or man for one or two hours, and someumes
Baltimore, I) e. 8, ISIS.
:kJ. By &aml tarac a thumb *crew, the arhoie in
nide dasher la p ta y
ken m out. eating nothing but the batter
and milk in the piau wooden box
- .
ath. Ito the cheapest churn ever invented, as the
timplicity of its ronstiartion emliodynie a
great ptitiosop hiesl proacipiel makes it bet Male to
manufacture it
bbl. half bbl.
ith. It is • coasinon-selise churn. as all wtll adroit
who will examine ii
CD— We have purchased the monopoly of this ‘•tua•
ble improvement from Messrs & Myers. the
patentees We are now oarrusg the complete inoloo
poly oiling styled erne. for the States of Ohio. Peon
sylvarua. New York, New Jersey. Mary land and Del.
aware. which will trustee certain and arge profi. to
Thetuanufastuer. and a speedy return of tne•stinent
The public tie r invited to rall sot witne. Its operation,
•t our office. to Pattailsargh.e•ery day.•t 4 o'clock. r at
1. H CLAYTON & Co , Proprtetors.
()trace. Ez.-han,te Hualding, St Clair street, flexi door
to 1 , -...auire .I..nits office deell.dt:
SFLTTLI D PROPOSALS artll tx• reeo,ed at the ether
of County Vaturoas :Toon Tbu•
TIT, 14th dm, ot De a ce n mber n next. .T the tohoorth r.. •
0 1 1 0,11 . 10 1.0 done on the pub tie founds •t New Court
Douse, viT
beef eat.
Eastern and Ups
3,500 sheep and
Taktug the aging and roping od the terrace wall.
oa Fiflh street, and replaeina the same on near walls. pee yard knew. Aiso, maw( down and replamag
Taktng down the present terra,. wall on Flllbstreet
and so much of walls on (ham and Ross streets as the
COrranissiottera may d!rect.
Excavating toundalmn three feet below the present
grade. per cubic yard: foandenon et walls below the
pavement. per perch of 23 cubic fret: wall• •bove
pavement to be rut work of the same as preses,l wall
per perch of la ruble eel—thet sraiis to be three ncet.
Or or such this . ..nese aa the Commissioners may direct
Adattoon•• steps et rut stone at gale Way., same tot
the present, per ottperfisnal foot An) underpinning
toy he necessary to be doni unties the thosetion
Of th Commtiononers All =Fame necessary for the
above specified work to be furnished by the conirac•
tor. and to be approved by • competent person sopa.-
md by the Commoisionevs. under armee< supennsen.
donee the whole work Is to be done Richter. will si•
so state whet aura they will allow tor rostenal in pre
sent wall..
Thecnk to he commenced m the rustling Inflne at
such um se c es the C 017111.114.1011,1, may ihmk pole, •a
Nn lode erti: Ite received for any portion other than
the whole or the work to apt...tiled to Lc done
JO: 4 E1'111 MARKS.
THOMAS I t V,RKINS, Control...toners
CowattatOnt.' litttra. November II Ittai -4td
le lor the above work. rot rang,off
the rosine and rop., and senior.. the
talc., down and replant, gale, wt. rece,ved
wpb rate .00t stone wort Riddery yeti/ ',is bow
much per toot •uperfir,l lor eut. •nd ner perrn •or
roof 11 .tons 'Oct wlli allow ,r rootsnals In present
Costuntearonere Office, De, S.
assortment of Cornelius & Co's celebrated mann-
Immure. and superior to others use adapted to
churches, steamboats. factories. dwellings. pobhc and
private halls, and to all other uses where a cheap, safe
and brilliant light la desirable
Alao,Girandoles, (1.11 Lantern., Candetabrar.G , obes,
Shades Wma a, elmonie.. Cans, Trimmers. ar A ..o.
Gas Chandeliers. from one to four light.
decs W W WILSON. dl markt., at
T ACE 60111/S—.M, hits and black I.are Caps, emb'd
muslin do, white and black lone Under,. . do
Lace Ikrthas, black do Veils, plain French It ork
Collar, trimmed and tint rand standing do. onsinql ends
ton.teh, ladies linen e•inbric lidkfs, gOntS do do do.
also. opera on.. head dresses. artificial dowers, bonnet
tabs and quilting, ;ust received and for IC. , whole
dale and retail. by P II EATON k Co.
Ca fourth at
00AT AND CLOAK TRI2IMINGS-15 dox gents
aworted cloak Tam!, grow bsured Dana
log: 3 do do mohair do, I do do drab coat do, 5 do drab
overcoat bulimia, din do fine
in ct buttons; 134 lb beat
Italianurargs oa
,' 50 do do patent• Thread. paddling. eau-
Vaal O th er Trimming,. for moors' uw, ronatantly
on hand . deco F II EATON ,k to
VELF-Sli GOODFL-F 11 Karoo A Co are constantly
aupolted with • large and e home amionstieni of
olk innges and raw, velvet ribbons and brands, lit
era, edging. and embroidenes, glove!. and hosiery,
Zents air., rUorrentlar• and under garment+, Berlin
ephyr. woolen yarn, noodles pm., button, tape..
bobbins, An., all al winch they offer at the lowest cash
once. to merchant. and Lothar., at their lie,* and com
modious warehouse, 62 Fourth it. near market owl./
GENTS' CLOAK TASSELS-2 do. mohair Tao
sets, assorted; 3 do silk do do, 2do do hoe do, 10
do do Ladies Teasels, assorted, t do cold do do .
WOOLEN GOODS-10 dos ebildren's woolen coots:
6 dodo do Caps,• 4 do do common, 10 dos Wcwless com
forts, assorted; 19 do do with nngs; 5.9 do ladies Cash
mere Gloves ased.
LEATHER HELTS-30 do: blk Molkskin Belts. to
do do Morocco do, 3 do cold do at
novW ZEHULON KINSEY'I4,67 market to
•ustion Prle•e.
f'i ENTI.EMEN, look in, Al the entire stock of cord
k,T Cloths., Beavers, fancy Cashmeres, and those et
«a choice Cashmeres and Silk Vcsungs, must poss.
uvoly tre'closed out by Ist February.
OCy— All the fine and super French black Cloths at
Importers coy, after which the store will be opened in
another line. CLOTH STORK
deatt-2v. Post Hs:Wings. ror SW and wood sb
FII EATON & , Dealers in Trimmings and
• Haberdashery, haws removed front thenold
stand to NO 87 FOURTH sTREvr, 11 doors from
Market street tiorAi
W.W WILSON. Watcher, Jewelry, Silver Ware.
and Military Goods, corner or Market and 4 ili
streets, Pittsburgh, Pc N. 11 —Watches and Clocks
'carefully repaired. dec4
FTWFILR V, consisting nf [told guard, ten anil - 41
d chains, keys, seals, pencils finger , nger ring., Wet Inns
stud.. ear Hugs, bracelets, lockets, buckles, slides, ie ,
Also, silver combs, card eases, iron Itni•ea, thimbles,
shields, pencils, buckles, shoes, tooth • nil car picks.
deed 57 market at, rot th
ravMrHllll3oNcl—Jusi recelved at Zebulon XIII
soy, 07 Mark et stmt.
30 ps colored Velort ...acted colors;
JO block "
" embroidery Gimp, lore wide Ylmn, he
JF:WEI-1 dux gold patent Le•er %Vairh
I detached
Al.o, gold pen and penal) Cams, Vf.l than., Itea•y
Guard <hams, Bream eras, Finger limp Ear limp
and a complete mermen, amber taareiry, at
dee° ZERULON KINSErft, 67 market at
WLARD OIL-10 bids et the best qualit.
Jost reed by J SCHOONMAKER A Co,
• _24 wood st
`ILK FRINGE-6-560 dot black Bullion Fringe lost
_Aped by noy•M' SHACRI,HIT &
LLINSEVS- case. good bright rolours. just
" 'Pen by 007 IP SHACCI,F7TT & WHITE
1061FORTli- Nat dos Or. bright dolor, •nd delta&
til• style. , last opened at reduced prices, by
1 )
EneulroNbEepr $
rus4ldl2eirii..malls w l 11 c ol t;
clarified, attire and for dale by
Agts St bouts Stearn 006.1 Refinery,
deed I . i water and IN Nord at
Vf EV; Plantation Molaaatii,
111 (new Crop, ibis morning landing from steamer
Hibernia No y
i7BATHERO Wtal lb. prime Ke wacky Feaihers, for
sale by derAl AS A HUTCHISON &Co
LEAD -1100 pigs (ialena Lead, 30611 lb. Hat do; for
sale by deed /AS A HUTCHISON& Co
GOLDEN SYRUP—In bbl., half bbl., and 10 gallo
beta in store and for sale by
trout rot rut
COORT OF C 011.310 1, PLVA.—Thu coup was
opened yesterday morning at ten o'clock. The
bar was crowded—so was the gallery. Judges
Patton and Jones on the bench. The first buat•
nest was to strike all the cense list such eases no
the parties had agreed to refer. Of these there
but five—fifteen causes were continued till the next
term, and the whole number on the list amounted
to seventy six—leaving twenty six to be tried.
