The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 09, 1848, Image 3

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rizelustvoly-fer the Pittsburgh Gazette
Plumber Details of Sorel fa Wows! births
Partszetents, Dec. 13, 1848.
We continue. our estramis from foreign papers.
They as s imprint, end will be rend with interest
During the seige at Vienna, 6000 persons were
killed, the hugest number being of the Imperialists
traps. Marshall Welden has been appointed
Gr a sernor, Windisehgratz is to take command of
the army which is to oppose, Hungary.
Several military executions have taken place.
an d several dlicingnietted persons are to be hung, '
among whom is the Poet Raiser. .
The Emperor has taken up his residence at
previa, and his issued a decree for the Grrnottuin
of a new Cabinet under Weisetiburg. The Cabi
net is organized as follows:
President, Prince Swartzeuburg; Foreign A fairs,
germ,. Finance, Mayer, Industry, Breda; Justice,
Greek; Commerce, Getters! Buckner, and Educe.
Con, Gen. Rackentercer. -
Thu Cabinet .has submitted its programme,
which is characterized by very liberal ocinditions,
upon which terms they consented to accept of
Robert Blare, Frankfort Deputy Bectetary, was
tried by a Court Marital and shot. His execution
has east a gloornoif melancholy 'over the city.
The Imperialists under Geo. Simomich, bad ex
perienced a check from the Hungarians at Furnsy,
and were compelled to retreat to Goding. The
Hungarian army was large, and all the troops
that could be spared from Vienna were sent off to
meet them.
Gen. Pabkner, the Commander of Hermanstead,
had declared ttPuseltDoccunisaloner far Tranaylva.
van* and bad placed the country under mar
tial law, and called upon the inhabitants not to
yield obedience to the Hungarian Government,
its authority being illegal.
Accounts from Hungary Mate that that country
Is In a most warlike attitude. WlndircbMw eaii•
mates its combined force to be near 300,000
They have /beady crowed the frontier in three
different division&
TUI Presidential question continues the atisorb
ing toplo of conversation in France, especially in
Paris, and the Loudon press lively express the
opinion that Louis Napoleon Boneparte's chances
are decidedly the beg.
Leave of absence boo been granted to several
deputies, Or the purpose, it is said, of promoting
c..esignses Government,: and' creating public
c ,o t , han itt his favor. It is generally believed,
b, yes ter, that Cavaignao's chance to doubtful.
The des bs by the cholera, since its first appear
ance in E tt eand, have been 513.
Th e l atest 'a :tem:int' from Ireland, are as depres
sing u e „ s. 3iarvation and poverty are the
l ea di ng fr ets ,. of the news, and unless the Gov
ernment intercedes, thousands must perish from
cold and hunger.
Denmark insists upon the dissolution of the con
joint Govecument in, Holstein.
The Queen's troops have gained a battle In Ar
ragon, and dispersed the insurgents.
Charles Albert's threats of renewing the war
have subsided.
Austria still retains her possessions in Lambs,.
The weekly acconnta of the Bank of England
are about the same. Loan operations with the
linked States, in some degree, assisted to create
;the par exchange now existing between the two
Nrar You. Dee. 4 6 P. M
Val have tees:iced the following intelligence,
which' nesched Liwarpool pm in time for the 136
= s i ft stevioes w her exiling, by telegraph.
au..? -Meagher and D'Donstute, and other
9tts Priam sem bad arrived in Lublin to prosecute
'we writs of ertm- granted by the iiiag's bench in
their femur.
?made, o...g.kterial crisis had taken place.
and the Di., wt l b. ... c onvened. Deputy Feat.
bat ballOieen co-arr snarl:Ml6
No collisions had taten place in L l er up to the
lath ult., nor had the Brusher Gaud* b.
ad. The Assembly :toll continued its sesa'on's•
Cautsractra, Dec. 8, 1646.
Szeisvic--This morning. John R. Knapp, Demo
crat, elected Clerk, on t he 121st ballot be receiv
ing 19 vote.
The Senate then proceeded to ballot for Sergean t
at Arms,-18 ballots were had, bat no choice being
effected,the Senate adjourned.
Hone.—No progress towards as organization
has been made. The Whigs and Free Sellers
submitted a proposition to the Democrats this
morning, signed y 8 Free Soden. including
Townsend and Van Doren, and has been agreed to
by the Whigs, that the contester. from Hamilton
county be excluded until the House organizes,
and their mum settled. No busineas to be done
Until this is done, except meeting the Senate to
insagarate the Governor. Leiter, the Democratic
Chairman, pronounced the resolin lon out of order.
Pugh appealed, but Leiter's dechion wee sus•
tattled. Penington, Whig, offered a resolution ,
that the Whip are ready to iteel%l2 any fair
proposition, which was carried, when the House
PHu D LPnL Dec. 8. ittg.
Hoar—The market is unsettled. and taw or no
sales eallmted. Best brands Pennsylvania and
Western held at 65 121 per barrel
Meal has experienced • decline--sales sot mode
Gram--Sales at 1120114 for white, and 108 to
LOS fur prime red—rearket heavy.
Cons—Sales of old at 53 to 63e, end 54 ets for
Provision—Them is no activity to any article,
and quotations are uncbanged. Salted stock near.
ly rz asted.
Lard—Sale-sot 300 bbls at Sicper lb.
Whiskey--Saksat 24 cu pot
Near Tont, Dec. 8; 1548.
Flour--Selee of 2,500 barrels of Genesee at
toss 25 pm barrel.
Corn Meal--Sales at 62 01 per bbl.
0,..i.--Wheat—The snailst has a downward
tendency, but corn is steady, with Wes of mice
et 65c, and 61 for new prime white. Sales have
reached 15,000 bushels.
Oati—Sales at 36 cis per bushel.
Trovisions--Them is no activity—quotation.
Bata'mos:, Deo. 8, ISou.
wear—iSsiles of 04 , Mills at SS; Howard St. is
bad st4,but buyers refuse to sot .
Cam lidepas—Sales at 52 75 to S 2 94 per bbl.
Grain—W' —gales of 3,000 bushels at 104 to
105 ets. per bushelior prime red sad white.
Cara-43ales of pikes white at 432146 and 4Se
kir yelkwli—teetipts are heavy, amounting
q 25,000 bushels.
Oats—Sales al 30 els; sod aye at 80062 cents
l'rosisicnurTheire is csi activity in any article
--quemticns are steady and korner prices.
hiskey—Bales at Ni eta per aid.
No change in other articles small) , spoken of in
tlis martens.
N PLANNELJ3—Three bales heavy' ward
Mnbk 131 4EILF t aaked Casstaa,just received bt
...... -
doz (Poland) Broom .d for
ITIMOVIY INEDI7 ---- ` 7 '7 bbin g o od Timothy ,eed, ree'd
1. by eszal beat Ashland Feettsee, and tor sale by
twat? 1 & It FLOYD
—.-- -- -- -- —. .
WRITE WEANS—It WA, ...tall White Ileans,in
WI filarrtaad fix sale by start? Jls B FLOYD
rdli-TIMPEITEW-16 Ws jest reed and for
wacbr voN7 D &co
A-4 Km 7.1 red and — for sat o
3 , EMWER TAITNISR—AIways on nand and for
&a Web* none li T LEECH, Jr
EII -4 Dbl.l. o N Salmon; 1 euk Codfish; Ido
v,,,,„..y„,t,; 1 ...mutat Ilallibet; No 1. I es 4 3
nd, los ado by . 0,17 J S wmusrds
- ----- doO Time
Bl oaus-2° kdr? AltiNtaN i tine . .
by 144 liberty at
Wart for We oy
Dora ---
it e a t t _ r "Vc e a r y & co
REASE-1 13 bbls noir land
LARD 011.-10 bbls Coedillug's best wan,
lAird Oily ject received and for sale by •
-11%13Z Pia la Etna and fat sate by
ot~lJUH______AL- 3 DILWORTH
risl3 111. MUM
mk`itclAt K ORD
S. Sun San
- 11.nrilly,
10 Sand y,
11 Mon y,
11 Tuesday,
13 WednesdaT
14 Thuntday,
15 Prid,
el 5
7 34
9 4l
10 47
11 2)
Son 440
7 . 20 440
7 -1 4 .f 9
7 21 470
7 21 4 3.9
7 22 421
7 22 4
W.W.11. DLNNT. 3. Aavvn. W L. ]ICirDT
OFFICE Prrrstumon Garen a.
Saturday Morning, Oeoember 11, 1.45.1
The markets yesterday mere generally very
et, and operations which were light, maniLsted
little, if any change from former quotations.
The weather continues unusually warm fur the
season, and from the frequent muse which hay.
fallen during the past few days, the rivers at dust.
last evening were at a naiad, with 101 feet
the channel. From the advanced stage of the sem
son, however, and the general scarcity of freights.
businetis in that quarter continues extremely light
FLOUR—The receipts. both by river and wag
on, are very limited, and ve•y little is doing in the
way Cl Ales. We note sales in small lots from
first hands at 53 5701,90; and from store in dray
load lots at 54,1004.12 e p bbl.
SUGAR—Near Ottawas continues in fair de.
[nand, with regular sales by the hhd, in limited lot,
at 4 Sa`ic. St Louis refined loaf sugar ranges ac•
cording to quality from S to 10c p
MOLASSES—We notice no further change in
the market. Regular trade sales of New Orleam ,
at 204130 c, and of sugar house at .10a4.5c f•
PROVISIONS—The market continues quite
languid in almost everything under ;his bead, brit
prices general' contimm the saute as at last quo
ASH •'.—The market far all kinds is at present
rather doll, and we POW small nalea only at the
f rates—Pearls, 51e51ei Sitleratus, 51 ; Sn.
da Ash. 31633:; Seorehings, 3104 c, and Pots at 4
FEATHERS--Salasof 20(10 Ilas, is differeat lots
at 333.1 c p fa. The market is well supplied end
rather doll.
FlSH—Sales of Salmon at sts,soet9,oo, of
Mackarel, No 1, at £11.50a1£003 of No 2 at £9.50
and of No. 3at &5,750 , 00 p bbl. Sales of Herring
at £5,15(38,00 rir bbl, and of Codfish at 54.50 v
WHISKEY—The market rernmns quiet, ante
regular .ale, of good rectified at 19i1 20 . o natl.
VINEGAR--..Sales of cider vinegar in ',mall loin
by the bbl at me) per gall.
FEED—Sales of bran from ntore at 104012. c, and
of shorts eta range of 14 to 20c per be.
MONONGISEISIA COW- - By the recent pPO in at
Monongahela, 100 pair of heavily freighted eon
boats have tnken their departure for plc lowe
markets, and from the high price of con!, in th
different western and south western markets. on
dealers will no doubt be amply rewarded for thei
Tag Snotta Geer —The N. 0. Delta says-- , Ar
cording to the Crescent. the sugar crop of lots
amounted to 140.000, and thdof 1517 to '140,000
hads., and 400.000 trnts. of molasses. ,Thin pear
ii will probably be touch larger. (Jur coutemp,
rary's estuntite differs very widely (rpm that ea
moat persons who have closely observell the con
dition and prospects of the crop ci this year. Thu
accounts which reach us lead to the belief that the
yield of this year will be one third of perhaps a
larger fraction lees than that of last year. There la
a universal complaint all along the Ormat of the
shortness of the crop, and the difficulty of inskir.ft
good sugar.-
Nam Vona Lccrraol. Meaxer.—For Sde the
demand continue. good. and the sale 4 this week
reach 20,000 aides et quotation..
Oak islaugh.erl light .
Oak, middle
Oak. dry bide
Oak. Ohio
Hemlock, light
Hemlock, middle...
Hemlock, heavy...
Hemlock. damaged
Hemlock. poor do
FViii.lSll 1-1(., !ill'. ktll-1.1...r, bol, .r. Co a,,
Iv •t tr,. ... a! !,d!.. ,d ar!!!a• 10 uvrommo
aov . ~ or e ortoso. J ', Oat. a.. lov. ro ni r,.• ee • ..r. Ja,,r , 111 RIO: A Cri
( ilt. pros .1” , or . .001 t ! hare tran , ••d ts ••.: ~ 1, p.,,.. rend.' , 1,1140,
. . -
4Ctrlo) trot , irt t 1 it oar,
acct a.
Ortta.rd ant, ,ince.l,•,:to a !a•I• .11 Couve:i., I. •
I , ‘ & ki. M 1 1 1 .112 kk 22 ‘• " 'oi r..'-' 2 •'•'" , °F . ' 2•2 .• I ' an, „table ryr rs .arntiy to ...,o) tit,* .J.-.lear 2 i al Wet:
Job do, 01 Drerrnbrr Ali lki- k r. to Produce Iror• \ ..••• friar... an! l• orr. •
&heat:, NitialrAN 11011ERTSON lree't Ct' ~,,,,,,..m.„,,,,,,,„,„„,.„, ~..., ~,„ ). ~.. ~,,,„ 2 . 222 '•
rf7kl F. Vold- ,7,k. C C . An Lapre.. toad at.. I,e taantaatt Itnt y at the ware
1011 N Still' fON I'
do o C dr': I b oo .. of J 11l C irtlAt I .1.1. WaTr -tier, beta eetr
Jon , MaJon.Clir SC. dr,-.4 i 111F:1.1SE-tit/ 1.. x• p : one IV I: t•tr.....e.r.e'd and for I Sturlnflold aed Crra.rt .1„, .r .a'r toe r a t.l at tar to
.alr by 11 if. 11 It CLI•tkiKIIN , /014 4 4/ ttepoll hr., 4 net, r corner Stot.of:e!d and
An Ordinance, ,aa , , b., !, a , I ad ... E ile,letno. Crtaato ,d. A. Ilue, ter f•rou r. Ott.
