The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 11, 1848, Image 4

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    ..:: ..„..,„ , •
•'A - 1 , .7 4 - :ffr ,l - • : 1 . ' -
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• 11.111=110 713,
*Alm mays& •
-.-- DR: -
OMFarorkm., Coughs, Colds, istit t. ion, Bronchitis, Ur
" CoOgskeent; and
pituoy,or Breath
ing, uin the Ell and mem, raledution of
• the an, Inftuenans•CroviPi Wane Con
(Motion. Fore TimmtiNertiotte Debili
ty, and all Diseases of thiii Throat,
13reastand Longs; thentostef
feetnal- and speedy dime
ever known (Many of
the abotilmas -
DR. , SWAIt . TN B
Vompeinad Syrup of Wild.Ctierryt
inelleine no longer anions those of doubtful
haspaeserd away from the thousands daily
upon the tide of experiment, end now snot&
Mgt= reputadn, and is becoming more ostensive
lFeeted Men arty Other rilnintrVioa of medicine ever
produced far the relief of saffenng man.
Beds been introdeced ve ry generally through the
United States and Estrope,and there are few towns of
importance but -what tomato some remarkable evi
dence of its good effects. For proof of the foregoedi-
satellsenta, and of the value and clammy of this m
cine, the proprietor will Insert a few of th ma n y thou
sand tesumontals which have been presen iom by
Men of the find respeetabilny—men who have higher
Mews of moral responsibility and justice, then to cer.
tify w facts, because it will do another • taaoe,
themselVes no injustice. - Bach testimony proves
elnaively, thnt its mrprising e xcellence is established
by its intrinsic merits, and the auquestlonable authori
ty of public Pinion. The instariumems relief it a
fords, and the b y • influence diffused through the
whole frame by rim, renders it a most agreenble
remedy foe the *Mktg :4valve
"When men, riming from conscientious impalses,
• voluntarily lonic testimony to the truth of a thin, or
purueular fact, such tesilausay, being contrary m their
worldly Interests and Tripe." coerces. conviction of
ha Mtn, and cinninanda. 1101 f to a sandal manner to
universal eredence..--04form's Moral Maxima.
STILL Annan= Cana et PaL2KnaLaT COninlinnaat—
Matra never was a remedy that has been as successful
in desperate eases of ponsamptim, a, Dr. Swaync's
Compound Syrup of WlldhC:iierz,
utct...treLgteeof the
roams new"ard;Z: blood; power y r
other medicine.
Courts Co.. April 251108 4 d.
Dr. Swarm—Deer Sir. I ver believe your - Com
pound Syrup of Wad Cherry b oo beentle. meats 0.
saving my life 1 caught a severe cold, yetoon o,g,
w worse attended an* a severe cough,' dna
ellf -- _,.. r e mediesnett I had recourse to, still
resat. au-the W •
lamming until my case exhibited r Cu g
l soled
tair== ajd'imy cotegntincreesed so7a;dd-.
ly that Mende as well u myself, gave up all hopes of
my reeorcry. At
tittle Iwu recommended -to try
your invaluable medicine be d wi with the most hap.
py result. The first bottle the effect to loosen the
courk. oeuang me to expectorate (mein and by the
umeThed used am bothies,l was enUrely well, Mid ant
now as hurry a run as L OVer wen fa My Me and
would be happy to give any information respecting try
case,. that other enterers may dense the benefit ftir
which lam 0 gratefuL Po . r
o the truth of the
ir alive
gratemen I refer you toll'e.oldEt est
Chester, Fa-o,f, ern:nolo
114110e4Unlil youto' Joon Mullen.
onderful Gun, of ii Mitholiat Jirsaleor.
— Werayno--Dear Sir. I feel a debt of gratitade due
to you—and • duty to the afflicted ta ll offer
nry humble testimony in favor of your Compound Ety
ma MA. Cherry. soros three years slue I was
violently attacked with eold gad inflammation of the
wrYsinli wax accompanied with a distressing
•eITSVic. the brealt arta glad, a very cot:widens .
ble of offensive emus from the luns, p,
Melly upon change of weather, however sbghL At
-' first' felt So aLansisbut My ernahlton. hot was pretty
Wan convinced that lwes rapidly going into conamtp
ekee. y gr...dally weaker, and al IMMO was scarce.
ly able to walk abaut„ or .pe.k.sbcon, • widoPM ma
was theexceedineWealmeas et My lung. Elso4
Onus (had tried varkM s preparations and posacuptions,
but band adrelief—greatag all the time woe.. y,„,,
here lama advbred and persuaded by • dear friend in
Wilmington to make wile of raur Syrup of Wild Mer
-1,/most confess that previously I had b ee n ~,,,,i,„
w ins patent meMemes, and .1 am still ageing
those canting out ef **hands of empencs, but under
mending your claims to the profesum end practice of
ruslicine, and having Implicit Stith in Me saying of my
g r imy, I forthwith wedded of Dr. Shaer, one of your
agleam • few bottles, and commenced its nee. My dis
ease was at that time ergdikt nths' standing, con
sequently it Was deeply K I found, however,
coosiderable relief, from the rote of the firm fOOO or five
bottles. to
being a public 'pester, I frAnently at
tedninnd to preach oi'o my increasing strength, and
Usweby raptured those vessels that had elmmiT logo.
to bean in this orgy, dentlabus, my care was. greatly
geterj.o. In consequence of acting thus imprudel
I Mato rise twelve ore fteen bottles before I P e r , s
refaced. I hav no question, a mods smaller
somber of bottles onnold have made Re sound.
but Mr
Ma above induer-no. p altered the fever
ldshabis, took away thedigressing coagh, put e stop
la lIM dmeharge of molter from the imp, and gave
them and the entire system good health. I have defer
red offering Min certificate noel non, for the part..
'• of beind perfectly satisfied with the permute-my a the
mars, and ow that I feel perfccuy well I offer a with
Sumo. am J. P. Josue
Dublin county, N . C.
' haparterat Cautian—Re44! Reed.,
Them is bat one !rennin!, preparation of Wild Cherry,
that i e Dr. semus.4., the fast ever offered m p i e
CittSikar lot h r b re prg Orl i n , pe,""abrl pee - the
1211 caned by'Wthe name of } Wild enemy b eer
Wanpot out slime this, under rover of some deceptive
dierls, in Order K. ewe currency to then . sales.
Dr •Ihtle observation no person need mistake the
panda* from the false.' Each bottle of the pentium is
ouvaloped with a beautiful steel engraving, with the
signofWilliam Penn thereon; also, In. Sernyne.
eiguaturm and as further security, th e portrait of Dr.
Swains will tie added hereafter, so as to divunguiso
his preparation from all others. Now, if it eras not for
the peat emotive properties atoll known 'MIA. Of Di.
DlOlllpo •
Syrup of Wild Cherry, person.
would Opt raclLVOrillg ti, FiVe to their
simitirma nostrums" by stealing t
and he name of Wild
cherry. Remember, MeV bear in mind the name
irlslipar ace, ebeorunnort toTIZI and Dace steeets,
For sole seminude and retail by OODEN & SNOW .
DEN, cor dd and Wood sts; BA A
.y>: , K
Co, ear tot nad Woody Mid 6th and sim M
Tuoart, 53 Market im 9 J'ONES, MI Li et; 399
• JON, eon Nand sad Tenn ON JOHN 1111ITCH
ELL, Allegheny city, and hi all respectable dealers in
0. A. Fatimstonies Aziti-1311icras Plas.,
Th.,"Cathartics compound combines smallness el
bulk with efficiency and comparative mildness of
mrtuative action, and having • • member Tr„:„To
0,,..., . altternely
try, In which bilious fevers and other complaints, at.
minded with ansgestion of he liver, so mach a botumL
They have now Mood he test of SO years, and tape ri
anew il. proved iheal to be • safe and valuable remedy
IS lilitellintrivoir Resnittant and Oakum Fevers
'dine; Bilious Collo ; Indneadim i • Dropay 1 W.W.I ;
Bilkien! 'fa:chasm ; Colds. and au complaints of an In
, /113800°:°7 character. The complete and an
sidisfactlou which has bean given by these pills to all
vim have onto used them, reacts dm Dalai -shin of
do IIUII/101211 eatifteares m their arca a --ressary
To prevent counterkeiting they am now ,
Illi iyiegraPle lemms. _
Plana "16 cents. for abox eantaintnig 30 pills.
Prepared and sold by o a Falinsinc.„ a co
comer tat and wood, and also comer 6th and wood
Lammas, ve., Oct. 11, iblh.
Ida. IL E. Sellersi--One of mu physicians, vrhose
Ilea a very estenvive,
_told - roe One monnag of •
cson In ender one vial of your Verodfcge broughi
abilL t algivo 8,01,ri: aot Wan ir.nrZlL,vit
arge anger 60 large worm from oc,o of Ina chil
chdren. Very many *futon insstancos might he mated.
II b wail known about We, and ninttan all prefe r
sag otter. Bend meth dozen and oblige
Farads mho do not elieb to wish their children,
alitaddlos Sellers ' Verrntifirge.
Props:n:4 and sold by R F. SELLEELS,S7 Wood at
lig Dr C.ameldhth Want D hI Cum, Allegheny
"a 11 ; :'NGzvwgNcy. tau Dr --- J
Allal.-TrisAapnriat ep all Aber rental Go
Coglatiss,ltolosidiNi.i.lw, Wolin ? jr.
. 7 - .... -
MO srf It to ditto &stab. tot yaw slys ...
still"Myro rim ell
*SW roostio of tbs kind; mlobassay ton boss ibis. ]
Why Win mrsuoraticos WOW.. obosst boarisbly
isest..img timb!mmal +high yr rgamsbiy
116=""ilko lit !MOP IpOt.ra. , b.lik. promos'",
boo rolorsflts 6.0 Of lan" Euscroastrr,. o
• *lossi4 that lo• soot 01141 s oiross thorn. out vinelL
SOO* WisT kid ita Wails union i' dwm
ri1iWii..,...A:17 by
rr t , N
="..—ortf 75 Fourth so
astofrom du tiro of Its sppliesikoo, remove Os
fres tho severest boos, sold*: or Owen,
AO wilL boal.wooods, &Orr 'sod eons of any told
arlilioal poaX. Ws valuable YabiEttraelor e bo
bad of JOHN D NOWAK Proses;
No NlFood Ono,
of. s orOfos ortscon Tomo
ilki,Nw tweaks awe, meat' My childram,Mfed about
ke yea* ara. unwell Cur several drys, and the '
increased so aka
Mat I fated death
ireabl be the tomtit. liming beard of the good effects
daahaastoe.lo. Vortnibige when attach:dame& to the
400ldems of ray nelghton, and thinking m child might
Mats Iron% tram woo ord.* symptom. , l ase d one
Mai a half teaspoonfuls of the Veratilloge, and to my
=,....astonishment it diatom itatudiatory discharged
WO and SOO large worm.. w e llalth wt.
tsmiored, and it is noikremartably Protium. to
taldsig Om Van:ulnae, Ole WORM. Would occasionally
dais ius throat, and I onto feared it would die from
itnt'emulg. mlt Ps, April 3, '4 .03
------------ _- _
01:NIMET" is the most effeetall remedy before
Data° fat the care of totter, Deb, dry sad watery
Pillolas Of the face, deck arid DWI - . scaly mamma,
mil all aka &asses of th e skim 'Ms Oinorteat o
anitritatad free from mercury, ts perfectly safe, and
mg bp mama at all times and adder all ctrmassisoces.
AMa apply of ads valuable ..rMedLritred and
Orr sal•bY D A FAIINWTOuIi
Maar *fist sad wool; also, earner effiet sad wood
ELLINS9 NIERNIFUOD.-" No family Mania be
BlaiMola up,
Lams, C. IL, Va.., Aug. M,49.
Ma. R. E. Basin: I camatally en rtify WI I bave
ilbs-tsias years MIA imsd your Vona/MOM my family,
11114 laltitaloll7 with sums* I decidedlyt
thew it to
say oast ornarstion I have sed—sakooss may
bs assisdthe essdmwed assnsiss saissi Fiss
ralidemmers VerlMMes, and a prepanaM a celled
WarsiTes. I a relearn ease a smile dose broug
beam say little boy one hundred and six. large worms
PI OsNOdy oarMinly ought to be
without it Yours as
Itsparad sad sold by B. E. Sellers, No. 67 Wood . t.
Wed sold by Dru•siwe generally in both alba. matt
. A Maus list of Tooth ter 95 Cerate.
OUldß.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after be
,.. Weill:WA et swim cleaned with Jones , Amber twat
54081% have .the —mamma of the mast beautital ivory,
5550 de saamilirie Ma eo perfectly innocent and et.
Oplidlia/ IDs, that its constant daily 11111 ii 6104 ad
to those teak that us in a goes cm
ring them a haggard palish, and preventing p,
. decay. These almady.derayed it prevent,
=ing worm-11 also Awns nth as ale be
esterhasid b peneraranee it will render the
titelestLetit white, and make the breath de.