Acrius or Taorn.—Allen vs. Grimes. This
was an action 14 recover the value of three hogs
and • now, which had been sold by the defendant.
oo no execution in Elizabeth Township against a
person of the name of Dewalt. The defendant
was a constable, and had heron notified not to sell
this property, as it belonged to a third party. It
was attempted, in the defence, tofprove a fraudu
lent transfer of the property to evade the rights of
nn execution creditor. This was the first and 1.1
case guesterdey, and bas not yet gone to the jury
'hong the day five other causes were withdrawn
latarr CoUßT.—Peterli & Co. vs. Alexande.
& Henry Richardson. Thu was an action to re
cover the sum of sixteen thousand dollars given o
several notes by Alexander Richardson, Jew
eller, of this city. The pH's., who reside in Phtla
delphia, endeavored to show that the dft's, were
partnership at the time the notes were drawn.
This was the whole question at issue. Counsel
for pltlfs., Messrs. Reed and Metcalf sod for tilt's.
Messrs. Williams, Stanton and Coon. The ens
occupied the Court during the whole of the gay
and hen not gone to the Jury when the Court ads
Gen. Worth took his leave of our city yes
terday morsing on the Monongahela Steam boat.
The Steamer lett the wharf at ten minutes past
eleven o'clock, but there were no demonstrations
of any kind; every mon appeared to be attending
to his own business and the General to los. There
Was no music no crowd, consequently no cheer.
—although it had been ennounced in come of the
papers that he *mild leave that in.irning on the
boat above named. The General to whom we
were introduced n short time before his depanne,
and whom we found to he a very gentlemanly man
informed us that his desunatton was New Orleans.
direct, and thence to Texas.
Tux hit. Bekaa na would have had a pretty
tall leap on Saturday night—even had they been
so tar successful as to reach the sheaf a office
The window is at least twenty test tixtm the ground.
so that some of them would have been likely
to meet with broken bones.
Lrlngston, declared that the itherid won't keep
bon yet, Robinson declares the Poet did not tell
the truth, when it said that he was found sitting on
the Strain pipes trembly with tear, and Jewell and
Simons affirm that they would not have left the
tail, it all the doors had been open.
DAMAIJg TIJ A RArr.-A• the Monongahela steam
boat neared Brunot's Island yesterday mormng on
her downward trip, she ran close to a raft at lum.
her, and in consequence of the commotion created
in the water by the speed at whash the boat was
running, the ran wan ton! almost entirely to pieces.
The lumber belonged to Mr. Win Brown, of Cory.
den, in Warren county. The damage will probe,
bly be between 5200 and $3OO.
We have been Intbrnied on good authority that
e•ery foot of lumber that could he scraped together
has been run down the river dunng the present
fresh, and, amongst the rails, a fair amount of sta.
Busters. —The appearance of things laat togitt
in the Watch office, gave tea promise tri a
good blamen beige his Honor this morning. AI
nine a clock them were ti ye proionersi—one a poor
colored girl huddled up in a corner, in a plaid
shawl, venting orcsat. , uw) deep sighs. Three
men prostrate and senaeless each in "separate
apartments. - and lastly, a very genteel Lathing
young man, who sat un the Ilsor with h,s hack to
the wall, his well tioots,! toes punting towards the
ceiling, sod his hands carettatly prate, led with a
pair of hid glare. Fair promise of di versified him.
DArmaniors Sin a non --On Saturday morning
a large raft of lumber belonging to Mr, Mallerr, of
Warren county, atruek one of the ph,* of St Clair
Street Bridge, shoot two ook 1 The crashing for
about ten minutes was au fol, and the rail .a•
pretty morn torn to pd‘ees Part of :t tens led
niyalnat the pter. and will mutate, there. There
were wiz men on the nat. who Were counted by
watchman Nl'Kee. before she .truck the pier and
he nherward• coontetl the whole of them when
the raft oeparated—clur leant,lug •101. .10 vrry.
SLUM II pterx
Mr. tvellitnti . Wet Anti :eetttre on the latentatte•
.re of In, sh. tuiJ Ito Vet !wets Jedvered last otaht,
the f'hiar lItII, but the austtenno was .o slender
that the gentlemen preaent formed themaelvax into
• cosummee I.) f the purport aroustng the atten
tion of a community Po deeply tntoreatrd
outnect as are the eltturn• ol Plttaborch and the
lecture for the reaming was on. locat:y adynarna
rd to a teture which due twin, D.ll be g;r
Ms, int s t is- rn . r.—There were only two persons
brought before his honor yesterday morning--both
[hatch...n-013e horned Peter Forloiller and the
other Phtltp Antonio& The first w. commit.
led tor twenty four hours, and the second for twen
ty Jays —having forinerly given the polioe eionsl•
crab!, trouble. The charges against both were—
'drunk and disorderly
On motion of the lion. Charles 'haler. Thomas
Kennedy, Lis', was yesterday admitted to ',ac
ne< in the several courts of Allegheny County.
VOR SIS CF:.NTYP—fIy means of the Pocket lira ,
latnus, or e•ery one his own Physician' tarentieth
edition, with upward. or • hundred cox revlngs, show
ing private diseases in every shape and form. sod nial
formation of the generally.. •yetein. by YOUNt..
U The 111114 ha. rally'..
•rrived. that perm. suffer
ma from secret dtscase, need 130 inot• beeome the Vl , •
TIM ofqoackery, as by the preseripuons contuned
this book any one may are without /dottrel,
to Loathes., or the knowledge oi the MEW 14001010
Mind, and with one tenth the usual expense. In ad•
t 1000 to the general routine ot prive disease, it fully
daplaine the reuse ol enenhoal's early decline, with
ebserrations on marrutar —besides many other de.
nangerneut• wide!, it would not be proper to enumerate
rn the panne prima.
Any person sending 2.5 cents enclosed in a letter.
will reeeive one copy of this book, by mad, nr her
pie. will be sent for one dollar Address W
YOUNG, No 152 Span, street. Philadelphia,' post
%VANTELk— Proprietors n or book .m 1,15. and
;1,11..1,111 e very town in the Utitted States, to act as
ace.. tor the al.ove work ova.tleott.lon
"He not the first by whom the new are men,
Nor yet the lasi to layy the. old aside "
U n:llo } vir . auvantages. ‘ The A. Cr;ell P° 111 " :.011•1 * 1•11 ' 1 ' 17
supplied with pare hot air, rendering the operation oi
baking as perfect as when done in • brie ore.
It has a Chamber exelusiv,ely tor Ruesting meals
with a spit the doing away with ell the roasting at
in -
tachments the shape of - tin kitchesis "
It has • large cooking capacity, wtth an unolistruct•
ed gat surface on the top, which ail housekeepers can
It can Le set up without mavenwork, in any ordina
ry We-place, Of in Ole room RAre., 0111thillIff prose
Ofilo occupy hired houses to have sto
the advantage of
range at die costof a stove. And lastly,
It Lorna less coal than •ny other cooking apparatus.
not excepting the Empire Cooking Stove, which is also
for sale at wholesale or retail,.
GILBERTS Empire Stove Depot,
GI Market street, Girard Ilow,
Extract from • reeommendation from Henry I{lll.ll
- Key , =it Market stret, --“lou ran use no tertn•
reconimendauon of it, which I will not endorse
elerred to" decll-decidtbect,Plifoaw
• _
Rhlb:R WANTED—A person acquamied stub
A Farming, and ho care of • snail dairy, will hear
ik .luation by applying at ibis ones. Non! need
npply but ouch no ran giv. satisfactory assurance. oi
competency in modern forming. deat-datkarltS
teed and for eels by
nov77 corner market sin! 34 ids
ENTS' F U lIN [AILING 61 iVIDS—Fi or :+
kJ standing collars. merino, silk and Vesis, do
du do Drawer., silk, kid SW/ Wool men, a.
cotton and wool Hu,. bit Italian ere..., bile Ze -
ye Scarf. doe, H EATI IN L to
IL) doe Ladies super Kid Nose,
In •• mans white and blk
5 " misses rolurcd do
I rELVET PILE— Received this day direct from Eu•
y rope, th e richest style Velvet Pile Carpet ever
imported in the United Stales, to which we tomte the
Cdealt. of purchasers. Call et NV ACCLINTOCICS
arpet Warwroom, No 76 Fourth st. deed
{,..! AI . l SMAN WANTE —lna wholesale and reran
13 Ury Ounce Mora, One who understands the city
and can pea undoubted references Ad
dress, nuntealiaioly, with real name surd fate roue., Ron
No. JIM Pit•shurgh Port Otllcie dees
LACK INADDING—'AU dux eatre Jetta and he.-
I) try, just revolted and for sale by
ett'at *RACY t.r:rr wo st .l at
airy BONDS—Wanted to purchame, a few Thous.
and Dollar. of Pittsburgh city 6 per cent. Bonds,
nor3o N IfOLMES k SONS
FRUIT—I2O bosh Dried Paachas; Ilb an do
A/ Apples, Just received and for sale by
nol3o JI water and 82 front at
(1 RKEN APPLES-160 bbla Green Apples, ran.-
NJ boa., prim Y., van& v rra and (npinna,ln more and
for Baia by n o v 9 . 1, S WATERMAN
LOUR-100 bbl. stoat, and for sale by
J.' nov3o 1, S WATERMAN
BEANS—VA bads etnao biota Bean., in .ore and far
dale by no• 30 L 9 WATFJULLAN
For the Recovery of and Improperly With
held REAL AND P • NAL EITATE. the Net.