A it:hr.:Jan( the .ILitynt tit usu. , Bora , art add 'oat. -- - -- -,, W•. , D jie-1 ,, .. 'oot o', et. 1 tnol , •‘. Jr
oy Jam. aI Ca rrta I •II F.F , A i' , .+l- .2 - . 1 ou•• .rirr'" &i'Pk••. rro ~ . o 'u Prot A 3.4. r. Air, rr 4 ho'...tin Anrottrrty. oily
._.,- ,
-Be ~, ~,,t , ,,, ~ ~,,, ..,,,,,, ~ ~
ca .,. . jot ..1... try der,: 11, &li iil\: 1 'T• .:111.:011, I ~,,,,ta
i, 01 2 1ktlisburia, in ;elect nod A:Ammon ' Coo ...I •a• pithlt , N - LTS-3:l , ath Cite 4 :Ws. rred
• s -d I t watei 81;Rtek, , K.S 4,•4 1.111 - 111. PittiVILEAl...l.l.-This
scmt.led. Toot the Alay or Dr a1.,11/4. ~ /1,-, solo°, l, by derl IV &12 ?,1 - Ci• re,i go , . : i.l o r ,. cr.: , ..r• r. , a... eieere, .µ ) ea.Le
, lard to ..our hood. La :saw or lanoc• Niaekerell. for
. I kurrEii-ki , 2 kk. Otknia Ro ' Ikit 2 ^ , t'''''" 2 ‘n•l '. 2 tato Juno LL, „ r .'I , J . ,.• ), r . 011.. “, qt . Ter.,
TrrearNlll!* OF nil o f rIFICAI24.-From the : 0 .,,, h ,`:"'.7,'. n ::;',::,';',::,,..`; A d° 4::".. n :::,` . ':f ‘j t `',.",: r l:,,. 1) ..... t•y drr•J 11 &itNo i 1 rcitt.,t , , . ~,, ~,,,,. „..... ra -:- . T , ro ., t o ~,.. ~,, 0 , ox„. '
following to the editor or the Cairo atitatl appears i cater.•l al IN< me 01 411 1. ,, erto Orr a .110, br toli I) I.&t•ii i.,S 1.2 ',..r, IL .., RI. pr /11.• I / /10,114 . or/. 0 ..n. '.-""....... . 5 •• ""• . "•"... 110. 'kW,' are 22 °...
that the DeK.alb was ain't by eocrsintl in COlhatot I i ' 2 " 2222c " ° (.22 k 22 * 2- "" 22• *U 2 2 . 22 i." °U'Y 2 ". a " 2 "• 2 ./. oud
.. r ~ .ire? 1, A li SI V/ /.- /IPA) \ , d”i” . .•• l •trd •`. ler • •••i •rf lk• •L• rIO tier , .uourb• It ”,
MEC 11 -Br tt tor., rt.., ... d.r . Thit 'IP, •&:, . • Iron% rr ,'4 tn., For lox, by
sa:th the steamer Clipper The leave WeS Wilt. j credO, ,orporste prop , rl, old re..., . • the cr, r., ( `11)t is •• 1 '`• I••r'I: -- II ' • r•••rr , r' • r ., ' •r•,, •
rr•• , ‘ , ii iitkiln `is ktokko iiondtoo , tta al
!,.. „are arra 1...... .• • J J 1,1.1.• lA, ....,
ic, by the captain a the Chpper,, and ta dated ! 2 % 222 ', : , 2 2 1 2 ,: t :, 2 , 2 ,:',. ° ,,,; r 2 ":; ° ,, t . ' ,. 2 , 2 0 ' 22 , 2 f , `:• 2
~,,,,,,,,,,,, r''..l."" .. ~..2 PI.FNITtIit tat rt• litiOlCs-Tha Women of the iii-
Nov. 2 5 • i :, ~ • . ~. d , ~ k - 1 t. r rie , ra., r. 'I sew. 4.. akric ir• ri• l'•otto
- ' 2 " . ° 22 "" ` 2222 ' 2 22 22 ' 2° ° • °°2 .22 k" 22222.2 '• 2122- PI :: • N . I J I'--
K A . '. 1 A I 2FI 1 ew Fen1.1, 2 En.r.,,, , ..... - .., Ito, ,r-t.rure - ..114.r . etd
, do, or 1x....rm .1..• c 1 . I -I`
LAMA otilhl, nix miles laclow Snuthland, we met a ! ;A ' na.: :111 001,4 1 l'i, , N. Entail" . !r( in hr . ' ' 2 ' - ' " - *'•""• 10 i ''' q°° 2-22, ra , kt'y a , .
I i ti:, I-t , , 2 , 11 K , oer, 10 r /1•14 4do .t woe , togr.-Ar1t.e..,..c , e
stool! stern wheel boat. the Tieliatic which look it . f sr d;EL v o ,„ ~,,,, c,. t k.• ~ ~, ~, ~ .., .., .1 A ... 0,11.•{4.1 I. , 1•1-.. ,arrr rf 1.,.c• 0. 4.,ng•a,.d or.l A torr,,, tor litter
beer to the larboard, prearoung thus a broadtude. JottN SitirroN. r.,....1 -'. c , ,01.14/r4 1..d1 , 1 1 r , Nu,* \V I • rt•o ..I I....traced
• col li sion seetned toevttable. I commanded the I ! Jana M ! .....a, Cie, In et• _ dr, 11
(:.",rl.r.'•'2N- 'a tote
joir. •• /. H FIT.% Ii t.! ; '' ' t l ' l. ' ''''"' "• Iv " ''' .•' . I'' "O l
entpne to be reversed, and we backed with all our , An Ordinace, {,e Female Pori. ol Arne,. a or, p, rtratt•. to•
might.. but taa
late-We Banta the DeKalb about , /urerarieg the annkot .1, to the Fr, 1I , I,_ -1 o „:. .0 ' ....en• to•al per 1 2 ... n, .a! F r no •• r•-•• art, •pertn,er , . , -or, wr.o g-, ii
between mloothints and the Ellen. The en! EN All• 0. app.? 110. , I 'uoartnaos. iA • • 1.. •4 .:- o•• F0i1...50 ow I J... 0 i 2 B 's.
'::."..:77,,,... .....,, COUllotied to work. but Or , 6,,: . 1.• I - f.. •o ~ f/14/ 4rd aL .d a ,.,,,,,,, by b„ , „.,..
!,,,._ ,
~ .
.. ,
~ 1 . r
~ i.:.....,,t,:,,,,!:.(„1:::,,,,,
Pb, n ...:::,
,r,. .. r aid
keeled over. and in leas than three ettninea brr 1k ' . „••••k:Sh.•• , , k , ....... 1 t 041100111 r d ../ . : 4 v . n •
boiler deck was rid water. The boOers eaplc.; 2',.„,°,°-2„,2;.,:722°,,`„,°,7.22,27:".2,':'22•22,,`,2t:L't
. 2 :,' ,,, ,- .. L . :• ,., 1, : ~, . :;;I.N LI },.11 1 1 Co
Find under water, tearing h.n the cab.. rm. tae ' .1,. , .... ,, t.or.or, d d 0,..•. •or each !.1 4 ,. 1 , "12- i- ' 2 ' 2 ' ' 22• I °'• •••• 2 “ . k . ' 22° " 22 " i ,
Wit, which latter, and floated down the 1 att. 11 , .e e.oups .1 to, bo. d•ed• tor • ..- .. I V13.11..Ntt 1111EY .a. Co
atlealir We took up the paasengets oome o, ; deper,cle. no.e 1•0010/ .y f .... s . ,ii to .ios I:trerr a• •
, un,,, ,, , , ~,,o gg, g , 0 l b, „,..„ 1 „,.. r b „ gang I „! :• , 1 , 14 , 4 „ 710.li1.111, 413 d ter my 14 eJ.,.a7s for the Itre II .11 F I ...:,..;,.,, Kle, -.AI .Ilrl 4 env.. l'ember,. ior an r 4. 4
F1111•1\ Li Hull A t o
planks. others stood upon the hurricane deck. ere li - Ile it turUacr orda,re.t and ii.aJte.t 1 ,
which clouted, and the remainder were rescued Th, „, much o r soy ordor.o., to °idols..., a.• mos f it.l - 1, IN N All r -1,0 V 1• I 0. ~,r 1 stir. esr
from the upaet hull. No lives ware lost. I conflict an 11, la.vt•io i• 0/ 1411 uttitosoce. ta ......d1 NJ Fri ebairt, L a.ol •t, \„ k. and Lot or. I slime lOC ,
The DeKalb w. chartered hi , a number of pas- 1 1 th !, • ,, t!cr . , ,r , , , , h aT i , , aa , r, , ,. ,, .... „7 ,1,, a
nn . Lelr• 1.31..., 101 ..a.r by
art. Flilk - ND. lift, 1 & Co
'e.g.,. to carry lb.'. Gam r 4u ,, e.. ' s ''',, hl ,° °". I a o..) " 011,0;:•.•.h•-r..Z 1. , . Ate.
"' • I
nod was at the time of the accior at plow.. .4 a i am RUA:\ Olikit-tattON. Pm.% C C (.21 GAR-et ne.d. ronnir , ti to pr.rne N 0 -we, , tll
aI3IILU boy of 12 or 14 years of age. t Fr. E. Vol,. C.k t I' I. .„. Lot. i„, ,i•• r. ort .a.. 'o rre.r r OrrkIgOTOCIII. 1 , )
I JOHN sitivrt , :t lira:. IT et , Hit , ND 11111.1 & Co
_ . .
CISCINI . I4TI, Dec /.
Setrawata..r eleaCt Tarentn .
eras run lIILD IWO sunk MAL night GA G Z. 1.131...e1p
pi river, by the Harry Hal. The Marertto was la
den with Cotton. She is a total 10w.4—(.1.r.
I.3IrOITA.cT ColllllEaciaL CtecialOtr—The N. Y•
Herald, furnishes a full report of an elaborate own'
ion (unanimous) of the Supreme Court, delivered
by Judge Edwards, in relation to the affairs of the
North American Trust Co., which is of importance
to our commercial readers, since its the first de
cision of the kind, and is in direct con Mat with es.l
tablieed precedent.
It appears that the company ,when engaged :n
busineim, drew bills of exchange on the Intone 01
Mock illop, Dent Ar Co, of London, to a very large
amount, WORM were paid without the firm boi;
to funds on account of the Company. After meet
ling these drafts forisome time,the Trnrt and Bank•
ieg Company was notified that rexXilltanceit were
required ID make good the advanees w r etch had
been made on their rcpresentation•. or the hint. !
would be protested. la accordance with the re
condition, the Company made an assignment of cer
lain aeeUriDes to Palmer. M.4llup. Dent St .
of London, to protect the lintal.ites.they had thus
The bill, in the present case, wan filed tc net
aside On. assignment, but the bighert judicial Iris
banal of New York has pre. ate judgment that
the assignment Wa• legal and ts obligatory' upon
tile parties who made it. This dechean, is
bag created considerable eXedement among thinm
laterested, both from its unexpected turn, as we , l
as from the large sum—ab,ut S23o,ooo—whioh
was dependant upon the Opteion of the Court.
Fmk ue TEM MasettALl. Nkv.—We learn from i
the clerk of the steamer Marehal Ney, from Mem.
ph., that she made a landing at annmeree, about
2.5 mileti below Memp is. and wade lytng at that
place about 4 o'clock on the morning of t00X...3d
tont., the cotton on board was dt.covered to hem&
fire. By the prompt exertion of all hectic on board,
the fire was Noon got under, hut not until it Iced dli,
etroyed about 50 hales of cotton. The boat austain
.ed little or no injury. The fire was euppoised to
! have originated (rain sparks felling from the ...i.hica
ney,--IN U Pic.
Spirit of the Domestic Market.
ST. Loma, Nov. 29.
Flom—This article woe extremely dull, noire
amounting to only 511 bowels that we bear of—a
iiinnt of which was Fine, at 03.15; two small lute
country brands at $4,20, delivered on board; a
small lot &sonic brawl at 51,25, and I Ott tibia extra
at 51.30 9 Lb.:. Freight is steady at 50e y bbl to N.
Wheat—Prices Wele a tittle down. n2c home
tbo highest limit for strictly pi Liar, and but c,,e ..r
two lots at thalfigure. We quite ani;ce SO•aniie,
(air 70,0 c, Suring fineill2c, common and 14,er,
60611 0 . V he.
Coto—Arles were light at a decline of 2c on
rime white and yellow. We quote 42n sacks in
Pole a t 35c, and 2.00 do at 21+c in new gunnies,
sad 200 do in caanburgs t.l. 30c p be.
Oats But few striving sun 00 rhange In rul es .
In bulk 200 is a lair quotation.
Barley—A few lots, fair, were token at 60Coii,de
itchy:ling sacks; common qualities, 10045 c fed
b-u-ILyc-Flour—A email quantity in barrels a 51.271
soda lot in sacks at. 01.75 /1 , 100 lbs.
Lead—No sales of impornsuce. tipper m in , ~
steady irt 53.85 Per 100 lbs. Waders. however err
Joking 52,871 9 100 lles. No sales Lower Y.l Ines
New °straw., Nov. 'Ma
Bates of .Cotton yesterday. 6500 bale.--pt tees
inifer--Middling 5,1 c, Good Middling 51 4- - d ,
wand principally for Great Britain
Sales of Sugar, 50 bade--,lemand fair, bat prices.
feeble—of Molasses, 700 tibia at 214$20.1c — clmong
rate 20c.
Tobaeco--Baies of 111 libels, embracing lOti ad
mined at 41c .d 67 at s+.
Flour—Sales of 4000 bbl,, including 1400 czno
Obi° and 1200 Indians) at 13170; 10,5 [lOOO Oran
negotiated o,r on 'eb•nce Saturday cventng,
Ohio and 15 Missouri] at 51,75; 100 Missouri
a1.4,61e• and 100 choice Illinme at 5-s,2o—prices
r 4 e l o ,
225 of sacks ordinary to
850. •
beIIIICI, t],
Atlantic, Paikinson.l34siwnsvitle.
C atu den t lientiricksoniftenver..
Mtetrtgan No '2. Gilson, Beaver.
Laos 4rie, Sbolest Beaver.
LsAlvel, Beaver.
Jos Nelson. ittoore, Wheeling.
Jeanq:Liod, Zanesville.
Pioneor,_Forsyth. Ot. Lonia.
Saoss Roy,,DavAson. :51 [-Ali,
Itlesaciagori Rem', Cincinnati
ULI'A 1111,1.