Rdswily sweet. So : by WM., JACKSON, tai Liberry
I.7lalia.Eotirmx, A. B. Ham It Y. City.
10.2. Faxasnoca, Pittsburgh.
014.114 miAlVAtora to the sJlty et
.. ' 'sew York. -
. ..- andsnici sre epensivel engaged In the
Whehmals busiess at tio.-6 John street, in
.fituifligw_ o*i:a Ire ;rued to . gaPPIT
. .1: " Aeta/ rasa. ,th 'Map; Pants,
0 . ___. • Fristign- tad -alteriean redusurry,
. . , waseart. Marniste Chiselealt WIWI earn'
-• . hid AI Other articles la thou has et basi
s. of a Impeder goahry wa kieyamatey On !eras
:.:11:1:17 IT dt l ,l ' - ' l'. ..'-'...'-'4ll- ' ''''
.'~ !
~~ ~. r ~1: i
--,-, -L - _ • . -•:.• --:•-- 1::-"'--..42.',...z17....
• . ift11,1.1.1 44 7`. -,-.....
1 A t-1,444-
ti t . 4.4
441.10' Tru.r 1
..._.,...„.„,,i i .
Tcivrl“l.E l lD"
ourms. siTsbe",
BklrsMti , ... ,
oasert 2 Betticr It
.: earrosted
or wq nil 11 carea ,o4o, 4 l tlnd
PeNewt —
The peatbounty. and ettpwriorlty of this Sareapanlie
wer Ombra osollielb6 ll l i). that while b analogs. the dte
base, It huiSuwtes thailznitrrais one alb e eery beat
rer kasant it not eedy periftee the whole system. Lod
wrensthus thesperoso, but It creams sant Anna oadeira
ktod a pow.. immentood by no attter medicine. And in
Waters the grand worst of int wenderthl anthem. It has
performed within the 10ut15400 ruse avue dun 100
or of rye. cues of disease' at Inatt
wmaidered biennia. It Ward the hew of more
than I0.0:0 ohlkintm daring the two put resew.
10,000 edam of Gametal Debility end
wanner Detatirtm Esteagg.
Dr. Toenand't SarsapariDa invigorates the whole
watt. parmansady. To tame who have boo their
;lemma, ttnt'. by the streets of timbale. Indiscre
Atte caterated youth. or the acembra indulgence of
the pll.katt. and brought on • meal physical prostra
tion of the Demons system. Juana, eat or ambition,
fainting atessione, promatamedmay and decline, 11.1.1 t”.
in, unmade that fatal disease, Consumption can be
urely restored by this pleasant rty. This
.4Mllz it far superior to any
A; ruins Cordial,
A. reneesitia4orstes the Ilya gives tMIO
to dm limb., end maga ha the ntr= a
r aystent, la
mod extraordinary degree.
Consumption Cared
damn and Strearthra. Ormareyttna cora is mai
Eirsocials. Dersunaties. Liar Cearplaiat. 0.44
Catarh, Caught, Loam, SpittiAr of maws,
Stroursu Ohm, Mau Out, Airks
Swats, Difces Preifers Smarm
ratios, Pais is tit Cris rra, ma'
Pm mil.m to oral.
Thrh, PrrUligr
Croltrop—l rally %Oen Om pm
&la las ths sawn Wont Prontsulgs
lull& lun Or ...tea yowl Ind • tan b_ t
nuns mixersaumnirS, won to Pm Igm
lay gallon • Out Ore, PO Chu Int
• multteitl domains mortll dr- j o t"
all our Os Op. I MO se ad my
mil, Ist sm. Ma eta OWN lus
mayM tam MOW
Tour stramt
WI. CS Clattutae.d.
0.1"1".11"1"18.1.1....flootidond way
ron for V:V.% Sursatt..._?..n7aus.
tort or I' ea me us, rue; e.
fertholat *kaftan Iterstres .
Ism lammthumrs of Tldad trodtsnorr Umberto
thereetecedlb. tbs geared the usual—
no matter *Wheat the Of laherell adtra or cum;
produced by Irseralariy, ar senttart. !Whin ,
111 " . = d"
the hula 1311121. odson a and lusf.
tod, from WWI% td owl booms Maw pad NU 01
tura umbit fl traMdfdintledastaractr
the senekorms. of tbs fasebtitcs...bbit6e. treat
oosso of tornados. It •41 Not =lldod of so le
rum of ee Wad. • ions% sordhooos .1
rare. perememst bit do tom mar. oditeud. sho
hundred. of moo bon noortst to to TdOessolos
of Mee *hero l ove bad without oksildsof,
o dor • 1.0. bodkin of dd. lavolzabto medichte
hMa boon blo•=d filth lie. Isooldr. awing.
To liotharo and !Married Lasitioo.
b ar ous of flodoPoq. loss Woo expetrUy
sued in reforest* to Mar onsphinto (.1.0
oho b moon to =ppm* Om IB approaching tea
critical period. " tom qf oboakt soglect
uke m Is a eetrUn! to
/be toy of the
nommen end horrible disuses to vault females ere
reboot at We th.onip.; This • poioi 1.
:walk . uvula years bly using air automat Not
k It les. ...le ter thaw who me approuldng *.
manhood. ea In ealanlestel to lomat Were by utak
c , ..4 the blocd sod isospronno She ortem. Indeed
Wu media. 6 teralsable for all do d.*.
set to *loch erma. are .b.teet
It bracts the %thole oysteni roues permanently MI
aural curance be renaming the importune of 111
not co far annalsuag es to produce .o
refusasewbmb ..the cue of mom medicos. tract,
female weakness end &usu. By amug • for beak r
tho , medicine eosny severe and yras merit .1 over.
ty tot pro...d.
Gre. Meehan In Illeuthere and Children.
It is the sag. aid me. effe.nal media. for purl!.
Ind the vote= and relieving the anfrannes attendant
upon caildbirth ay. dicovered. it strewh.o tro th
the amothers.l child preset. pain aod disc., In.
ere.. and elvish. the fool, dente Islam herr used II
thotk it is iodepansabin It i.t highly auto! both brine..
and after conftionsent es It prat.. dime.. attendant
upon childbirtb—an Cott.... Pita. Cramps. Su e m it
my of the Feet Respondency, Heartburn, Votnitt.
nod in the Huck tad , Falms Pains. liatoorrbase.
nod ia revenging the seerldine. end equnitaing the ata
-ulatina tt has no equal rt. great beauty of this
medicine ia, it is dear sett and the reirea weer is
I moat as $' eery Ire ewes ..d^ way ether
wallet., in seam a Huh Cart. Oil, et llagnet., Is
aerfal. EZ•iti. in the open Ids. and light ic.l melte
Ma medicine, ni.ti deny] a oda sad ca. cop
ft. — t.
Sewing, thipd gliceolthis
Commas, Chalk end variety of prepared.. F..
rally Inoh= applied to the doe, very soots spoil it
of Its bthoty. They close the MIN of the skin. and
cheek which. when nature is nm thwart
,dlessx: posr:tobs.: the t.ine bileseed.b4nOra
Are a,
human face Dthine," as well u Ste gardso
nab and delicsasly tinted and variegated dowers. A
Area, smith end healthy cirealai,on of the golds. the
manioc of the path, rich blood to the extremities, us
that which patina dos countenance the mo
tto qui
site beauty. It is that which imperts the lus
shod* sad lathes of loveliness that all salmis, f
wove cas thane. This heathy Is the offepring o
ters—uot of pithier or they. lif there Ls not • fres and
healthy cheats-don, there is no beauty. If th e lady Is
fair as driven non, If the pslist, sad the cowmen..
sod ths blond is thick, cold thd invent .loss is ant draw
tuffal. It .have love* °r 7 llot• and that.t Lare. rd
rite blood, h {lna a rich bloom to .
brilli t 6. Bpaw
Thrk .
cy . tc h u=tlithry that Is fasedith . g... n .. „
tth ladies, the th much d. Ladies in the north
oho take bat therein; or an condeed In close
mama or hath spollod their temples:lth by the apph
cation of &10Ater10.11 mixture.. if they obis to re
gain elastim.7 of dap, buoyant oplrits, sparkling_ sym
end besotting coniplexioth, they thoold use Dr. TOwT ,
Sersaparillx Thoussads who have tried It. the
core thth unshed, are delighted_ Ladies of every
ithtion, crowd our odes daily.
dollen le the Louth.
Thoth mat l
ied DT. Toothmod's Sarsaparilla, hath
i assembly called their muff • rut Rnasity fir r
val., IL, &A- sad have oispied out hills th 4 urethan
which mdse. to the nthylaime clansman our I for this .
--other mes oda pot op
hese, nom ho
success of Dr. To.tht., is complaints
lecithin to fesuelth them, although pro
smartly they dhi tot A samba att.. Ilictunsa Pins.
Oct., are injortous to fthonth. SO they disease,
sod usdenstbse the esimoa Dr.V=i's is the
beth moody Oct the othasseus female moo
rlandsßroody, if CMS Wile of ig_• permanent
cent It can be taken by the mak th.ath dock.,
Kul WS, Or by those
So become mothers,
.Dll the pthtsat taste ea AI It pf•pl.res the ry•Sern
and prevent. nolo or danger, end etreogtheas both
mother thd Be cared lo get ths gsrothic
This eastilicans coodosinly pram Wu this Baru.
pArilla has perfect control ova dos onot obstinate dl.
c.a.. of the Time perms. eased to <me hon.
Ls unpronottentaa.
/MEMO Oldldres.
un. To o tar t I Its•tt the pliterwro
hdona pm that throe of my obildreo kayo hem qttrod
or the
w e ,* by tho use of your exesneht modicum.
They we,* sanded sal sesently with bad Boer: Doe
taken tally foter bottle.; It took thom assay, for whisk,
1 wi toyulf ends, immt obligation.
littult, 006 Woossoom.
Ophilos. •IP byski.=s.
Tow...a 1s Jaunt
daily revelvirre name Imo
h ame nr.
PNyficia. los difordit pxll2 Of du Uldoa.
This lota ondffy Ihoo era thre sad vellicemd. l'h Odra.
of the Coy of Altshisy, have lo namerems essay prow
itth to
err Terwerened'e gonaphrills. sad bane
one D
of r.
du move valvablei Is ilev osearlevi..
'"' 7 'lH ... I "'OLINDA M. D.
/Mazy, April 1,1647. I L . E. ELYBRIGUENDI°:DJ/. 0 ;
It D
O.log to tho Mat inICCISMI end bro.. No of or.
Terrosorf • Sarsaparilla, • oomber of rev wbo wore
he owl,' oar Aerie; bare eornmoreed raiz; Serowe
Fstraete litlizire Shure Extracts of Yellow Doelt,
c Tile) gorterelly pm it op to am aro streped
anderr of tiro her role .141 copied our adv..
p•ooreato—thoi ant orgy worthier imitotione
aortal be avoided.
p r ioeipal Olds, Fa FULTON Bimini Ban Building,
N Y.; Redding & Cm, S Sutta street, Bowen ; Dyou
rh.m, 119 North Second street, Philadelphia; S.
Ortiretet. Baltimore: P. N. Cohn. Chariest.;
Wrien & Co, 151 Chartres Street, N. 0 South
Street, Albany . and by ell the principal Drug.
rio• and Merchants generally throughout the United
nee belie. and We Caned..
N D.—Persons inquiring for this medicine. should
not be induced to take any other. Druggism
. put up
Rampant's& and of course prefer selling their own.
Do cot be deceived byani6 . Lintitiire for Dr Town
aend'a, and ate no o th er. Remember the gel
lee “owneend`e Saresparil w" .oid by the role ago!
R. E. SFMLERS, General 'Wholesale & Retail As.
No. 57 'Wood street, end D. 51. CURRY, Aile 1 C
city n 6
'pia.: Proprietor of this well known pinch of manor ham
Ittirs.hitatle:teltPghl:e:v:l",u:iglbneefleliegni fat°h:ouryVig,l:ldil'yeorue:fibilidilth,eEddobr:elp:a:.:;e°•:...
now open for weir accommodation, and he hatter. him.
self that those who may favor him with their patron'
will find all that they deitre, provided or the best
PEACE 1 PEAOEII style and on reasonable terms. Ile la determined to
spare no expense in making his establmhreent worthy
lore IS larroons
BUT IN EVERY MOTHER'S 110MEXTEA D, of putibe patronage. Ile ha. seeotomodatioris for
Loordoig • few families. Ice Creme. end all refr”h-
TlL.%notrlced.r:mloat,,nerdi,nocedO. o o f .‘ th , r; f wa ,....,,,,,,, ~ ~,,s ~,,,,,,,,,,, , jaaa,yr a itt yv;l FA.l).
dildren a/ Infanta to supercede the ow er all thaw ''''' -- . .