Clement and Allatnttiono Cornett:mal t Trading and
other Debta; Securing Patents (or Invanuon• in Great
Briton, Ireland, and the rinionie a and D s ,„d, nc , e ,
thereon.. belonpne, and Negotiating for the Pur
chase or Sale of the seine.
EFERINCF: may be fad on application free of
.11. charge, iprov.ded the motive to /10l mat of mere
ennontyo to a Ltst comprasoili upwards of ta.uoo
names in which uneHtmed property is standing.
Also,index tO'our 10,000 adverusements which
have appeared for the past SD years in vanour Entail
newspapers., addressed to Hein at Lam and nazi, of
tin. Communicationa by letter are requested robe
post-paid. BENTHAM FABIAN.
an. Broadway. New York.
References are gemmed to lion. Charles P. Daly
udge Court of Common Pleas, New York.
Char. Cartlidge tr. Co.
W A J T Tapseon.
G. FL A. Rlckettr, E.q
Edward Schroder, Fig., Cincinnau, Ohio.
A. Patchin, Fig. , Premdent Patch., Bank, Buffa
Roodng.—Gsalvami.ed Tin Plates.
TnE subscribers beg to call the attention of Badders,
Architects and owners of Buildings. to the many
advantages which these plates possess over all other
metallic substances hitherto used for roofing, &e , as
they possess at once the lightness of iron, ' , about its
I to rust, having now been tested for several
yeths to this particular, both in this country and in Eu
rope. They are less liable to expansion and contrac
tion from sudden change of the atmosphere, than coin
mon tin plates, Iron, attic, or any other metal now used
for roofing, and consequently form a much better and
tighter roof; requiroig farless frequent repair., whilst
the first cost is but a trifle more
A kill supply, of all sixes, from 16 to 30 W. G , con
stantly on hand and for sale by
1./E0 a MOREWOIJD & CO.,
14 and 16 Beaver street, New York.
The patent nett for this article having been secured
for the United Smith, all parties tun - owns thereon,
either by importation rol„o therwise, will be prosecu
ted. .
NUNN,' & CLARE, New fork,
The Clll sub CKEß scrth er INifißs nooston m
w open and for
sale, a lot of most per Piano, se
lected by himself at the roanutaidairtha
They consist of Rose wool and Mahogany Pianos, of
of 6, st and 7 octaves, of venous styles and prices, and
embrace all the lawst improvements. Thoth tit Nunn.
& Clark's, ilor which celebrated hem he is seta Authrrt
have an intproved way of stringing possessed by no
other; also, • superior plan of lea th ering the hammers,
preventing these Pianos from growing harsh and whey
after NMI , noes
•ru. Pl.Ol of Clerkeeng. of whirb ne lme a mperi
or 10t... provided with the Cacular Seale, and were
selected tor him with earn by J lanekering,,,l ROl.lOll
The nt.ove will Neutterly he sold at manuraeturers.
prices, aild aecommodatieg term.
'Me saber riher wie ei•art•bly be found et \V
Woodwell,. trout II to to 12 A NI. and rum I to 5 I'
M. Mr CC saalwell attend to ilta busmen. during
the balaime ul eine II KI.KHKII.
oetlU at J Wnodwelra .3 Third et
. .
SOLE .A.a., re& Ncans k CLAll•SCaraimargir P.•aos
THE subscriber has mot T.-we/stied
/161911 his stock ot Pianos. which for •ariel
ot style and pneet has never been our
pasaed in this coy Juno received and
opened. the follow :tor new Pianos
Otte 7 or,ave cabinet grand hallo. an entirely new
One }rosewood 6‘. very elegant Nunn. & C:arlt
One •• 6 -
(One •• with Coleman's celebrated dEolian At
taehtnent. Thismah es • v netery saloon°, Pla
0r • mah o g any. plain. Nk C
nov1:1 H. ICLEBFR atl (V Wondwella
I , ATINGS To A RBI V k•:--I cue grey 1111.1[11 brown
k., Casismiere,
1e Lavender Blanket,
I bal ale Lavendt r Blanket coaling.
Y do dist. do
S do btu. do
Cormagnment from Eastern manufacturers. and tor
,e al eastern prices, with carriage added
novr: MURPHY & LEE, liberty .t. loot sth
VROSI THE SHELL— Hy Burin et Cu,
Feet F:gpreme. et reduced prices —To •cromroo•
date a., lovers of arts dettetoue tuanry. HUN, Et h Co
have resolved to auppl) the people regularly through.
out the mutton wlth the rho...tat Fresh Oysters In
ans. half c.o. and shell. •t 11 reduced pr ' as
am: enable very Wady to mot, this dettc•ey at the,
An Expreve 4,mA reeeived dei'y •t the ware.
hm”. nt C MIA% ELL. IVater oreet. h. -tureen
Smithfield and (hoist, a•d Wt sale their. and a: the mi.
!oaring depoi• R. tr. Berge, earner Smithfield and
Yd eta, E Henlleum, Diamond. A fic•evler. Penes 1,f..
Ward, I/Haughey. foot al Liberty at, 1 Cokart Jr ,
Pran'a Avenue, hl•reer t Robin.n, Allegheny cis) ,
smolt •
,yricE l'olleetors •nd other env ogre are
reAttestett hAve their revtteettve areountv In •
ot preparanou be Aurlired Thurvtia, e
ptort, /Iv: :NI. at 11 o ort.a: avhaeh :true the unttert
atfort: Colman:tee 0: Cott nr:.s t eireted :or :hat rturrtove.
1.1:1 oteet •: the Ma ynt • trthee
Tax Collector..ce p•rucumrly frqUlr,,
nit tarly Treasurer, •nal 11••• met: dupiLernes and
ecru nr• te••ly lor settlement al :bo rsa,
t' 1111.1.
uti, Unit Com
lundara,gned hav
tr 4 rensoard %l astunalnu
•••., ar • •,,d •,,,,•
the t••,ernment r illd, an, 1 , a., ••• ta•
Court. e. IX•ts,r• Aeu I, 'l,, 1.•
.1•••••.111.• A 14(1 \ l% 11.1 E la
I RIJN FOI NM( FUR - A arn•.' Foul,
I dry
rend? Itourteneng ware. roo.a
le., tor I•eattlea. 1.• sold arroonnao-
Jaut.g term, err achanac 1,, I .0. , or go.i.
Tata oder an ear•ei,,,,, nr Man
With sots t,. • Cr Irv. Foundt, Au
norms nl
f‘l 1111-: A TlONnfr fst
de. Ist nr•r Woorl weer
HER IAI , A If% 1.1,1N1 111 , . r`irj: I rue
Aln Orr
eedkr.,, 11,111,11
ork. 11••,tr•t pul...•nr, Kra.l ia • treal,
Yltl 1.2rn0 NO. 41 ff•ae• I ^ordain. :he ref on,
flterotahor, of •cor•ra.. ',other. o: Or t• efrir of 1A....
de noonn•ltnor I one nee& lon ropor• have len
dr•lntruted o. int eff f of rf. elortalf roof
• hook for eve, 'her , I .fr ...r t',
.1% I N.+, Apollo Ilaildtngs. IN •I
L . , VI VAL/11. 1.1 FT ID Wonhon of ue Ilk
iDr, detineatnd in.erie• ot st.tebe. of Pronas•
1,111 Female.tnenDoned in I 101 - 3e .inlarn—ilinatratatl
Ly ore
Eon ' engraving. I •D: quarto Turkey gilt
ed l b< ges-- ratreagne eve
Satered Poeta Of F., (MI./ and Ametica. it inn,
rthied h, Ruh.. b'. ..... vhaid 'Dow ratod
art,,l. t... engraving. VOI +fro NU{ [III dge.
rhe YnnaJe I'u.ta al Aran, irm WO, yonraDa.
TL..o. :much. and tpecireens DI led, arriung•
II Road
The Hoot m Pnarl• • noire rar•aed o( prose. po.
If, too ront• R. hoe •0.0. ro,ravolgt I via;
'Tbe Houk 01 Baoads Iln...retell, 1 Vo,
For *ale by R HOPKINS
de, I Apollo Ituildross. 4th •t
kl•neaginbtela Compuky.
oricE ro ,, roexiffit.Dt:RoS —ln purvaance
lb• provisions of the Chartertkjgcorporatkon the
annua. rosehnh of the Stoehholaeffisigit Munoug•he
.• Naolg•tton (7ornputs be hela on Nlond•y. the
Ors) d•) of Januar, 1.49. ,betrg the first Mond•y of
Sr. mon., lkt the Mlle, of the thin Company. zo the
°Jean kluthltng. Fount street. Phsharah, at 2 sick:wit
the attertiooh, tor the purpose of e.eeho, officers (or
the enewn,/ pear IVM lIA ► EWELL. Seer
• . -•
tw , v 3 .-
ICH URE4d.or GOODS. per toroign oteanrerU•trirpr.
• A A !dream . * l'n. No AO Market strect wlll
°pail this mreong. Rich Dress Goode color:ma:l,g the
fo:lowsna or ler rtz ~ a lll3 pl•tri Merinos. a new ru
e,. and the richest goods /crowned this wason, .11
wow high ro;ors chair, styles. all wool
Cashmeres sod Moo.. tie lasor•, fine Coburg sod I.) o.
owse Cloths. or ail,. Jere ribald.. shade and color Pawl
striped C•shnieras. in ,reativanets owes
. _ .