Louis gr_Lanr Iknnrtt. Rrownsv.ile
At/antic, Part:mann, itrownsvllle-
Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
Michigan No.. 2., Beaver .
Caroline Umbel. Braver.
Arrow, Gordon. Itrownsvitle.
Arrow hue. Storm, Brusenastlle.
Owner. N. 2 Crooks. caleinnEw
Robert Fulton. —, St I..tuis
Jo,. Gordon. NI e Lane. Co.i
Wigtanoto,—, Beaver.
, blares
I ph ass.
4 At dusk last evening. there were 10 feet 3 incht
water in the channel, by pier mark, and at a Elam
Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M.
Brownsville Packets. S A. M.. and 4 P
Geneva Nashville.
Cineinnnti Larnertine.
St Locos. Pioneer .
Wheeling. Jas. Nelron
11 ,0 Pl nt Irt n•tA I .S wtil be received at the eh,
y Corom.s•lov.• utotl noon o , Tioarr
day. I.lut day td December neat for ;he lollowtnl L.I
old, to be done on the public grounds on New hour ...r
800., et.
Taking the railing and coping off the tame. well/ •'p, , N i .t..._ 4 ... , , p, , , ~,,. ..1,
on Fifth etrect, and repleetng the ammo on,new walla. t '• ' ' ' •a". etiii°••e e •:a •• ,
per yard 'meal. Abe, Minna down and replactm i•Y a". 11.0.1.ALEN Shit I H
N ,, ,, , , .:„.,...,, '"
,_„.„,..„ Ds • i.nrinuau -
No I Sump, just
g' T:king down the preeent terrace Tra,l on Falb meet
and so nmeh of walls on [:rant toad Rosa +tracts as th- noe : 3o BAGAI.EY & SMITH
Commiasioners they direct - . . - -
Excavating foundation three feel below the preset. L. , _ A LEH AIU °- ° ioir. super,. etuleratoe, in Lairs'grade. per etileir yard: foundation of wnlle below th. 4 . 21 cod i.0.te•,,0. rere.ved tool be .ale I,y
pavement. per perch of 1,5 crane feet: walls ahoy. t.n.ln ISAUAI.F.V & `Shit 111
pavement to he eat work of the tame es preset t peal!, .
per perch of Al c aloe per•-ine ern, to 1,5 three 'eel l.l' AEA. , .NT INIPOII I I HS PRICES-Sub
•l. A
Oi 01 •uch :rock net. ne the rennin...ow re may .! J 0„,....,„. 4,, m n , c , „,,, C1. .. 1 , te ll i• c , o n e hp,.
Addlltonnl Memo at etriewne el gate wept,annie 0... anee el Ihr 1,11.111 111 Inc ortgo,el ep. their Stock oi
the p ....e. I. tier •it •1 it I 0, A•ly trierrenning fe••••) A pa.... eontorteitta •rery °nisi) 0 1 00 . 1 i
that may be• neer minty m e re does wto.r . the altre. tip, .1 p ad. nod enanie,<oll, 10,30
to the dtainie.toorin Ail tome,s o ce.emy for :hot _.
reborn epexided at..k to be Moti•Ol4 bi the
5... monitor . l. -6.... l sleitll.
tu ...-7. sat•k. dried Vrarnee, ° do reitllls,S.
1e , r...111.1 ,.. ~ •PP , .vi t . ) .. 5'1 ., ..1` ,1".^. 01).1• 0 per t 1 me t Cm
onset m ••• and •or •a• hy
ten by the Cornintr.mb-rs. order whose •Mectnbeti• not Ai I II I.tlo NT. 41 water .
dance the whale wort um he done. Bidden will al. ~
. , , tiii :n „ 10
1 Pi ,i'A°ll- • ,3. (4,1" • 0 2110.10(
ao state what sum they artll snow tor Material In pre- 1 ,1 )
~,,,, b)',...,, „,
-°,,, ii A.l
7 . , „ ii s ~,,,,,,,,,,,
~ ~..
. ere
The wo kto be commenced n the ensuing e urine, , 1' i NI. 1,4 Fe I,- Mocia. 0..1 i.ov lave. L2(11, 2 .
sore lane as the Commtesioners may think prac•l n.
..1 t c, tc , none n ~ p H..., t 01.... ~,ettec d ..11d14,11.13 .
ble a. rI , I, . I r.. St, re "Ni lonr.n •t. 1.)
No bide will be rrecired tot any portion other than i.t.•&l A .1 Al SEll
the whole ot the wort eo roe &Red to be den!. -
JO- , Ell . MAIIII. j,.., II i.EY °•KIN° -1,......., a1t.,...,u5• ter .1 mid tor
I Ill) 1t AS PER KINS 1. CoenrnisltiOrlCri 0 ss. by 11l RISHIIa.E. V: il.bON & Co.
NV)) BENSON. n0v...../ Wares sl
- -- • -
COTINISSIDNII. ' trartca• November :at. 1841,-thil 1 1Nc.,..E.1i ttll,_,. hn . -...perior Lin.ered 0,1. ,uer
IA rereorrd mot tor sate I
NOTICE -Bide far the above wort. for talking oil
noeuP %VI! li A SIK7 AN D1.1.:..N.S
the ratline and cop,. .....1 recng ine •anue. awl
taltina doom ltd replactitt gab's..., he racetre°• 4..: AI.U.RATL,-- 21 r...a.. Cleve' and Sub.ratat. le
separate fro •imie wort. kneelers 0,11 state how. 01 ~,.., ~,,,,„, ~„ ~,,,, ~,
reneh per tont pore-racial for eat, and per perch for ~„„, %V IC K A NIT' AN DI .E.SS
roach .1311(.10e , w t .' souse tor matennnt lit peeve,
wail ./t ME-PH i MARAS, I Ai'r•N e.IDES-1.: M., 1,. tot •y area Baton. for
TIMM As PERKINS. .I ) •.e.e iv in,... N% ICK 1. NI CANDI-F.l°S
WM BENblei.
Connor...neer , race. t, ° lal- 1 , .11.E.SE-Ile Fes pr.., lb H 'been..i tor saleqy
Journal, A inenean Chromme Ye. and Db.pat. n N... Loa - P WIC). A 11, AN BLEU , .
- - •- __,,,,_,,_
eopw. i .I.ARa--Ifite. .enin hest Tare Prlnflpe "-MI
. - . - . -
A, for .... ow he .n.)O a.Nlit...°ll & BENNETT
A Ordinance;
D•fiPon g M. Ima betten-prt eh, Third al,d F 2 1 ,11
Wards. Third and Sash Word, and aI.
, i ) t, h Louts Sugar SILK.
EtArittA Ward. I AS A 11l TCHISON a. Co
I. 13e 0 ordathed 1001 1 1 11001Cti hy.lhe
t and o. to,
kJ of Potsourch in Select and ,019100 0 ...ohne, a.. x
seintded, That the lihe a1....110, the I lord Ward [rho; il.l.lAt RICKKISON
Ward '
•.00 me
• I i. kt-. 40 1.1.0 e Ila“,a Sugar 60 hags wh„e
ord. and the -erond aid trots ale Kothdt ard, „4,
Le. and the, shlk:11011100 , ,S 1, I. 1 1 01 and 'Dreyer loer- - ee t i a' Si 11.1.1./ tIICKI:TSON
'e a
ut an a. the ttode
of La..3.y Wee, dde ..or Fan Ward th•ode 1.,,,,,.•Crug a so h . • yto
wr•taaard e) crate- of 1...t0ert . , 10E001 1 0 WIL.OIII, L l° / do Ijaoooo Ariel., oo
" LI 1 rapanita red d and tor Law y
to IV) de a eta , I, Or e rehlre 04 )Ite creel Berl
to Chatham street: theh,e :dr rehire of Chatham
,reett to I,,uay 1, 11 1 . 41 A Yrou- .11e.kre by the rah Hnu.e. IC do new oho
of amd A• 011 00 10 T 1 yto .an t mei", b• the t• eo re d. 13 , +11 0 0 Ju. , re , •mt tat ••'" tO
oi 'Fr) weed to hie mold he assaohgabeia neer dee4 IllA XI - TSAIN
Ahd .usher, that he di, aeen Ihe Firth and Sixth .., , 111. rr,
Ward.. he rounded to the rated %Vary WasbinStor. ) .
itmet. Mara,' ea. received and .er.
SI,. II -4•1- lurthrt t y the authors() j „. 4 sirr ,
a•ore•and. I'ha• :be mad the petton.
reanhog CO ens. r ert .ihe eataLlished ria yo. K r , .
add the) are hetet, aL•r.••rd qu ,, •ra therneeivea ac• I adr •da•
chrdhlgiy And aarin•r Lhd. nthroiner •h . alt In „.,„. ,„
uo wiao 00.cra,• tar co“eettoto 01 haze , to; tee lay .
) en: t-4-IA r . ..••• .•t• Ito Cl hno.lig 10MA I,a we
Sic lII—Ur .1 Nether . Tbmt erk• Er., Al
oi - Counc , in , nod they are ta•rad•) d.rerted 4,...11 1. r .y
.1 A ait:Y. :SI water at
"H to, w
th• Th..a I :elt a 1... \•,\
- 110 k 1,neo ha;lt . 1 0 4 . ,•.'; ,
~ , , ,." "4 ! 4 4 " ., , d •
" htd.• ac••• ordlnaner • isa ma, enhtLet /4i•l
l 0 .1. or..aaare, de add the acme •
• lb 022
... ur.2
....1(7 '04 41
• • •a? 61.21
• • 11359 111
• .Irititi 41
.. • 0 (614
. XlBl
DATE - 2 , T SOLAR 1.0111) LA NI 1.4.--Art est•n.tve
I. tossortmen , of fordentos &Co • re.ebra.e.l no • nu• t.., •
for and superior all mher• ... o.e. ad.; ord to no o .
diarrhea efirambowt. tartooc., ttw..,..,;.. put. ,t• ..ol dr.
V.v.. boils, nrl` l Is l l ' l .41 ` T ''''''' "'''" r ` ° '''''''''" all` 1,,T I U\-:n !.ales 111 . erm r G . :1./I •11,aLle tor be:
uad I.r,.aiot , Igtot is de.tra . ne.
AA0,111,1/A11:t• (fair 1,./lfrUk.l.-2114Eialt.r• 1..0,r., k., 1' ie. ii. more and on: se e veo,, l o w
Shades, La traa, 1.4in0 tea Caos rrif , ./CI., 0., ....., 4 ''' %% I ,l ' 0 . Id. , oS 1 , 0 wm , *n 1 French Blerloo•3 French Mertz:anal
lias Chandeliers. trurn
la fOor .44 1 4 i tOPAI. VA FINI4H -to 0. , . / a1.....1 , Uhl do do. 1 \A K ‘ ,l 1 , 1 .11) ba• oPeo(d 0 Itut . , a Mor days •
ders W W a . l 11.4.0 N, 40 market at i 1,../ In tee. do 2 1,•.% enxi.l. 4 1,1 00 01, 5i 8• On, att ' •. 4 tote .. ,, Ilm• ~ I' •dl , ro” I rem'b A l, rtllo..
. , romprosong rill. rem •tm•e. °I Abloom, liaroet Straw
! J AIE (3011D4-Wht . r and I.'act Lace. Caput, cen . .'d ," ' . r. ,,,. ' ... ' , . "1. 7... ' . " . ' t T.,"'..'''L.77,,:u..""n- ~,, :scarlet. Coe,' . Drob Blue. IfIOWII. 411 d
ameba do. white aid Nark taec Undoe•lce,... oln "'.,.;:,, " ''"- ' .'
' "•'''" doll -' - ~- " , Alarar".. Illue, visa tames t.,tiuotocs on black Ala°.
-ot st
Lace 13 ram., 1.," du Vet:. p'.oo Fr ids ta °tit ' PAR \ Writ 0.. A 51) ' ) 11 , 11 . .5F. CLOTHS.
t.or:ara, mutated 4,1 mor.m'a 'omb', do, otn , 'd ruffs 1•:1 , 17 , 1F.11 4 - 19 .a. a • tor. .41..:.1 , , tor •A le I, 1 01.. ,t, , c. 0.,. ,i,cludong a taw pieces sir. er,
tom ate , , ladies born co.ra brie t0.1f., gr., do de do; .1.: I- A.A t 1 1)040.1 ACO I ~,,,,,,,„, t,,,,,
also opera 111, lb ad dresses 1,11,... , llower• no ... 1 ~,,,, . .i .. .... .. .
,toss , , ' 1 111,1,1•15,,, , - Nio o rot•oro• •Bl ue .4...., Ey go .,, A n .
troL. and gla.. oo gso Pirt iris and s 1 our saoe wo ol . - ( . ."--" so'" '" .
PLA IN cA mist 1•' Nl , -.Alasott, timbal, Brown
sale oo.d ruts, by rlf 1 ATON A Co 7 door
. _ , I.•sl kit Dlo'lg , o A re,
• •-.- - Drab, /1 44. a Ae
dee) Cok 1 04 t. st k.Z . A LERATCS -15 e.•lt • tor sale by , F.olltio II lit. RED CA4/10 , .1•'.004 , --flat and printed
,FVo 5 1,1,5:v HORST At o • 'Jour de Lamm, or•.•e•I o'a•honere..l.notoartiote Stripes.
g orrA I' AND CLOAK TRIMMINII 4 -25 doe arms c-7 ,-, I i a ng.v article Inc lad,. 0re...., 4 SIM stnped Alpacas
1..0 a•sor I d otos. TIISSeI, 5 growo 0 used alt B.eid• CLok EH .1.-,Eto_,. , „ in ~,r . g , ~.... • n - .l . __
. 4r Jr do noon. do 2 duds drab enrol do. sdo drab • , e ,.., 4 F N'tiN 1105 N 111/114T A t'o , __ __ . ___ _
ugercoct gugons, 40 do fine rota mato, 121 1. t,., - --.- • • : 11..kES AND 15 i AN'r, , WEAR-F 11 Eaves &
Basta .elager, SO dodo patebt Thread, ran. 1 Alt D 011,-10 nt.l. IA one , Strained Lard Oil. ,ust 1 ly t o . t og ., g d o ,t on one t0r ..., b g .,„„. g ,i,
v .... a nd o ther Trxtm,gs. tar don use. ro casly JL. loud lug rein sten, Oak reo. an. (or sa.c. by par <,. I uuder enlarges, lira Digelowr of Boston. for
oil hob& deg) Fli EATLPN &I co Berl 1) BLACK 11l RN kCo , mak nog to order In late , ~ g len.
a n d Wear. 0
I ,ack:.r Maks and Dresses, Ladies and Gents I/leasing
FO.l:49l:.l!ieGdC4.rt'.lll4-arleHrgE'e C ' t7: Cb.hColOreenr:,.o'7•.'ln'r'n't'oYl' \ '',0:.,:',14".;.:',.11:"E.--;1.7-,-"gh,l',,,,T,',',':';::,::°-`r.:7, 1 Ltirntents embroodered or stamped for erobrotdery.
knotting netting, crotchet work .hernatite bin and cn*r •
Stlk fringes 11,14 ;Imp, velvet ribbon. ao,d brood. ~.