E -- --------
me4leinet which contain opium, and has at meant sue- 11l orsengatieln Ilossea
eseded In Preparing and °germs to the public • tried, Ilehentent.
elms tally animating evet7 purpose for eat &smote, of tee ISAAC W ILIJA NIS, Limper and Toil., Ler to i b n
bowels, without the use ol that
any mini the come.. of Pittsburgh and other. that n
other enleuhmed to Ulm!. it: the east. The Infant Pang ts now at his room* on Smithfield greet , On .
aa ,.. h aa be a n Nu, reared asa toed, the lest p,,,!,1,, 0 der the above lintel. a large arid beautiful assortment
months, by ummerout persons, and found to pewees all of Cloths. Commie res. Salolo, ktilks, and other Vesting.
0„, aa ,,,rainary s ,,t o aa, a ,,,A to p ro duce all the ....., together with surh other articles as are required lor
isiong effects as set Meth on the bill ot envenom, Di. gentlemen's mesa. Ili. good, have been carecu II se.
& Mona, Votnitmg, Cholie.Oriping, Pains, Echoers and , rd• and
. .te of !he in.west arid mot. , Mal imoddg
N „, o oor or r o log f ro . W er t., nor ., immediately style, as wdl as 01 wipenor quality. 110. ClllOOlOOOl
without disturbing any of the &miens of the body, ntay depend upon having their clothes made up in a ,
producing the happiest and MO. pleasant transition , ...met w,hieh ...on. tad to gtaUf y Ore tat. of the
front violent pain to a tranquil and joyous state of - feel- I Toot fu..dt... apoatt if
to In the little sufferer. THE STAR OF THE WEST
To be had wholesale end retail, of the Proprietor , Dr. 1
Mitchell, Elliott it Wickham, and most other Druggism I Past side of the Diamond, where Yeoman
a All
and Pittsburgh. decl3 ! Bins& of all the different sixes and colors
- - are kept on hand or made u. order elle
TOSVNSENIYI4 SAFLIA PS RILLA.-50 dose.; ' the latest and mow opproved Kawerii tube
Ifiust rammed of Dr. Toanisenda Sarsaparilla, the ' tondo( the .horiesi notices and on th e MO.
most extraordinary medicine in the world! This I.S. ' reasonable loons.
;tact is patup in 'Ran haulms. It is
to cheaper, Al.o. the cheap Boston roll or toll! Blind T11010P.•
pleasanter, and.wanranted
it to any sold It one
told Pare m Parte.. of all the different sr.. and
mum dime. without vomiting, paging, sickening or patterns, on hand and for sale low for culk (thr VOOl.
debildwing the patient. . tine Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in pui
1.4" 6"ll.o3l"ltodi.—lnPritteitrica Pew.. b. , . Poyment rc,, new it hi WhISTERV taa, Prwpt
*spied out abels, end' put up medicine iretle sante 'Si. II All work done with the l
eas t ai,a
Raped bank, See that cacti bottle has the Written mg- workmanship, and warrauted to please the
most fiss..
tun* of PI: P. ToWnsentlL ' odious.
R.fO,Sr.L. I.,flitai DragLintr 57 Wood wear between Allegheny eny e Aug.
'rigid and , Pellithj BID?. TOWnsemPe only wholesale
and retail Vent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine
Article ean be bed. , scribers offer to sell one-fourths l).e t,gro ,
, , hosts, Gen. Scott and Oen. Worth, ow running from
' . ilf4ll:6li. )'.. 51; '°rl2l'iPrg tell
°. mina :ICATe:2'I;: ' draic'rrellftilr'e i.nTeln"erf:rbleadPitilila rsti, * trr :I * ty m l:
''• may sneh 1.0 engage! ill iho bUllillESlt.
DIAIV"4 5. D.din..k .nd figilred • Vol . further particulars, inquire ot ,
' ! Tibia, Acq agate amortment reed by 1 novilst•tf 0 alescaugn k. t.o, Water at
Oa ,i 2 4 ,0 4
1111/415 01Y1gra
...., •
m'Ait Fi
_ C .
_ — - --------
iiiik-7-/L;lit•—.NOWN. & SONS. 7 T u 11, UNIO N I.'l NV.
T . AKERS, Cotner of Penn and .It. Clone street*, 1.
1 Q i gik '
~ c k
Menthe F....denture lintel, ern-ranee on Penn Mien, ~;„„...:44"=„........-.,,,;. It-r - 's '
Fpecrially aurorae derma frunda and. tile pair., ..t - ' •
a/ ara prep red ta (11= 6 and Acindid m *elnl - Yde int \ IIkIT'OrEIIN PITTS. 131.1t 6 II AND CLEVF.LAND
On line a, Undertaker*. Moray. on hand n lam e , as. We P. ril,,,nona, V insinergh ,
inrtment of ready made Collins, ertvered, lined •1.,1 Ina 'EC.. PlillS A. Ca, BftVer; I . P m P e.
plied de de , nut) hem , all teat. . 11 ld ”znei mud)' 4 ,'care"`aten 2. 011001.1. 1 . 3 . Cleveland
Wade Shroud. of Oa nnel, Cantle,. k and nal., to., aud di' r - i ,ilE„l,,, k e ten, e. 110 7 V lerr pared to trn.rpnve fteetrhe
L ' ot ' ....' . arproVed. ll... • Vir aaaP a lara" ... I mid parvenge rs from•Lirreh and Cleveland. or
rortravnt ul wa , r. nod bin , ' k , nor rin,*llk rend Let C., t0 ...1,, ' ~,,, rn. „,,, ~ (In, G.r. al. Ind Lake.
113 r lar pl. I bearer. and M0ra1..., crape, ran' rl-f• . Ow' lone 1...te, P.e t ,...,,,,,,n ire., Girt-viand awry, ran
tart, and k VOW entag norewn.ry lot &dawn. ,lei deed, , ,„, „„ ~,,,,,e ,
and on re asostanic terms. a. we lot nil /Iv roils l lading ,Lll 1. , a.1,1' r.....•rturt. -. . a„,, I', /et • , ~ ,1 a Inn.
In the 1.....‘e.1.1 ciao. Also, a.lver plates for enArav• ' e t e e Grit e ', e rg r• +.
'cell„ I r v -ape Mare. brigs and saloon
the ono, at Id age. Wa have n splendid or. beam. and , rr , ~,, ',yr, ETV. hare „ and himblya et
Ire,. r, ami nv t Amulet of the iersi rummer. Every , I., r ey ,01,” 11 ,1,1 .. ..
r,rr or the Croon wide
u,, e ,,, at t ended at promptly and punctually adis:l V dispatch, e.y t% hi TNI a'IIIER. or
Je ill" A CAUUMEN', Agents,
BENNETT 4 BROTH ER, \ en r Worm and Sold bfirld sts. I...burin
r.f.FE-Khv"VARE PIA l'il/FAl„lrtErrtr, ' Ma :4l ' S - H T( 7,l;::;; rt , e 4, ' 'c re ( ?; ,.. ,, e 1e , 3 , ‘ „ ' ,,,,,,i r' , e ,
BUrrmlughstan, [ Plttaburgh,lPa. .
WartiwoAr, /tio. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
l ' a j' e .i n t r 4 O ' l ' 1 4 7., "' , ce, n‘l o r f ' oZr P o o w r et " en n a d n ' ut g a7 d tar: ' , Vt./ l
op E W lltees .. Co, kr ~,,,,,
CI llostaranr A Co. kiterorport;
A A hi Clark, Newton Fallk;
F Lem.. Ne 'Munn
Furtet leer qualny Wholesale need roamer) Bev , .1 AF.II \\ toulesey, Camplelinporl
chant. net rerpectfully careered to nal I nod as 1 r. AVISTair. Ravennn
amine for theneselvek. an w- arede tertenned mveil , NI ft a' II Kent. Frankton
-hasper than has eve, before he.. OtrarOa la It, DUI , , hillier & 'rattle, Guyana,. Fall*,
NV hue lea & Co, Ak run,
leaner y, 011.1. N. G.. 7Y...dusk y;
11 trek let• h. Emile, T0..d,,,
I i Sk'tlitaisn , a. i.e.. Dean., Berl,
:Wen , n' rk Sr Almon, Al owaukre, Wu.,
II .1 V.'lleslow Chicago, 111. troll
Ord4 rent oy uteommt&ed by the cave or
et:) . reler , ner. will be monnoly [torah , ' tn. frU,S
J..xi:. I.T.Dy
Nyr, 1j N IA:1)1.1E nuanunucture and keep con.
131 l santly on baud Csa, Mounont and Plain Most
lituansurace, nn TO.I .111 VitilCl,,, at thunr Waishouse rof
litt of Marken and Wanes tarots, Vamoose ,
Our Works connOtoo no 101 l np•trationt and we air
l:pnst adding no our AlOrt, wide ccables us ,
adore promo...on: l'orciason•r re•pccn:ull
nolo.onnod no c tin:nolo pcnces and noroio.
myinkly . _
FROM the very liner. 1 aPtOltfliAs
. ' 121 . ',.., ment the mthsertoer Ills recet vett Ames
t... 1.... ". he has loril•ed house, in Otleg stens
,Podolia:- has induced him to
e i ica.,.. lot a
term of year, on the poitteatt he tattsi
Oecup•es. In Bernier fliret, anilled.Mel) 1,,,,tr the
FresbytectsuChutoh• From the long C/Vrie ore ill the
homeless mtd a desire's plouse , titknopeN to ruct•
receives share of public protonose.
Nom on hand and flotsion‘to ord., reekawa V Rut
Ives open and top Humes. and every detterip.toti tt.
Carer made W order, from seven, Eve .1,0..• .0
.ichEhunaret. isepa-dtfl 101 IN Cil tt 11l
_ __
ill HEALD. BCC & Co, 41 north wider sr, end
Ili N. wharves, Fhil'a, oder for tale on trecornenceianng
terms. ciOnb pkgs Manurattured Tobacco, corrersung of
pounds. half pounds. Sig, Ts, lirs, le , s nod at.,
lumps, Se. Ws anti b'• plug. anti IT. Lethes"hvist.
whole and ball 40/00, of the following approved brands,
James II Grant Osborn & Bragg,'
Grant & Nth:llama, A Ca...,
S Jon. & Son, M•Donald,
Wobstar Old, J 'Thomson,
Jame. Thom.. Jr. Ali Armistead,
1 Thorn. ic Son, I ....Morn A Arose , ad,
1 P Coat., J M Cobb.,
fiontry & Ropter, J A Clay.
M A Butler, C A Hall,
Green Hall, Wsn Dawson.
Pearl k Norwood, J S Bisset wood,
Nadi Page, Keystone,
W If VaurMan. Mmund 11.17,
Peru.. Rol moon. Hu,well k Roldusoki
Kean. Robturkut &Co S.Nli Balmy.
It 41mo al:.
J Ollll MI.,
Rufo E us.,
I , 11 Tarot,
York Wlote,
anoch. —Al.dat v.—
Le. 'Tobarro. wrappers and burr.,do do Jo
,goo do do du
. de Cuba .10 40 .10
8C...0f0 do do do
kora A bawl. .Id. part bur. .
:dawdle .10 du
ky vat grades an
La 10,11. 1/Ll/1014' ,. for 1 .11,111(1,11111 , 1 , 111111 F. apn;t,
...1 I.eal l'erof a. emote. two , hod 114.0,
rape. -wee.. t.crutun 1 . 14/(101. Pipe Le.,
d two , and I.ladder.. , Maecootoa Meal;
mt. Ir. Atli 111.0.. 1 0.1,. Bow, It.o WY.
.111111.1r110 I'OU-1110'11, 1,11011 0. Not.
P 1111. A lad .1 . 111 A .cats.
ner Lower
& l.rik7
V Vet“ ,1111 ln
k T u.• Out Sluotl, rflryf at So.,
D.,nortt . Attu t...pteu•
utorotton Country Mert-o.ti u.
lo lat, mut •uI '•-•
•11,If I t U tit, >m a tut - tt
4 ..tutt t . .tiutouttg lasunta. att Itta•t - Itc.ex.t.•
ot. Pt Notut3a. Star tiratitt Ittutery x •
Lull , Rcpt.. , et of who.ll t.“l he SOW tow
, had ut tuu ottu-r hou. , us tbe CU)
.o. tu.n.uttnt.• utt hood and tor •at.... 2. hat, •
tutted *tor ot Vurinim. and I nrn
t•ilenning Tobin no
A.ut, lint/tot , t'llit• and Comnton I.rat Tultst•
column - o. l y on hand awl fof nov-t-dttan
V. F 11.11.1) odets in ..sae •
• Munulacttirorr, rut: , • vt
to•utt PAPLIL entour .-ttt•rf pttuut utt .sr
ado punt loth.. want. o. ron•utari• •.•.I 1.,140n • n •
country l'att• - : cf I. • 1.•
ite clock of PRINTINt; PA I' k:11 ~•,
" J
Irl "r 41 " T ' llall ALS
of over dc pAP
Kept c.w.0.. , op
h.-. v 3: Fel,,ngs, C,oth, Fourdratmr
Blc-acti.g, t Tv, /me
0.31,36, Bale E.ope,LiroAs Kap., B.Att•v,,„
parch:med. for wistc C toe pr,e• Ca.F.