11Tr•s•eh ll•rittolet Fre.. h Merinosi
IA • N. ‘11.11(1 . 11Y 1.•• oprurd wittt p • Jew days •
Y V . Imo°. •••ortmet t tol mur rtu
rr renrh Munro*,
ecuarming .bade. of Manson, li•rnet, Straw•
r.rarlet. Cherry, Drab L.¢lll Bro. n. and
Matanur Blur, •Ito, ••nrivi qualm. ol Mark All,
PA BN I-:rro , AND I.l'llN F:24: ci.o.nis,
. . . ,
.$ the lealng includsl4 • few plea o$ vory
l.:3—Masarine Hlu., !het, Brown,
PLAIN CASI - IhIERKS Maroon. (.arne.i, Brow,
Drab, Ill•rt, A.
ENIHROILW.KIib pri rites'
Vuu• Lie I-a/n•. pmts..] r'••h mere,•n:ne str‘peo.,
• now murk, for ladre• dre.•e• Salm striped A Ip•cas.
nor I
Co. hawn added in ill,' tanner business • d01....1m0,.
l....Imo,. under charue ul Niro litgolow of Hoooon, for
nutting to order in latest to, les Infanta' Wear. Altnne•
Karts. cloak• and Dreases, Ladies .nd Dreasung
Garments embroidered nr stamped for embroidery,
nmuita. crotchet work ,hertoonehing and mar
k tog neatly eleeuted nov'Ar
-- • -
‘A TA HFS, of • very hoe quality, end beautiful
V! patter.; selected e•preotily for retat I sales, made
t.y Cooper, Toro., Mtton, I..therland, &
Beesley,B andend other geuine and approved nutoutacto
rare to ngl
piwalled I carat Gold Patent Laver Watches,
ti low as 11.7 t. Others al vier.ue prices, sword o 1 to
quality, winght, Ar . carting from S4OlO IWO
Nlrnr welchers in greet variety, from to 1441 All
over 810 warranted Levers as low as 51,,
rloasl W NV Wll-40N, 37 mark. ill, cot lth
A NECD(YTES--Cyclopedia of Moral and Relwo.
Anecdotes; a collection of sevarai thousand Fa
es cvs.,
lim , dents. Narratives, Example and Testimonies, em
bracing the best of the kind in mom Mimes collections,
mill some hundreds in addition, original and selected;
me whole arranged and classified on a new plan, with,
copious topical and scriptural indexes. By Rev R.
Arvine. A NI., Pastor id the Prnmilenee Church, New
York. with an Introduction by Rev lien B Chee•cr,
D. It Just published.
The above, with a 3 umber tit new and valuable pub
lications, for sale by Elil.lltrr Jr. ENIiI.ISII,
norTl 7ir wood st
powder, (Clalorld• of Limo.)
HERS.—The aubscrther• have on hand utd will
re/tweedy bn suppined wag Jae /duarkran &Sous' cel
ebrated Itleseldn4 Powder, which they Nadi warrant
equal if not superior to any Itnported in the. V State,
and winch they eve prepared to sell at the lowest rnar•
hrt prtre for eaahirpprov•d
nov or l
W & MITCHELTREE, lan 'them et
riff: undersigned have erected works in the city I. New 1 or], (or the purpose of tralearating all aro.
ele• o( Iron, %%Inch it m lea aisle to PROTECT FROM
RUST, such as Telegraph Wire, 110110, Spikes, Nails,
Wire tor relines, and any other •rtir le which may he
required. Far [loupe for Casks la • substrinte for bale
Rupe for Clothes Lines, Ltahattrig Hod., ands host of
other applieation., n will he round cheap and duralde.
They would parlicularly call .11.0000 to the lialvara•
zed Wire (or feneesirequires no porta, and will not
rust Also to taker •ml Bolts, the preservation of
which is of aurnarh emportnnee, that it teal vonalueod
t troll lo the nonce 0( ail those interested
F.t I. MORKWOOD &CO Patentees,
oet.l6.d&wly'r 14 and 16 kk-aver al, N York
kleoprao & Non•' Rods
e AM
P. T f:;.:lscrlba liar. re e sir" tr .
, : .i.r,e .v,
Medallion and Lydia,
having arrived at l'hiladelphat
and Ralltinore. and iseo more. the (+rept:ea Held wt n and
I , ll•..hortly raper led, they ace, therefore, prepared
to ree•me orders They will receive during thew
_ in.
ter and spring regular supplies •ra New Orlesais.
a." • Dentoit Corner of Fourth
and Decatur. between
Market and Ferry •acct•. eept.dlyin
I,IOR SALE—One pair occend hand 100 d
J.' repair, now running, containing 312 splndlea each.
One Cap Winder, containing 611 n
epndlc•, suitable for
woollen manufacturers
Pitt Col Lon Mill Nov r 4, 1440-d2w
_ .
—— • -
TIOMESTIC WOOLLENS -, Monaco, Plann•la
1 , T"voedo, Comdr.., :, I Cloth and Gums - acre, by
the ;Here or poetoge, very low, for •
S LIU A R - 10 Khdm pnme s ntAgr, A l4 . ll7 , lo ,,
00.10 front ot, neat wood
Sim Acre s Coal L.And tor Bale,
• AT.D on the !Mononhela nv IR ro
from Pi F ttsburgh and :.I unl ga es shovee r
Lock. il
the ormiediate neighborhood of Meseta. Lyon tr. Short,
and Mr. John Herron's purchase This fine body os
Coal win he sold at the low prme of 831 per acre—one
third it hand. b.ilance in five equal annual r.ayntents
without interest_ Title indisputable Location very
good—c•nnot be enrolee, -d For further particu l arsenquire of S. lIALSLF.I", woo has a draft of .aid pro.
petty Residence 21 st., below Ferry, Mr. Adams. Row
Chen. another seam of coal on this tract.
about 00 feet above the lower. of excellent quality
FAdtf S. 11.
A .
Real liCatmla ow°.
TRACT of lend. 00 acrea. liarrivon, Portage Co,
on the Cuyahoga river—about 311 acres under im
provement. Also, two unimproved lots to the village
of Warren, Trumbull Co., GO feet by 90. Also. a lot of
ground in the centre of Hartford. Trumbull Co...nth.
fine dwelling house and store—on< of the best stands
for • merchant Oft the Western Resew,. Any or all
this property will be sold rymodating
terms. ISAIAH DICKEYaccom h. Co.,
Water and Front ma.
HE large and well Ludt:Factory. erected on Reber
p street, Allegheny eiy. by R P Cass., Esti ,HE
tor sale at a bargant. and on easy terms The
I "led. fronts WO feel nu
Rebecca ntreet, and runs hark ree
111/ feet to Perk stmt.:
The main building rt of brick. three stones high and
60 feet long by •.Y7 feet wide The Engine }louse ,s
large and commodious. with an engin e . bode, stars.
Re.. all in complebe order ITS property will be cold
low. and on advantageous terms
For price. terms, he., engin, at this office
aug . l.l-dif
jTWO I,lrrs nil Beaver street. la the cit 1
Allegheny, above the upper Commons n which
is erected a frame, two col,. nigh,suitable
for two sinall leeeteellt• The tots are each twenty
Wet In front hy one hundred feet deep. and run back
to !I street forty feet wide The buildings on the pre
ises will pay very handsome interest on the invest
mem. and the property will he sold cheap Inc cash
Apply to /I ,lproul. Clerk's other, U :v or to
• .• K
tfoeff A V es ro
Country Residence for Rent.
...Attar). seat of Ref. Dr
liaise,. I rude below , Mane homer...on:am 9
trig shout 3 acres nt I,roun, with ttbnat
chows !ruffrees and u great variety of rare flovverfne
shrubs all iff good state of cultivation The foestinn
n elCveilOn ftranediately above the Mantle
nal, a sow at progress of ereenon. fits •••• n rivrn at
any time den red. Apply to John Sampsoo. FAN .
<heater, or John Helmet, Zr, Co.. 2d street. I . lll , talrgh.
ja THIS deltelnitil Summer Retreat. fore
to years pant oceupted by Nit L Burch-
Geld. ie offered far sale or rent on the heat
L. April next Th". proper!) his been improved toy
additionu, butitlings. and a ent.onnual %tone wail and
ter rare planted with Everer , en• and Frt.. Tr. ,, To
a geed tenant. r•pable ot undue alit the Hetreni. !hr.
tenn• lie reasonable t.t,I•IIHAN.
l'utslourah, Dee 9 Acetyl lior Provnelor
/A, subserlber offers tor rent for the term ol
. or more years. serer nnsunient we,l lan
Jailed two slurs llou•e • ontanonc s rooms
and flnellen There ts • lot o: grotiod enenatotng I 9
re• her sooat Nur trees 01, kind. wain,
he connected tth the house T. an rsoPli
mg a deillit•up wrthin :ew nute• ride rrf
the en), tn... • a rare efts., Forems whd,
0111 he low to • good tenant, no,uirs 01 Air tor
Wright, near the prenuses, ot Join. It ati corner of
Iland and liberty streets, or of
or t 2, Tif Fr,
Tract of Land for Sate.