._ 110 OA LE 1 A , All I 11. 14 lillo . t wouo •t
oes, ,d lags and enolorood.rtes gloves and bolo , ,y, 1.,E,,A.1 Ea, Ac--1:: hues Kentucky Peorhe, .1 1 , .• 1 "'lf "c" ,. / . '''...1...1'• •..coe:A/
gents stung itoopenders and under garment, Ik•• . o Na to le Itenn, 12 do Flag teed, Lading iron. •mr a a ATC FIF. 4 , uf a very fine touttloty, •rid besot, ol
phYr, wooled gar. , o , <Jlckl PI. , IPIIII' I'' ... P -, Coon , for tat, I.y 0,1 11.16 A 1.1'.'; A 4 NIITH t irk
Mololdas, &r. .01 of which inn' Off , ot the low , . rash - pager ot..elected ex pre••l, lar read saleg, moot
,paces to rnerchant and the, d , Itt,lr new sod rota- 1 ,1. ~1.i.:,., A, l, , 111.-.1 . .k 1 TS- 4- ' , or,
.k c''. '. t '1., ‘ ..''' . .r.:,, i .. , .;1;
~:::'::::.:,"• I. 1 1. .? .... “ 1 . • "'`'c
, A Co
111•1 11, prt , l, l l 1111011.1 art,
n 301110,14 vetriegeoge,o2 Fourth I.Lnc ,, no•rle. ...d , I o aro., le do o 0.e.t......5. latight, loom •Anr J 1.4 1 '"' 1, , II d t
.. - -
rs KkiTS' CLOAK 'r ASSEL.I4-2 dos mooatr Ts.. 1 . . r o ;witted 14 carat Lot 1 Patent Lever Wsteltet.
owls, assorted; 3do silk dodo 2do do (nor do, 10 I AMP 11(.11 1--r'uper or F•tstr. li, 1 , b., and slid.. at low ii• 634 .user, at vlll , lOll. pree• arrordatog to
nu do lades Cosela a•sorted. do con .1 do do. I, u.scrtnl papers. (Sr 'ale by ,tialtty. weight, Ar nor) Joe Irmo :4111, t 0 ,511
WOOLEN.I.X.JP4- 10 dot choldren's wool to en., der I 11 AFAII N E. , rocK 0 ct , ,1 , .. r a •o•nes in great randy, 1,1115 45 to $5O Ali
11 dodo do Cap., 4do do cumin°, 10 dos N l O *oleo ,unt. t o ;,; INIA c. -,, ~,', m b•KA. ~.1 ,•••'d •11,1 toe •ale 1., ”"1.t.',1,0 warranted ‘,"c10,,,TZ51.;',.....:,,,,!"
lon., assorted; 1, do du woth ;:oca %do lathe. Coot, g•t. mrr 410
k. .er 1 11 AYAuN Ls rtp: 1A P• ""-
soc re Diouf a as- d A 0 1 - en, , Ti.s-c ~:sol p ed n r 1 Moral and Rellgootts
LEATHER BELTS 30 dos hit Moos an Rei,s 2 5 /1A Rll A , •.‘lliNl A OW ..,. in ”tog pa., ree'd and
" A rA“ ,. . 5 ,, ,'[ . : , 1 . " ,.,1 1 ,.,,,,,,‘:;,.. • 1: 1-1 11J:, " 1. '.. 11 ' , 0 ,:: ) :;1 :1 1 ' 1. C VVIt ' . ". 1'1 11.1 4 11 : 711 n `‘ rt n ti ' t s. ko ' i l" : ).6.7nn::
do do Morocco do. 3 dr, eord do at 1.,., our •me I,
novZJ 00111.1,105 1.1541,1 '4.67 mark et ..t ‘1 ,, 1 oractiog to, best ol the k loot 111 WW I, (timer collect on.,
Am:tiers Prices. d 11:1 . :0 , \ I SAL rs- io , g•k• Itiettmore ;Oil -erelved r ‘ s i t , o r d. ra so n in ti • e utitodre
i • in adolita . m, urtgodal 11/111 selegted,
f 1:N11.1,0114., .Jutsll, as the rot., stoeB 01 ..,.I . L. . ion ,AA , ~, arra gel an els .ofted ou a new • lan, •vitto
d., t , A r.‘u ,,, 1 1,1•&& t.,, i CI,11,11• tap, a , and ...Dot-oral "'dears By Rev It
kil inoths,_lieuver, Cam,. Cgasimeres. and trou.e en.
I •I .. Al ~ r• t snot.
e ' e N v e e w r.
choice Cashino , re. and rid, li.kutog., mno, Vosl
my hr se a s .... ut '•7 Ist February l. a looe ,t, .o• .4st do 7,...,41 dollar k do. .0 uo . 4.111 J 1 ,:, I ,
u ,...„ ...d.
K, - - lilt toe Ens s'. •.P , }',..," ".' e..."‘ I , do oo d no. rere•v - d •" - o• d•y •rid , o , •• '') o.° 1 TOe boo!, with a . umber anew .rid valuable pub.
1mp0rt...6,, . oner which the “ore ..eio. Le opened :11 „..,.., ..,,,. r,.
~ r..„ ': `"
another owe CLO rit sl,/ge. , r ,..., ' rll EA , I'N A C ' .. 1 llcattona, for ante by El,l.l(iri . tr. ENC.I.I,IH,
61 lourtlo •1
decl-Ow root I.luUdiggs. coma and wood Os • 1 tonv2.l 7a wood al
1111311iIINGIN; HOSIE.11.1(&Iliti FANCY
leaching Powd•r, Chloridsi of Li...)
caou DM. A ~ 1 . , 1 ,,,, n;'• rsan , ) ,. ii , fin ,,, i , o" , c1 ,.. ""' """ Al Hitch,. DIRLCY tfillial Tlis. hlA:si:FliCs C
ysi I. EkTWS ti. CI I , Denier,. in Trtmmo nes and •1t.."‘„,',..1_1_,."1..'.,".7.,4u",.11",1..7 II nud fur 1 ' 11 " . ''' 1. ` "Il " KLR..-'11“. •uloorrt,toers have on hand sod will
r llaherdannery, have removed from their old ' ; 0 `'' , ;,,. ) , '‘ I'll' r t c • l' ,
A _.." " Fir' - 1 I I ''' r ' ale n tl 'n I I l ' ln b a ' rh " . o i t ' g 'i r's d o vis•‘..., lb j rh . lc S h i " le r y ." ,v 4 l 'l / 4 ' l u ' r ' acr:ll ' ;
.tnod to NO 51 1•Olftlfg HI HOOT, 11 doors 1 rorn .
Ala hot Week i IDOCOLA I'4. COI - ,'A. Ar - W ILO"; e\l, I Cku• i 1 4 1101 ti ur,n our tu any Irsparistl loth, C State,
lir w wii., ,,,,, , w a , g h,.. J..„,,,g,,, ak a ...
( 1..±50 . 1 , 101e, Bake . ra Co. MI par :?... 1 N I .: 1
~1 0, 1 /ll ectiony \ I:`,..,d_wrilt,.,:lio,:te,n),,rp.reppl;ar.•oobtog at the lowest rnar-
VV . atid .Y.itakry Goode, oml''' I ' l ' l. ' l ' . ' l. ' I'' , "'"" '''' ''' n ' t ''''' , ''" I 'l l , ' A I g . :' , ,; . ,:',.', " 1 . „ 1 ,.", , &LI wk NI Nll CllE:urn EE. 160 liberty st
streets. Ptitsborgh, Pa. N 8.-Watches and Cluck s
~• . ~..
der 4 Agts Ar W Bogor, (on; hr.., o:a..
caretolly repair...l,
3'l7Voi;i:irc, outist•tdog al gold guar , , yr. and folo t , LT , ~,,,,, W.,,,,, In
r 0,1„.„,,
00 1
~,,,,,,,., ~,,,,,,,. pane 1. l on ger rings. 1 ,. • 1 Pm., ki sod Pookst. og. l'o,lodogh o .t., 5 rer s
ir: ~ Bono.
.luds, ear rito 6, lorliCelet•. 101304 buckle., bl,de., An ~,,, g o 7s 11.1.011 4a ~ t IN ,
Alsoo..ilerr toinlos. costa eases, Ire“ so .sto w
OA, .. thom m
go b,..,
11l 1- 0 FRI 11'- Nu lou.h Drond Peach, 115 do dr.
Cl okt
.s, pencils. buck ors, 11...,,, tooth , p.
NN, ag ILsoN, D A pp:os"u.t trerlYed 1111.1 for .ate I,
dice{ 57 market st. car Ith I. B ‘ 1 ( ATER NI A\.
31 wale r and fig 11,t11 .t
/ ''''';':: 11 - N . ' to - Pl' Li ,---. tot b' .• I o tren apple., r l ''' t "
V k-..,!..i.11.79.,•:..1t,i,k7.r10,01.4,4.-...,-;,.u:k,tig.:eived at Zeoulon Koo.
30 pm rwored Velvet Ribbon, asse . o . rted "dor., l ; bees, pro
30 • block " - fur sale by 1101140 I, S WATERMAN
B “ enibroidery 11crop, lops wide Plll/11, he
u LOP Ft - MO btols to store and for sole toy .
Ilks _-. -. • - - ..1 . j. 4 WATI..IOIAN
, , ~,(VIA.FIV-It dos gold patent et `ta:k.•ll 1), • , - .,
s - ,..._
2, - ,
1 .nos by 1.o1:1'1
i " silver '. , , -
Al•o, go:d pen •nd yen,. incest 'irk, rho'' , T .l 1 g„,_ VED4-12 lo 1,1• t o one e ,,, v et-?.-ed. in. I.Ag• 1' , .. ,1 ”
''••''d ,0 '...• Pr•••' P. , . ilolP r , i. -. . "'P il !teed tor ann. by . 0 0 0 1,4 W Al ERNI AN
and a rot" pie or a..mtmeot of o her laws
ay. it.
dres POISON KINSEY'S, 117 morsel at ( - 1111,W;-,
' ' 4,011
4 %' ' NITER LARD Ur.- Ili Ll.lB Of ale best donlott ,
V,oat recd by J SiADJON NI AK Eli & Co. L.,!, r.Al:l`ri- Il o u.k . torby
dam: 21 wood tit 0. .0.30 4 P PliN I,ONNitoRsT ,ro
, . .
arns o O AIS-
t It ots lAIA 1E l a
QILK Pipogn_vjt,, black Unt,.Fonge lust E l'l,ol' Harts: :0
reed by ov2 ?HACK' ETf & W HISt
ov:L )
24 wood st
1 11 , 441:1K--COCC rases good bright ruouo:a. rist
Li opened by no. tEr OH ACCLEIT A lto
, I 1 RE EN A PP1.1,4--1•10 lobls for rale by
rnni FORTS-MO doe fine brisin c..10n t,
.•nd deal • ‘..! ..
1..., ble ityt.g,inst opened at reduced pr Cell toy II 0511 . -k5 I. f•I Nia141,511 at d Ke.targ I hemp..
novin fill keg I.EIT a Winn'. I_l note and :tor sale IIY
- dee{ JAS A 'll:TCpls4: , ` ?' &
C o_
ri . KA -6 half chests Y/4 Tea. on o lg,tatiment anJ - •
lOr sale by novl7 ROMP A ClrkNlsl.:l - IASI .
--' ' •- - ' sale by .1 ,, JA- , A 111, r, i i.str.,.. co
q , A 4--Vi4; ,e.i; I. North COlOllllll Tax, in large barrel. -- - - - .
i i ,, , 1A1 111.1 - -• lot, in. pr me Ken . 1 . ..e . 1i) Feathers, for
j. stud y°. order. lor gale by
.....______ I I 1 . 1 . ..ap ,
by lll, p.te.:,,Lia.enjaA,LeAtid,,„:llr,HlblsscllsA,r
nova __
0 iniDRIE.I3.-0 obis Dry TP-iAae6cA":;:yi:CE°l24l4---N••°eir: V i (3, - , 0 7 .D ' ~1 4 srg Cp ----- _lnbbl, half bbls, and LO gallon
0 has Rags, nun lanshuir Ines snaps/ cnarbarlinoi, mi . i u .,,,,,. ~,,4 k, ..In
for.ababpP. - wrzi ISALlaii LICge.V.AI4OO i
h ic : JAB A 11171CanON &Co
• _....____
1 Pittsburgh, Nov. 6, 1646.
GREVZ. Arrl.h..S -VI ht.:. Rambo; .
5 ..ti:. Fall Ptppto, 5 do hodowcored Pippo,
Id do L.toden do 3do I.oodt“tot do
A d o spoe.t.o . um, I do Mammoth do
Now .addidg Irmo two . New ydo t tood and ' , Sl i t by
,nett I. . S s•V kTERMON
• .
.„,,,i..:.,“11 .„..d,.,, b.
wrier dd do de do
ImpDOtai do
do do
SOllOllOllll and Poreekong. L 0 hail rheatA, of Narions
sou.atca a.: late LotportaiLott•. In store and lb, saie
uy BAUAL.F.I & t , MITH.