Nutt 11,101 New Je f 0
E rruatest and hest varlet y evar offered In this coy
I before—made on the most approved Kamer , ' plans—
:d oo.t fliti/Odta.;d Eastern patterns and eolort Also
CIIF.AP ROLL, or HOS DUN 31.17iD. on hard
or made to order of 1.51.5, and at all price*. •
Country Al ctehants and others are ,o,ted In cw I add
esaultne the above for thesruselver w.l: 1,- so
wholesale er re•a.t. and a 'theta: dodueuon rasde
rolesa, purehase,
131/ICllis FOR HALE•
I`llE undemigard offers for sale a wriest. ',brie
1 of bnek for building, made by his Steam rte.,
reproved machine., for which ha has °Mauled a patent
nit agrees to glee purchasers a arritten guarantee that
hey are stronger, and will resist frost and
and imbibe less metature or daropneas than any nth.
er ick. posseasinz greater hotly and superior teztara
and much more durable in every reaper , . each brick
heing subjected to a psernsure of several mns, and pos.
se••ing a
handsome smooth surface and even edges,
they make a front equal to the hest front brick
They have given the greatest sausfacturn to all Who
have purchued. A kiln ran he seen at my Win% and
ofieminen at the Gazette office
Those having supplied themselveaJor their buildings,
n•I %visiting handsome front brick, or superior mod
an , solid paving brick, can obtain them
Ittrueng hem. Jane It 14.11. ti
If Y FIN IT IA N - 111:1 N . 11 efft 11 N r . —
TARIM this method to inform bill fne yds
end the public et FaClOry .
now in full operetion. on the west sole uf
the Elternond, Allegheny, where • con.
stem supply 01 Blinds, of various eolort
and qualtiew,•re constantly kept on hand;
alto, et No 5 Wood st. Piushurgh• at
11 Phillips . nil cloth wereroorn
%/mitten .lintlers made to order in the best style
repnlred st the thorwo notice.
N--11-111s Blinds will lie put op without any adds.
tonal expense. so that they eon tw removed to • rno.
ate nt to rase of fire Of for setting. end without the aid
of o screw driver:_ tyl-dltyik wieml ytt
184 S. clqi:ft
Fie trttot"trstltr Vitt%itt:toot watt
nErwrEN 1.171`41:111,11 Nl tt ,
T"lt'Orit'arb"i'; t u' : l ir fi de " -
pot in Ptio.i.delptaa, t a nateia larger %Varel:at ,
tat Mark , • -t . thee t:lrt lornterly orrap.r.t. and alert to
r real. d • Lt room lon otora,tc l'ittAbOrgh. are lia•r
prrparrcl oiler tau< ttreatrr Ittt to their friend.
m.l put ro.t.
t.ooki 1, , arc rult tr.rnahrpprd be
t‘s in n
I. r mnd 1 . 1.1..1..pir0r.
Wei, or h.nub... ' , retro. Lkm, TO n.or fl
nod onuer •-ilurcrag thr• of
anportuntle No char go um, :ur 41 , g or all rpputg
, or ad, anclug cl.argt , • AII goo:, for - v. - x.ora
proonpa), 1•1111 kli.llll 1C.401.4k14( tern;, ro• by any Oth-
& Co.,
• Cato, . I's.l.urgh.
(c 1.24 ki.l i:+4 Commerce el.
JOIIN S. . Forwarding and Comma.
on !ilerellant , t'unn: Barn, ratannigh.
/A:4IIS )1. DAS:l:th t'.., rubor Fa.•tor. mut Commis
utuit Metehantu. Ntett , t. uh.l i 1 Cuottnercr t.,
Fhtlatlelpluu fr tat
11)-AtIvneer. 0 , ,h tr oi thr 1.1.0 re nu Flour,
\\ t ut! null other ttescrivt.onh 4Slerrnatt.zr con 1
ct uuuo.l
10 them.
Th, LAbrerll,v • ,losed AI tncir
Irrupt At the l'e:1•••2 t Lute to CLARKE R ¶
1 1 AN, or l'itle.l•urf,ll. and)7 , l.l'll 5 r.E.w is. or rko.
!icy will trlt•t•ar! meter ror the It t,
t ihe,r ••• 111 .tre..t. ...toll. and Ise
peak tt • olattnnev,, thr Oar,
TwPhudo I 1111 a. Co
tladelpm, Mart, sth.l-1,.
pona • a. and 0
azwart Tratasportrttloa Ce.
Pvwx , 1)¢0, I."r
El RS r CLAA , VFW ! , A.T7 , AND CARS,
tcr•Ss& n r x
CLARKE & I.a.hurgh
LEWIS & TLER.II? N!rlel DA/leAripllt
1 &:•• ,TKEL A, ,„„,
CI DEN...LA RK 11. tu . NU , r, s.. it3s.t
, A FORMIC% Agt, 11N% c•A street, :sew \
mart S
• r AA, •..ocustr.lthen.... - :vw.
11.1// Jonra.r m .
tort. rl ear !Ifni WI
0011/1111.1•10/, 0/ 411-
rplt tulsort. , • •,•. •
I logelbar Utul•F Il.r r •
porpo.• ni couttsloon,te
Sacutir'• F. •• tt,,•••
Ptuaburgia. M.c4 I 1-4,
L'ONIIN , I.L , I NTIRF.I,I 1.1.4 R
RALTINIt,RI. 1. .R”.51,S
drapair A:l4
Ha .001
.. I
•11...- •
......z,ntt.l•••rttutx sttl.. , :t i
II KLl.illat.
A J tt: AV out.l •• t.t. •
. .
4.:(111.1 A Iti A TTACIIdIENT•
UN lON LIN F.:, ' it 1::-Fl‘V1:::,,,d..7::: 1 et: :,rir;: I . l!ies,:tth ,
.: - • N.. ... A • •• • .'s , II,•• • • A , 'll. •A t' •tt •,
..•rn m.n•.r
.• „
4a ant.
otttron ..1 h•• •••••[.n• Amencari •Ai'd
1.3F-TNlgl.ll.‘ 1 ' 7.. \ d:':e7.t7th from
homm, corn.. r NorIA A ',w00... ma lima , 1.03 m. Jan 1", 1,15
.looN 1 , Coale No I. d e. • o- NI, ,r- me. ram. • W.... Le so) !mend, Mr
, It •. , re•re... irem memo earnm•mg
mot alter tto• l'• o •
_co •• 11m. , •••• 1 A A . A „.
A \•ltan ro. •- nI m
I ottor , s • p,,,;
""" h ,r-.• mmam•m• do my mews., to mat.your to, e o
I•Mmumveom. t
TO Pl"lade'
so% LSD
4:=l' tiLiatt
Fur. A. ovrorua f. ,a oRn
pirrsuuxuli. Illoik
I I .A 1.1,11 A.
lwastv , c t
Tun. 1
mma , iiral•a yr jr
one. ',ruin, ,taaeapon n and
on lar mat 0.1t1,11t, 1µ.4 .
t:e4t well known promo,. in eeoveroaa -,
cans , aaany n, arrN cupatJou• warenou•
oe• at each afford., ••
and owner , ol produce—logetOor wlth Melt long pe
rt, -e and unnremsetine •nennon ;..
WI • a cooodaaat.Lcra. patronage tue,
r. • ..
cren) taraaiLa.t) at am,.
A'n C011•101111r ..4 01 13..• riar•
pa3d, anal tng It ,r,ai Air.. trnl
r. t
nuarge cr
ntu.•an... a41‘.11/. or CO
nunraa, Ln slcauantrat.
coannanucaunna progni:y antuded app.tes
u• an, a...owing tatanto
IP 1/CY. & Mad. , l'lolotlrlptua.
TA & I,aaan l'otannre.
O'CWSNORS & Nam. •1, Itaottnnor.
WM. Is WIL_SON. -4 Crank., Nava l'onn
T"li4t'in'..l)jle"a'n:l";l.ll:;an'.°t='edn of alarm
Beaver and (men and paaernaer Canal Loa.. 1.0..
tarren Beaver and Erie, Iv t• Reed,. ..e
Hasa atearttbat, propeller. nd vemlei• on the Lakes.
Is prepared to carry trek& and p. m , *
or. the Canal, and l.rtov Kn.., az..l
A SS' 11,1* II V ELT
Ilanng r•ery fu•Iloy . for r 011.. ., toR •nd pas with promlptiwa. doloorli proorooor
y from thro Inettc l / 1 • con.
UnuAnce of their palrounre
C M II Itr.F.D. Proprwon
IthED, PARK:I h Co, Ilrwror. Apoom
_apl4 or Water and Sombh , “ sit llotaborxt.
M_Aiar. 1818. L'irrn
To and from the F.l.•wrn cone•. vitt t'amt.erotot
pmrrietort 01 Oro popu hi hoe. ve..lstr Melt
re rg•nti•tion Lu/et) t 0u.r.....d their loeilthea to
inert the oriohes ut thinner.: and ore now preparett
gr •st.r mono. the VI VF. DAV LINE.
as also by uhlotnoni 1,111. wor•nua low rates
1,1,1 ruo throughout me 1. delivering
gouda Mtn .sh the og , I1i• n 1311/10011 snd Pittsburgh
to owners and conatgurs• .perified rules end time
tthipments Mon Philelphia 101 the hoe should be
marked -Cart. 1 11 Ro ad binson. Baltimore '•
The only ago. or,
II 14 Cantles st, lialtnnore
F:DGERTON S. Co. Cumberland.
6 IV I;ASS, Brownorille.
C RIDSVEEI.. Pittsburgh.
Pp.). LO„Ne,LIBidILL
Age mw
y Cumberhaut Bean S: hoo. of AlelC:t: t h
gull that of VAlgertun ACo
r,lttburgh and vrtairrn merchant. art. ,fied that Bay
Ite,h,u•on. SS South Charles ti. Ilslttonu. ito. out,
atzthorruel agrut th.• E.tawn itte.
Th. out, qtyst•
J C BUM t 11,1., rataburit,
KIND A 1,111. , ./ JF l'ol'utnbt.riautl,
J B 110111 N SON, lialtoam,.
14 pro
m+ red to lormi , l% Ruguci•
tot Weddings, Balls end a rtin.,n., composed at rich
fragrant Flower. Orders
let. with W Bowls, r
!+1 Clair street, or theoueh
the Post Oilier, will he dc
',card proio9 ,, Y
JA NI 1...$ WARD "'l'
.11mieliester Num , y
- .. ee o Trans °Alai-fon Company.
D. LICALCII Air. Co'. 1,.)
18.18. Old Sotablialle.A Lloa•
TO PIIII,A14:1,1.1k1A. II Al & NEM' VOYIK
A KE prepu r t.
ed to Insn•pt, produve to and
the obe laVtant,le fOll &d
-the.. or apply to
D. I,HP:CfICo, Canal Btatn. l'lttotorgh
"must, ',gad', Noe A I:, !Muth Toinl et, Yltd.
J. TAYLOR & BON, Aft,. No IN'itt Howard et, Balt
A ABBOTT, At,:. No Wret +trent. New York.
Pittalturph. 91.100 lentrn,scdp
Trana . poilaiitin Una..
S 4B .Militia
. . 1•L
1 P 1O
witho oDS
ut dela rulmiglini eil E,tir rur mill
e. wl be forwarded
U'" y
• t; A eIeANI:I,TY & .
Canal Boon, Venn at Yntahureh.
MEHOEIL.I.F.S A ItOiN01.1)s,
179 and 303 Market al, Mae.
BOOK llgalilirr AC*,
Ird9 Smith , wharf, Baltimore.
hETWEKISI Pittsliergh„Plairaville,Tolowniss,,
D ltdaysburgh,Water street ; (Ilitnungtion Goland Pe..
This Isine was thesed ezoluaivaly for the special ac
commodation of ay bounce... The Proprietors,
thaukful tor the very liberal patrouage they have re
mimed &milk the last two yeara, would respectfully Jo
han, their friends and the public that they are
preporOti tO deliver kwrids at oily point on -the
Canal and Rat
Ituade, with promptness and dispatela
raMellOrrenta. .
?wawa,* & Woods, Johnstowa t
John Wier, Hol li daysburg& ,
C A iii'Anulty A Co, canallsaata,..Plalburgh.
Raraaation—Pitashorgh—Pimstit & Binciatei, .1
akvitt; G & If Shoenberger; R Robinson & Co; R
Aloes; getraley k Smith; Jobe Parker; Win Lahesee &
Ooi In Y tittoenberger.