TllF:.lll.•entOr ser oil avcomtn , sta:nt, terms, a
raluatne tract ot untroprOved land. wtuate on the
road lead., from Brlghton Frankly. shout etehteen
molt, Pittol.orgid and allot. encl. Int. , . from the
101/1 , 11
of Freedom On the Vino river The tract roo
ms. 401 acre, and 111/ perces, strEct ineaaurt. The
land of an rirel.enl qua', v, show 00 ne re• e!eared.
and orb, watered. and 011! Ire mold ...ter 111 whole or
in (arm t of consenter. stir.. to oun purrnasers
For further pare Ulan enquire of WM HIIV D. Alt),
at I.sw. o&'r nl. lth oL abuse Smithne.d.l . ltl.l/urgh.
Scotch Bottom. Land for Sale;
. 1 ; :: Et4Er r e r t , l
burah- En iot. .an pyrrn/r,, 0 , I ironer parorn
ultra appll . Henry 00d....1, at. or to
Oh. a. e .olllllhrlil ot
Property In Allegheny City for gale. '
/I , HE aubarnlora 'or *al, nurni...r t',lolef
1 LOW stun... 111. Se•oral Ward, fro oh the
(*.mom row, os -ns t• r. 1,,,ne
II HI MIN,/ EN a; I.oa. s!,! ;a1 ,
or to J fit MIN,
Valuable Ite•ldence In Allegheny City
for Stele.
IoNTE:si ATING a /rum,. al front Alleeheny env,
Vi I dern Ins reaidence there for sal. The prem..,
are tn .0114.1 note, sod Corr, way worthy the al.
teutlon ol mop person orkshitig tool property
!Leal 'toast* Iti•rcer County.
ALOT, ....horehons, and Dwelllng, situate on the
.Cl,lllllOll Cana. In the vtllage of West Mid.
:est, • deatrable ocabon for • merchant Also. a
Lot and Foos/ Dwelltnir House well stated for a Tavern
Stand, In the silage of Oraorevflle. on State Imo of
Ohl. Terms mu) . ISAIAH DICKEY d. Co
{Ol,lO Wet., and Front M.
(10AI. LAN() FUR SALE—Seven ;sere. coal nod
/01 •Ins•te head 01 the Nlononcabet• Rio.: I
stn.. Brcw Pa havnig "; root vent n'
vr,o , he d ercns,c• tor cosel• For pa , en
s•• so; w l% 'fill:11,1 1.11
„ 111 , .11i Fr - l'he •ut.wrwer
ode r t to ••te tr • harknrenouse
OE, II 004 .tr m • umrst tt. H Tanner 1 Co
w Wil.S4 /N. Jr
To Le
rat part n( the ware-
Go Th ua: an ' ar app to
IS I , AI-'l.l-11.1.. h. I'o,
Anti; SI a•ter SUE..
I , ALL e ul.l R I A:. A \.llll-1.7
y 1-1111 ,A \ I.o• .• • Prr.”
a:rent ne•traa.. ••• 'l.r.•an onnag
nou••• •..1 am nom ....,••-t1 li.annt EAlwent,
!lua • Irma ta t• •••a da;•la a •aaa. Innt:ne
eell4l ou the ;erre.,nonstaa Fn. I) 1.0./Nii, •
4„1, .year %%nod
ittll , M, rly A• I Da
for ••••••:•.: ••••r) .•
toOVY., 2.11.
/d 1111:1d
w A II 11 ”, V.-
•IMOo. hr.! IMP. or toot.,
For lorms..'lOltiro or
x. noLitixs a. SONS,
Baakk•r•, Exchaug• D
. .
t'UO.I.ECTIONS —Drafts. Note* .nd Av.-rm/thee.
pavah.e fnatty part of the Utnon, collected on the mood
favorable tern.
EXCIIANIr on New York, Plolorielphan and Hai
moor, riorn, I'r/remora, Lou,silie. Kai Uoto. •ori
Neve Irr.enror roorrontry for .4,
Fi A N N
nord ,nALte• _...
of Fermin and Amn.
•nd aoid
-Nolr. •o,rent Iranl..r.
.untrA a, 11,0 .cywrl.t rale- A.'
I•o.d n:141 Sl:Vrr CON, lkotign:
Other No hi Market .ttort tortverrO 3d end lih.
PoLabors°, Pa oeell
Forrigo and Don,st.c Farliringa,Cortificatos of
Ppo.3ll' Sant Nine, ond Unkitlll:zrooL ricar
ly opon.nte tor Rank of l'atsi , orth Curront rtioncy
roeel.rd on *posit. Cheek. for .alc and e 6.
o~na made on ticar , p I.llr principal FoNnto ma United Stales
The toglre.r premium p. for rore,go and Arnerrear.
Ad•aneea made on ton.gnments of Produce. .hip.
eed Eaat, on liberal terms
BILLS 00 /:10(1•11. andScot.:and bought
any unount air t urrein It Walt. par at.i• in an' rwri pi Countrn..,
troth 11 to /IWO, at the rate ni 1 , 3 wthe 1. Sieriiiic
'without deducuou or thaeouni R.1.111N
-511N. Europ•-an Agent. °dice one
door watt of wood cut',
DANKER: , and F...trhanst- lirok.-ra. I , alers m For
rign and lkonte.sie nine and ',ant
rhange.rerttlicat.,lll lk , posnr. Bank Sot., and Coin,
No CS ood otrrkt. third door twlciar Fount, kk - r•t
anti. umart(l•l
aakatai ) Ixosva IA
BA NK ERS AND 1-.I.XCIIANI.k. Ititl , KKIL.. dealer.
n Forrqn and D0010•111' 1110% 01 Kicliange, Cer
hheatra Drpoline, Bank No., and t'oin, ranker of
1.1 and Wood stre.eta, Atrrrt.y oppoam, 01 Charles Ho.
I' k
purchased at the low,“ rntes. by
NOrkeL street.
1.311. 3 L8 OF EXCHANGE•—Shht Chcrts on
Phtladelphin. nngl
Constantly for sale by N 1101.31r$ R iIONS.
_ _ 33 ltlarket
111111. Ott ihr o.•ertht...r. ihr A I tam 1 2011,
roppered N ,11 111.14/F , Mr AIM 0 Far
ahhin routtnandel, •.1.1 az above 011
uhotit the 20111,0111/10
This •te•ener natl. • tag,. nlitt two lull tleck•. and
hes fine atat. room ad. 11111/11.11,111011• for einkt) ptnntott
nets .Sea l 4. •tatte• It and strotnt alup, about four
yo•r• old. and ta 0; tit e•peetni. band tor the nt age
Ph.. 0,11 take ...Oa In 111. itent 1 , 1_1110111.1s i r oiler
.11 ataautt Fat Ireletttnr• ,14•041, apply I••
J P 0 P. ,
771 Camp al. New Drlrana
In lite after • utedt
In the tot, anl veto.,
ILEMeeril, Ira .ens r. vr,l; 1101 t' tnlen
n 0 ,1111.1
AUJIBTRONG A. CR0ZE1t 14.11... ,
I(t AI AI ISSIt .NN11.:111 N
IANTS, No 1 2 Alm kot ..rvet
l'ltt•l•orgh, I. u v,:11 ou,nd ploroptly to of
ery dr ,nrotionof IVesterk Prolluce, and othrr ar
tietel. ototrumed to thew ,arr.
liusLey A Co. l'ato.urgh, Ilann, Graham
kCo New 1..1301., generally,
,tle, tf. Khodes A Ogleby. Ilrulgeport, 0.. A. C; Rich
ard Foll Cutratuall, J F. flow d, Lout.n fl le,
Ky. dudel.)orworl, Lotam; II I.lAles. Steultrn.
_ •
R Ens -1-1, subsentsers. being the e IIII•
port,. or James Alueroratt Sr. Footle Coda Aah for itol.
market are .10 . 111 slid will Cellllll,le to be tersely sup
plied with this celebrated brand, which they will .ell
al the lowest entrket pricer cash or approved boll.
They rote' to the glaze •n to d soap manufacturer...of
tho, city generally re•pecting the openly
ovl W & M Al 111:111.:LTREK
toll liberty at
race/wed this inorntng by El-sprees, a lot cot see)
Rupert°, wool Long Shawl., of handsome etyles Fa .
Mreaaos—On hand. e gmel stork nr I base
gm:els—olive, invisible, green, Garnet. maroon drat,
scarlet. At. Also, Parmenos, of desirable colors
A few black Thant Long Shawls, of a good WI ail IV.
on hand to ttorth tam corner 4th and Market it.
MAN eFAcTuRED TotiAcco- .
70 I bla Lamartlue ha 'l4 do Mtraheau Ss, V
do !Noon Se and le `al Jo John Rucker S., do go
berta & !Anson St, 4lt do Henry it JeMe• As and es: In
do John. and 1.43 WIS . Is , J do At arwlek saint Is; 7 los.
Steward Bs
These Tobaccos, cobra tag swine of the most favor
it. brands, on constgnment, a n d will be sold low to
Om, by dec9 L 3 WATERMAN
SPLENDfiII STOCK OF rear.,l3lopDS,
Who/cantle road Etetall.