1- and 20 wood at
,„ I , :re m lo:f • ur
'IWO do ru..hed do
Ito do powdered do
50 do , do
,0,..r0 end for .e leto
JAMEI. 4 &
hout. Re:finery
11,— 3.bod n, wooer biro..bed byttale Chl;
Itbl e an do do Sperm do
lb bras do Ruched \Vitale do
S oo brown Tonne's do
5 do :flows Turpenttoe: In store and
" r •b , bY nbe•.l 0 ISLACKtiI lIN & Co
t•I`l LW. Wint, Russ..., !or
A F VON ..ONNHoasr&
I \ 111(11:S
I ca , 11,
. .
`1 Flax• , ed, 1 bol 1.a.0t; 12 sk
.0 01:1,0, 10 ro.o• otton. to tarts ,
loAlAll DICKEY & Co,
iron: st
"" r for %ale
. I . cr
- _ ,r;v A
sacks to arrive, lor Pale b)•
1,0 I• A ,um liandlng from Americad Star
ale by BACA A
In and .20vmon it
, ~u. 1,. •,prltor Ilar
L. , • 1,1,1 . , 10 - 1.4:00r5. - 15 do
,A• 411.1 •
:A , DA1.21J.1
REPI M.IC of the 17 'tett $.11.1f • I• •,0 , 1011 '0
'le. , . and 1.• rea i,, re atto•t• r entut
-rml•rn• tttr •Itto p° •
revteer ot the Ice war It.
• •tt rj Jukt reertrerl
IltrriflNS. 4th sr
• Will, Ilt •tor , r.nd for
I. n A IEIOI \
Loa porn. W % e rve. wr sule by
frRE subwrile r is pleawd to inform his friend. and
1 the public. that he Mu pnrchased that very arme
e...3 and elegantly furnished establionment. known so
the Atheneum Saloon, on Liberty event. between
Smithfield and Wood. former!, kept by Pock,lhorop
sois At Cn.. hem be tntends accp,ur u reeeral RES
TAURANT and BOARDING Hol:SE_ ryie oe.
co id no none mr NVeot
For the secomitondanon on both Lathes nd Gentle
frteU vrlth trey!, Oy very and other ecoyona a hle del. , ay.
cries no notate La the country no better prepared than
the Saloon
To ee u
ntlemen lodgd.g th-toyelvey, regular hoarding
will be futi.nobed o adrun.agenu• terms, and el' the
belt qua! ty
Rerular nourdmg per wen •• • ItY! CO
Dunn. alone, 6 days. , • • • • 1 ,a)
Single Molter
Supper or Itreak(ast. •.. . • • • 20
Tbr Hathuth Deprument will he open and in good
order every Wednesday and Saturday thronithou , ‘he
winter or WWI unless speetally ordered at other UZ11,4
To 11 , drop t toe rat/C111.3 ;he ,cro•E r would ape
ciaily recommend the superior conveniences bis es-
mblishrnent. holy pro ided wan the Dou- ol e
(which encompeoxes the whole body,) and the (load
and Neck Bathe. a:, m excellent order.
Sorlet, or Club :supper. and Iltnners can be furtuslt.
ed BE the .Cotten notscc, and in true Epteurean .tylc
For the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly With•
held PEAL AND Pt.:RM./NAL EvTATE: the Set
tlement and A Olt tranoo of Comrueretal."Pradmg and
other 12+1*.S.ecuring Patent. for Inventions:it (heat
Lena., I retain!, and the Conattlea and Dependenctet
Met , uttto be 1011,4111, and Negotiating for the Poo
h., or Snl. nib the sante
j)F.FERKNCE ay be tad on application free of
LI, chew. Iprovided the motive is not thall4, more
curio.% y to a Lost eornprintog upwards ti 16,t100
na me. itt which unenatined proven) , tu ,
Alm. i xto ur I o.olel adrernsements which
hare appeared no tar n past Su years in Vlll . lollll British
twaopers, addresarti to Dens at Law and neat on
kin. Comutunicado. by letter are repeated to be
post•pind, lIENTIIAM MARIAN.
:St Broadway. New York,
References are permitted to lion t harles P Daly,
Judge Loner of Common Pleas. New York
Freclend, Smart A Co
Char. Cart! der A Co
6 R. A Ricketts, Eso
}Assert . ,ehrtoier, }:•q. eine Janet, 1111.0
A Panthol, Frq., President rlllehill 13001, Burial°
novrt drat .
Floonng.—Onivanised Tin Plat•s.; -
irli F. solocrtiters beg to r ail the etteottoi. or Itultders.
1 A rchneets tool owners of Ittoldotre. to the many
advantages which these plat, possess over 0 I other
metallic ouristeiteee hob. Ito used lor rtrohite. a e . es
they possess at oiler the brimless or Iron, wohout Ile
hal ihit to rust. hsvoir nose oern tested In retort I
t ear* In 1/.I• pertieuter.i.olli 01 this country and 11,
rupt. The ure ,e.. Irshle to expansion end contrec•
tokii from ...Wei , e knee 0111, a11110%.1,1e.C0M -
InDo In. pluoto. Iron. roe. or a .v o.her metal oow used
I - Clf roofing sod coosequentit lorrn • into, better end
dish., roof. 11,,til,ng fn f I. • • ir,,Yll, repeat. whilst
N 6 rot coot tel Ail a irate mu,
A fud supoly, of el! sires. loon In to 30 W 1r , con ,
sumo' on hand 1,4 to sire he
II I• 11.1 Id Li. ever •tree, New 1 ork.
The patent 111011 , 01 , 111 5 stror,e he•oir 1.e., sae toed
forore I ,Iled $lO 0. a port , e• iklrokrotr thereon.
roller by importation or otherwote, will he proseeu•
hot oct,..rkda se I v'i'
:sow AN
11.A/tr. N re,
filifirfl Ctlll'hk:RlNfr. 30.101,,t
The •ithsr ober has now upeo and for
~ • 101 01 ITIOOI superior Pianos. se•
totted try house , ' tat the rositutectories.
They , comet oi Rosewood and kishorso) Piano*, or
or 11. tti Rad 7 octs err of vertotee st)les u. 14 price., and
egulrsee rot the latest improvements 'linseed' Nun.
At 'lark s , rot 011,11 ecohrated firm he t• 50t..0 Att Cr , I
have ak onprovett , say 01 ".1,1111,1111, 1.0 4 tot ors
other. also. a ,1,11, pi*,l or ...sore, .4 the h•ittnie 1 0 .
presenting thee. rieno• 1,,nr0 grow o.r harsh and ..ley
liller .011Ie u-, . • •
• •
The Pianos o , COsraccing. of which he uas a 'open
°, ko, prov..le.l *l.ll 1.,e S., 11114 v‘rte
aeierlrd , or I,lli Wllll e•re Chwarriog ot ltootou
The st,ove soslure.., soLLI at nta]nolaclurore .
pre. , • 114 on s•- , onanoosl.l, terms
The subserlort yr. §.l. anat..) found at J W
. s. item io 12 A NI and frtrm I ,11
Woodwe I art.! am lid to lur hu..ness during
•he balanee of tare II ALL:RE:H.
octlO •1 J IV Woodove::, -11Tlurd
S.La A a I.sel rot stn.. i ('Lath'. , 71r.1 na. Tn. F . :•Nos
THE na• r.
a.•n, f` • P.• ,, , • tor
pea.. nth h.• /0.,
receied and
opene d .ry , mg
Inc foa new Plano.
, oc.ave grand Plano. an en:Jre , / new
tioe , o , o•
tote R r. osewood fif, ‘e3l e:egam Nunes 8. Clark
l/iLr • arab C31r13. , s .Voisan AI.
laiveot 1 - 1110 ts • sell totto.tkor Piano
(toe roahoe•it h
uov 1.1 li K1.F.131.3i. at I lt:lVoothe , 11
.tt A Rill F.-1 r miz. Drown
I roast.. 1-a•end, k. urleu
1 'tate Lavrotter Boma , atotor
I do drab do
I do tom. do
Cancgotoont iron, Kostorn coanutacture t• an, tor
Sale At ....tort .tt rorttogo added.
Dort It HI . IIII toot Sth
d/-1•I Apo . o 11,
Afaaatilair•hala Company.
lalst/t.L.. H. —lo pur.0.1.....
N. ol oarter of Incorporation...lle
annum leetola ule nor
;Law.," nl tLe Alono..g•nr•
• a Or beol on Aloodo. W.
• arc (14,`aiJ•siustr , . 1.49 ra tae 6" , M... 1.0 .1
toonan s p /al o old Compatly. to ,hr
I tutlA Voulln FO 'burgh. at a olelia,•
in tit , 15011. ,Ar Ute purpn, u rite ,, , officer. in
to a e, , atti,sg )caz ItA K FAA,. hoc..
1 anyjo'.
I1)1CH 1H1F.,1 4 G(NIY. per Inrrtq •tranrr F o /non
it —A A Sla,os A Co No au Markt, aareci,
/lawn Qua 1130711111 g. Urea* cornmaing Ole
t yin g . 1) los rals”d Mr,oaas, • new an,
I wand its,. 0,09,51 a•od• teniooned lAis season. al.
00l Pawl.. t”gtx on'oj• rholre %Wes.. a,l
Imped llsaannaerra to ors, varo, nov.
Consulting langlne• es & Counsellors for . ca a s ...I. ..,, 'Li :,• .rt Ir P• 111,1 ~..111, rmeo, o r,
atentee. NE W GOODS,
Office for proconng Ind rletrirthrtg Pete.,. totriartlng . r. T •Iltrlrr . F...l I. LI-coy %Teel. cranprotior Ft - each
intortrattton on Meenatnc• N..hl the apoltecorto of Set• A , ~,.:,.. ,:„,„ rr•r- e. 1.1 Ve...trg, of the never,
once to the Aro, and cm Anteroom and Foreign LAWS a rr ai r ., ~,,,,ajoaalila .11) Is• Lw,...,1
of Patent. , A o. a riuurittl. of hough and Ready Blanket,
j)ROF W' A LTER K. JoHNSUN, late of PlLLatle.- sts,',..t.o.i• pc-allarly adapted to ~, o.”,„ „„, L.
j phi, and 2 C 001101`.0 Si W. asauttgatti e,t) . ..,,,.. •
no he trokd try liesord hither cr. Esti , 101 l %loco ae.t
of the Pailed Stat. Pair, I Wire, 14.. ,ate
themselves together tor the proem utron e; ore u rrr•r
branches of pre s, l
1 , , , ,,,, , ei 11, L., thr,rmir , , . .
at the Paten: Int ..or 1.e., the Courts ar. xr. Ar •
'O , O „„ 0 „,,,,,,, ‘ „,,,,,,,,,„ 0 ,, „, „„.„.,„.,,, , ,„,, ~, ~,.
.. hi. , li ot AI, I I.IIIIIS-W it K. nrph). n; \ F,
of laveutors u•Ld woe, w .to mu, 0011...1t them or I `'`" ." 4.1 . 0 . 4 " 0 ' ''et strat ts• itts..ttely rem reed
I piece Mownerra to them ha lor Mr Knowle• hos to. . set, s •,1 •Ilar, or .'art ErellItil!,:;01311 for dre...•
the past tV40:01 , )••1414 held m.. po•t a M.a.tone•t 010 . .. . ll.' ''' '''' ii a I .. "••iS Cloths. tor lath., e. S.
United Stairs Patel, La re. at t ttattet • that antatn. I I ' "... I .. • ''. ^ C... , ` do loth..
no. blue Cloth tut
to take part in the p:t sent a:et:rink.; Ili, Inlet, ' tt , •
k „ , ear 0 . L, ovt N and I 1 k Cassimeres atro
and peculiar Fitness I. r the io d inate olio, so long to - I"I • . .•Vs ••• , ..ent;•l !ea Sat. Vestine.
ed by him, have been ht.') tecoanmed LI Instators tt '' ' cc . ..rt .. ..Pat Ve col a . • 'I ne r good. oar
wherever the Axe naafi, know, t.e .• t• '., `", tc", r e al I IT. mid dl pro... ther
The edfice ot Messrs J 0,11 . cr. Fnreet, appeal.. tj• t . t:t' tt••• novl7
_ .
the Patent office, LL'ashilecton It . . where comme• t . 0 0„„, ~,.„,. ,_,, n, „, 0. 4,4 , 0,0.,
40 m ,
cations. poet pant. Loot be : ...MI, to, 'x''' '' it ) h., ir received a cl,Oll, lap' , of dn . . , ot ' :'• ',", c
tnationa made, drawlngs, specificattoas, and all rea,.,•.
_ l. ,
0, rare 0 ,
4,0,000104 % ,
~,,44,t k :,.. '..,,..
Ile Papa , * l'"P.r`' i--. '' •th ''' P'.F.".• when ''' .tr,oro t'oo,,to ter atolltrietithis ;dam ' t_hameleea, and
red--011 reaolail ,, ,, tr rm. I, , tter. ol ens... y. expect , „,,,.. „.„,.„ , „0.„,
,4 ,
I" nip eto Net A
Pa to be ullor e 1111.1111.011% had, roust be ur. 1 , , ‘.O. •.•
.: 0 ,, ,,, , 0 :, ,i, ,.„„0
.i . : 1 ,' .. . „ .
04 „ 0 „ .„
conthathetl be a ire 00 five do; mrr, 4.r...c0 Lt.: 1-I.ult.h Arttr.oro. reel ,cotch I ...Otero.
In the duo. Ttneut ofhee whrelt per . .. , to I ,- Ina I O. t et• .IO Itte to•-• , take , .t Ca .e 0 Tom 4 rt.
Tot Laws Mee., J& R will be. ..weal hy a , ec . 1 , 1 .,, 01 , 1 , 0 :„„ . m 0 . ,, , Rote.;,,,
Totirman ot :to. rt.qhrat prore.moal ohm:to:et .m., , . .....,..,....,.