PIANO irowrzs.:
JOHN ME11.4,00., No. O Wooel
l l
street, has now re'teived a full assort
meat of Plano Fortes, selected from
the milt:taring manufaotories Boston
and New Neck. to which the attention tif purchasers it
reopectfulty tortm,l 'flow front 61r. tatekertne , ttor
egi. he is .sic Agent in 'este rn for
have white I. term-Vdl. he New Circular Stoic
looms an improvement re y made. and 10+0 , 11u , .
row ,
over ally r• ,011 owing are the pa thud
tterns and
styles of..,thir kr iing s
No. I. Rose o, i'ves, finished Lark A. front, IN
R} rirLly carved
rev . rod mouldon<S, SAW
" bombed back andssot, 11.3 ,1 1
" 5:12.5
'e praoceling &on', S3OO
"1. • 7 rie lily carved. style of Louis 11th
011 d hollow corners and hollow cm.
noted legs, sceon , l hand, cost originally 812fi, and ven,
lie sold ut a very reduced prier
No. 12- ItoaewOod, round earner. very elegantly fin.
L0bed...5:1 73 No I'.l Rosewood. round corner. very el
egantly finished.4 • :: s .
The above are nianotactured by 11. Worcester, N.
. wrli known no I,eing etooieetell formerly with
glow , ,Itotard. ?. Dunham, N. V.
No. 13. Rosewood.ul, carved moulding, made by the
Nlohlinitst , Company, N S Si!,'s.
Noll, Rosewood carved. octaves. Gals ft Css`s, N.
V, No pi:4111 6 a'Sso
No ill, Rosewood I:rand Piano, made li) Bean
Hers , Paris
N. IT Nlnhogn,,y.lloelaves, second hand. pric - r 575.
Ptan.• tat en in ' , art payment for new one•
JOIIN 11 hlEl.l.lill.
`tole Age, Gland and Syn. , Piano
lor • 1,1114 V
I.V play and
—l.lein. Ins et plain and utperfietal Trigonotne
y, nth I'Lte , r apiiration• 141 N 11.11.111111011, Surte)lllA
'llrlldS.:"4livigsi,ni, 1, Eli ss Loomis. A !ti
A Myst I , tiols in ,rork, containing a full view of the
term of words. a I , h yen nbulnries sod copious eser•
ri•e , on ise mr , hod al roll.a 111111111 , 11 and •eprti.
doll 1./ Prote.sor f 1.0 , 10 00 '
r• a :1,1 1.•,,Te 11 A NI , Ail,unct Proles.'
o r
!Anglig, 111 the Itlnsort Cones , ,
I.lpliain's hl ask' C.thantle Adorns, rd;.
A new 110,1111—Tho Dtoctphors of lAie.
Val. 9, le 0110 11 Al IlAtpc r & Itrouter.' splendid Ll
otroto.d I‘l ll 0' the A rutitan Nights' /Wert...M. lo s
Tiw a.. 0 1, seci:lisreralyed 011* do, hp c 1 pt As and
.null cor 3d ltdstO
%)Lr ATVII AN I. CLAWK iir.P.lllllM; —liavtng
conploy the ...workmen to ha Mold, trlather
wall a icre• .•oonplene oleo k Ono told snakingco ot!nloed onwlientrd work. and
wait o..eursey and iscint, ov mares, customers may
do pond and 0L ark., the scow prices
t'-ey many •nops Ins imperfect work. cod in Ma.
ny cases {or poootivr oijury done to Mc3 crutches All
our work o. waro.nleal veliorm we.l
Nlt —lingo c lodured busweas to a rash sys
tem ant Ootorsuoied •eli as 10'0 , an the .owes st regu.
0 , r 00.00.0., west. cod ualotners ay coured
that Mee am Ve porohlaes in Mis
ur ns as
cheap . the ..aate:i. th e re y
si nging
u, home trade NA' SIN
env 11
. i e t
spec.e..i, —
,:V. Le vtr chr. leledwg th
.ttpplemete!.k the n t sedtion Wlth etueldultota II
hon••ia y.. I t t etq..
y Sk etch. , or Kw
ark% 4•111',111 / 1114/ 111 /4 voory, alloytirty, filial
4 44,10444111. .tatletwal gewortc
.0 it.
meee.l•..e. W t lA. awl w
1111.01 M, ...vire , h.ogruphwatPtoner eketehee of dtstimon•
I.ttstre.. wid.• ,•, . •ts,,orn.wy ,
%,nes •• • rut tort.' rearnetst,
0• „„..
• • nrh' I, mnny N mon•—•••• , ent•
J. nirvnlv hed. :ont Irmoslarrol C rU11ki , . ,411 .
lien•WalutiN • .I.ratr•l.
Die N T: Ls— the T1t,1•21. 1 awl (ban Night,
the Ars. , .rot N hew' Ihn,rl•st met.. Iranalalnll anal
alm, eat it.• rea•hng won explxklatur) 11.11,,
F. XV I An, i • 1 . 1 ”11 the sreund I.onelnn 4,11.
han •t•nted a ••th 10 , 0 Iwo.: ruls awl
matate•l e• lo.or J•me. Comp,. 1 . •
• r • or : lit
The cane... ,1•1•• 41.0 err roved arra 1••• prior Iy
1,111)/1,•N 1•F11N, Il••••••e '•.••
filiiiii A ~.I' 1.1:N 1 , 11 , ...orsoleo I o. Ma
gAo) 4 , 1 RU, *OO, I'l• 110, ,ust
0000 l Igh.••• lo.•-vmant• are mad
ilo• •te.t o.or ru sod t , .0.t ro.o.cri
F' 117 Nronti
211 doter kl,ove
- arr • , sunn • yt,..,1 in•triant
rr•nrrot:,, the.. Urtore par
hoer •.• , rtu,,,at erk
ryed r
oan •e, • ris rtwo Ur ought
A.a met ,rev... p 14an,
•• Jprr.or
• .
Ar \IL 'lt' Al S. o.'l'l r\ ft, •oh•eettet
t. 0 •• t..en FIIIOP. 11. 1 cur oak.. op
• e• o• • thase. the Alt
I ' , Ft 1.. •• •
rL,w holt p.5..e...11‘ nityr• porre
o tal • we. we. thlku Ole •.. , 11t, ihao• atote. ttut
t • v. •••• kt.e ••• • .tt attutner 1. le•Lits • •
• • t.A. !Le
. .n.l 1'...k ..e 11.
u .•.I ~~
Alt K
. ~,
- - •
• NULAIIII 000 tf. K
rs of Groom. Kr,
1 4 A o.ot o. and oz :11.. oa knot VIS ron.4
tan • I ..argloto oi
N. re•t 16, I-.anar na•
• 'PI. I I 11 .i•
1. I: 11 Jan , . Ymy
t no., without •a Hero naurn
• It,. kr r. .::ustr•noris
I it. aril Ver..... NH Coca.n • Siior, by F. V Cld.d•
:.. or> or .., 1••• rtr•. kr •N ten•rz.
lA I.iii.d.inderry. Ft C 11 . 1.
t II Reg:: Lite tiunrd•
1151.. , said" ie... ired isud lot *ale by
r • Nsl I.V &NI A --Oonarrueted from die
I. • author:fed the Slain, and all,
• ,ups • g.. n
n. li• and improved under
I ,
s 1.,i0l
F Mari' .Flied Engineer. upon
pr .' r trr nu under aulhoril at he
I,„ AI. .r,rrrr. of) l
this large and splendid
• reeras dal and lid
Eirstal •ellers eor m.rtet and .1d an.
er• ....{n o: %V. m 111. ((um
rr n p.orlta :e. r. vo`t
- mu, .1.• Ito., ,Icr:ptures
art? !/ • IVIO C • . :Al cur
Stage. and Sartetics
"" ;171.) . N.a1 ) & BEESON
lt•talle Vrame Plano.
•goiorlatent of Ito4Le
wmAli ald NI ttsit.ol 0 1 . 1 . , .'.." ''''
Lloo..,tr•L loo.hed sad lot .•e
A...., two I. Jr
ad Pokno.,
Oat. Colt,oan'a re...rated )I,oltan attar Ilrn,nt. itno.ed
1.1 .nr mosr modern a: Y", and tor •alr al
1.3 I 111.1: , rs. ill ....i ~
. _
1848. q
10 VF.R AND rt. %V A RRF—Ni
l'Autal ['sr krL—M \ Al.lO D W. Car Ford.
1.4.E.01 %% alters
9•11 - 1 he a 1.0 v.. if•• tiro vet very 41• T.
~, , inetays excepted! xt,..1 ArTivr nelt eer y
h.., hes omie, avlth lb. NI RI/ Slagn. for
Al roo An , Clrreetand. neltv.t.g . At each of 03C1.0 place*
Wore rt,llo aets 101,Ve Wgkrren daily.
1' S 1 . nrrt,t. lira ver In tne. no intr. Ult.
m Sri •traint.o. l'ltl•tsurAl.
rTES A 1.1411 \ WArrett.
1.1 11 TAY IA/It. Proptll'rs
111.1V1.:R AND L:11 Il' PACK M LINE
inenenn to in. 1.,a Inlon'T 0011 s.
Cana. Parlket--Pic.aar vac..., Cap 11 t. Jeffview,
l'ut.ina•srn. •' Pollock,
tax 1-. En ' Many,
• P tontr. " Brown,
"TH. SaYer
anOre news n, splendid Passenger Paeltels have
outtarneed running t.etveren RAVER AND ,ERIF
n ',ln resulatiy during the season—one host
lee evet, inurnit, clock, sod one lean.
e ‘. Tung, onittedtately slier the •rn
rat. ol the stesunhost Theliteatt Hunt Patsburgh
boats a re new and eunifortstily furnished. and
wtu ran thrnuah In forty hours Passengers to our
pewit on the hate., to to :Niagara Vials, will hod this
foto. the most vomit. , table unJ expeditious. Tickets
thrt,no to all mina on the Lake ram be procured by
'app.) nig to the prow ~tors.
11F.E.H. PARKS & Co, Bearer.
.101 IN A CALA.IIEY, Ast. Pnlanurs h.
eat 'l\ ater and Southfield sta.
-Js• C Harrison. Hurfalo, N
C H Been, Erie, Is
C C k, tater, mile, l'a,
111 Forland wit! Kota, Ilig Rend, Pa,
Hs, s A Numb, Shut pslourgh, Po,
W C Malan, Sharon, Pa,
1.5 Mathews, Pulaski, Ps,
II CUtillinghani. New Castle, Pm ill
perto•ylvanla Canal & Rail Rosa
preee.P•et Packet trine,
8 48 • St.lint.
Flit/51 I'ITNI3IIIII TO Pill
TIMORE. unin.3.riliA 3 IIAI,
(Eget...very tor Passengers )
rilllF. public are respectfully Informed that this lane
will commence rut ollig on the Ind rust, and CO.
tome throughout the laeason
The boats •re new, and of a nupertor Hess, with ale
targed colon, which will give greater fOOlll.lll. Tito
a,. sr o
, the latest coommetton
Im will always be in pori, •nd Its a
A re re.
quested to call and examote them beture engaging pus.
sag , elsewhere
(Fare only nun dollars through 1 tine of the hostes,
thin I,ttle will leave the landing (opposite 17 A. lintel
corer ollPenn street and l'an•l, every night at MO e
'rant al day. For 1111 . 00311K1011, ply at iii
Mee, Alotiongabela House, or to li LEECH /1. CO
Jell Canal 11astn.
h Co.'
Passenger and Resaittanee OCDoe.
lAN R 111.174 & CO. Bonnieto bring peon°.
from any part of klngland, Ireland. Seea n no o.
Wale.pon the must liberal t o rms. with then
munt punctualt , u ty and ttention to the we a nd cunt
fort ol eniongrwitz We do not allow our passenger. to
be robbed by the mriedluiro scanty. that infest the s
l. a
pur, aft we Tate charge ut them the moment they Tr ,
pun thentoolve.. and me to their well bong, and
mpateh thou without any detenuuto by the host ships.—
W syil fearlemly, az we defy one of our pagoda
gore to thaw that they were demoted Of hours by us in
Lter wool, while , thoumnd• 01 other. were &tonal
month, anal they could be mot In some end eras, at •
eh; p rate, which too trequently proved Wen 4:Offing
we mond to perform our contract. honorably, oust
SOW., it may, end not set as was the ease last semen,
With Liosr o if f eer.„—o' either performed not ell, ot
when it suited their convenience.
alts at
Of teigh for •11 ram Dorn 11,ta
Littn, payable at any Ula provsneud Bank; in lie.
laud, England, Scotland and Wules.