LTA VI: receired more than one thousand C and
Package, of Foteign and Dome.. Ilan* mak
ing one of the most extenatve usomments in th e coun
try. ernhraring the latest, richest and mostlasbionnble
ntyle• of Imported and American Goods. purchased in
entire par kages from the importers, manufacturers and
.arge Ancor n sules, by ene of the firm residing in New
York. wino :• constmaly sending us the newest and
moot distrattle goods in the Eastern mnrkets, Which
will be offered as low as at any establishnient in the
United Staten. and lower than could posed:lly be offer
ed by nny finest in the West. We enumerate the fid
/owing article.—
i) 111,K8-13 cases rich changeable,striped
plaid a. brocade Gro de Arne, Gro de Oro de
ti Oro de Algiers, Glacier, black Gripe. Rhine.
Talfata. fine patio, Florence of all colors, leo. Or. Al
PO. Silk %roiler of all colors, • very large stOck.
35 CASK.- DRCSIS GOODS, vis, clues - extra net
satin Cinihmero. do do do printed dodo; donna ,
flour. English do Lim.; do ClenencePlod., atticoo
Oriental , Sc Adso. Se eases Alpaccas; YO eases net
•triped and piton Lyonese, 0-4 Tartan Plaid and SHY
d 4 cashmeres and Grandilla Plaids.
FRENCH MERINOS—A full usortinent of Mack
mode, scarlet, Nloroon, Naranne, blue, purple and oti
or colors, of the best tuvwfacture.
2200 SHAWLS—Comprising the most extenolve as.
Imr.ent eyor offered i n this city. ebracing long and
tviunre Cashmere and Tartan plai d Shawl, Maude
Itrunswick, Finland, Jenny Lind. Lamantnii, and oth
er Shawl.
Lace rap, collars cuffs standing "Alan, ebetaigens
Alw, linen cumnrie end lawn Ildkfs. Lace. and Edg
ings. Belt RM.., llomery of all lands Gloves dn.
assortment of the moat fashionable styles.
DWI best manufacture, Linen Sheenngs and
Ut i tn ° L47Tona n r e l n o ' dt. T a a t L :d e . lh ira, tu d ,t 4 b l L,:i
ca. and Bird'. Eye Diaper . (an n nels—over ps tit
every unruly Bleached and Br ow,,
than 15.10.1 p. 01,11 the well known make,
(lore 1211111 lOrt carton. entirely new fall
and wooe Rd.., very choice sqles.
Prom•ti Cloth, t•st.ilocres and Doe
in peat
' , nett. V :Snort, vat. and kldkfs.
ir 1. or every desenpltons. together with ev
ery article found in a drypoods store. •
The tol(owing II (nvosce ot rases goods jug°
reccived. 'til, the prier. mmezeKl•
to bales of red and white Flannels. all wool, for lee
7 CR.!, blue and orange Print., 8
In do y ant. tor IVY
IY In last colored Pron.,
17 do lOonohool?;111O::
4 do Mou. de !dune.
7 do rrol 5,01,01 memo,
Also. Oalos 4-4 Brown Nltokhn
Ail Of Whir.'
•. of which. in connection with Ulnae above m 4el
tined. acid he coffered itt leas pile, limit can bc alford•
Ii liy an) other eatalithihrnent In due city 'ru e ONE
tRit7E r sTEm. wltteh Maur.. twat!, and Nana,.
u all. wit; be .irictit ohaerved Any itittele porehatu
el.:0 , 110111,ot lound to Ito above the gener
:lariat price. a conoetinent reduction Will moat wiling .
y ire made. upon the e betng mode k now n
the Proprietor, it brow their dostro that all good.
roe .coid on hylr and honorable term. All perm
ire reopeerfully matted to ',ramble our amoebae..
atihout feeling the Irrat ohligatton to parcilatio.
CARD—.Hovember tlth, 18411.
117 - R. Al tit r V. tionleast corner Ilk and Mar-
TV' . ke, streets. Bitmborgh. has now completed the
opeolud of a •reol/ti large supply of Dry Goods ler the
eason. nod e an
.der to buyers an mouirtment to select
trom. inrety be mond at this advanced part of the
4floot, Pot rta alar attelluon is asked to his large stock
Frruen. Enetish and American, of all deairable to
stumble mr dress coats and cloaks, also,
n.- Cass,
a 'sr, mrtinent. including wool dye and
Frrll Lu Dor.•ktn, dark mixt; Plumy do, front the
tow pure. of 61i Cl. lull wood up to the lomat qualities
nod nearest les Besides, a large sloe kof Satinetts,
common and hlle. Undersluris and Drawers, Gloves
LADIES DRESS GOODS. tit all their variety .
Country Merrhimu, and Merchant Tailors are ins,
led toeriunme stock. in Wholesale Room., second
nerd •
1-'cil Dr, Geed;.
Shacklett & White.
No 9. Woon t , reerr,
N VII' Es the nenuen /3(W. Merchants to their
and fresh Mod , of
whrrn ttn are now recetvorg direct from the Eastern
Manufacturer. and Importers, and which they will sell
•L Eastern ,oLtang prlees
la vme every far thty (or the purebase of good. to
I•em vantaar. mul the lowest possible pore., they
otmfiden, .I,lle Nlerrearm. to examine the quahltro
aml pric•-• titrir Koorle,feeltng sausiSeri they can corn
prte I Tab:y with any menet either Fiat or West.
I ITI.m ork will rompr.e a full .em/me/a of all kepi 11l Dry Goods Houma. mud will ilt
• - on.tetly rere lvnt, erbium. of ail the new and deo,
rot., antlr• nb clod. ei domestic or loretgomatrufru
ture and wt.: only require an G. 111,12111011011 to be ap-
Prr,,...d sepia
Bargains Extraordinary.
,„2 ELLIN" fr. Du, :5 Muket or.
CI .Torm west ...Triter or An Diamond Putstfugh, from
me in of Ilecember argil well decided bargains of super
o do square do. super hrocbu
•T superi d
or shawls. Assts widen:o.l'd bib
of mod• rot d r 1011. shawis. a few supenor plaid long
aw t. ma..l and rum d Thibms, super figured einne.
4hiiVel.. fig it muomores, tuna, mentor
u.. stnped merinos. uew article for dress.,
and fig d easur.lon Up. extra brocha fig'd
wa err, :T sex SEA.. she richest goods import ed.
Ter t. g •-•-f ern desh ne French .sloths
•nd few I. extra hack and
N•n. T.old 1,. he mere or coat
, :Al nmiaraul• iow prices.
wi r e for Indies and gentle.
nie .• manand blue. A larige porno..
:..e atm.c goods lan been recently purchased Al to aumiou New York and Philadelphia .
..! clooed out n ;rte,reductlon from
the tiT u...mon
• la„ .tuck of Ameneta blankets, shostingt
tine artme, twain, and damasks. prints and cheek,
/Lc Ake
eutentry and the public generally
re .n,tr , J r . ar.y e1../1.131.10n
--- ---
To Country Merchants.
tiMI rll d. 01 Nlars et street. would moue
lrm .It , nt:tm of Coutury Metchs.ola thus nook.
G0...1.. urchit.ed for rash. of the Near
~ r t .eup.of ~or and auvUon hou.e, omdl,ll
prxe• The Mock rompres A COCCI.
,r1r1). roameleon nod black r.klks.
sod erwolt warp Alpaca*, real AJpata Lucre,
•,,,t raLl • ripe.] (Ine,lttair.
1 . 1,1,1 mlit Merl nor, Mou n
Netill de Lam .001
4:111 . I,llq Wove. and Ho- 11,1,1,on• Irmo seenaapiecelips bmmel
Flowrr.. Linen encnbne Hdlcia 10
rAriori. aUtl Edglng, notartons ecaOo
,il/, iiUtto.. r^ltd. Needles, hrta dr.e. in
\ ho.r.eir Room. `dd door sept.. 3
KA* 0. A 131.1: 1/01 ..K.11)05. AT Mf R MURPHY'S
Alasarmo lime, and Cherry Silk Velvets,
do CO(1.00 do
HEI.TIN,.S. all co,ors
MI - I(lNU , —Scarlet, Cherry, StrawbelTy
YALU KrIN N.—Mat:lrma blue, drab. maroon, gar
., a r d mot., ~.lor.
cf ItI , E. I I ,I IIAIFLA—with anit eukpe.
!flack 13.1 hon, or traninotoN•
And a se, ,rge •;,,ea other new and deuraLlP
goods• wt:l p.race call and hear pnees, at N
I. orner 4tO and Nlaiket .ta
1.04.11 tow at 4 .1110,0• It. up •tntr, oalt
.A.O. R. WHITE, No 51 NIA.. Rum, t
1, I tet,ti. militate n ehnot, In htft tomuetson the Ist
os inttuntv tteitt and win. dittpona *I the tollowsng
Ir. o. ctn., nt ormtnat
lir. cra Long and Square Shawls
I ram, Tartan Lone du
renen IlLmed Cashrncrea.
l'nco•n do do
Nloa•ll'ic dc Lames:
L. 4 and SLGula
11:ch rui'Ll French l.incharna. and fancy Dres
• riloae wauung barcaLiss are ranted local'.
/ CARPKI'S"—Take notice. all penal,.
lo purchase Carpets. atui NV M'CLIN-
T. 1%. No Fourth Alf al reduced prlces.
b efore Lrn.,,m 4 on lu• avrt..g .tack Now is th e usue
bus heap curprt, coutmilug imtl,
A111111:1.1(1. ,t . trs
oesuulul, fur parlors.