Lr, , ee ruing i ••e.
ially eonvertant vv. Airch..toe• anti , nibs, he or , ~. at . 1 .. .‘ . .. 11 ')' ' .• , I? I.'''' " .1 "..
e , .1.,e1t- 1 " r" " octo
. subjects - • -- - - -- - -
A,404.409 ,
~ . p. i
~,,.. ' 1 11 . 1 , 11 I I , L.NS AND ,HIRTI NI , NILIsI.INS- 1 %
- I JAMES t.111.4-NOll. ll . ot me .xi 0,00 ,s, •. s.. / s '°' l. " , “°. ,",.‘ s , ore . v° , .. ,. ‘l.r ., .uvr°, o'
~,„„,, „„„„, ,r,„ b„,,„,,.„, .
~,•:- •., r. , ..••or on Irr•tt I ben 0 loch L. Strol.
/Lorna , ' OA Patent A torror y. et Si other irt me ; .1, . ' ` ... I : II • " . 1. ,. r. • 11''''.... 1.,,,,e. Ant , Letl
RUST PROOF IRON. II %% ASIIINI , TuN Ile may be ~.,......, ..,1 rn. ` ' . '''' ' ^ "°' ' ''' °' •"° ."'•"° ,.,o°°, m... '
~,,,, 1
o. _
rr , . , . ~.., .....s. •ar a I•rhmlor I. 4.0 Meit...o.--coostatstly o,
rrilr: undersigaed have rooted wort" la the 'cloy of 1 liloYad In mkt e T.'"" • • ' • II" j.•' tt , ~„ ~,
~ ~,,,, , „ „„,,,..,
i New York. to , the I...Tete. ot I tan•etsing •II ern 1 e".“ "the d ''''''''' "L '' '' . ' ""4 " r0. " . '" .. II Lrrel I Ns, r 4. Mall IcaLlrts--A lot Jun reed a. ice
rie• 01 Iron, whten ois rleorrahhe to PRO rocr Fitt .0{ . ttud . th a a''''‘' ..• . m• '''''''j' S ' lit '''' ra,.----- . ... ~:,,, „, ,:. 1 ..I ti 1,.: b• gra..o t - 0 riltli t Sil.
RI S r.
t ie Ili 'te,elreph "‘ ore. Roth, Stakes., 7. "."'''''• .."'"''• ..•.-.. e..'.' ' au " . Pnt": , tt . co -., ~,,, „.„,, ~.,, „.„„,,, 0 , „ 0 „ , 00 ,,,,,, .„,
1% ire thr Fence, and ail other article winch may 14 the b.."' Stan'. or Irt'el'e lie coo . a'so he r'orra.r. ~ , „
, t rm. a, ort n r ..up ..Irr• reel ,
lerraired For Hoop. tor Cur., . • Mlotutute tar Mole •Id P , ...e...4 . 0 0,, ........ 'lltgall , art o .. --...--- -- -
wider the Parent ;raw, nod uott argue gar.. I LI, . rt'll I . l.Aller AN I, TAN LoR CA•il hi FRE,-
Rope tor Clothes Limo, I.4lrtnattpr Rods, and a host of '
other •ppllcettoos It win he found cheap amt dure•Ute. , I lona tn -: " ..a U. Haunt
(,Rae a , •It ePI c•t tttere•toot t , ‘,. it ?Mr..., hes noes open n totppty . fit then
11 , 0 wouttl partrear.arl) rut
es to he fin:rano 1. , '0.. , .• ..g e.1.1.e . I*. "I 0,0 l' o lmlt I Ore arr.l and wooer...peel:an, the t ot e uthm• ot ,
toil 0 0 . 100 101 , 0 ,„„,.. „ requires „„ ~,•„... ~,,,, ~, „„. Ist lit. ilitilriiigsli, buy,: pecormry Moral lie nn The pro ' ter.. ham, tat the ire pt;ce• a who, Ihrse end 5. ,
rust. Mao to SSA, aad Sell`, the Prethrvatton tat 11...t0nal business of the tate Ur 1. P /totes 11.,vott ', 0 her ka.ds ot w-otter tvemlena a Owe l oge red.
bee. precd to lux bands, arl letter. in rehouse thereto , 1.,14
wlttelt t• of so mach importance, that 0 will commend t
ahou.d De r addressed to One post mad our atql N ',trot: , ' "'- - -- Al - ew F.ll ktotmeir..
Incit lo the float. sal all those Interested . ..._ -
GEO I{ DIOR, WOOD & Ctr , Patentees, PATEGAIT SODA ASH. I %. ,. ;111T11 ,I Jt-lill , loN, nk Martel:pl. have lull re.
necn , ola wI vT II and in ltraver ot•N lock
,_ i MrORTLII , VI ttv. T 1 , 141,i Till. MANI' FA, It ,'' ' ''' ' ' 'E -s. . 'l''l'd ""n''
' ''''
Dauspr•ts 6 Sopa' Sods Ash. j. RIBS -.l . he , .. r• te.,.., th e ey ,..„.,„, ,„,. . '' •
TIIF. aubsetioers sr, now nee , tax thett ie , •leak porter. of J trae.l 31,,, , ,.“ A ,-. •••otla A. ,. .• ~,• t... . : -__:" ' Tf . .! . :"' _ • - -
(a. above ante!, three y easel, v.r.• rhe Jams.,
. Intatht t are how and ortll remit", or In Ito:, I • A.Nt'N f 111. , -.Juet rre• t.trd ha A 1 Ma-
Medallton attal 1)IIIt "'I lIX 1. 1.‘" . I ' '''" de 'r .• plied Si oh this I merrr.or d 1.,111.1 A 11.• '.n• V -1-.1 I' . , :. h o % . a • ••• , ~•, 1 1 , ate
and lialitmore, awl two more, the Stephen liatdvon and ' ~ „, 0
.0 , .„.....__,
~. .
4 tt , ',.` , 4 , ~
~ ,,i , , . ho , lent, ~, . 1 .7 4 , .,
~1. n:
t I. a ",,
L a "- •hectl) expected. they ere. therefore, prepared .i.,„„ „,,, T o ~!...• r. 7!•
~. i
..,,,,.., . 1. -pi. v., ~. ~ • d ~,,,,,,, whir_
~ ,
1 0 :receive orders They ot 'II re 0.101 duntnj the win. I th„,
I, re
~,;,,,,.',,t,'::.,.p, ' t , ,,
„). . . .
.._._. r....,7
.'...1 spring regoier kupplies vat V .L ordmits. t , w h DI hit IThiEll'ltlir. ! 'INN AN L , ICL4( ~ It L. . 11 A 0, 1.,-A A hlneort tr
.0.13 Wa:o AI 'IIELTKOL
_ ~,„ 0 _ i ,, , ,,,,„, ~ 1, 1 0 , 1,,, m a o t e, st bee. ,tt.t retta pe r latest totpor.
' , ttc,to.. NI Jo I I nag .4 Sttuare Chants. otetading
DR. D. HUNT, , 1 „,,, ~,,.„,,,
• i . . lI , III.IAin r r ato lane Salkirli, of he n, hest et tors and rho eert
I:11441 1ff a DenOst Corner ofFourth . RIIC H I E& COCHRANT. i....'' •, •' Coththr la t' a W.. ' inL.n. ' eVeri de•ertP•
a u ' i /-*'•‘"' "'"'"' ' F OBl % MIDING ti COB II INN, OA NY Rill.; 113 , 1 "." '''''-'" " .. "" j " - . '" .r2'l7- - --- """'
Martel and Fern StiCELS seplLdlyto 1 bias , 0 , , 93 . rt „,„„ . t „ 4
4.14 4.
~,, 0,,,,, , 004 7 . 1., ,,.... 1 :....4 . , t
K ., 1.1 „ 1 . 1 , . ,,,, 1.:1 , ._ ,, , ,, P , , ,,, r e l . , If a r o r:o L c ,,4lh ca ll l n d mr u esl ,, or
s O p h
- 1
UGH SALE-410e pair second hand Mules, in good . angll-d&w.ours 1 ,L. 4. 1.-,r , t two Int , ne.e •c a re< end dessmaldo &Os
1 ' repay, now NOM. COI,IIIIIIS 313Pataailiii ' .-
line C:ap Winder, contaMtng ittl smuttier, •Atekto for, GIF•Os W • SDI ITU 6 CO.. i , '‘ ,l ' ''',' '''''' '7? Lu ''' - ' 41..., 1e. hie , PST ,
, • • , Ish coined t Still nc• a
~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,...,5 c, ,,,,,,, ~ ~ INFORM their ITIVINISI .lid 111 r ou,r, ta, they haro i ,1 111 '', ' . -- _ -
_.- _L.. e_,
BLACICST(tCK, LIELL &CO l no longer any roorreelll l ll wi•r; weer to 0„,,., 00 h.
Pit. Cotten NI,II. Nan S lot" .1.10, I 11 , 01 lir Penn sore , 0 P.P , . .• tr , r I r'.... ,
fillilP • r!Orld . Wiitarirl,NO -Millirem Flannels ', l r' l 'l L r•lneve , the 1 ' , III' , -•• •+e
LI Tweeds Caastnetts. .4 Cloth old Cal...mete, by 211-.% 'loll), tr. v.) •rrert t
the piece or paek•ge, very lovr, for sale hr NDLIIIra-4 Its t he.l u • 4 do F.
Lovifo qtA, Cp,5411LN ,... gv . t . rtx seed.
1 bbl TIII/0111 • Seed, ~" Lo Noll Butter.
S UGAR'. -""P'''Sti/IllAgf.Afcel(l!•lfitg, I)', ll! ' e ' Vli t t . tetini, '" le 'l e'd b .. o. 4 " ;? l. _ y:..l l : . ;; P ' '''
Emu gy 5..: w 994 own ' WANNA .1 Bikla
~, _ , ..•.....4}.. ,
2 - 66 icres Cool ...wad tor Sole, SPLENDID STOCK OF .
stTI:ATI..I) on the Monongahela nver.aUout id rode. Wholesale and
from Piasourth nod 3 miles above third Lock. in A. A NI 2. , IN .4 I'o., PA.,
the tmlnedinte neighborhood of Niesers. Lyon te Shoe.. Tl A V 1.. rreeivcd more than one thousand Cides az,
and Mr. John Herron's purchase. This body oi 1 - 1 Par...nes Foreign end Domesoc triak•
Coal will be .01,1 et the :0. price Of arm—our L eg me most cstelimte sAsortments hi de Coma
third in band. boinnee In Ley count o.lotual intyment, u y.,, n !,,,nig die latest, detest and most faithionhl,
without :iiiere^t. Title indisPumble y^ ,, style. of Imported and American Goods, ;
g O . ll---, totiot be •orp..“•d• For further P.d. , h , . , " entire pa age. from the hiporters manufacturers nr.c.
eriqutrc of S 13A1.ALEV, has dreg of Gin! pr o h :nree A. T o sale., by ono - of the firm residing in. New
PeL'Y n e. „ iden..2d hi:. h.:a) coodniitly seaditie the newest un,
ji i . here ether sealo of 0001 1 1 111 ,11 .• irn. , o, drsornhic goals in the Hameln market., .VOIC .
Iththit r ' s ' re ‘ :thove the 10'.e.• ‘1 0 . 1 . , Y vein I,r offered or low as at any establishment in th.
iy2Bdtf and loner than etnald possibly the er.
row. an, rind,e le the %Vest. We enumerate Co.
Reel Estate In Ohln.
ATRACT of a.tri. Na acre, to liarttwn. Portage Co ,
out the Cuyahoga rtver—aboto 3t, acres under in,
provement Al.o two unthaved lot. in the v,..Age
of Warm rt. Trumbot; , o .54) feet by PC A 1 2 ,0.11 lot r.l
ground the , enter ol flartfor.i. Trumboli Co.. wttl, a
fine drvet,icg bou.e and .nee--note of the hoot st
for a merchant on the tVe..Lern R.r.erve Ally or a.I
trill property wilt be .o!,1 On very
feblh Rater aJad Front 10
`lll.l larqr and Well t.lo.ll.'octory, erected on Rehr:e
l. ca street. Allrghr.o •
ett). R
offered for ette bargolo. and on ettg) tenn. no•
lot on which the Fartto> i• erected, iron. lot) fret on
Rebeees street. and ruo• 101 l it 110 lect to Park oiler.
Then naol but tOog t• ot •, tnfec atone. log , a , n ,
60 lert L) 1. tert I.:ogior Itou,
large and euentoodtou.
a. , to romplet. artier The property WI.. he ...II
und sn , :atitaKrott ,, .
For pro., term., kr ...not., at tot. ntl,—.
T , 0.. •trre, .a .t,
.-nn. nbov , •l , , upper • nettirtorm oo ti,cll
ire •t 1 train , . I ko tvst, 1,11.tu,
for Iwo .11,11 7 terteme , o , I 101 ft ench nt•
I•rt It. tart by rutl
etre, lorty !ret wide The cul•dt 1 " ,, t 1.1,1
m;se, syt 11, re.t .ne
rttetli. and propert) t/eup /or esuill
Apil.y to II 5r...1.1,1Y, 0i1..., 1' S. o• to
tiovV./ K.k
. .
Tan: sut , ettoei otters ror rent he t terra of
Saone or loon. 3 ear, a .urge rooverrie, fin.
!shed two cory 01.111111 g ronow
and Knehen I m ill .ot ground roniaotiog
acre. of fine vnueg frt.., trees 01 every t.nd,
. conoerted who In. house To any iwr•on
tog a Of. re•eiehee own u leo minuted ride or
the city. tuia wit, oe x runner. Fur term, wrocri
mill be low to a god tenant, income re Mr Ino
Wright, near at premise, of John Watt. corner ut
Hand nod Liheny Street, or ni
octs,tt F WRlLdtr
Tract of Land for Sala
THF. subs , r, ver:l sell on trem• a
vai m
nst it o, tr,utproved stluaa. or. the
road trading from kirtanwo in ring..., clout .. , gho•ra
lades from I'maourgh. abont errnt indr• ,rom
town rr,edorn oil I, I qi, rivrt Th.. tract er..l.
taut, Ital arr. , and r , rrhea. mcnau,
land is of an cirehan , quaaty. about UU nrras
and well watrn.d. nnd r.• 000 l in whole r
in farms of eon, own! ray. to •utt rorelmaer•
For fortltt r cool., Of it Si 1011 fl
at - °e h,. on 4th st. 01.0 s, urglt.