Enropaan and General no,
RIO newsmen draw-Wave end
LLI grenuad Mustard, fur eats
110,0 JOHN D
. - -
-11'....: • Itr WART BOTTUM
Wititill Itb 42. ----,
, e •
/ ;•;iiiii.H.' rritillp
`1 6 CURE OF 0, ,
" t . tl . on
uvril co h ,„.. .
i!l i
1131ALK, Co y . lot
. " Is ""Ap 444 tr
.. ,
‘ 4..
ot ocul-"
11 , 0 rism
v Louts
es3l) sorsiA
, ~.,
Tee r, oprietor3 have spent Clinch UM.
In brmalng this preps-ram. Of Seatieraell. l,
to its preseogstato of perfection . sad the eslWasoto o
of fourteen years bas furnished them the most ample op
port:unity to study, in their venous forms, the
their dlisease
liefs for leklett lt
le recommended. and to adapt it smelly to re and minx
tients who wish a 1tZ41.1., 0000 Medicine are melted to glee It • trial, an d satisfy
themselves of is superiority, and the invaluable property It peaserieeli Of arresting
and curtng disease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold Olill QUART. and in tts
present Iroved form may safely claim to be the 'err and sautes* Medicine Of
the age . Ito progress to the fame n has attained may be traced by a long line of fats
and cures, that stand as landmarka and beacon. for the invalid, pointing the loe7 to
the haven of health.
Ths follow - trig is from Col. S G. Taylor, s gentleman at high nanding end extensive
acquaintance to the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to New Grimed.
Meseta A. B la D. Sanas Soo York, Amory 1 11348,
llitirrLanairl,—Herine need. and witnessed the effects of your excellent preparation
of Sarsaparilla on different persons to various pans of Its Sou:Own country. Its.
)(moron, Louisiana, Texas, and Illealco, I feel much pleasure in Mating the high
Orator, entertained of its great nieilicinal value. In my own Case It acted . almost
li • a charm, removing speedily the enervated state of the system, and emitting, m
the mast agreeable mane, n
tonto and invigorating Influence.
Your Sarsaparilla a highly approved and externsively used by the U. Statea array
In Mexico, and my mouse. GEN ZACHARY T AYLOR, has for the pass tan Yee+o
been in th e habit of using it, and recommend d e r he samemyself adopted the
the al She wine time, and It u now consideg an almost Indispensable reeptin
in the army. In conclusion I would say, that the better it 151.101WD the man highly
it will be pared, and I toast that its heall.h.resOning virtues will make it generally
known throughout the length and breadth of our widely-extended eountry•
YourS very nrepoctfu ll y, S. 0. TAYLOR,
U. 5. Consul to New Granada
ratapaa, Chnist., I , 1616
Messrs. 8 cos ;--Gentlemen—Smpashy for the &thud trainees .7:1010,.. too
of the remitrkable curt affeetad by your Bans
In ilia me of my wife., ape
1.1.• emerely afflicted with the Scrofula on different rata of the body ; th e no r
tho ...It meth IlthetlY enlisters:4 sod her limbs much goalie:D. After sufferi
folding no relief from the remedial:el the anon amend an leg, end
below the an. turpurated. Her prideful it derald be I
I straerba oss
done, but
any ressrant ban In situation we reiel were
induced to rue ilurne Thu Ant nolo nod &Tor
nio sathicrellestur her more then say pthscriglion had nor ' taken ; end before
she bed need ex bottles, to the astortudinient and delight of km bismde, elm.found her
health gone restored. It la now arm • year dune the mire eras aft, sad her
health ruligthe goof, shearing the disease wee thorough!, eredicanel tram tka Byrum,
Our nstglilffrs en all knowing to thews thee, and Mu 11,on eznyartEls
bnong to the aka. Tours with reeProdi .117 1176 P
Esxmat from • letter received from Kr. N. W. Hattie, • gentleman watt known to
LoUllet occosty, Ts :—" 1 have mithd s negro boy of mine with your lathapithills ,
who was anacked with liandula, end
" et • scrofulous (sadly. Tenn truly.
" Froferteks Haii, T..., ley 17, 1648. 4 . N. W. WARMS "
The following teetimony from Rar. John Cingg, late Rector ef the Numerous f e
Crucifixion In this ally, commends Itself to the attention of the afflieted
iontlitotes of cum of varioue &sasses effected by this medicine ate shoed daily
Memel :
Mem& Rama :.—A member of ray Mostly has Wan your caluable Satisaparilht for 1
• weer* scrofulous afro...tuna, &c. with the most besiehmel effect remdday from its
use. It WWI me very great pleasure to record my Mecham:Lis behalf et its strum
and erboacy, hoping that others may be indursedia maks • of It.
New yea, May 10, OWL JOHN GRIGG.
Ideal,. A.. B. & D. Haan,— Norwich N. Y., Oct. 0, lOC.
ft —Feelings of pentad* induce me to trile admoslledgment
of the bemegt I hare darned from the use of your I halm for Werra!
Isar been afthated with scrofulous twangs ta my head / which. id for
gather and discharge at my throat, mos, eels, emit at aan would brisk out In
different parts of alf fams and head. Thane eclat and until my throat, Dice, and
heed were almost one complete sore, and for • long time I was so tonne that it s em
with the utmost deculty Met I could speak above • During this acne I had
mmoul attacks of plenary and o th er slimia. 1 Mee' .illferet=llollmm, and
tried vu-ious remedies, but received no bonollt Winn 1 eennooneied Von/ nor.-
Willa Luis now well . the SOT. are all healed, and I attribute the result entirely
to the effects of your ',Mashie micum
Yours, with ed
respect and grMaude, PHIBE CAHOON.
Being personally acitusnaed with the person above named, I bene.lieve o h er Peacer etateme.ent
to be correct All M. D. Chart, Jua
A. B. 3: D. SANDS, DRrociarrs AND CHZcBTS
lOU FULTV,ST or WILLIE. riaw Vol.
Ili 11 1
, 1 1
, 1 , 19 ." . 19 . by Drugg=y; i ya p l . l r y
Bo througbota ßo tb ul e
m Urk i t o l , cal lo Stabes Lnd Canada.%
4 ' ll l l 11111,;i,
i'Lu•.thtc“ S
W ...u.c.uth and lo•thl. 13 A FAIINIF-..TOCK. (4(0. corner of Wood mo d Frt.
•..e of r
s•ood .t•. I. WILCOX. Jr . corner of Sou th field and Four th
.”• .ts, and
vi„ the themothl. I.Ithi:ARD FEN DERICH. cot Monoththilo {lour
lINSENG PANACEA!relllerticiron .0 it, ee .on
1 R I,IIWA At If ER takes MD means a!,
'I Iti .1 •Illw RIS , w WITH DISEASED j I aiming h s thanks to hes Mends rod the ;subtle
I 1 `et' , Tlie iii ,to tile aril • .0. , ear winch hos e o r the ei.tu, patronage he has reseeived, and of le
a w • la too ow , ' 11.dtsmig them tan the has Idtrif erected wage ow/
I.lNol NI, r 1 , , \ t 1".../. o e ...warted bulldog for the cork's,. purpodea
1 4. lie NI.11011• .0 11,. wlt It tI I I •lioll 01 Ihr %Ingo a.- ni his it ATI R. tit RI. 1, elk/3 likol IMENT, st but old
oes, tee endue , ' dues' " . , ; roperior e.t.a hi call alma iewatt., at PhtlitpsbOvith Pbt on the Olito river. oppo
leo. to Usis on the omatutesat leading at Seaver. where he ts ready
~ ON fIERYI I'FIFPARA MN to neon/we polecats a• boarder. and treat them on Hp
The ehonget•ie vea owir wlttea At
our fall arid dropathic ponciple• In &eaten. Io less long al t pelel•
u tetm months Is 5 ea.* a ...Psi source of -nee and the great sucect• which has heretofore al-
Col Dis AND Mel Lo.I, tended his treatment or pauents committed is his c.a.,
rho. , el nee, not, are taut the peeeuraot• of the fell ' he has now Ow addeuonal famine. afforded by an e.• 1
dettroilrf ver.seve hulloing erected express') tor ths. pcielperm,eten -
Meet lir !lON_ taming commodious and airy morns, and fitted up with
Pie question, then haw Dui we too the destroyer In evi ri neesseary apparel. for bathing, s od danunte 1
Me bad' how shad Mt 1 ewe , tem nit Our cottons •ntl tenni the treatment lo the utmoal Pelletal ad comfort
soave r. ef vit. erreporwoitee 10 the putt., M : he pattent l'hddapotturgh as Most delightful and
Till. CietKAT AND ,Kan
t o 111-ISIF D \ hea thy stliage, sw.y an acces• by steaniebmita, &lid al
w Ibe found . ebe towtowne roneei In proof of this fords fine and wholesome wet., On Acker
we m tune to tin. publisd the cerahmirs of those alto. led peewees wile ma) piece thernwebeel un
lb, sen a r ot oar oral \ stown . toren. vs ho hem expert del his rare. that evers attenUon thole scald 10thelf
• .eti ts eurmtve posist• The. is Ith a nee. eel te. I i oattot. draws, as &.urence el the sub benefits
weitoney trom ao pastsui
we tOO -(lOrd 10 105 hr points with confidence to the him
lIII.DIt 1 MIN ler ell }l o
geRST 'if k 1 00 I .ttrds who bane been esermaneutly gored at his estate
Id meters oi
twospe, Srloge her with wow.. noj ' halo.. The %Varlet Care leaves uo injurious elfeets
wars lona tio- bread, 11. la too often the ease with those who bete
JOURNAI-a (lE TIIF DAY heel treated on the old system It remoVes the die
In bison
it in pantphiet mite Ind mei be had elk., Invrates th• ardent, prone. from the dangers
faun or •..) al our ogee. throughout tae country me wlent toe hange& of the weather, creates a attend
11l NDKEIDS t/F Derrel.lil, no t active appeal. and imparts vigor to the dip.. o
hare been coed MI/111CM '
INIINC•11. 'Cerro. ot newel.. and boardeng reasonable. I
t h e lkwe AND TII.N. Or Tian SANIM , For further parucalan Inquere at the establishment, or
nroughnut the t toted `slates end rano .1 t and ore wk• i address Me propneuir at Plulllosburga.
enge any lean 10 poled out ri aublad
, s loch when le/ken lie onto. to unreel. s old roe-
We hive been Informed by Mee Root of • Cat ben'
f to the wags had become tater) d oorgeu, zed a h. a , rra , r , d , r ,„ her by p, j o ydee AlltarotiraiW .ch
' i n t/TVA - I A PFIRPFA - T Clear rmvee its •aPeeme a T sea, every other °moor or ale
id. ay then, nerd the &MA.. twesitele . tab to.nrt to' dud.4 i '' . all°° he ' s aat ' c ' ea Ile.' the ' aet Lila." Y "
thew us ,....hee no es... eaten n ip ~, Oct 0 ~„ , g ,,,,,d„ w ,„, to NECROSES or WHITE SW gua rips, mtood.!
ite uleerauons and enfolundoe of 'arenas bone, do
eats 0 le' nos
nsth° Clcome ee " ' caw I plat- nog which time mune piceeshave beendultituarged f nom
aelo l lw and P lwaed a.° r°Pal‘e'Y Ivy ce.w•ww el P ' the tonna , hone of the crantam, from loath her atm.
.0111 Num') onseiow n \i, Mese a meihrene of i
Cl arr.. and hands, and from Loth lege, and from this len
~ to Le ha d „,,,, your h,„ „„ ,,,,,,,,,„ _0na ~e , ... ter °reef bone, and from the right trice, hinnies palatal
• nicer. nn other part+ of het person, which have bathed
hoe.-mani of whom It h.
SS A et RFD Pitt .1 TI llt GTI AVE th ae e l a ' 1 , 1 _, 0r : somber el the °°°°‘ ec ' ”el t,g- Ph ,, Y ,, '" ,,,,% " ,,,, ° „1
In order that this ince:l.l , le melee.. ay be placed °- - ': - meat deplorable. ; a r o . t „ o _ ,„,
--....-----,----, then r ' a. a ' . bane 651'n'we':13'er'w'aftluccdPeo7r) DX Jayll'e Altera/eve
pat the pore st
ONLY FIFTY CENTS, hat had an astouiehtnaly happy effect upent her,
last one
e a the us. , ll of I °ugh medeemen it . lip reela." '" all P a ' ' cc "eall'ga l .n° e°°"'thil th e
ewers to heal, whi n at me same time her general nen.
(or s. b e our agent. a no n , ) ever) town and ell age
,alter we ., ~,,,,„ are peeea 10 e ,, re , all
,wanna , has become rompletely restored,. that sir now Weighs
,on ft itaLiVie 1.0 ta t .11.Te.R. Prop new, IS he 01o:: than she did before she comMeneed the let
~,,,,,,,,,,, ,-,„,,aanat,
Oh i ofthin teal) eelumd. prepatme--(nat Eve, Post. ,
- her further insormai on, of Mrs/ Rona.