1 . 2d0 Tar,•tr) r)
Intr. style._
do, as low as SI 12j1
, up ”••.' •.)-c••
do I, Lira,. doubii twisted, very hear),
do do do do
1%:,h it ••soriment 01 r•rpellog Per.
. L 1001101,4 01 !tumi:ling parlor, would do well by
raau our i'heap, In the motto. noirCS.
r Murphy. ( . 01 . 110114ta and Market streets, h. reed
1010111, 14/1 01 ilinae superior black French Cloths for
oak s , Itt Iheseine low prier, of the previous lot.
Ann olive, olive green.olive brown, and invisible
green Frriir n I'loth•..r ladles cloaks.
Hen, v lot I.lnve•--A few down, very superior,
reeriv,l this morning u0v423
11111010031/ 1,11.0 f 11110 V• 01110111, 10,.LT 1/
NEW GOODS, 110011
A T , n 0 1( , ....: ‘ , ;5 . ,. , 1111 ., 1 , .4tw a r z tj j s ‘ t , r e e . r u t ; r tuLiristg h
ton loon iuslounnblo inylealmporieg.
u large quantity of Rough and Ready Sleekeia
and Coabuir, peenharly adapted to the Imes and (hr
tilad, Om largest, heat manufactured and m6•l
fasheolllkle •lock of ready made Clothing in this elty.
A,l urticr. 0. tin TailOrtag line exec fired in the era
tashinsisilte and durable manner novl4
LAck t'LUTH:t—R R Allsrphy al , 1 , 4 E
r cornet 11h nod Market anew, boa lately reved
et supply ,s 1 superior black French Clothe for dress
eon, do ...cloaks. Pelisse Cloths, for holi cei
es cloak.:
• !live soilgabbn .101 11.1•11 61, blue Cloth for
boy , . wear A 1..-. isney and blank Cusatmerea and
Doeskin.. a large assartmentjalack Satin Vesting.
• lew ',aliens. super Vc• set io. These goods have
non' ught Very. low, broy will be sold at pnce• that
eanhloo please
D RESs tstiOlki—Stnith &Johnson. 46 Market st
have received a choice stock of Dee.. Goode, con
sisting m part of rich Chat:rich.% Silks, black do, sat.
striped t'nslisisere• and I 41,11111 a, plain Chameleon and
Ileplain Alaca, vault striped
silk W•, and real Al.
pacu Lu p stre., ['rotted de Lune
e a
nd Cashmeres.
French and English Alumna, real Sdotch Gingham.
oom te up to the attest quality, Callon from 4ma
104, rich Lint, Muslin Robes fur evening chromes,
e, winch they would payucularly invite Me atten
tion ot purchn•er•
It Morp ha• eentty eceived •tiother suppl ol
the •uperia h) r make r ocf
Irish r Linen which boo here y
Clothgi•en so touch talialbelibn to Import Also, Long
Cloth shirting Alm/dim, of the most approved make.
Sit X nat.. 11.0 l PILLow Co., Al uskinh—constantly on
hand, ut vcry ow pfrces.
Ilex" kluaktos—A lot tool reed at the
low price 014 cit. Also, a lot of good 61 cent Cale
oe, at the north en.! canter riband Market sta.
lismd• at whoic.air up snore novVI
NV H. Murph, hes now open •upply of Mesa
pool, 011 , 1 ittYtte••espectally the @newton of Ccmntry
Alerelients, thr low priCell at whtoh these and all
other kinds or winter woollens are now offend,
Isr-A ta mrni
Q MITI, As. JOIINStIN, have jam re.
vrd eapre•a. ipletubd asaurunent of tall
ro3hotka to v- trli they would particularly 111011 the
parrh .
_ _
I;A NCI . C A.lsl NI ER Esst--J ust rues yard by A A Ma
.oo k CO.llO Market at. a of the
above named goods, 'shirt they oder at /lantern
wholesale pores newt:
11..\I: AND $4.41:A t4/4A %Vt.:4—A A Mason &
I t 'O, DO Marl et at, hare ,utt rec'd !stoat italivor•
moons, EO lox boor and Al l ow,. Shawl., baciutlittg
plant Long Shawl*. of the ric teat colons mud choice.
'atter. Comfortable Wool Shawls of every ddsikrip
oon and at uniformly low price. no n
. _
t. 2 CA RUE (R)olles ;tiara rilla w
L. R Murphy. north ca. corner 4th .111Varket. bt
has as assoronent of these-scarce and deliestble goals.
Cherry crop., tool Crape I . 4 ao — Mazieize bit*, paper
toustoz high cold Cambric., &e.
Gentlemen's Faralshtar Ganda.
4;,,1 JOIINSt IN. 46 Market Meet, have Atm
reee•en • large *web:of 'hula, drawn* tone.,
Atoes, fancy and black •ailk elbanl4o,
ry, baron gloves, are. Zen * b Illyited
them, to call and u n dormee em, m thGeney , 16610•64160 be
r OLL BUTTER—LI bbl ‘ , Ol .ale 0). „
norle F VON BONNOOneelt. Co
M-E itiCA L.
FIT' ! I 'l' Si!! d
TS THE ONLY 13.1- . ..hIEDY that eon be relied on lor
k the permanent cure of Spasmodic Cowmen.; Ir
irttution of the Nerves. Nervous or Sick Headache,
7Nerroug Tremor; Neuralgic directions. General De
bility, Deficiency of Nemo,. and Physical Energy,
imd all Nervous Disorders, ,ncluding ,he most dreaditil
,of all disease., thatever effect the human rare—
;or FalitngSkek;;;a;.iiy;ten.l C.111•111R10.,
Spawn, ece Hart would Impress it upon the muds of
the a/Theted that the Vegetable Extract la thd only rum.
'edyever till l COVelVti that can be rolled on km th
Mariam cure of that memt dreadful of all dish/Lees As
its tendency a to maanny, amine.. and deovh, the moat
SKI1.1.1 , 1:1', PHYSICIANS
o( Europe. no well as those of our own country, ha•o
Fro nounced FAlllepxy incurable And it ha. been so
considered by many, until lbw maid imponant all
as made by Dr S. Han, neuly siuteen
year, itinee. dung which tune it has been performing
shine or the moot
upon record, and has acquired a reputation Which
time alone can efface. Physicians of undoubted skill
andexperience, ministers of various denottonabona,
wall as hundred* of our eminent citizens, all untie
In recommending the use of Rua truly valuable medb
nine In their panenta, change, and (steads, who are at
Rioted, as the only remedy.
Wed by those who have been eared by this valuable
medicine. One Wye, "I have suffered beyond my pow
,el d,µ..raption, hot I now reinter m hem! fully m
otored .
ored to 1.6 and happinew." Anodic my, el
thank God I teal Mat lam a well man. I so feel it
my duty to proclaim it to the ends of the mirm,
those sitallarly afflicted may find relief." Another
las.. an EMINENT LA WV ER and well known in
dn. city) says, ' - lily son hag been milteted bar years
with Epilepsy, but. 111110 W enjoying good health from
the Vegetable Extract Its fame. - says he, - should
and ought to be sounded to the ends 01 Inc earth.' An
gratitudeothe anguage to enurely made.. to exprt-sa
my go Dr. Han Mr having been the means,
toider the blessing of God. of restonitg me to the enfir
m,. of good health, after having been •Mictied with
Epilepsy in its wont forme for more Man twenty three
years, and my morning and evening ol•lation or praise
and tbankagertng alml, continue to ascend to that trod
Who his afflicted but to make me whole .^ •
Mrs. J. Bradley, 115 Orchard atm, N. rtatra that
she has bunsubject to fits for many years, and him
been stored to perfect health (after every other meant
had failed) by the use of the Vegetable Extract
Dr Charles A. Brown, of Dover, Russell county, Ala
who it one of the best physicians in the State, rt.) • that
he has' been touch benefited by the nee of the Vegria
ble Extract. and that he inthenitanngly preNertbes it in
eeery caw of bkitlepay which comes under his 1 „.,‘.l.
Carus t5. .111111111
Mayberry. Esq. formerly Pottinaster
Lone Mills, Cruselord county, Pa, now liyitt4 in Yyle
county, Pa., states that for many year. past he ban
been sorely afflicted with tin, and he Is now happy lo
Foyle that a perfievenng use of Dr Hank Vegrtchte
Matract has restored him to mood health, twine ea.,
ly freed from that worst of ell distwen
From the Cincinnati Coalmerrial
The following certificate was gas. to Mewm
mat Miles. Doctor Hart's Agents for the sale ot los
Vegetable Extract. Inc the cure of Epileptie Pita cc
Falling Aleknect• We are induced to give I. a piece
to out edltonal eolumns from the met that is the only
known medicine that will cure Epilepsy. al the • sine
nine Lelleving nu, be one of the greatest ilisrovenra
ni medical act., Phy•.aus and men of erten, of
ill ages have Leen trying to-discover remedy for this
ddsease, but all has been in vain 4.1 the present ma_
of Or Han, and we would new ray to those
afflicted with fits, fleapmr no longer, for there ii , hope!
MESSRS. THOMAS dr MILES, 169 Mem .trees, Ohio. Agents tor Doctor Hart's Vegetable
Esxtract for the Cure of Epileptic Vita.