Scotch Bottom Land for Rale.
tI'EN At H. ntons.
trom l'ttt•.
burgh- nt• -.111 hay" I :or., Part,
u.urs Il, oils. d.! 0. nr
W ‘•
d lit. a: ...mthflold
Property In Allegheny City ` for gale.
1 '
,ommon ,roo. on easy tem. 1..•,.. or
lo 11 Rt,81N5 4, ! , .. Arty at I. 0. w,.run at
, I:llSta'ON. on 1111- , A.
mvl7 1
Valuable fteeldence In Allegheny City
f lu:v - rEmpL.ATINo a .emova. Iron.
I effer re.,dettcr 14 , re ior preminen
order and every wr, wn. tarai
',lel. . • • riv
ft W I'ol XTER
Real Estate In Mercier uartaaty.
dleerx. a Jr..rn . loent:o, for n me. ,en:
Lot entl goo , ! ,r:: .ui;•11 .or a Tay, -
St•nd. in In v, 'ege of Oralgov:l. , or: ',are iin, o
Owe Terms ea•r ISAI.OII I): , !KI
fel-10 P. VT 01.•
r , n,e the titr, ...rry t. rick Warritm.
tg: uecupted FL TunnSON. er A
a r L WIL Jr
Tie subsez alert will rent port of the ware
houne now occupied by them. Apply to
ant 9 61 water street
- - -
Ef flt RALE—A L0t m.5 , 4 situate on Venn
wee, en ff..) . sod Marta., streets. vishoining
toe house sod ;of now occupied by Retard Edwards.
usvaig a Crow of ft.ife•t east in depth LRO feet wil: be
so,d i•vorshic Isms. ,
Title ausieepOonable
off s C. O. LOOMIS. an at, neat Wood.
:%%., R. it Is, .••ale•, uptr
EL 1.1,1! ot•r
. .
ort.r.r..l.ltne , I/ , 1 41.,. .room set , -..,,n 0 n t rrn, .h• fOr I,, dles ~,,H , g. ,,, " -
... L 1 T,.. , .: NI at, L ... ire neer. do• tr Iles. .„ „.,,,, 4. , ,r,
p 0, , , , , ,,
1110,,, 7. I . I , I;.‘'/.% A M ..,.. ~,e , , 00 d s es c Owen ref, Itt purchased ..1
NOEL RENT. :.c ...r,,,,, , 11 eel,. In New Volk -Hid Yhtradelphra
5 A TURIN , ..ort , On c.nor House. on ^.° '' ' ".. ''-' 01 °.`e ° oar of 0 6 ,001,00 . 0,0,0 fr , t ,
so, Werer. o,ove irra.rt went itooressrorr riven oh •., cnt 0 , rdt:o ,oo,
ore first of I rr. ours. fob or .0011 f 111 rcqur red , 01.0 a :oil stunk of Ateicncon blankets, sheeting's
F or o n rr . o .. room: . or , i \ smi ...r., '.. iwg, soot tomasks.prione and theca..
ro , t o ol.ACKJ11.:11:‘ At Co. water et ' en,,s. p„'°t otr ho. An
•.i.ornirrehno i
EXCIIAN',',E iiiioiii.,i),6, ;;.::. .--;:_'...,--"—. - 5i.,,x,,,,, , ..& DAV
-=..: • To Country .11erchiaiata.
.. .
N• 1101.A.E.i , S 805 4. t rti n Jt pi )?.. , ...0t Paw.. weak' imrve •
Banker•. I:le hon go 8r0ker5., .74 Mere het. ro iftra slocik
, f ., a , d‘a ' p0r..f.000.1 kw cosh. of ibr
NoTE,. DILkI - 1 -, . Al.l l'r 1.01.1.' SILVER t•ra rw....... - too .1.1C.01110011.4,6, and wiLl be told
\ I,a SIC NoTdd. , eve,. car
t wee flock compne. • ',real
Ct.E.I.PCTIoNS —.lllO a•••! Ar ,, ,• • • w . ) o• en•mrleOn a.ud Look
,• .-••wd o. 100 moat
n•. • wolewon a pEiod ain a ritred
1.:0 1 : 11 - 0 o'l L'•, - n•al , tordwww Ntottaelm tie Lain aid
C•••••.I.,I 1 ',41/ ..01.1/17 , nod sod
r . H Irrim . 7s cord* a poweup. Conan
- 0 .. • • t. ow. cattO.rke Haifa;
I 'odd s•at••• •• A wed er. Falßlngs. 13 carton. Como.
F 0 I,cll laCel 41111,11, 10 d • 0w... .ttd.w.w. Nc'ewites. Pllll., &C La)
nbr, So 1., Let -•ar 4111
r.d.urgn • ,/ OR%
11(736E5', 14 ANNA .P. kturkne
BANKERS. l'Kk a., den.
. 0.0
0. l'orm{l. a.,6 . w w.
In 0 1 Its r J r
r,ret•wd ot.• o ,•„_
,c ,- Lone rnaue rw., r-tdc!;11: ..
Lll.l. NV
Crowd Szates t ~,,, •
The tagher.4l , o o lo:sol ;AL: ,Or !• . ore.g,. o:at:Law..<
Ad•arsees =dr on cor o drlto...o . ,
pod 00 :Wern • term.
1111.1... S on Logfam:. and
. •.nuadtt
.111, 01 dw twry Ra. 10 • • 11 , 11:
A.w Dm, no, a. , fe to mot. ay. dw Old Cound..
from /I to 3.1.•.' •.1.0 to 11, .1-
wdnout dadoctwo 0. dtwot..., lit Ili,
SON. European no. twmwa• 01( 010 . 0,11, 0,1. • 1 0
door we ol wood
Looz old
I I , Lout 14
I r I'd.oe.l Ca ...merits,
HILL at. CURRY. I nv.,n do do
r.rp • Donwnt.r I. .1 5.4. 1,, o; L.:- 4 n• 4
elmage.iert.6c.2,lo• Notes and Cot.: t. r, ,0.1.1 hr..ttco •nd faney Wen*
No ii . .Vond • mum,. Oar, are I ..ilea to ca..
KRAMER 6 11AHlil, • cmtpk:r, na,",..111 pc..ont
DANKERS AN ft k:\t:ll..Nt tißt (1,11. • ets'Pet•. ttt ,
J.J Farr, u and fkutmett.- 1111% hum, f tt.ottt itt • tutll at reduced pr„
3d and Wund strt nts. turoot • otttuuutt- t-t t'nttrlt., ttu. , • c :It part. vtr.
teL r.ut-di v" , ) landtttvt*. fur par.or
)IVithtlittN - FUNI
du rut ritt,t as 01,19,
purchased at the 10W,41 rates hy
N 111 , 1:111- .1 S r I CIN.I.
sepl3 11orken
1)11LLEI OF H XCI-lANGE--u,ret o
lIJJ. ! , •w 1 or,
Plo.soctphia. dor
Constantly tor sale by N 4 k rIrN.
sepl3 t 3 Markel .t.
I / caw. rich changeable, atripod
aht . : ..le liro de Mirth, tiro de Derait,Gre
Sw:•-. Lhu A,pper, Glacier. black Oro de Rhine
Taints. hheea., Florence °fell color, Arc. do. A'
Ve.v, cb , ..olor - 0, a very ,arde stock
I . A7M s ln/ODS, easee extra nob
sat .'ssothe, dh do do pro,ted dodo; domes
flea , d Ent alt de Lame, do Clenetied Plaid., stripe ,
tin-:,;1,i. 4,0. S. canes A Ipaeeae7 Al eases no striped am , h.ani Lyonesci 6-4 'Pariah Plaid and MI
ch.nmere• aril Grandills Plaids.
FRI:SSCII SI Eill NOS—A ioll usortment of black.
Footle. •re • et %lomat. Natarine, blue, purple sod oil,
er h: the manufaeture
2:.! / L . -- Coon priSing the most extensive s•
so: me„ ever /ale red .h this eity, embracing long nas
squr re Ca•ninem and I artan 'hard :Shawls, Maude
Itrullowtes. 1.11:land. Jenny Lind, Lathartine, add oth.
er enaw•
Eal If K t DER iEs. LACE. 0001 ), ), 41LOVFA kel. -
I,n r e echsir., 8010 laand,ng relines obernmens
Amo, t:11^11 cambric arsll la.. and Edg.
1110 1 44 , t Rinhons Howery of an Studs: (Misread°.
1,16105. t'l /Kier. fiRA lie —A full
assormeht of the most lanthonatile ov,s
Irish lit-en, :rot manufacture. I then Meetings and
!mow 10.0 !mien.. Table Llaniask and Diaper, 0.111,
Damask form clo th . and , riarnith, Sthekoback. Ras
.s. and Bird a Fs, Lhdper, Flannel.--over 110. p. t..
00.11 ire)' Illeachetenad Brown Slashes—more
thst, 15. v p. 11.1- well known make,
11161 IV+ ore Irian its/ rations entirely new fall
en, ...sic, [Ulan, very choice sts les.
French Cloths. Ca•o news 'and Doeskin, in greet
earn , h•img.. Maris. cravats and Hdkfs.
White I.lmls of every descriptions. together with ev
ery •rtir r round .ti It dry goods store
In. owing t• at nivo,c 67 cases goods just
received with the priers annexed,
lu hat , dr red and e.nne Flannels, all wool, for 160
7 al,.,dhra,gr "rm.. 9
la .10 ase.Pes Al To,l,lbr
1.9 don. pr„„,
17 do Itienriled Mtl.lll,
bale• 1-4 Ifrown Muslin
A,. *melt. in continetton with those shove men
rn oiler.. at less price• than con he afford.
ti/oa r eateanshothsit in this city. The UNE
'RICE which tosares inure and tames.
all•tt nl,served. Any article parches.
dat th, rir
found to be above the genera.
art prn, riniuntion most willing•
ear nn,. anon inn a :reuinstaitees be/rm . /nada toucan
Inc l'rnmetors. it being , their dertre that all good.
.holond un (nu and honorable lei... All persona
ref p-etliallylllVVed to rxarnine our assortment
ennß the f l
cent obligation to purchase.
C SllD—November Bth, 18411.
N\ -3, Nil ,1 . 111", normeast Curucr 41n and Mar
. act 1,- Is. Pnaburgb, ha user completed the
ur-ond rrge Alipuly or Dry (mods lor the
...err.. aud ran utter to but erasll emorlepeut m select
! r., hc r. cud at this advanced pan of the
.. ur, n l'urrcrunr rr.,,urrett Is .. had to Ida large noel,
. •
fine uct.(rni.
Fr•orh. Vng . :ll. aid A merle.. of all desirable to.
r dr^.... roe, etul elduka, also,
toe,. .arge 4..urtment. IneludLng wool dye and
F Dor•kia dark oaf; ['Roo] do, fro= , hr
,01 wool)up to the tbestqualitief
~,l •Lc. Bealden; lerFe .toelt of &inflow.
atd 4 . . c. l rdrrehuts and Waiter., Gloves.
I A %It S DR Hi DS? in all their variety
. . -
`lr•vita• {. ruld Nler..haul Tailors ore Inv,
,rd 10C1001110 1 k •...Kock. In Wholesale Room,. second
Fall Dry Gveds.
Shacklett d White
No 9.4 Novo Stint,
...,,raf.1.4,11, alteroton of Western Me rehonte to their
lore , nod fresh stock of
. . . -
aah,•h Ire, are no". receiving dire, from the elairtern
!War rarturera Importer. arni, watch they avtll Nell
Ilaa for the noreheae of Rood. to
:me ,•• er, aveat posarOle
Nterchent• to elan..< the quanta,
I,llWipoe...l.zg satisfied they
ry c con ,
prt•aiobiv n an, tnartat
either Fast or an
atop ,rill ! compri rOP erainartroent of at
.y kept In Ors Houle., and Will he
~. ata-tly ec,.tvtot additiona or ad Weand deal
, .e ats tea Di good. of &Heretic or foreignneva
wan 'Orr
urr. a ..1 ay. , l iequire an examtnolloti to lie ape
Bargains Extraordlnaty.
a3•3DRI DA0,75 e.•
• ••ct: ~. ofnerP: the onOud. Pittsburgh. itom
the I , t” , wLl' deudedbatielon of sup.,
sdawl.l. do .quern do,„.uper hrnel , n
•. I 'kern plllllle.nd em '.I bit
Qu.l c'•un ..., P. •upettor
.• a:, ! otrib . ,l super - figurrd come
..•- ea, mem: de mettnn.
o I 2ILV co.'s. uesvurttele fo, Arts , .
sty, - .0. 2p. esipo lk roe!, fir
g rr. .!••!, rfON,I 01 .
r .
p. eFt.n Hors u. d
• :1 Ihe ',wee Or COW
LIR% ul I W RN1L;141 . 111',3
CI ~ z1:14 Chef 11 k Velvets,
do cotton do
::1 .o or.
1-.11. \i - Che Try. Strawber,
I' • •• M .1 I • m;--- , lada...m bk., drab. maroon. gar
(II Allbti —with .tripe .
a vra, ot.ler !WA' and deAtrab!e
P,PC• r• pwa-r and hcar puce,
r. rarr N,rxrt
a rvar no ',alt.. noNII
l'rt.l- • ,t
1,:f. , • K. WHITE. 61 MA .ticr o,
hj• lok.•ore.o C
hic I.
: . tOdrloto ol tbo
41 .0 ~111. . , .. t. 0 11d d, very heavy
L.. do do do
o;,dc e•sordr,rd rht ape r nrprdng Pr
•—• .dd• 4 rwrlws, v.dt44l do wrl
1 •It I.", n 1 t'l.t.TH FUR t'i,u,kk,4,__ly
1 . 4 rorbet in. .0.1 ,Inaric irtr, , s, h. (CC,
•o• 04 tin••.c run.ernor block Fr,ir Cloins tor
•unur, prtreol Or prevlous 101•-,r•-•-n oliat brown, sod nnylonb,
.r mar.