A )gilt/CA N TILL ILCIRA Pll CON/PANT. I i 111 w. t it, Phitadeipkwa.
It•L•170111.• et ire. ita n 'OM wasii.ano For sec in l'inahurgh at the PEKIN ) TEA STORE.
1ir.,17.1Cs 1.1 N I 7) Fourth se near Wood D 5
&Mee at th• Exchange. Haiti= ore. - .
w it il. c i e n d loe'llaiii'.".Miete'agle•ill'l'o're'r"Lliwit'n.i 111:1 " um b =w 'l l. "i tet ' . 1 ip w ilb wwwwerntola in all teill niuftepleed [be=
balite or 55- hee ooi • , i • laree•Paalleag a olow a." whether in that of lieng's Swell, enlargement. n the
masse." d ' i.. `tr"... d".".1..n...".*.td ..." Rdi- I glands or boom. lioitre, While Svialliitg.,,L Arent(
°more Mi est ot Plato/re , p.
R•r. The charge Mr a telegraph despatch to or ttleeernaleam,Lanser, disease. of the skaa Of Split°,
formeDmn Pittsburgh and \ \ heeling w la cents or of Pulmonary Consuniption, em.epate from one
for th brat teal words and A cents for each addidtional i and the &salt Cause, whack . J. poesonotue prteCiple
told Mote in lc. tuhtreal tO the human system. Thera
ii-f" No w barer is made for the address arid sign.. {lure. unless the pnneiple Can he destroyed, no Mdl
11. Ir. , nil core can be eflected, bet If The principle apse
I teeil the ~,,0 P., ,.' ” Pi de ,m a th. " ''''. " Pe a. is hick the disease depend., is ref.. \ ewe, a yore
T•1••0101 twin Nirtrtslti i eon 41 hsew Ornate. des- ,
retches tea he tom wriew dto Memphis S) lon. rot o so,' M 00.... neecx.ity toll.* ,no matter acme ether lone
maned me New eerie.. .I I the theitmse should neaudest 'Dell ,'tie, telore
_ - ,
te lee reamer, why 1 ten eel ALT !.11.111 . 1•111 111 PO teal
A Chall•oge to th• World.
, I , M , :i n ii s tie ,, p , a ,, /d o to r : in n, y one •nr•al 'Y in removing •° i...Y i iriol l" oi
L h dmeteset. It destroy. the vire. or,prenCiple Dom
amt be att. a. r.l wan nuns Improved C Acme s
which those keen their engin, by enterin g
a.o. I have the enti• •• inn or saii Ma tO one I maple Si cola the eirCulation, and with the blOod is Coact yell
this place,dal ,h,. anat. ' •""` "." "o)” .•. oo•oi 00 to the minutest bbro, removing eery perteele of
"n"" nt " '''''' ' n i '' ' "'"".,, rer e '‘ ,c,..1 dmaal tr.. the eyalem. Prepare4ml told at No
err/de MI, rill he i pant. t•li any 01.urir Cry ••• ••bt. it.
~•••,. ~,,, • i i 0 0 0. „, g 0„,„,,, . „.,,,d,... , , Lararaa, a SOuth Third Street, Ph iledelphea.
ep. table r rm. ate, al *Pawls. I‘ll, , ~,,,,,,, held at the ' w oken Tea Senn, No. 7d F north litres
or w ithin. nue ne imithine that pore Wale r will not rittoomh mchsl
Minn More 11111 one thou.anil pr. Ons se different - - -- -- - -
Pon+ oe 'he eodoof Inner lola /or Mel' ee Mild not he I ADIP.S `
ware llse Common Prepered Chalk, an
a Penal we , lt It co. 'woe ilwo 11l Per mho in tryeag
at La ellen not a how teghtsully ;Waren.. I . U
Soap on more than kin artit ie• 01 light wk. ~ moat at 1 the anti how coarse, how rough, how sallow, kellow
Pone. 'old ele iroes• I owl*. ca. Inueed thw re peens of
and unhealelay the •km appears &lief elates prepare
se. eee. . ellect o , mo re lour or ceelico ea Mooch t !chalk' Resides , it is tenure/as, colualeing sledge gum
ehruaro me eider, ther L. tore poll. il ea ton a light my al lead M c 110.1/f prepared a beunuful vegnabl,
dress Iry 4 temple el an des.. hie I mote i nee.. *ple whlch we rail J(INFTS F S UFA NISH LILY
lam dr.' MIMI ti 00110 r• commend a any 5.11V11%•li Man W A IT It i• pe rice ti y tenon/all/On punfietkof all
I know to iv steel, one NII lion deleterend genitive, and lb Imparts tp the skin a [tale
Pere, Ili . d pen eel. Sold , whole mte au,/ reall rat, healthy alabaster, clear, living while, attire same
by It r Bau_hut s, time swung ae • ...nen° on thee akin, making te soft
dee/4 57 wood et .• smooth
Ti ne Aii•gh•.y Cd. 55 •'.."7• - Pr ' l'm' An •"!rter " an . r a '. ly2rta . .l l o eh acrogp t art ot tah la"-u LtIN
AT Me none. nweetlng wit the Corporator., h c n e f o n 1 ehoietd •oyo.
the fetle tat , the lotiowlng per... were y. and I White,' had it P °°a°°°° ‘ the most b a aaalai "d nold
n„.., , 0 ,,,,,i m„„,,,,,,,, the en ,,,„,,,,,, cal, Sr Ike same lime 1110.0e.ent whale I Over Mae I
I ii,,Si A., m lie ewe... , y.„.,,,,, eertnenle eat coh•ceentmo.lY recomtnend its , use wall
JOHN 1119UE1.1. moose skin resiutrea beauterytug •
Id coma boo.
NATIIANIF.I. IiOLNIFIa, Sold by WM. JACKSON, at ho Soot ant Shoe
M IL.SON AI ttANUl.ltAct, I Manager. Store,l3. ',teeny Street, head of WOod, at the man al
.101lN II OlittENltilitl.F.S, 1 the litt Boot .
J Millen It
t i PEER, Ladles, Who. rum estoneshed, ; 41
1 1,..1.11 Jr , Seiretur) and Treemirer hi hen you know that you Lee piornme4
elatewirol pre... 0 , 1 the *dad. of rhe A natural,,arterry Wide,
Coinpani an a c r y praperous o otedmon 'ford ogee. That 7" ". soil) d""ttlfdertitala.
And look a deathly yellow feed,
en the city ue Na n W Vier W.. 40 ft 11
The theme et laughter and or °llk
tjA Itl.Cl 'i l' A Ill's I I 1. It \it i led -.eve; a... 1 if .
1 I. hinthea -Tod work CON 1•1•14 01 tweed) I (dunes. heals j ° ; ‘ , 7,, r V.. ,' slim a .
, b l, l l . b o
.. f
.. I,,,TyL:S,
end Coollls ore hundred diitcrent oaaleelewe 0....." old at the same time clear and hoprove it. Seal '
with foal e /11 iegravengs It is wei. entree) animal venes,
. 7 ,,,,, ~,,,,,,, Libany
a , 1.,„.",.....„
ITC121110)• w rano and e oteilinted ti) ce G Goodrtl me
lba ot rent Parer) it I ales, •1111 to deoloned to ext.
lett, in a popular form. Sole. Inortrapturs, ahem. and
modern. hee weender•unwesitee• of 'lista) /s•
wore On Peen,. and rierwosopli) wall the prattle al
Aire of Me
'I he pare per Poi is It cents ea.• h contamene &limit
Pit pages Wm°. or Slle pet st For sale ti)
wit el It 11l il l 1 ,1 sw , Apollo !holden., ittle st
liardwar•--4:beaper than litirert
1 04JAN, N \ lI,SON it CO , Importers anals holesale
,g_. Dealers Ili Hurd. are, Cutler) eited Saddlery, No
twei M ad Illrfltl. •tiova Fmk, lwai.e now lik sterna err)
clie•p wind owl It soli:noel stock ot Ilardwane, °reported
11110 •
the deCillie of prices Iti I arope, and which they
are deternaned to • e lifogrelMOrnillll:ly IoW . Merchant..
who havebeed I(•ranorre•po,
been in the leant Si going Foist, are parocu
too) requested In call and loot through Oaf stork. as
v.e C011i11.10.111i) beiltiV IR they well .are thetr expenees.
CFI' Judges, un • tool of one Wild • ball
_r_g millions, since 1e4.5, pronounce this article unsur•
p as sed fur durabillty in the construction or all kinds of
isuroaccs Nice 11at.75 ea sh tor loads of 10 NI, gusr•
tune Month., use Orders fora 101:011d
ISOil VII( Bricks will he ex...tied at 1100 per hl, II de•
sired, without guarantee. A stuck of the neat rin•ltlY
is nuw fur sale at the warehouse, •Illoan'a VYha tl,` Co•
nal lloaht, by 1 nttl A W SIACLAR.b.N.
scirtna liestatogtun Iron \Voris
10INI X FIRE. SRlCKS.—'rhe subscribers norms
been appointed sole Agents by the inanufactunn .
for the sale of the celebrated briteenta linets," are
now prepared to Orden for any quantity, a
casht l VI.
peri 3 OUO. For the construction of fartiaces oi
all tnWa, these brinks hove been prowatuteod by eotu
petentjuilgettartheing sigiertor to all other dire brick'
13.1/ a.. C A bi'ANtiury N. Co, Canto insets,
to NE.„ fientlelvenh , Boom . Just teed and ort gate at tae;
in Robber Depot, Nu 5 Wood `tree
ip 03g Wood street, Otte door south of Diamond
alley, Pittsburgh, P., offer. for sale a las of
Drugs, Aledlettunt, pd. Paints, Varnishe, Dyestuffs
and Perfumery, Foreign and DoMeatic, to ws. he
cans the attention of druggist*, phyaans w it
e chants visiting the city, as h. is determined to sell 0
very low pricer, and give general ...Ina.. Dcm.
warranted and cheap. Varnish No and 0, N York
inanulaeturei also Japan and 111.0 Leather Yal
ae, of auperinr
M on 4e .
NVllito .4 Had Lead at
pnces Lover than herennere odered. J. D. M. also
manufactures Morgan'. celebrated Cough Syrupoarblch
lima green general satisfaction to .11 us she curing 01
Waugh. colds, hoarseness. i.e.., rahoolaing cough,
eras fp. etc, pnee ni cents per ben Alao, hlorg.•
Indian hirrr Pitts, certain cure for hirer complaint,
headache, mad all I.olous complaint.. Nee 23 etll
per tn. scplo
Ur- W. P. Inland,. Pravalliszn. Plaster.
I' INLAND. or toe Medical Cellege bf
1,./ tIOW odors to the his lutlian Ver
etsiole Pinuin tlio qudettes of which, inter
In a , Itlld ;r on
eel elphrieliee, ass been caldlictortly
melts/bed To sil women Woo ma? be latizel , ../ with
Pro. spat. Poeta or Mallon Womb, as lecoleseersilli
hunt...mar/mg • sure non *peed) . cure in the
I the. s par , / 01 iroom two 10 tto•S lances, if applied WWI
hare and r.,4---41111,11[41/4 O. eettutlest instsoillautz
h p i r h eperisphe bootleg.. so long in use. This 1.4..
conscientious in Mating, insasoosb as be b. not filled
io one ease oat of three boottron and illy-Aron p.k.
Al. for Rkeurosusea and Wasik Breast or Bark, sa:
leaded with pam,there is nothing tO o=ll dui Piaster
e doniina relict - et edeccang • care. For sale by
Wilcox, canter of Diamond and Markel st
Brawl d. Reiter, Liberty and St. xi.