Gentlemen—lt to almost =Rosanne for lances, ns
express with what heartfelt sansfartion I Mickel. these
few lines to you. for the purpose of informing you of
he beneficial results that have been effected lit the
tme of D. Hart's Vegetable Extra.
My son. abed Plectra years, has Lee n severely ai.
dieted with k.pilepueFita, and with suer. seventy that
the opinion was. he could not Le cured
In one of hie paroxyama he fell and broke hts , ann.
in Dr. Mulford, vey cellent pliyatelau,
who re-set fleinformed tate that x my Aott'A Nervous
System wee very pinch deranged, and that it would Le
miposeible to muesli= of Epilepsy, as Eptleptie Fits
wete almost incurable. and employing phystelans in
his case would Le only throwing money away.
I called upon D. Puttee, he tilfornied me dint the
disese had awumed a chronic form, and It would rota
a len a g
time to cure turn if he could be ',red at all
He became Wurge and w and I ben . . to think
tare saw no rose for him, unu orse., l
1 raw thr advernar
mem of Dr !lan's Vegetable Extract in one "lour ear
paper .with certificates from person, who had been
aMicted for len. fifteen, twenty, thirty, and even tarty
years. mid restored to health by the use of the Extract.
called at your store, and leder convening wan Alt
Thomas, I cattle to the concluston to purchonc a three
dollar package. Ii done lade or im good I thought I
w.f. try another, from the use of which I perceived
some IntieDienefit
then came to the conclusion to porch: me a ten dm
far Lox. I tound that it was of so much servo, to him
I was induced to purchase • second. And I ant truly
thankful that I done so, •• by the use of the ten packa
ges he has Leen revered to perfect health.
Should any person be desirous of seeing bon. and or
eell.talng farther paroculars. I &anion Le plowed to
gratify them by their calling on to, at my ter/dear,
south west corner of Fourth and Park street, Cini.
nab s Ohio. - ISAAC N PERKIN,.
Climinnatt. August tZth. 1ft.19
When thotmanda who are now trembling under the
hand of dim dreadful disease, and fearing that every
cace ma) prose fatal, will find permanent rriwt mid
he o restored to new bfe, by mlng 1 / 1 . celebrated medi•
roe. Over One thousand certificates have lard
cred u, testimony of the beneficial results produced
by ei the use of Dr Han'. Vegetable Extract
Prepared by S. HART. AI. D. New York
Place s °ne package
do four packages lit
do main do ... ....... . • •ItILIAI
THOMAS A Ml ES, leo Main rite,. Cowmen 1.
Olin 1 tencral Agent.for United Stater, Canada. nod
NV,I +lithe"
ILCOX. Jr corner or loamond and Myr - laq 11,
Agent for Pitt. 'unit. Pa.
Foy & K . /I:bourne, Columbu•, (floc, II & E lia) lord
Clevelamd. and for sale by rno.t of the princson, drug
I.ULOsoilanta Ilarooghosit the United state..
n0r1,6-d e.S &A•9
T H 4 i t o k l .. la r ztg pr i o r p o r T ., G o e r ox b El r Ponier o y. Ext, the
ilsOtof the Lenportaacn of the ram Ift c re " c:lo7 ' t:
E27.13110171C1, Albany,
Dear Sir—With feelings ut no or
dinary pleasure I address you oi relan on le ;he heneht
I have received from your invaluable Pain hawnelor.
Lately, Lay little daughter. 6 years old, had o pLn her
of boiling water turned mu; her bosom, her w ream<
Were dreadlial, so that a crowd insiantly gathered he •
tore the house to leant the cause of die terrible aerralue
Lore her clothes asunder, and soon spread on our
sal•e, and she was carried and laid upon n bed, she
was soon relieved from her puns. and says . 31n. I ;eel
as ICI could laugh," god was soon in !NYC. sleep She
was scalded to • blister from the top( f her 'boulder
neer more thins half her chest, and round under for
tons On the shoulder and breast it VeLS very deep,
yet from the brat hour, sh• complained only when
as dressed, The sore healed rapidly, and there ... m.
contracuon of the muscles.
..... • .
With many wishes, my dear sir. for your succev in
the sale of this mighty article,
I am yours. midi respect,
K rt./MI.:KM"
The genuine Da/ley. will ever produce the none of
stantelienus relief.' 'and soothing, cooing effect, in the
se•ere.t cases of Burns. Scalds, Pile, to
The Countierfetts—no o atter under what names they
may appear—always Irritate, and nem., me pion'
/, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge,
Columbia county, N. I', h•ve heen etflieted with rhea.
inausto in my breast, feet., and all over my body. for
no years, so that I could not stand i and was eured Inn
three applications of Dalley's Magcal Pain Extractor.
Mr Dailey. Sir—l cut zny finger with EDWARD P u
copper HOLMES
the pol.Flolas nature of which caused my ono to well
contuder•hly, with constant shooting pains up to the
shoulder A large welling taktng place at the it, with increasing pant, I became fearful of the I.ork •
'ave. In this extremity your Pam Extractor was re.
commended to me, and whtch I was prevailed upon to
try. The consequence was that it afforded me almost
Instant relief. and in three days I was completely ru•
real, JOSEPH HARRISON, New lurk,
corner Broome and Sullivan sta. Sept r. trio
NOTICE_-11. DALLai to the toventor of this tuealii•
aide remedy, and never has mid never will commun.
rate to any living mut the secret of as enotitriauon:
All Ritractora, therefore, not made and put up h
him, are base counterfetts.
PRorurron's Daretratl:t Broadway, New York,
VS Chestnut street, Phil.
JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depot, Dr WM.
THORN, Agents for ?manure.
11alley's Amoral Gramme Cure-All,
Cures humors, zpaatn, mum, grease, poll.evtl,
*ore., g - alls, and brume. Pamphlet.. contonong eer.
lifielites resixetaole pares, Itmy be bud on attain,.
Agent Pittsburgh.
.... ,-
{No 6b, DIAMOND al-LEY, •
..• •.' . . few doors below Wood street. ii. , :
: ,......,:.3.; • Market.
4. ,• . . DR. BROWN, having her*
•••• • • N,,, .- l
rep:dusty educated to Ihr torthra
t.t - 4 . .. profession, and been for some tains
''•••! ' ..l. ' in general pracure, now confines
l• i is . , .....f.. his attention to the treatment of
• 0 ... private and delicate cam:
~,.. N plaints for which his opportunities
• ence peculiarly qualdv
l'•:'.. -- we 44
him. II year. lissiduously devoted
LO ILO • 7 lk treatment of those comins,otaldurtng which
time ha has had more procure add nas cored more pa
tients than can ever fall to the lot of nay private prae
utioner) amply qualities bun to offer assurances of
speedy, permanent, end .00'am/try core ri
sing a afflicted
hum. an diseases, and all diseases arin there,:
Dr. Brown would Inform thole affbeted with privet*
discase. which have been nia chronic by time or nit;
mooted by the use of any of the common nostrums of
the day, that their complaints coo be radically and thor
oughly cured; he having given his earefu ,
the treatment of such eases, and succeeded in hundred.
of instances in ennng persons of inflammation of the
neck of the bladder, and kindred dureasea which mien
result from those ea.. where others have ronargood
them to hopeless despair. lie partieularly itivnea cock
as have been long and unsueee.(nUy treated by others
~,„s up him, when every sausfaction will be given
them. and their Mtses treated in a carefl, thorough t ied
intelligent meaner, pointed out by • long erperience
study, and investigauon, which it is trupowitile for thos,
crag ra general practice of medicine to give .•
nue eines of &sea..
EU - Hernia Or ROptlare.—Dr. Brown aim invites per:
sons atßictal with Bernie to call, he has paid pante
tiler an
uon to tins to
skin disenaes; al. Pi s, I . llay, ete., speedily cured
‘M v f; i nt7 . of nob rex living at a distance, by
nuns their
in writing, giving all the sysepf
tows, can obbs.tdedicies with direction for use, by
addressing T. DROWN, M. D., poet loud, and eueltos
log a (Co
H Office No. 63, Mamma alley, opposue the VV•verly
itt.Cll42l67y.—Dr. BT01•11n•newly diseweered reme
dy for Rheumatown le • speedy and certain remedy for
Mat painful trouble. It never falls.
OMee and Prmam Consulung !imams, No. es Dia
mond alley, Pittablunh, P. The Doctor in always a t
II:7" No cm no pay.
Tins Cathartic compound combines smallit.• of
bulk with edtsieuey and soutparauve mildness of pur
gative action , and baying • peculiar tendency to the
binary orsaus, in extremely valuable 1111 h.
Its which bilious fevers and other complain. atieudcil
with congelition of the Liver, so much around. They
have now stood the toot of 20 years. and expertence
has proved them to be a safe and •alualits remedy In
Intermittent, Remittent and Bilious Fever. !souther,
Haloes colic, Indigestion, Dropsy. Dysentery, Bilious
Vomittngs, colds, and all complaints of an intlammuto.
ry character Tha complete and universal Natisfac
'lion which has been given by these pills to all Who
base used them. milder. the publishing of the tamer.
en. certificates in their favor annereuary. To pre
vent counterfeiting they are now put op itt a red •
.graphie wrapper.
Prize &Scents for • box containing 30 pills. ,
Prepared and sold by ,
corner lit and wood, and also corner ath and
nireatat *MAI P
Ald. __ _ 1