...—n feW cloAnt, very scr•r.or
• n • 0,-/remtv made. elo:11 , 1.1.1b, e.l
, silly exe,trd ln<
Gentlemen's Puna!Wilting Goods.
i ; 4•• Nltirket iiip ic t boy, J ost!
ri.celviii.l 3 !arise stofill of shßia, drlii•serrii conc. ,
itoafloi -131c> u s e block silk Craval,
bidd 41o,res, kc. tielakureo are in...
io cud aim:tuna Wets, or they are supposed to b
cheap. se pl 6
itBUT/SR—LIMO. for=h ioata.4o.
oda rir r
iri:.,lPl *VT Le". 1.44
IB TIII-: "XL) . klEhlt.DV that can he retied ou fat
the pr.rtnanent rure of ,F.paamodit Conlrartsona. Ir
Caution of the Scrve•. Venous or ..rbek lirad•ehe.
%envy. l'retoora, No.urnlgto Affeetto. , General no
bility, Lletwicacy et Z.:cr.. , and rtt)alcal En em.,
and all Nrrvoua Ihsord•ra, tneludth, the ...dreadful
Of all d.aatt•c• that e•er affect the human
._ .
Of Faring Stekne.. Hymeneal Fitt Co voltam*,
lapastna. &e hart would Impresh it upon the maid.
the aflileted that the V• L rem , .. Extract a the only rem.
edy ever disrove red that ran be retied on for the per
ucurucu. cur , v rur , mom dteadrul of diwases. As
on tenden, na Inas n ilk, madness and death. the moat
of Furor... at a• those of our own country. have
pron , unced Ept , pay in reside And it has been co
1,..1 by y, until this moat important of all
Minot-cm-a wait made by Dr S Han. nearly sixteen
uu.ins which time it has been performing
some of the moat
upon record, anti basacquired a real:ltalian wbich
time alone can rdnee. Physicians of undoubted skin
and experience, mintsten of 'anon, denominations,
as wail a• hundred. of our eminent eitrrens. all untie
in ending the use of this truly trainable medi
cine to ibeir patients, charge, and friends, who are af
flicted. as the only ieinedy.
. . .
u•ed by those who hove been cured by this valuable
medmitte: One .) have Buffered beyond inn pour
er of description. but I now wfonce in befog fully re
•thred to health and happtne. ^ Another ways, -t
thank God I feel that lam a well man. I also feel it
my duty to proclaim it to the ends of the earth, that
those sioulsrly afflicted 1124 V find ceder" seethe,
who is an EMIN rLA WYER one well known to
this coy) •n y• , - My sett ha. been afflicted for years
'edit Ki hlfirseo w enjoyingenjoyinggeed health no
the Visconti' , t act Its fame.' nays he - should
and cow to be sounded to the mid. of the earth An
other eats. -Language is ennrel y inadequate to elPre.
my grained.. to Dr lion for having hero the means,
under the ble.lng of God, of restonog me to the etitoy
moot of good heultri, after having been ntllveted with
Epilepay in its worst forms for more than twenty three
year.. and my moriong and evening oblation of prates
aunt thank 'diving .hall continue to ascend to That Lied
who has afilicteu but to make me whole."
Mrs J Bradley. Ilb Orchard street Y V, states that
gibe has been sobjert to fits for many year, and has
be, n restored to perfect health (after every ether means
had faded) by the use of the Vegetabie Extract_
Dr Lharles A. Drown. or Dover Russell eour'y Ala.
who is one of the beat phy.imana to the State, soya that
he has been much benefited by theuse of the Vegeta
ble Extract, and tnat he unhesitatingly prescribes it In
every case of Eptlepay which tom. a under his bonnet
ed**. .4
urtlll a Mayberry . . Esq. formerly Postmaster at
Lime Mills, Crawford county, Pa ,
cow oviog
county, ra states that for many years past he has
tieeroll' afflicted with he is w happy to
staten en
that • persevering use of Dr. liortla Vegetable
Extract. has restored him to wood health, being enure
fl' freed from that scent of all disease.
From the Cmeionnu Commercial
The 101110, g err . ..tie was groin to fileeare. Tho
& 10
Doc nt
maa tor Hart's Ages for the of hia
Vegetable Extract. for the eure of Epliepor Fits or
Falling Sick... \Ye are induced In give It a place
in our editorial c 01... from the fact test is the only
known torthcilie that will cure Epilepsy. at the as
hate beitevtiir it to be one of the grrid•st docovertes
to medical science. Physicians and men of oe , ence o(
all age. have been tr . } in; to discover remedy for this
disease, but all has tiees, it vain until the present du
rover; of Dr. Ilan, and we would now say to those
atiliried with fits, despair no longer. for there is hope:
XIESSRet. THOMAS & hlt LSO, lop Ababa street. Cm
moan, Ohm, Agents for Doctor Hart's Vegetable
Extract for the core of Epileptic Fits:
(Gentlemen—lt is almost impossible for language it
express malt Nvbat hear felt eatiefeenon I whims. Own.,
few lines lo you, for the purpose of informing you of
ebenceiciel n,sults that hare been carried hy
use of Dr Harts Vegetable Extract.
Mg eon. aged twelve year•, has been severely all.
Meted with hlpileptic Fit. and with sues lucency that
toe opinion was, he could not be cured.
In o"e alms paroxysms he fell sod broke hi• arm.
I, called in Dr. !Mulford. a very excellent physiman,
who re-art it He informed me that my an Nervous
iyioccil was very mono deranged. and that it would he
tntposethic to core him of P.mlepsy, as ivileptio Fits
were almost to noble, and employing physicians In
tos ew- would be only throwing money away.
I called went Dr. Puttee; he informad me that the
d,seasc had assumed a chronic form, and it would take
leog time to cure him if he could be eurrd at at:.
Ile became worse and atone. nal I began to think
her VV. no curt for him. until I saw toe advent.-
MCIII of Dr Mart • Vegetable Extract in one of our coy
p.p.. , with rrofirates from parsons who had been
afflicted for inn fifteen, twenty, thirty and even forty
year awl rrtoored to health by the hoe attn. Kstract.
I railed at your store. and after conversing with Mr.
Tkomss. I came to the conclusion to purchere a three
do Is, package It done little or no good I thought
sou d try a dans, from the use of which I prreeival
come Itzt,e:betiefit
I then came to the conclusion to purchase a ten dol
lar box. I wand that ti was of so muco service him
I oras induced to purchase •second. And I am truly
thankful that I do e so, as by to use of the ten pucka,
ces he has bier restered per
to pue,. health
should any person be desirous of seem; him, aid sta
rer. ning farther particulars, I should be pleased to
vivify them by their ral.ine on me at my resblenco,
-outh 'nest corner of Fourth and hark sire.... Ci le n
u•tt ttnio. ISAAC N. Pfiftkil:kS
utnrinrinti. August Ufith 1510
When 111.4111:ii• who are now trecatiltit,poder the
dread/al docase, mid reedits that every
t11:19 prove ital. wat Find pent:owes. rebel and
!be resionedius now lilt, hl u•ing this celeloated meth-
Over one thotritand ceroGeates have been re
ceived int
nv or the beneftetal results produced
the use of Or HALTS vegetable Extract..
" Prepared by 3 MORI. SI. D, New Nor&
Price, one package 63,00
do four packages lone
do eight ., do et4lo
T AdMAS to MILES. 169 Main sitnet, Cinetaaati,
Ohio. Geiterallgents or United Stales, Canada, and
West lathe- " I.
L WILeOX, m. earner OFMrateestd and Market d,
Ageto for l' tidally*, Pa
Fay a It II .oarite t - ttoldechus.Obrok II & E Gaylord,
Cleveland: .n: for Sale by =rt.( de princil at dreg,
glen and merchant" Stronghold the Untied State*.
novl6-d&wS ,
vpHli following from George K Pomeroy , h:m , the
I well known propramor of the Dryers, sneaks or
po-rlfof Ihe str.permace of the YR. E.mogetor to every
FaealnisOmer., Albany, Sept 1.
Ma. Dotter My Dear Sir—Wch nmithas of no or
dinary p.m sure I address you rat relation to the he refit
hove received Croat your nivaluaide rein 1-..yrnemr
I .ately. my little deur 6 years old had a pitch.'
of boding wale turned into het bosom, her serve=
were dreadful. so that a crowd insinntly tratherad be
re the house to cant the Gunn o the ter 11. e screens.
I tore her einthe• asunder, arid soon sp rad on 3 our and she was e•rtied and laid upon a bed She
wn• soon re're ed (root heir pains, and say - Me, I feel
as if I co an
Id laugh." das a. soon an sweet al ed She
woe sea.ded to a blaster from the top of her shotilder
, over more time halt her chest. and round under the
tan the shoe:dm and iirenst it w iis eery deep.,
ye. :corn the first nour, the complained only when it
wa. dressed. The so, healed rapidly, and there is no
contraction of tite muscles.
\\lth mly wlahe•, my dear , ur, for your succe. tit
the salt of at thu aught}'
I.a your, sytth rewet,
Th. genuine Ueller, anti ever produce the •ame
••emaneous rr'lei end oonthlor. coolimc edect, la Um
•ev•re.l ea. e• 01 Flume ,scalde, Ptle.. La
The Counterfctla no after und• r aellat names they
may appear —alwa Irritate. and tntreaae tue peiu
I, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham. Melvin Bridge,
Columbia county. N V . have beet. ellbetrd with rheu
matism tn my breast, fet t, and all over my body. for
s.x years. so Met I eould not stand. and may eared by
three arpllcanuna ni Dalley's v agleal Pain Extractor.
EDP: All I, P
Mr Dailey: Str—l cut my finger with a copper nail,
the ;moments nem, of whieh caused tot arm to swell
cnn.ideraniv, w••h con-tant 'tenoning un to the
0 / large swell taking . place et the NM
pit. with inereamitx polo, I became fearful orthe Lock.
ie.. In this extremity your Pala RxtMittor was 115-
conar,nded tome, a• d which I was prevailed upon to
try The consequence was that it afforded me almost
ins Cant tenet', and it three days I was completely ea
corner 13roonse and Sullivan Hs. Sept .r .. 1 9 55
IUTIrr.-11 DeLL.I7 ts the inventor of this invalu
able remedy, and never hos and n iver ealTruidel
eels to any •ivnig m oi the secret of iis cosolititadon:
All Extractors therefore, not made and put op b
him. are ham counterfeim
raoreurron's PIP rts-413 aroaderwy, New Yoe
L 35 Chemin. street. Pitt a.
JOHN a MORGAN, General Depot; Dr. W
THORN. Aire tits for Pinabornh
Datley'a Amnia! Galoarne
Cu,.' h.irnor.. apn• n, quittn , , poll-eel
aorea, hid bruises ranaph,et, ...lam, ea.
uhra es of reapretaUly pare.., may he had,. app.leil
Lunt in JOHN D Nll,Ftri
Agent l'aisburgh.
~0.15 dips
few doors below Wood street,
OR. DROWN, toeing bee
rwr regararly educated to the oire&
professron and been for snore um
, h ../Z3, 2 4. "& ro genera: pracoce. new confine
frt..i•Jor'4.•rfee•• his attention rente treatment a
those ones. cora
plaints for wen, his opportuntie
• •1 and experirr - peer:nen) roan
, Arm I r V^Pr• rs:downs. .iCI/010
to au▪
dy & treatment °Oh. , . ..r - c.anits.tdrrnng wore
bore he has had More ee en d h. s c ur e d mon . p ,
em. than earl ever hr • l:011 .01 of any prtvrire pre.
bncrien ampb. • lab , - them oder ro.atiance, •
speed., perm. -. • arid satisfactory cure to ail affirms ,
with delicate dtwaaes. and all daraars ansing the
Ilr Brown would inform tense come 0.0 with peva ,
La e sus womb have become chrome by time or e
by the are of any of the common rtostnrm.
the day, that their complarn. can be radtcally s u n too
cachly C120:4 he booms !riven Ins careful attention
the treatment of such ease, and sueceeded nand
rustancea in curing hereons of rnflammanon of t
neck of the bladder, tad kindred diseases which ort
result from those vise. where others have consign
mem to hopeless despair lie panicalarly invttea eo
ho hove b een long end unsure...fully treated- by orb.
con , It Ann when eve 7 seu.4Letion will beion
we., and their rases treated tn a careful, thoroukh a
ntellment manner, pointed out by 4 1 44 ,
“ydy, (Ad I nvestigation. which it la irepossalne for 10
o 'raged M getter. practlee of Medactne to pre
on class of d
,-Bernia or Rupiore.—Dr Brown alto in•rtes
..orro alhwted with Benno to Call, ar he hoe paid p
glut ettentron w au, disease.
C e P t t 111 s pee d i ly
s taung then disease in firing, gyring all the sy
toms. C2O elnant medletnes with dirtcom. for use,
addreuing T. BROWN, 51. D., post paid, and err
art n ee.
ChTace NO. 65, Dtamond eiley, opposite the a
1i11.11.1,1.1. illown'a newly diaeoveyed
Ay for lihrorn•turn is. speedy and eertato earned
that palniul trouble It never falls
Office and ?rural., Conatalttng Room., No 1:3
illnitd alley, Poalburet, Pa. The Doctor is ohm
irr N. cur... pAr
. This Cathartic compound combines matte
unit witn etheimie) and comparative mildness o
dative action, and having a perutiar tendency
eltresneiy valuable in thug col
which r hilsous fevers end other comalaomi
Will. congestion of. the lacer,
yso much abound to
1.1 ,
nave now stood the lest of ears, ann eorei
bas proved Mein TO be a safe and vaNside mine, Remittent end domes Freer; Jan
Hiltons col, Indigestion. aroP.Y•
Vomiting. cold.. and all complaints of on intim.
c i choreic er The cognate° , and universal ea
tdoi hos tie on elect, by these al Is to at
tn.ed mem redoces tee publishing of -the r
easeOTlfiCT am,. favor unnecessary t
•citt couinerfciting they are ”ow pat op TIM red
graphic wrapper.
Prier , eicen. ibr a boo cantalaribg 30 pill. •
Prepared and *old by
torhelfWeliedi mod, sad oleo gamer CA an