, Dr J eargent t. Federal st altd•Diarnond, /dle
gbeiry airy
'advice k 014, t Denali Lid Tliaalood
A 011liteT CUB; perftWWri by the ortglitalowl toe:e '
II wedge:lois liwarlfo4rogwestkosolosa try Sol sew:
Mows' Focroit,Ptt Co , Po, I
Jelly 19th, IWa. s
Soi/os,i—A wow ofelogto wet theellette4
Induce. tos td.dd my }tenable testimony fa Mr.
eer of ruined,
eetetwewel Lim bib. I has. daterred.tioto, - fee roes,
oiheeiog to li;eir7 Cror-hott . e ;min, oleo win r. arttl o ,
that go Wiest." Mod'of many preperatkow lopteet•
wed itetwoheilsoded to the elsoo,haewounkmbf ohlieicouiote
root Liver PO lam beta offered to the pobao, acal, haled,
beano they they *be
To. tfprelwt bo. Hare bons Obeid with Liter
Complatot Crow
have gaffe reel rorwhi owikqed
=flogOmixteni ph to whom I paid arch towbar how ,
loot web WA* rwaustsna pitp.drolalsecoto
dinged sor timer, and Sully ram op la ivouchblio.
th66411n0 bodored tu pow Livorils, owl 600 N CIOT
W ELL. (ha box of which now sullooatt to kw p ago law
of poto the ride, and al the atom rympthmrs, far Ad lest
motyllty • Vim Palaareal. the hen ealhoollo torro*
leaOt...4,ootg,ripetg or gin% moth 81031011 oi the itra
nth,- t pre tee much Watt Ikm kept them la al teen
kw 6 er 71. arr, sold headaids of booms, ad ken Meat
hated o unto escophdol,ottoral by omy tae who boo wed
them 'nay took supercool...l olooaa teary alma pill to Mb
isalrlaailaaod, and in a shoe hoe will baton tom all.
eantewly recorowend them to on looms medal/ physic,
' whether for UM' Comptant or Italian Areetiono. I ear
oder thooo6kr supartor w Cokosol or the Bats PilL Bespota
611,7TAMIERF—la dome akar but.*'ill.! il i kf u relltW
c &tun Weer NI, porootaerbo wool the UlEN1111(lemloo•JA
elk for hod hat oo other than tlma propocool eel mid by
E SELLF.FS, No 57 Irood -a beam. Tlaal owl Fourth
Ilarilby Dr. CUM, Filth Ward, D M Cesar, AlDews,
To Lho Medical FriiiteoXin ?TIMM;
FItiORF.R2I notsf in use at the Hospital.
I Asylums. end other public estabitahments, wad
recsaanieuded b) some on the most distingsbahed pity.
giclans and chemist, a. an article of diet for children
id insiltds, much supenor to arrow' root, sago, ete.,
umg, pleasant to the taste, and easy
rut op in tit lb. holes of h' II lb. paps
Ipattiod emit printed dues-bon. for oo.H.t:ga,
Losing, tit his A ync ulnas] Chenn,try. p LN, Phtl. ed.,
unhildren fed upon snow-0004 IMO ep, or Indeed auT
tool of luny lalseemia two which dour cantata iekte
diettla tilted for the formation 01 irollf • and niullelol,
b ec ame (at, and acquire much ILIISONPOI7III . their limbs
appear full, but they do not acquire atrength, DOT
idea organs properly developed^
In the analysis of the Panne made by Pr:IL/Mad of
N o w York, among oiler constituents, Ito gives 15 per
10111 f oluuen and albumen; sod remarks that the
pl the Farms upon the Medical Profession and
the 'public will rest upon Its containing in the
and albumen, vegetable ftbnue and other unravelled
pudica not found us arrow root or sunder sobstaneas,
and which modern chemistry hus [knitted out as loom
necesotry to the 10fIrlAllOn Of human Ibic, sad by
means or which nature makes up tot the 00UStant
*este Mat taker place in the human body. Per sale
witoleaale or rebid, by E SELLERS,
gyp ._ 57 wood st
--- - -
Great Ifitaglish Remelt'.
VOR CotwilieniMmit The
GREAT AND ONLT REMEDY for the crate of the
Move diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, dwcovered by the celebrated Dr. Benhan, of
London, England, and oaroducedinto elf. United BMW.
under the immediate supetiatendence of the inventorat
The extrundmary StICC.S Of 013 medicine IA
earn of Pulmonary diseases, the Ainerlean
Agent In an
be for
the the sore pentidlne wa
res dna can be found in the cominututy—ousw thalweg
lief vain from any of the common remedies of the
day, and Mee been given np by the most dirdingolthed
Balsam ha
s conred and Ware tile. The Iffniuri
an t ha eared. and will sure, the mom daspetate
of cases. It Is no quack !mamma but a standard Sal
fah medicine, af known nod established efficacy.
Every Wilily in the United eqVCII should be supplied
with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to
b ut the consumptive tend... ice of the
but s. o be used as Eremite-alive medicine in all i=el
-cold, maths,
ot blood, gam in the aids and
sliest, irritant. and soreness of the lungs, broekitit,
difficulty of breating. hectic fever, night sweats, tanatri
atian and general debility, asthma, Inltienze,Whoopieug
cough and croup
Sold in large battles, at SI per bottle, with fell direc
tions for the resunances of health.
Pamphlets, coseanung a mum of English and Ameri
can certificates, and other evidence, showing Hu un
etinalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be
obtalned of the..:Agenty k ratunousl)
DFor sale by WI L M'IC A Co., earner of
at and Wood and Wu and OM sia. mart
1, 7 ROM Me Rev ASA SIII , well known end pop
Mar Clmgriwin of the Protestaiitrdetliodist Church
The undentigned having tmenatflained during theput
win= with a dlsSait or dui tamew h i sometime pro
diming great pain in Am matter 4 for ten or twelvalidiare
wdhout ditertnimion, and after hi ring triad various
remedtm with Wilt diem, won tarnished with • bottle
of Dr D Jayne'. Cannimmec Salmi , This he Med ac
cording In the directions, and found •nvariably Malibu
medioUie caused the pain to abate it three or font min
ute. and in fifteen or twenty in:talcs every uneasy
senemum vim entirely quieted. Tim mod erne was at
terwards meet whenerc twit...ton , of the approach of
pain tame perceived, and the pain a Wthereby prevent-
Ila cortunectl to use the medicine every evening
and sometimes in the morning. mit in a few wanks
health was ru far tommed, thin the delete, was attire
eil Irma • large amount of ov preslls C pain. From es
penance, therefore, Ire can confide , . tl recontmerul
D Jayne '. Car= nntive salaam, as n eelastrlmeda to
for diseases of themomsch and hea'als. A SHISIND
y ,y3l
For sale in Patithurgla at ti‘. AIfrIVRIVISTICref
72 Fourth street tam Wood, to.. Mat at theDnig
Store of ft I' SALI'ItV ASTI. Federal areal. Allcaberey
Purify Your Blood.
VI FL 0. E. SIBLEV—Dear tic hut Spring, and dm
ILL nag the previous 'winter, I W. securely stated
with a scrofulous corupinut to my legs,,. and had bees
for write months under the tare of physician. They
said my eime was almost incurable, and they conld do
but halo tor ma. I was nearly Ma will the
sal of e retches could with Mfliculty get about- Id May
lest, I parchmed of yea, and commenced ming Bars
rm.'s Salmrattsta.. After the use of two boami,
sores commenced headmg, and I laid asults,my andah
os. mans itinlj a cane. (dispensed with mY aim, and
at the end or the fourth, was so well as to mstA - all day
itrabeanng sheep. In all, I used five honing.
earofule and sores have all healed up, and sines lam
summer I have men no appearance-of Mediae." hal
bawls mantneted, and am now, in the most perfectiaMtlif
I state with confidence, hoping that others may be ben
in the same way, list the Sarsaparilla sold by
has been the means and the only means of aaetr
wholemle and reran, by
nt P wood sts, & also corner wood & fititsts.
Cream de' Amanda Moo e', for shavtar,
Cream a la Row, tor shaving;
Alma:Me Cumin, do;
Superfine Itouge, on POrtfLUO SUMAS;
hlotanlittent bags, perfumed with Lavender, Anew
terve !diet;
Ileautifial powder puffs, of all patterns 4
Embossed outlet boxes., mu:amity, tra,,vniint caskets
for the betWaste , . , el ; a *cent low and toilet wraps, nub
imie for presents.
Petwan, or Quite. powder;
[Wen vegetable bait oil,
tinsel oil, m [Kiley or emusnon varagvera, Wow, scent-
Jones' Soap; Nymph Soap . , ROM Lip salvo;
bhoU sap; Soda comp; 106CL•Or Wail • pent variety
of fine perfumery: jam reemeed; for sale ,
OM& wood wn
Pnimosakry BalaAm.. . .
iurma REED & CUTLER—I feel it a May L
In owe to my fellow ereaturce, to state something
mote respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Rohm_
Since I first used the Balsam, abut eleven pure ago,
the hapy effect of winch I then gave an teem:tot of, I
have fl ed several savue complamta and attack. at My
lus one • few days alone, and in every tutu.
bile. sand the 13•Istan alone withoomplato arid fe
w r
success. It has effected relief and care in a very fe
days. It to certeinly a mail medicant Ido 110 t know
that it will cure a Rued comae:moon., Mil I believe it
will he in many cues • prevenuve, and prevention Is
Vetter then cure; I do therefore. for the love of ray fel
low men, earnestly rceommood the use of nits Balsam,
to sal pulmonary complaints. I am cuftdent that it
eta here the means of preserving my life to Mks day.
Boston Jane l& '4ll BENJAMIN PARSONS,'
For sale by B A Fahnestock, & Co, comer first and
mod and also corner wood and nth_ ala
- _
power to cures. Prrraorvion. Feb. 17,16 f ,y,
It E. suLLstm—Nly wife haa eat years been sr ,Meet
to a distressing utiti-h, accompanied with asaim ..„ for
Me cure of which she used n e at ugh rev ..„,gi u „,
and oad the advice at the most eme physi u u uu , to
&Ulan& but all was unevatung. By chance I heard
DI )CRIT 1111111.121 Cough Syrup, and we. today . 0 4 to buy
a bottle for trial, although I had no betted Ott A a r s vh sa ,
doss ed remove hercenophiunt. To toy grir at sea
e,, ni u s
two doses gave her immediate reb 5/ s o is at u
Wu:Sled wit' a cough, but two teaa el.
poor dug of rivals
alwa'y • stops it lum astatine& elle. alf sal of 'three or
sour year, that Sellers Cough Syrup is the beat cough
medicine I have ever tried either irt lee Old: Sr New
World. W . Fatuutrus,
Seventh Vs ardont y of Pialburgh.
i The above coruhrate should un l ace ell Who are
troubled with rough or Fulham- 0o l see the Slap • v• -
al. It may be had tor fili cents a 'male, at We drug
store of R 1: SELLERS, 57 Wood et.
Sold by Dr Cassel, Eh mud, at id D H Carry, Alle
gheny city. tend
- -
Putout Block lepr I. Treana,
rtd F.WLY ENTED— Mini . ..nil remanent
LI earn of HERNIA co 11l rfUlltli. Malted to all
The superior Mammal Mos Trusa cormist inlha com
parative eima with inhabit • nay ha worm 1 1M Rod of
o,md being neatly baLunecul on springs, yield* to or
sato on Oily part of it,. and thoroughly. adapt
s w to
y 1110WOOlefit made ivy Cue wearer. II rim e wars
ilhoyt ntrolutnsiOn, anti 1.-arc ssEireetoe. The sub-
Mi.hors have made a/rampant... for the narrottaetura
DI uirse valuirtile riussea, in a superiOr style, in
deipaia, aod have them now
Yiusha for Oslo
Eh. thou olfters, No.
einithfield st near eheth, ril
lilt. 1i AT!
• W. KA urimA.N.
{Z. rd..LKILS' VKILMIFUtiIj,---Supertor to any I hare
ID ever usciL''
, Fayette county, I'a_. March I,
Mr K. K eltwunni-1 hereby certify that, I hare near
your Vertntfuga in my family. and believe it veinal, It
not superior to any I have ever need. I gave to one of
my children one dose, wince expelled about lat worms.
Prepared and told by H F. Floods t.
Sad. , hy Casael. all Ward, M Curry JlJgheny,
W J Knuth, Tempe ratirevilte; and t• Dray*, Law•
erocartlle. _ earl
3 rurlent juat rtcli k ahtfor aal
& Co
is L. Oasens Basiidisp, Ed at, met Ow Pan Ola.
Om ousertion of 111 loco, or 1ea,.......... 80 60
Two Insertions without alterations • ' 076
Teruo '. 1 0
One Week "' •
......" 1 6 0
Two Week, ,
.......W. 2 60
Three " " ..
One Month, " ......„.. 4 00
Two " " 600
Ftiree " " ... ........i. 7ao
0 1:5- ste L aq n u R" are r ,6 34 m va o l n ti t se lsa 'a , wintntlaolu'i'lalTrationi"...T3o °°oo
" 12 "
Earls additional equate tor 6 moots ...... r 55°
10 00
12 " ....,::
Ono nuare,6 months, renewable at pleante, 43W
Each additional •qoan, for II mania ..... ...,. 10 00
Two agnates, n moans, rankle at plow:ire, 30 00
Each additional *quart. 6 moons, ..... ..... d 011.
'rot %to on sal- w ..... in tummy "Amu,.
One none. 3 insertion, .... .............. II I six
•• each additional anaerlion,,,vi... 37
swooritos Caine.
Fin lines or len, one yen. ...... ...0....• • 6 00
no months 6 00
.. " .. one year, daily 6a weekly, 10 00
~ o
i. six mon th , " ' 1 00
atiesayunoiswil Or VIINIT 11%/111.
For 20 lines, or ten, One idrertion, e..,.... 50 60
o o o Two, " .........•. 076
Vine, " .100 .... L.....
1 . . Three 50nth,i..3.,... 760
~ . Ns -0 - 40...... 1 011
.i o w T 116126 t eineese749 ..